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Issue 2
October 2014

National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 September 2014

National Grid 2014

2014 Copyright owned by National Grid Electricity
Transmission plc, all rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material
form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or
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Registered Office
1-3 Strand

Registered in
England and Wales
No. 2366977

Published by:
National Grid
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
This document has been prepared by:
Mark Waldron
Leigh Fraser
Richard Poole
Antony Johnson

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Asset Policy
Asset Policy
Asset Policy
Technical Policy

National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 October 2014


PART 1 - INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1

PART 2 - ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................... 3
PART 3 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 4
PART 4 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 5

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National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 October 2014

This document defines the relevant technical specifications, policies and procedures that must be
complied with by all Users connected to or seeking connection to the National Electricity Transmission
System as set out under CC. of the Grid Code Connection Conditions and pursuant to the
terms of the Bilateral Connection Agreement. This Relevant Electrical Standards document applies
only in accordance with the existing provisions of CC. Equipment which was commissioned
prior to the implementation date of this RES will continue to be subject to the standards applicable at
the time of commissioning of that equipment.
The Relevant Electric Standards seek to maintain an appropriate level of reliability and security for the
Transmission System in England and Wales. Ensuring that User equipment directly connected to the
System at least meets the same standard of construction, manufacturing and installation quality as
that employed by NGET where such equipment has a material impact on the overall reliability and
security of the System.
The User shall demonstrate that its equipment directly connected to the National Electricity
Transmission System in England and Wales is fit for purpose, complies with both statutory and Grid
Code requirements, it meets the manufacturers stated performance characteristics and the
requirements of the Specific Requirements contained within these Relevant Electrical Standards. For
the avoidance of doubt this includes evidence of commissioning processes and procedures that
ensure that the above requirements are met.
In accepting the Connection Conditions, Users connecting to the National Electricity Transmission
System are required to comply with these requirements pursuant to the terms of the Bilateral
Connection Agreement.
This document applies only to connection agreements where the User is connected /connecting to an
extant NGET substation or where the connection will be to a new substation that is being constructed
by NGET. Where the User elects to construct the substation to which it will connect and subsequently
transfer the assets to NGET the substation construction as a minimum shall meet in its entirety the
National Grid Technical Specifications used by NGET.
For the avoidance of doubt, the requirements of these Relevant Electrical Standards apply only to
Users equipment located within NGETs busbar protection zone and do not apply to Users equipment
connected to other Transmission Licensees equipment. Where Offshore Transmission Licensees or
OTSDUW Plant and Apparatus connects to an NGET substation, then the requirements of these
Relevant Electrical Standards shall apply only within the busbar protection zone of the Interface Point.
Users should be aware that two specific requirements (System Monitor - Dynamic System Monitoring
(DSM) equipment (TS.3.24.70 (RES) or Ancillary Services Monitoring equipment TS.3.24.95 (RES) as
detailed in section 4 of this document, may apply to Users where their equipment is not connected
within NGETs busbar protection zone. The requirement for a User to satisfy these requirements will
be specified in the Bilateral Connection Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, where a User is
required to satisfy the requirements of TS3.24.70 (RES) or TS3.24.95 (RES) they will only be required
to satisfy these specific requirements only and no other part of the RES unless specifically defined in
the Bilateral Connection Agreement.
The Relevant Electric Standard document comprises of Introduction, Administration, General
Requirements and Specific Requirements.,
Administration covers roles and responsibilities with respect to issue, maintenance and
administration of the document including the governance of changes to the document contents
and/or requirements.
General Requirements cover NGETs intentions with respect to the use of particular asset types
on its System. Policies being based on, inter alia, safety, environmental implications,
International policy, legislation and supplier market.

