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Courier Sentinel

Cadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe - Wisconsin

In This Issue: Year in Review RCMH, Page 5 School News, Page 14 LH Womens Club, Page 16
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Volume 4 No. 1


New law for private vehicle sales

By Monique Westaby
Private sellers now have one more step in the automobile
sale process thanks to a law passed in Wisconsin the first of
the year.
According to the WisDOT website, as of Jan. 1, an individual selling a privately-owned motor vehicle to another private party must report that sale to the WisDOT within 30
We understand this is a new process for private-to-private
sellers, said Mitchell Warren, director of Vehicle Services.
Our goal is to make this as easy as possible for them to comply with the new law.
The law, passed with Wisconsin Act 60, also known as the
Milwaukee Bucks Arena Bill, was implemented as an attempt
to protect private automobile sellers, says Warren. For example, parking tickets may accumulate under the previous
owner of a vehicle that was sold to another party who failed
to transfer the title.
Law enforcement 100 percent relies on DMV records to
give them the information they need to do follow up on that,
says Warren. What weve heard, is that this is an attempt to
provide some protection to vehicle sellers in those scenarios.
Sellers still need to write the vehicle and sale information
on the title for the buyer, but are now required to submit that
information themselves.
Seller Notify, an online (and mobile friendly) service on, has been created to help sellers report

their sale. The site also provides a receipt, which can be

printed, emailed or saved. Sales can also be submitted via
mail or dropped at a local DMV center by completing the
proper forms, but Warren urges sellers to utilize the online
We strongly encourage people to use our website, said
Warren, noting the .gov ending is the only official website
for the DMV. Theres a lot of .org websites out there that
are not official. They do a really bad job and they charge people for stuff they dont need to.
He says the site is simple to use, and hopes implementing
the law will have a low impact on people.
To use the online Seller Notify, once a vehicle is sold, sellers have three steps identify yourself, identify the vehicle
and provide sale information. The seller must input their information (driver license or ID number, date of birth and last
four digits of Social Security number) and all vehicles registered with the DMV will show up.
(See Vehicle Sales Law Page 3)

Board shows appreciation for taxpayers again

By Kayla Peche
Just as the Cornell School Board did in September for football season, board members would like to show their appreciation again for community support during basketball.
Iknow it was mentioned before to have another taxpayer
appreciation night, said Paul Schley, district administrator,

A look back at the 2015 Courier Sentinel

At a Cornell School Board meeting,
superintendent Paul Schley proposes a
$2,000 salary increase for full-time
Lake Holcombe Lions Club treasurer
Emma Trottier presents Jim Justus of
the Holcombe Food Pantry with
After almost 10 years of not having
a cheerleading squad, the Cadott
School District has seen interest in the
activity and enlists Bethany Grimm,
Ashley Spaeth and Courtney Hager to
lead the program.
The Lake Holcombe Town Board
discontinues the Lake Holcombe Business Development Project.
In an overtime battle, the Lake Holcombe Boys Basketball team pulls out
a 74-67 victory over Prairie Farm.
Under the direction of Laurie
Martenson, the Cadott High School
Jazz Band performs Christmas carols
for residents at the Rutledge Home in
Chippewa Falls.
More than 35 pints of blood are col-

After Earl Doc Boettcher packed up his chiropractic equipment in Cornell, he held a party Dec.
28 for the community to celebrate. Doc and his wife,
Connie, say thank you to everyone who came and
helped Doc enjoy his first day of retirement. See
Page 3 for more.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

lected at the Cornell Our Saviors

Lutheran Church Community Blood
Holcombe resident Jim Gulich is selected to receive a $50 Tank of Thanks

Cenex gas card.

The Cadott Community Library
completes renovations from water damage. To keep rain from the library base(Continued on Page 8)

Teaira Spaeth gives Rhonda Schmidt, Izabelle Schwingle and Kendra

Seidlitz a push down the hill at Brunet Island State Park in Cornell
Jan. 31, 2015. The event was held by Rendezvous members. More
year in review photos pages 8, 9 and 10.(Photo by Monique Westaby)

at the Dec. 28 regular school board meeting. Would you

guys want to do cake at a basketball game?
The board unanimously agreed to serve cake for guests
during the Friday, Jan. 29, girls and boys varsity basketball
games against Lake Holcombe. The girls will kick off the
night at 5:45 p.m., and the boys start at 7:15 p.m.
Board member Greg Baker asked if the school would also
have a chili feed that evening. Schley said he wasnt sure, but
(See Taxpayer Appreciation Page 3)

Social media safety

addressed in Cadott
By Monique Westaby
Have you ever wondered whats REALLY going on with
your children and the Internet?
Thats the question Cadott Community Schools would like
to answer with help from Chippewa County Investigator Bill
Gray and Chippewa Falls Police Investigator Deb Brettinger.
We feel there is a strong need to share information with
the parents and students, said Ruthann Proue, school counselor, of the Jan. 12 presentation on social media safety.
The evening will begin with a spaghetti dinner from 5:306:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7, all on a free-will
donation basis. Parents and guardians, and students grades 611, are welcome to attend the meal and presentation in the
high school commons and auditorium.
Proue says the public can expect to gain information on
how some people use the Internet in a negative way, and
how parents can protect and provide safety for their children.
You always feel that itll never happen in our community, or itll never happen to us, said Proue, when in reality, it is happening in our community and our children are
being targeted, exploited and taken advantage of.



Thursday, January 7, 2016


Everybody dies famous, just maybe not Brad Pitt famous

By Monique Westaby
Managing Editor
One day, as I sat watching the local news, I told
my husband I had always
thought I would be famous. Not Brad Pitt or
Marilyn Monroe famous,
but rather LeAnn Lombardo famous. He
found that statement amusing and told me
she wasnt famous, dashing all my hopes and
dreams. (He still gives me grief about it
Theres a song from Carrie Underwood
that says, Everybody dies famous in a small
town. Well, in this small town, and just to
prove my husband wrong, I will die famous.
But hopefully for reasons other than those insinuated in Underwoods lyrics.
In a way, Ive already reached this goal.
Theres no better feeling than having a
group of kids run up to you, give you a hug,
and beg you to take their picture for the
paper. The look in their eyes when the
newspaper lady shows up says it all, and if
this is as famous as I get I wont complain.
There are days when I have two minutes
to run into the grocery store to grab a gallon
of milk, and cant do so without big sunglasses and a hood. I leave my head low so I
can get in and out without someone stopping
me. I feel like a celebrity hiding from the paparazzi.
But most days, I welcome the attention,
and love hearing, Hi Monique! I love reading your articles, from someone Ive never
met. It brightens my day to know Ive
brought a smile to someone else.
Its not always good, I hear the bad too,
along with the you should cover this, or
write a story on that, but I welcome it all.
After all, without criticism Ill never improve. (Although thats not an invitation to
tell me everything Im doing wrong.)

Since starting at the paper, my life has become an open book. From my hunting column to here, most everyone in the greater
Cadott, Cornell and Lake Holcombe area (or
at least those who subscribe to our paper),
know what is happening in my life.
Because of that, I have a standard to live
up to. A persona to exude for the sake of my
job and my employers. What I do on my own
time, off the clock, shouldnt matter, but it
does; and Im OK with that. Maybe more
people should be too.
Personal choices reflect on the people who
hired me. They reflect on the kind of business

me society drills into us. Its all about what

makes me happy and what I want to do. This
new year, push yourself away from that and
look at others.
What can I do for you? How can I make
someone else happy?
Your actions dont only reflect on you, but
everyone else in your life. Take this new year
and make something of it. By thinking about
others, youll be helping yourself.
Because no matter what you do, good or
bad, words gonna get around, and everybody
dies famous in a small town. What will you
be known for this year?

Cheers to family this New Year

By Kayla Peche
Christmas is normally a
day celebrated with family and making memories
while opening presents
you wished for all year.
This Christmas was a
bit different for my family. We still enjoyed each
others company with gift opening and laughter, but that morning we received sad news.
It was around 11 a.m. when my grandma
called and asked to talk to my dad. She
sounded fine on the phone, but it was unusual for her to call since we had seen her
the night before.
The conversation was quick and after my
dad hung up, he said, Uncle Foxy passed
away this morning.
With that came silence, until my mom
started asking the common questions.
Whens the funeral? Do you want to go over
there? Well, what did your mom say?
But without answers, my dad just said,
She was crying, alright.
Icould see a few tears fall from his eyes.

Courier Sentinel
Cadott, Cornell & Lake Holcombe

Central Wisconsin Publications, Inc. ISSN 0885-078X

Courier Sentinel (ISSN O885-078X) is a
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POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
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COMING EVENTS: If a function raises
money, advertising the event is a normal expense and will be charged at regular advertising rates.

I work for. But more importantly, they reflect

on me.
Do I really want to be known as that girl?
As the new year rolls in and the world
around us gets more and more secular, I have
one resolution to stick to for 2016 stay famous. Not for being late for church or stuck
in jail, but rather the good things Ive done,
the nice things Ive said and the person I am
to others.
Its not always easy to stay on the right
path, but with a little hard work, sacrifice and
effort, it is possible.
Too often we get caught up in the me, me,


Chippewa, Rusk and Eau Claire Counties ...................................................$32.00
Elsewhere in Wisconsin ..................$35.00
Outside Wisconsin...........................$42.00
Our policy is that no cash refunds are given
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Cornell Office
121 MainSt., Cornell, WI
Email: [email protected]

Cadott Office
327 N. Main St., Cadott, WI
Publisher ..............................Carol OLeary
Cadott Manager...................Heather Dekan
Managing Editor ............Monique Westaby
Proofreader ....................Rebecca Lindquist
Typesetter/Reporter................Ginna Young
Sports/Reporter .......................Kayla Peche
Ad Production/Web Design ..........Joy Cote
Ad Sales...................................Todd Lundy

All submitted articles are subject to editing for space and content. All Letters to the Editor must include
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All paid subscription papers are mailed on Wednesday. If you did not receive your paper, please allow
three mailing dates to pass to account for post office backup before contacting us.

I think that was the first time I ever saw my

dad cry one of the hardest things I have
ever experienced.
You would never know my great uncle
was battling cancer for seven years. Foxy
was always full of life drinking at the hunting shack, telling stories of the good old
days, enjoying the outdoors and most importantly, caring for family.
I think thats something a lot of us take for
granted, especially in todays world. Our
eyes are so glued to our phones and scrolling
through social media that we forget about
how important actual conversation is.
We cant take that time for granted, even
if its just once a year, because you dont
know when someone will be gone. Cancer is
a vicious thing I pray no one ever has to go
through or lose someone to, but its something more and more relevant in our lives.
Cancer doesnt discriminate against anyone. Idont think it matters if you live the
healthiest life out there and take all the precautions needed, cancer can find a way to
you. The best thing to do is live life to the
fullest, have little regrets and do what makes
you happy.
When I remember Foxy, I remember him
as happy. Ididnt see him toward the end,
but in a way, I am glad Ididnt. Iwouldnt
want to have seen him suffering. I wouldnt
want to have seen a man who cared so much
about everyone, hurting.
The one memory that comes to mind,
probably one of the last times Isaw him, was
at our hunting shack when he complimented
me on a logging tab I had written.
He told me he read it over and over, and
said he was amazed at the talent that came
from our family. He told me I could keep
going with the information and write a book
about logging in the area.
A true outdoorsman Foxy will always be.
That compliment was one of the best Ihave

ever received. Icould see in his eyes that he

really believed in me and was excited for
what I could become. Thanks Uncle Foxy.
Foxy owned a bar, Foxys Cattail, in the
Rib Lake/Medford area, until Dec. 15 when
his illness became too much.
To the tail will always be a slogan Iuse
when heading there with friends and family.
Even with a new owner, Icant see anyone
forgetting about the over 20 years Foxy
owned the bar and the memories shared
To those who knew Foxy, you are truly
blessed to have known a wonderful person.
To those who didnt, Iam sure there is someone an uncle, dad, brother, son who you
have in your life who is just the same funloving, life of the party, always smiling or
telling a joke, a great man. Cherish those
people in your life, they are a true gift from
I have already said goodbye and Im
happy to know Foxy is in a better place, but
I had to honor him one last time the way I
know how, and write about how much he
means to me.
For anyone battling cancer into the new
year, Ihope this year brings you great
strength, happiness and relief from that
heartless disease. Keep fighting and never
give up.
Happy New Year from my family to

Rumor Has It

Baby robins eat

14 feet of
each day.

