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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude


About: The Wrappings of Gratitude

Abu Muhammad / 25 March 2009


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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

They are a means of dispelling fear, of seeking forgiveness of Allah, seeking His aid,
protec onandguidance.TheyarethewordsoftheMessengerofAllah(sallallahualayhi
wasallam)andhenceanyonethatsincerelymakestheseduaduring mesofgreatneed
thereisnota meinthelifeofabelieverwhenheorshedoesnotneedtheprotec on,
guidanceand mercyofAllah. And thosethatturn to Allah sincerelyimploringHis aid

General advice from Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) when you are in
distress or suffering from anxiety:
In hadith #599 narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas in Sunan Abu Dawood, The Prophet (peace be
upon him) said: If anyone continually asks pardon, Allah will appoint for him a way out of
every distress, and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide for him from where he did
not reckon.
When in distress or difficulty or sorrow:
Source for this dua subsection: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, no 128
1. Ibn Abbas reported, The Prophet, peace be upon him, at times of sorrow and grief used
to supplicate, La ilaha illa Allah Al-Azim, Al-Alim, la ilaha illa Allah, Rabbul arshil Azim, la
ilaha illa Allahu, Rabbus-Samawati wa rabbul ardi wa rabbul arshi karim (There is no god but
Allah, the Mighty, the Forbearing, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the mighty throne,
there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and the Lord of the throne
of honor).
Source: Bukhari and Muslim.
2. Anas said that when the Prophet, peace be upon him, was faced with a serious difficulty,
he would always supplicate, Ya Hayyu, ya Qayyumu, bi-rahmatika astaghithu (O the Living,
O the Eternal, I seek help in Your grace).
Source: Tirmidhi
3. Abu Hurairah reported that whenever the Prophet, peace be upon him, was faced with a
serious difficulty, he would raise his head to the sky and supplicate, Subhan-Allah al-Azim
(glory be to Allah, the Mighty). And when he implored seriously and strongly, he would say
Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum (O the Living, the Eternal One).
Source: Tirmidhi
4. Abu Bakrah reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, The supplications of

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distress are, Allahumma rahmataka arju, fala takilni ila nafsi tarfata ain, wa aslah li shani
kullahu, la ilaha illa anta (O Allah, I hope for Your mercy, so give me not over to my self even
for as little as wink of an eye, and set right all my affairs, there is no god but You).
Source: Abu Dawud
5. Asma, daughter of Amais, reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, asked her,
Shall I tell you words that you may say in times of pain or distress. These are, Allah, Allah,
Rabbi la ushriku bihi shaian (Allah, Allah, my Lord, I associate none with Him). Another
narration says that these words should be said seven times.
Source: Abu Dawud
6. Sad ibn Waqas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, The supplication
made by the Companion of the Fish (Prophet Yunus) in the belly of the fish was, La ilaha illa
anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minadh-dhalimin (there is no god but You, You are far exalted
and above all weaknesses, and I was indeed the wrongdoer). If any Muslim supplicates in
these words, his supplication will be accepted. In another report we read, I know words
that will cause Allah to remove ones distress. These are the words (of supplication) of my
brother Yunus, peace be upon him,
Source: Tirmidhi
7. Ibn Masud reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, If any servant of Allah
afflicted with distress or grief makes this supplication, his supplication will be accepted: O
Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of your maidservant. My forehead is in
Your hand. Your command conceming me prevails, and Your decision concerning me is
just. I call upon You by every one of the beautiful names by which You have described
Yourself, or which You have revealed in Your book, or have taught anyone of Your
creatures, or which You have chosen to keep in the knowledge of the unseen with You, to
make the Quran the delight of my heart, the light of my breast, and remover of my griefs,
sorrows, and afflictions. A supplication in these words will be answered. Allah will remove
ones affliction and replace it with joy and happiness.
Source: Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Hibban
8. Anas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to supplicate, O Allah, there is
no ease except what You make easy, and you alone can turn a difficulty into ease. (Ibn
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 4, #131
9. Allahs Apostle used to say at the time of difficulty, None has the right to be worshipped
but Allah, the Majestic, the Most Forbearing. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,
the Lord of the Tremendous Throne. None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Lord
of the Heavens and the Lord of the Honourable Throne.
Source: narrated by Ibn Abbas in Sahih Bukhari, volume 9, #526.
Remember that sickness expiates evil deeds and wipes out sins
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: When Allah wants to be

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good to someone, He tries him with some hardship.

Abu Hurairah also reports that Allahs Messenger, peace be upon him, said:
For every misfortune, illness, anxiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim
-even the hurt caused by the pricking of a thorn Allah removes some of his sins. Ibn
Masud said: I visited the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, while he had a fever. I
exclaimed: O Messenger of Allah! You have a high fever! He said: My fever is as much as
two among you [might have]. I asked: Is it because you have a double reward? He replied:
Yes, that is right. No Muslim is afflicted with any hurt, even if it is no more than the pricking
of a thorn, but Allah wipes off his sins because of it and his sins fall away from him as
leaves fall from a tree.
Abu Hurairah (r) said: The Prophet, peace be upon him, remarked: The example of a
believer is like a fresh tender plant; from whichever direction the wind blows, it bends the
plant. But when the wind dies down, it straightens up again. (Similarly a believer is tested by
afflictions to strengthen his faith and heart, and he remains patient and firm). And an evil
person is like a pine tree which remains hard and stiff until Allah breaks it whenever He wills.
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1
Link to the original article:

10 bloggers like this.

25 March 2009 in Allah, dua, Fear, Prophet (s).

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104 thoughts on Duaa when under stress and anxiety

Folgen Sie

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

Umbreen & Ozy!!!!

26 March 2009 at 3:06 pm

SubhanALLAH we have read this article while in the University Lib and it has
given us great comfort!
Please pray for us 4 our exams!

Abu Muhammad

26 March 2009 at 4:10 pm

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Alhamdulillah, may Allah grant you success and happiness in both your dunya
and akhira. Ameen. Good luck with your exams, inshaAllah.


5 April 2009 at 5:54 pm

Assalaaam-o-alaikum. Thank you for posting this article. It is exactly what I

needed to read right now. I am facing many difficulties with my future plans
and have been feeling completely dejected and alone. I try hard to remain
positive and to pray and ask Allah swt for help but it is very hard. I know
that only Allah swt has control of what happens but I feel as though I have
been facing difficulties for such a long time now, and the situation is not
improving. I have prayed for a specific outcome, which does not seem likely
to happen now and have faced many problems to even get to this stage. I
feel like I am being tested continuously and will never reach this goal which I
have wanted for such a long time. Alhamdulillah I am grateful for what I have
and i know that this post must make me sound as though I am not, but I feel
as though this one thing would make me happy, make my family happy and
only lead to better things, has been taken out of my reach. Please pray for
me. JazakAllah Khair

Abu Muhammad

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8 April 2009 at 9:01 am

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

Wa Alaikum as Salaam Dear Sister,

InshaAllah, sorry to hear about your difficutlies, but there are many ways
through them inshaAllah. I will seek to mention a few of the key ways
Firstly keep turning to Allah and seeking His guidance. If you are doing this
then know, that our turning to Allah is in reality, His turning to us. In other
words, if Allah wills a soul good, then He will test that person, and all tests
are intended for us to develop a greater awreness of Allah, and ultimately to
grow closer to Him. Hence there is always immense blessing in difficulties.
In terms of praying for a certain outcome, it is only possible to do this if one
knows with absolute certainty that what we seek is actually for our benefit.
Allah says in the Quran, You may dislike a thing but in it is good (2:216).
Hence for this reason we tend to avoid praying for certain outcomes even
though we may be convinced that what we seek is good. Instead, and with a
view to changing our condition for the better, we begin by making sincere
tauba to Allah for all our past and present sins, and to return and remain on
the path of obedience to Him. The greatest happiness and satisfaction a soul
experiences is through obedience to Allah. Then once in this state one seeks
the guidance of Allah, and specifically guidance in whatever is best for us,
not what we seek, but whatever is best. This assigns guidance to Allah and
is our testifying to Him that we do not have knowledge only He does, we
cannot guide ourselves only He can. Then, whilst we have done everything on
our part to achieve what we understand, to the limit of our intellect, to be
good, we leave the rest to Allah, to guide us to whatever is best. Remember
that in general it is best not to seek a specific outcome because we never
know what Allah may have in store for us, or where goodnes may come
from, but rather simply to seek His guidance come what may. And more
importantly to posess the trust and faith to be able to accept His guidance
when it comes to us.
Finally remember that the concern of Allah is with you. And He wants only
goodness for you. Everything that Allah does for us is only for our goodness,
and only what is best for us. And it is only ourselves and action that take us
away from that goodness. Hence, the best way to maintain the pleasure of
Allah, to maximise our chances of being successful in our dua for success
and happiness, in this life and the next, is through His constant remembrance.
The soul delights most in the remembrance of Allah. As Allah says, Those
who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah:
for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.
DhikrAllah is the true source of happiness, it is the nourishment of the soul, it
is the hearts content, it is the freeing of the self from the desires of this
world, it is the elevation of the spirit to a plain where the effects of worldly
desires diminish. This is not theory but can be easily practiced and its

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benefits felt simply through reciting short wirds after fajr, after Isha, or
before going to sleep. If you dont already have it, I would recommend The
Prophetic Invocation. Its a beautiful book with litanies, taken from the duaas
of the prophet (s), well practiced throughout the Muslim world for
centuries. Also seek the company of good righteous people, people that will
strengthen your emaan, and help you on your journey to Allah. I hope this has
been of help inshaAllah.
All goodness belongs to Allah, and any faults therein are mine alone.

flower girl

11 October 2009 at 9:30 pm

salamu alikoum
i want to thank you very much for this post, i was feeling very down and i
googled dua and came across this blog, and i feel so much better now after
reading, the when God wants to be good to someone, he tries him with
hardships. it brought tears to my eyes. thank you very much and jazakkalahu
kairan ameen

Abu Muhammad

15 October 2009 at 4:34 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam,
Youre welcome. SubhanAllah its quite true, that when Allah wills good for
His servant He tries them. When we realise that in our trials and tests there
is actually much blessing then we see those tests in a different light
altogether. It also makes dealing with our tests an easier process, we might
not be able to prevent those tests, because ultimately theyre for our own
good, and only God know what is truly good for us, but simply knowing that
Allah has chosen goodness for us and because of that we are tested, that
truly is humbling and a reminder that He is with us all the time even though
we may not always realise it.
Theres another hadith along similar lines when the Prophet (s) said,
Whomever Allah wishes well for, He grants deep understanding of religion.
[Bukhari and Muslim]. Again, in the short term our difficulties may not make
sense but over time we gain considerable knowledge and experience which
actually deepens our understanding of religion in short knowledge is that
one thing that makes life much easier because it enables us to understand

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what is happening to us and why


2 March 2010 at 3:34 am

Jazakallah :)
This has really made me feel grateful for what I have. Alhamdulilah.

