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Tammeisha Smith

Vice President & Partner

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Honeysett, Adam
Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:54:25 PM

Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at that time. He
is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join
the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session
with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing if we get them in advance
thats great; if not, thats ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. Ill see if we can get you the Secretarys TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlantas Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim thank you for taking the time to speak
with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end

of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents talking
points, etc. that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretarys speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff
Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:23:18 AM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco, who is advancing this trip
for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the Secretary at the Marriott Marquis.
NCBM knows to expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Mariah Sheriff
Honeysett, Adam
Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:30:59 PM

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the
location ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will be
seated at long tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list,
Stephanie can provide a list of Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our
personal outreach.
Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I get
the answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not yet
heard back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary arriving
about 1:10 PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson will enter
(together, from the holding room?), where the Secretary and Mayor will
be speaking from (a podium?), and how the audience will be seated (at
tables or theater style?). In addition, I would still love to be able to
highlight some of the key mayors that will be in the audience, if you have
a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David
Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we
found out about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's
need to depart at 2:30 we will see about changing it back to its originally
scheduled time, 1:30pm.

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and
must depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and
then do QandA for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
>>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David
Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be
from 2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro
College Fund - is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be
one education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way
as soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how
we envision this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the
Initiative's 5 key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you
have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.

Thank you, both.

From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David
Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing if
we get them in advance thats great; if not, thats ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David
Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. Ill see if we can get you the Secretarys TPs in
advance of next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared
right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting
Atlantas Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim thank you for
taking the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have
attached the education policy resolutions that will be brought forth for
adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in
June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the
education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the
resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on
to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization

Smarter School Funding

Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution
until this weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am
providing for Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions
with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I
have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please
look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if
there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining
the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts
through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please
send any additional documents talking points, etc. that will help
these sessions to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of
the Secretarys speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for
the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when they are
completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd
Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Shannon Hovis
Mariah Sheriff
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:13:24 PM

What are we doing about Dr. Lomax? Adam seems to intimate in this message that he does not
understand adding in Dr. Lomax after the Secretary speaks, & before Q & A. Are we going to change
this or keep it as is?
Thanks, Mariah

From: Mariah Sheriff

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out about only
this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about
changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at
that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining
45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)
for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson

City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Mariah Sheriff
Honeysett, Adam
Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Aisha Lowe
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:02:29 PM

Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out
about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at 2:30
we will see about changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at
that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining
45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns

I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)
for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Shannon Hovis
Mariah Sheriff
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:13:24 PM

What are we doing about Dr. Lomax? Adam seems to intimate in this message that he does not
understand adding in Dr. Lomax after the Secretary speaks, & before Q & A. Are we going to change
this or keep it as is?
Thanks, Mariah

From: Mariah Sheriff

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out about only
this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about
changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at
that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining
45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)
for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson

City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Mariah Sheriff
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:20:40 PM

I'm here waiting for Shantel at the Marquis Ballroom.

Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Great. I'll find her and you at 6

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:23 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie

Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

I will be at a session at that time but I will pop out to see you. Who are
you meeting with from NCBM staff?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:12 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Will I see you at 6PM (that's when my walk thru is)?
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Cc: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

Got it

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.

Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie

Martinez-Blanco, who is advancing this trip for the
Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the
Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to expect
him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks,
diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Shannon Hovis
Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:18:26 PM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join
the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session
with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in advance
that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is

visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?s speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Mariah Sheriff
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:23:40 AM

Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

I will be at a session at that time but I will pop out to see you. Who are you
meeting with from NCBM staff?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)

On May 30, 2013, at 12:12 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:

Will I see you at 6PM (that's when my walk thru is)?
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie

Cc: Honeysett, Adam

Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Got it

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco,

who is advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a
holding room for the Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to
expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM

To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Shannon Hovis
Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:18:26 PM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join
the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session
with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in advance
that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is

visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?s speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Mariah Sheriff
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:12:32 AM

Will I see you at 6PM (that's when my walk thru is)?

Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Cc: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Got it

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007

Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco, who is

advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the
Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Shannon Hovis
Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41:28 PM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing if we get them in advance
thats great; if not, thats ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. Ill see if we can get you the Secretarys TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlantas Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for

the back-to-back education sessions with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents talking
points, etc. that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretarys speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Honeysett, Adam; Mariah Sheriff
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:07:22 AM

Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco, who is advancing this trip
for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the Secretary at the Marriott Marquis.
NCBM knows to expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento

Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson

916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Shannon Hovis
Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41:28 PM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing if we get them in advance
thats great; if not, thats ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. Ill see if we can get you the Secretarys TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlantas Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for

the back-to-back education sessions with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents talking
points, etc. that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretarys speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Stephanie Mash
Honeysett, Adam; Mariah Sheriff
Shannon Hovis; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:56:43 PM
39th Convention Mayoral Roster.pdf

Hi Adam,
Please find attached the list of registered mayors that we received from NCBM. Through our own
outreach, we have confirmed that Mayors Michael Nutter, Cedric Glover, A.C. Wharton, Kasim Reed, and
David Bing will not be in attendance (despite their names appearing on the list).
Best Regards,

From: Honeysett, Adam [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:48 AM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks so much, Mariah. Here is the information I included in the Secretary?s briefing book. We
are fine with President Lomax being integrated into the session but did want you to have the full
benefit of the Secretary?s time.
Format ?
YOU and Mayor Kevin Johnson will enter the room together. YOU will speak from a podium.
Mayors and other attendees will be seated at long tables.
Sequence of Events ?
1:30 PM-1:35 PM
1:35 PM-1:50 PM
1:50 PM-2:20 PM
2:20 PM-2:30 PM

Mayor Kevin Johnson introduces YOU.

YOU deliver remarks.
Mayor Kevin Johnson moderates Q&A.
YOU take a photo with the NCBM Executive Board.

Also, has Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to speak with Atlanta Reed about the session? As you
know, Mayor Reed will be with the Secretary Friday morning. We shared with Mayor Reed
information about the Education Plenary at NCBM, but he seemed unsure about many of the
particulars of the conference and asked us about any responsibilities (we informed him there was no
speaking role and referred him to NCMB for more information).
We know Mayor Reed is your host, but we thought we would ask.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:31 AM

To: Honeysett, Adam

Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the location
ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will be seated at long
tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list, Stephanie can provide a list of
Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our personal outreach.
Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I get the
answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not yet heard
back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary arriving about 1:10
PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson will enter (together, from the
holding room?), where the Secretary and Mayor will be speaking from (a
podium?), and how the audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In
addition, I would still love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that
will be in the audience, if you have a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out
about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at
2:30 we will see about changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson

916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must
depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA
for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>;
Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from
2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund
- is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as
soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision
this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5
key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide
context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.

