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117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

J. F.



W. E.



"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:I3.

~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all
things; that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory,
clothed with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief
Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully
disobeyed God's law and was sentenced to death; that by
reason of Adam's wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority.
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah's organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare
his purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the
establishment of God's kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessin~s of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah's kingdom under
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord's next great
act is the destruction of Satan's organization and the establishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall be
restored and live on earth forever.
The title of this new booklet focuses attention on the work
which Jehovah God, by hi~ Judge at the temple, Christ Jesus,
is now doing in view of the great slaughter to occur at Armageddon. The cover illustration is very expressive of the title
and gives compelling force thereto. This booklet contains the
three lectures ., The True God ", "The Mimic Goll," and
"Why Serve Jehovah", delivered within recent months over
both a Masttocoast radio network and one along the Atlantic
coast, and which deserve thoughtful study by all. Like all
other booklets of the Society, it may be had for 5c.

HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling

the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
speci1ically designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses. It providcs
systematic Bible study for all its readers and supplies teachers
to aid any person or company of persons engaged in since:-o
Bible study. It publishes suitable material for radio broad
casting and for other means of public instruction in the
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
or other worldly organizatioDJ!. It is wholly and without
reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
bis Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
and critical examination of its contents in the light of tho
Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col
umDJ! are not open to personalities.




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Please address the Society in every case.

(TransZation8 of this Journal appear

,n several languages.)

All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infinnlty,

poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
may have TIle Watchtouer free upon written appllcation to the
publi$hers, made once each year, stating the reason for so requesting it. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the written
application once each year is required by the postal regulations.
Notl.ce to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal subscription will be sent only when requested. Change of address,
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be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
Entered IZ8 Second Clas8 Man Matter at Brooklyn, N. Y., PostofJIce.
Act 01 March 8, 1819.
The Year Book for 1934 is now ready. The Society has had
the grandest and most intense and effective service year of its
history, and the annual report thereon as compiled by the
president will be sure to deli~ht all who have the kingdom interests at heart. Also, there is a pointed discussion of the
1934 year text, and a text and appropriate comment for each
day of the year. The book is 50c a copy, mailed anywhere.
Remittance to cover should accompany each order. Company
members will place their orders WIth the local stockkeeper,
that he may send in a group order. This will reduce shipping
costs and also expedite filling of orders here.


As suggested by the name, the period from January 20 to 28,

inclusive, has been set aside to specialize on offering to the
people the newest booklet, Dividing the People. During- these
nine days Jehovah's witnesses as one man in Christ Jesus will
be in action, and, whether privileged to distribute the abnve
booklet in their respective languages or not, will he equally
engaged in marking the foreheads of those hoping in the
Lord's name and thus be instruments of the Lord in his
division work. All Watchtower readers, also all those foreshadowed by .Tonadab, may participate. The importance of tho
campai~n behooves that due preparation be begun without
de!ay by companies and individuals alike.


The Society's. calendar for 1934 will be a beautiful adornment and help in the homes of all interested in Jehovah's
purposes at this.time. Not only is the year's text set forth, but
a ffiaA'Ilificent picture expressive thereof, and also a special
message from the president of the Society. The date pad inlli
cates the periods of special worldwide witnessing arranged
for the year. The Calenllar may be had at 23c a copy; or,
in lots of 5 or more, at 20c apiece. Members of companies
may avail themselves of this latter rate by placing thcir oruers
with their stockkeeper.



I, 1934


HIn his name shall [the] nations hope."-Matt. 12: 21, Roth.
and the record there shows that his holy name must
be completely vindicated. Satan declared before Jehovah that if God would afilict or permit afflictIOn to
come upon perfect man that man would curse God to
his face, meaning necessa rily that all men would in
time become the enemies of God and turn against
him and thus prove that no man would maintain his
integrity toward God when put to the crucial test.
Jehovah God accepted that challenge and permitted
the test to proceed. (Job 2: 4-6) Should Satan eventually prove the truth of his boastful challenge the
name of Jehovah would stand for ever blemished. But
if Satan fails in his boastful challenge the name of
Jehovah God stands completely and for ever vindicated. Satan is doomed to complete failure. The victory is given to the Most High.
, Adam, the first man created by the Lord God, was
perfect in his organism, but he failed to maintain his
integrity toward his Creator, which fact tended to
prove Satan's side of the question at issue. All of
the human race descended from Adam; hence all were
born in sin and, as sinners, they could have no standing before God. (Rom. 5: 12) Then Jehovah made
his Logos or Word a man, full of grace and truth,
and caused him to dwell upon the earth amongst men.
(John 1: 14) Adam and Jesus were the only two perfect human creatures that have ever lived on the
earth. Jesus was sent to the earth in the name of his
Father, Jehovah God, which necessarily means that
he was sent as the vindicator of Jehovah's name, that
is to say, to prove that the challenge made by Satan
is false.
a Jesus was a perfect man; which truth is often
denied. "God sent forth his Son, made of a woman."
(Gal. 4: 4) That the man Christ Jesus was perfect
of necessity must be true, for several Scriptural reasons. Jesus was the direct creation of Jehovah, and
"his work is perfect". (Deut. 32:4) He was sent to
be the ransomer, redeemer and savior of sinful man.
(Matt. 1: 25; John 3: 16; 1 Tim. 2: 5, 6) He must
therefore be a price exactly corresponding to the man
Adam at the time Adam was perfect and before Adam
sinned. As man's redeemer Jesus was foreshadowed
by the paschal lamb slain in Egypt, which lamb must

EHOVAH caused his prophet to give utterance

to the words of the above text. The words are
therefore Jehovah's giving expression to his purpose, and 'having purposed it he will also do it '. The
peoples of the nations of earth need to know that Jehovah is the only true and almighty God. He has
made provision for them to know. Because Jehovah's
name has been defamed he has appointed Christ Jesus the vindicator of his great and holy name. Those
who refuse to hear and give heed to God's great vindicator shall be destroyed. Those who desire to know
the will and name of Jehovah God shall learn, and
then obeying him they shall live.
2 In the years next preceding this we have had emphasized the Scriptural truths that 'they shall know
that Jehovah is God' and that the privilege of delivering the testimony of this great truth is given to
Jehovah's witnesses and for that reason these witnesses are the objects of Satan's wrath. Jehovah's
witnesses having received his name, which he bestows
upon them, have learned that his name is their high
tower, and into it they run and are safe. They are
not immune from persecution, but, remaining faithful
to the name of Jehovah, they shall be delivered. The
peoples of the nations are without hope in the world;
therefore appropriate for this year is the text:
"In his name shall [the] nations hope." Having this
text in mind during the year Jehovah's witnesses will
appreciate their duty and privilege in carrying such
great truths to the people, even though by so doing
they must endure many hardships. In this manner
must they follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus,
their Head and Lord.


Jehovah God being the Creator of all things good,

his name must stand for everything that is good, pure,
holy, lovable and righteous. He having purposed to
do a thing and having given his word as expressing
that purpose, a failure to accomplish that purpose
would prove that his name does not stand for everything that is good, holy, pure, righteous and all-powerful. The experience of Job discloses the question or
issue raised as involving the name of Jehovah God,


be without blemish. (Ex. 12: 5) Man is not redeemed

by an imperfect thing, but "with the precious blood
of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without
spot". (1 Pet. 1: 19) Nothing more and nothing less
than a perfect man could be the ransomer or redeemer
of the human race, because God would require only
the life of a perfect man. Jesus was made a little
lower than the angels, a man perfect in every respect.

If Jesus was perfect as a man, then why is it writ-

ten of him in the Scriptures that 'he was made pHfect through suffering' ~ (Heb. 2: 10; 5: 9) That
scripture could not mean that he was made perfect in
his organism as a man by reason of suffering, because
he was already perfect. Could it mean that he was
made perfect as a spirit creature ~ It could not mean
that; for the reason that he is Jehovah God's creature
and whatsoever God creates is perfect, and suffering
could not make him more perfect. (Deut. 32: 4) Does
it mean that he was made perfect in character development f No; for the reason he was at all times a
perfect character. Does it mean that by his sufferings
he was made "perfect as a new creature"1 No; because as a new creature he was never at any time
imperfect, and indeed could not be.
T What, then, is meant by the scripture, "Though
he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the thin~s
which he suffered; and being made perfect, he became
the author of eternal salvation unto all them that
obey him." (Heb. 5: 8, 9) Jehovah God sent his Leloved Son to earth as the vindicator of his (Jeho'Vah 's)
name. The issue or question for determination was:
Could a perfect man be subjected to all manner of
aillictions and sufferjngs and maintain his integrity
toward God f Satan said he could not. God's word
and name declared exactly the contrary. In order to
prove the name of Jehovah, the perfect man Jesus
must be subjected to the assaults and sufferings that
Satan would inflict upon him. If he came through
the fire of affliction unscathed and victorious, that
would prove Satan a liar and Jehovah right. It was
Satan who tempted Jesus at the beginning of his
ministry and thereby attempted to bring about his
self-destruction. Failing in that, then Satan causrd
Jesus to be persecuted in every conceivable manner.
Truly "he was oppressed, and he was afflicted". God
did not afflict his own dearly beloved Son; "yet it
pleased the Lord to bruise him . . . [and] put him
to grief."-Isa. 53: 7-10.
8 Why would it thus please Jehovah to have his
Son put to griefY God permitted his Son to thus be
bruised and affiicted because it was necessary in order
to settle the question at issue raised by the boastful
challenge of Satan. There never was a time that Jesus
was disobedient to his Father, but he must suffer in
order to learn obedience under suffering and thus
prove that under suffering he would be obedient.


N. Y.

Therefore in all of his sufferings Jesus learned obedience and steadfastly maintained his integrity toward Jehovah God. The final suffering came when
Jesus knew that he was to die the ignominious death
of a sinner. Jesus did not fear death, but because his
Father's name \vas involved he did fear that, dying
like a sinner, he would thus defame his Father's name,
because the Devil would appear to triumph. For that
reason Jesus in Gethsemane cried out: "Father, if
thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22: 42)
That time of suffering is the same referred to by the
apostle who wrote: "Who in the days of his flesh,
when he had offered up prayers and supplications,
with strong crying and tears, unto him that was able
to save him from death, and was heard in that he
feared." (Reb. 5: 7) The Scriptural proof is conclusive that Jehovah at that time gave Jesus assurance that his death as a sinner would not be a reproach to the name of Jehovah but that eventually
Jehovah would use that very thing to the vindication
of his name. "And there appeared an angel unto him
from heaven, strengthening him." (Luke 22: 43)
Thereafter Jesus exhibited no fear whatsoever, which
shows that it was not death that he feared, but that
his agony was because of the apparent triumph of
9 The meaning of the scripture above quoted concerning Jesus' being made perfect by suffering manifestly is this: As the Son of God he was perfect, but
as a Son who was at all times obedient to his Father
he had not suffered and there was no occasion for him
to suffer. He was made a perfect man, and now Jehovah would have him prove that a perfect man can
be subjected to all manner of suffering and still maintain his integrity toward God, and, this being done,
such would prove Satan to be a liar and woald be a
vindication of Jehovah's name. Jesus must therefore
go through all manner of suffering, and through it
all he was obedient to his Father; hence 'he learned
obedience by the things which he suffered '. Whether
he suffered or did not suffer he was always obedient;
but if he had not suffered there would have brcn no
proof that he would be obedient under suffering. His
constant obedience under the most terrible suffering
proved Satan's boastful challenge absolutely false, and
hence was the vindication of Jehovah. The word in this
text above quoted, and which is rendered make perfect, is also rendered to complete, accomplish, finish,
and fulfil. By remaining steadfast throughout his
period of suffering Jesus did completely accomplish
and fulfil his Father's side of the question at issue,
and this he did by being obedient to his Father under
the severe test.
10 What was Jehovah's purpose in thus having his
beloved Son 'made perfect through suffering' 7 The
answer is, to prove that Satan is a liar, and that his
challenge is without foundation, and that Jehovah


1, 1934

g:fie WATC1;iT0WER.

God is right and always righteous, and that the one

gaining the victory over Satan under the test would
prove his qualification to be the redeemer of man and
the leader of all obedient creation back to the Father,
and the one whom Jehovah would use to destroy the
Devil. Therefore says the apostle: "And being made
perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation un
to all them that obey him. "-Heb. 5: 9.
11 It was necessary for Jesus to be a human creature of flesh and blood like other men and, as a man
meeting the terms of the question at issue, to prove
his qualification to be the one whom Jehovah would
use to destroy the Devil and all of his wicked organization. In support of this conclusion, it is written:
"Since then the children are sharers in flesh and
blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the
same; that through death he might bring to nought
him that had the power of death, that is, the deviL"
-Heb. 2: 14, A.R.V.
12 Jesus by his triumph in this contest becomes the
vindicator of Jehovah's name and the executioner
appointed by Jehovah to destroy the enemy. The resurrection of Jesus proved that Jesus had been faithful
and true to Jehovah, had maintained his integrity as
a man, and therefore as a perfect man he had fully
and completely met the contest and vindicated his
Father's name. This proves Satan's boastful challenge
to be an empty thing. Jesus not only becomes the redeemer of mankind, but becomes the vindicator of his
Father's name and the leader and commander of aU
peoples, and aU who live must obey him; and this
is a further vindication of Jehovah's name. Jehovah
therefore commands that all creation shall bow before the name of Christ Jesus. "Wherefore God also
hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which
is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in
earth, and things under the earth; and that every
tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to
the glory of God the Father." (Phil. 2: 9-11) The
suffering of Jesus therefore had nothing whatsoever
to do with making him perfect as a man, or perfect
as a new creature divine, or perfect in character development, but by his suffering he did prove fully and
completely that a perfect man can, under the most
severe test and suffering, remain true, obedient and
steadfastly devoted to Jehovah God. Only those who
suffer in like manner, and who in like manner prove
their integrity toward God, will be permitted to be
associated with Christ Jesus in his kingdom. (2 Tim.
2: 12) That the suffering of Christ and his true followers is a privilege enabling them to have a part in
the vindication of Jehovah's name is further supported by the following texts: "For even hereunto
were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us,
leaving us an example, that ye should follow his
steps." (l Pet. 2: 21) "Because to ~'ou it was graciously given on behalf of Christ, not only to believe

into him, but also to suffer on his account. "-Phil.

1: 29, Diag.
13 Having proved his Father's side of the great issue
by reason of his faithfulness even unto the ignominious death, Jesus, when he was raised up out of death
and ascended on high, was ready to proceed with the
work of destroying the enemy, if such was the will of
his Father. That was a part of the work he was commissioned to do. This is proved by the statement:
"Jehovah saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right
hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. J ehovah will send forth the rod of thy strength out of
Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies." (Ps.
110: 1, 2, A.R.V.; Heb. 10: 12, 13) Jesus must await
Jehovah's due time to destroy the enemy and his
organization. During that period of waiting two impOltant things would come to pass, to wit: (1) J ehovah would permit the Devil to remain and continue
his efforts to prove his side of the question at issue
and to practice all kinds of frand, deceit and opprpssion, particularly by and through fraudulent religion;
and (2) Jehovah would take out from amongst imperfect men a company to be associated with Christ
Jesus, who must prove their integrity to Jehovah and
be made the associates of Jesus in Zion, and who must
declare the name of Jehovah throughout the earth,
and thus further prove Satan as a liar and a fraud:
"But for this cause have I allowed thee to remain,
in order to show thee my power; and in order that
they may proclaim my name throughout all the
earth. "-Ex. 9: 16, Lees.
14 Jehovah puts his own name upon his beloved Son
and commands that all creation must worship him.
Why would he do that? It is the name of Jehovah that
is involved, and now his beloved Son having been
appointed to the office of vindicator and executioner,
he bears the name of his Father. Jehovah honors him
above any and all others. Jehovah puts his spirit
upon his beloved Son, and the Father and Son are one,
that is to say,- in complete unity for the accomplishment of Jehovah's purpose. The Father is l\fastllr,
and Christ Jesus, his Son, is the servant, hence subject to Jehovah. "Behold my servant, whom I uphold,
mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put
my spirit upon him; he shall bring forth judgment
to the Gentiles [nations]." (Isa. 42:1) "Christ"
means the anointed One of Jehovah; which means that
Jehovah has commissioned this mighty One to carry
out his purposes and particularly the vindication of
his name. Concerning his anointed One Jehovah says:
"I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will
I not give to another [than Christ], neither my praise
unto graven images." (Isa. 42: 8, A.R.V.) No crea
ture aside from Jehovah's anointed can ever have the
honor of bearing his name. Images or organizations
that parade in the name of God and of Christ are not
permitted to share in that honor. Those who have this

fiffie WATCHT0WER.


N. Y.

honor conrcrred upon them must prove their integrity

to Jehovah God, and it is limited to Christ Jesus and
the members of his body.

arrived for the vindication of Jehovah's great name.



In the year text the term "nations" means the

peoples throughout the earth. (Matt. 12: 21) Many
millions of these profess to be followers of Christ
Jesus, and yet most of them are without hope because
they are ignorant of Jehovah's purpose. After cen
turies of operation of a religious system called ,1 0 1'_
ganized Christianity" the peoples of "Christendom"
are hopeless. Divers and numerous schemes formulate
ed by men and man-made organizations have been
placed before the people and which schemes have
promised the people relief and blessings. The people
have feared their mell leaders and have trusted in
them, and for that reason have been led into the snare
of the enemy. They have failed to trust in God and in
his Word. I ' The fear of man bringeth a snare: but
whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe."
(Prov. 29: 25) Selfish men have made and promul.
gated these various schemes, and the invisible ruler,
Satan the Devil, has overreached the men of the world
and hence led the whole world into his snare. The
nations of the earth are therefore under the domination of that wicked one, the Devil. (1 John 5: 19)
Only those who have trusted in the Lord and who
faithfully serve him have escaped the snares of the
wicked one. (Ps. 11D: 110; 2 Tim. 2: 26) Satan by
and through his various worldly agencies has blinded
the people to the truth of God's purpose. In times
past the people had hope in the schemes of men, but
now those schemes have all failed and the people are
sad and distressed. (Prov. 13: 12) No person can
have a substantial hope who is without knowledge of
God and his kingdom. The only hope for the nations
of the earth is the name of Jehovah and his Christ,
because it is the kingdom under Christ that will vine
dicate Jehovah's name and bring relief to mankind.
18 The Watchtower has stated that the clergy of
I' organized Christianity" serve the Devil and do not
serve Jehovah God. This statement has been vigorously challenged, the contention being that there are
sincere ministers who preach and who are preaching
the gospel as they believe it. The answer thereto is
that sincerity in belief does not make one a servant
of Jehovah God. Let it be conceded that there are
sincere men in the ministry of so-called "organized
Christianity". It must also be conceded by those
who defend them that such ministers preach doctrines
that are selfish. Even those who preach that the salvation of man comes by and through the blood of
Christ Jesus tell the people that Jehovah's purpose
is to save men and take them to heaven in order to
prevent the Devil from getting all mankind. Such a
conclusion not only is erroneous, but is extremely
selfish and results from deception practiced upon men
by Satan, and thus such men are made to serve the
Devil, regardless of whether they are sincere or not.

15 During the waiting period of 1800 years and more

Jehovah has been gathering out from amongst human
creatures those who have signified their desire to be
the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. In that period
of time millions of persons have professed to be followers of Christ Jesus, but the Devil has blinded most
of them by his divers and numerous fraudulent methods. Most of those professed ones have understood
that Jehovah was trying to get them into heaven so
that the Devil could not get all the human race into
hell. Such a conclusion is entirely foreign to Jehovah's purpose. Many persons have heard the truth
in recent years and responded thereto, but only a
small number, comparatively speaking, have been
chosen. Satan has turned millions of professed followers of Christ Jesus away from God, and God has
at no time tried to prevent him from so doing. Those
who worship God must do so in spirit, sincerity and
18 What God has been doing during the waiting
period is to 'take out from the nations a people for
his name'. (Acts 15: 14) This people taken out and
approved by Jehovah must bear his name. Since Jehovah confers this honor on none aside from his
anointed, it follows that all thus taken out must
follow the Lord Jesus not only for a time, but to the
end, and that they must prove their integrity, must
become members of God's organization of which the
anointed Christ Jesus is the Head, and must bear
testimony to the name of Jehovah faithfully unto the
end. To take men and women to heaven would be no
honor to Jehovah's name; but to select out from
amongst fallen men 144,000 who would prove their
integrity and unswerving devotion to Jehovah God
even unto death is a vindication of his name, because
such further proves the Devil's boastful challenge is
wickedly false. The anointed servant of the Most
High is composed of Christ Jesus and 144,000 who
are made the associates of Christ Jesus. All of these
must through suffering learn obedience and prove
their faithfulness unto God. They must all be brought
to unity and made one in Christ, even as God and
Christ Jesus are one. (John 17: 21) The 144,000 company must be brought into absolute unity and participate in the vindication of Jehovah's name. (Eph.
4: 11.14) Such unity means perfect and harmonious
action as members of God's organization to vindicate
his name. This unity is accomplished when Christ Jesus comes to the temple, builds up Zion, and puts the
entire organization into harmonious aetion under his
direct supervision. The waiting period named in the
Psalm ended in 1914, and then Jehovah sent forth
his beloved Son to rule, and he comes to his temple
and gathers the approved ones, because the time has




1, 1934

They are the servants of him whom they serve. (Rom.

6: 16) The clergy of "organized Christianity" never
tell the people that there will be but a small number
to go to heaven, and that the most that are saved will
find restitution blessings under the kingdom of God
on earth. They never tell the people about the vindication of Jehovah's name by and through his King,
Christ Jesus, and that their hope rests in faithfulness
to God and his kingdom. They do not tell the people
these things, because they do not believe them. They
tell the people, probably in all sincerity, that God
sends afflictions upon them because of their indifference to their church obligations, which is not only
erroneous, but a defamation of God's holy name, and
serves the Devil. The preaching of error, even though
done in all sincerity, tends to turn the people away
from Jehovah God and thus makes the preacher of
such error a servant of Satan. In order for the people
to have hope, they must know the truth.

The greatest of all questions for determination is

the vindication of Jehovah's name. All other matters
are subsidiary thereto. The salvation of the human
race or any portion thereof will be a vindication of
Jehovah's name and prove his supremacy, but the
salvation of the human race is not the important thing.
Jehovah could wipe out the entire race and make a
new one, and in so doing he would in no wise violate
justice. On the other hand, by placing the truth before his creatures and giving life everlasting to those
who willingly obey him, such is a vindication of his
name and results beneficially to the creature that
obeys. When the wicked are destroyed, and those
who love God and are obedient are given life, such
proves that Jehovah alone is the Supreme One and
worthy of all worship and joyful service. That will
settle for ever the question of supremacy, and then
all creation will see that only the obedient ones are
given life everlasting 'by the Most High. Thus is
magnified the name of Jehovah's anointed King,
through whose name he brings vindication and the
hope of life to the obedient ones of creatures.
20 Jehovah made Christ Jesus his servant or anointed one to vindicate his name. He appointed Jesus as
leader of all who will ever get life. Therefore it is
written by his prophet: "Incline your ear, and come
unto me; hear [obey], and your soul shall live; ...
Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people,
a leader and commander to the people." (Isa. 55: 3, 4)
Those who faithfully and successfully follow the
leader must have faith and confidence in the leader'
and must obey his commandments. They must do as
the leader does ; and since Christ Jesus maintained
his integrity toward Jehovah God, others who live
must do likewise. He leads first those whom he associates with him in his kingdom, and afterwards all
that get life everlasting.

21 Jehovah sent his beloved Son to earth to bear

testimony to the truth, and everyone who maintains
his integrity toward God must hear and obey the
truth as declared by Christ Jesus. (John 18: 37) Jehovah by and through Christ Jesus takes out from
amongst men a people for his name. Now, as the great
vindicator of Jehovah's name, Christ Jesus commands
these taken-out ones to 'preach this gospel of the kingdom as a witness to the nations'. (Matt. 24: 14) This
means that they must obey this commandment in
order to maintain their integrity towards Jehovah.


22 Jehovah having taken out from amongst the nations a people for his name and having now brought
them unto Zion and built them up into his organization, he bestows upon them as members of The Christ
his own great name. This is the honor or glory which
no others are permitted to have. "And the Gentiles
[nations] shall see thy righteousness, and all kings
thy glory; and thou shalt be called by a new name,
which the mouth of the Lord shall name." (ha.
62: 2) As Christ Jesus is the great witness of Jehovah, likewise all those who are brought into unity
with him, ~nd upon whom the new name is bestowed,
must be witnesses to the name of God and Christ;
hence Jehovah says to them: "Ye are my witnesses
. .. that I am God," that is to say, the Supreme Onc,
and besides whom there is no other. (Isa. 43: 10-12)
Jehovah committed to Christ Jesus the testimony of
his purpose to vindicate his name, and all those who
are brought into unity with Christ have in turn committed to them the privilege, duty and obligation of
bearing witness to that great name. (Rev. 12: 17)
Christ Jesus is therefore the great leader and great
witness to all those who are now in Zion, and those
who continue therein must be witnesses to the name
of Jehovah God and to his kingdom.


The question of supremacy must now be for ever

settled, because it is Jehovah's due time to settlc it.
He has assembled Zion and made his taken-out people
a part thereof, and to them he says: "I am the first,
and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. . . .
Fear ye not, neither be afraid; have not I told tlll'e
from that time, and have II not] declared it? ye are
even my witnesses." (Isa. 44: 6-8) Jehovah's anointed, therefore, must fully trust him and fparlcssly
declare his name. The time approaches now whpu
Jehovah will give opportunity to the people to determine in whom they will trust and whom they will
serve. Because he has made Christ Jesus his vindicator Jehovah now speaks to his great Servant and
Witness, saying: "Thus saith God Jehovah, he that
created the heavens, and stretched them forth; he
that spread abroad the earth and that which cometh
out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon
it, and spirit to them that walk therein: I, Jehovah,

have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thy
hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the [nations]; to
open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from
the dungeon, and them that sit in darkness out of
the prison-house." (Isa. 42: 5-7, A.R.V.) This scripture does not say that Christ Jesus is commissioned
to take the people to heaven, but it does say that he
is commissioned to open their blind eyes and inform
them of the truth, that they may have an opportunity
to choose whom they will serve. Those who believe
upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the great
Redeemer and the Vindicator of Jehovah's name, have
reason for a hope. They must then be obedient to
Jehovah, the Supreme One. Everyone who maintains
his integrity toward God, to that extent, therefore,
will prove Satan to be a liar and hence have a part
in the vindication of Jehovah's name.
2' When Jesus had endured much suffering and
thereby continued to be obedient unto his Father he
was made the vindicator of his Father's name. For
that reason Jehovah made Christ Jesus his "right
hand" and his "holy arm" to accomplish his purpose
of proving his own great supremacy. It is Jehovah,
therefore, who gains the victory over his enemies; but
he gets this victory by and through his beloved Son
as his instrument, and he makes his Son this instrument or vindicator because the Son was obedient under suffering. In harmony with this Jehovah caused
to be written by his prophet: "0 sing unto the Lord
a new song; for he hath done marvellous things; his
right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the
victory. The Lord hath made known his salvation;
his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight
of the [nations]." (Ps. 98: 1,2) It is Jehovah who
saves the obedient ones and gives them everlasting
life, and this he does for his own great name's sake.
Their salvation is a vindication of his name, and this
vindication operates beneficially to everyone who
proves his integrity toward God.
15 All reasonably sane persons desire to have life
and to dwell in peace and to enjoy the things which
God has provided for them. No human creature can
realize such desired blessings until he learns whence
they come and what he must do to obtain them. Jehovah God sent his beloved Son to earth that man
might believe in him and live and not perish. (John
3: 16) That means that without knowledge and without belief mankind must perish. The life of the perfect man Jesus provided the redemptive price for man,
but in order for man to reap the benefits thereof he
must know Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and choose
to be obedient to the righteous laws of his kingdom.
"Where there is no vision [knowledge and understanding], the people perish; but he that keepeth the
law, happy is he. " (Prov. 29: 18) Hence it is written:
"This is life eternal, that they might know thee the


N. Y.

only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast

sent." (John 17: 3) Jehovah has made provision for
the people to learn, and he lays the privilege and obligation upon his witnesses to now declare to them that
their hope is in his kingdom.
26 The crisis is here when the paramount question
must be settled. Satan is exercising all his power in
his efforts to win, but he is certain to lose. Satan
would destroy all the people rather than see any of
them serve God. Satan continues to oppress and increase the burdens of the people, and this drives them
to desperation. (Rev. 12: 12) The rulers in their
efforts to pull the world out of the mire continue to
lay greater burdens upon the people. There is absolutely nothing in this world upon which the people
can hope; hence the nations are in despair.
21 Standing out boldly in contrast to the miserable
condition of the world is Jehovah God's gracious provision for obedient mankind. He has made Clmst
Jesus his vindicator and has placed the name of
Christ above every name save that of his alone, and he
calls upon the people to hear his great King and to
learn the importance of his name. The remnant of
the elect company yet on earth are made the witnesses
of Jehovah, and they are commanded to point the
people of good will to Jehovah's kingdom and hIs
great King. The name of Christ Jesus stands for the
kingdom of Jehovah, which will vindicate Jehovah's
name, and "in his name shall [the] nations hope",
and there is no other name in which they can hope or
whereby they can possibly be saved. (Acts 4: 12) Jehovah's witnesses must therefore point the people to
this one and only and complete hope.
28 Is it to be expected that Jehovah's witnesses can
give testimony to the name of Jehovah God and his
kingdom without being subjected to persecution and
suffering 1 Certainly not! The Devil piled persecutions upon Jesus in an effort to prove his side of the
question at issue and to prevent the giving of testimony by Jesus concerning God and his kingdom.
Amidst great sufferings Jesus continued to the end
to bear testimony to the truth and to maintain his
integrity and to thus prove God to be true. Those who
are associated with him, and particularly the remnant
now on earth, must likewise suffer at the hands of
Satan, because they are bearing the testimony of
Christ Jesus the great King. At the same time they
must maintain their integrity by learning obedience
by and through the things which they must suffer.
"We must through much tribulation enter into the
kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22) But there is a real
joy in tribulation when we know that the tribulation
is heaped upon us because we are doing right in obedience to God's commandments and if we continue
faithful unto the end we shall prove our integrity and
thus have a part in the vindication of Jehovah's name.
That is the reason Jesus invites his faithful ones to
'enter into the joy of thy Lord', meaning the joy of


1, 1934


participating in the vindication of his Father's name. fering; that Jehovah sent his beloved Son Jesus to
(Matt. 25: 21) For the same reason the apostle wrote: earth, made him a perfect man, and permitted him
"I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation." to be subjected to great sufferings in order that by the
(2 Cor. 7: 4) As Jehovah's witnesses go forth and things which he suffered Jesus could prove Jehovah's
with boldness declare the name of Jehovah God and side of the question at issue and that by his faithfulhis King and kingdom it is to be expected that perse- ness under such sufferings Jesus could establish his
cutions and sufferings will be their lot. Those who qualification to be the savior and redeemer of man,
willingly persecute Jehovah's witnesses and oppo::.e the executioner of the Devil, and the vindicator of
God's kingdom are now marking themselves for the Jehovah's great name. In the exercise of his lovingslaughter that shall come at the battle of the great kindness and as further proof that Satan is a liar
day of God Almighty. They are putting on their Jehovah God selects a company of 144,000 human
garments of identification; and the people of good creatures from amongst imperfect men, all of whom
will must be told that their only hope is in the name must suffer as Christ suffered, and likewise maintain
of Jehovah God's great vindicator and they must their integrity unto God, and for so doing Jehovah
identify themselves as being on his side. In due time graciously gives them a part with Christ Jesus in the
Jeho,:ah will go forth to fight for his own people, and vindication of his name. No one can obtain everlastthus he will Vindicate his witnesses who have faith- ing life except by Jehovah, and they must believe on
fully maintained their integrity toward him in pro- the name of Christ Jesus, and obey him, in order to
claiming his name and the name of his King.-Zech. receive life, because Jehovah has made this provision.
14: 3.
The peoples of the nations of the earth must be told
29 The testimony now being given by Jehovah's witto whom they can look for hope. Therefore God comnesses is not for the purpose of converting the world. mands his witnesses to tell the people that in the name
The whole world lies in the wicked one, and all these of Christ Jesus, the vindicator of Jehovah and the
walk on in darkness, except those persons who have Savior of the world, they shall hope. Blessed is the
a desire to escape from the wicked one and take ref- privilege of those who have part in keeping these
uge in the kingdom of God's dear Son. Such must commandments of Jehovah and pointing the people
now be told the truth, that they may have hope in his to the King of kings.
name. The testimony must continue to be given until
the organization of Satan is "wasted without inhab11" 1. What is now the greatest need of the peoples of the no.
itant". (Isa. 6:9-11) Truly this is a great and glotions' How has Jehovah provided to meet that need, and
rious time. It is a time of great distress amongst the
how will such provision affect those to whom it is offered'
nations and peoples of the earth, and a time of great 11" 2. What is the great privilege now set before Jehovah's wit
nesses' Accuunt for the treatment these have received,
opposition to the truth, and a time of great joy to
and that which they may yet expect.
those who are privileged to bear the name of Jehovah 11" 3. Point out the importance of the fulfilment of Jehovah's
declared purposes.
and his beloved Son and to tell the people what is
11" 4, 5. Account for the Logos' having been here on the earth
their only hope. Those now devoted to Jehovah and
as a. man.
his kingdom will not permit tribulation to discourage 11" 6-9. How did Jesus 'learn obedience by the things which he
suffered" What is meant by his being "made perfect"
them. We should be in doubt about the understanding
through suffering' Explain his agony in Gethsemane, and
of the prophecies if there were not opposition to and
the angel's "strengthening him".
persecution of Jehovah's witnesses now. "Because 11" 10. What was Jehovah's purpose in having his beloved Son
perfect through suffering"
thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the 11" 11.'made
Why was it necessary for Jesus to be a human creature,
Most High, thy habitation, there shall no evil befall
s man'
thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11" 12. What is the outcome of that great contest, (a) in reo
to Jehovah' (b) As to Jesus'
For he shall give his angels char~e over thee, to keep 11" 13.latiun
Why did not Jesus, upon ascending tu his Father, im
mediately proceed to destroy the enemy' What was to
thee in all thy ways." (Ps. 91: 9-11) "In thy name
place in the meantime'
shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteous- f 14.take
Why did Jehovah put his own name upon his beloved
ness shall they be exalted. "-Ps. 89: 16.
Son and command all creation to worship him'
11" 15. What are the reasons why, with millions professing to
10 From the Scriptures and the physical facts we
be followers of Christ, during the waiting period of more
know that we are right and if we continue faithful to
than 1800 years, so few have been chosen'
the end we shall triumph in Christ and have a part f 16. Explain how and why Jehovah has' taken out from the
nations a people for his name'. How and for what pur
in the vindication of Jehovah's name.
pose have these been brought into unity'
'Ir 17. Account for the fact that after centuries of operation
of "Christianity" the peoples of "Christendom" are
11 Summing up the matter, it is seen that the name
of Jehovah, the Most High, is involved; that in order f 18. What are the facts to prove that the clergy of "or
ganized Christianity", even if sincere, are servants of
to clear his name and prove to all creation that Satan
is a liar, Jehovah God must put on earth a perfect f 19. Of all questions for determination, what is the greatestf
How will the method employed for the salvation of the
man who can and will remain true and steadfastly
human race contribute to the vindication of Jehovau'.
faithful even under the most severe and crucial suIname'



,. 20, 21. To whom, how, and when, does Isaiah 55: 3, 4 have
its application'
,. 22. Wherein do the faithful remnant now share in the honor
bestowed upon Christ Jesus'
, 23,24. Apply'Isaiah 44: 6-8 and 42: 5-7. How has Jehovah's
"right hand" and "holy arm" "gotten him the victory'"
, 25-27. What is the natural and proper desire of mankind
as human creatures with the earthly heritage' How only
can such blessings be realized' What provision has Jehovah made for their coming to a knowledge of him and
his purposes and for their entering into enjoyment of the
blessings he has in store for the human family'
t 28. What may the remnant henceforth expect as they con


N. Y.

tinue with boldness to deliver the testimony committed to

them, and why' What are the purposes served in their
being subjected to persecution and suffering' How, then,
will they regard those things which they are permitted to
'If 29, 30. What is the purpose of the testimony now being given
by Jehovah's "itnesses' How long will the testimony continue' Why should this time of distress upon the world
and of persecution of these faithful witnesses be a time
of great joy to the latter'
'If 31. Briefly sum up the matter here presented. The correct
understanding of these truths invites what response on
the part of the faithful'


RIGHTEOUS government on earth, administered for the general welfare of the people,
has for centuries been the desire of honest
persons. In obedience to the commandment of Jesus
Christ .his faithful followers for nineteen centuries
have prayed for the coming of such a government that
the will of God might be done on earth even as it is
done in heaven. Centuries before the coming of Jesus
to'earth men who believed in and served Jehovah God
looked forward with confidence to the time when there
would be a righteous rule on the earth. Their hope
was based upon the promise Jehovah made to Abraham, the father of the faithful, that he would in due
time raise up a seed that would rule the world in
righteousness and by and through which seed all the
families and nations of the earth shall have an opportunity for lasting blessings.-Gen. 22: 17, 18.
Jehovah sent his beloved Son Jesus to earth to give
testimony of and concerning the purpose of God and
to redeem the human race. It was in the year (A.D.)
33 that Jesus Christ began his ministry, preaching
to his hearers: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand";
meaning that Jesus himself was God's anointed King
and had begun his work amongst men according to
the will of the Most High. Jesus gathered round him
faithful men and taught them and used them as witnesses for Jehovah. He strongly impressed upon their
minds the fact that he must die and be raised from
the dead in order that mankind might have the opportunity to live, and that he must go away to heaven
and receive from Jehovah the authority for his kingdom or rule of the world. He further informed his
disciples that in God's due time he, Jesus, would come
again and receive unto himself those whom he found
faithful and that then he would begin his reign as the
world's ruler.
Portions of the Bible were written by the faithful
apostles of Jesus Christ, and this they did under the
inspiration and direction of the holy spirit. That
which, in the writings of the apostles, is emphasized
above all things else is the fact that Christ. Jesus the
King shall come again and establish Jehovah God's
kingdom and carry out the purposes of the Most High,
that the peoples of earth may be blessed. It was the
apostle Paul who identified Christ Jesus as the seed
of Abraham according to the promise which Jehovah
made to Abraham long centuries ago. (Gal. 3: 16-29)
Thus the promises of Jehovah set forth in the Old

Testament are directly connected with the truths in

the New Testament, and this proves that the Old
Testament and the New Testament constitute the
Word of God given to man for his direction in the
course of righteousness and that it is the truth.
The apostles were informed that from the time of
the resurrection of Christ Jesus and his ascension into heaven until his coming again to set up the kingdom or government would be a long period, during
which men must wait. What was to be done in that
long interval of waitingY The apostles and other men
of mature mind met together at Jerusalem to consider
this very matter. (Acts 15: 6) They knew that God
had dealt with the Jews as his chosen people and that
because of unfaithfulness of the majority of that people God had removed his favor from them as a nation, but that his favor still continued toward the
faithful individuals of that nation. They also saw
that honest seekers for the truth who were not Jews
were receiving God's favor. Some of these faithful
men at the convention above mentioned made known
to their brethren that 'God had ,vrought miracles
among the Gentiles [nations)' by giving them the
truth. The Lord had especially directed Peter to take
the gospel to Cornelius and other Gentiles. (Acts 10:
1-48) Thus they discerned that God was no respecter
of persons but now opportunity should be given to
nonJews to become followers of Christ Jesus.
The apostles then considered the words of the
prophecy of Jehovah, spoken by Amos, which disclosed
Jehovah's purpose to take out from the nations a
people to be associated with Christ Jesus in his kingdom and that in due time Christ Jesus would come
again, receive these faithful ones to himself, and set
up his righteous government, which government or
kingdom was foreshadowed by the reign of King
David. (Acts 15: 14-18; Amos 9: 11, 12) The Lord
therefore revealed to the apostles that the long period
of time of waiting, from the exaltation of Christ Jesus
to heaven to the time of his coming again, would be
employed in teaching or preaching to the people of
and concerning the Kingdom; and this the apostles
proc('eded to do. This preaching of the gospel has been
for the purpose of bearing witness to Jehovah's kingdom and for the taking out a people for his name.
All those persons so selected from the world and who
continue faithful to God and Christ .Jesus must hl'ar
witness to the truth. (John 18: 37) The ap3S~lcs


1, 19.34


stressed the fact that the faithful followers of Christ

Jesus would look with eagerness for the coming of the
Lord again and that those who remained faithful and
true to God would love the appearing of Christ Jesus,
and that such would then receive their reward, to
wit, the crown of life, that is, the highest element of
life. That would mean that such faithful ones would
be made a part of the Kingdom or righteous government.-2 Tim. 4: 7, 8; Rev. 20: 4.
With these great truths ever before those who love
and serve Jehovah God and Christ Jesus it can readily be seen that such faithful ones would eagerly look
for the second coming of the Lord and his kingdom.
It was about the year 1872 (A.D.) that a small company of earnest and faithful followers of Christ Jesus, while studying the Scriptures and comparing
these with events coming to pass, saw evidence that
the Lord was giving special attention to those on
earth, and that the second coming of the Lord and his
kingdom was imminent. This little company of faithful Christians continued to grow in numbers and in
knowledge of the precious things which are found in
the Word of God. Shortly thereafter they formed
themselves into a Society for more systematic study
and teaching of the Word of God. Living on earth
and in a nation that has laws for the holding and control of property, both real and personal, and desiring
that their organization should perpetuate its work and
activity without depending upon the earthly existence
of any particular person, this little company of faithful followers of Christ Jesus decided to form a corporation, which corporation should have the management and control of the property and holdings and
direct the activities of those who would continue faithful to God and who were looking for his kingdom under Christ.
In the year 1884 these followers of Christ Jesus
formed a corporation under the laws of the State of
Pennsylvania, which was then given the name Zion's
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. The word" Zion"
is one of the names which Jehovah God has given his
capital organization and frequently appears in the
Bible. The word" Zion" appearing in the corporate
name had no reference to or connection with the Jewish organization which is called "Zionism". Afterwards the name of the above-mentioned corporation
was, by the law of the State of Pennsylvania and order
of court, changed to that of Watch Tower Bible &
Tract Society; and the faithful followers of Christ
Jesus on earth have continued that name of their corporation to this day. At no time has any Jew been
connected with or supported the Watch Tower Bible
& Tract Society.
Merely for convenience and to comply with the laws
of the land, and to further the interest of its work,
the Society organized the Peoples Pulpit Association,
in 1909, under the membership corporation law of the
State of New York. For the same reason the International Bible Students Association was organized,
in 1914, under the laws of Great Britain. These three
corporations are really one, and they are all directed
by the same officers and have possession and control
of the property of the Society. By the word" Society"
is meant the united company of faithful men and


women now on earth who are wholly devoted to God

and his kingdom under Christ and who are, by His
grace, carrying forward the work of the Lord in the
earth. No one of these three corporations above named
has any capital stock. They pay no dividends to any
person, and no person receives any pecuniary profit
therefrom. They are wholly and 'entirely devoted to
carrying forward the work of the Society, which is
the preaching or making known to the people the good
news that Jehovah's time is at hand for the establishment of his kingdom under Christ, and the truths
kindred. thereto.
These statements of fact are here made for the information of any and all honest persons who desire
to know what is the purpose of the Society and the
corporations that carry forward its work. Misinformed
persons, who have been misled and deceived by the
willful enemy of God and his kingdom have been
induced to believe that the Society and the corporations above mentioned are selfish, political organizations, operating in connection with other selfish, political organizations for the overthrow of present governments. Such wicked falsehoods proceed from the
Devil, who at all times has opposed everyone who
serves Jehovah God.
In every country of the world where there is an
anti-Jewish sentiment the malicious falsehood is circulated among the people that our Society and its
corporations are financed by commercial Jews. That
is also a malicious lie originating with Satan and
carried forward by his earthly representatives. In
countries where socialism and communism are threatened the enemies charge the Society and its supporters with being in league with socialists and communists
for the overthrow of the government; which is also a
malicious lie emanating from Satan and carried forward by his earthly representatives.
This Society and the three corporations named
herein have at all times kept completely separate and
apart from all political parties or affiliations. We have
no part in the political affairs of this world, for the
reason that our devotion is absolutely and completely to God and his kingdom under Christ, for which
kingdom faithful men and women have been hoping
and praying for the past nineteen hundred years. It
would be foolish and contrary to God's will for us
to participate in or be associated with any political
organization. Our Society and its corporations have
never received one cent of financial support from
Jews. From the very beginning of the Society until
the present day its money to carry forward its work
has come from contributions made by humble mcn
and women who have a desire to make known the
truth of and concerning Jehovah God's provision for
the blpssings of the peoples of the earth. The work of
the Society is done according to the will of Jehovah
God., the Creator of heaven and earth, and he puts in
the hearts of faithful men and women the desire to
supply the money to carry forward his work. All the
money and all the property of the earth belong to
him, and he can see to it, and does see to it, that the
money which is necessary is supplied for his purposes.
Those who love God, and who believe and rrly upon
his Word as set forth in the Bible, plainly sec and



clearly understand that Satan the Devil is the arch

enemy of God and the opposer of all true followers
of Christ Jesus. It was Satan the Devil who at the
very beginning of human history challenged Jehovah God to put on earth men who would remain
faithful and true to God. Satan declared his ability
to cause all men to curse God and turn away from
him. That raised the issue, which Jehovah accepted,
and he has permitted or suffered Satan to do all within his power to make proof of his wicked challenge,
Jehovah biding his own due time to vindicate his great
name and to completely destroy Satan and his wicked
organization. The great time of climax has arrived,
and hence the strenuous witness in the earth and the
opposition thereto.
To carry out his wicked challenge Satan commereialized the human race and has caused his agents
on earth to deal in human flesh and blood. He is the
one who put in the mind of man the greedy love for
money, Qr the things that bring personal gain, and by
which men have builded among the nations a tremendous commercial organization that at all times has been
oppressive and injurious to the common people.
As a part of his commercial scheme, and as another
means of defaming Jehovah's name and of turning
men away from the true God, Satan early in the history of man organized religion, and since then every
religion practiced on earth has been used by Satan to
defame the name of Jehovah God. "Religion," as
that word is properly used, means an outward form
of worship which gives honor to men and to an unseen power. Many honest people believe that they are
worshiping God, when in fact they are being misled
by the Devil to defame God's holy name. Some parts
of the Bible are used by the clergy to support religions, and this affords another means of deceiving the
people. All religions have indulged in the politics of
this world, which is contrary to the Word of God.
-James 1: 27.
True Christianity means the faithful following by
men in the footsteps of Christ Jesus, the Anointed of
God. (1 Pet. 2: 21) That means entire devotion to
Jehovah God, and not to any man or to any worldly
organization directed by man. It means that the true
Christians or followers of Christ Jesus must be witnesses to the majesty and supremacy of Jehovah God
and bear testimony to the truth of God's Word. (John
18: 37) In order to give testimony of the truth it is
necessary for one to study and to understand the
Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, which is the truth.
-John 17: 17.
"Organized Christian religionists" have entirely
overlooked the Scriptural ml'anin~ of the second co~
ing of Christ Jesus and his kin~dom. The Bible testImony is all one way, to wit, that the coming of Christ
Jesus and his kingdom is to vindicate Jehovah's name
by proving that Jehovah is the supreme and true God,
that he is the God of wisdom, justice, love and power,
and from whom all life and blessings flow. The Bible
testimony further is that the kingdom of God under
Christ is a righteous government, which kingdom or
government will vindicate Jehovah's name and is the
only hope of the peoples of the world. In this year of
1934, when the nations and peoples all over the earth


N. Y.

are in great distress and perplexity, "organized Christian religionists" entirely ignore the Scriptural testimony as to the cause of this trouble, and how the
world can be brought out of this depression, and in the
place and stead of the Scriptures they follow the
theories of men and join in all man-made schemes to
relieve mankind. These religionists not only entirely
ignore the cause of the trouble, but appear to be entirely blind to the divine remedy.
The clergy and the politicians pose before the people
as followers of Christ and by word of mouth say, "We
implicitly believe in divine guidance," and at the same
time entirely ignore the Word of the divine God, who is
Jehovah the 1\1ost High. No one who is truly devoted
to Jehovah God and his kingdom can have any part in
the political affairs of. this world. If these men, as
they say, did implicitly believe and trust in the divine
God, then they would follow his Word and would see
that the great climax of trouble and wickedness is
now upon the earth because of Satan, and that soon
God will destroy this wicked organization, and in its
place there shall follow a rule of complete righteousness; and they would teach the people these truths,
and inform them that the kingdom of God alone will
bring relief and blessings. Any persons who would
join forces with socialists or communists or any other
political organization in this day would thereby furnish the conclusive proof that they are not the servants of Jehovah God.

At all times opposition to the truth has originated

with and proceeded from the Devil, and "religionists"
have been the chief instruments of the Devil used to
carry forward this opposition on earth. At the very
beginning of the ministry of Christ Jesus the Devil
tried to cause the destruction of Jesus. (1\1att. 4: 1-11)
Jesus was constantly persecuted by the religious leaders, the clergy of his time, and the proof in the divine
Word is that such religionists, the clergymen, were
the agents of the Devil. Those religionists claimed to
be the representatives of God, but to them Jesus said:
"But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told
you the truth, which I have heard of God; this did
not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then
said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we
have one Father, even God. Jesus said unto them, If
God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of
myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand
my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.. Ye
are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no
truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of
his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John
8: 40-44) Why has opposition to the Lord Jesus and
his kingdom always been manifest 1 Because the Devil
had sworn to turn all men away from Jehovah God
and he has taken every opportunity to oppose God and
his servants. When Jesus came to earth as. the special
witness of Jehovah and to redeem the human race,
and to begin the work of taking out from the nations
a people to be witnesses to Jehovah, the Devil wicked-

J A)IUARY I, 1934


ly opposed every part of his work. In this opposition

the Devil used his earthly agents, to wit, the religionists of that time, and he has continued to use such men
ever since. Jesus plainly told his true followers that
they would receive like persecution from the same
source of religionists.-1\Iatt. 10: 24, 25; John 15:
It is therefore certainly to be expected that the witnesses of Jehovah, that is to say, the true followers of
Christ J esllS who would be looking for the second
coming of the Lord and his kingdom and testifying
thereto, would be the objects of the Devil's wrath and
of his cruel opposition. Jesus told his faithful followers that they would be hated of all nations at that
time for his name's sake; and the facts that have come
to pass in recent years completely prove the fulfilment
of this prophecy. (Matt. 24: 9) To his faithful followers Christ Jesus committed the work of giving testimony to the truth, and told them that they would
be wickedly persecuted by the Devil and his earthly
representatives; and it is even so to this day.-Rev.
12: 17.

The false charge of sedition and blasphemy was

made against Jesus by the religionists, and he was
wrongfully and without any true evidence convicted
of that crime and put to death. The clergy who were
his persecutors were the very ones who tried to destroy the evidence of his resurrection, and in that it
is manifest that they were the instruments of the
Devil. (Matt. 27: 62-66) It is certain, therefore, that
the second coming of Christ and his kingdom would
be violently opposed by the Devil and his agents, even
as we see it going on at this time.
"Organized Christian religion" had its origin in
the day of Constantine, the emperor of Rome. Then
it was that the Roman Catholic hierarchy came into
existence. From that time to the present day the Roman Catholic hierarchy has been the most powerful
religious organization on earth and also the chief instrument of the Devil in opposition to the kingdom
of God under Christ. It not only practices religion,
but is a powerful commercial organization and a cruel
political organization. Its opposition to truth has been
and is subtle and deceptive, and thereby many honest
persons have been deceived. The Roman Catholic hierarchy has always appeared before the people as a
representative of God and of Christ, and yet at the
same time has been the chief instrument for the persecution of all who have told the truth concerning
God's Word. It has tried to keep the people in complete ignorance of the Bible and has induced them to
follow, instead of the Scriptures, the teachings of the
Papal "religious organization ". The Roman Catholic hierarchy has at all times indulged in politics and
tried to control the nations of the world. It has collected fabulous sums of money from the people to
carry on its works. All true witnesses for the Lord
have been classed by the Roman Catholic hierarchy
as bigots, blasphemers and enemies of the state, and
the charge of sedition and blasphemy is often laid
against the humble followers of Christ Jesus. Such
wicked opposition to the truth, and such persecution
of Jehovah's witnesses, are made manifest today, par-


ticularly in the countries of Italy, Germany, Canada

and the United States, and that persecution is led by
the religionists of so-called "organized Christianity",
the chief instrument of Satan on earth.
There was a time when ministers of the Protestant
religious organization opposed the Roman Catholic
hierarchy, and called attention to its ungodliness, but
in modern times the so-called "Protestant religionists" have abandoned the" protest theory" and joined
forces with the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and both
organizations are in opposition to God and his kingdom under Christ. These opposers of God's kingdom
under Christ, in an effort to hide their own crookedness, falsely charge the faithful followers of Christ
Jesus with the crime of sedition and blasphemy. Such
opposers constantly indulge in a campaign of circulating slanderous and libelous reports to the effect that
Jehovah's witnesses are violators of the commercial
laws of the land and are allied with communists to
overthrow the government. All reasonable persons
can readily see that such opposition and persecution
originate and proceed from the Devil and therefore
"organized religionists and religions" are instruments
and servants of the Devil and do not serve God and
his kingdom under Christ.
These statements are here made, not to provoke a
controversy, but in order that honest persons who
desire to know the truth may have a proper understanding of our Society and its work. The Society
and its supporters are in no wise interested in the
politics of the present world. Our work and devotion
is entirely to Jehovah God's kingdom under Christ,
because such is the only hope of the human race, and
because all blessings must proceed from God, and his
witnesses delight to obey his commandments because
such is right. Having devoted ourselves to Jehovah
God, the divine commission and duty is laid upon
us to bear testimony before the rulers and the peoples
of earth of and concerning the great Jehovah and his
kingdom. We have no fight with any person on earth,
but in fulfilling our commission and duty of telling
the truth as contained in the Word of God we draw
upon us the fire of the visible agents of the Devil, and
amidst such opposition and persecution we proceed
with the work assigned to us. Knowing that this
work is being done at the commandment of the Lord
God we are certain that no opposition can destroy it,
but that it will go on until Jehovah's name is completely vindicated.-Isa. 54: 17.
The Society has no formal creed, as that word is
generally understood. It has no membership roll, but
all who are truly devoted to God are asked to work
together to the honor of Jehovah's name. It is not in
any wise engaged in propaganda, because it does not
seek to propagate any doctrine or bring others into
its fold. As the followers of Christ Jesus we believe
and teach what is in the Scriptures, and nothing more
and nothing less. That being God's doctrine, no human creature could propagate it; hence our work is
not propaganda, but merely bearing testimony to the

JEHOVAH has blessed the united efforts of his

witnesses on the earth during the past year, and it is



a real joy to report the progress of that work. Having in mind that this witness work is carried forward
in North America and South America, Europe, Asia,
Africa and the isles of the sea, and that the printed
message is distributed in fifty-eight different languages, you will appreciate the fact that in this report
it is practically impossible to give the minute details
of the work. We must be content to make mention of
some of the more important facts. Even though the
number of the witnesses in the field is small, and the
opposition is much greater now than in times past, yet
the results show that the work of bearing testimony
to the name of Jehovah and his kingdom has gone
steadily forward. This fact will serve as a comfort to
each one who is privileged to have a part in that work.
Everyone of Jehovah's witnesses today and every
day delights to sing forth the praises of the Most
High. It could not be otherwise with them. For many
centuries the lovers of righteousness have waited for
the coming of Jehovah's King and his kingdom, and
now Christ is here and his reign has begun. Soon
wickedness shall be eliminated from the earth, Jehovah's name vindicated, and the people brought to a
realization of the .fact that lasting peace has come to
earth, and everlasting blessings to all who have good
will toward God and righteousness. The fulfilment of
the prophetic utterance at the time of the birth of Jesus is now being realized. (Luke 2: 9-14) Jehovah's
witnesses are privileged not only to discern these
truths, but to announce them to others and thus to declare amongst the people the gracious works of the
Almighty God. With gladness they have received the
truth, and with joy and boldness they tell the truth
to others.-Isa. 12: 2-6.
First we delight to give thanks to Jehovah for the
abundance of food provided for his own at the temple.
He gave his word that all who are born of his organization shall be taught or fed by him and shall
have great peace, and we have now abundant evidence that this precious promise is being fulfilled.
Christ Jesus, the Head of Jehovah's capital organization, has gathered unto himself at the temple those
whom he has found faithful. Jehovah and Christ are
the teachers, and Christ imparts to those of the temple company the present-day truths, and thus he
teaches or feeds them upon food convenient for their
upbuilding and consolation. All of the temple class
fully appreciate the fact that no man is teaching them
and that they need no man to teach them. Their
strength comes from the Lord, because he is the great
Shepherd of the sheep.
Among other precious things which the Lord has
taught his people during the year is the truth that the
church have' come into the unity of faith and knowledge' and 'henceforth are no more carried away by
every wind of doctrine and the craftiness of men '.
(Epb. 4: 11-14) The cleansing of the temple is an accomplished fact. Those of the temple class are at uni.
ty, and henceforth" in his temple doth everyone speak
of his glory".-Ps. 29: 9.
During the year among some of the companies there
have been disturbances made by fault-finders and
murmurers, but it is quite manifest that such faultfinders and trouble-makers are not of the temple. They


N. Y.

may be walking along in the company of some of the

temple members, but in fact they are outside of God's
organization and cannot see what is on the inside.
Only those of the temple class appreciate the truth
and rejoice in their privileges just now. The temple
class will proceed together in unity. They will not,
and are not disposed to, waste any time in discussing
foolish and unnecessary things, nor do they make an
effort to justify themselves before men, knowing that
such a course is displeasing to the Lord. (Luke 16: 15)
They know that Christ Jesus is their Judge and, if
they are faithful in the performance of their divinely
given commission, they will please him and please the
Eternal Father, and that is all-sufficient. For this
reason the faithful push forward in the work which
has been assigned to them. They have and do manifest
patience, which means that, knowing they are right
and doing the Lord's work according to his commandment, and have the approval of the Lord, even though
suffering great inconvenience, persecution and contradiction of sinners, they steadfastly move on and boldly declare God's truth as they go.
During the year the great Teacher has made known
to his own the meaning of other prophecies not heretofore understood, and these truths have served as a
great comfort and stimulus to the faithful, and thus
the Lord has sustained them in making a hard battle.
As you read here concerning some of the experiences
of your brethren in other parts of the earth you will
rejoice that you are privileged to be a part of the organization of the Lord that suffers at the hands of the
wicked and yet amidst all such cruel opposition does
not break its ranks but marches onward singing the
praises of the Most High. Everyone of the temple
loves every other member of that blessed temple class,
and all must be and are at complete unity. It is a
little company united in the holy cause of Jehovah's
kingdom and in obedience to his commandments which
continues to lift high the standard of the King that
others may have the opportunity to know the true
God and to set their hopes upon his King and kingdom.
During the year the message of truth has been
'proclaimed from the housetops' by means of radio, by
other means of speech, and by the wide distribution
of books, booklets and magazines. The faetory in
Brooklyn has run on full time. Likewise the factory
in Switzerland has operated full hme. The Society's
factory at Magdeburg, Germany, during the first part
of the year operated three shifts of eight hours each
per day, but about the middle of the year the enemy
succeeded in closing it down. The production during
the year, however, will be of great comfort and satisfaction to those who have had some part in the work.
The distribution of the books and booklets amongst the
people in all languages during the year has reached
the aggregate of 24,Oi4,401 volumes. Had not the enemy hindered the work in Germany the distribution
would have been greater. Weare not disturbed, however. The Lord is at the helm and he has good reason
in permitting everything, and with this we are entirely content.
Jehovah has declared that all shall know that he is
God. It seems clearly to appear that now is the time


1, 1934


when those who have been taken out from the world
for his name's sake must deliver Jehovah's message
to the rulers and to the people that Jehovah is God
and that his kingdom is here. The enemy and his
agents on earth, particularly the Catholic hierarchy,
continue to fight desperately against Jehovah's witnesses. This is to be expected. Regardless of all opposition Jehovah's organization, like a great war chariot,
moves majestically forward. The world is in a great
economic depression and steeped in crime, and this
condition continues to grow worse. The people of
good will desire to hear the message of truth; hence
the work of advertising the King and the Kingdom
has progressed.
For the year ending September 1932 slightly more
than twenty-two million books and booklets were
placed in the hands of the people. For the year ending September 1933 more than twenty-four million
books and booklets were placed in the hands of the
people; an increase of approximately two millions
over the preceding year. In the report for 1932 it appeared that from the year 1922 to the year 1932 the
distribution of the books and booklets carrying the
message of the Kingdom aggregated 132,779,040. For
the year 1933 the output exceeded any previous year,
as above stated, bringing the total distribution since
1922 up to 156,853,441.
These figures do not take into consideration, however, The Watchtower, which during that period of
time has been devoted exclusively to present-day truth
published twice each month, and would aggregate the
equivalent of 1,309,040 bound books. In addition
thereto are also the Year Books, issued once each year
since 1926, and the distribution of which up to the
present time aggregates more than 214,204 volumes.
During the year the praise of Jehovah and his King
has been sung by those who love him and his kingdom.
It is to be regretted, however, that with a few of the
companies of Jehovah's people there are some who
formerly held the office of "elective elder" and who
still think that they should spend their time by giving
addresses before the companies or others that might
be assembled. Such do not seem to have an appreciation of the way the Lord is carrying forward his
work. Jehovah's capital organization is functioning
according to his will. Everyone in that organization
must be a witness, and the method which the Lord is
blessing ought to be sufficient evidence that the work
is being carried on according to his will. The radio
and transcription machines advertise the truth and
open the way for approach to the people, and then


the individual workers carry the message into the

homes of those who wish to hear. Personalities do
not enter into the matter at all. If the Lord has assigned one part of the work to some and another part
to others, then each one should be glad to do his or
her part and not covet the work that is assigned to
Some of the brethren have expressed their opinion
that the president of the Society is given too much
advertisement and that others should be advertised
somewhat. Be assured that the advertisement is not
of an individual, but only in connection with the
truth. Probably somebody else could do it better, but
let each one be content with what the Lord gives him
to do. There are very few murmurers, however, walking along with the real ones. The Lord's parable concerning the laborers in the vineyard clearly shows that
there would be some murmurers, and we should expect
to find some; but this will not at all disturb the ones
who really delight to do with their might what their
hands find to do and not worry about what somebody
else is doing.
Jehovah and Christ Jesus are the teachers, and all in
the temple are taught by them and not by men. Some in
the organization are used to print and manufacture literature, while others are used to put it out; but there
is no preference to anyone. All are one compact body
engaged in a common cause, and those who really love
Jehovah and his kingdom are following organization
instructions without murmuring or complaining. With
all such the year has been filled with joyful service, and the faithful workers today are strong in the
Lord and in the power of his might.
The year concludes with Jehovah's witnesses fully:
united in spirit and in the service of the Lord. Those
really of the temple are avoiding all controversies with
those who oppose the method of carrying on the work.
The faithful fully appreciate the fact that the Lord
Jesus is the Head of the capital organization of Jehovah, that he is the great Prophet, and it is the privilege and duty of each one of the faithful class to be
obedient to his commandments; as it is written: "In
his temple doth everyone speak of his glory," and not
of the glory of men. The faithful remnant have but
a single purpose, and that is to do faithfully the will
of God. They keep in mind the precious words written for their comfort: "Jehovah sitteth as King for
ever. Jehovah will give strength unto his people; Jehovah will bless his people with peace." (Psalm 29:
9-11, A..R.V.) With full assurance of faith, and strong
of hope, the faithful continue their onward march,
giving praise to Jehovah's name.



At our annual business meeting, last Sunday, we unanimously

agreed to write you expressing once more our united love.
The service year just closed has been a truly blessed one for
all who have put forth a sim'ere effort to exalt the name of
Jehovah our God. We will not take up your time with details
of our many happy experiences throughout a year filled with
real, practical kingdom service. The Watchtowers, Bulletill.!
and other literature repeatedly tell of the joy, peace and unIty
pOBBessed by .Jehovah's witnesses as they march to the war,
and because these things enter into our experiences we KNOW
that what ia written is true.

Whilst acknowledJ,Cing Jehovah as the author of an good, we

are not so unthankful as to forp;et the means he is pleased to
use to dispense his blessings. Accordingly, lVe desire to tell you
of our appreciation of all your unselfish service, including the
writing of the new book, Preparation, which ia now in our
hands and is going on our schedule as a topic of study.
We remember you always in our prayers, and are determllltd,
by divine grace, to press on with you throughout the new year
and as long as it is the Lord's good pleasure to have us continue here.
Yours in Jehovah's service,

The good news of the kingdom of1ehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time Is shown
In each Instance.]
2-AY Tu 9:15pm
Broken Hill 2-XL Su 8 :45pm
2-CA Su 8:45pm
2-GN Su 7 :30pm
Gunnedah 2-MO Su 7:00pm
2-XN We 7:15pm
NewCastle 2-HD Su 9:30am
Su 7:15pm We 6:45pm
2-UE Su 7:00pm
W'gaW'jrll2WGWe 7:45pm
4-BC Su 10 :15pm
4-MK Su 11 :OOam
Townsville 4TO We 8: OOpm
3-AC Su 10 :15pm
g-BA Su 1 :15pm
3-BO Tu 8:00pm
3-HA Su 8 :3Upm
Melbourne 3-AW Su 4 :45pm
Melbourne. 3-YB Su 7 :30pm
3-TR Sa 9 :OOpm
SwanHill 3-SH Su 7:15pm
Wangaratta 3-WR Su 8 :13pm
5KA Su 10: 30am
Su 7:10pm We 6:30pm
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 :40pm
6ML Su 9: OOpm
Launceston 7LA Fr 10 :15pm
Ulverstone 7-UV Su 8:45pm
Hainaut BONNE Sa 5:30pm


CFCN Su 5:45pm

CJCB Su 9: OOpm

Hamilton CKOC Su 10: 30am
Su 1:30pm Su 8:15pm
Shanghai XHHH Su 10:00am
CMK Su 11 :30am
also Spanish Su 9:00pm
Banta Cl'a CYRI Su 12 :00 nn
RADIO- Su 3 :30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN

Beziers RADIOTh 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZIERS
Bordeaux RADIO- Mo 7:45pm
(237 m) SUDOUEST
Su 4:00pm
Tu 8:00pm
Paris RADIO L L Fr 8: 15pm
(370 m)
(312.8 m) VITUS
Th 7:30pm Sa 7:30pm
Toulouse RADIO- We 7:15pm
(385.1 m) TOULOUSE

Birm'ham WAPI Su 9:45am
Birm 'ham WBRC Su 10 :OOam
We 4:30pm
WHET Su 10:30am
We 1:15pm Fr 1:15pm
M'tgomeryWSFA Su 3:45pm
MuscleS. WNRA Su 6:00pm
We 8 :OOpm Fr 8 :OOpm
WHET Su 10:30am
We 1:15pm Fr 1:15pm
AnchorageKFQD We 9:30pm
Ketchikan KGBU Mo 7:15pm
Th 7 :15pm. So. 7:15pm
We 4:00pm Fr
We 5:15pm Sa
Spanish Th
Prescott KPJM Su
We 5:15pm Fr
We 5:45pm Fr
Spanish Su

5 :15pm
5 :45pm
8 :45am
6: 15pm
6 :OOpm

Sa'mento KFBK Su
S.F'cisco KTABSu
Stockton KGDM Su
We 7:15am Fr

8 :30am

R'kIslnnd WHBF Su 1:00pm

Sa 6:30pm
Sp 'gfield WCBS Su 12 :30pm
So. 11:15am
WDZ Su 10:00am

Col'o Spr. KVOR Su 10 :30nm
We 5:30pm Sa 4:30pm
KFEL Su 7:00pm
Granu J 'n KFXJ Su 1:15pm
Greeley KFKA Mo 7: 15pm
KIDW Su 7: 15pm
We 2:40pm Fr 2:40pm
KOHF Mo 8 :30pm
KGEK-Su 12:45pm
We 12 :45pm Fr 12 :45pm

WIND Su 10 :45am
Ind 'apolis WKBF Su 10 :OOnm
We 2:00pm
WLBC Su 1 :30pm
Fr 7:30pm
T. Haute WBOW Su 12 :45pm

Brillgeport WICC Su 10 :OOam
Wilm'ton WDEL Su 7:00pm
We 8:30pm
Wilm'ton WILM Mo 8: 45pm
WIOD Su 12: 15pm
WQAM SU 4:30pm
Orlando WDBO Su 12 :45pm
Pensacola WCOA Su 1 :OOpm
We 7:30pm Fr 6:30pm
WTFI Su 9 :45am
WGST Su 5 :45pm
Augusta WRDW Su 3:00pm
Th 7:45pm
Columbus WRBL Su 9: 30am
La Grange WKEU Su 3: OOpm
We 3:00pm Fr 10:00ain
WFDV Su 12 :30pm
We 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm
Savannah WTOC Su 1:15pm
Tho 'ville WQDX We 9: 15am
We 7:30pm
Honolulu KGMB We 12:05pm
Fr 7:15pm

Fay'ville KUOA Su 12 :45pm
We 11:45am Fr 4:45pm
Little R'k KARK Su 9: OUam
Little R 'k KGHI Su 7 :OOpm
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
Little R'k KLRA Su 10:30nm
Paragould KBTM Su 10: OUam
Wo 11:30arn
Texarkana KCMC Su 6 :45pm

KlDO Su 10:30am
We 8:30pm
Iuaho Falls KID Mo 8 :45pm
Tu 8:45pm We 8:45pm
Th 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm
Sa 8:45pm
KFXD Su 1l:00am
Pocatello KSEI Su 2:00pm
Su 9:00pm
T\vin Falls KTFI Su 10 :45am

EI Centro KXO Su 10:00am
KIEM Su 10:30am
KM.T Su 3 :4:ipm
Hollvwood KNX Su 9:15pm
Long B'ch KOER Su 10:45am
Los Anp:eles KTM Su 8:30am
Su 8:00pm Th 8:00pm
KLS Su 11:15am
Wo 2:45pm Fr 2:45pm
Oakland KROW Su 10:15am
Su 6:15pm Tu 8:15pm
Th 8:15pm

WJJD Su 2:30pm
WHFCSu 5:00pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
WJBL Su 10:00am
Fr 7:30pm
Rnrri~b'g WEBQ SU 6:00pm
Mo 10 :OOpm Fr 10 :OOpm
WCLS Su 12 :15pm
We 11 :OOam Fr It:OOam
La Raile
WJBC Su 10:15nm
Rockford KFLV Su 10:00am
Su 10 :OOpm We 10 :OOpm


Decorah KGCA Mo 9 :OOam
We 9:00am Sa 9:00am
Marshallt-'nKFJB Su 8 :45am
We 6:15pm Fr 6:15pm
Shenandoah KMA Su 11 :15am
Waterloo WMT Su 6:45pm
Coffeyville KGGF Su _1:45pm
Th 8:00pm
Kans. C'y WLBF Su 5: 15pm
We 5:15pm Fr 5:15pm
KFH Su 9 :45am
WLBZ Su 9 :45am
Portland weSH Su 4:00pm
PresqueI.WAGM Mo 12:15pm
Tu 12 :15pm We 12 :15pm
Th 12 :15pm Fr 12 :15pm
Sa 12:15pm
Baltimore WBAL Su 4: 15pm
Cumberl 'd WTBO Su 2: OOpm
We 2:00pm Fr 2:00pm
Babson P. WBSO Su 12:30pm
WHDH Su 12:15pm
WNAC Su 10:30am
Lex'gton WLEY Mo 1:30pm
We 1 :30pm Th 1 :30pm
Sp'gfield WMAS Su 10:00am
Worcester WORC Su 10:30am
Calumet WHDF Tu 6:45pm
WJR Su 9 :45am
Ironwood WJMS Su 5 :OOpm
We 7:00pm Fr 7:15pm
WIBM Su 10:00am
KalamazooWKZO Su 3 :OOpm
We 3:15pm
F'gusFallsKGDE Su 10:00am
Min'polisWRHM Tu 8:00pm
Moorhead KGFK Su 7:30pm
We 5:15pm Fr 5:15pm
St. Paul WRHM Su 12 :30pm
Th 1:00pm
Hattiesb 'gWPFB Su 1 :30pmWe 7:45pm
WAML Su 12: 45pm
Meridian WCOC Su 10 :OOam
We 6:45pm
Miss. City WaCM Su 9 :45am
We 8:45pm







117 Adams Street

Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.



W. E.



"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

~reatshall be the peace of thy children." _Isaiah 54:I3.
THAT JEHOVAH is tho only true God, is from eveTlll.stlng
to evorlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver
of lifo to his creatures; that tho Logos was the b~~inning of
llis creation and his aoti, 0 a~ent in the creation of all
things; th:.t the Logos is no\v the Lorel Jcsus Chri5t in glflr.'-,
clothed with all POWel' in hc'aven and earth, and the Chief
Executh'e Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created l'er.:ect
man for the l'arth llna placed him upon it; that man wilfully
disobeyed God's law and was senten<:ed to death; that by
reason of Auam's wrong act all men aro born sinners and
without tho rigltt to life.
THAT JESUS wus 1llllue human, and the mun Jesus '!Iuf
fered death in onler to produce tho ransom or rl'uemI_tive
price for all mankinu; that God raised up Jesus divine :lnd
exalted him to heaven ahovo overy creaturo anrl ahove every
Jlame and clothed him with all po\\'C'r and authority.
THAT .JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, nr.,1
that Cbrillt Jesus is tho Chief OfIker thcn'of and is tho
rightful Kin~ of tho WCJrld; that tho anointf'd and f:ljt'1ful
followers of Christ Jesus :uo childrell of Zion, member;, of
Jcb(lVah's organization, antI aro hi3 witnesses whoso duty nnli
privilege it is to testify to the llupremaey of Jehomh. declarn
his purposes toward mankind as exprpssed in the Bible, and
to bear tho fruits of the kingdom beforo all whQ will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has endC'd, and the Lord .TCSlI'; Christ
!Jas been placed by Jphovah upon his throno of authority,
has oustcli Satan from hC'llvC'n and is proceeding to tho
establishment of GOd'8 kingdom on carth.
THAT THE RELIEF and hlpll~ings of the peoples of parth
enn como only by and through Jehovah's kingl10m un<1er
Christ which hns now b!'~n; that tho Lord's next ~f'at
net is the nestnJction of Satan's orl!anization nnd the C'stablishment of righteousness in the enrth, and thnt unrI...r tho
kingdom all those who will ohey its righteous laws sbll be
r('stored nnel live on earth forever.
As suggestecI by the nam(', the pcriocl froll! .1anuary 20 to 2~,
inclusin', has been sC't asi.!e to ~pe(:ialim on of1'('rinl:: to the
people the newellt hooklC't, Dit'idmO the Ptople. During th,'-e
nine days Jehomh's witnt'Sscs as one man in Christ Jesus will
be in action. nn'l, whether privill'gNl to distrihute the ahove
booklet in their r('speeti"e lan~ag-es or not, will be equally
engaged in markinl:: the forehf'acls of those hopin~ in the
Lord's name ancI thus be instruments of thl' Lord in his
division work. All Watchtolcer reallcrs, also all thosA .;f!l;;':SliL.Ilowed hy Jonadab, may participate. 'J.'he importane'e of the
campaign. behooves that (lue preparation be be[,,'Un without
delay by companies and individuals alike.
The title of this new hooklet focuses attention on the work
which Jehovah God, IJy his Judge at the temple, Christ Jesus,
is now doing in view of the g-reat &Iaughter to occur at .A.nnageddon. The cover illustration is very e~:pressive of the title
and gh'('s eoml",llin~ .force th.'rl'lo. This b()(\klet contains the
three lectures "The True Go(I". "The ).Iimic God." und
"W'hy :::terve Jehovah", delivered within recent monti:;r-over
hoth a coast-to-coast ra(lio network and one nlon~ the Athntie
coast, nnel which d('sl'rve thou~htflIl ~tu<ly hv all. I.ike all
other bookJets of the Society, it may be had for 5e.

IDS journal is published for the purpose of enablin[{

the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes all
expn:ssed in the Bible. It publishes Biblo instruction
specifically designed to ai'] Jeho\"ll.h's witnes~es. It proyiJes
s)'stematic Bible study for all its readers and supplies teachera
to aid any person or company of persons en~aged in sincero
Bible study. It publishea sUltnhle material for radio bro:!'lcasting and for other means of public instruction in tho
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and sepnrate from all parties, sects
or other worluly organizations. It is wholly and without
reson-ation for the kingdom of Jehovah God unuer Chri~t
_lIis Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
nnd critical examination of its contents in tho li~ht of th-l
Scriptures. It does not iwlulW"l in cOlltrover~y, anu its cuIumns nre not open to personalities.




SNTES, $1.00:





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POst,,} :lloney Oruer only.


Brlti8h 34 Crnv('n '!'('rrn('C!, r,ondon. W.

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11<)"ton 1[~tl.'e. Capo TOWIl, :-;out4 AfL"lO':l

Please addre"s the :';oc!ety In every case.

(Tran8lallon8 0/ thl8 journal appear 'Pl ,everal language,.)

All slncl!re Students of the Dible ~'hC) by reason of fnflnnlty,
pO\'erty or nd,~r,ity liTE! un"hle to p:Jy tho foub,cript!lln prj('~
may have The lratchtolrer frco up~n written fil'l,li('ation to tl,<"l
publishers. DJalle on"e e:Jcll )'('0.1', otatln:; the rO",01\ for so request!n~ it. \Yo nre ~h'l to thus ui:l tho n<'Cdr, hilt the ,,-ritl<.n
appllclltion once each )'ear Is rl'quil"ecI by tho po"tal re;:ulatlon".
:Xotice to L;ul"e.-iber,: Acknowlcll;;;ment of a ncw or It rrnewal SlIh
l<rrlption will be ,rnt only \\ hpn f(''1UP~trrl. ("han!!e of UIl<lrc c ".
when reclhe>sterl. may he ('xp~ct('(l to oppear on :l.l!,!r.-,q< label witbm
one montlt, A r~nc",al blnnk (carryin" notice of c~piration) "lil
be rent. w:th the journal one month LeforI' the RII!Jfocnpt;on e:<pil"h.
Ellfered a8 Second CI<M.' ]fall M"tter <1t Brooklyn, N. Y., posto[ncc.
,let 01 Marcil :t, 1873.

Anyone soliciting money in behalf of thl' ~,)Ci('ty, its
president or anyone ('onnected with the Society, is d"inj.( Wf/ln'.!:,
and l...t all T,crsons take not iN' that such pl'rgon~ are \\ hllll.v
unautborized by the Society. Thoso enga~ed in the work of
,vitnessin~ to the truth hy m,'ans of the puhlications :lle
authorizl'd to do that work, but no .'lie is allth"riz('ll tlJ go
about awl solicit money upon thl' pretext that hC1 represents
tho Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society or its president.


AClvertising the King<1om helps albo to alh-crtise the ra'lio
statiotll! whieh nre brouL1castin~ thc kinguolU lllcs~age. Il1111'e
all witnpssin~ parties anu all indi l"i<1uals eng"a~illg in tIte tiel.1
service ~houlrl mentioll tho rallio station in their vieinitv \\ hid,
carries the Watehtower programs. This mag-nilies to ti,e IWlIl'le
called upon the message which JellCl\ah's \\ itneRs('s,"',
and often results in interest in the printe,J !llessage on the
part of the mclio listener. This i~ one of the cliic'f purr""( ~
of sen.ling out the lllCi'Sage owr the m'lio. t,) cwou'a;':l~ 11.0
people to rend the litprnture. In this behalf tho :-';oeiet:- supplies moio fo],lpTS, nn'] all workers should !l1a];'~ rOi/:;frrl1t U"j
of them in houS<l-tohouse calling, leaving onll of theel, it nutlliug else.






15, 1934




As for me, 1 will behold thy face in righteousness; 1 shall be satisfied, 1L'hen I auaT.e, with th y likeness."

EIIOV AH moved David to write this psalm, which

now appears to be a prophecy which has had at
least a partial fulfilment. It is to be confidently
cxp<'cted that this psalm would have some fulfilment
while the remnant is ,Yet on the earth, for the reason
that those of the remnant are given the assurance that
"whatsoever things were written afol'etime were writt(~n for our learning, that we through patience and
comfort of the scriptures might have hope". (Hom.
15: 4) These things were written to he especially
understood by those devoted to the Lord who should
be on rarth at the end of the world. That time is here.
-1 Cor. 10: 11.
2 The greatest thing for which the Christian can
hope must be realizrd after the end of his earthly
journey. For this reason it is written by the faithful
servant of Jrhovllh, tl1l' apostle: "And we desire that
everyone of you do shew the same diligmee to the
full assurance of hopp unto the end." (lIeb. 6: 11)
That great hope i!'l that the creature might receive
eternal life in a spirit oq~ani!>m, he made partaker of
the resurrection of Christ, and therefore "be like
him" and be for {'vcr in the favor and service of .Iehovah God. (1 John 3: 2; Titus 1: 2; Phil. 3: 10, 11)
Sueh is the" hope set 1>('fore us" and which is "an
anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which
entcreth into that within the vail; whither the forerunner is for us cnt{'red, {'ven .Jrsns, made an high
priest for ever after the order of l\ldchisedec ". (JIl'b.
6: H~-20) It is the crown of life which is given only
to those who arc faithful unto death. (Hev. 2: 10;
2 Tim. 4: 8) It follows, therefore, that if the prophecies, such as the seVl'nteenth Psalm, are not to be
fulfilled and understood by the remnant while on the
earth such prophecies could not provide comfort to
the remnant 011 earth that would stren~then the great
hope of immortality. The reason is that there would
be no ocea!'lion to give hope to those who had fully reccived the highest thing for which they could possibly
hope. This of itself, in view of the foregoing scriptures,
shows that the prophecies are to bp understood by
the remnant while still in the organism of flesh.
a The rule seems to be reasonable and certain, that
prophecy cannot be undel'stood until in the course of


fulfilment or until it has been fulfilled.Jehovah makes

known the mraning of his prophrcy ill his due time,
and speculation by men callnot brill~ to light tilt' true
meaning of prophecy. It is true that oftl~n a desire
to ha\'e a thill~ come to pass is the ill<!ueement for
placing a certain construrtion upon prophecy. Such
a rule, however, is unsafe. Whcn the LOI'd brin~s to
pass events tlwt fit the prophecy, then we know that
that is his way of fulfilling it, and therrfore the only
For yrars the followers of Christ Jrsus have
thought that they had an understanding of the prophetic words of Psalm 17: 1;) and that the words of
this text have fulfilment to the individual m('mbel's of
the eompany that follow Christ when each faithful one
is ble!>'SCd by a participation in the first resurrl'ction.
I" 0ther wOl'ds, the thought has been that the pl'ophccy has no fulfilment until tlw l'I~SUrl'eetjon change
into the lil;('ness of our Lord and Havior Jrslls Chri:-t.
But is that the correct interpretation and understanding of the proplwey Y It secms to he wholly unreasonable to so cOI1(lude. J)urill~ the Elijah IlI'riod of the
church many consecrated ones were brought to~etlwr
in the knowledge and sel'\iee of the Lord, and tlH'se
faithful ones associated this prophecy with th(' re8l1rrection change of the body members of Christ and
relied upon it as a means of comfort.
:; The son~ number one hundred thirteen in the
Song Book used by us, nnd whi<,h song we have time
and ngain sung togetlH'r, is supposed to find authority
for the words thereof in the fiftcl'nth verse of the
seventeenth Psalm. Amon~ other things in that pOI'm
or song are these words: "If I in thy IikeIH'ss, 0 LOl'd,
n.d) awake, and shine a pure ima~e of thee, thpn 1
shall be satisfied when I cnn break the ft'tters of f1p~h
and be free." The Lord '8 childr{,lJ haw sun~ this
song with fen'or and joy, havin~ in mind thl' time
when they would be rid of the rumlwrsome, fll'shly
organism, cease from their troubl('s, and re('(ive a
glorious spirit organism and be like the Lord .Jesus
in glory. Thus they have expressrd thrITlseh'es ns dissatisfied with the condition in which the [.lord had
pl:teed them and looked forward to the timl' wtH'n
they might die and go to heaven. Doubtless the song


a:he WATCHT0'\V"ER.

has served to fix: the mind for the time being upon
the anticipated joy of the great resurrection; but it
now seems that such is not the true meaning of the
psalm which Jehovah caused David to write, and such
interpretation docs not give honor to Jehovah God.
t Of course, it is true that the complete and glorious union of the members with Christ Jesus in the
presence of Jeho\'ah is the great desire and hope of the
anointed, but the Scriptures were written for the
learning of these while on earth and before they reach
that glorious state. To look forward with joyful anticipation to the resurrection change and eomplcte union
with Christ Jesus in heaven and in the prespnce of
Jehovah is a fond drsire that should find a place in
the heart of everyone who is in Christ .Jesus. Since,
however, that goreat drsire cannot possibly he realizpd
while in the flf'sh, the desire of itself would be no
evidence that the psalm above mentioned applies and
has its fulfilment at the resurrection.
T nC'(':luse David wrote the Psalm the thoug'ht has
hern advanced that it is a manifestation of David's
desire to be free from all limitation and he resurrected as a pl'rfect human creature. Bllt that does
not S('em to be supported by any scriptlll'e. WeJ~now
that the hope of the resurrection was before the faithful men of old and that many dieu havin~ tlwt hope.
(lIeu. 11: ]3) fiut the Old Testament Scriptures do
not state who hold such hop(. It is stated only in the
New 'l'l'~tament of the hope these faithful men had of
a better reslIl'l'cction. The Old Testament says velY
little about the r('surl'erLiOl1 of the dead. 'I'his In('k of
reference in the Old 'I\!stament to the rl'surrection
of the dead is persuasivl: proof that it is hardly probable that Psalm 17: lei is a statement conccrnin~ the
hope of the resurrection. It is not to be exp('cted that
the faithful prophets of old had a hope of being resurrected ill the likeness of Jesus Christ, because t:lat
mystery was not made known to them, but was hid
from them and first made manifest to the fnithful
followers of Christ Jesus. (Col. 1: 26, 27) Added to
this is the positive statement that the prophecies were
not written for the benefit of the faithful men of old
but for the benefit of the remnant on earth at the end
of the world. The evidence is overwhelming that this
prophecy has its fulfilment in the present time.

Before leaving his disciples Jesus emphasized m,e

great truth that they continually kept in mind, and
that truth was concerning his return or s('cond coming.
Jesus said to them: "I go to prepare a plnce for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again, and receive yon nnto myscH. ; that where 1 am,
there ye may be also." (Jolm 14: 2, 3) The writings
of the apostles are further and conclusive proof that
the second coming of the Lord to them was of ~reat('st
importance and made the strongest impression upon
their minds. .lesus did not say that he would prepare
a place and then send for his faithful followers, but


N. Y.

he said, "I will come again, and recei\"e you unto

myself." Among the many things Paul wrote to the
church were these words: 'Ye are " waiting for the
eoming of our Lord Jesus Christ". (1 Cor. 1: 7) "For
what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicin~? Are
not even ye in the presence of our J.Jord Jesus Christ
at his coming 1" (1 Thess. 2: 19) "To the end he may
stahlish your hearts unblameahle in holilless before
God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord JeS1l.'l Christ with nil his saints." (1 Thess. 3: 13) Furthermore, one of the apostles wrote: I 'Be patknt therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord." (J'lS.
5: 7) "For we 11a\"e not followed cunningly devi"ed
fnh1e,s, \\'hen wc made kno\\"n unto you the pOW('r and
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnessrs of his majesty." (2 Pet. 1: lG) '1'0 this t("timany are added the words: "And now, little ehildl'('Il,
ahide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may
have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at
his comin~." (1 John 2: 28) Surely no one will be
ashamed at the time he participates in the first rcsl1l'rection, but, according to the words of the tpxt in"t
ahove quoted, it is made sure that tl1(:1'(, i'l a possihiJit?
of some heing a'ihnmed at the time of the comin!! of
the Lord, and the facts support this conelusion that
some we're ashamed and nrc still ashamed.
II It was not long after the drath of the apostll's that
an organization was fornwd and laheled "Christianity", and which organization quickly I}('!!an to hw1t
that everyone who dies g'oes to one of three plaC'('s,
to wit, purgatory, hell or heaven. 'Ye now know that
such great errors as these, and like errors, were tile
products of Satan's eX('l'cising his influl'nce over nH'n
and that some are clearly contradictol')' of the Sniptures. During the Elijah period of the church mauy
faithful ones came (jllt from that lla1Jylonish sy"trffi
named" organized Christianity", but nrccssarily t Iwy
brou:rht along with them some of the crrors of thnt
organization; and this is represrnted"\)y their "t1lthy
garmrnts". It is a fact that cannot be dbputed that
during the Elijah period of the church whl'n meeting
together tilC brl'thren would talk ahont the second coming' of the Lord, but not much was sait! ahout the joy
of his coming, and the meeting with him. That whieh
was chiefly stressed at all such meetiug's of the brd h
ren \vas that eaeh one should be diJi~ellt to prepare
himself that he might be found worthy of being takcll
to heaven.
11} There was a great restoration of the truth that
had lon~ been hid; but amongst all thing'S disl'lI'sccl
and rdied upon hy the brethren during the Elij:l1l
period of the church personal character uevelopml'llt
was he'd forth as the most im-portant 1:uther than the
service of the Lord and the rejoicing in his comin1-(.
The importance of his second comin~ aIH} the joy that
would come to his followers seem to han.' bt'en bl'g'cly
overlooked. It was considered more in a general W:l ...,
without refrrcnce to \"hat the cburch might have to do
while on the earth after his return. :\ t alrno~t all


15, 1934

Sihe wATCHT0\vER


those who are called to the kingdom. The error aforementioned had much to do with causing them to go
wrong. Those who had a small estimation of them
selvcs, and who were often discouraged bccuuse of
thcir imperfections, but who were determined to serve
the Lord even though imperfect, thereby showed their
love for God, llnd the:se are the ones whom the Lord
has approved upon coming to his temple and to whom
11 Why should the Lon! have allowed this thought
of "going to heaven" to have the chief place in the he said: 'You have been faithful over a few things;
mind of so many of his people, if it was not the most I will make you ruler over many things.'
14 Both of the aforementioned classes during the
important thing? It cannot he said positively why the
Lord permitted 8u('h, but we do know that the L01'd Elijah period of the church bore testimony before
permits men to exercise their own free will. If one others of the second coming of the Lor<l, but the?
has a selfish motive in ul1derstandin~ the truth of seemed to have missed the point that the coming of
God's Word it is likely that he will fall into error. the Lord was to receive the faithful unto himsdf'. It
Jesus and the apostles strc'ised the importance of love now appears to be certain that the dear unJ.erslalldfor God, which means an unselfish devotion to Jeho- ing of the matLer could not be had and appreeiatc<I
vah; yet mallY deemed it of greatest importance to until after the coming of the Lord Jesus to the tempIt'.
get themselves ready to go to heaven rather than to Those whom hc found faithful upon his coming to
show their love for Gud, :md they pl'oeee<led upon the the temple of Jehovah, and who havc continue,] faiththeory that the truth was given that men might pre- ful, arc the ones who have had alltl continue to have
pare themseh'es to goo to heaven and meet the Lord an appreciation of the precious truths as Ood reveals
and nssist him in governing the worl<l. l\ow we plain- them to his people, Thrse, havin~ be('n invite<l hy tiw
ly sec that ~ueh a conclusion was vcry erroneous, Lord to enter illto his joy, now know that the joy of
chi('fiy because the mind was more p<1rtieularly set the Lord .Jesus Christ is 1he vindication of his Faupon the welfare of the cn'ature rathcr than upon tIler's name. With them, therefore, the vindiration of
Jehovah's name is of all importanet', nUll the king-d(Jrn
full ohedience to the great errator.
the greatest of the doctrilles, because it is the king12 It may be further asln'd: Docs error or misconception matter much as long as the one is honest and dom that is used by him to vindicate his name.
docs the beKt he knows how 'I Dors it affect one seri15 '1'he faithful class whom the Lon] invites into his
ously? It certainly docs nffcct one seriously. Sill- joy see that upon his comin~ to the temple much WOl'k
cerit,}' and hont'sty in following an error docs not is to be done by the fa ithful ones as witnesses for
build one up. It is the truth that sanctifies. (John the king,lom. Those who have heen selfish do not
17: 17) The resllit of all erroneous conception of such sec their privilege to be witnesses to the Lord alld
n doctrine as character development as a condition to his king<lom, and hence fail and refuse to ol)l'y
precedent to gcttin~ into he-aven was to turn the at- the Lord's commandment to give sueh witness. Contention of the iJ)(lividual to himself, and this caused cerning those \\hom the Lord would roceh'e inl0
him to entirely miss the importance of ascertaining his temple it is written: ,. And all thy ehi!(It'cn shall
G(\d's purpose and heing govcl'l1cd accordingly.
be taught of the Lord; and great shall he the peare
18 During the Elijah period of the church two class
of thy child"('n." (Isn. 5-1: 13) The remnant now
es, all of whom professed to be following Christ Jesus, realize that this prophecy of Isaiah b being fulfilled
were devcloped or bccnmc manifest. One of thcse and then'fore that none but the children of God in
classes was mo\'cd largely by a selfish desire to go to the temple can understand and appreciate the ~I'cat
heaven nnd aid the Lord in operating the universe, truths now being revealed. This shows the dose reand that is the class that developed into and forms lationship of the remnant to the Lo:d Jesus Christ
the "evil servant". The other class were the more and Jehovah, and hence it is for these that the Scriphumble ones who were moved by an uI).se1fish desire hIres are written that t!1<'Y might have a full nssurto do the will of God whatsoever that is, whether they ance of faith that they have the Lord's approval anu,
understood it or not; and although they realized their continuing thus, will ultimately be ushered into t:1('
inability to de\'elop a perfect charactlT. and their un- presence of Jehovah.
worthiness to go to heaven, the-y faithfully held to the
promises of the Lord and continued to serve him as
16 If we are looking for the coming of a person whom
best they could. When Jesus came to the temple for
examination he selected this class for his special serv- we loye there is anxiety until that person arriws, but
ice and desig-nated it as the" faithful mId wise ser....- when he arrh'es safely and well we are satisfied and
alit". The class first ahove named, that is, the scIfish pleasrd. The true meaning of thc foregoing, Psalm
one, has never yet been allie to discern the coming of 11: 15, therefore appears to be that of the faithful
the Lord to his temple and has ffliled to see the pri\'- company of the followers of Christ .Jesus waitin~ for
ilege of serving the Lord, which privilege is given to the Lord Jesus to come and l'cceive his own and being

meetings of the brethren during that time the question

propounded one to another more than any other question was this: "How long will it be, and when shall
we be taken home?" These facts are mentioned here
as a support to the argument which shall follow.

::nxious for that ('oming. When he appears at the
temple of Jehovah and g-athcrs unto himself these
faithful ones, and they hear, understand and appreciate that the Lord is at his temple and that they are
gathered to him, then they arc satisfied and joyfully
engage in his service as commanded. The true application of the psalm, therefore, is at the time of the
coming of the Lord Jesus to the tcmple of Jehovah
and the gathering unto himself the faithful om's.
Such an understanding of the prophecy brings much
comfort to the faithful llnd greatly increases their
hope of entering into eternal life and immortality.
'l'hey know that they must continue faithful and ohedient to the commandments of him whom Jchovah
has placed at the head of his temple and that by w
doing' they may have a part in the vindication of Jehovah's name and an opportunity of entering into
heaven. In support of this conclusion, take note of
this prophecy and other Scriptural tcxts discussed
11 The rendering of the tcxt, Psalm 17: 15, according to the Septll(l{/int is: "But as for me, let me appl'al' righteous before thee; let me be satisfied with the
display of thy glory." Mark the words "glory" and
"righteous ", as used in this text. When is the glory
of the Lord fil'st displayed to his waiting followers 1
The Scriptural anSWl'r is, when Zion is assembled aud
builded up. "When the Lord shall build up Zion, he
shall appear in his glory." (Ps. 102: 16) The building up of Zion takes place when Jehovah sends the
Head of that or~anization to assemble the faithful
memhers thereof. Speaking of this same. time the
apostle wrote: "Now we b('secch you, brellu'cn, by
the coming' of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our
gathering together unto him." (2 Thess. 2: 1) With.
out a quest ion of doubt this latter text refers to th~
coming of the Lord to the tcmple, and the gathering
of the faithful to the temple, at whieh time the "evil
servant" class is made manif('st. (The Watchtower,
February 15, 1927)
18 David, the writer of the seventeenth Psalm, pie
tures the speaker of the present time, that is to say,
the true followers of Christ Jesus which constItute
the remnant. The language according to the Septuagint is: "Let me appear righteous before thee." The
speaker, therefore, must at that partil'lllar time of the
application of the prophecy stand righteolls hefnl'P
the f.. ord. And when docs that take place f The
Scriptural answer is, at the time th~ Lord pro,oidt,,>
and gives to the faithful the rohe of rig'ht('ousncss l'!t
his appcaring at the temple. "I will gr('utly rejoi<,c
in the Lord, m:' soul shall be joyful in m? God: fer
he hath clothed me with the g'arments of salvation. I:e
hath covered me with the robe of l'ig-hteoIlSIH'SS, as a
brideg'room decketh himself with ornaments, and as
a bride adorneth herself with her jewels." (h 1.
61: 10) It is then that the remnant discern the pre..;
ence of the Lord with his own. It is then that these


N. Y.

same faithful ones enter into the joy of the Lord

and henceforth greatly rejoice. Not until they receive the robe of righteousness at his coming to the
temple could they appear rig-hteous before him. Now
being in the temple, they are satisfieu, because they
have the assurance that the Lord has gathered them
unto himself and if they continue faithful they are
certain to enter fully into the kingdom.

The text under consideration, according to the

Authorized Version, says: "1 will behold thy face in
ri~hteousness." According to Rotherlwllt this part
of the text reads: " me have vision of thy face."
The correct meaning of the word "face", as hen- uspd,
is important. Concerning this word "face", Strong
oh'ierves that the IIebrew word is 'used in a variety of
applications, literally and figuratively'. Among' the
applica~ions thereof the word "presence" is used.
'Vhen we say, 'I spoke to the man face to fare,' we
are unuerstood as meaning that the other was prt'spnt.
It is at the temple that the remnant first dis('erllcd the
prpsence of the Lord with his own, even though tl)('y
did not see him with natural eyes.
20 In harmony with the Rotherham r('nd('ring of
the text the remnant tl1('re 'have a vision or his face',
bN'ause they disrel'll his presence with the anointP(l.
In a similar manner is the word "face" u'ipd in .Acts
3: 19, Rolltcrham, wherein it is stated that there come
"seasons of r('fn'shill~ from the face of the Lord ".
lt is written concl'rning- the Israelitps at the tim~ of
tIre inauguration of the law <,ovenant at ~rollnt Sinn i:
"'fhe fjord talked with you fnce to face in the mount,
out of the midst of Ihe fire." (Deut. 5: 4) The Isrn(']ites did not sec with thcir natural Crt'S the face of
Jehovah, because it is written that "no man hath sppn,
nor can see" his face by natural vision. (1 'rim. 6: 16)
What really occurred, the Israelites llisrel'\1ed tile
Lord '.'I presence and heard the mess~g'e from him.
Conrcrning that same occasion it is written: "With
him will I speak mouth to moulh, evrn apparently,
and not in dark sppeches; and the l';imilitude of the
Lord shall he behold: wherefore then were ye 1I0t
afraid to speak against my servant l\l0",es1"-Kum.
12: 8.
21 According to this scripture and others thC're is
no evidence that Moses saw with his natural ('yes the
face of Jehovah when God spoke to him "mouth to
mouth, even apparently". ){oses knew of the pres.
ence of Jehovah, 'and the similitude of the Lord he
fMoses] beheld.' The same Hebrew word here l'pndered "similitude" is rendered "likrne",s" in Psalm
17: 1;>, A.,l'. Moses was the only man to whom .Jehovah gave the great honor of speaking to him" face to
fare".-Ex. 33: 11.
22 )Ioses, being a type of Christ, necessarily in that
type at times includes the remnant as memhl'l"S of the
body of Christ. Therefore there seems to be a direct
connection between these scriptures concerning God Os


J ANt:ARY 15, 1934

speaking to l\f oses face to face and of the faithful

remnant beholding the face or presence of the Lord
after being clothed with the robe of ri~hteousness at
the temple. It shows a close relationship between the
LOJ'd and those of the te-mple class, which close relationship was not discemible until the Lord came
to the temple, gathered the faithful ones there, and
taught tllem; and it was then that they became satisfied. Doubts were removed, and in the place of douht
came full assurance; and since then joy has filled the
heart of each one of the r{'mnant and these have delighted to sing forth the praises of the Lord.
23 Because the Autltoriud VCJ"sion says "when I
awake, with thy likeness", it has been held that the
psalm applieii to the resnrrection. Both the Septuagint and Rot/teJ'ham omit the word "awake", which
tends to neg-ative the applicatioll of the 1ext' to those
who have bl'('n in the ~ravc and arc awakened out of
death. 'j'he Br'l'ipturl's do not often apply the word
"awake" to those in the grave, but more often to
those who arc in the favor of the Lord, enjoying the
measure of life, :rd who arc inuetiyc and need to lJC
stirred up. ,Jcoho\'ah by his prophet says: "Awake,
awake; put on thy strength, 0 Zion; put on thy
heautiful garments, 0 Jl'rusalem, the holy city; for
IWllceforth there shall no more come into thee the
uncircumcised and the uncl('3n." (lsa. 52: 1) Un.
douhtedly this text a\lplil~ to the memhers of God's
organization upon the cominl-; of Christ to the temple
and the buildin~ up of Zion, at which time they receive the beautiful garments. It is th('n that the Lord
covers these faithful with the robe of righteousness
Dnd clothes them with the garments of salvation, by
which they are identified as members of Jeho\'ah's
24 Paul found the followers of Christ at Ephesus
indifferent to their privileges, and to them he wrote:
II Awake, thou that slel'pcst, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light." (Eph. 5:14) Undoubtedly this is a liberal quotation from the words
of Isaiah's prophcc;; above quoted and was meant to
arouse the :Ephcsians to the performance of their
dutil'S and obligations. It has often bl'en necessary
to stir up the Lord's people to greater zral and activity.
25 In harmony with this Jesus spoke the parable of
the virgins, which applies at the time of his coming
to the temple. These virgins were looldng for and
waiting for the l'oming of the Lord, the Bridegroom,
but according to the parable they had fallen asleep
and were slumbering. "\Vhile the bridegroom tanied,
they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there
was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go
ye out to meet him." (JIatt. 25: 5, 6) Some of the
~\'atchers were asleep, that is to say, lying down at
rest, while others slumbered, that is to say, they were
nodding because it was hard to keep awake; and when
it was discovered that the Lord had come to his temple


there was a cry for them to awake and go out and

meet the bridegroom. (7'he lVatchtower, 1923, page
295) When these faithful ones were awakened and
learned that the Lord Jesus was at the temple, and
that they were gathered unto him at the temple and
had the privilege of participating in the vindication
of Jehovah's name, they became satisfied and thl'y
continue to be satisfied to do whatsoever the head of
the kmple commands them to do, realizing now that
they must be faithful unto death if they would receive
the crown of life. (Rev. 2: 10) It is for the benefit
of these at the temple that the Scriptures were written, chidly, that now in the time of great stress preceding Armag-eddon they may constantly have before
them the evidence that gives full assurance of faith,
confidence and hope of complete victory through

26l\lark this important fact, to wit, that the Seriptures say much ahout the coming of the I~ord ,J('sus
Christ Lut say very little about the faithful's going
to heaven. 'fhe apostles stressed the coming of the
Lord as a fact of ~['ellt moment. At the time of his
asrension into heaven angels from heaven stood hy I1nd
said to the disciples: "This same Jesus, which is taken
up from you into he~ven, shall so come in like manuel'
as ye have seen llim go into heaven." (Acts 1: 11)
There-after the apostles earnestly and with anxiety
looked forward to the coming of Christ and admonisheu their brethren so to do.
2T The following texts are in point: And to wait
for his Son from heaven." (1 Thess. 1: 10) Jesus
had declared to his disciples what would he the evi
denee of his coming. (1\Iatt. 24: 3-14) "Wai1in~ for
the coming of our Lord J (:sus Christ." (1 Cor. 1: 7)
"They thut arc Christ's at his coming." (1 Cor.
15: 23) "For what is our hope, or jOj', or crown of
rejoicing 1 Are not even ye in the IH'l'sence of our
Lord Jesus Christ at his ('oming Y" (1 Thess. 2: l!J)
"To the end h may stablish ~'our hearts unblameable
in holiness bcfore God, even our Father, at the comiil~
of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints." (1 Thess.
3: 13) ".And the vcry Ood of peace sanctify 'you
wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul
and hody be preserved blameless unto the coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thess. 5: 23) It is true
that the Scriptures assure the faithful that for them
there is in heaven an inheritan('e incorruptible that
awaits them, but such texts do not say that the faithful are going to heaven to meet the Lord.-l Pet. 1: 4.11.

It is written by the inspired apostle that "we

whieh are alh"e and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in
the air", and does not this text mean that the remnant go to heaven to meet the Lord' It does not; hut,
on the contrary, says that those who remain, manifestly meaning the remnant, "meet the Lord in the





air." What, then, is the meaning of the words "in

the air"? The words "air" and "wind", in some
scriptural texts, are uscd to convey the same meaning.
Lexicographers give the best definition of words that
they can, but when the Scriptures give the definition,
that settlcs the quc"ltion beyond controversy. The
words of the Lord Jesus show the true meaning of
the words "air" and "wind". In addrl'ssing Nicodemus Jesus said: "The wind bloweth where it listeth,
and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell
whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every
one that is born of the spirit."-John 3: 8.
ID The wind or air is invisible to human eyes, yet
it is powerful and dis('('rnihle. LikC'wise that which
is bol'll of the spirit, and hence in the spiritual realm,
is invisible to human visiorl, yet disr:erniblC' by C1'l'atures who are in close relationship to the Lord. The
remnant while on earth arc in thp fll'sh ; ano wht'n tht,y
are gathered hy the' Lord to himsl'lf at the temple the
organism of flrsh is not that whi('h is gathl'r('(l, but
th(' crcature, which now has only an or~allism of flesh;
and the natural eyes of that or~auism l'allllOt !W(' that
which is in the spirit, hut tho~t of tllP remnant can
dist'em spiritual thin~s, (1 [:01'. 2: 10) 'I'h<, evidl'J1('e
is abundant that the allointl't! rl'mnant are now ~al h('red to the temple of the Lord, How do they know
that they arc there? Bl'l'ause tlwy have thl' witnt'ss lIf
the spirit, llnd til(' ~('riptures and the' faets in suppOIt tlwrt'of. The fa('t that they al'l' gatlwrl'<1 to the
f('mplc and are thNe taug-ht of <:od, as tlH\ ~l'ripturcs
dednrc, is proof cotH'lu-;ive that they ar'e with the
Lord "in the air", that is to say, in th(' condition
wlwre it is impossihlt for the natural eye to Sf'C that
whirh is present. If they arc at the tcm pIe with the
Lord, then without a qUI'stion of douht they un' wil h
the Lord, anti he is invisihle' to thpir natural eyl'S;
therefore the words 'eau~ht up to meet the I.ord in
the air' fully and completely describe the condition.
ao The apostle ~ivcs cOllsitlel'lltioll to the resurrec-

tion ill the texts that follow. 'I'he orller of the resurrection and the builtling up of Zion is this, as shown
by the apostle's words: (1) thl__ .~\~nkpning of the
faithful dead, and (2) the asscmhling of the living
remnant at Zion, ano this takes placl' when the Lord
uppears at the temple of JellOvah. Says the apostlll:
"For if we lwlieve that .JeslIs died and rose again,
even so tlwm also whieh sleep in J (~SUs will God bring
with him. For this we say unto you by the word of
the Lord. that we which arc alive, and remain unto
the coming of the Lord, shall not prpwnt tlwm whirh
are asleep. For the Lord himsplf shall dest'end f,'om
heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangt'1,
and with the trump of God: and the dt'ad in Chri~t
shaH rise first: then we which are alive and reml:in
shaH be cau~ht up together with them in the clouds,
to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ewr be
with the LOl'd."-1 'l'hess. 4:14-17.


N. Y

a1 For several years this text has caused much confusion among some; and, of course, it could not be
wlderstood until God's due time. One emphatic
translation reads: "Because the Lord himself will
come down from heaven with a shout, with an archangel's \'oice, and with God's trumpet; and the dead
in Christ will be raised first; then we, the living, who
arc left over, shall at the same time with them, be
caught awa~' in clouds, for a meeting of the Lord in
the air; and so we shall be always with the Lord."
(1 Thess. 4: 16, 17, Diag.) The difficulty arose because of the words appearing in the Diaglott, to wit,
"at the same time with them," the contention b('in~
that the resurrection of those dead in the grave and
the chanl{e of the living on earth must take place at
the same instant, and hence, because there appeared to
be SOIPe faithful ones still on earth, that proved that
the faithful dead had not been resurrected. That, however, is not what the Diaulott says. The words .. at
the same time with them" mean 'within a specifi.'d
time', and not a twenty-four-hour day or even the
same year, amI certainly not the same instant. Whe'n
understood it will be seen that the "s:lI11e time with
them" is a [Hriod of time whieh beg-an in I!H4 and
continues until Arma~('ddon. It is the same ns "lhe
day of .Jehovah", and it is within that time that the
faithful deat! arc resurrccted and the faithful rem11ant changed.
/ ' n The above text of necessity must be in exaet harmony with the apostle's language in the following:
"Behold! a Sl'erct I disclose to you; we shall not all
sll~cp, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the
twillklin~ of an eye, at the last trumpet; for it Will
sound, and the dead will be raif;l'd incorrupt ible, and we
shall he chang'ed." (1 Cor. 15: Gl, 52. Via(J,) Kote that
the text last above quoted. lind that also of 1 Thes-;alonians 4: 16, 17 USf' the words "God's trumpet" and
"the last I rumpet ", and also usc the wonls "shout"
and "an archan~cl's voice". 'l'hese wOl,ds must he
eonsitltred tOg"(,ther. A "trumpet" si~n ifips that the
cxe('utiou of divine authority is taking- pla('c. It means
the King has begun his reign; and with Christ. J(ISUS
that reign lwgan in 1914, when Jehovah sent him
forth to rule. (2 Ki. 11: 1-14; Ps. 47: 5: 9S: 6; 110: 2)
The trump...t sounding also denotes a time of joy, because the Kiu~ has come; and in this inslanrc it is
the great Vindicator of Jehovah's name. the vindication of whieh name is the joy of the Lord .JC'sus Chri-;t,
and into that joy he invite'! his faithfnl followers.
(Lev. 23:2-1; 2 Chron, 15:12-14; Matt. 2ii:21) The
sounding of the trumpet also sig;nifie's \\"lIr. battlc aBd
victor:", and with the coming of the Lord it means
war against ~atnn and his organization, a great battle
and complete victory for Christ. (:'\urll. :31: 1-G;
2 Chron. 13:12-16: Joel 2:1; Rev. 19:11-20) It is
the trumpet of Jehovah God, because it sounds by
the authority of Jehovah.


15, 1034

rnie \vATCHT0WER.

83 Why then should it be called "the la!>'t trumpet"!

It is the last trumpet because it announces the beginning of the reign of Christ Jesus, earth's rightful
King, him "whose right it is" to rule and who shall
rule thereafter, and never again will there be n king
installed in office, and hence no occasion for the
sounding ,of another trumpet. Never ag-ain will there
be a necessity for vindirating- .Jehovah's name, and
never again will there be another war and victory,
because it is declared that this shall be the last and
righteousness will continue for ever under God and
under Christ. The trump"t of God, which is the last
trumpet, began to sound when .Jesus went forth to be~in his reign, in 1!H4, and must eOlltilluc to sound
until the organization of Satan is (}estroyeu, the name
of Jehovah is \'indicated, and complete victory is given
to Christ Jesus at the l>attle of the great day of God
Almighty. It is within this period of time. hence" at
the same time", that the resurrection of the faithful
dead and the gath"ring of the faithful living remnant
to the tcmple at Zion take place.
I i If, as it has heen contended by some, both the
sleepin~ faithful saints and the faithful ones on earth
arc ehunged in the same inst:llIt, then the resurrection
of the dead could not pl'l'cede the change of the living;
hut when we understnnd that the wcmls "at the same
time with them" really mC'un within" the day of Jeho\'nh ", which beg-an in }!)1-l and continues until the
close of Armageddon, the matter is <'ntircly clenr and
these texts arc completely in harmony, as indeed they
must be.
n The Scriptural text reads that 'Christ shall desccnd from heaven with the \'oice of an arch:lllg'el',
which means the chief angel or chipf messenger of
Jeho\'ah, which omre Christ Jesus fills, lIe comes
"with a shout ", which means an author'itath'e commnncl. Deing' srnt forth as earth's rightful ruler, to
whom is committcd all power in hea vpn and eart h,
Christ Jesus is in command and his commandments
nre g-h'cl1 with ahsolute authority. 'I'he shout and the
sounding' of the trumpet of God take place simult:meously. '1'lIe tl'umprt of God mrntiollrd in the above
text is Hot the same as the "seven trumpets" mentioned in Revelation 8: U, The se\'en ang'els that 11IId
the seven trumpets arc the augels of the Lord ,1Psus
Christ at the temple who are sent out by him with a
definite message, and this is done while the trumpet
of .Jehovah is sounding. ~Iark that the Scriptures
make a clear distinction h<,twcen the trumpet of nod,
which hegins to sound at the coming' of the King, and
the seVf>n- trumpet~ whiC'h the King himself eall~pd to
be sounded by his angels sent out from the temple.
3U The facts and the Scriptures show that Christ
Jesus appeared at the temple to build up Zion in 1918,
and at which time the trumpet of Jehovah was sound
ing. The order of the buildin~ up of Zion, according
to the Scriptures, is this: 'The dead in Christ rise
nrst' and are made part of Zion, which is J choyah 's

capital organization. Then, during that period of

time, that is, "in the day of JelliJ\'ah," "the living,
who are left over, shall at the same time [that is,
within that same time] with them be caught away
[completely separated from the enemy organization
and gathered into Zion] in clouds [that is, in the
presence of Chdst Jesu~ J, for a meeting of the I~ord
in the air [that is to say, in his pre~ence which is inyisible to their natural eyes] ; and so we shall be always with the Lord." (Diag.) In that order Zion the
capital organization is builded and the Lord apPl'ars
in his glory and the remnant ap[)('ur before him in
the teml}le in l'ighteousnl'ss, and they are sat:sfif'd
with the "display of his glory' and are always with
the Lord. The ehauge from human to spirit organism
of the faithful remnant takes place after they al'e
gathered to the temple, and that chall~(, is "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye". If, however, they
continue faithful they arc for ever with the Lord from
the time of being ~athcred into the temple.
37 It is the meeting with the Lord that is emphasized by the apostle when he wrote: "IIenct'fol'th
there is laid up f01' me a erown of t'i~ht('ousness, which
the LOI'U, the righteous judge, shall give me at that
day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that
love his appearing." (2 Tim. 4: H) Manifestly it is
at the time of the ~atherill~ of his own to the tomplo
that the Lord as.... ig-ns to such the cr-own here mentioned by the apostle. This is assi~ncd before tlH'Y
go to heavC'n, because Jesus said to the same faith ful
ones: .. Hold that fast which thou hast, that no mall
take thy crown." (Rev. 3: 11) It is t hose who 100'e
the appearing' of the Lonl Jesus CIIl'ist, says the
apostle, to whom crowns arc lIs.-;ig'ned. 'l'ilcse show
their lo\'e by joyfully obl'ying the Lord, anel they unselfishly devote themselves to his serviee. If then tlwy
continue faithful unto death they recci\'e the ~reat
reward of immortality, (Rcv. 2: 8-11) (See Light,
Book One, pal-{o 21.) It is the faithful anointc'd (represented by the c(IUrch at Smyrna) who receive the
great reward of immortality, and this they receive
after they" meet the Lord. in tlw. ~ir", that is to .'lilY,
in the temple, and after they prove faithful in the
performance of the dutil'S al'isi!{HC'Cl to thl'm by the
Lord. (Matt. 24: 14) Without a qu<'stion of doubt
the apostle refers to thll faithful rrmnant on "al,th
when he writes, "Now we hesl'eell you, III'cthren, by
the coming- of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our g-athering together unto him" (2 Thl'ss. 2: 1), which gathering is to the temple. Dein~ thus gath('red thry
It meet the Lord in the air ", that is to say, in the
condition which is not discernible by natural sig'ht.
If gathered to the temple, thpl1 certainly they are with
the Lord and ha\'e been awakened ane1 know of his
presence with them at the temple', and thcrrfore thrsc
f:dthful ones have a spiritual vision of his likrnes~,
hi~ farc or similitude, even as did l\Ioses wltl'n speal.
ing with Jehovah at :\Iount Sinai.-Num. 12: 8.



The seventeenth Psnlm is a prophecy written by

David, and therefore finds its application and fulfil.
ment upon those who nre in Christ, fonnin!;' a part of
the serrant of Jehovah. Duviu was_ hard pressed by
his enemies who had g-reatly defamed the name of
God. His enemies had "'TOn~fully accused Dayid and
were seeking his life, and he cried unto God to hear
the right of the matter und declaring his own sincerity
in making this petition to the ::\Iost High. "Ileal' the
right, 0 Lord, attend unto my cry; ~ive ear uuto my
prayer, that gocth not out of fdgncd lips. "-Ps. 17: 1.
3D In 1914 those who haa l'espondeu to the call for
the king-uom e."pected the kingdom to be set up and
themsdVl's tak('n to h('awn, bllt in this they we're
disappointed. A few J'cars later great tribulation came
upon them. During the y('urs 1917 and ] 918 these
faithful ones ,\'('re 'Hong-fully accused and betrayed
by false brethren and cruelly persecuted by their
enemies. Thcy were tldt'rmineu, however, to be faithful to Jehovah and his King', and they cried unto the
Lord for hdp and <It-Iin-rancc, illsi.~tilJg on their own
sincerity illHl that the Lord hear the rig-ht of the matter. 'l'his psalm was amon~ the proplH'cips written
aforctime anu for t!lpir comfort. and hope. 'Vith these
conditions in mind, lIote HOW the words of the psalm,
4-0 The speaker asked that his jl1d~ment or sentence
come from the Lord and not from his enemi('s: "Let
my sentcIH'e come forth from thy presence; let thine
eyes behold the thing'S that arc el!Ual." (Vs. 2) Receiving jud~mellt from the rightcouR .J udge they
would know that it is rhht. 'l'his part of the prophecy
llad its ful1ilnwnt about the time of the coming of the
Lord Jesus Chrbt to the temple for judg-ment, even
thollgh the faithful did 1I0t at that time know and
appreciate such fact. Those who had been faithful to
the Lord knew ttwir own heart condition, aIltl they
were confluently trusting in him.
4-1 The petition then rt'quests that the course of
action takcn by God's children up to the time bein~
should be considered, and, it being so considered, it
was in:;isted that nothing would be found showing unfaithfulness or a '\illing transgoression of the Lord's
commandments: "Thou hast pJ'oved mine heart; thou
hast visited me in the lIig-ht; thou hast tried me, and
shalt find nothing; I am pyrposeu that my mouth
shall not transgrel;s." (Vs. 3) Here is an express(d
determination of the petitioners to maintain-their integrity toward Jrhon111 God l'eg-aruless of what others
miO'ht do. In this we arc rcminded of the words of
Job when he cried out at the time of greilt dbtress:
I<Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him."
4-2 These faithful ones do not care for the approval
of men, they not "hayin~ men's persons in admiration", hut look to the words that ha"e ('orne from the
Lord to he their own guide, and they continue to hoH
steadfastly to the Lord's W"ord. Therefore ther
pra;red: ".As for the doings of men by word of thy


N. Y.

lips [do I regard them J; I ha \'e ,vatched the paths of

the violent one; my steps hold fast to thy track,>, my
footsteps slip not." (Roth.) Th.e faithful ones were
standing firm in the Lord and in the power of his
might, waiting and hoping for deliverance.
43 Vic"inO' the condition of God's faithful people
about 1918 ~nd since, how appropriate arc tho:-(' word.,
of the petitioner: "I have called upon thee, for thou
wiIt answer me, 0 God; incline thine ('ar unto me,
hear thou my speech: let thy lovingkindness he distinO'uished thou Saviour of such as se('k refuge from
the~ who 'lift theITIsrlves up against thy ri:.:ht haud.
GWJI'd me as the pupil of the ('ye, under the 5hadow
of thy wings wilt thou hide me: from the face of
lawless ones who have treated me with yjolrIH>e, the
foes of my soul who come round against me:' their
own fat theart] have they shut up, with th(,ir mouth
have tllC'y spoken proudly. As for our own :.:oing-s
now have tIlt'.\' surrolUHkd us, tlwir eyes tl]('y fix. I)(:nding to the earth: his likeness is as a lion that I{)n~dh
to rend, aud as a young lion lurkin~ in spcret pla('('s.
Rise, Jeh()\';J!I! confront his face, hring' him down, deliv!'r m." !'uul from the lawles;.; one [wlto is I t h,\' sword:
from men (who al'e] thy hand, 0 .J ehoYa h, fl'om tile
men of this ag'e, whose portion is mnan!! the livin<.r,
and with thy tn'aSlll'(' thou fillest their bosom, they
must he Ratisned with sons, and mllst I('a\'t~ tht'jr
abundance to their children."-V'ss. G-14. Rotll,
H The Jlsalmist, rpprcscnting the faithful, Go(l 's
chil(ln'n, h:wing' (:omp!ptc(l his petition r(':.:ardin~ tIle
enemy, tlll'n g-ivrs CXTJl'('ssion to a fixpd ddl'rmination
to be faith ful to the Lord in sHvir(', and expl'l'SSCS his
satisfnetioll and approv:tl of the Jjord and says: "I
in ri~htpomness shall b('holel thy face, shall he satisfied when ~l\Yakenpd h.\' 11 vision of thee." (V's. 1;),
Roth.) "1.t't me he satisfied with the display of thy
glory. "-Septuagint.
4S The last Vt'rse of the psalm therl'forc appt'ars to
haye no rrference whatsoever to the snti'ifuction Ilnd
joy that Jlt'cessarily will come to all who ('x!)('rimee
a pnrt in the first rcsurrection, but clearl.' dor~ have
reference to the faithful 's meetin~ the Lnrd at the
temple and karning that they haye the Lord's appro,'aI. Thlis they appear hefore him righteOll'l, having rcct'iv(>d the robe of rig'hteousncss awl the garments of salyation; and this is evidence of uppro,'a1.
Sueh full nssurance bring's them great satisfaction, and
in the words of the psalmist they exclaim: 'We arc
satisfied.' The reference is to the same time as "'hen
Christ J('SUS says to those who ha,-e pron~rl their integrity up to the time of examination and juc1~mellt
at the temple: "His lord said unto him, Well done,
thou good and faithful St'rvnnt: thou hast brf'n faithful over a few things, I wiE make thee ruler over
many thing,,: enter thou into the joy of th.' lord."
(:.\Iatt. 25: 21) All those who have thus' entcrctl into
the joy of the Lord' are surely sati'lfied; otherwi,<;e
they could not be joyful. These now know what is the


15, 1934

S1"fie \:0\TCHT0\vER..

.,.rill of God concerning them, and delight, by the

Lord's grace, to put forth their best endeavors to do
11is will.
The words immediately following, and which appear in the opening of the eighteenth Psalm, show the
same servant class ~l'eatl'y rejoicing because, having
learned that Jehovah is their rock, refuge and deliverer, they sing forth with joyful heart: "I will love
thee, 0 Jehovah, my strength." The love of Jehovah
means the joyful obedience to his commandments and
to be wholly devoted to him. Being in the temple and
taught of God, they know that they arc his children
and are members of his org-anization, and great is
their peace and satisfaction. They have been awalwned
to their privilege, particularly the ~reat privilege of
being Jehovah's witnesses and of having a part in
the vindication of his holy name, and that brin~s to
them great satisfaction MHl joy. "The joy of the
liord" Jesus Christ is the vindication of his Father's
name; and when he invites his faithful ones, gathered
to him, to enter into that joy and they do so, satisfaction necessarily results, alHl cl('arly such is a fulfilment of the prophetic words of the psalm.
n The song which appears in our Song Book at
number one hundred thirteen is not in harmony with
the truth and coultl not he sincf'rely repeated or sung
by those who arc devoted to Jehovah. Those who are
in the temple are with the Lord and arc satisfied now
with the pl'ivi/cges of Sill~illg' forth his praises as he
has commanded. They are not crying out and praying that they might die by breaking the fetters of
flesh and be ta\u'll immediately to heaven and with
only such thing'S will thf'y he satisfied. They recognize that the Bl'ilk~room has come, he who is the
great Villdieutor of .Jehovah'8 name, and with him
they rl'joice, as commanded by Jehovah: "And in
thpt day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his
name, declare his doings lImollg the people, make mention that his name is exalted. Sing' unto the Lord;
for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all
the earth. Cr,v out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion:
for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of
thee." (lsa. 12: 4-6) ''lith these faithful ones time
is no more. (Rev. 10: 6 j Light, Book One, page 178)
They arc with the Lord, whether in the flesh or in the
spirit, and arc satisfied to do his will, looking forward
with great anti('ipation to the complete ,-indication of
Jehovah's holv name.
4S This sevdnteeuth Psalm was, according to the
Scriptures, written aforetime for the assurance and
comfort of the remnant, and the correct understanding th('rf'of brings added assurance that the remnant
are held safely in the hand of Jehovah and are his
chosen ones. These members of "Laodicea" ha,-e the
blessed privilege of the fulfilment and experience of
the prayer of their brother Paul: "That their hearts
might be comforted, being knit together in love, and
unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,
to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of



the Father, and of Christ: in whom are hid all the

treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Col. 2: 2, 3)
No longer are these faithful ones dissatisfied, in doubt
and searching for the way in which to go. They
know their Master's hou1':e and their Fat!wl"s organization, and, being satisfied and in the presence of the
Lord Jesus Christ in the temple, they delight to sing
forth the praises of the 1\1ost High, because "in his
temple doth everyone speak of his glory".-Ps. 29: 9.

f 1,2. Show tllat the Scripturl's thernseh'es indicate the time

of fulfilment ()f this psalm.
3-5. Account for the misun.lerstanding hitherto of this Ilnd
other prophe('ies.
6,7. Explain (a) whether entertaining a tlesire for tit" rl'surreetion change is Scriptumlly proper. (h) Whether David's
writing this psalm sell'es to irlentify those to whom tllis
text npplielJ. How does Paul's statt'ment (Col. 1: 2fi. 2i)
definite1,r prove ~uch identity as well as thll time of fulfilment of this text f
t 810. Show (a) that J"sus and the apostles emplJUsize,1 tho
importance of the Iw"t)l1.1 coming of the LOTI!. (b) That
the appli'~ation IS whilt~ the Lor.l's faithful followers are
yet on the e:l! th after his rl'lurn.
t 11,12. Explain II h,.thcr t'lH'rishing the thoug"ht of going
to heanm" was helpful or harmful to the Lord's people.
f 13-15. Account for the manif.'station, at the el,)se of the
Elijah p<'tiod of the church, of two classes prof"ssin:r to
l)i) followPrs of Christ JpSlIs. What contrast is now sern
1,etwPI'n th"se tlVO classes'
'I 16,18. In what am the faithful followers of Christ .reBUS
now "sntisfil',l". and wll,}'f Point out the" rig-htpollsnl'ss" in which these appear before the Lord, and the
reason why tluy are satIsfied th('rcin.
f 1922. With iIlm'trntion, mak(' cl,-ar what is meant hv the
exprcssion "I will behold tI,y face in righteousness;'.
"!' 2~-2S. fly applying" other scriptures in which the term
"awake J' is used, show wlH'th('r the melllhel's of Goa '8
orgnnization 11Il\'e "awoke" in fulfilment of this prol'lletic
script UT(~.
f !/i,2i. With s"riptun's in proof, show whrn and where tha
f.\ithful woul,1 "IJI(,l't the Lor'l' '.
f 28. 29. Explain whpther those \\ ho "are alh'e and remain"
lu\\'e IlClln "caug"ht up in the clou,ls" and have 'met tho
Lord in the nir'.
, 30,31. What do the wOrtls of the apostle reveal a!l to the
order of the resurrection awl the 'IJUiMing up of Zi,ll1'1
Point out the harmony therewith (If the statem('nt that
those who arc nlive and remain will IlC I'au:rht aWIl,\' in
the clouds "at th,' !lame time with them" that have !lIt'pt.
V 32;),1. };xplnin the "s('cret" as 'i1isc1osecl' I,y the apostlo
in 1 Corinthians 15: 51.52.
,. ~, Apply 1 Thcssnlonians 4: 16.
,. 36.Tust what is meant bv the' building up or Zion'f When

does it take pla('e1

OJ: 31. What is the ., crown" referred to in l{e\"(~lation :l: 11 f
What further light thereon is seen in the words of Paul
and of Peter, as to who shall rcc'pive the ('rown, and when '1
V 38,3~. Describe the cirt~umstance in whirh Psalm ]7 has its
aettiag'. Point out the prophetic appli"ation of verse 1.
f ,ro,41. Wbat was the psalmist's desire as expre."s('fl in his
words of \'erse 2 and his plea in \"erse ::, How does this
part of the psalm hllve fulfilment?
~ !!. Point out the important instru('tion I'ontainpd in \'erse 4,
and that the course followed by the faithful has been in
line therewith.
V 43. Show that verses 6-}.! fitly pictureJ the condition of
G0<1's ~ple in these latter days.
'll' 44, ""hat is expressed in \-erse 15 for those whom the psalmist represented 1
~ 4;).47. "lInt, then. is eleal'l:v the meaning and application
of verse 15 of thir, psalm 1 Point {jut th<1 harmonv therrwith of tile opening words of P~alm 18 and the words
9f Is.'\iah 12: 4-6.
"J 48. What is the evidenl'e that the seVl'ntl'enth Psalm is
lIelTing the purpose for which it was provided l,y J e1l01 ah 1



ONG centuries agoo God began to foreshadow the

means he would employ to bring obedient ones

of the human race, back to a state of perfection,
and that means that he foreshadowed a "new creation ft. This docs not mean that all the human race
must be destro)'ed and a new race created; but it
means the creation of something new, that through
this creation the human race may be redeemed and
After the flood Noah and his sons settled in different
parts of the earth. Japheth and his descendants took
up their abode in Europe. Ham and his sons dw"lt
in North Afriea. Shem and his offspring remained in
.Allia. Concerning ~helll Xoah proph('sied, saying,
"Blessed be the }.ord [Jehovah] God of.8hem. ft Thus
he indicuted that God had in store some special blessing for the df'scendants of Sl1l'ITl. The Scriptures disclose that this is what ~oah did mean.
'1'wo years after the flood Shem begot a son and
named him Arphaxad. (Gen. 11: 10) Terah was a
descendant of Arphaxad and of Shem. (Gen. 11: 24-)
In due coursc a son was born unto Teruli whom he
named Abram. Afterwards God changed his name to
Abraham. (Gen. 11: 27) 'l'erah and his family dwelt
in the city Ur of the Chalut:,~s. Abram was murried
to Sarai. "But Hal'ai was harren; she had no child."
(Genesis 11: 30) Terah took his family, including
Abram and his wife Sarai, and went forth to go
into the land of Canaan. From the Biblical ac
count it appears that he would journey along the
valley of the l'iwr Euphrah'g to Haran; and there
Terah dwelt, and his family together with him, until
he died.
Abt'um was now the most important man of the
company dwelling in Ifarall. lIe had faith in God,
and God had for him a duty to p(rform. "Now the
Lord had said unto Ahram, Get thee out of thy coun
try, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's.
house, unto a land that I will shew thee: and I will
make of thee a great nation, and J will bless thee, and
ma'<e thy name gl'eat; and thou shalt be a blessing:
and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him
that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the
earth be blessed. "-Gen. 12: 1-3,
In obedience to the command of the Lord Abram
gathered together all of his suLstance; and he took
his wife Snrai, and his nephew Lot and his family,
and Terah his father, and departed out of Ur of the
Chaldees and went to Harau; and on the death of his
father Terah he took all that he had taken to Haran
and what he had accumulated there, and departed for
the promised laud. Behold, a caravan of camels and
asses, cattle and sheep, men servants and maid servo
ants, women and children, with fa it hful Abram riding
in the van, journeying to the south and west into a
strange land! Over the trackless desert and oV'er the
barren and rU~g'ed hills they went. It was a long,
slow and tedious joul'lley; and the importance of that

journey could not then be fully appreciated hy Abram.

They were movin~ in regular order. 'What did the
march to that land, unknown to Abram, mean? The
great God of the universe was now moving his faith
ful servant into action and beginning a moving pic
ture 'Yhich would reflcct and foreshadow a new cr('ation and the formation of a perfect nation and gm"
emment, which would be God's means \l.';ed for the
blessing of all the families of the earth.
For a continuous period of approximately two
thousand years Jehovah God, from tim~ to time,
caused his faithful servants to produce various pOl'
tions of his moving pictures, here begun by Abram,
by whieh means he would teach mankind the way that
leads to endless life. It is exce('din~ly interesting and
instructive to visualize these pictures maul' 1011;; a~().
The men who performed their respective parts therein
did not fully understand, but th('y knew thut JehO\'ah
was the great Director and Commander.; and for thpm
that was sufficient. (1 Pet. 1: 10,12) .A rceurd t!l('rl:of
was made, that those HYing at the end of the world,
where we now are, might learn and undel'stand God's
way and he comforted by. this Imowledg-e.-1 Cor.
10: 11; Rom. 15: 4.
God was now senuing Ahram on this jOUt'lll'y to the
land of Palt:stine, wh('I'e the Lord in due t illie would
complete his pictures; and that part of the eal,tll has
become sacred and holy to all those who 10\'e the Lord.
The events that took placc in the land of Palestine
and adjacent territol'y foreshadowed the unfolding of
the divine purpose.
The eastern frontier of the land of Pakstine is
guarded by a range of beautiful mountain'>. The rn
tire range might well be called Pisgah, because of the
vision had from thc heights there\Jf. As Abram's
caravan approached from the cast he would halt upon
the crest of the mountain range, because from that
point he would have the first view of the promisl'd
land. He would feast his eyes upon the marvelous
scene that lay before him, and where soon was to be
the place ,>f the making of the greatest picture e\'u
made on earth, and later the place of its fulfilment iu
From his vantage point on thc crest of that moul1taiu range Abram would behold 1\[ount Ll'1>a nOli , the
Sea of Galilee, the lJlain of Esdrae1on, ?l[ollnt Cm'mel,
the d('ep shade of the Jordan valley, and thc rivcI's
of less importance that empty into Jordan's turbulent
waters, ~rount Moriah, :\[ount Zion, and all the hills
of Judea, and on to the deep blue Mediterranean s('a,
Travelers who have sinee journ('yed this way, upon
reaching the heights of this mountain range, have in
ecstasy exclaimed: "The most wonderful and beauti
ful view in any part of the earth!"
There, as Abram bpheld the \'."onderful scenc spr('ud
out before him, he would call to mind the promise
that God had made to him. The importance mnst
have impressed .Abram, but it was impos;jible then


15, 1934



for him to understand the full import of the promise been a great test unto him; and it is recorded that it
and what he was doing in connection therewith. The was a test of Abraham's faith.
promise which God made to Abram wns: "In thee
Jehovah gave directions to Abraham: "Take now
shall all families of the earth be blessed." In this pic- thy SOIl, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and
ture Abram represented Jehovah God, from whom get thee into the land of :Moriah; and offer him there
proceeds every good and perfect gift, and by whom for 8 burnt offering upon one of the mountains which
all of mankind who obey God shall in due time re- I will tell thee of." (Gen. 22: 2) Isaac was the dcarest treasure of Abraham's heart, bceause he was the
ceive his blessing.
begotten SOIl of Abraham by his beloved wife;
Descending from the mountain heights Abram
son he'loved. His love for God, however, was
journeyed on and entered into the land of Palestine
and passed through it to the plain of 1\1oreh. "And greater because he had faith that God would make
the Lord appeared unto Abram and said, Unto thy provision for his son.-Heb. 11: 19.
In obedience to God's command Abraham provided
seed will I give this land." (Gen. 12: 7) This promiso
indicated that God in his due time would give to obe- himself with the things necessary to make the altar,
dient men the earth as an everlasting abiding-place. and with wood for the fire; nnd, together with his
God made the earth for man's habitation, and in due son Isaac and his servants, he journeyed from the
time man shall inherit it in the fullest sense.-Isa. vicinity of Hebron to Mount Moriah, the present site
of Jerusalem. There Ahraham built an altar, bound
45: 12,18.
Abram journeyed on to the south, through the land, his son Isaac and laid him upon the altar, and raised
and then went into Egoypt. Latcr he returned from his knife to strike dead his beloved son Isaac that he
Egypt nnd pitched his tent in the plains of l\Iamre. might offer him as a burnt offcrin~. At this crucial
'I'here the Lord appeared unto him and said: "Neither moment God, throug-h his ang-d, spoke to Abraham
shall thy llame any more he called Abl'am, hut thy and commanded that he should goo no further in the
name shall he Ahrahnm; for a father of many nations picture, saying: "Lay not thine haIlll ulJon the lad,
have I malIc thee." (ncn. 17:5) This promise must neither do thou any thin~ unto him: for now I know
have sounoed strallge to .Abram, yet he helieved God. that thou fcarest nod, seeing thou hast not withhdd
Sarah WIlS now ninety years of age ano was yet barren, thy son, thine only son from me."
The faith exhibited by Ahraham on this occnsion
for she hao no ehildren, and hel'c the promise was
that Abraham should he mnde the father of many was pleasing to nod; and so he spoke to Abraham
nations. Later God snid to ,Ahraham that he should again through his angel and said: "Dy myself have
have a son by his wife ~arah, and that his name I sworn, saith the Lord; for because thou hast dono
should be ('aIled Isaac.-Oen. 17: 19.
this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only
When Abraham was one hundred ye,nrs old, true SOD; that in blessing I will blcss thee, and in multiplyto the promise that God had made, a son was born ing I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the hea\"l'lI,
to him by his wife Sarah; and he called his name and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy
Isaac. (GI~n. 21: 5) It must have cheered greatly the seed shall pOSSl'SS the gate of his enemies: and in thy
heart of Abraham nnd his wife ~arah when the son seed shall all the nations of the earth he blessed: bewas born. The words of ~arah imlicate that it was a cause thou hast obeyed my voice.' '-Gen. 22: 12, 16-18,
time of joy to them. A son was born in whom they
Why was this the greatest picture of all mnde on
could eenter their hopes for the fulfilment of the earth? BI..'<.'ause it foreshadowed that the promise of
promise which God had made. "And Sarah said, God God, pictured by Snrah the wife of Abraham, would
hath made 'me to laugh, so that all that hear will produce a "seed" and that this" seed" would be the
laugh with me. And she said, Who would have snid means of blessing all the families of the earth. 'I'he
unto Ahraham, that Sarah should have given children offering of Isaac foreshadowed that at some future
suck? for I have born him a son in his old age. And time God would gi"e his dearly beloved Son as a great
the child grew, nnd was weaned: and Abraham made sin-offering for the world, and that that Son would
a g-reat feast the same dny that Isaac was weaned." constitute the Sa,-ior and Deliverer of mankind.John 3: 16.
-Gen. 21: 6-8.
The original promise that God made to Abraham
The time arrived for Jehovah to make the picture
foreshadowing his provision for the saving aud bless- was: "In thee shall all families of the earth be
ing of the human race. The chief actors in this picture blessed." Now the promise made to Abraham at the
weI'') Abraham and his beloved son Isaac. In the pic- time of the offering of Isaac, and there made for the
ture Abraham represented God, while Isaac, the only first time, was: "In thy seed shall all the nations of
son of Abraham, represented the beloved and only the earth be blessed." These promises, in connection
bpgotten Son of God, Jesus, whom Jehovah brought with the picture here enacted, foreshadow that the
into the world to be the Savior of mankind. Abraham blessing must prol'eed from Jehovah and that the becould not know that this was a picture of something loved Son Jesus will be the channel of blessing.-Rom.
to take place in the future. It therefore must have 9:1; Heb.11:17-19.



The tendency amongst many has been to attribute

nll blessings to Christ Jesus, when in truth and in
fact all blessings proc~d from Jehovah God; and
Christ Jesus, his beloved Son, is his chief executive
Qf.ficer in carrying out these blessings. This is clearly


N. Y.

indicated by the promise made to Abraham, above

mentioned. Isaac, being the only child of Abraham
and his beloved wife Sarah, would therefore picture
The Christ. That he did picture Christ is plainly
stated later in the Scriptures.-Gal. 3: 16; 4: 28.

DE.\C BCEnU:E:>1:

I enclose under sepnrate cover the Bt. Lucia [B.W.l.]

Catholic JIagclzine, October number. The editorial article com
meneing on the first page will be of interest to you.
Alarmc.1 by tho spr('ad of the truth here the Homan Catl\lJlie
Ticar {:enl'ml be~an his howl Sunday :::d Scpt...mbcr at hi~h
mils". Getting more fearful still, on Sunday 24th September
at eaeh of till' three mllsses said, the topic was Judge Rutherford, tlw books, and myself; on which occasions the people
were warnell not to rea.l the literature, and to destroy by
burning whatever they had in posse~sion. Home of the poor
prisonerl'l have been scared, willie others IJl'~inning to see a
littlo li~ht are wllllting to make a dash for liherty.
Still tl')-inl:' to cast llloro dust in the eyes of the people, the
Octllher numher of that mU~llzine contained nn editorial un
, Winds of Doctrine", as Y"U will sec from the copy I for
",'ar.l )'ou. It is quite evi.lent that they have re"eived the wit
neSl! straijtht enough: like a sharp nrrow in their hearts.P~:tlm 4~: 5.
Thi" place is ninety-pnrccnt Catholic. Dominated for yearll
by the Roman Cntholi(~ rl'ligion, the people have had nothing
of the pure wor.1 pre:u'hed to thelll, un.1 were eager and happy
in rec...iving the truth of the kingllom. The people arc very
nire until the priestll I'poil thelll, after which one is looked
upon us the Devil's illlp going from door to door.
Their opposition has Sl'r\"t~.1 to givo greater publicity to the
mesSlll:'(', anll Sllfi!C huve obtain....1 the literature from me purely
us a result of that. I do not think tlH~y could have selected
n. h...tter quotation than tlu\t one taken, from the Kingdom
hooklet: concise and clear, it is just what we want them to
The chief town, Castries, has about 6,000 souls, and in four
months here I hllve plal"c<1 over 1,700 books and hooklets,
lJc~i.leH G,A. copies, hookll tnking a slight lead over booklets.
I am returning to Trini,hul this week.
Yours in tile joy of service,



Please accept my many thanks for the new weapon Prepara

tio11, iadeeu meat in due season. As a result of that grand and
most brilliant tlush of li~htning from the throne of Jehovah
through his temple one c'an clearly see the glimmering of the
great battle and beyond, as though one had already passed
through it.
The Sanctuary Cleansang' is another marvel, and noUllng
but solid food in it. Jehovah lIeClBS to have been pleased to
permit the so-called "ell1ers" till his due time to clean them
out, Satan being cast out and using them to accuse the brethren.
(Rev. 12: 10) Grand Ilre all of the visions as explained in
Preparation: The Vessels,' Jehovah's Militant Or"ani1.ation,'
'The Cleaving of the Mount of Olives.' Yes, blesllcd are they
that fiee to thl1 \alley. One can't help but express himself
on all this bleslletl food
Those words in Isaiah 52: 6; 42: 9, are so real. Nearly five
:rears I have been hlessed by the Lord, putting in most of that
time as pioneer. Huppy indee.} in evenin"s and stormy days
have been l1ly hours in our littll1 house, 10 x G feet, while my
wife and hoy, now live )'eurs, have been enjoying th"lr sweet
sleep. These fcallt hours WNC real as in the presenee of 0",1
and hill holy ones. Many tears of joy. But without servi('e,
\\'hich is "etting sweeter amI sweeter, I truly say it could not
have been so true nnd joyous. This is only through the Lord '.
It gives one I:'reat cuumge to see Jehovah's watch ,'al'e ",'er
you, espel'ially amidst triuls as you passed throu~h lately, and
in 19H1. l:tln sure none of us can ill1a~ine the mental ButT(r
ings and difficulties you have, out of which only Jehovah ('an
deliver, and will all such us are submissive tlJ him as the clay
to the potter. No d'luht the great/'st thorns have he,'n the
"man of sin" and (, so-calle(l ET,DEr:S' '. May the LortI continue to use you and richly bless yuu, gUHle and prote(t you,
e"en till we llleet with those faithful ones of old; nncl then
may you dwell in the I:lorious presence of that great, true and
all-wise Creator JehoVllh God.
By his grace your brother,
LEONARD n. STl.EGE, Pioneer.



Fen'ent greetings to Jon and all the dear servants of Jehovah and Christ Jesus at Brooklyn and everywhere.
In eoncludin~ two years' pioneer serviee for the King of
kings, am overtlowing with grateful appreciation to Jehovab
for his boundless blessings and mercies extended through you
and his organization, While my first pioneer year was a most
blessed one, the second was crammed with more spiritual blpss
ings and greater opportunities of sen'ice. With pioneering,
radio and transcription work, Psalm 92, verses one to five,
fully expresscs my experien('es and joys.
Through you and the Society, Jehomh supplies rich spiritual
food, gi\"ing strenl:'th and courage to his remnant. He now
cro\vns the year with Preparation for more strenuous sen'lce
ahend, to vinuicate his name!
The Towers and other publications are daily our delight as
they chronicle the triumphant progress of our King and his
kingdom, revealing his will to his anointed. He now takes us
into his confidence and uses us in working out his purposes;
this is thrilling beyond expression I Therefore with courage
we can proceed, fully assured of his continued providences
for his service and his sen-ants.
With complete devotion to our Father Jehovah and our Lord
Jesus Christ; assuring yon and the Society of full cooperation,
and with fervent Christian love in which Sister Howell joins,
I remain
Ever yours for the vindication of Jehovah's name,
W. W. HOWELL, Pioneer.


I must tell you that we were truly thrilled at the tonI's in

your voice, dllling these last three national brollllcnsts. The
message you >!Cnt out surely must have touched the ht'arts of
all truthhun"ry persous who were listening in. We \\"Pnt forth
to service with ~reatcr ,joy than ever, llnd we fairly th'w from
house to house, so we eoulll reach as many as pu~sihle while
the message was so fresh an(l inspiring.
\Vo rememher you, and daily pray for you. And we are
trying to he faithful to the smallest detail of work, in harmony
with Jeho\'ah's orf,,'11nization. We send you our love,
and assure you of our appreciation of your labor of lovo for
us all.
Faithfully yours,



'Ve wish to express our appreciation for the beautiful new

book Preparation. The message it contains is encouraging and
thrilling. Truly thankful are we to our God for being priv
ileged to haye a part in carrying the message of the kingdom
to the people.
May the Lord bless you until the enemy is completely de
stroyed and His name vindicate<1.
Your brethren by His grace,
BRO. AND Sa. TllOMPSON, Pioneer8.



15, 1934


Just finished a careful reading of PreparatIOn. I hasten to
eXI,ress my joy and appreelUtion. Without a doubt, a. most
lo\"ing gift of Jehomh in this hour of need, prf'paring us for
"the battle of the great uay of Gou Alllli~hty". The apostle
expresses my thought in the matter: "Q the depth of the
riehe~ both of the wisdom Hnd knowlp/l/.:e of Go<ll"
Pondering in one '8 heart these wonderful truths and prom
ises of God, how I am thrilled with joy and greatly encouraged
to prcS8 on in the \\itness work, bearing testimony to Jehomh's purposes through II is incoming kmgdom. In the midst
of our lllany joyful experien('es, true, we klso meet some strong
oppositio!l; but these thin~s cannot move us, for the Lord
God has made our foreh ...a,la as Ildamant.
Surely Preparation will provo to be an indispensable weapon
in the handa of God's "little ones" to 'fi!J:ht for our li\'es '.
'l'he whole book is a marvelous storehouse of truth, so full of
comfort, cheer and encouragement at this hour.
'fhe chapter on "clpunsing" ill a marvelous array of scrip'
tm es shOWing how complete must he tho work of 'Separation,
preparatory for the /.:rc:Lt fi;.:ht jUllt ahead.
The explanatioll gi\'en heretofore of Zechariah 14: 2 was
never ('Iear to me. r trie'l to understand, hut could not, for
it did not lIppeur clar. But now, thanks be unto Ood I the
"'hole matter is clarified, 110th by the Scriptures and by physical facts. \\ hilt joy and (~omfort it bring'sl Never again
shall tho r('~idlle of God's people bo trod/len down nor tha
Holy City invadel!, Theso fads }Jring great joy, confidenco find
em:uunlr.:elllcnt to me. We know \'ietory is eertain, and both
Jcho\"Uh's nam/) nllil hill word shull be completely \'inclicuted.
Thill book is written for us (Holll. 15: 4) as expressed in
th(' following quotation: ., This advance information doubtlpss
is "h'en to the remnant that tlll'y may be strong in hope,
lind that thl',v llIay ('ontinllo without f('ar to sound a warning
to tho crowd tliat is anta~onizing Jehovah's work.' '-Prep,
aration, pu;.(e 3Hi.
Again thankin:.: Jehovah Ood throu:.:h Chdst .lpsus for this
gift, an,l you, Brother Hutlll'rford, for your work and labor
of 10Vll thus llorfomll~d, I remain
flineercly your felluw witnes8,
HmAM P. KI,EIlWANS, Pennsylrallia.
I have just listflncd to your wonderful lecture, as well as the
last thr('o lectures; I,n,l words ('an not express my feclin~s in
being able to hear nn,1 untl,'rslarHI tl"'II\. I wish ever~'one would
hsteu to the jUll~e. tIo ('ertainly explains the Bible in a very
sensible way, null only those who am hlind cannot un/lerstand it.
I can't understau,l why tho peuple remain in the church
organizations. I Icarrwll more li~tl'llln~ to JU1lge Hntherford
in ono month than in all the years I attended churdl. I sin
cerely hope and trust that God will preserve anll keep you
80 that you will be ahle to deliver more of those inspiring
lectures and so help the people in gaining a knowledge of the
I would like It l~oPY of all your lectures, and, if you will
let me know how nllll'h they will be, wiII gladly contribute the
money. May God 1>1<'8s nn,l keep you.
Very sincerely yours,
MRS. Q. PO~IRENKE, New J erscy.




At the general business meeting of our company a motion

was put ancl unaniwously carried that a message expressmg
our love for you and our deep appreciation to Jehovah for
t1le rich food that he is placing before us through ~'ou as a
willing iustrument in his hands.
What an en/lless train of blessiDI:( he is bestowing on the
remnant in these last dn)-s which he has specially prepaled
for them.-1 Cor. 2: 9.
We rejoice to ha\'e more ammunition in the new booklets
that the Lord has provided for us to press forward in this
aggressive fight, in which we are happy to be united with you.
When those three special broaucast lectures came to our
ears we were thriIleu, and more so still when we received instructions that we were to have these in a booklet for use
during the Kingdom Proclamation Period. We had a very
happ)" tilUe in this c:unpaign; the booklets went out splendidly.
We are also \'ery thankful to the Lord for the tran~crjption
machine, another w"nllerful means or getting the Dlessa~e to
the people. We ha\'C had some tino expcIiences in this feature
of the work. Just to mention one: Eac:h Sunday in August wo
had the use of tile bandstand ('ndosul'e in the purk. Much
interest was aroused, unu u guod witness given.
Wo woula Him you to know, dear brother, how your coura
geous stand for the honor of Je!lo\'ah's name inspires us, tiring
us with enthUSiasm. aIHI tilling us with determination to ho
'steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the
May the Lorll gil'e to )'ou all needed grace, strength and
wisdom to continue your unceasing labors to the praise of
Jeho\,ah's name. Wo are
Your brethren in kmg-dom service,
Just a lino to express ollr great
wh...n my wife un/I 1
henrd your \"oice O\'er 1100 Lkilucydes tOllig'ht, un,l last 8un
day evening same time. The uwslluge is so wonderful, and
Jehovah is surely USIl1;': ,you to his /.;loI'Y. We houhht a radio
this year for the purp'jse of hearing Ood's word of truth,
and God IlUS given us that wonuerful prh'ilege of doing so.
lIe is sure fl.'Cuing' us in green pastures and, being tilled, we
need not hunger nor thilllt. I oft'>n think of tho I\lraSllre of
menl that the puor woullIn had in her barr... !. It never failt!d;
which shows how JehU\llh God can sustain us. In this /.:fl'at
time of oppression he is providing for Us Loth spiritually and
literally, and h:ts providf'd better this year than ever. Praise
to his holy name.
May Jehovah God guide keep you, anti open the way
that yuur voice lUay con'inuall~" speak over the radio and
prodaim the wondrous truths that nre to be revealed to those
who are hllng'ering for an undl'rstun'ling of his Word.
Received Preparation, whICh is a wunderful book. We ure
both studying books Light, llnd can see lind understand more
than ever before.
The people where we live are be~inning to like the buuks,
and only three families object to it in Our "icinity of thirty
We will be looking forward for next Sunday evening, when
we hope to hellr you again.
Your brother and sister by His ~race,






Mas. WARltEN


Cape Breton.


Love flnu kingdom greetings!

I have just read the new book, Preparation, an~ cannot reo
frain from expressin~ my ~ratituue and appreciation, not only
to the hp.anmly Father, but unto you lor your labor of love
in his service.
Words fail me to express the joy I have in reading it, and
I h!'artily endorse its precious contents of comfort and conso
lation to the "remnant".
"Qbedienre is hetter than 8anifice."
I have been sick for some time, but am better and shall
resume my work in the pioneer service soon. Sister Rice joins
in sending love and appreciation.
Your brotltpr anll servunt by Ilis grace,

V. C.






We take this opportunity of sendin~ vuu our sincere ~rect

ings, !lnd to state we are truly thankful to our heavenly Father
for his organirotion whereby we are taught of him and con
tinually uireetecl in 0. way that will ultimately brin~ unlimitetl
blessings to all the obedient of the earth and honor to his
holY name.
'Ve are also thankful for our privilege of being eoworkers
with you and all his witnesses throughout the earth. We aSSl1re
10U of our cooperation in this "'onderful work.
Your fellow ~enallts.

.a1le WATCliT0WER,

How I clo want to thank you for my copy of Preparation!

nave very ucafl.7 finished reading- it; am now rending and
rereading nbout tho "fig-ht"; and how it does indeed thrill
us to learn in ndv:mce of what is to take place, and how our
gracious he:J.\cnly }'ather nourishes us that we may be ~ble to
sena himl How truly grateful all the remnant are to hlDl for
the wonderful "meat in due season" I It does not make flny
llifferenl'o on which side the vail weare; we can serve either
way, but we shall be happy when we can serve perfectly.
My report for October is 156 hours of blessed service; the
most 1 have been able to accomplish (by His grace) Ilince
entering the pioneer service just two and one half years ago.
'1'he people do not hesitate to tell mo what they think of the
NUA, the )Jl'Clu;hers, and con,litions in g-eneral. It is a pri,"
i1cg"e of joy to he one of Jehovah's \\ltneSBI'S at this time.
to take to the people tltis messngl', which is for their benefit,
even if there wel'e no other reward than the jpy we experience
here. In the nig-ht nnd other times, in pondering over his
wOlll1erful purposes and in silent communion with him it 8cemp
0110 call put out one's hand !Lnd nlmost touch him; to be just
a small means In hel!,jll~ to vinllieate his holy name brings a
happiness and )lea~e that nothing elso cnn give.
AIreatly people are wantil1;.{ 1'1 f'J 1Ilmtton, and I am looking
forwnrd to plcsentin!{ it to the public. This morning we re
ceivell your letter wilh a testimor.y to b.e used for it, and I
will learn it in order that the people WIll ha\'c a better untlr'rstanding of what they need.
'1'wo other pioneer!! amI Drothl'r ~[orrison and I witnessp.d at
ihe State Sol,liers' Home of Illlli:um thi.~ week. Dear old souls.
hew ~Indly did they listen to th" message I Some past cight~
yt;ars old whose minds were very kern took the books and snill
they wished ewry OIlP. would takl' nnp. of them so thl'Y couhl
exchallr:e to rl""1. Bllt, of ('OUf!'l', t he Devil would lm"e to stir
up some trQuLle. 'Vltell it got to the colonel's ears (newly ap-


N. Y

pointed Catholic official) that Jehovah's witnesses were there,

he promptly sent his men out hunting us and made us leave.
However, the colonel accepted the Government book. We are
awaiting instructions before goin~ to finish. There ~ere
fifty-eight testimonies gh'en while we were there, and thl~Y'
six books and booklets placed. Some do not get a pensIon.
Those who had the money took readily. There arc more than
six hundred persons living there. We only wish everyone of
them could ha"e the Preparatio,lt.
At last I am finishin .. this letter, which I started more than
a week ago; most busy"indeed in the Lord's work. This morn
ing the ncw Watchtower came (November 15), amI when I saw
the topic, "Laborer's Wages" (explaining Matthew 19: 29~
I can hardly wait until lean stutly it. Also tl~e first artH'le
in the last Golden Age (November 8), "Preparation for Arm:J.gedtlon," using 2 Kings 10: 15 for the text, spcaking of the
Jonadabs, how happy they are, and, the good they do for
others. We are campe<1 in our housecar on the bank of the
''''abash river, on propert.y of one of the Jonaclahs. Just now
Brother Morrison wss ~oing to row across the river for some
fuel to burn in our little stovc, when the Jonadah tolll him to
take all the wood we needed from his own wooupile. Many
times, after putting in a long .day in. the sen icl', too tirCI}
to prepare the evening meal (haVIng to he down anl.1 rl'Rt first),
we hear a knock at the trailer door and on opemng It thero
is a meal all cuoked, warm, really to eat, pn)pared hy the
hands of the faithful Jonadahs. Indeed the Lonl will ril'IIly
bless them. 'l'hey do not havo any more than they nced th'lUt
selves, but they dh'ide it with others just the same.
May our heavenly Father bless nnll keep you close to him.
We know that you nrc indeed giving your life in his blessl'll
servi('e' and who knows hut that vou nrc now writing manu
script for another book, so that tho Lord'8 little Ont'S mi~IIt
be further nourishctlt We pray always for you and all the
Yours in joyful sl'rvice,
Mns. C. F. (MIXNIE) MORRISON, Pioneer.

On\'ton. Ohll)


('oilllllhus. O",io .......... ,

Pitt,IIlt,,h. l'n.

Steub"11\ illl', Ohio

Akrou, Ohio

(!I'v..lnnll. Ohto
Feb. 15-1:;
'l-hlt'dn. Ohio ............. :' ~!~. ~}I
llNroit, Mil'h
' __._.
10, 11
l:ull"l1ll). K Y.
2~. :.>r,
13. 14
Uo.ton. :\la~H. _
" 27.2i:l

Joplin. ::\[0. ..
nutler. lI[o. ..
Clillton, :\In,
Hetlalla. :\10. .
Jefl'er.on Ciry. :\10
Moberly. l\10. ..

l ..evRs:r. ::\l. .~

Dickinson. Tex.
Houstoll. TIx.
Dllytoll. '1"'X.
Whartoll. '1'1''1. ..
Jo:1 ('nlll!'o. Tex. ..
Cnero, '1','''.
~orJll!S Chris!l. 'fex
8nnl,ell,to, rex.
Br()wn~\ilh... l'ex

1I111hurn, OI;la. ..
llurnnt. Okla. .
"ade. Okla
Can..,,". Okla
Atl)ka. Okla. ..
Lehl~h, Okla. ..

lIIrAIlt>n, T..x
Etlr01lC'h. 'l'(lX.




Feb.14, 15

~HIl Ujf'~().


n._ "
_.0 ::
h,('rn II Ie, '!PX'.





San Antonio, Tex.





Tex. _.__ .0.

Llauo, Tex. ..







KanAa" Cit), :lIn. ..

St. Joseph, :11o









Tll<h:ewny. MI)
Kirksville. Mo
Hutlpll~e, JIlo. ..
}'l\I"t lIlu'!\l<oll. 10"u .. "

HurllnJ:ton. Iowa ....... "

J\:posancluft, Iowa ... 'f.
Ottumwl1, Iowa ._

(ury(loll. Inw:!
C'hadtuJl. lc)\\a


_.. "

Willl,ullsllurg, Iowa .... "





Fl'b. 1.2
Dunhar. Okla
Feb. 15. 16
C1fJ'Hlv. Okla. ..
" 17.18
YaJIl:lut. !)kl11. ..
:: *~. *~
hlabcl. Okla.
__ _.
" 10.11
J!envener. Okla
" 24.2;)
" 13. 14
"lcCurtaln. Okla. " 27. 28

WlnstonSalem. ~. C. F..b.
SIJlIrtanhllrll. S. C
HII:h l'otnt, x. C.........
~:~ (;reeu\"llle, ~. c
Snli~bur.\, N. C. ...... u
Gl'een\voo"~I, M. c. ~
Athen,. (.n,
Kannapolill. X. C
.. 10.11
Atlanta, Ga
Charlotte. X. C. ..
" 13, 14
::\JacoD. Ga.. _
_ t,
Asheville. N, C. ..
" 15.16

:\[asontown. Pa
:IOnemacolin. I'u
rave. I'll.
Wayne,burg. Pa
Home.te'ld. Pa.
Duque. ne. Pa
Turtle Crepk. Pa.
l\!cKeesport, Pa

F ..b.



Irwill. Pn
IJ.l'a:lenetlte.adPai>ti............ 18, ~t
. HI' ) . . 0 ,

7. R
I.atrohl', I'a
9. III
Illnir.vllle. I'll.
2:1.;; l
John.tnwn. Pa
" 2a. ~~
\"intontlnl lu
Coh'el" l'a. ..

Ellisville, )(iss. .
xew Orleans, I.a. ......Feb. 2-4
Ocean l'(prln~s. lIIiss. "
lTattie.burA'. :IIi".
Lucedale. lIIIss. ..
Foxwortll, ){ilolS
'Vayneshoro. :Ill... .. ..
;\[cColllll. :\[is~.
O:-,\'kn, .Mt...:x. .. _
Enterprisl.'. lIllss. .
~ otl'l,O'1.. lIli... "
Xewton. ,\II,.. .
ChUrl'll Hili. .\Iis..
Lawrenre. )lis.,s
Braxton. :lliss. .. _ ..
13 Yll.:kshllra. ::\fi;.l
Yazoo Cltr. )li,~.
I.onre!. lIlI"
~haw. lUss
Heidetberg. lIIiss


_.. "





17. ~~





Yuma, Ariz. ..
El Centro, Calif
San DieAo. Calif
Santa Ana. Culif
}ulIer!on. Calif. _
Rtverslde, Calif. ..

Feb. 1.2
4. 5
6, 7
8. II
" 10. 11

:llonro\ill. Cnllf
Feb. 1:1.1-1
Palo:aden:t, l~nli.f:
;: 1~ !'~
Ro_emead, (" ilt.
1, t,
Glf'IHlale, Calif
" 2 f t, 21
Los An~el .... Calif
" ~::-::;j
Lonl{ Bench. Calif. __ " 2. 2~

Peru, Inll. ..
'''noo'h, Inl1.
Liberty Center. Ind
lItarion, Ind. .
Sellnlia, Ind. ..
La Flly<:tte, Ind. ..
Attl~n. Ind
HOnlne,. Inrt. . _
Frankfort. Ind.







Ehyood. Ind
.\lun(ie, Ind.

F'>b. 15. 16


Portland, Ind. _

T:niou City. Ind.

Hi(llInon(l. Inti,
:\ew Ca~tle, Incl.
11l~llanapolis, Ind

London. Ind.
Greensburg. Ind









HIS journal is published for tho purpose of

"And all thy children sha.ll be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

&eat shall be the peace of thy children."- Isaiah 54:T3.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to everlastill~, the Maker of hc:l.ven and earth and the Gh-er
of life to hill creatures; that tho Logos was the bt>ginninj{ of
Us creation amI his active lll'ent in the creation of all
thin~s; that the Lo~us is now the Lord .Jesus Christ in glory,
clothed with nil power in heaven and earth, and the Chief
Fucccutivo Officer of .Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for tile NLrth and placed upon it; that maD. wilfully
disobeyed Go<l'a law and was l!entenced to death; that by
reason of Adam's wrong net all men are born Binners and
without the right to lifo.
THAT JESUS was made human. an,l the man .JellllS lIUffered death in orJer to produco tho rallsom or redemptivo
price for all mankind; that God l"olised up Jesus diviDe and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and auovo o\-ery
name and clothed him with all power and authority.
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Offil'er tlll'reof ami is the
ri~htful King of thll world; that the llnointed and :f:lithful
followers of Christ .Jesus are children of Zion, members of
.Jehovah's org-aniLation, and are !lis witnesses whose duty and
privilcg'o it is to testify to the Iluprcmary of .Jehova.h. declnro
his purpo!>e8 toward mankind as exprea..'lec1 in the Bible, and
to bear the) fruita of the kingdom before all who will hell.r.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and tho Lord .JestlS Christ
has bet'1l plar-ed by .Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
has ouated Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the
establishment of God's kingdom on earth.
THAT T~m RELIEF and. ble!l5inl\'!! of tho peoples of earth
ean eomo only by and throngh .Tehovah's kingdom under
Chri!lt which has now beg'UUj tllllt the Lord's next gre:l.t
net is tho 1estruction of Satan's or~nization and the estab
lishment of righteousness in tho earth, and that under tho
kingdom aU thoso who v;;U obey its righteous laws shall be
restored and livo on earth forever.
For the year 1934 the Memorial of the Lord's supper will
be held aft"r six 0 'cloek on the evening of March 28. The
WatchtoUJer hopes to contain some timely instruction for aU
those who partake, and we su~gcst that each one be prepared
by thoroughly considering the matter in advance.

Los Angeles, March 24-28 inclusive, are the place and time
for a cOllvention of .Tehovah's witnesses. All Uleeting~ except
Sunday afternoon will be held in the Trinity Awlitoriulll,
Orand Ave. and Ilth. Sunday afternoon. from 2 to 5 o'elock,
the Shrine Auditoriulll will be used. At 3: 30 to 4 o'e!ock
p.m. Brothf'r Rutherfofll will ,leliver an address which will be
broadcast from coast to coast. 'l'he convention will conclude
on the night of the 2Ath with celebration of the ~remoria1.
The forenoon of each day of the convention will be used for
house-to-houso witness work. This marks the bc~nnin~ of the
THANKSGIVING PI:."'RIOD. The booklet Dividin.'l the Pl'Ople will
be used t!lroug-hout the entire world during that period. The
brethren on the Paf'ifie coast will havo opportunity of a eonvention, and doubtless most of them ",;11 take n,lvnntage of
it. For further information, adllress U. V. Knelllcver. 3345
Fernwood St., L~'nwood, Califorma.


the people to know Jehovah God and his purpos"3 :l3

expressed in the Bible. It publishes .Bible instructio:l
specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses. It arran~es
systematic B1ble study for its readers and supplies other lit<:)rature to aid in Iluch studies. It publishes suitable material
for radio broadeasting and for other means of public instruc.
tion in the Scriptnres.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter
ances. It is entirelv free and separate from all parties, sec:s
or other worldly or~nizations. It is wholly and without
resenntion for the kingdom of .Jehovah God under Christ
llill Beloved King. It is not dOl:ll1atie, but invites careful
and critieal examination of its contents in tho li~ht of th:)
Scriptures. It does not indulfre in controve1"8Y, and its col
umn~ are not open to personalities.

American remittances &hould be made by Express Or' I'ostal lIIon p y

Order'. or by Dank I>r"ft. Canadian, T:rltish, South African awl
AustraL'lsfllD remittances should bo mado direct to the respectl,..)
bran'.1 oUkes. I:emittanCe9 trom ("oDDtrle~ other than those mputi'ml'd mrry he m'lllo to the Brooklyn olllcc, but bT international
I>o~tal Money Order only.


Drlti6h :14 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2, Englan'l



Il."Wla AYl'nuc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Australasian. '[ Ilcresrord Hoad, Stratbtlelu, N. 8. 'V., Au"trali~

Sou'h A!rictJrs Boston llousl', Cape Town. South Africa.

I'leaae addre"ll the Society In every CMe.

(TraMlatioM 01 thf ioumaJ erppear ... 'e1Ieral Janguaqc,.)

All sIncere stn,lenta (It the RIMe who by reason ot Inllrmlty,

poverty or adver.<lty lLCO nnable to PIlY the IlUbMcrlption prwi
may ha,8 The W4tcllto&Cer tree upon wrltt"D IlppUcatlon tI.) till)
pubUshUII, made once e:tch year, stating the reason tor II" requesting It. We are glad to thllS aid tbl) needy. but the wrltt"n
applic,ulon once each y('ar 1. reqnlred by the postal rC&tl1allons.
Notlctl to Sub,crlber.: Acknowlp<h;ment ot a new or a renewal subscription will b6 lent only when requested. Cb'lDltO ot adtlresq.
wheD reqtlested, may bll eTpected to appear on addrC"lll Illhpl wi talll
one month. A renewal blallk (earryln~ notlco or explratl'Ju) vm
be Ifent with the journal one month before the BubscrIl,tloll erplres.
Entered a.t Second Cla.a. Mall Jfatter Itt BroOklvn, N. Y., Po,to!!'ee.
Act of March II. 1879.


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1, 19:J4

"For there i.~ ]lOpe of a tree, if it be cut down, t1lat it .. ill spront again, and that the tender bl'anch thereof
will not cease. 1'hollgh the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the groundj ?Jct
through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant. "-Job 14: 7-9.

EIIOVAII is the source of life. That eternal truth

all creation who livc must learn. All, thercfore,
must kllow that Jchovah is the Almighty God,
bcsides whom ther'c is none. It is Jehovah who
has placed his own great name upon his heloved Son
and made him his Vindicator; and now he says to the
peoples of the earth: "In his name shall the nations
hope." Those who come to an appreciation of God's
gracious pro\'ision for man arc delighted to Iwow that
there is no atllt'r name given under heaven wherrby
life can comc to the mcmhers of the humnn race save
that of his heloved Son, whirh provision God has made.
2.Jehovah has caused his prophe~ies to be written
that men of honest desires may sec at this time and
discern the purpose of the ::\[o:st lIigh to give everlasting life to those of the human race who love and
serve him. The words l'C('ordt'd in the book of Job
above quoted are prophetic and refer to the fall of
mankind, and his overlord, antI Jehovah's gracious
provision for the recovery of fallen man that he may
. l'lVI.',
Job was a man of wide cxperience, and doubt.less
had walked through the fOl'e<.;t where the trees grew
by the water's edge. The cedar trce is symbolie of a
living creation and, being an evrrgreen, it symbolized
that God '8 crt'atUl'e, man, may have everlasting life;
and this would be true with reference to all creation
that lh'e and obey Jehovah. Doubtless Job had observed the pcculiaritif's of the cedar tree, which under
certain conditions will produce a new tree out of a
dead stump. If so, he saw where the cedar tree once
stood and lifted its evergreen arms heavenward, and
later its foliage had fallen to the earth, the trunk was
cut dO\\'l1 and decayed, and only the stump remained,
and even it appeared to be entirely dead. The roots
of the tree had grown old in the soil of the earth, and
there appeared to be nothing remaining that indicated
life about the tree. Again when he visited that old
stump he saw a tender root had stretched its little
arms out to the waters and had drunk deeply of that
life-giving and life-sustaining substance, and now a
new tree was growing up in the place of the one that

lay dead. Year after year he saw that new trec con
tinuillg to grow, its branches reaching out and it ever
lifting Its green arnlS heavenward in an expression
of its gratitude to him who had providcd watcr and
had givcn it life. Whcn the new tree had grown large,
probably Job sat under that tree while listening to
the song birds in its boughs singing the prai"rs of the
Ciwr of every good and perfect gift. Tllm the fjord
nod moved the mind of .Job to write, and prophetically
he wrote: "For there is hope of a tree, if it be rut
Ilown, that it will sprout again, and that the tend('r
branch thereof will not cpase. Though the root thcreof
wax old in the earth, and the stock thrreof die in the
ground; ~'et through the scent of water it will bud,
and hring forth houghs like a plant." (Jllh 14: 7!J)
'1'hat prophecy is nn expression of Jehovah's purpose
to again give life to the obedient ones of the human
race, even as he caused the new tree to grow up out of
the roots of the old stump. God works in a. plain and
simple though mysterious way his wondrous acts to
perform and to revral them to those who love him.


'On another occasion more than 2,500 ~'ears prior

to this present day Jehovah caused a man to have a
dream which now we arc enabled to see related to the
same thing- about whit'h Job prophetically wrote con('erning the tree. ~ebuchadnt'zzar was then the head
of the third world power, hence the king O\'er all the
peoples, nations nud languag'es that dwelt upon the
earth. God had punished the unfaithful nation of
Israel by permitting the king of Babylon to defeat
the Israelites at war and to carry away the surdvors
as captives. Among those captives carri('d to Bahylon
was faithful Daniel. This occurred eleven years pr'evious to the final destruction of Jerusalem by the
Babylonish kin~. Daniel, who now was in the king's
service by the kill~'s command, was honored by the
king, and, doubtless by the Lord's provision, he was
there to perform his divinely appointed part in the
prophetic picture which God had him record anu
which relates to the fall and restoration of the human race.

'a:1ie. WATCHT0WER
S On a formcr occasion Daniel, at the request of
Ncbuchadnezzar, told him of his peculiar dream and
gave him the interpretation thereof. Nebuchadnezzar
for that reuson had confidence that Daniel was the
servant of the Holy One. (Dan. 2: 1-45) Again
Nebuchadnezzar had a dl'eam, and again the magicians
of Babylon had bcen called and had failed to interpret
the dream of the king, and again the king caused
Daniel to be brought before him. Then Nebuchadnezzar told Daniel his dream concerning a great tree'
in these words: "I saw, and, behold a tree in the
midst of the eal'th, and the height the~eof was great.
The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof
reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end
of all the earth. The leaves thereof were fair and
the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat fo~ all:
the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the
fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and
all flesh was fed of it. I saw in the visions of my head
upon my bcd, and, behold, a watcher and an holy one
came down from heaven. He cried aloud, and said
thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches
shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beas~
get away from under it, and the fowls from his
branches. Nevertheless, leave the stump of his roots
in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass
[copper], in the tender grass of the field and let it
be wet with the dew of heaven, and let hi; portion be
with the beasts in the grass of the earth: let his heart
be changed from man's, and let a beast's heart be
given unto him ; and let seven times pass over him."
-Daniel 4: 10-16.
e That dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and which was
recorded in the book of Daniel, being a prophecy,
must some day have its fulfilment. Sinc.e the Scriptures declare that whatsoever things were written
aforetime were so written that God's faithful people
might in patience and comfort have hope, and that.
this greater enlightenment would come to those at the
end of the world, we may be sure that the Lord God,
sometime while the remnant is on earth, would give
to them an understanding of that prophecy and that
such understanding would be had before the day of
Armageddon. (Rom. 15: 4) Jehovah God brings
about the events that fulfil these prophetic visions,
and they cannot be understood until his due time to
have them understood. It now seems to be Jehovah's
due time to permit his people on earth to have an understanding of the prophetic dream concerning the
"tree in the midst of the earth", as recorded in the
fourth chapter of Daniel's prophecy. The understanding of this has come only at God's appointed
time and gives consolation to those who love him.


N. Y.

humiliating experience of the "seven times", as stated

in- the prophecy, and after the king had been fully
restored to his right mind and was again upon his
throne. That proclamation foretold and foreshadowed
another far more important proclamation to be made
and issued by earth's rightful King. The vision or
dream fulfilled makes known that the 'seven times
of the Gentiles; had ended and that no longer will
Satan be permitted to exercise unhindered the overlordship of man. It discloses the further and more
important fact that Jehovah's kingdom has come and
that he has placed his beloved Son upon his holy hill
in Zion, that the Son is sent forth to rule in the midst
of his enemies, and that the time has come for the
vindication of Jehovah's name. The proclamation
opens thus: "Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth;
Peace be multiplied unto you." (Dan. 4: 1) Nebuchadnezzar here pictures Christ Jesus enthroned in 1914,
which is the end of the Gentile times, and his work
that follows, particularly from the time of his coming
to the temple of Jehovah. The name Nebuchadnezzar
means HNebo (that is, The Prophet) is the protector
against misfortune". The name properly applies to
Christ Jesus, Jehovah's great Prophet, and the one
who is the protector of God's people against their foes.
lt is to Jehovah's faithful remnant that the Lord has
committed the testimony of Jesus Christ" and for
this reason Satan goes forth making wa~ against
them; and Satan would succeed in this warfare were
it not for the fact that the Greater Nebo, Christ Jesus, shields and protects them. The time has come for
the vindication of Jehovah's name, and those who
will have a part with Christ Jesus in that blessed
work must suffer at the hands of Satan and his agents;
but, now being with Christ in the temple, they have
an assurance of his protection and complete deliverance from the enemy's assaults.
8 The proclamation says (R.V.), HUnto all the peoples, nations, and languages," and corresponds exactly to the command of Christ J esns upon coming to
God's temple, to wit: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness
unto all nations : and then shall the end come." (Matt.
24: 14) "And the gospel must first be published
among all nations." (Mark 13: 10) It is the time
when the peoples of the earth must be told that Jehovah is the Almighty God and that the time has come
for his judgment to be executed by his mighty right
Arm, and that all who would live must worship him
who is the Giver of life. "And I saw another angel
fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel tQ preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and
to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
f The fourth chapter of Daniel's prophecy opens
saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory
with a proclamation which appears to be made by the to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and
king of Babylon. That proclamation was made and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the
published after Nebuchadnezzar had gone through the sea, and the fountains of waters."-Rev. 14: 6,7.

FEm:UARY 1, 1934


Christ Jesus, the great Prophet and King, addresses his proclamation to "all peoples", which means
primarily to those peoples on the earth who as his
followers arc maintaining their integrity towards Jehoyah, and secondarily to the Jonadab class, meaning
all those of good will who desire to know and to do
the will of the Almighty God. This includes particularly the" sheep" class who are pleased to do good
unto others because they believe and wHlerstand that
such others are servants of the Almighty God and his
beloved Son. Here then are shown abo the faithful
followers of Christ Jesus as Jehovah's witnesses bringing the mcssa~e of the l'rodamation to all others who
have a hearing car. These are messellgers of peace and.
quoting the language of their Lord, say: "Peace be
multiplied unto J'ou." So said the proclamation of
Nebuchadnezzar the king.
10 The entire world is now in turmoil and distress
and has nothing in which it can hope so far as the
world's schemes arc concerned; but to those who desire to know God and his King the information is
now given that" in his name shall the nations hope".
As Jonadab was hrought into close contact with Jehu,
so now the" sheep" class is brought into close eontaet
with the bearers of this divine message of peace. C0ncerning this messa~c lind its messenger::! it is written:
"IIow beautiful upon the mountaiu8 are the feet of
him that bringeth good tidings, that publi~leth peacej
that bringcth good tidings of good, that publishetk
salvation; that saith unto ~ion, Thy God l'eigneth!"
(Isa. 52: 7) In order for the Jonudab clu;;s to hear.
someone must tell them of the King's proclamation;
and this privilege is assigned to the faithful remnant.
-Rom. 10: 14, 15.
11 It is certain that the Lord God gives an understandin~ of this prophecy and other prophecies at this
time for the very purpose of giving assurance to his
remnant, that they may have a ~trong hope of enterin~
into ('tcrnal glory and secure the prize, the crown of.
life. Without such assurance the remnant would become disconra~~ed by reason of the constant perseeution suffered by them; but now they see that suell
opposition b:l'ing's upon them suffering and contradiction and this is essential for them that they may ha.e
opportunity to prove their integrity towards Jehovah
and to have a part in the vindication of his na~.
This assurance increases their faith and hOlle, and
hence onward thcy march, holding high the standard
of the I~ord God, proclaiming his message to the pe0ple and informing them that they will find peace only
in the name of the Lord God and his King and kingdom.
12 Further manifesting the goodness and loving.
kindness of himself and his Pather the King (Jesus)
says: "I thought it g'ood to shew the signs and wonders that the high God [Most High] hath "rought
toward me." (Dan. 4: 2) Christ Jesus the Kin~ is
elated that the time has come for the vindication of


Jehovah's name before all creation, and hence he

deems it good to make known to his faithful followers
the manner of Jehovah's dealing with creation, and
particularly with Christ Jesus himself, since the day
of the rebellion in Eden unto the bringing of Christ
Jesus to the throne as the Head of Jehovah's holy
organization of Zion. This is further and conclusive
proof that Jehovah is the :Most High. In 1!H1 the
great wonders or signs bcg-an to be made manifest
when the mighty organization of Satan met in con
fliet the still mightier organization under Christ Jesus
in the war in heaven that resulted in ousting Satan
and his wicked crowd from heaven. Then thcrcafter
it was that the great Vindicator at the tcmple of .Jehovah began to make kuO\vn to the rcmnant the 'two
great wonders or signs' of the twelfth chapter of
Revelation Ilnd these faithful ones began to di~ern
and appreciate for the first time of Ilnd concerning
Satan's organization that iil pitted against .Jeho,ah's
organization, and that the final conflict will he had
at Armageddon. It was early in the year 1!J25 that
The Wotdltower, by the grace of thc Lord, l'uhlisheJ
the meaning of these t\VO great wonders of Uevelatioll.
(See The Watchtower, 1Iareh 1, ]925.)
13 Prior to the coming of the Lord JeSlll'l to the temple
the faithful ones on earth saw .Jesus Christ only as the
Redeemer and Savior of man, but now thc)~ sec him
liS the Vindicator of Jehovah's name, who has gained
that exalted place and has proved his qualifications
for that place by reason of the thingos which he suffered and which things were necessary for him to
suffer in ord~r to maintuin his integrity and to pro\'~
.Jehovah's side of the great question at issue. (Heb.
5: 8, 9) Now he would have his faithful followers to
know the 'great wonders that the ~rost High God hath
wroug-ht toward me', that is, toward the Lord .Jesus
Christ, the beloved Son of GO\l. '1'I1('n Chriilt Jesus,
in admiration of and giving expression to his boundles.~ love for his Father, further says: "JIow ~rent
are his signs! and how mi~hty arc hiff wondl'rs! hi<;
kingdom is an everlasting king-dom, and his dominiqn
is from generation to generation." (Dan. 4::3) Like
as he has always been, he takes not the credit to him
self but gives the honor and glory to Jehovah. Amon~
the great nnd mighty wonders here mentioned arc the
manifestation of Jehovah's foreknowledge, his supremacy, and his never-failing pUl'pose. The display of
his perfect wisdom and unlimited power eaus~'s all
pure-hearted creatures to stand in amazement, fear,
astonishment and consternation, so mighty are his
wondrous works. Those who love God begin to appreciate the words of his prophet that all nations before
him are as nothing and are accounted to him as less
than nothing, and vanity. (lsa. 40: 17) "~one c::m
stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?"
-Dan. 4: 35.
I i The time has come now to settle the issue hrforc
all creation that Jehovah is supreme, that he is the




King of l:ternity, and the One who shall rule the earth
and make it a place of righteousness; and this fact
the great Prophet and King, Christ Jesus, will make
known to the peoples of earth. Satan and his wicked
organization must go, and Jehovah God by his righteous King "shall reign for ever and ever". (Rev.
11: 15) Let the proclamation be sounded throu~hout
all the earth, that Jehovah's Vindicator will not back
down but will march on to vi~tory, contintling to exhibit the mighty works of the Most High God. The
first three verses of the fourth chapter of Daniel's
prophecy arc therefore a fitting tribute to Jehovah
before the announcin~ of the dream. Since l'ebuchadnezzar him~df was a servant of Satan, this is further
proof that the words of adoration and praise to the
1\[ost Hi~h God in the opening of the proelamation
are prophetic and arc in truth and in fact the words
of Christ Jesus.

Nehuclladnezzar was not a type of Christ Jesus,

but he was an illustration of re~al power ill the abo
stract. Now speakin~ of himself alld his dream the
king of an('ient Bah.rIon said: "I NdJUchadnezzar was
at rest in mille hou~e, and flourishing in my palace."
(Vs.J) Here he is merely the human Nehuchadnezzar
of the history of 2,;'00 y('ars ago, clothed with power
by the permission of Jehovah God to rule over the
world and to enforce .J ehovah's decree of punishment
against the unfaithful Israelites. In such a eapaeity
he is used by Jehovah as an illustration of regal power
in the abstract or impersonally. Hc is a symbol of
power to rule. Thc time of his dream was approximately eight years before tILe date of the issuing of
the proclamation with which the chapter opens. Doubtless N('bu(;hudrH'zzar was at that time in the king's
"palace of the kingdom of Babylon ", as indicated by
verse twenty-nine. This background of the picture is
appropriate and fitting to show that Nchuchadnt'zzar
was used to illustrate or to picture regal power.


18 At the time of his proclamation Nebuchadnezzar
relates again the dream which he had eight years preI saw a
vious, and after its miniature fulfilment.
dream whieh made me afraid, and the thoughts upon
my bed and the visions of my head troubled me."
(Vs.5) Clearly that dr'eam was caused and recorded
by the power of Jehovah God and was a prophetic
expression of his dealing with regal power as exercised both by his adversary and by his servant. Nebuchadnczzar at the time was the earthly head of
Satan's organization; and the dream that troubJt'd
Nehuehadnezzar, as he states, illustrates Jeho\'ah's
duly serving notice upon Satan and his organization,
which now disturbs their easy complacency and selfassurance. King Nebuchadnezzar at this point, therefore, pictures regal or ruling power as exercised by

N. Y.

the rulers of this earth who are a part of Sa.tan's

organization. "TllCrefore made I a decree to bring in
all the wise men of Babylon before me, that they might
make known unto me the interpretation of the dream."
(Vs.6) The earthly rulers under Satan now consult
spirit mediums in their efforts to determine what
course they should take; but as the magicians failed
to give the answer to Nebuehadnezzar, evell so the
fallen angels cannot now give good advice to earthly
11 All the members and operators of the world organization, not being for God and his kingdom under
Christ, are therefore against the kingdom; and this is
true regardless of whether they are sincrre in their
efforts to do good or not. (ilfatt. 12: 30) "Then came
in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and
the soothsayers: and I told the dream hefore them j
but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof." (Vs. 7) The magicians, ast l'o!ogers,
enchanters and soothsayers here picture the pope, the
cardinals, the clergy, the philosophers and other professed wise men of the world who attempt to give
counsel and advice to ear'thly political rul"rs. J\s the
magicians, cnchantcrs and astrolog'('rs were represC'nt.
atives of Satan, so the pl'l'sent worldly wise men above
IDrntioned arc the servants of Satan. These servants
of Satan and so-called wise mcn" of the world cannot unravel Jehovah's purpose, even after he sets the
same down in his Word. They shun the Word of
God and follow the lead of foolish men and wj('ked
angcls_ They are unrighteous, and for that r('ason
they cannot understan(l;, as it is written: "II is secret
is with the righteous." (Prov, 3: 32) 'l'herC'forc the
"wiseacres" of the world now throw up their hand,;
and give up the job in despair. Of them Jehovoh':J
prophet wrote: "'l'he vi~ion of all is become unto you
as the words of a book that is scaled, whi('h men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pl'ay
thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is scaled. "-Isa.
29: 11.
lS All the heathen "\vise m('n" having failed to interpret the dream, King Nebuehadnezzar sent for
Daniel. "But at the last Daniel came in before me,
whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name
of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods:
and before him I told the dream." (Vs.8) The name
given to Daniel by Nebuehadnezzar was Belteshazzar,
that is, "Bel's prince," that is to say, "Confounder's
prince," or, "one whom Bel favors"; and this cor
responds somewhat with the meaning of the name of
Daniel. ~ehuchadnezzar had named Daniel according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit
of the holy gods", thus showing the heathen way of
saying that Daniel was favorcd by the supreme God
and moved upon by God's power through "the mighty
God", thllt is, the Logos, now Christ Jesus. Daniel
ne,-er" confessed that he spoke in the name of Bel,
even though he was called by that name. In the acjj



1, 1934


F.ffie \vATCHT0WER

count given by Nebnchadnezzar the pame of Jehovah

does not appear, and this shows that the account is
from a pagan ruler and is another evidence of its
genuineness. The fact that Nebuchtldnezzar had to
send for Daniel to interpret his dream shows that he
was obliged to apply indirectly to Jehovah for enlightenment. lIe could not get it from his own servants but could receive enlightenment onl~' from the
servant of Jehovah God.
111 The name Daniel means "God's Judge". Daniel
at this point foreshadows Christ Jesus the great
Judge, whom Jehovah has appointed as such and to
whom lIe has 'committed all jud~ment, and given him
power to execute judgment '. (John G: 22, 27) Tho
sending for Vaniel corresponds to the time of sending
forth Christ Jesus by Jehovah to begin his reign
amidst his enemies, and therefore relates to the year
1914. (Ps.11O:2) The worldly "wise men" of Satan's religious, commcreial and political organization
had completdy failed at that time to solve the mystery
concerning the human race, and in 1!J14 God sent his
Son forth to rule and in 1!J18 installed him as Judge
at hi~ temple and gave commandmcnt to the nations
that they should hear him. "But the Lord is in his
holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him."
(Hab. 2: 20) 'l'he worldly wise men had an opportunity from that time forward to hear the message
from the Lord God, but they goa \'e no heed to it. God's
use of Daniel in giving the intt'rprctation to the dream
shows that Jehovah thro\l~h his chief reprcsentath'e,
Christ Jesus, will make kllown his lJurpose to his
r('mnant people "upon whom the end'! of the world
are come", for the reason th:lt these things were written for th('ir aid, comfort and hope. (1 Cor. 10: 11;
Rom. 15: 4) 'l'he day of judgment of the nations having come, the time is due for the Lord to give the interpretation of the prophecy herein considered to
those who love and serve him, and for that reason we
may confidently look for the interpretation thereof
from tho Lord.
20 Nehucha<lnezzar told the dream before Daniel,
and evidently the heathen" wise men" were present,
since Nebuchadnezzar addressed Daniel as "master of
tlte magicians". That lallgunge of the king did 110t
signify that Daniel had anything in common with the
magicians and soothsayers, but, being superior to
them, he did have the mastery over them in intcrpreting; hence the king addl'essed Daniel thus: "0 Belteshazzar, master of the maf!icians, because I know that
the spirit of the holy gods is in thee, and no s('cret
troubleth thee, t('11 me the visions of my dream that
I have seen, and the interpretation tht'reof." (\""s, 9)
Nebuehadnezzar called to mind that the almighty God
on a previous occasion had used Daniel to make known
and interpret his dream concerning the great image.
(Dan. 2: 1-45) He had confidence that Daniel, the
servant of the great God, could now interpret this


Nebuchadnezzar was familiar with trees; but the

vision of a great tree in the midst of the earth, aud
which vision came to him in a dream, made him afraid,
and its being recorded in the prophecy of God's Word
shows that the dream was from Jehovah and given to
illustrate his purpose toward particularly the creation
of earth and its overlold. Nebuchadnezzar then tells
the dream and says: "I saw, and, behold, a tree in the
midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.
The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof
reached unto heavcn, and the sight thereof to the end
of all the earth. "-Vss. 10,11.
22 The tree towering above the earth pictures in the
abstract the overlordship of the carth to~ether with
the organization 01 the earth beneath it. It therefore
pictured a living creation of Jehovah. When God
created man and the other animals of the earth he
assigned the overlordship of the earth's creation to
Lucifer. (Ezl'k, 28: 13-15) The position of overlord
of man was a very exalted place and is pictured by the
great tree towering high uhove the earth. 'l'his overlordship and its or~anizatj()n beneath is fihown to
apply originally to Lueifer und thereafter Satau, as
stated by the prophet Ezekiel, in chapter :n, \'t'rses
2 and 3: "~on of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of
EgYIlt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in
thy greatness 1 Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in
Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing
shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was amon~
the thick bou~hs." 'l'he third verse quoted abo\'e,
according to the Rotlterham, margin, r('ads: "La! a
sh('rbin cedar in Lebanon." This sherLin cedar pictured Satan and his organization. (See Vindication,
Book Two, page 149.)
23 When Lucifer was appointed by Jehovah to the
cxalted position of overlord of man he at first eXl'rcised that oiliee over only Adam aIHl Eve, so far as
the human family waS concerned, He thcn saw the
possibility of extending his regal power o\'er many
peoples that sl~ould sprin~ from Adam and Eve by
reason of God's commandment given to them to "be
fruitful, und multiply, and replenish the ('alth, Hud
subdue it". (Gen. 1: 28) Grced for selfi'ih gain or
'the love for money' moved Lucifl'r to commercialize
mankind. That was the beginning or the root of all
evil. (1 Tim. 6: 10) Regal power or overlor(lshi p, together with the organization under it, the tree, there
ht:gan to expand; and so it is written: "The t1'('e grew,
and was stroll~, and the height thereof reached unto
heaven, and the si<.!ht thercof to the end of all the
earth." (Vs.11) That the office of ovcrlor'dship was
a heaycnly one i!'J here shown hy the fact that the tree
"reached unto hcaven, and the sight thereof to the
end of all the earth". This is also pictured in the
prophl'cy of Daniel concerning the great image, the
head of whirl! was of gold, representing Satan, while
the silver lInd copper immediately under the head


f.fne WATCIiT0WER.

represented the invisible part of Satan's organization.

(Dun. 2: 35; Light, Book Two, page 292-319) The
ofiice of overlord, like the lofty top of the cedar tree,
dominated everything on earth and was visible from
all parts of the earth. That docs not mean that Satan
was visible, hut his power or ovcrlordship was discernible throughout the earth. The overlord supervised
all the earth and must be looked up to and recognized
by all the earth. In this manner Satan exalted himself
over all the earth and made men look up to him.
2. The leaves of a tree are for the benefit of the
creatures that come in contact therewith. (Rev. 22: 2)
Describing' the tree in the vision the prophecy reads:
"The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof
much, and in it was meat for all: the beasts of the
field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven
dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of
it." (Vs. 12) 'I'he base or root stock of the tree was
in the earth, and thus pictured man, and shows that
it is the man whom God created and concerning whom
he eommanucd: "Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness; and let them have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
ereepin~ thing that cr('epeth upon the f'arth." (Gen.
1: 26) The dominion of man was anu is limiteu to the
earth, but above man was the invisible organization,
headed or topped by LUf'ifer, who afterwards became
Satan, and to whom the words of Jehovqh apply:
"Thou, 0 king, art a king of kings: for the God of
heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and
strength, and glory." (Dan. 2: 37) This is proof that
Nebuehadnezzar represented or illustrated regal power
that was granted to Lucifer and which power he
abusf'd and turned to wickedness.
23 Tho pri)phetic vision states that the fruit of the
tree was much, and that in it was meat for all and
all flesh was fed of it. r~ven after iniquity was found
in Lucifer and he became Satan, and since, all the
earth has been compelled to feed from that tree. This
is corroborated by the Scriptural statement that the
whole world lietll in the wicked one. (1 John 5: 19,
Diag.) The crention of earth has been under the shauow of that wicked organization.


N. Y.

(Vs.13) This one \Yatcher was watching the tree,

and hence he was higher than Lucifer. That one watcher was and ever has been "an holy one" and is the
Logos or the Word of God, the only begotten and beloved Son of Jehovah God. This holy \Yatchcr has
ever remained fully a d completely devoteu to Jehovah God and has always maintained his integrity toward him. ,The vision discloses this watcher coming
down from fieaven, which manifestly means that the
Logos, Jesus, the beloved One and faithful One of
Jehovah, turned his attention to the things which pertain to and affect the earth, and particularly man.

This holy one, the \Vatcher, being the spokesman

of Jehovuh God, makes known the uecree of the )lost
High. "He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the
tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves,
and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from
under it, anu the fowls from his branches." (\'s. H)
That !1cerce. means that the RIGII7' to the o\erlordship was then and there taken away from Lu('ift'r,
now Satan, and that he (Satan) and his spit'it suhol'dinatei'-were cut 01I from Jehovah's organization and
were henceforth outlaws and that no carthly Cl'eatUl'e
was required to I'l'main under Satan 's or~unizution,
for the reason that he was no longer any part of the
.. higher powers" and no more furnishes proteetion
and nourishment allcl hl'lp for mankind. All tho,e
who would have the blessings of life must give theil'
allegiance anu devotion to Jehovah God and his holy
'Vatchcr. This divine juugment or decree diu not lIl(';JIl
that at the time of Adam's sin and the fall of Lucifer,
now Satan, the judgment was to be Cxc('uteu immediately anu that Satan and his invisible organization
w(;re then cast out of heaven and down to th~ earth;
but that decree declares God's purpose concel'lling the
same. It is the final judgment then and there made
and written against Satan and his organization, which
judgment began to be executed at the time wlll'n
Christ Jesus was sent forth to rule and to cast
Satan and his wicked angels out of heaven. 'I'he execution of that decree, therefore, began in 1!J14 Ul~d
shall he fully and completely executed at Armageddon.
The destruction of the tree as desrribed by the prophTHE WATCHER
et Ezekiel, in the thirty-first chapter, shows what will
28 J.ucifer, when appointed to the high office of overcorne to pass at Armageddon.
28 Satan has exercised ovcrlordship in his wicked
lordship, was a part of Jehovah's organization, and
hence formed a part of the "higher powers". Luci- organization, which includes the human race, e\en to
fer was made God's watcher over the interests of the the present time; but he has exercised that regal powthings of the earth, but he became unfaithful, rel)('l- er without divine authority and has rebelled again"t
lious and unholy and no longer was a watcher. On .Jehovah God. Jehovah's purpose was announced in
the contrary, he opposed the interests of JpllOvah and the decre(', but that decree he diu not execute immethe interests of man and has attempted to turn every- diately and compldely destroy Satan and his organithing to his own wicked use. There was another zation but has permitted him to go on in his wicktd
watcher over and above Lucifer, and this is the efforts to prove his side of the challenge flung into the
one whom Nebuehadnezzar saw in vision. "I saw in face of Jehovah God. The wisdom and supremac:, of
the visions of my head upon my bcd, and, behold, Jehovah are here exhibited by proving that he bides
a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven." his own due time to vindicate his name. Peter rcf('rs


g-fie WATCHT0\;V"ER

1, 1934

to this matter of Satan's wicked organization and its

continued operation when he says: "Which sometime
were disobedient, when once the longsufferin~ of God
waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a pre
paring, wherein few, that is, eight souls, were saved
by water." (1 Pet. 3: 20) The language of the apostle
here used docs not meau that Jehovah God suffered
bodily pain or mental anguish by reason of the wrong.
doing of his creatures. Jehovah God is at all times
serene and self-contained. 1'here would be no reason
why he should suffcr bodily or mentally. The word
'suffer', as used concerning .T('hovah, means that he
thus pcrmitted without hindrance the wicked on(' '8
continuing his work. In other words, Satan operated
by the sufi"cranee or pCl'mission of Jehovah. ~lan has
been left to exercise his own free will to serve either
God or Satan, and almost all of human creation have
yielded to Hatan und followed him, and to that extent
it would seem that Satan had largely succeeded in his
bastful challenge. Jehovah in his due time will prove
to all creation that lives that he is the only true and
dmighty God and that he is the Gi\'er and sustaincr
of everlasting life and that he gives life to those who
lo\'e and sel'\'e and obey him.
20 The divine deerce announced hy the holy 'Vat<,her
further discloses JrhO\'uh's pul'1)()SCS eonccrnin~ fallen
man and his recovery. Never could it be possible for
man to hn-ve sustenance and life from that old "tree
in the midst of the earth", b<'cause such had become
wi<,ked and now must be cut <.lown, its leaves shaken
di, and its fmit scattered; but the decree declares
that the stump of its roots in the earth must be left.
"r\everthclcss, leave the stump of his roots in the
earth, even with a hand of iron and brass, in the
tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the
dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts
ill the grass of the <'arth." (Vs. 15) The" stump of
his roots in the earth" repr('s<'nted or pictured orig.
inal man, made a part of the organization over which
Lucifer was given overlordship. 1'he lellving of the
stump signified Jehovah's purpose to provide an or
ganization or a new tree by and throu~h which obedient mankind might have life everlasting. Such of
mankind, however, must meet the conditions imposed
by the ncw tree or holy organization. This hope for
man would come, not by reason of his own efforts,
but by and through the kingdom of God with Christ
Jesus as the Savior and enthroned King and Overlord
of earth's creation. The "band of iron and brass"
around the stump shows that a long period of time
would elapse before the opportunity for the restoration of obedient man under God's organization would
come and in that period of time man would be under
the restraining rule of wicked spirit creatures, which
arc pictured by the copper or brass, and also under
earthly rule of imperfect men, pictured by the iron.
This is corroborated by the prophecy of the Great


Image showing that wiclwd spirits and wicked men

have ruled the world and that this earthly rule of
iron has been and is harsh and selfish and cruel. (See
Daniel 2: 32, 33; Light, Book Two, page 309,) This
entire organization, of course, has been dominated by
Satan. Furthermore, this band about the stump shows
that such period of time of waiting must continue
until God's due time to remove the restraining power
of Satan and his organization and that also Christ
Jesus must wait until God's due time when he should
be sent forth to place the enemy under his feet. (Ps.
110:],2; lIeb, 10: 13) Durin~ that period of waiting
the stump is in the "grass of the field" and "wet
with the dew of heaven ". This shows that while mankind is alienated from God, out in the world with no
proper habitation, yet God would not permit the race
to perish and become entirely hopeless, hut that it
should be kept wet with the dew from heaven, that is
to say, the refreshing promises which could be laid
hold upon by those who love God and righteommess.
This is in harmony with the de<,laration of the Scrip.
tures: "}fy doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech
shall distil as the dew." (Dent. 32: 2) This refreshing
coming from heaven would work henefieially to those
of the human race who during that long period of
waiting would have and exercise faith in God and his
precious promis('s and who would endeavor to maintnin their integrity toward him. The whole race would
he restrained and bound in a cruel rule, and those
who would have faith in God would receive benefit
and hope, illnstrated by the dew.
30 Jehovah caused to be written both the words of
the dream of Nebuehadnezzar and the prophe<'y of
.Tob, and both are in exact harmony. The tree ill its
entirety is symbolic of a living creation or organization of Jchm'ah both invisible and visible to human
cyps. 1'he stnmp and the root forming a part of the
stump pietur'c the visible part of that living creation,
which is mankind. Z\ow thC' human race has grown old
in the earth, Jct tl1<'I'e arc some of the roots of that
stump that, as .Job says, havc had a scent of the water,
which water is symbolic of Jeho\'ah '8 life-giving and
life-sustainin~ truths, and those of humankind who
have had faith in Jehovah and his precious promises
have reached out for that life-giving and life-sustaining water of truth and have continued to have hop(.
Some of these creatures have maintained their int('grity towards Jehovah God and constitute the ba!;is
for a new earthly organization. The faithful men
from Abel to the last of the prophets looked for a.
new heaVC'nly organization, e\'en though they did not
understand it: and those faithful men will <,onstitute
the base for the new earthly part of the living' creation
pictured by the new tree which grows up and rules the
world. (Heb. 11: ]3-16) Truly, therefore, aC'('ording
to the prophcC'y of Job, tl1<'rc is hope of a tree. 'nc
stump of the original tree, reprc'scnting man, and the
roots thercof in the earth have waxed old and .yet



fiffie. \VATCHT0\\1ER

there have been some men in the earth, pictured by

the roots, that have scented the truth and reached out
for it and have clung to Jehovah and his preciolls
promises, and these have promise and hope of being
brought into the lillW tree.
31 This part of the prophetic tree proves that Jehovah would not utterly destroy man, but that in his
due time he would bring hapk into his organization
the reconciled ones who would maintain their integrity
toward him. The ori~inal tree trunk or stock must he
for ever cut off from the stump and can newr be replaced thereon. lIad not God created man on the
earth there would han~ existed no renson for a SUpC-l'human onrlordship. That oyerlonlship was given to
Lucifer, and had Lucifer remained faithful there
woulu have been no occ-asion for the "indieation of
Jehovah '8 name. Because of Lucifer's rebeIl ion and
wickedness his or~anization must now be for e\'er
de!'>troyed, but the hope of ohedient man is in anothl'r
tree, that is to say, the rightl'ous organization which
Jehovah God has provided for those who love and
obey him. The prophrtic words of Joh constitute. a
promise from .Jeho\'ah that he will provide for the
redemption and deliverance of man and that he will
give to all of his obedient ones life through another.
84.A cedar tree is seen growing ncar the water's
edge. It~ tl'lUlk is cut off and sevcred from the earth;
the stump is left in the earth and dies, but some of
the tender roots survive and reach out for the water,
and these arc revived and an entirely new tree g'1'OWS
up und takes in obedient man, and it is more beautiful than the original or nt'st tree. This is exaetl) in
harmony with the facts and the prophecy as they arc
now observed. A tree is symholic of a tiring creation
or orgtmization, the slump of which particularly pictures the earthly or visible part of that organization.
'1'1Ie human race, hy reason of sin and alienation from
God, 11a3 wasted away and died, and yet throuA'n the
(enturies past there have heen some of mankind who
have exercised faith in God and in his precious promises and these have been sustained by his waters of
truth and have maintained their integrity toward him.
From thl~se great truths is there a reason to expect

N. Y.

that Jehovah will bring' forth a -new tree by and

throug-h which the people of the nations of the earth
may have the hope of life? If so, what constitutes
that new tree? What is the chief purpose of its creation and growth? Is it a tree of hope 7
(To be continued)
,. 1. Point out the great importance of knowledge of Jehovah
anti of his beloved Son.
~ 2, 3. What WllS the purpose of the words of this text, ana
to "Imt ilo they refed 'iVhat uoubtless was Job's obser
vation which Jehovah here used to proviJe expression
prophetic of bis purpo~e concerning mankind'
"J 4,!), 1{l'1:tte another prnphe(~y pertaining to the ~ame thin~
ahout which .Joh here writea, anJ the circumatances under
which that prophecy was spoken.
f 710. By whom, and when, was the proclamation ma,lc whifoh
is ret~nle<l at Dani.1 4: l ' What was therein foretold
and foreshndowed 1 '1'ho vision ilisc1ose5 what facts 1 Ap
ply that proclamation as 0. prophecy.
11 ll. To whom and for ,\hat purpose docs Jl'ho\"ah ~ve an un,
Ilerstnnding of this prophecy, and other prol,hecics, at
this tillie'
1[ 121-1. Point out in particular the application of verse 2
ns n prophecy.
,. 15, 16. What purpose is served by the words of w'rse 4'
Hefcrring- to verses 46: Point out here the prophdic posi
tion of N..TJuchadnezzar, and the application of the state'
ments made.
"J 17. When nn,l holV ill verse 7 fulfilled' Compare this witl.
what is fontr,M in Isaiah :!9: 11.
, 18. .\rcount for Nchuchadneuar's referring to Daniel llS
D,ltcshazzar anll as having- the favor of the" holy ~ods' '.
'i\'hat purpose is sen',,1 by this part of the recoru'
,. 19, 20. "At the last Daniel callle in before me": when,
where, how, and for whnt purpose, in the fulfilment of
this prophecy'
,. 212:1. Explain what is prophetil'ally referred to in verse 10.
Apply verl<e 11. How ill this Ilupported by Ezekiel's propll'
ecv fln,l that recorued in Daniel 21
": 24, ~5. What important farts ns to tho nppli('atioD of this
prophecy tHO shown in the statements appcllrin~ in \'ersc
,. 211. Proce the i.lentity of tho" watcher" seen in tlte vision.
Apply til(} 8tat"ment that he "came down from III'fl\,ln".
, 27,2S. Explain the uecree dedareJ hy the" watcher' '. How
an,l when is that ul'eree execute,l' A"count for Jehovah 'II
so lon~ clt'ferring- execution t hen'of.
f; 29. Apply thl' e.,pression: (a) "L,t!\"e the stump of his roots
in the earth." (b) "With II l.and of iron anJ brass."
(0) "In the teniler grass of the flclJ . \V.'t with tho
del\" of heacen." (<I) "Let his portion be with the Lca~ts
in the ~rass of the earth."
1f 30;)2. What, then, is tho application of the llwphetie picture presenteu in Job H: j9'



HATSOEVER Jehovah does is right. All

life and nIl authority proceed from him.
The sacrificf's which he required in the law
given to his typical people Israel were shadows of
things to come.
In Psalm 50: 5 it is written: "Gather my saints
together unto me, those that ha"e made a CO\'l'nant
with me by sacrifice." Even though the covenant hy
sacrifice is abnormal, it is fully in keeping with exuet
justice and is an cxpression of complete unselfishness.
God '8 creature, the perfect man Adam, had sinned

and thereby made forcfeiture of his ri~ht to life. He

mu:"t die and for ever remain dead tlllll'sS anotlll'I',
perfect as he was, should take Adam's plare in Jeath.
,Justice required the forfeiture of the life of Adam.
Lo,"c provided for the corresponJing one for sac-rifiee.
Jehovah arranged a covenant to accomplish that purpose.
Xo crpature of heaven or earth could ori~inate tll:1t
covenant of sacrifice, but Jehovah only, "the purpose
of him [Jehovah] who worketh all things aftt'r the
counsel of his own will." (Eph. 1: 11) "For who

FEBRUARY 1, 1934


hath known the mind of the Lord' or who hath been

his counsellor?" (Rom. 11: 34) "'Vho hath directed
the spirit of the Lord [Jehovah], or being his COUllSPJlor hath taught him? With whom took he counsel.
and who instructed him, and taught him in the path
of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed
to him the way of understanding7" (Isa. 40: 13,14)
No one gave Jehovah instruction, and he took counsel
with no one.
That covenant by sacrifice and the purpose to make
it was secret unto all until God's due time to reveal
it. "Which things the angels desire to look into."
(1 Pet. 1: 12) Doubtless this included the Logos, the
chief of all ang-els. "The secret of the Lord is with
them that fear him; and his covenant to make them
know it." (Ps. 25: 14, margin) This text and others
strongly support the conclusion that the covenant by
sacrifice was not known to any creature in the universe
until the time for making it. The covenant is sacred
to Jehovah. He says: ":My covenant will I not break,
nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."Ps. 89: 34.
The covenant and its outworking required the service of a high priest to perform the sacrificial duties
in the priest's olTice. "And no man taketh this honour
unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was
Aaron." (Heb. 5: 4) If llO man ('ould take the sacrificial office of priest upon himself, much less could
the creature propose the covenant with Jehovah by
sacrifice. The proof is therefore conclusive that it was
Jehovah alone who originated the CO\ellant by sacrifice and made it known in his own good timc.
'Vhat was the occasion for this extraordinary covenant' Not any desire on the part of God for blood.
With him is the fountain of life. (Ps. 36: 9) He did
not need blood for self-gratifi<'ation. "If I were
hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine,
and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of buIls,
or drink the blood of goats'" (Ps. 50: 12, 1:3) "To
what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto
me' saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings
of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not
in the blood of bullocl;:s, or of lambs, or of he goats."
-Isa. 1: 11.
The occasion was love and grace exercised by Jehovah. The honor of Jehovah's name was involved,
and love and grace acted with wisdom to provide the
need. Life of man is a sacred right or privilege. (Gen.
9: 5) Adam violated the sacredness of God-given life.
Now Jehovah would afford a sacrificial course to be
taken by some one, that the sinner might have that
sacred gift of life renewed. Jehovah required no one
to sacrifice; therefore the sacrificial arrangement was
the outgrowth of love. The sacrifice would be just as
much on the part of God as on the part of the other
party to the covenant, because God alone provided arid
arranged for the sacrifice. The entire arrangement
must be of God's own volition and by the voluntary
agreement on the part of the other one to the cove-


nant. For this reason the covenant was the only arrangement that could fitly serve the purpose of providing a basis for man's reconciliation. The liberty
and free moral agency of the one sacrificed is not
interfered with.
In determining where we covenant by sacrifice was
made, the purpose of the covenant may be said to con
trol the conclusion. A perfect man had sinned and
lost his right to life. God now would have that right
to life purchased by another perfect man. His law
required a life for a life. (Deut. 19: 21) That man
with a human life must be the one that should be
sacrificed. A spirit creature could not enter into a
covenant by sacrifice and redeem a human creature,
because that would not be a corresponding- pri('e. It
is true that tJlC life of the Logos was transferred from
the spirit to human, but there is no Scriptural evidence that a covenant by sacrifice was known to the
Logos at the time of the transfer. Being' fully conformahle to Jehovah's will, he came to earth in hare
mony with his will, being made a perfect man. He
was begotten, not by fallen man, but by the powrr
of Jehonlh. When he reached his majority as a man
he doubtless knew that he was to do somlthing in
conncction with man's recovery to life. Whatsoevf>r
the will of his Father might be in that rt'SpNt or
any other, he was ready to do it. This is shown by
his usc of the worus: "Lo, I come: in the volume of
the hook it is written of me, I delight to do thy will."
(Ps. 40: 7, 8) Paul fixes the time of the covpnant as
at the Jorulm when the words abovc quoted wel'e made
effective. (Heh. 10: 5-7) There Jesus came into the
world as a mature man and must determine whether
or not he would be of the world. Prior to that timc,
although he was the lwir, his position was not !ling
different from that of a servant, because he wa'l under
the discipline of the law covenant.-Gal. 4: 1, 2.
When 'the appointed time of the Father' arrived
there was a feature of God's will to be rarl'icd Ollt
which prior to that time was secret to all. At the
Jurdan, which fixes the time of the consecration of
the man Jesus, was the appointed time of the Fathlr.
That clearly, thcrcfore, seems to he the proppr anu
due time for the making of the covenant which resulteu in the sacrifice of the man .Jesus. The ul1<'onditional agreement thl're on the part of Jesus was to
do his Father's will, whatsoever that might be; and
jf it meant that he must die, he was agreeable to that.
The sacrifice was primarily the sacrifice of Jehovah,
because it was Jehovnh who gave his dt'arly belovrd
Son, him who belonged to Jphovah exclusively, to be
sacrificed. This was shown in tho picture on 1[oullt
Aloriah when Ahrallllm. representing Jehovah, offrred
his only son Isaac, who at that time represt'nted Jesus.
It was the lo\'e of God that provided tho saerifiec
which the sacrifice 011 )Iount :\[OI'iah pictured. This
is further proved by the words: "For God so 10\,('(1
the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish. Lut



haye eyerlasting life." (John 3: 16) The irresistible

conclusion, therefore, is that the co\'enallt by sacrifice
was made on earth, and not in hea\'ell, and that it was
made at the Jordan when Jesus consecrated and was
baptizeu. It hardly seems reasonal)le that Jest13 understood prior thereto that he was to be sacrifieed.
Immediately following his consecration at the Jordan
he went into the wilderness to study the divine purpose. '1'here Jesus unuoubtedly learned the full meaning and importance of his covenant with his Father.
It was in the wilderness that Satan placed before him
the great temptations in an effort to induce Jes\lS to
abandon his covenant. At that test Je~ms declared in
8ubstanre that eternal life depc~n(ls upon full obedience unto God and the faithful performance of his
covenant with God. CHatt. 4: 4, 10) Without doubt
the perfect man Jesus continueu to study his Father's
purpose and to fully appreciate that his covenant required his death. IIe said that he came to give his
life for men. (Matt. 20: 28) Again, he said: "I am
that bread of life. I am the living bread which eame
down from heayen: if any man eat of this bread, be
shall liye for ever: amI the bread that I will give is
my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his


N. Y.

life for the sheep. As the Father knoweth me, even

so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for
the sheep. Therefore doth my Father love me, because
I lay down my life, that I might take it again."Jobn 6: 48, 51 j 10: 11, 15, 17.
That ,Jesus was taking this course of action in keeping with the terms of his covenant with his Father
is proved hy his words: "No man taketh it [my life]
from me, hut I lay it down Qf myself. I have power
to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.
This commandment have I received of my Father."
(John 10: 18) When Peter recognized .J csus as the
anointed One of God and so stated to him Jesus replieu: "The Son of man must suffer many things,
and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and
scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day."
(Luke 9: 22) '1'hus he showed that be understood
his covenant was that he should be slain and that he
should be raised from the dead. Undouhtedly Jesus
understood that his baptism in the waters of the
Jordan symbolically represented his deatLJ and that
his real baptism meant his sacrificial death. "I have
a. baptism to be baptized with j and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! "-Luke 12: 50.


lIE sclferings of ~Job, painful beyond almost any
compari:lOn, had a most unusual beginning.
Highly interesting is the account of these sufferings which, as the Hcriptures show, are deeply
significant to the perplexeu and weary peoples who
live in this day of uncertainty and distress that afflicts
the world.
The Scriptural proof is positive that God used tbe
people of Israel to make pictures of the outworking
of his purpose of salvation. 'fhe law which God ga.e
to the Israelites foreshadowed better things to come
to humanity. What came to pass with the Jews was
recorded for examples or cnsamples for the benefit
of those who will learn of the outworking of God's
purpose. Although Job was not a Jew, that would
in no wise mean that God did not use him as an example or picture. Job being the greatest man of the
east, and seeing that many creatures of heaven and
earth were involved, even the grcat Creator himself,
we are warranted in the conclusion that the picture of
Job must have eycn a greater scope than the one in
which Israel was involved. If so, thcn the picture
would have to do with all mankind, both Jews and
Gcntiles. It is deemed advantageous to the student in
the examination of the book of Job to state here in
general terms what are some of the pictures that
plainly appear, and then to show from the Scriptural
proof the correctness of that conclusion.

Job in the day of his prosperity pictured Adam, the

perfect and prosperous prince in Eden.
Job in his adversity pictured the entire human race
suffering loss, sickness and death by reason of sin,
which sin the enemy Satan put in operation throug!l
Job sufferin~ the loss of all his children pictures
Adam losing all his offsprin~ by reason of sin whi('h
was put in operation by Satan the enemy throu~h
Adam's wrong-ful act.
Job maintaining his integrity undcr test pictures
a class of men who under test do prove their fidelity
and devotion to God.
Job as the servant of God maintaining his fidelity
picturcd all the servants of God who through auversity steadfastly and immovably hold their faith in
The three men, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, who
posed as friends of Job, were in fact not his friends.
They Can better be classed as three frauds. 'flll'y,
thcrefore, picture the Devil's ag-encies, or his organization, attempting to direct man as to what is the
course for him to take.
Elihu, the young man, well pictures or represents
God's anointed messengers who mag'Ilify the name of
.Jchovah and. as God's messengers, speak his message
of truth to those who will hear.
The wife of Job also pictures an instrument that


1, 1934


Satan the Devil employs to induce men to curse God,

and therefore well represents Satan's organization
passing under the name or symbol of a woman.
Job fully restored to health and happiness and to
all and even more than he had in former days pictures
the great truth that God in his due time will restore
the human race to health, happiness and life.
One great lesson taught by the book of Job is that
of life from the dead by means of resurrection and
regeneration; also that life, which is the greatest desire
of man, may be had only through the office of a redeemer and mediator whom God provides.
The presumption is here indulged that all students
will carefully study the Scriptural record designatoo
in the Bible as the book of Job. Reference to the text
is JIUlde here, but a proper consideration cannot be:
given thereto by anyone without a careful studying of
all the texts of the book.
From the very beginning of the experience of man
the controversy was between the great Creator and
his son Lucifer concerning man. The record shows that
Lucifer was one of the "morning stars" who, being
informed of God's purpose to create the earth and the
creature man for the earth, joined in a song of praise
to Jehovah. ~Ian was created and placed in Eden and
was put there under the supervision of Lucifer by
Jehovah's appointment. Lucifer knew that it was the
duty and privilege of IIlall to worship his Creator.
Lucif{~r selfishly desired and coveted the worship of
man for himself. He rebelled against God and led man
to his downfall. Then his name was changed to Satan, which means adversary of God. Ever tLel'enftcJ'
Satan has striven to turn man against God that he,
Satan, might have the worship of man and hold man
in subjection to him. This greut fact should always
be kept in mind in examining the Scriptures, and
particularly the book of Job.
At the time of the assemhly of the sons of God to
present themselves to the great Creator, as mentioned
in the record under consideI':J.tion, almost all men on
earth had turned to evil by yielding to the wickftl
influence of Satan. God had not removed from Satan the lordship of earth, but permitted him to c0ntinue to exercise his power over man, and thereby
afforded a full opportunity for the testing of all his
creatures. It must have been with much arroganee
that Satan appeared in the presence of God, boasting
and proud of the fact that he had turned almost all
men away from God the great Creator. Jehovah
called upon Satan to report his own movements, and
the response of the adversary was that he had been
about the earth. While the record is silent upon the
point, it is reasonable to conclude that by his very
arrogance in the presence of God, Satan declared, in
substance, that no man would willingly continue to
serve God, and in fact would not serve him at all, w
less there were some selfish reason therefor.
'Vhat, then, was the issue in the controversy at
that time 7 Doubtless it was this: Will man maintain


his integrity before Jehonlh? Can God place a man

on earth who will be faithful and true to him? Satan would insist that no man would do so, but that
all, under certain conditions, would turn against God.
::\Ianifestly it was the purpose of God to demonstrate
that man, by the grace of God, and acting under his
counsel, can maintain his integrity and, by meeting
the divine requirements and being obedient to God's
provided way, obtain life everlasting.
To determine the issue God would therefore permit
Satan to go to the full limit in his attempt to turn
all men ag-ainst the Lord, and then in his own due
time and good way God would demonstrate his own
ahsolute supremacy. Thereby he would teaeh all creation the aU-important lesson that Jehovah is the only
true God and there is none hesides him. At this point
in the controversy Job pictured a class of men who
do maintain a perfect condition of heart and hold
the confidence of Jehovah. Therefore at the proper
occasion Jehovah offered Satan the opportunity to
do his worst. "And the J~ord said unto Satan, lIast
thou considered my senant Job, that there is none
like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man,
one that fearcth God, and escheweth evil 1"-Job 1: 8.
Satan denied that .Joh really loved God. He accus('d
God of so hedging Job about that Satan did not have
an opportunity to put him to the test. "Then Satan
answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for
nought f Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and
about his house, and about all that he hath on every
side f ThOll hast bles.'led the work of his hands, and
his suhstance is increased in the laud: but put forth
thine band now, and touch all that he hath, and he
will curse thee to thy face. "-Job 1: 9-11.
That was a challenge to Jehovah; and the I~ord did
not permit the challenge to, but told ~atan that
he might take what Job had. Satan went out from
the presence of the Lord and devised ways and means
for the destruction of Job's property and family and
carried out his wicked purpose. When he had thus
brought great disaster upon Job's household, he failed
1)(:eau5e Job still trusted in God and worshiped him.
At a subsequent meeting of the sons of God to pre.
sent themselves to Jehovah, Satan being there also,
God reminded Satan that Job still "holdeth fast his
integrity, although thou movedst me against him to
d('Stroy him without cause". With arrogance and
cruel sarcasm Satan replied to the Lord: '.A man will
give his skin for his skin, but all that man hath will
he gi"t'e for his life.' "But put forth thine hand now,
alld touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse
thee to thy face." (Job 2:4,5) Again the test wus
on: "And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is
in thine hand; but save his life. So went Satan forth
from the presence of the I~ord, and smote Joh with
sore boils, irom the sale of his foot unto his crown."
-Job 2:6,7.
Notwithstanding this terrible calamity Job humbled
himself before God, as shown by the fact of his sitting

down in the ashes. Again Satan had failed to turn
Job against the Creator. Satan must have been some.
what disturbed at this turn of affairs. Then he be
thought himself of how he had reached Adam through
his wife. He injected the thought into the mind of
Job's wife and induced her to make an effort to influence Job to forsake God; and she, acting as Satan's instrument, called upon Job to forsake God, renounce him, and suffer the consequences. But Job


did not yield to the evil devices of his wife. Turning

upon her, he rebuked her and said: "Shall we receive
good at the hand of God, and 8ha11 we not receive
evil T" Again Satan had failed in his attempt to turn
Job against the Lord. In this experience Job must
have pictured that small number of men who through.
out the ages have withstood all manner of persecu.
tion and have still maintained their faith and devotion to the Lord God.

DF.,\R Sm:
I woulll like to write ll. few lines to )'OU ancI tell how comfortin~ your messaJ:(es have been to me. I have always wlmtpJ
greater understandill~ of the BillIe, which ll. person docs not
seem to ~et in a church. It seems as if my prayers are an
swered, hecause your books have been so helpful to me. Of
course, some of the intl'rpretations are a little different thnn
we learn in Sunday 5l'hool ancI church, but it is all plain in
the BiLle with your Bi!>le helps. There is quite a lot I have
to learn yet, but I would be 1.(1a<1 to be c1ass..,1 ns one of .Te
homh's witnesscs, and I only pray my family will all come
I have been stuuyin~ silwe bst sptin~, and I woul(} just
like to say God seeIUS nearer than he has all Illy life. \Vould
you pll'ase [,my for lIIe that I may ha\'e ~reater understanding
to helll others to the honor nnd glory of Jehovah'
Yours sincerely,
M. WRWIIT, Ontario.


Your time is precious. I will take but little of it, but I
wish to thank you for the book Preparation. I thank .Teho\ah
for the truth whieh it contains. 'I'hat is his. You. as his servant, have lovingl,Y and generously provided for us, the scattered
onl'S, who must eat if we continue to carry" the fruits of tile
kingdom" to the people.
Prel!llration defies description. It must be felt. Ono must
eat it anll drink it to understand it. Chapter XII, WAR, is
like the shout of the victor, a triumph in which Jehomh will
The" remnant" neell it now. The strain is heavy, but they
nre joyful in what is the best of all tho yearll of llerviec. Wii
think of nnd pray fm you who we believe are faithfully serving
the great Shepherd '8 flock.
Yours by his favor,
BERTHA ELLER, North Carolitla.


At our last meeting un.ler the sharpshooter arrangement,
Au~ust 13, we reorglLnizetJ under the company arrangement
to further the aetivitil's of the Kingdom service in this territory. At the sallle time we IHlopted the resolution in the
September 1 (19:13) Towel', and are fully in nccord with. it.
'Vo assure yOll, d'~llr brother, you have our full cooperation,
love an,l COli lillenee.
We are ~Iad to inform you thnt we are rejoicing in onr
privilege of lll'rvice to Jehovah. Our desire is to put forth all
our energy in the witness work, singing praises to His great
We wish to express our gratituue for the meat in season
which exposes Satan and his organization, and gives great
comfort to the remnant.
We are grC'atly rejoicing in the privilege of having a part in
announcing the King and the kinl.(dom, and pray that Jehonh
will extend his lovin~"kin.lness toward you till tho end.
Sincerely your brethren and coworkers,



In the name of our Father Jehovah God, and our Savior
and King Christ Jesus, I ~reet you, while praying that the
joy and peace of the kingdom's blessings may be multiplied
toward you and all of like precious faith to be strengthened
for the exact zeal in the tlervieo royal that is needed in this
time of Jehovah's preparation through his great Executi\"e
Christ Jesus. The object of this letter is, first, to thank )"OU
for the book Preparation, ancI, second, to express my gratitude
to the Lord Jehovah for the abundant admonition, encourall:e
ment and marvelous truth expounded in that book, while- I
fully decide in the strength of the Lord to put myself on the
offensive side with our Leader Christ Jesus and not to lose a
single minute in this great preparation work and press the
battle to the very gates of the enemy. I will not take more of
your time, for I know that same is precious, as it is the Lord's;
but I pray the Lord his blessings unto you and all of like zeal
in the service.
Accept my gratitude, while I remain
Your fellow servant by His grace,
LIONEL E. CALLE~D.\R, Piolleer. Cuba.

We are glad to Le able to send in the enc1os('<1 to be uSl'd

in king<lom work, antI pray it may reuound to His honor who
has now come to His temple.
How thankful we are to our gracious hea\"enly Father for
tho won,lerfu! food that he is providing for us at this time,
and we wish to thnnk ,'ou, and the dear brethren at tlte otfice,
for your lovin~ fllithfil1ne~'1 in dispensing it to us. 'I'he Lor'!
surely know8 how sorely the remnant are in need of titis to
strengthen them in thelle days of trial, when Satan nnn prlllce
Gog nn.} his host are doing all thcy cnn to dl'stroy us and
disrupt the work.
But grenter is He that is for us titan all they t hnt be
a~inst us. Though even the brethren fail \lS, just when we
nCl'd them the most, yet we know that Go,l is just and right
and true, an,l he will never I.~n\e nor forsake us if we continue
to put our trust fully in him.
And as we partake of God's bounteous blessinJ:(s we are
glad, ,rea, anxious, to tell the kingdom messnge to others until
the great battle is fought and our King is vi.'toriousl
With Christian love and greetings from
~{RS. MARY SCIIL.\TTr.R Al'" r,UULY, 'K.ansas.
Since I have had a knowledge of the great truths which tho
Lord has provided for his servant through The Watclltolt'tr
there have been many times I have offered a prayer of thanksgiving to .Teho\'ah for his bountiful pro,ision for his faithful
ones. And now the remnant have been given the new joy of
the kingdom in the book ]'reparatlOn"
As eRch part appeared in The Watchtower it b('(~ame apparent that these gems of truth were the most brilliant that
the anointed have )"et receivE'd. In fact, thl'se truths apl'"ar
as jewels which ha\"e now been placed in the book l'tfl'amtHln
and carefully set by a Mnst('T Workman, as shown by your
letter to the faithful, and the Preface. 'I'his setting adds
much to the brilliance of these gems of truth.
I am indeed grateful to you, Brother Rutherford. and all
the l'oworkers for these truths which have been pro\"i,le,l by
Jehovah through you at this time of preparation for Armaged
Your brother in IIi!! service,
F. K. SOUTUWORTlI, Kansas.

FEllr.C.\J:Y 1, 1\)34

fifie WATCliT0WER.



May I take 0. moment of your valuable time to tell you of
an incident that came to me a few day~ ago while in the
hOllSe-tohouse work, and proving the radIo is oloing a wonderful work f 'fhis day out in sen'ice I came to a neat colored
homE', found tho man, his wife, and aged mother of seventy
years enjoyinl{ the Watchtower pr<'i;I'3.Ul. 'rhe mother. cannot
read or write, but she knew the truth. She has learned It from
your yoke O\'l~r the rallio. t:lhe tu1,1 me t1mt every Sunday when
it w:u time for you to come on l!he sat close to the radio to
tateh each word; and that the mesRage was so sweet, so beautiful, !l0 wonderful, that the tears flowed freely; and that she
l(lngs for the kingllolll you tell about.
I asked her if she ever heard the ministers of the various
churches that come over the air. She said, "Yes, yes. I some-

times hear one that comes after the judge; but, honey, he
can't talk liko the judge. Judt;e Rutherford is learned of God
and has godly wisdom; the other man is learned of the world
and has worldly wisdom." 'rhe other man is the pastor of on8
of the larg('st and richest churches here.
r thought the old colored woman had a unique way of t-ell
ing the truth. 'The other man is not lea.rned of God,' not
in his temple, has not a seat at his table to partake of the
wonderful food provided.
The KovemlJer 1 Watchtov:er is "meat in due season". A
man told me SWlday, when out in the service, to 'get out befor8
he killed me'. It is my desire to be faithful to the end. God
bless and keep you, dear brother.
Your sister by His grace,
:MRs. A. F. HOLLOWELL, North CarolilUJ.

Scottsbl'f KGKY Sa 10:15am

We 5:45pm }'r 5:45pm
KGBZSu 5:45pm
Th 2:00pm

Charleston WC8C Su 1 :OOpm
We 7:00pm Fr 1:00pm
WIS So 1 :OOpm
Fr 6:45pm
Greenville WFBC Su 9:30am
Spart'b'g WSPA Su 6:30pm

G'd Forks KFJM Su 5 :OOpm

We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
KOCU Su 11:30am
Wo 8:45pm Fr 8:4;Jpm



KOII Su 10:30nm

NEW HA~trSllmE
Manch'ter Wl'EA. Su 2 :4.3pm
Wo 7:00pm
AtlanticC', WPO l:;u 10:00am
Paterson WODA fiu 10 :OOam
We 1:45pm }'r 1:45pm
Albuq 'que KOn Su 5 :45pm
KGl!'L flu 5:15pm
We 4:30pm Fr 4:30pm
WKBO Su 6:30pm
S:l. 2:15pm
Ring'mtonWNBF Su 7:00pm
Brooklyn WBBE Su 10:15am
Su 6 :3Opm Mo 10 :30am
Tu 10:30am Tu 6:30pm
Wo 10:30am We 6:30pm
Th 10: 30am Tb 6:31tpm
Fr 10 :30am }'r 6:30pm
Brooklyn WCN\V Yo 9:45pm
Th 6:30pm Sa 5:00pm
wan Su 10:00am
Buffalo WKBW We 10:00am
Freeport WGBB Sa 9 :OOam
Tu 7 :OOpm Th 7 :OOpm
Hudson F. WGL:J Su 10:45am
Jamesto\VD. WOCL Su 1 :OOpm
New York W::'.:lCA Su 10 :43am
Saranac 1.. WNDZ Sa 10 :15a.m
Tu 4:15pm Th 4:15pm
Syracuse wsrn Su 10 :30am
Tupper L. WHDL Su 10 :45am
Th 10:(){)am
Wh. Pl'ns WFAS Su 6:00pm
Mo 1:00pm Sa. 9:00am


Asheville WWNC 'fh 5 :30pm
WBT Su 10:30am
Greensboro WBIG Su 5} :45am
WPTF Su 10 :OOam
Wilm'ton WEllI Su 10 :(){)am
Wo 7:00pm

DevilsL. KDLR Su 12:30pm
We 6:00pm Fr 6:00pm


WADC flu


We 1:00pm

Clevelan(l WHK Su 6:30pm

Tu 3:15pm Tn 9:15pm
Clevelan<l WJAY Su 9:45am
Colwnbus WAIU~u 10:0Oam
'l'h 7:30pm
Columbus WCAH Su 9 :45am
Mo 2:00pm We 2:00pm
Fr 2:00pm
Mt. Orab WlmD So 4:45pm
We 4:45pm l'r i:45pm
WSPD Su 9 :3Oam
Sa 8:15am
YOUDgiSt'nWKBN SI110:00am
We .:OOpm
Zanesville WALR Su 10 :OOum
We 4:15pm

Elk City KASA Su 1:15pm
KCRC Su 2:45pm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
Okl 'a City KOMA Su 1 :45pm
Ponc:l.City WBBZ Su 10 :OOam
We 9:00pm
Shawnee KGFFMo 8:45pm
We 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm
KlamathF.KFJIMo 8:15pm
Marshfield KOOS Mo 1:30pm
Medford KMED Su 10 :ooam
Th 4:00pm
Portland KWJJ Su 9:30am
KXL Tu 7:00am
WFBG Sul0 :3Oam
Tu 8:15pm
WLBW Su 10:30'.un
WIDa Su 12:15pm
W8 12:15pm l!'r 12:15pm
Johnstown WJAC Su 4:30pm
WCAU Su 12 :Oll nIl
Pittsb 'gh
KQV SU 10 :30am
Wo 1:45pm Fr 1:45pm
Pittsb'gh WWSWWe5:15pm
Reading WEEU Su 3 :4:ipm
'Ve 3:45pm
Wash'ton WNBOSu 9:45am
W'lIl8port WRAK Su 9:15pm
Th 7:15pm

KGFX Su 1 :OOpm
Tu 4:00pm Til 4:00pm
Sioux F'ls KSOO Su 1I) : OOam
'l'n 2:45pm
Watertown KGCRRu 9:15am
We 8:45pm ,Fr 8:45pm
Cha 'nooga. WOOD Su
We 5:00pm Fr
Knoxville WNOX Su
MemphiS WHEe Su


1: OOpm
1 :45pm
9 :30uw


KGRS Su 9 :OOam
KNOW Su 10 :OOam
Beaumont KFDM 81110 :OOam
Tu 7:45pm
KSRB 8u 5 :OOpm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
CorpnlChr. KGFI Su 9 :OOam
We 6:45pm Fr 0:45pm
VOC Su 2:45pm
We 4:45pm Fr 4:45pm
KRLD Su 5 :45pm
K}'PL Th 8: OOpm
Fr 10:00am
EX Paso
KTSM S~ 1 :30pm
Ft.Worth KTATMo5:15pm
We 5:15pm Fr 5:15pm
Galveston KLUF Su 10:15am
We 2:15pm
KPRC Su 10 :OOum
S. Angelo KGKL Su 1 :45pm
Th 8:45am
8. Antonio KTSA Su 10 :45am
Wichita F. KGKO S1112:30pm
Th 8:45pm

KLO Su 3: OOpm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
Salt 1.. City KSL Su 11 :15am



WBYB Su 10 :OOam
Th 5:30pm
Waterb', WDEV:OIo 9:45am
We 9:45am Fr 9:45am

Ch'1ottesv. WElIC Su 10:45am
Danvillo WBTM Su 9:1::ipm
I,ynehb'g WLVA Su 1~ :4:-ipm
Petersb 'g Wl'llH Su Ii :'l;)pm
We 10:00am ~'r 10:00am
Richmond WHVA Su 12 :15pm
Roanoke WDllJ Su 12:30pm
We 5:00pm
Aberdeen KXUOSu 1:15pm
Bell 'ham KVOS Su lO:OOam
'l'h 5:30pm
K.rn. Su 10 :OOam
KVL Mo 6 :45pm
Tu 6:45pm We 6:45pm
Th 6:45pm
Fr 6:4;ipm
Sa 6:45pm
KFIO Fiu 9: 15am
We 7 :45am }'r 7 :45am
KMO Su 10 :30am
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
KVI Su 2:30pm
Walla Walla KUJ Su 1 :15um
Su 1:30pm
Wenatchee KPQ SU 10 :OOam
We 7:00am
KIT Su 10:00um
Th 1:00am

BlueAe1d wnrs 811 9 :OOam
Fr 8:00am
eha'ston wonu Su 4:00pm
Hunt'ton WSAZ'rn 4:00pm
Wheeling WWVA Su 10:OOaIll

EauClaireWTAQSu 9:15am
We 6:15pm
LaCrosse WKBTISu 1:00pm
Madison WIBA Su 10:Q,lam
Fr 2:15pm
Ma'towoc WOMT 10 1:00pm
Th 1:00pm


KDFN Su 10:30nm
Th 8:43am

1iF5.e \V'ATCliT0WER
The good news of the kingdom of Jeho,-'ah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
{Curt"cnt local time is shown
in each instance.]
2AY Tu 9:15pm
Broken JIill l!XL Su 8 :45pm
ze.\. Su 8 :45pm
2GN Su 7 :30pm
Gunnedah 2;'\10 Su 7 :OOpm
2XN We 7 :15lJm
New Castle 211D Su 9 :30am
Su 7:1ripm Wo 6:45pm
2 UE Hu 7: OOpm
W'ga W'ga 2-W<1 We 7:45pm
Brishane' 4-BC Su 10 :15pm
4~m:: Su 11 :OOam
~'owns\'iIle 4TO We 8:0Upm
3AC Su 10 :15pm
3BA Hu 1 :15pm
3HO'l'u 8:00pm
3HA Su 8 :30pm
M(lhournc 3AW Su 4:43pm
3-TH I'll. 9 :OOpm
Swan Hill
3SII I'lu 7:15pm
Wangar'ltta 3WIt Hu 8: 13pm
Kalg'Jorlie f)KG Su 7 :40pm
lil\IL Su 9 :OOpm
Launeeston 7LA l!'r 10 :15pm
Hainaqt DONNE Sl\ 5:30pm
.(330 m) l';SPERANCE

OFCN Su 5:45pm

CJCD Su 9 :OOpm

Hamilton CKOC Su 10:30am
Su 1:30pm Su 8:15pm
Shanghai XIIIIII Su 10: DDam
Cl\IK Su 11::lOam
also Spanish Su 9:00pm
Santa 01 'a C1IHI Su 12:00 nn
RADIO Su 3:30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN
Beziers RADIO Th 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZIERS
BorJcau."< RADIO Mo 7 :45pm
(237 m) SUDOUEST

Fecamp RADIO-NOR(2l!3 m) MANDIE

English: Su 4:00pm
Tu 8 :OOpm
Paris RADIO L L Fr 8:15pm
Paris RADIOSu 12 :00 nn
(:nZ.8 m) VITUS
Th 7:30pm
Sa 7:30pm
Toulouse RADIO We 7 :15pm
(385.1 m) TOULOUSE

Birm'ham WAPI Su 9:45am
Dirm'ham WBRCSu10:00am
We 4:30pm
WHET Su 10 :30am
"'01:15pm :E'r 1:15pm
M'tgomcryWSFA Su 3:45pm
l\Iusdo S. WNRA Su 6:00pm
\\'0 8:00pm Fr 8:00pm
We 9:30pm
Ketdlikan KGBU Mo 7:15pm
Th 7:15pm Sa 1:15pm

Anchoru~c KFQD

We 4:00pm Fr
We 5:15pm Ra
KT.\I{ Hu
Pres('ott KPJ ~1 Hu
We 5:15pm Fr
KG_\.R Su
Wo 5:45pm Fr
KlJ1fA Su
Spanish Su

5: 15pIII
5 : 151'Ul
4 :30pm
9 :OOarn

Fay'ville KUOA!'u 12:45pm
'Ve 11:45am Fr 6:00pm
Hot Sp 'gos K'l'HS Su 12: 15pm
LittloR'k KARKSu 9:00am
LittloR'k KGIIISu 7:00p:n
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
Littlo R 'k KLRA Su 10 :30am
Para~ould K13T~r Su 10 :OOam
Wo 11 :30am
Texarkana KC.llC Su 6 :45p,1l1
EI Centro KXO Su 10 :OOam
KIE~I Su 10 :30am
K~I.T Su 3 :45pm
Hollywoorl KNX Su 9:15pm
Long 13 'ch KGER Su 10 :45am
Los Angeies KTM Su 9: 30am
Su 8:00pm Th 8:00pm
KLS Su 11: 1511m
We 2 :45pm Fr 2 :45pm
Oakland KROW Su 10 :ltinm
Su 6:15pm Tu 8:15pm
Fr 8:15pm
Sa'mento KFIlK Su 9:30am
S. F'cisco K'l'AB Su 9:30am
Sa 8:30am
Stockton KGDM Su 9 :30am
We 1:15am Fr 1:15pm

CoPo 8pr. KVOR Su 10:30am
We 4:30pm Sa 4:30pm
KFEL Su 7 :OOpm
Grand J'n KFX.J Su 1 :15pm
Greeley KFKAMo 7:15pm
KIDW Su 7: 15pm
We 2:10pm Fr 2 :40pm
KGHFMo 8:15pm
We 10 :45am
KGEK Su 12:4.;pm
We12:45pm Fr12:45pm


,ncu Su 10:00am

Wilm'ton "DEL Su 7 :OOpm
Wo 8:30!Jnl
Wilm'ton WILM Mo 8:45pm
\VIOD Su 12:15pm
WQA~r Su 4 :30pm
Orlando \\' D130 ~u 1~ :4.)1'111
Pcnstlcola \\'CO.\ Hu 1 :Ollpll1
Wo 7:30pm ~'r 6:30[,m
WTFI Su 9:4::ium
W(:::;'I' Su ;) :431'1ll
Su 3 :00l'nl
'fh 7:43pm
Columhus WIUU. Ru 9;:Walll
LaGrange WKEU Su :l : ()0l'm
Wo 3 :OlJpm X'r 10:00anl
W Jo'DV Hu 1~ :301'111
Wo 8 : 43pIII
Fr 8 :431'11I
Savannah \\'TOe Su 1: l.)plll
'rho'villeWQDX We 9:13am
We 7:30pm


Honolulu KGMD We 12 :05pm
Fr 7:15pm
KIDO Su 10 :;)Oam
Wo 8 :30plll
KFXD Su 11 :OOam
Pocatello KSEI Su 2 :OUpm
Su 9:00pm
Twin ]'alls KTF! Su III :43am


WJ,JD Su 2:30pm
WIlFe Su 5 :OlJpm
We 5 :OOpm Fr 5 :OOpm
WJDL Su 10: llOam
Mo 7:30pm
IIarrisb'g WEBQ SU 6:0Upm
11010 :OOpm Fr 10 :OOpm
WCLS Su 12 :15pm
We 12 :45pm :E'r 12 :45pm
La Salle
WJBC Su 10:13am
Rockford WROK Su 10:00am
/:iu IO:OOrm We 10:00pm
Sp'gfield WCBS Su 12:30pm
Sa 11:15am
WDZ Su 10:00am
WIKD 8u 10:45am
Ina"'apolis WKllF Su 10 :O'hm
We 2:00pm
WLDC Su 1 :30pm
l'r 7:30pm
T. Haute WBOW Su 12 :45pm

Decorah KGOA ~rll 9:00am
Wo 9:00am Ha 9:00am
Des ;,\Ioines W110 Su 5 :30pm
Marshallt'nKFJll Ru 8:45am
We 6:15pm Fr 6:15pm
Shenandoah K~{A Su 11: 15am
W:\IT Su G:45pm
Coffeyville KG<1F Su
Kans.O'y WLllF Su
Wo 5:13pm Fr

1 :45pm
5: l(jpm




\\'LHZ SI1 9:45am

\\'CSII Hu 4:00pm

Baltimore W13.\L SlI 4:15pm
Cumherl'd WTIIO Su 2 :OOpm
We 2 :OOPIll Fr 2 :Ollpm
JIagerst'l1 WJEJ:;u 10:lriam
Bahson P. WHSO SlI I:! :30pm
WN.\C su 10:(JOam
Lex'l.;ton 'VLEY ~ro ] ::lllplll
We 1:30pIll Th 1:::01'11I
Sp'gfield W~L\R Hu 10:00:\11I
Worcester WOHG Su 10::lUarn
Calumet Wllll!:' 'l'u 6:45pm
"W J l~ Su 9 :4'JullI
Ironwood W.l.\IS Su 5: OOpm
We 7 :001'11I Fr 7 :15 !' III
wunr Su10:00am
KalatuazooWKZO ~u 9:45am
Wo 3:00pm
:E' '~usFallH 1\:U \)1-; Su 10 :OOUIll
l\Iin'polisWHII:\rTu 8:00Plll
Moorhead KU!"1\: 8u 7::101'IB
WO 5:15pm Fr 5:15pm
St. Paul WHlDl Ru 1:.l :30pili
'I'h 1 :00 I' IU
lIattiesb'gWPFB Su 1:30pm
We 7:45pm
WA.\H. Su 1:.l:45pru
Meriuian WCOC Hu W:OOam
Wo 6:45pm
Miss. City WGC~[ Bu 9 :43arn
Wo 8:45pm
KFRU Su 4:30pm
We 7:15am
K:ms.C'y KWKC Su 8:43am
Tu 7 :OOam


G't Falls

KOHL Su 12: 151'01
KF13B Su !0:00am

Kearney KGFW Su 9 :Oflam
We 6 :45pm Fr G:4i:iplll
KFAR Hu 9:30am
KFOR SIl1O:15:un
(C01Itillued. oa !'(lge 47)

mie \vATCHT0\VERPuBLIStrED SE:~n-Mo~"Tl'R.Y By



117 AdatruJ Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S.A.

J. F. RUTBERFORD President

W. E.



"And 'all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

peace of thy childr~n."-Isaiah 54: IS.

~reahha.ll be the


THAT JEHOVAH is the on1y,true God, is from everlllBting
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Gil-er
of life to his crenture3; that tho Logos wus the beginning of
his creation anu his actin) a~ent in the creation of aU
thin:;s; that tho Lo~os is nOlI" tho Lor,l Jesus Christ in j!lory,
tlothed with all power in heavell llnd earth, and tho Chief
Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD createu tho earth for man, createu perfect
man for the earth and place.l him upon it; that man wilfully
disobeyed God's law and was sentenceu to Ileath; that by
renson of Allam's wrong act all men are born sinners and
without tho right to lifo.
THAT JESUS was mado humnn, and the man .Tpsus sllffered death in oreler to produce tho rnnsolu or redempti\'o
price for all IIUlnkiml; that Gou raised up Jesus dhine and
exalted him to heaven llbo\'o every creature nnd nboye every
:name and clothed him with nll power and authority.
that Christ Jesus is, thl) Chid Ollicer thereof anll ill tho
riJ::htful l\:in~ of tho wor1tl; that tho anointeu and faithful
followers of Christ Jesus am children of Zion, membera of
Jehovah's organiza.tion, and aro his witn13sses whoso duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jeho"ah, declaro
his purposes toward mankin,l ns expresserl in the BiLle, llud
to bear tho fruits of the kiD~<lom before all who will bear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, llnd the r~ord .Jesus Christ
bas been plar~ell by Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from h"a"en and is proceeding to tho
establishment of Oo<1'a kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF an,1 bl"qgin~ of tIle peoples of earth
ean como only by and through Jehomh'8 kingdom untler
Christ which h~UI no,., be~n; that tho Lord's next great
act is tho flc!ltruetion of Satan's organization and the c3tab
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the
kinf:\'dom aU those who will ol>ey its righteous laws shall be
Testored ana livo on earth forever.

IDS journal is publisheu for tho purpose of enablin~

the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expresscd in the Bible. It publishes Bible inRtruction
specifically desiglle r} to aid Jehomh's witnesses. It arranges
systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other literature to aiJ in llUch studies. It publishes suitable material
for rallio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sect~
or other worluly organizations. It is wholly and without
reser,ation for the kingdom of Jehoyah God unuer Christ
his Beloyed King. It is not dogmntic, but invit"s careful
and critical examination of its contents in the light of tho
Scriptures. It docs not indulge in controversy, allll its columns arc not open to personalities.




STATES, $1,00;



American rClUittance.q should bo made by }:xpre"s or ro.,tal .\loncy

Orllcr. or by nank Draft. ('.,nadian. Jlriti_". South ACrkan an,l
Au~trala"ian remittances should Lo mUllo dlrcct to tho rc-,pccth-c
hrandl cfiiccs. UcmiltanCC'l from countrirs other than tho,e nwntionpd may be ma,lo to the Brooklyn alice. but by InternatIOnal
I'o~tal Money Orucr only.


British .. 3l Craven T,-.rrn('(!, Lt)n<1on, W. 2, ~n~~lnnd

Callar/iall 4Q Irwin Aycnu'!, To.onto. Ontario, Canada
Auslral".,i,,~ 7 neres(ord 1:oa<1. Sttathti~ld. N. ~. \\"' \u'trali(~
South A/ric""
Boston !lou,e, ellpe Town, Soutll .\.frlca.
l'lea.qe address the Society In e,ery car.c.
(2'ran.I4Ii." of this Journal appear in several lanauaoes.)

All sincere stUdents of the nibIl' who by reason of Infinl11ty.

po\'crty or nlh'cr-i Iy are unahle to plly the sub"cril'ti'ln price
may The Wfltr:hlo, trro UI,011 written npl,lkatiMl to the
puLIiRhers. ulade once "nch ye:lr, stntin;; the rea'on fnr '0 re
fjuestlnl'{ It. We are glnd to thus nid the n~tly. LIlt the written
Ill,pli<'ntlon once enrh year is re'!uire.l by the postal rr:;ulatlous.
~'oticlJ to SulMcrilJcr.: A.. knowled~ent of a new 01' a rene,val sub
scription will b" ~pnt onfy whrn rc'!ursted. rhnm:e cf a,L<lr~<~,
when ret]uestt'<1, may be (,x{><'etl'll to appear on addroH bllr\ 'I':ithh
one month, _\ rcne,...,,1 blnnk (":lrryi"", noti~e of (''tpir'lti''Il) will
be seat with the journal one month beforo thc suhscril'tion expircs.
Entered M B/lcond 01/13. Man Jfaltl'1' at BrooklYII, Y. Y., Postof]lce.
Act of March :I, lS79




The Society has malle arran~l'ments to l'onstru<'t llUIl assemble
portable transcription ma('hinl's at our own factory at 111
Adams Street. 'fhl'lle maehioes will he somewhat different in
construction from those prpYiously furn isherl. They will be
sprin~,woullJl, anll operate'] frolll a !I-yolt wet'o'll battery.
}~\'ery machine will be fumi8hed complete With the battery !tnd
a battery char::er, so that it can be kept up to its full 8tren~th.
'Va are pleaSt',l to unnoun.~c that this machine can be offered
at $100, complete, to brt'thren in the United States.


Ad\'ertisin~ the Kingllom helps also to ad\'l!rtise the milio
stations which are broudmsting the kingdom Oll's:mge. Hen(~e
all witnl'ssing parties and ull illlli,"illunis en:.:aglll~ in the !idol
service shoul,l mention the rar!io station in their Yieinitv wilieh
carries the Watchtower pro~larns. This magnifies to the people
called upon the message whidl ,TelvJ\'llh's witnesses introduce,
and often results in interest in the printed message OD the
part of the radio listener. This is one of the chief purposes
of senlling out the messa::;e O\l:r the rudio. to eneOUl'll;:::e the
peoplo to rear! the literatnre. In this behulf tlte f50riety !Up'
plies rallio folders, an,l all workprs 811<,\11.1 make con.staat nse
of them in hQuseto-!JoWlo calling, leaving oue of them, if nothing else.



For the year 1934 the Memoria.l of tho Lord's suppcr will
be helu nfter six o'clock on the c\cnir~ of :Mar<:h ~8. The
JVatrhtou:er hopes to contain some timely in.~trnl'tion for all
those who partake, and we 5ur~g"st that each one be prepared
by thoroughly consiuering the mattcr in ad\':J.IJ.~e.


Los Angeles, ~rarch 24-28 inclusive, arc the phce {lUll timc
for a eOll\('ntion of Jehovuh'8 witnesses. All I1Icctln~~ e'(""pt
811nday afternoon will lin held in the Trinity .\'U<litclrtUl'l,
Granel A\e. anll lith. Sunday afternoon. from 2 to :; 0 '('jcll"k,
the Shrine AUllitorium will b" used. At;): 30 to 1 0 '('\,,,,k
Jun. Broth('r Hllthcrforu wiii <lelin'r an (,,]arc~s \Yhi'~!1 will be
broadeast from coast to coast. 'rile conrentiou WIll ,'ondlldu
on the ni:.:ht of the 2"th with cplebratiou of tltl' ~I'lllOrL:t1.
'The forenoon of each elav of the conn:nti"u will he used for
house-to-house witnes:! work. This marks the l"''::Ill11illg of the
'TU.\XKSGIVISG Pl:l:IOD. The booklet DividIng the PWl'Ie will
be used throup;hout the entire wOllel during that perio,I. The
brethren on the Pacilic coast \'I"ill have opportnnitv of a Cl\n'l"ention, and dOllhtl"ss most of them will takf' :.dvrmtag"f' of
it. For further inforilllltion, ad,lress C. V. Kllellle>'cr, 334.)
Fernwootl ::;t., L,)D.wootl, Culiforma.




15, 1934


And whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree "oots; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee,
after that thou shalt ]wve known that the heavens do l'ule. "-Daniel 4: 26.

EHOVAH'8 name shall be vindicated, That is

the all-important truth. II~Lhas .made Christ
Jesus his Vindicator and made him to be the
ruler over his kingdom, and by and throu~h his kingdom he will malte known to all creation that he, Jehovah, is supreme and that besides him there is none.
lt is by and throl1~h the Kin~ and king-dom that men
shall he hl'ou~ht into harmony with Jehovah, Upon
his beloved Son Jehovah has placed his name, and
there is no other name given under heaven wherehy
men must be saved. (Acts 4: 12) The kingdom is Jehovah's capital organization, and of that organization
Christ Jesus is the Head. Jehovah has caused to be
written in his Word that his purpose is to make Chri~t
Jesus man's RCllcemer and earth's rightful ruler and
gather all obedient ones under him. Therefore it is
writ-tl'n: "That in the dispensation of the fulness of
times he might gather to~ether in one all things in
Christ, both which nrc in heaven, and which are on
earth; even in him."-Bph. 1: 10.
2 In the drcam of Nehuchadnezzur the leaving of
the stump in the ground, which represents the human
part of the original organization, would picture Jehovah's purpose of making proyision for the redemption and final deli\"erance of the ohedient ones of mankind and that these may ~row up into another organization and live for ever. The language of Daniel
4: 26 proves that the stump must have a close relationship to the kingdom of Christ. These Scriptural texts
prove beyond all doubt that the "tree in the midst
of the earth ", which Nebuch~dnezzar saw in his
dream, pictures Satan's organization which must
perish for ever and that then Jchoyah would cause a
new tree to grow up which is his capital and righteous
or~anization and of which Christ Jesus is the Head
and overlord; that the hope of man, who was a part
of the original tree, is in the new tree or holy organization. Therefore Christ Jesus is the tree of hope,
b('C'ause the organization is his by the will of Jehovah God and only by and through Christ Jesus and
the kingdom can the people have a hope for life, for
the reason that such is the will of the Almighty God.
Since the expulsion from Bden man's portion has

been" with the beasts in the grass of the earth", even

as portrayed ill the dream of Ncbuchadnezzar. Hulers
under Satan have been bestial, brutish, inhuman,
cruel and oppressive, and the human race has becn
suhjected to such cruel rule. 'l'hese earthly rulers,
lll'in~ a part of Satan's organization, arc likcned to
fcrocious heasts. (Dan. 7: 3-li) This is in harmony
with the divine decree of Daniel 4: 16: ~ Let his heart
be (~han~l'd from man's, and let a beast's heart be
g-i\"cn unto him; and let seven timps pass o\"er him."
Such beastly rulers have had no understan<1in~ or
appreciation of Jehovah's ways. "0 Lord, how ~reat
nrc thy wod,s! and thy thoughts arc very deep. A
bl'lltish man knoweth not; neithl'r doth a fool und!'rst and this." (Pl>. 92: 5, 6) As a part of the roots of
thc old stump in the earth these rulers have not
reached out for the life.~ivin~ waters of twth, and
henC'e ha\"e learned nothin~. Concerning them it is
written: "Surc1y I am more brutish than any man,
and have 1I0t the understanding of a man. I neither
IC<1l'lled wisdom, nor have the knowled~e of the holy."
(Prov; :m: 2, 3) As rulers and a part of Satan's organization they too shall perish.

The words of the prophetic ell"eam, to wit, "seyen

times," shoulu not be confused with the period of timo
elapsing from Buen to .Arma~eddon, and there is a
definite reason for this. The meaning of "time" is
"a set or fixed time"; technically, "a ycar," which
according to the Bible is 360 days. The miniature fulfilment was upon the man l\ebuchadnezznr, and the
complete fulfilment must be upon a far greater scale.
These "seven times" must pass over the stump by
reason of the decree of Jehovah God, not as times of
punishment of mankind, but to mark a period of time
during which Satan, who was pictured by ~eb\lehad
nezzar, the head of the earthly government and who
at that time exercised regal power as ruler of the
world and as Satan's representative, has exercised the
power as god of the whole earth. The" seven times ",
therefore, must be symholic of and hence C(1ll:11 to the
times of the Gentiles, to wit, 2,520 ~eats. This whole



s:rfie WATCHT0\,VER

period of time is represented by multiplying the dars

of one year, 360, by seven (times), equaling 2,520;
and as the Scriptures fix a day as a symbol of a year,
the period of "seven times" therefore equals 2,520

5 The 'seven years' did not begin to eonnt from
the date of the decree condemninq the tree to destruction,- which decree would be from the time of the fall
of man onward. Ther~after and during the time of
l\Ielchizedt:k, and of Israel as God's covenant people,
there was at lenst durin~ those times typically the
king-dom of God on the earth, and as long as these
existed the "seY(~n times" ('ould not heg'in to eaunt.
The reason is that the stump (pictming mankind)
with bands of iron nnd copper aroulHI it shows the
non-existenee or non-activity of the kingdom of God
in the earth. The he~innin~ of the counting of the
seven timc's- must wait until the ovcl'tuming of brad's
last king, whieh tOflk place in the year 606 B.C. From
that time the scripture applies which says: "It shall
be iJO more, until he come whose rig-ht it is" to have
the kingdom and rulership of the wodd. (E?ek. 21: 27)
It was at the oY(,1'throw of ZCI1l'kiah that this decree
a~ainst Israel was eutcl't'<1, and there it was that Satan became' the ~od of thc whole world', and it was
then and thel'e that the se\'cn times, mrntioned in
Daniel's prophecy, in the fourth chaptel', br~an to
count; ml'anil1~ that Cod wnulf} not inter-t'rre with the
bl'astly rule of (':llth untiL. the l'lId of that specific
pcriod of time. That period of seVetl timt's. beginning
in 606 B.C. and cxtendiu~ over a period of 2,520
years, eudrfl in 1!)l4-, ",h('ll Christ was enthroned by
Jehovah and sent forth to rule amongst his enemies.

-Ps. 110: 2.
e The decree heard h.y NelHH'ha/lnezzar, recorded by
Daniel, wa" a divine jud~ment: "This mattcr fquestion at law] is by the decree of the watchers tJdlOvah and his Logos], and the dC'mand rthe judicial
decision, SlrollfJ J by the word of the holy ones; to the
intent that the li\'in~ may know that the ~1ost High
J'uleth in the king-dom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, ~nd seiteth up ovcr it the basest 01
men." (Vs.17) Jehovah and Christ .Te'lus are the
only "holy Om's". (Tsa. 57:1G; Rey. 3:7) The
judicial decrre is rendered by .Jchovah and is announced nnd cxecuted by the Vindirator of Jehovah's
name. Jt:hovah and Christ .Jesus are the watchers
named in this verse, as it will be noted that the word
is in the plural. They arc the watchers over JellO'-ah's
name, and that pcrtains to its vindication. The in.
tent or purpose is made certain by the words: "To
the intent that the living may know that the Most
High ruleth in the king(lom of men." Thcrdore the
supreme purpo<;e is the vindication of Jehoyull's name
and the sett!emrnt for ever of the question of his su
premacy and his inherent rulership. ..:\~ain the vin
dication of Jehovah's name is magnified as the most

No Y.

important of all doctrines taught in the Scriptures.

"Then Christ Jesus comes to the temple of Jehovah
that marks the beginning of the time when the rulers
of the world shall no IOl1~er plead ignorance but they
must know that Jehovah is God. 'IThat men ma)" know
that thou, whose name alone is JEHO""L\H, art the
:\10st lIi~h over all the earth. "-Ps. 83: 18.
T The words of the trxt "king-dom of Dl('n" do not
refer to the petty kingdoms of 8atan's wicked world,
hut to the kingdom or invisihle lordship set up over
man. Jehovah has no rcsponsihility for the national
government~ of the present wi(ke<1 world, and cer
tainly not as to who gets into office or is Jlnt out of
offIce" hy the votes of ~\en. Those who are wholly devott>tl to .JdlOvah, thrre[o1'o, can have no part in the
selection of such rulers. The fact that Satan hus b(~l'n
permitted to continue to exercise overlot'tbhip of' man
is no contradiction of this. lIe has so excr('i<;ed rul( l'ship, not because his power was superior to JdlOvah's,
nor because he is higher than .Jehovah, but Satan
has exercised the ovel'lol'dship l)('cause .JehoY<lh has
sufferpd it to he so, havill~ fixed a time certain to
permit Satan to \\'ol'k out his !>trongrst pr:lctipal argument in suppot't of his lwa:-.tly challeug'c of .JdlOvah's
position. Otherwisn stated, .Jehovah hm; stood hy and
let Satan do his WOl'st and hilled his own good time
to prove Satau the IlIo"t fettile liar in the uni"crse.
Jehovah in due time !>hows Ilis suprem;\I'y, first makin" known to lill; faithful witnesses why he has waiit'd:
"l~ut for this cause have I allowed tll\'c to remain,
in ol'der to show thee my power; and in o1'drr that
they may proclaim my name throughout all the
earth." (Ex. 9: 16, TA'CSC/') 'l'he fact that .Jl'1lOvah
dil"ecled Jesus to l'l~maill inartive und wait until 1!JI-l
to hegin his work of interference with the enemy
proves that .Jehovah is "the )1ost lIigh [thatl rnleth
in the kitl!!:dom of men", and that he is therefCll'e
sUj)l'eme. In his own due time he dclpg':ltl>s this power
of l'ulcrship to whomsoever he p1l'asps, alHI hc makes
known now that he has given it to Christ .Je<;us aud
that he will associate with Christ Jeslls in that 01'~anization 144,000 others, the true and faithful footstep followers of Cht'ist .Jpsus, who ma intain th('ir
integrity to the end. (Dano 7: 13-27) "FI':lr not. little flock: for it is your Father's good pkasure to give
you the kinguom." (Luke 12: 32) In this latter text
the words of Jesus are not only strong but conclusive
proof that the giving of the kingJom O\Ocr mankind is
cxelushoely within the power of .Jehovah the ~Iost High.


8 Jc'SUS, although the beloved Son of .Jehovah, must

sutrer humiliation in order to prove Jehovah 's side of
the question at issue und in 01,..1er to demonstrate his
O\\On qualifieati0n to become Jehovah's Yindicator.
(lIeb. 5: 8, 9) Concerning Jesus it is written that he
was meek and 10w1y. ()Iatt. 11 : 2H) "lIe was (lesp is''d,
and we esteemed him not." (Isa. 53: 3) He maJe



15, 1934

himself of no reputation and humbled himself even

unto an ignominious death, and was therefore hrought
low. (Phil. 2: 7, S) Therefore in harmony with the
prophetic dream it is scen that it pleased Jehovah to
'set up over it [the kingdom or rulership of men] the
basest [the low One] amongst men'. "Wherefore God
also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name
which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things
in earth, nnd things under the earth; and that every
tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to
the glory of God the Futher." (Phil. 2: 9-11) Jehovah thus fixes the qualification of the One to \vhom
he gives the kingdom. Those associated with Christ
Jesus in the kingdom must possess similar qualifications and hence these are the low ones of earth whom
t he Lord uses for his purposes: "For ye sre :rour calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the
flesh, not many mil-!hty, not many nohle, are called:
but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world,
to confound the wise; and God hath ehosen the weak
thinh"S of the world, to confound the thin~ which are
might)'; alld base things of the world, and thin6"S
which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things
which are 110t, to bring' to nought thingos that are;
that no flesh should glory in his presence. "-1 Cor.
1: 26-29.
Nehuchadnezzar as Satan's representative boasted
and fell. :-'>elf-exaltation led to his fall and complete
abusement. "1.'hou~h the Lord be hi~h, )"et hath he
respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knowcth afar
off." (P~. 138: 6) Exaltation comes from Jehovah
and is gh'cn only to tho~e who are entirely obrdient
to him. (Isa. 57: 15) III harmony with this divine rule
Ezekiel was caused to write: "I [Jehovah] have
brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree,
. Exalt him that is low, and abase him that is
high." (I~zek. 17:2-tj 21:26) The ovel'lordship of
earth is chan~('d, but this chan~e of ovcrlordship does
not take place until the end of the "seven times",
which occurred in 1914:, nt which time Jehovah placed
his Son upon his holy hill of Zion and sent him forth
to rule. (Ps. 2: 6; 110: 2) This is further proof that
the great "tree in the midst of the earth" described
in the drcum of Nebuchadnezzar is Satan and his organization over men, and that Jehovah's capital organization is Christ Jesus and those under him and
that such is the new tree or organization in whieh
the nations must hope. Upon Jehovah's witnesses now
on earth the obligat ion is laid to t('ll these great truths
to those of mankind who have a desire to hear, and at
the same time to serve notice of warning upon others
that Jehovah is God and the ruler of the entire uni.erse, and that his kingdom is here.

Nebuchadnczzar called upon Daniel to give an

interpretation of his dream, because none of his own


wise men could interpret it. To Daniel he said: "This

dream I king :Nebuehaunezzar have seen. Now thou,
o Beltcshazzar, dcelare the interpretation thereof,
forasmuch as all the wise men of my kiugdom are
not able to make known unto me the interpretation:
but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is
in thee." Here the name of Jrhovah wa~ at stake,
because if Daniel the servant of Jehovah God could
not give the interpretation of the dream then Kebuchaonezzar would have to retract his words on this and
on a former occasion, to wit: "Of a truth it is, that
your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kin~s, and
a revealer of secrets," and, ., the spirit of the holy goods
is in thee." (Dan, 2: 47) 'l'hc fact that Xebuchadnezzar, the rcp1'('sentati\'e of the Devil, gave expression to these words concerniu~ Jehovah is no proof
whatsoever that he was Jehovah's servant. Jchovah
caused him to be used to illustrate regal power and
to perform a part in the great prophetic pidure that
he was making. Would Jehovah now show his power
by giving Daniel the interpretation Y
11 Daniel seemed to be disturbed in his mind and
was silent for a while. "Then Daniel, whose name was
Belteshazzar, was astonied for one hour, and his
thoughts trouhled him. The king spake and said,
Belteshazz<lr, iet not the drram, or the interpretation
thereof, tl'oulJlc thee. Bclteshazzar answered <lnd said,
l\Iy lord, the dream be to thl'ill that hate thee, and
the interpretation thereof to thine ('nemies." (Vs. UI)
The "one hour" mentioned in this verse is in fact
a short while or short period of time. Prohahly Daniel
hesitated to proceed with the interpretation lJel:ause
that part of the dream which applied to Xcl)\\chad
n('zzar was unfavorable to the king and Daniel needed
courage to proceed to diselose that fact to the king.
It is more likdy, however, that his &hort sill-nee was
due to the fact that God was withholding the interpretation for a short season for his own purposes, one
of which wonld be to more sharply dtaw attention
to the fact that Daniel represc.llted the :\Io-;t Hi<.;h.
His hesitancy would make those who stood by conclude that Daniel was not able to v,ive the interpretation, but in his own due time Jehovah showed his
favor to Daniel and his power over DanirI. 'l'he king
signified his desire to hear the interpretation even
though it were unfavorable. Dauiel therefore replied
to the kin~, "the dream be to them that hatr thee,
and the interpretation tht'rcof to thine euemies."
These words show that Daniel was guided L;. wisdflrn
from on high, His words fit the fulfilment of the
IJrophecy now. Seeing that Nebuchadnezzar at this
particular point pictured re;:!:1l [Jower in Chri'tt's
hand, therefore the unfavorable [Jart of the dream and
its fulfilment is in fact upon the enemies of Christ.
Daniel's prayer was therefore a true one.
12 The record then shows that Daniel repeatrd the
dc..:eription of the tree which Kebuchadnezzar had
see11 in his dream. (Yss. 20/ 21) 'l'hen Daniel said to

the king: "It is thou, 0 king, that art grown and
become strong: for thy greatness is grown, and reacheth unto heaven, and thy dominion to the end of the
earth." (Vs.22) This reference to the tree's reacbing
4l unto heaven" shows that the worus could apply only
to the unfaithful Lucifer when he was made overlord,
and who is now Satan, and tllat N'ebuchadnezzar was
the visible representative of Satan on the earth. The
tree as a whole could not refer to the human race,
but pictllres particularly the o\'crlordshin of Satan
nnd those under him forming his organizatIon. -"his
is exactly in harmony with the great image described
in Daniel 2: 37, 38. Bear in mind that it was after
Nebuehadnezzar destroyed .Jerusalem, in GOG B.C.,
that Satan became the god of this world and I\c1mehadnezzar, as then head of the world power, was Satan's
representative on earth in his organization.
13 At Eden God had forctold the destruction of Satan. (Gen. 3: 15) Now the judicial decree recorded
in Daniel's prophecy foretells the destruction of Satan and his organization: " .\nd whel'eas the king saw
a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven,
and saying, lIew the tree down, and destroy it; yet
leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even
with n band of iron and brass, in the tender ~ra.c;s of
the field; and let it he wet with the dew of heave-n,
and let his portion be with the hrasts of the field,
till seven times pass over him." (Vs.23) Although
the (lceree was made and entered of record immediately followin~ the rebellion, Satun 's overlordship or man
was not at that time taken away, but Jehovah suf[erc'd
Satan to continue in that office until his own due time,
that is, until the coming of him "whose right it is"
to take the overlordship. This period of time is the
same mentioned in Exodus 9: IG, during which Jehovah permits Satan to remain in order that lIe might
demonstrate his own gl'eat power and in order that
llis witnesses might proclaim this fact throughout the
earth before Satan's destruction.
l4 Daniel then tells the king that the decree is from
thc Most High and that part of it would come upon
Nehuehadnczzar: "This is the interpretation, 0 king,
and this is the dect'ee of the lUost High, which is
come upon my lord the king: that they shall drive
thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the
beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat
grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew
of heaven, and seven timrs shall pass over thee, till
thou know that the :Uost High ruleth in the kingdum
of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will." (Vss.
24.25) Xebuchadnezzar refused to serve the llos1.
High, was proud and boastful, and bcrame insane, all
due to Devil religion, and therefore he was driven
from his palace, his power being taken away from
him. Likewise mankind was cut off from the prineedom of the earth and was put out of God's organization, lost his true manhood, and became brutish, which
qualities have been specifically exhibited by the rulL'rs


N. Y.

of earth. (Gen. 3: 23, 24) Also the overlord, Lucifer,

was cut off from Jehovah's organization and became
as a serpent and dragon and wild beast, seeking whom
he may devour. (1 Pet. 5: 8) The execution of the
sentence or divine decree against Satan and his organization was suspended until 1914, the end of which
time is definitely marked by the "seven times". During the suspension of the execution of the judgment
Satan continued to have contact with "the sons of
God". (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7) As Nebuchadnezzar was
made to eat grass as the oxen, so in general mankind
has fed upon what the beastly rulers and Satan's
priests have served up to them. Only those who have
diligently sought the Lord God through Christ Jesus
have been permitted to feed upon the preciolls In'omises of God's Word. The prophecy adds: "Till thou
know that tho ~lost High rulcth in the kin~!(lom of
men." These words of the prophecy show that at ffie
cnd of the "seven times" Jeho\'ah would send fOl'tlt
and did send forth his beloved Son to compel all opposers and all others to know that Jehovah is the
Most High, and that the rulership of the world has
been placed in the hands of the One who vindicate'!
Jehovah's name. This corroborativc proof fl11'th'r
shows that Jehovah's witnesses, in order to maintain
their integrity towards .Tehovah, must now amidst
much opposition and sufferin~ make known to tho
peoples that Jehovah is the 1\108t High und that the
time for his kingdom is here, and that the King has
come and is upon his throne. Jehovah now makes
known the meanin~ of his prophecies, including this
one, to the faithful remnant, his witnesses, and this
gives them a full assurance that they are on the side
of Jehovah God; and thus they have comfort and lil'O
strong in hope that they shall fully reali7.e all that
God has promised to those that love and servc him.
15 "The watchers," that is to say, Jehovah and his
Logos, commanded that the stump of the tree should
remain, and the manifest reason is for the vindication
of Jehovah's name. "And whereas they commandrd
to leave the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom shall
be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known
that the heavens do rule." (Vs.26) The original
stump pictured the human part of the org-anization,
of which Lucifer was made the overlord. It remains
under the restraint, pictUl'cd by the bands of copper
and iron, and in God's due time out from the roots of
that stump come some who reach out for the lifegidng waters of truth, take their stand on Jehovah's
side, and maintain their integrity toward Jehovah
God, and this constitutes a vindieation of .Jehovah's
name and a proof that Satan is a liar. This is in harmony with the deeree of Jehovah uttered at Eden
that 'the seed shall bruise thy head'. (nen. 3: 15)
The leaving of the stump was n guarantee that man
kind and his home on the earth would not be finally

D;mmARY 15, 1934


alie 'WATCHT0\VER.

but that Jehovah would create another

would guarantee to the obedient
ones of men a righteous government, under which they
might live forever. This verse twenty-six of the prophecy shows that the stump is directly related to ~he
kingdom of Christ and that the recovery of mankmd
must be by and through the redemptive blood of
Christ Jesus and his kingdom, ad.ministered beneficially for the obedient ones of the race.
18 "Thy kin~dom shall be sure unto thee" further
shows that Kebuchadnezzar pictured regal power,
sometimes in the hand of the ad.versary and sometimes
in the hand of God '8 Servant, and that at the appointed time such regal power would. come into and
I'emain in the hanJs of .Jehovah's anointed King,
Christ Jesus. The Devil shall never recover his overlonlship or be recovered from his insane total depravity, any more than the origin~l, tree trunk was
to be placed baek upon the old orlgmal stump, n?w
dead and decayed. 1'he new tree must grow up, whIch
is the organization under Christ. ".And thou, 0 tower
of the fl~ck, the stro!l~ holel of the daughter of Zion,
unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the
kin~dom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalcm."
(l\Iicah 4:8) 1'hat which is left in the roots of the
old stump pictured the InPn of tIl(' human race ':ho
have a desire for righteousness and who arc feehng
nfter God that they mi~ht find him. (Acts Ii: 27)
Such 111('11 of a righteous desire, like the roots of the
old stump, reach out for the life.givin~ wat~rs of
truth which comes froTH .JdlOvah through Christ Jesus. This is in harmony with the prophetic utterance
of Job: "There is hope of a tree, if it he cut down.
Though the root thercof wax old in the earth,
yet through the scent of water it will bud, alld
britw forth bou"hs like a plant." This is a further
corr~hol'ation th~t these obedient ones of mankind in
God's due time will be gathered into and form a part
of the new tree, bein~ brou~ht under the Ilead, Christ
Jesus, who is the Head and Uuler over all. (Eph.
1: 10) Now Satan, having lwen hurled from heaven,
together with his angels, lIas been forced to know .~he
truth that "the Heavens do rule"; and so all creatIOn
shall know that Jehovah and his Christ" do rule".
11 Nebuchadnczzar, the representative of Satan, was
given counsel by the prophet Daniel,. which con~sel
was iO'nored. Likewise counsel was given to LUCIfer
when iniquity first appeared in him: "Wherefore, 0
king, let my counsel be acceptable unto t~lCe" a~ld
break off thy sins by righteousness, and thme mlquities by shewing mercy to the poor; if it may be ~
lengthening of thy tranquillity." (Vs. 27) Had LUCIfer not persisted in his iniquitous sC~leme t~ cO,mm.crcialize mankind and oppress the people the nnl1JcatJOn
of Jehovah's name would not have been necessary.
Satan rcfused to profit by the counsel. Also his ,isible
representatives, tile rulers of earth, have received time
and again and have ignored the counsel of the :Host

overlo~dship which


Hiah and that particularly given at the rIose of the

W;rld War; therefore Armageddon shall see their

The prophetic dream was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar in miniature only. The major fulfilment
takes place on Satan and his organization, reaching
a climax "ith the reign of Christ and the fall of the
enemy organization. (Vs.28) Nebuebadnezzar had
twelve months to consider the prophetic dream and
to reform, but he failed to do so. Probably this shows
that Jehovah gave Lucifer some time to rC'form, but
Lucifer did not fear God, had no respect for him,
and "ave 110 heed to his ,\"ord. (Vs. 29) To himself
:t\ebll~ltadnczzar boasted that he had built great BahyIon by his own power and for his own majesty. (Vs.
30) Satan made the similar boast eoneerJlin~ the
world orl(anization, that it was his OWl!. (Ezek. 29: 3)
It appears that Nebuchaduezzar had destroyed Jerusalem 1)('fol'e this boastful statement was made. (.Je1'.
52: 12.29) Now self-conceited, haughty and proud he
boasted of his own greatlless, and "while the wonl
was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven , savin"
t:'l, 0 kin" ~ebuchad.n('zzar, to thec it is spoken 1'he kinO'dom is departed from thee'.-Vs. :n.
IO'Thc pro~d of heart arc abominablc ill the sight
of God. "};very one that is proud in Ill'm't is an
abomination to the Lord: t hou~h hand join in hand,
he shall not be unpunished. Pride ~oeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Prov.
16: 5, 18) When Nebuehadnezzar's heart was lifted
up and his mind harden('(l in }lridl" he was immedi;tely deposed. So declarcd Danid at the fall of
Babvlon: "But when his lll'art was lifted up, and his
minj harJened in pride, he was deposed from his
kingly throne, and they took his glory from hil~:
and he was driven from the sons of m('u; anel IllS
heart was made like the beasts, and his (hn'lliug was
with the wild asses: they fed him with grass like oxen,
and his body was wet with thc dew of heaven; till he
knew that tile most high GoJ ruled in the kiJJ1-!:dom of
men, and that he apIlointeth over it whomsocver he
will." (Dan. ;:;: 20, 21) The kingdom was takl'n from
Nebuchadnczzar, even as the right of oH'l'!ordship
departed from Lucifl'r at the time of his rebellioll,
and man was then and there moved out from under
the protection of the "higher powers" of .JdlO\'uhs
organization; and since only those of munkind. who
have maintained their integrity toward Jehovah have
had his favor.
20.:\iter Xebuchadnczzar had accornplishrd the destruction of Jerusalem there was not e\'l'll a typi('al
kintYJom of God on the earth. Satan becuJIlc the ~oJ
of tllO entire world, but could have no part in JellO~
vah's org-anization: "I will overturn, oHrtnrn, OV(1'turn it; and it shall he no more, until he ('f)lne whose
ri~'ht it is; nud I will give it him." (Ezek. 21:27)
The destruction of Jerusalem by Kebuchudw:aal' COll18



fJhe \0\TCHT0\\1ER.

stituted full grounds for Jehovah to overthrow the

kingdom of Babylon. "And I will render unto Babylon, and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea, all their
('\'il that they have done in Zion in your sight, saith
the Lord. And the land shall tremble and sorrow:
for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed
a~aillst Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant." (Jcr. 51: 24, 29) Satan destroyed typical Zion, and in God's due time he
wus hurled out of heaven, and soon shall be destroyed,
Loth he and all of his organization.
21 Jehovah has caused the ruling powers of the
world to be descrihed as beastly. (Hevc1ation 13) Nebllchadllezzar, in miniature fulfilnH'nt of the divine deCI're, "was driven from men, and did cat grass as
oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven,
till his hairs were gTown like ea~les' feather's, and his
nails like birus' claws." (Vss. 32,33) What a fall
fl'om his exalted position as king and ruler of the
world! I.Jucifer fell from his exalted position of ov('r101'uship of earth and became totally depraved. Likewise his official rcprrscntatin's on earth, who have
ruled mankind, have been at all times beastly in thl'ir
rulership. 1'he religious, commercial and politiC'al
combine that has ruled the world under Satan has
h('en and is ferocious, harsh, cruel and beastly. Till'se
have not eaten that which GO(] provides for those who
love him, but they have fed upon the provender which
Ratan and his earthly representatives have providcd.
'I'h('se' earthly reprcs{'ntative~, and particularly the
rcli~ious element thereof, although claiming to r{'preS{'nt God, arc fraudulently so claiming; but they
have had no part, and can have no part, in God's kingdom. They arc proud and cannot hear and und('rstand the words of the 1\[ost High. The religious organizations known as Catholic, under the leadership
of the pope, and the Protestant organizations undrr
the leadership of the clergy, have exercised pride
and mutual admiration of men and have ig-nored Ood's
'Voru and have maue thcmseh'es abominable in the
sight of God. They have fed, like the wild beasts,
upon the clements of Satan's world.
22 At the end of the seven symbolic times, to wit,
in 1914, the Gentile ruling- powers, and particularly
that part of it called" Christendom", were certainly
a beastly-looking lot, and they went forth and made
war upon each other like wild beasts, even as the
prophecy foretells. Since then these earthly representatives of Satan have been warneu concerning
God's purpose; but they refuse to give heed to that
divine counsel and all of them "walk on ill dark
ness ".-Ps. 82: 5.

23 For centuries mall has been in need of a righteous
overlordship or kingdom, but this need could not be


supplied until the end of Jehovah's fixed time, within

which fixed time Satan has been permitted to do all
within his power to prove his boast. In that time mankind has been ruled b)t Satan's invisible and visible
organization, pictured by the band of copper (mistranslated "brass") and iron about the stump. At
the end of the 'seven ~'ears' of humiliation Nebuchadnezzar appears in a different role. His reason
having returned, he now pictures regal power as exercised by Christ Jesus. "And at the end of the days
I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven,
and mille understanding returned unto me, and I
blessed the :\lost High; and I praised and honoured
him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an ever
lasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation
to generation." (\"s. 34) 'I'he time limit having been
reached, the tree stump must be released from the
band of copper and iron. The time had come for the
inaugurlltion of earth's l'ightful King as ruler, and
as sueh he is pictured by one acknowledging and ex
tolling' the name of Jehovah and dcclaring Him to
be the Supreme One, besides whom there is none. In
1914 that time limit ended, and Christ Jesus, the
King of righteollsness, WI1S installed upon his holy
24 The end of the Gentile times, and the coming of
earth's King, was the goreat event to which the faithful
followers of Chtist had looked forward. By the grace
of God these faithful ones are made Jehovah's wit
nesses. The human rulers of earth were then also
informed of the coming of Christ, his king-dom alld
his reign, but these el1l,thly rulers refused to give
heed to such information. The proelamation with
which the prophrcy of Dunid in the fourth chapter
opens was issued by the Lord Jesus Christ. 'fhe
prophet Daniel there pieture~ the faithful followel's
of Christ Jesus on earth in the service of tJchon~h,
and these on earth are the ones privileged to give
publication to this proclamation amongst the (wople.
At this point, therefore, Nebuchadnezzar giving' the
proclamation pictures regal power exercised by Christ,
the King of kings and Lord of lords, fillpd with knowl
edge and understanding and the spirit of Jehovah
25 When Christ Jesus was installed as King, in 1914,
he proceeded immediately to 'praise and honor Him
that liveth for ever', the Supreme One, the :\lost High,
the King of Eternity. Immediately Christ began the
work of vindicating his Father's name by ousting Satan and his hordes from heaven and casting them
down to the earth. In 1918 he came to the temple,
gathered unto himself his faithful followl'l's, 11IH1 committed to them his testimony and commanded them
to go forth and tell this grt\ut truth to the nations of
earth, and thus to participate in the praise and honor
of Jehoyah's name. This great privilege Jehovah's
witnesses have since enjoyed and do now enjoy.
26 The restoration of ::\ebuchadnezzar was a vindi

cation of Jehovah's word as announced by his servant
Daniel. Likewise at the close of the Gentile times the
enthronement of Christ Jesus was a vindication of
God's word as spoken by his holy prophets. Upon
the coming of Christ to tnc temple he made known
to his faithful followers the name of Jehovah and'its
meaning, and since then these faithful ones have appreciated the fact that their chief privilege and duty
is to make known the name of Jehovah in all the
earth and declare his works, and to continue to sing
forth his praises.-Isa. 12: 2-6.
IT Jehovah will now make knO\vn to all creation his
own supremacy and that he doeth at all times according to his own soverei~11 will. "And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he
doeth accordill~ to his will in the army of heaven,
nnd among the illhaLitants of the earth; and none can
stay his hand, or say unto him, What docst thou 1"
(Vs.35) The presellt-day earthly rulers consider
themselves to b<> very important and able to provido
for, feed and rule mankilld. They are arrogant and
wise in their own cOllceits. This proves that Nebuehadrwzzar when restored to his reason did not picture the earthly p1'c~nt-day rulers. 'l'hese self-constituted earthly rulers utterly igllore the Word of
nod and they are as nothing, as declared by his prophet. "Behold, the na.tions are as a drop of a bucktt,
und are counted as the small dust of the balance:
1Iehold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.
And Lebanon is not suffil'iellt to burn, nor the bea!>ts
thereof sufficient for a burnt offering. "-lsa. 40: 15, 16.
28 No creature can properly say to Jehovah, "What
coest thou T" because his power is supreme and absolute. Having purposed a thill~ he will do it regardless of all opposition, and he will accomplish his purpose in his own due time. It was his will that Satan
nnd all of his army should remain in heaven until
the end of the waiting period, when he would send
forth Christ Jesus to rule. (Job 1:6; Ps. 110:1,2)
It was God's will that the rebel army should then be
Ollst~ from heaven t and this was promptly done by
Christ Jesus. It is his will that Satan's organization
shall be blotted out of existence. It is Jehovah's will
to destroy all eal'thly ruling factors which now form
a part of Satan's organization, and in all these things
his will shall be done. He will spare only those Qf
good will and shield them in the time of the battle of
the great day of God Almi~hty. (Jer, 25: 31-36;
Matt. 25: 31-46) His will shall be done and .. none
can stay his hand". At the present day the earthly
ruling powers, acting wrongfully, try to interfere with
the giving of the testimony which Jehovah through
Clll'ist has commanded shall be given by his witnesses
on the earth, and by so doing these earthly rulers are
saying to Jehovah, "What doest thou 1" but they
shall certainly be brought low and learn that Jehovah
is supreme. Armageddon will demonstrate that the
power of this evil world is as nothing.


29 The rightful overlorehhip of earth came into the

hands of Christ in 1914, as the tkcree states. "At the
same time my reason returned unto me," said Nebuchadnezzar. This proves that Nebuchadnezzar did
not there picture the earthly rulers who at that time
went stark insane and who that insane
condition. "At the same time my reason returned
unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine
honour and brightness returned unto me; and my
counsellors and my lords sought WltO me; and I was
established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was
added unto me."-Vs, 36.
30 Nebuchadnezzar there represented regal power
exercised by Christ Jesus. Then was set up the royal
court of Christ Jesus. "And again, whcn he [Jehovah J bringeth in the firstlwgoHen into the world [in
1914], he [.Jehovah] saith, And let all the angels of
God worship him." (Heb. 1: 6) Then followed the
awakening or resurrection of the faithful followers of
Christ Jesus who had died and who must await God '8
due time to he resurrected. 'l'hcsc were awakened out
of death and gathered unto Christ and made a part
of his organization or royal courts. "And when he
had taken the book, the four beasts and four and
twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every
ono of them harps, and golden vials full of odours,
whieh are the prayers of saints. And they sung a
new song, baying, Thou art worthy to take the book,
and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain,
and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of
evcry kindred, and tongue, and people and nation;
and hast made us unto our God kings and priests:
and we shall reign on the earth." ".And the seventh
angel sounded; and there were gt'eat xoiees in ht'aven,
saying, The kingdoms of thi'i world are become tho
kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall
reign for ever and ever. "-Hev. 1): 8-10; 11: 15.

31 Christ Jesus is the righteous and rightful overlord of the earth. His is the capital organization of
Jehovah and is therefore the new cedar tree, to which
the people must look for hope. In h:lrmony with this
.Jehovah caused Ezekiel to write: "Thus saith the
Lord God, I will also take of the highest branch of the
high cedar, and will set it; I will crop oft' from the
top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant
it upon an high mountain and emincnt: in the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it; and it
!.hall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a
f~oodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of
every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof
shall they dwell. And all the trees of the field shall
know that I the Lord have brought down the high
lrcc j have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green
~ree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the
Lord have sJloken, and have done it. "-Ezek. 17: 22~.J: j see Vindication) Book One, page 232.