Abu Muhammad

2 March 2010 at 11:52 am

Alhamdulillah, thats good. As Imam Al-Ghazali said, Gratitude is the pinnicle

of human spiritual development. Its the highest aspect of ourselves and if we
are blessed to acquire it then whatever struggle may have led to its
achievement must in itself have been a blessing from Allah. So inshaAllah
may you maintain this gift of gratitude and be increased in it day by day.


22 March 2010 at 2:21 am

Assalamu Alayikum !
I am 20 years old. I am a student. I live in USA. I got engaged almost a year
ago. I have been in a relationship with my fiance for about 2 years. We both
love eachother but for the past few months I have noticed that he is kind of
losing his interest in me. He tells me that i am not pretty and i need to change
myself a bit and he also gets bored talking to me sometimes. Although he
makes me feel special and keeps telling me that he loves me but he
sometimes hurts me a lot. Due to his changing behaviour and hurting
comment i feel very low and depressed. I have started having an inferiority
complex too. Kindly tell me some duas that could help me keep him
interested in me and make him a bit more understanding and make our
relationship even better. I would be really thankful to you for your kindness.

Abu Muhammad
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23 March 2010 at 7:00 pm

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

Wa Alaikum as Salaam,
InshaAllah may this find you in good health and emaan.
Firstly, thank you for writing. Good relations between people are an integral
part of the Muslims understanding and practice of religion. We can see this
throughout the Quran and Sunnah which constantly enjoins us to treat each
other well and with respect. It also specifically mentions several categories
of people, from the whole of mankind, to our parents, and immediate family,
to other believers, those travelling, our neighbours, and so on. So how were
treated by others and how we treat others is very important. In terms of your
situation I would firstly say that you should go to a good scholar of
knowledge, your local mosque, or if youre not able to, then I have linked a
site below where you can post your question directly and will get a good
comprehensive answer inshaAllah from an excellent Shaykh.
In general however, what I can say is that your engagement should be a
source of joy and happiness for you and not sadness or upset. The purpose
for engagement in Islam is that it becomes a firm commitment to marriage.
Engagement itself should not be prolonged to such an extent where one or
both of your interest in each other begins to wane. This is more important if
youre young because a long engagement can cause uncertainty.
One important issue to bear in mind are your reasons for seeking to marry
this person in particular. The best criteria for marriage is sound deen and
good character because both of these are long lasting and will stand the test
of time and trial. If the person you seek to marry has sound deen and
character, and if his decision to marry is sincere then his interest in you
should remain. But because youre young deen and character are more
difficult to discern in which case you should seek guidance from your parents
and good people of knowledge.
You should also view this situation of difficultly as a blessing from Allah
because it provides you with the perfect opportunity to evaluate and reflect
on the proper reasons for which youre seeking marriage in general and why
specifically this person.
As Im sure youre aware marriage is a huge committment and because
youre still young and studying its not something you necessarily need to rush
into. Take your time and research all the best reasons and criteria for a long
lasting marriage that will be pleasing to Allah and think about what you should
look for in the best companion because ultimately you want this to succeed
permenantly. This is your life and happiness, and most importantly your
religion, so take your time and dont rush into anything.
Finally, one of the ways in which Allah has safeguarded women is to place
boundaries between men and women such that they should not engage in
any contact unless within the proper context. This is for your own protection

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and its for good reason because what Allah wants for you is the best in the
life and the next which means the decisions you make have to be based on
what Allah prescribes and what the Prophet (peace be upon him) had
instructed for us. When you have done all of the above, when youre fully
armed with sound knowledge about the best criteria for marriage from a
deen perspective, when you have sought as much guidance from scholars, or
a good imam from you local mosque, then you should make the Istikhara
prayer and ask Allah for guidance as to what course of action is best for you
and submit yourself to His guidance and decree. May Allah guide you to that
which is best for your religion and guide you away from all that may be
detrimenal to you and your religion. And may He find for you the best and
most righteous spouse. Ameen.


24 March 2010 at 12:04 am

Salam !
Thanks a lot for making me feel so much better. God bless you !

Abu Muhammad

27 March 2010 at 3:52 pm

Youre welcome and good luck!

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Rouf Ahmed

30 March 2010 at 12:39 pm

Assalamu Alykum brothers in Islam,

while writing these lines my eyes are wet, I am sobbing please and
please dua for me I am indebited with Rs. 100000 which I had borrowed
from Bank to marry off my sisters.. Now they warn me if I do not repay the
amount they will publish my photograph in newspaper please pray for me
and give me a line of dua to recite

Abu Muhammad

31 March 2010 at 1:41 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam,
Dearest brother, Im really sorry to hear of your difficulty, and inshaAllah I
pray Allah find you a way out of your situation. If you continually and
sincerely make any of the dua above, make tauba for any past sins, and
genuinely seek the guidance of Allah, then Allah never rejects the supplication
of the sincere seeker. When Yunus (alayhis salaam) found himself in the belly
of the whale, and when he realised the situation he was in and that there was
no way, by his own efforts, he could escape, for three days he made the
following dua to Allah:
La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minadh-dhaalimin
(there is no god but You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, and
I was indeed the wrongdoer)
Allah answered his dua out of His mercy. Even if you might not have done
anything wrong knowingly, or even if someone else contributed to your
situation, making this dua just as Yunus (alayhis salaam) did will inshaAllah
cause Allah to bless you with His mercy and cover you with His protection.
How that occurs depends on the sincerity of your dua as well as the wisdom
of Allah, such that, you may or may not see the immediate effects of your
supplication. But Allah will do whatever is best for you inshaAllah.
Something else that will increase your chances of your dua being heard is to
pray Tahajjud and especially in the middle portion of the last third of the night.
This is the time when Allah descends to the lowest heaven as asks, Who
amongst my servants is seeking my forgivess so that I can forgive him, who
is seeking my reward so that I can reward Him. Allah always answers the
dua of the sincere seeker during this time. The night begins from Isha until

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Fajr, so divide that time into three so you know when the last third of the
night begins and then pray within the middle of that last third. Pray two
rakahs at least or more if you can and make considerable supplication after
each salah, seeking the forgiveness, blessing, guidance and protection of
Allah. And acknowledging to Allah that only He can find you a way out of your
Also, try to pray in Jamaah at the mosque as much as you can and try to be
there before the adhan is made so that you can make the dua following the
Allah-humma rabbaha-dihi dahwatu tamma, was salatil ka-i-mah, aati
Muhammadan-il waseelahta wal-fadeelah, wa baathum makaamun
Mahmoudan, il-ladhi wa-atah
Make this dua and then pray to Allah to relieve your situation, for the dua
after this supplication is never refused by Allah.
Finally, try to fast as much as you can because fasting is for Allah who
rewards the one who fasts from Himself, and especially also because the
supplication you make when opening your fast and praying for yourself after
this is also never rejected by Allah.
Dua for Removing Debt
There is also a specific dua for removing debt which you can make at any of
the times mentioned above inshaAllah. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said, Shall I teach you a dua that if you had a debt the size of
Uhud in gold, Allah would fulfil it.
Allhumma Y frij al-hamm wa kshif al-darr wa mujb dawatul mudhTar,
rahmn al-dunya wal-khira wa rahmhuma, irhamni f qad-i dayni rahmatan
tugnni biha an rahmati man siwk
O Allah, O Remover of anxiety, O Easer of difficulties, O Answerer of the
of the one in difficulty, Most Merciful and Most Gracious of this world and the
Hereafter show mercy to me by removing my debt as a mercy which will
enrich me beyond need of the mercy of others.
These are some of the means by which the mercy and blessings of Allah
might come to you. But you also have to do what you can to seek the help of
others. Have sabr with the decree of Allah, accept His guidance as it comes,
be humble before Allah, make continuous dua and inshaAllah leave the rest
to Allah and inshaAllah Allah will find you a way out of your difficulties. And
remember once Allah has removed your difficulties continue to turn to Him in
times of ease just as you did when you needed Him the most. Ameen.

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16 June 2010 at 9:38 pm

Salam aleikum
MashaAllah! You are a great servant of God, truly advising others towards
truth and patience.
I pray Allah may guide you into the lives of many people seeking guidance,
so that you may continue to spread the healing light of Allah who will show
them the way. Ameen.

Abu Muhammad

16 June 2010 at 11:13 pm

Wa Alaikum as Salaam,
Jazakala khair, although Im really not deserving such a noble title, only Allah
knows best those who serve Him best. Ameen to your dua. InshaAllah may
Allah choose us to be from amongst the righteous. Ameen.


12 July 2010 at 5:09 pm

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Alhamdulillah, may Allah grant you success and happiness in both your dunya
and akhira. Ameen. Good luck with your exams, inshaAllah.
hello i need your help

Abu Muhammad

12 July 2010 at 5:23 pm

Salaam, what do you need help with sister?

Folgen Sie

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shaazie bhuta

3 September 2010 at 12:44 am

please make duaa for me as I am looking for work and I have four children to
support and im in a marriage that I do not want to be in please make duaa
that I can get a job so that I can look after my kids and myself and take
myself out of this marriage and find happiness


11 September 2010 at 11:45 pm

Assalam alaikum dear brother!

Only Allah can tell how greatfull and comforted iam about your articles,
advises and site in general! Considering the number of difficulties Iam going
through in my life at the moment, and the way I have called upon the almighty
i have no doubt that my prayers will be answered biethnilillah! Thank you
soooooo very much for your words of comfort and wisdom! May Allah
reward you with the best out of all your efforts!
Sorry to all my brothers and sisters facing different problems, let us keep it
in mind that Allah tests us all differently and never know, out of a misharp, He
can return something better! As long as we always remember, pray to him,
and thank him, everything will be okay inshallah! He makes what he wills
easy and complicates what He wills! Let us all remember Him, the most
powerfull, most mercifull! May Allah guide and bless us all!