From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get
them in advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of
next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last
moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School
(invite attached) for a town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking
the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the
education policy resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM
meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have
presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The
table below summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the
USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization

Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until
this weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for
Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and
then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing
documents, I will send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are
any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you would like
the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a
document outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus
your efforts through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned,
please send any additional documents ? talking points, etc. ? that will help these
sessions to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the
Secretary?s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the
Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when they are completed?
Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier
that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Stephanie Mash
Honeysett, Adam; Mariah Sheriff
Shannon Hovis; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:56:43 PM
39th Convention Mayoral Roster.pdf

Hi Adam,
Please find attached the list of registered mayors that we received from NCBM. Through our own
outreach, we have confirmed that Mayors Michael Nutter, Cedric Glover, A.C. Wharton, Kasim Reed, and
David Bing will not be in attendance (despite their names appearing on the list).
Best Regards,

From: Honeysett, Adam [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:48 AM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks so much, Mariah. Here is the information I included in the Secretary?s briefing book. We
are fine with President Lomax being integrated into the session but did want you to have the full
benefit of the Secretary?s time.
Format ?
YOU and Mayor Kevin Johnson will enter the room together. YOU will speak from a podium.
Mayors and other attendees will be seated at long tables.
Sequence of Events ?
1:30 PM-1:35 PM
1:35 PM-1:50 PM
1:50 PM-2:20 PM
2:20 PM-2:30 PM

Mayor Kevin Johnson introduces YOU.

YOU deliver remarks.
Mayor Kevin Johnson moderates Q&A.
YOU take a photo with the NCBM Executive Board.

Also, has Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to speak with Atlanta Reed about the session? As you
know, Mayor Reed will be with the Secretary Friday morning. We shared with Mayor Reed
information about the Education Plenary at NCBM, but he seemed unsure about many of the
particulars of the conference and asked us about any responsibilities (we informed him there was no
speaking role and referred him to NCMB for more information).
We know Mayor Reed is your host, but we thought we would ask.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:31 AM

To: Honeysett, Adam

Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the location
ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will be seated at long
tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list, Stephanie can provide a list of
Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our personal outreach.
Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I get the
answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not yet heard
back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary arriving about 1:10
PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson will enter (together, from the
holding room?), where the Secretary and Mayor will be speaking from (a
podium?), and how the audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In
addition, I would still love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that
will be in the audience, if you have a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out
about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at
2:30 we will see about changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson

916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must
depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA
for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>;
Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from
2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund
- is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as
soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision
this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5
key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide
context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.

From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get
them in advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of
next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last
moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School
(invite attached) for a town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking
the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the
education policy resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM
meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have
presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The
table below summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the
USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization

Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until
this weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for
Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and
then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing
documents, I will send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are
any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you would like
the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a
document outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus
your efforts through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned,
please send any additional documents ? talking points, etc. ? that will help these
sessions to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the
Secretary?s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the
Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when they are completed?
Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier
that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:10:09 PM

Thank you

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:33 PM
To: Shannon Hovis
Cc: Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Honeysett, Adam; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you Kim. My cell is below for your reference.

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)

On May 29, 2013, at 6:59 PM, "Shannon Hovis" <[email protected]> wrote:

Thank you very much, Kim. This is excellent.

I have updated Mayor Johnson's briefing & script to reflect these additions. Both are
attached for your reference.

Mariah and Stephanie are both with the Mayor in Atlanta, so they will be
better at navigating the logistics of the session moving forward. With that
said, please do not hesitate to reach out to me as well since they are not
in front of their computers. Together, we will ensure that everything runs
smoothly on Friday.

We are very excited to have the Secretary and Mr. Johns presenting at
the conference.

Thanks again,

Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
From: Watkins-Foote, Kimberly [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:14 PM

To: Shannon Hovis; Honeysett, Adam

Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM


Attached is a copy of the Executive Order for the Initiative. Let me know if you have
additional questions.

Probing questions for the session:

What are the mayors doing individually or collectively to support closing

the achievement gap for African American students?

Alternatively, what role can mayors and other chief elected officials play
in supporting learning and development of African American students?

What are the challenges and opportunities for addressing the

achievement gap for African American boys and men of color

What are the most critical factors in closing the achievement gap for
African American students?

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans will
support African American educational excellence by identifying, developing, and
otherwise supporting initiatives within and across the federal government. The
Initiative is designed to increase nationwide access to high quality education and
workforce development programs and support education reform. It will also
strengthen public/private partnerships to close achievement and opportunity gaps and
to ensure educational equity.

The Initiative will seek to engage stakeholders, who feel the urgency of now, and have
a vested interest in supporting and working collaboratively to sustain African American
educational excellence.

The Initiative?s primary goals are to:

1) Improve education and workforce outcomes for African Americans by
identifying and highlighting best practices that support and ensure African
Americans achieve educational excellence, including celebrating academic
achievement in schools, community, and the media.

Address challenges that inhibit African American communities from having

access to opportunities including by providing the African American
community, including educators, with access to information and data regarding

resources, programs and policies designed to improve educational outcomes.

3) Provide information about key Administrative priorities and their impact in the
African American community including: closing the opportunity gap; extending
access to and improving the quality of early care and education programs and
services; and extending access to funding and regulatory opportunities within
the Department of Education and across other Agencies.
4) Develop a community to share successful and innovative reform strategies and
practices in America?s public schools to support well-rounded education in
safe and healthy environments and increase educational excellence by
gathering perspectives of parents and families, educators and the community
to identify challenges and opportunities.

Encourage and develop partnerships with philanthropists, the research

community, institutions, business and community leaders and other
stakeholders to support capacity building among African American students,
families and communities, specifically in ways that align with existing and
future policies and practices impacting educational excellence and equity.

6) Ensure that African American students, families, and communities have the
tools needed to effectively engage in, inform, implement and share education
strategies that support educational excellence and to leverage Federal and
other resources.
7) Establish an interagency working group to identify, improve and respond to
significant concerns in the African American community to ensure that the
Administration is responsive to questions raised by African Americans and to
strengthen collaboration among Federal Agencies to ensure student success,
strengthen sustainability and coordination to leverage funds to maximize
collective impact.
In addition, here are a few bullet points:

? The Initiative is working to formulate the 25 member commission and

solicit support of senior officials throughout the federal government to

initiate development of the Interagency Work Group.

Over the next six months, the Initiative will be focusing on the priority
areas of: early learning; family and community engagement;
postsecondary access, cost, and completion; K-12 reform; school
climate; and changing the way that people engage in conversations
about the interest and abilities of African American students.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:18 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly

Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash

Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor

Thank you, both.


