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Designing Multi-Stage Class C Amplifiers for Pulsed Radar Applications

Jim Curtis, Integra Technologies, Inc.

Integra Technologies, Inc, 321 Coral Circle, El Segundo, CA, 90245 - USA

[email protected]
This paper describes a procedure for designing pulsed solid-state amplifiers for radar systems. Solid-state radar
systems can be broadly divided into those using phase array antennas, and those using conventional, mechanically
steered antennas.
Solid-state phased array radars (PARs) generally distribute common transmit / receive (T/R) modules across a
mechanical assembly that supports individual antennas. In some cases, T/R modules and antennas are integrated
into a single assembly that attaches to a mechanical structure. Some systems have a mechanical structure that
supports antennas, and signals connect from T/R modules to antennas through transmission lines (i.e. coax or
waveguide). In either case, modules are mechanically distributed across the array, and are electronically adjusted in
phase to steer the radar beam.
Transmitters in conventional solid-state radar systems combine power from a large number of modules, often using
radial combiners. Modules are assembled in cabinets that have a single, high power output connector that feeds a
T/R switch and/or other common circuitry (e.g. filter, circulator, etc.). The system connects to a mechanically steered
RF transmitter power in both types of systems is generated by a large number of common amplifiers. The procedure
described in this paper is suitable for designing amplifiers used in either system.
Key words:- RF Power Amplifier, Pulsed Amplifier, Radar Amplifier, T/R Module
An amplifier design starts by reviewing its specification
for overall performance. Requirements are compared to
performance of available components to develop an
architecture, determine performance of individual
stages, and loss of passive components. A spreadsheet
or similar tool projects performance of the overall
assembly. Spreadsheet results lead to a block diagram
that shows the amplifiers architecture and lists
performance of individual stages and passive
components. A successful design results when overall
specifications realistically represent performance that
can be achieved using available components.
Performance, reliability and cost are all important
aspects of a design. While all three are discussed, the
focus of this paper is electrical performance.
This paper is illustrated by a typical three stage, S-Band,
class C transmit amplifier design. The example could be
used as the RF Power Amplifier (RF-PA) subsection of a
T/R module in a Phased Array Radar system, or as one
of many RF-PA modules in a Conventional Radar
Performance Goals
When reviewing overall requirements, its important to
identify how each parameter will be achieved. Often,
some requirements cannot be met, or meeting them

significantly increases cost and complexity. Parameters

that are difficult or impossible to meet must be identified
to see whether changes at the system level are needed
to make the design practical. It is important to have
design margin. If a paper design just meets the
requirements, it may be impossible to consistently meet
them in production.
Table 1, Proposed S-Band Amplifier Performance Goals
Power Out
Pulse Width
Insertion Phase
VSWR stability
VSWR ruggedness

3.1 to 3.4 GHz
350 Watts
100 uS
< 100 nS
20 dB
+/- 20
36 V
-20 to +50C
-40 to +100C

It is important to know whether performance is specified

for room temperature and allowed to vary over
temperature within normal limits; or performance is

minimum over temperature. For this example,

performance is specified at room temperature with
normal variation permitted over temperature. This will be
discussed later.
Reviewing the requirements in Table 1, bipolar
transistors are available that operate over the specified
frequency and under the specified pulse conditions.
Available transistors produce approximately 100 Watts.
It takes the combined output of at least 4 transistors to
meet the modules output power requirement.
Transistors in this frequency range have approximately
8 dB gain. At least 3 cascaded stages are needed to
meet the overall gain requirement. It is good practice to
protect the output of solid state amplifiers with an
isolator (terminated circulator). This both protects the
amplifier from mismatch, and isolates it from signals
coupled to a modules output that might affect
performance. Isolators add ol ss as well as cost, but
generally, benefits outweigh both.
Three cascaded stages exceed the gain requirement, so
some attenuation is needed. This has benefits:
By adjusting attenuation, gain can be set to meet overall
performance and compensate for unit-to-unit variation.
Interstage loss improves stability.
Loss, however, reduces efficiency, and attenuators add
cost. Again, benefits generally outweigh cost. It is best
to minimize loss in output stages to maximize efficiency.
Working from the output toward the input of an amplifier,
once cumulative gain exceeds 10 to 15 dB, small
additional losses have little effect on overall efficiency.