Abu Muhammad

14 September 2010 at 5:15 pm

Sister Shaazie,
Jazakala khair for your comment and sorry for the late reply. Although, I
cannot imagine your difficulty I can say for certainty that that Allah always
listens to the one that makes sincere dua to Him seeking His help and
guidance alone. There are keys to our dua beings answered one of which is
to seek from Allah that which is best for you and your religion for only Allah
knows what is best for us and only He has the knowledge and power to bring
about the best outcome. And inshaAllah He will respond to you and make
things clear. Remember to seek Him constantly, to follow the Sunnah in all
matters and to avoid what is haraam, for such matters take us away from
Allah and prevent our duas from being answered. If you can, pray at night,

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even if it is two rakahs and then make dua to Allah for this is the best time to
have our duas answered in all humility before our Rabb. And remember,
always have hope in your heart that Allah will answer your dua. Have sabr
and shukr, for it may be out of the wisdom of Allah that by being patient what
was intended for you will come and in this patience you see that this difficulty
led to something good for you for which you will be increased in gratitude to
Allah. Allah knows best. May Allah make it easy for you, guide you to His
ways and grant you that which is best for your religion. Ameen.

Abu Muhammad

14 September 2010 at 5:26 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam sister,

InshaAllah, for there is no doubt that Allah responds to the dua of every
sincere seeker. And we can understand this in the fact that if Allah guides
those that are yet to believe in the state they are, they may be worshipping
idols and the like, and yet He brings them to Him, then imagine those that are
sincere believers seeking His guidance and imploring His help. He has nothing
but love and mercy towards His creation, which is the reason why He
created us to begin with. When a person focuses on the positive aspects of
their difficulty, as you have in your comment, and which although may be
extremely difficult to do, it provides an insight and clarity which helps us to
understand and then deal with our situation. What tribulation also achieves is
to purifiy us of our sins, done with our without knowledge, it increases our
statnding with Allah. Even more importantly, it is a sign of the love Allah has
for us because He could have easily left us to waonder blindly and then taken
us to account for all our wrongs and yet He chose to guide us and place
some difficulty in our life such that we might turn to Him in sincerity. In that
very process of turning to Him, it is not our difficulties that important
anymore, it is the fact that Allah has got us to turn to Him. Thus, in reality,
any tribulation of any kind, even if it be the slightest pain, which then causes
us to think of Allah, is in reality Allah turning to us. If we realised how great a
gift this is and the extent to which we have been saved in gaining this
guidance and remembrance, it should in reality increase us in our gratitud to
Him. Keep being positived keep seeking Allah sincerely and inshaAllah He
will guide you to all that is best for you in this world and the next. Ameen.

Confused Teen*

4 October 2010 at 6:27 pm

Salaam.. Thanks ALOT 4 All this.. Its been REALLY Helpful & may Allah
Reward you.

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Im currently going thru a VERY PAINFUL & CONFUSING time cz Im 18 &

my dad has Chosen his New Woman over Me & my 3 younger Siblings.. But
WONT let us go 2 Live with Mum (yet were All MISERABLE) & he keeps
REfusinG 2 GO 2 cOURT for the custody heAring & 2 worsen matters his
WOMAN is PREGNANT even after I warned him that she was an EVIL
GOLDDiGGER!!! i REALLy need Allahs help because Im all alone & dont
know what 2 do!!!! my FINALS are in a month & i jus nid prayaz 2 get thru
this tym cz I REALLy dont wana FAIL but I gotta help my SIBLINGs!!!! i
Need All Sorts of Adice & Prayers. THANKS

A Sister

12 October 2010 at 7:16 pm

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah,
Jazakumullahukhairan for this wonderful article. Please pray for me.

Sister in need of Dua

11 November 2010 at 2:02 pm

Subhannallah, Allah (swt) guides and helps his servants in times of need.. I
pray that I am one of those that do not stray from the righteous path insha
Allah. please pray for me as I am in serious need of prayers right now. I

Sister in need of Dua

11 November 2010 at 2:08 pm

I am currently going through some tough times.. I recently got divorced and I
am so down and depressed.. I know everything happens for a reason and
this was written to happen but I can not help having this weight on my heart
and sometimes I dont perform my prayers and that makes me feel even
worse. I pray Allah (swt) lifts this weight of my heart and takes away the
anxiety as I dont want to feel like this. I am trying to stay positive but it is
really hard.
Please pray for a sister as I am in need of lots of dua right now.
Jazakallah Khair

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Your sister in Islam.

Abu Muhammad

12 November 2010 at 3:55 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam,
Jazakala khair. InshaAllah may Allah grant ease in your situation. Ameen.

Abu Muhammad

12 November 2010 at 4:14 pm

As Salaam Alaikum,
Sorry to hear of your situation, but youre doing the right thing in trying to
remain positive. Remember the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi
wasallam) who lost his wife to whom he was married for 25 years and whom
he loved dearly, who also lost five of his six children, his grandfather, and two
uncles did not cause their loss to turn him away from Allah. As much as he
loved them, and no one loved more than he did, he still remembered that
whilst people may come and go, Allah remains. Thus, despite his losses and
his considerable burden, not only upon himself but the burden of spreading
the message of Islam, he continued to seek help and guidance from Allah
without Whom he could not have succeeded in his task. What this means as
a lesson and guidance for us is that whatever difficulties and tribulations we
might face, whether by our hands, those caused by others, or by the
circumstances of life, that it is only through the help and guidance of Allah
that we can possibly overcome them.
In this respect the best course of action is to hold firmly to your prayers, it is
your lifeline to Allah, your support and the means by which you will continue
to gain the blessings, comfort, grace and mercy of Allah. Turn to Him
sincerely and seek His help and you will recieve it even though you may not
always percieve it. Allah always responds to the prayers of His sincere
servant who seek help from Him particularly when things are most difficult.
As He says:
If you never felt pain or experienced problems, how would you know Im a
If you never made a mistake,
how would you know Im forgiving?
If you were never hurt,

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how would you know I can comfort you?

If your life was perfect,
then why would you need Me?
Hadith Qudsi
Remember that it is difficulties, and specifically the way we respond to those
difficulties that define us. All of us are capable of withstanding considerable
amounts of difficulty but this is only possible with the help of Allah. Difficulties
also remind us of our need of Allah which is a true reflection of our condition
from the time we are born until we die and then are raised up again
throughout this entire period we are in constant need of Allah because it is
Allah as our Creator that is responsible for us but in order to recieve His
help we must turn to Him and ask for it.
May Allah grant ease in your life, cause you to turn to Him for aid, guidance
and help, may He increase your love for Him until you percieve none other
than Him, may you hold fast to His deen and the guidance of His Prophet
(saw), and from your tribulation may you become the best of yourself.

In need.

13 February 2011 at 9:43 am

Asalamu Alikum.
I am a 23 years old girl and recently completed my studies. My parents are
looking for a nice and suitable rishta for me but are not yet successful. My
mother is really worried and remains depressed all the time I pray to Allah
5 times daily and also doing some wazifas I know HE will listen to me and I
have a firm faith in HIM But I want you to tell me some specific dua so that
I can get married as early as possible because I am so worried. Please pray
for me

Abu Muhammad

17 February 2011 at 5:38 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam Sister,

Jazakala khair for your question. Firstly, to begin, it is as you know, the
Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallhu alayhi wasallam) to marry. He mentioned
that marriage is half the deen, and also in this regard mentioned, with
reference to men, a woman is married for four reasons, for her wealth, her

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beauty, her lineage and her deen..marry the one with deen. Although this
advice is to men is also applies to women because in order to create a
successful marriage requires that both the man and woman are in a good
state of emaan, practicing sincerely, seeking knowledge, applying it and has
the best intention to marry for the sake of Allah.
This is general, however, very important advice before considering someone
suitable and pious which is that one looks at himself or herself, and looks
at how they can fulfil the needs and rights of their husband and wife in the
marriage. This is often a source of many problems today which is a lack of
understanding about married life. Many people seek tp get married but then
do not know what to do in the marriage which often causes many difficult
problems which can be averted before thre marriage itself. It is a
responsibility for both men and women to fully educate themselves with
regards their own rights and well as their responsibilities towards their
spouse. For example it is a right of the wife to be fully maintained financially
by the husband, whilst it is one of the rights of the husband that the wife be
obedient to him. However, in both these rights there is great flexibility, such
that if the wife should choose she can help ease the financial burden of the
husband by helping him financially although their is no legal requirement in
Shariah for her to do so. And likewise, the right of the husband to be obeyed
is not something the husband should exercise each and every day. The
purpose for this right is because it is his responsibility by Allah to make those
decisions over which he alone will be held accountable. In this regard I would
highly recommend the CD talk, Love and Marriage by Shaykh Muhammad
Al-Yaqoubi which gives excellent general and specific advice for all those
seeking to get married.
The reason why looking at oneself first is important is because it may be
something we are doing which is preventing us from getting married. It may
be that Allah is protecting us by not allowing us to get married until we
possess the knowledge we require regarding marriage. It may also be that
by waiting we become more selective of the right partner rather than seeking
just anyone. It is important not to rush into marriage but to take our time.
Marriage is a lifetime commitment and should be taken very seriosuly. Of all
the permissable acts Allah has allowed, divorce is the one Allah least likes.
And thus it is important to make absolutely sure that we are marrying for the
right reasons which is to seek someone sincere, caring, honest, trustworthy,
and someone that is applying the Sunnah in their lives in the best manner. If
one married for any other reason other than knowledge and character then, if
that thing, be it wealth or beauty goes, then the marriage also suffers
whereas choosing someone for their knowledge and character is a much
better foundatnion upon which to build a long lasting and successful

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However, it is also true that we shouldnt delay the marriage and if we have
the opportunity to marry then we should seek the best halal channels to do
so, such as through marriage events, through asking friends, relatives,
through our local mosques and so on.
With that said there are specific dua that we can read which are related to
marriage and rizq. These include reading Surah Yusuf, the first three ayahs
of Surah Talaq, readon Surah Wakiah daily and the dua of Musa (alayhis
salaam) regarding help from Allah;
Rabbi inni lima anzalta alay-ya min khairin faqir
O my Lord! truly I am in (desperate) need of any good that You send me!
(Quran, 28:24)
I would also recommend the following talks:
Single life as a Muslim Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Getting Married Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

May Allah help you and guide you towards the best and most righteous
spouse for you. Ameen.

Folgen Sie

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6 March 2011 at 3:56 am

Jazak Allah khair to khushu,, May Allah (swt) bless u for taking the time to
help everyone,, Ameen.