From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)

for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371

<2013-05-31 Education Session Briefing.docx>

<Mayor Johnson's Script - Education Session.doc>


Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Shannon Hovis; Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:15:02 PM
Executive Order.doc


Attached is a copy of the Executive Order for the Initiative. Let me know if you have additional

Probing questions for the session:


What are the mayors doing individually or collectively to support closing the
achievement gap for African American students?
Alternatively, what role can mayors and other chief elected officials play in
supporting learning and development of African American students?
What are the challenges and opportunities for addressing the achievement gap for
African American boys and men of color specifically?
What are the most critical factors in closing the achievement gap for African
American students?

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans will support African
American educational excellence by identifying, developing, and otherwise supporting initiatives
within and across the federal government. The Initiative is designed to increase nationwide access
to high quality education and workforce development programs and support education reform. It
will also strengthen public/private partnerships to close achievement and opportunity gaps and to
ensure educational equity.

The Initiative will seek to engage stakeholders, who feel the urgency of now, and have a vested
interest in supporting and working collaboratively to sustain African American educational

The Initiative?s primary goals are to:

1) Improve education and workforce outcomes for African Americans by identifying and
highlighting best practices that support and ensure African Americans achieve educational
excellence, including celebrating academic achievement in schools, community, and the
2) Address challenges that inhibit African American communities from having access to
opportunities including by providing the African American community, including educators,
with access to information and data regarding resources, programs and policies designed to
improve educational outcomes.
3) Provide information about key Administrative priorities and their impact in the African
American community including: closing the opportunity gap; extending access to and





improving the quality of early care and education programs and services; and extending
access to funding and regulatory opportunities within the Department of Education and
across other Agencies.
Develop a community to share successful and innovative reform strategies and practices in
America?s public schools to support well-rounded education in safe and healthy
environments and increase educational excellence by gathering perspectives of parents and
families, educators and the community to identify challenges and opportunities.
Encourage and develop partnerships with philanthropists, the research community,
institutions, business and community leaders and other stakeholders to support capacity
building among African American students, families and communities, specifically in ways
that align with existing and future policies and practices impacting educational excellence
and equity.
Ensure that African American students, families, and communities have the tools needed to
effectively engage in, inform, implement and share education strategies that support
educational excellence and to leverage Federal and other resources.
Establish an interagency working group to identify, improve and respond to significant
concerns in the African American community to ensure that the Administration is responsive
to questions raised by African Americans and to strengthen collaboration among Federal
Agencies to ensure student success, strengthen sustainability and coordination to leverage
funds to maximize collective impact.

In addition, here are a few bullet points:

? The Initiative is working to formulate the 25 member commission and solicit support

of senior officials throughout the federal government to initiate development of the

Interagency Work Group.
Over the next six months, the Initiative will be focusing on the priority areas of: early
learning; family and community engagement; postsecondary access, cost, and
completion; K-12 reform; school climate; and changing the way that people engage
in conversations about the interest and abilities of African American students.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:18 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.

2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join
the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session

with two component parts.

4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.

Thank you, both.


From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in advance
that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be

brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?s speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Mariah Sheriff
Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:47:13 AM

Great. I'll find her and you at 6

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:23 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

I will be at a session at that time but I will pop out to see you. Who are
you meeting with from NCBM staff?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:12 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Will I see you at 6PM (that's when my walk thru is)?

Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Cc: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

Got it

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>

Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie

Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie

Martinez-Blanco, who is advancing this trip for the
Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the
Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to expect
him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks,
diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Honeysett, Adam
Stephanie Mash; Mariah Sheriff
Shannon Hovis; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:06:04 AM

Very helpful ? thank you!

From: Stephanie Mash [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:57 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Mariah Sheriff
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at
Hi Adam,

Please find attached the list of registered mayors that we received from NCBM. Through our own
outreach, we have confirmed that Mayors Michael Nutter, Cedric Glover, A.C. Wharton, Kasim Reed, and
David Bing will not be in attendance (despite their names appearing on the list).

Best Regards,


From: Honeysett, Adam [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:48 AM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks so much, Mariah. Here is the information I included in the Secretary?s briefing book. We
are fine with President Lomax being integrated into the session but did want you to have the full
benefit of the Secretary?s time.
Format ?
YOU and Mayor Kevin Johnson will enter the room together. YOU will speak from a podium.
Mayors and other attendees will be seated at long tables.
Sequence of Events ?
1:30 PM-1:35 PM
Mayor Kevin Johnson introduces YOU.
1:35 PM-1:50 PM
YOU deliver remarks.
1:50 PM-2:20 PM
Mayor Kevin Johnson moderates Q&A.
2:20 PM-2:30 PM
YOU take a photo with the NCBM Executive Board.

Also, has Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to speak with Atlanta Reed about the session? As you
know, Mayor Reed will be with the Secretary Friday morning. We shared with Mayor Reed
information about the Education Plenary at NCBM, but he seemed unsure about many of the
particulars of the conference and asked us about any responsibilities (we informed him there was no
speaking role and referred him to NCMB for more information).

We know Mayor Reed is your host, but we thought we would ask.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:31 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the location
ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will be seated at long
tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list, Stephanie can provide a list of
Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our personal outreach.
Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I get the
answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not yet heard
back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary arriving about 1:10
PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson will enter (together, from the
holding room?), where the Secretary and Mayor will be speaking from (a
podium?), and how the audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In
addition, I would still love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that
will be in the audience, if you have a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out
about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at
2:30 we will see about changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must
depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA
for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>;
Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from
2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund
- is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns

I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as
soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision
this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5
key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide
context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get
them in advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of
next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last
moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School
(invite attached) for a town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking
the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the
education policy resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM
meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have
presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The

table below summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the
USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until
this weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for
Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and
then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing
documents, I will send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are
any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you would like
the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a
document outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus
your efforts through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned,
please send any additional documents ? talking points, etc. ? that will help these
sessions to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the
Secretary?s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the
Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when they are completed?
Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier
that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.

Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Mariah Sheriff
Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:14:55 AM

I will be at a session at that time but I will pop out to see you. Who are you
meeting with from NCBM staff?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:12 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Will I see you at 6PM (that's when my walk thru is)?
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Cc: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Got it

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,

Diet coke and snacks would be great.

Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco,

who is advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a
holding room for the Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to
expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff
Shannon Hovis; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:49:06 AM

Thanks so much, Mariah. Here is the information I included in the Secretarys briefing book. We
are fine with President Lomax being integrated into the session but did want you to have the full
benefit of the Secretarys time.
YOU and Mayor Kevin Johnson will enter the room together. YOU will speak from a podium.
Mayors and other attendees will be seated at long tables.
Sequence of Events
1:30 PM-1:35 PM Mayor Kevin Johnson introduces YOU.
1:35 PM-1:50 PM YOU deliver remarks.
1:50 PM-2:20 PM Mayor Kevin Johnson moderates Q&A.
2:20 PM-2:30 PM YOU take a photo with the NCBM Executive Board.

