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Engine Start Procedures

-Start Brief given by the pilot

Copilot, get an ICS check with the aft observer prior to starting each engine.
Ensure you have permission to start engines from ground control. In case of an
emergency requiring assistance, contact ground control using our side number and
parking spot. During starts of engines one and two, I will call rotation and
monitor the observer. Copilot backup the flight engineer. On starts of three and
four we will swap duties. We will both time the starts. Flight engineer start
engines on my command and act on all malfunctions in accordance with
NATOPS. Art there any questions?
- Pilot Directs Flight Engineer to start engine
-Check List:
- What happens
- Opens the APU load and shutoff valve (GOB)
- Opens APU bleed air start valve (GOB)
- Pressurizes the bleed air manifold (between 40 and 50 PSI)
- Crew Responsibility
- FE: Verbally announce bleed air manifold pressure (Inst Bus 1)
2. Engine START button (SEDC): Push
- What happens
- Energizes the start air solenoid, which allows air to open start
- Engine RPM starts to increase
- At 16% RPM
-Fuel flow rises (Bus A) to 700-1200 PPH, then drops to
500 PPH in 2 seconds
- Between 16 and 33% RPM
- TIT (SEAC) rises, indicating light off (normally 24%)
- Between 16 and 65%
- EDC PRESS LOW light (MEDC) extinguishes and the
primary fuel pump light (MEDC) illuminates (normally
- Between 57 and 64%
- Starter button (SEDC) pops out
- De-energizes the start air solenoid
- Start valve closes (GOB)
- Start valve light goes out (MEDC)

- Bleed air manifold rises immediately

- At 65%
- Primary fuel pump light (MEDC) goes out
- TIT (SEAC) should peak
- Switch in the speed sensitive control will de-energize the
ignition relay
- De-energize the igniter plugs
- De-energize the paralleling valve solenoid
- De-energize the fuel manifold drain valve solenoid
- At 94%
- Speed sensitive control shifts the TD system from start
limiting to temperature limiting
- Speed sensitive valve opens and allows air from 14th stage
bleed air to close the 5th and 10th stage compressor bleed
air valves
- At 98%
- RPM (Tach gen) should stabilize
- Cockpit indications
- Master and overhead start lights (MEDC) illuminate
- Bleed air manifold pressure (Inst Bus 1) drop
-Rising TIT (SEAC)
-Rising oil pressure (Inst Bus 1 or 2)
-EDC PRESS low light (MEDC) out
- Crew Responsibility
- Pilot/ Copilot: Time the Start (Self powered)

**If acceleration time from start button to low RPM exceeds 60 seconds**
- Secure engine with the FUEL and IGNITION Switch
- Flight Engineer: Check that start light (SEDC) is on
- Pilot: Watch for rotation outside and call it
- Flight Engineer: Watch RPM gauge (Tach Gen) for 16%
- Flight Engineer: At 16% RPM (Tach gen) check pressure on the
bleed air manifold gauge (Inst Bus 1), must be a minimum of 25

**If Bleed air manifold pressure is less than 25 PSI**

- Secure engine with the FUEL and IGNITION Switch
- Flight Engineer: Check that the fuel paralleling light (MEDC) is
on between 16 and 65%
- Flight Engineer: Check for fuel flow (Bus A)
- Flight Engineer: Check for rising TIT (SEAC) indicating light
off between 16 and 33%.

**If no light off by 33%**

- Secure engine with the FUEL and IGNITION Switch

** IF engine Stagnates or begins to stall**

- Secure engine with the FUEL and IGNITION Switch
- Flight Engineer: At 35% check for rising oil pressure in both the
power section (Inst Bus 1 or 2) and the reduction gear box (Inst
Bus 1 or 2)

** IF no oil pressure from either the RGB or the PS**

- Secure engine with the FUEL and IGNITION Switch
- Flight Engineer: Check for EDC PRESS LOW light (MEDC)
out, and paralleling light on before 65%

**If Starter button pops out below 57%**

- Start may be continued unless stagnation occurs

- Flight Engineer: If starter (SEDC) has not popped out by 64%

manually pull it out

** If start valve light fails to extinguish, or air pressure does not return to
- Pull appropriate E-handle
- Flight Engineer: Check that fuel-paralleling (MEDC) light is out
by 65%
- Copilot/ Flight engineer: Check for normal indications
- Prop caution lights out (allowable in low RPM if not first
start of the day
- Shaft horsepower positive (MEAC)
- TIT (SEAC): (Normal RPM=445-645), (Low RPM=71.073.8)

**If TIT exceeds 8500C**

- Hot Start Procedures

(If only above 8300C)

1. Record the overtemp
(If TIT exceeds 8500C)
2. Turn off the FUEL and IGNITION switch
(If start button has not popped out)
3. Continue motoring over to cool engine TIT to below 2000C
(If starter button has popped out)
4. Wait until the engine has completely stopped before using the motoring over
5. Record and restart the engine
(If the overtemp happens again or if it was above 9250C)
5. If an overtemp inspection is required do not restart
- Fuel PRESS LOW light (MEDC) out
- RGB oil pressure (Inst Bus 1 or 2)
- Normal RPM=130-250 PSI (Below 130 is OK if
130 can be maintained at 100%RPM)
- Low RPM=50-250 PSI (except start and warm-up)
- P/S oil pressure (Inst Bus 1 or 2)
- 100 PSI for start and warm-up then 50-60 PSI
(Below 50 is OK in low RPM if pressure can be
maintained at 100%)
- EDC PRESS LOW light (MEDC) out
- Generator GEN OFF light (MEDC) out
- Paralleling light (MEDC) out

**If Fuel is spewing from the nacelle drain**

- Secure engine with FUEL and IGNITION Switch

** If torching or smoke is visible for more than three seconds**

- Secure engine with FUEL and IGNITION Switch

** If abnormal vibration is noted**

- Secure engine with FUEL and IGNITION Switch

**If either prop pump light remains on after low RPM**

- Secure engine with FUEL and IGNITION Switch

Repeat steps to start engine 1,3,4

Call for after start checklist after all engines have been started
Secure APU after all four engines have been started
Do not position start selector to off until all engines have been started

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