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Zodiac as mental disorders:

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) characterized by explosive
outbursts of anger, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate
to the situation at hand
Aries natives trend towards the energetic, impulsive side of the
emotional spectrum. With this playing on their spontaneous nature and
their renowned rage, the results can often shock onlookers. At their
most extreme, these natives can be seen as a trip wire waiting to go
off at the slightest provocation. Though they generally possess a pure
heart, they can easily become blind with rage.
Hoarding disorder - a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with
possessions because of a perceived need to save them
Taurus natives possess a deep understanding of the necessity of
healthy materialism. They know the value of beautiful things, and may
even revel in it. However, when this materialistic orientation is not
carefully watched, it can overtake the natives life. They may have a
hard time letting go of possessions because they made need them in
the future, or simply because they hold sentimental value.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) significant problems of attention,
hyperactivity, or acting impulsively
Gemini natives often possess exceptional mental abilities and the
capacity to comprehend a huge amount of information at a time.
However, when this ability is not nurtured, it can translate into a
constant barrage of thoughts pounding in their minds. They will rapidly
move from one topic to another, and find it hard to fully grasp on to
one single thing.
Cancer: Bipolar disorder
x characterized by periods of mania
and periods of deep depression
Cancer natives, ruled by the sign of emotions, experience the
emotional spectrum most fully. Their function is to feel, and they do so
intensely. While this can generate much knowledge and understanding,
it can also fully consume the natives. If their emotions are not kept in
check, they can become a slave them. They will climb the greatest
emotional heights only to find themselves falling into depression once
again after their fuel runs out.
Egocentrism the inability to differentiate between self and others

Even the meekest of Leo natives have a tendency towards selfobsession. This is not always expressed at arrogance, though. Leo
natives, ruled by the sign of self, see the world solely from their eyes,
and often cannot orient themselves otherwise. When used positively,
this quality can be used to achieve great feats, but when used
otherwise the natives lose all empathic abilities. Losing this connection
with others breeds egocentrism.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) characterized by intrusive
thoughts that produce extreme anxiety and repetitive behaviors aimed
at reducing the anxiety
Virgo natives are extremely sensitive and detail-oriented. They
perceive minute details before they are able to understand the overall
scheme of things. While this fine-pointed focus combined with their
obsessive tendencies can be very beneficial when precision is required,
it can also bombard the natives mind with thoughts as they tune to
thousands of separate details at a time. In order to combat the anxiety
caused by this state, they may develop several compulsive behaviors.
Libra: Attachment disorder/Generalized anxiety
Sagittarius: Impulse control disorder
Depression Feelings of severe despondency and dejection
Scorpio natives trend toward the deepest segments of the emotional
spectrum. They often possess a tremendous understanding of the
darkest elements of life and human nature. This understanding can be
their downfall if they do not possess the strength to process such
profound truths. Because of their determined nature, without
developing a positive orientation, they will fall relentlessly to the
nethermost emotional depths and wither once they reach the bottom.
Sadistic personality disorder Gaining pleasure from seeing others
undergo discomfort or pain
Capricorn natives often desire to control their surroundings.
Embodying the theme of authority and power, they rarely like
occurrences that are not initiated by themselves and are not under

their control. If they let this quality overtake their personality, they
may seek out pleasure from punishing anyone that stands in the way
of their desired reality. Destroying these perceived obstacles will bring
much satisfaction, and further assert their authority.
Aquarius: Schizophrenia characterized by abnormal social behavior
and a failure to recognize what is real
Aquarius natives are no strangers to abnormality and eccentricity.
Being the avant-garde innovators of the zodiac, even the most
conservative of these natives can present abnormal behavior; It simply
comes with the territory. However, when they allow themselves to
completely derail from the tracks of society, their own reality quickly
takes hold of the reigns, making the boundaries between their inner
and outer worlds increasingly transparent.
Psychosis a loss of contact with reality
Pisces natives possess a penchant for the unseen. With Pisces ending
the zodiac, the sign straddles the border between reality and what
exists beyond. Consequently, Pisces natives are attuned to what lies
beyond the confines of physical reality. While this sensitivity can
provide much wisdom, when left ungrounded it can wreak havoc on the
natives state of mind. The definition between the real and imagined is
destroyed, and the natives are pulled away from reality to a realm of

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