Also, has Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to speak with Atlanta Reed about the session? As you
know, Mayor Reed will be with the Secretary Friday morning. We shared with Mayor Reed
information about the Education Plenary at NCBM, but he seemed unsure about many of the
particulars of the conference and asked us about any responsibilities (we informed him there was no
speaking role and referred him to NCMB for more information).

We know Mayor Reed is your host, but we thought we would ask.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:31 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the location
ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will be seated at long
tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list, Stephanie can provide a list of
Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our personal outreach.

Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I get the
answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff

Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education

City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not yet heard
back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary arriving about 1:10
PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson will enter (together, from the
holding room?), where the Secretary and Mayor will be speaking from (a
podium?), and how the audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In
addition, I would still love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that
will be in the audience, if you have a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out
about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at
2:30 we will see about changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must
depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA
for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time

To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly

Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>;
Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from
2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund
- is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as
soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision
this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5
key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide
context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing if we get
them in advance thats great; if not, thats ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM

To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly

Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. Ill see if we can get you the Secretarys TPs in advance of
next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last
moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlantas Boyd Elementary School
(invite attached) for a town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim thank you for taking
the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the
education policy resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM
meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have
presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The
table below summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the
USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*

* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until
this weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for
Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions with the Secretary
and then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing
documents, I will send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are
any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you would like
the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a
document outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus
your efforts through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned,
please send any additional documents talking points, etc. that will help
these sessions to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the
Secretarys speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the
Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when they are completed?
Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier
that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Mariah Sheriff
Honeysett, Adam
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:14:21 AM

No worries at all- it's why I offered!

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:09 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Sorry ? no hesitation from our Advance team to ask for things!

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Cc: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Got it
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary

US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos
From: Honeysett, Adam
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco,

who is advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a
holding room for the Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to
expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns
Education Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff
Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:57:04 PM

Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not yet heard back) about: a holding
room (we anticipate the Secretary arriving about 1:10 PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson
will enter (together, from the holding room?), where the Secretary and Mayor will be speaking from (a
podium?), and how the audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In addition, I would still
love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that will be in the audience, if you have a list of
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out about only this
afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about changing it
back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at that time. He is
prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>;
Stephanie Mash <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join the
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session with
two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing if we get them in advance thats
great; if not, thats ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. Ill see if we can get you the Secretarys TPs in advance of next Friday, but, honestly,
they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting
Atlantas Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be brought
forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will
have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM
membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence the
comparatively low number of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for the
back-to-back education sessions with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation,
after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look them over to see
if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor
to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative & the
5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As
I mentioned, please send any additional documents talking points, etc. that will help these sessions
to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretarys speech writing
staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when
they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that
day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.

Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Mariah Sheriff
Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Honeysett, Adam
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:08:09 AM

Got it
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos

From: Honeysett, Adam

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco, who is

advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the
Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Honeysett, Adam
Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:38:22 PM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?s speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary

School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Mariah Sheriff
Honeysett, Adam
Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:43:57 AM

Thanks Adam.
It'll be good to see you Frankie!
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 11:23 AM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco, who is
advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the
Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Shannon Hovis
Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:59:35 PM
2013-05-31 Education Session Briefing.docx
Mayor Johnson"s Script - Education Session.doc

Thank you very much, Kim. This is excellent.

I have updated Mayor Johnson's briefing & script to reflect these additions. Both are attached for your
Mariah and Stephanie are both with the Mayor in Atlanta, so they will be better at navigating the
logistics of the session moving forward. With that said, please do not hesitate to reach out to me as
well since they are not in front of their computers. Together, we will ensure that everything runs
smoothly on Friday.
We are very excited to have the Secretary and Mr. Johns presenting at the conference.
Thanks again,
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
From: Watkins-Foote, Kimberly [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:14 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at


Attached is a copy of the Executive Order for the Initiative. Let me know if you have additional

Probing questions for the session:


What are the mayors doing individually or collectively to support closing the
achievement gap for African American students?
Alternatively, what role can mayors and other chief elected officials play in
supporting learning and development of African American students?
What are the challenges and opportunities for addressing the achievement gap for
African American boys and men of color specifically?
What are the most critical factors in closing the achievement gap for African
American students?

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans will support African
American educational excellence by identifying, developing, and otherwise supporting initiatives
within and across the federal government. The Initiative is designed to increase nationwide access
to high quality education and workforce development programs and support education reform. It
will also strengthen public/private partnerships to close achievement and opportunity gaps and to
ensure educational equity.

The Initiative will seek to engage stakeholders, who feel the urgency of now, and have a vested
interest in supporting and working collaboratively to sustain African American educational

The Initiative?s primary goals are to:

1) Improve education and workforce outcomes for African Americans by identifying and
highlighting best practices that support and ensure African Americans achieve educational
excellence, including celebrating academic achievement in schools, community, and the
2) Address challenges that inhibit African American communities from having access to
opportunities including by providing the African American community, including educators,
with access to information and data regarding resources, programs and policies designed to
improve educational outcomes.
3) Provide information about key Administrative priorities and their impact in the African
American community including: closing the opportunity gap; extending access to and
improving the quality of early care and education programs and services; and extending
access to funding and regulatory opportunities within the Department of Education and
across other Agencies.
4) Develop a community to share successful and innovative reform strategies and practices in
America?s public schools to support well-rounded education in safe and healthy
environments and increase educational excellence by gathering perspectives of parents and
families, educators and the community to identify challenges and opportunities.
5) Encourage and develop partnerships with philanthropists, the research community,
institutions, business and community leaders and other stakeholders to support capacity
building among African American students, families and communities, specifically in ways
that align with existing and future policies and practices impacting educational excellence
and equity.
6) Ensure that African American students, families, and communities have the tools needed to
effectively engage in, inform, implement and share education strategies that support
educational excellence and to leverage Federal and other resources.
7) Establish an interagency working group to identify, improve and respond to significant
concerns in the African American community to ensure that the Administration is responsive
to questions raised by African Americans and to strengthen collaboration among Federal
Agencies to ensure student success, strengthen sustainability and coordination to leverage
funds to maximize collective impact.
In addition, here are a few bullet points:

The Initiative is working to formulate the 25 member commission and solicit support
of senior officials throughout the federal government to initiate development of the
Interagency Work Group.
Over the next six months, the Initiative will be focusing on the priority areas of: early
learning; family and community engagement; postsecondary access, cost, and
completion; K-12 reform; school climate; and changing the way that people engage
in conversations about the interest and abilities of African American students.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:18 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.

