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Intensive Care Nursery House Staff Manual

Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN)

DEFINITION: PPHN is persistence after birth of the high pulmonary arterial pressure
(PPA), often suprasystemic, that is characteristic of the fetal circulation. PPHN may occur
with or without apparent pulmonary disease.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: In fetal life, pulmonary blood flow (Qp) is low (5-10% of
cardiac output [CO]) due to high pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and shunts (i.e.,
foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus) which permit blood to bypass the pulmonary vascular
bed. At birth, PVR normally falls dramatically (due to lung inflation and oxygenation),
Qp increases to 100% of CO and, by 24 hours after birth, PPA has fallen to about 50% of
systemic arterial pressure.
When this normal transition fails, PVR and PPA remain elevated, Qp stays low,
right to left shunting occurs at the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus, and hypoxemia
results. Several factors influence PVR; among these, acidosis and alveolar hypoxia are
potent pulmonary vasoconstrictors.
PPHN can result from abnormal pulmonary vascular development or with normal
development of the pulmonary vasculature, when there is either failure of the normal
pulmonary vasodilatation at birth or presence of powerful vasoconstrictive factors.
Clinical scenarios associated with PPHN include:
-Abnormal pulmonary vascular development (e.g., increased pulmonary vascular
smooth muscle due to chronic fetal hypoxia, maternal diabetes, alveolar capillary
-Pulmonary hypoplasia with associated hypoplasia of pulmonary vasculature (e.g.,
congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Potters syndrome, prolonged oligohydramnios)
-Postnatal elevation in pulmonary vasoconstrictors (e.g., sepsis, pneumonia,
aspiration syndromes, perinatal asphyxia)
-Congenital heart disease (e.g., total anomalous pulmonary venous return with
obstruction). See section on Congenital Heart Disease, P. 95.
-Term or post-term infant (In preterm infants, the pulmonary vasculature is rarely
sufficiently developed to result in PPHN.)
-Onset at birth or within a few hours
-History or clinical findings consistent with condition associated with PPHN
-Cyanosis, often with pre-ductal (right upper extremity) O2 saturation >post-ductal
-Respiratory distress is common
-Chest radiograph clear (idiopathic PPHN) or abnormal due to associated condition
-Begin O2 therapy, assisted ventilation if needed, blood culture and antibiotics
immediately as you evaluate the infant.
-Chest radiograph

Copyright 2004 The Regents of the University of California

Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension

-Pre-ductal and post-ductal pulse O2 saturation (SpO2) monitors (to detect R L

shunting at ductus arteriosus). A difference of 10% suggests marked pulmonary
-Cardiology consultation and echocardiogram to R/O congenital heart disease.
-Other abnormalities that can elevate PVR and require treatment include: acidosis,
polycythemia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, hypomagnesemia.
TREATMENT: Early treatment is important. The primary therapy is supplemental
oxygen. Consider intubation and mechanical ventilation in infants who have significant
respiratory distress or CO2 retention. The aim is reduction of PVR through pulmonary
vasodilator therapy, including the following as needed:
-High inspired oxygen concentration. Start with 100% O2. Maintain pre-ductal PaO2
at 90 to 100 mmHg.
-Correct metabolic acidosis (NaHCO3, THAM). Do not administer alkali unless the
patient is receiving adequate assisted ventilation. With inadequate alveolar
ventilation, NaHCO3 will cause hypercarbia and worsen acidosis. THAM can cause
apnea (due to rapid fall in CO2).
-Correct respiratory acidosis with assisted ventilation. Mild hyperventilation (pH
7.40 to 7.45) may be helpful. (Do not hyperventilate to compensate for metabolic
acidosis; this will reduce cardiac output.)
-Assisted ventilation. Use lowest effective mean airway pressure, especially in infants
without significant parenchymal disease. High frequency ventilation may be
effective in those with severe lung disease.
-Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO): dose is 20 ppm (see section on Nitric Oxide, P. 89).
-Maintain adequate systemic blood pressure. Keep mean arterial blood pressure in
upper range for infants weight (see graphs on P. 36). Use dopamine; begin at dose
of 5 mcg/kg per min IV and increase as necessary. Dobutamine is less effective in
newborns and may lower blood pressure.
-Adequate sedation, pharmacologic paralysis, as needed. Minimize handling.
-ECMO is needed for those in whom less invasive therapy is not effective in
maintaining oxygenation, normal acid-base status or hemodynamic stability.
As patient improves with treatment, wean oxygen and ventilatory support slowly.
Frequently in infants with PPHN, oxygenation will decrease suddenly and dramatically
after small decreases in FIO2 or ventilator pressures, or with airway suctioning, and it
may take several hours for oxygenation to recover.

Copyright 2004 The Regents of the University of California

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