81le \V'ATCHT0\V'ER



at The bands of coppcr and iron being removcd

valt's Yindieator, and now he commands that the mesfrom the old stump, no more shall the human raeE' be s,1ge shall be declared, that "in his name shall the
ruled by wicked spirit and Cl'uel human enutUl"t'S. nations hope".
14 'I'he prophecy of Daniel, chapter four, concludps
Tho new cedar tree, the ri!:!hteous overlonhhip and
government with Christ as Head, King and Savior, is with the words: "Now I Nehuchadnezzar praise and
made available for all of the human race who will be extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works
obedient to nod. The (Jne who wa:.; lowly IHl/} I:e:;pi:-','d are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that
of men and by wi eked an~e1s is now exaltE'd to the wnlk in pride he is able to abase." (\rs.37) Now.lehighest place, and thus Jehovah creatps a new trl.'e; hovah's witnesses as heirs of the kill~dom do also
and cnthronin~ his Son as King and Overlord of man "praise and extol and honour the King of heaven"
and delight to b'~ar his
he has thus set up him who
was "the basest of men"
truths to the people. His
in the eF's of others of
truth and jUll~'lnents arc
creation. This new trl.'C is
now being made known in
far more excellent than
the earth and must continue to bc madc known
the ori~inal trcc. It is the
planting of Jehovah God
until all shall know that
Jehovah is the Most High
and for cver continues
over all the earth and that
righteous. It mnkes ample
provision for all the obcall those like ~atan, who
continuc to walk on in
dient ont's Iwd "in it lis]
pride, .Jehovah is ahle to
meat for all". LllUcr iis
and will completely abase
ri~htcom; shadow alt <'rcaand dmitroy.
tion that is olwdient to
Jchovah shall find sheltcr
3; .Jehoyah lls(:sthcthillgS
and rest unlI shall f(\tl
of the crcat ion of f'arth to
upon its lifc.~ivin~ fl'uits.
teach impol'tant !I'S<;O!l'l to
those who have an hOlH"t
U 'I'he people of ~ootl
dl'sire to karn the truth.
will now on earth, alHi
Now he makes known that
otherwise dcsi~nated the
pride and thp love of sl'! fJonadab ('lass, are picgain led Lw'ifer to reJll'l.
tur<'d in the tender roots
lion and to hi"! destru(tioll.
in the old stump which
As we ohserve the Ill'W
.. through the sceut of
c('dar tree raised up by
water" rcueh out n fter
Jehovah in the place of
God and luy hold upon
that one t hn t goes illto
the predou!'! trut hs of his
complete d('<;truetion ht
"~orl1 and n'nuer themus give thallks unto .Jesel VI'S in obedicnce to his
hovah God that he has
righteous organizat ion Ullmade
provision for the redel' Christ; and, doing so,
This etehin~ is from un actual !,hotl,graph tak/'n on tho
they shall livc. Into this bank of a Canadian bl.e. It shows n ,l"n,l /~ed:\r stump, and II t'stdblishing of an organi~'oun~ tree growing out of the routs that h:n'c reu.. heu uuwn
zation that witi he true
new tree are first brou'.!ht ncar
tho water's olIgo. It illustrates the articles foregoing.
and faithful to him for
the faithful uody members
of Christ who arc blesscd with the privilege of bdll~ ever and which will hriHg endless blessings to
made a part of the trce or oq:~anization that shall obedient ones of his creation. The great tree of
administer blessin~s to the obedient ones of mankind. the earth, which Nehuchadnezzar saw, pictured SaUnder the organization, and as servants tlll'rl'to, comes tan '8 organization which now shortly shall P:1SS
the "great multitude" class. The faithful prophets of away. The new great tree of hope is the organization
old were pictured by the tender roots left in the oltl under Christ .ksus into which obedient mall shall he
stump, and beeausc of their faithfulness they will brou~ht and find life evel'lasting. The lIame of Christ
form a part of the new tree; and into that organization Jesus is the hope of the world, and there is no other
shall be gathered all those of good will who will give name in whieh men can hope. Let all those who han~
themselvcs wholly to Jehovah God and his ri~hh;.oUS responded to the call for the kingdom give thanks and
government. The new tree is truly a trce of hope. rejoice that they are now favored with the gt(at opThat tree bears the name that Jehoyah giws; it portunity of knowing Jehovah and hayill~ the [lri\'is ,Jehovah's organization. Ill' has put his holy name i1e~e of bcing his witnesses and thus have some part
upon Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of man and Jeho- in the vindication of his name. All such will continue,


15, 1934

1i1ie. WATCHT0\VER.


under the leadership of Christ Jesus and amidst great "I 13. The decree declared in verse 23 applies to whom' With
scriptures, account for this tree's being so long permitfell
opposition, to bear the message concerning Jehovah,
to stand.
his King and kingdom to the people of the earth. Hap. ,. 14. Since K ebuchatlnezzar recognized Daniel's God as "a
God of go,ls, and a Lord of kings", why was he now to
py is the lot of Jehovah's witnesses who are now privbe flealt with as described in verses 2 f, 25 f Point out the
ileged to declare his works, sin~ his praises and have
application of the prophetie interpretation anll decree here
a part in the vindication of his holy name.
'I 15, 16. What is clearly the application of the prophetic state'






1. What provision has Jehovah made for the vindication of
his name'
2. What was here prophetically pictured by the tree that
was hewn down nnll destroyed' By leaving the stump
in the ground' By the new tree'
3-5. Show that Daniel 4: 10 has been fulfilled.
6,7. How docs verse 17 emphasize the supreme purpose of
Jehovah' In view of the statement set fortlt in this
verse, Recount for Satan's so long exercising overlordship
of man.
8,9. With corroborative scriptures, make clear the identity
of the "lowest of men", here mentioned, and how tile
:Most High gives to him "tho kingdom of men". Also
show how tho Scriptures' reveal the rule go\-erning true
exaltation of Jehovah's creatures.
10,11. Why was it iIliportllnt that Daniel be able to interpret this dream' Account for Daniel's being astonished
and troublell con("erning the llream. \\That, in Daniel's
words to Nehuchaclnezzur, was evidence of divine guidance' Apply Daniel's wortls of verse 19.
12. Apply the words of Daniel (verse 22) which he used
to make known the ill entity of the cctree" Rml to interpret the descrirltion thereof. Just what was pictured by
this tree'

ment of verse 26'

'I 17-22. Explain whether Nebuehadnezzar could have profited

by tIle counsel (verse 27) offered to him by Daniel. In
stead, what did he do, anll with what resultf How does
this apply to those whom Nebuchadnezzar there represented
-'" . or pictured'
, 2326. What was pictured by the band of iron and copper
about the stumpf How and when does the prophecy of
verse 34 have fulfilment ~ Referring to Daniel 4: 1: Who
is here 8peakin~, and when, and howf
~ 27, ~8. When anll how will Jehovah bring about recognition
of his supremacy ns expressed in verse 3;:; 1
, 29,30, Describe fulfilment of verse 3u, quoting other prophecies fin(ling fulfilment in the same events.
"or 31.32. I,Jentify the new 'cedar tree'. What is said in
Ezekiel's prophecy concerning this "glJodly cedar'" How
is the creation of the new tree Il':complished, and what
does it mean for the obc<1ient ones of the human rat'e'
'If 33. When and how will the obedient of mankind be brought
into the new treef
~ 34. How has verse 37 already found a measure of fulfilment'
1f 35. Point out the important lessons which, in this prophety,
Jehovah presents to those honestly desiring to know tho
truth. How will thosll responll who are fa\'orell with knowl
edge of Jehovah and his purposes uncI with the privilego
of having some part in the vintlicatiou of his namel


OR a long time there has been a general tendency

to think and !!peak of the writings of the Old
'l'estament, or Hebrew Scriptures, as being not
worthy of con!!ideration by people living today. The
clergy have impressed upon many the thought that
the Old Testament writings belong entirely to the
Now, however, in the light of Jehovah's ancient
prophecies that are being fulfilled before our eye~, the
records of God's dealings with his chosen people of
old become very significant.
Did not the covenant made by God with the Jews
promise them life if they would keep it? It did. "Ye
shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments;
whieh if a man do, he shall live in them." (Lev. 18: 5)
"For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of
the law, That the man which doeth those things shall
live by them. "-Rom. 10: 5.
lIad the Jews kept the law of God perfectly, would
they have been granted everlasting life 1 Certainly;
because God had so promised, and he always keeps
his promises. (Isa. 46: 11) If there was any doubt
in any mind, the words of Jesus make the matter
cl{lar. "And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and
tempted him, saying', Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life 1 He said unto him, What is written
in the law 1 how teadest thou 1 And he answering
said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy

h"art, and with all thy soul, und with all thy sfr('ngth,
and with all thy mind; and thy nei~hh(lur as thyself.
And he saH unto him, Thou hast answered right:
t~is do, and thou shalt live. "-Luke 10: 23-28.
When Jesus came, did he kcep the law perfectly?
lIe did; and that prov('s that the law could be kept
by a perfect man and that no one else could keep it.
As Paul !!tates, he who would keep the law would 1}{~
righteous, and every righteous creature is entitled to
life. Therefore, had the Jews kept the law it would
have proved their righteousness, whieh would ent it Ie
them to life. The reason the Jews could not keep the
law was because of imperfection, the result of sin.
Sin entered the world by reason of Adam's disobetlience; and all, including the Jews, were born sinners.
(Rom. 5: 12) No sinner has the right to life. (Hom.
6: 23) The law therefore proved to the Jews and to
all men that if the human family is ever to receive
the blessing of life, as promised by the Abrphamic
covenant, something must be done to remove the sin
or make atonement for sin. The basis for reconcilia
Lion must first be laid by the perfect sl}('l'ifice.
God, foreknowing the scheme of the Devil to brin~
forth amongst men a crop of evolutionists who would
deelare that men do not need a Redeemer, demonstrat
ed the falsity and foolishness of that position by the
operation of the law covenant. No man can ewl' be
heard to truthfully say: "If I had au opportunit:,



I could make m)'sclf perfect and live." The operation

of the law covenant is ausolute proof that the theory
of evolution is from the Devil, and that those who
advocate it are the instruments of the evil one, wheth
er they know it or not. The so-called "conscientious"
preachers will never be permitted to hide behind a
conscience which has been trained contral')" to God'8
Word of truth.
Paul declares that the law foreshadowed good things
to come. (Heb. 10: 1) While the law covenant was
made primarily because of the trans~ression, God
employed it also to make shadows or pictures of his
purpose for the reconciliation of mrrn to himself. 'rhe
apostle 111l'ther stales: "Then verily the first covcnant
had also ordinances [ceremonies] of divine service,
and a worldly (orderly arranged} sanctuary." (Heb.
9: 1) What were these ceremonies and orderly arrangements of divine scrviee'/ At the time of making
the covenant in Egypt a lamb without blemish, a
male of the flock, was slain and its blood sprinkled
upon the doorposts, which served as a means of salvation to the Jews on the passover night. That lamb
was eaten, to~ether with unleavened bread. (.Ex. 12: 8)
rrhat ceremony must he repeated or perfot'lued once
each ~'car therl~aftcr on the fourteenth day of Nisan.
The lamb rl'prcsented the sacrifice of Jesus, the
beloved Son of (lod, who would redl'cm all mankind
fl'Om sin. He was "the I.Jurnh slain from the foundation of the world". (Hev. IJ: 8) "As of a lamh without blemish and without spot." (l Pet. 1: 19) By this
ceremony the rallsom sacrifice was foreshadowed. God
made promise that he would ran"om man from death
and the grave. (lIos. 13: l-l) rrhis ceremony would
teach the Jews and others thereafter that the I.Jamb
of God would take away the sin of the world, and
it was so announced by John at the beginning of the
ministry of Jcsus.-John 1: 29.
After the confirmation of the covenant at Sinai,
Moses, under God's instrnction, erected the tahernacle.
In the holy place thercof God showed his presence
by the cloud and the li~ht. (Ex. 40: 34) Once each
year there was a special divine service in connection
with the tabernacle. On a day ccrtain a bull and guat
were slain and the blood thereof carried by a priest
into the l'[ost Holy and sprinkled upon the merp.y
scat to make atonement. (Lev. 16; IIeb. 9: 6-8) That
tabernacle scrvice foreshadowed something better to
come and showed that the sacrifice of the reality would
nwke atonement for the sin of man and make it possible for man to be reconciled to God as he had promised. The sacrifice of these animals "'as done by a
priest, for which the law made pro ,'ision. These ceremonies were to teach lessons to the .Jews and others
thereafter. The sacrifice of the paschal lamb referred
to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and pictured the
ransom; and the sacrifice of bulls and goats and the
sprinklin~ of the blood in the :Most Holy represented
the offering of the blood of Christ Jesus in hea.en


N. Y.

itself as a sin-offering for man. Furthermore, they

taught that Christ, as the great High Priest appointed
by Jehovah, would offer the sacrifice and make atonement for sin.-Heb. 9: 10-14, 24.
The law covenant therefore shows absolutely the
necessity for the great ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ
and for a sin-ofeering to be made by him first in behalf of the memhers of the "seed" and then in behalf
of mankind in general. Also, that covenant foreshadowed a new and better covenant thereafter to be
made; and the ceremonies in connection therewith
bore testimony to the fact that there ,vonld be a long
period of time elapsing between the makin~ of that
new covenant and the time of its confirmation or
Suppose the Jews had pnt forth their hcst efforts
to keep the law covenant, would any special benefit
have r('Slllted to them 7 Yes. They would have shown
their faith and confidence in God and in his prombws,
and their allegi:.mce to him rather than to the Devil.
The Jewish cll'rgy who were leaders of Israel did not
try to keep the spirit of the law covenant. 'J'hey kept
it in fot'm, with their moulhs, and outward show,
while their heat'ts were fur removed from Jehovah.
(Isa. 29: 13) They were frauds and hypocrites, making an outward show for a selfish reason. (:\1att. 2:3:
13-3:: They claimed to be children of Abraham; hut
Jesus told them plainly they were liars and childrl'll
of the Devil because they would do Satan '8 will awl
not the will of Uod. (.John 8: 39-4-1) 'J'he fact that
they were sons of the De\'il shows that they hac1 no
faith in the law co\'enant and were not trying to keep
it. Their exact counterpart is found today in the
so-called "Christian clergy" who 'havill~ a form of
godliness, deny the power thereof'; and from su<,h
the people are warned to "turn away".-2 Tim. 3: fi.
But some of the Jews did try to keep the law eovcnant, They had faith in God, and they did their'lwst
to ohey him. When Jesus came he found some of tlll'sC
who were looking for the coming of the ~1essiah, and
they accepted him. The leaders, looking to the letter
of the law, expected the coming of the :\1essiah; but
they were'looking for hiPl entirely from a selfish
motive. They practiced fr:md and deceit. When" Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, [Jesus] saith of
hiro, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!"
(John 1: 47) Nathanael then and there accepted him
as the Son of God and the King of Israel. "Nathanael
answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the
Son of Gou ; thou art the King ofIsracl." (.J ohn 1: 4!.l)
He had no deeeit or 8ubt('rfuge ahout him, such as
did the Pharisees. Nathanael and other honest Je\,;s
kept the spirit of the law because of their faith in
God and in the promised "seed", They were pkasing
to God and accepted by him, not because of the law
which they attempted to keep perfectly, but by rl'ason
of faith in Christ. Upon this point Paul says: "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of th.::

FEBRUART 15, 1934

1iffie WATCHT0\vER

law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have

believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified
by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the
law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be
justified." (Gal. 2: 16) Those who did have faith in
God and in his promises, and who tried to keep the
law, to them the law served as a schoolmaster to lead
them and safe~uard them unto the comin.~ of Christ..
(Gal. 3: 24) They were therefore a people greatly
favored of God.
The law covenant had a mediator. And why 1 Because the people of Israel were not competent to enter
into a covenant with God. They were sinners by reason of inheritance from Adam's sin. ::\[08es was appointed the mediator between God and Israel in the
covenant. (Gal. 3: 19) Was not ~Ioses also born a
sinner; and, if so, how could he be a mediator Y lUoses
was born a sinner; but by reason of his faith in God
and obedience to his commands, thereby proving his
faith, he was justified by faith and therefore accepted
by Jehovah as n competent one to enter into a covenant
as mediator for Israel. (Heb. 11: 23-28; Ex. 3: 5)
Concerning l\I08es .Jehovah said: "l\Iy servant Moses
. . . is faithful in all mine house." (Num. 12: 7,8)
"Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which


I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with

the statutes and juugmcnts." pIal. 4: 4) "This Ploses] is he that was in the church in the wilderness
with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina,
.. who received the lively oracles to give unto us."
-Acts 7: 38.
)[08es a::> mediator of the law covenant foreshadowed
Christ the 'Mediator of the new and better covenant.
"For the law was given by :Moses, but grace and truth
came by Jesus Christ."-John 1: 17.
At the slaying of the passover lamb Moses represented Jesus alone and exclusive of his body members,
the church. In the new eownant Jesus alone was and
is all-sufficient for the office of Mediator, to which
he was appointed at the slaying of the antitypical
Lamb. It would not he necessary for him to wait until
the establishment of the kingdom to make the new
covenant. At. l\Iount Sinai, when the law CO\'enant
was confirmed, ~[oses pictured Christ .Jcsus inaugurating the new covenant at 1\Iount Zion. 'l'here the blood
of bulls and goats was sprinkled both upon the hook
of the law and upon the people. 'fhe blood of the
bullock pictures Christ .Jesus, whereas the hlood of the
goats pictures the church sharing with Jesus as "able
ministers" of the new covenant.


ET Uf4 turn from the anxieties and turmoil of

the moment back over the course of more than
nineteen centuries to one of the tenderest and
sweetest scenes of human history.
Jesus' birth, then the greatest event in the world's
history, was about to he enacted. Two thousand years
had passed since God had made the promise to the
patriarch Abrahum of the roming of the mighty One
throu~h whom all the families of the earth should be
blessed. During that time Jehovah was executing his
preconceived purpo,>e, renewing his promise to the
patriarchs Isaac and Jacob and their offspring to
keep it fresh in t!lC minds of the faithful, and shaping
the course of those who should participate in this
great transaction. And now, as the day drew near,
the stage was being set.
The place selected was Bethlehem, situated on an
elevation south of Jerusalem. It was once the home
of King David's g-rcat-grandfather Boaz, whose fielu.s
the bcautifull\Ioabitish woman Ruth had gleaned and
whom Boaz redeemed and afterward took as his wife.
Here Jehovah had used Boaz as a type or prophetic
picture of Christ Jesus, and Ruth as a type of the
remnant of today, thus foreshadowing things to come.
Later Bethlehem was the home of Jesse and of David
his son. The name David implies "beloved one" j
and it was here in this little city that he was anointed
to be king over Israel, from the time of which event he

typified Jesus, the mil;rhty Son of God. Jehovah had

selected this as the birthplace of Jesus; hence hete
the birth must take place. ~[uny hundreds of years
before Jehovah's prophet had given utterance to these
words: "But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, though thou
be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of
thee shill! h~ come forth unto me that is to be ruler
in Israel; whose p;oings forth have been from of old,
from ewrlasting. "
Away to the north in Galilee stood the humble alld
despised city of ~azareth. It was the home of Joseph
the carpenter, a meek, littleknown, yd honest mUll.
He was espoused to lUary. ,,'e should expect that
Jehovah would time everything exactly; and so he
did. .Authority over the land of Palest ine had departed from the tribe of Judah; the Romans were in ~on
trot of Pale<;tine, and the time for the birth of tile
mighty One was due. Exercising his perf<:'ct wisdom
and power, Jehovalt was overruling all things to the
accomplishment of his p1ll'pose. Augustus C~"nr, then
the emperor and ruler over all l"alestiue, issUI'd a
decree that all the people should be taxed. En:ryolle
must go to the city of his nativity, there to be llllm
bered and taxed. Joseph the carpenter, although a
resident of Xazareth, was of the house of David, and
hence must go to the city of David to be numhered
and taxed. NaturaIl~r his espoused virgin would accompany him to that city. She likewise was of the



house of through another line than that of her

husband Joseph, which was another reason why she
should go there. But above all, the Lord directed thrm
there because it wus a part of his arrangement.
At that time there were no means of easy and rapid
transit. It was a long journey, a tedious and tiresome
one. Joseph, with his espoused seated upon an ass,
journeyed through the hills along the Jordan probably for three days, and late in the evening reached
the city of Bethlehem. The city was crowded, the
private homes were full; there was no room for
them in the inn. (Luke 2: 7) Tired, worn, and
weary from their long journey, they were jostled by
the crowd in the narrow streets of the city. Applying
at various places for lodging, at each place they were
turned away; until finally they found a location
where they could sleep in a stall with the cattle. And
they retired for the night's repose.
Over the brow of the hill, in the field once owned
by Boaz and gleaned by the beautiful Ruth, the faithful shepherd~ were watching their sheep. According
to custom, they had four watches during the night.
Some would watch while the others slept. The earthly
stage was now set. But behold that there was no great
earthly splendor or show! In truth, the condition of
poverty of .Joseph and his espoused, and the like poor
condition of the shepherds who were now shortly to
he usrd of the TJord, was the only fitting way that we
should expect the Lord would have it. All the pomp
and glory of earthly preparation would have been
but tawdry tinsel, detracting from the glorious things
that werc shortly to follow. Bach one of the earthly
players whom Jehovah had assigned to perform a part
upon this stage was humble, meek, and possessed of
faith in thc promises of God. In heaven there was
a host of angels that should participate in the great
drama; and all the hosts of heavcn were witnesses to
this unparalleled and never-again-to-be-performed
On earth it was night, picturing the fact that the
whole world was lying in darkness and a great light
was coming into the earth. The time had now arrh'ed
for the birth of the mighty One, and all the heavlJly
hosts were awake to the importance of the hour.
Doubtless while others slept, Mary was pondcrin~ in
her heart the great events that had taken place during the few months past; and while she thus meditated there in the silence of that night, without pain
and without suffering there was born to her Jesus,
the Savior of the world. And the shepherds watching
their sheep in the field were attracted by the angel of
the Lord, who came upon them, "and the glory of
the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore
afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for,
behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which
shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day,
in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the
Lord. "-Luke 2: 9-11.
W"hen this heavenly messenger had finished his


wonderful speech to the astonished shepherds, then

it was, as if waiting a given signal, the multitudinous
heavenly host stood forth, and sang the good tidin~s
of great joy which ultimately shall be to all people.
Their song was but the reflex of what had bcen announccd. There the sweet singers told in words of
praise of God's beneficent purpose ultimately to blcilS
all the families of the earth. It was a song of glory
from heaven, and the hills of Judea echoed the mrssage of peace and good will toward men. And throughout the Christian era this sweet anthem has filled with
joy the heart of many a sad wanderer; and seemingly again and again these have heard the song from
heaven: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
peace, good will toward men."
The world is now entering its darkest period, and
when mankind reaches the point of extremity, thm
will be God's opportunity to reveal to aU sad hearts
that the birth of Jesus was the greatest event in history to that timc; and that shortly this same ~r('at
Jesus, now in glory, will extend the blessings of life,
liberty and happiness to the whole groanin~ creation.
The place of Jesus' birth was truly according to
and in fulfilment of the aforequoted prophecy of
Micah, thus showing that God had foreordained and
prepared the condition for his Son's birth. (l\lalt.
2: 4-6) Jesus was not born on December twenty-fifth,
as is generally supposed; but his birth occurred ahout
the first of October. l\lidwinter (or the month of December) would have been a very inopportune time
for the shepherds to be watching their sheep in the
fields and sleeping in the open. In addition to this
circumstantial evidence, all the facts show that the
birth of Jesus was in October, and that December
twenty-fifth, nine months previous to his birth, was
probably the date of the annunciation as re('orded in
Luke's gospel, ehapter one, verses thirty and thirtyone, where it is written: "And the angel said unto
her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with
God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus."
l\Iueh has been said and written eow'l'l'ning thrl'e
wise men who journeyed from the east to pay their
homage to the babe Jesus, born in Bethlehem. Particularly at .. Christmas" time is attention called to
this by pictures on cards, and so forth, of the" wise"
men journeying to the west, supposedly being guided
by the star sent by Jehovah. It has been presumt'd
that Jehovah by the star led these wise men to the
place of Jesus' birth. The Bible proof shows, however, that these wise men were not sent by the fjord
God, but that they were directed by the great ad\"(~r
sary, the Devil, in his attempt to destroy the babe.
Whether they knew it or not, these wise men ,wrc
parties to a great conspiracy, originated and carril'd
out by the master mind, Satan, the Devil, in his at
tempt to destroy the seed promised in Gall's covenant
with Abraham, and who is the great Savior of the


FEBRUARY 15, 1934

When Jehovah drove Adam and Eve from Eden he

likewise pronounced a condemnation upon Satan. ITe
said concerning Satan and concerning the woman who
symbolizes God's universal organization: "I will put
enmity between . . . thy seed and her seed; it shall
bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. " (Gen.
3: 15) From that time forward Satan the great adVC1'Sai'V has attempted to destroy everyone whom
God h~s favored and who Satan thought might eonstitute the seed of promise.
Jehovah has given to Satan four separate and distinct names, all of which have a deep significance.
Besides the name Satan he is designated as the Dragon,
that old Serpent, antI the Devil. The name Dragon
means deL'ow'er or destroyer; and Satan has at all
times bel'n seeking to deHtroy or devour Jesus and
his true followers, who constitute the seed of promise.


His name Satan indicates adversary; and he has opposed in every way the development of the new crea-

tion, consisting of Jesus and his bride, the church.

His name Serpent means deceit'er; and he has applied
all his wily methods to deceive, and, as Jesus has declared, he would deceive, if possible, the very elect,
but God will not permit him thus to do. !lis title
Devil means slanderer; and he has constantly carried
on a campaign of slanderous propaganda against the
people of God even Unto this day, and has never lost
an opportunity to try in his various ways to destroy
Indisputable proof from the Scriptures shows
that Jesus' enemy the Devil guided the socalled "wise men" in his plot to wreak destruction
on the holy child.



:D.\It RI:ETlIlU:N:

In the midtlle of Ot!tobcr, when I 8tarted for Parry island

frolll HOllty Haruor, Unt., on the Geoq~ian bay, uy uoat, \VII
ran int.. hall weather and crawled along the shore for nearly
two wecks before gettin~ there. I bad lily own house on the
illlanu, but my BOn, llg'e ~2, sing'le, lives in it. It wasn't long
before 1 lmew he was workllll-: a~aillst /IItl and the Lord 'II
work. I '~an neither read nor write, lJut speak I mlio.n, l'reneh
and Eng'lish. My hushnnd has till! trutb also, and he can read,
and that helpll me alollg', I,ut I kt\fJW the Lord makes e\'erything
clear to me 80 1 can explain the bouks by the name.
r walke.! for milt!s to rl'ach the outlying districts, anll took
my hoat wlll're I coull!n't walk. 1I:J.u some goot! experien"cs
and fount.! IlUllle intercsted. The Pcntecostuld arc holJing meetings on the islanl! aIHl ~o from bouse to house euch evening.
&me n"ighuurs brought tim l'rca~h"r to see me, hut he diun't
know t1um that I was ",orkll\~ on the island too. So I told
biOI, lIuli he llui,] I hall no Lackin/{ and that he was backed
by the (::o\"pmnu'nt. Ho 1 s:\i.l, "Yes, Satan's government, ani}
he was their I;'),! un<1 will soon be tlestroyeu.' IIe was very
llnl:ry an'l left. Huon a fler tr,is I hau a summons charg-ing UIC
whll splling- houks tlI1l1 CllUllinl{ misl'1lief on the rcserve and
also for hu!tlin~ m('ctinc:s in Illy horne and trying to get the
peopl" uway from the churches.
I had to go to the ('<lurt in Parry 80un<1, so 1 took a few
books with nle to show them that I was doin~ the Lord's work.
The cruwn attorney knows me j eo he saill, "Hello, Julia, what
have you been 110ing1" So I told him, and I know the Lord
wus with me. The judge n.~keu me if I was going arounu with
these books during the week, and I toll] him I was, anJ on
SWlllayS too, an.l 1 don't care what they do to me, that I
woulcl k~p on with it as the Lord cOllllllanlls. So the judgll, "This woman has done nothin~ that is wrong. You are
discharged. I I 13ef0re I left 1 g-J.YC them a good witness j ao
they laughell, anll suill nothing- will come out of it.
After I went back to the island lilY house was filled with
people every night while I stayed. I got some of them to re:ld
and ask questions. My son hit me twice because he didn't
like it. I place,] 8 bound books null 30 booklets and found
there two Christian brothers who are sincere. Some of the
homes had the books, us the pioneers had bcen there sometime.
'Ihe demons are "ery husy among the Indi'lns with lhe
"n,cllicine man" trick. 'fhe sec.rd ill kuown to all, aucl there
arc many lIeaths through it. It's a piece of root that IS eaten
when they want re\'cnge on oue ancl the other, anll tiley go
through a ceremony, and there is no satisfaction until the
victim is dead. Lately there hu\"e been as high as fi\c lleaths
within a week through it. They sure neecl the Lord's kilIgdorn.
Thanking the Lord for this pri\"ilege of taking the llle~5age
to Parry island,
A Kingdom worker,




DEAlt BnOTlIIm l~l:'l'Ut;I:JiOl:D:
.May I thank you for your \\onderful helps in stul!ying the
BIble! About ten years ago one of the Bible stUUl'uts came
to see us. anu I chased lum off the porch with a broom. I
sure am Borry for that. Now I lim out uoing witness work
for J eho\'l\h.
My husband John and I WNc married twehe years ag-<J.
I mIS a Lutheran j he was brought lip a McnnoJlit". Wheu
we marrieu he starteu to go \\ ith me to) churl:h. About fOllr
or five years ago \\'e startell to wonder why th<'re were so
mnny different churches. Then later we wonller"d \\h\' Jesus
bad to go to ht'li for three <.lays, \VI) thou:::ht, tlll:n what
chance had lJ, poor sinner likll u81 All these yeal':! a few
things (like that anll some Illore) madll us wHllller if our
church wus teaching us the truth. We were half sick ahout it.
Finally, about eight mont4s a~<J, 'Ie happened to tune in ou
the Sunday forum. llJU know what we heard. Wil could har,lIy
wait for each ::;lInday to ::ome around. 'Vtt used to say to each
other, "If we could only understanu tho BiLle like thtl"
Then, about fh'c months n~o, we praycu specially for the
Loru to gui<.lc \13 to the rIght road and, if nCl'cssary, to ~lHl
Ull a push on to it. We felt that the rond was thl'Tll If we only
coul<l tinll it. Well, the nl'xt moruin;( one of .T.ho\,:lh:! witnesses came to the door with a bookl,!t, jUllt what we \\antcel.
\Ve sent for a set of books, and rcatl olle (The Harp of Goll).
We saw the truth right away.
We hunted up the (~OmptU1Y here in C-- and start!;.l out
in the witnl'stl work right away. We did not waut auythiQ~ to
do with the Dc\il's \\orld, so we cashelT in all our insurance
aUlI used the money to pay up all our bills, nn<l put o.\\ay just
enough to hury us. We had jUllt enough left to lJuy our,c1vcs
a j,(ootl Bible.
We finished up all our worldly thin~s and cut the last string
with BatlIn'8 organization on Thursehy, October 19, 19:::;. On
Frida)-, October :!O, 1933, my hushane] callie home si,'k, !lnd
died of pneumonia on the :.!7th of Odober, 10::::. \\'0 wcre
out in the sen'ice two timell to~ether b..fore he .lipe\. :::-iow I
must go aheud by myself with Uod'l! help. If I ,Ii,l not havc
the comfort of knowing the truth I don't know what 1 \\'oul,l
do. I love him and miss him, but 1 know the time is short
till we shall meet a:::ain, never to part any more, 11l1<! to \\'01 k
t()~ether a~ain to the honor aull J.:lory of Jehovah'~ 1l:.l111e.
The lllSt thing DIy husband John "poke of before he elicel was the
"highway" and that he would be made new agalll. "Goll
bless you and belp )'ou."
I thank you fro III the bottom of my heart for your 1'00,1ness in writing' those books for us to understand thc Bible.
I aln doinlt all I can to help otl,ers gain the knowlc,lge my
h\Ulbanll and I did. We have a little girl, six )"pars old, who
is learning ail about Jehomh God nnd Christ Jesus. I remain
Your sister in Jehovah,
:M1~s. - - - ll--, Ohio.





anrl HELI'EI:S:
- Having read, and received so much bent'fit from the different articles in The TVatchtolCer for the 1,lst severa! months, I
sometimes wonder what could there be of real interest in the
next issue of The JV atchtol/:er. It appears that the Lord .has
an inexhaustible supply of "meat in due season".
I have serve,! as an "elective clller" for many )ear8. But
all the while I realizeu the fad that the company could not
make an elder of me by the election, nnu I told them so twenty
years ago. There were sOllie \I 1'0 did not agree with me, but
i saw that it was the truth, and 80 I stuck to it. I also saw
that the "elective eiller" system \las Ii r;ap.through whieh
Satan could continue to do sOllie of his nasty work, and for II.
long time I was somewhat grieved over it; but now I am no
longer grieved.
I am among those who went into the "vineyard" at "the
first hour" an,l have horne sOllie of the" /-i'}ht burden" of thl'
Lord during the hwt of the day. (I was Ulllon/.! those l\ho
suffered in prison in IIl18.) But not only am 1 willing to see
those who have laboreu only olle hour be paid first, and get
as much us I ~et, Lut it really pleases me tu see the Master
of the vine,}'ard do us He ]lleuses with IIis own. I agreed to
work for" a penny", llntI that is all that I could_ expeet to
recehe willm the e\-ening llwl pay huur arrin'u. I aru so well
satisfied with 1he wag'llS 1 have received, until I. urn really anx
ious to work on during the future days to come.
As suggested in 1'''e Wotclitou'er, it is lJ. real joy to me to
realize that I have hel'n used of the Lurd, to sume little extent, in helping tIl bring' others to a unity of the faith, and
common union in the hody of Christ. If lJ.llything, I have been
overpaid. I am pour in this world's g'oo"s, but I would not
swap my "spiritual penny" for millions of dollal's of this
world's nwnpy.
With lauch love to yO\! and to nil of Jehovah's witnesses,
ALEXAXDER Ev Al'S, SR., l.ouisiaM.

N. Y.



It seelns as if we must (!xpr(!ss our thanks to you for send

in.... us the tcstirnonv for the new book Preparation. We don't

wi~1t to take up much of your time, but we both have rejoiced

greatly because of the pri\'i1e~e of "bearing the fruits" con

tained in Pn']laration to the people.
The past week has brought one thrill after another as we
ha"e SCl'n Wilh \\ hat eagerness the people rec<,i\'ccl this hook.
Reali.ling that the Lord is putting the words in the mouth of
his witnesse~, th~t accounts for our stock of h'JI,ks being' exlmustell in the tirst six llays of Jehovah'8 witnesses' Praise
Pel io.], although we ordered plenty to last more than the
nine day period, based on reports of previous testimony periods.
_ This letter is also to assure you of our continuel! cooperation in sprea,ling the kingdom message.
ELLA L. }JLU:'UIJ:;R A::-;D CARRIE 1\1. ANDERSO~, Pioneers.

The Newark (N.J.) eompany of Jehovah's witnessi"s declare

thenl8(lve8 whQIl.v on the side of Jehovah, the Lord of IIostH, an'!
fully acknowledge the fact that the visible part of his mighty
organization is the 'Vatch Tower. We rejoice to say that we
delight in havin~ an active part in the work of serving notice
prior to the complete destruetioll of Satan's l\ ickl'll system.
In this connection, we are molO than thankful for the en
couragement we receive in this fight by being fed on sueh
wonderful things as have been recently extended towan] us,
especially through the means of the large hook ups. In follow
in/{ them up we tind many, many people who have drunk of that
refreshing water of life, and want to continue drinking.
'\'0 use this means -:f expressing our thanks to .Jl'llOvah as
an outlet to the grl':,t joy and l!nthusiasm which bulihl('H witl~in
e pray for sln>ngth that we may meet the opportunltws
and greater privileges which are ahead for those wh\) love and
sen'e Jeholah.


Hartford, Conn. .... )1111'.
l\'ew 1111\<'11. (oun.

Clltrwootl, :-\..
JHookl).tI. =". Y
~ew Ybrk. ~. Yo.

_ "

0, 7
~. U
to.. 1 L


l'\ewark, X..r.
Montclair, X J.



1::, 1,I
15. III

Allaull(' City, N. J
l'hiladl'lphill. I'll.

!\Inr. 11. 18

u. c


Xorfolk, Va
Boydtou, Vn......

Uoulloke, Va

" ...., ')"l

" ii: ~~

:!7" 2"'

__ .. _." ~. 30
lIJar. 3h\pr. 1

Austin, Tex.._._

Han )inrco.... Tex.

Hustrop, Tex.


Itnsk. 'rex. .

JacksoU\'ille, Tl!x

Tn,ylor. Tex,
Hot'kdn Ie, T'.}x..

'1'emple. Tex.
\Vaco, Tex
l\Iexia, ~~x. ..
Teul:ue. lex












Henderson. Tex








_ .. "

Honhalll. 'rex. ..
)(eKinuc,V. 'rex
l)allas, .rex..


'l'exa ('kun:]. 'iex. .

Hog-ata. 'I'ex. .
\\envcr. 'J'P-"

J)(\uhwn. 'I'PK.







2S. 2tl



Atoka, Okla.
I_ehich. Okla
Dunbar, Okla

_Feh. UI-2;J

_Feh. 2H~llLr. 4
:\JUI. 5-11
A. II.

Ft. '\"a11ey. Gn.

Columbus, Ga
Albnn~', (;n


Qultmull, Ga. .

'Vaycros:{, Ga.
Savannah, Ga. ..




Clou,lf, Okla. .......... )Il\r. 1218

Valliant, ('kla. . .. __ .. 1925
Idubel, Okla. ...... :\Illr. ::0''\1'''' 1





10, 11

.Tnf'k._on\'illl!. Fill
:lIar. 13.14
),'eworleans. La
l.:eaulIlnllt.. 'ff;" .-.- ::
San AlIlolllo. lex,
1 IS
EI P:I'"'O. 'I'ex. .
., ~.. ~t
PlIoetlix \riz
" ftl'_;~
Los A l1;:eles, Calif.
.. "

(,If'ar Luke. Iowa

Iowa City. Iowa

H:l\'en['ort. ruwa __ _"

J)uhnqu p , jl)Wn
t"e.lar I:nl)lfl~, Iowa _"





Je:-.lIP. Io\\'a
Wlltprloo, 10\\'n
Oelwein, low3
Ih~lllll\n. Iowa
!'\pw (Inm\.lon. Iowa .. "
1':II1U\, Iowa
)la&lln City, Iowa

l\ )llll~, Pa. .._Mar.

Du lwi~, l'a.
_ It
RI'<)('!;:way. i'll. _
ClllI'J'lR, I'n. .
}':tirnlount t.:ity. Pa _ u
Kittnnnin~. 1'a



Rntler. Pa.
New Brhdlton,. ra.
Ellwood City. Pa

Allantic, Iowa

:\1i?lnphiH. Tpnn.
Tnullnnn. ..\.fi:
Jone.:-ihoro, Ark




Parazoul(l \ rk
I.ellchville. Arlc. .
f':l1C'(>tt"l.~ \.rk
Pan~burD. Ark..








Hartforll, Iowa






:\I'W ('a,;tle, I'll

Jli 11,\ file. PII.
Farrell, l'a


Shnron. 1)3.


10. 17




:!:!. 7_;:f

(;r{lcuville, ra. .
tHe. Pa
" *~. ~~
Oil Cit;. Pa,
,. _,_.
'Iltll~\ill~. l'a
l'amIJri<l.:c Spr., I'a
Eric, l'a. ..
__\pr. I, 2







S. H.





Rhaw, ;\1188. .._.. __.. _._._Feb.

Monnd B,n'oll, Miss. )Iar.
811'IIH\ .\it~,..;. ..
Tutwiler. Mi-e:-t
Clark,tlnlp. :\Iiss. .









('olfuX', Iowa



Boone, lowu.. .
('010. Iowa
] )C~ ~IOJJH~li.

] :\



Alii..",. Iowa ._

Iowa l-'nlJ~, 10\\':1

Ft. J)o(},L{e, Jvwa


LannII'. Ark......_
Fll~ettl'Yille, Arl(
Sprll1;:<lale. Ark
Ho~ers. Ark
(;r:l\-ette. Ark. ..


Ft. HUllth, Ark

Bnle:"t. ...\rk. .



Hi.!: Fork..\rk
.\mity, Ark. ._
\)0 Queen, Ark.
De Hoelle. Ark.
Hot Springs, Ark
















G. Y. l\l'COR:\l1CK
Monrovia, Callt
Ventura, CaUf.
Santa Earbart;, Clllif. "
Paso Robles, Calif
Bakersfield. CaUf
ArviD, Calif,

Taft, Calif. "




l'ortel'\ille. Calif
'l'uJare. Calif. _
Lemoore. Cnlif
Fresno. Calif
" 11. IS
Atwntpr, Calif
Turlock. Calif.
Los Angeles, Culif. _.. "

I_II. (;rnnde.


. :llar.

llemliqtoo. Oreg.
l'ro:'t~~r. \Y'l~ h
~unnysi{lp.. ""'nc;b. ..


Y"l;ima. Wa'h. .__

Ellt:l1slJurg, Wash. .... "

1 2

3: 4
8. !I
10, 11

,yl'l~atch"~."ash . ._.. )f,~r.

En\lat. \\ a>h...__
Seattle. Wash. ._
1'0I'tl:\l1d. Oreg. __ .
Sail Francisco. ('a li f. "
Los Angeles, Calif. .. "

13, H


17, 11\
20. ~l

r.fli-~ \V'ATCHT0WER.
Pl;BLIsm:.n SlThtI1.t<:n"THLY By


117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S.A.

J. F.



W. E.

VAN A~Il3L'l(Gn SeCI'crary

"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

~reat shall be the peace of thy children." _Isaiah 5,/-:I).
THAT JEHOVAH is tho only truo God, is from {:verlasting
to everlasting, the ~raker of heaven and earth antI the Giver
of lif,} to hi.:! creatures; that tho Logos was the b('~innin:; of
his ~rention and his activo a::;('llt in tho creatIOn of all
t"in~s; that th" Lo;::os hI now tho Lord .JeR1l3 Chrbt in glory,
clothed with ull power in heal'en and earth, and tho Cwe!
Executivo Officer of Jehomh.

THAT GOO created tho eurth for man, crentr>d pcrfect

11Inn for the earth amI phwl him upon it; thnt man wilfully
disobe;red Goel's l.lIv and was sentenced to death; that by
reason of Adam '.:l wrong act all men are born sinners and
'" ithout the rig~lt to life.
THAT ,JESUS ,ms ron-tIe human, nnrl tho man Je~u!l suf
fered death in onl,~r to l'rod'l~e tho JanROm or redemrtivo
price for all lllankintl; that God raiRed up Jesus divino llnd
exalted hirn to hea"en ahoyo every creaturo an,l alloye every
name lind clothell him with all power ll.nll authority.
THAT ,lEHOVAlI'S Or<Ci;\NIZi\TION is caller! Zion., nn.t!
that ChriRt Jesus is tho Chief Olneer thereof and is tlte
rightful Kin); of tho wor1_1; that tho nnointc(l nn,l faithful
followers of ChriRt.Tesug arc children of Zion, memul'rs of
Tehol'all 's or~anization, nnrl are his witnc~ses whoRo duty 3DIl
Jlrivile~o it ig to teRtify to tho Ruprcrnacy of JehfJvo.h. dochr/}
his purposes toward mankind as expreRsed in tho Bible, :lnd
to bear the fruits of the kingJoIll beforo all who will he:!r.
THAT THE WORLD has cnJed, and tllll Lor,l Jesus Christ
has been plaeld by Jehovah upon his throno of authoritY',
has oustell Satan frorn heln-en and is proceeJing tl) tho
cstablillluncnt d God 's kiD~dom on earth,
THi\T THE RELIEF antI h1eRRin.Cf9 of tho peoples of earth
Can come on{y by nnll throl1~h Jehomh '1\ kin~r!orn umler
Christ which has now lH,!~tm; tho.t tho Lord's I1l'xt ~::
net i'l tho rlestrnction of S:ttan's organization and the <'stll.b
li~hDlcnt of Ti~hteoll,qnf'ss in tho earth, and that unt1('r tho
kin~<lom nIl tllose who will ol)ey its righteous laW8 shall be
restor.)(l anrl live on ('nrth forever,
This designates tho peri 011 from March 2! to .April 1 in'
clusive, and whi"h is a period of united activity of all faithful
witness('s of ,Jehovah in cI'crv lanrl of ('arth ",hero IOtated.
The celchration of tho ~lclllo;ial in the mi']Rt. of that penod
particularly Ir.ake~ it n season of thankRg-ivin::;. such bt-Ulg
spceitdly .~xpr('~scd by g'i,'in~ a-ratl'ful tcstimvny to ,Jcho\,atJ's
holy name. 'rlH) new booklpt Ulrtdwf] thp, l'('ol'/p, ,,;ill thcn ~
given a world-wide distribution, not merely in English but in
ruany other 1:tlll,iUag'es, thus permitting the witn(,"lOes C\-I',.,-
wheN to join ill one and the same c!Tort. All lovers of Jchu\31J,
including those of the Jonadab dass, may particIpate in tbis
distrilJUtion. All shoulJ report work done, promptl~'; tlH~
not workinz, unller any brunch oUiee Rhould report direct to
117 Adllln3 Street, Brooklyn, !\'ew York.
Tho Society ho.s made nrrun~em(,llts to cunstruct untl assemble
portahlo trallscription machines at our o;,n adory at 117
Adnn\s Street. Till'se machine~ will he somewhat diJrereM in
construction from tho,:e previou~ly furnished. They will be
spring-wouud, and operated from a (Jvolt wet,cpU battery.
E'I"ery machine ",'ill be furnished I'omplete with the' hitttery nll,l
a battery chur;:-er, ~o that it call he kl'pt np tl) it. tOll! strr-n~n,
We are please r] to unnounce that this machine eau be offered
at $100, complete, to lJrcthl'ell tIl the United States.

HIS journal is publiR!I('u for the purpose of ennbling
the peoplo to know Jehovah Go,l ImJ his IJ1lrpo~ps as

expressc<l1 in the Bihle. It publishes Bihle iust. uction

specillcully I.k;!gnell to aid Jehoyuh's witnesslJs. It an"Jugc.:l
systematic Bil,Ie study for its readers anli supplies other literature to ai,l in sudt studies. It puhlishes ~uituhl(~ Til'lteri:l1
for rudio broadcasting and for other means of public illlltruC'
tion in the Buiptures.
It adheres strictly to the Biblo as authority for its utterances, It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
reservation for the king-uom of Jchovah God untler Christ
1118 Bdovp,l Kin~. It is not dO~llIatic, but invites careful
umi critical cxaruinution of its contents in the Jj~ht of thQ
Scriptures. It rhcs not inrlu1r;1l in. controversy, ant.! its columns aro not open to pprsonalities.


~1.50; Gal;.\'r nItITAIN, AUSTItAT,,\SIA, .1.:';0 ::;OUTll AFmc.\, 7s.

American rl'Hlitl:IneCS shonld bl! mrl(le loY' EXlJres~ or l'o,tal :'IOlll')'

OrUl':r, or by J:"nk Draft. C:mUlIia,}, I:ritio1l, South Alrkan and
AustrnlaFlan rcmitt:tnc('11 shoul<l bo mo.uo direct to the rc,'pectiYO
Ll'anch otlH'cs. Hemit tunce~ froTrt countries


than thn",o


tloned ma.v be made tl) thG I1rooltlyn oUke, but by InternatiQllUI

l'ostal ~loney Ofu~r only,

Brlti8h 31 Cr:weD Terracc, I,onrlon, \V. ::!, :Cn~I::lnd

Calladiall 40 IITdn AI'enul"!, ~'oronto, Ontari". C",n:HI:~
,tus/rata.llnn 7 1:"f4!!lforu non.d. Sttathn..hl, N. S. W . Au'tr:Hia.
Soath. Afrie.:n
llo"lon Ilou'e. ('ap!) Town, Soulh ,Urica

l'l"a:,;o nddre>lo Ule



In every cn"c.

0/ thi, Journal a['pear $n several languaae,.)

All sincere llludcnts of tlJo Bible whl) by r<'Mon of Infinnlty,

poverty or lI,h"l'n; I y IIrc unable to pay tho suh"l'rip! ;t)ll (lric,)
!Day ha,'o TIIfJ lI'utclltolt"cr frc'Q u)lon written RPl'li.'a{i('n to tha
publl,hers. mfllle (lnco each )ear. statin;.: the re:lSOI1 for so rc
qlle~tin~ It. WI'! are glad to thus aitl tho llCNly. hut 1"0 written
application onro carll yc:u ill rCtluire<! by Iho [lootal rp!!ulatlc:;s.
?i'ofice to l,un'cribcrR,' Acknowk\I:~IIlcnt of 11 n~w or a rencwal sub
llcrlptlon will he ~('nt only when rN\tl(',led. Chan"e of o.,l,lre...
whl!n reqll(!Stetl. ilia:,. be exp'oetNl to appeo.r on lltlllrc_'J lalJ/'1 wltllin
one month. A rencwnl hlnnk (rarryin~ notIce of e-<folra'i(,") will
be Rent with tho journal one month belol'(! thG subsaitltion e"pire~.
Entered aa Second Cl06R Mai! !fottcr at Brooklyn, N. Y., PO.ltoffice.
Act of March 3, 187.?

==========;---0 -

Los Angeles, :.rarch 24-~S indusi"e, ure the pl:\('e an,] tirno
for u. convention uf Jehovah's witues:;e!!. All mcetill", eX('I'pt
SUltllay afterlloun will he 1\1;111 in the 'rrinity .\\l-\itoriulH,
Granlj Ave. and 11th. Sun,!av afternoon, frum 2 to 5 0 'drwk,
the Shrine Auditorium "ill" be u~ed. At;>: 30 to 4 0 '('Iod{
p,nl, Brother Hutherford will delilor an adlress wl:;l'h will be
bronrlr:lst from coast to coa3t. Tho convention Will l'Olwludo
on the ni~!lt of the 29th I\'ith celebration of tho .\[t'llJOTluJ.
'l'be foren'oun of p:1<'h duv of the convention will be liRe I for
houseto,!luuse witnes!! work. 'this mark!! the bc~iunin~ 01' tho
TllAXKSGIVING 1'1-;[(101). The buokkt Lh1if1tnf] the People Will
be t1.~ed thrOl1~huut the entiro I\'otlrl during that perlo t!. The
brethren tJn the Pal'inc C'Jaot will have op[lortuni l~ of a con"
wntion, llnd dO\lb~lc!g most of them will take of
it. For further inffJrmatiun, 1l,ldre,'~ C. V. Knewc)'.:r, 3345
:Fernwood St., Lynwood, C:J.liforma.

~l E 1\1 0 R I A I.
ror the year 1934 the ~reffiorial of tho Lord's sllp['cr ",ill
bl} held nfter silt 0 'clock on tho evening of .Mnrth ::S. T/t.1
Wdch.tower contr.ins some timelv in;;truction for all tllOse
who pl1rta.kfJ, a'Hl '\\: SUI;~cst tll~t c:wu one be pfoJpareu by
thorougrJ;;' consitl~ring the matter in ndmnce.







Blesscd be tllc 'tlmne of JeJlOuah ffom this time fortll al1d for et'crmol'c. "-Ps. 113: 2, f1.U. V.
marks a day or time certain when some great thil1~ i3
done and which is to be ever aftenvards l'l'lllemlJl'l'\'d.
Among the great things performed by Jeho\'ah by his
servant :\!oses were these: The revclation of his name,
the making of the law covenant, the dcstruetioll of
Pharaoh '8 organization, and the dcliwl'al\('e of the
hraelites from that oppressive orgallization. The
pivotal point of these great events was the slayin~ IIf
the passover lamb, because it pointed to the One whom
God had ordained should be the vindicator of hiS
great and holy name. All the things }lcl'forlJled ill
Egypt by man as God's representative ,llJd servant
were incidental to the vindication of Jehovah's lIanle,
which is the all-important thing. For this reason .Jehovall said to :\[oscs: "This is my name for e\'or, and
this is my memorial unto all generations." (Ex. 3: If"
A.R.V.) Because the slaying and eatin~ of the pmwll:l1
lamb pointed to Jesus, the vindicator, JdlOvah said
to Moses: "And this day shall be unto you for a 1111'.
morial, and yo shall keep it a feast to Jehovah:
throughout your generations ye shall krcp it a fea;,t
by an ordinance for ever." (Ex, 12: 14, 11.H. V.) Wll'n
the time came for the fulfilment of the type by tl.;l
;:leath of Jesus Christ he said to his disE:iplc8 COnCI'I'IIing the bread which he broke in their prcsence and
asked them to cat: "This is [represents 1 my body,
which is given for you: this do in remembrance of
me." (Luke 22: 19) The time must com(', as Jesus
knew, when his true fullowers must and would understand that his faithfulness unto dt'ath, and his
death in the place and stead of the sinner, were not
merely to furnish the redemptive price for man, but
also to prove his own qualifications to be the vindieator of Jehovah'8 name. Beillg thus perfected, Christ
Jesus became J<>hovah's "high priest for ever", the
executioner of Satan and hi,> organization, and the
\'intliratol' of Jehovah's name and the aut hoI' of eter
nal salvation unto all them that obey him, (IIeb. 2: 14;
G: 6-10) Thc-Rreatest thing to be kept in memory L
the name of Jehovah, and Paul intimated that at the
coming of Jesus to the temple this important truth
would clearly be understood. (1 Cor. 11 : 2G) By p[1rtaking of the "Lord's supper" until the coming- of
Christ Jesus to the temple of Jehovah his fait hful dis-

EHOVAH'S NA:\IE was exalted by all intelligent

creatures. All kllew and delighted in his iIlustrious fame and honorable reputation. All knew
that Jehovah was and is the source of life and that
he is the unselfish Giver of every good and perfect
gift. Bm'h was the proper llnd happy state existing
in the lluiverse until lawlessness found a place in the
heart of the creature whom Jehovah had made lord
O\'er a part of his or~anization. Covetin~ that which
had not been given to him Lucifer exalted himself,
defied the Most IIil-!:h, and received for himself the
title of Satan, and God set a time limit for the COllt inuation of Satan, at which time limit the wicked one
must end. (Jer. Gl: 13) '1'he name of Jehovah for
('('ntllries has heen reproached, dishonored and made
infamous by Satan and by his host of wicked angels
llud wicked men. 'I'he crisis has come, and from this
timc forth and for Cvermore the name of .Jehovah sllDll
he exalted. 'rhe wieke-d ~hall pcrish, and all wh(\ receive life evcrlasting must know and obey and honor
nnd joyfully serve him whose name alone is Jehovah.
His illustrious fame -and honorable reputation must
find a place in the mind of evcry creature that lives.
He has taken out from amongst the nations of earth
a people for his name, and to them is given the prh'.
ilcge of now proclaiming his great and honorable name.
2 Centur.ies ago God blgan to bring his name bef(lre
fallen men. JIe revealed to Moses his name Jeho\'ah;
then to Egypt Jehovah' went to redeem unto him~clf
a people and to make him a name', (2 Sam. 7: 23)
God did not bodily appear in Egypt, but he sent ~Ioscs
as his scrvant, and thus Jehovah appeared there in a
l'epr('sentative capacity. Egypt was a type of the
world, and Pharaoh its ruler was a type of Satan, the
god of this wicked world. :\Ioses was a type of Christ
.Jesus, the great Prophet and Servant by whom Jehovah redeems a people for himsclf and causes the name
of the :l\108t ni~h to be put in the right place in the
mind of all intelligent creatures.
3 In his due time Jehovah \vill cause all of his crcatures to know his name and its meaning and to have
in memory the time when he first revealed his name
to man as Jehovah; and that memorable time dates
from the time of his going to Egypt. A memorial


a:ne \\lATCliT0YvER


cip10s IlnYC shown forth the Lord's ut'ath; but now

these f:iithful ones gathered 11y the Lord Jesus unto
himself arc' drinking the fruit of the vine ,,,ith him
ne\\", llnd all arc rrjoicing and prui<;ing the name of
.J(hovah artu must do so for ever. "Thy name, 0 Lord,
cndurcth for ever; and thy memorial, U Lord, thl'oughout aU generations. "-Ps. 135: 13.


Jehovah God made the law ('ovenant hy ::\Ios('s as

the mediator for Israel ,,"hile in }lgypt and at the time
of the slaying' of the pa<;e~hul lamb. The inaug'mution
of the law ('()\'cnant touk plaC(~ in the sea'iOlJ of Pentecost or ahout fifty U:lyS after the braditlos were
brou~lIt out of E~~.vpt 2nd had come to ~Ionllt Sinai
(:\Iount Horch). (Ex. 19: 1) Thr muhillg' of the nl"W
covenant was marked by the ueath of .Jesus, the antitypical paS:io\'er Iamb, on the fourtc'cnth day of ~isan,
A.D. 33. The inauguration of the new CO\'cnant is
markrd hy the final outpo\ll"in'j' of thc holy spirit
"upon all llesh ". (.JopI 2: 2R, 2D; Acts 2: 16.18) The
"Lord's sup[lrr" as a mtmrlrial of his death, instiIUICtl in j\, D. a:l, and for ('('ntUl'ic's thereaftC'l' o1>ser\'cl1
by hi" faithful followers, ('ails attcntion to the making
of the new testamrllt or ll('W COVCllant and kc;('p~ the
s:unn in memory. "Ft)r this is my blood of the neW
testament, which is shed for many for the remi~'1ion
of sins." (Jlatt. 2G: 28) ".Aftc1' the same manuel'
also lie took the cup, when he had supped, sayil\~,
'l'his cup is the new testament in my IJlood: this 1.10
:ro, as oft as ,ye drink it, in rememorance of me. " I Cor. 11: 25.
:I From uncI after the year I!)}!) (A,D.), and particularly from 1!.l22, until Jehovah's witnesses pass from
the etH'th, the" Lorli'8 supper" not only calls ath-ntion to the death of Jl'SUS the Hcdeemer and Vindi('ufor, hut also direct::! attention to the inau~ul'atioll of
the new covenant, which covenant operatl's to the
vindication of Jehovah's name.

Satan and all of his earthly representatives, meaning Pharaoh and his suhjects who obeyed him, had
formed a conspiracy to dc:>troy the J:,;raditcs and to
thus prevent them from being a nation. (Ex. 1: 15, 16 i
2: 23,2-1) God heard the cl'ieS of the Israelites, and
the law covcnant made hr him for Israel was an as~urance in type that for Jrhovah ':,j name's sake that
TJcoplc would be orought forth and preserved. The
Abrahamie covenant ,,'as illvolvctl, becallse Jeho\'ah
bad given his worJ that he would bring forth a sccJ j
and now Jehovah had respect to his covenant with
Abraham.-Ex. 2: 2.-1, 25; 6: -l, 5.
7 At the time of the making of the new coven~nt
Satan and his <:rowl1, ineludin~' his earthly priests and
clergymen, conspired to dc:stroy Jesu'l. OIatthew
21: 38) In carlJ'ing out this conspiracy Jesus, the
antit)'pical lamb of God, was slain, but Jehovah preserved the ones with "'hom his new covenant was
made. (John 17: 11-1;); Phil. 2: 9-11) .At the inuuguG


X. Yo


the new covenant again a conspiracy i'l
formel! by Satan and his crowd, includill~ his Rom:~l1
Catholic hierarchy an<l other religionist'l, to kill th()';(~
who faithfully praise the name of Jehovah and to
thereby "cut them off from being a [holy) nation",
and overt acts were and arc now being committl'd in
furtherance of that wicked compiracy. (Ps. 83: 1-1 ~ ;
1 Pet. 2:!.l, 10; Zech. 13: 7-9) .Jehovah has presc:'\'pJ
his faithful and hidrkn ones who arc in the covenant,
because they are under the shadow of his wing nnd
have been selected for his put'pose; and, they continuing faithful, he will preserve them for ever.-l',;.
91 :1-4; 1-15: 20; Isn. 5-1: 17 ; 42: G, 7.

Jehovah expressed his vcugeance al.';ainst Satan'~

or~allizatil)n by sIa:;ing the firstborn of E~!ypt at tl:e
time the pasehaI lamb was killed. At the death of .Je'
sus, the Dntitypical passover lamb, the firsthol'll (If
antitypicul .E~~n)t, that is to say, of this wodd, did
not die. The reason therefor now clearly appears alit!
sho\\s that the time is l'upidly approHe:hitlg whell tlte
firstborn of alltitypical Egypt m u.,t Jie. ~\s the hlo"d
of the PI1~;sover lamb sprinkled on the doorpo:,ts of tfw
houses in Et!Yl>t si~ni[ieJ life and prescrvation to tlHl~e
who remaim'd inside the house ancI Ulllkr the proLt,ctioll of that b!ood,si'~n, so those trustin~ in the PI'\;cious blood of Christ Jl':>US, and who have IJ\"~n in all,l
who remain in the new covenant, have this added usSUl'ance of life and prcservation i hence the" Lord's
supper" propedy celebrated by sneh io1' cellttlric"~
past has ',,;hown forth the Lord's death till he corne'
anu has been a gUHuntee of their pJ'escl'vat iUlI. ~'J\\',
however, the Loru has come, anu his shed blo,Jd in a
marked dl'g1'ee bespeaks that this is the d,ly of .JeItovah's vengeance and destruction of Satan's firstbol'1l
of this \\orld. ,~t is the Jay or God's Vl'llge:lnce; hell('e
all who properly celebrate the Lord's supper now JIlll,.;t
eel'tainly show their consistency hy pr()dailllin~ the
day of th( vengeance of our Gou ag-ainst the cnemy's
firstboI'Il who are not under the blt'ou. This lllllst l:1.l
done in fulfilment of the divinely given command.
ment: "Prodaim the acceptable year of t ht: Lonl, alld
the day of vengeance of our Ood; to ('Olll fort all th;:t
mourn." (ha. 61:2) 'As Aaron Dcted m; the mouthpiece and prodaimer for ~Hoses (who W:IS a ty1'C of
Christ Je&us) in proebiming the vengeunce of GoJ
ag-ainst Pharaoh and his or~unization, eVdl so IHJW
tllose in the covenant ,vitll Christ Jesus must likewise
proclaim the vengeance of God agaillst ~atan's til'stborn and all of his orgnniz"tion, because thcy "ha\'c
the testimollY of Jesus Christ" and kc\:p GI)J's l:O!ll
mandment. (Ex. 4:22,23; Hev. 12:17) Thuse who
would partake of the memorial supper and then fail
or refuse to ohey the commandments to be Jehovah's
witnesses would ther!:!>;" partake Utl\\'ol'thily: "}\)1'
he that eatcth and drinketh unworthil,\" eatdh and
drinketh damnation to himself, not di.,cetllilJ:~ Ule
turd's Lody.' '-1 Cor. 11: 29.


1, 193-1

F.ffie \VATCliT0"\vER..

The Eb"Yptians hated shepherds and refused to eat
with the Hebrews for that reason, such being an
abominatioll Ullto the Egyptians. (Gell. 43: 32; 46: 3-1)
\VI1l'll Jehovah's time came to make a name for him.self in Egypt he sent a shepherd oown there to deliwl' his testimony, to lend out the pc-ople from EgH)t
uno to act as the law covenant's meuiator. ~atun and
his earthly crov;d hate the Sl'rV:lIlts of .Jehovah God
who brin~ the uiyincly provided food to His flock and
thus act in the rapacity of undershepherus, whi~
hatred is especially made manifest in this present day.
.At the time of the mnkinf.\' of the new covenant, and
also at the time of the inaUt~Ulation thereof, JdlOvah
God senus the ,. guod sIH>phcJ'(I", the "chief sh<'llherd", Christ Jesus, awl both Christ .Jesus and those
to whom he commits the work of ('art'yin~ the divilldy
provided foou to the l)(,'oIlle, who hunger for riglatcow-mess, are wickedly hated by Satan and all bis
cal'thly priests, {'ll'rgymen anu dupes. (John ]0: 11;
1 PN. 5: 2-4) This is furtlH'r proof that those who are
with Christ .Jesus at the temple must bear and do
heal' or curr:>' the fruits of the IdngJom, that is to
say, the lirl~.g'i\"il1~ twths of GoLl's Word, to those
in the worlu who have the hearing car, and at the same
time declare Cud's vell~canee a~ain~t the enemy and
his organization, and th::t surh faithful Olles will be
and are hated atHl IH:I':>ecut('d by Satan and his sen-unts. The Homan Catholic hiel'archy and other:'> of
like stl'ipe now manifest their v;iekedlless and hatred
ag:lill~t Jehovah's witnesses because the::;e wituesst:s
speak that which is to the honor of the name of Jdio"ah Uod and the Lord Jesus Christ.-John 15: 19-23.
10 The sheIJilCl'd ~Io::;es was in the mount of Horeb
(Sinai) when Jehovah Jrew him a,;ide by attracting
him to the b'.lrlliug' lJUslt and thel'e spoke to him and
directed MO~ies to ~~lJ to Eg-YjJt and to ddiver the testimony of God to Phul'auh. It was in that mountain
at that time that Jehovah referred to the inauguration
of the law covenant when he, adlll'('ssillg' i\loses, said:
"Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be 11
token uuto thce, that 1 have sent thee: Whcu thou h..ost
hrollght forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall scn:'e
God upon thi~ mountain." (Ex. :3: 112) Jcho\"ah
maue the ncw covenant at the death of Jesus, amI lliJ\Y
be discloses to his faithful ones at the temple that the
new covenant is illaU~L1l'Utcd at )lount Zion, whe-re
the 144,000 followers of Clu'i~t Jeslls are gathercd by
Christ Jesus unto himself. (Rev. H: 13) The faithful remnant now celebrate t he Lord's sUPlwr at }Iount
Zion, that is, ill Jehovah God's organization, rejoicing at the inauguration of the new rOYenallt, and
they eontillue to proclaim the nallle of Jehovah-Heb. 12: 2~25.


God's cOYeu:mt 'with Abraham is the unconditiooal promise, and which promise is irrevoeahle, that Jehovah will carry into operation his purpose to bless


all the of the ('urth through his seed. Satan

for a long while has been god or ruler over the eu rth,
but Jehovah's purpose is that Satan's rule now must
for f'nr end, and Jehovah takes over the e:1I,tll aud
its fullness for himself and gives all this to his beloved
SOil. To Abraham Jehovah said: "For all the laml
whie!! thou seest, to thee will 1 give it, and to thy
secd for e,er." (Gell. 13: 15) In thi:; prophetic statement made to Abraham by Jehovah Abraham represented God, while his seeu reiened to His Chl'bt.
(Gal. 3: 16-29) i\ow he whose right it is to rule has
corne, and JellOvah God has installed him, Christ J esus, u'poiJ.1Iis throne, and he has begun his rule. (Ezl'k.
21: 27 ; 1>s. 2: 6; 110: 2) ,Jehovah will now complctdy
and for ever deprive S:ct:\n and his crowd of evpt'y
part of the earth and will completely fulfil his word
ad(1re,,;sed to his BcloveJ, the ::';ecd, to wit: "Ask of
me, l1nu I shall give thee the [nations] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the cart h for thy
possc::;::>ion. ThOll shalt break them with a rod of il"(!Il ;
thou shalt dash thcm in pieces like a potter's vessel."
(Ps. 2: 8,9) Christ Jesus is therefore the rightful
pos.,-;e~:.oi of all the earth.
]2 There 1S no Seriptural reason to conellHle that the
man l\hmham ilnd his desecndaltts will inherit the
cn1'th. Ood's promise to Abraham was )'ulliil(J ill
ritiniature and in a typieal manner, hut the greatd
fulfilment is to those of Jehovah 's or~anizat iOll. The
emth is J(hovah 's, and the fullness tltereoi'. (Ps. :!'~: j)
The overlonlship of the earth now belongs to Clll'l"t
Jesus, the ~Cl'J of Ahmham, whose right it is to rule,
hceause .Jehovah has gi\'C11 it to him. Christ .Jesus is
Jl!hovah's heir of all things, and those of his 1'0)"1>1
house are jI)int-hcirs with him. (Hom. t:l: Ilj, 17) WhO'll
Ged said to Ahraham, '1 will f.!ivp unto thl'e and unto
thy ~cd after thee the land,' clearly the meanillg'
tlwreof is that .\hraham in type was given thtl land
anu his ~e(:d, the Chri-.;t, will posspss it for ever. Of
and conecmitlg' his faithful llml obedient followl'r,~
Christ Jesns spoke, sayin~: "Blcs~ed arc the mcek:
fOl' they shall inherit the earth." (.\Iatt. 5: ri) Iu ]!)H
Jehovah gave to Jesus the whole earth and the ri~~!It
to rule the same. Later Jesus guthcl'cd unto hilJls/'1 f
the faithful and hrou::ht them into the telllple, alld
those of the relllltant who continue faithful to the l'llIl
shall participate in tlt,is great and marvelous glfl.
Christ Jc,;us is now at the temple in the ki\l:.{dom wilh
his followers and, to be sure, it is a time of rl'j(Jicill~,
pictured by the 'drinking of the wille new with him ill
his Father's kingdom'. .Jehovah has tlwl'efore ful.
filled his promise to 1!ivc all the !and to tlit' '>l'l,J of
Abrn ham, that is, to Christ .J esus: and the .. 111('('k "
mentioneu by the LOl"o who shall iltherit the land, IJl~.
ing the teachable and obedient ones, that i'i to say, the
faithful members 01 his bOlfy, these inherit the earth
with him for ever.
]3 Nor is there any SCl'iphlral reason to cOllclude
that Abra!lcfil and the other faithful men of old shall


l1f'ie WATCHT0WER.


N. Y.

it would be wholly inconsistent for them to ask the

rulers if they might prcach the gospel, but it is their
business to demand that Satan and his representatives cease their interference with Jehovah's witnesses
in delivering the gospel of his kingdom.
, - 16 Pharaoh not only was notified of God's purpose,
but was granted full time and opportunity to identify
himself as God's enemy by 'putting on the garments'
and showing on which side he stood. He was notified
and warned of what God would do jf he continueu to
interfere with his people, and notwithstanding this
notice and warning he continued to harden his heart:
"And the Lord said nnto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is
hardened. he refuscth to let the people go." (Ex.
7: 14) Now the earthly representati\'cs of Satan arc
gh'en full warning, time and opportunity to put 011
the garments of identification before Jehovah tahs
final action against them. The supremacy of Jehovah
must he made known to the rulers, and his witnesses
must dc<'lare God's supremacy alld the greatness of
14 If thc blood of the new covenant has been
sprinkled and that covenant has beeu inaugurated, his name throughout the earth. (I<}x. !): 16, Leeser)
then it necessarily follows that .Jehovah has brought It therefore must be displeasill~ to .Jeho\'ah Ood for
forth and made manifest the ones mentioned as .. a un:rone to ask permission of the antitypieal Pharaoh
people for his name" and that he has given them" a and his officers that he mi~ht go ahout and preaeh the
new namc"; ancl upon Ilolle other than his covenant gospel. Since God has commanded this notice of warnservant people docs God <'onrer that honor. Snch ing to be g-i\'en, Jehovah's servants must" obey hiil comfaithful members of the remnant yet on earth now mandments.
11 The rod of Moses hecame a serpent whru cast
partake of the "Lord's supper" at Mount Zion, drinking the new wine with the chid one of the royal house, down bl.'fore Pharaoh aUII was a symbolic warning of
because they have had his invitation and entered into the woes to ('ollie upon Pharaoh and his organization,
the joy of the Lord. (Matt. 25: ~l) The)' must now culminating in the (kstruction of the firstborn of E:;rypt
be consistent.and act their part and speak their part and the destruction of Pharaoh's host in the ReI} Sla.
as a people for Jehovah's name; otherwise they are In the year 1918 the Lord Jesus came to the templo
not acting in harmony with the drinking of the wine for judgment, to which high position Jehovah had 3';new, the symbol of the blood of the new covenant. signed him. lIe there appears as Jehovah's speciall'l'l"
'l'hey must now thereforc preach ,Jehovah Ood's name resentath'c <'lothed with all power and authority;
and his kingdom. This is not discretionary, but it hence at that time b0gan the fulfilm('nt of the prophetic utterance: "Jehovah is in his holy temple: let
is absolutely mandatory.
IS It would not he permissible to ask for a license " all the earth keep silence before him." (Hab. 2 20,
or a permit to be issued hy worldly institutions to A.R.V.) The rod in the hand of thc antitypical H0ses
preach the gospel of God 's kin~dom any more than it is a symbol of the authority and power which Jehovah
would Itave been proper for l\Ioses and Aaron to ask has fully delegated to Christ Jesu'i and which he u~C's
permission of Pharaoh to worship God. "And aiter- to execute Jeho\'ah's purposes. (See The Watchtower,
'Yard Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, 1933, page 100, and scriptures there cited.) Now tile
Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, announcement to the rulers of the world that Chri<;t
that they may hold a feast unto mc in the wilderncss." Jesus, the great Jud~e, has come to the temple for
(Ex. 5: 1) On other occasions l\Ioses and Aaron de- judgment is a wal'l1ing to all such of the punishment
lh'ered a like message to Pharaoh. (Ex. 7: 16; 8: 1; God will inflict upon his enemies culminating in the
9: 1) Such, however, was not a request that Pharaoh complete destruction of the world at Armageddon.
Tile rod of ~Ioscs was e,nployed by :Uoses and Aaron
01' his officers should issue a permit or license to \\"01'ship or to serve Jehovah, but the same constituted a in invoking' the ten pIng-ues upon Egypt, includin~
demand made by the express commandment of J(>ho- the death of the firstborn. In this connection Mo:>es
vah that Pharaoh and his officers must quit interfer- was a type of Christ Jesus, while Aaron pictured the
ing with the chosen people of God in the exercise of members of the boJy of Christ to whom is committrd
their liberty to freely worship and serve Jeho\-ah. "the testimony of Jesus Christ" and who deliver the
Even 80 now the people taken out for Jehovah's name, testimony. That rod stretched forth symbolically said
to wit, the remnant, are sent forth by J eho,'ah and that this is done by the authority and eommundmellt
commanded to bear testimony before the rulers, and of Jehovah God. The plagues upon Eg~'pt constituted
eyer be changed from human to spirit creatures, as we
once thought. Their position, as the Scriptures clearly
show, will be that of "princes in all the earth", that
is to say, the visible governors of earth, the direct representatives of Christ to whom God has given the
ea11h as his inheritauce, and as such princes they \till
rule under Christ and rule in righteousness. (Ps.
2: 6-8; lSI!. 32: 1) The faithful remnant now taught
of Jehovah God see that the kingdom is here, that
righteousness in the earth must and will shortly be in
full control, all of which will ronstitute a vindiration
of Jehovah's name, and therefore these faithful ones
rejoice aud sing the praisrs of Jehovah and declare
his mighty doin~s amongst the people. The meeting of
the faithful remnant with the new princes in the earth
will be a joyful one, and they arc looking forward to
it with joyful anticipation.


~nie. WATCI-IT0VvER..

1, 1934

notice and warning of God's purpose to execute his

wrath again~t all thuse who oppose him in carrying
out his purpo~es. i\ine of those plagues precedeu the
il1'ititution of thc pa'-;sover. The slaying of tll(' paschal
lamb and the institution of the first passover was di
rectlv interwoYcn with the tenth plagne. It is certain
that 'the Scriptures p1'ove that the expression of God's
vcn~eance against the antitypieal Eg-ypt takes place
after the coming' of the Lord .J<':SllS to the t<.:mple for
jud~mcnt, and it also dearly follows _that the ten
plagues have an antitypical fulfilment upon the world
of Satan foJlowing' the appeal'ill~ of the Lord at the
temple for jlHh:w('nt, and that these plu~ues have an
ulltilypil:al fulfilnH'llt lJl'fol'c tlIP. complete expl'es-;ion
of (lad's v<.:ngeullre a~ninst Satau's organization.
'1'hat cOlle1u',ioll heiw~ eorr(~et, the mpmOl'ial of the
death of our Lord J{sus Christ, the antitypieal passover lamh, now sj~!'llilit's murh more to (lad's people
than they have heretofore seen.
18 It is certain that W'll are now in the In<;t dnys, con
cerlling whidl the allOstle Paul said: "This know also,
that in the last days perilous times shall come."
(2 Tim. :3: 1) This is the time in which the "man of
:sin ", "t he ~,on of W'l'ditioll," is made manifpst. The
('ll'r;ry in ~('!leral, and the Hom:lll Catholic hierarchy
in IJurticu(ar, and otlH.'rs thd g't) to make up the "man
of sin", lire (kscrilJl'd hy the apostle ill 2 'l'iIl\ot!:y
3: 2-9. Those pel'SOlIS, while e1aiming' to represcnt Cod
and his Idl1~dom, urc violpntly OPllO'il'd to the kin~
dorn and have pel'Sl'(,lltl'd those whom Jehovah has
takpn out as a people for his name and who al'e ({{o}in'ring the tC'stimolly of Jesus Christ. These opposprs
of J('hovah have lweI {'very opportunity to l1<'ar the
truth, hut thp,\' I'<'l'u-.:eu to leal'll :md to give hecI} to the
truth; therefore tlw,\' put on the garments of Baal
and plainly idcntify themselves with God's great
enemy, cOllcl'l'l1ing' whi('h the apostle prophetically
wrote: " Ever karnin~, and never ahle to coml.l to tho
}mo\\'h-d~e of the truth. Kow as .J alll1es anll J amhres
witlustood Moses, so do these also resist the truth:
men of eOl'l'upt minds, rerr0batc eO!lcernin~ the faith.
Dut thC'y shall proceed no further: for their folly shall
be manifest unto all men, as th<.:irs al-;o was." (2 'rim.
3: 7-9) It now appears to those devoted to the LorJ
that the tcn plagues upon Egypt were prophetic. If
those plagues, or evcn a part of them, hu\'e had un
antitypieul fulfilment, may we not now expect the
Lord to show to his faithful ones the meaning ther,'of
and also to pC'rmit th(>m to sec what all tho:o:e plagues
mean? (Isa. 42: a) A considcrl1 tion of those tC'll
plagues in Egypt in eonncction with the memorial of
the death of the Lord Jesus Christ now seems to be
vcry appropriate.

Jehovah speaks of the plagucs upon Egypt as

"wonders" and "signs". (Ex. 3: 20; S: 23; 10: 1)
"And I wilt hard{'l! Pharaoh's hC8rt, and multipiy
my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt."


(Ex. 7: 3) "How he had wrought his signs in E;!~'pt,

and his wondC'rs in the fidd of Zoan." (Ps. 7,,:~::;)
It docs not follow that the antitypic'al fulfilment of
thpsc signs and wonders
pluf;'ues would he ill the
same time ol'ller as they occurred in type. 'l'lwy dil1\l'
in time order from the seven last plagues dcscribul
in Hl'wlation sixtec'n, the one exception appcaring to
he that of the last plague. Seein~ that the BeriptUl'c'i
were written afol'etime for the illstruetion, assurance
and comfort of the remnant, it is reasonahk to exped
that these si~ns andwondel's will be made known to
the remnant while on earth.
20 One of the rcasons why Jehovah has permittr:ll
Sat:m to remain and continue his nefariou"i work in
all the ('('nturies past is stated by him as "that my
name may lJe det'lul'ed throughont all the earth". (Ex.
9: 16, A.It. V.) 'rhe de<:laring of Jehol'llh's name
throngh the eat:th takes place at the end of the worll1,
and -following the coming of the Lord Jesus to the
temple God lL'lCS his people taken out for his name
in conncction therewith, just as he u~e<.l ~loses :l1lrJ
AUl'Oll in E~ypt: "He sent illoses his servant, und
Aaron whom he had chosen. 'l'hey shewed his sigHS
am(Jil~ them, and wonders in the land of lIam." (1's,
10::;: ~(j, :?7) The antitypical )loses and .\a1'011 COllstitute ;jehovah's servant whom Jcho\'ah has commissioned to hear his message to the world. Chn"t
.J<:SllS is the Head of that senant and was picturcd
by ).l(lses, whereas .Aaron pictured the hody members,
illduding the remnant. .Jehovah &peaks of his wit
Hessc!>, l\l)plying his word,; to the" day of t he Lord",
which arc now as 'an altar unto the Lord, and a pillat'
in the border of E;!ypt '. Jehovah in this eoullection
also says: "~\nd it shall he for a sig-n :lIld for a wit
ness Ullto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt."
(Isa. 1!J: lU, 20) The time of the fulfilmcllt of this
propheey of Isaiah is in the day when God SCl'WS
notice first and then expn'sses his vengeaHce a~a imt
Satan's organization. Jehovah has taken out hi::; faith
ful one:-;, spiritual hraelitl's, and has made thclll his
witnesses to declare his name in the earth. (;oll<:('rllill~
this the pl'OpilCCY of Jeremiah now applks: "Which
hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, eVCll
unto this cluy, and ill Israel, awl among othl'r mell:
and ha~,t made thee a name, as at this Ilay; and ha~t
hronght forth thy people Ismcl out of the land of
Egypt, with signs, and with wonders, and with a
stron~ Iwwl, and with a stt'etched out ann, and 'dth
great terror. "-Jer. 32: 20 ~l.
21 It is written by Jehot;ah's prophet: "He cast upon them the fiercellc"s of his angel', wrath, and iudi''':'nation, and trouble, by sentling evil au~cls amOllg'
them. " (1's. 78: -19) This refers typically to the
plagues in Egypt, and antitypically .. evil aug-cis"
here clearly appl:urs to refer to the Lord Jt'sus Cilrist
and to till; faithful l'C'Olllant on earth as n:('lll]WJ'~ of
his bod~'. This cOllllusion is in hl.lrmOll? "'ith the
SeriptUl'c~ "hen we remember that tho "roJ'l1 c~'il do..:s




not necessarily mean wicked, but it does mean that

whieh brings misfortune, woo and punishment upon
the wrongdoers. One translator of this text readers
it thus: .. A mission of messengers of misfortune."
(Roth.) Jehovah '& witnesses do now proclaim his
message of misfortune, woe and punishment against
Satan's organization, hoth visible and invisible. This
furnishes the clue to the understanding of the antitypical fulfilment of the ten plagues upon Egypt and
suggests that Jehovah uses his witnes~es on the earth
in conneetbn therewith.
22 The plagues from one to nine were pointed declarations and notices of Jehovah's supremacy, and there
by both Jehovah's and Satan'::; organization are made
to appear. The tenth plague brought the release of
Jehovah's people from Satan's organization and their
deliverance out from I~gypt. Such plagues were per.
formed before Pharaoh, and hence conRtitute notice
to him, and the antitypknLfulfilment of the plagues
must be before Satan and his organization, and which
constitute notice and Wal'llill~ to Satan and his organi.
zation. 'Ye know that Jehovah is not responsible for
the economic depression, wo('s and misfortunes that
have come upon the peoples of the world, because it is
c:xpressly stated in his Word that Satan has brought
these woes; therefore the nine prrliminary plagues
upon E~ypt could not properly apply to such w()('s.
'fhe antitypieal fulfilment would not be those woes
mentioned in Uevclation 12: 1:.l. They must have some
symbolic sig-nificance, such as the seven last plagues
of Hevclution, sixteenth ('hapter. Each plague is a
specific message of misfortune, and these messages de
livc1'ed in model'll times a~ainst Satan's organization
irk, disturb, plague and forebode the downfall of Satan and his organization. As the plagues upon E~pt
constituted notice and warning, antitj'pically fulfilled
such must be notice and warning.
f3 Jehovah commanded Moses to perform certain
signs in Egypt, first before the Israelites and then
before Pharaoh, the purpose of which was to supply
convincing proof that Jehovah is God, and that lloses
was sent to Egypt as Ood's representative. The third
of those :Jigns when performed by 1\loses and Aaron
before Pharaoh constituted the first plague upon
Egypt. That sign or wonder was the turning of the
water into blood. (Ps. 78:43,44; 105:29) Jehovah's
commandment to Moses concerning the first plague is
recorded at Exodus 7: 14-2G. :Moses there appearing
before Pharaoh was a type of Christ Jesus, the rindicator of Jehovah's name. The rod which l\Ioses lifted
up represented the divine authority conferred by Jehovah upon him, and antitypically represents the divine authority conferred by Jehovah upon Jesus. and
antitypieally represents the authority and power of
the Lord Jesu5 Christ to oust the enemy and delh"cr
his people, which authority has been co~ferl'ed by Je-


N. Y.

hovah. Aaron acting with l\foses pictured in the antitypical fulfilment the remnant on earth performing
the duties of witnesses to whom is committed the testi.
mony of Jesus Christ, and Aaron using the 1'od ShOWR
that these witnesses are acting under diYine command.
God had commanded the performance of this sign and
wonder before Pharaoh. "And :\[oses anu Aaron did
so, as the Lord commallued; and he lifted up the rod,
and smote the waters that were in the ri,'er, in the
sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and
all the waters that were in the river were turned to
blood." (Ex. 7: 20) The waters of.the river ~ile pic
tured the commercial part of Satan's organization.
I~gypt depended upon the waters of the J\"ile a" a.
means of carrying on her commerce; hence thoRe
waters to the Egyptians were a means of life at,d
livelihood. 'I'ul'l1iug the waters into blooo represented
death. Satan claimed that he had made the river ~ile
for himself; meaning that this was his possessIOn.
(Ezck. 29: 1-3) 'l'he people of the world, and many
who have cOllsecrated themselves to the Lord, have
been induced heretofore to believe that commerce is
vitally and essentially necessary for sustaining the
life of mankind. Jn recent years Go(l's CO\'ellant people have come to l{'urn that commerce was organized
and has been carried on bv Satan as a nwans of Cfllltrolling the people and tu'l'lling them away fl'om .Jehovah Clod. 'l'his sign or wonder was pel'formed befol'\)
the Israelites, and thus showed that God '3 covenant
people must first learn the meaning of commerce all(l
that it is the institution of Satan, and then they must
declare the same bdol'e the rulel's and the people, that
commerre constitutes an integral part of Satan's or
ganization which he has employed to deeei\'c and oppress the people and to carry Oil his bloody and death.
dealing work. The tUl'ning of the water into blo:),l
pieturer! or foreshadowed a lllc'ssage of truth heinO'
declared or made known in the presence of Satan;~
visible agents, a::! well as to the invisible part of hi~
organization. In the type it was a notire and warnin~
to l>haraoh. In the :mtitype it mll~t be a notice and
warllin~ to the autitypiral Phamoh and his ol'g';llli.
zation. The f.ulfilment 01 tile prophetic picture bl'l~an
at the convention of God's people at Columbus in
July 1924-, at which time public tleclaration was made
that the commercial giants, who are the principal ones
of the ecclesiastical systems of this world, and all of
which are a part of Satan's organization, constitute
the chief rulers or representati\"es of Satan on eal,th
that rule and dominate and oppres" the people. A
resolution was there adopted, and afterward wide
ly published, entitled A)< hDlcnlE~T. Its distriLu
tion extended throughout "Christendom" in many
languages. The declaration was therein made and the
notice hence served upon the rulers and the people
that Satan's organization is death-dealing, and that
the hope of mankind is in the kingdom of Ood. That
was notice and warning to Satan '8 organization of

Mf.r.eIl 1, 1934



God's purpose to fully express his wrath against that ward Rntil Satan's 6tganization yields to the rightful
wicked organization and that this he would do in due Ruler and Vindicator of the world or else suffers comtime. (See The Watchtower, 1933, pa~e 121; L-iaht, plete destruction. It would therefore follow that when
Book One, page 122.) That notice and warning was the ten plagues are antitypically fulfilled and pergiven fh'e years before the great economic depression formed, then would come the complete overthrow of
hegan and which continues until this day. Since then Satan and his organization.
Jehovah '8 witnesses have continued to call the attenPLAGUE TWO
tion of the rulers and the p<,oplc to the fact that Satan is the author and creator of commerce, who has
IT Satan is totally depraved, and many of his visible
exercised beastly rule ovcr the people, and which has agents give evidence of their total depravity. God
~cl'\'ed as a grC'at defamation of God's holy name, and
continues to give them notice and warning. The second
that it will be destroyed in vindication of Jehovah's plague of Egypt was that of frogs. "He sent .
name. This testimony continually givcn by Jehovah's frogs, which destroyed them." (1's. 78: 4::;) "Their
witncss('s, and the Scriptural proof submitted in sup- land brought forth frogs in abundance." (Ps. 105: 30)
port thereof, has constituted and continues to consti- 'l'he record of the second plague appears at Exodus
tute a great plague upon the organization of Satan. 8: 1-15. Jehovah commanded Moses, the type of Ch1'ist
His visible represcntatives have no answer to these Jesus, to say unto Aaron, the type of the earthly
}Jointed truths, and hence they are tormented by hear- mouthpier,e of the Lord Jesus, Jehovah's witnesses,
ing them.
to proceed with the work of carrying out the second
24 As the wnters of the river were turned into blood,
plague: "And the I,ord spake unto Moses, Say unto
hringing death, so in the past few years the people Aaron, Stretch f01'th thine hand with thy rod over
have bcen learning that commerce, instead of bringing the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and
1hem life and happiness, is a grcat systcm of oppres- cause frogs to cOll1e up upon the land of Egypt. And
sion resulting in much sllff\~l'ing and death. As the Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of
peoples of Egypt du~ about the river to find life- Egypt; and the frogs carnc up, and covered the land
sustaining waters 10 drink, even so now the rulcrs and of E!!ypt."-Bx. 8: 5, 6.
1heir allies are bringing fort h many makeshifts in their
23 The hand stretched out holding the rod, which
<ksperate attempt to pull the world out of depression manifestly was Moses' rod, represented and pictured
and to find that whieh will sllstain their present organ- the power and authority of Jehovah God conferred
ization. All tht'se schemes and plans brought forth upon Christ, the Greater 1\loses, and by him upon the
iA'nore -God, and the visihle agents of Satan refuse to earthly members of his organization, the sorv1111t class,
give heed to the message of God concerning his king- who bear the message or testimony of Jehovah before
dom which he is causing to be brought before them. the rulers and before the people. (Ezek. 2: 9, 10; 'i'l/e
2S But the magicians of Eg-ypt cooperated in making
Watchtower, 1933, page 115) 'I'he rivers and ponds
hard tho healt of l)haraoh. By their enchantmcnts and other waters pictured the peoples of the world,
they also turned water into blood. (Ex. 7: 22) Tho particularly of "Christendom". Frogs arc "marsll
modern mag'ieians, to wit, the elergy and religious leapers" and inhal)it shallow waters or marshes. 'rhey
teacflers of Satan's organization, inclueling the "man give the appearance of great ,visdom and importance
of sin" class, resist the Lord and his purposes by and make a loud and discordant noise, and these parharanguing their allies and the people and saying that ticularly represcnt the agitators amongst the common
the waters of truth, that ill, the testimony delh"creel by people who suggest dinrs and numerous remedies for
Jehovah's witnesses, are death-dealing; and thus they the salvation of the world; for example, the socialists,
turn the waters of truth into blood. Instead of r~ bolsheviks, communists, Christian Scientists, and the
edving the testimony of Jesus Christ as a warning tho various elements of organized religion. Progs are un
clergy and their allies contend that all the trouble, clean; and coming out of the waters of Egypt, that is,
woes and economic depression now upon the world the world, shows that whatever they represent is from
proceed from Jehovah. It is the message of truth that Satan's organization.-See Light, Book Two, page 42.
j)!agues Satan's representatives, and by refusing to
20 It was the exercise of divine power and authority
give heed thereto they continue to harden their hearts that caused the frogs to come up and to be exposed
against Gotl.-See The Watchtower, April 15, 1933. aud to harass the people; which, antitypically, is the
authoritative exercise by Jehovah's servants, includ26 The turning of the waters of the river Nile into
blood was one of the ten plagnes, rnd in connection ing those on earth, of the power and commission in
with the first plague it is written: "And seven days dcliwring the message of notice and warning to the
were fulfilled, after that the Lord had smitten the enemy organization and which exposes the many soriver." (Ex. 7:25) "Seven"is a divine symholicnum- called "remedics" for the human race. It appears
bel' of completeness, and as here used it appears to that the second plague antitypically fulfilled had its
say that the testimony of notice and warning to Sa- beginning upon Satan's organization from the year
tan's organization must continue from that time on 1927 and onward and corresponds to the sixth trumpet




of Revelation (9: 13-21). The facts which relate to

the antitypical fulfilment of this plague are these:
At Toronto, before a large visihle audience and one
by radio, l'onstituting a far greater audience, a message from the Lord's \Vord in the form of a resolution and snpportinC! ar:~umt:nt was adoptcJ and addressed "To THE !'F.OI'LE:'; OF CIImSTEXDO~[''. The
Jll('ssage broadcast on that occasion Was afll'rwanls
printed and distributed by the millions to the peoples of earth and in many languag-es. ~\.mongst other
thin~ that messa!..'(' said was in substance this: .The
blessing's so much ue~ircd by the people can ne\'er
come thl'ou!!h any unl'i'~htt:ous system Ol "Christen
dam" or any organizution of so-called" Christianity",
b0cause the same forms a part of Satan's org'anization, and that there is no reason for the people to f,!ive
support to that hypocritical ana oppressive system
that blinds them, misleads th('m, and turns them uway
from nod. Further, that in this hour of perplexity
Jehovah Uod bids the peoples to ahundon and for ewr
forsake" Christcndom" and all of her mi"leaJin~ systems and org'anizatiolls, be('ause all of these are of
the Dcvil's organization.' (Nee Liyht, Boo!;: One, pa~e
163.) At the time of the delivcry of that m('s~tl~e COIllmerce was at its zcllith in operating fl':1m1ulent and
oppresdvc sl'hemes to ~et rieh, and whieh ,n'l'e oppressive to the p('Ople. About the time of the Jdin'ry
of that mC'ssag'e men and wonH'1l throllg'h the puhlic
press and by otlwr means b('~an a great ('roaking' noise
in the way of palaw'r and talk and u!!itation, and
wind-puning, a~suming gn:at wisdom and r.mkillg
much noi'i() about the llbility of their various systems
to briug' ahout the <ksirt: I)f the pC'ople, the falsity of
which the message aforesaid exposed as being from
Satan. Amongst these croakers were inclmll'd the
clergy and their newspapers, as ,veIl as the ~eeular
prcss. All of these thin2;s were the expression of 1mman or man-made wisdom and all opposed to God's
kingdom under Christ. InclUl1ed lll'iO amongst thesQ
croakers is the "man of sin" ('lass (Jannes and Jambres) who join with the puhlie prcss :lnd the dergy
and other agitators to speak against .Jehovah's witnes'Scs and again~t the messa;?:c of truth ddi,"ereu by
them. Many who thought they were amongst GoJ's
people were misled by these croaking'S and b:l'ame
offended at Jehovah and Christ and fell away, joining
Satun's organization openly. Some of these offended
ones said in substance: ,. lIad the radio speech at
Toronto been tempercd with moucmtion the Xational
Broadcasting Company would have permitted the continued use of its facilities to the Society." Xonc of
such frog-croakitlg, of course, came fj:om Jehovah '8
witnesses, but came from those that opposed the king.
dom; and the fact that Jehovah's witnesses called attention to and exposed these croaking'S ns I)('in~ from
the Devil, and cited the Scriptnres ill support thereof,
and showed that none of such sel1C'mes were from God,
made the croakers very angry.-Jer. 23: 16-21,31,32.


N, Y.

30 The message ahove mentioned exposing the frog-

croaking was distrihutN1 to the oflicial clement of
Satan'l> visible organization as well as to the people,
and Satan induced his wis~'acl'es to try to ofCset it hy
brin~ing forth some frogs of their own. "And the
magicians did so with thciJ: r!lehantments, and hroug-ht
up frogs upon the land of Egypt." (Ex, 8: 7) 'rhese
latter frog-messages did not proceed from the cro~tl~
ers amongst the common people, bnt, as the Scriptures
ueclure, they" como out of the mouth of the dragoll,
. . . the beast, anu .. the false prophet", the or,icial clement of the Devil and his organization. (Hev.
16: 13, 14) This latter scripture gives the elue to the
m('anin~ of the frogs of the s(~cond pla~uc upon Egypt.
In this text in the Revelation, anu in cOlJlH~dion ,vith
the Egyptian plagues, are the only places in the Bihle
where frog-s arc mentioned, and both show they repre<;ent tile bcastly and fraudulmt claims mauc by Satan and his organization which the Lord h~' his pow(~r
unu uUlhmity has exposed.-See Light, Book 1.'wo,
pages 42-r,1.
31 The pl:1l1;11e of frogs docs not in any manner refer
to Jehovah's witnesses or the message ddiverpd hy
them, but that pla~lle docs show what l'esulted by
reason of the uplin'ry of the divinely g-i \'('n lllessU!~c,
hC('IHlSe the mes~;a~e 1"l;sl1ltC'd ill exposill~ these vuriolls
croakin~s or false claims. The dying of the frog3 do('s
not mean that Jehovah's witne:oses stop[lel1 prorlaiming the ml'ssage of truth, because Jeh()vah commUlHls
them to continue their work; but it docs scpm to ~;ay
that the reasonable people begin to see that tIJ(,SO
croakers have no real llH'anS of bringing' hlessing's to
the people and they l'cu;;e giving heeu to thcm. The
official purt of ~atan 's organization was greatly di,.;turbcd hy the eroakinl; noi;;e of thcse untit ypical fru~.;,
und, fearill~ that the same might intcrf('l\~ with theil'
schemes, hell(~e thl'Y, like Pharaoh, lied in oruer to
have themselves released from these frh~ annoyancc,;,
(Bx. 8: 8) The frogs of Egypt diu not all die, hut
only those that were on the dry land and in the houso
of Pharaoh and his official family. All the other fro~.;s
remained ill the rivers. (Ex. 8: 11) 'l'hc message of
Ood '8 kingdom published in 1!)28 specially point,:t!
out that all attempts of government by agitation and
agitators, such a!> hereinbefore descrihed, llHI.,t fail because only God's kingdom under Christ can bring
what is the desire of the people. (Sec GOUI'/'Ilillellt,
pages 2-12-247.) That message was put in the hanl[,;
of practi('ully all the official visible part of S:1tall's
org'anizl1t ion in "Christendom". Satan and his ofiiciai
crowd pl'obahly haye taken some satisfaetioll in 1)clieving that they will not hI; oyel,thrown hy such a~i
tators, hut that their own schemes, namely, the fabe,
unclean messagps that come from the mouth of the
Deyil, his henst, and his false prophet, bcspC'ak the
remedy for the controlling of humankinll.
32 The message contained in the Go UI'/'Ilmellt hook,
issued in 1928, further exposes the llluny false SJ'S-


I, 1934


terns and attempts of government and points out that

the only possible means for the blessing of the people
is through God's kingdom. The message of truth
therefore angers Satan's organization, antitypical
Egypt, the members of which harden their h('arts.
Further testimony of notice and warning must continue, which will pla~ue Satan's organization, and
which will be to the honor of Jehovah's name.
(To be conti.Ked)
,. 1. Contrast the state existin~ sm(:e the time of Eden with
that prior thNeto, Dnd nceount fOf the change. What is
Jehovah 's purp{J8~ concerning present ('onditions and those
responsible therefor' What has he done to make known
that purpose"
fl 25. Point out the time and manner in which God first revealed to man his name JdlQ\ah. What were some of
the j1;rent thing-s .Jeh,,\'ah periorfm'<l by his SNmnt Moses,
and how is the slaying- of the passover lamb related there
to' "'hat is the reason for the statements recor(!ed at
Exodus 3: 15 ancI ]2: 14' In view of these scriptures,
account for and apply Jesus' words of Luke :!2: 19.
Comparo the application of this text before ]918 with
thnt since then. Point out the event, find the time thereof,
markin~ the making and the inauguration of the taw
covenant anll of the new co\."ennnt.
'If 6, 7. In r('gar.1 to conspiracy by Satan and his represenlatives, an,1 ueliverance hy .It-h.n-ah, compare the position
of the Israelites in B!.('Yl.t with that of J ehovalL 's anointed
at the tillle of making amI Qf inaugurating tILe new
fl 8. Explllin the fact that JpllOw,h expresse<l his vengeance
aj1;ainst Satan's organization hy sla.ving the tirstlJorn of
};gypt at the timO" tlte paseh."ll lalllb was killed but did
not slay those of antitypical Egypt nt the dentlL of the
antitypical passover lllTllh. Wlmt does this mean, as related to the "Lord's supper", to those in the new covenant in tho day of God's vengctlnce upon the first born of
antitypi('al Jr:I,'Ypt'
'i 9, 10. Apply the prophetic fact (a) that the Egypti3.118
hated shephl'r,ls; (h) that .Jehovah used the shepherd
Moses to df'livcr hill testimony to Pharaoh; (c) of tlte
assurance given to Moses by Jehovah as recorded at ExodUll 3: 12.


,. 11-13. Point out the fulfilment of Genl.'sis 13: 15. What do

the Scriptures show to be the heritage of the faithful
men of old'
1r 14, 15. What does it mean for the "people for his name"
if the blood of the new covenant has been sprinkled and
that covenant has been inaugurated, and how will they
use that honor and meet the attending responsibility'
Explain and apply the demand made of Pharaoh by ~Ioses
and Aaron as recorded in Exodus 5: 1.
'd 16. What test upon Pharaoh attended notice and warning
given to him by Moses' In this connection, compare the
position of Moses anu of Pharaoh with that of Jehovah's
witnesses and of Satan's representatives now.
f 17. Explain the symbolism of the rod of Moses and its becoming a serpent when cast uown berore Pharaoh, and of
the rod in tho hand of the antitypical Moses. Just why
does the memorial of the death of our LOftl Jesus Christ
now have much grenter siglllficance to God's people than
tltey have heretofore ~('en
, 18. Show that 2 Timothy 3: 19 is now having fulftlment.
f 19. Why is it reasonable to expect that these signs antI
wonders will be understooll by the remnant while on earth'
,. 20. How docs Exodus 9: IG account for Satan's so long
continuing his wicke.l work' When and how do the pro
phetic purpose set forth in Exodus 9: Hi ant! the pro
phetic picture presented in Psalm 10.3: :!(j, ~7 fintl fulfilment' ~how the relationship thereto of Isaiah HI: 19,20
and of Jeremiah 32; 20, In.
,. 21, 22. Identify the I I evil angpls" mentioned in Psalm
78: 49, nnd show that Hueh i.lentification is dearly in
bnrmony with the fkriptures, Point out the nature an,l
the purpose of the first nine plague!> brought upon Egypt,
typil:al and antitypil'al.
'I 2326. For what purpose dit! Jehovah scnd Moses to Egypt,
and how was )[oses to procped whl'n there' Whom did
Moses un,l Aaron there prophetically picture1 VI'seribe
the performal'.ee of the si~n or wonder whkh constituted
the first pl.lgue upon Eg.vpt, an,l show wh ..n UIlt! how
that pictorial propltl'cy is fulfilled. How, in th,' fulfilment
of prOI,lll'cy, have the' mn gicians of Egypt' also 'turned
the water into blood'1 What is the sij1;niticllnce of the
statement that" seven davs were fulfilled" nfter the Lord
hall smittl'n the river'
, 2731. As to tho prophetic event and the time anl! manner
of fulfih.1l'nt, what constitute.I the sw:on.l plague of Egypt,
ho\v was it called forth, and what is declared to be the
l)urpose thereoff


OR centuries

theolo~ians have been puzzled over

how Jesus CQuid he born of a woman who was
a descendant of the sinner Adam and yet himself be "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from
sinners", as the sacred Scriptures (Heb. 7: 26) testify. Without a scripture in the Bible to support their
theory, these theologians im'cnted the doctrine that
l\Iary, the earthly mother of Jesus, was herself immaculately conceived and bon!. Such an unscriptural
argument leads only to another question, namely,
Hew about Mary's mother! and how about )Iary's
mother's mother? and so on all the way back to mother
Eve. Such a doctrine of immaculate conception having no support whatever in the inspired Holy Scriptures as written by the apostle Peter and the other
apostles and prophets, but rather being contradictory
to the written Word of God, we promptly dismiss such
doctrine. Paul, the apostle, sa:rs in his letter to the

church at Rome, chapter fin" verse tweh'e: 'I As by

one man [namely, Adam] sin entered into the world,
and death by sin; and so death !H1SSed upon all men,
for that all have sinned." Psalm fourteen, \"Crse three,
states: "There is none that docth good, no, not one."
These scriptures being true, and smcc ~ksns was born
of a woman, was he not a sinner like othC'rs 1
Jesus was not a sinner. He was born pure, holy,
sinll.'s8, without spot or blemish, lIe was not brgotten
and born like other children. While he was born of
the woman :ilary, Joseph was not his father. JO'3eph
was espoused to ~Iary, Jesus' mother, and before they
were married she was found to be with child. The
record of ::\Iatthew, chapter one, verse eighteen, reads:
"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:
When as his mother }Iary was espoused to .Jo~eph,
before they came together, she was found with child
of the holy [spirit}." :Mary was a virgin, J'et she was


r.ffi~ WATCrIT0\VER

about to give hirth and did give birth to the 1)31:;0

J('sus. The account goes Oil to :,wy in the next few
vcr:,;es (20-23) : "Uut while [Joseph] thOUg:lt on theso
things, behold, the an~d of the Lord appeared unto
him in a dream, suying, Joseph, thou son of David,
fear not to take unto thre :Mary thy wife; for that
which is conceived in her is of the holy [spirit]. And
she shall bring forth a SOil, and thou shalt call hiq
name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their
sins. Now all this was done, that it mi~ht be fuifilll'd
which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
Behold, [I vil'gin shall he with child, antI shall brin~
forth a son, and thcy shall call his name Emmanuel ;
whieh hein~-\" int('l'(ll'dcd is, Cod with us," The hl)ly
child that was born of the virgin :\Iary was and is
the Son of Gud; so the Hngel (laln'iel assured .\Jary,
saying to her: "'j'he holy [spirit] shall come upon
thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow
thee; therefore abo that holy thing which shall be
born of thce shaH he ('ailed the Son of God."
The ,vords translated in our Bibles" Holy Ghost"
should properly be tl'Unslated holy spirit. 'I'he holy
spirit is the invisihle power and energy of Jehovllh.
God is holy; therefore his power and energr are holy.
!"ather means life-gin:l', Jehovah is the Father of
Jesll.'i because he gave life to .Jesus; he nee .1l:sus is
called the Son of Uoil. The spirit or ener~y of .Jehovah oper'ati1lg' at 1lw time of ('rcation upon carthlr
substanec produc('u cal'lhly ('1'Caturl'S, :-;0 the Uihlieal
record states. len. 2: 7; 1 Cal'. 13: 47) 'I'he same
holy powct' and ('ll('1'gy \)('gat t.he child Jesu:" who
was born of his mother Mary. '1'he1'('fore the hfe of
Jesus was without sin or ilJl[Jcr1'cctioll. The pel'ft'ct,
sinless ~e1'm of life of him who Was bom as Jesus was
transferred from the spirit plane of life in heaven
to the h tllllan plane 01' natul'C 011 earth. 'l'his, liS the
Scriptures state, ,vas all accom piished by th(: spitit
or invisible power of Ood the Father, and it wus this
perfect and hoiy 1'owel' of God that counteracted all
imperfect inlluences which the imperfeetions and
blemishes and inhred sh of the virgin )[ary might
tend to have on the child of her virginity.
Jesus was our Lord's human name. It implied hi~
humiliation and lowly estate, in ~omparison with the
glory which he had with the hea\'enly Father beforr
the world was. (.John 17: G) lIe had existed long
before he hecame a human creatme. According to the
Greek lailguagc, in which the gospl'1 of John was
written, his prehumau name was the LOl1os, which is
translated in our common version Dihle "the 'Yord".
The Greek word Lorlos is therefore one of the titles
of Jesus and should not be translated over into
English at all. It means the spol,e:,;man, active agellt,
or messenger, of Jehovah. John, writing in the first
chapter of his gospel (1-3) concerning the Lo!!os,
who later became Jesus, says: "In the beginning
[which means the beginnin~ of God's creative acth"ity] was the [Logos], and the [Logos] was with God


K Y.

[that is, the God, Jeho,all}, and the [Lo~os] was God
[not the God, but a god or mi~hty one]. The same
was in the beginning with God [that is, the God, Jehovah]. All thing'S were made by him [the Logos l ;
and without him [the Logos] 'VUil not any thin:-i mad,)
that was made"; he was the acth'e agent of Jehovah
in making all thin~s.
The "})('(!'inning" here referred to could not mC:1!l
the beginning of God the Father, because, as Psalra
forty-one, verse thirteen, and Psalm ninety, verse two,
state, he is from everlasting to everlasting and ne\"('1'
had a he~inning. The work of Jehovah, however, h::[}
a beginnin~, and his creative work is clearly wllat i'i
here m('<lllt in connection with th(' e~:pIT'-,,,ioil "in t;, ~
heginnin;('. The Ijogo<; was the first awl only dirc('t
creation of Jehovah; and thpreafter Cod's creatio.l
was performed through hi<; Logos. This i<; the thougLt
expressed by the apostle Paul in Colossians, chaptel'
one, verses fifteen to sen'ntccn, where he said that
Jesus "is the image of the invisible God, thc fil':;t!>:ll',l
of every creature; for by him Wl're all thin'!'s ('reatcd,
that arc in heaven, anll that are in earth, visible llll(l
invisible, whether they he t hroncs, or (loJnillions, or
prin('ipalitil's, or powt'rs; ali thillg" were el'('ated hy
him, and fur him: ami he i:i before all thin~'i, and by
him all thin;.;':;; consi"!t."
As further cvitlenee of .Je:ms' prehuman existence,
we have hi" own word" as quoteu from .Juhn's gosp!'i
(G: 38) : " I ('ame down from heaven, not to do milW
own will, but the will of him that sent me." III 8: 4:!:
"I proceeded forth and ('arne from God; neither ('arne
I of myself, but he s!'nt me," A~ain (8: 5~) : "fiefore .\braham was, I am." A~ain (16: ~S) : "I came
forth from the Father. and am ('orne into the world:
again, I leave the world, nnd ~o to the Father." ,Awl
17: 5: ".And now, 0 Father, glorify thou me wit it
thine own sdf, with the glory which I had with thpe
before the world \Va"!." A~ain, Jesu'i said (Un'.
3: 14) : 'I am the be~inJling of the creation of Uod.'
Furthermol'(', in Hebrcws, c!wpter aile, vel'ses one
and two, the apostle Paul under inspiratioll stat('s:
"God '. . . hath in thcs-e last days spokell unto u<; hy
his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all thin~~s,
by whom also he made the worlos." And again, ill
Second Corinthians, chapter eight, ver:->e nill(" lIe
states: "For ye know the graee of onr Lord Jcsw;
Christ, that though he was rich, yet for yoUl' sakI'S
he became poor, that ye throu~h his povcrt,\" might be
rich." He was in the for111 of God heforc he becllTlle
a man; as it is worded in Philippians, chapter two,
verses :"ix anLl seWIl, accortlin~ to the Di(/[/lult trall,;lation: ",Y1Io [that is, Jesus], though beillg; in God '"
form, yet did not meditate a usurpatiull to be like
God, but divested himself, taking a bonom"n's form,
having been made in the likeness of men."
Some religious people have earnestly believed that
Je,,;us was God him"elf. But such a conclusion is not
warranted bJ" the Scriptures. John said: "The Fathvr





lo\"oth the Son, nnd hath given aU things into his

hand." (John 3: ;)3) Again, Jesus said: "The Father
judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment
unto the Son; that all men should honour the Son,
even as they honour the Father. JIe that honoureth
110t the SOl1, honourcth 110t the Father which hath
sent him.. For as the Pather hath life ill himself;
so hath he givrn to the Son to hove life in himself."
(John 5:22,23,26) Again, Jems said: "It is also
written in your law, that the testimony of two men is
tru(). I am one that bear witness of myself, and the
Father that sent me heareth witness of me." (John
8: 17, 18) Thus .Jesus definitely fixes the fact that he
and the Father al'e separate and distinct persons.
Again, Jesus said: ":\Iy Father, whieh gave them
me, is greater thnn all; :.lIld no m;lIl is able to pluck
them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father arc
one." (John 10: 2!J, ::;0) It may be asked, Does not
this prove that they are one being lOur answer is
thnt it docs not; bnt that it does show, in connection
with the other scriptures just quoted, that .Jesus and
the Father, Jehovah, nrc one in harmonious action;
just as Jesus snh"iequently prayed to the Father that
the church, his followers, might be made one with


him, when he said, 3ecording to John's gospel, chapter

seYenteen, verses twenty to twenty-two: "Neither
pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall
belieye on me throug-h their word; that they all may
be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that
they also may be one in us: that the world may bclieve
that thou hast sent me. ..\nd the glory whieh thou
ga....est me I have given them; that they may be one,
even as we are one." 'l'hus.Jesus definitely shows what
is meant by being one with the Father.
.\gain, Jesns prayed to the Father, saying: "Father, save mc from this hour: but for this cause came
I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name. Then
came there a voice from heaYen, saying, I have both
glorified it, and will glorify it again." (John 12:
27,28) Je<;us could not have been prayin~ to himself
here, hut he was praying to .Jehovah God, from whom
he came. That the Father is greater than the Son,
Christ Jesus, he shows when, according to John, chapter fourteen, verse twcnty-l'ight, he says: "I go away,
and come again unto JOU. If J"e loved me, ye woulc1
rejoice, because I saill, I go unto the Father: for my
Father is greater than 1."


LJ.J denominational churches, both Catholic and

Protestant, O{n'rate under the name Christian". They call themselves by the name of
Christ even thoug-h thl'y constitute a part of Satan's
organization, which i~ the world. :\[uny good people
dC'iire to sene God amI follow Christ and, knowing no
other place to go, have been brought into these denominational folds. The clcrgy of each denomination
rcspecth-cly is the watchman of that flock and claims
the flock as his. (Isa. 56: 10, 11) Instead of feedill~
the hungry souls of that flock from the Word of nod
the clergy furnish a provl;ndcr of t heir own making,
such as politics and business, mixed with a little of
the Bible misapplieu. Therefore the prophet speaks
of their tables as lalIen with vomit. (Isa. 28: 8) The
consecrated followers of Jesus who arc in these denominational church systems arc nauseated by these
mixtures of false doctrines upon whieh they are fed
and by the hypocritical practices of those who prepare and dispense the food. They know that the
doctrine of evolution is entirely (,(Jlltra1lictory to the
truth concerning Christ .Jesus and his great sacrifice.
They know that the Lord hus said that a true follower
of Christ must keep himself separate from the world.
They see the clergy making the 11fofiteers and politicians the chief ones of their flock and yielding to the
selfish influence of such. They see their leaders freely
engaging in the evil affairs of the world. These poor
shel'p of the flock are sick and in distrl''is and know
not what to do. The clerg-)" tell them that they may

believe what they will, just so they l'rmain in the

('hurch and help to support it. Tllt'y al'e tolll that
if they leave the church they will be doing violence
to their own interests and the interests of their familics and the interests of the community, and that if
the church falls all momlity will ccasc. 'l'hey further
threaten tlll'm with the fin's of eternal torment should
they forsake the church system. Dy these variolls
means employed the clergy hold these sick and lnulg'l'y
souls as "prisoners" in the dl.'nominational sy~tems
and prevent them, as far as possible, fl'om knowing
the truth concerning God's govel'1lm('nt. These" prisoners" sec that the clel'~y no IOllger wor:;hip .Jehovah
as their God anu Christ Jesus llR their H!'tkemer, hut
delly God, deny his Word alHl deny the hlofJd of
Christ thnt bought them, and instead alh'ocate the
God-dishonorin~ doctrine of evolJ.tiol1. In their distress they cr,Y out: "Help us, 0 God of our salvatioll,
for the glory of thy name; l1lld deliver us, anu purge
away our sins, for thy name '8 sake. Whcl'l.'fol'c should
the heathen [unbelievers] say, Where is their God 1
let him be known among the heathen [unhelievers]
in our sight, by the revenging of the blood of thy
servants ,,,hich is sheu. Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the gl'eatness of
thy power preser,e thou those that arc appointed to
die. "-Ps. 79: 9-11.
That the Lord in his due time will bring forth these
prisoners is made certain hy his promise: "Happy
is he tllnt hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose



hope is in the Lord his God: which made hea"cn, and

earth, the sca, and all that thcrein is; which keepeth
truth for ever; which exetuteth judgment for the
oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The
Lord looseth the prisoners: the Lord openeth the eyes
of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed
down: the Lord lovcth the righteous. "-Ps. 146: 5-8.
Then the Lord indicates whl'n he will loosen these
prisoners and states that it is when he- builds up Zion.
'hat means when the Lord comes to hjs temple and
gathers unto himself the faithful ones and covers
them with the robe of l'i~hteousness. (Ps. 1D2: 16-20;
Isa. 61: 10) But how will he loose these prisoners f
Jehovah then addressin~ his servant class, the anointed ones, who arc called to be his witnesses and who
constitute the remnant, says: "I the Lord ha\'c called
thec in righteousness, and will hold thinc hand, and
will keep -thee, and give thee for a covenant of the
people, for a light of the Gentiles; to 0Jlen the blind
eyes, to lll'in~ out the prisoners from the prison, and
them that sit in darkness out of the prison house."
Great is the privilege of those who have part in this
witness work. These have the consolation of informing the spirit-heg-otten ones who arc held as prisoners
that the time has come for them to show themselves
and take their stand on the side of the Lord. (lsa.
49: 8,9) 1'hat witness must be g-iven, and is being
given. This explains why there is a little company
of men and women who couut not their Ii\'es dear
unto them and who joyfully carry the message of
God's loving-kindness and concerning his rightL'Ous
government to the hungry souls who are in the "arious
church systems at this time. While Satan is employing
all of his agencies to discn'dit Uod in the eyes of tho
people it is the privilege of the remnant to givc testimony to those who will hear that Jehovah is God and
that thdr hlessings must come from him.
Jehovah established the jubilee system amongst the
Israelites. That jubilee foreshadowed his king-(lom or
righteous government, when all the oppressed ont~S
must be relieved and have a fair opportunity to start
in the way of righteoufilless. At the opening of the
jubike year the law required the trumpet to be sounded to inform the people that the juhilee year bad
arrived. (Lev. 25: 9, 10) Thel'eby the Lord foreshadowed that he would have the people informed eoneerning the establi6hment of his righteous government
through which man shall be returned unto all of his
possessions originally intended for him. For this
reason Jesus declared that the good news of the kingdom must be given to all nations as a witness before
the final sorrows should come upon Satan's organization in which his evil organization will be overthrown.
Through his prophet God said to his anointed remnant, his witnesses: "Go through, go through the
gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast
up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a
standard for the people. Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say J'e to the


K Y.

daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before
him. "-Isa. 62: 10,11.
A .. gate", as here used, is a symbol of an entrance
into the kingdom. The remnant, being now in the
temple, are therefol'c entering the gates of the kin~
dom. As God's witnesses they are commanded to prepare the way for the pC'ople hy pointing them to his
righteous government. They arc told to remove the
stumbling stones, which are the false doctrines and
theories by which the people have been blinded. Thl'Y
are told to lift up a standard for the people, whirh
means to point the people to the fact that Gou's
righteous govel'l11llent is the standard to wlIich they
must rally. 1'his is a part of the work that the Lord
God is havin~ done in the earth at this time, and only
those who are unselfishly devoted to him are participating in that work.
The only aetive cnemies of Satan now on the rarth
are those who arc joyfully announcing' the fact tha t
God has placed his King upon his throne. Th('se must
be obedient to God's commands as his witnesses to do
his work and finish it before the Lord dashrs to piel'('s
Satan's organization in the final time of trouble whieh
Christ Jesus pointed out is now impending. (!\lat t.
24: 14, 21, 22) It is to be expected that Satau, that
old Dragon, is exceedingly angry at the faithful wit
nesses of the Lord and will do everything within hi"
power to destroy them. The Lord said that this is
what he would do: ""\nd the dragon was wroth with
the woman, and went to make war with the remnant
of her seed, which keep the commandments of God,
and have the testimony of .Jesus Christ. "-Hev. 12: 17.
Through the clergy and the principal of thl'ir fl()('ks
Satan presses his warfare against the l'cmuant of God
because of their faithfulness. But the em'my cannot
prevail, for the reason, it is written: " And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, find by the woro
of their testimony; and they loved not their liH's
unto the death. "-Hev. 12: 11.
The faithful remnant, trusting in the blood of
Christ, anointed by the spirit of Jehovah, counting
not their lives dear UlltO them, are joyfully gi \'in~
the testimony and by the Lord's grace they will overcome the enemy. On they go in the work with joy and
singing. 1'hcy press the battle to the "ery gate of
Satan's organization, and whilc so doing fear no cvil,
because they arc in the secret place of the ~Iost High.
(Ps. 91: 1-]5) Foreseeing this day of his w'onderful
work God through his prophet says to the remnant:
"In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown
of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue
{remnant] of his people, and for a spirit of jud1:!mcnt
to him that sitteth in judgment, and for str('n~th to
them that turn the battle to the gate.' '-lsa. 28: 5. 6.
Uany Chri'itians have deceived themselves into be
lie,'ing that God is trying to have them develop a
bt"lmtiful nnd sweet character that they mi,ght go to
heaven and there sing and enjoJ' ease and comfort

P.fhe \vATC I-I T0WER..

MAl'en 1, 1934

forever. The true remnant class realize that in order

to be of the heavenly government class they must do
~:;me Ringing while on eurth and do it to the prai;,e
of Jehovah's name. They must be witnesses that he is
the Mighty God, They arc called out of darkness into
the marvelous li~ht that they mi~ht show forth bis
praises while on earth. (1 Pet. 2: !), 10) God will take

into hi.. government and make official members thereof

only those who prove that they love him and his King
more than their own lives. Perfect love has no fear
of man or Devil, but he who has perfect love and
absolute confidence in the Lord boldly makes proclamation of the truth as a witness in the name of the
Lord.-l John 4: 17, 18.



'l'he Chicago division, at their assembly at Chicago on Sun

day, December :n, wisll to express thdr gratitude to Jehovall
for the timely lllld effecti\'e instructions as brou~ht to them
throug-h tho transcl il'tion lecture entitled" Ilis Orp;anization ".
Surely the transcnption machine is a marvclous blessing from
Jehovah i anu we are grateful to him that not only can it be

used as an instrument in guidin~ the people into his orl.;'nnization, but it can be useu ll.S an effective means of unifYl!l~ .Jehovah's witnesses more thorou~hly an,1 completely in the val tIe
fijI' tho vindirati,JU of his name with his \-lUclicator- Kin'!. \\ e
trust thrLt it ,'.-ilI be Jehovah's will to give us further instruction in II. similar manner.
\\"ith love and best wibhcs, we are

(Contintte4 from page 80)



KOH tlu 10:30am

Manch'ter W.E'EA Hu 2:'1:ipm
We 7:00pm
AtlnnticC'y \\'I'O::iu 10:00am
Albuq 'que KOB Hu 5 : 451'lU

[{OFL Bu 5: lfiplII
We 4:30pm ~'r 4:30pm




WYllO::lu G:30pm
Sa 2:1iipm
Bin/.: 'mton WNnF Su 7: OOprn
Brooklyn WBllR:'iu 10: \'ialll
8u 6:30pm Mo 10:;;oarn
'I'u lU:30am 'I'll O:::nl'lII
We 10:3tJ:lln Wo 6::J0l'rn
Th 10: :lOam 'I'h 6:;\111'11I
l!'r 10::lOulll
Fr t;::lIIpm
Brooklyn WC~W Mo () :4'-'l'm
Th 6:30pm ::-ia 5:00pm
WGH I;u 10 :Ollam
Buffalo WKllW We 10:00arn
Freeport \rc1BB Su !>:OO:un
'I'u 7:00pm 'I'll 7:00pm
Hudson F. \vOLe fiu W:45am
Jamestown WOCI.!:iu 7 :OUpm
KewYork W~ICA Su 10:-l3am
Saranac L. WXDZ Su 10: l5am
'1\.1 4: lorm 'I'h 4: l,jpm
Syracuso W::;Y H. Su 1U :30arn
Tupper L. \\'1IDL Su 10 :45am
Tlr 10:00am
Who PI 'na WF AS Su 6: OOpm
Mo 1:00pm Sa 9:00am
Asheville WWNC Th 5 :30pm
WB'l' Su 10:30am
Greensboro ~'IHG Su 9 :4jam
WPTF Su 10:0oam
Wilm'ton \VRAM Su 10: DOttm
We 7:0('pm
DevilsL. KDLRSu12:30prn
We 6:00pm Fr 6:00pm
WDAY Su 10 :Oliarn
G'd Forks KFJlI Su 5: OOpm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
KGee Bu 11 :30alll
We 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm


W ADC Su 1 :45pm

WO 1:011pm
Clo\,,'land WIIK Su 6::l Il I)lU
'1'u :J: 15pm 'I'h 9: 1apm
Clevelan,} WJAY Su 9:45am
Columbus WAIU Su10:0U:lw
Th 7::;0f'JD
Columbus WC.\ll:-;u lO:45:tID
:Mo 2 :OOpm We 2 :O\!pm
Fr 2:0Hpm
WBPD Hu 9::;u:lm
Su 8:15.'l1U
Youngst'n WKB~ Hu 10 : ()U,un
We 4:00pm
Zanesville W.ALR Su 10 : HU.un
Wo 4:15pm

Elk City
KASA Su 1 : 15pm
Okl 'aCity KO~[A Su 1 :-ISpm
1'0ncaCity WililZ Su 10:0tl-..w
We 9:0tl11Ill
Shawnee KGFF'Mo 8:4Spm
\VO 8:45pm l"r 8:15pm

KlnmathF, KF.Jl ~[o

Marshfield KOOS Mo
Me<lfonl K:'IED Su
Portland KWJJ Su

1 :3f;l'nl

7: 00am

WFllO Su I:! :00 nn
Tu 8:15pm
WLBW Su 10 :30am
WIBG Su 12: 151,m
Johnstown WJAC Su 4:;Jllplll
Phil 'a
WCAU Su I:! : (1\1 nn
Pittsh 'gh
KQV SU 10 :30:.ulI
We 1:15pm Fr 1:45pln
Pittsb'gh WWSW We 3:15plll
Reading WEEU ISu 3 :4.'iI'IU
We 3:4.ipm
Wash'ton WXBO Su 9: 45alll
W'msport WRAK Su 9: lJpm
Th 7:1Jpm

KZEG Sa 7: Ollpm
'1'h 7:QOem
Charleston ,",esc ~u 1 :OOpm
We 1:00pm Fr 7:00pm


WIS Su 1:15pm
Fr 6:43pm
Greenville WFBC ~u !) :30alll
~part 'b 'g WtlP.A tlu Ii :;;Opm
KUFX Hu 1 :OOpm
Tu 4:00pm 'I'h 4:00pm
SiouxF'1s KSOOHul0:0ilam
'I'h 4::JOplU
Watertown KGClt Su 9 :15:l1ll
Wu 8:-1,')prn I:'r 8:4:Jpm

Cha.'nooga WDOD i:!u
We 5:00plll Fr
Knoxville WXOX flu
W~1C Su
:'>lcmphis WIU:C Su

KG I{S flu
Beaumont KFDM flu
We 5:00pm Fr
CorplIsChr. KGFI Hu
We 6:!Gpm Fr
\'Oe Sll
\\'e 4:45pm Fr
I"::RLO H11

1 :30I,m
i) ::JOaUi

9: OUam
10 :Ollam
7 :!.ipm
5:0 0 pm
2 :4;jplli
4 :-i.JplU
::; :I,Jpm
8 :Oilpm



WSYB Su 10 :OOam
'.I'h fJ ::~tJ'lfn
Wawrb'y WDEV Mo 1:-l-,'i1'11l
We 1 :4,jprn .Fr 1 :13l!lu

eh'loth'sv. WElIe:-ill
Dallvillu W B'l'~1 i:!u
LJo'llchh'~ WLV.\ Su
l'etersb'~ \\'Plll~ ::-ill
Ridlulonu Wit\' A Su
Hoanoke WDllJ Su

10 :.J;jam
!J: Lipru
III :1I11:Ull

I:!: 1:;1.111
I:! ::!lIl'ln

\V ASllI~GTO:'i

KXW) Sll 1 :15pm

K\'O;';::iu 10:00am

Dell 'barn



K.J It ::ill III :1l1 1am

KVL }'Io Ii'lll
'l'u G:4:iplll
We II: I'-'I'al
'1'11 6:45pm
Fr (j:4:"'llI


f;'L (j: 4:i I' III

KFIO ~11 V: l,';alll
\\'0 1:45UlII
~'r 7:4:",m
Kt 1.\:C;u 4 :Oo['m
K~O ~1I1():::lIartl
\\'0 5:0opltl
['r ;}:Ol,f'!"
KVIHu :.l:;Il':1I
Walla Walla KU.l::-:iu 7:4:,,<111




1 ::;111.:11

KPQ Hu 10 :1111:1111
We 7 :UI):llll
KIT Slllll:Ool:lIu
'l'h 1 :OO'lItJ

Fr lO:Otl:llU

Jo:l Paso
KT8~1 fl[l, 7 ::~Ilpm
Ft. \\ortll K'1'AT ~lo5:13rm
\VO 5:1:ipm
Fr ;j:13prn
Galveston KLUF Sul0: 13anl
We 2:13p111
KPHC flu 10:00lall1
1:;. All;.;elo KGKL Su 1 :-l,5pm
'l'h 8:1Jam
S. Antonio KTSA 81110 :4,jam
Wichita F. KGKO 811 I:! ::)llprn
'I'll 8:,13Vrn
KLO Su 3: 13pm
\Ve 5 :45pm Fr 5 :Ollpm L. City KSL Su 11 : l.5arn

WUIS Su !J :O\)am
Jo'r 8:01).1I1I
eha'stoll WOIm Su 4 :(1111,111
Hunt'toll \\'S.\.Z Th 4 :OI)Pll
\\'hecllIl~ WWVl, Su 10:00",ru

La Crosse WKllll Su 1 :O(tprn

WIDA Sll 10 :()(\am
Fr 2:15pm



S11 10:30am
Th 8:45,,111

alie \vATCHT0\V'ER
The good news of the kingdom of 1ehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time Is shown
In each Instance.]
2AYTu 9:15pm
RrukenHill 2XLSu 8:4"prn
2C.\ Su 8:4;;pm
2-m~ Su 7 :30pm
Gunnedah 21\10 Su 7 :OOpm
2XN We 7:1fJpm
New Castle 2HD Su 9 :::OUlD
Su 7:15pm \Vo li:45plD
2 UE Su 7: OUpm
\\"gaW'ga2.WGWo 7:4;jl'm

4BC Hu 10:15prn
4-l\IK Su 11:00um
Townsville 4TO We 8:00pm
3AC Su 10 :15pm
3B.\ Su 1 :lfJ!,ru
3HOTu 8:00pm
3IL\ Su 8 ::WpIll
Melbourne 3AW Su 4 :45pm
:l'rr~Ha 9:00pm
:lSllSu 7:1;j!lm
Wangaratta3WHSu 8:15pm
Kalgoorlio (iKG Su 7:-10pm
61[1. Su 9:00pm

Launceston 7 LA 1:'r 10:15pm

Hainaut BOl':r-a~ S:t 5 ::lOpm
(330 m) E~l'EHAXeE

eFC~ l:lu 5 :45p1l1

e.JCB Su 9:00pm

Hamilton CKOC Hu 10:30nn

Su 1 :30pm Su 8 :15pm
Shanghai XIIIIH Su 10: OOam
e~IK Su 11 :30am
also Spanish Su 9: OOpm
Santa Cl'a C~III Su 12 :00 nn

RADIO Su 3:30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN
Beziers RADIO Th 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZlERS
Bordeaux RADIO :\10 7 :45pm
(237 m) SUDOUEST
(223 m) ~ANDIE

Su 4:00pm
. French:
Tu 8:0~l'm
Pans..RADlOLLFr 8:10pm
(~,(J Ill)
Pans R.\.DlO
Su 12:00 nn
(31~.SIll) VlTCI:;
Th 7 :30pm
S~ 7 :3~pm
Toulollse HAnI~. "e.7:1;:'IJm
(,,85.1m) TOuLOIiSE

S[illnish: Th 10: OOpm

Col '0 Spr. K\'OR Su 10::l0am
\Ye 5:3(iJlm Sa 4::~Ol'm
KFEL Su 7:01)plll
Grana J'n KFX.T Su 1 :]iiprn
KFKA:'IIo 7:1,JpCll
KIDW Su 7 :15pm
We 2:40p1ll 1"r 2:-10pm
KGHFMo 8:13pm
KGEK Su 12:4.'pru
We l2:45pm l:'r 12:451'm

An<'llOrag-e KFQD We 9::l0pm
Ketchikan KcrBU ~Io 7:15pm
Th 7:1~pm Sa 7:15pm
Wo 4:00plll Fr
Wo 5:1iJpm Sa.
Spanish Th
KP.J ~I Su
Wo 5 :15[>111 Fr
We 5:45pm Fr
Spanish Su

5:1;jr m
7:0 0 pm
8 :4.3alll

Fay 'ville KeOA Su 12:-l3pm
WoIl:i.jam Fr 6:00pm
lIot Sp 'A'S KTHS Su ;l :3Upm
Little R'k KARK Su 9:0r,am
Littlo R'k KGHl Su 7:00pm
Wo 5:4;jpOl Fr 5:4;'pm
Littlo R'k KLHA Su 10:~nam
Paragould KBT:'II Su 10:t1')am
Wo 11 :30am
Texarkana KC~IC Su 6 :45pm
El Centro
KXO Su 10:00rtm
KlE:\I SulG::Wam
Kl\I.J Su 3 :4:5pm
Hollywood Ki-IXBu 9:15[)ID
Lonr; B 'ch KG ER Su 10 :-l5-1m
Los AngelI'S K1':\I Su 8 ::lOam
Su 8:00pm
Til 8:\)l\pm
KLS Su 1l:15am
We 2:45pm Fr 2:4;;pm
Oakland KROW Su 10:15arn
Su 6:15pm
Mo i:45pm
Fr 8:15pm
Sa'mento KFBK Su 9::\Oalll
S. F'cisco Kl'AB Su 9:30am
Sa 8:3 11alll
Stockton KGD~[ Su 9:::ltlalll
We 7:13am Fr 1:ISpm


Coffeyville KGGF Su
Kans. C 'y WLBF Su
We 4:45pm Fr


Bridgeport \VICe Su 10:00am

Birm'ham WAPI Su 9:45am
Birm 'ham WBRe Su 10:00am
We 4:30pm
WlIET Su lO:30am
We 1:15pm Fr 1:15pm
M 'tgornery \\'SF'A Su 3 :45pm
1Iusdo S. WNRA Su 6: OOpm
Wa 8:00pm Fr 8:00p:n

Decorah KUCA ~Io
Wo 9:01hIll Sa
Dt's :\[oines \VIlO fSu
MaTshallt'nKF.TB Su
We u:1.Jpm 1"r

WiIm'ton WDEL Su 7: OOpm
Wo 8:30pm
Wi' ('ton WIL)[!lIo 8:43pm
WIOn Su 12:15pm
\\'(~.\:\I Su 4 ::lllprn
Orlando '.\"])1\0 Su 12 :4;jpm
Pensacola WCO.\ Hu 1 :OIlI'IU
Wo 7:30pm Fr 0:;)01'01
WTFI Flu 9:45am
\W;ST Hu 5 :,j,'pm
WilD'" Su :: :(,ll plll
'rh 7 :4;jprn
Columbus WRBL Su 9::;Oam
LaGranlteWKEL; Hu :l:O"pm
"\\'o ;) :OOf>llI Fr 10 :Of)alll
WFDV Su 12:311pm
Wo 8 :4;Jprn Fr 8 :4iiprn
Savannah WTOe SIl 1: l;'pru
Thomasv. WQUX We 9:1.):llll
\Ve 7:30pm

Honolulu KOMB We 12 :O.Jp01
Fl 7:15pm
KlDO Su 10:30am
We 8 :4;jl'Tll
KFXD Su 11 :Ol)am
Pocatello KSEI Su 2 :OOpm
!;u 9 :OOpm
Twin Falls n:'rFI Su 10 :4iiam
Su 4:45pm

WflFC Su 5 :OOpm
We 5:00pm Fr 5:00pm
WJBL Su 10 :OOam
Mo 7:30pm
Harrish 'g WEBQ SU 6 :OOpm
WCLS Su1Z:15pm
We 12 :15pm Fr 12 :4.'i prn
\\".Jl1!~Su ,i:]511111
Ruckionl WROI-: Bu 10 :OO:Wl
Sul0:00pm Wo]O:OOpm
Sp 'gfielU WCBS Su ] 2: :lOpm
Sa 11:15am
Inu 'npolisWKBF Su 10 :OOam
Wo 2:00pm
WLBC flu 1 :30pm
rr 7:30pm
T. Haute WBOW Su 12 :45pm


9 :30am

WLBZ Su 9 :4:5am
WCSII Su 4:00pm

Baltimore WB.\L Su 4:15pm

Cumher! '11 WTHO ~n 2 :OOpm
Wo 2:00pm F'r 2:00pm
JIagerst'n "'JE.T Su 10:15am
Babson p, WBSO Hn]2 ::~Opm
"'X.\C Hu 10 :OOam
HI' 'glil'!<1 \nT-\S Sli ]0 :OOam
Worce~tcr \\"OW~ Su 10: :lOam

Calumet WHIH-' Tli

W.J n Su
IruIl\\ood WJ:\I::; Hu
Wo 7:00pm Fr
"\\" III~I Hu
KalamazooWKZO Su



Min'poli8WJ(II~[Tu S:OOpm

Monrhea'( KUFK Btl 7:::0pm

We 5:1;;1'1ll 1'r 5:1.JplJl
St. Puul \\"HIDI :':1l13::101'1II
'I'll 1 :OOpm
lIatticsb 'gWl'FB Su ] ::ll1pm
We 7:J,'pm
Meritlian \rCOe i'iullJ:lh 1'llU
\\"0 fi ;4:'\nnl
Miss. City "'GC:\Il'u !l: I.;;, m
We S:-l.Jpm
Columbia KYIW i::'u
Kans.C'y KWKC Su
G 't Falls

7 :1;;arn
7 :OOam

KI<IlL tiu ]2:15pm
KYJ;!l :::iu 10 :f)'lam

Kearney KUrW ~u 9 :Ooam

- Wo 6:45pm Fr li:-!.;pm
EF.\B 811 9:::!lam
KFOg Sll 10: 1;"\:u'j.
Scottsbl 'f J(UKY :'ill 10 : j.ialll
\rl) 5:-!;rl!l
fr 5:!.;"m
KGBZ Hu 5: 1;;-no
'I'll 2,1:"1m
(ContinuccZ on IJ(lge 7:J)

ghe V/ATCHT0\\.'ER.



117 Adams Street

Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.

W. E. V.L" .A:!J:Brr:Grt Secretary

"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehova.h; a.nd

~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -1Ja/oh 54: I3.
THAT JEHOVAH ill the only true God, is from everlasting
to t'verlasting, the ~Iaker of heaven and earth and the Giver
of lifo to his creatures; that the Logos was the beJin,ning of
hi" creation and hi" acth'o lu;ent in the creation of aU
thlOgS; that the Log-us is nu\V the Lord Jesus Christ in gl0ry,
,:I"thed with all !wwer in heaven and earth, and the l::1J.:'~f
K.,;eeutive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created tho earth for man, created perfect
Ulan for the earth and placed him upon it j that man wilfully
disobeyed God's law and was sentenceu to death; that by
reason of Adam '8 wrong act all men are born llinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was mauo llUman, and the man Jesus sufferer} death in oTller to produce tho ransom or redemptive
price for aU mankin<1; thut God raiscd up Jesus divine anJ
exalted him to hean'n abole evcry creature and above every
name and clotlwu him with all power aml authority.
tlmt Chri"t Jesus is the CLi"f Officer thereof and is the
rig-htful King of tho world; that the anointed llnd fuithful
followers of Christ J('sus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah's org-anization, lind are his witnesses whose duty and
priYilego it is to te~tify to the supremacy of Jehovah,. rlcclare
his purposes toward mankind Il9 expresse'l in the T {:,Ie, and
to bear the fruit.s of the kingdom befora fill who w~11 hear.
THAT THE WORLO has cnued, and tho Lord Jesus Christ
lms been place<l by Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from h"avcn and is proceeding to thl}
establishment of Goa. 's kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF ana bll'ssings of tho peoples of earth
ean como only by and through Jehovah's kingdom under
Christ whieh has now begun; thnt tho Lord'S next ~eat
act is the destruction of Satan's orJ:iUuization and the establishment of rig-htcousness in the earth, and that under the
kingdom all those who will obey itt! righteoUS laws shall be
restored and live on earth formier.
This dcsig-natcs the pel'iod from March :?4 to April 1 in
elusive, and whiell ill a period of united Retivity of all faithful
witnes~es of Jehovah in everv land of earth where located.
The celebmtion of the l1emoiial in the tnidst of that periorl
particularly makes it a season of thanksgiving, b~mg
specially "xprl'sse<l by gi\ing grateful testimony to .1eho\ah's
holy name. The new booklet D!cidin[} the PtOI,le will tht'n be
given a worl,lwi,le distrihution. not merdy in Eug;ish but in
many other laurc:uagcs. thus permittmg the witn"~51's e'~",:
where to join iu one and the sume etfort. All )onlfs vt JehO\'ah,
inelu<1ing those of the Jonaduh class, may participlLte in this
distribution. All should report work done. p~olllI't]y; those
not l\'orking under any branch otfir~e shoul<1 report direct to
117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, ~ew York.
The Society has maue arrunf;ernents to coustruct and assemble
portable transcription machines at our OWII fact"ry at 117
Adams Street. ' machines will be somewhat ditIerent in
construction from tho~e previrlUsly furnishe,l. They "'iII be
springwound, un, I vperatc,} from a \j"'o!t wetc,_ll batt'ry.
Every machine will he fumisherl l'omplcte with the hattery ~n,l
a buttl'ry l'har~er, 81) that it can he kept llT) to its full strcr,g-Th.
'Ve an' pl"ascd to 1l1l1lOunC() that this m:tel'ine ean be otter'cd
at $100, complcte, to brethren in the l'lliteJ States.


HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling

the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes .as

expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
speeifieall,r designed to ai,} Jehovah's witnesses. It arrans"s
systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other liter
ature to ai,l in such sturlies. It publishes suitahle material
for radio hroadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as lluthority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all l'arties, sects
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly anr! without
re~ervati<)n for the kingdom of Jehovah God nnuer Christ
his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invitf's careful
and critical exumination of its contents in the light of t!lr)
Scriptures. It docs not in<1ulg-e in controversy, an<1 its columns aro not open to !Jcrsonalities.
$1.:>0; OUE-AT nnITAIN, ALsTnALASIA, Al':D SOt:TII AFRlC,\, 'is.

.t\tn!!ricBu remittances should be made by E"prc,s or 1'o,tal ~Ioncy

Order, or by Ilank DraCt. CmHl\lian, Brili<;h, South African lIwl
Au.~trala~lan remittnnce~ should bo mado direct to tho rc'pectin)
branch otllc('!f. Hemittances frOIn ~ountri~a otlwr than tJlf)~O nll\n~
tlone<l may bo mnde to the nrooklyn office, but by International
P01>tal :\roner Oruer only.

Britbh 31 Cr:J.v!!n Terrace, I.ondon, W, Z. Enl;lan,I

CllnalliQIl 40 Inrln A"cllue, Toronto, Ontario. Cana'!.l
,J ustrala.~IOI 7 I:!!resford Hoad. StratlJ/leld, :-;. S. lV. Austr:lliil
South A/riclln, Boston HouRe. Cape Town, Soutll Africa
I'1!!Bse nd<1res~ the Sodety In eve..)' case.
(Translation, 01 'hi' journal appear

'1$ ,elleral languages.)

All sincere students of tho DIble whG by reason of Intlmllty,

1l0"erty or nd"ersily n..e unable to pay the 5ul"~riptlon prl~e
may 1Ia\"e Tire WatchtolCer tree uJlon v....itten nppli,'ation to tl,,)
publishe..s, nlade onee carh ycar. statln!; the rr,,'on Cor so reo
qurstin!: It. We ar!! 1(1:L<1 to thus aid the needy, hut the written
application once each year Is required by the postal regulations.
Notice to Subscriber': Acknowle<li;nll!nt of a new or a renewal subscription will he spnt only when requested. Chang:e of IHldr"".
'I\'hen re'/uested, may be expt'Ctl'll to app!!aJ:' on n,1,lr(,>8 lahel within
one month. A renewal blank (eaITyln~ notle!! of e~plrntion) wlIl
be sent with the journal one month before the suIJ<n'iption expireR.
Elltered 118 Second Cltu, Mall Jfatter at Brooklvn, N. Y., l'ostoffice.
.dct oj Jlarch 3. 1879.

For the year 193-! the :\Iemoriul of the Lnr'l's supper will
be hel,1 after six 0 'clock on the evening of ),!ar<'l, :!~. I'he
WlItclttov'er contains SOUle tittlelv instruction for all those who
partake. and we suggpst thnt elwh one be prepar':u by thoroughI)" coasidering the matter in advance.
Los Angeles, :\Iarch 2328 inclusive, are the place nn,l time
for a convention of Jehovah's witnesses. All Illf;etin~s eXl'ept
Sunuay afternoon will be held in the Trinit:; .\ u.\itoriu!\1,
Gr:tn,1 .\xe. Rn,l 9th. Sunday afternoon, frolll :::: ojl) to 5: 0,)
o 'clock, the Shrine Au<litorium will Le use,1. At ~: 30 to 4: 00
o 'e1uek p.m. (Pacific Stan,lar,l Time) Brother l:11t l:erfur,l 1\ ill
deliver an a,ldlcsS on " \Yor1.1 Control", Ilhi"lt \\"111 he Ilrr,::.,I"
east from coast to coast. TIll) con,eutioll II ill c,J!lI'lude on
the ni;;ht of the 2Sth with ce!<:hration of the )'f"!l,orial. 'I'll('
forenoon of end) dav of the cOll\,.'ntion will he (I<e.1 f,)r houoeto-house witness work. 'l'his mllrks the h.':.(lltnin-:; (>f til('
Tf{A~KSGlVIXG Pr.nlOD. The hooklet Vit idinfl the I'poj?le will
be used throu~llOut the entire IY"rld during- tl'at Vrwd. Til,'
brethren on the Paciiic coast will have opportur:it~ of a (Oll
vention, and douh<!ess most of them will bk" n(l\"\llta:.(' c t
it. For further inf"rmntion. address C. Y. Anell..e\cr, .; ;.1)
Fernwocld St., Lynwood, California.






M.\RCll IS, 1934


"Thy name, 0 Lord, endureth for ever; and thy memorial, 0 Lord, throughout all generations. "-Ps. 13:j: 13.

EHOVAH'S primary purpose in sending- )[oses

to Bgypt was to place before the Egyptian ruling
class, and before the people, the proof that he is
the Supreme One. His primary purpose in sending
Jesus, the antitypical Moses, to eal'th at both his first
and hi~ second coming is to place hefore the creation
of the world the proof that Jehovah is the Almighty,
and that there is none besides him. This he docs for
his own name's sake, that all may know that life and
attending blc&<;ings come from God, and from him
only. This conclusion is proved hy his words to ~Ioses
that "the E6"yptians shall know that I am Jehovah".
(Bx. 7: 5, A.H,V.) It is also proved by the words of
Jesus: "This is life eternal, that they might know thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast
sent." (John 17: 3) Moses was .Jehovah's instrument
in Egypt to place the evidence hefore the people. Je.
sus Christ is his instrument or "hand" by which Je.
hovah places the evidence before the entire world.
2 Since the divine purpose is to bring knowlrdge
home to creatures, looking to the vindication of his
holy name, and this he uid in E~rypt by means of
pla~ues, so we now sec that the antitypieal plagu~s in
fulfilment of the type consist of some definitely provided means of bringing before the peoples of the
world knowledge that Jehovah is God, that his kingdom is here, and that his time is at hand when the
oppressive power must vacate and the people be dclivercd; hence Satan must let them go or suffer complete destruction. All of this Jehovah docs for his own
name's sake i llence what came to pass in Egypt was
and is a memorial to Jehovah's name. What is done
in the earth by Christ and his faithful remnant is a
memorial to the name of Jehovah God. The plagues
upon Egypt culminated in the slaying of the passover lamb, which foreshadowed the death of Christ
Jesus; and his faithful followers since his death, b)".
eelcbrating the ~Iemorial feast, do thereby show forth
the death of our Lord, who is the Vindicator of Jehovah's name. The ten plagues were immediately
followed by the destnletion of Pharaoh's army, which
foreshadows that immediately following the anti.
typical fulfilment of the plagues there mu"t come the
destruction of Satan's organization at Armageddon.


3 In considering the antitypieal fulfilment of the

plagues, therefore, we must not liken Jehovah'8 witnesscs to frogs or to any other beastly creatures which
bring woe upon humankind. The frogs came as a
pla~ue upon Eg-ypt after the exerl'ise of divine power
and authority hy l\[oses and Aaron. The e\'ils or hurdensome troubles upon antitypical Egypt come by
reason of the divinely providc'cl message proclaimed,
which message of tl'uth bl'inl!'j knowledgp home to the
creatures of Satan's organization, anu whieh know 1rdge is a woc and burden to those of that organizatinn.
The retlemption and dcliwrance of the Isradites from
the oppression of Egypt was merely inciuental to tIl{'
.indication of Jehovah's name. Likewise the reuempti~. and delh'erance of the human race, and particulady the deliverance of the church, arc things illci.
dental to the vindication of Jehovah's name. Such
"~Icmption and drliverance are, however, proof that
Jthuvah has the right of the gTeat qurstioll at issue.
In considering the anti typical flllfilment of the
plagues upon Egypt it clrarly appears that we must
at all times keep before the mind thut the vinuication
of Jehovah's name is the chief thing, in order that \':e
may have an appreciation of the truth concerning th(l
same. By bringill~ these plagues upon Eg~'pt before
the destrU'~tion of the firstborn and the destruction of
Pharaoh's army Jehovah furnished ample opportunity for Pharaoh to yield to his demands and let his
people go or to harden his heart and sufrel' destrnrtion. Even so in connection 'with the anti typical fulfilment of those plag-nes Jehovah gives notice nnd
warning to Satan's organization and affords ample
opportunity for Satan and his agents to either willingly bow to Jeho\"ah's will or else suffer complete destruetion. Further examinution of these plagues proceeds.


The third plague upon Egypt was one of lice.

"And the Lord said unto :\loses, Say unto .Aaron,
Stretch out thy rod, and smitf} the dust of the land,
that it may become lice throug-hout all the land of
Egypt. And they did so: for Aaron stretched out his
~:lIld with his rod, find smote the dust of thr ellrth,
and it became lice in man and in beast; all the dust


of the bud became lice throughout all the land of
Egypt." (Ex. 8: 16, 11) Lice are associated with filth
and are found on creatures of unclean habits. The
root of the word rendered "lice" means "to nip";
hence the lice here mcntioned. werc nippers which would
greatly annoy and plague the Egyptians or anyone
else whom they might bite. It was the order to :Jloses
to direct Aaron to stretch out his rod and smite the
dust of the land, thereby showing that it is divine
power and authority conferred upon Christ and by
him put upon the remnant of earth to cause the coming of these antitypical nippers upon the world, which
forms Satan '8 organization. The lice symbolically
stand for or reprcspnt that which results from the
message of truth delivered by .Jehovah's witnesses and.
which greatly annoys, plagues and nips or hites the
unclean organization of Satan, and particularly the
official members thereof.
6 The visiLle part of Satan's organization, particularly that called "Chl'", is an unclean and
abominable thing- and. a good habitation for lice. It
hypocritically claims to be on the side of the Lord,
wherea.'J it is a. part of Satan's wicked organization.
Herod A~rippa the First, who killed James and imprisoned Peter, posed as the representative of God but
was the instrument of :Satan. It is said that he died
of a loathsomc or lousy disease. "And upon a set day,
Herod, arrayed ill royal apparel, sat upon his throne,
and made an oration unto them. And the people gave
a shout, sa~'ing, It is the voicc of a ~od, and not of a
man. And immediutely the angel of the Lord smote
him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was
eaten of worms [lice], and gave up the ghost.'~
Acts 12: 21-23.
8 Aaron used the rod of Moses to smite the "dust
of the earth". That dust was symbolic of the earthly,
human, visible part of Satan's organization, and particularly" Christendom", because that part is hypocritical in the supcrl"tive degree. 'I'he antitypieal mouthpiece of the Greater 1\l05es, Christ Jesus, and whieh
is God's remnant on the earth acting by authorit)"
conferred upon them by Jesus Christ, bear and give
forth his message that smites" Christendom" and deelares it to be not of God nor of Christ, but that it
is unclean, filthy, and abominable in the sight of God
and is exceedingly lousy with Satan's agents who are
nippers of the flesh and suckers of the lifeblood of
the people. These licc bring upon the people great
suffering, sorrow llud death. The message of truth
thus delivered by Jehovah's witnesses to the vbiLie
organization of Satan declaring that organization to
be lousy greatly offends "Christeudom's" respectability and plagues and annoys that organization. Thus
Jehovah's witnesses are used by him to bring a plague
upon Satau's organization by exposing the duplicity
aud hypocrisy of the chief visible operators therein.
1 It was in 1921 that The 1r atclttower, by the Lord's
grace, began to call attention to the visible part of
Satan's organization and that it is made up of com-


N. Y.

political and religious clements which exercise a beastly rule over the people, and is exceedingly
filtln-. From that time forward .Jehovah's witnesses
ha,"~ been continuously and consistently heralding
this messngc before the people and exposing the hypocritical duplicity and lousy state of "Christendom"
in particular and SataH's organization in general. 13 J'
completely separating themselves from "Christendom" and refusing to have any pal't or nnything in
common therewith, or to touch the unclean, lousy,
crawling thing, the faithful remnant of Jehovah's
witncs.'ies add force to this plaguing message. The
third plug;ue came upon the aneieHt Israt.'lites as well
as upon the E~yptians; which means that in order for
a profel>~d Christian to be pleasing and acceptahle
to the Lord such must he separatc from the world and
clean; hence the cleansing of God's sanctuary is involved and includes the removing of the "elective
elder3" u<; parasites, and which must take place IX'fore God's organization is entirely clean. "Depart
ye, depart ye, go yo out from thence, touch no unclean
thing; go ~'e out of the midst of her; be yo clean, that
bear the vessels of the Lord." (Isa. 52: 11) " Wllerefore come out from among them, and be yo separak,
saith the Lord, and touch 110t the tulelean thin~ j alid
I will receive you, and will be a Father unto ~'ou, aIHI
ye shall be my sons and uaughters, saith the LorJ
Almighty." (2 Cor. G: 17, 18) This divinely pl'oviul'd
message widely proclaimed throughout "Christcndom" ha::o heen to that devilish orgaDizntion like nipping lice, greatly pLlguin~ and annoying particularly
the clergy and the principal ones of their laeks, including, of course, the commercial and political chief
a Pharaoh's agents (Janncs and Jambres), the class
opposing God, were wlable to'produce lice and had
to admit to their chief, l l ha1'aoh, "This is the fingl'r
of God." (Ex. 8: 19) The mouern opposer:'> sec themselves as unclean and that those de\'oted to Jehcvah
are clean and nothin~ call be found against them cxcept their devotion to Jehovah. By sq)aralillg themselves from "Christendom" and devoting themsel vcs
entirely to the Lord, the l'emnant are pictured as the
dust of God's organization, meaning the earthly part
thereof and which in God's due time is cleansed.
(Dan. 8: 14:) Jehovah has mercy upon Zion, that is,
the visible members of his organization, awl favors
them by cleansin~ them; and his servants take pleasure in the faithful memIJl'l's of his organization.
"Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for
the time to favour her, yea, the set time, i<; come. For
th~' servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour
the dust thereof." (Ps. 102: 13, 14) This (lust of the
earth is not lousy, hut clean, by the g-race of the Lord
God. Jehovah declares that the unclean ol'g:mizatii)ll
of Satan shall die like a louse. "Lift up your eyes to
the heavens, and look upon the earth bClllath: for the
heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth
shall wa~ old like a garment, and they that dwell



15, 1934

thcrein shall die in like manner [Hebrew, like a

louse] : but my salvation shall be for ever, and my
riO'hteousness shall not be abolished." (Isa. 51: 6)
T~e plague is still upon Satan's organization, and he
and his agents continue to haruen their heart'l.-Ex.
8: 19.

It is noteworthy that the Israelites were, beginning

with the fourth plague, spared and that the seven last
plagues were only upon the Egyptians. This would
indicate a complete separation of Jehovah's faithful
remnant from the world. The fourth plague was that
of a great swaml of fl ics (margin, a mixture of 1lOisome
bcasts) that came upon the Egyptians. (Ex. 8: 21)
In order that God's chosen peoplc might be assured
that Jehovah WDS with them, and that his enemies
might know that .Jehovah is God and favors those
who lo\'c and serve him, Jehovah said to :Moses: "And
I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which
my people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there;
to the end thol1 mayest know that I am the IJord in
thc midst of the earth. And I will put a division be1\Vl'en my pf'ople and thy people; to morrow shall
this si~n be." (Ex. 8: 22, 23) l\loses then serveu upon
Pharaoh another noti('e of warning demanding that
he should rcll'ase God's chosen people and permit them
to go and worship him. "And the I,ord did so: and
there came a grievous swarm of flies into the house
of Pharaoh, and into his sen-ants' houscs, and into
all the land of f~gy pt ; the land was corrupteu I)y reason. of the swarm of flies." (Bx. 8: 24) "lie sent
divers sorts of flies among th.em, which devoured
them. "-Ps. 78: 45; lOr): 31.
10 Just what composed the flies that came upon the
Egyptians is not cel'tnin, since the word "flies" appearing ill the Artl/Wl'izcrl Vasi(Jn is a substituted
woru, as appears frum the text. The word "swarm"
in the text is from the IIl'IJrew meaning '! to intermingle, to traffic with, to give security as a kind of
exchange". The expresl'lion well applies to swarms of
flies which mix with one uhothcr in grl'at numbers,
especially in the cast and ncar cast, and are a great
pest to the people. 'Dead flies III ebrew, zebubJ cause
the ointment to send forth a vilc odor.' (Ecc!. 10: 1)
'1'he word ZCbllb is derived from the Hebrcw rout meaning "to ilit ". "Baalzcbub," Hccording to the SCrlPtm'es, meuns "lord of the flittin;; one; the side-stepper;
the great transgressor", that is, Satan himself, and
which tl'rm would apply to all who willill~ly act accorlling' to Satan's will. The whole world, or antitypieal E~ypt, lies l~nder Satan the wic!;;:ed one. (1 John
5: 19, Diuy.) The world has been terribly pestered hy
these flies, that is to suy, Satan nnll his nmnerous invisible Dud visible a~cnts, since the coming of the Lord
to the tl.'mple in 1018.-Rev. 12: 12.
11 The Lord Jcsus Christ uPPl.'<!ring at the temple
in 1918 gathered unto himself the faithful and has
anointed them and sent them forth with his messu~e
of truth to be given as a testimony, and which mt'St

sage has been and is a great pest to Satan's organization on earth. '1'hat messnge has declared and con
tinues to declare, pal'ticnlarly unto "Christendom",
the truth of and concerning what constitutes the
"higher pmH~rs". Prior thereto, the pcople, including
the followers of Christ, undcrstQod and belicYCd that
the" higher powers" mentioned in the Scriptures are
made up of the visible rulers of this world. The Lord
has enlightened his people, and by his grace thcy now
clearly see and declare to the world that "the higher
powers" means Jehovah and Christ Jesus :md that
the world is serving the Dcvil, and that the bi~ business, political and religious clements, jointly, rule and
demanu obedience from the people, and the"e aI'l' 110t
of the" higher powers" but are in fact the 11 gl'/lts of
Satan and the opposers of Jehovah GOI!. II is witnesses further declare that Jehovah is in no wise responsible f'lr the woes that have come upon the peoples of earth in these last duys, but that Satan al1d
his Dgents arc the ones who have brought these \\'0\ ...
and troubles upon the people, and that all mankilhl
holding on to Satan's ol'gnnization arc anIieted uy
the bites, eorruption, annoyanec and all the scheml>s
and bloou-sueking doctrines of the wicked rulers of
this world, including Satan himself. JdlO\ah's witnesses now declare these truths, anll this lll\'SSa~e exposin~ Satan and his or~l1nizatiou galls aud bites alld
plagu\'s the chief rulers and their allies and stlpporters. Jehovah's fnithful remnant serve the truc "llIgher powcrs", God and Christ Jesus, and rl'fuse to obey
any part of Satan's organization. In obedience to
Ood's commandments .Jehovah's witnes'H's ~o ahout
tho country preaching the gospel of his kingdom,
which message is of great annoyance to Satall 's CI'OWI!
and which messa~e hites them and plagues them like
numerous flies. The rulers in "Christendom" elailll
to he repl'esrutativcs of God, and if they wcre hOlll'st
they would wc\l'omc Jl'hovah 's witnesses; but, illstead.
they side-step the ,!uestions that are (Jl'l'scllted to th\",
by the Lord's witnesses and dl~elare Jehovah's witnesses to be pe\ldlel's and hawkers and 1I0t preachers
of the gosJlel. The l'Ulers of this wicked world ('laim
that trwy have no ohj\:ction to anyone's wOl'shipill~
Vod according to theil' 0\\ n itleas, but dl'1l0llnCe .h'hovah's witnesses and evade the real issue by declaring them to be eng-ag-cd in a cmnnH'rcinl eutel'pl'is\' instealI of teaehing the gospel. The tl'uth plaglles tlll'm
so thoroughly that they must make some ap(Jl11'1'llt
plausihle objection thereto.
12 The flies so greatly annoyed the Egyptians that
"Pharaoh called f.)r ~[oses and for Aaron. aud said,
Go ,ve, sueriflcc to your nod in the land". (Ex. S: 2;))
Othcf\,.. ise stated, Pharaoh was willing that the Israelites might do some wor:>hiping, but they mmt do it
accorJing to the E'.!;yptinns' ideas anu in the presence
of the E~ryptiLlll<;. :;\ow the Egypt iau<;, the
representati\"\'s of Saton on earth, SDy to J t'huvuh 's
witllC'';';'.'<;. ill ";l1h"tl111ee, '"\Ye have no ohje('tioll to YO\ll'
wOl.shipiug ~'our God, but uo it in the church build-


a1ie WATCH'f0WER


ings ("cur land"), as others do, and refrain from

interfering with our commercial business or annoying
our people by going from house to house.' ~loses told
Pharaoh that for Israelitp.s to sacrifice before the
E~yptians would be an abomination to God. Likewise
Jehovah's remnant touay reply to the mouern Egyptians: "'Ye must obey God and not man; we will follow his commandments and obey the hi~her powers."
The Watchtower, in June 1929, set forth for the first
time the truth of and concerning the "higher powers", and then the ftles lwgan to hite Satan's crowd
because the truth exposed that wicked organization.
As Jrhovah separatl~J the land of Goshen, when> the
Israelites dwelt, from the ggyptians, so God cleans
his people and separates them from Satan's organization, showing them the truth as to who constitute
the higher powers. Jehovah declared: "And I will
sever in that day the land of Goshen, in which my people dw('ll, that no swarms of flies shall be there; to
the end thou mayest know that I am the Lord in the
midst of the eurth." (Ex. 8: 22) Wh('n that plague
came upon the I~~n)tians there were no swarms of
flies on the Israelit(s, God's people. l'~ven so now Jehovah "Ieans('s his own people, whom he uses as his
witnesses, and there arc no flies on them. They are
ill the world, hut not of it. They rontinue to declure
the messa~e of truth, and, as l>haraoh and his house
hardf.'ned t heir hearts, even so now those of "Christendom" continue to harden their hearts and more testimony is required.

la Pharaoh continued his obstinacy and hypocrisy:

and ~[oscs warned him that the hand of Jehovah

would he upon all of his rattlc in E~pt... Behold, the
hand of the I,ord is upon thy cattle which is in the
field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels,
upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there shall be a
yery grievous murrain." (Ex. 9: 3) The Lord spe.
cifieally declared that this plague should not affr-et
the Israelites, and then God appointed a set time for
the coming of this plague upon Egypt saying: "To
morrow the Lord shall do this thing in the land. And
the I,ord did that thing on the morrow, and all the
cattle of E~ypt died; but of the cattle of the children
of Israel died not one. And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Israelites
dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and
he did not let the people go." (Ex. 9: 4.7) Before any
of the plagues be!o!an to come upon the Egyptians
Moses declared before Pharaoh that Jehovah would
fall upon the Israelites with pestilence if they failed
to sacrifice unto the l.ord. (Ex. 5: 3) Because of the
faithfulness of Moses and Aaron in giving the testimony God spared the Israelites from the pestilen('e.
'Obedience is better than sacrifice.' The Lord spared
the Israelitcs from these pestilences that now wcrc
coming upon the Egyptians.
14 The plague of grievous murrain was upon all


the beasts of the Egyptians. The beasts of burden of

the Egyptians, to wit, horses, asses, camels, oxen and
that sort, represented the live wealth of the Egyptians
in carrying on its commerce and ,val' and all such live
stock and equipment so used by the Egyptians in exereisin~ their selfish purpose and opposition against
Jehovah God's kingdom. The plague of "murrain"
or pestilence on the beasts of Egypt was a further notice and warning to the Egyptians and which foreshadowed a message of truth to be declared by the
power and authority of Jehovah God by and through
the Greater 1\1oses, Christ Jesus, and in which the
faithful remnant are used; and which message is to
the effect, to wit, that this world's' beasts of burden',
including all military and economic or~anizations.
human inveutions, and ull kinds of national recovery
schemes, and such things as "holy year" schemes, are
all fraudulent and are not from .Jehovah God, and are
not due to the fact that Christ is 'preparing the way
of .Jehovah' j hut that all such things arc of the Devil
and will completely fail to bring relief to the people,
and that all must die. This message J('hovah's witnesses hcgil11 to declare ernphatieall) after the coming
of the Lord to the temple, and which message is set
forth in VindiClltion, Book Two, page Hi5 and pagps
following. The Word of God declares that a g-n~at
plague shall come upon Satan's organization, and all
of his instruments, represented by his cattle, shall die.
This message of truth that their beasts of burtlen,
their implements and other means of earryin~ all their
commercial and fraudulent schemes must perish, is a
gtt!at plague to "Christendom" and grea tty annoys
Satan and his visihle organization.
13 The Lord's Word then declares that 'not one of
the cattle of the Israelites died', which foreshadowed
that the means of activities, or " the beasts of burd( n",
employed by the faithful remnant ate wholly devoted
to the I,ord, and, being thus devoted to the fjord, he,
of course, protects them. They separate themselves
from the world alld from their sacrifice unto God.
(See Ex. 10:26; Zech. 14:20; Preparation, pago
335.) That message declaring that vengeance shall
come upon Satan's organization because of his opposition to God is now being dclh'ered by Jehovah's witnesses and continues to plague the el1emy organization.

The" botch of Egypt" was the sixth plagne. The

furnaces, limekilns and brickkilns of Egoypt con:-.tituted a part of its economic or commercial industry,
and hence pictured the things now pertaining to the
commercial industry of the visible part of the wo1'111,
which is Satan's organization. (Isa. 33: 12) Jehovah
then directed )[oses and Aaron to take these ashes
from the furnaces and for Moses to sprinkle the same
before Pharaoh. "And the Lord said unto ),lo"es and
unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the
furnace, and let ::\loses sprinkle it toward the heaven
in the sight of Pharaoh. And it shall become small

M.\RCfI 15, 1934


B=lle "\0\TCHT0'\vER.

dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breakiuO' forth with blains upon wan, and upon beast,
th;ourrhout all the land of Bgypt." (Bx:. 9: 8, 9) This
result~d in breaking forth of boils with blains. "\.ccOl,dinO' to the Uothedwm rendcring of the text blains
are 'burning
sores, urcakmg
out in pustu los, c
plague came upon man and beast throughout Egypt.
17 The sixth lliague pictured a further m('s~ugc of
Christ and his faithful }'emnant, his representatives on
earth which message is dc1h'cred by the power and uuthority of Jehoyah God. The clue to the significance of
thi,'! plague appears to be given in Ucyelution 16: 2, 11.
This shows that the plag'ue would affeet all those who
are members of Hatun's Ol'ganizHtion on earth as the
lead(ll.'S tllorl'o1', as well as those who are supporters
of that wicked ol'gullization.-For explanation see
Light, Book Two, page 20 and pages following.
18 Pharaoh concluded that with nil of his cqllipm('nt
and power to rule he could d('1'y .Jehovah and get away
with it. I~ven so Satan nnd his earthly agents h::l"o
concluded that they can weld to~ether and unite the
nations and the peoples of e::lrth into a confederacy or
lea~uc and thus defy Jehovah Gnu by setting up their
own orgunization and thus rule alld control the world
continuously. (ISH. 8: U-13) But all such schemes of
the worldlv orgallizntion must faiL .Jehovah causes
his faithfl;l remnant on earth, his witnesses, to proclaim hefore the Devil and all of his agents in tho
world, whirh constitute modern EgYVt, that the
J,cnguc of Nations, thc World Contt, the peace pacts,
disarmamcnt confercnres, .. holy year" schemes, prosl>crity schemes, and all such like sche~cs~ are not of
God, but of the Devil, and that the 1l1stlgators
. and
snpporters thereof arc unclean and an abommatlOfl
in the sight of' God, just as Uzziah was unclean and
became IC!Jrous for his \\"ron~ful acts before Jehovah.
(2 Cit ron. 26: 13-23) The declaration of this message
of truth hegillning with the' pouring out of the fh'st
Yiul', llS dcscrihcd in Ucvclation, continues upon the
world' and such declaration of truth throughout the
l'calm~ of "Christendom" by means of radio, books,
magazines, and word-of-mouth testimony ha~ been and
is 11 great plague to the modern EgyptUlllS. The
ancient Egyptians hlasplwmed God '8 name boc~use .of
the suffering from their pains and sores, and hkeWise
the modern l~gyptia1lS, Satan '8 earthly agents, do
blaspheme and curse.
19 Th is plague of putrid boils afflicted the mag!e~ans
as well as the others of Egypt. "And the magtclans
could not stand before Moses because of the boils; for
the boil was UPOll the magicians, and upon all the
Jo:gyptians," (Ex. 9: 11) Th?"e n~agie!uns eonIJ not
stand before ~.Ioscs to resist 111m; likeWIse the modern
maO'ieians "Janncs alld Jambres," because of their
e ' attempt to resIst
the message 0 f G'Jd
through Christ, but they cannot successfully do so, and
their cnd is ill sight and their fall shall appear before all men who survive. (2 Tim. 3: 8) The clergy

llnd the "man of sin" and all like modern "wonder"workers, and" holy year" workers of modern I~gypt,
now itch and scratch and nre tormented, and thus
mark themseh'Cs bauly, and they continue to howl and
express their agony, opposition to and indignation
against the mc;;sage of trllt h that is plainly pla:ed
before them, and thus are guilty of the 'transgressIOIl
that makcth desolate'. (Dan. 8: 13) Jehovah's W1tl:esscs arc divindy permitted to proelaim the message
of truth which thus pla~ltes the opposers of the Most
High. Instead of these opposers' giving heed thereto,
they harden their hearts against the Lord, and fUrther
plagues come upon them.
~o The seventh pla~ue was a rain of grievous hail
such ns never before was known. "Seven" is a symbol of di"illC completeness, while hail symbolizes hard
and unbl'cakahle truths that cut, bruise and kill. All
the plaguc!l, antitypicaIly, have to do with the proclamation of God 's messa~N of truth, unJ this proclamation of truth or work of JcllO\'ah ''I witnesses wiII not
be completed on earth untit they have proclniml'd all
or Jeho\'ah's warning messa~es of Ven~l~llnCe and vindieatioll' and this they must do hd'ore Arma~l~ddon.
Jehovah'mig-ht well have completely smitkn B~.v pt
whf!n Pharaoll fir~t l' to tet tile lsl'uditcs go,
but it llll'ased God to cause further testimony to be
delivered to Pharaoh and his royal house. Even so
Jello\-ah might well have smitten Batan's earthly org::lllization when first Christ ('ame to the temple, bllt
it pleascll him to pel'mit l:;atan to go on and to remain for a time, tltat further witllc~'S mi~ht be giVl'lI,
and tllat Jehovah's power mig-ht be mnde more nJ:1/lifest, :wu !llat none of the world should have any rl'aSOil to say that they ,,"el'O taken ullawares by the judgoments of Jehovah.. Six plagues had now vcen upon
};6"YPt, and this haJ served only to harden the heart
of Pharaoh. The purpose of tile plagues upon E~ypt
was to place plainly before tIle Egyptians the nallle
and Supremacy of Jehovah. Instead of God's completely destroying Phataoh and his organization
earlier, he said: "For at this time I send all my
plu/,,'1les tmal'gin, aU my remaining plagues] against
thy heart, and against thy servants, and against thy
people; in order that thou IIln,rest know that there is
nOlle like me 011 aU the earth. For even now I mig-ht
have stretched out my hand, auu I mil{llt have smiUen
thee and thy people with the pestilence; and thuu
wou!(l,t ha ve oeen ('llt oft' ft'om the ('arth; but for
this cause ha\>e 1 allowed thee to remain, in order to
show thee my power; and in order that they may proclaim my name thl'ouu:hout all the carth," (Ex.
9: 14:-16,' Leeser) The ~~cmnil1ing plagues that were
to come upon Egypt and whieh did come were further
notice and \yurning to Satdl1 's cal'thl J> org:mizatiun.
This notice of warning in modl'l'n times must be given
,mt! declared by .Jehovah 'g witnesses as members of
Us temple organization.



It A great storm or downpour of hail accompanied

by the nre of lightning smote the crops and mell and
beasts of Egypt. Jehovah had warned Pharaoh, but
that warning was unheeded; and now he sent forth
upon the Egyptians the seventh plague. "And Moscs
stretched forth his rod toward heaven; anu the Lord
sent thunder and hail, and the nre ran along upon
the ground: and the Lord rained hail upon the land
of Egj-pt. So there was hail, and fire mingled with
the hail, very grievous, such as there was none like it
in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation.
And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt
all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the
hail smote every herb of the field, and brake every tree
of the field." (Ex. 9: 2:3-25) That great plague of hail
came upon Egypt in the springtime, and which is
shown by the words of verse "And the
llax and the barley was smitten; for the barley was
in the car, and the flax was boIled." "He smote th('ir
vines also, and their fig trees; and brake the trees of
their coasts." (Ps. 105: 33) Antitypieally this plague
begun to come upon Satan's earthly organization in
August 1928. It was then that Jehovah caused his
people on earth, to whom had been committed the testimony of Jesus Christ, to declare his message against
Satan and his organization. The proclamation of a
specific message was there begun, and carried on
through the earth, which message is designated" DECLARATION AGAINST SATAN AND FOR JEHOVAU". This
was.first publicly de{'lared at an assembly of Jehovah 'g
people in Detroit, Michigan. It was then that the
lightnings flashed from the temple and the remnant
hau their first clear vision of the great issue joined
between Satan and Jehovah. (Sec The Watchtower,
Septemher 1u, 1928; Light, Book One, pn~c 221.)
Since that time in particular God has continucd to
rain down upon "Christendom" great chunks of
strong and 'Weighty truths, unparalleled in the history
of the world, and this because the time has arrived
for the 'increase of knowledge', and for the announcement to be made that the end of Satan's organization
is at hand. (Dan. 12:4; Hev. 11: 17) It is the day of
Jehovah God, the day of his vengeance and vindication, and his message of vengeance therefore must be
declared. That great hailstorm has continued to spoil
"Christendom's" self-righteousness (pictured by the
linen flax in Egypt, which was destroyed) and" Christendom 's" spiritual fodder (first fruits, pictured by
the harley destroyed in Egypt) and her self-conscious
sweetness (pictured by the fig trees and their fruit
in Egypt, which were spoiled). Satan's lies, which hod
found refuge in "Christendom", there began to be
swept away, and are bcing swept away, by tM flood
of truth. (Isa. 28: 2-17) Therefore Jehovah is causing his witnesses on earth to bear his message of truth
throughout the 'World to modern Egypt, calling attention to his own sopreme power and that this power
will be completely made manifest at Armageddon.


N. Y.

112 In Pharaoh's realm in Egypt there were some

who heard and gave heed to the warning given by
l\Ioses concerning the approaching storm; while others
failed and refused to give any heed thereto, and they
suffered as a result thereof. "He that feared the
word of the Lord, among the servants of Pharaoh,
made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses;
and he that regarded not the word of the Lord left
his servants and his cattle in the field." (Ex. 9: 20, 21)
Even so now some persons who are of the world are
hearing the word of warning given by authority and
power of the Lord in which his witnesses are used,
and some of these seck refuge, while others disregard
and scoff at the message. The great storm comes upon
all of Egypt except Goshen; and likewise this great
storm comt's upon all the world except God's chosen
people. "Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail." (Ex. !): 26)
Among God's faithful people now on earth the truth,
accompanied by flashes of lightning, brings great joy
to the hearts of all such; hence there is no plague or
hail for any of them. They dwell in the secret and
protected place of the Most High and rejoice in the
ble!>sings that the Lord gives to them, ewn as he had
long ago promiscd: "And my people shall dwell ill a
peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in
quiet resting places, whcn it shall hail, coming down
on the forest; and the city shall be low in a low place."
(Isa. 32: 18, 19) But the poor old "Janncs and .Tambl'es" crowd are having a vcry grievous time. '1'he
hail and lightning blinds, bruises, plagues und torments them, and they continue to harden their hearts.
More testimony is required.

23 Had Pharaoh yielded to the demands of the Lord
through ~Ioses and let the Israelites go and worship
Jehovah, such would have been a public acknowledgment by Pharaoh that he was wrong; and hcnee his
pride would not permit him to do so, So now, if Satan's earthly agents should give heed to the mcssa~e
of Jehovah delivered through his witnesses, such
would be an acknowledgment that tllese faithful witnesses are telling the truth; and that would be a public admission on the purt of Satan and his earthly
agents in "Christendom" that the Devil and all of
his organization are entirely wrong, It seems, however, that some persons in the Devil's organization
would b{' glad to give up the fight, because the truth
is too mucll of a plague to them. Satan. however, has
"Christendom" tightly tied, and his org::mization and
all the members thereof continue to harden themselves
against God'8 purposes.
U The eighth plague was that of a great swarm of
locusts; but, as heretofore stated, the antitypical fulfilments of the plagues do not seem to follow in time
order of the other plagues mentioned. 'l'he key to the
understallding of this plague appears in Rn-elatiun
9: 1-12, concerning the locusts that came upon the


15, 1934

l3lie \vATCHT0\VER.

world, an explanation of which is found in Light,

Book One, pages 136-155. The locusts' coming from
the east, that being the same di1'ection from which
come the "kings of the east", gh'es a clue to what
constitutes this antitypical pla~ue. "And :\loses
stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and
the Lord brought an cast wind uIJon the land all that
day, and all that night; and when it was morning,
the east wind brought the locusts. And the locusts
went up over aU the land of Eg.ypl, and rested in all
the coasts of Egypt: very grievous were they; before
them there were no such locusts as they, neither after
them shall be such." (Ex. 10: 13, 14) "He spake, and
the locusts came, and eatcrpillars, and that without
number, and did cat up all the herbs in their land, and
de\'ourcd the fruit of their ground. "-Ps. 10;): 34, 35.
23 In the past few J'ears the constant barrage of testimOllY of truth at and a~rainst "Christendom" has
brought a great plague upon Satan's visible organization. Among thcse shot'i thus fired may be counted
the message coutained in the booklets The Crisis, Escape to the Killyd()1lt, and Dividing the People. The
first o1'ganized mass attack of ttll'se locusts was made
upon the community of Bergenfield, N. J., l\lay 22,
1!)32, and the work of these witm'sses of Jehovah has
increased and prospered from that time forward, and
this by the gt'acc of the Lord. Bvcn though there is
some indication that some of these agents of Satan
seemingly would be glad to yield (Ex. 10: 711), whatsoever repentance is shown by such servants of Satan,
that repentance is not sincc1'e from the heart, but entirely hypocritical. tJdlOvah's witnesses must continue
to serve notice and warning according to his commandment, that all may know that Jehovah is God, and
particularly that those of good will may have an opportunity to take thc:ir stand on Jehovah's side. .As
the plague of locllsts came upon B~ypt, so not only
has the antitypical plague begun, but this pla~ue continues upon modern Egypt throughout all the land
of "Christendom".
20 The ninth plague upon Egypt was thick darknrss
over all the land of Egypt except that part of the
land occupied by the Israelites, alld the1'e the Israelites had light ill their dwelling-place. Usually thick
darlmess strikes terror into the hearts of those who
have no faith in God; and since Pharaoh possessed a
hard heart and had no faith, he was fdghtened and
desired to he quit of the Israelites when this plague
came upon him and his people: "And the Lord said
unto l\1oses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven,
that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt,
even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched
forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick
darlmess in all the land of Egypt three days: the,}'
saw not one another, neither rose any from his place
for three days; but all the children of Israel had light


in their dwellings. And Pharaoh called unto Moses,

and said, Go ye, serve the Lord; only let your flocks
and your herds be sta,}'ed; let your little ones also go
with you. ' '-Ex. 10: 21-24.
2. It is noted that in calling forth some of the preceding plagues :\loses stretched forth his rod over the
land of Egypt, but in calling forth the ninth plague
he "stretched forth his hand toward heaven"; which
seems to symbolically say that this message of notice
and warning given by divine command pertains to
heavenly things, which hecame totally dark to those
making up the visible part of Satan's organization,
and particularly those who form the religious or
so-called" spiritual" clements of Satan's organization.
In 1919 the League of Nations was set up as a
substitute for the kingdom of God, and which league
the clergy, forming the spiritual part of Satan's
visible organization, hailcd as 'the political expression of God's kingdom on earth'. Thus they disclosed the fact that they had no proper conception
of God's kingdom. In 1926 Jehovah's witncsses made
public a declaration at the earthly scat of the beastly
power of Satan, which dl:elaration set forth that the
League of Nations is a child of the Devil and wholly
in opposition to God's kingdom. That declaration,
which began at London, En~land, was a specific notice
of warning and was addressed To TIlE RULF:RS OF TJIF:
WORLD and empluisized the fact that Satan had set
up, by his earthly rep1'ese'ntatives. an abominable
thing, to wit, the I~eague of Nations, which make'S
desolate becau!'.e it is a hypocritical substitute for the
Kingdom. Instead of giving heed to that warning the
rulers of "Christendom" continued to scoff at the
message, to harden thdr hearts, and to oppose God.
'The transgression that maketh desolate' dates from
that time because they then and there had spccific
notice and w()rning that the League of Nations is in
opposition to the kingdom and if! a great abomination
to God; and from that time fOl'ward thick darkness
has settled down upon "Christl'ndom". (Sec Light,
Book One, '~)1ge 137.) Although given full opportunity to know the truth and to identify themseh'es
with God's kingdom, "Christendom's" leadcrs have
refused to give heed: "They know not, ne'ither will
they understand: they walk on in darkness: all the
foundations of the earth are out of course." (Ps.
82: 5) That particularly marked the time spoken of
by the prophet Isaiah, to wit: "For, behold, the darkness shall covel' the earth, and gross darkness the peopie: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory
shall be seen upon thee." (ls:1. 60: 2) From that
time onward all the opposers of the purposes of Jehovah God, and particularly the "man of sin" class
(Jannes and Jambres), had their "understanding
darkened" because of their harrlness of heart. (Eph.
4: 18) They received notice and warning that they
were opposing God and his kingdom, and they refused
to hear the message of warning, and to such the proph.



ecy of God applies, "Let their table become a snare

before them: and that which should have been for
their welfare, let it become a trap. Let their eyes be
darketlCd, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake."-Ps. 69: ~2, 2:1.
28 Jehovah says: "I form the light, and create dark.
ness." (lsa. 45: 7) "Darkness shall pursue his cnemies," that is, those who oppose Jehovah's purposes.
(Nah. 1: 8) It was Jehovah who caused the dnk
ness in the land of Egypt; and now dUl'kness by his
command is upon Satan's world. (Ezek. 32: 8; Provo
4: 19; Isa. 8: 22; Zcph. 1: 15) "AmI the fifth angel
poured out his vial upon the scat of the bea~t; and
his kiu~dom was full of darkness; and they ~nawed
their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of
heaven because of their pains and their sores, and
repented not of their deeds." (Rev. 16: 10, 11) There
is no part of "Christendom" today that has any li~ht
of and concerning God's kingdom. The cfrort of the
Roman Catholic hierarchy to make 1933 a "holy
)'ear" has broug-ht no lig-ht whatsoever to "Christendom ", hut eVen greater darkness. All light Jehovah
has withdrawn from the world. The hypocritical howl
of the clcr~y in their present movement "hack to the
church" brings no light of relief, but only darkness
nnd disappoilltmcnt. More kecnly now than ever the
political and commercial c1emcnts of the world, which
have trusted and hoped that they would receive fa\'or
by the ministration of the clergy, have come to realize
that God ;s not blcssing the clergy or any of thdr
schemes. Even thouSUllUS of clergymen are now out
of a job and have no opportunity of haranguing the
people, by which they have heretofore been able to
feed themseh"cs. The thrl~e days of darkness coming
upon Egypt symbolically means that the present-day
darkness upon the world will continue and persllit until Arma~eddon, when the whole of the Devil svstl'm
will go down into the abyss of everlasting darimess.
I t Jehovah's faithful witne~cs are now in the temple, the secret place of the Most High, where they enjoy everlasting light from the glory of the Lord and
from his King. To the ruler's and their supporters of
this wicked world under Satan the temple of God is
a plaee of darkness, because none of them can see
therein. In the temple Christ Jesus enlightens his
faithful remnant and sends them forth as witnesses
to prodaim from the housctops the mcssage of God's
vcngeance and of his kingdom. (~ratt. 10: 26, ~7)
After the faithful remnant had reech'cd the W:lttc<;,
the "new name", they l'esi!.rned from all connection
with "Christendom". (Zcch. 11: 9.17) The mlers
ha,"o been served with notice of warning, and now
the remnant, the witnesscs of Jehovah, will do what
they can for the people of good will that they may
hear the message and take their stand. While darkness
co\"ers the world, Jehovah continues to turn his li2"ht
upon his faithful ones, giving them a more wonderful
vision of his Word than they ever expected to have


N. Y.

while on the earth. This suggests that the battle is

3() Pharaoh;ed a willingness to let the Israelites go upon condition that they would leave behind
them in Egypt all things of a commercial value, I.ikcwise the world rulers now make some concessions to
those who serve Jeho\'uh God, but this upon condition.;
that would make Jehovah's witnesses go empty-han/ld
before the Lord and be deprived of all means of offering the "continual sacrifice" before Jehovah. God's
faithful witnesses will not comply with any such CUlldition, but they will obey Jehovah :md lIot man or
devil; and their attitude augers Satan's representatives and calls down upon the heads of Jehovah's witnesses the expression of wickedness and threats of destruction. 'I'his was foreshadowed hy the ang-er expressed by Pharaoh. "And Pharaoh said unto him,
Get thee from me, take heed to thyself, see my face
no more lunless I send for you 1: for in tktt day thou
seest my face thou shalt die."
~1 ~lurdl'r was in the heart of Pharaoh, and he
threatencd to kill ~roscs if he again apP('ared before
him. With calmness and diguity l\loses rl'plied to the
wicked Pharaoh: "Thou hast spoken well, I will i.!~e
thy face a~ain no more." (Bx. 10: 28, ~:)) 'I'hat was
a final warning from Jehovah delivered to Pharaoh
by 110ses. Pharaoh threw down the challell~c, and
:Moses, as the Lord's representative, accepted it. The
way was now clear for the final plague. It must ha.. . e
been a thrilling moment to l\[oses. Likewise it mn~t
be a tim~ of great joy to the Greater Moses now to
sec that the hour has arrived when he shaH vindicato
his Father's name.

From tllC Scriptures it appears that while :\hses

was still in the presence of Pharaoh Goel spoke to
him, and that ~loses gave a final warning to Pharaoh
before he departed. "And the Lord saiJ unto :nOSI'.',
Yet will I bring' one plague more upon Pharaoh, at<d
upon E;rypt; afterwards he will let you ~o lWllN::
when he shall let you go, he shall surely thrust you
out hence altogether." (Ex. 11: 1) 1\[o5,('s withdrew
from Pharaoh uP-vcr again to communicate with or
SC() Pharaoh except UpOll the request of the latter;
which request \ later made. Fear had seized upon
Pharaoh and his official household, and they were
8rudous to be quit of God's messeu!;ers, (Ex. 12: 31,
33) It now appears that the nine pJag\h:''i have been
alltitypi~ally performed by Jehovah's witlleslies at the
command of the Lord and under his direction, which
messages of truth are still continuing, and pcrsist, and
nrc great plagues upon the rulers of the world and
their henchmen. These mCS5:1 '!I'S of not icc and \Vat'lling constitute a ~reat plague like a nig'htmal'c to the
official elemcnt of Satan's visible organizntion, which
\rouJd he glad to be rid of the 'pestiferOl1s' wi tnc;;,ses
of the Lord. This L'i made manifest by the ('on~tant
howls that go up from the Roman Catholic hierarchy

l\{ AnCll

15, 1934



11\1(1 other clergymen, big radio preachers, and others

(If like stripe, who demand that the messengers be
I\ll'bidden an opportunity to use the facilities of the
wodd for proclaiming the truth. Jehovah's witnesses
llt'e now thoroughly hated by all such opposers, and
they would find some apparently legal excuse to deI'troy Jehovah's witnesses. This was particularly made
manifest by the recent actions of the Roman Catholic
hierarchy and their puhlic press, and further at PlainHeld, N. J., when their "strong-arm squad" appeared
on the scene armed to the teeth, when there was no
danger to anyone except to those who could be hurt
by the plain proclamation of the truth. That strongHl'm squad was douhtl(;;s there at the instance of cruel
Catholic priests, and to this day members of that
strong-arm squad cannot understand why they did
not commit murder. There is still some witness work
to be done amongst the people, and preparation is now
being made for the final plague to be visited upon
Satan's organization at Armageddon.
sa Jehovah had previously told Moses that, when his
dao time came for the deliverance of the Israelites,
"ye shall not go empty," but that the Israelites
should borrow of the l~gyptians: "and ye shall spoil
the I';gyptians." (I~x, 3: 21, 22) Immediately following the ninth pluf.{ue Jehovah spoke to Moses and said:
"Speak now in the cars of the people, and let every
man borrow of his neighbour, and every woman of her
neighbour, jewels of silver, and je\wls of gold. And
the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the
Egyptians. Moreover, the man ~loses was very gr(:at
in the land of B~ypt, in the si~ht of Pharaoh '8
servants, and in the sight of the people." (Ex.
11: 2, 3) The borrowing of articles from the Egyp.tians was not merely for self-adornment, but for use
in the service of the Lord by the Israelites. This seems
to meau that it is ri~ht and proper now for Jehovah '8
witnesses to apply for and use any and all of the
facilities that the worldly ruIers now control and to
use them in oruer for the furthering of the witness
work for the kingdom. That menns that they are to
use the enemy's own means or instruments against
them, such as radio stations, the facilities of the courts,
the making of petitions and protests, the lawmaking
bodies, which right is guaranteed by the fundamental
law of their own land, anu by the use of any and all
other means to the attention of the people
the message of .1ehovah's kingdom. By thus doing
they are not asking permission 01 Satan's organization to do something, but tl1('y are serving notice upon
Satan's organization and demanding that this worldly
org-unization shall cease interfering with the execution
of God's purposes. The borrowing from the Egyptians would also include receiving money by Jehovah's
witnesses in the way of contrihution for the literature,
lind then using that money in the preparation and
Tltlhlication of more literature. Thus the Lord's people
are diverting some things from the Deyil's crowd into

the Lord's work and service. This is further and eonclusive proof that Jehovah's witnesses are not engaged
in a commercial enterprise, such as hawkin~ and pedcling and bookselling, regardless of what the worldly
tribunals may decide or determine, and certainly regardless of what the clergy and their crowd may say.
U Preparation must then be made, and was made,
for the final plague, and at the same time for the protection of God's people. Pharaoh and his official
family had spurned and disl:egarded the notice of
warning of the nine preeedin~ plagues, and hence it
would have been useless to give Egypt's rulers any
instruction concerning the passover protection; and
none was given to them. It appears, however, that
l\Ioses plainly warned Pharaoh that all of his firstborn should die, but not ewm a dog's tongue would
move against any of the Israelites, and that this warning was give'l to Pharaoh before :\Ioses withdrew from
his presence.-Ex. 11: 5-10.
35 Jehovah told Moses that the death of the firstborn would take place at midnight, anti typically
meaning at a time of the world's blackness or darkest
period. The blackness of darkness is now upon tho
world, and must continue until Armagcddon. At the
command of Jehovah 1\Ioses prepared the Israelites by
instructing them that each household should Oll tho
tenth day of Nisan take a lamh without spot or blemish
and keep it up until the fourtcC'nth day of that month,
on which day, in the evening, the lamb should be killed
and its blood sprinkled over the entrance into each
house and all should go into the house and remain
there during the night, roast the lamb whole without
ttl'eaking a bone, and eat it with unleavent'rl bread
and bitter herbs, and while thus doing they should be
fully equipped for travel, God saying to them: c'It
is Jehovah's passover." "For I will pass through the
land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; ancI
n~ainst all the gods of Bgypt I will execute jud!!;ment:
I am the I;ord. And the blood shall be to you for a
token upon the houses where ye arc: and whcn I sec
the blood, I will pass over >'Oll, and the plague shall
not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land
of Egypt." (Ex. 12: 12, 13) "And smote all the fi l'!>tborn in E~ypt, the chief of their strength in the taberMeles of Ham." (Ps. 78: 51) "He smote also all the
firstborn in their land, the chief of all their strength."
(Ps. 105: 36) 'c And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of
l~gypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his
throne, unto the firstborn of the captive that was in
the dungeon j and all the firstborn of cattle. "-Ex.
12: 29.
as The final plague upon the world will be at Armageddon. Who constitutes the antitypical firstborn 1
The firstborn son" is the beginning of his strt'n~th" ;
so declared God's law. (Deut. 21: 17) The antitypical


a1le WATCliT0WER

Pharaoh, who is the Devil, has children, and these

children inelude the "tares" and the clergy. (Matt.
13: 38; John 8: 44) Other scriptures identify more
of these childre'n. (Acts 13: 8, 10; 1 John 3: 8, 10, 12)
The firstborn of Egypt would therefore picture all of
Satan's children, that is, those of his earthly organization who are" the be~inning oHlis strength ", namely, the chief of their strength, to wit, the leaders and
chief ones in the religious, commercial and political
brunches of his visible organization, The firstborn of
every portion of Satan's organization was destroyed;
which antitypically means and includes the "man of
sin ", "the ~Oll of perdition," the "strong-arm squad"
and those who put forth their strenl,rth to carry forward Satan's schemes, and also the counterfeit of
God's kingdom, namely, the League of Nations. In
this day Satan makes war upon the remnant of .lehovah, the "church of the firstborn", and would destroy
them unless preventcd from so doing by the power
of the Lord. The only protection that these faithful
witnesses have is from the Lord, and this comes by
reason of their ohedience to Jehovah's commandment
given to them by t.he Greater Moses, Christ JeSUii.Actl'; 3: 23.
37 The slaying of the lamb, and the eating thereof,
preet'ued the slaughter of Egypt's firstborn. B\'cn so
the death of "Christ, our passover", and the partak.
ing of bis merit hy the spirit.begoUen ones, precede
the slaughter of Satan's firstborn at Armageduon. As
1Sl'ad's fil'stbo1'l1 were passed o\'er al'd preserved on
that fateful nig-ht, e\'en so the faithful remnant, who
are of Jehovah '8 firstborn, will be passed over and
preserved at the hattIe of the great day of God Almighty. 'rhey will survive Armageddon by virtue of
Jehovah's protection, The "great multituoe" will
not survive Armaget1l1on, because they are not of the
"church of the firsthol'D" and arc not ShO\\11 in this
type 01' picture. The Scriptures show that God '8 promise is to preserve a remnant, anu not a vast multitude.
(Joc12:32; Isa, 10:21-~3) The "great multitude"
are appointeu to die '. The Scriptures also show that
the Jonadnb class will survive Armageddon, but not
for the same reason that the Lord will preserve the
remnant of the firf>1.born.
38 The typical or paschal lamb was taken into the
house on the tenth day of ~isan, and this antitypically
means in the present day of Jehovah since 19]8 the
receiving of the 'Lamb as it were slain' as Jehovah's
King enthroned in oilice, helU.'e the receivin!:\, of the
kingdom anu undertaking the full respon.-.ibility of
the interest of the kingdom. On the tenth day of
Nisan, A.D. 33, .Jesns rode into Jerllsalemand offered
himself as King to the Jews; and antitypically this
shows that the receiving of the Lamb into the house
since A,D. 1918 signifies far more than accepting Jesus as the ransom sacrifice or 'the lamb that taketh
away the sin of the world'. In this daJ- of Jehoyah


N. Y.

the eating of the lamb would include not only partaking of his merit, ,,,hich cleanses from sin, but aho
the having a share in the doing of the work which
Jesus Christ was sent to earth to do, to wit, to bear
testimony to the name of Jehovah to the vindication
of his holy name, hence also entering into the joy of
the Lord, which is now the strength of the remnant.
Furtllcrmore it means that there must be no uncleanness in God's organization or among his people resulting from coming in contact with or compromising with
the Devil's organization, There must be no "leav(~n
of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy", meaning the
failure or refusal to confess the Loru before mt'll,
(Ex. 12:8,10,15-17; Luke 12:1; 2 Cor. 6:16-1:--)
Jehovah's witnesses must now be entirely separate
from Satan's organization.
39 The Israelites were required to he in haste, with
their loins girded, feet shod, and staff in hand, whit'll
antitypically means that Jehovah's witlll's<;es are not
of this worlu nor subject to 8atan's organization all' [
its demands, but are subject to the" higher powers" ;
that they are on the trek and about to leave the anti
typical Egypt, seeing that the wickeu organizatinn
will shortly be destroyed. (Ex. ]2: 11) '1'he Israelites
must ahide ill the house, unJer the blood, until morn
ing; which antitypically means that Jehovah's remnant are now hidden aud arc kept "in the secret place
of the l\lo!>1 High ", unuer the protection of .Jcho\'ah
and his Vindicator, ano arc thus protpctcd "until the
indi~llation be overpast ", and have there entered, hy
the Lord 's ~race, and huve shut the 1.1001' behilH.l
them'.-]~x. 12: 22; Ps. 91: 1; Isa. 26: 20, 21.
~o The hlood of the paschal lamb was publicly
sprinkled on the doorposts and lintels of the houses
of the Israelites, and that antitypically not only means
a public cOllfes:;;ion of the blood of Christ .Jesus as
Jehovah's provided redemptive price for mankind,
but also signifies to the remnant thnt all of that cla;:~
are Judcans, that is, pl'aisel's of Jehovah, and arc subject to the oruers of Jehovah's Vindirator and t-rr'cat
High Prie,;t, Christ Jesus, the Prophet g-renter than
)loses; and further that the uay of jUdg'ment or ven:,:eance of Goo is here, which vcngl'ance shor'tly \~ ill
be expressed and exercised in the (kst ruction of Satan's "firstborn" at Armageddon. 'l'hcl'cforc the b100(1
was both a public declaration and a te;timony of the
approaching destruction upon Jehovah's enemies.
This truth Jehova.h's witnesses, who are his firstborn
and who are yet on earth, must declare, bccause it is
an expression of his n'1l!!eance. It is tme tha.t the
blood si!!nifies that those under it say, "I accc'pt Cht'i:-,t
Jesus' blood as my redemptive price"; but to the remnant it means much more. '1' hat blood on the do:)!'posts being' the blood of the victim which validate'>
the new testament or new covenant, it sig-uifies that
the firstborn of the remnant have entered into that
new covenant, the primary purpose of which is to
bring forth or produce a people for .J eho\"ah 's llal'1t'
and which will have a P:'ll1. in the vindication of tl.. :t




a:Iie Wr'\TCliT0\\fER..

holy name. Upon the remnant of Jehovah's witnesses

the lIost High has bestowed the "new name", thus
showing them to be a "people for hi'! name". The
blood on the door entrances would thcrc-fore picture
that the new covenant has b('cn inaugurated toward
the l'emnant and hence they must be faithful to the
new name which Jehovuh has giwn them, and hence
must continue to faithfully bear testimony to his name.

It is not for any man or organization of men to

determine what individuals mayor may not publicly
celehrate the Lord's supper. It is proper, however, to
here call attention to the si~nificance of the things
pertainin~ thereto and then let each one assume the
responsibility for his actions. "'ithout a doubt many
partake of the Memorial emblems without any conception of what tht'y mean. 'Ve are now in" the" day
of .Jehovah ", when the plagues are l>ein~ antitypically
fulfilled upon the world. The celebration of the ::\Iemorial now means mnch more than it oid prior to the
coming of the Lord to the temple in I!HS. Those who
now properly partake of or celebrate the Lord's" supper as a memorial to the name of Jehovah D),ust have
an active personal part in the performance of the ten
autitypical pla~lles upon antitypical Egypt, that is,
Satan's organization. By that is meant that each one
must participate ill proclaimin~ the mcssa~e of God
in connection \vith the:-;e plagues. The pla~ues aro
now in operation, advancill~ to the great climax of
destruction of Satan's firstborn at Armageddon. '1'0
partake worthily of the 1\lemorial one must have a
part in declaring these truths as Christ has command.
cd. It was :Moses and Aaron who occ1ared God's word
to the Egyptians, which resulted in the plagues. i1foses
was a type of Christ Jesus, and Aaron, associated with
him as his spokesman, rt'pl'esenh'd those of the temple
class, the remnant, now on earth, declaring the message of God's vengeance and bearing testimony of his
U Jehovah's witnesses at the temple are instructed
by the Lord Jesus nnd then sent forth to declare the
message of truth pertaining to the antitypical plagues.
It follows, then, that those who worthily partake of
the Memorial must be in Christ, of the capital organization of Jehovah, and hence in the temple, and
must be wholly devoted to God, and engaged in proclaiming the mighty name and works of the :\Iost
High, for the reason, as it is written, "in his temple
doth e,'ery one speak of bis glory." Others may engage in proclaiming the message of the kingdom of
God, but it is those who partake of the death of Christ
Jesus who arc the ones that ultimately live with him.
Those who suffer the reproaches that reproached him
by reason of being Jehovah's faithful witness, even
unto the end, are the 011es that will ultimately reign
with him. (2 Tim. 2: 11, 12) Jehovah gave to Jesus
the privilege and honor of being his vindicator at
the cost of his human life. All who are with him in

that vindication must likewise die sacrificially, as Jesus did, faithful unto the end. All of such capital
organization are "one bread and one body", and the
breaking of the bread antI the drinking of the cup
show forth that all who do so properly are one with
Christ Jesus, that is to say, in unity with him as
members of his body [lnd therefore in the temple.
(l Cor. 10: 16,17) Such, therefore, properly partake
of the emblems of the :'IlemoriaI.
43 The question comes back to the primary purpose
of Jehovah, which i.~ the vindication of his own holy
name. That is why God sent Moses to Egypt; and for
that same reason he f)('nos Jesus to the world. All
things else arc incidental to the vindication of .J ehovahs name. The "day of Jehovah", beginning in
1914, marks the time when Christ Jcsus was placed
upon his throne and sent forth to rule. In I!HS, or
three and one-half years thereafter, judgment begins,
and thcn follows the antitypical fulfilment of the
plagucs upon Egypt, which plagues arc completed at
Arma~cddon in the destruction of the firstborn. Therefore it is those who are in Christ as members of his
royal house who are the ones passcd over at AI'mageddon, and these arc pa:;scd over upon condition
that they arc faithful, abiding in Christ, obeying his
commandments; and which mcans that tlwy must perform the scn'ice of bearing testimony before the rulers and before th~ people of and concerning the kingdom and declarin~ the vengeance of our God. Wlll'1l
this declaration is completed, then will follow the
execution of the final plague at Armageddon.
H The Scriptures, therdore, seem clearly to show
that the firstborn of Egypt represent the visible part
of Satan's tJrganization, which will be destroyed at
Armage,ldon, antI that the invisible part of his organization, inr~luding Satan himself, will f'lhortiy follow thereafter, when Satan f'lhall be cast into the pit
of destruction.-Rev. 19: 19-21; ~O: 1-3.

At the time that Jesus ate the last passover and

instituted the memorial of his death as a IlIelllol'ial
to the name of Jehovah the crucial hour ill his career
as the man Jesus had been reached and he knew thnt
he must die on that day as the antitypical lamb.
Doubtless Satan also knew that JlSUS would be killed
on that day, and, since he had arranged to have him
crucified, Satan conduded that he had proved his side
of the challenge against Jehovah's holy nome. lIe
knew that he had succeeded in turning J ntlas away
from God. Prohablr he thou~ht he saw some particular weakness appearlng ill Peter and, if permitted to
do so, he could turn Peter away; und hence he ehal.
lenged the Lord to permit him to give Peter a special
test. "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Sa.
tan hath desired to have ~'ou, that he may sift you as
wheat: but I have pra~'ed for thee, that thy faith tail
not: and when thou art converted, stren~then thy
brethren. " (Lu!i:e 22: 31, 32) Thus the Lord in guard.



ed language showed that Petcr would come through

that test successfully and that he could afterwards be
of strength to his brethren. This will support the
conclusion that Satan makes a desperate attempt to
overthrow everyone who is worthily partaking of the
Memorial. Let all such, then, have absolute and complete faith in Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and reo
main firm and steaUfast, regardless of all opposition,
and continue to proclaim the name of Jehovah God
faithfully unto the cnd. So doing, they may be as
sured of complete deliverance into the everlasting
kingdom of our I~ord and Savior Jesus Christ and be
for ever the favored servants of the ~[ost High.

'I 13. How is .Jehovah's slm.ling Moses to EgY})t related to

his sending Jesus to earth, an.l what was the purpose in
each instance' Point out the importance of knowinl:: Je
hovah I\nd his Son Jesus Christ. In line with that which
took I'hlce in E~n)t, lind the purpose aml outcome thereof,
what do we find as to the nature of the anti typical plagues,
the purpoRo in them, and how they will cuhuinate'
,. 4-8. What was the third pla~ue visited upon Egypt' Show
that the naturo of the plague, the manner in which it
was enl1ed forth, and who were affected thereby, fitly pic
tured that winch was JdlOvah 's purpoile therein to foretel1.
,. 91~. Who were atrf'Cted by the fourth plague, aud what
does this indicate' Of what did this plague consist, and
what is the evidence that this pictorial prophecy has been
f 1315. Describe the fifth pla~ue. Why sholll.{ this further
pestiltmce come upon EIU'Pt' What was forf'shown therein' Apply the !:Lct that "of the cattle of the children
of Israel died not one".
, 1619. What was the sixth pla~ul', how was it called forth,
and who were affected thereby' When and ho\v does thia
havo fulfilmentf
f 20-22. Point out the significance (a) of the seventh plague'!'
being one of thunder, hail and fire, nnll (h) of the tim<
and result of this plague. Whl'n, how, and with what effect
is tltis rart of ~he prophetic pieturo fultilled' In what
facts do we sec fultilment of Exodus 9: .;!O, 21 and of
nrsc 26'


N. Y.

'If 23-25. Account for Pharaoh's not yet assl'nting to let the
Israelites go and worship Jehovah. Apply this prophetiC
fact. Describe the eighth plague, and the manner in whidl
as a prophecy it is fulfilled.
'I[ 26-:29. What have we obsen'ed regarding the manner in whkh
these plagues were called forth 1 What is symbolically ex
pressed therebyl What WU!! the ninth plaguel When anll
in what event and conllitions is this plague visited upon
antitypical Eg'yptf Explain the prophetic fact that in
this IJlague also" the children of Israel" were unaffecteu
,-- thereby.
, 30-32. What is the evidence that the first nine plagues still
afflict antitypical Egypt, and that Exodus 10: 28,29 foretold the present situation in "Christendom" 1
f 33. What seems clearly to be foreshown in the Israelites'
borrowing jewela of silver !lnd of gold, etc., of the Egyp
'[ 34, 3':;. At this time what was the attitude of Pharaoh, un,l
what further information was given to him hy Moses 1
Briefly relate Jehovah's instructions to Mosl's to hp, gi\~n
to the Israelites con(:ernin~ preparation for the final
plague. That the <1eath of the firstborn would take place
at midnight carried what prophetic signiricance'
f 36, 37. Identify the antit>'pical lirstborn of I';):!ypt, quoting
scriptures in proof thereof. What is prophetically shown
in till) slaying of the lamh, and the eating thereof, a!l
preceding thl' slaughter of E'!:''Ypt's firRtborn 1 What of the
"great Qlultitude" and the Jonadab class in Arma~eddon1
, 3840. What is now found to have been picture.l (a) by the
obedient Israelites' taking the lamb into the house on tho
tenth day of :r-;-isan' (b) By the instructions re('orl!"d at
l~xo.lull 12: 11, and that they Rhou1<l rl'main in the house
until mornmgl (c) By publidy sprinkling the blood of
the paschal lamh on the doorposts and lintels of the houses
of the Israelites'
f 41. How lIlay it be determined who may celehmte the Lord's
supper' What delinitl'ly greater meaning llttadH's to cplcbration of the Memorial now'
'lI 42. How do Psalm 29: 9, 2 Timothy 2: 11,12, and 1 Corinthians 10: }t;, 17 serve to determino who lIIay partake of
the Mf'morialf
,. 43, 44. What was Jehovah's prir.lary purpose in sending
Moses to }~gypt and in sending Jesus to the worldf How,
in the "day of Jehovah ", dnes he proceed to complete
the I'xecution of that purposel
f 45. Show that Hatan mak,'s a tIl'sperate att('/Ilpt to over'
throw ev('ryone who is worthily parbking' of the ,Memorial.
How shnll these proceed, and with what Ilssuwuce IUl.I
to what end'


HE primary purpose of Satan is to reproach

Jehovah God, turn the people away from him,
and cOI.I1>el worship of himself. Knowing that
God's creatures who love Him woulol sing His praise~
and worship Him, Satan brought into bein~ his organization, and at the yelOY beginnin~ thereof mnde
religion the most prominent part; and then he makes
the commercial and the political or ruling- powers n
part of his organization, and they adopt his devilisb
religion. It is the religious element of Satan's organization that he uses ehiefly to blin<.l the people concerning Jehovah God, and therefore the religious
element was made the most prominent in the beginning
and is the most reprehensible before God.
Originally Satan was the beautiful and holy cherub
Lucifer. Until iniquity was found in Lucifer he was
a part of God's organization. By reason of his covetous desire to ha\"e the worship of creation he produced
a wicked religion. B)' the multitude of his merchan

disc, or the commercial factor, he has produ<'ed violence; and b:r his selfish desire to rule crration he
produced the political or rulin~ clements, all of which
appear in his or~anization.-Ezek. 28: 14-18.
It was unfaithfulness on Lucifer's part that caused
him to rebel against God and to form the wicked organization called Babylon and become the husband
thpreof. Therefore Babylon is represented as an unchaste woman and means an immoral ol'g-anization,
and hence it is the mother of all "harlot" systems,
engaged in spiritual fornication. The visible part of
Satan's organization, to wit, the earthly governments,
is represented under the s)'mhol of "beast ", hecau~e
harsh, cruel and oppressive. It is the "beast", figuratively speaking, that carries or bears up the or
ganization of Satan; and she, the organization of Satan, rules over and sits upon the peoples and nations
of the earth. (Rev. 17: 3, 5, 15, 18) The prophet of
God calls the Devil's organization "the lady of king-


15, 1934


doms". (Isa. 47: 5) This is manifestly an ironical

statement. The Scriptural proof is conclusive, therefore~ that Babylon in the plains of Shinar was organized by the Devil through Nimrod "the mi~hty
hunter", and that it represents the Devil's complete
organization, both the invisible part in heaven and
the visible human part on earth.
Although Babylon was first organized, Egypt was
the first nation of great and dominating strength. The
prtdominating factor of Egypt was her military power, which stands for the commercial factor of the
govemment. The real reason for building up the
military power is to acquire or hold property. Almost
all wars have been prompted by a covetous desire to
acquire the property of others, and have been promoted by the commercial factors of the rulers of the
nations. The wars which Jehovah God commanded bis
chosen people the Jews to fight were fought either
for the execution of God's judgment against evildoers or to maintain his good name, and were always
carried on for good. God is the Giver of life, and be
has the perfect right to take it away when he sees
good. Not so with others. The Devil's organization has
carried on war for a selfish and unrighteous purpose,
and has builded great military force for that purpose.
Egypt was so called by the Greeks and Romans.
The Hebrew name for Egypt is Mizraim, which means
"the encloser or the embanker of the sea", probably
referring to the fact that the first Pharaoh of Egypt
turned the Nile river into its course by embankments.
This is supported by the words which Ezekiel's prophecy (29: 3) a'icribes to Satan, saying: "My river is
mine own, and I have made it for' myself." The name
Jlizmim is derived from the Hebrew word Mazor,
and, according to Doctor Strong, an authority, means
"something hemming in, a mound, a siege, and di<itress". Sometimes the Hebrew word lIIazor is used
as the name for Egypt. (See Isaiah 19: 6; 37: 25;
Micah 7: 12, fl. V., margin.)
"Rahab," which means "proud", is the ecclesiastical name applied to Eg.ypt, doubtless because of her
pride, arrogance, and boastfulness against God. (Ps.
87 : 4; 89: 10) "The land of Ham" is another designation, probably because of one of Ham's sons whose
name was Mizraim.-Gen. 10: 6.
In ancient times the land of Eg~'pt was very fertile,
especially along the valley of the Nile. Its produetivity depended on the regular and annual overflow
of the Nile river. The people worshiped the river,
evidently because Satan used this means to turn the
people away from the true God and make them believe
that their gods, of which he was chief, brought the
blessings to them through the river Kile. The seripturt's of the Bible make note of the absence of rain
in Egypt. (Deut. 11: 10, 11) Rail, lightning and
thunder were probably unlmown to the Egyptians
until the Lord sent the ten plagues upon the land of
Egypt at the time that he sent Moses there. As it is


written: "And Moses stretched forth his rod toward

heaven; and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the
fire ran along upon the ground; and the Lord rained
hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail, ..
very grievous, such as there was none like it in all
the land of Egypt since it became a nation." (Ex.
9: 23, 24) The extraordinary phenomenon of the fire,
wbich manifestly was lightning, running along upon
the ground, called the attention of the people to the
fact that Jehovah was the Mighty God, and made for
him a name amongst the people.
The natives of Egypt were afflicted with skin diseases, denoting a bad condition of the blood; thus
suggesting a bad condition because of sin, as the life
of all flesh is in the blood. God told his people, the
Israelites, that if they would be diligent and hearken
unto his voice and do right, then he would put none
of these diseases upon them which were upon Egypt.
(Ex. 15: 26; Deut. 7: 15) Disobedience to God would
bring upon Israel such loathsome diseases as anticted
the Egyptians. (Deut. 28: 27, 60) Thus God would
teach his people that only he has the power to remove
sin and alllietion.
The Egyptians were noted for the use of the horse.
The Scriptural record (1 Ki. 10: 28, 29) is: And
[King] Solomon [of Israel] had horses brought out
of Egypt. .. And a chariot came up and wcnt out
of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an
horse for an hundred and fifty." (See also Ezrkicl
17: 15.) The primary use of horses then was for military purposes. '1'he chariots were drawn by horses,
and the chariots were used for war purposes. This
arrangement made Egypt a great military power that
dominated all the other nations. Because of the misuse of the horse and because it destroys trust in J~
hovah God, he, the Lord, does not speak favorably in
his inspired Word concerning the horse, but says:
"Woe to them that' go down to E:,"ypt for }wlp; and
stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are
many; and in horsemen, because they are very stron~;
but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neitller
seek the Lord! "-Isa. 31: 1-3.
The displeasure of God concerning the use of horsps
is shown when he directed Josiah to remove them:
"And [Josiah] took away the horses that the kings of
Judah had ginn to the sun, at the entering in of the
house [temple] ohhe Lord, by the chamber of Nathanmelech the chamberlain, which was in the suburbs, and
burned the chariots of the sun with fire.' '-2 Ki. 23: 11.
The enemies of Israel came with horses and cllariots of war to fight against the people of God: ., And
the Lord said [at that time] unto Joshua [the commander of the Israelites], Be not afraid beca use of
them: for to morrow about this time will I deliver
them up all slain before Israel: thou shalt hough their
horses, and burn their chariots with fire." (Josh.
11: 6) To hough means to hamstring a horse and
make it useless. Later King David did the same thing
with the horses of the Syrians.-2 Sam. 8: 4.



In the past some students of Bible symbolisms have

interpreted the symbol "horses" to mean hobbies
and fads and doctrines or teachings which people ride.
However, it does not appear that" horses " can properly apply to doctrines; but, in particular, the horse
does symbolize war, war policies, and war propaganda,
and therefore fitly represents a military organi?.ation.
A further proof that Egypt was a military power is
that the Egyptians hated the peaceful occupation of
the herders of slleep, such as the Hebrews were.
Genesis, chapter forty-six, verse thirty-four, says:
"For e\'cry shepherd is un abomination unto' the
Egyptians." It is well known that men or organizations that have used horses and military equipment
have little usc for the peaceable occupation of a shepherd; and this was first manifested by the EgyptianR,
and the Lord has shown it in his Word.
The Egyptians worshiped the Devil and practiceI'!
the Devil religion. The magicians of Egypt were
scribes or horoscopists who decw magical lines and
(~irelps, and claimed to state thereby what their inYisihle gods had determined as to a person. The commereial or military pmrers were subject to and pr.leticed the Devil religion, as did also the political or
ruling power. The l'ult,l's were against Jehovah and
oppres:,eu the people. With indignation the king sUid


N. Y.

to Moses: "Who is the Lord [Jehovah}, that I should

obey his' voieeY"-Ex.. 5: 2.
The religion of Egypt, used of the Devil and opposed to Jehovah, is shown by the following Seriptural proofs. To Moses the Lord God said: "Against
all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am
the Lord [Jehovah]." (Ex.. 12: 12) "And it came
to pass in the morning that [Pharaoh's] spirit was
troubled [because of the dream he.had had] ; and he
sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and
aU the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his
dream; but there was none that could interpret them
unto Pharaoh." (Gen. 41: 8) Through the prophet
Isaiah (19: 3) Jehovah said later concernini that
"land of Ham": "And the spirit of Egypt shall fail
in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel
thereof; and they shall seck to the idols, and to tbe
chatmets, and to them that have familiar spirits, llud
to the wizards." Still later Jehovah sa id through his
prophet Jeremiah (43: 13) : "lIe shall break also the
images of Beth-shemesh [or, house of the sun (margin)], that is in the land of Bgypt; and the houses of
the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with' fire."
lIenee the organization of Egypt was just as its
reli~ion, and that was, devilish, satanical, and oppoS(:d
to the supreme God of heaven, Jehovah.

~all~bll~lv. K.C...... AI:r.
Xlnll''''1 II'. :\. C.
Ii. G
A~ht.\ iltp, ~. (', ........ II
7 8
('ha",,' IJili. :\. C.
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'\.( ' ... .. 1"_, 13
l"arw\'Ule, :-. C. _.._..... 11,1::;


Hnd,)' ~lollnt. ~. C.AI.r. 17. IS

];nli,I<I.!S. ('.
PJf>a~aut lIill, X. C
(I",raw. S. C.
",-'.~ "
" --'II .,-i
Al nntn, Gu
,. 2~'30



_. _

ClarInda. Iowa
lte,1 Ollk 10" a
Council tIluff., lowil
1':~.ln, Iowa
__ .,
Omaha. "ehr. .
HI\'''r l-lioux. ]OWll _
Sioux City. Iowa
.. 11. 12

Alton, {nwa


(;rpen,iI!p. Tex
fl!l'l'ell. Tpx.
};nni:ol, T(~-". .

..-\1\ ara(ln. 'I"(\x,

f'lflhul'Jlf.'. 'rfl~

Fl. Wo .. lh.






1'' .


:\IiIJPr-a) \Vells, T~x.... "

Hltblill, 'fp\. .__

Ht'f1wuwoOtl. Tex

.\l.lllene, '1'(')(.




~[e .. h'. Tpx.

Uohrrt Let.-. Tex,

7. S

Swt'etwntcl. 'l'~x.
Colorado. 'l"fOx


.\Fqlt"l"mont. '!"f.lox
LlIhho(k. 'rex
..\lWI'lltlthy, 'l'px.




11. 15



)[prt1:oll, 'r~x,

Han ."\ n~('lo, 'j'px




Quita'jlH'. Tex





Po .. um. Ok1:l
llundl. Okla.

:\[al'i:ulIln. Fla
Basc'HlIl, F'la




'!'p,,\ . . __ "

~ew 01'1>:10

La .... "
La ....... "

Pensacola. 1"Ia. . _
I'once de Leon. Fla


11, 12


Ha\'ana, Fla. ._





=.:- ;





W. J.

X. Y
lo'r lnlli". X Y


tun n. ~. 1'
Ono\'ille. :0<. Y








~1lltlHnd, S. (tHka
I-:r ha Il. S. nak.


Ptt .. lIo, ~. Hnfc

11 lII'n Il. M. lIak.

I:rooldn~M. ~. Unl~. .~ ..
('nndt ' , S.I)ul, ............


='. [lal'.




J.'!'anldlnvillp. ~. Y
t'clIlerYill". .-.. Y

PCI!'Y. :-.



nata,ln, :\. Y.......... "

nuO'alo, :i. Y
I1f'rWW. X. Y
__ ..... "
~. Y
Fllll~, X.




Y. May








Anr. 1(122
.. 23-:':9


~. ~f.


llrll,lfol,I. I'n. .
8hin;lehol1se, 1'a.._. "
Olean, ~. y

)Iar. 31. Ap 1
RW(~f't\\'at(lI', Tf'x
Ft. \\'orth. Tex.



22. :.::\

1'<1. L. HERR
I1et\\'enPl" Okla
McCurlain. Okla.

A_hlon. town
lnwo"d. 10\\ a
Uawarllen, Iowa

I'lollx FallA. !'l. nJlk. Ar,r.

Ha"l~. ~. Unl\' ......... '
Jrf"ne, S. Ilnk. ... _
lll'a. ~. J 'ak. ._

T,lttle Rock. Arlc

Jtedti"l<l. Ark.



_.._ ..

_ I t

("anlilpn. Ark. ._........


Fla.............. "

Ocala. Fin, ._
Tal'l'on Sprinb'". j,'la.
Tampa. Fla. ...._




Ark........ "
)Ionl"". .\rk.
\Y. IhI~na\rk.
M.'mJlhi!l. Tenn.
D)'el'shurg, Tenn



I, 2





Ja('''~on. Tenn
J.exinj;lon. Tenn





l-Iprins:tield. Tf'nn
:"ush\'ille. or.'nn


Smyrna, Tp'ln. .
~Iilton. Tenn
V-hanon. Tpllll
VlIlllap. Tenn. . _
Cliatrunooga. rrt'I1U


_ ..

~nclfic ~}ro\"e., (,~lIf.

Santn Cruz. (nhf
Snn .T{)sp. ('alif
OaklnrHI. Calif
:-;an FranC"if,co. Cahf. I t
7. 8
:\10<1.."10. Calif
_.... 10.11
Oabl:tlp, ('alif.
St,wkton. "alif.
13, lot
HodJIll. Cnlif.
I'laceniIle. Calif.

L!nc"I1'. Cl\lif
Llv,-"' 'ak. Caltf
Yankee lIil1. Calif.....
(I"aI'Lakp. ('alif.
~anta Hf)~u. f'nlii
Lalrpport. Calif. _
{'pl'e.. Lake, ('a li f .. "
Puynp,<erepk. \ allf
Hfclliinlr. ('"lif,
Burcka, Calif. ._
" ~'\:!~


Phoenix. ArIz
~Inr. ::l0..\1'''' 1
EI Paso. Tex. .
"\ pr.
3. 4
San Alltoni4), Tex
Tnl<:l.. Okl".
!l. 10
St. Lou!~. ~Io. ._............ 12. 13
In'lianapoli . Ind.
Kokomo,- lnll.



Ft. "ayne. Ind



\\'alla,]). 11111. _...............



_... _"

Elkhart, Ind
~ontJl TIpnrt Ind. .
La 1'o..te, Incl. .



:!' I

2;). ~fi

r.fhe. 'WATCHT0WER.



Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

117 Adams Street



J. F. RC'TIIERFORD Presiden.t

W. E.



"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." - Isaiah 54: .l.J.

~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to everlnstin~, the .Maker of lleavcn and earth and the Giver
of life to his creatures; that the Logoli was the bcginnin~ of
his creation and his aetive agent in the crc:Ltion of all
thingli; that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in I'lory,
dothed wiLh all power in }te:l\'en and earth, and tho Chief
Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD rrmted the eart.h for man, created perfect
man for thH earth and phced him upon it; tl~t man wilfully
disobeyed God's law and was senteneel1 to death; that by
reason of Adum's wrong act all men are born sinners and
without tho right to life.
THAT JESUS was made hunmn, and tho man Jcsus auf
ferea death in order to prouuce thH ransom or redemptivo
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus dh'ino and
exalteu him to heaven abovo (J\'(lry creature and abovo every
name and clothed him with nll power and authority.
tlmt Chril\t JeHUS is the Chid Officer thereof and is tho
riJ.:htful Kin~ of tho world, that tho anointed and faithful
followers of Christ JesU1J are children of Zion, memhers of
Jehovah'8 org'ani~:ltion, und are his ,vitnesscs whoso duty and
prhilpg'o it is to tClltify to the supremacy of Jehomh, deciare
his purposcs toward Dl:.mkind as expressed in the Bible, a.nd
to bear the fruits of tho kingdom be foro all who will henr.
THAT THE WORLD bas ended, and tho Lord Jesus Christ
has been placed by Jehomh upon his throne of authority,
hns ousted Satan from hpavcn and is proceeding to tho
estnblishment of Goll's king/10m on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and l;le~Hin~ of tho peoples of el\rlh
enn come only by ana throu~h Jehovah's kingdom under
Christ which has now bel'1O; that the I,onl's next ~rent
net is the destruction of S'thlll'S org,tnization anel the establishment of rig'hteousness in tho earth. and that under tho
kingdom all those who will llbey its righteous laws sh'lll be
restored nUll live on earth forever.
Jehovah's Llessing hns bct'r1 murkc.lly upon tile use of tho
portable transcription mach' ne. lIe has plainly manifested
that tlllS machine meets the need of the hour, \\ hen the enemy,
under Gog, is seeking to curtlul the U8e of the ra,lio by God's
anointe'} unf! when the people's ears nrc ea~er to hear, not
man's Illessaite, Lut Gud s. The transcription machine hUll increased the p"\\er of Jehovah's witUPS8C8 afiel,1 til prc:,ch lIis
truth man)' fold, so that the desire for the Iiteraturc is stialUlnted and stutly classes of many interested hearers are beln~
formed. Besi,le8 more than 450 such machines in the Fnitoo
States alone, great numbers are now bein~ et[('(.'ti,-el.v USl-d III
countries near and afar. For more information, write the
The Society has made arran~ement8 to c"nstrnet aUl! assemble
portable transcription machines at onr OWII factory at 117
Adams Street. These machines will be s'Jmewhat dilTerent in
construction from those previously furnished. The.v WIll be
spring-wound, and operate,l from a 6-volt wet-eel! battery.
Every machine wil! be furnished cumpl;>te "ith the 11:\ttl'l'Y and
a battery clJ:lr~er, so that it can be kept up to its full lltrenltth.
We are please,I to announce that this machine can be offered
at $100, compkte, to brethren in the United States.


HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling

the people to know Jellovall God and his purposcs as
explCl>S(,u in the Bible. It publishes I~ible instruction
specifically ,lesigncd to aid Jehovah's witneS8P.s. It arranges
spt~matic BiLle stuJy for its reauers and supplies olher litl.'rature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitalJle material
for radio broa<1c:tsting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Biblo as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
or other worlJly organizations. It is wholly aud without
reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
his Beloved Kin::;-. It is not dogmatic, but invite:! careful
llnd critical examination of its contents in the light of th(}
Scripturcs. It docs not induIg-e in controversy, and its columns nre not open to l'ersonalities.

Ul'l'ITED STATES, $1.00; CA.:>.tD.1 A:>D

$1.:;0; GnE.\T lllUT.lIl'l', A.t"STTl.1L\SIA,

:lhSCET.LA1';EOUli FonEI<;~,

Aw~ric.D.ll remittances should be mauo by RtpreHs or Po.;la! :lIoney

Orucr. or by l:ank nratt. Canadi:Ln, I:rltbh. So.uth African and
AustralasIan remittances shouhl be mallo direct to tho rc"pcctivo
branch ol'ices. UE'mittaneell from countril'lI other than tho,;{) ll1~n
tion",l may be made t<> the nrookl~'n allice, but by International
Postal Money Oruer only.


DrltillT, 3-1 Cmyen Tprrace, London. W. 2, En~land

CanutlifJ1I 40 !n\in Avrnu(', 'l~oronto, Ontario, Canada.
,1".trala3ia1l 7 Dcrest/lrd Hoad. SI rathfi~Iu. N. S. \V., ,\u,tralla
South A/rican
Boston Hou,,'. Capo Town. :;lluth Africa

Pleaso address the Society In every ease.



till, J"urnal appear ill selleral lan!7UOlle,.)

An sincere I!tudents of the Bible who by reason of Infirmity.

poverty or auver.;ily are unable to pay the 5ull'cription prico
may have The Watchto.eer free upon ".,.lttCD appliration to tho
llUbli~hera. malle once c(}ch year. al :>lin;:: tll" rC:l'OIl for 5ll re
'1uestinlt It. We 1lM! glad to tbus aid tho needy. but tho written
apl,Ucation om'e each year is l'Cquired by the postal rp~ulalions.
Xotice to Su~scriber.: A"knowled~cnt of a new or a renewal Ruhsrription will be spnt only when re'luested. Chang-e of a,hlrp"".
when requeste/), mny bo erpectl>ll t<> npp/'ar on nllllrp". lallel within
"ne month_ A renewal blank (rarryin~ notire of c,,,iratilln) will
be Rent with the journll1 onc month before the subscription p>:pirc~.
E"t~d lU Seeond CIa. Mail Matter at 11"ooklyn, N. Y., postofflce.
Act (JI March 3, 1879.



}'or the benefit of subscribers, anI! for thdr convenience,

renewul blank IS !'Cut with this journal one lIIunth (on
forl'i;:-n sub>lcliptlOns t\"\"o months) bf!fore tho subscnptiou is
line to expire. Madtinery us<>d to print subscriber's ad<lr('s~ on
label or wrapper IS so conlltruded that the platH l)l'arIn~ ad
ure~s is aUl'Hllati~ally dropped froU! the li~t at e'piratloni
thus discont illuanee of an expiration is a~colHplishe,l Dl,~,:h:lllj
cally in every instnn~e.


healers of mdio transcriptiou lectures ha,e t.he dt'sire
to meet with Jeho,ah's witnesses amI to studv his Word with
them. Hellce wh('r~\"er the kingdom messag-e 'is l'allinca,t. the
time and pial'" of meeting of the local company of .Tellond, 's
witne~ses Rlwul.l I,e announced after the tran8<'rlptiou. TllIl
time on the air !x'ing pai,j for, the station llIan:.w:er ought tu
readily grant your request to make such annOUllf'ClIH'nt.


Of the booklets of the new series, llf;r(J([!ter, Cau,c of [)palh,
Who Is God? and What Is Tmth! can be supplied, in Draill,',
for the blind. These are ohtainable at $1 a copy, or may be
had on loan by any blinJ reader. Address the SVClCty'S bran.'ll
for the Llind, 1210 Spear St., Logansport, Ind.




1, 1934



"Gather my saints together unto me; those that hare made a COL'cnant with me by sacrifice. And tlie heavens
slwll declare his righteousness: for God is judge himself."-Ps. 50: 5, 6.

IUIOVAII'S purpose is to vindicate his name.

motive for hecoming memht'rs of the ol'g':Illization of

those ecclesiastical systems has been rntird,v selfish,
that is, a desire to be saved and escape punishment.
During the Elijah period of the church the (ioctrilll's
held and taught by the followers of Christ .h'sus ill
the truth were in brid these:
Tho humnn race, ('olldemned to death hy reason of
Adam's sin, is bought by the blood of Christ .Jesus;
hell is not a plu('e of conscious torment, bllt the state
of the dead, and none can eSCll pc eternal dc'ath ('Xcept by and through the merit of Christ .It'sus' sael'ifice; the plan of Hod is to take out frolll the wol'ld
his church, the members of whieh find their eternal
home in heaven and will, togethl'r with Ch/'ist .Jesll",
rulc the world and restore the obedil'nt ones to hn/lwn
perfection. The doetrine of "no 111'11 tOl'nll'llt" was
greatly stressed, and salvation in h('aven 0/' upon the
earth was the chief moti\'c induf'ing ereatuf'('s to scrn~
God and Chri8t .Jl'sus. It was thought that (',1('h olle
consccratin~ himself to the Lord mllst e\'('11 by his
own effo1't8 bring himself to a point of ('lwl':I<'Ie1' dt~
ve]opment that would entitle him to a hig-h scat in the
courts of heaven. It must he eOllcl'dl'd that slH'h motives were lal'gely selfish, To he sure, some who consecrated in that time had the U/ISl'lfish desire to S('I'Ve
Jehovah. but all were looldng to tile rewaI'd, Whilc
the doc: rines above mentiolled as !t('ld dUl'ing' the
Elijah period were and a1'e g(,)lCl'ally true, th(' pl'imal'Y
purpose of Jehovnh was not seen, hence the highcr
motIve wvs not the moving (':luse for Cl'l'atul'l'S to
serve God. Now thosc of the tl'mpli:! who arc proving
faithfnl appreciate the g'n'at truth that the vindi(:ation of Jehovah's name is the nil-important thin~ :lllll
that to have a part in the vindieution of his holy nallle
these faithful creatures must unselfishly de\"ote themselves to him. Such unselfish devotion to JdlOnl!l is
the key of knowledge and understanding. The rdigiou8 leudt'rs amOl;gst the Jew8 by reason of their
selfl."hllCSS took away from themselves and from others
the key of knowledge, and when Jesus presented to
them the truths of the kingdom the Phal'isl'l's not olll)'
rejected the truth, but caused others to do likl',,"isl'.
(Luke 11: 42-52) The same thing has been truc of the

Let that great truth always be foremost in the

mind of every faithful student of God's Word.
All other thing's arc incidental to and hence secondary
to the vindication of Jehovah's name, Having builded
up his capital org'anization Zion .Jehovah now appeal'S
in his ~lor.r to those of Zion. 'fhe children of Zion,
now ~atll('1'ed unto him at his t('mple, are taught of
fIod hy and throug-h Clll'ist .J('sns, the chief onc of
the Zion orgallization, The faithful no,v see their
'rea('hel's, to wit, .Jehovah and Christ Jesus, and, being
ouedi('/lt to what they arc taught, the children of Zion
walk on in the right way singillg- the praises of the
1\Iost Hi~h. (Isa. aO:20,21; 5-1:]3) The childrcn of
Zion arc .Jehovah's saints now made to 'sit with
Christ .Jeslls in heavl'llly pla('l's' nnd form a part of
the hcavenly or~anizat ion, and heing thus gathered
unto the Lord they 'shall declare his righteousllcs8:
for God himself is Judge'. 'fhe faithful remnant are
doing this wry thing.
2 In times past (lad's faithful people had a dim vision of his PUl'I)()se, hut now they may have a clearer
unde1'st:mding thereof, 'rhe chil'f reason for greater
enlightenment now is the fact that it is God '8 due
time to make lmown his purpose to his people. Thosc
who arc born of Zion, and hcnce gathered together
unto the I,ord at the telTlple, now have Jehovah and
Christ Jesus for their instructors, and the flashes of
the light at the temple revl'al Jehovah's truths to
them, and as these f,{rcat truths are revealed to them
they continue to declare God's righteomness.
8 But there is another reason why the eonsccrated
have not had a clear vision of God's Word heretofore,
and that reason is largely due to selfishness or a desirc for personal gain. Selfishness or the looking for
personal gain will now hinder even those of the
anointed in understanding and appreciating the truth.
For many centuries almost all of those who have CtllIsecrated themsdves to do the will of God hu\'e dOlle
so with the expectation of personal gain or benefit.
l,eaders of "Christ<,ndom" have taught the people
that God is trying to save the human race from hell
torment and to take the saved ones to heaven. The

r.r6.e \VATCHT0WER.


organizations of so-called" Christianity", and particularly of the "man of sin" class. Self-gain blinds
the eyes of one to the proper devotion to God, and,
thus blinded, one makes no progress in knowledge and
s It follows, therefore, that if the anointed will hold
the key of knowledge and understanding they must
keep always to the forc that the chid purpose of Jeho\'ah is the vindication of his name, that it is his
name that is involved, and that the kingdom is the
means used to accomplish the vindication of his name.
To have part in the vindication of Jehovah's name is
not a selfish work. 'l'he part which the remnant can
have is that of being fait hful witnesses for Jehovah,
and thus they mailltaill tlwir illtt'~rity toward him.
'rhose of the ullointed who are faithful unto death
will receive evedasting life and be assot'iated with
Christ Jesus in his heavenly work and glory. But
such reward is secondary to the vindication of Jehovah's name and is given only where ullselfish devotion
is shown to God. To have part in the vindiration of
his holy name is the condition precedent to the entering into divine life.

A covenant is a bindinl-{ agreement or promise to

do or not to do a certain thing. J ehoyah 's expressed
purpose to do a certain thing is an unconditional or
one-sided co\'enant. When Jehovah gives his word of
promise he unconditionally binds himself to carry out
that plll'pose. lIe says: "I have purposcd it, I will
also do it." (Isa. 46: 11) "My word . . shall ac('omplish that which I please." (Isa. 55: 11) A co\"ewmt made by Jchovah with olle or more of his creatm'es is a bilatcml 01' two-sided agreemt'nt to do eel'
lain things, and the other parties to the covenant must
do the things mcntioned. Jehovah always faithfully
pcrforms his part of his covenullts.-Deut. 7: 9.
T The following ahstl'act points are here s('t out that
the student, by carefully following this outlinc, may
be better enahled to consider the argument as be

(1) The greatest of all questions before creation is,

'Vho is the supreme, almighty God, from whom comes
all lifc in happiness?
(2) .All covenants made by Jehovah toward man are
made for the primary purpose of vindicuting his name.
They are called Jehovah's covenants because he is the
originator and maker of them, and he takes others
into his eo\'enants as it pleases him.
(3) Thc Abrahamic covenant is an unconditional
promise of Jehovah to produce by his organization
Zion, symbolized by his "woman", a seed by or
through which all the families of the earth may ha\'c
an opportunity for the bles..<;ing of life, the primal)'


purpose of which covenant is the vindication of Jehovah's name, The "seed" of that covenant ii Christ,
who is the Sudol' and Redeemer of man and the Vindicator of J~hovah God's nume. That covenant is unchangeable because bound by the word and oath of
(4) Because of the uboUllllin~ of trans~ression or sin
against God '8 law, Jehovah added to the Abrahamic
co\'enant the law covenant, made in Egypt with
Moses as mediator, and that covenant served as a
schoolmaster to lead the teachable ones of Israel to
Christ, the "seed" and Vindicator, and it was eon
tinued until the coming of Christ. The purpose of the
law covenant was to produce a people for the name of
Jcho\'ah; hence the primary purpose thereof was the
vindication of Jehovah's name.
(5) The new covenant was made in the place and
stead of the old law covenant. The purpose of the
new covenant was not for the sah'ation of men, but
for the purpose of selecting a people for the name of
Jehovah, which people so selected must he witnes~cs
to the namc of Jehovah; and, proving faithful thcreiu,
these participate with Christ Jesus in the vindication
of Jehovah's name.
(G) The new covenant was made with Christ .Jesus
at the time of his death. Before that Jesus made his
covenant of sacrifice, and then others were invited to
make a covennnt by sacrifice in oruer that they mig-Ilt
be offspring of and taken into the new covenant and
have a part in the vindication of Jehovah's name.
(7) The new covenant has no rt'ferencc to the world
of mankind in gencral, doc,; not relate to the restitution of mUilkmd, but pcrtains exclusively to spiritual
Israel; and no oue can be an offsprin~ of the nl'W
eO\'cnuut until after that one has made a covenant
by sacrifice; and it is the onrs makin~ the CO\'enant
by sacrifice, and who prove fa i thful thereto, t ha tare
gather'd to~cthcr unto the Lord God and'marlc members of his company, and who declare his ri'~ht(,OllS
ness and IJarticipate in the vindication of his nume.

a At Eden Lucifer defamc!] Jeho\ ah 's name, char~

ing him with being a liar and without the ability to
carry out his purpose. Satan then defied Jehoyah to
put on earth a man that would maintain his int('~rity
toward Jeho\-ah. (Job 2: 2-4) 'L'his was a further reproach to the name of Jehovah God. Jehonill's purpo'>e is to pro\'e to all creation that he alone is the
Almighty God, and this he lloes in vindif'ation of his
name. There could be no blessin~ to the 1111111iln race
without life; and sil:('e life is the gift of J e1l0\'ah God,
the creature by proYing his faithfulness to God aUll
maintainin~ his integrity toward God and rccci\ illg
life from God would thus hc a vindication of the name
of the )'10st High. Jehoyah then took ~lhl'allal1l out
of his native land and sent him down to Cunuall and


APRIL 1, 1934

there made a covenant or unconditional promise, using

Abraham as the one to whom the promise was at the
time expressed, and there expressed his purpose to
produce a seed by aIHl through which all the families
and nations of the earth may be blessed. The 'promised sced' is Christ, whom Jehovah constitutes as his
chief witness, high priest and vindieator. (Gal. 3: 16)
Surely the selection of the seed of promise was not
merely for the salvation of men, because God could
have killed Adam and started a new race. The selection of the seed was for the very purpose of vindicating Jehovah's name, that is, proving Jehovah carries
out his purposes according to his will. .A secondary
provision thereof was that those who should obey the
seed would he blessed with everlasting life. His original name, Abram, means "exalted father", which
name the Lord changed, calling him Abraham. The
name Abraham meaus "father of many nations". This
is proof that Abraham was here used as a sJ'mbol to
represent Jehovah God himself, who alone is the Giver
of life, hence the great Father of the families and
nations of the earth that live, and that the seed is
Chlist, by and throug-h whom Jehovah gives life to
man. (Rom. 6: 23) When Jehovah said to Abraham,
"I will .. make thy name great," manifestly God
meant that he would make his own holy name great.
(Gen. 12: 2) 'I'he dealing of Jehovah with the natural
dCEcenuunts of Abraham was for his, Jehovah's, own
namc's sake. (Ezek. 20: V) 'rhe purpose of the Abrahamie covf~nallt, therefore, was not primarily for
mun's henefit, but was and is for the vindication of
Jehovah's name; and this eoneIusion is abundantly
supported by the Scriptures. .A lung period of timc
is permitted to elapse dlll'in~ whirh period of time
Jehovah God IJC1rnit.s Batan to remain llnd carry forward his nefarious work in ol'der that he, Jehovah,
in his OW11 due time may have a testimony ~iven in
the earth con('ernin~ his name anu then exhibit his
power to con \'inee all creation that he is the ~upreme
One. Let it be kept in mind that the salvation of
creatures is entirely secondary to the great purpose
of Jehovah.
8 The Scriptures disclose other covenants of Jehovah, among which are the covenant made at EI,"Ypt
and confirmed at Sinai, and the l1'~w covenant, made
thereafter. )ruoh has been said and written eoncerning the new eovenant, and it has been emphasized in
most of such writings that the new covenant belongs
to the millennial reig-n of Christ, under which all the
families of the earth shall be bJc.s:-:ed. The following
quotatiou is the gist of what has r)('cn held and taught
for many yeal'S, to \vit: "The Hew covenant is an
arrangement which God IH'o\'idcs by and through
whieh he can have mercy upon the fallen race."
(Studies in tlte Scriptures, Volume 5, page 455) The
Scriptures do not support that conclusion. From
about 190i to 1909 a great deal was published about


the new covenant, and a shaking among~t the consecrated occurred and a division resulted by reason
of a disagreement as to the new covenant. For the
two reasons hereinbefore named the purpose of the
new covenaut was not then understood; but now in
the day of the Lord, when he is at the temple enlightening his people, the purpose may be understood
by those who are de\'otod to him, and who :Ire of the
temple, and for this reason 'J'he Watchtower now
considers again the question of the covenants. Again
it is suggested that the seven points above set out be
kept in mind as the study progresses.
10 The new covenant is not for the direct purpose
of saving allY creature, but is for n far higher and
greater pUl'l)ose. The lH'W covelJant is not a restitution co\,en1lnt, to be employed by the Lord dming the
:\Iillennial reign. In fact, it has nothilJ~ to do with
the regeneration of the human race. The blood of
Christ Jesus is the purchase price of the hUIlI<llJ race,
and a COWTl1lnt is not required in order for God to
have mercy on those who ('orne to Jesus in God's appointed way.-John 6: 3740.

What is the purpose of the uew CO\'elJant? It is

Jehovah's instrument to ~ath('r unto himself a people
for his name, to be used for the vindication of his
name. It therefore applies to the church, and not to
the world at nIl. The new coveuant was fOl'e~haclowed
by the old law con-nant, as well us heing a rep1<H(menl.
substituted for the old law COVE'nant. That l)('in~
truc, then, it foIlows that the purpose of the old law
cowuant fOl'C'shadowed thc purpose of the new coverwnt. Tho purposc of the old law covenant could not
ha\"o been the salvation (If the .Jewish nation. It was
not nc('ded to SavC that nation. BVt'lltually the Gt'ntiles will havc the same opportunity of salvation, and
they never had any relationship to the law ('ovl'ilant,
but were aliens to it and IIlso to the lIew cov('nallt.
(Eph. 2: 12) Purthermore the Jewish nation, being
God's chos('n people, did not foreshadow the Gentile
nations in general, but did forl~shadow God's ehosrll
}lcople taken out from the world. 'l'he law coven;U1t
imposed au additional ohli;mtion upon the .fews which
was never upon the Uentile nations, and henre the
Gentile nations would not have to be relieved thC'reof.
To redeem the Jews from that additional curse imposed by the law covenant .Jesus must die on the tr('o
as and in the place and stead of the sinner. (Gal.
3: 13; Deut. 21: 23) 'I'his fact, howc\"er, docs show a
special responsihility re;t ing upon those who are in
the new covenant. It is f}dite certain that the avostle
had in mind this respon.;ibility whrn he qllotC'u from
th~ pl'ophe<'y uttered by ':Uosrs, to wit: "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or
three witnesses: of how much sorer punishment, suppose yo, shall he he thouzht worthy, who hath trodden under foot the ~on of God, and hath counted the
blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified,



nn unllOly : :lingo, and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace' For we know him that hath said, Venge.
IInce belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith
the Lord. And a~ail1, 'l'he Lord shall judge his people.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the
living God." (Ileb. 10: 28-31) This prophecy was
spoken by Moses. (Deut. 32: 35, 36) 'rhe responsi.
bility of those in the new covenant is here compared
with that of those in the law covenant.
12 God made the old law covenant with Moses as
mediator for his chosen people. God made the new
covenant with Christ Jesus, whom l\Ioses foreshad.
owed, as the Mediator for his chosen ones. .Jehovah
sent l\Ioses to Bgypt primarily to make a name for
Himself, and secondarily to redeem the Israelites.
(2 Sam. 7: 23) To this cnd :\Ioscs was required to
bear testimony before the Israelites and before the
Egyptian ruler, and this he must do prior to tI\(' making of the law covenant. Jehovah sent Jesus into the
world, antitypical Bgypt, to bear witness to his name,
hence to maliC a name for Himself, and he must bear
witness before tho Jews and oth('rs hdore the lH'\V
covenant is made. (John 18: 37) Jesus said: "I am
come in m'y Father's name." (John 5: 43) That the
chief purpose of the comili~ of Jesus was to glorify
and vindicate Jehovah's name is shown by his words:
"For this cause rame I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name. Then carne there a voice from heaven,
sa~'ing, I have both ~loriticd it, and will glorify it
again." (.John 12: 27, 21;) The lifeblood of Jesus
poured out in sacrifice was the blood that made good
tho new co\'('nant, and also provided the redemptive
price for man. It is by and through the new COVenant
that a people is taken out for the name of Jehovah;
hence the name of JerlOvah becomes paramount to the
redemption of man.
13 The Israelites, God's selected people, must prove
their faithfulness to the terms of the law covenant in
order to become God's holy nation, a!l it is written:
"And ~loses went up unto God, and the Lord called

him out of the mountain, sayin~, Thus shalt
thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children
of Israel: Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all pcople: for aU the
earth is mine. And ye shall be unto me a kin~dom of
priests, and an holy nation. These are the \\,or,1s whirh
thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel." (Ex.
19: 3,5,6) This proves that a people was foreshadowed by th(' Israelites and that such people who were
foreshadowed by the Israelites in the la \\' cownant
must prove their faithfulness under the terms of the
ncw covenant in order to become God's holy nation.
Addressing that people foreshac1owed by the Israelites the inspired apostle says: "But ye are a chosen
generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises
of him who hath called you out of darkness into his
marvelous light: which in time past were not a peo-


N. Y.

pIe, but are now the people of God; which had not
obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy."
(1 Pet. 2: 9, 10) This holy nation is made up of thos6
who become members of the royal house of which
Christ Jesus is the Head.
U The purpose of the law covenant was to produce
a !>eed; as it is written: "Which things arc an allegory: for these [women] arc the two covenants; the
one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar [Hagar]. For this Agar is mount
Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which
now is, and is in bondage with her children." (Gal.
4: 24, 25) Abraham's wife Sarah was past the natural
age of child-bearing, and she requested Abraham to
use her Egyptian maid to get an heir for the reason,
"it may be that I may obtain children by her." (Gen.
16: 2, 3) God had promised Abraham to give him a
seed, and Hagar was given to Abraham by his wife
that this might be accomplished. Hagar's offspring
did r.ot prove acceptable to God as the promised se(~d,
and likewise the children of the old law covenant, that
is, Israel after the fksh, did not prove acceptable unto
God. That the law covenant foreshadowed the new
covenant, the seed of which docs prove acceptable, is
clearly shown by the words of the apostle: 'For what
was impossible to the Law, thwarted as it was by human frailty, God effeeted. Sending his own Son in
the form of sinful humanity to deal with sin, (Jod
pronounced sentence upon sin in human nature; in
order that in our ease the requirements of the Law
mi~ht be fully met. '-Hom. 1;: 3, 4, Wey.
15 The reason for the failm'e of the law covenant
was not because of any fault with the law, but was
because of the fault of the Jewish nation; hence its
failure made it necessary to make a nt~W covenant. in
the place and stead of the old in order that God might
have a people for his own name; hence, says the
scripture: "For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sou~ht fot' the
second [covenant]. For finding fault with them, he
saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when
I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel
and with the house of Judah." (lIeb. 8: 7, 8) It is
therefore apparent from these scriptures that neither
the old law covenant nor the new covenant is made
for the purpose of saving men, but that the purpose
thereof is to gather togcther a people for the name of
Jehovah, the faithful ones of which people he promises shall have a part in the vindication of Jehovah's
name, and which proves his side of the controversy
and the vindication of his name.
16 It is true that the Lord declared: "Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments; which if
a man do, he shall live in them; I am [Jehovah 1."
(Lev. 18: 1, 5) This scripture docs not say that olle
would ~et life by keeping the covenant; hence it docs
not mean that the purpose of the eoycnant is to ~ive
life. The real purpose, as disclosed by this sCl'iptUl'c,
is to identify the vindicator of Jehovah's name. God's

AI':.w. I. 1934


FJIie. \\lATCliT0\vER

promise here is that the man in the covenant who

should obey the statutl'S and jud,-?,lllcnts of the Lord
would thus live in them and would be maintaining his
integrity and thus vindicate Jehovah's name, as
against Satan's challeng-c to God to produce such a
mall. Obedience to the tcrms of the covenant would
prove the qualification of the man to be the vindicator
of Jehovah's name when the timl: sllOuld arrive for
the issue to be finally settled. That is exactly what
Jesus did. '1'0 construe this scripture to mean that,
had the Jews kept the covcn:mt, they could have lived
would mean that the ransom sacrifice could be omitted; wherca.~ there is no Uleans of getting life except
by and through the r:lusorn ;"acrifice. The clear purpose of this declaratio\l ab()\c quotcu, therefore, is to
identify the vinuicator. Jeoms suffered reproach at
the hanus of ~atan and his a~l:n(ies, anu because of
his faithfulness in keeping the law of God, aud proving his obeuicnce under such suffering, he thereby
demonstrated his qualification to be the vindicator of
Jehovah's namo and the author (}f' ('temal salvation
to all those who obey him; and till; is the plain stutement of the scripture written by the apostle under
inspiration.-lIeb.;): 8, 9.
11 This conclusion is furtht'r expressed on another
oc('asion by the apostle. lIe emplw'iizetl the point that
the promised seed is of paramotlllt importance. Then
he says: "It lthe law covenantl wag aducu [to the
Abrahamic covenant} ue('ause of trans~ressions, till
the S(~ed should come to whom the promise was made;
and it was ordainl'd by ang-cls in the hund of a mediator." (Gal. 3:UI, 19) The .h~\\'s were illlpe:'i'ed,
and therefore transgressors or sinners, which p['en~lIt
ed them from maintaining their integrity in perrl'ction, ana hence the law was added until the promis(:u
seed should come. "Which thill;~s are an allegory:
for these are the two eovcnauts; the one from the
mount Sinai, which genuercth to bondage, which is
Agar. "-Gal. 4: 24.
is l'-'Ulother showing that the law covenant was Bot
made to give to the people of natural Israel the salvation of life it is written: ., Is tl,.: law then against
the promises of God God forbjJ: for if thero had
been n law given which could Inne given life, verily
righteousness should have been by the Inw." (G al.
3: :.!l) Is the law against the pJ'(.mises of God 1 To
be sure, Jehovah knew this beforl'h wd, and this pro\'(~s
that in making a covenant he had un objective 0[' purpose different from the salvation of the Jews to life.
Sah'ation of the Jews and Gentile,; is not by any CO\Oe
nant. Salvation is through Chl'i-;t Jesus, whom Jehovah first mal~es his vindicator, .',:lablishrs his kill~'
dom, and then brill~'s the people to a Imowkdg-e of the
truth in order that they, umkr the kin~tIom, rnny
receive life e\"L'rlasting if obedient to its terms, The
purpose of the law covenant with the Jews was to ~et
for Jehovah a people for his IW~,te; but that failed
because of the imperfection of the .Jews. When Christ
Jesus, the Greater Moses, came he was the seed accord-

ing to the promise made by :Jehovah to Abraham, aIJd

those Jews who were then found faithful were transferred from :\Io"es to CIJrist antI thereby were made
a part of the 'people taken out for his namr '. The
faithful disciples of Jesus Christ are striking examples
of tbis fact. They were already consecrateu to do the
will of God and had b<:cn baptized into :\Ioses and
., in the cloud ", and now it was not necessary for them
to again undergo baptism, (1 Cor. 10: 1-4; John 1: -17)
If the law COYCIlant could not give life (which it could
not, most emphatically), neither call the new ('oycnant
give life, for the reason that the new covenant is a
suhstitute fOl' the old. Life is ginn only to those \':ho
ha\Oe faith in .lCSlL'; Chri"t and continue faithful. The
purpose of the Ilew CO\Oenant therefore c!L'arly appears to be to gather Ollt from the human race ami
unto God a people that will maintain their integrity
toward God while suffering l'rproach and contradiction of Satan and his agents. and which people hecome the witncsses to the name of Jehovah and who,
thcn cO!ltinuin~ faithful, have a part in the vindication of his name.

Jehovah proddes a meuiator of the olJ law co\"(:llant and a mediator fOl' the new co\'ellant. The .Jews
as II nation were incompetent to make a covenant with
Jehovah, Moses had faith in the promise of Jeho\Oah
and by faith "looked r n' [forward to] a city I the
kingdom of Gvll under tile promised seed) which hat h
foundations, whose builder . is God". (IIeb. 11:
10-~;;) By l'enSOn of his (aith and faithfuhll'SS to Uod
Jl'!lovah chose :\lo'icS as mediator of the law CO\'elwllt
that he purpused to /lW~ie and afterwards did make
in E~ypt. This sdedioli uf :\loses was made at l\lount
}fon'b. (Bx. :J: 1-~~) '1":I<1t was ~ollle time bcfol'c tllll
covenant was maue, and :\loses mnst fix-st give testi.
mony tu the name of .: '!lovah befor~ the Israelites
and before the rulel's of E~'ypt. Concerning tId" la w
cownant it is written: .. It was ordained by angels
in the hand of a mediator." (Gal. 3: I!)~ The Grealer
~Ioscs was chosen by .Jci.0vah as the mediator of the
new covenant, and this '-election was maue aft01' .Jesus was baptizcJ in the Jordan and following his
temptation in the wildcl'lless. It was then that he he
came the surety (pledge) and mediat.or of the III w
covenant later to be madeo The law covenant was malle
at the time of the slaying of the paschal lamb in
Eg~'pt, anu the /lew em f:nant was made at the time
of the slaying of the <lntit,rpical paschal lamb, Christ
.}rsu.'>; but Jesus had !;.'\)lJ selected as the m('diator
three and one-half .rcal'~ prior to that time.
20 Where there is a mdiator this shows that t(H'l'e
are otl]('1's in the cOH'lwnt, which Jehovah makes:
"Kow 11 ml'tliator is not 11 mediator of one, but God is
one." (GaL 3: 20) If there w,'ro not others ill the
covenant there waul 11 I!!.' no Herd for a mediator. Sineu
the chicf purpose of t!l" coming of Jesus was and is
the vindicatiuu of JdJO\';lh '8 name, if Jesus "oere to


alie WATCHT0\vER

be alone in this covenant work there would be no need

for the existcnce of a mediator. Jesus is the offspring
and seed of the Abrahamic covenant, which takes pre
cedenee over both the law covenant and the new cove
nant. A mediator's being provided for the new cove
nant therefore shows that the purpose of the covenant
is to bring others mto it to act with Christ Jesus and
under his direct supervision.
uThe new cov('nant is made more than two thousand :rears after the .Abrahamic covenant, yet it could
not take the place of the Abrahamic covenant, the
seed of which is the means of blessin~ all the families
of the earth. This is further proof that the new cove
nant is not a covenant of blessing' or ~ivilJg of life,
but that it is a means of providing' a people to bear
testimony to the name of Jehovah, amI who may ha\'e
a part in the vindication of his name. The mere fact
of the provision for a mediator shows that others
would be joined with Christ Jesus in the vindication
of Jehovah's name. Who, then, arc the others' Necessarily it follows that the" others" are those taken
into the new covenant after it is made with Christ
Jesus, and after the others mcntioncd have made a
covenant with Jehovah God by !'mcrifiee and have been
accepted hy Jehovah as his sons.
22 As further proof that the covenant is the instrument of Jehovah to accompli~h his purpose of \'indieating his name, note that .lehovah appoints the me
diator before the covcnant is made and that he makes
thill selection unconditionally. IIe selected his helm"cd
Son Christ Jesus as his hi~h priest, and he makes
Christ Jesus his chief officer for the carrying out of
all his purposes and Christ Jesus has nothing to do
with selecting himself for th is office. "So also Christ
glorified not hims(,lf to be made an hi~h priest; but
he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have
I begottcn [brought forth and acknowledged as his
beloved Son] thee. As he saith also in another place,
Thou art a pl'iest for evcr after the order of l\Idchisedec." (Heb. 5: 5, 6) When he appointed Jesus
to the high office of IH'iest1l00d Jehovah bound his
word with his oath: ".And by so much [morc,
that is, by such oath] was Jesus made a surcty [the
intermediary or guarantor for the others of the CO\'enant, hence a mediator]. "-Heb. 7: 20, 22.
23 At his baptism in the Jordan Jesus made and
began the performance of his covenant by sacrifice and
which performance was finished at Calvary. "But
now hath he [Jesus] obtained a more excellent ministry [than that of l\Ioses, the mediator of the law cove
nant], by how much also he is the mediator of a hetter
covenant, which was established upon better promises." (Heb. 8: 6) Because of his covenant by sacrifice, which sacrifice was holy and acceptable unto God,
Jesus is made the mediator of the new covenant. "The
blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered
himself without spot to God, .. And for this cause
he is the mediator of the new testament [covenant,


N. Y,

R.V.], that by means of death, for the redemption of

the transgressions that were under the fir:,t testament
[covenant], they which are called [not the Jews as a
nation, nor the world in general, but they that are
called to the kingdom, that is. the church] might receive the promise of eternal inheritance [in heaven]."
(lIeb. 9: 14, 15) The church of Christ does not form
any part of the mediator, but Christ .Jesus alone is
the mediator of the new covenant. (lIeb. 12: ~-I:)
Christ Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant toward his own brethren, that is to say, spiritual 18ra<.l,
during the period of time God is taking out from the
nations a people for his name. (Acts 15: 14) 'I'll('
apostle shows his relationship to the cO\'enallt, whl'n
he says: "Who will have all men to be saved, and to
come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is
olle God, and one mediator between God and mm,
the man Christ Jesus; who ~ave himself a ransom for
all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth
in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in
faith and verity."--l Tim. 2:47.
24 This text docs not say, and it docs not mean, that
the man Christ .Jesus is mediator for ALL men. What
the text docs say is this: that there is one God, who
is .Jehovah, and there is olle mediator hetween God
and men. 'Vhat own 1 The men, that is, hUllllltl crea
tures, who have exercised faith in ChI'ist JI'SUS and
agreed to do God's will. Why should God appoint a
mediator in behalf of men who defame his name and
the name of Jesus Christ Y The text shows that the
apostle does not have in mind all the human family.
lie is a1ldl'cssing Timothy, and hence others of like
precious faith, a~d was telling 'l'imothy to pray in
behalf of "all nwn", meaning" all men coming into
God's organization. Surely the apostle was not exhorting" and advisin~ that prayer be made in behalf
of all those who wickedly oppose God and Christ Jesus. lIe Goes advise that prayer he mad( "1'01' \;illg's
and for all that arc in authority". DiJ he mean all
mcn iI, authority in Satan's ol'g'anizat ion '? SUI'ply
not; but he did mean those in authority in Cod '8 01'
ganization, that is to f:lay, those in the chul'ch whom
the Lord had placed in positions of authority, and
that prayer should be made for all such that all of
the church might abide together in peace and in unity.
(See The Watchtower 1933, [':Jge 137.) It follows,
therefore, that the word "men" used in verse fi\"e of
the foregoing text does not refer to all men of the
world but docs refer to those who have made a covenant to do the will of God; and eonrerning all ~nlt'[l
it is the will of God that thpy be saved and come to an
accurate Imowled~e of the truth, and for 1111 suell
there is a mediator in the co\'ellDnt with God. Who
is that mediatorY The scripture answc!'s, "the man
Christ Jesus, who g-ave himself a ransom for all."
These last quoted are word" of idcntifieatioll whirh
definitely name the one who is the mediator uehve('u
God and men (but not all men), that is to say, the

APRIL 1, 1934


men who have exercised faith in Christ Jesus and

have entered into a covenant to do the will of GOO..
It is not the will of Ood that any of snch be lost as
accept Christ Jesus. If any of them arc lost it is their
own fault. This is proved by the words of Jesus coneNning the twelve which God gave to him. (John
17: 12) The "man of sin" class at one time was in
the covenant to do the \"ill of God. That class will
be lost, not by reason of any fault of God, but by
reason of their own unfaithfulness.
2~ The Authorized Version of the words of the apostle read: "'Vho gave himself a ransom for all, to be
testified in due time." (1 Tim. 2: 6) Some men have
added to this text the words" to all", awl manifestly
for the purpose of trying to make this text apply to
all the human race. Is such a conclusion warranted!
It is certainly not warranted. It is true that Jesus
Ghrist gave his life a ransom for all, and all who
accept Jesus Christ as such, and are obedient to him,
may live; but that is no reason why there should be
added to this tcxt the words to all, which words are
not in the text at all. Another translation of the text
above mentioned is this: " 'Who gave himself as a
ransom for ali' :-in due time this was attested, and
I WllS appointed to be its herald and apostle (I am
not telling a lie, it is quite true), to trach the G..ntiles faith and truth." (Moffatt) "Who gave hirmwlf
a ransom in behalf of all, the testimony in its owo
fit times: unto \vhich I have been appointed proclaimt'f
and apostle-Truth I speak, I utter no falsehoodA teacher of nations in faith and truth." ([{otlterham) II Who gave himself a ransom in behalf of all,
the testimony in its own seasons: for which I was
appointed a herald and an apostle, (I speak truth, I
do not falsify,) a teacher of nations in faith and
truth." (Diaglott) In this text, therefore, the apostle
identifies Jesus Christ as the Hedeemer of mankind,
as the mediator between God and men ill the covenant,
and lhat he, Paul, is ordained as a preacher anti an
apostle to teach the Gentiles as well as the Jews. The
apostle was here specifically instrlleting- 'l'imothy and
in substance states to him thus: 'You should pray for
all men in the church, including those in authority,
such as the apostlcs and others appointed to serve in
the church.' (Bph. 4: 11-14) These in authority were
put there to tender aid in preparing a pro'ple for the
name of Jehovah; it is the will of God that all such
men should be saved, and in order to be saved they
must be faithful. In this organization there is 'one
God and Father of all, who is above all and over all
and in all'; there is one mediator between nod llnd
men, that is, all men who arc consecrated to do the
will of God, and that mediator is Christ Jesus the
TIedecmer, 'and I Paul am appointed a special minister to make known these truths.' (Eph. 4: 3.6) 1 'rimothy 2: 36 can therefore not properly be applied to
all mankind, and is not a restitution text. While it
does show that Christ Jesus is the redeemer for all
men, it clearly appears from the context that its ap-


plication is to those who have first entered into the

covenant by sacrifice.
26 The new covenant corresponds to the old law l~tl\ enant. Moses was not the mediator between God and
all the Oentiles. He was the mediator for all of (lod's
chosen people, that is to say, the nation of hnwl.
The Jews" were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud
and in the sea". (1 Cor. 10: 2) Moses was therefore
the mediator for all such and none other; hence the
Jews that were found faithful at the coming of Chrbt
Jesus were transferred from Moses to Uhrist, and
Christ was made the mediator for all such and all
Gentiles who covenant to do the will of God. "And
Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant [mediator], for a testimony of those things wludl
were to be spoken after; but Christ as a son [mediator J over his [Jehovah's J own house; whose hOIl!>e
are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end."-Heb. 3: 5, 6.
21 It has been said that Jesus is the advocate for
the church and mediator for the world. But the ~:krip
tures do not warrant that conelusion. There is nothing ineonsistent in Jesus' bein~ the mediator for 1he
church, and also the advocate for the <,hurch, both of
which positions he docs actually fill. Docs not a mediator advocate for one who needs help 1 Moses was
mediator of the law covenant, and he advocated for
the Israelites who had sinned, when he prayed to God
to forgive them. (Ex. 32: 2932) IJikewise Christ Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, is the advocate
of those in God's organization who sin; as it is written: "My little children, these things write I unto yOll,
that ~'e sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."
(1 John 2: 1) Prior to the coming of the Lord .Jeslls
to the temple the holy spirit is designated in the Scriptures as a paraclete, comforter, or advocate or helper.
Since the coming of the Lord to the tcmple the office
of the holy spirit as advocate has ceased, but that docs
not affect the fact that Christ Jesus at Mount Zion
both mediates and ad\'ocates.
28 At the Jordan river, when baptized, Jesus presented himself without spot or blemish unto God in
fulfilment of the prophecy previously written coneerning him. II Then said I, Lo, I come: in the vol ume
of the book it is written of me, I dl'light to do thy
will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."
(Ps. 40: 7, 8) Thllt WI1S the ('ovenant of sacrifiet' betW('Cll (loci and Christ Je!>lls, since it was the will of
Gou that he should be a sacrifice. There Jesus llIlCOIl
ditionally offered himself to do what80e\'('r is the will
of God, and it was then the will of Cod that Christ
Jesus should be his \'inc!Jeator; and that to qualify
for such he must maintain his integrity under the
most severe test e\'('n unto all ignominious dlnth, and
that his lifeblood poured out should be and is the redemptive price for man. 'And for this canse he is

fine \VATCliT0\vER


made the mediator of the new covcnant.' (IIeb.

9: 1;), A.It.l'.) Jehovah God gave to Jesus the ministry of the covenant, that is, the work of takin~ out a
people for his name, which ministry is Inure excellent
than that committed to :Hoses. (Ileb. S: 6) When the
lIpo!lLles believed on the Lord Jesus as the Chri"t and
left all to follow him, that marked the time of their
entering into a ('on~nallt by saerifice. (Luke 18: 28-30;
l\Iatt. 16: 24, 2~) The covenant by sacrifice meuns to
believe 011 the Lord .Jesus Christ as the rallsomel' and,
based upou this faith, to exercise such faith by UIlconditionally agreein~ to do the will of God. Three
and one-half years after Jesus entered into the covenant by sacrifi('e Ood made the new covenant with
him. This seems clearly to fix the rule that no one
can be taken into the new covenant until after having
entered into a covenant wi th .Jehovah by sacI'ifice. All
begotten of God necessarily have made a eovellant by
sacrifice, and all such are appointcd to die a sacrificial
death, and this illc!uues the "great multitude" class.
(Ps. 7!J: 11) Kot everyone who makes a covenallt by
sacrifice prO\'C8 faithful, and hence not eYCr)'Olle, "y
any mea us, who makes a cO\"(;lIant uy sacl'ifice IS embraced within the class that is 'the people taken Ollt
for his name '. Only the faithful 0l1l'S are the saints
of God, Hill! it is of such Jcho\'ah speaks when he says:
"Gather JIl.Y saillts to~ether unto me; those that have
made u con~nant with me by sacrifice." (1's. f)O: 5)
'I'hese saiuts have becn takell into the new covenant
with Christ .h~.;us, the hi~h pljest of Jl'hovah, and to
such Jesus now says: "Be thou faithful unto death,
and I will ~~ive thee the crown of life." (Hev. 2: 10,
A.H.Y.) 'l'his proves thut ou1y those who are absolutely faithful aftcl' being taken into the new covenant
receive the crown of lire.
ID Men have desig'natl:d that part of the Bible from
Gcnc.o;is to :\lalachi inclusive as the Old '1'estanwllt;
and that part from ~latthew to Uevclation inclusive as
the New '1\'stamcnt. There is 110 Scriptural authority
for so doillg-. The word testal/lent appears for the
first time at :\latthew 26: 2H, and there means "eO\'enant". The text 2 Corinthians 3: 6 (Silluitic l\IS) is
the third mt~lItion of the" new testament ", and th(~re
nwalls the "new COH'nullt ", and is so rendered by the
Hevised Version. In the fOllrteenth verile of the S:lITlC
chapter appears for the first time the worus "old !<':;tament ", but which arc properly rendered "old cO\'enunt", and refer to the law covenant, which hecame
old wlwn it elided. Many have very unwisely concluded that the SCl'lptures d('si~nat('d "The New
1'estament" constituted all tlla t is necdeu for the instruction of the follower of Christ. All scdptllrcs
that are written at the dictation of ,Jeho\'ah God
constitute his Word; as it is written: "All Scripture,
divinely inspirpd, is indeed profitable for tC:1chin~.
for con,.-iction, for correction, for that discipline whl('h
is in righteousnpss; so that the man of God may be



complete, thoroughly fitted for every good work."

(2 'rim. 3: 16,17, DifJg.) Jehovah is now revealing
to his faithful witnes,;.::> the meaning of the propheCies
more clearly than at any time heretofore, which gives
aid and comfort to the remnant at this time, (Hom.
]G: 4) He gives the revelation of his Word and a
clearer Ineanin~~ th('reof to those who are dil it\'ent to
leam and to do his will. (Ps. 119: 10; It is for those
whom the Lord has gathered into the temple that he
now spreads a feast. The faithful are feeding upou
these divine provisions, and they continue to give
praise to Jehovah's holy namc. These constitute a
part of thc heavens declaring the righteousncss of
Jehovah Vod, for they lmow he is .Judge himself and
that his day of judgmellt is at hand.
(To be continued)


f 1. What is Jcho\':lh's pnmary purpose' Who are the chi!

dren of ZionJ By Wlll)ffi llre the.)' taught' and whl're, how,
nn,! for what purpose'
,. 2-4. Account for the c1enrer vision which the consecrated
11m" ha\'o of the purpogps of Jeho\':th.
f 5. How only may tho anointl'd llOld the key of knowledg-e
tl/t, I uwlerstllluling' H"w IS their future rl'\\':lIt! rplntl'd
to tho purpOSe of their having been received into the
,,"\'pnant with Jphovah 1
, 6. \Vbt is a ('onmant1 Venne and illustrate two kinds of
COVI'uunts which Jehovah hus mude Ivitli one or more of his
"J 7. Brictly state the points here presented as an aid in the
study of Jl'honth 's con~nnnts,
'll 8. Point out fucts which pfllve tllat in connection with the
Ahrahumie (~ovcllant Abraham wall uSl'd to /'I'prc~l'l!t Jeho\'nlt himself, and th'lt the puq"lIIe of the em','nanl wus
primarily for the vindieation of Jehol'nh's name,
'll 9, 10. Why is it now of special illJportance to recon-ider
thll lIuestion of tlle ('ovenants1 Frolll Jesus' words (Joh'l
6: 37--10) show whether the ncw ('o\,('nant is tho lIleans
provided for saving and regeneratint-r the hUlllan r:u'e,
f 11. Whut is the pU'l)()8e of the ncw CO\'ell:tnt1 '1'0 whom ducs
it lIppl~" JIow is it related to the law cO\'Pllant', How
dOl'S the relationship of the new cov('nant to tlill law covenant llllrvo to indicate the purpose of tho ne\\'
'If I:!. I'how, \lith scriptures to support, that in 1'1'0\ idillg the
law cOI'euant ltnd the ncw covenant, and cach with a IJI'~
di:ttor, the dndicntion of his name "as nnd is Jehovnh 's
paramount purpose,
'If 1:;. Apply the cowlit ioua! promISe recorded in t;xodus I!I:
5, (j to the {leoplo whom the Isr:u'lites there fOl'l'Bhado\I'l',J 1
'If H, ']'0 what ,Iocs Paul rcfer in HowlIns 8: 3' What is t h"re
shown to be the purpose of the Inw cO\'enant, awl tlill
relationship of the law co\'eUllllt to the new1
~ 15. flow doc~ Paul ae('ount for tIl(' 11I'c('~sity for thl~ m'w
cun'nant! lVhat is apparent therefro!ll as to the pUI [HISO
of hoth the law (',)I'enant an,! till) new 1
'If 16. Explain whether Le\'itlCus 18:':; was a prolJti~e of life
to those wllO would kcf'p the law "0\ (,Ilant. \\'Imt, tht'n,
was the purpose in that declaration 1
11 17, 1~. What further information dOl'S Paul gi\e Ol! lllC
purpose of the In.w ('(II ('nant (and thC'refore uf th\~ TII'W
('Il\"'Il:tnt also) ant! its relatIOn to the ,\hrahalllie eOI'('t"lllt 1
'Ii l!I, l\lnlpllre tho ('()/ltlition II hi..h Illade Ile.'('~-ary a /I11'di'(~or
of the law ,'ol'cIlllnt with tllat n(c.',sitating a llil'di:t!or
f,'r the new cov('aant. On what prinei pl(' was each uf tli''''I)
IUt~'i:ltors chosen 1 Compare the pc<wedure required of
e-lch of tl",se from the tune he was c!tosen unttl the lliak
inl: of the co\'enant of \VitiI'll he was to be the medmtlJT,
f 20. ,Iehonlh's ul'pointiar: Christ Jesus as rnetliator of tho
nl'\\' l'ovcnllnt sho\\s wlint ('':I to the purpose of the (~OH'll:tnt 1
f 21. Whttt in the statPllll'nt by Paul (Galatians 3) and in the)
relation of tile law covenant to the Ill'W cOVelHtllt ~h"\1 s
whether the latter is a covenant provided for giving IJ feY

APRIL 1, 1934

F.ffie \0\TCHT0WER.

y 22, 'Vitll scriptures, show whether Jehovah's selection of the

mediator of the new COl'enant is macle conditionalh'. "lmt

does this prove in regard to the purpose of this cc;n'nant 1
11 23, 24. lIow did ~Ioses and Jesus ohtain the ministries committed to tlwm f Wherein was thai of Jesus a "more
excellent ministry"1 Toward whom, and to what end,
is Jesus the nwdiator of the new COYf'nant f
11 25. }'or whom did Christ Jesus give himself a ransom' To
be testified when, hy whom, anti to whom f
,. 26. Between whom WlIS Moses mediatorT What does this
show in the same respect concerning the new co,ennnt,
and how'


'IT 27. With scriptures, and by pointing out the relationship

of the new covenant to the law covenant ana of the me
diator of the new COH!nant to that of the law eownant,
show whether Jesus Cluist is both the meuiator for the
church and the advocate for the church.
,. 28. \\'llere, wheu, and how did Jesus enter into tile eavenant bv sacrifice' What aid this mean for him! Make
clear tl;e aI'plication of Psalm 50: 5.
f 29. What is the proof that the Scriptures were all provided
for those devoted to the purposes of Jehovah anr} particularly for the faithful remnant in the latter days'


ESPOl\SIBILI'fY rests upon each one who has been easily turned away from the truth and from the
agreed to obey the will of God as that is ex- Lord. By their lips they have claimed to serve God
pressed in his Word, the Bible. In this time and by their acts they have deni('d him and serve the
of jud~ment, an understanding of this responsibility Devil. Thrv have not been humble-minded, hut have
is of pressing importancr.
been arror;nt and disobedient. Because thereof God
Jehovah never interferes with the free moral agency has resisted them and pushed them away from him
of his creatures. lIe docs not compel sacrifice or even and they hare willin~ly gone on ser\'in~ the Deril and
obedien('r. It will he observed that his method is to his org-anization. Had they hel'n humble and Ohl<Jicnt
accomplish his purposes by means of covenants or to God and served him and his truth hecause of love
solemn a~recments to do the thin~s involved in the for him and his Word, he would have favored them.
covenants. lIe statt's the terms of his covenant, and
The Lord '5 rule of action upon this point he has
the rule'S ~overlling the SaHli', and just recompense for caused to be plainly stated by his inspired witness:
disobedience or obediell('e thereto.
"God resisteth the proud, and ~iveth grace to the
God is always faithful :llIJ truc; and those on the humble. lIumble J'ourselves therefore under the
other side of the covenant with him, who arc pl'omptrd mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due
by love in the pcrforman<'c and who arc faithful in time." (l Pet. G: G, 6) Not willing to wait until God's.
the performance of such <,Ol/Nlant, always recei\'e a due time, they have sought to exalt themi;eln~s. For
rewllrd at the hands of the Lord. The Chl'istian there- this reason the clergy have lost the understanding
fore ran "go forward with full and complete assurance of the Scriptures and now have no vision or undl'rthat faithfulnrss on his OWIl pilrt is nhsolutely certain standing of God's great purpose for the vindication
to result in IJelwfit to himsel f. But be it noted that of his great and holy name. They arc no loug-er proper
the movill~ cause for such performance must not he g'uidl's for the people. It is now plainly the will of
a desire for the reward, hut must be the unselii~h God that the people shall individually and pel'sOllUlly
dl'votion of the creature to .Jehovah God. Here is study his Won1 that they may be brought to a knowlwh('re the A'rcatest test comes to the Christians. Sa- e<J~c of the trut h. A.l understand inA' of God '8 covetan's effort is always to cause the Christian to sw('rve nants enables one to see the progl"('ssive strps of the
from his faithful devotion to God. To this end he divine program looking to the producing' of a Yindiuses all manm'r of subtlety, fraud and deceit. God cator of his name and of a people for his namc.
permits temptations to be laid before the Christian
Jehovah makes another covenant looking to the
in ordrr to test the loyalty and faithfulness of the determination of the great issue. That covenant illereature. For this reason it is written that Jesus was volves the greatest of all sacrifices. It in\'olves a sarri.
tempted in all things like as his followers; but that fi<'e on the part of Jehovah himself and the sacrifice
in all these temptations he was faithful and without of his beloved Son Jesus, and cven others are tak<'n
sin. Jesus is therefore able to sympathize with his in to that covenant. It is therefore appropriately
followers in their trials and temptations and is able named in the Scriptures the "covenant by sacrifice".
to succor them that are tempted.-Heb. 2: 18; 4: 1;'. All creatures taken into and participating in that
Throughout the Christian era everyone who has eO\'cnant, and who arc faithful to the compJrtion
professed to be a Christian has been put to the test. tlll'reof, receh'e the greatest favor at the hand of .le
'I'he great is<;ue has been and is, Who is God, and hO\'ah God. As the complete performance of that
whom shall we srrve? Satan has encournged pride CO\'enant nears an end, God commllnds: "Gather my
and ambition in the minds of the clergy to cause tlwm saints togcther unto me; those that have made a coveto fall at this test. They have overlooked God's state- nant with me by sacrifice. "-Ps. 50: 5.
ment that the meek or teachable will he g''1ide in judgDumb animals wore sacrificed in connection with the
ment. (Ps. 2:;: 9) Becoming wise ill their own con- Abrahamie covenant and the law eownant, hut SIkh
ceits and feeling their great importance, they have were merely the reflection of the sacrifice il1\""I1 d


r.n1e. \vATCHT0\vER.

in the great covenant by sacrifice which began when

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river.
.As used in the text of Psalm 50, just quoted, the
word" sacrifice" refers emphatically to a bloody sacrifice; that is to say, a covenant in which the shedding
of blood is the essential clement. The \yord "sacrifice"
hcre is translated from the Hebrew word which means
"to !llay". 'l'he f()llowill~ scriptures arc in point:
"Then thou shalt kill of thy herd and of thv flock
which the 1.,ord hath gi yen thee." (Deut. i2: 21)
"And he slew [margin, sacrificed] all the priests of
the high places." (2 Ki. 23: 20) "And the woman
had a fat calf in the house, and she hasted, and killed
it. " (1 Sam. 28: 24) In each one of these texts the
word" kill ", "slcw," or "saerifice" is from the one
Hcbrew root meaning "to slay".
Chl'istians livi/l~ on earth in the days of the apostles had a vision or undcrstandin~ of the covenant by
sacrifice. This being an important feature in the di.
vine program, Satan was energetic to blind Christians
thereto. 1I0 therefore subtly and stealthily led the
ambitious clerg'y into his trap, caused them to lose
all vision of the covenant by sacrifice, and t hm to become hold advoratcs of Satan's cause. These selfish
and amhitious men declared and ('ontinue to derlal'o
themselves to be the repr('selltatives of God. Th('y
wero not willin~. however, to follow the humhle example of the apostles. God's faithful wit1!ess under
inspiration wrote: "But to us there is but OTIC God,
the Pather, of whom arc all things, tllHl we in him;
and one Lord .Jesus Christ, hy whom are all thill!!S
and we by him. "-1 Cor. 8: 6.
'" ,
.Ambi~ious clerg-y have not heen willing to accc'pt
thl~ plam statrm('nt of truth. On the contra IT, they
deSire to atlllOllllCO 11 mysterious dogma which they
call 'tho trinity of three Gods in one'. The clergy call
not understand "the trinit~" themselves, !>rcau<;e it
is false. They have known all the time that the people
could not understand it. The Devil tickled their ambition and induced them to believe that hy announcin"
this mysterious dogma tltr people would consider th~
clergy great men, even supernatural by reason of
this wonderfully mysterious doctrine. Being sf'lfccntered and willing to disohey the truth, they ha\'e
continued to walk on in darkness. TIley ha\'e not been
willing to follow the example of the apostlrs and to
preach Christ Jesus and him crucified. (1 Cor. 2: 2)
On the contrary, they have desired to make mnnifest
their own wisdom, that the people might look upon
them as something great. l;nable to harmonize or to
explain as reasonahle their erroneous doctrines of
C inherent immortality', "eternal torment" and "tho
trinity", they have concluded it is now \rise to ctlll
in question the truthfulness of the Scriptures and to
claim that tho men who wroto them were less learned
than the modern clerl!ymen. Now the major portion
of their numlJer boldly deny that there is an,)' emcaey
in the sacrificial blood of Christ.


N. Y.

Why have they reached such a condition 1 The

apostle answers: "They recei\'ed not the lovo of the
truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause
God shall send them stron~ delusion, that they should
believe a lie: that they all might be damul'd who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousne!>s." (2 Thcss. 2: 10-12) They have taken renl
pleasuro in unrighteou!>ness, in denying the sin of
man and his fall as a consequence thereof, and in
denyin~ the necessity for his redemption and reC(lIlciliation, and in denying the blood of Jesus as the
basis for reconciliation. They have taken real pleasure
in the unrighteousness of advocating the Devil's organization, particularly the League of ~ations as a
mC:lllS for bring'ing tho desire of the pcople. Tlwy
boldly state that their 'chief businesH is to develop
character and by so doing we can lift omselvl''l up to
perfection'. 'l'o this end they indulge in politics and
have been guilty of associating themselves with wickl'd
profiteel"s and bootleggers to fasten upon the people,
under the g'uise of law, the fraudulent arrangf'mcnt
of so-called prohibition. 'I'hey take pleasure further
in unrighteousness by bring'in~ into their flocks, Imd
making' them the chief mC'mhers, men who arc high
in political circles and strong' among the financial
powers that oppress the people. 'l'hey take ph'asure
ill the unrighteousness of denying God's kingdom as
a way and means of establishing' righteousncss 011 the
earth. Truly, thcn, as the apostle doclared, God has
sent them an enel'gy of delusion, and they have fallen
to the blandishments of Satan and bclie\'e his lio
rather than bl'liC\'o the truth.
The elerln' have now reached the condition as foretold by God's prophet, namely, that the Scriptures
to them is as a sruled book. (lsa. 2!):] 0, 11) 'l'heir
eyes are entirely blinded to the fact that Satan is tht)
god of this world. (2 Cor. 4: 4) They have ignol'ed
the plain commallu of the Scriptures to k('ep thl'mselves unspotted from the world. (.Jas. 1: 27) On the
contrary, they have become a part of the world itsrl f.
They boldly broadcast to the people a. messa~e to this
effect: 'The business of religion and the business of
the world al'c inseparable.' They have entirel v lo"t
si~ht of the fact that their association with the 'worll1
and their attempt to run the politics of the Devil's
organization make them adulterers in the si!.rht of the
Lord and in the terms of the Scriptures, wherein it is
written: "Ye adulterers and adultercssl's, know ye not
that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?
whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world
is the enemy of God." (Jas. 4: 4) By their eours(:
of action they have become tho enemy of God allel
of Christ and of the people ulld arc working ag'ainst
the best interests of the people. Each one of the clcr'.;y
looks upon his congregation as his own flork and
holds that it is his prerogative to fleece his tlo~k for
his own personal gratification. They have lost !li'!ht
of tho fact that God foretold this conditioll and said
to those who claim to be shepherds of the flock: '\Yoo


1, 1934


to the shepherds that feed themselves and that do not

feed their flocks; that eat the fat, and clothe themselves' at the expense of the flock. (Ezek. 34: 2, 3)
Contrary to the Scriptures they have assumed titles,
such as "Doctor of Divinity", and sign their nam~s,
"Reverend Timothy Jones, D.D.," etc. They call
thcmselws the watchmen of the flock, and they watch
their flock only for the elergymen's own selfish interests. 'rhey have entirely lost sight of the fact that
God through his prophet foretold this condition and
caused him to write these words: "His watchmen are
blind; they are all i~norant, they arc all dumb dog'S,
they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to
slumher. Yea, they arc g'l'ecdy dogs whieh can nenr
have enough, and they arc shepherds that cannot un-


derstand; they all look to their own way, everyone

for his gain from his quarter. "-Isa. 56: 10, 11.
These are the reasons why the elerg-y assert that the
blood of Christ Jesus is of no purchasing value and
has nothing to do with the reconciliation of man to
God. With pious faces and with assumed righteous
indignation, and with hauds lifted in apparent holy
horror, they denounce the sarrifice of animals hy the
Israelites as cruel and wiekcd. Then they add that
the death of Jesus was an abnormal thing, and that
his death has nothing more to do with the blessing
of man than the death of any other man. Let the
people get their eyes open to these pious frauds. Forsake them, and then personally and individually s(~ek
the truth at the hand of the Lord.

We of the KOI tltWI'Ht 'l'exaH .li, isiou of Jl'llOnth's witneHRcs,
being duly llHsl'mhlpd ut .\mllrillo, Texas, at !l: UO a.llI. SliuJay,
DecI)llILer :11, 10:::1, wi:'lh to he'l'lIy express to Jehomh Uo"
and our King, Chri:'lt Jesu!!, and to you, our dearly bdo\'ed
Brother Hutherfonl, His ohe,lient senant on earth, our appreciation for the foo,l plaeeJ upon our tahle at this time.
Be it furtllo'r r<'s'Jlvl',I, that we llpprpeiate tho fact that
Je1lO\llh ulld his flul~' inRtallptl J{in~, Christ Jesus, aro our
teachers through the visible organization on earth, the Watell
Tower Hihie and Traet Hodetl'.
Be it furtlll'r r"soln',l, that' we will not have lIny part with
or spen,1 our timo li!!tl'ning- to human teachers who desire to
expr<!H1l their primte interpretation of UOII's Word, but will
at nil times use The H'lItchtoll'er anti other books and booklets
put out by the above-name<1 soeiety.
Be it further resuh'I'.I. that we will be obe/lient to the b(~t
of our lIhility to tho or~anizntion now in existence and duly
formed for the purpuse of prcachin~ the ~ospel of the king,lom.
IIntl that those whu lire in tlilrercnt positions of leadership in
this organizution are tlwre by the wiII of Jeho\'ah UocI and our
duties as nllsil::JleJ by thl.'ffi will be dono liS unto the Lord lind
not as unto man.
Now having cOllle to the timo of unity in Christ Jesus, we grateful to .Tehovnh for tho privilege we have of being
his witnessell ancI going forth in his army until his nallle ill
VillcliclIte,l. God's will he done, not ours.
'fhill rt'solution Wall forme,l and unanimously ndopted by the
l';orthwl'st 'l'exas division of Jehovah's witlll'sses assemhled at
AlIlarillo, TeXlls, December 30, 1933, to January 1, 193-1.
De.\r. Br.OTIlER RtTIlEr.FORD:
At the ,livilliollal clIlUpaig-n of Jehovah's witnl'sses, of the
Wilson (N.C.) division, as.~mllbled at Durham, N.C., on DeeI'm
ber 30 to January 1, it was unanimously requested, by the
brethren there nssemhled, that an expression of thank.~ nnd
appreciation be sent you for the inspiring lecture, "His Or
ganization," heard Sunday morning, December 31, at nine
The reproduction was all that could be upsircd, and the
brethren so thorou~hly enjo)'ed it that they asked that it be
put on n~ain ~un,lay night, which was done, all again expressing their joy and gratitude for such a tIll illin:; message.
Surely it was a message from Jehovah through you, llis faithful servant.
De llssured, dear Brother Rutherford, that we are with. you
in pressing the battle to the gate and daily remember you in
our prayers, nsking our heavenly Father, JEHO\'.\lI, to give yon
strength and courag-e, that you may continue to bol l lly an,l
fearlessly his message of truth, as you have been and
are now doing.
Yours in the sernce of Jehovah,



Dr.,\R DI:oTm:R Ht:Turr.rOlllJ:

I cnnnot longer refrain from

expressin~ to you my great

gratilwlu for the preciol18 gift of the book PrfJpllmtioll, Tho
Lord never provided anything for his peuple before that l'lm
compare with this marvelous unful,ling uf ~echariah 's proph
ecy. Truly our gracious God is preparing his fmthful pc"plo
for the final anJ complete \ indicatIOn vf his name wl,,'n ho
gets the victory over his enemies in the complete d"struclion
of the wicked !!,vstems of this world, lind the full estaLliblllllent
of 11Ul glorious kin~dom of righteousness.
I havtl just roun,l"ll out my third ~renr in the pioneer sl'rviee,
and words fnil to Ilescribc the unbound(d blessings recei\ed
from Jehovah in thus striving daily to honor hill nallle by
pro('laiming his praises to the people.
Every day now I am meeting people of good will \\ ho say
th('y am regular lilltencrs to thu WA'fClITOWElt programs on
the radio, and who expr('5s great slltisfaction with tho good
Word of God ns it is so nblv unfolllt'd to them.
Another thing I \\ ish to "thank the Lord for throui-:h you
is the uniform method of gh'ing tho tpstimony by rtlf'ans of
the testimony curd. I hllve stuck to it religiously nnd h:L~'o
placed more bound books thus far since the first of January
tlm.n I had for more than a whole vellT, Of clJurse. f am ,'onfining my efforts solely tlJ tho buqiness districts, awl it is lllw'h
easier to place literature in sections like that than in thu
residential Ilistricts. The be~t part of it is that one ean lIS0
lUIy one of the books he happl'ns to wish to. All a re~ult f
lUll distributing a large supply of Light unll Vindiclltion that
had not been moving at all.
My joy in the Lor,l continually increa3es as the flays roll
by Ilnd we draw st('adily tow:ml the great climax, Daily Illy
prtlyer is that the LorLl Uod will ridlly hless yOIl, dear brother,
in your faithful efforts to serve his people. Your great courage
and loyalty to Jehovah is a constailt source of inspiration to
all who delight themselves in the Lord. With much Christllln
love to you personally, I am
Joyfully yOUTS in Jehovah's service,

W. D,


FOWLER, Pioncer.



will not delay further in expressinf' to yOIl our grntituc10

for all the good things coming from headquarters. KolV aiter
receiving Preparation nn,[ the .1" ear Book we are t'ery mild,
thrilled. Your constant thoaghtfulncss of the pioneers is appreciated to a degree not expressible in words.
Even tile mountain rural people are losing faith in the
preachers with their confused ideas and dilIerent conflicting
Much love to you.
Yours for the Kin~dom.


A~D BR. ,\VINGO, PionceTl.




N. Y.




If it were not for tho fact that 'the joy of the Lord is our
strength', that" the nnme of Jehovah is our strong tower"
and' our rest is in Jehovah' you cou1<1 not do the IlmwJlt of
work and attend to the business of the office Jehovah has set
you in: however, you may take a few moments aside oeca
silmally to read letters "from afield"; and even if you do not
get time to read this I desire to hereby send greetings and
express thanks and appreciation, in the gooJ. Lord '8 DaIlle,
for the many good things we are receiving from bis graeious
Right Hnnd nnd the many blessings in his service. I especially want to express my joy and thanks for the Year Book
-the report of the work, etc., and daily texts and COIJlllleJlts.
Today's (February 15) text and comment, and for Juuary
13, are e.'itra good and strengthening.
The 'foOil con'l"enient' in the WatchtolJ)er~ is good bt>ymu! the
ell.-prpssilJn in words, especially on "Hope", magnifying lind
making cl<>ar the office and work of Christ Jesus, to the \;n
dication of Jeho\ah's name; "Refuge," e&peCially making
clear and magnifying the name and excellent Ioving-ki1ldness
of Jehovah in the first and great commandmoot;.and then
what Seems to be the grandest yet, and whie" we had iJlllltu,ly
during the past two Watchtou'er study periods: "SatWied
with 'fhy Likeness." This lust one (January 15) has 110 avell
good antI strengthening food that it requires n'l'Ueh study and
meolitl\tion to fully llppreciate and clearly WlderstlUld the
many important points.
As with Ezekiel in type, so with the remnaat now: we Must
observe and carefully study all tho Lord is Mowing us nnd
be fully obedient to all his commandments.. !'ailure to earefully study and clearly understanll each WtcAt'otcef' artiele,
as they ('ome out, would resnlt, it seems, in uot being able
to cl(,:lrly understand (" see") later ones.
I also find the A.RY. Bible (the version so often quoted
frorn lIud which can also be obtaineJ. from the Society) a
great hp-lp (with footnotes) in these studies and in reading.
Surely we can, and do, from our hearts exclaim, "How precious is thy lovingkindness, 0 GO'l1" (Ps. 36: 7) Our loving
Father, in his own chosen way, through Christ Jesus our nead,
has made us to drink of the river of his pleasures; aDd we
are ahundantly satisfied with the fatness of his house. (Ps.
36: 8) Oh. how good is the un.lcrstanding of Psalms 36 and
37 (reaJ in A.R.V., especially), and all the provisioM of Jehovah's hOUSI!! Surely, now, all the "remnant" sing aDd rejoipe together as one man, with our Heau, in the praise and
m"gnif~'ing the lIame of .Jchomb and his king,lom. Like
Gideon to tho threll hundred faithful and fwly obe,lient ones.
your lClldership, faUlt, steallfastness, boldness and dili~neQ
by the dirl)ction and gmce of Jehovah, through Christ Jesus
our Head, is an example and joy unto the remnant. .:Ilay the
good Lord continue to bless, guide, keep and use you and
bless our united and hnmlOuious service to his glory.
'rhe good Lord '8 ble811ing upon the coming convention in.
Los Angeles.
With much love I am, by Jehovah's grace,
Your >brother in the service of the King Etern:ll,.
A. L. PASCHALL, Pio_r.