2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join
the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session
with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.

Thank you, both.


From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in advance

that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking

points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?s speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Mariah Sheriff
Honeysett, Adam
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:08:20 AM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 11:06 AM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Very helpful ? thank you!

From: Stephanie Mash [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:57 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Mariah Sheriff
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam,

Please find attached the list of registered mayors that we received from NCBM. Through
our own outreach, we have confirmed that Mayors Michael Nutter, Cedric Glover, A.C.
Wharton, Kasim Reed, and David Bing will not be in attendance (despite their names
appearing on the list).

Best Regards,


From: Honeysett, Adam [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:48 AM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote,
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks so much, Mariah. Here is the information I included in the Secretary?s briefing
book. We are fine with President Lomax being integrated into the session but did want
you to have the full benefit of the Secretary?s time.
Format ?

YOU and Mayor Kevin Johnson will enter the room together. YOU will speak from
a podium. Mayors and other attendees will be seated at long tables.
Sequence of Events ?
1:30 PM-1:35 PM
Mayor Kevin Johnson introduces YOU.
1:35 PM-1:50 PM
YOU deliver remarks.
1:50 PM-2:20 PM
Mayor Kevin Johnson moderates Q&A.
2:20 PM-2:30 PM
YOU take a photo with the NCBM Executive Board.

Also, has Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to speak with Atlanta Reed about the
session? As you know, Mayor Reed will be with the Secretary Friday morning. We
shared with Mayor Reed information about the Education Plenary at NCBM, but he
seemed unsure about many of the particulars of the conference and asked us about
any responsibilities (we informed him there was no speaking role and referred him to
NCMB for more information).

We know Mayor Reed is your host, but we thought we would ask.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:31 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the
location ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will
be seated at long tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list,
Stephanie can provide a list of Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our
personal outreach.
Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I
get the answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>

Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not
yet heard back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary
arriving about 1:10 PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson
will enter (together, from the holding room?), where the Secretary
and Mayor will be speaking from (a podium?), and how the
audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In addition, I
would still love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that
will be in the audience, if you have a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something
we found out about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the
Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about changing it back
to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30
and must depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes
and then do QandA for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
>>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]

Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now
be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro
College Fund - is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just
be one education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them
your way as soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete
sense of how we envision this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the
Initiative's 5 key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything
you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing
? if we get them in advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in
advance of next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being
prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a
town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David
Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you
for taking the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up,
I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be brought
forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the
USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the
resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether
the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions.
The table below summarizes the resolution topics & the number of
mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*

* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this
resolution until this weekend, hence the comparatively low number
of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am
providing for Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education
sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any
key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to
ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative & the 5 key
areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of
the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any
additional documents ? talking points, etc. ? that will help these
sessions to run smoothly.
Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman
of the Secretary?s speech writing staff would be drafting talking
points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those
when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will
be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal
& Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Shannon Hovis
Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:59:35 PM
2013-05-31 Education Session Briefing.docx
Mayor Johnson"s Script - Education Session.doc

Thank you very much, Kim. This is excellent.

I have updated Mayor Johnson's briefing & script to reflect these additions. Both are attached for your
Mariah and Stephanie are both with the Mayor in Atlanta, so they will be better at navigating the
logistics of the session moving forward. With that said, please do not hesitate to reach out to me as
well since they are not in front of their computers. Together, we will ensure that everything runs
smoothly on Friday.
We are very excited to have the Secretary and Mr. Johns presenting at the conference.
Thanks again,
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
From: Watkins-Foote, Kimberly [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:14 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at


Attached is a copy of the Executive Order for the Initiative. Let me know if you have additional

Probing questions for the session:


What are the mayors doing individually or collectively to support closing the
achievement gap for African American students?
Alternatively, what role can mayors and other chief elected officials play in
supporting learning and development of African American students?
What are the challenges and opportunities for addressing the achievement gap for
African American boys and men of color specifically?
What are the most critical factors in closing the achievement gap for African
American students?

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans will support African
American educational excellence by identifying, developing, and otherwise supporting initiatives
within and across the federal government. The Initiative is designed to increase nationwide access
to high quality education and workforce development programs and support education reform. It
will also strengthen public/private partnerships to close achievement and opportunity gaps and to
ensure educational equity.

The Initiative will seek to engage stakeholders, who feel the urgency of now, and have a vested
interest in supporting and working collaboratively to sustain African American educational

The Initiative?s primary goals are to:

1) Improve education and workforce outcomes for African Americans by identifying and
highlighting best practices that support and ensure African Americans achieve educational
excellence, including celebrating academic achievement in schools, community, and the
2) Address challenges that inhibit African American communities from having access to
opportunities including by providing the African American community, including educators,
with access to information and data regarding resources, programs and policies designed to
improve educational outcomes.
3) Provide information about key Administrative priorities and their impact in the African
American community including: closing the opportunity gap; extending access to and
improving the quality of early care and education programs and services; and extending
access to funding and regulatory opportunities within the Department of Education and
across other Agencies.
4) Develop a community to share successful and innovative reform strategies and practices in
America?s public schools to support well-rounded education in safe and healthy
environments and increase educational excellence by gathering perspectives of parents and
families, educators and the community to identify challenges and opportunities.
5) Encourage and develop partnerships with philanthropists, the research community,
institutions, business and community leaders and other stakeholders to support capacity
building among African American students, families and communities, specifically in ways
that align with existing and future policies and practices impacting educational excellence
and equity.
6) Ensure that African American students, families, and communities have the tools needed to
effectively engage in, inform, implement and share education strategies that support
educational excellence and to leverage Federal and other resources.
7) Establish an interagency working group to identify, improve and respond to significant
concerns in the African American community to ensure that the Administration is responsive
to questions raised by African Americans and to strengthen collaboration among Federal
Agencies to ensure student success, strengthen sustainability and coordination to leverage
funds to maximize collective impact.
In addition, here are a few bullet points:

The Initiative is working to formulate the 25 member commission and solicit support
of senior officials throughout the federal government to initiate development of the
Interagency Work Group.
Over the next six months, the Initiative will be focusing on the priority areas of: early
learning; family and community engagement; postsecondary access, cost, and
completion; K-12 reform; school climate; and changing the way that people engage
in conversations about the interest and abilities of African American students.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:18 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm.
Please confirm that this time will work.

2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is going to join
the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one education session
with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as they are
completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key priority areas in
2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.

Thank you, both.