Twenty years from now you will be

more disappointed by the things that
you didnt do than by the ones you
did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from safe harbor and catch the trade
winds in your sails.
Explore, Dream, Discover.
~ Mark Twain



Thursday, January 7, 2016



Traffic deaths saw an increase in 2015

From the WisDOT
Wisconsin ended 2015 with 556 traffic fatalities, which
was 62 more than 2014, and six more than the five-year average, according to preliminary statistics from the WisDOT.
Wisconsin is one of approximately 35 states that experienced
an increase in fatalities in 2015.
Traffic deaths in 2015 increased by about 13 percent
compared with 2014, said WisDOT secretary Mark Gottlieb. However, it is important to note that the 494 traffic
deaths in 2014 were the lowest annual total in 71 years.
David Pabst, director of the WisDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety, says warm spring weather, substantial
drops in gas prices and an improving economy in 2015 likely
contributed to an increase in the number of vehicles on the
road and the miles they traveled. An increase in vehicle
miles traveled (VMT) can also increase the risks for crashes.
The 2015 VMT will not be available for several more
months, Pabst said. However, VMT went up in 2014 and
there are indications that it may have increased again in
2015. We also dont have enough data yet to tell if increasing
the speed limit to 70 mph on some interstate highways and
freeways had any effect on the number and severity of
crashes. We do know that interstates and freeways continue
to be much safer than other highways.
According to Pabst, some months in 2015 were among the
safest since the end of World War II in terms of traffic
deaths, but a few deadly months contributed greatly to the
Somewhat surprisingly, we had fewer fatalities in June,
July and August of 2015, than we had in the same months in
2014, said Pabst. The summer months typically have

higher traffic fatalities.

The 50 fatalities in April were double the number in April
2014, and the 68 fatalities in September were 21 more than
September 2014. Those two months accounted for about 74
percent of the overall increase in fatalities in 2015.
April was warm and dry in many areas of the state, and
September was one of the warmest on record, said Pabst.
When the weather is nice, there are more vehicles, motorcycles, bicyclists and pedestrians on the road.
Deaths from traffic crashes were up in most categories in
2015 with significant increases in pedestrian and bike fatalities.
To prevent deaths and injuries in the upcoming year, WisDOT along with its traffic safety partners will intensify
many safety initiatives.
To combat drunken driving, 23 impaired driving task
forces have been created throughout the state.
In addition, eight law enforcement task forces have been
created to prevent distracted driving and four task forces
have been formed to improve pedestrian safety.
High-visibility enforcement and education efforts, like
the Click It or Ticket campaign, have increased safety belt
use to approximately 86 percent.
To prevent speed-related crashes on major highways, the
State Patrol Air Support Unit flew 68 traffic enforcement
missions last year. Approximately 1,400 speeding citations
were issued during aerial enforcement missions.
We will focus our traffic safety education and enforcement efforts on improving the behavior and decision-making
of drivers and others who travel on streets, local roads and
highways, Pabst said. In addition, engineering advancements will continue to make the vehicles we drive and the
roads we drive on much safer for all users.

Earl Doc Boettcher, a chiropractor in Cornell for

46 years, celebrated his retirement Dec. 28 with
friends and former clients like Rick Yeager, who has
been going to Doc for 34 years, and Scott Winchell,
who remembered Doc starting when he was in high
school. Guests were offered coffee and cake, while
sharing memories of his time at work.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Continued from front

Taxpayer appreciation
thought cake would be a great dessert for the chili, and would
look into adding chili to the menu.
Friday night against Holcombe there will be a lot of people, said Schley. Well make sure to have a bunch of cakes
lined up.
Also at the meeting, the board approved an addition to the
Vacancies Policy.
The policy states that after a board member position becomes vacant, the board will appoint a new member to fill
the position. The addition says if there is a split vote which
results in no one receiving a majority vote to be appointed
within 60 days of the vacancy, the board president shall appoint someone to the vacancy.

Watch for flashing lights on roadways

Crystal Smith, Cornell senior, said she was happy

to donate during a Jan. 4 Cornell Community Blood
Drive. With two hours left, the drive had already accumulated 26 of the 29-pint goal. Sue Jensen, blood
drive organizer, said she expected their goal to be
met with the steady stream of people, as well as
their busy times at lunch and after work. Jensen
says the donations are appreciated, and residents
can expect another drive in June.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Continued from front

Vehicle Sales Law

If the vehicle sold is not listed, the seller must look up the
vehicle via the vehicle identification number (VIN). This is
After selecting from the choices provided or finding the
vehicle via VIN, the seller then inputs the buyers first and
last name (not required), date of sale and sale price. Once this
is completed, the seller submits the information and is given
a receipt.
Warren says the change is only for private sellers, and does
not include businesses or dealerships. Penalties for not abiding by the change can result in up to $200 in fines, but the
exact charge is determined by local law enforcement.
What I suspect, is that type of enforcement is not the point
of this law at all, says Warren. Rather it is to protect the
seller and provide some information so law enforcement has
recourse with the individual whos out there operating a vehicle they havent retitled and registered.

From the WisDOT

Flashing lights on emergency vehicles are designed to get
your attention while driving and prompt decisive actions.
By reacting calmly and correctly in emergency situations,
you can help prevent serious problems.
When you see warning lights flashing on a law enforcement vehicle, ambulance, fire truck, tow truck, highway
maintenance vehicle or utility vehicle stopped on the side
of a road, you are required to move over or at least slow
Under the states Move Over Law, if you can safely
switch lanes on interstate highways and other divided roads
with multiple directional lanes, you must vacate the lane
closest to the stopped law enforcement or other emergency
vehicle, says Wisconsin State Patrol captain Gerald Voight.
If the road has a single directional lane or you cant safely
move over because of traffic, you must reduce your speed
until safely past the vehicle.
A citation for a Move Over Law violation costs $263.50,
with three demerit points
added to your drivers license.
Our officers and others
working on the sides of
highways are in danger of
being hit while inside or
outside their vehicles by
out-of-control or speeding
vehicles that did not move
over, Voight says. By
obeying the Move Over
Law, drivers can protect
themselves, their passengers, our officers and others

who work on highways from serious injuries and deaths.

Drivers may also encounter emergency vehicles, such as
law enforcement squad cars, ambulances and fire trucks approaching with their warning lights and sirens activated.
According to state law, drivers must yield the right of way
and drive immediately to a position as near as possible and
parallel to the right curb or the right-hand edge of the shoulder of the roadway clear of any intersection.
Unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer,
the driver of the vehicle shall stop and remain stopped until
the authorized emergency vehicle has passed. A violation
of the law costs $326.50, with four points added to the drivers license.
While making traffic stops on divided highways, our officers see many motorists move to the left and stop on the
median shoulder instead of pulling over on the right shoulder, Captain Voight says. Stopping on the median shoulder instead of the shoulder on the right is dangerous for both
the motorist and the officer.


Father Felix talks about the week of love in the

fourth week of Advent at St. Joseph School in
Boyd. Students formed into groups and wrote
about how love has impacted their life personally,
as a student and as a community. The students also
made a stole for Father Felix, which he will wear
during Mass throughout the year. The inscription
on the inside panel of the stole reads: Hands to
work, Hearts to God.
(Submitted Photo)

In the Cadott Village Board story in the Dec. 31 (Vol. 3 No.

53) issue of the Courier Sentinel, the signs being replaced by
the village and the Cadott Lions Club should have been identified as the halfway between the equator and the north pole
signs at Riverview Park.
We apologize for the error.



Thursday, January 7, 2016


Couriers of the Past

10 Years Ago
Sponsored by the Pass It
On program, area youth are
treated to a day of ice fishing
at Cornell Brunet Island
State Park. While not every
child caught a fish, volunteers Al Thomas, Ed Thon
and Rick Goltz made sure
the best effort was given.
Lindsay Wojciuch, Travis
Anderson and Spencer
Harmison are recognized by
the Caught Doing Good program at the Cornell Elementary School.
20 Years Ago
Although the judges said it
was a tough decision, the
home of Ron and Lisa Siverling is chosen as the winner
of the Holcombe holiday
lighting contest.
Eric Newman, Gilman, is
arrested in New Mexico after
he robs the Dairyland State
Bank in Sheldon. The 20year-old held up the bank at
gunpoint, while a 14-yearold runaway girl from Alabama kept the car running
outside. Newman was captured after his father said he
was heading back to his Fort
Hood Army posting from
which he was AWOL.
30 Years Ago

Ice on Lake Holcombe

will be unstable and hazardous throughout the winter,
and fishermen and snowmobilers should be cautious. To
maintain oxygen levels for
fish in backwater bays, the
Northern States Power Company will fluctuate the
flowage level weekly, causing ice thickness to become
Wisconsin becomes the
ninth state to recognize marriage as an equal partnership
after Senate Bill 150 and Assembly Bill 200 are signed,
reforming the laws on marriage property. Unless the
woman brought income to
the household, with the previous laws, it was deemed
she did not contribute to the
family and had no claim to
40 Years Ago
An opossum is found in a
chicken coop at Derward Arnesons property in Cornell.
According to the DNR, its
unusual for the animal to
venture this far north.
With the rising price of inflation, The Cornell Courier
and Cadott Sentinel are
forced to raise their prices to
continue publication and pay
for supplies and postage.
Weekly papers increase by a

nickel, making them 20

cents, while yearly subscriptions rise to $6.50.
50 Years Ago
The Cornell Betterment
Association sponsors Booster Days, designed to promote business and fun in the
city. Those who register
could have their names
drawn on Tuesday afternoons. A bank official draws
a name as the fire whistle
blows, signaling merchants
to open envelopes with a
contestants name in them. If
that person is in the business
at the time, the merchant
calls the bank to inform them
they have a winner.
60 Years Ago
The Chippewa Valley
Courier is given a commendation for exceptional and
meritorious conduct of outstanding service for the Disabled American Veterans.
Because the paper publicized
a Thanksgiving Day Seal
Drive, the organization could
give more than 1,600 Christmas gifts to veterans.
100 Years Ago
The Brunet Falls Lodge
180 Knights of Pythias in
Cornell hold meetings every
Monday at Thomas Hall and
encourage new members.

Neighboring News
Area Times
With no qualified replacement stepping forward, Live
Wire Youth Center in Augusta closes their doors.
In the height of last
minute holiday shopping,
the team at Scheels presents
Beaver Creek Reserve with
a $200,000 check for the remodel of the Discovery
Room at Wise Nature Center.
Bloomer High School student Alex Stebane returns
from California, where she
was one of the contestants in
the $100,000 episode of
Americas Funniest Home
The Bloomer School
Board approves a $3.5 million referendum for the expansion of the Bloomer
Middle School. The primary
additions would be six new
The Bloomer Blackhawks
Girls Basketball team wins
64-27 over Boyceville.
The New Auburn Fire Department moves into their
new fire hall and plans an

open house for Jan. 10, with

free chili.
Gunnar Zurek is sentenced to six and a half years
in prison and 10 1/2 years of
supervision after the car he
was driving crashed and
killed his girlfriend and injured another man.
Following a public hearing, the Elk Mound Village
Board approves a general
fund budget for 2016 of
$681,844, and a water and
sewer budget of $295,893.
Colfax resident Gust Fehr,
member of the HowardCampbell-Ganske Post 179
American Legion in Chetek,
is honored as their Legionnaire of the Year.
The Colfax High School
gets a $19,000 grant for a
distance learning lab that
will allow students and staff
to tie into colleges, universities and technical schools
and take classes online.
The Ladysmith Lions
Club grows by 10 percent
with the induction of seven
new members Blake Doud,

Toycen, Jim Moss, Deb
Moss, Jim Renneke and
Cindy Krings.
Rusk County clerk Denise
Wetzel is recognized as a
Top Female Executive by
the International Womens
Leadership Association.
Ladysmith Lion Ron
Moore is recognized for
years of service to the local
club as membership chairman.
The Red Cross collects 50
units of blood from the Stanley-Boyd community, missing the goal of collecting 64.
Dan Gilles wins the $500
Stanley Lions Club raffle.
Ketty Clow wins the $175
Stanley mayor Mike
Henke seeks a third term in
office, and all incumbents
have taken out papers for reelection. Those common
council members are Jesse
Frey in the first ward,
Howard Duckeet in the second ward, Lance Johnson in
the third ward and Norm
Christianson in the fourthseventh wards.

Sentinel Look Back

10 Years Ago
The Cadott boys basketball team wins their first
West Cloverbelt Conference
game of the season, 86-80,
over Fall Creek.
Jeremiah Burish wins by
major decision, 16-0, over
Mondovis Dillon Marten at
Wrestling Classic in River
Astate legislative hearing
to air peoples problems with
the state DNR will be held at
Ricks Halfway Hall.
20 Years Ago
Cadott wrestlers place
second in Division 2 at the
two-day Northern Badger
Wrestling Classic at UWStout. Josh Spaeth wins a
4-3 match over Jason Holt,
Prescott, with a late takedown to take third in the
Tracy Buchanan and Todd
Pozarski graduate from the
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire with degrees in
physical education.
The A.A.A.L. Branch
1440 holds a benefit card
party at the Cadott High
School Commons.