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National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 October 2014

Specific Requirements covers the functional requirements of equipment connected to the

National Electricity Transmission System in England and Wales.
Guidance Notes provide advice and guidance on how the General Requirements may be
applied or the Specific Requirements are used, referencing the General Requirements, Specific
Requirements or other relevant documents as appropriate.
These Relevant Electrical Standards contain the technical specifications that NGET currently requires
Users to meet. However the requirements contained herein cannot be completely exhaustive and, in
certain circumstances, there may still be specific scheme related reasons that will result in NGET
requiring a User to meet further requirements that are not set out within these Relevant Electrical
Standards. Any such requirement will be set out in the Bilateral Connection Agreement unless
otherwise agreed between the User and NGET.
The Relevant Electrical Standards detail, along with the Grid Code, certain of NGETs requirements
with respect to User equipment that is connected within the busbar protection zone. Its scope does not
extend to detailing requirements for User equipment outside the busbar protection zone that could
nonetheless be subject to various electrical phenomena due to their connection to the National
Electricity Transmission System in England and Wales (e.g. voltage transients). The User is
responsible for ensuring that its equipment is capable of withstanding the effects of such system
phenomena. Details of the technical and operational characteristics of the Transmission System in
England and Wales are given in NGET report CI01 Technical and Operational Characteristics of the
Transmission System.
For the avoidance of doubt the term National Electricity Transmission System in England and Wales
used in conjunction with this document relates to those transmission assets owned by NGET.

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National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 October 2014

NGET is responsible for the issue, maintenance and administration of this document.
Changes to this document are subject to the provisions of the Grid Code Governance process Governance of Electrical Standards as detailed in GC.11 of the Grid Code and shall apply where
NGET or a User:a)

proposes a change to a technical requirement;


proposes to add a new technical requirement;


proposes to delete a technical requirement;

The document amendment process is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Governance of Electrical Standards- Amendment Process

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National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 October 2014


Engineering Policy statements included in this document relate to particular types of technology
assets and are a clear and unambiguous statement of need or intent, based on safety and/or
environmental implications, business needs, international policy, legislation and supplier market.
Policy statements reference standards, NGET Transmission engineering policy and other relevant
documents as appropriate.
User equipment installed within the busbar protection zone shall be proven fit for its intended purpose
through demonstration of its strength and capability via compliance with the General and Specific
Requirements of these Relevant Electrical Standards.

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National Grid Electricity Transmission

Relevant Electrical Standards

Issue 2 October 2014


The documents listed below, which form part of the Relevant Electrical Standards, are not
reproduced here but are available separately via access to the National Grid UK website.
Back-Up Protection Grading across NGET's and other Network Operator


Ratings and General Requirements for Plant, Equipment, Apparatus and

Services for the National Grid System and Connections Points to it.


Earthing Requirements
Substation Auxiliary Supplies
Ancillary Light Current Equipment
Substation Interlocking Schemes
Disconnectors and Earthing Switches
Current Transformers for Protection and General Use on the 132 kV, 275
kV and 400 kV Systems
Solid Core Post Insulators for Substations
Busbar Protection
Circuit Breaker Fail Protection
Environmental and Test Requirements for Electronic Equipment
Gas Insulated Switchgear
System Monitor - Dynamic System Monitoring (DSM)
Ancillary Services Business Monitoring
Protection & Control for HVDC Systems
Guidance for Conductor Jointing in Substations

TS 2.01(RES)
TS 2.02 (RES)
TS 3.01.02 (RES)
TS 2.12 (RES)
TS 2.19 (RES)
TS 3.01.01(RES)
TS 3.24.60 (RES)
TS 3.02.01 (RES)
TS 3.02.02 (RES)
TS 3.02.04 (RES)
TS 3.02.07 (RES)
TS 3.02.09 (RES)
TS 3.24.34 (RES)
TS 3.24.39 (RES)
TS 3.24.15 (RES)
TS 3.02.14 (RES)
TS 3.24.70 (RES)
TS 3.24.95 (RES)
TS 3.24.90 (RES)
TGN(E)187 (RES)

The guidance documents referenced in the above table support the NGET Policy Statements
contained in the Relevant Electrical Standards but do not form part of the RES document.

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