Muslim sister

28 March 2011 at 7:05 am

Sallam Alikum,
I was so depressed and was googling some comforting words and duas.
Allhamdulilah came to this site. I feel little better jazakumallah khair.
I am 26 and not married. My story goes something like this
When I was 23 I got a great proposal I was happy and it was smoothly going
for 6 months. But while this was in the process my parents accepted another
proposal too. And I got confused as both guys were coming to home. My
parents were leaning toward the second proposal. I listen to their advice and
refused to first one after 9 month long process. Lasted with another guy for
3months but then they said No. I was sad and cried for month prostrating
and praying. After few months I got another proposal who was from punjabi
this lasted for 5 months but I had to refuse. Because my mom wasnt happy
with they guy but my dad was okay with it. The funny thing is while this
proposal was going the prior guy who rejected me came back. Again my
parents accepted and I was puzzled. But in end they both guys said no by
I was lost again in prayers and duas to help reduce the continuous stress. By
rhamat of Allah another proposal came. With him everybody was satisfied
and happy. I felt I got the best guy in my life. We set marriage date got all
the clothes. And three months before the guy refused to marry me. In fact he
put wrong blames on me. My whole family was shocked and depressed
because the guy was hafiz an why he break the commitment. My family told
me Allah protected me and I should be thankful because he would have
made my life miserable.
I am thankful but feel sad that I am still not married. I feel like Allah punished
me for first guy I refused for a wrong reason. Although I have approached to
all three guys accepting apology and they said they have forgiven me.
I pray and try to read quran daily, but I feel like Allah was mad at me. I am
sorry in tears to Allah. Is it my mistake.
Pray for Allah to give me sabr and inshaallah give me good proposal.

Folgen Sie

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3 April 2011 at 1:08 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam Sister,

Jazakala khair for taking the time to write. Marriage, when things work out is
a beautiful act of ibadah that completes half our deen as the Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, but it can also be a difficult process to
undertake and to find for ourselves the right partner. The key to finding a
good partner for ourselves is to begin with yourself first. Take a look at
yourself, your knowledge, your practice of the deen, your ibadah, your
sincereity and the purity of your intentions with Allah. Think about why you
want to get married and whether you possess the right knowledge to be able
to fulfill the rights, responsibilities and needs of your partner. All of this has a
bearing on the kind of proposals you will recieve, who you will marry and
whether you marriage will be successful. May Allah grant you success in
finding a good husband. Ameen.
I mention looking at yourself first because you have to remember the words
of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) when he said in a hadith qudsi
related to Allah, I am in the opinion of my servant, however my servant sees
Me, that is how I will appear to him. Therefore you must constantly bear in
mind that Allah wants the best for you, and He wants you to succeed both in
this life and the next. It is not Allah that makes things difficult but it is we that
make things difficult for ourselves. In this regard think about the proposals
that have come to you. Were you looking to marry that person for their deen
or their dunya? For the knowledge and character that that man possessed or
for the wealth or possessions he had. Remember, that if you marry someone
for their wealth, wealth can disappear at any moment, but a person that is
pious, sincere, possesses knowledge, good character and implements his
knowledge is a better source of wealth, happiness and true security than
Therefore sometimes Allah saves us from other people by not allowing the
marriage to take place because it could have been detrimental to us, and
sometimes Allah saves the other person from us because we were not
seeking Allah and the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in the
Finally, remember that one of the best signs to look for in a potential partner
is their knowledge and good character. Knowledge means, that person has
made the effort to improve himself and Allah has rewarded him with
knowledge. Good character means that Allah has rewarded that person will
good qualities because of his sincerity and desire to implement what he has
learnt. You husband should, when you look at him, remind you of Allah and
His Prophet, he should not remind you of the dunya because this will take

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you away from the real treasure Allah has written for you which is to attain
Jannah and to be in the company of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
The person you choose to be your partner should help you towards gaining
this eternal treasure that is yours, so the person you choose should be the
one you best think will guide to Allah. Make dua to Allah for nothing else
other than that He grant you that which is best for your deen, for you, and
ask Allah that He take you away from those that are harmful for your deen. If
you believe that Allah has the power to grant you anything, then make this
dua with sincerity and believe that Allah will grant you your dua. May Allah
grant you the best in this world and in the next and grant you a most loving,
caring and pious partner. Ameen.

Muslim sister

7 April 2011 at 12:36 am

Jazakallah khair for your message it did help me a lot. I did turn to Allah
mostly asking for his help in this tough time. Maybe Allah did what is right
best for me. It just I felt in love with a guy as I was getting married to him
after three months. He was a hafiz and used to imamat. Initially he staed
e-mailing me but I didnt shortly respond and he wasnt happy. So he used to
complain to my sister and dad that I dont reply to his e-mail. And later he
started texting. I didnt used to text him but he was often mad at me that I
take so long to respond and dont talk to him. So than I started texting too.
He used to come to check on my cars and would question me if i wasnt at
home. One day he went to my work without telling lucking he couldnt get on
my floor. In morning he used to come after fajr to my home and eat
breakfast with parent and recite quran to them and he would ask where is
Moneza. He used to send my ayah of quran and give me explanation and
hadiths which I loved. As often of the reason I chose was because of his
religion. He didnt wanted me to work so I quit, he didnt like field so I said
inshaallah I will change it. I keep ignoring his minor things because I loved
him. As he used to send shair of mohbbat and tell me that much he loved and
he will marry me and I use to avoid talking with this stuff which he didnt
appreciated. He was 6 months smaller than me so he used to say that we
should have kids right away because I am getting old. Then he would often
compare with other woman that look mashaallah she is so young and have
kids bla bla that made me feel bad but than again I used to ignore cauze I
loved him. Once he called and he mentioned that hey we will have a first than
we will take a break. I would love to talk islam because mashaallah I was
always attached to it. but than he would tell the ayah of quran and expect to
follow I used to say inshaallah. I lived in Saudia and mostly in US most of my
life but he will ask is better if I wear kameez/shalwar and outside and he can
tolerate with jeans. I said okay I will wear dresses but inshaallah I need to
time to change but I will trust me. than after 4 month of engagement when
we were about married he said wear abaya in front of me i am you non

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mahram. I wear full hijab and wear and long clothes so I said no i am not
ready to wear that why you never first when you came to see me. And he is
said this is wrong you should wear abaya and also especially in front of my
brothers. But i was shocked as he never told me 5 months we were in
relationship neither he discussed this with my parents. He used to text my
sisters and his bhabi all the time. And he would text my sister 11:00, 11:30 in
night complaining about me. And he would e-mail and talk to my sister
doesnt matter if they were work or so. He often came visited my mom she
always used to give him advices and lectures, and he would understand and
normal but after one week he started same thing.
He give me niqab and afghani style hijab in a gift I was happy but i didnt
made a big deal as i loved him and respected him dearly as he was a hafiz. I
told him once that yes I did had lot of proposal so he got mad at me. I did
mention to him that its okay girls do get proposal it pretty common but he
said that not right why you go proposal and you should not discuss with me
which I never did till he questioned me. Often he mentioned that I want to
marry hafiza so I would ask is he happy our date is set for marriage and he
used to say yes I am.
There so many things but I kept the sabr and argued If I couldnt take it
anymore. But one day I got his text saying that I am a lier and I broke his
trust and he will find a perfect match from me. I said I love and want to be
with you with time I will change. But he said you show you beauty to non
mahram and you lie and you dont respect quran etc. My parents, his parent,
brother, Sheiks, Uncles everybody explained him and he said I dont feel
comfortable. Initially we both had done ishtakra and with tawakl in allah
proceeded but he said that I will redo isthkara cause I got bad dreams. And I
want to end this relationship cause I am very open, moderate and social
which I am not. I had left everything for him and was ready to get married to
him. I dont even go out much, I had left most of my friends and I started
wearing dresses but then why he didnt trust me.
-I prayed for All for the best, I got this proposal in shab kadr. He came to our
home after leading taraweehs.
-So, I did isthkara and made duas in tahjud time for the best of my life
-Then why this happened with me. I loved than man dearly he promises, are
in my head why he did this to me.
- Why Allah is giving me such a hard test
-I am so depressed I am 26 and it is so hard to find good proposals.


9 April 2011 at 11:36 am

Assalaam Alaikum
I have exams in 2 days and last week has been very difficult for me as I have

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been in many problems. I came across your blog and read this; I cannot tell
you how relieved I feel.
Please make dua for me, for Allah to remove my worries and for me to do
well in my exams.
May allah continue to guide you and make you a means of guidance for
Jazakallahu Khairun.

Farah Rashid

14 April 2011 at 11:00 am

Please make special dua for me. I want to get settle in my new life as soon
as possible. Jazak Allah

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14 April 2011 at 12:27 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam,
InshaAllah your exams went well by the grace and mercy of Allah in Whose
hands is all success, from Whom all goodness comes and to Whom
everything is returned. Our success in this life is not dependent on our efforts
alone but through the realisation of the truth of the words when the
messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, Shall i describe to you
a treasure from beneath the Throne of Allah which He has not given to any
people beforehand? It is, La Hawla wa la quwata illa billa (meaning: there
is no power or majesty except Allah or to put it another way, all power
resides with Allah alone).
When we place our faith and trust in this understanding that all power is with
Allah, that we are required to do the best with what Allah has given to us, but
then to leave all matters in His hands and to rely on Him completely, then
were in the realisation of this wisdom. Whether it is exams or some other
event in your life, remember that what Allah has determined for us is always
better than what we can conceive for ourselves. So even if events do not
take the course we want there is often something better to which Allah is
guiding us. As a scholar once said, Nothing is impossible with Allah and
nothing is possible without Allah
May Allah grant you the best success in this life and in the next. Ameen.