We are a party of nine pIOneers comprising a little company

of Jeltomh's witnesses camped in our house-cars (4) on the
edge of one of the towns in Carroll county, Georgia, anu desire to take this opportunity to express to you our thankfulness
and appreciation for Preparation and for the }7 ear Book.
\Ve are grateful to our heavenly Father for these further
manifestations of his love and provision for the "people for
his name". We are happy to realize that we are in perft~<:t
harmony with the increased revelation of his word as given
through his prophet Zechariah.
It also gives us great joy to see the progress of the witness
work in the earth and to ha'l"e the sweet realization that we
are having a small part in that work.
\Va are witnessing in a portion of the country where there
is much ignorance and superstition, nevertheless we are priv
ileged to place the message of God's kingdom in many homes
each day and also to see Ulany rejoice in that message.
\Ve realize that the enemy has launched a special atta('k upon
you in recent months, and we deSIre to assure you that we constantly remember you at the throne of gr~ce. It is COmf(H t
ing also to observe that as the enemy seeks to curb the witu('ss
by radio the Lord has provifled another instrument, in the
transcription machine, and that he is blessing this work great
ly. In this work also we arc having a joyful part, for which
we arc grateful.
\Vith fenent love, we are your fellow witnesses hy nis grace,




Thank )'ou for my gift, the new book Preparation. Received my first blessing in reading your personal messll~e uTo
the Faithful". What a privilege to be one of that class t!lat
our Lor,] spoke of, 'I will show you before they come to
pass.' This is truly a real proof that we are enlisted ill his
army ond ns soldiers we hnve received our final armor.
Surely we are tnught of God. I had often pondered over
some of the peculiar statements made by the prophet Zecha
riah; and as it all unfolded as I read page after page of
Preparation, my heart was mane glad.
I want to thank y~u for your part, and 1 assure you that
my determination is to press on, never slacking my hand.
Every day is filled with joy because of the privilege of Biaging forth Jehovah's praises.
May the Lord richly bless you as you so courageously press
the battle to the gates.
Yours in the kingdom service,





Greetings fwm tho field. I wish to express my hearty thanks

to the gn'at eternal Jehovah (l0(1, and Christ Jesus llnd yuu,
for the marvelous book Prepamtion, for tho marvelous un
foilling of tho great propheq of Zechariah.
Many a time have we read it and wonuered what it meant
and if it cou1<1 ever be understood.
Surely the prophetic visions of "The Book" were for an
appointed timE', and now they speak with eloquence anol pllW'
er to those .who have waited upun the Lord by being Lusy
holEling forth the fruits of the kingdom from door to door
lind having as large a part as possible in the 'l'emple erection
and service.
Whllt a marvelous pay day we 11.'I\"e Imd nlready I Hurely,
'corn shall make the young men (that see the visions} cheerful,
anrl new wine tho maid('ns' I
"The gran,l old Book" has been like a flower garden III
the winter, with r.ot much beauty. Now it is springtillle, and
our great Go,l is calling us forth to behold some of his \\'onol.,,s
and beauties even before the rubbish of wintertime is clea'ed
We want to thank the Lord and you for the provisions he
has made for the pioneers, even the "t<'sti!llony" that we
ean hand to the people to read, so they can think a little and
we can be still and quiet in their presence (good for us both).
It says, "Study to be quiet," and, "In quietness an,1 confidence shall he your strength." l:;urely we must have the
Lord's strength to go through th is time.
'Ve love you, dear brother, and know the Lord docs. May
he keep you Rllll us until we see his face and hear his song.
One of his, desiring and trying to be faithful,
W. F. McLE~DoN, Pioneer.

I have so many things to be thankful for that I don't know

where to start. I am so thankful to find myself in harmony
with this great organization of the Lord's, that I can see the
beautiful light that shines.
And many thanks for the Year Book and the help of the
book al101\"ll.nC(} of the past year. I am so gratdul, how we
are provided for I God bless all you brethren there.
Your humble sister by His grace,
MOLLIE CA.llERON, Pioneer.

APRIL 1, 1934

ffiie \\lATCHT0\VER.




the Scriptural definition, and we want to be fille,] with that I

In love,



Jehovah's witness('s in fellowship ",ith whom we have en
tilt! unity of spirit ancI activity by His ~I"lLCC.
HolY ean words express our l-:ratitude for thisJ and the precious gifts upon us of the heart ltlicI 1llin,1-thrillin~ book
Prepamtloll, and now the most wonderful .ft'o( Dook for
1!l:lH Oilly as you read its pa~,'>! on the marvelous report
of 1~::3 can you appreciate our attitude in nil thid.
We get the SIUlle inspiration that you do in appreciating we
are Jehomh's witnesses in it all, with every other Jehovah's
witnc!'il in using with our he"t entleavors our privilc~e of hours,
nnd plafernents. We know it all comes froln the Gi\'er of every
roo'] anll perrect gift, alld Imve sweet fellowship with you and
Jesus, our Head and Diref~tor, in all this.
HolV U<Ucll we thank you {"r the gIft of hooks to the pioneers,
un,l the monthly assistance in all this from the Uethel fallllly
tltat may hdp us to Luy that (xtra pair of shoes (tircs) or
some other material things we rnay need. rn~t is love from





It is with a ueeply ::;ratefnl heart that I exprec~ my appre

ciation of the J::ift of the Year Book for 193-1. 'l'he report of
the witne8s work in foreiWl hnus is thrilling and l'ncOurage3
me to be even more zealous, if possible, in the serviee of our
grent J ehovuh God.
I llll\ seventy-nine years old. Haye been in the sen'ice thirtythree j'ears. Each uay has been happier thun the Jallt sinee
1 have seeu our Father's wonderful purposes. 'I'he glorious
prospect tmn,;!,,,rts nle, and the preeious promises fill /JIO wi', It
peace that pasoctll all undcrstandiug'.
~Iy lifo it'! lill,!d with praise. :\Iy g-ratitllJe knows 110 JJl)unl!s.
:z.Iay Jehovah's richest hkssings be upon you, hb faithful,
feurh:ss servant, contllltJally.
lIRS. C. W. S'l'1n;a, l 11011cer.

(Continued from page 111)



WMBO Hu 1i:30pm
H:t 2:1;)1>I/l

l:ing" '/Uton WXIH' Ku 7 ~(JOplU

Bmukl>'n WBHH Hu 10:I::i:Lm
Su O:::Oplll
Tu 10: :lOaUl
'1' u Ii : ::ll pill
We 10:::0am
We {j:::llplll
'J'h lO:::OaUl
Th (j:::Oplll
}'r 10:3Uum
Fr ti:::llplll
won Hu lll:Ollam
Buffulo WKBW We lO:Ollam
}'rt'eport \\'UUU Su 9 :Ol)ulIl
'I'u 1:{lOpm
'l'h 7: {I(1plll
lIu,lson F. WULe Hu 10:4::iaJU
JUllwlltown WOCL Su 7 : ()lJ1'1ll
New York W~leA Su 10 :4::iaJU
SaranacL. WNIIZ:::Iu 10:I;iam
Tu 4:13pm
Th 'l:IGplll
Syra<'uHo W:-;YH Su 10 :::Oalll
'l'uppcrL. WllIH, SuIO: l,j:ulI
'I'h lO:llOam
Who 1'1 'ns WFAS 8u Ii: llll!,ffl
Mo 1:00pm
Sa 9:00alll

Allh!'ville WWNC Th 5 :30pm
WBT Su 10 :;;Oalll
Gref>ushoro "'nIO Su 11 :,13ulll
Wl'T~' Su ]0:00alll
\VD.\ Sul0:00am
0',1 Forks KPJ:z.r Su 5 :I)Opm
We 5:00pm
Fr 5:00pm
WADC Su 1 :45pm
We 1:00pm
Cleveland WUK Su 6 ~ 30pm
Tu 3: 15plll
Fr Ii:::ll pill
Cleveland WJAY Su 9 :4,jlLll1
Columbus \VAIU Hu 10 :l)l)am
'l'h 7:30pm
Columbus WE:-1S Su 10 :13alU
Mo 2 :OOpm
We 2 :OOpm
Fr 2:00plll
W~:\IK Su 1:::l0pm
Mt.Orab WHED Su 4:30pm
'Va 4:30pm
Fr 4:30pm
WSPD Su 9 :30am
Sa 8:15am


10 :OOam
We 4:00pm
Zanesvil1e WALlt Hu 10 :OlJam
We 4:1:ipm

](.\8.\8u 1:1jpm
Okl 'a City KO~IA Su 1 :4;)/lln
POIl<:aCity \\'BUZ Hu 10 :()Oam
We 9:()0[.m
Shawnee KGFF '-fo 8 :'l.jl'm
We 8:-!iipm
Fr 8:15pm
Klam:tthF. KFJI Mo 8:15pm
:\Iandifit'ld KOOS :\10 1:30pm
:\!edforu KNED Su 10:00am
Th 4:00pm
W.b'BO Su 1~ :00


Tu 8:1;Jpm
WLBW Su 10 :-!;;am
\"'IBG Su 1: 15pm
J"hn~town WJAC Su 4::lllpm
Pittsh 'g-h
KQV SU 10 ::;Oam
We 1 :J3pm
Fr 1 :13pm
Pitt~b '~h W\YSW We 5:1."irm
Heading WEEG Su 3 :-!jpru
We 3:i5rrn
Wasll'ton WNBO Su 9 :45am
W'msport WItAK::;u 9:15pm
Th 7:1.5pm
WORK Su 3:00pm


KZEG Su 7 :OOprn
Th 7:00pm

Charleston ,,"esc f;u 1 :OOpm
We 7:00pm
Fr 7:00pm
WIS Su 1: li.;pm
Fr 6:.J,,jpIQ
Greenville WFEC Su 9:30am
8part'b'g WSPA Su u::{Opm
KG:E'X Su 1:00pm
Tu 4:00pm
Th 4:00pm
Siou.'t l' 'ls KSOO Su 10: OUam
Th 4:30pm

Watertown KOeR Su 9:15am

We 8:45pm
}o'r 8:45pm

Watl'rb'y "\\l>EV ~fo 1 :4i:ipm

We 1 :-!5pm
Fr 1 :13pm

eha 'nooga WDOD Su
We :1:00pm
Knoxvillo W:-10X Su
\\,)IC Su
)Iemphis WIU':C Su

Ch 'lottes\'. WEIII::-:u II) :4::>am
Ihw\-illo WIl'I'~ll-'u ~j: J,jPlll
Lyn('hh'g \\'LV~\:'iLl 1~: I;)[llll
\V'r .\It 1-'\1 1~: ::IJPItl
I'etersh 'g WPIIH:-II/ (j: 1:'1'111
\\'010 :lJiI:UIl
Ricltlllolul WltVA:-:u U:IJplll
Hoanoko WVllJ::-iu I~ ::\1)\1111
We [,:O(Jpm


1 :OlJplU


1 :4iipm
4 :OUpIU
9 ::lOam

Amarillo KU Wi Flu 9 :OOall1
K:-10W :-Iu 10 :Illlalll
Beaumont KrVM Su III :Ollmn
Tu 7:45pm
KSUD 8u 5 :OOplU
We 5:00pm
.Fr 5:00pm
CorpusChr. KGFI Flu 9:00am
W(J 6:-1Jplu
Jo'r (;:45plU
WRLD 8u 5 :4,)1'111
KFPL Th 8:00pm
Fr 10 :OOalll
KTS){ Su 1 :15pm
Ft. Worth KT.\T!lII) 5: I5pm
Wo 5:15p[11
Fr 5:15[1111
Galveston KLlJF Su 10: 1,jall1
We 2:1:i]'m
KPRC Su 10 :OOam
Kerrville K:EUR Su 10: t3mll
We 3:30pm
Fr 3::)lll'm
WREX Su 1 :31i~)m
We 1 :30pm
Fr 1 ::;Oplll
S. Angelo KGKL Su 1:45pm
Th 8:45am
S. Antonio KTSA flu 10 :45a:r,
Wichita F. KGKO Bu I2:::l0pm
'I'h 8:45pm
KLO Su ::: 15pm
We 5:4:ipm
Salt L. City KSL Su 11 : loam


\rSYll SLI 10 :0011lU
'11 5:30pm

Ahenleen KXHO ~ll 1 :151'111
Bell'haUl KVOS:-III 10 :Olhull
Til 5::;OIJlll
KJH ~u IO:llll:ulI
KVL ~[o II :JJpm
'1'1/ ti:45pm
We 6:43plll
Th O:45pDl
I'r (i:-tJplII
f::a Ij :-l,iplll
KFIO Su !l: 15:ulI
We 7 :-1::iam
Fr 1 ~-t::;alll
KGA Su 4 :llOpm
KMO Su IlJ :::Oalll
We 4:30pm
Fr 4::lllplll
KVI ~I/ :l:30JlIII
Walla Wnll:t Kt:J Su 7 :-t.JUIII
Su l::Wplll
Wenatchee KPQ SU 1:0i'plII
We 7:00am
KIT Su 10 :1I1l:UII
Th 1 : (JiJUIIl
WIll;:; ~tl !1:00am


Fl' 8 :1)t\:Ull

Sa 4: f ll'pm
Uunt'ton WSAZ Th 4 :iJfJpm
Wheeling ww\rA Su liJ:OOtl/ll
La Crosse WKill{ i-;u 1: Ollpm
WIllA Su 10 ~O(JUUl


KDFX i'h 10 :~I'fllU
Th 8:45am

g[ie \VATCliT0WER.

The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by thes~ and other stations at time shown.
[Current l<X:al time is shown
in each instance.)
2-AY Tu 8:45pm
Broken Hill 2-XL Su 8 :451,m
2-UA Bu 8:43pm
2-G~ Su 7:30pm
2-G~' Tu 7: 30pm
Gunnedah 2-~fO Su 7 :05pm
2XN We 7 :15pm
NewCastle 2-11DBu 9::lOam
Bu 7:15pm
We 6:45pm
2-l!E Su 9:15am
W'ga W'~a 2WUWe 7 :4JpUl
Tu 7:30pm
We 9:30am
4IIU Bu 10:15am
4-~IK Bu 11 :OOam
Towns\-il1e 41'0 We 8 :OOpm
3-BA Hu 8 :45plll
3-BOTu 8:00pm
3-lIA Hu 6:45plll
311l:l Bu 7 :OOpm
Melhourue :lAW ~1112:1;,pm
3-~rA Hu 7: l::ipUl
3-'1'( Hu Ij ::IOpllI
3SI1 Hu 7:1;,pm
f:wan Hill
Wangurattu 3 Wit Hu !l: 15fJllI
Bulla rat

Kal~oorlie (IKU Hu 7 :40pm
(IML Bu 7:00pm
Launceston 7-LA Fr 10:15pm
lIainuut llONNE&\ 5:30pm
(330 m) ESPERANCI~
CFUN Bu 5:45pm
CJCll Su 9:00pm
Ilamilton CKOC Su 10:30alll
Su 1 :30pm
Su 8 :15pm
Shanghai XIIlIH Su 10 :OOum
CMK Bu 11 :30am
also Spanish Su 9 :OOpm
Santa Cl'a C}IHI Su 12:00 nn




RA..DIO Su 3:3Q'i)m

Beziers RADIO Th 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZIERS

Borfleaux RADIO ~lo 7 :45pm

(237 m) SUDOUEST
Feeamp RADIO~OR(223 m) ~IAXDIE
English Bu 4 :OOpm
French Tu 8 :OOPlll
Paris RADIO L L I:'r 8:1:lpm
Puris RADIOSu12:00 nn
(312.8 m) VITUS
Th 7 :30pm
!:ia 7 :30pm
Toulouse RADIO-We 7:15pm
(385.1 m) TOULOCSE


Spanish Th 10 :OOpm

Birm'ham WAPI f;u 9:45am
Birm'ham WBIle Htll0:f)f)am
We 4:30pm
~l 'tJ:(omeryWH~'AHu :: :45pm
)luscle S. WNRA Hu 6:00pm
We 8:00pm Fr 8:00pm
Wo 9:30pm
Ket<"hikan KOllU Mo 7 :15pm
Th 7:liipm
Sa 7:15pm



We 4:001'111
We 5:15pm l:la
Spanish Th
We 5:15pm
We 5:45pm
Spanish Stl

5: 15pm
8 :4!inm
6: liJpm


Fay'ville KUOA 8\1 12 :45pm

We 11 :45am Fr 4 ::lOpm
Hot Sp 'gs KTII88u 3: :lUpm
Little R 'k [(A [{K Hu 9 :OOam
Little R'k KOHl Su 7:00l'm
We ;:; :4iJpm
Fr 5 :4::iplll
Little J{ 'k KLIlA Su 10 :3f)am
Paragould KBT}I Su 10 :OOam
We 11 :30arn
Texarkana KCMC Su 6:45pm
El Centro
KXO ~u 10:00am
KIEM Su 10:30am
KMJ Su 3 :45pm
Hollywood KNX Su 9: 151'1lI
Lung B 'ch KnER Su 10:4rlum
Los Angeles KT~l Su 8 ::ll'nm
Su 8: OOpm
Th 8: Ofl!,m
KLS Su 11: 15am
We 2:45\,1\1
Fr ~:45\lm
Oakland KHOW 8u lO:15am
Su 6: 15pm }Io 7 :4:>pm
Fr 8:1:>l'm
Sa'mento KFBK Ru 9:30am
San Diego XEBC Ru 11 :4:iam
We 7:43pm

8. F'cisco KTAB Su
Stockton KODM Bu
We 7: 15am Fr

1: 131'1;1

Col '0 Spr. KVOR Su 10 ::,Oam
We 5:30pm Sa 4:::0pm
KFEL Su 7:f)I)l'm
Growl J'n Kr'XJ ~u 1: 15pm
Greeley KFKA Mo 7:15pm
KIDW Su 7:15pm
We 2 :-10pm Fr 2 :40pm
KUEK Bu 12:1.jpm
We 12 :4,jpm Fr 12 :4,jl'm

Briugeport WICC Bu 10 :OOam

WiIm'ton- WDEL Su 7 :OOpm
'l'h 8::lOpm
Wilm'ton WIL}1 Mo 8 :-15am
WIOD Su 12 :15pm
WQAM Ru 5:1Gprn
Orlanuo "'DBO Hu 12:45pm
Pensacola WCO.\ Su 1:00pm
We 7:00pm

WTFI Su 9:45am
WGHT Hu _5:4::ipm
Augu.~ta wnnw Su :l:OlJpm
'I'h 7:4::ipm
Columbus WRBL Hu 9: :lOalll
LuHl1log-eWKEU Su :1:00pm
We a :OOpm Fr 10 :Oflam
WFUV Su 12::lOpm
We 8:45pm Fr 8:4"l'lIl
Savannah WTOC Au 1 :]3I'rn
Thomasv. WQDX We 9:13am
We 7:30pm

Honolulu KGMll We 12:05pm
Fr 7:15pm
KIDO Au 10:311am
Wo 8:45pm
Idaho FalJs K [D ~Io 8: :lllpm
Tu 8:311pm
We 8::l0pm
Th 8:30pm
Fr 8:30pm
Sa 8::WI'1ll
KFXD Su 11 :OOam
POl'atello KSBI Ru 2 :OOplll
Su 9:00pm
Twin Falls KTFI Su 10:45am
Su 4:45pm

Decorah KGCA ~fo
\Ve 9:00am SaDes .Moines \\'HO Su

9: 13a1l1
6 :4,jpm

Coffeyville KGtH' Hu 1:45pm
Th 8:00pm
WLBZ Su 9:45am


I~altirnore WB.\L /-iu

Cumber! 'cl \\"T BO Hu 2 :OOPIll
We 2:00pm
Fr 2:00plll
JIagerst'n W J I~J Hu 10: I;jam
RabsonP. WB1'OHlIl:l:;IOPlll
WXAC::iu II) :OOalll
Sp 'gfield W~L\R 1'u 10 :Ot):llll
\Vorcester WUW; Su 10 ::lOam
Calulllet W1IIJF'l'u
Irollwood \V.DrS Hu
KalamazooWKZO Bu


4 :00 I' 1lI


F'gusFallsKGIH; Hu 10:00alll
Min 'polis WH II ~l 'I'u H: 0111'111
~loorIHl'.l,l KGFK Hu 7 ::lOl'nI
We 5:13pm l:'r 5:15pm
St. 1'aul \YHlDI Hu 12:;101'111
'l'h 1 :00['111
lIattil'sb'gWPFB Ku 1 ::;Opm
We 7 :4.;pm
WA:lII. Hu 12 :-15plll
Meridian wcoe Hu J 0: OO:lIlI
We 6:-(.ipm
Miss. City wuC~t Hu !):-l.ial1l
We 8:4&plII
K1:'ltlJ l-'u
Kans.a'y KWKC RII



4 ::lOpm
2 :0 11 1'1\1

KGIlL::iu 12:13prn

Kearney K(; FW l-'11
KF.\B Su
KFO[~ Hu
Seottsbl'f KliKY Hu
We 5 :-1:ipm

10 :0Ila,.1
9 :;)lIam
10: l:jam
5 :43pm

WJllL Su 10:0011m
~Io 7:30pm
Harrish'/{ WEBQ SU 6:00pm
~lo 10:301'01
Fr 10:0fll'm
w.mesu 2:13pm
Roekford WROK Hl1 10:OOam
Bu 10:00pm We lO:OOpm
Sp 'gfield WCBS Su 12: ::0I'Ul
Ba 11:1,jam

AtiantieC 'y \\"1'U l:;ull) :OOam

Ind 'apolis WKBI:' Su 10
We 2
WLBe Su 1
Fr 7

Albuq'que KOB1--u 3:4"I'm
KG 1"1. Hl1 5: l.jl'lIl
We 4:30pm
Fr 4::Wpm
(Continlltd on lJave 111)



KOll Su 10 :;}()arn

ri"fie WATCI-IT0WER.


Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S.A.

117 Adams Street


J. F. RuTlIERFORD President

W. 1::.



"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." .]woh S/:L3.

~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is the only tnllJ Gou, is from everlasting


the Maker of


and earth and the GiTer

the l)('ginning of
hill creation and his activo a~cnt in tho crcati'jn of all
tbing-s; that tho Lng-os is nQW the Lonl Jesus Cillist in I:'lory,
clothcd with nIl 11ol\(!r in IleaH:n and earth, and the Chief
Exccutive Officer of Jehovah.

of lifo to hi>! creaturcs; that tho

LQg0ii WilS

THAT GOD cl'eateJ tho earth for man, create!l perfect

man for tho earth and ph.ced him upon it; that man wilfully
disolxwed Gud'8 law anrl was sentenced to death; that by
reason of Ad:lm's wrong act all men aro boru sinners and
without tho right to life.
THAT JESUS 'HIS nl:lIlo human, nn,l tllO mnn J,'311S suf
fered <leath in on]"r to Tlro,lu,'o tho ransom or rl',lernI,tivo
prko for all llJaukindj that Uud raisl',l up Jesus c.!ivinc nu,l
I'xallcd him to lwan'n aholo cI'cry creaturo and abovo every
nalllo and clothed him with nIl powC)r and authority.


is called Zinno nnJ

that Christ Jc~us is tho Chi!'f Om"cr thereof au,l is tho
rig-htful Kin;::- of the \Vorl,l; that tho anuinted and faitbtl!l
followers of Christ .Je~l1s uro childrl'll of Zion, mcmiJcnI of
.1eholah'8 org-llnization, and arc his witncsses whoso dutY' an,l
privile~o it is to testify to the suprl'llJa('y ()f .Jehovah, d~laro
bis purposes toward mankind ng expresscu in tho nihIl', and
to bear tho fruits of tho kingdom before all who "ill hea.r.

THAT THE WORLD has en,led, nnd tho Lord Jesus Cbriat.
hus been placed by JdlOmh upon his throne of uuthority,
bas oU!lte,l Sabn from hmwm and i!l proceeding to the
establishment of God 'a kingdom on earth.

THAT THE RELIEF ana hlessin~s of tho peoples of crth

enn ctlmo onlv hy anel through .J,~hO\ah 's kin~,!om 1UlfJer
Christ whi{'h has now bl'g"un; that tho Lord '8 next great
net is tllO Je!ltnldion of Satan's org-allizntion an,l tho l'St'tblisllment (If ri~htcotlsness in tho earlh, and that umlcr th~
king<1om aU thoso who will ohey it>~ righteous laws shaU bo
restored nnrl livo on earth formcr.
All witnessw~ parties alld all illllil iduals who cng:\ge i.a the
witness work should IUIution the radio ~tation ill thl'ir licioity
that is uroadeasting the W,IT(,!lTOWm pru~rallls. 'fhis uften
proves a Illean~ of upening tho na,v to place the b')l,ks in tlie
hands of tho peuple. 1I:"c in miac.! that tho chief purptr.!C ot
the radio is to cull the pe"pk's attentwn to the truth and then
furniBh thJ ot,purtunity for thclll to get n willer un,lel";tuI.lJill~
of the lIIe5sa~<J cl)neel'llin'~ the gOlernment of Jehovah by W(lUt is f,pill~ printed.
E\l~ry one who lIUW p:trticlpatc8 III the fielLl work In territory
8erv<>(} by broadcasts of tlte WATCHTOWE!~ progtam way Il:ne
a share in telling the [ll'ople that this 1I11Iflue sen ice is ami.... hle
each week. Worl,ers report that IliHtributioll of the ra,11v fo~,ler
(gupplied by the ~"ejdy) is pruIin~ to be u COnl"enle!1t lind
effective m~tltoll of gilin~ cl)r/fllll/al public notice of this J.'T';r
grnlll while engaging in the hougeto,house witnes~ing.
Jehovah '5 blessing has !J"l'n tIlHrk~dly upun th'J use of the
portable tr,1fi~criptilln \li;'l'!,;ne. lIe has plainly Ulauif..~t
that tillS machine I"](','ts the IIcl'd oJ' the hour, "he'n the en~mr,
under Gog, is sc"kin', to I'urt:ul the u~e of the radio by God'$
anuinted !lnd "hen tile \,("lple's ears are ea;.:er to hear. not
man's m('~sac:c, but Co,l H. The transcription marhinl' h'\~ 1'1.crca~ed the power of Jt:hovah's ,...itncssv; alidd to preach His


ITIS journal is published for the purpose of


the people to know Jl'hovnh ,Go,l and his purposes as

expressed in the Bihle. It publishes Bible instructioll
specifically designed to ai,l J ehoY:J.h '8 witnesses. It arrangt::!
s:l'stematic Biblo study for its readers nnu supplies other liter
ature to aid in such studie~. It puhlishes suitable mat':l'i;\1
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the S{'riptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely freo and separato from all p:J.rties, sect!!
or other worldly or~unizutions. It is wholly and without
reservation for the kinguom of Jehovah God under Christ
his Bclm ed King. It is not do~mntic, but invites carpful
nn,l critipal exnrniuation of its contents in the light of tIl)
Scriptures. It dOCB not inoluT~e ill contro"ersy, and its column" MO lIot open to persOllalities.

S'fATES, $1.00:
Gm:.lT BnlT.\l:l,





Amcrican remittances shOUld bo mado bv E,pre,q or rlhta! ;lrorl'r
Orner, or 1>,' l:ank Draft. Cunauian, I:rithll, Sonth .\I"ri"all an,l
.\u"trnl:l"ian relllittnnce!'l ~houl,I 1>0 mado ,lired to tho re,perlilc





othc'r than

th()~f} rllP~l~

lionl'll lImv he ma'!o tl) tho Brooklyn olhee, 1>ut 1>y in/el'7lu/iollul
Postal ;\loney Oruer only.


IJrtish. :H Cral'en 'I-errare, I.on<1on, W. ~, r.n~I:l!l<1

('unUilian 40 Irl\ in 4\ vcnue, Toronto, Ontario, t'auud:L
Au.l/ral."iall 7 I:('re~foru l:o:\u, Strathf1f'1<l, !:';. H. W., ,\u,tralil1
80 .. tl~ ,l/ricilll
Iloqon Ilou,e, ('ape '1'o\\'n, Houth .AfrlC:l



the Society in C\'ery ca,e.

(Tron.dallon. 01 tills jountal appear ill ,everal language )

An slneere Iltudents or the Bi1>lo who by reason of infirmity,
or :ruversi ty nrc unable to pay the huh'eription prke
may ltavo 7'hc Watc1ltolcCr frlc upou writte" appli,alion to tho
publlshel"ll. made onco each )"":1r, slalinl: the reason for so reqlle,tinl: It. We are ~l'hi to thn.q aid Ih\! needy, but the \\'ri!tru
application ou,a each year is re<l'lircd by tho postal rCl:ulnt;',n,.
'Xalic" to Sublcrlber3: Acknowl"lkment of a new or a ['''neW'll 9'lb
scription will be sent only whe{1 re'll'"'l,,,!. Chnn!!!) of a'\,lrl".,
"IINI re'llll'St('ll, may be ex[>pctNt to nppp,lr Oil adolr,," \',h<'l "t!hift
one month, A relll'wnl blank (rarryint; notil'o or ('~I'ir:ttil)n) \\ i!t
be sent with the journal ono 1Il0ntll before the ~IIL,cription e~l,irh.



Second O/Mit Mail ]fattff at nrooklyn, N. Y., Postofflce.

..tet of March ,', 1879.


t.ruth manyfuld, so that the ,It'sire tor the literature i~ stimu

l:J.ted and study cln"es 01 many inten'gled h."trcl ~ are 1J<'1I:'~
f<)l'Uled. Bcsid('H mon' than 4;}O ~ul'h marilin".; ITI the Ca1tP11
Stutes alone, g-reat numbers arc now b"ll1:': eli."tl\'f~ly UH'~cl III
countric:I n('ar and afar. Fur mure lufollllation, write the
The SIll'iety has m:llle arr:,n:.:elltent~ to COllbtrUl't :lIHl nS9l'nl1,Ie
portable tlall~cripl iun nt:Jl'lIiues at our uwn {,vtory at 117
A.!amll Htreet. Th"sll rnadliu('s will be some" hat dllten'lIt In
construction from tho~(> prC:Yiou,ly furni~hed. 'l'h,'y will bll
sprmg'woun'l, and opcrllt,~d f: om It (jvoit II et'I','ll bal tery.
LH:ry machi!lc "ill be l'\lrni~hf,d complete with tltl' !>:llkr) and
a battery eltarg;er, 5n th:ll it can be k"pt up to Its full stn:n:';!lI.
,Yo aro plca,..\ to allllt,UW'e that th;~ m:wl.inn can be o!.'l'red
at $100, complete, to brethlen in the L"nited Stat('s.
11nny he:'lcrs uJ' radio tran...aiptwn lectures hal'e tho dc-i:-e
to rue"t I,"itll Jdw\'ah 's witr""~t~H aUfI tu study "i~ \\"01',1 II it i,


llcn('~ \':heH";er t~tC kin~lj(jl:l ll~\':;;:3:J.~e ~b r~~lil')('a.,t. t:,l~

tin,e ancl pbcp. of nle8tin~ pf the local ('olllpany ot .rl'hO\a!,'3

witnpsies si:ou]ll he ~,lIn'JUn',~d after the tmpe"llpt".n. 'I'll,)
th... "n ti.e 'lIr b"ing pai,l for, the station mana.:;':r ou,'~ht to
readily glU!J.t your rC(111c3t to wake such anIHlUUC'cu:ent.




APRIL 15, 1934



Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sact'ifice. And the heavens shall declare his riyhteo1tsness: for God is judge Itimsclf."-Ps. 50: 5, 6.

EIIOVAII is carryin~ forward his purposes according to his sovereign will, and not according
to the ideas of any creature. It is his name that
is. involved. 1'he controversy is between him and his
enemy, Satan. Jehovah is supreme, and this he will
prove to all of his intclli~ent creation. His name Jehovah stands for his purpo:;c, and he has declared his
purpose to be that all shall know that he is the Almighty God, the ~Iost lIi~h. (Ex. 9: 14) The time
has come when the testimony to the name of Jehovah
God, the Supreme One, must he given, and the people
taken out from the nations for his name must give
that t(>stimony.
2 It now, by Ids gl'ace, is made plainly to appear that
the covenants of Jehovah arc for the purpose of bringing th~ great issue to a climax and to convince nil
that he is God. lIe has placed his name upon his
people taken out from among the nations, and who
are made a part of his elect servants under Christ the
Servant, and this honor he has given to none other.
(Isa. 42: 8) Satan and his servants have defamed
the name of Jehovah God, but now the time is at hand
when Jehovah's name shall be exalted and only those
who lo\'e his name shall live. "His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long
as the sun; and men shaU be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed." (Ps. 72: 17) His covenant people he has choscn and gathered unto himself for his purpose. 1'hcrefore let us keep in mind
that the new covenant is Jehovah's instrument 10
gather unto himself a people to bear testimony to
and have a part in the vindication of his name.


There is a relationship between the old law COvenant and the new covenant, because the latter brcame
the substitute for the first and accomplishes what the
first failed to accomplish. The making and inaul,;'uration of the first is related to the making and inauguration of the other. The old covenant wa<; made in
Egypt, on the 14th day of Nisau, at the sla~'in~ of
the passover lamb. "Thus saith the Lord, the God
of Israel, I macIe a covenant with your fathc1's in the

day that I broug-ht them forth out of the land of

Egypt, out of the house of bondmen." (Jer. :34: 13)
This Jehovah did that they mig'ht 1)(' his people and
he might be their <.Jod. "But 1 will for their sakes
remember the covenant of their ancestol's, whom I
brought forth out of the laud of Eg-ypt. in the sig'ht
of the heathen, that I might be their (lod: I am the
Lord." (Lev. 26: 45) "According to tIll' word that
I covenanted with you when ,yO came out of Eg'j'pt,
so my spirit rcrnaincth among' )'OU; fear ye not."
(lIag. 2:;:;) The makin~ of that covcnaul. in I';gypt
at the time of the slaying of the paschal lamh pojntpd
forwartl to and was typiral of thl' slaying' of the
Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, which latter covenant
was made on the day that JpSll-; dielt
'The lifeblood of Christ Jesus was the blood that
made good or operative the new CO\'l'llall t: "And he
took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to theIll,
saying, Drink J'e all of it: for this is my blood of the
ncw testament l covenant, Ilo V.], which is shed lor
many [that is to say, for as many as arc broug-ht into
the covenant, and also for all maukilld who accl'pt
God's brracious gift of life thr'oug-h Christ ,ksus) for
the remh;sion of sins." (.:\Iatt. 26: 27, 28) "And he took
the cup; and when he had given thanks, he gave it
to them: and they aU drank of it. And he said Ulllo
them, This j~ my blood of the new testanll'nt, whieh
is shed for many." plark 14: 23, 24) "Likewise also
the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament [covenant, R.Y.] in my hlood, whieh is shed for
you [who are joined with me ill the covenalltj. But,
behold, the hand of him that IJctrayeth me is with
me on the table." (Luke 22: 20, 21) "Aftei' the same
manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, rl'his cup is the ncw testament Ieon:nallt, 1:. V.J
in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembranee of me. "-1 Cor. 11: 25.
5 Here is the Scriptural proof that three and onehalf year,s after being appointed as mediator of the
new eO\'cnant Jesus announced to his faithful discipks the making of that covenant bel\Yl'ell God allel
himself, and true Israelites, such as !'athunuel, \wre
invited into that coveuant. This proves that tho~c



a:Tle WATCI--IT0\vER

who were baptized into :Moses, and who continul.'u

faithful untiL the coming of the Lord .Jesus Christ,
were transferred from :\10s('8 to Christ. This announcement of the new covenant to the discipLes must have
thrilled them at that moment and caused them to
think seriolL'$ly. They must have been familiar with
the prophecies, and there heg:m the fulfilment of .Jelemiah's prophecy recorded in Jeremiah 31: 31-3-1. From
that time forward evelOY one who should he brou~ht
into the new covenant, and who should abide therein
faithfully, should know Jl'hovah, from the least unto
the greatest of them. The typieal ceremony or celebration of tile law covenant had heen kept or ohserved
hy .Jeslls and hi" faithful dis('i[11es for tlw last time.
:From that time onward the iulfilment of the type of
the law COWllant took pInel', lH'ginning with the death
of Jesus on that day. (1 Cor. 5: 7) 'l'he death of Jesus on the tree as a sinner aud in the plaee llnd stl':ld
of sinful lIIan served to 'hl!}t out the halllhvt'itill~ of
oroinanel's t hat was llg'n inst liS, whie'h was contrnry
to us, and took it out of the way, nailing- it to the
cross ltree] '. (Col. 2: 1-1) Mark that this covcnant
was made on the PaIth in the world of ~atan 's ul'ganization, sym liol ize'd hy Eg-ypt; "which spiritually is
railed . . . E~j"pt, whe're also our Lord was ctlwified." (Hev. 11: 8) The Ii fcIJJood of Christ J c:ms slll'd
that uay in the worlel made til'm or put in fon'c the
con'nan t, and from that 1II0Jlll'nt the lIew covenant
bccame operative.--SC'c Reconciliation, pagc 290.
6 In fmtller slIpport of the conclusion that the
new COH'nant heeame opel'ative fl'OIll the (!Path of
Jesus, mark these words authoritatively written concerning the new covenant hy the apostle: "For Whf'fe
a covenant is it is lH'ccssary for the death to be brou~ht
in of him that hath eovpnllnted; for a covenant over
oead persons is firm, since it is not then of force when
he is living that hath co\'enant('o." (Ileb. 9: 16, 17,
Rotlt.) 'rhe shedding' of the hlood of CllI'ist Jesus put
the new con'nant in [oree. Thc ueath of the disciples
ano the othel's of the faithful followers of Christ .Jesus, inC'ludillg the rcmnr.nt of this day, was and is
mtirdy unlle('cssary to the making and putting in
ope rat ion of the nl'W covenant. In Egypt thpre was
just one saC'rifiee, the lamh Slain, ano immediately tile
law C'O\ ('}Wllt WHS made alld \\'l'nt into effect. Likewise the new cownant went into effect wlH'n the r.ntlt,vpicul Lamh, Chr'ist Jesus, was slain, anl! the n,nking
and operatiun of the new covenant did not Ita ye to
wait until the death of the last member of the body
of Chl'isl .Jesus Hnd which must take place at the (nd
of the 1'e1'ioo of s<!(,l'ifice. We mu"t keep in mind that
the blood uf the bl1dy membcrs of Ch1'i"t is not nC{;t'Ssary to the maldng and operation of the new covenant.
T The law con~llant was inal1gurateo at :\Iount Sinai,
at which time, as shown by the Seriptnral record of
that ceremony, Oldy "bumt ofierin~,," ano "peace
ofierincis of oxen [not goats] " are mentioned. "And
he sent young men of the children of Israel, whieh
offcreo bUl'ut offerings, and sacrificed peace offerings


X. Y.

of oxen unto the Lord. And 1\lose8 took half of the

blood, and put it in basons; and half of the blood he
sprinkled on the altar. And he took the hook of the
covenant, ano rcad in the audience of the people;
and they said, All that the Lord hath said will we
do, and be obedient. And Moses took the 1>1000, and
sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood
of the covenant, which the Loro hath made with you
conceming all t1H:se words.' '-Ex. 24: 5-8.

In Egypt l\Ioses was a type of Jesus; but, as

l\Iosps could not be put to death and at the same time
complete the type, the lamb wa., slain in the stead or
place of 1Ilo"es, and it was the blood of the lamb that
sanetifieo or perfected and made operative the law
covenant. Concerning that lamb it is writt('n: "YOIll'
lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the fit'"t
year; . . . And they shall take of the hloo.], and
strike it on the two side posts, and on the upper (luor
post of the houses, wherein they shall cat it." (Ex.
]2: 5, 7) \Vhen the Israelites reaeheo Rinai there WHO
performed the ceremonies of illauguratin~ the. law
CO\'cn:1nt and )loses took the hlood and sprinkled it
on the people and said: "Behold the hlood of tho
('(Jycuunt, which the Loro hath made with you." (Ex.
2-1: 8) 'I'he blood of Jesus sheo at Calvary ma'!ll
operative the new covenant on the oay of his eleath,
and immpdiatcly preceding' his death .J(sus took the
cup of ,vine, symbolic of his blood, anl! said to his
dbciplcs: "This is lrepl'esentsl my blood of the new
[covenant], which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (1IIntt. 2G: 2H) Ilis shed hlood was lJoth
for the making complete and putting in operation tho
new covenant, and also sCl'ved as the rc(!Pmptive price
for mankind. Only hy faith in the sheo blo0l1 of Chl'i"t
Jesus can one be brought into a covenant with God.
Prior to the exercise of such faith all werc aliens from
God, and only those who aeerptl'd Christ .l<'sus and
exercised faith in his blood could he brou~ht n i;~h
God. "At that [past] time ye [Geutile followers of
Cln'i;,t] \\'er'3 without Christ, heing' alien,; from tho
commonwealth of Israel, and strangers fl'[lm the C{)VCmUlts of promise [including' the new covenant], having no hope, and without (:otl in the \';orId: but now,
in Christ Jesus [the meoiator], yo l Gentilps 1 who
sometimes were far off, are made nigh hy the blolJd
of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made bot h
one, and hath broken down the miodle wall of plu,titioll between us. "-Eph. 2: 12-14.
9 'I'he Jews who deliberately violated the law covenallt \\'cre put to death; so likewise thosc who COllllt
the blood of Christ Jesus, which is the blood of I ilC
new covenant, an unholy or common thin~ shall d:e.
"Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, slla II
he be thought worthy, who hath trod(kn llJll1L>r fout
the :::ion of (lod [the Greater ':'105es], aml hath counkel
the blood of the cO'i;cnant, wherewith he was s:wd ifled, an unhol J' thing, and hath done de"pite unto tho

APJUL 15, 19:;4

s:ff1e WATCliT0WER.


spirit of grace'" (IIeb. 10:29) It is Jehovah God obtained it, and the rest were blinded." (Rom. 11: 7)
who perfects the ones taken out for his name, and this This prows that the new covenant is not made with
he does through the blood of the new eO\ellant. "Xow the nation of Israel or the natural descellliants of
the God of peace, that brought again from the dead Israel, but that it is with spiritual Israelites that tho
our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, new cownant is made, Christ Jesus is the One that
through the blood of thl} everlasting covenant, make "hath covenanted". (IIeb. 9: 16, 17, Roth.) It is
you perfect in every good work to do his will, working true that Christ .Jesus by human birth was a natural
in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Israelite. Also those who first became the followers
Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and e\'cr. of Uhrist Jesus were natural I:;raf'lites of both houses.
Amen." (lleb. 13:20,21) "For by one offering he "The new covenant, howe\'er, was made ",ith Jesus
hath perfected for evcr them that are sanctified." Christ after he was made the Head of the spiritual
(Heb. 10: 14) 'I'hese text!> last quoted prove beyond house of Israel, and the others were invited into the
all doubt that the llew covenant has no application covenant after they ha.l aC<'l'pted Christ .Jt'SllS as tho
to the restitution or re~ellcratioll of the human race, promised seed, and hence aftl'r tllf'y had h(:Itlll1C spirbut thnt it applies exelusively to those who have COil- itual Israf.'iitcs. "They are not all Israel, which are
secl-atcd themselves to do the will of God. It is throu~h of Israel: neither, beeause they are the seed of AbraI>uch cOllsecrateu ones that God tahs out a people for ham, arc the~' nIl ehildren: but, In Isaac ~hall tlty
hi'l name. lIe sanctifies them for his purpose, and seed be called." (Hom. 9: 6, 7) Only those who arc
this he docs after such persons ha\'e made a consecra- beg-ottPll of the spirit after exel'eising faith in the
tion to do his will and have been accepted uy him shed hlood of Christ Jesus are spiritual Israelites.
through the mcrit of Jesus Chri,.;t's shed blood. 1'he "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; lIl'ithpr
is that eircumcisioll, whieh is outwnrd in the flesh:
~cri(ltures call the ncw covenant the "everlasting
covenant" for the reason that it is a part of the orig- but he is a .Jew, whi('h is olle inwardly; and eircnminal expressed purpu~;c of J('!u}\'ah to briw~ forth a cisioll is that of the heart, in the spirit, 11lld not ill
seed, the primary purpose of \\ hieh seed is to accom- the letter ; wllO~e pra ise i., 1Iot of llll'n, but of Und,"plish the vindication of .Jehovah 's name. Only those Hom. 2: ~;;, :!!),
11 Those tld,(~n into the old Jaw ('OVPll:lllt wne a
taken into the new COVl'llallt awl who then prove faithful unto the end arc takcn out and made a part of ransomed and redeemed flC'opho, 11-.; it is writtell that
Jehovah ,,'ellt to E~,\"pt for thai wl'y pUl'po'e. ".\11(1
the seed of promise.
what one llation in thc earth is like thy II\:ople, evell
like Isr:lt'I, whom God WCllt to lTdl'em for a pcople
10 The law covenant was made by .Jehovah with the
to himsel f, all/I to make him a namC', alld to du j Ol'
natural descendants of' hracI, ~loscs being the glori- you great thin!!s and terrible, fot, thy laml, IJl'fol'o
fied mediator. The Israelites as a nation were unfaith- thy people, \:hich tholl redel'rnpdst to thee from Egypt,
fu1 to that covenant and were east off as a nation. f!'Om the_nat ion" and t heil' gods Of For thou hast cOllThe new covenant was made with Christ Jesus, tho firmed to thyself th.\' people lsl'ad, to be a pcoplu
glorified mediator, with and for the uenefit of spil'itual unto thee fot ever: and thou, Lord, art become thpir
!:;l'l'tel. 'I'here is a natural or earthly Israel, and there God." (2 Sum. 7::!:1,~-l-) "And what ono nation in
is a spiritual or heavenly ISIael. Natural Isruelitt:s the earth is like th.v people Israel, whom Uud went
having broken the terms of the law COVl'nant made in to rede('m to be his own p('ople, to make tlll'C a nalfle
Egypt, it would be cntir('ly inconsistent for God to of grcatnl'ss ano terriblelll'ss, by driving out nations
makp. with that same people a new covenant, whi<,h from befon lhy people, whom thOll hnst l'edl'('IIIPd out
new cownant is higher and more exalting than the of El!ypt j For thy people Israd didst tholt wako
old law covenant. 'I'his of itself would preelude the thille own peo;)le for e\'er; nnt] thou, Lord. IJl'('amt"it
conclusion that tHe new CO\'cnant is made with the their God." (1 (;111'on. 17: 21, 2~) To be t';lll,ollled
natural descendants of Abraham. The natural or and to be redeemetl from Eg-ypt t he natural ISI,itt'lfleshly Ismelites wcre a typica1lleople, the nntitype of ites mn"t kl\'c an unhlemishcd passover lamh slain
which are those who covenant to do the will of God in their behalf, and it was then that Jehovah mad,~ the
and who at'e dcsi!:,rnated spiritual Israelites. It is co\'enant aad led the Israelites by the hand Ollt of
written that Jehovah makes the new covenant' with E;!ypt to :1IOlmt Sinai, where the co\'enant was inaugthe house of Israel and the house of Judah', but it urated with fitting ceremonies.
would be eutirely ineollsistent to couclude that Jeho12 Before anyone eould be uroug-ht into the Upw
vah would make a new covenant with the natural covcnant the antit:'pi"ul lamb TllII-..:t he slnin, ')'ho::-.o
descendants of Jews rcgathered at Palestine in Ull- hrought into the covenant must fir::;t be ran<;omcd :1 lid
belief and who continue to reject Christ Jesus, Con- a l'('decmed people. These are rcdcrlUed "with the
cerning this mattcr the apostle wrote: "Israel [that prl'cious blood of Christ [Jesus], as of a 111mb \',itllOllt
is to say, the nation of Isra('l, the natural dl'~cembnts bkmish and wit ltout spot". (1 Pet. 1: 19) "Lou!,illg
of A.braham] hath not obtained that which he seeketh for that ble~<;cd hope, and the glorious apPt';:l'jll~ of
for; but the elcction [the faithful in Uhl'i::,t] hath thc g're;::t Goo and our Saviour Jesus (:111'h.t; who


fiffie \VATCHT0\\1ER

gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all

iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people,
zealous of good works." (Titus 2: 13, 14) This text
proves that the purpose of the new covenant is to take
out from the nations of the world a peculiar people,
zealous for good works, that is, of bearin~ witness to
and having a part in the vindication of Jehovah's
13 All spiritual Isrocl, that is to say, those taken
out for the name of JchO"lrah, must be brought intI}
the new covenant. In former days the scripture record at Roman.~ 11: 25-29 has been so applied as to
link or connect the natural Israelites with the ncw
covenant, but it now appears that the new eO\'Cllant
Jws nothing whatsoevcr to do with the twelve tribes
of natural Israel, but that the covenant relates exclusively to the "Israel of God ", that is to say, the
spiritual Israelites.
U Again calling attention to the argument of the
apostle Paul, note that tie states that natural" Isrdcl
hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the
cIection [that is to say, those Israelites who bccame
spiritualJ hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded
[hardened, margin J ". Addrl'ssillg himscJf pal,tieulady to the Gentiles the apostle says: "For I would
not, brethren, that ye should be ig"llOrant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own eon('eits; that
blindness in part is happ{'1wt! to Israel, until the fuIness of the Gentiles be come in." (Hom. 11: 25) The
greater part of the people of the nations of Israel
were hardened at heart, were maue blind, and only
a "remnant" of the Jews remaineu faithful and wcre
not blinded. Nor uoes this scripture say that it was
temporary blinuness that resulted to the Jews, whieh
temporary blinuncss would vanish at a time certain,
but it docs plainly say a part, that is to say, the greater part, of the Jewish people became blind. When
Jesus came there were a few Jews that were willing to
accept and did accept him as the Messiah, and they
were not made blind. When the apostle uses the \Vonls
"until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in", tbat
docs not mean to the end of the Gentile times or the
end of the world, but docs mean until the time came
to fill up tIle required 144,000 from the ranks of others
than the Jews or natural Israelites. Since only a small
remnant of natural Israel accepted Christ Jesus and
were transferred to him and became spiritual, it follows that the required 144,000 members of the body of
Christ, the spiritual Israelites, must be made up from
the Gentiles, that is, those other than Jews. For three
and one-half years after Pentecost the gospel \\'3S
taken exclusively to the Jews or natural Israelites
that they might have an opportunity to become spiritual. At the end of that time the gospel was takt'n
to Jews and Gentiles, Cornelius being the first of the
Gentiles to become a follower of Christ Jesus. That
marked the" fulness of the Gentiles" coming in. Even
so today there is a remnant of spiritual ISI'ael brought
Wlde-r the robe of righteousness and given the gar-


N. Y.

ments of salvation: "receiving the end of your faith,

even the salvation of your souls; of which salvation
the prophets have inquired and searched diligently,
who prophesied of the graee that should come unto
:rou." (1 Pet. 1: 9, 10; Isa. 61: 10) The salvation llCre
mentioned refers to the remnant of spiritual Israel,
and concerning which the prophet wrote: "When the
enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord
shall lift up a standard against him. And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn
from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord," (Isa.
59: 19, 20) Then the apostle continues: "And so all
Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come
out of Sion the Delivcrer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." (Rom. 11: 26) It is at the time of
the coming out from Zion of the Deliverer Christ Jesus that ung'odlincss is takrn away from all spiritual
Israelites so that then" all Israel ", that is to say, spiritual Israel, shall be saved. The One coming out of
Zion, that is, God's organization, the Deliverer, is
Christ Jesus, and it is he that turns away ungodliness
"from Jacob ", that is to say, from the people taken
out for Jehovah's name, and it is then that all spiritual Isrocl are delivered, bein~ gathered unto God as
a people for himself.
1~ In 1fJ18 Christ Jesus as "the messenger of the
covenant" sudul'nly or straightway appeared at the
temple of .Jehovah for judgment and purged the SOliS
of Levi, which- resulteu in turning away of ungodliness from Jacob, that is, Goel's covenant people. Otherwise stated, the Lord Jesus Christ at the tcmple turned
away such ungodliness as "character development",
formalism, ceremonies, creature worship, which is the
"sin of Samaria", the pyramid hobby, tiuhmission to
political and commercial powers as though they were
the" higher powers". The turning away of ungodli.
ness from Jacob means the taking away of these ungodly things from the remnant and permitting them
to sec and to appreciate Jehovah's purpose, Natural
Israel or Jews, who once were thought to be the ones
referred to in this text and from whom is turned away
the "ungodliness from Jacob", continue to this day
in'ss and lire still blind as bats to the pur
Jehovah, and this shows that thc apostle here
had no reference to natural Israel whcn he spoke of
turning away ungodliness from .Jacob, but that this
scripture applies exclusively to those who become of
the spiritual house of Israel.
16 It is entirely unreasonable and therefore unscriptural to conclude that the day comes when Jehovah
will make a new covenant with ail natural descendants
of Israel and then save all the Jews. A few days before Jesus was crucified he rode into Jerusalem, offering him~elf as King to the nations, and was rejected. Then and there he said to them: "Behold,
your house is left unto ,You desolate. I I (l\Iatt. 23: 33)
There the Jews as a nation were east away; but tht're
was a remnant of the Jews that remained faithful,
and this remnant remaining faithful became the chil-


APJUL 15, 1934

F.flle \0\TCHT0\VER.

dr('n of promise, DS plainly stated by the apostle.

(Hom. 9: 8) 'I'he nation of Israel had failed to ohtain
the great privilege of being Jehovah's witnesses, but
those of the Jews who continued faithful, and henee
become a part of the spiritual house of Israel, did by
<'lection obtain that favor. The gospel was not taken
to an,rone except the Jews until Peter took the gospel
to Cornelius. It was after that that the apostles IJ(~ld
a meeting in Jcrusal<'m to determine why the goslJcl
had been taken to tho Gentiles, and it was on that
occasion that James said: "~Ien and brethren, hearken unto me: Simeon l.ath deelared how God at the
first did visit the Gentiles, to take ant of them a 1'<""0pIc for his name." On that oec::sion Paul und Bamabas tl'Stified that Cod had wrought miracles antI
wonde'I'S nmongst the Gpntiles b,v them. (Acts 13: 12,
15) Paul was made all apostle especially to the
Gentiles, Now in hifi letter to the Homans, pal'tieularly
the fifteenth chapter of Homuns, Paul is emphasizing
his diJil-{ent endeavors to show the Jews thrir privih~c
of beeulIliw.\' the scn'ants of Christ .Jcsus. lIe said:
"For I s/I('ak to you Gellt ill'S, inasmuch ns I am the
aposth~ of the (Jeutiles, I nw!.\'uify mille office; if by
nny means I may IH'o\'oke to cmulation them which
arc my flc'sh, alld might save some of them." (I~OIll,
1] : 1:.1, H) If thet'e had beell a sufficient nurnhrr of
the nation of flatul'nl Israel to fill up the H-1,000 of
the spiritual Israelites or' members of the body of
Christ that privilrge of heing' in the hody of Christ
would never have collie to the Gentiles. After the
gOfi[lcl w('nt to the Ocutiles the opportunity was opt'n
to Jews and Gentiles alike, but not alonc to natural
Israelites. Paul is lIere emphasizing- the fact that the
opportunity of be('oming a peoplc for Jehovah's name
was a I.\'rcat favor from <:od to hath .Jews and Gentiles.
Continuing his speech he sa id in substance: 'The casting away d the nation of Israel opened the way for
those of the world to hl'come reconciled to God, including all individual Jews who cea<;c their unbelief;
and, that bcin~ true, ,,,hat would be the efieet to those
individual Jews who would now accept Christ Jcsus
and devote themselHs wholly to God l' lIe answ('rs
his own fjuestion, that the reception ,,"auld he for
them "life from the dead". (Hom. 11: 15) He then
warns the Gentiles to not boast becuu,;c fa\'or has come
to them, but to fear. The Gel1til~s doubtless were inclined to boast; hence PUlll says: "I'hou wilt say then,
The br:mchcs were broken off, that I might Le graffed
in. 'V"II; b,~('allse of unbelief they were broken off;
and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but
fear; for if God spared not the natural branches, take
heed le"t he also spare not thee." (Hom. 11: 19-:Z1)
The apostle emphasizes the f<let that only by faithfulness to God aUl1 Christ Jesus would nnyoue have tIte
guarantee of saJety. lIe tells the Gentiles that Gou is
able to bring the .Jews into the cownant a~;::lin jf they
'\'ould belie,"e and obey him. The timc had come for
the gospel to go to the Ueniiles, and tho:,e who \\"<:rc
selected were not consiuered from the standpoint of


fiesh~ but entirely from the fact that thpy were spiritual, that is to say, that they. had accepted Chri:;t
Jesus and devoted themselves wholly to God. God
was from that time forward making no di<;tinctioll
betwccn Jew and Gentile so far as flesh is concerned.
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is ne:it!Jer hond
nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are
all one in Chri:it Jesus. "':'-Ga1. 3: 28.
17 Because the favor had come to the Gentiles and
the opportunity been given them to become a peoplc
for Jehovah, that did not mean that all the Jews w(:['o
inl'lwlcd mere'ly becau:se they were the natural' descendants of Abraham. On the contrary, the .Jews
nfter t he flesh und the Gentile:; now stood 011 a COHlman level, and whether a man were a Jew or Gentile,
bond or free, if he dc"oted himficlf wholly to God by
faith in the blood of Christ Jesus he might become one
of the }H'omised seed. The timc must come when therc
would come Ollt of Ziou the Dcli"erer, and that came
when Christ Jesus appeared at the temple; :'llld it
was at that time that the prophery applies: "There
shall come out of Sion tIle Deliverer, and shall tum
away tmgo1llincss from Jacob." (110m. 11::!(i; Isa.5!): :!O) 'l'hat bein~ the time of r!eansiug' the "SOil')
of Lcd", the turning' away llll~~'odlin('ss from tJiC spiritual house of Israel, then all sl1eh faithful onc's shall
be san-d, and thlls the argument of t he apostle Punl
(leady appear's to npply, not to [sracl after the tle.:>h,
but to the salvation of Israel after the spirit.
1s'I'he apostle thcn quotes fl'om the wor<1fi of the
prophet Jercmiah ano state"l a part of the terlllS or
provisions of the new co\'Cnant. "For th is is Illy co\,enant unto thcm [that is to say, spil'itual Israel, repl'l.'Selltcu on earth at the present time by the f:lithful
rem/wnt], W!ll'll I shall take away their SiUfi," Spiritual Israel had sinned and stood guilty of iuiqllity before l:od, and God was displeased with thcllI; allll
such condition rxisted at the time of tIle cmning' or
Christ Jesus to the temple for jwf...nneut, and tlH'n it
was that God forgave their SillS amI tmned his ang'('~
away from them. ".\nd in that day thou shalt sa),
o Lord, I will praise tlu.'e: thongh thou wast ango!')'
with me, thille anger is turned awny, and thou cornfortedst me," (Isa. 12: 1) The great" lneSsellg-er of
the con:nant", Clui:;t Je:;us, the Judge with all power
and authOl'ity, had now come to the temple, and he
sits in judgment for the purpose of purging the "sous
of Levi" and cleansing them from their sins, in ().I'dl:r
that those sons of God might offer an acceptable 5ncl'i.
11ee unto GoJ, that is to say, from that time onward.
CHa!. 3: 3) 'I'lle acceptable sacrifice here m('ntiUlIt'd
cleady is that the'5c people tal~cll out for the !lamc
oi Jeho\'ah must b~come Jehovah ':; witnesses and, in
order to be pleasing to God, must thereafter' 01[(:1'
the sacrifice of prai<;e to JehO\'ah conti!ll!ally, that is
to say, the fruit or their lips, beul'iug testimollY to
his name'.-Heb. 13: 15.
19 The natural .J(,\\'s refused the g'o~pcl of "oJ('sus
Chrifit, and him crucified ", and. rc.fu-,:ed him uS ileo


f.flle \vATCHT0\VER

Vindicator of Jehovah's name and the Savior of man.

lIenee they were the enemies of God. "As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but
as touching the election, they are beloved for the
fathers' sakes." (Rom. 11: 28) Being enemies, and
hence blind, such Jews could not be taken into the
new covenant. Nor docs this text mean that the Jews
becamo blind and willing to step aside so that the
Gentiles might receive the favor of God. Even in
Paul's day they resented any divine favor's coming
to the Gentiles. (Acts 22: 21-23) The blindness of
the Jews operated beneficially to the Gentiles in this,
that it afforded the Gentiles an opportunity of coming into God's organization. lIence the majority of
the Jews were enemies of God for the sake of or benefit of the Gentiles. Not so, however, with the faithful
remnant of the .Jews. Coneel'lling them the apostle's
words arc: "As touching the election, [the faithful
Jews who did not he<'ome blind] arc beloved for the
fathers' 8;1,(,S." Their fathers Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob were faithful, and hence beloved of nod, and
God ext<'nded his love to the remnant of Israel by
offering them an opPol'tunity to become a part of the
election; hence the apostle says: "But the election
[that is, the faithful remnant of natuml Israel who
became :>piritual) hath obtained it. "-Hom. 11: 7.

:0 The spiritual house of Israel embraces all who,

trusting iu the hlood of Christ Jesus as the redt'mption for man, have made a covenant to do the will of
God and have heen heg-otten of God, and this l1et'('sRarily includes the" great multitude" as well as the
"little flock ". Judah menus" praise" and applies specifically to those who have been and who nre pcrforming their duty in kingdom service. The prophet Jeremiah, in the thilty-first chapter, prophesies concerning
the recovery of .Jehovah's faithful rtmlllant, that is,
the delivering of them from Satan's orgunization and
bringing them into the kingdom ol'gauization of Jehovah. The word Jacob likt'wise rl'fel's to the kingdom
company. The prophecy rcferril1~ to the delivery of
the true spiritual Israelites from Satan's organization
and bringing them into Cod's organization, which
takes place when Christ Jesus cOllies to the temple,
S:Jys: "For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, Dnd ransomed him from the hand of him that was :>tronger
than he. Therefore they shall come allJ sing in the
height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness
of the Lord, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and
for the young of the flock and of the herd: and their
soul shall be as a watercd garden; and they shall not
sorrow any more at all. Then shall the virgin rejoice
in the dance, both young men and old to~ether; for
I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow."
(Jer. 31: 11-13) This prophecy clearly applies to the
time of joy when the Lord Jesus comes to the temple
and invites the faithful ones to enter into the joy


N. Y.

of the Lord. (l\Iatt. 25: 21) Jehovah is now ahout to

call attention to something that had never before been
plainly mentioned in the Scriptures, that is to say,
the making of the new covenant; hence he speaks by
his prophet and says: "Behold, the days come, saith
the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the
house of Israel, and with the house of Judah."Jer. 31: 31.
21 This prophec;y last quoted could have no reference to the Jews after the flesh, because they have
rejected God and Christ Jesus, and because they'have
been cast off and their law covenant has long ago been
called off for the reason that the Jcws were unfaith
ful to that covenant. 'l'his prophecy is concerning a
new covenant to be made with the hou;;e of spiritual
Israel, meaning that it embraces all of spiritual Israrl,
incltldjll~ the 'great company' class, and with the
hou.'.ie of Judah, thus identifying the kingdom company, 'vhich company is to he associated with Christ
Jesus, who is "the Lion of the tribe of Juda". (Hev.
[): 5) lie being the head of the tribe of .J udah, those
who arc taken into the temple as his body members
and made a part of the kingdom are designated" tho
house of Judah", whereas the "house of ISI'ael" embraces not only the kingdom class, hut all of the spiritual class begotten by the spirit of God.
22 The apostle says, "The days coml'." The question
is, When will the days come for the making of this
new covenant 1 !\ecessarily after the Jews failed to
comply with the terms of the law covenant, whh'h
becomes old. The apostle Paul takes up this proplw<'y
reInt ive to the new covenant and says: "[,'01' findill~
fault with them he saith, Behold, the days come, sailh
the Lord, when I will make a ncw Co\'('uant with the
house of Israel and with the house of Judah," (Ht'b,
8: 8) The apostle Paul continucs to ()llOto fl'om thc
prophecy of Jeremiah, and by the languuge employed
the time of the making of the covenant alld the tt'rllls
arc ascertainable. Says the apostle: "Fol' this is the
covenant that I will make with the house of lsl'acl
after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws
into their mind, and write them in theil' hearts: and
I will be to them a God, and they shull be to me a
people." (Heb. 8: 10) His language shows that the
new covenant was made when t he first one became old.
"In that he saith, A new con~llant, he hath made the
first [covenant, meaning the law covenant] old. !\ow
that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish
away." (Heb. 8: 13) In Jeremiah's day, and when
his prophecy was uttered, that law covenant was decaying, but it had not fully decayed. By the mouth
of his prophet, Jeremiah, Jehovah made Imo\Vl1 what
he would do ahout the old covenant when it was fnlly
decayed and what he would do concerning a new covenant. "Those days," mentioned by the prophet .J ercmiah, began on the passover day of A.D. 33. Jesus had
erlcbrated for the last time the passover ill'Jtituted in
Egypt, and immediately thereafter set up a mcmorial
of his own death; and at that time the Hew cO\'enallt


15, 1934

snie WATCHT0"\vER

was made. Jesus died that same day. The day of

making the law covenant in Egypt is definitely fixed
as the 14th day of Kisan, and the dDy of making the
new covenant is defwitely fixed as the 14th day of
Kisan A.D. 33. "Those days," meaning the days oC
the olU covenant, had ended.
23 The law covenant was made in Ef,,"ypt, but the
new covenant would not be made 'according to that',
as stated by Jeremiah. .. Not ~H'conlil1g to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day that
I took them by the band, to bring them out of the
land of Egypt j which my covenant they brake,
although I was nil husband unto them, saith the
Lord." (Jer. 31:32) 'I'hat covellant made in Egypt
was mnde UpOll the sacrifice of a literal lamb WIth
a human mediator, and the tcrms of that co\'enant
were afterwards wl'itten on tables of stone and on
parchment. The new covenant is different and Will
accomplish what the old covenant failcd to accomplish.
Egypt, the place of making the old covenant, [orl'.shadowed the worlo of Satan, whcre also the LOl"d
was crucified; hence the new covenant was made while
Christ .Jesus was yet on the earth, where he was crucified. The nation of Israel had proved unfaithful fo
the law covt'nant, and thc>rcfore ullworthy that the new
covenant he made with that nation. Jeho\'ah had
been a "hushand unto them ", that is, to I he natioll,
as pictured by Abmham's acting as a hushand unto
Hagar. Referring to himself as the hushand unto
natural Israel Jehovah shows titat his relationship
unto them by the law covenant was in order that a
people or seed might be produced for his name. IIal-{ur
failed to bring forth unlo Abraham a se('d acceptahle
to Jeho\'ah ; so likewise the typical covcnant-organi;mtion of fleshly Israel failed to bring forth a whole
nation or people for Jehovah's uame. lIenee the lWW
co\'cnant, according to the prophet's language, is
Iinot according to the ccwenant" made in Egypt. Jehovah then defines the covenant that he will make with
the house of IS1'aei after the spir'it, to wit: "But this
shall be the covenant that I will make with the house
of I8rl1el: After those days, saith the Lord, I will put
my law in their inward purts, and write it in their
hearts; and wiII be their God, and they shall be my
people.' '-Jer. 31: 33.
U When was the covenant, here described by the
words of the prophet Jeremiah, made? The answer is,
at the death of Jesus in A,D. 33. The apostle quotes
this prophecy of Jeremiah as it appears at Hebrews
8: 8-10. This prophecy was written afol'ctime for the
benefit of thc church, and Paul was addressing the
church. Why shoulJ he be telling the church about
the terms of the covenant to be made after the church
is completed? lIe surely would not be doing any such
thing j and that shows that the co\-enant is not to be
made for the benefit of natural Israel and the world
of mankind. These things were written aforetime for
the aid, comfort and hope of the church. (Rom. 15: 4)
Manifestly what the language of the scripture means


is this: "After those days," meaning after the law

covenant lwd ended and become old, God makes a
new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah.
The Jew WIlS cast off, and at that moment the law
covenant ended and hence became old. 'l'he new covenant was made the next day, as stated by Jesus; and
the vcr)' moment the old covenant ended it became old,
and immediatC'ly fonowing God made the new covenant with Christ Jesus.
2~ The new eO\'enant was made with Jesus in behalf of whom 1 The answer IS, the entire house of
spiritual Israel, that is to say, all the spirit-heg-otten
OlltS. This covellant is not with or in behalf of any
of the natur-al descendants of Jacoh, but in behalf
of all who become righteous by faith in Christ JesHs.
"Even the righteousnl'ss of (:od, which is by faith
of Jesus Christ, unto all and upon all them that believe: for th('re is no difference. " (Hom. 3: 22) For
there is no difl'crenee betwc'en the Jew and the Greek;
for the same Lord OWl' all is deh unto all that call
upon him. For whosoe\'cr shall call upon the name of
the Lord shall h(~ saved." (1{om. 10: 12,13) "For he
is our peace, who hath made both I Jew and non-.Jew
who are true belicvers I OIW, and hath brokcn down
the middle wall of partition between us; having
abolished in his lIosh the elJnllly, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances [of the old law
covenantj j for to make in himself of twain [Jew and
Uentilel one new man, so making peace; and that
he las Mediator I might reconcile hath unto God in
one body by the cross, havin~ slain the enmity [the
law cO\'enant] thereby. "-Eph. 2: 1-1-16.
2U Jehovah declares his relatiolJshi p to those in the
new covenant when he says by his prophet: 'And I
will be their God, and they shall be to me a people.'
This languagc definitely fixes the purpose of the new
covenant, to wit, to prepare a people for Jehovah's
name, which people must be witncss('s to the name of
Jehovah to deliver their testimony before the destruction of Satan's organization. (1sa. 43: 9-12) Jehovah
\'isits the Gentilrs as well as the Jews and takes out
from the nations a people for his name, whieh people
must bear testimony after they arc taken into the new
covenant and made the qualified witnesses for Jehovah.
2~ Jehovah makes known how he will prepare this
people for his name, when he says by his prophtt:
"I will put my law in their inward parts and write
it in their hearts," and not upon tables of stone. This
work of preparing a people for his name is done after
they are begotten of the spirit and come under tho
terms of the new connant, and shows that the cove
nant is for the very purpose of preparing a people
as his instruments to be useoby Jeho\-ah. Addressing
bis brethren, who were devoted to the Lord, the apostlo
says: I' Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to
be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not
with ink, but with the spirit of the living God; not
in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart."
(2 Cor. 3: 3) When one is taken into God's organi-



zation he desires the truth in his mind and heart, in

his inward parts; as expressed by the psalmist: .. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts; and ill
the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wa~h
mc, and I shall be whiter than snow. "-Ps. 51: 6, 7.
25 The true follower of Christ Jc.;us, who is the Head
of spiritual Israel, says as did the apo,;t Ie: ., 1 delight
in the law of God after the imranl man." (Rom.
7: 22) Jehovah's law is wrilten in the heart of such
as are his .faithful SOllS, and it is to these he rcreals
the deep things of his Word. (1 Cor. 2: 10) His law
in the heart of his saints reveals to them the divine
commission bestowed upon them to prodaim the IlW,,sage of hi:> kinguom. (hia. 61: 1-3) It is to such that
thc testimouy of JL'~:US Chri~t is committed, awl it is
these that faithfully keep God's commandmcnts and
thcrcby prove their love for him. (Hev. ] 2: 17 ; 1 John
5: 3) Tho~e taken into the covenant and who arc Clltirely faithful must' preach this g-ospel of thc king'dom' in ohedience to the commandment of the 1.01'0.
(:i\latt. 24: l-l) When Jehoyah says to them, "I ..
will be their God," he must mean tha t no false rulel'S
will he toll'rateo ; therefure thcre must not be {lracti(,1'11
the cercmony of giviug' houor and glory autI worship
to cl'Catllrl's, !Jc('uusc sueh is as the "sill (If Samaria ".
All fOl'maliti('s pel'formcd for show must be put away.
Honor and glory must be given to Jehovah, to whom
honor and glory is due. (Ps. !.t6: 8) It is now easy to
be seen by thu,;c in the temple that this work of writing the law of God in the hearts of his people and
in their inward parts has been the very work the Lord
has been doillg in them in preparing them to bc his
witnesses; and this is further proof that the new
covenaut tlIJplies cxclusively to spil'itual brae!.
(7'0 be contillued)

"i 1. By


N. Y.


who~e ~uthority is the testimony to the name of Jcho
Gud now being giH~n throubhout the eartld Point out

the oCl'usion for such testimony, anu the pUlpose thereof.
~ 2. What is now clearly seen to be the purpose of Jehovah's
covenants anu of his gathering unto himself a people from
llDJOn~ the nationsl
t" 3, 4. With scriptures, show the relationship of the makID~
and inaug'U1ution of the law co\enant to that or the new
'! ;), ti. With scriptures, show (a') the time an,l maunllr of the
termination of the law cO\'enant; (b) the time aud occa
sion when the new con'nant became operative; (c) who
woulu be invited into the new coyenant; (u) whether the
blood of the followers of Ullrist Jesus is necessary to tho
making and operation of tile new COl'ellunt.
~ 7. J)e~{~rt"e the inauguration of thc law covenant.
'J 8, 9. E~plain the necessity for a lamb to Le slain in the
makin~ of tIll) law co\cnant. The hloo,l of Jesus sheJ at
Calvary serves what t \\'ofuld purpose ~
, 10. Pro\e that the new ,'ovenant ill mude with spiritual and
nllt with natural Israel.
i 11, 1~. \\"itIJ scriptures, compare the law CO\'l'nant anu the
new con~nant in regard to preparation alltI rC(llllreIlleuts
of those hrougut into the co\cuant.
'If 1;). _\pply Hornans 11: 7, :25.
'J 11, ]j. EXI,lain the 'coming of the Ddiverer out of Zion'
un,1 hi, . turning away ungodlillt~ss frum Jacob'.
,. lG. Ve;,crihe the oecasion on whidl .1 "3U'I spoke the wor tis
of ~[attl,ew :!3: ;;8. What li;;ht Joes this shed upon th.)
uppli"lltion of Romans 11: :!/i 1 A"eollnt for .1 eh"I':lh 's
'viditin~ the G,'nliks' to take out of them a pefJl'l,~ 1'Ol"
his name. What was the ol'casion for Paul's \\alui/lg as
lel'onk,l ut !turuan" 11: :!J 1
'If Ii. Explain the IJOsition of the J(~WS in rl'gard to tho privil,'~e of 1"'COllllllg IllellllJers of the prollliaeu sced.
~ ] 'l.\pply UOlJ1ans 11: 2i.
~ 19. How art: the .Jewl:l, 'as concerning t!w gospel, enemies for
tho lil'llti1<'s' Hakt:s, hut, us touching tho eleetion, beloved
for the fathers' sakes' 1
,. 2U, :?1. \Vith sl'riptllres in support, identify brae! llnd JuJah n5 rl'fern'd II) in J('remiah ;:1: ::1.
,. 2:!. How dot's the upostle Paul ill hiH letler to the Hehn"...."
hWlltc the time of the It'rmination of the law CO\l'U:Ult anu
1ll,lie'lIte the time of lllakin~ tllll new covenant'!
f 23. Wherein is Ihe new covenant "not according to" the
law Co\ en:lllt 1
,. 24. ''''hy waH Paul telling the church about the terms of
the nl'W covenant f
'I[ 2:i. /low do the words of Paul sene to ilJentify "tue Iwuso
of ISll\d" anu "the house of J ullah "'/
'I[ 2628. When auu how does Jeremiah :n: ;)3 have fultiluu:utl



for man must be providt'fl ber3use

God g'ave !tis promise that he would pl'Oviue
it ar.d purchase man, saying, long ag-o, throu~h
his prophct Hosea (13: 14): "I "'ill ransom tlu'm
from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from
death: 0 ul'ath, I will be thy plug-ues; 0 grave, I
will be thy desfruction." "Hansom" means Illl exact
corresponding price; that is to say, that which purchases at the market-place or has the pUl'cha~ing
power. A perfect man violated God's law and was
put to death therefor. The law of God is his will l'Xpressed. Looking to tl:e p1'o\'ision for redemption
God's law provided a 'life for a life'. (Dent. 19: 21)
Strictl~T construed, that law means that a perf('ct 1mman life must be givcn as a substitute for or in the
place of the perfect human life which God took away

from the first mail .Adam becnuse of Adam's wrongdoing'.

'' means the slaughter of a detim, and
il1\'oh'es the act of offering or presenting the life of
that victim to the one imthorized to receive the same.
Since a perfect human life must be g-iven to' provide
a ransom for man, it follows that tlle1'e mnst iJ( a
sael'ifice of a perfect human life. ~\!ld sinre the !,)~:s
of life by Adam was becuu:.-;c of sin, it follows
the sacrifice of the perfect human life to pro\'ide the
run'lom or purchase price also involves the act of
offering or presenting the vDlue of that perfed 11 fe
as a sin-ojl('rill~. JehovDh God being the One llllth<n'ized tv re':?eive the sin-offering, that sin.offering must
he pI"l'scnted to Jehovah by one hadng acces<; to Jehoyah.

APRIl. 15, 1934


The life of all flesh is in the blood. For this reason

God commanded that the blood of a creature should
not be eaten. (Gen. 9: 4; Deut. 12: 23) "For," says
God's law, "it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it
is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall cat the blood of no manner
of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof:
whosoever eateth it shall be cut off." (Lev. 17: H)
The blood of a creature poured out means that a victim has been sacrificed or slaughtered, and that the
life has been poured out. It follows, then, that the
provision for the ransom and sin-offering must involve the shedding of blood of a perfect human creature.
Pious frauds, called preachers or clergymen, who
have no faith in God and no sincere desire to honor
his name, hold up their hands in pretended horror
at the mention of the slaughter of animals by the Jews
in connection with their atonement day eeremoni('s.
If these sanctimonious clergymen bclieved the Bible, which they claim to teach, they would know that
the Jews in sacrificing animals as an offering did so
because the law of God commanded the same to be
done. (Lev. 17: 11) It heing done in obedience to the
law of God, all mell mu<;t know that it was l'ight. "As
for God, his way is perfect." (1'8. 18: 30; 2 Sam.
22: 31) All of his w01'k8 are perfect. (Job 37: 16;
Deut.32:4) 'Jehovah's word is right.' (Ps. 33:4)
"'1'he law of tIle Lord is perfect." (Ps. I!): 7) In the
face of all these declarations from the Word of Jehovah men stand before a company of people and denounce the sacrifice of animals which God commanded
must be done. Surely no one could say that such men
represent Jehovah.
"r~aw" means rule of action. 'Vhatsoever rule of
action or law Gou has maue for the obtaining of everlasting life, that way is perfect and right, the opinions of men notwithstanding. God's way is complete
and there is no other way. Whatsoever law or rule
of action God has made to foreshadow the way to
life, God had good reason for so making', and such
law or rule is just and true. His law or rule commanded the Jews to do certain things which formrd
living pictures or moving pictures. Note now, first,
the picture; second, what the pirture foreshadowed,
and, third, the reality in fulfilment thereof. One understanding these in the order named will have his
faith in God increased, and will love God more and
will have a greater desire to walk in the way which
the Lord God has commanded.
When the Israelites were about to take their departure from Egypt and out of their house of bondage,
tlH.'re Jehovah prepared to make, and cid make, a
wonderful picture. The importance of this picture
is suggested by the fact that God commanded that
the day of the making of it should mark the beginning
of months with the Israelites. The picture began 011
tllC tenth day of the first month and reached its climax
on the fourteenth day thereof. That month is called


Nisan, and corresponds approximately with the present month of April. The Israelites were required to
repeat this picture at the same time each )'ear,
throughout their generations.-Ex. 12: 1-14.
Speaking to the Israelites through the prophet
:Uoscs God commanded that on the tenth day of the
first month each house or family of the Israelites
should select a lamb for sacrifice. In obedience to
God's command ~[os('s assembled the leaders of Isra('l
and instructed them in detail as to what they should
do. The substance of his instructions follows:
"Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of
the first year; yc shall take it out from the sheep, or
from the goats: and ye shall keep it up until the
fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole
assembly of the congregation of Israel ~hall kill it in
the evening. J\nd they shall take of the blood, and
strike it on the two side posts, and on the upper door
post of the houses, wherein they shall cat it. Alid they
shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and
unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall pat
it. And thus shall ye cat it ; with your loins girtkd,
your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand;
amI ye shall cat it in haste; it is the Lord's passover.
PorI will pass through the land of Egypt this ni~ht,
and will smite all the firsthorn in the lanel of Eg-ypt,
both man and benst; and against all the ~ods of Egypt
I will execute jud~ment: I am the I~ord.
"And the blood shall be to you for a token upon
the houses where ye arc: and when I sec the blood,
I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon
~ou to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
.And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and
:re shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout YOllr
generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance
ior ever. And it shall come to pass when your ehildl'I'1l
shall say unto J'ou, What mean ye by this sel'vie(' T
that ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord's pass0\'01', who passed over the houses of the children of
Israel in Egypt, whell he smote the Egyptians, and
delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head,
and worshipped. "-Ex. 12: 58, 1114, 26, 27.
There is no proof that indicates that the Jews understood the meaning of what they were about to do.
They had the command from Jehovah through Moses,
and that was sufficient. Because of their faith thl'y
proceeded. On the tenth day of the month a lamb
without blemish was selected by each household. On
the evening of the fourteenth day of the month the
lamh was killed. 'l'he blood of the lamb was then put
upon the lintel of the door and the two doorposts at
the sides of the door. Then the lamb was roa~tcd
whole, without a bone's being broken.
.All the members of the house assembled within the
house, and there together they ate the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, and waited for the
angel, as the executive officer of Jehovah, to pass
through the land. At midnight God's angel, as his
executive officer, passed throughout the land of Egypt


J1lle \VATCliT0WER

and slew the first-born of every household of the

Egyptians, from the slave to the king. The Jews who
had obeyed God had the blood of the lamb sprinkled
upon their doorposts, as above indicated; and where
this blood appeared in obedience to Gou's command
the angel of the Lord passed by and the first-born of
that household was saved.-Ex. 12: 28-30.
Can it be said, then, that the Israelites were protected and their first-born saved from death because
of the lamb's blood? :Ko; the blood of the animal did
not of itself save them. God saved them because of
their faith in him, and they exercised their faith in
what that blood represented. Their obedience then to
Gou's command showed their faith. The blood of the
lamb poured out and sprinkleu upon the doorposts
foreshadowed much more than any man could then
understand. In God's due time he would permit Dlun
to understand t he full import thereof.
Aside from the vindication of the name and word
of Jehovah God the ransom sacrifice is the most important thin~ fOl'eshadowed by this pictul'e. :\Iany
other minor things are foreshadowed, but the ransom
is of superior importance. The picture 10l'l'shado\\'('d
that some time in the future there must he a victim
scleded for sa('rificin~; that the victim mu~t be sacrificed hy the p()urin~ out of his hlood; and that this
woulu he of thc greatest value to others. It would
mean, and Joes mean, that only those who would ('xercise faith in the life poured out would evel' find the
way to everlastin~ life.
'I'he command was that a lamb should be selected,
a male of the first year. A lamb is a harmless creature.
The victim foreshadoweu by the lamb must he harmless. The command further provilled that the lamb
must be without blemish, which foreshadowed that the


N. Y.

victim for sacrifice must be perfect and without

blemish or sin. The lamb must be selected four days
before it was slain. That foreshadowed that the vietim
which the lamb represented must be selected four
literal days, and also four symbolic days of a thousand years each, before the life was poured out. POI',
it will be remembered, the apostle Petcr set forth the
rule that "one day is with the Lord as a thousanu
years, and a thousand years as one day ".-2 Pet. 3: 8.
The pouring out of the blood of the lamb foreshadowed that the blood of the victim, which the lamb
represented, must be poured out; and, since "the life
is in the hlood", it foreshadowed that the life of the
yidim would he biu down for the bl'ndit of others.
All the members of the family must cat the flesh of
the lamb J'oastcd. '1'0 cat means to rccciyc and 10
partake of food for the purpose of sustaillin~ life.
The eatin~ of the flesh of the lamb foreshadowed that
all people must receive that which the flesh of the
lamb reJIl'('sented, [mil partake ther00f by faith for
the purpose of obtaining and sustainilJ~ life.
- The paso.;over was the bl'ginnilJ~ of God's la,v to
Israel. (Gal. 3: 17) That law was given to fOl'cslwuow
good tllilJ~o.; to come; the apostle Paul, in his l'pbtle
to the Hebrews (10: 1), speaks of "the law [as] havin~ a shadow of good things to come". 'I'hat law required the Jews to repeat the ceremony at the sallw
time once each ~'ear, which would mean that they must
continlle it until that good thing which the law foreshndows should come.
With the coming of the Lord Jesus and the laying
down of his life as a rall"om for all mankind these
good thilJ~s forc'ihadowcu in the passover did begin
to come.


ECAUSE of exemplary faith and obedienee to-

ward Jehoyah (jod ~\braham the Hebrew was

called" the friend of God ". "\ fter a grand demonstration of such faith and obedience God made
this promise to Abraham: "I will multiply thy sctd
. and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth
be hlessed."-Gcn. 22: 17, 18.
The apostle Paul plainly states that wht'n God mnde
the promise to Abraham and told Abraham that in
his seed all the families of the earth should be bk~scd,
this seed of promise referred to, through whom the
blessing must come, is Chri'it the illessiah.- Onl. 3: 16.
'I'he apostle Peter, testifying l.llldcr inspiration at
Pentecost, after the holy spirit had bc('n poured out
upon the faithful disciples, told the Jews that the
One whom they had wiekt'(lly crucified, and who was
afh'I'wards raised from the dead, is Christ.-Acts
2: 23-36.

Zion is the name of God's or~anization. Zion is

God's or~anization. The apostle Paul, writill:.{ concerning Jesus Christ the Refleemer and Savior of mallkind, says: "There shall come out of ~inll the Ddiyerer." (Hom. 11: 2G) Thus the sacred ~(,l'iptllt'I's
dpfinitdy identify the Lo~os, the only begotten Son
of Gou, afterward Jesus, who was crucified and wno
was raised from the dead, as the great Deliverer of
the human race.
From the time of the conception of Jesus in the
vil'g'in's womb, and before his birth, until he hUll~
upon the tree on Calvary, Satan the enemy USl'U
evcry pos~ible means to destroy him. nod permitted
the adversa~ to go to the full extent of his power;
hut nen'r at any time did he permit him to succeell,
even as he can never sncet'ed agaim:t COIl. nod fill eordained that death should not holU his IJdowd Son,
and when Jesus was raised from the dead he had





fulfilled the prophccy that "dcath is swallowed up in foundation: he that believeth shall not make hnste. lJ
victory". (1 Cor. 15: 54; lsa. 25: 8) He it is who This prophecy, without doubt, refers to Jesus Christ
once was dcad and now is alive for e"crmorc, and who the beloved Son of God, to whom God has committed
holds the keys to hell (the tomb) and death. He is all power in heaven and in earth, The great empire
clothed with all powcr and authority and is able 1.0 is symbolically represented as a stone structure, the
save and delihr to the uttermost, and in God's due foundation stano of which is Christ Jesus. He was
time he will deliver the human racc and bring to all tried and tested, and under the most severe test
the obedient ones thc blessin~s that God has in reser- proved his loyalty and faithfulness to God. It is eel'
tain that God ('an nlways trnst him. He justly earll(~d
vation for them that love him.
"Empire" means a vagt government possessing and the title "The Faithful and True".
exercising supreme po\yer, sovereignty, sway and
Jesus is called the "precious corner stone" because
control. The empire herein referred to is God's gov- he is the dearest treasure of Jehovah's heart. He is
ernmcnt or kingdom, organizcd, possessing and exer- the fairpst of ten thousand and alto~ether lovely; and
cising suprrme power for the benefit of his creatures, to him these prophetic words are adorc!'seJ: "G ir J
and particularly for thc l!rnl'fit of man. 'l'!wt gmcrn- thy sword upon thy thigh, 0 most :'lig-hty, with thy
m{'nt or empire is delegated to his beloved Son; hence glory and thy majesty. Thou 10 vest rig-htl>ousness,
it is properly called the l'mpire or govcrnment of and hah'st wiekcdness: therefore God, thy Goel, hath
Messiah. The supreme power proc('eds from the God anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy felof heaven, and therefore thc empire is properly called lows. "-Ps. 45: 3, 7.
the kingdom of heaven. We must not infer that God
Jesus is the one spoken of as the" snre foundation ",
has not alwuys governed his obedient cr('atures. Thl're the one that can never be n'mo\'ed; always npholding'
is no l'ccord of the beginning of the exercise of .Je- the dig'nity and honor and good name of .JehoY:1h
hovah's sovereign power. In fact, the Scriptures speak God. This foundation stone is the foundation and
of the pril'st l\Il'!('hizl'oek, prie<;t of the :\Iost IIhdl chief corner of the empire that shall ('any into operaGod, as picturing' the executive of!i("cr of God, canying' tion God's !!reat pnrpose for the ddivrranel) of mall.
As to the time of the laying of this foundation, we
out the divine pm'pose at all times. There is no record
of the bcg-inning of his days nor of the eno of his life. have the pruof from the Scriptlll'l;S that it was at
But here we consider God's purpo,;e and provisions the time of the. anointing- of Jesus. Abont that tillle
pertaining to man. God crf'atcd the earth for the habi- .John the Baptist said of and cOl\eerning him: "Betation of mall. So the S('I'ipturcs definitely state~ hold the Lamb of nod, which taketh away the sin
(IS3. 45: 12, 18) The eXlll'esscd purpose of God is of the world." (.John 1: 2!J) About this time Jesus
to the effect that the perfed mun shall have dominion came to the .Jorr1an to Ill' haptiz('(l hy .John. and it
or rule over the earth. Man's first invisible overlord Wll~ there thnt the prophecy written of and eoncemwas Lucifer, who committed the gl'eat crime of treason ing him was fulfilled, to wit: "Tlwn s:lid I [.Jl'susj,
ag-ainst Clod, and intI1H'CU man to turn away from 1,0, I come: in the VOIUllll' of the book it is written of
God; nnd man therehy lost life and the rig-ht to life. me, I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law
Lucifer, who is now Satan the De\'il, builded a grl:Ut is within my heart. "-1's. 40:7,8; Heb. ]0:7.
or~anization of his own to hold man in subjection
.Jesus is also pictured as the lamb slain. From that
to himself and to kepI' the mind of man turned away time he was count('d as slain and as the g'l'eat sino
from .Jehovah, to the cnd that Lucifer mi~'ht receive offering' on hehalf of man. In the book of Hcvrlation
the worship of man. God's purpose is to deliver man (13:8) it is writt('n concernin~ him: "The Lamb
from the power and influefiee of Satan and to restore slain frail' the foundation of the wOI'I<1."
him to his formcr condition of life and of bles<;in~
Before Jt'sus' first ath'ent Ood hnd forrnrd his pur
incident thereto. To this end God builds a mighty pose. That purpose (m)\"jdes tbt th('re slw II be a
empire or kin~Jom, with his bclo"cd Son as King. building upon this precious foundatioll stOlle, eomHis arrangement is that Christ .Jesus shall have asso- posed of other stones that shall form a part of the
ciated with him one hundred and forty-four thol1sand mig-hty empire. It nece",sll1'ily follows tl];l1 the cla.,s
others who shnll form a part of his empire. In build- of persons to he thus made a part of the empire, also
ing this empire God has made no haste, but has ma- the manner of their selection, and completion,
jestically progresscd with it according to his good W[lS prearrun~ed according to the good p!l'a..;ure of
God. Hwce it is written: "Blessed be the (]od and
Both Zion and Jerusalem are names applied to Father of our Lord Jpsus Christ, who hath ble<;-;ed us
God's organization. It is out of this organization of ,vith all spiritual blessillg's in heavenly places in
Zion that the Delh'erer must come. (Rom. 11: 21;) Christ: accortling as he hath chosen us in him before
Of nccessity the foundation of the great empire must the foundation of the world, that we should be holy
be laid in God's organization. Therefore in Isaiah's aud without blame before b iPl in love: huying' preprophecy (28: 16) it i;; written: "Therefore thns saith d('stinated us unto the adoption of ehilol'l:n by Jesus
the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation Christ to himsdf, according to the good pleasure of
a stone, a tricd stone, a precious corner stone, a sure his will." (Eph. 1:3-5) These words of the apostlo


fiffie. \V'ATCI-IT0WER

Paul apply to those, and to those only, who shall con.

stitute part of God's great empire which in due time
shall govern and rule all the nations of the earth.
It is of keen interest to note that those who are to
be associated with Christ Jesus in his empire are not
selected from amongst the an~cls of heaven. It is
God who selects them through Christ Jesus, acting as
the representative of the Most High God. He lays
hold upon or takes them from the human race; that
is to say, he selects men possessing the faith of Abraham, as it is written: "Besides, he docs not in allY
way take hold of angels, but he takes hold of the
seed of Abraham. "-lleh. 2: 16, Diau.
That which distinguishes Abraham above any who
preceded him is his faith in God. Trusting implicitly
in Jehovah, Abraham deported himself accordingly.
Such faith as exhibited by him furnishes the criterion
for the selection of the members of the royal line of
Jehovah's house. Tbis is in hannony with the lesson
which Jesus i"Tlpressed upon his diseipl<,s as of paramount importance, namely. "Have faith in God. I I
(Mark 11: 22) It is clearly manifest from the ScriptU1'('S that God g-rants his Rrcat favor only to those
who implicitly rely upon bis Word.
Much tlwt Jesus taught his disciples they could not
comprehend at the time. l\{u('h he did not teach tht~m
until after his resurrection and ascension on hi~h.
Without doubt he guided the minds of the disciples
then. On the last niA"ht he was with them in the flesh
he said: "I have yet many things to say unto you,
but ye cannot bear them now." (John 16: 12) Why
could they not understand at that time T The answer
is, Because the holy spirit had not been given. It was
essential that Jesus die, be raised from the drad and
then appear ill heaven in the presence of Jehovah



N. Y.

God and present the merit of his sacrifice unto Jehovah, before the holy spirit could be given. The giving
of the holy spirit to the disciples was an evidence that
his disciples had been taken into the covenant for the
kingdom or empire.
Jesus had said to his disciples: "Nevertheless I tell
you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:
for if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto
you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."
(John 16: 7) The comforter here mentioned is the
holy spirit. (John 14: 26) The promise here is that
when the holy spirit should be given, then the disciples
would undprstand all that Jrsus had taught thC'm and
what he should yet teach them. lIe said: "lfowlJPit
when he, the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth: for he shall not speak of himsdf; but
whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he
will shew you things to come. "-John Hi: 13.
The holy spirit is the invisible power of Cod, operating upon mind or matter as God may will. Prior to
the coming of Jesus the holy spirit, by God's will,
operated upon the minds of only snch men as God
chose for ~crvants and as prophets. These holy m('n
as prophets spoke as God, Ly his spirit, movrd thl'ir
minds to spC'ak or write. The apostle Peter (2: 1: 21)
declares: "For the prophecy came not in old time by
the will of man: but holy men of God spake as tlu'y
were moved by the holy [spirit 1."
At Pentecost, fifty days after the resurrection of
Jesus from the drad and ten days after his ascension
to heaven, the holy spirit did come upon the faithful
apostles and their fellow disciples, and thr[\ it was
that they be~al1 to understand ('oncernin~ Cod's grl'at
empire or kin~dorr. over which he has anointed Christ
Jesus to be the Head.


IlE expression "Job's comforters" has become

proveruial. In the Bible book of Job is presented
a vivid word picture of the three so-called
"friends" of Job. Entertaining, as well as instructive,
are the slow-motion capers of this trio, whose real purpose in talking as they did to Job may now be clearly understood.
After his repeated efforts Satan must have felt very
mueh chagrined at bis failure to turn Job away from
the Lord God. Bent on his evil course, Satan would
not give up the battle, but would concoct other schemes
or mcthod~ to use against Job. He would never give
over the fight until his complete defeat; and thus is
pictured the persistency of Satan the Devil in opposing God until he is destroyed. Satan is the very em
bodiment of wickednes'S.
Three men residing in different places came together
by appointment to visit Job. "Now when Job's three
friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him,

they came everyone from his own place; F,liphaz the

Tcmanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and 7.:ophar the
Naamathite: for they had made an appointment together to come to mourn with him, and to comfort
him. "-Job 2: 11.
Why did those three men go on an agreed mission
to Job? Whom did they l'epre::;ent, and why should
they take part in the controversy? Did they go with
an honest purpose to render aid and comfort to Job '?
Did God scnd them to comfort Job? It is not reasonable that God would do so. The real issue wa'S, Woulu
Job maintain his integrity and devotion to God under
the great test? Up to this point he had done so and
Satan had failed. Victory was on the side of the Lonl.
It would therefore be inconsistent for God now to
send three men to comfort Job, because that would interfere with the full and complete test being put upon
The word "friends". as used in the text, must be


15, 1934


used ironically. The same word, identically, was US\.'<1

by Jesus when he spoke to his cnemies. In ::.ratthcw
26, verse 50, it is written that Jesus said to Judas:
"Friend, wherefore art thou comc?" The Scriptures
plainly declare that Judas, who had come to betray
Je:;us, was the instrument of Satan. Other instan~s
of the usc of the word" friend" in this ironi<:al manner are found in )Iatthew 20, verse 13, and )Iatthew
22, \'crse 12.
The worus in Joh 2, verse 11, "to mourn with him,
and to comfort him," are also ironically used. The
argument used by the three me:l before Job shows that
they wcre ug'reed us to bow they would humble Job
and cOllvincc him of hi" lack of tiddity and inte~rit:r.
If the three men called the" il'iends" of Job did not
goo as the representatives of God, whom did they represent ~
All the evidence proves that the three suppo~d
friC'nds of .Joh were the a~ents 01' representatives of
Satan the DedI. In the picture, therefore, these three
men l'el'resl'ntcd the Devil's organization. His org'311ization is made up of three distinct clements. Those
threc men claimed to hc aetill~ by divine right, and
Wl're therd'ore hypocrites. Satan'8 organization appears 1)('1'01'(' mankind as the repl'esentative of God on
earth und, ill fact, is hypocritiral. '1'he names and
origin of thc three ml'll who visited Job throw some
)ig'ht on the matter under consideration.
Eliplll1:': means "the endeavor of God", therefore
means that he l.'ndcavored to reprcsent God. lIe was
a 'l'emanite and a desl'clIllant of Esau. (Gen. 36: 4,
10,11, 16) lIe bdongcd to the Edomites, who were
gl'eatly ill the disfavor of God.
Dildad thc Shuhite c\'i,ll'ntly was a desccndant of
Abrahdlll hy Keturah. Shuah was one of the sons of
Keturah. (Gen. ~;): 1, 2) The name Bildacl means
"son of contention ". lIe was the kind that Satan
would lise to speak for him in a controversy.
Zophill' was an inhabitant of Xaamah, since he was
called thc Xaarnathite. His name sigll ifies "hairy,
rough, or a gtJat, or forward". That signified he was
disposed to hutt into matters which did not belong
to him"
'l'!Ley were men of ath'anced years. 'l'hey were w('U
to do and I. igh of standing amon}!st the people who
knew them. They were considered great men. They
held high-sounding and flattering titles ~i\"en to them
by men, and reveled in them. This is indieated by the
words spoken by them, as shown by the record. "Great
men arc not nlways wise; nl'ither do the aged Ull<lerstand jwlgment. "-.Job 32: 9,
Satan's organization is made up of the well to do,
the sclf-J'ighteous, the elite, the titled savants, doctors
of dh-inity, p!lilosophers, and great men who hold
titles and l'e\"el in them. The three clements of the
Devil's organization are the religious, the commercial,
and the polii.ieal. The religious leaders pos~ with grf'a.t
gravity and sanctity before the people, awl the principal ones ill their flocks are usually the heartless


profiteers and the conscienceless politicians. They

claim to be men of "great character", having developed it by their course of action. They hold themselves forth as examples by which the people should be
guided. These bear theTn'ielves in the presrnce of others
with heavy dignity and speak in a pious and sanctimonious tOlle. They llan; always assumed the attitude
of "morc holy than thou".
The political clement of this wicked ol'~'anization
daims to rule by di\'ine right, and they and the
preachers harangue the people cOllcerning the "divine right" of rulers. The eommcrcial clemcnt claim
that they h01l1 all the wealth because of their favor
from nod, and t he clergy clement claim to be the representati\'es of God 011 earth and the sole illtl'l'[lretl~rs
of his \Vorcl. These h<l\'e always assumed that no Olll!
aside from themselves should dare attempt to teach
or cven to think concerning the Jlle:1llin~ of the W01',1
of God. SIlf'h is the ekment that Satan has lIsed to
misrepresent God and to tum honest people away
from the Lord. The Scriptul'l's and the fads t11i~l'dol'e
fuJly ugrel! that the thl'cC slIPposcll friends of Job
were aetually three frauds alld pidllred the Ile\'il 's
'1'[lC record is clear that Satan was d()in~ all within
his power to ('a lise Job to rellOlHlrc Uoil, and that the
three supposed friend., were his instl'1lments to acc'omplish that purpose. The l'Cl'ord plainly ~h()ws that
these thrce men \\'el'e "forg-l'rs of lies ", and, furthcrmore, that Uod's wrath was kindlell again~t them bel'ause they had not spoken the truth. (./ ob 13: -l ;
42: 7) ~Iark those three pious frauds 011 their way
to "comfort" .Job. "'ith long hair, long- Ilo\\"il!~
beards, long ~arments and long solemn COllntellUnel'S,
they approached with great pomp and digllity in
}ceeping with thc'ir self-csteem arHl sPlf-rightcoUSlll':SS.
They trawkcl in single file, with hands folded before
them. The motley and ragged company of poor and
unclean followed at a respectful distarll'e, and with
awe wateht'd the performance of these three sandimonious fruuus. When tho.,e thrce pious and jrnportant "great" men reached a vantage~point f['Om
which they could view Job in his misery, and WI1l'l'\1
Job could sec them, "tlwy lifted up their voiee atlll
wept" \\'ith ~r'eat crocodile tears, and e\"l'ry one rcnt
his mantle fwd pawe<l the du,;t and spril1kle<l it up<Jn
his head to\vard heaven. 'I'hl'u they ad\'ancl',j with
solemn tread ncar to JCJb and sat down 011 the ground,
and there they remained quiet for se\'cu days null
nir-.;hts.-.Joh 2: 11-13.
They had not come to speak words of comfort and
consolation to Job, hilt to conJl'mu him as a willful
sinner. Job had IJecn the richl'st man among' them all,
aUll now these 1'epl"l'sentatiYes ot Sntan woulll mag-nify
their (,wn ri~htf'ou'ine"s ~nd teach Job that he \\'as a
willful sinnl'r and for that 1'eal:>on had lost all his
prop',;l'ty and wa" ;;lli~cl'in;}; at tile hand of God, It was
a. suhtle trirk of Satan to turn Job a,\'a~' from bis
C0ur::,e of fidelity llnd cause him to curse God.


Sm: I wish to exprl'ss my appreciation of your works, and

have many things to credit you with. I have read all your
books, and think they are wonderful and contain the truth
of God's teachings, in which I have evidence that God is in
terested in your teachings. I will tell you of the experience
my wife and I had about two years ago, of which you CIUl
form your own opinion.
We hav8 been raised Catholics all our lives; but, owing to
their constant appealing for money, of which we had not much,
we did not want to burden them with our attendance, and had
fallen by the wayside. Finally picking up courage ,\'e started
to read the Dible, and were surprised to see the many things
that were different from what we were taught; so we bceam6
more mterested in the Bible and decided that we had to join
Ilome church. But being taught Catholic, we hated to give
up that church, but had decided that they had to do lets of
explaining on the BiLle.
Believing the Biblo most, we prayed with sincere hearts
that the heavenly Father would send us the true teachings of
tho Bible, that we clll1M accept the right church. We did this
for about a week. Finally, one day we wero reading the Bible
a.nd decided to go to all the churches and find out ho\v they
taught be foro we picked any church. When we were "cry
deeply concerned in tho mutter, a knock came to the door.
'rho wifo asked me to go and open the door. I said, "Y CJu
are the nearer; go, open it." So she went and opened it, !lnLl
thero waS II. man there. I did not hear what he said, but I knew

by the expression on her face that it was out of the ordinary;

so I asked what was wrong, and she seemed dumb and could
not answer until I asked her the second time. Then she an
swered that the man said he was a messenger ox the Lord
and bad II. message for us. I could not speak for a minute
rn)self. Finally I said, "If the man has a message from the
Lord, just open the door and let him 11y right in." So he
came in, and looked around and saw the Bible that I had just
laid down. He aain, "I seo that you are reading tho Bible";
and I answered, "Yes; but I am sure up ag"inst it: the Bi
ble reads one thing and the churches teach the othN." He said,
"I have come to tell you the truth of the Bible." lIe started
telling us about the Bihle, and said, "Did )'CJu ever hear
Rutherford talk," I told him that I ha.d not. lIe gave me a
list of the stations and started telling us about the books,
wanted to know how much I. thought the book! were worth.
I told him if they containe<1 the truth they were worth their
weight in gold, but if they did not they were not worth the
paper they were written on. We spent the day together and
had a nice meeting <1iscussing the lliLle.
We did not like the books to start with, owing to the way
that you spoke of other churches, so we went to the other
churches to find out; antI every time we carne home we we;:e
more sati:>fied with the books. I have turned out to be a
worse ridiculer thun you are; antI the more we read the Bible,
the IlIore we can see that it was the doings of God that 8ent
your messenger to our home; antI we praise God for it.
Yours respectfully,
l!'. J. TOYER, Washmgton.

Rnml'. Go............ )(o.y
Atllt'lI", Gil.

C; lt..... ha 111\ HIp, <:11.

('ar'":i Station, Gu......




(;11 .... '.

'1"a\'llH'~ Crc~ek, Ga
""ollville, Fla.





I'alhart, l.'('x


G. (j
8, 9
10, 11
1~1 1:1




Tri n11111<1. ('010.

1'ueblQ, Colo. .

:lfo.y 17. 18

\',,11101<10.. Ga

'l'holflllSvlll('. (;a.

l"unink ::Sp'~~, 1'''J1.1.

l'l~Hsat()lat Flu
~ew Orlpan..;, Ln. ....


Haton Houge, La

Amite. La








CanO!l City, Colo

~nlida, Cplo
Cripple Creek. Colo



Colorado ~;lJ :.:~. Colt). "

ltlver Henri, Colo. ......... II


2 25
2ti. 21
2U. ao

:llay 31. June 1


PlainvIew, Tex. _
I.Ittl,,';'ld, Tex
)U r\\' (. II, 'rf'x. .
A 111111'1110. 'rex


.. ..

I"ort :llorKall. Colo

lIitY. Colo
t.;reeley, Colo



Brlsllllne. N. Ilftk
;Iii not, N. nak
I,'ort Y"te.., N. JJ"k.
Mohan. N. 1111k
Valley Cit~ X. Uak.
'\II!':US. Minn
Kathryn '. link.
}la,lgI'rl ;llinn
J~n'lprlin. N. Oak.
ll"d Lal<e 10'1111". ~linn ..
De IAunere. X. lIak.._"
lIeltrlunl, 1IIi!ll1
W)'nlilUere. X. Uak.
BU~ler' l\!Jlln
Far,!". N. Hnk.
IINnh jl, :III mI
Grand Forks. X. Dl1k."
Hl'llIidjl. .. (Huml) ..
Lawton, N. Dak
HCIl Lake, :MInn







I.umberton. :'oIlRS
Apr. 21. 22
\ Idlhhl1rK, ;Iii,s
May 1113
l':rankliutofJ, La
:; ~~. ~~
nreE'Jl\'ille. :\1iss
I, O!>OIll. Ln.
.l,. , Shell,y..\Ij,s.
Ocean Hprin!':", ;lIiss. .. 2M.2lJ
Tutwiler. ;llbs.
22 2:J
l~\u(t\n\~, ~h"'R. ..._...~lny 1, 2
Sl\r(li~. ~li"li. .
24: 25
WIlYI","horo. :lliss.
Pontoto,:, lIUss
:: ?-ll 27
Hp;'lelhel!':. lIli,s.
Ii. 6
Troy. :lllss.
2'J. 30
l'biladelllhia. Miss.
8. 9
IlIka, :'oIi8s. .
May :-'1. J line 1

Lockport. N. Y
Mcdilla. N. Y
J(ochl'ster. N. Y
Newnrk. N. Y.. .
~~ ..
Auburn. S. Y
Ith.~''I. N. Y. ........... "
Blmiro.. N. Y._
.. 15.16
BinJ;halllton. N. Y
.. 17. 18
Oneonta. N. Y. _..__"


A. H.


Lakeland. Fla. .
St. l'eter"burlr. Fla
Hra<lellton. Fla
Waudlllia. Fla
A"on Po.rk. Fla
_ ..
~ebting', Fla
A rCIlllia. Fla. ."
ll~(!rt ~lSc~R, }<la. ..
:lhallll. I la. .
Naranju. I,'la


Key WI',t. Jo'ln

:lfny 16, 17
Fort LllUder<lale. Fla. ..
19 Worth. Fla.
Pahokp(l'. Fla. .
Ol{eerhoue~. Fla. ..004
~r.elbo~I'ne, l:'la. ..


'lltllsnlle, J'la.
Orlando. Fla.
Suuford, Fla
~ew Sm) rna. Fla









Etowah, Tenn. _
Martel. Tenn
O"kllalp. lcon.
Knox,llIe. Tenn
Luttrell. Tenn. ..
New l'"z('well. Tl'nn.
Kinl:'sport. Tcnn
J obuson Cit), Tt!nn



N. Y. .
X. Y......:..... ~;
Clllttt'liang-o. N. i:
Ollcitln, :\. Y:
Home, N. Y









.. 13.14

Dristol. Tpnn
Wllynp"dlle. N. C.
,bllp,ille. N. C.




_ _ .. "

C ......... ~..






1 r,


('hu,lotfp. N. C. ....... " 2I,~:t

Knnnapolis. N. C
:;alisbury. N. C. :lla)' 30. June 1




l'th'lI. ~. Y
" 20. ::n
Fort Plain, N. Y
HiclullOI1lI\,iIll', N. Y. June


:-iletz. Ore!!
Eureka, Calit.
Aprll 28. 29
~llchll:'an City. Ind.
Crescent Ci t)", Calif. :llay
1 Dalla~, Or(:~. .
Salem, Oreg-. . _._. " 19.20
Y"lparo.iso. Ind
Asblan(l. Oreg.
2. 3
::Sew berg, Ore:=-. .. _._"
Carr. Ind. ..
Klamath Falls. Oreg."
wmamette. Ore/!:. ..
Halllnton~l. Ind
Grants 1'.'1". Ore.;
II, 6
24. 2~
Knox. Ind
IIood Hivcr, Oreg.
J,lyrtle CrC('I,. Ore'''
Portland, Or,:;:
.. 2G.::7
Culver. Ind
Rosebur!l. Or.~ll'.
Fro.n('l'~ville. Ind
La Center, Wash. . ..
Charleston. Oreg.
Lo~all~pnrt. Ind
Kel"" Wu,h
Springfield. Oreg
_" 11.12
Bend. Oreg.
1 Attica. Ind. _
Tenino. WaRh. .
Albany, Oreg


Sorwich, N. Y

Homney. Inl1.
Frankfort. Ind
Elwood. Inri. ..
Andel"l-ion. Ind. .....-...
:"ew Castle. Inll.
:-Iarion. Ind. .
Liherty Centpr, Ind
Portland, Ind
Lnion City, Ind




117 Adams Street



Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.


J. F.

RUTI:J:RFOI:D President

W. E.

YA~ .\.MBUr.C,ll Secretary

"And all thy children shall he tau~ht of Jehovah; a.nd

great shall be the peace of thy children." - JUJiah 54: J3.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true Goll, is from everlasting
to everlasting, tho Maker of heaven nnd earth and the Oil'er
of life to his creatures; that tho Logos wus the beginnin~ of
his creation alld his acthe agent in tho cre:,tion of all
things; that th'l Logos is lluW tilo Lonl .J('~us Christ in glory,
clothed with nIl power in heaven and earth, and the Chief
Executive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created rerfcct
man for tho earth and placed him upon it; that man Wilfully
l1isoheyed God's Jaw and was sentenced to death; that by
l'e:lGOI\ of Adam's wrong act all men aro born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was mado human, and tho man Jesus Imffered l1eath ill order to produco the ransom or redl'mpt.h'o
prko for all mankinll; that Gotl raised up Jesus divino nnd
exalted him to lu>avcn nboye every crentura nUll aboye every
nalUe and clothed him with aU power and nuthority.
THAT ,JEHOVAH'S ORG,\NIZATION is callell Zion, anfl
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Oflicer thereof anti. is tho
rightful King' of tho 'World; that tho anointed and faithful
follol\"ers of Christ Jeslls nro rhilrlren of Zion, members of
JellO\'ah '8 org-allization, nnd are his witnesses whose duty an,l
privilege it is to testify to the supremul'y of .Jehoynh, dec1aro
tais purpmles townrd maukind as expressed in tho Bible, anll
to bear the fruits of the kingdom hefore nIl who will hear.
THAT TH E WORLD hns ended, und tho Lord Jesus Christ
bas been placed by Jehovuh upon his throne of nuthorit),
has oustell Satan nom heaven and is proceeding to tho
estnblishment of Goel's kingdum on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and llleRsing's of the peopll's of earth
ean come only hy nnd thr<lugh Jehomh's kingdom unller
Christ which has now !ll'~un; tlmt the Lord's next great
act is tho destruction of Satan's org-nnization and the estab
lishment of righteousness in tho earth, and that under the
kingdom nll those who will obey its righteous Jaws shall be
restored nnrl lil"o on earth forever.


illS journal is published for the purpose of

the people to know Jeho\"ah God and his purposes as

expressed in the Bible. It puhlishes Bible iustructiO:l.
specifically desib"Iled to aid Jehond1's witnesses. It arrangeJ
systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other liter
ature to aill in such stullies. It publishes suitable matl'rial
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the SCriptulCS.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utteranceJ!. It is el1tirely free and separato from all parties, sects
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah Goel under Christ
Ilia Belayed King". It is not 1I0grnatie, but invi tes careful
uncI critical examination of its contents in the lig;ht of til()
Scriptures. It uoes not inlluJ~o ill. controversy, awl its columns aro not open to personalities.


\';T.\TES, :S1.00;









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(Tran81atiOtl8 01 thla journal appear in .etlet'"al latl!TU0:7e )

Al! Ilincore /ltudetlts or the ntble wh() by reaMn or Inflnnlty,

poverty or adl'er"ily are unable to pay tho tiuhRerlption pric'~
may ha,"o 7'1Ie lI'atchtou:er free upon ,,ritten apl,lkati"n to tho
pul,lIshers, made once each :renr. stntlnl; tho reason for ~o req\lp.!<tin~ It. Wo are I(lad to thu3 aid the needy, hut tlll' writtl'l1
Ilpplication on('e ea('h )'car is re'luir~1 by the po&tal re:::ulatioDs.
:Notice to Sub.criber.: AcknowlP.<ltnUout or 11 now or n. rp.uewal subRcMption will be sent only 1\-hp.n re'l\ll'~te<l. nl:lII:::o of ",\'1r o .;<.
when re'lUPStcd. may be expect",} to appear on a,1I1r,"'" 1"I,c1 within
one month. A blank I ('arryiu~ notice of e~{liI allon) Will
bo Mont 'I\'lth the journ:t! ono month before the 8ub,criptlon e:tpire",


Second ClasH Mail 11attcr at Brooklu", N. Y.,

Act 0/ March .', 1879.


---_ _----

. -.


A perioa of nnw days has :It!en specially (ksignatl'd as "The
Nations' Hope" Testimony Pl'riod. 'fhis lJC'gins with June au
and coneludps witl1 July s. During this period of nine days
Jehovah's witnesi'\es will hal"e the pIivilege of distributing 1I.
11ew booklet, TVorld Rccorer.ll? All people of good will are in
,ited to join with Jehol"ah 's witnes~l's in the proclamrttion of
this ~ootl news of the kin~dom. To have a part in the givi!lg
of tillS witness is a hlessed privilege.
The Watchtower is pleusetl to annfJUnee that n new booklet
is now off the press and will shortly be distrihuted to the na
tions of th,~ \Votil1, extl'ndin~ furth ..r the witn.. s~ that must be
given to nil the peoples. This booklet, World l:r.corcl'y? con'
tains several leeturl's Brother Hutherford has gi\en ol"er hun
drl.~ls of redio stations. It is beautifully illustratl',l, and its
cover is very attractive. The 5c contributed for each copy of
this booklet will be used in further publishing the message.
The Society has made arrangements to construct nnd assemble
portahle transeription machines fit our own faetlJry nt lli
Allams Street. These machines will be somewhat ,litl'erent in
construction frolll those previously furnished. They will be


spring-wound, and operated from It 6,volt wptcell haltery.

En.!ry machine will be furnished complete with' he h:lt1my antI
a IJnttl~ry char~C'r, so that it can be kept up to Its full strenJ.i1 h.
'Ve llre pleased to announce that this machine tan be Olrt'led
at $100, complete, to brethron in the l'nitcd ::;tales.
Jehovah's blessing has been lllnrkedly upon the use of the
portable transcription machine. He has plaillly manifl'sted
that this machine Illeets the need of the hour, II"h"1I the (,1I\'U:y,
under Gog, is sc('kin~ to curtail tho lI,je of the ratlio by Go,l's
anointed ami when the people 's ear~ nre eager to hear, nllt
Ulan's message, but God s. The transcription mathi!le has in
creased the power of Jehovah's witllt'8Ses afield to III eaell II is
truth manyfold, so that the desire tur the litpratuTtJ IS stimu,
lated (Lntl study c1asaes of many interested hearers [Lre 1ll'11I;':
formell. Besidcs more than 450 such llIadlines in the l)nite,l
States alone, great numbers are now being efl','etIYf'!y used In
countries near antl afar. .l:'or more informntioll, \nite the
Of the booklets of the new series, Hereafter, Calise of Dut/h,
Who Is God? nnd What Is Truth! can be sUl'plie'], in Braillp,
for the blintl. These are obtninahle at $1 ll. tOrY, or IJI',y I,~
had on lo:m by an~' hlinil. reader. _\ddre"s thl' :':;oclety's brandl
for the blind, 121U Spear St., Logansport, Ind.


MAY 1, 1934

No. 0


"Gather my sai1lt,~ foaetTter unto me,. those that hal'e marIe a covenant willI me by .~([c/"ifice. And the heal'
ens shall declare his rightcowiJlc.Ys: for God i.~ judue himself. "-Ps. 50: 5, 6.

gnoy ~\ n

wl'it<-s his law into the heart of those

who deli~ht to do his will. His beloved Son, always f':lithfully devoted to his Father, says: "I
dclif.rht to do thy will, 0 my Goel: yea, thy law is
within my heart. I have preached rightt'ousncs"S in
the great cOllgl'cgoation: 10, I have not refrained my
lips, 0 Lord, thou Imowest. I have not hid thy ri!!ht
cousnc'ss within my hl'a1,t; I have declared thy faithfull1('sS mId thy s:dvation: I have not concealed thy
lovillg'ldI1l111f'sS and thy truth from the great cong-regalion." (Ps. 40: R-lO) This Psulm expres'ies the
hell1't conditioll of those who arc in the new (~OVl'nant.
:md who al'C diligf'nt in provillg' their faithfulness to
God. It is entil'e1y uUl'casollable alld unscl'iptural to
conclude that Jehovah would make a new covcnant
with the Jews and thell bring other nations in and
make tll<'m pros(lyh:; to thc Jews, causillg them to
become Jews; and Iwut'e 1he conC'lusion should be en
tirel.r put aside that uuturul Isruel has all~thing- whatsocvcr to do with ttlC' new COWllant. (Matthew 11 : 2-1:)
The new covenant. is made with Christ Jesus in hehalf of those who llgree to do the will of God, and
those who :Ire brought into that eovcnaut, :nlll who
continue faithful, must han) the law of God wl'ittc'n
in tlwir hearts lUllI must from the heart d('clare the
righteousnl'ss of Jehovah; othel'wise th(~'y could not
b\l'the people of GotI tahen out for his name'.
t The preceding issue of The lVatchtou'er gave consideration to ti'e prophecy of ,Jeremiah cOllc('rning' thc
new covenant, and whirh consideration is now here
continued: "And they shall teach no morc every man
his neighbour, and every man his brothel', saying,
Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the
least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the
Lord: for I will forgive tJHir ini(luity, and I will
remember their sin no more." (Jer. 31: 34) Clt-tll'ly
this prophecy reaclws a climax after the Lord has
come to the temple and gnthpl'ed unto himself his
faithful followers. This prophecy has no reference
to teaching or delivering the truth to sueh as '('\"Cry
roan of the world'. but applies entirely to those in
the covenant and who continue faithful. .According
to another rendering of the text the apostle quoh.'s


from this prophcey as follows: "And in 110wisc shall

they teach everyone his fl'lIow-eitizen and everyone
his brother, sayillg', Get to know the Lord! because
all shall kllow me from the least unto the gl'eatt'st of
them." (IIeh. S: 11, Hotll,) This sc'ripture, as tll're
rel1(kred, defillitC'ly limits the appli('atioll thereof to
those in the covenant and who ul'e fellow citizells allll
whose citizl'/lship is in heanm. We have now I'('acll(~d
the end of the wudd, whieh mean" 1I0t merely the ('ntl
of a certain time, ano which is oft('ll spokc'n of as 't he
cno of the age', but the end of' the op<'!'alioll of Sa
tan's organization by the suffl'I'allee of .Jeh(mlh, all<l
hl'nee the time when prep:ll'at ion is beillg' made' Lo
completely destroy Hatan '8 powcr and his ol'ganization. The time feature is 1I0t the impol'tant thing,
but the wrccking of Satun's on('anizatioll is the importtmt thing, because that 1m,> to do wiLh the "juui
cation of ,Jehovah's name. At the IH'escllt time the
Lord has g-uthCl'cd his people into his oJ'~_mllizati()ll.
It is thc timc of the fulfilment of Psalm flO: rJ.khovah has tak:'n out of the nations a people for his Hame:
heu('c the climax of the new co,'enar!t is reaehl'u, an:1
now the teaching of God's people is no IOIl~!(,I' done hy
mcn, particularly by such mC'll as "elective eld('t's", hilt.
all in Zion arc children of (loll by his organization and
are now taught of God.-Isa. 5-1: 13; John 6: -15.
3 '/'he W(1tchtou:er is 1I0t the It'Hcher of nod's peopIc>. "he Iratcldou:er mercly brillg's to the attl'ntioll
of God's people that whirh he has revealed, and it is
the prh'ilc'ge of euch and everyone of Uod's cllildrcn to prove by the Word of (,oel whetlwr these
thilll-,"S arc from man or are from the Lord. Christ
Jesus at the temple is Jehovah's great High Priest in
('harge of the temple organization, and he is made the
Teaeher of the temple class; hence he teaches all the
children of Zion. Jehovah is the great Teaehcr, and
he and Christ Jesus arc the teachers of God's people;
hence the Lord says to his children: "Yet shull not
thy teachers be remo\'cd into a corner any more, but
thine c~'es shall sec thy teachers. "-Isa. 30: 20.
~ All at the temple will realize that their spiritual
food comc's to them from their Teachcrs, Jehovah allll
Christ Jesus, and not from any man. !\o one of the

fJnc \\1,/\TCI-IT0\,,\fER


temple company will

so foolish as to concluue that
Home brother (or brethren) at one time amongst them,
ant! who has diet! and gone to heaven, is now instt'ucting the saints on earth ant! directinr.r them as to their
work. Such a conclusion 8macl~s of the "sin of Samaria". In times past J chovalt and Chri5t Jesus have
been pushed on the side and men have heen looked
to as the teachers in the church; but not so any more,
after the cleansing of the temple. Concerning those
faithful ones in the temple, and therefore in thl' new
covenant, the prophec'y of Jehovah here considered
says: '''l'hry shall all know me." This dearly implies that the rcn~lation of .Jehovah 's ~lory from the
temple and the revelation of the meaning of his name
and titles II 1'0 made known to all the temple class.
Such revelation .J e!tovah has given to his people taken
out for his name, :md they appreciate the fact that
their gl'ratest privilrg-c is to now have a part in the
vindication of his name.
5 That those at the temple arc equally favored is
shown hy these wonls: "They shall all know me, from
the least of them unto the greatest of them"; that is
to say, tho~e who arc symbolically pietnred by :\)ordecai and Naomi, bein~ fir~t brou~ht into the temple,
aIHI those IJictlll'l'd hy Esther and Ruth, who were
)atl'r hrought into the temple, arc all on a common
level and know Uod from the least to the greatest of
thl'm. All of theso disl.'crtl that the chief i:-:sue is Jehovah's name. All such have received the "penny",
that is to say, the new name, and all are at unity and
are jo)'fully t;in~ing the praises of Jeho\'uh and his
Kin~. All this in fullilment of the !>rophecy uUert..'<!
by .Jeremiah, as ahove sLated.
6 'l'here was a time wlH'n iniqllity was upon Jehoyah's eOVl'llant people, whieh lawlessness 0[' iniquity
cmbra('es man worship, formali~m, particularly a
failure to hear testimony to the name of Jehovah and
his kin~dom. That iniquity was uue lar~e1y to ignorance, and the i:.(llorance of God's law is an l'XeUSl';
h('nce Jehovah says concerning those in the COWJlunt:
"PorI will forgive their iniquity, alld I will rl'mcmbel' their sin no more." (Jer. 31: 3-1) Such shows that
forgiveness of their iniquity is directly related to the
great revelation that ('ame to them when gathered unto
the J.. . ord God at his temple. The ini(!uity herc mentioned is not inhcrited sin from Adam, bccause the
ones addressed have heen previously made free of that
sin by the precious blood of Christ Jcsus applieu to
them when jnstified. The iniquity and sin here mentioned by the prophet is the same as descri!>cu by the
prophet Isaiah, when he says: "Then said I, Woe is
me! for I am undone; because I am a IIlan of une!can
lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of une!ean
lips, for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of
hosts. Then flew one of the seraphims unto mc, having
a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the
tongs from off the altar; and he laid it upon my
mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and
thine ini(~uity is taken aWUj', and tIl;}' sin pUl'ged."



(Isa. 6: 5-7) This prophecy of Isaiah begun to have

fulfilment upon God's p('ople about 1919. The forgiveness is not granted in order that the covenant
people might 'be taken to heaven, but is granted for
the sake of Jehovah's name, that these cleunsed ones
might be mado a prople ready for his uame anfl to
testify to his name. "I, even I, am he that blotteth
out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not
remember thy sins." (lsa. 43: 25) The basis for forgiveness of such iniquity and sin is the precious blood
of Christ Jesus, which is the blood of the ncw covenant, and which is slwu for the remission of sins.~Iatt. 26: 28; Heb. 9: 22; 12: 24.

The importance of the new covenant is magnified

in the Scripturl's. The prophets of old, the Lord Jesus and the apostles speak of it, and by their testimony
Jehovah makes known to his children the importance
of the covenant. Let it be kept in mind that tlll'"e
things were written for the comfort and hope of the
church. (Hom. 15: 4) 'fhis is a further reason that the
new covenlint applies exclusively to the churdt and
has no applif'ation to the world in ~eneral. In further
support of this l'onclusion, that the new connant WJ.S
maul' with spititunl Israel, that is to say, with those
who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, note the words of
the apostle written by direction of the Lord: "For by
one offerin~ he [Jesus Christ] hath perfertcd fnr
ewr them that are sanctified." (Heb. 10: H) \\' liu
are the "them that arc sanctified" h/~re mentiolled?
l\Ianifl'stly those who are brought into Christ: "F01'
both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified,
are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to
call them brethren." (Hcb, 2: 11) And by what Ine:!ns
are they sanctified ~ The answer is, "I I3y] tlte bl(JIHl
of the [new] cownant, wherewith he [the man] was
s:lllctified." (lIeb. 10: 2!) Continuing the apos1le
says: "Whereof lof all which perfecting of the S:II:<:
tified ones by the one offering of Jesus' lJlollllj 11:('
holy [spiritJ also is a witness to us [tlte clturcl]."
(IIcb. 10: 15) Witness to us how or throug-h Wli:lt
channel? The prophcc,r of .Jeremiah answel'S, as Sl't
forth in Jeremiah 31: 31-33. Then contilluin~ the
apost Ie says: "For after that he hath said l hl:ful'l' j,
This is the covenant [new covcnant] that I will mul,c
with them after those days, saith the Im'd; I will I.llt
my laws on their heart, and upon their minJ also
will I write them; then sait h he, "\nd their ~ins and
their iniquities will I remember no more. :\ow whl'l'C
remission of these is, therc is no more offcring for
sin." (lleb. 10: 15-18, A.H.V.) Hcre the in:,.pirl'tl
apostle of tlJe Lord specifically applies the term') of
the new covenant to the sanctified oues. This Srriptutal proof should satisfy every child of Gou \yho
appreciates IIis word that the new covenant was made
with Chri"t Jesus at the time of his death for auu in
behalf of his sanctified OIles amI that it i~ the in..,tl'uIDent of Jehovah by whieh he takes out from the na1

(ffie \VATCJ-IT0\\1ER.

1L\y 1, 193!

tions n people for his name, which people must be

his faithful and true witnesses even to the cn<.!.

The making of the covenant is one thing; the inauguration thereof is another :1I1d later thing. The
covenant is made by Jehovah with the one competent
to enter into an ag~'eement, hence with the mediator,
in hehalf of all who shall be bl'ought under the terms
of or into the covenant. Inauguration means the ap
propriate cercmonil's inducting- one into office and in
vesting him with speeific authority. The inaugut'a1ion
of the new covenant is the appropriate ceremonies
inducting into office Mid vesting with specific author.
ity those who are sl'lected to perform the duties cnjo'incd upon them by the coveuant. The primary pur
pose of the new covenant is the vindication of Jehovah's namc, and to this end he takes out from the nations a pcople for his nume who, pro\'in~ faithful up
to a certain point, are invested with authority to bo
the witnesses to his name.
D 1'he making and inauguration of the law covenant
foreshadowed the making 1ud inauguration of the
Jlew con-nant; IWI\t-c tlWl'C arc certain thin~s done in
connect ion with these Co\'enunts that correspond.
Years before the law covennllt Moses was chm-jen by
the Lord as his priest and mediator und sent to Egypt.
1'he Isradites had refused :\1(Jses and he had fled fl'Orn
Egypt. '''fhis )Ioses, whom they refused, saJ'ing', Who
made thee a ruler ano a judg(~? the same did Goo
scud to lie a ruler and 11 deliverer, by the hand of the
ung'cl which appeared to him in the bush." (Acts
7 : a5) In due time (;od sent Moses back to Ego)'pt to
make a name for Jehovah and to mediate the 11J\v
covenant. lIIoses rCl'civco his appointment and authority from God while he was in the wilderness at
Mount Sinai. (Acts 7: 38) Chrbt Jesus, the Greater
l\Io<.;cs, was likewise refused or rderted by the nation
of Israel in A,D, 3:-1 aIHI was crtleified in alltitypiral
Bgypt uno was later raised from the dead and taken
to heaven. Aftpr waiting' a !on~ p<'l'iod of time Chist
Jesus is sent back, in the year lUI-! (A.D.), clothed
with full power and authority to rule. (lleb. 10: 12,
1:3; Ps. 110: 2) After casting the great Pharaoh, Satan the Devil, out of heaven .Jeslls Christ came to the
temple of God, to wit, in 1918, and there sits as a
refiner ano judge und l)(;~ins the inauguration of the
new covenant. Those whom .Jeslls the great Judge
fOllnd faithful at this judgment are the saint5 of ,Jehovah, und these are the ones who thereafter ofiel'
unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. (:\Iul. 3: 3)
These are the ones concerning whom the Lord Jesus
says: "Blessed is that servant, whom his lord, when
he cometh, shall find so doing, Verily I say unto you,
that he shall make him ruler over all his goods."
platt. 24:46,47) These faithful ones are inducj('d
into office and eloth('d with authority to perform specifie oulies, that is to say, the duties of looking aft('r
the kingdom interests, designated as the Lord's


"goods" whi('h hc commits to them, and which dutil's

they pC1fo\"l\\ hy faithfully bearing testimony to the
name of .It-hln"ah.
10 Paul 8'1.\'S concel'Tlin~ the dedication or inau rura6
tion of the ('nvenant: ,. Whereupon neither the first
testament \\'11" dedieated [Diaglott, instituted; Uather.
halll, consel'l"lllcd; Moffatt, inaugurated; all meaning
the same thing] without blood." (11eb. 9: 18) The
apPl'opriato ("('remony was performed at the inauguration of tll< law covenant, concerning which the
apostle says: "For when Moses had sJlokell evcry
In(cept to Itli the peopl<, according to the luw, he
took tlw hlood of cal \'CS and of goats, with water, and
scal'let wool and hy~sop, and sprinkled both the hook,
l.lIld all the I'<:oplc, s,lyinq, 'fhis is the blood of the
testament whjr~h God hath enjoined unto you." (lIeb.
9: 19, 20) ~orne time prior thercto the covenant had
been made With Isrl!pl in Egypt, but now at the inauguration the I<lrudites were instructed as to their
relationship to God :lIId their duties to be performrd
aecoroing tIl his commandments.
11 Concel'llin~ the ('eremony pel'formed at Mount
Sinai it is WI ittr:n: ".\nd ~Ioses wrote all the words
of the Lord, 111lt] rO<;l' up early in the morning', and
builded an :!Jtar uuder the hill, and i..ehc pillars,
according to thl, twelve tribes of Israel. An<! he 5('nt
YOUll!~ men ()f the childnn of Israel, which off('l'cd
hm'lIt offerin~s, and sacrificcd peace offerin~s of oxpn
unto the Lord .\nd ~Io"es took half of the bloo<l, and
put it in ha,'.c,', und half of the blood he sprinkled 011
the altar, Ar;<f he took the book of the eovcnant and
read in tthe audienec of the peoplc: and they said, All
that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient.
Awl MOSl"; took the hood, und sprinkled it on the
people, and said, BdlOld the blood of the cow'nallt,
which the Lord ~ath made with you concerning all
these words'" (E::L, ::?4: 4-8) 1'he Israrlites, (Ilthou~h
a party tothecovcnantfrom the day they left E;.!ypt,
were now, at lIIount ~illai. tol<l by :\loses the commandments and ~'~.A::::;nc'S of (lod whieh they mllst olJ!'\'.
Since the coming c,;' the: Gl'eater ~[oses,Christ Jesu's,
to the temple, that is to say, to :\Iouut Zion, hc, according tl> the willt)f Jehovuh, h1s opened up the
Word of (lod's prophecy, giving' an understandill!{
thereof, and::.~ itt these things before the cOllsecmted
people of nod who tad prl:viously brl'n parti,-~"'i to the
new covcnant li::.ti tmdt'l' its terms, hut who are now
made to ~ * what are the chief dutil'S to Ilu
performed by them, to wit, to faithfully benr testimony tothcnameof,Jehovah. These, hadng" taken th('
new name giwn them by ,Jehovah, have fullv a"i'('(.d
to a II the terms of the ,'()venant.
12)loses, at Mount Sinai, set up a witness hy hnilding an altar and twehe pillars. (Ex. 2!: -1) T!tC'll
)loses sent 1~~men "which ofi'!'red hurnt offerill'!:-i,
and sacrifices ~offerings of oxen unto thc L()J'd .'.
Those "young' men" set'med to picturc the rl'mW!lIt
described brthe prophet Joel at chapter 2: 2.. .;. Sinec
191fl, andmoreparticul'lrly since ID22, the l'emullut



hayc bC~!l sent f01't1l as Jehonh's witnesses to offer

to the Lord, and in the presence of the people, 'sacri.
fiees of peace and thanksgiving,' that is to sa~', an
offering in righteousness.-Mal. 3: 3; Heb. 13: 15.
13 Paul, quoting from Exodus, says :\loses "took the
blood of calves and of goats", whereas the word
"goats" is not mcntioned in the Exodus record. The
apparent reason for this is that the blood of Jesus
Christ is the blood that makes valid the new covenant
and puts it into operation both at the time of its
making and at the time of its inauguration. The
"Lord's goat" pictures those whose lives as human
creatures are sacrificed, which must prercdc thl'ir
selection as Jehovah's witnesses. The sacrifice takes
place at the time of cO!lsecration and acceptance and
he~etting by God, hut only those who are adjl1dgl'd
faithful by the Lord are pictured here by the Lord's
goat. The inauguration of the new covenant docs not
need to wait until the remnant have actulllly undergone dissolution of the human on~anism. Their right
to human ('xis(('/H~e ceased when they were takell into
the covenant by sacrifice. Hince the primary purpose
of the new ('ovenant is the vindication of ,Jehovah's
namr, and the covenant is the instrument of .Je1lOvah
to gathcr out from the nations an approved people
for his name, who must I)('ar testimony to his name,
it follows that the new covenant must he inuu1!urated
or dedicated !J('fore the vindieation of Jehovah's name
take!'! place at the battle of the great day of God
14 1\loses took half of the l)lood and put it in basin!!
nnd half the1'eof he sprinkled on the altar. (Ex. 24: 6)
This purt of the ceremony fore8hallowed that at the
inauguration of\the new covenant the appropriate time
nnd opportunity had come for God's approved onrs
to offer an Orrel in~ in righteousness, thut is to sa~,
the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to his name,
the altar heing the hasis on which such sacrifke must
he offered. The sprinkling of the blood on the altar
signified that it was sanctified for the olTering of such
sacrifices and that th(' time had come to make such
sacrifice; and thus the cer('mony inaugurating- the hw
covenant correspond!'! with the ceremony inaugurating
the new covenant. Then Moses read to the people what
was written in the book of the covenant which Gud
had given him. Even so the Greater ;\108e8, th~ Lurd
Jesus Christ, "the Lamb that was slain," takes the
book of instruction out of the hand of .Jehovah, looses
the seals thereof, and reveals to the faithful ones what
is the will and purpose of Jehovah, and this he do('s
at the inau~uration of the new covenant.-Rcv. 5: 1-10.
15 The book of the law ,,'as also sprinkled with the
blood. "For when Moses had slJoken every prl.'c('pt
to all the people according to the law, he took the
blood of calves and of goats. with water, and scarlet
wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all
the people." (Heb. V: 19) 'fhe sprinkling of the book
with the blood shows that the laws and commandments
of God set forth in his Word, the Dible, are now livin;


N. Y.

and in force and effect towarJ the remnant, his wit

nesses, and that they must obey his commandments
delh'ered by the Greater )loses. It is therefore appropriate that the Lord should make known to the
remnant the meanin~ of the prophecies after his coming to the temple. The remnant have come to realize
that what is written in Deuteronomy 18: 19, and at
A('t~ 3: 23, now applies sperifically to them, and has
no application to the world. (Sec '1'11 e WatcllloU'cr,
1933, pages 147-153.) Thcy have been hrou~ht into
the a~rcement or covenant of obedience, and they
must obey the Greater 1\1oscs.
16 At the inau~uration of the law covenant Mos('s
sprinkled the blooo upon the people. This would prove
that one must first be in the covenant of saerifice in
order to reccive the privileg-es and bencfits of the /\('\V
cowlIant. 'l'hose, such as Paul, who died faithful priOl'
to the coming of the Lord, actually sheo tJU'ir hlood
in death, but they must wait until the appearin~ of
the Lord .Jesus Uhrist at the temple to receive the
crown of life, at whieh time the new covenant is inaugurated and aftcr whieh special witness wol'1. must
be done to the name of Jehovah by hi.., remnant in
the earth. Since the coming of the Lonl to the temple
the saints who dird in faith have becn gathcred to
the Lord, and latcr the faithful remnant are I-{uthercd
unto the tcmlJle, so that all, includin~ those of the
remnant who remain faithful to the end, are 'for ('\'('1'
with the Lord'. (1 Thess. 4: 17) Just what the saints
in the spirit organism are doing wc do not know; but
the remnant do know what is requiI'l'd of them, I)ecause the Lord has made it plain.
17 In the cercmony of sprinkl ing the people, water,
scarlet wool amI hyssop were used. (lIeb. 9: 19) 'fhe
water may wt'll represent the truth concl'J'nin~ .lehovah's name and his purpose, both of which have hl'l'll
revealed to the remnant since the comin~ of the LO/'ll
Jesus to the trmple. The scarlet wool, l)ei,,~ of royal
or kingdom color, and that of a sherp- 01' lamh, ref('r5
to the royal Lamb of God who mediates and inaug-urates the new con'nant in his own blood. Ill', the
Greater l\Ioses, is now upon his throne and reigns.
(Ps. 2: 6; 110: 2) Tho hyssop symholizrs a rlcan~il,g
of the "sons of Lrvi" at the temple hy a Jlll'diatOl',
and at the inauguration of the cO\'enHnt, which mediator is the great High Priest and Judge acting Ulldel' spe<:ific authority from Jehovah. (Ex. 12: 22; IA'\'.
14: 4-7) "Purge me with hyssop, and I :-;hall he dean:
wash me, and I shall he whiter than snow. "--P8. 51: 7.
18 Thi" is further proof that the new covenant has
nothing to do with the natural dc~cendants of brae!
and with mnnkind in gcneral, hut that it is limited 10
spiritual Ismel. The remnant of ISl'arl after thc spirit
are 'san('tificd by the blood of the covenant'. (lIl'h.
10: 10, 14, IV) The sprinkling of the remnant who arc
of spiritnal Israel shows that the life merit of the
sacrificed victim, Jl'SU'; Christ, has lwcn applied to
them and that the covenant has been made firm unto
them and they must be strictly obedient to the mt;-

MAY 1, 1934


diator of that co\enant. Those of the remnant, thereiore, are purged from dend works nnd are made servants of the living God. (Heb. 9: 14, 16, Ii) It is the
Greater :\loses, Christ Jesus, "who gave himself for
us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity [lawlessness], and purify unto himself a [company of]
people, zealous of good works." (Titus 2: 14) Such
cleansed or purified ones are the saints who are yet
on earth, who arc gathered unto Jehovah and made
his official witnesses in the earth to declare his name
and his works. (Ps. 50: 5, 6) At the inauguration of
the law CO\'enant lUoses foreshadowed the mediator,
Christ Jesus, and Moscs was aceompanied by the
elders, who went with him up into :;Uount Sinai.
"Then wellt up ::\1oo.'s, and ~'\.aroll, Nadab, amI Abihu,
and seventy of the elders of IsraeL" (Ex. 24: 9) The
brethren of Moses who accompanied him into the
mountain were mpmbCl'S of his house nnd of the prospectivc priest ho()(L (Ex_ 19: 6) They correspond to
the "four and twenty elders" scated round nbout JcllOvah's throne, liS described in Hevelation 4: 4. 'l'hoso
who accompanied l\lusL'S into the mountain seemed also
to Lear relation to the scventy elders whom Jehovah
eommanocd :\Ioses thcrllafter to goathcr unto himself
to assist him in bcarill~ tJlC burdens of his office. "And
the Lord sa id unto Moses, Oather unto me seventy
men of the ciders of brad, whom thou Imowest to be
the elders of the people, and oflieers over them; Ilnd
bring them unto the tabernacle of the congrc~ation,
that they may stand there with thee. And the Lord
carne down ill a cloud, and spake unto him, and too"
of the spirit that wus upon him, and gave it unto the
sewnty dders: llnd it carne to pass, thnt, whrn the
spirit rested upon tlipID. they prophesied, and did not
ccasc. "-:\um. 11: 16, ~J.
la'rhosc seventy mt'll selected by .Jehovah were by
him enabled ami qualified to assist Moses in the administration of the law covenant; and this finds a
cOl'respondtncy in the ofiice of the" able min isters of
the new Icovenant] f l . Coneernin~ himself and his fellow disciples the apostle wrote: "Ood . . . hath made
us able ministers of the new fcovenant] ; 1l0t of the
letter, but of the spirit: for the letter ldlleth, but tho
spirit giveth life." (~ Cor. 3: 5, 6) For what purpose
arc these made able ministers of the new eO\"l'nant?
lUanife.o.;tly for the purpose, as stated by the same
apostle in another plat'C, to wit, "for the I)('l'fectill~ of
the saints, .. till we all come [to] the unity of the
faith." (I~ph. 4: 11.13) Such is the work of 'taking
out a pt.'Ople for his name', which \\'ork the new coveIlaut nrcomplishes. The minist1~, of Paul to the ehu1'eh
proved him to be sueh an able minister to the ne\\'
covenant. No consecrated and spil"it-begotten child
of God could be counted an able minister of the new
eo\'cnant, however, until he has nttained maturity in
Christ, that is to say, has become an elder in fact,
and not hy mere election of fellow creatures. When
all are brought to unity in Christ all such are elders
in fact. The "se\'enty cIders" therefore would picture


both the resurrected saints gathered unto Jehovah and

also the remnant gathered unto the Lord at the temple. These are called' 'nobles of the children of Isrnd",
which designation appears in tile record concerning
the inauguration of the law coyenant.-Ex. 2-!: 11.
20 'l'hose who accompanied :\[oscs into the mountain
of Sinai saw the manife.~tation of the glory of. Jehovah: ".\nd they saw the God of Israel: awl tl,pl'o
was under his feet as it were a pnved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his
clearness." (Ex. 24: 10) Likewise since Jehovah hus
buildcd up Zion and appeared in his glory he has
l'cwaled his glOl')' to those of Zion, including tIll' relllnaut, ull of whom are at unity, and hence in the tem
pIc, and are taught of Jehovah and have di:.;cel'llcd
his glory, his uame and his purpose. (Ps. 102: Hi;
Isa" 54: 13) They also sce Jehovah '8 glorious ol'~ani
zation, of whieh Christ .Jesus is tho Head. and th~y
discern that this organization incJudl's the faithful
witnesses of Jeho\"ah now on carth 'seated iI. 11('[1 W'Il
ly places in Christ .Jesus', upon which organizatioll
Jehovah sits and rules.-Deut. 33: 26 iPs. 6S: 32, 33;
Ezek. 1: 26.
21 lly his prophet Isaiah Jehuvah identifil's those of
his Sl'l'\'ant company, which he hm; taken out for his
llame: "'I'hou whom I have takl'n fr-orrt the ('nds of the
earth, lind called thee from the chief men thereo,
and said unto thee, Thou art my ~ervant; I havo
chosen thee, and not cast thee away." (I sa. 41:!)
'l'heso are the antitypical seventy elders or "nobles
of the children of [spiritual] J8ra('I". "And upon
the noules of the children of Isrnel hc laid /lot his
hand: also thl'Y saw God, nnd did cat nnd drink."
(Ex. 24: 11 ) Upon these Jehovah" laid not his ha nd .,
to do them hurt, in spite of the fact that they hn\'c a
vision uf his giory. Likewise Jeho\'ah did not tum Ids
hnlld against Isaiuh wh('n tho prophet saw the glory
of the Lord at his tcmple; and thrre Isaiah pictured
the faithful remnant now on earth. "Then said I,
"'00 is me! for I am undone; b('cause I am a man
of unclean lips, and I dwell ill the midst of a peoplo
of unclean lips: for mi/le eyes hnve sccn the Kin\;:
the Lord of hosts." (Isa. 6: 5) The remnallt here
pictured by Isaiah bl'iu~ cleansed and made memlwI's
of the faithful sel'\'ant (')ass, and Iwnee Jehovah's witnesS('s, Jehovah says to t!wm: "Fear thou not; for
I am with thet': he not dismayed; for I am thy Cod:
I will str('lll~theu thee; yea, I \vill lwlp tlll'c; yea, I
will uphold thee with the right hand of my ri~hteous
ness. Behold, all thcy that were incensed u!.!uinst tl1('o
Sh31l be ashamed and eonfounc1ed: they shall he as
nothiu!!; und thry that strive with thee shall TlI'rish."
(lsa. 41: 10, 11) Compare the foregoing text ,,jth
the fourth chapter of HeveIatioll. Jehovah Cod nuw
feeds his own people upon food cOllvenient for them,
foreshadowed hy the fact that the "sevent.\' ('Irlp!':;"
"did eat and drink". Jehovah has separated his jlCOpit from other~ and has spl'f'ad a feast for them, I1nrl
they, the remnant, now on ('u1'th enjoy that feast and

sing praises to Jehovah. "Thou preparest a table before me in the pr<>sence of mine enemies: thou anoint
cst my head with oil j my cup runneth over." (Ps.
23: 5) The faithful remnant class shall continue to
cat, but those who give glory to creatures and are
lawless shall not be spiritually nourished; as Jehovah
has declared: "Therefore thus saith the Lord God,
Behold, my servants shall cat, but J"e shall be hungry:
behold, my servants shall driuk, but ye shall be
thirsty: behold, my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall
be ashamed: behold, my servants shall sing for joy
of heart, but J'e f!hall cry for sorrow of heart, and
shall howl for vexation of spirit. And ye shall leave
J'our name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord
God shall slay thee, and call his servants by another
name.' '-Isa. 61>: 13-1;:).
U Mount Sinai, the pla('e of the inauguration of
the law covenant, pictured .Mollnt l;ion, God's organization, to which his people arc gathered and where the
new con~nant is inaug"m'ated. "And the Lord said
unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be
there: and I will ~ive thee tables of stOlle, and a law,
and commallduH'llts whieh I have written j that thou
mayest teach them." (Ex. 2-1,: 12) Jehovah thrro
made :;\10ses the teacher of those of his house. ~ow
Jehovah hy and tlll'<JUgh Christ Jesus, the Greater
1\108es, teaehes the remnant on earth who are memhers of his honse, and they, that is, the faithful ones,
'see their 'l'caelwrs,' leal'll the truth from them, and
23 At God's commandment Moses read to the Israelites the law which he had received from Jehovah
while in the mountain, and which reading- took place
prior to the g'atherill~ of Moses and his hrethren into
the mountain at Jehovah's command. Because of tho
fenr of the Israelites they re(IUcsted a mediator: "And
all the people saw the thUlulcrillg's, and the lightnings,
and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they remo\'ed, and
stood afar off. And they said unto ~Ioses, Speak thou
with us, and we will hear: hut let not God speak with
us, lest we die. And ~Ioses said unto the people, Fear
not: for God is come to prove JOou, and that his fear
may be before your faces, that :ye sin not. And the
people stood afar off: and ~[oses drew near unto the
thick darkness where God was. "-Ex. 20: 18-21.
2~ Jehovah then spoke to ~[oses and directcd him as
mcdiator to speak to the people, and Jehovah commanded what they should do "in all places where I
record my name". (Ex. 20: 24) 'I'his shows that the
purpose of the covenant was looking to the vindication
of Jehovah's name; so likewise upon the coming of
the Lord Jesus, the Greater ~Ios('s, to the temple and
there gathering unto himself the faithful remnant,
they must have a mediator, or else they would" fall
into the hands of the living God", which they would
not want to do, because of their imperfection. When
the holy spirit ccased to perform the OftiCf; of helpcr
or comforter and advocate, the Lord Jcsus at the



temple stands between Jehovah and the remnant and

performs the office of mediator and advocate as well
as the inaugurator of the new covenant.
25 As hereinbefore stated, the new covenant was
made" after those days", meaning after the law covenant had become old, which occurred just prior to
the death of Jesus. As to the inauguration of the new
covenant there is a proper application of the words
"after those days" also. The nation of Israel foreshadowed ., Christendom" or "organized Christianity", so called, which were in an implied covenant
with God to do his will because they had taken the
name of Christ. At the time Jesus inaugurated the
new eonnant "Christendom" had broken all the laws
and commandments of God, which laws and COInmandments "Christendom" claimed to be keeping,
The transgression of "Christendom" included the
breaking of the "everlasting covenant" concernin~
the shedding of blood. "The earth aIm is defiled under the inhabitants thereof, because they have transgrc,<;sed the laws, chan~ed the ordinance, brokcn the
c\'erlasting covenant." (Isa. 24: 5) 'I'he inuug'uration
of the new covenant, therefo1'e, may properly he said
to be .. after those days", that is to say, after" eh ristendom" had hroken all of Jehovah'8 laws and commandments.
26 The nation of .Israel as a whole was under the
law covenant and bound by its terms. 'I'hat nation
broke tile co\'enant, and the covenant did not produce
a people for Jehovah's name for that reason. '1'h('1'e
were a few individnal IS1'aelites, however, who were
faithful to Ood and who accepted Christ Jesus at his
eoming. and who were trall,;fcrred froIn 1\1o-;('s to
Christ, and hence brought uuder the terms of the new
covenant. "Even so then at this present time also
there is a remnant according' to the election of gracp."
(Rom. 11: 5) .After the making of the new co\'cnant
all who made an unconditional consecration to do the
will of God, and who were accepted amI he~()tt('n by
the spirit of God came under the tl'rms of the new
covenaYlt, the purpose of which covenant was and is
to produce a people for Jehovah's name. ~ot all, by
any means, of such as came under the terms of the
new connant proved faithful, and hen('e they were
not selected as a people for the name of Jehovah. It
is only a remnant" ill the day of the Lord" who arc
found faithful. "The remnant shall rctum, eVl'n the
remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though
thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a rem
nant of them shall return: the consumption decrh'd
shall overflow with righteousness. "-!sa, 10: 21, 2:?
21 It is the remnant fOllnd faithful that participate
in the inauguration of the new covenallt nud toward
whom the new cuvenant is inaugurated. Such are
gathered unto Jehovah because th<>y have been faithful, and such are the ones made members of the "'cd
servant of Jehovah. "Behold my scrvant, whom I
uphold, mine clect, in whom my soul delightcth; I
bave put my spirit upon him j he shall uring 10rth

~ie WATCHT0\\lER.

M.\Y 1,1934

judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift

up, nor Call.'3e his voice to be heard in the street. A
bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking dax
shall he not quench; he shall bring forth judgment
unto truth. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till
he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall
wait for his law. Thus saith God the Lord, he that
created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that
spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of
it i he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and
spirit to them that walk therein; I the Lord have
called thee in righteousness, and will hold thinc hand,
and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the
people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind
eyes, to hring out the prisoners from the prison, and
them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
I am the Lord; that is my name: and my glory win
I not give to another, neither my praise to graven
images. "-Isa. 42: 1-8.
28 It is upon the faithful remnant or visible part
of the servant class that Jehovah confers the new
name. 1'he new covenant has produced these as a pe0ple for .Jehovah's name. To them the testimony of
the Lord Jesus Christ is committed, and because thereof and because they keep the commandments of Jehovah in delivering this testimony Satan attempts to
destroy them; as it is written: " And the dragon was
wroth with the woman, and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandmcnts of God, and have the tcstimony of Jesus
Chri!>t." (Rev. 12: 17) 'rhcir prescrvation now de
pcnds upon continued faithfulness unto Jchovah in
obcdicllec to the commandment. "'r'he Lord presc",cth nil them that 10\'0 him: but all the wickeu will he
destroy." (Ps. 14:;: 20) "Awl it shall come to p~
that cvery soul, wh ieh will not hcar that prophet, shall
be destroyed from among the people." (Acts 3: 23)
'I'hese g-atlll:t'l'd unto Jehovah must continue to sing
forth his praises.
(To b" continued)


,. L lIow does the psalmist express the heart condition of those

,vho arc in the new covenant and diligently proving their
faithfulne!l8 to God'
,. 2. How may we know to whom and when Jeremiah 31: 34
,. 3, 4. By whom and how are the children of Zion now taughtf
For what purpose'
,. 5. Apply tho statement, They shall all know me, from the
lenst of them unto the greatest of them."
,. 6. When and how is the promise fulfilled, I will forgive
their iniquity, and will remember their sin no more" On
what basis was this done, and for what purpose'
, 7. Prove that the new covenant applies to spiritual Israel
,. 8. Distinguish between the making of the new cOI'enant and
the inau~uration thereof. What is the primary purpose of
the new covenant, and how is that purpose ae('()mplislH't11
'IJ 9. Point out correspon<lencies which show that the lllukill~
and inuuguratlOn of the law covenant foreshadowed that
of the new co\"(~nunt.
,. 10,12. What docs Paul say in rc~llrd to the" bluod of thl'
testament" at the inauguratiun of the law covenant'
How is this presenteu in the record by 1108es T \\ihat "US
the purpose of the inaugural ceremonies at :-'lount Sinai'
How docs that prophetic picture hUI'e fultilment'
, 13. Account for Paul's reference to taking the blood of
cahcs anu goats' " the latter not mentioned in the Bxodus
, H. Apply Exodus 24: 6 and Moses' rcndiD~ the book of
the eo\'enant in the audience of the people '.
t 15, 16. Explain (a) :M(}sP~' takin~ the blood and sprillkhn~
both thc book and all the p.'ople', and (b) what was
therein fureshudo\\'cll.
'( 17, 18. Explain the s.vrnbolism of the water, the scarlet wool,
and the hyssop, uscd in the inllu~unltion of the law co\'e
nant. Point out the proof therein as to who aro receivcll
into thc new co\'cnant.
'( 19. Who uccoillpanil't! Moses into the mountain of Sinai, and
what was pictured therein f
, 20, 21. Apply the prophetic pieture described in the record
at Exodus 24: 10. Also that of \'erse II.
, 22:!4. How do the prophetic invitatiou and promise of ExoUUS 2,1: 12 have fulfilment'
, 25. What is the significance of the statement that the nel\"
covenant would ue made ., after those uays'"
'II 26. How couM Puul in his day make the st:~tcmpnt recorded
ut Romans 11: 5' What of its further application'
'II 27, 28. Who have part in the inauguration lind purpose of
the new coyenuntf \\'hy are they g'rante<l this pl"ll'tll'g'c'
How docs Jehomh in his prophetie record set forth ,llo
fact and the purpose of thpir commission, us WI'I! as the
lrJ.sis of their security and tho source of their confidence
and strength'


IlE only true and almighty God is JEHOVAH,

the Crcator of heaven and earth and of everything good therein. lIe is the fountainhead of
life, and no creature can obtain life everlasting sat'e
through God's appointed way. His name Jehot'tJlt
lllPans his almighty purpose cOllcerlling his creatures.
J [l\Vill~ pmposed to do cel'taill things, he will do them.
}'egardlcss of opposition. His people arc no longer
hnlOrant of his purpose. The accomplishment of his
purpose will prove to all intelligent creatures that the
llame of Jehovah stands for everything that is l'i~ht
I'OUS and that all who live must be in 111.'rmony with


For centurics the nnme of JehO\ah God has Iwcn

reproached, dishonored and maue infamous hy Satan,
his angels and his wicked sen'ants amongst men. Tile
practice of hypocrisy has becn one of the chief means
employed to make the name of Jehovah infamous.
Today the whole world lies under the dominntioll of
Satan, and that part of the wo1'ld which hl'nps upon
God's holy Ilame the g-reatest amount of infamy is
composed of the natiolls called "Chl'istl'ndom", or
"organized Christianity". For this rcason what God
is now requiring to be done on earth is connllt'd chiefly
to "Christendom". God has laid upon his eho:"cn and
auointed people the responsibility of doing' certain


F.fllc \VATCliT0WER.


N. Y.

work in the earth, and that which is specifically reThen Jehovah sent Jesus to the earth to mal;e a
quired ()f them he lws made plainly to appear.
name for .Jehovah and to redeem mankind. The chief
The ,:indication of his name is the paramount is.<;ue purpose of Jesu;.;' coming to earth, as stated by him,
before all intelligent creatures of the uniyerse. ~lore was to h('ar testimony to the truth concerning Jehovah.
than six thousand years ago God expresspd his pnr- (John 10: 36, 3i) The salvation of the human race
pose to produce n "seed" whom he would usc as the was and is secondary to that chief purpose. After
"indicator of hi::; name. In due time he sent Jesus his Jc.:>us had borne testimony as required the law covcheloyed Son to the carth to carry for,,"urd his pnr- nant carne to an end, and immediately God made a
pose and for Jesus to prove his qualifications to be new connant with Christ Jesus in behalf of all those
the vindicator of Jehovah's name. 'rho perfect m:m who should agree to do the will of God. That new
Je~nls must mal.e this proof under conditions of adcovenant was made on the day that Jesus died, the
vcrsity and surrerin~. The ~rcatest thill~ that .Je- memorial of which we celebrated March 28, 193-1.
hovah refluire(l of his beloved Son was that of f1l1[ 'fhe blood of Christ Jesus put the new covenant into
ohcdience while 1l1l(krg-oing" contradiction of sillllZ'l"J force awl \'fleet, and therefore all who have made a
and suf[ering- at tbe hands of Satan operatiug" throu~~:l consecration to do the will of God have been brought
n wicked and perWl'se g-ent'l'atioll of men. Jesus met uud('r the terms of that covenant.
the test and won, nnd, "bdng made perfect, he bee:mlC
The purpose of the new covcnant is not to save men
the author of eternal salvation unto all them that ohc.v llnd give them life, but to take out from amongst the
him." (lId>. 5: 9) Thus the divine rule is fixed that consecrated a people for Jehovah's name who shall
ohedienee is the chief thin~ required. of all who are be wholly devoted to God and who shall faithfully
to be associated with Christ Jesus ill his g-reat work. follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus by g'iviug- a
'Ve have beeu told in tillH'S past that God's chief true :lIld faithful witness. The law COyell.Illt made ill
purpo:>e is to save men and take them to heaven. That Egypt failed to hrin~ forth a people for Jehovah's
information giv<'n liS was wrollg-. JehO\'ah's primal',}' name, but the new covenant in its place ,1Ild stead has
l>Ul'lIOSC is the vindirntion of hi:> name; and. the salnlbrou~ht fort.h a people 'for Jehovah's namc. The law
tion of obedj.nt creatures by and through faith ill the co,'enant made in Bh'}'pt was inaugurated at ::Uount
shed blood of Chri:>t .Jesus is a secondary matter. Cn- Sinai. Tlw new covenant made on earth, antitypic'al
tH the namc of .1f'hondl Ood is vindicated no man of Egypt, where 'J('SUS died, is inaugurated at ~rount
the world C:1ll get life everl:l.'\ting. W itllin a short time Zion, meaning God's capital or!~anization. 'l'hat illnow God's name will he villdieatf'd at the battle of augumtion took place upon the coming' of Jrsus to
~\rmag'ed(lon, nIH] tlll'n the wuy of life will be 01~1l
the tl'm]lle for jud~ent, and those found faithful at
to the of earth; hut before that God requires that judgment were made members of the" faithful
that his pt'ople lIOW on the earth bear testimony con- and wise s(;rvant" class, and. toward these faithful
cerning' his name, his purpose, and his killgtlom, and. ones the new covenant is inau~urated. 'l'he unfaithful
the ones upon whom (:ot! has laid this ohlig'ntion who nnd lawless ones arc gatheretl out and cast into darkfail 01' l'efusc to
wliolly obedient th.'reto shall die ness.
without any hope of resurreetioll, Lawlessness or dis.At the illallg'uration of the law covenant JehO\"ah
obedience will DO 1011 gel' be tol(rated.
told :;\Ioscs oi his purpose to raise up a gn'at Prophet
In order to magnify in the minUs of creatures the of whom }Ioses was mer<,ly a type. For years ther(~
importance of his purpose and to make pieturcs fore- after }losrs led the Israelites through the wiltlel'lle"s,
shadowing the outcome th0reof .Jehovah re\'l'aled him- and then Jod halted that people uJlon the plains of
~;clf by his name to Moses and then Rent )roses into
}Ioab and there Jlo,;cs dis('!o:>cd to the braelites the
Dgypt to make for Him a name and. to deliver God's fact of the future coming' of the g-reat Prophet of Jc
chosen p<,ople. Moses was 11 type of Christ Jesus, llnd hovah, whi<:h great Prophet is Christ J(sus. On the
what Moses did foreshadowed what .Jesus must do on plains of ~Ioab God made a covenant with Jloses uno!
a far greater scale. In Egypt God made a COVCliU n t ,....itlt the Israelites and that is properly called the ('o""nallt
Moses as mediator for lIis chosen people the Israelites, of faithfulness, because faithfulness to (iotl was the
the primary purpose of which covenant was the sclC'C- chief requirement specified therein. 'I'hat cow'nant \\"<J<:
tion of a people who should serve God's holy name a t,ype prophetically foretellill~ tl:e cOYell:lIlt that (:O(!
to the vindication tl1l'reof. That law co....enant was would make with Christ Jest!'> for the kill~'dom of tile
il1l.1u~urat('d at 1l0lUlt Sinai, wlll're God saiJ to the
world. Into that ('ovenant for the kill!;,lonl .Ic,m'i
Israelites: "If ye will obey my voice .. ye shu Il l>e Christ as .Jchoyu.h's great JIigh Plil'st illvit(u llis
unto me a kingtlt>In of priests, and an holy nation." faithful f01l0wers to join with him.-Luke ~~: ~S, :!~.
(Ex. 19: 5, 6) The nation of Israel failed to produce
Some of you have for years been the followers of
a people for Jehovah's name; and 'in that they fore- Christ JeslL';, In times past you looked to men a<:
shadowed that "Christendom" would fail and that your teachers, hut now you discern Jehovah and Chri"t
there would come out from" Christendom" a class uf Jesus as your teachers, who nre no 1011~er pU~;]l('d into
men who would be known as God's remnlll1t. tlnd \";bo a corner, but who now diselose to you the fnliilmcnt
would eonstitute a people for Jehovah's name.
of the prophecies, spreading a feast of truth for all


MAY 1, 1934


the faithful, and this in the presence of God's enemi('s.

Now you are plainly taught by the Lord that in 1914
the kingdom was born and shortly thereafter Satan
was cast out of heaven, and that straightway Christ
Jesus, the Greater Moses, came to the temple of Jehovah and began the judgment of those who had
agreed to do the will of God. At that judgment the
Lord did a cleansing work, that the cleansed ones
might offer unto Jehovah sacrifices of praise am}
thanksgiving in righteousness. Those who were found
faithful and appro\'ed, and those who have since continued to be faithful, have had their eyes of understanding opened amI hl\\'e received a forl.'gleam of the
glory of Jehovah God and his kingdom and have
learned that the kingdom will bring the vindication
of Jehovah's name, and this to be followed by great
blessings to the pmples of the world.
At the time of temple judgment the new covenant
is inaugurated toward those who arc faithful to thcir
covenant of sact'ifice. Such faithful ones are then
brought into the covellant for the kingdom. Arc those
faithful OliOS thus taken into the killgdom covenant
the're for the met'e pUl'pose of getting them into heavcn 1 No, that is not the primary llllI'pose; but if thl'Y
meet the requirements now laid upon thl'm they will
reach heaven; but they must first meet that whieh is
now required of them. 'l'hese faithful ones arc designated as the remnant of .Jehovah or the people t:lk('n
out for his name, and th('y must now do a speeific
work in conjunction with the vindication of Jehovah's
name. 'J'o that faithful company the following scripture spedfically applies, to wit: "But you arc a chosen
race, a royal pril'st hood, a holy nation, a people {or
a purpose; that you Jllay declare the perfections of
him who called you from darklH'SS into his wonderful
light; who once \\'('\'e not a people, hut now arc God's
people; who lwd not ohtaiunl met'ey, Lut now have
obtained mercy.' '-I Pet. 2: 9, 10, Villg.
Now Christ Jesus has come to the temple. Those
gathCl'ed unto him to the temple', and taken into the
covenant for the l<ingdom, must render full and completc obedience unto Christ Jesus, the Greater MosI'S,
because God has takcn them out of the world llnd
gathered them to himself for that vcry purpose, and
they must ohey the commandments given to them by
Christ Jesus. Concernill~ thai'll.' in the kingdom covenant this scriptu\'e now applies, to wit: "And it shall
come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that
prophet, shall be destt'Oyed from among the people."
(Acts 3:23) What God said to the Israelites at the
making eJf the covenant in Moab now applies with
greater force to those taken into the kingdom covenant
today, which latter covenant is the covenant that
affords opportunity for those ill it to prove their faithfulness to God under the most adverse conditions. To
those in the covenant Jehovah now says: "Sre, 1
have set before thee this day life and good, and death
and evil; in that 1 command thee this day to love the
Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his


commandments." (Deut. 30: 15, 16) 'I'hose at the

tcmple and in the covenant are to receive the crown
of life provided they are now faithful unto death. Sec,
therefore, the great crisis has come.
Jehovah God has one capital organization, over
which he has placed Christ .Jesus, and everyone who
is of that organization must be obedient to the instructions coming from the Lord to his organization. They
must not 'do every man whatsoever is right in his
own sight' (Deut. 12: 8), but they must carry forward
the work of God and his organization in his appointed
way. All those who insist on taking a contrary course
arc lawless, and their fate is plainly marked out in
Jehovah's judgments, The Lord requires his people
to be separate from the world and to refuse to compromise with any part of Satan's organization. With
them there is no alternative: they must 'obey God,
and not men'. Ther must be holy even as God is
holy; which means that they must be wholly and unreservedly devoted to Jehovah and his organization
if they would be his people and obtain his final reward. (2 Cor. 6: 16-18; Acts 5: 2!J) 'l'hese faith ful
ones cannot ask help from the wol'ld, but it is their
privilege and duty to demand that the rulers of this
wOl'ld cease interfering with their service to Almi~l:ty
God. And whether the rulers cease to intel'fere or not
they are to go straight forward in giving the testiulOny to Jehovah's name.
As Jehovah has placed his name upon Christ Jesus,
his Chief Executive Officel', he has also gh'l.'n a new
name to those whom he has brought into the temple
and taken into the covenant for the kingdom. Thi;;
is the greatest honor that W:IS ever given or ever will
he given to creatures, and con('crning this it is written: "1 am the Lord; that is my name: and my glory
will I not give to another, neither m,}' praise to gl'UV('n
images. "-Isa. 42: 8.
Notice and warning of the battle of the great day of
God Almighty, which is now impending and immediately about to fall, must be given, aud for this purpose Jehovah says to you: "Ye arc my \\'itn('sse~,"
Has Jehovah for centuries carried forward his purpose as set forth in his Word merely to save the church
and take the members thereof to heavcn, there to participate in ruling and blessing the world dUl'in~ tile
mill.'nnial reign of Christ? lUo'>t cl'l'tainly not. Salvation of man comes by fait h in the she<J hlooJ of
Christ Jesus, and in no other way. The co\'(:uants
God has made with creatures are not for the pUI'pose
of sa\'ing men and giving them life, but for the pur
pose of {Jroviding a people for himself to be specifically used at the great crisis, which is now at hand.
Before his wrath falls upon Satan's organization Jeho\-ah will have the nations of the world told that he
is the only true and almig-hty God and that he can
put men on earth who will maintain their intcg-rity
toward him under severe tests; that the time for his
kingdom has come, and that he has placed Chri;,t .'esus at the head of his organization and made him the


r.n1e \Vf\.TCliT0\vER

Commander and Leader of all who love ri~htcousncss;

that with his kingdum he will vindieate his name; and
that the kil1~dom under ellrist is the hope of the
world, and all must obey his orders or die. Therefore
the commandmcllt is ~i\'ell: "This gospel of the l,illgdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness
unto al~ )lations; ~~lld then shall the end come." (:IIatt.
2-1: 14) This proves that the great trihulation will fall
suddenly upon the world immediately following the
completion of the delivery of this testimony.
Jehovah would have no purpose i.n taking out a
people for his n:lme unless he ".-auld use them to testi.
fy concerning his name. 'l'hose whom he has taken
out lll~ has broug-ht to unity in Chl'i:,t; thereforc all
of the-se who receive his final approval and enter fully
into the kin~dom, must dwell and work to~ether in
peace and in unity. Anyone in the covenant for the
kingdom who shall now become a complainer, faultfimler, opposer or fearful of the enemy and rduse
to joyfully ~o forward, shall certainly fall and bo
consumed. (.Jude H-18) '1'0 be worthy of the name
which Jehovah has gin'n his anointed people they
must he found at cornplete peace and unity, fi~htin~
shoulder to shouldt'r for the faith of the gospel and
never for onc moment manifestill~ fear of man 01'
devil. Your fCHI'!l:ssm'ss and faithful devotion to duty
will nstounc1 thc enemies lind strike terror into thcir
hearts, You will he reproached, opposed, persecuted,
and afflicted while doing this work, hut such is the
grcat pri\'ilr~(' ~i\'en hy the Lord God to those whom
he has honored with his name,-Phil. 1: 27-2!), Well7uottlh. the anointed witnesses of Jehovah now have in
mind what nod rcquil'pd of ::\Iosrs and Aaron in E~ypt
before he hrou~ht destruction upon that world power.
As .Aaron was the mouthpiece of ::\Ioses, even so 110W
you arc the visible reprcspntatiVl's of Christ on ('a11h
to carry out his commandments, alld everyone who
hears his voice must and will testify to the truth.
Cod directed :\I08('s to call down upon Eg-ypt ten
plagues, thrreby prophetiC'ally foretcllin~ that Christ
Jesus would call down upon Satan's organization ten
l)la~ues, nine of which would be in the nature of notices and warrin~s. Those plagues must have an antitypical fulfilment j and nine of them have been called
down upon the world and arc now in course of fulfilment or have been fulfilled, The antitypical fulfilment of these plagues began after the comin~ of the
Lord to the temple, and you have had a part therein.
Those plagues upon I~~ypt l'onstituted notice and
warning to the rulers that the execution of God's
vengeance was ncar at hand anti ,,ould be executc-d
against Egypt ulliess that power yielded and obeyed
God. The antitypical fulfilment is notice and warning
to the visible rulers of the world, as well as to the invisible, that the day of God'8 vengeance is at hand
and will be fully executed against all who oppose
his purpose. The rulers of Egypt refused to hear and
obey God's warning, and his goodness in sending such


K Y.

notice and warning onl~r served to harden Pharaoh's

heart. Likewise notice and warning in fulfilment of
nine of these plagues have now been given to "Chr:stcndom", and her rulers have refused to hear alH}
ohey God and have continued to oppose his purpos.:.
God's goodness in giving them such notice anu warning by and through his witnesses has only servel1 to
harden their hearts and cause them to identify thelllseh'es as the enemies of God and his organization.
The ninth plague upon l~gypt was that of gn'at
darkness upon all except Cod's chosen people. The
ninth plague upon the world antitypically fulfilled
is accompanied with great darkness upon all the ruling powers, and e~pecially upon the clel'g-y, These are
among the leaders of the wodd, and henrc of the
firsthorn, or chief ones, of the world. Instead of profiting hy the goodness of the Lord in sending' tlwm
notice and warning, these firstborn ones have becollle
hitter a~ainst Jehovah and his people and continne
to exereise all their power and efforts to stop the gi\'.
ing of the testimony of truth. 'rhey eontinl1c to cause
the anest and imprisonment of many, and the death
of some, of Jehovah's witnes:>es. In e\'ery part of
"Christendom" Jehovah's witnesses are truly hateu
by the clergy und their close allies. As Pharaoh denounced ~los('S and Aal'on, so llOW these mig-hty men
of "Christendom" say to Jehovah's witne~~ws: 'Be
gone; we will see you no more j for in the day :rou
bother us furtht'r ~ou and ~our works shall tlie.'
With calmness and (li~nity, and with full confidence
in Jehovah and his King, you M his witm'sses now
withdraw and you will cease further efforts to 1'1llighten the visible rulers of the world, JdlO\ah Cod
has set tht <;tage for the vindiration of his name, and
he will soon give a full expression of his vengeance by
the comp1cte destruction of Satan's organization, including the firstborn uf the wodd.
Just preceding the execution of the tenth pIng-lie
Jehovah caused his own people to be instrueted. Even
so now, just before the untitypical execution of the
tenth plague, the Lord has taken his people into hi':!
secret pLlce, which is a place of darkness to all on t hl:
outsic1e, but of brilliant lig'ht to those inside. 'rlwre
in the secret place the Lord fully im:truets his people
and gives tlwm an understanding of Ilis pUl'po:-,e, and
then sends them forth to dccla l'l' from thn houset1Ip:,;
his message concemillg' the execution of hi:-; }lurPOSl',
(Matt. 10: 27.33) This messnge now to be (leli \'crl'll
is notice and wnrning to the pcople of good will informing them of the impending destruetio/l of this
wicked world, and of the full c~tablishm('llt of God's
kin1!,lnm, You who ha';~ been tnkpn out, made ~('p.
arate from the workl as a people for Jehovah's name,
must now (lelin~r Goll's me<;S:1g-e to the prople. This
ohligation is not merely Jiscretionary, 1mt is mandatory, bccnuse to ~'ou has b2~m committed the te~timollY
of .Jesus Chrbt.-Hev. 12: 17.
The time has come for the dividing of the people.
The great antit)'pical :,lose8, Christ Jesus, sits ill jUl:~-


1, 193,1

f.f11e \Af.,\TCHT0WER

ment, and now the people must hear the truth, in

order that those who desire may, at the destruction
of Satan's world, esrape by now taking their stand on
the side of God and recei\ing his favor.
The giving of this testimony will be attended by
much opposition because ~at:m 's representatives 011
earth, the Catholic clergy and their allies, 11<1\'e mnrdel' in their hearts; but to hi~ faithful witnesses tile
Lord now SU)'s: "Fear not them whieh kill the hody,
but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him
which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
(Matt. 10: 28) l\Iemorial week Jehovah 's witn(~~s
l){'gan a forward mOVl'ment throughout "Christendom" in bearing testimony to the name of .Jehovah
and pointing the people to his kingdom as their only
hope. How lon~ this work must continue we don't
IOlow; but, wlwther for a few days or many days, we
know that it will be done according to the will of God.
Today Jehovah has set before his anointed ones
life and death, and those who live must obey, (Dcut.
30: If)) If any now, bec-allse of fear or for any other
reason, fail or refuse to obey the commandments in
givill~ testimony to his name, such failure or refusal
will constitute a denial of the Lord; and eOlJeel'lIin~
this Jesus suys: "Whosoevl'r tlu'refore shall conf(':;...;
me heforc men, him will I ("onfl'SS also before my
Father whil'h is in heaven. But whosoever shall ueny
me before men, him will I also u,"lIy before my Fath('r
wllich is in heaven. "-~latt. 10: 32, 33.
When JdlO\'ah made the covenant of faithfulness
with his pl'Ople in Moab, which covenant foreshadowl'd
the kingdom covenant into whi('h )'OU have now been
hrought, he inst ruct('d them that they would be attacked by their l'ncmics but they must obey and carry
Ollt his Oluer's. .As he there said to his people, so e\'en
IlOW he says to his anointed: "Y e appl'oarh this <.lay
unto hattie a~aillst your encmil's; let not ~'our !U'U1'ts
[be] faint; fear not, and do not tremble, Ileither he
)'0 terrified because of them. For the Lord your God
is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your
enemies, to save you."-Deut. 20: 3, 4.
.Armed in the holy cause of righteousness, and under the leadership of Jehovah's great Field :\Iarshal,
Christ Jesus, yJU have 110 cause to fear, because you
cannot fail if ~'ou olx-y his commandments. As Jehovah's anointed witnesses you are the people of .ksh.
urun, whieh means God's righteous ones. As .Jehovah said to his assembled people on the plains of ~Ioab,
so now he says to :rou: "As thy days, so shall thy
stt'ength be. There is llone like unto th(! GoLl of
Jeshurun, who ri.leth upon the hruven in thy help,
and in his excellency on the sky. The eternal God is
thJ' I'efu~c, and underneath are the everlasting arms:
and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee;
and shall say, Destroy them. "-Deut. 33: 25-27,
Satan's organization, including the Roman Catholic
hierarchy, is now desperately fighting a~ainst Lhe
truth, but the entire organization soon will go down


to complete and everla'ifing defeat. Do not be at all

because of such opposition. Jehovah has
set the stage of battle. It is not your fight, but the
Lord's; and he knows no defeat. (2 Chron, 20: 15)
Men will not and can not destroy Satan's organization, but the 1;o1'd \ViI] completely wreck it at .\rmageddon. The only part you as Jehovah's witnesses
ha \'e in connection with that conflict is to sing the
praises of Jehovah, making Imown his juJ~ments.
(Ps. 149: 5-9) Thrrefore be kind, firm, brave aIH! bold
in declaring the message of the kingdom. All in Ow
I_ingdom CO\'enant who maintain their integrity und
remain faithful will be fully instructed by the LorJ
and will not fear, because conceming them it is written: "All thy children shall be t aught of the Lord; Hnu
great shall be the peace of thy children. No weapon
that is formed against thee shall prosper; and e\'ery
tongue that shall rise against thee in jud~rrH'nt
thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord; and their righteousness is of me,
saith the Lord." (Isa. 54: 13, 17) Those now in God's
ol'ganization who become unfaithful and rehcllioWI
shall die, hut the faithful will be car'l'ied through to
"iefory by and throu~h Christ JrslIs.
The people of all lIations arc now in I!l'cat distress
and perplexity. They see that the remedies proposed
hy the great religious, fillHncial anJ politieal leaden;
of the world arc complete failures. Now it is the privilege and duty of Jehovah's witne,,<;es under commandment from the Lord to point the people to nod's
King and kin~dom llS the only remedy for su/Terillg
humanity ~llld to say to them: "J n his name shall the
nations hope."
Nineteen centuries ago God Sl'nt a company of
an~els from hcu\'en to Ullllounce the hil,th of his beloved
HOII, and those hea\'enly nH'sscngeI'S lIl1noull<'ed that
the day would come when through Christ ,h'su<; 1hl'l'e
should be peace on earth and good will toward mell.
That great prophecy is lIOW beill~ fulfilled. .Jehovah
has sent Jesus to take char/.{c of thl' affail's of the
world, and by and through his kiri~UOJO he will bl'ilJg
to the pC'Jjlks of earth t'\'erlastin~ peace, pl'ospdit.r,
happiness and lift~ to all who ohey him,
It is now a time of ul1spcalmble joy to those who
know Jehovah's purpose and who have the privilt'ge
of making thest' truths known to others, The obligation of deli\'cring' this test im0l1 y is laid upon <lod's
anointed, and they must deliver the n\('S,~Hge; anu it
is their privilege to invite the Jonadab elass to join
them in delivering the message, because they arc people of good will toward Jehovah.
Let us all now obey Jehovah's eommaudllll'nts and
lift high his standard, that the people may ~ee the
right way to go. Upon the shouidel's of Jehovah's
King, Christ Jesus, the new government of the world
shall rest, and every creature that renders obedience
to that mighty, wise and faitllful Ruler shall live for
ever to the praise and vindication of Jehovah's holy


OR mnny years .Jehovnh's witnesses in Germany,

unitedly working uuder the W ATCII TO\nm

BIBLE & TRAc'r SOCIETY, have engaged in bearing testimony to the name and king'(lom of Jehovah God. During the past year the German government without cause or cxcu,;e hilS wrongfully s<'izrd,
confiscated and de:-.troyed the Bibles, song books,
furniture and other property of these faithful Christilins, prohibited them to meet tOg'ether and worship
God nccordin~ to His commandments, and has crurlJy
persecuted and imprisoned many of t hl'm, and, like
Pharaoh of old, that g'owrnmcllt has wiekcdly opposed
Jehovah and defamed his name.

'rhcrefore, We their brethren as followers of Christ

Jesus do eamestly and vigorously protest against such
unwarranted treatment of Christians by the German
ruling power, and we l'all upon all true Christians and
fair-minded people throug-hout the earth to join in
this \'igorous protest and dpmand that Jehovah '8 witnesses, without let or hindrance on the part of the
German govel'llment or others, shall be permitted to
go on in their worship and service of Jehovah God
in the manuel' which he has commnnded, and we register our protest by declaring against Satan and nIl
such oppression and by taking' our stand on the side
of Jehovah and his kingdom and his people.

GOOD HOPES FOR 1934 -1935

IlE work of the Watch '1'ower Bible & Tl'lIct.

SO('iety is the preaching of the gospcl of JdlOvah's kingdom. Every consecl'ated child of
God is privileged to participate in this wOlk Since
the organization of the Society the work during Ihe
year has nlwnys been outlinl'd in proportion as the
Lord provided the money through his eotlseerated
children. 'Ye continue to follow that example, as appropriate in the church.
Each one who has been (~nlightened by the truth
appreciates the fart that tltis blessing camc to him as
a ~racious ~irt; and as he has a zeal for the Lord he
apprcriates his Ill'ivilcges of using' time, encrgy, and
moncy in Il'lIing the mC'ssage to othc~rs. Some who are
doing as lllll<'h housc-to-house witness work as thdr
conditions allow arc also blessed with some money
which they desirc to lise in the Lord's serviee, to the
end that hungry souls which they cannot pcrsonally
reach might be fed upon the precious kingdom-gospel.
The custom of setting asi!le each week so much to be
used in the Lord's service has always pro\'(~d beneficial to the giver. A notice to the Society that you
hope to gi\'e so much, ('nablPs us to outline the wOl'k,
based upon what is expectrd.
Upon receipt of this issue of 'Phe Watchtower
kin<1ly write two cards, exa!tly al ike. One of these
put aside for ;your own record of what yOll have prom-

ised; the other send to us. Or, if you prefer, put it

in the form of a letter, keeping' a copy of the letter
for your own convenience. We suggest that it he brief
and that nothing be written except the following:
By the Lord's grace I hopc to he able to givc to his work
for spreading the gospel during- thc ensuing year thc amount
of $

I will rcmit in such amouuts llnd at

such tim(>s liS I can find com'ement, according liS the Lord
prospcrs me. (Signcd) __.
.. ._..__.....

Kindly address this card to the


13m!.!': & TnACT


Financial Department,
117 Adams St., BrooldYll, N. Y.
Brethren residing outside of the United States
should write t heir respective oftiees in the counl rips
where tltey reside, and remit their "Good Hopes" to
such oflice'l.
Of our own selves we can do nothIng, hut we Dre
assured that the prayers of the righteous avail much.
lIenee we ask the brethren to presmt us daily before
the throne of heavenly grace, that we may be given
wisdom and grace to usc the money to the bc:--t advantage in spreading the gospel to the Lord's glory
and to <10 the work entrusted to us.


N 1\[A Y of eDch year the compunies of .Jeho\'ah's

witnesses in the United States have been asl,ed
to renew their requests for service leaders for
the ensuing )ear.
The Society scnds out representatives who, as regional servire <1irectors, serve all companies and sharpshooters that are organized for servire, at least once a
year. In addition to this, un effort is being made to
extend the kingdom testimony by means of portahll'

truns!'ription machines in sections of the country

where radio reception is poor heca use of the inabi Ii ty
of the people to own or maintain radios. A few
brethren are sent into those sections to eonduet puhlic
meetings of this nature and to assist those intel'cstccl
in the truth to more effectivdy study the purposes of
Jelto\'ah and have some part in his service.
All being members of one body, anointed to sene
the I..lord in unit~, it is the desire of tlte Society to

s:nie WATCHT0"\VER

MAY 1, 1\)34

keep in touch with every company. To this end we

request that the secretary bring this matter to the attention of the company immediately, and furnish us
with the following information, answering all qU{'Stions, if possihle, and send the answers to the seryiee
department at Brooklyn. Isolated brethren and sharpshooters arc requested to do likewise.
Mark each answer to cOrJ'espond with the letter
shown before each question below. Write plainly, antI
give street address where possible, as telegrams cannot
be delivered to a post office box.
(a) State the number in your cOlllpany who aro in harmony
with tho Society and the work it is doin~.
(b) Are those interested in the kingdom work organized for
field service 1
(0) Average number of fieW workerll repOltillg monthly.


(d) If not organized for sen'ice, would you like to have the :t~
sistanee of a re;;iollal ~f'rvice director to help ;"OU organi::L I
(e) .\.re weekly meetings held'
(f) At what hour~ are Sunday meetings held "
(g) Are conditions such that your company can entertain a
llCrvice leauet or regional sen'ice director1
(h) Is your territory covered by radio stations carrying Brother
J:utlierfUl t1 's lectures?
(I) Does your company own a portable transcription machine'
(j) If not, is there II porlahle transail'tion machine in your
division that vou can usei Give details.
(k) no you requi;e the assistance of a brother with a portable
transcription machine1 State how Ulany fUeetings Y'Jl1 wlf-II
llUt on, and give other information regardinl; this work.
(I) Give full name and street addr('~s of the comrul1Y secretary.
(01) Give nume and address of another to whom we coutu senu
(n) Ghe the nUllle of your railwaj' station.
(0) If in tile country, state dl~tance from station antI if the
brother will be met.

(ConHnWfl fr01ll page 144)

WMHO Ru 6:30pm
Ha 2 : Ii) pill
Hing'mtonWNBF ~ll 7 :t)l)pm
Drooklvn Wfinn Hu 10: l::i:llll
Su 6:30pm
.Mo 10::II):lIU
Tu 10::;Oam
Tu 6::lOpm
We G::lOpnJ
We 10 :30um
Th 10:30am
Th 6:JOplll
l'r 10:30am
}'r 6:30p/ll
WGn Su 10 :00:1IU
Buffalo WKBW We 10 :OOllm
}'rreport WGllB Su 9 :OOarn
Tu 7:00pm
Th 7:001'111
Hudson ,P. WGLO Su 10 :4511Ln
Jamestown WOOL Su 7 :OOPIJ1
New York WMOA Hu 10:4::i:lIn
SarllnaeL. W~llZ Su 10: 1511m
'l'u 4:15pm
Th 4:]iipru
SyTllcuse WS YR Su 10 :::Ollm
'I' upper 1.. WHDL Bu 10: ...Jam
Th lO:\)Ollru
Who PI'lllI W1"AS Bu 6:00pm
Mo 1: OOpm
Sa 9: aOam

Asheville WWNC 'fh 5 :30pm
WIlT Su 10 ::lOam
(}rpf'n~boro WHIG 8u !):4,;lllll
WPTF Su 9 :45am
WDAY Su It):OOllm
G '<1 Forks K}',iJ',I Su 5 :OOprn
We 5:00pm
Fr 5:00pm
Cleveland mIK Su
'I'll 3:15pm
Cleveland W,lAY Su
Columbus \vAIU Su
Columbus Wll~S Su
Mo 2:00pm
\V8:'1fK Su
Mt.Orab WHED Su
We 4:30pm


1 :4i'lpm
9 :45alll
10 :OOUIll

2 :OOpm
1: 30rm

Youngst'nWKBN Su 10:0Oam
We 4 :OOpnl
Zanesville WALRl:lul0:00am
We 4:1;;1.10

Watertown KGCH Su 9:1;'llm

:Fr 8 :4Jpm
We 8 :45pm

Elk City
KAS.\. Su 1 :ljpm
Okl'aCity KOl\fAl'iu' 1:4:i"m
Ponca City WllllZ l:lu 10 :Ollam
We 9:00pm
Shawnee KG:FP Mo 8 :451,m
We 8:4:iprn
}'r 8:4:ipm


WOPI Wo G:4i)pm
Sa (j : 4;j pm
eha 'noogu WDUD Hu 1: (JOpm
'fh 8:00am
WTJS Hu 1 ::lOplll
Wo 5:00pm
Knoxville \\'HOLSu 7:00pm

Klamath I". l(FJI Mo 8: 15pm
l\Iarshfif'ld KOOI::I ~lo 1 ::WI'IU
Medford KNED Su 10:00am
'1'11 4:00pm




WLEW Su 10 :45310
WIBU Su 1: 151'IU
Johnstown W.lAC Hu 4: :IOI,m
KQV SU 10 :JO'olm
We 1:45pm
Pr 1:4jpm
Pittsb'I'h W\vSW We 5 :15pm
Heading WEEUSu 3:45pm
\Ve 3 :43/,m
Wash'ton WNllO Su 9 :45am
W'llIsl.l0rt \VRAK Su 9:]5pm
Th 7:15pm
WORK Su 3:00pm
KZEG Su 7 :OOpm
Th 7:00pm
Charleston WOSC Su 1 :Ollr.m
We 7:00pm
Fr 7:00pm
WIS Su 1: 15pm
Fr 6:45pm
Greenville WFBO Su 9:30am
Spart'b'g \vSPA Su 6:30pm
KGFX Su 1 OOrm
'fu 4 :OOpm
Th 4 (JOpm
Sioux 1"'1s KSOO Ru](J OOam
Th 430pm



WHEC Su l):JOam

Amarillo KGRS Au 9:00am
KXOW Hu 10:00am
lk':lullIont KFDlI Su !0:00am
Tu 7 :4~prn
K8RB Su 2 :aoprn
We 4:15pm
Fr 4:].Jpm
OorpusChr. KGFI Su 9:fI()am
We ti:45plll
Fr (j:4.Jpm
KRLD Su 5:4.Jpm
K:FPL 'fh 8 :OOpm
1'r 10:00alll
EI Paso
KTSlI Su 1: ]5pm
Ft.W'orth KTATMo 5:]5pm
Wo 5:15pm
]:'r 5:1;;['10
Galvcl'ton KLVF Su ]0 :]::i.UJI
We 2 :l:i1'1O

KPRC Su ](J: OOam
WREX Hu 1 :3')IJlU
We 1 :30pm
1"r 1 :30i"lJ
S. Angelo KGKL So ] :4Jpm
Til 8:'1~:uu
R. Antonio KTSA Su 10:43um
Wlchita F. KGKO Su 12 :3Ppll1
Til 8:45pm
KLOSu 3:15pm
\Ve 5:00pm
SaltL. City KSLSull:1"a1ll


WSYll Su IO:OOnm
Th 5:30Vfll

r,h 'Iottl'sv. WElle Su 10 :.J.Jarn
Dun\'ille WBT~[ Su 0: l;;plll
L)'Mhb'g WLV,\ H,112:I;;I'Jr1
W'I'AH Hu ]:l:::III'1II
l'eterllb 'g WPIlH Hu Ii :4::ipill
We IfJ:OO:Ul1
HichlllOnd WHVA Hlll:l:1::iprn


WDllJ Hu 12 :::OPIII
\Vo 5 :OOpm

Aher.lccn KXHO Su 1: 11>(J1lI
Bell 'ham KVO::; Su 10 :OO:ULI
Th 5:;;0I'"l
KJU Hu lO:OOano
KVL :'110 6: \::iJlIII
'I'u li:.J,jpm
We 6: l::il'fll
1'h (j :'!3pLU
Fr Ii :45(1111
Sa Ii :4':;[>111
KFIO I-Iu 9:] jam
We 7 :45am
Fr 7 :4:JauJ
KG A Hu 4: I) I) l' III
KMO SII HI: :\11:110
We 4:30pm
l"r 4:::Crlll
KYI Su 2:::o!'1lI
Walla Walla KUJ Ru 7: 4:>,,/11
flu 1:3llplll
Wenatchee KPQ i-=u 1 :IIIJI'lll
\\'0 7:l\il:II<J


KI1' Su 10:0llalll
Th 7 :OOalll

\VHlI::IHu '9:IlOal'1
Fr 8:(11):11'1
Cha'ston \vOBU Su 4: 01l plll
llunt'ton 'Y8AZTh 4:(11 1,'111
Wheeling \'{WVA Su ] I) : II, 1.1 f1I
La Crosse 'YKBn i"iu 1 :,Oll"ttl
\VIR\. 8u IO :{)'Jiull



Th 8:4Jalll

r.fhe. WATCliT0\VER.
The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and ocher stations at time shown.
LCurrent local time is shown
in each instance.]
2-AY Tu 8:45pm
Broken Hill 2-XL Su II :45pm
2-GN Bu 7 :30l'm
2-0F Tu 1 :30pm
Gunnedab 2MO Bu 7 :05pm
2-XN We 7:15pm
New Castle 2-11D Su 9:30am
Su 7:15pm
We 6:45pm
2-UE Su 9:I:jam
W'gaW'ga2-WGWe 9:30am
We 7:45pm
4-BC Su 10:15am
4MK :-;u 11 : (}()l\m
Towns"il1e 4-TO We 8 :OOpm
Launecston 7LA Fr IO:15pm
3BA Bu 12:45pm
3-BO'ru 8:00pm
3-11A Bu 6:45pm
3-11S Su 1 :OOpm
:Melhourne 3AW Su 12:151'1U
3}IA Su 1 :1;;pm
3TR Su 6:30pm
Swan lIm 3f:Hl Su 1 ~15pm
Wangaratta 3WI~ Su 8:15pU1
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 :40pm
aalL Su 1 :OOpm
Hainaut BONNE Sa. 5:30pm
CFCN Su 5:45pm

CJCB Su 9 :OOpm

Hamilton CKOC Su lO:30am
Bu 1:30pm
Su 8:15pm
Shanghai XMHA Su 9 :45am
CMK Su 1l:30nm
also Spanish Su . 9 :OOpm
Santa Cl'n CMIlI Su 12: 1511m
RADIO Su 3:30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN
Beziers RADIO Th 8 :OOpm
(220.1 m) BEZIER8
Bordeaux RADIO .\10 7: t5pm
(237 m) SUDOUEST

Fecamp RA.DIO~OR
(223 m) MAXDIE
English Bu 4:00pm
French Tu 8:00pm
Paris RADIOLL}'r 8:15pm
(370 m)
PariM HADIOSu12:00nn
(312.8 m) VITUS
Til 7 :30pm
Sa 7 :30pm
Toulouse RADIO We 7:15pm
(385.1 m) TOULOUSE


Spanish Th 10:00pm

Birm 'ham WAPI Au 9 :45am
Birm 'ham WBRe Su 10:(){Jam
We 4:30pm
M 'tgllmeryWSFABu 3 :45pm
Musdc S. W'NRA Su 6:00pm
We 8:00pm Fr 8:00pm
AnchorageKF(,!D We 9:30pm
Ketcllik:m KG BU ~[o 1 :15pm
Th 7:15pm
Sa 7:15pm
We 4:00pm Fr
We 5:15pm Sa
Spanish Th
Prescott KP.n.l Su
We 5:15pm Fr
We 5:45pm
Spanish Su


Fay'ville KUOA Su 12 :45pm
We 11 :4~mlll
Fr 4:aOpm
Hot Sp '~s K'fnS Su 3: 30pm
Little n'k KAln<: Bu 9:00all1
Little R'k KGHI Su 7:00l'lU
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
Little U'k KLRA Su 10 :3lJam
Pamgould KfiTM Su 10:00am
\Ve 11:30am
Texarkana KCMC Su 6:45pm
1 Centro
KXO Su 10:00am
KIE:\[ Su 10:30am
K:\1.1 Su 3 :43pm
Hollywoou KXX flu 9:15pm
Long B'ch KGEU Su 10:45am
Los Angeles KTM. Su 8 :3llam
Su 8:00pm
1'h 8:001'10
KLS Bu 11 : 13all1
We 2:43pm Fr :!:47lpm
Oakland KROW Su 10:15am
Bu 6:15pm ~[o 7:45pm
We 8:15pm
Sa'mento KFBK Su 9 :3fi am
San Diego XEBC Su 11 :45am
We 7:45pm
S.F'cisco KTABSu 9:30am
Sa 8:3t>um
Stockton KGD11 8u 9 :3"am
We 1:15am Fr 1:15rm

Col'o Spr. KVOR Bu 10:30am
We 5:30pm Sa 4:3(Jpm
KFELSIl 7:0ill'm
GrandJ'n KFXJSu 1:15pm
Greeley KFKA ~10 7:1.jI,m
KIDWSu 7:15pm
We 2:40pm }'r 2:40pm
KGEK Su 12 :4.ipm
We12:45pm FrI2:4.:ipm
Bridgeport WICe:.; Bu 10:00am
Wilm'ton WDEL Bu 7: OOpm
Th 8 :30l'm
Wilm'ton WILM 1\10 8 :45am

- WlODSul2:15pm
WQAM Ru 5:15pm
\\"J)1$O Su12 :45pm
WCOA Su 1 :OOpm
We 1:00pm

WTFI Su 9:45am
WGBT Su 5:45pm
Augusta WRnW Su 3 :OOl/m
'l'h 7:45pm
Columbus WltBL Su 9 :30arn
La Grunge WKl':U Bu 3 :00l'm
We :3 :Otlplll Fr 10 :OO:UlI
W!-'DV Su 12:30pm
We 8 :4:ipm Fr 8 :4.ipIU
Samnnuh w'roc So 1 :15pm
Tliomasv. WQDX We 9:13am
We 1:30pm
Honolulu KGME We 12 :05pm
Fr 7:13pm
IUDO So lO::!Oam
We 8:45pm
Idaho Falls KID :\10 8 :4;')pm
Tn 8:-l'ipm
We 8:4<>1'111
Th 8 :45I'llI
Fr 8 :4;;pm
:-:u. 8 :4.:ipm
KFXD So 11 :()Oam
POl'atello KSEI Su 2 :OOpm
So 9:00pm
Twin Fa'Ill Kl'FI Su 10 :45am
Su 4:45pm

WJ flL Su 10 :OOam
Mo 7:30pm
llarrish'g WEBQ SU 6:00pm

La Salle

FrlO:OOpm Su

2: 15pm
Rockford \','I{OK Su IO:OOam
Su111:00pm We10:00pm
Sp 'gneld WCBS Su 12:30p[1I
Sa 1l:15am
Ind'apolisWKBF Bu 10:00am
Th l::lOpm
WLBC Su 1 :30pm
Fr 7:30pm
Decorah KGCA ~Io
We 9;OOam Sa
Des ~loines WHO Bu


Coffeyville KOOP Su 1:45pm
Th 8:00pm
Shrevep't KWEA Su 10:15am

""LBZ Su 9 :45am

Baltimore WBAL Su 4:15pm
Cumherr"'d WTBO Su 2:00pm
We 2:00pm Fr 2:00pm
Hagel'st 'n \\'JEJ Su 10 :15alll
Babson P. WBRO Bu 12 :30pm
WX AC Bu In :O()am
Sp'!!fiel<1 W~L\H Su !O:Ooal/1
Worcester WOItC Su 10 :30:1111
Calumet WJIDF Tu
W.J1{ :-;u
Ironwood W.nIB Bu
We 7 :OOpm Fr
WHnf Su
KulamazooWKZO :-iu

9 :4.;:ull
5 : 011 pill

7 :1;)1'111

2 :45pm

F'gusFallIlK(:!H;!';u 10:0C)um
Mill 'polis Wit I l:-'[ 1'u 8: Ollpm
Moorhean KGFK Hu 7:;)0l'ltI
We 5:1:>plll Fr 5:1.;prn
St. Paul WHlI.\I:-;u 12:::0(lrJI
'I'll 1 :00[\11I
Uatticsb'gWI'FB ~u 1 ::10[>[11
We 7 :~<>PI/1

WA'-[L :-;u 12 :45)11/1
Meridian WCOC Hu 10 :OO:un
We 6:4.;pru
Miss. City WUC:\[ Hu {) :l.j:lIn
We 8:4;;l'm
C'Jlumhia K Fin] Hu
Kans.e'y KWKC:-;u

4 :30pm
7: 1:;:111I
2:0op 1.lI



KOHL Su 12:311pm

Kenmcy KU"'W Su 10:01Jalll
KF.\B Su 9 :30am
KFOH:-;u 10:15am
ScottslJl'f KUKY:-iu 10:1f>aln
Wo 5: :;:;1'111 Fr 5:!51'1ll
KOH Su 10:30am
AtlanticC'y WPG Su 10:00am
AIlJuq 'que KOB Hu 5 :4:jPlll
RUFL SU 5:1.;Plu
We 4:30pm
Fr 4:30pm
(Continued on page 143)

f1l1e WATCHT0\\lER.

SJrnl-Mo:l-;"TI!LY BY


117 Ad;uns Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

J. }'. RUTlIEIlI'CI'.D PTesident

W. E. VA~ A~1l3unGH Secretary

"And all thy children shall be JLau~ht of Jehovah; and

he the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54: I,J.

~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAl1 i5 the f.July tTUe God, i5 from everlasting
to evor12sting, the :Maker of heaven und earth and tho Giver
of lifo to hioi creatures; t1l:l.t the Logos was the bt'ginning of
his creation and hi'! l1\>tivo n~'Cnt in tho creution of all
t!lin~; thnt the Lo:~os is now tho LOllI Jesus Christ in glory,
clothed with ::11 power in heaveD. and earth., nnd tho Chief
Executive Officer of Jehovnh.
TI-IAT GOD created the e:lrth for m:ln, created ~rfect
m:ln for tlle earth and p1:J.ced him upon it; that man wilfully
disobeyed Gou 'Il J:nv nnd was sentenced to death; thut by
reasoD. of Atl:lTn'8 wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the rigllt tl) lifo.
THAT ,JESUS wall mado llumun, nn,1 tho mnn .Te:;ull suffllted death in crucr to proJ.uco the ransom or rctlempth'e
price iOl" nIl mankind; that God raisell up Seslla divino anu
e.alted biro to Itc:.l,cn above every creaturo nat! nbove every
n~lll{) and clothed him witlL all power and authority.
tltut Chri:lt Jesus is the Chief Oillccl" Uwreof alld is tho
ri~htflll King of tho worM; that tho anointed and f:l.ithful
{oHewers of Cbrist Jesus nrc children of Zion, Illembers of
Jehovah's o~anit:l.tion, and ~Iro his 'witnesses whose du~y nnd
privilege it is to testify to tho supremaey of .Teho\'ah, lIeclaro
)lis PUrpOSf.'3 townrd nlankind na I'Xprl'Ssetl in tho Bihle, and
to 'ooar tho fruits of tho kin~dom beIoro all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has cnilerl, and tho Lord .Tc~us Christ
has' been. plu~ed by Joho\'uh upon. his throrl() of authority,
I1n9 oU!ltcd Satau from henven and is proceeding to tho
cstablislunent of God's kingllom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and ble~sin~a of the peoples of earth
e:m como only by and tllfOugn Jehovah's kingdom untler
Christ whit>cl\ has nQw b('~; tIm.t the Lord '8 next g:'l'3t
net is tllO dl'-strllction of Satan's organization and tho cstabli~:ltnent of ri::thteou~ncs3 in the earth, and that under tho
kin~(lom all those who will obey its righteous IMvs shall bo
rt'stored and live on carth foreyer.



journal is published for the purpose of enabling

the l'eo1'l0 to know .Tehovah God and his pllr1'o;'.> U3
ex1'resse<l in the BihIe. It publishes Bihle instruction
specifically designed to aid J ehomh 's witnesses. It urrangea
systematic Biblo stuuy for its readers and supplies othel" literstUl"e to nill in such studie'!. It publishes suitnble materinl
for radio broaucasting and for other meuns or. J.lublic instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authodty for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from aU parties, sects
or other worltlly orlr-\nlzations. It is wholly antl without
resen-ation for the kingdom of .Teho,'ah God under Christ
his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invite!! careful
and criticul ex~uIlination of ita contents in tllO light of th~
Scriptures. It docs not indul';o in controversy, and its columns IIro not open to pcl'sonulities.
STATES, $1.00; CA:\.1J)'\ A::D MISCCLL_\:\I:OCS F'onv.iG~,
$1,:;0; GREAT DUlT,l.llir, At:STlt-H..\SIA, A~;l) t:lOli'flI AVI:IC,\. 7s.
AmllriCOtl I'1:'mittancllS should be maue by 1';:s:pre~9 or 1'.;,tal Money

OrUcl', or by 1:'LIlK Draft. Can:llli:m. nrltl~lt, South Ar..kan ancl

AUMralaf<!lln remittances 5hollid be made lllrcct to tho re'<l,ecti\-o
br:tnch oGit'es. nemitt,mCl'~" from c:ountrirs olhN' th:tn thn~o mr,ut1onc-d nl:1y bp. mIT,le to tbo Drocl-Irn offiee, but Ly Illtc,-national
Postal Money Oruer only.



BI'i""'l :a Terrace, London. W. :J. F.r.;;lan'l

40 Invin J\\(':ll1E~J Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A"~trala,ia", 7 l~cref<rorr.1 l:oa,l. Strathf.el<!. ::-;, S. W., Alhtralin
/)ouU t!l'icm.
Do,ton ll<>l!'e. Cape 'Co'su. ;;out1l. Africa.
l'lca'i(l :llldrer;.. the Society in c\'cry e~~o.

(TranslatiQI\." oj this joul'llal appear

All sincere fltudcnts of the Iliblc whO' by r~n~()n of infirmity,

po\"erty or nrlvcr~ity :Ire unahlo to pay the ~ub,,"ri;'tion I'rlco
Ina.y 11l1XO 'l'/IC 1\"alcl.tQu:er frc(J uJlon written :lp\llit'ation to tho
publishers, mallo oneo encll Y~:1r, slating the reason for so rCo
que..ting It. We :lrc I:lad to thu5 nid the nee<1y, bllt tlle written
appllcallon ~nco C'<Ich )'C::ll' is rNiuirec! by the p05t:ll re:;ulnt!ons.
Notice to [{1I1,scribera: Acknowlc,Irmlcnt of lL new or a rcnC\\"aI subS'('rlptJon will ho lI"nt only \\ l'cn rc,!uested. Ch,lJl!!o of a<l,lrcs~.
when f<'<!uest{lt1, mny be e~!.l'CtN\ to nnpear on 1I,1'lrc~~ hhel within
one month. A renp.wnl blllnk (cnl'\"yinlt notko or expirdion) will
be sent 'with the journal one IDlHlth beforo thO lIub.criIltion c:tplrcs.

4' Becond ClauActNail

J!Jatl('r at BrtJok1t'1l, N. Y., Postofflce.
oj ilfal'cl 3, JEri,.


The Watr1JtolL'er is pleasc(l to unnounce that a nC\v booklet
is now oft' the press and will shortly he distributc<l to thc ca'
tions of the world, extenllin~ further til(' witness th:lt U1ust be
given to all the peoples. 'fhis lJooklet, World Bccot'Hyl contain'!! several lectures Brot!'cr RutllCrfor<l has given over hundleds of rndio stations. It is beautifully illustrated, nno its
cover is \'ery attractive. The 5c contributed for each copy of
this booklet will be used in further publishing the mellsage.
Jehovah'$ blessing has bC<lu markedly upon the use of the
portable transl'ription llI:wltinc. JIe has plainly manifested
that this l111.\.chine meets the necu of the hour. when the enem;y,
und~r Gog, is seeking to curtail the Uee of the ra,lio by God '$
anomted and when the people's cars \He eager to heat, not
man's message, but God's. The transcription lalwhine has increased the of Jehomll's witnessl'S afidtl to preach His
truth man.yiol,l, so that the desire for the litenlture is sti:1mlated r.nd stully classes of many intereste'} bearers lire being
formetl, Besides more t1lt1n 4;:;0 such machin':s in the l,,;'nilc<1
States alonC', gre:lt numbers are now being ell'ectively used in
countries near and ufur. FOl" more information, write tile

~It several lall!7uaoes.)



A period of mne days bas been R\>ccilllly d('; igU:ltcd us The
Kations' lIope" Testimony Periotl. This Ucj;iu:i wilh June ;:0
and coneludell with July 8. During this pl:riou of nill<! d:l~'8
Jello\'uh '8 witnesses' will have the privilege of llistributing a
new booklet, World Rccol'ery! All people of good will are invited to join with Jehovah's witnesses in the procl:lllmtion of
this good news of tlte kingdom. To have a part in the giving
of this witness is a blessed privilege.



The Society has made arrangements to construct anll assemble

portable transcription machines lit our own factory lit 117
adams Street. These m:1ehincs will be someWhat different in
construction from those prel'iously furnished. They will be
Rpring-wound, 1m,! operated from R 6-volt wet-locH battery.
El'ery machine will be fa:nishcd complete with the b:lttery :md
a battery ('barger, so that it can he kept up to its full streng'! h.
We are pleased to announce tt4'1.t this maehi:le C:\ll he o:,'elcu
at $100, complete, to brethren in the United States.



No. 10

:MAy ]5, 1934


"Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenan t with me by sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is jtldge himself."-Ps. 50: 5, 6.

EHOVAH GOD is the Giver of life, and his pro

visions for men to obtain life are by and through
the m<,rit of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. "For the
wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is et<,mal
life, through Jpsus Christ our Lord." (Hom. 6:2:1)
No one gets life by rcuson of being in a covenant. A
man must first he justified and counted righteous before he could be bl'ou~ht into the uew covenant. ITe
is by reason of faith in the shed blood of Christ J('SIlS
countcd therea fter as having the right to life. But
once being taken into tlw upw covenant means that
he must ket'p the terms of that covenant in order to
live and escape etemal deat h. The lsraditcs were un
del' the law covenant when Jehovah said to t/WJIl:
"Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my juc.lg.
mentsj which if II. man do, he shall live in thcm: I am
the IJord." (I,ev. 18::: That seripture does not say
and docs not mean that the Jews would obtain life by
reason of bein~ in the covenant, hut it means that the
brealdng of the law covenant meant a cessation of the
life they had at that time. They mmit live in the co\euant. HcJative to the same matter it is written: "f'or
as many as are of the works of the law, arc under the
curse: for it is written, Cllr~';('d is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book
of the law to do tht'm. But that no man is justified
by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The
just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith:
but, The man tllat doeth them shall live in them."
(Gal. 3: 10-12) During the thousand-year reign of
Christ he will rcgl'nerate the obedient ones of mankind, not by or according to the terms of the new eovenant, but by reason of their obedience to the laws of
his kingdom. 'l'hose who have been produced hy the
new covenant llS a people for Jehovah's name, and
who continue faithful unto death, will then sit with
Christ Jesus in that work of regeneration. (Rev. 2: 10;
Matt. 19: 28) The new covenant is specifically for
the purpose of dealing with the justified and spiritbegotten ones that those who continue faithful to the
terms of the eovpnnnt may he producet1 and prepared
as witnesses to the name of Jehovah and bear testimony to his name. "'hen those in the covenant have

been brought to the unity of the faith in Christ Jesus, "unto the measure of the stature of the fulness
of Christ," it is then that the new covenant is inaugurated toward them and they are made official witll('sses of Jehovah; and their work as such witnesses
must be done before Armageddon.

The aI/ostle Paul was addressing those in Christ

Jesus ill the ncw covenant when he wrote: "But ye
ar(~ come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the
livillg' God, the heaH'nly .Jerusultlll, and to an innumcrable cOlllp:.iny of angels." (lId). 12: 22) lIe did not
say, Ye are come to Egypt, or to any part of ~a1:11I's
organization, but, "Ye are come unto mount Sion,"
which is (iod's organization, and means the ('stablishJnent of the kingdom of God. 'fhe buildin~ up of
Zion, the capital organization of Jelllwah, lJl'gan wlll'n
the words of .Jehovah wct'e fulfilled, to wit, "Yet have
I set my king upon my holy hill <.'1' Zion." (Ps. ~: (j)
"The Lord shall send the rod of thy stt'ength out of
Zion: rule thull in the midst of thille elH'mics." (1's.
lIO: 2) The Lord .Jesus Christ, the l\less('n~cl' of the
covcnant, then strai~~htway came to the temple j and
this 'coming unto Zion' is completed with the bringill~ of be remnant into the opened temple of God.
3 The "city of the living Gud" is the heavenly .Jerusnlem, which has now 'deseenderl 011t of hea vell' (Hev.
21: 1,2) to take charge of the world by its rightful
ruler Christ Jesus lind to vindicate the name of Jchovah. A <.'ompany of angels attended upon the oceasion of this 'coming' and participated in the inauguration ceremonies. .According to other rendering-s
of the text these are "myriads of dn~('ls, a full asscmbly" (Dia!].); "myriads of messengers in hig-h
festival." (Hot/t.) It is at the coming of the Lord to
the temple for judgment that his angels aecompnny
him and when he gathers unto himself those who arc
in the covenant, and who up to that time had demonstrated their faithfulness. (Matt. 25: 31) "Now we
be:.eeeh yon, brethren, by the coming [to the t('mple]
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathf'ring together unto him." There were angels partieipatll1g



in the inauguration of the old law covenant; as it is

written: "It was ordained by angels in the hand of
a mediator [Moses]." (Gal. 3: 19) The angels delivercd God's message with authority from him, and
God did not pcnnit any disobedience to the messa::;e
which be cau~ed the::;e :::n~els to transmit. (Heh. 2: 2)
The words spoken by the angels were spoken to the
Israelites assembled he10re lUount Sinai at the inauguration of the law corenant and who were alr~n(ly
in the covenant which hnd been made with them in
Bgypt, and which people were designated by the
Scriptures n:; "the church" (that is, a sdt!cted ot'
g-athcl'cd-ont people), becau,;e they wcre a IH'ople
gathered out for .Jehovah 's name... 'fhis is t;l:1t ;\1(,s,:3
'\'hich said unto the children of Israel, A proplll~t shall
the Lord .your Ood raise up unto ~'ou of your hrethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear. 'l'his is he, that
was in the church in the wilderness. wilh the l\llg'cl
which spak~ to him in the mount ~ina, fmd with our
fathers; \\ 110 l'ccci\'ed the lively o~'aclcs to give ullio
us. "-.\cts 7: 37, 3ft
4 At the inau~llration of the new COVC1HlUl, sa~'s the
script ure, "ye "~;',: come uni0 . . . [tbl' J chmch of
lIw fit'sthorn, WJ.i;11 are written iii hC:1n~n." (lIe!,.
12: 22, ~:n 'l'rllly 1::e names of these are enrolled in
heaven f:incc Zion ll':s bt'OU:~:lt forth h('r ('hildr"n,
llud their (itiz\'IW:lip is in heavcll. '1'he f:tithful saints
who I()n:~ :~'~o died in faith have fir~L bCf'1l resul'l'ected
and gathcl'l'd to Zion, and tho:,e l'l'mail1ill~ on earth
are llOW '<::\ll~ht up with them in the dow Is to nH':~t
the I.oro iu the air'. (1 T;ll'SS. 4: 17) (Sl'e 'l'lw
lVatchtou.,'CI", .J allu::ry I;), I!):a.)
6 }.'urthcr the scripture idrl.ltiflcs the time of the
inauguration of the new covenant, when he says:
"..And to God [Jehovah] the Judge of all." (Hob.
12: 23) .Tehovah is the J ull~e over all, and his jud:.;ment first he~ills at the house of God when Christ
Jesus, the duly appointed .Jud~e, ther~ appears und
begins jua~mel1t for the purpose of purifying the
sons of Li~vi. (Mal. 3: 3; 1 Pet. 4: 17; Jus. 4: It)
That jud~;l:l('nt determines who shall be appron,'tl and
anointed to ofler unto God an offering in ri~hteou$
ness. (lIeb. 13: 15) The c!lurch of the firstborn in
thi~ text, which are gathered unto God, docs not inelude the 'great company' class, but the limitation is
to those only who form the royal house of Jehovah
and toward whom the ('on;nant is inau~urllted.
6 Then says the scripture: "And to the spirits of
just men made perfect." 'Yho are "the spirits of
just men made perfect" Y In the Greek w01'd-for-woru
rendering of this text the y;ord "men" docs not appear, but it reach: ".\nd to spirits of the righteous
made perfect." (Diag.) "And unto the spirits of
righteous ones made perfeet"; in the margin, "perfected ri~hteous ones," (llr>th.) The woru "perfected" modifies "righteous ones", and not "spirits".
The ones to ,.. . hora this purt of the text applies arc
not creatures with a spirit organism, but it applies
to the faithful wen on earth. In this same chapter


N. Y.

Jehovah, "The Judge," is mentioned as the "Father

of spirits". (lIeb. 12: 9) "For they [fathers of our

flesh] verily ior a few days chastened us after their

own pleasure; but he [.J ehovah, the Father of !'lpirits]
for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness." (Heh. 12: 10) Thus the upostle shows to whom
the \Vorus "spirits of just men" refer.
T Concerning the relJellioll of l~orah it b written:
"And they ploses and Aaron] fell upon their fac('i'l,
and said, 0 God, the God of the spirits of all flesh,
shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all
the eOll'!l'c;,rutioll1" (i\um. 1(j:2~) Tho;;c who hu\'e
bem b,".!ottCll of the spirit hn ve Jchovnh for their
spiritual Futher, awl this is true even while thcHe
creatnres have an org-.mir;m of !lesh. The (~x!Jl'e::;si(l1l
in the text .. spirits of the righteous made llcrfe('l"
tl'ercfore properly applies to the present-day remnant
of spiritnul hl'ud who now are "spiritnally minded".
(Hom. l;: (j) :Jlany who are IJl~~~otten of the spirit do
not }lro;-c f::ithful and arc therefore n(Jt 'pl'l'feeted
in the spirit', whereas the remnant 1'011l1d faithfttl at
the templc jUflgment and made llH'mhers of tile 'c1(>et
S\,'rvant' ela~;s :lre p(t"feetcd. They were I"igilteous at
the time, hrgotten of the holy spirit, and Cfllllltl'd I::,
eml's sons, ami now as sHeh l'i~_dltcouS ones they nrc
p('r1'el"1('11. 'rhl'Y h:lve come faithfully thr(JlI~h l\ 0;:;ciplinc administered hy ttll'ir "1"athl.'r of spirits ",
Jehovah, that t!ley mi'!ht be made partakers of his
holiness.-lId>. 12: 6-10,
8 'rhe 11piritbcl!()ttl'n ones arc the ones jnstified hy
the blood of Christ JCSlIS, und in addition thereto the
remnant m'c brought under the robe of ri:.!hteoumcss.
(Isa. 61: 10) Thl'Y nre 'arraYl'd in fine linen, whieh
is the l'ighh'ou:~uc:,s rrighteol1s acts] of the saints '.
(TIcv. l!J: t) 'l'hc ones here described, therefore, arc
the 'snints ~athcrcd unto the Lord' and who have
come to unity of the faith and )mowled~e, "unto a
pcrfl'ct mUll, Ullto the measure of the stature of the
fulness of Christ." (Eph. 4: 13, 1-1; Ps. !)O: 5) It is
therefore seen that the worus of description ap;It'lIring in this. text, to wit, 'the spirits of the ri~(lteO\lS
ones mnde perfect, or perfected,' identify the relllnant guthel'ell to the temple unto the Lord. 'l'hese
arc the ones toward whom the new covenant is inaugurated or dedicated.
1/ This scripture havin~ identified the remnant as
the ones toward whom the new covcu:mt is inaugurated, the very next words of the text mentiQn the mediator, to wit: "And to Je~m; the mediator of the
new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that
spcnkcth better thing'S than that of .\be1." (lId).
12: 24) Jesus was made the mediator while on earth
100 Furs previous to the inauguration of the ('o\"~
nant; but now haxill~ come to the temple, and ~alh
cred unto himself the faithful, he inaU~.llll'~lte"i the
co\"enant in heaven to\\'ard those who have bel'n f(lund
faithful up to this pGint and who have been made to
"sit together in heu\"enly places in Christ Jt>:iUS" with
him. Because of his faithfulness in maintaiuing his


15, 1934

%e \~\TCr-Il'0\VER.

intrgrity toward Jehovah Abel was mnrJered, Thou~h

r;otirely innocent when killed at the instance of Safan, the blood of Abel was merely the blood of all
imperfect mUll. The blood of Jesus, the mediator of
the covenant, as stated in thc foregoing text, "speakdh bettcr .thill~3 t!l:m that of Abel." This IJlood of
';prinldill3'J (lr the blood of the nl'w C0\'ownt, is the
hlood of the Pcrl'l'd One, the Faitld'nl and 'l'rue WitJJl'SS of .Jdw\ah, UHf.! hertcc ha,~ rcdelllJl1 i\'e YUIlle and
vuliuutes the covenant, gh'ing secll1'it~ of' its benefits
to t!lo:;c who lw\'c hCl'1l brought into the co\'munt.
'j'hese arc the things which the blood of .J esus "speal,t'll!", imports 01' si~llifil'S, and ,\'hil'h, to be sure, are
"better t!lill~!S tha!! tlwt of .\hl'!".
10 .\t thl~ inauglll'ation of the law l:O\,l;llant at Sinai
there was a great l'fJ!ln;!siotl and sl!akillg' of tht, earth.
Later .Jl'ltoyah ~aid thl'OW:'!l his prll[Jhd: "1"01' thus
~:aith the L(ml of IW"l"l, 'I'd once, it is a little while,
and I ,rill :-hakc the Ill'a\cll~, auJ tile earth, and the
Ill'a, and Ule dt,y 1<11Iu.'/ (lIa~. ~: (i) Tile apostle
I'efel's to tlIi,~ httl'l' p/'opJII'<'Y of J];:,'('~ai :lilt! to tIlt:
prophccy I'('{'llr<kd I,,\' .ilo'ws, tflt~ ;;It;d;ill~ of :\lotlnt
Hillai, wll('n I:e wrole: " For y~ al'e 1101 C'O!ll0 UlIlo the
!llouut tlw t II: i~dlt be tOUl h,'d, :JIId Iha I 1)1) /'. :/'<1 wi1 h
fin', HOI' Ulllo bl::('kll\'~'S, alld dal'kn~'"s, :lnd tl'mph;t,
lill<It!;l' ;;Olill<1 of a 1I'III111wt, ,Illd the YO!('!; of wOl'dsj
widell \'oiec they fltat 1:<'al'd, ('IIIJ'l'ate<! (lr;'t Il:e \\"rd
should 1I0t IJl' S[IOkl'lI to tlll'llI allY more: . . . :-il'e that
:.'e rel'u,;c IIO!. him that H(I('al;dh. For if II}(',\' ('~eap('tl
llot who rl'fll--.(,d him tllal sp;ike on ('al'lll, much 1ll00'e
~hall uot We cseapc if we lum away from him that
lilil'akdh from hl'a \'1'11: who:,e v(iic:e then shouk til\;
earth; but uow he halh pI'ornised, sayillg', Yct 0111'/;
more I shali;l( ltot the ('al'll: ouly, but also hl'aycn."
-ltd). 12: ]~, 1!J, ~;j, ~lj,
11 While other Heriptlu'ill texts show that at Anna/{e<ldoll there will be !treat physieal di"tuL'hanCl's, tl1l"~e
wor,Js of tlw upostle Paul l'l'('ol'llecl ill 1If'1))'(:ws ('011<:l'rning the ilia ug'ul'at ion of the !H'W ('oveJwnt do not
nPlll'ar to apply at all to litnal :-h;d;in~ or yiolent
movcments to and 1'l'O of natl!I',,1 ohjel'ts, What eume
to pass at )lollnt :-;iuai W1\:; typil',Jl, alld fureslIadOi\'l'd,
II shu king wldeh i" a seat'('lting' jlld~rn(:nt pJ'oce~,s upon
those who ha\'e CovCltallted to do (lud's \\ill ;;lId which
takes plac'!) at tlte time Christ .JCSGS sits in juJ~nH'llt
ns a refi/ler, and at which tilite there is a :-'.l'cat shakeup among';,t the crcatures vI'bo have nwde a consccration to do God's will. In this shaking' some aro
ea<;t awtly, while otl]('1'3 arc rct ained. J nst snch n
shaking process hegan ahout 1\)18 a11<.1 has p:'ogressl'c}
from and dtc!' that date, which murks the roming
of thc Lord to the t<'mplc~ and tltc beginning of j\ll]~
1lI1'nt and the prog're~;s of his jud!.!'ltll'!1t, "\t the time
of this shaking' the lawle,s ones arc g'a t ht.'1'C'd ont aw]
('ast away, which casting-away work is d()llt~ IJy the
LorJ acting by amI throug'lJ his angels. "Th\.l Son
of man shull Sd1d forth his ;)ll!!;cl~, anu tlll'Y shall
1!nthCl' ont of Ids kingdom alJ thin~s that Of:0Ud, and
them which do iniquity; "lid shall c<~:;t them into a


furnace Of fire: there ~hall be wailing and gna~l,illg

of tedh. "-~.latt. 13: 41, 42.
12 The sbal~in~ that took placc at ~\lount Sinai at
the inaug'urution of the law covenant fOl'("lwl!(;\i'l'd
the i::hakin!!. the sifting and refining that take pb,,\)
at the time the new covman t is ina ugura ted by
the Greater .:n'h':S, The apostle thCli contilllle,,; to compare the n',:,pu1I5ibility of those ill the Hew eOH'nant
with those in tJl(~ law COVC'1WIlt. 1'he .Jpws I'vflhed to
hear anu ob~y the \\,ord., slloken hy l\luse<;, al,d till y
rlid not escape thereafter, says tlte apostle: ")fuch
more shall not ",c escape if we turn uwa~' frum him
that speakdh from 1Ita\'('n." ?\ow Christ .k,~ll'i, the
Orca U'r _\Iost's, speaks from )/(';1 \'(:n f!'Om til(' 1:'1Il p)t',
and those ill thc l'O"'I.~nallt who do not obI','" him ,,1I,11\
certaiuly Hot cs('atw punishml'nt.-Ac-ts 3: ~3.
IJ The apo,;t Ie in this connel'liot! q II 0 !l's I !I\' !Jl'ul':tt '('y
uf Haggai (~: G, 7) awl thl'l'l'hy ddlni!<'ly fix!'s t!le
time of tl:3 illllu;.('uratioll of the Ill'\\' COVl'llant, to v,it,
whtn the' De,;il'l'U Onc' corn(,s 1.0 the temple f\l\' :illd'~
Inl:llt. Th('1l follo\vs tlw ~,h;tldtl~~ llmoll~'~t t!JW(' \\"1.')
\\<:1'(' OIlCC ill line for the l;ill:!'do!l1, Thi~ h11l'1' sh:~k
ilw is for 1llc pnrpOse of l'('Jllovin,~ ('\ "I'~' ooe
ill lilll' for till: kingdom \,.. 110 is Ilot pl'Ovcd L!ii 11 1'111.
C'llH'I'rIliIl~ this the ,ljl\l:,\!P S;l~'S: ".\1111 lll~s v,,\lld,
Yd ol!e!: lIlole, si~_mijjeth till' l'ulI\l\'ill~ of tl:1) ,I' tl,io:!.,
111::1 are sh::!'('/I, us of thillg',; th;l! al'e mad(', [hal t!:o.,;
lhill~!'i whil'h l'anrlOf 1)(' shakl'lI 11I:1.\' rC'llIaill," (lid,.
1:! : 27) TI1I1s hr' (hoda I'es t ha t 'I ho,.;e wII il,ll /'i: Illiot be
s]la!;r-n' al'e 11l/\ failhful lIlll'S whom (lod has IH:I'l'I'('terl
and whom he ha<; tab'll out alld pl:lcpd ill ('Ollllll i... "io!l,
,11](1 who cOl!till\lf' as hi,.; \.. itlll''';;('S, anJ who p,ll'til'ip:llc:
ill till' vindil'atioll of his Ilame. :-;lIeh are th(' on"" ill
lille Jor the l,ingdolll, and it is to tlll'''C tllat tilt' kil,'!dorn
inll'l'I'''!S arc eOllHl\it\I."l hy till' L')I'll.--:\lall. ~1: ,no
' I I TIw k i n~rlom ea nll()t he &11,1 b':l1 or Jllo\'t,d, ;: Il(l
1ho:-,c \\ho ultimal\'ly in!H'J'it with Chl'ist ,J(';';II'; til<'
l;ingdom calJllot he shakl'll ont. 1t is the kirl'~dljlll 1hat
will viJl(licale ,Jl'hovah's n:JlllC; hl'JI('e all \\!l1J at'e
of the li.iJl'.!.]oJl) mu,.,t ,.,tanc! firm und stl'adfa:--t. ,lIld
cOl!"erJlin~ this the apo,;tle says: "\YIH'rl'fol'(: \\',; 1\;cei\'ing a kingdom which call1lot be Jno\'l'd Ia kilj~
dom not to !Je s!l:lk!-n, !tOt/I.J, let us have g'l'acl', \r]!(,t'l'.
l>y we may serve (;0<1 u{'('eptnhly with l'I'\'('I'('II('e Hnd
godly fear." \ lIcb, 12: ~S) That kingdom liaS !1u\\'
come Hnd the interests on em'th thereof h:l\'c bc'( IJ
committcd to the 'wi&e and faithful SI'I'\',lnt' cIa".,.
lIellce the 11PO;;t!(" nddl'l'ssing those tr)\\at'll \\ !10m titn
]IeW con'nant is llOW ili11uguratrJ, lind to \\]Iom 1111:>e
kingdom inl.t'l'csts are committed, say,,: ,. Let liS lla\'e
gl'nct', whl'rd)y we may sene (;oJ accl'ptahl~' \,.. i1h
l'cn'rt'nl'e uwl goodly f,-a1'," Those who <10 t!lll': b::l\e
the King fur tlleir fricn(I, anJ, having the' I\in~ fur
theil' friend. I hey J1l11<.;t h:lYC !!r;lC'e and gr';l('ious \\ ,ll'];;
npon their lips, ~('lTi1l6 Gorl with plll'cnrss (,f h;:r!.
,. He that lontll with a pure henrt, and 11:1 t h gl'a(',~ Oll
Iii" lip:;, will h'1';e tht' hill:: ns hi~ fr!I'n(l." (Pl'J\',
~~: 11, Leeser) Such f::ithful ones senc (jO(! "with
l'e\'Cl'eJ1ee alld godly f\:;.\1''' for the reason til;:: t "QUI'

God is a consuming firc" (ITch. 12: 2!) ; and it appears from other scriptures that at the time there are
those in line for the kingdom but who refuse to hear
and obey the Greater 1\1oses, Christ Jesus, the Priest,
Prophet, and :Mediator of the new connant, and
toward these God is a eonsumin~ fire. Jehovah, having
separated his own mId selectcd them as a people for
his name, will sustain those who continue to faithfully
maintain their integrity toward him; and hence they
have occasion to feur God, but they have no occasion
to fear what man or the Devil and his angels may do
to them. They know thnt they have not the strength
or sufiicicncy of themselves, but that their strength
and protection comc from the Lol'(l. "~ot that we are
sufficient of ourscl ves to think any thing, as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of Cod." (2 (;01'. 3: [
By Jehovah's grace, as his witne~..;scs they can do all
things for which they are anointed and commissioned.

Not o\"ery one who is begotten of the holy spirit

is a minister of the new covenant, but only those who
are brought to the point of maturity in Christ, whieh
constitutes them ciders in fact, not by the election of
men, but by the spirit of t he Lord. 'l'ellillg the Corinthidns that only hy the grace of God could ho
(Paul) do the things which had been committed to
him, the apostle says: "God who a Iso hat h made us
able millil>ters l servants, ]Jillg.] of the new [covenant] ; not of the letter, but or the spirit: for the
letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." (2 Cor. 3: G)
In the first verse or that epistle to the Corinthians
Paul seems to limit the word" us", as used therein
and in this text, to him<;clf and Timothy, who were
then doing a ministerin~ work unto theii' Corinthian
brethren. '],here Wt''re difficulties amoll~st the company of th\) 80rinthians bc<-uusc some had been following human lead('rs, and hence distmbance followcd.
Kot until these brethren in the c1llw'h ,,-ho soug-ht to
lead sh'luhl becoll1e elders in fact, that is, come to
unity in the spirit, could they become the able minist('rs of the new covcnant.
16 Such has ever been the condition in the church.
Wherever those in the church follow human leadC'rs
and ignore the Word of the Lord trouble is certain
to resuit. The time is now come when the sanctuary
of the J.Jord has been cleansed, and those who arc in
fact in the sanctuary are at unity and hence are able
ministers of the new eovenant. 'Why, thcn, do disturbances continue to arise among the members who assOciate themselves together in these companiC's 1 l\Ianifestly because in such companies there are those meeting together who are not in the temple and have not
come unto the unity of the faith and blOwledge in
Christ Jesus and who therefore are not anointed to do
the work of the Lord. Such continue to manifest the
spirit of selfishness and lawlessness, insisting on doing
things their own way and ignoring organization directions; and hence disturbances follow. Tho.:c v;ho arc


a:he WATCHT0\vER



in the temple and apprel"iating their great favor from

the Lord see that tho enemy is fighting drsperatcly
against tll(' remnant and that all in the temple must
stand shoulder to shoulder, for the kingdom message
and never he terrified by opposition that arises and that
is brought against them by the enemy. "Only let the
lives you live be worthy of the [go>lpc1] of the Chrbl,
in order that, \vhether I come and see you or, boin~
absent, only hear of you, I may know that you are
standing fast in one spirit and with one mind, fighting
shoulder to shoulder for the faith of the [gospel].
Never for a moment quail before your anta~onists.
Your fearlesfmess will he to them a sure tohll of impending dt':>truetioll, but to you it will he a sure token
of ~'our salvation, a token coming from God. "-Phil.
1:27,28, Weymouth.
17 At this stage of the church anyone meeting with
a company of tile Lord's people who refuses to abide
by organization instructions, and who insists on ve:llg
lawlef>s and followin~ his own selfish way, furnishes
the proof that he is not in tho temple nIlll therefore
not an able minister of the new eovcnant. 'l'he [,rop('r
course for the remnant under such cil'cUmstat\('I~S is
to avoid all controvel'sies a11l1 conlillue to do faithfully
what they arc commi;,~iolH'tl to uo. H is hetter to suffer wron~ in silence and to go stmight forward in the
work which the faithful are commissiorlell to do than
to try to justify oneself or to defend oneself. (1 Cor.
6.,7) Everyone ill the tl'lllple will have ('onfidence
in every oth<'r member of the temple company and
will be diligent to pnt asiue all selfishness and uo the
work committed tf) th('tn with gladness of heart. .\ t
the same time they will ll\'oid those who atteml,t to
cause divisiolls.-Hom. 16: 17, 18.
18 .As it is written by the a post Ie: 'Weare made able
ministers of the new covenant, 110t of the lett<'r, hut
of the spirit, which quickt'llet h.' (J/amill) :\Icrci,v
written letters on books or laws or rule'S written u.Q\m
cannot of themselves move one to a cour:>e re;.,ult ill~
in the approval of God, which quickcneth to life. It
is the power of the holy spirit of God within OWl that
can and does carry one alon~ the way toward life.
Let those of the temple now fully realize :Inll appreciate the fact that they have uel'n brou~ht into the
temple, anointed and instructed there, in ord\'r that
they might serve as Jehovah's witnesRes and thus minister unto the things for which they have bpt:n ('ho,.;en
and anointed. Indivifluals are clear out of si~ht so
far as the temple company is coneeI'lled. All there
are one body, instructed by the grl'ut Teachers lor
one and thc same purpose and sent forth to participate in the work of the vindieation of Jehovah's name.


\Vhen Moses came down from ~Iount Sinai, having received tho law and commandmrnt'l from Oou,
"the skin of his face shone." To avoid the Je\\s' SP('ing his shining countenance ~Ioscs put a veil on his
face, and when ~Ioses went hefore the Lord to speak

MAY 15, 1!):rt

r.fIie \\I.r\TCI-IT0\'lER.

with him he took the vril off. (Ex. 3-1: 27-33) The
outcome of thc law ('o\cnaut \vith its statut\!s rr"u!tI,J
in condemning t he nation of Israel becau,so of tlH;ir
rehclliou:-,ne"s, hew'c miuistcl'ell unto them dcatlt.
\\'ith this in mind tllo apostle Paul wrote: "But if the
min ist rat iOB of dea tll, \\Titten aild (;11!.\"l'a Wll in stO\lt,~,
was g-lorious, ::;0 thut the childn'lJ of fsrael could not
stedfa:-,tly behvld the face of :.k~e::; for the g!\lQ' of
his COlllltPlwllee; whi('h g!()l'y was to be Jone ll\\':lY;
how ~llall not the ministl'atioll vf the spil'it be r:\t]I('1'
glorious -J For ii tlw miui:-,trutiull of condt'lIlllation be
glory, much more (loth the milli"tl'utioll of ri~htmu,,
nes;, exceed in !-d(}I'~'. For en.-u that whil'h W:l" wad,}
glorious IllHI Ill} ~dory in this respeel, by l'C,ISOll of
the !.:!ory that 1'~:("I!"th. For if 1h:\t wlli('!t i" f!\Jl]e
awuy was glorious, lnu('h more that which l'emailleth
is ~IIH'i()lI,~,"-:! Cur'. ::: 7-11.
20 The l>ltilli/lg' of .\lo'-,es' f:1CC was a rd!cttion of the
glory of JehO\'llh, and ~'.Ioses sen'ed a'i a minot' t(, 1'1'ilect that glol'Y. '1'11l~ atllllini-;tratioll of the lIeW eon:JllI/lt by CliI'ist .}('''IIS tIle :\I('lliator, who is tlw (;rl':lt"1'
.:\losl.'-;, is fal' 1ll0I',!\,doriulls t!t:m that whieh wa,; lIl:mif.'stell at the itilill~~Ul';ltlOl1 of tlw Jaw \'O\'t'IWllt. Tl:o
glll!'r or the LOl'd .Tellov::h s!lilH's i/lto 1ht' fa('\' of
Chri"t .JI'''U', his gn';:1 lIi~1t Priest and jlediatol', :llld
i.s IlliITol'l'd t11t'l'e to tllO,-.;e ill the {'O\'{;llallt and ill t:.ll
II'mph:, (:! Cor. 4: 4-li, li'lth.) i\t till' illall'ltl1atiun
of tlit' law CO\'l'llllllt the glol'Y of (loti sholle UPO/l IiiI'
faee of Jilos\'s; hellee till; glory wus /lot th:lt of the
]s/';l\'litt's, but }11I~('s was rel!t:et illg' the dory of <:od.
~\t the illaugUl'utioll or the /It'W (:OVl'llaut at }Iount
Zion .Jelw\'ah thel'e ap!'l':l/'S in his g-lll!'Y. Chl'ist .II-m;
mi/'/'uI's the ;,dory of .'dlO\'ah to those of ZiOll, (Ps.
lU:!: lU) Had t1w law ('IIW'I\;l/lt prlJl.luel'd 'the pt'()l'le
1'0/' .1 l'!lOndl 's IWllle', sUl'h a pt'lJ[Jle would have ('011tilllll'd to he u,,(',l to rdll'd the glory of .Jehovah whh'h
:--lwlle ill the face uf tile [JlI'diato!', ~I(l;:es. That corelIallt, Ita\'illg faill'(l. was east Hway, aud !lOW the new
('uvcnant does Pl'otlllce the ,. pr'ople for his name",
.. a holy nation," whieh people are u:--('d to refltoet tbe
g'lury vf the Lonl ; and 1hat glory wldeh shines in the
face of the Lord JI'SW; j" ~Tl'atl'r than that which '\'lS
made to shiue in tltt' faec or i\[OSI'S, "For if that \Vlti,'h
passcth away [the l:tw ('OVCllallt I was with glory,
much mol'c th,lt which remaiJl(.'th IS in glory."2 Cor. 3: 11, llY.
21 At the tmlC Paul wrote the epistle to the Corinthians the glory there mClltioned was still in thc futm'C,
and this i.;; shown by tho words of the apo~tl(', WlH.'ll
he says: "Seeing tl](,11 t hat we kn'c &ul'h :lOpe, we
use gl'l'ut plaill!l('s<; of sp~'t'('h." (2 Cor. ~1; l~) That
glory W.IS not sl.:<.'n ill Paul's (by, b\1t is ~e':n at th(~
In:lugumtioll of the !lew CO\',~lIallt. lIad Ill' seen it
he would not ha \"\: talked about hoping for it. "Fl.'!"
what a man secth, why dot h h.~ yet hO]Je for But if
W\' hOllC for that \rc s('c not, thcn do we with paticnc.~
wait for it." (l~()m. f): 2+, ~;j) J)l1rillg' thp p('rio:! of
waiting for the apPhlJ'ill!.\' of sllch ~IOl'Y Ihe holy spil'it
was the nth'oente, comfoder and helper of the ClJn~e-


crated, ,\'hich P:ml knew. Ha\'in!:l' Rueh hope, the

apostle says, ",re use great boldness of "pCtch,"
(R,Y.) H,n'ing 1101)('. he \\"as not u<;lwlIJcd, hceause
"hope nlllkdh not a~hamed". (Hom. 5: 5) If Paul
used pld inne,:s or bo!dne~s of speedl theil, how mueh
more now s!wuld the anointed of the Lonl speak with
holdne-;<; ill this Ib~' of jw]g-ml.'nt.
22 'fIJI.' apostle Jid not speak in veiled langnage;
hf;!H.''-: he elllpl')yeu this ilJn'-,tl'utiulI, to wit: "_\nd rwt
as :'108"s, \';hieh put u \'<!il on'r his f:lee, th:.t tile
children of hrael eOllld nut stedfa,;tly lOll!;: to tile end
of th:!t ",!lith is abuli:-:hed." (2 Cor, 3: 1:1) The a\\t~
stl'iki/!~; glory \Vhieh ,J.. lwl'ah ('allsed to ,lpp('ar H[lIln
till' 1,1"1' Ilr ;Uo;..('S fri'2;htl'!It'd the Jews, I)t'('all,'e tlil'Y
\";(,n, I(!(jkjn~ at :,lu'l:.3 alld 1I0t b,v faith ,i1 t Ill': Lllt,J
(;od, To olJsl'ure tilt' shinin,!! in tile faee 'If :\10";1.','; 1,\'
PlIt 011 a \I'il. T[ll' .Je\\s gloried ill :1 I1tall, 011(' "1
tlH'ir 0\\'11 I,Jou(1 1'<:Int ion; hell/'c they did I1l)t srI.' tjwt
the dory of :\Io.;es as a Tlwdin(or aIH] illaugura1ol' <if
the law CI)\'('ll:Il1t was ft'Ill!)(J!'ary, whieh ~J()l-.v en,kd
when tht~ f:11\'I'/Iant end('I!. 'fht, /iIlJ'!ll)-)(' of tIll' -;I()I::
upon t11(~ faN! of l\Iosl'''; \Va-; to 'foreti'll ill a miniatlll'e
wny th~ (,olllillg' glory of lb,' J!l'\!all'r medialor, Cliri"t
,)i'Slb, mid tli(~ illatE~III'atul' or til" bt'ttel' C()\','I(;ll1t:
but thl' .JI'WS did /lot luuk in th:It dil'((,tion, or to lliat
"elld ", ll!ld hellte tli('y n'.ie(~l('d Cllri"t .J";'ll' wll.,u
lit' ('a III l', :llid do :--til/ l'l'jITt him, Till'lT/',);".: ";llYS tI.l}
apo:-.tle ('1I1l.'t'rui/l!!, tLI~ .".'ws: "BI,t tlll'it' millt!:> W('I I)
blind"d lilard"lIed, H,r.J; fOl'llTltil thisday l'!'lll:!illtlh
the ~al1ll' \'ail ulllak\'n away iu the r(';ldilJ~~ of tlie ulll
tt'stament; w!tieh \'ail is dOlle away in ('hl'i,t," (~Cor,
3: 14) Tklt blinl!ne',s W:I~ upon tht, gl'l';t!,,!' part of
natui'al brad alltl l'l'nd('!,(,t! it imp(J~,-ildl~ fill' the
IS1'l',elitvs to di~Ht'l'n tlie ll1('al\ill~~ 1)1' th(' tl,,,tilllOliy of
~Ios('s and of the proplt~'('i(,s whieh folio\\',
2!, The nil o\'er' 1he shining fa('c of :\!o,;es COl'l'eRponclilli~l\' ~hows 1hat Christ Jesus, .)"J1<I\'all's g'1'I'at
l'rie,.;t, \,(,j!,.; the truth 1'1'0111 tlil' eye,; of tho.;e t!lat oppose God ':i \\'0,,1 at the pl'l'""nt time, \rhl'n Isaiah
had a \'iSioll of t he temple tIll' Lord s:Jitl to him: "(;0
<lIltl tell 11ti~ p('opl(', Hear ~'e illd"('d, but ulldcr~tallll
11ot; and -'t'e YI~ indl'ed, but pc'rc('i \'ll 1I0t. }Iake the
heart uf tid" pt'ople fat, :Illd make th('jr ('aI's heavy,
and shut tht-ir e,\ ('S; It'st they Sl'I: with t!wit, eyes, and
hear with tlwir l'al'S, and lllldl'l'stand with tlll'ir heart,
and /'011 \'('rt , :lnd he ltenkd." (Tsa, (j: lJ, Hi) 'fhi.,
Reripture shows a hlindne:'i of th(J"e who h('ar with
thl'it' natural t'ars allll ~('c wi! h their 11atlll':tl ('yes,lmt
do lIot jJerc('ive or ulltkl'stnnll. \Vith tIll' ('oming of
Christ .Jc..~u"i to the tellll,l\' tlte sigllif1c<1nt?.: of the t,\"pieal piettll'(; \\'a'-, unvpikd h,v the POW('!' (If tlte holy
~lJil'it to tillN' in Clll'i:-,l, and \\'110 are faithfully SI'lTing J(>hov;:h. hilt the holy ~pil'it does lIot rewa! thl~
Jl1l':::li,,~ t:tC'l't'of to tiw.;e \\ 110 nre ullfailhful. 'flll~re
fore s,lyS the apo"t1e: .. But (;\'('11 \lido thi,; (l.,y, \\'1lt.'21
::,10s,''; is l'l'all, the vnil is upon their hea!'t." (~ ('t)f'.
3: Li) Thi;; i., ;;r'tunlly tn~l: toll:l,\' \'\i~il ;:'~, .jn"!it\:i,l~~
tl:e "m:1lJ of "in" ('omt'nn~', who :,1'1' 1Iot Ili Ill(' 0;""1'('(
rJ!&CC of t::p :\;uA lli:~b, ulld to) sueh the Grcntpr ~lu:'Ol's


8l1e \V:L\TCliT0"\\1ER.

docs not reveal the secret things of God's Word. The must be obedient to the Lord and his organization.
trouble with sneh oppo~crs is that, cnon thongh they Liherty uW's not mean license, Where there is truly
once had the truth, they have not the lo\'e of the truth, the spil'itu:dly minded condition existing among those
but, bcing' selfish, they arc blimkd.
who are hCg'ottell of the spirit these arc free from the
24 When lUoses went before the Lord to speak to him
bondage such as the Jews were in. The spirit of the
"he took the vail off". (Ex. 34: 3~, 3:;) The apostle Lord is upon and among his anomted ones, who are
Paul, quoting from the above propher'y, says: "Kever- in the temple or seclet place of the Most High, but
thelcss, when it [he, Uuth.] ~hall turn to the Lorl.1, that is not the coudition of the "great multitude",
the vail shall be takell away." (2 Cor. 3 ill) The who arc pl'i<,ollers to Satan's organization. It could
apostle's statement here pron~s that when there is a . Jlot be said that they arc free. Such condition of
turning away from a man and a turning to Jeho\'ah bondage refers to tho~e in the ranks of the /lominal
God, and fully trust illg him and the Lorr1 .Jr'sus, the church s~ stl'llIS and out~idp of it who are spirit-be"vail" is taken nway from thl~ eyes of surh as have g'otten Imt who are held in bondage by the fear of mali.
the spit'it of the Lord, UII( 1 thesc ha \"(~.!11l undC'rstalld- There arc many \\'ho claim to he in 1>1'r'sellt truth who
ing'. The olle turnill~ to the Lord, tlwrl'fore, i'i given are in fad ullder bonrla~c to fear of Satan's organia vision of his rdlt:eterl glury, whieh glorJ' is l'f'flect(-(} zation. That cO/ldition docs not, howe\'u', apply to
in the face of Christ .Tosas and shines into the heart those who arc in the temple; says the apostle, "But
and mind of those fully ue\'ot('<1 to the Lord. Christ Jerusall'lrI [God's organizatioll] which is above i'i
Jesus is "the brigh tnoss of his glory". But where free, which is the mother of us aIL" ((:al. 4: 26)
those who have con.Ha/lted to do the will of Uod coll- Therefore t hose in the secret place of til(' :\Io-.;t lIig-h,
tinue to look to a man and his supposed glorious ut- anointed alld in the templ<" are not in bondage to any
tainnwnts and dote upon his tpar'hings, they arc bli/:d worldly power as thou!!;h such worldly powers were
to the trutl1; and this is ('Ieady shown hy the fore- the "hi~hr:r powers". But tliose who arc looking' upon
goillg stafloml'/lt of the a [loo.;tk.
the rulers of this world as the" higher powers" al'e
2~ Today those who toutinuc to insist that Pastor
reltainly in hondage. 'l'he faithful, howevel', heing'
Ruo.;sl'll taught all t1lt~ trllth that is to be learned by Jehovah's witnesses and appreciating tilt; truth and
the saints Oil earth al'p in the dark, and tlwy will con- that this is thc. d:;y of judgnu'nt, these ha \'Il boldlle~s
tinue in the dar'k. 'rhpy fail to dis('crn the Lord at in declaring' the truth, and this is proof of their love
his tlmplt.. and seoff at the statement that he is at the for Jehovah and of their freedom or libcrty in Chri~t.
templc. Theil' continw-'11 blindncs,; to the understand- -1 .John 4: 17, 1~.
ing of the propheeil's of the BiLle is proof thereof.
~7 8neh faithful oncs refuse to rcco~nize tIle rulers
When the natural .J\'ws today read that whirh was of this world as the "higlwr powers". Th<,y r('1'l1se
written by )Ios('s, the matter io.; ent irl'!y dark to thl.'llI. to compl'cmise with tlie powcrs of Satan's organizaLikewise with those who al'e (Jure spiritual Israelites, tion, and refuse to ask them for or to UC'{'c'pt pc,t'lllits
and who It:ln~ contilllwd to look at a man and not from Satan's org-anization to preach the guspel of
to the Lord, the understanding of the Seripturcs is God's kingdom. They olJl'Y God, and not man, 1)('r'a lI~e
impossible to thtm. Those who tum to the Lord and they are free fl'Om bondagc of man and lIlall-made ortrust in him, for them the wil is removcl! and they sec ganizations ruled by Satan. It is therefore only wll('/'e
what the Lord reveals to those in the tempk.
the spirit of the I.ord is that there is Imc,ll li!Jl~rt,\';
and such is the meaning of the apostle's words in the
foregoinJ text. All those in Christ and in the cove26 Jehovah is the supreme power, that is, the Most
nant, take:n out as a people for the name of Jehovah,
High. The Lor'd .Jesus Christ is the higher power IH'xt arc, however, bound to be fully and wholly obedient
to Jehovah and is the "quiekening spirit". (1 Cor. to the great Prophet, Christ Jesus; and sillce the illIG: 45) l\foses was a type of Christ J(sus and was struction to the remnant proce'.~(]s ft'om the Lord at
flesh, or human, foreshadowing the spirit creature, the temple, all of the temple company must he wholly
Christ Jesus. Continuin~ his argument the apostle obedient to the organization instructions proceeding
says: "Kow the Lord [.JehovahJ is that spirit [The from the Lord.-Acts 3: 23.
Spirit, If.... J: and where the spirit of the Lord is,
~8 Christ Jesns is the heau of the house of sons, and
there is Ebert:'." (2 Cor. 3: 17) Some spirit-begottell those who arc in his house, that is to say, in the royal
ones have foolishly seized upon this seril'tuI'e tl'xt and house of God in the II mple, arc wholly 1'1'1'(' from S:lhold to it a,; an authority or exruse for their lawless- tan's organization. 'rhe words of Jcsus adrhc,;sed to
ness in God's organization, contending that where the those who thought they were God's SCl'Vallts arc:
spirit of the Lord is each one is at lihelty to do as he "If ye continue in my word, thE'n arc ye my disripl(s
ma:r pleas.e and is under no obligation to follow the indeed; and ye slwll know ~he truth, and the.truth
rules of Gr"l's organization, and henre thry do not shall make you free. If the Son tllercfol'c sh:1J1 llJill;\,
follow the direction in God's organization. Sm'h appli- you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John S : ~lJ, 32, ~3(j)
cation of the text is wholly wrong. One in Christ ,Je- 'rhe same rule applies at the present time, One TIll:'-t
sus is not Hcen"ed to do anything he W~llits to, but know the truth and mmt he in Christ Jc,;us and faith-

MAY 15, 1934

(fae WATCliT0WER

fully obey the Lord in"order to be entirely free from

Satan's organization. But that has no reference whatsoever to liberty to exercise one's own selfish desircs
or will and go contrary to God's organization instructions. 'l'hosc who insist on following their own selfish
desires and ways and on ignoring the instructions that
proceed from tlte temple IJut themselves outside of the
pale of God's favor. Let no one think, because he is
in the truth, he is at liberty to do as he pleases. He
must do as it pleases the Lord, and the will of the
Lord is expressed in his Word; and the Lord is dealing through his organization, and has one way of doing his work, and not many.


The remnant brought into the temple at the inauguration of the new cavenant arc "caught up . . . in the
elouds, ta meet the Lord in the air". (1 Thess. 4: 17 ;
see The Watchtower, January 15, 1934) From out of
the temple they discern the Lord's glory and receive
instruction from him, which they receive in the secret
place anu which instruction changes their entire
course of deportment and action. They arc cleansed
of things which arc not of the Lord, such as the fear
of man, the worship of man, the submission to woddly
powers contrary to God's will, the conforming of
themselves to man's teachings, and the following after
man, and from anything cbe or all things else that
mark one as conforming to the formalism of Bahylun.
'I'he temple company must be conformed or trans211 The apostle, then addl'cssing' his words specifically
formed to the image of Christ Jesus. "For whom he
to those who have the spirit of the Lord, such as him- did foreknow, he also did pn~destinate to be conformed
self and such as are today in the temple and faithfully to the image of his Son, that he might be the fir~t
serving .J choyah, says: "But we all, with open face born among many hrethren. 1\10reover, whom he did
beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are predestinate, them he also eallt'd : and whom he eaIled,
changed into the same image from glory to glory, even them he also justified: and whom he justifieu, them he
as by the spirit of the Loru." (2 Cor. :J: 18) In the also gIOloified.' '-Hom. 8: 2!J, 30.
typical picture it was Mosl's' face that was veiled, and
31 Those who are brought into the temple and tow:lId
not the face of the Israelite:s. In the antitype it is whom the new eovenant is inaugurnted sec and apthe Greater Moses, Chrbt Jesus, whose face shims, preciate the truth that Christ Jeslls is "the faithful
and that shining- is the rdlecting of .Jehovah's glory. and true witness" of Jehovah God, full of integrity
'I'hcrefore WhPll the face of the spiritnal Israelite is toward God, anu wholly de\'oted to the vindil'ation of
tm'ned to the fJord, and hence away from man, the his name; anu they apprcciate now that they rnu"t
veil is t:lken away and the vision of the ull\'eiled face be like the Lord in this r(sJlect. Therefore they must
is had by tho:.c who are with CIll'ist ill full unity. be faithful witnesses of Jchovah, because they ha\'e
'rhis explains why those at the temple have a clear been with Jesus and learned of him and must do as
vision of the Lord's purpose and his glory at this he docs, and they must ue bold in bearing the testitime and others who think they arc in Christ have mony to the name, of J ehoyah. Concerning thi:;; sallie
no vision at all. Another rendcring of this text is: mattcr it is written: "Now wlll'n they saw the hold
"But we all beholding the glory of the Lord in a face ness of Peter and .John . . . they took knowledge of
ullVl'ilc,l, arc transformcd into the l-Jamc likcIless, from them, that they had been with Jesus," and heace were
glory to glory, as from the Loc'd, the Spirit." (2 Cor. bold and fearltss witnesses to the name of .Jehovah.
3: 18, Dia{j.) The Lord Jesus docs not veil his glory (Acts 4: 13) 'I'hus their eoUl'SC of action is changt'd
from us (with all who are ill the temple), because from what it was durin!.\' the Elijah period or the
we have faith and have the spirit of the Lord. All church and they become like the LOl'd, as bold and
such are spiritually minded Hild have a vision, while fearless witnesses. This does not mean to be rude
others are blinded. The failllful in the temple look witnesses, but to calmly and fearlessly tell the trul h.
32 The foregoing scriptul'l', which says, "from glory
into thc unveiled face of the Lord Jesus Christ as
though looking into a mirror, and tlwy sec there the to glory," docs 1Iot mean that those of the remnant
glory of Jehovah upon Christ Jesus, and such glory or temple company are changed from the glory of the
is caught up by tJlOse ill the temple and reflected, The law covenant to the glory of the new covenant, but
glory here mentioned is not any part of us, nor is that that they arc changed into the likeness of Christ .Jeglory of us. The greater mediator and inaugurator of sus as_ faithful witnes<,es to the naIlle of Jehovah. Durthe new covenant is the one that is reflecting the glory ing the Elijah period of the church the faithful onl'S
of Jehovah, beeause he is now at the temple, 'in llis in a measnre reflected the glory of the Lord, but,
glor~.., and all his holy :lIIgcb with him.' (~[att. 23:
being transferred from the Elijah to the Elisba pcrioJ
31) Jeho,'ah gin" his glory to Christ Jesus, and to of the Lord's work, they have greater honor and I-!I'lry
his temple company, and to none other. (Isa. 42: 8) of scrvice, because the Elisha work is an unselfish deChrist Jcsus reflects the glory of Jehovah, and those votion to the honor of Jeho\'ah's name. It is ill this
in the temple, beholding this glory, reflect the glory day that it becomes more apparent to tlte Jonadab
of the Lord Jesus to others, that they may see who class <IS to who are the true witlH'sses of Jehovah giv:
arc the true witnesses of Jehovah.
ing honor to his name even as Jesus did when he \\,;lS
3J Sllch faithful ones "are ehanged into the same
on earth. ConeeJ'lling his faithful followc1's Jr'ill'l
im:.lge ", "transformed into the :;ame likeness." (Diog,) sail!: "And tbe glor)' which thou ga ,est me I Il<I n'

r.frle \Y:\.TCliT0WER.
gh'cn them; that they may he one, ('Yell as we are
one." (John 17: 22) The faitlrl'lIl Ol~l'; ret1cet the
glory of the Lord that evcn tl10,:e outsiel,.> mny d(~tl'r
millc who arc really unselfishly devllted to .JehO\"ilh.
<'1 Snell t!'::ll'ifol'mat ion (,ollform" one to tlw likcl1"'is
of Christ Jesus, "even ~1~ of the Loru, the Spirit."
(8 Cor. :3: 18, 1//l1rfJin) Christ Jesus 1Ia" aj'pC'urul at
the tcmplc and gathl'l'cll .Jd:oVl\h's saillts unto him.
self, tlwl now apply the words of the a llucotle: "\V 1:('11
Christ, who is our life, shall <lpI'l'Clr, thf.:n shall ~-e
ahll appear with II im in glory." (Col. :~: -1) UNO
eh l'ist .f l'SllS inst rllds the t ('In pIe ('om pan,\', aIlll f-:21Hls
thelll fui'lh to rl'i!,'d his ~I(jl'j'. Platt. 10: ~i') TbJ
all'!e!'; of thc LOl'd kwe ;'::lllll'rl'd out the la'ski" OIll'S,
;lwl the L>l'u has c!l,thCl] the 1':litilt'lll Olw" \;'ith the
l'fJl)l~ of l'i~{ht('f)l1"lll',<;, allli S('IH], ti,('m fo!th ns his
Y;itll'.'S:'I's h ~I:ille hy rdlr'I'1ill~ hi" 'c'lol'::; Hwl !lOW
HI; fulfilled his ':un1s: "'l'hc:\1 ~ 11<\11 t lie rig!ltl'ous
: :Iill(' forel 11." the :,lliJ ill tlll' l:ill:~do;i1 III' l:H'ir F.t1h: r.
Y,';;o Iwth ('n~ to hl':lr, Il't him heal'," Dlatt. 1~: -1-::)
Only .hllOvall's wiinl'~;v's, made pal't of the ('led selT;:llt dOl,";, are gin'll ~tl('h ::101')'. (h:I, -;:2: ~;; .;:~: 7) .\s
tile faithful \\itllt"';eS uf .!d!o\'ah th',I' lll::illtaill tilcir
iall'gl'ity toward bim, nlill 1,('(';I\i';(' thl'y (lo :-;0 t:te re1)['I);,(lll';; whi('h ft'll ltj)(l/l ('llI'ist ,fc:,lls 1':: II upun tllt'!i1
lind till',\' ure OpjJ()';.:d aml 111~I'Sl'Clll"ll. \ I~olll. 1;)::n
'fhe fad:;; ~how that s\leh al'.~ ('xadl:: tl1(' pl'l'c:ent-day
ronditi'JIl:i uml ('xp('ril'll('l';'; of .Jt'ho\'ahs witn('s;(",; \,,'/10
llre holdly dl'('larill~~ tiL: name 01' .fdlO'. '\h. "]f J'C he
rej'll'o;wlll II for t11l~ lWIIIl' OL Chri:-;t, happy :Are ye;
for the spirit of glory :11111 of God rl'"tt<th upon you:
011 tlll'iL' pal't he IS e\'il ~P()!;(,II 01', but 011 your pal't
lll' i,! g-lori/It'd. "-1 I'd. 4:: J-l-.
~~ It is no\\' the glorious Jlri\'ile~'p of the faithful to
b; \\ it 11 1';< '';('S to the 11:11:l(' of .!th,)\'ah, wlwlI his ~n~at
.Jud~e i.,; ut the temple jlllb'iw~ the hu\n\~ of Go(l :l1J~1
HP1HtI'atillg thp pPOple :1:; slll'l'p ;~lId goats al'C SeIH;l'atc~d.
'flw trlle followl'J'.~ of t 'hl'ist JI'SIlS ',ii;e"'llot ashn:m(l
to be .Jehovahs \';itJWS'it>S, lJlIt .n:juiec that th~"y mny
han a Pal't ill tldi\'t.~rjll~ the tc~;timoI!Y to the "iu(IH.'u

tion of his name. (1 Pet. 4: 16)

righteousness of God.

N, Y.

They declare the

(To be continued)


1.. J:xl1laiu \\"i:i)thcr 0nc gl't~ life l,y l'ea~,'n of 11~in~ in fl..
COVl'llaut with JChO\T.h, \\ kIt, then, i~ Ihf' tll,!.l,ctlliun of
lA?\",1~n,3 1>;: ij 3 Un v,lw t tel'J)jR will 1.," Ilk:n'l !rain lif';
dunn;;, tile lllillenni..t! lei,.;n of Chri~t 1 \\ :''It b the pur,
P(j~,J or the HeW {'u,,-\'lwnt! \Vh~~ll uoe.; it IW('(JJ!ltJ lJl"'l:ltive \f)\';alll tho"c whl) arc in the covenant, and with v. hat

result 10 dll.;lld
2, :,. \\'1"'11 an,j how dol'S Il.,),rml's
t'lIIllI,:lll' tjld "ltIl the
:.! 'Ii~ .. ~,tllitll~UI'l ~: ].

tune aIlu

12:~:! L:l\e fnlfilnH~1l1 'I

lJlanw.'l" )t l.Ul!HUll:Ht (jl


4, 5. \\'1:"

Hit " y p J ; :11111 tho "('huu'!L

tl!f' fir~~lJlJln'}
(n~r~e :.;:~), ilnd bu ',\ dOt,s tlus '(~()llljn~" t:'\'I: pl:lC'e! l~(j~:lt
Ol\t IL.) "i:~nili<-a!\ee vi thu expres"i(JIl "ai;,] ('J (1u,1 \l:e

.lllt!l~\~ or :d.!' '.

GS. 1'1 u\'(' Ule idl'ntity vf "tho spirits or juot



IH~ri'\:r'l ".

tI", J',l:cli"r;,-hip hpw of the fUllh"r l":pr",~i"11 I::)

":lI1lI to .Jt;--u..; tlii.: IJh'di:~tor uf the lU''''t' \'J\.'I':LJli.." J (IJ)
"To the })l/HHI ,,1' t--pJ'iukl1n~, tha.t ~p,-,~~k\th fJ.;ttcr tJI111~,i
tl.'CII tl::'.t IJj ,\1, ,I"!
101::, l'\lillt uul \\h:ll \V::~ j"rr'shadowed f<r j',,,u,,l,l i:t th"t
\',I,idl i.. n?ellid .. d at (a) Jla:.::~ai ~: li :111<[ 111,1"',,\:31:':: :':';.
(1)) JldJlI'\','~ I:!: :.:.3. (,') Ildmms J:.:: :.:~.
I t V;I,,,t is tl:n "l:i:l;~d"',1 \'.1,,..1t ,,:mllot I", 1)1<)\,1"7 J:.v
\r!u)ln rccl'il"d I an') Ito',\' i "nd 1\!ll'l13

I"';]';. \Yl!o al\.! IHlll'...,tt'IH lJf tl:l~ Ill'W ('fJ\t'n:lllt J .'l~'IJtJut fur
the ap,,:-~L.:; ('xl'Ll,~.ltHl Hal.\.: m1Tli,... hI~,n, :,':d Jll~' hi . . .
dj~tiH'..:.ui~!liJl~~ 1)l~t\",{ln tilt" "Ji'ttt'r" (If tIl" (1l\ll1an t. :dld
th\.~ "spirit" t!lt'lt'lIt, }--l.n'.\' that his cuun:--,_'l \\.\'4 It'ClJrdtd
for "JIll :lp!.lil'3 "t tlte jill" .'Ilt tilile.
]0, :!'1. J';J<,.plain tltt, ,. '~[<)ry" "1'I,kel1 01 by till: "J'o"t!lJ ill
:! ClHilltlii:'\l.~ ;): i-Il.
21. Puint ,n,l till' ''It''[le'', ",'fl'ne,1 to in \('1'." J~, :'~ 1':cll
in(~ for "~~n':lt 1,bil1t1t'~:-3 of Ht'cc~h", :.twl :--11,)\\ the [lll.S
C:it rtpph"ativu Ol tl,is bt't!l'llllP.
:!2-::,j. l~xplain the ilJn"ltatilJll uQI~d by till.! :qJ(lstl(, :l~ Ill.
~()r\ll\d ;11 \'P:,"::l'S 1:~I.). l[~Jw ural w!l('n d\)!~ tlll.;, 1 f ,::\lt:l('f
,\'ilh n'r,e ]1), lin'l 'q'l'!Jcalioll vr fulhhll"ltll
~li:2'\. f::how \I!t(tl,,'r \,,'I.W 17 has heen eorll",tly l11ld"I,:OU,J
ull,l :ll'l'1it\~l b.\~ the fipitit IJl'~~l)tt(~n UIH'i (d.: t1.1:1 da:', and
'rhellh:r th('jr l/l1lt~t~ of :ll,tiou has he(~n in Il.'~rlJj(lnY tliJ'I'C'
with :lll,I \,ith .1l'~lL~' word" of Jol'n S: ;)1, :;:2, ::n,"
~lJ,::;I. E~;!,bi'1 tit,t aj'udti<)'" "'lr<l~ (\'(:1"") 1,,) (:t) "with
(;!IPU f:~1'0 hdlqlllin~ :'.:-1 in a glass tlll~ $~ll)ry ,d~ tlit~ Lill,l' '.
(! "(il~'ll~I(l into tllC ;-':'111(' lflJa~(' flola ~b)r)' t'J glol)"."
(I') "L\"ll as hy the ~[!il,t of tl,,! Ll)rd."
31. \\'hat i:~ J~OW the g"l(':l.t l)ri\i!t\~'~~ \\hi<h .Jchu\ah ]It\l\idcJ
flJr ti,e ialt!l[ul, awl how Ilill tlll'Y re"l,ljwl thcnto 1

f 9. \\'hat is






r-'f"11 B rul ing- factol'~ of am ient EQ'~ pt cO!ll!,ri"c,.l

t he kil1~ and princes, the l'l'!i '!:ions pl'ofessun,

-"'- the l!lili:arj~ts and the buiILlill'l' Cllgineerg. Of
the long <l!.!O it is writ tell in t he ~,:':;'cL1 Bcriptnr: '{:
"The l)/'illcf,~ also of Pharaoh lthe Ling] saw \.\1;1<,ham's wife Saruh], and ('oml\1"l11Inl ]11'1' bdo;e Ph,1'::011." (Cen. I:!: 1:') Thh sta1.l'm('~lt shO\\'s th:~t tl:e
I:ing' had his iloliticians ]od;::in~ ai'L'r !tis 1'('1":(':1<11 if'tr:l'l'sts. CUll!'l'l'nill~ Abra!WHl':, !C']','Jt-t;l'-1nd,r)Jl ';"-\'1.11,
,,:ho was in T2g-ypt latcr on al1lI "'as lidtl ill pri~'Oll,
it is \'.1 it1('Il: "The !;i~l!!,' Sl'llt nl1tl IU');:l',l him: ('nil
til(' nY'r or the peopk rof E;.!'ypt!, awl ld him ~,'O
free. 1:::: L\:;,l" I:in k~'c.l of l:i.; 110:15:::, l\l~J nl!~:r d

IHWOE:t;\. N,



all his su!Jstnllee; to bil1lI his princcs nt his plr:l"m(',

IwLl ie'nell his senators wi~c1om."-Ps. ](1';: ~O:;:2.
Spcei8.j pru\'ision \i'aS n .aue in Et;~' [l~ Iv!' t Ii, Ill: :ll~{1'; of rc:li'jf\l1, The hi,\l,ric l'('eorl!\.,~ ::11 iIHillll'I'
or' this, ~a .... i!l'~: "Ollly the l:ind 011111: lJt'i:',:s hu.:'J:t
11(' not; fvr the pric':ih h:H] 11 portion :I<"c.i'llll'cl t!:.'!Il (IL
Pharaoh, DnJ (litl eat till'ir pol'tion lini,,)\ P!:,)]:!"ll
~,l\'e tll':Tn; Ii I;"ll'fnrc t;!C'.\' ul)ld not t lit'ir I::!:.: '. ,.
(U::n .~'j: :::2) In the I)(-\'ii \; ()1'''alliz:I!'''ll I", !'n<! ,";l'\ 'I
to it tklt tbe rcli,-,ionists wen' partieul:1l'i.l t:\I;l'll (':<1 '.r
of nn(] pt'(l\'it1cd for. 'l'lw 1)",'i1 has :,1\1 :,y,< ]"'IJt i\'
li~i()n j1I'Ornillc'llt l"ld to tlk lUl't'.
CG:l('~;nilJ~~ tiw n,ijit:ry forces it j" \;rilt";ll t:,',t

MAY 15, 1!)34

r.Ffie WATCHT0\\fER

!'haraoh had a great host of chariots, and horses to

dr:nv those chariots, and horsemen. (Ex. 15: 4 j H:

'I, 9) The Lord's prophet (Jcr. 46: 4, 8, 9) says:
"Harness the horses; and get up, ,re horsemen, and
stand forth with your helmets; furbish the spears,
lIud put on the brigandi,nes. Egypt riseth up like a
flood [of the Nile river J... Come up, ye horses;
lIud rage, ye chariots j and let the mighty men come
forth; the Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the
shield; and the Lydians, that lwndlc and bend the
bow." The Ethiopians and Libyans and Lydians were
the allies of Egypt, and their place of r~idence was
on the bonler of Egypt.
As proof that the Egyptians were ~reat builders and
eIl~inl'cl's, it is written: "Therefore t hey did set over
them taskmasters, to amict them with their hurtlNls.
And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom
and Uanmscs." (Ex. 1: 11) It is in the land of Egypt
that grl.'at Ilyramids and temples hln'e been huildcd,
aud without a uouht they were built nt the instam'e
of Satan. Th('sc comhined ruling faetOl's of Egypt
wcre haughty, domineering', hlood-guilty, oPP1'(:ssivc,
}>rL'Sumptuous nnd blasphemous.-JoL 21: 14, 15; Isa.
19: 11.
'rhe proof is COlH'IIlSivc that E~ypt was Satan's 01'gUllization and that the dominatiug' element in the
vi<;ible part of that oq;anizatioll was the commercial
POW(~I', which created and operated the militnry for
its selfish purposes and caused the politicians to do
the hidJing' of that chmtnt. The religious ('Iern('nt
of the nation was that of the Devil, and wicldetl an
UIlr:UllIY influence OWl' the otlwr ruling' factors. IIl'l'e
again the manifest purpose was to tum the people
away from God and to COl'l'U!'t tht'm nnd keep tl1l'm
in subj(ction to the Devil, who was particularly l'l'Pl'cscnted in Egypt hy Pharaoh 1he king'. To further
streng-then the proof; God in his \Yonl d0finitely says
that E~ypt i-; the Draqon or Devil or!!:anization, ('reatcd and organized by Satan, who claims t he earth and
everythiug therein fOl' his own selfish purpOSl'S: "Thus
saith the Lord Gou, Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh [the Devil] king of EgYllt, the ~l'eat dl'agml
that Heth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said,
1\1y river is mine own, and I have made it for myself"
[let .Jehovah keep his hunds off] .-Ezek. 29: 3,
The common people of Egypt were kept in subjection to the rulers, eyen as Satan kel'ps the peoples of
earth in subjection to himself by and through the
rulers. The common people were not so harsh to the
Israelites in bondage as were the rulers. It is <:ven
so today; the common people arc not harsh against
God's people, as are the rulin~ factors. The financial
lords today claim the natural resources of the earth
which God meant for the people. The~' also advance
the opinion that they properly rule and control the
people, and that by divine right. Egypt was a house
of bondage to God's people, Israel; and so the Devil's
ganization is holding the peoples of earth in bondage.
Assyria, the next ancient world power, \\'as also an


organization of the Devil. Three elements or go\"erning factors. to wit, religj(,1l1S, commercial and political,
appeared therein, bnt th;,t which is maue the foremost
is a political religion, 01' a political rule, or a form of
religion that is uscd hy the politicians, By that is
meant that the politicians who controlled the people
accepted the religion as a matt<:r of expediency,
The prophetic books of .Jonah and Nahum arc devoted exclusively to A~syria anu Nineveh, its capital
city, and strikingly foretell a state of the Devil's organization in which a political clm:s will he in the
saddle and adopt and follow a false religion been use
it is thought expedient in cal'rring out the political
purposes. In this the political fador is strongly and
consistently supported by the commercial power, the
"~iants", whi('h toget hl'r with the politi('ian<; arc made
the principal ones of thl' tIoek of the religious system.
The prophetic record cOll('ernin~ the Assyrian world
power seems to clearly foretell a condition of the
Devil's organization existing during the period of
- preparation for and immellialely before the gwat COlIf1ict between Satan's or~anization and God'..; or!!anization. Othl~rwise stllh>d, it fOl'dold a condi t ion l'Xistin~ on earth whrn appl-oachin~ the time of the
cstahlishmcnt of God's kingdom, which time is the
present time.
Nimrod, the notorious "mig-hty Ilt1l1ter" of old, wa~
Satan's chief wan on enrth. lIe had built Bahylon
and three other cities in the land of Shinar, and
hecame a great campaigner against the [wucd'ttllydisposed Shemites who \i\<:tl in ;'\Ie~;opotamia. A<.;shur
was one of the sons of Shl'm, and c\'idl'ntly he and his
offspring settled that part of tit':) valley of :.\If'sopotamia that lil;; north of Babylon. ~il1l~veh was the capital city of A,,<;yria anu, :If'conling' to the COIHIIlOII or
.ilutltol'izcd rcr.sion of the Bible, it was huilt by
Asshur. (Sec Oenesis 10: 11.) 'l'he aCCUl':H',v of that
tl"UlIslation is disp 1lted by many who claim that it
was Nimrod who built Ninl'vch, the capital city. There
is mueh force to their cl1nll'ntion. Gl'nesis, chapter
ten, verse ten, tells of the bl'ginning of Nimrod's exploits. Flom verses six to twenty the record rwrlains
to the sons of Ham, of which Nimrod was the most
prominent. It docs not seem reasonahle that in the
very midst of the description of that family it would
break off the continuity of the d('scription by interjecting the statement concerning the sons 01 Shem,
who are mentioned in the same chapter, beginning
with the twent.y-second verse.
One well-recognized authority on translation (Ris.
lop) contends with much force that the propel' translation should read thus: "And he [Nimrod], being
strengthened [after Pc had built Babylon, and Ereeh,
and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shin:!r; anJ
had become a 'mighty' man in the earth] wc-nt 10rth
out of that land [Shinar]. IlnG huilJed Nineveh, and
t he city Rehoboth, and Calah." The marginal l'enJpl'in[.( of the Common or Authorized Version snpports
that conclusion, and it reads: "And he l.\"iIII I'od 1


STfl.c. \\0'\TC:rIT0\VER.

WCllt cut, info ~\ssyria," The wej~ht of authority,

therefore, i'l that ~imrod extended hi'l domain and
illcrcaseu his might in the earth by inYaJill~ .\~sJTia.
and bringin~ ..\ ssyria inl0 suhjcetion to him, and that
he built ~inevch as its eapital city,
One of the prophrts of the Lord c~lls the land of
Assyria the land of :\imrod. (:,1ic. 6: (j) D~illg the
capital city, ~i!lc\"(,h Y:,1S t hc oi'!i"ia1 l',-,~i(l\:J1ce of the
ruler who is called "ew l~in~r of :Xin('wh". (Jonah
3: 6) It wa<; the ro,,'ul eily of the sccund y;ol'lJ pmwr,
and I3alJylon be::ame the capitul city of lhe third world
power. Th(,: c ; :,d:, ~,:,I)\'i that .\:;';y1'ia, au<l it <; chid
city, ~iJlf'\'(':l, Y;,ls.m I)r';aHI;ntioll of ~~l\::]l 1'le Dc\il.
KiIH.'yc'h Y;;,:; U 1"11;; (lJ.' OI'~~';l1!i:,atj:)ll (J!' :,l'l':tt iLlpOl'tullce, and b ('~JlcJ ":\iIWyclt, th:lt P'I'Ht t'ity";
and, a:~uill, Ute }JI'np':rt ~i1Y';, ";\o\\' Xii\<:\ ell \\"<1-; ;11l
cxC'ceding gT('at ('ily of tln','(: (bys' journ:'y." (Jon::ll
1: 2; :l: 3) The Jlvhl'ew lby's j:Jlll'I1l'Y lL'ing npl'l'O~:
imately h.-ellty mih-s mlllid tll(~J'('[l)l'C !l1ab~ tIte eity
appl'()xim::~,'ly si~;ty lfliks ill "il';1lJni'PI'I'll<\,. The
prophC't ~,::ys that tlll'l'l~ ",'pre nll)I\' t hall SiXS(,OI'I~ tho~t
salld pl'r;:olls (1 ::0,(;01)) tlt:~ t Cl, ul d )I ot d i,,(' l'll bl'II\"l'l'n
the ril.!llt h:llld ,:n.l the ki't h:md. This Ill,l1Iifeslly
tcfns to int'::llh, :11l11 \\oldd Il'al'l'::nt tLe (:olH'lIt,j:m
that the total pupn!al ion of llw tity was bet\Vl'I')} ~ix
InulIli'ul tllOU,-;:llld and a lIlillioll.
A lion i:-; It.~l'd in tlip ~l'rip~ Ill'es to symllGlizc a rulel'.
(lc'n..:~):!J, 10) Fiel!.'e liulis \':ould tllet'('fol'c symbolize harsh, crw'l, Hid O!ll'l'('~;~;i\'e l'ukt's. Nlll'h l'lllel'S
or polilil'al in~;tr\llm'nl:j opl'rate ~plfi~hly at tIt" hdlC,t
of the mi.:hty ('OIllIIlI'l'(j,,1 !lowel', allli their c\'il dCl'ds
nrc SCrC(;lICU by tlw hYPor'ritieal l'dkionists. Vescl'ibiw~ the c~lpilal "ity of ;\incwh and it:-; ru!<'rs, the
prop!J<'t ~;}ys: "Wherc i-; thlJ dl'll of thc lioll." and
tht, fe(',li)}~-Illa('(~ of the yOll'l'!; lions, wltC're the lillll
au(l the liolll'~S walked, tlie lioll'K wb:lp, all<l none
m:Hle them afl'aiJ ~ 'i'he lion ,lill tr~l1' ill pi('('('s l'uou:.;h
for hi~ whelps, ~:JlII ~traw!ktl 1'01' his lil)ll('s~cS, and
filled hi<; can's wilh Pl'l'Y, awl his dCIlK with ravin,"
-Nah. 2: 11, 1~, n. V.
In Jll'Ophl'tic phrase is hel'e 111',rri1Jed a company
of crud lJolitical rulers, who exploitell the peo[lle to
feC'd thel!1sclws aud their allies in the Devil's or~ani
zution. )1Ulli[c~tly this 1'oco1'<l l'f the ]JI'OrdlCt is maJe
that the pl'l'domillut ilJ~~ dement of t hut IJ:ut of S;ltan's or~~lIlizati()n coul,l hc Ji-;:Ioscd. Go,l t l 1l'n expressly ,kelarc(l that he is a~!aillst that ol'ganization.
'rhis is the hest 1)1'00 that the ol'~;mization melltiollcd
there is that of Satan the Devil.-Xah. 2: 13.
The king ho'1<;tc.l of his Jloliti(al power and that he
had a tremendous politital ol'~;mizntion: "For he
snith, Are not m~' princes alto~!cther [all of t:H,m]
kings rpoliticians] '1" (lsa. 10: ~) Xinl;vc!1 was permeatt'J with aUtI uehauchcd hy the Dcvil l'digi',n.
Here i., proof that the symbolic "\vhol'e" Jll<'ntionc,d in the S(,l';pturcs is the ]h~yil's o l".;':micnti'Jll,
llnd pal'lirulal'i)' the rt'1i~iuw; p:lrt thCl'<)Oi', ,vhich
the J);;yil W;;3 to seduc0 and lll1'n the pl."Jp!e a',';rly
from JC:10\T,;. nwl to cause both tuler:! and people to

wulk on in darkness and evil: "I3ecause of the multitude of the whorrdom<; of the \vcllfavourc<l harlot
lXincvch], the mistrc:>s of witchcl'afts, tlwt ~dlcth
lJatiolls throu'-!h her whoredoms, and familil's thl'ou~h
her witchcl'UItS. "-Xuh. 3: 4.
'l'he DC\'il, by appealing to the superstitions of the
political ,~JJd commercial giants Hllll rulers oi the 1f'1lrl,
SC,{1Jwcs tLem and can',,:s the lJatioll to lJe under his
(Satan's) COllt1")1. ./\t the pre,;cnt day there is II1w.. h
cvid<:l1cC ~ho\\'ing that hoth roJitirialls and hig fin:l!l('!ers ('ow;nlt spirit mcdiums Hnu thus recclve il1f(ll'mUt ion from tl:c Dc\-il. \\'hile the pol iticilms in );il1ewh
"",'d'e in tl:e V,lll of Ih(~ or~,~llizaliol1, the ("II11111erri:il
j';:c:t01' was (,:~cI'rjs;n~ its ]Jart. The 01"(:111 iz,ltioi! oi
.\.:;:;)'1'i:1, anu purlir:u;al'ly the capital city, :\'im'\'tiJ.
wns !lulc'.l 1'01' its COlllllll'I'('jal \':e01lth; as the IIl'lJiJll"t
E:lyS: "Tate yo the spoil of silver, take tile "poil Ul
goold; for thc1'e is nUll!..: eud of the store amI glol'Y
out of 1111 the pil'aSi111t fUl'lIitul'e." (?':ah.~:!J) "ThDll
(!\inc\'l'h] h'lo,t multiplied thy mCJ'(lwn1'l ahl)\'l~ the
stal'S ot ltl'::\cn: the (',.n!;u'\\'(Jnn spoiHh, nlJd il" 1fl
away." (~ah, 3: Hj) .\s an example'. ('IJw,idel' I !IC
pre,;c'llt e"nll!1C'l'rial-llIililar.v PO\y('l'H of the worlJ and
see how \"1'11 the I'I'()pl.d IOI!:~ 1l~~0 ue')I.'l'ilJl'd (l\I'm,
~\s;,Yl'i<l, Hnd ilK ",li,it:t! ('il~', \',as a ;!l'c'at lJ1ilit;:t,y
pOWP!' and was slr',w~l,\' f01'1 i[;",!. f'a,v,; th(~ lll'ol'h\'t,
(:\uh. 3: 17): "Thy ('I'OWIH d [rulers 01' u!',k'cl':'; of
authOl';ty] <II'" as the IO('ust') :lnd thy eaptains lfil'id
marshals 01' military f:uflIman(ll'rs) as th'l l!t'I'llt gT,l"-hoppcl's, which {'alllp in thc IH?tb:('s in the cold (j,1,V
lthe 1:Itte1' sitting amllnd ready to act. at thc hiddill:2;
of theil' ownersJ."
The ~\ssYI'ian m'lny wlli('h ('nc:llTllwtl Ill'fore .1l'1'usalem approximated two h\llldrcd thOlh,!IH} wal'l'iol',-;.
'l'hcrc wel'c prohably many morc than 111at, but t ia~
record is tltat O!lC h1l11'.h'l'd awl ei~!\'l tholl,,:.lld
of them were kilk,l I,y the 1.01'11 .]I'llOvalt (:tJd in IJltP
ni~rht. The king of .hsyria ddied Jelto\'ah Uud, :!I1d
en<]I'([\,o1'<,(l to tU1'lJ C\'{'!\ (:Oll's ('()I1~lt'I'::lp,l 1,,'o!,Je
away from him anI! rau",? tllI'lIl to ~in' :lll,'::i:tlIl'p 1'1
the Oc\'il. (Isa. 3(j: 1:3-~O) .\nd thus j" pl'oved ..\~
sytia 's mi~ita1'Y st)'en~th and h('r being' us(,d by tlle
"\s,,yrin, and pat'tirul:ll'ly Nitwwh, 111'1' eapilal ('it:--"
Satan's ol'ganization, and which ,,'as r1l1('(11)~' the Jloliticians, profit.erl''l, militarists anJ )'eli~i()lli,.,h, \\'n~ a
bloody or;!.anization p1'e~ ing upon othc 1''', lying to t !'"
criYC, CXI)loitin~ and rlJl>lJin~ the Jl\.'IJl'k. "\VOL' t,)
the blo r )(.1y city!" cries out tIte prophet (:\a1l. 3: ], :2 :)
"it is nil full of lie's ;lJlt1rohlH'l'Y; the ]ll'l.',Y (ll;p<1l'tl'\ h
not; the noi~:,.' of a whip, :mel the noi,;'~ d the rattIi! '!
of tll(' \l'ltelh, nnll vI' the prancing hor-c>-.;, and ( t
the jumping chariot","
It \l'U" the rulers of Xincv('}l who brou!.!llt ah'l11t tii','
~umr.ri: :lll>;, tItnt eomp:lll~' of rrli!Ji(I,!~ hybrids ".. ilO
w(>re roll1ni7Nl in Pnlestinc, and ,,-Ito lllili'"lt'l} tJwil'
llr:~!"lJl:,m, the IJcyiJ rl'ligiilll, \; itlt a prl'll'll,!t:,l :11' (
iinpcl'~,t:ti()u<; ";orship of Jehovah. T!:.' Lll'd pif.i:I:~
numes the 8:1mut'ituas <1<; "ad\'(:r~aril'::;" or' Ill" re"i'~",




fJfie \vATCHT0WER.

,\ ho wanted to join with those who were God's people

:md to call themselVf's by the name 01 the Lord and
at the same time praeticed the Dcvil's l'rJigion in the
llame of Jehovah. As it is writtell (Ezra 4: 1-3):
"Th('n lthe Samaritans] came to Z<,rubhabd [the
Jewish gO\'CrllOrj, unll to the chief of the father'l, and
said unto them, Let us build rthe temple to .}pl1Ovah
God] with you; ft\r \n~ sc('k your CoJ, as yc do; aud
wc do sacrifil'e unto him, silll'e the Jays of Esar-haddon
],ing- of ~\s~ur [,\ssyria], which hroug'ht us up hither."
\VIlCll God's chosen pcoplc rel'll..;rd to join with them,
these same hypocriti('alrelig-ionist'l became thc avow('(}
('llrmips of the Israelite,,; aud IH~1'secl1tcd them. (Ezra
1: 4-7) The ~\ssyrian I'uil'rs had cal'l'icd these alit'lls
illto Samaria to rt'(lf.pnbte that lalHl, and to l".;tahlish
tlll.'re the Devil reli~ion in orrll'r to corrupt their
lJ('idJl)(Jrs the .)e\\s.-2 Ki. 17: :2-t-2!1.
The thrl'(' great ('arthly organizations, namely,
Bahylon, I~g'ypt, anll "\ssyri:l, W('I'e nil Satan's 01'~~allization:~ which ~hl'w his wid,,:d organization from
(Iifrcrcnt vi('wpoinl<;. Bahylon is tlw motla'r, and .)eJIO\'ah Gou in his \Vord rI'IH'(':,t'lI1'-; her as "the great
whore" find "till' Ijwt!ll'r oj' IIndoh". (Hl'V. Ii: 1-;')
'J'he Devil's org'Hni;~:tlil)n is tha1 wlii('h g'in's hirth to
all the other orgaui%<itions that han' opposed and still


oppo~e .Jehoyah Gou and brin~ reproach upon his

!lame and pCI'''ccute his anointed ones. It i~ the DC\'jl
religion that has ('orruptcd t he political rulcr,; and the
commereial giants of the \\orld U11d turneJ them
again:,t J dlOyah. ({od's \\- anI indil'ates that when
the time comes the political and financial power., will
awakc Iwd, learnin~ :J measurc of the truth. will hatc
the old "whore" and Illa:;:c her and e\'cl'ything that
is df'ible of thnt wirhd organization dcsohte.-lhy.