From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in advance

that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next Friday, but,
honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time to speak with
me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be
brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in June. The
Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know
whether the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below
summarizes the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this weekend, hence
the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor Johnson for
the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way. Please look
them over to see if there are any key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end
of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking

points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?s speech
writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of
those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary
School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Mariah Sheriff
Shannon Hovis
Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Honeysett, Adam; Stephanie Mash
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 4:33:21 PM

Thank you Kim. My cell is below for your reference.

Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 29, 2013, at 6:59 PM, "Shannon Hovis" <[email protected]>
Thank you very much, Kim. This is excellent.
I have updated Mayor Johnson's briefing & script to reflect these additions. Both are
attached for your reference.
Mariah and Stephanie are both with the Mayor in Atlanta, so they will be better at
navigating the logistics of the session moving forward. With that said, please do not
hesitate to reach out to me as well since they are not in front of their computers.
Together, we will ensure that everything runs smoothly on Friday.
We are very excited to have the Secretary and Mr. Johns presenting at the conference.
Thanks again,
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
From: Watkins-Foote, Kimberly [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:14 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM


Attached is a copy of the Executive Order for the Initiative. Let me know if you have
additional questions.

Probing questions for the session:


What are the mayors doing individually or collectively to support closing

the achievement gap for African American students?
Alternatively, what role can mayors and other chief elected officials play
in supporting learning and development of African American students?
What are the challenges and opportunities for addressing the
achievement gap for African American boys and men of color
What are the most critical factors in closing the achievement gap for
African American students?

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans will
support African American educational excellence by identifying, developing, and
otherwise supporting initiatives within and across the federal government. The
Initiative is designed to increase nationwide access to high quality education and
workforce development programs and support education reform. It will also
strengthen public/private partnerships to close achievement and opportunity gaps and
to ensure educational equity.

The Initiative will seek to engage stakeholders, who feel the urgency of now, and have
a vested interest in supporting and working collaboratively to sustain African American
educational excellence.

The Initiative?s primary goals are to:

1) Improve education and workforce outcomes for African Americans by
identifying and highlighting best practices that support and ensure African
Americans achieve educational excellence, including celebrating academic
achievement in schools, community, and the media.
2) Address challenges that inhibit African American communities from having
access to opportunities including by providing the African American
community, including educators, with access to information and data regarding
resources, programs and policies designed to improve educational outcomes.
3) Provide information about key Administrative priorities and their impact in the
African American community including: closing the opportunity gap; extending
access to and improving the quality of early care and education programs and
services; and extending access to funding and regulatory opportunities within
the Department of Education and across other Agencies.
4) Develop a community to share successful and innovative reform strategies and
practices in America?s public schools to support well-rounded education in
safe and healthy environments and increase educational excellence by
gathering perspectives of parents and families, educators and the community
to identify challenges and opportunities.
5) Encourage and develop partnerships with philanthropists, the research
community, institutions, business and community leaders and other
stakeholders to support capacity building among African American students,

families and communities, specifically in ways that align with existing and
future policies and practices impacting educational excellence and equity.
6) Ensure that African American students, families, and communities have the
tools needed to effectively engage in, inform, implement and share education
strategies that support educational excellence and to leverage Federal and
other resources.
7) Establish an interagency working group to identify, improve and respond to
significant concerns in the African American community to ensure that the
Administration is responsive to questions raised by African Americans and to
strengthen collaboration among Federal Agencies to ensure student success,
strengthen sustainability and coordination to leverage funds to maximize
collective impact.
In addition, here are a few bullet points:

? The Initiative is working to formulate the 25 member commission and

solicit support of senior officials throughout the federal government to

initiate development of the Interagency Work Group.
Over the next six months, the Initiative will be focusing on the priority
areas of: early learning; family and community engagement;
postsecondary access, cost, and completion; K-12 reform; school
climate; and changing the way that people engage in conversations
about the interest and abilities of African American students.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 8:18 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns

3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns

I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor

Thank you, both.


From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)
for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution

topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371

<2013-05-31 Education Session Briefing.docx>

<Mayor Johnson's Script - Education Session.doc>


Shannon Hovis
Mariah Sheriff
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:24:33 PM

Mariah, Aisha says that we should have Secretary Duncan do his part, then have Dr. Lomax speak,
and then bring up David Johns, so I am going to revise the script again to reflect that. Please let me
know asap if you have discussed with Aisha & think there is a better plan of action.

From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:13 PM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at
What are we doing about Dr. Lomax? Adam seems to intimate in this message that he does not
understand adding in Dr. Lomax after the Secretary speaks, & before Q & A. Are we going to change
this or keep it as is?
Thanks, Mariah

From: Mariah Sheriff

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out about only
this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about
changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at
that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining
45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)
for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Mariah Sheriff
Honeysett, Adam
Shannon Hovis; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera Krishnan; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:50:44 AM

Thanks Adam,
We will conduct the session according to what you've laid out below for the
Mayor Reed and Mayor Johnson have been in touch to my knowledge. None of us
staffers have corresponded directly with his staff as of yet, but I'll touch base now to
clarify with them directly.
Thanks Adam!
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 29, 2013, at 12:49 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Thanks so much, Mariah. Here is the information I included in the Secretary?s briefing
book. We are fine with President Lomax being integrated into the session but did want
you to have the full benefit of the Secretary?s time.
Format ?
YOU and Mayor Kevin Johnson will enter the room together. YOU will speak from
a podium. Mayors and other attendees will be seated at long tables.
Sequence of Events ?
1:30 PM-1:35 PM Mayor Kevin Johnson introduces YOU.
1:35 PM-1:50 PM YOU deliver remarks.
1:50 PM-2:20 PM Mayor Kevin Johnson moderates Q&A.
2:20 PM-2:30 PM YOU take a photo with the NCBM Executive Board.

Also, has Mayor Johnson had the opportunity to speak with Atlanta Reed about the
session? As you know, Mayor Reed will be with the Secretary Friday morning. We
shared with Mayor Reed information about the Education Plenary at NCBM, but he
seemed unsure about many of the particulars of the conference and asked us about
any responsibilities (we informed him there was no speaking role and referred him to
NCMB for more information).

We know Mayor Reed is your host, but we thought we would ask.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:31 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash; Aisha Lowe; Meera
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

I'm sorry about that Adam. We will secure a holding room and let you know the
location ASAP. Secretary Duncan will speak from a podium. The audience will
be seated at long tables. And while we don't have an accurate registration list,
Stephanie can provide a list of Mayors who are confirmed attendees based on our
personal outreach.