30 Years Ago
Up for election this year
are three Cadott School
Board trustee seats Ken
Luebstorf, John Klay and
Charles Sedivy.
The Cadott Lions Club
schedules their annual ice
fishing contest. A threewheeler is set as the grand
John Roths Sugar Bush in
Cadott is the site of a Maple
Syrup Institute.
Cadott High School will
host the 1986 Cloverbelt
Conference Music Festival.
40 Years Ago
The WisDNR orders the
closure of the Cadott landfill
because the soil in the area is
unfit for a landfill site.
The Boyd Farmers Union
Cooperative purchases the
Cadott Soil Services Center.
A 292 Yamaha snowmobile will be the first grand
prize in the annual BoydCadott Lions Ice Fishing
Contest on Pike Lake.
Jim Bruhn, 138 pounds,
wins two matches and loses
one in a triple dual meet with
Bruce, Nekoosa and Park

50 Years Ago
Afamily from Cadott
sponsors a 10-year-old boy
from Colombia by sending
him a check each month to
help with expenses and necessities.
Tom Miller, proprietor of
Millers Super Valu, is
elected president of the
Cadott Chamber of Commerce for the coming year to
succeed Don Sperber.
Peter Dugal is appointed
as a citizen member to the
Wisconsin State Highway
60 Years Ago
In a score-packed overtime period, the Cadott Hornets Boys Basketball team
turns in a thrilling victory
over the Stanley-Boyd Orioles, 67-61.
Greeting Cadott students
after the holiday break is
Jess Doers, new office clerk
and receptionist for the
Cadott School District.
The Federal Reserve Bank
of Minneapolis reports that
the Cadott Bank debits are
21 percent higher this year
than compared to last year.

Tales of our Beginnings

Cadott Cornell Lake Holcombe areas
This fancy, horse-drawn buggy, with its red velvet upholstery, was considered the Cadillac of buggies. It was
used by Charles Grassle, Cadott, as he traveled around the
Cadott area buying cattle to ship to Chicago and Milwaukee.
The buggy was manufactured by the Northwestern
Manufacturing Company, Fort Atkinson, around 1915.
In late 1914, the Cadott Sentinel published a story about
the Grassle Brothers (Albert and Charles), James Doherty,
Frank Price, Kass Hardy and Will Clark shipping 15 train
carloads of livestock that week.
In October 1915, the Cadott Sentinel reported the Grassle Brothers were the
heaviest shippers that week with a total of six cars.
An Aug. 5, 1921, article in the Superior Telegram described Cadott as the leading
livestock center of the Chippewa Valley.
Children loved to see Charles come to their farm as he always had candy to give
them. He was also
prominent in the community and served as
president of the Citizens State Bank from
1905 until his death.
Charles was found
dead in his bed Oct.
23, 1925, by a worker
on his farm who noticed his horse was still
in its usual place.
(Courtesy of
the Cadott Area
Historical Society)


Thursday, January 7, 2016



Rusk County Memorial Hospital serves veterans

Recently reviewed and approved, Rusk County Memorial
Hospital (RCMH) has announced they are now a registered
provider under the Veterans Choice Program, which was created by the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act
(VACAA) of 2014.
The VACAA expands the options veterans have, and with
the Veterans Choice Program, veterans can seek medical care
at an approved non-VA center with prior authorization from
the program if they live more than 40 miles away from a U.S.
Department of VA healthcare facility that offers the services
needed, and/or are unable to get an appointment with a VA
provider within 30 days (or a date determined as medically
necessary by their physician).
All non-VA centers must be reviewed and meet quality
standards to receive approval for the program.
Its an honor to serve our veterans, says Charisse Oland,
RCMH CEO. RCMH is pleased to see improvements being
made to help veterans gain more timely access to care and
relieve hardships due to travel.
Sandra Meddaugh, local veteran, says she found the program to be a welcome improvement once she understood all
of her options.
I am glad that I dont have to travel an excessive distance
for care that can be provided locally, said Meddaugh. There

are still some bugs, but its really a great program.

Because of a misconception, Meddaugh was originally told
she didnt qualify for the program. Although she lives within
40 miles of a VA healthcare facility, the healthcare services
provided at the center were limited.
Deciding to investigate further, Meddaugh called the Veterans Choice Program call center and discovered she was eligible for the program because her local VA facility did not
offer the services she needed.
Although veterans need to go through the program to coordinate all appointments, they can request service from approved facilities like RCMH. Once veterans choose a local,
non-VA provider, their request must be authorized by the Veterans Choice Program. This process takes approximately one
Not only does it save me time, but it has eliminated some
of the obstacles Ive faced with obtaining the healthcare I
need, Meddaugh said.
This program is a benefit to veterans and I am glad Rusk
County Memorial Hospital took the initiative to become an
approved facility, said RCMH Board of Trustees member
and Wisconsin State Rep. James Edming. They have the
finest doctors and nurses that you can find and this is a good
step in the right direction to better serve our veterans.

Lunch Menus
dining served at 11:30 a.m. at
Our Saviors Lutheran Church,
Cornell. If school is cancelled
because of weather, meals will
not be served.
Cadott School
Jan. 11-15 Breakfast
Mon. Breakfast pizza, animal crackers, applesauce cup
Tues. Mini strawberry bagel,
yogurt, blueberries
Wed. Pancake on a stick
with syrup, fruit, bread with jelly
Thurs. Colby cheese
omelet, fruit, bread with jelly
Fri. Sunrise flatbread or
breakfast burrito, banana
bread, fruit
Mon. Chicken in gravy,
mashed potatoes, steamed
carrots, cranberries, banana,
bread with butter blend
Tues. Hornet nachos with
meat and cheese sauce, refried beans, chips, salad bar,
applesauce, sliced oranges.
HS: bread with peanut butter
Wed. Grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup with crack-

ers, fresh vegetables, fruit

cocktail, apple
Thurs. Chicken strips,
sweet potatoes, salad bar,
tropical fruit, melon. HS: bread
with peanut butter
Fri. Hot dog on a bun, tater
tots, mixed vegetables, orange
juice, fruit
Cornell School
Jan. 11-15 Breakfast
Mon. Bacon, egg and
cheese breakfast pizza
Tues. Pancakes, warm cinnamon apples
Wed. Pancakes, warm cinnamon apples
Thurs. Fresh baked cornbread, hot ham
Fri. Cinnamon roll, string
Mon. Cheeseburger on a
bun, french fries, baked beans
Tues. Soft shell taco with all
the fixings
Wed. Garlic chicken over
rice, mixed vegetables, fortune
Thurs. Fish, potato smiles

Star Wars
The Force Awakens

Rated PG-13


Cadott Elderly Program

Jan. 11-15
Mon. Egg salad sandwich,
vegetable soup, fruit
Tues. Roast beef dinner,
mashed potatoes, vegetables,
Wed. Chicken drummies,
tater tots, beans, lettuce salad,
apple crisp
Thurs. Spaghetti, garlic
bread, applesauce
Fri. Fish fry, cottage cheese,
french fries, ice cream
All meals served with bread
and milk. For reservations/cancellations call 715-579-2893
by noon the previous day.
Senior dining served from
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at
Kathys Diner, Cadott. If school
is cancelled because of
weather, meals will not be
Cornell Elderly Program
Jan. 11-15
Mon. - Fri. Not provided
For reservations/cancellations call 715-579-2910 by
noon the previous day. Senior

Friday, Jan. 8 through
Sunday, Jan. 10
7:30 p.m.
131 N. Broadway St. Stanley, WI


Fri. Homemade chili, sandwich, crackers, fruit

Lake Holcombe School
Jan. 11-15 Breakfast
Mon. Muffin, cheese stick,
Tues. Waffle, yogurt cup,
fruit choice
Wed. Cinnamon roll, cottage cheese, grape juice
Thurs. Breakfast pizza,
Fri. Egg sandwich, tri taters,
apple juice
Mon. Chicken and gravy,
biscuits, glazed carrots, fruit
Tues. Taco Tuesday featuring hard shell tacos, assorted
vegetables, apple slices
Wed. Chicken on a bun,
butter parsley potatoes, green
beans, pineapple
Thurs. Tomato soup with
crackers, grilled cheese sandwich, fresh vegetables with
dip, chilled pineapple
Fri. Scalloped potatoes with
ham, broccoli, fruit choice

Rusk County Memorial Hospital (RCMH) employees, community givers and Rusk County Community Connection (RC3) staff members gather around
the RCMH Miracle Tree. This is the third year the
hospital has hosted the RC3 sponsored tree in an
effort to help community members in need during
the holidays. Tags with requested items were hung
on the branches, and givers purchased the items,
wrapped them, then returned them to be distributed. Along with the Miracle Tree at Gordys Market,
donations collected served over 110 children and
more than 120 individuals during the 2015 holiday
(Submitted Photo)

Coming Events
Chippewa Falls Public
Library Book and Bake
Sale Thursday, Jan. 14, 10
a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday, Jan. 15,
10 a.m.-3 p.m. For more
more information call 715723-3210.
Cadott Movie Night
Friday, Jan. 15, 5:30 p.m.,
Cadott Elementary School
Cadott Village Board
Meeting Monday, Jan. 18,
6:30 p.m., Cadott Village
Lake Holcombe SchoolBoard Meeting Monday,
Jan. 18, 7 p.m., Lake Holcombe Elementary IMC
Stress Coping Session:

Finding Joy Tuesday, Jan.

19, 10-11 a.m., 7-8 p.m.,
Chippewa Valley YMCA
Community Room
Cornell Area Betterment
Association Meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 7 a.m.,
Cornell Elementary School
Camaraderie Club Room
Medicare 101 Informational Session Wednesday,
Jan. 20, 3 p.m., Chippewa
County Courthouse, Room
302. For more information
call 715-726-7778.
Cornell City Council
Meeting Thursday, Jan. 7,
7 p.m., Cornell City Council

Smileys Kitchen


Jan. 8 ~ Friday Fish Fry

with soup and salad bar 4 to 8 p.m.
Breakfast and Lunch ~ Wed.-Sun. ~ 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
Skillets Omelets Eggs Benedict Homemade Lunches
Homemade Pizza 6 Flavors of Ice Cream Desserts

14232 Cty. Hwy. S, Jim Falls, WI 715-382-4747

Betty Gumbert, of Altoona,

will turn 90 on Jan. 8, 2016
Betty worked for the Cadott Sentinel in the 1960s
beginning as a columnist for the Town of Lafayette News,
and then as news editor
for several years under Walt
Brovald. She published many
of her interviews with local
residents from her column
called Lets Get Acquainted
in a book by the same name.



Thursday, January 7, 2016


Church Listings
Anson United Methodist Church
1/2 mile east of Lake Wissota State
Park on Cty. O Anson Township
Pastor Jason Kim
11:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
10 miles south of Cadott on Hwy. 27
Rev. James Norton
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
9 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. May)
Big Drywood Lutheran Church
27095 120th Ave. Cadott
Pastor Lucy Schottelkorb
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
6 p.m. Wednesday With the Word
Study (Sept.-May)
Cadott United Methodist Church
Maple and Ginty Streets Cadott
Pastor George Olinske
10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
First Sunday Holy Communion
Fourth Sunday Potluck following
English Lutheran Church of Bateman
20588 Cty. Hwy. X Chippewa Falls
Pastor Deborah Nissen
9 a.m. Sunday Worship
Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. Light Supper
6 p.m. Study Time All Ages; 7 p.m.
Worship Service
Faith Baptist Church
724 Main St. Cornell
Pastor Mark Williams
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
First Presbyterian Church
4th and Ripley Cornell

10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

Holy Communion first Sunday
Holcombe United Methodist Church
27841 Cty. Hwy. M Holcombe
Pastor Jason Kim
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
8:45 a.m. Childrens Sunday School
10 a.m. Adult Sunday School
2-5 p.m. Food Pantry Open second
and fourth Tuesdays
Holy Cross Catholic Church
107 South 8th St. Cornell
Father Eric Linzmaier
Deacon Dennis Rivers
8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
5 p.m. Tuesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Thursday Mass
8:30 a.m. Friday Mass
4 p.m. Saturday Mass, 3:30 p.m.
Holy Family Church
226 East 3rd Ave. Stanley
Father William Felix
6 p.m. Saturday Mass
11 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
Jim Falls United Methodist Church
139th Ave., Cty. S South Jim Falls
Pastor Jason Kim
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10:15 a.m. Childrens Sunday School
New Hope Assembly of God
318 South 7th St. Cornell
Pastor Dan Gilboy
10 a.m. Sunday Worship
Sunday Morning Nursery and Childrens Church
6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Group

New Hope Presbyterian Church

W14520 Cty. Hwy. M
8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
New Life Alliance Church
1 mile west of CC on Z Cornell
Pastor Jim Brandli
9 a.m. Sunday School (Sept. May),
10 a.m. Worship Service,
Childrens Church for ages 3-6
10 a.m. Tuesday Womens Bible
7 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting,
6:30 p.m. AWANA for ages 6 years
sixth grade (Sept. May), 7-9 p.m.
Youth Group for grades 7-12
6 a.m. Thursday Mens Bible Study
Northwoods Church
4th and Thomas St. Cornell
Pastor Greg Sima
10 a.m. Non-denominational Sunday
Services (nursery provided)
6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study
for kids and adults
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
6th and Ripley Streets Cornell
Pastor Andy Schottelkorb
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Communion first and third Sundays
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
13989 195th St. Jim Falls
Father Eric Linzmaier
10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
of Drywood
Jct. Cty. Hwy. S and 250th St. Jim
Father Eric Linzmaier

Holcombe United Methodist Church Holcombe, WI

7 p.m. Saturday Mass
St. Francis Catholic Church
W10193 Lehman Rd. Holcombe
Father David Oberts
Father Christopher Kemp
4 p.m. Saturday Mass
8 a.m. Alternating Friday Mass
St. Johns Catholic Church
N657 Cty. Rd. VV Sheldon
Father Mandanu Sleeva Raju
10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass
St. Johns Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
215 East Seminary St. Cadott
Pastor Raymond Bell
9 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
10 a.m. Sunday School
St. Johns Lutheran Church
(Wisconsin Synod)
700 Thomas Street Cornell
Pastor Patrick Feldhus

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Funeral Home

Funeral Home

Cadott, WI

Cornell, WI

Pre-planning, funeral and cremation options.

