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The body of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, found to be incorrupt by the Catholic Church.

(b. January 7, 1844 d. April 16, 1879).

Over the past few months while I have been compiling the Saint of the
Day for the Knights of the Order, I have had many questions and
comments sent me.

One of the most recurring comments is the

finding of a saints buried body incorruptible. I have been asked how

this can happen, as it is outside of the normal decaying processes.


Quite frankly, I did not have an answer, so I just ignored attempting

answer that question.
The easy answer would be to indicate that we need to place our faith
in God. If He wanted a saint to be incorruptible after their death, then
it was left in Gods hands.

After all, who are we to explain the

mysteries of God? I understood that the people asking the question

were believers, and all from North America. In North America, we do
not have much of a tradition that incorporates local saints in our daily
worship. Except for a very few American saints, all of our saints are
from Europe and only one that I am aware of from our local saints
have been found incorruptible.

Without this history of incorruptible

saints, it is easy to understand the questions of even strong believers.

We in North America have been taught that science is the answer to
life, and the mysteries of God have been replaced by science in our
daily lives.
In October, I read a newspaper article of shoes washing up on the
beaches of Washington State. What was interesting was that the foot
was still in the shoes.

Speculation was that they were from the

Japanese Tsunami, but there were recorded cases of feet washing

ashore in shoes years before Fukushima.

The article went on to

explain how this could happen. In the ocean, particularly in oxygenstarved environments, is the build-up of adipocere around a body.
Adipocere is a waxy substance, often found in soap. It builds up in
bodies that are exposed to bacteria, but not to air. The anaerobic
bacteria process the fat tissue and create adipocere.
Adipocere, also known as corpse, grave or mortuary wax, as it is a
wax-like organic substance formed by the

anaerobic bacterial

hydrolysis of fat in tissue, such as body fat in corpses. In its


formation, putrefaction is replaced by a permanent firm cast of fatty

tissues, internal organs and the face. Depending on whether it was
formed from white or brown body fat, adipocere is grayish white or
tan in color.
The transformation of fats into adipocere occurs best in the absence
of oxygen in a hot and humid environment, such as in wet ground or
mud at the bottom of a lake or a sealed casket, and it can occur with
both embalmed and untreated bodies. Adipocere formation begins
within a month of death, and in the absence of air it can persist for

Adipocerous formation preserved the left hemisphere of

the brain of a 13th-century infant such that sulci, gyri, and even Nissl
bodies in the motor cortex could be distinguished in the 20th century.
An exposed, infested body or a body in a warm environment is
unlikely to form deposits of adipocere.
Corpses of women, infants and overweight persons are particularly
prone to adipocere transformation because they contain more body
fat. In forensic science, the utility of adipocere formation to estimate
the postmortem interval is limited because the speed of the process








temperature extremes impede it.

So what apparently happened was that the saint was placed in an
airtight body wrap or placed in a sealed coffin that allowed the
formation of adipocere which in turn allowed the body shape and
facial features to be covered by adipocere.

When the curious

unearthed the body of the saint, they saw what to them was a wellpreserved body.
To the Orthodox Church, incorruptibility continues to be an important
element for the process of glorification. An important distinction is

made between natural mummification and what is believed to be

supernatural incorruptibility. There are a great number of Orthodox
saints whose bodies have been found to be incorrupt and are in much
veneration among the faithful. These include:
Anthony, John, and Eustathios
Saint Alexander of Svir the incorrupt relics of the saint were

removed from the Svir Monastery by the Bolsheviks on December

20, 1918 after several unsuccessful attempts to confiscate them.
Finally, the holy relics were sent to Petrograd's Military Medical
Academy. There they remained for nearly eighty years. A second
uncovering of St Alexander's relics took place in December 1997,
before their return to the Svir Monastery.
Saint Dmitry of Rostov
Saint Job of Pochayiv
Saint John the Russian
Saint John (Maximovich) of San Francisco and Shanghai, WonderWorker - He was the Archbishop of San Francisco and Western