14 April 2011 at 9:31 pm

Salaamwonderful stuff..havent read all however from what i have read lostive supplicated beyond imagination for 12
consequtive years for Allah to unite me with my son..we still not united..i had
an illicit relation with his mother many years ago may Allah forgive me and
have mercy on me for my sins for which to this day i repent tho i do not lead
that lifestyle anymore..too scared and done the damage to my life here on
earth12yrs and over and im still constant in begging Allah Azza Wajal..and
always seeking knowledge to find an answer to my personal dilemmafrom
being a really jolly guy i have totally changed in terms of personality and find
myself to be too serious all the timejust to share with all my brothers and
sisters ..i have never been undutifulo towards my son and have taught him
about Allah and His messenger Rasool e Kareem Habeeb of Allah s.a.wim
so proud my son reads salah whenever he is with me and i have taught him

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to recite the Qur`an even tho he lives over a 100 miles from myselfmy son
is surrounded by non-muslims and his best friends are also non-muslim..this
frightens the daylights out of me as i was easily misguided by shaitaan thru
his advocates the kuffar especially the half naked female (pardon me) and
the so called fun life has destroyed my absolute no thanks..i have
been getting up at tahajjud without alarms clocks just because i read bout the
last 3rd part of night..ive been at it for nearly 12 yrs and i pine n yearn for my
son..then i went and read tafseer of surah Yusuf and when reading the story
of how Hadhrat Yaqoub a.s lost his eyesight pining for Hadhrat Yusuf i cried
even more..overwhelmedi dont love my son that much..and what was the
outcome for Hadhrat yaqoub as.s when He found his son..i guess what im
trying to share is im not going to give up..many people who care for me said i
should move on..moving on means im giving up hope is with Allah
the All Mighty the All Powerful..and i remind myself of the qualities of
Allah..mercy power control strength might love peace do i carry on?the
best thing is kun fayakoon and Fa innama al usriyusraa..Innama al
usriyusraaplease all my brothers and sistersim the wrong doer and may
Allah forgive me..all im ask is pls make duas for my son that Allah may
protect him and guide him just as he did Yusuf a.s in the absence of his
father..and Allah is the best of protectors and guidersalso i ask that you
make duas for my sons mother too that may Allah show her the light and
guide her tooabsolutely overhwlmed with pain and devastation..such is the
decree of my Lord to bring me closer to himi still search for answer so if
anyone knows pls fwd it will be greatly appreciatedjust to let of know..i
read nearly every dua in the Quran there is that Allah ahs allready
accepted..i need so hungry for ilm of deen and its melted my heart
over the years..and i recommend everyone this is the only best way there
isim 39 single and in a massive need for a spouse if you can understand
ive been single now for 12 yrs and it proves extremely difficultpls
remember all our children in our duasmay Allah guide and protect us
all..ameen..jazakallahu khaira


15 April 2011 at 11:16 am

JazakAllah for your kind words. And you are absolutely correct in saying that
indeed nothing is impossible with Allah.
May Allah continue to bless you with the strength of iman and continue to
make you a means of comfort for muslims such as myself. ameen.

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17 April 2011 at 3:41 am

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,

InshaAllah youre in a good state of health and imaan. Thank you again for
your reply. I have some brief comments to your message which I will cover
here and which I hope will be of some assistance to you. Firstly, I commend
you on seeking a good pious husband. May Allah make it easy for you to find
someone suitable. Ameen. However, in order for this duaa to succeed, and
for your efforts to be successful requires understanding and putting into
practice some key points, which inshaAllah will lead you to finding a good
and pious partner, one that Allah will bless you with ease.
Firstly, remember the issue of modesty. It is important, particularly for the
female that she limits her contact with any proposals. All contact should be
through the parents or guardian. This safeguards the boundaries of the
woman which have been established by Allah and His Messenger (saw).
Therefore any proposal should not be contacting anyone else in your family in
connection to you. He should also not be making any demands of you that
you should do such and such a thing once youre married or before youre
married. A man should seek the qualities he is looking for in a wife, if he
does not find it in a person then he should find another proposal. He does not
have any rights over you and therefore cannot legally ask you to change
yourself for him. He can however reasonably ask you questions about your
religion and history in order to gain an idea of your views, ideas and
knowledge and from that he must decide whether to pursue the marriage
interest or not. You are not answerable under Islamic law to any proposed
marriage interests. This means that he does not possess the authority over
you such that you should obey him. It is important to bear this in mind.
Another important point is the saying of the Prophet (saw) that, Nothing
engenders love better than marriage. What this means is that there is no
love outside of marriage between a man and a wife. This of course does not
relate to parents, friends or siblings, but it means that the love that marriage
creates between a husband and wife cannot be replicated outside of
marriage. Therefore when a man and woman claim to love each other before
marriage because of even limited contact cannot be claimed as love. This
love poses several obvious dangers, but there are also subtle dangers of
exposing the heart, particularly for the woman, who is much more susceptible
to being emotionally affected than men. It is for this reason that Islam
emphasises the importance of maintaining modesty, both in outward dress
and inward character through protecting the boundaries of ones freedom.
This protection comes from Allah and He grants it to those that observe His
laws. If we want success then we must observe His laws.
Through observing the laws of Allah, through maintaining our modesty,
through protecting ourselves, we gain the blessings of Allah, we enable the
goodness Allah has decreed for us for us to reach us, we enable our prayers
to be answered and we are in a better position to know that Allah is pleased
with us. This final point is the key to attaining success in terms of finding a

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good marriage partner. The primary goal is not to set out to seek a husband
or wife, the key is to please Allah through our acts of obedience, to not be
disobedient to Him in any way, to constantly make istighfar, to make constant
dua to Allah, to have hope that Allah will answer our dua and then to be
Remember that the marriage process doesnt have to be a difficult
undertaking. It should be a blessed time where you are learning about and
looking forward to marrying your husband. If youre having problems then it is
usually a sign that there is something not right especially if the problem is
with the proposed partner. Therefore you need to look at whether, if youre
having so many problems now, that these problems might continue if you
were to get married. Allah always answers the dua of the person that
sincerely seeks His guidance, the fact that you have had these problems with
this proposal may be an answer to your dua that you are being guided
away from this.
Finally, when we are tested with people, or through the marriage process, it
may be purification for us, it may be elevation for us in our rank with Allah, it
may be that Allah is educating us so that we learn about what we should
seek and guard again what we should avoid. Therefore do not see these
issues as something negative or bad, there is always goodness in all
difficulties and Allah is always with the people of patience. Therefore my
sincere advice is that you have nothing to worry about. Busy yourself in
ibadah, in seeking repentance from Allah, in seeking His guidance, in
completely acknowledging that only Allah can help you and then be
patiently obedient. Remember that the goal in getting married is not to find
the right partner by yourself Allah will find you someone but to submit
yourself to the will of Allah. If Allah is pleased with you, then you can gain the
world. So, dont worry about your past experiences, but look forward to the
blessings Allah has for you. If you believe He can grant you anything then you
will gain from Allah more than you can ever think of asking from Him. So ask
Him with your heart and be patient before long Allah will send you someone
that He decreed for you. May Allah guide you towards the best. Ameen.

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17 April 2011 at 7:52 am

salaam..jazakAllah for getting back to me..i dont see my post on the site
which i feel is a shamei make a humble request to put my post on the
site..hopefully it will strenghen your work and inspire people to have hope n
faith in Allahand also a humble request in need of all your son
lives amonsgt the kafiroonplease make duas Allah protects and guides him
especially now hes a teenager..jazakAllah

Muslim sister

28 April 2011 at 4:50 am

Thank you so much Khushu. Jazakallah khair for writing this it made me feel
very good. May Allah bless you lot of happiness inshaallah and grant you
success. May the doors of Jannat be open for you.


2 May 2011 at 7:11 am

Assalaam Alaikum
I accidently came across my husbands stash of porn on his computer. I was
shocked because it is very out of character for him..thats what i thought any
way. I confronted him and he acted like there is nothing wrong with it. I spoke
to my in-laws and they said men are allowed to do these things and im
overreacting, i asked them how would they feel if i did such a thing
(astagfirallah) they said i cant even vebalize such an thing since im a
Can i have your insight..what you think of the whole situation?
I have decided to apologize to everyone for overreacting, and im not any one
to judge. I will become a better muslim and try to change my husband. But i
dont know how much patience i have left
Jazakallahu Khairun
Jazakallahu Khairun

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8 May 2011 at 2:56 pm

Wa alaikum as Salaam wa Rahmatullah,

InshaAllah this message finds you and your family in good health and emaan.
The situation you mention is indeed a difficult one to but as Allah says in the
Quran, Fa inna maal usri yusra, inna maal usri yusra, Surely with difficulty
comes ease, with difficulty comes ease. (Quran, 94:5-6). One of the
meanings of these verses is that Allah will try and test His servants in order
to purify them, to bring them closer to Him so that ultimately we receive His
mercy and blessings. Therefore any difficult situation we face must be
viewed in the context of whether something afflicts us directly or indirectly in
which there are untold blessings from Allah. Furthermore if the thing with
which we are tested is through the injustice of another person, which in other
words means, someone has been unjust with us, and which Allah Himself
deems an act of injustice, then this is an even greater means by which we
ourselves can be forgiven our sins through seeking His forgiveness.
In order to address this situation, the reason why we always begin with
ourselves first is because, even when it concerns the sins of others, we must
first think about whether we did something that brought the effects of sin of
someone else on us. Now, that is not to say that we are responsible for
another persons actions. Allah says in the Quran, No soul is burdened with
the burden of another soul (17:15). Therefore a persons sins and mistakes
are their own. However, in order to get to the root cause of this problem we
need to look at the situation in its entirety. That is why we begin with
ourselves and make sincere repentance to Allah to seek His forgiveness for
any wrong that we may have done. This shows humility before Allah, shows
Allah that none has the power to grant ease except Him, and it reminds us of
our constant need of Him.
The situation you have mentioned is not normal and healthy and you are right
to want to address it for the sake of yourself and your husband. However,
because of the sensitivity of the situation it is important to deal with it
sensitively. Firstly, I would agree you did the right thing by approaching your
husband about this. There is something wrong with this and Im sure your
husband knows this, but be gentle in your approach. Also, if you think this
was out of character for him then it is important to be merciful with him
because perhaps this action is not reflective of him as a whole. So, if you
begin to address him about it then begin by listing to him his good qualities
and the reasons why you chose him. Consider whether you have good and
regular husband/wife relations. Consider both your levels of practice of the
deen and whether there are deficiencies anywhere which may be manifesting
in this problem. Do you pray together? Examine how consistent you both are
in your prayers. Do you both wake up for fajr? Do you make regular dhikr to

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Allah? Is the income you earn halal? Because if any portion of it is not then it
could be causing this problem.
One good solution is to read everyday some form of wird, such as wird latif
or ratib al shahir by Imam Haddad. Do this every morning at fajr and at Isha.
Reading this wird will strengthen his and your emaan. Recite the names of
Allah, especially Ar-Rahman, and Ar-Rahim, and also Al-Latif. When you
recite the names of Allah recite it with Ya Rahman or Ya Latif. One of the
most important and beneficial acts is to pray Tahajjud especially about 30-45
minutes before fajr. This is the time when the Prophet (saw) was born and if
you make sincere dua to Allah during this time it is likely to be accepted. Try
to encourage your husband to do all these acts with you so that it brings you
both together, increases your love for one another, strengthens your emaan
and provides a barrier in your husbands heart from the things he is engaged
in. This is a problem of the heart and its treatment must begin with the heart.
If you find your husband is not following you in these acts of worship then you
should continue to do them with the belief that Allah will answer your dua.
This is very important. Do not neglect your prayers and make an extra effort
with the dhikr mentioned.
One very important thing to remember is not to mention your husbands
actions to anyone else. It does not concern them and it is out of the mercy of
Allah that He forgives and conceals the faults of His creation. If we ourselves
did something wrong, of which we could not guarantee that we would not,
then we would also want someone to conceal our actions. InshaAllah make
sincere dua to Allah for His help and guidance and He will help you without
doubt. May Allah grant your ease and success through patience and
perseverance. Ameen.