Stages are cascaded to increase gain, and paralleled to

increase power. Stages are usually cascaded by first
matching them to a common impedance (e.g. 50 ohms),
then connecting matched stages in series. Stages are
paralleled by matching to a common impedance then
using splitters and combiners. Splitters and combiners
can be designed in many ways. It is good practice to
combine power using quadrature hybrids. Quadratures
have the property of directing reflected waves to an
isolated port. They do this as long as the reflection is the
same at each output port. In a 4-port quadrature (i.e.
one driving two), the reflection coeffic ient looking into
the quadrature is low, even when reflection coefficient of
the output ports is high, provided both output port
reflection coefficients are reasonably well matched.
Refer to the literature on quadrature hybrids for more
There are many 2-way quadrature designs, and several
are commercially available as components. 2^N stages
can be combined by cascading N 2-way quadratures.
This is often referred to as corporate combining because
a block diagram looks like a corporate organization
Performance Spreadsheet
Once module performance requirements are
understood, a spreadsheet is constructed to predict
overall amplifier performance. It does this by combining
gain of active stages, loss of attenuators, splitters and
combiners, and gain or loss of other circuits. At the
same time, the spreadsheet calculates overall current
consumption and amplifier efficiency. A typical
spreadsheet is shown below.

Table 2, Amplifier Performance Spreadsheet



Gain/Loss (dB)
Power (Watts)
Number Transistors



























Pwr/Transistor (W)









Ic (Amps)





This spreadsheet starts at the output and works toward

the input. This is done because the output stage in high
power amplifiers is often the most critical:
The output stage establishes the number of active
devices needed to achieve output power. The designer
selects the most critical active component first, and then
uses its performance characteristics to specify
preceding, less critical stages.

It determines power needed to drive the output stage.

This allows selection of an optimum driver. Attenuation,
when needed, is added toward the input when possible.
As mentioned previously, moving loss toward the input
improves overall efficiency and lowers cost.
The process of adding stages continues from output to
input until required gain is met or exceeded.
The second row in the spreadsheet lists Gain or Loss of
each component. Data is entered from the keyboard (i.e.

not calculated). The next row lists Power in Watts. The

first cell (350 Watts) is entered from the keyboard. Other
cells are calculated using values from the Gain/Loss
row. This is followed by a row, entered from the
keyboard, indicating number of parallel transistors per
stage. Below this row is calculated input and output
power of individual transistors. Then a row, entered from
the keyboard, lists collector efficiency of each transistor.
The bottom row shows calculated current for each
stage. Finally, the right hand column shows calculated
amplifier gain, efficiency and current.
Transistor characteristics are entered stage by stage,
left to right. Component characteristics correspond to
either datasheet or measured values. As each transistor
stage is specified, its performance determines
requirements for the preceding stage. Transistors
selected for this design are standard parts from Integra
Technologies. All are class C biased, common-base
silicon bipolar transistors. These Integra transistors were
designed for radar applications.
Design Assessment
After the spreadsheet is completed, projected
performance is compared to the requirements. It
appears the requirements can nearly be met. Since
components are typically de-rated (i.e. performance
specified is MINIMUM), a prototype will likely meet the
requirements. It should be noted, however, that
production variations might cause problems for this
design. Areas of most concern are output power and
overall efficiency. If the output transistors only produce
100 Watts, and combiner and isolator losses are as
listed, output power will be below 350 Watts.
Additionally, efficiency only marginally meets its
Some potential solutions:
Reduce the amplifiers output power requirement.
Design lower loss combiners and isolators.
Use more output transistors.
A system level solution is to reduce individual RFA
requirements (e.g. lower output power), and then add
modules to compensate. This is often a practical
solution because it adds less overall components. RF
power amplifiers must be designed around optimum use
of available components. Systems should be scaled
around practical amplifier designs.1 This example

Note that marginal efficiency and power were

designed into this example to illustrate a common
design problem. It is always important for designs
to have performance margin.