11: ]-17; !sa. 10: 5, 6.

AS:iyria thcrefore more particularly represents the
Deyil's org:mization at a time when politira1 1'ull'1'8
dominate the nations nnd work to~dher with ,md uudel' the <lin'etion of their COlJllJll'l'pial allic-.; nnd ~ IIpllol't and 1,pholl1 a L:1,t' l'(,li'.:il,n, find shows IIt:lt 1ill'.\
will so c(,ntinue ulltil the crash comes. E~ypt, 1H'IJl~'
the Dc\'il's ()l'~aniz:lti()n, partir'ulady m;I<':!Jifi\:, I:ll~
commercial pU1't, ,,"hiI'll jll'odncl's alld maintain", l!Jt~
military power, as pl'('dominatill~~, while at Ihl' <;<iJ':l~
time the politieiaJls and thc l'pli<.:iollist" \VOl';' tl,~dlil'l'
to C;1lTY out i1s jlolieil's. BaIJ.l'lo!l stallc]'; a" tl,l'
"mother" of the whole wil'kt'd s.l'stelll, <Illd Sfll'eiJirally and primarily nplt',.;('n1s the ()t".. i\'" l)1''.:allization; IWa all who hCI'oml' a I'n1'1 of 1.1'1' Jllo[J(;1'Jy
take her nume anJ are d,;si8Iluted as jjabyJon.


T THE time that the

JfOWS or nation of Israel

were IHOl1~.dlt fol'lh out of the house of thdr
bondage ill the land of Egypt, a male lamh
and its shcd blood feat tll'ed in the procC'edillgs. .\11
that was a prophl'tic pie1lm', iwlitative of good thing'S
to come.-lIeh. 10: 1.
Jehovah (lad's IJdoved 8ml Jesus was the reality
fOl'eshadowcl} by the paS'iovcr lamb of Isr;ll'l. In the
pirturc the hlood of the lamh was important beeau,c
of what it l'('!lI"(,sc'llfl"1. The hlooll of the helo\'ed Son
of Gu'l, 8..11l'ificiully }Ioul'ed out, is of very great importance to all men. Clel'g~.'men who ignore or minimize the importunce of the blood of J('8US as the grrat
}'HnSOm price for mall do violenee to the "Tord of God
and aid Satan t<.- turll the people from the ollly name
allu \\'ay that lead to ('vedustin!! life.
Jehovah '8 law required the Israelites to make prep:l.l'atioll for the paS'iover. (Ex. 12: ] -28) The head of
each household pictlU'ed Jeho\"ah himself. Four days
before the sacrifiring- took place the l1~mh must be
s('lected. Four litl'ral days before the dl'ath of .J ('';118
he ofi'ered himself to the nation of I'SrHel. Jl~"1l3 ditu
about 4,160 ....ears after the sin amI fall of .\llulll.
lIellce four days of one thouSllI1d years each prior to
JeslL'" death Jehovah selected .h'<;us to he the nl'c1l'em.
er of man, Therefore the four days in the picture \\"('re
both literally and "....mbolicully flllfill<,c! in Christ.) PS\l<;.
The passover hlmh mllst bl' a male -and without
blt'mish. The One whom the lamb foreshadowed must

he a male without bkmi~h. \Yh,\" mnst this vic-tim

for liuerifi<c he It [ll'l'feej mUlI"{ Bec:ln';r till' 1'('1'1'1'('1
man, ,\dam, had \'iolated Uod's law in the ~ardl'J1 of
Ellen. and for that reason his lifl~ was tab'n a \\,:1:-'.
The law of (;0(1 l'l'l(llircd a life for a life; th('I'(t'OI'('
the One who mnst hc subsfituted ill death fol' Ad:llll
mnst be a perfect man. Th is is tile l'\'w.;on why the
animalnsed to represellt the Hl'<!l'l'IIlI'1' nll:st Ill' \\itltant hlt'mish. The redeemer of .\dam and hi,; nfl\pl'ing,
therefore, must bc a perfect mall, nothing IlI01'C :lllll


In nil the earth there \rus no pel'feet man. All

were cOllctt'mlle'll bel'an-.;c of the imperfl'dion 1'('sulting fmm thc sin of Adam. 'l'llrrc was none g-ol,d.
(Ps. 1-1: 3) 1\0 man was qunlifiec} to ralI<;Olil hi" ft 1low mall. (Ps. 49: 7) These sCl'i ptUI'CS show m.w's
extremity. (jod had made the cal th for man to I i\-e
upon. (l "a. 45: 12, IH) jran's desire was llnd e\'e1' has
lW('Jl to ha \'e life ewrlasting. God had 1)J'I)m is!'ll to
hIes;; all thl' families of the earth, which hle""ilJ~ lJ1l'ans
an opportnnity for liie. God had promis;:d to rede( m
mall from death. \Yhat, thl'!l, could he dotH: '!
.Jehovah sent hi~ Iwlo\"('t1 SOil, the Logo..;, to ("\l,th.
"'a., it HerC',S3!'y for the Lo~ws to die in ortll'r to "Pcome a man? :\0. IIis rig-ht to life and h i'i l'xL,tcwc
were transfC'l'1'ed from the spirit pbne to the human
nature. J ('sus was he!!otten as a !In h~, in till' \\'om h of
:I[ary, and this wus accomplished by God's cxeJ'cisiliJ
his holy spirit or indsiblc po\.,-er; and in due time


r.ffie WATCHT0WER.

Jesus was born. Jehovah by direct operation of his

power gave the babe Jesus life and the right to life,
and for that reason he was born a J)('riect habe. The
fact that Jesus was born of an imperfect woman do<:s
110t mean that he was in the slig-htest imperfect. The
right to existence and existellre being giwll to him by
Jehovah directly, and Jehovah being- the only One
from whom life emanates directly, it follows that this
babe Jesus must he perfect in every respeet.Tehovah
could not make an imperfect thing, because "his work
is perfect".-Deut. 32: 4.
The Seripturl's idl'ntify the Log-os and the h(']o\'ed
only-begotten Hon of Uod as the beginning of creation; awl then it is written: "The \\'ord was ma<1e
flesh, and dwelt among us [men]," and he was "full
or grace allll truth". (.John 1: 14) "When the fillness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son,
made of a woman, made unlkr the law." (Gal. 4:4)
The fact that 11(' was horn of an imrwrfect woman did
not mean that he WDS imperfect, beeau<;e his life proceeded from .Jehovah. lIe was horn a human cn'atme,
that he mig-ht be the Savior of mankind. (I . . uke 2: 11)
Thus did .Tdlo\ah prepare Onr who po..;slssed all the
qualificatiolls to fulfil that whieh the passover pictUl'e
foreshadowed; to wit, One qualified to provide the
price to red('('m the human racr.-ITeh. 10: G.
Suhselluent I1nthol'itative tl'stimon)" J'('cordcd in the
Dihle proves beyond a doubt that thc passover lamh
picturcd the Son of (;0<1; and that .Jcsus, the brlo\'ed
Son cf God, wml the reality. John the Baptist, as the
forerunner oC Jesus, aJlnounced his comill~ to those
who would hear; as the Scriptures state: '''l'he nl'xt
day .Tohn !"(~eth .Jesus coming' UlltO him, and saith,
Dehold the Lamb of God, which tahth away the sin
of the world. This is he of whom J Raid, Aft('r me
cometh a man whidl is preferred before me: for he
was before me. Alld I saw, aud bare r('e()l'll that this
is the Son of OOt!. Agoain the nt'xt day aftt'l' John
stood, and two of his diseiplrs; and lookill~ upon .Je"ll~
as he walked, he saith, Behold the LDmb of God!"John 1: 29, 30, 34-36.
'fhe Srriptures further identify .Jesus as one without blemish, foreordained by Jehovah to be the Hedeemer of mankind, and thel'l'fore foreshadowed by
the passover lamb. The a postle Prier (1: 1: 18-2(1)
writes: 1/ Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not
redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and goold,
from pmI' vain conversation received by tradition
from your fathers; but with the precious blood of
Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without
spot: who verily was foreordained before the foundatiou of the world, but was manifest in these last times
for you."
The animal in the picture was harmless and with
out blemish. The reality was "holy, harmlC'ss, undefiled, separate from sinners". (Heb. 7:2G) Thus the
testimony conclusively shows that the lamb foreshad
owed Christ Jesus the Son of God.Jesus be::ian his
ministry when he was thirty years of a~e. JIe hi!J1


N. Y.

perfect, because his life was received from J(hovah

direct, and therefore being qualified to redeem mun,
his tf'stimony is that he came for that purpose. "Even
liS the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for
many. "-31att. 20: 28,
Since the law' of God required the Jews to obsene
the passo\"cr by killing the lamb on the fourteenth
day of ~i<;an, and sinre Jesus was born under the
law and is the real Lamb foreshadowed, it therefore
was necessary for Jesu'3 to be slain on the fomteenth
day of ~isan" The br~inning of the Jewish day is at
six p.m. At the propcr and appointcd timc J(,SUS with
his disciples sat down to cat the passover lamb, ns
the law rC(luired. Oil that occasion Jesus said to his
dise1ples: "With d('sil'e I have desired to eat this
passow I' with you hefore I suffer," (Luke 22: IS)
That was the lust time the picture was ever properly
Later. and on the sallie day, Jest1~ was killed. He
complet('ly fulfilled the pil'ture of the passover lamh
at that timr. That whieh the passowr lamb forcslladowed now he(';llllO a reality in the death of the Ill'lovell Hon of God. .Jt'llf!\'ah dors cvel'yt h in~ exactly
on tinH'.kho\'ah did 1Iot tal\C away the life of his
beloved Hon, hut he p('l'mitted others to do it, and
he saw to it that it took place ('xadly at the time to
fulfil that which was foreshadowed hy the passovel'
"'he'n the passowl' lam h llsed in the picture was
slaH~htere(l it ('(JUld not and did Hot utt('r a prot('st.
Through his holy prophC't (Isa. S3: 7) <.~od had desel'ib\.'d his belovefl ~OIl as a lamb, who without 1'1'0tl'st wrnt to his d(ath. "lIe was oppressed, and ho
was aOli(ted; yrt he opened not his mouth: Ite is
hroll~ht as a lamb to the slaughtc!', and as a sltel'll !I('fore her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his
mouth. "
One of the titles ~i\"('ll to the beloved ::::;011 of GOll is
"The Lamb". By this he is further ilknlifbl ns the
One foreshadowed by the passover lamb. Of him it is
written: "The Lamb slain from the foundation of the
world." (Rev. 13: 8) lIe is also in the sallle COlill('e
tion idcntified as the l\Iighty One of the tribe of Judah,
about \vltom God causl'd Jacob to prophesy. (:('11.
49: 10) lIe is shown to be the One fon'shadoweJ by
David, and the mighty Executive Omcrr of Jehovah
who received honor as the "Faithful" One of hi~
Father's orgoanization.
It is written: "BdlOld, the Lion of the tribe of
Juda, the Hoot of Dav'lll, hath })re\'a1\el1 \0 opt'n \hl)
book, and to loose the seven ~;puls thC'\'eof. And I
[John] bchdd, alH], 10. in the micht of the tltrol1r and
of the four beasts. and in the midst of the cld.:rs, stood
a Lamb, as it had been slain. . . , 'Worthy is tlte Lamb
that was slain to receive pl)\\"er, amI riches, and wi,,dom, and strellg'th, und honour, and glory, Dnd blc:--'iin!!." (Rev. 5: G, 6, 1~) The a[lostle Paul. as the in~pired \dtne:;s of Jelto\"ah, writing concl'rning C:ll'i.,t

lliY 15, 193,1


Jesus and hi,> sacrifice, idClltifies him as the Onc fOICshadowed by the passon'l' lamb, saying: "For cn~n
Uhrist our l'ussovc.:r is sacrificed for us.' '-1 Cor. ;): i.
l(eep ahvays in mind that life is wl13t :\d:1ffi lost
and life i" what m~ll ell'sires, and that tIl<' ollly w~:y
10 life Ood has fol'tshadowed in the sacrifice of the
lJassover lumb, wbi('h hn;lb l'l'!Jl'csenteo !li~.; Iwlowd
~()n. This explains why t)lC LO~!(J"; was T1l~:de a nWII
alld called Je:iUs. lie" was made in thc likeness of
men: awl being- foullo in rash ion as a mUll, he IHunblcd
llimsclf, alld beenme olwdiellt lInto death, C\ en tlw
dt:ath of the emss". (Phil. 2: 7, 8) Thc disability of
the human l':1CC ('oldd be 1ahn mY;l)' only by the value
Ilf a per!\'t! hl1lll:'.tl life s;J(l'iii(~(;d. The humall family
is lih'lIl'd ulIlo sll\"'/l that kl\'C gulle astl'a~', bl'ealbc
hllJ'll in ~,jll <:11<1 sll;ljl('n ill ini'!Hity. (1':,. ri1: ~I) /..:1),1
}lro\'ideo his Ido\'(,d ~;Oll, fore,,,lwtloweu hy the lamb,
to take am'.\' tlte gt'l':tt dbahilit.y upon the human race
J}J' r('aSOIl of sin.--lsa. ~):3: G.
\Yhen hc~ v:::s ('11 1'::1'1 h .Jeslls spoke of til(; human
l':~C'C as she 'P ;;11<1 IlilllSt'!f n" the Slil'plH'rd, :'110 phiuly
p:linted Ollt tild till'ou:,,;'ll his s(ll:l'ifi('e is (lod's way that
II'ad,; to I i ft'. "'1'Ill'1l saitl .JeSWi unto tlll'1ll a~aill,
Yel'ily, \'I.'cily, I S:IY Ullto YOll, 1 am the door of the
;,1 Jl'l'jl. 1 ::111 tIle duul': by nil' if any man entcr in, he
~'hall he sa\'l:cl, alld sh~lll go in and out, unll filld pU:itll1'(~. TIll' lllid ('oral'lh 1)(1t, but 1'01' 10 steal, a III I to
Idll, nnd to 11l'''! l'OY: I Hill eome thnt they Tlli~ht h:!\"c
lift.', :111(1 tli .. t tilC'.\' llli~,dlt ha\'e it lllOl'l~ ahlln<1nntly.
1 :lln the ~:uod shel,hel'd: the good slll'pherll gi\'\'lh his
life fol' tllC shl'lp.'--.I,,],n 10: 7, !.l-11.
The Soil of (;01.1 \H~S f~t'nt to c:ll'th to provide the 1'1.'d{'mpti\'e pricc for mankind. Hc was not eOlllpl'!hel
to comc to earth and dip, hut hc came to do his Fathel"s ,,,ill; and 1'01' this I'C:1',on hi" Fathl'1' 10\'('11 him.
.JI'SlL'; s:lid: ".As the Fathel' lmow<.:th llll', cnm so Imow
I tile Fathcl': alHll lay down my life for the ;,helT.
Thc!'\' I'ol'c dol h my Fathel' love me, hel'aus:.l 1 lay
down lily life, tltat I llli~ht take it u~aill. ~o lIlan
taketh it f!'Olll niP, but I lay it down of myself. 1 ha\'e
vower to lay it down, and 1 hnvc power to take it
again. This commandment ha\'e 1 l'"cei\'eu of my
Father."-.John 10: 1;', 17, 18.
'1'he Isr::ditl's \\,(~l'e re(luircel to roast the lamh whole,
\\'ithout hreaking a bone, and thm to cut tbe flesh, together with unleavened hread. What \\'as thus s;lOwn
and foreshadowed in the pictme, Ood, throu~h his
prophet (1'".3+: 20), also foretold. When Jesus ,va'>
slain us the reality foreshudowed by the lamh, not a
bone of his body was hrohn. "But when they <'umc
to .JC'sus, :1I1d saw that he wus lle:1d already, thC'~- hr.:ke
uot his lc~s: for these thing:; were done tbat CIC
sC'ripturc should ];c fulfilkl..l, .\ bOlle of him shull IJut
he broken. "-..Tohn If): 33, 36.
The hrend which tlte Jews were require,} to with
the roast lamh 1;\Ust be without Ic'anm. LCU':l'll is impure Imu therefore a symbol of sin. The ltuka,'eneJ
bread foreslwdo\'. cd the purity of Jl'~,ns. '1');0 hrt :!l
also was a picture representing' the humanity of Je-

sus, given for the life of the worlu. Giving testimony

concernill~ himself .Jesus said: "Your father3 dill
I'at manna in tlte ,viIJerne~s, and are dead. This is
the hread which cometh down from heayen, that a
man may eat the'/'eot', and not die. I am the li\'i!J~
bread which came down from heaven: if tiny man-eat
of thi:. bn:ud, he shall livc 1'01' \Cvel': auLl till' !J1'I'ud
that I will !;i\'c is my flesh, ,':hich I will gi\'e fur t!w
life of tlw worlu. \\'hoso eateth my flesh. and <lrillkcth my blood, hath etu'!wl life; and I will l'aise him
up at the last da~. For my lIe,,;h is m('H t indepd, 1ltlU
my blooll is ,It'inl( llllll,(tl."-.}o!m 6: "1!};)], !'i-~, ;,;).
The life is ill the bllJod. Tlw hlood of tlJ() iamb
l)(lI11't:d out i'>hl/"'l'd ih death. The blol)d \.If ,J",q,,;
pour!..'ll {Jut show('t] thc !Jouring- out of hi" IiI'" H"; a
man. Pl'ophetieali.v it was \\'l'itt"n of hilll: "Jll' It Ilh
poured out his i'>oul unto death." (Isa, ,j;~: ]~) This
te'ltimony shows that a"illt~ fl'O!ll .1<'."1IS' I\'ol'k a,; vin
uit'utot' of .Jeho\'ah's lW!llC a \'(,1'y lle(','s:-~II'Y (I'jlllt
of tll(~ di\'ine pl'oYi"i'lll for the bl('ssi!l~ of mallkillu
,,;as and is t lw saC'/'i tit'e of God's Iwll)\ I,d Son; that
he madl~ a pidllrc of this in a(!\"ance lIy tlte :-'flnili(,,)
of th\' pas,~o\'\'r lamh, whil'lI, Wid,'" 1hI' la',\', must I.e
repe::l('d ('.Jeh yenr until the corning' of .ll",II';; t!l.Jt
he !'>Cllt hi" Iwlo\'l',j :-Jon into the \IOrlO tu dil' :rnd 1'10vide tlrl: r;1l1'iO!l1 prie(' 1'01' n~ankilld; that tit\' sll(dditl,~
of thc ];llllh'S hlnu,l fU!'l'sllHllu\I'I'<1 the slll'ddin~ of tl]l~
blood of ehri'it .Jt:"ll";, whi('!l ,,:as sltel] fOI' II'->; fllld tltat
God nUH k this pruvision for the human raee hl:l.'a u',c
of his 10\'1.' 1'01' mallkillll.
TIIl:l'('fol'e it is \\'I'lttell: "]0'01' God so lond the
world, that he ga\'e liis only b~~~'ottell SOli, that whosoevcr believcth in him should liI)t IH'ri'>h, but lIa\'\)
(;\'r:'rlastin~ life. For (loll S('llt Ilot his SOli into thl'
worlel to tOlHll'llln tite world; but that file world
throug-h IdOl migl,t Ill; sa\l~d." (.John J: lG, 17) III
the faee of this o\'erwhcllllin!; :-;('riptllrill testilllony,
how can alij' sanc man say that thc blood of JesUs i-.;
of 110 value ill pl'ovidill~ the ,,,ay to life rot' hUllIanity!
Can allYOlle who houe;',tly thinks h~ is a !'l'eal'her, alld
who prdends to pr('ueh the Bible, claim that th(' blood
of J(',~us \\T,S not esscntial to give lifc to the pl'opk:i
of the earth?
'1'1Ie term "J'eul..'l'm" I itcrully means to loose wit h
sonll'thilJ2,' ; it meaui; a purchase price pro\'ided ,,,hith
is of sllf!i(ieut Ylllue to pmehase the tbill~ dl",ircd to
be purchaseu. The pl'eciou'i lifehlood of ,Jl'sm pout'l'd
out in death on the tree on Calval'y pro\'idc.:d the J!rir't)
for the l'edl)mptioll oi the human race. 11 is pel'l','Pt
life exactly C'orresponded with the perf,'ct life that
_\dam.enjoyed \\hell in EtIln, nnd thpl'd'o1'(' <:;!ti-l1t'u
the l'l'quin,nwnh of t:le divine law. It Jl\'i)\'itletl tl~l'
price for the buyiilg' of life for the human l'ill'('. "10'01'
~'e are boudlt v,ith a pl'ice: thl.'l'Corc ~"dlll'if.v <.;od in
;your hoJ:;', and in ~-our ~J>irit, w!lith arc (:0>:1 s."
(1 CoJ'. 6: 20) This eOl'l'csrw!ld., with the flll't h.1'
h'3,imony, ,,,hich l'lads: "Ye were . . . ('edt'cHi, d
.. with the !'l'l'('I,Jl:s bloou of Chl'i,t. "-1 Pd.
1: IS, 1U.


lfflc \V.f\TCHT0\VER.

..:\~ain, it i" ,vrittell of .Jf''>Us: "For thou ,\ l1,>t slain,

and hast }', d"lome'l.l us to God hy thy blood, out of
every kindred, and tongue, and people, and lJation."
(Hev. 5;:) By th" grare of Uod he tasted death for
every man. (111:1>.2: 9) It was the perfect r:lO.ll Jesus'
pouring out his lifebluod that !il'ovide.] the price for


N. Y

the redemption of mankind, which, after all, mankind

must in God's due time have an opportunity to know.
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have
not belic"ed ~ and how shall they bclieve in him 01
whom they have not heard'1" (Hom. 10: 14) So writes
the apostle Paul;

DE \It TIllOTIIJ:l: l:t 'Tlll':I:HlI:lJ:

1 \1 i~h to r.1'ut'l 1"r O,to],er 011 tltl' \\ ('pkl)' m(,('[inl:: held at

lIpth,'( P\'Pl'y :,(oll<la) ~\l'ninl-(. The a\'era::;e attem\nn<:e for the
Jl10Hth \Va!')

\\'0 IIa\C


(,mdw!cd our ~tudy of VlndlcallOlI Three llnd

nil art' ~r.ltprtl\ to .J,""""ll for th,' IIl1der,talulin;.: of prophccy

ny",tI.'.l ill the [""'idc (,r El.cki''H \ ",lOll.

'rho B.,thl'! fa",i!y .\i'~if\~ to .'~pn'';H their thankfulness to,\':lh for ll,,~ IIl'W Iwok })ft !I((nt/w/t, jllHt re"ein'c1 . \!though
nn 0ppoltullity "aH n'll yl't 1,1'''11 al1o,<I('d to study this pro'
\' iHlOll of tllll 1."1'11, j'pt ill it I\(' lin.! allllthpr co idcn('c of the
loling-kind",':,,, 01' .1('"J\"h, who iH (In'palin:; his people for the
Imttle Ill' .\lIO"~.dd,,u, jUHt ah'ad.
All th,~ LWllly
a :';00'\ tilJIIl during Kingdolll Proclama
ti'm 1'.'riod. \\ 'l !I"te how th,' ,,,,opl., of f.4'owl \\'ill nre IJCing
prl'pill'l"\ to take tlll'ir Htanlj and thc ("11'10.1'. is b"l'ornin~ mOl'e
\ "'loll:i in 11I:1 d""rWlalo ('Ii'ortH to o\'crtl,l'ow the truth, but,
thank God, II(' will not HlllI('I'd.
With bl'Ht \\I,lll'H alld lo't' ill lllll Lord from all,
10111' fdh,IV \1 i Inr'H:"'H III ,!PI,o\',dl'M Hl'r\ il'~,



Dt: \R BllETIIRf:N 1:0; ZlOX:
At the clOl>1l of another .year 1 just f('('1 comp"Iled to exprc<g
my gn\titude to sOlllc<JIle for the lWllutiful WllY our helt\(~nly
Flltllf~r has cared for us and is fceding us; lln'! we Im\'e great
'rhe book PreparatIOn was a crowning feature to prepare
us at the c1o~(' of thc liH('al veal'.
l'o\V the 1\1::1 l'wr {;ool:,' to show us the great prop;rcs~ of
the work anrl the experien.,(,s the lJl'ethren are having ill oth"r
coulltri<,s, awl we can r<'joke to be of those of 1hc or;.;anl/,a
tion that 8ulrcr at the hands of the enemy but go Oll HlIlglIIg
tJIll praises {Jf Jchovah.
1 \\isll to llckllO\\'!erlge till] gift of those prcclOus books \\'lth
man\' olhl'r fa\'ors fruIIl our Father's haw!. Al80 th,~ ktllli
pr')\'lsion for the jllone('l'M mad~ by y"u to .,['(,dit UH \\ itlr :L (','r
tain alllount; ane! 1 was on') lJl'ndit"rl, llI:lkin~ It <'asi,'r ~oin~.
'1'1", credit slips 1 ha\'.. ~l't'atly a!,pI .. e~iated, and hop" by til\)
Llinl's ~ra..c til be I:uhlkd to a ) "lIow sli!" aM thc Lord bas
pro\'i.led, each month.
Your ill His seni('f',

!Ill;.;.. . Kl:o;um, I'IOllc'cr.

F ..... ll1l.Y, "Inttl,/idd, A tl.> I mli(l.


()r'~ 1,n, ,.11:-:.:-t........ Jl1 f \e
.M(('IlIHh. ~11 ... ",.
~:ltllll'r.. ~Ih
0 0


~tro"d, Ala
Ht ,.,ft11f'1'. Ala



'I"w.(':tloll<":l . .\Ia ........ "




~IOtltgfmH.l'.Y, .. \Ia ....









.\11 ...:. ......... "


:'rlil'\\ lOll,

K n.\:-JKS

JiJl"lliinglt:llll , Ala.
.1""('('1', .\la, ."
(lta 1 t;llltH)~'a. '1'1nn








Tenn. July







Internllt'J y,"_. Minn. June

F(>'(h!ral Haw. ~lilill .....
(;rallli Jtapld"'. "linn.

1!~lIIHnC', ~.llnJl
K~ntH.~. ).11 HrI
"1r"ln,a. ~11I1lI



Two f(arhol'~. ~ljlll1

Huh\th, ~nH1\
I)roc.tor, .)hnJl



La],:", ,\liun.
Aitkin, ~linll. ..



I' l~'l:i



G. H. DR.\Plm

\\~o........ ,


1.:lralu1 , \\')0
~Jahr, \ryu. .




t "



1't. LHI;:ullil'.

('a:-;I"'r, \\',\'0............. h
XIH',idun. ,v))
I;illlll.~:-i. ~lnllt.
)Iile. Citro ~lo11t.

';IH"l~'o\\', '1IInt


Ht'o!w,\', l\Iollt
,ullllol~. \lont.


12, 1:1

H. ];,

:,lohawk. :\. Y. .. ..... June

Hic'hulOndnlle. X. Y. ,.

L(lf':wh, ,Mflnt.........Juue






~. ])ak













7. ,'l

~. Y. ~ ....... rJ
~. Y"'. u




Alhany. 1'. Y. ..
Stott \ ille, :\. Y


Bri... h.lIlf". i'i.ltal

Ft. lutes,





Slates\'lIle, :\. C.... ' June
'\ington-~.tlflll, X, C. "

New Smyrnll. Fla
Jadi:HH1\"Jllp, Fla


.:\lIMllY, Ua ................. ,

J"\ t ianta, (fa.

Cl.hltlauooga. Tenu


., 30
7: s
0, 10


G. Y.

"a~b ....... June


\VHf.ilt ........ "

0;.; h .......
J.:nulllclll w. \\n~h
Seattlp.. Wa~h
Hff...fJlertoll, \Ya.t;h. _
1:;\,1'1'1'1 t. \Va,h
)It. '('ruoJJ. \\'n--h
Oak HUl'bor, \Va"h



l'u:,hvi"''. Tenn
1.0IJ1:'i\ 111~, Ky

June 12. 13

Indianapoli:-i. IntI.
('ulllllllJlI~. (JIlin
(;rooJ...~yiU(\ Uhio .......




25. ~t)

UnralHa II. :", C

HI::h P"int. ~. ('. ..... u
;rr'fi'n hol"o. X. l:



1:!. ]3






t (J


(':lIlllJllfl~e. ,'IITlIl
J'11H~ ('I(,r, ~1i11l1 . "
JlhH,~lpy. l\linn ........ "
('11)\ l'JtOIl.





\\ I.... "
St. Croix Falll'-, \\"h
Lilld.... trom, ~ljnIl
_.. "

23,:! l

2\.i, :;')
~lill'al'oli~, )!illl'. J nile :;0, J 1I1r 1

Paul, 1\linll



~~rall\'llll" N. \. ;
IHoI\ih'ru}.!:l, :\. '1
Lewlstoll. \'t
_ JJ
~. J:o):dlon. Yt
Barn', V,
.:\f(HltP(~Jitr, Y1. ........ "
)!'JI"I","llle, Yt




6. i



~!JU)l.\. ~ t'.,o
.I:l:ttnn. :'\. ( .



'..'. ......

ClIul'''lllill. :s' C
Durham, ~. ('




(;'['aham, X. C


Santl_nt. ::-;. C




J. C. WA'fT

Conel'!'te. "'n-h

Y:l'llin"ham. \\'a,h.


Hat'a, :\linn. ........ Jnne

l'ri!wt"lnn, ~1iHlI. "

21. :!;.




Truy. ~. Y. .......... J 11111~ ~~_~'. ~,I.
1:11'11:' F"lI,. ~. y,

John,!,,\\ n. X Y
(;IHH~rs,"ille, X. Y ..... "


X. Blpllllt.ifll.




:. "


I,on-Inn<l. Colo

c. IUI:"now





];\ (~rett. \Va--I).


\YPJlatdlf'f'. \\n~h



Entint, \\ H!->h 1I
(I,..lan. Wa:,l!. ... ....... ..



. _. It
Jun" :;0. J\,I.\ 1


Yukllna. \\'a,h.



RI<-hmond. 11'1,1......... June



,"eva)'. In L
".!atli otl. Ir.t!. _.. _._
,'roflu:ors\,j!!,-. Ind ._"
H~'dfor{J. IT'd
l~lHl)l'lin:.rt'\Il, Ind ..... "






I I,ll.




Tern'IIautp. Jill!. ... u"


., s


Tul1e 1(;. 17

J""oll\'ille. Int.!
l)uc:~,,r. Ind
J;~l1lont Inti
\ lIHPIlIl~.






'~, ..;


l:\'tlll:-.dIl(', Inc!
Ca1JIl{lton. Ind
!.PoJ'old. Ind
Pa11l1~ ra, 1 nfl. .' ..,.

Salel1l. Intl. .



J uly



::. I

ghe \0\TCHT0WER.



117 Adams Street
Bcooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.

:1. F.

Rt::THERFORD President

W. E.

Y.\X A::.tBt'RGil SecretarJl

"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children."- isaIah 54u3.

~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is tho only true God, is from everlasting
to eVl}rlasting, the lIL-l.ker of heaven and earth and the Giver
of lifo to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of
his creation and bis actin: agent in the creation of all
things; that the 1.oI;OS is nO\v the Lord Jesus Christ in glory,
~lothcd with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief
Ex(.'Cutivo Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man "iliuHy
disobeyed Go<l 's law and was sentenced to death; tlmt by
reason of Allam's 'Hong act all men are born sinners and
without tl~ right to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man .Tesus suffered death in or<1er to produce the ransom or redemptive
price for all DLl\ukind; that God raised up Jesus diviJl6 and
exalted him to !lc:u-en above every ereature llnd abova every
name llnd clothed him with all power and lluthority.
THA,. .JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZI\TION is milled Zion, llud
ttlat Christ Jesus is tho Chief Officer thereof llnd is the
ri~htful King of the world; that the anointed and fa.ithfnl
foUowl'rs of Christ Jesus aro children of Zion, memlH:rs of
Jehovah's orWinization, anll are lUs witnesses whose duty :lnd
priviIel{o it is to testify to the sllprf'macy of Jehovah, deelare
his purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD lias ended, and the Lord .TestIS Christ
has b<?en plared by .TellOvah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from heaVl'1l and is proceeding to the
establishment of God's kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessinWJ of tho pe:lples of earth
ean cOllie only by and through Jehovah's kingdom und~r
Christ which hns llOW bl'~n; that the I.ord's next Jrl'eat
act is tho oftStrnctioll of Satan's org-anization and the estnbli.." hment of ri~hteolllmess in tho earth, and that under the
kin!rdom all those who will obey its righteoua laws shan be
!\'Stored and live 011 earth forever.
.Tehovah'lI witm'sses will assemble in convention at Toronto,
C:uutda, July 5-8 indusi\'e. ~pcakers will be present both
from the 8tat..' 8 and frolll provinces of Canau:l. The forenoon
of each day will ~ devoteu to tieM service, with llleetings for
the interegtc<l in the afternoon and evening. Those eontetnplating- attl'n<lill~ the convention anu "'ho Ilesire accomDlooations \\ill plNlse III1<]re58 ConYention Committee, 40 Irwin ..\se.,
Toronto 5, Onto
One featlll"e of the convention will he a public a<1dre!lS oleliverctl by the president of the SocietJ- on Sunday afternoon
tbe 8th.
Each year thl} Society closes the factory, ofiil'e and Bethel
hOJU,e for a period of two weeks to gn'e thc brethren .!len!' aa
opportunity to A"et away from their regular routine and engage in tho field service. This venl the factory and home will
be closed July 21 and will not' open again until ~IOllday .August 6. Durin):; this time no mail will be attended to, a.Dil no
shipments nUl<le. .All readers of The Tratchtoleer should pIe-Me
take note tmu order sufficient literature to carry them tllTOlll!:h
this two-week period as weU as the two weeks following. It
will greatly facilitate matters if not too much correspoodPn-::e
is receive<l imme,liately after the reopenin~ of the fa<:tory. 6eept, of COUIse, reguL"\r service reports and any rush orders or

THIS journal is published for the P1lJ'}JOS'l of enablinJ
1 tile people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
eXIJTcssed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witllC8ses. It arranges
systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitablo material
for l'll.dio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc.
tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all partielJ, sects
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
:reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God UllUC! Christ
his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
and critical examinn.tion of its contents ill the li~ht of tho
Scriptures. It docs not indulge in eontro,-ersy, and its columns are not open to personalities.



SUTES, $1.00; C.lS,\oA AXO ::'USCELLAlI'EOUS FonEwlI',

American remittances should be made by Exprl!>lll or PO.'ltnl .Money
Ortl~r, or by Dank Draft. Canadian, J:ritisb, SOUtll Africnn an,1
Australasian remittances shonlll bo ma,]o dircet to tbe rcsp4!ctln!
bmnch oflices. RemlLtance8 from coulltrics other than those ml~n
th;ned may be mnde to the Brooklyn office. but by InternatlontlS
Postal lloney Order only.

Britf81J 34 Cra,-en Terrac\!. London, W. 2, ED~land

Call/ldittn 40 Irwin A,cuue. Toronto. Ontario, Canada
Audrrlltlslon j :ner~ford Road, Stratbli<'ld, ~. S. W., Australia
S<>ul1J A/rica"
noston House, Cape Town. Soutb Africa
Please address the Society In every case.

All slneere Iltuflents of the Bible wh~ by reUS'ln of Infirmity,

pOTerty 01' ad\"Crsity are unahle to puy the 8uLseriptlon ~rke
may hs.\"e Thll lratchtolCllr frNl upon written applkalion to tho
publisIlel'S, made once {'nch year, sfaling fhl! rcason for ~o requestlUl!' it. We at'll lI'l:1d to thus aid tho needy, hut tbe written
apl_Ucatlotl once each yellr is required by the postal r,,~ul:ltionll.
:Sofiee to Su"~cri1Jer..: Ad,:nowl(>(l~ent of 11 new or 4 rcncw:.l subt<mlltfon will 00 !lcnt only ",ben f"l'll"e"te<l, ('han~c (If a,ltlre."",
whell requested, may be expected to appear on ll"dr",,~ label withil\
one month. A renewal blank (csrrl'in~ notice of (''{!,lr,HiOn) will
be sent with the journal one month oofore tho sub!l('r!ption ell:pire~,


Second Clan Mail Matter at Brooldy, N. Y., P08tOf/iCC.

Act of J(arch 3, 1879.


other urgent matters. Consiuerablemail acculUulates in lhe

office because of r..'Sponses to radio ledure8, and we hop'~ Ulis
("an be given immediate attention without being <1elay~d by
mail that could have waited.
Jehovah now blesses his faithful witnesses and all people of
good will with two m'w potent instruments for use 1n his
IWrvice, to wit, two new hooklets entitled Bel/anti the (iall;e
an.l HIS Works. rcspecth-ely. The cover desi~n of each is at
tractive an,l inviws the heh(,lder to I~ perusaL of the c()nten~5
of the booklet; there are aLso 1ittiIl~ illustrations Within. .\11,
JttQVllh '9 witnesses and Jonadabs alike, who desire to put
these eXCI'llent mCfllla;!CS in the hands of the people ma~' IIOW
obtain a supply aull hegin the olistributiou thereof imllllJtliatoly.
The usual contributiun of 50 a copy will be accepted therefor.
A. period of nmc da~-s has been sperially designated

;13 "Tlte
Nations' Hope" Testimony Period. 'Ihis ~gins with .June :lO
lind (:out'lurles with July 8. During this period of niUl) 'hys
Jt>\lC>"ah's witnl'Sses "ill Imve the prhilege of distributin;.: ,~
new booklet, Walia Recol:ery! All people of good \,iil :irc tilviteU to join with Jeho\ah's witnesses in the proclamrltion (If
this good news of th'f kin[rdom. To have a part in the givin~
of thia witness is a blessed privilege.






1, 1934


(father my saints tOrJclher lwin me; those that have made a coeclul1li with m(' 1J!J sll(,l'i/ice, A urZ the h('(/I1ens shall declare his ,.irJhteo1tsness: for God is jlu]ye himself. "-Ps. 50: 5, G,

~ather his saints unto himself

mcrely fOJ' the pl('asurc of having them with him,
but he gathc'rs thc'm that thc'y mig-ht do scrvice
concerning Ids name, Those goat h('n'd into the temple,
Dlld toward whom the new eovellant is inaug-urated,
ha ve heeome a pa rt of "t he heavens"; hence says the
Lord's prophet: It And the IWHvcns shall (Jeclarc his
ri~~hteoIlSI1('SS: for God is jntlg'e hims('lf," (Ps. 50: 6)
'l'his prophecy is spceifirally applil'Hhlc at this time
to those at tlte temple with the Lord ,1Psus,
2 Thc Lord made the apostl(: Paul an ahle minister
of the new eovPIHlnt, anti likewise all who arc brought
to maturity in Christ and into tit!' temple arc made
ministers of the lH'W l'ov('nan1. This is particularly
truc at the inangural ion (If t he new eo':cnant; hen~c
says tIle apostlc: "Therefore, seein~ we have this
ministry, as we have l'eceivcd llH'rey, we faint not."
(2 Cor. 4: 1) Those rec('iviIl~ thi~ mini~try, appreciating the fact that it P!'o('\'eds from the Lord and
that their stren~th is in the Loru, faint not. Durin~
the Elijah period of the church tll<'re was much
prcaehin~ of man's doctrine!'! or teaching's, for instance, "Pastor HU!'osell's teaching's examineu" being
the title of many dis('oursps. During' the Elisha period
of the chur('h we have le,lrlJeu from the Lord that it
is our pl'ivikg'e to (h'rlare the glorious name of Jcho
vah. Having' received this commission and ministry,
like the apostle, we have "obtainru mercy of the Lord
to he faithful". (l Cor. 7:25) No more shull we exalt the name of man, ineluuing oursdyes, nor shuuld
we Dttempt to exalt ourselves before others. "For we
preach not oUl's<'1n's, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and
ourselves ~'our servants [as able ministers of the new
covenant; made such by the grace of the Lord] for
.Tesus' sake [the :'T('<liator 's sake]. For God. \yho comr.lI.Inded the 1i~ht to shine out of dal'1mess [out of the
seeret place, that is, the temple, dark to all on the
ontside (~Iatt. 10: 27) L hath shined in our hearts, to
~ive the' Ii~ht of the 10l0wledg-e of the g-lory of God
in the face of Christ ;h'sus."-2 Cor, 4: ri, 6,
s :\ow as the faithful temple company look at the
flwe of Christ Je:~us, the Grcater ::\Ioses alld the inau-

8HOVAll ooes not


gurator of the new eow'nant, they sec that the fac'!'

of the great ::\1 pdiator is not will'd. but the t i~ht from
that lIm'ciled face shinl's into their hearts and therl~
creates the 1>1'O[)(,1' motin' 1'01' s('['ving- nod, awl thl'.v
do serve him unsl'lfi"hly. It gives 10 snch faiihl'ul OIH'';
a lig-ht of knowl('dl4e alld 1Il1ckrstandillg- or t.he purpose of .TehO\'ah, revealing- to thl'n! til(' gIOl'~' of' th.:
Lord. llut the f'aithfull'clI1llanl do not lakl' this honn!'
or g-lory to lhl'mse!ws, l'l'ulizing' that it j', 1"'0111 th.~
Lord. In humilily lind g-ladlH'ss of !I<'al't IIj('y walk
on in the pl'l'senre of the Lon!. Su('h minis11')' of the
new covelllllit j" a g-reat honor ronf(,l'I'ed upon Ihl'llI,
and an invaluable tr'casure, "But wc ha\'e this tl'('asure [ministl'yl in ear'then W!'oS('!S [human (j1':.?::llIiSIll:~I.
that the pxedknry of the PO\\'I'r may 1)(' of (lod, lind
not of us." (2 Cor, 4: 7) In the perfol'manl'C' of sUl'h
ministry or (~ommission all till' faithful 1'('1lI11:lllt d.-light to "declare his l'ig'ht~ollSII('SS; for Cod is .illd:~.'
himself". This they do whilt, th('y are 011 the ('arth.
There will be 110 orrasion for Slll'h mill isll'y a 1'11'1' l\r'magpddon; allu this is fUl't!l(T proof thaI t!lC' llt'W
covenant is made and inaug'm'atc'J ::llld aet'olllplislw'i
its purpose prior to ArmagedJolI.

Israel after the flesh turlled away from (:Ol}, rommifted sing- against him and against th('il' ('OWll:Int
with him. In this Israel fon':';!ladow('r! "('hl'isl('ndom", illC'ludinl! all the eOlbl'('ra1('u who con1irllw to
wear thl' "filthy g'armt'nt!'!" of "Christendom". ThpY'
claim to be for .Tcho\'ah. but th(')' arc not, ('\'pn as the
Israelites of old elaimed to he for noel but were not,
As Go<l was angry with natmal Israel, so hr. was
angry wilh the profeso;;cd spiritual Israrl at the roming of the Lord to the tcm pIp, and this il1('l Ildl'd all
U1l1ler the term" of the new covenant und \\ hu had nnt
IJecn hold in c}eclarin:r the n\('ssa~e of God's king'dom
llnd those who had eonfC'rred ~1'C'at honor upon ml'Tl,
(Luke 16: 15) The remnant' of fksldy Israd wa"
saved, and likrwise a remnant of spiritual Tsrarl is
san-d when thp l.ord ::q,pears at the it'mTdp for jud',,:ment and inauguration of the new CO\'(:II1111t to\,;ar1


{]lie \~~\TCfiT0\VER

the remnant. "And now thl'refo1'e thus f,aith the Lord,

the CoL! of Isrud, concernin!; thi,., tit;->, whereof yo
say, It shall ue delivcl'('d [N.V., It is g'h"cn 1 into the
hand of the ldn~ of Babylon" by the swonl, und by
the famiIH" rln(l hy thr Ill'stilenre; BC'hold, I will ~ath
cr them [the remnant of spiritual Israel] out of all
conntric's whither I have drin:n th(';n in mine an~'cz',
and in my fury, and in rzreat wrath; and I will hriI1'.~
them a~ain unto this place [in .A.D. 1810], allll I will
cause them to dwell safely: and they shall he my people, and I will be their Ood: and I will give them one
henrt, nl1<1 one way [thus hring them unto unity in
Christ], that thry mny feu l' me foT' evcr. fo)' the good
of thl'nl, aJHI of tlll'ir ('hill}rcn afll'r tht'm [that is,
those pl'efi!!,Ul'ed by the }loalJitish woman Uuth] : and
I will mal,c an e\'erlustin~ ('ovellant [the new covenant, made with .J('SUS as :\Ictliator for the n'mn<tnt
of Ilatural Israd that IJ{;came spiritual, and inau~Ll
rated towar<l the rpmnant of spiritual JsraC'l today]
with then!. that I will not turn away from them to (It,
them ~!oo(l; Imt I will pnt my fear ill their hearts,
that tlu'y shall 1I0t depazt from nH'. Yea, I will rejoi('e over tht'm to do them good, and I will plant them
in this land a""url'dly : nlltruill, in truth] with my
whole heart, and \\'it h my wholt' sou!.' '-.Ter. 3~: 36-41.
~ In orathprill" nmo himsl:lf the remnant lind tho:-;c
with w~orn lie ~~:~s 1lngTY' and tuming' ilis all~cr away
from t !Jt'm in J!J1~ . JdlOvah there IH'~all the fuliilmcnt
of the: prOllhl'('Y of Psalf!l !l0:;;. \11 of the prof('5sed
onc's to that t.ime' had nwde a \'oV<'lIant with <:01.1 by
sacrifice, whi('h is a cOllfli lion pl't'c't'<l('llt to enh'rill~~
into the new ('O\"('/wnt. 'l'1H'y.llUd sat'rifil('tl th,jr ri:rht
to live 011 earth as hllllJ:lJl ,'rl~atllr('S at the time Ihey
were bt'g'Otlcll of Uod , hut, they not. having' J)('('r; hold
in pl'oclairnillg' the mCSS1:ge of the tl'uth, <-l(x} was
allgl'y with thc'm, and 1l0W upon the Lonl's coming' to
his t(,lllple he tums H\\'a:,' his alll~eJ' from them ;}"
statC'II hy the proplu't Isaiah. (See Isaiah 12: 1.) :'l~i
tl1('r natural Israel nor thc worlll of mankind in '!ellcml sacrifiee th('ir rig'ht to hnman life, anll thl'refOl'U
tlwv (10 not ent('r into ~l con'llant hv sncrifice and arc
not'thc OIlI'S who arc at the time l)l'(;u,~ht into tlw new
covenant and with whom the new conm:.1lIt is mnde or
towaru ,vhom it is inaugurated.
GIn 1!H4 noel place'cl the l'i~htful rukr of the world
upon his throne. and at that time" Christendom". or
modpl'll Bahylon. had fallen from heaH~nlv favor, eolleerning whi'ch .Jez'('miah prol'hpsirJ at 'chrtpter 50:
2,3. Tlwre he;~,lll the "day of .Jchm'ah", dlll'ill~ th\}
early part of \\"hic'h spiritual Israel "as in distress.
Concerning this Jehovah ransedllls prophet to write:
"In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord. the
childrcn of [spiritualj 1sl';1('1 shall eOnlC, tl\('y and t!l,~
children of Judah [those in line for the kingdom. the
royal house 1 tOf!(lher, going and weeping: they shall
go [after their tlistre,,:; of 10181, antl sed;: the Lord
their God. They shnll ask the way to Zion [They :;hall
inquire conc~l'Iling Zion, n.l'.] with their faces thith.

envard [now that the rehuilding of the tVlIlple btl

heg-un], saying', Come, and ]et us [in 1wit:,' ill Chri,,t J
join our;:dns [Come ye, and join ~'onrsd\"C:;, NOV,] to
the Lol'u in a perpetual eo\'Cnant [lfT., e\"(;r]asLin~
co\'Cnant] that shall not be fOI'g'otten."-Jer, SO::J.;'.
1 This scri [.It ure, cxpressed the desire of the 1U1ly
eonst'craleu to be faithful to the new coY\:nant 11'; tb:
people taken out fZ'om among-st the nations for .Tehr).
vah '8 name, By corning to the Lord and iZhluirin'~
cOllccruir,g Zion, the ()r~anization of Jehoyah, tho,;\..
in line for the kingdom thus pledge themscln's to b,:
faithful. The new covenant is inaugurated towai'd
them awl nlso they are taken into the kin~tl(1m f:O\"'nant, hein~ malk a part 01' Cod's eapital oJ'~!;lJlizllti() I
and anointed awl eomrnissiol\('ll to do a specific \\01'"
in his name. COllel'l'llinl1; this the proph('I',V is \\Tittnl:
'''I'nrn, 0 baeks]iuil1~r chilllrCIl, s:lith the Lc)/'(I; fu.'
I mn married unlo you; and I will take you aIle of ,\
city, and two of a family, and I \\'ill l)}'in~ you to
Zion. "-.ler. 3: H.
B Dul'ing the \Vodd War, anll particularly the years
1~17 allll ]!HS, spiritlw.1 Israel was in a wildel'!H'S'i
condit iOll. Fiery t rin Is ,'llBH; upon t hose who were eo!!sC('I'ated to t]le Lord, awl a SI'IHlratill~ wOl'k l'ul\oW\'l1.
Ptls"ing throu~h that afilietioll those who \\'('l'(l fOHIlI
faithful to the' Lonl up to that time w('z'e taken int.)
thn bowL:; of 1lI(' lH'W covenant. ".\nd I will {;1tIS,~
)ou [spi)'itnal J:;I'ae'11 to pass UlHJer the rod I th~l
King-Iy authorily of ('hrist .Tesus sent out frum Zioll
to rule and now at tile temple for the pUl"tin!! of tit . :
son~ of Lc\'i], and I will hl'in!! you into t hll bUlllI ol
the ('O\'ellant [I hat is to say, w;w co\'en1\nt) : :lIld I
will pUZ':l;e out fl'om among' you the rehels, and tlH:lll
that tl"allSgl'PSS a!!ainst lllt': [ will hz'ing' th<'!Il forth
out of the COlllltl'Y wll<'re t hpy sojOllI'll, awl they ~hall
not enter illto Ihe Jawl {,f IsI't\l'I; and :,'e shall 1;1\'11\'
that I am tht' LlmI." (Ezek. :!o: ~17, ~,'n This ~;l'pa
rating- work hegan and continued unlil the ekall~ing
of the ~anetual'.v was arcomplisheu.
D Those hrOll!dlt illto the t<'mpJc and towllJ'd whom
the new (,OYl'W1I;t W:lS inauguJ'al('(1 have hct'n allointed;
whieh means that tlil'" are eOffizllissionc(1 to Jo a SIll'
cifie- sl'l"\'ice to the u:l!He .J('!lo"ah; as it is written:
"The spirit of the LOl'u UOll is upon me; he'('ans(' tL,~
Lortl hath llnointc(l IllC to pn:lch." (Isa. (it: 1) ('(Illcerning Ihis anointcd company Jehovah thl'Olll,dl Ii;..;
prophet fllI'till~Z' sa: s: "But ye shall b~ named t lie
prie:,ts of Jl'hoYllh; men rsneh as the JonllJabsl ~L:]lI
call YOU the ministers of our God: ye ~ball eat the
wealth of the nations. and in th('ir glory shall ~"e hn;H
YOlll':.;elves.' (}.,a. 61: fl,L[{. V.) Prior to that tin;",
;nd }'<1l'ti('uhtl:" durinl.( the hllmiliatillg' eOlltlitiull~
that exi:;,t(:d from 1!Hj' to 1!)19, God's people on (',It I]~
suffnell much shame; but, his angel' hl'illg tlU'IH'.]
,nyuy from thr-m now, he says: "For your shawl' : c'
shali havc <Touhl\' [a double pOl'tion or tile spirit II!'
di,-ine faror, such as j'("(',.. iYcd by Eli,ilIa L an<l 1',,:'
cOllfu.,iOIl tlll'y shall l'('j.Jic:e ill their pOl':i"ii: li;;,-

,Je,;; 1, 1031


~e w~\TC}-IT0\VER..

furc in their land they shnJl POSSf'SS tIle douhle [in

this happr condition a d:mIJh' p'Jrtio:l of the slJiritJ;
(,\'l:rlnstill~! joy I the jO,I' of t.hc Lord, tlI('," huvin<:! ('ntered into this joy at the invitation oi Christ Jesns;
which hap11Y condition i:> re;0n,,(1 tv w; 'their land']
shall !J:} unto them. 1<'01' I the Lord Ion) juugmcnt
[\Ihi('h hl';!an to be c:~('ellt,"1 at the t: ;nple at ~;l()
jtJ(hin'~ IH':','illnilJ'~ at the house.' of the Lord], I hate
robbery 1'0[' humt oli'erifJ:!;; and I will dirc'ct th('lr
work in truth, and I will make [ina u~uratc j un c\er
lasting covcnant with t1H'm.\nd thpil' sped l the trne
Judeans] shall he known amon~~ the [nations, A,R.r.;
nInO!l'! 'IllO'll tlwy shall Iw ",ilm",;sl's for .Jehoyahl,
:!1l11 1h(:ir oflsprill~ amlJJI'~ 11l<' people: all that f'ce
tlll'1Il l that is, discern thcm 10 be .Jehovah's servant,;]
sh:dl 1l(,J;nO\:It'I1'~(l tlll'm, that tlH'Y arc the seeu [.Jehovah's t rue people ta ken out lor his name] whieh
the L(ml hath IJll-ssl'd." (fsa. 61: 1, 6-~)) The physical
faets, or thill'~~; \;ohil'll han: ('orne to pn",,<; upon Jehovah's tflW peoplp, sincf~ ]!)l!) fllll,v ('orrolJornte the
NlIlf'II1SI(l1I a bO\"f~ ('xprc>':";l'c! elllll~.. rll i n~ the >'(,1 i pturc.
Thos:' t;,!\( JI illto t111~ covenant have entered illto the
joy of th(' Lord and Ul'e IIOW ~I'('a1ly l'ejoil'in~ tll:lt
t!wy m'p 'H'i\'ik~~('d to hcal" te"timo"y to hi" holy
llall\('; awl otIH'[":; who :11'1: !lot of tIll.: l'O:val house sce
1hat th(',:(' ('arrwst ,lIlll faithful om'" nrc .JdlO\'ah'"
\\ it II esses, and n'('o~lIiw t hem ,I:; t!1C hlessl'd s('ed oi
.J l'1lOvah.
1l~ .\ftet' lwill'! hl"On~~:lt illto the tempII', anu l1e111'o
followill~ t hI' illaU~lll':: t iell oj' the IH'W ('0\'('11:1111, J'~
11llvah's faithful n'mllallt ('1111'[' illto !W:1f'C; therefOl'I:
tlte illa\l~{uratioll of the 1H'W CO\"('lIallt illflnd<,s with
t 11(':11 a "('O\'CIHlnt or peace". 'l'hn Ilr'w eo\ 1'1l1mt hw.;
hl'('n ill fOl'('e mill eiil'ct thl'ou!.!:hout the pl,riod of
~;acrifice, hut, it now bt'ing inallgllt'at(:d at the huild
ill!.!: up of Zion, 1he "('o\'('nallt of my !)(,;Il'C" hC~;l!I.
TlIl' nations of the (':lLth HI'(' !!rputly shal:en ,11111 Hl"~
disintl'gratillg' at the pI'esl'lIt tinw, lIlId the hi~_rh pIal"':;
in the earthly goVel'illnents al'p lJl'ill~ S!W!;l'll down,
lItltl al'l~ ill g'l'l:at distn's;.;; hut IWill'e is with 1ht'm that
at'e of .J('IIO\'lIh's org-uni7.atio!l, (:nd's peace remains
with hh faithful OIlCS; as it is writtell: "For t110
mountains I kin~doms
eUl't h 1 shaH (h'part, Hlld the
hills {the higI, POWl'l'S t IWl'l'lJl'j he removed; hut my
ldllllncs,'i shall not (kpart fmm thee [tho'le of Zion,
God's capital or~lInizatioll], nl'ithl'l' shall thl' ('ovcnant
of my peace be l'l'm(Jvec!, sai1h the 1,01'<1 that hath
merey on the"." (Tsa. :;-!: 10) Those tOI\'ard whom
the new covcnant has hl'l'll illau~ul'at<,d, nnd who are
therefore in the tl'nJple, are tIll' pl'opl"
Cl\tl, and
the g-n.'at lilltitypieal David i:> their Ul'ud. Kin'.'! or
nulcr: "And I the Lord will he their God, <Iml my
s~'rvant David a prince amon: them; I the LorJ hayp.
spoken it. Anu 1 will make with them a con'nant of
peace, an(l will CallSI' the evil heasts to ('ense out of
the lam); and till')' shall dWl'l\ safdy in the \,;,jllll'!"ness, and slcrp in tIle woods," (Ezek. 3-1: ~"t 2:,)
While the cov('nant of pcace is not the Hew (,0\'c1lant.



it 1s a covena1lt of peRl.'C whidl .Jehovah

Q'i\'(''; to thos()
to\,:arl1 whom the IWW (,o';enant has been inall~urated.
11 Tho,~c w;JO arc born of Go,] 's woman, tlwt is t'J
say, his or(!anization. and who are now in the 1l'mp:,j
;:>1'.' being' tuu~ht of God, awl gTeat is their pc::w';
as it is written: "~\nd all thy children shall he tau';:lt
of : he L()r,lj anu !.!l'cat shall he: the pl'uee oi thy chilo
drr'l1. " (Isa,_~-! :J::3) The enemy ,vill continue to ::sS::lUlt the faithful ,,,itnessrs of Jehovah, but slldl assaults will not causc the faithful to fear eith"r man
01' devil, nor will the faithful fail to boldly dCf+~!,I~
Owl's Inr:-."a~!e of tr11th. They will obey God and not
m,lll, 'l'hl'ir f;,ith and cOllfidellce is in .JpLo,;,;>!, :\11,1
1I,~~' knO\\' -that th( ir stren~th ('omes fl'Om him; hW'l'
thl',\' arc at greut peace, bccause they Im(J\r that UfI,l'"
}Jl'omise<:; arc Sllrc and that the cnrmy t;lwll )lOf, ;)1'('.
vail fl~nil1st them. Jehovah has saiJ coneel'nill~ tllt'~e
faithful onl's: "Xo wcapon that is form\~11 u~ainst t!lee
,,]Jail pr()~\iprj allll c\'C'ry tono.>;ue that shall rise a~ni\l"t
the in jmh!;mcnt thou shult C'0I111emn, This is i.1I.!
Jj('l'it;l'~e of tlH' s('!'\,:mts of 1he !Joru, and their ri;';:l~
eOlbl!(~S which is of me) sui th the Lord. "-]sa. ;j.J::

17, N.V.
TE:'.IPLE opr::'ol
12 The law covenant had the ark of the eOI'i'na11t,
:llld ~he 11ew ('o\'elwnt Iws a ('()J'I'l'spondil1'd,\ gTl'~tl'l'
Olle.' (If(b. !): ].5,23,24) This i'l :wotllel' j!rlJ(,f that
the Ilew eOH'nant applies spel'i(ieally to spil'illl,d
Lr;,d, The Iomill'.;' of the Lord .JI':ms t" 1111' Il'IIIpl,:
ill l!llS n;;\I'ks tlw OPt'lIill~~ of tite tl'tTl!Jle ill h(':I\'('!I,
aild th.!ll 10110\':;; the illa\l~tll,;,tio;1 of thl' 1l('II' eli\"'
11;'1)'," ('Ollf'''l'l!i!l'! this it is writtl']': "~'\lId thel": \rns
'.' .1'\1 th.' lemp1c of (;;)(1 that is ill l,e;]\'l'11; and th"!'t'
\,,",1, St'PI! ill hi" temple the ark of his (,O\'('l1:1I,t; all'l
1l';')'I' foll:1\\ \,,1 li!!htllin!.!s, and \'o;('('S, and t h1llilkr"
:1111 an I'arthquake, alld gl,(:tt haiL I, (Hn', 11: l!l,
Te, V.) The JIl'(";('lJ~(' of 1he 'ark ill the trmpll' oC l1"a'::'n', as stated in this s('riptl1l'(" (!Pilote"! .Jehoyah 's 1'1'1";'
,'!ICC thet'i! as rrpresl'nted hy the LUl'(l .J,',;n,; ('!lri>.',
the gr('at :\I(,diator allll Judge and Inaugul'ato!' of th:;
,'on-nallt, \Vllo has come to the 1emple. .\t the illan';lll'af ion of t hr law l'ovcnant at Sinai t II ('1'e wa"! a
!lI'C1t ~h;)king of the l'al'th an,l "then.! \VCl'e thl1lllkr,


(Ex. 19: l6-1!>; 20:




at 1he opeuing of the temple in Iwawn m;J!'kitlg- til"

ina l!~!llrat iot! of 1he new cowna nt "tht'l\: fullowe,l
iightning's, and Yoic('s, and thund.,!':", nlltl an carl'l'luake, anu great hail". This symholic lan~ll:l'.!e tl'll~
of \yltat came to pa'iS, pUl'ticn1arly v,'it11 l'd'('l"'JlI~e tv
COt}'s IJ('ople,-LirtM, Book (llle, pa:2,'l'S 2~H, ~~~).
. \1 tile tin1l' of the comin'.( of thc Lord .J.'~n" t.)
thf: kmple fiJI' jud~,mrllt, all.1 t i1l' in:1U~'1Cl':11ion CJ!' tl:,~
new eo\'enant, there was a company of hi,.; l'ilitl1f"!
f.lllnWNs who were foreshadowed or pietl1l'r.j hy tll\'.
L~itJ,ful :\IonJccai. Othel's cum!) to a kJ\O\', L,['.(' of th,)
tn:th mId 1\('re hrou!.!ht into thr COYl:-naat alt, l' 1~!1:',
hl~t tiltsc !utte)' oncs r;"nrlv serm to he fOl'('~hi\'l:)w",l
by the "cunuchs"' and "st~angcl's" mentioned I~y tl~';


r.fnc WATCI-IT0\VER.

proplJCt Isaiah who we-re uroug:ht into th" house of the

Lord. Among natural JgraC']ite.~ there were eunuchs, and
such must have been forri~n('rs and strangrrs, for the
reason that the Hebrew law prohibited the making of
an Israelite a eunueh and one in that condition could
not be taken into God's typiea! or~:1Jlizatiun. )Ianifestly the foreigners were made eunuchs in order that
th('Y mig-ht not eontarniuute the natural stoek of Israel.
nut thos(' eunuchs among: the Israelites, who wpre diJig:ent in trying' to keep the law covenunt, received the
favor of the Lord, and concerning which it is written: "For thus saith the fjord unto the eunuchs [who
must have heen for('i~ncrs] that ke('p my salJhath:'l
[of the law covenant and typi('al of the new covenallt], and ('hoose the thing-..; that pIPase me, al1(1 take
hold of my covenant [hold fast by my covenant,
R. V. J; ev('n unto t hem will I give in mine house r.Jehovah '8 royal orgoanil'.atioll], :lI1d within my walls, 11
placc and a llnmc [a ncw nHln<'] hetter thnn of sons
and of daughtprs I which th('sc sons and daug'ht(rs
could han' hud if faithful] : I will ~ive thf'rn an e\'crInsl ing name [new 1I11me /, thut shall not he cut off,"
(J~;a, fiG: 4, ~) 'fhe" ('vcrlasl iug name that shall not
he cnt off", Ill'I'e mpnlioned, f'learly refers to the new
11llme which JdlOvah Ood gin's to tho,e toward whom
the new CflV<'nunt is inall~!,'urate<l and who are made
memhers of the 1"O~'1I1 hous~' and who IJf'comc ,1ehovah'lI
witnesgcs, commissioned by hilll to bear trstimony to
Ilis name.
H The samc rule 's l)('in~ madc to upply to strangers
shows that with .Jehovah th('I'e is no r('spect qLpcrsmul who manifpst t heir love and ob<'diclicc to him,
"Also tlii sons of the strang<'r [Also the strun!!'crs,
H.V,l, that join th(,lllselvcs to t1w Lord, to serve him,
and to love the name of' the Lord, to be his servants,
everyone that k('<,peth the sabhath from polluting it,
:111<1 taketh hold of 'my eovenant;, ev('n them will I
bring to my holy mountain rZion, God's holy organization], und make them joyful in my house of prayer
I nod's temple]; their hurnt off<'rings and their sacrifices shall bc ucc('pted upon mine altar: for mine
ht~lIsC shall be called an hous<' of prayer for all peopl<'." (Isa. 51,: 6, 7) The latter words of this verse,
"COl' all people," manifl'stly include the class Jlictured
hy Uuth, who was 11 strang('r and who was brought
into the house of natural Israel. "The Lord God,
which g-ath('l'eth the outcasts of ]sra('l rmpaning' the
remnant that God approv('d in 1918]. saith, Yct will
I I~ather others [the Hnth eluss and also Ihe Esther
cJ:1Sl'l, who caIne in aftcl' 1918J to him [that is, the
"faithful and wise servant" elass. so d<'sig'nated hy
tIll' Lord, and which was forC'shadowed by :\Lol'decai
Ilnd :Kaomil, heside those [that is, brsic1e the original
l'('mnant, foreshadowed by l\{ordfcai lind !\aomi] that
arc gathered unto him." (lsa. 56: 8) Ruth was a
1\loabitess, and henee was a stranger to Israel and to
its laws; but when Uuth \'olunt'cl'ed to go to DC'thlehem with the returning childless Xaomi, and that with


N. Y,

no prospect of earthly marriage in sight for her, and

nothing upon whil.'h to base a hope of marriage and
the bringing- forth of childrcll, Ruth thcn and there
made hel'sdf the erjuivalent of a eunuch, and h('nce
she well pictured both the eunuch and the stranger
mention cd in the foregoing' prophecy of Isaiah,
15 Those toward whom the new I.'o\'cnant was inaugurated at the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple,
~nd who were th'refore brought into the temple and
anointed, were made able ministers of the Co\'enant to
minister to those who should afterwards he brought
into the covenant, sueh as Huth and Esther, thai is,
the class foreshadow(d hy Ruth amI Esther, 'rhe facts
now well known show that a gTeat many came to a
knowlcdg-e of the truth, made a f'onsecratiol1, and have
become JeJlovuh 's witnesses since 1922, an(} t!wse flltts
(orrobo1'ate the forrg'oing eonclusion upon this ~wrip
ture. 'Ve must l)('ar in mind also that the "great
multitude" is composed of that class of p('rsons who
have entered into a eonnant hy sacrifice hut ,vho Ita ve
1I0t been ('ntirely faithful to Ihat COVl'llallt by 1':lf'rifil'C awl hCIlCi:l newr r('sponr1ed to the ('all for tIll)
king-dom; hut these (I he g'l'eat multitude of pt'isoIwrs)
arc emhl'ae,p(l in the new eO\'ClJallt and undel' iI, tPI'IlIS.
p~e('11. 9: 12) Sueh nre (ksi~llaf('d in the S('l'iptllrl's
al'l "prisoners ", aIld the 'ahle III in isters 0 f t he new
covenant' must also mini'll el' Hltto the "prisoner"
('lass, or "gn'at multitutle", This i's one of the works
that the failhful r('mllant arc now prrforming on
earth.-Isa. 42: G. 7; 4!): 8, fl.
IG Those pi('tuI'c<l by Unth and Esthe,', and who 111'0
hrought in nfh'r 1918, nlso bef'ome ahle rninist'rs of
thl) new cOVC'llant and parti('ipate in this ministry, a;;
hereinhcr()r'~ I1wntioncl1. B('fore one eould !Jerome all
ahle minist<r of the new Co\'cnllnt he must bl' hl'uu,~ht
to maturity in ChI'ist and be nn elder in fa(t und
minister to otllNs who are spirit-h('~otten aIHl who lire;
of the Jonndah company; and this is furthel' proof
that the new covenant is limited to the spiritual ISl'ur~1
11.\brahnm had six sons by I\dnrah. What d:d
Kcturah fOl'l'shadow, and what l'<'lationship harl she
and her sons to the covenant of Jehovah? It has lwl. n
saill that thast) six sons horn to Ahr'lham hy Kl'lnrah
r('prescnted l~'pi('all~' the many peoples of the wolrl.l
which will ultimately ~ain restitution blessing'S of life
under the rcj~n of Chl'i<;t, and hellee Keturah was 'L
tnlc of the new eO\'('lIant, whieh covenant prodUCt'S
the chil<lren of restitntion, 'l'hat condusioll is not
snpported by the Scripturos, for at least two goo I}
and sufficiellt rrasons, to wit: (1) 'rhe new CO\'elwnt
has no reference to the world of mankind in g(,lleral,
because it is the means employed by Jehovah to til!F'
out from the nations a people for his name, wlti"h
people, pl'oyjn~ faithful, are to be associafed wilh
Christ Jesus in the "indication of Jehovatl's name;
and all such are children of Jeho\'ah; (2) Those \\'11:)

obtain the earthly !Jlc"iIJgs of human life will he th0
chiltlrcn of Chl'i!;t, and not the chilJn'1l of Jehovah.
'l'his is definitely proved hy the fact that the fail hIul
11,(,11 of olJ who will Iw('ome the gOY('l'llors visible in
the l'al'th will bc thc children of the Christ and UI1llc:r
his direct supervision. (Ps. 4:1: 16; Isa. 9: 6) To he
sure, uU life procccJ.,; from .JdlOnlh (;oJ; but JehO\'u:1
has <:'lothed Christ Jesus with the po'scr and authority
to gi\'c life to tIle earthly class and he is t.1csi~nated
in the ScriptUJ'es as "The e\'erlasting Father", KI)turah's childrcn wcre 110t by Isaac, ;\\'ho was a type
of Christ .Jesus, but by ~\braham, \\"110 pictured Jcho\'ah God himself. For this retl:'011 it is :;\,en that the
six SOilS of Kl'turah could 1I0t repre3l'nt the earthly
or human class.
IS The patriarch .\hraham had one wife, namc.l
Rarah, and two concuhines, the first of these bein~
JIU!!:l1' and the' srcond Kl'tllrah. For a long- time Sarnh
was harren, and Abraham took Sarah 's Renant Jfa~ar
as a sllbstitnte for Sarah, ar](l hy her Ishmael was
hom. Later in ~\braham 's old age Sarah, his true
wife, coneci\l'd and :.rave birth to a son for ~\braham,
whom ..\br'aham Hamed Isaae. \\'hen ~arah was 127
years old Rho died. Three year's after' her' t!('ath Irsaa~
married Hehecca. After tlie mal'1'iage of fsaac and
HelH'rca, tlll'n Abraham married and Iwd six sons:
"Then w!ain ~\braharn took a wife, and lii:r n:une was
Keturah." (nen, 2;): 1) .\t the time these sons wer~
hom to Ahrah:lm nnd Kdul'ah Abt'aham wns a \'('ry
old mall. 'TheRc faets arc important to consider in
dch'mlining" \vhat the sons of Keturah l'l'prescntlu.
10 If the son..; of .\ht'aham bv Kcturah did not pictllrc the earthlv class to be biessed with life dUt'in~
the reig-ll of Cill'ist, what did they pictm'd .All ahstrac'l uns\\'el' to t he quest iun is first givcn, and thl'u
follows the Scriptural argnment in support thereof.
Tho answrr that is reasonable and supported by th.]
SeriptUl't's is this: The six chiltlt'on of .\braham by
Keturah pirl nre those \dlO \\"('re fll'OWl'ht into the new
rO\'l:nant tlfter tile birth of ihe kil1g'dom, "Jhe_ marr
child," antI who are designated as 'ut her chiltlrC'n' of
Zion that ure born after the birth of the "man child".
Concerning this the proplH'cy was \\ I'itten: "Before
she travailetl, she brollg-ht forth j before her pain ram'~,
she was delivered of a man ehild. Who hath h,':ml
sueh a thing? who hath i'I('cn slleh thing,,? Shall lhe
earth be made to bring' forth in aile day -1 or shall a
nation be b01'11 at ollce? fot' as soon as Zion travailed,
she hrollg'ht. fot'th her rll ildr(,ll," (Isa. (jG: 7, S) Th,~
"man child" was hor11 of God's organization 31'
woman in 1914. (Rev. ]2: 1-5) (See Light, Book Onc,
pag-e 23;).) lIeI" other childl'en', parI icnlarly thc remnant, are horn of Zion later and after the COmill!{ t)f
the Lord Jrsus to the tcmple and the begillnin~ of
the building up of Zion, \yhich oceurred ill 1918.



2.khovah has one universal or\;anization, ,..hir-h

orgallization was represente,l by Saruh, thr true \'I'It'e
of.\.hCi.llwTll; and this i!'l definitely fiXl'd b~' the pt'oph.
e('y. (1.,<1. 5!: 1-5) The marital rebtio!1sltip hel.\Yl'ell
Abrahnm llnd Sarah pic1l1l'rd the relationship between
Jehovah and his" woman", which v,oman giH:s birth
to hi"i childl'en of the ra pital ol'g'nl1ization or kingdom,
and which is ralled Zion,-Isa, 54: 13.
21 Abrahnm had one true wife and two concubinr"i.
The one conc'llhine, Hagar, represented the nation vi
Israel aft('r the 11('sh, which aid not bl'ing forth a
people for the WHile of Jrhovah. This i tIl'finitcly
settlcd by the inRfJired te:-,[imony of the apostle Paul
as set forth ill Oalatians. The sons of GrJd whith nrc
later brow;ht furth, and whic'h tlo ('01131 itu1l' a JlcopIe for the name of .Jchoyah, are illustralcd h~' the
six SOl1S of .Abraham hy Kdurah, The scripture 110(':-\
not. say that Sarnh and, Hag-ur were tj'[Jl'S of tl1(' t\\O
covenants, a~ we h:n'c oftctI stated, bnt dOl's say that
IIn~ar awl hpr son rcprcs(,t1ted till' covprwtlt at ~inai
and thnt :-'al'ah and hcr son I'C[B't'sellted that whir'l: is
born of nod's org-anizatio!l or' .JCl'll:-;u!<m, whidl i,.;
above. 'f1J() apostle says that this is an lllll'g'oty, that
is to say, tll:1t whieh is reprt'selltl'd here by thes\' two
\\omcn antI their offspring'.\n allc~Ol'y is llot a typ",
bllt it is a Illpans employC'd to l'Cpl'eSl'nt or' pil'1lll'e
sr)tJw real thiTl~. The upostlc sa~'s: "For it is \\Tittl'1l
thut Ahr'aham hud two SOilS, one hy the bomlmaid, utt<!
one by the f,'('c woman; hilt h(' that was of the hond,
maid aftcr tlte fll'sh had been hom, wltet't';!s he lil:lt
was of the free woman thl'ol1!~h mealJs of a I))'omi,:l'.
Wltirh thing'S in(lcpd ma~' hear anot!wt' nll'allino::: fol'
the Same arc two ('ovenauts, OilC it1dl~l'd from )Iollnl
~inai into bOl1l1a,~e hring-in!r rod h, tIll' \\'11 ieh is lh!.!'II,
and the Hag-ads ~Iollnt ~itlai in .\rabiu; ShemlS\\'pl'('tn
hO\re\'cr UlltO till' prcsent Jl'!'lbUll'm, fot she is in
hotlda!!e with her childrell; hut the .Jprus:lIem auo\'(' i.,
fref', tht' \rl1ieh is our mothcr. "-(1 a I. -1: :z:!,~(j) I'-offl.
~2 Immf'diately following' the u!W\'C the apll,-;t].;
f1ll<)tes from the prophecy of Jsaiall ;,-l: 1, "llOWit1~ Ihat
Sarah represented God's ot'gallizatio:l rallt'd .!trU'1,lh:m and pictured hy his" woman' '. Abraham's l'(lationship to his wife and to his two concuhilll'S ill,,;;trates God's l'clation"hip to his (,OVl'nallfs, \\'lJith l'on:nants are a mt'ans crnp[oyl'll to uCI:umpli:-,ll h;'.. pUI'pese of !!ettin~ a name for himself, Sar:lh nn,l 1H'l'
SOli tog-cther illllstrnte or pi(tme the Utt('olldit iljlldl
covt:uant that .J,'hovnh made that he' would l'l'O,1t;:',
'the sll'll". This se('d of promise is fOl'l'shnt!O\';l,d h':
T.."wc. \\ lli('h si'('d i'1 (,llrist Jl':-llS, JTngar (lllrl iii r SOli
allt".!ol'ically re!J1't',Jrntec1 or pictured the Jaw c()\'l.'lIi1nt,
,,-hir>h God attal'lJcd to his original promi",,, the pmPO$C of whi('h was to furnish natural Ist':lel all oPP'J\'tunity to produee a proplc ior his name, hut \\-lti":l
COYClwnt I'lilt,!.l In' l'ea<;011 of the I'a(t tlwt lsr:kl \\"1.,
n13de up of impe~'frct humall Cl'\'atUl'CS. This i::illll"l
of the (,Ol'cullnt is illustrated in the fact that lln:;:.!l"/:!




N. Y.

son was" horn of the flesh". \Yha t the la IV covenant tenor of these worus I have made a covenant with
failed in the new covenant furnishes, to wit, a people thee [~Iosts, typifying Christ Jesus] and with Israd
for his name.
[typifying spiritual Israel, including the remnant]."
--Ex. 34: ]0, 11, 27.
23 The' Abrahamic covenant' was in fact an uncon2~ In harmony with the aforesaid t~'pe Jehovah ('on
ditional declarat ion of Jehovah's IJnrposc to produce
a seed, and by using Abraham and Sarah his wife firmed the Abrahamic ('ovenant with the true st>ed,
God pictured how he would hl'in~ forth a seed, which that is, with .Jesus Chl'i'St, by making with him the
seed was pictured or illustrated by Isaac. God per- new covenant. Through Christ Jesus, the ~leJiatol',
mitted Sarah to he harren for a 10llg' while and until .Jehoyah eonfirnwd lhe ~\brahamic covenant to the
llis due time to hriIl!.~ forth the typical seed of prom- members of the body of Christ Jesus, that is to l'1ay,
ise. Durin~ tlmt period of time JIagnr was suhstituted with spiritual Israel, in the same way, to wit, by a
for Sarah or attached to the AhJ'ahamic household that new covenant, which sets forth specifically Jehovah's
she mi~ht give birth to an heir to Abraham. The son of Jlllrpose eoncernin~ this sred of Abraham. The new
IIHgar was not the heir of promise, and manift'stly the co\'enunt is therefore uneillury to or clasped to the
(~hicf IHU'poSC of this arrallg'pmcnl was to demon<;tratc
Abrahamic connunt, just as the back of the IJl'il:st'r-;
that the' promised srcd' could he produced only by _cphod was clnsped to the front part there-of. 'l'his
the miraculous power of Jehovah. In due time Sarah further confirms the ('(Inclusion that the IWW eoyenant
gave birth to the typil'al seed, and thiH was the rCHult is a means employed by .Jehovah to brill!! forth a I!('Oof the rxereise of .1<,llOvah's mimculous power. 'l'he pIe for his name, whieh people shall he assoeiatc,d with
birth of that son waH a ('oni1nnation of the covenant. and by adoption lweome a part of the l'1ecd of AbraIsaac was a type of .h'SllS CIIl'ist, the Ron of .Jehoyah ham and purti('ipate in the vindication of .Jeho\':lh's
God; and at the time of the haptism of J('RUH, awl name.
when the holy spirit in the form of a dove dl's~ended -- 211 Sarah had one son, and afte-rwards she (liell. That
from heuven and li~hted upon .Jeslls, and the voice does not signify the ew] of the Ahrahall1ie cownant,
from heaY(~n was heard to say, '''l'his is my heloyed nor the end of .1c1lo\"1l h 's or~anization; lH'l':tuse these
Ann, in whom I am well plemipd," there the Ahra do not end. From the- time of her d('ath Sarah is
hami(' eoyenant hrought forth the real, true seed of me-rely out of tlw pict nrc, as, of eour~e, a ftrr her dl',tl ~l
promisp. (:\latt. 3: ]6, 17) Isaac alone was the type she could hl'ing 1'Qrth no more children. ~arah dir!l
of Chri:>t JesuH, who iH the IH'omised sped; as it is thirty-scH'1l ypars II ft(' l' the birth of Isaac lllld th1'('c
writt(:n: "In Isaac shall thy secd be called. "-Gen. years l)('forc the marriage of Isaac to Hdlec('a; fOl'
21: 12; Hom. !): 7.
Isaac wa~ forty ye:m:; old when he manicd. (Gen.
2;-): 20) Then at'tl'r haae's marriage to BelJ('c('a, and
2. 'fhe covenant of .Jehovah with Ahraham was luter
confir'med unto Isaac, then unto J ueoh, and then unto more than three years after Sarah's (1<-ath, Almlham
the twl'!vc tlil)(,s of Israel (Judah), and particularly took a wife, and her name was Ketllrah. (;('11, 24:
in the law covenant. "He hath rememlwred his cove- 67; 2;': 1) A1't('r ~arah's d(':ith Ketnrah sUIJstitllt('(1
Jlant for ever, the word which he eommandl:d to a for Sa1'l1h in bringing fOl,th morc childr<'ll unto Allr'lthousand ~ellN'at ions: which covenant he made with ham, jnst as Huth the ~l(Jabitish woman subst itut ('II
AIH'aham, and his oath unto Isaac; and confirmed the for the ageJ .TeWl'SS I\aomi in the }li!,th of II <;('('(1.
s:une unto .Jacoh for a law, and to Israel for all e\"(~r Kf't umh, thcl'rfore. would picture nod's org"a nizat iOIl,
lasting' coyenant." (Ps. 10;;: ~-]O) "Ood I'ememocl'l:d hut not the lICW eo\cnant. She and h('r sons toget her,
his covenant with l\braham, with Isaac, and with however, did picture God's organization giving b:rlh
Jacob." (Bx. 2:24) Jehovah earl'ipd out the pro- to other sons after the birth of the lIlan child.
visions of the Abrahamic COYC'llant toward Abraham's
27 Abraham lH'ing an old man, and also Sarah being
fleshly Q('SCCIHlants hy dcliv('ring' them from Egypt by too old to b('u1' ('hil~lrl'n, .JcllO\uh pel'forme-t! a miracle
means of Mosps and the law covenunt, and by then toward them, causin~ the conception and the birth of
thrusting' out the heathen before th('m in the land of the son Isaac. It follows, therefore, that t he six SOlIS
Canaan. "And he [Jehova h] said, Behold, I make a of Abraham by K('turnh, born more than forty years
covenant: hrfore all thy people I will do marn:ls, such aftf'r the birth of haae, wen' also sons brought forth
as have not l)('('ll done in all the earth, nOl' in any na~ hy the mirnculous pOWPi' of .J('hovah. Concerning the
tion [nor in behalf of any nation 1: and all the people miraculous birth of Isaac: "(.\3 it is written, I have
amon~ which thou art shull sr(' the work of the Lord:
ma(lc thee n father or many nations,) hrfore him
for it is a terrible thing' that I \rill d0 with thee. whom he hclie\'ed, even God, who qui('k('!1('th the d('ad
Obsen'(; thou that which T command thee this day r.\brahllm's po\vcr to fecundate Sarah was d('ad, :mJ
[the day of the inauguration of the law covenant at God mil'aculou<;ly quick('l1cd that powrrJ. and call1'th
Sinai] : hehold, I dl'ive out before thee the .\mol'ite, those things [Ahraham lwing included] whiph be not
and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and tlie Perizzite. [even a<; ~\hrllham ,,,as once not a futhrr of a multiand the Hivite, and the .Jebusite. And the Lord said tude 1 as thOll[!.'h they were [henre God ('hanged the
unto l\loses, 'Write thou these words: for after the name of Abram to Abraham, meaninq 'father of a

J"rSE 1, 1934


IJ-ne WATCliT0\vER.

great multitude', and this he did two years before the

birth of Isaac 1. Who against hope believed in hope,
that he might hecome the fath<:'r of many nations,
according to that which was spoken, Ro shall thy secd
be. He s-ta~gered not at the promise of God through
unbelief; but was strong in faith, givin!.\' qlory to
God; and being fully persuaded that, what he had
promis('d, he was able also to prrform." (Hom. 4:
17,18,20,21) "Thp('efore sprang there even of one,
and him as good ilS dead, so many as the stars of the
sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea
shore innumerable. "--Hcb. 1l : I~.
2~ Abraham was a hlllltireu years old when Isaac
was born, aIIIl his ho(ly thcn was as good as deau so
fill' as chihlr'('n were coneernrd, as it is written in
Homalls four; therefore, forty years later his body
wus eqnally dcael, if not more so, ana for that reason
Jc!umlll mnst alld diel exer(ise his miraculous powrr
that Ahraham might have the six sons by Keturah.
(Opt}, 25: 1, 2; ] Chroll. 1: 32) It was hy the mirapulous power of Jehovah that .Jesus Chdst was conceived
ill the womb of the virgin all(11ater horn. 'l'hirty years
th('rpafter hy the mira(ulolls powc'r of .Jehovah .Je:ms
Christ was hl'ought for,th liS the nnlitypical Isaae, the
"seed of promise". C\latt, 3. 1G, 17) Approximately
] DOa years latel', to wit, 19].1., the" mall dlild", wldeh
/:lpallS God's kingdom under Curist, WlIS horn of (lod '13
woman or organization, atHl this lIlso by the miraculous power of .Jchemdl. By the like ex('reise of mil'aculolls POWP(' of .Tihovah, ~ioll, Sj mbolizecl hy God ',.;
"woman", hl'ollght forth otlle(' dlildn:J!, in HJlS and
following. Ketllrah, tlwrdor<" spems to ('Iearly picture
~ion in ht'ingoing' fot,th these otlH'r chihlren aftpr the
hirth of the man (hild.-lsa. fiG: 7-9.
29 Th(' six sons of Kl'tllrah wel'c' not the sons of
Isaae, hut were the sons of ~\hnlham; thcl'eforc Ket Ilrah 's sons could not picture t hose who g('t life on
c:lrth and who a('e h<.'re called a rcstitution dass, be(':luse those who shall be g'iv('n human pl:l'fe(tion will
he the sons of the antitypieal 1sa:1<:. 'l'he conclusion,
lherl'forp, must he that the sons of l\braham by Keturah pictured the SOliS of .Tehovah God bol'll by anJ
ta his organization ~i()n spparate and distinct from
Christ .Jesus. Those who were taken ont from the na1ions as a ppople far nod's name are not the childre'l
of Christ, but they arc t.he brethren of Christ and the
sons of Ood. (ITeb. 2: 11) The rdationship of AI)1'aham to Keturah and her sons, therefore, cl('arly pictures the relation of God to the 'other sons' of Zion.
30 Christ .Jesm; alone is the grpat ~Iesst'll~er of the
l1PW CO\'C'I1:lnt. After the birth of the "man child",
which hirth took place in 1914, nnd lat<.:r, to wit, I!n~,
Christ .Jesus, the )Iesscnger of tl1p new co\'enant, comes
to the temple fol' judgment. (~Ial. 3: 1) There Jehovah by Christ Jesus, the great ::\Iessenger of the
covenant, huilded up Zion, bringing forth first the
faithful saints who had long ago died in faith, and
then lalrr the faithful remnant on earth are brought

into Zion and become the C'hildren of God; and this

latter gathering is pictured hy Keturah's giving birth
to six sons who arc the sons of 1\ braham, typifying
the sons of God. Christ .1csu,> ALONE is the "seed
of Abraham" arcordillg to the unconditional covenant. ":\'ow to Ahraham and his seed were the promi~cs made. He. saith not, And to seeds, as of many;
~Hlt as of one, .\nd to thy seed, which is Christ."Gal. 3: 16.

at It is true that the apostle, in this same chapter,

says: "For as many of you as have been baptizc'd into
Christ, have put on Christ. And if ye he Christ 'fl,
then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to
the promise." (Gal. 3: ~i, 29) But the quc:stion is,
How do they ~et into Christ? Clearly by adoption.
Adoption menns to bring another son into the family.
TIll' body members of Chl'ist pirture a part of the
s<.'('eI of Ahrnhnm hv virtue of being brought into
Christ .1esus and re(';'i\"(~d and adoptc'd into the house
of God, of \vhil'!1 Christ .Tc'sns is the Chief and Head.
T]ll':' do not ~('t into eh t'i.~ts },(J(ly hy reason of anything thf'j' uo. 'fhe apostle 's a\'~lIment in his epist]?
to the Calatillns is lhat in the (ullnrss of tillle Cod
:::ent forth .Jeslls "to rpdeem th(~rn that wel'e undl'!' the
law that we mitrht rp('pi\'e the adoption of SOl1S. And
b('(,~llSC ye are s~ns, God Il:Ith SI'lIt forth the spirit of
f Christ] his Ron into )'0111' hearts, crying', .\hha,
Father, \Vherefare thou art 110 more :1 sprvant, IHlt a
son; lind if n son, then an heir of 0011 thl'Ol1gh
Christ". (Gal. 4: 4-7) J\gain says thl' apostle: "For
ye have not re('pi\'{'d t.he spirit of bonda~e a~ain to
1par; hut yc have recPived the spirit of adopt ion,
whereby we cry, Ahba, Father." (Hom. 8: 15) Then
the apostle clpal'ly shows that the completion of brill:;illO' t]wse into Cod's famil\' takps plael' at the buildjlJ~
UI~ of Zion. ".\nd not o~ly they, hut OUl'sel\'C's also,
which have the first-fruit,; of the spirit, even \l'e onrseh'es gl'oan wi1 hin OUl's(']vrs, wniting' for the adoption, to wit, the rl'dcmption of our body." (1:0111.
~: :!~n It was t!lC pUl'pOSl' of nod from the bq~innill~
to brill!! thesp other sons into his family by ndoption.
"Havil~g preeh'stinated liS unto the urloption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good
pleasure of his will. "-EI,h. 1: 5.
~2 .Jehovah said to Ahraham: "In Isaac shall thy
St't'tl he called." (Gen. 21: 12) At the time of that
d('~bJ';Jtion lw .J(ho\'ah Hagar and her son wrre rast
ofl'. (Cal. 4:29,30) Some forty years thcl'eal'tf'l' till}
sons of Ketul'Uh wpre hom. I'mac is thp SOli of nod
a('('0l'11il1!~' to the l,romi,w. and Isaac was a type of
C'lll'ist .1l's\l~. who is the srrl1 of plomise. .Jr,:11 S, the
:.l1ltitypi t 'al Isaac, is One. anc! the six sons by Ket ul'ah
make sewn, whieh is n divinely complete number
forming :t l'()~'al family.
33 'rhe "ons of ICc-turah ('auld not inhel'it with I~aac
lnll thut Aln'nham hnd', hut .\hraham g'll\'e those "ix
SOilS gifts. (Gc'n. 25: 5, 6) Likewise the ll1e:mbers ~f

the hoclY of Christ ean inhcrit nothing of


heC'ausc Christ ,Jrsu,; is the One 'whom he r.Jehov;)1Jl

hulh made heir of all things'" (lIth. 1:2) Christ .Jo.StL'! came into the inhpritance of the kin_~,lorn tlll"(~\~ awl
one-half year,; hel'ol'(' coming to the temple for jl1a~
ment nnt! the huildinq up of Zion, and hrnce that
length of time before the ot!H'r ehilllrcn of Zion ,,:ere
horn or }n'o11ght into GOII'S cupital or:wnization" .J("m:;
Christ i'i t hercfol'e es:wntially "The seed of Abraham ". (,Acts 3: 25, :26) By the mediatorship of Christ
Jesus his brethren are hroll;;ht forth as a people takOl
out for Jehovah's nnrn,,, and these faithful hrdhren
became joint heirs with Christ Jesus hy a,loption :md
their inhcritance is eonditillnc,l upon ct'l'tain spceilt~
things, to wit: "The spit-it itsd f bearet h witness with
our spirit, that WI' are tlw children of Goa: and if
children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with
Christ; if so be that we suff('1' \\ith him, that we may
be also glorified to~eth('r," (Rom. S: 16, 17) Other,vise statN1, all the hody !l1emhl'rs al'e ndopteu int.)
the royal house and become for ew[' IllCllll)(~r;; of that
house upon ('onJition of faithfulrH;~s unto God, which
entails upon them the n'urouchcs and suff(;rin~ that
fell upon Christ Jesus.
34 'I'he wllne "Keturah" is derived from the p['imitive root (jatar, meaning- "to smoke", that is to !'ay,
tum into fra/rrance by fire. jlost often the w;ml is
translated "to burn i[ll'cnse ", also, "to 1>\11'11 !.:.lcl'i
fire"; hence the name 1\eturah means "ilH'f'IISIJ" 1)1'
"perfumed ". The beautiful poetic scriptur'e courem
in~ Christ Jesus comiJlg as l\ill~ and ,JI[lhe to the
temple says: 'Who is this that cometh ont of the wi!
uel'nl'SS like pillal's of s/llokc. pl'rfullwrl with m~"l'l'!t
alld f'toankinel'!1se, with all !Jlmdcrs of the lIll:l'chant 1"
(~ong of Solomon 3: 6) As the Killg" rilh-s upon his
palanquin 01' "litter" (fiX,) he is attellded by sixty
valiant warriors, (Song- of ~oloffion 3: 7, 8) Th(: SOliS
of the royal house of God arc joilled or bl'(H1~ht into
the royal organization ot ,IPsns Christ at the h'mple.
The name Ketlll'ah, tlicie rore, sUg"!.!csts that Zion ',;
oLher children, horn (r brollg-ht fot-th into Zion ;)ftt~t'
the com in" of the Kin" and the birth of the kin!!doll1,
arc the OI~S who I off('~' the silaifiC'e of praisu t~ God
continually, that is, the fruit of their lips, f!i,'inr!
thanl\:;, to his name', after the huil<lin!! up of Zion
f(,lIowillg 1!HS. (Heb. 13: If) From t hat time fOl'
ward this sacrifice, bring' "colltinual", is lIever
stopped by the cncmy as it was stopped in EnS, hut
for eyer that capital orgoani,mtiou eoutinues to sin:.r
forth the praise of Jehovah. (Un', S: 3) Tho~ ,Yin
faithfully o})(')' IJehoyah awl Cllrist .Jesus and perform
fl1ithfully thl'ir uuties as mini<;ters of the ne\\' COi',;nant arc "unto God a sweet savour of Christ". (2 Cor.
2: 15) The" man child" was born in 19]~; in 191:3.
upon the comin~ to tl1<' tpffiplc, first arc brought i(Jrth
the faithful saints who died in faith and who mnst
precede tho;.;1' on (',nth, allll after that is hl'o\12"l\t int;)
the temple the faithful remnant 011 earth. The bring

ill~~ of these other i:aints into God's royal rami1:',

tlll'refore, was clcUl'ly foreshadowed by the ~ix S.lll"
ot' Abraham bv Kc:tul'ah.
35"{) p(Jn all tllC Scriptural evidence set n]ong.,itle ,he
fLtets that huye ]wm }n'o1J;;'ht to pass b:' ~r('h(}".. ah i I.e
conclusion is irresistible that the new con:llal1t is nGt
a covenant tint hus to do }yith rcstitution of natHrd
Israel or of allY people to human perfectioll; hut that
the new covenant is .JdlO\'11h's instrument employed
to take out from among the various nations a. people
for hi~ nume, and that those thus taken ont and who
prove faithful arc adoptC'd into the family of (lod awl
therehy bepomc members of his royal hothe, or l'o.\":l1
saints. This eOllclnsioll is in no wise inimical Lo the'
truth that earthly or human hlessings will ('ome to th,~
l'eople in general Jurill~ the rdg'll of Chl'i:,t. hll~
ruther giws assurance to the world of I1Hwkind th::l
Jehovah will have an approved seed to do tIl(' l'e!.!'o'lcration or blessing- work, Thl) new (,OH'Jlill1t is del1'l('tlted and is closely related to the l'overwlIt for" th'J
kingllom. It is the kingdom that will completely vindicate Jehovah's name.

(To be continued)
~ 1. From where, ulJll for \\ hat p'lrposc, Jocs Jl'hovah gather
his ~aint~ t";.:etllt.'r untl) him!

jj2,:;' lIIJw ~hall the '~I\l'a\"en;;'1 tleelali1 hie; ri~htf'ou:4tW~''']

Ae"ouut for tlll~ PI'l'~'.'lJt greatt'r llpl'l'l'nati"u of '" ti:l.!
l1liuil>try" as of 'd('('lal"lng his ril-:"htl:lll1~Ue~l>'.
~ 4. C"lll:':lI I' hI ad awl "Clll i~tentlolll" iu ll'~a 1'1] tl) .1,'h.,\'uh '3 '~avinl-: a remnant' tlllreof. How, in .'a,.)l iEstanc,',
was thill 't;athl'ritl~' allfl 'savillt:' hl:C"lllph~ll,," I
", ;;. \\'1."11 dill JullilllJeut of P~a]JlI ;;0: 5 h('t;llI, ami 11ll\\ !
"; Ii, 7. Apply .Jr:r(,l"jah 50: 01, ii,
~i S, \\'Iu'u anll how ,jncs EZt'kid :!(); ;;7, ::S fin') flllfilr,wllt ~
~r 9-]1, P)int Ollt fal't1 pr'J'.in:! fllltilnll'nt Ill) of hai:\h 1:1:
Ih) Of J'.awh ,jl: 10. (e) Of L:,i:t1l ,jl: )::,17,
~ I:!. 1{I'fl'rrin~ to !{t,nlatioll 11: l!.I: ''''heu aw] ho\\ was I . tl,,~
temple or GOl] \\hi,"h i~ in h"a\('II" "I'cn,-d! How \'.a~ tir.)
"ark" till'rein S,-,'TI! Briefly ]'O'llt oat fullihlll'nt of \\ 1,,1 t
"fo]low("l", a~ al~o Iorp!"lhowH at ~inai.
~ 1:1, How IIm\" we i\]cntifv the ., t'llllud'., " I efel'red to In
If,aialJ fiti: ~.1, 5J :---ilow \\"Il(~t1u.'r Jf'hl)\ltll'~ III'UUli:-.t.~ (OtH ,',!lint: tht'lIl, them l'e"ord"ll. hall Ii;<rl fllilillll.'nt.
'T I-I, \\"1:0 nr\, f"ll',hadlJ\\('d by thl' "slran;..:"r" ltIeuti"n\',\ 1:\
I-I.i:llt ,jo: o! \\"II:1t is tllp, ~i:!lJijk:llll'C ot ,Tello,',It'~
ill~ with th,' "~tlall~.:I''' ill thc manner ,It""',i,,,',l in \I-:<"~
6,11 1/1< nlify "nl! \,eol,]e", l,Ne ull'nti'JIl"'!.
'T 1::;' IG. "'hi) arc th,> wini~tt'lll of tlte nt'\\' co':en:llIt. 'In.l tit:
\\ hat u,)Cs their ministry ('on~i~t 1
or 17, ~tnte, "ith l'I'll"on~, ,;'Ildher Keturah W:1S n type of t!:"
nfW ~(l\(,llant nnr] .\1Jrnllalll 's six sons by K,turah 1""1"1,'[
t!t".,,- of th... W\Il'Jol \\ho will lIltilllately ~aiu'lltllll:l1l \; I..
:uu I 1'}l '..;,::in~~.
~ 1~, If), \\'h:lt otl,el' impl,rtnnt facts must lie Ilon,i,].-~' "oJ ill
11"terlllining" what or \\hom the ~on; or Ketulah l('pre::'t'Il'cd? Bril'fiy, whOIlI di,l tll('~e sous pi... tul'I~l llow i9 l!!I~
('()llrlll~iljn ~uPl'"rt'.'I] lly IS:1iah (jlj: 7, '3 i
~ :!O-~:!, !-.'how thnt th ... f";r>ti/,t1l1'('5 ,]I'finitely settle till' PI'''!'!.' .:~
pllbition of f-:ll1'ah :tilll Ha 1-:": I1',
~ :!:J-:!:;. In thi, cunuectlOn p.Jl1lt O"t anll expl:lill (;c"l'; Ik,:',"_;
with .Allrahalu nIll1 Salah, anll lIagar'~ r{lilti()'l tIJI'nri).
.\]"o the sil!uiticolTlI'e 11<'l'e of the statelW'nt tllat "(1",] ;t"
JI1PlUhClt'd his cr)\t..'nnnt \\~ith .Abra.l1:~rn. ":l~h !;:':l'U', :.n,l
\lith .Jacoh", anti of t!tilt I'ccol'llcl] at P"aim IIJ~.: ~11},
A\.;,) what wn~ l!Jl'rein iort'~ho......n to b.' (:1) th.... 1"<1:1"[:'
ship of tIl" n,:w ("J\"elUmt to the A1Jf:th:lllUc Cv' ,'11:111: "ld
(ll) the p~~:'r"~'! of th" liew.
~ 21j<~". }~:\i,::~in tIt'" prnphetic ~i~nit1c:l,Hf'P of th.. f:1(t t"
.\hralwm 'g son Isaac and al.,o his S'JI1S I,> El'lI::-it ' .. .'



1, 1934

Jlie \VATCHT0\vER.


brought forth by miral'lIlous exerrise of Jeho'l'nh's power.

11 33, 34. If "Ahraham gave all that he had unto" and

sons of Keturah is seen in the fact that tlwr were sons

of Ahrahnm, not of Isanc?
'If 31, 32. In view of Jr]Hlvah's statemrnt (Gen, 21: 12) "In
Isaac shall thy see,l he caIIN}", :md that of the apostle
Paul in Ualati:m~ 3: 1(;, e::pI:Jin the po~ition of the bo'ly
members of Christ in relation to the" seed of Abraham' '.

'God Imth appointed Christ .Tesus heir of all thin~s', how

is it that" we are , , . heirs of God'" Explain the prophetic sig-nificance of the nnme Keturah.
fI 3;:; \Yhat, tllE'n, is the reasonahle conl'lusion as to the n~ture,
purpose, and outcomo of the new roYenant, an'] ('oncern'
ing its harmony with Jehoyah's further prol'i.,iou for
earthly or human blessings for the wodd Of mankind'

fI 29, 30. Wlmt further proof (}f the prophPtic position of the


OT.~rJ wus one of the prophets of .Jehovah Cod

shall come to pass, that whosoev(>r shall ('all on the

thousands of years a~o. He prophesieu that the name of tllO Lord shall be saved."-Acts 2: H-31.
time would rome when GIlll would IJour out his
'I'he givill~ of the holy spirit to the disci ph's was
spirit upon all these who would call upon his name. all evidence that Jesus' disciples had been taken int.o
'fhe secund dl:lpter of hi.~ proplwcy, w'rSl'<; twenty- thc covenant for the kiJl!!(lo!ll, the goveI'llmrnt whic'h
eight and twenty-nine, reads: "And it shall come to Jeho\-ah has laid upon the shouldC'r of Christ JC>iUS,
pa<;s afterwarll, that I [.Jehovah 1 will pour out my the Prince of 1'ca('(', anu which .Jehovah will lbe to
spirit upon all flesh [that is to say, all flesh in cove- vindicate his name and word and to bll'ss all 1hc famlwnt relationship with mel; and your son'> and your ilil's of t he earth.
dau~hh~rs shall prophesy, your old nwn shall lll'eam
A city is a symhol of a gOW!'lllllent or empirt~. It
dreams, your Y(jnn~ men shall ~l'e visions: and also is written cOIH'('rllin~ the empin' 01' kingdom of (;otl:
upon tIll' SI'l'vllnts mId upon the handmai,ls in those "AntI the wall of t he rit~ had 1,wc1\-c founclatiolls,
days will I pour out my spirit," This propheey of ancl in tlH'm the names of the twelve apostle's of tlte
J()('I had its miniatmc Ot' first fulfilment at the feast Lamh." (Hc\'. 21: l,t) The Lord .Jesus Christ i" the
of Pt'ntecost fifty days artl'r the n'sul'1'I'etion of .Jesus chief corner stone in that kifl!.!(lOlTl. awl thp :lp,,<,tI1'8
Christ ft'om th~ dca'd. At the timc of the as('('I\sioll of the Lamh art' the t\\"l'I\'c fOllll<lations. "\\'!tl'rC'fore
of Jesus into hC'uvell he had assl~mhled his disC'ipJes also," \\Titl's tIl(: apostle Pder 0:2:6), "it i..; con
Oil the side of the Mount of OIi\'C's, which lies to the
tained in the sl'l'iptu1'e, Behold, I lay in Sion a cbipf
(,:lst of the city of .Jerusall'm. He there commanded cOl'!wr stolll', deet, pl'e-rious: al1l1 he that I)('lievdh
them that they shoulJ. not depnrt from .JI'lusalem un 011 him shall not be (onfollnde<l."
til they had received the holy spit'it, and promisl'd
Prior to his crucifixion the 1.0\"] .Jesus had prom
1hcm that then they should l'('I'ri\'e power UlH] that i~d that he \\ ouid confirm in IH',l\'(:1l what t hos(> 1',1 it hlIwy should l)('come his wihH'ssC's unto the uttC'rmost 1':1 apostles Ilicl on earth. platt. 18: 18) It wa..; at
pa~ts of the' eart h.-Acts 1: 4-8.
Pcnteeost, HllIl aftt,l' r('cciving' tbe holy spirit, that
In obedi('llc(' to this comm:ll1d (.A(ts 1: 4-8) the 1'C'1er h'stifled ('oncernillg' .hSll'> Christ, as follow;::
disriples n'maiJlt~d at .Jcrusal(m, "And whrn the day "This is tIle stone which wa" set at nOllght of ,You
of Pentecost was fully ('0 !ll(', thcy were all with olle builders, whi('h is he('ome the head of 1he ('onwr.
accord in one place. And swielt'uly there came a Nt,jther is there snl\'ation ill allY otl\('1': fe)l' th('T'1' j,\
sound hom hpaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and nOlle other name under' he-uven giwn amnII\!; mell,
it. filled aU the house whrIc they were sitting. ~\nd wheJ'eby w(' must he savcd."-.\ets '1: 11, 12.
111ere appeared Ullto them cloven tongues, like as of
The Jews had thought to lJUilt111n empirc; ancl tliPy
fire, and it sat upon eaeh of them: and tl\('y were all looked forward to 1hat empire \\hi(~h, un(ler the ~l('s
filled with the hoiy [spirit], and Leg-un to speak with si,'l:. Christ, would rule all nations of the earth. The
other tongues, as the spirit them utterancc." cJeT'~Y of' that time esperially thOll'l;ht that tbl')' W('le
(Acts 2: 1-4) Thus was made manifest the first ful- the builders; hut when the chief' corner stone was laid
filment of the prophecy of Jod above quoted, as thp~' rej!'cted him, en'n as the prophet Isaiah (:>3::1)
specifically stated h;y the apostle Peter, who said: had forctolcl th!')' would do. (.John ]: 11, 12) Till)
"Ye mcn of Judtca, and all ye that dwell at Jl'l'U- fllf't that the Jews l'pjec:t('d the ('hipf corner stOlle in
!CdI'm, be this known unto you, and hearken to my no wa;v hindered or l1c1ayed the progrl's,; of the build\\"ct'ds: .. " This is that which was spoken by the iw.:: :\'ow that the chief corner shme and fotluuatioll
prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass in the last 01 : Irc lIew and g-lorious ('mpil'e was laid, its lmilclill!{
(b.\'s, saith God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all h"!.!.:Jn and JlJ'o~ressed aeordin~ to the will of God.
fJl':~h: and your sons and your daughters shall prophThe holy p1'Ophet had testified that on this chief ('()["C$~', and your young men shaH see visions, and ~-OUl'
ncr stone should rest the new g-o\'ernment whieh shol!l(l
0](1 men shall drc:nm dream~: and on my servants and bring (lPliverance to the people. He said: "For \Illto
o:J my handmaidcns I will pour out, in those days,
us a child is born, unto us a son is giH'l1, allcl the
of r.l~' spirit; Ilnd they shall prophesy. And it government shall be upon his shoulder; amI hi.; n::nl('

1 _")
I ...

F.fI1.c \0\TCHT0\VER...


X. Y.

shall he called Wonderful Couml'!Jor, The mi:;'hty

(;od, The evel'lastil1~ Father, The Prince (If Penee.
Of the increase of his government awl !H':Jrc there
F,iwJl be no end, upon the throne of J),n-id, and upon
his kingdom, to order it, and to estahlish it with jud~.
m('nt awl with justice, from hfmccforth even fl)r ('vcr.
'.i'he zenl of the Lord of hosts will perform this. " -

plrnse God he rl11.tst fOllow the direct ion that the Lord
Jesl!'l points out. Tho 011C thus seebng the Lord (Jod
mll"t now oxerrisc faith; and the tirst thin~ of imprJi:'tancc is to belicye tht'll. .JI'1IOV:1h exists, and that he r,'wards those who dilig'cntly seek him. (lleb. 11: 6) To
such .Jesns says: "If flnv man \'.'iIl ('o:ne aftol' TIll'.
let him dcny' j,imself, ll;ld tal>c up his cl'o~s, and


follow me. "-:.lutt. 16: 2-k

Srlf-df'ainl means a wiJlin~IH'~)s to completely surrowler olloseli nnto (;00, llg'recill~ to 110 the will of
God, w!lih tru:o.'in " in the merit of Clubt .Jesus' S:1('
l'ifirc, This i'! e()l~l'('rati(ll1. 'I'his is what ,Je:-ius di,l
WllC'U he appearcd at the .Jordan river to be ba\lliz\~,.I,
as it is prophetically written of llirn, ~a,\'iil~: . I ('(ill:,:
to do t!l~' will, 0 my (:011,' This is 11n agn;(,Ill('nt tll;lt
thon'after the ,rill of the T11<l11 will h,~ I'Xl:l'ci';l'd ill
harmony \Iith the will of Uod, and that hr. willll;e
his mi'ld and ascel'taiu Gnu's will and tl1(:11 110 it.
~ow the Lord JCioW; pI'I'Sel1ts thc Illan \rho COWiecratl's to .Jehovah. It is .JcllOvah (jod \dJfJ jll'li('ialiy
detel'mines whd,hc1' 01' not the OlJe thus ],n:sellted :s
ri~ht. Jllstifieation llleallS LeiTl~ made right with I :od,
and it. ti!Cl'dll)'c iIHln<les tlll' juuit'inl dl'fcl'lniJ;atillll
hv .Jcll{)\'ah tllUt the one thus COIISCCI'lltill'!: is ri:.:l1t.
1;he :-;CI'iptUl'es thcrefore show thl'el~ separate and <1:,,tillct thinils illVolv('d ill justificatioll: I fir"') faith j
(';1'1.'011(1) the hloo.I of .JI'SlI:-.: (Ihird) the jwlieial d,'termi1l:ltion It,v .Jl'hovab; a~ it i~ written: "Tlwr"j'III't'
hein~ ju::tifil'd uy [aitlt, we have 1'(';1<'(' with (:ud
through our Lord .J"slls Christ" (Hom. ;); 1); ";,llll'li
more tItt'n, hl'illg' now just ilicd /J!J hi,~ lilwJ:!. we shilll
he saHlI frolU \Hath Ihrotl'~h him" (1:0111. j : 9); "It
is (;od that ;ilb1.ilieth, "-nom. 8: ;l3: :l: :!fi,
Ju"tification, IH:lw(,Cll the time of PClItl'I:O"t and tin:
completion of the empire, is hy faith Dlld 1'01' tlw PUI'pose of ('llablil1~ the Olle thlls justifil'll to o,,:lI'l'ifil'e ;i11

!J: G, 7.

The apostles of J;"iUs Christ \\,(,1'e u1-;o prophct3 h~

<'a usc they, lIndC'r inspiration from (:od, fort'told
things to come to pa"s ill the distant future. A true
]>ro1'hl.:1 ii one \',:lfJ ~iv(''l tl'stimollY Ii:,' divine allt:lOrity. That .Jc';tl'l Clui,t awl llis ,1/H)::;1 Ie'! ('(,l1stitllte
rc"pceti\'l:ly the ('hid' COl'llU' stone and foundation 01
tilt' ~reat cmpirl', and that others were added thereto,
the apostle Palll, WilD abu was a ]>rol'hl't, Undl'l' illSpil'ution h'stifh~d: "?"ow thel'efore ye arc no more
strang'er" and fOl'ei~~~ners, hut fl'llow-I~itizens with the
saints, amI of the Il\Jllsehold of Ood; alld arc built
upon tIl(' foulldation cf tile apostles allu (ll'Oplwts, Jesu" Chri,>;t himself bein~ the ('hief I'orller stonc; ill
whom all the building, Ii t Iy framcd to;.:(,ther, g-rowdh
unlo an hoi,\' temple ill the Lord: in whom yc also
nrc huillbl to'~~HhcJ' for all habilatiun of Gou tbl"Ough
the spirit."-Eplt, 2: 1!J~~~.
The mcmlll'J',; of the l'mpirl' arc not ehosl'l1 by mell
nor by man-made OI"~anizatiom;. It is l :od who has
<'llO~:'1l tll('m Illroll'_dl his bdo\'l,t! ~~Oll CIIJ'ist JI'SlIS.
!\U1ll1:rot\'i sCI'iplul'l'" so stale. (Eplt. 1: ':1; 2 Thl'';s.
2: 13; 2 Tim. 2: 1; .h,s. 2:;;; 1 Pet. 2: 4) Thu:,{: who
HI'l' dlO,;('1I to 1)(' of tlte 1'0,\:11 lillc aJ'c ealled or invitell by tl.e Lord (iud, tltllJa:~h his belo\'('d SOli Christ
Jeslls. {I ('01'. 1:2; 71.i; Eplt. 4:-1; Co!' a:1jj
1 Thl'';s. 2: 12) Call1lot PI';C:.,t or <'!I'r(~.\'n\lln of somc
cluJl'('h denomination (':d I a sinller to !l('('OJnI' a pi: rt
of the killlrdom of (10(1 lind thl'lI I'hoo,:e him for that
purpose? !\('ithl'l' a pri,~,>;t nor allY other eil'l'gynwn
JJosse~sf'S any swh power or authorily. The S4:r i ptUI'l'S alone mllst be the guille as to how th('se lire
culled anu rho')('n. 'fhe ollly wny i'm' sinnl'l's to come
to God is thr()ll~.!:h .Jl'SII>. C!lli.. t, as hr statl'S: "I dill
the W:lY, amI the truth, 'liid the life: 110 man cOln(,th
unto the Father, Imt hy 1111'," (.fohn H: 0) '1'11(' order
})ointeo out hy the Scriptures, 01' eoming' to GotI
throtH~h Jl';ms Christ, is as follo\\'s: (fihl) knowll'd;:e,
(then) faith, cOlls('C'ration to (;od, anu justifi"lltioll.
Faith mealls to know the 'Vo)'(l of f:od and thm to
rely upon it. Therefore Immr!edg-c mnst pn:c(,fk
faith: as it is writtcn (I~{)m. 10: 17): "~o then faith
cometh h.'- hC'urin~, and hearing' hy the word of God."
From the Word of God man h'urn:.; that he was bom
a Silllll'r, that there is no other name given Ullt!I)l'
heu\'en whel'('hy he c,m ronl<' ligoa in i!1 to 11<1 fmon,Y WIt h
God, except throu!!h .feslI<; Christ. III' "'ams th;)t .Jesus died upon the cur'sel! tree, and that ,rho::ioe\-er beHews upon him mig-ht not pcri'ih hut llayp an opportunity for life everlasting'. (.John 3: Hi, 17) Cornin~
to a l,nowkdgoC' of this fad mnn is thcl'chy 11r:1\nJ to
Jesus, karns that Jesus is his Uedcemcr and that to

his earthly IHijlC;; and 1'I'OSP('('ts, partil'lllal'ly his ri;l:lt

to live on earth. The ju"tilil'ation hy,.!t'!Jm<lh Ih,,],,fOl'e tOn"titlltl" on\' ,111 ac{'pptahle pal't of Ill<' s:,cril; ','.
1'0 h,'!,'l't lJ\ean" to lH'gin; :'1\(1 the 1Ji'!!<'tljn~ or hi'
gillnill~ of on\' as a lItW ('I"l'ature ill ('!JJ'i~t is 10 a
hop(' of litl' and to all in1JC'l'italwe intllrTuplihJI'. TI,i:;
lil'g('ttill~ of the spirit is a con!n:lllt that (lod Ji1i1~:",,,
with the Olle t'OllseclatimJ'. (:od gi\'l's to snell a ol:e
his 'Yot'd of Truth; awl llicll he eall:.;""; hi,,; invi"illi,:
pOWl'l' to so 01)(,1'ale upon the one to \vhom he givl's
this 'YOI'd as to bl'gin to l'aJT~' 011 the tran"forrnatilill
of the one th u;, hegottl'n into the likent'"'' of' t he IT c.ld,
Christ .If'sus, the ('hief' camel' stone laid in Zioll. <.;od 's

Tt i" writt.n: "Of his o\,;n ",ill l)('~at lH' us Wil:l
tl1(' word of t1'llth, that w,' "hould he a kind I)f {inl
fruit-> of his "l'l'ntures," (.Jns. 1 :18) Stwh Iwgotlt'll
(JIlt''' as (iod the'reafter choo..,es anu takes illtu t iw kill:!dom f:I.J\'l'nallt art: the "dcl't ac(,ol'flil1~ to ti)(, [on',
kn()wl('d~l> of (;ou till' Fathe!', throu~lt ':,wti r r:01 i, 11
of the spirit, unto obedil:llC'(, and sprilll;j ill:! of I he
hlood of .Ie,.;\:-; Chri"t: (;1':1('(' 11IIto ~ 0;1, omJ IIl';)t'f'. ! ,(~
multiplied. Blessed be the Uod and T'atl.,r of (jIlt'


1, 19;)1

g-fle. \iVJ-\TCliT0\\1ER

Lord Jesus Christ, which 3rcording- to his abundant

mercy hath begot!('ll us 3~pill unto a livC'!y hope by
the resurrection of Jesus Chri"t from the dead, to an
inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that
fadeth not away, resf'l'\"cd in heaven for you, who
are kept by the powcr of God through faith unto
salvat ion, re;J(!y tl) be revealeu in thc last time,"1 Pet. 1: 2-5.
The~e arc beg-otten 10 the spirit life, God has promised such the divine life if they arc faithful to their


part of the covenant. God is ahvays faithful to his.

.. ~\.ccordil1~ as his divine power hath gin.n unto us
all thing-s that pertuin unto life and godliness, through
the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and
virtue: whereby al'e given unto us excecdin~ great
and precious promise:.;; that by these ye might be partakers of the di\"ine f ~rowtlt J, having c;;capl'd the
corruption that is in the world through lust." ;':;0
writ<:s the apostle Peter in his second cpistle, chapter
one, verses three and four.


K Ii .\~;Y 11:1\'c hclievcd

that Je-;us, while on the

I'at,th, was still a spirit !H'rSOn, and that his
flesh was merely a co\"Crillg" or house in which
that spidt person resided; othel'\\ise statt'd, that ho
was merely an ill('<IJ'lltlted person and not wholly a
man. Tho incumatioll theory is that a spit'it person
iuhahils for a time thc human hody, or a human body
is (:reated for the express purpose of that spirit per
SOIl 's Ol',~upying" it for a time. "The iurUl'llatiou of
.Jesus" is Scripturalty ermneous. Indeed, if he had
been merdy an ille:u'naled pcriOIl, he could Heyer ha\'e
rult't'llled mankiud. It is not disputed that he could
not Iw\'-c nppeured as. 11 human creature; but thnt he
could and did appntr as ~mell is attt-sted to in the ill
stances of <Jenes's, dl<lplers t.'ightecn (verses 1,2) and
ninete('n (vct"SC 1),
Some insist that .JcsWl whcn on earth was both GOI]
and lIIall ill compldellcss, This theory is wrong, how('\'(:1', \\' e should ncvt'!' fonnulate a theory COneei'll
jllg God's arrang-t'I\Icut in direct contradiction to
his plain writ1ell Word. We should have faith in God
and in his Word. Faith mcans to have a l;uowledgu
of his Word und then to reiy upon that Word conli<1ently. The Bible is tlle ren-ukd Word of Ood, g-i nn
to man fOl' his instruction; aud whetc plain statements
of the Dible arc given, WJ should tuke them at their
face value. Following this course, we find that the
arrangement of <Jou everywhere appears harmonious
and beautiful.
The great adversary, the Devil, takes atIvantag"1' of
an honest desire 011 the part of some and leads tht'm
into error. Every conscientious and reverential mind
desires to hOllor God. 1'01' fear they might dishonor
him, they arc easily led into failure to g-ive prop('r
('onsitleration to plain slatements of the Dib1l'. :;OIlle
have been induced to hd ieyc that should the)' say that
Jesus when on Caltll was a man and not God, SUth
would be a dishonor to Ood. We should not permit
ourselycs to be )wg"uiled or miskd by sophistry or
theories, but should fOllow the plain teachill~s of the
Bible and then l't'ach a conclu"ion in the light of that
ren~aled \Y ord aftcr a fnll examination.
The retord ccncerning Jesus' pl'chuman existence,


his heing concciyed and his birth, entirely dispro\"('s

the theory that he was incarnated. 'l'he scriptures on
these points plainly show that he was concciv()d ill the
womb of a woman, )[ury, hy the holy spirit, the power
or energy of Jeho,-ah; that thereafter he was born
in the same g"C'neral mamll'r t hat other children arc
horn of a woman (Luke 2: tI-ll) ; that he grew to
manhood's e..;tate and jm.'rea!ict.! in wisdom 111111 stature
anu in fanH' with Got.! and man. (Luke ~: 10, ;)~)
None of tl1l'se thill.!!s would have been Ill'ccssary m'ro
he merely ;111 iIleUl"nated perSOIl, a spirit p('rson inha"
itin~ a of fl""h, He worked at the carpl'ntcr's
trade until he was thirty )C:ll'S of age, at wlJieh timc
he h:'g-:lll his ministry, .\t that time Iw went to .John
to be haptized in the Jordan l"iwr, (Luke 3: 21-~a)
Immediately f(J)lowin~ that he spent f(Jrt~ llays nnd
nigh ts in the wi Iderness, fast jn~ anti sl \Idyin~ .1eho
,ah's pUl'pOSCS, (Luke 4: I-H) If he WCI'e nod in.
camate, this experience ill the wil(lerncss would !>el'lIl
wholly unnecessary.
Jesus was 1I0t an angel or spil'it persun, hecausc wo
IUl\"e the positive statelllent of the apo.,tk Paul, ill
Hebrcws, chaptcl' two, n~rse nint" to the effect that
"we see Jesus, who was matIe a little 10\\"('1' than the
ang-ds", ..:u:d again, in verse fourtecn: "Foraslllul'h
then as l1'e children are partakers of flesh and hlood,
hc also himself likewise partook of the :,aIl1l:." Flll"thcrmore, as the scripture in Second Corinthiall'i,
chapter ci~ht, ycrse nine, says, he wns at Olle time rich
in heavcnly powet' and glory owl became poor for the
sake of manl,inu by tal:ing upon hImself tIl(' IikcllC'>,s
of man. lIe was made in the nature and lib'nes'i of
man, so it is stated in Philippiall", chapter t\\"o, ycrse
eight. In his letter to the Corinthians (1: 1;): 21,47)
the Hpostle Paul, writing under inspiration, speaks of
Jesus as the man; he ~ays: "For since oy man ('a me
tleath, by nlUli eame also the resurrection of the dt"Hl.
'l'he first mall is of the earth, earthy: the sl:('ond mall
is the Lord ft'om heaven." (8t,1' also 1 Timothy ~ : 3, 6,)
Had Jesus beell merely ,'ll incarnated pOI":-;OI1 it
would /lot hu\e bel'll nec('s,<.;ary for him to he burn n-;
a babe and gt'Ow to manhoou's estate. While he \\"1)S
hal'll of a ,,"oman, ~'ct he was ,rithout sin, oC'cau'ic he


r.rGe \iVATCI-IT0\VER.

was from his heavenly Father, Jehovah; for, as Hebrews, chapter seven, verse twenty-six, states, he was
('huly, harmle~s, undefiled, separate from sinll~>rs".
John's first epistle, chapter three, verse five, says:
(( And he was manifested to take away our sins; and
in him is no sin." Other script ures (1 Pet. 1: 19 ;
IIrb. 9: 14) declare that he was without spot or blemish; therefore perfect and holy.
In Isaiah's prophecy, chapter one, verse eighteen,
God says to us: "Come now, and let us reason to~et her
. . ; Though your sins he as scarlet, they shall be as
white as snow; thoug'h they he red like crimson, they
shall be as wool." 'Ve fihould reason upon God's purposes as re\'l~alcd in the Bible, because he invites us
thus to do. Whrn we sec the reason why Jesus was
maoe a man, why it was rJecpssary for him to he a
perfect man while on earth, then we are glad and give
praise to God. lIad he not become a mall, there woulo
have been no hope for any of the human race to get
life thl'Oug'h Christ Jesus; and the al)ostle Peter tieelares that there is no other name given unuer lwa\'cn
wherrby mankind can livc.-Acts 4: 12.
Aside from the doctrinc of Jehovah God's kingdom
the great ransom sacrifice of Jcsus is the most vital
to man of the doC'trinal strings upon the harp of God,
becausc without it no real lastin~ joy could be had
hy mankind. In due tinw its henefits shall I'('su!t to the
entirc human race; ant! all who a ppreciate it will sing
aloud and rejoiee with exceeding joy. Thcy will havc
mdouy in their hearts and upon their lips because of
this wonderful provision made by Jehovah for man's
l)cnefit. For thousands of .Far's divinc wisdom has
been working out his purpose concerning mall; and
the: ransom sacrifice is a very ill.lportallt part of that
purpose. Its importanec runnot be ovcrstatt>d. It is
the gateway that leaus to life auo happincfis. It is the
nW:IIl~ of bring-iug back man into harmony with God.
'1'0 apprcciatc this grcut doett'inc we must uuderstand
it. 'l'hercfore let us reason together in the light of the
divine 'Vord, that we may understano.
'1'he most "precious thing possessed by uny creature
is life, because without life e\'erything c!fie would be
useless and could not be enjoyed. Even now we obsel'\'c that d mun with but a small sp:u'k of life clings
to that with desperation. It is only when a creature
is perfect alld enjoying eomplPte life and the right to
it that he can properly glorify .Jehovah, his great
Creator. Gou's great arrangement must ultimately
bring glory to his name.
Jeho\'ah created Adam, the first man, in his own
image and likeness. lIe creatl'd him perfect; for all
the works of Jehovah arc perfect. (Dellt. 32: 4) lit'
gave to man life ano the right to life. Life means any
conscious existence. Right to life means the full authority to maintain existence, Adam and Eve in Ed('n
were perfect in their bodies, without pain, without
sorrow; and were beautiful creatures. They had not
a scar nor a mark upon them anywhere. They rnjoycd
life and all the blessings incidcnt to that Iii<>. TIlt'ir


N. Y.

home was perfeet; and even all the animals and bi:'ds
of Eden were subject to thrm, and they had ab"olute,
dominion and control. God gave them aU these privileges to enjoy eternally, upon one expressed cowlitiOll, namely, that they be obedient to his law anl!
thereby honor him. He informed man that a violation
of this law would bring upon him loss of life, loss of
the right to life, loss of all the blessings incident to it.
Satan inJuced mother Eve to believe that God was
keeping back something from them, and, therefore deceiving Eve, induced her to violate the law. There
was no real wrong in the fruit which Eve ate. The
wrong was in di:'iobeying the Lord. When Adam found
that she had violated God's law, knowing that she
must die he preferred to be with her in death ruther
than to be sepnrated from her j so he also became a
party to the trallsgn'ssion by voluntarily and willlllgly
violating the law of God. Jehovah, in the exereise of
his perfect justice, sentenced man to death. This sentence deprived Adam and Eve of the rig-ht to life.
Th"y werc dl'iven out of Eden awl in due time tI,ey
lost life itself. For nine hundl'l'd and thirty yrars
th('Y were compelled to goo about in the earth and cam
their bn'ad hy dig-~ing in the soil and partaking of
su(h foou as they jlrodurcd, which was im!H'rf('(,t :lnd
pois()nou~,. In this manner they wcre put to <katl),
This sentence of dpatlt passed lIpan Adalll had an
indirect dTed upon his offspring-. BefoI'l~ he was
driven from Eden he and Eve had not exercised the
authority given to them hy Jeho\'ah to be;.{et and hrin~
forth chih1r'en on the earth. This they did t'XC'reise
after beiIlg dl'ivCJl from Eden. They bei/l~ now UI1del' the seutencl' of df'ath and undergoing that (lcath
penult.y, it \vas impossible for their children, hom ,!Hdel' such eonoitio/ls, to come "into cxist('nce pCl'fert.
It woul(l follow, then, that when the childn'n \\".'ru
hom, whilo they would have a measure of life and
the rig-hts incident to that measurc of life (and tlJ'-'~e
we call "life rights" us distinguished from" ri!!ht to
life"), they would have no right to life; btCallse .\dam,
having no right to life, could 110t bring child/'('n illto
the world who woulo have gTcatcr rj~ht than he had.
Hence none of Adam's descendants could aet :I';
m~'tn 's ransomer, because none had perfrct human life
equivalcnt to that which Adam had in hi,; perfection
in Eden. For this reason God took action in mankind's behalf. God is immortal and can ne\'er die;
hence he himself coulo not cOllle oown to earth anu
die as a man in order to redeem the human race. In
his love he spnt his only begotten Son by trunsfel'l'ing
the perfect, sinless life of this 1>elo\'ed Son from the
hl'l:\'enly, spiritual plane of existence down to the
earthly, human plane. Thus the mi~hty Son of Gou
"was made flesh" "and was made in likeness of men".
He became" the man Christ Jesus ", and as sueh he
'tasted death for every man'. In reward for J(sus'
faitlrfulness even to the death of the tre<', God I'ai~cd
him from the dead and ga,'e him immortalit.v and the
most exalted place in heu,'en next to him<;df.


Wf' j'Jined the spe:1kcl' 's ,i~i]'le alldjen~e in "(Jting "Ay,.. ".
Four other receiviag sets pie ked up the talk, a~ far 113 [
ha"e been "blp to col it'd information, but, lik(' ourSel\c3. ,:',t
only the t1iscourse on . HC'luir.'ments". A Inrgo llultll,cr fni1ed
b!'cau3e of efforts hann;< bc'"n concentrated "rnn gct:h"'~
\\::;X.\l". If wc Im(l had information that \V2X.\.F ",o(11d
broa,lca~t the message the liUllipnre here wunlll k\\," !Jr.'n r.lU,ll
larger, in as much lis this statiou is heard here with t:le wini
mum uliTicultv at that hour.
n.,gular li.~t(,lwrs volunteerrc1 thp informati'Jn that Jl1d~(J
Hutherfor.l . certainly has II dear, iine voice". /::lome are ask
ing if Ill! will run a serif'S of If'ctures.
F0~ your in formal ion I would like to say that IltJio recl'ptioll is \l'rY l?:oo<! hf're on till' wHve,lr'n;;:ths Hnrl ht the time
indica te.l, Atlantic (Intereolonial) time: 2.3 !Ilptl'rs. 5 p.llI.
to 'j p.JIl.; 31 met('rs, 7 to 11 p.m.; 49 meters, 8: 3U p.m.
\Vlwn the Lord is pleas..,} to permit lmotilr'r lecture over
the nil', rna,\' .hulg-e HuthPl'fonl IJe suel'e~qful in g-dtil,g- ilt
lea~t (Jill' of tlte stations whidl we can heHr in the ,r",!. Indi"ft.
:\Iay the LOllI hh-ss awl l,ro(,,!'t OUI hrothl'r :l, I", h:lS .lullo
in the past, and continull his ~Ilidan('o O\'er the ~o(,il'ly.
Yours ill the joys of sen'i"I',
.\. A. Dona,.\Ci. Dirfl'/or,
St. G(!orgc's Company of J. w.

Dr:.\[: Bm:TIII(F.:-<,

I am pleased to in form you that .rfl.l;;" Rutherford's voice

"'as heal,1 for the f,rst tim'! in Grenll,b. British \V1'5t In'1ie~,
0:1 the ~5tll lDstant, when he ~poke at Los _\.ng-eles. His speedl
W:IS pit?keu up froIll station ,,'tXA 1-', ~l'W York.
I had a set temporaril)' instullf'u at my home and invited
the brethren of the Ht. George's COlllPllUY to listen. !\ineteen
!ll'ard, of which 14 w('re hrethren. TI,,'re was, hrsides, an
au.lience of about ::0 on the street listenIng intently.
Wc wcrc Cll.p{'cting to get the di"l?oursc O\'er \\':}X.\.t'", but
f:til ...1. This I,.~ulted in our not he:u inl-( tile leeture on "\\'01 hI
Control". When our hopes of hl'arin:{ our dear brother were
nearlv brokl'Q a turn of tllC tuuinf~ kIlI,h further on !Jrought
us tlie words "Jehol':lh's anointed", an.1 we were happy to
know that we had at last Lq~un to Ileal' tIle ,"oice we awaited
80 anxiouftly.
Hadio fans sniJ the ni~ht wns a poor one. But, ll.lthou.~h
therc was occasional fadilH~, .Tu(]~p Huthel for,1 's vr,il'C wa~
neyer ('ompl~tel'y 10M at allY lime. Fr('rj'h'ntly he was so Jourl
that pl'rSflllS sOllle :!(JO f('d away "Cluj,] h:\\c hearr] distinctly.
Thc mp,;"age was appr('r'iat"d h.\' all. 'I'll.. hl'autifll] thoughts
so ni(,I'I~' interwoven in the ,lisl'lIurse Oil "Hl'quirollll'nts" reo
min']!',] U~ of our prh-ih'f{"S allil rpsponsihilitics, ani] we Wl'rc
thankful arlll joyful. \\'11(,11 til.. T('solutioll of protest against
the action of the Uprmtlfi gO\'crnment was put to the "ute

(Continved from tJage 176)

\DIBOf;u 0:30pm
~n. 2 :l:Jl/lll
Jlinl~'llItonW:-:BP Hu 7: ):Jpm
i;rooblVII wHIm NulO: ].jalll
l'lu Ii: :Wl'llI
l\[o ] 0: ::Oarn
Tu ]O::;OaHl
'I'll 1\:::01'111
\\'f! G:::Opm
'I'll J(': ::nam
'1'h (i :::Opm
l-'r 10:::0am
1-'1' G::lOpm
wron ~ul0:lJOam
Hl1lf:I)O WIOIW W(~l():OIl'"l1
f'r('pport \\'OHB FIll 9: (lOam
'l'u 7 :(l()plll
Th 7 : 00 I' 1II
Hudson F. W( ILC Hul0 ;I:ialll
.lallll':lIOwn \rOCL flu 7 :OOPfll
::-:cw York w~rc.\ :-1nl0:\,i:llll
~;al1\nacL. WNHZ HIII0; j,i:llll
Tu 4:151'111
'fh 4:liipm
f'n:t<'u!K' WSYH Hu 1(): ::Oa III
Tupper L. WHDL Hu 10: l.ialll
'I'h :i 1 : :;naUl
WI,. PI 'ns WF.\S i'u Ii: OOpm
!lIo l:()lIpm
~11 9:01lam
.\sheviIJIJ WW~C Til 5:::0pm
WIlT Hu 10::Wam
('n'!"!lshoro \"BIG ~u fI:I.iam
WP'l'P Su 9: IJam

WD.\ Y ~u 10 :OOam
G'rl Forks K1'\T118u 5:00pm
We 5:00pm
Fr :i:OOpffi
W.\DC Bll 1 :1:ipm
We 1:1)1)['1ll
Cleveland WTIl{ Su 7 :OOpm
Tu :J:15pm . Fr ():::0l'm
Cle,'c!antl \V.JAY ~u 9:4:iam
Columbus W,UU i'1l10:0ilam
Th 7:::O1'1ll
Columbus WB~13 f4u 10:43am
Mo 2:00pm
We 2:00pm

PI' 2 :OOprn

:\It.Orab WH1lD Hu
\Ve 4:30pm
\\'::::1'D Hu

1: :lOl'm
9 :30am
8 ::JOlllll

Youngst'nWKllX Hu 10:(JOam
We 4 :OOpm
Zanesvillo WAI.I~ Hu 10 :Ollam
We 4:1Jpm

Watertrnm KnCH Ru 9:1.;am

We S :4Jl'lIl
1:'1' 8 :4Jplll

Elk Cit v
K.\S.\ Hu 1: I.j/,m
Okl 'a City KO:\J.\ ~,u 1 :ljpm
l'onl'aCily wunz Hu In ;(JOam
Wo !) :OOpm
Shaw1l<'<' KGFF :\10 S :4Gprn
Wo S :45pm
J'r 8 :4.3pm


J\I'lInath F. KFJ I ~Io s: 1.3pm
:\Ial'~ldil'ld KOos;no 1 :::OpUI
:\Ieuford K~'EJ) Rulli :OOllln
Th 4:00pm
WLBW Hll 10: !.3am
W IIlG i'u 1: 1.ipm
Johnstown W.1AC::!u 4::lOpm
PI,il 'a
WC.\ r Hu 12 :00 nn
Philalldphia WI P Su 0: 43pm
l'ittsh 'g-h
KQ\' Hul0 ::;Oam
W.. 1:4.3pll1
Fr 1:43pm
Pittsh 'gh W\\'R'V We [j: l.ipm
Rcalljng WEEl: Su 3:4;;pm
We 3:4JI'IIl
Wash'ton W::\BO ~u 9 :4:.iam
W'\Il~port \\'II.\.K Su 9:1.ipm
Th 7:)3pm
WaR K Su ::: OOpm

KZEG Eu 7: DOrm
Th 7:00pm
\\'('8C ~u 1 ;1)0pm
\\'c j;(j(\PIII
Fr 7:00pm
\VIS f'u 11 :):)alll
1"1' 0 :4,;plll
Gr('endllo WFHC Su 10 :OOam
:::':part'h'g \\81'.\ Bu 6:30pm


WaPI WI' f1:J,3pm

Sa (j :'\';l'lll
eha 'noo;::-a WDOf):O;u 1 :]Jl'lll



WT.1& Ru
We 5::J11plll 1:'1'
Knoxvill,' \\' IIOT. Su
\V).IC Su
Memphis WHES I;u

1 ::lOpTll
7 :()Opm
4 ::JOplll
!l :OUarn


KGHS Su 9:00am
JC":OW Hu 10 :OOam
Beaumont ], f'll~[ Htl 10 :OOam
Tu 1:43pm
T~:;;Rll i'u 2 ::lllplll
We 4:1.31'1ll
PI' 4:]~'rlln
Cornu~Chr. KGFI Ru 9 :OOalll
Fr ti:l.j!'m
JCHLD Su 10 :30am
EFl'L Th 8 :OOpm
Fr 8 :45am
El Paso
KT8:\1 Hu 1 :1.jpm
n.\\'orth KT_\T:llo .i:l.jpm
We 5:15pm
Fr 5:1Jpm
Gaheston KLlJFi'u10:1:iaIU
We 8:00pm
KXYZ Su 10:0lJalIl
S. An~('lo KGKL Ru 1 :4,3 P III
'Ih 8: ~.iallJ
S. Antouio KTR.\ ~u 10 :4,;a'u
Wichita F. KGKOHu 1:l:30pm
'I'll 8:4.ipm



KLO Fiu 3:13pm

We 5 :OOpm
Salt L. City K~L Su II: IJ:tm


Cit 'lottl'sv. W.EIre ~u 10 :4.illllL

Dallville WIlT:'-/ :-'11 !,: 1:;1'111
L)'ll('I.h 'g WI. \'.\ :-'11 .1~; LipllI
\V'I'.\H :--:u J~::llipm

l'etersb'g W1'1111 :-'(1 Ii: I.iplll

\\'e 10 :1/O:lll1
Hi"!llnrllld WRV c\ SI: I:!:];i pm
HuawJko \\'llU.r ~'1 ]:.!::;(JP"I
We 5:00pm

.\.1>ronlNn KXHO:--;\I 1: I5pm

Bell ham K\'O:--; Sul(l:()lIalll
Th 5:30pm
K.lI{ Hll 1{) :OfJ:Jlll
K\'L~If) [I:OOPIlI
Tu 9 :O(lpm W.!!I :ltllpm
Th 9:00pm
Fr 9:00pm
Sa 9:00plll
Kn.\ ~I\ (;:f)111'1ll

We 4:30pm
Fr 4:::0rill1
1\:\'1 ~u :!: 4"1'"1
\\'alla. Walla Kl'.J:-;u 7 :1.';1111
:';U 1 ::;OplU
Wpnatchee KPQ:-;11 1 :OllplJl
We 7 :1)1l:JlfI
KIT ~1110:01l:t1l1
TIL 7:01)aUl



WSYB Su 10:00al11
Th 5:::0pm







('I.a'stoll 'YODl':-;u 1 :Oflpltl

rairlllont W~I~[~ 8u J~ ;r'/Olil
Hunt'ton \Y:-;.\ZTlr -l:1l1l['11I
Whe<:ling W\\TA Su 1t.l:llIialil
La Crosse WKIll!:--;u l::!;{)fJ on un
\rIB \ :--;'110:1I1l1Jln
Mani 'woe \\'0),1'1' ~[o 7 : 0 1-,1' III


KGPX Su .1 :O'lpm
Tu 4:00pm
'I'll 4:00pm

K~lO:--;u ]O:::OHtlI




KDF); 811 ] 0: :lOam

Tit Ii: 15pm


The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oft~ner by these and other stations at time shown.
[Cun;<:nt local time is shown
in each instance.]
2-AYTu ~:4.'iplll
llroken lIill 2-XL fiu 8 :4[iplll
2-0:-: Su 7 ::\1J/,1I\
2-GP'l'u 7 ::;Opnl
GUllnetlah 2-~IOSu 7:0:1pm
2-XN We 7 :1iiplJI
N"wCastlll 2-IIDSu 9:3Uum
Hu 7:15pm
"'e G:4iiplll
2-UE Hu 9:] :Jam
W'ga W'ga2-WG We 9:30am

Pecamp HADIO-XOR(20ti Ill) MANDIE

French Tu 8 :OOpm
Paris RADIO 1.. L ~'r 8:15pm
(370 m)

Paris RADIOSu 12 :00 nn

p12.8 Ill) V1T1.:::';
'I'll 7 ::lOpm
Sa 7 :30pm
Toulouse 1L\.DIO- \Ye 7:15pm
(385.11l1) TOULOCSE


Spanish Th 10 :OOpm

We 7 : 4:1pm

4-BC Hu ]():15am
4-MK Hull :OOam
'l'owlls\i!le 4-'1'0 We 8:00plll
7-LA I:'r 10 :13pm


3BA Su 12:45pllI
3-ll0'l'u Ii :OOpm
3-I1 A Hu (j :4ilpm
:~-H~ Hu 7 :OOPJll
MdlJOurne 3AW Hu 12 :l:>pm
3-~.IA Hu 7: 15pm
3-TltSu G::;OPIJI
HWllll 11 ill
;\HI[ Su 7 :Iilpm
WangllraHa 3-WH Su 8:15pm
J\al/!;uorlie (i-KG Su 7 :40pm
(i-ML Su 7 :OOpm
IIainnut BONNE Sa 5:30pm
C r'CN!::iu 5: 45pm
CJCB Su 9:00pm
JJnmiltoTl CKOC flu 10 ::lOnnl
S\l 1:30pm
!::iu 8:15pm


X~UIA flu 9 :43am

I,bo Spanish!::iu 9: OOpm
Santa Cl 'a C~[}1I Su 12: 15pm
nADIO Su 3 :30pm
(:l96.1 Ill) 'l'ALLINN
Bezi,'l's RAD 10- Th 8: OOpm
(220.lm) HEZIERS
Bordeaux lL<\DIO-]\[o 7 :45pm
(237 Ill) SUD-OUEST


Birm 'hnm 'VAPI Su

Bil m 'ham WERC Su
M 't~omeryWRF A Su
MllS(~le S. WNUA Su
We 8:00pm

10 :15am
10 :OOall1
4 :3llpm
3 :15pm
6 :OOpm

AndlOra~eKFQf) We 9:30pm
l((:tdlikllllKGBU Mo 7:15pm
'1'h 7:]5pm
Sa 7:1Gpm
We 4:00pm Fr
KCHJ :\[0
We 5:15pm Aa

4 :OOpw
5: IiiI'm
4: 30pm
7 ;OOpm

KP.n[ Bu
We 5:45pm Fr
'Ve 5:4!ipm
Spanish Su G:OOpm

Col '0 8pr. KVOR Su 10: 30al1l
We 5::mpm Sa 4::l0pm
K}'EL Su 7 :0 0 1'111
Granel J 'n KFX.J Su 1 :15I'm
Greeley KFKA:l-Io 7:15pm
KIDW Su 7 :l;)l'm
'Va 2:40pm Fr 2:40pm
KliER ~Io 12 :4;ipm
We 12:4jpm Fr 12:o15pm
Bridgeport WfCC Su 10 :OOam
"Wilm'ton "'DEL Su 6: 15pm
WIOD Su 12 :15pm
WQAM SU 5:1.'ipm
Orlando \VlIno Su 12:451'm
lJensaeola ,,"COA Au 1 :Ol)pm
We 7:00pm

\VTF1 Ru 9:4iiam
W(;S'(' Rll 5:4:>prn

W.J'l'L Su 2: 1:iplll
W]{OWSu 3:001'Jll
Th 7:ijpm
Columbus ""RBr. Hu 9 ::Jllam
LldJrangeWKr:U Au 3:00pm
We 3:001'11I
Fr 10:0l)alU
W~IAZ Su 4 :OOPIll
WUOA Hu ]:!::'01'1U
We 8 : 4;' p III
Fr 8 :4:ipm
f'iavllDuall '\'TOC Bu 1 :Oflpm
Thomas\-. WQDX We 9:1:1alll
We 7::~Opm

Honolulu KU~[ll We 12 :O.ipm
1:'r 7: 1:1pm

}'a) 'ville KUOA Su 12:o15pm
We 11 :4Galll
Fr 4 :30pm
Hot Sr '~s KTIHI Su 3: 30pm
LittleR 'k KARK Su 9:00am
Little H 'k KG HI Su 7 :OOpm
We 5 :o15pm Fr 5 :45pm
Little It 'k KLRA Su 10 ::lOl\m
l'aragoultl KllT~I Su 10 :OOalll
We 11 :30am
'rexarkana KOIC Su 6:45pm

KIDO Su 10:30am
We 8:,!:)pln
IJaho FaUs KID ~[o 8: 1:1pm
'l'u 8:45pm
We 8:4:>pm
I'll 8:45pm
Jo'r 8:4jplll
Sa 8 :'1.ipm
KFXD Su 11 :OOam
Pocatello KSEI Su 2 :OOpm
Su 9:00pm
Twin Falls RTFI Su 10:45am
!::iu 4:45pm

EI Cl'ntro
KXO Su 10 :OOam
K1E~1 Bu 10 :30am
K.\IJ Su 3 :45pm
Hollywllotl KXX Hu 9: l,;pu;
LongB'ch KOERSul0;4511m
Los Angeles KT.\[ Su 9 :30am
Su 8: OOpm
Th 8: OOpm
KLS Su 11 :If>:Ull
We 2 :45pIll ,Fr :! :4,ipm

WJBL Su 10
~ro 7
Ilarl'isb'g 'VEBQ 8u 6
~Io 10 :30pm
Fr 10
La Salle Su 2
Hockfo1'l1 WROK Su 10
Su 10:00pm We 10
Sp 'griel,l wens fo:u 12
Sit 11


Ind 'apolisWKBF Su 10
Th 1
Fr 7

KHOW::;u If):1;iul\l

Su 6:15pm

Mo 8:15pm

Sa'mento KFB K Su
San Diego XEllC Su
S. F 'cisco KT An Su

9: :lOam
11 :4j:llu

9: 30fllll
Sa 8:30am
Stockton KGD.\II';11 9 ::{(!:uu
We 7:15am
Fr l:IJ!JrrI






Coffeyville RGOF Su 1 :45pm
'I'h 8:00pm

Shrevep't KWEA Su 10:15am


WLBZ Su 9: 4;:;am

Baltimore WBAT.. Su 4: 15pm
Cumherl'tlWTBO ~[o 1:1:>pm
We 1:15pm Fr 1:15pm
lIagcrst'n WJBJ Su 10:1:Jam
BalJRon P. WBSO Su 12 :30pm
WNAC SlII0:()O"rn
Sp 'glielel WM.\S SlllO ::;OU/Il
Worcester WOlte Snl0:~Oam
Calumet WIIDF'l'11 (i: 1 jpm
W.ll{ RII !I: l.i:tru
Ironwood W.J:\oIS::';u 5 :OOpru
We 7:00pm Fr 7:J.:i[)I/l
WIB~[ Nll fi:::Opm
KalamazooWKZO Hu 9 :4:):\lu
We 2:00pm
F 'g-UH Falls KO () E Hu 10: OOam
Min 'pulis WRII ~I '1'" S :OOpm
Muorhcl\ll !\{iFK ~u 7:::0pm
We 5:1:>pm
Fr 5:1:;l'm
St. Paul WHIl~I Su 1~ :::Opm
Th 1 :OOpm
Hattiesb'gWPFB Su 1:::0pm
We 7:45pm
\VA :'III, S" 12 :4;il'm
l\lerillian ",coe Su 10 :1I0am
We (j;.!:'pm
Miss. City WGC1[ Hll 9:45am
We 8:45pm
Knos.C'y KWKC flu



4 ::lOpm


KOHL Su 12::l0pm
KOf;ZSu 9:00am

KO~'W Hul0:{)Oam
KFAB:'lu 9 ::lOam
KFOlt Sll 10: l:Jam
Scottsbl'f KGKY Sll10:1iiam

We 5:4:ip1l1

Pr 5:4:iplll

K011 Su 10 ::;Ollm




Atl:mticC'v Wl'(ll'u 10 :f)O:Ull
:-;ewark \VNE\V Su 10 :OIJUllJ


Decorah KGf;.\, ~Io 9 Ol)um
We 9 :(l(lsm Sa 10 15au1
Des ~Ioines WIlO Su 10 l:)am

Albuq'que KOB We 5:/3pm
KGFLf!u 5:];ipm
\Ie 4:30pm
Fr 'i::'.Oplli
(Continued on [lage liS)

r.fhe WATCliT0\VER



117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S.A.

J. F.



W. E.

,rAY A~Wn:GII Secretary

"And all thy children shall be tau<;jht of Jehovah; and

slreat shall he the peace of thy children." .1Jdi{rl~ .54:TJ.
THAT JEHOVAli is tho only true God, is from cverb!'ltin:::to c\'crlasting, tho ~raker of }wan:n and ('artll a11<1 the Gi\'er
of lifo to his {',Ie:\turcs; that the Log-os was the br':_~;nniu'~ of
Ius crcation and his activo agent in the crcutiun of nil
thing's; that the Logo:; is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory',
clothed with all puwer in heaven unu earth, und tho Cilic.f
ElCecutive Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for the earth and placed him npon it; that man wilfully
diqoheyed God's law and was sentenced to death; that by
n'ason of Allam's wrong act all nlen aro born sinners and
without the right to life.
TIIAT JESUS WIIS mnde humrlll, and the man Jesus suffered death in oT<kr to pro,lllce tho ransom Of redenlpt.i>"o
price for ull mankin<1; that GOfl raisecl up J("lLlS tliviull nnil
exalt.ed him to Ill':tven above every creature UIt,l ubovo every
naUlO and clothed him with all power and authority.
tlmt Christ J('~us is tho Chief Officer ther('of and i3 thl}
ril!htful King of tho world; that the anointefl nUll faithful
followers of Christ .Jesus ure ehil,lr('n of Zion, members of
J(hovah's or~nni7.:,liun, und uro his witnesses whos,} <luty :lI1,1
privilege it is to tpstify to tho suprl'maey of Jl'llOvah. de~laro
his purposes toward mankind as expresscd in the Bible, and
to bear tho fruits of tho kin~dolU beforo all who will h,~ar.
THAT THE WORLD hM eudell, and tho Lord Jf'!8US Chri3t
hM! beC'n pluced by .Tehovah upon his thronll of authority,
has ousted Satan from hpaven and is proceeding to the
cstablisluul'ut of God's kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF ana h1pssing"s of tho peop1l's of l'r:.rth
can corre only hy rmd through .Tehovah's lling,lom uutler
Christ which has now bl'gun; that tho Lord's nc~d ,,-l'at
act is tho de~trurtion of Satan's organization and the establisllTlll'nt of righteou~ness in the e:trth, und that uuder tho
kin~llom ull thoso who will ohey its righteous laws shall bo
rl'stored uncI live on earth forever.

HIS journal is puhlished for the purpose of cnabli~
the people to know ,1eho\"Uh God lIUlI hiH purp'Jscs as
l'xpressed in the Bible, It publishes Bible iustrur;tinn
specifi~ttl!y dcsigned to aid Jeho\'ah'll witnesses. It arrangl'g
systcJllutic Bible study for itll reu,lers and supplie.> other IttcrlltUle to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material
for T3.llio broadcasting aud for other means of public illbtruc
tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible 9.S authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from ull partics, scch
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
reservation for the kin;;dom of Jehovah God un'ler Cbri8t
Ilis Ilclo\'ed King. Ii is not dogmatic, but im'itl's careful
Hwl tritical ('xamination of its contents in the lig-ht of th"
Scriptures. It does not indulge in controYt'rsy, and ib columns are not open to personalities.


~T,\TES, ~l,O(); CANADA AND MrSCELf..ANEOt'S Fonr:rr.~.
~l.:;l); GW:.\T, ACS'IJL\f..\fllA, A~;[) HounI .\Fl:IC\. 7:,;,
Am<'flcnn rf'Tlllttnncc~ f,houl<l be ma<16 by Expres~ or l'ostal ~[Of"'V, or hy Bank Draft. Canadian. J:rlti"h, Routh .\friran :t",{
Au"tralaHi:tn remittan{'~ shouhl 110 11l:11JO <li,'cct to tlio r~'I,ect i, 'J
brand, ollie"",. ncmittancp'l fr"UI conntri!'~ othcr than tl>"", 11100'
!ion"'l mny be made to tllll nrooklrn olliee, but by International


I'olltal )louey Or<ll:r only.




31 Craven T~rruce. I,ondon, \V. Z. F.n~1:ln,l

Callat[illn 40 Irwin A\'<'nuC', Toronto, Ont:lrio, CUIl;l,I"

Au,t"llla,';"n 7
Soutl. ,L!ri""n

noafl. Htrathfle1<l. N. H. W., ,\u,-tr:f!i:\

llo"tou lIousf', ('a[lc Town, ~outh .\fr!<',\
nd<1rc~~ the Sodety In erery caHC-


(Translation, o! tlti, joul'1lul apI/car in aeveral lan!7uaou.)

All slncHe students or thc ni!Jlo who 1>y rell'on or Infinn:ly,

Jlon'rty or "dve""ily ate unahle to JllLy the suh"'r!J,tion pr L\'C
may hnyo 'l'ltll lVlltchtolCer frf'C uJlon writtf'n apl.!ien!ion to til,>
!,uhli.,het'1<, mnde once !'''t'h yf'ar. statin~ tho rca'on for f() reo
qlll',tin~ It. Wo 1Ifl) glad to tbu3 ai<1 tho ncc<1y, tl'1t the ",rill.'ll
application once each year Is rC<luircd by tho POhtU,l rCl;ulntll)n~.
1I'o({cc to [{uburibcrs: Arknowlp<h;Ulf'llt or 11 new or n rl'newal ~11!)
scription will be srnt only "'!If'n rp'l'lf',ted. Chall::!!! of no1,lfl",;,

relJnr:~t~d, tnn.y be C'i:IJf::,,('tP<1 to nppear on n(hlrth;~ lailfll WIthin.

one month, A rcne\\nl blank (ran'yin:r nolke or (xniration) WIll
bo sent with the journal one mouth before thll Huhscription expire.;.
Entered as Second C~a,,,, Mail Jffltfcr fit Brook/Un, :I. Y" Po"tof;icc.
.4 ('t of Mllrch 3. 1379


.. -=--==-=-:.:".=--=-=-= = =


Jehovah's witnl'sscs will assemble in cuU\'ention at Toronto,

Canada, July ,3-8 iuduHive. Hpeakers will be ple~"llt !,otl.
from the States Hn,1 flom provlIlces of Cana'la, 'flitl forenoon
of each d'.ly will be devoted to licit! serviep, with meetin>4"s f"r
the interestec1 in the a ftCI'llOOll all'1 evening;. Those cuntclIlplatin~ attenlliug the convention !lnll who deHirc aC(:OIllUlO,htiollS will pleasll adtlress Convention Committee, 40 11'\\ in J\\'tl.,
Toronto 5, Ont.
One feature of the convention will be a public ll,]dress delivered ])~. the preSident of the Soeiety on ouwby uilem'JOll
the 8th.
Each year the Society closes the fadory, otlice and Bethel
home for a period of two weeks to give the Lrethrcll ht're :in
opportunity to gd away from their I'l'gular routine an'] (n
gage in the fiel,l servlee, This year the faotory an,l home ",iii
be closed July 21 and will not open ag;ain until :Uonday, }u,
gust 6, During this tilIltJ no mail will Le altl'lllled to, an.l no
shipmeuts made. All readcls of trw TVatchtolea shoul.1 pl('a~e
take note all,l order suffieient literature to cany tlwrn throu;:h
this two-week period as w!'ll as the two weeks foliuwirr;::, It
will greatly fadlitatc matters if not too much ~orrc"pl)WICll"(J
is reech'c<l after the reopl'ninl:: of the fuctt)ry, exccpt, of course, rC:Tubr service reports lind uny rush oluera or

other urgent matters, Considerable IJlnil flcelllllulates 1.1 tho

ofilc:e heeausQ of respouH('S to radio Il'dung, awl \l'e hope .I,is
cnn hll ~i\'en immcUiate attention witllOut being delayed ';)y
mail that could have wuited.


Jehomll now bl"s8('s his faithflll ,\'itne,,~,'s awl ull people vf
goof1 will with 1\\0 new l",ti'llt in3truUlent~ fnr uot) in hi~
senil"', to wit, t\l'O new !.oukkts entitle,l n, !J'){l,l til' Grate
ullfl II is Worb, n'~pedivel:. The cover llesig-n vI ,ellch rs attmeti\'e awl iuvitl's the f.,,!holder to a peru~:ll of th,> rtJlit,'l]!:l
of the booklet; there lue ltl~f) fitting illm,tratiu1I3 \\ltlliu. \:1.
Jehovah's witnesspg an,l J<lnnllubs alike, \\ ho tle,iltl to ['Ltt
thl'se cx"ell"nt lll.. ssa:{e~ 111 the hands of the pe"!,!" rna\' p,,,\,
olitain a supply ant! lJ"gin the dmtlilJUtion there"f imn":di,,t,'l,'"
The u~ual cOlltribution of ;)c a copy will be aecepte,i thelefur,
A perio,l of mne days has b"l'n specially desig-natt'd as "'fhll
XutiOll~' Hope" 'j'e;;[imnuy P"l iod, 'l'llis be~lhci with ,) un<' ;;1)
un,1 etJn('~udes \nth July S. Duling tl,is pcn'J<! ot l\llle d:~:s
Jehonlh '3 wltne ,,~es will ua\ I' the privile~e of distrilJllting a
nl'W bookll,t, War/,I I:ccoL'l.1'y! All people of g"',J \Ylil ;We ntvit".l to JtJin with JcltU\ ah 's wltneS:;l'S in the pr')clamati"ll of
thi~ good news of the kin~flom. To have a part in t!le ;in'lll;
of this wItness is a Lkased privilege.



Yor,. LV

JrXE 15, 1934

No. 12


II AlI(l you arc tllcy who havc continued with me in my trials. And 1 covenant for y01l, et'en as my F'atller
ha,s covenanted for ?/lr, a ]tinydom."-IJltkc 22: 28, 29, Vil/glott.
}<;IIOVAII eovennnted unto his hcloved Son, Christ
.Jesus, n king-dom, which king'(lom is the capital
organization of .Jehovah and of which, of course,
Christ Jesus is the Ill'ad and l.1ord. In God's due time
that king'dom, whidl is "the holy city" or }H'aw:nly
organization, completely dedicated am] devotcd to JchOV;lh Cod, comes down from God out of heaven and
takl'S ehal'f.!e of thc affairs of the world. Jeho\'ah authorizes Cill'ist .Jesu,,; to covenant Ullto his faithful
IH'ethrcn for a part or place in 1hat kingdom, that
such faithful ones mi~ht be a part of his royal 01'g-anizution. It is the kingdom 01' holy organization
1hat completely vindieates .JellOvah's name after first
h:'aring testimony to his name, That covenant for the
kingdom is s';)parate and distillet frum the new cov~
WlIIt, but is closl'ly l'l']at('d thereto. One must he in
the new covenant heforr he can be in the kingdom.


~ Kin~ Davio was a type forpshaclowin~ the Kin~,

Christ .Jrsus. Being a .Jew, David was subject to the

law COVl'uant made in Eg-yptj but it was after he was
thirty-seven years 0111 that God mn,le with David a
covenant to rstahlish his kingdom for ever. (2 Sam,
7: ]-29) .Jpsus Christ made aUllOUJl('ement of the covcnunt for the Idn~dom for the fil'st time after he told
his disciplrs of and eonccrnill~ the making' of the new
covenant. At the same time of the making the anllouncement to them that God had coyenanted with
him for a kingdom, J(sns stated to his faithful discip1ec; that he covenanted UlltO his faithful brethren
that they should participate with him in that kingdom,
3 Fortv veal's after the law covenant was made in
Egypt ~nll irHlu~urated at Mount Sinai God com
marHh'd 1'Ilos('s to make a eoycnnnt with israel in the
land of Moab. "'l'hese arc the words of the ('oycnant,
which the Lord eommanded 1'Iloscs to make wi1h the
chilllren of Israel in the land of l'Iloab, beside the
covenant which he made with them in HOl'eb." (Deut.
29: 1) 'l'hat con'nant ma(le in the land of :l\loab foreshadowed the covenant for the kingdom. The ~loab
co\"cnant was a mcans or nll'asure instituted to pre179

pare the Israelites to enter into Canaan and to serve

Goo there. It also pictured the purpose of .Jehovah
to do a preparatory work with his people on earth
since l!HS. Shol'tly hefore the making of the COV')nant at :\loab Jchovah commanded :\losl'5 to prepal'e
the Israelites elig-ible for war scn'iee. (i\Ulll, ~G: ]-4)
At the same place was the eamp of the Israelites when
Balak, the kin~ of Moah, hit'cd Balaam to ('U!'se the
Israelites. (:\urn. 22: ]-2-1; 2;;) Fl'Orn there the Isradites spf out to cxecute .Jehovah 'I' ;jll<l~rnent fI'.!;ainst the
l\IiJwlIitcs for \"{'xin~ God's people. (NUIll, ~.): ];;-18;
31: 1-]2) i\atural Israel was at 1hat time in :\Ilwb, in
a land not assigned for its inheritance. Likewise th(;
people of Goll taken out for his nanH" that is, spIl'itual
Israelites, arc in the wOl'ld but not part of it at the
time they ure taken into the ('o\'enant for the kin~dom.
'The time and ci,'cumstarwes sUl'roun<lin'!; the mnkin~ of the covenant ill :'Iloah fOI'l'shadow('d Il)(~ time
and circumstances sUt'l'OUlllling- the men of spil'itual
Israd whcn taken into the covenant for the king-dam.
'I'his eo\'etHlIlt also wus lookin~ to the vindication of
Jehovah's name. (Dent. ]: 3; Nurn. ]0: 10) At the'
time of making- of the co\'enant in :\loab .Jellovnh had
begun his rule amidst his elll'lIIies and was thus usin~
his t;.rpical people. He was then "Kill~ in Jeshurull ",
when these t!'ihcs of Israel were gathered to~ethcl' in
the land of :\oal>.. (r)(ut. 33: 5) '1'1113 lands cast ()f
the Jordan had then hl'l'n hl'ou~ht ulll]<'r ('O1l t!'Ol b.\'
the dl'fcat of the Amoritcs undel' thl'ir l'ulel' SihO!l
and by the slaying of Og- kil1~ of ea~lIan. (Dent.
2:24-27; 3:1-11; 4:47; 2D:7,8; 31:4) 'rhe land of
these enemies of Isrl1c1 had then been posse~sed by
the cattle-raising trihes of Israel. (Dent. 3: 13-:W;
Josh. 1: 12-18) 'I'hese surrolllHliug' conditions well find
a parallel in what came to pass from] Dl-! to ]!lIS in
this, that Christ Jesus was sent forth in ]9].1 to mil'
amillst his enemies, and h(' then made war a~ainst
Satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven.
(Ps. 1]0: 2; Hcy. 12: j-D) This eorrespo1l(lill~ condition is a strong argument that the remnant ',Yl'l'e takl'll
into the covcnant for the kingdom after]!J1 f} ami aHel'


811e. \YJ\TCr-IT0\VER.

the hirth of 1he ldn~dom, and after Chri:st Jesus appeared to build up Zion.



s ~\t the time of making the con'Hant in :Moab Aaron

wns dead and there was nonc of the original company

livill~ who had left Er.,rypt and who werc past sixty
years of age aside from Eleazar the high pric:!t,
Joshua and Caleh, the last at that time being scventynine years of age. (Deut. 1: 36-39; Bx. 6: 23; .Josh.
14: 6-11) It follows then that most of those tahll
into the covl:nant ill ~1o,lh were" YOllllg 111\'11", such
as Ult'lltioned in a latcr prophecy. (Joel 2: 28) "Take
the sum of al1 the congregation of t he children of
Israel, from twenty years old and ujlwal'll, throu~h
out their fathers' house, all that arc able 10 go to war
in Israel. Take the sum of 1he Ill'ople, from twcnty
ycars old and upward; as tIl<' Lord t'ommandrd :\1oses,
and the chill1rcn of Israel, which wellt fol'th out of
tllc land of Egypt. 'l'hrse were the numhered of the
chil(lrelJ of J-;ral'l, six hundn'd thousand and a thousawl seven hundred an(l thirty. And the Lord spake
unlo :\Ios('s, suyill~, "Cnto 1hese the land shall he
divided fur nn inheritalH'(" aC'(.on1ing to the numher
of n:mH's." (Knm. 26: 2, 4, Gl-:i3) Althoug-h C:lkh
was tlH'1I s{)"e1liy-lline years of age he was (,01l111(',l
us a young man of forty years, and this nwnifrstly
hc('au'ie of his faithfulness to God. (.Josh. 14: (j11)
Cnh-h ,\'as a good repl'pspn(ati\'c thrre of that das,> of
faitltful ones who werc also foreshadowed h:v ~rordecai
and KaGmi, at the time of th(' ('omillg of CllI'jst .J('sus
to the temple fOl' jU(hml'nt. 'I'he 7.('al of Phinehas,
the son of Eleazar the high priest, makes him a ~ood
pic'( urc of the" YOllllg men" Illl'ntion('d hy the proph<:t .Tol'1.--Num. 2;': 6-1:t
G The. oldl'r g'Pll('rntion of the Israclitc'i who had
heen rplwllious, complain('rs, filled with f('ar 10 perforll1 their dllties and wanting to rdurn to Bg-ypt
rather than give battle to the ('nemy, had he(,11 com
pletely clcnred out, and none of thl'm ,vent into
Canaan. "'l'h('se are they that wrre numbered by
1\{oses and E1cnzar the priest, who numhered the children of Israel in the plnlns of Monh, hy .Jordnn ncar
Jerirho. Unt among these th('re was 1Iot a man of
them whom Mos('s and Aaron the priest Humherl'd,
when they numbered 1he chilL1ren of Israel in the
wilderness of Sinai. For the Lord had said of them,
They shall surely die in the wildel'l\(,ss. And there
was not left a mnn of them. sa\'e Caleh, tIll' son of
Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of ~un. "-KulIl.
26: 63-65.
T At the time JeSUH announced the klngdl'm covenant to his faithful disriples Judas, who foreshado\wd
tll(' 1'ehellions complainers i!1H1 fearful 0111'1', hall heen
ordered out allU was then away. (Luke 22: 28-:>0;
John 13: 21-30) At. the tcm pIe the "oid men" who
are complainers, faultfindeJ's, sC'lfish ones and oppOSC'l'S, are not taken into the kin~f1om, but such are d,}barred from entering by the gates of the city. Since


N. Y.

Octoher Hi, 1!l32, the sanctuary has been rleansed.

(Dan. 8: 14; 'l'he lratchtoU'cl', July 15, 1933) 'Yhen
the Israelites left Sinai thry were in line for the prom
ised land, but only a few entered. During- the El ijah
work and up to the time of the coming of the Lord
to the temple many spiritual Israelites were in line
for the kingdom, hut those who committed the "sin
of Samaria", who are eomlJlainers and faultfindl'rs
and opposers, and who arc fearful of boldly proclaimin~ the messa~e of God's kingdom against the ('TlCmy
are left out. Those tab'll into the cO\'ClInnt for the
kingdom must have proved their faithfulncss up to
that point of time.

The coming of the Lord .Jesus to the temple marks

the time of his judgment. Before that time jud!!TlH'nt
must wait, because justice was one of Jehovah's
'sealed treasures'. At the making of the rO\'l'l1ant ill
Moab the iniquity of thl' Amorites was fnll nnd tlll~
time for the execution of jUfl~mcnt upon thl'm hat!
cum\'. (lell. Hi: 1G) ~o lik('wise "'hen the Lord .Jt'~lI-;
apPl'ared at the temple for jud~~IIlt'nt the iniqnity of
"Christendom" was full, hut first the ju(l~mpnt lI1ust
he'rin at the honse of (JOll. (l Pt't. 4: 17) .Jl'1Iovah '<;
on1pr of jndgmpnt S( ems to he clearly foresha(I(J\\'\'11
by the following: ".\nd he said, The Lord rall1c from
[first] Sinai, and rose up from [second] ~l'ir lInl l )
thrm; he shined forth from [third] mount Par:m,
and he came with tell t honsands of saint:'!: from his
right hand went a fier~- law for tl1f'm." (])I'l1t, 3:L ~)
Here Sinai, mentioned 111'st, wrll pictures GOll's S11I1('tnary. "The chariots of Cod arc twenty thousand,
even thousam1s upon thousands: the Lord is am()l1~
them, as in Sinai, in the sanctuary." (1's. (is: 17,
R. V.) Seir, n1\'ntiollcd as second, pil'turc!'l the "(dl
sprvant" class, the "man of sin", "the son of pet'tli.
tion." l\Iount l'aran spems wl'lI to pirtnrc the "('\('('tive tIdeI''' class once in line for the kingdom, 1'1)1' it
was at the wilderness of Parnn that Jeho\'nh rkar('c!
out the unfaithful elders. (Xum. 12: 16; 13: ~6-:1:l;
14: 1-3!J) Compare this with the words of .lull.:
"~\nd Enoch also, the :;eventh from Adam, prophe~it'd
of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with tell
thousnnds of his saints, to execnte judgment upon
all; alld to can vince all that arc ungodly among thrIll
of all their ungodly deeds which they have -ungodly
committed, und of all their hard speeches ,,.hi('h ungodly sinners ha\-e spoken against him. These arc
murmurers, complainers, walking after their own
lusts; and their mouth speaketh great s\\'ellin~ word.;,
having men's persons in admiration becnuse of ad
vantage."-.Jl1de lJ-IG.
OAt :\1oab .Jehovah told ::\Ioses that among tll(J~{)
with whom the coycnant was being' made tlll'r(' WdC
many who were },ot sinr-ere and truly d('\,ote(l to l,illl.
(Dellt. 31: 16-:2!J) Likewise even after the takin'!; ,)f
those into the temple nnd into the kingt10m COHl1:U1t
there ('xisted a need of cleansing and cleating ont of



15, 1934

the insincere ones, including those who had selfishly

sought and accepted the position of elective elders,
and who insisted upon walking after their own selfish
desires, and hence were not entirely devoted to God
and to his kingdom. There must be no murmurer~,
complainers, opposers or selfish, rebellious ones who
abide in the covenant for the kingdom. Those at the
cleansed temple are at illlity in ChrL'lt. It is the time
of peace within the walls of that glorious palace, and
all of this house must seek the good of all others therein. (Ps. 122: 7-9) Those in the covenant for the king.
dom, and who are the ones taken out as a people for
God's name, mU!~t walk on, shoulder to shoulder, look.
ing well to the interests of the kingdom, and continue
singing the praises of Jehovah God.

SO~G evidence of joy. It was therefore appropriate, when :Uoses, as God's instrument, announced
to the Israelit(\s in ~[oab the terms of the covenant
there madl', that he should compose and sing a song;
which he did. The Israelites were ahout to engage in
war and enter into the land of promise. That song
sun~ upon the plains of :Moab foretold a far more
wonder'ful song to be sung at the induction of God's
<,hosen people into the covenant for the kingdom. That
more wonderful song is now being sung. The words
of the song of Most..'S proceeded from Jehovah God,
allu )Ios{~s, acting as the mouthpiece of Jeho\"ah, spoke
the words of this song, to wit: "Give car, ye heavens,
anu I will sJleak; and let the earth hear the words of
my mouth: ~Iy doctrine shall urop as the min, my
speech shall uistil as the dew; as the small rain upon
the tender gruss, and a!'l the showers upon the herb."
(Deut. 32: 1, 2, Il.V.) The sollg emphasized the great
truth thereof, to wit, that the chief purpose of the
covenant is the vindication of Jehovah's name; that
Jehovah's name must be kno\nJ and exalted in all the
universe. Calling upon all spiritually-minded ones to
give ear, the song ascribes all goodness and lo\ingkindlless to Jehovah, and t 1lCU snys: "For I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe J'e greatness unto
our God. The nock, his work is perfect: for all his
ways are jud),rment: a God of faithfulness and without irtiquity, just and right is he." (Deut. 32: 3, 4,
RV.) The song then tells in brief concerning the
judgment of Jehovah and informs his covenant people
how they have violated their eovenant. "They hu\'e
dealt corruptly with him, they are not his children.
it is their blemish' they are a perverse and eroo:,ed
gC'neration. Do y~ thus requite the Lord, 0 fOuli~h
people and unwise f Is not ne tlly {lINk." tki'';- ,hi'l',r
bought thee' He hath made thee, and establbhed
thee." (Dent. 32: 5,6, R.V.) Speaking of his justice
and judgment Jehovah reminds his people that \"enge.
anee (that is, vindication of his name) hdom."S to
him. HVen~eance is mine, and reCOmpf:llSI.', at the
time when their foot shall slide: for the day 01 their
calamity is at hand, and the things tlwt arc to come


upon tht>m shall make haste. For Jehovah will judge

his people." (Deut. 32: 35, 36, A.B.V.) The prophetic
song t1ll'n shows that Jehovah will execute this judgment by his glittering "sword", that is, by him whom
he 113S l\ppointed a!; the Judge of all things and the
Vindi<"3tor of his great and, holy name: "If I whet
mJ' glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judg.
ment; I will render vengeance to mine adversaries,
and will recompense them that hate mc."-Deut"
32:41. ltV.
11 This song of :Moses corresponds exactly and runs
paralkl with 'the song of Moses and the Lamb', sung
when ;:iun is builUed up and when the remnant are
taken into the covenant for the kingdom. The pic.
ture is that of the entire 144,000, which includes the
remnant on earth, standing by the "sea of glass",
symboHu o-f the jud~ents of Jehovah, which jud~.
ments 3nl now cleilrly made known to the remnant,
as it is writen: "Thy righteousness is like the ~reat
mounttliQS; thy jud~ments arc a ~reat deep: 0 Lord,
thou l'relCrvcst man and beast. How excellent is thy
lovi~kindness, 0 God! therefore the children of men
put th\'ir trust under the shadow of thy wings."Ps. 36:$.7.
12 Th~ song on the plainf'l of Moab now finds a grent.
er !ul:Hment in the words of the Oreater l\loses, to
wit: ....\nd they sin~ the son~ of l\Ioscs the servant
of GM. anu the son~ of the I.iamh, saying, Great and
man-dluus arc thy works, Lord God Almighty; jllst
and tnta are thy ways, thou Kin~ of saints. Who
shall not fear thee, 0 Lord, and glorify thy name ~
for tUNl only art holy: for all nations shall come and
worship before thee; for thy judgments are made
manii,-st." (Rev. 15: 3,4) This s()n~ is now sun~ hy
the nU100 gathered with Christ Jesus into God's
holy "rpnization, and it is as it were a new son~,
whi-h. only the 144,000 can learn and sing.-Hev.
14: 1.4.
U The song of 'Moses was a testimony then against
the tl~faithful ones of Israel, and the song sUllg today 1))' those nnder the Greater Moses must he sung in
the ~ of those who have proved unfaithful to their
cover::lnt to do the will of God and as a testimony
agai~ them. (Deut. 31: 19-22) In due time judgment will be exel'utcd npon the unfaithful. (Dent.
32:~:;.28, 33) Jnd~ent with Jehovah is not in vain
or ~~portaut, but is sure and of the goreatest import~fe. (Deut. 32: 46,47) Jehovah had made pro\~ lor and al'rangement for judgment of natural
ISl'llt-l od now he has likewise made provision for the
jtt~tllt of spiritunl Israel, whieh judgment takes
Pl1r-.n"tite- ltemple. It is a time of joy, and therefore
a ti:u for lsinging, because the spiritual Israelites
takf'::l. out fmr the name of Jehovah, to whom he has
gh~~' his name, maKing them his witnesses, are now
t'nti'::l3g into war and, proving faithful, shall soon
entt"'.t mto the everlasting 'land of promise'. Tho
Gh::.~r Moses, thl' King, is with them, and he is certain 10 lead the faithful ones to complete victory aud


G1ic \VATCtiT0\VER.

to the "indication of .Jehovah's nam('. It is the time

of the joy of the Lord and the faithful have been invited to enter into his joy.

In every ('ovenant in the makin~ of which two or

more parties arc involved then' must be a good and
valllahic consideration modn~ from one to the other.
The faithful performance of the terms and provisions
of the cownant constitutes a good and valuahle consideration of one to the other. Jehovah hy the terms
of his covenant hinds himself to keep and perform the
same, and those on the other side of the covenant arc
lil{(~\\ ise hound to kef'p and pc'rfot'J1l the 1('rlnS thprrof.
Jehovah is always faithful, and the other parties to
the CO\'enant must IJe faithful if thry would pleas()
God and be used to aC('omplish his purposes. "Know
therefore thnt the Lord thy God, he is nod, the faithful God, whidl kccpeth rOYenant and nwrry with thrm
that love him and ){cep his commandments, to a thousand g(~nerations." (Deut. 7:!l) It is hy the fnithfulne;;s to .Jehovah and the faithfuhH'ss of those whom
he takl's into the connant for the kiw~rlom that his
nnme will he vinr.lica tcll. (fsa. 49: 7) Thl'oug-hout the
hook of J)cuteronomy the p('rvadin~ counsel is faithful devotiou to Jehovah. 'l'hose whom Ood approves,
and who shall have a part in the vindication of his
name, shall be "Holil\rss unto the Lord". (Zech. 14:
20) The call to thl' kingdom was issued and many
responded to that eall, and those who pro\"(:d faithful
up to the time of thc roming of Christ Jesus to the
tern pIc were chospn, and now the" ca Ilerl and chosl'n"
who arc taken into the covenant for the kingdom must
prove faithful. (Hev. 17: H) Only those who are
fuithful unto dl'a1h shall rercive the crown of life.
(Hev. 2: 10) Those who wrl'c onre in line for the
kinguom and who arc not faithful fail. 'They are the
\'('ry froward gelwrat ion, chiltll'en in whom there is
1\0 fnith. '-Deut. 32: 20.
15 :\[osos was "faithful ill all his house", and his
faithfultlt'''s was a testimony to those who followed.
Christ Jesus is faithful over his royal house; and the
condition named in the eo\'enant for the kingdom i'l
that all mt'lhbers thereof must he faithful. (Heb.
3: fl, 6) "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also
will do it." (1 Thess. 5:24) "But the Lord is faithful, who shall stahl ish you, and keep you from evil."
-2 Thess. 3: 3.
l6 Jehovah condescends to assure tho'le who arc in
the covenant of his own faithfulness, and faithfulness
is required of all those who are taken infoUle-rovenant. Thl'refore those in the cownant for the kingdom
are ndmonished, "Be ye holy; for I am holy." (1 Pet.
1: 1;), 16; Lf'v. 11: 44) Those who are in the covenant
for the king'dom nrc righteous or just by virtue of
being in Christ and having reef'ived the rohe of righteousness, and "the just shall live by his faith" and
iaithfnlness.-Hab. 2: 4.
11 The covenant made in Egypt and confirmed at


X. Y.

Mount Sinai required of the Israelites faithfulness,

and thry pledged themselves faithfully to keep the
terms of the covenant. The covenant made in ~Ioab
was enjoined upon Israel because J'ehovuh foreknew
that there would be stuhbornness, l'ehellion and law]c;,sness among-st the people of the nation of Isrnel
after the death of ::\108cs. (Deut. 5: 133; 31: 1630)
The cownant in ~roah, thereforc, was of nec('ssity for
faithfulness on the part of the Israelites, which faithfulueHs \\:ould be shown by full ohedil'nee to God's
commandments. The Israelites had nuw herome tlte
chosen people of God, and they must prove faithful
if they would IHI\'e (lod's Ilpllroval and his blessing'.
"And ~r()s('s, and the prirsts the J.,evitl's, spake unto
all Israpl, sayillg, Take hred, and hearken, 0 Israel;
tlds day thou art heeome the people of the Lord thy
CorIo Thou shalt therefore ohry the voice of the Lord
thy God, and do his commandments and his statutes,
which I eommunu thee this day." (Dellt. 27: n, 10)
Compare this with the commandment of the Lord noel
to those who arc takcn into the temple, to wit: "Alld
this shall come to pass, if ye will dilig-ent Iy ohey the
voice of the Lord your Uod." {Zech. (j: J r;) It is
these faithful ones that !)('come pillars in the temple
of God.
18 There is no mention marIe in the SeriptUl'('s of
animal sar'rifice and the sprinkling of blood at the
making of the covcnant in l\loab, even t hongh that
was the day of the new moon. (2 Chron. 2: 4) In
the divine rerord of Levitieu;; and .l\llmhers the
priests, tabernarle and animal sacrifice are marIe fOl'emost, but not so in the making of the covenant in
l\Ioah. This shows that faithfulness is the keyno1\~ to
that covenant in !lIoab alltl that the sacl'ifieial provisions, which IIl'('fig'lIred the ransom sael"ifiee and the
atonrml'nt work of Uhrist, would of thpJIlsdVl's be
immffiri(~nt and unanliling: for tllOs<) who were ta!;(1J
out as a people for Jeho\'ah's name as ag-ainst alJY
Israelite's going into c:lptivity to Satan's organization, and into death, unlr'ss tho;;e in the {'ovcnant \\'l'l'e
wholly Hnd faithfully olwt1i('nt to their vows. In ot her
words, thry must htl faithful, ahove eV()I'.dhin~ (Ise.
(Deut. 23: 21-23) Jehovah JIll,1 selected these Tsradites as his people to go into Canaan, anrlnow the nllimportant thing' to th('m was faithful OI)('(1il'lle(~ to the
voice of Jehovah. (Deut. (j: 1-3) Later Jehovah by his
prophet said to that nation: "Thus saith the Lord of
hosts, the God of Israel: Put your burnt offering-s
unto your sacrifices, anrI cat flesh. For I spake not
unto your fathers, nor commanded th('m in the (lay
that I hroug-ht them out of the land of Eg-ypt, roncerning' IJlll'llt ofrerillg~ or sacl'ificrs: but this thill'.!
eommanl!l-d I them, sayin~, Obey my voi('e, unrl I will
he your God, and ye shall be my people; and waik
~'e in all the ways that I have commanded yon, that
it may he well unto you." (.kr. 7: 21-:23) This pl'OH'S
that those taken into the kingdom covenant mnst be
ohedient to the commandments of the Or('ater l\loses
and that oJJedience is better than sacrifice.



1~ As further proof that the covenant made in ~roab

pictured the COVeJlllnt for the kingdom, note the following: The kingdom is Jehovllh God's kingdom,
which he prepart's and gives to his Iwloved Son, Ch'i"t
Jc"u~. The thing'S pert.\inin~ to the kingrlom are pictured by a great mountain of rock, ano in the SOll~
written and sun~ by :\lo"es in :Moah at the command
of Jehovah th~re for the first time in the Scriptures
it is that Jehovah is called 'l'he Hor'k. lIe is The Hock,
and all his works arc perfect. lIe is the "King of
etcmity". (.Jer. 10: 10, mIJrgin) 1I(~ is the Rl'l'at
]{efu~c and Proteetor of his people. (Deut. 32: 4, 1[),
18,30,31) Jehovah is (Jplinitdy nunwd in Deuteronomy as the Kin~. "And he was king in JeshurulI,
wlll'n the heads of the people and t he tribes of hrael
were gathered tog;ether." (Deut. 3:~: 5) 'l'his shows
that the faithful I'(~mnant arc hrou~ht into the covenant for the kingdom after the gathering of Jehovah's
saints to him at til(' t\'Il\PlP.
20 In the hook of Exodus Jehovah makrs promise to
the Israelites CQuuit iOlled upon their faithfulness to
their covenant made with him wheu he took them
out of Eg-ypt, a1\(l ~ays: "Yc shull be unto me a kin~~
dom of pril~sts, ulHlllll hr,ly nation." (Ex. 19: 6) Dut
the iustl'uttiol\s ('()nC('l'lIill~ the futul'(' king of Israel
nrc definitely laill dowll ill tile book of Iklltcrollomy.
(17: H-~(); 28: 36) The important ('onditions to be
pCl'fol'n)cd by those who become ultimately members
of the royal house, .Jehov;l h aUl)ounccu as these: "If
ye will ohey my voice." Likewise those who shall be
for ever in the royal house of .Jehovah must now he
wholly ohedient unto the Creater l\Io;ws, and there
is 110 altcl'1lativc.-Acts 3: 23.


'l'he law govl'l'lling levirate marriage is srt forth

in the book of Dcuteronomy in eonueetion with the
Moab covenant, anfl in no other place in the ~crip.
turl's. '( Deut. 23: ;'-10) The one next report in the
Bible of the actual applicat ion of the law of levirate
mal'l'iag;e is that in couneet ion with the rOJ'ai tribe
of .Judah in hehalf of the king who was to come
through that tribe. len. 38: 1-30; Uuth, chapters
one to four) It is manifest that the law of levirate
mal'I'ia~e was a kingllom provision, with which law
Jehovah's remnant must comply in fulfilment of the
prophetic picture God made by Naomi and Uuth in
hringing forth fruit toward the kingdom and in hal'
mony with the covenant for the kingdom,


In the covenant at lUoab Jehovah's name takes

the most promiuent place. Before the mnl.iug of the
co\'('nant in ~Ioab the issue of the name and supremacy
of .J l'hovah was not perceived; likewise before the
building up of Zion ana taking the remnant into the
temple God's s('lceted people did not pereE'ive the
great is,-;ue of Jehovah's name and supremacy. "Yet
the Lord hath not given you an heart to perccive, and


eyes to see, and ears to henr, unto this day." (Deut.

29: 4) When the King had come to his throne, and
the faithful remnant were gathered unto him at the
temple, they perceived for the first time the great issue of Jehovah's name, and thereafter they are known
as the Lord's' willing ones in the day of his power',
and they delight to make known the name of Jehovah.
"Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power,
in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morn
in~: thou hast the dew of thy youth." (P~t 110: 3)
The fear of that ~reat and terrible name is necessary
to eOlltinued faithfulllcss,-Deut. 28: 58.
23 The ~Ol\!! of jud~mr.'nt spoken by :Moses on tho
occasion of making the co\-enant in :Moab puts forward the name of Jehovah and shows that it must he
publish('d abroad by Jehovah's faithful witIH'sses, awl
conceming tlH'se it is written: "For I will proclaim
the nume of Jehovah: as('ribe ye greatness unto our
God." (Deut. 32: 3, A.H.Y.) JpllOvah delivered his
eaptive people loU)"1!) from Satan's ol'~anizatiol\, and
this was foreshadowed hy the Moab COV\.'lHlUt. Uou's
covenant people had been sl'nttel'ed and ill-tiSI'd, restrained und ('aused to ('('<1:-,e from their work, anu
this was done at the hands of the crwmy. Jehoyah
did not deliver thpm for the sake of the remnant, but
for his own name's sake and to fore!'ttull the 1'IH'my's
reproach ug-ainst that holy name. In proof of this it
is written: "I saill, I would seatter them Ural', I would
make the remembrance of them to cease from amOl\~~
men; were it not that I fearcd the Ill'O\'oeation of the
cnemy, lcst their adversaries should jud~e amiss, !pst
they shoulJ say, Our hand i" l'xalted, and JdlOvah
hath not done ull this. "-Deut. ~3~: ~(j. 2'i, .L1.N. Y.
2~ In making the covenant in :\Ioab anu bdorc crossing the .Jordan into Canaan .Jehovah states his Jlurpo~;e to choose one place for his !louse or temple nUll
to tl1('re put his lHllIle. In this .Jehovah foreshadowed
and foretold that, when Zion is buildpd up and the
remnant gath('rcd to the temple undl'r Christ .J('sus
and when God puts his name, all sacrifice of prai~e
and service must be done acconling to thr rules of
that ol'~allization and throUg'h his organization, anu
not according to ewry ntan's own whim or (h'sire.
"But unto the place whieh the Lord your God shall
choose out of all your trihes to put his name theil',
even unto his habitation shall ye seck, and thither
thou shalt come: ami tltithrr ye shull bring your burnt
offerin~s, al)(1 your saerifi('('s, and yonr tithes. and
heave offering'~ of your hand, :md your vows, and yOUl'
frcewill offerings, and the firstlings of your h('l'd" and
of )'OUl' Hoeks:" (Dcnt. 12:::>,6) Jehovah's work must
be done aeeol'dillg to the l'ules of his Ol'galliy.atioll.
"Ye shall not do after all the thiligS that we do here
this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own
f':;cs." (Deut. 12: 8)'l'sons who h~1\"e bl'Pll
brought into Zion and anointed have failed to ~ce the
llecc"-,,ity of bcing entirely oherlient to the in<;truel ions
coming to tlwm through God's organization. They
do not apprcciate the fact that the Lord Jesus is the

f7fic \0'\TCI-IT0\\1ER


head of Zion and that the instl'uctions come from him.

Those heady Olh!S imist on doing' whatsoever is right
in their 0\\"11 ~ight', and snch is against the commandment of the Lord. (Deut. 12: f) .Jehovah's name can
be honored only by doing' his will, and not by following the will of any man. (Dellt. 2G: 1,2; 1'1'0\'. 3: 5, 6)
'1'he vindication of .Jehovah 's nume is ma~nificd as the
most important matter, and the part that the rCi:1I1l1nt would have ill the vindicatiolJ of that holy name
is sug~csted in the law of levirate marriage, which
was later illustrated and recorded in the book of Huth,
the mC;lIling' of whi('h God makes known to his rem
nant aft('l' they nrc brought into the temple aud into
the covenant for the killg'uom.
25 All who rl'crjve .Jehovah 's approval as his CIIO';Pll
people must maintain their' jntl'~l'ity toward him. This
is the very thin!.;' 1he Devil said that man could not
do; but the faithflll will prove that they can uo it.
'1'he sOllg of l\losps at Moab nwgnifies the greatlH'ss
of .Jchovah's lJame. Thel'('in .Jl'hovah's ill1egrity, his
hlamcl('sslless IIlld his in'eIH'oa('hahIPIll'SS arc dre!ared:
I ' HG is the Hoek, his wOl'k
[in('ludin~ the remnant
taken out fOl' his name] is !H'rfeet." (lkut. ?2: 4)
Any cl'ookcdll('SS, lawlcsslwss 01' corruption 01'1 the
pad of any of the profess('c! people of (lod eannot he
::ttribllkd to ,JpllOvah, but it must Le said of all sHeh,
'''l'hPj" have corTU pI (~d t hemspl V<'s; 1hei I' spot [sLlin
or blemish] is not the spot of his dJildren [.JdlOvahs
faithful on<,sl: tlwy I the lawless ones, the elective
('hhors who insist on doin~ 1hpir (,wn selfish way, the
'man of sin', the '('\'il selTant' elass] are a perverse
111ld crookl d [thl'reforc not ,rehovah's] generation."
--Dcut. a~: fi,
26.JpllO\'ah wiII not toll'l'nte lawlessness, faultfinding', or comp"linin~ 011 Ihl' part of those brong!lt
into the coveU:lIlt for the kill~dom, 'l'his was fOl'i':';)wdowed by the song IOJJCel'lljn~..\' the i\Ioah covenant, in
which the Lord said rOllcerllillg' tile lawless: "And he
li:lid, I will lddl' lily face fl'om them, I will see what
their end shall be: 1'01' tlwy are a very froward generation, children iu whom is uo faith. They have mO\'l'd
nw 10 jealousy with that which is not God; they IU1\'e
IJI'ovoked me to nUg'I'r with 1heir vanit ics: and I will
1ll0\"C th<'lll to jealousy with those which are not a
people; I will pro\'(Jke thl'm to anger with a foolish
lIat ion."-lkut. 32: 20, 21.
21 Those WllO will ha\'c a pInt in the vindication of
Jehovah's namc nl\l.~t maintain their intpg'rity towal'(l
him, and hence it is writtpn: "Thou shalt ],(' perfect
with the Lord thy God." (Deut. 18: 13) .Jehovah will
not g-i\'c victor~' to his cho<;en people because they
deserve it, 1101' hc('uuse of their inhel'ent righteonslll'>'s
and of their ~c1f-devclopml'nt, hut for the vindication
of his expressed promise and his name.-Deut. 9: 4-6.
'8 Those taken into the eovennnt for the kingdom

havc now begun to appreciate the truth that there is

but olle Jehovah God; and many others claiming' to Ie




God's children arc blind to this great truth. Jehovuh's

supremacy is affirmed in the covenant at l\Ioab, awl
it is to those in the covenant for the kingdom that this
grent truth is now magnified: "There is none like tUlto
the God of Jeshurun, who l'idcth upon the heaven 111
thy help, and in his excelleney on the sky. The ekrnal God is thy refuge, and underneath arc the evrrlasting unus: and he shall thrust out the cncmy from
h"'fol'e thee; and shall say, Destroy them." ())eu1.
33 : ~G, 27) Those who desire so to do may chOllse
another for their god and take the consequ<:llccS, but
the faithful will he wholly devoted to .Jehovah (lod,
Jehonlll now calls to the would-he gods of the enemy
for a final show-down. This tl'l1th he ca used ~Iuse:;
to speak, and now the time has come to sdtle the great
issue and God's (llOscn people must dp('lal'c his purpose and hi~ judgments.
'-29 '1':lcr<: arc not spveral .Jehovahs, ('ach havi!l'~ a
different will and a different work. There is hut onc
O<:d, The remnant now see I1l1d appl'cciate their lIi"incly-giwn privilq.(c of proclaimin~ 1he name or IIII~
one and only true .Jehovah (lod, and this thl'y do
with g'l'l'at g-Iadn('ss of heart. As it was said to natUl<11
Isral,l in i\loah so now the (;1'1':11('1' :\\oses, Christ ./i..
sus, says to the spiritual Israelites gathered to Ihe
temple: "Ul'a1', 0 \~'I'ael: The Lord 0111' (:od is OIlC
1.o\'(J: and thou shalt love the Lord thy <:0<1 with all
thy lwart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
might. AmI thesc wOl'~ls; whieh I COlllmand t!we tillS
day, shall be in thine lIellrt." (Deut. G: 1-6) 'l'he tme
and fllithful saints worship the one and only tr'l!(~
God, allll this is the first eOIJUllanument, that is, fil',;t
ill time, and first in imporlanl'c, us .Jesus de(lal'\,(!.
pIal'!;: 12: 29, 30) 'l'his first. commandment is I1wde a
part of 1he covenant for the kingdom. .J ehovah alolle
must be worshiped, ahove all clse. (Dcut. G: 1-8) The
people talwll out from the nations for his nallle mll"t
be 'holiness UlltO Jehovah', meaning' that they Illll~t
he entil'ely devoted to Jehovah God, and that th~'y
shnll not tempt Jehovah, nor shall th\'y compromise
with the enemy null his org'unizlltion, because such will
not be tolerated by Jehovah.-Deut. 6: IG; Jlatt. 4: 7.
30 The thing'S enjoinf'd upou naturlll Im1l'1 1ly Ihe
covenant Ilt Moab are now required of t hose in I fill
covenant for the kingllom, to wit, Jehovah mllst he
served with joy, and not with complainin~', (,Ise a CUl'"e
shall fall upon those failitlg' to propl'dy sen'e him.
(Deut. 28: 47) Sacrifices unto him must he ullb1<-rn
islled; lwnce there must be no compromise with or
mixing of the things and practices of the Devil's 01'ganization with til(' work of .Jehovah. SJl('h as man
worship, this being the "sin of Samaria ". ~Inllif('"t
1y Cod's purpose is thnt his people must. knowingl,\',
willingly and joyfully be entirely dC\'llt(,cl to him,
(Dellt. 16: 21, 22) The service of JelHJ\'llh lllUSt he
rendered at the place whieh he has eho"r'lI to put his
lIame, which means in his organization, of whif'h
Christ .Jesus is the head, (Dent. 16: lO-Ii) Anyollc
who thinks he is in line for the kingdom and insists


1::;, 1934


en goilJ~ his own way and not ol/serving and walking

with God's organization is violating this rule of tIle
lit Tithe, which is the tenth part, symbolically represGuts all oue has and which must be given for the
temple service and must be ]lI'('s('nted at the place of
his name, that is to say, at his organization. (Deut.
2G: 1-H); 12: 6; 14: 22-29) ,. Bring' ye all the tithes
into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine
house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord
of hosts, if I will not OI)('n you t he windows of heaven,
and pour ,you out 11 hlessin:!. that there shall not be
room (-noug-h to rc('ci ve it." ~ ~IaJ. 3: 10) Thcre mnst
he unity of worship 1111<1 sen-icc at'God's temple, the
place of his nm:1e. (\)('lIt. 1~: 5-18; ]6: 1-17) Those
toward whom the new covcnaut is inau:~llrated were
g-athered into thc tcmple and taken into the CO\'cUUlIt for the ldn~dolll and arc at unity with Christ,
and they must all coutinue in unity in faithfulness
und srrviee. Indi\'idllal desil'l'S or opinions arc not at
nil to he considered. Thl'Y having hecome memb:-rs of
God's or~auizatiou, individuality of creatures {'cases
and any opinions hdc1 by thelll contrary to God's expressed will are wron!!. '!'he first thing- to be consid('red is what is the will of God, and all in the eovelIant rOl' the kin~(l(Jm mllst joyfnlly and hal'll1oniousl.y
mltl olwc1iently respond to his will. Those who tal-a' a
dirCcl'cnt course, allll helH'e a lawIc-ss course, arc ccrtain to he ~athere<l out of the king-dom, Only those
who maintain their integ'rity, continuing- in unity and
in faithfulness in Chri"t, will shine forth as the sun
when the others arc goatllt'red out. o.latt. ]3: 4]-4~)
Their all must be unu will he wholly Gevoted to Jehovah.
32 It was in 1\loab that _Mo'it~s fil':it divulged Jehovnh's pl'Omise to raise up a Pl'oph(,t of whom :.\Io~(~s
was mcrely a shadow 01' type. (Deul. 18: 15-Hl) ~ot
until the brin~illg' of the relllnant into the temple \\'I'IS
the tl'Uth revealed to them that Christ Jesus alone is
that great prophet. forl'lold by :\Ioses. (The 1ratchtuwer, 1933. pag-ps 1-17-]53) The preeminence of Jehovah's prol'lwt is foretold ill t he words recol'ded ill
J)enteronoxny in connection with the con'nant made
there. (Deut. 34: 10-12) TherC'fore those to whom the
Greater Moses is sent arc in a position of far greater
l'esponsibiJity than the people of natural Israel were
ever in. The remnant, now being informed of the
great issue thaf IS to he settled, and being in the cownant for the kingdom, sec that there can be no COIllpromise with any part of Satan's organization, but
that the remnant must be unreservedly aud absolutely
devoted to and obedient to Jehovah and his gTe<lt
Prophet. The Greater }Ioses prepared the way before
Jehovnh, then came straightway to the temple and
~athered unto himself the saints of Jehovah, and then
brought into the coven<Jnt for the kingdom those who
had up to that point of time proved their faithfulness.


Thereafter the Greatcr ~[oscs, Christ .Jesus, as Jehovah's instrument began to unfold to the remnant. the
meaning of prophecy, and it becomes a matter of
choice for them to choose between Jehovah's great
Prophet and Servant or the Devil's mouthpiece aud
representati\'e. Many who think they represent God
are in fact Sa tan '8 dupes and instruments. As many
of the natural Israelites became unfaithful, even so
now there are those who arc in line for the kingdom
who become unfaithful, and these unfaithful ones fail
to give heed to the Greater Prophet. Those ill line
for the kingdom who now fail or reflKe to render
wholehearted and loving- obedience to Chti'it will corne
to a disastrous cnd.-Dent. IH: 13-19; Acts 3: 1!)-2:;.
33 The death of ~Ioses did not take away lradpl'ship
from Israel, because .Joshua succeeded him alllllcJ the
Israelites into Canaan. Concernin~ the kin~dom con'nant foreshadoweu by the covenant made at :Uoab,
the invincible leadership by Jehovah's great. Prophet,
Christ Jesus, is guaranteed to the remnant. These
faithful ones are entirely and fully assured that if
they abide in the tcmple ano faithfull~' alll] joyfully
obey God's great Prophet, they shall be bl'OU~(ht
through with complete victory to the praise of J('llOvah's name. This vietory is not by what they do, but
it is the victory of Jehovah accomplished fOl' them by
Christ Jesus as his g-reat in'itl'utIlent alld for the honor
and vindication of Jehovah's great name.-l Cor.

15: 57.
3. Christ Jesus, the Greater Moses, is conducting
judgment at the temple aceordin~ to the will of {lou.
His promise is that those tak('n into the cO\'l-uant with
llim for the kingdom shaH sit with him ill the ju(l~
ment of the twd ve tribes of Israel. This must nll'lln
primnrily all of those who go to make np the spiritual
Israelites, that is to say, spirit,hegotten ones, out of
which the royal house is taken. From thi.., promise of
the Lord it is reasonahly proper to conclude that til(:
faithful resurrected saints, gathered unto Zion first,
arc having some part in the judgmellt, the details of
which arc not l'e\'caled to us. '!'he question then is,
Do those still remaining 011 e.nth, that is, the faithful
remnant, have any P<11'1 in this judgment -? and the
scripture appropriate to this question is: "Therefore
judge nothing' before the time, unt il the Lord come,
who both will bring to light the hidden thing,; of (\;Il-k.
ness, and will make manifest the counsels of the
hearts: and then shall every IIlan have praise 01 God."
(1 Cor. 4: G) 'I'he Lord, the goreat Judge, Iws com(',
and he has caused the fnithful who are taken into
the covenant for the kingdom to sit with him in heavenly places, that is to ~ay, in the temple. It is therefore the time for jUlIgil1ent, and it seems t'lear that
the work of the remnant who are yet on earth in c(,nlleetion with the judgment is that of declaring' the
judgments of .Jehovah al1'l.:ady written, a11<l thus they
have a palt ill the judgment. The name of Jehovah
now must be made known; his ycngeance must be declared; but it is the faithful l'cmnant, constitnted his

,vitnesses, that are permitted to make proclamation

of these truths. 'l'he remllant arc not to pass upon
the guilt or innocence of any indh-iuual, but they are
to declare the law or rules of .Jehovah's judgment,
which apply to the obedient and to the disoheflient.
In this manner those in the covenant for the kingdom nrc now havin~ a part in the judgment work
according to the will of the Lord. Jehovah's judg.
ments are already written, and his ~lUints gathered
unto him are commissioned to declare, and must declare, his judgments. 'I'llis tlu'y do with songs of prai~c,
and Jehovah 1<Ikes plf'asure in tl\l'ir faithfulness in
performing their duties in this reslJe(t. Concerning
this it is written by God's prophet: "For the Lord
taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the
meek with salvation. },('t the ~'laints be joyful in glory:
let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high
praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-euged
sword in their hand; to execnte vengeance upon the
[nations], IHHIl'unishmellts upon the people; to IJind
their kings with C'hain~, and tht>ir nohles with fetters
of iron; to ('xeC'ute upon them the judgment writtl.:l1:
tlds honour llave all his saints. Praise ye the Lord."
(Ps. 149: 4.9) .JdlOvnh discloses to his faithful olles
his will conceming thtm.







(To be continued)

, 1. What i1'l thn kiug",1om hew referred to, and what is its

Bltoorn.y~, ~.

r.ffi.e \VATCliT0WER



2-4. In rdatiOll to the co\'elmnt for the kingllom, explain

the l'ropht'tic IHlsitiou (a) of D:l\id. (b) Of the co\'tHlallt
~[OSI'S IT.ado with tht} children of Israel in the laut! of
, 5-7. Who of the chilJrcn of Isml'1 w('re taken into the cove
naut in ),I(jah, aud whom ,1i,1 they for('sh:ltlow I Who w('re
l'xelufle,l from that "O\'('nallt, and why' Whom did thelle,
unu JI\IIIlS, fOT<'sh:ltlowl
"if 8, 9. Point out the onler of Jehovah'll juugmeut as pro-


phetic:Llly inflieat'd in the recor,l at Deuteronomy 33: 2,

and cOlnpnre w1th Ju(k l-!-lu. Explain what was foreshown in the ,. imagination" and ., rebellion" manifcst
in the hrn.elites e"en "hen at :Moah.
10-13. Show how fitting "as the l'rol'hetic song spoken bj'
Moseil on the plainil of ~roah.
14, I,:;. Show that tlw Hniptures emphasize the importance
of fn.ithfulness. \\"hy is it of so great illlportauc,j
]6, 17. Just what was require,l of thos,) in the eO\'ellllllt IlIa'!e
in E"\'pt and continue'! at :Sinai f Of tlmse in th,~ CO\'enrwt
ma,l~' in ~loab 1 Compare with the re,,!uircments of tboS\l
in the covenant for the kin;.:<!oTU.
18:l0. "lmt is shown in the fact that animal sllerifice an,1
the sprinkling- of hloo,1 are ma,Ie foremost in the divine
record of Lpviticus Iln,1 XumLers IJut not so ill Ulakil1;':
the covenant in ~rll:tl) I GiHl furtl'cr pr"of tlmt tlte CI)\'"
unnt IWllle in ~[oah pit'lull'u the co\'el1ant for the l,ing,lu:u.
21. Htate the law of J,,\irate mania!;f' as g"lwn to br:w!.
What was its !)urpos\l then, allu its applicr.tion as r.
pr"photic l,idure I
2:!, :l:j. ,Explain Deuteronomy 29: 4 in its appli('(,tion at UIJ
time wh"n spoken; also, tOl-:ether with J)"uteronomy :;2: :;,
as a prophecy fulhlle<!. Apply ))euteronollly :;2: :.:t.i, 27.
:!4. Poil1t uut the imp'lltau('c at the pleHent tune of tbj
rulo ""pressed in DCllt<rollomy ]2: 5S.
2327. Explain J)('uteronlH]],\' ::2: oJ,3, as fixing- responsihility
for cr,wk.'dne~s. lawles~llcss or corruption oil tl", I,art til'
Ilny of the 1'IrJt'ps~,'d I"'"ple hf <;"d. Jhw will 0",1 d'~al
, with the lawl,'ss' WIth the ol){'di"nt' \\'hy 1
:!S::o. }'oint out tho illlportallce to head ot the statcnH'nt
made to tltelll as rel:old,',! at n"utl:ronomy v: Hi, awl ib
gr'l'at illll")! tan"l1 to "pil'itual Israel !lOW. That also of
l)flut(~r(Ju.onlY a:;: 2G, :!7.
:n. E;"phtin the sym!)(lltslll of the "tithe ", and ul,ply
:lralachi ::: II).
32. Whf'l'll an,1 on wlHlt oC"llsion Wal'! it fir!'t made knr)\\ n
that Jehontll woul,l "list.' up a prol'hf't greatf~r thall ~losl"!
Point out tlte fultilllli'llt of that pl'omiHP. COllLpare lh.~
responsibility of natural lHmt'1 with that of those to I\'hOiIi
the Gn'ater ),[o~,'s is spnt. \\'hat of the f'"thfuln('ss Ol
n:ltural hradl Of those under leadership of the l\ fI'ater
l'rophet ~
:l:~. What provision was malle for l('ading the Isra"lit.,g from
J\[onh to Canaan ~ \\'hat was forl'~lul(loweJ therein ("m<:('rnin~


kJn~~Jolll Cu\

enant f

34. Based upon sail'tUl'l'S here considered, \~ hat il'l tlt,~

r('asonabl.. c"ne!u"iou as to the prps"nt p<l:<itiofl [Ill'! pnl'ill'l.!:e of the faithful r"slIl'l('dl'd saints 1111<1 01 the faithllll
remnant OJl carth in couneclion with the jutl<;Ulent 1', ud,
now in progress I


F F I.J leT I 0 ~ and suffering which arc being
endured by many who li\"e upon earth touay
are closely related to the hitter experiences of
Job, concerning which we read in the ancient Hebrew
For many long centuries Satan has been the god of
this world. His chief purpose has been to blind men
to the truth of God's Word, lest any such should see
God's purpose and learn the tl'UC way to life. (2 Cor.
4: 3-6) To accomplish this purpose he has used hi<;
entire organization; but the chid among the members
thereof have been and are the relig-ious leaders. These
have been and are now snpportell by the principal of
their flock, made up of the elitc, the ultrarich and the
professional politicians. Snch men have posed and
still pose as the representatiycs of God, while willfully
practicing fraud and deceit upon the people. The

clergy 01' preachers have assumed great piety and self

righteousncss. They have maue the bi~ property owners and the professional politicians the chief ones in
their congregations. 'rhese proud anu haughty on(';;
have reechoed special favor. 'l'hey have been held before the 'common herd' as examples of God's favor.
The prcachel's have set them forth as cxampks to be
followed. and by thi" nwans many of the poor and iglll)rant and superstitious ones have been brought into
the religious organizations and induced to lay their
small carnill~s at the j'('eL of the hypocrites. Whl'll
the }'ieh and the selfish politicians han seen tit to
make war on others, the preachers have harall~'u('fl
the common people aud told them it is their (luty t,)
gi\'e their life and cwrything they hay!) to snpport
and maintain and tight for a selfish ol':ranizatioll.
These religious frauds 11:\\-C not spoken to the p'JOl'


15, 1934


people about God's gracious purpose of redemption

and how he would brin~ life to the obedient ones by
resurrection and the kingdom blessings. On the contrary, they extolled the' virtue~ of men, called them
men of character, and advi~;('d the poor in the church
s)'stem to dC\'e]op a Chal'llrtrr and grow like the great
men and thereby work out their own salvation, and
hy this means to a"sure themselves a place in heaven
or the unseen condition.
These false kadel'S and would-bQ comforters have
lll'ged upon the people the patriotic support of un
righteous rulers. They have to1<1 them that patriotism means the unqualificJ support of the men who
~lre really their oppressors. By this means they have
induced the poor to spill their own blood in defense
of the Devil's or~allization. The common people have
heen told by t bese three drmrnts that unless t hey join
thcmselvrs with tbe religious systems and support
them earnestly the great God, for whom these claim
to speak, ,vill cOllsi~n all who fail so to do to hell or
torment ctrrnul in duration.
To be sure, tbe great .Jehovah God foreknew the
cruel and wi(ked system that Satan would create and
organize and carryon to c1(\ecive men and to turn
them away from the t1'l1<:\ Goel. JIe foreknew that the
most wil.'kea instrument in that system wonld he the
reli~iou~ dement that wonlll assume to sprak in the
Jlllrne of God. He fOl'eknew tbat these would he and
arc hnlocrites, and would wartire suhtlety and hYlloeri~y. lIe knew that t hey would he aided ana upheld
and SUppol'tpd hy the ri<'h aJl(1 professional politicians
operatin~ the governments, and that therehy the
mnsses of people would he hcld ulHler the supervision,
power and c(jnt 1'01 of Satan, the wicked onr. God permitted the thrce mt'n, who claimed to be Job's comrOl'tel's, to be lls('d to foreshadow that wicked or~ani
zation. God abo foreknew that nmon~t all of these
"ile and suht Ie infltwnces of Satan \; organization thcrt~
would he a few mrn who would maintain their confidence in Him and would he faithful to him regardless of all Iwrseeution and suffl'ring that mi~ht he
heaped upon them. 'I'his class he would picture by .Joh.
God used Ahraham and his descrlH!ants to make a
picture conrerning his purpose of vindicating his name
by the" seed" of promise, through which seed also the
blessings would come to mankind. 1\ow he \\'oulu use
Job to make a pieture showing the battle of mankind
against the evil power and influence of Satan, and
showing how in due time God would bring forth a
class of men who would resist the Devil, trust absolutely in God, joyfully avail thrUlsch'es of the good
offices of the g'l'eat nedcrmer and the .Almighty, and
receive life e\"('rlastin~. The picture made by Abraham and his descendants had to dll more particularly
with those who have faith like unto that of Abraham.
The picture of Job is wiaer in srope, because it pertains to the entire human race and proves that God's
ultimate blessing to suffering humanity is life everlasting on earth through the great Redeemer and


minister of the kingdom favors. With this view of the

picture in mind, consider now some parts of the argument indulged in by Job and the three frauds who
claimed to speak in the name of God but who really
spoke for the enemy.
Douhtless Satan reasoned that the long and hypocritical stare of the three pious frauds would produce
such a torture upon Joh, and so increase his sufferings,
that .Tob would curse God. What could be more tantalizing to a suffering one than to be compelled to sit
for days the object of the constant gaze of a selfrighteous "bunch" of hypocrites? Satan was using
this suhtle method to overcome Job. Again he was
doomed to defeat. The long silence was hroken by
Job's pronouncing a curse upon the day of his birth,
but not one word of reproach against God. He did not
complain of what he had lost, hut he appealed to God
that his l;fe might end and that his sufferings might
be done. "And Job spake, and said, I..ct the day
perish wherein I was born, and the night in whieh it
was said, There is a man ehild conceived. I . et that
day he darkness; let not God rrgard it fl'Om above,
neither let the li~ht shine upon it. Let darkll<'SS and
the shadow of death stain it; let a cloud dwell upon
it; let the blackness of the day terr'ify it." (Job
3: 2;') Then .Job adds that, had he newr hl'en born,
1iOW he would be quiet and free from suffering'. "For
now should I have lain still and been quirt, I should
have slept: then had I been at rest. "-.Job 3: 13.
J:4'ully realizing that God had ~iven him life and
that it was <lod's ent ire right to take it awuy he only
askeo that his suffering might end in death. How well
do these \Voros of Job represent the condition and
thoughts of many men who have suffer'ed aflliction.
Conscious of the faet that they have tried to do ri~ht,
yet suffering great bodily pain and mental anguish,
they have wondered why they were ever born, and
they long to rest in death. Not knowin~ oJ God's pmpose of redemption and blessing, they have prayed
that their sufferings might cease and that they might
rest in the gl'llve.
Then, in response to Joh, Eliphaz the Temallite
speaks. Esau, or Edom, from whom Eliphaz descended, always represented the Devil's organization.
l~sau pictured the class 'that persecutes the true servants of God. Eliphaz now dors the same thin~. Mark
the hyponitical and subtle words that fall from his
lips. "If ,,-e assay to commune with thee, wilt thou
be grievedY" (Job 4: 2) Was that professed friend
there to comfort Job? Had he been, then he would
have told Job that his affliction and suffering- had come
upon him by inheritance becans) of the sin of Adam.
(Ps. 51: 5; Rom. 5: 12) He would have told Job that
his relief would come in God's due time throug-h th)
ministration of the great Hedeemer whose lifeblooll
would provide the price to lift the curse from men.
He made no mention of that to Job, but rather magnified his own importance and that of his two fellow
frauds. Look now at the conditions that ha\'e long


s:ffie \VATCHT(:)\VER.

and that which has been taught to the people

by the Devil's organization, represented by the three
professed ft'icnds of Job.
Do the leaders of that satanic organization, who
claim to speak in the name of God, tell snffering humanity that such suffering is by reason of inherited
sin committed by Adam, who yielded to the Devil?
Do they tell them that God is the only true and mighty
One, and that lIe has made provision throu~h the
death and resurrection of Jesus his beloved Son to
redeem mankind from death and the ~ravd Do they
tell the people that in due time God, throng-h Christ,
will give a fair trial for life to all mankinu, and that
the obedient ones shall then be restored to health,
happiness and life everlasting on earth'
No! Far from that! The cler~y even deny hered.
itary sin. 'I'hey deny that the hlood of Jesus is the
great redemptive price for man. They vehemently
deny the goreat truth of life on earth through resurrection and the kingoom. Thcy goo in the very opposite
direction. They mah'11ify their own saintliness and
point with great pride to the very "saintly" preachers who have gone before them, anu they hid sufferin~
humanity to follow their example. 'I'he Devil well
lmows that honest men despise hypocrites or those
who pose as holy ,.... ithin lIe well knows
thnt hOIW:it men tum away from the God whose professed representatives thus H~ach, und Satan's hope
has heen to turn men away from God.
lmphuz remindeu Job that at one time he had instructed many and strengthened many feeble knees,
and that 110W calamity had come upon Jol) and because of fear he quaileu and cried. Then with the
manifest purpose of l'emillding Joh that his sufferiug was due to the direct juug-ment of Ood against
him because of his own wickedness, he said to Job:
"Hemcmber, I pray thee, who ever perished, heing
innocent 1 or where were the righteous cut off? Even
as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wick
edness, reap the same. 13y the blast of Ood they
perish, and by the breath of his nostrils arc they cansumed."-Job 4: 7-9.
That statement of Eliphaz was :1 lie. How many
elcr(!;ymen have boldly stated that the suffering of men
is directly the jud~n}(mt of Ood upon them because
of failure to pay thl'ir vows to him throu\!;h the church
s)'stems! lIow many elel'~ymen have even refuscd It
decent burial of tIl(' dcad, because neither thc dead
not,' their living- friends had snpllortect their unri!~ht
eous organization! S:1.tan, the father of such falsehoods, has put them forth throug-h his agents for the
purposc of inducing- men to curse God. Many men
haye declared that if that is the kind of God we have,
they want nothing to do with him. A few havc refused to believc ill the words of the clergy, and have


N. Y.

yet llcld confidence in God and his mercy and loyin~

Then Eliphaz magnified before Job his own greutness and wisuom, by dl'daring to Job that he had a
vision from the Lord and from which he had reeeivclI
much knowlcd~e in secret. At the time of that vision
he heard n. voice saying- to him: "Shall mortal man
be more just than God 7 shall a man be more pure
than his )Iaked Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly. How much
less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which arc crushed before the
moth 7"--.Job 4: 17-lU.
Eliphaz' speech was that mortal man <,annot be
justified, and that only Gou uffiicts man and thcl'e iA
no appeal. Manifestly Eliphaz' statement, originatill~
with Satan, was false lllld int{'nded to turn Job ug-ain;;t
God. lIe then claims that God eharges his angl'!:; with
folly, the purpose of E1iphuz being" to discredit God
in the mind of Job. 'fhc leaders of "Christenuom ",
so called, ha,"c always fahe1y misrepresented Uod, l\Ivl
have tolu the suftering people that he is harsh all l
cruel and that those who die outside of their chul'ch
systems UI'C doomed to etcrnal torment without mcl'f'Y.
and that there is no appeal that can be made hy tho:;~
who arc outside of the church.
Thcll Bliphaz, seemingly in deri~ion, says: "Call
now, if there be any that will answer thec; and tC)
which of the saints wilt thou turn ~ For wrath killcth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one.
I havc seen the foolish takin~ root: but suddenly [
cursed his habitation. His children arc far from
safety, and they arc crushed in the gate, neither is
thcre any to deliver them." (Job 5: 1-4) That was
not much comfort to Job.
'\'!lrn, that this hypocritical comforter mi~ht she",!
his own ~rcatness nnd high standin~ ,\"ith God, awl
with mockC'l'Y in his words, he says: "Yet man is born
unto trouble. DS the sparks fly upward. I would s('('1;'
unto God, and unto Cod would I commit my caU<;I~;
which doeth !!l'C:lt things and unseurchahle; marvellous thing;; withol1t numher."-.Job 5:7-9.
Job reco~nizcd and ac1mowledged the g;reatnes<; ')1'
God, hut he received torment instead of cono;:olnt iml
from the worus of Bliphaz. In agony Joh crieel out:
"Oh that I might have my requcst; and that Cod
would grant me the thing that I long for! "Even that
it would please God to dC'stroy mc; that he wonld let
loose his hanu, and cut me off! Then should I ye't
have comfort; yra, I would harden mysl'1f in sorrow:
let him not spare; for I havc not concealed the worJ"
of thc II0ly Oue." (.Job G: 8-10) Y{'t Joh cursed nnt
JehovDh God. With trne l)atience, or stcadfastnC'""
in that which is right, hc maintaincd his integrity
toward Gou.

A1.L the path.~ 01 Jehorah (Ire merC!1 flllll truth wlfo

such o,~ "I."Cell his cOl'tlHwl ({ud Iit.~ t('~timol!if's. Tlte .~e('ftt
of Jc/loI"Clh is u'lth th"m that lenr him: nnd he tl.lll show
them his corenant.-I>.\YIlJ.

O)IB was in ancient times a great world power
of which Satan was then (even as he still is)
the gotl. (2 Cor. 4: 3,4) It was in the fourth
century that this great world power atlopted the
Christian religion as the rcli:!ion of the state or goverument. Thereby the Devil succeeded in haxing the
11eople call them:dves by th(~ name of God nnd of
his Christ and at the same time constantly bring reproach upon the name of the Lord, and in fact represent the Devil. '1'0 show how stealthily and fruudulently the Devil overreached the people and turllN]
their minch from the trm' God the following is quoted
from the histol)' entitled" Old Homan \Vorld":
"In the second cl:ntury there are no ~r(;ater names
than Polycal'p, Igllutius, Justin ) [arty1', ClpnH.'nt,
Melito and Apollonius, quiet bishops or intrepid
martyrs, who lldJ1'(~ssed their floc:ks in upper chambel'S, allu who heltl no worldly rank, famuus only fur
theil' sanctity or silllplieity of character, and only mentioned for theil' stln:(~l'ings and faith, 'Ve Tend of
martyrs, some of whum wrote valuable treatises and
npolog'ie~; but :UIlOllg' them we find no people of rank.
It was l.L disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashiun or power. The eurly Chri"tiuu litcratnre is ('hiefly
apologetic, and the dodl'illal c!laraeter is simple and
practical. Thel'e were coutrovcrsies in the chlll'ch, aud
intense religious lil\, great adivities, great virtul~s,
hut 110 outward ('onflict, 110 secular histol'J'. Thl'Y had
not as yet assailed the go\"cl'llmclIt 01' tlw ~reat social
instituti'uns of the empire. It \\ as a small buJ,)' of pure
:tnu hlamdess men, who did not aspire to control socitty. But they had attractcJ the notice uf the gorel'llmcnt anu were of sufiieiellt cunse4.ucnee to be pCl'~ecutetl. They were looked upon tiS funatics who sought
to destroy a rCVCl'eUCI) for existing institutions.
"In this [secoutlJ eentur,v the polity of the chmch
was quietly ol'!Iultizcd. There was an orgaui7ed fellow
ship umong the Jl\('mbers; hi:.hops had become il1flucutial, not in soeidy, but among the Christians; uioceses and purishes were e~;tilblisheJ; there was a distinction between city and rural hi~hopsj dl'legates of
churches assembled to discuss points of faith or supprl'SS nascent hel'l'sies; the dioccslllt system was developed, and ecclesiastical eelltrulizatiol1 commencetl;
deacons began to be reckoned amoug the hi~her clergy;
the w<'apons of excommunication were forged; mise
sionary efforts were carried on; the festiyuls of the
chmch were crcatl'd; Gnosticism was embraced by
many leading 1l1intls; cateehetical schools tuught the
faith systelHlitieally; the furmulas of baptism and the
sacraments became of g-reat import':1l1ec; and monachism became popular. The church was thus laviHg the

fOHndation of its future polity aHd IJOU'CI'.

"TTte tTt ird celli II}'!} saw the church more powerful
as an institution. Hegular synods had a~sembled in
the great cities or the empire; the metropolitan system
was matured; the canons of the church were definitely
enumerated; great schools of theology attracted in-


minds; the doctrines were systematized [that

i.;, defined, limited, and formulated into crcetls antl

confessions of faith]. ChriRtiallity had spread so ex-

tensively that it mu"t needs be either persecuted or

legalized; g~at bishops ruled the growing church;
great doctors [of di\'init:,] speeuJated on the qu~s
tions [philosophy nnu science falsely so (mlled] which
had agitated the Urccian schools; church edifices V;O'\:
cnlarged, the hanlJuets institutetl ill hononr of f:e
martyrs, The church was rapidly advancing to a position which extorted the attention of mankind.
"It was not till the fourth cenfnry-whell impcri;ll
persecution had stopped; when [the Homan cmpel'Ol' \
Constantine was converted; "'hen the chul'ch U'os 01lied leitlt the state; wlH'll the early faith \\"us ihelf
cOl'J'upted; when superstition and vain philo~ophy had
entered thp. ranks of the faithful; whL'n bishops bc'
came courtiers; when chUl'ches became both rich anI}
splendid; when synod'l werc brou~ht under }ltllitieal
intllH'ncl'; whcn mOIHwhbt"i [monks] had l'stalJlh;lle,] a
false pl'iTwiple of yirtuc; whell politics tlud dogmati('"
wellt hawl in hand and ('mperors enforced the decl'("'S
of ('hurch] councils-that nwn of rank ('nt('red tl.e
church. Whell Christianity heearnc the l'elig'ion of tll(
('ourt and of the fashionable classes, it was used to
support the ver)' evils against which it originally Jll'ntesteu, 'rhe church wa,; not only impre~uatetl witll
thl) ('t'l'ors of pa~alt philosophy, but it auopted llIallY
of the ceremonies of oriental worship, which Wl'll)
both minute and magnificent.
"The church hecame, in the fourth century, as iml)osillg as Hie old tcmples of idolatry, Festivals IH'came fre<luent and imposing'. 'I'hc people c1\ln~ to
them because the~' ohtailled excitement ll11ll a <'cssation from labor. Yl'neratioll for Illartyr~ ri pened iut l)
the introduction of ilila~l's-a future source of popular idolatry. Christianity was emblazoned in pompou"
ceremonies, The veneration for saints approxima!u.l
to their deification, autl superstition exalted the mot her of our Lord into un object of absolute \rol'slllp.
Commuuion tables became imposing altars typiea! 01'
Jewish sacrifices, unll the relics of martrrs \n'rc Pl"~
scrYCtl as sacred amulets. ~Ionastie life also ripelll'<}
into u grcat s~'stem of penance and expiatol'y rit(,~.
Armies of monks retired to gloomy and isolated plael's,
and abandoned themsch'es to rhapsodies and fa,;ting"'l
and self-expiation. 'I'hey were a dismal and falla tiLA
set of men, overlooking the prartieal aims of life.
"The clergy, ambitious and worldly, sought runk
and di~tillction. They eyen thronged the comts llf
princes and aspin'tl to temporal honors, They \\'('I'C
110 longer supported b~' the voluntary contrilJllti~)IJs
of the faithful, but h;v revenues supplied by the gllVerument, or prOIWl'ty inherited from the old lpn~all]
temples, Gn'at le~acies we're made to the church by
the rich, and these the clergy contl'otlcd. ']'hcse beqU(:;ts IJeeamc sOlllces of inexhaustible \w:llth. .\s
wealth increased and was intrusted to the clergy, they



%e \V:t\TCt-ITH\VER.

became indifferent to the wants of the people-no

lon~er supported hy them. They became lazy, arrogant and independent. The people were !>hut out of
the government of the chmch. The bishop heeame a
grand personage who controlled and appointed his
clergy. 'l'lze church was allied with the state, and religious dogmas were enforced by the sword of the
"An imposing hierarchy was established, of various grades, which culminated in the hishop of Rome.
"The emperor decideu points of faith, and 1he
clergy were exempt0d from the buruens of the state.
Therc was a great /locking to the priestly offices when
the cler~y wielded so much power and became so rich;
and men werc elevated to g-I'eat sees [bishoprics], not
because of thl'ir piety or talents, but their influence
with the great. 7'lw mission of the church was lo.~t
sight of in a degrading alliance with the state. Christiunit J was a pw~eant, a ritualism, an arm of the state,
a vain philosophy, a superstition, a formula."
Batan the l'nemy was, of course, at all times in control of Pug-an HOllie. The religion of that worlu power
was the Devil's own relig-ion. lIe now adopted hypocritically the Chri'itian rcligion; his world power took
on the name of Papal HOnle, havillg' a visihle rcprp.f'ntative under the name and title of "pope", wlto
claimed to lJe the representative of the Lord Jesus
Chl'ist hut who in fuct was the representative of the
Devil, whether he knew it or not. Millions or' good
pcople were ucceived by this hypocriticai move. Prubahly mallY of the clergy were dl'ceived, but surely
some of them were not deecived. The pope presumptuously assumed to rule as the visihle representative of
Chl'ist. FOI' a thousand Fars Papal Home heM sway
ovcr the lIat ions of the earth; and, though deprivl'd
of her temporal power in A.D. 1800, she ~'et excrcises
a trcmClldolls power amongst the governments of cart h.
During all this period of time the papal system has
quotcd tlte words of the apostle Peter (1: 2: 9), which
read: "Gut ye are a chosen generation, a royal prirsthood, an holy nation, a peelll iar people; that ye should
shcw forth the praises of him who hath called yuu (Jut
of darkness into his marvellous lig-ht," the papal system rlaiming to he the chosen Ileople there mentioned
b~' the Lord. But we see that this claim is ahsolutely
false. The nation mentioned by the inspired apostle
is a holy nation; anu instead of the Roman empire's
being holy and the {{oman church's being holy thl'ro
have been some of the blackest crimes of history com
mitted ill the name of and by that system.
Some God-fearing men protested in the name of
Christ against the wicked rC'ign of this system. Wycliff, Huss, Luther and others made an open warfare
against the papacy. The result was the Protestant
dmominations, called the Protestant church, organiZl'd in the name of Christ. These denominations, of
course, contained many good, God-fearing m0n; but
it was only a matter of time until Satan OVl'rreached
the~c. These Protestant systems have organized them-


N. Y.

selves into renl political companies. It has been well

said that the :Mcthodist denomination is one of the
strongest political ol'~~anizatjuns in the world.
These various denominations have deeined it their
bnsinl'ss and commission to convert the world, and
therefore think it necessary to bring into their denominations the rich and the influential. TIH'Y have
opened the doors to such und have made them the
prineipal ones of their flocks. They have' or~aniz('d
the clergy, as distinguished from the laity; and thl sc
cler~y meet in councils and synods and eOllt 1'01 the
system or dpnomination, anu use it for political purJ!0'iCS. 'l'hey make themsel \TS a part of the wod<} alHI
claim that their denominations constitute God's kingdom on earth.
i-;peaking to such James says: "Ye adultPl'ers ond
adultere"scs, know yo not that the fl'iendsh ip of the
world is enmity with Ood? whosocver tllcl't1"ore will
be a fril'nd of the world is the enemy of Cod," (.Jas.
4: 4) The word" adultl'rcr" hl're usrd dol'S not refer
to a lack of chastity betwe0n the Sl'xes, hut it llleans
an illicit rl'1ationship het\wcn church and the world
of which Satan is god. It means that thesl' ecclesiustical SyStpllls have made fl'iendshi p wit h Satan's
organization unu have entered into an alliance with
the commereial and the political powers of the world j
allll all together t lwy constitute the vi'iihle part of
Satan's oq~anization, which is designated in the
Scriptures Undl!r the title and symbol of "hcu;;t' '.Rev. 13: 1.
Anu now in more modcl'll times th('se ec(ll'siast i('a I
systems, claiming to I'C[lI'Csent the Lord, arc prcsid<'d
over by a cIa,;;; of clerg-ymen who call t!H'ms('IH's
"modernIsts". It is admitted that the modernists arc
in the majority in numhcrs among the clerg-Ylllcll. A
modernist is one who denies the Biblical account of
man's creation, denies man's deflection, and s<'ntence
to death, denies the great ransom sacrifice of JesllS
Christ and, of necessity, denies the Lord's king-durn.
God fOl'cknew that the ecclesiastical systems, Cat italic and Protestant, in the name of Christ \\'011111 he
ov('r1'e(\('hcd by the Devil and used for his pUl'pUSCS,
as a patt of his organization, Through his prophet
Jercmiah (2:21-25) God stated: "Yet I hao planted
thee a noble vine, wholly u right seed; how then art
thou turned into the dcgcJll'ratc plant of a stl'allge
vine unto me? For though thou wash thee with nitre,
and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity i!'; markl'U
before me, saith the Lord God. lIow canst thou -;:1Y,
I am not polluted, I have not gone after Baalim [the
Devil]? Sec thy way in the valley, know what thuu
hast done; thou art a swift dromcdary travcrsing hl:r
ways; a wild ass l1seu to the wiluerlll'ss, that snlllTl'1 h
up thr wind at 111'1' pleasUl'e; ill her occasion who can
turn her away ~ all thcy that src1l: her will IIOt wcary
themsch'es; in her month they shall find her. Withhold th J' foot fl'om being uIlshod, and thy throat from
thirst: but thou saidst, There is no hope: no; for I
have lovl'd strangers, and aftcr them will I go."


fJlle WATCliT0\,VER

15, 193-1-

The prophet here shows, in hannony with the facts

as we sec them, that ecclesiasticism has turned into
the degenerate plant of a strange vine, that she has
b~come polluted, that she has gone after Baalim,
the Devil reli~iotl; that ~;he has been in the valley,
between the political and fiuancial clements of t:1O
D...vil's organization; Hnd, li-kc the characterbtie
trait of a dromedary or a wild a~s, she illicitly
rung aftcr the ultrarich and the ultra-influential,


that she mig-ht have the plaudits of men und the

honor that the world could bring to her. Ecclesiasti.
cism did not gpt this from the Lord God, hut it was
the result of falling unJcr the influence of Batan the
Devil. Hence the Word of Jehovah God plainly declares that ecclesiasticism must be utterly dcstl'oj"td
at the battle of Armageddon, which is near at hand,
in order that his glorious llame and hi" infallible word
may be cleared and vindicated bcfore all creation.


lIfv PJ::IR BIUJ"lCEi: l:eTlH:rIHJlw:

At this time, just when you are back Il~ain in Brooklyn,
personal l/ltters l1lust he sOlJldhin~ of encroachmcnt on ~on.
lSut I vcnture to sl'nd you a line in a way to welcomc you
back, and Ba~'in~ that I hope you nre well Your life is strenuous, lind there lJlust be much work \1 hich will call for attention as soon as you arc on the spot.
Yesterday the IVat"',tower of .\pril 1j came in, with its
sC"oll'l artit-Ie lin the covenants. As f read it, f(,Howing up the
first article, ~fary's wortls of /'xultation came intl) my lIlouth,
, :\fy spirit hat It rejoict!tI in (loti my Badour," h,'cause of thll
full l'xposition of this matter, so cle.~rly BPt forth. 'l'hese two
urtic1es nre like tl,,~ 0pt'nin~ up of a hi~hway where heforo
there had h('t'n onlv sOIl\I'what intri"ate nalruw roa,13 Ilhicll
led nowhere in J>ariit'lIl:~r. The fad that them was so mU"lt
I'ontroversy ahout the new eOI','nant was evi.IClH'c that the
last word had not 1)I'1'n saitl. But the cIPar setting of this
mattcr in these two artides cani,'s evid,'nce of finality,l,e,'uuso
the unity of the purpose of JehO\ah is so ('\('arly shown. What
is vct to COUle in the to he cont inue,l' is lool.ell for with ex})ectnn,"y, but with fulll'st ,~onfi<le/ll'e that the hi~hway will
leatl into the ful1,,~t liJ.:ht. One hag the feelin:.t thltt tho Wonl
of Uotl is yic1.Unl{ up it!! last )'jeh treasures, though certainly
it is not a OlinI' whkh i:i ht'in~ l'xhauste<l.
'I'he truth is t hl! Llml '>I, as you so con~tant1y reminll us;
hut one Ulay thank him Jlot only for the truth but for the
insfrnllll'Ilt he uses to brenk the hrenn to llnd for his people,
nn,1 I thank him for you lllltl your service at this time.
J::ver with much love, I II III
Your scrvant in him,





First thin~s first I I experienced
the grt'atest thrill of Illy life early Monday morning II'he~ 1
heard the full hour's 1Jro~raTll from Los Augl'les verbatim.
I hal'e repeatedly trit"<.l to pick up the bi~ hook-ups on the
bl'st sets available in Cupe Town, hut always without success.
But on :-'Ionday morning from 1: 30 to 2: 30 it was not merely
a question of g-etting reception, but every wortl came through
us clearly fill thou~h ~ou Imtl been speaking in the same room.
It was thrilling hevonll wor<ls, and as the climax of eaeh talk
was rcached anll th~ resolution was reall und the great auuienco
at the Shrine Atulitoriulll shouted " Aye" in response, the
brethren who listencd with me und I were almost overcome with
joy. It was a real pleasure to join in that great chorus of
"ayes" which probahly was heard in many p.r"ts of the carth.
Till'; station from which we got reception was W::!XAP (Schenpdauv 31Ali mpters). The l'xplanation, of course, was, the
time \~'as just right for us to pick up that station and the
weather conuitions wel'e favorable. From (j: ;)0 p.m. (the hour
of your broal1"llst Eastern Standard Time) to 10:30 p.m. is
tlw best time for us to pick up American signals. I do hope
that it will be possible for you to '1fI nnge sulJ;,equl'nt big chain
broudcasts ut the same hour. ,,-e hall no sleep that night, but
we will gla,lly ,10 \yithont a night's rt'st at any time to h::\\-e
a repetition of Bunday c\'ening's experience.
The companies were all notitie.l beforekmd nnd we arranged
to give as mudt publicity us possiLle to the broadcast. Tele-



grams received from the brlthrl'll indicate that rp~('ption WIlS

goo<l throu~hout tltl' l"lUnt r~' whl'r"vI!r htt'thren h:l<1 suni<-i"utly powerful sets to piek np America. Kimherll'y, BIOt'wfolltein,
.Tolnmneahurgo :m,1 other towns have all reported excpll.~nt reeeption. I think this ii'l the tirst time your voice has b."m heard
,lilect in this country. I hope the day may y,t cOllie when wo
will he able to s,~e ~'()u as 11'('\1 us heur you I I ene!ose a letter
recl'ive.l this 1Il0rllll\g' from l-Hol'fllfontl'iu.. It IS tl,, first I.ftpr
we have recein'd (,t the ollil'e from this
)'et, is not 011 our Jilcs. He apparently has seen the .,,1\'('rt ill.
the lucal newspaper.
Gm. n. PlllLLIPS, SOllth Africa.

* .. * *
19 First Street,
]llo('nl fontpill, flouth A fl i"a,
26th ),lttrch 193-1.
Cape 'fawn.

I have T)leasure in informin" yOtI that I pickell up Stntion

'V:!X.\F Schenectady this lI\omin~ at 1: :\0 n.m. on Ill)' 1li-ndve
~Iitl-West machine an.} IH'llrd Jullge Hutherford's gn'ut Illes'

'l"he reception was cxcelll'nt, vl'ry .listind and of ~r('at 1'.1 no

cational \nltl('. Although th~ ju,lge spokt' rlltllt~r fast, melt
word was clear an.l (l mes~aJ.:e III itself. At the ('n,1 of his
hour's a,J,}ress I foulltl mY"'l joiniui-': in saying "Aye" ItS
being in f:1\-or of his remarks.
Kinllly let me know when JUtlgo Uutherfor,} will he on tho
air a~ain.
Wishing Jehovah '5 witnesses c\'l'ry suceess,
Yours faithfully,
.Au:x. C. rj;;,'n:r:s.

TltlJ l'pjH)rt for our studies at Helsinki Betllel in Avril, 10::4,

is followmg:
"Satisfied with Thy Likl'nl'lls" wag tlte first of OUI' nl'tid('~,
with its \\"llu<lerful JlC\\ s. That Bihle text, so muny t lilli'S 1 e.ttl,
is now quite new !lnd brin;::s us surprisingly 11I'ar tl,, LOl d.
It is so, that we of oursl'he::l do not bee anything", alth'''I,~1t
we stanll in the ll!iLlst of ~ll)rious thin~s. before the Lmd OJ''''IS
our eves to hi'! seaets. Praised I,e his ~lori(}us nan\<'. The 01 h,'r
arti<ie stu,lied was ,; His Xame", Jirst I,art. .\1.'0 it shO\\3
most interestil\O' iultilments of I'r,jplwey an,l llI:l\'.s us dose
to the last tl'c~nenrlous hapI,enin~s, Ilhen Uo.} tholiv"lS /Il~
people and all "J'('atures from howlage. All tht,>l' /,xpl,lnati<Jus
have thrilled our hearts allll h\'lp us lwtter to S,'1'\-" l11lll.
TI\I'l'e hale ht'~n at thp stullies: .\l'ril ::, 13 I"'I'SOll,; 10th,
!l; 17th, 1::; and 24 th, 13.
Our daily prayer hl'fom the throne of .gracl'_ is., tlmt our
upar 1.01'.1 lIla\' give "ou str"ngth to contlllue tn IllS h:rnC'1
\I-ith that \"i<ror with 'which yoU hanl llone it Ul\~ il t'lis tillltl
by the LorJ'; help. "'e all sP~H1 OUI' ht'nrty Chri~tian glc...riu;;s.
Your little brother by His grace,
LERO NIRO~E;:;, Secretary.


alie \VATCliT0\-vER


A company of the 'remnantservant' in service ass~mbly at

Portsmouth England desire to place un record tlH'1l heart
felt gratitude to Jeho~ah for the gracious privilege of hearing
for the first time in these Isles your inspiring message, "His
Organization," by electrical transcriptIOn.
E\'ery one present is thrilled to have this personal IDP,ssuge,
a message so clear lind positive, milking plain beyon<1 all ques
tion of doubt that we are engaged in the greatest cause undor
the sun. Truly tile comlll,\llfis of Jehovah to his people in these
t1:lys arc mandatory aOlI a!,solute, not optional or discretionary,
nut! we are t!etermiued to obey thcse comman<1s, not as unto
man, hut us Ullto Jehovah himself, the Hcad of this glorious

'rho po-sihilitipg of the transel iption work are boundless,

nllli we prai~e .Jeho\'ah for such pl'olision. Well may it be
that as we (Imw IIl'urer to the final battle, ant! the forces of
(Jog heCOlllf1 more savage and subtle in their attacks, it will
not evcn (,e safe to s"t down in print sOllie of the war (:orn
maluls from Jchovah; yet the Arm of the :\Ii~hty Warnor
ill not !Ihortened, for by the l'1eetrical trans::1 iption you r~my
llfleak direc:t to the IlImllberH of tlte 'remnant, and thu8 delcat
the Devil an,l any of his attempts to hinder the work.
Duily we J'("IIt'IIII)('r you hcfoltJ .Jell1l1ah'l\ throne of grace,
knowing tllat the I'rayers of II. rightcous mlln (the remnant)


N. Y.

hath much power. Hence, with full assurance of faith and

hope we continue on with our brethren everywhere the onward
mar~h that leads to victory and the vindication of Jehovah 'B
'Vith warm love in ,Jehovah's name,


Only a few days ago I received your gift, the Year Boo~,
lind 1 thllnk you so mu{:h anu am rejoicing as I reau ~11l8.
wonderful report of how the Lor~1 i~ so .mllrvelou~ly prospenDg
his kingdom messago to the \"IlllhcatlOn of .III~ own name.
WOl"flH cannot express 1Il.\' tleeply felt apprecJ:ltlOn for your
nt!(lress to the rClllnant SUll<l:ty, us we were asscmhled .at our
contllct point. Our loving' Jehovah God always supphes the
need ful assistance at just the proper time..We sl1l~ely do ~et'd
to he strengtheupd lIUt! encourag(',1 at tillS. particular tUlle,
when RlItllU is USlUg every subtle means to discourage and de
ceive the remnant.
May the Lord bless you Dnd strengthen you, that you IIIl1y
he ahle to dirpct aid awl cOlllfort us, that we may all be able
to serve acceptal~ly in the army of J ehovnh our (Jod.
Yours in Jehovah's service,


]o;n '''I'IIJ p. '/,-nn




Ark........ "

14: 1~

.:'\1t'JIIJ)hi"l, TI'IItI .......



'l'ruluHIUI .A..k..




(llut'ks\'ilh', 'jl(nn
.)ulksul1, 'rpuu ....


July 17. til

'l'u<'l,.'r. Ark

.\Iok....... "

1':ol:tI.\ 1'(', .A I'~.

I "11,dah', .\Ik.






La........... "

~ 1, ~=
~~, ~



)Iorrlsvill." \"to
J,,}'luloll\ illt, Vt

D"rby Lhll', Yt
Luk"porl, :\. II
ElkillA. X. II.
Manchester, :\. II




!'llshlla. N. IT

(~I'(~!lIficld, ~[a"H


Pltt,lIehl. )Ia"




... :'olass.





IX, I!)


Md,lIl1/:hlln. R. Dak. July
)Il~lfluw. S. Dak
YIlIl'. H.lmk
J,,a.l, H. Vak
H"l'i,t I.:ltr. H. Vak
:llal'tin. S. Dak
~h'ot t:-!hlutT. :\ehr..... u."
J~l1.,hll(IJ. Xl-hr

HldJH'Y. N'fllu',


1\unh !'Jaf(p. .xcbr,

McCook, :\cb



Wallowa. o "er;.
Hayton, \Ya)\h

)'UHlCl'O,}', \VH:-ih




10. It


~Iull"n. :\~hr.








Colfa". \\'a-h.
::Il'ol,alle, Wu,h.




i~itdltit.ld, !\,


I.P~llIgtl)n, .xphl,
\\Hod Hht't', ~pht
(;rallli t"\land. 'xehr,

lIa."\tlll~~, ~phr.






\.01'1\, .\ "hi"
lJa\ld ('it.y, Xphr


Columhus, :-ehr


}'.all'Olpell, ::\lont
Pahl'.. )lont. .
JIallllltoll. )lont
j)f~pr Lod~f"',



"'halan, .\linll.
\Vnbashn. ~Jinn
RiveI' Fail<, \\,1,.


(Henwood city, "i"l


I'ralrie Fal"lll, Wis. ._....










)IOllllt Oil,!" N. C.

:lllll:llolia, :-. C.
WillIIilll:toll. N. C.
Arlill/.:toll, S. C.

IIn)'n(>, X. C. ....:...........

Col\llllbia. l$. C. ..
Cope, H. C
.\u~lIlitn. Ga
Chappells, ~. C.



Ii, G

Gl'eenwood. S. C..... July

Abbel'ille, R. C. .
Andprson, S. C
Uniol1, S. C
Great FaliN, R. C


:-i. e
rray)or, S. C.._
(;reenville, S. C





.\then:4, Ga.
Young Hanls, Ga.. "








al. '\"i~:

,\ 1111PP,






Bntte. ~lf)nt
(:rflat Falls, ~Iont
Lp\\ htown, ~IOllt
Hillin;:'. "Inn
He'u LII<lI;'\ .\lout





Fnrmin,;:ton. )1Inn
(:,,11ra tho '~~is
J ~I.ll
Fal'ihanlt, )linn.
S,tauJ?,I.. \\ '"'..
bill U,nre, \\ IS
\Vutp1'ville. ~linn..... "
}~fi~lc Lal,e. )ltnn
La C,",'I'. \\"l~.
Ho<:hester. )linll.
7, Ij
I:lac!i: Hi\ ('I' F's, "is."






Austin .\lillll.
Ost1"llnder. )linn.




Camllpll. S. C.



l', \\a:-.1I
'''aUn \\"nlla. "ush
l'Plllllf'ton. Orego
Jlpl'militou, Ol'(\l.{


\\ Is

)~o:--ilH~e. \\:~~ ._

\\ all_au, \\


rr~hr('e Lakp~,



'''is. .
l)(~\ en t, \\'is. .

: :


\ U!!.






t)~ ~J

-' . :;'1

JIawe~\"iJIe. Ky
Owew",horo. 1'\:)'.
Hend,',,on. Ky.
Pro,idenpe. Ky.
Elizabethtown. Ky
Uud;;pn\ Hlp. Ky

Euhullk, Ky
I:HJJtO\\'U. 1\.J"
JImlun. K~. .
SlIlith,boro, Ky












DunlJum, K)
Gurrett. K) ..................
..\llxip.r, K,.\"....._



Puillts\'ille. Kr
Burnells C.. eck, Kr
Craney, I(~
.\,hlullu. l~)
JIlIlllillo-tO!J. \Y. i'll
Pliny. "'. i'n
Charleston. W. Ya
Elk"iew, W. "11. .









.,_ f

2~, ~!)


fifTie \V.i\TCHT0\VER.
PUnLISID:n f1E:.n-N:oxTm~Y



117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
J. F.



FIe E r. s


'S. B.

Y,\X ,\.~!ln:r:crr Secretary

"And all thy children shall be taught of Jdlovah; a'1d

be the peace of thy childnn." -lwiJ/15.f:I3.

~reat shall


i~ the only true God, is from everlastin~
to everlastin.... tllo Haker of I,,,,\'.:n and earth nnd the Gi~'er
of lifo ttl IJis "cJ'e:lture~; that tho Lo;::os wns the be~innin~ of
~wat.on un<l hi,., acLi\-e tv.(,:nt in tllo n.'t,t,on of ~ll
that tho Logos is now t:", LOI(I .T('~U3 Christ in glory,
with all liOII"r in heal'cn and earth, n.ud tho Chic!
('x,,~uti\'o Officer of Jehovah.


THAT GOD I'<l tho earth f<Jr Dlan, crf'"t(',l T'cd.'ct

Dlan lor tho earth uud l'bcp,d Idm ul,on it; th:. t lIl"U v. il~u::y
diRoh,'yed God's luw und was scnten~ed to de:,t1l; that hy
1'l':b,lIl of A<1nlll '!I wron~ act all men aro born sinners ar.u
,'ithout tho right to lifo.
THAT .JESUS was m:\llo human, nn,l the man Jesus sufiereu death in or,],'r to l'rodu,~f) tho ransom or re(L,mpt~, 0
l'rit'<l fvT uIl n,ankin<l; that God raisI'd np .Jesus dil'ino UlJd
exalted him to hl'uvt'n a1>ol'o overy cr{'atulO :lUll lthl)~ () e,"eIY
name nnd clothed him with aU 110\Wr :md authority.
THAT JEHOVAfI'S ()F~G/\;-':IZATION i5 c:tHe,] Zion, :Inl
tll:tt Christ .T('SWI is tho Olticl'r tl,,~n'of nnd is tll'~
ri~htful lGnr~ of tho ".. orl<1; that tho :ulOintcu and failhfttl
followers of Chri~t .leons arlJ children of Zum. memhers of
Jehm-ah's 01';.(11 nimtion, and aro his ,,'itn"s~es whose <Iuty find
privilf'/;o it is to it'Rtify to tho suprf'Tll:lf'y of Jcho\':!.h. decla:o
his purposes toward wankin<l as ('xrrt'~'l{'d in the lId/lc, ftllJ
to bear tho fruits of tho kin~\lom beCoro all who \\ ill hen.r.
THAT THE WORLD haR Mlled, and tho Lord Jcs"q Ch,i,t
has bp\,u r!a,p,l I,y J('ltomll upon his throne of authorit ....
has ousted frorn IH'!tnn amI is proc~e,ling to tLo
cstn.blislullent of God'll king,lom on earth.
THAT TilE RELIEF an'! lilf'O~in~R of tllO p~opl~s of e:llih
can como ollI.v by and throug-It. .10ho\'ah's kingdom uu';','r
Christ. whirh haR now hr!:;un; that 0'1) Lord's n('xt g-r~ ,t
net is tho drstrurtion of 8atan's otl;ani'latiol! and tI'o {'sbb
li~hmel't of rj~hteo"Snt'8S in tlto (~\lth. am] that under til.,
kiw:;Jom all those \VIto will ohey its righteous Jaws shall IN
rcston,a nnd li~o on earth fore'.{'r.
Au~ust ~l

trl 8(']1t"I1,1,,'r :l in,lu"ive arn tile d:n-s fnr n (''n-

vention of .T,'l"",'ah~ \\ itnl"s('s fit LOIl'!Oll, I-:;1g'1:J/ll1. Tlle

comention wjll J,e held at 111<) .\IPxamlla Pah'-e, the I'u!:i,~
mectillg b";n:: in till' hl'g'4l It:ll! at .\kx:tll,lm Pldace. ~nnol:1Y,
September 2. The forcII"'1ll of cad!. ,lay will I.e .1.'\'otl,l t,)
n~~lc1 sen'it'l'; nftpl'nOOnnnf1l vpnill!.: lllPl'f.lllgS fur t1l." interegt, L
Thosc ccntl'llll'latin;:: atti'n<lillg; the Lonllou eom'C'ut-inn ~holl!,l
Rddr(,;3~ C'oll\"l'ntloll COHlIuittel', ;j,l Crave-H rrt'rrace. L(tnd,.n,
'V. 2, Engbn,1, The 1J1'p,"I"nt of the Hocietj' eXpl'l'ts to attl'n<l
this con,cntion and ad,lre;;3 the public.

"CF.HiND TIrE GIL\. yg" A;\D "ms WORKS"

Jehovnh It'll\' uL'",:,~ hig f1\ Illtful Wi~ll"'>"'s I\.w1 all I"'ople of
gooll will \\ itlt two new pot.'ut illstnlIlI('n:~ for usc in llis sc~v
il"), to wit, two new b'JUkJds entjtl,~t1 n' yond the Grate alA
II is 1V o,-ks} n~specti\'cl.~. 'rite co, er ,1"~i;;tl 0 r {'~ll'h is attral'ti'll
aud in\'it .. ~ tltc beholder to a pelusal of tlte cont('Ilt, of ::.e
hooklet; thcre are al&o titting- illnstmti'lnH withlU. _\.iI, Jt :.'"
vnh 's \litn{'~ses nud .Jonadabg nlJiw, \I'ho r!e,'tre to I,ut tL- ,e
excellent llleSRag-es in the han,ls of the people way now out:t:n
a "lJpply and ilcgin tIll} JislrilJutioll llJU't'of lI:w:c,]iately. T;w
u~ual contribuLiou of ;)c a copy will be accepted therefor.



journal is l'uh!;sl".tl for tho pl1l'p0,'e (If cnr:!}!i'l"

tlw ]'I'''I'le. to k.wI:', .Tt';lO~:dl Gil'! an,] J i< P~l:'("'~-; ,,~
(::1)'\ e;;<ed III the Llbl".
It ]>,,) 1:J1Jle ITbtrw:; III:!
sp('~i{ie:llly designed to .Jehovah's \Vltne", s, It IlJTm~:' I
s~l!temati.: Bible stu,ly fur its re,,']ers und &Uj'!']1l'3 othpr ];., rnture to nid in such I'>ttI'1i('9. It publi;;hcs suital,lc mntcri:tl
for wdio l}roll.(;~aSlin;; allu for other means ot ]Iublic il)..',l;\:.:,
tion in the S~riptures.
It allhl.'r0s stl ietly to the BilJlo as n.uthority for its utVrnnces. It is cnt.irely frl'e and separatll from all partif>s. sec:~
or other wol'1Jly orgllnizations. It i~ wholly unrl without
resernltion lor tllO king,1om of Jehovah Gurl under Christ
llis BcIo\'(:tl Kin~. It is not dog-matie, but iu\'iti's careful
:1T\d critie,ll f'xalllination of its coutputs iu tI," Ii;::ht of tj,..
f'eriptuns. It docs not inl1ul~o in cuutrovcn,~', a11,1 it" c,)I
unms nrc not 0Il{'U to p0rsOllalities.

t::n'1'I:t> RT.\TF.S,



1.hsCI:LI. \:,I))'CS


Gr L.\T nnrr'\I~, Al::'TnAL\'IIA, MILl S'>l: 111 .\~r:reA, 7,;.

.AllIC'"ricnn r('JJ1ittancc~ f:,11ould 110 l! hy l:xprc..;,"l 01" Po-:.!:}l ~Iot'l \~
Ordf'r, or hy n~ltlk Draft. (':Ul ....H1i:HJ, J:riU ... h. 8')0 _11 .\(n('1111 :::1'1
Allstralu",i:lll relnittnn'!c~ fo,hould bo Ina'Io lIir~ct to tho T(J:'PCl'ti\,~
br.nn('h o!ik(~. HNllittnnrf""I from ('ountri0H oth~r tll:Ul th()~o m( '1li'"",l m"" he m:lllo to tho Drook1)'n olllle. out 1;y Intcn,atiQI,<;1


:MVDC'Y Onler ouly.

lJritish :H: CraV0tl 'r(>I'ra('o, Lon l liJn. W.

~, r;n:..~lnr<l

40 Indn AY('nuC, Toronto, (,l1l.Jrio, (.lIj~J\'<L

,1.u.l,ra!f"ia,~ 7 lJert's(flrll 1:0:,,1. gtrathl\,'hl. lS', ~. W., _\U,'lr \!':~
Soul1~ Alricl"~
1Jo'lo" 110",1'. ('<11'0 'l'()wn. i'outh ,\irk!.




udtlreNl the H"eicty in erery C"'le.

(Trans/aIIOlIS of jOIl,-/wl a!'/leal' in ,cveral lun!Jl/abc!.)

All sln~erc stndents of the njh10 "'ho by rl'l\w,n or In/:rlll i Ir.
!lo\"rrly or alllN"ity 3r{' unahle 10 pay the hllh",ril'lion pI'; 0
llIolY 111\\'0 '1'he lI'ald,I'/lrcr frco upon "rltten "Pi'i;"ali"" to \:,<)
r>2' -lin fur hi) r,~~
'juc_,ti"lt it. Wo arc I:h<l to th,N aid tl,O J]1'(,ly, 1:"1 tI", wrilt"n
ar'l'lkation on, 0 cach yt'~r IR 1''''I1;;1'':d hy tho po',lal r,~lllath'r':.
}tQtice to Sll'j~ctibcr.: Aeknowl(>(l'~I11ent of n new (Jr n rC'new:l) l'ub..
s('ription l\ in ho ~pnt only Wlillfl rf'que...;tcd. ('{J."'::~ (If .'ldd!,1 ~.
wh~n rcq\l{~1Nl. may tJ{~ C~PN't~cl to nppe-'t on ndllr j .... " !:1t'l'l -1\ itll'tt
one tl1oIlth...\ rpncwal tJlank ('arrvit1l~ notice (,r (q1i",lli(Jn, '\dl
be ~c"t "'lt1l tho journal OlJO month '1;(';",>1''' tho Hub'," ,pll'H) c~l'i1' ".
.f:Tllcred 03 SeCOn'} ClaM Mail Jratl,'r at 11,'ootl!m. Y. Y" ro.,loG'cr.
Art of Yurt" S. 1"~,
IHILlislp"'r3, 111:Hlc once (-adl .}"0.1r, }.llatin,:.; tll(:

"TIll.:: ;'<ATIO;\3' JIOl'h" '!'l';STI:IIO:"Y I'clIJon

. .\ 1'\~ri()ll (ll" nille' daY8 has hl}pn sp((ialI.v Ul':-li:.!,Iltltlf[ ag "Tll(~
:\:ltivus' 11"1'1)" Tel:-ltlllllny P,.w'\. 'l'hl~ I,,"~,a, ,'. i: it .1 Ill!.,' .:11
:In,l c"nc]wk, with Jul.\" S. ])unnj.{ tlti;; pl'ri".t "l !"UP. d ,.;3
.Jl'!lo\n.h~s \\'itnl'~St'g '\111 hay(\ tlll1 l'ri\ilt~g-c of dl .. tnLutiu'~ a
IlI'W hook!.,t, Wo,lil J:"'urul/: ,\1[ p"oplc of g",,,j "dl H1I' Ill\'ited to jilin "ith Jehovah 's witlH"~')S in tho pl'f'l'lallllltlull of
tltis g'oud w'\\S of t!w kin~<l(jlfl, To h:,,'c II part ill lite gi. t:l;;
of this \\'itnl'~s is a bll'~"e.1 IJrh ik;.;e.
Each :r.:tr the ~ociety e1os{'~ tlte fnctory, ot:il'e ~'l\,l 1l"t,,1.'l
home for two ",pc!:s to ;;t\e till) l,ntltrell Iter\? all "I,portllll'::r
to ~et a\,,'a.v t'rOIn t}wir JI"~uJar routine anu (n'..:;!:~l' 111 lh,~ t:,'ld
seni.'o. 'flii~ \par the f:ll'tll.v :tl,,1 j""He ",111 Ii.: d"'l'll 1",,11
.July ~l until' .\.ugust G. Jh;tiu~ tl,is tim(' n.) 11",,1 ,rill he
uttellfle,l to, lln,llt.o S\'iplt'i;lllS nt:trll'. "\ll r"ad"rz "t '[i,,' H 1II, .r"
(Ol1'CT sltoulJ I'le:1se ink.) notp all'! u.d"r ~lIjli"Ji'r,t !t1"r:ttU\., til
elI)'Y tlt['111 thr(lu'.:;h thi, Il\'rio,l ll\1I1 two w\,.,:,,, 1lk.lill\!:. It
\\ill g;1'patly f:tcilitd{' n(atl~;s Ii not t00 mud, ,o:'l',,,.\,r1"lll e
is r(l;~ci\\.~d il1U.llcdi.ttely after reoIJ(inin~ tlw L~('t()l y, l,:....r'cTft\ 0 f
("f}ur::;p, l'i'~I1\:lr ~I'r,iee IPplJris :tll~l any ru~h (l~dp' 1 \,}' 111;,t'r
tu;.;C"nt 11H'.lt! !~, t:uIlsidey"1)!(l w:,ll ril'('UInulatfl:-, Jtl t! ,\ "i;i"I' lIt'
e~usp- (If r{~..::r'()!l:::""':\ to r:.t l 1:o l{\I.tnr~g, HIla "vt~ !lillIe tl;1'4 (':.11 IlI l
giH>U iw,lJ!e.]""" tltleiltwn \l'ithoJut being uela':"l'll uy I.,:\i1 t):,:!.
could huyc wait,'l.


1, lO:H


No. 13


liThe SeC1"et of the Lord is with tltem thlIt fear him,' and he will shew them his covenant,"-Ps. 2:): 11,

BHOV AlI'S covenant is his will 01' purlJose expl'CSSCU in his Word anu states the means emplayed by him to put his will into forec anu effcct.
His covenant is llot his "plan", lweause it would be
inconsistent for the Almi~hty Onc to make a plan.
His purpose is certain to he ac(~omplishcd, and he
chooscs his mCilns of ht'ill~in~ about the accomplishment thereof. 'I'he put'posc uf .Jehovah is a secrct, and
thcrefore hid f,'om all creatun's wbo fail to hav~ an
apPl'eeiation of man's iusig'nifiraJl('(~ auc.l of the goodHess and supt'cmal'.r of .JdlO\ah. The man who docs
not fear God cantlot lIa ve a proper a PI)l'el~iat ion of
the relation of the creature to the Crlator. Fear ooes
not lJ1ean merely respcct, !lotH/t' and reV('fptH'e for
God. It mralls murh lIIore than that. The man who
l'ealizps that <lod is all-powerful and t hat lIe CUllllot
1uok with approvulupotl allythin~ that is ll11rig-hteous,
and who learns and appreeiat('s that all men arc imIwrfcct and o[ th('l1Isdws could not stand I)('t'ore God
llJvl live, such a man then h('~ins to fear God, Hilt!
that is the Ill'g'illniugo of wisdom, He must have some
!muwledgc of nod lwt'otc he tan start in tlH' way of
llcquiriug wis,!olJl. The man who feal's God dvsires
to lent'n concerJling Uod's will all(1 then to do it. The
morc he !,'al'tls, tlte mot'e man appreciat(s thc faet of
the imperfections of the creature and the inahility of
the creature to stand hefore thl' !-treat Cn'ator. lIe
('ontinlles t!ll'n to grow in godly fear. In this attituflc
of mind a man is in position to hc taught and to ('hoose
the right way. "What man is he that fearl'th the
Lord 1 him shall he tearh in the way that he shaH
choose." (1's. 25: 12) It is to such Inunhlc-minded .uhl
obedient 01ll~S who continue to fear Cod, unll who se,~k
to kllOw him, that <Jod r('\'I'<lls his pm pose or his CO\'('nunt. AllY man impressed with his own importance
Joes 110t fear nod and is not in position to ll'al'lI and
fa appreciate Cod's pmpose 01' his ('on'lwnt. Cod's
promisc, thereforc, is that he will show his covcnant
to those that fl'ar him, He hus kepL this pJ'omise, as
the fucts ubunJantly prove.
2 'I'hc hl'<lelites had seen the exposition of God's
pow!'!' when he led them out of Egypt. Time and a~ain
therc:1fter he showed them his power and his loving-


kindness" but only a few of the Israelites hac! a pl'oper

fear of and de\'otion to Jehovah God, It was upon the
pluins of .\Iaub that (lor] caused 1\loses to say to the

(Dcut.3 :.24, A.UY.) '1'0 those towaru whom the JWW

covenant i" inaugurated, and who are br()u~ht into
the covcnant for the killgdl)m, the won]s arc t'('peall~d
hy the apostle: "For 0\11' (joel is u eOllslllllillg fire";
and for this reaSOll the apo:-,t1e adds: "L(,t liS have
grace [gratitude and purelless of heart aJlll devotion
to God], whereby we may sl'rve UOl} l\l'('('ptably with
reverence lind godly fcar."-Hcb: ] 2: 2S, ~!J.
3 The Israelites in j)loab Wl're a typieal peopl,', al1l1
the spiritual Israelites taken out from the lIat iOlls for
JcllOvah's name arc un antitn)ical pcopk, and to the
latter the rules of Jehovah, announced to govern his
organization, are unbending alld ullaltet'able. Tlll'so
divine rules must he obeyed, and woe is unto him who
fail::; or refuses to oh,'y. (Dent. 2R: 5H) Jehovah's will,
and therefore his covenant, not only is expl'l'SSCl1 but
is now rovenled and continues to he J'cwaled to those
in the covcnant for the king-dIJm nud who faithfull.r
and joyfully se1'\'C tho kingtlom.
As the Lord spoke to natura! Ism,,] in :.Ioah, so
now he says to those ill the covcnant fIJI' fhl' I;ill.'~tlom:
'The secret things Lnot yet r(;\,('alcd1 Iwlong' unto .JellOVll h OUr God, Hnd the thin~'s that ar(~ n:\,('abl Ilelong to us :mJ our childr<'1l, if we do all t!le wo!'(]s or
this law.' (JJcnt. 2!): 29, RollI.. margin) .1eho\'a:l (jOl}
docs not rl'!]uir'c of his ehiidr('l1 the Join," oj' il:1po:~si.
hIe tltill':SS: "For this commandment \'.llidl I eOIl!mnnd thl'c this day, it is not hi,J<ll'n from tlll'e, lIt'ilber
is it far ofl'. But the word is n:ry nigh unto t1wt', ill
thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou m<lytst do it.
See, I hll\'e !'wt before thee this d:ly life and g-ood. and
death and eviL" (Dent. 30: 11, 14, Hi) TWl't'w,(d respl/tlsibility, lherefoJ'e, falls upon all who ha\'(~ be('n
bronght into thc con'nant fa!' tlw kingdom, ,:JHl Ilet('ssurily cnrses ure ineorjlornted in the terms of tlH' covenunt fOJ' those who \rilJfnlly dis(Jlwy. (Dtllt. :!7: 1-::;,
13-26; 2::;: 15-68; 29: 16-2!J) 'l'he statl'mcllt eoneel'llin~ the cmses or punishments is not ma,lc tIl tendy
one into obediellcc, but to warn agaim:t r;hi;t to a vuid.


(Dent. 28: 58) Jehon1h hils taken out a people for
}lis own l!l'('at and holy nam(', and he ei1l1llOt awl ,,,ill
not IH'l'mit thcse to be eOlltllminatcd h~' the Devil's
organization and at the S<lTne time continue in JehoYah's or~<1nization. In this <:olln\'ttion he annOUlH'l'S
his blessin~s upon those who do obey from a pllre
heart. (Dr'l11. 30: I-H) The ('l\l',,('s upon Israel w0111d
be prollounec:<l from mount Bhal, meaning" unfruit
ful"; and the hles;..,in~s fl"Om mount. Gel'izirn, meaning "rock;-.", that. i::, the Great Hock, from whom all
blessings flow.
6 The fad that .JdlOvah maue the curses and the
blessill~s so prominent in that con'llant at. :'Ioah shows
not only that. .JdlOV<lh would IJl'in~ to tho.~(~ in line
for the kingdom a full knowledge of the cOWo;equentes
of whirhevcr ('ourse tll('y mig-ht ('hoo:-:(' to tnke, but
that Jeho\"<lh would also make plain to the faithful
the subject of and concerning the "evil s(!rv:mt" class,
as well ns that of the" f:!ithfnl nnll wi-;e servant"
class, disclosing the sharp ('ont,'ast betwe('n them. Not
only that, but that be would cause the sins of the
"evil servant" rlnss to he lJOldly pronouncf'(] or crkd
ont by his faithful witnesses on the ('al,th : "Cry aloud,
spare 1I0t; lift up thy \'oi('c like a trumpet, amI ~d1eW
my people tlwir t,'ans~I'P"si(jn, and til(' hOllsP of .Jueoh
their sins." (h;l, 58: 1) The ~t'eat .Jurl~e, Chri<.;t.
Jesus, is 1I0W sittjn~~ in jlHl~m('nt, and those g-atll('rcd
unto him and into the con'nant for the killg'tlolll participate, in this, that tlwy nnnOllnce the juJ~nlents,
which have al J'('ady been (1'8. 1-1!>: ;>H) 7'11 (j
Wafc/tt('lt'cr ('ould not render faithful srr\,Ic'e to Ihe
I~oru without ('allin~ attention to the "evil sel'\'ant",
"the man of sin, tJ "the son of perdition," aud to
God's rulps rdatillg' to the same, and also to the
wrollg'ful course of those who serve God 'f'! !H'ople fOl'
a selfish reason,. su('h as the "dective <:'Ider" cla-;s.
'j'lIe l\'atcTdolt'r docs not puhlish these truths for the
pU'1lOse of criticism or holding' up mpn to ridiC'uie,
hut only for the sake of Jehovah's Hamc in ohediente
to his comm:mdmt'nt.
6 At the time of enterin~ into the covenant by sacri.
fice, each one agreed to obey the will or commandment of God, and this fact must be kept constantly
before the attention of his people. This is mnde sure
and mandatory hy the words of the Lord God spoken
at Jloab. (Deut. 6: 6-9; 11: 18-21 ; 27: 18) The corenant. made at :'Ilonb required that the terms and rules
thereof must be read puhlicly to the Israelites in the
place (or~anization) chosen by Jehovah. (Deut. 31:
10-13) Thus i:; foretold the necessity that the rules
concerning the covenant for t.he kingdom be kept constantly before God's people. that they may learn the
requirements thereof. "Therefore ,,-e ou~ht. to give
the more earnest heed to the thing'S which we have
heard, lest at any time we should It.:t them slip."
(Heb.2:1) "Wherefore I willllot be ne~'ligent to
put you always in remembrance of these things,
though ~'e know them, and be established in the present truth." -2 Pet. 1: 12.

X. Y.

T In times p:lst the holy spirit wa,; the comforter

and helper of Cod's people, and those bri'thrcn snpposcu to haw the spirit of the Lord acted as te:ll'hers
of the eonC'ecrated; but now, since the comiug' of Christ
.Jesus to the t('mple, Jehovah God nnd his Great
Prophet., Christ .Jesus, are the 'reachers, and these are
no longer pu,;hecl into the corl1cr, hut. are e!p:lrly di".
cerncd by the faithful, and the faithful ones reeeive
knowled!.(c and 1lI11lel'.'itanding' from the Won] of G'Jd
revealed to !twm through the Head of thc temple organization. In makin~ the covenant at Moab, which
foreshadowed the kingdom eovellant, tlle earth as w( n
as the heavens is c,dle.l to he a witness thereto, (DellI.
30: I!)) Tlliq shows 1hat the king-tlom eO\'\'1111nt alltl
mat!l'rs pertinent thcreto mllst be published Uti t;:lrth
to othNs than those in the ('ov(!nant, that tIH'Y may
know what is com ing to pass. It is the covenant OL'
purpose of Jehovah that must he declared, nnd no
one must add to or tnke from that expressed purpose
as set forth in his Word.--Deut. 4: 2; 12: 32; l~ev.
22: 18, I!); Pmv, JO: G,
8 This IH'C'sent time, thcrrfol'e, iq a day of dl'lilWl'ate
ul'cision, with full l'rsponsihility rest illg upon tlw.,c
who hnye h"l'n bl'ou,-\,ht into the l'ovcnilnt fot' till' l(ill~
130m. (Dent. 11: 2u2H) It
to tho-;e who now fa it hfully and joyfully Sl'rve Uoll at the iI-mple to whom
.Jehovah "eveals his sccrets, as these i';ccnts b::('ome
due to he mude.. known. Learning' t!l{'se sl'('rl'ts, thut
is to say, ~etl in~ an nndl't'sta1J(ling' of (JotI's Plll'Jlo~e
con('ernin~ those in the temple, the kin~dolll class or
company must go forth to make proclamation to ot hel's.




It b when Jehovah's saints are gathprNl to~ether

unto him at the templr and when the new ("l),'ptt:lnt is
inaul!ul';ltel! to,,,;ml tlll'lI1, nno ;l('J\rc W\l('tt Zion ha<.;
hrollg'ht. forth her 'otller ehildrl'n', that the rell1nant.
of God's people on e:llth al'e hrou~ht ittto the \;ill~dorn
eovellant. This was foreshutlo\Vl'd hy till' worth spokelt to I~l'al'l itt :'Ilo;}h, to wit: "Take hecd awl br:ll'kell r 0 r.>t'acl; this day thou art !w('ome the people of
the 1,.)Id thy Go(l," ())eut. 27:! .Jehovah t hell
s('paratc!-l his people from others for the 1'(':I"on aul
in orller "that thou shouIlh'st ('nter into (,0\'I'1I<Int with
the LOI'd thy Uod, attd into his oath, whieh the Lonl
thy Goel makc:th with thee this day: tliat he may
establish thee to day for a prople unto himsel r, and
that he may he unto thee a God, 3S bp hnth said un(o
thee, nnl} as he hath sworn unto thy filthpl's, to .\bl':lham, to Isaac, and to .Jacoh". (Deut, 20: ]~, ]3) Thus
Jehovah shows that the people taken oul from nmon~
the nations and taken into the kingdom i'OYrll:lnt an~
taken in to aC(,0l~1pli"h his purpose, to wit, that. th(,y
may be used in connect ion with the vindication of
his n:lInc, lIe hinging these into the tl'mple, the gm'
mt'nts of snlnl.tion and th0 robe of righteol1mcss a l'e
laid upon the ohcdii-nt (JIll'S that thl'y may L(~ fully
identified as the people of God in hi,; rj~~hlc()US (JIg,mi.
zatioll, gathered unto him according to his Plll'l)(bC.


Jt'L' 1, 19:H

alive, as it is at this d:lY.

obscrn~ to do
nIl these commandments before the Lonl our nod, as
he buth eomman(kd us." (Dent. 6: 2-1, 25) Fur the
cornfOl,t of those who arc now in the <,ovenant for the
kingdom, and who are diljg-ent to ok'y Cod's c(,m
mal1llments, hf' says: "Happy art thou. 0 Israel: who
is like unto thee, a people saved by .Jehovah, the shidd
of ihy help, and the s\\"ord of thy excellency! And
thine enemies shall suhmit themsdves unto thee; and
thou shalt tread upon their high places. "-DcuL
"That he



..And it shall be our ri::rhteollSlless, if we

33: 29.


The remnant in the kingdom covenant are of the

"chosen" ones of Jehovah. (lJell1. 4:7,8,20,:l2,3S)
III times past they werc \lot a people, but, now being
taken out and allointe(l, they are the people of .Jehuyah for his name. (l Pet. 2: 9, 10) The sc:lectioll of
these, :md their induction into the kingdom covenant,
i'i not due to any self-righteousness or so-called "ch~lr
ader development" by the creatures, but is due to ,Je.
hovah's faithfullleO's to his eovenunt, and for the "indi.
('ation of his word and name. They are takt'u out
for his name '::; sake awl approvpd because of their
f"aithfuhH's'l tilld obcdjl'tH'c, Fail urc of God's pfo.
fl'sseu people wllO ha\'c been ('ailed allcl who fail mu...-t
be received as a warnill~, so that "let him that thinkctll he slandeth take Ill,(,tl lest he 1'all".-1 Cor. 10:
11 The Israelite'! hau bet'll led by the Lord for forty
years, and were therefore 110t ignorant. Even so in
1919, the remlt<lIlt were then ltot an i~llOrant people,
hut \\'t'l'e aClluaill1t'll \\ ith (lOll'S past dealiuQs with
tile faithful atHl also tile rebellions OIlt'S lIming the
pel'io(} of 'prf'[JIll'in~ the WilY before the Lord'; and
this was foreshauowcd hy the :l\IO'ub covenant.-])eut.

11: I-H.
12 Jehovah by the JHoab covenallt. that is, the covennnt of faithi'ultw:>s, 1'oretolu that he would gjnl the
remnant a nl'W IWIIH', and that they must be a holy
people devoted cntirely
the scrviee of .Jehovah and
serve him faithfully, (Deut. ~6: 18, 19; 28: 10) The
remnant mu~t 'know thcn'lore this day [that is, the
day of .Tehovah] that .Jcho\'ah is Uotl'; hence they a1'O
responsible for maliill~ this great truth known and
tltey must rcntlcr full obedienec to Uod in hearing
testimony to the truth. (I lent. -1: 39, 40; 2D: 5, 6)
Obcdience nSiiureS their remainin!! in the' 'land of the
living". (Dent. G:33; 11:21) The COWllant made in
Moab C'mphasizes faitpfl!lIlCSS; hence it is properly
caliI'd the covenant of fnithilllnC';,s.
13 Jehovah's gl'('at ~oodn('ss toward and his loving
provision for the remnllnt is matlc blOwn in that CO\"O11ant of faithfulnC'ss. (Deut. 8: 2-5; 29: 5, 6) Therefore he plailll,\' intimates that the remnant OUtC in
captivity to Satan's organization shall be fully 1't'leased and restoret} to God and made a part of his
holy organization. (Deut. 30: 1-8) Only the faithful
continue in the privileges of service, and the privileges once cnjo)'cd by those who have become unfaith-


iul lire transferred to the faithful ones; and this i'l

foretold hy the co\"Cn~lnt of faithfulness. (Deut. 0:3:
~1) In ha'rmony with this Jesus spoke the paral)le of
the talents.--:'latt. 25: 1-1--30.
1-1 In that covenant ill :Jlonb God looked forward to
thl: time when he woultl brill!! unto himself his ehildrcn,
and this was also foreshad~~\'ed by Esther and HUI h,
am} that that class l'l'l'l'csenteu hy them would be
included in the covenant for the liingdom; and it is
now seen that 00<1 has fulfilletl th is l)eautiful prophet.
ic l'icturc.-Dcut. 29: 14, 1G ; 32: 43.

1~ In that covcuant at 110ah .Jehovah fordoltl his

r('qui t'emeuts of the remnant. The J' must he a Sf'p;: 1';11 e

pellple, and not couformed to this \vorlJ.-lkut.
12: 2~'-32; 16: 21,22; ] ~: 9-1-1-.
1'; They must not commit adultery; and adultery of
Rpiritual Israelites mcans chiefly illicit rt'latiollsh i [l
with Satan's organization. Thcrc must he nOlle of tbis
with God's people. The)" are not even to touch the U1lclean thjn~, that is, ~atan 's organization. (Deut. 2:.:!:
13-30) They arc not to rompromise with tin' wol'!(l,
but mn!>t he wholly for God and for hi::! kilJ~dolJl,
Dent. 7: 1-;) ; 12: 1-3.
11 'l'hey shall not depend upon worldly hdp, lint
must lend the truth to all who tlesire it. (Dcut. 1;): lj)
They Inu:;t maintain theu' intel!rity towartl (;od, whieh
will be tested hy theil' consistent prai~;e to .h'hovah or
reproach UpOIl h is holy ntl me. (J)t'ut. 29: 21-28) .1 eho-,ah has ;;pl'cad a feast 1'01' his royal or~allizatit.J1,
nnd the faithful remnant arc caused to sit \\'jth Christ
Jt'sus at hi'i tahle awl partake of that feast. alltl ltt'lI<'I':
must partake only of clean food that COllWS from the
Lord':; table, and 1Iot he found seekin~ after the thin~H
of nwn. (Ikut. H: 1-21) Tlwymust fait hfully ahi,;e
hy thc terms of the e\"l:l'lasting co\'enant e())ll:f'rnlll~
the sanctity of life. (Dellt. 21: 1-!.l) A mOIl~ the rt~mnlillt
people at the temple there must be 110 U';UJ'y, no injnstice, no eheatin~, nor acts causing unfl'uilfulne...s.
(Deut. 2:>: 11-lG) rrht,J"t~ must be no ()Ppl'('ssion or defraudin~ amongst tltt'm. but ~renel'o,'iity towal'd the poor
and helpfulness one toward nnot her.-J)('nt. ~2: ] .~;"
18 Those takell into thl~ kin~~dom COV('JUl1lt must lwt
confuse their identity. They must n(Jt he cflemina1 t',
nor mu~t they wcar improper g-nrmcllts to nUr:lct
attention to themsdves. Tht'y must ~ive glory to
Jeho\'ah. (Deut.22:;>-1:2) They mmt all come to 111l;
contlition of unity in Jdlo\'ah's or~aniz:Jt ion anll L~
ohedient to organization instructiou,;, wllieh ,in:ih'U<:tions proeet't} from the temple, Being' at unity, tht,,\" "dl
have confidence one in anothcl' and seck al ways to do
good one to the other. Fmther showing' that ('aeh olle
must be obedient to the illstructious procel'din~ from
the temple: they shall no longer tlo "evcry m:m what
soever is ri!!ht in !lis own eyes", but ohsC'rw oruer all(l
proeced with the work assigu('d to them. ofl'eri!l'.!; their
sacrifice of praise to Jehovah. (Dent. 1~: SoH) Let
all of the I'emnullt now bcware lest they fail been u...e


a:1le WATCliT0\VER.

of their h('udiness or their desire to follow their own

ideas as to how God's work should be done. The service
of Jehovah lilust be at his chosen place wheI'o he put
his name, which is his temple organization. That service must be regularly and faithfully performed, and
in the manner he has pointed out. (Deut. 12: 18-21);
14: 2~3-27 i 2G: 1.3) The !><lnC'tuury haying been deunsed,
the remnant must continue in eomplete unity. The
condition of the remnant must be that of great boldness in declaring the truth. Christ Jesus, being Jehovah's great Priest, bestows the blessings upon those
in the covenant. (Deut. 33: 629) After the time they
are brought into the covenant and after the year 1926
it is a time of hks~cunc'is. (Dan. 12: 12; sec 'i'lie
Watchtower, 1!.J29, page 375) The faithful remnant
,vill have complete confidence in J<:IlOvah and will not
fear the enemy i for Jehovah is their refuge.-Deut.

33: 26-29.
10 That the remnant mu~t now know and thus intelligently dedare the jud~mcnts of the Lord, the hook
of Ueuh'rollomy, written in connect ion with the )loab
covenant, cl<'a rly reveals the" evil servant" and con
tains direct prophecies concernin~ the" evil servant"
lind that the "evil sel'vant" dass will be ptlt to fli~ht
by the enemy :l!Id taken captive. (-Dellt. 32: 1;)-27, :lO,
31) .Jehovah will judg'!~ tIlPm. (Deut. 32: 3438; Zecli.
14: 2) 'rhe con-nant of faithfulrll'ss also shows that
the faithful remnant will have nothing in common
with the "evil servant" class, hut will avoill them
an<l refuse to engage in controversy with them.Deut, 33: 11.


N. Y.

cOlltinuanc:e in faithful performance of service with

singing and joy, strikes terror into the heart of the
enemy; and this was foretold by the covenant made
in }Ioah.-Dcut. 2: 2;j ill: 25; Phil. 1: 27-2!J, 1r CUIIt.
21 Jehovah is the God of his righteous people whom
he designatt's as Jeshurun, and they arc the people of
God. They havc becn scparated from all of Satan's
OI'ganization, instructed in the secret things of the
Most High, 1'('ceiving this instruction in the secrct
place or the temple, and now they arc sent forth to
boldly declare his name. Such are the people of God
who are in the earth, and who are now in the covenant for the killll:Uom. These requirements and hle>:gings foreshadowed in the covenant for thc kingdom
were wriUI:n aforetime to increasc the comfort and
hope of God's faithful people. (Hom. ]5: 4) Parti('nlarly for their comfort and that they might be made
strong Jehovah caused to be written for the b('lIl'fit
of the fi.ithful remnant these precious words: "Thel'e
is none like unto- God, 0 Jcshurun, who ridet h upon
the heavens for thy help, and in his excellellcy on the
skies. The eternal God is thy dw(;llin~-Jlla('e, and Ullderneath arc the everlasting arms. And he thrust out
the enemy from before thee, and sa id, ])('st roy. .A lid
Israel dwelleth in safety, the foulltain of Jacob alone,
in a laud of grain awl new wine; yea, his hea V('IIS
drop down dew. Happy art thou, 0 lsmcl: who is
like unto thee, a people saved by Jehovah, the shield
of thy help, and the sword of thy excellellcy! And
tlline enemies shall suhmit themselves unto thee; alld
thou shalt tread upon their high places. "--Deut.
33: 26-29, A.Il.V.


Jchovah caused those with whom he made the

covenant in l\loab to fi~ht a~ainst the Amalddt(,s and
CUllauuites, foreshadowing that the faithful remnant
must now carry 011 an ag'~ressive warfare agaiust those
who now" stand in the holy place" and who are enemies of God. (Dent. 20: 10-17) Such ('ncmies, falsely
and frauJulently claiming' to represl'llt God, must be
pushed hack rel~ntlessly and ('x posed by the truth.
(Deut. 7: 22.2-1-) JchcJV1ih gave hattle instructions and
the method of war that was to be rarried on by his
typical people. (Deut. 20: 1-~O) The remll::int are illstruct('d in the matter of warfare against the enemy
and, trusting in the Lord, must bravely follow the
specific instl'llctions !.!'iven them by the Lord. (Deut.
7: 22-24) The faithfull'emnant, heing in the army of
the Lord, arc not to fear the attack of modern cn
trenched enemies, the representatives of Satan. (Deut.
7: 17-21) 'rhe faithful will tread down the opposition
and continue to advance, even though there 18 much
ineonvenienee and suffering entai:eJ upon th('m by
l'enson of their faithfulness. They must fearlessly eontiIlue to proclaim the praise of Jehovah, to announce
his judgments and his kingdom. Jehovah God is in
their camp, and they must keep the camp clean and
wholly devoted to Jehovah. (Dl'ut. 23: 9-14; :n : 1-~)
The complete unitr of Jehovah's remnant, and their

22 The one paramount purpose of Jehovah is the
vindication of his name, that all creation may SI'(' :1I1d
know that he is God and that if ereaturcs would live
they must be in harmony with him, the lIoly Onc.
Therefore all the covcnants of Jehovah bea l' a relationship to curh other. When I~uci fer rdJellecl and
turned man into the way of sin Jehovah lleelared that
he would put enmity bctween the sec:d of the wOlIlan
(God's woman i picturing his (J1'!~anization) and the
seed of Satan, and that the seed of God's woman
should ultimately triumph to the vindic'ation of (lou's
greatllame. (Gen. 3: 15) Thatdeelaration was in fact
a covenant of Jehovah, because it was an ('xpl'ession of
his purpose, which purpose is unalterahle and unchang-cable. Christ Jesus, the seed of promise, will
completely triumph over Satan and his organization,
to the glory of JChOYllh God.
23 The cvcrlastln~ (,O\'Cll<:mt which God made with
Noah roneerning the sanctity of life was a declaration of his purpose showing to all creation that Jehovah is the Life-giver. the only trne and Almighty God,
and that none have a right to take life witl:out the
pcrmission of Jehovah and that no other c.m ~ive life.
This connant is a vindication of Jehovah's holy name.
-Gen. !): 1-12.