Courier Sentinel
Your Hometown Newspaper
Cadott office
(715) 289-4978
Cornell office
(715) 861-4414

106 Main St., Cornell (715) 239-3825

Your Hometown Community Bank
Cornell, WI
(715) 239-6414

P&B Lumber


See us for all your building material needs!

249 N. Main St., Cadott, WI
(715) 289-3204

220 Main St P.O. Box 742 Cornell

Attorney Kari Hoel

(715) 202-0505

Big Ts North
14950 81st Ave. Chippewa Falls, WI
Propane: 715-723-9490 Fuels: (715) 723-5550

Bar & Grill

Stop for breakfast after church.
116 Main St., Cornell (715) 239-6677

Propane Diesel Gasoline Fuel Oil Storage Tanks

Sheldon, WI (715) 452-5195

by the Creek Boutique


Office: 715-239-6601 Fax: 715-239-6618

(715) 289-4292 - Cadott, WI

Mary Joy Borton & Joe Borton

Cornell - (715) 239-0555
Cadott - (715) 289-3581
Fall Creek - (715) 877-3005

Chippewa Valley
317 S. 8th St., Cornell 715-239-3862
Bringing High Speed to the Back Forty!

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111 Hwy. 27 Cadott, WI ~ Joe Rygiel - Owner

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345 N. Main Street, Box 303
Cadott, WI (715) 289-4948

Celebrating 10 years
with ABC Supply Co.

339 N. Main St., Cadott (715) 289-4600 Cornell, Wis. (715) 239-6424

Dry Felt Facer Plant

Courier Sentinel

Cadott Color Center

Carpet Vinyl Ceramic

Y Go By
Cornell, Wis.
(715) 239-0513

Greener Acres

Schicks Bowl & Brew


Bar & Grill

Lake Wissota Chippewa Falls, Wis.

(715) 723-9905

641 State Hwy. 27

Cadott, WI
(715) 289-4435

Communion Service
8:30 a.m. Thursday Mass

St. Johns Lutheran Church ELCA

Hwy. H at S Rural Gilman
11 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Communion second and fourth Sundays

The Rock Church

230 West Main St. Gilman
Pastor Smokey Tennison
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
6 p.m. Friday Bible Study

St. Josephs Church

719 East Patten St. Boyd
Father William Felix
9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Tuesday Mass
8:30 a.m. Friday Mass

Trinity Lutheran Church

W5568 Main St. Sheldon
Pastor Aric Fenske
10:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
11:30 a.m. Sunday School

St. Rose of Lima Church

415 North Maple St. Cadott
Father William Felix
4 p.m. Saturday Mass
8 a.m. Sunday Mass
8:30 a.m. Tuesday Mass and

Zion Lutheran Church

(Missouri Synod)
5th Ave, and Crumb St. Gilman
Pastor Aric Fenske
8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
3:30 p.m. Wednesday Childrens

Visit us at
Local News Sports Classifieds Events

These weekly church messages are contributed by the following businesses:

(715) 239-6341

9 a.m. Sunday Worship

10:15 a.m. Sunday School

Your Hometown Newspaper

Cadott office
(715) 289-4978
Cornell office
(715) 861-4414


Thursday, January 7, 2016




Death Notice

Helen J. Ewings

Charles H. Chuck Puchalski

Myra M. Smith

Helen J. Ewings, 93, Cornell, passed away Wednesday,

Dec. 30, 2015, at the Cornell
Area Care Center.
Helen was born Nov. 7,
1922, to Selmer and Hulda
(Olson) Henderson in Taylor.
Chippewa Falls High School
in 1940.
Helen was employed at
Woolworths in Chippewa
Falls, and then at First National Bank in Chippewa Falls.
Helen married Edwin Ewings in 1970. They lived at Lake
Wissota, then moved to Cornell following retirement.
She enjoyed flowers, gardening, traveling and spending
time with family.
Helen was a member of St. Johns Lutheran Church and
the Ladies Aide, and was treasurer for the local AAL organization.
She is survived by several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Edwin
Ewings; sister, Inez Beaudette; brother-in-law, Wallace
Beaudette and other brothers-in-law.
Services were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5, at St. Johns
Lutheran Church in Cornell, with the Rev. Patrick Feldhus
officiating. Interment was in the Cornell Cemetery.
Visitation was one hour prior to the services Tuesday
morning at the church.
Online condolences can be expressed at

Charles H. Chuck Puchalski, 68, Cadott, died Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015.
He was born Nov. 12, 1947,
in Fergus Falls, Minn., to Dora
(Reuss) and Hugo Puchalski.
He graduated from Barrett
High School in 1965.
He joined the National
Guard in 1967, and also
worked in Benson, Minn.,
He went to work for Johnson Brothers from Litchfield,
Minn., in 1968. There, he joined the Carpenters Union.
He worked building bridges, dams and disposal plants in
various towns.
He married Sue Jenson in 1969.
Chuck worked for Johnson Brothers until 1973. From
1973-77, he started and operated a lumber company in Barrett, Minn., with his brother, Terry. They built many houses
around the community.
Between 1977-85, he was an over-the-road truck driver for
Midwest Coast Jerry Siemens Trucking. He hauled meat and
produce in 48 states.
Between 1985-95, Chuck worked for Johnson Brothers and
Lunda Construction.
Chuck and his son, Bruce, started a construction company
named Jim Falls Buildings & Construction in 1995. Together,
they built many, many houses in the Chippewa Valley.
Charles married a girl from Boston, Mass., Maureen E.
Alger, in 1986. They bought 5 acres in Wisconsin in 1988,
and built a home where he lived out his life.
He enjoyed hunting, fishing, the outdoors, playing cards
and watching westerns. He also never missed a Packers
game. His greatest joy came from spending time with his
wife, children and grandchildren.
He is survived by his wife, Maureen E. Puchalski; children,
Jodi (Kerby) Strickler, James Butler, Heather (Jamie)
Gubrud, Crystal Butler and Dusty (Heather) Puchalski;
daughter-in-law, Shannon Puchalski; siblings, Nancy Waugh,
Elaine (Jim) Mattson, Betty (Richard) Tweeter, Terry Puchalski, Gerald (Zina) Puchalski, Dick (Diane) Puchalski, Neil
(Jan) Puchalski and Kelly (Kyle) Purrier; grandchildren,
Kyle, Samantha, Tyler, Chase, Jared, Riley, Brennan, Hunter,
Ridley, Charlie, Lorelai and KaSandra; and numerous nieces;
nephews; cousins; and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; son, Bruce
Puchalski; brothers-in-law, Virgil Johnson and Harvey
Waugh; and sister-in-law, Lea Puchalski.
A memorial service was held at 2 p.m. Monday, Jan. 4, at
Pederson-Volker Funeral Chapel in Chippewa Falls, with the
Rev. Aaron Sturgis officiating.
Visitation was one hour prior to the service Monday at the
funeral chapel.
Pederson-Volker Funeral Chapel & Cremation Services in
Chippewa Falls is serving the family.

Myra M. Smith, 96, Cornell, passed away Sunday, Jan. 3,

2016, at St. Josephs Hospital in Chippewa Falls.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10,
at St. Johns Lutheran Church in Cornell, with the Rev.
Patrick Feldhus officiating.
Inurnment will be in the Cornell Cemetery at a later date.
Visitation will be one hour prior to the services Sunday at
the church.

Kenneth LaVern Hakes Jr.

Kenneth LaVern Hakes Jr.,
62, Cornell, passed away Sunday, Jan. 3, at Luther Hospital
in Eau Claire, with his family
at his side.
Kenneth was born April 4,
1953, the son of Kenneth Sr.
and Gwendolyn Hakes, Cornell.
He married Elaine Pahl June
5, 1971, in Cornell.
He was a self-employed
truck driver, with the business
owned and operated by himself and wife, Elaine, for 38
years. He traveled 48 states and Canada for 3 1/2 million
miles accident free.
He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and gardening was his
passion. He loved to have his grandchildren and great-grandchildren near him.
Kenneth will be greatly missed by family and friends.
He is survived by his wife, Elaine; children, Marshall
(Cari) Hakes, Laurie Hakes (Louie Meyer), Robert (Andrea)
Hakes and Lisa (Marty) Ash; 15 grandchildren; 13 greatgrandchildren; mother, Gwendolyn Hakes; brothers and sisters, Kathy Dembinski, Donna Dembinski, Tom Hakes,
Richard Hakes, Pat White, Randy Hakes and Tim Hakes; and
by many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his father, Kenneth Hakes Sr.;
uncle, Chet Hakes; and mother and father-in-law, Mary and
Alvin Pahl.
Per Kenneths request, there will be no formal services, but
family and friends may visit at the residence.

Courier Sentinel
Annual Subscription Rates
Chippewa, Rusk & Eau Claire Counties.......$32
Elsewhere In Wisconsin ...............................$35
Outside Wisconsin .......................................$42

715-861-4414 or 715-289-4978



4 - 7 p.m.


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Visit our Web site at

Holcombe Happenings


By Janice Craig 715-595-4380

Most of us have had our fill of football games with all the
bowl games during the holidays.
Bob and Barb Lompa attended the get-together for their
Gilman High School class of 1965 at Teds Timberlodge
Monday, with 19 people attending.
The Holcombe Seniors Club will meet at the Holcombe
United Methodist Church at noon, Jan. 14. Everyone bring a
dish to pass, and the theme this time is to wear an ugly
sweater or sweatshirt. This will be a good time to catch up
on the news over Christmas.
Several people donated blood at the blood bank collection
in Cornell on Monday. There was a good turn out I am told.
The ice must have gotten thick enough to fish as I am seeing several daredevils on Cranberry Lake. I like fish but
not that much. There are a number of springs on that lake. I
sure hope nothing happens.

Flambeau Valley Arts Association

is Proud to Present

Mark Nizers 4D Theatre

Mark has been juggling for over 25 years, performing

with the likes of George Burns, Bob Hope and Ray
Mark may juggle laser beams at 1,000 rpms, 5 ping
pong balls with only
his mouth, or even a
tank, a running electric carving knife
and a 16-pound
bowling ball.

Friday, Jan. 8, 2016 7:30 p.m.

Ladysmith High School Auditorium
Tickets - $15 adult, $3 students for this performance.
(As always, students under 18 are free with paid adult)
Tickets are available at the door.
This performance is sponsored by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board,
by the National Endowment for the Arts and our loyal ticket holders.

Heyde Center for the Arts presents

Friday, Jan. 8, at 7:30 p.m.
Dinner & Show, at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Jan. 9, at 7:30 p.m.

Dinner & Show, at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2 p.m.