assumes the spreadsheets projected performance is

adequate for the RF Power Amplifiers.
Once the output stage is set, driver stages can be
determined. The immediate driver, Q2, could use the
same transistor as the output stage. This requires about
1.5 dB interstage attenuation, but would maintain a
common design for 5 circuits. An interstage attenuator
at this point will reduce efficiency approximately 2%.
Because system efficiency is important, the alternate
approach of using an available 70-Watt driver transistor
is a better choice. At lower levels where performance is
not significantly affected, use of common components
(circuits) is recommended, even when overall
performance degrades slightly.
Finally, the input stage transistor is selected. By adding
a 2.5 dB attenuator, an available 25W transistor can be
used. The attenuator is beneficial because it improves
interstage impedance match.
Once a line-up is identified, individual circuits, both
passive and active, are designed in detail. This involves
characterizing components so individual circuits can be
correctly designed and optimized. Designers initially use
information from datasheets to provide characterization.
Datasheet characterization, however, should be a
starting point. Every critical component should be
characterized because performance depends on an
amplifiers environment, and layout constraints.
Characterization adds information about component
performance under specific conditions (e.g. information
about parasitics associated with a particular substrate
material, ground system, etc.), and over environmental
conditions not shown on most datasheets.
Active Stage Design
This section focuses on design of active stages. Other
amplifier elements are only briefly discussed. All critical
elements, however, must be characterized during the
design process. For example, if an amplifier will use
surface mounted quadrature hybrids, the selected
component should be charac terized using the
configuration planned for the amplifier. Performance of
surface mounted quadratures is affected by grounding,
signal line routing. This is only an example showing
areas needing characterization by appropriate methods
(e.g. network analyzer measurements; time domain
reflectometry, etc.).
The best method to characterize RF power transistors is
called load pull. This characterization is done by
operating a transistor into various load impedances
while recording performance. For example, a transistor
can be driven by a pulsed RF source at a particular
operating frequency while recording input and output
power, collector current, pulse droop, and other

important parameters. Once data and associated

impedance points are determined, contours of constant
power, constant efficiency, or other contours are plotted,
usually on a Smith chart. Sets of contours (e.g. output
power and efficiency) can be overlaid to select
compromise optimum operating points. The process is
repeated at various frequencies across a band of
interest. Frequencies are spaced close enough to
capture trends across the band. For our application (3.1
to 3.4 GHz), data can be taken at three points initially. If
the data produces consistent plots, characteristics can
be extrapolated between measured frequencies. If plots
appear inconsistent, closer spacing must be used (e.g.
every 100 or 50 MHz). The load pull process can be
automated using commercially available equipment2. A
manual load pull system is described in the below.
Load Pull Characterization
Load pull characterization involves matching a transistor
on a point-by-point basis using tuners, recording
performance and impedance, then plotting contours of
constant performance on the impedance plane. It is
necessary to start by placing the transistor into a prematching circuit that presents a reasonable match3.
This circuit must also break-apart (i.e. a characterization
fixture) to measure impedance presented to the
transistor by its collector matching network plus external
Load pull can be measured as follows:
A transistor is operated in its break-apart circuit
terminated by an external turner. The tuner should
present small load variations (e.g. less than 3:1
mismatch) that either optimally match, or present known
mismatch, to the transistor.
Tuner positions are locked (or recorded), and then RF
performance is recorded.
The output break-apart pre-matching circuit and tuner
are connected to a probe circuit.4 The probe circuit can

See equipment manufactured by Maury

Microwave ( and
Focus Microwave (
Both web sites provide information on load pull
and its use.

If the pre-matching circuit is not close, losses will

be high and it will not be possible to accurately
measure TRANSISTOR performance. This is
because loss will vary with load VSWR; measured
performance results from transistor performance
plus the varying (unknown) loss.