8lle \\1:--\TCliTO\VEIZ,
H JdlOvah took Abraham into the land of Canaan
anu there u~ed ~\1Jral1<~m to pictlll'c Gud himstlf, and
Ahraham's wi fe to pitt nrc U ml'" ol'g,~nization, nnd
their :"011 haDc to pidure the' Sl:ed of pl'omise', ,,:1Jom
God would u~e as his viJl(ji(:utor. The hll'::isings of the
people that should come to them throu~h thl' Vindicator aIH} Ht'llecmer would necessarily be incillental
to the vindieution of .JdlOvah '::I name, as c;J',~'et [(,suiting from cause, for the reason that life to the obedient would prove that .Jehovah's name stanus for
life and that he can put IlIC'll all earth who ,vill maintdh their integrity toward him and receive life in
his appointed way. .Jehovah did not permit Satan
to kill Joh when that great drama was beiw~ St<l~l~d.
(.Joh 2: 6) llad .Job hc;en kilIl'u lie coull] not have been
fmther used in that pl'ophetic picture. The offering
of Isaae as a sacrifice by Abrah<~m foreshadowed that
God would permit his Ldovc,l :::ion to be put to death
at the hands of Satan and that Jchovah would demoll~tratc his supreme power and the vindication of
his own name by raising his beloved ~on out of death.
That was a triumph to Jehovah Hnd a vindication of
his name. God provided that the dl:ath of Christ Jesus, his beloved ~on, shoulu furn ish the ransom or
rcdcmptive price for man; hut that goodnc,.;s and
loving-kindut':is toward manldnd is sceondury to the
vindication of .Jehovah's IWllIe. ~\II \, ho do helieve
on the Lord .Jesus Christ alld obey !lim, and who receive life, will be a vindication of Jehovah's name and
his word.
~:; 'l'be Ahl'uhamic covenant is therefore Cod's Ull
altc'ralJlc and ullchall~,;ahIe cXP1'{:ssion of his purpose
to produce a s{'ed, which seed is his beloved Son, and
who would maintain his intl'gTity toward nod, and
who b"eausc of his faithfllln('s:i Ullto death should re('cin: the hi~hc."t platc in all of his ol'ganizatioIl, he
made the ~n~at High PI'il st of Jehovah und the Vindieator of hi.., holy Iwme. The rl'surreetion of Jesus
from death, his ('xaltation, lind the giving to him of a
name ahove all C'l'l'atiQn, nnd the d('elal'ution of Jehovah that ewry knee shall bO\\' to him and ever~' tongue
shall confess his name, to the glory of Gou, is proof
conclusi\'\:l that the primary purpose of the ;\oralmmic
COVf~llant is to show that J eho\"uh is the only true and
almighty Cod, t'te Giver of en!'y good and perfcet
gift. Ilis prOVIsion to gi,'c life to the ohedient ones
of the human race through Christ Jesus is of secondary importance to that of the vindication of his name.
'l'hcre is no reason why Jehovah should nwlce a covenant to give life to any creature, but there is ('vcl'~'
r('aSOll why he ::-lll)UlJ eoven:lllt, that is to say, ('xprl'SS
plainly his purpose, to vindicate his name; anu such
is the purpose of his eOV011<1nt.
26 Jehovah then set the stage ill Egypt to make a
picture showing forth his purpose to vindicate his
name. (2 Sam. 7: 23) IIis gathering to himself and
separating to himself a people is not merely for the
purpose of saving them, but that he might ha,"e a
people for his name; and his salvation of them de-


penus upon th,~ir ohedicncc in the performance of the

uutie::., as')i~1ll'd to them. Before he would bring furth
fLe 'Sted of promi,,>c' .Jehovah pictmcd how he \1/j1l1J
tuke out a people for his name, aIH] t;lis he d;a with
the covcmlllt made in Egypt anll ratified at Sinai.
The imperfect and sinful Bation of Israd coulll llot
be a people wholly for Jehovah's Ilame until tlw comi]]~ of the promised S('ed; therefore the law COVl'uant
was added "because of trans:J;l'essiol1s [that is to S:lY,
imperfection al1l1 sinJ, till the seed [Christ Jesu'i]
sllOuJ(l come to whom the promise was made". (Gal.
3: 17, 19) Isaac, the son of Abraham, was a type 01
Christ JesuH, the beloved Sou of Uod, and who is tlle
'St::ed of promj~e'. lIe must come hefore there could
be a people takell out for J ehovalt '::; name.
~7 When Christ Jesus did come the few .JC\':s \\'!to
were fait.hful and who accepted and ob.!ycd his Word
were truusferTeu from Moses, the mcdiator of the law
covenant, to Christ, anel all the other Jsradites were
rejected and cast away. Jehovah made with eht;st
Jesus the Ilew covenant that by~ this means he would
accomplish wltat the old law eovcnunt had faikcl to
do, to ,vit, to take out from the wlfions a pt'oplc fOl'
hill name, which people lllU:;t be wholly devoted tu (iud.
The new co"ellunt was the exprcssl'll will 01' plll'lI(';;\)
of .Jehovah that he would take out of the llal iOlls a
pcople for hi,,; name, and that ('on'nant is the llIl'::lJS
employed lly .JdlOvah to aceolllplish his plll'p:J"('. The
new cun'nant is not a llleHlIS of givill~ life to UllyOIII',
hut those bh'll into t Ite -con-llallt lI111'\t fir,.;! haVl' a
conditional right to life, allll, if faithful to the Lllrd.
they receive unconditionully everlasting life. This
faithfullle~s mmt be proveu after tll\'Y arc taLt'n into
the new COVl'llallt. All who arc hrought into the new
covenant must firllt ulleollditionally agree to do the
will of Uod, baslll~ thl.'lr faith and t1wir ac,tion upon
the sheu bJooJ of Christ JpSllS a~ the ~edeJllpf.ivc I!l'il'C
for man, und hcill~ tite only means by whil'll mUll l.'an
get life. neill~ thus justificd by failh anu thell bcgotten of the ::.pirit of Gou, all such cuml; undel' tl,e
terms of the new covenulIt, am] those proving faithful
up to the point of the coming' of Christ Je"us to tlte
temple for Juu~llleJJt, and who arc ap[H'O\'e(} at that
judgment, arc of the people takcll out of the llativllS
for Jehovall's name, and the new co\'ellant if; th{m
inaugurated toward them, and these ure tat-en iuto
the covelwnt for the kingdom.
28 .Jehovah God maul' a co\'enant with Dadd for the
kingoclom. (2 Sam. 7: lG) In that covcnant Da\'id flJlTshadowed or lJi(~tured Christ Jestls, whom Jel'o\'u!t
made King.. , I have made a CO\"Cnllllt with my l'hO;";dl,
I ha\'e sworn unto David my S(>r\'ant, Thy seed \Viii I
c;;tahlish for ewr, alld build up thy throne to all glmerations. ~1;: mercy "'ill J keep for him for eWI'more,
and my covenant shall :;,tan<l fast with him. Ilis seed
also will I make to cnuure for e\'er, and IIi:; tlmllle as
the days of heaven. ~Iy covenant will I 1I0t lm'a k, nor
alter the thing that i~ gOlle ont of my lilJ~." (Ps.
89: 3, 4, 28, 29, 3-1) Here is the immutable declura



tion of .Jrhlwuh's pUI'pose to establish his kingdom

with his beloved Son Oil the throne. Later .Jesus told
his distiples that ,JellO\'uh had covellanh'u ,,,ith him
for the kin~dom and tkt t1lOse taken out for Jehovuh's name, and who continue faithful, Jesus eoyenanted with them to be a part of the kinguom and in
the kingdom with him. (Luke 22: 28-30) The new
covenant was thercfore Jeho\'uh's means employed to
tab.: out a pcople for his nultlc that those so taken out
U11l1 proving faithful mi~ht be taken into the covcnant for the kingdom and become a part of the kingcom.
29 In -:\Touh J-c.hovah madc._thCL covenant ,,"jth his
I'hcscn (\eople who had LCt'n hl'Ought ont of ggypt
forty years previously, and that covenant in ~loab
for<,shadowed the covenant for the kingdom, Jesus,
made of a woman ~nd unu<'r the law, was not. n son
of the law, hut he was aIHl is the Son of God. lIe kept
the terms of the covenant made at 1\1oab, IWIl Jehovah made him the great Prophet, whom Mos('s was
us('d to foreshadow. Further showin~ the rdatiollship
hetwcrn the covenant made in )loah and the kingdom
eo\'c'uant, when Jcsus was heing' put to the test by
Satan he quoted from Gou's words recorded by :\loscs
ill t he book of I kutcl'I)!1omy, WIH'n the intl'grity of
Jesus was called in question by Satan, he quoted
) klltcronomy 8: 3. "But he answ('}'('d and said, It
is writtell, JTan shall not live by hread alone, hut by
cv('ry word tha t procc('dd h out of the mouth of nod. "
(~ratt. 4: 4-) In the sc('ond temptation J('sus quoted
from Deuteronomy 6: Hi. "Jesus said unto him, It
is written llgain, ']'hou shalt not tempt the Lord thy
God." (:\latt. 4: 7) When thc other temptation was
prescnted to him by the Devil, ,Jesus quoted from
))euteronomy 6: 13. "And ,JI'SUS answered and said
unto him, Gct thee behind me, Satan: for it is writt('n,
'I'hon shalt worship the Lord thy God, nIHl him only
flha It thou serve." (Luke 4: 8) Ou other occasions
.Je'iUs quoted the words of the prophe(~y rl'('ordl'd in
J)e'l1teronorny, and llmon~~st th('sc will be found, to wit,
Mutthew 5: 31, :J3, 38, and Murk 10: 4. When ,Jesus
spoke the words eoncel11ing the gathering of God's
elect he clearly had in mind the words of Moses re1'00'ded in Deuteronomy 30: 4.-l'.Iatthew 24: 31, and
Mark 13: 27.
30 The relationship of the law eovcnunt made in
Egypt aud inaugurated at Sinai to the covenant of
faithfulness made in the land of }loab well for('~had
owed the relationship of the new covenant made in
antih'pieal Egypt and ilLan~nrat('d at -:\lount Zion
to thc covenant for the king'Jom, which latter covenant requires absolute faithfnllll'ss on the part of those
who will ultimately sharc in the kingJom of Christ
Jesus. (Deut. 29: 1 ; Luke 22: 14-20. 2t>-30, Dirtg.) At
the institution of the :i\lemorial J('sus deeland to his
disciples that the new covenant hau been made and
he invited them to share in it, and then and thereafter
he told them that Jehovah had covenanted with I.! 1:1


N. Y.

for a kingdom, and his words to his diseipleq show

that faithfuhJ('ss is the chief thing required of those
who are l)rouQ'ht into thc covenant for the kingdom.
The new COYet~11llt is the instrument of GOG employea
to take out of the world a pcople to be his witnesses
to his name; while the covenant for the kingdom is
his preparatory arrungement affording opportunity to
those taken iuto the covenant and who arc Jehovah's
witnesses to prove their faithfulness even unto death.
-Hev. 2: 10.
31 The relationship of the new covenant to the
Abrahamie covenant and the covenant for the kingdom seems to he cleatly foreshadowed by the ephl)d
and brea"tplate of the typical high priest sCl'vin~ natural Israel. "And tht'.'" shall make the ephod of gold,
of hlue, and of purple, of sl'al'let, and fllle twined
lincn, with cUllning work. It shall have tlw two
shouldet'pie(~cs thereof joined at the two edgrs thereof; and so it shall be joined together, And the curious girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall he of
the same, according to the wOl'k there'of; eVcn of g'oJd,
of blue, and lJurple, and scarlet, and fine twined linl'll.
And thou shalt takc two onyx stoncs, and g"l'1l vc on
them the names of the rhildl'cn of Israel: six of tlwir
names on one stonc, and the other six namts of the
re~t on the other stone, accordillg to their birth.' , Ex. :!8: 6-10.
32 Aaron the hi~h prjrst hare or had susr)('ndcd f,'om
his shouIJ('t's the ephod. The forepart of tlw l'\)!Jod
pictured the Abrahamic covenant. 'l'he rear half of
the e1>hod seems to ('l('arly picture the new covenant,
into which God's children arc brought after they have
made n covenant by sacrifice and which eO\'cnant is
made at 1he time of their cons~eration. (Ps. 50:;)
The new covenant is the definite m('ans cmploy<,d to
gather out from the Ilations a faithful eompany of
people who hy adolJtion become a part of the seed of
the Abrahnmic el)venant.
33 COl1e('rning the breastplate of judg'llll'ut it is
wriflen: "And thou shalt make the breastplate of jlld);ment with cunning' work; after the work of the ephod
thou sllUlt make it; of gold, of bluc, and of pUl'plt,
and of scarlet, and of finc twined linen, shalt thou
make it. Foursquare it shall be, lleing' tlouhlcd; a
span shil.ll he the leng'th ther('of, and a ~pan shall be
the breadth thereof. And thou shalt set in it sett ings
of stones, even four rows of st01les: the first row shall
be a SIll'dius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall he
the first row. And the serond row shall he an emerald,
a sapphire, and a diamond. And thc third row a
ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. And the f01ll'th
row 11 ber;'l, and an onyx, and a jaspcr: tlll'y shall he
set in gold in thdr inclosings. And the stoncs shall
be with the names of the ehildrcn of Israel, twd\'C',
arcoruing to their names, like the (,llgraviugs of a
signet ; en~ry o:;e with his name shall they ue accordillg to the 1wehc trihes. "-Ex. 28: 15-21.
Sf This bre::lstplate. which bore the je\\'(']~, l'cpre-



1, 1934

sen ted the covenant for the kingdom, to which kingdom the spirit-hegottcn ones are called, and in whi(~h
kingdom the faithful ~hare with Christ Jesus, Jehovah's King Ilnd great IIig-h Priest. Those taken into
the covenant for the kingdom must be wholly devoted
to Jehovah, even as the inscription engraved upon
the plate of pure ~old worn on thc miter of the Hi6'h
Priest declared' Holiness to Jehovah '. Such arc the
Olles who arc Jehovah's faithful witne'sses, who auvertise the King Bternal in his kingdom and who
prove their faithful1less unto death and enter fully into the inheritance of the kingdom.-Zcch. 9; 16.
s, The law covenant made in Egypt was added to
the Ahrahamic cowm:nt for a purpose and for a fixed
timc, hut failed to produee a people for ,Jehovah's
name that might have 1)('('11 madl' a part of the SN:d
of the Ahrahamic con'na1lt; hence it was aholishpu.
Immediately upon that law covenant's becoming old
the new covenant was made, and this was Jehovah '8
instrument added to or attache'd to the Ahrahamic
('ovenant; and by the !H'W COVP/lunt a people 1'01' ,Jehovah's lIame nre brollg'ht fort hand ma(le his witIit'sses to declare his name, nnd the faithful ones are
the ones taken into the covenant 1'01' the kin!{dom.
J~;l'llel 's hig-h priest hore tIl(' ('phod and hl'l'astplate Ly
('Iusps on his shoulders holding t he two parts of the
cphod together. Even so the g'l'eat High Priest of
Jehovah, who is Christ Jesus, the priest for ever after
the order of ?trc'le'hiz('dec, hears the charge of the
Abl'ahamic covenant, the new con'nant, and the kingdom cel\"cnant, all of whieh lIrc Jehovah's instruments
employed to accomplish his purpo:o,e. On the shoulder
pieces of the ephod, to clasp the two parts together,
wcre two OIl)' x stones clI!{ravC'd with the names of the
twelve tribes, and these were set in ouches of g'old.
'i'hus was fo!'cslwdowed that the twelve divisiolls or
trihe's of spiritual Israel, who are the people for Jehovah's name, constitute the I ink hetwpen the Abrahamic cove'llant and the new covenant. It is therefore
('!early made to appear that all the covenants nrc Jehovah 's ~ov('nants alHI his instl'llm('nts used to accomplish his will or purpose, and that t he hidden or secret
thing'S concerning that purpose arc made known to
those who fear him anel who faithfully and joyfully
ohty him. 'l'he greatest of all things thus revcaled is
of and concerning the holy name of the ,Most High,
which he will now fully vindicate.
Some appropriate questions may here be eonsidwith profit and aid in obtaining a bC'ttC'r understanding of the covenants of Jehoyah; hence the qlH'Stion is propounded, and the answer immediately fol
S1 QCESTIO~; 'Vhich one of the covenants of God
is the eY('rlastin~ covenant'
ANS\VER; All unilateral covenants made by Jehovah arc everlasting, for the reason that such constitute



the deC'laration hy Jehovah himsclf of his purposes

and Jehovah does not change his purposes. (:;\lal. :J: 6)
All covenants between Jehovah and hi" creatures are
everlasting so far as Jehovah is concerned.
38 QUESTION; Is it Scriptural to say that the Abrahamic covenant is the Sarah covenant, and that such
covenant produces the sced of promise?
ANSWER: No, the Scriptures nowhcre speak of a
"Sarah covenant", In the Abrahmnie covenant Abraham stood for or represented Jehoyah God himself;
hence what is called the Abrahamic covenant is the
expres."ion of God's purpose, and that without conelitions attached, to bring forth a seed through which
all the families of the earth may be blessed. ,Jehovah
bound that declaration by his oath, and, as the apostle
states, by reason of both his word aud his oath this
promise or covenant is immutable. (IJeb. G; 18) Abraham was the father, or life-giver, of Isaac, who typified the secd, which seed is Uod's SOil. God's woman
is not his covenant, but the woman stanels for or represents God 's or~anizatioll. Clll'ist ,Jesus, the seed of
promise, is the seed of God. The covenant dol'S not
produce a seed, but Jehovah hy his womnn, picturing
his orgnnization, docs brin~ forth t he seed.
39 Qm:sTIO:\; Is the church the offsprill~ 01' seed of
the ncw covenant or the Abrahamic CO\'CwlIlt?
AXSWF.It; The new covenant does not bring forth
a seed, but it docs IH'ill~ forth a people for the name
of Jehovah whom .Jehovah uses as his witnesses, and
those who are in the new covcnllllt and prove faithful
he adopts into the royal house of Goll's sons antI
thereby they become h~' adoption part of the secd of
Abraham. These :Ire not the seed eitlH'r of the Ahmhamic covenant or of the new covenant. They am
the seed or t he sons of Uod. "Belovcd, now are we
the sons of God; and it doth not yet appear what we
shall be: but we know that, when he shall appeal', we
shall be like him; for we shall sec him as he is."
(1 John 3; 2) It is not the covenant that g'ives birth
to the seed, but God's woman, that is to S:1Y, his organization; and the life proceeds from JdlOvah himself.
40 QGESTIO:-<:
Did not the apostle Paul say that
Sarah was a type of the Abmhamic covenant'1 AmI
is it Scriptural to spcak of that covenant as the
"Sarah covcnant"?
ANSWER: No, there is no such thing as the" Sarah
covenant' '. The Abrahamic cownant is God 's ~o\"e
nanl. 'Vhat the apostle said was that AIH'aham's SOil
by his free woman Sarah WllS an allegol'y reprCSl'llting
or picturing ,Jerusalem in heavclI, that is to :'>11,\', ,Jehovah's organization, which is the mother of all of
God's sons.
H QUESTIO:'<: Is the ncw covenant the coven:mt of
restitution, which will he in operat ion and bring' life
to the world vf mankind during the rcj~n of Cht'i~t '1
AXSWEIt; No. The new covenant is not a eovcn:l1lt
for the restitution of life, and will not be in iOlce

G"lle \Y~\TCI-IT0\;vER.
anJ operation during the reign of Christ to l'cstcre

(To be co-ntm1ttd)


"II" 1. Whnt is h"re nlPant by (a) "his <,o\l'll<lnt" I (b) "Them

that fmll' him" I (e) "ll,~ will show them"1
, 2, :.:. CfJJJll':tte tile tH'('a:--i(Jll and IJllqH':,~~ of the (lC'dHlation
rc('orllc,l at })pu!pwnon,v 4::! ~ with th:.t wilen Paul
quot ..,} tlll'f<e worth (lfel;. 1:!: :!~l).
'I[ 4, ::i. l"ljnt oul (a) t I,,~ l\'H~'lna"lellt'~H of .J ehondl 's rp'lulI'erncnt~ of his ehil<lrcn.
(b) The purpose and importance
of his statement ':ollceruing the curse or l,unishment 111'


X. Y.

why; nnd, :\lrtlJer, that Jchomh 's goodnr~8 t0W:.lrU tho

faithful remnant at the prcsr;nl time, With aSSlll:,:lJ;e
his contilUle,j l"l'in~ pl'o,'i~ion for them, wa'l by Illlll fowtolu in hi~ d('aling with IllS t;'lncal peoplc hl,H:1 and lJy
his e,II'Cll:mt ,vith thelll ill ~Ioah.
l::i,lS. With the scripturcs in point, show thnt in tIle WI'C'
n:lIlt matle in )Ioah J ehol ah 10rc;old his re'lulrelllC~\lS
of the remnant.
I!). \\'!cat ,Ion the Il/Jok of Drut0ronoll1Y ren'fd ~j)n"~rn,Il'~
the" ci-il sen lInt" dass, and rC;';:II'JJillg the prlJl'cr cour~c
of the faithful r~nmant in this re~pect'
20. Apply the plol'hetic instruction gil'en by .Jeh'JI all to his
eOI'Cllan t people lJlracl in ~Ioab cOllcerning warfa re against
the enemy.

21. Whnt i's the applieati'JIl, and thr purpose, of thc prophetic Rtatcmcnt rccorded at lJruteronomy ;,;;;: ~ij'::!Lll
2~';~5. III what olle purp'J"c oj' .Jehovah arc all hi~ COI'Cllants
intcrrdnte,ll '1'0 show hoI\' the co, pnant scr\'(:,1 th:, t paralnOUllt l,urpo~e. explain the PUI'I'0:3C and tIle 1',lllluer of
operation or fulfibllent of (a) thn (")I'cnant d. "hmtJlI:1
of Genl'sis 3: 15. (b) The cvel'lllsting covcnant made witll
Koah. (c) The AliI:dl:llllk COI'I:Ullnt. (d) The law "O\l~
nant. (e) The covcnant by saerifit'p. (f) The new e!)l'enan!.
(g) The eOYl'nant m:ltlc in Moab. (h) The cOI'cnaut \I ith
lJudd. (i) The kingdom cOl'enant.
3Li, 37. Which of the covcnants of Gou is tho evcdast lug
COl'enallt 1
38. Is it Bl'Tiptuml to refer to thc AIJrahamie cm'pnant a8
the ::lamh COVl'IL'lnt, anti to say that such covellant prouuccs thc 'seed of l'rOllliSI)' f
30, 40. Is the ehurch the SPell of the new cOI'enanl or thc
Abrnlmmic covcnant1 ',,"hat of Hnrah's hl'ing a t)'pe of
the Abrahamic covcnant I
41, 42. I::! till' HI'W cO\'Pnlmt a CO\ pnant of "rt'slitut ion' 'f
or what did thl) llpostle Pclllr mcan WhClt hll ~:till that
'the hcal'cn9 must rdain Chril>t Jesus until the tilUcs of
rcstitution of all thing:!',


~2 QUI~STIO:-<: What, then, is me;mt h~' the apostle
Peter, when he said: 'The hea"elJ<; must retain Chri"t
JC:-iUS until the times of restitution or all thing,,'? If
that diu not meau tlw restitution of all the human
race, what i'J meant by the scripture?
~\~S\\"EU; Bce next isslle of The 1rafchtolcer.






6. ::lhow fr'llll the fokl iptures how necessary un,1 important

it is that thl} tt'rms an. I rul,,::! rplatin~ to ob''Ilience anti to


tlisuhc<llt'ncc be kppt ('ons!:' ntly lJdoru (;.;<1'3 cuv('nllnt

, 7, 8. Point out the signifkaul',c of thc statenl"nt I.nd ex
hortation of J)t'utl'ronolll:V :]0: 1!l in its aPI'!J('ation Loth
(II) at the tillle wh"t1 Sl'"k"ll an.l (h) Ilt 1111~ prt''''''ht time.
, 9. W)l<'n nn,l how tlo the pl'Ill'hetic words of V,'uteronol1ly
:':7: 9 kne fulliluu'nt 1 'I'ho"e of [)eutcr()JJ')Ill~' :':V: I:!. D"
Of n"uteI'OIlOIIIY :::\: :!!}J
, lOH. l:\how, with s('I;l'lll(,('S, that the rCJlJn:mt in the king
uom COI'cnant urc of the" cllOHt'n" ones of Jehovah, and


VSTIFIC.\ TIO~ hy faith, long mistaught and
mhiUlHkrstoou, IIlay now be cle:ll'ly eomprdwncletl
hy anYdne who (ksin's to cOllsiJeI' the l'hill stalt'
mt'n1:s on tllis suhj('C't whieh arc foulld ill the Word
of Gou. J<; just i(j('at ion ncc('s,ary 1 What is the basil:!
for it, amI (':III it be enjoyed hy all?
The hasis for the l't'C'o!l('iliatioll of man is the shcll
hlood of .Jesu'i lJoured out ac('ordill~ to the terms of
the ('ovella'llt by :-iaeri(j(e. ~o ot her sncI,ificc is requil('d.
IIis lifcblool1 l'(\Ul'ed 01lt fully met the rf'(!uirl:lIll'nts
and pl'oJur'c(1 the ransom pri('e. It pleased God, however, that there mig'ht he taken from alllon!!,;t men
other willill~ ones \1 ho should he taken into the rovennnt by sacrif1re. Thesc are first recon(ikd to Goel
throug'h the 11100<1 of Christ. Thesc arc callt-(l saillts.
(1 Cor. 1: 2; 2 Cor. 13: 13; Eph. 1: 18) No unright.
eous person rould he takeu into the eovrllant by saeri.
fice. It follows, t!wn, that thos(' who arc taken in must
first be recon('ilcu to Cod and have a perfett stnndill~
hefore GOll. It was in hehal f of this eJ;1ss thnt the
blood of Jesus was first prcsented fllld a pplied as a
sin-offerin~ Whe'll he appear,',l in tlw Ill'csellC'c of God
following his resurrection. (Heb. 9: 2-1) At Pcnteco;;t,
not many dnys later, Goel gave ontwa1',1 f'yidtllCe that
the sacrifice of Jcsus had been nccepted ll'l n "in-ofr'erin~, and this was made m:mif('st hy the shC'dd;I1~; f01 th
of the holy spirit upon the disciples who had already

dcvotetl themsd VI'S to Go<1 an(l hi:;; service. (.\cis ~;

1-18) Bec:lUse of faith in God and ill the shed blood
of Chl'i<.t Jesus, (;ou justil1eu nnd rccOlH:ileJ ti\CI:'i(~
faithful men to him.,;l'if. C'OIll:eI'Ilill~ tIl is tIl(' ujlo::tIIJ
wrote: "Therefore bcill~ justified uy faith, we Iw I'(j
peace with God through our Lonl Jl'SUS elil'ist: IJj~
whom also we have <trce's:; by faith illto tltis glace
wJJ('1'ein \\'e ~tan<1, alld rejoice iu hopc of the glory
of God. But God C0Il1111ellutth his love toward lIS, ill
that, while we w('}'e yet sinncrs, Christ died 101' us.
Mueh more th('n, heing now justilieJ by his blood. \\.0
shall be saved frum wrath through him.' '-Hom.
5: 1,2,8.9.
To be taken into the covenant hy sacrifice tl,o
SCI'iptures point Ollt that 011e must take this COUlse,
to wit: Paith in Gou as the gn'at Creator and He.
warder of all who dili~cntly s('ek to serve him (lId).
11: 6) ; faith ill Je~u:; CIll'ist as the gl'l'at sacrifil'e
for the ransom of mankind (Jollll 3: 16; 1-1: i:i); filII
agreenlt nt to uo the will of God, which mC:lllS ('Oll,;('cratioll (~Iatt.lG; 2-1; Luke 9; ~3) ; jllstifitati()n, wllich
means that God jllstifics such hcC'ausl' of the shell
blood of Christ, and the faith and obedicll('e of the
one thus cOllserratill~ (Hom. 8: 33); 1111\1 whell so
jU'ititle,l that olle has peace \\'ith God,-1~"ll1. ;1: 1,~.
.Jmtification of man by Jehovah il'l. u1ll'i;l~ Ill\' ll!.!.'(\
of sacrifice, onJy for the purpose of takiJ1~ tr',.) jll';! j.

fled one in as a part of the sacrifice of Jesus, The
justified one must be baptizcd with the same baptism
of death wherewith .Jesus was baptized. (":\lark 10:
38,39) Such is called to follow the same course that
.1f'sUS the perfect man took. (1 Pet. 2: 21) The justificd one is counted right and has a })erfect standing
before God by reason of the blood of Christ. He is
now counted us acceptable for sacrifice and is offered
up to Jchovah God by the grcut High Priest, Christ
Jesus, At that time such a one is' bc~otten of the
spirit; and if thereafter he responds to the call to the
Idn~dom and is taken into the kingdom covenant he is
anointed and thereby adopted into the body of Christ,
nnd from t hn t time for\\" a1:(1 is a mcmber of Jehovah's
royal house. (Hom. 8:1-1;i) The promise to such is
that he shall he n joint-heir with Christ Jesus in glory
pro\'ided he is fail hful to his consecration and suffcrs
with him and diPs with him.--Uom. 8: 16, li.
The discipl(~s were not invited into this covenant
for the kin~llom at the time they were fir'st selected.
.Ju-;1. before the cru('ifixion of our Lord he crlebratcd
the passo\'cl' requir'ed by the law <.'ovenant. Aftcr he
had completed catin~ this passo,'cr with his disciples
he took the hread nml hroke it, thus symbolizi,ng the
hl'eakin~ of his humanity or layjn~ down of his life,
and said to his uisciples: "'rake, cat; this is my body."
lie mcant, of (~Olll'SC, that that symholizrd or repreRented his hody. '1'h('n he took the cup and offered it
to thcm, saying: "Drink ye all of it: for this is my
hlood of the new tcstaml'nt r<,o\'I'nnnt], which is shed
ior many for the remission of sillS. "-Matt. 26: 26-28.
Under'the .1ewish law the 'lI'inking of b100d was an
offense punishable by death. (Lev. 17: 10) The disciples knew, of course, that Jrslls' offel'in~ them to
d"ink of his 11100<1 was all invitation to them to participate in his sacrificc, which meant his death. On
anotheL' occasion he had said: "Exccpt ye cat the flesh
of the SOil of mall, and drink his blood, ye have no
life in you. "'hoso eateth my fh'sh, and drinketh my
hlood, hath etl'l1lallife; and I will raise him up at the
last day. For Illy flcsh is meat indeed, and my blood
is drink in<1cl'll. Ill' that catcth my flesh, and drinketh
mJ' blood, dwelleth ill me, and I in him," (John
6: 51-56) To eut of his flesh symholically meant that
men should believe that the laying down of his life
was the basis for the l'econdliation of man to God;
and that the drinking of his blood means to participate
with him in his sacrifice, and that these are the expressed terms whereby one might become his jointheir in the kingdom.
Again the clergy have been misled by the enemy
Satan and have be<'ome the tools of him to grof'sly
misrepresent the I,ord. Thcre are divers and numerous denominational systems teaching conflicting doctrines. If you ask a clergyman, \Vhat is necesslny to
become a Christian and go to hcaven 1 he will tell you
that you must believe on Christ as a great exnmple
and be brought into the church and continue a con
sistent church member until death. If confronted with


the fact that the different church systems teach different doctrines, the clergyman will reply: 'That is
not material. It mntters not what you belie\-e, just
so you are a good member of the church.' In fact,
the clergy are not particular what their parishioners
IJelievc, To keep them in the flock and to regularly
rcceive from their pockets that which is ncedful to
keep up thc dergyrnall is to him most important.
'rhe Lord laid down the rule that no man coulll hecome a member of the church, which is the body of
Christ, and enjoy eternal life and immortality with
him except that man be first justified by faith in the
blood of Jesus and baptized into his death and be
faithful unto dcath. To drink of his blood means to
share with him in his sacrifice :lIld, after havin~ entered into the covenant, to be faithful unto the end;
and that means to bc faithful to God and to Christ
and refuse to he associated with any part of the Dcv.
il's organization. All the members of the true chul'ch
must be baptizcd into the death of Christ. (Horn.
6: 3-6) These arc reconci1<d to God throu~h the blood
of Jesus Christ bef(lre bein~ taken illto the COVI'WJ/lt.
Christ Jesus is the :Mediator betwcen man and Cod
to bring such ones into the covenant with God. The n'('onciliation of those who bccome Christians is throllJ,!h
Christ and because of faith and ohcdiellce, 'fhe Christian, that is to say, the justified one who is I)('~()t I,'n
and anointed of the holy spirit, becomes a part or the
sacrificial body of Christ .Jl'sns and is sacrifired hy
him; and continuing faithful unlo (kath, he is made a
pint of "Abraham's seed" and of the" heirs ar('OI'din~ to the promise" and, as sUl'h, shares with ChriHt
Jesus in his glory and immorlality. As it is written:
"For as many of you as have been baptized into
Christ, have put on Christ. '1'here i~ neither Jew nor
Grcek, there is neit her bond nor free, thcr(' is neit 111'1'
male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ .Teslls.
And jf ye be Christ's, then are ye Abr'aham's He(:I], and
heirs according to the promise. " (Gal. 3: 27 -2~) Chr'ist
Jesus ALONE is the "seed of Abraham'; a('eordill~
to the unconditional eovenant .Jehovah made toward
Abraham, (Gen. 12: 1-3; Gal. 3: 16) How, thCIl, do
these others get into Christ 1 Clearly by ullopt iOIl.
" Adoption" means to bring anot her son in to Ihe
family. The body members of Chl'ist picttll'1: a part
of the seed of Ahraham by virtue of bcin~ hrol1g-ht into
Christ Jesus and received and adopted into the house
of God, of which Christ Jesus is t he Chief and Head.
They do not get into Christ's bOl]Y by reason of anything they do. Puul's argumrnt in his epistle to Ihe
Galatians is that in the fullness of time God sent forth
.1esus "to n-deem them that were under the law, Ihat
we might receh-e thc adoption of sons. And hccall~e
~'e arc sons, God hath sent forth the spirit of his ~Oll
[Christ Jesus] into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
'!'e thou art no more a servant, hut a son; aml
if a son, then an heir of God thron~h Chri'it". (Cal.
4: 47) It was .Jehovahs purpose from the Ill'ginnin"
to bring th<::,e other son'l into his family by adopt ion'~


lJ1ie \\'~-\TCliTe\vER

"IIllyin~ predr.stinnted us tUlio the aooption of ('hildr('n by Je~us Christ to himself, a<:<':ul'ding to the good
pleasure of his wilL"-Eph. 1: 5.
In the covenant hy sacrifice is therC' a mHliatr:r 1
'l'he nm;wer is: As between .Jehovah God and Jesus,
1\0; for the reason that the covenant was madc uy
Jehovah on onc side and the petfect man Je~us all the
other side, ana both parties to the covenant were competent to contract. A mediator is required only Wlll:l'e
one varty to the contract is disqual iticd or incompetent. But as for ony other one who is brought into
the covenant by sacrifice: No one is brought in until
he is just ilicd and therefore stands rig-hteous l)('fore
Jcho\'ah. Thus such come into' the covell ant hy sacrifice hy \'irtuc of being jnstified alld acccpted by .IellOvah throu~h the sacriil(:e of Jcsus Christ, thc l\1.ediator between (:0<1 Dnd man.
Without a question of doubt thc Scriptures disdose that the Lo~()s was the chief t'Xt'('utivc officcr of
Jehovah in the cl'eation of aU things, and therefore
Priest of the .Most I1i:..d l God. (John 1: 3) "Priest"
means one who serv('", for another in an oftlcial capacity DS principal ollieer. It is only when a priest is
taken hom amoll:.-"St men that the :-:.leriptllres show that
J1e pcrfOl'rns the olfwe of sacrifil:e. From tl](' hc~innin~
of c:rc';tlion the Logos was . Pril'st or the l\Iost High
God", bl~callse he was the chil'f repl'\'s('J1tativc of .Jehoyah. (;omill~ now to the timc of the sacrifiec of a
p<,l'fcrt man fur sin and to he a sin-off\'rin~, the service
of a priest was rCfjuiretl. 111 the days of .\braham there
was a man of Gocl namcd :\ldchizedek. who was hoth
kill~ of ~all'm and pl'iest of the i\Iost U i~h God. Jell.
14: 18, 19) Centuries later the Jewish pril'~thood was
taken from the tribe of LcvL Paul states the relationship of the Levit if'al pl'iesthood to animals sm'rifict'd
and thrll adds: "It is yet far more evident: for that
after the similitude of l\Trlchisl'tlcc there al'ispth another priest, who is made, not aftrr the law of a Col mal
commanamcnt, hut after the power of un endless
liiP. "-He\). 7: 15, 16.
The word" arisd h" here uscIl means to stand np.
That dol'S not ar~ne that the Lo~os was not prirst
of the ~Io~t High in the creation of all things, but


X. Y.

rather that at the time the COyellant by sacrifice \vas

m::<1,' was the time when Ged gayc his oaih tlw.t be
should he a plic..,t for evcr arter the order of ::.\Iclchisedce.-IIcb. 7: 17-21.
Prior to tlwt time the Logos or Jesus hall not possessed immortality; but now the o1JllOrtunity was
gi\"en to him to be put to the snprcme tc-;t, nnd on
Jesus' sue(,ICssfullv meetill'.! that test God would grant
unto him immort;lity an<1 cleyate him to the highcst
place in the universe next to the Pather...:\t the same
time he would make him the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him. (lIeb. G: B-I0) This
furnbheu the basis of the cO\'Cllant; and Lccau,;e of
llis faithfulness unto the i~nomillious dl.:ath of the
trL'C (,lod rai,;cJ him up and hi~lJ!y exalted him, ~iv
in~ him a nmne above aU others. (Phil. 2: 8-11) '.And
oehold, he is alive now for evermore' and 1Icver can
die,-Hev. 1: 18.
It is therefore clear that nt the Jordan the covenant
by saerifice was made and thereafter God gave hi1;
oath that Christ Jesus should he for ewr a pricst
of the :\lost ni~h God after the ol'llcr of lIIdehis(:d(~c,
and from that there would never be a rhall~e. JC~Ui
was a perfect man at the Jordan, anu tllerl: the saerifieial duties Were adlled to his oflice and he s;[c:rifiecd
himself. The law covellant was malic ill E~~.\pt. Paul
says that Sl1lce that tinw, that is to say, llwnafter
f()llo\vin~ his baptism in the .Jordan nnd II is temptation, Jc,>us was made a high priest fur (TIT. "1"01' tl1c
Jaw makcth men high priests which have inJinuity;
but the "..ord of the oath, which was since the law,
makcth the :-:.lOll, who is C01lSeCl'aV:u for ew'rmorc."
(ITcb. 7: :!S) .At the Jordan the man Jesus comecraled hims!'lf, and is COllsl'crateu for eYl'I'llI01'ei antI
by thc word and oath of (Joel he performs t.he office
of Ill'iest for evermore, which incltHks t he work of
sacrifiee, Fl'om that tiIlle forward all sarrificl's offered
to Jehovah must he oft'el'etl by him, Jesus, the gl'l'at
Ili~h Pric'st. After .Jordan no further rt:,L"ilJll exis1l'd
for the Levitje,ll priesthood, and tl:ere it (,lIdell. 'I'Le
sarritil'i:II work of the Levitical priesthood merely
j'ol'cshac1owed the sactificial work of the :\lelehisedt,c
prie~thood to be performed entirely by Jc:;us Chri"t.


IlE rulers in the kingdom, the government or

righteousness whieh Jehovah God hus promised to establish for the viuJication of his namo
and for the welfare and ult'ssin~ of the human ru('e,
will all be spil'itual, that is to say, the.v will all be
spirit creatureo;. Christ Jesus is the chief one in that
kingdom, he llf'illg "Lord of lords and King of kings",
and those of his foot~tep followers who overcome the
world and are faithful unto death will be with him,
sitting with him in the heavenly throne and wielding
power oyer the nations. These followers of Jesus al'e

all originally human creatu1'l',), and to attain to thio;

exalted spiritual position in the heavens thl'y mu~t
first ue\"l)te themselves to the Lord Cod alld be IJl'gotten of his holy spirit to the new life. Endl aile
mu~t be brought forth as a spiritual son uf God,
The one begotten of the holy spirit is a new ereu t.ure
in Christ, according to the wortls of the apo;';11e Paul
ill his second epistle to the Corinthians. rlwpl.(:r fhe,
verse: se\"cntecn. His hope of life now i<; on t;1I' sfllrit
plane with Christ Jesus. lIo is countl,d <1 . . ad as a
human creature, because his right to li\ e us a Imm:m


1, 1D:::-i

{JIlc \Yi\TCliT0\'VEH..

creature expireu with Ged's arrt'ptanre of his sr:erifice through the merit of (']u"ist Jeslls. To him the
apm,t Ie says: "Sd your affection Oil thin~s above,
not on things on the c;lrth. FOJ' ye nrc dead, and ~'our
life is hid with Christ in God. "-Col. 3: 2, 3.
The one now addrl'~seu must he buililccl IIp as a
living st"onC' in the temple of God, if he would be of
the royal line all/I participate in the great empire.
Bccam;e he is just beginnin'4 he is spoken of as a
babe newly born; and addressing sll('h the apostle
Peter says: "As newborn hahes, desire the sincere
milk of the word, that yc may ~row thereby: if so be
ye have tasted that the Lord is grarious. To whom
('omin~, as unto a living stoll I', ,1isaIIowed indeed of
men, hut chosen of (;od, and pn'::ious, ye also, as lively stones, are huilt np a spiritual house, an holy pried;hood, to of(er up spiritual s;H:rifie'l:s, acceptable to (:00.
by Jesus Christ. W Iwrefore also it is contained in the
scriptu/'e, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone,
clect, preciolls: and hc that believeth on him shall not
be confounded. Ullto you ther('fore which helieve he is
precious: hut UlltO them wll ieh be diso!Jetlient, the
stone wltil~h thc build!'}'s disallowed, the same is made
the head or the rorrH'l', alH] a stOllC of stnmhling, and
a rock of dt"'Tlc(', ('veil to them whie'h stumble at the
word, l)(ill:..( diso!J{:(lieuL "---1 Pet. 2: 2-S.
When Peter \Hote this the Ica(lers of the J('wi~h
people in partipular had l'l',kf'l\'d .Je>.wl, the chid
corner stOlle. The apostle :1\lds: "lIe that believeth
on him shall 110t he confounded." To hl'iievc meaus
to remain steadfast and faithful; we IlIllst show our
faith hy what we do. Pell't' says also: "l7nto rOll
thel'eflJ!'{: which helicve he i" precious," It is a precious thillg' to O!r'll'\"e the ehi{'f comer stone and to be
cOllfornwd ac('()rdin~ to his way. Such are called to
follow in his steps, (1 Pd. 2: 21) The one who is thus
desig-nntl'd a livill~ stOIlC whi(~h is to be huildeu up into
the building' ~)f (lod is <lnoillt('el after hc respollds to
the call to the killgJom and meets the ]H'(liminJuy
l'equirenH'nts to 1)(' chospn aI' cleded. '1'0 alloint me;UlS
to designate olle to some position in the empire. To
t.he chosen on('s it is written: "~ow he which stab
lisheth us with you in Cltl'ist, and hath anointed us,
is Gael." (2 Cor. i: 21) 'l'hese are anointed to represent .Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ.
God having made t.his promise, and as his promises
are never hroken, he counts his anointed ones as now
a part of the new kingdom or empire 01' nation. Hence
the apostle says concerning them: "But yo are a
chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,
a peculiar people; that ye shoulJ shew forth the
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness
into his marvcllous light." (1 Pd. 2: )) 111 order to
show forth the praises of Jehovah God thc~' not only
must helieve Jehovah is God, but must joyfully obey
his will, represent his cause, and use the faculties with
which they arc endo\\'('d to testify to his great name
and his goodness and his purposes. To do this one
could not conform hjmself to the evil world, hut must

stand aloof from it and ~(,l'\"e the Lord God. The ,Yoj"d
of God is his guide. Tile Word informs him that he
must not conform himsdf to the ,,'orld, been usc ~nt,m
the cnemy is the god of this \YorId.-Hom. 1~: 2.
The tr:msformation process now is carried on hy
the Christ ian, buildin~ up his mind by sl udying tile
Y'/ord of God; from it 1.Jsccrtaining the will of God
,lIlU by it proving" what i,,; the good und aec\'ptable ond
perfect will of God. It can easily hc seen that" the
1.(,rd '.. .auld not make anyone a memlwr of that CIllpire unless he is in full and complete !wl'mony wilh
the fjord Jesus, the chief comer stone, as it is writtell:
"For whom I God 1 uid foreknow, he also did predestinate to be confurmeu to the image of lIiH Son, that Ill'
mi;!,ht be the flrstboI'll amon~ many brethren." (nom.
8:29) '1'h13 m(',1JlS that cat'h one who will ultimah':y
he a mpmber of that empire must gl"OW in the li:;!'ness of the Lord .Jesus. '1'0 those today in the temple
organization and fnithfully s('rvin~ Jehovah it is wl'itten: "But we all, with open face beholding as in a
glass the glory of the IJord, are ehall~ed into t he same
image from glory to glory, e\"en as by the spirit of the
Lord." (2 Cor. 3: IX) Buell must be faithful witncss..s
of .Jehovah, hecause they have becn with Jesus and
karned of him and must do as he docs, and thp)' Wilst
be bold in l)la/'ill~ the testimony to the nallll' or' .Jehovah. (Arts 4: 13) Thus their ('om'se' of adiun IS
chan!!cd from what it was hefore 1915, dlll'ill~ the
Elijah period of the church, and tla'y bl'('onH~ like the
JJord, as bold and fearless witltl's,;es, Not that t h,'y
should he rude witnesses, but they must calmly alld
fear'!essly tell the tmt h.
The expression" changed .. from I_dory to glory"
does not mcan that those of the remnant or tl'OIpic
company today arc changed from the glor~' of (;od's
law covenunt with natural Israel to Ute glory of his
new covenant with spiritual ISl'ad ; but that th..)' nt'e
changed into the likrlless of CJllist .Jesus as fait hful
witncs:.;e~ to tlw name of Jehovah. During' the Elijah
period of the {'hurch the faithful ones in a rnea>.mc
l'eflpcteu the glory of the Lord, but, being now transfl'ned from the Elijah per-iod to the prl's('ntEI:>'!w
period of the Lord's work, th(',}' have gt'l'at hOllor
and g-lorj' of service, 1Jccausc the Blisha work is nn
unselfish de,"otion to the honor of Jl'IlOyah's nanll'.
The faithful ones reflect the Lord's glory that enoll
those outside, the Jonadab class, may determine who
are reall~r ullselfishly de\'oted to Jehovah. Such t1'a11<;formation conforms such ones to the likeness of Cltri~t.
The exprcssion "this world" means the Pl'Oj)!e of
this earth organizcd into forms of g'oycrnment llIHkr
the supervision of their overlord, Satan the en ('my.
(2 Cor. 4: 3,4) The Devil is the prince or ruler of
this world. (John 14: 30) lIe is the enemy of the
Lord Jesus Christ, the enemy or God. and the {'nemy
of everyone who attempts to do God's will. The one
\\-ho will lIltimatdy be of the empire of rightl.'onqw;s
mllst not lo\'e the world, as it is stated by the <ljJi)stlo
John in these worus: "Love not the world, neither



thc things that are in the world. If any man love the
world, the love of the Pather is not in him. For all
that is in the world, thc lust of the flesh, and the lust
of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father,
but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and
the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God
abideth for ever."-l John 2: 15.17.
Early in the experience of the church it was mani.
fest that those whom God will approve must be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus
is Head over the house of the sons of God, and all the
other members of the household must honor Jehovah
as Jesus honors Jehovah. They do and must love God
with a sincere devotion, and delight to show forth
his praises and to testify that he is God. Their very
course in the way of righteousness would draw against
them the opposition of Satan the enemy.
After Jesus was put to death Satan the enemy
thQught that he had succeeded in destroying the heir
of the promise of God, who was promised a kingdom.
Satan therefore reasoned that he would continue to
rule the world without any successful interruption.
He must have been disappointed when Jesus was
I'nised from the dead. He must have observed what
took place fifty days later, at Pentecost, when the holy
spirit was poured out upon the faithful disciples of
Jesus and such were anointed, and there Satan noted
the beginning of the building of the other living stones
in conformity with the chief eorner stone, Christ Jesus: It is reasonable to presume that he was familiar
with the instructions given by the inspired apostles
to those of the true church. He would understand that
these who were united in. Christ were to form part
of the seed of the promise of God, which seed is to
bless all the families of the earth, even ns the apostle
Paul had testified. (Gal. 3: 16, 27-29) Destruction of
such ones would bring reproach upon God, and now
this became the objective and purpose of Satan the
enemy. He saw that the Lord Jesus Christ, exalted
to the divine life, was now beyond the influence of
his (Satan's) power. He realized that he must now do
something to counteract the influence and power of
those who were being brought into Christ, if he would
-thwart the divine purpose.
II Antichrist" means that which is offered as a substitute for Christ the Messiah, therefore that which is
in opposition to the l\Iessiah. Satan the enemy set
about to organize lithe mystery of iniquity" or of
lawlessness; an arrangement whieh would be contrary
to and in opposition to Christ. Evidently he Imew that
Jolm had said to the church: "It is the last time."
(1 John 2: 18) The Devil would therefore reason that
if he eould corrupt the seed of promise and turn thl'ir
minds, and the minds of the people, from God he
would defeat God's purposes.
It was in the days of Enos, the grandson of Adam
the first man (Gen. 4: 26, margin), that Satan hud
adopted the hypocritical scheme of having the p('o~)le
call themselves by the name of the Lord while at the


N. Y.

same time misrepresenting the Lord God. He thereby

mocked God and brought reproach upon God's name.
Early in the Christian era Satan the enemy adopted
a similar scheme of hypocrisy, but on a far greater
scale. He knew that man is so constituted that he
must worship something; and if Satan could not get
the people who call themselves Christian to directly
worship him, then he would inaugurate a scheme by
which he would turn away their minds from Jehovah
God, and )'et let them eall themselves Christians.
Satan saw that it would be profitable to his scheme
to have the Christians become more popular; therefore the Christian religion became ostensibly the reo
ligion of his wicked world. The Devil thereafter
planted amongst the Christians ambitious men, those
who had a desire to shine amongst men and who in the
course of time had themselves appointed or elected
to the positions of bishops and chief elders; and in
due course there was established a clergy class, as
distinguished from the laity or the common people.
The clergy thus organized introduced into the church
false doctrines taught by heathen philosophers, which,
of course, were the Devil's own doctrines. These were
used to corrupt the message of the Lord God. The
clergy and the rulers in the church then established
theological sehools wherein men were trained for the
clergy for the purpose of carrying on the work of
their system already organized and in operation. In
due eourse statements of belief, or creeds, were formulated and presented to the professed Christians, and
anyone who taught contrary to these creeds was considered a heretic and was dealt with accordingly.
False doctrines were freely introduced and substituted for the truth. Amongst these were and are the
doctrines of the trinity, immortality of all souls, eternal torture of the wicked, the divine right of the
clergy, and the divine right of kings to rule. In the
course of time Mary, the mother of the child Jesus,
was deified; and the people were called upon to wor
ship her as the mother of God. Satan's purpose in all
this, of course, was to turn the minds of the people
away from Jehovah. Crucifixes were erected, and the
worship of the people was turned to these rather than
to let them intelligently worship the Lord Jehovah
and the l,ord Jesus Christ. Beads, so-called "holy
water", and like things were used, and are still used,
to blind the people. Gradually, subtly, seductively and
wickedly the Devil, through willing instruments, cor
rupted those who called themselves Christians. Thus
was the way blazed for the establishment of the popular religious systems which parade in the name of
God and of Christ even to this day, to the defamation
of the glorious name of Jehovah God.
This departure from and rebellion against the Word
and law and true faith of Ood reached its climax in
the formation and manifestation of the "man of sin ",
"the son of perdition," who is at the head of that
y;:,ieh is antiehrist. (2 Thess. 2: 1-8) This" man of


F.flle \\/r\TCHT0"\vER.

1, 1034

sin" is the "cyil SCITant" class, which hus been m:l11ifested or brought forth to the light since the coming


of the Lord Jesus to the temple of God for jUll~ment

work. This is the class found unfaithful at his cumin::;,.


IlE people of good will toward Jcho\'uh antl his

rj;.4ltteollsncs,; arc heat'illg the tt'uth anJ arc
taking tIle right way hy dcel:1rillg for Jcho\"ah
and his kingdom. Companies are being organized to
study God's \V ord and fol' the preaching of this gosp<>l
of the kingdom to other hungry souls. The following
is a sample resolution and letter from a company of
thoHc who love Jchoyult aud who desire to serve him:

"'e, ti,e JonaJabs from v:uious CtJlnlllUllities, assclll!Jlcd here

in Auilubon, Iowa, April l;j, lU:a, "ish to express our g'ratitl1l1c to Jeho\uh Gou for the light he has hrou~ht to us throu;;h
the lII{'diulll of bOtlks, book"!s, r:ulio and transer;ption machin,'.'!.
In thankfulnclis for this, heart-cheering amI marvelous light,

we wish to adopt the Los Angeles (" "'otid Control") reeolutiOll, to \\ it:
"Resolwd, That we do now tuke our stanu on the side of
Jehovah Gou llllll his kingtJonlj an,l that we will oh,'y, ~eT\'e
:lIlll worship JehOHth GoJ lllHl his beloyed Son, Christ .Tesus,
who is tho rightful Rol(!r of tho world, anil we will thus participate in the vinilication of Jehovah's name."

* * * *
DE.\R DHF:'rIlr.r:x:
The above r('~olutioll was yoU',1 Oil anu passe,l at a tm '\scription m\\etinl; at AudulJon, Iowa, Illst tlunday :dlel'llo"a.
(April 17, 10;)}) with 115 presl'nt.
The flJrenoon was spent witlt :?,) out in the ficrvice; Ii:!
testilllonit"S, B IJOoks, ~9 booklets, f1nu 2.5 hours. All but ti w\..o
neW at the witness work.
Y (Jur brother in Jehuvah '8 service,
ALBF:p.'l' G. CARl'/,::-;''j'P;r., Iowa.

(Continlled from page 208)

Drookh'n WHIm i"1I 10: 15alll

Sli t; :::0l'fll
~lu 10 ::lOalll
'I'u 1;::llll'lII
\\'c 10:::0am
\\'0 (l::l01'1U
'1'11 10 ::lO:lIU
'J'h ti: ::III'Ul
Fr JO::lOam
:E'r G::Wplll
WOH Su IO: IlIhllll
Buffalo WKBW We IO:OOam
Fr"('JHHt WG1313 flu 9:00am
'1'u 7:00pm
Tit 7:00pm
Hudson P. \vOLe Hu 10 :'lii:un
Jalll('~tllwn WOeL ~u !.I: ::Oa III
NewYorkWBNXHu ~::\1l1'1II
l\('wlork \vOV8u 4:;Wplll
SarallaeL. WNB7, Hu 10:]::i"1ll
'I'u 1: l:ipm
'rh1: ];)plll
H\'Iaem"c \\'HYR Hu 10 :::1l"1II
'I'uppl'r L. WIlDI. Su 10:].Jam
'I'h 11:::lhLm
Wh.!'I'lIs \\,PAS Su ti:Ollpm
Mo 1 :1)01'01
Sa 9: OUam
A"Il{wille Ww ~() Tit :): :1llpm
Charlutte WHO\) Su 10: l:iam

Gn'<,n"lJoro WInO Sli D:4.lam

WPTF Su 9 :13am
G'llForks K1"JMSu 5:00plU
Wo 5:00pm
1"r 5:00pm
WADe Su 1 :4:ipm
We lO:45am
Clevelanu WIlK Su 7 :OOpm
Tu :;: 15prn
PI' (;: :jlll'm
Clcvelanu \YJAY Su 9:4:1am
Columbus WAID Su 10:0(l:!m

ZancsdJlo W.\.LR Su 10 :OOam

We 4:15p!U

Elk City
KAS.\ Ru 1:};,plll
!>ulu:aCity WBBL:!:iu 10:H')am
Wo 0:00pm
Shawlleo KliFF Mo H:'lJplll
,r(J Ii :-l:;r'"l 1'1' S: J:'pm
KVOO::lu !):l:ium

Khnmtht'. KP.rr 1!o B:15pm

'1'11 4 :OOpw

WLI\W I'u 10: l;}arn
t; l"llShlo
\V IHCr Su 1: l;Jpm
.J"hn~town W.1,\C Ru ,1 ::l(lplll
}Jldl 'n
We,\ If fill l~ :Ofllln
Philaddpllia WIP Su G: 15pm
l'ilt~b 'gil
K(~V Hu 111 :;,)Oalll
Wi' 1 :.J:iprn
PI' 1 :4:1pm
Pitbh 'gh W\\'RW We :i: 1:;pm
HClvling WEElJ Su 3 :'1:i1'1ll
\Va 3:1.~pm
\\':I,h'ton WNBO flu l) :4:iam
W'mspolt WiL\K ~u ~:l~pm
Ih I :l"i,m
WOr:KSu 3:00pw


KZEG Su 7 :O(Jpm
'l'h 7 :OOpm


Ch1lrlest'Jn wesc Su 1 :O()l'm
e 7: l\Oprn
1:'1' 7: OOpm
WIS Ru 11: 1:5am
Fr 1 : ,Wpm
Greenville WFBC Su 10 :OOam
Spn.rt 'b'g WSP A Su 6 :30pm

WSPD Su 9: ;)Oalll
Sa 8:15am
Young~t'nWKBNSu 10:f10am
We 4:00pm

KG1"X Su 1 :OOl,m
Tu 4:00pm
Th 4:00pm

TlJ. 7::lOpm

We 4:30pm



eha 'noogll. WDOD Rli J: l:ipm

Th 8:00am
W1'JS:-;u J :;:01'111
"'e 5:;)01'10 J:'r 5:30pm
Kn",:\ ille \\' HOI. fill 7 :OOpm
,nrc ~u 4 :30pm
:'IIclllphis WHE') Su 9 :OOum

]\/arsltfif'lJ /((JO.'; Jro 1 ::Wl'lfi

~leJfunl , KNEV Ru 10 :OOam


Columbus WBNS Su 10 :4::mm

Mo 2 :OOpm
We 2 :OOl'm
Fr 2 :Oflpm
Day tun
ws),m: Su 1: :lOpm
Mt.Orab WlIDD Su 4 :;~OPlll

W:1tl'Tto\\'n KGCR fiu !l : 15alll

Wo 8:4::ipm
1"1' 8:'15pm



eh 'Iottt!sv. WE Ill; Hu ]0 :4:iarn

1)am illn \\' liT ~t l'\u Ii: I ~'I"ll
LyndltJ'g WI.\.\ ~ll ]:!:4'JI'IIl
l'clertib'g WPHI{:-\11 G:l:il':ll
Wn III :01l:1I11
Hichmonu WIn' A :'411 1:!: j:J1'1l1
Huauoke WDB.J Ku l:!::J01'1Il
We ;) :OUplll

Bell 'ham

J{XI:O Su 1: 15pm
K\'O;;:-Iu 10 :(JOalll


KI:I,S Su 0:00:101
KNOW Su 10:00atn
Beaumont K.I:'D:\I :-'ul0 :OO:un
'fu 7 :'13I'lU
CorpusChr. KGFI Su !I:OOalU
We 6 : 4;) pill
Fr Ii :4.lpfll
Kl{LD S\II0:30au1
Fr 8:4;)aIn
EI Paso
KT~M ~u 1:13pm
Ft. Worth KTA'f Jlo 5: l.iplll
We 5:I::ipln
1'1' 5:13pm
Gah est on KLUl' Hu 1 4:ipIU
We 8 Ol)pm
r.;:XYZ !':iu 10 OOatn
S. Angelo KGKL Fiu I 15Vm
Th 8 4;):1l1l
S, Antonio K'I'SA fiu 10 l,j:l!n
KGKO Su 12 30pm
'I'll 84::iJllll


'fh 5:;;OplU
K.l H Su 10 :Oi'alll
l:;l'at tie
KYL ~lo (j: [;11'1lI
'I'u 0:45pm \\,,~ I;:l;;plll
'I'll 6;i:il'm
Fr li:.J.i"fl1


Wo 7:00alll


KIT:-';u 11):00:>111
'I'h 7 :oO:uu





KLO 8u 3 ] 51'm

Salt L. CitJ

KSI. Su 9 43pm

We 5 O')PIl1


\YSYB Su 10 OOam
'fh 5 30pm
WQI] fa 1 aUI'lll

,,"onp 1-;11
W!lDI:\' Su
"':-\_\7, 'J'h
\\'\V\';\ au

I:! :j;)I"1l

4:0 11 />[0
It! :OU:1IU


La Crosse WKBH Ru 1::! :00 IlU

WIIL\ i'iu 10 : (l,i:l III
Mani 'woe WO:'lIT ::-10 7 :tlil[llll
Th I:U!JJ.llll



U: 1:i'~1ll
Ii :0 1:['10
:? :.!:i1'"1
7 :l,jam
1 ::;Opm



Ii :,J~'l'm

KO.\ SlI
J,'\' 1
Walla Walla Kl'J:-';u



KDF:1 Su Ii1 ::l{)am

Th b:13plli

tFfie WATCliT0WER.
Tile good news of the kinl{dom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local time is shown
in each ins lance. ]
:!-A Y Tn H:I."jpm
BrokenlIi1l 2XLHu o:4iJpm
2-G::-< Su 7 ::;r'plll
2-G~' Tu 7: ::OplU
2~{O Su 7 : 0;) pili
2-XN We 7: 15plU
New Castle 211D Su 9 :3lJalU
Su 7:15pm
We ti:"::il'm
:!-{JF. Su 9;1;;am
,V'gaW'ga2\vO We 9::lOam
We 7:'1::ipill
4Be Hu 10 :lfJam
Towns\'ille 4-'1'0 We 8:00pm

Launceslon 7-LA Fr 10:15pm

3-BA Su 12 :j5pm
~-J[A Su 6:15plll
::IfS Su 7 :Ollplll
MdhllUrOQ :l-AW Hu 12:l.'plll
:1:\lA Su 7:1.'plll
3-TH Su G::Wplll
3-HHHu 7:1:i1'1l\
Wl1llgaratla awlt Su 8: 1:;1'U1
Knl~(Jorlie ti- KG Hu 7 :'!Oplll
6-~{L Bu 7 :OOPII1
JInillnut HO:--l:-nl Sa 5::l0pm
(3:10 U1) Li:iPEHANCE

CFCN::;u 5:4::ipm

(;Jell Bu 9:00pm
Hamilton C KOC Hu 10 :~Oarr.
8u 1:30pm
Bu 8:1Gpm
Sllanghai X~lIIA Su !I: 4;)am
Caibnrien C~[( W Hit 7: OOpm
c~m: Su 11 ::~O:l1h
also Spanish!:lu 9:00pm
Santa CI 'a C~UlI Su 11 ::;::iam
HADIO- Su 3: 30pm
(~96,1 m) TALLINN


Beziers RADIO- 'J'1l 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZIERS
Bordeaux RADlO Mo 7 :45pm
(237 m) SUDOUEST

Fecamp R.\DIO-NOR(2(J(j DI) MA::-<DIE

I'reneh Tu 8 :OOpm
Paris RADIOLLFr 8:15pm

Paris RADIOSu 12:00 un

(:l12.~ m) VITUS
'I'll 7 :~Opm
Ha 7 :30pm
Toulouse lL\DIO We 7:1:3pm
(:;85.1111) TOULOUSE


Sl'ani~h Th 10 :OOpm

Birm'ham WA!'I Hu 12:45pm
-Uirm 'ham WBUC flu 10 :00,11'1
M 'tgollleryWSFA
llwwle S, WNIL\
We 8 :OOpm

We 4:30pm
Hu 1: :Wplll
Su 3 :45pm

Shrevep't KWEA Su 10:1iJam

Britlgeport \VICC Su 10:00am

Baltimore WBAL Su 3: 15pm
Cumbcr! 'dW'l'HO ~lo 1: liipm
We 1:15pm
Fr 1:15pm

Wilm'ton \VDEL Su 6:15pm
Washington \VOl, Su 6:00pm

Hu 6:00pl'1
Fr 8 :OOpm

WlOD Hu 12:15pm
WQXM Hu 5:1:)pm
W J)BO Su 12 :4::;1'n1
',"CO.\ 1;11 1: oUpm
We 7:00pm

Anchorngd(FQO We 9:30pm
KetchikanKGllU Mo 7:]5pm
'I'll 7:].3pm
Sa 7:15pm
KSUN f)u
Wo 4 :OOprn
KC){J Mo
We 5:15plll 8:\
'Ve 5:45pm Fr
We 5:45pm
Spanish Su

4 :oOpm
4 :00(1111
5:1u1 1nl

,.301-' 1
7 :00l'm
0: 00111ll

FaY'\'ille KUO.\ Su 12:451lm
Wo 11 :4::ialll
Fr 4 ::;fl;,llI
JlotRp'gs K'l'[ISSu 5:00pm
I.ittle R'k }C\HK Su 9:00am
Little R 'k KGIII SII 7 :OOpm
Wo 5 :45pm
1"1' 5 :45plll
Little R'k KLR.\ Su 10 :30am
Paragould KH'J'M ~u 10:00am
We 11:3flam
Texarkana KC~IC till 6:45pm
KXO Su 10:00am
K1E~1 Su 10 :3(1:lTlI
K:\r.J Su 3 :45pll
Hollywood K:"X Hu 9:1.3pm
Lotlg B'c1l RGEI{::';u 10:4.3alJi
LosAngcle!! K'l'~I Su 9:3Uam
Su H: OOplll
Th 8: OUl'm
KLS Su 11: IfJam
We 2:4:'pOl
1"1' 2:45pm
KHOW S1I10:1fJam
Su 6:15pm
)10 8:15pm
\\"e 8: 15['111
Sa'mento KFBK Su 9:3(1"IU
Sau Diego XEBC Su 11 :45am

EI Centro

We 7:45pm
S. F'cisco KTAB Su 9:30'uu
Sa R :30nm



We 7:15am

8u 9 :3flhlll
Fr 1:1:'>f'm

Coffeyville KOGF ~n 1:4::iprn
Th 8:00pm

Col '0 Spr. KYOR Su 10: :lOam
We S:30pm Sa. 4::;\)pm
KFEL Su 7 : (JOplll
GmndJ'n KFX.J Su l::JOpm
KFK.\!-'\u 6:45pm
KID''\" Su 7 :l.'pm
\\'0 2:40pm Fr 2:10pm
KUEK Mo 12:4::ipm
We 12:4:;l'm
Fr 1:?:4::ipm

W'1 PI Sn 9 :4:"iam
\\"(;8'1' Hu 5:4iipm
W.ITT. Su 2:1;Jpm
Au;.(usta. wlmw HII 3 :O(lpm
Tit 7:45['111
Columhus 'YIUn. Hu 9 :;:Oam
L:J.Gran~eWKEU Hu 3:00pm
\\H 3:00pm
Fr 10:OOam
WMAZ Su 4:00pm
WHOA SlI13::lOpm
We 8 :4.;pm
Fr 8 :4;)pm
Savannah WTOC Bu 1 :OOpm

WLBZ Su 10:45am


ilagcrst'n WJEJ Sll10:15a1l1

Bahson P. WBSa fill ] ~ :30pm
WN"AC Hu 10:00am
Sp 'gfit:lU W;\IAH HII 10 ::\Oam
Worcester WOHC 8u 10 ::lUalO
WI H~l Hn
KalamazooWKZO HlI



Mool head KUFK HII 7 ::\0l'lll
Wo 5:15pm 1"r 5:15pm

JIultiesb 'gWP.FB Su 1 :30pm
We 7:45pm
WAML Su e:4GI'Ill
Meridian wcoe Hu 10 :OlJalll

MillS. City

Fr 7:15pm
KIDO Su 10:30nm
We 8:4:;pro
Illaho Fall!! KID ~ro 10 :orJam
KFXD Ha 11 :OOam




We G:4."jpm


Honolulu KOliB We 12 :O:ipm


!l :-l;jalll
Ii :::Oplll


KBEI Su 2:00pm

Su 9:00pm
Twin Falls KTFI Su 10 :4::illlU
8u 4:45pm
WJBL Hn 10:OOnm
Fr O::;Opm
lIarri8b'~ WEBQ Su G:OOpm
~If) 10:~optll
Fr 10:001'1ll
";.IBCSn 2:13pm
WTAD Flu 12 ::;Opm
Wo 1:00pm
Roekfortl WROK Su IO:OOam
Su 10:00pm
We 10:30pm
Sr 'gtidd WCBS Su 12 :;;Opm
S:\ 1l:15am
WDZ Su 12 :45pm


9 : 4:i a III
We 8:45pm

KFlW Hu ~:l~pm
We I:l":lm
Kans.C'y K'YKC Hu 2:(IlIPIll




K(HrL Ru 1~:30prn
Kalispcll KGEZ Su (I:UOaUl


Kearney KOFW ~u 10:{JOam
KF.\B 8'1 !)::ll)alll
Seof.fsbl'f KGKY Ru1f1:Vjam
'Ve 5:45pm Pr 5:.1::;11111

KOU Su 10:30:1m

AtlanticU'y WI'(':->u lO:O(1am
Newark WXEW Su 10:00arn
Al1mq 'que I()B We fi :4.'pm
KGrL Su Co: ]Col,m
Wc 4:30pm
Fr 4::;O[,m

Iud 'apolisWKBF Snl0:00nm
Th 1 :OOpm
WLBC Hu 1 :30pm
~'r 7:30pm


Des )'Ioines WilO Su 10: 15am

Bing'mtQuWl'.'1rE'l;ll 7:1:>[,1'1
(Continued. 01, page i()';')

W:\[lJO Su


Sa :?:l.-;r,;T

PUllLlSlIEl> SE}Jl~o}."TmY



117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.

J. F.



W. E.

VA~ AMBURGII S~cf'tfary

"And all thy children shall he tau~ht ofJehovah; and

he the peace of thy children." JWdh 54:Z3.

'~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from e.-erJasting
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Gi'fcr
of life to bis creatures; that the I.ogos was the beginning of
his creation and his active a~ent in the creation of all
things; that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory,
dothed with aU power in heaven and earth, and tae Chief
~xecuti'fo Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for m::.n, created perfect
man for the ('arth and pL'lccd him upon it; that man wiHully
disobeyed Goa'8 law and was sentenced to death; th::.t by
rpa~on of AJ:uu's wrong net all men nre born silllJrB .lind
without tho right to life.
THAT .JESUS was made human, and the m:Ln Jesus 60ffere(l death ill order to produce tho ransom or redemptivo
prke for all mankind. that God raised up Jesus divino and
cX:lltcd IJim to lle'JI'cn above every creature tlllU llho\'o every
lInme and clothed him with all Ilower nnll authority.
that Christ Jesus is tho Chief Offirer thereof llnd is tho
ri:!htful King of tho world; that the anointed and faithful
fullowers of Christ Jesus nre chilrlren of 7.io11, memb.Jrs of
.TellOvah's or~anjzation, and arfl his witnesses whoso duty lln.l
I'Ti\'il{'ge it is to tl'~tify to the supn~macy of .T\.'h()\,nh, declare
his l'urposps toward mankind as f'xprf'sscu in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of tho kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD h:l5 cnded, and tho Lord .Tesu3 Christ
hns been placed by Jeho,'nh upon his throne of aut11ority,
has ousted Sat:m from h('a"eu llnd is proceelling to the
establishment of God's kin:;r1om on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessing'S of tlUI peopks of earth
cnn come only hy nnd through .Jrllovah'8 king,lom uIl,}er
Christ whirh has now be~m; thnt tho I,ord '8 next great
net is the (l('strudion of Satun's org-:tnizntion and the estnb
liqhment of righteowmel's in the earth, unu thnt under the
kinp.;IIom all those who will obey its righteous Jaws shall be
restored and live on earth fore,er.


HIS journal is published for the purpose of ('nabling'

the people to know .Tehovah God and his purposc" R3
eXl'resscd in the Bihle. It publishes Hible instruetioa
specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witnesses. It arran~c3
systematic Bihle study for its readers and supplies Qther lit;:r'
nture to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable mnterhl
for radio broadcastiog and for other means of public iD.3truction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, scct9
or other worldly or~nizatioD.3. It is wholly and without
reservation for the kin~dom of .Tehovah God under Christ
},is Beloyed King. It is not do;pnatie, but invites carefnl
end critical examination of its contents in the lif(llt of C'l
Suiptures. It docs not inJul;!;o in controversy, and it3 cd
umns are not open to persoIl!llities.


Ar;STEAUSI4, A~;D SOI;TlI AI'nlc.\, IS.
American remittances SIIOu1u be made by E:qlre,'s or l'oslal 1>1011(:1
Ord<::r. or h)- nnnk Draft. Canadian, nritlsh, South African md
_>\ustral:t~ian remittances ~hoJlhl bc malic dlrcd to tho rcspcctinl
branch ot:iccs. Hemittances from countries otlll'! than those rutn,
tioned may be made to the BrooklyIl oillce. but by Inten~uliolJul
Postal }loney Onler only.

ST.\TES, 31.00;


31 Crayen Terrace. London. W. Z, P.!l:;14nll

Can.adian . 40 Ir'win A,enne, Toronto, Ontario, CaIl.:ltJ:t
,tust,ala&ia", 7 nl're<"for<l !toa'l, Slrathflel<1, ~. ~, W. AUl<trnlia.
South .4.!ricr.n
Boston I louse, Cape Town. South Africa.

1'Iense adures3 the

August 31 to Sept"mlJ"r 3 indusive are the tlayg for a con"entiou of .Jl!IlOmh's witneg,;es nt Lonuon, Buglaud. The
('ollv('utilln will he IIl1t1 at the Al('xlluI]ra Palace, the puhlic
mceting Leiug in tho huge hall at .\lexandm Palace, SUUI!ay,
Spl,tembcT :!. 'I'he forenuon of each <ll,y will he ,lev01ftl to
til'lu service; afternoon an,1 el'euin;;' Ul,~,tillgs for the int~rcste,1.
'I.'hose CUlltpmplnting atteu.ling the Lou,loll eonventi on should
Ildclress C"nn'utinn COllllllitt(,(', 34 ('nll'en 'J'errace, London,
W. 2, En~lallll. The presidl'nt of the Hociety exppds to attend
this convention and address the public.
Jehovah's ble~sin~ hus heen markedly upon the use of the
I,ortaLle transcriptlOlI machine. He hus plainly manifested
that this machine meets the n('er} of th<J hour, when the enemy,
und'~r Gog, is seeking to curtail the usc of the rarlio by God '8
anointed :lnd when the peuple'8 eul's :ue eager to hear. not
Dlun '8 message, hut God's. The transcription machine
inCl'ea~ed the power of Jehovah's witnesses ati"lll to preach Uh,
truth manyfol.], so that the <lesh e for the iltemttlre is stimn'
hted and study classes of ID'lny intereste.l hearers are ~:>eing'
formed. Besides more than 450 such maehinrs in the rnited
Statt>s alone, GI'('at numbers nrc now h:'iu-; effe<'ti,-e]y med in
COUl\tl'ics near cud afar. For IDore information, write the


in every cas!),

(Translallon. 01 thi, iourllol appear in 'everal lanqva!7e )

AU sincere students of the J:ible who by rl':lson of inflnnlty,

poverty or ndver>ity are unable to pay the suh,.. riptlon )11';1'1
may 11:1Ve TI,e Watchtalee, frco upon written applic:ltion to tiLl
publishers, made once ench ,ear. Rt:lting the reason for so re
fJ"e~tin~ it. We nrc glad to thus alii tho needy. hIlt tho Written
application once each year is required by the po,<tal re:mlll.tioD~.
,"otice tt) Sub.ocribers: Aeknowle,l=ent 01 a new 01' n renewSI! sub
scription will he sent only when re'luested_ Ch,m~'" of flrltlrr".
when re/fuel>ted. may be e..xpeetNl to appenr ou nll,lr.s~ lahel within
one month. A renc\Tal blank (rarryln!( notIce of (" niration) ":i:l
be I'ent with the journal one month beforo tho sllb,,:ription c:tpire';.
Second CZaR. Mall Matl~r at Brookllln, Y. Y., PostoD/ee.


Lmmo~ CO:-iVE~TIO:'<l


Act of Yarcll 3. 1$79.

All witnl'~sin~ parties and all indivil]uals wlln elll:(l'ge ill the
witness work shou1ll mention the IlIdio station III ttH'ir vh~illl(~'
that is broadcllstiug tl".. w .HCHTOWEl~ pro;!;] :111'5. This oft,il
111'O\"l'S a means of op'-lIing tho.. way to p!a<'e t [c houks in thl!
hamls of the people. Have in mimI that the ..hid purpo!!" of
the radio is to call the pcoplt-'s attention to the truth ntHl tl'('1\
furnish the opportunity for t1((,111 to get a wi'lpr llnll('r~t.antlin~~
of the lll('ss:tg-e ('oncerlling the g<)\'eTulllcnt uf Je!lo\'ah by read
in~ what is being print('(l.
.F;\'ery oue wlla now pttrticipates in the fieM WOl k in territory
served by broadcasts of the W.\TCIITOWER program may havf1
a sh.'lre iu tl'lling the people that this unique ~et'l'ice is avai\:lhle
each week. Workers report that 11istribution of the Tlldio f"h1<~r
(supplied by the l:'o<:iety) is l'fovillg to be a eOllw'nient :,nd
effective method of g:i\'ing- cOillulllnl puhlic nc,ti"e of tltis 1'10gram while engaging in the h0use-to,house \Vitllebsiug.
Many hearers of TU,lio tl':mseription lectures haw the ,1'>5ire
to meet witll Jehovah's witn<,,:ses lind to stUll\" hi~ \YOI'll \'. ith
them. Hence whf1ren,r the kinc:uoUl message 'is ladiocast. the
time and pUlre of lI1(,f1ting of the 101"0.1 compau)' of' .Tpho\a;l 's
witnesses shoul,l he annollneed after tlw tran:"'l i ption, 'rhe
tune on the air heing paid for, the station Ill:\ !lager nl1~ht to
readily gmnt your request to make such aUl\(Jll;','C':iCll:.



15, 1934


No. 14



the Lord haec called thee in riylltcousncss, and will hold tl/ine hand, and u:illllccp tllce, and give thee for
a cocrnalll of the pWjilc, for a light of lhc Gcntilcs."-lw. 42: 6.

f<jIIOVAII'S ullcollC.1itional promise to Abraham is

called the AIH'ahumie COV(;lIant, for the reason
that Ahraham served to pidnre .Jehovah himself,
while Samh his wifc served to pieiure .JdlO\":lh's 01'ganizatioll, whi('h hring's forth the seed for his purpose. That is a ullilateral 01' olle-sided covenant. It
is a declaration of the unehallgen hie pUl'po<.;e of Jehovah to do a certain tlting', and the result thereof docs
not at all dr'pelld upon what the man Abraham or
any othl'r crt'atnl'e mig-ht do or fail to do. 'fhat is
the con'lHlIlt 1hat allnOlllW('S (:od 's provision for man
to obtain lifl', for the l'l~ason that therein it is plainly
stated, "In thy seed shall all the llations of the earth
be blessed." The blessing' of the families or peoples
of the carth means that God will give tlwm oppor
tunity to live, and ~ueh oPPoltunity must come in
his appointed way, to wit, by and through the promised seed, which is Christ .Jesus.
2 'rhe Scriptul'l's do not diselose.that God has made
or ever will make a ('OVI'WlIIt with the creatures of men
to restore them. After the deg'mdation of Adam every
one of his offspring' was disqualifi('J to I'nter into It
covenant with GoJ. All wel'e hol'll sillners, and God
could not make a cO\'f'n:lllt 01' ('ontraet with any creature who is a sinnel'. Any ert'aturc ent('ring' into a
covenant with Jehovah must ha\'e a standing before
God, which standing' meallS t hat the creatme is actually justified or hy reason of his faith God count~
ltim as just itit'd. The new covenant was made with
Christ Jesus and aftt'l'\\'ards with only those who, first
having' exercised faith in the shed blood of Christ
.Jesus, madc a rOllseerat ion to do the will of God, therchy entering illtO all agreemrnt by sacrifice, ano. \vllo
Wt're then justified. Goo. has expressly provio.ed that
life shall come to those of the human race who ha\'e
1'eal faith in the hlood of Chri"t Jesus. Then why
should God make a covenant, even with a mediator,
to give such creatures life, when he had already provided that 'life is the gift of God through Jc~us Christ
our Lonl'?-Rom. 6: 23.

The word "restitution" occurs only O!l('e in that

part of the Scriptttl'es written after the coming of


Jesus to earth amI whieh we have l}(;en ill the habit

of calling' the ~cw Testament, and that olle place is
at A(:ts 3: 21. The word "restitution" there is from
the ro\)t word l'l'II(1<;/'cd "restoreth" at Mark !): 12.
That word "restore" Il\rans to reconstitute somethill~
that once had an ('xistence. The hllm:1lJ ereatu/'l'S !JOl'll
in sin hecause of .\dam's sin never had any right to
exist. Their brief exist(,llce is by sufCI'ranee of .Jehovah. The fact that God has providl;d a way to give
such creatures life throll~h Clll'ist .Jeslls is proof that
such C1'('at ures lw ve no inherent right to he 1'estol'l'd ;
and, in fact, if tlley w('re restored to what existl'llee
they had, that would IJe an ulldesirable thillg'. IIumall
Cl'eatllrt'S have a desit'e for life, and th",)' have a nH'aSure or lif(', and they exist for a hricf time and then die.
'1'he shed hlood of Christ .Jesus is the plll'cltasin~ pri('c
for mankind, and he is the life-ginor to those who
believe on and ob('~' him. It follows, tll<'lI, that the
gift of life is not a restitution, hut is a gift.
Some of the faithful disciples were with Jesus in
the mountain whrre he was trallsfigUl'ed before them:
"Allli thl:l'e appeared unto tltem Elins, with :\lost's;
and they W('l'e talking with .lesus." (Mal'I;: !): 4) In
that transfiguration s('elle Elias (Elijah) pictmcd
Christ Jesn::; doill~ a tl'rtain work ('onel'l'ning' the kilWdom whilh concluded at a spt'eifir. time, to wit, the
work of 'preparing the way b('forc t he Lord'; and
Moscs pictured Christ Je!>us the gTeat Prophet, Priest
and King' and who tJlcrefore is the Exccut i\'c Officer
of J('hovah, That trullsti!.!uratioll S('I'lW had l'dereuee
to GOll 's king-dorn ullder ('IH'ist .Jl'ilUS, his mi~hty
Vindicator. 'l'his h; made certain by tlw words in the
contl'xt:" A voice came out of the eloud [symbolic of
the presence of Jehovah], saying', This is my beloveo.
SOil; hear him" (':Hark 9: 7); that is to say, the
dramatic transfiguration there pictured Chri"t Jesus,
the 1:l'1o\'e<l Son of God, his great High Priest, whom
all n,en must obey hecau'ie God Iwd sent him forth to
be his \'intlicatpr and to cany out his purpose.
~ It is written that dElias [Elijah] verily cometh
fil'st, and restoreth all thiugs' '. Docs this haYl' l'rfercl1cc
to re"tituti0t1 of the human race during the Illillellnial
reign uf Christ'j It does not j but it dol'J kn-c rd-


fJ1ic \\'i\TCI-IT0\VEI~

erenee to tht' l'c::,toring of that y,hich had oncc cxi<;tl'd

umOll~ the l"raelii("s, unu \yhifh lwd hct'Jl 1o',t, to wit,
the all-important doetrincs of J chovah'~ namc and his
kingdom. \rbell the uj':i(:ip:\'~ etlmc down from the
mountain where Jesus was trall"figured hdore them
they were tulking abont what the,\' had seell ,JIld he,ll'll,
and they propounded to Jesu<; tbis question: "Why
say the scribes that Bli;ls must first come? And he
answered und told th('In, Elias n:rily eomcth fir,~t, and
rl'storeth all thing,,; and how it is written of the Son
of man, that he Tllll'it SUrter many thin!~s, and IJl' s('t
at nought." (.:.Ial'k D: 11, ]2) III this text and oll;er
Scriptural 1('~:1 s IIi !'retly r<'lat('<1 thereto both .JOIlil
the Baptist and JI':ms arc identified as well as a work
done hy them. Con('cming .J()Jl1l the Dapti.,t the
prophecy ~ays: "~\nd he ~lwll ~o hefurll him [the
Messiah] in the spirit and Jlower of Elia<;, . . . to
make really a pl'ople prepared for the Lorll," (Lulie
1: 17) In r!l1S\"'C'r to a qll('~tion John the Baptist
quotes from the jll'ophc('y of baiah coneerll ill~ himself, to wit, "I am the voi('c of onc cryill~ in the
wildel'l1ess. ;\bl\c stl'Hight the W[lY of the Lord."
(John 1: 21-~:3) .John in a me:l,,;ure fulfilled tho
prop!lery ultrl'l'd (ollferni1l'.~ Blijah, but Christ J('S1\S
himself Illm:t fulfil in compll'lion that prollheey,
other sl'l'iptmes show. praJ. 3:1; 4:f),6) 'l'I11'se
IJrophceiez; l'l'latin~ to restoratioll had reference to restOl'ing till' gl'l':lt truths ",hil'h the Israelit(,s ha,llo:--t,
to wit: 'rhat .J('hoyah is the only true Cod ,\Ilc1that he
would ma\((o a ll::me fur himself l(r find through his
Idngdum. 'rhe wCJI'lh of :\1 ark !): 12, "'rhe Son of
man . . . JlIust ~llirer lIJ:1uy things, and be set at
nought," show that the ('ompkte fulll1mcnt of the
prophel'y COI\(~l'l'IIili~ El ijah must be IJl'('('('c1l'd l,y the
sllffcrin<.:s or CIIJ'i,;t .Jesus, all of whieh !l('l'Iains to
the Yil1di('al ion ol Jdtoyah's n:nlle. Jeslts dill sucret'
death, was raiseJ fn)nl thl' dl'ad, unll Wl'nt away 10
l'eccivl1 the Idll~duIl1, thl' sdting lip of which must be
lH'erc<!c'll by a l,(,,,titnlion work, which 1'estitntion work
is thC' rcstorill'2: to his t~uc followers the great trutils
that had been hid or lo,;t frum them and to prepare a
people for Gml's pmpose.
6 The kt-y vf kllllwll'dge and uTHlerstanding of God's
puqlOse h; UllSC'] fish dl'\'ol ion to Jehovah, the one and
only true (joll, and <1ilig"nre in doing the \vill of the
l\Iost High. Whl.n Jl''iUS came to earth thc'rc was little
or no Imo\deJ~~e and l1nc1ers!anL1illg of .Tehovah's purpose, her:luse the s('Hbh kadel'S of hrtlel hall lost the
key of kllu\ylcd~e ~1lll1 had t,,1\I'l1 it away from OUll'!'S
who might desil'l\ to !lC'ar the truth. It was the b0111ll1"!l
duty of the sl'rih's amI Fhari<;ces to tearh the people
concerning the exp1'I.'~~ion of thl' \\'il1 of God, Imt the:y
had fnih'a to do this ,,!lc! wcrc de\'()tin<; tltf'msdn::; to
senseless and s<:lfish f:l'rC'lIlonies. For this rea "on .Jesus
delloUllceJ t11('111 in the mo"t emphatic tcrms. (Lu!,e
11: 42-53; 1'Iat1. 2:3: 13-33) By all of his prophets
Jl'hoVllh had exprc"sed his purpose to make a name
for himsl'lf alld to estahlish his kingdum uudcr tile
:Jles:3iah to aecomplish that purpose. Becau'ie of thdr



X, Y.

sdfi;,huc'>S the 1eauel's in Israel \n're hlind to th(',ol;)

tt'utlle; anu the kjll~dom was nothing' to tllL':TI. For
1his reason Jesus said to them: ,. The kingdum of (~()d
shull be ta];en from ~-ou, and given to a nat ion IJl,jll~
iug iorth the fruits thereof." (":Ilatt. 21: 43) T /1(;,)'
were not !)(:aring to the pcopJc. the fmih 01' the ];jl,'~'
dOIn, namely, God's "'ord of truth, hut' w0re proelaimin~ their own "dfiiih durlnlles.
1 By his prophet Jehovah had fOl'etnld the cOlJlillg
Qf Elijah to do a pn'p;ll'atory work hefore "the !~rf':lt
awl the t<'nible day of the Lord". (JIu!. 3: 1;1; fi, Ii)
\';itlHJllt a douht Christ Jc'<;U'i himself is the mt's~,ell~~,'r
and lllltitypical Elijah Incunt by this IJl'IJphef'Y, ;:Jill
who lllll'it do n rertain 1'n'1'arato1')' work beron' t:ll.)
gl'cat and tCl'J'ihle dny of .h:hovah, This propll:'('Y
mtbt lwve its fulfilment just pr<'l'eding .\I'mn~edd('ll.
John tile Baptist did not fulfil this part uf lhe 1'roph.
el'y, Imt he did fulfil a part of the ]ll'uphl'f'Y ollly in
miniature. lIe emphasized the kingdom, saying to the
Israelites: "Hepent ~e: for the kingdulll of he:lv,'n
is at !lalld." platt. 3:2) Christ ,J('<;\lS look up lhl~
work that John had not fini"hed, and lw 1J('~an his
minist!':: by the selfsame \\'(JI'(ls \1~I'd by .John, to wit:
"HqJent: for the kin~dom of hean'n is at halld,"
(:'\la11. l: 17) John was preparing the Jews to I'e
cci\'l.~ the ::\11''isiah, th(' King, and ,Jl'''\lS Chri'it preparrs a IJcople for ,Jl'llOvah 's name. 'l'lwall-irnpol'1allt
thin~ in the dar of ,Tuhn, and. sinrc, is thl~ kin;.!dtllll,
l)('eausl~ thnt is 1he T1lPuns l'mployed 1'01' tIte yi1ll1i('ation of .fel:ovah's nallle. .\11 the parnhl,'s of .JI''-.IIS
empha..,ize the king-110m uf (;Otl aIHl that (;011 's l1:lllle
mu"t be !i(Jnon'll. '1'he trall'di~Hl'ation ill the mOlintain \ras il. manif~station of (:od 's 11l11'IH)':e to set LIp
that liin~du1l1.Jesus was impl'l'ssilll!; upon his faith
ful disciples the impurtantl. ot' the !;in'!doll1, JJ ()
furthet cmphasized the kingdom whl'n he told tlwm
that he mllst go away awl rl'l'cive tJlf' 1;i1I~~dl)lll, and
that he would return and I'l'('(>ive his fnithflll fullo\\,ers to himself, that is, those who would love hi,s nppearin'~ and his kingdom. The disrip!<'<; ernphn..,izl,t!
the trulh of aud cOll('erniu~ the kill~dulTl, hut witllin
a shott time after they dicli selfish men ag'ain l)('C';lrllc
leaders in the church, ana bCCall'iC of thl'ir s\'lfishnl"s
the)' lo"t the ko)' of Imow]ed~e and toek it U\yay from
others. In due time JC'hovah dir'ectrL! l.'l!ri"t ,k,li';,
the Gt'catcr Elias or Elijah, to do a pn'pal'atory \\ul'k,
that is, to prepal'c a peoflle who would sce anll appreciate the kingdom. In duing this preparatory wurk
the Lord used the consecratt'd voho engr:'!f'd in an ambassadorial or witness work, and this \\'U1'k had to do
with 1he restorin~ of the truth to the 101l0wc'rs of
Christ ,lesus. 'l'~li,> l1l'\:l)(1l'atory '.vorl, ml1--t lw ,]mlll
befure JellOvah's }Iesscngor comes to t!l!' t<'mplc; U';
it is \yl'iHen : "Behold, I will scnd my l1I""..,t'ngor, :1tld
he shall prepare the way hefore me: and the Ll)l'd.
whom ~e seek, shall SllJ(lelll~' come to hi" tl.'mpl." n u l
the meSSt'nger of the eo\'('nant, whom ~e 11Ji~,dit i:\:
hcholJ, he shall rome, saith the Lord or ho"ts." (~l,l}.
3: 1) The preparatory work rc.fel'l'ed to ill th;" prill,h.

Jt:r;y 15, 19;}o1

fJl1e Vv/\TCHT0\VER.

ecy was not prcparin~ a people for heayen, evell

the oues rnailltaining t1wir integrity and con.
tinuing faithful find their final r('\,'aru in heaven.
The work is preparing the people for .]eI1Ovah's name,
v:hich people must UO a l'>!,eciDe \ritlj('sS work after
they are taken out from the world nwl prepared. It
i':l now clcarlj' ~t;Ul that it is those \\ho 'love his ap
}H'aring and his kin'!<1om' who arc the ones made
ready for the llame of ,Jehovah. The restoration \'Oork
mentioned by .Jesus in :Jlark 9: 12 was not a work of
rl'~tlJl'in~ or l'>ettin~ up the kinwlom, hut it was a restoring to the faithful the truths of anu concernin~
the k;ll~dom. In the tillie of that pJ'eparatory ,,;ork
the false doctrilH's of the trinity alld t:tel'llal tOJ'ment
were complt:tely taken away and it \Va'i seen that thero
is but one tnw ant! almi~dlty God 1.1l1U Otic L01'l1 and
Savior, ClItist Jesus, who is the King. But the great
revelation of prop!l('cy, 110t being a r('storat ion work,
is given to the people of (;od at'tpl' the eOll1ill~~ of the
J,oru Je"lls to the temple and nftpr the gathel'ill~ of
the faithful ones to bimself at the tpmplt'. It -was
since thCH thllt the faithflll have h:at'ncli that thrro
is a dirrert'nce betwCt'll the work of the church foroshadowefl by Elijah awl that forp,.;]wdowed hy Eli'iha.
There eleady appears to he a difr\'l'(~llce in the work
embraced \',ithin the bll:~llag-e of .:\lark, to wit, "Elias
verily eonwt h fil'l'>t and l'estot,eth all thill~!;S," alld the
work embracrd within the meanitl1!; of the words utterrd L.r the apostle 1'd('r conet'rlling the restoration
of all things spoken of by all the pl'ophets.




(The word "l't';,torcth" as used by Jesus in the

f'ot'e~oin~ text being' dire('t Iy l'C'la1('d to the worll
rcstillttion ll;:culatcr, the mattpr is here appl'opriah'ly
('I.tlsider(d. In the party (lays of the chul'ch the apostle
]'der us('d the \\'(ml I'Csi'itlitioll, and for many years
pn~t we have \IIHlt'l'l'>tood tltat the apo'itle thcre ml'unt
the l'('stitlltiotl of the wodd of mankind during' the
thou'iand-yL'ar l'ei~ll of Christ Jpsu,;, and that sllch
restitution means the giving' of life to human crt'aturl";;, III tll,) light of the truth revealeu sinee the
coming of Christ Jesus to the t('IIlI)le that conclu!>ion
(,olleernill~ tlH' rl,.. . tituti')Il of mankilld dOt,S IlOt ~et'm
to l,e wl.1l't'<lllted by th(' Srriptul'es. "'hat, then, is the
m/'uning of the words of the apostle Peter, to wit:
"\Yhom the heaven must receive until the times of
restitution of all thing-s, which God hath spoken I,y
the mouth of all his holy prophets sillce the wodd
began. "--l\ets 3: 21.
U Peter spoke under in<;Jliration of the hol:-.' spirit,
and due cOllsidcration mu~t he gin:n to all his words
uttere<l in conncdion with the word l'estitHtilj1l there
used. In Acts 3: 19 the apostle tells of 'times of refreshing that shall come from the face of .Jehovah'.
Manifestly the time l1<'re mentioned is the time when
Jehonlh turns his face to\vard alld gives attention to
the huilding up of Zion, as it \\':1S written by hi"
prophet: "When the Loru shall builu UI) Zion, he shall


appr:)r in llis glory." (Ps. 102: 16) J('hoyah appeurs

at Zion in the l'l'presclltative capacitj' of his grcat
High Priest, Christ Je<;us; hence it is writtt:ll: "Anu
he shall st~lld .Je~U'; Christ, whieh before was preached
unto you." (Acts 3: 20) In the preceding ninete('nth
ycrse of that chapter the apo':ltle declares that "your
sins may he hlotted out, ,,,hen the times of refreshiIl~
shall come' '. Manifestly the,;e \Vorus last quoteu have
reference to the rcfinill~ and cleansing work perform(;u by .Je;,us at tilt' temple in onkr that the
cleanseu one'; mig-ht ofrer unto the Lord an orfcrin~ in
l'i~hteousJlr<:s, Of a1. 3: 3) Followin~ that cleansin~
work, and helH'e at tlw ~nme time, there comes great
J'('frl'~hill~ tf) the eleamcu OIl('S. This uoes not mean
the cleailsilJ~ from inherited sins, hut a cleansing from
the sins tll,lt atlar'h to tile ('hnt'eh at the comin~ of tile
IJord .Jesus to the temple. B('ilJ'~ eleansed, t he,~e approveu or l'le:m-wd ones arc covered with the robe of
ri~..\hteousn<':';N IInu given the garments of salvatiun,
anil thry are gl'eatly refrl'shed anu rcjoi(e. (Isa,
61: 10) TllL";e approved OI)(,S, at the invilatioll of
Cht'i:it Jrsu", clIter into the joy of the Lord. (:\latt.
2G: ~1) Thty nre hroug-ht into the templl', and the
J}ew ('o\,ellallt is ilia ug'urated towa I'd tlWllI, 11 is a
time of gT(';,t refreslling' to HlP eleall;,cd Oil,'';. ~\hlli
time of rdl'P:-.hing c()JIId not come until al'tt'r .J('~IlS
w::s sent forth II)' .Jl'ilOvah to ntlL' among,.,t hi" ('IICmies, and that \.,as dOl\(' ill I!Jl t. The time of rd'reshin~ ('ou1<l not ('Orne 1l1lt 11 Jesus l't~t UI'lH'U frolll III'a ven
and gathcI'l'd unto himself his faithful ones, l1n.l this
is ('mphasiz(ld hy the word" of the apostl .., \\ hen he
says conerrllin~ .Jesus: "\Vh01l1 the hca\'\'11 must
[retain] lIntil the times of rp;;litutioll of all thing-s."
Thus ddiuitely i'i the time of restitution fix\d, to ",;t,
at the coming of the Lord .]e;;n'i to the t(:mpl('"
10 ::\ote now that the apostle Pctrl' quot('~ fl'om t!to
wOl'Lls of J)entel'Ollomy 18: 15,]S an<l dinctly cunJ}C'cts thr sallle with the tinws of n'~tit.ution. Thus the
apostle i(!L-ntifi,s Cht'i~t .Jesm. alone us the Olle foreshatlO\V\'<l h,v )!o"es, the 1'{)ll1ilJ,~ of whom at t11l' eOlllmawl of .JdIO\"ah lIl:lI'ks the time of rrfl'rshilJ~ to the
faithful followers of Christ .J':-'ll'; who love hi,; ap
J>eal'ilJ~. This proves that there is a uir('et allll importl.lllt r..Iatiollship of the c()\"t'lJallt made in :\Ioab,
whilh wns a ('(,I"Cnullt of fait ht'nln('ss for('sll11110\\'ing
the kingdom, .:nd the eoming of the Lord JL'SltS to the
tC'mplc, and tile times of refreshing' from the f;:ce of
.Jeho\"::111 and the "l'cstitutiLln of all things, whi('h God
hath spoken hy the mouth of all his holy pl'ophets
sinpe the worhl began". It follows eotl(Ju~i\'LI.\. then,
that restitution here must take place at the time of
the eoming of tilO great Prophet foreshauo\y\:J uy
11 In the dnys of .\hl'aham .Jl'1lo\'ah had sd lip his
typical kin~d()m by .:\TeJchizedek, "lH'iest of tile mo::.t
hh~h Cod," hring placed upon his thl'OIH', (COl,
l-!: 18; IJL.b, 7: J --1) 'l'hat t;,'pieal kin;l'tlotll passed
nv:ny, Hnd h111I(ll'('l}<.; of ~'('ars tlll')'('after .1l'!1')y:~h made
a covenant with his people in ;'\luulJ, which CI.. VdlUut


1J1l.c \V./-\TCliT0WER..

of fai:hf.ulne!:ls ioreslllluowed the covenant later made

with .Jesus for the kinguom. That covenant made in
Moab shows that it was Jehovah's purpo<;e to revive
or restore the kin~dom of Gr,u, which he had set up
under :\Ielchizcdek. The book of Deuteronomy is the
only place in the prophecies writtrn by ~roses that instructions arc definitely laid down to the people of
and concel'lling a future King and kin~'llom, which
King must come as the antitype of :\loses. (Deut.
17: 14-20; 28: 36) It is true that in Exodus 19: 6
God had told the Israelites that if tlH'Y would ol}('y
his voice they should be a kingdom of priC'sts and a
hal.\' nation; but that nation failed to 01wy the Lol'u
(:od, and it is ill the book of Deuteronomy, writtl'n
thereaftcr, that the future kingdom is cmphasized. In
the book of Deutcronomy the kingdom and things p(~r
tailling thereto arc pictured by a mountain of roek
and .)eho\ah is called "The Hoe!;: ", meaning thc King
of eternity. (Dent. 32: 4) Then in Deuteronomy
33: G his king:,hip is expressly statl'd in these words:
.. And he was kiug ill .Jesh\ll'ull, when the heads of
the people and tlte trihes of Ismel wcre gathered together." This prophecy shows that the king-dum fore:-;hadow('d ill l\!oah would he set up at the time the
Lord J(~SUS, the On'ater Moses, Hhould appear and
g-ather God 's ri~ht<'ous people, his saints, together
Ullto him.-Ps. GO: [); 2 Th<'ss. 2: 1.
12 'I'he Israelitl.:s looked forward to the eomin~ of a
Kiug', }w('ause ull the prophets had foretold the (~Olll
in~ of 1\!cssiah; and then in due time the lll'omiscd
King'was lirnitt'rl to the house of Judah, conccrnin~
whom the prophet wrote: "The Ijord hath sworn in
truth unto David, he will not tUl'll from it; Of the
fl'Uit of thy hody will I set upon thy thronl'." (1's.
132: 1]) Without a doubt King' David was a type
of .Jesus CIIl'ist, the lll'ad of Zion, the capital ol'!!:lnization of .Jehovah. "For the Lonl hath chosen Zion:
he hath desired it for his hahitation. This is my rest
for ever: here will I dwell; for I hl! ve desired it."
(Ps. 132: 13, 14) Other mcn succeeded Da\'id as king
of Israel, and in the yen I' 60G n.c. the typical kingdom exercised hy the Israelites fdl down and passed
away. Slll'h was the situation WhCll Jcsus was with
his disciples, and after his l'csurrection very appropriately his disciples said to him: "Lord, wilt thou at
this time restore again the kingdom to Israel 1" {Acts
1: 6) 'I'he word restore there used is the root word
for "restitution" appearing at Aets 3: 21 and thus
directly COlllleets the words of the apostle concerning
the restoring of the kingdom with the restitution mcntioned in the latter text.

The words of the apostle Peter in Acts arc partly

a quotation of the prophecy uttered by :\loscs and
partly his own "'ords spoken under inspiration of
the holy spirit, and whieh words spoken by him were
also a prophecy to be fulfilled in the future. VIltil
that prophecy is in course of fulfilment or has been


N. Y.

f1l.1filled it cannot be properly understood. The kingdom looking to the vindication of ,Jehovah's name had
been typically !:lct up and had fallen down, anlI ill
due time must be restored. Christ Jesus is the 'Stone
cut out of the mountain' (Dan. 2: 3,1), the chief tOl'ller
stone of Zion, the One who is the vindicator of .Jehovah's name. When Jesus was offered as king to the
nation of Israel, that wns a mininture laying- of the
corner stone of the kingdom, God's holy capital 01'ganization. (Matt. 21: 1-11) In l!J14 Christ .Jeslls received the kingl]om and was SI'lIt forth by .Jehovah to
rille, and it was then that he beg-an his rille and ('ast
Satan alld his wieked ones out of heaven. (Ps. 1] 0:
],2; He\'. ]2: l-!J) In l!llR the Lord .JesllS gathet'ell
unto himsrlf the fait hful of .Jehovah ancl was tlu')'(~
flt'I'sentell to nII professl'<l followers of Christ J !''-illS
as the King and rightful Hulet' of the earth, anu,
aho'"e all, the Vindicator of Jehovah's nanH'. 'I'hat wns
the la~'ing of the chief COl'lU'I' stone of Zion, and ill
completion. (Isa. 28: 16, 17) Here at the laying' of the
thief eOl'Jlcr stone, the IH'csenlation of Jesus as Killg',
he, the great antit,nlical l\lekhizcdl'k, fltlfilled the:
pr'ophecy, to wit: "1{cjoice greatly, 0 dau~htl'r of
Zion; shout, 0 daughtcr of .1l'I'usalem; hehold, thy
King cOllwth unto thee; he is just, and having' $Ihi:ltion; lowly, and ridin~ upon all ass, and upon a (~olt
the foal of an ass." (Z('ch. !):!J) This was tlw time
for great rejoieing, lienee a time of great refreshing'.
(Zeeh. 4: 7; 1'1'clJaralion, pa~cs 70,7], 1G-1-1(;1) .\1'proximately at that time the faithful wrl'c taken illto
the cownallt for the kingdom, which eo\'enant hall
been foretold hy the covcnant of fait h fulness made
in :Uoah.
14 After thl} comill~ of the Lord to the temple he
opcned 'ilp the IH'oplll'l'il's, Hnd the~' heeamc plain to
those who lh~\'ote themsl'1,('S to Jehovah <lod. The
living stones, then gathered to the telllple and made
a part thcrcof, huilt up into that holy sl I'Udure, 1'1'('eive the light of the temple awl gTeatly l'l'joice. Tile
face of Jchovah was turned toward lh(,lI1, and the
faithful dis\'ern their Teachers, .Jehovah and Christ
Jl'SllS, who <1rc no longer pushed into a eO'rIll'!' hut arc
now made manifest. (Isa. 30: 20) "'rimes of refrcshing" there be~lIn ha\'e continued alJ(I have inrrcaseJ
upon God's people, and thl'~' have }){'ell marvC'loll<;ly
refreshed by the unfolding of the prophecies. Appropriate to this time is the language of the psalmi~t,
to wit: "Thou preparest a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies: thou anointl'st my head
with oil; my cup runneth over." (Ps. 23:G)
"But my horn shalt thou exalt like till' hoi'll of an
unicorll: I shall be anoinU'd with fr,>~h oil." (1's.
92: ]0) From that tinw forward have !JI'I'Il 'times of
blessedness' to those in the temple \\'110 euntinue faithful. (Dan. 12: 12) The reason for slH"h gt'('ut rejoicing is that the "man ehild", wltieh j.; the kill~(lulll,
is born and has been set up and rcslol'\d by Chri.,L
Jesus, tht~ King and ExC'eutive Officer of .J('ho\ah; all11
his faithful followers, gathered unto him, have 1'e-


15, l!J::,!

81ie Vv'ATCliT0\:vER-


ceived at his kmus the robe of righteousness and have Edam, and of all the [nations L ,vhich arc ealled by
had their' sin,-; hlottc~ll out', In tJ1(' lan!!,uag~ of the apos- my name, saith the Lord that doeth thi~," (..\.Jl'O';
tle, Chri:;t Jt'sus, who had theretofore b,'en preached 9: ll, 12) In the eleventh verse above quoted the
to the fnithful. had now com,' and received unto him- words "in that day" refer to the day of Jehonh
. be~illning '''idl ]914, when he sent Jesus fOlth to rule;
self his faithful followers.
and tlitls the time for r{'buildin~ the talwrnacIc of
1:1 The cnmiJlg of the Lon1.Ji's\ls to th{' temple marks
the beg-inuing- of times of restitution of all things David; foretolu by the prophet, is fixed, which time
which Goc1 ha:; spoh'n hy the mouth of all hi" holy is the eomiJl~ of the Lord .Jeslls to the temple in 1918
prophets since the wodd ')t'~an. This could 110t havc and the buill1ing liP of Zion to the glory of JehO\'ah
reference to the restitution of the human race to per- God. Amos' prophecy refers to the fact that, when it s
fect hnman lift', l)ecause such is not "the all-important fulfilment took place, the Greater David wOllld be
thing", IwithlT have all the proplH'ts foretoIU the in po,;sl'"sion of the natiol1'5, In harmony with this it
restitution of tile human race.\lI the prophets have is written concerning J(sus: "Yet have I set Illy kin'~
"foretolu of the"e days", to ,rit, of the restitution upon my holy hill of Zioll. .'\sk of me, and I sha1l
of the Idll~t.101ll as Gou's imtrument for the yindica- give thee the I nat ion<; ] for thine inhe1'itan('(', and the
tion of lJi-; fl[lllle; and the most important of all i" the uttermost parts of the earth for thy POSS('S-;iOll,' ' vindication of his lI'UTIl'. The only Scriptural conclu- Ps. ~: 6, 8.
8ion thnrc;\!lpossilj}y'be re[ll'h<'d is that "the resti17 'l'his l!rophcry of .\mos must be fulfiller1 at some
tution of all things" means the restitution of God's time, and the tabcl'llaele of David must he hllildld up.
ki!lg-dom, ",hi<'" existed ollce ill miniature, which had But lwfore the J)\)ildill~ of that ta'}('rnad(~ and the
fallen dOWll, and whi('h is now set up in completion completion of .Jehovah's capital organization, ht' dewith Chri~t .)(",;11:-; the Chief, the Head StOlle, the great clarcs his purpose to take out from the nat iOlls a 11('0Prophet, 1'l'il'st an<1 J(ill~ on the throne, Iltllllcl1iatdy pic for his name, whICh people so takpn out lIl11-;t be
following- and in ('Oll!l('ct ion with this statemellt of witllf'sses to hi,,> name. The npo;,tles of Chri"t .J(':>IIS
"restitution of all tJljll~S" the apostle quotes the were holding- a conference at .JI~rllsalrm, (,ollsidcl'ingprophecy from Veukl'onoll1Y ]~: ][)-] 8 and dcfinitely what sholl III he done ahout the go,-;pe!'s ;!oil!g to t!te
shows tlmt Christ Jesus is the Grcatrr MosI':-; aud that non-.Jews. irherc, g'uidl'tl hy the holy spirit, tlt('y
C\'eIT olle whom he g-athers unto himself must !lOW he l'enehcd the eOIT(;ct condusioll, alld then they S('llt
wholly lind entirdy o"('di(~llt to God's great ]<;xI'cllth'e mes,-;engers to others to inform them of (:od's pUI'OffiN'r. Wlwtcvei' ihe'Sc'riptures tCII('h ahout the sal- pose. (.\cts 15: 21-2(j) At that time Jehoyah hau made
vat ion of the human race, and bringing the olwdient with Christ J('SI1S the new ro\'('nant, tlH' jJlll'pu"e of
ones to human perfection, the tcxts at Actl-i 3: 19-23 which is to take out from the nations his witll('S'f's
havc no reference to such work.
for his nnme, At the t irne of thi1> conferclll'e in Jeru
salem sOllie of the dis('ipl!'s hllll cal'l'it,,] till' lIl('SSa~I' of
the killgdom to the Ul'ntiJ('s or llon-'}l~\\'S. 1f('II('(' Jm(]('s
18 A tahernacle l-i)'ml)()J ieally st111l11s for ft dwellingon that o('l;asion said: "':\1en and bl'l'thrcn, hl'arkl'n
place, The name" David" IlleaJlS "bclo\'ed" <111(1 pic- lJ1lto me: ~;illleon hath tleclarell how God at the first
tures Clll'ist Jt'sns, the IJl'loved ::;on of God. The tab- did "hit the Uenti!('s, to takeont of them a people fm'
erIlade or dwelling-place of .Jehovah God as relnted his name." Sll<'h is the work of the !lew CU\'Pllllllt,
to his cl'eatures is Zion, his ('apital organization, of \vhieh \\'ork TOUl-it progTC:;'l to a completion and until
which Christ JbUS his bdoved SOil i:; the Head, "For the comil:g' of the LOI'<! Jt'SllS, awl the lHlilding- up of
the Lord hath cho"en Zion: he hat h desircli it for his Zion. Contilluing, the apostle James said, quotill'.!;
hahitation. This is my r{'st for ever: hero will I dwell; fl'om the prophet Amos: "Anti to ths a~r('c the \\'()l'(ls
for I havc desired it." (Ps. 1:3~: 13, 14) As a type of the prophets; a" it is written, After this I \rill reforel-ihadowing his (1wrlling-pJaee JdlOyah God set up turn, and will lmilJ again the tabertlade of David,
l\lcJehizedek as his prirst and king, and concerning which is fallen 00\\'11 ; and I will hl1ilJ again the l'lliliS
whom it i<; clearly stated that Christ .Jesus is the one thcreof, and I will Stt it up; that the residue of mpn
whom l\IcJehizedek foreshadowed, (lIeb. 7: 1-3) When might st'ek aftcr the Lord, and all the (icntiks, Upl)Jl
Jehovah by the mout h of :.\lo:,;('s malIc the covenant of whom my name is c,dled, saHli the Lord, who do:th
faithfulness in Moab, he toll1 the hraelites that be all these thillg's." CActs 15: ]:)-18) This \11'0\'\''' tlwt
would choose for tlwm a 'kin~ from among"t their the pllrpo:-;e of JdlO\"nh from the begillllill~ \V;15 to
brethren'. (Deut. 17: ]S) Lat(,l' the promise ,,':1S con- take ont a people f01' hi" name and. \yh('n thl':ie arll
fined to the hou<;c of David and David was put Uj10n taken out, thell he would set up bis killgdulll, that is
the throne as ldng. Later that t~'pical royal how..e to say, st't up Zion as his u\yclling-pl<:!ce, thnt he woulel
fell dOWIl, Then by his prophet Jeho\'ah God said: huild the tabernacle of J)u\'id wbieh had falkn down;
"In that day will I raise UjJ the tabemade of David and this \\'urk constitutes ex,lctly wbat Pl'ter e:dlcd
that is fallen, and dose up the breaches thereof; and "the restitution of all things" spohn by rhe moulh
I will raise up his ruins, and I "'ill build it as in the of all the holy prophets since the ,,,orId bpg"[ll1,
da~'s of old: that they may possess the remnant of
18 Xow compare the facts with the prophecy. 'J.'hc

r.nle \V;\TCI-IT0"\VEI<.-


of taking out the people for .Jehovah's name ha!'l

In 1918 Christ Jcsus, the antitypical
J>avid, at the command of .Jehovah, g-athercd togctl\(~r
the saints and built up Zion, .Jesus himself being laid
as the ehief corner stone therein. Uhrist Jesus, the
gl'('at Priest and Kin;!", takes charge of Gau's people.
"The dead in Christ," that is to say, those faithful
men such as the apostles, 'were rlli:-a'd first' and mude
a part of Zion, the tabernacle of David, which oncc
existed and fdl down and is now resto1'('d and set
11[). (1 Thcss. 4: ]5, 16) At the time .kslls came and
hllilded up Zion therc :-;tood in his IH'CSC/l('C a Illlmber
of persons who werl: in line for the kingdolll, and at
the judgmc/lt of such the approveu 011(", werc taken
into the temple and fOl'llled, hy the command of the
Lord .Jesus, the" faithful and wise s<:l'vant ". (),[att.
24:45-47) 'I'ho,;e who were found faithful ot the beginning' of the temple jll(]~mellt, and who were foret>hadowed by Mordecai and Naomi, arc dcsi~llat('d in
the SC1'iptu1'l'S as "the relllnant". The Lord then anIlounc('s what shall thell immediately follow the settjn~ up or restorill~ of "thc tahernacle of David",
meallitl~ God's king'l1om OI':.\'anization, to wit: "that
the I'('siduc [remnant I of IIlen might seek aft cr tho
Lord." The" l'('sil1tw ", 01' remnant, here unuouht(~dly
mealls those found faithful unu who arc m:HIe the
~;e1'vant of God to 1)(':11' testimony to his name. (Hev.
12: 17) '1'1Icn says the prophet. and whith the apostle
<tuot('s: "Auu ull the Uentilcs, upon whom my name
is called," manifestly meaning all those pictured hy
Esther nnu Huth, who werc brought to the truth and
into the templc aft('r the hcginnillg of the judgment
at the temple. 'I'his ('ould not have any reference to
the world in getleral, !wcause the scripture says" upon
whom m~' name is called", that is, Jehovah's name.
'I'he ncw name is given only to those who are of the
sanctuary company. This honor no others have or
cv('r will have. (lsa. 42: S) The "restitntion of all
things" and the 'rclHliluillg of the tabernacle of
David', therefore. could hrlve no referl'nce whatsoever
to the restitution of the world in geueral during the
thousnud-year reign of Christ. The unnoullced purposc
of Jehovah frGm the beginning was to build up an
organization for his heloved Christ Jesus, which would
be used to the vindication of .Jehovah's name. In plepariug' this organization lw has taken out from the
world It people f01' his name, and these include the
"remnant" and all who suhsequcntly come into his
organization upon whom he puts his name. all of whom
cOl~stitute Jehovah's faithful witnesses in t he earth.



If the words in Acts 3: 21, to wit, "times of restitution of aU things," have no reference to the restitution of mankind during the thousund-Yi~ar reign of
Christ, then is there no means for the blessing of thl)
people with life and eternnl happilll'sS? Yes, mo~t
certainly there is such provision mnde IJ)" Jehovah,
because the blessing of the people is announced in tl:e


purpose of .Jehovah. That expressed pnrpose nr;;;t

states that God will select a seed, and by and throngh
that seed" all families of the earth shall bc blessed".
That declared purpose of JellO\'ah, and whieh is culled
the Abrahamic con'nant, is the only covenant pertaining to the blt'ssing of the people, and that eon'nant is
not made with Uu):_ cr(atUl'e. Therefore it can be !'laid
without hope of succl:~,.Jilr-COil tradict ion thJ.t. therc
exists no covenant with any (,l'eatures by a1\(l under
whieh they arc to he re;;;t(Jl'(,d to perfect human life.
It is the unconditional promise of .Jeho\'uh, maue
doubly SlIl'e nnu bind ill!!; hy his word and oath, when
he sap;: "By my;;;('1f have 1 sworn, saith .Tdlovah."
What did .Jehovah sw(,:11' that he would <Ill'? Brill~
forth a s('(d that shall j)()ss('ss the gate of his ('nl'mips,
and that intltat ~;('ed shull all tltc nations or thl' ('atIlt
he blessed. (Gl'n. 22: 16-18) Thp seed must lirst ('om!',
and thl'Ough the s('('<1 the IJII';.;sing' would COliH'. \\' Ity
should Jehovah make a cownallt. \rith mcn and nations
to bless tlll:m, at'Il'r he had gin'lI his word and hOUllll
it with his oath that hI' would do s01 The 11I'cessity
for a covenant, sueh as the uew covcnant, 1'01' the
restitution of the human rael) or the giving of tlw
human racc life 1111 the !'arth, dOl'S not ('xist, hut tll<'l'c
i!'l necessity for the U('W ('oVl'lIallt to tnke out a people
for .1ehovah~s name.Jehovah g'ave his \\'ol'd of 11l'01llise that he WlHild hless munkilHl after thl' takin:,{ out
of this people for his name anu the settin~~ up of his
kin~uom, 1m.} that hlessing' JIIust cOllie through his
<'1lOsell seed, Chl'ist Jesus. That bein~ his expl'es:-;('t!
purpose, God will perform his PUl'po:~('.
20 \Vhen .J,'sus canl(' to earth .John ;;;nid of him:
"Behold the Lamh ~f God, whilh taketh away the sin
or the worlu." (.John 1: 2H) .JdlO\"ll h having purpos(,ll
that Jesus ;.;houlLl be the He(il'emcr of and the sinoffering for the worllI, it would not be 11l'CI'ssary for
him to make a ('ovenallt with these creatm'{'s of tho
earth in ord('r to al'eomplish his purpos('. In ordl'r
for men to recei\'e the lwnefit l'('slIlting hy reason of
the sacrifi(~e of Jrsus Christ ml'n must h('lieve and he
obelli{'nt to the LorI!. Surh is 1I0t a eO\"l'llant with
thelll, hut is a statl'1I1('nt of Jehovah of what hI' will
do for those who .Io believc; thl'fefore it is writtf'll :
"For God so lo\,('d the world, that he g-avc his on Iy
begotten SOli, that whosocv('r hcl!e\"~,th in hilO ~hould
not perish, hut huve everla<.;tin:.r lik" (.John 3:10)
'1'he lifehlol)d of the man Chri;;;t Jf'SUS alono is the
purchase price for the human l'a('e. No at her ereatHl c
has allY part in furnishing that purehnse pril~l" :\0
one can I'eef'ive the benefit thereof wit hont first Ill'
Heving on the Lord Jesus Chl'ist. Thl're is no othl l'
name giV<'n under henven wher('iJy salvation ran bi~
had. (Acts 4: 1~) God coulll not make a {'O\'en:lIlt.
with impcrf('ct or sinful men to rl'st.ore thl'm. :\0 sm,ll
covenant has 1)('('n or will bc madl'. The blp;,sill:-';s of
life to the human family must. and will ("(Jml' by and
through the promisl'd seed, Christ J('sus, amI will be
given only to those who lovc and ob('y Christ Jcsus
amI Jehovah.


1:), 1934

t:,fIlc \\1ATCI-IT0WER.

21.l'.Iisunderstandiug' has resulted from the conclusion reached hy men that a COVf'nant of Jehovah God
wjth his crcatmes is necessary for the creatures to oh
tain life; hut that conclusion is incorrect. It is definitely and unequi voeally stated: 'Life is the gift of
Ood throllgh .Jesus Christ our Lord.' (Holl!. 6:23)
By the disobedience of Adam df'nth resulted to all,
und by the sacriflre of the man Christ Jesu,> in the
place and stead of the sinner .Adam the opportunity
for life as a free gift comes to all of .l\<1am':,; offspring,
to such ns believe and obey. Concerning' this it is written: "Therefore, as hy the offenre of one judgment
{'arne upon all men to cOJl(lemnation; enm so hy the
righteousness of one the free gift came upon all llwn
unto jllstifipation of life. For as b~' one man's disobedience many were made simlers, so by the obedience
of one shall m:lIJY he made righteous." (Hom.
f): 18, 19) The lifeblood of Chri~t Jesus ]lomed out
purchased the human family, and .Jehovah Cod clothes
Jdm with authority to give life as a free gift to those
,'/ho obr,)' him. JI('lwe t1lOse who do ohry will be made
righteous 01' justified.
22 Those tak('n 01lt for his name and who now COlllilitute the witl1<'ss0s for .Jehovah (lid r('('cive the gift
of life exactly in the Rame way that mankind will re(t'ive it 11tu'iug' the reig-n or Chl'ist. They first learned
or the ,Lord .Jesus as their HedcC'llIcr aJl<l hd i0ved npon
him awl were justifipd or maue rig-hteous by faith
in God and in Christ Jt'SlJS. Aft(;I' Iwing' thus ju~tifird
and begoitt'n of the spirit of God these now as nmv
creatures in Christ arc taken into the new covenant,
which covenant 1)/'eI':lr('s th<'m to he Jehovah's witllessrs and to he mndc memh(~rs of his royal house.
'1'he world of mankind must re('cive life as a gift by
helieving on the LfJl'll .J('sus an (I rendering ohf'dit'lH'e
unto him. Their justification is accomplishcd when
the)' have fll'Ovetl obedient. They could not he taken
into any covenant with God until thcy are justified
or made righteous; and this docs not take place until
the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ, and at
that time there would be no oceasion for a covenant
such as the new ('oven ant. 'rhe irrcsistible conclusion
is that the world of mankind docs not get life by or
t hl'ough the new covenant, but will rrcei \'e life ewrlasting as a free gift at the hand of Christ Jesus, Je}lOn1h's great high priest Rnd chief officer. He reigns
until all enemies are destroyed; and the race is under
him, and is turned over to Jehovah aftcr being fully

Und('r the reign of Christ .J('sus, und during

'vhich time all nations obeying him shull he blessfd,
is there no covemmt in force for the people ~ Yes, but
there is no covenant in force with the people. God's
ullf'onditional prom:,;e to hless all nations is the co\'enant, because it is the manifestation of his will or purpose and must be carried out. lIe accomplishes this
pUl'pose by and through his' seed of promise', Such
seed of promise ('Ol1st it utes his I elect :o,ervant', Chrbt


Jcsus. In support of this conclusion notice that Jehovah says: "Behold my ser'\'ant, whom I uphold, mine
elect, ill whom my soul dplighteth; I have put my
spirit upon him; he s]IUH hring forth judgment to the
Gentiles [that is to say, those who arc not of the house
of Judah, the :,piritual class)."-Isa. 42: 1.
24 Christ Jrsus, the Rrdeemer and Vindicator of .Jehovah's name, is the 'elect servant'. Those who arc
made members of his royal house arc counted in as a
part of that organization, and hence form a part of
that srrvant, and upon the servant company JdlO\-ah
has bestowcd his name, and the like honor no otht r
will cver recei\"C. Jehovah now gi\"Cs his clect sCI'vant
,. for a covenant of the people". lIe docs not make a
covenant with the ppople. Kerf> in mind that a coveuant docs not have to he made with creatures, but m:.lY
be a one-sided 01' unilateral covenant. A covcnant is
a hin<lil1g' promise or ag-rerment or cxprf'ssion of purpose to do or not to do a rertain thing". God's word
of promise that he would hring forth a seed, in which
sero all the families of the earth should be ble"sed,
constitutes a co\'cnant of .Jehovah, that is to say, a
hinding' agl'C0ment or derlaral ion to b1<-ss the h llfllall
race. 'l'hen, when the seed is broug-ht forth, and the
kingdom is liet up and the nallle of Jehovah is vindi<'ated, Jehovah will gi\"e hi" ('It'd se['vant, Christ, "fer
a covenunt of the people." 'l'hat means that his great
servant, Ghrist Jrsus, will st:.lnd as a guarantee to
thc prople that God's purIJose long ago announced will
lJe faithfully carried into operation.
25 Gonccming this it is wrilt<'n: "I the Lord have
called thee in l'ighteousnrss, and will hold thine hand,
and will keep th0e, and give thee ful' It COt'elwllt of
the peoplr, for a light of the Uentiles." (Isa .. 42: G)
Such is a purt of the commbsion of Christ. ]n audition tht'n'to the anointed servant J'(nders aid to the
"great multitude" elass.-Isa. 42: 7,9.
26 The elect servant, Chri"t, stands as an absolute
assurance to the peoples of the world that they shall
receive the hlessings of life as a free gift from God
through Chri'it Jesus. ]n ord"r to receive such a gift
the people must receive lmowletlgr, which is the first
essential to faith, and mu<;t be willing to accept the
frce gift. Thcrefore cone ('1'11 in~ Chri"t .Jesus it is
written: "Behold, I have giwn him for a witness to
the prople, a leader and commander to the people."
(Isa. 55 ~ 4) Being made the leader, instructor, ana
commander of the propk, Christ Jesus gives to tlt(Om
the knowledgr, leads them in the right way, and com
mands them what they shall do, and they must o!>ry
him before they would re<:eive the gift of life. It is
upon the shoulder of Christ. the great Prince of Peace,
that the' righteous gOYl:'l'Iunent or kingdom rests, If e
is the Wonderful Counselor 01' adviser of the flrople,
alJd he is the Evcrlasting" Father, because he g-iws
life to all of those who ohey him. (Isa. 9: 6, 7) Therefore it is written coneernin~ Chri"t Jesw; and for the
l)('uefit of the people: "And in his name shaH the
Gentiks hope. "-:\1at1. 12: 21, R. l'.


lYfie. \0\TC I-I T0\VER.

21 By his coyen:mt Jehoyuh God is m~jt'stically

carrying' forward his unnOUllc,~d rHuTose:>. lIe has
taken out a people for his name, which people mu;t
now be his witnesses; and, continuin~~ inithiul, they
soon shall participate in the vindication of his name.
Dut before the battle of the great day of COll .\lmighty
it is his expressed will concernin~ his witne,;ses, who
arc by his favor a part of the sl'lTant, that they mu"t,
under the leadership of Christ Je;;us, bring kllmr!<~llge
home to thc people of Iwoll "..ill, that they may h;I\ C
opportunity to tll1'n their hearts und their dc\'oticn
to (hxl and hi,; l,ingtloll1. 'l'lll'rcfore he gi\'e;; comma11l1r.wnt to his holy IJl'ople, to wit: "Go thrOl1~;l,
go through thc gates; prepare ye the way of the pl'Opie; east up, C:lst I';) the highway; ~n1her Ilut t'tO
stolles; lift up a stantlard for the people." (I~~l.
C2: 10) '1'he }H'es:'nt duty of the anointed \\'itne,;~~.,
of .Jeho\'ah is lll'nee plain :llld ell'ar. 'fhe ohligati( II
is luid upon them to proclaim .)('ho\'ah's name aLd
his killgdom llS the means of bj(':;sin~ the world, arid
this obli~~atiol1 mu"t be }Jl'l'forllled. Its pCrl'OI'Ul<llI['e
is 110t di"erdionary, but mandatory, It is their pri\',
il('~~e to il1vjt~ the people (,[ g-ood will to join th('m :n
m:,!;illg slll'h prol.. larnati()l1,-j~l:\'. ~2: 17.
~~ .J l'!lOvah 's gl'eilt Propht't, eh rist .J ('SIlS, j'i in commund of Cod's \Yor'!;: beill'i c:l1'l'i('d forward, aud e\"l:l'}'
soul of the temple must 1'1'11\],>1' (,olllpicte: o!JI'dil'n('C to
t!w! ~r\'at 1'l'ol'h('t. (.\('ts 3: 2:1) 'I'hl' ('om"" of thc
anoinled is clearl~' poiuted out. 'l'hl'ir sen'ice UlltO
JejlOvah must 111.' ('ontilluollS praise gi\'in:~ glory to his
name while pointil1~ the people of good \\"ill to the as their sole :11111 ahsolute hOl'f:. All the temple das'i will now ('olltillllC to givc testimony of prni'ic
to Jehovah's name, that nll willing om's Illay know
that .Jeho\'ah is God. 'l'hc CO\TWlllt of Jl'ho\'ah announcing his cxpr(,'iscd purpose to 1>1<>ss ull the nations
of the earth through Christ .Jesus his seed is an enrlasting <.'0\'cn:1I1t.\11 of its purpuses will bc rrmlI,le1<'ly
perfol'flled. lIe gi\'cS hi,; chosl'1l one, the Christ, for
a cov(;nant for the pC'ople, fully assuring them that
if they would rC('('ivc the hlcs:;ill~ of life e\'('~'lastin~
in happincss tlwy IllUst kno\v that Jehovah i<; (lOll and
Christ is his Hi~h Priest, aIllI they mu."t 1'l'11(1l'r full
aud complete obedil'nce to Christ to the glory of GlJd.



~ 1. ,\Yhat is the .\bI:.h~n~ic CO\'I'Il:.tnt, and why i~ it ~o callp,p

~: 2. Is it ncccssui'Y, 101' !;i.-Iug life ou calth to the ol,puieut of
mankind, that G. .,J :nake a co.-cnant aUII j1rLl\idp a )),1."

diator thcrcfor~ "'h\': \rho h:nc hCf'n recci.-c'] into tile

new cownaut, :In,l
what cow1ition 1
3. Show \vhethcr tl,(' word "f('stitutilm" "an he pl'Ol'cdy
uI'II1icd to J,,]ul\ah's providcu ,my for gIving life un
(',:rth to hUl:l:lll Cll':ltures.
.1. EXl,bin the tWIl'11;';Ulatioll secne.
5, Wlt:tt \';r.s the p",:itlon of .John t]1(' Baptist, accol'llin~ to
his o\\n ']ccbruuou IIn,1 also that of the an~;,'1 to Zachal'iao
conr'crniu;:{ him~ \\'hat di,l ,JI'5US mp:ln by hi~ statf'tlll'ut
that, Elias "pril\' conH,th first, lI:ul rc:;ton~lh nil thiu:,," 1
\\ l:at is thl' rl'laiio!l~hiJl therct', of his further Htatl'llj,'nt,
that "the Hon (I [ 1ll:,11 . must suffer IlJallY Ihll1 6 S, (,nd
he set at nought" I
6. J[ow Im,l the l"'!Ikrs of I,tael "takell 1l1\':'V the kl'v ot
knml!cJge"" \\'hat did Jesus me:J.n I)~' iiis \\'on!; of
~J,:l!lJl'W :.!l: .J:; 'i
7. \\1<['11 and !low \n're :,lab"hi 3: 1 awl 4: 5, Ii fulli!;",l}
8, 9. Hl'ferrin;:: to _\1'(0 ;;: 19, ~O: \Yhen wtll,i,1 Jl'h/J\ah rl'n,l
J"SIIS ell! lsI 1 un,] \', lwn. I,y whom, and .to whom \\.":.s he
pIC\-.inUBly I'\( ;u'!:(tl ~
\\'hnt \\'('l'e the" ~iJl.," !JPJ(~ Ill/'n
tiOIl",l, Il!HI hm\" \H'rp they "b\l)ttc'] out"1 Of \\I,at dIfi
tlw tinl(\<; of rc:fr0;:hin~" ('on:1ist, nn,l Wlll'll dill till'~'
come? \\'!Iy \10111.1 th,'." cOllie' 10m the l:lI'e o[ .Jt:lIU\:lh i
lO,l:!. ~lIf,W that 1'111'1" i, a ,li,,~(,t relationship !)l'twe,'n the
CO\'('Il,lIlt Ill:H]e in :,!'mb Im,l the cvent,; TI,ff'frcd to bv
I'd,'r 'II ,\["S ;:: J!):!l. _\eeounl fllr the 'lU"':JUll a' I':'
('01'<1".1 in ,\cts J: G.
13l;;, l'.,illt out the fultdllll'nt uf the J'l"'l'he('y ,'on'"J'Il:a:.~
th,' Ia:.. in~ o[ the ehief ("lInl'r Htonc uf ZilJn; abo i',- It!'
lati')lI:.:hip (a) tu thu 'tUJI('li or refrt\shir;..! 1'oIJlin~~ f,nnl
tl,e 1:a'l' of .JdlO\ah' an,l (li) tu the "tillles uf 1'I:,tilll'
tion of nil thin;:s, \.hil'l, GOll hath SPI,LPII l,y the IllOt;th
of all his holy prophets' '.
IG,l~. Explaill how (io,] 'visit('<! the (Jentih's to take out of
them a pcoplc for hi" name'. AI~o the It'latiouship th,'I'('o[
to tIll' tulldmt'nt of .\IIIOS 0: 11, J2.
IV, 1I"w is tll(~ U<~w "',\ClIanf. in its opcration l'el:tteJ to the
fulllllllf'ut uf the .\bmhawic eo\'emlllt1
20:!:!. E'l'lain .Jt'11o\tdl'S 1'1'O\'ision for hl,',~in~ the hUlIl:ln
ral'C With life un earth, and the (,(IIl']lti"n on which tli'l
('reature will gain Hleh hle~sl!l~, COJlIj "ll'~ \I i Ih t Ilis t h"
lIi:lIlller in 'whll'h thoso in the U.1\V CO\, 1I,lUt reed\'(',) tlic
gift of life; ul<o the basis ant! time o[ recei\;n~ th!'ir
:?3, ~!. Point out thl' f111tihllcnt of Isaiah 4:!: 1. Explain
whethl'r dlJlin~ thp- reign of Chlist Jt"uo thf'lC will I)(~ I~
(")\"'nant in for~l' for the 11I'01'1f', allli 'tl1l1 1I'('ans II,'" \\ hi,'h
U"d \\ ill fulli! his prolllisc to bless aU tIll' f:llUihcs of ('Ill; h.
2j, ~(i. A lIpl) (a) Isaiah 4~: G. (b) Isaiah 3.j: 4. (c) l~aj:dl
!J: G, 7. (d) l\Iatthcw 12: 21.
27. 'r,) \.'110m is the cOJ:1mall,lllH'nt of Isai:lh 02: 10 adllre5scIl,
and how is that WlI! k UC"omplish<"I?
2'1. \\'liat course uf fiction is nuw the pri\ib',~e nnd duty ot
the uuointed 1 I1nu what is the !lUII10SC of the ledilllOllY to










he gi\'en?


TON r; n~o a unique provision \"as maue hy the

Alm;ghty Crl'ator for bl'ingin~ into compll'1e

peace and lHl1'nlOlly, with 'nimself and with oue
another, those of the human family who have a sinC':l'e
desire for righteomnes,; and \"ho will obey the instruction of his l;:ing, Christ .Jcsus.
1\0 nat ural desl'l'ndnnt of .Auam has e\'er heen suitable lor a sacrifice looking' to mun's l'cconciliatic,ll.
It was the perfect man .Je"u:3 alone who was qunJifi('u
for such sacrifice. TIH'l'c could he 110 covenant by f:>dcri-

fice prior to our Lord's eOllsl'cration, h('cau~e )1(' \Va,;

the only })('rfe<:1 man 011 earth since .\.,hm. :'\ot l'\'l'll
the angds of he,we'u could enter into >ow,1t a l'()\"('Wlllt
to rea('ern the human race, because the IJl'ri'e<'t 1l1.1Il
mlS required to provide the purchn<;e pril'l'. j t follows then that there would have IWI'n Ill) l'(':;SOll t'or
Jeho\'ah's disclosing to the J,ogO'l heiure c\lInin'.!: 111
the earth that he was to 1)(' a saerifi('C', Ill' could 110t
enter into the covcnant lllltilhe bccame a IH'l'f('\'t 11,:111,
The llpo'itle makcs it clear that Christ ,ll'<;us hilil" a

In.'l 15, 1934

Effie \VATCI-IT0\vI::R


is the one that enters the covenant by sacrifice and soever that may he. The man's faith in the sheil blood
that there is hut one sacrifice. "Nor yet that he of Jesus Christ is the basis of his presentation by .Jeshould offer himself often, . . . but now once in the sus to Jchovah. "It is God that justifieth." (Rom.
end of the world hath he apPc<Jl'cr}, to put away sin S: 33) The man, therefore, being justified by faith,
l)y the sacrifice of himself. . . . So Christ was onre has counted unto him hy Jehovah the right to human
life which the Lord Jesus, by the grace of God, now
offered to bear the sins of many. "-IIeb. 9: 25-28.
How then cnn <lu}onc else he sacrificed in order to offers unto .Jehovah llS a part of his own sacrifiee.
hc with Christ? It follows that no one would be an 'l'his was pictured in the sacrifice of the goats in can
accl'ptahle sacrifice to (;od unless he is taken ill as a nection wit h the talw1'Ilacle and the temple. (Lev.
part of the sacrifice of Christ Jesus himself. It fol- 16: 9-16) Jehovah, graciously receiving the con~e
lows that anyone joiuing Jesus in such sacrifice must crated and justifird man as a part of Christ Jesus'
do so on the basis of what Jcsus did. 'l'herefore the sacrifice, affords the individual the greatest 0PJlor
merit of Christ .Jesus' sacrifice mll'it he prc;,entca in tunity of all times. That great privilege and oJlporl\('a\,('n and the fOllndation lllid for the justification tunity to man is for him to be maul' a part of the body
of Chril>t for sacrifice. For this reason some of the
of all who llrc takcn into the (OVCWll1t.
of Christ arc left over for thc body's sake,
'rhcrc is thercfol'c no separate or indivi(lulll coveis
chureh. (Col. 1: 24) But indi"idually
Hallt hy sacrifice JnU\le hy tho!';e who will composc the
IJody of Chrbt, but all arc one in Christ Jesus. Each no man could barg-ain at the time of his consecration
one aecl'pted is otl'en'd as a part of the sacrifice of that he is consecJ'ating" in oruer to be taken in as a
part of the sacrifice and later taken to hea Yen. Such
would be presumptuous all the man's part. ~or could
All of the memhel's of the true church urI' one in
any individual say that he makes a full conscrration
Christ. ., POl' as the hody is one, and hath many memwith the undrrstanding- that he is to remain 011 earth
ber's, and ull the memhcrs of that one hody, being
for cver. God alone must determine that.
llHlny, are one hody; so also is Ch,'ist. For hy one
It is the will of GOII that there SIIllII be takrn from
spirit al'e we all haptiz('d into one body, whether we
nmonl-!st m"11 those who sllllll be memhers of the body
he .h~ws or Uentil<:s, whet I1pr we he bond or free; and
of Chl'i-;t in .dory, the humanity of all of whidl must
Jw ve heel! .all ,made to lh'ink iuto one ~pirit." (1 Cor. be offered up by the Big-h Prit'st as a JHut of his own
J2: 12, l:J) All arc haptizpd illto his death. (Hom.
~acrifi('c. These are all one in Christ. From the mUll6: 3-6) 'I'he first ones brought into the covenant wilh her of those who conser rate themselves wholly unto
Jesus wcre his diseiples, and then other .Jews. 'J'herc- God, ultimately the required numher will he takl'n to
after the favor was extpndpd to the Gentiles. lIence
compose the bouy of Christ. Surh will he faithful
it is written: "But now, in Christ .Jl'SllS, ye who somcunto the terms of the cOYCl1ant.-Hev. 2: 10.
times wpre far 011', arc made nigh hy the blood of
While the indiddual cannot ldmsclf make a eoveClll'ist. VOl' he is our peace, who hath made both onc,
flunt by sacrifice with .Jehovah, the advanta!!;l: is ultiand huth urol,('n down the middle wall of partition bemately all on the individual's side; he:lce it is a matt"r
tween us; having' Ilboli-;hed in his flesh the cnmity,
of grnce from Gou, Christ .Jt'sus made the cownant
evcn the luw of eommandmcnts contained in ordi- by sacrifice; and the individual memhel's are taken
JlaJH'es; fOI' to make in himself of twain one new man,
into the co\'Cnant as a part of his sacrificp, :md arc
so makillg' peace; and that he might. reconcile hoth therefore counted as having made a co,'cna11t hy saconto God in one hody by t.he cross, having slain the rifice. The r,~ward to them will be life and glory with
lmmit.y thereby j und came aau preached peace to you Christ. Je}lovah takes 110 ad,antage to hilllsl'lf from
whieh were afar off, and to them that ,\'el'e nigh. For the covenant 1Iy sacrifh'e, but permits it all to go for
thl'ough him we both huve access by one spirit unto the benefit of mankind. Therefore The Christ, that
the Fathcr. NO\~ thcrefore ye arc no more strangers is to say, the body of humiliation and the human life,
and foreigilers, hut felloweitizens with the saints, and is baptized into death, l'l'sult ing from the co\'enant hy
of the household of God. "-Eph. 2: la-HI.
sacrifice, and from being baptized into Christ's death,
No oue can make a covenant with Jehovah at tIle (Rom, 6: 3, 4) "Blse what shall they do which lire
time of his consecration, for the ohvious reason that baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all?
he is imperfpct and not competent to contract and has Why arc they then baptized for the dead 1"-1 Cor.
no sacrificc by which to make a covenant. All man 15: 2], 29.
can do is to consecrate himself to do the will of God.
Although at the time of consecrnf:m a m:lll may
How then is it possible for any man to get into the desire to be accepted into the covell:mt a1'1'aug-ement,
covenant by sacrifice 1 It is only by the gl'ace of God yet he could not be certain thrreof. By that is meant
through Jesus Christ.
he might desire to be dead wit h Christ alHl reign with
A man learns that he is a sinner, that Jesus Christ him, but that is a matter for Jehovah ttl det('l'mine.
is his Rl'deemer, anu he whom .Jehovah has ~i\'Cn for It is Jehovah who justifies according to his own ,vill
the salvation of man. He believes this lmd fully sur the one consecrating, that he might be taken into the
renders himself unto God, agreeing to do his will what- covenant b~' sacrifice; and it is Jesus who slays the


81lc \VATCHT0\vER

justined ones and (Jffers them up as a part of his own

sacrifitc after (;od has ju~tifjt;d them for that purpose.
The cOllsecratillg' olle does no ut'ciding :It all. lIe must
wait for the Lord's ar1 ion. (Hom. 9: 1G) The greatest
favor that God gr;"nts to man is to permit him to be
tal\(~n into the cOV'lIant hy sarrifiee with Christ and
shure in his vindieation work. That is why Paul says:
"Because to you it ,ras gr;l(iously given on hehalf of
Chri<;t, not only to be!ie,'e into him, but also to sufrer
It}('ath] on his aCCOUl1t. "-Phil. 1: 29, Dioylott.
The promise to Ahraham was: "In thy seed shall
all the nations of the eartlt he h]e,;se<1." What is the
relationship of that promi'ie to the connant h.\ stl<'l'iflee? 'l'ho<;e taken into tIlt' rO\'('H<1nt hy s:l<:rifjee awl
thereafter into the kingdom covenant re;'cind the
gift of life (whieh is s;)eriti<'eu) in the l1ume way mankind recei"es it durin~ Christ's reign. It was his only
son Isaac whom Ood comllHmdl'd Abraham to sacrifice
on .Mount Moriah. Abraham there offereu Isaac, his
olll~' son, and received him in a fig-1lrc as thoug-h reSllrreded from the clt'ad. (lll'l). 11: 17.1!J) 'fhi~ saerifice
of Isnnc, and his fi~1lrative resurrection, foreshatloWt'd
that he who would he the "sl-ell", thl'tlll~.!;h ",hidl the
ble:'l1illg-s of J'l~eollciliation shouhl COllll' , JIHlst fil'St be.
IJllt to deat h by sacrifi('e aud thcn he raised from the
dend. Such is what .J('hovah dill with his helowd Son,
whom Isaac foreshar!o\n'd .\1l1akell into the kill~dolll
cowllant with him Jl1U"t a Iso die and be rn ised from the
dead a:~ memhers of the divine hOlly of Chl'ist if they
sIJnll have a part in the work of recOllC'iliution of fallt,u
man. 'rite conuitions imposed upon all taken into the


X. Y.

covenant are these: "It is a faithful sayin~: For if

we be dead with him, ,ve shall also lin wit h him: if
,nl suffer, we shall also reign with him: if wc (kn~'

him. he also will delly m." (2 Tim. 2: 11, 12) 'rhes.:

must Sl1fler ig'nomin~' with Christ Jcsus the lIeau allu
must die with him as a part of his sacrifice in orde'l'
to live witlt him and reign with him.
Arc not all those who arc in the covenant b,\' saeri.
nee pljcsts 1 The hody memhcl's arc called" an holy
priesthood", Lut tllt'y arc not saerifi(~ing pril'sts. They
nrc merely nssistants to the Prie~t, Chrbt .Jesus, who
i" the aCf'cpltl bic sal'rifice und who maIH-s t he olh'rin~
for sin, (1 Pet. 2: 5, 9 ; Lev, 16: 6) 1\0 illr1i \'idllal of
il')'s 11 saeJ"ifie(~ for sin, for the reaSOH that "this man
[.J esus] . . . ofl't~rcll one sacrifice for sillS for e\'<:I' ",
(lIph, 10: ]~) What sacrifices, then, ;,re ofi'<:J"cll by
the assistants to the J li~!h Priest? Paul ans\\'cr'i: .. B~'
him therefore let us [new creatm'('s in Christ, eOllllh-d
members of his hody] ofiel' the sacrifi('e of' )lrai<;e 10
Gou contillually, that is, the fruit of our lip..;, !!:ivil1~
thanks to !tis Willie. But to do gooll, and to ('()JIllllllllicate, for;.\e( Hol: for ,,-itll such suerilices (:(Jd is well
pll'u<;ed. "-lIt'b, 13: I;"), 16; sec also 1'ss. 4:: G; '27: li;



Each faithful olle JIlust be the servant or Gou aHu

render his reasonable servi(e. For this l'ea'iOn I'alll the impot'lalll'e of failhful sen'ice: "j l)l's.'eeh
J'ou tht'l'l'lore, iJl'e1hl'<'II, b:-' the mcrl'ies of <:0 11, that
ye (1resent your hodies a living ~acrifiee, hoI.\', ne('l'ptable Ullto <:od, 'rhicll is J'OUl' rcasonable sel'\'il:e."
-Hom. 12: 1.


T IS very important that we understand the meaning- of the term "ransom ", for lon~ a~o God
made this wonderful promise throug-h his prophet
Hosea (1:3: 14): "I ,,,ill ralisom them from the Jlowcr
of the /!,Tt1\'Cj I will rCl1cell1 them from dcath: 0 ueath,
I will he thy plagues; () gran', I will be thy drstructioll." lIcnce we here <.1ctine the term. 1:(lnsolll mcans
"somethillg to loosen with"; that is, a rctlemptive
pri(,l'. It i., the means or price or value ",'hie!t ean
be used in loesening or releasing something- that is in
bondage or in restraint or imprisoned. !\t'ccs<;;ll'ily
the ransom price lIlU,;t Le exactly elJ.uivalent to, or
corresponding with, that which justice requires of the
thing or creature that is ill bondag-e or impri.,onmcnt.
Hence ,ye say that ransom means all exuct COl'l'cspondil1g price. A perfect man sinned and wa" sentenced to
death; hence an exnd corresponding pri"e would ho
the death of another perfect man and the yalue of
his life prcsented in place of the olle who first sinned
and \\'as hel<1 ill bond:.;ge,
"Sin.offerin~" m<,uns the presentation and usc of
the ransom price. On the yearly atoncment.da~ service performed Ly the Je,Ys in type, the shed blood of

the bullock of the siu.offl'rillg' rel>rescll1<'d the allim;] 1's

pourell.out life; and thl'l'efore it stood fUI' till' I'unsom
price or value of the life. The priest's <'al'l'~'inl-! the
blood iuto the most holy of the sanctua1'Y alld sprin.
kling- it tltel'l' pietul'C.'cl the sin-offering, that is, .1 pl'(''';entation ill the mo~t holy (which 1'epn"'l'lIte<1 "IH'UVen it~elf") of l.he value or merit of the 1)('I'fe('t life,
\\'e shall sec, tlterd'ort, as we examiue thi'i qlll,~ti'J!l
that the rallsom price was provided Oil e;ut h Lo'; tI,e
death of Jesus j that preparation for the sinf,rlel'i:lg
was bc~ull on carth, but must be finished ill h';awll,
where the value of the rllll'iOm priee is IJl'Csellll'd.
Other sCl'ipt1lt'es in the Bihle show tlwt it was pmposetl h~' .Teho\'ah that the !!l'eat Hedee!1lcr xhou~<1
pour out his life ill d(';]th and that this shol1ltl CPlIst it U1 C the l'ausom pl'i,'(', wh il'1t should hl' made tin
offering- for sin. (;oll foretold thi<; (which act is <'(jl1i\'nleut to a pl'omist: \ through his !>ropbt l..;ni:dl
(ehapter [;3) whel1 he wrote con('erning tile gn'at
coming' Hedcerner the following- 'Yonl,,:
"Who lwth bdicwfl our report? und to ,,;!Jom is 1he
:Inn of the Lonl re\"('al1.'11 .? For 11(' shall grow UJl !J"Io)'e
him as a tender plant, and as a root ont (If a llr)'

Jny ]5, 1934


ground: he hath no form nor ('onwlinC'~s; and \,,11':11

we shall sl!e him, there i"i no heauty thal we should desirt> him. He is dl'srised and rejected of m('lJ ; a man of
sorrows, alJd acquainted with grief: :l1Id we hiu as it
were our faces from him; he was llr-;pised, and we
cstcc!l1('d him not. Surely he hath borne our grids,
and canied ollr ';'Jnr,ws: yet we did (~tc('m him
strj(hn. smitteJl of Cod. and nfilidcll. But he was
wounded for onr traIIS'!;l't:s"ioIlS, he was hruised for
our iniriuitil:s: the cha;..;tisemcnt of our IH~ace was upon
him; and with his strip(';; we arc h('alef1. All WC, like
shepp, have gone astr,,~': \,;e have t11l'1W<1 everyone to
his own way; and the 1,11I'd hath l,Jid OlJ him the iniqui:." of 11S nIl. lie \\;\S Oppl'I".;s('d, "wI he \\:lS anlicte<1;
~et he opelled lJot his munt h: he is hrought as a lamh
to the slawdlter, and as a shl'l'p hl'fore hl'r shearers
is dumh, so he opclll,th IllJt his mouth. lIe was taken
from prison alltl fl'l)JJJ j\lll'~JJJ('Ilt: and who shall dcclaro his gl'lI(,rntion? for he ,vas cut off out of the
land of till' li\'in~: for the transgrl'ssion of my people
was he stril!ken. And he made his grave ,vith the
wil'!,ed, and with the ril'h ill his JUlth; heeause he
had donc no ViO!t'!H'I', lH'itiJl~r was any tl('ceit in his
mouth, Yet it pl('a;';"ll the Lord to bruise him; he
hath put him to grief: whl'n thou shalt make hi'S soul
Ull off(~ring' for sin, he shall sec his St~('tl, he shull pro
low~ his days, and tlw v!e:lslIl'c or I he Lord shall pros1)('1' in hi;..; hand. lIe shall Sl'C of the travail of his
1'>onl, and shall be ~atisfil'd: hy his Imowlerlge shaH
my ri~htcolls servant jllstil'y many; for he shall bear
their ini1j1lities. 'l'herefore will I diville him a portion
with the g['('at, and he shall divide the spoil with the
stron~; hel':ln,>e he hath poured out his sonl unto
drath: :\Jltl he was numl)('n~r1 wit h the transgressors;
nnt! he hare the sin or muny, und made intl'ree<;sion
for the transgl't'ssors."
necans(' of this 1\<>:lth Sl'ntl'l1re staudil1g' a~ainst
.Adam the first man, lw W:l<; anrl is held in death. He
and his offspring who have lliell are ill the gra,e spoken of hy t he prophet Joh (17:] 3; 3: 18) in these
word,;: "If I wait, the !~raYe is mine hOllse: I have
made my hpd in the darkness." "There the prisoners
l'cSt together: thpy hear not the yoiee of the opprc~
The deild could n~'\'('r r.~nin lh'e, nor could those
who nre Ih'in~ ever hope 10 have etl'rnal hnppinc~s,
lmless the disahility rest in!.\' upon mankinJ because of
sin he ftl'::>t remoyed; and t hc Script ure is (i"ite clcar,
as noticcd hcfore, that this can be rcmoved only by
means of the gT('at ransom s'lcrifiec. Since" ransom"
means an exact ('orJ'esponding pril'e, the ransomer
must he exaetJ~ like the jlcrfect .\(bm in Eden.
A pcri'eft man had sinned nnll lost eycrything;
the1'('fore none but a perfect man rould proyide a
price sufficient to buy and release Adam and his race
from thi<.; sentenl'e of death and its effects. Diyillo
justice demanded the life of a perrect human creature,
and this \I'a;; reccivcd V,ItCIl .\dam went into dl.'ath.
It follo'n:u that divine justice would accept nothing


more nor lc~'l, as a price for releasing Adam and his

of/'5prillg', than a perfect human life. In order to meet
these diviJl(~ requirements, the ransomer must be a
perfect human creature.
When God gave the law to Israel at :Mount Sinai
in Arabia he indicated by the promise of that law
that the only meam by \yhich the hum:1ll raee could
be redC()med or ransomed would he hy the giving of
a perfeet human life in the plnee of Adum'~ perfect
human life, which he had forfeited hy his di:'5oheclicnce. We remember that the apostle Paul said tha.t
this law was 'a shadow of hetter things to corne'. (Ileb.
]0: 1) That law required an eye for an I'~'l" a tooth
for a tooth, a foot for a foot, a life for a life: that is
to say, a price exactly clH'l'esprmding to that wlti.:h
had been lost. As an illustration: Under the law, if
one man Imocked out another's tooth, llc IIlU<;t lose
one of his own teeth. If he stmck out a man'8 eye,
he must bive up one of his own eyes. If he took tho
lif.e of his fellow creature, he must give up his own
life. Thus the law pi<'l ured t hat the ~reat J'allSOml l'
would correspond l'x:1l'tly with the perfel't man .AIJam
when .Adam was in l~deJl,-l~x. 21: 23-25; Lev. 2-!:
17-21; Dent. ]!): 21.
But who in all the wodd was able to lJear this
bmuen or meet the requit'enH.'nts of the divinu law'l
A'lam could not l'efkcm himsllf. All of his uffsprill~
were imperfect, and God coulunot accept an imperfect
human creature as a ransom. \Vas there nobody, then,
on earth who could redcl'm the human ral'C [1'0111 death
according to the Lord C:od's promise 1 The propl,et
of the LOlJ allSWCl's: "~one of them [no crl:atnre on
earth] can by any means redeem his hrollj('r, nor give
to nod a ransom for him." (Ps. 4!): 7) For this
reason, then, it SC('lIJcrl hopeless for man enor to ex
pect to he rcleasrd from the c0l1l1itioIl'of dt'ath. :B'urthel1nore, th is jud:~mellt and sentence against .\dnm
was entercd in the divine cOUlt of heaven and it
follows that not only must the ransom price, IWIn!'ly,
the value of a perfeet hnman I ife, be proYiueu by the
death of a perfect human creatme, but the value of
that life must be prescllted to divine justice in heaven
itself; and no human rrcatnre has acccss to heaW!l,
lIence there WlTe two reasons why it was utt('r!y
impossible for any of Adam's stock or offspring to
redeem mankind: First, because all wC're imIWrfc(t
aJld none could provide the price; and, second, if the
price were provided, it could not be presented in
hea\'l'n hy any sudl.
'l'lius is presrllh'd to the human race a ('ondition of
ah<;olute hplpIrsslIess. Thl!'.; we sec that mankind \\'<18
wholly without powcr to release itself from the con
dition of death, awl that t!1('re never could he allY
hope that anyone of the human family \yollid rnjoy
life evprlusting in a state of happincss unless Ced,
in the excrl"ise of his loving-l;indness, f:hould make
some pro\"isi(Jll. lIe hud promised to m:!];:c such pro
vision. His goreat purpose provided for ~uch. It h
firf>t necessary, howe"er, for us to see mUll 's ahsolu~c


fJlle Wr\TCHT0\VER.

extremity in orlIer that we may appreciate God's opportunity for blessing mankind, and the f!rcat debt
which the human race owes to Jehovah and his beloved Son for the provision malIc.
If a man found himself and his family in a dungeon
and a million dollars were ref)uired to release him,
and he had not one penny, but a friend of his appeared and provided the money and released him and
his family, that man would owe a great debt of ~rati
tude to his deliverer. lIe would feel much gratitude
in his heart. lIe would surely love his deliv<)rer and
would be anxious to do anything he could for him.
Adam and all of his family arc cit her in the condition of death or under the effects of death; and if
we find that the g-rrat .JdlOvah God has made provision for the release :Uld d..liverancc of all such from
the tomh, with a view to granting the ohedient ones
everIusting life, liberty, and happiness, then sueh facts
Rhould bring joy to the heart of everyone who learns
of it.
The apostle Paul, having in mind these things,
wrote: 'We were children in bondage under the elements of the world: but when the fullness of the time


K. Y.

was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman,

made unller thc law.' (Gal. 4: 3, 4) How did God
send hi'S Son 1 Sinee a perfect man had ::;inned and t:le
life or a perfect man must he given as a sin-offerin;r,
it is now important to sec if the Son of God whom
he sent was qualified to meet the requirements of the
law and be the ransomer or redeemer.
It is easy to be seen that .Je;,us when on cart h
could not have been merely an incarnated spirit creature, beean.,;e that would constitute a fraud, and God
would not sanction anything wrong. He must be a
man, perfect in every respect, equal and corresponding to the perfect Adam while in Eden. It is alRo
easy to be seen that .Jesus could not be part Gall
and part man, becau;,e that would be more than tile
111w r('quirl'd; hence diville justicc could HOt. accept
such as a ransom. The divinc law definitely shows
that thc ransomer must be exactly corrl'spolldill~ to
Allam, a perfect human creature. And this is what tliC
helm'ed and ollly-he~otten Son of God hecame when
his heavenly Father sent him down from lH'aven to
earth to heal' witness for God and to redeem the elltirc
human family.


PIKIO~S or wide variety have been expressed

as to the purpose of .Jesus' mission in the

earth, and also as to what has heen thc pur.
pose of the faithful followers or disciples or Jesus.
A number of scriptures clearly show that the work of
Jesus and those who were with him when he was upnn
earth was n work which they were under contract to do.
When Jesus received the anointing of the holy spirit
he became the heir of David the king, and the eyerlasting covenant for the king-dom applied to him from
then on. Why was the covenant made? ~\.mong other
reasons God's prophet answers: "Behold, I have giVt'll
him for a witness to the people, a leader and com
mander to the people." (Isa. (if): 4) God made the
ever1astin~ covenant with .Jesus for a throne, and immortality, whicn include(l all the interests of his right.
cous government on carth. The kingdom interests re
quired him to be a witness to the name of Jehovah.
Pila te said to J csus: "Art thou a king'I" The answer
of .Jcsus was: "Thou sayest that I am a king. '}'o this
end was I born, and for this cause came I into the
world, that I should bear witncss unto tho truth.
Everyone that is of the truth heal'eth my voice."
(John 18: 36,37) This is proof conclusive that one
of the conditions of the everlasting covenant was that
he should bear witness to the llame of Jehovah. To
his faithful ful10wers Jesus said: "And I covenant
for you, even as my Father has covenanted for me, a
kingdom." Just as surely as Jesus must bear ,vitness
to the truth, even so must everyone who is in that
covenant bear witness to the truth. This is especially

true after the Lord comes to his tf:mple. By that covenant J(sus was made the leader of the people. It also
follows that alI who arc taken into that covplIant must
become leaders of the people under the direetion of
the Head. 'I'hat 1<'ading of the people mll"t he in the
way of God 's ri~hteousness. To he a leader each one
must be a faithful witlll'SS as opportullity affords. It
means also that such leadp1'8 must be entirely out of
accorll with the evil world and its god t he Devil.
Jesus refused to compromise with the Devil. His fol
lowers must do the same thing. As Jesus forgot. self
and did only as his Father comm:mded, eYl'n so thOSll
who arc 1aken into the co,-enant must for~d self and
joyfully obey the commandments of the Lord.
In this day of distress and perplexity, when the
people arc suffering under the burdens of unrig-hteous
governments and know not which wa~' to tUI'll, neVt'r
was there such a blessed opportunitr as that given
now to the true followers of Jrsus to lead the people
in the way of righteousness hy pointing them to God's
kingdom. It is that righteous government that shaII
bring relief and everlasting joy to mankind. Some of
the ~nointed ones for a time neglected the privile~e
of being such witnesses. The Scriptures show that
some of these become aware of their ncgligence and
awake to their privileges and then take a part in proclaiming the glad message; and so doing, God bestows
upon them his evcrlasting blessing'S. (lsa. 50: ~O, 21)
"\Vhile the Lord progresses with the establishment of
his /?o\'crnment, he says t.o those whom he has chos(>11
for his witnesses: "I have put my words in thy mouth,


15, 193*

(in,'?- \VATCI-IT0\VER.

and I have covered tl!('e in the sh:Hlow of mine hand,

that I 1:1ay plant the ];e::\'(\11S, cnrllay the found:.ttiolls
of the cartb, and say unto L:iOIl, Thou crt my pC'ople."

-Isa. ;'1: 16.

The fact that he has put his nw;.:,;ag-c in the mouth
of these \vitnessps is cOllcIus;w proof that they must
be pro('lnilllin~ his Harne and hi,; ~!oH'rnment to those
\'lho have heuring ens. TIJis i:; the part of slwh in
the plantin~ of the iIIVisiblC', :IS well as the visibll',
}lart of Cod's government. It is their privilege and
duty to tell the p('ople what t he present evcnts m('an
awl how the Lord will ('~t:!l)lish for tlll'm a govcrument that will hrill!!; tlll'm ]leaee nnd bll's~ill'.~s. In
w doillg', these as'io(~iat('s with Chrifit .Jeslls constitute
le:ll1ers for the people.
For yl'ars the llnmc of Jehovah has hcen pushed
~si(h:, alld IIOt even Christians have known the meanin~ ther('of. Now thl' followers of .J(sus learn that the
n~~me of .Tehoynh si~ni!ie's his pmposps toward his people :lwl tllnt tllP tillle has come to ('xalt his name in
all the e'l1'th. 'rile exaltation of .Jehovalls name is
110t for allY sP1fish 1'eason on his part, h~!t in oruer that
the people tni~ht have opportunity to know that he is
the Savior and Bh'sspr of ll1allkillll alHl that there is
no oth('r Illl'anS of o1Jtainillg' lire, Thl'ol1cdl llis pt'o[lhpt
he itHli('atl's the tillle that :>\1l'h pr()(']allluli()Jl eoncel'Uiu~~ the ('xaltation of his name shall he~in.
"In that (lay," \\"hen used in the Sr:riptures, invariahly refers to thc timc when Gou putel'S npOll the
~r('at work in the ('s1 a hI islnncnt of II if! ~ove'rllm(\nt.
Cod throl1~h his prophl't Pllts a son~ in the mouth of
Ids faithful sel'\'ants, tellin~~ them \\"hat to sin~ as he
pl'Ogl'C'SS( s with his g')'l'at wOlk The 1'e'tnllant be~:lJl
that glad SOll~ shortly afit'r 1918. The snll~ o[leu'l
y;ith the \\"orus: ".\ud ill that day thou shult say, 0
L~)rJ, I will praise thee: thol1gh tho'! \\"ast :1I1~l'Y 'Yith
me, thille uw{er is tumeu away, and thou cumfurtedst
me. "-lsa. 12: 1.
Up to that tinw many ('onseerated OIll'S had pnt
theil' tl'll:>t in Inen as teaehers and lead(rs. The ex
pet"iences throug-h y;hich the Lord hroll~ht them
caused them to sec the neecssity of puttin~ their trust
in him.-l\-l. 118: S, !Y.
The prophd eont inues: "Deholu, Call jo,; my salvation; I will trust, und not IJl' afl'llid: for the Lord
JElIOYXII is m~' streJl::0-h aJ)(l my Sfln~!: he nlso is
become my bal\"ution," (Isu. 12: 2) IIis fnithful witnesses realize that JdlOvah is all.poWl,tfnl and that
his purpose is now to hring Ilis ~~OVl'rnnH'lIt into a(tion,
and thC'y trnst him implicitly [md ha\"e no fear. Thc~'
fnJly appreciate his promise 1hat God prr'-;(,l'ves thoo.;e
that love him and that arc faithful to him.--Ps. 31: ~:3.
"'l'hercfore ,vith joy shall yc draw water out of
the ,,'ells of bah'ation." (Isa. 12: 3) \Y nter is a s~:mhol
of truth. But the knowletlge of the truth alune doe;;
110t bring >-ah'ution. It is the truth kno\m aud use a
accoruing to God's will thht hrings his approval. ..\
well is a fountain of ,vater, Drawing water from the


wells of salvation therefore symbolizes the tnking from

the fountain of ttuth the great refreshing' truths ,...hich
Ged pro\'ide'i for his people and using them"'according'
to the commandments of the Lord. Only those \'Iilo
receive the truth and hold it in love and ohey the
Lord's r'ol1imandments dl'UW water (truth) from the
wplls of sul\"ntion. Others dra\'.' from their own wells.
This is shown hy thl' words of the prophet: "Fur
my people have committed two evils; they have forsal.en me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed
them out eisterns, broken cisterns, that cun hold no
water."-.Jer. 2: 13.
Then tl:c L()J'(l dirrets whDt the fnithful rl'mnant
sktll <10: ~\nd in that tby shall ye S:1Y, Praise the
Lord, raIl upon his Ilnm(', declare his doin;!;; :llnOIlg'
the }leopl,,, mnke 1:1enl ion t1w.t his name is e::aJteu."
(Isa. 12: 4) The~e worus ure not uudrcOl:;eu to in(li
villuals. The fart that the woru "ye" is l1;'cd sho\l's
that it is ad(lressed to the company of faitlJful 0\1('3
who are allointed of the Lord .:lHl ".. 110 ('OlllpO"l' tlw
"servant" 10 whom the 1.01'11 hns eommittcd the illterr~ts of his kingdom.-hn. 4~: 1; ?lIati. 21: 4;).
The mur~~illnl rcn<1l'rilJ~ of thi<; tC'xt is" pl'u(':airn hi,;
name . . . llllOll!-\" thl: peoplc". It is a ('lear ('Omrnallll
11lat the Jlt'oclamation must hI' math~ that tlw Ilame of
.Jeho\"nh may he l'xalted in the min<ls of the \)('opll'.
Now thc II:lJlle of .Jchondl is exa\t(d in Zion his organization. It JIlust hl~ pxaltc<l ill the minds of otlWl's.
If nuw SOllie, claiming- 10 he in Zion, oppose tll(' SCI'Vire of sin!!:ing fort h the praise'S of .Jeho\"ah, tlint of
il'ielf is strung cvidene,~ that lil!l'h <11'e not of the h'mpIe class: "Tn hi" temple duth (,Vl'ry one speak of his
glory. "-1's. 2!J: 9,
'rhrn the prophet shows that the "sel'\":1nt" mu"t
contC'Ilt with singing the song fur a wltil<' lind
tht'll C'(,;1:--ing, hut he must rontitllH' to "sill'~ 111110 (lIe
Lord; fur he 11:llh done cxrdlcnt thin~s: thio.; [rn:.Jn'J
Imown ill all the earth". (I-m. 12: G) This is in (')\..)('t
harmony with the words of .Jesus that this g'ood IW\\'S
of the kiw.!:dom, CO(}'s kingdom, mnst he tol(l to all
the nation..; of tile (arth. In giyill:-\, forth this J1lf'''S:l'!I~
the witIH's<;t'S are not to assume nil apolo;!t'tic allitllue,
hut" itlt ho1<ll1e"s tht'Y are to ]Jroelaim it. "t'r,\' 011t
ancl shout, thou inhahibnt of i;ion: for gl'\'at is t lit'
Huly One of Isral'1 in the mid"t of thce." (lsa. ] 2: (j)
Those who are really el' Zioll UO\V ec the evielL-nee of
Cod 's (,i1l'1~- nllll C'ompkte virlol'~' 0';"1' t he powers of
evil, and \\"ith joy they g-ive a shout of tl'il'unph in
ant i('iIHltion of snch yietory.
What arc the fa('ts in fllliilmc'nt of this prophery ~
It i.'l sincc ID18 that the Lonl has hrollght into n<:li')!1
the radio. Dy 1,1NlI1S of the 1':!<lio the good news of
the kin!!dcm ilas JK('n heralded throl1~hollt the' !latio!ls
of earth. Selfish int('1'('sts, undl'r the control (,1 8atall, use the rn\.lio, to be sm'', The:>e same selfish interesfs C'nl1eavor to prevcllt the use of the radio for
a wide ptoC'lamntioll of thc truth. JellO';ah \I'iI! p<;rmit ju,>t. sneh lise of it ~s he desires. He could pre

ue \,0'\TCHT0VvER.


vent the enemy from interfering, but he docs not;

and he has good renson for so doing'. In his own good
way he so arranged that on July 2-1, 1327, the greatest
chain of radio stations ever used 011 earth to that time
was linked together and used in giving proelamation
to the message 01' good news el)Jl(~el'lling his righteous
I!overnment. At that time the evils of Satan's oppressive government were brought before the people in
contrast with Cod's righteous gowrnmt>nt and the
bkssings to flow therefrom. 'I'h is the Lord arranged
and had done that the people mi~ht have notice of his
ldllgdom and that his name might be exalted in the
minds of those who would hear. Sillee then, the meso
sage of .Jehovah's kingdom has IJct>11 hrondeast with
C\\1'.incrcHsing effect in many eOllJltl'ics, and partieuladJ' in the t:"nited States.
Because it is God's will nnd his due time a little
company of the followers of Christ now employ the
radio to proclaim to t he people the name and the purposes of .Jl'hovah Cod. For this same reason they print
and puhli!>h books and go from house to house and
place these book!; in the hands of the people at a


N. Y.

minimum cost. They engage in the service, not for

money, hut because it is till' greatest privilege and joy
to serve the Lord and his King and to carry this message of good news to the people. Just who the individuals arc that go to make up the remnant, no
man call say. "The Lord knoweth them tlwt arc his."
(2 Tim. 2: ] 9) It is not neeessary for man to know.
'1'0 those who continue faithful to the end God has
promised to give a name that will be known only to
the Lord and to the one [class] who receives the name.
(Rev. 2: 17) Thus he shows the sweet and confidential
relationship between himself and those who arc faithful to him. 'fhose now on earth, heing the last memhers of the body of Chrbt, of COU1'se, eonstit ute, as tbe
fi~llre shows, the "feet of him"; and to those that
continue faithfully in the service of the Lor.l he says:
"How uca utiful upon the mountains arc the feet of
him that bring-eth good tidings, that publishcth pence;
that bringeth good tidings of good, that' publishct h
salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reiguC'th!
Thy watehml'n shall lift up the voice; with the voice
togetlH'1' shall they sing; for tlwy shall sec eye to eyl',
when the Lord shall bring again Zion. "-18a. 5~: 7, 8.



The HnrriHhur~ (l'a.) cOlllpany of Jchomh's witnesses unan

imously ext,'nrl to you a \\unl of encoura~elllellt !lnd appre
ciatiun for the last two !pl'turl's I'ect'lltly hrtlar1<':\st 0\'('1' radio,
FIef' Now" ami \\'orltl Control", to wl.ich we had the

privilege of listening. \\'c thoroughly


thcrn uoth, auu

I{ive thanks amI praise to the I{rcat .TdlOvali for the light and
truth as it JlOW shines from his \,.orJ.
May thc .lear Lord lllcRR, comfort 'Ilnd sURtuin you ill your
cnrlu'st clul(t(vur tu Jllllke known tire name of tire gn'at Jeho
vah, is the prayt'r of the Harrisuurg complluy vf Jchorull's



Dnton ROIII(P, I,n. Jllly :11,

Bt'111lIllunt, 'l'pox ....... Au~.

_ fI

J'OI't .\I'thllt, '!',!x

J rou~tl)n, '11~\;" . _
(:lllw"'ton, Tex.
Wharton, Tex.

1'\,nlrliIlJr. X,'hr

G, G


J I, 12
1-1, 1"

Norfolk, Xchr, ........ H

\\'iIuwIHlJ:O, "\ehr
Omaha, ~(>hr............. "
~ cur.

::>lln Antonio, Tex.... AIII:. 1ft, 17

.\ustin, 'rex.....
)le,ia. 'jl pX........ u." 21, 2~
Dalla..;, 'f,x.
:ta,:! 1
Oklahoma City, Okla. .. 21\. :n
1'u!Ha, Okla.
2\), 30





Lincoln. :-:t>hr


(' (\,U"wat(l'l" ~ehr...... "






Deatrh'e, XelJr


_ AIl~.
ehey(\une, \,")'0......... "
('aslH\r, \\~~u


UO:-'.Ol), ~r()nt.............. n
Clydp Pal k, ~[Ollt. ...... n

?Ianhattan, .:\lont....

2, :I
'J.~ 5




Butte. )lont.

Pot'atello. I<laho


Boi'\(\ Id:dlO ......\tl~.





r~.vnn. "\{UI-::-l "

H(~v~~rl.r, l\ra~\iI
J.n\\ l"t!IW(Io. )(n>4:-;,
Jhl\<eriJill, ~[u,'s. ..




Bla"k l'rt'l'k, WI

l:tula,-.;ki, 'Vi::
Ba~', \\'i8.


O!oi!lko~h, '\"i~~
l'.l(~nt'vl\le, \\ u;. .......
).(Hrhf'~all, \\'is
C:lfnphell~llort, ''''is



ShelJo.)gau, \\"is....... ,.

2, 3




:n, Sept. ]



Put (Ia lid, -'(e.'






}'hil,p:-.uurg-, j(c


!I"lfast, )Ie
l:nnJ;()r, ){t-a.












Gil...... :;

Sfl\'nllnllh. Gil
Taylors Creek. Gn. ..
(;I'ovelund, (Ja
Dal,y, Un
Co II "". Ga. .
~wuin'"\h()t'o, Gn .. ~
~l1nllll~rtnwn. Cll. h._'"






J)a1ta~, Ga. ..
4\tlantH, Un
I~ntontl.ln, (;a, ....... u"

~::Jlrs ~t:ltI(~II,


SC~Ul horn,

llrooklet, Ga


~Iaeun. (;a. ~
Ft. Valley, On
I.a Grulllie, Ga





Lakr' )lilJ,. Wis.

AUI;. 1-1.17

).radhoB, \\"i:o:...... "

UlchIUl\(! ('pnler, \\'Is."

)[ollrot', 'Vb
.lan~~"vil\e. \\"i~

Keno~ha. \Vi~


Haclnl:l, '\"i:-i.




Jasr>t>r, Ga
Home, Ga........_
Ilo('k )lllrt, Ga.

Ste""n. Point, Wis.Allt;.


14, J5



.\ul;. :!8, 29

Xampn. J(]illu) ........ H('!lt.

Ontario, _)If)~.

Salt Lake City,





G. Y. l'rl'COUMICK


\111:.2;), 26


Humholdt. .\'~hr
Uu B(,i.~, ='\('1""
'V~fllOl'e. Xphl







24, :!:-)
20. :~l)

:1ft Lookout. W. Va. Aug.

Ila!twllc'. \\". Ya. ........ "




Ya..... "

Whippl", W. Vn
lh"1klt'l..}\ \V. Ya
OOn'\a. \V. '''a
.\111'''. "'. \'Il
lu.. t~JJH)uth, ohIo








11. 12

ChiW""the. Ohio


Jlilhbol'o, Ohlu
Cindllllati. CHlio .. n
lI:IIJ1iltotl, Ohio
)Hl\dh"\own. Ohio ....... "
J)a.~ lOU. Ohio
~pl'ill~ti~ld, Ohio



Ohio ..





~:\. ~'\



30, 31

ehe. \v:;-\TCr-IT0\vER.

Snn-:l.loxTm,y By



117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.


F. RUTUERFOr..D President

W. E. Va~



"And all thy children shall be iau~ht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." Isaiah S 4: r3.

~reat shall


THAT JEIIOVAH is tho only truo God, is from everlasting
to evorlasting, tho :l.hker of heaven an(l earth and tho Giver
of life to llis crcILtllled; that tho} L0l;uS was the !Jct)noing of
]lis creation awl his activo a~l!nt in t!lI) creation of all
thin~s; tkLt tlle Lo~t's id nOlv t!lo Lonl Jesus ell! iot in g-lory,
(1utheu. with aU IJ()I'.. ;r in heavcn awl earth, anu. tho Chief
Executivo Ollicer of .TehQvah.

THAT GOD creatctl tilO earth for man, creatcl perfect

Jnan for the earth and placed llim upon it; that man wilfully
disoheyed Gou. 's Jaw and was selltenced to death; that by
rea~on of Adam'~ wrong act all lUen aro born sinners and
without thG right to life.

Wtl~ mnclo Ilullt:m, antI tho Inan Jesus Buf

Ilcath in ordr'r to produ"o tllO ransom or rlluemptivo
}lriro for all mllllkincl; tll:lt God misl'cl up Jusns fii,'ino amI
exalted him to h"aveu abovo every Cleatmo an,l ahovo e\'ery
ntlllJO and c]othr'u. him with all power lLUU authority.


THAT .JEHOVAH'S ORG/\NI7!\TION is calle,l :'.ion, an'l

tllnt Christ ,Tesns is tho Chi..,' OlTil~er th,'reof and is tho

rightful l\ing ()f tlto world; tllat lho anointeu and faithful
followers of Cltri~t .Testls aro chilclren of Zion, members of
.Tehovah 's or~:l/1iz:Ltion, :wcl !LTlJ his witnesHe~ 'I ho;,o duty anu
privilr'go it is to ti'"tify to tho ~lIplemary of Ji'hovah, declare
his purpose's tOI';ard m,Ltlkintl n'\ c'(rf("~eu in the Bihle, anu
to bear tho fruits of tho kingdom beforo all who will hear.

TI-IAT TilE WORLD has erlil"d, !Lnd tho 1,ord .Jesus Christ
has been },hre,l by .Tehomh upon Ilis throne of authority,
]U1S ol1sti'(l Bat:11l fr(J1J1 heaven. and is proceeding to the
cst:J.ulislnuent of Cu,l's kingdom on earth.

THAT TIl E I-<pupr and l,l,'s,jrl::;s of tho peoples of earth

can como (JlII,v I)' nnd through .Ti'hol'tlh'lI kingdom under
Christ wJ.irh k,~ now be~nn; tlwt tllo Lora's next great
net is tho ue~tnlPtion of Satan's or~:Jllizati(lll antI tho estab
Jishml'nt of rj~ht'!OURneSs in tho (,nth. and that unrll'r tlll~
kinr:-<1om nil tllOso who wi1l o];Py its righteous laws shall be
restored anrl livo on earth fO,,!I,'r.
LO;-';UO;-.l CO:\'VE:\'T10;-.l

Allgu!'lt 31 to Sl'ptl'mhL'r :\ in"lu~ive ar(' the days for a con

vention of .J('\"''''LII 's witn,'~,('~ at London, En~larl<1. The
conl'l'Iltilln "ill b,' 11l'ld at the Alexandra Palace, tho puhlic
m~cting bc'ir,g- in the lar~e hall at Alexandra Pnl:\ee, Sunday,
September :J. Tile fOT/mllon of cal'll d~IY 1\ III be (le,ote,) to
fiPld service; aft"l nooIl 'lIld el'CIl ill~ 1I1l'(;ti IIgR fur the interc'~ted.
'l'hose cont;ml}lbting utt('u"in~ tho LOIll]Ull connmtion should
ll,hlrcss Convention Committee, :l! era,'cn Torr,,,'(', Londun,
,Yo 2, Englmul. The pr('si(lpnt of ti,e :';()ciety exp('<:ts to attend
this conwntion anu a,hlress the public.

tho Kin;:doll\ helps also to advl~rti"<J the rarlio

stations \\hkh are broad('asting the kingdolll mes;o,'ge. Ih'n~e
all witn('ssing parties and all lU,li\'iduab engaging in the fit'ld
service shuukl Ilwntion the raclio ~tatlOn in thl'ir vicini tv \Yiti"h
carries tho \Vat~lJtoIl"Pr l'r()c:raJl,~. 'fhi 1 magnifies to tlH; P('('I,le
ealled upon the r""~sa~e whidl J l'l\()v(lll'~ "itn,'s,,~ illtrod'~ce,
and oftI'll results in inteTf,q in tlte pnntcd m,'~,age on the
part of the r:l<lio liRtt'ner. TI,is is one of the ch;et purpo~",s
of sending out the rn"s~agl' on~r tlte radio. to l'I,r()ura~<J the
peoplo to r('llll the Iiteratnre. In this behalf the Society supplies nt,lio f('11l'r~, and all wllrkers sl,<I"I,1 mnkE' constant use
of th('/il in huus;:,to-JJouse calling, leanng Olle of th>JlJJ, if noth
ing else.

Ins journal is published for the purpose of enabling

the people to know .Tcllo,ah God and his purpoocs (13
expressed in the Bihle. It TJuhlislles Bible in5truction
specifically, designed to aid Jelwmh's witnesscs. It arran~es
systematic Bible study for its re:l.clers nnd sUPI'lies other litcrature to aid iu such studies. It puhli>hcs suitahlo matcrinl
for radio broadcasting'
for other means of public instruc
tion in tho Scriptures.
It atlheres strictly to tho :Dible ns authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and sep::ratI3 from all partic~, sects
or other worldly org'anization.~, It is wholly and without
resen-ation for tho kin::;dom of .J(hovall Gou unrIer Christ
Ili~ Be!oved Kin;.:. It is not dO~Dlatic, but invites careful
and critical examination of its contents in the li;!;ht of tl:o
~cripturc's. It does not induJ;::e in control'ersy, ant! its colull1n~ aro not open to I,~rsonahties.




ST.\TES, ~1.00;
Gh1':A'l' llnr:r4\lN,




At~Tu.\T..\srA, .A~l> ROL1H

reUlittanc~.s ~hould bo In,,,;o by J :xllress or




1'0', tal :l1'JI.I'Y
.Onlcr, or by l:ullk Draft. Call:ldian, J:rlthh, South ,\:r"'an ,,,,d
An~trala,llIn remiltanccq shoulu },O nwdo direct to the rr'r,e"ti,'o
1,ranc!1 of:iec>;.

HpPliltanc('s frotH ('onnlrir'i oth(:t" l!lall th'i~n Il1('n ..

tinneu may be m:lllo to the nrooklYll olllte, but 1.>y JM,;> ;:<;I,OIl"l
l'obtal 1I1oney Order only.
F0~'EIG~ 0""1('3


31 Crav('l\ 1'f>rr:l /'c, IJondon, ,V'. ~. l~n :1:lnu

40 Ir"in A'(,ll1:(~, Toronto, Unt.!d '), (',l1ll.1a.
7 I~cl'c:)rord J~o:Hl, ~tr ~t htlclil, ~. S. \\'"f An'-, ~ra~:a,

Can 1ldiull

Soulh A/du1n

Town, }5outh
tho Soddy In m-ory case,

UO . . . toll !I {I II <.;e, Calle




(Tran,l"lloIl8 01 this joumul a!'1'Car ill ,cveral langul!ge,.)

r,tll,l"nt~ cf the HiLle who by rC:Lson of Infirmity,
or atlvcn-,ity arc unable 10 pay tho f-ub,~eriJlt:l)n lll:('l)
II:a,r ]1:1'"0 Tile irate/do1l"er fn ..~ llIlon \\ dlteu fiTJp!iratitla t'. tilt}

AU &Incere


puuJi,hf"l"fI., lU:lllo OHf'e (\:1,11

<Jue.. . ting- it. ,re are gL::ttl to



blatin:;: tho r~a~on fur se, rc~

nid tho 11('(~t1y, Imt thn writtC'Il

application onto ear'h ytar is re'lllirc<l by tho p();tal

rC~1I1a l;Onq.

j\~Qtr('e to Su1J~cribCt".q: .Acknf"YIH1'..:11l<?nt

of n now or n rt'npwnl p'lh.

scri,d ion 'win be f-(\nt onlv WIH'l\ l"t'qnp<::l0d. Chan~e of nl!.I.r:--'~.
"Jlf'n re(J1:~stcd, Jl1:lj' l)e t."~pN'lt.(l to on ntlt1ri' ~ l:I!H'1 "I'~tirl
ono mOTilh. A rC'nc\.... al blank ('n-'ryln~ notice Dr ('\:pir ltil)"ll ". in



with the journal onf! month



sub~('r;I)tion f'~iliJI''i.

Entered all Secolld Cta... Mait J,fattrr at nrool.lyn, N.

Act of Nar('ll 3, 1379.






Jehovah'8 LIc',slng has bl'\~n marke,t!y uplJn the Il~'l of th'l

portahlo tl':lns,~ript ion marhine. lie I<:,s I,!:linl.' 1l11'11l h".kd
that tlus Imwhine meets the need of the hour. \\I",n tile '1"'\I'~,
undp,r GI)~, is se"king to curtllli the ll~e of the mdl\l by U,ld's
anoilltrd and II hen the pl'Oplt' 's en rs am e:l~,'r to he:Lr. llilt
man's message, but God '8. The tl'an~\'ription IJlal'lllne h:r~ Illcreased the power of Jehovah 's witne~ses llfidd to pre:wh IllS
truth manyfold, so that tho de'Bre fcr the literature is Rl illlUlat,'J and study classes of Illany intl'T('~teJ bearers are 1)f'i1I~
formed. Besid(,5 more than 430 such machines in the Unlt,',l
States alone, great numberH are now b'ling cfYi'rtively used III
countries ncar and afar. For more information, write tile

The Society has ml:de arrangements to cotl~tru('t an,l as,emhle

portable transcri[1tion mac!,ines at our O\ln factory at 117
Adams Street. Tl>e;.c rm,('hl!lC3 \\'111 be sOI"ewhat dlll'erl'llt III
eon~truction from those pn";iotlsly furnishe(l. They will bo
srnn:,!;,wound, r.nd o]'l'rated trulll a 6-voll "eh't':1 1Jatt~r~.
Enry lll:\('hinc will lrll furnish.!d eOlllplete with the 1)~,tt<'rY alld
a battflT)' '!hargpr, so that it can be kept up to ltS tull strl'n;~t h,
\Vc arc plcu~e,J to anr~I);"lnee t',~t tllis madlinc ('an L:- c :'('r,',1
at $100, complete, to bre~hrell in the Unitcd ~tatl!s.




No. 15

1, 1034

ITow prccious thy lovina7dndness, 0 God; therefore the sons of men undcr the shadow of thy wings seek
re{1tgc: they auundantly relish the fatncss of thy house, and out of the full sll'caln of thine own plcasures
thou givest thcm to drink. POl' with thce is the fountain of life, in thy light we see light. "-Ps. 36: 7-9, Hoth.



EIIOVAII having builded up Zion and gathered

unto himself his saints, he gives them a. broader
view of his lovin~-kindn('ss than previously it was
possible for them to have. 'rhose at the temple being
now in the secret place of the Most High, and thero
taught of God by and throu~h Christ Jesns, are commanded to go out amongst the people and from the
housetops to derlare the name of Jehovah, making
blOwn to those of goood will the loving-kindlll)ss of Je.
hovah to the children of mcn. This loving-kindness,
wh('n known, is precious to those who love Jehovah
God. 'l'hey know that tht'ir own refuge is undt'r tho
shadow of ~he wing'S of the Almig-hty, and they delight
to point others to God's provision for their refuge.
'l'he rieh provision of Jehovah makes glad the heart
of everyone who is in his ro~al o)ganization.
2 By his ~l'cat executioncr .Jehovah will mete out
exact justice to those who have willfully llnd delib(~rately hrokt'n his everlastin~ covenant concerning thu
sUlletity of human life. God's judgment toward nlPl1
is tempered with mercy toward those who have a good
heart and who desire rig-htcommcs". He has commandcd that his mercy shall be shown toward all those who
ha\"e becn unwittingly drawn into Satan's trap and
caused to break his law. His acts of justice are like
the great dcep, and his mercy enelureth for ever. It
is the privilege of those who desire knowled~e and
understanding to learn now about the loving-kindness
of our God.
I Jehovah has made known to the temple company
that he is the fountain of life and that there is none
other. He has givcn them such knowledge not merely
lor their own good, but that they might make this
known to those of good will and honest heart. The
battle of the great day of God Almighty is near at
hand, and in that battle Christ Jesus, the Vindicator,
will des-troy the \vicked; but the kindness of Jehonlh
has provided a place of refuge for those who now turn
their hearts toward righteousness, seeking to join
themselves unlo Jehovah's organization. Such are
known as the Jonadah class, hecause Jonadah fore-


shadowed them. Jehovah's provision made lor them

in connection with his house is a rich provision. "'l'hou
llhcwest lovingkindncss unto thousands, and recompellsest the iniquity of the fathers into th~ bosom of
thcir children after them: the Great, the l\;. :~hty God,
the Lord of hosts, is his name, great in counsel, and
mighty in work: lor tlune eyes are open upon all the
ways of the sons of men; to give everj' one accordin~
to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doing~."
(Jer. 32: 18, 19) 'J'here is an obligation laid upon
Jehovah's witnesses to brin~ these truths to the attention of the Jonadabs, that they may be advised of tho
only way of escape in the great disaster that shall
shortly overtake the world. 'l'hey must know Jehovah,
tako their stand on his side, and there remain steadfastly faithful, serving him, if they would receive
God's gift of life throngh Jesus Christ our Lord.

' To aid the student in the examination of what 101lows, a brief outline is here given, to wit: The cities
of refuge provided by the law of God wcre a placo
of protection for those who had unawares or unwit
tingly hroken t~e everlasting covenant by taking a
human life. This loving provision made by Jehovah
being announced at the time of making of the covenant of faithfulness shows that the cities of refu1!,o
forcshadow God's loving-kindness for the protection
of the people of good will during Armageddon; that
they must come to know these truths after the build
iug up of Zion and before Armageddon; that the
rl'mnant of Jehovah's anointed on earth have a positiye obligation laid upon them now which must be
performed toward those of the .Jonadub company i
and that the Jonadahs must perform certain specific
requirements in order to be assured of refuge during
the trouble, and to ultimately receive life.
5 Jehovah first spoke to ~Ioses about the cities of
refuge while Moses was in the plains of Moab. (;oe1
having now made kllown 10 his people that the word
spoken by him, as recorded in Deuteronomy, applies





N. Y.

since the coming of Christ Jesus to the trmvle, we that messog'o was proclaimed by word of mouth and
may c:lI.-pect to find that the llrovi:,ion for the chit'S of by printc(l publiCation throughout "Christl:1ldom' '.
refuge, as set down in the prophecies, have all anti Ko OIle of Go,l 's people nnucl'stood fully the matter at
typical fulfilment in close proximity to the time of that time; but since being brought into the temple
taking the faithful ollo\\ers of Christ .Je:;us into the they sec and understand that t.hose on tho earth who
covenant for the kingdom. ".And the Lord spa!w unto may live and. not die are the ones who now' get into
Moses in the plains of Muab, by Jordan lIear J(richo, the charivt', as .Jonadab at t1:e invitation of Jehu got
saying, Spt'ak unto the chilurer: of Israel, unu say unto into the rhariot with .Jehu. 'I'his throws more light on
them, Whell )'e be come over Jordan into the land of the SCl'iptul'es concd'l1ing- the cities of l'clugc, and
Canaan; then )'e shall appcint you citic~ to be cities there must be some comforting information therein
of refuge for you; that the slayer may flee thither, for the remnant at the present tirne.-Hom. 15: 4.
8 Jehovah '8 commandmcnt was that there should be
which ldlkth any person at unawares. "-l\Ul1l. 35:
1,10,11; Deut. 19: 1-10.
given to the Lcvitcs forty-ei1,!:ht cities and suburhs.
a :\!oscs was a type of Christ .]OSl1S; and what :l\loscs
This shows that the peoples of "Christc'ndom" have
did on the plains of ?luab, as set forth in the book of no ri~ht to C!'(J\\'d Jehovah's sen'ants, and particularly
}kuteronomy, anu hC'fore the lsraelitt:s ero"secl the his anointed \Y1tnesSf;S, out of tho land, uut must l.lllow
.Jorllan to Jericho, s(~('ms to IJ:lve relation to the closing them freedom of activity and a reasonal)le amount for
days of the time of the work of 'preparing the way thcir maintenance. 'I'his also bupports the cOllclusioll
hefore .Jehovah '. (?lral. 3: 1; IJcut. 18: 13, 18; ]\et,; that those who litcratUt'c, and thus receive an
3: 1!J-23) Shortly Iw[or'e ;Uoses ended his WLlI'l\, and opportunity to gain a knowledge and ulldel'stanclin~
after receiving instrudiull from JdlOvah eouel';l'llin~ of the truth of awl concemill~ Jehoyah and his kill~
the cHits of l'l'[llge, he communicated that law to the dam, should el)lltribute something to defray the (x
hraclitl's: "'rh('se he the ,yonls which .:\103('s spako pense or pnbliratioll, that more books may be brou~itt
unto all Lirae! 011 this side Jordan, in the wilucl'1lcss, to tho {Jcop!e I),Y Jl.'honlh's wil llesscs that other p . . opJo
AI1U it came to pass ill the fortieth y('ur, in t1l0 mi~ht know tl1\~ name of Jehovah and his lovin~-kind
elew:lth mouth, on the first day of the month, that mss. The .Jollarlab class now S(;C that th(~y have tho
1\loses spake unto the ehildrcu or hrae1, at:rordi!l~ IH'ivi!fogl~ of aidin~ in this work and of Learing the
unto all that the Loru had glVPu him in cO!lllllaudnlPnt nH:~;sagc to ot hers and thus showing their love for God
unto them." (Dcut. 1: 1, J) "Thell :'loses severed aud appreciatiull of his kindncss.
9 Out of the forty-eight citi(~d provided for the spe
three cities 011 this side .Jordan toward tho sllnrisin~;
that the slnyer mig-ht flre thilhr:r, whil'h should kill cifie benefit of the Levitcs there were (h'si~llnt0d six
his n('i~hhour unawares, alHI hatc(l him not in timps cities for a place of refuge. "And among the \'ities
past; mIll that fleciJl~ uuto one of thrse citie,:; he might whif.'h :ye shall give Huto the Ll.'vitcs, there shall be six
live: namely, n('zl'r in the wildl'mess, in the plain cities for refuge, ",hil'h ye shall appoint for the mancountry, of t.he Hellhenitl's; alHI Hamoth in Gilead, of slayer, that he may fl(~e thither: and to them ye shall
the Gatlit(s; and Golan in Ibi1ran, of the -;\hlllassitcs. add forty and two citie's." (l\'UllJ. 3G: 6) TIll':,e t.ix
Anu this is t.he law ,.. hi('h :'!oses sd before the chil- cities werc a~signetl to those who had brC'n I'r(kc1Urd
drrn of Israel." (Dout. 4: 41-014) 'l'hree of the cities or purchased by .Tc1lOvah in the place of !srarl's fi]'stof refuge were on the east side of Jordan, and three on hom aIHl who had heen nssi~lIpd exclusively to God'~
t.he west side, in the lan<l of Canaan, a('(,Ol'dill~ to the f,cnicc. (l\um. 3: 11-51) A eity is a symbol of all
organization; and the six cities thus appointed p;ctUl'o
commatltlrnents of Jehovah.-Num. :-15: 1:1, H.
the or~ani7.ation of .J eho\,ah's anoinkd olles yet on
T Those of the temple company have leamed that
.Teltovnh at times uses his den1tell 11eople on ealth to the earth, repl'C'sclltillg Zion, the holy city, sinee it is
do eel'tain thing'S in fulfilment of his prophery with- buildcd up. There bcin~ six would not inc1ientr:- Ull
out their knowing at the time the llwanin~ thereof; imperfect refuge, bnt rather would suggest that ~u('h
but afterward:~ Jf'hovah mukes Iwown to them tht:se is God's pro\'iion for refuge while imperfect conditruths and thus exhibits his loving-kimlne::s toward tions still exi;;t on the earth. There were no brid~t:s or
them in so ming them to fulfil prophecy. The settin~ ferries oyer the Jordan rivcr. and God's loying-bndup of the cities of refuge was notice to those who ness is again made manifest by placing three of thl.''-o
should have need therefor thflt nod had made pro- citiC's of refuge on the cast and three on the w('~t ~ille
vision for their protection and refuge in time of dis- of the river. The Levites and the priests (the pl'il.~ts
tress. That was a part of the prophety, and, beiWs a were also Levitcs, and taken from tllnt tl'llJe) '\"iiu:d
lJrophe('Y, it must hnvc its fult1lment at some l::ter pict nre that Jcho\'ah's kingdom organization kill
clay anel at Ihe coming of the Greater :\lo'3(,s. On the come, and such is tlte 'city for which Abraham lon:;'l',l'
24th day of Febnllll'Y, A, n. 1918, by the Lord's grace while he dwelt in a tent or tabcmacle,-lIcb. 11 : 9, 10.
19 The Hebrew won1 for "refuge", which is npplidl
and manifestly 11y his o\elTuling providence and his
direction, there was drlivcrcd, at 1,0'> Angeles, for only to these six cities. means an "asylum", "" ~1
tIle first tiP10 the mr,sag-e "The 'Yorld IIns Endcd- l'eccpbc1c into which something might be tah'n f,-,i'
Millions l\ow Living Will Never Die", and thereafter protection and safe-keeping. If Jehovah \,;ou:d 1;,;:,0

At"GuST 1, 1934

ffiie VvATCHT0\\1ER.

such provision for one who slew another unawares,

aIHl who would therefore be hclple:>s against the
a\'enger or executioner, it would certainly sc:em reasonable tlwt he would provide a similar place of protection for those people on earth who are of good will
to be pre,;erveu from the sword of the great Executioner which will avenge the world-wiue violation of
the everlasting covenant pertaining to the sacredness
of human life. All the nations have violated the everlasting covenant, and for this reason Geu will execute
Ilis vengeauce upon them at the battle of Armageddon,
which is the uay of the expression of the vengeance of
our Gou. III the cities of refu~c the fugitive could be
hid; and even so in the Jay of the execution of .Jehovah's Vl'ngeanee he has pl'ovideu a place of rdll~e
where certain ones may be hid who learn the truth
and who do that which ill ri~ht.
11 'rhe total llumher of forty-eight cities were given
to the Levitt,s, and, out of that forty-eight, thirteen
were given to the priests. (Josh. 21: I-I!)) Only olle
city of the priests \Vas made a city of refuge, namely,
Hehron, in the hill country of Judea. (Josh. 21: 11-13)
Doubtless that was the city visited by .:\1aly, tho
mother of .J(;~US, when she weot there to <;aU upou
Elisaveth, the wife of the priest, ~achal'jas. (Luke
] : 3!), 40) Tho cit ips of refuge heing given to those
of the t!'ibe of IJevi, from wltidl tribe the priests wero
taken, the manslayer seeking refuge was obliged to
find protection in those cities. These cities of pro.
tcetion syml)Olized the organization of those who arc
wholly devoted to Goll :lIld his temple service. 'rlle!'e
wall no other place that the munslayer could find
refuge or safety. This is strong proof that the .Jonadab class who seck rel'uge a~~uillst the Jay of wmgcanee must filld it ollly in Jehu's chariot, that is to
say, ill the OJg-:miza1ion of Jehovah, of which organization Christ Jesus is the Head allll gn'at High Priest.
u'l'he cities of refug'e would be set up after the
Isral'lites reacht'd Callaan: "And the Lord s11a1;:e unto 1\[oses, sayin~, Speak unto the children of brad,
and say unto them, When ye be come over Jordan
into the land of Canaan; L:lCn yo shall appoint you
cities to be eities of l'efu~e for you; that the slayer
may fiee thither, which ki1letll allY person at unawares." (Num. 35: 9-11) 'rhis would seem to correspond to the time when the Blisha-Jchu work begins.
'l'he time is also indicated by the words of ~Ioscs, to
wit: ....When the Lord thy God hath cut off the nations, whose land the Lord thy God giveth thee, and
thou sncceedest them, and dwcllest in their cities, and
in their houses; thou shalt scparate three cities for
thee in the mido~t of thy land, which the Lord tlly God
giveth thee to possess it." (Dent. 19:1,2) In 1914
Jesus was given the heathen for his inheritance and
was sent forth to cast them out of the place wrongfuJIy occupied. (Ps. 2: 8, 9) In 1919 J ('sns Lrought his
faithful remnant then on earth across the antitypical
Jordan river and into the "land ", or kingdom condi.
tion, gh-in~ to them privileges and opportunities with

him to serve, even n3 Joshua did the Israelites. The

priests bearing the ul'k of the eownant were the first
ones to enter the waters of the Jordan, and stood firm
on the Jry grountl in the river uutil the people llad
crossed. (Josh. 3: 7, 8, 15,17) Defore the Israelites
Cl"ossed the Jordan river )'lose.5, by the direction of
Jehovah, appointed three cities of refuge on the ea"t
siue of the ri vcr. Likewise: also 0:: fo1'c the remnan t \,,-, 'l'e
gathercd into the temple the Lord caused to be deliv.
ered his message ".i\IilliollS KGW Living Will );ever
Die", meaning, of course, that they must be suhject
to the conditions announced by the Lord. There also
began an announC'C'll1ent that the Elijah work had
ended. It was a llcriod of transition from the Elijah
to the Elisha work performed by the faithful followers of Chri:it Jesus.

The provision of the law \\"us that these cities of

refuge were for the bcnefit of those who should liill a
person unawul't's. "These six cil ieg shall be a rt:fngc,
both for the chiluren of IsmC'!, ant! for the strali::,'r,
antI for the sojourner among them; th:lt en')'}' OliO
that killeth any person unawares may fiee 1hitilel'."
(Num. 3:i: 15) \\'hat is meant 11}' the words "every
one that killcth any person unawares"'1 Satan's 01"gallization on the earth has willfully and dt,Jibl~J'atcl.v
broken the cvcrlu;,ting- ('OVCIl:lI1t hy w:Hllonly :lfId
cl'lwlly killing human cri':ltul'('S. <lud by his prvp!wt.
drclarcs his purpose to tlrstroy :-iatan's omcoial oJ'~ani
zation on the carth bceau"e of th,) violation of the
evedasting co\cnant. "'1'11e t'utlh ubI) is tlefilel] under
tho inhabitants thereof, because thpy have tl'Ullsgl'CSS(,J
the laws, changed tho ol'llinancc, urokpn the ewrl:l"tiug' covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured I he
earth, and they that dwell therein :Irc (k>;olate: till'reforo the inhahitants of the earth aloe ulIl'neil, awl f,'\V
men left." (ha. ~-t:5,G) The eOll1ll1ercial tlllU Jlolitical clements of Satan's visihle or:~anizatioll have de
liberately IJlanned and promoted cruel wars re5\111 ill~
in tho wholesale sheddin~ of innocent human ]JJood.
The religious clement of "Chritenuom", and pur
ticularly those of tlIe clergy, have sand i fled tiiose \Va rs
and ulasphcmously deelared them to be in har-molly
with God's will. ..:\11 s11eh willful slayers shall [J(o;-i::ll
at Arma~ec1don. On the other hand there are t!llbe
on the earth, and particularly in the realm of ,. Chris
tendom ", who have worked for antI SUI1pOl'te(1 the
commercial and political systems of OP1Jrcs"ioll; who
have served in the armic-.,> and Ilavies and tnL('n IJllTJlall
life; have upheld the commercial and political sy~\erns
that have greatly oppressed the peoI,lc; have bel'lt
associated with religious systems which have "amti
fied war and have L('uce ueen a party to the crime or
breaking the everlasting covenant; :m<1 those as J1lC:n\bel'S of the "strong-arm squad" who have aiJed in1.1le
persecution of the faithful fo110".er3 of Chric,f .Jesus,
anti have perseeuted tho'c \\'1:0 SDrvc God. During the
\Yorld War many men p:trti(;iputcd iu tiles:.) wl'ongful




N. Y.

doings, and especially in the persecution of God's of circumstances have been forced into participating
people, and did so without malice and without knowl- in and supporting these wrongdoers, to some degrce
edge that thcy were violating God's law.
at least, and are thus of the class that unwittingly or
1f The ruling elements in Israel had been guilty of
unawares arc guilty of shedding blood.
IG Those who have unwittingly or unawares supjll'lt such wicked things as that deseribed in the fore~;lIing paragraph, and to them Jesus said: "That upon
ported these wrongdoers must have some way of
.\ uu may come all the righteous blood shed upon the escape, otherwise they would fall in the great trouble
ourth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood in the battle of the great day of God Almighty. Jeho"f Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between vah ill his loving-kindness has made just such a. protlte temple and the altar. Verily I say unto you, All vision as is needed for their escape, and the cities of
these things shall come upon this generation." (Matt. refuge pictured that way of escape. Of the six citlCs
2:1: 35, 36) The bloodguilty of the official element of of refuge "Moses seyered three cities on this side
the nation of Israel that connived at amI oppressed lthe] Jordan toward the sunrisillg". (Deut. 4: 4144)
Hnd killell the servauts of God in particular, and op- Joshua. confirmed that selection after he had crossed
pressed and killed the defenseless peuple in general, the Jordan, and abo appointed three citie,> in Canaan.
were visited by God's vengeance. 'fhnt terrihle pun- (Josh. 20: 7-9) The six cities were a place of refuge
ishment came upon Israel within a few years after for the children of Israel and for the stranger and
the crucifixion of Jesus, and Peter, filled witti the for the sojoul'Iler, thus showing that in the fulfilment
spirit of God, speaking of that approaching trouble of the p.'ophccy the plaee of refuge would be for those
said to the Israelites: "Save yourselves from this in "Christendom ", and also for those associated with
untoward generation." -Acts 2: 40.
"Christendom" but 110t a part thereof, who might
13 Since the corning of Jesus to the temple there has
have need of such refuge and who desire and seck it.
been great persecution heaped upon the people of God '''I'hat the slayer that killeth any person unawares
in the land of "Christendom", awl there is blood- and unwittin~ly may flee thither: and they shall be
guiltiness on the part of those who have pal'ticipated your refuge from the avenger of blood. l'hese were
in this wrongful persecution deliberately. Others have the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, and
had part therein ullwittingly. "Christendom," and for the stranger that sojourneth among them, that
particularly the oflieial part thereof, lays great claim whosoever killeth any person at unawares might flee
to doing the will of God, while at the salIle time bcing thither, and not die by the hand of the avenger of
guilty of many fla~rallt crimes. l'he prophet of Je- blood, until he stood before the congregation. "--Josh.
hovah, referring to su<~h, says: "How is the [pro- 20: 3, 9.
fessed] faithful city becume all harlot! it was full of
11 If death resulted from a willful act by one using
judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now mur- as a weapon an instrument of iron, or by throwin~ a
derers. Thy silver is become dross, thy wine mixed stone, or with the hand weapon of wood, that is, a
with water: thy princes arc rebellious, and compan- club, the one doing the wrongful act which resulted
ions of thieves: everyone loveth gifts, and followeth in death was guilty of murder and must die. (Num.
after rewards: they jud~e not the fatherless, neither 35: 16-18) The murderer's blood must be shed by the
doth the cause of the widow come unto them. 'rhere- avenger or revenger of blood, that beillg the law of
fore saith the IJord, the IJord of hosts, the mighty One God for punishment in violation of the everlastill~
of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and covenant. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall
avenge me of mine enemies." (Isa. 1: 21.24) The his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he
clergy, and the Homan Catholic hierarchy in particu- man." (Gen. 9: 6) "The revellg'er of blood himself
lar, have connived with the big commercial and shall slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, he
political wrongdoers in robbing and destroying the shall slay him." (NUll. 35: 19) But if the killing was
people; and the above proplwry applies to them, be- by accident or unawares, the manslayer might flee to
cause such arc the ones who claim to be God '8 king- the eity of refuge for protection. And they shall
dom. Again says Jehovah's prophet: "For I have be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger j that
heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish the manslayer die not, until he stand before the conas of her that bringeth forth her first child; the voice grega.tion in judgment. "-Num. 35: 12.
of the daughter of Zion, that bewaileth hel'sclf, that
spreadeth her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my
18 \Vho is "the avenger", or the one who executes
soul is wearied because of murderers." (Jer. 4: 31)
"And the remnant took his servants, and entreated vengeance antitypically upon such wron~doers1 The
them spitefully, and slew them. But when the Icing very langua~c of the law of God makes" the avenger"
heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his God's officinl executioner. According to the Hebrew
armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned for "avenger" the execution of vengeance devolved
up their city." (:Jlatt. 22: 6, 7) Among both the Jews upon one by reason of kinship, family rclation:;hip,
and "Ch"jsl('nr!om" there have been those who have such as the relationship of Bonz toward Kaomi and
had no s~'mpat1Jy with such wrongdoing, ~'et by reason Ruth, and against the defiling near kinsman. Tlta


1, 1934

f.ffie. WATCI-IT0WER.

lVatcldolcer of 1925, page 182, paragraph 51, says:

It seems that Satan is the avenger of blood." Clearly that statement is wrong, and 'Plte Watchtower hereby retracts it. It is true that Satan has the power of
death, gin'n him when he was appointed man's overseer, and that he docs cause the death of many, even
of some of the faithful followers of Christ Jesus. But
that does liot mean that he is the official executioner
of Jehovah, ana particularly so fill' as the cities of
refuge are concerned. Satan was never the kinsman
of man so that he could fulfil the offire of avenger or
revenger by reason of being the Jlear kinsman. Satan
is a spirit creature; hence i1lat aloue would preclude
ltim from flllin!; tIle place. He was in no wi"e a kinsman of the hraelites, and holds no commission or
l1ppointm('nt in (~onnection with the cities of refuge.
19 The grcat l.insman of the human race by birth is
Jesus, being hol'Jl of the vir'gin :Mary, and hence he
was the kinsman of the hraelitrs. (Gal. 4: 4,5) '1' he
I)l'rfect man .Jesus bOll:{ht the human raro with his
0\\"11 precious bJoou and is then'fore the Hedeemer, nnd
us the Hedeelllcr of nwn he is clothed with authority
frum Jehovah his Pather to ~i\"e life to the human
race. (Hom. 6: ~3 ; 1S:1. 9:- G, 7) IIc is Jehovah's great
offidal exccutioner :1I1d drlivers justice by repaying
lib~ with like upon the hloodgnilty. "1"01' the 1<':1tho1'
jl1llg-t'th 110 mall, hut hath committed all judgnll.:nt
unto the S011; and hath givcn l!im authority to execllte jud~lJlent also, l)ccHuse he is the Son of man."
(John 5:22,27; DellL 1!):21) Christ Jesus is the
Yindje<ltor of .Jehovah's name, and the rxecutiollcr of
all of Uod's enemies, and in this execution of vengeance he iL';sociates with him t!ll)se pictured by tho
""ix men t l ('l1<"h of which was nrlllcd with a slaughter
wl'apon in his hand and used it undrr the direction
of the Lord.-S('c Ez.:kiel 9: 1, 2; Vindication, Dook
One, page 9-1.
20 "The revenger of blood himself shall slay the
murdrrer, when he n\('eteth him." (~um. 35: 19) Je.
s'rs Christ, the gr('at Bxccllt ioner, will certainly meet
or overtake all of the bloou~uilty ones at ArmagedJon
in the hattlo of the great day of God Almighty and
will slay all such as are not in the cities of refuge.
'}'ho provision of the law was, "that the manslaycr
clie not, until he stand before the congregation in
jndf,'1l1ent." (Nurn. 35: 12) All other manslayers
must be executed. '1'he cities of refuge were prepared
as a way of escape: "Lest the avenger of the blood
pursue the slayer, while his heart is hot, and overtake
lJim, because the way is long, and slay him; whereas
]le was not ,,,orthy of d('ath, inasmuch as he hated
llim not in time j)ast. That innocent blood be not
!>hcd in thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee
for an inheritance, and so blood be upon thee." (Deut.
19: 6, 10) That provision of God's law foreshadowed
far greater things to come to pass after the faithful
and approved ones are taken into the covenant for the
kingdom. (Heb. 10: 1; 12: 12-29) The new covenant
having heen inaugurated, and the faithiul being taken


into the covenant for the kingdom, it would thorefore

iullow that tho :mtitypical cities of refuge arc now set
up and that these are for tho benefit of those who
como within the terms of God's loving provision.
~1 'Vhen Jehu went forth to vindicate tho name of
Jehovah 'his heart was hot' to aceompJish the work
nssigned him to do. 1..Iikewise the Greater Jehu, Christ
Jl'sns, "'hen sent forth to rule amongst his ('ll(,lllies
and to vindicate Jehovah's name, his "henrt is hot"
within him to accomplish that great work. 'rho gross
and flagrant violation of the everlasting co\-enaut Ly
the shedding of human blood must now be aW'n~l'd,
beeause this is the day of tho \'eng-cance of our Cod
aJld the hloodgnilty ones must fall by the haud of tho
great Executioner. '1'hrrci'ore tire Devil 'IOJowc! h
that his time is bhort' and that soon the battle of t!JO
grcat day of God Almighty will be fought. Buch will
result in the mdiug out of justice to the murderers
and 'in the vindication of .Jehovah's name. Those who
have been unwittingly associated with the devilish
work against mankind, and in the heaping of in ramy
upon tho uame of JeJlOnlh, and who would llOW e~('apo
to the city of refuge, must ha~ten th('rcto. 'rll('y must
get away from the ])evil 's orgallization and take tiJeir
!,lacc with the Lord God's ot':~allization and remain
tlJl:re. POI' this reason it is wriUPH: "Flee out of tho
midst of Babylon, aud deli\'er everr man his soul; ho
not eut off in her 'it!i'luity: for this is the time of tho
Lord's vpug-eauce; he will render unto her a r'l'l'O!ll}Jense. :Make bright the arrows; gather the shi('J<.h:
the Lord hath raised up the spirit of the king-s of the
l\ledes: for his device is a~ainst Babylon, to Ik~tr(JY
it; hecause it is the ven <:;ea II co of the Lonl, the vengealice of his temple. "-Jer. 51: 6, 11.
22 For centuries the whole world has heen under the
dominating control of tbe wicked our. Satan, awl his
cruel lind wicked organizatioll. The Executiom'r will
completely destroy suelr at Armag-eddoll. Christ .Jeslls,
the Executioner, is at the trmple of Jc!lO\'ah now for
judgmcnt, and God ralls upon all the nations to kcep
silent before him and sec and give heed to J(,hovah's
commanumcnt. It is his time to make mlllOUlH;('IIlCnt
of his pur-posr, and he gives notice and w<lrllill!;. 'rho
official element of Satan's visible Ol'ganir-<ltion has recci\'ed notiee and w<ll'lling that this world is Satan's
or/-:anization and that it \\ ill be destroyed and that
Jeho,:J1t'S witnE'sses arc appointed by him to pl'oelaim
these truths and sen'e such notice. A proclamation of
these truths has not comforted the clergy, Gig hll~i
ness and politicians, but, all the contl'ary, thry lJanJ
refused to giYe heed to the notite nnd Wal'llill~ and
have hardened their hearts. This is particularly true
with refrrcnee to the clergy element. Thi'l offie-inl clement with deliberation, premeditation and m~d Ice
aforethought continues to oppre~s God's people and
to persrcute them for making pr 0 c!nmatioll of the
truth. Furthermore, they do injury to anll kill those
who are deyotcd to the Lord. They do injUl'Y to tl)(~
people of good will by constantly trying to keep ll\\"U,}'

f.fTle WATCliTGWER..


from them the truth. The offidal element of Satan's

ol'~~allization, visible and invisible, arc in a conspiracy
to destroy the anointed of the Lord and to prevC'nt the
proclamation of the truth conccming .Teho\'ah, his
name and his purpose. (Ps. 83: 1-5) Tlike Ahab and
Jezebel, who subol'l1ed \Yitnesscs to have Naboth killed
and his property stolen, the clergy and their allies
now induce others to s\vear falsely against the witnesses of Jehovah and cause them to suffer, and thus
they show malice and cruel hatred. These arc such as
lie in wait to slay those a~ainst whom they hold malice.
Concerning such the law of God is: "But if he thrust
him of hatred, or hurl at him by laying of wait, that
he dic; or in cnmity s~ite him with his hand, that he
die; he that sIllote him shall surely he put to death;
for he is a murdercr: the I'cven~cr of blood shall slay
the murderer, when he mecteth him.' '-Num. a5: 20,21.
23 Not latC'r than Armageddon Jesus Christ, the
rcvenger of hlood, will slay the nwlicious clergy and
their allil's. It appears that such men, who have professed to SI'1'\'e God hut \vho have willfully served the
))e\il, shall receive the severer punishment at the
hand:,; of the g'l'eat Executioner. The LOl'd gives command to the "six mCII", who representatively stand
for' the invisible part of the organization under Christ
Jesus, to go in with their wcapons and slay the willful
ones and that wit hout mercy: "And to the others ho
said in mine hearin~, Go yo after him through tho
city, and smite; let not your cye spare, neither have
ye pity: slay utterly old and young, both maids, and
little childl'en, and women; but come not near any man
upon whom is the mark; and IJC~in at my sanctuary.
Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house." (Ezck. 9: 5, G) '1'he plain declaration
of the Lord is that" orgallized religion", which has
so greatly defamed his name, and those therein who
have partieipated in the pel'set'ution of his faithful
people and have defamed God's name, shall be destroyed without mercy.
U Who, then, arc the ones that will escape 1 It is the
people of good will that flee into the city of refuge.
They were once associated in some respect with Satan's organiz~:tion, but now, by reason of learning of
the wickedness thereof, and of God's loving-kindness,
they seck refuge in God's organization, which organization was pictured by the cities of refuge. '1'h<:y forsake Babylon, that is to say, Satan's organization, and
flee Ullto God's organization, taking their stand on the
side of Jehovah and his kingdom, and henceforth they
must have no sympathy with or give support to the
wicked organization, but must remain steadfastly on
the side of the Lord and be in full sympathy with his
organization and the work he is doing.

The elders of God's organization are those who

have been hrought into the tC'mple and anointed of
the Lord, and who are therefore elders in fact, or mature ones ill Christ. These shall not sillm to derlal'e


N. Y.

the truth of and concerning the enemies of God; and

this was foreshadowed by the declaration of God's
law in )Ioab, to wit: "But if any man hate his neighbour, anrllie in wait for him, and rise up against him,
and smitc him mortally that he die, and flt'eth into
one of these cities: then the elders of his city shall send
and fetch him thence, and deliver him into the hand
of the avcnger of blood, that he may die. Thine eye
sllUll not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt
of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well
with thee. "-Dent. 19: 11-13.
26 The faithful remnant of God's organization, and
who hence arc elders, must not compromise in any
way with the deliberate man"layers or persecutors who
are of Satan's organization or try to shield them, nor
must they have uny sympathy for them as against the
execution of God's vengeance upon them. 'rhey not
only must be separate themselves from that wichd
or~anization, hut must be in full heart accord with
God '3 determination to execute his vengeance npon
them. ThC'y must he consistent and pray UOll that his
declared purpose to destroy the wicked shall he cal'1'iC'd
into operntion. Thus thC')- will show their full sympathy and heart devotion to .Jehovah and to his purposes. 'These faithful ones, therefore, must cOlltinue
to lJoldly declare the vengelluce of our God, bccau;.,e
this is a part 'Of the commission given to his anointed
ones.-Isa. 61 : 1,2.
27 Throughout the land of "Christendom" there arc
millions of people of good and honest heart who do
not wish to shure the guilt of blood inllocently slll'd.
Ignorantly, hence unwittin~ly and unawares, they
have been drawn i!ltO Satan's trap and camil'd to commit many wrongful deeds a~ainst others. In Gou's
law ignorance thereof is an excuse whcll one turns
his heart to righteousness. In order for the,>e to esca pc,
however, they must show thC'ir devotion to Gr,d and
his kingdom upon coming to a knowledge of his provi&ion for the human race. Ijike the" cIders of his
[the m~lnslayer's] city", they must 110t safeguard the
guilty OIlt'S, hut must be in accord with the Greater
Jehu; and when, like Jehu, he calls for tbe heads of
the sons of the anti typical Ahah crowd they lJlU~t follow the example of the rulers and elders and dcliwr
up the head.,. (2 Ki. 10: 1-7) '1'his docs not mean that
they participate in the execution of any erl'ature, but
it docs mean they must not hesitate to declare the
truth when the opportunity comes and must 110t refrain from doing so in order to secrete someone else.
'1'he clergy, especially the Roman Catholic hicrarc!ly,
howl and eomplain that Jehovah's witnesses attack
them. Sueh is wholly untrue. God lays the obligation
upon his people to declare the truth, that others might
know of God's purposes. It is the truth tbat exposes
the wick<:d,' and the truth IS declared for the benefit
of those who wish to do right.
28 The great Judge, Christ Jesus, is upon his throne
at the tt'mple and is dividing the people. and those
who desire to be in harmony with God and righh:ou,;-

At:GUST 1, 1934


ness must without equivocation or compromise take

their stand on the side of the Lord and let it be known
that they are for God and his righteous governmrnt
I1t all times. The obligation is now upon Jehovah's
witnesses to instruct the Jonadab clw:;s in order that
those of good will may act intdligently. Those persons of good will and hone'st heart have been kept in
blindness by 8atan and his agcllls, particularly by
the clergy, and until they heard the truth about the
Lord and his kingdom, and tlms they have unwittingly
supported the unholy crowd and committed acts of
violence to those who arc devoted to Jehovah and his
kingdom, as well as to others.
20 But what shall he said about those who engaged
in the ";orld \\"ar and who took human life in battle,
and who aftenral'ds came to a l{llowlcd~e of the truth,
made a full consecration to do the will of God, and
de\'oteu thelllsc! res to tbe Lord 7 Do such ha ve allY
IJrotection in the cities of refuge? It docs not appear
from the Sel'iptures that the cities of refuge have any
rl'ferellCe to tho~e who become members of the body
of Christ. 'l'hcre does not seem to be any reason why
tl,ey should. Th('re is a wide di"tindion betwt'en such
and those who beeomc of the class known as the 'millions that will not die', meallill~ those people of good
will who obey the Lorl1 Uod !lOW but who arc not
accepted as a part of the sarrifirc of Christ Jesus.
Before the bnildin~ up of ~ion the purpose of the
gospel's being' preached was to take out from the nations a people for the name of Jphovah. In 01'<10.1' to
be of those who are thus tak<'11 out for the llallle of
Jehovah the sinner must fil'st admowledge his sin
beforo God, trust ill the precious blood of Christ .Jesns as his redemptive price, and then unconditionally
agree to do the will of God by making a full eOnSel'!'ation of himself. It is the will of (jod that those tlllls
taken out for his name shall die as human ereatm'es
but live as spirit creatures. 'l'he man who fully consecrates himself to do the will of God, and whose consecration is accepted, is justified by Jehovah by r('ason
of his faith in the blood of Jesus and his obedience to
God's law. All the sins of such a one are atoned for
by the bloo(l of Christ. When his consecration is accepted he is justified, and by reasOl~ of his justification
there results to him the right to live as a human CI'ca
ture; and it is that human life that is sacrificed.
Thereupon God hrings forth such as hIS spirit son,
and all of his past or inherited sins are wiped out.
"Par he that is dead is free<l from sin. Now if we be
dpad with Christ, we believe that we shall also live
with him: knowing tbat Christ, being raised from tho
dead, dieth no more; death hath no more dominion
over him. For in that he died, he died nnto sin once;
but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God, Likewise
reckon )'e also yourselves to he d<'ad indeed unto sin,
but alive unto God through J esns Christ our Lord."
(Rom. 6: 7-11) Paul was one who unwittingly served
as a party to the murder of Stephell, as he stated
himself: "Anu ",::en the blood of thy martyr Stephen


was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto

his death, and kept the l'Llinwnt of them that slew
him." (Acts 22: 20) But \vllCn Paullrarned the truth,
nnd fully cOllseerated himself to do the will of God
through Jesus Christ, his sins were cleanscd and wiped
out nnd he was made acceptable unto the Lord. The
one who is thus brought forth by Jehovah as his son
is a new creature in Christ Jesus; as it is written:
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things arc passed away; behold, all things
al'C become ncw." (2 Cor. 5: 17) It is such sons of
Cod as nre found faithful at the judgment by Christ
J('SUq at the time of building up of Zioll that arc t:lken
into the covellant for the kingtlom, and these become
a part of the royal organization of God symlJOlized by
a city. (Hev. 21: 1, 2) All slleh are under Christ Jesus, the Greatl'r 1\[oses, and thereafter must be whoily
and entirely obedient to Christ if they would live.
(Acts 3: 23) It is to such new rreatures who live in
Christ that the scripture is addressed, to wit: "\V e
know that \','e have passed from death unto life, be
cause we love the brethren. If e that loveth not his
hrother abitleth in death. Whosol'\'er hateth his
brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murtlerer
hath eternal life abiding in him, "-I John 3: 14, 15.
80 The refuge or protection of such is in God's 01'~allization under Christ in his sanetual')', in the secret
place of the Most High: "lIe that dWl'lleth in the
secret place of the 1\1ost High, shull abide under the
shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lonl, He
is my rcfuge, and my fortress; my God; in him WIll
I tl'Ust." (Ps. 91: 1, 2) These form It part of the city
and are not the ones that fke to it after Zion is build(~d up. For these followers of Christ Jesus in the temple
to g-ain eternal life they must abide in Christ .Jesus,
faithful, and perform their obligation, (John 1;;: 5-8)
All such are members of the priesthood undl'r Chri:-:t.
81 Since the coming of the Lord ,Jesus to the temple
and the building up of Zion those found faithful awl
brought into the covenant for the kingdom form a part
of God's organization. It was after the em'cnant of
faithfulness, which wa,s made in Moah, that the citirs
of refuge were set up, and this shows that it was after
the taking of the faithful sons of God into the covenant for the kingdom that the cities of refuge antitH>ically are set up or, rather, made to apply. Prior
to the taking of the faithful remnant into the covenant
for tho kingdom, there were, and since then have been
and are yet people of good will who have unwittingly
or unawares violated the everlasting covenant. The
prriod of sacrifice for the taking out of a people for
Jello\'ah's name must end with the completion of Zion;
but what provision is made for such of good will who
now devote themselves to Jehovah God 1 They are in
the world ruled by Satan, and they huye no sympathy
with his wirk:;d rule, and have separ:t1ed themselvrs
therefrom. 'l'hey desire to serve God and to do his
will. It is important just now to understand what is
Jehovah's purpose concerning them amI what is the


811e WATCHT0Wf:R.

obligation laid upon the faithful remnant in connection with the Jonadabs.
(To be continued)


'V 1.

For what purpose hall Jehovah gatlwl'ed hi~ ~~ints uuto

himself' How will these exprecls appreciation of his
!ovin;;,kindllcss J
"12, 3. How "ill Jehovah's executioner dcal ,vith those who
have Lrohen the evcrJ:tstlll~ covenant' "\\'l,y is it so im
pOl'ttint that the t'~lllpic cornp~ny now bring these truths
to the att,'ntioll of the peol'le1
1 4, 5. What "ere the "('1 til'ci of rduge "f l'~xplain the
si~iiiealH'e of the fad th:lt this proviSIOn by JellOvah \Ias
announf',:<l to ~loscci at the time of maJ..inl.: the covennnt
in ~f<lab.
'I! 0, 7. f'loow that the provision of dties of refuge, with announ':ement thereof, was prophetic, and whf)ther such
prol'h,,>,'y klS Imll -fultillllcnt.
'If 8. Describe tllO prol'isJOIl lIIade for tho Lcvit(:~, and explain
the prophetic signiikance :md the fulfilment thereof.
'I 9. To whom were the (:ities of refuge as~i~ned' What (Ji,l
that rp!lresl:nt 1 Why were there six of thc~e citi(ls, and
nlh(:tt(~,l n~ tIH'V \\'(:1'111
1 10"J~. Explain llll: prcophetic si;;niikance (a) of their bClll;':
('alk,1 'eiti,~ of r"rH;.:e", llnd given to tho Le,'ites. ill)
Of their b,~iug set uI' aftcr the hraelitcs reached Canaan.


N. Y.

,. 13. Apply the expressio!l

I I E,ery one that killcth any person

,. H, 1,3. CO!llPIHO the situation to which Matthew 23: :~5, ::6
applicd with the corrf':,ponJin~ situation in I' Christen,10111" at the I)re~ent time.
t IG, 17. "Wllat was forc~llOwn in tho fact that the cities of
refuge ,\crc appointf',] 'for n11 tho chilurcn of Israel, and
for the st tall;;,:r Ull'l tlJe 5ujullrI,llr amOll~ tLem'1
'If 18, 1a. Prove the identity of tho "avel1~er of blood".
~ :211, :21. Explain the situation for which tIle lllltitypica!
,. eifie's of. rcfu:;"c" were provil1ed, and whether thesc hal'O
been ~l1t up.
'I 22, 2::. III thIs fl'"re"t what is tho purpoRe of tho proelnmaHan of truth COlllluitted bv Jeho'.l,h to his witm's~l;s' :->how
tllllt Xumberil :13: :;:0. 21 ~!"arly finus its applicatIOn ltt tlte
pres('ut time. Point out the re!atlOuRhip hereto of Ezekiel

Il: 5. G.
,. 21. Who firo tho "nes that escnre and find security In tho

nntitypical "cities vi refuge ", and how 13 t Jli~ a,'cOlllpli:Jhc{]1

:;,'j:C7. Who aro prophetically rd"~rn'(l to in lko.llcJ'()!lIJ{{Iy
)(): 11, anI! \\hat is the applil:allOn of VCI3(' ]3 of that

,. :;8. A"c0unt for the urgent need 0 f wide prod"flIation nuw

of the llll's,a;.:e CODlll1ittcll to Jellol'Uh's I',ltn<' ,., l.
,. 29, ::0. f'hOlV wl.,,(II,)r the "cities of rcf{l;::e" arc for tho<e



}ll'l:",-\ rec.:eivcl]

into the

f:U\t';Wllt IIV t-:lI'tJ:iI'P.

"Ii ::1. When aUlI \,I"'lc were the cilie3 of rdll;';"

what is bho\Hl tlwrd)yJ

b~t up, aud

'l' TIl E illall~ur;ltion of (lad's goverllment npon earth there must be carried on, ;[('('ording
to the Scriptures, an adn'rtisillg or publicity
campaign of ~rl'at seopc. The purpose of this nn
nonnccmcnt of nod 's kilJ~d()lll, and the manner in
which such UllllOllHcerncllt is lJOW aetnally being given
l\trll)n~ thc Ilf'ople throll~hout all the world, nre of
irnmeJiate eOW'l'rlJ to every person of ~ood will.
The anoilltld OIWS of the Lord now on earth arc
cornmnnded to dl~dal'e the day of the VU1;;-t'ance of
Cod. (Jsa, Gl: 1,:l) The V{:llgeallcc of .J\'I1Ovah is not
('xpres>'ed [I~.linst individuals, hut against ~atan and
llis wieked ol'ganizatioll Ly \Vhil'h he oppr'ess('s and
hlinds the {lropJe, and ngainst the instruments that
he uses for that PUl'[lOSl:. fehovahs purpose is to destroy Satan's wicked worb; and his organization, and
he i.s now having the witness given making known that
fnct to the nations. For this reason he discloses to
those of the h'mple cluss what constitutes the Devil's
or!~3nizntion. It is scen to be a powerful and orendfully wicked organization which the Lord alone can
and will I}pstroy. lIe lays upon his srrvants the obli.
gation of d('(:larin~~ his purpose to destroy it. Jesus
::,tates that after the good llCWS of the kingdom has
been dce!nrN} to the people there shall come upon the
nations of e[lrth a time of trouble the likr of whi('h
wns never 1\lJ0Wll and t hat it will be the In'-it. That
will he the expression of God's indii!nation against
the wicked onc find his system, platt, 2.1: 21, 22) The
period of time from the cessation of hostilities of the
World \Yar [lnd to the fhlal trouble is reserved specifically for the ~i\'ing of the witlwss of and concerning God's purpoS(:s.

'fhl'lJllgh his }J1'ophd JdlOvah declares th:lt he II:ls

a cOlltro\'{'f"y ,vith the nations that make lip Sal:tll 's


al1<l that he will destroy SII<:lI. ]l:l\itl:~

ol1sted Hal an fl'om Iwawn and !I{stri)'(,1 !l is
rule thpre, we lIlay Iwow that <Jod will dl'~troy his
rule alld innll(,!1("~ Oil cart h. ~ll('h is OIlC of the Ill'I;Iiminury wlll'ks of Cod ", righteous ~o\'I~I'Jlrnent. (.J'~I.
25: 2!J-3G) Tn that ,,'o1'k of dcstl'Udiol1 .IIsus Clllist
leads the as~alllt. This he does a~ the mighty E:;('I:u
tive Ofiil'cr of .1c1Jo\':th. (1's. 110: G, 6) Chri-;t a10lle
is the symholic "wiueprl:ss" that cl'u"h(s the life out
of the evil orgar~ization. (lsa. li3: 3-5) Th!' Plitt in thiS
great work that is performed by the fait h ful follo\\'l'[''{
of Christ Oll earth is that of process sprver,;, 'f1[{'Y
srrve llotiee by tdling' the rulers and jJeopll''-i of (';11'1 h
of Jehovah's puqlO'-ie throu~h elIri"t to tIe'-it roy the
evil org-anization. (1 .John 3: 8) Of COUl'"e, Sal,ill
knows that the g"l'pat fight is aIJ[Jroaehilq~, but he is
so self-ecnlend 1Il:1t he believes he will win that fight.
Knowing- that the time is short for him to prepare for
it. he hastens to gatlll'r the nations and rulers of carth
into a eoudition for the /.!;reat battle, in ,rhich gre'at
hattIe Satnn's organization will fn ll, ne\'er to l'i~e
ngniui and the name of Jehovah God <;hnll be en~l'
la-.ting]y exaltcd.--n~v.12: 12; 16: 13-Hi.
'rhe faithful remnant of the fo]]o\\'I'l's of Christ
Jesns lIoW on ('m'th are am!n:-,..,adol'S of God and his
King'. These arc ill the world to represent the LUlli.
To SC1H1IJ it lilay Sfcm to be inconsistent for th('~,~ n rHbassadfJrs to be in the world and yet proelaiming the
trnth cO]l('l.'ruing- what is about to bl:fall the '\01'1<1.
It may be argued that ambassador:; are in a COllnt r.v
only when both cOlUltries involved arc at pe:rcc and

At:GUST 1, 193-1



that when WDr is declared the ambassador withdraws; sing that music. The Psalms of the Bible are poems
whereas God's government is not at peace with Satan's set to music. Aside from the Psalms there is very
or[.:\':.lnization. Such is the rule that obtains in the di- little poetry in existence that is at all worth while.
visions of the government controlled by Satan. Such The kingdom or government psalms are addressed to
i'i not the rule of the Lord. The Scriptures show that the" Chief Musician ". It seems clear that the Chief
the Lord's ambassadors arc sent to the rulers when Musician is that section of the anointed class the
hostilities exist. Satan's organization is hostile to members of which have entered into the joy of tho
God's organization and God has declared his purpose Lord, who forget self, who are active in showing forth
to destroy Satan's organization. Christ is God's Am- the praises of the Lord, and who logically take inbassador to bring rel'onciliation between the people structions from the Psalms and profit thereby. '1'hough
and God because hostilities do exist. The members of all others seem to forsake the Lord, these trust him
the body of Christ are ambassadors participating in implicitly and delight to do his will. They sing: "The
that work of reconciliation because the people are Lord God is my strength and he will make my feet
hostile to God. In no other way can the words of tho like hinds' feet, and he will make me to ,,'aIle upon
apostle Paul be properly understood: "Now then we mine high places." (Hab. 3: 17.1!J) 'l'he hind is an
are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did be- animal so sure-footed that it can climb to the vel'y
seech yot! by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, Bo steepest part of the mountain crag without fear.
ye reconciled to God." (2 Cor. 5: 19, 20) '1'he ambas- Likewise that faithful remnant class composing God's
sadors of the Lord are now in the world but not of witnesses aL'e exalted by him to high places; but beit. They arc authorized to declare in denunciatory cause of their humility and trust wholly in the Lord,
terms that which God's 'Vord says concerning his pur- they do not fear and never lose their head'>.
pose of manifesting his indignation against the evil
These kingdom psalms, or government music, plainly
sj'stem which Satan has builded up. '1'his system being imply that at the beginning of the institution of God's
an oppressor of the people, God will relieve the peoplo government there must be carried on an advertising
therefrom and will~ that they shall be so told. Paul publicity campaign of great scope. '1'ho sing-ing therespoke of himself as an "ambassador in bond~", and of is a poetical way of telling that the faithfull'cmnant
his bonds were placed upon him by Satan's organiza- must be active in representing the kingdom interests
tion. (Eph. 6: 20) All the ambassadors of Christ OIl on earth and that they will do so with joy, thus prayearth would now be in bonds except that God has put ing their love for God and his kingdom. (1 John 5: 3)
his hand over them and by his power shields thcm These poems, provided for the official music of God's
until the work committed to them is done. When that kingdom, aid Jehovah's witnesses today to a better
work of proclaiming his llame and purposes is done, understanding of the work that the Lord is uow haythen God will take the ambassadors away.
ing done in the earth.
While these ambassadors of the Lord are in the
It was the established custom, and therefore the law
world they have much tribulation, even as Jesus fore- of Israel, that when a king was placed upon a throne,
told. (John 16: 33) 'fheir tribulation is caused by the the people, led by the priests (the anoiuted ones),
opposers of the mCSS3goe they are bringing and the should clap their bands, thus indicating their joy.
work they are doing. These faithful ones, however, Record is made of this in Second King~ 11, verses 9 to
like Paul, "rejoice in tribulation" because such is a 12, for the benefit of those now upon whoril the ends
token to them from God that they are his anointed of the world have come. (1 Cor. 10: 11) With that
saints. (Phil. 1: 28, 29; Rom. 12: 12; Acts 14: 22) custom in mind, and applying it to the time when God
Those of the remnant class have entered into the joy sets his King Gpon his holy throne, the poet wrote:
of the Lord because they see that the time has come
"0 clap your hands, all ye people [particularly
for God to vindicate his holy name, to overthrow the
people]; shout unto God with the voice of
oppressor, and to bring peace and righteousness to
" A shout denotes coniidence in God's certhe earth through his anointed King. When, in A.D
And why is this shout given 1 "For the
1914, at the end of the long period of waiting, Jesus
is terrible; he is a great Kin~ over
received the command from his Father to arise and
shall subdue the people under us,
take action against the enemy, that was a time of
our feet. . God is gone up
great joy to Christ the Lord. When he came to his
the sound of a trumpet";
temple in 1918 and found some whom he appro\'ed
his work with the shout
because of their faithfulness, he invited them to enter
that blew the trumof
into his joy. Those who since that time have seen and
proclaiming the
appreciated that the kingdom is here and that the
King of all the
time has come to vindicate Jehovah's name, and who
continue to love the IJord, have gone forward to their
shows that the praises arc sung by those who have an
wotk abounding in the joy of the Lord.
Jehovah God has provided music for the new-born understanding of God's purpose. "God sittel h upon
go\'ernment and his faithful witnesses who delight to the throne of his h<;lincss. The princes of the people


%e "\V.r-\TCliT0"\VER.

nrc gathered together, even the people of the God of

Abraham: for the shidJs of the carth belong unto
God: he is greatly exalted." The" priu('es" here are
willing-hearted ones or volunteel's; and therefore, be
cause they have the faith of Abraham, these constitute the faithful remnant C!af;S who joyfully declare
the praises of Jehovah. 'l'he "shields" mentioned here

BROOKLYN, :;:.;.


is Christ tbe King upon his throne, earth's rightful

Bulel'. Shields refer to rulers or protectors. (Ps.
47: 1-9 ; ~ce lIos. 4: 18, Margin) Shielded by the power of earth's rightful Huler, Jehovah's witnesses still
on the earth take great ucJight in faithfully cxalting
the llame of Jehovah aBd advertising his kinguom
unuer Christ.


HE stnfknt of prophecy will find that every part

of (lod's gl'l'd ol'ganization has bcpn counterfeitcfl Dlld uuplicatcu by Satan, so far as it
has hecn pos~;ible. It i~ apparent that ::latan's purpose has at ull times heen to ddy Jehovah God, mock
anu riflicule him, bring his name into disrepnte and
l'eproaeh before all creation, and turn all creation
away frolll the gn:at God. A comparison beh\'f>en tho
two organizations will here be found of intcl't'st.
'l'ho 'flam fihouJd properly be eonsidf'rrd first.
AJ.l\I1GIl'l'Y GOll: J Ie is the Crpator, the Father,
and, to usc the Scriptural tc~'m, the "hu,;hanu" of
~iOll, anu is holy. (Isa. fi-l: f)) ZIO~ is the name of
the woman symb() God's ul'!-,:anization; it is the
mother, the wife that giYcs birth to that which is
holy UIIU is up{lroved by ,Jehovuh. 'rIm SEED: It
is the anointed of <lou, .J':SllS Christ bcillg the Chief
thereof, to ('any out Uo<l's purposes.
Now consiuer the FAJ.HE. Here wo view first S.\
TAN, 'I'IlE 1,',\1.:-;1': A~D MllIJIC GOD: lIe is the creator
anu father of Bahylon; the husband of that old
"w1lore", as the ~cripturts call it; anu he is tho
father of the wjekpd (Illes. n.. UYLOX: That is the
woman symholizing- tlte' Deyil's organi7.atioll; the
mother of Satan's or~~anization; the wife of Satan;
the harlot and "mother of harlots" organization.
'l'IH~ SEI.;D of Satan and Babylon is Satan '8 anointed rulers, that is to say, those whom he authorizes
and uses to carry on the visihle rule of this wicked
organization on carth, and particularly the religious
leaders.--J ohn 8: 42-44.
In the 1irst great prophecy, whieh was maue in the
garden of Euen, the Lord Jehovah God said: "And
I will put cwmity [hatred and hostility] between thee
[Satan] and the woman [God's woman, his organization], and between thy [Satan '8] seed and ller seed;
it shall brubc thy head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel." (Gen. 3: 15) That prophecy must be fulfilled,
and is now in courso of fulfilment; but the great
climax is not yet, but in the future. 'rhe two sceds are
now developed and made manifest. The hostility not
only exbts, but is also made manifest.
In the t'\"e'lth chapter of that wonrlerful book of
symbolical pictures and tableaux, The Re,-clation
(l2: 3), is this written: "And there appeared another
wonder in heawn; and behold a great red drogon,
having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns

upon his heads." The other great sign or won(kr

or implied in t his text just quote(l is S"11l
at the same time and is the great wonder or sign fIlt'ntiolleJ ill the first verse of the same chapt,\r. The fir~t
sign or wonuer is the woman ready to give birth to
the ma'l ehilu; the second is the grrat nd drngon
ready to devour the man chilu. Both of the signs t'Xbtet! long before, but hoth (lTJl!Cnred at tIl(' same time
to those who were watching as Jesus had aJvised tlll'm
to watch.-~Iatt. 2-1: 42.
'l'hc~e two i!reat signs 01' wonders are dist'el'lled ail ('1'
the ojJenin~~ of the temple in heavell, anrl are 11iscerlltd
by tho~e who are devoted to Jehovah and who are
privilr'~ed tD be IJl'()lI~ht jnto the temple condition.
It was in the yl'ar nind"en hundred and t~i~hlcen that
the temple was OPCll(<1 in heaven; and aftt'r that time
that the trl1e followers of Christ on earlh distern,d
the WOll(lel'S or sigml. 'rho first duty of thm.e seeill~
the si!,\'ns is to call the attentiOll of their fp\low Clu'i,,Hans thereto, and then to tell thcse truths to all who
have a desire to he'ar. These signs are ('ondll<;ive proof
of the prC"rnee of the Lord and of the hl';;inning' of
his kingtlom, and of that which opposes hie; kingdom;
and the truth cone('fning the same hecollll':; of vit al
importallce to everyone who woulu know the truth.
Many proft'ssed Christians have failpd to see eithl'I'
of the great Sig-llS or wonders. They fail to realize that
Jehovah God has an organization. They do 110t see
that the Devil has an organization, and therefore think
it wrong to say anythin~ about Satan mid his organi.
zation and the ogencies which he uses. Eyid(~ntly sueh
have been lulled into a sleep or sernieomatosc state,
and have therefore not been awake to tIle unfolding
of the divine purpose. Jesus prophesied that thpre
would be just such a class of professed Chr'i"tians on
earth at this time, and he counsels such to 'anoint
their eyes with eye salve [of light and truth], that
they may see'. (Rev. 3: 18) Failing to do so, these are
evidently not permitted to enter the temple condition.
That such a condition of lukewalmlwi~ of profcs:.;pJ
Christians would exist in the very last days of the
church's earthly experience, is made ce'rt ain, l)('ral'~c
Jesus the great Prophet of God so statf'<1. It is tIle
hope that the truth here set forth may aill bOJlle snell
lukewarm or sleepy ones to awake and avail thelllselve,; of the great privileges that the Lord has ail'ord
ed them.

At:Gt:ST 1, 1!)31

,f.f"fie WATCliTG\,VER.

};"ow it clearly appears to those who are thoroughly

awake and devoted to the IJOl'd that the first great
sign or wonder described by the Lord .Jesus in his
prophetic utterances is God's or!?:rtTlization, marking
the beginning of the reign of Christ Jesus. It also
appC:lrs that the other g-reat \\onder or sign is the
Devil's OJ'ganizalion, putting forth all its power and
manifesting all its vjc:ionsness to destroy the "seed"
of God's organization and to king further reproach
upon Jehovah's name.
That Satan began the forming of his organization
in the day of Nimrod, "the mj~hty hunter before the
Lord," which wa~ not long after the great flood of
:Koah's time, the Scriptures cleady show. Ood caused
the records of Babylon, E~ypt 'and Assyria to be nUH.lo
in his Word for the very purpose of aiding and enlightenin~ his people at the time of the end of tho
world, where we now nrc. (Hom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10: 11)
Therefore it is now Gou's due time for the und{~r
stnnuing of the mpanin;.;' of those recol'<ls coneel'll in~
the three great world powers ju~t mentionrn. It will
not do to say thnt whnt ic; recurtkd in the ScriptUt'cs
about these ;\"orld pOW<'I'S is ancient history with whi('h
we han~ nothing to do. '}'I!e raet that the si~n or
wonder is revealed to lllen Oldy aft ('I' t he Lord builds
up ~ion in these lllodl'l'rl times is Vl"Oof that HOW is the
time when Gou would have his people to carefully
ex:uninc that ancient h istul'y mHI learn its meanin:~.
'1'hat history is made prominent ill the divine l'ecol'd
cOllcernin;.{ nah~'lon, E;rypt and Assyria, manifestly
for tho purpose of enabling tho student to sec the
hidcol1snt'sS and w jl'!;cuncss of the Devil's organization at and after tLe tillle whell the" great red dragon I t
si~'ll or wOllller appl'ars.
'l'lle Devil will make a strong effort to cause many
to misunderstand what is here said, Ileeause it exposes him awl his wny of wickedness. EveD' thou!jht1'ul person should exped that very thing. Satan's
methods have ever lI,'PH fraudulent nnd marked by
lics and Ileception, and are yet. Ill' is the decei\"er of
men, the slandel'er of all who try to do right, the
opposer of God lind nil rif~hteousness, and the devourer of e\"crything that would bring honor to Jehovah God's name.
Satun will attempt to induce some to believe that
what is here said is saiu to cause rebellion of the people u!,!ainst the respective governments 01 earth. 'l'hat
is not the purpose of what we say here. 'fhe people
could arcomplish llothing by rebellion or revolution.
'1'he people are now tied hand and foot and are powerks'i. 'l'hl'y are in ('ornpletc !>onduge to the De\'il and
his organization. '1'here is no possible way for the
people to free themselves. As the Israelites were in
bOlld:J.gc in Egypt, so now are all the peoples of earth
in bondage to the Devil's organization. God will set
them free in his good way and time, as the Scriptures
'l'he sole purpose of calling attention to the Devil '8
organization is that the people may flee from it and


turn themselves wholly to the Lord God so as to have

his blessings.
'fhe masses of the human race are held in bondage
to the Devil's organization, but they are blind as to
what is holding them. Without doubt many of the
officials or rulers of the nations of earth honestly desire to see a better condition established among~t tho
people. :\1any honest endeavors are put forth hy such
men to bettrr the government and the people, but
Ood's time has come when the people and the rulers
must know that there is no power that can brin~
lTlief and blessings excrpt the power of ~\lmi~hty
God. It is therefore important for us to see and appredate Gou's organization, and at the same time to
see and understand the po\\'er and wickedness of Satan's organization.
'fhe stroll!;l'st nations on earth today jointly designatl> thcmsel ves as "ChristeIl\1om", because they claim
that their religion is the "Chri~,tian rcliqioll". Other
nations, whidl make no pn'1ense of worshiping God
and Chri'it, but worship i(101s, are called "!Ieatben:'.
'1'hero arc two great organizations exllitin~, to WIt,
God's org,ulizatioll anu Satan's organizaticm. '1'0
which org;lllization do the nal ion', of the earth today
belong 1 ~1lI'c1y all fair and honest persrJllS woulu
want to ddel'luine this qllcst ion ill the right Wl,y, be('ausc the vital welfare of all tlw people is involved.
It could be of no lasting a(l\"allt:Jg'e to anyone to blind
himself to tile truth. I~et the farts be dispassionatciy
and honcstly wr'i:;hed, and thNl let the qucstion be
allswercu according to the truth.
The religion of the nations called "Christt'IHlom"
is claimed to be Chri::;tian. But is it T To be a Christian olle must be a true follO\H'1" of Christ .J ('SllS, and
mllst recognlzP, sen'e, worship and ohey .Jehovah God.
lIe must tnJ;e (:od's Word as tIl{) truth, bc('ans\) the
great l~rophet Christ Jesus ~tatcd that God's \\"01'1.1
is the truth. (.John 17: 17) The majority of the relig-ions leadcr;; of so-called" Christendom" tmlay deny
the truth of the Bihle, and deny that the IJlood of
.Jesus furnished the purchase pri~e ~o l'('ueem man
from the bondacre of sin and death. 'l'he very basis
of Christianity i~ the great l'ansom sacrifice of .J esus
Christ and his kingdom, both of which are the provision of the great Jehovah Ooli. There is no other
means of salvation, as the Word of God plainly states.
(Aets 4: 12) Every modernist preacher on earth
denies that God created man perfeet, that }le fell because of sin, and that the sacrifice of J esns was to
pro\'ide redemption for m[lIl ; and yet th('se men daim
to Le Clll'istians and are the leaders of the religion
of Christianity.
There cannot be two classes of leaders in Ood's organization, becauo;e God is not the author of coni'u"ion.
There are two, and more, eln"scs of leaders in "Christendom ", llnme1y, the :Modernist and the Fundamentalist, the Christian Scir:nti"ts so called. and others.
'1'he fUll(Lmentalists, without exception, teach that

~1ie WATCliT0WER.


every man has an inherently immortal soul which

therefore cannot die, and that when that which is
called death ensues, the soul continues to live either
in bliss or in torment. Such is based upon Sfltan's
lie, and Jesus declared him to be the father of lies.
(Gen. 3: 4; John 8: 44) I';very fundamentalist leader
denies that the blood of Jesus was shed that every
man might have an opportunity for life, and denies
that God will give everyone an opportunity for such
relief and the gift of life on earth.
Jesus Christ, whose name" Christendom" adopts,
restated his Father's commandment, "Thou shalt not
kill," and specifically applied that commandment to
all true Christians. He further taught that the man
who hates his brother is a murderer. During the \Yorld
'Val' practically all clergymen, modernists and fundamentalists, taught and instilled into the people the
spirit of hatred, and urged them to kill one another.
There were two sides in that great war, and the clergymen of" Christendom" and the principal ones of their
flocks were about equally divided on the respective
Rides; yet all of them urged the killing of their fellow
men on the opposite side. Surdy this could not be the
spirit of God's organization.


N. Y.

Jesus refused to have anything to do with the politics of the world. He was not of the world, even
though he was in it. He overcame the world and told
all his followers that they must overcome the world.
(John 16:33; 8:23; 18:36-38) The reason he assigned was and is that Satan is the invisible ruler or
god of the world. (John 12: 31; 14: 30) His true
disciples, authorized witnesses and representatives of
God, told the followers of Jesus that they must keep
themselves separate and distinct from the world and
devote themselves to telling the truth about God's
King and hi.s righteous kingdom.-2 Cor. 6: 17, 18 ;
Jas. 1: 27.
1"urthermore, they taught that he who claims to be
the follower of Christ and who makes himsdf a part
or friend of the world is an adulterer spiritually and
the enemy of God. (Jas. 4:4; 1 John 2:1G) All the
clergy of all the denominations, both Catholic and
Protestant, participate in worldly politics and dili
gently seck to control the political clement of tlie governments of earth called H Christrndom ". All of them
had to do with the carrying on of the World War.
Such course is contrary to God's organization. It is
the practice of Satan's counterfeit organization.





Greetirrgs in the name of JeLovuh. We have just received

your letter of June 11 regarding the Portable Phonograph llnd
12 records. We feel sure this will prove to be 0. wonderful
DleaUB of g-etting- the message to the people, and we llrc today
taking advantage of the opportunity to obtain ono of these
machines, nml we are delighted that the dear Lord is making
it possible for us to obtain such an effcrtive weapon; for they
are effective weapons, l\8 our report with 0. Transcription mao
chine wiII show.
This report is of the series of the !leven lectures given in
lIarlingen, Texas. This town has always been a. churchridden
town, and we found it hard to place much of the literature
there. We obtained the Pair park for Il. place to give the Icc
tures. At the conclusion of thtJ seven lectures with the Tran
scription machine we had fiG7 attendance, placed 51 bound
books, 233 booklets; and 13 of those in atteuuance were bap
tized yesteruay, after the last of the series was ghen. Thrre
will be another baptizing in a few weeks, and there will Le
at least 6 more at that time.
We have also started a little study class in Hurlingen. using
for our stuuy the DiViding the People bookl('t. The attendaDCll
at this study will range from 15 to 20. 'l'his place ig just
getting over the effects of the hurricane of last year. Every
body is hard up, and we feel sure this Portable PhonogrRp'n,
which can be taken into the home where the people cun hear,
will be a wonuerfuI means of spreading the message of the
Dear brother, it is uselcss for us to try to explain our gratitude to the dear Lord, and also to yourself, for providing US
with these means of service. With us Jehovah has certainly
kept his promise as stated in Malachi S: 10.
We sincerely trust that the Lord will continue to me you;
and know, dear brother, we are whole-heartedly with .you in
this beautiful and wonderful work. To us the name of Jeho
vah is the most important in the universe, and we rejoice in
knowing he will Boon vindicate his name.
With love in Jehovah's name,

I 1inished reallin~ the book Preparation; my heart is so

full of gratitwle that I feel I just must express my thanks to
tho heavenly Father for this another expression of his loving
provision of g01l,1 for those who love him. I 1\1"0 desire to
thank you for the gift, which I deeply appreciated. ::lurely
this book is the best yet, an,l throns a clear li~ht on wany
points heretofore obscure. After re:lI1in~ I'rCl){!wlwu Burely
there is no room for doubt as to what is the full duty of those
who are in line for the kin~(lom, awl none of Jehovah's wit
nesses will hesitate to prcss the battic to the ~atc.
I humbly thank Jehovah for the privilege of spn'ice daily.
In my scveral years of pioncer service I huvc 'had much joy
and many expressions of his loving care over me. Daily I
pray for Jehovah to bless and to coutinue to use you to feed
the flock of Gou with food convenient.
With Christi:m love,
Your brother in the Kin!?;'s service,
J. J. OWENPA, N\geria.

It is Sunday and we are "laying by" in the S3. go brush for

little neeued rest. Our territory is in the Cascadc mountains,
the northeastern corner of California. Not just as young in
years as we used to be, but happy and glad to have a little share
in kingJom work.
We want to thank you for the credit of twenty' five dollars
for each of us, as given to help defray expenses to the rceent
Los Angeles convention. 'I'his amount was a great hplp to liS.
And we wish to say "Thanks" for the book PrcparallOn,
which has revealeJ so many comforting prophecies to tho Lorll 's
Vie know you are busy in kingdol.ll work constantly, and
we wish to speed you~ work rather thnn hinder you by asking
you to read a longmudeJ letter of culogy. But we W:l1lt to
sharo with you a little surprise letter, i.e., a letter of appre
ciation. This letter is from 0. man in Surpriso \'alley nnd is
full of surprises till the signature of the sender. \\'e hope you



At7t..'n:.S'!' 1, 1934

I'n:rt ~re time enough to read it, and that you will enclose

t1,.u. letter in self-addrcssl'Al envelope; for we would love to

t',m.. tM. letter return.ed to us again. It is like a preeious gem

IVllmd in a desert.
were 00. our way to Surp~ valley (in Modoe county,
Ot\li..:fornin) for the fifth time in the Jut ten yeaTS, when we
t~""l.1ved this good letter from Brother - - . Reminds lIB of
tblf- 'ten lepers that were healed. by our Savior: only one returmed to thank him. In this ease we render all thanks to
JellW\'ah for his truth and for the blessings and privileges we
"ll\'>.!; as .Jehovah's witnesses. We are hllppy to share in this
lI'lll\'9f!d privilega with you; and may the Lord continue to bleSlJ
__ .k1eep you.
BRO. and sa. Co BOD'rcBEB, Pioneer..


If1"_ ud Mrs. C. Bodtcher,

l)p;.;a F!uENDS:

t:iave been wanting to find ouL where you were ever since
YUl!: were here last WIDmer. We wlUlted to see more of you then,

t"l14 .knew you were busy, anI} we were also, but here not long
"WI; 1 wrote to the Wateh Tower for your address and got it
ti0ll1 after you were llCre. I sure weat into action and got aU
th;.~een of Judge Rutberford's bouks, also tile Watchtower IlJJd
f:ui.aea Age magazines, and IUllt winter I got the ne\y book
l'tof7'.f'tt.'U)ft and the new Year Book, every one a jewel. I
hawe bought and given away over 150 of tho little booklets:


100 m..-. itliAg th~ People and 50 of the EfCCp. to the Kingdom..
Aad no man can tell me we haven't been b1eSlJed for it.
You know I told you we had a mortgage on all our stoek to
the :B.F.C. Well, I aure took that oil ia a hur1'1laat fall. What
atock we have left, "Weh is a plenty, '6 cattle and 168 sheep,
is ours. Our land is still mortgaged to & private party. We
have plenty of feed for 0ll1'8, but this drough' ia going to be
terrible yet. Now the reaaoa I am telling :you all this is that
if you hadn!t brought us the ltJ6llIled word of Truth, where would
we be nowf Crazy, I guess. As it is, and aa it has been e\-er
6ince you were here, we are comforted and limply do not worry.
We sure want to see you both again and ue sure ltoping you
can come up this aummer. Come here to .. if 70u come, but
write anywny.
We aure can see things comblg together JaOW. I must read
my books over again. I loaned most of them out and I just
limply have to go and get them when I WlI.Ilt them. I want to
try and do more witnessing as I can. I have been doing Borne
of it on a horse. Our car is laid up, aDd baa been for t1\roo
years in November. So you can see we have tried to make
ends meet and it cannot be done, and now to know the Truth
and Ilee wbnt is coming is surely grand. I had n6\"er thought
of BUch a. thing nor heard of such a thing until you told me
laBt summer, and I tell you, we thank you. We are for .Jebovah
and his anointed. BlCSlJ them all Let us see you now before
loag, but write anyway.
Surely your friend,


(Continued from lOge '10)

n....!'fJk1\"ft wnnR Su10:1aam




Tu 6:30pm
We 6:::01'ru
'Th 10:30llJll
Th 6::10pm
:FrIO :3011m
l!'r 6 :30prn
WESO SulO:1ijam
I'~'('port WORRSu 9:00uln
j'u 1:00pm
Th 7:00pm
It:lld!loJa F. WOLC SulO:4aam
,t,L:nleetown WOCI. Su 9 ::Wam
~,.." York WBNX Su :l :30pm
's'!'.w,ork WOVSu 4::~Opm
tsL"ll.UCL. WNDZ Su 10:15am
I'll ':15pm
Th 4:15pm
~Y7ae1IIe WSYRSu 10:30am
'r'7.?perL. WHDLSu 10:15am
Th 11:30am
W'h. PI'ns WFAS Su 6 :OOpm
110 1:00pm
Sa 9:00am


.\$berillo WWNC Th 5: 30pm
C::arl~te WSOC3u 10:15nm
G!:'MD8boro WBIG Su 9 :45nm
WPTF Su 9:4:5am
G-IiForb KF.JYSu 5:00pm
W. 5:00pm
Fr 5:00pm
WADCSu 1:45pm
W.JWSu 5:30pm
Oeveland wnlt Su 7 :OOpm
Tu 3:15pm
Fr 6 :30pm
CieTeland WJAY Su 9:45am
C.:Jumbua WAIU Su 10:00am
Th 7:45pm
C'd1lDlbus WENSSu 9:45am
1[0 1:15pm
We 1:15pm
Fr 1:15pm
Ds.Jta WSMKSu 1:30pm


M:t. Orab wnDD Su 4 :30pm

Pr 4:30pm
We 4:30pm
WSPD Su 9 :3Qam
Sa 8:15am
Youngst'nWKDN Su 10:00:un
We 4:00pm
Zanesville WALR Su 10:00alfl
We 4:15pm
Elk City KASA Su 1:15pm
1:'oncaCity WDBZ Su 10:00am
We 9:00pm
Shawnee KGFF Mo 8 :45pm
Fr 8:45pm
We 8:45pm
KVOO Su 9:15a.m
KlamathF. KFJI Yo 8:15pm
Marshfield KOOS Mo 1:30pm
Medford KMED Su 10 :OOam
Th 4:00pm
WLBW Su 10 :45am
Glenside WIDG Su 1: 15pm
.Johnstown WJAC Su 4:30pm
Phil 'a
WCAU Su 12 :00 nn
Philadelphia WIP Bu 6:45pm
Pittsb'gh KQV SU 10:30am
We 1:45pm
Fr 1:45pm
Reading WEEU Su 3 :45pm
We 3:45pm
Wash'ton WNBO Su 9 :45am
W'msport WEAK Su 5 :30pm
WORK Su 3 :OOpm


KZEG Su 7 :OQpm
Th 7:00pm

Charleston WCSC Su 1 :OOpm
We 7:00pm
Fr 7:00pm
Greenville WFBe Su 10:00am
Spart'b'g WSPASu 6:30pm

KG~'X Su 1 :OOpm
Tn 4:00pm
Tn 4:00pm
Watertown KOCR Su 9 :15am
W. 8:45pm
Fr 8:45pm
We 5:30pm Fr
Knoxville WROL Su
Memphis WREC Su

1 :30pm
9 :OQam

AmariDo KORSSu 9:00am
KNOW Su 10 :OOam
Beaumlmt KFDY Su 10:00am
Tu 7:45pm
CorpusChr. KGFl Su 9 :OQam
We 6:45pm
Fr 6:45pm
KRLD Su 10:30am
KFPL Th 8 :OOpm
Fr 8:45am
EJ Paso KTSM Su 1 :15pm
Ft. Worth KTAT Mo 5:15pm
We 5:15pm
Fr 5:15pm
Galveston KLUF Su 1 :45pm
We 8:00pm
HoUllton KXYZ Su 10:00am
8, Angelo KGKL Su 1 :45pm
Th 8:45am
S. Antonio KTSA Su 10:4/iam
WichitaF. KGKO Su 12:30pm
Th, 8:45pm
KLOSu 3:15pm
We 5:00pm
SaltL.City KSLSu 9:45pm


WSYB Su 10:00am
Th '5:30pm
Bt.Albana WQDY SU 1 :OOpm

Cll 'lottesv. WEllC Su 10 :45:un
Danville WUTMSu 9:15pm
Lynchb'g WLVASu12:45pm
Norfolk WTARSu 12:3l1pm
Petcrsb'g WPHR Su 6:45pm
Richmond WRVASu12:15pm
Roanoke WDBJ Su 12 :::Op'u
We 5:00pm
Aberdeen KXROSu 1:15pm
Bell'ham KVOSSu 10:00arn
Th 5:30pm
KJR Su 10:00arn
KVL ~fo 6:4;,pm
Tu 6;45pm
We 6:45pm
Th 6:45pm
Fr 0:45pm
Sa. 0:45pm
KFIO Su 9: 15am
KGA. Su 0:00pm
KVI gu 2:45pm
WallaWalla. KUJSu 7:45am
Su 1::JOpm
Wenatchee KPQ SU 1 :OOpm
We 7:00am
Th 7:00a.rn
Inue1ield WIUS Su 9 :OOam
Fr 8:00am.
Cha'ston wonu Su 4:00pm
Fairmont Wl\fMN 8u 12 :45pm
Hunt'ton WSAZ Th 4:00pm
Wheeling WWVA Su 10:00:un

La. CrOSlJe WKBH Su 12:00 nn

Madison WIBA Su 10 :05am
Mani'woeWOMT l\Io 7:00pm
Th 1:00pm



KDFN Su 10 :30am
Th 8:45plU

The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current loeal time Is ~bown In
each instance.)
2-A Y Tu l:l :-15pm
Coul\"urn 2-G:'-r /:iu 7 :;;Opm
Gunncdah 2-MO Su 7 :O.'ipm
2-XN We 7 :];.pm
New Castle 2-IlD Su !) ::~I)am
Su 7:15pm
Su 11 :'!tlplU
2-UE Su !):15:tm
W'gaW'ga2-WG \\'e ~::~Uam
We 7:M.ipm
4-1~C Hul0:15am

4-:\1 K Bu 11: l:iam
Maybor'{;'h 4-MB Wo !):I;'l'lll
Hoc,kh'I.(on 41(0 We lO:OlJpm
'l'ownsville 4-'1'0 Wo 8:00pm

Luuneeston 7LA Fr 10:15pm

3-BA Su 12
3no Tu 8:00pm
3HA Bu ti :4.",['01
:;HH Su 7 :00l'lll
M,lhuurno 3AW l:>ul:!:l;Jpm
3:I[A Hu 7: l;)pm
3TH Su Ii :3tll'm
l::iwan Hill
3HIl f:iu 7 :151'rn
Wnngaratta 3-Wl~ Su l:l:151Iln
Kalgoorlie 6KG HII 7 :!:'pm
6ML Su 7 :Otlpm
Hainnut BONNE S~l 5:30pm
(330 m) ESPEltANCJ~

CFCN Su 5:45pm

CJCn Su 9 :OOpm

Hamilton CKOC Su 10 :30am
Su 1 :30pm
Su 8 :15pm
Shanghai XYlIA Su 9:45am

Caibarien e~nID
Spanish Su 7 :OOpm
CMK Su 11 :30am
Spanish Su 9 :OOpru
Santa 01 'a CMUI Su 11 :3;j:lm
Spanish Su 11 : 05am
RADIO Su 3 :30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN
Beziera RADIO- Th 8:00pm
.(220.1 m) BEZIERS

Bordl'[lllX UADIO Mo 7:45pm

(2:l701) SUDOUEST
Fecamp HADIa(206 m) KOR:\!ANDIE
French Tu 8:00pm
Paris RADIO L L Fr 8 :15pm
(3iO 01)
Paris HADro
Su 12:00 nn
(3]2.8 m) VITU::;
Th 7 ::;opm
Sa 7 :30pm
Toulouse HADIO~ We 7:15pm
(385.1 m) TOULOUSE

Col'o Spr. KVOll Su 10:30um
We 5:30pm Sa 4:30pm
KFEL Su 7: OOpm
Granu J 'n KIX.T Su 1 ::llJpm
KFKA Su 6:45pm
KIDW Su 7:13pm
'\"o 2:40pm }'r 2:40pm
KtlEK :Mo 12 :4;Jpm
We 12:1;Jpm Fr 12:45pm

Spanish Th 10:00pm

Wilm'ton WDEL Su 6:13pm




nirm 'h:101 \VAP I Su
Birm 'haUl WBIW i'u
M 'tr:001eryWf:iE'A Su
:Muscle S. WNRA Su
\Ve 8 :OOPI1l

12: 45pm
10 :Ol)am
1 :30pm
3 :45prn
8 :OOpm

AnchorageKE'QD We 9 :30pm
KekhikanKGDU Mo 7:15pm
'fh 7:15pm
Sa 7:15pm
Wo 4:00pm
We 5:15pm Sll
~(lanish Th
We 5:4;Jpm Fr
We 5:4.Jpm Fr
KU~{A Su
Spanish Su

5: 15pm
7 :OOpm

Fay'ville KUOA Su 12: 45pm
We 11 :45nm Fr 4 :30pm
Hot Sp 'gil KTlIS Su 5 :OOpm
Little R 'k KARK Su 9 :OOam
Little R 'k KG III Su 7: OOpm
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm
Little R 'k KLRA Su 10: 30alu
Paragould KBTM Su 10:00nru

Texarkana KCMC Su 6:45pm

EI Centro
KXO Su 10 :OOam
KIEM Su 10:30am
KMJ Su 3 :45pm
Hollywood KNX Su 9: 15pm
Long B 'ch KGER Su 10 :45am
LosAngelea KTM Su 9 :30utn
Su 8:00pm
'l'h 8:00pm
KLS Su 11 : 15r_m
We 2:45pm Fr 2:45pm
Oakland KROW Su 10: 15am
Su 6: 15pm 1\10 8: 15pm
We 8:15pm
Sa. 'mento KFBK Su 9 :30am
San Diego XEBC Su 11 :45am
Wo 7 :45pm
B.F'cisco KTABSu 9:30am
Sa 8:30am
Stockton KGDM Su 9:30am
We 7 :15am Fr 1 :13pm

Bridgeport \VICC Su 10:00am

Washington ,,"OL Su 6:00J,m

WlOD Su 12:15pm
\\"Q.\M SU 5:15pm
WllBO Su 12:4;:;pm
WCOA f:iu 1 :OOpm
We 7:00pm

'WeST Su
W.J'l'L Su
Columbus WHBT. Hu

5 :4;ipm
2 :15pm
3:0 0 pm
LaGran~eWKEU Hu 3:00pm
'Vo 3 :OOpm Fr 10 :OOam
WMAZ Bu 4:00pm
WHGA Slll~:30prn
We 8 :4f>pm Fr 8 :45pm
Sa.vannah WTOC Su 1:00pln'

Honolulu KtUlB We 12 :05pm
l'r 1:15pm
InDO Su 10 :30am
We 8:45pm
Iuaho Falls KID Mo 10:00am
KE'XD Su 11 :OOam
Mo 7:45pm
Pocatello KSEI Su 2: OOpm
Su 9:00pm
Twin Falls RTFI Su 10 :45am
Su 4:45pm

W,TBL Su 10:OOam
Fr 6:30am
Harriab'g WEBQ SU 6:00pm
Mo 10:30pm
Fr 10:00pm
La. Salle
WJnC Su 10:00am
WTAD Su 12: 30pm
We 1:00pm
Rockford WROK Su 10:00am
Su 10:00pm We 10:30pm
Sp 'gfield \rCBS Su 12 :30pm
Sa 11:13am
WDZ Su 1~;451Jm
Hammond WWAE Su 11 :OOam
Ind 'apolia WKBF Su 10 :OOam
Th 1:00pm
WLBC Su 1:30pm
Fr 7:30pm
Des )'foines \\"110 Su 10:30am

Coffeyville KGGF Su 1 :45pm
Th 8:00pm
IC\ILIJ Su 10:45a.m
Shrevep't KWE.\ Su 10:13am
WLBZ Su 9:45a.m


Baltimore WBA L Su 3: 15pm
Cumberl'dWTBO ~fo 1:13pm
\\'e 1:15pm Fr 1:l:iprn
Hagcrst'n WJEJ Su 10:1;)am
Babson P. W IlSO Su 12 :30pm
WNAC Su 10:00am
Sp'gfield WMAS Su 10:3Uam
Worcester WORC Hu 10 :30alu
Calumet WHD~'Tu
W.JI~ Su
KahrnnzooWKZO Su

!J :j.'Jam
9 :4.'Jam

F'gusFallaKGIH; Su 10:00am
Moorhead KGFf\::::iu 7:30pm
We 5:15plll Fr 5:1.'Jpm
IJattiesb 'gWprB ~u 1 :30pm
We 1:45pm
WAMLSu 1 :OOpm
Meridian WCOC ~u 10:00am
W~ 6:4::ipm
Miss. City WGC:\f Su 9 :45am
We 8:45pm
KFIW Su 6:15pm
\1"0 7 :lGam
Kaus.C 'y KWKG Su 2 :OOpm
'l'u 7 :OOam



KGIO. Su 12:30pm
KGEZ Su 9:00am

Kearney KOFW f'u 10:00am
KFAB Su 9:30am
KFOI~ ~u ]0:15aul
Scottsbl'f KG KY Su 1f): ]5am
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm

KOII Su 10:30am
WNEW Su 10:OOam

Albuq 'Clue KOB We 5 :45pm
KGFL Su 5:15pm
Wll 4:30pm E'r 4:30pm
~fBO Su 6:30pm
Sa 2:15pm
Bing'mtonWNBF Su 7:15pm

(Continued on page 139)

a:I1e. \:,vATCHT0\VER.


117 A-dams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

J. F. RUTm:RFORD President

W. Eo



"And all thy children shall be tau~ht ofJehovah; and

great shall be the peace ofthy children." isaiah 54: Ij.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from e,erlasting
to c\'edasting, the ).{al,er of hC:l.\"en and earth and the Giver
of lifo to llis creatures; that tho Logos was the bcginnin~ of
his creation llnu his llCtl\O agent in tho creation of' nIl
t:lings; tll:tt tho I~og:()s is now tho Loru .Jcsus Christ in glory,
d'Jtltcd ,\ itlJ nil power in Leaven and earth, and the Ch.ief
Executive Ollker of Jchovah.
THAT GOD crl'ntcd tllo earth for man, created perfect
nmn for til(} c:u th and phLced him upon it; that Dlall wilfully
di~oheyed Oo.l's law ana was Ilentenced to death; that by
rpnson of Adam '8 wrong net aU men are born sinners and
wi lhout the right tu lifll.
THAT JESUS was nl:,.10 J11lman, nn,1 tlle mnn Je~us suffena death iII order to prOtl :1':0 H\>J rancom or redcmptivo
l'rieo for all lllnll~il\lJ; lhat G01 rai~~II up .Jesus di\'ino anrl
('x:l1tc!1 him to IH:an'n abovo C\'l;ry creature and n1JOve every
11at::O !lllU clothed. him with aU I,o,ycr auu uuthority.
THAT ,JEHOVAII'S Oi~GANIZ;\TIO;'! is calJul Zio~, :mll
tbt Clt,;,t JC~U5 h tho 01i0 0, !"l'r t!j('rC'!'f nl],l ill tIto
J i;:!.tful Kin~ of tho 11'01';<1; tl,:,t fho nnoirtcd lIwl faithful
f"l!lfwcrg of Chrii't .JIdll~ arc cllililrcn of Zion, Jl.C'r",1~ls of
.Te JIlJvah.'3 (\rg:l nization, :iro his ,yjtnn:,-sfHi ,dln~e duty' nnd
privill'f.O it is to tc~tify to tI,O suprernn,y or Jc1vr.:.}l. ri"d;',TJ
his purl~OS4-;S townrd l1i~jn~:irlll as (XjH(I~r;"t1 in th~ j~11)le, t:nl
to 1ear the fruits of tho kinguom b,' fore all ,rho ,Yill hear.

THAT THE WORLD JI:tS ended, and tho :Lord .Tcsml Christ
1m3 l,cell pl:tped IJ;" .T('hO\'ah upon his tllrono of nuth'Jrity,
}ws ou"lI:d Satnn from h"a\"C'!t ana is procoeding to tho
('~t:ll)li"lll"l'!nt of Goil 'Il kin;;"rlom on earth.
TIIATT!lf! I~ELlEF :JI1I1 bl('~~inr;3 of t11e peoplt's of <>arth
r:tn como only by 1111'1 through .1,,1,0\:1h's kingt!cm m:d.::r
CI\r;gt \vl,lc l l hns tloW hC'C';un; tlmt tho Lord '8 ll,'xt g;~at
l1i't is trIO l1rQlrudinn of fhtan's on;anization :ma t!1(! est allli~hment of ri~hteolHnl";!l in the earth, :m.l tha.t ur:(1er tho
kinl!,.lom un tlu)se WllO will olley its righteous hws shall iJO
restorcll :mil live on earth fore\'er.

RIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
tho people to -know Jehovah God and his purposes as
eJ>..1>ressed in the :Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
6pecifically designed to aid Jehornh'8 witneSllcll. It l:trr.,mgell
f)'stematic :Bible study for its readers and lSuPI,lies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material
for raJ:o bro(lucasting nnd for other means of public wtruction in He Scriptures.
It aJhcres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely freD anI! separato from all parties, sect!!
or other worldly- org-anizntiOllil. If; is wholly and mthout
reserv::d,ioI'. for the kinguom of Jchovah God under ellrist
his Belovel1 King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
and critical examinat.ion of its contents in tho lig-lit of tin
Scripturps. It docs not indulg-o in controversy, an,l its column.. are not 0l,en tu personnlities.


UNITED ST.\TES, !il.OO; C.1S.l.n.~ Al\I> },fISCEt.LA:n:OU3 FOl:l:;!{;;:.l',
$1.[;0; ClRI.:.\.l' BRITAI::-f,\LA5IA, AXD SOUTll Al'IUCA, 7s.

American remittal";p,;; should be mailo by Express or 1>'J~t111 )Ioncy

O~,lcr, or I,y Hauk Draft. C:tnafHan, nritj~lt, South Afric:lll :l'l.l
AustralaHi:m rolllittauccs shllu1d 1,0 malle direct to the rc'pccti,l)
IJr:1nell ol;ke~. r.ct~illanc"" from ('ountries other' than thooo ltl"Dtirm",l lOa.v I,c l1J:tt:e to the Brooklyn oGee, llut loy InlcrllczlifJllal
I'ostal :Molley Oruer only.


era., en 'lerr,u:e. London, ",..,.. 2, ~n~lnn,l

Jrwin. ,AvenuC', 'rQronto, ()ntario, e nada,






I;er~"r();.l }:r,a,lr Stratlllkl<l, N. S.

];o~,on House, Cape Town,

Bendh .d!rk,,'"

1'Iea>'~ t!(Jdre~g

tho :;cdIJty 1n every

(Trc:ndaliQ1l8 o! t1lls jOltrJwl



'Y., .\e.I~a1ia.
South .\frica.




All sincere Ftu.lfOnls of the nible who by Nason of lulinnlfy,

to pay the suhHcrip:lon 1'1 ;.'"
mny haye Tho lVlltclltowcr ff{'e upon \Tritt,on (l flpl!l'tll i(lI1 to th'l

pO\'Q7fy or :"hc:"ilY are \If'''!.l,)

Iiubli:.:llcr;-;, 1l1wl0 onco

~;1('h ~

r-ar, fila-ting llio rC.l:'un 1:nf Sf) rc..

'iue'tin;: it. \\"0 aro ;;hll ia tllll~ a;,l tho n~l1y, but the wriltc':l
Ill'pllcatioQ l>l)CO eadi ;;'.,ar is TNptired by tho po~tal rrgulatl'llls.
"SoUce to Bu'1JuI'i!JCr.1: Ael;nowlp,1";ml'nt of a new 1)1' n r"n~wl(l ~Ilb.
scription ",;11 bo "cnt OHI'I' ",h.':t r"'111t.~tNJ. Chan:;-.:! ,)f n';')7".'.
,,'hen T{\<It1~'t~(i. may he ''''',fOrt,,1 to UPl,<;ur (In l\<i,lr~"~ In1.('\ v;i:hin
one luGnth. A r~ue\'~:ll 'Jla!i~i: (en;r~'in~ no'ico of (OYriratil)n) Yi;:l
be SPtlt with tllO journnl 0"0 montb bef.,re the 5t;lJ~cril'tlon esp!r~'!.
Entered as Sccotld Clan" .If'!il JTnffrr :t r."flO];lyn, S. Y., ra,tJ!-;CC.
,4ct of .VIlI{'h 3, r79.

Anc.ther nlllY lJo"Uctl Tho two radio led\:res "WorM Contrul" unll ,. Fleo ""JIV", \\ iLh :111 cXl'C'Hcnt illtJ'(J(ludiou tlll'I'elo,
bound tU~(lt!tcr u!ldcr oue c()\~r, t!li:i (~OVf'r J,e:tl'in~~ n nrc~t
inspiring- tIl -,i'!ll. J~\'en Jehovah '8 witm','sp;\ shoulJ n'Jt fail to
re:td this b:,.ll:ld, not to spcak of the ,Jona":!b e[ \"rl. it Illay he
h:~,t for ;1C ,~ copy by all ~udl. '{'ho IJP"i,mill~ 0 f the ui.;;tribution thereof to the .,;cIlCtal pllulie i~ alllloulll'c't! c13c....1Icl'e.


.Je-hovnh 's bl"~~Jn~ has been nmrk,.,tly upon the use IJf lilt)
pOi table ha::.'. ,rJl'tion U':,dli lIP. 11 c has pl:uuly n::tn; f,'Sll'u
th:.t tltis fIltH'lIine meets tile ne,'d of the lWllr, when lhe elH~l,'Y,
lludc'r \)O!(, I:; sl!('king to I~urtnil the use of tlte radio l.;' U...js
ur~oiHtcd un.I when the p(~ople'~ ears nre CU~(lr tu hf";u', not
man's llW~Ja~e, but GoLl s. The tlttJl:;criptiuu nmd1JIH! hus m'
cru'l!(;,1 the plmer of Je!r"\':lh'~ witne~ses :dit'hl t'l preach liis

THE I\lXGDO~,t PR.\ISE l'r:mOD

'l'ltis niu;::-<I:ty ~_'I'\'ice pllriod, Septemher ~f) to O~toher 7
h:cl.1"iw, h,cgins the new Ecrdce ycar of 10:310-10:;.1. It will he
e:lll hwirle in its scope, it is oxpcded tl:~t more h:lds
w1<';re S<l1UO of J'eho\':lh 's witn('ssc~ or Jonnllah9 nrc locatt',l
will re<"l'i'.c n. witnes'! ,1urin~ tl,is period than l1U1iu~ allY Pf'!vions like reliod. III the Englishspeaking countries Je1l0\:lh'8
witne,p"s amI the JOlla.1:tlJg will specializo ou pia: lug the new
ho.)k!et, 1:!:)dcOl!.~ l:u!cr. In cOllntries of another hll,:;uagc the
In:mch c;,,"c in ch:u;::o will ,1uly nn:lounee the hool:let t~ he
diSlJ ihu'p,i j her.. All,l, iml'ollant I Jon't forget repol ling your
work for 1he pcrio<1. p~omrHy at the close thereuf, to tho respe~tiyo .);;bJ 1::\\ ;ll;; bCl:,crvis;on C" the witness in }'our part
of the fiehl.

The Bociely ha~ made arrall:;unentll to construct anu a.3CIllole

portable tr:'llsclipti"n Ol:'c.hiLll'S lIt our own factory at 117
.Athms Street. These maddues wIn be somewhnt different In
cougtructiuD from those previously furnisbed. 'fh,'y will be
spring-wound, nnd operated fr'Jm a 6volt wet-cell battery.
Every m:::cbine will be fum;shed c'Jmptete witll the b:,ttery (.nu
a battery charg:er, so thnt it can be kept up to its full strpugth.
We are p!ca~ed t:l tlmt this machino can be OfTCTCU
at $100, complete, to brethren in tho United States.

truth lllanrt'uld, Sf) that the d\~ire for the litera lure IS l'lilllll'
lated awl 'sludv chsscs of IlJallV intere'lted hCllrprs are h.. in'~
formeu. Bp~lJ~3 moro than li011 sue II machint:s in tho "Lnrted
States alone, great llItmbe:s arc now Iwing eJlei:thely used JU
countries ne'llr und afar. .For more information,. write the
Tit.\~{SClmTlO:-l R>\CHL~ES



AL'GUS'l' 15, 1934

NO. 16

11ow precious thy lovingkindnes.<r, 0 God; therefore the sons of nlen under the sll adow of thy wings Beck
refuge: they abundantly relish the fatness of thy house, and 011t of the full stream of thine own lJleasurcs
thou givest tltem to drink. For u:ith thee is the fountain of life, in thy light tCC see light. "-Ps. 36: 7-9, Uoth.



EROVAIl'S loving-kindness is extended to all who

diligently seck to know and to do his will. lIe
extends his kindness to mell who believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ. (John 3: 16) Jesus Christ is God's
provided way of life, but 110t aU men who get
life will hecome spirit creatures. There arc other
sheep which are not of the "little flock". (John 10: 16)
It is the latter, or the "other sheep", that, after the
coming of Christ Jesus to the temple for judgment,
he addresgcs in these words: Come, ye hlessed of
my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for )'ou
from the foundation of the world." (Matt. 25: 34)
The battle of the gl'tmt day of God Almighty is rapidly approachin~, and such conflict will result in tho
greatest slaughter of hllman creatures ever known,
because the time is at hand when 'the whole earth
shall be dcvoUl'ed '. '!'hcrc arc many creatures of good
will who have unwitting-Iy and unawares done violence
to the faithful witnesses of Jehovah God, but God's
loving-kindness hns rmule provision for those who tum
to him, and this provisioll is illustrated by the cities
of refugc.
I Men went to the World War and violated the ever
lasting covenant by shedding human blood, but mauy
of them did so hecause they were forerd by the ruling powers of Satan's organization to do so, and they
did it in ig-nOl<lIlCe of the fact that they were violating
the everla~ting covenant. There they saw the duplic.
ity and hypocrisy of the clergy who claimed to be
followers of Christ Jesus, and servants of God, and
yet who 110t only participated in the war but viciously
urged upon others the killing of human creatures.
Such men were shocked by the conduct of the clergy,
and when they returned from the war and heard of
the truth of God's provision for the human race
through Christ Jesus they had a desire to know and
to do the will of God. They hated wickedness and
with an honest heart sought to find the right way.
Otht'rs ha"e supported the wicked and oppressive 01'ganization which governs this world and which has
done much ,-iolencc to men, including the witnesses

of Jehovah. Others ha'l;e been connected with religious

have cruelly persccutc~ God's: faith.
ful people in a manner similar to that wrong com
mitted by Saul or Tarsus. Others as memhers of the
police force, or strong-arm squad, have reluctantly
done the bidding of the cler~y and have committed
acts of violence against God's al1lJinted peo!lle, hut,
lenrning the truth, they have shown anxiety to tako
a different and right course. Thof'e who thus honestly
change their course of action and seek the IJord in his
appointed way, find him.
a The antitn>e of the citie~ of rcfu~e is Jehovah's
or~anization, lind he has made provision for the protcction of those who place themselves fully on tho
/Side of his ol'~anization and who have uot willfully
and maliciously violated the everlastin~ covcnant.
"Willfully and mdieiously" means to kllowiu~ly do
a wrougful d('cd with a wicked motive in the heart
:mu in ultf'r disregard of the ri~hts or ot hers. For
instance, clcr~ymen have connived at the pcrserution
and killing of Jehovah's witursses and have done so
knowin~ that such men and women wcrc hnrml('ss
and were proclaiming the Word of God. 'I'he motive
of such clergymen was malicious because they desired
t~ get such witnesses out of their way. Others havo
ussisted them in wrongdoing- but have done so ig-norantly and without malice. God's law conceming' such
was stated to the Israelites, and antitypicaIIy upplies
to others now, 10 wit: .. These six citirs shall be a refuge, both for the children of Israel, and for the strnngel', and for the sojourller among them; that everyone
that killeth any person unawarrs may flee thither."
-~um. 35: 15.
4 Now, sinee the coming of the Lord to the temple,
those in "Christendom" and who form no part of
"Christendom", but who are of good will and have
a desire to serve God and his righteous government,
must find a h(wen or place of refuge in the city (that
is to say, the organization) that is wholly de\'oted to
Jehovah and his service. Jeho'l;ah has laid upon his witnesses at the present time an obligation concerning this




(ffie. \Y.f-\TCrIT0\,VER.

clns~ who desire to do tight, and that obligation cannot

be side-stepped or ignored. 'l'hat olJli~ation is to carry
to the people of good will the mcssu-;c of the Idngdom
informing' them of God's provii'ion mnde for those
who diligently sed.: to know him cnd to serve llim.
By and through his ~reat lIi~h Priest, Christ Jesus,
J'ehovah commands that his witnesses must preach this
g'ospel of tho Idngflom before the final end comes.
They must give' notice and warning to the people, that
those of good will may act intelligently alld in order
that they may urur their own rCi'lpon:>ihility hefore Ged.
II '1'he cities of rdll';c \\"erc occupied by t.hose of the
tribe of I,cvi: "And wh('n he that doth flrc unto one
of t111JS0 citit"> s1wll sl;llHl at the l:lltel'ju~ of the glltc
of the city, :l1lclllltall declare his cause in the cars of
the e!dl~l'S of that I it.)", tYIeY s1Iall 1alw him into tho
city UlltO 1hem, and give llim a place, that he Dl:ty
dwell nmon!~ them. And if the a\'cn~('r of blood pursue after him, th('11 they :,dwll not de!inr lhe slayer
up into hi:i h:lI)d; l)('('au~e he smote his neig-hhour unwil.lin~~'ly, ::: III 1 hated him not beforet ime." (Josh.
20: 4, G) It was tl,,~ duty
the Lcvitc:i in the cities
of l'l'fug"c to give inl'orIllatioll, aid al\(l COrnrCH't to lhoso
sCt:kin~~ rcLuge. Liblwi.;e it is tile duty of the ant.itj')1ir::1 L('vitp;;, fl'om whilh the {lril'st!lo(,d i'l tnken,
to /-:ive inl'orIllatioll, :llil HIIIl romfol't to tho.-;c who now
silck the Lord':; lH::.;:,llizaliolJ. 'fhi" tlll'Y mnst do by
~iving th('m a m:t1'k in the f,H'I'hl':ul, that is to :"11Y,
giving thl'm illtdli~'-'J1t information as to \\ hat they
Innst do ill onler to llave the LOl'(l's fan)}'. God
t !llOUgh II is In'op!\('t Ez:']; id ('(.peda lly ('omlil:lIHl., that
the pric,;tly cia:;" 11111:;1 go thl'()ll~.;'h t he land an,l thus
Jlut a "i:LV" or lIlnl'k UpOll thc Jol'ellC':l(ls of those who
are scr.kil1~ the way of 1he I lord. 1t is lids cTass of
}lL'l)ple ,\ hn are tIm>; 111;: l'kl'd, and who t!wreaflt'l' come
inlo and ~L!Ji,le in lhll flity, 11l::t nre spul"l'd nlHl taken
through the gn.::,t tl'ilJllI;t! ion.-Eztk !): 6; Z([Jh. 2: 3.
G'l'hat the people or (;otl's remnant have a ~peeial
olJligation toward tho"e of g-ood will thu;; seeking I'dll:':ll from the Hvenger ll!ld who rommillrt! wrong \lllwitlin~ly, it is written: "Thpl1 the rongt'egation sldl .
judge het\\'('c'll tIle sl:I)'er nnd the revenger of blo!.,!
aec()rdin~ to these jucl~;Il11;nt~: anll the eOllgrc~ation
shall (klin;l' the ;;!aycr out or the hallll of the revenger
of 11100(1, :LUll the (;ollgle~.;atioJl shall l'l':>torc him to the
city of his l'l'fl.l~c, ",'hither he was fled: and he sl.all
auille in it unto the dl'ath or the high prie;,t, ",hien
W::l:i :llloinll'u with the holy oil. "-Num. ~{j: ~:!-25.
7 'l'hCl'dol'C tT:osc who 1'clUSe or fail to go nmrjlJg the
people aull call UpOIl tllC'm at th('ir homes al~d giye
thelll the lifl'-giviJi:; king(!om mc-:s:tge from the Lord,
and those who hiHller, oppo~.;e und discourul;c t;\O Olll'::;
who arc Hms ()he~'in~ the Loru in calTyill~ the mc'lsa~ro of truth to the people, show an Unl()Yjll~ and
unjust spil'it thnt would !lalld over the .10na(bb cl<:!'>;)
\'.. i~hollt mercy to be f'Xecl~tcJ hy the executioner at
..i\rmn~(,t1don. Faiime or l'elnsal to a<;sume a~1I1 carry
out this ]'("'ppll:,ibility will not go UI1110t icC'd hy the
Lord, becau;;e he has enlightened his anointed ones and



N. Y.

they ml1st ohey. "If thou forbear to deliver them that

arc draWll unto death, and those that al'p. ready to be
slain; if thou sayest, Bchold, we know it not; doth not
he that pondereth the heart consider it YI.Inu he that
k<:epoth thy soul, doth not he know it 1 and shall not
he render to every mnn according to his works 1"
(PiOV. 21:11,12) "A true 'Yitnc:;s deli''-lcJ'cth soul;;:
..b1;lt a(Jeffitful witul'sS speakcth lies. "-Prov. 14: 25.

Tho priestly class, meaning tho nnoint('r} remnant

now on earth, must minister unto the people, that the
l)oople may have notice and warning, find th('
canse C:ll'h olle to bear hi~ own rcspollsi1Jilily bcioJ'C'
the Lord Gu(L Jehovah's witncssp,> must jll'tp:U"J ttle
way before those who may d"siro to ~:(\'k reJ"n'..::c.
"'l'hou shalt prcpare thee a way, alld divide thc
eO:li:its of thy l~nd, ,,,hieh the Lord thy UncI ~ivf't!l
thee to mherit, into thl'ee parts, that eV('I'.\' slayer may
firo thither." (Dcut. J!):3j Josh. 20:3,D) The pl'Jvbion of the lnw COll('(,l'nillg the city of J't:fll~~e txadly
harmO!I iz('s wi Ih the t'omlllHll<lmeut of 1he l.ol'il llS Sl't
forl h in 1s;liah 's prophecy, whidl is ad(h'e:,sed to tile
remnant dil:ediTl~ them to [lI'l'parc the v.ay of the
IK'oplc. "(10 thl'OU;.dl, :.?;o thl'Ough the gat"" i pr('pare
ye the \yay of the ]worde; I::l<.,t np, cnst 111' the hi:!hway; ;!athcr Ollt the ~;t"l\('s; lift up n st:llll1:ud for tl:e
people." (1:,a. (j2: ](i) This i~; also fllll.~ stl]Jporl l "l
hy the prophecy or EzPldd (!J: 4). 'fhesl~ pl'lIjlhccil'3
sjJccifielllly apply to tIll) remnant at thc IlI'l'.Wllt time
and show tlll'ir ohligation toward the ;Jolla(Lhs..
11 Whell (:od S<'l1t .\10:>(':-1 llud .Aaron to j.;gypl, t1ll'y
fir"t served not icc UpOIl Pharaoh, all<1 :l ft ('1' tho nilll h
!l!ague Iwcl hC('n c::l!lec1 UOWII upon E'!ypt, :11111 Lefore the infliction of the punishmellt hy I;illillg' the
fir;;tborn of E~.rlJt, the e!clt:rs "of IS)':1I;1 Wlll'e diI-eet(d
by Jeho\'ah to give lIpe.:ial instruetiol1 to all the families of Israel; aud that fOl'cshutlowed the illstruet i01l
that mllst now he given to those ,,'110 'ha\"(~ good will
and hcart toward .Jehovah, ul\ll wllO 11i\\,(\ It J('sirp. to
know and to do what Jehovah God hao.; c'Jllllilal1lkd.
In alltityp~cal fulfilment of ,,,hat happelll;fl in El!'ypt
notice amI warning to 1he rulers of tile world han)
already l)('en g-iWll. I\ine of the plague;; ha \"e lJedl
antitnlically fulfilled, find now, heforc tile fLlllin~~ of
the \"{,ll~(,Hnc~e of God upon the fir:-;tl.JfJrn ::lll,lujlon tile
whole world, foreslwrlowcd by the tenth lJla~nc, the
people mwt have in:--1.ruct.iuns and warning. ::;uch is
the priC'Sellt .\l:"ork.. of Jehovah'~ witUf'S::iC'S.


