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Hologram and Vedic Prayer

We have worked with hologram imagery in our own group in Maine. For us
holo perception can be said to be a metaphor for the truth, the fullness, the
wholeness in every perspective. It is a way to perceive which is not distorted by

Arlene Jurewicz Leighton

what is cultural and learned. In this way we can have a diversity of opinion in

any given situation without blame or praise. Each individual is as full as the

'What is Whole - This is Whole -What has come out of the Whole is also Whole;

fullness: the fullness from which she comes and is.

When the Whole is taken out of the Whole, the Whole still remains Whole'

This simple hologram, this little window of light created by light, reveals and
illuminates a way, which is enfolded in universal truths.
'Om Peace, peace, peace'

'Om Shanti , shanti , shanti'

When I read these words my first thoughts are to say that this is describing a
hologram. In my holographic work I have created hologram puzzles and worked
with the concept of holo perception.


dimensional light qualities of the hologram and to discern the perspective wholes

of a broken hologram. These words are actually one translation of an ancient

Alexandra Merrill, Womens Way Maine, United States

Upanishad ved or Vedic prayer written in the most ancient of languages,

Bhanumathy Vasudevan, Avani Women, India

Sanskrit. It is the invocation prayer from the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad by Swami Sivananda

Om Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaad Poornamudachyate;

Additional copies

Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornamevaavashisyate

http://www.midcoast.com/~holo/Hologram and Vedic Prayer.pdf

Leonardo Article

Holography Opening New Dimensions for Learning

OM Poornamadah Poornamidam

Holo perception is to perceive the


The word Upanishad means to reveal what is hidden behind the visible forms of

Over the last three years I have been meeting with a group of women called

perceived phenomena. One description is a 'light that is to mingle with another

counterpart in Southern India, the Avani Women. Our work involves finding a

'know' what is hidden as we are conditioned by our existence to not have the

and to find ways to evolve our competencies.

our existence in time and space. It is an unfolding of the mystery behind all our

light. It is understanding that is conveyed between souls. It is hard for us to

capacity to perceive this mystery. These truths cannot be known by our systems

Women's Way.

We are from many towns in Maine, USA.

We have a

way to speak our truths about our world through benevolence and compassion
creating peace in our world.

All of this comes from a place of

of knowledge. Forms of art and poetry may touch upon them.

'Om That is Full; this is Full. From the Full does the Full proceed.
After the coming of the Full from the Full, the Full alone remains.
Om. Peace! Peace! Peace! '

Last fall, this precious little holographic window made by 'light that is to mingle
with another light ' found its way to India to the Avani Women.


women begin their time together by chanting the invocation prayer from the
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. In a correspondence to me they said they had no
words upon 'dharsham' or first sight of the hologram cut into four pieces. Each

piece is a perspective of the whole and a whole. There was a gasp upon seeing a

visual metaphor of the Vedic chant on wholeness which they follow and believe in
'Om purnam adah, purnam idam, purnat purnam udacyate;
purnasya purnam adaya puram evavasisyate.
Om Santih! Santih! Santih! '

their lives.

'Om Everything, beings are Whole: when you take a part from the Whole,
the Whole remains. Every part has the Whole. All is Whole'
'Om Poormanda Poornamidham Poornath Poornamuchdachyath
Poornasya Poornamedhaya Poornameva Vasishyathe'

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