11 May 2011 at 9:51 pm

Sallam Alikum,
For the past few months I been struggling with my dream guy. I just want to
marry someone inshaallah if its best who is hafiz, and inshaallah one who is
good in both academic and deen. And best for me in both deen and dunya.
I had a rishta before with a hafiz but it didnt work out.
But why why cant my dreams come true I am not asking materialistic
desires. I just want to be close to quran and be with husband to help him
improve in it.
Make dua for me

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11 May 2011 at 10:56 pm

As Salaamu Alalikum wa Rahmatullah,

I pray this reply finds you in good health and emaan. Thank you for your
message and my apologies for the delayed response. One of the key issues
that emerges from your message is your pain and heartfelt words in relation
to your son. Although without knowing the specific issues and causes
surrounding this situation there are still general points which I can mention
that I hope will be of benefit to you. Allah (subhanahu wa tala) says in a
hadith qudsi, I have inscribed the rule of mercy upon Myself. He also says in
the Quran, My Mercy overcomes my Anger. What we understand from this
as believers is that Allah is merciful, that even though His slaves and creation
make mistakes, that He overlooks those mistakes, forgives us and grants us
another chance to gain His grace. This is something that we are absolutely
commanded to believe in because people do make mistakes and sometimes
those mistakes have consequences that we might regret, the regret we feel
is from Allah and is in itself a form of mercy from Him. The reason why this
regret is a mercy is because it causes us to turn to Allah, and there is
nothing and no one that can cause us to turn to Allah except Allah Himself.
Therefore you must recognise that even though you may have made a
mistake for which you feel regret you must also recognise that Allah has,
through this situation, caused you to turn to Him to seek His guidance, mercy,
forgive and blessing. This is no insignificant thing because there are many
people in the creation of Allah that are completely heedless of the existence
of Allah, and consider also how many people commit wrong action but do not
repent to Allah. So, the very fact that you are turning to Him is a sign that He
has turned you to Him. This is not something insignificant because to simply
be at the door of the All-Merciful is to have been brought to His Mercy, and
to seek His mercy is to know that His is All-Hearing. Therefore, there is not
one dua that you might make, there is not one prayer, nor even one moments
remembrance whereby Allah does not hear every thought inside you and
every word you say seeking His help.
My sincere advice is simply to say that you should continue on the path you
are, of seeking His help and guidance with the complete belief that Allah will
grant you His forgiveness, mercy, aid and protection. Make sincere tauba to
Allah with the complete belief that Allah will forgive you. Address Allah with
humility, Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Ya Afu, Ya Rauf. Never become
downhearted and do not think that will not grant you His Mercy, His Mercy is
already at hand with with praying to Allah. But in terms of your son, this is
something that is in the Hands of Allah about which there is something to
mention about the story you relate about Yusuf (as). This is that the plan of
Allah is perfect and His wisdom is without limit. It may be Allah will turn this

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situation around completely, this is in the power of Allah. So, therefore

continue as you are in setting the best example you can for you son, continue
to make dua to Allah seeking only that which is best for you and your religion.
One of the best duas to make is to seek that which is best for your religion,
do the best with what Allah has given you in your power, and then leave the
outcome in His hands. Allah always accepts that sincere dua of His slaves.
May Allah make things easy for you, may Allah grant you the best outcome
out of His complete wisdom and mercy. Ameen.


12 May 2011 at 9:42 am

As Salaamu Alalikum wa Rahmatullah,

Thank you for posting such nice article. It gave me much comfort just by
reading the precious Hadiths and guidance from our Beloved Prophet
Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him). Like everyone else even i
am facing difficulties and if anyone reads my post, please do make dua for
me along with dua for all distressed. due to my sisters married life problems i
was being rejected in all families for marriage and after few years in 2009 i
met my fiance and we got engaged. we are both from middle class families
and depend on our salaries to set up a married life. however, just when we
start planning the wedding, my fiance has been losing job. its been two years
now and after a lot of difficulty he has got a job and we are planning in sha
Allah to get married in july but since the past week he has again been facing
problems at work. His boss has started behaving weird towards him and
keeps telling him that he is not worth the job. I am sure Allah will help us. He
has brought us together till now and in sha Allah our wedding will be as
planned. please make dua for me that my fiances job remains secured and
our wedding is done as planned. Ameen

Lost sister

21 May 2011 at 7:36 pm

Asalamualaikum. I was extremely depressed and upset for the past one
week. I used to spend day and night either crying or mumbling to myself or
begging Allah for his guidance and kindness. I googled looking for duas that
would help my anxiety and sorrow and then I came across this site. After
reading everyones personal problems and worries, I am in tears. I am very
grateful to Allah for always being there for me and for always guiding me in
tough times. I will be honest. I was not a very good muslim.

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So here is my problem, around two and half years back I fell in love with this
person whom I was friends with since childhood. He moved to canada when
we were kids but we got in touch just 4 years back and then fell in love.
Keep live in separate countries, he in Canada and I live in Bangladesh.
Initially our problems started with him not wanting to marry me and he was
confused. So he broke up. That left me devastated because I always saw
him as someone with whom I wanted to spend my life with. After the break
up.. for one year.. I was severely depressed and begged Allah to lessen my
pain and only give him back if we had a real future or if it was meant to be.
And one day.. just by miracle he came back to my life.. and this time he was
a changed man. He wanted to get married to me and he encouraged me and
helped me be more regular with my prayers. He told his mother about me
and initially she did not seem to have a problem but recently she discovered
that I was one month older to him and this really freaked her out. So much so
they got into a huge fight and he left home and did not come home for two
days. He emailed me and told me he is very hurt and needs time from all
this. ever since I read his email I have been feeling very scared for him and
for me.. I cannot see him in pain and neither do I wnat to lose him. I have
been praying to Allah to lessen his hardships and ease his worries and mine.
He has been going through lot of tough times and I always keep reminding
him that Allah tests our faith through all this.. he does listen but he is begining
to give up. I do not know what else to tell him or to tell myself. All I can do is
pray.. and after reading this article I feel like I saw light in a dark tunnel.
My faith has become stronger. I however need help is there any dua to
lessen a loved ones pain and hardships? I just want to ask Allah to help
sooth someones distress. I do not know what else to do? Please help me.

In need.

20 June 2011 at 6:47 am

I need your help to perfrom istakhara for me. can u do it please? i
desperately need it. Thanks


29 July 2011 at 1:25 am

Thanks i really needed some Islamic motivation to aid me in trying to

overcome my anxiety as i was struggling to see the light.Im not one of those
people whos gone through extreme tragedies in life that makes them

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depressed, and my heart goes out to you all that have may you find Sabr.
Oh Allah forgive our sins, and save us a place in heaven as that is the place i
cannot wait to enter.
This is all temporary i wish i didnt keep forgetting that,Its a test that needs
to be passed.
I will try my hardest with the help of ALLAH (swt) to overcome these many
obstacles the shaitan keeps on putting my way.
Allah is more superior, the BEST.


2 October 2011 at 6:48 am

Assalamu alikum.
Its very nice to read this. I firmly believe that all problems have a solution
only through Allah, the most serciful. And i have been praying for that always.
But im not sure if my prayers are in the right way.
I am in love with a guy who is also a believer. BUt our future together is in
doubt. we had met three and half years back and since then i hav been
praying hard so that we would be enjoined in matrimony.
At first his business was going well and everything seemed to go well
because we only had to convince our parents. He had this ambition of going
abroad for a copurse and settling down there..and continued making efforts
in that direction. BUt nearly one year he struggled with the formalities and
finally dropped his first choice Newzealand and went to Singapore instead. I
thought all problems would be solved now. But no,even after going there and
completing the course in very high marks he faced problems in getting a
suitable job there. He came back and went again in search of jobs. still no
result. when he finally got a job offer his visa has expired and had to come
back.hoping that he would be able to get a visit pass so that he could go and
sign the contract with the recruiting company. but such a small thing didnt
happen and he was refused visa for another six months.
THis has been the situation with him for tha last three yrs. everywhere he
faces lots of hurdles. Things which would be solved in a matter of time for
some wil take a hundred trials for him. I dont understand why this is so and i
am worried about this. all this while i had great depression and every night i
spend crying and praying for him.
But by this time I got a well paid central govt job and my family is forcing me
for another marriage because they dont know anything about our
He is also praying but he keeps on telling that our marriage would be
impossible beacuse he is not settled in life so that he could invite me to his
life nor his parents would approve for our love marriage. He is telling me to
get married to someone else. But i cant make my mind to do so. because i

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love him a lot and over time my love has only increased and I want to stand
with him come what may..
Please help me so that his difficulties would end and he gets what he wants
by Allahs Grace.


21 October 2011 at 1:36 pm

I really was crying so hard through some tests that Allah S.W.T. has put me
throughbut I have been Alhamdolillah pretty patients I look to Him for my
strength. I really want to thank you for posting these duahs as they really
encourged me to not be so distressed. My favorite one is this.
La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minadh-dhalimin (there is no god but
You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, and I was indeed the
wrongdoer). If any Muslim supplicates in these words, his supplication will
be accepted.
This really made the tears fall SubhannAllah.


27 November 2011 at 9:17 pm

Assalamu alaikum,
I found this article very rewarding, barakallah. Hopefully others would also
use it in times of need.


8 December 2011 at 12:39 am

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS>>i am 17 year old that is really stressed
out as my father receantly passed away and i have no idea where I am
headed in life. but than agian thank you for this post

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14 January 2012 at 9:29 pm

MashAllah this article is beautiful. I go by my saying Remember Allah

(SWT) in your times of happiness so, Allah (SWT) will remember you in your
times of distress. And its true.


22 January 2012 at 1:16 am

Asalam o alikum
Masha ALLAH your article is very nice and helpful.


11 February 2012 at 12:35 pm

subhan Alllah
Jazak Allah for the post. Jazak Allah!


12 April 2012 at 6:39 pm

asalm alikum dear sisters and brothers i really need help of u my muslim
sisters and brother who i can look up to. i need help with my depression and
relationship with my fiance familly and friends i sometimes get very lost and
out of control i dnt know how to make my fiance and family proud of my self i
am not a bad person but when u get deprest things go out of my hand please
sisters and brothers help me to get healtheir and make my fiance happy from
me and i need a dua to become independent and come out of depression so
that i can make my life i need to improve my personalty may allah be with
single of u my sisters and brothers.