Flanagan is dead, but dont be sad because
remembering his life is all about laughs!
A hilarious, interactive Irish funeral.
Show: Adults $14, Seniors $13, Youth $7
Dinner & Show: Adults $32, Seniors $31,
Youth $21 (under age 16)
Heyde Center | 715-726-9000
3 South High St. | Chippewa Falls, WI 54729


Thursday, January 7, 2016


ment, a trench is dug, new tile is put down

Cadott Elementary School second-grade
and a sump pump is installed.
student Parker Davis makes his 100th deposit
The Courier Sentinel holds a Diaper Drive, into the school banking program with Citiwith almost 1,500 infant/adult diapers col- zens State Bank.
lected for local food pantries.
The Cornell City Council increases the
Cadott student Tyler Miles takes first place full-time police officer wage to $19.31/hour.
in the CO2 Dragster competition at a Team
Cadott Route 2 mail carrier John Munroe
Problem Solving contest in Eau Claire.
retires after 24 years on the job. Munroe reDr. Tonya Prokop joins Kromrey Chiro- ceived his first full-time route in 1999, and
practic in Cadott. After graduating from plans to remain in the Lafayette area.
Flambeau High School, Prokop received her
Cadott Lions Club president Brian Dulmes
doctorate degree from Northwestern Health presents Cadott School Board president
Science University in Bloomington, Minn.
Cedric Boettcher with $1,000 for the school
With the possibility of a $700,000 deficit lunch program.
in 2016-17, the Lake Holcombe School
The classes of 2006-2008 take home
Board discusses needing a worst case sce- championship honors at the Lake Holcombe
nario referendum to plug the financial School basketball alumni tournament. Bruce
Steve and Wendy Sinnamed as the 2015
gleton open Wendys
Lake Holcombe
Stacker Cafe on Bridge
honorary sports
Street in Cornell.
The Cornell Fire DeThe Cornell Elepartment extinguishes a
mentary School
skidsteer fire at the Scott
Jumps for Heart,
Mohr farm on County
collecting more
Highway D east of Corthan $2,100.
Births: Liam
Cornell is awarded a
$5,000 Urban Forestry
Deaths: Dale
Grant to assist in a tree inStipek; Patricia
ventory to help make
Sippy; Bette Bitplans for the arrival of the
ter; Caroline Auemerald ash borer.
A daddy/daughter dance
Mickelson; Phillip
is held at Lake Holcombe
School for area fathers to
Crosby; Florence
treat their daughters to an
dressed in finery.
Erica Rutherford, a second grader at
Births: Carsten Payton; Lake Holcombe, dances with her The Cadott Fire
Schofield; grandpa, Frank Rutherford, at the Department exSawyer Thon; Benjamin second annual Daddy/Daughter presses a concern
Dance Jan. 23.
to the Cadott Vil(Photo by Monique Westaby) lage Board about
Deaths: Donald Craker;
Rosetta Walker; Elsie Melville; Clarence the yearly $1,500 charge for a water meter.
Walsvik; Gary Jones; Joan Melgaard; Philip
The Cornell Elementary School receives a
Lukowicz; Lynn Johnson Jr.; Nancy Maurina visit from the WQOW Channel 18 meteorolFebruary
ogist team and hosts a weather academy.
Donna Woodcock takes over as the new
MRG Patty, a Lowline Angus cow owned
Cadott postmaster.
by Mark and Tammy Gilles of Sigel Sunset
Cleoan Wright is hired as the new Cornell Ranch in Cadott, wins National Champion
Police Department secretary.
with her calf at the 2015 National Western
Cornell School Board member Lyle Briggs Livestock Show in Denver, Colo.
is recognized for 20 years of service on the
Freshman Andrew Gunderson and senior
school board at a ceremony in Milwaukee.
Austin Najbrt represent Cadott at the state
The Lake Holcombe Boys Basketball team wrestling tournament.
receives $1,000 from the Lake Holcombe
The Walthers family in Cadott welcomes
Lions Club for new uniforms.
foreign exchange student Jason Ng from
The Chippewa River Rendezvous organi- Hong Kong, China.
zation holds a sledding event at Brunet Island
Cadott Boy Scout Trenton Weiss meets
State Park.
with Gov. Scott Walker as a youth delegate,
Cornell Bank Mutual will close their doors and delivers an annual report to the governor
in May, along with six other branches, as part and members of the Wisconsin Legislature.
of an efficiency and expense reduction effort.
Rhonda Mataczynski retires after 39 years
as the Lake Holcombe Community Theater director.
The River Country Plaza
Veterans Memorial sees a new
addition in the form of a Vietnam Veterans Association
A Cadott man is injured in
an explosion at Greener Acres
Transmission after he attempts
Cadott sophomore Brandon Pederson found out to cut open a metal drum with
the hard way the dangers of distracted driving dur- a blow torch.
ing the April 10 Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecks as- Former Congressmen Tom
sembly. The Cadott students and a few faculty Petri and Dave Obey speak at
members rode a childrens bicycle between cones the Cadott School District to
across the gym while trying to text and drive.
discuss civic participation and
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

congressional work.
Cornell eighth grader Jordan Shackleton sets a new
school record at an archery
tournament in Sparta.
The Cadott Hornets Archery
team takes aim at national
competition after they place
first in all four of their tournaments. Helping the team on to
the next level and earning a
new school record is senior
Kaeden Thom.
A fire damages the Building
Sigel Sunset Ranch, in Cadott, takes home first
Blocks Early Learning Center place honors at the National Western Livestock
in Cadott, after kids and em- Show cow/calf division in January, with their Lowployees leave for the day.
line Angus beef cow, Patti, and her calf, Bond. PosKaden Kinney, Lake Hol- ing with the champion cattle, left to right, are,
combe seventh grader, heads Madeline Bode, owner Tammy Gilles, owner Mark
to Lexington, Ky., with his Gilles, judge Blake Bloomberg, association
horse, Willow, to compete in princess Laramie Coffey, association queen Bridget
the Road to the Horse All-Star Hoffman, handler and ranch employee Shea Esser,
and handler Samantha Straley. (Submitted Photo)
Births: Chase Anthony; Cyress Krueger; are collected, in addition to $400.
Cadott holds their alumni tournament
Presley Boisvert; Obadiah Yeager
Deaths: Urban Gass; Helen Simmerman; weekend, with the classes of 2005 and 2007
Rune Ruud; Michael Westerberg; Fred Gass; taking first place in the gold division basketKay Roscoe; Edward Boris; Amy Shilts; ball matchups, and the class of 2001 bringing
home the trophy for the black division.
Naomi Kaveen
The Cornell High School hosts a Job Fair
The Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative and Business Expo, sponsored by the Cornell
plans to demolish their current building, built Area Betterment Association.
The Cadott Hornets Archery team brings
in 1951, and construct a new office and truck
garage. Employees plan to relocate to a va- home their seventh state title after they comcant building on Main Street, formerly Dr. pete at the NASP State Championship. The
team sets a new state record.
Lanes Dental Office.
The Cornell FFA forestry team takes firstThe Cornell Camaraderie Club packs their
place honors at the Agricultural Technology
1,900th box to send overseas to the troops.
Contest in River Falls.
Cornell citizen Bertha Leja turns 100.
The Lake Holcombe School agriculture
Cal Demulling, 8, Cadott, takes first place
in the Special Olympic basketball skills at the department receives more than $21,000 from
the Don Tiny Albrecht estate to help studistrict level.
The Cornell Archery team takes first at a dents go on field trips.
Danielle Gygi, Holcombe, receives the
tournament in Cashton. During the tournament, sophomore McKenzie Weggen breaks Good Citizen Award from the Eau Claire
the school record set by eighth grader Jordan Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Crescent Meats, Cadott, earns Grand
An apartment complex on Cadotts Main
Street is damaged when a kitchen fire breaks Champion with their head cheese at a Meat
Product Show.
out in the building.
Nick Seng is crowned as the Lake HolLarry Sime, River Country Store manager,
retires after 53 years in the seed/feed indus- combe 2015 Junior Prom king, while Kareese Jiskra reigns as Prom queen.
Cadott names Austin Anderson as the 2015
The Lake Holcombe FFA holds a Spring
Madness Food Drive to provide Easter meals Junior Prom king, while Elizabeth Kyes is
for the Lake Holcombe Food Pantry. During crowned queen.
(Continued on Page 9)
the week-long drive, more than 1,000 items

The Cornell Fair was held Friday, June 12, through Sunday, June 14, offering
rides, carnival food, free music and the Cornell Lions Club famous charcoal
chicken dinner.
(Photo by Monique Westaby)


Thursday, January 7, 2016



Country Fest features acts such as Keith
Bicyclists from the Highground Tour pass
With enough interest from Urban, Rascal Flatts and Tim McGraw.
through Cornell on their way to the HighCornell and Lake Holcombe
With about 5 inches of rain that came ground Veterans Memorial in Neillsville.
Schools, the Knights form a down in the Chippewa Valley over the course
Cornell school bus driver Mickey Bates reco-op golf team for the spring of a day, ditches over run, streams and rivers tires after driving the State Highway 64 route
sports line-up.
are at capacity, and roads are washed away.
for 30 years.
Because of a proposal
After 36 years, Dr. Ned Willkom hangs up
Golfers turn out to chase the elusive holebrought to the Cornell City his dentistry tools in Cadott.
in-one at the annual Cornell Lions Golf TourCouncil by member Terry
Severe storms hit the area over the week- nament at Twin Oaks and Entwood Golf
Courses in Holcombe. Earning top honors
Smith, the pulpwood Stacker end, leaving downed trees in its wake.
might be taken out of retireThe search for 54-year-old Tammy Jovaag are the team of Dave DeJongh, Mike Rivers,
ment and used for an observa- is called off after almost a month goes by Tim Smith and Neal Verhulst.
Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Cornell
tion deck or bungee jump.
since she went missing from Holcombe.
The Cadott Hornets Track
Cadott plays host to Rock Fest, which celebrates its 100th anniversary with a felCadott head coach Jeff Chrusciel hugs graduated teams complete a successful draws in acts like Judas Priest, Godsmack lowship meal, along with sharing memories
through photo albums.
Hornet players from last years team during an Aug. run in regional and sectional and Shinedown.
21 halftime ceremony honoring Chrusciel.
Cornell resident Mike Rivers records his
meets, sending nine individuResidents let their voices be heard about
(Photo by Kayla Peche) als to state competition.
the historic 108-year-old Cobban Bridge in first hole-in-one at the Bloomer Golf Course.
After Cadott Hornets head football coach
Cornell-Lake Holcombe Jim Falls. After hearing Chippewa County
Births: Peityn Nikolai; Lucy Patten; BrynKnights senior Eric Nedland advances to might decide to tear down the structure, the Jeff Cruschiel is diagnosed with esophageal
ley Hoff
Deaths: Edna Pagenkopf; the Rev. Jere- state competition for the second straight year. community begins efforts to save the Cob- cancer, his team rallies to his support and
dedicates their opening season game to him.
The Cadott Hornets Golf team earns a re- ban Bridge.
miah Cashman; Suzanne Stubb; Lydia
The Swinging Fore a Cause organization
Dave Koch scores a hole-in-one at EntTkachuk; Mary Ann Kocher; Senior Master gional championship at home for the second
wood Golf Course in Holcombe, while just a reaches its 10th year in support of the Lake
Sgt. Phillip Gygi; Charles Sikora; Melvin year in a row.
Cornell friends, family and faculty gather few miles away, Steve McDaniel hits his own Holcombe School and students, holding their
Mattson; Frances Matschee; Roy Yohnk;
annual golf fundraiser at Entwood Course.
Dorothy Reeve; Genevieve Jackson; Evelyn for commencement ceremonies for the 2015 hole-in-one at Twin Oaks Golf Course.
Births: Teagen DeMars; Levi Patton; Bregraduating class. Closing the chapter is the
Births: Gabriel Hill; Lena Zenner; Levi
Swanson; Ursula Preston
theme from valedictorian Gretchen Lehman; Madyson McIlquham; Madden anna Spath
Deaths: Elaine Dressler; Joseph Morfoot;
The Hornet Hustle Fun Run has 92 partic- Schroeder and salutatorian Brianna Johnson. Gindt; Cooper Rubenzer; Justice Schofield;
Cadott boasts champion honors in the form Chase Westaby; Kristie Hakes; Jeremiah Bill Felmlee; James Rahn; Frank Popelka;
ipants and raises about $1,400 for a Cadott
Donald Rose; Marilyn Schroeder; Norman
of junior Elizabeth Kyes, who brings home a Helgerson
eighth-grade field trip.
Deaths: Shirley Wagner; Donna Decker; Pagenkopf
The Cornell School Board accepts the res- state win in the 400-meter dash.
Katie Matott is awarded Cornells Citizen Sharon Lange; Leonard Peterson; Violet
ignations of first-grade teacher Jason Jaenke,
Northwestern Bank, Cornell, celebrates its
Paulsen; Gerald Holznagel; Herman Starck;
and marketing and business instructor Ryan of the Year.
The Lake Holcombe Theater department Karen Phillippi; Elizabeth Bell; Lloyd Proku- 80th birthday.
Borderline Rebel 4-H Club member Saige
pek; Lawrence Sedlacek; Emma Andre;
The Cornell High School plays host to the presents The Music Man Jr.
Sikora is recognized for her leadership, citiBirths: Gavin Richardson; Autumn Es- Lloyd JuVette
Enchanted Evening Junior Prom, where
zenship and community service, while Quinn
Curtis Hakes is crowned as king, while Eliz- linger; Aubree Parish; Blake Rudnick
Deaths: Geraldine Ducommun; Mary
Caitlin Larson is crowned Miss Cadott Sikora is honored for 12 years as a 4-H memabeth Sproul reigns as queen.
World War II veteran and Cornell native Holznagel; June Ewer; Patricia Semanko; Nabor Days at the 61st annual celebration.
Holy Cross Catholic Church in Cornell hits
Dorothy Zweifel and her husband, George,
Eino Martino boards the Never Forgotten Charles Smith; Mabel Strzok; Beverly
Eichelt; Mary Brewington; Claire Frank; stop by the Cornell Fire Hall to express their its 100 year milestone.
Honor Flight to Washington, D.C.
The Lake Holcombe Lions annual golf
Seventeen Cornell Spanish students, chap- Mathilda Ramminger; Jane Malison; Thomas thanks to the firefighters who rescued her
after she fell into a well on the couples prop- tournament is deemed a success. Taking first
eroned by parents and faculty members, Sommerfeld; Joan Sackmann
erty in May. During the fall into the 16-foot place are Randy and Mary Dicus, and Jeff
travel to Spain.
Corey Sedlacek, 1992 Cadott High School hole, 72-year-old Dorothy sustained broken and Shana Ludvigsen.
After fundraising for a year and a half,
Cadott Miller Pharmacy is robbed at gun
Lake Holcombe band and choir students graduate, is named vice-president of Lockton ribs, a broken collarbone, and fractures in her
Dunning Benefits.
back, as well as cuts and bruises.
(Continued on Page 10)
make the 1,374 mile trip to San Antonio.
Cadott junior Elizabeth Kyes hits a new
personal best in the triple jump at a Gilman
The Miller Pharmacy in Cadott is held up
at gun point, when a suspect demands employees give him medication and wallets.
Twenty-six seniors receive their diplomas
during commencement exercises at Lake
Holcombe School. Danielle Gygi served as
class valedictiorian, with Katie Ruhde as
Vito and Linda Sblendorio, Holcombe, are
recognized statewide for their weight loss
through TOPS. Vito lost over 50 pounds
while Linda lost more than 60 pounds.
Parents, friends and faculty are on hand to
witness the graduation of 45 Cadott High
School seniors, including valedictorian Luke
Bell and salutatorian Quinn Hartzell.
The Cornell-Lake Holcombe Knights Girls
and Boys Track teams take the East Lakeland
Conference title for 2015.
Births: Kylee Tomkowiak
Deaths: Rudolph Arneson; Verlon Cowell;
Barbara Smith; Raymond VanDenHeuvel;
Charles Sadler; Joseph Taylor; Sylvia Ringer;
Joann Palmer; Eldora Clary; Robert Page;
Janet Lacina; Mary Smock
Friends and family gather at Staudacher Over 75 cars were on display at the Lake Holcombe Lions annual car show Sept. 13, and showgoers filled the rows,
Field in Holcombe in memory of Nathan checking out the classic vehicles. Cars and trucks like the 1928 Ford Model AA from Larry Verhulst, Holcombe, 1969
Chevelle from Paul Hruby, Holcombe, and the 1929 Ford Coupe Hot Rod from Jimmy Boy Edming, Glen Flora, graced
Zamsky, raising $10,000 during the second
the Lake Holcombe Lions Pavilion grounds at Staudacher Field. Those in attendance voted for the car or truck they
annual Nathans Wish Angel Wings of Love thought should win while listening to music from the 50s and 60s.
(Photos by Monique Westaby)