'1'he L:ct that the ]Ho\'i.sion for 1'(,[11':e ,vas made

for tlw strall~er as well as for IsrnelitC':> shows that
.J chovah 's lo';"ing-kin(lncss has maue rn:l)vi,,'l\)ll 1n1'
those outsiue of hls ol"gullizl\.lon that t~\(:y Hl1\:-' >,,t'k
and find refuge
aS50cjatill~ thClll;;r1 VI;; \'.ith II j"
organization, that is, be wholly de\"otltl to Lim; 1),lt
those who will ayail them,e!\",s of such l'( ~'l1'"e nH~.,i
first be inforr.lCd about it and then comply \\ in) l):e



15, 193-!

f.fh.e \\~TCI-IT0\vER.

rules the Lord has h:id down for their guidance. God's
law required that if one committed manslaughter necidentally or IDlawarcs or unwittingly, and if the slayer
,,"as not an enemy of tho slain person, then the congregation should judge between the slayer and the
avengor or next of kin; that ill, they should try the
case und determine whether or not tho sla~'er might
ilee to their city and find refuge there. ".-\nd he shall
dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high
priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer
return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own
house, unto the city from whenee he 11ed. "-Josh. 20: 6.
11 If the dccbioll was that the slaying was without
malice and was acddental or unwittingly committed,
then the slayer should find protection in the city of
l'e[nge and must l'l'main thero until tho death of tho
high pri!'!;t. TheIl thongh tho congregation found the
slayer not ~uilty, nud entitled to the protection of the
city of refuge, that was not sufficient for him to go
fn'(', hut he romt go into the city of rcfu~e and ro
main there until a change took place in the 011ice of
the },igh lJrie~t. At tile death of the high priest tlle
~Iay('r might retmll ",;ith safety to his own plaee or
1'I:si(lt:n(~e. 'fhiswouhl clearly seem to teach that the
.10Iw<1ah ela<is, haviug sou~ht and fonnt! refuge with.
(lor!'s oJ'i;ullization, lUlIst remain in tIle cImriot or
or~~:miz'llivJl of. the I,ord with the Greater Jehu, and
mtl:st continue in hr-<ll't ~ym1>uthy lUld harmony with
tIle IJord and his organization and must prove this
pl'O!J('r heurt eOlldit ion lJY cooperating with JdlOvah's
witncsses until the ufilec of the high priest class yet on
the earth be fini~hml. Thus the people of good will
must do if tILl'.V ,,"onM have their lives spared dmjug
the haWl'- of the ~l'"at day of God Almighty and be
of the "millions" class that shall not die.
12 The Lord JI'Stt1 Cht'ist is the great High Priest,
and the faithful members of his royal house are
('ounted in us members of that priesthood. (Rev. 1: fi;
20: G; 1 Pet. 2: G.!) 'l'he ~nointjn~ oil of God's spirit
lias been ~per.ialty poured out on all of J ('!lovall 's wit)\('SS"S in these latter days i and the remnant bcjn~ thus
:lllo;utcll, they arc made members of the royal priest-

13 This anointing or 'pouring out of the spirit upon
flU flush' has taken place sinte the comin~ of the Lord
J csus to the temple, and since then the" young men'!
"'ho aro of the priesthood have had a clearer vision of
Jehovah's purposes concerning them. (Joel 2: 28, 29)
These are the days in which the Jonadab class has
come into existence, and those who are of the Jonadab
company 1un-c fled to Jehovah's <H'ganization. As long,
then/115 the anointed members of the ro)'al priesthood,
meaniug the anointed remnant, live 011 the earth and
C'ontinue to preach this gospel of the kingdom, the
.Jon::t,lab company mnst keep in company and in hal'nlOnv with JpllOvah's anointed and aid them in their
worl~ i otherwise the great Avenger will overtake them.
H It must be ke~)t in mind that the things pertain-


ing to the law whieh God gave to the Israelites ,vere

shadows of greater things to come. (Heb. 10: 1) '1'he
law eoncel'lling the manslayer who did such slayiug
unwittingly o't una.wares provided for his protection
only within the bounds of the city of refuge, and the
bounds or borders of the city were the suhurbs which
surrounded the eity. (Num. 35: 2-5) nthe avenger
should find the slayer out of the bounds of the city
of refuge, then he. could sla.y bim with impunIty and
the avenger would be entirely free from wrongdoing.
But if the slayer shall at ally time come without the
border of the city of his ref'llge, whither he was fled;
and the rcvenger of blood find bitn without the bordm'S of the city of his refuge. and the revenger of
blood kill the ~layel'; be shall not be guilty of blood. "
-K um. 35: 26, 27.
15 'fh1S prophetic provision of t~ law finds its fulfil
ment in the present day. Jehovah bas graciously provided for those of good will who now S(:ek him, aud
who arc not of the spiritual class. If aite.... receiving
these good things ro1n the hand of the Lord allY mau
is lol1illl ex<:rci::;ing too mudl pcrsonallibt-l'ty, that is
to say, not k1:~eI,ing within the }JOumls of Jehovah's
mcreiful provision made for hIm at the present time;
not td.. illg into consideration that he docs not ~'et
po;,-s{:~:s HIe ri~~ht to life, but treats tho favor of Jehovah lightly, indifferently, or igllOI'OS it, he lO::GS
the prot(;(,UOIl which Jehovah bas l)l"Ovi<1ed lor hilll.
lIe mu~t eOl1\inne to appreciato the certainty and
llCUl'll(.'::iS or j\ l'mug-cddon, at which timc Satan's organization will be destroyed, and also the fact that
soon the pt"icstly company sh1\ll pass from the earth,
and that then the Jouuuab class may receive the ~ift
of liCe throug'h J(:ll/S Christ if they continue stcadf:lst
on the side (}r the LOl'll und l'igltl(.'Ousncss. lIavill~J;
once taken his stand on the siu.e of the Lord and tasted
the good thilJ~~ of Goll's arrangement~ and kaming
of God's gracious pl'ovbion for tho..<:e. of the JOlludab
class, he cannot again turn to the beggarly c!('lUentli of
atan's or~al1ization and at thosnme time have the
Lorll's protcction.-Ezck. lR = ~J~ 26.
16 Thoso ,,,"flo have once sought nnd found rciu~o
on the Lord's sidc and who tUl'll again to tUll'i:;M<:ou,;.
nt'S" wiiI die jm:tTy. 'fho cxc.cutioner of .Jehovuh is
entirely jll;;tiue.] in slayin::r such, and hi" llUnd;; m'l!
clean, becanse he carries out Jehovah '5 oedcrs. ;\0 one
in the uniY(~rse can ever jnst!:r say that the slanglll.l r
at Al:muged.lon will be barbarous. uujuli.tifled 01' unrighteous. On the contrary, it will meet the requirements of Cod's law concerning the sacredness of hnman life. 'rhe value and impoltunce of the warllill~
of the PC01,lc now is emphnsized by the words of Jehonll announced through his prophet: "'fhC:ll wbosoever hearcth the sound of the trumpet, and\~til
not "warning; if the sword come, and take him away,
his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard tho
s01md of the trnm})ct, and took not warnin~, his blGod
s11:l11 be upon him: but he that taketh w;)i'Ilin~ shuH
dcli\"cr his soul. When I shall sny to the l'ighteollil,



that he shall surely lh'e; if he tru.'lt to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousIlCSSf>S
shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he
hath committed, he shall die for it.' '-Ezek. 33: 4, 5. 13.
U Those of the JonatIab class have heard the sound
of God's trumpet and have heeded the warning by
fleeing to God's organizatiOfl and associatin:; with
God's people, and there they must abide if their protection continues. In these times of peI'il no man can
find a place of safety except in the place whirh has
been provided by the Lord. Why is one in dan~er of
death who has placed himself on the Lord's side and
who then departs therefrom and returns to Satan's
organization Y Because he has learned that Jehovah
a\one can ~ivc life, and that he will give to man by
and through Christ J(~SUS, and he has learned that
there is no other way of getting life; and having
l<~arncd theso good things, he must show his appre
ciation thereof by faithfully ahiding with the f,ord
and serving him. "Because he should have remained
ill the city of hi~ refuge until the death of the high
priest; but after the death of the high priest the slayer
shall return into the land of his possession." (Num.
35: 28) Such do not come within the provisions of
the new covenant, anti life cannot he ~rnnted to them
until the last member of the priestly class has finished
his earthly course. .. The death of the hig-h priest"
means the chan~e of the last memhers of the royal
priesthood from hum:m to spirit organism, which ful.
lows Armageddon. Says the law, 'After the death
of the high priest the slayer may return to his own';
such meaning that those of the .Jonadab class after the
dc."lth of the high priest may find safety on the eal'th
by beingobe<lient to the laws of the Lord Jesus Christ,
the great Uuler of the earth.
Ja Christ, the great A ven~er and Executioner, will
not spal"C any of the Jonauab company that get outside of Jehovah's safety arrangement made for them
in connection with his organization. This conclusion
is supported by the treatment that Solomon adminil.1Cl"Cd to Shimei, who had cursed and thrown stones
:1t ]\.ing David with a murderous intent or slayin~
God's anointed. (2 Sam. 16: (;-13) Solomon advised
Sbimei that he eould find refuge or a sanctuary
for his life within the city of Jerusalem, but
that he must remain there. Shimei agreed to this provision for his safety and swore that he would abide
within the borders 01' bounds of the dty. Later he
violated his ngrecment by going without the city to
accomplish his own selfish purpose, and for this he
was promptly executed by order of King Solomon.
(1 Kings 2: 36.46) Now the Greater-than-Solomon is
upon his judb"ment seat, and judgment of the nations
is in progress. Some of the J onndaLs, like. Shimei, may
in the past have cursed, persecuted and sought to destroy the faithful ones of the royal priesthood, God's
anointed. During the World War and since that time
Jehovah's faithful servants on earth have been persecuted and maltreated by some who have since that


N. Y.

time come to know tlJC truth and who have sought

refuge in the Lord's organization. 'l'hese have now
become men of good will, or of the Jonadnb company.
POl' such to now venture outside Qf their own haven
of refuge would mean disaster at the hand of Jehovah's great Executioner. 1\Iemhcrs of the Jonadab
class will not be permitted to run ahead of Jehovah,
upon the theory that, having once accepted the truth,
they may henceforth be entirely safe regardless of
whatsoever course of action they may take. They must
abide by .Jehovah's law and must await his due time
to fully deliver them and give them life. They must
be thankful now for the provision Jehovah has maclc
for their protection and show their gratituJe and appreciation by doing what the IJord God has eommanucJ.
19 Jehovah has provided the only way for the satisfaction of his law, and no change thercin cun be maue.
~o one by reason of his position or infl lIelJee or wcaU h,
01' for any other reason, shall be maue an exception
to the provision of God's law. God's provision concerning this matter is stated by the prophet: "Moreover, yo shalt take no satisfaction for the life of a
murderer, which is guilty of death; but he shall he
surely put to death." (~l1m. 35: 31) Doubt le~s tlJl~re
are many who have thought that their wealth alHI
influence will serve to deliver thcm and make them
safe in the time of great tribulation; hut they :1/ e
certain to suITer a complete disappointmcnt. "And
I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk
like blind IlIt>II, because they have sinned aga inst tlw
Lord; and their blood shall be poured out a<; dust, and
their flesh as the dung. Neither their silver nor tlwir
gold shall be ahle to deliver them in the da~' of th~
Lord's wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured
by the fire of his jeulousy: for he !>hall make even a
speedy rIddance of all them that dwell in the land."
-Zeph. 1: 17.18.
20 'rhe man or self-importance who is haughty UlHl
austere and who thinbl to have protectioll by I'eaSOIl
of his 0'\":1 high standin~, or financial or othel' ability,
will find no favor whatsoevcr before the avenger. "All
hands shall be feeble, and all knees shall be weak as
water. 'rhey ~hall also gird themselves with saf>kcloth,
and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon
all faces, and baldness upon all their heads. 'l'hey
shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold
shall be removed: their sih-cr and their gold shall not
be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the
Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neit her fill
their bowels; because it is the stumblinghloek of theil'
iniquity." (Ezek. 7: 17-19) The sword of JdlOvah
wielded in righteousness at AnnageJdoll, and that
alone, will satisfy divine justice. God is no respecter
of persons.
21 'l'hose who have takpn their stand on the side of
the Lord and hence are called .10nadabs ClmBot with
safety turn again to the world, which is Satan's or

rsfie \\~TCrIT0VvER
plHizn.tion, nor can tlJC'y flnd any other ,vuy uf safety,
except by COIL1plyill~ stridly with tlw Lord's law.
'1'lli8 is forC'shadowed by the worus of the law, to v,it:
"A11 11)"0 shall t:lke no salisfaction [ransom, U,1",l
for him that is fled to the city of his refuge, ihat he
fohould come again to dwell in the lund, until the ueath
the pl'ie~t." (~nm, ~~G:32) .Jd\OVllh's law caullut
be amelH.1ed, nulliilcd or set asid(', and this th" .Jonadah COlllpUUy must rccog-niz". They arc bouIHl hy the
law of Jehm'uh, awl hcn~e must not seek liberties
outside of his organization, which i~ the city of refuge. Neither they nor allY of thc'ir human rrlatlves or
fricnJ:; ill thcir behalf c'an lJUy their way out from un
del' the hlo()cl!.!nilt that weighs c1o\vn upon the whule
'\'ol'1d and which must !)e wipr;d out at /ulllagcl1d rm,
'I'hcre is no '\'ny to huy the hlc;"sings or life with the
l'i~~,ht thPl'cto. H is ouly after .. \nna;!l:d(loll :1Ilc1 afler
the hlocu of the antilypical "~oat of the sin oflerin~
thnt if! for the people" is applied to the gl'l:at lllCl'ey
scat ill !leaven that the way of jllslificatioll to life Oil
('::1'01 \';itt b~ ()lH~!lcJ, It loll a \\'s, then, that tIle <'ity
of l'{'fl1~c o!fet's proiepLion until the last llH:llIber of
tho 1'oyal }ll'icosthood Ilies Hnd passes from earth, nIHl
1111:11 tlte milliOl':l eb"s \';ill1)e ill lill\) to rccciYl3 thl; [tift
of' <:od ihrou:J.!l J(:~llS Chrisl.--Lev. IG: 1:; ; Hom. G:"~:l.
221n this cOllllection let it be notl'd that ~:iill'e it i~
writtell, "Yo "hall take IlO sati;l'adion," the }ll'it'stly
CUllJpauy of God 's Ol',~al:jl.atic;n ::,hall take no brill, s
in hclmli of the Jonadllh dnss. Upon the prkst is
laid an obI i~.!aliou to mlhc'rc slrictl.v to (led's nil
ehan~cable law, and hell('\) to wal'll til\) pcople of '~f)od
\\ ill of theil' own l'l::,j)()\l';i\lility, '1'1\\\ mere l\ecpiu'l: of
man 'H law OJ' standards of l'ight laid dow11 IJ,\t man
will not be sufiident. TIlt' ,Joll;~duhs IIlust he obedient
to .khO\'ah '8 l'cquin'mcll!';, :111(1 they mnst be suhmis
sive to (lod '8 al'l':lng'CIlll'lIt hy lJo!lP>.tly abiding in and
snppot'lilll; bis Ol":;anizaLion nntil the end of tho
eal'thly miui>.tl'Y oi the pri(<;thootl, Theil Christ will
aet no more a<; a sHr'l'ificing pl'ipst, hnt as the grcat
pl'iCHt mini:,h:t'i!l,~ life to the worl,1. 'fhis cannot take
plutO until the day of wngeanec is past. 'l'lte work of
tbe royal }ll'ic:sllwoll :\ftc:,' the onkl' of ::\lelr'hizdck
i<; 1'10t a \\'urk of r('~nluti()n, but is a work o giving
life to thrJ"{' who ofwy him, Chl'ist J"sus. Then will
be the fulfilmellt of the: word::! of Jesus, the gl'P.. t
I.iife-p,lycl', to,\il: "Verily, veril,\', I say t;nto you, If
a 111Hn keep my saying', he shall nl:w,r see c1{:ath."
~John S: Gl) "WhOSOC\'Cl' lin~tl1 and bclic\"oth in me
shall !lcver oio."--.JoI1l1 11: 26.
23 One of the divinelY assi'1llcd 1'(';:1S0n8 for Armageddon i<; tIL: t "the ;:ih nl"o is lklllell Ullller the
inhabitant:; ther,ol; bc','ansc they byc .. b1'o1\"11
the cwr!ao;;ting cowl\nnt". (LJ.. 2-1: G) 1'he penal
tenlls uf the eWl'lustiJl~ covenant mur-,t be enforced.
"~o ye "lwll not pollute the land whe'rein ye are; for
blood it ddlleth the lanll: and the land cannot be
clc<ln$ocl or t;',e blood t hat is ,,1;<,,',} therein, but hy the
hlood of him that shed it." (Xum, ::;,): 33) Innocent
blood wrongfully spilled, w1:l::thcr by the unwitting



slayer or 1),1' the dcliherate mur rlerer, pollutf's t110

land, ::tnd there is Lut 011e v;ay of clc:l1lsing it. Ml;ne:,
or other bloodless ra11~om price, such as oi1'cl'cd hy
Cain, will avail nothing for the shcllder of human
0100d. Bluod l1lU&t literaHy flow at Armageddon to uv,ay the ddiling which now stains thO' wholo,}
carth. 'Ille 1)100u of Christ doc'S not atone for the
deliberate bi'caking of the eve1'lastill~ COVCWtllt unIe:,:; the one l;reHI~lng that COVCl1allt lully reIH'nts, exercises faith in the sherI blood of Christ Jesus by fully
consccratill~ him'}!'li to do .Jehovah's will, and then
commits himself wholly to Gou and to his scrvi/?c.
21 The cilY of l'clu;,;e (l,:;l's Ililt violate the (li\'ine cl(~
<:1'('0 of jwt ice. TIle blaY('r w[;o umriUingly 01' Ull~\
waH'S spills human blood, Ll';'1)1'e he call fl'~{: to tiw
pity of l'ofu'!,", Ilillst blUw al)~J1lt it and hnw fa:lh
lllPll';n a:H1 [;(:L HI:l'ot'Jil1:,;ly. T::o;,() who 11m'; l:_\.('n';',e
faith in tllO sheel blool1 uf Je,u'l Christ nll.1 t[(oyo:e
l1lf.'Ifl~;l'lws to the LOi'd ;;:; all c\'j,!c-n,'e of th"jr faith,
but ,,;110 arc not accepted us u pa l't or the S;ll"l'ifi,'e of
('Ill'i',l .Je~lL." filld I'el'w-,e in Cc,d's o]"cau!zl,L'.I1 utltil
tI,e time alTi...,,;; lor CJ~l'ist 's sll(,1 b!oud to :~d:(; i'u11
satisfaction frJi' tho ~ills tllc-;e hU\'e COl1l1n:U, II nr,d
uutil the tillle 1'01' tile Ill/""':I<I:1 'H' lil'(; to i!;';..:ilJ. 'i 11<'1'('1'0: e the n'sp,;)\..,ihility or thl: \lla1L,da~, (;1' \1'11') did ".\1"11
~layillJ.{ nll\\'itl:I:~~ly 01' l1n:l':;<.:l'I,':'; r~ol"; Il~,t C',':I:,,' dlll'ili:"
tIll) lill1!) lie ahid,'s ill tlw cil;; of l'l'fU'~l;, that j..; to S:IY,
(lo\l'g Ul'~;:llli;:a\.iol\. The f;l(,t that lie i" (',Illq,dkd
to wait the}'.: ulltil tho (l';\lilt of the bi"h III i,,;t 1,11\)\'::>
that he is n. fugitive aud t;lnt his protl)('! iOll d('pl'lId<;
upon his abi\1ill~.!; with the Iii',J] Pi'i""t, Cllli,;t ,k.. IoS,
lJlIL lltat the i:lllOcellt 111\,0<1 of the ;';[',';It 11;:":!1 l'ri",l
,,1:1:11 for iIil; sillS of Il\lin::Ii!;illll ~,:()l1{'S for tile sillS
of the olle will) has iOllllll 1'('; ll'~i' ill (;0,1 'H 01 ;;i:itization. Tlte Llo,)d of C11I'l"t .Jt",llS, 11j('L,.. ron~, ;:t(J:~' s flJr
tIll.} 1)10011 of the .Jol1adaL <:Lt~s who ('IJlllilllle ill tlIat
IJroper llttillide Qt ltl';ll't :lllJ d .. .,otio!l to the 1.',1'.1
Hntil tho uur. time to dCOtill';l' 1!IPm. Tht,v ~!t'J,r l)~' ~'J
doing tl1at they are in 1ll',1l't harll10llY y, itll tlt c' Lo['d
awl Ul'U \vholly out of hanlloll.)' wilh t]\tl 1,:o"<\:;'."I'S <.t'
the cvcl'lasling covenant, ulid lltai th'~j' wOll;J nvt \1'tc'lltionally break God's luw.

25 'l'lte I::n';)'.'lilcs \'.-Cl'e Cod's <::lO';t'n p,:,oi}r, ;'11'1 nin

Lm,l of prOlji;~'J \\ ltel\'in tlley \';e1',: call,Y,,,l t,J I . ,,:rl,
lifkr cro.:sill,:.( the Jordan \\as tY[l il'<t I of ii::' (1\',1';1ill t:}\Iaco of the Lord. God put his lJal1ll' 11IllIn ,]el'il.:~lt:):1;
;\\.;nco tlmt typically was hi" d\wlli1l';'pla,'l', l:l Iilu
::rw gi"'f'l\ to t1:e Isr<lelit.'s jl1~t k:,jI'(' ellt;~ril)(~ t'<:1 :1:111
(;011 sail} I,) them: "DI:Jilo Ilut thcrefore !:"J 1<111.1
'.'.-hidl ye skll inhabit, \'. il';1'l:in I ll\;'r'fl: 1'1)1' I t!l<!
LOl'J Jw(H ,~1110Ilg the chi\UI'L'll of }:;1':\('1." (:\um.
~':): 3-1) 'l'Lis provi'lion of tll(~ Lnv <;<:I'\'l':; ~I) ~h<,\'.' ot
,','hat timo this "city of l'efuQ'e" pl'O\'i"ion 01' :'1'!',11"~'e
1.,,'nt must :l'ltitypic",lly appV, which is, to ,,,'it, nfter
the birth oi the nWilcltild, tlJ"t is, fll'lc'r .J\'~;,,', ;'; llbc:ed
upon his tlm.,uc. (Hev. i:2: G) 'fhcrt'f0i'C it is lltt:r

>Jhe \V'ATCHT0\VER..


1914, at which time God enthroned the great King

and sent him forth to rule. It is then that the holy
city, the new Jerusalem, which is Jehov~h God's or
gtmization, descends out of heaven. It IS that holy
city which is the abiding place of Jehovah. (Ps.
132: 13) The time is when "the tabernacle of God
is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and God himself shall be with
them and be their God". (Rev. 21: 2, 3) It is when
God in his holy temple, representatively by his duly
constitutcd Judge, Christ Jesus. (Hab. 2: 20; John
5: 22,27) The prophetic picture of the city of refuge
could have no application prior to the beginning of
thc reign of Christ in 1!>14.



But what shall be said about others who have not

unwittingly or otherwise committed murder, but who
since the coming of the l . ord Jesus to the temple of
Jehovah have heard the truth and taken their stand
on the side of Jehovah and associated themsclves with
his organization 1 The fact is that at somc time aU
have bcen mixed up with the Devil's organization, in
this, that they have been under that organization and
either directly or indirectly supported it. Those who
rendcred aid, comfol't and support to the willful
murderer or manslayer, to the extent of such support,
aid or comfort are parties to the crime of breaking
the eVt'rlasting covenant. When the Lord came to the
temple and caused the mes<;a~e to be dclh'ered, "The
world has ended; millions now living will never die,"
people of good will who heard that message of truth
and believed it, and who have since taken their stand
on the side of the Lord :Iud given kind and loving
support and cOllsideratiou to those whom they recognize to be sC'rVlmts of the Lonl Cod, have thus shown
their kindness toward the Lonl .Jesus Christ and his
foJlowt'l's. 'fo such the seri pture applies, to wit:
"Blessed is he that eonsidt't'Cth the poor; the fjord
will delivpr him in time of trouble.":The Lord will
preserve him, and k~ep him alive; and he shall be
blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him
Ullto the will of his enemies." (Ps. 41: 1, 2) The
poor" here mentioned arc not merely those who arc
destitute of food and raiment, but arc those who are
poor ill spirit, meek and lowly of heart. The man Jesus: was chiefest amollgst such when he was on earth.
(Matt. 11: 2!.l) To his faithful followers .Jesus said:
., Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heavl'l1." (Matt. r;: 3) It is to these Jesus was
commissionC'd to preach, and it is to the same cla~s
that the body members are eommandt'd to preach the
gospel. (Luk~ 4: 18; Isa. 61 : 1-3; Pss. 40: 17; 72: 2,12,
13) Such are the people of God taken Ollt for his
name and concerning whom the apostle authoritatively wrote: " As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor,
yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet
possessing all things." (2 Cor. 6: 10) These are the
"poor" ones to whom the people of good will have



K. Y.

shown kindness and have shown it because such were

believed by them to be representing the Lord.
21 'I'he facts show that since 1918 there have been
many good people who have shown kindness and eonsideration to .1ehovah 's witness~s, and who have rendered them aid and comfort. To those who out of the
goodness of their hearts have shown kindness and eonsideration to God's anointed people. he says: 'The
Lord will preserve you and keep you alive, and ;rOll
shall be blessed on the earth.'
28 'I'his is exactly in harmony with the judgment
pronounced by Jesus. Now Christ Jesus is at his
temple for judgment, where he is accompanied amI
served by his holy angels, and the nations are gathert:d
before him' and this is the time in which" he shall
separate th~m one from another, as a shepherd di\jd
eth his sheep from the goats". (Matt. 25:31, 32) Thn:-'ll
people of good will, that is, the Jonadab class, are the
sheep of the 'other flock' which Jesus m<:ntiollcd, when
he said: "And other sheep I have, which arc not of
this fold: them also I must bring, and tlwy shall henr
my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (.John 10: 16) Christ Jesus is now doing tllo
separating- work, and there arc those of the 'othcr
flock' which are now being brought into the fold of
his organization. These are taking their stand on tile
side of the Lord, having heen marked as J(hovah has
directed. They identify thl'1l1selves with God's organi.
zation. 'I'hey have sought refuge in his city. '1'0 those
who have thus taken the Lord's side and l'('nd~l'l'd
faithful service to him, und who abide in IIi!> ol'guni.
zation and who show kinuness to his anointed he('uu-;e
they arc his anointed, .Jesus soon will say: "COllH',
ye blessed of my l"ather, inherit the kingdom pl'epal'l.'d
for you from the foundation of the world." AuJ
these shall go away into eternal life. ~uch will he
their portion when the day of God 's ven~cauee is
overpassed and pea~e and blessings have eome to stay.

All who have taken their stand on the ~.ide of

.1ehovuh must abide in his organization undc!' Chri"t,
if thl'Y would live. There is no exception to this rule.
H th(;se now in'the temple should go out they would
<lie because disobedient. (Acts 3: 23) The ('ity 01 rpfu"e wa~ not for the anointed of God, but such city
of refuge pietUl'ed or foreshadowed .Jchovah's kind
and loving prodsion made for those who should come
to the Lord after the temple class is sel'ected and
unointC'(l. It is written in the prophecy: "Gatlll'r
;yourselv('s togcth('r, yea, gather together, 0 nation not
desired." (Zlph. 2: 1) God's "holy nation", that is
to say, the anointed of Jeho\'ah, are not desi1'('d by
the world, and all of those of the Jonadnb class who
have joined themseh'es to the ehariot of Christ, that
is, his organizntion, are likewise undesirable 0lll'S wit h
the world. Hrnce the words of the prophet last auo\'e
quoted rcf('r to all such, who have identified them29


15, 1934



selves on the Lord's side. Then all of these are told nesses, to study and. inform themselves, and also to
that before God's wrath is exprcssed. at Armageddon aid and to teach those of the Jonad.ab class to underthey must seek meekness and righteousness. "Seck stand the truth. The obligation is laid upon the
ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have priestly class to give this information to those who "arc
wrought his judi:,'luent; seck righteousness, secl{ meel~ now being invited into and who are entcring the
ness; it may be ye shall be hid. in the day of the Lord's chariot. An obligation is laid upon the Jonadab eomanger." (Zeph. 2: 3) Mark this scripture says: "Ie pany to inform themselves by studying the \Vord. of
which have wrought his judgment." The judge God, because they must continue to seek meekness,
ment mentioned here is Jehovah's judgment or d.ecrce, that is to say, to be teachable and be taught, and they
that is to say, his judicial determination which is the must continue to seck righteousness, that is to say,
expression of his purpose. The anointed temple class to learn of and walk in the way that God. has aphave wrought or worked according to God's judgment pointed for them. Such are the conditions precedent
and announced purpose. The Jonadab class, by tal,ing to receiving God's protection in the time of great
their stand on the side of Jehovah and connecting tribulation, IIence they must perform these condi.
tions; otherwise thcy would not be hid in the day of
thcmsclv{~s with his organization, getting into his
chal'iot, have also wrought the Lord. 's judgment or Armageddon.
purpose. All of tl\('se must be meek, that is to say,
31 The name "Jehovah's witnesses" applies spethey must be teachable, and hence must study the cifically to God's anointed. OUes who have been taken
Word of God, which is food eonvenicnt for them. All out of the world and made witnesses for Jehovah, and
such must seck righteousness, that is to say, must be thcse alohe bear the new name. 'l'he Jonadub class
diligent to conform themselves to the laws of God, are of those who 'hear' the message of truth and
which are righteous. All those who pass through the who must SHY to those in their hearing: "eOlne. And
great tribulation of Armageduon must be hid by Je- let him that hcarcth l>ay, Come. And let him that is
hovah, otherwise they could not be shielded from that athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the
tcrrible trouble that will come upon the worlu. That water of life freely." (Hev. 22: 17) Those of the
means, then, that all in the orgunization ()f .Jehovah, JQnadub class must go ahm~ with those who arc of
induding the anointed awl all connected tl1l'rewith, the antitypic'al Jehu company, that i-;, the anointed,
such as pictured by .IOJwdah, must now 'study to and aunouriee the message of the kingdom, even
show themselves approved unto God, and he thou~h they arc not the anointed witnesses of Jehothat need not be ashanwd '. 'l'he Lord. God has abun- vah. 'rhe question is propounded, and 'J'he WilleT/lower
dantly provided. spiritual food for them, and. of this is asked to allswcr, Should a Jonadub be made a memthey must partake for th('ir own welfare.
her of the service committee and appointed as a leader
of study meetings
32 Be it noted. that the ohlig-ation is laid. upon the
ao The prophetic picture of the city of refuge was pl'i<'stly class to do the lel!ding 0\' teading of the law
written in the Scriptures aforctime for the instruc- of instruction to the people. (Mal. 2: 7) 'l'hcrefore,
tion and eomfOl't of the remnant, that they might see where there is a company,of Jehovah's witIlCSSl'S, that
and understand the will of God. concel'ning them and is, the anointed ones, the leader of a study should bo
that they might be sure to he on the right side and. selected. from amongst the anointed, and likewise those
have their hopes made brighter. (Rom. 15: 4) God of the service committee should be taken from the
said to the Israelites 011 the plains of Moab COllce1'l1- anointed. If the company be made up entircly of
iug the cities of refuge: liSa these things shaH be for Jonadabs, and none of the anointed pres<'nt, then one
a statute of judgment unto you, throughout your of the .Jonadahs may properly preside at a meeting
generations, in all ~'our dwelling'l." (Num. 35: 29) where studies are being conducted. Mark this, that
Neelssarily this means that they must keep tho iaw Jehu invited Jonadab to "come with me, and see my
of God in mind, and honco must. study it. 'l'his is the zeal for the f,ord ". (2 Ki. 10: 16) Jonadab was tlll're
day or time of judgment of the house of God antI as one to learn, and not one who was to teach, IIe
also the judgment of the nations, and in this judg- saw that Jehu had and manifested a burning loye and
ment the remnant share in the work of the "judg- devotion or zeal for Jehovah '8 cause, and from that he
ment written ". CPs. 149: 9} It therefore follows that learned that he too must have a zeal for the Lord, that
the remnant must be informed conec>rnj,lg God's is to sa~T, he must serve Jehovah God because it is
judgments and must inform one another as to what
right to serve him, and not merely to selfishly receive
is the will of God. concerning them. Hence it is n('cesthe
blessings at JehOvah's hanus, The official organi.
Slll'Y for them to continually feed upon the truths
of Jehovah on earth consists of his anointed
which God provides for them, 'I'he anointed remnant
on earth are of the priestly order, and God's law re- remnunt, and the Jonaclabs who walk with the anointlu
quired that the priest must teach Jehovah's law to are to he taught, but not to be leaders, This appearin~
the people. (:'Ila!. 2: 7) Therefore there is an obliga to be God's arrangemellt, all should gladly abide
tion laid upon t.he remnant, who are Jehovah's wit- thereby.



as SIlOUld a Jonadab vote in the !leIection of a serviee committee 1 The answer is No; for tile l'cason that
since the service committee and the leaders of studies
are to be tl1o:-;e of the anointed company, the anointed
alone should participate in the selection of the same.
U Should a .TQnadab consecrate himself to the Lord
and be baptized? AmnYer: .Most lls~ul'edly it is proper
for a ,Jonnd~lb to consecrate himself to do the will of
God. :Ko one will ever get life without doing tbat.
Water immersion is merely a symboL of having made
a consecrution to do God's will, and that would not be
out of order. Let those who are brought to n knowledge of the truth rejoice in whatsoever place the Lord
puts ih(:Jll. :\0 (jlle is to :selfishly seck a place. If the
IJord assig;ns him to a duty he :>hould be glnd to serve
there, and all ~hould dwell together in peace and harmony.

The time is now here for the instruction of the

J 011utlab 01' "millions" class, which mean one and tho

sallIe thill~!. A method of instl'uetion is here outlined
as :t. St1g~('sti()11 wlJich seems to be in harmony with the

wiii of ti,c 1.orJ. At a meeting of the remnant aud

Jona<1ahs 1;;.:::ptill~l' the tl'an'5el'ipt :on machinc may be
l.lsf'd to l'cprorlnec 11 lC'ciure, and dllril1~ which lecture
llO one should he on the platform. At the conelusion
of HIe trall:;cl'iptl(Jl} recoru one of the anointed, preyiou:-;Iy clllls~~n as the It'aue!' o( the meeting, should
take his l)l;lI~e on the plaHol'm and conduct a study on
the smne l;ubje(t matter as that treated in the transcription leettll'c. For instancc, the transcription record is "Who Is J<,hovah Y" Let the leader he Pl'Cpared in udvunce with qnl:stions on this same subject,
with lll'0Ilcr SCl-iptuL'aI l'c1\'rencc, and with Scriptural
a1\s\\'el'~ to the quc"tions, which questions may be read
ll1lll any ~11lt)intcd one in the company ('aBed upon to
givc the answer, or the answer may be given from the
printed literature, or in htll1nony therewith, by dle
leafler. Questiotls also may be proponnded by the
Jonadabs or anyone pl'cscnt, whi~h questions should
always pertain to the subject matter under consideration. In t.his way the hour ('all be very profitably
Spt'nt, whether the meeting he hdd in a hall or in the
home of someonc interested in God's Word. Such
sttH1it's ariJ now essential and particularly for tbo
benefit of those of the Jonudab company, that they
may learn what is the will of God concerning them.
an Let everyone y;ho loves the Lord God and the
Lord Jesus Christ busy him!;elf in serving the Lord
and in making known his kingdom. 'l'his is the time
the.; witlless wOl'k must be giyen. Bear in mind tbat
the enemy is f[:taUy bent 011 destroying God's orgauizuti(Ju 011 earth, and divine protection will be given
only to the faithful. Therefore let all of God's organization dwell together and walk together in penee and
harmony. {.-Jet all strife and fault-finding be put aside.
Those wJ:o indulge in fl1u1t-flndin~ and murmuring
and strife will be adversely judged by the Lord. (Jude



15-21) All of the temple class must be at harmon)'

and in unity in Christ and with each other, and therefore must dwell in peace. Anyone who claims to be
of thQ temple company and who eauses disturhanees
or strife givcs evidencc that 1m is not of the tcmplt-.
God's anointed organization is represented by "Zion".
The term" Jerusalem" applies generally to J ehovuh '8
organization, and to which organization the Jonadllh
class have attached themselycs. The great Jud;;e,
Christ Jesus, tho beloved Son of Godi is now carnTin~
on his judgment in dividing the people and bringin~
on his side those who love God and love righteousnes~;.
The priestly class, in particular, must take the lead
in peaec, unity and harmonious action. All who accompany them must be at peace one with another aud
serve the Lord faithfully., "F(Jr there arC set tIU'OIW3
of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. Pl',i~'
for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that
10\"0 thec. l>eace be within thy walls, and prosI>crit~
within tlly palac('s. :For my brethren nnd companionssakes, 1 will now say, Peace be within thee. Bce.a;c
of tho h01156 of the Lord~ our God I will seck til.\"
good. "-Ps. 122: 5-9.

1. To whom docs Jehomb extend his lovin~kiuJncsl!, IUld

\\ !ll'n 1
,. 24., Explain why sulIle who huvo violated the e\'l!rlflEtj!;~

c()\,cnant may flco uu11 find 8afcty in tho I I dty of re I'll!.;\!' "
whit\) others llIt\y not. U\>\'1 is such flight uf:llo111pli:slwt! 1
Point out tho ohli:~il.tion in this respect now laid U!!OIt
.roholall's witncssc8.
,. 5, 6. Describe tho proecdure upon nrrivnl of a slayer at tll1)
cHy of relug'. API'I>" tho prophetic picture.
,. 7. Apply' Proverbs 24: 11, 12 and 1'1: :!5.
,. 8. Compare DeuterlJfiUl:1Y 19: :I unll Ij'jUiah 62: 10. To wlwm



is c.1.cll MIdrcllscd, :lnd bow do these 'pre},aro the wny' u&

thoro directed f
9. How, in connection. wit II the tenth plllf!;ue upon EI,,';"l't,
\VtlS tho prescnt work oJ: .Jehomil's \\itl1l:';~I;!' lorcshadu'"cdl
10-13. Explain ti,e provision anu rC'luirelllcnt thltt, h:l\ lhJ
fled tl) the diy of refUl;e, "he shall dw;:!} in thut CIty,
until hll stand bofote tho cungl'l'~ution for j uugml.'nt, :'lld
until j he Ilentll of the hi~h priest."
H-17. Show tlmt tho l)royiJ\ionset forth in Numhers a5: 26.:!7
nn(!a its {Iropbetie application a.t the PI'Cll'Jl\t timo. i';hm
Intra this (ineludinlt tlte juu,lflllent exprcsst'l1 in ver>!f 2:1)
with tho rule st.uted in Ez.~kiellH~2~2(j and 33:4,5.1:;.
18. How does King Solum()l'/," deaUug with ShilOOi find prophetic ltpplicatida 1\l)\1:7

to. Explain the and the pU1pOSO of the rule

stated in NU1llbertJ S5-: 31. ll.Ad,. '\'lith Gther scriptures, holV
this "'ill afl'eet; tho-56 in pOIlitions of powor or infll.le:lI'e
in the a1l'aira of tIle world.
, 21, 22. Referrihg t-& NUmbers 3th 32: What ia the c(}l1!ll'~l
therein contained, Ilnd :for whom, amI why, is it proyjll,:,l1
f 23, 24. Why is Atmageddcn neccssaryf '\"hat, then, i~ the
purpooe of the Heity of refuge", and of the announccment of lKte.R provision f
, 25. '\Vitli lleriptl1res, point out the time when this" city of
refuge" arrangement has its antitypical npplir;nti(Ju.
,. 2G.2S. Witll scriptures, identify tho" poor" I"llferred to in
Psalm 41: 1. W,ho is "he that cOll3itleretll the poor'"
llnd how is h~ "ble::sed"f How .lues this scriptUlc. tv
gether with \"erse 2. Ita\'o fuUilmentf Point Ollt the l;~ rmony thel'ewith of iul1i1111ent ot tho parable of the slit'r:p
llnd the goats and of Jesus' words of John 10: IG.
f 29. What is the "nution" refened to in Zc:ph!tlliah :!t 11
By ' ..hQD1 -is it not d'!sired, and whyt Apply tho ill,,~ruc
,. 19,

tion given in Zephaniah 2: 3.

,. 3-0. For whom and for what purpose was the prophetic lHc,

AUGUST 15, 1934

~e WATCHT0\\1ER.

ture of the "eity of refugc" recorded' Point out the

present privilej:{e and obligation expressed in Numbera
35: 29, Psalm 149: 9, and :M:alachi 2: 7.
,. 3133. 'With scriptures, explain the relationship of IIJeho
vah'a witne~scs" and the "Jonadab" class 1U connection
lrith study meetings, selection of a service committee, and
announcenlent Qf the InCllllage 9 the kingdom.


'If 34. Should a Jonadab consecrate and be baptized, and why'

'I 35. What method may well be used for instruction of the
Jonadab classf

f 36. 'What, then, is now the privilege, responsibility and obli-

gation of everyone who loves the Lord God lind the Lord
Jesull Christ! Why are careful attention and diligent devotion thereto now so urgentf

T IS the autumn of th~ year twenty-nine (A.D.).
Now we find the man Christ Jesus on earth at
thirty years of age, a perfect man and at the legal
age required for the work before him. Why had ho
come to earth t God had promised to ransom the human race. Several hundred years before he had inspired lJis prophet Hosea (13: 14) to utter this proph('('y: I I will ransom them fl'om the power of the
grave; I will redeem them from death: 0 death, I will
be thy plagues; 0 grave, I will be thy destruetion: repentance shall be hid. from mine eyes." The law of
God as given to the Jews required a perfect man's life
to provide the ransom. Jesu.'l said that he came to give
bis life u. ransom..-Matt. 20: 28.
"Ransom" !Dt'ans, literally, 'something to loosen
with; a redemptive price. Stated in other phrase, it
means the price or value which can be used in loosening or releasing something that is in bondage, restraint or imprhronmcnt. Necessarily the ransom price
must be equivalent to, or exaetly corresponding with,
that which justice requires of the thing or person in
The right to live as a human creature was required
by the judgment n~aiust Adam in the garden of Eden.
This judgment of Ood took away Adam's right to live
because of his wlllful disobedience to the law of God.
Thtlt which would provide a ransom price must be the
l'ight of another perfect human creature to live. The
perfect man Jesus possessed exactly that thing, name
ly, the right to live on earth as a man.
The redemption of man from death and its effects,
and deliverance therefrom, is the expressed will of
God. (1 Tim. 2: 4) Jesus came to do the will of .God,
as it was writteil of him in the Psalms (40: 7,8), saying: "Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is
written of me, I delight to do thy will, 0 my God:
~'ell, thy law is within my heart. "
God having promised to ransom man, now he had
provided a way to carry out his pr01uise by his Son'8
willingly becoming a man. "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient
unto death, even the death of the cross." (Phil. 2: 8)
Jesus willingly submitted to death, because it was the
will of God to th('rcby provide the ransom price.
Now the question, 'Vhy must Jesus die' may be
answered briefly. The perfect man Jesus, while he remained alive, could not provide a ransom price. He
must now convert his perfect human life into an asset

of value, which asset would be sufficient to release man

from judgment and from the condemnation resulting
from that judgment. lIe must lay down his human
life that the value thereof might be presented to divine
justice instead or in place of that which Adam had.
forfeited, to the cud that Adam and his race might
bve an opportunity to live. Otherwise stated, Jesus
must make his human life and the right thereto a
legal tender for the payment of Adam'8 debt.
t'Legal tender" means currency, money, measure of
value, which the law requires and receives in satisfac.
tion of debts or obligations.
"Merit" means value gained. By "the merit of
Christ Jesus' we mean the perfect humanity of Jesus and all the rights incident thereto converted into
value or an asset, which is legal tender for the paymellt of man's debt.
To illustrate ,this point: Take a man, whom we
will call John for convenience, who is languishing in
prison to satisfy a fine of a hundred dollars, beeauso
of his inability to pay that fine. John '8 brother
Charles is willing to pay the fine, but he has no money
with which to pay. Charles is strong and vigorous, has
time to work and is willing to work; but his strength
aud time and willinf,"IlCss will not pay the debt for his
brother John. Smith desires someone to work for him,
lind has the money with which to pay. Charles eng'ages himself to work for Smith, and carns a hundred
(toHars in cash and receives it. Thereby Charles has
reduced his time, strength and vigor into a money
YIHue, which has purchasing power, and which is legal
icutler for the pmpose of the payment of John's obligations. This moncy may be properly called merit.
lccause of its purchasing value or redemptive value.
Charles then appears before the court which entered
the judgment against his brother, and offers to pay
the hundred dollars which the law demands of John.
This court accepts the hundred dollars and releases
John. John is thereby judicially released from the
judgment; and his brother Charles has become his
ransomer, or redeemer.
Adam in the day of his creation was the son of God.
It was judicially ddermined by Jehovah that dll<l to
the violation of God's law Adam should forfeit his
life in death, which judgment would mean the eternal
death of Adam and all of his offspring unless he and
they should be redeemed. As Adam PO'iscssed the
power to beget children before this judicial dctermilla-

mlc \\I./-\TCliT0\vER.



N. Y.

tion, all of Adam's offspring lJCing yet in his loins I have power to take it again. This commandment
came under the effects of the juJ~~mcllt. lIe is now have I received of my Father. "-John 10: 10, 11, 15,
held in restraint in u\'ath to meet the requiremcnts of 17,18.
the divine law. The entire human race is in a similar
For whom did Jesus die 1 'I'his question must be
condition, resulting from the original sin 01 Adam.
answered from the Scriptures. Everyoue t>hould deJesus, the perfect man, the Son of God, was designat. sire to know the truth. "'rhy word is truth," said
ed by the Lord God as "the Son of the man"; this title Jesus in his prayer to God. (John 17: 17) It would
implying that he, being the only perfect man that has seem stran~e thnt God would provide for his blcssing
lived on earth since Adam, was entitled to everything to extend to a few, and 110t grant a similar privilege
that belonged to Adam, namely, life and all the bless- to all. 'l'he Scriptures answer: "For God so loved
ings incident thereto. Jesus had the power to pro- the world, that be gave his only begotten Son, that
duce a perfect raee of pcople, and was in every respect whosoever bC'licveth in him should not perish, hut have
the exact cqnal of AJam hefore ... \dam sinned. It was eycrlastin~s life. For God sent not his Son into the
tho will of God that Jesus should re(lccm Adam lind wodel to condemn the world; but that the world
his posterity. Jesus waS willin~ to pay Allam's deht through him might be savcd."-John 3: 1u, 17.
nnd redeem him; hut the pel'fcct, righteous human
The npostle Paul dhcusses the matter; allll writing
crNlture J eStUl could 1I0t ureomplish that pnrpos'3 (as wo know) under inspiration, he llcetll'ed it to In
while living in the flesh, for the sallle reaSull that the will of God that by vhtue of tho rallc;om pricc all
Charles could not use hi~ stl'cngth, time and cncl'~Y lIlcn should l)e l'eeleemed from death and that thl'!l
to pa J' the debt of his In'othcr .John, but must first re- each one must be givcn Do knowlcd~e of GOll 's al'l'angeduce these to a llurdJ:lsin~ value.
mCllt, to the md that each olle may lJav(~ 1!le 0pp0l'1.uJesus must rc(hwc hill perfect Immunity to a meas- nity to eXl'r'cise his free moral agency ami accept or
valuo (whirh mea:ml'e of value we ~all mel'it), reject the off"r of life that comes through the ralLSU!ll
which vnlue or merit COll:,1 itutcs le).{al tender for t l 1<3 suerificc.-IIeh. 2: a; Hom. 10: 13-1:1,
payment of the tlrht of Adam and hi'l OrCHIJ1'illg', furThe same upostle n:~;lill Pl'On'S that J(,SUS W:l'l a pcrnishing the price ~llfJ1eiellt to jUllidally l'eltm:O;'J t!wm fect man and not a spirit pl'rson, and that he "as
all. 'fo provide this rmlSO/ll price .)":,UH Intlst die. eut ma\le pl'J'fed, ill orJer that he might rc(ll"~m tlte Jlato present the vulue of it Ill'fore Jcho\'ah he must U'J man raee. IUs ar~ llmcut reads: "But \\ c sce J l"'llS,
who was mn(ll! n little lower' than the Ull;!,e1'l, for tbe
alin: and huve access to the coud. of Jehovah.
At the Jorthn river the perfect man .Jt'SlH Jll'e~ suffpriug 01 death, erownl'd with glory unJ honour;
seuted him<;cl r in conSe('I'll t.ion to do the will of .J ehu- that he by the grace of <Jod should taste death fOI'
vah and was hHptizell; Hlld it wa!'! Goel's will that Je~ every m:lll. "-Heb. 2: H.
But how coulll a ll1all, pven thou~h perfect, red(:l'r:l.
sus should there lay down his life in death, but that
he should 110t forftit Ihe lrud riuht to life (IS a man. the hmuan ruce 1,y llI~rl'!y ayin~1 If he remnilH:d
It WHS the will of Uod that ehtist Jesus should be dead he could not \'Ul't'y out the redemption :\llI} d('livraised out of dijath !I. divine creature, ancl as such crallCC, bceall';c a LL'L\(l man can \10 nothiwr. '1'he gn':lt
should take up that m\'l'il or l'i~ht or value of his pcr- court t:ntel'in~ tho jUdgIil\'llt again:,t IlWll, and t1hl
fect human life alld use it as an asset or legal tender })1ace nt which the I'allSOIll l'l'iro must he pl\::'('llh(l, i-;
in: hUl'mony with the divino will; namely, to juelicially the court of Jehovah. Of rourse, .J,,!l()'rah ('(Jltld bnnl
release munkind UIl\1 to provi(lc life for the human appointed SOIlH'hndy else to J>re~ent to Lim 111ll val1:,l
race. Why do wo not V'l~ the expression" l\'gally lO- 'of the sacrifice of the perfect man Jesus, IJIlt it did nut
lease" in:,tcad of "juelieially release" ~ Beeause tho please him to do this. It was his pm'{l("'c that J l';:'lIS
I,ord could not provide for un ill~gal release of the should 1)0 hoth the rallsomcr and the d.,liwl\:r of tlle
hnmnn race, ilw"nlllrh as he must be ju::;t. \Ye hero human race; and he COll1J1 IHJt be the t:,'livl'I'('r if h(:
use the term" .judicially release" because that means remained dead. It was therefore neceS':'Hl'y for JCSllS
that the release is done in a. jllc.licial cnpaeity or man- to he rrsurrcctcd.
'1'he question may bo asked: If J e:mq was put to
ner, by the one lluviJlg authority to release.
This argument is in harmony with the statement of death as a man, mH1 the val ue of his sacr;iien as It mall
Jesus, when he said: "The thief comcth not hut for must be presented in heun'l1, how coulJ a m::H appear
to steal, and to ll:ill, and to destroy: I nUl COTlle that in heavc'n alla Ill'(,3('nt that ransom price 1 'rho HIlW"1'
they lthe people, the human race] mi:-5ht have Hf':, is: lie could not, for the rl'aSOll that no man has :'C:nud thot they might have it more ahUll(.1antl~. I am cess to the spirituo.l realm. A human C'fcatmc is (",nthe good shepherd: the good shepherd ;lin'th his life fined to eartlt. .Jesus dkd flS n man, but his Pallwl'
for the sheep. As the Fathr klHlwpth me, even &0 J l>hovah rabul him out of (lL'rrth a s1,il'it CrCl1/l~"C.
1.nol',' I the Fatlll~r: and I lay down my life for tho Ahout this the apostle Pcter plainly say~: "lkcam:e
sheep.. Therefore (10th my Fath,~l' love me, he~ CIll'i"t also sn;[l:t'cd fl)1' sin,> 011 ce, the l'i~~hteous for Cw
cau.>e I lay dou'n my life, that I miyht take it (/!Ja:I~. umightcous, tkt he mi~ht bring tl:'l to nOll; jJl'jll'.~
?\o man taketh it ft'Om me, but I lay it JOinl of my-,df put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit."
[that is, willingly]. I have pOtL'er to lay it down, and -1 Pet. 3: 18, R.V.



IlE conversation of Job and 11ig three "eomo1'tors", recorded in tile Bible hook of Joh, has
long been an unsolved puzzle. A complete un
derstanding of that 1'0(:01'<1 may now he had.
Joh, though suff,;ring greatly, maintained his faith
in God. hut he dis~l'ned that the three so-called
"fricltds" were not in fact Iii" friends. TUl'lling upun
j~liJlhaz he said: "To him that is af1lieted pity should
he ~hewed from his friend; !Jnt he forsuketh the fear
of the Almighty. :i\Iy brethrcn have dealt deceitfully
as a hrook, and as the stream of brooks they pass
away." (Job G: 14, 15) Job then expressed his desire
ffJr more lmowled!!e, that he mig-ht take the right way.
'''f(':H'h me, aHd I v..iIl hoM m)' tongue; and eUll'-:'J me
to understand wLel'ein I have erred." (.Job G: ~1)
'nll'l1 with reproof to Eliphnz he said: "How fordlJle
ute ri~ht words! but what <loth your arguing reprove 1
no ye imngillc to rcprove WOl'U:{, anu the speeches of
OIIC that is 11eslwraLc" whidl are as wind 1 Yea, yo
o\'l'rwhelm the fat herle',=" and ye cli~ n pit for J'our
friend. L\OW thcJ'(,[orc he pOlltlmt; look upon me: for
it is evident nnto you if I lie. H('tul'Il, I pray yon,
lt~t it not he iJliquity; J'ea, l'eLlll'n a~ai!l, my righteous.
111:88 is in it. Is t fl('I'I~ in illuity ill my Lonu;lll'1 call1wt
my taste disl'(':'11 P"l'\'I'rSIl ihill:~s'?" Continl\jll~, he
~aid: "Wlu'll 1 ~;<.Jy, 1ly lJed shall comfort me, my
couch :<Illlll ('ase lll,Y eOlllplaillt; then thou S(';:ll'c"t me
with .hl'am;,;, Hlld tl'l'J'ifj",:,t me thrt)ll~dl vi"jowl; so
that my soul dlo()s(~th stl'al1:~lill;!, and dpath l'at!wl'
than my life. Iloatlle it; I would not lin' abay: Jet
me n]OJJe; fur my days arc vanity. "-Joh 6: ~;)":.lO j
7: 13-16.
'l'ho 1't:spon"o of .10b to the hypocritj('al spl'l'ch of
Eliphnz st inco the ire of the contentious Bildatl, and
he 81)('al;;s to .Job with t'\'('11 stroll~er wo)'ds of rdlul;e.
lIo nbo hal} corne uutle!' the gui"c or a comforter, yet
liS tlw l'CIH'c"'l'litn!i\'c of the enemy Satan, who~c Jmr
pose was to illd\H:I~ .Joh to cm'se Gou ; Hnd he pror'ceded
to CUlTY out the purpo:,c of his father Sat un, It will
ho )'emcTlIIll'l'ed that Satan had causeu tho Ih-:lth of
Job's sown SOll~ nnll three d:ll1~htcl's. (Jol) 1:6-]3,
18,19) "'fhen fins\';ercd Biluad the Shuhite, and said:
How long wilt thou speak t111;:;0 thing:; Y anu how
10lw ~hall the ,ro!'ds of thy mouth he like a strong
wind 1 Doth God }Wl'vcrt jUllgmellt Yor doth the AI.
mighty PC'l'YCl't ju..,ticc 1 If thy chiluren have sinned
against him, Hnd he have cast them U\\'3Y for their
transgressions; if thou wouh10st seek unto God be
time'l, and make thy supplieutiol1 to the Almighty;
if thou wcrt })\II'O and uptight; l'lUl'e1y now he would
awake for thee, an~l ma],<l the ha])itatioll of thy right.
con'mess prosperous. "-Job 8: 1-6.
Then Bildad'denounced Job as a hypocrite and an
c\'ililocr. He did not lI(lvise Job to seek wisdom at
the hand or God, but to seck knowlou!.!;o from otl1('r
ml'll like unto him~lf whom he calleel the "fathers".
"POl' inquire, I pruy thee, of the former l'lge, and pre
pate th)"self to the search of their fathers: shall 110t

they teach thee, and tell thee, ul1d utter words out
of their heart? Behold, God will not cast a\\"[I:' a
perfect man, neither will he help the evil dO(,,'8,"Job 8: 8, 10, 20.
,That speech of Eildad was exnctly in line with that
given to suft'cl'ing men by the cler~y or l'eligio\l'l leaden; of "ClIristcu<1om", so Ca,llCfl. \Vhether the clr:l'i1Y
know it or not, the purpose of t)utan their father htls
at all tines h'.;en to induce I11me:,t men to <1C]Wlm,;O
Jehovah God. 1'he eh'l'f.ry do not cite the people to
the study of God's 'Yord; hut as Bildad said to Job,
so they say to the people: 'Give cOJlsidel'll.tion to \,;1;at
tho {Ilthel's of the ehul'('h have had to say. S)I(lllt~lt'Y
not teaeh th('e and tell thee and ulter wOl'eh; out (If
their he:.nt?' They \vell lmow that thue ~fJ-l',:1;(el
"jatllors" in the church have heen teae;lill:~ i'abe
doctriu('s nnd mist'cpl'C''ipuLing God. The Dc vii Will
knows it, and he cOlliinues to keep those false tl.iH:';;S
bl'forc the 11\")}lle.
.Joh replicd to niJda<1 (Sat.t1u's repl'e;;elltalirc) , VT!(l
in so doing lie' ~,j" aI;s or the greatll(,:'s of Jdlll'::t;l (;, d
awl or the illahility or m:111 to }H'CSl:l1t his 0\\ n ('U\~',(l
hcfol'e the Lord. .. Behold, he taket h away, \',110 ('an
hinder him 1"'110 will say unto him, \';hat d()I'~.t 1 ii'Jll J
If God will not wilhelmw llis ,111'-,(,1', the )ll'l)l1<llll'll,,'rs
do stoop under hilll. How lll'll:h J('~:s shall I ,iI!,"~U'
him, awl cholJ':c out my wonl<; to l'c;\,;Oll witll !l!,11 '!
'Vhom, t hough I were righteous, yet would 1 IIPl, 1: 11swer, lnlt I would mak~ ;;upplil'alir)!1 to Ill)' ,ltll:'1;l',"
--,Job !.l: l2-Ei.
Job then announces that. he is unahle to 1'1'i'~(,l\t his
l'anse to .Jehovah awl IJl'in~ al!')l.t a l'U"'n,'ili:ll;oll,
un,1 slH;aks (.f the nccl'ssity
a IN!)(:t\;'('(!l to ])),jllg'
about mnn '8 l't~c()ll<'iliatioJ1 to (J0ll. "For he is not a
man, as I am, that I should UllS\\ er him, nnd \\ e should
como to~e .. ltpr ill jtld~~lllent, Npitller is t!trl'C' any
daysmal1 oetwixt us, that mi:~ht lay his hand upon ns
both," (Job 9::32,33) De it uofed that ilOilO of the
professed fticucls of Joh c\'t:n inlirn:ltc the neccssity
Qf a "daY,"Ill:Ju".
In the thirty-third verse, jnst quote/1, the \\Pl'd
"dnysmull" i'i in the mur~in ]'(,l1JereJ "llmpjl'l~'.
'l'he Uoth erlw'm n,ll1:,;lation, lOaf'~;ll, ]'en~l(,l'ii it, a rbitel''', and Las(1' l'cwkrs it "olle who ean (l",ille !letween u~"; showin~); that Job t1m,> pl'ophctirally spo!\t',
by God's ;.!;racc, cOll('crlling (:Oll's g1.'cat .r lId~e, ell l'ist
Jeslls. (.John 5: ~2, 27) Like the three Pl'ol'csst:d
friends of .Job, tho eh'rgy do not tell the people the
neccssity of such a righteous J w.1g-c.
Then Joh cries unto God. Hil u~ain eOlltPl\lh t1l::t
he is not n wicked Iwr:;Oll. 'fo he wiekc(1 memJ."; that
one has he en enlightt;lled by tho Loru and then has
clellheratl'1,v l'\~plldiutcd that light :llld tmllN1 a:t1ii1"t
Goe.1. J(;b knew that hr, had Hot heell wi.,I;(',J. "1 will
say unto God, Do 110t eOlldemn me; shew tnc w!lcrd'.,l'o
thou eonte]\,,1\':,t wi1h me. 'l'J:at t110U l11qniL":'st <il'trr
mine iniquity, and sC..lrehcst after InJ' sin 7 'l'ltou




knowest that I am not wicked; and there is none that

can deliver out of thine hand. Remember, I beseech
thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; nnd wilt
thou bring me into dust again' If I sin, then thou
markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mille
iniC!uity. If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be
righteous, yet will I not lift up my head. I am full
of confusion; therefore see thou mine affliction."Job 10:2,6,7,9,14,15.
Job, like mnny another suffering man, was seeking
information. His three professed friend~, like the
clergy, failed to give it because, in both instances, tlwy
did not represent the Lord God.
The venom in Zophar, the other professed friend,
stirred him to take part in the debate, in support of
his two companions. Job had dared to call in question
the assumed wisdom of these repl'esentatives of Satan.
He readily perceived that they were not speaking the
truth. His r~ply made the representatives of Satan
mad. In this connection eall to mind how often the
honest men have reCused to believe the boasting words
of the clergymen or religious leaders, and have thereby brought down upon their head the vicious attaek
of these false prophets. "Then answered Zophar the
Naamathitc [to .Job], and said, Should not the multitude of words be answered' and should a man full
of talk be justified1 Should thy lies make men hold
their peace' and when thou mockest, shall no man
make thee ashamed T J.i'or thou hast said, My doctrine
iR pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. But oh that
God would speakJ and open his lips against thee; aud

that lIe would shew thee the secrets of wisdom J that

they arc double to that which is! Know, therefore,
that God exaeteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. "-Job 11: 1-6.
Zophar then tells Job that he cannot find out anything ahout God. IIe supports his two allies and frauds
in holding out that they are the ones who nre wise
and competent to direct men in the way that they
should go. In suhstance their doctrine was that if
Job would clean himself up from his iniquity, then
he would have the blessings of God. The clergy or
religious leaders have throughout the age taken the
same position that the professed friends of Job took,
by telling the people that if they would lead a clean
life, as they called it, and support the chureh and the
political or ruling powers, they could save thelmselves.
In other words, they have told the people that salvation means to conform oneself to the rules of the
church. They have entirely ignored God's provision
'of redemption through the blood of Christ and the
blessing of the obedient ones of mankind with life
everlasting on earth. They have contended that to
develop character like unto themselves and their allies
is all that is needed. They have not recognized that
of ncccssity all men should endeavor to lead a clean
life, and that sueh is their duty as honest lll('n.
The purpose of Satan in moving the three so-called
"friends" of. Job to torment the suffering man with
their words, and thereby to induce him to curse God
and mar his own integrity, steadily failed. Jehovah's
word was thus being vindicated..


EIIOV All GOD has made the way to life so plain
to the honest seeker for divine truth that there
is left no room for doubt. Whcn God's due time
comes for all men to sce that blessed way, even the
fool will have no excuse to err therein. For many cen
turies Satan, by usc of false and fraudulent teaehE'rs
and teachings, has turned the people away from God
and blinded their minds to the truth; and only a small
proportion of mankind have ever understood God's
purpose. (2 Cor. 4: 3, 4) Jehovah has not prevented
the Devil from so doing, but he has rewarded those
who have diligently and humbly sought to know and
to do the Lord's way.
The modernist, who is wise in his own conceits,
posing as a great teacher of the people, says that it
is foolish for men to believe that the blood of Jesus
has anything to qo with the human race's getting life.
But mark what Jehovah has said, namely: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the
wise' where is the scribe' where is the disputer of
this world' hath not God made foolish the wisdom
of this world f For after that in the wisdom of God,

the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God

by the foolishness of preaching to save them that belie\e. "-1 Cor. 1: 19-21.
But now by the grace of God the due time has come
when the flood of his truth and light shall sweep away
the blindin~ falsehoods in order that the people may
see the right way. l<:very sane man realizes that he
is impcrfect. He desires life and happiness. By obsn"
vation and experience he has seen but sorrow, 8uffl'ring and death. The great handicap of man is due to
sin. Jehovah says to the man who has an honest desire to learn and to know the truth, "Como now,
and let us reason together, saith the Lord: 'l'hough
your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
If )'e be willing and obedient, ye shall cat the good
of the land. "-Isa. 1: 18, 19.
A man must be willing to know the Lord's way anci
be obedient thereto, and not follow the wisdom of
some self-constituted savants or pious-speaking clergymen. The Holy Scriptures were given by inspirat ion
of God "for instruction in righteousness; that tile
man of God may be perfect, throughly fUl'nhhed unto


IS, 1934


all good works". (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17) They were not

written by selfish men to jH~gle with, to misrepresent
and usc for commercial purposes. God nowhere invites a man to reason upon the theories of men, but
he asks us to reason ulJon His Word.
It will be remembered that the passoyer lamb was
slain by ::\105es and the Jcw~ in j.;g~lpt, ,vhich land
pictured the wicked world of which Satan is the invisible ruler. '1'he term ,vorld" means the organization of men into forms of government unuer the
supervision of an invisible ruler. '1'he governing Part
of humanity, which constitutes the visible world, is
mnue up of the finaueial, pol itical and ecclesiastical
clements. The clcr;,r~'men, as a gencral rule, claim to
1)e a part of the world j and they work in conjunction
with the finalleiers antI politician~, Jesus Christ, whom
the passover lamb f01'<:shadoweu, was slain in this
wicked world. !,'or this reason he saiu to Pontius
!)i!nte, the Homan governor: "::',Ty kingdom is not of
this world" j and again, he !:iaid to his disciples: "Yo
are nut (,f the ,,;odd," "eveu as I am 110t of tl10
world." (.John ]8:~G; 15:]S,1!)j 17:14) When tho
passover lamb \;as :;lain in }o;'!'ypt, and the hraclites
had mar<'1H,tl to ~'arct~' heyond the Hed ::it"I, that llictmc of thc delivel'uu('e of maakind f1'01r1 Natan's or~anjzatioll wns complete. Thereafter (lOll muuc prellllratiollS to mak~, IIJ1(l <lid make, anoUwr picture
i1hlstrutillg' or foreshadowiug' a !:itep to bo taken that
leads to life everlasting.
At the time of the inauguration of God's law cove
n:mt with tho Jsraelih's .JdlOvah comm:mdcd 1'.Jo:;es
to rome up into :\Iollnt tlinai in .Arabia. l\lose!'! obeyed
and rcmaillcu in the mountain forty days anu lli~hts.
.Tehovah there iuformcd .Moses of his pll1'po'\e to have
1he sncr<:u tabernacle built. The I~ord then instructoo
l\loses rOl\cl'rnillg the matcrial whieh he shoulu reeei ,'e
frolO t.he people for the building of the tabel'llacle.
"And 110ses spake U11tO nil the congrl'~~ation of the
clliltll't'u of brad, saying, 'l'1Iis is t.he thilI~ wilieh the
Lord COlll 111 aIllll'd , saying, Take ye :fro111 umon~ you
fin ofreriu~ unto the I~ortl: whosoever is of a ,,.iltin~~
heal'!, let him brill;.{ it, an ofrering of the Lord; golu,
llnd silver, Hnu bras:-l, Imu blue, and purple, alHl
searlet, and Hlle linCH, and goats' hail', and rams'
skins dyed red, and b<Hl~eJ's' s!dns, und shittim wood,
and oil :for the Jjght, an<1 spiel'S for anointing oil, and
for the sweet ill('PIlSe, and onyx stones, and stones to
be set for the ephod, and for the breastplate. Anu
every wise heul'teu llmon~ ~'on shall come und make
all that the Lol'u hath eormn:.llldeu.' '-Ex. 33: 4-10.
It is interesting to note that Jehovah did not coerce
anyone to fUl'l1ish ,material or labor to build the tnb(-rnude. All that r.mst be done willingly. 'rire Lord detineu wisdom on the purt of mall, when he saitI: "..And
every wise hcarted among you shall come, and ml~l:e
all that the Lord hath commanded." Wisdom means
the use of the Imowledge one has, in harmony with
the will of God. Jehovah there be;;an to teach the


Israelites. The lessons given were not only for their

benefit but for all who came after them. For the
Lord giveth wisdom: ont of his mouth cometh knowlcuge and understandin~. Discretion shall pr0-:;crvo
thee, tmderstanding shall keep thee. "-Prov. 2: G, 11.
Those who had faith in God and who foved him
oheyed. "And they came, everyone whose heart
stirred him up, and every ono whom his spirit made
willing, and they brouaht the Lord's oficr-ing to tho
work of the tabernacle of the congregatiun, anu for
all his service, and for the hol~' garments. And they
came, both men und women, as many as were willi1J~
hea1't.ed, and brou~ht bracdets, and eurrillgs, Wid
l'in~s, and tablets, all jewels of gold: awl cn'l'Y man
that o~l'e1'ed, ol'iered an pff(,l'ing of guld lm~o t1.o
Lord."-]~x. 3:>: 2], 2::!.
(jod could Illlve oht.uineu all tld.s material SOIde 01;;1'1'
wa;r, of eoUl'SC j but by per-mitting the Israelites to
brin~ it :;s an ofi'e1'ing it was a sen'ice for tllPm ,,!Ji:'h
re;lIJlted in their blessing. ?\or was the Sl'l'\ j~c eJllfilled ollly to t.he few, because it is Wl'ittcll t Ililt t !lC
women :md men brought part :Hld t he rulers the otb'r
pa1't. Bverybody who loved the Loru St'i'VC\1. Pro,a
this, cV<'ry one ,vho lo,"cs the 1.01'<1 may l(';~l'll a It ;'~~'!l.
.. And the rulers brought onyx stOlle;.;, :11J(1 st 11ll\'S t,)
he set, for the ephod, und lor the hreast plate." -l;x.

35: ~7.
'l'!Icr(l wus a. great deal of work in c(,nn('r'! inn wit h
hui!(ling the tul,cl'll:wlc, Some who werc quaJ:iit'd Iiold
to do bcaut iful wood-carving, Others, rX[lcrt in the
wOl'king of goltl, silver and br'us,;, <lit] that; \\ Liie)
still others wove the curtains, eHeh otic to his or l:t i'
0\\'11 pa1'tienlar work. It will be observed in the st ~ld:'
God's jlurposc that to every man whom he has Llllightened Gotl has 0[['('1'1'<1 the oppul't.llllity to do 5"J.n3
wurk or scnice in his Hllme, :HHI the wise-hal'h".l k \'0
availed thcrnseh-es thereof lind 1'1'('eiW'tJ a hll';.>ill'J;.
After much lahorious rfi.'ort the matpl'ial fOl' t itO
tabernacle was all IJl'(lug-ht, t.lte work l}l'ill:~' done :1('C91'uillg to Clod's ('ommulld j and t.1I<:n he ganl :'lo,: {
direction eOnCCI'lJill~ its cre(,tion: "A('('ordin~ tn nll
that the Lord COllllllalltlcd ~\loses, so the ('hil.!ren of
I;;racl made all the work. .Anu ]\f.'ses c1irl look llPC'1l
all the work, anti, hehold, tllf'Y had <lone it :1S the
Loru hau commaudcJ, even :-0 hall they it: all.l
)los<:s blessed theIll. ' '-Ex. 39: 42, 43.
A full year had e1ap"ed from the time the r!li1I1:'('ll
of Israel were delivered ont of E~ypt until tho t;l:;t-i'nacle was completcu and sct np.
"..:\n<1 the Lord s}luke Ullto ~\b:;C's, sarin'~, 011 tlll}
first day of the first month .<;!wlt tlllJU srt up the t<");t:I'nucle of the tent of the congl',~~ntiun. ,And thou !.:wit
put thercin the ark of the t(',;l;mony, and C()';(,r 11111
u1'k with the nlU. And thou shalt hring in the table,
and sct in order the things that arc to be ,;cl in orr1ul'
upon it j alld thc.u shalt brillr~ in the c<111\11c;\ jr'k, :llld
light the lamps thereof. And thou shalt !let tllC nltar
oi gold 01' the iucell~e before the ark of the tc~tiIilon'y,





and put the hanging of the door to the tabernacle.

And thou shalt set the altar of the burnt offering before t.he door of the tabernaele of the tent of the eon.
gregation. And thou shalt set the laver between the
tent of the congregation and the altar, and shalt put
water therein. And thou shalt set up the court round
about, and hang up the hanging at the court gate.
And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint
the tabernacle, and all that is therein, and shalt hallow
it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shall be holy.
And thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt offering,
and aU his vessels, and sanctify thc altar: and it shall
be an altar most holy. And thou shalt anoint the laver
and his foot, and sanctify it. And thou shalt bring
Aaron and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle
of the congregation, and wash them with water. And
thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, an(1
anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may minister
unto me in the priest's office. And thou shalt bring
his sons, and clothe them with coats: and thou shalt
anoint them, as thou didst anoint their father, that
they may minister unto me in the priest's office: for
their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priest.
hood, through<lUt their generations. Thus did ~roscs:
according to all that the Lord commanded him, so
did he. And it came to pass in the first month in the
second yenr, on the first day of the month, that the
tabernacle was reared up."-Ex. 40: 1-17.
The anointing of the tabernacle and all that was
therein and used in connection therewith, as afore.
stated, means that the tabernacle and its furnishings

and all those who served were there by the direetion

of Jehovah, and by him offiC'ially designated to serve in
their respective places and perform their respootive
functions. Each and every part must perform its
official duty in the picture which the Lord God wns
preparing to make, in order to foreshadow the outworking of his purpose.
It was there, in that divinely ordained and arranged
tabernacle, that the most detailed picture was enacted
with living actors to foreshadow the great sin.offering.
"Then verily the first [or law] covenant had also
ordinances of divine service, and a worldly [divinely
ordered] sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle made;
the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and
the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary [the
Holy]. And after the second vail, the tahcrnacle which
is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden
censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round
about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had
manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of
the covenant; and over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy-scat; of which we cannot now speak
particularly. Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God. But into the
second [tabernacle] went the high priest alono once
every year, not without blood, Christ is not
entered into the holy places made with hands, whieh
are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now
to appear in the presence of God for us. "-l1eb.

Claremore, Okl11. Aug. 31, SCI' I. 1
)Iusko~ee, Okla
()r.."' hurg. Kans.
6, 6
TO!M,ka. Kl\n~
Kum',UI City, 1\10
JJc:1I Moines. Iowa .._." 13, 1'1

Walplloo. In"'a ~..._Se,J;'t.15,]6

I'avenllort. Iowa __
Chlca~o, Ill.~.._ _ "
!'It.l.ouill, Mo
Cenlralla. Ill. .
_.. 27.28
InuJanapoll., IneL __ " 2D, 30

Topekll. KanN
Cummings. Kuns.

I.ouillbu1'l!. KallS. ...~ "
Ottawa. Kans
_ .. "
};IDI,orill. Kalil!. . _ .. If
9, 10
Westl'lI11lla. Kans. __ "
1\Iourid CitY', Kans. _"
Bronson, Kana. ...~
lola. Kans. ...
._ " Iii. 10

Pittsburg. Kan _~.SeNt.I8, 19

Sculllmon. KaWl.
Galena, Kans.
_ _ If
J'llrson.~j Kans
~~.~ If 22.23
Cotre)'vl Ie, Kanll. ..... " 25. 26
Arkunsllll City. Kans. If 21.28
Winfield, Kilns.
Wlclllta, Kans
Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Douglass. Kans. ....... Oct.

Salt Lake City, Utah Se.vt. 9, 10
Ogden, Utah ... ~~.._..
Lovelock, Nev. _._._"
RenO Nev
LeyaIton. Calif_ "
RoCklin, Calli. _ _ "


Call.f. ..
liaeer'llle. Callt.
Hacra/llculo. (allf
" 22.23
Slol'klon, Calif.
OnklanJ. Calif.
27. 28
San "'ranclsco, Callf. " 29, ao

CbIcago, IU. _Sep,t.
Rneeland, IlL _
... ' 11, 12
Watll!lka. IlL _ _ "
Bradley. III. _ _ "
Aurora, Ill
__. _ " 15. 16
Downen Grove. Ill. _" 18. 19

Geneva, 1I1
_ Se,vt. 20. 21
Dunck'll, III. .. _ ~
Marengo. III. _.._~_.. "
Belvidere, III.
_..... 25,26
Rocliford. Ill
_..... 27.28
}'reeport, IlL
_.. 2~. ao

Old Town, Me. ..
!lallowell, lIle
~ ..
North Jay._ 1I1e. _ .._ ..
Auburn, Me
LewiRton. Me _
lortlund. life. ..
Biddeford. Me
LAwrence. Mass
Lowell. Mass. ..._
.. 13111

lloston, MaRS. ..
se,\'t. lR. 17
Broekton. Mil"".
19, ::U
DuxburYl IIllls~
I'lymoutn, !\luss.
Taunton. lIInss
},'all \tl ver, Muss.
New Bedford. MIUlS.
.. 26, 27
Newport, U. I. ..
Providence, It. I. _........ 29. 30

ColumblUl) Ga
_ Se,\lt. 2.~
Vlollnll, Oil.
_ .
}'Uzgerald, Gil. _ .._ ..
Ocllla, Ga. ..._ ~ _."
Albany, Ga
Hilton. Gil.
Cniro. Ga
_ ..
TlIonU1S\'l1le, Gn.
!' 12.13
Valdosta. Ga
Wa)'cross, Gil. _
~ ..

St. M,arYll. Gil. ._.......Seet~6

Jaeksonv11le. Fla. ."._.
New Smyrna. FIll. _....
Sanford. }'Ia....._._.. If
Orlando Fla. .. ~ _ _ " 23. 21
Tltusvlll e, "'a
Melbourne, Fla

Okeechobee, Io"la.
Paholcee. }Ola. ......_.....

LAke Worth, lo'a. _ ..Oli.


29, 30

Tlppeeanoe C'y, 01110 Aug. 30, 31
Piqua. Ohio . _
SeRt. 1,2
Sidney. Ohio
Ansonia, Ohio
G, 6
Wapakoneta, Ohio .._"

Lima, Ohio
Se~lt. 9. llg
Convoy.L Ohio _ _ .
Cecil, vhio
Montpelier, Ohio .._.....
Tecumseh, lIIlch__ ..




117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

F.'~UTUERroRD President
W. E. VAN Al.tBtmGH


"And all thy children sha.ll be taught of Jehovah; and

~ree.hhall he the peace of thy children." _1J4l4n 54:1'.)'THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH
THAT JEHOVAH is tho onl1 true God, is .from everlnsting
to l)";'orlastillg, the Maker of heaven and earth and tho Giver
of lifo to hill creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of
his creatioll and his activo agent in tIlo creation of all
things; that the Logos is now tho Lord .Jesns Christ in jl;lory,
clolllcd with all power in heaven and earth, and tho Chief
:Executive OiRccr of Jehovah.
THAT GOO crcatcu tho earth for man, created perfect
JIllln for tho earth and placed him upon it; that man" ilfully
disQbeyed God '. law and was sentenced to death; that by
reason of Allam's wrong act aU men are born. sinners and
without tho rigllt to life.
THAT JESUS WlI.S Jnl\de human, and tlle man Jesus Buffered <Icath in olller to produce the rallsom or rcdemptivG
price for all JIlllnkind; that God raised up Jesus divine ant!
cmlted him to hl.'avcn above every creature and above every
J1Ume and clothed him with aU power and authority.
tl/at Christ Jesus is tile Chic.f Officer thereof and ill tho
ri~htful King of tho world; that tho anointed and faithIul
followers of Christ .Tesus are children of Zion, members of
Jchovnh '8 orgllnization, and ar" his witnesses whoso duty nnd
privilege it is to testify to tho supremacy of Jehovah, declaro
his purposes toward lnlLnkind tiS expressed in tho .Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before aU who will hear.
TJrATTHE WORLD hM ended, and the Lord JestL'l Christ
baa been placp.(l by J/'hovah upon his tllrone of authority,
ball oUllted Biltan from hl'aven and is proeecding to the
establishment of God's kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and bl..ssinll'~ of the peopl08 of earth
('.nn como only by and through .Tellovl1h'8 kingrlom undl'r
Chriat wllieh has now bl'gun; th.'\t the Lord's next ~eat
act is the destruction of Satan's organization and thlt eatub
Jishment of rj~hteoullness in the earth, and that uudl'r the
kingdom all tllOse who will obey its righteous laws shoJI be
restored and live on earth forover.


HIS journal is publisbed for the putposa of enabling

the people to know Jehovnh God and his purposes n3
e:l:pre,9sed in tbe Bible. It publishes Dible instructio:l
specifically designed to aid Jeho\-ah '8 witnesses. It arrangc3
sylltematie TIi1Jle study for its readers and supplies' other literatllro to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable mutcri.'ll
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruetioa. in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the :Bible all authority for its utterances. It is entirely freo and separuto :Crom all parties, Beets
or other worldly organiza.tions. It is wholly and without
reservation for tho kingdom of Jehovah God under ('1lrist
!lis Delov.~ King. It is not dogmatic, but invites eareful
nnd critical examination of its contents in HIe light of tlHl
Scriptures. It does not indulgo in controversy, and its col
umns aro not open to personalities.

American remittances shOUld bo made by Rrpre~s or Po'lal Manry

Order, or by Dank Draft, Canadian. Brlli,h. South African and
.Australasian remltlunceg !>hould IJl) Jnat!o direct to the r(!!lpeclh'e
branch omcOll. RcmittancE''' trom countries other than thQs() nlf'...
tlonl'd Jnny be made tQ the Drooklyn ollice. but by Jntcnlll/ional
POlltal :Money Order only.

Brit.." 31 Ctay('n 'rerrace, London, W. :!, ED!:hnd


40 Jn~ln ,\,\enue. Toronto, ontario, Cnn:l,ln.

Alls/ra/a,d"" 7 Ilerestord Hoa<1, Slrathiel.I, N. S. W., Australia

Sou'h Alrica'" Boston J[OUlle, Cape Town, l::louth Atrlca

J>lcnso udllre"

tho Roeloty In every

(Translation, 01 'lila ;ournal appear

earth-wide in its scope, and it is expl'ded that more lands

whero lome of Jehovah'll witn('sscs or Jonndab8 aro 10eatl'J
will receil-e a witness during this periou tlum during any pteviolIs like period. In the .F;lIglish-apel.lking countries Jehovah's
witnesses !lIltl the Jonadllhs will specialize on placing the new
booklet, Righteous Ruler. In countrips of another language tho
hranch office in chll.r~e will duly announce the booklet to bo
distributed thore. And, importllnt I don't forg'et reporting ),our
work for the period, plOmptly at the 0I0s6 thereof, to the respective office having supen-ision over the witness in )'our pnrt
of the field.

Another new booklet 1 The two radio lectures ' I World Coutrol" and "Flee Now", with nn eXl'ellent introduction tllereto,
bound t.ogether un/ler one cover, this cover bearing II most
inspiring design. Even Jehovah's witnesses should not fail to
read this booklet, not to speak of the JonlHlnb class. It may be
had for 51' a copy by an Buch. The beginning of the distri1>uUOIl thereof to the general public is announced elsewhere.


'1\ lIeveral language..)

All sincere stUdents of the mLle who b)" TenSQn of infirmity,

pOl'erl,.. or adv('r~ity are I1n:I1>lo to pay tho sub.~ript1on lJrleo
may ba\'e 7'/te Watc1ltolcer free upon wrltt.,n application to the
publls},crs, n'lule once ('ach year, statim: the'rcn."\>n for 11o requesting It. \\-0 are glad to thus aid tho nCf)(ly, but i1U) written
npflllciltion once ellch )'CIlT Is requirP.d by the poalal reguhllions.
Not(ce to 8ub. criber~: Acknowlf'd<:ment ot a new or a reuewal sub.
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w!len re'lllP.9tc,l, lnny bc eltllecte.l to 8ppenr on
Inl,"1 ,.i\hln
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Entered" 8/'cond CleM Mail jlattf!f' at Hrooklyn. N. Y., PostoJ/lce.

Act of J[areh . 1879
.. __


Thl. nine-day service period, September 29 to October 7
inclusive, begins the new scrvice year of 19:141935. It will bo



'l,tiO; GIlEA'r llhITAIN, AlJSTllAT....SIA. AllD SOOTl! All'l\IC1, 7:!.




All \\'itnl'ssing parties aad all individuals who cnl:'n~e in the

witness work sluml\! mention the radio station in their vie;mty

tlll~t is broatlcllllting the W}lTf'lI'l'OWF:R progrunnl. This oft... n
pro\-es 0. means of opening tho way to pluce the bo()k~ ill the
hanus of the people. ' 11a\'o in mind that the chid purpuse of
the rll/lio is to <'\III the pt'oplc's attention to the truth 1111/1 then
furnish the opportunity for thcm to get a wi.ler ulldersturu!ing
of the nlt!~s:lKe concerning the govelDlllent of JehoHlh by reading \Vhat ill being printcf1.
E\'cl'Y one who now l,n.rticipates in the field work in tertitury
sen-cd by bronclcl\SIS of the WATCIlTOW~:R program way have
a share in telling' the people thllt this unique service is ,umll:lble
each wel'k. Workers report that c1istriLlltlOn of tlll) radio folder
(supplied hy the l'itlciety) is prOl"iug to he a COIl\('ni,'nt 'wti
efi'eeti\'() method of ~ivill~ continua! puhlic nOlif~cJ of this pto
gram while engaging in the house-to-houso witnc~Billg.


Pursuant to the provision of law anri tho chart!'r of the
'Watch 'rower Bible and Tract Society, noti<:e is h.neby I"ivcu
that tlle annual busines8 mectiu/: of the 8~,id S,)('icty \I'll! he
Iwlll at Pittshur!:,h, Xortll Sille (formerly Ailpg-hcn~'i, P<'ll.llsyl\'f\uia, at 10 o'chwk a,m., \Ycdl1('sdRy, Octoher Jl, 1\):;4, at
which the usual nnnuul busines~ will be transacted.





No. 17


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, a.'laillst lJOtl'ers, against tlle ntlcrs 01
the darkness of tit is world, against spiritual wickcdnc.~s in high placcs."-E ph. 6: 12.

EHOVAH nOD, the Creator of heaven and earth,

is the Creator of all thing'S good. lIe has ll<'ver

created a wicked thing, because he is holy and all
his works al'e perfect. (Deut. 32: 4) The wicked are
these who willfully violate (fo(l's law. When a ereatlll'C becomes wi('k('d, the respollsibility for so doing
(!:lIInot be Inic1 to .}.'hoYah.. If the creature ;ricldi.; to
sin fult elll )!tntion or inlluence a nd turns to wid;pdIlCSS,
th:!t cannot he ('hal'gl'd to Uod, for the r<'nson, it is
\\'1'itten, that God tNnp:s 110 man. (.Jas. 1: 13) All tlle
\'.a~'s of' .JdlO\"Ilh Uod an: right and righteous. God
hall s wickedIH.'ss, Illld he has (!l'finitely fixed the destiny of the wirked. "Thn t rallsgl'essors shall he dest royed tog-ethel'; tlw cn(1 of the wi(ked shall he cut
off." (Ps. :l7: 3H) Th('I'(' are wi('kcd spiri~ cr('atul'<'S
r.nd wirked human (,l'e:ltUl'eS, and thc end of all such
is dl'sll'uetion. (Ps.]4;;: 20) Angels arc spirit creatures, whom .Jl'hovah (:od created perfe{t, ptll'C and
holy, and ull su('h tiS llilVll willfully followed the J)rvil
h:: \'C b('l'ome wic'ked, While t Ill' .iud~mcnt of Jehovah plainl,\' shows that thn wi('ked shall suffer destruct ion, that docs not mean that the creature is destroyed
a!> soon as or wit hin even a shott time after he heconws
wie!'l'll. ::';atan is a wi('b'd spirit long' ngo adjudged
guilty and s:'lltellel'd to death, hut Ood has permittql
him to rl'lllain for a certain purpose, The ScriptUl'es
also show that thel'e al'e other spirit creatures lonf~ ~lg-O
(~rmderallpd hy the jud~m('nt of Jehovah Uod for destruction hut who are permitted to live until GOll's
due time to execute them, Such wicked an~els havc
exercised power and influence over man anJ cont iune
to do so, Following the birth of the' 'man child" therll
was a g-reat war in heaven in which ::iatal). and otheL'
wicked angels fought on one side ag-ainst the Lord Jcsus Christ. and all such wick<-d ones were east down
to the earth. In this connection it is written: "Woe
to the inhabiters 'of the earth, and of the sea! for the
devil is come down nnto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."
-Hev. 12: 5-12.
2 That Satan and his wicked angels at the present
time do exercise great influencc over the rulers of the

earth and brin~ much woe upon the people there c:l.I1not be the slightest doubt, sinee the eYiden('e is abundant on every hand, :\lany perwns COllsult these wil'!{cd spirit cr('atures, hl'iug- entin'I.\ ig-llol'ant of thl'ir
origin, what is their' pm'posc', alld what will he t!ll'il'
end. '!'he men and womell who do ('OIlSUtt tlll'lIl t hl'oll~~h
m<'lliulIls are indlwed I,y the sl'ductive inllllPnee til illdulge in mall~' wrollg'ful pl'nct iN'S to tIll' rl'pl'olleh of
JdlOynh's name. lIel'l'toflll'p nIlH'!J has hp{'11 said and
writ.t('n about wicked an~~l'1s arlll theil' [Hl\\'l'l' on'l' nwn,
but now, in the day when the LOI'd has galltPl'ed hi!'!
faithful OII('S unto himself. and inau~lll'aied toward
them the lle\'I, eoY('nant, and bl'ou~~ht thcm illto the
cownant for the kin~dom, it shouhl lJe c:;pcetpd' tho
I_ord in his lovin~-killdlll'SS wmllli giv(~ to his fai:hflll
ones gl'catllr light cOllcel'lling the \'.. ic:'l'd all~l'ls, opening to thC'se faithful Olll'S a hetter lllld('l'Slalldill~ of
the 8cl'iptllres. We mllst keep in mine! the fad that
the upostle authoritati\'l'ly wrote: "For W!H1tsol'\'l'r
thinl-{s werc written a ron,t ime Wl'l'e wtiUl'n 1'01' 011I'
learning, that we t.hlough puti~'nce Hilli cOlllf'olt of the
sCl'iphll'cs mig-ht have hopt'." (Hom. 15,: 4) Thl'L'eforl'
it must follow t.hat a IlL'Olll'\' Ulldl'l'standin~ of t hl'SI:
scl'iptures conceming the wi('l,ed lln~l'ls \';0111<1 be
helpful to the remnant at the prl'sent timp, '1'I1l'y mnst
understand, if they are to II id the .Jolwd:t11 l'OlllpallY
to hav'e a hettpr lIndl'l'standing. In addition tlll'l'l'IO
God by his u[>ostle nwhs it. c,ll'ar to till' faithful n'lllnant that they are eOlltinnall,\' assaultl'tl b~' his hOI'd~'
or host of wiel\Cd ones und that tlll'y mo"t pot Ol\ :tnd
keep on th(' armor of protpction which JdlO\'ah in his
loving-kindness provided for them.

Doth Jude and Peter tell of ung'ds that became

wicked and arc resel'\'ed fur uest rut'i ion. Peter also
speaks of certain" spirits in prison", to which Jesu~
preached. Who arc these wicked angels? When and
how did they hecome wicked? Who ure t he ones to
whom Je";lls preached ~ nnd are the OTH's in pl'isoll the
same as the ones who are l'l'served for the jUllgment
of destruction? "That is the present state of habita3



tion of these wicked ones 1 It seems that it would be

profita1Jle in the cOl1sit}eration of these questions to
first set out a brief epitome or abstract of what follows
and then try to set forth the Scriptural argument in
support of the same; hence the following:
'There are two separate and distinct clas.'lCS of angels or spirits mentioned in the sixth ehapter of Genesis. One of these classes is desig-natcd in the ~4.uthot'ized
Version as "giants"; in the Revised Yersion as neph.
ilim (wrse 4). Nephilim means" fellers ", bullies or
tyrants. 'rhose wicked ones joined Satan in his rehel.
lion and have operate.d with him since in his wicked
endeavors to reproach .Jehovah God and to turn all
creation away from God. They arc the ones mcntiol1l'<l
at 2 Peter 2: 4 and Jude 6. They llave fought since
the days of Bden IIgaillst tlJOse who have tried to he
ri~hteou!l. They arc alive and are the mortal enemies
of the saints. 'I'hey will fight on Satan's side in tho
battle of Armageddon and suffer complete defeat.
0111 the sceond verse of the sixth e}lIlpfcr of Genesis
are mentioned "the SOliS of God". These are Hug-cis
that were onr.e holy and in the servirc of .Jehovah Ood
but" did not join Ratan in his 1'1'1>('11 ion, hut aftenvnrds
yi(,l(krl to his subtle and widwd influencc, !w('amc dh;.
ohellictlt, rcsultin~ in their losing the privilege and
opportunity of serving- Jehovah, and have since heen
imprisoned; they arc alive and are the ones mentioncu
in 1 Peter 3: 19, 20; anu there is some hope of their
e In COllsidering' the scriptures hereinafter discussed
it will be well and profitable to keep in mind the two
separate nud distinct rlassel'l of angels ahove mentioned
and their relation to each other aJld to the human racc.
The remnant and the .Tonadah c1uss will both find tIlis
matter of llcculiar interest at the present time. It is
undoubtedly the will of God that a witnl'ss concerning
these unseen powers and the inJluenee that they exercise Oyer the human l'a<;c must now be ~h'l'n, and that
aU who love the TJOl'd must put forth their best endeavors to have a part in this witness work
f IJueifer, at the time of the creation of man, was a
member of God's ol'ganiJmtion, appointed and anointed
to offirc. It was his privilege and duty to serve, support and prai:;e Jehovah and render complete ohedience to him, and he was fully equipped for that pur.
pose. It is written that .Jehovah said of IJlIcifer: "Thou
art the anointed eherub that covereth; and I have set
thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of Ood."
(Ezek. 28: H) Tftis is proof that Lucifer was a part
of tTehovah 's orgahizatiolland appointed and anointed
to perform cel'tain duties. It seems quite clear from
the Scriptul'l's that Lucifer was the chief officer on'1'
a certain division of God's organization, having unJc1'
him other spirit creatures 01' angels, and that his organization particularly related to man on the earth.
Lucifer reh<:1Ird against God and corrupted his sane


N. Y.

tuaries "by the multitude of thine iniquities; in thc

unrighteousness of thy traffic, thou profaned thy
sanctuaries". (Ezek. 28: 18, A.R.V.) That would
mean that at the beginning of his official term his organization or dwelling-place v.-as devoted to. God and
righteousness, but that he willfully became wicked. This
would also mean that ot hers joined him in h is treasonable eoursp., thus corrupting the dwelling-place of Nil
tan alll} t1lQse in his immediate organization. 'hat ~a
tan has a company of an~cls that operate with him
other scriptures quite clearly prove. Th..t company of
wicked angels fought with Satan at the time Christ
Jesus cast Satan and his host out of heav{'!l and down
to the earth, and their operations are now confined to
things pertaining to the earth. (Hev. 12: U.12) .At
tIw beg"il1nin~ they WCl'C creatures of God, hut they
rebelled and heeame the' seed of the serpent', Satan.
The I,ord Jl'SUS Christ announces J()hovah 's .iud~mcnt
concerning this company led by Satan. platt.
25: 41) Satan is tyrannical in the extreme, and those
spil'its operatin~ with him arc wicked tyl'allts. From
the time of Ed~'n Satan was a murderer, and t1l081.1
who joined him in his rdlellioJ1 a~ainst God d()uhtl~,s~
participated in the munlcr of Allel, anu they are uh;o
murderers and have cant in ued to commit mn rue I' SillCI~.
-.John 8: 44.
8 God br his proplll't Daniel describes Satan's wielH'd
or~anizatioll ulllkr the symhol of a tcrrible ima~c. The
head of that imagc was of gold, picturing ;-jutan himself and showing that 11(\ ol'ig-inally rec(:ived his authority from Jehovah. 'fhe hrpast and arms of that
image were silver, picturill~ the prillccs or nssistant
rulers under Satan and who form a part of his invisible organbmtion that is wirkl'd; and as it is written
that there is "anotlwr third kingdom", of eupper,
"which shall Lear rule over all th'e earth" (Dan. 2:
31-39), this st~ltcmcllt of D:mid, and whieh is ('(Jl'1'oborat<'d by other !l('riptllrl's, pro\'es cOllelllsi vel)' that
the wicked angels under Satan have lllul dominion or
rule over thc governments of the earth from the bC'gin.
ning and have exercised the same in a tyrannical manner. The Scriptures make it clear that Satan is the
god or invisible ruler of this world; which means that
he is the most powerful amon~ all the wicked Spil';t
creatures and that the other wicked onei'! operate under him, and that the entire organization fights ug-uillst
every one who is on the siUe of J ehovah.-2 Cor.

3, 4;



6: 12.

II Among those of his wid;:cd organization is the one

termed by the Bcriptllres "Gog", Satan's chief offitl'r,
whom douhtless he appointed to corr('spoml to Chtist
Jesus as the chief officer of Jehovah. This host of
wicked ones occupied a place known ill the ~l'riptll1'~'S
as ~Iagog. (Ez~'k. 38: 2-G) (See rindicatio/!. Book
'1'wo, page 311.) J(~SUS rcferr<'dto Satan asthc "pl'ilH'e
[or im"isible ruler1 of this world". (.John lA: 30)
Since Sntan is ealkd Bedz(,buh, which means priuee
or ehief one of devils, it follows that there nre many
other like 011es, that is to sar, wicked angels or ~pil'ilS.




-:Matt. 10: 25; 12: 24; Mark 3: 22; Luke 11: 15, 18,
10 These texts here cited, together with the words of
Ephesians 6: 10-12, prove beyond all doubt that there
is a 1108t of wicked angels or spirit creatures; that Satan th~ Devil is the chief one of that wicked company;
and that all of such arc the enemics of God and the
mortal enemies of everyone who seeks to do God's
11 J:'~rom the very time of Eden God pronounced his
judgment of destI'Uction against Satan and his host
or "seed ". (Gen. 3: 15) Later t.hrough his prophet
Moses God teUli why he did not immediately execute
that juflgment and de~troy Satan and all of his wicked
host. His purpose is to TJermit Satan and his host to
go the very limit in opposition to God and in their ef10rt to turn all creation from Jehovah and to prove
JehO\"flh to be a liar; and then in his own due time
Ood will completely destroy such wicked ones and thus
demonstrate his own supreme power, Before their deRtruction, however, Jehovah will have his faithful and
klyal witncsses ~ive testimony to his own great name
and to he witlJ(~s:.-lcS before both men and angels. In
proof of God's purpose it is wriUt'n concerning Satan:
"But for this cause have I allowed thee to remain, in
order to show thee my power; and in order that thcy
I my witnesses 1 may ]>roe~luim my nmne throughout all
the earlh." (l~x. 9: 16" l"fescr) It is Satan and his
wicla'd host, indsihle to human ('yes, that have wrongfully inlluencl'd and cOrT\lptcd the visihle rulc1s of the
(larth and made the rulin~ powe1"S of the earth a part
of the .wicked ol'l~unizalion that oppresses the human
race. 'I'his visible part of Satan'8 organization is pictured by the IHo!)hct Daniel as the" llg:.-l of iron" and
thc 'fN't of iron and clay'. (Dan. 2: 33) 'I'he entire
organization mlllcr Hatan is pitted against Jehovah
God; and ill duc time "the stone", meaning Christ
Jesus, who is ronde the head of Jehovah's capital organization and his (:hid executive officer, will complotdy destroy that wicked organir.ation of Satan,
both visible and invisihll',-Dan. 2: 44, 45.
12 From the day of the l'l'bdlion in Bden until now
it hall heen the Devil and his host that have opposed
God and all who have hecome a part of God's organization; and the time for a final show-down between
the hosts of wickedllel'is and God's righteous organization is now at hand, and hence it is to be expected that
Jehovah would give his faithful saints on earth a
clearer vision of the matter than they haye had at any
previous time. It is eer'1 ain that Satan and his host
would long ago have destroyed all who have imt themselves on the side of Jeho\'ah, had not God exercised
his powe1' in behalf of those ,vho love him; and thus
he has held hack' the wicked ones, restraining: them
and preventing the destruction of his faithful witnesses. It was that same wicked crowd that persecuted
Jesus when on earth and hroug-ht ahout his death,
which Jehovah permitted; but at the same time he
completely thwarted the purpose of the enemy by rais-

ing Jesus out of the death and giving him the highC'st
place in his own great organization.-Phil. 2: 9-11.


In Jehovah's universal organization there werc

many holy angels devoted to his service and '}'ho were
never a: part of IJucifer's company, and who did not
participate with Lucifer in his rebellion. All of ~lUch
faithful angels are the "sons of God", because they
received their life from Jeho\'ah. (Job 38: 7) Approximately 1,500 years had passed since the rebellion
in l~den. Adam and Eve in that time had children
and grandchildren, and the human race was continuously on the increase; and here begins the account
concerning the debauchery of the human race, "Anel
it came to pass, when men hegan to multiply on the
face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
that the sons or God saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they took them wives of all which
they chose." (Gen. 6:], 2) It will bc obse1'\'ed that
the second verse above quoted says nothin~ about the
wickedness of the angels, the" sons of God ", nor that
such "lJns of God" were wiekC'd at the time they
materializl'd as men. It could not be said tll:\t the
ones here callpd "the sons of (jod" we1'C any part of.
Satan's orgallization at that time, if ever. All who had
allied tlwm!o,e!ves with Satan the Devil wpre tl\('n, and
are, 'the seed of Satan the :-)(,1'pen t,' and hence the Ilons
of Satan. This is Ill'oof that the ones here calh;d the
"sons of God" arc entil'ely a oi fferent class or company from the ones that joined Satan in his rebellion.
The faet that 1,500 yl'ars after the rc1wllion nngc1s
were called the "sons of' God" shows tlwt they had
heen all of that time serving Jchovah Goll. 'fhl',v were
spirit creatures or angels having life f'1'om Jl'llOvnh
Ood, and, eontinuing in his service, they arc tlcsignated
as "the sons of Ood".
14 The chief objective of Satan from and after his
rebellion was and has heen anu still is to turn nIl
creation against Jchovah. There is nothir(~ !o,aid in the
record about the ones mentioned nbon' as "the sons of
God" as making any attempt to tUI'll otlwrs away
from Jehovah God. The Sl'riptures show that Satan
is a sly, wily and srdtH,tive fot,. IIis name SCr1Jwt
discloses that he b the arch decliver amOIl!!"t all C1'('atures, and his name Satan clearly mp<lIlS that he nses
der'eption in his work of opposing .Jehovah, We lmow
that the Dcvil uses uel'cption alld fraud to {'Htrap thc
human creatures who become llq~ligent of t!tlil' duty
toward God, and it is entirely reasonable that RHtan
emplo~'ed It like manner of fraud and dccdt ill tllrllitl~
the spirit "sons of OOlI" away from the Crcator. It
was n part of his wicked scheme to defralHl all~l'ls as
well as men and to induce them to go contrary to
God's law. 'The daughters of men were fair,' ulJd the
"son~ of God" saw these and ohserved that t hey were
attractive, 13y frand and ueceit Satan flr"t {'nll'al'pecl
the beautiful Eve, which furnished .,\dam an excuse
to join the Devil; and now 1,500 :rcars thereafter he



uses the beautiful dau~htt'rs or granddauRhters of

Eve to entrap others, even the "sons of God". Those

angelic "sons of God" had power to materialize in a
human organism, and doubtlt.'ss did materialize. There
is no evidence that by materializing- they violated
God's law, because the Scriptures show that long after
this, in the days of Abraham, angels materialized and
appeared as men. (Gen. 19: 1, 15; 18: 1-15) While
they did not materialize at the command of .Jeho\ab,
nor were they sent as his mcssen~cl'S, ;yet their sin docs
not appear to be that of matcrinlil':ation. Appearing
in human form they would nccessarily he hnndRorne
end attractive men that would be pleasing to the women of that time. The Scriptures 00 not say that they
were giants, and it would not be at all reasonahle to
('onclude that thc'y matcl'ialized as giants, hut thnt
they materialized as attract ive men. "'1'he sons of
Ood .. took them wivcs of all which they chose."
'i'he result of this marital rdatiollship hctween tho
j'solls of God" and th(' uau!!htcl's of men resulted in
grcatly inercasc(l wkkedness IImoll~st the human moe,
and this of itself is cOllclusive proof that Satan was
the prime mover in hrin~ing ahout this condition.
23 Adam hecame a wielH'd man, and at the end of
l/iOO ycun! almns\. all (,f the offsllt'ing of Adam had
become wirked and brou~ht reproach upon .Jehovah's
name and vex!'ll him. Ahd, Enoc'h and Noah al'e the
only ones ment iOllC'd up to this time as havin~ maintained their int('gl'ity toward God. It a(l(l('ars that
prohahly all manki/f() had tlU'ncd away from God at
the time here mC'llt ionf'd, ('x(~ept Noah and th<> imnwdiatc mcmlwrs of ltis hOlls('\I01<1. Noah had heen on
the earth for sewral hundrpd years; hCIl('e the account
)wrc in GCllesis was" in t I'e days of Noah". The infer('llce must he drawn that wickedlless had coat inned
to increase among'st men. /I And Jehovah said, ~'ly
spirit "hall not strin~ with man for e\'er, for that he
also is flesh: yet shall his days he a hUlHh'cd and
twenty )'C'ars." (GNI. Ii: 3, A.If.V.) The words hl're
used, "~ry Spirit," melln JdJOvah himself, that b(ing
another way of sayin~ "1 the Spirit". If, howen'r,
the pronoun /II" had been used it would not hare set
off so forr,cfully the t1'em(!udous contrast beh\'cen
"Spirit" the Creator and "flesh", that iJ, humancrea
tures. Jehovah is 1'he Spirit, the Almi~hty; and man,
heillg flesh, is rastly weaker and inferior to .Jehovah.
Since Adam had become a sinner, Jehovah had I)('en
striving- with hnmankintl, and very fl~w of them had
maintained their integt'ity toward God. It appcal'ed
tllut Satan was succeediug' admirably in turning the
human race away from Jehovah.
lG'i'he Hehrew for the Eng-lish word "strive" is
doon and is a primitive root meaning "to rule",
and, by implication, "to judge" (as; an umpire); also
"to strive" or do as adversaries do at law or in Wigation. During all those fiftC'cn centuries .ll'hovah had
been judging men as to their integrity. From Adam


N. Y.

to Noah inclusive was ten generations of men, symbolic

of earthly completeness; and in all that time Noah
was the third man, as the divine record discloses, to
prove his integrity toward God, Abel and Enoch being
the two other men. There was no need for Jehovah
to prolong the controwl'sy for ever as tliough man
could continue to strive with his Creator and .Judge
in the same manner that he strives against an adversary at law. Since the time of Enos men had heen
'calling themselves hy the name of the IJoro', but
manifestly that was done for the purpose of bringing
reproach upon God '8 name, in the same manner as
many men today can themselves Christialls hut open
ly hring repro<lC'h upon the name of Go\l and Chri-;t.
It is qnite evident that, since the marI'ia~c of the" S')llS
of Clod" with the daU'l;hters of men, wi('ke(lne~~ had
inC'l'easeu, and hence tho lo>tat<:ment hy the gTI~at Npil'it,
"1\ly Spil'it shall not always strive with man, for that
lte also is ilesh." Flesh or human crcattlt'('s wel'C Hot
hohlin~ iutegl'ity towal'u Clod. God's annolUtreIllent
is, in effort, that fl('sh is 1I0t. to forever insult the llame
of .Jl'IlOvah. In eontl'ast be'twe('ll Jehovah and ('r(~;\
tm'('s it is writt<,n: ,~()W the, B!!yptians al'e In('II, alHl
not UOll," allfl tlwy also aro "fl('sh, and not ~l'il'it".
I I All fh'sh i;:; gT.l.SS."
(Isa. ~H: 3; 40: 6) 11an ('()ulrl
not thl'l'l'foro !J;O on f01' ever mO('killg God the gl'('at
Spirit. Pr()voldn~ (lOll shows that man uill not h:l\'(\
the cO\'t'('et aP1Jreciation of what mun ie; as compared
with thc gn'at. Creator.
17 The pre:mtnption is that the fathers of the dau~h.
tel'S conscutcd to tlwir uaug-hters' mll.t'I'yill~ the'ma
tcrializeu spirit creatures, reasoning that such a
cOUl'se would l1lake the human race great as compan'd
with nod and ~i\"(' them a heller stanclin~ with the AI.
ml,!:rhty. It would lw the Devil that would insl ill just
sueh a thow~ht into the minds of men, his JHll'Jlose
hein~ to moe!;: nod and hrill~ reproa('h UpOll his name.
f'ueh a course of aetioll was ahominable in the sig-ht of
JdlOvah, bel'ause it was gl'OSS wiel,,~dl)(,ss. Says .Je.
hovah thrOllg'h h is prophet: '''1'he grass withen~th, the
flower fadeth: l)ecause the Spirit of the Lord hlo\\,('th
upon it: snl'{'ly the people is grass. ml le grass withC'rcth, the flower fadeth: lmt the word of 01ll' God shall
stano for c\cr."-ha. 40: 7,8,
18 Why should Jt.'hoyah God, the Spirit, III ways strive
with man and permit mall to 1'('proarh his name? In
rmhstance God here says: 'I am Spirit, awl man is
flesh; and I can instantly blot him out of (xis1 Cllce;
yet his days [of graee, Lee.~(,rJ shall he olle InllHhed
and twenty )'c1\rs.' This seems c1~arly 10 say, ill sub
stance, that for fifteen celltmies man Iwd hven oul of
harmon? with his Creator, yet now nod \\'C)1lJc] 5\11'1'(,1'
or permit man to g-o on another one hUlldred amI
twenty years hefore he would hring ahont the destrue
tion of the human race, That statement conc('l'l1in~
the hundred and twenty yeiu's referred to wi('ked men,
and not to Koah, bceause Noah, who was then ali\'~
and walkin~ with God. ('ont inued to live (JTI earth for
350 years after the flood. Why, then, should God sui


I, 1934

f.ffle W'ATCHT0"\vER.

fer sinful man with no inte~rity toward Jehovah to

continue 120 years longcrT Manifestly for the same
reason that Jehovah permitted Pharaoh, as a special
representative of the Devil himself, to remain for a
time. and for the sume reason that God has permitted
the Devil to continue until now; that is to say, that
'Jehovah mig-ht exhibit his power and cause a witness
to be given in the earth to his name'. (Ex. 9: 16, Lee-)
geT) It was during that 120 years that Jehovah did
('uuse a great witness to be given to his name, and at
the end of that 120 years he brought about the complete destruction of the world, which destruction foreshadows the destruction of the world at Armageddon.
In this manner .Jehovah shows that he had timed the
destruction of thc world by the flood of waters and
that he would allow ample time before that destruction to scn'e notice on men and 011 their superhuman
sons-in-law, the incarnated "sons of God ". In thnt
day before the flood nwn lived for many years, and
120 yeurs could easily be allowed by the Lord before
brillgill~ upon the world the execution of his judl{ment and still include the R{meration then lh'ill~ at
the time of this expression of his determination to destruy tlte wodd. The 120 years here mentioned in no
way whatsoever fixes the a~~e limit of man, nor did the
matter have allythill~ to uo with the 1{~lJgth of time
Mosrs Jived; but rather the l~O year~ here mentioned
definitely fixed the time whell God would hl'in~ the
flood UpOIl the earth. It app('ars from the record that
the declaration of Jehovah cOIl('crnin~ the 120 years
of further ~race wus made before Noah was GOO ~'ears
old and before he )wgat his thrce sons,-Gen. G: 9, 10.
n It bas bren said that the flephilim in the earth
werc the samc as the "mig-hty men" and that theso
were destroyed in the flood. 'I'here is no Scriptural
support fur such U c,onclusion. Tho sf'ripture is definite
that it was" the sons of God" that took them wives
from the duu~htCl'S of IJwn, and this statement is conclusive proof that the nephilim were not the ones who
manjed the dnughters of m('ll. 'l.'he ncphilim, beiIl!~
giants, would have been entirely out of proportion in
sioo to have huronn creatures for wiv('s. That the
nephilim did materialize as human creatures there is
no doubt, bl'cause the Scriptures say they were in the
(',arlit. Doubtless the nephilim were the very ones,
togtther with Satan, who induced the" sons of God"
to I('ave their proper place in the service of Jehovah
and seek pleasure with the daug-hters of men, and this
they did to turn those "sons of God" away from Jehovah that tI]('y mi~ht receive the disapproval of .Jehovah and at the same time brill~ greater reproach up0n
his name. 'l.'hese "g-i:lllts" 01' nephilim material izrd
and were on the ca,rth, but "the sons of God" married
the daughters of men, and this the record clearly
shows, to wit: "There were giants in the earth in
those Jars; and also after that, when the SallS of God
came in unto the Jaug-hters of ml'll, and they bare
children to them, the same became mighty men, which
were of old, men of renown. " (G en. 6: 4:) It was after


those giants first appeared on earth that the "sons of

God" and the d:mghtcrs of men had children, ns
shown by this text. These" giants" or nephilim were
probably called "fallen ones" or 'fallen angels' bcause they had fallen entirely away from God, and far
the further reason that they were "fellers'" or OlIl'S
who fell upon others and treated them in a tyrUlUJical
manner, According to a recognized authority, "nephilim" means those who fall (upon others), that is, "fdleI'S." (fJtl'ong) Without a doubt Gog was among that
crowd of wicked spirits or nephilim, and this lends
support to the conclusion that Gog may yet materialize in human form and l('ad the visible forces of the
Devil in an assault upon Cod'sorganization.. (Vindication, Book Two, page 311) It is certain thnt the lIephilim are not the same as the "sons of God" mentioned
in the Genesis account, fur at least two reasons:
(1) they were on the earth before the materialization
of the "sons of God"; and (2) thcf'lc ncphilim or giants
were not the sons of God, but the seed or sons of the
De\'il. Othel' scriptures hereinafter considered fully
support this conclusion, By the mal'l'ia~e of thc "sons
of God" with the daughtrrs of men, children were
born, and "the same became mi~hty men, which were
of old, men of renown". 'I'hose "men of renown", thn
offspl'in~ of the" sons of God ", WCl'C not called nephilim, but arc termed, according to the lIl'b'rew text,
yilJlJOl'im. In the great dPlugl' that came upon the
eal'th the gibborim or "mighty mcn" \n're tlestroyrtl,
but there is no Scriptmnl evidence that either the
"SOilS of God" or the nephilim, d('seribed in the Genesis account, were d('stroj'cd, On t he contrary, the evidence shows that they ure yet aliv('.
20 It may be SUi!i!('sted that there were lwphilim on
the earth after the flood, because the spi('s retuming
from Cannan reported that t hey saw giants (ncpltilim): "And there we saw the Nl'philim, the sons of
Anak, who come of the Nephilirn: nud we were in om'
own sight n~ grasshoppers, and so we wpre in theil'
sig-ht." (Xum. 13: 33, /1.H. V.) But the answer to tlwt
is this: the word nCfJllilim means "~.:('iants" or " tyrants", a~H] it is exprrs:;ly stated in this scripture that
the giants who were therc seen were the sons of Ana:.
(mranin~ "Iollg--neeked"; hence a giant). Anak w::s
a human cr~ature; but this ('ouIt] not refer to the san:.'
class of g-iants or n('philim as mentioned in the Genes's
account. 'fhe n('philim who materialized all the eurl:1
before the flood are not said to 1J(. sons of any mUll,
which, of COUt'se, they could not have been, since tlwy
were materialized spirits. The g-iants seen in Canaan
were human creatures, and Caleb drove them out of
IIf'bron.-.Josh. 15: 13. 1-t
21 The nephilim rr.entioncd in the Genrsis account
were a part of the Dcvil's organization that hall
operated with him sinee the relwlJion. Dy materializing' as human ('['ratun's they would induce the" sons
of God ", f1wnt ioned in Genesis 6: 2, who hnd up to
that time Ilf'cn loyal to Jehovah, to materialize and to
indulge in marital relationship with the daughters of



men. These spirit creatures, Hthe SODS of God," having previously been in Jehovah's service, now by taking human wives and havin~ children by them thus
Idt their proper service of Jehovah in heaven, probably at the time not willfully in~cnding to be disloyal to
God, hut hein~ inuuced to believe that they coulu render a service to man and help him up and at the sam~
time do this to the ~lory of God. 'While the Genesis
record is silellt ai'l to whether 01' not nod prohibited
them from marrying human wive'S, yet God's law later
<In given to the Israelites shows that su('h a course was
contrary to his will.-Lev. 19: 19; 20: 15,16.
2~ In .Jude it is written: "The an~els which kept not
thl'ir first ('state I principality, m(//'{Ji1~], hut left their
own habitation [their proper dwelling (place), Roth.],
he huth rl.'seI"Vc~d in e\'crl(\still~ chaiJl:'!, under dark
ness, unto the judgment of the g'reat day." (.Jude 6)
'fhis scripture has hel'etofore been applied to the
(,oJlduet of the" Hons of God" mentioned in Genesi:'!
G: 2; yet other scriptmeR r('latill~ thereto show that
such n C011C1 uHion is 110t supported. 'rhe words of .Jude
clearly apply to the ncphilim, and not to the ":'!ons of
(Joel ", that is to say, to tho-;(' giants that materialized
011 {'arth und who ure a part of Hatun's or~allization
fl'om the time of the rl'1lt'llion. It is the nephilirn that
Hrc in(~luch'd in the juug-ment of .Jehovah for destruction, tog-ether with Hatan, hccallse they arc ~atan 'g
atw:clfl and are a part of his organization.
~'l 1'ho ml.'l'e fad that the" SOUR of God ", after they
had materializcu, inte['married with human women
\\"0111<1 not mean that they were directly a part of Hatan's organization or that they were ewn in s~'mpathy
with Hatan's organization. Hatlln and his allies, t.he
lJ('philim, woulel eause these "sons of (lod" to indulge
ill false rl.'a:'!onin~ which led them into an unwise
course, bringiug' t.hem into ditliculties like unto that
n1cutioncd hy the apo:'!tle Puul eoneerning' mell who
!cave the servi('e of God and take wives: "But he that
is married careth for the thing"R that arc of the world,
how he may ph-ase hifl wife. And this I speak for
~'our own profit; not th~,t I may cnst a snare upon you,
but for that which is comely, and that yo moy attend
upon the Lord without. distraction. So then, he that
giveth her in marriage dneth \\'l'1I; but he that ~iveth
hl'r not in marriage doeth hetter." (1 Cor. 7: 33, 35,
38) "The sons of God" would not be at liberty to mar
ry human wives, bc('ause that would tahe them away
from God '8 service, but, falling to the subtle influence
and iulse reasoning of Ratan, they doubtless adopted
a line of rcasoning likc that of the" great multitude"
(Rev. 7: 9-17) or "prisoner" class (Isa. 42:(), 7; 49:
9; 61: 1), who renson that they can mix with the
world and at the same time serve noel. !lIan)' men and
women have consecrated their lives to God anu havl',
contrary to his will, mixed up with the worlu, reo Ron
ing that they could do so and at the same time sen-c
God and uplift the world; but such a course docs not
result in uplifting the world and does no honor to .khovah, and this same class he has designat I'd a~ "l':.j";-


N. Y.

oners" because they are held in restraint by having

mixed up with the world. (Ps. 79: 11; 142: 7) Doubtless the "sons of God" were induced by Satan to
reason along the same line; thus they were entrapped.
In the days of Xoah the human race was vary wicked,
even a.s there is now great widccdne~s upon the earth.
The" pl'isoner" or "great mult itudc" elm's now reason that they can disre~ard noel's Word of truth and
stay in t.he religious systems, which arc a part of the
Devil's organization, and thus serve God and man.
These are described by the Lord in Psalm 107: 10-20.
Satan, working throu!.!h his earthly agents, i:'! the one
who gets the "~r('at multitude" into this trap; and
this RUJlJlOrts the condusion that it was Ratan :md his
materialized allies or llg'ents, the nephilim, that induced the" sons of God" to take the wrong coursc and
foil into Satan's trap.
2~ The children bol'l1 to the human women and the
"sons of Cod" al'e called in the Scriptures "mi'~hty
mC'n" in the time of the old world hefore the 1I00d.
The same word is used to deseribe Nimrod, who was
said to he a "mighty" (gibbol', Hebrew; po\\'c'rful)
man before the Lord. (/j~'n. 10: 8, 9) 'l'lwse oft'sprin~
of the Ultion of the daughtcrs of men with the "Hon;.;
of God" hl'came "men of renowll" amongst men, hul
ckal'ly not bl'l'ol'e the Lord, for the reason that the
Dihle aC'('01111t has not preserved the names of any or
these ml.'l1 of renown; henl'c they were not reIlowlI('(1
hefore .h'hovah. Tiler had no illtC'grity toward Oocl,
but were abominahlC' in his sight, l)('in~~ both lllon~rds
and monstrositil-s, who mach name!:! for tht>mHl'I\'c'R hecause of their wiekedTll'ss. In like manlier ~imrod hecame famous among'st n1('n. 'fhat mongrel ['<lC'l', calh'd
"men of renown ", Wl'I'l' not nephil im, liS the rec'orll
clearly shows, and, heillir n1ongl'l'!:'! auu mOllstrositit's,
tlwy eould I10t jll'otlllCC t IIl'ir kiTH!.
2:; The GeIlPsis recor<l doC's not ddinitl'l.v mc'ntion the
wif'kedm'ss of the lwphilim, for the m<lllifpst l'cmmn
they were dl'Spl'rately wiekeu from tLe 1ime of the
l'phellion at EcLon lIIId wen' undl'l' j l\<l~ml.'nt from that
time forward. Be it also noted that the divine rc('onl
docs uot ment ion t 1](' \\'ickclhwss of the" SOUR of (lod"
but docs emphasize the wiekedlll'~s of mall. ".\nd Gml
saw that the wickednC',;s of man was great in the eatt h,
and that ('wry ima~inati(Jn of the thoughts of hi:'!
heart wos only evil continually." (lell. 6: ;)) Satan,
followin~ his fixed po!iey, had tUI'lwd man away from
God and had nSl.'d IllC'n oud their daughtl.'rR to COl'l'Upt
the "sons of God", who for a long time had IJ('enl()~'al,
and the' wickellness on the earth' ment iOIll'u i" sllC'ri Iically applieu to man, and it was l'on('('rl1ill~ man that
the Lord said he would not IOIl~el' strive with him.
Jehovah cites this wi('kedness as a reason for his
ehunge of course of action townI'd men. It was tho
human race that the l)e\'il had t ul'ned UWlJY from .Jehovah, and no\\" Satan exceutes his wic'b'd se!ll'me by
using human creatUl'es to entrap spirit C'l'l.'otnrcs awl
turn them away from Jehovah and ~td them out of
hiR organization.




%e WATCliT0\VER.


t6 Deeause of this great wickedness amongst flesh

rcsisteth thl' proud, and giveth grace to the humble,"
creatures it i" written: "And it l'cpented the Lord -1 Pet, 5: 5.
ao God baving decreed according to the Genesis ae
that he had made man on the earth, and it grie\'ed
him at his heal'1:!' (Gen, 6: 6) The Hebrew word here c{mnt that 120 J'ears should elapse before he would
for "repent" is also translated as follows: "Be com destroy the creation on earth, and Noah having ob
fOited, recch'c comfort, comfort, case (oneself)." For tained favor in God's sight, God then gave to Noah a
(:xnmplc, note the fonowill~~ scriptures: "Therefore good woman for a wife, and during the last 100 years
faith the I~ord, the Lord of hosts, the mi::thty One of before the ,flood she bore Noah three sons, "The earth
Isr::d, Ah, I will ease me of minc adversaries, and alr-;o was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled
U"ellge me of mine enemies." (lsa. 1: 24) "Thus shall with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and,
mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury hehold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his
to rest upon thl'm, and I will be comforted: and thcy way upon the rarth. "-Gen. 6: 812.
31l\Ien on earth, with the ex('cption of Noah and
shall know that I the L01d ha\'e spoken it ill my zeal,
whell I have aceomplished my fury in them, "-Ezek. his household, were extl'(~mcly wiehd, corrupt, and
5: 13.
filled the earth with violence, which condition was
Z7 This dOl'S not mcan that God regretted that he
hateful to God, "Him that lowth violence, his soul
had made the earth and made man upon it. There hotC'th," (PlI. 11: 5; Ezek. 7: 10, 11; 8: 17) Note that
would have been no necessity for re~l'l'ts, Iwcause he the text says: "All 11esh has corrupted his way upon
could have de~tL'oyed Satan and .\dam at the very the earth. ',' 'fhis does not say, nor docs it mean, that
moment of the I'l'hellion. Jehovah himRelf heing wholly mnn had corrnptell his nature, hut his way.
levotl,(} to ri~~hteouslless, it. gl'ieved him at heurt thut
32 The time havin~ comc for God to execute his
mnll had t.aken the wicked com'se; hcnce God's heart vlmgeanee upon the wirked ones, he nwde Koah his'dro to be (~asl'<l or com forted :U1d woulu recpi\'e it, witness and uiredl'd him to bear tl'still1on)' to others,
not (rom wlwt sOllie creature mig'ht uo, hut f1'om his and this foreshadowl'd how God at the pl'l'sent time
own eourse of ad ion toward those who had bl'Ou~ht sends forth his anointed to hear witnes;! to his name
rt'proa{'h upon 11 is lHlm(', II is dcc'isioll WU!ol to a\,(l!I~e and his purpose 1)('1'01'e he brings desl ruction upon :::la
cr \'inuir'ute llis namr'. awl this he would do by the tan 's ol'~ani7.llti()n. The fact that nod did not even
(~estruction of those who had unitrd with flatan's or
mention the nepliilim and the "MIIII'! of God" in this
galli".ation amI had willfully l'('proachecl his name.
dr('rc(' of dl'stru('t iOIl, hut cOllfhwd it 10 "all flesh ",
2' ::::iutun anu his wi{'kr'd allies had misuscu and pershows that mall himself is responsihle for his wichd
wrted the lower animals of the ('urth, instilling' in COUl'r-;C willfully taken, "And O(Jll said unto Noah,
thl'm the devilish spirit, U1H.l God dt'clared his {llll'pose 'rhe l'THl of all f!l'sh is come brfol'l~ 111('; fol' the earth
to dl'Stroy both man and heast. "And the fjord said, is filll'd with violence 1hrollg'h them: and, l)eh01d, I
I will destroy man, whom I have cl'eated, fl'Om tho will destroy them with the earth," (Gen. 6: l:n This
fL~('e or the C'urth; hoth man, nnd beast, and the creepwould bring' an end to thc lon~ lll'l'iod of .J(hovah's
ill~~ thing', nnd the ftlwls of the nit; for it l'l'penteth
striving with hUllIllllkind.JdlO\'ah then instl'lll:tel1
me that I have made them, "-Gen, 6: 7,
Noah to build tile ark, and, as it is written, "by faith
zlIThe words "destroy" and "created" here used Noah, hcing wariJed of God conccl'IJing' thinge;; not seen
al'C ill complete contrnst and disc'lose the mrallillg of as yet [such as rain, watcI'spouts, or slcmllS I. moved
emf's rCl'l'lItan('l', that is to say, that God the Creator, with godly feul', prepared an ark to tho su\"ill~ of his
who b::d extl'lHIl'd his lovin~ kindness toward hifl crea house: thrc.tlg-h which he l'Ollllrmuc,d the wOl'III, and
tlll'('S, now turned to Ilcstro,\"el' of I,:)th man alld heast bceume heir of the ri:-\,lIteousnesR whic1I is nc('ordilJ~
that had bel'n tm'll<'d by tho Dl'\'il into wiekc'dness. to faith." (Ileb. 11: 7, A.R,V.) The huildill~ of the
Thus God chang', d his course, or rppentcd, the word ark displayed 1':oah '8 faith, and hellee ('ollll-mncd the
"rl'!>ented" meaning" to <:han~e his course of act ion", world. The construetion of the ark was a [Jo\\'rrful
Be it noted that no mention is here made of the nephi- for'm of prcachillR or hearing' testimony; but Noah
lim or of the "sons of God", whieh shows that their would also explain to those people about him why he
case is to be dealt with by JehO\'ah elsewhe1e. That was bnilding' the ark, and thus hc would bear testiwhj('h is here said with reference to destruction applies mony hy word of mouth, Thel'efore the human family
to the thin~s on the cl1lih, and Noah was the exeC'p ancl the "sons of Clod", as well as their offspring',
tion. "But Noah found ~1'aee ill the cp's of the Lord." would thus be the l'eeipicl1ts of ~oah 's testimony, und
(fh~ll. 6: 8) If the wort! "l'pp('ntl'd ", as here uo.;cd,
by this means ~oah was made a 'theator for bulh lIlPn
means that God hud made a mistake in making' man, and ang-els', enm as J('hovah's witnesses now on earth
then why preserve ~onb? JehO\'ah here shows thnt hi" arc witnesses both to the unseen auJ to the seen oncs
purpose is ultimately to destroy all the willfully concerning God '8 purpose to destroy the world at ~\r
wi{~kl'u, and shows that his favor is ~iven only to
mageddon. (1 COL'. 4: 9, margin) '1'1Ie carrying of
those who are obedient to him. "Surely he scorlleth Noah over the flood, and his deli\"cry thcreafter, was
the &eorners; but he giveth grace unto the lowly."
like the resurrection from the dead, and that was a
(Pro\". 3: 34) .. Be clothed with humility: for God forceful sermon to the angels concerning ,fl'/lOyah's



power. Thus by the ark and by Noah and the flood

Jehovah displayed his power before creation and
caused his name to be made known throughout th~
world. Even so now God has commanded his faithful
witnesses to bear testimony to his name and that God
will by and throu~h his kingdom completely vindicate
llis name in the destruction of e\'erything and every
creature that opposes his purpose and repI'oaehes his
holy name.
83 The Scriptural proof therefore clearly shows a.
distinction hetween the "nephilim" and the "sons of
God" which later married human wives. Also that
the "men of renown ", the offspring of this union 01
materialized spiJ'its with daughters of men, are clearly
distinct from both ncphilim and "sons of God". 'l'here
would be no reason to keep nlive these monstrosities,
and they were destroyed in t he flood.
at 'I'he question, then, ill, 'Vhat heeame of these" sons
of God" at the time of the flood, and what is their
present condition' And what relationship, if any, do
th('y bear to the violence now on the earth Y The clear
statement of the nllostle in Bphesians 6: 12 is that
the ones makin~ war upon the saints con~ist of a host
of spiritual wi<'lH:d ones. Is it the nephiIim or theso
"SOI1S of God" mentioncd in Gel1(':'\is, one or both
classes, that are Ilsso<~iat('d with Satan in their opposition to Jehovah's anointed Y
(To be continued)
,. 1,2. Jehovah 11avinf:t created all thing'S good, account for the
.existen..o of wil'kt',l spirit creatun's ant! of wi!'kl',l human
creatures nnd for their n',l having be,m cut off at the time
they benlllle wickeel. Why ill it llU\V 80 timely fur the
Lord's faithful ones to have greater light concerning these
wic-ked ones 7
.. 3-fl. What do Ju.lo nnd Peter flay ('oneerning angels that becamo wi,k,,I, and G,)<1's jwlguHmt therefor' I,lentify the
"(danIs" an.l tho ,. sons of Go,I" mentioned in Genesis
G: 2, 4. What has been their cundition or activity, l'nd
what is Jt'1lOmh's jUllgllll'nt concerning tbem'
V 7-10. What do the SeriIJtures f1how as to Lucifer's position
and relationship in God's organization, his course of action



and l1llsoeiates therein, and the outcome of such coursel

From D:lniel's prophecy and Paul's statements point out
:further proof of dominion and tyranny exercised b;' wicked
angels under Bat:m. What further in this eonnection i3
shown in Ezekiel 38 ~ 26, in Jesus' references to l:5atan,
and in Paul's letter to the Ephesians f
~ 11,12. In view of God's staV~ment at Genesis.::: 15, aeC'lllnt
for the fact that even to the present time l3atan an.1 hb
wicke~1 host have continuetl in their opposition to .Tehovrrh.
How has their wrongful influence been visihly mt\nifes~ 1
Why have thpy not succeeded in destroying God's faithful
, 13. Distinguish between the "sons of God" mentioned in
Genesis 1>: 2, o! and the' seed of the serpent' referred to in
Genesis 3: 15.
, 14. Show that Serpent and Satan are significant IUlmes for
Lucifer since his r~bellion.
f, 1518. Dy Noah's day to what extent had Satan sllcceede.1
ill. his wicked efforts1 Account for and explain tllll Rtat,)
ment recorded at (JC'llcsis ti: 3. 'What was Jeho\llh's 1,11,'pose there in dcferrill~ and definitely tixing the time f,)r
IJringing about the Jestrudion of the hUluan nted
,. 19,20. Bxplain "hether the I1ephilim, the" ~illnts" 1111'1 t!HJ
"BOn.'1 of Go,l" that took wives of the daul-ihh'TS of 111 '.1
wee identical, aIHl whether it was these' that \\el'e la: ..r
destroyed in the tloo<l, Harmonize with this the statellU';lt
recorded at ~ umhers 13: :1:1.
,. 21~4. Apply the words of JUlIe G. Were th" "sons or God"
blaml\hle for and in thl'il materialization nnd in indul (ing in marital relationship with thc daus;hters (If men, and
why' What is meant by the rcfl'renee to thl'ir offspring
as "mighty men, which were of 01,1, lIlen of I"(~nown "1
'l[ 25. The statement that" 00,1 saw thut the "iekedlll'FH or
lOan WaS ~n'l\t in the l':tTth" 8l11'.ls whnt furth"r light ml
to the res[loll8ihility for the condition upon the eurth at
that thud
V 26,27. With other seripturcs, eXlJlain Genesis G: G.
t 28,29. Acc,Jt(ling to the s<'riptures in point, what cr<'atllr"9
were included in the decree of ,Iestrw:tion rec,>tlle.1 at
Genesis G: 7 f How do the words" dt'strov ., aUlI "crl':ttl'd"
there uspel serve to illdieate the meaning of God '8 fllrther
statl'ment, /I It rl'penteth me'"
, 30-32. How was the earth" corrupt" and" filled with vi,,
llmee ", nc<,cssitatmg Go,l'lI o1c8troyi111.( !til ih,sh 1 Exphm
what wall foreshadowed hv tf", conditions dC8crihe,l :1ll.1
the d!'eJ'(',c .lee/ared in Gl'n~is ti: 111:1. What is the I11C:lninl: of Paul '" statement ILt IIehrews 11: 7 f
,. 33,34. What, thl'l1, dol'S the I3rriptuml proof ahow ll3 to tltl'
i,1cntity of or distin"tion between (a) tl1l' n"philim !LillI tI'l)
"sons of God", llwl (h) the "n\(-n of rt'n'lWn" lind hoth
the nephilim and the "SOIlS of GOIl"l What are ")lIIe or
the questions that here call for furlheJ' consideration of
this subject J


ART.. Y Sunday, the first day of the wCl'k, the

morning of J csus' resurrection, Mary illagdalcne
saw him near the sepulcher, "and knew not
that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Womnn, why
wcepest thou Ywhom seekest thou 1" (John 20: 1-1-17)
1'lary on this occasion thought that he was the gardener, until she heard the sound of his familiar voice.
On the same' morning the WOlnell returning fl'om
the sepulcher saw the :Master. 'I'he apostle illatthew
(28: 9,10) says: "And as they went to tell his disciples [what the angel at the sepulcher had said],
behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they
came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my

brethren, that they go into Galilee, nnd there shall

they see me."
Simon Peter, the apostle, saw Jesus on the same
day near Jerusalem. (TJuke 24: 34) On this same
Rnndu)' moming, while \Yalldn~ to Emmaus, two of
the diseiples were o\-ertaken by Jesus; nnd ho .iourneyed with them and they did not recol-mize him until
he sat with them to cat anll blessrd the food in his
familiar way.-I.luke 24: 13-21,30,31.
On the evening of tllC sume Sunday, near .ferusalcm,
ten of the disciplrs saw him.-.John 20: ] !.J.~:).
The-eafter he a~ain appeared to tlJe c1i,;('iplcs nt
Jerusalem, w]lcn 'I'hOlm,s was with them. This \\':lS
one week after his resurrt:'ction.-JuhIJ 20: ~3~:J.


1, 1934


A few da~'s later, wbile seven of bis disciples were

fishing in the sea of Galilee he appeared to them and
held converl;ation with them.-John 21: 1-13.
A few days later he appeared to the eleven on a
mountain near Galilee.-::Uatt. 28: 16-20.
.A~in he appeared to a company of "more than five
hundred gathered together by appointment in Galilee.
':""'1 Cor. 15: 6.
On another occasion James saw him a]olle.-l Cor.
15: 7.
His last appearance was on the Mount of Olives, to
his disciples, at the time of his ascension.-Acts 1: 6-9.
Saul of the city of Tarsus had opposed the Lord and
persecuted him. Bent on the slaughter of the disciples
of the Lord, Saul was on his journey to Damascus,
when suddenly there shone ahout him a light more
hrilliant thun tho sun at noonday. 'l'his was a manifestation of the Lorll in his rcl;urrectod glory. On
this occa!ooion the Iiord spoke to Saul and said to him:
"I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest." (Acts 9: 1-9)
Afterwards Saul of Tarsus was called Puul. He accepted the Lord, was l)('~otten and anointed of the
holy spirit, and hecame a special minister of Christ,
clothed with I)()WC1' and authority to speak the Word
of trut.h.
Writing cOll('crnin~ the Master, .Jeslls of Nazaret.h,
the apostle Puul said: "For I <1divcrc'd unto you first
of all that whieh I also rceei\'c'd, how that Christ
dic'd for our sins accordill~:{ to the scriptures; lind that
he was bUl'ied, and that he aruse again the third day
flccordin~ to the scriptUl'es; and that he was seen of
Cephas [the apostle Plter!, then of the twelve: after
that, be was seen of above five hundred bret.hren at
once; of whom the ~reater l)art remain unto this
present, lmt some are fallen asleep. After that; he
was seen of Jamlls; then of all the apostl!'!'!. And last
of all he was seen" of me also, as of one horJl out of
due time. "-1 Cor. 15: 3-8.
'l'h('u Paul sets forth an ar~ument clear and con
vincin~, conceJ'nin~ the resurrection of the I,ord, in
which lie prov('s that Jesus was raised from the ul'ad,
that his resurrection was necessary, llnd that unless he
was raised from the d(~ad there is 110 hope for the hurnnn famil~'. But with positiveness he asscrts 'Christ
has be('n raised from the dead and has become the
firstfruits of them that slept', Ilnu that the re~urrec
tion of Christ Jesus was a guarantee that in God's
due time he would resnrrcct others who have died.1 Cor. 15: 12-26.
Again Panl wrote that. Gou has appointed a day
for the jllcl~ment of the world, and that he has given
assurance of that time, in that he raised up Christ
Jesus from the dcpd.-Acts 17: 31.
The beloved apostle John, faithful and true to the
Lord to the end, under inspiration wrote this concerning the Lord Jesus: "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen
with our e.res, which we have looked upon, and our


hands have handled. of the Word of life; (for the life

was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness,
and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with
the Father, and was manifested unto us;) that which
we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye
also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fel
lowship is with the Father, and with his 'Son Jesus
Christ. "-1 John 1: 1-3.
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is proved
so cogently and convincingly by the Scriptures that
there cannot remain a doubt in the mind of anyone
who believes that the Bible was written as the Word
of God. The liord's resurrection has an important
relationship with the great sin-offering for mankind.
'l'he value of Jesus' perfect human life laid down
at the tree on Calvary, but the right to which life
sUl'dved, constituted the purchase or ransom price
which we call merit. Jesus died upon the tree, but
his right to live was not taken away. There is a vast
difference between living and havin~ the right to live.
Adam the first man hud the ri~ht to live, but he sinnl'd.
Immediately after God 'sjud~m(,llt wasentercd against
him his right to life was gone, )'c~t he survived for
uinc hundred and thirty ~:ears. Jesus actually died
on the tree; hut, he dying as a voluntary sacrifice, his
right to life did not perish, but survived.
It was Adam's commission of sin that c:'l1Ised God
to sClItence him to death. If Adnm or any of his ruce
were ever to be relt~as('d it must he after the offering
for sin is made, whieh offering' must be the ransom
price, namely, the merit or valuable thin~ or right to
n perfect human life. This olTerin~ mnst he macle in
heaven. Therefore, in order for Jesus to present his
sin-offering he must be raised from the d('ad a spirit
creature and appear in the presence of God in hCU\'en
itself and there pre'sent the value of his sacrifice at
the court of sentence.-IIch. 9: 20-26.
The proof is conclusivc that Jesus was made tlei'h
and dwelt amongst men; that he suffered dl'ath in
order that he might proviJe the }'cdcmptive price for
men; that Ood raised him out of denth a di\'ine ereatme and exalted him to a position ahove all othl'l'S in
the universe, God alone excepted. On this point the
sacred record says: <C llIe 1, thollg'h bein~ in God's
form, yet did not meditate a usurpation to be like God,
but divested himself, taking a bvndman 's form, haring
been made in the likl'ness of men; and heing in e011dition as a man, he humbled himself, heeoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. And
therefore God supremely exalted him, and frePly
granted to him that name which is ahove every name;
in order that in the name of .JesH!> cver~' kTH'C' should
bend, of those in hraven, and of those on earth, and
of those beneath; and every tongue confess thnt Jesus
Christ is Lord, for the glory of God the Father."Phil. 2: 6-11, Diaglott.
Now we can unuC'rstand the Ii\"in~ pietnre maue
when Abraham the Hebrew offered his !;OIJ [saae as a


,F.rhe WATCliT0WER.

sacrifice on i\Iount :Moriab. There Abraham was a

type or prophetic picture of Jehovah God. Isaac, the
only son of Abraham, was a type of Jesus, the beloved
and only begotten Son of Jehoyah. Abraham went as
far as possible in offering his son as a liviug sacrifice
without actually tnking his life. But the picture was
sufficient to show that God would offer his beloyed
Son a living sacrifice, and this was the lesson that
Jehovah' purposed to tf\ach. At the moment when
Abraham's hand was descending with a knife to strike
dead his son, God stopped him anll through his angel
sJloh:e to A braham. "And the angel of the Lord call1'd
unto him out of heaven, and saill, Abraham, Ahraham:
and he saill, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine
hand upon the lall, neither do thou any thing unto
llim: for now I Imow that thou fearest God, seeing
thou hast 110t withheld thy son, thine only son, from
me."-Gcn. 22: ll, 12.
Then und there Goll gave to Abraham that promise
in wh ie'h all mankind is vitaUy interested, beclluse it
forctl.'1ls the e()Inin~ of the great Deliverer of mankind
through whom all the natious of the earth shall 00
bles~;ed. We read that God added: "Dy rn~'sclf have
I sworn, saith the Lord; for because thou hast dono
this thing', and hast not withheld thy son, thine only
son; that in blessing' I will hless thef~, amI in multi.
plying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the
beaven, and as thc sand whic!J is upon the sea shore;
and thy s('cd shall possess the gate of his enemies:
and in thy seed shall all the llations of the earth be
blessed: l)ecause thou hast obeyed my voice."--Gen.
22: 1618.
Again, the death of Jesus was foreshadowed in the
passovcr which Goll instituted among the Jews while
in E/.D'pt. (Bx. 12: 112) A lamb wa!! taken up into
each Jewish house on the tenth day of the month Nisau, which lamh must he without spot or blemish. On
the fourteenth day of that same month the lamb must
be slnin and the blood sprinkled upon the door posts,
which was a sign of protection for the firstborn of
the family inside that hOllse and which was a provision



precedent to the deliverance of all the Israelites out

of l~gypt. The antitype or real fulfilment of tlmt
lal"!lb was Jesus, as it is written: "The next day John
[the Baptist] seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,
Behuld the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin
of the WOl'ld." (John 1: 29) Testimony to the same
effeet is found in the book of Revelation (5: 6j, where
the apostle John says: "And I beheld, and, 10, in the
midst of the throne [of Godl and of tlre four l)l'asts
[round aboutl, and in the midst of the elders, stood
a Lamb, as it had been slain, having seven horns and
seven eyelil, whieh arc the seven spirits of God &cnt
forth into all the earth. "-Hev. 5: 6.
In this last quoted scripture the number seven is a
symbol of completeness; horns a symbol of complete
pOWt'r; the eyes a symbol of complete wisdom; th'ls
testifying that the great anti typical J.Jamh of <.il,d
would bC' clothcd with perfect wisdom and all power
and authorit.y to earry out the divine purpose; an 1
this is exactly what the Rcriptures show was granted
unto .Jesus. After his rcstll'l'\.'ction from the lh'au and
before his ascension to heaven .Jesus said: "AllllOwl'r
is gh'en unto me in heaven and in earth. "-:\latt.
28: 18.
'The lamb that was taken up to be of(('red for the
passover of the .Jews "shall fso the divine instruetiolls
stated] he without blemish, a male of the first )'1.'111'''.
(Bx. 12: 5) Writin~ eoncerning the redemptive price
provicled by the blood of Jesus, the apostle Pl'ter, Ulldel' inspiration, says: "With the prc'ciOlHI blood of
Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without
spot."-1 Pet. 1: 19.
Jesus, bein~ the antitypical 1>aschal Lamh, must
offer himself to the .Jews on the tenth day of Nisan.
It was on the tenth day of !\isan that. .Testls rode into
Jenlsalem on the ass and offerl'd himsf'1f to the Jl'WS
as their King. (Matt. 21: 1-!l) lIe must die on the
fourteenth day of Nisan in ordt'r to fillfil the trIll"
and it was Oil the fourteenth day of Nisall that he
was nailed on the tree.


HOUGH unseen by humnn eyes, Jehovah, the

Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, is now
becoming more fully known through the won
derful works which performing for the information and eneour.agement of those .....ho trust in him.
Songs of praise, therefore, arc very much in order;
and such praise to Jehovah is today rising from
amon~ the gathercll witnesses of Jl.'hovah, who through
out all the earth declare among the people Jehovah's
lIame and the good news of his kingdom, the only hope
of the world.-i\latt. 12: 1821.

Jehovah God has provided music for the new-born

gowrnment and his faithful witnesses who delight to
sing that music. The Psalms of the Bible arc poems
set to music.
One of these kingdom poems is Psalm Of!. It opell'!
with the statement that Jehovah has become King alld
calls upon the people to tremble. "Jeho\'flh fat this
particular time] is great in Zion [his orgallizationl ;
. . . Let tbf'In praise thy great anll tel'1'ihle name;
for it is holy. . . Exalt ye tho Lord our (iou, and
worship at his footlStool; for hc is holy." His name

fJ"fie WATCliT0WER
is exalted by a great public proclamation. "His footstool" mentioned herein is his temple class on earth,
for there the Lord God is rcpre~elltcd on earth.
Verse 6 of this psalm speaks of Moses, Aaron, and
Samuel as calling upon the Lord and being heard by
him, and his answering them. This is evidently here
inserted al:l an encouragement to those who today call
upon the name of Jehovah and trust him implicitly.
Another one of these government songs is P~alm
68. It opens with the statement: "Let God arise, let
his enemies be scnttered." Representatively Jehovah
arose in the representative capacity of the Melehizedek
priesthood. Chril't, the great High Priest after the
order of l\Iclchizrdek, standg up from his scat to make
his enemy his footstool, and those on earth who arc
devoted to .Tehovah arc willing volunteers in this day.
(Ps.110:3) "Sing unto God, sing praises to his
11ame; extol him that rideth upon the heavens hy his
name .1 AlI, MId r('joiee beforc him." Ood is not so
much cOncerned about hearing the 8in~il1g for him~
sclf, but to have the people hear it, that his name
might he exalted. Therefore this must be by a public
witncss to his name.
It is writt(m that when the ark of the ('ovcnant was
set fOfwal"d on its jOUl'lH'y toward the Pl'omisl'd Land
tlll'SC itlcnticnl words with which the psalmist opell('d
were spoken: "Ui!';c up, Lord, and let thine enemips
be scattered." (~l1m. 10: 35) When J)avidcarrit'd
the ~Irk to its r('stin~ place Oil Mount Zion this custom
must have been fol1o\\'('d. It is recorded that on this
oc('a.'lion f}avill eall!';cu to be appointed sin~('l's with
instrllnwnts of music. (1 Chron. 15: 16-28) With song
and instrum('ntal music the ark was hrought forward
and placed on :Mount Zion, 'I'his was done in the
prt'Scncc of the enemies. 'fhat service pictured what
is now going on in t!w partll. The song of the ldll~dom
ilO\V sn.r~: "They have seen thy goings, 0 God; even
the goin~q of my God, my King, in the sanctuary."
(Ps. GS: 24) Thlls the encmy sees the work going on
and hears the rcmnant singing.
Another song of the new government is pgalm 149.
The song opens with: "Praise ye the l.ord. Sing unto
the IJQrd a new song [in view of the fact that his kingdom has come], and his pl'llise in the congregation of
snints. Let lst'ad rejoice in him that made him; let
the children of Zion he joyful in their King," because
the King of glory is come. "Let the saints be jo)'ful
in glory. let them sing aloud upon their beds." The
Lord has been glorified as King, and the honor at~
taches to his remnant as ambassadors of the new King,
and therefore the)" are in glory. They siug upon their
beds instead of going to sleep, as some have. 'rJwy
arc active in showing forth the praises of the Lord
day and night and will continue until earthly sleep
overtakes them. This is in exact harmony ,vith the
words of God's prophet in Isaiah 62: 6, 7, in which
the Lord sa~'S his watchmen shall 110t hold their peace


day or night but shall" continue to make mention of

the name of the Lord.
"Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and
a two-edged sword in their hand." God is their Creator and is worthy to be praised. The "sword in their
hand" shows that these faithful ones are engaged in
a warfare against Satan's sccd.-Gen. 3: 15.
"'ro execute Vel1gea11('e upon the [nations], and
punishments upon the people." The" sword" with
which they are to execute this vengeance iii the Word
of Uod. (Bph. 6: 17) The method of execution is
simpl)" by declaring what the Word of God has to
say cOllcel'lling his v(mg-eancc and the expression th('re~
of against Satan's organization.
"To bind their kings with chaiml, :md their nobles
with fetters of iron." Manifestly it is the kings of
"Christendom" that al'O referred to hcre as being
lJound. 'I'he faithful remnant clasg use the \\7'ord of
Cod to bind these kings and nohles. "The rod of the
wi('ked shall not [longei] r('st upon the lot of tho
righteous." (Ps. 125: 3) The proelamation of the
truth and the hearing- of it by the people is d('stroyin~
the influence of the "nohles", namely, the clcr~)", over
the pl'ople. :\1("n are get! ing their eyes open alit] 111'0
gettil1~ away from standing in fear of th("se t~ccle
siustical "nohles".
"To execute upon th('m the judgment writt(>n."
This shows that "the remnant clas.~ arc to follow what
is written and arc only to prodairn the mc"sa~e of
nod 's kjl1~dom. It is not for them to dn any violence
to the rulers or the nobles, but to u('('lare the judgment whieh the Lord God has already dcel'ced agaill~t
them and which is written in hig WorJ. They are
therefore merely the seI'wrs of Hotil'e as to what shall
he done. 'fhe song cone!\I(les: "This honoUL' have all
his saints." 'I'he Lord t'ounts theirs an honorable wOlk
'I'hose wllo fail and refuse to joyfully have a part in
})(,l'forming- this work of testimony to the great name
of Jehovah are by the terms of the psalm excluded
from the saintly class.
Another one of these kingdom SOll~S is Psalm 72.
c, Give the king ['I'he Stone, Chrbt Jesus, God '8
Anointed King] thy judgments [thy decrees and
authority to execute them], 0 God, aIHI thy righteousness ['the rohe of righteousness'] unto the king's
son [Jehovah's royal sons &lill on the earth}. lIe
[Christ Jesus, haying been gh'en Cod 's jud~mcnts
and authodty] shall judge thy people with rightoolls11(,SS, and thy poor with judgment." This song ig an"~
other evidence as to what must now be done as a part
of Goo's great work in the earth and whieh must be
done by the remnant.
Another one of the new government song'> is Psalm
95, which the remnant class are now singing: "0 eome,
let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noi')o
to the rock of our salvation." The reason for this song
is that Jehovah is the great God and is now exalted




N. Y.

in Zion. lIt 1914 the earth became the Lord's, and forth to those who will hear that his righteous govern.
he sent forth bis Anointed One to oust the ruler there- ment is at hand.
of. Therefore "in his hand are the deep places of the
Among the new government music whieh the remearth". God through his prophet Ezekiel had prom- nant class sing is Psalm 75. "Unto thee, 0 God, do we
ised that he would search out his sheep and call them, gh"e thanks, unto thee do we give thanks :,for that thy
and that he would shepherd his flock and deliver them name is near, thy wondrous works derlare." (Ps.
out of places where they have been s<,attc1'cd. (Ezek. 73: 1) .Jehovah is now doing his works in the earth.
34: 11, ]2) Recognizing that the Lord God has done These things seen by the anointed servants are evi.
this, the remnant sing: "For he is our God; aud we dences to them that God himself is near auu is takillg
{U'e the pcople of his pasture, and the sheep of his a hand in the affairs of the earth. Some works he
hand. 1.'0 day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not must do by forces other than his people on earth.
your hea1't, l1S in the provocation, and as in the day Almost all his work on earth done by the ,anointed
of temptation in the wilderness."
is the makiug' proclamation to the honor of his name.
'fhe apostle Paul applies this psalm to the close of Opportunitic:; that they llllve now to serve him in
the llge of God's favor to natural Israel; and, accord- declaring his llame arc proof to the anointed that God
is using them, and that therefore they haye his apin~ to the }'u]e laid down by him, it applies with
greater force to the cud of the world when God is proval. Such is further proof that now is God's due
time to have his name declared in the earth. With
galherill~ his people to himself. (lIeb. 3: 15-19; 4: 1-3;
1 Cor. 10: 1J) l:;incc the comin~ of the Lord to his 11 clearer vision of God's purposes con(,I'l'llin~ thl'm,
temple, and the heg-inning of judgment throughout . the anointed can go on in his wOl'k with full cOllfidellcc.
the honse of Gou, the Lord's \'oice t.hus speuks out 'I'hey are not so much coneel'ncd ahout how I()Jl~ they
to the temple class that their Iwarts may not hp hard must continue to wOI'k on ('arth, nor how gr'('at the
cOI'd hut that tlll'j' may rejoice to ohcy his \\'01'1.1. The danger of attack from the enemy; but tll(y arc COIlLenl say~ that sOllie of those n1lOinted to killg-ship will cerned about faithfulnes'.; to their co\ellant. With
hat'ch,u their Iwal'ts and will tm'n away and will 1I0t serenity they ",ing forth the honor of his name.
eJlg-age in tlw g-Iau song anlloullcin~ his l<in~c1oll1. 'fhl'so
~orne who arc allointeu think they should not l"pcak
will c'olllplain ll~ainst their hl'l'tlll'cn alld insist that against the Ih:\'il 's or~ani7,ation but should t)l' at Jleac'c
there is nothing to he done but to await the time when with it. ::5twh arc fickll', he('ause they call1lot Jlursue
they shall he takl'll to the king-dom. 'l'hc Lord rep- that course and be loyal and faithful unto t.he Loru.
resl nts the faithful rcmnant class, llOwewr, as singing: 'ro the :Hlointed OIWS the Lonl says: ":\Iy SOil, fear
"And t hey sling' as it were a new !;ong before the thou ttw Lord :llId t he king [God's Anointed 0111', t.he
throne', and hdorc the foUl' bCllsts, and the elders: and Stone laiu in Zion] ; and In('(idle not [asxoeinte not)
no man I'ould !I'arn that s()n~ but the hundred and with them that arc Kiven to change (that arc firkle]."
fort.y and fOllI' t.hnllsand, which were redrerncd from 'J'hcse who turn a;:;itle to associate with tilt' workers of
the earth. "--Hev. 14:3.
iniquity shall fall. ".As for such as tUl'll nsidc Ullto
'I'he complainei's call1l0t understand this song be- thl'ir I'l'ool\l'd ways, the Lord sha II lead tlll'm fort h
cause the.\' refuse to pari iC'ipate in it. Tho:';(~ who have with the \\"Orkcrs of iJIiquity ; hut peace shall be upon
alrc'lldy passl'd into glol'Y and are for ever with the [spiritual) Israel.' '-Ps. 12G: r..
Lord l'ug'llg'e in the sing-in!.! of the new song declaring
Only those who are faithful to the Lord ~hall stand.
the praisl's of .Jehovah. The remnant still on earth That one is of the remnant e1a:':s lIOW is no g-uarantee
purtil'ipate in the singing of tl1(';,c songs that l'onsH that he is going to he of that class filially. 1Ie' m\1st contutc the music of the new govcrllmcnt. The fact that tinue diligellt and faithful even unto the 1'1111. "SI~I'st
the statement is made that no man on cart h can learn thou a man Jiligcllt in his bus!ncgs [that is, Ilw T\ill).!s
that song except the 144,000 shows that t.hose of the business, looking' aft('r the king-110m inte'J'('sb;J 1 he
remnant clas;;; still on earth would know and partici- shall stand [face to face 1 hefore [the) kill~~ [.Jehovah
pate in the song.
and Christ Jrsus] ; he shall not stand bcfl)I'C mp:lIl
Another of the new lrovernmcnt son~s addressed to [or ohs('ure) men [the petty kin~s of earth; he will
the" Chief Musician" is Psalm 66. "Make a joyful not ha \"e the approval of such]." (Prov. 22: 2:l)
noise unto God, all ye lamls." 'I'his joyful Iloise mU>.t Thoge who arc faithful and so continue nnto thl' end,
be made amongst the nntions :is a witness and must an(l arc dilig'pllt in proclaiming the prahl'S of the name
be gh'en as the Lord commanded by those who love the of the Lord, shall havc the friendship of God's .\nointgood tidiu!,\"s and who are the faithful witw'sses of the cd King. 'He 1hat hath jlHrerwss of heart, and grace
Lord. The song continues: "Sing fOith the honour upon his lips, shall have the King for his fricnel. ' of his name; make his praise glorious." In the I'en- Provo 22: 11, margin.
turies past God has magnified his \Yord of promise.
The marvelous work of Jeho\'ah progTes:-ps nwl his
Now the time has come wl}('n llis name must be exalted people look forward with confi(lenee to the time whc'n
in the earth; and his faithful witnesses, whom he has his righteous government shall be completely estabappointed, are privileged thus to magnif,Y it, by tdlillg lished in the earth, solely in charge of earth's affairs.




Each Sunday, in addition to use, I have taken rour

lectnres along in the car, hoping at least one person will stop
me to ask questions. Eaeh Sunday such an incident has occurred, and the total time required to really explain a subject
is never more than ten minules. I have noted many workers
spend 5-10-20 minutes in fruitless lecturing at a door, often
l,~aving the people more confused than ever. In my opinion
(and I voice that of every listener to date) those le,;tuTPs are
the most pungent pieces of information on the subjects ever
1m'pared. 'I.'he only objection I have hcard is from our own
workers who apparently d.Cllire to hear their own voice set forth
the information in their own way.
:For such efrort, richly blessed, I have been severely cen
sured. I am tolol, "You shoul,l not use the rcp.Qrds during the
work period. l: se the ca.rd a nd then talk to tho people, if they
Sf'em interested." l'('rsonalIy, I prefer to let my superior 110
my talking when 1 secure an open door. You furnished me Witll
a tool, mill I will Murdy use it, especially when it st',mlS pr,rtkularly litting and potent. I am toltl, "Wait until the :-50cicty tells you how ttl uRe thPIJl." (Three people, thn'c Huntlays would hu\'e missed the blessing_) I prefer to shoot the TurT.
on sight, lind will do my best to aim straight until my commun,ler SC('S fit to betlf:r dit'ect my fire. If I am \VfoD/t.. l trust
the Bulletin straightens this out.

A foreign-speaking director told me that when be was in the

Grerk army his commander said, "'When you see a Tllrk, don't
hunt me up for advice. Shoot the '1'urk." I made immt"liltte
use of the opportunity Jehovah furnished through lUll servant
our president by carrying a set of the new recorus and a port
able pll1iUograpil with me each Sunday on our sen;ce work,
trying to lind ono sincere seeker of truth and then letting you
answer his questions. 1 rejoice to tell you your euorts along
this line haw alre[\,Iy heen amply repaid and a Ill'W and wonderful opportunity for service opened. It is a real time-saver
to ll. worker.
The first Sunday, an elderly gentleman, after the usual card
testimony, being penniless, expressed gratitude for charitable
gifts of booklets, etc., he had fl!ceived from time to time from
our witnessCll, and said, "Now tell mo ~'our latest news on Armageddon." I played the lecture on that subject to him and a
roomful of rdatives, it bpin!{ a short distance back to my car
and the phonograph. At tho conclusion, with tl'llrs running
down onto I,is snowy beartl, he said, "Young man, that '8 the
most forceful lecturer I hav,~ ever heard, and he has told me
more on that little rc(~()rd than I ha VC heltrd from preachers
ill seventy years." With CXIll'l'ssions of joy he followell me to
tile gate and askt~d God '5 blessing on tho work for the peace it
had given him. If you had seen the expression on that old
fellow 'a face I




(Continflecl from page t7t)



WMBO flu 6:30pm

Ha 2:15p1l\
Ding 'mton WNBF l'lu 7:] 5pm
Drook.h-n WBBR l'l1110 :15alll
flu 6::lOprn
Mo 10:31lnlll
Tu 10 :::Otlln
Tu ti ::;Opm
Wo (i::HJ!'1n
'1'h 10::Wam
'1'h 1i::101'1Il
l'r 10: 30am
Fr 6: 30pm
WOR Su 10:()()nm
Wg~(} l:)u III :13am
~'rel!polt WOnD SIl !I :OUam
'fu 7 :OOI,m
'1'h 7 :O()l'm
lllld~on l!'. wa LC Su 10: 431lm
JlllllC\4lowu WOCl.Su 9::1lfll.m
New York WHNX Hu l!::lOpll1
New York WOV Hn 4::\Opm
Saranac L. WNDZ Su 10 :15um
. 'fll 4:15pm
'I'll 4 :]5pm
SVlacuse WHYR Su 10:::0am
'l'upper 1.. WHDL f:lu 10: Hilllu
Til l1::Wam
Who Pl'na WFAg Su 6:00pm
Mo 1:00pm
Sa 9:00am
Ashedlle WWNC Th 5::10pm
Charlotte ,,"SOC Su 10:l:iam
Of('ollRboro WHIG Su 9 :4:Jam
WP'f}' Su 9 :4:Jam

G'11 }'orks KFJM Su 2: 30pro



WADe Su 1 :4Gpm
We 10 :15am
WJW 8u 5 :30pm
\Ve 11:30arn

Cleveland WHK Au
Tu 3:15pm
Cle\-elnnd WJAY Su
Columbus W.\.IU Flu

10 :OOam

Columbus WBNS Su ~:45am

:Mo 1:15pm
We 1:15pm
Pr 1:15pm
WHMK Su l::;Opm
Mt. Orab WI rDD l$u 4: 30pm
We 4:30pm
l"r 4:::Ol'ln
WSI'D Su 9 ::;(hllu
SIl 8 :15arn
Youngst'nWKDN Su 10:00am
We 4:13pm
Zanesville \VALR Su 10 :O()am
We 4:15pm

KGPX Su 1 :OOpm
'1'11 4 :OOpm
Til 4 :OO[lm
Watertown KGCR Su 9: 15am
We 8 : 45pIII

Cha 'nooga \\"1)OD Hu 1 :15pm

']'h g: OOam
WT.JS Hu 1 ::l/lprn
Wo 6:30pm
I:'r 5::{Opm
:Knoxville WHOr. fl.u 7 :OO"m
W.\[() Ru 4 :::Oplll
Memphis WnEG ~u 9:00am


Blk City
KAHA Su 1 :15pm
I'oncaCity WBnZ Su 10:00am
We 9:00pm
KYOO Su 9: 15am



KllllnntllP. IG<'.JI Mo 8:15pm

Marshfield KOOS ~ro 1:30pm
Medford K.l\lED Su 10 :()(hlm
Tu 1:00pm
WLHW flu 10:45arn
WrEG Su 1 :15pm
,Tohnstown W,JACSu 4:30pm
\VCAU Su 12:00 un
1'hila<lclphia \VIP 8u 6 :45pm
KQV 8u10:301l111
We 1 :4:Jpm
Pr 1 :45p1D
Reading WEEU Su 3 :45prn
We 3:45pm
Wash'ton WNnO Su \) :45am
W'llIsport WHAK Hu 6::{Opru
\YORK::)u 3:00pm

Amarillo KOUH Su 9:00am

K-:;O\V Su ](J:f)tlllm
COl'pusChr. K(JE'I Su 9 :OOam
\\'0 6:45pm
I:'r r.:45pm
KltLD Su 10:30am
KFPL Th 8 :OOpm
1"r 8:45am
EI Paso
KTS:'1 Hu 1:15lJlU
}'t. Worth KTAT ~Ill 5:15pm
\\'e 5:1f>plll
I:'r 5:15pm
Gah-eston KLUF Su 1 :45pm
We i!:OOpm

Houston KXYZ flu 10:0nam

S. Angelo KOKL Su 1 :4.3pm
'1'10 8 :l:Jaru
S. Antonio KTFlA Ru 10 :4.3am
KOKB:"u 9:].jam
We 9:];anl }'r 9:1;;:U1l
WiehitaF. KGKO!-iu 12::\01'111
Th 8 :4;)plll
K1.O Su 3 15pm


KZEG Su 7 :OOpm
Th 1:00pm


We 5

Salt I.. City




KSL f:lu 9 .J.5[l1D


W;:,1YB Ru 10 (1()am
Tit 5 30plll
St.Albans "'QV~l Su 1 OOpm

Orecm-jlle W.r'BC Su 10 :OOllm

Spart 'b 'g \vSI'A Su 6: 30pm

\VB'!'.\I Su



L)'lldlb'V; \\'LVA Su ]~:4:>plll

W'PAI( Stl12::;01'1II
Petersb'g WPIIH SII (j:43pm
\\' (] ] 0: OOam
Ridlllwnd WHY A Stl ] 2:] ;)1'f11
Hoanoke WDBJ Su l:!::Hlplll
We 5:00pUl

Aheroleen KXHO Su 1: 1:;I'In

Bell 'ham KVOS Su 10 :OOam
'1'h [;: :;Oplll
K.JH Su 10 :OHUliI
KVL .\10 Ii :45pm
'I'u 6:4.3pm
\VOJ 6:1':>"",
'1'h (i :'15pm
Fr (j :4!ip:1I
1'3[1 Ii :4:;1'111
KFIO SII 9:15am
l\(L\ HII Ii: OOptll
KVr Su 2:-!.')Plll
\YallaWalla KUJ Su 7 :4;;:1111
Hu 1: :It/pm
Wenatchee KI'<l/'iu 1 : 001' III
We 7 :OOalll


KIT flu 10 :Oflam

Th 7 :OOll'n





1:'r 8 : 431)1n


Ch'lottosv. Wjo;U<; S1I10:45nm


WHIS Su 9: OOam
Fr 8 : (H)mu
WOBU lSu 4 : (JOplU
W;\E\r~ Hu 12 :4:3pm
WSAZ Tit 4: (J,t[Jlll
WW\'.\ ~u 10:OOalll


La Crosse WKll11 811

Madison WIB.\ flu
l\1ani 'woe \yOMT :>10

12 :00 un
i : (Jtlplll




KD.I:'X!-;u IO::Jflarn
Th S:45pUl

The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each tI.'eek or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
(Current IOClll time Is shown tn
each lI1~tance.l
2-A Y 'i'u Ii: 4;j pm
Goulburn 20N Su 7 :30pm
2-GF 'fu 7::)Oprn
Uunneuall 2-~ro Su 1: OOpm
2-XN Wo 7:1!Jl!!11
NClvCastle 2HD SIt 9::10am
Su 7:15pm
Sull: 40 1'1U
We 6::!0pIn
2-Ug Su 9:15am

\\' 'gaW'ga 2-\\10 We


Wo 7:4,jpm
4-IIC SIt lO :lfilun
4-MK Su 10:1Gam
Mayloor'~h 4-MB \\0 9:4,jpm
HoC'kh 'pton 4-HO Wo 10:0 0 plll
'l'owns\ ille 4-'1'0 We 8: OOprn
Launcollton 7-I.A ~'r 10 :15pm
:t-BA Su 12 :4:;pm
:\BO'l'u 8:o0plll
:\-u'\ Hu O:4fi11Jl1
;:IIHHu 7:00pm
Ml'lbourne :1-A W Hl1 10: 15:ulI
3-'1''' Su O::Wplll
:HHl Su 7 :IGplll
Swan Hill
Kalj.(oorlie lJKO Hu 7 :'I:Jpm
HMI, Su 7:00pm
JIuinuut BONN}>} Sa 5::l0pm
(3::0 m) El:;l'.1'::HA XCB


l:PCN l:!u 5:43pm

CJCU l:lu !l: OOpm

Hamilton CKOC Su 10:30am
8u 1:30plll
l:lu 8 : 15pm
Shanghai XMliA Btl 9 :45am




Spanish Su 7:00pm
eMI, Su 11 ::JClam


Su U:O{)I.m

Santa Cl'a C1HU Su 12: 13plll

Spanish Su 11 :05am

Bor<1('nux RA D10- ){o 7 :45pm

(237111) SUDOUJo;ST
Fe(~nmp RADIO(2~)6 m) KOR:-'L\Xml'~
French 'I'u 8 :OOpm
Paris RADIO L L l:'r 8: 15pm
(370 1II)
Sn12:00 nn
t=n~.8 m) VI1'(;l:)
Tlt 7: 30pm
8a 7: :lOpm
Toulouso RADIO- We 7:15pm
(385.1 m) 'l'OULOCSE


Spanish 'l'h 10:00pm

RADIO 'fh 8:00pm
(220.1 m) BEZIKRS




"nee Su 10: OOum

"'Urn'ton WDEL Su 6: 15pm
Washington WOL Su 6:00pm



Birm'ham WAP!:-,u
IJirm 'ham WBlte Hu
WAGl-' /-:iu
M 't~oll1eryWI'H'.\ Su
Muslle S. WNHA /-:iu
Wo 8:00pm

1 :30pm
3 :43pm
Ii :OOprn

.AndIOTllwKl:'qD We 9:30pm
Ket"llIkllllKUUU 1110 7:l.ipm
I'll 7:l!iplll
Ha 7:13pm

"'0 4

KH UN:-'u 4 :OOpm


We 5:IfJpJll H~l
1(1'J~1 Hu
Wo 5:4jplll
Wo 7 :OOpm Fr
Spanish ~u

4 :(J"l'ltl

5: 15pnt
5: };ipID
4 :30pm
5 :4jpm
7 :OOpnt

.Ta,:ksonv. W;\Um Su JO:OOam

WIOl> /-:iu 9 :-I;jlllll
WQ.\:\I Su 4:-l.ipm
WDBO Hu 12 : 43pm
Pensllcolll WCOA Hu 1 :IJIIl'lU
We 7:00pm
WO PC Hu 10: 10:\111
W'l'Jo'I:'-iu !J :4!J:llU
W(::';T Hu fJ :";'1',,1
W.JTL:'-iu 2:J;'I,1I1
Augusta \yIt fJ \\':-lu ::1: 110 pm
'I'h 7:1:}1'0I
ColuIJIbU8 WItHl, Hu !J ::;011111



Col'o Spr. KVOR:-'u 10 ::1Oam
Wo 5:30pm
Sa 4:30pm

\VLBZ Su 10:45nm


Baltimore \\tHT.::;u 3:J:ipm
CUlllherl'd\rTBO~{o 1:1:i1'1ll
We 1:15pm Pr 1:);;1'111
IInl;l'1'st'n \VJEJ 1:5u 1(J:l;;..llll
Bllh80n P. WHSO:'iu l~ ::Wpr,1
W~AC Su 11):OlJalll
8p'j.(tieltl W:'IrAS Hu 10::10:([11
\\ Olcestel' \vOIW::;u 11) ::.liJ:lf"
WIIH'Tu 6:1;)1'1ll
W.rlt HI1 !I:4:'''1l1
WlInl Hu (;:;; iJ l'lIl
Kuhuunzoil \V KZO Su II: '1""rn
We 2 :IJtlpm



IIntti('sh'gWPFB Hu 1 :3(1[I!ll
\\'e 7 : 'l::i I' III
WA~lL SIl 1 :OUI,m


wcoe Su lO:(){i't1ll


W JilL :::Iu 10 :OOUlll
Fr 6::JO:t1ll
Harrisb'~ \VEilq Hu 0 :OOPIll
~lo 10::I0pm
Fr 10:00plil
W'fAD Su 12::"Opm
Wo 1:001'lU
Ro('kford WltOK SnlO:OO:\m
SI110 :OOpm
We 10 ::If.lpm
Sp 'gficld WCBS Su 12: :':OplIl
Sa 11 :15,lm
WDZ Si.l12 : 43IJIll



K11LD'Hu 10:45am
Shre"ep't KWEA Su 10:15am

Honolulu KG:\lll We 12:0:;pll}
l'r 7:1::iplll

El CC'lltro
KXO ~u 10 :OOatn
KJ g~1 Su 10 ::l"lam
lOU I"u :J :4.lpm
Bollywo()u KNX Hu 9:1:Jpm
Long B 'eh K(lEU Hu 10 :4:;alll
l.osAngeles K'r~l ~u 9 :3,lam
8u 8:00pm
Th 8:00pm
KLS Su 11 : I.lum
We 2:4;;plll
Fr 2:4,ipm
Onldantl KHOW f:u 10:1.Jull1
I:lu 6:15plll
~lo 8:1.;ll1n
9 :3/ltlnt


Louisville WAVE 'Su 9: 13am

:Min 'apolls WIlU Y Su :.! :001""
MOll!'lll::lll KllI'K:-:u 7::Wplll
We (i: 15plll Fr fi: l['Vlll

lUDO Hu lO:30,11ll
We 1\ :.J';1'1Il
1<1:"1.) Falls KID ~ro 1():OOant
KFXn Hu 11 :()I)am
,\[0 7:4.;plll
KSEI Hu 2:00pm
Sn 9 :OOpm
Twin Falls K'fJ:'1 Su 10 :-13an1
8u 4:45pm

Sa'lIIento KFBK Su
S. F'cisco K'fAB Su
Stockton KODM Su
We 7:15am


Coffeyville KGGJ:' Su 1 :45pm

Th 8:00pm

La(lrulll-\c\\'KEti I'u :1:001'1lI

\Yo 3 :001'111' Fr If) :OOam
W~IAZ Su 4: f H!1'1lI
WHO.\ Su 1~::Jf)1'1ll
We 8 :45pm Fr 8 : ,f;;I' III
Savannnh \\ 'fOe Su 1 :001'11I

Flly'ville KUOAl:luI2:4fipm
We 11 :45am
Fr 4 :::Oplll
Hot Hp '~s K'l'lLS Hu 5 :001'1lI
Little H'k KUHI Sll 7:00pm
Wo {; :4.;plll
Fr 5 :4jpm
Little R 'k Kl.1L\ Hu lU::\lI,lIn
Paragoulfl KB'r~1 :::iu 10 :OClunt
We 11 :::I)am
TCXIUkanll. KCMC So 6:45plll

\\'0 8:151'1U

RA.DIO- Su 3:30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN

KVOD Su 7:00pm
Grand J 'n KFXJ Hu 1: 15pm
K.FKA Su 0:43pm
KlD\\' flu 'j: IiiI'm
We 2 :40pm Fr 2 :40pru
KUEK :-'1012 :4.ipnl
\\'e 12 :45pm J:'r 12 :4jP1U


We Ij:

WUC~l Sll



!l:4 ~,lfll

We b:131'1Il


KFIUJ Su ~: 1.2!,flI

,: l.,,,m

Kans.C'y KWKC Hu :lJ0l'llI

'I'll 7 :i)UalJl


IIallllllon,l WWAf: Su 11 : Ol)u III

Iud'apah! WKBl:' Su 10 :OOum
Th 1 :OOPIll
WLBCSu 1:3,)pm
J:'r 7:30pm

Des .Moines WHO Su 10 :30unt




I) :OOam

Kcr.rncy 1{(JFW Su 10;01lalll
KF.\B Hn tl ::)vam
KJ 'Ol~ Sll 10: I,jam
Scottshl 'f KG K Y ;)\1 10: 13.1I11
We 5 :4JI'ITl Fr S :lJpm
KOTl Su 10:::o'l!!l



\\'~EW Sll10:1),lum

KOB We ,'j :.j;jpJrl
KU1-'L ~u 5:}'~i'1l:
We 4:30pm Fr 4::~lJpru

AILuq 'que



l)(lgc 271)




117 Street
Brooklyn. N. Y., U. S.A

J. F.



Vi'. E.



"And all thy children sha.ll be tau\.1ht of Jehovah; and

s2reat shall he the peace of thy children," .lJail1n S 4: IS.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true 00(1, is from everlasting

to everl:\stint;, the 1Iakcr of heaven rnd earth and the Ohcr

of life to hill creatures; that the Logos
his (m~ation and his active agent in
things; thnt the Logos is now tllo Lord
clothed with all '[lower in hC!lH:ll and
l:xecutive Officer of J\lhovah.

was the bf'ginning of

the creation of aU
.TeRus Christ in glory,
earth, and tlle <Jhlcf

THAT GOD created tho earth for mnn, createll perfect

mnn for tho earth aud [,laneel him upon it; that man wilfully
di:lobeycd <.lod's In\v awl was sentenced to death; that uy
renson of Atbm's wronr:: act all men are born llinllers and
,.. mlout the right to life.
TIIAT JESUS WllS malla humnn, aoo. 1110 mall JesUII suffered dcath irl or.J..r to prm]ul'c tho ransom or rcdemptivo
price for nIl lllllnkinui that God rai~cd up Jcsus dh'iuo lind
exalted him to hen,yen ahovo every crcatulc unci a1,,)vo eyery
Jmme nnd clotheo. him with all power nll,l authority.
tl'at Chril\t J('sus is tho Chief On1cI)r thercof !lnll is tho
Ti~htrul Killl:' of tho worM; that the 'Ilnointl'<l nUll faithful
roHowers of Christ. Jesus uro rhiJdrcn of Zion, mernlJe:rs of
Jl'llOVah '8 organiz:\lion, nnd urc his 'l>ilncss"s "hoso uutv ~nll
IJrivill'~e it is to tl",tify to tho flllprl'mnl'y of Jell/mIll, ,j;:clnro
his purposes toward tunukind as expn'l\'led in th" Bible, null
to befll' the fruits of tho kiuf:dom before all who will hear.

THAT THE WORLD ll:\s CUlled, and tllO 1.0rd .Tes1Js Christ
lms been plncl\d 1y .1elI0\'nll upon llis throne of llu\hority,
kls otJ,~t('cl SfttllT! fmllt lll'llven und is proceeding to the
cstnhlishnlCnt of God '5 king-110m on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF nnn bll'~~in~!l of tho peopll'g of enrth
('nn ('0100. only hr uncl through .T~l\o\'[lh's Idng<1OlTl un.Jer
Chrifit wlndl has now opglln; thnt tho Lord's nrxt !treat
net 1$ tho (11'3lrudion of Satan's orgnnizrttion nnd the estab
li~hment of rightcou3ness in tho earth, nna thnt ulHlcr tho
king-dom all thoso who will obey its rightl'olls laws shnll bo
Tl'storod nnd li\'o on earth foren'r.


IIIS journal is pubJishcl1 for the purpOlle of


the people to know Jeho\'all God and his purposes as

expressed in the Binle. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designc<1 to aid Jehovah 'a witnesses. It arranges
systematic l~lble study for its reaoers And supplies other literature to Ilid ~n bUch. studies. It pUbli~he8 suitable material
for rauio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It i~ entirely free /lnd &CI>nrato irom all parties, flcets
or other Worldly organizntions. It is wholly and without
reservation for tho kingdom of .Teho\'ah God under Christ
his Delo\'ed King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
and critical eXluuination of its contents in tho li~ht of tho
SeriptUTe5. It flues not inrJulg'1l in controversy, amI its 1'01
umns nro not open to personalities.



C,lX.IlJA, AXD ?<rlSCEC.L.~~EClUS l'Qllr.rr.~I,

ACSTRALASlA.. .,\";1> ~(JCTU AFnIC.\. 7..;.
should 1,0 macle by I:"prcs~ or Po,;tal ?<I011<'Y


AI\I(:riclIn r<:mittmlC'e:i
Qr<l<:1". or by IJ:lnk Drn ft. Cannuia, lll'ili<h, South ;\ fril'nn 11\111
'/\u_1 ra1aRian rl'ntitlnn"es ~houl<1 bo mad.., direet tl) the re'pedil 0
brnnd.l offices. llemiltani'"'' from C')lllltl'i<:." other thlln th",,, IIlPnHimI'd may bo mado to the nrooldyn office, !Jut by /nicl"Ilatlonal
l:'o~lal :Money Onlcr ollly.

Ddti.,h 31 ern \'CI\ Tprrl\l'e, I.ondon, W. 2,


4Q Ir\\ in .A \"r-nuc, rroronto. Onf ad,), CUU:.lI!a.

7 U~r~f;forll HO:.Ltl. Rtrn.th1i(Jc1, N. :i. 'V., .\u..:trulia.
1l",toJl !Iou,e, C"po Town, ~ol\th .\frlca.
1'll':\sO :\lltlr".,~ the :>ocil'ty In C\'cry casl!.


(Translations of this


apl,car In several Inllouooc8.)

All slneC're fltu<1cnts or the nibIl) whe> 1>1 ren%n of lntin1l1ty.

!loverty or a<!vl'I"lly firo unahle to pay tho ~llh",'ril'tiol\ 1,r,I'0
may have '1'he '\I'lltellio,ecr free lIpon \Hillen al'lll",": i,JU to I ho
Imbll,hl'rR. mnde OlWO ('adl ~cnr. stlltill;; tho rc{,SOIl fur ~o reI\I"l;\!!.: it. \1'0 lIrc ,,]eul to thll~ aid tlto nto<><!y, bllt tlil' \Vlitli'll
lIpplicatlon 0111'0 ('neh year i~ rpquired L~' tho postal r.';.;tllatiou'l.
~'oiil'l) to Sub"cribers: Al'know]f'tl~'lIl"ut of n new or n r('llc\val ~llh
sl'riptlon will ho ~pnt only ",h.,,, rOI)Il("tc'l. ('hnnl(o 0( 1\,l<:r""",
When rCl)uNltel1, mn)' bll ('~I'('ete.1 tf) I\pl'e".r Oil 11.l<lr,,"" 1;\\1.'1 '\itllll\
ono Jllonth. A renl)wu1 bl:lItk (c:ll'Tvitlg' noll<'o of e~J1irlltioll) will
be seut with tho journal one month 'b"foro tho sub'lpril,ti'lll eX;lir0<.
Filtered as Second


Mail _lTn/tcr at n.'oaldyn. N. I'., l'ostof!ice.

Act oj 1Jfanh 3, lS7rJ.

:--::.--:: .


'l'his nine,tby service period, Septelllher :l!) to Ol,tohcr 7
ine!usi\'e, l)('gir,s the ncw s{'rvi('() year of ]!):1-!193:i. It will be
earthwille in its SC\'l'c, it is eXIJlldc<'\ that more I:mlill
whero some of Jehovah's witnesses or Jonadabs are located
will reccive a witn"ss during this period t hnn during any pre
vious like period. In the Englishspeaking (,ountries Jehovah's
witlwsses l,n<l the Jonadal,s will spe,~illlize on placing the new
booklet, IllfJUtcous fluler. In cOlmtl iI'S of :lnothN language the
bran<:h offke in charf:e will duly allllounce the Looklet to be
distributed there. And, important I dOIl't furg\lt reportiJ\l~ YUllr
work for the period, promptly at the clos\) thereof, to the reo
8pecth~ office having supervision over tlte witness in your part
of the field.


Jehovah '5 IJlc;slltg has I.>cen markedly upun the use of Ihtl
portable tl'llnSI~l'iption l!lachine. He Ims plainly /lIanif~~I{'J
that this ma<'hinc meets the nped of the hour, whcu the en"lIIy,
ullder Gog, is seekillg to curtail ti,e u,,. of t.he radio I.>y Oud's
nnoillted l,wl \\ !len the people'iI (':IrS are eag-cr to hear, not
man's messa;.:e, but God s. 'rite transcriptIOn machiue hns :1\.
creased tbe flower of JelllJvllh's lI'itnt:s,cs ltfield (fJ [Jl't'l\i'b His
truth manyfold, so th:lt tbe desire for th\} lilf~rtlture is stllHU'
luted and study clasl\cs of lllany il\terc~ted Iwarers are h"llI~
formed. BeSIdes 1110re than 000 SUtn nHwhiues in the UllIted
State!! nlone, great numbers are noW being efIc(~tively used in
countries ncar lIlIlI arn.r. For more information, Wrlto th"


Pursunnt to the proVlsion of law and the churter of the
Wat~h Tower Bihle nnll Tract Society, notice is her{'hy ginm
that the nnnual busincss llIeetin~ of the said Sodety will he
held at Pittsburgh, North Side (formerly AlJe~heny), Pcnll.9yIvania, at 10 0 'cluck a.m., Wednesday, October 31, 1~34, at
which the usual annual business will be transacted.

Another new hookl"t I The two radIO ledures i' 'Vorl.l C,mtro!" lind" Flee X,) I\' " , WIth lIlI eXl'dIt:nt introuuclion thereto,
bound together uncleI' Dn{' CO\!;'l", this CU\ cr \.)cnrn:q; II must
inspirin,t;:' (j{'sig-n. E\'cu .Tehovah's wituc8s{'s ~houl,1 not fail to
fead this bOIJldet, llI)i to o"nenk of the .T\)llad,lb el"",-. It llI'l \' Le
had for 5~ a cory by aU such. 'The l"~g'inull1[~ of the' t1i~t;,tJU
tion thereof to the general pul.>lic is ('!In(.unl~cJ ('b;wh'~l'e.


VOl,. LV



15, 1934

No. 18

UPor wc taestle not against flesh and blood, but a{J(Jinst principalities, aflainst powers, (JrJainst thc rulel"s of
the da,.kncss of this 'Wol"ld, against spiritual wickedness in high placcs."-Bph. 6: 12.

EIlOVAII'S great name havin~ heen reproached

both hy <lngels and by men, he sent ,Jesus to
earth for the purpose or vinoicating hi!'! Uamc
and to h(,:1I' witness to the truth. In doin~ this
Jc~iUS must preHeh and diel preach hoth by word of
mouth and }IY his consistent course of action. "'hat80ever preachill~~ Jl'SI1S did, that preaching was dOl1e in
thc pet'formuncc or his commission. 'l'he apostle Peter
under inspirat ion wrote: "For Chl'ist also hath onl'C
suffered for sins, the just 1'01' the unjust, that he mil;ht
brin~ us to nod, b"ing pnt to death in the fh~sh, hut
quickened by tll(\ s}lirit: by whieh also he \n'nt and
preached unto the spirits in prison; which sometime
were disolwdicllt, when Ollee the lon~snffl'ring of Goo
waited ill the days of NO:.lh, while the ark was a pre
paring, wherein few, thnt is, ei~ht souls, were saved
by water. "-1 Pl't. 3: IS-20.
2 Having now learned that the primary purpose or
,JdlOvah in sendin~ Jesus to earth, and the pl'imary
l)\l1'flOSC of the wurk of .Jesus, is the vindication of .Jehovah's name, the remnant may now expect to obtain
through Christ .h'slls at the temple a clear undpl'standinr:{ of the wonls of the apostle conccl'lling the "spirits
in prison ". 'Vho arc those spirits in prison 1 'Vho
imprisoned them f and in what manncr <lid .Jesus
prcaeh to them 1 According to the Scriptures those
"spirits in prison" were prior to the flood the on('s
(ksi~nated in Genesis six as the "SOliS of God", anll
their wrollll;uuing eunsistcd in their leaving their assigned duties in God's organization and marrying the
daughters of men and thus devoting themselycs to that
whieh was in disobedience to God's law concernin~
them. The Scriptures do not say that their disobedience extended over the entire 600 years that Noah
lived. Probably they were disolJCdient during all that
time and the preachiug' of righteouH ~oah brought
home to them noti'Ce that they were doin~ wrong. It
is the wiekeducss of man that is emphasized by the
Bcriptural rc('ord. (Gen. 6: 5) It was then that God
declared that "yet his [man's 1 days shall be an hun.
dred and twenty ;rears". It was durin~ the latter part
of these 120 years that Jehoyah gave 1\oah instruction


concerning the ark, hCl'llUSe at that time of r('('('iving

such iusl.ruetioll Koah llat! sons and his sons \\'('l'e married. 'fhe disolwdience of the SOliS or Gol1 eOllt inued
during that IJln'iod of time. Th is is t!dlniteJ;r fixed hy
1 Pd('r 3: ~O, ahove qnotpd: 'Whirh sOTTlf'timc [aforetime, R. V.l were disubedient, when the ark WflS beillg'
prepurpd.' When the ark was romplcted ulHI the ilood
came, tltC're the "old worlll" ('I](](.(1. 'l'hat m('allS tlw
pllU lI~~C i 11 slJi rit COJH.lit iOlls us well as ea I,thl y ('on(iitions; IWllee at that time llppl)' Hw worus of the HpOStl<" to wit: "The world that thPll was, bpill~ over
110\\"ed with water, pprished." (2 Pet. 3: (j) It was at
that time that the spirits were imprisOl1P<1, and wldeh
shows that th<,y were not destroyed. It was to thos\}
irnprison<,d spirits that J(::lUS preached. Noah, "a
preachrl' of rig-hteouslless," pl'caelH'd to them Ill'illr to
the flood and t1wy had not hC('(led his pr('aehin~, Ulltl
for that r('ason till'Y did not eseape illl pl'isolllTlC'nL
'['hose spirits could not have been killed at that time,
because tl1('Y were alive in Jp,;us' day; otlll'rwise Jesus C'ould not have pl'eaehed to them. It is quite eel'
tain that those disohedient spi ['i ts, "the sons of (lo(l,"
arc still aliv(', hut under restl'aint 01' impl'isOlll'd.
3 Who imprisoned them 1 Thel'c is no reason to con
elude that God imprisoned them. Since they Were
disobedient to God, would he not. he the one to imprison them? Not neceHsarily so. There is no evidence
in the Seriptures that God did imprison them. 'rhose
angels once in God's organization and in his s~'rvice
had fallen to the will'S of the ])evil, and God woulll
deliver such up to his em'my Satan and permit the
enemy 8atan to imprison them, Such is the eonrse followed by Jehovuh under like e1l'cumstanees. This is
snpported by the [aet that the hraelites Wl'l'\} one!' in
the organization and service of Jehovah, and that they
fell away to the wily influence of the Dcvil, and Cod
gave them over to his enemy alltl their clwmy, Satan,
and permitted many of them to he held in captivity
and in prison. (Hos.1l:8; ,Jer.12:7; Isa.H:G) .Also
those who go to make up the" gl'eat mull it udc" class
were bcp:otten of the spirit. being hl'ought :Ol'th [IS the
sons of God, and had opportunity to devote themselves


F.fTie VvAT C 1-1T 0\\1ER..

"holly to God's sel'viee and had an invitation to run

1\11' the prir.c of the kingdom, and yet they have fallen
h) the wily influence of the Devil al1u his allies, have
III h'mpll'tl to serve God and the Devil'li organization
at the same time, have fallen into Satan's trap, and
~.I'~. hdd in Batan's organization or prison house, and
tll'(' dcsifIllated as "prisoners", (Sec The 1F(ltcldower,
:1926, page 33D.) '1'he di:,;obedient "sons of God" in
the da~'$ of Noah likc\vise did not heed the prcacl1ing
of NOl1h, and when the flood came they found there
wus no protection for them regardless of whether or
not they {ksirlJd to rcl urn to God's organization at
thnt time. Thrj' hall 1>('('n ui:;o])(dient and walkNl into Satan's trap. lIad God imliri80neu tho:,;!; disoheuient spirits the manifC'st purpose woulu have been to
restrain them from [mtller disohet}icnee, awl this supports the condusiljfi that God did not re.-;train them.
If Satan is the one who put them in prison his purpose
would be to l,ccp them nl1(k1' his l'ontrol vlld tllUS
prevent them fJ'om reful'nill~~ to C:od, just as he holds
now the "~I'(,l1t muHit\\,le" ill pri"on. After the floou
('ame, a11l1 wh ieh taug:ltt these disohedil'nt spirits the
supreme P(lW\~l' of .JI'ho\-ah, and showed the vindieution of his \vortl ;11\(1 his Jlanll', such spil'it l'reatures
would be 1'('sf1'ailll:d hy Satan and his wicke,l allies to
pre\'cnt th('m f't'om ht'('akill~ away. Babyloll is the
name of Satnll'8 ol'~nnizationj and as God's ollee
chosen pcople, tIl{' Israelite", W('l'e held in Babylon, it
is evid('ntly ill Bahylon, that is to sny, the llevil's invisible or~;mization, ",here the disohedient spirits are
held in prisun aud which, in the Sel'iptures, is calkd
"thl' lanll of l\Ia~og".-E%ek. 38: 2j 3!): 6.
'Since tlwse "sons of (Iou" who !Jecnme <1isohedient
in Konh's day did not take aJvanta~l' of Gw}'s longsufferinA' JUI'in~ the 120 years, and did not hl'[lrl,en
unto the preachin~ of righh'olls Noah, God':-; repl'csentativc and witness, .1l'1lOnlh would Id thrm go and
wonld give them no protection [lnd did give tlH'm no
protection in thc flood. This finr1~ a stroilg parallel at
tIle present time, as will hCl'l'innftcr be seen. TIH'ir
disouedil'llee in disl'l'~ardi!l~ COtl's org:mizat ion and
bis servkc wonld il~par[lte t111'm from JI'hovah, and
th<>ir fear would In'ing- tlH'ffi iuto Satnn's snare, just
as fear hl'ing-s the ,. tribulation" company into the
snare of 8ntan. (Prov. 2!): 25) Thus Satan anu his
nephilim bullies would hold these" sons of God" in
restraint or in prison, 1Iot lJel'mitting them again to
return to the Lord .1dlOvah and his sl'rvi<c. When the
"sons of God ", in harmony with J<:'1lOvah's will, came
to presl'nt themselves and Satan would come also in
their midst there to show orf himself, 11\Oso \,hom Satan had restrained would not appear, (.Toh 2:1) The
disoheuicllt "sons" of Noah's uav would 110t be there,
but would be held in restraint, c~'el1 as Satan and his
ng<'llts now hold the" grcat mnltitude" in restraint
and away from the as'ieml)1y (\f God's witnesses, and
this Satan doc!' by using the clergy to restrain t!l<>m.
~ut as the mcssage of truth now preaehed by the consIstent lives of the faithful witnesses, as well as by

radio and in printed form, reac11es the "prison0::1>;;",

the "great multitude", evpn so God has al'l'ang<>d that
the message of truth shall reach the spirit prisoners
11<>111 1)" Satan, that tlley in uue time might seek him.
~ To those disobedient spirits Jesus pt'~acllt'd, as
stated by the 31)08t1e Peter. Since the IlUl'lJOSQ of
preaching- is reformation, if possible, of those who
hear, that mnst havc heen the pnrpose of Jcsus in
preaching to them. (Rom. 10: 14,15) By mailltailjl1g
his integrity iowaru God under the most trying eonditions, ewn sufferin~ an ignominiou.<; ueat1l, .1t'sus
preached n powerful sprmon to all who ohscrw'u. '1'hen
being raised up out of dpath hy the power of Jehovah
unu given the most pxaltcu plaee in God's or~nniza
tion, and that hecause of hi:.! fuithfulJJess to God,
would he a most p'lwcl'fu\ witlwss to tho'\e spirit,:.; 1>,,\,1
ill prisun and who were therc bceause they had faileu
to he faithful to God und remain in his organization.
The fuet that it is stated that ']('SUS did "rea(~h fo thcm
stroll1l:1y supports the con!:lusi<Jll that th('y \\ ill II,I\'C
un opp<)l'tnnity 10 he 1'ccovcl'('d in c.:o<l~ <1l1(~ tinw,
If that is the ('onert eOIH:lusioll, thcn they will havo
to take a positive stand fl'"aillst f:\utan aliI} Cog and
tl1r11 at the (ost of gl'cat s\lfrel'ill~ fil'mly show 1hei,I
aHeg-iallC<l to JpllOYHll anu hi;; (ll'~:mization. If those
!1!'i80lwr,; are. now hettl by Satnll tltry an~ Hot W~t'c,,
slu'ily the' Sl'('<1 of Satan' IIny more than the" grl'at
nmltitu(lc" l'onstitutl''' a J)art of the secu of the wiebod
one. 'l'hey followed their own course of l'ea"onin<:~,
disrcganle,l the word of God, allli fdl illtn a trap, ju,t
as the "gn':tt multitude" has <lone.-P,;. 10'1: Ul:t
o How did J,,:.;us preach to t hose spirit:> in prison ~
Not ncressarily hy word of mouth, hilt hy his cOllsistcnt conduet. [lilt] ullyi('lding (}eyotion to .Jehovah 'tll1del' the most. seVCl'C t(,8t. The word~ of the IIllo"tle
jUlit pre<'edin~ his statement ('ml(:cl'nin~ .k"118' ]ll'e:whiug to the spirit'! 11mlWs light 1Ilml1 the mal tel' UIll!f'l'
c0l1skkra1ion. Pd,'l' wa.s thl'1'e sialing 10 the ('Illistiang how they were once goin~ nstray, ;llld how t hty
w('re Iwong-ht back to the Lord .Jesus Clu'ist. 1'11\'11 he
!-:ays: "In like manner, yo wives, he in suhjection to
~rour OW1I hushands; that, ew'n if any olll'.v IHlt the
word, they may without the word be gainl'd by the behavior of lheir wi\'es; heholdin~ your chaste bchll\ iOl'
coupled with fear. As 8m'nh oheyed ..: \hraham, calling him. lord: whol'ic children y,~ HOW HTe, if ye do \\ ell,
and are not put in f~ar by any t<>rror.' '-1 Pet. 3: 1,
2, 6, A.R.l".
T The arguml'nt of the apoGtlc is that Ol1e profl's"ing
to follow Christ .ksus must aha follow a course of
action in conformity to hi~ Pl'()l\~~"ion. that ob:;e1'\'I.:r8
mny note t.he consistcnt act ion in the dr[loJ'tment and
the testimony dl'1iwred by wurd of month. ~\l'n' behavior or conduct, ho\;ever, such as is called "character development", without testimony by word of
m.outh will not glorify God. but thl're llH1Si he both an
oral testimony and a consistent course of aetion on tlte
part of the profe~eJ Chri~tian, Says the apo--;t1e:
"Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lort}" lweanse


15, 1934

r.ffie \VATCI-IT0,\VER.

he was God's chosen servant. She was not honoring

the man, but she was honorin~ the 8e1'yt111t of God.


presentC'd to him hy Satan, and amidst all the persccutions tllat wcre heaped upon him by Satan he remained faithful and true to .Jehovah. This. together
8 Koah by building the ark showed to nbsl'ners his
faith in God and his devotion to .JdlOvuh. His wonl,; with his continued course of consistent aetioll unto
and his conrsc of action were eonsistellt. (:ontilluill~~, ul'ath, and his being raised out of death, was the mansays the apostle: "But sanctify in your h<:3rts Chri<;t ner in whi('h he jJrcached'to the spirits in prison, as
as fjord: hcing rcady ah;n~"s to give answer to every if( stated by Peter: "In whieh also he went anu
man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that prca('hed unto the spirits in Wisol1." (1 Pet. 3: 19,
is in you, ;rct with meclml'S,5 and fear."-l Pet. 3: 15, A.R.ll.) These impl+,;oned spirits found thl'mselves
there because they had failed to be faithful in theil'
e Such a qu('stion could not be l)rOpounded unless
service to God while in his organization, anu now they
the verbal testimony is given causing men to ask qnes- !o,aw the result tlH1t comes for unfaithfulness and also
tions. amI this shows one must preaeh both by the r('sult to thosc who are fait hfut The preaching
word of mouth and by the course of action to those of J ,-,sus, th<:rd'nrc, was the d<'1 i\"cl'in~ of a messag'l'
with whom he COIn('g in contlJl't. ~\ g'ood ('unscicncc is in a routHlabout or indircct way. IIe was sent to
krpt by so doin::,!, re~al'111('ss of heing lIlisumlcl'stood preach by word of moulll to the .Jews, which he did.
by others. lIencc the apof;tle mIlls: "lItlving' a good
pratt. Hi: ~-1) His Jll'e<whin~ to the spil'its was by
consciencc; that, wherein J"C arc Rpoken a~'ainst, they their (}hscl'ving his faithl'ul devotion aIHl (,o11-.;i:;tcnt
may be Jlut to shnme who revile your good manner of holding to God's organization, which would in errcct
life in Uhrist." (1 Pet. 3: 1G, A.H.V.) Jehovah's wit- :;ay to them: 'If you lwd remained true and faitJ.fnl
Jlcsse~ must :ro cOHtral'y to the world, showin~ forth
to r:od'~ organization where he placed you, at this
the praiscs of Jehovah, and thus uoin~ they arc lookcd pl'('s('nt time J'\lU woulu not b\' in prison and away
upon uncl called (vildoers. They mw;t bc preachers l'1'01ll (;o<1's favor.' In this HUlJIIWI' Jesus would IlL'cach
by word of mouth and by llH'il' cOllsi~tent ClJUrHe of to the spirits in prisOll, just as the hehuviol' or conduct
act ion. The proof rOIlH'H to ot!wrs that thpy urc Hot of the WOIO('n whom Pdel' admonishes in thi<; ('ol\nccevildoers when God tab,::! O('P1lSiOIl to pl'OVC to false tion, and whil'h 1'"t('1' uses to illustrate the pr)int ol'
l\ecusers that those whom t h('~' lul\'() aC('uscd have heen his 1ll'!.!llnwIlL The ('(JllUlld of' Jesus l>l'ca('h('r! ill
and orc his faithful wifncssc-.;.
fan,,' of (lo,l's si(lr) of the grcat contl'o\'\'l'sy and
If) 'rhen the apostle's ar~~nnH'nt shows that the faith<,:(;tinst the side of Satan, that wiel'd olle who h;[(l
ful su'vants of Gou will be hrou~~ht into condit io!lfi f'lItl'apped t1H'se disolwuicnt :;pil'its. 'l'h~ n'~IlL'I,,'l'\i;l!1
catlsin~ s\lfrerin~, and that sneh is the will of God ill
of .JoHls awl his exaltation he('anse of his t'ailhfnlrw':;
ot,uet to afl'onl an OPPOL'tllllity for tlWll1 tQ maintain to Cod all(k,] gTl'at :;trellgth to that. )lrL';whjJl,~. ~atnn.
theil' inte~l'ity towanl him. God docs not senti the knowing this, desperately put 1'01'Ih ('\'Cl'Y crl'OLt ill hi,;
surfcrin:.!, hut the faithful OlH,,4, sujIcl'ill~ for l'ightC'OllS- power to pl'ev('11t the reSULTed ion of J eSllS.
ness awl 1'0[' doin~ ri~ht, Ill'OVC thcil' intl'g't'ity. 'rh('r\'12.Jfany have insist('d that .It'sus we-nt S(\lIlew!Il'!'1'
forc suys t he apostle: "For it is belt CL', it: t he will of :11Ir[ preached to the spil'its ill 1'l'i"OIl, hc('au';e hoth t 1:.'
Ood shoul<l so will, that ye stilT"r lor wt'll-<loing than llu/hori,'xd and tll(' .t1mcl'ioll! Jin:';serl l"cl'si"n say th:,t
for evil-doing." (1 Pet. :1: 17, .i1.K1'.) Lihm"he did hc "went" and 1>1'('ach('d to the spil'its. It is Pill il'ply
Christ Jl'SllS suffer, the just for the unjust. "Bl'cau~e consislent with the forcg-oin~ explanation of hi,;
Christ also sllrf('[,(,d for sins once, the righjpous for the Tn'(';l('hing hy his fllithl'nl course of action, and als\) in
unrighteous, that he might hring; us to Co<l; he-ill:r put f>olllph,te harffiOlly with all 0111<'1' s('riptUl'('s, fIll' ns to
to dC'ath in the J!('sh, but made alh'e in the spirit." con('IUllc that .Je:;ll'l did goo somewhere lllill pl'l'adl t,)
(1 Pet. 3: 18, t1.U.Y.) Surr\'ring was not rC'qnireu of the spirits in pJ'i,;on. J)urin~ the t!tn'e days that .1<'Christ Jcsns in onler to l)l'ovide the ransom price. suo;; was (knd, to he sure-. he did not go anyw!teL'<,.
Christ Jesus in maintaining his integrity towaru God Aftcr his resul'l'l'ction to life as a spirit (,I'eatllrc disuffered injustice to be he<ll)('d upon him. III.' suIT<'red vin(', aml hCI\H'en that time and the timp of his 1',;and remainC'd faithful to CloJ, and thus proved him- cf'll-;ion into hca\"Cll, a period of forty dil~'S dilp,.;ed.
self entil'ely faithful; anu because of his faithfulnt,ss \Vithin that period of time he appeal'ed in a hnm:lll
Jehovah raised him up out of dC'ath and exalted him ol'~allism scycrfll times to his hrdhrcn, but thC'se apto the highest pl:we in his organization.
pcaran('cs were only for a few minutes on c<le!t ocn At the time of his consecration at the <Tol'\1an .Je('t~sion. 'I'he l')cript UJ'es arc silt'nt as to Wh('l'C .fe"ns
sus was <:onnte<1 as dead, and there bl'[.!an his qui(],- was dnrinK the other part of t hat forty day~. TIH'l'C' upcning in the spirit. For th ree and one-half yC'Ul'S he }lrars from the prophecy of Eze-kie1 that the" 1<1 11(1 or
was IJreuching the 'truth by \\"ord of mouth and h,\" his -M agog" is the plarc where t he angels who si nned in
consistent and constant devotion to Jehoyah (iod. 1'1kc- Noah'R day are imprisoneu. Since it appears that tlle~r
wise the followers of Jesns arc quickened of the spirit were imprisuned by Satan, this snpports the l'Ondllto become prNlchcrs of G(\d's 'Yor(l. (llom. 8: 11; sion that they arc in the "land of 1\lal~'og'''. (Ezl'k.
1 Cor. 4: 9) Jesus, always in Jcho\'ah's organization 3S: 1,2; "Vindication. Book Two, pag-c :113) \';\1;'11 .)1;)and in his favor, refused to )"ield to the temptations sus was resul'l'ccted he was a spirit divine, elotheJ.



with all power and authority anll ability to go and

come at will. There seems to be no reason why he
might not have gone to the "land of "jlagog" and
there addressed a message directly to the spirit creatures restrained in prison that had sinned in ~oah '8
day, and which spirits have since been held in prison
by the Dcvil. We know that the Lord has provided
means whereby the "great multitude" "prisoners"
now on earth have the gospel preaehed to them by
radio at the present time. Why could not .Jesus have
preached to the spirits in prison by something similar
to anI' radio in his time or speak to them directly1 He
certainly had the power to do whatsoever he mi~ht
choose to 1.10 in harmony with the will of God. He was
certainly ahle to go, and thl're was surdy amIJle time
for him to do so between the time of his rcsurrection
and hi" ascension into heaven. (Matt. 28: 18; Acts 1:
3, 4) Certainly these imprisoned spirits mnst be reminded that hecause they were once in God's organization and left it they had fallen into Satan's hands and
been imprisoned, that .It'sus, hy remaillin~ faithful
amI true to Jehovah and rcsistin~ the D(~\'il 'H wiles,
even unto an ig'Ilominious (It'ath, had been raised from
death and (.'xalted to the ltig-hest positioll, and thut if
these spil'its in lll'ison had remained faithful they
would have been entirely at libel'ty. What .Jesus told
them in words, we do. not know, hilt we do know that
Ids course of aetion fully supports the conclusion that
he might have USt'd worc]s similar to those ahove.
13 Pctt'l' did not say that J('SllS preached delivcrance
to the imprisolled spirits; but according to the commission of our Lord his pn:aching to them, CVlm indire('tly, would imply that tlH're is hope for the dcliv.
crance of the imprisoned spirits who in the day of
judgment boldly take their stand on the side of Jehovah, even as th('l'e is hope for the "great multitude'.'
to receive deliverance at that time. 'Vhat JcllO\'ah bas
in store for these" sons of Ood" who became disobedi.
cnt, the Scriptures do not reveal, but if at Armaged.
dOll any of them do take a positive and unequivocal
stand on the side of Jehovah alld gladly leave it to
.Tehovah where to place them, they may be recovered
and return to some place in his organization.
FI~AI, JUDG:\fE~'r

14 The judgment entered long ago ag-ainst Satan is

final, and that judgment is that he shall ill Gou's clue
time be completely destroyed, and "ne\'cr shalt thou
be any more ". (l~zek. 28: 19) Satan is willfully and
maliciously wicked, and those angels or spirit crl'atures who joined him in the rebellion are likewise will
fully and nHllieiously wicked, and the same eYcrlastin~
destruction is rest}l'\'ed for them. (i\Iatt. 25: 41) "The
wicked shall perish." (Ps. 37: 20) It is concel'11in~
those wicked ang-els of Satan that the apostle wrote:
"Whose judgment of old rnow from of old, A.R.t'.1,
docs not linger, and their destruction does not slum
bcr." (2 Pet. 2: 3, Diag.) Why docs not judgment
linger now, and their destruction wait 1 Because, as


N. Y.

shown by the context, the apostle is directing his

speech as applicable to the time of the end of the
world, where we now are. (2 Pet. 3: 7) The execution
of this final judgment mu:.t take place now within a
short time, because the end of the world has been
reached and the warning- is now given to Goa's people,
that they may keep themselves close to .Jehovah's organization and hence in his lon~. At Armageddon this
execution shall take place.

The apostle Peter, in his seeond epistle, the second

('ha})tcr thereof, emphasizes the future of all the willfully wicked, and in this cOl!Jwction say:;: "For if
God did not spare the angels who sinned, hut having
confined them in '1'artarus with chains of thick dark
npss, dclivet'ed them over into custody for jll(l:~nlt'llt.'
(2 Pet. 2: 4, lJia!J.) When w(,1'e these wicked angels
here mUltioned sentenced? The context shows I hat
it was precedin~ the time of the 1I00d, he('uuse their
jlld~ment was" of old" hut now docs not ling"(T. The
A1lthorized Ver.~ion says: 'They were east dO\\'11 to
hell'; hut the word translated" hell" iR (ar(rtt"lIs. The
phl'ase "having confined them in 'l'al'tarus", <ll'corlling to the 1Jw{jlott, is jnst one word in the Creek. Accordin~ to the (1r(:ck mind the word picturcs a dCI'll
nhyss and si;{nifics a great ahasement or d('g-rauat ion,
heing reduc('d to a degraded state far deep('l' than t.1I:1t
to the dust from whit-h man was made and fr011l which
he is raisell out of death. It is the same ahas(,lIlt'nt or
de~radation to which Lucifer was reduced. '1'he ":tngds that sinned" committed that great sill lOIl~ hefore
Noah's day; and this is proved hy the fon'~oin~ statement of Petel', and furthe1' shows that his sta1l'mcnt
does not refer to the "SOliS of nod" who married the
daughters of men ill Noah '8 day. Those wieked spirit
creatures were a part of Lucifer's official organization,
who joined him in the rehellion and W('l'O sentenced
at the samo time Satan was sentenced,. and until thl~
time of their execution they ore 'confined in chains of
darkneRs'. That docs not mean literal chains sueh as
we sec with our eyes, but "chains of thick darlnH'ss",
that is, restraint in darkness similar to that st.ate in
which the "man of sin", "the son of perdition," is
founo, having lost the light concerning God's purpose.
'I'his means utter darkness as to their understnndillg"
of Jehovah's purposes. 'I'he holy angels have desirt:u
to look into these thin~s, and now having come to the
temple with Christ Jesus they arc enlightened and
permitted to look into them. (l Pet. 1: 12: Matt.
25: 31) Not so, however, with the wicked angek They
arc in the dark so far as God '8 {av01' and his purl'OSl'S
are concerned. Tlwy arc u(graded and abas('(l tot he
lowest deg-ree. '1'hore is no lilIht of God's f:l\"or foe
them. Like the unfaithful w('dJjn~ gU(:sts, they arc
I'ast "into outer darkness". ()Tatt. 2~: 13) In till)
lir,ht of God's face is life; hence "chains of thiek
d;rkness" would clearly imply eVl'ntual u('strll('\ iOll.
This text, therefore, could not refer to the confiJlin~


15, 1934

~fie. \VATCI--IT0\\lER

in dark rooms of !;pirit mediums who operate there.

Mediums' operating in dut'k rooms is lllerel~' a means
cmplo:r('d to deceive. It must be borne in mind that
these ,,-jeked angels were once a part of God's organization under Lucifer, and -when Lucifer became God'8
cnem)' they likewise hecame nod's enemiefl, and Ill' degraded them into dal'lmess. Sneh seems to be the rule
that the Lord applies to all of th~l;:;e who are once enlightened and willfully become wicked.
16 Speaking of thosc once in linc for the Idn~dom,
Jesus said he would send forth his angels and gather
ont all those 'that offend and do iniquity' and "shall
cast them into It furna('c of fire". (:'Ilatt. 1:~: 41,42;
l\'Iatt. 7: 2:1) "And cast yc the unprofitahle servant
illto outer darkne:,;s; thl're shall he weepin~ and gnashing of teeth." (Matt. ~5: 30) The Devil himself is
the ehicf one or ehief prince of this degraded host.
'rherc arc ot h('l' prillce~ operatin~ nmIer Jlim. (Dan.
10: 13,20) All of thl'sc al'e dl'sl~nakd hy the Scripturts us "ptin('ipalitit's", "powers," 'rulc:J's of darkIH'SS,' It ho:;t of 'widted ones in unseen pla{~t's'.-Eph.
6: ] 2, lllal"yi n.
171"urtlwr say the Seriptlll'I',{: "(lod ... (kliycreu
thC'm o\"e1' into {ms1ody." .Jehovuh did not lH'l'{1 to wait
until the flood bel'ore fil'st deIiVl'l'in~ tlll'm ov(\r into
('Iwins of dnrlmcss or into {'lIstody, hut this hl~ would
do lit the time they hecame 'the s{'eu of thl' ;';;erpent',
which was at the time they joiu('d that old SCI'lH'llt,
Sutan the 1>evil, in his rdlcllion ngainst Uod. In the
day of exel"utiol1 of thl' judg-ml'llt of these wieluJ Oll(>S
t h('y will he cut off just a'l ~atan will he cut 011'.
"'l'he l,ord knows how to rrs('ue the pious alit of trial,
and to ke('p thn ul\J'i~htel)us 1"'1' a day of jwIg'ment to
be Cllt off." (2 Pet. 2: 9, fJia{/.) Putting them illto
"custody" would niean that th('se wi(I;:cd onl'S arc
constantly under s\U'\'ciU:1ncc of the holy an~els actiu~ under the dir('ttion of the {lord, whi(h surveil1anre, howpver, would 110t prevent the wicke!.! onrs
from associatin~ ,dth and ()peratin~ with Satan in
hellven, where tlwy were at the time \\'11('11 Satan was
cast O\lt of heavN1 by the Lord. At that flame time
these an~els were east down to the earth with Satan.
(Hc\. 12: 9) Tht'y operatc with Satan in hi" organiza.
tion now to hring woe upon the world, and this they
are doin~.-J{ev. 12: 12.
18 It goes without saying that the wicked angels
with Satan werc not killed w1H'fi they were Hentenced.
They are yet very much alive. Without doubt Jehovah
has reserved them alive under restraint of darkness
and under surveillance in order to show his power
over them at Arma~eddon and thereby to convince all
creation that Jehovah is nod the Almi~hty One. (Ex:.
9: 16, Leeser) 'rhe Lord J<'sus declares that these
wicked onc-s who arc Satan's angel::: shall he cut off
at the same time the Devil will he cut off.-:\Iatt. 25:
19 Jude fully sustains the above conclusion. "And
those angels ,....ho kept not their own principality, but
left their own habitation, he has kept in perpetual


chains, under tlJick darkness, for the judgment of the

great day." (Jude 6, DiaU.) Originally they were a
part of Lucifer's organization, aHd therefore "their
own principality" was the place whel'e Jchovah had assi~ned them in his organization uuder Lucifer. '1'ho
statement "left their own hahitation" does not mean
that they forsook the spiritual realm and became human
creatures, UI:CUU>iC they did not give up thl:il' Hpirit
bodies hut still have them, although at times they may
clothe themselvc's with Inuuali organism or bodies. This
they must have done when they appeared as ncphilim
or giants in the earth. This th(:y no douht diu for the
very purpose of ('ntrappin~ the "SOliS of Uod" who
married t he (laughters of men in 1\ouh's day. Their
"own habitation" m('ans the place to which they wcre
ori~illally assigned in Jehovah's organization and
which they left when the;y joined Satan in the rehel.
lion. rrhose wi(ked ones, says Judo, God" has hpt in
perpctual chains, under thid;: darkness, for the jmIg.
ment of tho g-reat day", whi('h means the g"l'l'at day or
Go<1 Almighty, the lJUttlc of .\rltHl~eddoll. (Hev.1G: 14)
In or,lcr for those wieked ;;1'i"its to be hrou'~ht to final
judg-trWllt at "the ;;l'eat Jay" th('y must be alive; a11(1
hl'lJ(~e thl'y are aliw. 'l'his dr)('s not mean that thcre is
all~' llOpo for tbem, any more than there is h{)p(~ fot'
Satan, hnt that it is tll(' day of t1ll'ir ext'('utioll un(ler
the terms of the- jlld~~melit lOll:! 1!'{0 wl'itkn ag-aiu"f,
tlwm und which execution will he an exhibition or Je.
hovah's power :llld a vindipation of his Harne. Conccrning that /!,l'{'llt day of exeention it is written:
"And the Lord shall uttcr his voice hl'i'orL hi:-l al'lllY;
for hi:-l camp is very great: for he ilS stron~ that ,-'Xl'cntdh his ,,ord: for the day of the L01'c1 is lll'eat awl
very t(,1'1'ibl('; and who can ahide it " (.J(/I'I ~: 11)
"The great day of the Lord is nr:1i.', it i.;; lH'a!. nlHl
lwsteth greatly, e\"en the voil'e of the day of the Lord:
t he mi~hty man shaH cry there hi Ltedy." (Zeplt. 1 : H)
By his prophet .Tehovah fmther says coneerllin~ that
time of exccution: "Alas! f01' that day i.'! /tn'at, so
that none is like it: it is cv('n the tlmc of .Jacob's phI;
remnant 'f,] trouhle; but hc It Ill' faithful l'ellm~~ntJ
shall he savrr] out of it."-Jet'. 30: 7.
20 Before thc day of their excrntion .Jehovah infol111<;
Sat:1n and his wicked angels that they aee to be executed, and he uses his ,dtlll'S';;!.'S now on the l':1rt h, the
fait hiul remnant taken out for his name's sillw, to
gi,e that trstimony. This witness or testimony ]wgan
partieularly in H;2S, when th(; Lord 's an~rl IH':,{un
the pouring out of his "vial" upon the air, and from
which time forward there went forth the declaratiO!I
against Satan and his organization and in favor or
Jehovah and his org:1l1ization. (Sre Revelation 16: 17;
Ligll t. Book Two, page ;-),; Ezekirl 38: 3-1G; ~'indira
lion, Book 'rwo, page 311.) This i<; a fitting time for
Jehovah to make his iaithfnl witnesses the remnant a
"specta('k" or "theatre" hoth for men and for an
gels. (] Cor. 4: 9, margin) Theil' testimony b;\' won1
of mouth and by faithfulnrss to God and his ol'!.<.miza
tion under the most severe test is a true demonstration



of Jehovah's purpose to preserve the faithful and to

destroy the wicked.


N. Y.

23 ..\nother translation of this text is here helpful to

undl:rstood the matter. "Be strong in the Lord awl
in the str~'ng-th of his might; put on God's armor, so
as to be able to stand against the stratagems of tlte
devil. FOl' we have a struggle not with blood and flesh,
but with the angelic rulers, the -angelic autllorities, the
pot('ntates of the dark present, tlie spirit-forces of evil
in the heavenly sphere. "-MoD'att.
:B The Devil and his great tyrannical and maliciously \Vic'ked hosts are far more powerful than Jehovah '8
witnesses. That wicked host misses no oPPo11unity to
make an as,<;uult upon the faithful. \Yhen they sec Jehovah's witnc<'ses going forth to th(~ work of bl'arin~
ie>stimon:" to the name of the :\lost nigh that wicl\.(~ll
{'rowd sl~pks the destl'lH'tion of the faithful. Why, tlWtl,
should .Jrhovah's WitlH'SSl'S he hold in the pl'oclamation or the truth and contin lie to sing for,t h .JpjlOvah's
praises and thus condemn the world 1 Why shoul,l
they not proceed mot'c eaut iously and avoid O[fl'lldill'~
God's enemies 7 Hathcr, ,.. hy should tlH'Y In'()('e<,d with
the work without f('ar of devils or other wicke.} a'!;(~nH
on the earth, as they are now d()in~? 'fhe ml-;w('l' is
that they ~o fort h feal'1('ssly h{'('ausc J(hovah of ho:,1 s
is their fear a1l<1 t1H'ir SUl'e pr(,tN:tOl'. (Isa. H: 1~, l:l)
The holy u1Ig'ds u1ld('1' the eommall<l of t Ill' Lord .J <'~llS Christ as .Tchovnh's chief eXl'cntive Ofiir:('l' al'e S!'llt
hefore God's faithful wit1lpsst's. 'I'hese are k<:('pin~
u11(ler snrwillu11ce al1<l holdi1l~ hack the wir'kul ones,
and thus the protection of those remailling' faithful
to nod as his witnesses is ~ual'a1ltced. '''rh{' lIng!'1 of
.Jehovah pIl<'ampeth round ahout t1wm that 1'(':11' him,
and delivercth them." (Ps, 3.t.:7, A.N.V.) Excl'pt fot'
the prot('etlon afford((} to .Tl'llOvnh 's wilm'ss{'s the
De\'il and his wicke(l crowd would instantly u('stroy
them. Those who love (;od mId who remain faithful
will have h()ldlH'~s in th is (by of jUdgllll'lIt and \~on
tinue to faithfully }ll'orlnim the mt'SSU~~~) of thl' truth,
knowing that no "'eapon fOl'nwtl against th('m call
prospcr.-1 John 4: 17,18; Isa. 54: 17.

21 It is those wicked spirits, to~ether with Satan,

who with the killing of Abel b~gan their muruerous
assaults upon those who serve God, aIHI ever since then
they have sought to destroy the servants of the Most
High; and they would succeed in their murdrrous attacks except for the fact that J('I1Ovah throws around
his own faithful ones all needed protection. It is that
same wicked crowd under Satan that constantly assanlts Jehovah's faithful witnC'sses. TIH'se wirkC'd ones
are led by Go~, the chief exeeutive officer of 8atan ':,;
organization. To Jehovah's faithful witness{'s, th~
remnant, is committed the testimony of Jesus Christ,
thl~t is to say, the t('stimony to the honor and praise of
Jehovah's name and to the vindir:ation thereof, and
now Satan and his wieked an~('ls go 1'orth to make war
upon and maliciously try to destl'oy all of those who
keep Ood's rommaudmpII1s.-Hev. 12: 17.
22 The conflict or wal' in which .Jlhovah'R witne:.;ses
cng-a~c is not with humall creatures, that is to say,
with f1rsh and hlood. \\' e once wt're led to brl ieve that
this Willi theil' fig'ht, and that th('y must dewlop a perfect character' ill O1'd('1' to ~et to lwav(n. But that is
not their rcal fig-ht. III r{'('ent years 'l'he Watchtower
lias time and ug-ain declare(l that ,vc have no fig-ht with
m(\n. Our fig-ht is with Hatan aud a host of wicked
spirits operating with him, which unseen wirked IH)sts
use men as t1H'ir dnpl's 01' ag-pnts, who nrc on {'arth
and who willin~dy or Ullwil1ing-Iy do the biuding of the
unseen wieked pow<,rs. \Ve have now corne to the
"last days ", that is to say, th,<, days just Jll'ccedin~
Armn~eddon, ill which, as in the da.ys of Koah, the
('urth is tHlPd with wickedness by reason of the operation of Rutan and his wicked allies. (2 Tim. 3: ].6)
'l'he ~reat Hpirit, .J('hovah God, by awl throug-h his
faithful servant Paul gave wuruing to. the followers
of Christ .Jesus who al'e witlwsses for .Tehovah in these
dUF1, aO<.I who arc therefore on the side of Jehovah,
2~ 'I'he "spirits in prison" to which .T('s\ls IU'(U('he(l
and the special ohjeets of the elwmy's assault: "Finally, strengthen )'oursclv('s in the Lord, and in his were not the wickeu spiri1s Ol' nephilim that form a
mig-hty power. Put on the complete armor of God, part of Satan's' organizat ion. '1'0 have ]lrcaehed 10
that ~'ou may be able to stand a~aillst the crafty ways that wicked crowd would have been entirely inronsistof the caemy." (Eph. 6: 10, 11, Dir/f!.) What enemies 1 ent and against the will of God, stpillg that Cod hat!
Satan and his host, his wicked spirits, that have already sl'ntcnced thrlll to dcst ruct ion. It was to the
operated with him since the time of the rcbPllion, and "sons of Go<1" who fell into Satan's trap, and hCI1<'O
concerning whirh wicked hosts the apostle sa~'s: "Be- into his prison, that .Tesus preached as stated by the
cause our contliet is not with blood and flesh, but with apostlc Pelt'r. (l Pd. 3: ]9, 20) :t\or is there allY
the governments, with the authorities, with the poten- Scriptural evidcnrc that those "spirits ill prigon"
tates of this darkness, with the spiritual things of havc evcl' communirated with or attt'mpted to commuwickedness in the heavenlics." (Eph. 6: 12, ViafJ.) nicate with any human C1'patul'{'S throug-h mediums OL'
Why is that wicked crowd making war on Jehovah's otherwisf'. The SC1'iptl1l'al evidence is eonclusive that
witnesses 1 Because such witnesses arc in God's or- the wicked spirits that joint'd Satan in his rebC'lIion
ganization and enga~e in his service of delivering- the have cOTlllllunieatrd and do now continue to communimessage of truth, which Satan and his r1'o",d do not cate with human CT'C'atUl'es by usc of willin~~ medium:"
want the people to hear, and because the truth prv- and this tJwy do for the very purpose of decei\'in~
llounces the doom of Satan and his organization.
mankind and drawing men away from God and hold-


15, 1934

mle \VATCHT0\,vER

iug them in Satan's snare. J ellovah provided in his

law that all men or women practicing the fraudulent
art of mediums, witches, necromallcel'~ or soothsay~rs
should be put to death, because they arc workin~ as
Satan's a~ents. (Ex. 22: l8; Deut. 18: 10) This is
conclusive proof that the efforts of men and women
to get in communication with the spirits is entirely
contral)' to God's law and bring'S disaster npon those
who practice such.
26 Witchcraft and mediums arc of Satan and the
fruit of his rebellion: "For rebellion is as the sin of
witchcraft, and stulJhornrH'ss is as iniquity and idolatry, Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord,
he IInth also rejeeted thee from being king. "-1 ::;am.
If): 2:3.
21 This statement of Jehovah'8 prophet announces
the rule of J('hovah showin~ the direct relationship
h(,tween rebellion and witehcraft and that stubbornness and lawll'ssness ag'ainst God, the rejection of his
WOl'd, i.'l the cause of olle's falling' into wickedm'sll.
Raul was the first king of Israel, which was Gnu'tl
typical or~anization. Saul diso!Jeyl'll Uou and rcbt!lcd.
'I'his supports the rondllsion that wit('h(~s or mediums
r('prcsent the rl'lll'l Satan and his wicked associates
who Hre also rehels, and that such arc the ones that
eommunicate throll~h witehes or mediums wilh the
human racc. Saul sought adviee from the witch o(
l~ndor after fhst havin~ di1w'ted his fwrvants to search
out such a medium or witt'h. lIe fell completely under
t he control of the wi(I\(d spirits operating' through
th:lt witeh. (1 Sam. 28: i1 G) Those wi::ked spi dts
inductd Saul to helieve that he wa'3 communieating
with Samuel; hut the eontpxt of the scripture shows
that they were lying, het'uuse Samuel had lon~ heen
dcnd, and the dead know not anything.-l~ccl. 9:
5, 10.
2~ Those wiekcd spirits with Satan continued to
harass, defraud and mislead the Israelites, causing
that people who constituted Ood's typical organization
to turn away from Jehovah and to cntirely lose his
favor. (Amos 3: 2) Whrn J('sus was on earth hd
preached the kingdom message to the Jews, and during
that time t.hese wil'ked spirits continued to harass the
Jews and (hive many of them illl0 iniquity. "When
the even was come, they brought unto him many that
were possessed with devils: and he east out the spidts
with his word, and healed all that were sick. "-~\Iatt.
8: 16.
29 The Scriptures describe those wicked ones as "un
clean spirits" and "devils", of which Satan is the
chief. 'fhese devils knew Jesus to be the Son of God,
and without doubt knew that the jntlgment of destruction stood against them. "And he healed many that
were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils;
and suffered not the devils to speak, because they
knew him." (Mark 1: 34-) When JpS\lS cast out these
wicked spirits and caused them to depart from the
ones that they were afflicting, they cried out. "And
there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean


spirit; and he cri('d out, saying, Let us alone; what

have we to do with tl1<'<.', thou Jesus of Nazareth 1 art
thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art,
the Holy One of God. And Je'lus rebuked him, saying,
Hold thy praee, and como' out of him." (Murk 1:
23.2;') This is evidence that Jesus was not preaching'
to those wicked. 01\('S, but that they were Ilracti('ing
their \vickcdness and they feared that he had come to
execute Jehovah's judgment against them.
30 On another occasion .Jeo;;us met two men possessed
of these devils: "And, hehold, tlwy cried out, saying,
What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God 1
art thou come hither to torment us before the time ~
And there: was a g:0{)(! way off from them, an herd of
many swine, feeding. So the devils hesow~ht him,
saying, If thou cast us out, suffer UR to go away into
the herd of swine. "-::\1att. H: 29-31.
31 The prescnt time, wlH'n the Lord .Jesus at the
temple is causing the pl'oe!amalion of the truth to be
made, and particularly the jud!!m('nt of Jehovah con
('emil1~ the destruct hn of these wicked O1ll'S, JIlUSt. be
to them a time of real tOl'ment. ~o wonder they !i~ht
tlgllinst .Jl'IlOvah's "ilne:-;;;t:-;; awl fhanks tw Hnto Ciod
who provides all the lH'('d('<! jJrotection 1'01' those who
r('main faithful! The forc:.!;oing jl'xts show that .Jesus
was not prt'aehing' to those wieked Ollt'S any llll':""ug-e
of n'format iOll, but he was rdmldng' them and they
fetu'cd the time of thcil' ('xeeution had anived. This
is fur,ther proof that SIHh wi(~ked spirits are not the
ones who liinlled in Noah's day, 'rhe two plasses at'()
('l('arty and distilletly murked out hy :hc S('l'iptUl'('S,
one QOOmN} to ahsolute and complf'tc destruction, tIw
other having a possibility IJf recovcry.
32 Satan, that old Hel'jlcnt and ar('h u('('eivcr, tog-ethl'l' with his wieked angels, has dcecin'd millions
of pt'ople in modem times. The organization d\'sig;nnting itself" Christian t)l'ient istrs" is a strikiJl!.!; example
of su(h deception. It is unbcli('vable that so muny nU'tl
~\lld women who appear to he sincerely desiring 10 do
right would willfull~ serve the Devil. \Vithout a
question of douht they are deceivell, and this wily foe,
the Devil, has fixed up a sch('me to turn them away
from God. lIe has 1Ims induced many persons to follow the teachings of a womun, and which t('achill~rs it
is wrongfully claimed are supported b:r the ~el'iptUl'(,s,
Men are induced to believe that they can heal the siek,
and doubtless Satan knds aU the power he posscssps
to temporarily heal them. 1'111')7 have fallen for Satan '8
first lie, thnt there is no (ll'nth (Oen. 3:.j.), and thlls
he has caused many of such persons to den.v the Lord
and the blood of ,Jesus CIll'ist that pUl'ehascd the hu
man l'acc.-John 8: H.
33 Milliolls of other persons are deceived, hcinl! induced to Iwlieve that they cun talk with their th'ad
friends, when in fact tht'y are communicating with
those wicked spirits that have been opposed to Ood

~e \VATCliT0\VER.


nnul'ightcommcss since the days of Eden. Such wicked

spirits act through mediums am} hy thi" nwans de~eive those who do not auhere strictly to the Word of
God. l\Iany puhlic officials in many of the countries
consult these mediums, and thus consult the wicked
spirits, in order to find out wlwt they must do or what
course they shall take, and thus the Devil carries on
this wicked practice to turn n1\'11 away from Jehovah
and into unrighteousness. Every religious organization that has existed, he~illnin~ with Nimrod, Satan
has overreached and llsed for his purpose. '1'he most
glaring example of this is the Homan Catholic hierarchy. Parading' under the namo of Ood and of Christ,
that organization is used by :;atan to deeeive millions
()f people who have desired to do right hut who are
kept in ignorance of what is Jehovah's purpo'>e. '1'he
Homan Catholic hierarchy is the i'itron~<:st visihle foe
on earth of Jehovah's witness('s, and that organization
is despel'utply fi~~htin~ to kl'ep the Iwople in ignorance
of the truth. 'l'hi,> is ('onllllsivc proof that the Roman
Catholic hiel'lll'eh)1 is Satan's organization into which
he has dmwn and entrapped many g'ood pel'SOIl'! whom
he lksirel'; to hold under rl'straint unu away fl'om (jod.
ln like mannel' ~~.llall has hdd many PI~J'SOlIS in the
Prott'stunt c)llu'eh(,s under the ('ollt1'ol of thl'ir clerg'~'
mOll. It wm; eYt'n so in 1\oah's day that :-;atan entrnpped the "Hons of <:od". 'rhe fact that the cler~y
huve joined hands with the political and financial interests of tlw wodd, nIL of whi('h is undrr Satan, is
proof cOlH'iusive that Satan has llntmpped them and
is usil1~ th('m for his purposes. Both the Catholics and
the Pl'ottlstants jll'l'aeh to the IH'ople that t[wir dead
friends ut'e alive and eonscious either in pUl'~atory or
in tornll'llt. Slwh is in suhstallce Satan's first lie spo.
ken to man. ;en. :3: 4; .Tohn t;: 44) ~ltlny gooll prople
m\.' inducrd to hl'1ien~ that their friends who have
<lied urc suffering and in purgatory and may now be
aided by prayers said in their hrhalf hy clrrg-ymen.
All of such fraudulcnt practice orig'inatetl with ~atun
and is carried on by him and his host of wiekcd Ollt'S.
Now Satan lwows that his time is very short until the
great fight at Al'inag-cdtloll takcs place, and he hastens
to drive all men into spiritism or dC\'ilism and therefore against God; and for that reason at the present
time there is a great turning to spiritism and spi L'it
mediums throug-hout the laud. All who follow the
lead of Satan and his wicked allies will die at ..\rmageddon.

\Vhat truth of and eoncel'lling these wicked spirits

stands out as of paramount importance to ull who
wish to have and to hold the favor of Jehovah GOtl?
It is this: that there is but one place of safety, and
that is to he ill nnd to ahide in the organization of Jehovah God. ,. De still, and know that I am (; od: I
will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in
the earth. Jehovah of hosts is with us; the God of
.Jacob is our refuge." (Ps. 46: 10, 11, A.R.r.) Every-

thing in opposition to Jehovah God will ultimately be

35 Lucifer know that Jehovah is the Almighty God
and that he, Lucifer, was duty-bound to ohey Goel.
He was in God's organization and willingly forsook
it, setting himself up in opposition to God, and took
a.way with him a host of angels who were under him.
Such leaving of the organization of Uod means their
destruction. Jl'!lOvah has bel'n long-SUffering toward
them in this, that he has prrmitted Satan and his
wicked host to continue in existence and to exhibit
their wickedness until God's due time to execute them.
"'hat God hns prominently set out in his 'Vord ('011c('ruing this wi('ked crowd serves as a strong warnin~
to all intelli~ent creation.
3G Any crentm'e once in God's or~anization and who
treats his privilege cardessly and indiffercntly opens
himself to the suhtle attnek of the enemy. Yiehlill", to
1'he enemy's influence and t hen turning away from
Uod's organization and tl!prcaf'tcr willfully o[lpl:',in:..;
tho same means that ('r'eature's certain destl'lH'til)ll.
\Villful sin is knowin~d.r violatin~ Uou's law. SuelL i"
wirkrdrlt'ss, and ull the wicked God will destroj'.-Ps,
143: 20.
"7 ~aul is another example of those OJl('e ill Gml'"
organization and who fail. .Judas is anl)t!wl' exampl(~
of thosr OIH'C in God's ot'!.!;anizal ion who hecome willful, fall to the wiles of the Devil, and theLl willl'ully
turn away and oppose nod, amI whose destl'lH'tioll i,
certain. Su(h is the fate that comes to the "man or
sin" or "SOil of Ilrl'dition". 'I'hese were 011l'e in til'~
truth, in Cod's fan)!', and in his ori!:Hni7,ation, <11](1
h('callse of sclfislme'>s tUl'll awny from (:oJ and l"lll'r'l'l'
oestrue1 ion. The apu:-:t1e Pl'kr concel'l1 ill~ such s:\~-s:
"}'or if ufter they h'1\'c esrurwtl the }lolllltion<; of tll,}
world, t hJ'()1lg'h the kl1owled~c of the Lortl and ~aviollr
Jesns Christ, they at'e again ellt;1ll~kd ther'pin Hllli
ovoreomr, tilt' latter end is worse with tlll'lll than th<~
brginllin~~. For it IHH1 !Jl'l'n het1er for l1Wlll not to
have known the wa.\' of righteousness, than, after i!ll'y
have kJHJ\\'J1 it, to turl! from the holy eomlllalll:.Hwnt
delin-red unto thr!TI." (2 Pet. 2: :W, 21) Israel as a.
nation WHS God '8' typienl ol'ganizntioll anJ in his famr
ano had hi~ protection. hut that nation fell away to
the Devil and suffered dl'struction. Lib~wi:-:e"Ch I"istcndom", 01' "org-anized Christianity", b('gan \\ ith ! ile
avowed purpose of serving God, but its leadrrs hnvtl
turned away from 00(1 and Christ and joiTH'd
hands with the l>C'vil's orqanizatioll and must suffer
destruction at Armageddon.



'Vll1're is safety to be found Awl "'ho arc they

that find such place of certain safety 7 'rhe destnwtion of tIle' world in ~oah's day by the flood foreshadowed the dvstruction of the pr('sent \yodd at Arm,tgeddoll. Became i\oah devotrd hims('\f to J\'lLOvnh,
maintained his integrity toward Goc1 and continued
faithful, he was rigohteolls in th(' sight of Jehovah, .At


15, 1934

s:rtie \,VATCliT0VvER

the direction of God Noah built the ark, which served

as a place of safety and preservation of ~ouh and
those associated with him. 'fhat foreshado\';ed that tho
only place of safety during the greatest trihulution of
all time is to he found in .Jehovah's organization. Tho
ark whiuh Noah huilt at the command of God is therefore a picture of .Jehovah's organization, and symholieally says to all intelligent ereatUl'es: "Jehovuh 'll
oJ'ganization is the only place of safety."
39 The flood brought great tribulation upon the
world. Armageddon will hring the ~reat('st tribulation. (Matt. 24:21,22) In the trihulation of Armageddon the opposers of God will find no way of escape, hence no place of safety. (.Jer. 2G: 33-35) The
fact that the~' calt themselves Christians or by the
lHtme of Christ and God will furnish them no place of
safety. Since the days of Enos men have been hypo(,l'itically calling themselves by the name of God, all
of which is a mockery. (Gen. 4: 26, maryin) Goa cannot he mockeu with impunity. (Gal. 6: 7) All who
oppose .Jehovah 's witness~s in their giving testimony
concerning the kingdom of Gou will he ues1ro;l'"ed, and
that definitely includes the" man of sin", "the son of
pcrdition." The nephilim, heill~ those who rel)('lle\.l
with Satan, shall be destroycd wit h Satan at tlie hattIe
or the great day of God Almi~hty. (Ree Vindication,
Book'l'wo.) "'1'he sons of God" who hecame disohedient and left God's organization in the days of Noah
have been imprisoned for a lon~ time. They arc yet.
alive, and it seems that their punishment may end approximately at Armageddon. Such of that company
as turll,to righteollS!l<'SS may he sflved and rccovercd.
'I'he "great multitude" class arc those who consecrated
themselves to do Uoa's will, werc hegotten of the
spirit, and have since tried to uplift the world by remaining in the "ehurehes"; and these arc held as
pt'isollel's hy Satan's organization. They will find no
place of eseape at A rmageddon except through death.
'I'hey are 'appointed to die' and, like Samson, those
among them who stand steadfast in the Lord will pull
down "organized ChrifltiaJlity" upon their heads and
will die, hut will be raised (lllt of death and made serv
ants to Jehovah's capital organization.-Ucv. 7: 15.
40 The final show-down is at hand, when every creature must stand on the side of .Jehovah God and hi3
kingdom or on the opposing side. There is no middle
groUlld. The temple company is in the most favored
position and hence in the ~reatest danger, because
more is required of them, They must abidu 'faithfully
in Jehovah's organization, at all times having 01\ and
keeping on the" wholo armor of God", otherwise they
will not be able to Htand against the assaults of the
enemy. The description of the armor of God shows
that the temple company must have the truth and
faithfully serve the truth hy being wholly ohedient to
God's great prophet, Christ Jesus. (Acts 3: 23) 'I'hey
must be wholly and completely devoted to righteous-


ness. They must he and remain at peace with each

other and walk in unity and in peace. They must havo
absolute faith in God, make him their fear, and abide
ill his sanctuary re)!urdless of what devils beset th(;m
and aRsuult them. They must have an intelligent understanding of God's purpose, and for that reaROI1
must continue to feed upollthe Word of truth; which
Jehovuh now reveals to them. They must at all times
wield the "sword. of the spirit, wl~ich is the word of
God". All this tlH'y must have and do now in order
to maintain their integrity toward .Jehovah. They must
at all times be fair to each other and stand firmly togethcr for the caU!>c of righteousness.
H Some who now believe themselves to be in the temple and who probably are in that condition manifeHt
a Hpir'it that puts t1H:rn in the gnlvest dangl'r. Among
other thin~s, they mnnifest a desire to punish some of
their brethren. 'l'hey sel'k to find fault with their
brethren and report them for the purpose of gcttin~
them into tiiffieultics, having a tlcsir~ to sec them fall.
'l'hcy fail to remember the unalterable rule which ,Jehovah has annuunced, to wit: "Veng-eunre is mine;
I will re(la~" saith the IJord." Those who thns act as
spiritual po]j('emcn for their hrethren often find themst'lv('s in !!['cat distress and trouhl(~, whi('h is due to the
fact that they nqd<,ct to aIJide hy t he Word of the
Lonl, which is: '~ee that you suffer not as a husybotly in other men's afl'airs.' (1 Pet. 4: Hi) ,Jehovah's
unalkrahle rule, and which now applipH specifically to
the t('llIpl!' ('ompany, is that tIH'y must "do justly";
whit'h means that everyone of the temple must do
that whi('h is right and fair, towards hi:{ IHcthren Cl,pC('ially; "love merry," whi(~h means the wry oppositc of It tksire to injure another 01' to infliet puniHhment upon another, hut having a desire to help ono
in trouhle who really seeks 01' <ksi['es hdp; "walk
lmwhly with thy God," which mrans to he fully obedi
ent to .Jehovah, pursuing at all times a course wholly
devoted to righteousne~s. 'l'hesc rules requirc one to
he ~uided strictly by what is laid down in the Ncripturl's, and hplH'e all must inform them"dvt's. (l\Iieah
6: S) Bo sure that you do not suffer for \\Tongduin:,rj
and if you are sllrfcrin~ for doing- ri~ht rCllwmhe!' the
admonition of the apostle in this connection: 'It is
bett{'r to suffer for well doing. '-1 Pet. 3: 17.

nod's witness Noah, the" preachcr of l'ighteol1sness", foreshadowed the faithful rcmnant now on the
earth. Those IWl'sons with Xoah .in the ark forcshadowed the Jonadah eompall~' now on the earth who associate themselves with nod's organization. 'r!wsc haYlJ
the promise that, performing the conditions named,
they mar be hid in the day of Jehovah's anger. (Zt'ph.
2: 3) Th(~ conditions are that they uttaeh thems(lves
to the Lord's organization, and they must rellluill there
steadfastly serving God, working in harmony with .h'hovah's witnesses, and refusing to compromise with
the world. An~' attempt to remain in the organization


e:he WATCliT0WER.

or "('hariot" of the Lord and at the same time to support the wicked world, even with the unwise desire
of lifting up the world, will meet with disaster. The
paramount truth, therefore, revealed in connection
with the spirit creatures that sinned, and which is for
the benefit of those now livin~~, is this: that Jehovah's
organization is the only pInee of safety, Dud one who
once avails him:-;c]f of that [Safety and then voluntarily
leaves the same, is certain of destruction. Those who
arc of the Jonadab 'ompany must continue to faithfully study God's purposes as embraced in his Word;
and hem'e the publication of the LorJ's VO{ord is for
their benefit. They must show their lo\'c 1'01' Clod by
being' diligent in keepill~ his comm:mdmmls. For the
benefit or the temIlle company, and abo for the hene
fit of those who join themsdv('s to Uo<!'s chariot, the
Lord has now pulled hack the curtains and permits
his light to shine in the faces of those who have devoted th{'mse!vcs to him, :mJ gives them a view of
things that now must shortly ('orne to pass, as well as
the meuning' of thinr~s that have come to pass in the
sixty centuries gone by. The truth that stands out
awl is millIe to appeal' in the vision fig of paraIliount
importance to aU othel's is thi:-;: Jehovah, the _\lmig-hty
God, is the (: ivpl' of Ii fp, nnd he will preSI'l'\'C those
who love and olwy h illl anJ who l'(\maill stea(lfastly
faithful to hi); ol':!anizatioll, at all times manij'l."sting
an unl'alterillg' and unhl'eabblc love for .Jehovah. The
crncial test upon all intelligent cn:ation b I1l'ro: Let
all such take warnil1~ and beware. ".Jehovah i'l in hi"
holy temple: Id all the earth keep silence hefor(' him."

-Hab. 2: 20, A.R.Y.

3 Satan and his wi(:ke<1 host will clJntinne to ass:mlt all who take thdr stand on the side of the Lord.
'l'his l'cquil'l's rl'sistance on the part of .Jehovahs
anointed. It furnishes all opportunity for them to
prove their loyalt.y and maintain their integ-dty. Al'I
an iIlustratioll: (lod permit1ell Satan to attack Job
and bring: upon him great affliction, but said to Batun:
'Do not. take his life.' (.Job 2: II) Jehovah will not
permit Satan to Jestrc.y the right to life of any of hi:;
anointed who remain faithful to him. They must dio,
of course; hut, heing' faithful ur,to death, they shall
receive the crown of life. The Devil and the wicked
ang-(Ils likewise assault(~d Jesus and continued to do
so for three and one-halt' years. They sueeel\Jc,d in
causing his death, but God raised him out of death
and thus demonstrated his supreme power and made
manifest his reward to those who are faithful. The
JOlladah company will be tlssaulted by Satan and his
wicked agents and allies. J f they stand firm and remain faithful and true to God and his organization,
they witl he presC'rved. 'l'hcse truths are now of great
est importance. They were \vrittcn aforetime for the
comfort and aid of the remnant and for those that are
associated with the remnant. It bl'1\Oo\'cs each one of
Jehovah's witnesses to aid others to understand these
truths who have a desire to know and to serve Jehovah

B"OOKf,n" N. Y.







1. Jehovah sent JfSUS to earth for what purpose! How was

that purpo~e accomplish<:<ll
2. Who nre tllfJsC spirits in prison, to whom Jesus l'reachptl ~
"'hen were the)' disobedient, and of what llid thC'ir wrung.
doing- consist ~ f::lhow that God gave thpm. nutice of im
pcnding judgment. "'hat is meant by the statement that
"tile world that then was .. perished" 1
3,4. 'Vith illustrations of God's procedure uncleI' other like
cireumstaneeg, I'xplain who imprisoned those spit its, anu
how this wa~ dune.
5, H. Where and how did Jesus preach to those spirits! What
was the purpose tl1('roof cOllcerning them'
79. With SCt'il'tllrl'll, point out the consistent course of action for the profess<,d Christian.
IO,11. Describe .1,'sus' course 01 action, an,l ac(~ount for his
fining subjccte,t to suffering. How Wu.s thi~ related to his
preaching to the spit its in prisun 1
12,13. Explain ltow J.,sus "went" and preaehe,l to the
spirits. What inference conccming; thuse ,pirits rn:,y reJ.
sunaf,ly be drawn from the fa(:t ot' .Jesus' llrl'achIllg to
14. Quote scripturel'l'atinJ' the juugment awaitin;:; Satan
and tho~e spirit (t'eaturt:s with hi1l1, an,l wl,t:n exeeu:i'lu
ot' such jUflglll'mt is due.
15-] ,~. HI'ferrill" t{) :: Pet"r 2: 4: I,J'!llti fy the uu:.;ds here
menti"ueft. \\ hen diu (lo.t do \I hat il'l h"re ref'Hole,t, awl
how, an,l why? COl1lpare t!tis 'vith what .Tes\l~ S~I~'S <:0,1coming those who OIlt:o WNt' in line for th(~ kin~':d"lll !Jut
hav'o },eell ullfaitlJful. I,I,'uti fy also the prill' lplliities, pow
cr9, 'le., lIl"n!iorll'd by 1'anl (Eph. (j: 1 ~,l.
]9, ~(). I'-:!tow that the fOf(';':f)ilJ~ rOIl('!usi"n is "on~ist"nt vv itll
the statement
.Jude (\'1'1'5e (i). Explain !low tlll~ pH'''''llt
testimony of Jl'1\", ah 's witl\(,SSf'S is relat",} tl) the jud;.;
m,:nt or I;;atau ulld his wil'kl',l lIngl'11l an,l th,~ ('x''C'o'.wn
2t-~:I. I,l('lltify the ('lll~lllies with w"i"h .TI!I" vllh 's Wi(Ol'~~"S
ule en~:I;.:ed in conllict, and .kscrihe till' warllI'l~. Why
d,,('s tlmt wick,"} ('row<1 nmk,~ war on these \\itne~s,s, ,ltvl
what purposQ doell this /i()f\'ul
21. In yif~w of the malice awl power of thl' l'1H'llly, al""nmt
for tho coum~tl and the security of those now pro<'1:ullI.
ing' the mt'~~"~e of truth.
25. 1'rove the i<ll'ntity un,l purpose of th,' spirits that eommunicate with human el'l-ahlll'S thr'lU;.:h m('(liu\ll~, etc., an\l
that su(~h ageuts ur communif'atif/Il, as \\l'll as the 11:<,,, au,1


' . . ~uln~1l who 8l"~'k to u~e ~ll('h ngf~n~'Y, are netiuJ.t <.:outrar)





to 0011 's lnw.

21i,27. With illustration, show the relatiollship loetw""!1 reo
Lellion and witchcmft, and the outcome uf stublootllIl<'''.
28-31. What e\'idl'nce is foun.l in the l'ec"'I'<19 I,v ;\lalthew :en,l
}[urk that it waR lIot to those wick",t uti,-s tllat. .l"~\l~
preaetlf"], an,l that they were thpn J!I';\('ti<'in;~ theIr wi"K(',I
lIess an,l feared that J(sus ha.l ('ollie to execute ."ho\'ahs
jUl1gll'nnt against them'
32,3:3. Show that, particularly in rclil;iol\':l u')l'trill('~ an,1
practi'('s. sillce Noah's da,V .1own to a1\l1 in IIl'Hkrn tilll'"
/-Jalan and his wick..l angels h:I\"C tlee"i\l'\l and k"pt in i'.;'
Ilorance millions of wcll-lllenllin~ pluple. AC"ount for tilt)
~reat turning' to flpiritisttl ant! spirit mc\liuUl~ thrOll.:.:lllHlt
the earth at thfl present time.
34. 'Ylmt truth conccrninl{ these wickel} spirits stands out
and is of l'uramouut importancc to aU ,vho wi!\h to ha\ll
and to hoM the favor of J"llO\"a" God? Whv'l
::5-:11. With illustrations of the resnlt of c1i o o!lc',lil'uce to God.
T,oint out thl; Ill.portance now of careful roru;il!emtioll of
thflse (,x:lIl1l'les of illlliITeren'~e, Cltrl'k~sn('ss, :~ll<l wi\lilll
violation of Goll's law.
38, :;9. Explain how (lod's !Hoc(',lurc in Koah's .hy f .. r,~
shadowed his provision of 1\ pla(~e of sn fety 1,)]' til" ohelE
ent, and certain adverse dealing with the di~ohl'dient, "t
A rma~e,l\lon.
40. To whom is the ndmonition of :F;phrsians 6:]3 (\\"ith
context) lId,lressed, :\llU what do('s it 1II8:m 1
41. Show wl,ether all who },C'lie, e thCOlsdvcs to be in th., t,'IIlpIe are carefully observing Gocl's Cxpl'l'sseJ rlll,'s 1'(11' th~
tr:Inple class.
42. Whom ui,l Kvah and those with him forr:sh:luow 1 rIuw J


15, 1934


What, then, is th~ paramount truth revealed in eonnection

with the spirit creaturNI that sinned, an,l what WUll the
purpose of the reconl thereon
'If 43. Shuw from the Scriptures what rot\)' be expected from the


eneulY, now and latrT, by all


tnke their Btand on the

side 'of the Lui'll. What, then. is now the J'espollsibility

lIu,l privi!l'ge of Jehovah's witnessrR and u11 others tl)

whom Jehovah '5


are being revealed'


s THE divine

High Prll'st of the 2\Iekhizedck

order Christ Jesus was raised from the dead
and ascended into heaven, and there he ap
peared in the presenl1e of Jehovah God and presentlld
the value of his human sacrifice as an offcrinr, for sill.
(ncb. 9: 24-26) His sacrifice was acceptable to Jeho.
Yah, and was 8eceptec1j and the aC'eeptance was made
manifest by Ood's })OUdnf.{ out of the holy spil'it and
by the cloven tongu('s of fire that restcJ upon his Jisciples at Pentecost, the fiftieth day nfter Jesu,;' resurrection. (Acts 2: 1-4) 'l'hlls .Jdl\>vuh nod opfmeu the
wa,- for life <lnd immortality through Jesus Ghrist,
his' heloved One.-2 'l'im. 1: 10.
'l'he Seriptural proof ('stahlixhc:-;, therefore, the fact
that the IJogos (or Word or God), J\~S\\:'I, aull Christ
Jl'SUS, nre 01.1e and the same }lPl'Slill. That he aid not
die wIlen he came to c:rrth tf) he hOl'n lIS a man, hut
that his lifo was tJ'ansr'~l'1'('d fl'om heaven to earth, is
}>1"<)\'('u by his WOl'<ls to the .Jews, namdy: "13('[01'0
Abraham was, I um." (John 8: til':!) Al)l'uham lived
two thom;anu years bcfol'(l Christ Jesus was born on
earth. lIenee the Lord's wCJIds imply a continuous
existcnce. To die means to go out of existence.Jesus'
words, thereforc, nHmt he cOllstruell to lIlt~an that
f!'Om the time of the beginning of Cl'eation until the
moment he spake those words he had existed and had
the ri~~ht to exist. lIe died upon the tree IlS a man and
must, (u a ?H1li1, for ever remain dead, but the l'i:::ht of
his life ns a mun lie g-ives for' the life of the world. This
is Jll'o\'(~d by hifi wOl'dg: "I have power to lay it [my
Ii fl'j down, nntl I have power to take [rcrcivc 1it [1 ~ain,
'l'his eommalltJml'llt have T received from my Father."
-John 10: 18; 6: 51.
Christ Jesus alone is snlTicient to execute Jehovah '8
purpose, He alone provides the 'ransom price for
mankind. It haE' pleased Jehovah Ood, ho"..ever. in the
eXt'l'rise of his loving-kindness, to select others to he
members of that company which the Scriptures call
the "body" of Christ and therefore to be a part <If
The Christ, Jl'St\S being' the Heau thereof. In doin~
this God docs not seleet ang'cls to be a part of The
Chl'i<;t, but he selects men and women who have the
fait h like unto that of Abraham, "thc friend of God."
(Heh, 2: 16, 17) God visits the nations to take out
from them a people for his name. (Acts 15: H) These
are roade aeeeptable unto God through Christ Jesus,
and in no other way. God did not predestinate the individuals who wilt roake up the body of Christ, hut
he did predestinate that there should be anum bel' selected il'Om amongst men to make up that body, Concerning this it is written:

"Blessed he the Ood and Father of our Lord .Jesus

Christ, who hath blcss('c1 us with all spiritual bk;:sings
in heavenly places in Christ: according as he hath
chosen us in him before the foundation of the worlel,
that we shonld he llOly and without hlame hefore him
in love: havil1~ prcd(~stinattu us nnto the auoption of
chilth'eIl hy J"sns Christ to him;;eH, aeeorc1ing 10 the
good plcasul'l' of his will. '1'0 the praise of the ~lory of
his ~rare, wherein he lwth mUlle us neecptcu in tlHl
hclow<l: in whom we have redemption thl'()u:~h 11 is
blood, the forgiveness of sins, ue('onlilJg to the riches
of his g'l'ace; wherein he hat II ahouIHlcd toward Wi in
nH wisuon1 ~\l)d 1l1'U<1I'llfoCi havjll~ mude known unto
us the mystery of his will, u(,(,ol'lling to his ~()od pblSUl"~ whieh he hath pUl'posed in himsdf."-El>h. 1:
1'110 nation lit hrael wus OJl('e the ehosen !Jpoplc or
God. 'f!wy di(lllot COil;;! it ute God's IlI'W crea t ion, hut
1hat nat ion j'orcslwdOlt'Nl the new ('rt'atioll, wh idl rn:a
tion i~ noll"s p~op)e s('\('rh'd HIll] eketl'rl fo'r n pur]lose, (Gal. 6: 15; 2 Cor. r,: 17) hl'l~ell\rl"l' the 11,,>;1\
was the roO\'ing picture which wail }ll'oviU('d by.Tello.
vah ~\llfl which foreslllllJow0ll the l'l'al thill~, whi(h
real thing is, to wit, spirit unl hra0l, the 1WW en'atioll.
.hcoll, whose name Was ('han:~t'd to ISI'(1pl, was thc
bl'gillnill.~ of tJlC Israelitl's nftpr the fh:1'h. JHf'O!J'S natural offsprin~ w(:re horn under t he terms of t h!' law
00ven:mt which JdlOyah ('onfirn1l'd with tl10111 at :\[Ol\lIt
Sinai in A rahin. The new crpat ion is spi!'it llal l-;r<lt'l
bl'l-!uUrll anu hrou'!ht fori II tls "a pl..'ople fur his llame"
unflf'l' the terms of the new 0ovenunt.
The IsrHelites entel'ed into n covenant with .1l'hovuh. by nlld 1hrol1~h the J)l'oplH't Moses as their metliator or g-o.lJl'tW('('Il. By ngrer:ing to the tC'['lIlS of tho
('own ant th ..y hound the!l1sp)yrs to be ohedient to
God's will. 'l'hat covenant confirmed at Sinai s('rwll
os a sC'hoolmaster to saf(',~\ul.rd and lead ol)(t1iclIt oneS
of the Israelites until (;0<1 's due time to bCg'ill the nl'\\,
ereat ion, which is The Clnist. (Gal. 3: 24) 'l'h(l IJalioli
as a whole failed to k01'l' the terms of the CO\'('ll;\Ilt
and lost e\'crything that that covenant promisf:fl. A
small I'('mllant of that people, however, did acet'pt
Christ as the ~l'cat Rrdeemer and Iklivercrj and hy
the ~l'aCC of God such became a part of the new ('1'011tion.-Hom. 11: 5.
To natural Israel God said at )Iount Sinai: "Xow
thcrefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keel)
my cownant. then yo shull be a peculiar treasure unto
me ahove all people: fol' all the earth is mine. And yo
shall be unto me a kingdom of l>riests, and an holy na-


~fie. \VATCr-IT0WER.

tion. Tll('se arc the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. "-Bx. 19: 5, 6.
To spiritual Israel, foreshadowed by natural Israel,
that is to say, to those who have accepted Christ as
their Red('emer and have come into Christ, the Lord
God says through his appointed witness: "But you
arc a ehosi'n race, a royal priest hood, a holy nation, a
people for a purpose." (1 Pet. 2: 9, IJiag.) This scripture and the one jmlt previously quoted prove conclusively that Israel after the flesh was the picture foreshadowing Israel after the spirit, which is the reality;
and that the reality is God's new ereat ion.
The new ('l'c'ntiun, whkh is spiritual Israel, iii begun
and comp]l'1l'll by the terms of a covenant. .Jesus the
Head thet'eof made a covellant with Jehovah at the
,Jonlan l'iver to 110 his Father's will. That covenant
entailed upon Jtsus the sacrificing of himself as a
man. There is no evidence that he knew at the timo
he made the eovenunt that he was to die. He spent
forty days and nig-hts in the mountain. studying- God's
Illlrpose a1l<1 commullicating with Jphovah after his
mind had ut't'n illuminated by the holy spirit, which
descended upon him in the form of a do\'('. Then he
would know, and then and thet'cafter he intelligently
and faithfully eanie<1 Ol1t his covenant.
The nH'ml)('rs of his hody must follow in the same
way M ,J('SUS w('nt. (1 Pet. 2: 21) .All who become
memhers of the new creation must do sa by and through
n covenant of sacrifice as the initial step. (Ps. 50: fl)
A covenant is a solemn agreement to do or not to do
n l'ertain thin~. \Vhen the disciples of Jesus believed
he was the Mt'ssiah 01' Christ, and became his follow(:rs, tltl'y thl'l'ehy a~t'ecd to cIa the will of Goel. When
they ncccpt(;d .Jeslls as the Messiah, that was the beginnin~ of their covenant. TI\ut mal'ked their conspcration to God. 'l'h('y could not be justified until
the rans01l1 sacrifice of .J esus was IH'esented in heaven
as a sin-offel'in~ and there accepted. The aeceptancc
was manifested at Pentecost, and then and thC're thC'se
discipks were anointed as just Hied and sj)it'it-beg-oUen
sons of God who were called and accepted to be Gael's
witnesses on earth.
'l'he new creation is a select or cle~t company who
arc taken out from amongst men a1l<1 then adopted into tllt' family of God through Christ. God's manner of
~e1eetin!!, and forming the new creation is important.
His 'YOI'd tells in what manner he selects anel develops
the members thereof. This information disrloses how
one becomes a real Christian.
Since all the human race is born in sin and no man
who is a. sinner run approach God, what can a sinner
do to hecome a Christian and thereby a membet of the
new creation? The Scriptures declaring that life is
a gift of God through Jesus Christ our fjord, it is
manifest then that knowledge of the gift and of how it
is ~ivcn is the first essential. Man mnst learn first,
either by being informed by someone or by reading
from thC' Word of Goel, that he is a sinner, that hc
needs help, and that he is unable to help himself. See-


N. Y.

ing that the course of mankind is unrighteous he must

have a desire for righteousness. He learns that Jehovah is God, and hf'1ieves that fact. Thi<; constituteil
faith in God, without which it is impossible for him to
pleDse God. (lIeb. 11: 6) He then learns that Jesus
Christ is the beloved Son of God, whose life wa'> given
as a ransom for manldnd.
His fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. (Ps.
111: 10) That means that he is now beginning to apply llis knowledge in harmony with God's will, Hud
this he docs when he begins to fear Jeho\"ah. lIe has
a desire to know more ahout Jesus and why hc died
und was raised from the dead. By this knowledge ancl
desire God draws him to .TeHUS. This is in harmony
with the statcmc'lIt made hy JpSLlS, namely: ":\0 man
can come to me, except the Father which hath St:l1t
me draw him." (.John 6:44) It is thll''i seen that all
honest and righteous desire to live', and to ]i\"e in harmOllY with the Ct'eator, is aile of the first essentials
,for one to become a Christian.
It is reasonahle to com'lude that God so SUI't'OUlHls
such a olle wit h circumstallces that \\'0\.11\1 attract him
to the Lord .Jesus, and therehy deaw him to .T~'su"i.
Proof of this is found ill the expC'ri('nce of COl'lll'liwl,
the Roman ct'nturion who hecame tIl(' first (;('lIt ile COIlvert to Christianity. IIe knew llothin~ of nod's pHrpose to save throug-h .}I'SI\S Christ, hut he did h:l\'c
faith in alld rever(~llce for .Jehovah. ] [e had an hOlll'st
and rig-hteous desire to he in harmony with God. lIe
prayed to nod, and his prayer ascclIded unto God as
a memorial. (Acts 10: 1.48) In due time .Jehovah
brought to his attl~lltion the 1000wledgc of his way to
life, by !o;endin~ the apostle Peter to him to tel1 him.
So it often oceurs wlwll on<! has an honest desire to
know the Lord that someone ('oml's his way ami plae\'s
in his hand a book, 01' tel1s him somt-thing of (lod's
gracious IJrovision for salvation. 'Vlwn he rel'l~iws
this lmowledg-e into a good and hOlll'st hpart he It-alns
that God's way for mall to l't'turn to him and ~et life
everlasting is through Jesus CIIl'ist. 'I'llI' t est ill\on~' of
Jesus is: "I am the way, and the truth, antI th,~ life:
no man cometh unto the Father, hut by me. "-.John
14: 6.
Up to this point the man has been going ill the way
of sinners. His IIlind has been devoted to things sel fish. Having a dl'si1'e for life, and now seekilll! the wa;.
to life, he repents. Hepl'lItance means a change of
mind. By the knowll'dge thus ohtained he has ehangl'd
his mind, and dc~,ires to know noel's way to life, In
this inquiring attitude the words of .Jesu'l now apply
to him: "If any man will come aftl'r me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.' '-)llltt.
16: 24.
To obey this injunction from Christ Jesus means to
make a consecration. One who conseerates himself
to God thereby agrees to do God's will. The mall,
now believing that he is a sinner and that Christ Jesus is his Redeemer, ancI that the way back to J<,hoyah



and to life is thro1J~~h Chl'iRt Jesus, says in suhstance

if Hot ill terms: 'I am determined to do God';,; will';
and thcn solemnly and reverentially ill his mind or
hy his lips he says to Jehovah: 'Trustin~ in thce and
in thy \Vord, uud bclievin~ in the precious 1>lood of
Christ, I do now agree to do thy holy will.' This constitutes a denial of self; this is his consccratioJl; and
since it is his agreement to do the will of God it is
man '8 part of his covenant with God.
lt may now be properly said that the man is eonverted. To he convertl.;d meanS to ehange one'8 course
of action. He changes his course of action by turning


away from following selfish things and by a~rc('ing to

follow am1 by following the Lotd Jr-sus Christ, The
Lord Jesus now stands sponsor for the one thus COllsecrating, hecause of his faith; and as man's mediator
or advocate presents him to Jehovah. If the man's
justification by Jehovah follows, and his t1l!ceptance
for sllcrifice, immediately thereafter his bcg{'ttjll~ hy
the holy spirit as a son of God occurs. In ouc tirrHl
the kingdom call or il1\-itlltion i::; sent to him, and if
he responds thereto and f].ualifies Ood acccJJts him and
anoints him with hifl spirit, and thus he hecomts a
Christian amI a member of the Louy of Christ.




DEAR 1I1:0'1'/lEI~ H(;'l'IIl':l(~'l)lw:

Rl'joic'ing in the full nn,l ch,mr light your Scriptuml nucl

rrascnmble I'xplalmtioll of the "co\"PlLauts" llnd ,. r('storntion
of nIl thin~s' I has brought us, we givo (locl the g\(ny thlollgh
our IHPS"'lt Lord ane] Kiug Christ .f';SIlS. We nre not ulllllin.lflli
of your ",ommission au,l the rc~ponsibility laill 011 you ad
0110 of .TeJunah's witrll'''Ps in the particular HeM of sening
cOD\'puient foo'l, amI daily, if not hourly, bear y,m' up in our
prayers to (tod, in for tlo,! glent Ioplp he hns supplied
un.1 for the fait 10 rul au,l 10\ iUg" din oti"n 011 your part in ]>vinting out these tloiu~fj Jll the \Vor,l of \lucl. To him It{! ail til"
glory, alltl Jllny the ",;Iru'ss "'OI"k irwrpase unlil he shall vituli
cato hill own name ulll~e allli for ttll.
LoYiJl~ly yuurs,
A. L. 1\ula'r."1I;1" New lIl!mp,~lIire.

1 deem It a l,lea~ule to inform you of the joys of sen-ice

the 21 days "I,ent on thl) road.
TllC lou<1-~I'('al(Cr wa" at its I,f?st for I,ll but the I:,st thl'C'e
}l'dllrell. A:I it con'f:! a l'n.lllls of nearly two mil"., it is g llifying to see how thoUlltllld~ Ill'e l;uthere'] in II Hhort ~l'lll':" to
hear the 1U,'s~a~e. 1)(:lI1an,1 for h~etul'es inCI"Ctl"ell Ullll\'; 0;1)
th"ltj i~ 110 TOUIH for Rh\(kln;~.
,vo r",'"i\",.,1 tl", I\la",hine 1'1'0111 lfavallll, hilt, 11llhol1~h we
hlUl II l1ifli,'ult task tel d,'ar salllC' frolll tho l:W',I,.llIS, 111l'lJIIgh
h"k of plol,n inYo;"'?, w" 1I"\"l:rll",kss l'ousi,lt'l(',l it tlte Lord'~
"rovision that aUf/th"r /Il:u'hine i~ all'ord(',l II~. \\'I: hopp to
leavc' 110 slow: unturncd w I"'n' tldiverinl1 t h..
illll)!lY I;; ('Oil'
cel'lll'l1; for thc tirtle ill 1''1'" for it, Ilml ~\,': han' tl.,: ",'I'"l'rll"nt
with whi"h to IJI'oee..l1. \\'c "'Jlltill~le to pray fOl' yvu. '\CI;"pl
greetin 6 11 frolJl Ihe orcthl'I'n ill .1amaica.
\Yilh h('lit ""hl'o;,
Yours in the King's ~rrvi("'1


'fhe J-;l Paso Ji\'ision of Jeho....ah 's witn('s~es vote,l unani
mously to <'xprcsil to you thpir appreciation of the truth COUling to th"m throu~h .Jphov:dl'S al'l'0intpd ehnnn<I, Tlte lI'llldl'
fou;er. \\'" Imvo lon~ 1l\;I'n cony;w;pd that 1'!lc IVateMolar is
the mouthp;c"e of .(phcl\ah, an, I Jll),," realize that the Lord
.1I'SU8, frlJlU tho temple, is pr'H i'ling the truths l'ublillhed
'fhe'lUnny truths whith have come to us in recent Tou:as
havc (",en a ~reat sour,'c of cncollI'tlgpment to us, and we are
uetr>rlllinell to wOl'k in the Lord's vi rll'ynnl all long as he
(,Olllllllnl,lli us to ,10 so. ,h'hovah's lightnill~s reveal that sl,iritual rl'<l"I\el is in the new CU\'~lllmt nuu that it is our grl'llt
privikge to have n share in tl.e vintli"atlOn of Jehovah's name.
'l'hiB knrmktl:;e gives us much joy.
Belie\'ing tlmt service in the form of witnes~ing fJom door
to ,1001' i8 the paramount duty of the followllfs of Christ today,
thill cflJnl'any has stli\en to faithfully perform such wOl"k iu
this locality. All Jehu drove his chariot furiously while on his
nlission to ,k~tr()y .TezPlwl, so we too hf\v(>, by the Lnrtl 's p'a~..,
been kepping the \\ heclB of our witness work turning Ull rapidly
as po~sihle. So slH'cpssful have we ueen in this thnt the end
of tho seventh month of our fiscal year finds us OVllr tho yeal'iy
quota, set for us by one of the So!'ipty's rl'gional serviee diri'etors, ill placements of I,ooks anti booklets and ill the number
of testimoni('s ~iven. Our quott, for hours in the sen'iee Ims
1Ilso b"lm reached at IItc prespnt writlllg'. "'e ghe thanks to
Jehovah, who ginth til(' illerease. all'] L,Y olwyiut:" him wc hu\e
pron'd that" the joy of the Lonl is I our~ stren,;th".
'\'e fuel' with eOllfidcn.:e the "pproach of Arrlla~elldon, because our God ",hom we serve is ahle to delivpr us from Sat.m.
Our prayers for you, UfllLr brother Hutherford, an, that the
all-powerful Jehovah may contillue to prote,t and guide you
in your work of supervising the activities of those in GotI's
visihle organization.
,\Vith Christian love, we are



P. II.

Il.\VW>lON, Jtll1!(Iic(I


JEIlOVAH nOt.::'iTll'lTLLY l'EEDI:<lG TilE HE:\I:-4AJlil'

DE.\l( HrlOTJlFlt HC'llU;uPol:n:

<l r('"tings in Zion!

H"eeivc,l tlw pOllable ph'mograph yc~t,)I'I.ll\Y, allll how tkl1lkiul we ar<! to .rl'lto\ah God f"1" tltis nnofh('r nwalls ot \\"Itn('~~I\l;';
to hili great lllill holy Hallie! \\'ur,!'! ,'allnot he 1'''lIn,1 to ex!,r",';
our nppreciation for thi" llJa,'ltine. We hope t'l u", il at C\ 1'1)'
opportllnil.v we have in singing- Jorth his prlli,ws. WI: thank
you, dear brother, anll may the d,'ar Lor,] cuntillu,' to lISC ~ ';\1
to hi~ hOllol" and glory.
'Ve went nut this III()rnill~ in the service and I founll quite
It bullt'h at OlHl Itou.~e tm'! put on No.1 of the s.'r i,", an.l as I
was It'aving the house the IlIlln from the nl'xt door stuPl'c,1 Ille
nod said: "Htup up at the <:hUlch and denHll1 o lrat<1 what yoa
Juno thl'l"c; we have a hrgc crowd Ill' therp nn.1 .von t:all b,'l)
thl'm nIl tog-plhcr." '\'1' thankcll him, and ask"d wh.'n IllS
~ull(lay school 11',,,11,1 he ('11'1', ~"\\I: \\I'I'e tl"'re un tiHle t., T,ut
on a couple more l"Clllf('S fur the whole ):;unday ,..,;h""I, ]:;0 in
all. All pwide to .Jl'llOvah abo\c. from whoUl all 1,1"",ings 1\,,\\'.
I feel thnt has well paill for the machine; 1'01" t h,'se w"nl :,
bunch of Holincss l'copll' who woulel not list ell to :\ word I tell
them at tlll'lr door~, an,l to think they Bat thflre anll lis!I'net!
to 'lvcry wort! you tol.1 thelll, nndllai'l, '''l'hat id gwnll:" We
hOI"") to fi!) back there ng-atn if tile ])I)\'j} tlopsu't get 11U,<y no\\'.
'foday we I'llt on six lectures with sUlall machinr, a",1 total atten,lauce ] liO.
\\'e wish to Jhank our hl'avenly FlltllCr fill' lI";n~ you, d"ar
hl'other, in brillglllg til li::;ht ,,0 man)' won.lerllli tliin;.:q about
the covcnnnts, whidl we ha\'l) nepd of nt this tim~, We nre
looking- forward to the piece ou the Hebrew c111ldll.'ll ill The
JValchtoll;n HCWIl, wldt'h you gave at the Tor,;ntn eon\"lmt;oll.
Jehovah GO'l is hlluntifull:' f<:e-,lin~ the remnant from IllS tai,le
no;.v; and, oh, to l,e able to keep in th" light nt tillS tilllel
'nth lUuch Chriblia.n 10Ye, yours in hi~ service,
MIt. AXD :\Ii:s. JOUN E. MII,LER, VirtJini'l..




At the close, yesten]ay, of "The Nations' Hope" Testimony

Perifjd the following resolution was adopted enthusiastically:
"We, the ,Jonadabs, of the ,Junior witnl'ss c')lllp:my of Je
llOvah 'a witnrssf's of }'n'sno, California, do IH're!jY dl'clare our
allegiatlCe and devotion to Jehovah God nnd his glorious king
dom an.l our thankfulness to ,Jehovah and his en rthl.v or~aniza
tion for the prjvlh,ge of serviee in joyfully declarin~ the naille
of Jehovah and hIs kingdom to the people of "Chl'isten<1om It.
'l'he Los Angcl'Js resolution is un:mimously an.1 enthusiaot ically
adopte.1 hy us, to wit:
., Rc.~oh'cd, That we do now tllke our stand on the I!ide of
Jchovah God lwd his kingdom; and that we will obey, s.,rve
and worship Jelwvall God and his beloved Son, Christ ,Tesus,
who is the rightful ruler oj' the worM, nnd we will thus partici
pate in the vin,Jieation of .J "hovah '8 name.' "
Nearly GI)O HCCQl'IT'!I wl'rn pl:"'(',1 hy tho juniors durin~ the
testimony peri",I, lin'\ thOUS:ltlllH of tl'stimollks ~i\'en.
The ndl{hbor chilJren lire joillin~ in with us an,l were out
almost evmy <llly Ijf. th<J (al1ll'ai~n. One of tlo' boys 10M 0.
womnn, "'l'he~e books show how .Teltonl11 ill J.:il'in~ the people
their last chance." Hhe sai,l, ,. '1'111'11 it's a pass throUl{h Ar
IIlIlp,e,ldon, " lind he rClllie,l. "So far I1S I'Ill eOllcerned it's 0.
nieltel a 1':\I's."
D~;AR BJto'l'lu;lt HlJ'I'Ilt,ltFOIt!I:

We received I,honograpbs nll,l recur.l!! IIUU wi8h to thank you

for sam!!. \"ant to l1<l8ur<l )ou we will ,10 our best t() follow
inlltnll:ti'lIls un,1 us,, them only to J<'Ilovllh's honor.
\\'oul,1 also t'xl'rcss our thank8 f"r the portal,lf' transeripti"n
nlllchine. We l1rtJ very graldul for H. 'rhe 1,)c!ul'cB by l''l'r.l


N. Y.

have broken down much prpju,lice nIHl caused mallY people

to come to our ('amp for literature. The people arC' waiting
at their homes for the literature after hearing the ledures, and
many pie'~e3 aro p!aeed.
\\'0 held a seeollcl l..cture ut the home of an old man (87)
last night, who hus bitterly fought "Husspllism" for years.
.A iter h('aring "World Control" he sui,l: "'fhnt heats all
prC'uching I've cIer heard. I urn afrait! I've been wron~ in so
!Jitterly Qppo~ing this and that I 'ye !lC'en fighting tlte truth."
\';'e call notice loss of interest in clergy and churches where
these lc'ctures arc h.,ld.
With thanks t'l Jehovah for this addeu equipment for fight
ing Sutan, we ure
Yours in Jehovah's service,




DEAR BlW'rlH:r.. !tCTm:ltnJllIl:

'i'hn Hallowell (~lain(') company of ,ll'llOVuh's witnl'ss,>s are

unanimous in t!>pir apl'l'("'ialion and gratitude to .Jl'hO\"h for
the wonderful nrlichs, which we have jUf;t finished 8tudying,
on "His Covenants".
Jehovah's W'(J,lncils nn,l loving'-kin,h\('ss towar.1 hi." ]>""1'10
have heen munifpstcd in a 1110st warke,l ,Ip~ree us he hal< givpu
them the foo.1 that is 1~(Jnvl'njent for th,'m, to prpf''lr'' thl'lll
for the f.{reat day when hil< name \\ilI I,e (ollll'lltllly \indi"ated
and victory over Satan is fully est!,blishe'l. .
Be assured that we arc in hpart harmony wilh this grlll.t or
gllllization of the's. :\fay. thp hCl'W"ily lo'uth"r 1,1,'88 aUlI
strlmg-then y..,u that you llIay h.. ahle t.l ,lircd, aid awl """,fort
his I:hur"h, is 1ho prayer of tho Hallowell COnlpany of Jeh..,
vah's witnesMCs.

A l<I'on, Ohio

I.otllH\,itl". Ky. .
0,1. 2, :I
(:hwinuntl, Ohio ...... .,
4, r,
J)u)'ton, ()hio ._ _
('tJlutnhus, ohio
PittM1J1lr;:h, Iu
~.. u 11, 1~
lIiIlMj1h. I'll
" ]:1,14
l'lclIllcnville, Ohio
" 10,17

Od. 18.19

('I('\'('land. ()ialo
'foletln, Ohio ............... "
I!t..troit, :\ Ii(' 1
J.uITalu,~. \'. .............


2:1, ~ l

~~, ~G

_', tS







)1"lill<'. III.

~h"lti"ld, 11~.


LaS,o! I". HI.

Pel'll, 111.
KI\I,~villp. III.
Canton, 111.

Jralt. Kans
AI"llru:ttJtl, J(:lns

}lut('hint--oll, Kal1o.;. hO._.

),h:Pllf!l'Son. l{tills....




J!(.lyr,",d. Kan~
I{nu.... ..
Abil~nl', }{n1\1'I. .._._._uo.. n
JUIIlPoStown, lo\:an:i.. n
J~~nnrnt Kaus. ..__
){lI:-. l.lI.

Achilles, Kans

Canton, Ohio


(:oudl:uul. K.anH....... O,t.

Hau:-.()IlI. Kal1l'4






~'t1rloek, Clliit.

l~ul~e ('I~~. Ka~ll'I . ::

(,lir<l,," (


Ily, b.liUS


nolln. Kans
.\Iv". Olda
:\loo.."lal)ll. Ol<la
Gntnd, Okla

Texola, Oidll







" "5 "1(;

.. - '27




2':ia,-,:al'll Falll<.~. Y....Oct. 1 Q , HI
Ot'l. 2, 3

Stcubf"uvillf', (tillo ..... 11

4, :>
COllllel1sxilll'-, l'a
YounA'~town. Ohio
O~ 10
""arren, Ohio
" 1 J, 1:!
E'lmlra, N. Y.
.. 1:1, 14
Buffalo, X. Y.
16, 17

Modesto. Calif
Oak<lale, Calif.

w. J.


6, 7

l:odH~:-:it(l1. :'\. Y........ "

...~uhurll. X. Y. ;
~~TaluNQ. N ..Y. It
\~:~t,erf()~\nt :\. r .._._ .0'"
{i lin., ~. 'I.
Juhnsiown, N. Y

G. Y. M'COIt:\IlCK
Olt. 2, :I
BakersHeld. C"lif.
Anil'. ('allf. ..
Taft. ('11111. '

Atwater, CaliCo
.-... I t
}'resno, Calif
um()ore~ Calif
Coalinga. Calif. _..__ ..
Tulare, Calif.
12, 1:i
1."o'l'te:rvU\e. Cu.lif
_004_ ..


.. 10,11
.. Ill, 1;


~~. ~ I,


30 1



Callf. 0_0." 1t):!1

,. 2:},21
l)r~M~ott. Ariz
)llIranll, Ariz
Tuc,on, .\riz.
,. :;0,31
L()~ An~l'h>"=.

PhO(nl\. Ariz

SOM.erton, Al'h:


Attldloro, ':\Ia_s


"(\st~\rl,.\ H. 1.



(onn ...........

1':orwieh, 1 1 oHn........... '

C"(t-<t(r. ('OUIi
:Mel idpn. Conn.. _.u...... "
(l"QIllW('lI. Conn. ....... U
~(~W nt'itnin, Conn.... "

JTartfof\1, COlin
'l'Qrrillgton, t.:Ollll.


I"~"rill. Ill.
))l'l'1\ au, 111.

0,",. HI. :!O


.~ 1tallt.a. HI..
],IHOnnng1011, Ill.

('IWlllr,:li::u. JU.
Sidlll'Y. 111.
Uall\ ille, III.





i(1 ontl








.. :llJ.:ll

\\'utl'l"hnry, ('nnn
rnwn Cit ,v, ~onll
l'erby. Conn. . "
~('\V I Ta\t'!l, COUll









. .... _.



CHlin ....




2';;, ~'i

Hal'iI\f1, ('emu............ tt 27,:!~

n(ltlH~I, Conn
1"t Chester, ;I/.Y (ll't. 31, XO\. 1



:\liami. Fla




\\f'St, Flu






Avon Pal'k, ria
\VnudHlla, Fla............ ,.

Ar(';llli:J, Fla
~ehrint!. Fla


}'ort Huron. "Ii,h

):ne!w.... tPI

Hn~ at

n~u!?\ j





..... _.....

Oul\. ~tH'h .._" ...

lIe, )lich

.\nn Arbor. ;lIirh

J ad:~on.





.. 14,15

()rala. Fla
Bun,,"ll. Fla.
JU\'I<",,/tvllle, Fla

2. :J
T~an~in~.. ).tit'h


u.". ,.

lkll"~nton, Fla
Ht. l't~tel:-.1)11r~, 1la
'l'ampu. Fla: .............. ::
Lnl\plan(l, 1:0 la, '"
'Tarpon ~pl'iBg"l, FIoI. . "


Ilillt. :\11,.11.


1;, 11-;
1!,. ~u

_ t. _.



,. 30.;\1

O~,t. ~o, ~~

F()"t~.. r$. ~1i('lL ~

Ha~ina \V, )1 kit. ...... ~ .
J:t1y City, ~licho .... ~
:Midland. ~Ji<-ll. ..... _



l'inconuing, )111'11....:\0\'.

_I, __
2!), ::1;
3U,~} 1

PUilLISHED Snn-~rO!:TH"r,y



117 Adams Street

Brooklyn. N. Y., U. S. A.

J. F.


W. E. Y.L.'




"And all thy chilJren shall be taught of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." .1J.1iah 54:IJ.

~rea.t shall


THAT JI::1I0VAH i:l tllO only tme Gou, is from cvcrlnstin~

to e"orlasting, the Maker of heaven tmd earth and the Oiyer

of life to Ilis ('reature's; tb.t the Logos was the b('l!innin~ of
JlIS Cletlti(JIl and his lu'ti\0 ag-ent in. tllO crr'atiun of all
t!lin~5; that the Logos is now tlto 1.')r.l .Te-us Christ in glory,
r1"tlll~.1 wirh nIl }>O\\'er in Leaven amI earth, and the Chic!
}:x(.'Cutivo Officer of Jehovah.

THAT GOD creatl'Cl th~ mrth for man, crcatwl perfect

man for th~ eartll and l'!r.c(,l him Uf"JU it; that Illan wilfully
clisoLeyed Gou's law and W:t!I sentenced to death; that l,y"
r('ason 0 f Adam's wrong act all men lifE) bom sinnefs and
without tile ri;;ht to life.
THAT .JESUS vms mnde lmmnn, luul tho man Jesus 8uf
f('re<l d"ath ill unler to IHod'l':e tho rt1nfO/ll or rcuc:npliv.J
!lri('o for lill Illnnkind; that God raiscd up .hRus di\"ino an,l
(')mItt,d him to hl'ln-el\ ab(n'o every creature lIllC} ahovo e\ cry
Ilame and clotl1ed him with 1.11 power nnd lluthority.
THAT .JEHOVAH'S ORG,\NIZATIO:-.r is <mllC<l Zion, an,l
tlir4t Chri;.t .I,'sus ilt the Chief Ofrit'er th{mJOf and is tho
J'il-:htful Kill~ of t.ho world; that tim anointed uud faithful
followNIl of Clll'i~'t JC~U9 aTe ehiMr.:n of Zion, membcrs of
.J(hol"llhs or::allization, Ilnd aro his witn.. ~~~'1 whose dnty antI
Tlridleg'o it is to testify to tI'e ~mprl'mae-y of Jeh'Jvah, dcdr,r,)
his pU'l'0ses towrrnl Illankin.l as "xpr"Rs(>ll in the Bible, lind
to bear tho fruits of tho lting.lOIIl beforo all who ,..ill h(ar.

THAT THE WORLD ltas enllea, nnll the Lr:ml .11';:U3 Christ
ball bl'cn ll!:le-!'Il by .Tl~hovah upon his tllrono of nuthority,
has ousterl S:Lt:m from IlI'a\ I'll IIml ili proceeding" to tho
c5l.ablishment of God'8 kin~clom on earth.


h1.'"Ril1~li of the J1coples of earth

elln como onl.v hy nnd through .T!'llOmh'li kin!;.!om uncler

eliTist which hn!'! now hl'gnn; thnt tho Lord's np"{t gr!'at

Mt is tho cle_'ltrlldion of Satan's organization ana tho cshlJof rightcolIslle~!'l in the earth, an<1 that under tho
kiu::-.lorn all t!'ose who will olwy its ri;;hteou!'l laws 8hn11 bo
restored anrl Jive on ('ftrtll fmever.




'l'l\is nine,tlay servlC~o PCI iod, Septemlwr 29 to Oclo1>.'r 7

iDelusive, bl'ginli the now llllrvice )"%.r of )U3419::.>. it I\ill be
carth-wiele in its s(~()pe, nn.1 it is expected that more lands
wherQ some of J( !lovah's witru'ssps or J ouatlab!l nrc lucuted
will rct'('i\'e a \l"itnl'H.~ tluring this period than dunng nny pre
v"iolls liko period. In tho- E/I;;li~h'spealdn~ euuntne5 JC!lO\ah's
witlH'ssl's and tllQ Juna.lllbs will ~l,,~eialil-e on placlllg tbe ne\'1
bouklet, HI!1htf'ol/,~ J:UIr.'T. III t~Olllltl ics ot ILlluther languag,) the
hrnneh otlj,~o in chl1.r~e will duly aIllwuu,'e the 1.1Iloidet to bo
distribute.l there. An,!, important I don't forgl't repurring your
work for the pl'riod, promptl,v at the doso thereuf, to the respedi\e offic'o having supervision over the witness in ;I'our part
of the field.
For the bt.'ncfit uf subscribers, lind for their cOD\l'nience,
Il. rCIll'wtd bbnk 13 sent witl, tllil' journal one Illonth (on
:foreign sulJscriptiUIlR two months) before the sulJscription is
due to eXl'im. ~fachinery used to print slJbscrib~r 's 1I1Hrcss on
lalJe! or wrdr,per lS so construf'tPll that the phite J."oal"Jr.g all'
dress is automatic:l!ly droppeJ from the list at expiration;
thus discontinuanee .Jf nn expiration is aceolU)}lished mechani
cally in en~ry illstanre.


'"'1RTS journal is puhli;.hed for the purpose of enabling

the pe01,10 to knuw .Jd,oHlh Gou and his purposes a~
cxprcss(-d in the 11ibk It pllbli.~hes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovt1h '8 witnesses. It arranges
systematie ljihl~ study :for its readers and supplies' other literature to ai.l in such studies. It Jlublishes sultahle lIlatcrinl
for !'adio urmllle:!sting and for other means of Jmhlic instruc
tion in the ~cripturcs.
It aJhen;s strictly to the Bible as lluthority for its utterances. It is entirely free and 5epa.rate from vll pal'ties, seds
or other worl.Uy or:;nnizatiolls. It is wholly fo wI without
reservation ior tho kingJom of Jehovah God un'],,;r Christ
his IleloYeu E"ill;<. It ill not dogmatic, but invitr,s cnreful
nnil critical ex:n.,ination 01 its cIJntl'nts in the lii~ht of tl>'"1
flr:ripturl'S. It 110"3 not inlltll~o in eontroversy, nIHi its colunms aro not open to pCl'sonnlities.

L):In:D Sl'.lTF.S, $1.00: C,\);'A/).l A);'r>

r:;l.riO i GnJ-~ArL' nnrl'.1IN', ,A L'STR.U.ASIA,





...\ rnJCA,

l'clJlit.(allcc~ ~houltl 1'0 made by ]:xpre,s or l'o~tal ;lroney

~:rHauian, Hr:ti.. . h, South ~\frkan Hllll
rClllitlnn.,c~ should bfl mado uinct to th,~ r~'f!Crtl\'fl

Order, or IJ,}'" Hank Dr,'1ft.


br:inC'!l Onl('e~. Hl'rnittancl's from eoun(";Cq otlwr than th",." mr'lI'

tiMj,'d mny be made t,) tho Brookl,u Ofll".L!, out by J.,I._maiIQnll~


}1oney OrJer onlJ'.





~t uf"fr111fHiott ...



Tf'rraru, Loudon, W. 2, En<!land

Tdl"Onto. Ontaf 10, (':Ll1,ll1.1.

Invll), ,.-\n~nl\l\

J~(\re&fOrlt I~"-'adl ~ t rath11~ld. ~Oo ~.


\11' 11":difL


Boslon )lou'c. C"po Town, i'>outh

1'1(;;1'0 nrlrlrc," tlw :-ioeicty In c..cry case.'

,')01411. African

(Translation, of tllla journaZ a,'Jlcur



teveral Z'JIl'll/ages.)