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23 April 2012 at 5:59 am

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I am currently in a horrible situation at university. i failed a term for a second
time and now i am asked to withdraw from my program. i am planning on
petitioning/appealing it and inshAllah by the grace of Allah they will give me
another chance. i am in a terrible situation and i really dont know what to do.
i have done everything i can subhanAllah i feel like this is such a huge test for
me from Allah. nothing is in my hands and i have no control over anything
anymore. subhanAllah everyone around me is doing well in school i feel so
misplaced and so left out and feel really dumb about myself, all the money i
wasted, all the time i wasted. i wish there was more i can do. alhamdulilah i
do my best as a muslim i try to be as good as possible hang around the right
brothers, go to the masjid as often as i can, try to be a good son to my
parents, a good brother to my siblings, i feel like i let them down, i feel like i
let my ummah down, i feel like i havent lived up to the beauty in my name, to
the man that brought me inner peace may allah bestow his mercy on him. i
just want all of this to work wallahi. thats it. i just want these failures of mine
to be over. i want it all to be done, i dont want to be a failure anymore, i want
things to be right. please those of u who r reading this make dua for me.
please ask allah to make it easy for me. jazakAllahu khairan for listening,
may Allah bless you all.


26 April 2012 at 7:12 am

Amazing post. So helpful.


6 May 2012 at 3:40 am

This is a good post Alhamdulillah
Right now i am facing a lot of difficulty iam out of my house n country waiting
for my babays passport n my familys health including mine is not in a good
state plz make dua for my family for Good in this world and Good in the hear
after may Alalh give you the Good of the world and the Good of hear after

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6 May 2012 at 5:34 pm

Salamz to you all brothers and sisters i will make dua for you all that all bring
happiness in to your life please make dua that i pass sevral of my exams that
are about to come up please guide me to be a better muslim please make
dua for my family my sisters exams and my parents please make dua that
allah brings me happiness in to my life x inshallah same goes to you all i will
make dua for you and the muslim ummah allhamdulillah we shall have our
prayers awnserd by allah


6 May 2012 at 10:53 pm

Mashallah! wat an amazing post you have madeits so good u are taking
out time to answer ppls question in such detail. Alhamdullilah
Brother, Im a sister and am looking for a dua for motivation. I work at a store
and keep making mistakes. But i dont want to loose the job, everyone in the
store is relli nice. I want to do good in everything that i do at work, and do it
effeciently. I need a dua that will help me do better at work. Please help me,
and make dua for me aswelll! thank you


7 May 2012 at 10:32 am

ASALAM Please do pray for me i have faced only obstacles in

life .. please , do pray for me nothing works for me i feel iam just
standing in & every1 have passed with successs .. please do pray .
my prayers are nt heard
jazak ALLAH

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zainab shitu

17 May 2012 at 3:17 pm

I realy find the duaa helpful. May Allah reward you for such a nice job.


21 May 2012 at 8:09 pm

Im having a big exam tomorrow, Inshallah I will get a very good grade.
Please help me Allah. La illaha ilAllah


24 May 2012 at 8:41 pm

Salamz to all my brothres and sisters i will pray for you all and inshallah your
duas will be anwsred i have up coming exams so please pray that i do well
and sucesssfully pass inshallah i would do the same for you its to keep my
parents happy please make dua for all my family and friends and make dua
that i have a better happier life with the guidence of allah please i feel like i
am very unhappy at the moment


27 June 2012 at 8:35 am

i hope Allah S.W. washes away all our sins and bless each and every muslim
who has difficulties in lifeindeed we need only ALLAH for our
support.thank you so much for the duas, may Allah bless you and all the
muslims at large.


4 July 2012 at 12:08 pm

Thank you so much for posting this Duaa, I really appreciate it. I have a
presentation today and I am a little worried about. InshaAllah it will go well. I

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hope that everyone will be able to overcome whatever troubles he/she is



15 July 2012 at 12:01 pm

Assalamu alaikum All brothers and Sisters,

Please ask dua for me and my wife, I live in Australia by my self, I feel very
hopeless and no one to help me and my wife too. We also facing many
we are in very depress and very sorrow. Please ask dua for Me and My wife
and family to live very happy and release from all the stress and depression.
Allah will help you all.


3 August 2012 at 11:11 am

Assalaam May Allah replace ur difficulties by hope strength, prosper and

happiness Ameen May Allah give u n ur family the bes of this world and the
best of hearafter and Save u from hell fire Ameen. Plz remember us in ur
Duas too


9 August 2012 at 10:41 am

Assalamu Alaikum.
Jazakallah hairen Khizrah. Allah will guide you in right path and save from hell
fire Ameen and also will give you bharakath in ur life.

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Hina ahmed

15 August 2012 at 4:07 pm

I have a lot of health issues along with infertility these days I have been really
upset and down please if you could remember me in ure prayers and also
suggest some dua to be read

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Abu Muhammad

15 August 2012 at 6:05 pm

As- Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Jazakala khair for your message. Sorry to hear about your health problems,
inshaAllah may Allah grant you shifaa.
In this month, these are the blessed days and the blessed nights where Allah
responds to the prays of the sincere suppliant, the sincere seeker of His
mercy, and the sincere seeker of His forgiveness. For every tribulation there
is an answer, it is therefore for us to seek the answer, the meaning and
reason for which we may be being tried by Allah. It may be a test for us, it
may be expiation for our sins, or it may be that there is some goodness in it
that were unable to realise at this moment in time.
Although it is often the case that we do not choose whats best for us, it is
always true that Allah always choose what is in our best interests. What this
means is that Allah is inviting us to something greater than our immediate
needs and wants He is inviting us to contentment in Divine Decree (Rida).
This is indeed a high station (maqaam) to attain but Allah only invites people
to that which they are capable.
Therefore, if you face tribulations know that it may be because youre
capable of withstanding them, or that Allah wills to draw you near to Him, or
that Allah wills to raise your station, or that there is some good in it which
requires your faith and patience.
I would suggest reading surah yaseen in the morning and evening, and doing
dhikr with the name of Allah, Al-Latif, through reciting Ya-Latif, 100 times a
May Allah make things easy for you and draw you closer to Him. Ameen.


4 October 2012 at 9:37 pm

Asalam-U-Alaikum WRWB,
Thankyou for posting this, it really helped me realize why Allah swt sends
hardship down our path. May Allah swt bless you for being able to comfort
others and helping them out with their problems :)

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

I am a senior in my last year of highshool now, and Im finding it really difficult

to stay positive and not stress about my future everyday. If you could please
suggest some duas for my case that would be REALLY appreciated!

mohammed khasim

12 October 2012 at 8:17 pm

Subhanallah i read your article thanks

i have anxit problem (panic) please send me in english (dua) to read.
Insha allah i can solve my problem.


24 October 2012 at 7:35 am

Asalamu Alikum,
Im in need of great help. I have just started university and I am not enjoying
it. Ive never felt this much anxiety in my entire life. Last year my very good
friend passed away to cancer and it breaks my heart to say this, but even
then I did not feel this much anxiety as I am feeling now. I am just so unsure
what I should do because I do not want to go to university but my parents
want me to go and they were so disappointed when I told them I want to
drop out, especially because all my siblings went to university. Reading
When Allah wants to be good to someone, He tries him with some
hardship. has made me feel much better, but I just cant stop this anxiety. I
go to sleep crying, I wake up crying and I feel like no one understands.
Please tell me what you think of my situation and anyway I can relieve this


2 November 2012 at 5:33 pm

Reblogged this on Makola.

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

khalid hassim

30 December 2012 at 11:48 pm

Where do I even begin to start, I feel as if my whole lifes been a test, from a
young age I have constantly questioned my purpose on this earth. Ive
always had this fear of the future and what it holds, and constantly worry,
and stress and have anxiety about life In general, although believe it or not
Allah subahanallah has blessed me abundantly with so much, my health, my
family,wealth, good to eat everyday, clothes,shelter.and the list goes
on.but I constantly find myself searching for more.I dont know life has been a rollercoaster ride for as long as I can
remember. As soon as Im up..I know there will be an equal or more
Immense down, Ive always been a pessimist.afraid to live because of a
fear of living if that makes since. Scared of society, scared of judgment,
scared of FAILURE. of recent alhamdoulillah I got married to a woman I
hardly knew in hope of turning my life around, a beautiful God fearing woman
who I knew was going to be good for me and in turn change ways about
myself that I had not been proud of. We met on the net, and basically sealed
the deal within a month and a half, everything went so smoothly it was as if
Allah wanted this to beshe moved countrys to be with me and
everything was going well. I had told myself dont love her but
you will learn to love her.and slowly but surly I was growing,getting to know
her, liking her, her strong faith had started running off on me which I loved,
family was happy, I was slowly moving in the right direction or at least the
direction id hoped would have pleased Allah..and thenjust like
that out of nowherewe found out she had cancerand to cut a
long story short, shes back in her home country as she wanted to do the
treatment there, which will take about 6 to 8 months, and to add to that weve
been told she cannot have childrenmy feeling are in such disarray
right now as I care for and she is such a pious woman, she is so kind
hearted and gentle and definatly one of a
Allahs better muslims if you could say that.why her..and am not
sure what will happen now with our marriage, but more I sit back and cry
almost every day now asking Allah.why, what do you want me to learn,
why give.then take.what must I feel, what must I be asking, what
am I to be doing, what is life about if its a constant struggle within ones heart
and mind.I love my Allah and do not mean to question his
ways..I just struggle sometimes to understand them.


1 January 2013 at 5:54 am

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please ask dua from ALLAH SWT to have mercy on us and help break the
severe black magic spell that we are undergoing, a family of few children for
the past so many years. We are not able to break it no matter how much we
pray and I feel that this is the ultamatum and our lives are in danger
seriously. We need your prayers dear Muslims, it s very urgent, I tried my
level best as a Father and as a husband to break this black magic charm but
unable to. Please Brothers and Sisters of Islam, please take it serious and
help pray for us as much as you all can, it is urgent. May ALLAH SWT kabul
all the good wishes of all of you, Jazakallah Khair.


30 January 2013 at 6:26 pm

Mashallha I have read all the dua I fill very relax thank u
Plz send some dua to make my money go further. And my husband pay
some every month so I dont have to suffer


15 February 2013 at 4:06 pm

I am so distressed and disheartened, because my husband and I have been

seperated for 2 months. We were only married for 10 months and there was
a lot of family interference. Just a few days ago he gave me the first Talaaq.
If it were up to me I would go back in a heartbeat. His leavung for Baghdad
tomorrow and Im really praying that while his there he changes his mind and
comes back home and says he wants to reconcile In sha Allah. Ameen.
Please make duaa for me, I am really distressed and worried. I want to
make up my home and I want my husband back, its been such a trying 2
months, Ya Allah! Please, please keep me in your duaas all, please. A
humble request.