America in San Francisco. His incorrupt relics are in the Russian

Orthodox Church Outside Russia Cathedral of the Mother of God
(Theotokos) "Joy of All Who Sorrow" since his death in 1966 and
was placed in a special crypt in the cathedral. He was canonized in
1994. While he was a ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside
Russia) Archbishop, the Russian and Serbian churches have all
accepted him, and even today you can enter Greek and Antiochian
churches and see his icon displayed. He was and still is a very
popular American saint and theologian, much loved and venerated,
much quoted and much considered an active wonder-worker.
Saint Ioasaph of Belgorod In 1918 the Bolsheviks removed Saint

Ioasaph's relics from his shrine in the cathedral of the Holy Trinity
at Belgorod, and for some seventy years their whereabouts
remained unknown. In 1927 the cathedral itself was demolished. In

the late 1980s the relics were discovered in Leningrad's Museum of

Religion and Atheism, and on 16 September 1991 they were
solemnly returned to the new Cathedral of the Transfiguration of
Our Lord in Belgorod, in the presence of Patriarch Alexy II.
Saint Nectarios of Aegina
Saint Parascheva of the Balkans
Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Saint Spyridon
Dionysios of Zakynthos
Gerasimus of Kefalonia
Saint Zosima
Saint Elizabeth



Saint Agatha

Saint Agnes of Montepulciano

Saint Albert the Great

Saint Alphege of Canterbury

Saint Alphonse Mary of Liguori

Saint Andrew Bobola

Saint Angela Merici

Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria

Saint Antoninus

Saint Benedict the Moor

Saint Benezet

Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Saint Bernardine of Siena

Saint Camillus de Lellis

Saint Catherine Labour

Saint Catherine of Bologna


Saint Catherine of Genoa

Saint Catherine de Ricci

Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Charbel Makhluf

Saint Charles Borromeo

Saint Cecilia

Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Clare of Montefalco

Saint Coloman

Saint Cuthbert

Saint Diego of Alcal

Saint Dominic Savio

Saint Edmund Rich of Canterbury

Saint Edward the Confessor

Saint Etheldreda

Saint Eustochia Calafato

Saint Frances of Rome

Saint Francis de Sales

The body of Saint Clare of Assisi


Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini

Saint George Preca

Saint Germaine Cousin

Saint Guthlac

Saint Annibale Maria di Francia

Saint Herculanus of Piegaro

Saint Hugh of Lincoln

Saint Idesbald

Blessed Imelda Lambertini

Saint Isidore the Farmer

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Saint John-Mary-Baptist Vianney

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac

Saint Joaquina de Vedruna

Saint John Bosco


The body of Saint John Mary Vianney

Saint John Neumann

Saint John of God

Saint John of the Cross

Saint John Southworth

Saint Josaphat

Saint Julie Billiart

Saint Louis Bertrand

Saint Louise de Marillac

Saint Luigi Orione

Saint Lucy Filippini

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat

Blessed Mafalda of Portugal

Saint Margaret of Cortona

Venerable Mary of Jesus of greda

Venerable Mara de Len Bello y Delgado

Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Martin de Porres

Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi

Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart[7]

Saint Narcisa de Jess

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

Saint Pacifico of San Severino

Saint Paula Frassinetti

Saint Pascal Baylon

Saint Peregrine Laziosi

Saint Philip Neri

Saint Pierre Julien Eymard


Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

Saint Rafael Guzar Valencia

Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Romuald

Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Viterbo

Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

Saint Silvan

Saint Sperandia

Saint Stanislaus Kostka

Saint Teresa of vila

Saint Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart (Anna Maria Redi)

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

Saint Ubald of Gubbio

Saint Veronica Giuliani

Saint Vincent de Paul

Saint Vincent Pallotti

The body of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina


Saint Virginia Centurione

Saint Waltheof

Saint Werburgh

Saint Withburga

Saint Wunibald

Saint Zita

The body of Saint Virginia Centurione

Remember what Saint Paul said in his book to the Hebrews. Now

faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not
see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we
understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that
what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
So I give you a deep theological concept:

If God wanted a Saints

body to be Incorruptible, He would make the Saint Incorruptible. All

we need is Faith in Gods Divine Plan.


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