~J,1I sincere ~(u,lcl1f3 of tho Bible who by reason ,,( infirmity,

po\crfy or :Iu\"p'.... ily [1I'e unablo to 1'lly tho 8ul,,".ription I'l"lI'()
way han) The n'atclltou:cr froe upon written llppJkati'", to the
})uL!.i..:lrers, JI1:Hlo UT1<,:t) ('at h )'i"ar, stati'l'~ lho rcu',on foe H) rc
'1ITC';ti/l~ it. \\"0 llrc 1;1:1 tf) thnq ai,l the n ..."ly. hut 1ho writle-n
applic'ation on(~ caoh Far it< rl''lllil'cd lly tho pr"t'lt rc:.;ulnlioo;.
);olie,' to Su),,'ril,cr... ,\d",ow1".lgme-n t of a nelv or It renewal ~Ilh
vriptlon wJ1l 110 ~e-lIt only wl,ou reildf" r~rJ. (,hnn;:c of adell"""',
when r(qll(>;:..:t~l~, mny hp. fO.\TH\(t(\tl tIl npnC,lr (\11 atl<ln'..;s 1:d,()1 witJlin
onl1 monlh...\. Ten c\";" al 1,1:luk (f:lrryin~~ 1.o1kc of f''\:pir:ttioll) will
Le FPnt with the journal onn 1110nth hClul'l1 tho Rnb:wrip1ion ~Xl);rr-;~

r:"tcrcll as Second (Jla,-., ,Vail .1rntler at flrooHyn, N. Y., Po,lfJfjlcc.

Act oj Jfarch ,~. 1~'9.



Jehovah's ulessln~ has !Jel'n lIlurke(lJy upon the Uhe of the

portable tran~cription mae/nne. He has plainly rnanifest .. rl
that this machine me<rts the nced of tilC hour, \, hl'n thc~ l'IlCmy,
urluer Gog, is seeking to curtail the U3C of the mdio l,y (Jor!':j
ullointed nnd when the !,00ple's ears are eagcr t'J hear, n"t
m[ln's nwss:lge, but God's. The trnnse--iption rnae!,ine lw~ Ill,
rreased the rOh'er of Jehunrh 's \\itll',s3es uti"ld to preach jjis
tluth mnnyfolo!, so t!'at the dt'oJre foJr the literature IS stiwllbted and study da;:~es of many intcrcotl'd hearers are helng
flJrIll'"d. BesHll's more th:1I1 fj()O SUl'n machines in the l:nitcd
Star('s ltlone, great numbers aru nllw 1J"lIlg "fredinly l1spd 11l
countries ncar Ilnd afar. .1:'01' lIIore i.nformation, writo till)


Pursuant t6 the pro\"lsion of law un,l the charter of the

Watch To\\"('r Bihle and Tract HociNy, notice is hl'l'll...v ~iVf'a
that t'le amlUrd pu,int';'s ruediu2; of th" ~f!.i,.J S(,('j,cy II III 1:,)
h~!d nt Pittsburg-h, J:\ orth Bille (formerly AII.'~heny), Pe:ln~yl
mnh, nt 10 0 'clock a.m., WI',lnpsday, Octoucr :)1, )9:; 1, :'.t
which the usual aUlLu:,! bllsine::;s will be transacted.


OCTOBER 1, 1934

No. 19

"If it

be ,~O, ow' God, whom we serve, i.~ able to deliver us from the burning ficry flll'nflcc; and he will ddilJer 'Us out of tiline hand, 0 hllU. But if not, be it kn(lwt~ 1mt,) tllce, 0 king, tltat we will Hut SUTe tltV [JurIs,
?lOr worsllip the golden image U'hi!J~ thou hast set up. "--Dan. 3: 17, 18.

BIIOYAH permitted Daniel and other faithful

JII('n to he carried away capti\'e to Bab~'loll for the

purpose of there g-iving a trstimouy to the llame
of thn Most High and )ookillg fOl'WIlI'd to the vilJ(lication of his name. The terms of the controvel'sy
raised hy Satan's challeng-e would nc{'('ssarily require
sudl faithful witJJl'sses to he suhjl'cted to vCl'y scvrrc
trials !lila that while vassillg through stleh trials tho~.;e
WitlH'S:-iCS mu"t han) aud rxhihit full fuith and confidcuce in God, h':uowiug' that whatsoever things wcre
'Vl'illen ill the divine rel'ol'll aforetime were thel'C lOCcOl'(h~d and preserved for the comfort and assurallce
of the l"('ffiuant now on {'arth, with confidence we examine the divine r('('ol'd made concerning the three
JIdJl'ew childl'en in the crueihle, aud we may cxpc('t
to find therein comfort and nssurance, tbat tho<;c who
in this .lay are wholly devoh<J to (Jod mny have hope.
2 Daniel, by the grate of Jehovuh, had intcrpreted
Ndlllehadne~zar's f()r~otten dream, and which interpretation now made known to thc remnant di~doses
to them w!.ttt constitutes Satan's invisihle ol'gall i~ation, as well as his visible, and hy what means .Jehovah
will destroy that wieked organization. (nan. 2: InA!);
see Tlw 1ratchlou'cr, 1!)30, pages 227-2:3:J, 243-248)
Nebuchadnc,,-zar, after re('dving the intcrprrtation of
his dream, fell \lpOn his face and worshiped Daniel,
thus foreshadowing; the Grcater Daniel, Christ Jesus,
interpreting the purpose of .Jehovah, alHl the worship
of him by those who are devotcd to God and to Christ
a Time and again in the Scriptures it is written,
"And they shall know that I am Jehovah." The
Devil lwd defamcd .Jehovah's name, but now God had
made the Devil's representative sec some light: "'rite
kinrr answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it
is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of
kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest
reveal this secret." (Dan. 2: 47) 'l'hat caused Xe!mchadnezzar to acknowledge that .JellO\"ah is God. It
was the h<:>ginnillg' of the vindiration of Jehovah's
name, which Babylon had defamed by destroying
Jeru:-:alem. At this point Daniel is used to picture

Jesus Christ at the time he is sent forth to "j\l!l'~e

and make war". The name "Daniel" !Ill'aIlS "God's
judge"; which hj~h position is filled by Christ ,Je~lls.
(John 5: 22) This lWOl'd, tog-ether with what follows
in Daniel the thil'd eha pter, shows that this {H'ophpcy
applies to the "day of .Jehovah", ill whieh day hi"
holy Ilflme must be vindicate!l. The "'orld Wat' and
nttcllding comlitioll'> mUl'k{,ll the h('g-illnillg of the
fulfilment of the great proph('(~y uttcrcd by ,J(,,;US iu
Matthew twenty-foul', The fulf1lmcnt of that pr0l'!l{'{'y
shows that the time had arrivell for the 'SI()IH~ ('lit.
out of the mountain without hauds " d\'sailwd in
Dauicl's prophecy, to move into action ngainst Sa
tan's organization, which in Daniel's Vrophcl'Y was
pif'tured by tl[() dreadful inHlg'e. What Kin~ l\{')JIl. l';aid to Daniel in aeknowledg'lIlent of tile
supl'pmacy of Jehovah was thus proveJ trite hy what
came to pass in ]914 and thereaftl'l'. I>urin~ th(' time
from l!Jl-l to 1~H8 thcre was a mea:mre of adllli~si{Jn
by the Dcvil's organizatiun that the ;;ame is U'ue.
Nebuchndnezzar' made lJanil'l a ~reat mnn awl rule/'
in Buhylon and plaN:d him over the wise meH of
Babylon '. (Dan. 2: 48) Such in a mea~llrc forc~had
owed the coming' exaltation of Cluist .}l'<;us at the
time God enthrones him and whrn J('illlS take's Satan
and ('asts him out of !t('1JWIJ.-Ps. 2: (j-U; He\'. l~: 19.
'J)~llliel was mindful of hi<; hrethl'('U who had be'en
cnrri('d away captivc with him, and lw then and thcn,
made reqllest in their hehalI: "Then J)anielrcque-;led
of the king, and he set ;-3harlrach, )[esharh, and ..\bulllego over the affairs of the provineI' of Bahylon: but
Daniel !>at in the g-ate of the king." (Dan. 2: 4U)
This finds a parallel in the pl'l.'sent time when .Jesus
Christ at the temple g'athers to him"clf hi:> faithful
oncs and shares th(; honor nnd pl'ivile<:re of the kill~
dom with them. In IWl'm(>1lj' \vith the \"ill 01 God
Christ .Jesus gathers 1hese faithful 011("; into tIle tem
pIc, dothes them with the garments of I;'ah'ation and
covers them with the robe of rjghteousnc~s, and invitI'S them into his joy, whirh is the vimlieutiOll of
J<:>ho'\'ah's name. '1'0 them is then committed the test imony of .Jesus Chl'i"t.

mic. \'v'f-.\TCI-IT0\VEl=l

It appears that Dauif.l's three friends, Shu ,ll'aeh,

l\[('sh:Jrh and Al)('d-IH:~O representeu the remlJant who

arc .Jehovah'8 witn('~:"es, for the re{;sow; followinl;:
Their IfeIH.'ew JHlml~<; were IIananiah, 3J ishad, and.
~o\zarjah, (Van. 1: G) "The prill(~c of the eunuehs
gave [them] lW\l1rs" n('('ordin~ to tIle Bahylonian
ton~uc. To IIunaniah he gave the JlaIne Shudl'ac-h;
to :\Ij':/hael, the naIlle of ~\t('sha('h; an(lt:) Azarinh, the
name of .AbeU-Jh~go, (I Jan. 1: 7) 'rhe Babylonian name
"S.!lpdrach" means "decree of the moou goel". The
Hehrew llame "lIanalliah" mralls "whom .Jehonlh
11:1'l ~~raf'iously g-in'n;'
".Jehovah hath hC'(>n g'ra('ious" or ".Jehoyah has favored". ":'.Ip'ihach" nWHns
"~\lcst of the king", or "ram ", the name of' the SUlI
gou. IIis Hebrew lIIlmo ":\lishad" means "who is
like norl". 'l'll(' Bah~'I'lIIi:Jll name" .\lH'd-IJ(go" Illl'lUIS
"servant of X('go" ( hat j~, of :\(;\lO, till' god .\Iereul'y).
IIi,; Hebrew na1ll0 ".\zariah" ml'ans "helped
hovn1l". The Bahylolliun names ginn to these th)'ee
faithful IIt'brew ]H'I'SOllS eyidlmtly \l'N'~ names of
sumo of the nephilim who had for a long while opel'
at~u with Satan in l'uliltg the worl<1.. It woul<1. be like
:-;atall to wilnt to pel'p,,1 uate the lH1IJlCS of th('so unckI'
oftiN'rs in hi~ Or~(illlizalio1J alllOll~st mell on the earth.
'rhe'si' thI'ee fa ith fill 1I dJl'cW nwn Wl're "('hildt'l:u of
.Judah", or .JUlkilllS. (I>all. 1: (J) 'l'lwy had COlllW('tion with the rOj'al family or avi(l, sillcdt is recorded
the'Y were "of the king's seCt], am] of the [oth"I']
prilll~(S". (Dan. 1::3) This strOllgly supports the
cOl\elusioll that those three faithful lIlPn rep1'esl'lltl'd
(;o<l's r\'JlInant HOW Oil (:arth who as the ,,>ons of (lad
have h('('11 invited into and takpn into the covenant
for the killgUOIll Hnd nrc companions of .J<'SllS Chl'i,~t,
the Orl'aler Daniel, and wholll Ihe Devil s('eks to elltmp and l]r~lror.-J)an. 2: 17, ]8.
I) Douhtlt-ss these th1'<'e faithful lTehl'l'ws had J'('ntIered as~istane() to Daniel in f'onnedioll wit h the uream
of Nebtwhu(hwzznr and for that reason 1)anid made
r(.'(ltWst of N' l' to ~,n'an t to t IlPse t11l'l.'e
brethren of his some place in his kingdom. 'l'hey \\,('re
iu the class of the "wise mPIl ", and tlJ('refore had
been in dun~cr of losing their lins, to~'dher with
Daniel, and their p)'a~'ers had been 10 ,Jehovah that he
woulumalJifcst his favor in gi\'illg wisdom anu IJower
to Daniel to the vindieation of 1I is name. This ftlt'
nighed the occasion for Dan iel to bc a \yitnrss for
Jehovah before thc king of Babylon and therefore to
tell the uay of the \'C'l1geance of our God. alhl also
the good ncws of the setting up of Jello\'ah's killg'dom
throll~h Tm: 8'1'0::-10:, Clni"t .Trsus, (Dan, 2: 27.30)
The three Heurcws above melltifmed, at the rcqui'st
of Dani('l, were g'i\'{~n certain uuties to perform in
the government of Bahylon. 'l'hey wcre in Satan's
world but werc no part of it. Gou p0rmitted th('m
to he there that they might serve ag witnesses for
him; thus the~' pidured the company of God's rcmnant today on earth who are in the world but arc no
part of it and who arc given certain duties to perform
as Jehovah's witne:-;sl'S and to proclaim the message




X. Y.

of th(l yrllgCau<,e of our God, calling attention of the

lwople to the vindication of Jehovah's name by Lllld
through Chri~t J('~ns, Daniel sat at the conrt of the
king. (It. V., margin) He pictured Christ Jesus, who,
as the Greater Daniel, l';lts in .Tchovah's palaee, t~ml,le
or court and thus fills the po:-;ition that hrim~s him in
close communioll with the great Empcrol' of the Hili
\'('rse, .Jdlovalt Cnd. (Hah, 2:20; 1\Tal. 3:1) "'"
Dankl and hi" three HelJrcw brethren were in tho
world of Bal)yloll bearing testimony to the lIume and
p(rwcr of Jehovah, evell so no\\' Christ .J (;';\1S and the
l'rmnant are 'in the midst of the enemy', bearingt('stim()IlY to the name of Jehovah.-Hev. 12: 17 ;
1's, ]]0: 2.
:1 N'ehtlC'hadnezzar pidur('d l'e~,wl power whieh some
times is used for good, whrn -diligently c'llg'a~~ed in
doing' the will of God, anu at ot her times is nsed to
repreo.\:lIt the Devil hj'poeriticaJly usiu~ his power
in a wicked mauller. The third chapter of Daniel U'l
compan"!1 with the last two verscs in tlln secolld
chapter of Panid's prop!H'('y nutes such a ehan~~e.
"NclJllflladlJezzar the killg' maflo all image of gold,
w]lo:;e h(;i~;ht was tht'l'('s<:ore cuhits, anu t he 1Jl'(~:ldl h
thereof ~ix (uhits; Ill; I;l't it lip in the !lInin of Jhu:I,
in the pro\' illN' of 13:1 hy lrJlJ." (I )an. 3: 1) 'l'llis oplning of the: thil'll dla{ltl'r ~;h()ws N'ehnchar1l1('zzllr actill~
partienlarly a~; the reprr.;{'IJ1;d ivc of the 1 It;"il, l)(,f'a\:~'.'
]w now viol:.h:s (~Oll 's law, to wit: 'ThfJU "halt not
maJ,e Ullio Ihee allY ~rUVCJJ imagc, or any likencss of
anythillg'. ThOll ~halt not bow down thy~eI f to them
nor Sl'1'\'C thCIlI; [01' I am 1hc Loru [,Tehovuh} thy
Uod, I am a jealous Ool1.'-l':x. 20: 4(L
~ The inlllgc of goold made by N'dlll('hadlll'zzar, am]
describl'd in tlw fOI'l'goiwr, pi"tm'!:s tlw I'llt il'l.' {)]'g:lIti.
zation of Patan, both vi:,ibJ~ and invi"iblc, el'in~ of
gold "'onltl indie:tte that tllis org'anizatioll tinder ~u.
tuu indmh':ll the l-:!Iirit ('j'('atlll'('S that fOl'1l11't! lhe
original itl\'isi!lll~ organizalion o Ltwifel', whi<:h spirit
Cl'catUJ'('S joilted Satnn ill hi" rl.'l)('llion, :llld arc other"'i~e ment jO!l(<1 iII the Seriptu1'\'S, when t hl'Y material.
iZI d HS l'l'pb il illl, and as ulIg('ls which" lW;ll' rule OVI'1'
all the emth". ((len. 6:-1, A,H,Y,; Dan. ~::I!J) 'fhe
image here des(rillt,U comparc.; \dtll the tenible ima:,e
M:cn in .i\\~buchadUlzZal's Ul'CiJlIl, as )'oeor<l('11 ill the
seeonu chaptl'r of Dallid's pr;)pheey, lind may hn \'ll
been suggcstc-d to Kehuehadnezzar's minJ !lr that
dream. The BallyJonian !'ubit was t\\,('lJtY-OllC iueill's;
hence that im~lg~' was 105 fept t1tH anc1101 feet In'oaJ.
Being ten times as high as it was bt'oad wuuld well
picture the loftilles~ of Sattm's orgauizaliou in its
im'i>:ihle parts, anc1 compare.,; with's
drcam of the big tree in the midst of thc f'al'th, "the
height thereof reaehc,d unto heave')), nnJ the sight
thereof to the cud of all the eal'lh."-Dan, 'k 10, 11.
9 The image was set up in the plain of l'ma, wh idt
WHS the central 01' key part 01 all the empire of Ba1,yIon. "J)ura" llIeans "eirl'1e" or "el1du~c\1 1'!:ICl".
Douhtless this plain ,vas a part of the plaill of SIJilltll'
where !\imrod, under the direction of tllr: Un iI, built

Bllbylon. (Gen, 11: 2) '1'he colossal imnge above deserib:tl eould he srf'n frum all pa1't:< of the plain, It
t!l",rd'Ol'e pictured the maIlller in which Satan sets up
hi,; orgulli;,ation OWl' the earth and man. EYidently
the 110ldcn statue was so 10ea L!~d in the iring's land
fol' his p~easul'e aud eonvcnil'ncc, it being neal' the
('apitnl pity and tIl(' paJnl'c. It was the plaf;c for mass
worship by the officials of the Babylonian government,
UIlI! hence pictmcd ~atall 's ofJicial organization both
invisible and visible.
10 Kccpill~ always in mind the issue ruised by Sat:m's ucii:mec we TIla~' he full,v ussu1'cd that everything
l':iatan docs is for the PU1'POS!; of ::.upport ing his side
o( the controversy anu to bring- n'proach upon Uou
und to tUl'll men a\';ny from tlte :,lost Ili'.;h. Keeping
this g'reat is--ue in mind enabJI's ns to lorate the time
of the fulfillll(nt of Daniel's prophecy l'eJati vo to the
~rcat irnaQe uf goill erected ill the plaiu of Dura.
'''l'lll~n NcblwhaJrwzzar t he kin~ sent to gather together the prinecs, the gover'1I01'S, and the eaptuins,
tllC judges, the treaSllr('r'C{, the l'OIllIS(.JJOl'S, the slIm'iffs,
lind all the l'lliers of the l'I'OViIlCI'S, to eome to the
d.~dication of the image which ~ebtl('hadnel.zur the
l;jn~ hud ~;l't 11 p." (Dan. a::!) 'I'h is verse of the
propheey d,'serilH's It go<llhel'iu'!; together or a'lsl'llIbly
or t he officials of the ilL! tion, to wit, the pol itical, reI igiolls, cum mercial, jll1lieial, a Ill! the la \V-en (orcemcnt
clCIlH:llt, ur stroll~-arlll squad. It was a mutter of
world irnvoL'tancc, lH::cau~e Babylon was then the
world 1}()\\"1't'. 'fhe" illWg(l" was set lIjl on thl' "plain
of Huta" in (;06 D.C., and ::)a tan's world has COlltiulIl'd sineej but frolll awl aftet 1~18 Satan laJs
sp(~eia! strc~s OIL his organization hecanse he knows
that his time is'1 IH'j'u~'c tlw great hattle of ~\rma
geddon is fonght. It Wl\I; a bout 1!JlS that he h('~an to
assemble or "g'a t her to'2:ether" the official el\'ment of
the wltok (':trtll tn Use thun in due time in the battle,
Hnd in doing- this he USL'S tlte three "fru~s", as lIesCl'iheu in Ite\'('lation Hi: 13, H. ;.latan's purpose is
to tUt'll all mankind, it\(:ludin~1; the true worshipers of
Jehovah, away frolll the true Gud HllIl to the wor;;hip
of ereatUl'I'S or tIle work of el'eatut'cs' hands, or cbe
to <.1estroy them. The Leagne of Kltions is therefore
hrought into e:xi~tencc by Satan, and was ~et up in
the year UWJ, alHI his religious' nobles' on the earth
then with uplifted" holy hands" hailed it as the ('x!Jrc"sioll of Clou's kingdom on earth, alld now say ()f
it: 'The League of Nations is the only light there is,'
Thus the Federation of Chl1l'ches deeJare th<1t Satan's
organization produces the only light that there is, and
thereby th~ny Jehovah (lod ullll his kiw.::rIom anu the
grl:at Kiuf.l', \vho is the li~'ht 01 the worlu. 'l'J1e ~l't:at
golden image ereL'ted in the plain of Dura t1lC'J'e1ore
pictured the entire organization of Satan; auu t11e
I;eague of Nations is Satan's (lummy son, ,,,hich causc::;
to ~hine the only light that Satan's agents now have
all earth.
11 The king Xcbuchadnezzar set a day for the dedication of the goldcn image which he had caused to be


set up. "'11atovor 10<'ul or tribal gods were wor"hipeu

in the various st:dions of the Babylonian empiJ'e, these
for the timll mu,t be set aside and, accoruing to the
eommand oi t he king, there must be one common deity,
highl'r po\\'er or authority which all must worship, and
the king i'cbuelladnczzar must he the dictator of that
authority. The gc;ldcn imag;e was dcuicated to the
Devil, being produceu by his authority. It eertainly
was not dedicate,l to JC'hovah God, the God of Dunid
and his three HI,lH'ew companions, It was a ereaturemade thin~ nnu was the greatest religious efiort that
Babylon or Satan's organization had e\"er put forth
to control the pt'upll's of ('ill,th up to that t illle. The
milliatUl'e Jldieatiull took place at the assullhly of the
ofTir-ials of Ea lIylull. lIut the 1'('nl awl grcah'l' delli('ation takes place after the 'birth of the m:Jn child',
that is, the 11I'ginning of the kitJ~dom of (;oll, in l!Jlt,
when Christ JeSllS WHS placell upon his throne aud
sent forth to l'ule. The begillnin~ of the king'dom was
~ chal1t'nge to Satan's organizatiun. The great cr (klli.
cal ion to the inwge of gult.l; that is to suy, Satan's 01'
gUllizatiotl, is approximately at. tlw time the two gt','at
signs or wolttl(!'s apI)(~ar in the lwavcns, as melltiol\l',l
ill Hc\"elation the tw('lfth (hapter. 'j'ltc two 'si'!l1s',
01' 'wondcrs', ;';Ylllbolieally repl'cs('ntcd Goll's (J1''!:)lli.
zatilJ!l ami ;.latan's ol'~allizatioll ill opposition; ]li'lIf'll
ull tlte uf'li!'ial C'knH'llt 01 Satan's ol'g'ani;,ation 011 1':)1'1 h
l1l\l:-.t take thl'ir stand for OlW or the 011lC'1' or tl)('S0
organil.ations, uud th l1o; (,lea rly i(lenti fy tlH'lllsd VI'S.
Jehu, as the servant of Uou, hall fOl'(~ed the i(ll'llt.ifi,'at iOll one way, hUll now NelJuchaune:lzar, as the sen'
ant HnUrpIJl'eSUllati\'e of the Dcvil, fottl's tlJ(~ idcuti.
ticat ion in the vcry opposite way. ] n both ill:-.tHll':C'S
those who stood faithful to (~od look their stand on
God's side and t be ('I\emies of (:orl took t heir stand
on the side of the l>e\>il and his organization, 'fllo
llUrposc of the Devil ill fOl'('in~ the it.!cnt ifil'atioll af1('l'
the 'birth of the man (hilu' is that Ite llIi;;ht "gd"
or uestroy .Jehovah's witlH:sses j and th1'1 is shown l,y
his act ol setting up the goldr'll image t1lat he might
"get" or t.le!ootro.\ Slladr<Jch, :\lpshaeh awl "\lH'dtlt':..(o,
Since HilS Jeho\'ah'o; witnesses hu\"c heen beat'ill'!
trstimon.' to the kill~~doll1, anll Satan's ddcl'lllinatirlll
is to dest ruy them; anrl he or~aniz('s a con"pi t'acy ill It)
which hc ura\\ S his ofiieel's, the purpos!~ Ol \\' hilh i'i
to cut oft' .Jehovahs witnesses from bL:1llg a natil'll,
(Ps, ~3: 1-5) Both in setting up the ~olden itlla~~l' ill
Babylun, unu in the greater dedication siuee l!ll-t,
Satan is endeavoring to show that he is the' god (If
the world' and his ri~ht to rule must eont inue.
12 :\'ot pvcn the faithful fl/llowers of Chl'i~t J"qlS
saw this" imaw of gold", that is, Satan's or~ilnii:a.
tiou, until alter lD21. It \\'as at the Cedar Pnillt
aS~I'mbly of the followers of Christ ,1l'sl1s ill the YI;:r
19~2 that the nesolutioll or "Challenge" there Sl'llt
ol,th by JdlOvah's witnesses definitely ml'nti"IlNI ~'a
tan \; organization, It must haye ];een bont that ti'lle
that the "~Ollklt image" or Satan'J'; ol'gauizatilJu
alltitypi~ally '\'.lS fOl'tcd to be dedicated to the nludU'1l




world and its rulers. Even today there are not many
in the world aside from the anointed who sec 01' dis
cern Satan's organization. 'rhe theee principal cle~
ments constituting the rulinf.{ power in earth are what
today arc called "yes men" and assemble and bow
heforc the Devil's organization, as described as fol.
lows: "'1'hen the princes, the governors, and captains,
the judgrs, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs;
and aU the rulers of the provinces, were gathered to
~eth('r unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchad~
nezzar the kin~ had set up; and they stood before the
irna~(~ that Nphuchadnezzar had set up. "-Dan. 3: 3.
I~ The Devil had tried to hiJe from" Christcndom"
knowledg-e even of the existcnce of himself, and al'\o
the fuct of the existence of his organization. By this
means he expected to entrap them all. Kow .Jehovah
causes Satan's organization to he brought to light, and
causes his own witnesses to give testimony concern
ing the Sam(l, particularly as a warning- to all people
of good will, and as a notice and warniug to the na
tions of the earth ill ~cneral. To offset Jehovah's pur.
pose Satan IJring's forth his organization, pictured by
the golden imal1;c, a:.; a thing' to be worshipel], adored
and served. Satnn ilol thereby thrust into the open
and becomes bold tlll'llUgh his earthly agents in de
claring' his produetion, the LC'a~ue of Nations, as
representing his earthly orl1;anization as a thing to
which all people should give allegiance.
I f Even though Jehovah by his strOllg' "right arm ",
Christ Jesus, did cast Satan and his organization out
of heaven ahout 19].1, yet he did not dosh'oy that organization at that timC', but has suffered or permitted
it to remain to l;e1've his own purpose, including' just
such a fiery test as that which now comes upon his
people, as flirtul'(~d by the fiery test that ('arne upon
the three faithful Hebrews. That test here and now
involves the faithful remnant on the earth. After
1918 all the leaders and prominent ones of the earth
were forced to stand before Satan '8 organization. All
who were in the world must stand before this image
of Satan's organization regardless of whether they
are "not of the world" even though in the world.
All arc in the world, and the attempt is to force every
hody to stand before the Devil's organization. In 1922,
when the attention of God's faithful witnesses on
earth began to he ealled to the fact of the existence
of Satan's powerful organization, the faithful then
began to take their" stand" before Satan's organization, but against it and definitely on the side of Je~
hovah, whi<;h is pictured by the three Hebrews in
Babylon who took their stand defInitely on Jehovah 'g
side. At the same time those of Satan's official organi.
zation on earth, and all ,vhom they influenced and
controlled, began to take their stand before the
"image" and on the side of Satan, and have continued thus to do.
H Now the three" frogs" of Revelation sixteen, and
particularly the "false prophet" frog, as the herald
of Satan, begin to bellow forth the message of Satan,



just as the herald cried out in Babylon: "To you it

is commanded, 0 people, nations, and languageK"
(Dan. 3: 4) The" herald" there vwuld well pictmc
the "loud-speakers" or earthly mouthpieces of Sa
tan's organization who say just what Satan directs
them to sa.y. 'The messa~e delivered by the "herald"
was directed, as the scripture says, to "people, na
tions aBd languages ", which means specifically to the
rulers of the people, nations and languages. Such
rulprs were at that very time present, standing in
front of the g'oldcn image, because they had been as
semhled by the king for that purpose. Their people
whom they represented, and for whom they stood,
were back home and out of sight of thc image and
out of reach of the sound of the musir. 'rhe king
knew that his faithful rulers were sulJmif;sive and
ohedient to his commandment, and as rulers of his
organizatioll he would expect them to keep the people
in subjeetioll. Now the command of Satan's" herald"
is, sillec 1!l] 8, to the visible rulers of the world, awl
they are C'xpected to obey and keep the people in suh
jection to thei t' commands; UllO the rulers put forth
their strolJ~(:st endeavors to do 80.
16 A kind of hypnotic ma'i"l was Ilerformed on thc
plain of Dl1l'1l before that image; alltl ~o lIOW likewise the "hypnotic mass" is performed hy Satan and
his rern('"cntativcs 011 the earth hefore his Ol'g-all ;;.:ation. The Devil's organization is tht'ca{('ne(l with com
plete downfall, and, scnsill~ thi" dangel', he a:-,semhles
his l'cpr('s('lltatives, and his herald cril's out to the
peoples of the world, evell as l\ehueharlm'zz:n"s herald
cried out, to wit: "Tlwt at what tillle ye hear the
sound of the comet, flute, harp, sackhut, psaltery,
dulcimer, and all kinds of music, ye fall down and
worship the golden image that Nehuell3dlleZZar the
king hath set up." (Dan. 3:;') A l'lt:asant, outwardly
agrel.'ablc and soothin~ tOlle is given on tid.'"; occasioll
of mass worship, pictured by the u,>c of the eoncert
orchestra, which would have a tenuency to awe and
soothe the worshipers. B\'en so after Satan was ca"t
out of heaven he attemptc(l to soothe, awe awl ~allse
a worshipful feeling amollgst his carthl~' 1'('presenta.
tives that they might reverent.ially bow b('fot'e him Hllll
his organized power. The dedication of Satan's or
ganization after it was cast out of heaven would gi \'c
rehirth or l'eeovery and reconstruction of 1hat organization 'which had reeeh'ed such a dreadful .iolt when
Christ threw it out of heaven and down to the parth.
17 F'ollowing the birth of the man child', that is to
say, the bil'th or beginllin~ of the kingdom, Chri~t
tTmms the King did cast Satan out of heaven, and
there was great rejoicing in heaven, douhtl(ss accompanied by exquisite and incomparable mll~i{', bee:lu~c
it is written concerning the same: "l{ejoic(', :-"e heavens, and :ye that d.. .w ll in them." 'I'he" last trump"
of God was then sounding and 'there were hCU1'd the
voices of harpers harping with their lwl'ps, and tlH'y
sung as it were a Hew song'. (Rev, 14:~,:3) Satun
always tries to imitate God, because SDtlln is a mimic

OCTQBf: 1, 1934

FJhe \\0:\TCHTO\VER.

god; hence he tries 10 have the dedication of his organization aecompanicd by music.
18 Knowing that he must keep all hone--t on(:s in
the dark, and heillg' the arehdecein:r, the Vevil would
try to ha\'e the manifestation and dedication of his
ol'~antzatil)n and his worship carried on as joyfully
among'"t the p~ople as possible. lhen thou~h it is
a time of great "woe to the inhahiters of the earth
:Hld of tllO sea" wldeh tIle Devil himself has })l'o\1"'ht
upon the people, yet he ",ould lluve his religious r~p.
rcsentativcs, the clergy, explain to the prople that sueh
woe is punishment sent upon them hy Jehovah Uod,
anti hence if tlH:,V wantrd to have joy alld pleasure
tIler must look to Satan and his organization for the
In As Nehlleha(lnczzar the representative of Satan
hnd a gl'eat balHl or music to pel'forlll 011 the plain
of Dum at the dl'di('ation of the golum ima~e, so now
the l)Pvil would have a manifestation of his organi.
zat;ull attended b)" that which would soothe the people illlo silcuec :~Ild hypllotize them nnd ('allse them
to strike an attitude of formal worship. So the Dcvil
prodtH'cd a gTl'at band composed or m:my Illusk'al
inst/'unl('lIts. of those inst I'llments that arc clllfJlo)"ed
hy ~alHn in his optirni:;m-spr(':luillg', nationali<;millspirill/!, dl'Cllm-pl'odHein~ musicmakers to produce
dwel' :IIHl l'nl'oreed worship, a 1'(' thes(': The L"a~lle
of l\atiolls TIlliltitolled horn, tLe J)i~,al'tnam('nt cOl'llet,
thH Eeollomic l\lonctary C'ollfcrl'rJ('e Hute, the" l\cw
l>eal" l,at'p, the kdllloCrlH',V s,wIJJl1t, the l\atiorlal
};('OllOllly I,eag-ne psaltery, the "hlH'k-Io-the-l'hurch"
nll1si(';J1 saw, the "holy year" saxopholll" the peH<'C
~~:l('t lluleimcr, the hig- navy bass horn, and a multitwle
of other wiudjammillg' illstnnllcnts, bOlles, stirks, ulld
druJlls of u pt odale, and all jazz ins11't1l1lents, op('rah'd to the dedic'ut iOIl of tIl(' J)Pvil's organization; and
the whole thillg' makes a t(,l'I'il,le 1I0i~;e. EVl'r)" tunc
plarcc1 hy this oreh('stra is ont of hal'lllon,}' with tho
music of nod's kinp;(lom, hut in modern times the
}wopl(', as a gellrl'al !'lilt', willill~lr take to jazz, l"or
fear the son~ of the killg'dom might he heard Satan
commmHls that his w.rellts, :lull pilrtieuJal'ly the eler~Dr
of the 1'di~~iolls part or his organization, shall hil\'C
the exelu<;iyc use of the radio hy which to instruct the
p(~ople in matters of l'rligiol1"l worship, Then he Pllts
the Homan Catholic hierarchy, llnd their so-cnllcd
"priests", llnd the misllamed "Protestant" {lreaclKl's
and the Jewil>h rahhis iu the lead and r~anses them to
shout to the people: 'Follow the light haek to our gou
[meaning-, of course, Satan, the god of this world] ;
this is the ouly lip;ht there is.' The preachl'1's now
openly deny God's "'01'<1, suhstitllte "science so
called" for the samc, anu expctt to cJlltrol the people
bj' their jazz. 'fhe ddudeu ones fall down and worshiI>
before the Devil 's organization. But not so with tho;:;e
who SPiTC God. Shadraeh, l\If'sl1Uph and ~\hed-n.'go
refused to fall down before the image of gold; auu
the remnant of God on earth now refuse to fall down

before any part of Satan's organization and worship

20 Who caused the irrw:!e to be set up 1 The scriptUl'c
reads: "Ye fall down aud worship the golden image
that Xehllehadnczzar t.he king hath set up." So it is
the king that cI'ccteu the inwge, and it is the king that
comm:mds thl' worship; find the king represents the
Devil. Therefore the question b: :-3hall we be sub.
miSSive to the higher powers, mcaniw!, of course, the
king and his official famil.d To refuse to olJCY the
king's command would be a challenge to the king's
suprcmac:v and to the legit imapy of the image Cl'('etca
by him. That would mt',m, th(,ll, that the kill~ is the
one who determinps what anu when the people sh::J11
,,or:-.hip, and that his power i<; supreme, and that the
people must heal', obey :lnd worship ,vJtatS()C'VCl' til(;
king eomlllaJ1l1s thC'Ill to obey and wurship. ~\pjJlyin'.{
the picture, thc'n, to the pJ'c.-;cnt time, it means that
the DpviJ would COIllp<:J all the !)('oplc of earth t,)
worship him aJltI his Ol'!.:::lnilatioll ('itJH'r dircdlv ot'
irHlirt'dJy, anll to thlls ;'ep\'o'lf'h the IWlJIC of ,jt'hn.
vah, the Ml'eat Bein'!, who is snprcme a IJo\'e all. '1'110
qucst ion of SUIlI'('mlwy is hl'(Ju~ht to tlw fO\'I', and
Sat:ul ho!tlly daims that III~ is Sll[ll'PIllI'; thel'pfot'l)
eH~rYOHC is fOJ'(:ed to takc his stallu eij hel' OJ[ the SI::C
of tlw Doyil or on the sidr' 01' Jehovan nnd his l,ill,:1;dom. The visible part of ~;lt:llI 's ol"!allizat ion tllda \'
insist that the power of the <;1al(' i:; "~lpl'C'nll: :lll(l th,;t
evel'YUlle must be suhmissi\'(~ then'to r('~,lrd!css of
whdhcr the rule prollluigated is eunlrlU')r to Uod's
law or not.
21 The1'e was no effort on the part of I\ill~ :\elJ1l('ha(lnczzar to render goml aJld blc'ssiw.:(s to the peopll'.
The primary thing was to cause the [)('op11) to oiw'y
him iu mattm's of worl>hip; :Iud ill dojll~ this he WWi
fully supported by 1'111 t1w orth-ials of his rt:l!m. It
is en'n so toda,\' with the Devil and his l'l'IJI'I'sl'1I1atives. ~\s it wus declared by thr kil1 t!"s nlt'Sc,I'II'.:c'r on
the plain of Dura, so now tlte visible nW,,(!II\!I'\'S of
the IJe\'il dl~dHre: "And "']IOSO fa lid Ii n~Jt do~\ II :llld
worxhippdh, shalt the same hoUt, be ea;-;t illto t1w
miu~t of n hurning' fiery fUl'I1:1ce," (Dan, ;~: G) .AII':one rcfu:-;iu~ to fall dO\\'11 a 1111 worship wnu!(1 t lterd~,v
declare that some other rulel' is supremc alld helH'('
worthy to he: worshipell in spil'it and in t\'uth, and
that the kin!!'s ima,!,rc is t'l'awlulellt aud a eoulltt'l'/'t:it.
So it was in NI'IJuehadllezzal"s time, Hncl ('\'C'll so it i;.j
today. Those who l'efu~e to join with the reli~.d(J1l3
combine nnd worship in the pl:ll'e amI in the mallJle\,
the Devil's org:lllization has nrrang-ed are cOllsidered
to he cnemiC'.'; of the lIatioll lind worthy to he clt.;-;! rO'yl:lJ,
which was symJlolized hy the <:astin~ of the three He
brews into the ficry fUl'naee, 'rhose' who I:OW :,land
firm for God and hi~ kingdom and worship .Jcho\'ah
in spirit and ill truth and l'dusc to compl'omise with
any part of Satan 's ol'~.wnization thcrch)' (1edal'r that
this ,,,orldJ~' Ol'g:mization 1'lIi('(l hy Satan IlntJ his
a~ents is a fl';mdnlt'nt, eOliIlirl'feit thing (lpl'1'atil1~ to
the I'eproac:h of .Jehovilhs name.


mle \VJ-\TCr-IT0\VER

22Why should the denee of Nebuc!ltll:lrlczzl1r consign to the crucible or ficry fUl'Iluce all who refus\:d
to bow down to the im1'~e '! 1\ot for the purpose of
purifying or refining them or making them better,
but for the sole purpose of destroying them. Such is
the policy also pursued hy Satnn and hjs representatives today, The king of Babylon did ron<;t Ahab in
the fire, and now the Devil's erowd would roast anyone in the fire who doc<; not obey them. (.Jer.
2D: 21, ~2) The furnace employed by Nehuchadney.zar
was mane to destroy thc creature; so now the purpose of Satan is to destroy. But Satan and his agents
c;m only "kill the hor1y". Cod's faithful witnl'ssl's
know this, und they kllow that tIll) furnace or ficry
crucihle is employed for the pUl'po~e of breakin~ do\\'n
their integrity toward Uod and thus to lrad them to
complete destruct ion. By the grace of the Lord God
they remain true and faithful to Jchovah, and he
saves them.
23 The furnare of Nehuehadnezzar, therefore, forelo.hadowed tllll hot and erueial tests or conditiuns tlf
natUl'al disporn fort, sue!l ns t h1'('ats upon the Iiv('s of
the Lord'~ faithful one's, hodily assaults upon them
hy the ~tl'oll~-Ill'm slil1a<l, iUI'ar('eration of the faithful
Ll prisons, lleWsprl 1'('1' "roasts ", allUs(' by the c1f~q.!.'-,
de(~rcc'l unjustly ellte!.'cd and enforced hy the law depHrtm('nt of Hatall's organizatiou, and the public
hrandin~ of all of Jehovah's witness('s as cHemies and
liS the offscouring' of the earth. All such crucial or
ficl'Y treaf men t .1l'huvah permits to come upon his
IH'ople now to t('~t theil' iutegrity. The enemy attempt'l
to <lest1'o) .Jehovah's witnesscs, and may slle<'c('11 in
killing thc organism of som(', hut God's promis('d protc(~tion is to thosc who n'llwin faithful to him, The
'Vurd or God makes it sure that he will havc some 01
thc r<>mnant on earth at the final show-down and,
even though somc of them may he kil1ed by the Dcvil's
crowd, the rt'llmallt as a class will survive and IH'rsist.
It must he expected that the hottest part of this fire,
or crucible ('xpcricnc(', will he just prior to the hattIe
of A I'mag'eddoll. It may even appear that the case
of Jehovah's witnesses is all coo[(('d up w}wn Gog allfl
his hordes will have invaded the land of Jehovah's
people to spoil them, hut God will furnish the protection. The act of Gog will cause the Lord's fUl'Y
to come up into his fac(', and then shall follow the destl'urtion of the enemy, to the vindication of Jehovah's
name.-Ezek. 38: 8-1H; 39: 1-4.
21 The Devil with his visible officers on the plain of
Dura swept ('\'Cl'yone into line and caused thf'm to
how down, the only exception heing the faithful
.Judeans. "']'llPrefore at that time, when all the people
IlCard the sound of the cornet, tIutl', harp, saddJ'lt,
psaltery, and all kinds of music, all thc people, the
lIutions, and the languages, fell down and worshipped
the golden image that Neouchadnezzar the king had
set up." (Dan. 3: 7) Every man then holding a job
owed his po:::ition and salary to the king; h('nec selfishness of sueh mell and the fear of a creature ilJ(]uceu


N. Y.

all of them to worship in the Devil's appointed manner. The Devil gave the king l';ebucltadllczz<Jl' his
power; hence the king rc-presented the Dn-il.
2'; In like conditions now existing the ofiicinl clement
of the \\"01'ld, religivus, polit.ical and comrnereial, do
the king's bidding, for they owe everything they have
or ('xpeet to h:1\'C to the vi"iblc orgllnized POWPl'; and
h(:lIce they bow down to the lJevil's or~nlllizatiuu, who
has given his beastly power to his repre~cntativ('s that
l'ulc on the earth, and all of these continlle now to
shout out: 'W ho is like unto the beast [these gTeat
rulers]? and who is able to make war with them l'
(J~(!v. 13: 2,4) .And the rlllel'S and their immediate
~upporters continue to chant: "1'he earth is OUl'S, and
we will rule it.'
2" The three faithful .Judeans, Shadr:wh, :'fcsharh
and Ahod-IH'g'l), n'luse,l to fall do\\n and worship the
image; hence thtly werc accused of hreHkilJ~ the law;
und it. was the priestly or religiuus clns;; that did the
u('cusing of these faithful mell: "'Vhercfo['c at that
time cei'tain ChaldeHlls eame ll<'ar, aIlll aceu~cIl the
.Jews." (Dan. 3: H) Having' in mind that Unnid wrote
this reco['ll at a time wht'n the term" Chald('un" had
eorne to have a rest ri(,tl'd lOean ing throws I i~ht npon
t Ir is proph':ey as to the arCUst'!.'", The tetlll "ChaI.
tlt'all", instcad of applyin~ to thc people "I' a ('(;!.'tain
pruvinec, was IlHllk ttl i(kntify a ccrtain class (,f mcn
fil'l'ving' th~ kin~. Daniel, thou~h a Jew, was Iilnde
lIwster of the "astrolo.t('ers, Chalde:lllS, an,l sool hsnyel's" hy the kin:~. (Dnn. 5:] 1) It. wus Ill'ces~aty
for t.hose compo.,;ing' thnt <,lass to kal'n the lan~'lw~c
of the Cha Ide:llls. (J):lll. ]: 4) 'fhe Chaldpans \\ ('I'C
the lcarned <,las!', and douhtl('ss ali of the {)l'ipsts w('re
required to JJI) of that ('lass, just as the prit'sts of the
Roman Cat.holic, hicl'al'<,hy today al'C rCf/uin'u to JJiJ
of the kut'lled cla:'.". Those li':trlH'd men wcre prie:;ts,
mag-icians, astrologl'r~, scicnti:-.ts, lind soothsayPI''';, lIlld
the.}" were the otws that ;H'CIlS('U the three faithful
Hebrcws. 'l'hose aCCll<;CI'S correspond to the moderntime cleJ'~y elLSS, the learni'd Clwhle:llls, priests alld
f>oothsayel's, so-('alled "scirntists", who hatc the faithfnl witnesst's of .Jehovah because thesl, witlll'S;tS tdl
the trnth and sing .Jdw\'llh 's pl'l1i-.:e. It is this prieslly
or clergy (lass that today, oJl('rating hehind the
scrcens, cause the arrest, persc(,lItion and illlpl'i"unment of Jehonth's witness('s. The word "al'('l1:-'('< 1"
used in the fore~oin!~ text. also translates two lIdJl'\~w
words, to wit: al~al, meaning' to "f'at up " or '. dl~vollr",
and kerats, meaning a "hit"; hellce literally mCal1ill~
"to chew up" (fi~nrativcly) by slanderill~ 01' f;tl"e
acellsatiolls. According to [(oUlc:rlta/lt mal'g'illal reading tIll' text sa.'-s: " Did t'at theit, pieces of. "-llan. a: 8,
27 The action of the wicked aecu:-.('I'S ag'ainst the
three Hdn'ew men finds a parallel in the pn'''ent tim.'.
Today it is the clergy that bring accu"ation", agaillst
Jehovah's witness('s and that incite th(' political omcials to take act ion ug-ainst th(m. In C:ma,l<t it \\',1"
the clergy that fnE'd accnsation:~ witb the L'allndiml
radio cOJllluission 11cmalldillg that the mess:) ge of tho

OCTOBER 1, 19a4


truth be excluded from the air. In the United States

it is the elcrgy that bring all manner of false accusation against Jehovah's witm:ssrs and use en'ry known
wrongful means to induce the Federal radio commission to prevent the mrssage of truth from being
broadcast by radio. It is the clergy, headed by the
pope, of ovory nation of "eh I'istcndom" that today
make false accusation again,;t Jehovah's witnesses and
that thl'reby (muse Jehovah's witnesses to be hated of
all nations for the reason tlwy ate Witnesses to the
name of .Jehovah and his J{in~. C\Iatt. 24: 9) With
W()l'{}s of flattery these cl('rgynH'n appear before the
polit ical ruling clement and say to th('m: '0 rulers,
li\'e for ever.' (Dan. 3:9) 'rhus thry appear to he
loyal anulooking for the hest interests of the country,
when tlH'y arc doing the very worst thing for the
IH'Oples' interests.
25 'l'hese model'll "Chaltleans", or learned clergymen, arc sticlders for law enforcement whellcvcr that
NerVel'; thcil' purJlOsc. It was NO in Nebuchadnczzar's
day, amI it is so 1I0W; hence this prophl'cy: "Thou,
o kin~, hast made a (lcc1'ec, that ('\'Cl'y mall that shall
hcar the sOllnll of the comet, fI nil', harp, suekbut,
}lsulter~', nlld dulcimer, (llId all kinds of IIIl1sir, .shall
fall oown and worship thl' goldt'll illla~t'. "-Dan. 3: 10.
29 '{,hcse accusers invoke laws made hy ('rclltur('s
which lire hoth selfish. a11l1 nod-defJ'ill~ and igllore and
spurll the law made by the CI't'at()/', whose name llione
is Jehovah. With fralllll1lellt and piotls fuees they
strike {In attitude of great dis~lIst conc('l'nin~ Jehovah's witrH'sses and insist on their plIuishnwllt because
su(~h witness('s arc calling attt'lltiull to J(hovlIh and
his kingt.lulll and be('ause th('se faithful ones refuse
to compromiHe with any P:lI'1 of Satan's organization.
301'he Uhaldealls who broug-ht accusation were
coer('cd hy fear of 1IH'1l to do so, also hy a scI fish desire
to make themsclws appeal' as exce('din1!ly good j hl'llCe
they sought the punislllm'lIt of all those who did not
then bow down; and likewise now they seck the punishment of those who do not how <lawn to Satfin's
ol'~anization. 'I'he cleJ'~y claim to want what is "within the law", t.hat is to f.ay, the law of men, but they
disreg-ard the law of Uod. 'I'he Chaldcans repeated
before the king- the substance of his decree and then
pointed out the faithful Judeans who refused t.o obl'Y
his decree: ".And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a
burning fiery fmlHlce. 'I'here arc certain ,Jews, whom
thou hast set o\'er the affairs of the province of Bab,}'lon, Shadl'uch, l\Ieshach, and Abed-nego; these men,
king, have not re~arded thee; they sel've not thy
gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast
set up."-Dan. 3: ll, 12.
:ll The Cllaldeans ,,'anted to "get" those Jews, because they hatcd them and they hated the favors which
the .Jews had en.joyed up to that time. 'I'hry maue it
appear that sucll Ju<lcans were ungratcful to the king.
Even so today the clergy bring to the attent.ion of the
law-enfol'l:cment bodies that Jehovah's witnesses are


ungrateful and are violators of the law of the land,

even by faithfully performing the law of Uod.
a2 KrhuchadlH~zzar himself had found these Hebrews,
including Daniel, to be "ten times better than all the
magicians and astrologers that were in all ,hi,; realm"
in matter:> of learning and wisdom. (Dan. 1: 20) Likewise touay the rulers well know that Jehovah's witnesses arc ten times hetter informed and
wiser COIl('N'ning the Word of God than all the clergy
in the land, but, notwithstanding this,' they all con
clude that they must hang together, fearing that othl'rwise they might hang separately.
;13 As the clergy uccused the three Hehrews in
Daniel's time, even so now thut same tlass accuse
Jehovah's witness('s, saying: ,. These men, 0 kin~,
have not l'eg-ur(ll'd thee [nor the law of tho landl ;
theJ-' serve not thy gods, nor worship the U'old<:ll image
whieh thou hast set up." J cllO\Tah's witnesses do not
serve tIle Devil, nor rcg-ard the thing~ demanded hy
Satan's organization which contravene Go(l's law.
'l'hey will h;we J(hO\'ah fiJ'~t, last, an<.1 all t he time.
Since the time of the Detroit convention, in 1 ()2~, \\'hen
the Dcclaration was is;;ued against Satan alHl in flwor
of' .Jehovah, these faithful witnesses lai(l the r('i-{ponsibility for the pl'escnt worl<.1 distress at Satan's door,
where it properly hclongs. Th(y refuse to have allY
part in the uevilish formalism of wol'1(llj' worship.
Tlwy sprve and worship Jehovah God. They lmow that
the religious elenH:nts sacrifice hYPocl'itieally and
when they do sacrifice they do it to devils, and helH'c
Jehovah's witnesses refuse to have anything ill common with them. The remnant know that they canllot
receive the Lord's lll'otection \lnless they are faithful
to him. 'I'hey callnot be partakers of the LOl'd's table
and of the Devil's table at the same time.-l COl'.

10: 20, 21.

34 It is true that .Jehovah '8 witnesses refuse to IHl\'e
any part in the so-called "holy year" 1ias('o, becau>.c
they know that Uod has not authorized the !{onwn
Catholic organization, or any other organization, to
proclaim a holy Jear. They refuse to conform to the
political religions promulgatl'd and pra(ticl'1! by the
earthly, worldlj' leaders, and hence they do not how
down to the imuge of goold. Unwilling to eOlllprollli,-;e
with the Devil, and to brin~ reproach npOll .Jehovah'l{
name, the faithful remnant hate the Devil'g gil(h'd
organization, repreHented by the goldl'n imag;e, becall-;l'
God hates it. (PlO\,. 6: 16) Jehovah's witnesses :!J'P
for God und his king'11om, and gladly say: "1'hel'dol'c
I esteem all thy pr('eepts ('onceming all thing'S to be
rig-ht j and I hate evel'y falo.;c way. I hate allli abhor
lying; hut thy law (10 I love." (Ps. llfl: 128, lG:J)
Satan's powers, inrludillg' his visible agcnts, reproach
Jcho\'ah's name. Jehovah hates tlwnl, and those who
ate 011 .Jehovah's side likewise hall' them. "Do n0t
1 hate them, 0 Lord, that hate thee 7 and am not I
grieved \dth those that rise up ngaillSt tiled I hate
them with perfel't hatred i I count them mine enemics,"

-Ps. ]39: 2J, 22.




8;; In 1929 the Lord maue clearly to app('ur to his

people who constitute" the hig'ller powers ", nlHl since
t!lC'n they hM'c heen enabled to see clearly that the
faithful ones mu..,;t ohey Jehovah and Christ ,ksu'l,
who arc" the hi'.!her powers ", aIHl make 110 compromise with the wicked organization that rules the
world, and which powers ure not ordained of GOlt
Jehovah's witnesses have no iUl'lination to violate any
law of the IUlld, und will not do ~o when 1hat law is
in harmony with God's law; hut they will bl' g'uickd
hy Go(l's law and obey his law nnd trust wltolly in
him, l'e~ar<1lcss of l'esult r.;. For th is reason the eler~y
('Olltillllollsly and I!l'l':-,iskntly aCClbc Jehovah's witIlC-;StS hefore the poW icaJ rulin,g ]lower of the world;
nnll this th(:.>, do Lf'I'aUSI) they are in a conspiracy, led
hy Satan's agocnt (:0'1;, to hring ahout the dcstruction
of Jehovuh 's witJH'ss(,s,-P~, ba: 2-5.
~" What took plarc hd'ore l'\l'huC'lwdnczzal' in the
plaill of Dul'a fore,;hado\\'(~d till' wrath of tl,e Devil
in this day l1g-a illst ,Jehovah's witnesses. (Hev. 12: 17)
The kiW.(' tlll'U wus augry, and ~I) now the DedI i~ {'x<'ecdiugly awn'y. -"Then Nehw'lwdJ1l'zzar, in his rage
llnd fur~', COIIJIIHI,lltkd to J)J'ing Shadl'llch, ~Ieshach.
and .\I)I'1.1-11t'!~()' Thl'll they hl'()II:~ht these Tnen hdorc
the kill'~'" (Dun. :l; la) Evidl'lltl,\' Nehll{'hmltlczzar
used his strollg'-at'm squad to briJlg' in the tlm'c faithful HdJl'ews lwl'ol'e him, ~o Jihwise tooa,\', wIH~rc\'('l'
,Jehovah's wittH'SS"~ arc hr'ollghi. bdorc the courts it
is Satan who is Iwhiw.1 the Illove, and his pm'pose is
to hreak the 'courag'l' <;f .Jehovah 's witnl's.<;e~ find to
CallSI' them to fail to maintain lhpir intl'grity toward
God. It is tbe strollg'arm slluad tllat haJ('~ tlt('SC faithful onc~ into court. The g'l'l'at iSSllC raised lIy Satau's
chalh-rj~~c to Jehovah is the l[lll'stion that is now 111'in~ fought out, The 1)cvil e:q)('rts uow to usc !ll'l'SSlll'C
on JdlOV;I!I's witlll'SSI'S to (':111:;1' tht'll1 to i'm'sake the
path of intl'grity aud tlills to make it appear that any
creature that Sl~rve~ ,Jehovah (lot! is prumplt'll by
Rclfishllf':'.s or what the cl'enl me lllay gl't out of it from
Goll.Jl'hovah now shows t!lp:-,e truths to his remnant
that they may l'('('cive cumfo1'l aIHl know that they arc
pursuill~ the ri~ht C01ll'SC, alltl, continuing therein,
they ma~' have strong hope that they wlll win, What,


:N. Y.

then, dot's the Word of God foretell will be the final

outcome to those who are and who will be in the
crucible or fiery test 1
(1'0 be continued)


f 1. Aceount for the severe trinhl to whieh Go<l '8 fnithful witnc~ .. ('~ in tJlI~ pa~i wew suhj('cterl, nnr] for the p1'l'bcrvution
of l'econl thereof to the plescnt time,
'j 2. \\'hnt was furI';,hn,{ulVul hy Daniel's intprl'rPiation of
:t\ ,'lmchadnczzar's l()rgottcn dreum, followed l;y .IS" dlUd'lllllwzzar'" lCspollf,e theretol
~ 3. '\!'l'ly Valliel :.1: 47.
~ 4, 5, How tlocs Dallid 2: 49 fin,l flllfilm('ntf Whom di,-}
D:tnid's three Hchr'!'w friendll hero nl\ruetl prophetieall.'1
rl'l.rcs"llt'l Huw? Wl,y 1\'('lC th,,)' given Hahyl'Jllian mU1l'",1
, 6. Explain thlse tillPO Ilt'lm ws' elo~,e llb~,,('iatinn \\'ith
]lani,'l, llnrl Daniel's po"itioll in rl'I:Jfi"Il~ilip to tll'~ kill';.
~ 7. Point O~lt thl' prop!lt'tJl~ po~ilion of ,NebuchaLllleaar. lilt,,'
i~ Ihi:- shown in J)anid :.:: 11
".i 8, n, \\'hat "a~ }li"hlt,,',1 in the 11irnl'nsit'll~ of the ill:a~f', j'~
bl'in~ of ;(01<1, nud its 1cill~ sd up in tIll) plain l,f j'UI'a?
f 10-1~. /:ih"w whether the prof:l'tlu',E' reeo,d,,<1 ill \{'IS"S 2 :111'1
;; Rer\"t',1 the purl'()~c uf its Hutitor, nwl whether ns II l'r'J['h,
c,'y it hns hr"'1l in ('onrhO of fnlfiIJ'II'nt.
f 1;), it n,v what means hau tho Devil exp('ctetl to <'llln.p
"Chl'istl'l1\lolll" 1 To what extent ha~ hc hU,,'~cl',{e.l, llllli
~ 1ii, W, 1~holV thl\t the tncti,~s (VPrH('S 4,:') u:,,',l in N"l",(')llllltl/:7.Zllr'S ,lay :,re l'lllp'oy('I! ill tho Velil'll orgaul;' ,tiCtll today, nn'] \Iith wllat 1!1I':t~U1e of 11I1Cl:l'H~.
f 1 iIV. CrJIllj,a\'l) the (JI"'asi"u hell: d('SCI ilw.l wit h Ron'la linn
I!: 2, ::, to slll'w tit"t i':tt:in ill t1101 mimic 1-(0'J.
'J 20, 21. \\'ho BPt uf' tll" illla~,,1 \\"lInt important fjnn,ti"n
\\as !.;'()Ilg-lit to Ihn fOri', all,1 "hat did thi," lllCliU I" ltll
who ]';,(,\,.1 the nlt';nlllti\c (I.-dalCd in I'cr~e Gj Apply ti,,'
I'l'opl.. ,! ill l'iellll'l',
f 2~, ~:J. Compare the furnace useu by NcLuchallll""zar \lith
that \\'hid, it f"rl'sl,:"I"I\,(,t!; ab', the 1'Uq>030 tllt'u IILd
that 1I1I', lI11l! thp (,llt"((III<: of the tcst inl'oll'o,!.
1]' 2,1, ~,3, A'(olmt. j'"r the flle! that f':dall 11,,'n I'll'] Il"W sll<l1tl<l
so readily lill,1 willing' inst I UlllPlll.S It) do his 1JiddJJI':,
~ ::!G~(). lllt'nlify the Ch"lll"nns, UIIl'i"lIt and lIlo,{('ln. anti. wilh
illustl'ali'lIl, [Joint Ollt tl ... (:I)I'''':'I'0nd,'III'Y ill th"ir "'11. e
of a<'lio!l aw[ ill thpir qlllllific'ati"n for snch I'rol'("]Ul'c.
11 30:J~, P"int out the pnl'l'lJsc in r'lllindillf,: till' killg' as ill
I'PI'SI'S 11)]~. Hwl I'''fJ'pal'e th(' /llt'thod t'lllpl"ye'! by l'l:'t
ehss tl'('1l \lilh tl'at us..,] ll'IW j'or :lt~COmpllhhing' Ihe'lf l'lll'pI,se. A Ilply !Jalli.,) 1: ~(),
~ 31, ;;;3. \"all th<1 ('11:11';::0 hrollg'ht ag'ain~t th('~l' t hn'l' 1ll"~1 a
slatpJil"nt (,f (:1<'11 \"'klt lIIolil'e prIHll],t,'tI tl", IU'('llsatillll"l
till'! how .10":1 it pompan' ill thii' I"';.:anl with tIll' "'>!IlpL",:t
prp':"ll f ",) 1'.1' the "Clm],l"llI's" llwl other l'f'[,r",,'ntati\('iI
III tit" "I'lll..r" in tllI'St' .lays 1 '\""()I\ut for the "Ialll] t;k"11
hy th',,;e thn'c 11I('11, all,l 'for tl",t t"k"ll ],y Ihoh!) '1'11(.h.1
t!J,,:v pro[,h"ti('~ II)' !"'pr('~('llted,
'If :::6. Show that "':r~e 13 pl'e~"llts a prophetic picture.


N HIS hook, the Dihle, is presented the purpose

of the AJmi!!ltty Creator in g'atherin~ out from

among the peoples of earth, during' a long period

of time, a comp::tn~' of individunls who now stund
forth Ilnd move in united action as Jl'llOVah 's witness!''l.
'Ille period of time occupied for the sdection of the
members of the bOtly of Christ, called" saints", embraces the time from Pentecost, A,D. 33, to the settin!5
up of God's kingdom. That pl:riod of time is pro[)el'Jy
called t he Christian era or period of s:wrifice, because
it is the time of tJ:e selection and Jevelopment of the

true Chl'i,.;tians who wprG taken into the cO\'0n(mt with

t:od hy sncl'ifice. ~('arin!! the end or tllnt !H,t'iOfl 1i~e
time COD1lS for briJ]g-in~ tllese fnithful 011(', out frol'!,
and S('J>:I1'nting- them fr()l1l, the (lvnomillntional ('hul'('h
sy~tCJJlS anJ gathc'riilg' thp/ll nnlo nod. 'Vll('n tht,t
time ul'l'in's JeJ:o\'alt I , Gather Illy saints
tog-ellwr unto me; tho:-:e that have made a rO\'{'lwllt
with me h:; sacl'iticc, "_Ps. GO: 5.
:1I'e the saints within the m('anin~ of t:li;;;
text 1 )laniicstJy thof.c who are wholl,.." d,'You'd to
God and arc therefore god I.>" creature". It is tkt



1, 1934


elass spokC'n of by the prophet when he said: "Precious in the sight of the T-Iord is the death of his
saints." (Ps. llG: Hi) Not everyone who makes a
covenant by sacrifi('c proves faithful, and hence 110t
everyone makin!-{ a covenant hy saerifice is emhraced
within the class that is 'the people taken out for His
name'. Only the faithful ones are the saints of God,
and it is of such that Jehovah speaks in Psalm 50: 5.
"Saints" does not mean those whom the clergy
have eanonized, llnu to whom many ignorantly pray;
nor docs the term apply to those ordinarily called
holy, but to those only who arc in Christ Jesus by
begetting, adoption and anointin~. It could not embra<:c those such as .Jews aceoruing to the flesh who
were hrou~ht into the covenant with God by the sacrifice of animals and fowls, but means those who are
in the covenant J),Y sa<~rifiee of Jesus Christ.
From the Scriptures it appears that the gathering
is done at Jehovah's command and by the Lord Jesus together with his hoJy angels. "'fhe mighty God,
even the Lord, hath spoken, and callen the earth from
the rising of the sun unto the g-oing' down thereof.
Out of Zion, the lwrfcetion of beauty, God hath shined.
Our God shall coml', and shall not keep silence..
He shall call to the h<'avcn::l from ahovc, and to the
Ctn'th, that he mllY judge his TH1ople." (Ps. 50: ]-4)
CI<'arly the gathering- of the suint:; unto .Jehovah takes
place wh<>n the Lord .JI'SUS comes to the temple and
puts his professed people to the test. The approv('d
ones are gathered unto the Lord by heing brought
into the temple condit ion and builded up as a part
of God's organization, Zion.
The prophet indicates the time when the gathering
of the saints would begiu. In the above text it is
stated: H The mighty God . hath spok('n . from
the rising of the sun." The Lord Jesus spoke of the
maimer of bis return and likened it unto t he sun rising in the east. Jesus spoke a parable to the efreet
that the tnte saints and the false represcntatives of
the Lon! would grow together in the same field (the
world) until the time of the harvest, which time would
mark his sl'Cond presence (Matt. 13: 39) :Many cousecrated ones were in denominational church systems
called" Babylon" until that time. They were looking
for the second coming of the Lord.
The prophet foretold the sentiments of their hearts
when he wrote: "\Vhen the Lord turnetl again the
captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. TI1<'n
wns our mouth filled with laughter, nnd our ton~ue
with singing: then said they among the heathen, 'I'he
Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath
done great thUlgS for us; whereof we are glad. " Ps. 126: 1-3.
'The prophet of God says: "He shall call to the
hcavens from above, and to the earth." Jehovah is
spoken of as "him that rideth upon the heavens of
heavens, which were of old; 10, he doth send out his
voice, and that a mighty voice". (Ps. GS: 33) His
great executive officer in the heavens is Christ Jesus.


Jehovah calls upon him to begin the \vork of gathering

his suints together. This harmonizes with the beginning of the I,ord's prescnce at the temple, from 1918
onward. He calls to earth; that is to say, he turns his
attention to things on the earth and issues his command for the gathering. In gathering u.nto himself
the remnant and those with whom he had been angry
and tUl'l1in1; his anger away from them in 1919, as
foretold in I:miah 12: J, Jehovah there hegan the fulfilment of the prophecy of Psalm 50: 5. Thereafter
the Lord began gathering God's faithful remnant by
sending forth his angcls to gather the elect from the
four winds and from one end of heaven to the other.
(Matt. 2-1: 31) The" four winds" and "heavcll"
seem to he used symbolically to testify to the fact that
the gathering is a universal one from all parts of the
land where there are tho"e who arc devoted to Goll.
lIe has called the true Christians out from all ehureh
denominations and all connection with Satan's organization and gathered them together in the bonds
'of truth, in the temple.
The purpose of the gatheriJl~ is stated to he "that
he may judge his people". (Ps. 50: 4) "JuugmPllt
must be~in at the house of nod." (1 Pet. 4: 17) .r esus spoke a parable concerning his return lind the
taking of al'count with those to whom he had COllimitted the kingdom interests. (l\futt. 2;;: 14.30) l\lllnifesUy then the purpose is to hrillf{ his peolilr j()gctll!:r
and ~ive thcni burh knowlcdl-{c of God's purpose that
they mil-{ht he judgcd and tested. Mark how the physical facts fit the prophetic words. During' the I)('l'iod
of time from abont 1875 to l!J1S Christ, the ~I'(~at
l\lesseng'er of heaven, he who is Priest of thc 1\lost
Ili~h God, was preparing the way btfore .Jehovah;
and then, the preparation thereof being accomplished,
he suddenly 01' promptly come:,; to his templ('. pIal.
3: 1) 'l'he temple is made up of the anointed onl'S of
God. (2 Cor. 6: 16) lIe com.:'s for the purposc of
judg'ment, that the approved ones may 0[11.'1' unto the
Lord all offering (service of praise) in ri!.rhtrousllf'ss.
He makes clear the truth to thosc gatherell one's that
they may ('ontinue to offer !o1aeriflcs of p1'ai'ic nnto the
Lord and to do this in harlllony with his will. '1'he
Lord sits as a refiner to try, t(;st. and refinc t hose whom
the sons of Levi fOl(shadowed.-:Ual. 3: 1-3.
During the period of time elapsing' from Pentecost
until the second corning of the Lord many persons
have heard the gospel of truth and belicvrd and made
a eonsreration to do the will of God. These have been
recon('iled and fully justified and taken into the covenant by sacrifil'e. Not all of such have rmwinel!
faithful unto the Lord, however. In fact, the g'l'cnte1'
number have been unfaithful to God. 'l'he chid responsibility for such unfaithfulness lies at the door
of the clergy. The people hav'c looked to the clergy
as their spiritual advisers. Thpsc mcn claiming to repre<;ent God and to speak with authority, the people
for a long while received their statements as true.
The clergy 1u1\"e led the pt'oplc in the wrong way.


mie 'Nj:\TCliTO\VER.

Kot only haye the c1erg:l' participnted in the politics

of this evil world, but thLy have rc:,;ortcrl to all the
wi('ked tricks of politics. They have scheme,d for
position and advantage and have used their hi<.;h and
influcntial office as clergymen to accomplish their
sel1ish purposes. The politics of this world arc under
the !H1pcl'vision and cOlltrol of Satan, its god. (2 Cor.
4: 4) 1'ho clergy have allied thl;III;;u! ves with the god
of this world und have induced great numbers of
Christians to do the same thillg'.
.Tesus in Tl1ain phrase stated 1hnt his kin~d()m is not
or this world, bllt that his kingdom was future hom
the time he was on earth and that it would be set up
ollly at h is second comjn~ nnd the tllkin~ of his powcr.
(.T Ohll 18: 36) The c\Pl'gy were 110t COil ten t tl) /;e the
followers of .Jesus, but have run alIPad of the 1,0rd
and (Iaimcd it to he their commi,siull ana daty to
Ret up the IJord.'s kin~dom 011 earth in advam'e or
God':; time. To this end they have opened their doors
and their alms anll welcomed to their fold the profiteers, the [loliti<:iam and the opIH'('''<;ors of the people.
They have IJ1'ou:~ht in the,~e powl'l'flil men to the end
that their <:hu1'<,h ~ystcrns mi~ht hc mol'C powerful nnd
more illtlu('ntilil. Th('so l'l'ofitl'c1's nlld opprc,ssol's h:we
become the pri!l('il'a] ones in their floeks, wieldillg' the
power ana illfll1t'!H'n of the orgoauization. One C1'l'or of
the tll'l'!!)' Je(l tu anol111:r until, fearing- to 0I,pose tho
powerful ,md i/lHtlclit iul OllCS of tlwir cOllgt'l'~",atiolls,
they Imv~ I'l~pu<lj;ltcd the Bible an<l have told the people to !w]icye Illlythill~ that they wanted to })('licve,
just so they remained ill the church organization.
The clergy have a<h'oeated war and ul'god the people to e))ga~e in the wholl'sale murder of their fellow
creatures. They hanl used their ('hul'ch edifiees as
recruiting' statiolls. They have gone so far in their
blaspllern(HIS conrse t.hat they have told the youn~ men
to enlist in the wnr and that if they should die upon
the hattlefield their death there would be a gnarantee
that thry ,,"oulo be taken immediately to hca\'ell and
cOllnted in as a part of the gl'eat sacrifice of our Lord.
The iJlfllicn<~e of the ('!erg)' has led the great mass
of pl'oI'es"ing Chl'ist bus away from full ulwotion to
the LNd and has caused them to mix with t he world.
'1'0 the people they have misrcpreseutl'd the truth and
havc opposed God's witnesses in an effort to give the
people the truth. By threat.s and cO<'reion the ckrgoy
have held. baek a great mauy timid church people from
hearing the truth. So desperate have they been that




honor (lild lIlajlsly a,'e bpfore lHm: str~nlJth (1:/(1 branty art' m
his sanctuaI!! .dscni)e 1tilla JEHOVAH. ;;e };indruls of tllB
peOl;11'8, a,,('r;[n: 1II<to ./Jo:Ilor_1l1 .fI/or!! ((r,rI ,,'liCI"I'h. S'1l1
(rmong the nations, JHllOJ".JIl reigllrth: the luuld al,,, 18
established that ,t CaT<ilot be /nored. lIe 1rill j1tI1:IP the /C'ori,l

K. Y.

they have willfully mi:::.rcprcsented God's purpose an'1

have inlllll'n('cd their IJal'ishionel's to dose tb:il' e'y<'s
and pars to the hearin'! of the message of tJ'uth. ,Yhell
God's cummand cam~ to gather t;;gethn' Ilis saint,;;
who had made a eOVPlwllt with him by sacrifice the
clergy usetl all their po\\'(~r and influence to prevellt
such gathering. They havc suecccdcd in turnillg' millions away from the Lord and his s<'rv1ce.
'I'o ])0 i:illre, the cl"l':.!y are not of tho~,c who arc
gathered unto the Lord. Xor are those cOll:-.ecratec1
ones who have permitted themseh'cs to he held baek
from God and his truth by the influence of the <:Ier!!y,
of the cJn:,s lhat is gathered unto the Lort]. Tho,e
so-callcd Christians who love God lIud haYe ht'l'll hl'id
hack by l'('a:,OIl uf the illituenee of the elc]'(!'y Ot' held
as "prisoners", within the meanin~ of the ~(~rii!t'\.l]'es
(Pss. 7!J: 11; ]O~:20), haw eried unto the Lord.
Under their eovcnant hy sa('rifice they are appoint<.'u
to a sacrificial denth; but, hayin~ h<:Cll }1I'1d hack from
iaithfu]lJess by the influellce of their {lri\oll-kt:l'pcrs,
the cler'!y, the time cnml'S "'])('11 they ('ry unto the
LOld. COllccrIl in~ th is the prophet l'iays: .' I.lot the
si).{hing o[ the pl'isoner come J)efore thee; ae('()rdin~ to
the gl'<'alIWSs of thy power J)l'elicrve thOll t hose that
are nPIH,ill!l'cl to die." (1's. 79: 11) God b.. ars thdr
cri..s alltI till) time conws for him to release t!JClll.1>s. 102: 1!), 20.
All \\lto Ilave been taken illto the eovenullt by salrifice have been offered the gTeat pl'ivi1e~c of I)('ill~~ witnesses to the ll1:tje:sty allll loving-kindill'ss of Uod and
to the Onh\Ol'ldw-\, of his great lJurpose for t.he n'euneiliation or man. or alld <~Ol1('erlling him:,df, the c1til'f
nt', .Te,;us said: "To this ewl was I hol'l1, :11111 for
this cause eame I illl u the world, that I S!lOllld h':ar
witnc<;s UlltO the tJuth. En'ry olle til:lt is of the truth
heal'eth Ill,Y voice." (.John 1.:3: 37) Wlwt is Il'ue of
Jesus app!ips to all thuse wlto aI'" taken illt" the ~o\'c
lwnt by liaCl'iticc. Bach 011C of sueh not only i" gtalllld
the privilt'~e of hearing the truth, but i'l o1'(en'<1 the
opportunity to be a \l'itlteSS to t he truth. The Oldy
WilY wher('hy su('h can be' true', loyal awl faitllful unto
('lod is to be \\'itlle~i:i('s to the truth as oPPol'tnllit: uifords. 'I'he Lord sees to it that ~lJ('h have OPJlol'tllnitif'S.
A witness is one who ~'iv('s test imony. The testimollY
concerning- (Iud and llis purpose for the \'illdi('atio~l
of Ilis hoI." name and for the reconciliation of m:lIl
mllst be g-iven, and it is his will to it giw11 by hi3
anointed when they al'e g'athcrcl1 together to the tem.
llle <.luring' the second presence of the Lon].

a new song: .~ing unto JEHOVAH, all the earth. Declare his
glor!! amer:"{j the raliolls, }tlS 1<lalTl'llolls 'I'orb ('moll? (1/1 tI,lJ
1,poples. For great is JEIlOI'AIl, ('nil grwtly to be l>r1tl.<td:

16th righteo1lsness,


the IJwples WIth his tl'lIth.-Dj.\"lJ>.

N .reLY 26, in the year nineteen hundrrd and
twenty-fuur, a multitude of Christian people,
namely, Jehovah's witnes3es, who had separatrd themselves from all the nligiolls denominations
:md taken th('ir stand firmly for the Lord Jehovah,
l'nsscd a resolution in the form of an indictment

against the (~cclesiastic;)l element as constituting a

part of the 1)c,-il's organi:mtion. 'fhis illdietmrnt so
dearly sets forth the truth of the situation before the
minds of the people that it is here quoted:
"'Ye, . in eonvention assembled, declare our unqualified alle~ianee to Christ, who is 110W present and
Sdting up his Idll~aOm, allfl to that kinwlom.
"We Iwlicve that evcr~' anointed child of God is an
amhassador for Christ and is duty-boulHl to ~ive a
faithful all(l true wittwss on he'half of hi'! king-dom.
.\..'1 ambassatlors for Chrh,t, and without as~umillg any
sclf-righteousrH'ss, we believe aud hold that Cud has
comrnis:;ioned us to 'proclaim the day of vengeance of
our' God and to l'omfort all that l1iOUrll ',-ha. (j] : 2.

"We bdieve amI hold that it is God's due tirTIl~ for

Jtis displenSlll'C to he f'XIH'cssf'd against wid.ed sy!->tems
tll:1t have hlinded tlw pf'uplc to tho truth and havo
ther'eh,)' dC'pl'ivcd tl1['111 of Jle;J(~o :md hopc'; ll1111 to the
end that the 1)('o[JII~ might krlOw tho truth and r'!ceive
Slillle comfort and hope for fntur'(j blc!->,,,ing-s we preI;P1It this indietlUt'lIt, b:ls(~d upon the 'Yol'll of God,
and point to the divine provision as the remedy for
lllall's f'omplde rdil'f,
,. \Ye prl'sl'nt an(l ('hal'~e that 8atan fOl'ln('d 11 conspirlll;y for the purpose of kecping- the people in i~
1101'(1)\('0 of GOtl's provision for hl('ssin~ them with
Ii fl', Iihel'ty and Imppiness; and that Othf'l'S, to wit,
unfaithful prCarhl'l'S, (Jollsciellcekss pl'ofitet'rs, and
1II1sc'r'lIpulow; polit il'iawl, have en1.t'I'ed into said conspiracy, ('ithel' willillgly or ullwillingly.
"'I'hat unfaithful pl'caehcrd have formed them~~l'lves
into cce!psinsl ical systems, consisting; of couneihl,
synods, pl'eSb~-tel'ies, associatiolls, and so forth, alld
havc desil!nated the\l1splws thol'eillllS POIWS, cardinals,
hishops, d()(,toI'S of divinit~" pastors, slH'pherds, reverends, and so OIl, and ejected themseJvC's to sUl'h
ot1iecs, w!lieh agg-r('gation is hcrein desig'nated as 'tile
cll'l'~~Y'; :Uld thnt these !l;1\-0 \\'illin~ly made commereiaJ g-iants and proi'('!->sionaJ politiciaus the prineipal
om's of their flo('ks,
" We pl'CSput and charge that t he elcrg~' have
yicl(led to the trmptatioJ1s IH'csented to them by 8atnn and, contral'y to nod's 'Yard, have joincd in said
conspil'acy, and in furtherance th('reof have ('ommitted the OVt:l't acts as follows, to wit:

"(1) That they lwve used their spiI'itual powers,

enjoyed by reason of their position, to g'l'atify their
OW11 Sl'lnsh ucsires by feeuing and exalting themselves
nnu failing- and l'efllsing to feed or teach the people
God's WonI of Truth;
"(2) That, loving the glory of this wodd, and dca01

sirin~ to shine hefore men and ha\'o tIle approyn' of

mcn (Luke 4: 8; .Tas. 4: 4; 1 John 2: 15), th,';' have
l'1othed themselves in gaudy apparel, decked tlImnselves with jewPls, and have assumed a form of ~'oclli
ness while denying God's 'Vord and the pO\\'erthereoJ';
"(3) Tllllt tlwy have fai}rd :lud refw;ed to rrr:Jdl
to the people the message of Messiah's kingdom and
to poiut them to the evidences relatillg to his secollll
coming; and being unwilling to ,rwnit the Lord's due
time to Fiet up his kingdom, and being amlJitious to
appear wise aud great, they have, together with their
coconspirators, claimrd the nlJility to srt up Cod's
kingdom on ra1'th without Cod, and have endor~efl
the Leng-ne of Nations and declared it to lw 'tile political expression of nod 's kin~dom on carth', thrr('h~'
breaking their allt'giance to the Lord Jesus Chl'isL awl
declaring- their III h'~i;mce to the nevil, the gOll of evil;
and to 'his end th!')' have HIlvocatcd allll salwtified
w,ar, turned their church edifices into rt'cl'uiting stations, 11('lcI} as recruiting Offil'l"l'S for pay, all.} p,'(':!c)ll'd
men into the tn'llf'lws, tlwl'e to suffpr anll dip; and
when tile Lord {lrcsC'llted 10 them the dear and indisputnhle proof that the old world has ('JH]u} and that
his kingdom is at hand, t la'y have scoi'l'<'d at aud 1'1'jected the tctimony, ,iIJd ha\'e pcrsecntt'd. arl'estl'tl
and eau'll'd the imprisOltlllCllt of witne:>ses of the Lord,

<I'Ve further TH'I'S('nt awl elwr:!o that the l'h'l'~Y as

n class have e011stitull'd them~c1v('s the fountain of
doetrines which, in the fUl'thl'r';lllce of saill cOllspi"Hey,
they hay,) :-'(,llt forth to the !Jl'ople, C'!aimillg' slleh dll('trines to he the tt'uehill!!s of nf,d 's Word, well knowing
the same to be unh'u(, in tid:>, to wit:
"(1) That they [al~ely claim to be the divinely
nppointl'd ::,uect'ssol'S to the inspired apo"t!l''l of .Tom"
Christ; whereas the Scriptlll't'S elcarJ~' show that thl'!'c
arc no SUCC('SSOl':> to the Lonl's apostks;
"(2) That tht,y claim the sole ri!!ht to illtl'l'pret
the Scriptures, awl that therefore tllPY alone know
what the IJeople should bdicYe, and by this nH'ans tht'~'
have kept the people in ignorallce of the Bible; llnd
now in the time of illelTa"l'd knowled~'<; awl l1l11('h
reading, wheu the fH'ol,le mi;..rht. read alld lllldcl''ltand,
these sdfeollstituted 'fmCC('S'wrs to the np()'ltlc'~' di",
courage the people from reauiug' the BiLlp and Bihle
Jitcraturl" dt:uy the inspiration of the Sl'l'iptUl'ps,
teach evolution, and hy these mellns turll the minds of
the people away from God and his Word of t I'lll h i
"(3) That they hu\'e tau:::;ht ancI tcac'h tile divino
right of kings to rule tire peoples, daimili:.l: such rule
to be the kin~dom of God on earth; they huld lhat thl'Y
and the principal of th(ir flocks are commissioned of
God to uirert the poli('~' all 11 course of the lli1tiollS. and
that it' the })(")ple tlo not sllbmi~:"ively eOllcur in ouch
policies then the people arc unpatriotic or di!)!oYlll;
" (.1) That they art: the authors of the ullre3!)unuhle


B1ie. Y\'i\TCHT0WER

and false doctrine of the trinity, by whirh they daim

and teach that Jehovah, .Jesus and the holy spirit are
three persons in one, which fallacy they admit cannot
be understood or explained; thai this false doctrine
has blinded the people to the true meaning of the
great ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, through which
men can he saved;
"(5) That they teach and have taught the false
doctrine of human immortality; that is to say, that all
men arc created immortal souls, which cannot die;
which doctrine they well know to be false, for it is
based exclusively upon the statement of Satan, which
I:ltatemcnt .Jesus dpclares to be a ~reat lie (.John 8: 44) ;
I I (G) 'l'hat they preaeh and teach the doctrine of
eternal torment; that is to say, that the penalty 01'
sin is conscious tOl'ml'nt in hpll, eh'rIwl in duration;
whcreas they know that the Bihle teacht's that the
wages or Rin is death; that hell is the state of death
or the tomh; that thc dcad are unconscious until the
resurn'ction, lind that the rall:-Jom sacrifice is provided
that aU in due time may have an opportunity to Lelic\'e lind ohey the Lord and live, while the willfully
wicked arc to be }ltlllbhed with an e"erlast ing destruction;
"(7) That tllf'Y a('ny the right of the Lord to
estahlish his killg(lom on earth, well knowin~ that
Jesus tanght that he would comc fig-nin at the end of
the world, and that the fact of tl;at time would be
made known by the na t ions of' Christendom' engaging
ill a world war, qui('kly followed by famine, pestilence/ rcvolutions, the return of God's favor to the
Jcws [inwardly such 1, distress and perplexity of the
nations; and that during slwh time the God of heavl'n
would set up his kinwloll1, which will stand for ever
(Dan. 2: 44) ; that ignoring and refusing to ronsider
th('sc plain truths and cvidt,nces, they have willingly
gone on in darknrss, togdher with their allies, prof!.
teCI'S and politicians, ill an attempt to set up a world
power for the purpose of ruling and keeping the people in suhjection, all of which is contrary to the Word
of God and against his dignity and good name.
"The doctrines taught by the clergy and their
course of action herein stated arc admitted; and upon
the undisputed facts and upon the law of God's Word
they stand confessedly guilty beforc God and in the
eyes of the world upon every charge in this indict
"Upon the authOl'ity of the prophecy of God's
Word now being fultllled, we declare that- this is the
day of God's wrath upon' Christendom'; and that he
stands in thc midst of the mighty and controlling
factors of the world, to wit, the clergy and th(' principal of their flocks, to judge and to express his righteous indignation against them and their unrighteous
systems and doctrines.
"We further declare that the only hope for the
peace and happiness of the peoples of earth is lUes-


N. Y.

siah's kingdom, for which Jesus taught his followers

to pray,
"Therefore we call upon the peoples and nations
of earth to witness that the statements here made arc
true; and in order that the people might, in this time
of perplexity and distress, have hope ana comfort,
we urge upon them prayerful and diligent study of
the Bible, that they might learn therefrom that God
through Chtist and his kingdom has a complete and
adequate provision for the blessing of mankind upon
earth with peace and prosperity, liberty, happiness
and eternal life, and that his kingdom is at hand."
These facts are set forth here, not for the purpose
of holding men up to ridicule, hut for the purpose of
informing the people that the ceclesiastipal system<;,
Catholic nnd Protestant, are under the supervision
and control of the Dedi and form a purt of his visible
organization, and therefore constitutc an antichrist.
This is true for the re3Ron that they pal'ade ullflPr
the name and title of Christian, while f>llch claim, ill
tho l;ght of the forc~oillg facts, is ahsolutdy fulse.
'I'he~' call thl.'msrlves by the name of the Lorel, hut in
truth and in fact they rcpresent the Devil. The hypoc.
risy that l)('g-an away huck in the days at: Adam's
granilson Enos has beeomc so fla~rant in this preSf~llt
day that all who have an open mind can sec it.-Gell.
4; 2G, 1l!al'uin.
It has pleased the Lord nod to prepare the
of his cmpil'e or kingdom, now at hand, under adverse conditions on earth: Heal Christians have neVl'l'
been popular with the world. During the enlil'c period of the Christian era they have sU(l'(~rC(1 muph
persecution. 'l'hey have bl'en counted as thl' oft's('ouriug amongst men. From what source tould we 1'('Usonnbly ('xpect pcrsl'cution llnd adversity upon the
Christians? From the Devil and his or~al1i7.atioll, of
course; heeausc God derlared in Edell that t1l(~l'e
would be ('Iunity betwrel1 the seed of the woman,
which se(;!l is the empirc class, Hud the 1'(,.1 of the
serpent, whj(h is the Devil 's ()n~anization. W c al'e w.t
lrft in douht as to who constitutes the sred or children
of the Devil.
\Yhen Jesus was on earth those who p('rs(;('utcd him
were the scribes, Pharisees and priests, tOg'l'thc'r composing the clergy of that day and claiming to he rl'presentatives of God. Thry were hypocrit(,s.J('SUS said
they wert'. That c1I1SS exalted themsclv('s, r\'\'n as the
clergy do today. Thcy Jiosed as men of great rightc(H!<;ness. '1'0 them Jesus said: "But woc lIutO you, scrilws
and Philrisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven a!.\'n inst men: for ye neithcr !!o ill yourselves, neither suffer yc them that arc cntl'rin\!; to !..';o
in. \Voc unto you, scribes and Pharisees, Itypocritf S !
fOJ' re dCVOUl' widows' houses, and for a pretence make
long prayer: therefore yc shall reeciy() the greater
[condemnation]." platt. 23:13,14) 'I'lw"c same
hypocrites claimed to be the sons of GOll; hut .Je"u'3
plainly said to them: "Ye arc of your falher the
devil. ' '-J ohn 8: 42-,14.



ffhe w/\TCI-iT0WER.

1, 19:::.1:

There is a period in the history of the world known

ns 'the time of the Inquisition '. It wa'S in that period
of time tha t t he cc:C'1('sia~tie~tl ('onrts wpre org-anizctl in
('cl'tain countl'jps, and men Wt're haled before thc::;c
trihl1nals l1nu charged with the crime of here,;y. 'I'hey
W('J'e put throu!!h a mock trial and subjretrd to all
m;lllllcr of wichd 10rtnfe to ("Jmpe! them to confess
a sell:>('!I'SS creed. \Yho WIIS responsible for this erne!
treatment of Christilms? Tjj(J dergy, who claimed to
he the rcprescntatin;s of Goo. and of Christ, hut ,,;ho
iu truth and in fart repn:scnted the Devil. They were
hypocritl's. Snch pcrst'cution was not confined to the
Papal l'ystem.
J n due course the Protest.auls resorteu to lil,e per.
sceut iou. Call to mind the l'I'format ion It'ader .John
Calvin, the fnnw!' of the Pt'e",}Jytel'ians, who siglwd
the druth warrullt of Su'Vct l\,'i and had hint slowly
burned to death at the stake lwc"aui-lC he did not agree
with the so-called" orthodox doctrines of tllat eccle

siastira! system. All th" wieked persecution that has

been infiicted npon Christ Jesus and hi-; iollowcl's has
been dUlle by the clergy or at the instigation 01 the
der!!)', \dH) hypoeritir;lil y claim to repre~cnt the Goo.
of love and his belo\'cd ~on.
The Dra~on, the Dcvil, the father of these cccle
siastical systems, was the real inducing cause for such
persecution. These eeeksiastical systems, particularly
the dCl':rr and the peineipal of their flocks, arc and
eyer han) heel! a part of the wmld which is under the
control of Satan the enemy. These have taught conflicting Omtrines and lmve fought among6t thUllSl'lvul,
until someone ,,'ould eorno forward with the t ruth of
God's Wonl; then thl'Y eornhillc lInd!'r the dil'ectio!l
of their fat 1)(, l' the Devil to fight against the repre
sentative of the Lord"
Very fiitill~ly and justly, then'fore, the vrophctic
'Vord of Uod ~ol('rnllly tkelarcs that eCI'\csiastiei,;m is
doomed sltortl J to go into utler dl'structioll in djs~racc,

(Continlled from page 301)

WMBO Hu 6 :30l'm
Ha ~ :l;'l'lll
BinI:( 'mtenWNnF Au 7: 1.;pm
Brooklvn WllBR l';ul0:JIi:LlU
Hu ij:30pm
Me 10::~ltalll
'J'u 10 :30um
'I'u fi:31l1'1lI
Wo]O :30am
We ti :::Oplll
'l'h 10::l0am
'rlt 1i:::tll'llI
Fr tJ::':Opm
won :-\1110:00:\111
WE8U Hu lO:OllalJl
l"l'ceport WGBB Nu !I:tllk\1I1
'I'll 7 :OOPI1l
'fit i :001'111
nu.l~on p. WnLC fill ](}:4;;:1l1l
.1U111Cstuwll \VOCL Hu 9:::,)aOl
New York wn:-:x Hu 2::lOplll
New York WOV Hu 4 : 30 ['In
S:ll'l\m\~ L. WN13Z ~\\ 10:1:i:llu
Tu 4:]5plll
'l'h 4:15plll
WHYIt Hul0::;Oam
'i"upper L. \"\I{DL Nu 1f1:):;alll

Tit IIJ::Wafll
Wli. PI'ns WFAS ClI G:l)0PIU


Sa 9:00am

NCTIl 5::ml'm
Gllilrlutte W:':OG Su }(}: l:):llll
Grt'cn:ihoro \\"BIO Su ~:;):Ull
WPTF Su 9:-1;J:Ull

\n.. .



G'o. roIl.:! KFJ 11 Su 2: 3011ll\



W ADG ~'l 1 :-t5 plU

\Ve 10: 1::':\111
WJW:'>\1 5:~I'PIU
We 1l :':":IIl1

WHK 8u 7:0Pplu

Tu 3:15pm
Fr G:=-:dpIU
C'lc\"'chnd WJAY Su 9:4:,all1
ColumlJU3 WAIU Su 10:011:\111

Th 7:4.'plu

Columbus WENS Su !l:-1;;arn

,\10 1: ]ripm
We 1 ;1fjpm
Fr 1:];)1'1
W~:'IfK Ku 1 ;;lOl'/11
:M Or:.h \\'lIBD Su 1 :::(lpJU
WH 4 :;;0[\111
Fr 4 ::t0l'JU
\\'~PD SIl !l ::;Oam
Sa 8: ];):110
W<l .J:I.ipm
Zan~s\'ilJe WALR l'l1110 : (j()am
\Yo 4:]:)pm


Elk City
1 :1;;om
Old ':\ (jit,\' J\:O:'lL\. Hu 1:! :.J.jj"n
POllf~aCity \\'131:2 8u10 : ()Oalll
Wo !J:(,llpll'l
[{VOO Su 9: 15am


K1allJ:lthl'. KF.fl 1\1,) 8:13pm
:1'[:\J'~hfidd l\OOS :'Iro 1 :;{Opm
:\iedionl lOIED Tu 1 :3()pm


WLB\Y Su10:4G:un
W In!} ~lu 1 :l:ipm
.ro"n~town W.L\C fiu 4:30plll
Phil ':\
'\,GAU Su 12:00 un
PI.ilau(']phia \vIP Bu G: l;,plU
httsh 'gh
K(lV flu 10 ::llllllll
We 1 :'13pll1
Fr 1 :1';1'111

I: ""lflillg



,,,: ~h 'ton \\'KI~O Su
\\-'msport WIL\.K, Hu
WOnK 8u




3 :I.~['lH
!) :~13am


KZEG Su 7 :OOpm
Th 7 :OOprn

Green \'iUe WFBC Su 10 :OOnm
Spart'b'g WSPA. Su 6:30pm

1 :Olipm
4 :\)Opm
!J :1ijalll

eh 'loU,'sv" \\' Ell C :O:u 10: ,j;j:,lU

l)aovlllo WWDl;-lnl0:\:ipm
Lyn~llb'g WL\'.\ ~11 1:!:'I:Jplll

W'1'.\H Sll 12 :;;"]1111


l'ctcrsb'g Wl'llH:-:iu
Cila 'nooba \\' DO D Su
J neksun
'.\'1' J 8 Hn
'VIl 5:::0prn
J{no:,,-ilJe \\'((()L tlu
\V :'lIn HI!
MClllphis Wl:EU ~u

1: 15pm
1: ;;0 I' Il1
7 :OO)lIU
-1: ::;Opll1



KLO Su 3:15pm
We 5:0tlolll
Salt L. City KSL Su 9:13pm



(j :1"1'111
We 1ll:00am
Hidl'1IODll \VI~Y,\ Sul:!:I:il'lII
ltoal1uke W})BJ Sll1:J :;;Opill

We 5:00pm


}, (; I~cl Su !l: OOum
J{:,\O\\' Hu 10 :OOam
COl'pusChr, K(,FI:.-;u 9:00am
We 6:).lll1r.
Fr (i:45pm
j,HLD Hul0:::0:uu
h:l'l'L'l'1t 8:00pm
Pr Ii: '1:jam
EI Paso
KTS.\I:'i1l 1: IJpru
rt. Worth ETA'!' ),10 5:13pm
We 5:J:3plll
Fr 5:]~,pm
GalvestoIl KLUP Su 1 :4~)plll
Wo 8:ulll'm
KXYZ Bu 10:00am
S.Allgclo K<:KLSu 1:4,lpm
'fh 8143am
S, ~\lllonio K'I'S.\. f'u 10: 4')am
KUKB ~ll 9:1:;aJt1
We 9:13:un l'r 9:13am





I\.t, FX I'll
Tu 1 :OOpl..
Wntl'l'town KOCH Hll
\\'0 S:4"j}.Il1



KXHO fill 1:1 ,'pm

KVOi'; Hu 10:()lIam
'1'1t 5:;;oplll
ICJ}t:-;u 10 :O(lam
KVL ~rl) (j:l:ipm
'J u u:.J;jpm
\\-e 1i:4';1.1II
'fit 6:4;)pm

I; ;tlllt,"1
EYI ~II 2: 1~'\llII
WallaWalla KeJ ~u 7 :.1.1:111l



Su 1 ::JlIl'lU
Kl'Q Su 1 : (lil [J 111
I,ll' Nil 111 : (lila III
Th i:()I)a'll

\VHIS:-':u!) :Ooam
Fr 8:01!<tl1l
elm'ston WOHl} Fiu 4:U 1'I'lU
Fairmont W:'.l:\I;\; Nu I:!: IJI'Il1
][llllt'ton \r",,\Z Th .] :01'1'1<1

\Heeling WWV.\ Su ]U:(;lIam

La Crosse WKB!l Sll ]~ :00 on
W1 B.\ :;:':\1 10: f),;ll III
:.1:\II1'wo<:\\,0:'l1' :\10 7:00plll
'Ii> 1 :Oilpll\

WSY13 Su 10 OOam

'rll 5 311 pm
St.AJt:mns WQD:'I1 SU 1 OOpm

}'r 1\: 1~,!'1II

Kt (j:-lipru
K1'IO I'lu (J: I,;am



KDr); iSu lO:30am
Tn 8: 1:ipru

The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener b;y these and other stations at time shown.
(Current local time Is shown In
each Instance.]
2-AY Tu 8:45pm
Goulburn 2GN Su 7:30pm
2-GF Tu 7 :30pm
Gunnedah 2MOSu 7:00pm
2XN We 7 :15pm
New Castle 2IID Su 10 :30am
Su 9:30pm
We 6:30pm
2-UE Su 9:15am
W'gaW'ga2.WGWe 9:30am
We 7:45pm
4-BC Su 10:15am
4-MK Su 10: 15am
Marybor'gh 4-MB We 9:45pm
Rockh'ptoJl 4-RO We 10:00pm
Townsville 4TO We 8 :OOpm
Launceston 7-LA Fr 10:15pm
Ulverstone 7-UV We 8 :OOpm
3-BA Su 12 :45pm
3BO Tu 8 :45pm
Hamilton a-HA Su 6 :45pm
3-IIS Su 7:00pm
Melbourne S-AK Su 2 :15pm
Melbourne aAW Su 10:15am
3-TR Su 6 :30pm
Swan Rill 3SH Su 7: 15pm
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 :45pm
6-ML Su 7:00pm

Rainaut BONNE Sa 5 :30pm


CFCN Su 5 :45pm

CJCB Su 9 :OOpm

Hamilton CKOC Su 10:30am
Su 1:30pm
Su 8:15pm
Shanghai XMHA Su 9 :45am

Caibarien CMHD
Spanish Su 7 :OOpm
CMK Su 11 :30am
Spanish Su 9 :OOpm
Banta C1 'II. CMIII Su 12:15pm
Spanish Su 11:05am
RADIO Su 3 :30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN

Beziers RADIO Th 8 :OOpm
(220.1m) BEZIERS
Bordeaux RADIO Alo 7 :45pm
(237m) SUD-OUEST
Fecamp RADIO
French Tu 8 :OOpm
Paris RADIO LL:E'r 8:15pm
(370 m)
Su 12 :00 nn
(312.8m) VITUS
Th 7:30pm Sa 7:30pm
Toulouse RADIO- We 7:15pm


Spanish Th 10:00pl1".

Birm'ham WAPI SU 12:45pDI
Birm'ham WBRC Su 10:00am
WAGF Su 1:30pm
M'tgomeryWSFA Su 3 :45pm
Muscle S. WNRA Su G: OOpLJ
We 8:00pm Fr 8:00pm
AnchorageKFQD We 9 :30pm
KetchikanKGBU Mo 7:15pm
Th 7:15pm
Sa 7:15pm
We 4:00pm Fr
We 5 :15pm Sa
Spanish Th
Prescott KPJM Su
We 5:45pm Fr
We 7:00pm Fr
Spanish Su

4 :OOpn.
5 :15prr.

Fay'ville KUOA Su 12:45prr.
We11:45am Fr 4:30pm
Hot Sp 'gs KTHS Su 5 :OOpm
Little R 'k KARK Su 9: OOam
LittleR'k KGRISu 7:00pm
We 5 :45pm Fr 5 :45l'n.
LittleR'k KLRASu10:30an.
Paragould KBTM Su 10:00ui..1
We 11:30alll
Texarkana. KCMC Su 6:45pm
KXO l::lu 10:00r.m
KIEM Su 10 :300.10
KMJ Su 3:45pm
Hollywood KNX Su 9:13pm
Long B 'ch KGER Su 10 :45an.
Los Angeles KTM Su 9 :30am
Su 8:00pm Th 8:0()pl~
KLS Su 11 : I !iar.:
We 2:45pm Fr 2:45pm
Oakland KROW Su 10:1511m
Su 6:15pm Mo 8:15pm
We 8 : 15pl>l
So.'mento KFBK Su 9 :3(1aHl
S. F 'cisco KTAll Su 9 :30ar'1
Stockton KODM Su 9 :30ara
We 7:15am Fr 1:15pm

Col'o Spr. KVOR Su 10 :30am
We 5:30pm Sa 4:30pm
KVOD Su 7 :OOpm
Grand J'n KFXJSu 1:15pm
KFKASu 6:45pm
KIDW Su 7:15pm
We 2 :40pm Fr 2 :40pm
We 12 :45pm Fr 12 :45pm

Coffeyville KGGF Su 1 :45pm
Th 8:45pm
Louisville WAVESu 9:15am
Shrevep't KWEASu10:15am
WLBZ Su 10 :45am

Bridgeport WICCSu10:30am


Wilm'ton WDEL Su 6: 15pm

Baltimore WBAL Su 3: 15pm
Cumberl 'dWTBO Yo 1 :15pm
We 1:15pm Fr 1:15pm
Hagerst'n WJEJ Su 10:15am

Washington WOL Su 6:UOpm
Jacksonv. WMBR Su 10 :OOam
WIOD Su 9 :45am
WQAM SU 4 :45pm
Orlando WDBO Su 12:45pm
Pensacola WCOA Su 1 :OOpm
We 7:00pm
WGPC Su 10: 30am
WTFI Su 9:45am
WGST Su 5 :45pm
WJTLSu 2:15pm
Augusta WRDW Su 1: 15pm
Th 7 :45pm
Columbus WRBL Su 9 :30am
La Grange WKEU Su 3: OOpm
We 3:00pm Fr10:00am
WMAZ Su 4: OOpm
WRGA Su 12 :30pm
We 8:45pm Fr 8:45pm
Savannah WTOC Su 1 :OOpm
Honolulu KGMB We 12:05pm
Fr 7:15pm
KIDO Su 10:30am
We 8:45pm
Idaho Falls KID Mo 10:OOam
KFXD Su 11 :OOam
Mo 7:45pm
Twin Falls KTFI Su 10 :45am
Su 4:45pm

WJBL Su 10:00am
Fr 6:30am
Harrisb'g WEBQ SU 6 :OOpm
Mo 10 :30pm
Fr 10 :OOpm
WTAD Su 12:30pm
We 1:00pm
Rockford WIWK Su 10:00am
Su 9:30pm
We 9:30pm
Sp 'gfield WCBS Su 12 :30pm
Sa 11 :15am
WDZ Su 12:45pDl

Hammond WWAE Su 11 :OOam
rnd 'apolisWKBF Su 10:00am
Th 1:00pm
WLBC Su 1 :30pm
Fr 3:30pm

Babson P. WBSO Su 12 :30pm
WNAC Su 10:00am
Sp'gfield WMAS Su 10:30arn
Worcester WORC Su 10:30am
Calumet WUDF Tu
KalamazooWKZO Su


F'gusFallsKGDE Su 10:00am
Min'apolisWDGY Su 2:00pm
Moorhead KGFK Su 7:30pm
We 5:15pm 1:'r 5:15pm
Gulfport WGCM Su 9 :45am
V;e 8:45pm
Hattiesb'gWPFB Su 1:30pm
We 7:45pm
WAML Su 1: OOpm
Meridian WCOC Su 10:00am
We 6:45pm
Miss. City WGCM Su- 9: 45am
We 8:45pm
Columbia KFRU Su 12 :00 nn
We 7:15am
Kans.C'Y KWKC Su 2:00p~
Tu 7:00am

KGEZ Su 9:00am

Kearney KGFW Su 10:00am
KFAB Su 9 ::30am
KFOR Su 10:1:>am
Scottsbl 'f KGKY Su 10: 131l1u
We 5:45pm Fr 5:45pm

KOH Su 10:30am
WNEW Su 10:00am

Albuq 'que KOB We 5 :45pm
KGFL Su 5: 15prn
We 4:30pm ~'r 4:30pm
(Continued on page 303)

f.ffie, WATCHT0WER.



117 Adams Street
Broo1Jyn, N. Y., U. S.A.

J. li. RliTllJ::IU'or.n


\\'. E. VA:,

AMBCr-Gll Secretary

"And all thy children shall be tau~ht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." Isaiah 54:IJ.

~reat shall


THAT JEIIOVAH i~ tho only troo God, i3 from everlasting
tu c\'orlasting, tho Maker of llcln-cn and earth l\l1d the Giwr
of lifo to his creatures; that tho I.ogos was the heginnin~ of
IJis creation unrl his aeti\o :J;~t"nt in tIlO crmtion oJ: nIl
thinW'; thllt the Lo;~os is 1l0\V tlj(~ Loni Jr'~llS Christ ill glol'.}',
c~othetl "itlL all power ill heaven lUid earth, awl tllO Cllicf
Executivo Officer (If Jeho\".ih.

THAT GOD ('reatell tho eurth f')r man, creatorl perfect

for tho earth umi placed hiu upon iti that wan wilfully


di:;oheyed Gr.<! '5 lluv nnd was sentenced to death; that by

rf'::.son of AdllllL '5 WroD~ net all men are born sinners and
,,'itbout tbe rjght to life.

TIIAT JESUS wns mndo Immnn, nn'} tho lllnn J<,SUS 8uf-

ill order tll llroliu~o tho ransom or }",ul'lllpti\'o

prko f(lf all lImukinclj tllat Go.l mill(,'! up .TeslI:J divino nnll
c::mlted Ifim to h"llvcn abovo ('\"cry crc[\tul'O and above every
naL.O nud clotllcd him ,,'itll nIl I,owor and authQrity.


HIS journnl is publisheJ for the purpose of ('":ml)lin~
tIle l",ople to kuow .Jehovah Go,l and his pUT[.uses u~
express",l in tilt' Bible, It puhlishes Bible ill~tl'udif)n
specifieally uesigned to aid Jehovah's witnes:,es.. It Ilrmn:;"~
systematic Bib!e stUtl)" for its re:ulers and 8upplins other Jitf'i"
:duro to ni,[ in ~u('h stmlieo, It pub1i,hrs s'lit'lble material
for radio broa,lcnstir.g and for other means of puLlic instruction in tho S'!ripturr,s.
It adheres strictly to the Biblo as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free nnd s"parnto from all parties, spcts
or other worl(lly org:mizations. It is wholly und without
reservation for tho kingllom of Jehovah Gol! under Clnht
his Bclo\"e,l Kin~. It is not d()1(umtic, but inyite~ careful
nnll critieal examination of its C(,llUmfs in the li'~I,t of tIl)
Serjptures. It docs nut iu,lulr.:o ill contl'overs.r, and Hs col
UUlIl:! nro not opeD to personalities.




~1.00; C.\~'\lJ,\ AX!) )!tsCf:r.LANT:OUfl FOnEION'.

Br~IT..\I:':, Al;;Tlt.\T~ASI.\, A:;U SO(;'J{ AFl:!C.\, 7:'5.


:>l.GO; CI~J;.\"l'
AJlH~dcan r{:IHtallcCS ~llOuJfl

he nli1uo by Fxpres:i or I)o~~tal :\lo!1I'.v

Order, or II,' l::lnk Dl':l ft. C':mauian, Hrili:<h. South Afri(':rn :till I
Au<tmln,lnn rl"tillnn""~ ~honld bo m"dCl oired to tho r"'f'<'pti,'o


l:(!lniUau('(''J frotn

(,()lmtrif'1i ()tlH~r


th~J"o lllfll

tioned may be nlt<!fl to the Brooklyn ollice. but by Jntcmalio,wl

l'o~tlLl ::Iloncy Or";,,1' ouly.

On t('Eli

THAT .JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION is calIi'd 7. ion, an,l

that Christ .T.. ~,us is tire Chief OCker tLel'f'of nnd i:! tho
ri~:!ltful Kin~ of tho. world; that tI,O nllr)i!ltl'd and faithful
f ..lIowl'rs of Christ JesUlI arc c:li!.lrcn of ~ion, lIlf'mbers of
1f'ho\'ah's or~anizntion, nnd aeo hi..'i witneDilf's whoso duly an1
privilege it i."i fo t"stif)" to tho supremacy of .1.. III'vah, f1eclaro
his purpos('S toward mankilllI lIS .. xprf'~QC'd in the lIiLle, and
to benr the fruits of tho kingdom })Cforo all who will h('1\r.

I1ritill1 34 Cral'cn 'l-I,rra~P. l,on,10n, "'. :!, En;;l:ln.l

Canadian 40 Jndn A,"0nU(~, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
,1In/rul,:'irm 7 l:cres[ol'u 1'oad. Stl"Hhli~I'I. N. ~. \\"" AlI,tralin.
SOlJtl~ A/rio:n.
}lO,tOIl nOll"', C"po Town, -Houth .\frka
IJlca~o :l(l,lrc.-;." thl) Socit:ty In cycry cu:.c

THAT THE WORLO has ('nded, nnd tlu) Lord Jesus Christ
lIas bl?en t,la"f',1 by Jehovah upon his 11,rono of lluthority,
Ins onsteel I'::at:tn from hea \'en and is proc('('r1ing to tho
c:;ta'Llbhm"llt of Om] 's kingtlom on curtll.

po\erty or fJtlwr.... ity Jl.rH U!l:-lhle to Ila)' tho sub~t'rjptlou prlc~

Jua;)' 1!:lVO '1 itt.: H utchtuu.:er free uJlon writt(~n application
pulJli:,lJers, IP:H]C OIU'" (\ndl year, ~1:ttjn~ the r('a<:.:on for :-/0 rc~

THAT TI Jr: RELIEF nnd hleqsin~~s of tho peoplrs of earth

t':'n come only by nm1 through J('hoynh's Idngflf)J;l unuer
Christ ",hi",11 1Hls lIOW bf',!lIU; tlwt tho Loru's lIf',t g7('nt
8(t is tbe .lelltruf'tjon of S~taJl 's org-anization ana tho f'stab]i~hmcnt of riv;lIteOUmlrS9 in the c:nth, and that under tho
kin~r1om all those who will 01wy its rigltieous laws shall be
rcstorel1 anrI Ii vo on {'arth form'cr.

Wicked spirit cre:ltures have amid.-,! tllO human rl\re for

nJ:lny (:cllturif>;l. It is of the r~re:lt('st iUl!,ortalll'e that man
kin.1 shonM un,I"Tlltan,1 the orig-in of those ,,'kl:ec] tl'eatul'('s,
their meth".ls of operatiou, awl the 1'\J\\'"r th('y cxerei~e o\,er
the men lIn.1 llutinlls of the WOl'lI!' It ~".'1lI3 tIle Lorll's .111,' timo
to rl'v(,:l1 th~'SC huchs, The hr)oldct .liI!Jds ~iVl's the ;::':"ri[ltllral
I1fC'"f awl is now rC[lIly to be rel"a",'d to the peo!,l,', The
ri'lItnnnt ~1">lI!,1 stwly its 1~'Hltents cart'flllly an,] be diligent to
get the hooklet intn the hands l,f "n'ry person of ~",,,l will
Iln,l all who lire ~".. kin~ the truth. Till' JOll:u1ah" ,!loIlId join
ill thi.i witne!lll WOl'I. nntl di~tributiun. 'fLe climax of the glcat
diLy lIf 0(,,1 .\Imig"hty is rapidly apl'l'o:lflling-. nnd a knr)\... h~dge
uf ti,e tntll. iR p~s,'ntial to nll Iyllo would re""I\'e prot"ptiun.
'n,p ho()kl<,t will bl' trnnslatr'(1 nut! pnbl;,dh'd in rm,ny l:llIguage~.
The SrJCiety will sUPI,ly the d,'mawl as l'::l'idly liS !'o,siLll.


Mllny h.':I.ters o! radio tl1lnsclipti,m lectures have the uesil'e
to meet witl. Jdwyn h 's wituessl's and to stu,l\' his \\"'1',1 \\ itlt
th~rn. Ill~Jh~t" \\hen'\er the l~jtlgdoIU 1!J(!~::la~e 'is l'atlit)ea~t, the
time :\IIr1 I,l,u'{! of r:ll'cting uf the Ifwul cOlllpany of .Je)",ndl'S
witnesses should b,~ announced after t h'! tran~':ri ption, The
tim' on H"" air h,jug pnirl for, the stnTion mllnager ought to
readily gTant your n"lllcst to make such announcement,

(TI'anslallonB 0/ thiB jOlll'llUl appcar In scveral lallrJu(/:JCB.)

All sIncere stu,lenL<r of the nlhlo "ho by rllMon of Infirmity.


qllp-fill:: it. ""0 Ilr<l ;;ltld to thus :t;,1 tho nre,ly, !Jut t1ll' wl'itt~n
nppli"ution OIlCC eaeh ye"r h r<''luIre<l by tho Ilo,t,,1 re;,ubtioll~.
'Sotice to Sl/b,~cribrr.~: Ael.nowlp<1r:m<'nt of :I new or n r~no:\\',,1 sl'h
sf'ription will ho .<'nt only wI"," rl''1\1~,trll. ('!'"n"" or ur)dn,".

whf'n r0tlt1f1stpd. IH,'lY bo e:\p~('tr'(1 to npppnr Ou adl]rfl-.. . ..; lalll') \\itllill

olle moml" A renewnl blank (enrry!n,: "olke or l'~"il'llifln) ,,;iIl

be Rent with the journal one month bet"re thr Rubs"r;pl ion ('.[lil'e '.
Elltered as Second



Mail !lattrr at R,oo/;lyll. N. Y" Posto,rylf'c.

.1 f't oj March 3. I,Q79.

St;lnrA~T'S TESTIM()~Y


'rhi::l l'cr,od eJllhraces tlte nino day:! of ~o, p:llhf'r 21 to

De'~e/llbeJ' :.! in.. lll~i,". :-;l'efll~ that it is Jeho\':dl'S will th:lt
the 1'('et lllellJuprs of 'fhe i"ervant uf .Il'lIomh hltall, \\itllOut
dela.y, gl\l: a \\"itnl'~s ttl and con~Cl'ning- the un~h't~n <':l't'ntnlc~
tk,t now h:lI'l' to do with thingil IWl'lain;ng' to this (''11th. tho
Ill'\\' bUIJklct .1f!(lds wdl I", ~;l('eializ,)oi 0:1 a~ for .Jj"trilmti"u
during this 1'C'l'Iou. Let all II J,u have bkC'll a stand on tllt\
sirle of JI'1'lJ'ah to 8el\"~ him make pr"!laratiol1 plumpt!y to
h:1\',. Eupplips, till:e f1llf! tl)tritory fuJ' tl,i;l Rppeial \,'ituf'ss, l:,~
portiug' rrsnl's rUl' the t>ntire p,~rjod i~ l'n item of illJj>oltanl'j',
Let Jf'!lf>V:.I1 '3 witnes;,e~ :Illll Jon:\\1allJ 1l1i~.,~ rt'p"rt dill)"t to
the Brooldyn oftke if not \v'JTking in territor;. 'ull>J~r ulle of
the SoeietJ' 's b:'anr.llC8.




Pursuant to the pl'o\'!"I',n of I~,';I' Ilnd the .. ll~'rt .. r of tl'e

'Yatdl Tow1..)r Bihle nnd Tutl't SOl'i~~tr, }jl)twe is lhlt'I!J."" gi\"ll
thllt t:w llllll\:.d blloiI1f'~" I:lt"'(lIIg' f)f tI,e h,litl :-;,'<,ie~,v Wll! I.e
beld at PHt,burgh, .xurth Si,le (fol'llll'd." .\.l!qlit'lI.\ i. Pellll'

sylnmia, at II! 0 'doek a.m" "Wednesday, Odo!)..r ~;I, IDJ *, at

which the uoual aDnual Lusillt'sS will be transucte.l,


Vor,. LV

OCTOBER 15, 1934

No. 20

"If it bc SO, our Gorl, whom U'C serve, is able to delivcr lIS from the burning fiery furnacc; anrllte will dclivc/' us old of thinc hand, 0 kinf!. Etlt if not, bc it known unto thee, 0 hiny. that we will not serve th!J fJods,
not' worship the golden irnaye which thou hast set up. "-Dan. 3: 17, 18.

EHOVAH permittcll hif; heloved Son to be sub

jcctcd to the gl'('atest and most severe test to

which any neatuJ'e was evel' put, and that tcst
brought much sufferin~ upon .Jesus, His sufft'ring was
not nec('ssary in order that the ralJsom price might be
pl'ovidl:d, hut it was ncc('ssarj' for him to suffer that
the name of .1ehovah mi'-\ht he villdieated, Thusc who
have a part ill tILe vindil':l1ion of .JI'11O\,.lIls name must
sufrer ill like manneI', e"en thon~h not to the ~l'cat
extent to whi(h Jesus SUfll'l'Ctl. (Mutt. 10; 24.30;
John 15: 2(J, 21) As we a P/ll'oach now to thp, day of
Armagt'ddoll, und hence to the time of the most severe
tl:'st upon tho remnant, !tot. those who arc privileged to
be in the cO\'(.'llant fOl' the kingtlol1l with Christ .1esus
l'('joice that tlwy are pCl'Initlcl! to till up the snfferill~s
that arc left hehind fOl' the \1)'<'SI'11t timc, knowillg tit is,
that Jphovah will ('anse all t1lilig's to wol'!~ together
for good to those whom hc h:l<; eallcd to t hc ldngdom
ulHl who reall~' love him. (Col. I:2-/.; Hom. 8:28)
.1('hovah is fortifying the I'('lllwmt against that day
hy giving- thrlll informatioll now in advance. It is
fooel convenient for thelll,
2 Xebul:hadnl'zzar the kill~ I'l'pl'cscnted the power
of the rut"r; IlPlIe'e at this point he pieturl's 01' represcnts the Devil, who at the Ill'esl'ut time speaks through
his repl'('s('utatiycs in an effOi'L to ensnaro Jl'hovah's
faithful. witu('sses: "i\'ebllchadllt'zzar spake and said
unto them, Is it true, 0 Shadmch, 1I1eshach, aud
Alwd-nego, do not ye servc m~r gods, nor wor;;hip the
golden image which I havc sl't up ~" (Dan. 3: H)
'I'he Devil's earthly representatives are his publicity
agents, and Satan is the powpr !)('hind the scrC'cn that
directs their wortIs and thei)' af'tions. Before the king
Nehlldwllnezzar the three faithful. Judea11s wcre requi red to plead to the rhar~c "guilty" or "not
guilty". They did not hesitate to state the truth, because the issue was a simple onc, to wit: \Yhom do
you worship and s('rve? These three faithful J udcans
unhesitatingly id('lltified themsd\'cs as God's servants.
'I'he Devil and his agents often try to appear to be
fair for the ef/eet it may have upon lookcrs-on, and

this they do when they SCI' that surh a course would

work to their own lJurposc j hcuce the three Hebrews
werc given a chancc to recoil sider as to whether or not
th(~y would how down before the goldcn irna~e, Likewise today the Devil causes his \'isihle represl'ntnth'l's
to say to Jehovah's witnesses, in subs1a11re: "\Y e
will g-ive you another ehall('!: to say whether or not
~'Otl want to obey OUI' ol'd in 1111(,('. Wc will Id. you off
tId::; tiuH', but if m\,ain we fiull you g'oill~ about worshiping your God \ve will g-ivc you the limit." 1'udIH,r
upportunity is Ofrel'ell t hat the fait.hful OIH''; might
compromise wilh the Devil or his organizalion anti
thus hring reproa('h upon the name of Jeho\ah.
a Nc'huch:H!JlI'zzar the king woultlnow let t hose three
fait.hful IIehrews ani"e at their own cOIll'lllSioll as
to "'hat bencfit would result to tlWrll by goillg' Oil with
tlte rest of his organization and thus not putting tLc
rulers to further emha l'l':tssmCI1t. lJoubtle:>s ~l'budwd
n('zzar concluded that these men would not call his
hlufr; therefore he said to them; "1"ow, if y,) be ready,
that at what time ye hear the sound of the comet,
flute, harp, sack!'ut, Ihaltt'ry, and dulcimer, and all
kinds of musi(', ~'e fall dowlI and wor~h i p the illla.'!c
which I have mad!', well: but if ye worship not, yo
shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a bUl'llin~
fiery furnace; and who is that Uud that shall dcliner
you out of my hand:>?" (1)an. 3; 1: The ki Ilg' th('rc
put it up to those three 1111'11 as to whet hl'l' they would
follow thc instruments of the Devil 's or~all ization 01'
would follow Jehovah's commandments, It is eYeIl ~o
toda~' with the wOl'ltlJy ruling powers that say, ill
snhslance, to Jehovah';; witlll''lse<;: "If you ",'ill ce:,~e
g-oing' from house 10 house Hnll eallin:~ UplJll the pellI,!e
and COlli(' to uo,; aJH] get a lic'C'll;;e Ol' a pl'l'mit, we mic;ht
let ~OH go on; but if ~'OU do not first obtain a permit
or do as the churches do in can,ying on :- our religiun,
and if you persist in going- from house to ,,'jtllout olwying us, we will certainly run yon In, "
4 Satan's earthly ag'cnts try to "save tIll,ir o\\'n
faces" Ulal to keep JdJOvah's witnesses in ignoraJil'e
of what they really intend to do, but the Lord Get!,


81ic \VATCtlT0\VER.

hy his 'YoI'd, mnb::s it clear to the .faithful 110'\', informing them in advance as to what Sa tan's hosts,
both \'.isible and invisible, will attt'mpt to do agaiI,st
those who servo ,Jt>hovah; nlltl, bein'~ tllm forewHrllf,d,
the l'cmnnnt are f01'(>n l'lTleJ, by the grace of God. Satau 'Il crowd now t.ry to fri;.:-hh'n and intimidate JdlOvah's witncsses, but the Lord gives them informntion
so that they may he strell,-;,t1Il:ned to go on, knowillci
that if they arc faithful to J(hovah tIll>,\' \';iIl recci\()
his protection. To be sure, Satan's earthly agents
}llWC no fear of ,Tehovah, since they do not know and
serve him, and henre Oley threaten ,Jellovah 'Il WIt
ne~ses with SC\'('1'O plIllislllm>nt and :,ay to thcm: "\YilO
is Jehovah, that he l>hall deliver yon ont of our hand,;1
\Ve will teach ~'ou who is rUllllin!! this NJlIllt!'y, allll
Jchovah cannot ltd you." 'fhns Satan's reprcsent ativ('s fling dcfi:lIIce in the fncc of .JdlO\'uh God. '1'his
is done in an dTort to wpnken the faith of ,Jl'!lOvah's
witnesscs and to hrcak down tllt~ir integrity townru
God. In the same manner Pharaoh defied JdWVHll
when :\loscs and ~\aron appr:al'ed hefore him, Likewise when nah~haln~h, leading' SClll1uch('rib's army,
enr'amped lwforc the walls of .Jerusalem, upmunded tho
sUl'rcllClm' of thl": ('ity, he snill to the unyi('IJing .](~WS
who were olwyillg' the instmctions
"]Je;)1'I,cn not unto JI('zdda ii, whell he p(,l'Slwdeth
:rou, sayill~, The I;OlH> will dt'liver us. Hath allY of
the ~OdS of the nations deliwl'ed at all his land out
of the hand of the king of .Assyria 1 Who :lrc thl'Y
amOllg' all the goods of the countl'ips, that have dcth'cred their country out of mine hnnd, that the Lord
should deliver Jerusalem out of mille hand l' '_2 Ki.
18: 3:!, 33, 35.
$ Let the remnant now keep in mind that all tl1('sO
things were 'writte,n aforetime for their comfOl'1, that
they might havo hope'. (Hom. 15: 4) All t.ilis strong.
Iy SUg-g'l'Sts that just prc(:'cdi II go Armagl'ddon, whc'n
the I >evil 's plan is complete anel he fecls ready for
the attack, he and his ~lg('nts will boa::.t and brag' as
to what tltey will do to those who take their stand on
the side of Jeho,'ah God. 'I'hey will ridicule Jehovnh
t}wn as they did in the days of IIezekiah. Now, in
nd\-unf'e, ,Je!to\'ah informs his faithful ones what he
will do for thoso who will maintain their iuteg"rity
toward him, and this knowledge bring'S great ('onsolation at the present time to those ,,.!lo are faithfullj'
obeying' God's commandments.
G In this day of Jehovah his witnesses must stant}
firm and must he !Jold in holdin~ forth the message
of the IdngtIom en::u as the thn'e IIt'brews Jid before
King Kcbuchadnezzar. "Shadrach, lHe"IJach, am}
Abcd-ucgo answered and ~aitI to the king, 0 Xebuchatlnczzar, ,ye arc not cal'dul [we ha ye no need,
iLIl.ll.j we are not accounting it needful, Hoth.] to
answer thee in thi,; mattl'r," (Dan. 3: IG) The lan6'1.mgc of till'se tln'pc faithful Hebrews sho\\s thnt th\'~'
had cIefinitdy detided what ('ourse they woulJ take
and that tllt:Y were not at all conccrIlrd with tho
threat made against them by Satun's visible agent.



X. Yo

In other phrase, they said in substance to the king:

"\Yo are for .Tehovah, first, last, and all the time,
ancI it is not needful for us to give consideratioa to
what others may say that is contrary to. Jehovah's
commandment." Suth is and of neeessit~r must be Ow
attitudu of those who arc to1ay faithful unto ,Je:lOvall
God and his Idngdom, .Jeho....ah revealed to his people
the true meaning of "the lti~'her powers" throu~h
Tlw li'utcldowcr in J929, and thereafter the faithful
have not yielded to the threats of the eHemy. 'rhey
know that Jehovah and Christ .Jesus arc "the hi~her
powers", and will ol)('j' them. On July 2G, 1931, the
remnant blfJwingly areepted the nrw 11<1 me from ,1 e
hovall as hi<; witnesses, alHI since thc n 1here is llO
renson for thpm to consid('r what the ellemy 8Ht~11l
and his a~ellts say to them. They arc oil ,Jdlo\'ah's
sille, and his instructiolls they will obey reg'ardless of
all threats 0.1' ac:ts of violence made a~aiJ1st them. A
'Stl'iking example of this is shown by \\'bat has lab'1L
place in the :o-tatn of Xew .Jel'sc')', awl ]>Hl'til'ularly ill
the vicinity of Berg-enfield and Pbinfh'ld. Time llIld
again Jehovuh's witnesses have been threatened and
havc hC('n thrown into prisons or those p!aI'CS bccau>,(j
th('j' dared rn'raeh the g'os[Jcl or God's ki1J!:;,(lolll, and
as soon as they g-d out
jlrison they go right bal'k
to preachin~ thl' g'ospcl in the same mantler ns they
had IJcen pl'cnc:litl~ hefore the time \\'IWll tl)('y \\'(,I'e
arrested. J)lIl'in~ the past t!m'e years J l'!10 ',a It 's \vit
ness\'s have not shullIwc! to t.h'clul'e the whole message
of God 'g killg'dom and the day of the vell:.!;eance of
our Cod. Tn every part of the laud call('d "Christendom" the !'l'r<;ccution of ,Jehuvah 's witue..;s\'s cOlltinw's
to inerca:-.c ,....ith sevl'l'ity; but that dues 1I0t stop the
:witucss work in wIdth they art' l'Ilg-ag-l'll.
7 The faithful witw'sses will ol){'y .JdlO\':1h's l'om
mandnH'nt 10 the vcry last atHI will not yj('Jd to tho
enemy nor he (letl'rl'ed by his threats of violl-nce. .As
the three faithful Jlcbl'e\\s said, so i>ay no\\' tlJ(' faith.
ful r('llIIlUnt who are Jehovah's witJIPssc<o;, 10 wit: "If
it be so, our God, whom we serve, is nlJle to (Ielin'r
us from the Imming' fiery fll/'nael'; altd he will deliver
us out of thinc hand, 0 kin~'." (Dan. 3: 17) Xow is
the timc, and from this time fOL'ward, wh('l1 the r(:al
crucial 1(':ot of the faithful of (lod's witllls<o;es is IIpplied; and this pressure jnrreasc'~, aud as it.
the faithful mul'tt hold fal'tt. 'l'he remnant Imow that
JdlOvah is all-powl'rful antI that his purpose is certain
to hc accomplished. '1'0 be sure, they (10 not IOlOW what
indiyiJuals amongst the rClllnaut are goillg' through
. A rmageddon, but they arc sure, from the Word of
God, that some of the I'('mnant \I'iIlVass through that
g-reat trouble and tJlercafter lK\'lOl'J11 some s('l'\'ice on
earth in the name of Jehovah. The Lord bL':~all to 0;:le
his people this a~SUl'allCe, partieularly thl'Oll~'h The
Watchtoleo' of DcrcIIlber 15, J!)28, paC!'Il :37ii. ill tho
artiele entit!ul "Uuler Ont of Bethlehem", TIl,' [Jlll'pose of suell dl'liverance is a partial v:ndi(;;\j iOll of
Jchovnh's name. 'I'he remnant first began to ,,~c 11lat
the vindieatio1l of Jehovah's lHlIlle is the il:IJ,ol't:'nt



15, 19Z4

lWfie \\l.L\TCtIT0\VER.

is'lllc when the Lord caused the publiration of the hook

I.ife, in 1929. 1'11(:1'0 the Lord rcveulpd the truth for
the comfort of his people, aud thesc truths havc given
nduet! st rength anu hope to the remnant.
S In all prohability WJ!1\(: of the remnant will he killed
by the enemy at and t.lurill~ Al'TII,j~\:ddon, aud lWlleo
tho Devil wouhl think that God canl\ot ddiwl.' thcin.
rrhese things do lj()t (ktpr the faithful remnant in the
performance of their duty a<; commanded by the LOIU.
They al'e blind to t'vprythill~ t~x('ept the commalldmont'! of Jehovah given thl'ou:;h ChI'ist .Jesu~. Like
the three fa ilh fnl llelm'ws, they HoW say to the opposillg cnemy, ~ataJJ allel his tq,-:ents, to wit: "But if
nol, he it known unto tlwe, 0 killg, tlmt we will not
serve thy gods, n')r wor::-;hip tho golden image whit'll
thou Iwst set up." (l)an. 3:11'1) Why does (;od permit the remnant now to he snhjectNl to flO mueh 1'C1'::,ecution and sufj'('l'ill~1 ~IHnire~t ly it i~ to pl'Ove their
integ-pity to God lIllder the Cl'ueial test alld thns ho
permits them to have a pal't in the Villtliration of his
name. Immediate ddivetoancc from the fiery fum.H'o
of pel'~t'('ntjoll alld ~tl'ire would not answer the false
chalkll~c or ehar~~c of the Ikvil, but tlll:il' holLlillg" fast
of their inh'grity to\l"al'd Uod awl tl"ustin~ him implicitl)' eOllle what may, C\'\'II unto the point of a torment iug ucath, "ill allSWCl' tlla t false Hlld wil'kl'tl
challenge that Satan has hmlcd into the f;II'c of Jehovah. 8uch faithfl11lll'-;S on the part of .Jl'hovah '8
witnesses is an exllihitioll of th:volioll to principle alHl
shows that 1h(ose are not moved hy })nssion. 8tH'h is
not It character development", but it is covcllantkt>cpillg' to the \,(,1"Y biUer CHlI. "Awl they owpcame
him hy the hlool.l of the Lamh, -and by the word of
theil' k;timOl'Y; all(l th\y loved not their lives lIllto
the tleath."-Rev. n: 110
o .:\s the llpuslle said, even so llOW thc faithful remnant say to tho,'e who dmland that they ceU'ie bearin~ tc!;timony to the lIame of .Jt'!lovah, to wit:
"Whethel' it be J' i:~ht ill t he sigh t of God to hcaJ"la:ll
unto you more than nllfo Uod, jud;..w ye." "\\'c oug-ht
to olwy Gou ruth....\.' than men," aIHI, hy God's gtaee>,
we will 011('\' him. (.\cts 4: HI; !): :!(J) 'rhere can be
JlO bowing down hy the remnant to ~atall or nllY pnrt
of his organization, nor will t11(.'y COIllIHomi;;e by tryillg
to soft-peJal the messnge of the kingdom toward the
enemy organization. H is God'~ nH'ssngo und he h.1S
comm:mdcd that it shall he ddivered, and he will St'C
to it that it is d/.'livered by those who maintnin their
in1e~rity toward him. The Jay of his vengpanee must
be d . . clared, and his wituesse;:l must make the dtclarution. 1Jet thc remnant now gird up the mind and witll
gloim delcrmination and full confi/lenl"e in Jehonlll
and his King stand firm, never yielJing to the ('nem~ .
The fact that Jchovuh cuused Daniel to mak(' a l'~'col'd
concerning these t1m.. c faithful Hehl'l:w brethren or
Daniel is conclu,.,ive proof that J e!Jovah now will flUmit some of his witness.. . s to be put into the erllcihl~,
that is to say, be subjected to tho most senre te~t,
and that those who stand firm and un~oielding "ill


have a part in thc vindication or the name of Je

hovah God.
1" 'rhe firm and Jetermined stand of thc thrce faithful IIellrcw men angered the l,ing i')dmchadnezzur; and likcv.. ise the firm standing of Jehovah ',;
witJKsses now on the siuo of J ehova h GUt 1 eurag-es
Satan and his visihle mouthpieces on the earth. "'l'hUl
was ;'-;elmchadnezzar full of iury, and the form of hi.,;
visage was chang-cd against Shadrach, )Icshuch, amI
Ahcc.l-1wgO: therefore he spake, and commanucd tha.t
they should heat the furnace one sevcn times mOl e
than it wus wunt to be lwated. "-Dan. 3: HI.
II The firm and unyidding attitude of the remnm:t,
and their persistency in gi viug the testimony to til,,)
name or .Jehovah, an!:i"crs the earthly rulers, partil'nlarly the elel'~Y, and causes l>l.lch to openly identify
th(mselvcs us on ~atan 's side. 'rlJcse earthly ruINS
fed their self importance, alld heneo thcir pride i..
ilUrt and thpir authority ehallengcd when Jehovah's
wituesses will not yield to their demalH.b, and thu,o
things eau,;e them to lo'ic ull apparent fl'iendlin('s,~
and in,lnlg'ence towards Jehovah's witnesses; alld
hCll('e ('utthly ruler::;, under the iniltll.'IH'c of Sat~dl,
tUI'll to ddibel'utc anel open pets('cutiou of ,JellOvall's
witI1ess\:s. This is proof that Hueh earthly opposition
to God's mc"sage is inspired hy 8atan alld the demol1s.
Hillel' and his ufficial famil~' arc, without dauLt, under
the conlrol of the Ullse('11 power of Sat:m and hi"
wichctl allies who arc eUlTyilJ~ forward a ii~:ht a~aiJl',t
Jchovah's witnesses. Since the time of Edell the Devil
and his wickeJ hosts that then rebelled with Satall
have fought against all who have taken their shUlu
011 the ~idc of .1 chovah 0(.<1 and ha YC tried to main1 nin
their intt>gl'ity toward him. ~ow the Lord throll:;!\
hh> Word spccin.ellly warm; the people that their fhtlt
is !lot again:.,t flesh and hlood, but against that wichd
Ullseen host. (Epll. (j: ] 2) It is Satan antI Ids wil;::\,d
ungl'1s that ute l)Ushin~ the fi~ht a1\11 u::,ill~ tlll'it'
earthly representativcs to do their hiddill~.
12 An ordinaty furnace was not suffirient ior ?'rj,u(hudnczzn.r rhe kin~, hut he caused it to be hcnte'd seH'll
times more. 'fhc firill~ of the furnacc "seven till1,'~
more than it was WOllt to be heated" shows Satul' Os
detcrmination to bring all his force., lllHler the le:1(1-.:rship of Gog' to uear ng-aiu"t God's organization 10-1
accomplish the destruction 01 those who stand on tilt;
side of Jehovah. E"en all the "seven hcads" of the
"great dr[1~on" (Hev. 12: 3), meaning all his im-j"ihie forces, lind all the "ten homs" of the "b(>u~t ",
n\l'aning hill visible earthl~' repre"pntati\"(~s. are assc'mhled to take part in the war against tbG Lurd mlJ
against hi;.; <1JlOinted. (Rc\'. 17: 3,12-1-1,) This ass(>mbl~' of all his forces is in order to make it as bot
as pos-;ible for those ,,-ho tnke their stand au lhe Lord's
!>idl:. \Ye therefore may cxpeet persecutions to continue antl to in<:rcase in su"crity down to the \"Cry
time of the battle of _\rm;ig'\'tldon. But the faithful
will not bt' te.Titied hy such exhibition of wickedness.
-Phil. 1: :;..:;.




13 no doubt rcasonerllikc tE,: that

the God of the three Hebrews might be able to deliver them out of an ordinary fire, such as he would
put in his furnace to roast an ordinary man, but
surely their God would not be able to deliver these
men out of such a record-breaking fire as he would
now make, He thought to make it impossible for God
to deliver those mcn. IIe was determined to prove
himself supcrior to God, and thus to put reproach
upon Jehovah's name, and thereby all the Jews in
Babylon would for all time have their faith in God
complrtdy cru,:>hcd. or COUl'He, Satan put those
thoughts in the mind of Nelmchadnezzar the kin~~, because he was the one back of the scenes. God permitted the enemy to go to the limit. No crt'llture can
nwke a test liO hard but that .Jehovah can prove it
entirely without effect. It was done so when Blijah
made a test by fir'e before Ahah and made it just as
hard as possible by having twelve harrels of water
poured over the sacrifice and the trenches all round
ahout the altar filled with water before the firc carne
dow11 upon it. (l Ki. 18: 30-85) Such a severe h:st
ille1'eaSei) t he faith of the cr('ature and hrings greah~r
glory to Jehovah mal1ife~tillg his SUln'CH\e pO\nr.
(11'01. 1: 7) These things show that the test that will
come upon the remnant ncar 010 end will he more
severe then than at llllY time past; but let all be as!lured that ,Jeho\'uh through Christ Jesus will provide
all the needed protection and comfort for his own.
.Jehovah cannot be <.Ideated; and he will give victory
to his faithful Olles through Jesus Christ our Lord.
-1 Cor. 15: 57.
H In keeping with the devilish practh'es of all tirncs,
the king caused these tIm'e fa i thful Hebrew men to
he securely hound, thus to make resistance hy thcm
impossible whell they were taken to the mouth of the
furnace. "And he commanded the most mighty men
that were in his arlllY to binu Shadrach, Meshach, and
Ahcu-nrgo; and to cast them into the burning ticry
furnace. "-Dan. 3: 20.
IS We have no means of determining just what this
binding foreshadoweJ, but, judging the future by the
past, concerning like matt('!'s, the suggestion is het'e
made that the binding may foreshadow the stopping of
the witnesfl work by the enemy's applying force by
and through the "strong-arm squad ", and this just
before Armageddon. Such a condition would differ
from that which obtained in ] 918, because at that time
the Lord's "two witnesses" were "killed" and the
vindication work was then unfinished, but in this final
test the witness of the remnant in giving notice and
warning' will be completed. Jehovah is directing his
own work and is maneuvering 'the enemy's forces and
will cause all of the enomy and his organization to take
a position whore they will have to fight, and it is
probable that the encmy then will forcihly stop the
witness work and the witnesses feom further activity
for a time. (Joel 3: 2, 12; Zech. 14: 2) All the forces
then in line, the attack will begin. Such would be the


N. Y.

crowning overt act upon the part of the enemy against

Jehovah's witnesses. Satan's preparation having
reached the completed stage, and knowing that he
must now join battle, he makes his supremc challenge
to Jehovah by committing the provocative act that
causes Jehovah's Commanding Ofiicer, Christ Jesus,
to start the final hattIe. Jehovah's people arc now advised that Gog will lead the forces of Satan and invade
the "holy land ", that is, God's anointed people, for
the PurlJose of destroying the faithful remnant. "And
thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as
a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days,
and I will bring thee againHt my land, that the [nations shall] know nH', when I shall be Hanctified ill tlll-e,
o Gog', before their eyes. "-Ezek. 38: 16; sec Vindication, Book '1'\\'0, page 311.
]6 To be sure, the dothing of those three Hehrew
men hound for the superheated furnace was inllammahle and would add more fuel to the flames; hence
the)," worc left e!Jthed when hound. "TIH'1l tll('~e men
wel'C hOllnd ill their coats, theil' hosen, and their 1lats,
and t1wir other gurment~, ulld W('re cast into the midst
of the burning fiery furnace," (DUll, :J::! 1) 'rile
hincling of the:-.c t hl'l'C men ill this malllH'r furnished
opportunity for .JdlOvHh to more fully demonstrate
his pl'esen'ing powpr. Today ill aU the nations of
so-called" eh r'istendom" the rulers arc keeping' close
watch on .Jehovah's witncsses and thcy arc detl'rmim'd
to stop the work of these faithful witnI.'S<;l.'S, By permittin~ the e11emy to goo the limit Jehovah will I( t
him anll his agents thus show t heir 'purpose to HtOp
the work' of Jehovah's witnesses and al"o to dcstNy
the witnl'sses and therehy to hring furtlH'l' rl'pl'uaeh
upon the name of the ~lost lli~h. AltCL' all th('~;1' nations uuder the leadership of the Devil's chid ofli('I:l'
Gog suecced to the point of stopping' the witlless work,
theu douhtless old ()o~ will eaeklc, "~ow who arc
thc hight\' powers?" and tlll'll the "man of sin"
class will wag their heads find say, "I told ;\'011 80;
I knew thesc witlH'ssl'S of ,TdlOvah woull1 ~ct themselves into a jam"; and the "man of sin" cia"". in
order to SHve their own heads, will douht Il'ss say to tile
enemy's rcpreselJtatin~", "Look at us; we arc showin~
respect to the higher powers of the world," 'I'hat wjll
be an e"i:eiting momcnt, beeause the fight is now abollt
to start; and the remnant will know what is going' to
be the result, and thus the J.Jord will gi,'e them further
streng-til and comfort.
17 'rhe earthly crowd will be cxpectin~ short sh ri ft
of Jehovah's witnesses and all who have taken thl'il'
stand on .Jehovah's side; hut soan Go~ will begin to
cackle on the other side of his face and the11 the far'r'<;
of. all that motley crowd of Satan Oil earth will tUI'll
black. The J.Jord Je::;u" Christ, the i.!:lorions 'Warrior,
will smite the enemy to the dust. "Tlwl'cfol'e bl'('all"l~
the king's commnndlflellt was urgent, and the fUl'l!atu
exceeding hot, the flam:: of the fire slew those men that
took up Shadl'aeh, 1'1("l.ach, and Abc1-ncgo," (Dun.
3: 22) Armageddon will be no stage play, nor a mere



"brcakfn:;t afiair", hut will be the hottest fight cver

known; /lud so tenihle wi!! it be that many will ask,
"How can any flesh be saved?" (:\tatt. :.?-1: 21, 22)
The strong-arm squad that hound and eUl'rien these
thrce Hebn;ws to the mouth of the fUl'l1aee and IlUl'led
tllPm int 0 the flames were thcmseh-cs (l(,,,t royed in
their !'f[ol'ts to destroy the faithful Hebrews; thus
showin~ that the <.lc:stn1C'tion of Sa tan's forel's at
Arolllg'pddon is clearly fOl'e;;:llldowed. The a(;1jon of
the supcrJl{'ated furnace consumeu the Taen at the
mouth of the furnace; UD(I, without a question of
<.louht, this was eontrollelI lJy .khoY<1I1 all(1 as an exhibition of .Jehovahs pOWl'l' strikin~ hae\( at the king's
mi~hty ml~ll. 'fbis is in harmony with .J eho\-ah 's
declaration ngoainst Satan :mel Lis for('l's under Gog
when he sny:-.: I "l'ilerefore will I In'ing' forth a fiI c
from the milh;t of thee, it slwll devour thee; and I
will bring' thee to ashe:; upon the earth, in the sight
of all them that behold 01('<'. "--Ezek, 2~: l~.
1" .\[ark the power and Ill'otnd ill A' hand of .JellOvah
(~xhibit('d on the oc'pasioll of the casting- of the three
faithful men into the fllmace. 'l'hc firc destroyed the

men who huded tlH'se tll1'('e Hebrews into thc furlltwe,

but those thrce faith ful men of (:oll I\('tlt right
t hl'ough the Ilanw~ without harm's cOlllin~ to them.
'rho)' "fell dOWJl bound into tlw midst of t he blll'llit:~
liel'y furnace". (\'s, 23) Prohably the mob that s100d
hy, led by the Uhal<.leans or <:!I'rgy, cried out, '''l'hut
is their finish." But they did not know.
IV Ncbuchnllnczzal' the killg' sat by ill his royal cbair
to see the end of the three J khrew mell who hall d.l1'\xl
uisobpy his order, just as the Devil will sit by at
Al'magpcldon nlld watch hi:'! forces bc;ill~ led by his
l1ehl marshal (log and exp('d to witness the complete
clearill~ out of all thosc who urp on the side of Jchovah. As Nchuehadnczzar was disappointed in sccillg'
the thrce llebJ'cws dcstroyed, so Satan will be grcatiy
chagrined and di:,ajJJloint(~d at Al'lllag-eudon: "1'lu:n
Nf~buchadn('zzal'the kin,~ was a~tonie<.l, awl rose up in
haste, and sJwkc, aJHl said Ull to his counsellors, Did
not we cast three men lJolJl(.l into the midst of the
fire Y 'l'hey answered and said unto the kin~, True,
king." (Dan_ 3: :!4:) This snpports other scriptll1'cs
whieh show that Satan will sUl'vive until the vel'y last
of Armageddon and will witness the complete dd't'at
of hb own fol'(~(:s just before he is bound nnd cast
iuto the hottomless pit. (Hev. 19: 20; 20: 1, 2) .As

Ndmchadllczzar 011 that occasion inquirec1 of his

officers, so Satan is here l'l'!H'cseutcd as sJleaking to
Gog and othcl's of his officers that may have SUlTivcd
up to that time or point in the hattie, asking; ahout
Jehovah's witne:-:ses whom he expe('tec1 to see destl'oyed: "Didn't we cast three, men boulIll into the
mi,ht of the fire']" N ehuchadnezzar then obscned
that the mell who were east into the fire were Hot hurt
by the flames of his supcrhcnt(;u furnace. "11 can
swered and said, 1..0, I see four men 100s0, walking
ill the midst of the fhe, and they have no hurt; anc1
the form of the fourth is lilw the Son of God." (Dan.

3: 25) The faet that these three faithful Hebrews
,rere not burned does not mean that Jeho\'nh's witnesses lllay not sufft'r physical injury at the hands of
Satnll's minions, but it does mean that the Lord's
work will 110t be injurc<.l by Satan nor will the integrity of tho faithful witnesses he Jessened hy rea"on
of Satan's assaults. It will mean that Satan has failed
in hi-; desi6"ll to dpstroy Jehovah'~ witnesses.
20 Xehuchudnczznr saw the fourth man in the furnace', whereas onlr three had beell cast in, and he l';aid
of the fourth man: "[lIe] is like the Son of God."
Ac(:onling to another tramlation: Having the al,pert:'alh~e

"like to a son or the gods". (/toth.) JellOvah is

the only one having sallS within the me~min~ of givill<:{
liflJ and organi<;lll to creatl11'l's. The Lord Jesus was
thero ill that furnace with those three faitJll'lIl liebrews and, hy thc gTacc of J l'!1O\-ah, giving protectif)Jl
to them. 'l'his shows that Christ Jesus, .Jehovah's
FifCld ~Iarshal, at Armagl'duon will lead the light allu
o\'('rcoll1o the eHemy, IUld all who are with him all<l
remllin fuitld ul to the end will also bc overcomf'l''',
"These shall make w:n' with the Lamb, allli the L:1tlllJ
shall ovcreomc them: for he is Lord of lord.., 1I1ld l\ill'~
of kill~'s: and they that are wit Ii him are calleJ, and
dlOSI'Il, und faithfuL"-Hey. 17: H.
21 Othe'r s('ripturcs contaill {lrl'('iolts }ll'omises to .J('o
hovah's witlwssl's in support of this eonelu"ioll .Jelioo
vuh hy his prophet Isaiah wrote: " For 1 am the Lord
thy UotI, the ]I oly OIlC of Isracl, thy Sa \'iour. . . .
Thcl'efore ye are lily witnesses, saith rJehovah], that
I am God." (Isa. 43::3, 1~) .\t the baltle it will be
actually sc('n that. 110t men arc doing the th~hting', but
it is the Son of JdlOvnh (:0<1, Ulll'i:-.t .Jesus the gn'at
"'arl'ior, who doe:'! the fi~htin!!, and who vindieates
the name of .Jehovah. "And the Lord shall he se('l1
OVer thl'lll, :md his anow shnll 1.1:0 forth as the light.ning: alld the Lord Und shall blow the trLlrnpd, allel
shall go with whirlwinds of the ;;ollth. Thc' Lor'd of
hosts shnll dl.'t'lCnd thPlll; . , .\n<1 the Lord thl'il'
(Jod shall savc them ill thnt day as the Jloek of lds
people." (Zech. !): B-lli) "lIe shall (~ull upon me,
and I will answer him: I will he with him in tl'oublt'j
I will delh-cr him, and hOllum him." (1's. !II: 1;))

\VhCll ill the midst of the bat tle the Lurd ea USl'S ~C:'
tiOIl :dtd' :"eetinn of the lJe\'jl's forces to he l1cstl'o.\'"tl
the iaithful followers of Chl'bt Jl'Sl1S will he ;;ill!!ill:~
the prabes of Jehovah and his great Fidd :\1:11'"!1<I1,
ewn a<; thc ISl'aeJites sallg when GOll del i rel'cd t !tl'lll
in times of old. (2 Chron. ~O:22-~4) Th('se t1'11ths,
now U1111erstoud by the ~raee of (iod, give !!l'e:lt (:omfort ano hope to the l'ellllllwt, and for which they urc
exceeding]:- gTateful to the l\lost High.
22 The :',f:t:rJe now chan;4l''l.
l\ebuchndnczzar, who
pidUl'(;d l'(:~al prJwer and ,,'ho np to this point st"od
for or pictured Satan, 110\V no longer pleturp..; Satan.
Tho n'g-al pOWl'r pn'iSCS cotnpldel~' out \)1 Sa tan's
hand", at Al'IIlagedclon and Christ Jesus lJ('comes tho
a!J~olllte 1'1.1 Ie1'. "Thou Xcbuok'.dnezzar came nC:1r 1<)
th( mouth of tho bUl'1ling' fiery furuuce, and "puke,


lJTic \\'l\TCI-IT0\VER

and sdd, Shadra(~h, Mt'sharh, and Ahed.nego, ye

servants of the most high God, come forth, and come
hither. Then SllIlurach, ::\le8hach, and Abed-ncgo carne
forth of the midst of the fire." (Dan. 3: 26) Here
Nl'buchadnczzar pictures the world's new overlord in
whose righteous hand r('gal pOWl'r is now placed. Secing that Nebuehadllczzar is used to make a prophetic
picture, that without doubt i'i the reason why Nebuchadnezzarwas not destroyed when his mig-hty men fell
at the mouth of the furnace and were destroyed hy
the flumes thereof. Now, as the prophetic picture appears, Armag-eddon is donr.. and the fire of hattle has
ceMed, and Christ J<,sus, the great Righteous Ruler,
is in complete <,hurg/" administering justice to the
people. :t\ebuchadnczzar did not ('all forth from the
furnace the one whom he saw there described as
looking like the Son of God', for the manifest reason
that Christ Jesu!'! was the one and now at this point
Nelmehadnezzar r('presents that same one, Christ Jc~
sus himself. Christ the King had proved the illte~rity
of hi:4 ser\"llllts and the suprerna<')' of J('llOvah, whic-h
Ita will do at Armap;('ddon. Now, as Nebuchadnezzar
callP<l forth thc thl'l'c lMn, ewn NO Christ ,Jesus calls
forth the faithful to his s/'rvi,(', 'l'he comin~ forth of
Shadl'Uch, }\[cshalh and Abcu.n('R"o from the midst of
the fire pictuI'l's tho f,urvivors of the n'mnant who
Jlas.~ through Armageddon and who perform some
s(lrviee 011 earth thereafter. In the fight at Armaged.
don Satan's el'owd will all be confoundl'd and put
to shame, hut the faithful remnant of Jehovah will
l)e saved and will gl'eatly rejoice j and this is further
supported by the prophecy of Isaiah 45: 16, 17.
230U vllother occasion Jehovah eaul:ied a similar
pi,~tul'e to be made. 'l'he Israeli'tes, under the leadcr~
ship of ~IOM'S, were safely delivered from the Rl~d
sea. 'l'his was by thc ~racc of God, of course. 'Vlwn
the Israelite'S readied the farther shore aud heheld the
forces of the mighty Phamoh going down under the
waves of the sea, with great gladlH'ss and gratitude
the)' raised a song of praise to the namc of Jehovah.
Even so will the faithful remnant sing the praises of
.Jehovah when they witness the destruction of the
enemy's for~es. "I will sing' unto Jehovah, for he
hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider
hath he thrown into the sea.Jeho\'ah is mJ' strength
and song', find he is become my salvation: this is my
God, and I will praise him; my father's God, and 1
will exalt him. JehoYllh is a man of war: Jehovah is
his name. Jehovah shall reign for ever and ever."
--'Ex. 15: 1-3, 18, ,,1./{. V.
24 Anotller example of God's protection and preser
vation of his faithful servants is that of Jeremiah,
who sur,'ivcd Jerusalem's destruction and who \Vas
released from prison and given his freedom, and who
thl'reafter rendered further service to the name and
honor of Jehovah.-Jer. 40: 1-6.
2,1 1'he end of Armageddon will surely be a time of
grout I'e'jr,icing' in heaven, when the victory of Christ
Jesus over But::n is complete and the name of the


N. Y.

:l\Iost High i<: given its proper place in the mind of

every Cft'at ure that lives. All who sunive Armagl,d.
don will look with awe and re\'erence and devotion
upon God and his ~rput King, own as thos.c who stooll
with i'icbuehadnezzar no doubt looked with astoni::,hment npon the thr('e Hebrews brought forth from the
furnace. "And the princes, g'overnors, and captains,
and the kjng's eoullfielJor,;, bdng gathcl'ell to~ethl'r,
saw these mcn, upon who!'e bodies the fire lwd no
power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither
were their coats changcd, nor the smell of fire had
passed on them." (Dan. 3: 27) The govenlOrs aBd
eaptains and eoun8('lors, etl'., described in the pr('eodiug verse, hpre represented the members of the IH'av~
enly court of Christ .Jesus. The)' see the gollkn imag-/\,
pieturin~ Satan's organization, is gone for ever and
that Satan and hir:; organization arc now completely
done for. As there was great rcjoicing in hpayen w!len
Satan was ('ast out, so doubtless thcre will be e\'eu
t:(I"catcr l'('joiciug- when his organization is eompldely
dCiltroJ'c/l. (HI'V. 12: 12) The three faithful lfcLrt'w
WiUleS'lCS of Jehoyah, upon who~e bodies the fire had
no power, represPlltcd those who will be ~eell l'lj()icjll~.
Not n hair of their heads was sill~cd; and why? Because, as the Lord has prom is\~d his 1'n ith Cu! OlH:S,
"the ve['y hairs of your 11I'ad arc allllumbel'l'Il." In
the day of ficry trials .Jehovah's witn(':<~/'s faithfully
perform their service and rcjoie/\ therein, g'iving praise
to God for the privilege; and now, at the end of
Al'mn~cddon, Christ ,Jesus calls them forth a/1(l acknowledges them before his Father c-n'n as he prumised lon~ug'o: "But the very hairs of your head am
all llumbel'ed. Fear ye not thel'dore; ye arc of III 01'1 \
value than many spalTow~. Whosoever 1hcrdorc shall
con1'('ss me hefore n1l'1l, him will I COil fess also !WfOl'C
my Fatilcl' whieh is in heavcn." (Matt. 10: :10-:~2)
Satan kindled the fire and heated the fUrlwcc, alit! ~('Ilt
forth Gog as his chief to bring tOg'cther all of his
forces, aIHI heaped fuel upon the Hilmes, the ptlrp<l~c
being to 'cut ofC the faithful fl'Olll being' a nat;(Ill';
but Satan shall come to an i~IJOmiltious end, 111111 .J(;hovah's witness<'s, still wearing then' unsoikd an,l
unsiuged ~arments, will for e,'er proclaim the praisl's
of the 1\1ost IIigh.-Ps. 83: 4-1/:!.
2G Following Armageddon is the time whl,tl eH'lT
knee shall bow and every tongne shall ('<lufes:; tllat
Jesus Christ is Lord and Ruler of the world, and all
this to the glory of .Jehovah God, rrhis is ']Jieturt'd
in what followed, to wit; "Th('u ~('hllehadnl'zzal'
spake, ana said, Blessed he the God of Shudl'aeh,
Mesllach, and ..:\hed-lH;go, who hath smt hi:i angel
[Christ Jl'SUS], and ddi\'ered his "prVtlllt" that tl'Utrd
in him, and have chan~'cd the king'" word, Llnd ~'id(kd
their hodies, that they might not serve nor worship
anJ' god except, theil' own God. "-Dan. 3: :!8.
27 At this point ~ehuchadllezztlrcontin Il('S to pict mc
re~al power residing in and exercised by Christ J(,~I\S,
who will hless and glorify the name of Jehovah GOl}
for his great act of deliverance of the earthly part of


1:), 1934


his or~anization, and tlte complete dp;,tl'llction of the

archellemy and his or'g-anizalioll. The remnant on
c:u1h, together with the Jonadahs, are the people of
Uod who survive Armllg'('Jdoll, and these will bless
l:nd praise the name of .Jehovah, gh'ing thanks for
their deliverance, just as the Israelites sang the son~
of ddiwran('e under the Ieadl'rship of ::\los('s on the
hanks of the H(d sea, as hereinbefore stated. The~e
truths are now revealed hy the r~o1'(l to the faithful
remctant I1t the temple in order that tl10y mi~ht have
comfort and hope. Those on Jehovah's side real ize
today moru than at any time heretoforc tltat they arc
not fig-htj\l~ against human crcatur(~s, hut that thp)1'
fi~~ht is against the host of unsecn wi(ked spirits under
the chief command of Satan. The faithful therefore
follow the commHlHlments of the Lord given through
Ids 'Yord, alHl hence they don the whole armor of God;
and in doin~ this they show their faith in God and
his gl'a(lious provi~ion for them.-Eph. (;: 10-11:>.
~~ Their deliver'/llice will not eome by reason of their
own efforts, but will come hy reason of God's loviugkindness for them: "The ang-e1 of the Lord cncampcth
round ahout tlll'm thai fear him, /lilt! delivf'rcth thl'm."
(P8. 3-1-: 7) Wh('1l Armaw:ud(,n is done these faithful
ones will II ppreciate .J ehova h 's pl'ovision for them
more than t1Jf'y can now }lossihly uppreciate the saml',
lllld tlwy will acknowleug-c .Jehovah's g'racious provision for thelll and will eOlltinue to prai~e his lIame
with SOUg'S of joy.
29 The three faithful Ill,I))'c\\' men trusted in God,
who, according to the foreg'oing- text, "chung'ed the
king-'s word." ;\lIothel' tl'alls!atioll renders that part
of the text in this maUlle)': "When the woru of the
kiug they tl'allsg'l'es~('(l." (Roth.) "And hau transgl'esscu the Idllg's word." (Leesei') This has ref'er'prwe
to the king Nebuchaullt'7.zar whell he stood for or rtpresented the Devil and the three faithful llehrf'ws
did there 'chulIg'e' his word, or 'transgress' it; otlH'rwise they would not have been thrown into the furnace. Even so ill thi-; day, the faithful rrmnant change
01' challenge tlw wonl of Satan alld his earthly repl'esentatives hy boldly d<'elaring that Satan and the
earthly rulers, his representatives of the preseHt time,
do not constitute the lJig-her pow('rs or supreme authority, hut that Jehovah and Christ .Jesus m'l' Ihe
higher powers and that they, as Jehovah '8 wjtnes~;('s,
will boldly declare the truth, and that they will obey
the word of Jehovah and Christ .Jesus, and not that
of men. By their bold and fearless stand these witnosses put themselves entirl'ly all God's side and they
put a diflerl'llt faee on the "king's werd" as to its
power and appliention. Kot for self-g'ain do they do
this, but, prompted uy their love for Gou, the faithful
remnant now' yield their bouies r to .Jehovah, eYl~n as
the faithful witlJ('~ses, the three Hebrews, permitted
their bodies to be cast into the fire rather than to deny
Jt'hovah. The faithful now yield their bodies that
they might not serve any power that is opposed to
Jehovah God; and, in order for this yielding to bc


acceptable, it must he prompted hy love, which is an

unsdfish de\-otioll to Jehovah: "And if I bestow all
my good.,> to feed the poor, I1nd if I give my hody to
he burned, hut have not love, it profiteth me nothing."
-1 Cor. 13: 3, AR, V.
30 It was the question of their integrity and devotion toward (Jod that led the three Hebrews into the
fiery fmnact'. It is a question of their maintainiJj~
their integrity toward Jehovah God that is the inducing' cause that leads up to the battle of Armageddon
I1nd the pcrsecution upon the faithful which prece<1es
and accompanies that battle. If such question had not
been involved Jehovah could just as casily havc
dcmonstrated his power at Eden hy there destl'oyjpg
Ratan. Jehovuh waits till Armug'tJudon to execute
Hntun and his host of rebels, in order that Jehovah's
witness('s m:ght first declare his name throu~hout the
earth, therdly fUl'llishing them an opportunity to
prove their integrity townr<1 Uod and to prove Satan
n liar, and then he exercises his power by de~troyillg
Satan's organization. The integl'ity of these witnesses
invulves the WOl'll and lHlml) of Jehovah, and to tllose
who really love him he g'ives opportunity to pro,,!'
their intl'grity and their' 10Wl. In g'oodness towal'd
his ddldren who are now on the earth .Jehovah long
ag'o pictured the importanee of maintaining integrity
toward him lIy p('rlllittillg' these three Hebr'ew men to
he ('ast iuto the fiel'y funrace ant! II record tht'reof to
be made and pt'('srrved, and this he did to aid and
comfort the remnant. 'j'ouay, whpII the faithful rcmHant l't'ad the many marvelous thing's recorued in the
SCI'iptures they can truly say: 'These thing'~ were
written 101lg' a~o, lllld arc now made known to us in
these Ill,;t days that we might, while patiently pursuing the way (lod has mal'ked out for us, he comfortt'd, and that we might have hope of complete victory through Christ Jpsus our Lord.' (Hom. ]5: 4)
As the remnant rea<1 t/H'se precious truths from the
trt'asurc house of Jt'hovah they do joyfully and thank
fully exclaim: 'Surdy our <.Iou is feeding us upon
food that is convenient for us; he has spread a feast
for us while we are SUl'l'ollJHled by the enemy.' Let
the remnant now rl.'joi(e und (onfidently lind patiently
march on to Armag'tddoll. Jehovah will g'ain for him
self the victory hy his strong right arm, Chl'ist .Iesns.
31 Then
:Kebuchaduezzar promulgated a decrtt':
"Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and lang'ua~e, whieh SIl('ak IJIl,}' thing' amiss
agoaillst the God of ShadraC'h, :.\leslwch, and Ah('\l-lIl!.\o,
f;haJi be rut in pieces, and their hou,>('s ,;Iwll be made
a dUiI;;hilJ; beeanse there is no other ~od that can
d('lin~r afttr this sort." (Dan. 3: 29) That decree WllS
against anyone who should hecome God's enelllY, alllI
fort'sillldows the derree of Christ uq,ainst those who
become Jehovah's CHerny after Armageddon. It "'ill
then bo a serious matter to speak against .Jeltovull
God, Christ Jesus the great King sanc:tifies Jehovah's
name and promulgates his decree in that hehalf, eVtll
as he Ollee taught his followers to pray, "Hallowed be

thy na'me." During the reign of Christ Jesus all who
must render faithful service to Jchon:il1; and
those who refuse will be cut off. (Isa. 65: 20; Ps.
H5: 20) The d(~crce of the king was, "[They] shaH
be cut in piece,;, and theil' houses shall be made a
dunghill." .At the cOlwlusion of the thou<;nnd-~'t'nr
reign of Chri:.;t, Satan, (Jog, and all of those that deccive and follow Batan shall come forth and be brought
together and will speak ng-ainst Jehovah and his king-clom, and then they shall be "cut in pieces ", that is,
killed in no gentlo manner, being in the
second (kat h. (Hev. 20: 7-lO) This is nlso pictul'l'd
by the aet of .Tehu in making' tl:o hunse of Baal a
"draug-ht lWlISC", that is, u place of decomposition 01'
rot. (2 Ki. 10: 2i) "The name of the wicked shall
rot." (Prov. 10: i) The place where the wicked (':~
isted, even the Y<:J'y memory thereof, wilJ become foul;
but the nnme of Jehovah is forever dean alld holy, and
will thus contillue without reproach: "And they shall
go forth, and luok upon the caI'(,u-;cs of the mell that
Jwvc truTlsgresscu ll~aillst me ; for theil' worm sbllnot
die, llcithcr shall thdl' fire be qucnchcd; Dlld they
shall he an ahhorring unto all flesh. "-Isa. GH: 24.
J2" There is no other god that ean deliver aftl'r this
sort," said the decl'('t~ of the kin~~. .Jehovah's unmatched power of ddivPl,tUlce at ~\rmageddoll will
prove h is supremacy ~lIld that nothing' cun surccssfully
resist his power. Kow it is seen that the (:I'udal test
mllst come just I)('[ore and at Armugeddon, and in
that test the faithful have the assurance that almighty
power will he used in their hehalf. (Deut. ~3;3: ~i)
Jehovah will makc it plain to his people now that the
only placc of saftty is in his urganization. Into this
he has brou~'ht his anointed ones, and now their
loyally and fidelity to him is pe1'mitted to be tested,
and in his lovillg-kindnl'ss he gives to the anointed
advance information concerning their protection alld
deliverance, that tllCY may remain firm and steadfast
on his si<.1c during the fiery te~t. Such evidence brings
great comfort to the reml1unt and enables them to
patientl)' pUl'sue the co'u'se which is now set L(~fore
them. The Jonadab class, having' taken tlwir stand
on the side of Jehovah, may aho hI! subjected to some
severe trials, but they too will find protection and
safety only by remaining true allt! faithful to God
and his organization.
:3 IIananiah, Mishacl, and Azariah, the Hebrew
Jlames of thost~ thl'ee men cast into the furllace, and
whose Babylonish Hames werc Shadrach, :\Ieshach, and
Abed-nega, were withont duubt lIsed to fon'~llUdow
those of the faithful remnant on earth who maintain
their integrity toward Gou in the day of crueial trial
just preceding and at Arma~eddon. 'l'he picture there
made shows Jehovah's continued favor to those who
remain faithful und hue to him: "'rhen the king
promoted ShudrHch, ::\Ie-;hach, and Abed-lll'go, in tl,e
province of Bahylon." (Ys. 30) That promotion of
the thrle Hehrev.s suggests further privileges of S('ITice that God will give to his faithful remnant 011 the


N. Y.

earth immediately following- Armageddon. That seryice, to be sure, will bc tcmvoral'Y, but it Sel'ms reasonable that God would llUvo some service performed
on earth hy his faitJlful remnant at the heg illn ing- of
the reconstruction wOl:k in connection with those faithful men of old who shall become the yisible !!')Vel'IWl';;
on earth. It will be a great privilege to llcrsol1ally
meet the,c new goycrnors at that time aud lw\'c some
communion, fellowship and ::ien'ice with them. That
will be a happy time.
31 That the promotion of thc three faithfuillebrew:;
foreshadowed further service 011 earth for the l'f:umaut
afttI' ~\l'mag'cddon is supported by what came to pa,s
on )Iort!eeai, who was advanced to a position of llllusual honor in the realm of the king in his tillH"'. "1<'01'
2\lol'dee;d the Jew was next unto king Aha~,lIt;rns, alld
gl'\:~at umoug' the Jews, and accepted of the 1I11tltituJo
of his !n'ethren, seeking the wealth of his people, nlld
speaking- peace to all his seed." (Bsther IU: a; St:C
l'rcsI:/Tatiou, pnge Hi6) Prohably l\loJ'dceui <11H1 tile
three faithful Hebrews tog-ethel' with Daniel will he
among those ,\ ho are rCSUlTC(tcd and who JIl('ct with
the faithful remnant on ear'th imn1l'diately Jollowin:~
Armageddon alld who pnl'tieipate in t he work (,f
speaking' peace to the people, ;Jud dil'cetill~ tlwill ill
the way uf pea('c and prosperity, all of whieh tlll,....
will do, to be ~;urc, ulldl'r the dil'cction of Chl'i:,t .L~
SIlS, the ~rcat .K ing. All of thn t Hhall be done to the
praise and g-!or.r of JellOvah God. The kmplc wode (,lL
earth after ~\rmageddon will be followed hy a l'iwlIge
of the rcmnant fl'Olll hunwll to spirit orga1lisIll IIl1d to
the realm of far gl'<'atcr oPPoltnnities of service to
the Most High. Paul must lIUV!) had a vision of these
things whm, mo\'('d by the hol'y spirit, lie Wl'OU) to
his brethren in Christ, to wit: "1"01' 0111' Jj~ht nl'ilieti01l,
which is but for a momellt, wOIkclll for us a faJ' Jnore
exceeding- cmtl etCl'nal weight of ~~lory; while we look
not at the things whi('h are 8C('1I, but at the thill~s
which are 110t secll: for the things whi('h are seen nrc
temporal; but the things which arc Bot secn arc pternal. "-2 Cor. 4:: Ii, IS.
3:; Seeing the great and crucial test that must ('orne
to those who remain true to the end, the al'osth', under
inspiration of the holy.spirit, also sait]: ,. Fol' I am
IJcrsuaded that lleither death, nor life, nul' angels,
nor principalities, nor power'S, nor tlling's present, Hur
things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other
creature, shall be able to separate us from tho love of
Goel, which is in Christ ,JesuH our Lord." (Rom,
S: 38, 3!) Such faithful ones will partieil':lte in the
vindication of Jehovah's holy name.

1f 1.


tho ne(essit~ for the ~ui1'edn~s to whkh J('SU3

\Yas subjected. "'ho ('J~e will sujrt~r in sillliIar Illanllt'r, ull'i
for what l'Ulpos,)l How will the~l1 regard sudl :dil;eti"ll,
and whv/

c,r 24. ,rh:tt' is the pr()pheti,~ po~itioll of Ne!!l1('h:t,]Il"Z;':1r



I,oint in the i'l','pl"',,y, lIll'] h,\\ i~ tl,;" >il'lt! llJil,,,j 1

J::y wh:lt PWCf',JUl'tJ Iii,] the Del'il'8 t'artf,Iy 11'['J(',,'nt:ltj\-"~
II lr"ct un attituJe of fai111C~~ towarJ tI,e,,, tl111'~ I,ll-II, an']

OCTOBEr. 15, 1934


for what purpose was this done! How docs this find a.
parallel todayl Relate other instances of similar procedure
rl!corde<l in the Scri pturl'S,
11 5, 6. In the Jig-ht of~{olllans 15: 4, and of the p:reat revelation of Jehovah's purl,oses at the present time, whnt may
the remnant exped from the enemy ~ How will this
prophecy now serve to strengthen the faithfuB
1[ 7, 8. l>escrihe the situation for whicll the prophetic deelarlltion of vene 17 was I,rovi'll'<l. Apply the (xpression "But
if not' " in this connection, together with the fUlther emJ.hatie assertion of VPrso 18.
f 9. l>escrihe tile occasion on whieh the wor,Is of Act<l 4: 19
and 5: 29 were spoken. How 00 these wor<1s nnd application at the present tilllP1
V 10-12. Why doell Jehomh's witnesses' firm stand for God
and his 'Word brin,::- opposition from the earthly rulers,
and partkularly from till' c1l'r:,,'Y'l Apply verso HI.
11 13-15. What II'sson IiI'S in the 1ailure of Kdmchadnezzar's
supreme effort to ,1<:stloy tlwse tlm'e faithful ml'n 1 In
the test made l,y Elijah before -'hab J What seems to be
foreshallowed by the procc,IlII"(' .Iescriherl in verse 20, and
how would this cornrall~ "i tft the corllii lion that ohtained
in 19181 Point out Jell(lIah's hand in relation to the
activities of the encmy'8 forces, liS also foretold in
l'}zekiel 38: 16.
11 16. Explain and apply verse 2"1.
11 17, 18. Heferring to verses 10-21: Comparo the Jlurpose with
the out('orne of what was fl('re (lone. What lessou for tho
failltful is seen in Vllrso 221
V 19-21. Account for Nebuchltunezzar's so early ohserving what





was taking- place in t1Hl furnace, and for his astonishment

and anxious inquiry. 'What di,I Nebuchadnezzar see in the
furnace1 and what do the faitlJiul now see in the prophetic
record thereoU Quote additional scriptures assuring the
remnant that .Jehovah will protect and deliver them from
the power of the enemy.
22. What change of scene here takes place' Apply the
proplwtic picture presented in verse 26.
23. l>escnbe the occasion for the words of prnise recorded
at Exod us 1,'): 1-3, 18.
24. Relate the experil'nce of Jeremiah (40: 1-6) as a f'lrther
example of God's protection and preservation of his faithful servants.
25. What is foreshown in the record of verse 277
26-29. Explain lllld apply verse 28.
30. Why dirl .Jehomh approve the position maintaine<l by
~hadrath, ;\[('shach, and AlJerl"IlI'go1 and what is the lesson
presented therein fur the faithful today1
31. )/ebucllflfhll' then mail!) whflt del'ree~ aUlI against
wlwm7 How docs this fin,l application as a prophecy'
Quote other s('riptul'es decluring the judgment awaiting
those who oppo:,f.: Go,!.
32a4. What is pi<:tured in the deliverance fIaiter this sort"
and in the king- 's promoting- these three faithful men f
Point out the harmony therewith of tlte prophl'ti(~ record
at Esther 10: 3 nn<.l of Paul's words at 2 Corinthians
35. 'l'o what did Paul refer in Homans 8: 38, 39~ an,] why
is it that' none of tlll'se thi ngs shall he ahle to s"parate
us from the love of Gud which III in Christ JCBUll our Lord"

1lath ,node },illl",l! ],; no II: II, he hath e:rrrufe,l ju(ltlmf'llt: til('
-wic/;;ofl i.~ snared in tlte u'ork of his OIUI hanrIs. T/w II'1:r!.:I)(].
shrill fll' turned back unto ShrQI, HiT! all the n(llion,~ that {orDf'.t aOll, For the nccdy shall not alwlIH /,e fort/ollnl, nor tho
rrprctation of the 1'001' perish for (V(;T, Arisl'. () Jt:lll));llh; let
'/lot man pnwil: Id thi: natioll,~ be judlli'd in thy sight. PIlt
them. in ftar, 0 JdlOvah: Ict the 11{ltio".~ know tllllllsdtcs to
be but mCll.-Dllvi,l,



Assyria was a powerful political organization, with the political rult'l's in the van.
'rhe gl'eat power, hOWCVl'f, was really cxercised
hy the commercial interests. 'l'he political power or
r('prescntati\'c was in fact th~ spokesman for the com
mercial power. Great military organizations were
formed and employed to enforce the decrees of the
rulers. 1'he Devil religion fUl'JIishcd the camouflage
for the bloody and cruel operations of that organization. rfhis was done, as the prophet Kahum (3: 4)
sqys, "because of the multituuc of the whoredoms of
the \Vcllfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrllfts,
that sdleth nations through her whoredoms, and
families through her witchcrafts."
"Christendom," so called, j,; modern Assyria, rorresponding so exactly that it St'cms cel'tain that God
caused the record of aucic'nt Assp'ia to be made prophetically foretelling the condition on earth at the
present time. Today the polit ieians of the nations of
earth are in the van and are speaking great swelling
words of their ability to adjust the difficulties of the
world and to establish a satisfactory condition. '}'l1e
power behind these political rulers and spokesmen is

the great commercial factors of tile WOl'M. It is the

Iaapt that really provide tllC nll'ans for the III i~hty
military machines to euforce the decrees of the rulers.
As the Jlolitical and financial e1enwnt of nnciNlt
Assyl'ia ad"ptcd the ]Jevil rdi::doll of that tirnC', evrn
so the l'eli~ious clpment of "Christendom" today allly
supports the politi!'al and financial factol's in wodd
policies. Catholics and Protestants, ,Jl'wi'ih rahhis and
all other" ap[Jl'o,-ed" religiollist~, join togethu' in extolling the virtues of the mOflern ruling' powrrs, and
boast of the ability to establish peace on earth and
good will towar'd mrn.
Anci<:>nt .Assyria was a "bloody" organization.
(~ah. 3: 1) There is mOl'e human blood prol'l'rly
charged up to modern .Assyria, other,dsc .callcd
"Christendom ", than to any other period of the
world's history. In the \Yodd "War millions of prople
poured ant their lifeblood, and man? more millions
have beell the prey of the great military powers of
"Christendom' '.
Ancil:nt Assyria was, according to the prophet's
words (~ah. 3: 1), "full of lies und rohIJCl'."." 'ne
sixteen yenrs immediately followiltg the World War



hm'o been made prominent by the divers frantlulent

and false schemes to exploit and ruh the people. The
fnJ'mer has been exploited and .robbed by scl!em('s of
tho financiers, in which the other two ruling factols
hav'C rendered aid in wrongdoinq, '1'he burden of
taxation has been ~rentl.r incrc:l"i'd, and many pel'SOll~
have lost their homes and lands by reason of exorbi.
tunt :mu unreasollahle tnx burdlns plact!d against their
property for public improvements. Public officials
have become the bos<;cs of the people instead of being
servauts of the people, The great financiers name the
political candidatts and permit tho people to go
through the fot'm of voting for them, and then elect
those whom the tinancinl power desires. This is par.
ticularly true in .America. 'rllC great financial insti
tutiolls control the food aUlI rniment supply that the
people must have for their maintenance and support.
l\Iatcrial wealth was never so g'reat as it. is in modern
"Christendom", but this wealth is held by It few.
En'l'y nation is hristling- with gUliS, warships, air.
craft and high cxpltl;o;h'e~, and other means for tho
dl'stl'uction of human life.
'rho political rulers are making pcuro pacts llIHl
thl.'l'l~hy claiming that they will outlaw war, while at
the samc time cwry J'lntioll of "Ghri-.;tcnJom" is mal,.
iug greater prcpam tions for war than at any timo
pust. In this policy tlte politieal clement is strongly
sUPPol'ted hy the eOlllmerdal and the rcJig-ious('lement.
Tho rei igiolls e1l'Ul('n t of "Christendom ", while
c1niming to follow Christ, deny his second comin~ and
his IdilgdulIl, and reftl~e to hear anJ obey the Word
of GoJ, 'rho elergy and religious leauers are proud,
haughty, boasters, falso ac('users of those who serve
God, and despisers of all who diligently s<':('k to tell the
people tho truth in the name of tJlC Lord God. Bring a
factor of Satan's organi:mtion, the religionists arc
supported by the other ruling factol's heean~e the
latter believe it expedient for them so to do.
The npostlc Puul wrotc a prophecy which is in this
very day coming to pass, e"I'Cn as hc said: '''l'his know
also, that in the last da) s perilous timt's shull come.
POl' men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous,
boasters, proud, hlasphemers, disoheuic-nt to parents,
unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truccbreal\el's, false accusers, incontincnt, fierct', despi~el'S
of those that arc good, traitors, heady, highmind<>d,
lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a
form of godlincss, but denying the power thereof:
from snch turll away.' '-2 'l'im. 3: 1-5.
From the Scriptures it is now rIear that the three
nnci('nt world powers, namely, Babylon, E~ypt, alld
Assyria, emphasizc the thrcc clemen'.:s of Satan's visible organization. With Egypt the commercial power
was the greatcst; with Assyria the political power excelled; with Babylon the ecclesiastical clelllent was to
the fore. 'l'hereafter these threc ruling elcmc'nts, namely, the political, finlll1cial, and religious, WPrO mUllifestt'd in all succeeding world powers. :'IEodo-Persia,
Grecce and Homo followed in the order named. Each


N. Y.

of those world powers practiced the Dcyil religion,

The religion of ancient Home was called pag-un. In
the eourse of time the stronger political rulers of
Rome udoptcd the "Christian religion" ~lld carl'il.'J
into that organi7.ation, so formed, many of the cere
monies practiceJ hr the pagall.'!. Homo hecamr a gre~,t
military power, and her commercial and politieal and
religious illtcrests walked hand in hand in oppressiug
the people.
Then eame the British Empiro (including . A merica)
as a mighty world power, and in this the three elements, commercial, political and religious, have formed
the ruling factors, llBfl continue to rule. It too has
become a tremendous commercial power and a great
alld cruel military pow<.r, and the religioni"ts forln a
part of the govet'llllwnt. Sur<>ly it could not he said
that ally of tllCse wol'lu powers is any purt of God'"
organization. Since there nro hut two great orgalJizntions, namely, God's orgunization and Satan's olgatti
zation, thi~ cmpiro must of necc"sity be of Satan's
org:mizatioll. Exactly the same is true eonccrnill'~
Amcrira, where the threo clements of Satan 'I) organi
zation rulo the people.
'I'he \\r(lrld \Yar pl'oduc(:<1 a condition makin~ po:-;sible tho fOl'lllatioll of the eighth world power, to wit,
the League of Nations, and that was forefol.I ill
prophecy. (Isa. 8: 9, 10; Hev. 17: 9. 11) 'l'!tat alliatl<'\)
or pact was formed by the political clement, aided and
supported hy the financial and military factors, HIl,I
fully supporftd and approvcd by the rcli~ioni"ts or
"Christellc.lom ". '1'11e latter openly declared in tho
year I9l!) tllllt 'the League of Nations con~titut\'s
God's king-<!om on earth' and substitutcs for it. Call
it be honci'tly cOllteuul'd that the I.. eagl1e or Xa tiolls
constitutes any part of God's organizatillll'l If not,
then certainly it is of Satlm's org-allizat iOIl. Yet now
the Lellgue of Natious, Inc., organized in .1\ Illcriea,
makes n ppt'al for ~\merica 's cntry into the Len~lle and,
r<>fcrring- to the Lca~llc, says: "In a world as dark as
tIds, why blowout the only light there is 1" 1hilS dC'nying the King, Christ Jesus, who said: "I mn the light
of the world."
In the year ]914 Christ .Jesus was p1a('e'] upon hi"
throne by Jeho\'ah God. That same year t!te \rOlld
\Yar began, alltl tIming that war the hatre(] of com
bined "Christendom" was maue manifest ug-ainst all
who sincerely served Jehovah Gou, '1'ho great Prophtt
of God foretold that condition when he said: " .\nd }O
shall be hateu. of all nations for my name 's ~ake."
Ma tt. 24: !l.
It was in A.D. J!118 that all the nations of "Christendom" inyolved in the World Wnr openly exprcs-scli
and manifcst<>d a hatrcd against thoso who in"i~t('d on
serving God and telling tlJC pcople of his COllliIl~' kil1~
dom for their hles!'>in~. These humhle fol1o\H'l''' of
Christ were lwlt,] into court, were tried npon fa l"e
char!;E's and perjured testimony, and ";ere 'Hon;..;fc;l:y
convided. ::Uany were imprisoned, others beaten. and
others killed. They ,'"ere thrown into miliUlJ-Y !,ri~()ltS


15, 19:.14


mie VVr'\TCliTO\\1ER.

wd grossly ilJtreated hrrau~e tht'Y humbly askt'fl the

privilege to sen'o God and tt'll his 'Yonl of truth and
obey his injunction not to kill. Bueh hntrt>d could have
been' ('xrll'('Sscc! only by Satan's org':mization and instigated by Satan himself.
'l'he 'l'lC'cd of Satan' and tI,e 'I';red of the woman',
which God had foretold wonld he at enmity with each
uther, Wt're at that time hr()LJ~. d lt fol'th [lnd made mani.
fe<;t, and Jehovah said that thel'e would be enmity between them, and that the' s('ed of Batan would bruise
the heel of the l>eed of the woman '. (Opn. 3: 1:
Christ ic; the 'seed of the woman', amI his lnst faithful
followers on e:ntll conqitnlc the "feet of lliIn", includin~ the heel. (Isa. [J:!: 7) That prophecy lon~ ago
uttered began to han ltil fulfilment in the .rear 1918.
f;ince thrn the two great l';igllS in heaven llUve appeared, uamely, tho sign of nod 's or~anizfltion (his
"woman") :J1ld the si!~11 of the Devil's organization
(the" great rc:l dragon").
The latter great "wonder" or sig'n, whieh appeared
after 1918 to those who by the g'ra(~e of Clod haVt~ been
cllalJlcd to sce bean:llly thin~[}, is Satan's cmel, blood/.,fuilty org'anization stawJiug' l't'~ldy to devour the hilJ~.
dorn of God, rl,;presentl'd IJy the" man ('hild" wldeh
was born to Uod's "woman" or or~allization in A.D.
IDl-!, (Hcv. 12: 1-1) It. is well known to all that the
elel'gy and rei igiolls leaders of "Chl'btendom", so
called, hate [llld viokntly oppose those who in<; on
telling the p('ople that .Jehovah is God, that Christ is
King, that his kingdom is here, that Jehovah has set
him upon his thl'ont', alll! that l>hortly he will cstablil>h
a righteous govl'l'Ilmcnt and destroy all wickedncss.
'rho DevH llate,; those wllO faithfully represent .Teltovall, and seeks to drvour them; nlld the clergy and religions leaders of "Christendom" also hate thr!l1, because such ('ler:!y and leailers (10 the will of their
fatlH'r whose children 01' "seed" thcy are.-John
8: '12, 44.
Ancient Btl bylon ow'rt lirew Assyria and ahsorbed
it. Satan has made" Christemlom" a part of Babylon
which i~ his organization, and tlierel'ore the llumo
Babylon applies to (' Christendom" hecause it is of
Sat:lIl 's or,~nJtizatjon. 'l'hroug-h the false rdigionists
of Satan's organizntion, the political and commcreial
rukj's of earth h:[vo hel'n drawn into that wicked sys
tern. 'l'lie 1.01'<1 makes it evident that they have bcen
drcrivcd, because he I:wys that io his due time these
shall uwake to the truth, in a mcasure at least, and I'id
thcmseh'cs of t hc vile religoions system.-Hev. 17: 12, 16.
Prior to the Wol'ld War the moral conditions
earth were bad cnough, but all will agree that since
the 'Yodd '" ar the moral drgl>nerary is far worse.
'l'herc is great cOl'\'uption in puLlic official placcs. 'rhe
exploiting' of the people is boldly carried on; the pnblie flress is full of accounts of crime and seanda1. E\"Cn
th( vice among young l>tndents has become such tllat
it is appalling and causing great concern to parents.
:Many hOllrst persons joined in the effort to prohibit
the manufacture and use of intoxicating liquors, be-


Heying that in so doing they would aid tlH? moral

I"tatlls of 1he people. The faets ::;how that the D0vil
seized upon this ('ondition to increase immorality llnd
Prior to the World War it was thought to be wrong
for mcn to indulge in the use
tobacco und lil!H0i'.
Since the war women use both tohacco and liquor,
llWIlY even more freely HUHl men, and this is extcnded
even to 'young girls and boys in the public Eochools.
nec:wsE of thC'<;e alarming conditions many good people are now se('kiJJ~ enrnrstly to find the remedy.
There must he a reason lor this terrible condition.
'l'lH're is a r0;}SOn, and the Lord God's great Prophet
aSHi:~nl'd that reason, and it is this:
In :\.D. l!.llJ .Jehovah pl;1Ccd l,is King upen his
throne. (P::;. 2: 6) There followed a wal' in heaven,
with Christ Jesus :mu his angels on onc sille against
Batnn ~1lld Ilis angels on the other side, whieh war
),('snlted in the rasting of Satan out. of heavell. (nt~v.
12: 7.9) 'l'hen it is re(~ordcd that, because Satan was
('ust out of hcawn, there was gTeat J'(joicing-; und at
the same time it wns UIHlol1nced: "Xow is come ~~d
vat ion, ant! strength, and t he Idn~dol1l of om (lnd,
and tho powel' of his Christ." (Hev. ]2:]0) '1'h('11
says the prophet of God: Woe to the inhahit,.,l's of
the earth, and of the spa! for the de\'il i-; eO/lJ(! down
unto you, haying gt'cat \\'rath, hec:lu:-e ht~ Imoweth that
he hath hut a short timc." (He\'. U: 12) 'l'!tus the
prophcry shows that tho 1levil is now devot in~ h iil
entire Ilttention to the things of this earth. The" illhabitprs of the carth" are those who control the
alTair:; of the earth; Hud, in lulfilnH'nt of this prophecy.
at this time there is grcat pcq)!rxily and di,,1ress
amongst tho:-;e who do rule, and they arc unal,ie to
nsccttnin the reason why. (Luke 21::.!G) The "Sl~a"
in this prophecy l'('prel>rnts the masses of humanity
who urc alienated from (:,)(1 and exploitP(1 by the r1lling powers, and the eondition of whom grows W01'SO
lby hy day. This explains the 1'eaSOIl why there has
1>('el1 sur:h a great moral dcgencra('Y dlll'ing the pa~,t
ten years and more.
'rhe cvidcurl' is conclusive that Satan's org'nnizatioll
is now in contl'Ol (j( tIll: nft'airs of earth. The gn'at
Prophl't of God foretold this condition, and it has
now come to pass. CalTyill~ out his wcll laid plan
Satan is now de,speratel,\" nying' to tum all the !l1'0Plt's
of earth away from Jehovah God and to phlllge all
humanity into tho dept hs of wickedness. lIe blOWS
that the elimax is at hand; hence his de:;pcrute deed.i
of ('orruption antI clehallcllel'y.
Politicians and commlu:ial giants m:Jy try to I'efOlm the eonditiollS; the du'gy may tnll< of bringillg
noont iu('al cOIl/litions on earth; and all togr.thel' tho:,v
may make pearc pacts alll! declm'c that they will
bring ahout lal>ting peaet', but the joint efforts of nil
will fail. Thcre is no PO\\ e1' 011 earth now that is ahle
to remedy cflrth's evils, Satan's organizatioll is in
control, anJ the people's hands are "hackled. Th,:rc
are many people of good will, outside of the church



f.fl1e WATCHT0WER.

hy their comhined efforts will try

to remedy present conditions; but they cannot. There

is a remedy, anu it is complete. It is the only remedy;
find it is of much vital importance that the peoples of
the nation~ of <,arth now be given an opportunity to
know what that remedy is.
'l'o fli've such information is the t'uy purpose of the
puulicity teol'k of Jeho\'ah's witnesses. It is of vital
importance that the people know the cause of the evil,
before tl1<')' can appreciate how the evil can be eradicated. When we see what eom;titutcs Satan '::; organization, how crud, wicked, harsh, bloody, immoral and
powerful it is, then we can begin to sec the necessity


N. Y.

of a greater power than it to destroy it. At once it

hecomes apparent that no human powers could accomplish this end. When we see also that the so-called
"Chri."ltian religion" or "organized ChristinHity" uphold~, aids and supports in carrying on this devilish
and oppressive system, then we may know that "01'g'anized Christianity", so called, is not God's religion,
but the religion of the Devil; and we may know it is
a part of the Devil's ol'ganization. It is therefore apparent why the clergy and religious leaders of today
oppose the truth that is lwing promulgated by a eomp:my of humble Christians who are generally known
as witnes~e~ of Jehovah God.

of host." 1J)ho is a mi.1hty one IiIw unto thee, 0 Jehot'nh! Thy
!aithl'ltln"M i,~ TO'lInd about thN'. J~ig/deou8neS,q and ju,ytice are
the fOlmdation of thy thlOf/,{;: 1&t'iflr/kindMss and truth go be
fore thy face. Jil,'.,sed is the people tltat know the j(J!!f1l1Mlirul:
they walk, 0 Jehomh, in the light of thy eOllnten<!ncc. Tn thy
name do thl'y rejoice llll the tIll!l. 7'!lO1! art the glory of their


lTlWUGII the prophet Moses at Mount Sinai

in Arahia Jehovah Cod issued a command and
lwt of ins! ructions to the Jewish people to build
n sacred st rueture, "the tabernacle of the congregatioll." "And the Lord spake unto )Ioses, saying,
Speak unto the chil<hen of Israel, . . . and Ict them
make me It sanetuary: that I may dwell among' them.
According to all that I sh~w thee, aft e1' the pattern
of the talJ('rnac!l', . . . even so shall ~'C make it. "-Ex. 25: 1, 8, n.
'l'he ta Iwrnacle may be properly descrilJed a~ a
house constructed of hoards set on e11l1, in mckcts of
silver, and fastclIed togeUler and tlH'n covcl'ed or overlaid with gokl; uud over this house of wood was
stretched a tent or covering.
'I'he measurements of tl10 tabcrnaelc are in cuhits.
There ,vas a ('uhit of twenty-one ini"'hes measured by
six handbreadths at tlll'<:c and one-half inrhes to the
handbrcadth. 'rhe pl'ophet Ezekiel mentions It cubit
of the all ar seen in his vision as "the cubit and an
hand breadth ". The wcig-ht of the evidence, however,
seems to favor the conclusion that the tabernacle structnre was built and measured according to the eig-hteeninch cubit and hence was fifteen feet wide, fifteen feet
high, and forty-five feet in length.
There were two rooms or compal'tments of the tabernacle, divided by a heavy curtain or veil. The olle
a1'th('st from the entrance, and on the Wl'st side, is
called the" holiest of all", and was fifteen feet long,
fifteen feet wide, ano fifteen fect high. The other compartment was thirty feet in length, fifteen feet wide,
and fifteen feet high, and is called" the holy". The

veil that separated the holy from the most holy was
hung upon foul' pillars of shittim wood, which WNC
ovcrlaiu with gold. This veil was made of bll1l', purplc
and scarlet, and fine twilWU lillCll, with n!.(\ll'es 0 f the
cherubim beautifully and cunningly interwoven thereill.-Ex. 26: 31, 32.
'rhe way or entrance into the holy is called the door
of the tent. This was made of cloth or cul'fains or bIlle,
pm'ple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen wrong-ht
with needlework, hung over five pillar's of shittim
wood overlaid with gold.-Ex. 2G: 36.
The apostle Pa III giws 11 deseriptjoll of the furllishing's of the tahernaele, sayilll;: "For tlH're was a
tahernacle ma(lll; the first, wher<,in was the candlestick, and the table, and the shcwhreael; whie,lt is ealll'd
the saJwtuary. ..:\Ild after the scc'owl vail. tll<' talll'I'nacle which is called the Holiest of all; whie'h had the
golden c('nser, and the ark of the covcnant overlaid
rounu about with gold, wherein was the goldcll put
that hau manu a, and Aaron's rod that lJl)(ldcd, ,l11d
the tables of the covcnant; [lnd on:r itthe('/l<'I'ubimsof
glory shadowil1!.'; the mel'l'y scat; of whie]1 we' eUlllIOt
now speak particularly. "-JIl'h. !): 2-5; Ex. 40: 1!)-~!).
The tabernacle was the place of mcctin!l: 1,l'1w('('n
Gou and th() hraclitl's; and this was Inanifcs!cel hy
the sup<'l'Jlatural light whieh apPc:ll'ed ill t h(' ,. 1.01 jest
of all", between the che'l'ubim, and whieh re']Jt'e,'('ntc',1
the divine presence. There was no other light in the
most holy. In the holy 01' first compar! n]('l1t was 11
candlcstiek, which was kept lighted; and it was the
only light therein. The heavy cloth cOn'rillg of the
tabernacle or tent excluded all light :from the outside.

OCTOBL"R 1.3, 1934

F.f"fie WATCHT0\vER-

The tabernacle was surrounded by a yard or eourt.

'fhif> was ~e,"ent.r-five feet \,ide by one hundred and
fifty feet in length, and was formed. by a liuen curtain
round ahout, suspended from silver books fastened in
the tops of wooden posts, which posts were sct in
~;:)::kcts of copper. It was braced with cords fastened
to pins. 'l'hc tnbemacle t cnt was braced ill the same
manner. This court was not a part of the tabernacle,
but surrounded it, and was u:;(,d ill connection with
the tabel'nac!e. It was called" the court of the tabernaclo". The entrance thereto was 011 the cast and was
designatell "the gate". This was malIc of white lincH
interwoven with blue, purpl(~, and searlet.-I~x. 2;:
Inside the court and hefore the door of the tabernacle of the tent of till: cong-rcg-ation was placed. the
altar upon which was hurned the sacrifice. With the
dtal' were the various fil'cpaus, ficshhooks, and other
necessary utensils. This altar wa::; made of wood and
covered with copper, lIlId was known as the hrazen
Between the bl'u::r.en altar and the door of the tent
of the (~ongl'('~atioll was placed. the lavcr. (Ex. 40:
5-7, 2!), 30) The lawr W:IS made of copper; and in it
was pl:w{'d Willet' for ilh;('s, .\:uon the pl'iI'St, and
his SUIlS to wash their hatHls ;\lId feet thcreat.
The S\'l'ipturcs frcqt\l.'lIt1y usc the expression, "before the door of the tabl'I'lIHele of the congregation."
It is qllit4~ certain from the Scripturcs that the "door"
always means the entl'ywHy into the tabernacle proper,
and never the entrancc-way into the court. The court
was rclativdy unimportant in the eyes of the Jews;
fOl' they had free acc~ess to it on all d.ays ex-:ept the
ntolH'mNlt Jay. (Lev. 1:3; 1:!:6; Num. 6:13-1~)
'j'hey WCl'e particularly conccl'lH'd about the tahefHude, bccau.'ie this wus the meeting-place betw\.'Cn
tlu.'m and Jeho\'uh.
In the scriptnre wlJi(~h u\'slribcs the people of Israd
as bein~ ~athcred togl~ther "before the door of the
tabefntlcle of the congregoution ", the refereIlce is evi
dently to the assemblage of the peoIllc to the cast of
that sacl'ed struetm'c, instead of being scattered nbout
it on aU sides flS thev wonl{l be if in their h'nts l'l'gularly occupied by tl;em. It ~e('ms also quite evident
that the gateway or entl'aIlCC into the court was lift.ed
or left opcn on such occasions. so that the tabernuele
stl'ucture was in full view of the representative men
who stood before the entrnncc.
All the ground. wit hin tIle enclosure of the court
hunging'S, illeJudin~, of C"Hll'Se, the ground upon which
the tabernllele was situated, was Itoly gronnd. This
was particularly true at the time of the ceremonies of
the atonement day, once a year.
The braelites were encamped about the tabernacle
in regular order. Thh was hecause of God's command.
And the Lord spake unto ::\[oses and unto Au rvll ,
sa~ing, Every mall of the children of Israel shall pitch
by his own standard, with the ensign of their father's


house: far oft' ahout the tahernacle of the cOll2,Tegation

shall they pitch. "-Xum. 2; 1, 2.
'l'he camp of the tribe of Judah had the position
of favor on the cast side, toward the rising of the sun.
Looldllg toward the tahernacle enclosure, the tribes
of Zebull111 awl Jssaf'har were respectively on the left
and. the right of .Judah ou the east side. On the north
were the tribe,; of Dan, Asher nnd ~aphtali; on the
west, lknjalllill, I~phl'aim and 1Ianassch; on the south,
Reuhen, Gad, and Simeon.
The familic'> of the tribe of Levi were p;iven prLf.
rreutial vosit ions IIl'ar to the tahernacle. The family
of Gershon pitehed. on the wcst !>ide of the l:..hcrllaclo
cnclosm"c; ()Jl the north were tile ::\Ierarit\:s; while on
the south were the SOilS of Kohath located. .Jloses and
AnI'all were grandsons of Kollath; and they and
Aaron's sons were stationed immediatel.}' to the cast
of the tahernaele ciltl'anCe, becnl.1~e they were separat.
(~tt from their brethren, by speeial anointillg' with 1. he
holy oil, to do the work of sacrifice, partielilarly the
atonement-cia,\' sacrifi('es which com;tituted. the special
sill-offerillgs.-j\;" urn. 3: 1-1-38.
Jehovah cau~el1 a priesthood. to he selected, anoint\'11
and. installl'li in connection with the tabernacle sOJ'vil-e.
.A priest h; nil amlial Sf'rvant of .Jehovah God. III 01'ganizatioll"l made by l1!ell priests arc oftnl appointed
by men, or by thcm:'idves, ntHl use their oflicc for ;],
sdfi:;h pUJ'pOSI', sOlnctirrH's for commercial pUl'poses.
OftC'lltimcs a priesthood. of Israel dcgellel'at\'\1 intI)
that. But such was not the purpose of Jehovah God.
~o man has authority to take such honor unto himself. Tho arlO'ltle Paul writes to this erred, saying:
"~\1l11 no lJIan taketh this huuour unto himself, hilt
he that is ('alIce! of God, as was ,\aroll." (1Ieb. 5:l)
1'1Ie pri\'~t u';I',1 in eonllcdion with the tahcl'Il<le!e service was the sel'\'ilTlt of .Jehovah (jl)d. He pet'i'IlI'!lH:U t.he
duties the l.ord Hssignecl unto him. U(){l's law re
quired him to he selected from the tribe of Led.
..:\al'On was the first high pI'i('st. Ilis sons wNc priests
under him.
God's mstructiollS to ),[OSCS werc thesc: " And th01\
shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of thn
tahernacle or the congregation, and wash them with
water. .And thou shalt put upon Aaron thl: holy garmcnts, and anoint him, alltl sanctify him; that he Illay
minister unto IDC in the priest's otHec. AllI} thou shalt
bring his sons, and clothe them with coats; nile! thou
shalt anoint them, as thou dillst anoint their fatllt'r,
that thc'Y may minister unto me in the prit:-.t's olTIce:
for their anointing' shall surely he all everla:;tillg {lril':-.t.
hood throughout their gencrat ions. "-Ex. 40; 12-13.
'1'l1e anoil1ting of the priesthood and the ga!'mcIlts
with \vhieh they Were clothed. all symbolically testifiC'd. that th(':, wcre officially the designated sC'l'\'unts
of JehOyall. Thf~Y \\'\~re formally inaugurat('\l or in.
stalled into olike; and Oil that oeeasion all 01 the eOIlgl'q;atioll were gathered to~~ctlJl'r before the door of
the tahcl'llacle j and. then :;\lo:;es informed. the pco[lle


fJiie. \VATCI-IT0\,\1ER

what the Lord had commandrd him to do with reference to installing the priesthood. (Lev. 8: 2.5) Then
Moses proceeded to con"C:Cl'ate and inaugurate the
priests, as described in the book of Leviticus, the
eighth chapter.
In this cuemony it is important to notice that the
anointing oil wa:> poured UP(JI1 the head of Aaron hut
not upon his sons. This testifies that Aaron was the
head or high priest, and that his :;011':3 ,'/ere ulldupriests. 'l'ogct her they represent or picture the new
creation of God, both the IIe:Hl and body thereof, in
the course of development and while on the earth.
Not only w(,1'e the pril'sts ol'.ieially anointed to serve
Jehovah in nn of'Iicial capapity, but the s('l'\"i~:e which
was performed in connectioll with the conSCl'l'at iOIl and
institution of the pri(~th(}()(l t'ol'esha<!()\w<! that the
Olles whom they represented mwst {~lIter illto a co\'enant with Jehovah, he wholly and 1I111'('sl'l'w<lly devotet! to him, and servc him in obedience to his COIllmands.
'1'here arc muny pictures and details in connection
with the buildill:~ of the tabprnae!e, the ina u~nrati(>n
of the pl'iest!aol)(l, and the sacrifice>; but the one whidl
is particuiat'!jf germane to the questiun of the sin-


N, Yo

offering in hehalf of mankind was that which took

place upon the day of atonement.
Jchovah gave command that the tenth day of the
seventh month of each year should be a day of atonement for the Jewish nation. "For," said the Lord,
"on that day shall the priest make an atonement for
~~()U, to cleanse yen, that :-'C may be c]crrn from all
your sins before the Lord." (IJ~\'. IG: ~O) Oil th:,t
day the pril'st who lu~d been an()ill~cd anel cO!1secrai::d
to serve in the priest '8 office must be ,dothI'd with the
lim'n gurments. 'rhese may be properly designated as
the garments for sacrifice.
\Vhatevcr assistanel~ or service the underpric~ts
l't'ill1el'ed, the command of .Jehovah ",as positi\'e tlJ:lt
the high priest alone had acee-:s to "the holil,~t of all"
on the day of atonement. Evcn the hi~h plit: ,t JnIH
not cnter "the holiest of all" Oil that day except in
exact compliance with the prescribed law. If he fa ilPd
to comply with the law the pcnalty was death. (1.<"'"
16: 2) 'j'he strict observulH:e of God's command in this
connection iJl(licatcs the grl'at iml'ortum'e of the pi(~
ture al>ont to be made. J (11 o\'a11 lIsl'd }[OSI''l to ill.
struct Aaron, the high priest, what he should do on
this important occasion.-Lcv. 16: :3-5.


Jlarlforcl, Conn
1 "
N4'w 1[a VPlI. l"lUli
~ . If
Ii, 7
"lith\fmd. N. ,r
J~ .. nokJ.)'Jt, N. Y.......... "
jl;c'w "Clrl., N. Y
.. 10.11
Nc~walk, N. J .............. II
.Molltclair, N. J
" lti.l0

Atlalll!r, C'ity. N. J


Plll1:tflllpllia. "n
""ashingtoll, v. C
f'orfolk. Vu ........... "
LYIwllbllrg', \'n
Hourwke, \'n





:lao ~tj
:!O, ::;0


Ar"ohl, Ill.

Ill'(.. lllr. Jll.

Paua, J1I


2. :l


)!altooll. 111.

:\('()ga, Ill

, _


Willow lIill, 1II.


J.Hor"h:t. 4>Ida.
A pac')H\ Okla
linhart. Old:t
A It 11', Ok I"



I'hatl,wnu;:a. Okla

\\":IIII'iIHI. tllda
\\'iI"lon. Okla.





J llllll'a II, Ok I". ..

Chid,a"lIa, Okla







14, lti

A III 1",1', OI;1u

01, lal""na City. ,Old". ..
.\t"y" ill... Oldll. ..........
'V.vJ1IH~ \\'U{U],

Ada, fHdll



Ok lao ._
\\"(II:(ltl'<I, Okla
Chandl"r, Okill
VnuHl'ight, Okla
]Jf't'Jdn:..:. Ulda

Still\\llter, Olda


1,'l'lIul\fHI t. Ill.


(ht'i,toj>h'". Ill
~watlwldc. IJI
.\d,Jj .. ,-illl. III.
.:\It. VI'rHon, HI.
lJix, 111.

}"Iut Hod\", III. .......... "




If'lora, Ill





~nlT)town ~. Y


)- fIJJk(~rs., :'\. ,.
,lCII'./('Jo' City, X. J




Barnn,"" N..J.
Elizahf'th. X. J
N'i'\\afk. X 1.
IHoomtield, ~. J



Whit, A,h. III.


J:(llrnollt. HI.

('linton. Okla
II y,lt", Olda



I,IIWI('IICl',illc. III.
HlUJlll(r, HI.
W,,,,t S,ll"III, 111.

WIlIIl'.I, Ill
J lalrh..hurg-,. III

.11111<:1 ion,

W. J.

S. U
10, J1







("IIIIulia. 111
~a h!lII, 111



JJa!":-;:ti('~:\. IT
~oy.17, 1~
:\Jo1l1f'I.lil'. X. J .......... .,
t ;Hl'lidd, :\..J.
:! I
J'"l"!',nn, K.1.
:'~, :!:;
Pari. l:Jd::c. X. J.
~4, :-:,
!)(Hf'l'.:\. J
" :!1,.:.!'1





Ha.ana, Fl.l
J:;)~com, Fla
~!llrHlllna. Fla
I .. )-ull 11'\\ en. Fla

A. U. MAC:.\llLLAN
Sd,,:nect1vly. N. Y
AIlJalJY, ~. 1"


Tl'OY. ~. Y

l',tl,!i,'ld, )Ia,,'

(h'cf'nh(~Jtf. )la~s
S,.riJJ~finh.ll .'la~s
Worcestel', ~lllss




G, 7

1:1. H
17, HI

IA'omitll--h'r. ~rns~

j."wi toll. ':\[c

.A nil 111'11 , .\1('

i'nv. ~O. 21
:.!;!. t::
" :!.1.:!;)
" ~7. ~~

:-i"l'lh Jay. ;lIe


1,(,\\"(111, ..\ lH'j'S. _

}JOIt land, )1(~

.:\Julldu,\ tcl',


Fail'lt l J{1t'1




F:l Cf'ntro. Calif,

~an JJi(I~OI ("nlif


t;,colldido, Calif


Sanla Anll. Calif

,Fullerton, Calif. ..


Ri \'er~ide, Cali r.

LOlli': Beach. Calif...._Nov. 15. 16





Hos'mH.'acl, Calif..... "

Cal' f



Lo..;; A lI;:.d~"I. Calif

Glcudalc, Callf

Veutum, Calif





~:!.. ~~

2-4. ~a


l\ov. 2lJ.30



tt'. Ala




13, H






l\lurlN{t.!', ~lirh
1>UI'UIHf, .:\Iic'h
~:JrawH. ~Jldl.
F:dnu,n\ ~\lkh. .._
)It. 1'1('.I<allt, )lieh
'-~n1tHl n.1.IJid;-o:. ~1ich .
,Mu:-.kt..~i)n . .:\Iich ..
Holl'II"I. :\!iell

Allegan, ;lIlcll




Bn('initaH, Calif



JlfJI,11t)...\ 1:1.



!)onf'(' d(~ 1.'~ln, FI:I. .... "

]~ l<'ultial\ ~llC..,,, Fla. U
P(lltl->:H'IJla, 11a.....
~ih" .. 11111. Ala











(;(lIl(~"il. Ala
~IO('(\lllh, Ala

l:llfaula, .\Ia

ruwn ~I'rin~ 4\la

:\lontgoIl1PI'\, .\Ia
:\laJ'hury, ..\Ia

U. 10









:\"ota-"'uL.;n \1:1
"'-"hlll'II, Ala




II1ltIJ"l'rN'I;. "kh

T~nlilltWZO(). )11l11

~Ol1th Jlan~l1.









_'IHll ... Jl
J:enton JIarhll!'. .:\lwh. 11
';\!il h. _.......,
1'hJ'P~ Hivers. 'IH.:h
('old't\at~r, :'\lilh
'l\~cUln" f-It, ~I H h



:EcI 1'<: I /(', Ala. ..

J. C.


~~i~~~i, :~tl:::::::::::::::::::: ::

.-\l,d" In-!a, .\la



~u. ~1







61le \0-\TCI-IT0\VER



11 7 Adams Street
Brooklyn. N. Y., U. S. A.

J, F, RCTImRFORD President

W. E. Va..'f



"And all thy children shall be tauht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." .kzialz S4:I.3.

~r<:at shall


THAT JEHOVAH is tho only truo God, is fr:lill everhsting
to tverhtsting, tho Mal:cr of h.,avcu llllfl c:ll'UJ. ::md tho Giver
of lifo to his ereature~ i t!.:),t tho Ln;;OI:\ was the ",'~innil''S or
his creation lLnd J';I:\ nrtivc H;;cnt in tho erca! ion or 0.11
thill~s; that tho LCJ'~/JI:\ ilcl now 010 Lor<1 JC8U.'i Cilr,:;t in glor~',
dothed with nIl Pf,\\'('r in he:Ll'cu uwl earth, u1:d tho Cillo!
Executivo O!iieer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD creater} tho earth for man, cft>de,l rerfect
man for tho t~~rth and phec,l him upon it; th::t 1.1:m Y;iUully
disobcyetl GO/l '5 law ull,l was s,mtl':J.ce,l to death; that by
relt~on of Ailnlll's wron~ net 11,11 men aro bol'U sinners anJ
without t!.le' right to lifo.
THAT JESUS WllS mau[} human, and tho man Jesu!I sufft'rt'U deuth in order to procluco tIl<) rall:;om or redcmpthu
rrko for all ul:l1lkiwl i that (l0U raiseu up J ~~us divino aut!
exalted him to hc:wcn abovo C\'cry (~r('aluro and above every
namo und dothcd him with all llowm: :UlU authority.
THAT .JEIIOVAWS ORG,\NIZATIO:-.J is ealled Zion, tin,}
that Chri~t Jcsus i3 tho Chid OGeer thereof and is tho
rightfnl Kinlt of tho \VorlJ; tkt tho :moil't(",l anrl f.aithful
followers of Cl.rist .TC8US aro f:ltilrlren of Zion, m('tr,h~rs of
JcJ'0":l1I'8 or~:lnizntion, unu aro hia witncFScs ,.. hoso dnty an,}
privile~o it is to tc~tify to the Iluprcmacy of Jdlovah, (loclnl'll
bis IllUPOS(:s toward mankind as eXprf'~5N in tho nilJle, and
to bear tho fruits of the fungdolll before all who will hear.
THAT TH E WORLD has tJw1ctl, nnu the Lor(1 Jesu~ Christ
has h.'en placed by Jehovah upon his throno of authority,
has ouste<1 Satan from h!'1I.\'('n find js proceeding to tho
establishment of God's king,lom on earth.

THAT THE RF:L1EF anfl hlf'?sin:,rs of

tllO peoplf's of t'flrth

J'cllOvnh 's kin~Jom under
Chri~t whieh hu!'l n0W b('C:lll1; tlmt tllO T,ord's 1Ior"xt gr('~"t
net is tho dt)~trudion of S:ll:ln's org-unizntion and tho estal>lishment of 1i~ht('ou~nc~s in tho I)artll, lmel that under tho
kingdom all those wllo will o))ny its righteous laws IIl1aIl bo
l'e!tored nn,l live on earth forever.

can como only by ulHl


The Atlnntl', serden convention will be on November 23, 21
nn,l 25; hearlquartf'r;; .\nsley Hot.el, 1'00 t'. garden. ::\If'et in:.;!
flaturday r.u,] ~uuday will be hl'ltl in tllC City Auditorium.
'fhe511 meetings will he arid It'ss('d by Y:lrious hn:thrcn, including the presi<Ient of tho ~ocicty.
It is l10pNI thnt tnany or the pim:lf'ers in the south may he
able to uttcnd, bIt'eping quarteis are b"jug provic.l"rl for l~
hUII<1rcd or more 1'i"I1('(;r5. Pione<,l's \yill maliC no urran~,"
IllCnts for 'Iunrtprs until seein,~ clH\v<,ntion COtnlluttf'e, .A cre,ht
of :;;:!;) will he allowell to each piolwl'r on lJ()I)k j\,'c'ount to help
pay exp<}nses to tho cl,lwention. Let ull tho Lord's people pre
IIent t!Ji~ matter before the throutl of g-I:ICe for !Jis hlc~sJ1\~
thtLt there nlll.y he n. sl,lelhllll wih\f'S3 to the hl1no~ 01 his nltllH'.
Address all communieatiolls to Clifton It 'I'h"m:ls, CIl:tirmall
Conn'ntion Committe,', 1;)91 B.:lmont Aye" H,W., Atlanta, Ga.


This pel'lod embrn~s the nine \la~';; of .Kow'nber 24 to
De~elllb~r 2 ine!ush'f'. 8cJin~ that it is JelHJ\"a!, '8 \"ill tk.t
the fi!et members of The ~enant of Jehovah shaU, WithOllt
delay, gi,e a witness to awl cOIU~erning the Ul~n Cre:.ltUlc8
that now have to do with things pertaining to llli" earth, the
new booklet Angels will be specialized on as for ,l1stributivn


HIS journal is puhlished for the purpose of enaTJling

t 110 people to b",w Jehoyah God anll his purrc)S,'S as
eXfJrc ss('d in the Bihle. It publishes Bible ins~mdi'm
spee;fkllly dl'si;:;ned to aiu Jehovnh's ,vitnease's. It nrr:,n;,:e::!
s~"atenmtic Dible stlllly for its re~dcl's and !>upplics other liter
::,tUI I' t.) r.i,l in sudl Rl u'lips. It pll1Jli~hcs sljit:I1,ln matcl'ifil
for mtlio IJroadeflstiIlI:;' unu for ollIeI' menns of publie instruction in tho f;eriptul'~s.
It adheres strictly to the Blblil as authority for it::! utterances, It ill entirely free and fcparuto from nil parties, sects
01' ether ,vorldly orrr~niz(\tion3. It is wholly :lll'l wlthCJut
reservation for the Jdll';dom of JcllOmlL GCJd uncler Chrbt
llis TIdovd l\.in~. It is n'Jt dog-mati", but im'ites care'ful
~nr1 critical c::aminativn oj' its contents in the Jig-ht of th',)
1:1el'iptnre3. It r1o~3 noL inrlul,~<) in controversy, and its col
Ullin>! aro not 0pl.n to pnrsonalities.

UN17ED STATES, $1.00;
$l.CO; (lr.r:.\rl1 IlttI'l'.'i.1:i,



l\fISCt:I.L,INr:OU3 Fonf:rr;:l,
};OL'TH Ac"nrc.\, 7.';.

At:;)rn.Ar..\~IA .. A:,'O

Amujrnn rr:l1iftar:.'':'~ should hn Tn:Hlo hy J:xpre:'--,i




Q.nlct, or lJ'y l;:tul: Draft. Cau.1.dian, ]:riti"h, ~outh .."\t'rk:\!1 PI~(l

Austr:l]:'1~!:"'n retmitt:tnf'("s hholl!tl Ln mado dtt"r'ct to the r"h~(,.... t;\ll

bran( h o!iice.:r.



f'OI'nll ic';-J o111~r

hu u t 1111;U


!Jo Jlla<!Q to tho l:rool.l)'u (lince, Lut Ly illtoTlIaWmu&

PObtal M(l11ey Orue,' only,
tioo(,,y Trl:lY



British , 21 CraY~" Tenare, r,onl1<ln, '1'1. :!, F.ll~hntl

~n Irwin A\Plll1Qt 'l'ufon1o, ()111uric), t"ul:al.t.
A 7 l~~r,~~fcrl1 H(J:Hl, ~trallJlif.:ld, N. ~ .. \v.) A'r~traE'1.

Bout], .All icr:,.



llrJ"llJU lIou ,c. Cape 'l\,wn, HOUlh JUra'a

IHldrt'ss thu l;ociel.r In el'('ry case.


thi, i'JU/lwt appear in several lallguage~.)

All "inrere RtUI1P.!Its of tlr~ mllle wh() by J'ca~on of ir.tirmltj,

po\"erl,' or nrJ..-er;ily nro un:thle to p"y tlH) Huh",:-ir'ti"U l'ri<'~
Ulay han, 7'he 1I',,:chlu,rer frf.'O upon wl'iltf'.\ applkatint1 to til"}
puIJllqllCt"S, m:1.dQ onCll Na'h year, st:1.i1ng: the rl ~"on r"r t,o n,
'lUC'ljlJ~ It: \l"1l Ill''' ght,] to thlJ~ nid Ow !l"r;dy, hnt the Wl'il1r'Jl
Qpplicntion OONI cadi year 11'1 r~,!uircd hy the po~t(ll r(,;.:u!a !i;Jl)8.
'Notiec to Subscribers: _\ckno~";l(,(kmf'llt of It new nr It rf'nrwnl ~llh
l'rription will ho ~.'nt only ,dh'n r~,!l1e8lc<l. ('h:tnne of a<!,!r"f',

rCjlll~,t~(l, 1lH1Y



to 1U'rlPar on Ufltlrl':,i lal,( l '\"\ it!\i 1

ona month, A renpwal blank (r:1.rryin~ noli,tl of ~~niralio'1l w:il

be ~ent with tho journal 000 month beforo tho "uh,,'riptloll ex"ir"".
Biltered as Seeo,..1 ClasR 1I1aU Matter at n,ooT.-!yn, N. Y., POjioiJ/cc.
Act of March 3. 1S7!J,

durin!'; lhis pel'iOll. Let all who lu:l.\c takpll It 8tml,l 011 tl",
sille of Jehomh to sen'e him make \!f('p:iral i'dl prl}llll' Iy 10
have supplies, time nnd territory for tllis f)ll'f'!'ll \\ itll"'~' I:n
porting r,~slllts for tlte cntire jlr'rio'l i~ an [tPIll ue illl!,UlllllH'<'.
Let .JellO\ah's witl\l'fSeS and Jonarlahg alikl) l'l'i'dlt tlir"I't to
the HrooldYlI office if not working in territory unller one ,).f
the ~ocic:y '8 brauches,

Wicked spirit creatures ofilidprl the human ra"c f{)r
mnn\' <;ellturip~. It is vf the grp:tt('st imi'orl~!l"P tl,,~t el:'II'
kind' should un<1~r8tantl the ori:.;ill of tllOS,~ \\ i('l,l"] erc:lturcs,
their lIlethodR of o]lcmtion, awl the IlfJwer th .. y l xr,rC'j~c 1)\"1'
tlte m('n rmf] nations of the \\'orld. It seems the L'J! rl .~ du., t J!Hil
to re\eal tl.\,~e truth,. The hooklet .(noels giy.~c' tlt,,~ ~,'riptn:'~ll
proof awl is now re~dy to I,,: reh'uspd to tll~ [Jel,!,l,', Tho
rt'mmmt should otllrlV its contents e:uefullv an.l b\ diliu:ent to
get t!te uuokJet intI; the kIwIs of every 'f'er~cl!l of 1,':00.1 \yill
and all \\ 1,0 l(f\l sef'kir.!:: the truth, The .fonnd,d)3 >,Lr."dd j''''t!
in tlJi.~ \yitne~s wOlk ~:hd (llstrnJntiol1. The elin;:tx 01' t;ll) ~fl;.tt
day of God Almi;;hty is rapidly approaching, nlHl a I;n~wll'd;;e
l'f the truth is es:'enr::.1 to all who wo,,],] Tf'("'l\"C prott,rt'oll.
'l'he hooklt:t will be trn'l:i!:ltctl fllltl puhtisl,c,l iu 1l~:tUY lauQ ua:~18.
The Society \nll 5111'1'Iy the demund as lapidly U3 ]>l)o'"Lk,





No. 21

I, 19:J!


Par they cat tlte orClld of tdcl.:cdncss, (tnd drink tlte /L'ill!! 0/ lio!clire. "-Prot:. ,1: 11'.
l'ARl' 1

g IIOVAII has forewal'ncc1 the remnant that the

seed of the :-leI'pent' would form a conspiracy
and cany it out to the limit of his ability, the
l)Ul'POS(~ of whi/h cOllsph'acy is to destroy Jehovah's
lllloinhd. '}'o tlll~ \','itne:.;~:('s of J(hovah now on rarth
is committed the tcxtimony of Jesus Christ, and hecuu"e they try to fulfil their commission they nrc
hatt~d by tht: nt~vil and all of hi:-; offspring. (Rev,
1:!:17; Ps. 83:~-fi) 'fho<.;e in the conspiracy are
attempting to cut off JdlOvah's anointed fl'om Iwing
a nation; aw] this wickcu ('rowd of conspirators is
composed of no~ IlllU a IllJsl of wi(ked spirit Cl'catul'l's
who joiueu Satan in hi:-; relle]] ion at Eden aIH] who
c(,ntilllle to fight llg'ainst the anointed; aJl(] of th0se
on earth, the rdigiou:-;, poJit ieul 11I\U commercial eleIlIents that ol)(~rate, pt'rforJllin~ theil' l'rspceti"e Ihll'ts,
nIl or whieh is lIlH.l('l' the dirrc:tion of Satan the Devil;
}1t'II('C all of these conspirators are the 'sced of the
Serpent', Satan is Ill'oud, hau~hty, arrogant utld
austerc, All of hi'l ofrsprin~ arc likewise disposed.
It is the di\'ine rule t hat pride goes beforc de"t ruction, and a haughty spit'it btfore a full. (Prov. 16: ]8)
In kecping with this rule Belshazzar the kin~ of
Bahylon held a great feast, at whi('h he and his assembled f,{U('st:-; became very drunk. 'rhe feast was IAn
oceasiou for lUuch swa~g-ering' and boasting and great
hilal'ity and carousal. '1'hc proverhial fall of the king
of Bab,yloll and his followers quickly came thereafter.

hines; the gol(kn vessels used at the feast, out of whi/~h

the wine was drunk, pi(:tured tho remnant, .JdlOvah's
witncsses, who arc wholly devotcd to him, whit'h Satan.'s crowd expect to completely discredit and thcn
to destroy; the fill;!ers of the hand that wrote upon the
wall pictured Christ ,Jesus, to whom Jehovah has committed tho testimon,Y whieh must be ddivel'l'd before
the fall of Satan's onwnizatioll; Cyrus, the invatliugkillg, pictured Christ .J ('Sl1S, the vi<'toriolls \Y alTlor
who will clean out :-:in tan 's organization, 'rile fulfilment of this prophetic picture })('gins a ShOl't time
before Armagtddoll ancI is conelud(~d at Al'Ilwgtddoll.
'l'he fulfilment has now begun, and hencc it lIpIH'al'S
to be the will of God tha t his anointed rt'l1Inant :;hould
have an understanding of the prophecy,


Let tho anointed remnant now on. earth take com

Ol't in this fact: that the divine record of Belshazzar's
feast was k(1)t and preserved until this day for their
learning and that, the fulfilment of this prophetic
picture having now begun, the und(~r:standing thel'l~of
~ivcs strength to their hope of ultimate triumph
tlll'ol1gh Christ Jesus, who leads the army of Jehovah
. t tI Ie enemy. I nilS
tl' prop IlIe t'Ie 1)1('
. t ure l~)eI
shazzar represented the earthly offspring of the Devil,
that is to say, the yisihle part of the 'seed of the
Serpent', and he and his llllies arc in the conspiracy
under the leadership of Gog; the "lords" picture
all 'who arc in the IJeague of Nations or like com2


8 Belshazzar was a son (or grandson) of XclJ11chaclnezzar the king of Babylon. (Dan, 5:2,18) :-latan's
on~anization is named "Babylon"; hcnec Kehllehadnezzar the kill~ of Bah~'lon would pictUl'o Satan hilllself, while Belshazzar, bring' his SOli, would 1'cI)1'esent
the earthly sced of Satan, particularly the rlllen; of
"Christendom", which are made up of the religious,
political and commercial elemcnts, tho lutter beillg' the
principal ones of tho religious flock. "Bdshazzur"
means "prince of Bel" 01' "whom Bel favors", and
hence pictures "Christendom ", which is now drunk
on Babylon's wine, and under the leadership of (l0r.r,
the invi:-;ihle field marshal of Satan who is a:-;signed
to lead the army of Satan at Arrnagctldon. "Bd"
was the chief god of Babylon, and henc~l means Ratan himself. "And I will punish Bel in Babylon, aud
I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath
swallowed up; and the nations shall not flow togptlwr
any more Ullto him; yea, the wall of Ibhyloll 511all
fal1." (JCl'. 51:44) In the fir!',t yell l' of Belshazzar's
reign Daniel had a dream in \vhich dream or yj~ion he
beheld four beasts, pit'tming the earthly ruling pow
ers of Satun. (Dun. 7: 1-3; see The li'atc!lto1t'cJ", ]9;)3,
page 180) In the third year of Belshazzar's rCi~(ll
Daniel had a vision of the defiling of God ':; sa\l(:tual'y


s:J{ic \Vf\,TCI-iT0\VER.
anr} its Jut :~r vindication,-Danid 8; sre The Watch.
t071'er, l!):)a, pages 179.18G, 193202, 21l2IfJ.
1 'fhe time of the f1l1fllmellt of the prophetic pi('turc
of the feast of Belshazzar secms to hc shortJy VrI'CC(j.
ing' Armageddon. The l'cc(}rd t1H.:reor ao; set forth in
tlw fifth chaptu' of Danid lwg'ino; in this mann!'r:
,. Belshazzar the king madc a great feast to a. thou
sand of his 10rd3, and drank ":inc hefore the thcilsand." (Dan. 5: 1) This fca"t was hdd in the king's
palace, and on the very night that Bnl,ylon was 0\'('1'
tlit-own hy the ::\ledcs nlHI Persians, awl hence must
pidm'e a time nner Christ },('\('ills his l'{.:ii!Jl and is :>ent
forth to OWit the enemy awl shortly IH'ecerlin 6 the
hat~1<~ or the ~l'l'at uay of (:ofl l\lmi~~hly. That cpt
initl'1y fixcs the time of the fulfilment of the prophetic
pidure f! ft, r 1!J1..J. UIlt! shoJ-tly b:: fore thc battle of
Al'Il1ugeddoll; luncc hoth the scripture and the ph)'>;.
iral faet~> show that the prophec~' is now in course of
fullilmen 1.
~ The Chalclaic word for" ft>ast" is if chem, me:lll
ill'~ "common eating togcl.her". "A fen.,t is made for
laug'htcl', and ,ville makcl.ll mClTY; but mOlley <lllSwe)"
cth all thillg.'i." (E(~I'1. 10: ]!J) 'l'I11~ gn'cd foI' g;Lin aut!
}lower hrought 1h('~;c fe;l:-,j('l'S tOg'ithC'l' in a grc'at
('arousal or COIllIIHJIl c!l'uukell revel. The love of mom'y,
the root of all evil, In'iugs illto a ('ommon u:>semlJly
thu'lC or all nat ion:, hent 011 I'l>pro:ldliug' the name of
.JdlfJvah al\ll Joing' violence to thuse wltO serve Gou,
wldeh e\'(,ll nuw exists aTlH)Ilg'st 1he nations of "Chris
tOI1(10111"..At the time of ndshnzr.ul"s f(ast war was
on In'tween the Chalul'an:-l on OtiC side and thc ,\Ic(ks
uIHl Per:>ians on the other, and douhtless the feft:>t was
held hy Bdsha:~zar 1hat he uncl hi., men might for a
tillle forget what was going' on outsicle their fortifieu
tion und to nft'orfl them opportunity to further devi:"e
dl'\.~d:i of wiel\( dlle~'s, (Pro\', -1: Ii) Dread (lccltcm)
eating well pictured the eatill~~ of the common brend
of conspiracy against Jehovah's" hidden ones". (l)s.
83: 3) "Have nil lhe wOJ'krrs of inifluity no lmowledg-c? who cat up my lJ('ople as tlwJ' cat bread, and
call not upon the 1.01'(1." (Ps. 14:4) The Chaldcans
wcrc eatjn~ behind the walls of the city, and Iwnce
in s(,C1'(>t; and, beinr,; in secret, it \\as pJeas<lllt to tlwm.
(Prov. !): Ii) The worL! "feast" ill the Hebrew is
uCl'i"cd from the word meaning "to feed on ", figurati \'ely .. to consume", and b~' implication" to battle ",
as in de:,?truct ion,
6 Today" Christc'ndom" is in great fear and trepidation because or s{'eing the on-coming' battle of Arma
geddon. They know something tcrriblc is impending,
but they have not the ImowleJge of God's Word or
faith in it to determine what it is. Like Pharaoh and
his crowd in Egypt dming the ninth plague, they arc
in great darkness. Even the pope is saying that his
"holy year" proclamation has failed to bring forth
fruit, und h::ts clo~l'd up the wall 'rit h golden bricks
and called upon his allies to pray that ArmageflUon
may be aver1L\d, He does 110t realize that Armageddon
will be fought by the powers of Jehoyah God. 'fhe

rulers who sens!' the approaching battle or gro:"t

trouhle woulfl like to minimize it and its fri~..(Jltrnl
rc:.ults, and hcnce they are drinking and eutiw~ together, which fmnio.;hcs them some relaxation w!l:~e
t:lCY are cliscuo.;"in~ lllHl considering ways and UlL",ll::
fDr thn dimiw,tioJl of .JpJwvah's witnesses. It i'~
noticeuhle at this timc that in evcry nation the rulill,'j
powers arc fc)1ll)wiW~ exadly this COlll'i-;C. nf:bha?~,l!'
l1'3semhled u thou;'anJ of his lords, symlJolicuJly nw:'njn~ the fullncss or completc11ess of the (':n'thly part ot'
Satan 's ol'1~unjzation. Antitypically it i~ now a gl'l-ott
fC:lst emlJ1'acjll~ all of .. ChJ'istelHlorn" aJ1il its d,,peIH.lclIl'ics, all of whieh 1ll'e br01.l'4ht iJltO tht' f'UlIspil'LH'y n!~ajllst .JdlO\uh awl hi" anoillll'd, that i~ to
say, ngainst all who arc ill lilJ(~ for the kilwt!on ;'Jld
wl10 fuitll1'lllly serv(' .J;>!lovah <":011. Satan pmployo.; :;;.;
'three fl'fJ~';S' to gal her the nutions to~..(P1 her fol' t il(~
battle. ~Hev. 16: I:J-Uj) 'l'he"e rnn~~natc::; Ol' "IOI'd:,"
1,I101'C I)urticularly l.idllre thm:e ill the inner (:irtle or
"CIIl'istcndOln" who, to'~Ctll<'l' with the kili'.~ or (']li:,f
OffiCCI'S, cOlJtrol or l'ule the peopll~. They CUll"llJl1e lnwh
winc at their feast., to ~lYe t!lc'm fresh eOIll'llg'c. 'l'llt'i r
lle:ll'ts arc hvavy bCI'alise of what. tllf'y sell~a~ is IIpproacltill~, l'xaetly as .)I':<ll:'; l'OI'l'!old, anel lll'nee Sntan
spcs it is w<'ll to '~i\'(.: Wi.lU twtn tho:-,c or heavy hvnrb'.
(Prov. :n: G; Lukc :21: ~:J, :!G) It is the "wine of
violence" dinel(d a~aill"t UOll's pr.ople awlliis caUSf:.
Satan hUVjllg" 10"t out in the battle in Ill'awn, l.iS
cohorts on earth 110\t' II\'('I} winc to ch('('r thl'lIl, bef'a u',c
now is a time of "\\013 to the inltabitl'l's lrll]('I's! ,,f
the tHrth/). (Ill'\', 1~: 1:1.) Tlwy arc seize,l \\jllt pf:!'plcxily and distl'cs:,;. The "thousalH.l of his lol'f]o.;" al"o
wclll'ietul'c lhe "ttll bngs" which "rl'('cive POWtl' ;Ii
kings one hour", ,,,hie1t tim0 ends at Ann;Ig'{(Itloll.
"'l'he5c hu\'e one mind I to fOl'm awl <'anT out t !J.~ rllnspil'acy against (Jod's eIIOS(U onl's], and shall g-ive
thdr powcr awl stl'Pll:!th nnto the beast. Th('sl' :>h,lll
make war ',vith the Lamb. "--Hev. .17: I:~-H; sl.'..~
Liyld, Bouk 'wo, pa:,!":s 10;-" lOG.
1 The plucc or scat of Belshazzar at t!lc fpa:>t woullI
1)c at the head of the banqllPt hall or table, and IIC
woulJ doubtlrss be surrounded b;'o' a select ('OIllpall:-',
with plent.y of sccret service men in the wiugs uf t .ill
stase, well al'llH'd. lIls wine wus red, nnd dOllbtll' ...
his eyco; also were re.1. "Bclshuzzur, whiles li(~ 1.:1:-.1, (1
the wille, c.Hllmanclcc.1 to brim~ the gol:kn and siln'l'
ycssds ,vhich his father .0:l:hurhadnezzar h~l(l tahn out
of the temple whirh was in Jerusah:m; tllat the kil:'.,
and hi:; pl'iHC(:S, his win~s, and 11i'i C01\(;llhil\(~'), might
drink therein." (D"n. 5: 2) Thc eXCf'-:"i\'c Willl~ of
Dnhylon had st.imulate,l and heatl:d l~do.;liazl:lr, <l11,1
now he fdt strong' and well able to cany 011t the will
of his fat he!' the Do:vil. lIenee his adilJlI'i \l('rnm,)
reckless, malieious anrl l'('g,ll'clless of t110 righls of
others, Here ngaill we mnst emphui'iize the fact that
the Dcvil's primary purpo:;c OJl al1 O(T;:-;ioll" i~ to
reproach the name of JdlOvah God; and he ,"as U~ill<:;
Bebhazzar ell the OCl.'USiOll herc cnnsi.1f'I'"r] to c}.) th,,~
very thir,g. Full of wine, and recklt::,s, Ikl~hlaar

SifIie \0\TC r-I TO\:VER

gave command that the goldpn :lnd BilY('l' vessels which
his father had stolen from the temple at Jerusalem
should be hrought out and set be.fore his g-uests, and
out of which they were to drink. The ~olden vessels
llcre mentioned l'l'prcr;ented tllOSC who are now diligent
in puttin~ forth tlwir hest ('mica nm; to honor the llame
of Jehovah. Tlw moderll us(' of "\Villc" by the antitypical Dclshaz:r.<-ll' crowd fillds its llotell(,y in the expression of ::)atan's will in such things as the Lcaguo
of Nat ions, the
orld Court, peace pacts, "holy
)'(:a1'," international arms conferene<.>s, and like arl'al1~ement':l, employed for sdf-preservation alld prosperity. (jo~, :-;,atHll's fidd marshal, puts the evil sug(l'l'stions into the head'! of the kadel'S of "Christendom", and, of course, all such is inspircd by 8a1un
himself, as he is the chief OtH', sittilJg in his high and
lofty pOllition to direct the movements aguiust Jehovah's nnointt'd onc~.
Ii 'j'he vc"l>ds of the tcmIJle of .Jcrw;alem were for
the sacred u~e in the sel'\'jee of .Jehovah, lind not for
lIlI)' selfish pleaslIl'e, whidl luth'l' nse would brin~
further l'('J)1'oach upun Jehovah's name. 'I'helie vessels
BeI.,hazzar'8 father hUll stoleu from the temple nud
hr(}n~ht to Bubylon, and llOW Belslw7.zar would (ksee!'ate them at hi."! carousal. Bdslwzzal"s fathcr had
bcell guilt.\, of ~I'eat cffr'onlcl'y when he rohbed the
temple of these vessels, and now the usc of th('m uy
this infidel, tlt'lmkcn crowd wonld add insult and bring
1uttht!' repro:Hh upon Jehovah's name. At the present
t inw "Clu'isknuom 's" ('Icct, which are the visible
'seed of the ::)orpent', would IH'ing greater }'ppl'oach
upon Jehovah's name by pe}'secutin~ and humili:ltillg'
amI improperly ill-using' Uod's faithful l'('JIllJilnt who
hl'llr testimony to his llame and his kingdom and which
faithful witIH'sses al'e tlcdaring the day of God's
,'clIgeance ll!{uinst Hat:Ill's Ol'g'Ull i:r.a.tion, )loderll llalJr1011, or "Chriskndom ", would desecrate these cllOSI;ll
yessels of the Lord by usillg' them in a ridiculous
manner, and thus ill their carousal would make a
mCl'l'j" time ,yith them. It is noticeable at this time
that the mouthpiN'c (or p'-lbli('ity agents, to wit, the
pnlJlie Il1"('SS) of "Christendom" takes great delight
in ridiculing and holding up to srom Jehovah's witlwsses. 'The kiilg's wiVl's,' mt'ntiolled ill the uecowlt
of the felliit of Bdsha7.zar, means the dpl'g',\' who arc
mal'l'icd to the state or politi"al power of the earth;
and "his concubines" means the modern "Judas"
company, or 'sons of perdition', who arc not recognized as wives of the political clement but who hire
themselves out to the state or political l'uling power
for their own leasure, to be llsed as illstrllm('uts tv
oring aoout humiliating action lH;::.iust Jchonlh's witllt'SSCS. The" J ndas" class, who arc also ill the eonspiracy, now p:1l'ticipate in the overt acts ug:ainst the
anointed of the Lord and seek means not only to intcrrupt the Lord's work but to put Jehovah's servants in t:'Ulbarrassiug positions alld cause violence to
be inllieted upon them.
II The army of Cyrus, at the time of the feast, was



invading Babylon, and Jehovah had caused !lis [ll'vphet to say concerning this: "He shaJllet go my eaptiws,
not for price nor reward," (Isa. 45: 13) This prophecy, of course, applies to Christ Jesus, whom Cyrus
foresiiutlo\Vcd, while Belshazzar, who now had IHJ;,SlSsion of the vessels of the temple, foreshadowed the
rulers of ,. Christendom" desiring to restrain JeLuvah'8 witne~ses and prevent them from oeing propel'ly
u:'wd and to cause them to be u:>eu for all improjJvI'
and unholy purpose. Also, Jehovah's prophet s~iid
conc(,l'llin~ the Devil, aeting by his earthly agelll,;,
that he "opened not the house of his prisoners" (l~:a.
14: 17), mcanin!:\' the 'ye:-i:,cls of silver', which rel)n~
slntaliwly stand for the "great multitude", who are
now IH'ld in the prison house of "Christendom", 01'
JIlOdl'l'll nab~lon. "Christendom" now rc:;ists tl:(~
kjn~tlom of Christ Jesus, the U I'eater Cyrus :1lI11 invading King, and also refuses to permit .Jehoyah's
willk;ses full freedom ill tlH'ir activit ies of servit(,
,Y11ilc at the samo time Babylon holds the I'great HIIlItitlldc" ill "the prii;on house" and n~straills and Pll~
vcnts them from going free from "the prisoll huuse".
-1:;a. 42: 7.
111 .\11 of ~atan's ol'g-allization is ugaiw;t Jeho\'all ':1
auointed, who arc pid ul'l'd Ly the I . gold.'u \'l'<;Seli"
llll'ntiolle(l in the propheey. '1'he rei i:..('iolls !Pader:;, t Le
political hOl-;scs, ~\lld the (:omlllereial giants arc I he
favored olles of "Christendom ", while the smaller
fl'Y, the strOllg'-ann squad and the h:1nge1':;-ol1 do lid'
heavy work and apparcntly the dirtier, contemptible
work. "'j'hen t hey brotl~ht the golden vessels tlta t
were taken out 01 the temple of the house 01' Uoel,
which was at Jerusalem; and the kill~, al1l1 his priw'('s,
his wives, aJld his concubines, drank in them." (Dnu.
5: 3) It may well be ~Ul'miscl1 that tho"e that In'<nWhl
out th('so wsselg did not halldl<.> them in 1.1 Ijud aud
delicate way. Today it is the stl'Oug-:mll E([lIad, ading' on orders, that brin~ forth the" goldl'll \"\:;;sl,ls"
of the Lord, that is to ~a.v, the faithful l'('mll:lnt \\'110
arc .Jehovah's witne!oJses; and the~' do not hundle thllll
in any soft and ddieate way, but rndelr, and sl)(,:l1,
to tlH'm with harsh and aw~ry words. Thes(~ faithflll
ones are, by Jehovah's grare. mailltainill~ their intl';!rily toward him and have olley('(l his commandmen1:;
to 'IJll~' of 111m gold tried in the fire'. (l~('\'. 3: 1:-,)
Bnch one of the faithful l'l'mlWllt i., a 'WS:-iel UI1IIl
honor, l>anetified and made meet for the ~ra"t('r 'i'- ll"I"
~Ild ellgu~(;d in a g'ood work. (2 Tim.~: ~(). 21) Be it
Hoted in the prophetic aeeount that the "sil vcr v. ss<,h" mentioned in the proph('cy wet'e not hrought Ollt,
hut only the "golden vcssels" wl;re hl'ought out. 'l':,e
"I>ilvcr vcs~;cls", representing- the "gl'eat m~dtit\l(le",
are held in custody in the Pl'i::;Oll honse" ns pri~(HH'rS,
and th('l>C in due time must ta\;:e their stnnd for .JelilJvah e\'ell at the co.,t of their lives; hut that timp h:!.;;
r~ow ahout urri\-ed. (Hc\-. 7: 9-14) The 1Jl'in~!'ili~ of
thesd gold(~n w:-isels out would menu the IJrjlH~ill~ \If
tlwm into view r.nd exhihiting- tlH'm to the drunken
rl;n:ler~;. Ljl~ewise, ulltit,rpically, Jehovuh's witne~:,;es


r.rfie WATCHT0WER.

are l)l'ou~ht forth and exposed to the view and exhibited b(~for() the drunken revelers of "Christendom".
The purpose of this part of the conspira('y is to make
J ehQvnh 's witnesses the center of ridicule and reproach b)' centering attention upon them while the
revelers attempt to make them appear ridiculous. 'fhe
king, and his princes, wives and eoncuhines, drallk
wine out of the ~olden vel>sels; showing that the entire crowd of modern times indulge in overt aeis in
furtherance of their wicked conspiracy. The revelers,
both ancient and modern, bein~ drunk with the wine
of Babylon, they get cheer and hilarity ont of misusing' Jehovah's witncs6es. In this manner those of
"Christendom" show thelllsel ves as heing' on the side
of God's vilifiers; and thus they don the garmrnts
of Baul and mark thcms('lvcs for t he slau~hter that
must shortly follow at Armageddon. (2 Ki. 10: 18-2i;
Jer. 25: 3:.1-36) All natiolls of "Christendom" now
hate Jehovah's witnesses, as Jesus foretold, and all
urc engaged in a conspiracy and are doing whnt they
can to bring l'cproach upon Jehovah's name b)' iIlusin~ such witnesses.
U The widwd one Satan, who comnwrcialized the
humun race lind debauchell the whole world, has
!loured the potion for his earthly rC!H'('selltatives wllo
Ul'e c1oin~ his will by I)('rSe('lltin~ .Jehovah's witnesses.
"'1'h('y chank wine, and praised the ~ods of goold, ancl
of silver, of hrass, of it'on, of wood, and of stone."
(llan. 5: 4) It is the wine of Bahylon that is heing
drunk out of the goldcn Y(~ssels from Jehovah's temple, and this adds to the hilarity of the rUlers, and
they get a great thrill out of it, and this induces thc'm
to praise cverything except .Jehovah and those who
are 011 his side. The langunge of this part of the
proplwcy further identifies the revelers as the 'se('d
of the St'fJ)('nt' alia thc worshipers of the Devil and
his organization. In the divine record concerning tho
dream of !\ehuchadnczzar recordcd and interprcted by
Daniel (sec Daniel, chapter two) the organization of
Satllll ,,"as pictured by a J{reat metallic ima~e, the
gold thereof picturing the Devil himself, while tho
other metals, in their order, pictured other portions
of Satan's orJanization; hence thest' revelers at Belshazzar's feast givt' pmise, while drinkin~, 'to tho
gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and iii one, ' and
thus they identify themselves as a part of Satan's
organization that is fighting against Jehovah and his
kingdom. The modern I I Chaldcans ", that is to sa~",
"Christendom," revere and worship the strong' ones
of the world org:tllizations, lind with trembling voipe
alld hypocritical hands uplifted they cry out COllccrning the League of Nations, 'It is the only Ii~ht that
there is'; and thus they' change the truth of God into
a lie, and worship and serve the creature more than
the Creator', even though outwardly, hypocritically
and fraudulently they claim to represent the kingdom
of Christ.-Rom_ 1: 25.
12 It was in 1928 that the seventh "plague" was
poured out, and in the ;year following the great COIll-


No Y.

mereial crash beg-3n; and ~'et the Babylonians, that

is, those of I I Christendom", have not cflUng('d th(ir
worship nor repented of their wicked works, "And
the rest of the men which wcre not killed by these
plagues, yet repcnted not of the works of their hands,
tIwt they should not worship devils, and idols of gold,
and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: whirh
neither can sec, nor hear, 1101' walk: neither reIH-nted
they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of
their fornication, nor of their thefts." (Rev_ !): 20, 21)
Now, with the' ever increasing' proclamation of the
truth, the rulers in "Christ('ndom" haye an opportunity to ,~(:c what. i~ rig-ht, hut thcy continue the per~eeution of those faithful and true wit1lf~sSCS of Jehoyah. Those composing' "Christendom's" or2:n nization
like to pose as the law-abiding, peace-making and
Ill'(,.,;pcrity-making rro"d, and to this cnd they seck
aUtl use the Inw-Tl1akiu~ and law-cnforc('mellt powers
to l)l'in:;: the anoillted ones of nod into disrepute lind
to suhjl'(-t them to g1'(~at humiliation. 'l'I1l!y take this
course of action npOll the false pretext and false claim
that .Jehovah's witnesses arl' a llH'JU]('C to the pearl' of
the existing govcrnmclIts, The truth of God's WOl'd
when tol/1 r('f\ects VCl'Y unfavorably upon the iniquitous do(trinps and work of those who rule ill "Christ01l1om", ancl in their augn' and in furtherallce of
their ronspira~y they enact laws to prevent the tl'1liug of sueh Scriptural tmths to the people, tl1ld take
whatewr COUl'se they can to caUSe the tmth to he
sllpprcsscIl. They conspirc together to dest roy fn'cdom of speech, frecdom of IH'CSS, and the free cxprpssiou of olle's undel';;tulltlinr~ of God's "'01'(1; and
all of this they do lIpon the wrongful claim that suph
is ncrCSSUl'Y in order to m:lintain the peace of ihe
state. 'I'hey wtong-fully usc .Jehovah's anointed vcssels
of gold, that is to hay, his witlWSSCfl, al\(l thC',}' would
prev('ut the deliverillg' of the te"timony of .Jcsus Christ
which God has commanded now must })e dcli\'clwL
'l'!lC'y arc foolish ill believing that thl'Y cun (It'feat .JellO\'ah aad put him to g-rentel' shamc. Jehovah now has
the cntire drunken crowd in derision. (Ps. 2: 4) It is
time for the hanuwriting concerning the wickcc1 crowd
of "Christendom" and their end to appear upon the
wall_ It docs appear!

Men sometimes make themhclves drunk to drive

away distl't'ss Hnd perplexity; and for some years last
past there have been p;reat distress and pcrplcxit~
among the rlliing elements of the world. But a dl'l'udful :;hock will hring' eYen a dnmkeil mun to his :;cnscs
to some degree. Tiwt was the etred upon Belshazzar,
and the picture will be fulfilled. Belshazzar and Ilis
lords were in di"tress concerning the approach of the
:Medcs and Persinnil, and they were drunk, a11l1 cantilltlf~d to drink out of the golden VC'ssels in order 10
bolster themsl.'hes up. Likewise the rulers of mo(]C'l'Il
I I Christendom", which is Satan's organizat ion, mi-;use God's anointed in their attempt to give themselves


1, 193-1

81le. \VATCHT0,\VER.

coura~e; and ,vhile they ate doing it tlley get a jolt.

"In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's
hllnd, and Wtotc over against the calldlt:stick upon the
plaister of the wall of the kill~'s palace; and the king
haw the part of the hand that wrote.' '-lhn. Ii: ii.
H The modern application of tho words "thl~ sanle
hour" manifestly is to the short puiod of time in
whic:h Satan prepares his OI'~~Ulliz;ltjf)n for the final
battle. (Hev. 12: 12) "And the ten Ilol'lls whi('h thou
sawest arc ten kings lforc,.;hauowed by Belshazzar and
his lords], which .. receive power as kings aile hour
with the bcast [that is, the imu2;e of the' sea beast',
which is the combine of nations]." (Hev. 17:12)
'rhe:~e all ud to~\elher ul-:aiilst Jehovah \; auointcd on('s
in the fohort time ,\'hen ~atl1n is preparing for tho
llUttle of .A rmavcddoll. "BallyIon" is the name of
Batan's crowd, antI stands for or l'epr('sents his organization hoth ill\'i~ihlc antI visible, and concerning
"'hich it is written: "That ATeat city Babylon, ..
in one hoUl' is thy jUlh~nH:J1t porn('." (ncv. 18: 10, 19)
'rhis is the time of the halH]wl'itin~'s appcarinu; on the
wall in fulfilm('lIt of the prophetic pietul'e; and the
fads show tlwt this time bpg'111l with the London eonventhm in l!J:!ti, at whieh a testimony was i~sued '1'0
'l'IU: ({ULEW'; 01<' '1'111,;


n 'I'he "lingers of a man's hAnd", wllieh did the

wl'itillA' on the wall, pidUl'l'd .Jehovah's power ex-cr
cised und hy his "rig'ht hand", Christ ,Il'SUS. platt.
12: 28) '1'he Lord J('sus at the tcmple uses the faithful remnant in conneetioll wilh his work ill S('nillg
notice upon the visihlc part of Satan's organizatioll,
and of this fact the invisihle pnrt of the enemy organi.
zation no doubt takes notice. (2 Cor. 3: 2, 3) Of himself J(sus saitI: "If I with thc finger of Goa Ithe
power of Jehovah] cast out drdls, no tIoubt the kin~
dam of floll is cOllie upon you." (Luke 11: 20) Con.
cerning' the thinl plague of E~ypt the mngicians said
to Pharaoh: "This is the finger of Cod." (Bx. 8: 19)
'J'hn law written on the tllhll'S of stonc was "writtt'll
with the finger", that is, the illYisilllc power or spirit,
of ,Jehovah. (Ex. 31: 18) 'l'hus (Jod canses Christ
JpStlS to hring' forcibly t.) the atleution of the cnemy
notire all\l "'aJ'nin~ of the enemy's endy downfall.
'I'he fin~ers of the man's hand" wrote over against the
cnJHllestick lIpon the pluister of the wall ", hmee in
the well lighted surfaee of the wall, thus fOl'C'ing the
rcYelers to sr-e it. This illustratrs how Jehovah dol'S
nothing' in the dark, but that he acts against thl' enemy
only after fuJI warnin~, and he causcs his witnesses
to openly antI abovehoard deelare his judgmelJts
ngainst the enemy. The enemy ,vill never he llhle to
SilY that they did not hear and that they uninh'ntionully oyeI'looked ,\'hat Jehovah said to th~ll1. lIe
illustrates this by cOlllpcllin~ and his
lords to take notice of the writin~ on the wall. It wa~
Belshazzar's ('u11<11e8 that li~ohted the wnll of his
palace, and likewise today the truth of Cod's \\TQI'd
is for(:etI into tho light which the rulers of modern
J3abylon, or "Christendom ", cause to bum, and they


are compelled to take notice of the message of trut h

whether ther want to do it or not. Today the ru!('rs
exhibit perplexity and distr.,ss, and at the same time
they arc drinkillg' the wine of Babylon in their efforts
to hide their perplexity while they go 011 fe\'erishly
preparing for war. Whilc they arc thus doing .Jehovah cause'i the m('!">:>age of truth to be put before the'ill
llllrler the light, anJ which messa~c in substance S,lyS
to them: "Soon you will have a fight, and a losing
fight. "
111 London, ElIgland, the "scat of the heast", u
wal'llin~ wns sounded openly aud aho"eboard in )Ty
J !J2G, wldeh }TIl'ssage was heard hy the ruling PO\\ (']'S
of "Chl'i:;tcndom", hut at whil"h they scoC!\'d lInd
which t1ll'y have spurned, and that mcssage marl,ed the
bc'~,;'illnin~ of their" transgressiun of desolation". The
handwriting, the message on the wall, was 110tice and
waming' to Bc'lshazzar llnd his revelers, and ('on{'sponds with the pla~ucs upon Eg~'pt, which also sel'v(oll
w; notice and wnrning to the rulers in 8attln's visihle
ol'goanization. "The king' saw the part of the hand
that wrotc," but he did not sec the l'0wer that mO\'l'd
tho hand. Today" Christl'llIlom 's" ruler:i IJave 1'1'('n
.Tehovahs human agents used in s('rvin~ to give 1111'1.1
notiec of warning, and tl1('y have heard tlte uotil'!' of
warnillg, hut they have not seen or disel.'rJH'd .TdiOvah's spirit whieh moves surh a~cnts or servants 10
hrill!~ that notil'c of wal'lling to thr!n. 'l'he handwrit
ing on the wall was by tbe power of (:od, uno for that
}'cason couJtI not picture the pre~ent-day tIl']lI'l':"";!OJl
or had C'conomic conditions fhat affl'(~t th<: world. Th:lt
handwriting .on the wall foretold disaster to HelshazZl1r the king- of IJnhylon and his army; UlIl] in llwdl'l'l)
time's the fulfilmeilt thereof foretells the doom of
Satan's organization, which is Bahylon includill~
"(JIIIi.,tendom". '1'he judgment, notil~e and wal'ni/l~
must lIe delivered before the exeClltioll of the judg.
mellt, antI that is why .Jeho,'uh 's 'Vitlll~S"l051 elll=:age in
ikl'laring the dny of the venr-teancc of our Uod. ~l1l'h
1Iotic'e must he sen-cd hdol'c the gi"in~ of the messag'('
dCSC'l'ibcd by the prophet: "One post sllUllrun to me ,t
another, and olle meSSl'n~er to me('t another, to s!ww
tlw king' of Babylon [Bcbha7.Zal' and the modem rul
ers of 'Christentlom'] that his city is taken at OlW ('ud
[Oil ('yery qnartrr, R.Y.], and that the lJassn~e51 are
stopped [surprised, [(T,: s(~ized, A .J0'.1'.], and tlW
}'eeds they have burncrl ,,,ith fire, and the men of war
are affri~htetI," (Jer. 51: 31, 32) From 1!)2G to 1D:;3
Jehovah '8 mes<;age of warning hera!lkd hy hi'> faith
ful witnesses wns boldl:,>' tldin:l'ed all11 raisctl hig-h by
wille publication, alld tIm, "CIlri:;tclltlom" wus com
pelled to take notice of that 1lll::;Sl'~;0 of wamin~. aUll
which message of wa1'l1ing must llc dcli"errd beforc
the fall of Bahylon is ('ompkte.
17 Behhazzar and his renlrrs in '.vine ,n'ro compelled to take llotiee of the "i!..'11 or hUlJlh\TitilH~ ap
pcarin~ 011 the wall, and the sight thcrcof somewhr,t
so!JI'l'cd them; ('spl'rlall~' was that the effect upon the
king. 'rhe rulers of "Christendom" have not bl'cn


f.f1'ie WATCHTO\vER..

ilblc to ignore the noticc of warning that Jehovah has

caused his witnesses to proclaim IJeore them. '1'h()
havc bcen compelled to give the matter some thought;
and the facts show that they have thol1!!ht, and some
of them have thought seriously. They have been 1'0hred for a time, but this hl.l'l ~('r\"(~d only to harden
tlwir hearts. "Then the king's countenance [bright.
lleS-'l, R. V., mal'/.{in] was chnng('(], and his thoughts
troublc<J him, :'iO that the joints of his loins werc
loosed, unO. his knees :'imote one ugainst another."
(Dan. ;): 6) It was in 1928 that thc Lord caused his
l'('mnant to make a d.;('\aratioll of Jeho\'ah 's jllll~mcnt
which lill wriLten a~aiJlsl Satan and all of hi;; organi.
zation, and tu gi\'e wamin/.{ thnt all who \\ utllu li\'e
must take the side of .JellOvah. '['hat nH':-,sagc of notice
anu wuming was proc1aimeu th t'uughout "Christc'ndom ", and as to the rulers thereof it somewhat
loosene(] their joints and cause(l their knces to kno('k
togetlwr. That would sohel' them for a time. Shordy
t1wreafler the ~l'eat eO))}ffiercial el'ash came and Babylon hc~an to soher up a little mure, nllll the chief ones
thereof I>ho\Ved a dull ('ouutcnance instead of a hright
one. By hili pr0l'!te,t .Jehovah tells them now to howl,
hecause their howlin~ clays nrc sho!'t. "Howl yc; for
the day of the Lord is ut hand; it shull eome as a uestruetion il'om the .Almighty. Therefore shall all hunds
be faint, and every man's heart shall mclt: anu tllt'y
shall be afraid: pang's and sorrows shall take hold of
thC'm; they shnll he in pain as a woman that travail
oth; they shall be amazed one at unothC'r ; their faees
!iha1l be as flames." (Isa. 13: 6-8) While they U1'O
howliug' e\'idc.>lltly Jehovah laughs at thelIl.- Ps. 2: 4.
18 'l'his corr('sponds tv the pruphecy uttC'rcd by Jesus, to wit: ".And there shall he signs ill the SUll, and
in the moon, and in the stars; aw] upon the earth distress of nations, with pcrplexity; the sea and the wans
roaring; mcn'~ hcurts failing- them for feu I', and for
luoking after those thing'S which are cornin~ on the
('''rth: for the l)Qwel'S of heaven shall he shaken."
(Luke 21: 2G, 26) Although "Christendom's" mighty
men brin!!: forth the Llague of Nations compact, peace
treati('s, disarmament conferences, "holy rear," national recovery acts, )'ct theil' howling continues. In
that period the pope regains his temporal power and
the othcr parts of "Christen<Jom" rcctive his delegatl's or ambassadors. He deC'lares 1933 a "holy year" ;
and wlltn he sees that has failed he continues to howl
with his other allies and asks them all to pray that
Armngeddoll may he prevented. Witlliu this same
hour, with inrl'c:1Ecd zeal anu activity Jehovah's r('mnant places t he m~:ssa~~e of the Lorc1 God high up on
the ,mil, and Goo has compelled the rulers in "Christendom" to read the message although they do not
understand it.
19 For many ~'ears the rlcl'gy have heM the position
of spiritual add~crs to the otl1('r ruling elements of
Babylon, or "Christendom". True, somo of th"se
clergy are Catholics, some arc Protestants. and "orne
are Jews; but aU are engaged in the same lmsine';', fer


N. Y.

hire. Katurally they arc now being ('ailed upon to

give u(h-icc and counsel and consolation to the otl1<1'
rulers ill "Christendom". "'rhe king eried aloud to
bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soot hsn:.rers. .And the king spake, and said to fhe wise men
of Bahylon, Whoso(:,ver shall read this writin;r, and
shew me the intcrpretation thereof, shall he ('Iothd
with ~wal'!et, awl have a elwin of gola about hi,; Ill::k,
and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom." (Van.
(): 7) This description of the kitJl.(s advi~;ers giv('n
ill the prophcC'y shows that these advi~ers include not
only the (']crgy of the various l'('ligious or~~allizations
but also the lJl'ofcssional eC'onomists, ltislol'i;JlIs, pht10:,op11er5 and such like in the pre,;ent timp, awl whi(,1t
arc desi~~Iw.ted by Bab)'ion's puhlicity ngl'nt<; as "0 e
brain trust ", lIl('tmin~, of course, those that ha ve grul t
"wisdom". 'l'hc sev('rlth "trumpet" for Jeho\'ah al!!l
a~aim;t Satan :.lIld his organization was "quJl(led in
1U~f\, and shortly thereafter, as it should lw e:qH:ckd,
the r\l]in~ PO\\ C'rs of "Chrisl cll<loffi" pid l!J'l'd by B('Ishazzal' wonl!l begin to cry out; and that is cxa(:ly
what did come to pass. Tn ] !J28 a wO!'ld confcrence
was held in Paris, anu anot It(:r ill London the Il\'xt
year, for the e\'idpnt purpo:-.(~ of Ilscertaining' tlt(, Inl'allin~ of the tln'patcning conditions alit! of the si~n,;,
not icC's 01' dcel:lratlollS that had been g-i\'en. That was
after the "liii~ll in heavcll, ~l'l'at and marvdlo\ls ", fwd
appl'arcd. (Hev. 15: 1) 'rhe time ha\'in[.( al'l'iwd to
Tindicate .Jl'ilovah's uamC', Ilis witnc:,sl's \I"ould ('a1l' e
thc trnmpet to SOllU<l and to Mi\'e uoti(c'. and dis<'olllfort came to til(' l'llrthly rulers as a partial 1'(' ,ult the!("
of. KilJ~ llebhazzal' appeall'd to his o\':n ~j(1yj<;ers for
help, unu c\'vn so the rule'rs in "Ghr'isteIHlom" in
modern tim('o.; have u"s('mbk<l its "wise men" that
wi!:idom 1Tli~ht 1'('snlt fl'OTIl sll('h multittHle of eouns(1
and that the~' mig-Itt detel'mine what to duo Of COUI';:(',
none of Jcllo\'ah's witllC!iS('S woulu 1)(' call('d to swh
a eoni'<'l'cnce; for suC'h eonl'(,],l'n('e i." unt i-God and
anti-kin~uomj and J('llOvuh's witnessl's would not be
wUlltc'(1 th(,l'C, neither wonlu thC'y W:111t to he tlll'I'C'.
20 The h~md'\'l'iting on the wull at B('lshuzzar 'I{ feast
was in a foreifrn lan~unge, a lun~U:t~H' not knowll to
Belshazzar, an<1, cven if he ('ould read it, II(' \Vas not
learned thcrein and wns not able to intC'!'prl't the S:l1IH'.
Likewise the 'scven augels having the l;('\'Cll last
pla~ues' were m('sscng'ers not of a human ol'~~unizati(lll,
and consequently the meSSll:~e was not of human int('rprdation. The rulers of "Christendom" saw the aetivities of Jchovah's witnesses alHl heard what tItl')' w('re
declaring, hut the :force and signifiC'aupe of their m('s
8a:.('e necded same explanation or interpl'datiulL Bd.
shazzar wanted an explanation of what he saw on the
wall, and in mou('rn times "Christendom's" 1'\11,'1'8
want to know the meaning of the pre~pntduy e\,Pllts,
including what Jehovah's witnesses dedal'(" mHl to
find this out they Hlik their OWII e!ergymcll 1lmI "wi","
men ". No doubt the activitie~ of these faithful wit)J('sses ha\"e be('ll frequently discussed ill 111(' sl'(,l'd
conferences of the "wise men" of the mod(,tIl day.




a:rie WATCI-IT0\VER.

'rhe "Monday l\forning l\[inistp.rial Confen>nces" have

often been occupied with a eonsideratioll of these
matters without rcuching- <my satisfactory conclusion.
When it appears that the puhlic press, which is thc
flh'crti3ing purt of Satan's visible organization, begins
to give attention to what ,Jehovah's witllf'<;SCS arc doill:!" then it must be known for n cCI'tamty that the
"wi::;c mPH" of "Christendom" have be,-'ll di,;ctlssillg
tile matter.
21 Belshazzar sobered up for a brief season and had
his counselors brought ill. "Then came in all the
kin!;':> wise men: but they could not read the writing,
nor make kllown to the l{ing' the intcrpretat iOll t hel'eof." (Dan. [j: S) 'fh('Y must Im\"(' been a sony lot
when they, composing thc "brain trust" of his administration, appeared h::1'ore the king-, a!Hl not one
of th0\l1 able even to rcad the halldwritin~, much less
to make Imown the inll'rpretation thereof. The salllo
thing is truc today. 'fhe wise eOllnsdoJ's of "Chris
tcltlloll\" ure unahie to r(~ad the ~if~ns 01' iut('rpl'ct
tl\() SUIIlO hccau!->e th<'Y ignore (;ou's WOl'ft Especially
sinee 1!J2!J the ruliug' powers of .. Christendom" have
appealed to the "wiHc men" of tllt~il' own organization to plat'e 11 construction upon or explain \~ll:lt i:i
the m('anill~ of the 'sig-lls aud wouders iu IH>avell',
tlwt is to :-.ay, the ueclal'at iOlls made by .Jehovah's
witnesses alld tlH'ir continuous wode in lWlll'ing Witl1<'S'i
to the IJ('uple, nnd what relat ion the 81lnW has to the
dist1'('~s I1nd pCl'fllexity upon tlH~ carth. Hut none of
the wise IIWIl of Bahylon can l"(,~ld ur interpret the
SIlUl<', hccause it is all fOJ'ci:.';1l 10 them. Theil' Bihlrs
do not rcad thnt way. One is ,'('minded of the words
of Je!lo\'ah's prophet IIPlJl'yin~ to the same c1'owd, to
wit: ".\lId tI;c vision of all is hc('ome unto you as 'the
wOI'ds of 1\ book that is sralcd, whi('h men deli\'l'r to
OUe that is It'arued, sayin:.;, n('ad this, I pray thee:
awl he saith, I c:U1ll0t; for it is s('<l1<:>d." (lsn. 2!): 11)
'rhe ndviscrs of tllldouhtcclly att<>mpted to
advise him, hut, hcin~ cal'dlll to make 110 !(UeSfol that
would y;orry the king', they wetc a I1xiou", to tell tlte
killf.!, Ilwl did tdl him, that "cver~,thing will he all
rig-ht i ht'hold the l;trc11~th of OUl' walls". 'l'1ll'y, being
in the service of the Devil, of course, would he unable
to h:wc tiny Imow1cd1!e of the SL~rets of Jehovah. (1's.
2ri: 14) LilH'wisc in mOdel'll tillWS, the "wise men"
of "(,lll'isfl'IHlom" arc cardlll to [Jredi(t nothing that
would he ofi'cllsive to the [Jolit ie'll and financial ruling
(Iement; hCHee they say: "(; h'e no heed to tlwse
foolish .JclH)\"ah's witnesses, hecause c\'ery day nnd in
evcr,>, way the W'orhl is geltin~ bcttrr. E\'l~ry1hing
will be all rig-ht. Behold the strength of our g'l'('at
institutions. \Ve must stall(l 1'01' t'ver."
~2 The u('darations of Belshazzar's wifole men did not
pleMc llim; aud it is just the same today. The \\'i:-e
men of "Christendom" caullot gj\'(~ allY answer that
is plcnsin~r and satisfactory to their allies. "Then was
king Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his count<'nance
was changed in him, and his lords were astonied,"
(Dan. 5: 9) 1\:; Belshazzar was troubled and his


countenance was dark, and his lords sat about with

and astonished fuees, eYen so it is today. The
modern" brain trust ", including the clergy, and particularly the Catholic hierarchy, make an effort and
try to give a(h-iee to the political and financial ruling
element, but the latter have little or no confidence in
such advice. 'rhey become more perplexed crcr,'\" <.lay,
and they Imow not which way to turn, That wrpll.'xity hns continued to inrrcasc since 1029, some
evidcnce of which is here mentioned. In .June 1931
the president of the Unitrd States issued a statelll('nt
strong-Iy ad\'o('atilJg a moratorium of indchte(lnes8 of
the various ~o\"crnments to the l'nitcd 8t3t('8. III July
1!)31 thc United Statl'S and Fr~:n('e si~l1ed an agreement concerning foreign indebtcdness and t he mora
toriuJll \\,{~lIt into effect. Thl'll folluwed tollfen.'lIce
aft('r conference looking to the recovcry of the commOll interests of the natiolls and an effort tu [lrc\'clIt
tllC disa!;trous tff('{~ts of Will'. ~af ions uf "Chl'i~kn
dO/n'" agreed to semp many of the battleships and
otherwise limit war Ill'cparntions, and then their lll'rplexity al1(l fear increascd, alit! again thcy fC\'Nishly
rushed out to eOllstrllct evcll mo]'e war \'r,;,;cls and
greater war cquipment than l'\'l' I' 1;I'lore. Th(!l1 <'ame
the NitA sC'heme, and it was t1lOlight this woult! (lull
the world, and espct'ially the Fllited States" out of
the holl'. 'rhis, togt'th('r with othl'r sehellll's, has !J('ell
lauurlH'u and pushl'd for tlte (l1ll'JJOSC of s1avin~ off
the disastel'. Bach nation in "Christl'ndom" prolllulgall's its own ide:ls of what should be done lind how
it shonld he dOllC'. 'I'he pope puts on his" holy g-ar
ments" lind tries his hanu in an ('\['ort to IJI'ill~ about
peace lind pl'Osp('I'ity in his" holy ~"ear''', awl lin;i1ly
gives that up in disg-ust because it bl"ings forth Ill'itbcr
})('aec nor prosperity excl'pt to the popc and the
Catholie hierarchy. No other institution would be
nble to pI()\,ide gold bri<ks to stop a holc in the wall,
which g'old bricks came to them without effort 011 t1wil'
part, except it might bc said it was some effOlt to
dOll their sparklillg garmen1s alit I lay thc hri{'k~,
These thin~~ arc 11('1'1' mClltioned to show the 1)('1'pk'xity of the rulcrs of the world alld tlmt the adric'c
given them by their "wise men" or "brain trust"
fails to briug' forth ally satisfadory results.
23 There mnst have been confusion amoll~ the rukrs
at Belshazzar's feast, and mll<h talk, whrll the trise
men failed to interpret the sign-words writtcll 011 the
wall of the hancluet l'oom. Bplslia7.7.nJ had spukL'1l his
words of disappointment, nJl(l thosc words had been
tnb'll up anel l'elwatl'd by the lords, and th('n by the
smaller frr, and then h~ tlioO'e who \\'ere serving the
wille. At [Illy ratr, the fuet got Ulit to the qucrl1. It
i'l quitc evid,'nt that the queen did not atteml the
banquet, because she heard what was goin~ on and
then she appeared at the 1\'ast to advise the king.
"Now the qneel1, hy l'eaSOll of the words of the king
and his lords, came illto the banquet hous!'; and the
qurcn spake and said, 0 kiJlg, live for C"(']'; let nut
thy thoughts trouhle thee, nor let thy COUllleIlHJ:C'e


F.ffie WATCI-IT0\\1ER.

he chamred." (Dan. 5: 10) '''"hen the queen nrriVC'd

at the banquet hall allll hehdd the troubled faee of
Belshazzar she greeted him in the eustomary and
friendly WUy and bade him t.o he of good checr, since
she had sOl~ethin~ to suggc"t that mif~ht be of aid to
him. E\'idl.:utly she \\"as Hot til(; \vifc of the king, but
the mother queen, becHuse the 8.c'C'ount of the prophecy
8:I\'S that the wives were there drinking wine. 'be
m~ther queen seems to picture sOllle men of the world
friendly to the rulin~ clement aud subject to the'lll
hut who a1'e entil'dy sl'paratc and apart from the religious frauds who po:,e as the spiritual aJvi>:C'l's
the rukrs. There urc some mell in pu}'1ie ol'flce wllo
are friendly t.o the l'ulillg (IO\yers but who havc no
cOllfidelJ('c in or pal'lncr')hi~) with the hypucritic-al
rcligioll') advisers. The qlw(:n nppcared Iwj'ol'c nt'lshazz:ll' hut otTered 110 l~x[lhmation or interpretation
of the hanclwritill!~. Jrl!\'ill~ Il(;'~~rd of the disturhed
conuitioJl of the king :mc! his lOI'cls, she h:1l1 come to
liu~g'est olle who mig'ht he ahle to g-ive the needed
information. 'l'his iudic'ate's that she l'ieturccl some
who nrc ill the wodd who nr(l familiar with the conditions that exist and m'e sonwwhat famil iar with .Jchonl1t ':i dealing:; y.. it.h lii:{ faithful pt'()ple, cspc(ia!ly
his dealill\!s with them /lIltl their work at the time
of the \\'01'!(1 War, from }!)J-l to 1918. It seems tho
mother queen wa!'! USC(] to hring- Duniel to the favorahlc attelltioll of Bdshazzar, thus illdi(~ating that she
l'cIHest'nls soml'OUC that hrjll~s the attclOtion of the
ruling pmwrs to .Jl'1IO\'ah ':-I witm'ssl's. .l\t the timo
Daniel was npproximately }UO ~'cars of ag'c, and had
prcviously served N('huehadIH'zzar, and seems to have
withdl'awlI from puhlic scn'j('e and was 1I0t on familiar or illtimnte terms of acquaintance with Belshazzar. The IltH'Ol Inol her, knowin~ about this, CaIile
to l)l'ill~ to the attentioll of the kill~ the man Daniel,
and what he ha(1 done in Jll'evious ~'cal':;; and this
shows that 110 one of the wise men of Hahylon fwd
l'ecommelHkcl Daniel to the rulcr, Likewise it shows
that today 1I0t one of tha "wise men" of "C'hrislt'ndom", that is to say, the ('\crgy Hnll thpir allil's, would
recommend anyone of Jehovah's witnesses to he eall((l
in and their aJviec ;iskl'u as to the meaning' of presf'llt
eonditions, not eYen so much a;, to su~~..\"est that they
be asked as to whcthcr the present-clay C\'l'1lts havc
any relationship to Jehovah and his prophecies lO:j~
ago written, But today thc1'O urc some men HIlt] W01fll n
who during the ";orld War took notice of the tro;)tment of thosc who werc thpu faithful to God; ami
they also Oh:;Cl'Ycd that such faithful fullowl'rs of
Christ Jesus were the only ones on earth that were
then 01' arc now qualified hy the Lonl to give a prOjJcr
interpretation of and eoncerning that which now
threatens the wo1'ld dt'struct ion. Some of such Tlwn
and women are in public ofike and hold pO'litioils Hilder the ruling powers. They have a kindly feeling towards Jehovah 's Ylitnc~ses ullI.l belieye that such witnesses l'l'Pl.C.~Cllt the Lord. Therefore the)7 make an



N. Y.

honest Nltleavor to draw the attention of the high

ruling eJt:.mrut to sueh witnesses and to 1'l'('ommuI<!
that sueh witll(,;~es are trustwol'thy and that it is
visable that they be hcard. Such friend I,): olles may
be called per:-,Q!1S of good will who have faith in Gud
and hcli(;ye that he ha,-; SOllie l'c\ire"entatiws on cart ~l,
and for this renson they fa';orably commenu .h:hovahs
witnesses, even as the clllcen mother l'eCOlllmelll[( d
Danid to the kilw. In this eOllllcetion we are 1'(~mJll(lf'd
of the words of tIle prophet: I I ~\nd kings shall be H,y
mll'sil1~ fathers I ma/'{jin, nourishers 1, and their qucens
thy lHU'~,jn~ mothers: til('Y shull how do\\'n to thpe
with thcit faeo toward thc earth, and lick llP the dllst
of thy feet; alld thou shult Imow that J am the Lord:
for tl1(')' shall not be aslplmed that wait for TTl". "
(Isa. <t!J: ~:q ~\mon~ thc lltlilJ~ clement therc is no\\'
l\ Jivision. Those of less power or importance ill the
\yorld have a kindly fC'pling towarus JellO\'ah's \\'1tneSRes and have eXPl'cisclI their influencc in lwhalf of
Jehoyah's witncs!;('s that tht,y may huve opportllni1y
to be hearJ allfl to pl'l'spnt th(;ir testimony C()IH'l'l'nill'~
.Jehovah and his king:dom. ,An example of this ma,\'
he found in the fact that m(;ln1Jcr,~ of UOIl!!;l'<'SS in }!l:a
saw to it that .JlIlOvahs \l'illl('SSf's had opportnnity
to appear ill 11('1'son and ~ive their testimony h<'10ro
the C'on;rressional (;olluniUec and to stnte 'till' r"aS(l11
why tlw:>' shoukl he lWl'mit1t'd to worship (lOtI in his
nppointed way without i11terJcrenc~ fl'Olll others. 'l'iw
IJord will not forget slll'h nwn who have lihoWII tlll'il'
fail'lIPs",; in their dl'sire that the truth mi~ht he heard.
2i The mother ql1l'en entered the banquct hall and
grcetpd the potplltate with the words, "0 kill:':, livc
for ever"; ,vhieh scems to .say that those of the pl'l'S' nt
day whom the queen forpshadowed do not elaim to
he hostih: to the cur,tIdy govel'llmcnts. '1'llPy arc now
in position to fUl'1lish the fW';!itil's to open the way
for .Jpho\'ah's Wltnes<;es to tell (,oll's ml";sage befol'c
the ruh'rs, Th,,;-;c oftkcl's of good will are not sed\iil'~
to oycr! hrow thc Ill'psent gov('runwllts of e11rth, hilt
they u>'~ formnl \Yol'(l~ in g'~cctin~ the ruling jW\','(')'i;
of earth lind ask that the pDwers gi,'e opportunity fol'
the tcstimony of Jehlwah's witnc~ses to Iw heard.\s
the CjllC('n mdher said to DeHtazzar, so these men ill
ofi!(ial po-;itiol1'i say to thc rulers of hi~hel' rank: " Let
not your thoughts tl'ouble you," but give ear to tlll'SO
witrws:-,cs of .JchcJ\'ah and they may be able to fiud a
solution of your difficult ies.
20 DUll iel 's pa"t record was known to the queen;
howe, lld<1rC'ssillg the king, she ;;aid: "TIlC'l'e is a man
in thy king-dolll, ill ,yhom is tile spirit of the huly
gods: and, in the days 01 thy utller [~l'hnchadllczzal'J,
light, and understanding, and wisdopl, li!:e the wi>:clPlll
of the gods, was fuund in him; whom the king Nehuehadnezzar thy father, the king, I Sll)', thy father, ma(lc
lIlH,;tCl' of th;; ma~ieiuns, 3slru]ogl'l'S, C]nllkalls, al1(.l
soothsayers," (Dun. 5: 11) And so totlay the I),:~'t
rceul'd of the Lord's' 'faithful servant" elass is knO',', n
by some 'who rc{'ommend tlwm to the favor;~~d': (' '!l-


NOVEMBER 1, 1934



sideration of "Chl'istcnaom 's" ruling powers. These

kindl,v and considerate men of tho oftlcial family of
the present rulers recall that Jl'hovah 's witnesses used
the Bible testimony to point ont the World War and
ether difficulties that then and llOW bc.'set tho world,
and that all their efforts arc put forth in the spirit of
kiudllC.'ss, and that they {'xhiJiit the wisdom that comes
from ahove, and not the wisdom of mun. They sl:eilJ~
that what these witncssos of the Lord hnve said amI
arc saying finds support in the Bihle, the reCOmm0llUation is that they be publicly heard. Before 1918 therc
were some in the official clement who ohserved closely
what the Lord's devoted people wore saying and <10ing', and it was easy to be s{'pu that snch witllcs~es
were much more sincere and possessed much more
faith than the cler~ymel1. Many honest men have seen
that the clerg~'men, out of crucl hatred, cause the
faithful followers of Chrii:\t J<'sus to he greatly }>(,1'.
scentcd and that they did ::;0 during the World War
merely hecause such faithful ones were prcachin~ tho
truth of UoJ's 'Vord. 'l'hese honest men in or.1eial
posit ions took notice theil, and now they well kIlOW,
that the clergy arc hYIlocritcfl lind practice hypocrisy
while t111'y falsely ('harge Jehovnh's witnl'ssefl with
wl'ongdoing and pCl's('('nlc them Lel'ause ther arc doing the work of the Lord.
26 Daniel had exhibited the spirit of God in the day
of Nc1)1whadnezzar; and the queen, knowing' this, said:
II Forasmueh as an excellpnt spirit, and knowledge,
and unuerstanding', iutel'prctillg' of dreams, and shewiug of hard sentcoces, :lIId dissolving' of doubts, wel'C
found in the same J)anirJ, whom the kin~ named
Belteshazzar: now 1<'t Dan icl he called, and he will
shew the intel'pretation." (Dan.' [): ] 2) 'l'his exactly
describes thl' spirit al\(l the work exhihited and done
in the Blijah prriod of thc {'hurch by those who were
malIc members of the II faithful and wise servant"
class upon the {'oming' of the Lord to the temple. 'rhe
g'overnin~ powers W{'l'f' takillg" notice of thrse faithful
mell and women and of what they wel'e tellill~ about
Clod 's kill~dom during the World War, and WCl'e
l'e;l!ly afl'liid that there was much truth in what they
said, and hence Kave car to the npPfJals made by the
clcr~y that somcthing should he done a~ainst tl1('se
witnesses. On the other hand, the cla,;,; of men whom
the mother queen foreshadowed, and who arc of kss
importance in governmental affairs, and arc therefore
called the "weaker vCflsels", take notice that the true
followers of Christ Jesus, who were and arc the faithful
witncsse~ of Jehovah, had a real messa~e from God.
Still holding to that belie.' these men, 1ike the queen,
recommended Daniel, that is, Jehovah '8 witnesses, to
the greater ruling element, saying, "Let them bc
called and heard." 'I'hose who are ,viliill~ to give
Jehovah's witncsses, the faithful remnant, opportun ity
to talk Lelieve that if thesc cannot give a true inllrprctation of the present distressing world conditions
and what the Bible has to say about the same, then no

onc else can, and certainly the hypocriti<.'al clergy have

mnde sneh a miserable fuilure in giving cxplanation
that it is time to give opportunity for those to talk
who give evidence that they arc really sincere and
have the spirit of the Lord and know whnt they are
talking ahout. Jehovah hnd arranged this matter and
was now causing a picture to be made and a record
thereof to be kC'pt for the aid and comfort of the
faithful remnant now on the earth. 'fhis fact gives
mu{'h consolation to .Jehovah's witnesses, and with
eagerness they continue to seck a better underfltanding
of the prophec J', Jlarticulatly with reference to the
meanin~ of' the calling of Vuniel before the king and
what relation that has to the activity of Jehovah's
witnesses in the prcsent day.
(To be continued)


'l!' 1. Acc"unt for .1l'llOVlIh '5 now particularly forewarning- the

rmnnant conc('rning the activities of the 'seed of tho
l:ierpcmt '.


2. Why hIlS .Tclu}vah provi,k,l :\lltl l>resNvc<l

Helshazzar's {p:lsl' Who arc' llicture,} in
record of Daniel 5: 1,21 'Wh1'1I docs this
its fultllm('nt'l
V 3. Ill'lshn1.7:lT'S IIflllll', his position, nn,l his
:!\chuch:Hlm1.zar hear what sig-nili('anee7


1I1is l'('cord or
tho ,],'B,'rirlh'c
prophecy havo
relationship to

What is 8('('n lliclur('d in fhe time anll placp of hf/Illin~

this fellst 1 Bhow how other sl'riptur('s furtl"'r in,licafo
thll (w('lIsi,," awl the purpose of the fe~ast, lIull that thl]
llf('KC'Ut situnliun ill "Chri,stenllom" tits this part of tho
'If 7, 8. 1)1'~('rih(' t.ltC present flituation as clearly fullilling tho
picture presl'nted in verse 2.
~ 9. Apply lHainh 45: ]3 alUl ]1: 17.
V Ill. How UI'S Danir1 5: 3 have fultilrnent t
'If 1], ]2. l'oint out how the 1Il00l.'rl1 "V!ulld(':ms" i.ll'nfif)
tllOll\scln,s liS tIll,' Tevelers re'ferrrd to in \'erse 4; :11"<1 the
Te1:l.ticll8hip hercof to what waH foretold in H,'\"!ation
9: loW,21. On wlll\t I,r('ll'xt, yl" for what purr(]~e, d,} tho
JUlerll in "Christen. om" r,er~ist in wrongfully \lsin;; tho
I V08l!,,1l! of gold' 1
'Ii 13-1,). '\'ith l<cript,!res to support, explain :lud apply verse 5.
How is thifl relatl'd to the "ono hour" of Rl'\etatiuu
17:12 nnlllR:IIl,I9f
fI 16. When and how h:lll the I han1lwriting on the w:lIl' t:.ken
place before tho Tuh'rs of "Christrndulll "1
'If 17, 18. What are the facts lIlarking" fulfihnr'nt of verso 6,
and of lsuiah 13: 6-8 lind Luke 21: 2j, 261
'll 19. How, iu fu1l11111l'nt of w'rse 7, were" the astrolog('r~. the
elmldoans, ~lld the soofhSllyers" 'called before the kin~'
an,l appealed to for counsel 1
V 20, 21. Apply yerse 8.
'If 22. Point out the fuets in evidencl' that the l}rophet.ic situa
tion desl'rih"d ill verse 9 has bCl'lI in course of fulfilment.
'\[ 23, 24. Referriu;?; to verse 10: (a) l!l(:ntify the "'IUCI'U",
I,uth ill the pr"phecy un<l in Its iu1fihJH~nt. (1)) In apl,!i,a
tion of that which wus t]lPl'e piclureu, how di,l "the words
of the king nn<l his !ortill" C'lll\() to tIle attention of the
"queen'" -an<1 how did ShH '('UlJUl into the bauqu!'t I onlll '1
(c) \\-ith iIIu~tratioll, apply the qUI'cn's words of greetiug
anll of cu('uurag'f'lll('nt there spoken.
" 25. 1I ow, in the fulfilment of \'er81' 11, is "Daniel" a man
in the kin~,101n' in \\hom in fCHu,er <lays' light, :m,l un<1"rRtanding. and ~o(lIike wi5dolU was found' i
,. 26. lIo,," do the WOlds of the first part of \er,e 12 apply'
How, in the flllHhn,mt of the latter part of the \'<'1'''1', has
" Daniel" be('n called upon 'to sholV the inte,) pn'tutiou .,


EHSECUTIO~ and sufferings are not to be de-

~il'ed lJ.r tmyOl,lC. E\e~'.vone would ratha: dwdl

III peace and 111 happmess. Jesus and IllS true

followers have been persecutell because oi their loyalty
and faithfulness to God, This being true, and God
IJeing all-powerful amI the ver,Y expr\',;siull of 10\'(:,
why w()u~d he permit hi::> belllved Son aad his fait hful fol!rnrel's to suffer persecution at the hands of the
Devil mid his representatives?
'rhe l1nswer is that God has not interfered with
Satan 's ptil'suin~~ his course of. willful wic'kedncss; I:e
JlllS pcrmitted him to demonstrate his malignant dis})osition, and 10 l'l'Jll'O:'j(~h UocI una repJ'(Jaeh eYeryuuc
who has heen faithful to Gud, hecausl: these persecutiuns \\"01!ld fU1'lIish the upportunities for the I~ord
.Tesus alld his faithful followers to prove their loyalty
llnd faithfulness uulo Jehuvah and to Jll'Uve the Same
unuc'r the most adverse cil'('umstances, and therchy
<1emon~1l'atc to all en'ation thnt God can put men on
this eal't h whu l'all und will maintain their integrity
to\\'urd (Joel
Con('crnjll~ .Je~n:') it is \Vl'ittl'll: "'Vito in the days
of his f11!sh, wl)('n he had olTerl'd np prllj'rrN uncI SIIPplications, with stroug cr.rin~ and tears, unto him
that was ahlc to save him from (It'ath, and W11S heard
in that he feared; thol\~h Iw Wl're a'Soll, ,ret ll'al'lleJ
he obulienf'e by the things whieh he suffered."!leb. 5: 7, 8.
If a mall prefers hodily case and comfol"t and peaf'C
1"ather thun the approval of nod, thcn he will put hilll~
sdf in a condition to not l)e IH,'I'~:ecutecl; and thi:i he
may uo hy proving clislo,ral and unfaithful to God.
But he who would willill~ly suffer the most ig'nomiJli~
ou," death ill orlIer to maintain his loyalty and faith.
fuIn<:ss to (lo(l can hc for ever trusted.
ConcCl'lling Jesus it is written: "~\nd hcilll{ found
in fashion us a man, he humhll'd himself, amI became
ohedicnt unto dl'ath, C\TIl the death 'of the ero:.;.s.
Wherefore God abo hath hi~hly him, ~IllU
~iven him a name which is above every name: that
at the lI:.llne of J('sus every lnH'C should bow, of thin~s
in he.wen, and things ill earth, and things under the
earth; and that every tougue should eou1'ess that Jesus
Christ is IJord, to the glor~- of God the 1'atl1e1'."Phil. 2: 8-1l.
Thus did the Foundation Stone, the Chief Corner
8t011(" uc{'ome a tl'ied and proved Stone, as the prophet
Isaiah (28: If)) had foretold ill these woras: ., Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Dphold, I lay in 2ion for
a f01Uldatioll a stone, a tried stone, a pre('ivu~ comer
stone, a sure fOlindation: he that believeth shall !lot
make haste," Before God granted unto tIll' Lord .Tesus
the exalted reward of heing the head of the great empire or kingdom of God which is to rule the enrtl1, he
put him to the most crucial test. Those who will be approved of God and become a part of the empire must
follow in the footsteps of Jesus, which includes tht'ir
suffering for doing right. "For even hereunto were

ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leavin~~

us an example, that ye should follow his stl'pS.' ' I Pl't. 2: 21.
Ylhj' do true Christians suffer? Beeall.'~e God hc,
chosen them out of the world and because they reiu:;;:
to show allegiance unto the Devil's organization, J e..;, ,:J
said eonecrni.n!! his followers: "If yo were of the
worlu, the worlu would lovc his own: but !JC'ca use ye
are not of the world, but I have chosen you unt of tnc
world, therefore the \\'odd hatcth you. nern('mb~r the
word that 11o:aid unto you, The servant is Hot ~real\'r
than his lvl'll. If they have persecuted me, tlll'Y will
also pCl':Jccutc you; if they have kept my saying, till'Y
will l,eep yours also. "-J'ohn Hi: 19, 20_
During- the 'Yodd War, from the year ID14 to lUI;,
humble Chl'istiull~; rpsiding in Gl'l'many were snhjecll'd
to all manner of wickeu pel':wcutions and pllnisllllll'llt
because thcy declined to l1isolJey God's rOlllmalld,
., Thou shalt nut kill. In England, Canada alld
America like fullowers of .J(,SUS Christ w(,l'e !Jratlll,
thrown in10 prison, tarred alltl fl'ath('red, an(1 sonw of
tlwm wenl killeJ, hccau,;c they refused to take llplll'IllS
B();Uinst theil' fellow man und shed ilJIIOtell t Llnoe 1.
The war fumishcd an opportunity and all \lxell<;C for
the cler~l1' who, as the repl'csentatives of Satall, hat,'d
tl1(':,e humhle Christians lIlHl who illdw\d the rommercial lind polit il'al powers to unjustly punish CIIl';-;tians. Not all were peJ'sccutrd hecause of refusal 10
kill; some wU'C pel'sl'euted men:!y bceause they \\'ere
wi1nesses fOl' the Lord. Men too old for war scrviel',
lind women who were not at all subject to mil i1 u 'y
Juty, Ix'cause they wcre Christians wcre hatecl by the
Devil; and his offspl'in~ the elel/(y inuueed the [)\,I'SCcut ion and impl'iHonmeut of sUe'h. For a full llPt'lJUllt
of these wicked pen;eeu1.ions see the Golden Aye rna:..';azinc, uumber twenty-seven.
Uecently in the towns of Jersey City, Plaimldd,
Bergen1ielll, Ashul'Y Park, and Ocean U1'O\'e, l\ew .Jersey, and in divers }lluees in PCllnsylvania and'ut, and other places, good men anu women '\'hile
cn~a~cd in an effort to do good, and while bl'llJ~in~
comfort to tho IJ~ople now in distress, have been rnthlcsly atTested, eurs~d and abused by ofliecrs, and
otherwise illtrcateel, and thrmvn iilto dung'cons. 'l'1H'~u
men anu women who have been thus al'l'cslcd and persecuted al'e Jehovah's witness'.!s engugcd in the lll'rformanee of their bwful anu rightful duties. TJwy
are being thus wrongfully trcatl'd bceause they are the
l'cprescntati\'cs and servants of tkhovah llnd nrc DlI '{s\'J1~el'S oj' peace concerning his righteous gOW'l'llnll'llt.
All true witnesses for thc Lord have been cln"sl:d
hy the llomnn Cutholic hierarchy as bigots, bla>;p1Jemers und enemies of the state, nud the chnrg-c of S(,J;ti(ln
and blasphemy is often laid against til\'. humhl u 1'0110\';Pl'S of Crll'i~;t .Jc~w.;. Such Wil'hd oTJPosition t i ) U:e
truth, :Uld sneh l)('rsecution of ,TdlO\-ah ':; wit D( :'::-;('S,
are made manifest today, particularly in the l'(l\mtl'il'S
of Ital~', Germany, Canada and the united States, and

3 ""

r.ffie \vATCHT0\:VER.
that persecution is led by the re]i~jonists of so-calltd
"orv,ani7.ed Chri~tianitr", the chief instrument of
Satun on earth. ~lnny of the Lrl'thren throughout Germany have been ::nested and thrown into ronccntration ('amps, and they have been in gl'(~at difficultit's.
\\'c are certain, IH)\w;vCi', t hat the Lou1 liaS permitted
this for a purpose, and .Jehoyah's witnesses in G(:rm/my urc not di"couragcd. 'fhlY welJ Imow that tlH:y
are elJgagcu in the work of .Jehovah and whatsoew'r
h; his will is sure to come to pa~s.
The Christian as a witness 1'01' .JdlOvah can th'nr
pnscr:utiollS for ri~htl'ousness' sake without dl'vdo[lin~
a fcding of hittcI'l1csS :qailJ~t his persecutors. lIe that God permits it evell as he pcrmiU('d suell
upon till' Lord .Je~us, that the lOj'alt? aud faithfulness
of the Chl'istian may he test I'd. He l'dies uflon the
pl'omiscl1 of nod and rejoices.
Surfcl'illg' is a part of the tl'Uinill~ of a Christi/m
to pl'epal'C him for the kill~~olom of Goo. When he
does right and ~uffd'S thcl'(~ror at the handl'; of the
De\'il's r('presentativ('s, then he may It:IVC reason to
r<,joire. Jesus said: "nIcssed are they whirh are persl'Cutcd for l'ighteousll<'ss' sake: for theil'S is thc kilJ~
dom of heavell." PiaU,;': 10) 'rhe Chri~tian is aware
of the fuct that the Devil has rcpruached God ev(~r
sin('e the time that the n('vil tempted mUll in the
garden of Eden. It is wril tr;11 cunc()l'Ilin~ the Lord
.Jesus: '''l'hc reprmwlws of them that reproached thee
fire fallen upon me." (Ps. (j!): !J) 'rhe lk\'il rcproachrd
the Lord ,J ('sus when he \HlS on ('art h. The follower of
Christ expects the same thin~, and the apostie Paul
plainly stutes (Hom. 13: 3, 4) that these same reproaches which fdl upon the :Mastf;l' fall upon the
members of his Lody, "whieh if; the [true] church."
'rhe apostlc th('n ~ocs [Iu,ther and points out that
it is n Jlri\'ilc~.:{c for the C'hri:,;tian thUf; to suffer with
Christ, sn~'illg: "For unto you it i~ given in the he:half
of Christ, not only to hdil've on him, but also to suffer
for his snke." (Phil. 1: 2!) It is a privilege for the
rel1son that it is II condition precedcnt to entering into
the kin!!;dom. On one oe,~asion the apostle said: "We
must thr'ou~h lYllwh tribulat ion enter into the kingdom
of 00(1." (.\ots 14: 22) Paul emphasi7.cs this wl.en
he writes: "Yea, and allthnt will live goJly in Christ
.Jesus simil suffer persecution." (2 'rim. 3: 12) SUfh
is the mantler in which the Lord has been pleased to
select anti ~ivt the Christians un opportunity to prove
their loying devotion to him.
0ne who j<; willing to endure all manuel' of perscelUtion, and even dcath, for righteousness' sal:e ('un
be tru:-;ted with power and authority. Thf~ apostle
points out that pcrserution for ri6'hteousnrss is one
of the signs by which we may lmow that the Lord is
dealing with us as followers of Christ Je.;;us, when he
says: "The spirit itself beareth witncsg with our
spirit, that we ure the childrell of God: and if children,
then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-hrirs with Christ;
if so he that we suffer with him, that we may be also
glorified together."-Hom, 8: 16,17.