18 February 2013 at 3:44 am

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Dear respected brother, I have a question for you regarding my life.

Alhumdulilah I have 2 children and when they were 1month old I had changed
theirs names because I didnt like them but know I feel depressed. Its not
that I dont like their names but I feel sad in my life. Why am I losing interest
in my family. Please Help me brother. Jazakala Khair.


19 March 2013 at 7:49 am

Amazing post. Always my source in times of stress.


28 March 2013 at 3:09 pm

I am in much need of these duaas. JazakAllahukhairan for posting them.

Please make a dua for me to find peace and for my family to find peace and
for a very long triaal to come to end.

Abu Muhammad

6 April 2013 at 12:01 pm

As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

The world is the abode of tests, and we are tested only so that we can gain
closeness to Allah, be elevated in our spiritual state, be forgiven for our sins
and be increased in our knowledge so in turn we can help others. May Allah
grant you and your family His blessings, guidance, protection and mercy.

Abu Muhammad

6 April 2013 at 1:06 pm

As Salaam Alaikum brother,

Jazakala khair for your question. In terms of changing your childrens names.

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

The Prophet (saw) told us to give our children the best names when naming
them. Indeed it is one of the rights of the child, of which the parents are
questioned, that the parents give their children the best of names. It was
often the custom of the pre-Islamic Arabs that they would give their children
the names of animals, or inanimate objects to give the appearance of
strength or to appear intimidating to their enemies. This was borne out of
ignorance embedded within Arab custom. However, the Prophet (saw)
changed this custom, and thus, whenever a person accepted Islam he (saw)
would ask them their name and change it to one that was beautiful, one that
beautified their character. The reason he did this was because he wanted
every person to gain the greatest blessing of Allah and therefore he would
remove any obstacles that would prevent those blessings from reaching that
There are two key reasons why naming a child based on Islamic principles is
important. One is that the name reaffirms the identity of the child, and the
person they grow up to be. In possessing a name that clearly identifies them
as a Muslim, it teach them of their own identity, inwardly to themselves and
outwardly to others. The second key reason is that a person has the
potential to acquire the characteristics of the name that he or she is given.
This is true because conversely, when children are give non-Islamic names,
or names that are used by disbelievers then this carries with it an adverse
effect on the child and on the parents. It takes away the blessings of Allah.
If the names that you have chosen are good Islamic names then you have
fulfilled your rights as a parent in giving your children the best names.
However, if this is not the case then you must seek to rectify this as soon as
If you changed their names from Islamic to non-Islamic names then it is
important to examine why this was the case and what you need to do in
terms of your deen and practice to strengthen your emaan. Sadness or
losing interest in ones family, could relate to many reasons. However, in
general there are two key points. Firstly, sadness or apathy, may be as a
result of our own sins, which sadness expiates. Sadness felt in the soul can
also be as a result of feeling distant from Allah. This distance is always one
that we create by ourselves and therefore is a reminder that we need to
re-engage our practice. Sadness is also a sign of the mercy of Allah because
the sadness felt is the remorse the soul feels when it is away from its
Creator, or has been disobedient to Him. Sadness is therefore reminder from
Allah to us that He is with us, he understands our situation, and wants us to
ask Him for help.
Allah loves those that continually turn to Him seeking His help.
Seeking the aid of Allah, to restore life into our heart, fill our lives with
barakah, must be aided through our daily prayers, keeping the company of
people that remind us of Allah, increasing knowledge, attending study or

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shirk circles and constantly thanking Allah for our blessings. Also, reciting the
names of Allah, such as Al-Latif, which is recited Ya, Latif O Latif, every day
helps us by Allah finding us a way out of their situation.
InshaAllah with this sincere practice Allah will grant you His guidance and
mercy, and fill your house with His blessings.

Abu Muhammad

6 April 2013 at 1:31 pm

As Salaam Alaikum,
Jazakala khair for your message. May Allah grant ease to your situation and
bring about the outcome that is best for you. Continue to make dua to Allah
and leave your situation in His Hands with the complete belief that only He
has the power to grant blessings and resolve problems. You should also
seek advice from qualified scholars and well respected Islamic teachers in
your area from whom you can take advice regarding your situation. They will
be able to offer practical advice. Marriage, as you know is something that
both the husband and wife have to work hard to make successful because
Allah does not grant success in anything without His servants working hard to
acquire that success.
The greatest source of all success is obedience to Allah. I know that this
situation is difficult, and may have changed since your message, but
remember that we never lose anything except that Allah replaces it with
something better by His grace.


16 April 2013 at 7:54 pm

subhanAllah wal hamdolillah wa lailla ha illah, jazakAllah for posting this

dua and hadiths <3

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17 April 2013 at 2:01 am

Shukran for this! Jazzakallahu kheir


18 April 2013 at 4:44 pm

assalamu alaikum,tanq u 4 posting dis .it is very much useful to recite after
every salah


18 April 2013 at 4:45 pm

assalamu alaikum , tanq u 4 posting dis .it is very much useful to recite after
every salah..


12 June 2013 at 1:13 pm



21 June 2013 at 5:40 pm

This has really helped me and inshaallah will help me during difficult timed.


21 June 2013 at 5:44 pm

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

Please dua for me, I have 3 islamic exams tomorrow, quran, islamic st and
arabic. dua that i pass these please and that Allah will help me, inshaallah.

syrian girl

15 July 2013 at 3:41 am

Al Hamdulilah Rabi el Alamein at all times and in every situation.

In the past two years I have been tried by Allah subhanahu wa talaa in a
variety of ways. At first it was depression which brought me even closer to
Allah alhamdulilah. Then the escalating war and catastrophe in Syria
evidently changed my life for ever. I have had to leave my beloved country
and my University that brought so much joy to my life and truly was I believe
a blessing to me. Now, 6 months after moving to the US I still face new
difficulties. My health has declined but I have faith that it will soon inshAllah
be better than it ever was before.
Despite the pain in my life and the pain I carry in my heart sometimes.. I
know that Allah is the best Wakeel and I truly rely on him for everything.
Knowing that he places these obstacles in our lives for a reason that they will
help us be better Muslims really helps ease my pain.
Thanks for this wonderful post and jazakum Allahu khayran.
Pray for me that my dreams come true and that Allah guides me to a better
life inshAllah.

Mustafa M

7 August 2013 at 9:19 am

JazakaAllah Khair for posting


Abu Muhammad

1 September 2013 at 9:52 pm

As-Salaamu Alaikum,
Just as you began your comment with Alhamdulillah, so we begin each salah
with Alhamdulillah. In other words, the salah which is central to the lives of

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Muslims begins with praising Allah, which means everything in our lives
begins with praising Allah, whether we are in a state of tribulation or in ease.
What this tells us is that the purpose of our existence is to praise Allah
through recognising that everything good that comes to us is from Allah, and
all tribulations, as difficult as they may seem, also bring us goodness. This
may seem a difficult thing to understand, however, tribulations raise us in our
standing with Allah, they help to erase our sins, they cause us to gain reward
from Allah, and if were in a state of oppression by a tyrannical leader, then
our duaa made to Allah by those in a state of oppression has the veil lifted
between our dua and Allah. This means Allah always answers the dua of the
oppressed, as oppression is a thing hated by Allah, as Allah says in the
Quran Oppression is worse than killing.
Believers are those that are steadfast in their iman, and they holdfast to the
rope of Allah, relying only on Him and not concerning themselves with the
actions of the disbelievers. When we realise this with understanding, we
realise that Allah has favoured those that are in a state of tribulation. If we
are with Allah, then Allah sees the situation and suffering of the believers,
and just as He has aided the believers at the time of the Prophet (saw), and
all the centuries since, so Allah will grant victory to the believers in Syria and
everywhere else. Ameen.

mohammed khasim

3 September 2013 at 10:50 am

thank u very much i have toomuch of anxity problem
please pray me and my family.

Anon Sister

11 September 2013 at 2:12 am

Having typed in duas to help with anxiety, I came across this site and it had
me in tears.
Currently I am going through some university anxiety to an extent that I have
been having panic attacks.
I have been working towards a certain qualification at a Masters level and
although the first year went well. This year I am finding it extremely difficult to
cope. I have been tested countless times this year and at times I feel like
giving up but the finish line is just around the corner.

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My heart is overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

I pray to Allah to help me but I feel ashamed to ask for help because truth be
told I do not always remember Allah when things are going well.
Please offer me some ways in which I can ease my mind, body and soul.
As having panic attacks are extremely terrifying and leave me numb and
I would like some duas, nasheeds or dikhr to sooth me as I feel this will
benefit me more than having to take medication.


20 December 2013 at 5:12 pm

JazakaAllah Khair


5 January 2014 at 8:19 pm

Assalamoalaikum , I am very tensed for my mother from past three years.

due to several family problems she really got depressed. She behaves like a
child fights and shouts over small topics and speaks like crazy whole day.
She is full of negetivity in her mind. This is making her weak and ill. I just dont
know what to do..Please pray for her and tell me some dua which can make
her calm happy and satisfied.

The girl in the blue

24 February 2014 at 2:07 am

Thank you so much for this article. After reading it i feel much better. For the
past year i have been under huge stress due to school i am in my final year
and often feel like just giving up. Please make dua for me. Once again thank
you, may allah reward you for your good deeds

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Duaa when under stress and anxiety | The Wrappings of Gratitude

Mohammed Qasim

11 May 2014 at 10:58 am

Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah,

I hope you are all well,
I have exams this month and I am feeling very stressed about some of them
as I am not well prepared and am scared of failure. I feel I will let my family
and myself down if I dont do well in them. I was feeling confident about most
of my exams and very scared about a few; but over the last few days my
anxiety got the better of me and I am scared for all of my exams and I have
lost my appetite and constantly have butterflies in my stomach. Please
brothers and sisters pray for me.
I have started praying more often and this has helped a lot I feel. If you are
feeling scared/anxious/stressed make sure you remember you are not alone
and that Allah is always with you. Remember to pray and read the Quran,
You dont have to read a lot as long as you read some.
Inshallah I will make dua for all of you and all your families and that Allah
relieves your stress and anxiety and solves your problems and guides you
down the right path.
Inshallah you will all get through this tough phase and when you feel you
cannot take it anymore remember to just sit down and read the Quran or
pray. Inshallah Allah will bless you all and help you out of your difficult
situations. Never give up hope because you are never alone. I will make dua
for you all.
Asalaam Alaikum.

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