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1. Structure - aux. to be + Past Participle of the main verb + by

2. From the active voice to the passive voice we must have the same verbal tense and
change the direct or indirect object to the subject.

He writes a letter.
He is writing a letter.
He wrote a letter.
He has written a letter.
He was writing a letter.
He will write a letter.
He would write a letter.

They have told her a lot of lies.

A letter is written by him.
A letter is being written by him.
A letter was written by him.
A letter has been written by him
A letter was being written by him
A letter will be written by him.
A letter would be written by him.

- S. Present
- Pres. Cont.
- S. Past
- Pre. Perfect
- Past Cont.
- Future
- Conditional

She has been told a lot of lies.

3. When in the active voice we have an indefinite subject, in the passive voice we wont
have the agent of the passive ( somebody, people...)
Ex.: Someone has stolen all his documents. - All his documents have been stolen.
People will soon remember that great man. - That great man will soon be
4. If we have in the active voice modal verbs, the passive is formed with the same form
of the modal verb, followed by the infinitive of the verb to be and the past participle of
the main verb.
Ex.: One must take that medicine twice a day. - That medicine must be taken
twice a day.
5. In the negative form of the passive voice it is the auxiliary verb that is going to the
negative; the same happens with the interrogative.
Ex.: I didnt give him that book. - He wasnt given that book by me.
Do parents always love their children? - Are children always loved by their
6. Verbs that are followed by a preposition keep it also in the passive voice.
Ex.: They are laughing at him. - He is being laughed at.

1. Mother cooked dinner.
2. Mr. Smith offered her a valuable ring on her birthday.
3. The School Director will give other details.
4. Your teacher will ask you some difficult questions.
5. The doctor is prescribing a medicine.
6. The surgeon is operating his patients in the operation theatre.
7. The war has destroyed all their hopes.
8. Everybody may drink that pure water.
9. She has taken the newspaper to her room.
10. They told the new students where to sit.
11. We should encourage our students to use the dictionary.
12. The government may alter the tax rates.
13. Someone gave out the news on the radio this morning.
14. Everybody has pointed out my mistakes to me.
15. They have promised Mary a new opportunity.
16. Why didnt they offer me the job?

17. Everybody calls young executives yuppies.
18. Women are not motivated by the money.

19. He has been appointed number one in the list by his employer.
20. Long letters in foreign languages are going to be dictated by her boss.
21. The citizens were being offered many options to solve the problem.
22. Jane has been interviewed by a smartly dressed lady.
23. Jack should be told about the dangers of smoking.
24. Has she been asked when she was available to begin working?
25. Did anyone encourage them to emigrate?

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