Thursday, January 7, 2016


point for the second time in a year. Ryan

Lemke is arrested shortly after and charged
with both robbies.
The Lake Holcombe Lions Club holds
their annual car show at Staudacher Field.
More than 75 classic cars are on display for
the public to view.
Cadotts Austin Goettl and Kayla Dubiel
are crowned Homecoming King and Queen.
Births: Graham Willkom; Ryder Yeager
Deaths: Carmen Laflin; Rebecca Bell;
Gretchen Halstead; Edward Jenneman; Jean
Todahl; Kenneth Zaruba; Mae Willkom;
Lloyd McEathron; Jim Hochstedler; Raymond Sedlacek; Vernon Dunston
The Cornell City Council is concerned the
historic log stacker could become a safety
issue after inspections reveal areas of the
structure need to be repaired.
William Hattamer and Bailey Viegut are
crowned as the Lake Holcombe Homecoming King and Queen.
Jim Falls youth Rebecca Berg, 6, and Kaelyn Seidlitz, 5, make the trip to the National
Pedal Pull in South Dakota.
Cornell Community Ed sponsors a scarecrow decorating contest at Mill Yard Park.
Taking home first place in the business category is Northwestern Bank, and winning for
the family set is the Jane Ash family.
The Cadott Police Department will receive
a new squad car with help from an equipment
grant. A 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor sport utility vehicle is scheduled to arrive
around the first of the year.
Cornell elects Cole Stephens and Elizabeth
Sproul as its reigning royalty for Homecoming festivities.
A new youth equine program is started at
the Doggone Ranch in Cornell to educate
kids on how to handle animals.
Although an after school program is offered to Cadott parents, after almost no interest, the program is cancelled.
The Lake Holcombe Volleyball team
brings home the East Lakeland Conference
title, going undefeated on the season.
United States Army Reserve Chief Warrant
Officer David Conrad hangs up his fatigues
and returns to his Holcombe roots after 40
years in military service.


Knights senior Sam Peterson becomes the tion of School Boards for reaching Level 5, pizzas, cupcakes and more.
first runner to ever earn All-Conference for the highest level of the associations recogCornell senior Curtis Hakes is nominated
the Cornell-Lake
pro- for the U.S. Presidential Scholars program.
Holcombe boys Mary Ann Cote, Holcombe, brought an unusual gram.
A&D Docks, Cornell, plans to move less
country russet potato with 10 growths attached into the
To honor than a mile away after they purchase land
Cornell Courier Sentinel office
who from the city at the industrial airport.
Oct. 6. Cote said her husband,
A benefit is
have passed,
A bottle of alcohol honoring the last man
Clifford, dug the tuber on their
held for Cadott farm. (Photo by Ginna Young)
the Cornell is opened at the Cornell American Legion
head coach Jeff
Veterans Last Hall. After sitting for 54 years, members
Chrusciel, who
Mans Club opened the booze and toasted Charles Johnsays he cant
continues at son, who passed away in November.
The Cadott Area Historical Museum gets
thank everyone
the Cornell
enough for their
American Le- a new sign thanks to an anonymous donation.
Lake Holcombe Track coach Jake Ebner is
gion Hall. The
club, started named as the Wisconsin Track Coaches AsLions hold their
in 1957, orig- sociations Coach of the Year.
About 800 people attend the Kids Commuannual District
nally had 44
Governors Night,
members, and nity Christmas Party in Cornell.
Cornell graduate Dale Hetke is promoted
now, 57 years
Bradley presidlater, only one to Air Force colonel.
After vandals once again strike at the
member of the
Cadott water tower, the Cadott Village Board
awarded the Birch-Sturm Fellowship to Lion club remains Charles Johnson.
Dr. Bernard Schwetz. Lion Robert Thorson
The Cadott Elementary School receives discusses destruction prevention.
Although comprehensive planning has
was presented the Melvin Jones Fellowship, new school spirit T-shirts sponsored by Peowhile Donnie Kolpien was named as Cadott ple Active in Cadotts Education. At the start been the topic for months at Lake Holcombe
Lion of the Year.
of the school year, students designed a new Town Board meetings, the board decides
The Cornell and Lake Holcombe Lions shirt. The winning entry came from third against a referendum on the subject.
Clubs join to award Alois Olichwier and Ron grader Kaylee Hamlin.
Plumer with the Birch-Sturm Fellowship
Thanks to Cornell resident
award. Receiving Lion of the Year are Ray Ashley Bera and others with
Guthman and Rick Mitchell.
the American Heart AssociaThe Cornell Fire Department turns 101 tion, a new bill could be
years old.
passed requiring CPR to be
From rural Cornell to Rome, farm boy taught in schools.
Daniel Sedlacek takes the next step on his
The Cornell Knights of
priesthood journey, becoming ordained a Columbus Council Jean
Brunet 4948 earns the distincBirths: Greyson Dahm; Kasey Miland; tion of Star Council, one of the
Koda Peterson; Henry Zieche
organizations top awards.
Deaths: Louise Freeman; Mark Hall;
After spending a few
James Michal II; Kathy Johansen; Elwood months in a temporary locaBeaudin; John Sims; Larry Braden; Patrick tion on Main Street while the
Hoover; Raleigh Hakes; Neil Boyea; Thomas old building was demolished,
Smith Jr.; Roy Emerson; Donald Weggen; the Chippewa Valley Electric
Henry Rubenzer; David Braden
Cooperative offices are back
in their South 8th Street locaLake Holcombe School will have a new tion.
electronic sign advertising school events,
Because of a $1,200 donathanks to the Lake Holcombe PRIDE Com- tion from the Wisconsin Vetermittee.
ans Tribute, the Cadott
Cornell School Board member Eileen Community Library will offer
As one of her more unique pieces, Jean Bowe disSikora is honored by the Wisconsin Associa- iPads for patron use.
Cadott athletic director Jim plays a snow globe with a nativity scene inside as
Sekel is named as the District part of her collection. Looking close, Mary and
1 Athletic Director of the Year Joseph can be seen in the background watching over
baby Jesus in the manger. (Photo by Ginna Young)
by the Wisconsin Athletic DiAfter 46 years serving the Cornell area,
rectors Association.
The Cornell Elementary School collects chiropractor Earl Doc Boettcher retires.
A-1 Agricultural Zoning is passed by the
more than 1,700 items for the food pantry.
For the second year in a row, Sheldon Cornell City Council for a plot of land on
brothers R.J. and Kaden Kinney earn a trip Riverside Drive, after a request came from
Al and Sue Potaczek to have the land zoned
to the MSA Worlds Championship.
Deaths: Robert Readinger; Sharon to construct a business.
For the first time, the Lake Holcombe and
Adolphson; Lyle Buttke; Charles Johnson;
Helen Hinds; Fred Bosteder Jr.; Herbert Ladysmith School Districts combine to offer
Wriedt; Melvin Gass; Shirley Parsons; De- a Winter Jazz Gala to friends and family. The
event, held at Paradise Shores in Holcombe,
loris Pischke; Julia Wojtyna
had performances from each school, as well
The Wisconsin Veterans Tribute donates as guest saxophonist Jerod Kaszynski.
Energy prices for Cadott customers are set
two signs depicting the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Alegiance to the Cadott for the next nine years, after the village board
approves extending the electrical cost until
Elementary School.
The late Naval Lt. Jerry Irwin is inducted 2024.
The Cornell-Lake Holcombe Knights
into the UW-Stout Hall of Heroes.
After 15 years with the Marshfield Clinic Cross Country team receives the 2015 East
Cornell Center, Dr. Erik Dickson says Lakeland Conference Sportsmanship Award.
Births: Ella Christie; Roman Hover; Jackfarewell to his patients and colleagues, accepting a position outside the Marshfield son Taylor
Deaths: Judy Falzerano; Ronald Baker;
Clinic system.
Jeremiah Hattamer, kindergarten, gives Marine Corps Sgt. Joseph Harp a
Dixons Apple Orchard, south of Cadott, Penny Spaeth; Violet Holtman; Danny Clark;
hearty handshake following the Lake Holcombe School Veterans Day Program.
(Photos by Monique Westaby) holds a community Deck the Halls event with Linda Thom; Dennis St. Aubin

Courier Sentinel

Page 11

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hornets battle at Badger Classic

By Kayla Peche
During a two-day tournament at River Falls Dec. 29-30,
the Cadott Hornets Wrestling team took on 11 schools in Division 3 for a Northern Badger Wrestling Classic.
With 114.5 points, the Hornets landed in fifth place with
freshman James Pfeiffer leading the way.
At 152 pounds, Pfeiffer won three matches by fall, with

two in less than 4 minutes. In the third-place battle, Pfeiffer

lost by a 5-3 decision to Cody Frederick of Boyceville for his
fourth-place finish.
Following Pfeiffer were Tyler Gillett, senior, and Andrew
Gunderson, sophomore, who each took sixth place. Gillett
received 27.5 points for Cadott, and Gunderson earned 24
points, dropping a competitor to the mat in 36 seconds during
one matchup.
Eighth-place sophomore Bailey Gillett scored 18 points
during the tournament, but lost the seventh-place match with
an 8-5 decision to Sam Burns from River Falls.
Also scoring for the team were senior Brandon Pederson,
junior Ethan Haider, sophomore Josef Hite and freshman CJ
Cadott will return to the mat to host a Hornet wrestling
tournament Jan. 9.