Our team (copied) is arriving there tomorrow and I will make sure Stephanie or I
get the answers to the remainder of the below questions.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 10:57 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Thanks Mariah. I have also reached out to Heather Head (but not
yet heard back) about: a holding room (we anticipate the Secretary
arriving about 1:10 PM), how Secretary Duncan and Mayor Johnson
will enter (together, from the holding room?), where the Secretary
and Mayor will be speaking from (a podium?), and how the
audience will be seated (at tables or theater style?). In addition, I
would still love to be able to highlight some of the key mayors that
will be in the audience, if you have a list of RSVPs.
Thanks again,
From: Mariah Sheriff [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash

Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something
we found out about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the
Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about changing it back
to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam"
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30
and must depart at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes
and then do QandA for the remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
>>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,
A couple of quick items:
1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now
be from 2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro
College Fund - is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just
be one education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
* 2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan

* 2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax

* 2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
* 3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
* 3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them
your way as soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete
sense of how we envision this session.
Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the
Initiative's 5 key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything
you have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing
? if we get them in advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.
Thanks again!
From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan &
David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in
advance of next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being
prepared right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is
visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a
town hall.
From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David
Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you
for taking the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up,
I have attached the education policy resolutions that will be brought
forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the
USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the
resolutions prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether
the NCBM membership has adopted them going into the sessions.
The table below summarizes the resolution topics & the number of
mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.
Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this
resolution until this weekend, hence the comparatively low number
of co-sponsors.
I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am
providing for Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education
sessions ? with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our
conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any
key pieces that are missing, if there are additional comments you
would like the Mayor to make, or questions you would like him to
ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative & the 5 key
areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of
the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any
additional documents ? talking points, etc. ? that will help these
sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman
of the Secretary?s speech writing staff would be drafting talking
points for the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those
when they are completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will
be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal
& Mayor Reed?
Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.
Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751<tel:916-808-7751>
Cell: 213-361-8371<tel:213-361-8371>


Shannon Hovis
Mariah Sheriff
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:24:33 PM

Mariah, Aisha says that we should have Secretary Duncan do his part, then have Dr. Lomax speak,
and then bring up David Johns, so I am going to revise the script again to reflect that. Please let me
know asap if you have discussed with Aisha & think there is a better plan of action.

From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:13 PM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at
What are we doing about Dr. Lomax? Adam seems to intimate in this message that he does not
understand adding in Dr. Lomax after the Secretary speaks, & before Q & A. Are we going to change
this or keep it as is?
Thanks, Mariah

From: Mariah Sheriff

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:02 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Cc: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out about only
this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at 2:30 we will see about
changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]> wrote:
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart at
that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the remaining
45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from 2:00pm
- 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund - is
going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns
I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your way as soon as
they are completed so that you have a concrete sense of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the Initiative's 5 key
priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you have to provide context for Mayor
Thank you, both.
From: Shannon Hovis
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if we get them in
advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in advance of next
Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared right up until the last moment.
And, yes, the Secretary is visiting Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached)
for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for taking the time
to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have attached the education policy
resolutions that will be brought forth for adoption at the NCBM meeting next week,
and at the USCM meeting in June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions
prior to the education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership has
adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes the resolution
topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that signed on to each of them.

Co-sponsors (# of Mayors)
ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality Preschool
College & Career Readiness*
* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this resolution until this
weekend, hence the comparatively low number of co-sponsors.

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am providing for Mayor
Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ? with the Secretary and then with
Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after I have updated the briefing documents, I will
send them your way. Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to make, or
questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document outlining the Initiative
& the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus your efforts through the end of the
year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking
points, etc. ? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of the Secretary?
s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for the Secretary. Will it be
possible to get a copy of those when they are completed? Also, did you say that the
Secretary will be at Boyd Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal &
Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371


Aisha Lowe
Mariah Sheriff
Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:08:10 PM

I was wondering if that time change was approved.
We've got to push VW on this one. This is MKJ's session. I don't know why they
shifted the times, but tell her she has to shift it back. Not acceptable. The man is a
national official!
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Thanks for clarifying that Adam. The time change was something we found out
about only this afternoon unfortunately. Given the Secretary's need to depart at
2:30 we will see about changing it back to its originally scheduled time, 1:30pm.
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 28, 2013, at 7:54 PM, "Honeysett, Adam" <[email protected]>
Please clairfy. Secretary Duncan is currently scheduled 1:30 to 2:30 and must depart
at that time. He is prepared to speak for 10 minutes and then do QandA for the
remaining 45 minutes.
-------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 08:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>; Stephanie Mash
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

A couple of quick items:

1. The time for the Education Session has been updated. It will now be from
2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please confirm that this time will work.
2. Great news - Dr. Michael Lomax, President of the United Negro College Fund is going to join the session
3. Rather than operating as two distinct sessions, there will now just be one
education session with two component parts.
4. The Education Session will flow as follows:
2:00 - 2:15pm - Secretary Duncan
2:15 - 2:30pm - Dr. Lomax
2:30 - 3:00pm - Q & A
3:00 - 3:15pm - David Johns
3:15 - 3:30pm - Q & A with David Johns

I am finalizing the Mayor's briefing materials and will send them your
way as soon as they are completed so that you have a concrete sense
of how we envision this session.

Kim, any update on the document that we discussed regarding the

Initiative's 5 key priority areas in 2013? Would love to see anything you
have to provide context for Mayor Johnson.

Thank you, both.


From: Shannon Hovis

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:41 PM
To: 'Honeysett, Adam'; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thank you for the prompt response, Adam. I hear you on the timing ? if
we get them in advance that?s great; if not, that?s ok too.

Thanks again!

From: Honeysett, Adam [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Shannon Hovis; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Shannon. I?ll see if we can get you the Secretary?s TPs in
advance of next Friday, but, honestly, they are usually being prepared
right up until the last moment. And, yes, the Secretary is visiting
Atlanta?s Boyd Elementary School (invite attached) for a town hall.

From: Shannon Hovis [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: Honeysett, Adam; Watkins-Foote, Kimberly
Cc: Mariah Sheriff; Stephanie Mash
Subject: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Hi Adam & Kim,

Adam ? thank you for returning my call yesterday; Kim ? thank you for
taking the time to speak with me this afternoon. As a follow-up, I have
attached the education policy resolutions that will be brought forth for
adoption at the NCBM meeting next week, and at the USCM meeting in
June. The Mayor will have presented on the resolutions prior to the
education sessions, so we will know whether the NCBM membership
has adopted them going into the sessions. The table below summarizes
the resolution topics & the number of mayors from the USCM that
signed on to each of them.