consist of a 50-ohm transmission line that connects to

the pre-matching circuit and allows impedance
measurement using a network analyzer. Ideally, a 50ohm probe lines width is equal to width of the
transistors collector lead. It helps to use low dielectric
constant material for the 50-ohm probe. The network
analyzers reference plane is calibrated to the position
where the transistors collector lead normally contacts
the circuit.
Impedance is recorded.
Characterization can be semi-automated using low loss
trough line tuners. First, a transistor is operated in a
break-apart circuit terminated by a trough line tuner.
Dielectric tuning slugs are set to fixed positions that
produce known load impedances. Successive
measurements are spaced 20 to 30 degrees apart. This
yields 12 to 18 data points for each slug assuming they
are moved through 360 degrees of phase. The number
of points is expanded by using slugs having different
mismatches (i.e. different dielectric materials).
Impedance points, referenced to the transistors
collector, are plotted on a Smith Chart along with
corresponding RF data. Points having similar
performance are connected, or constant contours are
extrapolated between data points. This manual system
produces results similar to that provided by commercial
load pull systems. Accuracy is operator dependent, and
the process is somewhat time consuming. It is, however,
a cost effective procedure that provides information
needed to optimize transistor matching. Figure 1
illustrates impedance data and an associated table
showing measured performance. Data was plotted and
contours were hand drawn.
Regardless of method, once load pull data is available,
optimum impedances are selected for each frequency.
Selected impedances often compromise two or more
performance parameters, often efficiency or peak power
is compromised.
The next step is synthesizing a matching network that
transforms the load (usually 50 ohms) to the desired
collector impedance contour. Here again, designers
compromise because it is not possible to simultaneously
matc h optimum impedance at every frequency.
Performance generally degrades as frequency
increases, so designers often optimize match at the high
end of a band, and allow mismatch at lower frequencies.
Load pull data can be used to select the best
compromise match at lower frequencies.

By building two identical pre-matching circuits,

the tuner can be moved from the transistor fixture
to the second pre-matching circuit thereby

avoiding removal of the transistor for impedance


Figure 1 Load Pull Plot: Constant Power (labeled) &

Efficiency (not labeled).

Transistor Impedance Matching

A good approach to designing matching networks is to
first resonate the imaginary portion of the load
impedance, then transform the resulting real impedance
using low pass impedance matching sections. The first
element is normally a series component or series
transmission line if the real part of the load impedance is
relatively constant versus frequency, or a shunt
component or shunt transmission line if the real part of
the load admittance is relatively constant. The optimum
load impedance of high power microwave transistors is
very low, often near 1 ohm. When the impedance is low
and close to the real axis, it is usually impossible to
make or connect low impedance shunt transmission
lines. Therefore, most practical matching networks use a
low impedance series transmission line as their first
matching element. Remaining sections consist of
alternating high and low impedance transmission lines
that approximate series inductors and shunt capacitors.
Sections can be optimized using a Smith chart, or
design automation software.
In some cases, lumped components can be added to a
distributed network to reduce size. Before using lumped
matching components, they must be characterized in
terms of both impedance and loss. These components
are often added at low impedance points so circulating
currents are high. Very low loss is required. Parasitic
series inductanc e, and inductance of ground returns
(vias) must also be low. Parasitics must be well
characterized so they can be taken into account during
A typical collector-matching network for the IB3134M100
output transistor that results from this procedure is
shown below.

Figure 2 Proposed IB3134M100 Output Matching


The input matching network is designed in a similar way.

Load pull data determines optimum input impedance.
In this case, a break apart circuit is tuned to minimize
input return loss, and then the impedance looking back
into the input matching network is measured. Some
designers do a source pull characterization, but this is
primarily done for linear amplifiers where source
impedance may affect distortion. Input circuits of pulsed
class C amplifiers are normally just optimized for match.
Data can be taken frequency by frequency when output
impedance is characterized. While there is some
interaction between input and output networks
(transistors arent unilateral), input match is less critical
and can normally be characterized for just one point at
each frequency (i.e. point corresponding to best match).
After optimum input impedance is determined, a
matching network is synthesized as described above.
Bias Circuits
Class C bias is normally applied to bipolar transistors by
connecting a low resistance RF choke between their
base and emitter terminals. This biases them into cutoff.
This amplifiers transistors are in the grounded base
configuration, so their bases (flanges) are directly
connected to ground. It is only necessary to connect
their emitters to ground through a low resistance
chokes. Inductance between emitter and base must be
controlled, however, because it affects pulse rise and
fall times. When a transistor turns on at the beginning of
a pulse, changing current induces negative base-emitter
bias. This holds the transistor off and slows rise time. As
the transistor turns off at the end of a pulse, changing
current induces positive base-emitter bias and first holds
the transistor on, and then speeds fall time as current
drops. Low base-emitter return inductance minimizes
both effects. Total emitter to base inductance includes
all inductance to the point on the emitter circuit where a
shunt inductor attaches. The RF choke should be as
small as necessary, and attached as close to the
transistor as possible to minimize total inductance.
These are primary considerations for emitter bias.