Sophomore Dakota Popp sticks with his Flambeau

opponent on Cornells home court Dec. 17. Popp
also brought the ball up the court for the Chiefs for
most of the first-half offense. Cornell hung on in a
close game, pulling out the win, 65-63.
(Photo by Ginna Young)



Schicks Bowl & Brew

Tuesday Night
Ladies League Standings
Dec. 29, 2015
Lisas Beauty Salon
Cliffs Maple Sugars
Hellands Hellions
Schicks Bowl & Brew 6
Heaven Help Us
High Team Game: Lisas
Beauty Salon, 624; Cliffs Maple
Sugars, 570; Schicks Bowl &
Brew, 506
High Team Series: Lisas
Beauty Salon, 1,720; Cliffs
Maple Sugars, 1,494; Schicks
Bowl & Brew, 1,482
High Individual Game:
Sarah Whittaker, 187; Peg Hattamer, 165; Mary Cowell, 157
High Individual Series:
Sarah Whittaker, 451; Rhonda
Kimball, 434; Mary Cowell, 429

Mud Brook Pool League

Week 7
Bogies I, 6 vs. Bogies II, 3;
Arnold, 1 vs. Teds, 8; Big Minnow, 4 vs. Black Bear, 5; Flaters,
4 vs. Roses, 5; Big Swedes, 6
vs. Cookies, 3
Bogies I
Big Swedes
Bogies II
Big Minnow
Black Bear

Earning Best Effort for the Hornets, freshman

Mitchell Gunderson tries to peel away from his 170pound contender. Gunderson lost the match by one
point, but Cadott left their gym with a win, 66-9,
against Eau Claire Regis. (Photo by Kayla Peche)


2015-16 East Lakeland

Conference Boys Basketball
3 1
2 1
2 1
Lake Holcombe
2 1
New Auburn
2 2
1 3
0 3
2015-16 East Lakeland
Conference Girls Basketball
5 0
4 0
2 2
Lake Holcombe
2 2
2 3
New Auburn
0 4
0 4

Boys Varsity Basketball

Fri., Jan. 8
at Osseo-Fairchild
7:30 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 11 at Cornell
5:45 p.m.
Thur., Jan. 14 at Fall Creek
7:30 p.m.
Boys JV Basketball
Fri., Jan. 8
at Osseo-Fairchild
5:45 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 11 at Cornell
5:45 p.m.
Thur., Jan. 14 at Fall Creek
5:45 p.m.
Girls Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Stanley-Boyd
7:30 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 11 at Cornell
7:15 p.m.
Tue., Jan. 12 at McDonell
7:30 p.m.
Girls JV Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Stanley-Boyd
5:45 p.m.
Tue., Jan. 12 at McDonell
5:45 p.m.
Varsity Wrestling
Sat., Jan. 9
Invitational (Alumni Day) 10 a.m.
Thur., Jan. 14 Stan.-Bd. (Parent Night) 7:30 p.m.
JV Wrestling
Sat., Jan. 9
at E.C. North
8:30 a.m.
Sat. Jan. 9
10 a.m.
Thur., Jan. 14 Stanley-Boyd
7 p.m.
Boys Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Bruce
Sat., Jan. 9
at Greenwood
Mon., Jan. 11 Cadott
Boys JV Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Bruce
Sat., Jan. 9
at Greenwood
Mon., Jan. 11 Cadott
Girls Varsity Basketball
Thur., Jan. 7 Bruce
Sat., Jan. 9
at Greenwood
Mon, Jan. 11 Cadott

Basketball Standings
2015-16 West Cloverbelt
Conference Boys Basketball
4 0
3 1
3 1
Fall Creek
2 2
2 2
1 3
1 3
0 4
2015-16 West Cloverbelt
Conference Girls Basketball
5 0
Fall Creek
4 1
3 2
3 2
2 3
2 3
1 4
0 5

Jan. 7-14

7:15 p.m.
1 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Lake Holcombe

Carley Yeager makes a shot in the second half of a

game against the Prentice Buccaneers Dec. 3. The
Lake Holcombe girls brought the game within 10
points, but couldnt pull of a win, ending behind, 4128.
(Photo by Monique Westaby)

Boys Varsity Basketball

Fri., Jan. 8
at Birchwood
Tue., Jan. 12 New Auburn
Boys JV Basketball
Fri., Jan. 8
at Birchwood
Mon., Jan. 11 LCO
Tue., Jan. 12 New Auburn
Girls Varsity Basketball
Fri., Jan. 8
at Birchwood
Tue., Jan. 12 New Auburn
Girls JV Basketball
Mon., Jan. 11 LCO

7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
5:45 p.m.

Cornell-Lake Holcombe-Gilman
Varsity Wrestling
Thur., Jan. 7 at Shell Lake
Sat., Jan. 9
at Shell Lake
Thur., Jan. 14 at Flambeau

6 p.m.
10 a.m.
7 p.m.




Thursday, January 7, 2016


Hunter of
the Week

DNR Outdoor Report

Its a Girls Hunting Life

By: Monique Westaby

A Snapshow Not All

Skunks Are Bad
Early afternoon turned into
early evening and the couch was much cozier than sitting
in the cold. But my mind wandered as I thought about all
the bucks that would walk past my stand in the swamp if
I wasnt there.
Scott, do you want to sit with me? I asked my husband. Itll be lots of fun!
He rolled his eyes but said he would. I think later he regretted his decision.
We made our way to the stand and by 3:42 p.m. we were
set, ready to get the big guy. I updated my Snapchat viewers of my new surroundings, then checked on the status
of the game. The Packers had the game tied.
Scott and I discussed how cool it would be if there was
a universal button that could be pushed, which would suck
all the trees into the ground so you could see if anything
was hiding. OK, maybe not discussed, but rather I mentioned it to him and he looked at me like I was crazy and
turned the other direction.
A few minutes later I tapped him on the shoulder and
said it would make drives a lot easier and save time. He
laughed, agreed and continued with his careful watching
of the woods while I kept my eyes on the swamp.
Another few minutes later I whispered, What if
Sasquatch comes out of that thick stuff over there? That
warranted an eye roll and more silence.
My stomach growled and I reached in my pocket for
sustenance a small plastic wrapper of Sprees. I carefully,
and what I thought was quietly, unwrapped them. Scott
looked at me like I was setting off a package of fireworks
and shook his head.
Finally, I got them unwrapped and clunk, one fell to the
floor of the stand. Then, clunk, tink, tink, three more fell.
About 45 minutes more of these scenarios and Scott was
more than happy to call it quits exactly at season close
4:49 p.m.
No wonder you dont see anything, he said as we
rounded everything up. You make more noise than
Hey, Id like to remind you that I have seen some of
the biggest deer ever while hunting, I interrupted him.
He laughed at my candor, reminding me that none of
them were hanging on our wall. He was right, but I didnt
want to admit it.
It was officially the end of opening weekend of gun deer
season and I had been skunked. But that last night was my
favorite, and although Scott may never go with me again,
I have all the Snapchat memories to look back on.
And the Packers won.

With up to 10 inches across much of the state, state park

and forest properties have groomed cross-country ski trails.
Brunet Island State Park tracks are full depth, but typical of
early season grooming, there is debris and exposed turf/soil
scattered throughout. Visitors should consider using rock skis
and proceed with caution.
About a half dozen counties in far northern Wisconsin have
open or partially open snowmobile trails.
Many northern lakes have refrozen, but with new snowfall,
ice conditions remain highly variable. Anglers report up to 5
inches of ice in spots and those venturing out have found fish.
Bear cubs will be born in their dens this month. Most bull
elks have separated from the cow/calf groups and have reformed their bachelor groups.
There is a good population of weasels this year, with an
abundance of tracks.
Great horned owls have begun hooting and claiming territories. Bird feeders are loaded with song and common birds,
including a mix of woodpeckers and winter birds. Chickadees, nuthatches, gold finches, cardinals, blue jays and juncos are busy grabbing a seed. Red-headed, pileated, downy,
hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers are also common visitors.

In a late season
bow hunt, Rocky
Winchel, 19, Sheldon, shot this 17point, 17 7/8-inch
spread buck with a
compound bow Dec.
30. The deer was
harvested across
the road from
the Winchel family
farm around 4:20
p.m., 18 yards from
the tree stand following a doe and
two yearlings. The
buck had been
spotted on a trail
camera Oct. 21 and didnt appear again until Dec.
4. This is Winchels first buck with a bow.
(Submitted Photo)

An Outdoorsmans Journal By Mark Walters

A Year in the Outdoors for Selina
Hello friends,
So that I may stay home the week between Christmas and
New Years, I write a column about some of the highlights
of the year that is just coming to an end. This years column,
for the most part, is about some of the many outdoor adventures I went on with my 14-year-old daughter, Selina Walters.
Selina, her brothers, Travis and Joey Dushek, and I went
on a winter camping and ice fishing trip on the Mississippi
River near La Crosse. We had planned on fishing near Ferryville but there was not good ice. (Discovery made upon
I made some phone calls and we headed to La Crosse,
where for the next two days we had great success on 27-34
inch northern pike.
Selina, Gary Howe and I are entered in Prairie du Chiens
annual fisheree, which attracts a lot of fishermen and
women. We stayed with the Howes, had a blast and Selina
took first and second place in the kids northern pike division
with a couple of beautiful gators.
This is not meant to be an insult, but as big as this fisheree
is, it would be wise for the folks in charge to boost the prizes
for our future fishermen. Winning a fisheree when you are
14 is a really big deal for a kid.
Selina just told me that her favorite sport is turkey hunting. Each spring, I take her to a new spot for Wisconsins
Youth Turkey Hunt.
This year, we were invited by my friend, Rod Bensley, to
hunt at his pheasant preserve near Beaver Dam. Rod worked
it out so Selina could hunt on a neighbors property as well,
and literally on the last minute of our two-day hunt, Selina
harvested a beautiful gobbler.
Selina and I hunted turkey on our food plot and, as I mentioned, she loves this sport. The beauty about going from
the early April hunt to May is that spring is in full strut,
comfortable naps can be taken in the blind and life is good.
Selina whacked her second gobbler of the year, one of the
biggest turkeys I have been part of harvesting.
Later in May, we headed to Marsh Miller Lake and stayed
at Birch Point Resort near Bloomer. Each spring Selina
brings a friend, and our good friend, Paul Maire, puts us up
in one of his cabins and we catch bluegills. For Selina, this
is another cant miss trip.
In a years time I go on about 40 trips. The two best are
Canada to Shultz Lake (Chimo Lodge and Outposts) and
deer camp.

Selina has only missed one year of her entire life of doing
a fly in, and she loves heading north with family and friends.
This year she won the big walleye bet for the week. We
landed on a Saturday and got home on a Saturday. We fished
hard, laughed lots and stayed up late.
Selina and I participated in two KAMO (Kids And Mentors Outdoors) camping trips.
The first was on the Wisconsin River near Wisconsin
Dells and we had a blast. The second was on the Petenwell
Flowage. Fishing, tubing, bear baiting and lots of campfire
time with a lot of good people. Check out KAMO at
For several years I have taken Selina and three of her
friends on a four-day outing to an island on the Flambeau
Flowage. We tube, swim, sometimes fish and do a whole
bunch of nothing.
Other than moose or elk hunting, what wipes me out more
than anything is bear baiting then hunting. This July through
mid October, Selina and I (who both had tags) put thousands
of miles on my truck, probably a couple hundred hours in
the woods, and though we had plenty of big bear coming to
the baits, it was all after dark.
Acorns and way too many hunters in Zone C made it so
we went 32 hunts without seeing a bear while in a stand.
October was our annual Mississippi River duck hunt, near
Ferryville, while camping on an island. This trip is a classic
that my father started back in the late 50s. I have been
going on it for 44 years and Selina loves it.
Deer camp.
The Red Brush Gang has so much fun that no one wants
to leave. This fall Selina became independent. As long as
she is carrying a compass, a daypack and hip boots, she does
not need her dad.
There is more to tell but no more space.
Happy New Year.

Where the Chippewa &
Flambeau Rivers Meet

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Lodge & Resort

Joe & Dawn Flater, Owners

Cty. Hwy. M
Holcombe, Wis.

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(715) 595-4771




Thursday, January 7, 2016

Cornell graduate furthers career

Four Cornell teachers

Masters of Science degrees in Education, in
the area of Reading
Specialists from UWRiver Falls. Those earning their degree, left to
right on either side
of Cornell superintendent Dr. Paul M. Schley,
are Ashley Rosentrater (fifth grade), Erica
Deitelhoff (sixth/seventh
grade), Chelsey Steinmetz (fourth grade) and
Erica Ruf (kindergarten).
(Submitted Photo)

Brandan Licht, a 2011 Cornell High

School graduate, has graduated from the
Electromechanical Technology program at
Chippewa Valley Technical College
(CVTC), and already has a job lined up,
working at Global Finishing Solutions in
Electromechanical Technology students
learn how to design, program and maintain
automated equipment used in modern manufacturing plants. CVTC program students
are typically recruited by companies after
completing just one year of the two-year program, and that was the case with Licht.


I had two semesters done and I was already working for Global Finishing Solutions as a part-time intern, Licht said of the
business where he will do electrical design
work. They offered a tuition reimbursement, which was really nice.
Licht initially studied in an information
technology program at CVTC and worked at
EDI in Chippewa Falls, then decided on a
change in programs.
Ive really been into electronics, and
Electromechanical Technology fit that bill,
Licht said. I really like it. You can implement what you learn every day.

Area Business Directory

Its the law.