ESEA Reauthorization
Smarter School Funding
Performance-Based Pay
Investing in High Quality
College & Career Readiness*

Co-sponsors (# of

* Note: Mayor Cabaldon did not complete the language for this
resolution until this weekend, hence the comparatively low number of

I am making a few alterations to the briefing documents that I am

providing for Mayor Johnson for the back-to-back education sessions ?
with the Secretary and then with Mr. Johns. Per our conversation, after
I have updated the briefing documents, I will send them your way.
Please look them over to see if there are any key pieces that are
missing, if there are additional comments you would like the Mayor to
make, or questions you would like him to ask. I will look for a document
outlining the Initiative & the 5 key areas in which you intend to focus
your efforts through the end of the year, Kim, by Tuesday. As I
mentioned, please send any additional documents ? talking points, etc.
? that will help these sessions to run smoothly.

Adam, when we spoke last week, you mentioned that Dave Whitman of
the Secretary?s speech writing staff would be drafting talking points for
the Secretary. Will it be possible to get a copy of those when they are
completed? Also, did you say that the Secretary will be at Boyd
Elementary School earlier that day with Governor Deal & Mayor Reed?

Thank you, both. I will talk to you again soon.


Shannon K. Hovis
Coordinator of Governmental Affairs in Education
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
City of Sacramento
Office: 916-808-7751
Cell: 213-361-8371

-Aisha N. Lowe, Ph.D.

Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson
ExecutiveDirector, STAND UP for Great Schools
825 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Office: 916-287-9178
Mobile: 916-862-1149


Honeysett, Adam
Mariah Sheriff
RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at NCBM
Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:09:26 AM

Sorry ? no hesitation from our Advance team to ask for things!

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:08 PM
To: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Cc: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education Sessions at

Got it
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On May 30, 2013, at 12:07 PM, "Martinez-Blanco, Frankie" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mariah,
Diet coke and snacks would be great.
Frankie A. Martinez-Blanco
Director of Advance
Office of the Secretary
US Department of Education
Office: 202.401.3007
Cell: 202.247.6376
-------------------------------------Sent using BlackBerry // Please excuse any typos
From: Honeysett, Adam
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
To: Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
Cc: Martinez-Blanco, Frankie
Subject: RE: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

Thanks Mariah. Just water is fine. I am looping Frankie Martinez-Blanco, who is

advancing this trip for the Secretary. Frankie, there will be a holding room for the
Secretary at the Marriott Marquis. NCBM knows to expect him about 1:10 or 1:15 PM.

Thanks again,

From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:08 AM
To: Honeysett, Adam
Subject: Re: Policy Resolutions & Prep for Secretary Duncan & David Johns Education
Sessions at NCBM

We're in the process of securing a holding room.

Will Arne want anything in that room? Water, snacks, diet coke?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)


Mariah Sheriff
Heather Head
Re: Policy Summit Images
Tuesday, October 30, 2012 7:02:11 AM

Yes I will have these for you shortly. Thanks for checking in!
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On Oct 30, 2012, at 5:34 AM, "Heather Head" <[email protected]> wrote:
Good Morning Mariah,

I have a question, by any chance, do you have any images from the Policy Summit held in Chicago with our
membership who attended with Mayor Johnson. If not, its fine, I just wanted to ask before we sent out the
newsletter. Thanks!


Heather D. Head


191 Building
191 Peachtree Street N.E., Suite 849
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-765-6444 x.102
Fax: 404-765-6430
Email: [email protected]


Mariah Sheriff
Heather Head
RE: Policy Summit Images
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 2:05:04 PM

Of course - thank you for the reminder

Again, sorry for the delay!
From: Heather Head [[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 3:08 PM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Subject: RE: Policy Summit Images
Thank you Mariah!
Heather Head
(404) 765-6444 x.102 | [email protected]
-----Original Message----From: Mariah Sheriff [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 3:52 PM
To: Heather Head
Subject: RE: Policy Summit Images
Hi Heather
Attached is a picture with four mayors who attended the Summit in Chicago
with Mayor Johnson
Mayors Blue, Blunt, Wharton and James are pictured here.
Let me know if I can provide anything else.
Sorry for the delay.
From: Heather Head [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:38 AM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Subject: Policy Summit Images
Good Morning Mariah,
I have a question, by any chance, do you have any images from the Policy
Summit held in Chicago with our membership who attended with Mayor Johnson.
If not, its fine, I just wanted to ask before we sent out the newsletter.
Heather D. Head
Marketing & Development
191 Building
191 Peachtree Street N.E., Suite 849
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-765-6444 x.102
Fax: 404-765-6430
Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>


Meera Krishnan
Mariah Sheriff
Re: Policy Summit Images
Tuesday, October 30, 2012 10:58:47 AM

Hi Mariah,
Attached are some pics of Mayors.
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Mariah Sheriff <[email protected]>
By 2pm so I can get to Ncbm by their eod. Thanks Meera
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
On Oct 30, 2012, at 9:12 AM, "Meera Krishnan"
<[email protected]> wrote:
Hey Mariah, I will look through the pics. When do you need it by?
On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Mariah Sheriff
<[email protected]> wrote:
Can you get me the pics of the summit- one including mayors?
Mariah Sheriff
Dir. of Governmental Affairs in Education
City of Sacramento
Office of Mayor Kevin M. Johnson
916.808.8828 (o)
847.951.3132 (c)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Heather Head <[email protected]>
Date: October 30, 2012, 6:38:05 AM PDT
To: 'Mariah Sheriff' <[email protected]>
Subject: Policy Summit Images
Good Morning Mariah,

I have a question, by any chance, do you have any images from the Policy Summit
held in Chicago with our membership who attended with Mayor Johnson. If not, its fine,
I just wanted to ask before we sent out the newsletter. Thanks!


Heather D. Head
191 Building
191 Peachtree Street N.E., Suite 849
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-765-6444 x.102
Fax: 404-765-6430
Email: [email protected]

-Senior Fellow
Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson
Sacramento, CA
Cell: (812) 322-7920

-Senior Fellow
Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson
Sacramento, CA
Cell: (812) 322-7920


Mariah Sheriff
Heather Head
RE: Policy Summit Images
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 1:52:04 PM

Hi Heather
Attached is a picture with four mayors who attended the Summit in Chicago with Mayor Johnson
Mayors Blue, Blunt, Wharton and James are pictured here.
Let me know if I can provide anything else.
Sorry for the delay.
From: Heather Head [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 6:38 AM
To: Mariah Sheriff
Subject: Policy Summit Images
Good Morning Mariah,
I have a question, by any chance, do you have any images from the Policy Summit held in Chicago with
our membership who attended with Mayor Johnson. If not, its fine, I just wanted to ask before we sent
out the newsletter. Thanks!
Heather D. Head
Marketing & Development
191 Building
191 Peachtree Street N.E., Suite 849
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-765-6444 x.102
Fax: 404-765-6430
Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

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