The collector supply is connected to the collector

terminal through a RF choke, and then bypassed by
capacitors that lower supply impedance over the video
bandwidth of the signal. Video bandwidth depends on
pulse characteristics. The 100 nS rise time specification
for this amplifier implies video bandwidth exceeds 10
MHz. This is not a particularly difficult requirement. The
collector bias circuit should include bypass capacitors
that operate at low, mid and high frequencies because
parasitics and losses tend to make capacitors frequency
limited. Bypassing should also cover the operating
frequency so the signal doesnt couple between stages
on the bias line. Finally, adding a series R-C network
from the collector bias line to ground often suppresses
instabilities by presenting a real load impedance at
frequencies outside bypass capacitor range. The R-C
network, if added, is experimentally determined.
As individual stages are designed, their circuits are
constructed and evaluated. Evaluations are initially
completed by constructing each stage as a break-apart
circuit. This allows input and output matching networks
to be characterized using a network analyzer. If analyzer
plots indicate match is as expected, the stage can be
assembled with active components, and then fine tuned
by trimming transmission lines or other components. If
an analyzer plot indicates the circuit does not present
expected (designed) impedances, the circuit is
examined to correct the problem; then the active stage
is assembled and fine-tuned.
Combining and Cascading
Gain stages are paralleled to achieve higher output
power. There are a number of methods of combining
power. In general, at microwave frequencies, splitters
and combiners fall into one of two categories; in-phase
and quadrature combiners. The Wilkinson hybrid is a
common in-phase N-Way splitter/combiner. It has the
advantage that it is broadband, relatively easy to
construct, and provides isolation between output ports. It
is difficult, however, to add isolation resistors on planar
substrates when more than 2 split ports are needed.
More important, Wilkinsons dont isolate reflections from
output ports to the input port. Quadrature hybrids are
somewhat more complex to construct, but they isolate
common reflections (i.e. have high input return loss
even when split ports are terminated in mismatched
loads) provided output ports are terminated in nearly the
same impedance (i.e. equal in magnitude and phase).
The isolation property of quadrature hybrids makes it
easy to cascade quadrature combined stages because
each cascaded port presents a good 50 ohm impedance
to adjacent stages.

It is common to experience mismatch at the input and

output ports of single ended stages. Mismatch causes
mistuning of adjacent stages, and sometimes induces
instability. This can be avoided by adding either an
isolator or attenuation between stages to improve
interstage match. Mismatch increases as bandwidth
increases. It is therefore good practice to use one of the
following methods when interconnecting broadband
Configure each stage as quadrature combined
transistors so input and output return loss is a function
of the hybrid, not of the transistors.
Add isolators between stages.
Add loss between stages. Its good to target 16 dB
minimum return loss for each individual stage. If a
transistor and matching network have only 12 dB
minimum return loss, 2 dB attenuation is needed to
reach the recommended minimum.
When all stages meet target performance, they are
connected as a single amplifier and fine-tuned to
compensate for effects of inter-stage impedances. An
alternative procedure is to lay out a complete multistage
prototype amplifier and then fine tune the prototype.
When laying out multistage amplifiers, it is good practice
to add test ports. Test ports are formed by running 50
ohm lines close to the signal path, and in the proximity
to natural break points. For example, a 50 ohm line can
be run perpendicular to the midpoint of an inter-stage
blocking capacitor. The capacitor can either connect the
through path (i.e. normal connection) or be moved to
connect to the test port. Ideally, test ports access every
inter-stage point to allow single stage alignment and/or
troubleshooting the amplifier.
Gain Equalization
Broadband amplifiers have higher gain at low
frequencies due to characteristics of active components
as well as higher loss of transmission lines at higher
frequencies. Higher gain will cause overdrive of
cascaded stages. This condition compounds as number
of stages increases. If stages are formed using
quadrature combined transistors, it is possible to design
input matching circuits that reflect power to the isolated
port at lower frequencies. An alternative approach is to
design amplitude equalization networks that absorb
power at low frequencies. Equalization networks must
be designed for little or no loss at high frequencies. The
latter method is suitable for cascading single ended
stages because lossy sloping networks also improve
match (i.e. sloping network attenuates at low
frequencies). It is important to equalize stage by stage
so each saturates at the anticipated operating level. If a
single equalization network is cascaded with a