Corner of Hwy. 124 & S




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128 W Ginty St.,

Cadott, WI 54727
Fax (715) 289-4099
Phone (715) 289-4050

(715) 289-5000


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(715) 877-2705

Courier Sentinel
121 Main St., Cornell
Check out our expanded
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Carlson Craft


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Holcombe, WI

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Cadott, WI 54727




Do you want
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trade an item?

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Sentinel to have
it put in the classified
section of the paper.


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Thursday, January 7, 2016



Lake Holcombe School students can earn books for themselves and the school library, thanks to the Northern White Sand Plant in New Auburn. Each month, the school staff chooses a student from each grade level
who has demonstrated being respectful, responsible and safe. The plant then provides a book for each student to keep for themselves and a hard copy is donated to the library in honor of that student. Book winners
for November, from preK
to 12th grade, are Oscar
Brooklyn Anders, Olivia
Repka, Robert Luethi,
Quinn Porter, Shania
Schroeder, Megan Luethi,
Wright, Ryanna Olmsted,
Kaitlin Pastorius, Devin
Lebal and Chase Fronk.
(Submitted Photo)

Area students receive scholarships

Cornell third grader Alyssa Bowe checks out a doll

for one of her possible presents for a family member this Christmas, as volunteer Harley Thompson
tries to make the sale. Bowe and other elementary
students shopped around during the Dec. 17 Cornell Holiday Shoppe, but after school coordinator
Andrea Smith says volunteers are just as excited
as the kids for this event. (Photo by Kayla Peche)

St. Joseph School

St. Joseph School third and fourth-grade students

celebrate the last day before Christmas vacation by
exchanging gifts with each other in the classroom
through secret Santa.
(Submitted Photo)

Volunteer Donna Hoel

wraps gifts during the
Holiday Shoppe at Cornell Elementary. Items
were donated for students to pick out gifts
for their families. Lake
Holcombe School District made $349 for their
after school program,
and coordinator Andrea
should do the same.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

Technical College (WITC)
donor/recipient receptions
were held at the four WITC
campuses where nearly
$110,000 in scholarships
were awarded. This represents a 10 percent increase
in the amount awarded, and
15 percent more students receiving scholarships compared to fall 2014.
The WITC Foundation is
fortunate to be supported by
generous donors who want
to help our students achieve
their academic goals, said
Craig Fowler, executive director of the WITC Foundation and WITC-Rice Lake
campus administrator. Area
businesses, services and
civic clubs, WITC faculty

Nancy Weiss
Cadott Elementary Class of the Week: Second

and staff, and other individuals have made it possible

for the foundation to award
252 scholarships this fall.
Brooke Elliott, Cornell,
received two scholarshops,
the Arrowhead Family Dental Scholarship and the
Mary W. Johnson Scholar-

From Jim Falls, Ashley
Howell was awarded the
James Quinn Memorial
Scholarship and from Sheldon, Rebecca Lund, was
given the VINE (Rice Lake)
Scholarship for Early Childhood Education.

Public Notices
52-157095/2 wnaxlp

Village of Cadott


WHEREAS, an application has been made to the
village clerk of the Village of Cadott, Wisconsin, to
change certain zoning district classifications and
zoning district boundaries contained therein;
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the village
board of the Village of Cadott, Wisconsin, will meet
at the office of the village clerk in the municipal
building in the Village of Cadott, Chippewa County,
Wisconsin, on the 18th day of January 2016 at
6:35 p.m., to consider the amendment of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Cadott, Wisconsin,
as follows:
SEC 06, TWP 28N, R06 W
S1/2 NE Lot 2 of Cert. Sur. Map #2287 in V10
DOC #642348
Parcel number: 22806-0613-72287002
Owners: Dennis & Diane Falkenberg

In the past month, Nancy Weiss second-grade class has had an inquiry unit about Native Americans and
colonists. Nick Kotek, library media specialist, showed students how to use a database to answer questions centered around the question: How did the Native Americans and colonists live during colonial
times? Students made a video of themselves using an Aurasma app, which parents could see by using
an iPad. Parents were invited to watch the inquiry project video and play Native American games with
their children. In math, students learned the deep meaning of the equal sign (the value of equations is
the same). They have worked on many ways to solve number equations when the missing number is in
different spots, and have five ways to solve addition and subtraction problems to find the correct answer.
The students are wearing their school spirit shirts courtesy of PACE.

Any person interested in the matter and desiring

testimony or other evidence will be heard at the
time and place specified above.
Dated: Dec. 22, 2015
BY: Anson Albarado, president
ATTEST: Sandra Buetow, clerk




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Cornell, WI 54732

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To advertise call the Courier

Sentinel at 715-861-4414

KEVINS REFRIGERATION SERVICE: Phone 715-568-3646. Reasonable rates. Repair refrigerators,

freezers, walk-ins, ice makers and
air conditioners.
PETSKA PLUMBING, LLC: Residential, commercial, remodeling,
farms, pump installation. Rick Petska, MP143877, 16163 190th Ave.,
Bloomer, WI 54724. Phone 715288-6580.
STORAGE: Highway 27 in Holcombe and Cornell. 6x10, 10x12
and 10x24. $25 to $50. Call 715595-4945 or 715-828-0163.
GARAGE: Stanley, Allis Chalmers,
New Holland, New Idea, Kover, McCulloch chain saws; Little Giant;
Kelly Ryan and Spread-Master
spreaders. Good farm equipment at
all times. For a better deal, see us
now. Expert repair service on all
makes and models. 715-644-3347.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


For Rent
FOR RENT: 1 and 2 bedroom
apartments on Main Street in Cornell. Within walking distance of
schools, pharmacy and post office.
Call CPMC at 715-858-3445.
FOR RENT: 1/2 month free rent on
2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Security deposit specials in both
Cadott and Stanley. Located close
to downtown and schools. Call 715-



For Sale

FOR RENT: 1 bedroom cottage on
Lake Holcombe. Call 715-4035162.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom lower
apartment in Cornell. Utilities included, excepting electric. $560.

On-site physician visits

Three daily home-cooked meals
Daily life-enriching activities
24-hour staff assistance
Nurse on-site or on call 24/7
Our very own restaurant Alberta Mays
Personal care assistance with bathing, dressing,
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King $395. 28 years experience.
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Sets: Twin $195. Full $245. Queen

$275. King $445. Call Dan 715829-2571, or visit

Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Part-time bartenders, waitresses and cooks.
Please apply in person at Paradise
Shores in Holcombe.
HELP WANTED: Housekeepers.
Apply in person at Paradise Shores,
HELP WANTED: Live-in motel man-

ager. Send resume to: Manager, 905

Park Avenue East, Ladysmith, WI
TRUCK DRIVER wanted for grain
hopper division, home weekends.
Saturday morning mechanic. Looking for drivers, also home daily
route. 715-571-9623.

Home Improvement


Riverwood Apartments
120 S. Wells Street - Gilman, WI

Accepting New Patients

Thomas J. Rufledt, DDS
Gregory A. Mihm, DDS

David J. Irwin, DDS

Christopher D. Goettl, DDS

1502 Main St. Bloomer 715.568.2363

Hours: Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


BEDROOM FAMILY UNIT, off-street parking, subsidized rent based on 30% of household income for qualified households. For information and application, call
Pam at 1-800-924-3256.

Real Estate
40-154632 46-155979




Public Notices
1-157293 wnaxlp

Town of Cleveland
Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting will be held Monday, Jan.

11, 2016, at the town hall (20470 State Hwy. 64) at
7 p.m.
Financial report
Discussion and possible action on the following:
Employee handbook
Town hall sign upgrade
Payment of bills
Public input

1-157309 wnaxlp

Town of Goetz
Regular Board Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Goetz board

of supervisors will hold its monthly meeting Monday,
Jan. 11, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. at the Goetz Town Hall.
1) Roll Call
2) Minutes
3) Treasurers Report
4) Roads
5) AG Enterprise Area
5) Payment of bills
6) Adjourn
Tamee Foldy
Town of Goetz, clerk

1-157311 wnaxlp
Your Cornell/Lake Holcombe
Area Realtors

Town of Birch Creek
Monthly Meeting

Thane Page

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Birch

Creek will hold a regular monthly meeting Tuesday,
Jan. 12, 2016, at 7 p.m., at the Birch Creek Town
Hall at 26755 240th St.
1.Call meeting to order
2.Roll call
3.Approve minutes
4.Treasurers report
5.Public comment
6.Discussion and action items:
A. Committee Reports
B. Correspondence
C. Payment of bills
7.Set next meeting
8. Adjourn
Robin Stender,


Kay Geist

Cell: 715.202.3194
[email protected]

Cell: 715.577.2193
[email protected]

MIXED BREED puppies, black and
golden, medium sized, ready end of
January. Come pick one out. $25.

Wanted To Buy


WANTED: GUNS - new and used.

Turn them into ca$h or trade for a
new one! Shay Creek in Medford,

Thank you for

reading the paper

Your Hometown Agent

Cell 715.206.0132
[email protected]


T.A. James
Due to a change in ownership of the property at 418 N. Main Street, Cadott, WI.
Please call 715-828-3100 by Feb. 15, 2016.
Failure to respond to this notice could result in storage and/or disposal of personal


Call 715-861-4414 to

6 Months
Chippewa, Rusk & Eau Claire Counties - $22
Elsewhere in Wisconsin - $25
Outside Wisconsin - $32
1 Year Print
Chippewa, Rusk & Eau Claire Counties - $32
Elsewhere in Wisconsin - $35
Outside Wisconsin - $42

Courier Sentinel

1 Year Print + Online

Chippewa, Rusk & Eau Claire Counties - $42
Elsewhere in Wisconsin - $45
Outside Wisconsin - $52
1 Year Online - $32




Thursday, January 7, 2016


Womens club continues annual holiday projects

Hats, scarves and mittens adorn a Spirit of

Christmas tree at the Cadott Courier Sentinel
office. Through the Spirit of Christmas program, parents in the Chippewa Valley can fill
out an application for their children. After receiving donations from individuals and organizations at collection locations, warm weather
attire is picked up by volunteers and distributed to children in need.
(Photo by Heather Dekan)

Submitted by Jackie McDaniel

Lake Holcombe Womens Club President
The Lake Holcombe Womens Club (LHWC) completes
many community projects throughout the year. Several of
those projects are done every December.
Each year, the club receives several names of children
from the Lake Holcombe School who are in need of some
Christmas cheer delivered to them. Dec. 10 was the day Ramona Scharf, Jackie Fredricksen, Nancy Glenzer and Mary
Froehlich, members of the LHWC, did their shopping for
several youngsters in Holcombe.
We have been doing this for a few years and it feels better
every year, said Scharf. For several years we have received an added donated gift card from the Chippewa Falls
Walmart to help with the cost.
After wrapping the gifts, they are given to the Lake Holcombe School for delivery just in time for Christmas.
On Dec. 17, the LHWC Cheer Bag committee gathered at
Jackie McDaniels house to assemble cheer bags for 35 people in the Holcombe community.
The womens club has been delivering cheer bags for
about 20 years, said Judy Taylor, member.
Gordys County Market in Cornell donated fruit and
candy, and quick breads were baked by LHWC members for
the cheer bags. After the added tissue paper, a Christmas
card and a candy cane were tied with ribbon to give them a
festive look.
The few hours we spend getting the cheer bags ready is
all worthwhile when we see the smile on peoples faces when

we drop off their special gift, said Taylor.

The Childrens Christmas and Cheer Bag projects, along
with the Lake Holcombe School Scholarships, are supported
by bake sales the LHWC holds throughout the year. Members say the LHWC will continue these projects with support
from the Holcombe community and the Holcombe Lions

Left to right, Jackie McDaniel, Judy Taylor, Barbara

Ryser (Jackies sister), Mary Froehlich, Yvonne Cahoon and Norma Arts, with Tom Taylor (Judys son)
in the back, stand in front of the cheer bags the
Lake Holcombe Womens Club compiled for families in the Holcombe community.
(Submitted Photo)

Cadott Winter Concert

To the right: The Cadott sixth-grade black and gold
choir performed three songs during a Dec. 22 winter concert, including Send Down the Rain, which
Emily Malecki (middle row, far left) said was their
favorite song to sing. Other sixth graders pictured,
left to right, in front, are Sam Scheidler, Ethan Duck
and Ella Zais. Right from Malecki, are Hailee Glenn
and Jaime Rodriguez. In back, are Teanna Miles and
Shane Pilgrim.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

To a packed Cadott elementary gym Dec. 22, fifth

grader Angel Hladilek and her classmates in band
performed Beethovens Ninth and Lets Go Band, a
pep band song students put a Christmas twist on.
Other performances during the evening included
fifth and sixth-grade black and gold choir and the
sixth-grade band.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

After a Dec. 28 winter storm, Amanda Olichwier and

her daughter, Macie, Cornell, built a tunnel and
played in the snow outside the Courier Sentinel office. Amanda said they were going to build a snowman, but the snow wouldnt pack good enough.
Later, a friendly plowman gave Macie a bigger hill
to go sledding.
(Photo by Kayla Peche)

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