multistage amplifier, one or more stages will likely be

under driven at some frequencies. Under-driven stages
produce poor pulse shape, and their performance varies
more over temperature because they have no gain
Prototype Performance
To a first approximation, prototype amplifier
performance should closely match summed
performance of individual stages. Deviation is normally
caused by:
Load Mismatch: Individual stages were characterized
into a 50-ohm load. Input return loss of individual stages
is often 10 dB or less (i.e. 2:1 VSWR) at some
frequencies. This mismatch causes changes in gain,
pulse fidelity and saturated power of adjacent stages.
The effect of load mismatch can be evaluated by
characterizing each stage into the minimum anticipate
return loss of the succeeding stage. This is just a load
pull characterization. As mentioned previously, adding
an attenuator or isolator between stages minimizes
inter-stage mismatch.
Coupling Around or Between Stages: Unenclosed multistage amplifiers tend to be stable provided their layout
prevents feedback around or between stages. Little
change is experienced when the sum of coupled signals
is at least 15 dB below the normal input level. For
example, a 25 dB gain amplifier will be stable and show
little change in response if stray couplings to the input of
each stage are below 15dBc compared to the signal
When an amplifier is enclosed, cavity effects can alter
response. Enclosures often resonate at one or more
frequencies. At resonance, response changes and

instability may occur. There are several methods of

eliminating cavity effects. One is to partition an amplifier.
Signals are fed through small cutouts between stages.
Cutouts act as below cutoff waveguide and effectively
isolate partitioned stages except for the intended,
transmission line coupled signal.
When its not possible to add solid partitions, adding
posts often helps suppress modes. Posts are low
inductance paths that effectively short across a cavity.
Posts should run across the short dimension of an
enclosure. Placement and number are usually
experimentally determined.
Power Supply Coupled Signal: Bias lines in multi-stage
amplifiers must be adequately bypassed over the
operating frequency range to prevent RF from coupling
to other stages. A common method is to bypass bias
lines using series resonant, low ESR capacitors at every
DC feed point. Series resonance can be estimated using
a capacitors model, but should be verified by
measurement since ground inductance (e.g. via
inductance) lowers series resonance.
This paper described solid state radar amplifiers and
outlined a procedure for their design. Design starts with
the development of a block diagram that breaks overall
performance into component and circuit requirements.
The paper focuses on design of solid state circuits, and
emphasizes the need to characterize all components to
understand and predict their RF characteristics. It briefly
mentions problems associated cascading and
paralleling and stages. The paper is illustrated by a
hypothetical S-Band, multi-stage RF power amplifier.

B. Becciolini, Motorola Application Note AN-721, "Impedance Matching Networks Applied To RF Power Transistors"
E. G. Cristal Tables of Maximally Flat Impedance-Transforming Networks of Low-Pass-Filter Form IEEE Transactions
on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol. MTT 13, No 5, September 1965 Correspondence
R. M. Fano Theoretical Limitations on the Broadband Matching of Arbitrary Impedances Journal of Franklin Institute,
January February 1950
J. H. Horwitz Design Wideband UHF-Power Amplifiers Electronic Design 11, May 24, 1969
G. L. Matthaei, L. Young, E. M. T. Jones Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks and Coupling Structures
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1964
G. L. Matthaei Tables of Chebyshew Impedance-Transforming Networks of Low-Pass Filter Form Proc. IEEE, August
Motorola Application Note AN-282A, Systemizing RF Power Amplifier Design
E. Ostroff, M. Borkowski, H. Thoms, J. Curtis, Solid-State Radar Transmitters Artech House., 1985
O. Pitzalis, R. A. Gilson Tables of Impedance Matching Networks which Approximate Prescribed Attenuation Versus
Frequency Slopes IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol. MTT-19, No 4, April 1971

Author Information

Jim Curtis: Born 1945 in Oakland, CA, USA. Graduated with BSEE from Cal Poly SLO in 1967.
Graduated with MSEE from San Jose State University in 1971. Graduated with MBA from
California State University in 1983. Worked in design, design management, or technical
marketing positions at Lenkurt Electric (1967-71), TRW Semiconductors (1972-72), Power
Hybrids, Inc (M/A-COM since 1979) (1973-92), Ericsson RF (1997-99), Powerwave Technologies
(1999-2003), and Integra Technologies (2003 to present).

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