This may be followed as a safe rule: "Then une

claims to be a Christian, and then indulges in the
persecution of another in the name of Christ, that (Jtlll
is a hypoe'ritc, und not a Christian. The Lord Je"Hs
did not redIc, even when he \V:18 reviled. (1 Pet. 2: ~:})
'rhe COllr:;e of persecution and reviling, purs110<1 hy ! Ill~
ecclesiastical systems, is therefore proof that they ;11'('
of their fa tiler the Dcvil and his will they will <10.
The tmc Chri~tian docs not think it str:J.n~e C()!lcernin~ the fiery t rials that come to him because of h i~
faithful devotion to the Lord and his cauo.;e of righteousntss. He relies UPOll the inspirt~d kstimony Cll!lCernilll.:{ p('r'scentiolls, as ~i\'en hy the apostle Petcr, to
wit: "Beloved, think it not strange coneemi/l~ t \:('
fiery trial which is to try you, as though sOllle ~tr:lll:.1;('
thing haI>pencd unto YOll: hut l'l'joice, innsmueh as ~"
arc partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when hIS
glory shull tJe r('\'I'nled, ~'C may be glad also with l::ceeding joy. If ye be reproached for thr~ nnm(' or
Christ, happy arc ye; for the spirit of glol',\' nud lit"
God l'esteth upon you: on tll{'il' patt he is evil SpOkl'1l
of, hut on your part he is glorifieu. "-1 Pet. 4: 12-\l.
Wlwn Jesus was fini'ilting- his earthly ministl'y he
adurcsseu these faithful disl'iples who had been \\'ith
him throu~h his trials, anti. said: "Ye arc tht,y whie1I
have contillurd with me in Illy temptation!) [trial"l.
Ami I nppoint unto ron a hin~rlom, ItS my Father hath
appoint('u unto I1W.' (Luke 22: 28, 29) Thus I lie
.i\laslcr showed thut the empire or kin~(lom dass wonirl
be made up of those who arc faithful to God ulid
faithful to him. It is not expected that there would
he a ~r('at multitude of tllcse. On the contr:Jry, the
l\laster said: "Fear not, little Hock; for it is rOIlt'
Father's good pll'lUmre to gi....e you the kingdom,"J~uke 12: 32.
The ecclesiastical hypocrites hU\'e made the people
believe that billions \rill be of the kingdom of Gr,(1.
It is sarl'I' to follow the words of the Lcn:d and ~last(I',
Christ Jesus. III eOJ'l'ohorat ion of what the l\lasft'r
said, the a postle states: "It is a faithful sU'yin~: Fot'
if we he dead with bim, we shall also li.... e with him:
if we sutrer, we shall also rei~n with him: if we deny
him, he also will deny US." (2 'rim. 2: 11, 1~) TIl('
],01'0 Jesus admonished his follo"'QI's to fear none of
these thill!~s, nnd then ga....e them this aSSllrnnee: "Ec;
thou faithful unto death, and I \dll give thee a crown
of Iire.' '-Re..... 2: 10,
'rhe Devil's org'ani7.atioll is dl'signated in the proph('cies writtcn befure Christ and also in The Hevdat il'Il
under the symbol of a "h('ast", and in the latter also us
an ,. image of the beast ", Those Vi ho are promised ml'!iltl('l'ship in the royal famil)' of heaven are the on('s ':.-ho
refuse to give any alleginnce whatsoeYl'r tv the
"lJcast", the Devil's orgunization. It is \\Titter;; "And
I saw thrones, and the): sat upon theIn. am1 j~ld!!;nll'nt
was giwm unto them: anu I <,aw the soul" of t:10m that
were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, Dlld fur tha
word of God, and wltidl had not \\'ol'shi;Jpecl t h beast,
neither his inwge, neither had received his mUl'k upon

f.ffie WATCliT0WER


their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and

reigned with Christ a thousand years. "-Rev. 20: 4.
The apostle Paul shows that all the members of 1he
royal line are subjected to the same temptation. (Heb.
2: 18) The same temptation which was presented to
}~vc in the garden of Eden, and to whirh she yielded
and fell, was also presented to ecclesiastics who
claimed to represent God; ami to this temptation th($e
ccck,iastical sJ'stems likewise yieJdoo and fell. A like
temptation was presented to the I_ord Je'lus, but he
resisted it and won. AU the members of the body of
the royal family of ,Jehovah God are subjected to the
same temptation. Only the overcomers are ~ranted
nwmhership ill the kingdom. 'O\'crcoming' means
gaining the victory over Satan 's or~anization by an
absolute refmml to },('l1dcr allc~ianee to any part or
it, and, on the contrary, to manifest loyalty and faithfulness unto God unto the end. To such overcomers
these promises ure made:


N. Y.

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in thc

tcmple of my God; and he shall go no more out: and
I will write upon him the name of my God, and the
name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem,
which cometh down out of heaven from my 80d: alHI
I will write upon him my new name." (Rev. 3: ]2)
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me
in m~' throlie, CVCll as I also over~am(', and am set down
with my F'ather in his throne." (Rev. 3:21) "And
he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the
end, to him will I gi ye power over the nations: and
he shall rule them with a red of iron; as the vessels
of a potter shall they he broken to shivers: even as I
received of my Father." (Hev. 2: 26, 27) 'l'hese are
all promises hy the I_ord Jesus addressed to his faith
ful follow('1's particularly down at this end of the age,
and .Jehovah God will make good eycry one of these
promises to the faithful, for the vindication of his
glorious name.



BROTltER Rt:l'ILFI~F(jl~{):

\\'(, recei\'e!1 the l,h'lltogl'llph and recorc]s 0. few da)'s a~o,

un,} to suy we were gll"J to /.(,'t thew woul<1 he putt ing it tmhUy;
for WII were rl'al ha Pl'~', and so glad to let tiQmCOllll hear tho
llleS8a~re who couldn't r.'ad any lallgua~l) that we p1:J..\'ed it to
some Hpanish pc,,!)le, who had twelve (:hiJdren nnd nil r:tlsetl
Catholic. 1-10 I put on the repord "J'url-:atol''y'', and when I
I,lllye,1 it th('ir ('yos bri~htcne,l U\) an.} fl:l.netioned c\-ery w.lrd
spok'Il. So they g-av!! u!! every pcnlly tlll'Y hall, which was a
fi.\'e(Nl~ pioc!', for OIH' of t11ll hookJets, anu snid that one of
the childn'n c()ul,l read ElIl:'lish. Anti 00 I phlyl',l to olle old
man ill. ntlOthcr I,!tu'e, a.ll by himself, anrl he took four hound
books. And so 011 down the line: we playeu the records, or,
I llli~ht say, g'!WC the lIlo~sllge from J,llOvah thruugh you,
Ikuther Hutherford. I am su glad that Jehol'ah hnll lII11de
those provisions for us pioneers, thnt we call continue in the
'I'he l,eol'lo nrounrl here, us elsewherl', have no mon(\y. and
very little to trade. Hut ,vh"n one is real hun!:'ry for the truth
llnd cun't contribute llnything, we never let him go hungry:
we donale 80mething-.
Now we <lon't only thank you for the phonograph, but tlulnk
you for 1111 pust favors in hook8 an,] ) 'HII' encouragement in
tllCl servil~e, and wou1<1 have ",ritt('n hefore, but know you ure
a busy lllan in the )'1:\8tor's sl'rvice, and we dilln't want to
take any of your time, thinking you took it for granted, as we
are tlJ'ing our h('st to t'xist nnd be in the Master's servic(! as
much as we ClI.D. We have a family of four chiltlren, anu Illust
C:.Lre for them also, but try to make the .Master's service lirst
allll lllost important.
In the service of our Lord and ~faster,
Your brother nnd siMter,

Grace be unto you, lUlU peace!

'fhis is an o:qression 01 thanks to Jehovah, who, throUg'h
you and the Watch Tower Bible and Trnct Society, has made
it ro~sihlo for It continued increase of service and 0. real opportunity to !Jrench the r,lad tidings of the kingdom.
'I'he pioneer work, which nffords daily the pri\'ilege of carrving' the messtlg'o from uoor to door, and llOW the pllOnogrnph
nnd records, which ure the last word in efficiency in spreading
the mes511g'e rapidly, are proof of th(' guiding hnnd of the
present King, and an inspiration to renewed energy and 1.<'111
in temple sen'iee, to scatter the conls of file over the city. The
urge within me calls for an expression of one or two of the

many inci,Jents whcre the phon()~rnph did Il. work wIdell otherwise woulU hal'e been illlpoSSlhll'.
In a sawmill tOll'n in Illy tl'rritory, four" Holilll'ss" preadll'rs
wore holdill~ an opcn-nir meeting' on :Mllin strt'..t. A WOllllln
living n,~~t door to tho VU~llllt Jot where tho mo"Ullg was 1:,,1,1
ghully consente,l for us to piny the recorlls one o\',min~ aM tho
lOectinll' ,,'as goin~ Oil. Vic Met up tho phoIH!g-rnph on :l Hale
table on the si(lewalk in front of hoI' house, not ov('r oue
hundred fect from the platform where these four prendil'l's
wcre u~ing the Indian snuke dnn~e and the in"llntntions of
the African medieine lllnn to charm nn nu<lien<'tl of III least
two hundro(l peopl,~, nil thn 1\ hilo hlusl,hemin~ the Lord hy
clapping' of hands and shouting', "I'rniso you J ('ws! PraIse
you Jesus!" It was enoug'h to turn the stolllach of any honest
person. \Vc put on till) record ".JEHOVAH", !lud l.t it hurl
the truth into their lIIi(lst. It heinl-r 0. c1('ar, ('oul nig-ht, your
voice carrie.I 'Well into the midst of thl) crowd in spit(, of thc
noise. All ut oneil it became so still you cuul,l hmr a pin drop.
All that \VltS Iward was your voi('e dl'cluring "rho .Jeho\'ah is
nnd WIUlt constitutes relll sen'jc'~ to hilll_ All must ha,( hl'llrd
it plainly, el'en the four preachexs. Huddenly, one of thl'lII,
realizing what was goillf{ Oil, jnlllped ahout fO\l,r 1'(,,,t into tho
air, landed 011 the platform, c1llpping his hands alit! sllOuting',
"Prnis(' yOIl Jesus I ", etc.
'Vo plnyell one reoor(1 after another, anll grndually poople
bogan to come from the crowd to hear the ll'durc~. 1:!0llHl
would CODle Ilntl Ii.ten a while, and thl'n go baek. Final1~' Il
littlo man with a long flashlight came over lIn,l liHt('no<! intently for a ~hort time, then went back. A folV minut"H Inter
he came o\'el' a/.(ain and held his tla~hlight for II If', while I
explained the picture representing the" be!lst" lll!d his number, in Light One, .f mnde it plain about holV the preaehels
and politicialls are working with big husiness. He tool, it tin
in, then he went back to the other meotiJH';8. 'l'he next day
we were informed that he W:UI the city maroh:d, an<] haol ht'cn
sent over to stop the phonograph frOlll playing. But he mad,)
no nttempt to do !e. 'Ve al~o learned tlmt SOniC of the crl,w,l
intonrled to collie o\'er and" stamp the phono[o(raph into hell' "
as tlH',v put it. But nothing was Ilono. Tho WO'JlHH who gal'l}
us pf;nni~8ion to play in front of hoI' house surely enjoj'e<l titt'
Iectur('s. Not being' able tu relld, naturnlly she K,)t a lot from
h"arin~ them. The next day some of the" Holiness" people
or,lored hoI' to leave town.
'Ve c(mtinul'(! to play tite recon18 until the 1ll,~ting cJo~erl j
theu we closed, too. In the meantime thirtyeight p<")ple CRmo
O\"er to hear the phonogruph play. The <'8t or all is thIS:
The very mgiJ t aft~r they close,l t l.eir meetiur:; tt... j,)ur !Jr('!lchers fell out with ~ch other because one want-erl to preach one
doctrine, and another a different docttine. Not being !thl!' tn
ngree, three of them left tOWIl in It hi~ hulr, one renminmg,
who said he was going to stay in the town until the DeVil wns


Non::11BER 1, 19:14

run out. Three nir;hts bter the nweting die,l, with only fifteen
and no C:Jlh'rtion. Bahylon is fallen, is fnlleu! So
YOUI' vOI!'e oyer trw plllJlJIIgmph, uP<'latin;:! who Jel,o\':lh God
is, bis purposcd, awl llOw tu truly sen e him. was too much tor
the worshipers of Baal. 'l'he truth put them into confusion,
un'! theT fitl I
Om, ~lhcl' incil]pnt: On n 8U1lfJay momin~, b,v previous an
n\lUnCemellt, wc !l(,ld a I('cture at a e"untry bc!loolh"use, follow
in(~ Sunday sclw\ll. The preadwr w:,s there to lc:~d the ~ju!lday
1:('1,001. Gnvlually a crowd of sixty-scyen gathered, ollly about
It "o;r.en of "hieh, US :ulmitled 1>y the pro.aeher, C:.IIl\(! to bunduy
I;cll1.ol, the r('st ('oming to hear the \o;ChIlCS, \\'hen, ill lho
1crture on "::';0111", the remark is maue, '< Why, in tile faco
of these plain st'l'iptur~s, the clPrgy continue to tearh the doctrine of iIlllU01t:di!y or the 50111," (,t('" the prcacher '5 eycs
poppell (JUt ~() fur you could h:1 VI) knock",] t1l1~rn off with q
Hiie:.. lIe li3tl'n(~ll intently, llOlI, at the d(}~e of the scr\ ICC,
1l1l1l0UI1Cl"] that tit, lJil'rature wa3 for Bull} at the dUOT of lho
I,uihlill~, tWIt ~hook Illy 1I:'l1d, ~:l'yjn'!. "1 cnjo) ell tlI(~ h'ctUlCS
\'lll'y nUII'h." I wOll'ler, .lid ho \'I'allyl
1 surel), .10 thank you fIll' the u~e or the phonoi;raph in our
work.. it is l'roviw~ to h:J II !'Iml 1,!essiW,; awl illsl'il'lltion to
Ud fill well llS to otlll'r hearers. Hy the grace of God and with
his mh~t IWI,tl,,'] ht,lp, allli the pm.vcrs of t.he brethrrll, whit-h
we Cl1tr<'llt, \'It) h0l'll tu continue our feebll! ,~Jrort8 to ':::ury
this glol ionK 1II1'l!1'1I t;,~ ftllllllny, "COIIIl', ., to all who will I,eal' us.
'I'hn m"U1I,(!r~ of my hOU:<e!IlIIJ, \,;110 nl~IJ ('ngag-Il in the witnl';lS wuck, c:(press tlltir ~ratitude ror the usc of tlte phonograpu.
In binccl'ily, 1 am your fdlow \\orkl'r,
]:'. J. UKl't;I\t;IVALIJ, Pioneer.



DF:.\lt Fr:lE::;ns:
We, tb~ .lona<hlbs of , . ,-li~trkts, assembled with \"aldeek
(Co3la Hira) cOlllp:my of Jehovah's witnesses, wish tl) e~pI'L"S
our gl'lltitude to Jeho'o':dl God for tho light lttl Iws [,rought, to
US thmugh the IllC<Elllll of boor_s, hoo!dets an,r trtd13el'il,l,un
machines through your :IN,'ice. In tll!Ulkfulncss for this hefll't
(!,e(lillg llnr{ IllH\'I'!OUS Jit(ht, we "i"h to adupt the Los Angell'S
(" World Coutrol ") lesolution, to wit:
"I:,.'so!'ld, T1I0.t we ']0 now tnke our ~tand on the side of
Jehl)y.lh Gou and his ki!l~doJl1; ulUl that wc will ubey, l!('1'\'0
awl \l'or~hip Jelw\'uh noJ anl! Ilia hnloveJ SOil, e11l ist Jesus,
who is the rightful I~ul~r of the world, uuu we will thus par
ticipa1e ill the vin.lilation of Jeho\all's name.

H .\l~P.lSOX
'j'rL\lJl,!:I'S Pl!Il,II'"
(:IlI~,) (;.\[;QI.J:.t: t!.\L:.1ON




P .\'J.'1't:P.SO~

Plif's) Lonsr. B.\ILF."{

(:-li83) B:Hl.\ DIXO>;


In this to\1 n we \\'c,'e sto\,ped twice on l'.cconnt rlf the e!QrI!Y,

but deeided tl,c la~t time we would !lvt [,0 Jdealell; so \\'0
urove se\'en mill's to another small tOIIIl. Gave a leelure thllt
night (August :1) awl had 141 listeners,
The people were lIIuch interesl('d alld listener] 1\'('11,
Yours in the serYi,'u of our Kiug',
\VA l:CUl:L.\ (.\;'Ja.) ~1l.\la>:;ll<)'JT)~[:,~.

(Continued from rmgc S3G)

Brt)oklvll WlnH~ Su 10: 15:un
8\1 ij:::OI,m
Mil 10;::oalll
'1'u 10:::0:1111
'I'll 1i;::!l1'1II
'\'c 10 ::liJ:tm
We tJ :;;01'1ll
'l'h 10::: I /:un
'I'lL 6::lUI'In
Fr 11> ::lOalll
Jo'r Ii ::~OPIll
WGn Ru 10 :ClOam

W};~n!:lll Ifl:13am

Fre"port WOliB ~tl 9:00am

'I'll 7 :OOPIIl
'I'h 7 ;Olll'm
Jlu.lsoll P. \vULe Ku 10:1.ialll
.1::uU'stown WOC1. ~ll !) :::oa1ll
,lI;.'w YOlk \\'B~X:-iu .~:::O1'1ll


WOV:-:II 4::Wl'm
t;;tl'aaad.. WXHZ:-ill I/}: 1:1am
'i'u 4:1jI,m
'I'lt 4:]5pm
Svra'~lI~o WHYHNu 10::Walll
'1';11'1'01' L. WIlDt. f-IulO :15am
'l'h ]0 :OOam
Who PPM W.PAS /-ill 6 :OOpm
1\10 1 :OOPIIl
l':l:L 9 :OOalll
l\shcvillo WWI\(' Th i'i ::Wpm
Charlotte WHOC Hu 10 ;OOam
Gr(,t'n~buro WLHG Hn ~1:4,):tm
WPT.l:':::Iu 9 :4;3am
G'd :Fork:J KFJ II t:.u Il :30plll


WADe Ru 1 :4ii1'In
\':e 11:1jam
W J'W Hll ;; :::"plIl

\\"e 2:00pm
CI,!\'eh,nll 'WHK ~u 10 ;:~OI'1ll
Tu 11 :30am
Th ~ ::1OI'Ul
1'r 1:3lll'lll
Cl('\"eland WJAY:-;u 9:{5am
Cl)lunlbus WAIU F;u lO:OOam
'I'll 8:].:ipm
Coluwbus WBNS Su 8:43am
~It} 8:30am
We 8:30am
}'r 8:30am
WSJtK Su 1: 30pm

Mt. Omh WlLDIJ Hu 4;:Wpl11

\I'll i:::lOpltl
Fr 4:;;oI'JU
\\'::;1']) f:\u l) ::;OalU
Ht\ X: :~, t:aUl
Young~t'nWKB:\' Hu IO:OOulll
\Ye 4:;;Opru
Zun"s\'ille WALRSul0:0l)am
We 4:15pm

OliLA mnu
Elk City
IC\fU Hu 1 : 15plll
Okl 'a (,ity 1<O:-'IA Hu I:! :4,Jpm
Ponca Citv \\'HBX Su III :OOUIll
We l):o01'1Il
Slml\ nee KGFF?Io S :-1:;;orll
Wo 8 :4jpm
Fr H:,13pm
l\:VOO Hu 10: 1Gam

KlamathF. KFJI Mo
~I:lTshfi('ll] 1\:008 ~lo
11ctlfonl lCvll:J) Tu
!)ortbn,1 K\\'.TJ Su

1 ::lOplll
1 ::W[,m
9 ::lOam


WLBW Su 10 :-!::iam

WIBCl fiu !: l.ipm

.John~town \V.lAC::-Iu 4 :311pm
Philnllelphin WIPSu 6:,1'JpIn
r:.:QV f-:u 10::JO:1t1l
Wc 1:4iipm
Fr 1:4Gpm

'WEEC ~u 3:4:1pm
\','e 3:4')1'111
Wash'ton WXBO 8u !i :I.J',l1l\


W'mspolt WH.\K Su 3:30pm




1 tOO I,m

Tu 4: 0 0pm
'I'll 4:UOI,m
I{W'l':N::ill!l: j Gam
Wo lS:'l,ipm
Fr H:'!5pm



ClIn. 'llooga WDOD


W1'JS Hu
We 3:30pm
KIII,wille WHOt. Su
''':'lIe ~lu
;o.[erul'his WREG Hu

1 ::lO!'1lI
7 :Olll'm
4: 13pu




KRt.D Hu 10 ;:lOalll
8 :(J(Jpm


El Paso
KTS~1 Su
:Ft, \\" orth KTA' :\10
We ;;:]Jplll


Galveston KLL:PHu


8 :+,Jam
1: ]'Jpm
(j; 1::;l'a~

We fl:OOpm
KXYZ Hu 10:0tJam
S, Angelo KGKL Hu 1;4::iplll
'1.'11 S:}Jall1
So .\ntonlo K'1'8.\ Ru 10 ;4,Jam

KGKBSu H:15al.l
\\'e !) :1.:iam Fr \1: 1:i:1111
WichitaF. KGKO Ru 1~:3ill'lll
Th 8:43pm
KLO I':u 3 15l'lu

Salt I., City

Lyn'-hh'g WLV,\:-iu 1~:4GI'Ill

WTAH I"u l:!::;o"lll
Petersu 'g Wl'lllt:-iu li :-131'111
Rithlllond WHV A HlI 12: 1iipm
H.oanoke \\'DB,J ::-ill]:! :::lIpm
We 5:00pm



Cit 'lflUes", WElle ~11 ] 0 :'~'Jam

Danville \\'11'1':\[ :-iu 10: 1::i)'lIl

\\'" III :OtJam

1: 15pm

KGH::-; Hu !): OOam
KXOW;,-;u 10 :Ullam
CorpWlChr, KG!:'I Su H:OtJam
We (i:.t~tlJlII
Fr (i:4.JI'1lI

WORK Su 3:00pm

KZEG Su 7; DOrm
'I'll 7 :Oupm




\\'e ::> I)Opm

KSL Su 10 45lllll



W8YB 8u 10 OOam
Th 5 30pm

St..\.Jballs WQD~! SU 1 OOpm

] ;15plll
K\'O::;:-iu 11):011:01'1

'l'h 5::~OPUl
IelU Hu Ill: ;~jlltlll
I,YL :\fo S: l:iplll
'l'u 8 :45pru
Wo Ii :l::ir.ll\
K ,.' 10:-)u \J: 1:,am
KG.\ I"u 5 :'}:;llII
KVl Hu :l:-I'~I'1lI
Walla Walla [{ G.! ~u 7 :j.;:<l11
:-ill 1(;;01'/11


K1'O ~~l 1 :(Hlplll

1>:1'1' S1I1o:nll:lJU
Th 7 :O'J ",I

''i'HiS Su 9:00am
1-'1' 'l:lIila]1
elm'stoll ' .... OnD fin -1 : (lllplll
Fairmont W:'DI:" Nit l~ :4.J:,11I
Hunt'lotl \\,::, \X Th 4:0':;",1
Wheellng \V\\'L\ i:lu 10:lJU,llU
L:L Cro1\se \\"KBII Sit ] 2 :(\11 1111
WIll.\. SIl}O;/),-J:llll
:\!ani '\\'00 WO~I'l' ~Io 7 :oni'llI
'l'h ]: OilLJlll


Greenville WFEG Su 10 :OOam
Sl,lUrt'b'g WSP.ASu G::Wprn

KXI~O ~u

Bell 'ham



KD}'); 13u ] J: :lOam

Th 8 :4:ipm

The good news of the kingdom of Jeho,-'ah is b,'oadcast each "'eek or oftener by these and other .stations at time shown.
(Curl'Nlt local time Is shown in
each tn~tance.J
2-AY Tu 8 :4i;pm
2-GN Su 7:30pm
2.G!!' Tu 7:30pm
We 1 :4:i1'1l1
GunnN)ah 2.MOSu7:00pm
2XN We 7 :li:pm
NI'W Castle 2-IID Su 10 :30arn
:-iu 9:30pm
We 6::;Oplll
2tm Hu 9:15nm
W'gnW'gn 2-WU We !1:30am
4-BC:-iu 10:15nm
4-HK HIl10:t::ia.m
Maf)'hOl' '~h 4-MB We 1/ :45plll
J10dlh 'ptoll 4-HO We 10:f)0l'rtl
'IownsviJIe 4'1'0 We 8 :OOpm
Lnuncr'stnll 7LA Fr 5 :45pm
Uh-crstoflO 7UV We G:301J1u
:1 111\ Hu12:4!jpm
:l-1l0 Tn 8 :4,'jl'm
3-IlA Hu n:4!jl'm

:I[(K Hu 7: 00pll1



r IdlJ{)unlfl

15wun nil!

:l 'l'H Hu
3-SI1 Su

:~A W

10: 15am
fi: :10 pm
7 :151'Ill

(i KO I"u 7 :45pm
6-111. Su 1 :OOpm


JrniJl'tut BONNI'; l'a 5:30pm
(:'::':0 m) ESPBlL-\.NCE



<-,FeN Sl\ 5 :0!5pm

CJCli::iu 9 :OOpm

lIamiltnn CKOC Bu 10: :lOnm

Su 1 :30plU
Su 8 :OOPIIl
Shanghai XMIIA Su 9 : 45alll

Caibarien CMIl f)
Sl'hlliFh fiu 7 :OOpm
CMK::iu 11 :30nm
Spltnish Su 9 :OOpm
Santa CPa C~lllI Su 12 :15pm
Spanish Su 11 :05am
RADIO- Su 3: 30pm
(296.1 m) TALLINN

Beziers nADIO. Th 8 :OOpm
(220.1m) BEZn.;HtI
Bordeaux RADIO 1vf/) 7 :4(ipm
(237 m) Sl;J)-OUEST
Fecamp HArnO
(206 m) NOftMANDIE
French Tu S:OOprn
Paris RADIO L L }~r 8 :15pm
Su 12:00 nn
(312.S m) VITUS
Th 1::l0pm
Aa 7:30pm
Toulnll~e HADIO We 7 :lGJlm
(383.1 m) ,],OULOU~E

Col'/) 3pr. KVOH l'iu 10 ::)Oum
We 5: 30rr Jl
Sa 4::::<Jl'm
Kf'.!'~L Hu 7 :OClpm
Gralld J'n JU'XJ 8n I : 151'lU
KFKA Hu 6 :4."ipm
KIDW flu 7:15pm
V,e 2:40pm .Fr 2:411plll
KllEK 110 12 :4:iplll
We12:45pm Fr lZ:4:ipm

Spanish Th 10 :OOpm


WashingLon \vOL ~u (j :OOpm



Wilm'ton 'VDEL Su 6:15pm



Dirm 'ham \\' API Hu
Birm'halll WBItC Su
WAUF flu
M 'tl~ornery\\i~~'A Hu
1! usdo N. WN It:\. Hu
We 8:00pm J<'r


: 45pm

3 :45pm
(j: OIlI'IU

Anehora~.. KFQD Wc9:::llpm
Ketehikll/l KGB U Mo 7: I5pm
'fh 7: 15plll
Ho. 1 :I5pm

Wo 4 :00l'llI
KCnJ ?to
We 5:15pm Sn.
Spanish Th
We 5:45pm
KOAR rlu
We 7 :OOpm l!~r
Spnni~h Su


4: 00l'lIl
5 :l;,pm
5: 15pll\


5 :-l:i{lm
1 :OOJlIl\

'i: I51'm

'ville [{UQA Hu 12: 45pm
We ll::lOam
Fr 4::Wpm
Hot Hp '~~ K'l'ITA Hu 1 :OOpru
Little R 'k KAHE: flu 9 :(JOam
Little It 'k KGHl flu 7 :OOpm
We 5:43pm
~'r 5:45pm
Little l('k KLHA Su 10:30arn
Paragoulu KB'f~I Hu 10: OOam
We 11 :30eru
Texarkana KCMC Su G:-1apm

El Centro
KXO 131110 :OOam
IUEM Ru ]0 :3Uam
KMJ Su ;; :4jpm
Hollywoo<l Ki' X Hu 9: l::ipnl
Long B 'ch KGER Sil Ill: ,i,'jam
LosAnge1es KT.l\I Su 9:30am
Su 8:00pm
'I'h 8 :OOpm
KL8 Bu 11 : 15am
We 2:45pm
Fr 2:45pm
Oakland KHOW Su 10:15am
I::lu 6:15pm Mo 8:15I'Ul
We 8:Upm
Sa'mento KFDK Su 9 :30ull1
S. F'cisco KTAn Su 0:30am
Stockton KGDM Su 9:30am
"-e 7:1::iam
Fr 1:15pm


W!.lBH Hu 10 :OOum
\v10D Hu 3 ::)I)plll
WQA:\ll"u 4 :4,'jpm
wvno Hu 12:'15pm

\\'COA l-iu 1 :OOPIl1

We 7:00pm

Louisville WAY.!'; Su 1 :45pm
8l1l'evep't KWKH Su 9:4:iam
WLBL: ~u 10 :45am


Baltimore WIU. Snll :301l.m
CUIlIucrl'dWTBOHo 1:1:ipm
We 1:15pm
Fr 1:1:")pm
Hngerst'n WJEJSulO:15arn
BllhsonP. 'VI\SO:';u1:!:;:Opm
wn [)Jl ~:Il 1 ~ :::0l'H1
'VNAC l"ulO:OIl:lll'
Hp'gfillid WHAH Su lO::1l1am
Worcester 'VOHG Hu 10:30arn

Calumet W f1!J1o' Tu
'VIB\[ ~'I
Kalamf\zooWKZO Nil

G: l!j pm



,vope HlllO:30lun
W'l'FI Hu 9 :4.;rUll
WtfHT HII 5:15pm

'Y,IT. ~Il 2:];)!'1ll

'VUDW::;'1 1 : 1::; pm
'I'h 7:4;Jplll
Columbus W!tBL I"u 9: ::Oam
LanrnngeWIG;U I'll 3:00pm
We 3 :OOPIlI Fr 10 :O()am
WMA7. Hll 4:00pm
WIW,\ Hu 12 ::Wpm
8 :4,'jpll1
1'1' 8 :4:ipm
Sa.vannall "'TOC Su 1 :001'1Il



F'glls}'nllsKUIH'; 1')'1 ]O:OOnm

Mill 'npolis\\'lJU Y flu ~ :O()pm
Moolhen(l EOfK:':\I 7:::0['m
We li:1!jpm
1:'1' G:l::iIJlu
Gulfport \Vue:-l Hu !J :-!5111ll
We tl :1.1(J1lI
Hnttil,sb 'gWl'PIII-:1I 1 ::l0l'Jn
\\-e 7: 1.II,m
WA~fL ~II 1 :01'111
Meridian wcoe Nil ]() :I!Oalll

Honolulu KOME We 12:05pm
Fr 7:15pm

KJDO Flu 10 :4:iam
Iuaho Falls K1D )'fo 10 :Iltlam
KFXD flu 11 :{)Oam
Mo' 1:4jpm
Twin Falls RTFI Hu 10 :4jam
l:lu 4:45pm

Bloom'toll W.1 Be Su 9: 4:"ia.m
\VJIlL Su10:i/Oam
Fr 6:30am
Harrisb'g WEBQ Hu (j:OOPl11
WTAD Su 12:30pm
We 1:00pm
ROl'kforil WnOK Su 10: 13am
Su 9:30pm
We 9:::0pm
Sp 'gtield WCB::; Su 12 :3 0 pm
Sa 11 : 13:lJn
WDZ Su 12 :43pm
Hammond WW.\E~ Su 11 :OOam
Ind 'llrolisWKnF Sul0:f)Oam
Tit 1:00pm
WLBC S\l 1 :3i/pm
Fr 3 :;~Opru
Coffeyville K(:G~' Su 1: i.3pm

1'h 8 :45pm

!I :j!l'1I11
1: 1::i1'1II

Ij: 45pm

KFHU I"u J ~ :1l0 WI
We 7: 1:)'IHI
Kans.C 'y KWKC HlI 2 :()(lprn
'l'u 7 : (I()aUl



KGE%};u !J:OOaUl

Kearney KG roW Hu ]() :OOn.1ll
](1'.-\11 ;-;'1 H:::O'llll
Kl'O!: ~:ll !.):l;"i:Ull
Scottshl'f KUKY /-iu 1II:1l"i::m
We ;) :-l;;pm F1' 5 :4')I,m

KOU SIl10 :;lOam

::-<ewark WNEW ~u JO:OOam
Aluuq 'que KOB \\"e !j: 1."ipm
KGFL:-;u G: 1,'j1'1lI
We 4:30pm
FI' 4 :::Orm


WMBO Hn \:::;Opm

Bing 'mton WRBi<'

l-'ll 2:](ipm
~\1 7 :15pm

(CQtttinued on page 3$5)



117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

J. F. nUT1IERFORJ) President

W. E. VAN AlnIur.GR Secretary

"And all thy children shall he tau~ht ofJehovah; and

the peace ofthychildren."-1l<1i4h 54:J,J.

~["eat shall he


THAT JEHOVAH i~ tho only true God, is from evcr1:lsting
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and thc Giver
of lifo to his creatures; that tho Logos was the beginning of
his creation and Ill!! activo agent in tho creation of all
tIlings; that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory,
clothed with all power in heaven and earth, and tIle Chief
Executivo Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created tho earth for man, created perfect
man for tho elLTth and pbceil him upml it; that man wilfully
disoheyCiI God's laW' and was sentenced to dcnth; that by
renson of Adam's wrong act all men llre born sinners and
without the right to lifo.

THAT JESUS was mado hmnan, and tho man J('sus suffered death in order to prolluce the ransom or redemptivQ
price for all mankind; that God rnised up .Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
f.ame and clothed lum with nU power amI authority.
UJllt Christ Jei:lus is tho Chief Officer th('reof aud is tho
Ti~htful King of tile world; th:lt tho anointed aud faithful
followers of Christ J<,sus are children of Zion, membera of
Jehovab'8 ort{llnization, and llTe bis witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the 8up~macy of Jehomh, declaro
his purposes tOWllrd mankind as el'.:pr('ssed in the .Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingl10m before all wllo will hear.
THATTllE WORLD has cncled, and tho I.ord Jesus Christ
hns bceu pbeed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
h:1S oUl'Itcd SntlUl from heaven and is proceeding to the
estnblishment of God '8 kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF ana bll'ssings of tho peopl/!!l of earth
elln come only by amI through Jehovah's kingdom under
Clrrist which has now begun; that the I,ord's next grea~
act is the dt.'lltrnetion of Satan's or!{anization and the estllb
)i,bment of ri~hteon...ness in the earth, and thl1t under tb~
kiD,;dom all those who will obey its rigllteous laws shall be
fP.StQred nud livo on earth foreyer.

purpos~ of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes ns
expresRed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specificully designed to uid Jehovah's witnesses. It arranges
systematic Dible study for its readers and supplies other literaturo to aid in such studies. It publishes suitahle nlaterial
for radio broadcasting and for other means of pUblic inatJ:Ue
tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictIy to tlle Bible as anthority for its utter'
ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
reser,'ation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
his Delo"e(l King. It is not dogmatie, but invites careful
flnd critical examination of its contents in the light of tIt:}
Scripturel!. It does not indull\"o in controversy, and its columns aro not open to perilolllllitieB.

HIS journal is published for the






American remittances silouM ho made by Exprc.~g or Postal ?:I'lllt'}'

Order. or by Bank Draft:. Canadian. Briti:<h, South African ami
J\ustrnlaf1lan remittances shou1f1 bo mado direct to the rcspecthe
lir::.n.-:h ollkc.... It()mittanc~,, from cOllntrit'll othN' than tho>ll'l m"ntioned may be Innde to the Brooklyn office, but by Internatiollal
Postal Money Orl1er only.

British 34 Craven Terrace. I,ondon, W. 2. En"lao(!

Cll11w!ian 40 Irwin A""llllC, Toronlo, Unlario. Calla,I.1
Ausfrala.ran 7 nerestord Hoad. Strllthfiell1, ~. S. W. Australia
South. African Doston IIou~e. Cape Town; South Africa



t1l0 Suciety In eVfJl7 CMe.

(Tran,latlon, 01 tM, journal appear


let/era? la>lQ'u40el.)

All sIncere students of the Bible whO' bT rt'allon of In1lrmHy,

po,erty or nuver:;;ity aro unable to pay tho subscription prite
may 11:1\"0 '1'116 WatchtOwer freo upon written llllpli<'ation to tho
publlshl!rs, mado once Mch year. statim: tho rPA'lSOn for flO re
l]ue.'tin~ it. We nre gl:ul to thus aill the n('Cuy. IJUt tho written
IlppliClltlOl.l omce each ye~r is required by the !,ostnl re/\,ull1!ioDs.
'lI'oti~c to f!ub8criber,: Acknowled'ltnent cf a new or a reul!Wal subscription ",m be Rent only when re(llle~tetl. Cbanl!6 of au<lrp~~.
w!len l'(lquest<'d, may be expeM.ed to appenr on ad<1I'<'~'; In.bel within
one month. A renew:l1 blank (eatTyln~ DoNeo of ("<pitation) wlli
be sent wit.h the journal On\) month be~oro the 811iJ~cription expires.
Etltere4 a8 Second 01a88 Mall :JIalier at nrooH1/n, N. Y., I'04tof/fce.
Act of MarcIl 3, 1879.

=======,,--,=========-=-=_.,=, -----"JEIlOVAl{"

With f1c<,p ~ratituae to the gT(,~lt }Wv('alf'r of his own name

TII/l Watchtower annflUnl'eR the publication of a new hook. All
faithful witnesses of God awl .)on:l.l1ah5 will tinill to know the
bool. bears tllf~ tWa" .Jehovah", :md that its contents set forth,
8S docs no !)r.w1ous publication, the ~lorious name, the marvel
ous works and dealing-s, past, l)rf'sl'nt :lnd future, and the sure
CQnJllimt puqllJses, of tIle :Most High Gou. The book's be\l.llti
fully embossed cover holUs within it 384 pages of text nmttH,
color illustrations, and complete index. The author's editIOn
also contains a facsimile letter in the author's own hamlwriting,
specially 'Hitten for and lludre!'sed to the Lorll's anointed on..s
(and the Jonlldab brethren). It is now r(~ady and may be had
at 50c a copy, this to help offset the heavy original costs of
publication. Jehovah'g faithful witness('!! and tl'ue JOllndahs
will not fail to read this new book anll there!;v to arm themselves for future service in placing- it h"fore tite whole world,
by his grace. 'l'hose wishing a copy should place their order
through the director or with the sharpshooter. If not asso
ciated with a company, then order direct from the Society.

In his 01irn chosen time, and whpn his enemies are desperately
trying to limit his witnesses on earth in getting the truth to
the pevple, Jehovah has pl'ovidcd another effective instrumcnt
for the king<1om proclamation, to ,,;it, a portable phonograph
equipped Kith eleetrie:tlly trallBf'l'ihed records of 4!-minute
speeches by Brother Rutherford on vital Bible topics. Reports

to date from pioneers and otllers already equipped with :ln,l

using this phonograph attest the SUCC('SS and potf'ncy of this
method I)f introducing anti drivin~ home the Lnrd'~ 1I11'ssug-l'.
The machine is nmnufactufl'u by the Sudety at its nrouklyn
factory, lind is s!)(ciaJ1y designed for its work, and is the I)(,llt
anlilahle for the purpose. l:ittong, compact, with a powf'rlul
sprin~-woullli motor, and carrying space for sev,"rnl discs, it
weighs ~l pounds Witll six discs beurin/! tWf'l\'e rl'('ordinr.;R_ To
co\'er the bare (~ost the phonograph, with 18 recordings, lUay
be had for .'1;19.25. All orders therefor, remitt:uIC(' accompanying, should be sent to the Brooklyn office of the Soeiet).


The Atlant'1. sen'ice convention will be on November 2::, 21

and 25; hf'adquarters Ansley Hotd, roof garden. Mt'eting'~
Saturuay and l3unday will be hdd in the City Auditorium.
'l'hese meetin~8 will be al1dressed by various brethl'l'n, inclUll
ing the prt'9ident of ~he Society.
It is hoped that many of. tIl,) pioneers in the south may be
able to atlenel. Sleeping quarters nre being prvvirled for II
hundred or more pioneers. Pioneers will make n')'ementa for quarters lIlltil sf'eing- c')nvl'ntion COllUllittol'. A credit
of $25 will he allowed to ('adl pirmeer on book ac(~ount to ltl'lp
pay expenses to the convention. Let all thll Lord '9 peuplo 1'1'1'sent this nw.tter before the throne of grace for hi:! bl('s~m~
tImt there may he a splendid witness to the honor of his n~\tlle.
Address all communications to Clifton R. 1'hl)mt'~, Clwir:l1'cn
Convention Committee, 1391 Belmont Ave., S.W., Atlaula, Ca.



15, 193-1

No. 22


For they eat the bread of wickedness, and d!'ink the wille of violence."-Prol'. 4: 17.

EHOVAH hau Daniel in Dahylon to bear tesH-

mony to II is name. Daniel stood out separate aud

distinct. from all !npn of Babylon. .Jehovah has
taken out from the \\"ol'!u (which is antitypieal BabyIon) men and womCll whom he has anointed and appointed to be his wit nesses, and these must stand out
scpamte and distinct from all men of the \\"orlu. It
is the name of .Jehovah God that is involved, and the
vinuieation of his nallle was the paramount il'sUC in
J):.IIlid's uay. That is still the paramoullt issue, and
which is!'.ue must 1I0W he definitely settled in the right
way. ~'l\'n Ilre of little importance, but the name of
Jehovah is all-important; hellce all divine propht,cy
should be examined with this thought in mind: that
the principal reason for these prophetic pictures lind
the fulfilment thereof is the vindication of Jehovah's
name, and what men have to do therewith and what
is the result to men are of secondary importance.
II Daniel had heen in flahyloll for several years, and
in that time had pro\'ed himself a faithful and true
witness to the name of God. JIe was of good old age,
and still the Lord Uod would use him to bear testimony, For approximately 1,!)()O ycars God has b(-ell
takin~ out from the wm'ld his ehurch anu using those
thus selectcu to he his witllt'sses, and now, C\'en in thc
old age of the church, in these last days the faithful
11 I'e having greater opportuni t iI'S of bearing' testimony
to .Jehoyah's name. The picture made in connection
with the appearing of Daniel before the king of BabyIon strongly indicates that the remnant would in tlwse
last dllys be gh'en a greater privilege and respollsi'bUity to be witnesses to the name of the :\1ost High
and to beHr before rulers of this world testimony to
JehOynJ1'S name and to his kingdom. The mother
queen had coneluueu her speech before his royal majcsty, and the king, giving heeu the1'cto, had Daniel
hl'ought bd'ore him. "Then was Daniel brought ill
1>efore the king. And the king spake and said unto
))anid, Art thou that Duniel, which art of the ehilulen
of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father
brought out of Jewry'?" (Dan. 5: 13) The brin~iJlg
of Daniel before the king was a last resort of Bdshazznr, and after his wise men had utterly faikd.

The so-called "wise men" of the P]'('SPllt day, ill(llltling the" brain trust ", ha vc uttel'ly failed to SUgg-I'st
a method that will effectually Iwing peace and prospcx:ity to the people. 'rhe prophecy iJl(licall's that Ihe
remnant of the church yet ou earth mll"f as a la~t
resort serve notice and warning of such UU('l' fa iltu e
upon the earthly rulers of Satan's organizatioll calkd
Babylon and that this notiee must he s(:rvcd ShOl'tJy
preceding- the ovcrthrow of the wickeu o/"!!unizat ion
by Jchovah's great Executi\'c Ol1icer. Jl'llO\'i.lh has
hrought forth his witne:o,s(~s for thc PUl'pose of l!ivill~
such Ilotiec. The miserable failure of the ('I('r~'y to
tell the truth to the people makes it nCf'css<lry for
Jehovah God to employ the remnant to gin: notice
and warning to the rulers of the wodd. It was in
1925 that God revealed to his people on (':1I'th the
meaning of the two great siglls or wondl'rs appearing
in heaven. (Rev. 12: 1, 3) 'rhosc great sign<; or \\ (011del'S disclose to God's people the organi7.atioll of the
enemy Satan, and the greater organization (If .JdlO\'uh
God, the explanation of whIch appeal's in '/,ho 1\'ate/'tVICOt', 1925, page 67 on. On Sl'pl{'mber 27, 1930, tbo
hooks Light, explaining 'rhe RC'velat ion, inC'!udill~ the
two great signs anI) wonders and the seven Inst plagues,
werc released to the public, amI a wiue distrilml ion of
these bool,s followed, and which were placed in !h
hands of many of the rul ing class. 'I'he l'e<1 fter the
importance of giving testimony was empha'iizcd, and
God's organization on earth fixed a quota flll' the ypur
1931 of the amount of literature that it was hoped
would be plaeed; anu during eaeh year f!'Om that
time forward a like course has been taken and a great('1' testimony than ever given to the lUlIll(' of tlw Lord.
It then became apparent that such is "the testiml1l1y
of JcSU'5 Christ ", and the rcmnant understuod more
fully than before that th<.> Lord has committed to his
anointed olles on earth the obligation of deli\'cri!lg
this testimony and that they must deliver it regardless of all opposition. The remnant are the witnesses
for Jehovah.
3 i\o longer, therefore, ('QuId the faithful remn:ll1t
he identified as merely "Bible Students"; beea use
anyone claiming faith in God, and accepting the Bible




as his Word, mh:ht be thus uesign8teu. \YhOl Dnnh-l

llppenred h(fore Bd,;!wzzar the king inquired of him:
'Arc you Daniel of .J cwry l' That Iluestion requiri:d
Daniel 10 identify him"Jelf as a Jew, that is, onc of
the IJeoIlle of Jehovah God who gin~s praise to Jeho.
vah'il name and who was at that time in Satan's
world, Ballylon, but who was not a purt thereof.
Corrcspowling- to this. in the yC'ar 193], Jehovuh
caused h is faithful people to come up lJdorc thc rul.
el'S of the world and to_ boldly confe~s thdr iucntit.r,
that is, that they arc those \'iho gin: praise and seryiec
to ,hhovah God lltHI therdore arc t1'ne Jude-nns. This
does not at all nH:iln that thl:y have any relation what.
SO 0\'1' I' with the :io-('alled COTnIfll'J'(ial ".Jl'\I"<;" 01' selfi"h
Yidllish people v..lll) make f!old thpir god; hut it dOl:'';
mean that these ot the r('mnant arc entirely dcvotll
to Jehovah and hi"J kill~~dom. '1'he faithful renmllllt
l'(~pl'el;('lJtatiwly in a huJy acrcptcd thc ~racious gift
of Jehovah God, to wit, the llew flallle ~iven to them
by J('hovah, anll a1loptl'd that new name whil'h he had
l'cn:aleu tu titelll, t haL is to say, J cho'l'(J/t ',~ li'itnes8cs,
and from that timo furward they have bPl'fI known a:i
".Jehovah's witIl4::-::;(':~". III the l'csolution adopted at
that time, 10 wit, .J uly 2G, 1(1:..11, l'lJl'I'l'ItCe was mauc
to the period of the wOf'k of the church foreshadowed
lIy the lJl'ophct 1';1 ijah and 1he narnos hy whilh the
faithful followers of tlte Lonl JCSWl had bel'n knO\\"ll
during that period, and theu the l'esolution Raid: "We
arc senunts of JdlOvah 00<1, cornmi/lsioncd to do a
\Yo!'k in his name, and, ill o]Jeui{'ncc to his commnnd
mellt, to tIl'liv('r the testimony of .Tesus Christ, alltl to
mak(~ known to t.he people that Jehovah is thc true
and almighty God; thl'rcfore we joyfully cmhrace alld
take the namc whi('h the mouth of the Lord (;od has
named, :11111 we desire to be known as and enllcd hy the
llamt', to wit, .lchot.'llh's u'ifncsses." ('1'lw Watchtou'if,
1931, png'e 27H, parug-raph 5) Since then the Hllointecl
have lJel"n knowllll<; and I'alled "Jehovuh's witnesses",
nleanin~ Judeans in fact, that is, those who are wholly
devotell to the wui,;e tilld sl'l,\,icc of Jehovah Cod.
, B(J,.;ha::zar, aftcr huvinp; Daniel iJl,ntit'y himself,
then said: "I ha' c eyen hl'a!'(l of thee, that the spit'it
of the gods is in thce, and that light, and unuerstall(llng, und excellent Wif;(10m, b found ill thee." (Dan.
[>: H) It is certain that he had not heard of Daniel
from his wise men, heeausc they would consilll'r it best
to keep Daniel's name in the Jark. I_ikewisc the wodd
l'ulel's have had no favorable reJlOl'1 from the modcrn
clergymen and thcir "wise" assoC'ia tei> about J e!lOvah's witnesses, hecause such "wise men" prefer to
havc Jehovah '8 witnessl:;; ent1ro1 v disrn'ditrrl, \Vh:!tever report is made ahout thcm i~ a,h~'l'se, 'rhe elel'l-lY
lind their allies go eVell to the point of preventing the
people from heating the te'stimony dcliwrcd by Jehovah's witnesses; and in this they arc ahly supporteu
hy Rig Dusincss, ,d1O own many radio faeilitics, and
who dcli]wl'atC'ly prevent .Jehonlh':{ witnessl's fl'o;n
u..'ling the radio to proclaim Gau's mes';age of truth.
It was the quecn mot bel' who brought the iuforma-

tlon 10 Belshazzar, and it is the honest anll f;lir-TIlind,:u

men of the wadu todn:"" forc~hado\\'ed h;;- the que( Jl,
that hrir!~ testimony to the hi~'hcr ru)(l',; couceJ'lljll~
the witnesses of Jehovah; and these hone;;t llll'n han.:
had to do with opening' thl' way for .J,:I.ovah's wit
nesscs to he heard before the higher goyernmen1al
offlcinls, rel'eutly at \Yl~"hiJlgtOll, D,C.
s The 1Jro phel")" of 1'he Revelation, Hmon~ ot;;(.'r
things, says: "And I ]whdJ, and heard an "j\'!d fl.\'iUf! tbrou~'h the midstQf h,:uvcn, sayin!5 with a loull
voice, \Voe, ,voe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth,
hy 1'ea<.;on of the otJWl' voi('"s of the tl'l1lnpet of the
three an'!l'ls, whi('h arc )'ct to sound!" (He,. 8: 1:~)
\VOl'S ""l:l'C Jll-0110Unce!l by the Lord ill II i<.; l1ll's"a;';:'J
deliwred allll prof']aiuwd at IJondon in l!I:';G; T01'Ollff)
in ]~)~7; ]),troit in J!l2S; all,1 the clel'!;,v hall b"(,n
unalJIc to explain 10 thC'ir f'oconspimtol'-; the lTlCalllJlr~
of thoso woes. When Bdshazzal' had Uanid hcfol'(~
.him, continuing to aJ,lrcs>; J),lllid he :>aid: " ~\lld !lOW
the wise men, the Hstrolo<:('f'rs, have bet'n hl'o\1\!ht in
hl'fu1'c mr, that they sbould l\'al1 this wl'itill(!, Hl!ll
mal,e known unto 1111\ the intl'rpretatiun thereoi': hut
they c0111d not "hew the intpl'prdation of the thin~,"
(Dan. G: 1S) 'rhc king al'1:llo",l<:Il<.!:cd the uttl'r i!lahility of his wise nIl'!l to mab~ known the ill!Cl'jll't'i:Jtion of the hnndwritin:~ on the walL 'Their failure v,;:>;
due 10 the fad that "u<,h wis!' men were the SI;Il;; of the
Ik\'il and hii! servant:.;, and thoy could not tell the
t I'uth, awl 1ll'llce they lied, (.J ohn 8: 41) Li;wwi,~c,
whf'1l the" wot's" werc llronounf'cd, as ab()Yl~ statcd,
lind which c>oIT<';':!J0Jl(1cd to the three ,\ ,w,: shown b.\'
the halldwrilill~ Oil the wall in Iklshaz%ul"'; 1'ea,.,L
rOOUl l the clcl'~Y or "wise lJ\('Il" of morkl'll Bahylllll
lkd tl) the ot)\('r l'U1l'l'S mill insbtl'll IJlat wllut the
"p('stifel'ous Billle :-;tndents llunH'd .fdlo\'ah'" witlll'SSt:S"
I':llled ':-.i:-\'ns from .Jl'1lOHlh (;IJll' \\ere /lot
from UoJ at all, hut that tl,e"!' lllCll awl \\'01l]('n who
werl' going about pl'omulgal il1~ II mes,~a;.re whieh I hcy
claim to he God's me:-.:-.:.l~c l'OlH'('l'Jling his ~l'('at si~ns
~l1Jd wOlldl'l's :Irc in fad imp"stor,;, ~rlll's~ I'!f.t'g'yll( ll.
have gone to the point of "<tying thaT .h1to\,ah" ,,,it
llcsses are seditionists, pacifist '4, unpatl'iot ie, again"t
the govel'llInent, soeialists and commllll i,,1-:, U:teUE1promising foe;,; of Chri~tiani1y, h,mkcrs, lJL:ddl(,l"~. awl
many otlter like name's. 'l'hcl'l'l'OI'e th(')" hnw in,;j"t(d
before the hi~hcr l'u1l'rs that no (,l'el!<'ut:e should );,:
g'iwn to the'- 'prattle' of tlll':';c w.itlleS~l:s. But tbe
clergy, Ol' mOllern "wise nWI1", have not ]l('l'n ahle to
allay the f('ars of the higher rule'r<.;, nor have tlw"e
l.dug servants of Satan heen ahle to ku'p the 1"'<11
ancI truc int"l'lH'ctat ion of pl't'sen t-ua~' l:\'!'llt" ; ('nnl
gettiu::!: to th~ cars of the l'H~ ill~ das:-., allll c'[lc..:ial:,v
to those of the rulin'~ class ,yho han~ a c1csil'f' to ".'C
fair play. The nH>SSI.1g-l' of th(' kill~~dOl'l und 1he
vengcnnce of our GOII again~t Salan \; (')'c~~lIlizaliun.
in printed forTH, ha'l {!Olle into the han,1" ol' the .rl1ll,I'...;
of "Chl'is1('ndolil" and has been "'ide1y 1)l"~td':ll,,t hy
radio thl'ou~hollt the land. The J'ul('c,; 1.:<\ e h,'( 11
sened with llotice and warning, as contni:!d ill Cco.l's


15, 1934


message of the truth, and have been plainly told what

they may expect to come upon the world organization.
6 If Belshazzar had been satisfied with the answers
given to him by his wise men he would not have continued to be in great trouble as the Scriptures declare
he was. He hoped to get some satisfactory answer
from Daniel, and therefore said to him: "And I have
heard of thee, that thou canst make interpretations,
and dissolve doubts: now, if thou canst read the
writing, and make known to me the interpretation
thereof, thou shalt be clothed with scarlet, and have
a chain of gold about thy neck, and shalt be the third
ruler in the kingdom." (Dan. 5: 16) The opinion of
man, unsupported by authoritative proof, only tends
to raise doubts in the minds of thoughtful men. Belshazzar was in much doubt as to what he had heard
from his wise men, and now he wanted to be informed
of the truth. Today the clergymen boastfully express
their opinion concerning the present-day events, but
their opinions thus expressed are not supported by any
real authority and carry no conviction to thoughtful
men. The word of God used by Jehovah's witnesses,
the remnant, is not the message of any man, nor the
expressed opinion of man, but is the authoritative
truth of God's Word, and does away with all doubt
as to the final solution of the world situation. Those
who believe and rely upon God's Word know what is
coming to pass shortly; and when they speak thereof
they speak with authority from the Lord.
7 Daniel was told that if he could give an honl'st
and satisfactory explanation and interpretation of the
handwriting on the wall he would receive great honor
and distinction in the realm of the king. But Daniel
was not before the king for selfish gain; and this is
shown by his answer to the king, to wit: "Then Daniel
answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be
to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will
read the writing unto the king, and make lrnown to
him the interpretation." (Dan. 5: 17) In presenting
Jehovah's message before the rulers of the earth at
this present time, and announcing his judgments
against Satan's organization, Jehovah's witnesses are
not doing so for selfish gain. They are not asking, nor
are they expecting, to receive any favor from worldly
source. Let the rulers of this world favor their own;
which they will do, of course. This is made manifl'st
on every occasion when the questions concerning the
truth. are presented before the rulers by Jehovah's
witnesses. Recently a petition was presented to the
Congress of the United States relative to the use of
the radio, which petition was signed by many persons
of good will. Some persons have foolishly said that
the prestmtation of such petition was 'going to Egypt',
that is, to the world, for help. That conclusion was
not only foolish, but very erroneous. The petition
asked for no favor from anyone, but does demand that
the rights of God's people be respected and that they
be permitted to go on with their .work without let or
hindrance from any part of the Devil's representa-


tives or organization. The occasion of this petition was

similar to what God directed Moses and Aaron to do
in Egypt when appearing before Pharaoh. Such is a
witness against the world powers and to the name of
8 Those whom Daniel foreshadowed at this point,
namely, Jehovah's witnesses, began to give answer before "the king", that is to say, the ruling powers of
the world, particularly from July 26, 1931, and forward, and to do so in an effective manne!' by serving
upon them the message contained in the Kingdom
booklet, the distribution of ,vhich began on the four.
teenth day of September, 1931, and was world-wide.
The clergy were first served with that booklet, and
then their allies, the political and financial element.
Now modern Babylon's "wise men" cannot truthfully
charge Jehovah's witnesses as being peddlers and
hawkers engaged in a commercial enterprise, particularly with reference to the foregoing booklet, because
that was given to them, and many of the clergy
viciously tore the booklet to pieces and used abusive
language against those who brought it to them. Jehovah's witnesses are not peddlers and hawkers in de
livering any part of Jehovah's message, and the clergy
know that when they charge them with sueh their
charges are wholly false. Jehovah's witnesses are doing their work in obedience to the eommand given to
them. When before the king Daniel appreciated the
fact that Jehovah had 'raised him up for that very
time', and hence he took advantage of the occasion
to make known the judgments of Jehovah God; and
this he did unselfishly and without fear, favor, or hope
or promise of reward.
9 In this day only Jehovah's witnesses identify" the
higher powers" properly. They know and publicly
declare that the "higher powers" consist of J eho\'ah
God and Christ Jesus. They point to the supremaey
of Jehovah, and prove their contention by the histor
ical facts as well as the inspired Word of God. Any.
one who holds that a man or company of men or any
organization on earth constitutes any part of the
"higher powers" mentioned by the apostle in Romans
13: 1 shows that he does not understand and does not
appreciate God's Word. The faithful anointed remnant well know that Jehovah is supreme and that his
Chief Executive Officer at the temple is directing the
work of God's organization on earth, and that no man
is entitled to credit or honor therefor. As did Daniel,
so do they give all honor, credit and praise to the
Most High.
10 In a few words Daniel covered much of the history
of man from the time of Eden onward: I ' 0 thou king,
the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father
a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honour."
(Dan. 5: 18) Nebuchadnezzar here mentioned repre
sented Lucifer, to whom was given the overlordship
of the earth prior to his rebellion in Eden. It was to
Lucifer that God committed the rul~rship of the
world; und becoming wick.ed, he was thenceforth




known as "that old serpent", "the devil." 'the father

of lies,' and his offsp1'jllg arc dl'signatf'd the' seed of

the Serpent', and which scpd of the ~erl'ent was representeu hy Ikb:hazzur uno his lords and ,,'ise men and
ot hcrs of his olIkial orgullizatioll, After the rebellion
of Satan Jeho\'uh gave nothing to Satan nor to his
~;(,t'(l; h(:ncc verse ciglltc(m, UbOH) quoted, applies specifically prior to the rebplliou ill Edcn. On a IH'e"ious
occasion Daniel hau said to l;IJlJuchaUIlC7.Zur: "It is
thou, 0 king, that art gTown and become strong [like
a great tree in the midst of the earth 1: for thy ~rcat
ness is grown, and rcacheth unto hea\'(;n, and thy
dominion to tlw ('nd o[ the f'arth." (Dan, 4:22)
Daniel had alsl) stat('d 10 :\l'hurhadnez:wl': "Thou, 0
kill~, art u Icing of kin~s: for tIl(' God of heaven hath
gh'en tll('e a kill!!dolTl, 1>0W('I', alltl stl'l'n~th, 11I1d glor~'.
And when'soever the clliJdl'ell of IIll'n dwell, the bea:,ts
of the field, and the fowls or the hl'uven, hath he givell
iuto thiue hand, aud hath m:.Hle t [H'e rulpr over them
all. Thou art this head of gold." (Dan. 2~37,3b)
Thns lJaniel had spohn of Lucifel' as lie had appeared
Ilt the }wginllil1~ and before tile rebellion. Lucifer,
ltOw Satan, turncu his orgallization into wi('kedness,
mal at the point of the prophrf'~' courerning the fea~t
of Brl::ha7.zar th(' kin~ lklshazzar there represented
the set,;d of t he S(~T'l)('1lt'.
11 f,uci fpr ha<l been entrusted wit h the power of
death, which pOW('r, of (,01l1':-.e, was to he used in harmony with the will of God nnd against those \\illfnUy
disobeying Uod. (Heh. 2: 1-1:) Lueifer did 1I0t use his
power as li1l1horized; likewise his reprps('ntative Nebu<'11adnezzar improperly used his authority: "And, for
the majesty that }tr. gave him, all )wopIe, nations, and
language's, trembled ahu feared hefore him: \\'hom
he would he slew, and whom he would he kept alive,
and whom he wonld he set up, and whom he would
he put down." (Dan, f): ] 9) Satan wns never lluthorh:ed to use his pow('r tyrvllnieally; nor has Imy man
lJc('n authorized to he a tyrant. Now there arc mnny
who tremble before the dehased Lucifer, who is Satan, and which people are, brcause of fear, Deyil
worshipers, ,Tchonlh's servants do not tremhle before
tho Dcvil, but they fear awl worship Jehovah God.
God does not permit the Devil to do as he '\\ould
ngainst men who are faithful to Jl'1lovah; and this is
shown by the experienee's of .Job. (Job 1: 12; 2:4-6;
Jolm, 19: 10, 11) Satan has used his power autocratically and despotically in his attempt to be liko
the l\Iost High and to turn people away from Jehovah,
It is true that Xehuchadnrzzal' destroyed Jerusalem;
but he did so only by permis:'lion of .Jeho,-uh and as an
instrument employed by Jehovah to arcomplish His
purpose in executing His rig-htl'o'ls judgmcnt agai'lst
a rebellious people, (Jcr. 25: 8, 9) Pride with prosperity always leads to disaster, That was true in
Nebuchadnezzar's case. Hence said D,ll1i('1 ('oneernitl~
him: "But wh<.'n his heart was lifted up, and his mind
hardened in pride [and his spirit was hardellC'd that
he dealt proudly, R.V.l, he was depo,.;ed from his


X. Yo

kingly thIone, and they took his glory froIh him."

(Dan. G: ~()) Xebuelwdnczzar cOlltinucd in his sdfi'3h
and proud schullcS for such a long time that he concluded that he was master of his own destiny and tlwt
his actions were Jlot subject to .fehovah's permiss:r)1l
or di:-approval. 'fha t was cxactl~' the spirit of J-lueifcl',
and which led to his dowllfalJ. j\ notller example of
pride and prosperit~- was that of Uzziah, one of the
ldlll,{s of Israel, who also mrt disaster, (2 ehrcn.
26: 11-2:3) !\eblWil1ldllezwr In'ought his beastly inRanity upon himself by his w1'ongful ('Ollrse. God was
in no wise respollsibll~ for that madness, allY more titan
God is responsiblc for the heastly m:Hlnrss of the
mOllPl'fl rulers of "eh ri,>tcIHlom". (D'lll. 4: 29-37 ;
Luke 21: 21) JellOnlh did not sny, as his me<.;sage
aeJive}'cu hy Dani('l shows, "I will create in him a
heast's beart," Imt he did say, "I,d a beast 's h(~art he
g-iven lInto him thy anothelJ." (Dan. oJ.: 16) Doubtless (iou Ilel'mitted a wi('krd spirit, a ll<lrt of Rata rL 's
or~anization, to tllkc control of Nehu('hndlH:zZHl', jw,t
as he pt'l'Initted wiet,cd spirits to g'l't ('olltrol or tLe
heru of swinr. (2 Chron, If;: 1i)-2~; Jlalt. 8: ~,'i-:t!)
(Jot! hm; pcrmitted the S:lTlle f'r(J\v(1 of \,'ieked spirits
assnciatl,d with ~atall to imTH'i'iOll the "sow; of <;od"
who SilllH,(L in ;';oah's d:I~. By reason of his OWIl LIlt
Nchuchadll('zz,U' fOlllld himself ill a s!J,lInt'J'1I1 II/Ill illsalle condition, and whe'll hi" lwart Wid Ii fled up an,1
he ,vas hardplIrd ill pride Gou took away his thnllle
from hilli.
12 Nehuchadllezzar was like a wild })(,:1<.;t, and Danil'l
called this to the attention of Bt'ls'''j::z;: 1': "Alld he
was drin'n from the SOilS of men; and his heart was
make like the beasts, awl his dwellill~ ,,'as wHh tllt~
wild as,-:('s; they fed him with gTHss liLl' OXI~Il, HIIII
his body was ,wt with tht' fll:W of heav('n; 1ill hl' lUll'W
that the most hig'h Gud rult'd in the kil:~~,l')J1l of l11('n,
and that he appointeth OWl' it whomsol'\'('r' he will."
(!Jan. i'i: 21) At the end of the seven yl'ars lk'scrih('d
Ncbtwhadnczzar cmnr to know that' .Jd1OVllh, "tl:E
most high God," is the l'u\(o,; hut 13c1s!J':7.zar his SOli
had faibl to learn that g'rcut truth, and I )anicl was
r(~milHlin~ him of thut fad. '1'he" seH'n timrs" of
the flentill's ended ill 1914, and, like Bd:-.ha7.7.:Il, the
visihle rulers of t hr world failpd to thl'll leal'll 1 he
"ital truth that .Jehovnh is God, a1th()Il~JI they had
he(:ll told of it time and time again. !Iud thl'." l('arnl'd
this great and all-important truth they would not ha',e
held a model'll feast, such [IS Belshazzar hrld, and
whieh present-day world carousal wus fOl'c>ihadowed
hy his frast. The modern rulers failed to give lll,\.:d
to the fact that JchoHlh sets up whomsol','cr he will..,.
and in due time drhases those who go euntr"r." til I>i-;
will. God diu not "~ct up" the selfish rulers of till'
earth, nor did he set up the proud ulltl sclf-exvltc,l
pOpl" thc clel'gy, aud othc1' like austl'rc mpn. Cod
sets up what the world considers the "lm')l:st" (11'
lowest, that is to say, Clll'isl, who aba""fl hililSdi, an,]
whom Jeho"ah God ha::; exalted even as hc; iwd c,lll~\'d
to be foretold by his prophets. (1'~z('k. :!1 : :!G, '27; 1):1ll.

r.rD.e \v/\TCf-IT0\VE1~
4: 17) In 1931 Jehonlh Cod by hi., witJl(,!"~t~S b1'ou!~ht
this grent fact to the uttention of the l'Ukrf'l of this
wurld, hut they failed to giYe hetd thereto (,1' to leal'll
nllY part of ~uch 1,'.1'('at alit! important truth'i,-l'he
1ra!cI/IJwcr, ]!)31, lJ.lf:es 277, 278,
13 'fh~ pr01111 :fnih't1 to tnke warning, and l'efn:,ell
to humble thc/ll;"dve~ before the mighty haw] uf Uod,
just a::; Bdsh,"zzar fn ilcd to t:1ke warning antllll!fltlde
hims(,lf befo1'n God, 'l'lw1'r:lorc saill ] );lIliel: ";\\)(1
thou his son, 0 Bchhazzar, hast !lot hmnlJlpu thine
heart, thou~h thou knewe::;t all this." (Dnn, fi: 22)
\\"hen the WOl'hl War ('alne the ruler~ were to1r} ~h;\t
th'll. was in fllIJillHl'llt of proplJl'l'y, marking thl' l'nd ui
~atall 's }lOwe1' awl J'uJt~, and tbe 1'llI1 of thpir o'sn {)(I\':('1' and 1'111(', allll that (;oll's kingdom was now at halld;
lillt t hl'y faill'd amI )'('I'IIS\'1.1 to i!iYl! hl'vol I hi'l'do, ~illl'e
1~J1i:i the purpOliC of .Jl'hovah to Llci>troy tlJ() org'Dllization of this wieked worltllla'l bCI'Jl rCI'('ulcdly toItl to
the rulcr's as a nuLi,,\! ,tIlrl war'ning to tb\'IIl; !wiI('e
they ('an IlPVN' pll'.vl i.'.!nQt',ml~/~ ('OIl('('l'lljll(~ ,Jeho\'llh 's
l\ill~ and his kingdolll. \Vilh tile (,olllpldion of the
'pollrin~ out of the ~l'Yl'nl II "iell', wbidl pouring' out
1)(,~~i1n in 1!):!K, ., Chris!l'r\(lO!ll" h:ls ref'pi n~d full IlOtil't~ that :-:hc is w\:i:~Ij('ll ill the halanl'e, is r01lnel walllin~(. un,l is going 10 Ill! <ll-stt'uyl'd, It is I.he lI;mdwl'itin~ on the \V,tll; awl thl' rut!'!'s, nlt.hon~h hdn~
int'urnll:(1, l'l,r'usc tu l\'!H:nt :llId l'\rll.~e to ('e<lse int! /'fcl'in~ with .Jl'llOvnh's witrJ('sses in l'aTT,viJl~ the nk~
sagc of t ruth to the IH'Up!I'. 'l'hp.\' s!tow their i>tnLbol'llIW:,>S and disl'\"~artl of (1011's Wonl hy ('onlilllling to
oppo:-e the dl'livcrin~ of tlte trstimon,Y hy .JcllOvnh's
wilnc,,~ws. TIH'se f:wts have I'l'I't'ntly heen T)['I"~'("nll'd
to the Congress of the Uuited States, at the he:lI'ill~ of
whidl Bi!~ Busin('ss, the l:!crg'y, nnll the politie;t! reprl'sl'ntatiws Were pl'l'Sl'nt; Hill! insh'ad of giving he\'J
to the m('SslIg-c and ::i<:kllOwh~(l~,!;'ing .Jehovah <iotl as
supreme, !ilJ('!1 1'111l' 1':-;, like HIlshazziI!', II ppl'alpu to
their own "wisu men", inelwling' the ('lergT, alld
hnol'!' .h'hovah's witlJeSSI'S and 1I is message of trut b,
and b,Y their ('oursi:' of aetion the,\' ('untillue to l'l.'fll'Our-h
the nnme of Jehovah the :'fost 11 h 11. Tlwy ha VI.' he',ll'd
thc truth IIIllI have had full opportunity to know whaL
course to take, but, like Belshazzar, they spurn the
H The LQrd .Jc!:>us at the temple as Ji'ho\'ah's Chid
Exeeutive Oaicc'r liaS euuscd the "',\l'lIing to he given
"Chl'istclUlom" time and again. ~\s evilI.-~nce of
such warning' there is hel'c eitl'd the "\V'\n~IXG"
resolution of .July 1981, ahove ref('l'ted to, aho I he
ItillfldOitt hGoklrt, the ('I'i,~is hooldd, aJ1(} oilier like
hooklr{s &inec l1istl'ihnted. Inste,HI of ~iviJ1g hl'l d 10
this mi:-silge
warJlill~ from the Lord the tHler" of
the world fOl'f'shadowed hy Bd<;hazzal' have ridiculed,
reprouehed nml !H:'l'St'I'uted .T choyah's wit nessrs, an J.
lH'ld them up to scoru heforc others, anu have 1:lll~
lind up th,'m'ielns ngaillf;t .Tl'hnn\h ewn ns tlill Bdshazzar. Sttitl Daniel: "But lw<;1. li~1i',1 up tlly,;(,I
against the Lord of heaven; and the? hu,'e bron~!i\t
the vessels of his house before thee, and thOll, and thy




Jords, 1h,v WiVC''l, and thy concubilwS, ltu,'e drunk winc

in them j and thon hast praiscod the gous of silver, allel
gold, ui bra..,", iron, wocd, and ~Ione, whieh see not,
HOI' hc:n', nor know: antI the God in whoF:e hUlld thy
Dl'c:lth is, md ,dIOse arc all thy w,~Y::l, hast thou not
?Iorified." (Dan, f): 2~l) The wicked conduct of the
modern l'uh:rs of "Ciuistcwlom" in persecuting JuliO"llh 'i' wijn(,,,,sl~s is in f,wt agaimt "the LOl'd of
hrll,'en ", li('rnuse these witnesses bring not their own
ml'\~age, but the nll'ssag-c fro~ the Lord God. Tht::-,e
Mutters lw.\ c been plainly stated before the rulers of
the IH'l"';('l1 t day in I he publiratiolls above ment iOlH'el,
and abo in rindicrtti(J1!, Books Une, '1'\\'0, and Tlm'e,
The rull~l'~, instead of giving }1\,cII to nod's mes..,a'-!t',
have cOlItinued to drink the wille of Bahylon, nwke
til, Il:'~dn's drunk, lind nse .Jehovah's wituesses in a
dio.;~,!T;!('cful way to nnwse them.idvl's,
t;; 1t was 'the fing('r' of "\Imi~hty God', that is to
~;'Jy"hi<; lwlon d Son Christ Jl':-'u~, that did tlte \\'ritilll~
niol! lkls!J<lzzar's banquet hali: "Then WH'l th.: P:II't
01 thn !lund f;!'Ilt from him j awl thi,; writing was wl'it
tell," (Dan, ;): 2-l) Sin('c Jehovah has poured out J,;s
spirit upon <.II his faithful witrH';,sl'S he has i>('lll f')Ith
lh,",(, will1l's~,'S aIHI tlsl'd them 10 write his IlW>;.,;\u,\'. of
t ~'lIlh 'IIPOll lil(; wali' of rp\'clill~ "Christl'l1lloJl\", but
tIl(' I'lIlt'!'S IJn\'c igno)'('d alit! (le'~jJis"t! the m(':-"':l..'~e alit!
\, i(,ju'dly IJl'I'ser:lIll'd the ml';.,S(;lIgPl'H,
]I; lkls]wzznr'fl fl'<lSL of Wil/f~'I1t'illking ulIl1 duha1ll'h('ry diflllot l'I':lse after the harllhnitillg' apP('<ln't!; Ull
1 he COllt I'a I'y, the mi"'llSl' of I he golden veso;ds of tilo
if'mpl... r-1l111inHl'd, Lik('wis(~ dlll'in~ the time the all1 i1)'piC'al pl;l~lll'S were IwilJ:! 1'0111'1'11 ont upon the world,
1 rom l!)~G 1'J J~J2U, Ole earou.;al O[ "Chl'i"tentlolll" lw'!
r-IJlltilll1l'c! and tl1o:-;e pal'1il'ipatin'4' thel'l.'ifl havc ill(t'(':IMd their hatred nud hiUi'm!'ss towanl .JdlOvah's
'\ jtms>;.-;;, During ref'l'ut yp:m; the faithful rl'lllnallt,
1!nl1l' I' 1he dit'('c1 ion of .Tehovah's Chil'f Oftif:eJ', ha vo
(-,)lltiJ\l1('fl to holdly, plainly nnt! f::arll'ssly in!ol'Jn
.. Chl'istl'IHlom" that this worlJ organizati,m is that
of the ])eyiJ, That m('ssa~;c (kJivrl'ul, antl the 1'(',1(:!lUIl of "C'II,'istcndom" t herct 0, is
well summecl lip
in the words 01' .JdlOvah's pl'ojllwL Daniel spoken to
Bdshazzar on the o(~casion of his f:>ast, to wit: ",And
this is the '\Titill~ that ',yas writt('ll, :;\IE~E, :Jm:\!~,
'CEKEL, LTIL\J~S[0r," (Dall, 5: 23) Prom an untllOl'ily on urilnl.allitcrntnre the followin~ is q\lolcJ:
"The'lc myst<'t'iolls wor(15 are AJ'anu1 ic. They nrc ren(;U'.:d 011 the nJ:u'g-in of J(,r, {~tlInIJered, numhertt},
,:eighed , a1H1 didsiollS'; Pharsin hein~ the plural of
t:le noun [J('I'(S, :J!elle being the l'eg'Ltlar pas"ive parli\jlJk of its wl'h in the P<:,a1 specie;" and 'l'ckd hl'lIJg
l"'!~;mkd as likewi<;c a J,a<;si,'e participle, with the
n,~ aJi;~ntioll which is traditionally givcn to it ehallged
From tl'!.'il to tekd to conform to tbe sounel of mCIlO'.
'lhl'se kttel's \yere not voealizl'd ns written on the wal1,
: nd might byc betn pl'ollounced in a \'ariel~' of wayi'.
:;~vell if the coneet pronundatioJl had oreuned to
,ne oi t]le wi,e men as among sev('l'ul possibilities, he
l,ad no means (Jf establishing the correctness of his



r.rfie \'.0<\TCI-IT0\"TER.

or of interlJrcting tIle ""01',1>. "-Dayis Dictionar!! of the Bib!e, pa~e 4.!Jl. (Sec abo ::\IeClinto(k
&. :';tI'011;';-'S C!Jclo]Jecdia, Vol. VI, P!lg"C 81,)
11 'flw king" awl his company uf revelnrs had seen
the IHJwlwriling' 011 the wall ill tllis strange languugp,
and now thpy IIlwt be told what it meant. Had the;\'
bcen cntirel;)7 sober they might havc been able to read
the words, CVl'1l thow.-;h tIH'Y did not get an undt'l'standing t1wrcof. J)alliel, who fOl'csha<loweo JdlOvah 's
witnesses, Gou now used to both read and interpret
the strange words. I.. ikewise "Christendom" had
lll'ard the words eonrcrning God's king-(lom and Ihe
fall of Satan's ol':.!anization at Arma:~l'<1don, ano h;:d
heard th,'>:e wOl',ls rep('ated time and u~ain. Had
"Christendom" heen sober her wisc llH'n might have
read them with soml' llJl(h'l'slalldin~!; hul, being' drullk
with the wine of Babylon, they JH~ither properly read
nor umlelstood. But it is the will of (lod that "Chtistt'11l1om" must be told eOIH"l'rning the word.., and the
JIleanillg' of the" h:.lIldwriling 011 the ,\'aII ", partit'n1:11'1)' m; from 1!I:!() to 1D2!), Whlll this nH'ssnge was delivered to "Christendom" in fulfilmwt of these wor'1<l.
'1'he illtcl',,:t1 hctwppn ] !)2!) and lU;Hl affoJ'(h'd the rul(,,'S time tv illv('..,li~ate HIIlI leu I'll, and tillle to deterIlinc what attitude they wOllld tHke toward nod Hlld
I is people, and thpir work I)('ill~ done on earth. [n
llw hookl..t Freedom fiJI' the PLOllle, Jistributcd in
]!):!7, Big Busiuess, cOll'.;cit'uce!ess 1'0liti<'ians lInd
hypol:riticlli religion were I'X!H)s('(l, und, among oth('r
1hings, t1wsc words wel'e used: "The 'Vol'd of God
: ud the physical facts prove that 'orl!anizrd Christiallity' or 'Chrish~ndom' is a failure," thnt is to say,
h weigllcd ill the balauce and found wantillg". The
netropolitun press took noticc of the message in inlflment of the "halldwritin~ Oll the wall" and dcl~ounccd Jehovah's witJwssl's who delivered the m('smge as the 'ull('ompromisillg foes of or~allb:\'d Christianity'. Seven yem's later, to ,vit, in 1D3.J., bdore a
Con~rc>;sional eOlllmillee at 'Vashing'ton, D,C., one of
the l'l'pl'('sputatives of" or~anizecl ChristiallilY" pla('ed
in c\'id('O!'e before sueh ('ong'ressional committee the
booklet Freedom fal' tile Pcollle, containing" the mesf'uge of wuming-, and called attention to that message
foS the rcaso,l for refnsing .Jcho\,:th 's witlH'sses the nse
of radio facilities to proclaim (Jod's ""o1'd of truth.
Thu>: "Christendom's" represcntatiws admit that
th('y have see11 the" handwritillg' on the wall" and
that they suw it ill ]927. "Christendom" and her
rt'pl'esentatives are tllt'rcfore estopllecl fl'om ever heing heard to say that they did not :'iCC the" handwriting on the wall". 'l'hey admit that they saw it; but
now, how ahout the interpretation 1
18 Daniel, hy the grace of God, was used to give the
interpretation of the mystic words, as he said, "This
is the interpretation of the thing" (vs. 26) ; which
message the kin~ an(l his ren~lers had seen, but tl,(oy
were too drunk and blind to appreciate' the meaning
thereof. Likewise the rulers of "Christl.'lldom ", drunk
en with the wine of Satall's organization, were .~:}d


K. Y.

are dull-eyed and cruel of heurt and slow of unrlcrThey read the words, but they understnnd
not. It was in 1918 that the gJ'eat Judge, Chl'ist .Jesus, came to the temple and began judgment. Concerning the clergy of "Christendom" and their allies
the words of Jehovah's prophet now apply, whirh
,yorus Jesus quoted, to wit: "Thercfore they could
not believe, hr.(anse that Esuias said again, He [.Jehovah] hath blinded their eJ'cs, and hardened their
heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor
und(m;tand with their ht-urt, and be convel't(~d, and
I should heal t]H:m. These things said Esaias, wh('n
he "aw his golor:,{ l.Jehonlh's glory in the tl'mple], al1(l
spake of him," (.John 12: :1!.J-41; Jsa. 6:!.l, 10) 'fhl)
fulfilmeut. of the interpretation hegan upon" Christcwlom" and IJl'g'an to be told to "eh ristendom" (ll!
.July 26, 19J1, when the message eontailll'd in tile
bonl.let 7'he li.ingdol/l, the lIofJc of the 1rorld, flC('Ompunied by the resolution of "\Val'niug''', was spokPII
Hnd wieldy broadcast, and 1at('1' distributed thr(Jl1~h.
out" Chrhlenuom ", and especially among the rulers
of "Christendom". Then was made known for the
first time the "r1l'w name" that .Jehovah gave to his
pl'ople and hy whirh name, that is, .hhovah's witnc:-;-.;es, they arc HOW known and recognized by the
rulers of "Christendom' '.


Daniel gave the interpret ation, which for\'slI:.<lowed the interpretation of .TdlOvah's m('ssa~e of the
present day. MOle means "numhered". The rl'p(';ltill~ of the word or writing upon the wall twir:t, a'l
stated in the t('xt, shows t\\"o numIJrl'ings. J)anid
knew that Uo(l had numbered Babylun, the 'VClrld
powcr, amI this he had leamed from the }ll'ophcey of
Jehovah utler(,d hy Jel'('llliah; and ])anicl so stales.
(Dan. !l: ], 2; .Jer. 25: lll:n .JdlOvah n\lmbel'l~d not
ollly typical Babylon, but also Satan 's Ol'~!a nizati',iIl,
the (:l'Catl'r Bahylon, symTJOJized by his woman. The
divine stat('ment at Genesis :3: IS disc]osl's that .Jehoyah t1l('1} fixcd a time certain 11ul'ill~ ",hidl he would
not intl'rferc with Satan alld his effort,; to turn 1I1\'n
away from the true God but would abide his own due
time to raise up a seed by which he woulc1 d(,..,tJoy
Satan <Ind his orl!ill1ization. The words wl'itt<':11 Up01\
the wall and intl'l'pl'cted hy naniel show hYO "('1>1II';lle
and distinct nnmIJcl'ings, the first "melle" of tlte
lluml)('rillg of Babylon fixed the end of the "times of
the Gentiles" or beg-inning of "the time of the ClIrl"
for Bahylon, and this time is nXl:d ao,; at .\.1>. HJlJ.
The seven symbolic times, each of aGO ~"l':ll'S, h('g-inllIll~
W.illl the d..:;truetion of J'erusalcm by t,l'pie;l] Bah,doll
in the J"car 606 B.C., would nec('ssarily CIH1 2,~):W
J'ears thereafter, to wit, A.D, 1914, at which time al"o
the j)rop1lCq uttered by Christ .Je~lls hl,g:llI to be
fulfi\l<:'d.-Lev. 2G: 18, 2124; Dun, 1::!: -!; ::\fat1. 2-1-: 38,
20 The second "nwnc" would apply to the finishin:.r,
or ending, of Satan's orgallizution: "~\lH1 finishcu 11."
or, according to the R6vised Version, "and IIl'OU\~ht it




liffic WATCliT0WER.


to an ('nIl." The final (,lld comes at ~\rml1geddon and tion and furnishes the means of delivery; and in aoing
just beflll'e which the witJJCSS work must be completed. so he uscs raJio stations, transcription recording ma(:\1utt. 2-1:: 14, 21, 22; St() Rev. 18; 10, 1i, 19) The chines, and a little army of faithful men and women
messarre first promul~ated ot the Columhus (Ohio) who go from house to house delivering the message
convention July 26, 1n:31, and whieh appears in the which other machines have printed. The message of
})Goldet The I1.i'llyrJom, the J[ope of tlle World, gave the Lord dpdares conceming "Christendom" that she
forth the not icc and warning to the rulers of "Chris- is 'weighed in the halances and found wanting'; aud
tOHlom" similar to the interpretation wldeh Daniel this messugc is plnticularly contained in such us "Can
the American OoY(:rnment Endure?" "America's
gave heforc Delshazzar.
}~nd," in '1'11 e Cr1'sis and in likc booklets which are
21 The word tckel that appeared written on the wall
means "wdghed". It is from the verb meaning "to distributed th roug-hout the land called "Christenbalanc(''', and was used hy .Job: "Let me be weighed dom", and also in "heathen" lands, so called, where
in-an e\'l"n balanrc, that God may know mine integrity. few Christians reside. l\lodern Babylon has heeu told
If my step hath turlled out of the way, awl mine heart that "the world is !>ick unto death aud is going to
walked aft(~r mine ('y('S, and if any hlot hath cleaved die". The rulers ill "Christcndom" are wanting' in
to mine hunJs." (.Job 31; 6, 7) Jehovah's prophet fear of God, and this is shown hy the fad that tl\\'y
Hanie! in formed Bclshazznr that his kinp;dom was spurn his message of truth and continue to pl'ofane
clone for amI the reason thereof was, Ufl Daniel stated: the "vessels" of God, that is, Jehovah's wituc'isls.
"TEI(EL ;_TllOU art weighed in the balancefl, and art .. Christendom" is wanting in love for. Gou und for
found wlJntillg'," (Y~. 27) 'rhe uninterrupted }'eign his kinguom, and -they SIIOW this by continllill~ the
cf gl'eat BaLylon, Satall'S ol'g'anization, ('ame to an !)('rsef:ution of Jehovah's witnesses, thus disclosing
(-nd in I!H4. It was then weighed in the balance and t hat they arc actillg' under the direction 0 f (log', Safound wholly walltin~. 'rhe wei~hin~ COl1,;umcs time, tnn's chief officer. (Er,t'k. 38:], 2) "Christendom, "
which weighing heg'an whpli the offIeial "Tei:.;hmaster, which is part of Bahylon. the Devil's organizat ion, has
Christ Jeflus, appeared at the temple of Jehovah, and defamed the llallle of Jeho\'uh and dt'~ccrated his tCIIIhe COllt illtH's wei~h illg until the ellforrcment of the pie; hence" his dl'\'il'c is llg-ainst Bullyloll, to (k.;t roy
H'cond "nH'ne", when it ifl completely finished, mark- it; hecause it is the \"(~ngeancc of the IJonl, the Vt'Il~e
ing the final end, and which final end is after the ante of his templo".-Jer. 51: II.
fnishillg of 'the preaching of this gospel of the king2:1 At Armageddon the rulerflhip of the world will
dam', at whi('h time t he final end comefl in the great IJe snatl.'hcd away from Satan and taken over hy Chl'ist
tribulation. "For her [Babylon's 1 sins have reached JCSll'l. Forcshadowin~~ this, Hallie] 's interpretation
l:1110 heaven, and Ood hath remembered her iniqrOlltinucs in these words: "PEnER; 'fhy kingdom is
uities." (Ht'v. ]8; G) By his prophet .Jehovah say!>: dividell, and given to the )[edes aud Persialls." (Dall.
,. We would have heald Bahyion [while being r);2S) In verse twenty-five the \Vol'l] "Phul'sin" or
wt'ighed 1, but flhc is 'not healed: forsake ht'r, and let "Cpharsin" is usrd, and whi('h is 1he plural form of
us go everyone into his own country; for hcr jucl~ the vt,tb Pet('s or Pans, meanillg "10 split up", "to
rwnt rcacheth Ullto heavr!l, and is lifted up even to deal," "ft.> distribute." (Isa. 58: 7; Lt1\'. 11: 3, 4) In
the skies." (.Jrl'. !i1: 9) Slw is weighed in the divine vcrse twenty-fivc t he plural" Pharflin" calls attention
lulances, whieh arc impartial and absolutely true and to two dividings or dealings-out, thnt i'l to say, the
l:~curate. ".A just weight lJnd balance nrc the IJord 's;
lh'alillg out of Babylon to Christ in 1914, when the
::II the wei~htfl of the bag are his wOl'k." (Prov. Devil aud his crowd were cast out of heaven, an1
l6: 11) "Surely mtn of low d("!Tce are vanity, and the second dealing-out, which takes place at the battle
l:lCn of high (legree ure a lie: to be Juid in the balance, of l\rma~eJdon, when the ()r~anizution of Satan is
they arc altogdher lighter than vanity." (Ps. 62; 9) destroyed and the rl1lin~ of the world completely
It is during the weighing' of Babylon by the Lord taken OV(1' by Christ Jesus. Daniel's use of the wOl'Ll
Jesus Christ that the rulillg elements of the earth, "I'eres", iu the singular in verse t\\'enty-ej~ht ahove
pictured hy Belshazzar, his wives, concubines, lords quoted, seemfl to apply specifically to the final divid:md other oftieers, put on the Yestml'nts or garments in~ or splitting-np, at Armageddon.
lIy which they i<1e'ntify themselves as anti-God, anti24 ~atan combines an his fOl'('Cfl in his orgml17.atiun
kingdom, and as DedI worshipers, hence ckserving to that urI.' on the earth; hence the w01'(h "thy kingd'JDl
I:e slau~htel'ed at Armngeddon 118 Jehu fllaughtered is divided" tlo not mean Satan's orgunization falls
the De\-jl '8 typical crowd.-2 Ki. 10: 18-26.
b~' reason of internal dissension and division. This
22 \Yhile the weighing progresses Jehovah's witis not the' didding' mentioned in Rcwlation 16; 17-19.
nesses in obedience to eommandment go through The rnle of the world will be forcibly snatched away
"Christendom" and mark those, whom God would save from Satan at Armaf~eddon by Christ JpSl1'i the Confrom the slau-;llter. (Ezck. 9: 3.10) Concel'lling" Chris- 'lucror; and concerning: this the prophet Daniel rebndom" Jehovah SUj'S, "Thou art founel wantin~." rords his vision which he had in the fir~t year of the
The mefl!wge of truth, drlivered by JpllOyah's wit- !'Ci~ll of Belshazzar, to wit: "I saw in the night viBesses, is God's message, and he directs its prepara- sicns, and, behold, one like the Son of man canw


1JTie \,-j-\TCrIT0\VER

with the cloud::; of h<>awll, and came to the Ancient

of day;;, <:lJd they brought him near h~'fore him.
And there was giwn him dominion, and glory,
nnd a kin~dom, that all people, natiollR, and langU,?ges, ~hollld serve him: his dominion is an everlastin~ dr)minioTl, whieh shall not pass awny, and his
killg<1om that which shall not be destroyed. And tho
Idngdom and dominioil, and the g'rentnes'>
the kingdom under thl) whole hcawn, :-.hull he given to tho
people of the saint~ of the Most Hhrh, whose kingdom
is an evel'lasLing kingdom, nnd all dominions shall
serve and obey him. "-Dan. 7: 13, 14, 27.
2~ The l'ulel'ship takl'l1 from Bahylon, as the record
states, was" ;;ivcll to the ),fedes uIHl Persi:Hls". 'fhe
di\'idiug' of the ldn::(dom s(,l'ms to support the condu.
I-lion that tllP!'e :I1'C two uivisions of tIle ('OIHlucring
forc('~, to wit, the lUl"lPCn amI the ~cell. These two
divisions of COll(lul'rill~ fOl'l~es l->('cm tn be symholiz('u
by the ram's" two hOl'lIS" mentioncu uy tl1(' prophC't:
"The !'<lm ",hil'h thou ~'uwest havill~ two hotJlS al'e the
killg's of ~('uia an(1 PlTsia." (f lan. 8: 2U) The l-)e!'i ptnres always give precedence to the :\ll'tles. 'I'hpy I1re
ml'ntiOlll.l as l\ w)'y :llleicllt people, tlte son:'l of .laphl'th. The ~lt:d,:s sm-rn to symholjl'ally )'('I)1'(,5(:nt the
invisihle ol'~'lHi;.:alil)ll of the Lord (:od, wltil'h indn(ks
cherubim, s(:rnphim alld ang(!s. l'.~l'sinns al'l~ Hcripturally mt'lltian(,a as pictUl'in~ Christ JI'SUS; IH.'nce in
the JH'opheey of Daniel the Pcr::-.inn 1'lIll~r S('l'ms to
more particularly pidUl'C the HlHJintl'u ones
Jehovah on earth, ml'mbers of the Clirist, to wit, the remnUllt.-Isa. 45: 1-3,
26 It is the invisihle army of .TdlOvah, 11',1 by Chl'ist
J(':-,us, that will destroy ~utan's o)'~allization. "The
bllnlcn of Bahyloll, which Isaiah t 11(' son of Amoz diu
see. Bchold, I will stir np the Medr>; ag-ainst them,
whidl ~hull not r\'~ard Nil\'l'r; and as for g-olll, they
shall not deli~ht ill it. Their haws alxo shall dash the
youn~ men to pieces; anu thl'? f>ltall 11:1\'0 no pity all
the fruit of the womb; theil' ('ye shall not SJlUl'C ehiLdrcll, And BahyLoll, the ~l()r'y of kingdoms, the heauty
of the Chnltlccs' ex('cllency, shall be :IS wlwu God 0\'<'1'threw Radom and Gomorrah." (lsa. 13: 1, 17-19)
H}lakc llrig-ht the arrows; ~ather the shiellls: the I~ord
hath raised up the spirit of tIle kings of the ::Uc(L,s:
for his device is a~~ninst Bahylon, to destl'oy it; because it is the \'en~~eance of the Lord, the ,"engeanee of
his temple. . . They are vanity, the work of errors:
in the time of their visitation they shall pt'l'ish." (Jer.
51: 11-18) In the execution of JdlOYah's judgment
:Igainst Sntan 's or~;ll1ization all the saints' haw It
}lad. (Ps. 149: 6-!.l) TIl(' pat't to he pCrf01'llll:d by tl:e
diyision of God's army on earth is mCl'rly that of
declaring the uay of the vengcance of our GotI, calling
attention to the "handwriting on the wall", Hud announcing Jehovah '8 purpose to destroy Satan's rule
and give the 1'ulrl'ship of tho wol'1l1 to ChrL,t .T(-sm.
Such is the 'vcry part the rClllnt1nt have been having
and doing partirulnrly since 1!)~6. The 'handwriting
on the wall' has been explained to the rulers, and now




X. Y.

the rc'mn:lnt is engng-ed in telling the people of good

"'ill \I'hat is ubollt to comc to pn<;:q and in instl'UI:tin:-!,

th('rn ill the way of tho Lord. ::-\OW Jl:hovah ';:, witlH:c,,,,es
arc el1~.iugetl in a wotlu-wide .listribution of the Inessage" Di\'iding the People ", tbat those en good will
muy f'p(, the rif!'ht way and have oppOltunity to take
it in onlcr that they may l'('C'ei\'c the favor of Jehovah
inthe greatest of all rrises, jn:.t ahead.
21 Behihazzar the king had given his word that lhl'
one ,\'110 could show the meaning of the hanclwritmg'
on tlle wall should he rcwarded. (Dan. fj: 7) Pl'OlJaLly
BeJ::.:lwzzar diu not enjoy the divine mcssnge "..hidt
DUlli(J ddivcl'rd ill response to his questilill. Pl'ohahiy
he did uot 111('n lwJic\'o \\'!tat Duniel saill, but, kwir,'l,
giWll his word, he would ke('J} it; "Then commandl:ll
Ikl"'hazzar anc1tl1t'~' dothec1 Daniel with s(-;\1'let. ;11,,1
Jlut a elwin of g'old nhout h is neck, and m:Hle a prl,l'lmnation ('oncel'llin!?, him, that he should !It' thl' third
1'uk1' in the king-duIIl." (Dan. fi: 2!)) 'While it i,; trw:
that th(~ king- lkJsjplzzar oel'rl,p(1 that D:wil I ~,linlild
h:~ made "thir(} ruler in the ldl~!.\'lbm", Daniel ditllwt
assume the Jntie~ of that office <1urill~ the l'l'ign of
Bl,j"lJa;.:zur, llce<ltlse Belshazzar wao.; slain that WI')'
lli~!ht. I>:llJid s;ltisi'actOl-il," explained the ltalldwriwii4
on the wall, and his exaltation hy Ik!slwz;:al' i->lll'l'].v
lll'omdit great chag-rill to Hahylon's \ri'~e,llH'n. TI:i:i
SCt'lns to ('!early CO!Tcv;pnnd to Hnman's hl,jng l")11\pel1ed to lead a horse 011 which :\fortlccai rode through
the puhlic; strl'et"l and to announce to the ]Jcople tll:d,
l\ordecai was one honored lly the king'. (Eslhl'r
6: 1-12; sec j)rcscl'l'((fifJll, pa~e J3~) .Jmt what rl'lationsltip this Jl:lrtieu1nr pmt of the projJh('ey np!y
h.'ar to Jehovah's witnesses and to 1I11'ir IH)':ition ill
the 1I.:at' future would he a more guess, ;Jud !t"IlCl' tLe
glWSf! would he1tcr not he made.
2' On that sume day that Bahylon fell J);ll,inQ the
::\Icdc 1)('I:amc the ruler of the uation<; of the world;
llnd the Seripturcs show D:lrius pictl1l'l~r1 the supreme
l'uler. Darius c[lnied out the lit-nee that Belshazzar
had allllOullecd, and mnde Daniel the third ruler in'
the kill:~tlom, this hcjn~ the ordr.r: lirst 1'111('1', J):lI'ills;
sCl'ond, Cyrlls; and third, Dunill. (Dan. 6: 1-3) ('lll'1'e<;polldill~ to this, Ht the compll'te fall of Bahylqll,
,,,hich is Satan's ol'g'nnizntion, inpludillg' "Christendom ", the onlt'r of the ruler,; of the ,\orld will hJ
this, to wiL: fll',;t, or snpt-eme 1'u1e1', .Jehoyah; ,H'f;Olld,
Jesus Christ; thirJ, the Dlemhers of the IJody of Chri,t,
alltl hl'nee the "faithful and wise sel,\,ant" ela',s,
whom Daniel foreshadowed.-l Cor. 11: 3.
20 "'hill' Belshazzar atlu hi., lords wcre fc'a"till'.!:
hanclwritillg' appeurcll on the wall, ,mIl ,;l!Ol'll~- tl1<:n'after Bf'Lhnzzar anll his rewlel'S w('n' :-.lain. 'fi:e
'handwriting' has IiOW :: lJ l'eul'('<1 on t he Wid 1 or:
"Christl'flIlom ", and her doom is spule<1. It is ('Il'tai!l
that Satan's sccd, that is, th()s~ who now rule the 1'<11'1 ii,
will be (kstl'o~-ed. "In tJwt nj~ht 'Vll" Hd"h:l7.l.:l 11,(~
king of the Chald0uns sia ill." (Dan. 5: 30) The Hi hl."
does not di"rlose who st:w DelshaZLar. "\\'hat 1!J'(,!';i'1(,
history has to say about it deserves no l'on-:i,Lr,:lic;11.


]5, 1934

FJ1le Wr'\TCHT0\VE:R.


It was the agency of JcllOyah that <lid the slaying; livc(l even IUlto the third year of the reign of Cyrus
ht'l1rc there is picture<l the work of Jehovah's Exceu
the l'el'"ian king (Dan. 10: 1) would suggest tllat the
tiOllor cni'ot'cing the <livine jUtlgment, which is alrpady Oroal('1' Dariu,<; (The 00n,,<.'rvator, .Jehovah) will b)c;p
written against Satan's organization. At Armagt'ddoll alive at least a part of t lte remnant during the batt Ie
those who ha\'e long ruled the world in wickedness, of Armageddon and grant to them some service on
and have oppress('d the human race and shamefully earlh after the hattIe, which service will he to the
dishonored Go<l's holy name and his kingdom, will honor and glory of Jehovah's name. "Great is Jecome to an ewl, and Christ .J csu" will do the expcnt hO\'ah, -::111:<1 grcrltly' to he prnised, in the city of our
ing of all the wid{ed ones.
God, in his holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the
30 At this point in the world's history emlJraeed
joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides
within the prophecy Babylon as a world power ceased, of the north, the city of the great King. Ood hath
and tile rule of the )fedes and Persians there began: mn(le himself known in her palaces for a rerUlIe."
"And Darius the :Jlulian took the kingdom, being -Ps. 48: 1-3, A.H. V,
ahout thrrcscon) and two years old." (Dan. 5: 31)
'I'he nnme" Darins" means "eoerC01', or, conservator". , 1. Account for Daniel 's b('in~ ill 13011';>,1011 at the time of
thp ,'vent !tpm un.j"r ponsi']eratioll. HH1W thnt the reeoru
In fact, Darius diL! rooree Bah:'loll completely and preof Iii" integJ ity an'] I'xpl'rien(',' is a IJroph... pv.
s('l'Vl~d or consl)rvrd Daniel the faithful servant and
~ 2, 3. Explain tIle prophl'tic signi tkane... hcre of Daniel's he
ing hrought hefore the king, awl of the inquiry m:1l1e Ly
prophet or .Jehondt (lod. It is said that Darius was
the king conc(,rJlin:; IJani('j's identity.
11 kin~man, that is, the uncle, of Cyrus, and probahly
~ il. \\'liat inforJImti"n had COllie to the kin~ cone('!'ning U:lnll'l,
aTll] how Iw'] it t('ach,'d him? \Vhat is forl'~hown thennn"
Cyrus wus the hrj r of ])ilrius. This seems to sugg('st
G. Udate the fa<:is wlti,~h slllm' that, in 1'ullilrJlent {,t \'('''' s
that Varins the Mede picture:'l the supreme power, 'J 5, 15
and }(), the mod,'rn 'wise men an,l llstro!,,!!:('rs' kn'e
.Jehovah himself, the Most Jj igh. lIe began his reign
1"'l'n given an o[JI'0rtnnity to rl'atl the llllndwriting' lind t,)
int"rpret it, but ki\'!! been unable to <In so. A('('oullt for
:lS the wodd 1'11]('1' at the rail of Babylon, which ror
thl'ir failun', and tlest'ribo the methods elllploye'] by 11w:rI
r(~spotHls or pietlll'es trw fall of Satan's organizatkn,
to ('ow'cal thei I' la"k of wis,loIII.
:lflll Darius thero pil'tures .Jehovah, who is, of C0l11'80, ,;- 7, 8. H.,w dill the king- 's IJn',~r of 1"'\1 a I'd aplwal to Uallll11
'Vlmt has taken plaee to show tha t at that point al<o
the First Unit!' in 1he g"l'eat universal kingdom. Cyrus,
lJ:mid i'or... ~haJowed .Jl'hovah 's witnl'ss,~s of the preS"nt
t he second rlll~r, pietu/'('S .1 l'hovD h 's "heir of all
timo J
things", that is, Christ .](sus, to whom .Jehovah gives ~ 9, 10. Wh,'n l,n,1 how <lot's verse IS appl.v' Point Ollt other
Rtntoments t.y Daniel \\hidl 811rport tllnt {'o!w]llsion.
the Idnguom awl all t he nat ions of the earth as a ~ 1115.
]n \','rsI'S 1S:!l, of whom l\a~ J)l.lllil'l HI,,'nkinrd C"m
!>osse,;sion. (Ps. 2: R) lIe is the one with whom JehoP:lIC Ludfer and N('!Jueha,hll'zzar, a""ol'dlll~ to this rl"'olll,
in poinls of position, SOUf(~'l of :Iuthority, <'ourSil (jf adioll,
vah associates himsdf in the dlstl' Satan's
and result of Htwh (;our~e. Whv di,l IJani,'1 .. all B"I"llltnar 's
organization. The fact that the scriptUl'e tells that
att('ntion to those 1'a,:'s con,:('rninl.'; :-;e1J11t~h:1<]nl'l.zar, and
Darins was ahol11 sixty-two yea rs old when he ueeullle
to tIle further fU(tH ..It(Jar(lt] in \'fll'Sf'S ~~ aUIl ~;~ I Sllow
that th" rulers of "('hrish'nl]om" lillie n"'l'i\(',] ntllj,o
the first ruler of the wo/ld po wet' would furthcr inawl wurnin~ an<1 that they hll\'1l fail(',l to U"t' th"ir IlIi\"dicate that he th('re pictured .Jehovah, "the Ancient
i!1':.:-e or 10 lI\('et. the n'sronslhility ul'(Jul.\ht to thPir attCllt.;,Jll.
1[ l(jlf>. How, in fulfillll('nt t,f tllt' l'roplwt III l,idun:, is it
of days. "-Dan. 7: fl.
shown tllat. the f('Vl'lry l'olltiIlU,,I ,'VPII I1ftl'r tlll\ apl"'ar'H1g'
31 At the fall of Babylon Darius tllO Mede, rather
of the writing on the wall J Wn~ this justili,"], HIll I why,
tha/l Cyrus the Persian, is made foremost; and this
in vinw of t.lw fn.. t that thl')' were unalJIt: to 1'1':1<1 an,1 UII'
<1('rlltan<1 the WI iting' 1 What I\as tflll writ ill:!, and tho
would sl;em to say that as the l'e~mlt of the battle of
interpretation thel'l'of, as r('vealed I,:' GOII to I>'Hlil'l an:!
J\ t'mageuJ'lIl Jehovah the great King, who is the
by him m:l<Ie known to the king"
What a!'1l the f,wlS
Supreme One, is made known to all creation that liVOfl,
,,:hkh 8110W that the 'hnul]writin,:':- on til.. \' all' 'Illli 'lfs
intl'l'pretatiou' have 1>"~1l lIIalle known to tlJ(~ rU!"r" of
IIlHl that his ltame is fully vindieated, and he i's se('n
"ell! istcullom' " and thl' further 1"",I:'! which dearly d,s
to be a1>(l\'e every creature, including his beloved Son,
close why thl'y hnv/J fnil",l to profit tlwr.'h}" 1
Christ .JI~SUS, the world's King. All secular historians ~ 19~5, \Vitll iIIu:itmtiw I'<'lated Sl'tiptUI'I'S, ('xl'lain tlte mean
ing- nu,l application tllen, and the J,roplwfu: llI('nnin~ aI"]
have uim~n1ty in identifJ'ing Darius the :i\[ede, and
app!icntion, (a) of ,. ~H:XE", am] of its Iwing 1"I"'tit",1.
do not mpntion him by name, hut do give prominenee
(b) or ln:KF:L". (c) Of "l:PIIAltHI);", or (as in Vl'1'~e ~iI)
"P}>u~s' '.
to Cyrus the Persian. 'I'he Bible makes known DarIUs:
\Vklt is hi:'Tcin c1('nrly s...en as to wltom Danid foreand this corresponds to the furthrr fact that the rulers ~ 26.sha<lowed
nnll wltat waH foreshowll by hi~ rending- Lho
in this world do not lmow Jehovah God, and that they
writing' on th" wall nn,l ll.uking- knO\\1l its interjiretatiun
as w\'"a1",l to him hI' Jelll'\'t\h1
Ilwl;e mention of his name only in derision, while at
~~s Bl'lshazzai' 's word fu lfilled concerning- relyard
the same time they ~ive prominence to the name of f. 2i,tn:!8.theWolle
who coul.l I'paJ anll int.:!!'!,rct the hnn,lwl'iting
.Jesns ehdst, even though they do so for a selfio;;h
on tit'! \\ all? '\'i'llt is fo'lf('s!t')wn therpin ~
"; 29. What further ,'ven' tOI,k pial''.' that night 1 By whom wa~
1'<::1 son. After Armageddon all shall know Jehovah.
it l]l'comphshed I and what is picture,] tll\:rein?
32 Jehovah, hy permitting his people to have some
~ 30. What is the prophetic slgnifieall('(, of the T(,(,()l'ile,1 statement of verso :H, nn'] of the rplutiomhip and position of
undu'st:mdillg of the prophecy at this time, is fmthcr
Cyl'U~ l111'] of Daniel in that kiu~<1om i
manifesting his loving-kin<!ne<;s toward his anointed. ~ 31. Compare tI,e :~~riptllr:<! reI"'''] :1'1<1 s('cular IJistf>fy in
point of prOl1linf;Uce giycn to Darius tIll' ~Icole hlld t"
and thus he hrings great comfort to them even as he
the PerF ian, and nCCllunt fijI' the contrast.
has in his Word given promise to do. (Rom. IS: 4) ~ 32.CHtl3
'What tlOI'S D~\Iliel 10: 1 suggpst in rq;anl to the !'.'m'I'he fapt that Daniel survived the fall of Babylon alld
nnnt tlUl'in~ !lnd after ArmagcdJoll'


IlE term "ecclesiasticism" applic<; to an dCnOlJli.
Se(;ond, In,.,t of the c:,-,cs (61' mind):

nations, Catholic and Prote~tant, which hnsc

united with the financial and poEtieal elc.ments
of the earth to form the governing or cOlJtrolliIJ~ l<.trtol's
to I'u'c the world. '1'0 these ecclesiastiC's the Dc\'il presented the three great temptations, These temptations
he had u1so presentcfl to Bye in thc ganlcn
She yicllled and fell. 'fhe same three temptations
were prcsentcd to Jesus by the Devil, and Jesus resisted all of them and gained the victory. Anl} now
mark how they were presented to the cl'clesiastical
systems aUlI how these have all fallen to the wiles of
the J)(vil :Hlll have hecome a part of his organization,
the evil world.
The Scriptures declare that Goa docs not tempt
anyone. The apostle J:ll11eS (1: 13-1G) writes: "Let
no man say when he is tempted, I mn tempted of God:
for God cunnot he tempted with evil, IlCithcr tempteth
IlC allY man: hut cn'I'Y man is t(:mph.:l1, when he is
drawn nwny of his own lust, and rlltieeo, Then when
lust hath conceived, it bril1~dh forth sin: and sin,
when it is finished, hringdh forth dl:uth." It was the
d"sire of these eeclcsiastieal leaders for honor and
JlO\n~l' that led them into tcmpUltion,
.Teslls Christ is the 1\1'I.'at :-)hcphced of the flock of
God. (lIeh. 13: 20; 1 Pet. 2: 2;) In the organization
of the thurch the Lord pl'oviul.'d for HlHlt'I's!tepherd;;,
dcsi~nating- them as overseers and teachers. Upon thcse
is cnj.)illCd the duty Ilnd obligation of feedin~ the
flo('k of Ood, to unselfishly look wrll to the intr!l'st or
su('h (l Pet. 5: 2-4), and not to lord it onr the people
of the Lord. Contrary to the Word of nod, the elec
th'c elders or sheplH'rds of the denominational church.
es in carlil.:r et:nturies ol'gauized councils, SYIlOUS, presb.rterics, und lil:e bodies politic, rlcctcd their own
members to the high otTices of popes, can]inals, bishops, uoctOI'S of tlivinity, I'ev\'!'ends, and so furth, and
thus formed and ('reated what are pl'oJH.:rly tenned the
cc:desiustics of "Chrbtendom", the hi ~~h Jlc'rsolluges
in the denominational chlll'chcs, Cat hoi ic nud Protestant. Clod did not tempt tll\'SC m\'n Sf) to (10, Of tht'ir
own desire werc they led to these steps; and thereby
they laid themselves open to the great Tempter, who
promjJtly pl'c,entcd to them temptations similar to
those which were pre::;cnted to Eye and Adam and
later to Jesus Christ; namcly, the lu"t of thc flesh. the
lust of the eye, and the priue.of life.-l .Tohn ~: 13-17,
Consider, first, the lust of th", flesh (or hotly) : The
power gaincd by tbe ecclesiastics in the church, by
reason of their 1'0sition, they have used for thl'ir own
selfish purposes. They have fed themselvcs and let
the flock of God go without attt'ntion. (Ezek. 34: 8)
Selfishly they have advanced their own private in
terests, permitted the pcople to go without spiritual
food, and tllereb:>' have caused a famine in the land
for the he~l1';n<r of thc Word of God. Yielding to tho
temptation to usc their pov;er,.. for selfbh pnrpo"es,
they fell.-Amos S: 11.

D<:'siring to
the sedu.etiyc thin~s of this world, and to be
I'\'lmit'cd 1).~ racn rather than be approved of (J(ld, the
clcrgo)" havc yidded to the lust of the eyes; they have
clotllt'cl themselves in sCflrlct and long, fhying' rolws,
decked themselves with jewels, and have arro~antly
n'i,;nrned a form of godlin(;~s while denying tIle POW(>1'
thereof. They fell ready victims to this temptation.


--2 Tim. 3: G.
Third, pride of life:

J('SUS il1fitructed his n~pr(;sentu

tiw;; to preal'h the gosl)el of his Idn~dom and to await
})nti0ntly his scpond coming, when he would ec;;tahlish
the kill~,lom. He ur1nl')lIi~llPd them to keep themsdv'::'l
sepul':ltc from the \\'01'1(1. 'l'he ecclesiastip,;, or (kl'~ry,
have boldly n";';11'l1c,l to r('pl'vsent the LOl'r1 011 t111l
r::rth. 8at:1II h('lll before thC'lll the templ:liilJll tll,l!,
as the ]jort1's l'eJ!I'l'Sclltativcs, th('y could esl:I;Jlish tllo
killl:,(1om of God on earth without waitin~ for the
seeolHl ('omin:i of Chrht; thc ('o]Hlition bein'r iliat tItey
SllOUhl join hands with the rOJnlllercial and poli1iC'al
POW0!'i'! of part II, \\"hich were all'l'ady \lll(kr tIj(' ('ontl'ol
of ~at an. This aplwa1ed to then' "pride vf Ii f'e". T'l
them it was a woncl0rflll thill~~ to tn'in'! til(' (':ll'italist;;
find tll(~ politj("i:1l's into the l':lUl'eh. 'lllf'Y yit'ldpcl to
tld" S((lll"lin) tcnpl,ttion; tllC'~' sd about ilnrm"lia!l,ly
to ohtain ('()lltrol mH} l'n1l'n,hip of the world, without
the aid of the Lord :llld contrar'y to his \\'or(1.
The ('kr~!'y mct thc ronditiom and tlwy Itave 1'aill'd.
They have worshiped the: })rvil, RunctifJc'd wnr, for
pay have ac'!pl! a::; ltlilitary r(,l'ruitil1~ ofJil'ers, and
have I'('s011ed to other de\'ilish methods to gnin 1hcir
selfish and ambitions elllls. 'l'lJ('Y have i~lJoretl (lud
and the Lord .T<.::ms, and have waxed rich 1m,1 PO\,'(,I'ful, while hC'il1'.~ as,;oriated with th~i1' allie-; nlll.lund\r
the dir'Cl"tioll of the sllp('!'-mind of the !!w[ of this
world. Tlwy hnve fanell to the tl'nlptation, anrl haye
carriNl ont their part of the 11,'vil'8 anan:';I:l/l\'nt to
blind the people to God's llUl'P0<;CS. 'l'I1('y stand selfcOllfl'ss('(lIy g-llill y 1)('1'01'1' Go.} and man.
The e('ch'<;jnst.i(~s, to wit, popcs, cnrtlinals, hishops,
re\'ercnd~', dortor's of divinity, and t hcolog-ieal professors, haw: elaimed the exclusive right and authu]'ily to
intel'pret the :-)l'l'iptllres, and pl\.'surnptuously dpny
the right oi unyone to prc[,c'h the gO"lpd ('~.('c']lt. s\/I'11
u;.; arc or,],lin0d h;\' them, They h:n-c set aside the pmo
doctrincs of God's 'Vol'd and through their \'~\l'ion-.;
ol'g'ullizations have const.ituted themselws the foulltains of doetrines, which uo(-trines th('Y have sent forth
as a river, daimin~ such to be u li[c'-~i\'in~~ "ll'eam for
the henl'fit of the prople, whel'eas in tI'ut b nnd ill faet
theirs has 1)('('n a Illessu!!e of fr,1lld ant1 d"f'rit and 11
stream of ~;('lmcss and death. By tlwse false f,llcl lbceptive doetl'ilwS t;lC people have bccn blin,kd to the
purposcs of God, and hi., great IH'ovision for sah-at ion
hu'l heen hid from their eyes.
Claimin!!. for them,;ch'cs the l'xclusive a1\thol'it~ to
interpret the ~criptul'cs, for a long til'!1:' th~ ('('C'!c"::'''tics kept the people ill ignorance of the tc::t llf the


r.Ffie. \\~\ T eli T 0\\lER

Non::,ISEn 15, 1!J:l4

Bible hy discouraging them in :;tudyin<.; it; but 110W in

this duy of g-rC'ut<;r education, w!lell the people might
l'('U<1 amI understand the Scriptures, tlH'~e ecclp"i:t!;tical leaders boldly and fiippnntly drny the inspiration
of the
ore1 of (lad. Fon:knowillg' that tlwy would
take this eOUl'Sl" (~od cau<;pd ]lis prophet Jeremiah to
write concerning' th{~m: "They have i'olHakcn me, the
fountain of livin~ waters rsollrec of life and trl1th],
and hewed them out cisterns fman-made s.vstems and
doctrines), broken cbterlls, tlwt can hold no water
[really contain no lifc-givinf.{ tntth]."-Jcr. 2: 13.
For the pnrpose of turnin~ the minds of the people
away from the true (Jod and hlinding' them the (,e
f'lesiasties have tau~~ht fal-.;c (\r)(:ti'ine<J, of whif'h the
fol1owiu~ are a l't:w, :md whi(')} arc spt out here in con
trast with the truth for the pUI'po:,\e of comparison, to
'rhe Bible teaelH's that lTIall wns created perfect, and
that h(~eause of sin llC Wl1S S\'lltl'llc('d to death, tlH're
hy losin~ perfc(:t.ion of org'ani!oltn :Illelthe right to life.
Modern ('ccksiastic<J t('a('h that man is a creature of
evolution; that he IH;Ve1' fell, and l1C\'Cr lost the right
to life hy l'eaSUll of sin.
'J'he Bihle) plainly states that mall is mortal, and
that because of J\dam's Hin all arc horn sinuC'rs sull.
jcet to death.
Ec>cksiasti(:s tC'lwh that all men have immortal souls,
which cannot die, which doetrinc is supported only by
Satan's grC'at lie, nallwly, 'Thl'l'C' is no (ll-ath. '-Uen.
3: 4; .John 8: -U.
The Bihle plainly tC'arhes that the wa~e-s
sin is
(leath, and that (lPath nnd destruction is the puui:,hment of tIle willfully wi(ked.
Bcclesiastirs telleh that th('l'(, is no real death, and
that the punishrrH'nt of the selfish and wieked is con8rious torme'nt, etc'mal in duration; :llld t hat to esc-ape
such tCl'I'ible punishment the people must join their
church dcnominat iOlls.
The ~criptlll'es pbiuly teaeh that .Jehovah is Go(l,
the great First CUlN~; Hnd that Jeslls CIJl'iHt, his only
b('~attC'll Son, is the H<clel'mer of mallldnu,
Eee1csiasties teach the ullscriptmal, Gou-dishonoring
doctl'iIH.~ of the tdnity.
The inspirc.l VIr ord of od d..diIJ:es that J psus Christ
is the ransol!lpr of all; Ilnd that all memhers of the
human race shall, in uue time, have all olJportunitr
to know ahout t he ransom :l1lU r(:eeive its hcnefits.
l~celesiastieal teachings of c\'olutif)]l, human immortality, eternal torIllC!lt and the trinity are denials of
the ransom by iJnl'lirat ion; aud now the chief('st
among them deny that J{sus was allY more than :m
ordiuar~' man, deny that there is allY valuc in his sae




rineo, deny the only Lord God and the blood of t1'.e
Lord J PSIlS Christ by which mankind is redecmed.
The Scriptures teach that Christ ,Jesus is King, the
only One who has the riqht and authority to rule the
earth in God's due time.
Eecksiastics teach the divine rif!ht of earthly kings,
,vho are made hy big bnsine:>s, to rule the people; and
the et~clesiastics have joined hands with big husiness
and bi~ politicians to enforce this rule and to control
the peoples of the earth because, they say, it is the
divine arrang-ement for them to rule.
Jesus cOllstitnted his apostl<.'s lJS the foundation of
thc J(iug'dom, and the Scripttu'es teach that the apostks haYO no S11(;r('5SO}'8,
Ecclt'siasties have fraudukntly (laimed to be successors of thp apostles, and thprehy have arrogated to
themselves g'l'cat authOl'ity and have attempted to .le
ccivc, Imcl have deceived the people.
The nihl(~ teaches nnd elll pha,'lizl's the sl'cond ('om
ing. of Christ, the g'rcnt Prince of Peu('C', that he will
take unto himself 11 is powcr to rci~~n; it admonislH's
all the followm's of tlw Lorfl to faithfully pl'oelaim
this Tr1C'SSllge of hi!; cO/llill~ Idngc1om, and to advoeate
and follow peace with a Jl 111l'Il.
The eeclc~;i:lsti('., tpal;h UJH.l advocate wnr; th<:y have
sUlletifipd war aud Wl'l'st the 8<'l'illtllr('s to jnstify their
eOIH'lusioll; they havc repeatedly had thc'ii' portraits
mucic with, and exhihit<."l with, g-rcat warriors of the
worlll; they have turned th('ir church cJille'es into recruiting stations; they ha\'c receivcd and accepted
llthy lucre in (,ol1sidcrntion of renelpring seniee for
recruiting young- men for the war, and have willfully
pl'eaelH'd them into the tl'el1ches. \nd now W!lPll tho
evidence iH plain and conclusive that the old world
h:l~ ended, that the Lord for the second time is PI'(';;ent and that the kingdom of heaven is at halid, the
cec-lrf>iastie& i~Jlorc the Ill'ooi, and se01'n, l'idicule and
pc1'srcnte t host:' who dare tell the truth to the p(~opk.
Illstt'nd of bill,ling' weleomc to the King of glory, ull<1
trUing the people of his kin~dom and the IllPssill!!:s it
will hring they openly unite with the Devil in his
schemes to control the peoples of the earth in a com
pact desiglll1ted as the League of Nations; and piously
and fra uduknt Iy they declare it to he the" political
expr('~;.-;ioll ot the kingdom of God Oll earth ",
Thus ecclesiastieism t hl'ou;;llOut t : ChristelHlom" hns
undeninbly bllrn to the tlompt:.Jtions which Satan ha:;
placed in its path, and now Jehm'ah God's time is at
hand to clear ecclesiasticism off the fMe of the ('arth
that the people of nlllanl.1s may know that he is .Jehoyah, the onl~' true and Ih'int; Goel, the .\l!lli:~hty and
l.Iost High One, in \vhom is no lie or fraud or hn)ocrisy or injustice or anything selfish.

standeth in the con(Jl'egali(jn of flip. miaMI,: he j1lff:;etlt among the fJod,~. , Arise, 0 God, Judge the



thou 5halt inherit all llaiiolls.--Psalm 82.


EYEH was it ~o important as now tllat the
people know the tl'uth. l\Iankind's great
enemy, Satan, is putting forth all his efforts
to prevent the people from knowing the truth. ~IallY
of the rulers arc deceived and blinded by Sat au, and
likewi'ic the p(~ople are blind to the truth. What, th('n,
shall be <lone that the people may know the truth ~
Gou, whose llame is Jehovah, does 110t execute his
purpose in seel'l~t. lIe gin:s due notice of his llUrposcs.
It was hut a brief space of time after the expulsion of
man from Eden that Satan formed a company of nwn
and caused thl'lll tn hYPo(,l'itically call them"dves by
the name of the Loru. The hook of Genesis, chapter
foul', vel'se t\\'cllty-~ix (1Hllruin), testifies to til is fact.
1\ll'U hun'ied down the road to wickedness. Satan also
led mallY of the spirit cr('atur('s of Gou iuto wicluuness, causing them to lea\'e tht'ir first estate in Goll's
(Jl'ganizatioll, take 011 human form as nCJihilim and
fill the earth with violl'lIce. B(~cause of this wiekedntss
<.:od detenninell to dcstl'OY 1hat wiek(ld genel'alioll.
(Ol'n. 6: 7) Befot,c <loin~ so, he sent Noah to bear
witness com~crl1iu~ his purpose. (2 Pet. 2: 5 j 1 Pet.
3: 20) 'l'hat which Noah did was prophetic anu foretolu what \\'oulll (:ome to P:1SS at the cnd of the world.
Of this there is not the slightest douht, Ul'CaUi>e Jesus
so declared.-l\Iatt. 24: 37.
WllPn God would de1i\'cr his people from the cpJH'cssive hand of the ruler of Egypt, he sent Moses
aHfl his brother Aaron to give t('stimony before that
l'ukr alld the pcople, -of and concerning his purpose..
(Ex. 3: ll:ij 4: If}; [): 1-4; S4!e also Exodus 6 to 12)
'I'hat what was there done by ~Ios('s and Aaron, and
what followed thert~after wit h the Israelites, was
proph(tic anu fOJ'etold similar things which would
('Ollle to pass lit the end of the world, is also certain.
(l Cor. 10: n) 'rhe prophecies fulfilled disclose two
mi~hty ol'galliu.ltioIlS, to wit, (~od's organization and
Sntan'8 organization, whieh m'e at enmity anu between
which the war in heaven has Ucen fou~ht, and between
whieh there is ;yet a great war to he fought, involving
ull the peoples of earth, It should be expected that
.Jehovah God \Yonlu give due notice of that approuehing conflict by having testimony given in his own good
way, of and concrrnillg his purposes.
The great question at issue for early determina~ion
by all creatures is, Who is the .Almighty God? 'I'hat
issue must and will have a final determination, because
Ood has so dcclared it. \\'hen the mig-hty hunter
Nimrod, under the supervision of Satan. built the
to\\,('r of Ba-be1, the purpose was to prove that Satan
was equal to Jchoyuh God, if !lot greater, Jehovah
destroyed that tower and confused the speech of that
people that they might learn tllat he is the Almighty
When Egypt's king hecame arrogant and oppresscd
God's chosen people, the is~ue tl!('n was, Who is the
supreme God ~ Je110vah demonstrated his suprcme
power at that time, that his name and his supl'\;macy

might he kept before his people for good, and to

demonstrate to Egypt that Jeho\-ah is Ood,-2 Sam.
7: 23.
When the king of Assyria appeared with arrogance
before the ancient city of Jel'usalcm the issue rabcd
by him then wns, Who is the supreme God? .Jehovah
destroyed the Assyrian army that the people might
sec who is supreme.-Isa. 36: ]8; 37: 36-38.
Today the \\'orld powers of combined "Christendom" give allegiance to Satan the Devil, and cast reproaeh upon Jehovah, while hypocritically claiming
to he followers of Chri,;t; and now the great is'me is,
Who is the Almighty (iod, anu whom shall we olw,d
Jehovah has expresseu his detenuination that the issllc
shall he srttlcd, and that shortly; but before doing- >,(J,
Ill) will cause testimony to he given beforc the nati';lIs
and peoples of the worl(1 of und concernin~ his pU1'pOS(', to the end that the rulers aud the pl'opll' llIay
have an opportunit.y to know the truth; aud fmtll( 1',
that all mouths will he for ever stopped from saying
that they hautlO opportunity to hllow. 'fhnt the giving'
of such testimony shoulu immediately precede the fiunl
det{'l'mination of the ~l'eat isslle is made sure by the
words of J('SlIS Christ, the great 1'roplH't of Jehovah
God, wlttn he said: "And this gospel of the kingdom
shall be preache(l in all the world for a wi.tlless un to
all nations: at,ld then ~hall the end come. For tliin
shall be great tribulation, such as was not sincc the
hrginning of the wodd to this time, no, nor e\'er shall
be, "-1\latt. 24: 14, 21.
The fact that God would have this tc<;timony given
before the great time of trouble is proof that he would
thereby fUl'IIish a wal'lling to, as well as an op!Jortunity for, those who hear to profit by tile facts, IJn'<lk
away from Satun's orgunization, and sel'k safcty un
del' the power and protection of Jehovah. It is equally
certain that Satan would do everything within his
power to keep the rulers and the pe'lple from hearing
the testimony, to the end that he might hold thcm in
his organi;mtion.
Testimony is ~iven by witnes<;es, detailing certain
facts that bear upon the issne. Who will be witncs;;;es
on the earth to testify to the name of Jehovah Gr,u
as the Almighty One 1 That question can be detl'rmined
by asccrtaining whom God has used on former oceasions when he would hring' his name before creation.
Jehovah puts his spirit upon men whom he sends to
deliver his message of truth. That means that tllty
arc authorized to speak in his name. lIe endows slleh
with power from 011 high to act us witnesses for him.
His spirit is his invisible power op('rating accol'tliJ1~ to
his sovereign will. (2 Pet. 1: 21) It is quite evid{'nt
that God caused a record to be made of what he did
. I
m t le past, to ena Ie men to bettcr understand whnt
he will do in the future.
'When God organized the nation of Israel into his
prophetic organization, he provided the prielithood \0



15, 1031


lJIle. \VAT C I-IT0WER..

serve that people, and he caused the priests to be ness unto the truth. Eyer,- one. that is or the t1'uth
anointed with h01,v oil, thus indicating' authority and heufeth my voice," (.John 18: 37) Thus he proved
approval hom Jehovah. The holy oil a represen- his mission to be that of the !2,l'eat Witness or Prophet
tation of the holy spirit of God with which he anoints of God, and that all who are really of the truth must
those who act in his behdf. Among other unties that h<:ur :lnd obpy his yoi('c and must be witnesses.togetlLf'r
must be performed hy the priests of that time was that with him.-Luke 24: 48.
they were rC(!1.Lit'ed to teuch the people by informillg
One of the titles given unto Jesus by Jehovah Gou
them cO!lccl'llill;.{' God's law Dnu his purposes, (:'laJ. i;; "the faithful and true witnef's". (Rev. 3: 1"1) It is
2: 7) '}'he priests of that ol'gunizatioll prophetically nlso statC'd that his hody memhers must be like him.
o1'etoh1 a similar class that ,\'Ould serve his rcal or- (Hom. S: 29) '}'his likeness must of necessity consist
gani2"ltioll 'whell Zion is builued up '.
ill this thnt his body members would be whoIly and
'l'hrough his prophet nod foretold the coming of unr('se~vedlY de,'oteri to .Jehovah God and cldi~ht in
hh mighty ::;on Chri:>t Jeslls, the gTeat Prophet of kc('pin~ his' comrn:mdments. Thnt would meun tbat
Jehovah. COllcerning' the work that He was to do, the they mnst be witnesses for Jehovah,
prophet Isaiah (61: 1, 2) wrote: '''rhe spil'it of the
.Jehovah's purpose in havin~ the gospel preached
Lord Unu is upon me; bccanse the Loru hath anointed from the time
Pentceost, fifty days after .Iesus'
me to preach ~()()d tiJing's uuto the meek: he hath sent resurrection, until the coming of Christ Jesus to Ids
me to bind up the bl'Okcll-heal'ted, to p1'oelaiIn liberty hm pic wm; to take ont from among men "a people
to the captives, and t he opening' of the prison to them for ,his name". The wily enemy Satan carly hcg<l!l to
that Ufe bound; to prorluim the Ilccpptahlc yeur of calT;' on his e<ltn[laign to oft":<:t God's plll'po~e. Well
the Lord, and the day of Vf)n~:;eanee of OUt' 001;' to knowing' that he must operate IJY fraud and de(,pit,
comfort aU thai 1ll0Ul'll." Wlwn Jesus began his earth- he proje(tcd into the minds of the leaders in the earthly work he took up the book (,olltainin~ that pni)hecy, ly ol'ganizfltion of the church lhe ~ollelusioll that the
read it in the heal'illg of ol,hers, and applieu it to mission of t he church is to com'ert the wodd and to
robe it in ~lory r.nd lwauty in preparation j'OT' tk:
lIe fi 1'8t read: "'flw spi l'it of the Lord is npon me, second (mning of Chr'ist .Jesus. Satan knew 1hal lOcn
hC'cuuse he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to toul(l !lot do such a tlling, but that to follow t!lat
the poor; he hath sent me to l)(\ul the broken-hearted, I'ourse would keep thr.m husy and would hide Gou '8
to preach d\,li\'('rallc'\~ to the captives, and l'ce0wring real purpose from their UlHlcl'st anlling.
of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are
WhC'n ancient Home adopted a 'C'lig ion and na!lwu
bruis(\d, to vrcach the :wccptalJle J'ear of tlw Lord. it the" Christiun rclig'ion ", the leaders thc~n beg'an 10
And he hl'g':lll to say Ilnto them, This uay is this (~al'l'Y on a great caml)ai~n to compel the people to h~
scriptut'fl flllt\llcd in your ears." (Lul.e 4: 18,19,21) ('ome memhers of that church. 'fhat meant that 8a'l'he fact thnt, in rcadin~ the pro'pheey at that time, tan had gotten contt'ol of tile organization awl had
JI'SUS omitted the words, "and the day of vengeance made tha t or~anizlltion the" l'l'ligioll" of his organ i.
of our Cod," mllst be signifiC'ant.
zation, the1'efol'c had maue it a part of his organizaHe knew t hat lie would come again, and that at tion which is called" Babylon". Those who would llvt
his second coming' nnu the end of the world the yield to this influence were ~ubj(>cted to all maunel' at:
"vengeance of our God" should he tolJ to'the people erllel treatment und torture,
hefore that great and lel'l'ible day j and this concluThe l'cal purpose of the chUl'ch was entirely lost to
sion is fully <,upported by what he suhsequelltly said the sight of honest persons, and such was the 1'es,llt
to his disciples. (Matt. 24: 14, 21) In the period of of Satan's wicked intIllellce. As the Jewish Phari"l'('s
time elapsing from Pentecost (A.D. 33) until the ,,'ere blind guiues of the blind people when Jesus was
coming of the Lord to his temple and the building up on ('urth, CVCll so the eler!-rY, WllO nrc the countel'pal'ts
of Zion or (;ou's organization, his body members, that of the Pharisees, hccmne the hlind !,micks of the IH'oplc
is to say, the nl('mbers of the. body of Christ, would in the church, who like,\-ise were blinded to the truth
be selectcu alld gathered unto him. The last of these by Satan's course of ad ion.
members 011 cart h would constitute" the feet of him ",
'YIH'U the conditions in the Homan chul'ch bec-allle
as the prophet Isaiah (52: 7, 8) terms them, and thty illto!t'l'uble. <;ome of 1he more honest 0110S broke ,nmy
must therefore peeform the duties designated by the to form what is knowu as the PrctC's1ant church. The
authority of their anointing.
P1'ote:"lan1s ,lIso f('11 lm.le'r the secluetive infllll'llc'C of
For thrcc and one-half years JCRUS gave testimony Satan, mi"cOlwcivcd the purpose of the (~hnrch, and
before the people and the rulers, telling of God's pur hclien~d it to be their duty to convert the world. to
poses. 'Vhcn he stood before the Roman govcrnor Protestantism. As n result of this, many blood~r wars
Pilate and rc<;pondl'd to the question concerning his followl.'d. especially in Europe, bet\yelm tho Cnthuli~
mission on the earth and as to whether he was a king and Prote;-,tant church organizations_ Roth of tlll",'.)
or not, he said: "To this end was I hom, awl for this great ol'gftnizatiollS pa1'tidratcd freely in the pe>!itic3
cause came I into the world, that I should bear wit of the 'world and really became a part of the l'ul~\lg


factol;;. The truth was hid to thrm. This condition
or mi"c;onceptiull of the purpose of the eliUl'ell continued until the Lord begun prepnrill~ tlie \\'ar before
Jehovah and the restoration of the fundamental doctrints of the truth of God '8 W ord.-:JIal. 3: 1; 4:: 5, G;
:Mark 9: 11,12.
'l',n1e Christianity means the faithful following by
mcn in the footst('PS of Christ .Ttsus, the .\nointed of
God. (1 Pet. 2: 21) That means ent ire devotion to
Jehovah God, and not to any man or to any worldly
ol'i~anizat ion direct('d hy man. It means that the true
Christians or followers of Christ Je~u<; must be wit)l('S;;C'" to the majec.ty ;JllIl supremacy of .Jehovah God
lind beal' 1<'stimollv to the truth of (ioel's Word, (John
11:): 37) In onlcl' 'to givc tpstimony of the truth it is
IH'CeSsary fot olle to st udy awl to undel'stand the
'Word of Cotl, the Holy :;el'jptures, which is the truth.
-Jolin 17: 17.
OI'~alli7.ed Christian reli~ionish\" have entirely
over(ookl'<! the Scriptural meanin~ of the !'econd comill~ of Chl'i1:it .Jesus I1ml his king-dorn. The Bible testimOllY is all aile way, to wit, that the eornill~ of Chl'i~t
.h'sus and his kill~.>;dum is to vindicate J eho"tl h 's name
by proving that .JdlOvah is the supreme alld t1'ue God,
that he is I he (:0(1 of wisdom, justice, love and power,
and from whom alllifc and hl('ssillg:s itow. '!'he Billie
testimollY fUItlwr is that thc kingdom of (Jo(l under
Christ is a l'igohteous ~ovcrnmcnt, which kingdom 01'
~G"cl'll1nent will "illdi('ate .Jehovah's name and is the
only 1101'0 of the peoples of the world. In this ~'eal' of


1034, when the nations and peoples

over the earth
arc in great <1i"u'css and perplexity, "orgDllilcd Christian rdigiolliqts" entirely ignore the Scrirtunli testimony as to the cause of this trouble, BIl(1 how the
world call be hronght ant of this depressioll l and in tho
place and 8tl'1](1 of the Rctipt1.1l'es they follow the
thC01'ics of mcn and join in all man-macle stlH:IllC'S to
relieve munkind. 'l'hese I'di~';ionjsts not ollly entirdy
ignore tile cause of the trouble, but appeal' to he elltirely Llilld to the divine rcmed J'.
'l'hc clergy and' the politicians pose before the people
a" followel'~ of Christ nnd by \\'o1'd of mouth 'iay, "W()
implicitly bdil'\e in divine guidance," nnd nt the ::ame
time entil'dy i'.:llore the \\' cm] of the di\ine (:(Jd, whe is.
Jehovah the :\rost High. l\;o one who is tfllly de\otul
to .Jc:flO\all r:od an<lltis killg'clml1 can ha\'(~ Ull.\' part in
the politic'al affairs of this world. If thl'-;e mell, as
thc~ say, did implidlly lwlieve and trust in the (livine
God, then the,y would follow hi'i Word Ulld would sec
{hilt the great climax of t1'ouble and wi(k('dlles~ is
now upon the earth hecallse of Satan, awl that soon
God will (k;lroy this wicht! organization, and in it'!
pla('e there shall follow a 1'111(: of COIllpletl' rj~hteolls
IH'SS; and they woutll tea('h the Jleopl(~ till'se tl'uths,
lind inform thl'lIl that Ow kingdolll of nod alone will.
In'ing rei i(oi' and hlessings. Any l,ersolls who wOllld
join for('('s with soeialists or cOlllmunists 01' nny othl'r
political organizatioll ill this day would till'l'e!Jy flu'nish the eondll"ive proof that they al'C not the scrvants of .Jehovah God, and do not [;CC the isslle.




J\. r


'alp, :\.'
",I..",i1h'. :0:. ('. ..


LUluhl. .~. C.


UlJcI\~ ~lount, ~.




(i,7:-; tllfOI'd. X.
Ch<'l'aw. H. C




('oPt'. H.C
Atlanta, Ga

1::, L 1
15. Ifj


Dl'c. ].~. l!l




20, ~l

~!J, 30

~/"ll\'ille. :\.J
1I1.~h gri41!!(\ 1'..1


Xowatu. okla





~ltI'I''';.:l'l'. Okla
p(\'.:;;..';'.~. Ukla

l\Hlo. )It!. _'

Ohl1.'own. ;\{e
Hf'lfabt. :\Oil'
}'letl",rt. ~I"



\'ortal",. X.


DI!c. 10. 2u






8. H




I'onluml. :\Ie.


L:l\YlPlIce. .\la".
:\tw,s............ "

1 . , 1 JIll. ~ra's.
l~nstol1, ~Ia s
(~llil)l".\, .:\Iw..:~.



O. ,,.



] f

':;~,~'.~~~~II~~,X~l:J:' ':.:::::::~:: l:i.;~

111I1.,,1l'1(>1I;.l. Ja.
El :::t
.\llantw ('ity. :\ .. T.... "

X"" hit 1 'i1~'. ~ ..J.

\\"I)odhilw,::'\:. J
"j"<,I",,,I. N. J

:!;)~ ....


HUlldl, t H:ta
Hti;.d(~r, (Hda....... h 11
POl'um, OI~ln .......... u"
CIOl1c1~. Okla
IhJd:-:nu. Tt'\:
\\'Idli ta 1",t1Js. T,.x
I.ulllH)(k. rrcx .............. tt

2U. ~Ol

Hnllowe-l1, ){('............llcc.
Ijnsllel,l. ;\11'.

5. Ii

.:\,.\\. Brllll:-.wi,k. ~. J. "

J.'rtlt",\mfJu). ~"\ .J.
Cliffwood. :\. .1 ........ H
A ... l"J1}~ Pal'k. ~. J ...... "
Lakewood, -='. J ...

l'Il'"Hrltl,,". N. J ...... Ilte.


Fllill. Okla
I'aini(\w, t)I,lu
]{('dJ'(wl", (~hl:L ........ lJ
J fHlf'll City, old;\.. ~ .. "
6, "i
~!hidh\r. Oida
);tHddJUl'u. Okla...... "
}'awllee. Olda.......... "
'J'ulsu, Olda
f~IHr('mol(', ()kla.


fll/1toll. ~ . r.

G. II.


.11 1'.


1;I'IH'ktull. )1a'

.\lllI'lJOru. )1:1",




:\font.;omi'ry, Ala
"nh)H :-)[ll'ill~S, \
~lt)r'mlu, .A la. .

Eufaula, .\ la

01",Uka, .\ la.
Hu,lllOkeJ .\1.1

A, hlnud\la
I'hl'lh.v. Ala
Jemb.oll .\Ia
'l'u"caIQo:~t'l. Ala
nlOlJk\\oou, Ala





nN'. ] () 1!1



j~('.-. H'IJH~r


.:\ la ............




('t,rona ...\Ja .............













Alabama Citro .\la



















.\nui'tulJ.\ lao



211. :;/l


Dam'l11e, III. ..

Chlllllpnll;n. III.
~helll"I.I. Ill.
nlwl"'u,,, 111.

"/oline. 111.
Cellar ltn!,lcl,<. Iown
Klrk,dUe. ~[o.
}'ruukfor41, ~{o.
Moberly, )10
Bucklin, ;\10





S. !I


Bl:lf !\wntt'r. :\!n

Jenp"oll ('itr.


:-;~'tlalin, ~10..............



\\'arren:-I'lIl'g', ).ljJ



.. ,



Clinton, ~lo . ._
l'll'asaut JlllJ, )1,')



Lent";", :'.10



:O-;tJo""l'ph . .:\{O ..... "

2 .::1)
Cit,Y, ~[Q ...... Jan.



Willi-tOll. Ohio


pqrt Clinton. Ohio

.~ ........ "

S.Jn,lu... ky, (.hin



l'rf.-:ll1ont. 01110 ..... ,.


THUn, Olli"
f'~ ;:nef. Ohi'l ............... "
l:indla)'. (,!!io
l.u(~ ru~, OhIO



,I""j"n, Ohio
Dec. la, lli
Edi,oll, Ohio
Galiuu. OhIO
CI'l.!,-,tliup, Ohio ....... IJ
:.'\Iall~fi.(,ld, Ohi.) ....... "

...\,sld(lll(l, Ohio
:.\f1. \'PIliOll. Ohio
C'oIu',llJu."l, Ohio ....... _"

Lo;.;.tn, Ohio


:.!.;,:: 1



l'CELI;::;m:D ;:nn).Io},"TlILY J3y


117 Adams Stre.zt
Brooklyn, N. Y., U.S.A.

J. F.



W. E.

Y.\N' A~[BCRGn Secretary

"And all thy children shall be ta.u~ht of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." -Isaiah 54:T.J.

~reat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is tho only true God, is from everlasting
to c\'erhsting, the ~!aker of heaven and earth and the Gi"er
of lifo to his creatures; that tho Logos was the bc~innin~ of
bis creation and his actin) uw'nt in tho creation of all
things; that tho LVg"os is now tho Lortl Jesn:, Chri~t in glory,
clothed with nil power in heaven und earth, an\! the Chief
Executivo Officer of Jeho.. ah.

THAT GOD created the earth for man, crer.ted perfect

man for the earth aud placetl him upon ilj that man wilfullr
disoheyed GOtl '8 la.w and was sentenced to lIeath; that b;r
rcason of Adam's '\Tong act all JUen are born sinners and
without tho right to life.
THAT JESUS was mado human, and tho man Jesus suffered dc'ath in order to pro'!ucH tho tnnsom or rc,Jemptivo
Jlrke for all mankind; that God raiscd up Jt'::as divinc awl
('xalted him to heaven ahovo every creature and ab')vo every
name and clotheu. him Witil all power and authority.
THAT ,JEHOVAH'S ORG/\NIZt\TION is caHall Zion, ancI
that Christ. J<>SIIS is thu Chid Oliker thereof and iEl tho
ri;:ld.!ul J\:inJ::' of the worlll; th:lt tho tlnr>inte,I an,l faithful
followers of Christ .Tew:; nre c!llldrf'n of Zion, lIIemIJl~rs of
1ehovah's organization, ItnrI nro his witnc~ses whoso <1uty an,l
privileg'o it ill to tpstify'to tJ,O SlIprenmey of JcltOvah, tlechro
his purpoRes tow:'\1'(l mankind :IS exprC'ssed in the BiLle, a T1 {1
to Lear the fruits of tho kiuwlom be foro lill who will hear.

THAT THE wor~LD hns (,1l<lc'I, and tho I,ord Jesus Christ
has bee'n plapell by .Jehovah uJlon his throno of authority,
Img gn~te,! Snt:m from h"avC'n and is p,"ocec,lin;:: to tho
estnblishment of Goll'8 kin~c1oJU on earth.
THAT TIlE RELIEF nnlll)l,~s;;ings of tho peoplc~ of earth
come only h, and through Jchomh's kingdom under


Christ whirh Jm~' now llC'~UIl; that thn Lord'il DC',t great
net is tho 1l,,~truC'tion of 8a(3n'8 or~nnization and the esi:l.hlishmcnt f')f rightrousness ill tho earth, and that u11,Jer tho
kin~aolU all thoso WI10 will ol)(~y its righteous laws ahan bo
l('stor()(l nnd lil'o en ('nrth foreyer.
YEAI~ 800!\ ron 19:1:i
The prophet Ezekiel rC';.;ularly Illell~ure,1 the waters flowing
out from the temple. 'rhe ~!lei..ty does likewi~e, llnd here fin
nounces the isaull Ilf the .r lIIf ])001.; for 19:}3. 'his cuntains the
presiflent's unnual report, d('~el'llliu'~ the purpodtJs of thl) Society nllfl briefly but eOl1lprehe[J~i,ely re, iewill;'( the activities,
the experipll':es a III I lIte work fl('t'ollll'li~hl'd !lUI in,; tire service
year just past liy .J .. !HJV(lh 's \\'ilnl'~~t'8 allll .Towldub r.n:thren
in the various cOlllltri()~ where thA Lord hus pbcc,l thun. ,\150
the 1935 )'I'ar tt'xt, with appropriato comment, is give!!, ar:d
daily texts :lmi l'Ollllllen(.s fill' you!" T/'frf'shmcllt nnd instruction each ,day of the year. Only a limite,l edition is being
printed; hcnce the }'f'ur lIook is 'JJferetl at 50c a Cl'['';-. E,!!!lit
tunre to cO"er 81wIIll1 neeompnny ort!C'r, fOlwardt',1 to the
Brooklyn offi,'e or branch ofrice. Groups of Jeho\;,ho wHne;ses nnd Jonlldabs should comhine onlers lInu send through
local sllrvice lIircetor or bharpshootcr.

You will bo


especially please,l with the Society's cnlendar

for 193.>. Full of action nnr! graphieallj' representing the as

tounding victory Jehovah will gain for his llalilo's sake, the
calenrlar picture is most expres'i,'c of the year'~ tl.'xt n1:J s~ts
forth, too, the part thnt Jehovah's ",itnesses must perform nil
throug'h 1a;},) antI l'IC'ar through to the glorious finish. The al<o b~l\ I'S a letter from the president nnll naming tho

illS journal is pul)lj~hl:<l for the purpo~,~ of enn]Jing
tho pcoplo to know ,TehoY:lh God and hi,,; purpose') us
('xpresse,l in the BiUp. It publishes Bible instructiol1
specifically designed to aid Jehovah's witne1:5es. It arral'.gc's

systematic 13ihle study fc,r its j'e'1I1ers and SUI/f'Jip other literature to aitl in sueh studies. It puLlishes hllitalJl0 material
for r~ltlil) hre:)f1cnsting und for other me:lns (.f fuhlic in3truction ill tho f:)eript ures.
It ndheres strietly to the 13iblo as autllOrity for its utterances. It is entirely free and septll"tlto from all p'lrties, sects
or other '\Vol'ldly organizution~. It is wholly and without
reservation for tllo kingdom of Jehovah Go'l under Christ
Ilis Ilclon:cl Kil,~~, It is not c1o~rrrl3tic, but invites careful
aud criti~u,l f,::mmination or its contents in the li~ht of t1.'1
It does not iwlu!','c, in controverfir, and its colUIllUS aro llot 01'1'1\ to per~on:tlil[(;3.

~T.\'fJ;S, ~l.OO; C'.\,,"AIH Mm

(iIU;Alt nn,I1'UN, At'STJtO\T,ASIA,

:I[I~CEr.T,A!'Ir.O"C'l l"C;;:r:I';;:.

A~D Sor;TIl .AFr~rc.\, 7~;.
Al:ll'r!"nn r"rultlaoce.'4 shou:d lHl Ill,,,1!) hy r.:>pre"'. ()l' l'o;t,,1 :-'[0111')'
Or,!cr, or hy llnnl, Draft. Can;lllian. Brlti"Il, H'JUlll .~ l!'lC:'ln n::<1
Au'traln..-i'l1\ l'cllJi~l:lJJre~ ~h'>ul<1 !JO made direct to til') re~l)(;l'lI\O
iJralll'l\ o/;icet<. l:,'rJllttan('('s from counlrie~ oth,,!" than tho-a 1ll0n
lioner1 mn.v hl:! nl~dl) to the I:rook1rn olllee, bllt I>y Intcma.lioJla'
l'(I;:;tll1 :Money Orucr onl~'.
~ 1 Crnx('>n '.r"rrarc, IJon<1on, ",... 2, En':,laTl,l
40 Irwin Av('nno, 'roronto, Onl:t t i0 C:HW\~.t
Au,lrqlfl~IIl'& 7 J~~l'e>f')J'J non<l, Rtrnt1lfidd, ~, H. \'.... \1l.,I;,di:~
,"Ioutl> A/riC/'ll
IJo"lon J lou'o, Ca[lO T'i\Ht, S'lltt1l Allie"



l'lense llfhlress t1le Hodcly in everr

('l'rall&latlon" 0/ thl8 journal


in scveral In>l!lllll,llcB.)


All fllnee!"e 6tudents of the r.ilJlo v,ho bY' re:1-OI\ f;( infirn,lt,.
poverty or i!(h'el'<; ty nre unable 10 pay tho ~,,!>,('rir.non pd' J

mllY 1"1\'0 The 11"Illclttolcer fr('e upon wrill"n n pplit'alioll to t1l3

Inade on":) ('arh ~Yl:ar, ~t:uil1;': tjl~ rC<\",ln fftt' ~o l'l~
\\"0 nr<J j:l:ul to !JIIl:< ui,l tho nf'f',ly, hut tllP. written
8pplie:ltlon once l!'H'h ~'l'ar ill re'luirNl hy tho l'o~l:tl n:.:ulali01:S.
Xotice to SllburibcrR: Aclmowll'.1l'IIl('nt of n new or "- l'elli'"." 1 ~1I!J
que3lin~ it.

~rription \\"'ill he ~f'nt ou(r ,,\ lH1 n rpqu('.::tNI.

('It:~t1:~ of :},1il,'(' ".:,
, . .- hc n l'pquC"sted, nl!ly 1..1) ('''{p..'''ct(l(l if) :lnfl{~:lr on nlltlrf'~'; 1a1J'1 y,'itilill
one rnonth. A renl'""al l)lnnl: ((:.. . rryin~ notko of (>"\nir:tfinn) ,~i:l
he sent with t1lfl journal one Dlonth IHlforfl tim SU!J3P";jltlOll c:;pi,';><.

I:lltCI'Cf! a8 Second Ola.. Mail Jr"lfrr at B"oaklyn, N. Y., l'o'!'J'lr,'.

Act oj !.fnrrh ,'. 1879.

spel'ial s('rvke p'~l'iodH ful' the ~par. Thei'o 1.:lTticll!:ll' s 'n if'o
Jlel'iu.lR, heJth l't'O,louaJ flnd world\vidt ~IIC ublJ iJl,li,,::th' Pfl
the calcllllul' date patl. Ortll~r front the S(,citlly, tLI' Hrould,:t
Oilll!e (11' hrandl oJ;i(:l', (,11<'losing' rl'rnittant'c wllh olt!pr, at :::;t:
cadi. or fi\'e fol' :;:1.00 if sent to oue ll<ltll'<S~. 0, ""f; ',':tY I;J
gnm'ped anu. fvrwarded throu:~h l he company di!,(,,'tor or sl;'up'
----". - - - "JEHOVAH"
With ,leer gmtiturle to tllll ;(rl':lt I:e\t':der of his 0\\ II U:tI!lO
The Watc/>lower al1n01l11<:(;S the 1'(lbJ~"atioll of n llCW b'nd,. .\ll
frlltlrf1l1 wilnesst'H of God and .J;mr"labs will thrill III lwow I""
bo',); ""tlrs tite tilll) ".Tt-h,)"nh", aud that its \.'0111,'111,\ ~d 1'Olt'l,
as dlles no !1Tp,ious puLJi":ltlUll. the glorious n:i111C, tile nlanf'!GUS wor!(S anti tl,'alill';s. I,ast, pl'l'sent. nnt! flltun'. llnd tht, "'lIO
('O\pn'ln(. rurl'lIopo', of tlte ~rOtit Ih;.:h Cod. Tire ho"!,'~ 1""'Il,j
ili11... "'lll)(;s~(",1 I;,n'(lr lIoi,l5 \\lthm it :~~U png(l3 of text lll,'I', I,
color ll!m;1 rn ti'JD3, nn,l ('Oll'pJ"te indcx. 'rhe :t uthor ',> (I. iii 'oil
abo contnins a f:ll'sirllih' letter in the author's own h:ln.I\\"111 I.l'~,
51'p,'ia!lv \\ l'i! t('n fnr and :If!,l!'c;:sed to the Lon!'s lln',inlf',1 Olll ,
(awl tt;e Jor,ll,bil bretllrp!l). It is WJW really nnd II,':." L,! 1':l,1
at 50c n copy, t1ti3 to 1I('lp o;I'""t ti,e henvy ori'~ill',l "'hb of
puLlipation, JeIHl\'nh's faithful IYitnc,;;es anl tIne ,)"Ila,h!,s
\\ ill )lflt fail t.o 1'l':I,1 this new I,,,,,Ie ~ 1\0 1 there"\" to U!':'l ! I,,'!,\'
~flh..!9 tor flltuf(.\ ~~'r\il~C in phtej;~:! it heinre tIle \dl\~L~ wtli'l.
by "i~ gr:lI:e. Those wisltin~~ a copy ShOlild 1'::1(,' t.lff ,r I)I'!' r
th~')lI;.;h II,,~ rli:'cdpr or With tho shul'j;;,ltOfJtl'r. If not :1,"',0'
ciatcd \',ith a runlp:u,y) then (,lrdf'r <li!cct lrolu t11C ::)v~it~t!.



1, 1934


No. 23

My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not 11 urt me: forasmuch as
before him innocency was found in mej and also before thee, 0 king, have I done no hurt. "-Dan. 6: 22.



EHOVAH uses the lion as a symbol of justice and

judgment. Christ Jesus is the juJicial officer of
Jehovah to whom is committed all judgment in
heaven and in earth, together with the authority and
power to execute judgment. (John 5: 22-27) JesuS
Christ is therefore appropriately named "The Lion
of the tribe of Juda". Of all who praise and serve
Jehovah, Christ Jesus is the Head and chief. His
judgments are in strict harmony with justice. To the
workers of iniquity Christ Jesus, the Executioner of
Jehovah's judgment, is a power of evil, but to those
who love and serve Jehovah the Chief Officer is a
shield and strength and protection. (Phil. 4: 13;
1 Tim. 1: 12) It is by the grace of God through
Christ Jesus that the victory for the faithful is
gained.-1 Cor. 15: 57.
2 In the construction and operation of his organization Satan has attempted to mimic Jehovah, and by
this means he has succeeded in bringing much reproach upon the name of the Most High. Satan uses
the lion to represent his law, his abortive justice, and
his judgments. In Satan's organization men are condemned to death and are often literally thrown to
the lions for execution, and' the multitude, beholding
the infliction of the penalty of the law, wag their
heads and remark: "That man got justice." But in
this they are wrong. For centuries men have organized governments, made laws, and attempted to administer them in the way of justice, but in almost
every instance they have failed and their failures
have been due to the power and influence of the wicked one, Satan. In the world the failure of the law
and justice to go hand in hand has caused the people
to have little respect for the law and also has caused
them to greatly reproach the name of Jehovah God.
3 "The law of Jehovah is perfect, . . . the [judgments] of Jehovah are true, and righteous altogether."
(Ps. 19: 7,9, A.n.V.) "0 Lord God of hosts, who is
a strong Lord like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness
round about thee? Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before
thy face." (Ps. 89: 8, 14) It is profitable to keep in

mind the proper meaning of law, justice and judgment. The law of God is his perfect rule of action.
Justice is that which is right, righteous, pure and
equitable. It is the strict conformity to the principles of righteousness and rectitude. Judgment
means the finding or conclusion of the court based
upon the facts, that is to say, the judicial determination or decree rendered by one having authority so
to do. All of Jehovah's judgments are just, true and
righteous, and are in exact harmony with his perfect
law. Likewise all the judgments of Christ Jesus are
just, true and righteous and in harmony with the
divine law.
With Jehovah his law and equity are the same.
That is not true in the organizations of men under
the control of Satan. Because of the harshness and
inflexibility of the law of the governments the nations
long ago found it necessary, in order to more nearly
render justice between men, to establish courts of
equity. Law courts often render judgments that are
not only very unjust but shockingly cruel and oppressive. Courts of equity attempt to render justice regardless of the fixed rules of law; hence the rules of
equity are more bending or flexible, and an honest
judge in chancery may render a just judgment. In
the orgl!-nization of the world the inflexible legal rule
is that ignorance of the law excuses no man, and the
enfurcement of this rule often results in very great
injustice. In Jehovah's organization ignorance of the
h;w is an excuse or defense. (Acts 3: 17; 17:30; Heb.
5: 2; 1 Tim. 1: 13) Because of his rule of righteousness Jehovah always brings notice to the wrongdoer
before he pronounces judgment against him and executes that judgment. Jehovah's law judges no man
without first giving him a hearing and opportunity
to make his defense or excuse for his action.-John
7: 51.
G Men who organize and rule the nations of the
world frequently make and enforce laws exactly contrary to justice. With them law and justice do not
mean the same thing, even though the ruling element attempts to induce the common people to be3~l'>


(fILe \yj\TCI-IT0\vER

lievc that law and justi('c are one and the same. Often
", hen laws that arc prOjJer in themscl yes are improperly construed and enforced the result is ~r('at injustice against the person. When the religious organizations, such as the Catholic hierarchy, find it desimhle to rid themselves of annoyance created hy Jehovah's witnesses' tdlin~~ the truth, that politicalrcligoious organization hrillr:s forth a scheme to DC('olnplisll its purpOSI~ ill an apparently lawful manner,
'rhe Catholic hic:rarchy wiJcly advert'ises itself as
strictly adhering to anll olwying the law, while at the
same time violating the spirit of the law in almost
cvc~ry instance. If a p(:rson is found doing !'loIOethin~
that is Jispleasillg to tlw Cutholic hierarchy and its
agenls, at once an ,,[fort is made to find some "hw;ful
meHns" by whi('h the supposed offel1(ler may he apprehended and sc\'t'rc1y punished. '!'his is very often
true, evell though the OIW ehar~t<l with wroll~doin~
is fit the time l'rocecuing exactly in aecordanee with
God's law. The law of men makl's it unlawful for a
pel'son to go fl'om IlflllSC to house and sell goods, wares
and mCl'\:handise, 'rhe law of (j(Jd commanch h iii wit110S:;(:S to g'O from house to hOllse find prc(trh the gos
pel of his kin~Jom, and it is the dnty O[ Uod 'f; ser\'auts to o!wy this law. \Vhen tIH,y do SI) in ohellience
to Ood's commandments the e(:e!f'sia:-,ties, part icularly
the Catholic hi'"r:,\l'(:hy and their ;H~cnts, mi:-::apply and
misconstrun the law of the land and insi:,t that .Jehovah's witncsses should he sevcrdy punishl'd, Oil the
theory that they arc violatillg the laws of COlnmcrcc,
olthouf.(h they weli kllow that .Tehovah's witnesses al'e
llOt ellg'llgrd in a cOIl1ll1('rc'ial work. The real purpose
of the hierardly and tlwir agellts is to rid the e,1m
mUllity of .Jehovah's witl1C-;;SCS; and the real and primary author of their unjust scheme and IJlW'I:dlll'C
is Satull the Devil. This is peooi' that the Catholic
hierarchy and its agents form a part of the Devil's
6 A strikill~ example of the illju,;tice {jf certain laws
and the enf(;rcpmetlt then'of is round in the sixth
chapter of the ])l'Ophecy hy Daui,'1. ~;illec "'C arc advised that wllat'io\wcr things wero written aforctime
in the Scriptures wete written for our leal'lling that
we may have comfoi't and contillue in patience and
Ile stJ'O;l~ in hope, we must be assUl'ed that this l'c('ord
conccrnillg- the prophet Dnlliel was WJ'ittc'll and k<~I)t
for the benefit of us who in th.s,o last day::; arc endeayoring to serve .JdlOvah according to his commandments. (Rom. 15: 4) As we sec 'and apvreciate
Jehovah's dealings with h if; fuitlJful scrnlllt Daniel
we can have strong consolat iOll ill the expel'iencl's of
.Tehovah's witnc'sscs in these days, and may confidently hope that Ood will supply all the neeued protection for his faithful witl1e.,~;es. The rulers of "Christendom ", and particularly the religious element thereof, have a strong de:;irc to he rid of Jehovuh's i\ itllesses because such witnc::iscs tell the truth and the
truth exposes the sins and delinquencies of the re-


X. 1'.

ligionists. The experience of Daniel aids us in understaHlJillg why .Jehovah's witnesses continue to snfr',-~r
at thc hands of n:011 who proceed against them undecl'
laws that arc conceived in malice and enforced in
T The record of the sixth chapter of Daniel's prophecy follow.ilJ~ immediately upon the fall of Dahylml
and the coming into power of Darius the ~Iede, the
bug', Darius, here appears to lJicture Jehoyah Oed
in whom supreme reg:tl power is wsted and who assumes rulership over the world from and after 1014.
Satan was then e!lst out of heaven, and from and
aIter 1918 Darius, w!:o,>e nnme means "et)erf'l~r, C011scrvator", pi(tured ,Jeliovah excl'eising his lJower in
thin:;.!;s pel'tainil1:! to t11(~ earth. The sixth chapter (It
Dnniel OJ)('llS with the ~;tatenl('nt: "It Jllea~wd DnrilH
to set oYcr the killgdom an 1111llured and tW"'1.1.'"
princes, wllich should l>e over the whole kingdom,"
-DUll. 6: 1.
8 To aid one in the c:mminution' of this prophcr}' it
seems W(Jl to here sd out an ('pitome of the JlI'ul'h.
ccy, to wit: 1)lll'ins the l\il1'~ pil'l11l'0d suprl:lHlJ l'(>~;ll
})O\\'I:I'; Dalli,'! pietun:,j Christ .Jc,>us, the .Jwl;';l; of uil
th in~>:,; in liea VI-n (lllf l ea rt 11; 1)a niel (lIs') rid ured .J chovalt's e!t:,t s('rvunt, of which Chl'i,;t .Jesns is tho
Head ntHl ('hid and w1li(,11 il1dndes the faithfuL I'WInant who are joill\:d to'~dhel' with Chril'lt .1 ('SUS in 1he
1'0nmallt 1'01' tho kin~!dom. rrh(~re also Jllomilll'llt l.v
lIPlwars in the IJl'ol'hl'l'y a r('prel'l('lItation of tkl
League of Natiolls, aIltl of "thn man of sin"; also tlHl
clem l'l1t s' of Satan's o1'i~alJizatioll, hoth invi"ihl,~ :~Il<l
visible, lill\ll'r the imlTl('di;ltc lea<lcl'ship (If (:Oi! in
his attempt 10 dcstl'or thc rl'lnJlallt who ;ll'e .Jell(l"ah '.;
witlIP",Sll';; awl the lidnc;, picturing just [i'e of .'.1mi..:,hly Cud; :nul th(' ]JOWf'l' of .Jdlo\'ah end shulti!i'~
the months of those wiJd heast.,;. forlshndowill!.\' tho
protection of t110se who are wholly 11cmtc,1 to him.
n Tn l!JJ-1 Jchovah 1J('~an the excl'(~ise of his }l'lwcr
oYer thin~'s in the earth by then pbcill:;.!; his XiJl~
npon his throne and s(:lldillg' him fOlth to rnle antl to
east Satan ant of 11(':1\'el1 and down to the earth. (1':--s.
2:6; 110:1,2; Hev.12:J-5) By 1~18 ::-;atan ani] Iii:;
wickell tnwcls had hh:lI ('a'lt out of heav..'11 hud duwll
to the ('ar11l. TIle prophecy of Daniel state::; thM "it
pleased Darius to set over the killgllom . . . l)1'(':;ilklllS", or satraps; and e\"en so it p]casPll Jehovah
God to set 11 is ruler"hip o\"er the ('arl h, p:ll'ticll!a;'ly
from and after 1!n:'3. The thl'C'c pl'esidents, or satrap,;, ~;\'t up by D:niu'l the "Jl.eJe illcludecl Daniel as
one of them, and Daniel was the only one amOlJ'l'c;t
them that s('rvcd Jl'ltuvah God. Sillee the year Ell;...,
the only class of per~()lls Viho claim to selTe Jel\()\"ah
God. and who in trnth and in faet do so, is the temple;
cOlllvuny undel' Ctll'i~t. When the 'Yol'ld \Yilr ('11(1\((,
"Chri<;tendom's" lcatJcl's calbl attention to the :t'a':t
that the time for the Kingdom had come, aS~l1mcJ to


1, ] ~);:;4

PJ1i.c \V.ATCHT0\VEI:z.

I'cpresent God on earth, and proceeded to set up an

organization culled the Leag-ue of .:\ations and desi~~
nated it as the expression of God's kingu0m on earth.
The highc:,t comt in America also rClluered a judidnl deei!>ion announcing tlIBt "the Lnitcu States of
.AmeriCa is a Christian nation". ~\pproximately at
the S:lmc time the "man or sin" elas:>, "li:e son of
perdition," set itself up as the representative of Jeho"ah 00u.-2 Thes:,>, :!: 4.
10 Seeing that the kinguum was set up, and the judgments of .Jeho\"uh <Jud be~an in 1!l18, why should he
permit wicked ones to assume to represent the king(10m on earth and still continue in their wiekel} practi(:cs '7 This was for'slllldo\\"c<l by the act of Darius
s{;tting the satraps over }'lcdo-Per~ia. The kin!.;dom
of God is pi(~t UI'('II by a ~rcat home, It is written in
the Sel'iptul'cs: "~cvel,thclcss tho foundation of Cod
stl.llldeth 8l\l'C, having this scal, The Lord knoweth
tliem that are his. .And, 1..ct everyone that nameth
the name of Christ dcpart from iniquity. But in a
~l'eat hou,;e there arc not only vcs:;eb of gold and of
~ih'l;r, but also of wood and of eurth; and some to
honour, aud some to dishonour." (2 'rim, 2: In, 20)
'j'hU:3 it is seen tlwt amongst thosc who ilamc allll
Sl'rVe Jehovah God there are \'l's,>els 01 honor and 'les"
lids of dishonor. The ve;;;c1s of honor arc those truly
and faithfully devoted to .Jehovah and his kin~doJll
interests. 'rhe vessels or Jishonor arc those ll~:)\lm
i!l~ to t('prcscnt God and who misuse their 0\11.>01"
tunitie8 he(~llUse of tllC'ir sclfishl1l'sS and wi(kednc:,;s.
l\lany have been perplexed and anxious to undet''ql and
why .Jehovuh would permit the wicked clemc'lt to
con1inue to exercise power 0\'('1' the earth after he has
set his Kin~ upon his holy hill anu caused. him to
heg-iu his jud~tn('llts. ~\rani[eslly the reason is, as
uppeul's Il'om the ~eriptul'{:~; and fueti, that Jehovah
might eause a wit nesS to he givelt of and coneel'tling
his nallle allll that Ite might manifest his supreme
power and dl~monstratc to all ereation his supremacy
uIllI his ric-hes of glory 011 those who arc true and
faithful to him. "What If God, willing to shew hh
wrath, and to make his power known, enuul"ed with
mueh 10llgsuffcl'illg the yes:::;els of wrath fittcd to de
strllction: ana that he might make known the l'iches
of his glory on the vess{ls of mercy, which he haa
afore prepared unto glory." (Hom. 9: 22, 23) This
is also shO\vn by Ood '8 dealing with Pharaoh, which
foreshadows his permission or his sufferance of the
operations of Satan to continue ill the earth aftcr the
coming of the King, Christ .Jesus: "For' the scrip.
ture saith unto Ph~raoh, l~n'n for this f'amc p1\l'lJose
have I raised tlwe up, that I mi~ht shew my power
in thee, and that my name mi~ht be decllJred through.
out all the earth."-Hom. 9: 17,
n The begiuning of judgment by the !:!;reat Jndge
Christ Jesus, in 1918, m:n'ks the time for the beginning of the testin~ of all creatures who claim to he
servants of Jehovah God and his kingdom. \YhetIH'r


the enll of that te9tillg he "honour" or "dihhOll(Jar"

anll "deslruetion" is detel'minrr] by the cour~e uf Det ion taken with reference to God's kingdom intti'(:,ts.
Those of "Ol'ganized Christianity", ,vhich is called
,. Chri:,;1 cndom", and particul::J rly the ecclcsiasi :c,: I
clement thereof, take unto themselves the honor of the
Idll?(lom ef)\'pnant with God. The l'ulcrs set up the
League of .a substitute .l1)1' God's king<lom,
ulld hence canse it to stand "in the holy place",
"where it ou~ht nut" to stand; "the man of sin,"
while claiming to represent God, joins in the conspil'acy ag<.linst Jehovah's faithful remnant; while
the remnant, tf) whom t:le tes1 imony of Jesus Chri"t
is rommittcd <:ollcel'llillg the kingllom, eontinues to
fuii-II [lllly [1dvertj~,c tlle King and the kingdom, He.
spectively these classrs show by the cOUl'se of action
tahn whether thny are Vlssds of dishollOl' 01' \'(',;-;(.1<1
of honor. The faithful om's who COlJstitute the run
llHnt Jd:ovah God hns ":wt" in his own appointel}
wny to periol'm his will. (Rom. 8: 2!), :-)0) The ()1I11~1':i
above namell a~:iumc to represent (;011, alld IWllrc b~'
tlH'il' as:mmption they place tlwIllsdves in an implied
COVUIUlli to truly l'<'prcsl:nt the killglllml of God but,
on thc eont1'ary, th('y arc 0P!HISI'd to the kill~!,.lom 0 [
God <II1lI hence arc ve3~;rls of dishonor. Dne to it:; va:;t
colonial Jlossession;;; Hull mandates by the League 01
Kations "Christcndom" has its l'ulillg' P0\\'l~l' /lIll'rating I'l'ilctieally thl'Ollg'ItOl1t t he entire ell1'th. Th is wa'!
fOl'l'::.hudo\\'f'd hy the ]~O satraps of the empire of
11edo-Persia scattered throHghout the V:lrious IH'OVillPl's.Jehovah's witllt'SSCS, the remnant Oil eal,th, con
tinue to push the wot'k of givin:~ testimony tlil'ol\~h
ont the earth of awl (,()Ileernin~ the kil)l~d'!lll, llllll
tlli:; I,.;'l'eatly annoys "Christenlhm 's" 1'\11 i n1! po\'.er,
aud particularly the I'l'lig-ious eh'mcnt thl'l'eof.
12 The Tuling gl'OU\I now on elu,th an,.l who hll\"c
assumed 10 rcpresent God's kingdom on eal'lh W!'I'\~
flH'cshadowed in the ])f()phcey of Vanil'I, a:,; it is writ1('n: "J\ml over thl'S(' three presidents, of WhWll
Daniel was first [was one]; that tho prillcl':-; might
give accounts unto thrm, awl the king should havc
110 dama~e," (Dan. G: 2) '1'he three pl'l'sidents llcl'c
spcrifically mentioned foreshadowed the super-l'lll iug
group, (1) the Lea',;'ue of Na.tionH, that i::; callS!'.] to
stn11d in the holy place (::\Iatt. 2-1-: 15); (:n the" evil
s('1'\'a11t" or "manor sin" compauy, which first hUl'i('"
in t he !~round its" olle talent", amI then rxaJ ts it!;l'll
ag-uinst God's king-dulfi, alll1 \\'ltidl has hecome n pal't
of the mystcry of lawlessness Plutt. ~,-l: 18, ~-, 2:1;
2 Thes.,. 2: :.3-12); and (;J) .JC'h(rrahs witncsses, "the
faithful and wise fiN'\" a nt, " to the members 01 whil'~l
arc committed all the goods or kingdom intC'l'l.:st~ {Jf
the Kin~, and whidl faithful remnant ddivC'r "tho
testimony of Jesus Christ accordin~ to the l'ommanJ
mellts 01 Jehovah God, (}Iatt. 24: '*;:')-47; He,, J:2: 17)
Daniel "was one" and the only rcal one of the prC",itlehts 01' satrilps, anI! evell so llOW Jehovah's l'CInIlUllt,
who are his witnesses) are the first and only l'ca1 ones



who may speak with authority from the King and to

whom the King has duly delegated authority to speak
in his name.
13 Daniel stood head and shoulders abo,e the other
satraps; meaning that he was preferred abovc the
others because he was an honest and faithful man:
"Then this Daniel was preferred [distinguished,
R.V.] above the presidents and princes, because an
excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to
set him over the whole realm." (Dan. 6: 3) It is
enn so in these daJ's, that Jehovah's witnesses have
a <1istinguishl11~ mark above all others who claim to
sprnk in the name of .JdlOvah Clod, ano ('ven the common people cau sec that. Jehoyah showed his prefCl'cncc for such in 1922 by pouring out of his spirit
l)POll all truly dcvotco to him and the gi\'ing to such
the glory or hOllor of hearing his name, whirh honor
he gives to none save the elect SPl'VUllt class. (Joel
2 : 2~, 29; Isu, 41: 1-8) The fait hiul serv:l1lt IS greatly blrssed, and in harmony therewith .Jesus said:
"Blessed is that servant, whom hig 10rJ, when he
cometh, shall finu so Joing. Verily I say unto you,
that he shall make him ruler over all his goods,"
(l\latt. 2-1: 4H, 47) Thus it is seen that Daniel in this
respect foreshadowed the" faithful and \ri~e seFnmt"
clas!l, otherwise called the remnant of Jehov<lh '8 organization y(t on ('arth.
14 Jehovah's expressed thou~hts dise10se his purpm:('. The prophecy states: "'l'he king' thon~ht to
set him [Daniell over the whole realm"; and er'en so
.Jrhovuh pm'posell to set ehtist .Jesus aud his faithful IIssociatcs over the entire world. In due time the
"Leag-ull of Natiolls" gl'OUp and the "man of sin"
group will be pHt completely out of husiness, and the
remnant with Christ Jesus will reign. It is a fixed
rule of Jehovah that men must he put to the test to
determine their integ-rity. 'I.'he faithful, becau:w of
their faithfulness, suffer, hut, as it is written, 'if we
suff('r with him, wc shall rcig'n with him.' (2 Tim.
2: 12) It is further written: "And hast made us un
to our Ood kings and priests: and we shall reign OIl
the earth." (Hev. 5: 10) The pI'cu];ar and special
test upon the remnant from 1918 onward until the
Cliemy is completely cleared out at Armageddon is
hud ill order to prove that such arc 'vessels of honor'
maintaining their integrity towards JcllO\'ah.
15 A conspiracy against Daniel was f011110d by the
other presidents or satraps, which conspiracy was
conceived in malice and born in iniquity. ~'Then the
presidents and princes sought to find occasion ngainst
Daniel concerning th~ kingdom; but they could fincl
none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was fa.ithful, neither was there any error or fault found in
him." (Dan. 6: 4) The two other presidents aside
from Daniel foreshadowed the "Leag'le of Nations",
which is the instrument employed by "C'hl'istC'nJom"
(Rev. 13: 15), and the" man of Sill", which pm'ticulady embraces the malicious clergy and those who


N. Y.

were once enlightened concerning the truth, and all

of whom have become the opponents of God and his
kingdom. All of these are now operating under the
specinl guidance of Gog, their spiritual ad\'iser, and
who is the chief active agent of the Devil. 'fhe Inod
ern conspiracy led by Gog is formed in express malice
and is prosecuted with murderous intent; and C~J1l
cerning this it is written: "They hnve taken eraft~
counsel against thy people, and consulted a~ainst. thy
hidden OllCS. They have said, Come, and let us cut
them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel
may he no more in rcmembl'ance. POI' they have con
sult(;ll to~ether with one conSI~nt: they are con federate against thee. "-Ps, H3: 3-G.
1<: Daniel was a eapl ive .Jew, un alien, and devoted
to tlH' praisc of ,J('hovah God, and he told the truth,
and his ri~htcfJUs comse stung the others who \\'('1'e
associated with him, and "shorked their susccvtihilitics". TilC truth alway;; "shocks the suscl'ptihilit if'S"
or thosc iJ1dul~ing in crooked Jll'aetices, Ill'cause tho
truth expos!'s their wrong'doin~. \Vith mali('I', ellvy
and covcteouslles:; the other satraps t.ook note of tho
royal favor Daniel received. By speakin~ the truth
and pUl'suin~ It r~ourse of st rict honesty and integl'i I y
Danid would Inle..1'I'1'c with the scheme;.; of the eOllspil'ators in ('l\T'ichin~ t hemsclves at the expense of 1he
Jlublic exchequcr, 'rhcy l1('l'ded tn ~ct rid of him to pursue unhindered their wir'ked comse, Likewj~e today "~'
hovah ';; witncs..c;es, lllHkl' commanrlmcnt 1'1'0111 c"!ll'i<,(,
.Jesus, speak the truth, and tllC truth still~S the ckt'l~y
anrl "the mun of sin" and their allies, distlll'!>s tbeit'
nern's and "shoc1,s their sllscI'ptibilities".fehovah's
witnesses, in order to he fnithful to him, mnst. tl'11 the
truth, and it is the truth that holds lip to shame, rilli.
cule and contempt the hYPocl'itieal l'lelllent in "Chl'i'ltendom" that ussumC's to repr(';.;pnt God and his killf2;dom. As his name implies, Daniel stood for just i(,c
and for jud~ment; atHI even so .JellOvah 's witne~~(;s
speak the trut.h and 1I<1\'ocate just icc and trne jurl;.!;ment. These things not only disturh "Christendom's"
lenders lllHl "the man of sin ", hut cause such opposers of Oed 's kin~dom to harden their ht'arts and
to seck th~ destructioll of J ehovall 's witnesses.
17 The satraps sought to finll o('rasio11 a~ainst Daniel as 10urhing the kill~(lom, that is to saJ', t!J<,y sought
to find some apparently lawful means to brill~~ ahout
Daniel '8 dest.ruction. Exactly similar things come to
pass in these wicked days. "Christendom," and particularly the religious clement thereof, now seeks f;omc
apparently lawful means to destloy Jehovah's \ritnesses because these witnesses' telling the trnt It InJ(:l'feres with the wrollgtloers. The dergy, and part ieularly the Homan Catholic hierar'chy and the" man
of sin", are the ehief ones on earth that commit O\'(:1't
acts in the performance of their wicked cOllspir(H'y.
They have gone to the political clement, \\'hom they
wrongfully designate as "the higher powers . . . 01'
dained of God", and laid chargl':': against Jehonlh ';->

lJfie \v'ATC I-I T0\VER

heads of the men that sigh, und that cry, 10[' all t];o
alJ(imillatiollS that be done in the midst thel'cflf";
and obeyiil~ the;,e commanuments they l,ubliL:V
pr'each mal !~O from house to house. (lsa. 1:"::: 1::~;
Ez\."k. !l: 4; .Acts 20: 20) The faithful witne;;.:es of .Lhovah now heed the allmonition of God's "'ortI: "Let
cnrry soul be subject unto the h ig:lCr powers," th~,t
is, to .Tehoyuh and to his Kin~, to whom he Jlas COf';l
mittel! the authority, und not to the base wor)(lpowers that dishonor Gou's nmne. (Rom. 13: 1) Ha\'ill~ tlllc1ertukPn to do the will of Ood, and huvil1:.': u~)
(l'sire to violate llll:' ,iust or righteous law, til( :;J
faithful servants of the Lonl say: "\Ye oLl~ilt 10
olwy Cod l'allH'l' than 11l\:n." (Act"l 5: 2!) Where t:'(l
law of this . .v orld eontravelles God's law the faillJl'll1
mll"t (,lwy (:od's law at any cost, aIH} no one of 1:Ie
conspirators uuderslands that fact so fully as the
"evil servant" (,las..;, It would he some of that Vl'l',\'
cr.owd that would sllgg(~st to their eoconspimlor8 1he
Cl!:wt ment of a law w!H')'chy .Jl'ltonlh's wit /ICS';~'"
HAn !lotH'st :l1ld faithful man ig di1i~cnt in doing might be ('n1r'II'Twd. It was tltp ,Judas "man of Sill"
what is ril~ht without regard to the law which re- ellisS that iirst (!l:lltllllH'ed the work of Jehovah's \\ i~
quires ri~ht to llo (lono. I,aws are UIlllcr(::;sary for Il<':)s('q 118 a "hook-selljn~ S('\1I'1I10", an(l dfluhtl(~>s tlity
l'ighteous mOil. (1 Tim. 1: 9) .\ny law that contra- m::'tle the slI:-\gcstion to the other conspirators that
Vell(.'; or 0PJlos,~s .J('hovah t1od's specific law is an un- JellO\':l!l's ,vitnl''.sI'S be proec('(h'd against a"l Ill'('ab'l':;
of the law ('(lneewing h:ml,c1's and lwdtllers.
ril~lttl'Ons Olle, and no rig-ht ., ous man ('oulu ohey that
1\1 The ~11~~~~e;;tion ma(le 1)y tl)('se men that" wC' :,11:111
whi('h is ('ollll'ur'y 10 Oou's Jaw. Tho wicked are
fin'l ,l1ly (}('(:asion ngainst th is Daniel, CXI'I'pt. \\'I~
cliligellt to finu some nppal'l'nlly lawful eXPl1se or
it ngaiIJ:'!. him f'llIlf'\'J'lIiJlg t.he law of his Uoll ",
justiliration for their wron~~ful deeds, and for this
IHll"(lose quite orten unri~~ht('aus laws arc enaeteu hy woult! Ilcees;.;ar'ily call fill' a eowmll at ion to 1)(1 111'1<1
the lawmnking !JOlly. ])OlllJtk:;s there w\ere some hy the ('()lIspirators to dell'I'minc just" the COUl'Sf) tL,:L
mnong the 12() sat.I'aps who wno of H"hrew stock hut they should tak(:. Without a donM tlti~ lll(,('till'.!
who were unfaithful to 0011, prpferring to have the held ,vit !lout the Imowletlge of Daniel. "'1'h('n t h{'~'l\
npflroval of In('1l :md pUl'Slle their own wiel;l'u and pn";idclIls nud vrinct's assemhlell tfl:~cther to t he l;in'~,
!<elfi<;h course. Huch mcn, heillg aCl/unintcd with the and sai,l t1lUS nnto him, Kin~ Darius, live fill' evcr."
(Jpvolion of a tr\1p .Tew to Jehovah, would know ahout (Dan. 6: () The course of the wit~k('d is the same :It
Daniel's strid ohservance
Coil 's commanc1meut~, all times; hell('e WI' may l'pasonahly eonel1ll1(~ that t!I('
and they wonld be the very on('~ who would sll~gest satraps as.;cmhled :md with great llIunifl'station (d'
to the others in the c'ollspil'acy a nWlIlli'l hy whieh they loyalty anti loud words of heil\:~ thl'm~wlvl''i law-alli'l
could" A'ct" Daniel. "'l'lien-'saic1 these men, 'Ye shall ing, and w~th much solt:mll anu hypocrit ieal spee('h.
not find any oC(':lsion against this Daniel, ,'xcept we worked up a [celiug' a~~ainst J)anipl and patltd
find it against him concerning the law of his God," thc'mselvcs on the hack as bi'in~ t ht:' (ld('lHh'rs lit t I\(l
(Dan. 6: 5) TI'e betrayers of Duniel here pieturcd king-dom. 'rhrll thl',v m)lJ](l appoint probahly ti,e
the Judas or "man of sin" class, who pretend to g'reatc,;t hyp()crite amoll,-\st them, who als,) po,sl:sf-'(d
s('rve God hut wllo in fact are God's enemks. "These doquence, t.o be the spokesman ()f the crO\n}, :Jwl
mcm" mentioned ill the forc~ojng' prophecy knew that tllese would march into the prel-Jcnce of the kill:'; nnd
Daniel observed the commandments of Jehovah: thcrc proeeetl to inunre the king to make a decl'l'e
"'fllOU shalt have no other gods hefore me." (Ex. that would suit their plll'poses. ] t is even so today.
20 The" "JIinistcl'1al ~\lliance" meets at r"~l1lar in20: 1.3) Kl1owin,.r this, the betrayers in the f'onspir:.lcy
a(lvised It COt1l'SC that shonll1 be taken by whirh they terval'l to discuss ways rmu means to further tILe;!'
woulll entrap Dankl, anu hellte the ellattmcllt of a 0\\ n seW"h ena'l. These', to'.!;cthcl' with their "stool
law of the r('alm directly contrary to God's law. To- hirch", ass('mhle anti pretend to look up to the ~Ll
day Jehovah's witnes.'{cs are strictly endeavoring to prerne paYler, offer up hypo('ritical In'ayel's for the
Ohl'Y God's law, and his rule by which they are now protection of their croo~,ed allies, declare tlll'ir own
specially guided is this: "Ye are my witur<;ses, ' .. allegianrc to the !rovcrmncnt, Hlld thrrehy hnpe to
that I am God"; "go throul~h the miu'it of the cit~, have the c\1(lorst;ment awl support of the C"1lIH1011
through the midst of ,Terusalem [from hons8 to house people. Tlwy work thel1lsl'lvcs up to convince themin Chrbiendom 'J I and set a mark upon the fore- sdn's th:1t they are pmsuillg a great and righteous

witness(:s, charging them with being lawbreakers, communists, rt.:\'oIutionists, awl alwrchi.sts. Those malicious conspirators know that their charges firc wickedly false, and this pro\'es that their conspiracy is eonceivel.l ill malice and pl'OSl'('uteu with extreme cruelty.
Even after the worldly courts have repeatedly held
that .Jehovah's ",ituesscs tlrC not lawl)l'(~akcl's, the rcJig-ious clement and their immcrliate allies continue
to cause the (lrrest and impri3onml:nt of ,Tehovah's
witnes.<;cs. As no real fuult was found in Daniel, even
none can he fouuu in JellOYl.ih's witness('s in their
work which would jll,tify thpir arrest and imprisonment. 'riley (':\Ilnot he faithful to Jehovah God auu
at the i;:une 1ime CJ1ga~~e in lim hl'C'akin[!, such as revolution alld unarchy, or otherwise willfully do injury to nWIl. 'fo the faithful followers of Christ J(}SUR the ('ommamlments arc v,ivcn to "love thy neighbour", nlHI "love workcth no ill to his neighbour".
-Hom. 13: 10.





fJ"fie \\I/-\TCI-IT0\vER

course, and hope to induee tlle people to back them

up. In harmony the}'cwith God's prophet says: 'Why
do these non-Jndeans thus tumultously aSHemble, and
the people imagine a vain thing1' (Ps, 2: 1) These
mo<lern-day satmps deem it llc<:essary that they mnst
first impress the common p<..'Ople with their own devotion to the law und that they arc guardians and
protectors of the nation, and many of the common
people are induced to believe just such vain things.
'j'he action of the conspirators both in Daniel's day
r.nd in modern times is in fact a challenge to Jehomh Goll for him to permit them to put their schemes
into operation so as to put. his witll'~ss('s to a decided
tl!:it. ~uch a thought necessarily would originate with
~:atan and would be carried forward by Ills chief of
ficer. 'fhC'!le modern-day conspirators arc so thoroughl,v imprE'ssoo with their own importance that they
think that Jehovah will use them to rid the land of
the men and wornI'll who ~o ahout pI'ellchin~ to the
I)('oplc, nnd whieh prl'achin~ interrupts alld shoeks
the sUi;ccptiIJilit ies or t.he mudern cOllspirators. They
evcll think to show Jehovah that his confiu<.'nce in
t !It'se people, who cull themselvcs Jehovah's witnc~ses,
is sadly misplaced. 1'hese conspirators of modern
tirol'S corne to .1ehovah with their mouths wide 01)('11,
fp('akill~ hOllC,}'()d \Vol'tls, Imt thdr hearts arc illsin
('('re ancl far l'('!Tlovcd fl'om the fjord. (2 Tim, 3: 5;
)::a. 29: 13) 'J'twy rely upon their "garments" as a
means of decl'i\'ill~ the people and their being con
tinued ill the favor or nod. (Ps. 59: 7, S) Satan set
tl:e pacc for such hypocriti(~al action when he apl':~lll'cd before Jehovuh GO() with rcspect to Joh,
21 The satraps approaching Darius said:
llurius, live for C:'I'I'''; hut they werc insincere and
t heir hearts were 110t with the king. They were bent
uflon aceomplishiW-t their own wicked purposes. IJikewi!-le the modern-duy satraps or conspirators approach
Jc:hovah God and ill sllh~tance say: "Jehoyah, you
al'c mi~hty, but you stay in heaven and let us run the
~hing's down here on earth. \Ve are looking after your
interests." Be assUl'ed the Lord knows that such men
HrC liars and hy!,ocritl.'s. They usc their mouths, and
't heir spl.'cch bt>t rays them'. "With their mouth they
shew much love, but their heart gocth after their
covctousncs."l." (Ezek. 33: 31) This shoulJ be sufficient evidence to convince all soher-minded and
thoughtful persons that such religionists are not the
representatives of God, hut al'e God's l.'nemies and the
('n('mies of his kingdom. The modern-day conspiratot's, particularly the Homan Catholic hierarchy, well
know that the truth is their gl'eatest dan;rer and that
if the common people know the truth, these ecclesiastics will lose their power and control over the pcople
and their opportunity to ffccee the people will be
done; hence they want to "get" the Olles whom Daniel here foreshadowed, namely, Jehovah's witnesses,
who testify to the truth.
Z2 The first thing that those satraps did was to tell


X. Y.

the king a lie; and the modern-day satraps do the

same thing when they stand before the Lord Gou.
They told the king that all the official elcment of the
government had consulted together to estahlish a royal
statute for the protection of the govemment. 'I'hey
knew that was a lie, because the chief president of the
government, Daniel himself, knew nothing about it.
'I'he Devil put that thought into their mind; and the
Roman Catholic hierarchy has followed the same tac
tics ever since it was organized.
23 Jrna~ine now this company of solemn-facrd hypocritical" roosters ", with long beards, well oiled, and
with lon~ 1lowill1! rohrs, mal'ehing solemnly into the
prE'sence 01 the kill~. TII<'ll the fat, pot-bellied spokesmall stalldin~~ forth in the fl'ont line awl speaking
that the entire crowd might hear him, saying to the
kin~~: "All the presidents of the kingdom, the ~uH'r
no!';;, and the princes, the eounsellors. and the eaplains, have ('ollsulted tOg'l'thcr to estahlish a ruyal
statute, and to make a firm decrec, that whmiOc\'cr'
shall ask a petition of any god or m:m fur thirty
days, save of thel', 0 kill~.!;, he shall be cast into the
den uf lionx, "-Dan, 6: 7.
2. In order to bring all those distinguish'~d satl'apx
from every part of the widc-f1un~ l\ledo-l'cl'sian elllpire it re(lui!'(~d Illue!l tl'avPl and eommullil'ation alld
muc'h cx!)(>nse,' and all of thi:.; just to "gd" one man,
J)anil'l, whose hOllcst administration of his ofij('e hall
intl'1'f('red with the J'ohhing- of the puolic tl'l'asllry
and ohtainin~ mon,,)' from the prople hy false pI'e
tcns('s on the part or the lIB other satraps. They well
knew tlll':- wr1'o lying- whcn they said to the killg',
"All the prl'sidents of tht Idll~~do!Tl" had ('onsllltcli
toget her. 'f1u'it' purpose in Ieavinr,' out Dan id 's name
was to th~('\.,in' the kill!!. Likewise today the Homan
Catholic hierarehy, ",lti,'h eonstitutcs the earthly
brains of the modcrn conspil'ucy, and who are uidl'd
and supported by the Protl'stant del'!!,\' and by the
"evil S('rvant" class, go to gl'l'at efforts of t irn(', em'I'gy
and eX!;Cllse nH.'I'ely to "get" a little company of men
and wornCII, Jehovah's witlH>s:ies, who 1ll'C interft'l'in~
with their selfish operations. At fil'st thl',\' 11'cate<1 ,I chovah's \ritlH's,ses with silent contempt, and then the
truth stun~ them so terrifically ulllI so h'rrihly
"8hoekc(1 their suscl'ptibilitics" that they werr mo\'C,d
to act. Simultaneously they attempt to have a law
passed in New Jerscy, New York, the provinces of
Canada, in England and in other plarcs, upun the
pretext that such a law is neN'3sary to l,rot('ot the
people from the wi.-.ked movement known as ::\azism,
which now control<; Germany. At the same time tht'y
well know that their real purpose is to dcstl'u:-' .JehOYflh's witness!'s. In Germany the Romnn Catholic
hierarchy and the ~azis "'ork hand in h:wd. The
Nazis art' enguged in an ('fiort to kill .JPllv-,'ah's \r1tnesses. The Homan Catholic hierarchy i-; (,llga~rd in
th(' sume unrighteous business, The owrz(:(j Ions New
Jersey rcprcsentath'c of the hicrarch~' trjrd to /iii l'

Glle \~\.TCrIT0\:vER
one over on the people in New Jersey, to get a law
enacted with teeth in it to prevent the speaking in
any manner whatsoever of anything that might expose the crookedness of the hierarchy. He talked
too much with hi:i mouth, however, and his noisy
words caused some to hear and to act and to expose
the nefarious mow'ment. It must he the due time of
the Lord for' this matter to come to the open, be<>uuse
long ago he foretuld the conspiracy in his Word,
when he said: "The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together, aga.inst the Lord,
and against his anoint(:d, saying', Let us break their
bUilds asunder, and Cast away their cords from us."
-Ps. 2: 2, a.
2:; Whenever some unusual and drastic measure is
iut roduecd in the leg-islative halls the claim is made
that "an ('merg'ency has arisen ", hence action must
IJe taken. 'rhe same policy was followcu in Daniel '1$
O;]y. l'he I'onspirillg' sat mps declareu to the king that
they had all agrepd that a law should be made, and
v;hidl must he enforced for thit'fy days, because an
eHH'rgency had ariseu, within which time certain
thillg'S Inn;.;t be dOlle. '1'hey ('onelutled t hat thirt~' days
would he long enou~h for them to "get" Daniel or
any otht,t faithful wOl'shipcr of .JdlOvah. The time
of llll entire moon was to he set ll.'liue to spy out and
,",ather tog-effwr the ne('(:ssary facts, that il:l, evidence,
whether tt'ue or perjured, and then within that time
and uuring' some day of formal worship and practice of
their Bani religion they woulu have Duniel duly and
" Il'lf1lly" cxecuted. '1'hose conspirill~ sutrll ps reasoned
that, if Daniel prayed openly to Jehovah within that
period of time and they could prove it, su('h would
he a slto('k, not only to thpir own "sus('cptibilitics",
but to tlte suscept ihil itics of the king, and that such
a flagrant violation of the luw woulu demand the immediate and puhlic execution of Daniel. Satan scems
always to have held that "religions gTOUpS" should
be safegwwIPd from slander and lil)('1 and hence no
one shoulu be permitted to speak the tt'uth or act any
truth that would teno to c)]1 attention to the frauds
and hypo<:ritical practices of such Daal-religious
groups, This really involves the great issue: .Jehovah
God or the Devil, who is supreme? It was tricd out
with Daniel, and it is tried out now, and the result
is certain to be the same way, because Jehovah is at
the helm.
26 Of course, an~r Jew, including Daniel, could within the secrets of his own heart and in his secluded
bedchamber make petition to ,Jehovah and be heard
by Jehovah just as well as in doing so by public
prayer, and, he so doing in secret, the rulers in the
g"overnments could not know about it. The same is
also true of the present day. Such hidden wori>hip
by Jehovah's witnesses might be carried 011 by praying to Jehovah God and talking secretly to others
about his kingdom without even the hierarchy's knowing it. But such hidden worship would be posi-


tive evidence of the fear of men, and a tacit admission that Jehovah is not supreme and cannot protect
and deliver his own. '1'hat is exactly what Satan desires to accomplish. The I,ord forekn('w this and
wurns that 'the fear of man leadeth into a snare'.
(Prov. 29: 25) But "the fear of the Lord tendeth
to lifo". (Pruv.19:23) 'ro be a true worshiper of
Almight~, God one must ohey his commandments, one
of which is, "Ye are my witnesses"; that is to say,
you must make known to others that :rour trust is in
Jehovah and that he is the onl~r source of life and
blessings and the One to whom all proper petition
('an he presented with certainty of having the same
21 To limit all prayers or petitions to the king of
Persia would l)e making: the king' a f:{od anll allowing
him to I'ontrol the conscience of men. Such would
show supr:mney of a }lower other than Almhrhty God.
The conspiring satraps proposed a law that would
make the state the supreme }ll,we'r, to whieh nll the
l)eople must yield and thus hlindly obcj' a human
dictator. It is exactly so tOllay. Byery part of the
earth is in a state of turmoil. The powers that rule
arc lwing defieu by the lawles,>. 'rhe clerg-y and all
religion-mongers come forth with pious face's anu
hypocritiral words anu say to the political pow('rs, in
suhstance, t hit'!: ''1'he communistic and re\'olutionistic spi,:it is due to a luek of proper l'espect for the
reli~ions groups ill the land; thel'eforc I;iye 11S a law
with teeth in it, whieh law will not permit any per:
SOil or organizat ion to in allY manner sJleak or publish or sny or do auythin~ that mig-ht in any manner
whatsoever subject our rpligious gTOUpS to l'idieule,
scorn, or contempt.' Furtht'r the rcli~iolls ronspirators say, ''l'hit'! is a Christian nation, lIud it is the
Christian duty of all to be suhs'rvient to th' state
in 01'1('1' that there may be peace and pro~p<:rity in
the land.' '1'hose words seem to be well dIOSf'll, hut
the speakers know they are hypoeritiraJ. They know
that their claim is tabe and that their real purpose
is to rid the laud of those who faithfully spr\'e and
worship Jehovah nod and spcak the truth ahout his
King' and kiugdom, whieh is the only hope of the
world, as the Scriptures declare. '1'his is further proof
that the clergy and their allics, or coconspirators, arc
instruments of Satan. These conspirators, therefore,
demand that provision IJe made hy law that whatsoever the people may hear by radio, phonograph, transcription machines, ,\,01'U of mouth, printed page or
other means of eommuniration, mnst first he approved
by a committee appointed hy the state; hence no one
would be permitted to say anythiug' until it is first
censored by the duly appointed groups. Thpy proceed to make up a committee of Catholics, Protl2stunts
.'md Jews, who practice their o",'n religion. t':1C'h of a
different kind, and Hone of which serve JehO\'ah God,
lind this committee attempts to tell tIle pt'ofJle what
theJ' shall or shall not bear. '1'he evide'll,(l of'('l'td be-



fore the Congress of the United States in 1934, and

before the state lpgislative body in New Jersey in the
same year, almndantly proves that the clergy, and
pa11icular'ly the Homan Catholic hierarchy, priests,
pr(l~chers and other agents, have formed mtd are
carrying out a conspiracy to prevent the people from
worshiping Almighty God as he has commanded them.
'1'he enactmcnt of such drastic la',,:s which arc destructive of frcedom of speech and of press, so fal' as r~
ligion is concerned, provcs beyond all doubt that the
real purpose is to prevent the people from hearing
the truth of and conrcmingo Jeho\rah God and his
kingdom. The D<;vil himsch' is back of such a movement. To be sure, that com;pir:wy is Ie!! by Gog, hut
these eart hly hypocritical representatives of Gog have
condudt.'d that 1heir quickest and most ('ffective method of accomplishing their wi('ked purpose is to destroy
Jehovah's witnes<;l~s and thw~ to stop their work in
every part of "Christendom" and to thus succeed in
'cllttin~ tIlPm off from being a nation '. 'Phose who
really love .Jehovah :lOd have takell their stand on his
side will not he disturbed hy the aetivitics of the
enemy. 'l'hey Imow that the ('onspiratol's ('annat su~
cel'd in 1heir wirl:edncss; for the reason, it is written:
"He that sitteth in the heavens shalllawdl; the Lord
shnll hnve them in 11mision. 'rhm shall hc speak Ullto
them in his wrath, :lIld vex them in his sore uisple::sure.' '_1's. 2: 4. 5,
B'1'he conspira1ors asked that the law should provide that :myolle who should pray to any other than
Dal'ius should Ill' ('ast to the liolls and hy them conI'lUmed. The liolls here melltione] \Yt'I'C the king's
lions and stood fOl' the cxeelll iOIl of jllsticp, The conspiratlH's 1'easfllH~d that, if they could have Danic~
thl'llWn to the liollS, all the peoplc would S:1y: "Surely tllllt trlan Daniel got what was eomin~ to him. lIe
mu;,t have heC'n a had man." At the same time the:-;e
conspiratol's would C'xpect the people to sing 1heir
own praisrs and hold them np 11S defenders of the
law. The IJ'louern-day conspirators have reasoned the
same way and lwve conelllt1eu that they must find
some aplJarcntly lav:fnl means of destroyin~ .Jehovah's witncssps and, if the laws on the statute books
are insufJ}('iellt to accom pi ish th<;ir purposes, then
some new law must be passed. In line with this the
conspirators said to King' Darius: "Now, 0 king,
estahlish the decree, und sign the writing', that it
be not chan~ed, ac('ording to the law of the lIfedps
and PersialJs, ,vhich altereth not." (Dan. 6: 8) In
keeping therewith the pope sends word along to hiil
various active a~C1\ts in the nations 01 "Christendam" to god a law passed that Jehovah's witnesses
might be destroyed.
U The ellem" of Jehovah's witnesses desire God's
approval to g~ aheaa in their destrnetive work, and
hence they seek a "lawful means" to accomplish the
same. They Iwve long' held and openly advol'ated that
the political element of the world rule by divine right


K. Y.

and hence that if they can have a law put upon thi)
statute books under which they might "frame" .Jehovah '8 witnesses tl10r can thereby bring about their
destruction and accomplish the same in apparently a
lawful manner llnd ,.-itll God's approval. Because th3
action of the eonspir:1tors was, in Danid's time, 11n<l
is now, a challenge to Almighty God, the King ete;:nal, he rc;-;ponds to them as he did on another OCC:lsion to the Devil: "Thou movcdst me against him,
to Je<;troy him without cause." (Joh 2: 3) "ShaH
the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee,
which fr:~meth mi~cil;ef by a law?"-Ps. 94: 20.
30 The kin~, Darius, yielded to the request of the
satmps. "'Vhercl'orc ldng Darius signed the writill:~
and the decree." (Dan. 6: 9} This illustrates hO\7
.Tehovah pr~rmi~s 'the wi('kcd to spring up as the g"r~:'1,
and all the workers of iniquity to_ilourisll' (Ps. V2: "i),
and to u:.e so-called "legal" means or methods 1~)
bring about the destruction of faithful witnesses of
the LOl'a. (;od I!cl'lnits the cal"lhly rlllill~ LlI~tol's tCl
pm'sue their own way allll 10 enact laws uccol'dil1'~
to their o'wn selfish ideas and to enfol"f'c the san~'),
that sllell laws may opera1e as a t\qt to his own people; but that rlocs not mean at a1l1hat God appro\'cs
such cruel awl Ulll'ir!'lt1I'OllS laws. The great question
involved is the viudie:!! ion 01 Jehovah '::; name, 311'1
heme that means thet !tis anointN} ones mu"t recch:()
the h'st and ('on1 inuc to maintain their intet~rity toward Go<1 until the end.
31 The' hi~ powwow heforiJ Killg' Darins was hdd
publicly in' the ahsem'(J of Danil'l, but when l>:wh'l
learned that the decree wns :;jr;llcd he dill not falter
in his f:til hfulne:'s and (kvotion to .Jehovah GOtt
"Kow when Daniel knew that the writin'~ was siglH'd,
he went into llis hOl1se; and his window'S being open
in his ehamher toward Jerusalem, he knecl('d IIp')]l
his knees three times a day, alld pray.!l1, and {~avc
thanks hefore his God, as he did aforetim('." (Dan.
6: 10) The record does not say that Daniel attempted
to prevent the making of the decree; bllt if he did
know ahont it hCfol'e it was si~.:rned he may have protested ngainst it. Jehovah's witnesses presented a pl'tition to the Congress of the UniteJ St<ltes and a pl'Otest to the legislative lJody of Xew JC\';jC:Y agajn~t
certain laws, but th'y have not tried to prevent 1he
enactnlf'ut of any law against them. Their vigorous
protest ha<; been mnde in order that the 1'e('o1'u miiIht
b0 made up against the eonspil'ators awl 1hat thus
the mouth,:> or 1he conspirators might be for CYH
stopped from sayiilg that they did not knoY'; they
were fighting against Almighty God by pel'secntillg
his witnc&scs. 'l'he attitude of Jehovah '8 'Yitncsses
concerning- aU snch matters iR, Let the Devil and his
crowd do what they will, hut while tlwy are dojn~
it we will take occasion to tell them and the pe<Jplc
what they are Joing.


1, 1934

s:.the \vATCHT0\VER.

32 Daniel went into his house, and before his win

dow that opened in the dircetion of Jerusalem he got
down on his knees three times every day and I)rayed
to Jehovah God. This proved that he feared not man,
hut that he feared Jehovah. Thus he pictured the
remnant no,v on earth with their hearts Hnd facel!
turned toward Jehovah's organization, his kingdom,
and showing that their chief purpose is to have a part
ill the vindiration of Jehovah's holy name. The rem
nant will remain true to JdlOvah and his kingdom,
re~ardless of consequences that might come upon them
at the hands of the cnemy. Like the faithful ones of
olden times, the faithful remnant now say concernin~
J pho\"llh and his or~anization: "J f I forgct thee, 0
J(rusnJem, let my ri~ht hund forget her cunning.
1 f I do not rcrncrnlH~l' thee, let my tongue cleave to tho
roof of my mouth; if I pref('r not Jerusalem above
my chief joy." (Ps. 1:37: 5, G) "Bvening, alHl morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry alond; and he
shall hear my voic('." (Ps. uS: 17) Regardless of the
opposition of the conspirators and the persc('utiol1 of
Jehovah 's witlle~,;e:-; the fait hrnl remnant will cont inuo to worship AJmi~hty God m: he has commanded
th<:m, in the same way that Je,;w; :md his faithful
qlOstks did nfor(>time, to wit, by 'puhlidy going
fi'lHU house to house and prcachill~ thc gospel '.-Acts

2(): 20.
S3 Had Daniel goone to the king and asked for a
permit or a license to pray to Jehovah, that would
have })('cn conform ing to the dc('t'cc of the king, be('ausc he mllst first !\,ct the consent oj' the king befol'o
he could pray, and that would be showing that he
did not sincerely hold that .Jehovah is supreme and
above the king 011 0:1l1h, which course of action would
have bren an insult to .Jehovah. The state or earthly
g-ovCl'nrnent is not :t mediator oetwcpn God and mell.
Jehovah is above all, and his law is supreme and his
people will obey it.
3. The divine rule is not subject to change. Jeho\'ah
has commanded his anointed to go find bear testimony
to the people by t('lIing th<'m the truth that Jehovah
i!o1 God and that Satan's org-:lnizal ion is the enemy
of God and shall soon he dcstroyed. This truth of
God '8 " , ord necessarily suhjeets tlv,} practitioners of
modern religion to shame, ridicule and contempt in
the eyes of honest men and woown, and calls forth the
denunciation of the rclig-ionists and their effort., to
destroy tile witnesses; but this must not deter the
l'emnllnt nor cause them to slac'k their hand in the
performance of what God has commanded th('m to do.
ZJ The conspirators posted men at vantage points
whel'e the evidence tlwy needed migH he procured.
Likewise today the conspirators against Jehovah '8
witnesses post members of their strong-arm squad and
those of the Judas class where they can obtain evidence against Jehovah's witIwsses. A company of
these forming 11 part of the Judas class camp near
the Bethel home in order that they may spy out what


goes on and misrepresent the facts, hoping thereby to

entrap those who are serving Jehovah God. If the
evidence at hand is not strong enough those "staked
out" witnesses make it stronger to suit their own desires. This was foreshadowed by' what the' crooked
satraps did conrcrning Dl\,ni~l: "'rhen these men assemhled, and found Daniel praying [making peti.
tion] and making supplication before his God." (Dan.
6: 11) 'J'he real purpose of the conspirators was, not
to stop Daniel's worship of Jehovah, but to find some
apparcntly lawful excuse to destroy Daniel. Likewbe
the model'n-day conspirators move against Jehovah'8
witne:-;ses, not merely because they arc worshiping
.Almighty God, but for the reason they hope to find
some apparently lawful excuse to destroy those wit
nesses who testify to (lod's truth, which truth exposes the Devil wo!'shipHs to ridicule and contempt.
As it was with Daniel, so it is with Jehovah's witnesses. Daniel, by disl'eg-arding the unri:~hteolls law
of that realm, would brin~ UJlon him death, hilt unfllithfulncss to Jehovah flod would bring upon him
destruction. Bven so today, .Jehovah's witnesses, by
disJ'cgal'din~ some law of the land, may be suhjel'tNI
to death, hut their disJ'rgarding of or disobedience to
Jehovah's law means the eomplpte destrudion of their
very existenc<', as .Jeslls deelal'cd: "And fenr not
them whirh kill the hody, hut arc not able to kill the
soul: hut rather feur him which is able to llcstroy both
soul and hody in hell." platt. 10: 28) Tho:-;e faith
ful unto Jehovah ohey hi,; law, awl trust him impli(>it~
ly as to the result. The faithful fear neithrl' man nor
Devil, but they do make Jehovah Uod their fear; as
it is written: "Hanctify the Lorel of hosts him:-;(,lf;
and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.
And he shall be for a sanctuary." (lStl. 8: 13,14)
To ohey Jehovah's law the faithful anoint('<1 cannot
llide themselves by declining to openly tcstify to his
Mme, nor can they have an excuse to sit quietly in
their homes and hum hymns and read books. The
true and faithful are Jehovah's witnes:-;es, and th('y
must not eca::;e to bear the fl'uils of the kingdom hefore men and to pray for the in('rease of .Jehovahs
kingdom int(~rests Ill1el for the destruction of ~atan 's
rule. In the faithful performance of theil' divin(ly
given commission the remnant kuow that they <Ire
putting tlH'lTlselvcs in a position of jeopardy at the
hands of men; b11t they are blind to e"erythiltg savo
that of rellllering full obedience unto Jehonth God.

-Isa. 42: ] 9.
36 'I'he di \'ine record supports the conelusion that
Daniel was not prcsent before the king ,,,hen the conspirators appearcd to make accusation Ilguillst him.
He was tried in his absence. It is evcn so at the presf:nt time. Often the case is made up, and the de(ision
determined upon, before the dcfendants, .Jehovah '8
witnesses, are even arre"ted. Seeiug' Daniel down all
his knees praying, the satraps ehu('kled to themsrlvC's
and went straightway before the king. "Then they

r.F fie \Yi-\T C I-1T 0\,\/Elz.


came ncar, and spake before the kjn~ concerning the

king's decree; Ha.;t thon not sb:ned a decree, that
cwry man that shall wik a petition or any god or man
within thirty dayR, save of thee, 0 king, shall be cast

nsk, docs Jehovah permit his anointed to he ]?laced

in such a position of immediate dunged
(1'0 be continued)


into the den of lionsY The Idn~ llll<;wcred and said, 1f 1. Point out the significance una ntllE'SS of Jhus Christ '8
The thing is true, according to the law of the ~Iedes
Leiug' name,l "The Lion of the tribe of JUlIa".
and Persians, which altcrcth not." (Dan. 6: 12) The ~ 2. In this COllllcction show thut ::-Jutan has attelllptetl to
mimic Jehovah, and witll what result.
cOI1~pirat()rs wishl'd to ~ct the ah<;olnto confirmation
,; 3. What is Illeant by I ' the law of Gorl"f Justieef Juugfrom the king's lips t hat the decree had been signod
fI 4. Compare law and equity, aUll tlH.l administration thereof,
makin~ death the penalty for any man '8 asking a pcin Jehovah '5 olgll.nizati<)Il \vith that in tho or;iunialtions
titi()n of any ~()d or man other than the king' "'ithin
of mOil, awl account for the (litTerence.
thirty days. 'l'hcy put a hypotlwtieal cnse hefol'e the f 5. Point out tilt' ehil~f viohtors of justice, with illustration
of thl'ir mctlw,I of prulletlure. Of what is thi. a pro') l?
kin~, bein~ carcful to hold baek the Jwmc of Dallid
f: 6,7. \Yhat l"ll'pl,KCS lUe h('le seen to be serve<l l)~' .],.],ov:,hs
unt it thpy l'cceivul the tksi,'ed an.~w('r. 'fhe answcr
l'rO\'idillg r('I'"rli of the sixth ('hapler of DuuieI's plf'pl'I'I'yt
of the king was in the al't1l'mati\'c, that they had OJ 8. What :llC tl1f~ chief lluiuts to Le kept in mind in the study
tlli~ l,ro"hecy1
pJ'Opcrly stah',1 the d(~(,l'(>e as sigHed, und tl13t such , 9. of
Dc;,crilJe the situation ill \\ hidl the 0llening expression of
lHw was U1H:han~eahle. 'rhe cOIle!llsiol\ of the conthis prophecy finds its application.
spirators then was that illl'y hau an open and shut , 10. Account for tho wicke,jn('~~ on earth at tho present tim",
in ncw of the fact that the kin:,:'lIJln is set up, :lllU tho
case against Daniel the .Jew anu that now they would
ju(lgtl:lent3 of Jehovah beg:J.n in 1!lIS.
soon mnke lion f('l'd of him . .Tn modern timt's, "'hen it , 11. By pointing- out tho mnlller in which they reveal their
illontity, dj~tingui~h bct.... cen the '\'e~scl3 of hunur' and
Sl'l'mfl JH~('(I flll to nerompli"h sOlTwthing that is unthe '\'f'SR,'J~ of uishollur '.
usual the rulill~ powers declare that a "state ernel'- '[ J~, Identify tho "tlm'c presill.mts", IUcntion.~d in \'('rso 2.
f 13. Explnin aud upply tho Rt:,t.mH'ut that" Daniel \I':lS pre
gl'IWy" ('xis!s anll that fOl' the safety and peace o
fern'.} :'!Jove the prl'sidl'nts aUlI I"inees", a III I rL" J'(':l~'Jn
the people of th\J l1atioll~ drastic laws mn~t be made
thf'l'C'for, :IS rf'{'()l'c)o'l in \'en.;e ;t
lIud OXPf:lltf'J. Bn',cd upon that hypocritical excuse ~ }1. Appl~' tl", pr"phetic stat"!llpllt, "The king thought to
sut IIJHnicll over the whole realm."
the Hitln l!Ovel'lInwnt dirl without l'(~as()n or just
fI 15-17. Ifow ill tltn )'('conl of vcr~c 1 nrc the mo,l"l'Il I:',nspint
{'tlUSe issue a dc('rcn' pl'ollihitill~ Jlh{)\"~lh's witn.~sses
tor3 i.!I'nitfic'l mlll theil' /uOI in's confinued i .\.';t'Ollllt for
from prca('hil1~ the I!,ospel vf the king-lIom and from
the CllllSl'illlCY ag:tiu8t D"ni...l; llwl apply tho l,r"phdic
sprvillg .JdlOnlil Gorl wit h in that realm. In other
'1 18. Why lire laws unnl":essary for lj~ht'lOUll nll~lll lImy ,I,)
parts of "C!J I'istcndom" Hatan's crowd, umler the
tho grou1ll1s lls~igll(~,l for' {jn,Iing ooeasion Hgain,t J),m
iel' sene to reveal the <'hief l'on~l'irat01s tltl'n :llll at tho
!lwll,rship of Co~, is lloili~\ the snme thin~. Such was
present tiIlle1 \\"hat urc some of thl1 I:\WS of (;,,11 \\ hieh
fOl'eshllllo\\('(l by the thirty-day period fixrd hy the
.fi'IIO":th's wilnp"sl's arc eal'lJehtly .. nde:l\'oriJl~ to ol,ey1
law of the king as an ,. ClTll~l~~I.'IWY [Jeriod", The fI J{l-:H .\pply tlte prophdic l'J(~t\lrlJ prc~euted in \'cl'"e G, and
their thus greelUlg' the kin~.
elH'mips or (jod seiy,e upou like man-made period of
Show, {JOIll the r(,(,(H'Il of verllll 7, that tho I.letics
H('JIlcl'l!r.ney" to find some lawful ('xI'use by which 11 ~:!-:!5.
l"lor,te(1 :lw11'l'IIcti('e,1 a~ain~t l\aniell'1\~a\'ly J'ol .. ~l""lowe,1
Jl'hovah's witn('rises may he de:.;tl'Oyed. Thus tho sathe HlPthu,18 ('lllploye,l l,y tilt' Illo,Iern-day IKllWI's, IUl.I I'gIJe,~inlly I,y the Hornan Calholic 11Icmr('hy.
traps Illlt 1he matter before t he kill~ in order to bring
,; 2G.27. }o;::l'laill wllether it woul,l have b... u just :>8 wl'!l for
ahont the d(~ath of Daniel. It is even so today, that
Daniel to pray onl.v in sceret. J\ppl.v thesalile pt ilH~j"I(~ 10
thos.) now wl,om Daniel tlwre pl'Ophetj('allv ]\'l'r,"('llle,1.
the leadel's of "Christr'lHlom" hi,le behind what they
lust why dirl the (~on:il,ilator8 plovide J'''!' tllat parcall ll. "state emcrgenf'y" and c-mel'gency laws as a ~ 2fi':u
ticular penalty for violation of thO' "plll"tgen"y law 11
cover for their wicked action in bringill~ about the
which they \\ erc proposing1 Appty the pruphetic l';,:tur(',
together with vprae 9.
persecution and dl'st rucl ion of Jehovah's witnesses
"'hal was f'll'l'shOWll in the rl'conl ('onf'prnin~ IJ:llJid
and the prevellting
the tlcclul'ation of the mcs<;nge 1 31;~:J.
upon his learning that the ,]peree was siglWd I Qu"t orh.'r
of God's kin~~t.1om. ]):llIiel at this stage of the p1'Oscriptures supporting Daniel's course of action on that 00'
plwtic picture appeared to be in grave danger of im
'J 3,1,35. Why Joes tho t,'stimony borne to tho people hy .lemediate destruction. The king had unwittingly comI,o\'ab's witn('.,~eg call forth tlenun.'iation ot tl'e r,'li~J(ill'
mitted himself by his ueclaration of tl'o law, and
i~lSI Descrihe the metho,Is these employ to pro';I1l'1' "ed(l"nce" against Jeho,ah 's witnc~~es. i'how that tllis \las
from this he could not now withdruw. Likewise in th<:
foreshaduwed by what the crool,e<1 satraps Jid cIJllcernihg
present time Jehovllh's witnesses and their work in
every part of "Christendom" appar(ntly >,tand in ., 3H. Why did the (,ollsl'iratol'3 "ith!Joid explessi(,n of tltl'ir
p\llpose or Hhjcctivc until after thl'Y h:l'l tll(> kjn~ 's \er
grave dan~er of imme(liute destruction. \Yhat will
bal ('OlltlrmatiO!l that lll-\ ha<1 si"lwcI the ,h.'Cl'ee I H,'lahl
the faithful do now~ anu why, spme will a&k and do
facts in wllil~h ,crse 1:! finds fultilmellt.


ASCR1RE U:'{TO JEHOVAH, 0 !ie 80llS of tile mighty. (l.sCi ibe unto ,It'lu)];oh the [lIMY dul.'
unto hi,~ /laMe; worship JcllOrah in holy arm", J"hol'l1h .sittclh as 1\ . ng for crer. Jfh()~(lh
willlJlve strength unto his people; Jelto;ah It ill ble<s his people u;ith peace.--David.


EHOVAH GOD ended his creative work with rcRpect to the earth on the sev('nth "day" 01' creatiYe period. The record of the hook of Genesi~
(2: 2, 3) says: "A nd he rested on the seventh day
from all his work whi('h he had made." Without
douht this statement relates to the neatiye work of
Jehovah so far as tIle same pertains to thing<; earthl)'.
Ood is Jlcyer idle. Long- after the creation of man
JCSlI.'i Christ said: "2\Iy Father \\'o1'kcth hitherto,

and I work."-John 5: 17.

:Man was the climax of the wol'1{ of God as God '8
~r('ation related tu thin~:,: ('ilrtldYi which work wus
pC1'fect. (Deut.:l2; 4) Thc'rcaftcr J(~,;US came to the
earth; and it may be ;ld;f:d, \\T as not he the creative
work of Jehovah as thai work related to the things
of the purth 1 No; he was not. lIe wml the second
}lerf('ct man on the earth, hut he was not created as
Adam was created. His lif,', or existence, together
with the ri~ht thereto, \Va:;; tmnsfcrred from heaven
to earth. lIe


ht':rottpll in the womh of



the powe'r of Jehovah, even as the prophet Ti'laiah had

foretold that a viririn should conceive and hrin~ forth
n mIl. (Is:l. 7: 14) He was not. there crl'at"d, but he
wus the' only bl~:~oltell Bon or Ood. (.fohn:3: 16) The
};('ript Ul'<:S fl'Cl!ucnlly speak of him as God '8 only
be~~ottpll Son.
"Many make the mistake of thinldn~ thnt God is
responsible for the birth of every child. God deleg-atcd to the first man .\unm the IJower and authority
to truw~mit life; ana ",hNl Albm was sl'nteneel] to
dentIt hl'l'anse of ~in the l'i~ht to life WH" tah-n from
him nnd he could not transmit the ?'iV/It to existence
or life, but he did transmit life to a limit-cd degree.
.}I'SUS was horn in a mauncr similar to that of othel~
~hildl'(t1: but IIi:. I~irth wns ppl'fept, ]wpause his existcnce llud the l'i:{ht thereto l'll1unaled directly from
.Jehovah. In 1 Corinthians Iii: 47 it is written: '''fhe
fil'St man is of the l'al'th, eurthy; the second man is



from heann."

Since ull the human race spral1~~ flom Adam and

were hegotten or hom after his sin, aU were born
sinners. .Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and llll other men of
God wcre under thi:.; same disability. The cxreption
to this rule was .Jesusi Dnd he was perfect, for the
reason that he was noi be~rotten by man, as ah(ln~
stated. It therefore is ('leal' that when he had croat<:(l
Adam, Jehovah rested from his creative work relative
to the earth.
At the time that Abraham offcl'ed his son Isaae as
a S<'iflcc in the mountain cnlled :\Iminh GOll said
to him: "Tn thy seed shall all the nations of the earth
be blessed." (01'11. 22: 18) .\lly blessing- of mankind
that would be of lasting value must inelntle Dn opportunity for man to gain everlasting life. The son

of Abraham heing imperfect, it is manifest that. the

promised blessing could 110t come throug'h him. The
fact that Isaac died and that the blessing did not come

in his day is of itself proof that ISlluc was not the

real One inuicated hy the promise. Lon;!; aftcrvul'd
it wa~ "Titt~n (Gal. 3: S, 16): "And the scripturl',
foresccing- that God would justify the heat hen thl'otl~h
faith, preached before the gaspe] unto ~\brilham, suying, In thee shall allllutiollS be blessed. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. lIe saith
not, ..,\nl1 to seeds, ag of m::uy; hut as of one, And to
tby sect1, which is ()hri~t."
For centuries the 'seed of promise' through which
the blessing must come to the peoples of earth W~lS
shrouded ill mystc:ry. (i(j(] orduine(] it S'). That my,;tery he:gau tu be mat]c known at PCll1L'e(;>:t, the Mtietll day aftcr JtSUS was l'ab~(l from the tknd, ;11H1
was tlltn made known only to those who were (,Unsccratef.1 and faithfully devote,] to the Loru (;od.
(Col. 1: 2Gi Eph. 3: 4, 9) That 'seed of promise',
whieh is the mystery of Christ, is the new erea 1i(J!l,
and constiiutes the u~cncy employed awl to be emplo)'cd hy .Jehovah in l'al'I'yin~ out his pllJ'pose to
vindil,ate his holy lIaIne and to bit's:, all tho familics
of the earth as promis('d. 'l'he hlpssiur~ of the families
or Pl:Oplr;; of the carll! J1l('ans that Clod wi!1 give 11H'!1l
opportunity to lin', and sud I Oppol'tunil~' mllst C(i111(~
in his IIp{lointed way, 10 wit, by and tltruug-h the
promiSt'l] >iced, which is Christ ,h'SUR.
Tlw Hl~'" creation i" The C!tl'ist. The' elirist is a
composite body made up or llUUlj' mernhu';;. T:le Head
of The ('ltl'ist is ,J(,sUS Chl'i,~t, God's hdo\'pd SOil.
'l'ho~c who ar'e t a!,ell fl'om amongst mell, arlll just ilitel,
hegotll'll and anoint('ll hy thl' spirit of .J{!tov::h, allll
who then ('ontinue faithful unto <leath, ,viiI ('on~;titllte
the mrmh,'J's of The CIIl'ist COlllIJ!etc. (Eph. 1 : :!~, :!:l)
In Colossians 1: 18, 19 it i,.; stateu: ".\l1d hl' ,.k;llS]
is the h('H'] of the body, the ehut'ch: who is 1!1o h('~ill'
Hin~, the firstborn from the dl'uu; that in all thll'.!!>!
he mi!!ht. have thr pre-eminence. For it pJ{'aseJ the
Falhl.'r that in him should all rnlness dwell."
'rhe lIew erC:llion while on e:l1'th is a real thing',
not an iin:1~inary or "rerkone(l" th ing. Jt dol''! not
consist of all who claim to be Christian, hut consists
of only those who hy adoptioll into ,Jehov:dl's royul
family become part of the 's('('tl of promi:,:e' as nl:'mhC'rs of tbl} body of Christ: It is written (2 Cor. [):
17); "If any man hI' in Christ, he is a new ('1'catl\1'e:
olu thing'S are passed away; beholu, all thing,; are become new."
The human boar is taken as an illustration vf The
Christ, the Head and the memb(,rs of the hoJy ]ll'ing
referred to as one. The apostle Paul write'S: "POl'
no> the botly is one, and hath many mcmhcr~, ano all
the mcmbprs of th~,t one body, being mUIlY, arc one
body; so also is Christ. For the body is not one member, hut many." (1 Cor. ]2: l::l, 14) "The Christ"
and "the new creation" therefore mean OIle and the
same thing.
"Christ" means the Anointed One of God. The


fiffi~ \vATCHT0WER

pouring of the anointing oil on the head of Aaron

the first Jewish high priest symbolically said: 'This
one is anointed and is set aside to seNe the Lord God
in the priest's office to which he is appointed.' 'rhis
foreshadowed the anointin~ of Christ Jesus. God did
the anointing; therefore Christ Jesus is The Christ
of Ood, appointed, anointed and installed in the office
of High Priest for the service of Jehovah. (1 Cor.
12: 13; Eph. 1: 17) As the scripture (Heb. 1: 8, 9;
1'8. 45: 6, 7) states: "But unto the Son [.Jesus] he
saith, Thy throne, 0 God [mighty one, or ruler], is
for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the
sceptre of thy kiugdom. Thou hast loved righteouslless, and hated ini(luity; therefore God [.Jehovah],
even thy God, hat h anointed tlwe with the oil of gladnl';->s aho\'e thy fellows."
Christ .Jesus is the 'seed of promise', or "seed of
Abraham", the ofiicial challnel throu~h which the
bkssitlgS of all the nations of the carth must come.
(Oul. 3:27-29; 4:28; lIeb. 6:17; 2 Pet. 3:13) The
seed must first come, and throug-h the seed the bles,<;in~ would come. That dedared purpose of .Jehovah,
which is called the Ahrahamic covenant, is the only
covenant Jlcrtainin~ to the ble~sing of the people, and
that covcllant is not made wit h an~' creature. It is
the unconditional pl'omise of Jehovah, made doubly
sure mHI binding hy his word. :lUll oath.Tehovah also
saw t he necessity fOl' Il covenant, "the now covenant,"
to tal,e otlt a people for his n:unc. (Aets] 5: 14) .Jehovah ~ave his word of promise that he would bless
maukiud 11 fter t1w takiug" out of this people for his
nallle and the settin~ up of his king-dom, and that
hlrssillg' must come t hrol1gh his chosen seed, Christ
Jesus. That being his expreS:K'<1 purpose, Jehovah will
perform his purpose.
'I'he ckrg-y of the denominational systems have
tau~ht the people that the only pl!l('e of salvation is
in heaven, that no one can he saved unless he joins
himself uuto some dCllOminational church system, and
that then when he dies he will go to heavcn. They
have made the people believe that (lo(l has been putting forth a strenUOllS effort to get men into heaven.
Satan the deceiver has been responsible for this
scheme ad\"octl~ed by the preachers. His purpose has
been to tUMl the mindil of the prople away from God
and to blind them concernin~ God's provision for
their salvation and bll.'ssill~. Up to this time Satan
has well succeeded in blindinl!' mankind; but now the
change is at hand, beeause it is God'8 due time to
let the people know the truth.
It seems clear that the time is at hand "when the
people may understand that the mystery hid from
ages and generations is 'I'he Christ, through which
their blessings must eome. Christ is God's way for
man to obtain life. Life is a gift from God through
Christ Jesus. (John 14: 6; 5: 18: 6: 23) The
people must have some knowledge before they can
accept God '8 gracious gift. In due time God will


N. Y.

bring all men to an arcurate knowledge of the truth,

and that time SCl.'ms now at hand. (Isa. 11: 9) )'len
may take courage now and study God's purpose with
a hope of finding the way that leads to everlasting
life and blessings. This is true, not because men are
any wiser today, but because it is the due time of
The peJ'fcct man Jesus consecrated himself unto
God. Consecration mrant his agreement to do the will
of God. He said: "I come . . . to do thy will, 0 my
God." (Ps. 40: 7,8; Heb. 10: 7) This he did when
he prescllted himself at the Jordan river and was
baptized by .John the Imnw1'ser. His baptism was a
picture, symholi(.ally testif~'ing of his death as a man
in order- to be the He(krmer of men. (Hom. 6::3,4)
From tbe time or his hirt h as a bahe until t he moment
of his uapti"m he was a human creature, nothing
more and nothing less. He was perfect.
At the time of his haptism ,1f'sus was begottell hy
Jehovah and acknowledg-cd as his heloved Son. After
his temptation in the wilderJ]rss he was anointed with
the spirit of God. (Matt.:1: 1:l-4: 11) 'l'h{'J'() he hecame Jesus Christ, the anointed One of Gou. As it
is written: "God atloin(fd .J(:-,us of ~azareth with
the holy spit'it and with 1'u\\'P1'." (Acts 10: 81') Tl,ere
the ll\)W cl'('at iOll l)('~~an; allli t het'c Christ .ksus was
made the Hpa(l o\'el' the IlIt~mhcrs of the "lH:W crcation, whieh is his lJody. (Col. 1: 18) His anointin~~
carried with it a ('ommission ft'om .Tehovah nod to
do a specific work. (Isa. 61: 1, 2) Aftel' ,JI,'SUS was
tbu:,; auointed he understood what his relationship
was to Jehovah awl the work that he had to do.
-Luke 4: 16-~1.
At the time of ar.ointing- of .Te:,;u:,; he was appoilltcd
and installpd in the office of Priest unto .Teh(mdl (:od.
He was Illid is a Pl'jpst "aftt'!' the ordel' of ){l'IIhizedek". (IId). 5: 3-6; Pr-;. 110: 4) As a mall he sprulIg'
from the tribe of Judah, and there was no provision
made by ,Jehovah God fot" a priesthood to lJC takt'll
from that tribe. It was as a new crealure that ,J(>:tlS
was a Pl'i('st of the similitude of 1I1(I(,ltizPul'k the
kin~ of UlH'icnt Salem and the pd(>st of the :Most IIig-h
God. (Heb. 7: 1-22) As sur!l l'ril.'st Jrs\l'{ was, and
is for ever, the honorcd Sen-ant and Executive Offi(>\.'l'
of Jehovah God. As a great IIig-h Priest he o[erl'd
himself as a human sacrifice to provide (and he did
provide) the l'n.nsom pri('e,
Christ .T('sus died upon the tree on Cah'ary and
thereby gave himself a ransom for all mankind,
(1 Tim. 2: 5, 6; Hl'h. 2: 9) lIe wns put to death ill
the flesh and was raised from the dead in the spit'it.
(1 Pet. 3: 18) He was the til'st one th~lt was ruil'i\.,a
from the dead to perfcetion of life. (1 Cor. ]5: 1-20)
He was gin>n immortality at that time, even as .Tehovah God had promised; and while he died as a
man, he was raised as divine from the (klu, and is
now alive for evermore.-John 5: 26; Rev. 1: 18.
Because Christ Jcsus was God's anointed Pri('st


1, 1934


F.ffi.e \Mt\TCHT0WER.

to minister in the office to which he was appointed,

he said: "I can of mine own self do nothing: . . .
because I seek not minc own will, but the will of the
Father which hath sent me." (John 5: 30) From
the time that he was anointed all work and judgment concernin~ the execution of the divine pm'po:::e
with referenco to the vinuicatioll of his Pather's

name and the salvation of men was committed to

him. (John 5: 2~) When he said, "I can of mine
own self. do nothing," that did not mean that he WI}:i
coerced into ohedience hy Jehovah; but it did mCClJ1
that his ucyotion to his Father was so absolute ancI
complete that he would and could do nothing except
in harlllony with his Father's will.


DEAr. Ma. RUTHErrfOl:n:

Wo know ),ou arc busy, but we must write you to expr('s:!

our hpartfdt joy in Btutlyin~ the wouderful truths in the
Bible which l\re so nmn'clously revealf-d ill the literature whieh
:\,Oll write.
Onc of your pioneers visited our islullli some ten mouths abo
and delivered the wunl1cr fOOlI to us. SiOl'e then we h:l\'e llIet

together ('very l)unt1uy und studied BOllle of your !Jook~.

For mnny ~'eUJ'1l we huv<) lunge,l to ulldel~tnnd th,~ Bible,
which seemed tl) us n book of confusion. With 80 lIlany Imntlictin~ creeds in thf' wurM we ~ave it up M hopeJ"s~. Hut
l'ruise lie to the Lvnl for uelivcriug the woudedul foou which

we get every fertnig-ht through The Wlltclllou:cr. We ",:olll,l

like YOU to eonyev to all .Tr:]lOrah 's wi(n('~~..s (lUI' "(,Htillual
prayers 1Ilat tilt: may Lkss, protect, anu guidu them ill
their !lunf)l'a\)le ll1i,sion.
~fay the Lord LIf'sR J'OU, ~Ir. Rlltherforu, to Buppl,}' U~ WIth
more food.
Yours sincerely,
.E. :-.rCNN'
A. Kt:r,w,\Y
ID,\ L.\XN1NG lslallcl.q.

(COlltilll/ell from paye 3r.,1)

'W:\IBO Hu G::lOpm
Ha 2:1.31'1ll
Bint~'mtoI1WNBI" Su 7:15pm
llnl<,klyn wnnn Su 10:15nm
l:!u 11::101)11I ~Io !O::lOam
'I'u 1fl;::(lum Tu ():::0l'lrl
WI'10::lOam \';,,, n::lOI'Tll
'I'll lU::Wnm '1'h ti:::Oplll
]~'r lO::lOum
Fr ():::opll1
won Su 10;Oflam
"'!';f:lO Su 10;1::iam
l!'rc"(lur!. Wflnn Ru !l :OflaTll
'fu 7 :OOP1l1 '1'h 7 :001'111
.1aIlH':<lo",IO WOCL Hu 9::Wam
Newxor!{WBNX8u 2:30pm
Nl~W York
\rOV Su 4 ::lOpm
SUrlluacL. W~BZ 1'1u 10 :l!iarn
'I'u 4:15pm 'fh 4:15pm
Syral'lIse WNYI:.}'r G:15pm
Who PI'ml WF.\l:i Hu, (j:001'1II
Mo 1 ;OOpm !:in \) :OOmu
Asheville W\YXC Th 5:;;Opm
Chnrl"tte WfOlOG Su 9 :Mium
Greensboro 'VOIO Su !l ;,l::Jum
WPT~' Su 9 ; 45l\m
G'11 Forks K1o'J M Su 2: 30pm


WADC Su 1 ;15prn
WJW I'>u 5 ::10pm
\Ve 2 ;OOpm
Cleyeland WUK Slf'10:30pm
Tu 1l:30nm 'l'1I 2:;10pm
10'1' 7:30pm
Cleyehnd \VJAY Bll 9 :45am
Colul111m8 \vAIU I-;u 10 :OOam
Th 7:15pm

ColumhuR WHNS Hu 8:4:1nm

Mo :.!: Upm \\-.e 2: 15pm

Fr 2:15pm
WH~{K Su 1 :;)01'111
Mt. Orab WlIlll> Hu 4: ;)Opm
We 4:30plll J'r 1:30pm
WSPD Su !J ::~Oam
!:ill. 8;:lOam
Yuungst'nWKDN Sul0:ilOam
We 4:30pm


KlarnnthF. K1o'JI:Mo
1\Ial'shliel,l KOOH ~Io
Metlford K~I ED Tu
Portland KWJJ 8u

1 :30pm
1 :30pm

\VLBW Su 10 : Mjam
WIBG Su 1 :15pm
Johnstown WJAG Su 4::l0pm
Phil 'n
WCXU Su 12 :00 nn
Phihl'lelphia WIP Sll (j;4.ipm
KQV HllI0::l0am
\Yo 1 :45pm Pr 1 :43pn
Reading \V BED Su :l ;4"plll
Wash'ton WNBO flu 9 ;4;iam
W'lllllport WR.\K Sll 5; :lOpm
WORK Su 3; OOpm

WHYBKu 10;00,,1:1
'j'h ;1: :~I)l IIll

St.Albans WQ1J:\I S\1 1: OlJl.lII

KCWX f';u 1 :OOpm
Tu 4 :OOpm 'l'h 4 :001'111
Wat"rtoy:u K WTX Su 9 :1::ium
We S:1.ipm I"r B:4::ipm

Ch'lolfl~\. \\'EIiC

L/'ll<'l,h 'go


Clm 'nollg:~WDOD Rll 1 :1;)plU

Til 8:0l);t\n

\\''1'./S::ill 1 :;:lJpl11

\\'" 3::l0pnl Fr 5::: 0 prn

Knox\'lJlo \\'j{OL I:;u 7:00pm


W~[(J 8u
WHI~() Su

4 :'1.)pll1



Al"'Tllf'('n :KXI:O.Hu 1 :l;iprn
Bell'haUl 1\.\'0:':\ Hu 10 :OI1:dll
'l'h j :1;;['"1


K.JH Hu ]O::lll'lI11


Kf-:L Su 10 ;.J3am

J( FlO ~~11

[I: l'~'llll


KO.\. Hu ;;: 1:;1"'1

K\'l i-ill :! :Lil'ltl
Walla Walla Ke.1 f)u 7:-tiunt
Btl 1 :;:(1 1111
\\"mltdll.'e KPQ Hu 1 ;1)1):.:n
YaldllluKIT i-illlf1:IlIl,i1l\



\\'IlIS f-:u !);Of1 am


Fr' 1ol;l1'lllll\
Cha'stoll \\'OBV f.;u ,I .')"1':11
FrrirrnonL W.\Dr:" S1l1~: 1.i" .. ,
llllnt'ton WS.\!: Ttl 1:lhlj<1l1
"Wheeling \rWVA::'u 10 :Ul)alll

La Crosse \n.;:nH ~1I12;OO nn

\Yn:.\ l'Iulo:O:ialll
Mani 'woe \YO.\I'l' ~ro 7: on pm
'Ill 1 :Olll,nl

KLO Su il :l.ipm
5 :OOpra

SnIt 1.. City

\':LV.\:-iu]~ :"::;1'111
I~ ::llJp!U
WI~V.\ HI11~: Lip!.1
\YDB.! HIl1~;;lOi'1ll
Wil 5 ;li0l'lll

W'I'.\1t SIl

K\'L .\fo 'l: };ipll\

'I'll 4;15plll \\'u 4:]:11.111

A Il1U rillo 1\(}W,811 9 :00:t111

K.':OW Su 10;OlJaJn
Corpa~Chr. KG1:'1 Su 9 ;OOalll
We G:l;3plU Fr '6:j,:Jpm
KHLD Slllil:::lI:.nn
Kl:'PL 'fh 8 ;OOpm
Fr S;4;;"Jn
EI Paso
KTS~I Su 1: 1.3pm
l't, Worth KT_\.'1' )[0 5:1':>pm
"'e 5:13pm Fr 5:1.ipm
Guh-eston KLUF Su 8 :UlJpm
We 8;OOpm
KXYZ Sll10:00nm
S. Angelo T{G KL Su 1 :4.;pm
TIl R:.j'):\1l1
S, Antonio KTH.\ 81110 :,1;'al1l
KGlill 8\1 9:13am
"'0 9:J,'jam
Fr 9:Hiaro.
Wichitn1o'. RGKO Su 1~;30pm
Th 5:1;JI,m


Hu 10:,j:i:.rn
WHT.\I l"i111 lt'lIl




KZEG 8u 7 rOOpm
'fh 7:00pm



Zanesville WALn Ru10 :OOam

We 4:Hipm
Elk City KAHA Su 1 :15pm
Old ':LCity KO~L\. Su III :4:)pm
PuncaCity WilnZ Su 11):1I0am
We 9:00pm
Shawnee KOl~' ~Io 8:4jplll
We 8:45pm Fr 8:4:J1'1ll
KVOO Su lO:15um



OroC'llnll.) \\'I,'l;e };u 10 :00:\111

Sp'ut'h'g \\'Sl'A::4u (i::ltJl'l11



KlJ F~ SuI 0 : ;In:\ m

rfh S :~1:il'1ll

fifne \vATCHT0WER.
The good news of the kingdom of Jehovah is broadcast each week or oftener by these and other stations at time shown.
I Current local time -Is shown In
each iUlltlln('e.J




RADIO Su 4:30pm
(296.1m) 'fALLINN

~-AY Tu
~-GN Su

7 ::lOl'IU

l:-GP Tu 7 :30I'm
2-~IO Sll 7 :OOI'm


2-XNWe 7:1~pIU
New Cnstle 2-llD Su 10:30um
Hu 9 :30pm
Sull :10pm
Wo 6:30pm
2-UY.~ Su !I :fJOalll
W'ga W'gn 2-WG Su {1:30am
We 1:45pm

4-BC Su 10 :If.ium
4- MI{ Hu 10: Iiium
Maryhor'gh 4~IB We 0:45pm
Ruckll'pton 4-HO We 10:00pm
'fownsville 4-TO We 8:00pm




We 8:15pm
VITUS Su 12 :00 nn
Tu 7:45pm
Th 7:45pm
fia 1:45pm
TOULOUSE We 1:50pm
Sa 7:50pm

Col '0 Spr. KVOH Su 10 :30am

We 5:30pm Sa 4::l0pm
KFELSu 7:15pm
Grand J'n KFXJ Su 1 :15pm
Greeley KFKA Su 6: 4Jpm
KID\\' Su 7: }fJpm
We 2:40pm Fr 2:40pm
KGEK Mo 12 :4:3pm
",Ye12:45pm l:'r12:45pm


Bridgeport WICe Su 10 :30am



Spanish 'I'll 10 :OOpm



Lllunceston 7-LA Fr ":45pm

Ulvcrstone 7- UV Wo 5 :30l'm
:HlA Hll12:45pm


3-}:OSu 8:4f.ipm




We 8:00pm

6-KU Su 7 :OOpm
fj-ML::iu 7 :001'111


\\' A Ll.ONIA-




\\'e 8:4:Jpm

AnehorageKFQD We 9 :30pm
KetehiknnKGlIU 110 7 :15pm
TIL 1:15pm Sa 7:15pm





<-,FeN Su 5 :45pm



CJCH Su 9:00pm

Hamilton CKOC 8ulO :30nm

Su 1 :30pw
Su 8 :OO!lm
Shanghai X)llIA Su 7 :30pm


C:VIln Su 11 :15nm
(1st aD~ 3d Sunuays)
Spamsh Sull :OOam
Spanish 'I'll 11 :OOttm
(1st and 3d 'l'hursdnys)
CM]{ Bu 11 :30Ull1
Spanillh Su 9 :OOpm



Fay'ville KUOA Su 12 :45pm

We 11 :3011.IIl Fr 4 :30pm
Hot 8p 'gs KTHS fo:a ] :OOpm
Little R'k KARK Sa 9:00am
I,ittle H'k KnIll bu 1:00pm
\\'(' 5 :30pm 1'1' 5 :30pm

'Vnsllington \vOL Su 6:00pm




Coffeyville KGGF Su 1 :45pm

'I'll 8:45pm

WIOl> Hu G:::Opm
WQ.U[ SU 5:1')l'rn

WIJBO;:,lu 12:-1jI'1Il
\\"CO,\ Hu 1: Ollplll
Wo 6:4:Jl'm

\V<11'f.J Hu
W'!'FI Su
WGH'r 1"11

0 :-I:iarn
5: 4:iplll

Columbus \VUBL Hu
La Gmngc\\'KEU Hu

:l :OOprn
!l :OOJ,rn
9 ::;Oarn



1-'1' 10:110am
W~[AZ Su 4:00pm

\Vo 3: f ;\)nm


We 8:4::i;lOl PI' 8:-1:iplll
Sa,-annah WTOC Su 1 :OOpm

Honolulu KGMB \\'e 11 :4;imn

Pr 7 :I3plll

KlllO Su lO:45arn
Idaho Falls KID SIIIO:OOaOl
Kl'XD Su 11 :O/lam
Mo 7:4;ipm
Twin l'alls KTFI Su 10 :4::ium
Su 4:4Jpm

LittleR'k KLRASu)O:30nm


Bloom'ton W.TDC Su 9 :45am

WJBL Su 10:()(jU!ll
Fr 6:30am
lIarrisU'g WEBQ Bu 6:00pm
WTAD Su 12::l0pm
We 1 :OOpm
Rockford WROK Bu 10:1;,am
Su 9 :30pm We 9 ~;\OPlll
Sp 'field
WCBS Su :2 ::JOprn
Sa 11 :15alll
WDZ Su 12 :45pm



El Centro

KXO Su 10:00nm
10: 30am
3 :4;)1,m
Hollywood KXX Bu 7:4:Jpm
Lon;:;B'ch KGEH~u 10:45am
Los Angeles K1'~18u 9 :30am
Su 8 :OOprn 'fit 8 :OOpm
KLS Su 11 :15am
Wo 2:4:Jpm l'l' 2:45pm
Oakland KHOW Su 10:15nm
Su 6: 15plU )10 8:15pm
We 8:15pm
KIT~;\r f-:u


Ind npolidWKBF

Louisville WAYE Su 2 :45prn


Shrevep't KWKll Su 9 :45am


WLDZ Su 10 :45am



Baltimore WB" L Hull :30am

CumJ,<;rl 'c1WTHO ~r() 1: 15 pill
\\"e 1:15pm 1"1' l:l:ipm
ITagcrst 'n 'V.f E.T 81\ Ill: 15ulll
WH~O Hu 12 :~Opm
Wll DH Hu 1 ~ ::~Opm
W~AC Btl lO:OOam
Sp 'gfidcl W~IAS 81110 ::)Oum
Worcester WORC Hu lO:;)()am

Dnhson P.

w:\um l';u 10 :Ooam

Pnragould RBT1\! Su 10:00am

11 :30am
Texarkana KC).!C Su G: 45pm


Caibarien CMHD
Spanish Su 7 :OOpm

4:00pm Pr
5 : 15plll Sa
5:4;'(1111 Fr
7:00pm Fr
Spanish Hu



Wilm'ton WDf.~[' l:iu 6;15pm

Fr 8:00pm





Bit/a'ham WAPI Hu 12:45pm
HiI'm 'ham WBHC Su 10 :OOam
W.'\.<11"Su 1 :30pm
:M 'tgorneryW!-:\FA Su 3:olSPlll
Muscle S. W."RA Ru 6:00pm

::-JlA l:!u 6:,1:i1'1lI

:HISSu 7:15pm
Melbuurne 3AI( Su 2:13pm
:Mdbourno :{-AW :-ill 10:I;jam
3'l'R Su f) ::lOIJIII
3-HH Su 7 :15111ll
Swan Hill

9: :lOam
9 :30am




Sa'mento KFBK Su
S. F'cisco KTAB Su
Stockton RGDM Su
We 7:15am Fr


'I'll 1:00pm
WLDC Su 4:15pm
Pr 4:30pm


Calumet WlID],' Tn Ii :l:iprn

\\-.fH Ku 10 : I) O:l III
.Jackson wnnr Hli ti ::;IJpm
KalumazooWKZO Hu 11:4Gam
\\'e 1:}GpIU

F 'r,1l8Palls KG lJ E SII 10 :f)I)um

Min':lpoliaWlJ<J y ~1I ~ :(JOpm
Moorhead K(rl:'K Hu 7::l0pm
Wo 5:1Gpm Fr 5:1iJpm
WGC~l :-;,1


We H:l"l'm
Hllttics!J'gWPFB Hu 1 ::WI'Iil
7: 1:3pm
W.\UL I':u 1 :(I,ll"n
Meritlinn WCO\.: KlII0:0lluhl
We ti:-1:ipm
Columtlillo KFUU ~l\ 12:00 1m
\Ve 7: lfJ:un
Kuns.C'y KWKC Hll 2:00pm
Tu 1:00UUl


KGEZ Su 9:00am
KGFW:-iu 10:00alll


Kl:'.\B Su 9 :;j()am
KF01{:-;11 lO:lGam

k'cottsbl 'f KllKY Su 10: 1jam

We 5:4:Jpm

Fr :J:-!')Plll



KOI[ t:ulO:30am
WXE\r bu 10:00am

KOB We 5:45pm
KGrL:-:u 5:1,)unl
We 4:30pm }'r -!::\'JI'1ll


(ContinI/elf 011 PltO~ 367)

Ghc \\/1\.TCliT0\VER.



117 Adams Street
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

J. I".



,Yo E.

Y..l.~ A:oJ:B17;::ClI Sccret(l,ry

"And all thy childl'cn shall be tau~~t of Jehovah; and

be the peace of thy children." ~JJniah 51:I3.

~rcat shall


THAT JEHOVAH is the only truo God, is from everI3.stintr
to 1'\'erlnstlll~, tho ~1aker of 11(';1\en aud earth al1l1 the Giver
of life to his creatures; that tho Log')s \\"ns i.!lfl bl'~inlliJl~ oJ:
his cre[ttion and hi3 adivl' ag-pnt itl tho cre,llinn of llll
thiW.{s; thut tho LOgfl3 h 110\7 tho LOl(l .TI~su[l Clm:,t in glOri',
clotlu'd v,ith all l)(J\';cr in 11I!:,\ell anti earth, uwl tho CLIP':
Executive Officer of Jeho';uh.

THAT GOD createl tllo earth for mnn, e1'N,te,l prrfQct

mnn for the eart.h and lll:tced him upon it; that mun wllftdiy
<1isobl'yel1 God 'a law' :l/1<1 was sent':nc"d to d,'ath; that by
reason of Adam's wrontr act all men are born sinners anl!
without the right to life.


lIIf; joumal is puhli.-hl'<l for tJ:e pUrp02f! of I'uablin,;

tlH' pt. 'l,le to l:now .1dlO,ah Go,l and hi, purpose, t"
eXjJressctl in the Iiible. It publishcs I,ibl(J i1,~tru,.:h l
specifll'ully ~1t:~ign~tl to ad Jchomh's wituess',s.. It rtrran';e j
sJ'utclm:tic Dihle stud.r for its rc~dcrs and supp!i()S MIlor hterroture tf) ni.l in SUl'll st'ldii.'s. It ]luhlisht's S'lltnb!c' ~J::,lc"ial
for ra(!io br(Ju(!custillg anti tor other means of pulJlic inztruction in thc Sniptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and 80parato from all partit;B, 3(":13
or other \v01'llly organizations. It is wholly llnd Wit.1J0ut
rpservation f,;r the kingdom of JeJJOvah Ge'l untlf~r Ch,t:;t
JI;" D{']o\ccl King'. It is not r]0;.{llJ;ltie, but im'if,'s .~arpful
1:n,1 critical '''::tTn;l\:ltioJl or it:; C'Ofllrnt3 in thfl li~ht of tl',
f,!,,, ipiurcs. Jt dlJl's lI'Jt i!l,lul:;o in controversy, anti ils c')Iumns are J\')t op,:n to l'c1'sowlhtie8.


~T\'TES, ~1.00: C.i~,\!JA .l~D )IISCCU"ANEOt:S Ff)llI;Ir.~I,

GHC,\"1' Unrl'.u:-:, .Ae~TnAL..1t;l.\, AXIl HUV.1lf ,AFnrc.\, .. '.


O"Jr,, "1"



THAT ,.JESUS wnS mallo human, amI tho Innn Jr'BUS sui
fl,rcd deat.h ill onl<:r to produce tIm rallilom or nt1emptivo
price fOI' all Jnllnkind; that (i,,,l rai~('(l u[> .fcsl1s divine anll
exalted him to !I"a\'pn abovl) every cn'ature awl abovo evcry
name find dotheJ. him with all power anJ. authority,

JH":lnf'h of:ke-r.

THAT .JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION is calle.! Zion, anrl

that el,rist Je~us is tho Chief Of:ker tJIPr~/lf nn,l is tllO
rir,htful I\in~ of tho worlll; tll:\t tho anoint('d au,l faithful
{olloIVl'rs of Christ .TcBlJii aro chilrlrC'n of Zion, m'-ml,ers of
JCh'lVllh's (lrg'tniZlltion. ana alO hill witncssf's ,',h",,'o duty anfl
privilcgo it is to tf'~tify to tho s1Jprema~y of Jl'1,omh, dcchro
his pur[>"sell toward mnnldn<1 as expT('sse,1 in th,l Hihlo, and
to Lear tho fruits of tho kingdom beforo all who will heal',


THAT THE WORLD has enrle.!, and the Lonl Je~l1d Chriqt
llns been 1,!:Lec<! by .Tehomh urOIl his throw, of authority,
bas oustiJd Satnll from hpawn and is pro('el'din~ to tho
estn1Jlishmeut of God'8 killgllom on earth.
THAT THE RRLlEF and hlPRqings of the reopleil of l'arth
~an como ouly bj' an,l throu!;'h Jehovah '8 kiJlr;rlnm Ul1'1;'r

Chril'lt ,vhil'l, has now l)p~lIn; that tho LOl'd's npxt ~r/':lt
act ill the de~tnlf'tion of Satan'8 ol';:fauizntion anrl tho cs(r,hliRhm"nt of rj~htf)OURJl('SS in the l'arth, nnd that uniler tho
ki!lp,'rlmu all thoso wIlD will obey its righteolls laws shall Lo
restored and live on earth form'cr,
YE.\U nOOK FOR 19:\;;
The prophet Ezekiel reg-IIIally llu'nsuTt'd the wateTs flowin~
out from the temple. 'l'J,c ~ocjcty !loes likewise, :11111 here anDouuecs tho is~ue of I.he rcar Boo!.; for HI;;;). TIII~ cl)lltains the
pr'lsidcnt's tlnnual report, df'sel'lbin~ thc purpu~l'~ of the So
cil'ty aull brll'fiy but compn'!wllsin,ly rpyjewin!(' tho aetidtil's,
the experience>! aud the work aecollJ!,li~llPd dllr;n~ tho scn'icc
year just past by Jehovah's witllf>SWS an,l .Towl/lah brethren
in the vari"u, countries where the Lord t\(lS plaecd them. AI~o
the 1!)3:J year text, with appropriate CrJllWJellt, is gi\'en, h~(1
daily texts 11lId commcnts for your r"frr:~hlllcllt tlnd iustr\ll:'
tion each llny of the year. Only a limited edition is beillg
printed; lwnc'l the Year BooT;; i~ offered at 50c a co[>y. Remittance to coyer shouh! nccnmpany order, forwufl1 ..d to th~
Brooklyn oliice or branch ollice. Groups of Jehovah's witn('ss
es nn,l Jona/lalls SllOUhl cOlllLiue oJ<lerg and s'~Jld thruugll
local sen'ice diroctor or ~harp"hooter.
You will he espccially pleaseJ. .... ith the ::locictY'3 calendar
for 1935. run of actl0u aud graphically reprt-~euting the a>!
toundillg \'i<'lory Jt'homh Will l:;'"in for his nnllle 's ~akfJ, the
calendar pitture is most exprc3siv8 of the year's text and sets
forth, too, tL() part timt Jehovah's witncsses must pl'rform all
through H/:>;) llnd clcar thl'uugh to the glorioua finish. The
caleullar also bears a letter from the president llnll naming the

:"l!ould Lc

Illa t !;'

"J" remit
H:tllk Draft. Cnnadi"n.
taneC:i Fihould hI)

Uy I-:,xprct:.'''J or I)I}';t:t1 ,.Ionpj"

J:riti,II, Sontll Afl'l":lfI :,wl
direct to tllQ rc'''r}e('ti~ (}


J:( [r(lrn C")untr ll'-l otl'er tlJarl 1IHJ';;(\ r'~"n

IlollNI may I.e In,,,lo t() tbe

1'oNla1 :\loue)' Order ollly.


o1lice, but 1l I"tCl1lrlt,olwl


. , 3-1 Cra\-Cu Terrace. !.onuoll. W. :l. Enc:I"r.,1

40 In\:n. .Av 'n'l~J Toronto, ()o1nril)~ ("~;::~d I.

7 I:eresford 1:oad. Slrathf\"I.l. ;s'. S. W.\ll'lraJ:"
Buu/h "1/ric(,,~
1l0_'i'JlI lIolI'c. C"po TOWIl, :';011111 .\frk:t
] 'l~n~o ndllt~:-..-; the ~ociet)' in every cn:,~~.


(Tran.lal!ofl8 oJ this Journal appeur in ltcveral lall!lIIO!lC8,)

All slneerl!


of thl! Bible who by reaqon of


po,>el'ly or :llh'cr~if)' nl"C lJnnt,lo to Ilay tho ~uIJ";('l"ip~i()n IJfh '.: 11:1.\"0 The lralr'htolcer fr{"\Q tlIHJn written nIJp!i(':Ll ion tl) th,
Vuhlbh('r~, nl:llla oncl3 f>a,..h yC\ar, f.,iatlnt: the rcn<:.on for ~n rc
flltf',till;': It. \\'0 are 1;1",1 10 tilll" nid lI,e nf'Cuy.
tlIf' \\ r;Llcll
npl'licalioll ODel) cUl'h )-"ar h required "y tho l'o,tal rl';:lIlnh'!\';.


Sul"crlb~rR; ArknowlNkm<'nt of It new or It r"l1f'1\'al "J!>'

scription wllI ho "f'nt only wJ"ln rp'l1/'"fC'l. Chnn:'c of a,!oIrr-'.
",1"'11 r(,'I11,-,t('d. mny 1)(! ('\JI~rt(>,1 10 apT,,::,r on n,ltlr"'" \a!>el wil hill

:O;otice to


mnnth. A r<:nr:wal hlank (ranyill" lIi)tlcc of


.. ':it

he eent with the journal on'! month hefnre tho "ub,,'ription ex[';r'~.
J:llfn'crl as Second O1ah,' 3IaH :'!attcr at n~f)O"!YIl, i!w'. Y., l'o8tl){.1~e.
Act of 1lfflrc11 3.1$73.

sl'edal 8l'fyice 1'.. 1 iulls fOI the year. These partieular ~('r\'i(c
!,priods, I",lh rt'>;iowd anll world'wHI,, are al"o ill/IJ<':\te I 011
II,,! ('al'~lIllur datI! pad. Older from tlll~ :'loeiet,v. tll'~ Bro Ikl; 11
office or brandt ofUec. c!ll'lo~iJlg rpmitttllwe with o"ler, at ~:;,:
I':teh, or lirp for :;<l,f)() if a,out to one addl't,~s. Onl,'rs Illny I',J
group..,l :llld forwurcl,ld through the cOllIl'auy director or sharpshooter.
With deep gratiturlo to the great I{e\'caler of his oWu n'lllllJ
TlI" H'otchtotl't'r 11llJl,JljJlCes the publication of a IIl!W book. .\11
fait.hful witnessps of Uo(1 and .TomHlahs mil thn!! t'l know t:'o
book berus the titlo "Jeho\l\h ", HII,I I!iat its conft'nts -.'t fllltl.,
as dol'S no rTevious l'ublil':ltioIl, t:IC ghritJus n:lIl,C, th" IImndOtIS


fjfld Jea.ling~, P~\~t, I,r(~.;:~;nt

and futnre. and

t~l'~ ",I:,}

COHllnnt pUl'pl'SeS, of t.he .\rost 11':.;h no.l. The h",.!( '3 h"'lIli.fully t'llliJo~sf~,l co\cr hold:3 witllill It :;')-! ;~:1..ges f)! tt.':.. t Ina Ill- r,
color ill:t"tr:ltious, un,] t;(I:Gp]pte inlkx. The :llltl\tl~'~ <:.1, 'IOI:
ulso contain, n faesilllll,~ lettrr in tho author's 0\\'11 hand',',ritl:I:!,
sr.. ccially \vritt'u f(Jr Had nlillre,sHPli to the Ll,t"d's n!lo:nt,.1 ' :'\",
(anLl the Jonadab b""ll,rl'll). It jq n(lw 'eldv an,l may 1,(' held
at 5')e a topy, this to h~li\ oj-r~et tIle hellVY 'lri:.;inal' f'I,S'S of
publication. ,Tehond,'s fairllful witn"3''''s and tn", .ronn,hbi
'\OiH n~)t i' to rt':HI this IF;W bo\,k :~ILl th\~r'el)\r tq ~.l:H


seh"e" for futuro St~l"vice in pla.~ing it bcforA tfl~ wlllllc~ \1''11 :d,
by his grace. Those \\'j~hjng' It cop;' ~ho:lUltl pille') th'ir "",l.-r
tltrou;;h the director or \';ith the ~ha1'p3hooter. 1 t' !l'lt a~,,')
ciatell with a company, ti.en ortier tlircct from the i:iol'iet:'.


Vor.. LV


15, ] 034

No. 24

"My Gorl hatll sent his anf/cl, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that thcy have not hurt me: fo/'asmuch as
bfIo/'c him innocency tras found ilt me; and <lso before thee, 0 kiltg, have I done 110 lWl't."-lJun. 6: 22.
chan~e, even
as he dops not change. (i\Ial. 3: 6) 'l'his U'uth
WH!'! rdlcC'lcu by the unchnn~eablc law of the
l\ledcs anu Persians. 'l'he fa~t that the ~criptures
mention the ml('han~cablcncssof the' laws of the Medes
and Persians is further evidcncc that everything recorded in the Bible is recorded for a definite purpose,
and pat,ticularly for thc interest of those who now
constitute the remnant. 'rhe gol'cat qurstion for ueterrnination is the Sllpl'(~mary of (;od, and this question
is nnw to Ite s<:ttlcd, nnu ill tid.,; is involvcd the intp:-\,rity of (lod's ct'eatures. The man JCI:lUS was pc 1'fCl'l, Yl't he must prove his inte~rity, and this he
could do only by Sllr;'erjll~ from the assaults made
UpOIl him by thc enemy Satan, '''rhou~h he were a
Son, )'et learned he' olJPdil'lIce hy the thin/-\,s which he
RufferNl." (lIeb. 5:8) "Yea, and all that will live
goufy in Chri>.t .Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim.
3:12) "Confirminr~ the soul!'!
the disciple'S, and
rxhortin!{ them to ('ont inlle in the faith, and that
we must I.hrow~h much tribulation entm' into the
killgdom of Uod," (.\('ts H: 22) The faithful men
(If old, inriudilll-\' Daniel the prophet, of neressity
mll"t he and were suhject to thc same rule of testillr~ to determine tlll'it, inte':~rity, and this cnlailed
llPOI1 t}1<'111 muc'h suflerillg".
'rhe things concernin(~ them were written aforetime for the comfort of
the remnant now 011 earth, '\'hell we appreciate what
Daniel and other faitlJful mell of his time had to en<lmC', we can understanu why Jehovah permits his
faithful witnesses in these perilous times to suffer
at the hand of the cnemy and his agents. By no other
means could their integrity he fully tested and proved.
2 The
shamcfaced, bewhiskered, hypocritical sat raps stood before the king, holuiug', as they confidcntly believed, the death warrant of Daniel in their
hand. '1'he spokesman for that wicked combine then
addre~sed the king in behalf of his coconspirators:
"'J'hcn answered they, and said before the king, That
Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of
Judah, l'cgardcth not thee, 0 king, nor the decree
that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three
timrs a day. "-Dan. 6: 13.

[';HOVAH'8 rules of nction do not



"That was the 1'l.:al reason or cause that movru

tilOSC conspirators to desire the death of Daniel? Surely not merely because he was a Jcw. Ha(l Dauiel bl'Nl
agreeing with and wod,ing harmoniously with the
crooked satraps they would not care whether he was
a Jew or of somc other nationality. Daniel was the
only honest man among all the satmps, and it was
his hon('~ty aud faithfu!tH'ss Ihat intcrfere r} with their
graft operations carl'icd on as officials of the governmcnt. Jehovah's law required Daniel to IH~ !)(,rh'st
nnd fair jll all his u('alings, nnd Daniel was obedient
to God's law and he was not hein~ guided hy the laws
or customs amongst men. Daniel must and did do
the very ri~ht thing; otherwise he would not ha~c
had .Jc'hovah's approvnJ.
4 'l'he hypocritical satl'aps who wickedly sou!.\'ht Ihe
Ii I'e of I>a"icl evidently made mention to t he king' amI
cmphasized the fact that it was a Jew who hnd brOil
f(mnd violating' his dl~cr'ec, nud this they did for till.'
purpose of arousill~ the indiglllllion of the kill::;'
a~ainst Ihe Jews, even though t he law of the .ft'w""
was different from that of the l\le(lcs. The kiJ1~ lind
issued his decree, whieh (}Perce must he fllll~' oht>y('d
by all at their peril, and it would really have made
no difierencc whether the violator was a .Jew 01' a
Gentile. 'rhe mention of the fact that Duniel wa:~ a
Jew discloses the malice on the part of the f'alraps.
Haman employcd the same tactics when he said:
"'fhcre is a ('ertain people [Jews I seat 1el'l'd abroad
and dispersed among' the pcople ill all t lw prOViIlCl'S
of thy kingdom; nno their laws are din\l'se froll) all
people, neither kecp thl'Y the king's laws: thet'l'fore
it is not for the king 's profit to sufi'er them." (Est her
a: 8) Thi'l has always been tile poliry of the nl"'il, to
create prl'judice in the miIllIs of the nrlill~ POW('l'S
ngainst th()se sought to be destroyed. 'l'he proof now
bt'ou~'ht by thcf;c conspirators that Daniel was disobeying the royal dl:Cl'ee should, as thy reasoned, be
enongh to stir the indignation of the kin~ and bl'ing
ahout the immediate ('xeentioll of the oii'ent!('r. The
con8[>i1'<1t01'8, claiming complete loyalty t(! the kin~,
wonld pre<;cnt an argnmcnt before the king to tLiS
effect: That this man Daniel holds a high position


mle \0\TCliT0YvER


X. Y.

in the governmC'nt. and his enn.}uct not only is a to say that puhlic llCJlicy and the law arc of first im
gross insult to the king' hut is sneh a h:ld example pOl'tllncC', and they al'<~ easily intlnce<l 10 sid{~'St(;P I liP
before the pCOIJle that the ppople ,,;ill be leu to dis- real issue and to therehy permit the innocC'ut to ~nfl'( l'
regard the law, and therefure he greatly enl1::l.Jl!4ers anu God's name to IJo defamed. \\T e mu,~.t heI! jll
the pcal'e and safety of the nation. 'l'he deel'ce rerent- minJ. thnt in the case of Darius the king lie was per.
ly is:,ucd hy the C;erman govet'llment I)~ainst .leho- forming a part in a great prophetic IJiC't 111'1~, en:!
vah's witn(''<,;cs is to the same t'freet, t h:lt JdlOvah'R thon~h he knew nothin~ about that prophetic pi,,witnes':t's s('rvc aud worship their no<1 .Jehovah and tme. \Yo lIlU"t l;eep in mind that the l\in~ 11f'T'e IJi\;by so doillg they therehy ('11l1allIWl: the peate alld turcd l't':.(al power, which power the conspirators
safety of the state, and that ]]pw'c .Jehovah 'H witncs3- hope(l to induce to act in their behalf alld against a
cs Tllllst be SllJlll1'eSsu}. Oil tl~e f:.ame theory, baeked ri~htC'ous on('. "Then 1hc kill2', when he ll(~ard these
hy the same false and fraudnknt ;l1'g111nl'nt, earthly ,\,<m}-.;, wa:~ sore displrar-:ed with hims{M, an<l set hi,
:1'.{cnts of Satan ill o:hpr plaet's are att('mpting to heart on Danid to ddiyer him; an(l he bhrJllred 1ill
cllact lnws to Jlren'llt the 1,J'()(']amatioll of thn truth. thc going down of the sun to delivcl' him, "-Dall.
This dlort ifl lint forth in lllailY of the statpfl of tile G: 11.
l;nited States of America, and in other C0\llltriCS,
1 It cannot he concluded that Darins was tlisplcast'{l
which laws if cnact('tl would lead to the destruction ",'ith Da'1iel, hut he was displ('ascd with the CUt:1',:Cl
of the work of .Jehovah's witnes...;ps COIH~(;fJlin~ God'l> of evcntfl whi(1J hatl put Daniel in this ti~;ht positioJl
kingdom nwJ would calise the illl\lriso!l1Mnt alHl prob- aIH} whith had lll'(~n l)J'(!\1gllt aboufllY the sinful ;Illd
ahly the d('ath of mallY of ~:u('h witm'SS('si and this crooked :\(~Is of llw oflil-ials of the govcl'Ill!l('lll. This
the cOllspimtors desil'c ill order to pl'uvellt 1he peo- illustrates the Jispll'asul'c of .Tl'llfJvah wit it t IIO:;e who
ple from Imowill~ of their own cruokedlw's. 'fhe Ill'\'S- make and ell 1'01'ce laws uprm the pJ'C:text 01' jJr'ott:ctent 01' modern-day (,ollspiratorOi seck a "lawful means" ing the p<'01>1C', hut the real pnrL>usc of \I"hich is to
to <1est roy .-Jehovah's wit lleSSt'S and their \York. and calise Jl.'IlOVah 's ,\'itll(;SSt:~ to be In'oug:llt into IlitHit must he expected that Iwf'H'e A 1'111 W1,'el!l Ion till' na- cnlt ies and to snf't'f'r injnst j('e. The pmI!ose of tlw
tions of "Chriflt('lldoni" will by lnw forhid the aetivi- cOllspil'atol's'is to e:lll:;e the puuishment of llH:lI aud
tics of .TdlOvah's wit ncsses, ulIll if the fait h ful per women llC'raus\~ of t lleil' faith ['ullless in oheying' G(HI's
sh;t in the wihll'ss \\'()I'k a/Ill Sl'l'vice of .Jl'IIOVah God luw. To be sure, .Jehovah cuuld inlllll;lliat(!y CUItS,~
many of them will be adjudged as deliberate law- the pel'secut ion of his wit lle~St:s to (~eUSl'; lJnt, Il:lvill~~
hC'retuforc J.t:Pl'ced that Satan shollill have oppor5 'I'he cXflcrit'nce of Daniel fOl'warns of jnst such
tunity 10 cany out his boast t'ul ('h all ellg'i' , .Jehovah
a condition as now ohtains thI'ou~~h()nt the earth. A will not ch:llI~~c that t!pcrce, but permits ;-;atan to ~~.l
like wicked rule is al1'e1\(ly ('nfo!'f'l'll in (Jumany, Hnd throug'h with his malieiuufI work until Cml's due tillle
the ClI('my, JIloving particnlarly tht'Ow~h the Catholic fnr the complete villdicatioll uf his OWl! ~:t'l~at. llalJ1I'.
hierarchy, is erHl\:av()I'in~ to put suC'h su-(':tlletl "laws" 'fhe opportunity is thus fnl'llislwd for .fl'llUvnh'll witin orWl'ut ion in the CII itcli ~aatt'~ and ot 11\'1' parts of nesses to prove tll(ir intl~~rity and hellef) to have a
the earth. In Germany .Jehovahs witlle'iSCS are sull part in the vindj(~atioll of God's nam,e. That is a
ject to all malllll'r of indi~lJities Ilwl't'ly hecanse they marvelous privilege ~rallted to rreatures. .JdlOvHltS
have in their possession pl'intld literature enablin~ witnes-,es can take g-reat ('onso!ation llOW in th,~ f::C't
them to UJI(}('/,stalll[ the \\' ord of GOt1. In this the thut they arc permitted to iHlfi'er from the assault::; of
faithfulness utHI integl'ity of the witne:;ses of Jeho- the Cll<'Juy and thus have an opportunity to provc
vah in that law[ is put to a severe test. Gou's per- their integrity towa ['US- J('honlh.
mitting it to he done is munifcstl.I' for the purpose of
R Darins the king' probahly felt some refll)()!lsibility
testing their integrity. As Human said to the kin~, before Danid's GOll in permitting this faithful lnHll
and as likewise the conspilUtors conccrning- 1>aniel, to come into the position of such great di~~\llvantng-c
"This peopln should not he permitted to longer exist to himself; helice, it is written, he "sd his heart un
in this land.'
Daniel to tle1i"cr him, and he lalJOured" to ;:ccolllpli',!l
6 Eyidently Darins the king saw the trap into whi('h
that purp0se. Thi" illustratc's how Jehov<lh provi.1d;
he had been unwittingly lcd, hnt, being the ~upremc the means for hi'! faithful witnesses to present tln-ir
ruler, he must now stand by his own dl~erce anJ. the cases before worldly com-Is to the enJ. t]w this \\ itfixed laws of the nation. :\ICll h()~dillg public ot11ce nesses may give their testimony, and tlmt, it released
today sec the hYPoCl'isy of the clergy uJ.;.u their allies from custody of the unrighteous anu from the penaland observe their wrongful course taken a~aillst J(. ties of misapplied law, they might be free to C'onlil1ne
ho\-ah'3 witnesses, but such officials have not the as witness.~s in giving the tpstimony of t:le king<Jom
courage to rise above the petty technicalitie$ of the until their wurk is complelc.l Surely it i,:; not the
law and declare what is right, because they are ill will of Jehovah that his witnesses mal(e no d:..)/,t to
fear of losing what they have. Being in fear of man, uefend themsdves before the cuurts. :-)11eh is all octhe)' are led into the snare. They ure easily induced casion, whl'n one is arrested and put i.) ir1l, to ..;in:


te"timony to tho nmne of Jehovah (Jod Ilnd thus to

boldly declare his name. .J ehovah 's witnesses, by statin~~ their position b(~fore the courts and the legislati\'c
bodirs, arc thereby giving te~)timrl!lY to the llame of
Jehoyan and informin1~ the IJl'ople of .Tehovah'8 provisions made fol' them and ail \V1l() will Sl'rvo rightCOUS1H'SS. The ofl1e~ial clement that is u:;('ll hy the conspirators to bring ahout thc suffering and pUllishml;llt
of Jehovah's witne.,;ses must be told the reason fol' the
giving of the tcstimollY of and concerning the kingdom, and this makcs known to tlH'nl that hy opposin~
Jehovah's witnessc'\ they arc fi;.;htin~ l\~ainst Uod.
CAe'l<; ;;: :lH, 39) Thus JehO\'llh u-.;es his witnl;sses by
puttin~ in their mouths the sCl'iptmes and legal ul'~u
mont and givin~ tlH'Tn opportunity awl ability to present this heforc the mag-istrutes and courts, and to do
l'iO in a fOJ'cihlc manner such as worldly lawyers do
not sec and will not do. \Vorlclly law~!cl's look at the
t('chnicalitiC's involved. Jehovah's witllesses have hut
one pllrpOS(\, and that is to magnify t he name of ,Jelwvah, awl hCl1c~c tlIPY S(~C and }ln~.:len1. the 1'cal issuc.
Sue'h is the reason for the" Ord('I' of Tl'ial" and fOl'
the Ilctitiolls Hilt! P1'otcst8 flied hefol'c the legislative
bodies of the ('OtlntIT.
~ Evidcntly Darius the king heard the conspirators
to the conclusion of tlwil' ar~mnent alit! then recesscd
his court that he mh;ht consider ways and means to
rescue Daniel. nurin~ that l'pcess the conspirators
would he wOIHli:rin~ why the kin~ delayed in handing down his dec~re(\, and theil' spokesman would he
ready to n~uin stress hefore the king the uTI('hang'eablencss of the law of the ~lecks and Persians and to
insist that Daniel must he immediately fed to the
lions. 'l'ltcn the king again tlssC'rnhled his court and
sat upon his throne' of judl~n1('nt, and seJIC'mnly and
with ~reat cli~llity the hYPOl'l'itieal sntral's again fill'd
in and stood before the king'. "'l'IlC'lJ these mC'1l assemhled unto the king', and said unto tlw king, Know,
o king, that the law of the ),edes and Persinns i",
'1'h<1t no uecree nor statute which the king' C'stahlisheth may he chan~~cd." (Dan. 6: ] 5) In modern times
magistrates and jl1(I~cs of courts listen to similar arguments and then recess the court for a time upon the
pretext of taking the matter under l'ol1siJcration or
,ndvisement. Then later such magistrates and judges
say: "'Ve sec 110 wrong in these people called Jehovah '8 witnesses, but we must enforce the law as it is
written. \Yc arc powed('s;; to hc'lp them."
10 The hypocritical satraps would sec to it that the
people wpre told that Daniel, the higlwst presitlcnt
of the lantl. was ahout to he sentenced to death. This
they would do dming' the recess of the court. The
morbid and hloodthirsty would hurry to the king's
palace and would crowd each oth0r to come near and
hear the sen1 ence pr01lOuncrd und to behold the
"faithful satraps"; and the wicked-minded would
say to each other: "'Vhat wondE'rful satraps we ha\'e
to bring this lawbreaker to justice." The high court

of King Darins now duly assembled, the 11:'PCll'l'itic~11

s;:trujJs would see to it that they wcre stullcliuv; in
the front ranks in order that they might S('C the eomplete humil iution of an honC';,t .Jew v,'11O had hinderer}
them in their crooked work. A ~ilence like that unto
dpnth prevails in the court. reom. Daniel is hrOll~;ht
in and subjccted to the gaze or the morhid crowd.
Prohnbly that WIIS the first time he IHul appl'ul'ed h(~
fore the C(JUrt. after the con!'pil'acy was formed, and
]lOW he was to he sentenced to a horrihle (leat h. Imwrinc yourself hcinO' an onlooker and hearing tlw stcnt~ian' ('ow't cder ~lnnouJleiJl~-\, the king-'s C'ornmand:
'''I'hell the killg ('ornmandpd, ancl they broll'.!;ht Daniel, and east him into the lklJ of lions. Xow the kin~
spakl: and :;;Iid UlltO })nni,.j, 'l'hy God, \rl1om thou
sen'est continually, he will Jeli':er thee. "-Drlll. G: !G.
11 Did the kin~, Darius, thcrc pi~ture rei-(al power
deliverill~ up the imlOccnt to suffer unju-;t punishment. '1 '1'ho ertwia11est rnt1~t come, dse how could the
witnc'sscs of .Tlhovah IJrove tlH'ir illte~I'ity? '\'e (';Ill
therefore ea~il'y see that j)urins the king di,} oeeUpy
the position of. l'\'pl'('S\'lltillg l'l'gal 1)0\':1'[' lkli\'I'T'il1:
up thc iunoecnt to their e~rtellti(JlH;l'i:l.TIJlI)\',ill Vl'l'mits his will;c:<"sl's to be dl'!i\'l'l'pd up und S(l],j(',.f(~d
to nnjust IHlltisllllleuts, that the 1c"t may h,~, uPl'li\'d
in villflicat iUll of his lIame allli as a test imulI.\' agaimt
his ('Hemies. "But take heed to ~'oUl'splvl.'-;: 1'01' they
shall deli\'l~r you up to cOIlJ1(ils j anc! in the synagO~I1l'S ye shall be hpatenj and ~'C shall he l11'Oll'~ht
hefore l'ulC'rs and kill~" for Illy sake, for a t(':~till1fJIIY
against thcm."-:\Jark 13: 9.
12 It is jllst as Jesw; stated to hi:! conspiT'ill~ pnemies: "Thou eouldest have 110 ]J()\\'l'r at all at~aill:t
me, exrept it were !!:iyen thee from aho\'(~.' (.JOllll
1!l~ 11). In that same eonnection JI~SUS fmt!wr 1-iaid,
in order to disclose tile most re\H'chensihle: "'1'111'1'1'forc he that clelivered me Ullto thl'!) hath the ~T\'ah'l'
sin." 'roday the class that "hath tllP g-rl';lll'I' sin"
is the Judas or "man of sin" class, which das-; l)(~
tnl~'s Jl'h.)vuhs faithful olles into the hand;; of tllt~
cruel enemy. Those who havc once beell enligltll'lIc,l
in the truth con(,cl'llin~ the kin~tl()m and who tum
again to the" beggarly clements' of the De\'il's world
are in a position to more easily locate Jehovah's wit
nesse::; and their mauncr of work and to llJ i<;l'Cjlrl.'SC11 t
these to oflicials al1(l cause Jehovah's wituessc::; to he
urresteu lUlU Jlullished.
13 Being put into the den of lions was a place of
fearfulness and of great d:ln~'eJ', and hence a plllC'C
of certain death to D'lIlid ullle<;.<; Jeho\'ah f'Ltrni'ihefl
him protcction. I.e: those who arc fa it hfully performing- their covenant in serving Jehovah God be
just as fearless as wag Daniel. Manifestly DaJlicl did
not show any fear. His Iwrseclltors wcre vicions, ew'n
as the prr-;ceutor,; and cOll:>pirators again':>t .1 ch.jyah 's
witnrsscs tochy are vicious and are just its vicious as
wild beasts, and wouIJ just as quiddy teat' (;n!l's
faithful ones to shreds if permitteJ to do so. Whilo

e:r1e WATCliT0,\vER


this is hein~ written it is reporteJ that an officer, taking into custody one of .Jehovah's witnesses who had
merely been announcing a broadcast concoming God's
"~ord had said to ,Jrhovah's witness, and in a manner vicious and wicked: 1'1 would like to kill every
damn' one of you." \V 0 must here have in mintl
that the lions in the den whl're Daniel was put were
the king's lions, and therefore thos(> li01ls pictured
Jehovah's forces of justice, and which forces do destroy those who are guilty of breaking the divine law.
.Tehovah's innocent witnesses are in danger when the
conspirators or executioners assnme to he 'hearers
of (jod's sword not in vain', and this they do when
takill~ the law into their own hands. They fail to
)'c('I;o11 that .Jehovah is looking after his own. Those
fully devoted to the I,ord, and hence trusting in him,
al'e shown as saying ulld\~r such conditions: "0 Lord
my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all
t11\,m that persecute me, and deliver me; lest he tear
my soul like a lioll, rendil\~ it in pieces, while there
i,; none to deliver." (Ps. 7: 1, 2) "~ly sonl is umong
Hons; and I lie even arnon~ them that arc set on fire,
\'H'n the s(m>: of men, wllOsn teeth are spears and arrows, awl their tongue a sharp sword.' '-POl. G7: 4.

14 .1eho'llh knows full well who serves him in spirit
llnd in t"uth, and his own he will presl'rve. King
Ihll'ius saw the helplesslll'ss of his position because
of tile unchungeahle law, yet his confitkncc in Daniel
and in Duniel's God was great. Hence he said to Daniel: "'l'hy God, whom thou scrvest COlltinually, he
will uelivcr thee." That was a real trilmte to Daniel 's int!'~rity toward Almi~hty Ood. It was an aeknow!l)<1I.;:nent hy a heathen king, yet it represented
God's tribute to those who are faithful to him. In
th('Se pei'itou!; days .Jehovah permits his faithful witlIessl'S to be led away to prison and to suffer indignities at the hand of Sat an's agents, and yet at the
same tillle he ~ives them full assurance that he will
preserve and deliver those who remain faithful and
true to him. "The Ijord shall pr{'serve thee from all
evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall prescrve thy going out, and thy comin~ in, from this
time forth, and cven for e"Ormore." (Pl>. 1:21: 7, 8)
Doubtless many of Jehovah's witnesses in recent
months have remembered these prel'iOU8 words of the
Heripture when they have been led by the stl'ongarm squad and placed hehind IH'ison bars. This is
further eyideuce that the thi ngs heretofore written
were written for their comfort and hopt~. "'rhe Lord
knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations.
and to reserve the unjust unto the day (of judgment
to be punished." (2 Pet. 2: 9) "::\Jany are the ami/!ti011S of the righteous: but the Lord ddivereth him
out of them all. He keepcth all his bones: not one of
them is broken."-Ps. 3-1:10,20.
1$ The record does not disclose any reply that Daniel



made to tJw words of the king when being s(ntenced;

he said not hillg' to his p(,l'secutorH. It is quite probable
that he stool1 mute before the court; but if he ~poke
it must have heen words similar to th08(> spoken l,y
his bretl11'(,11 on a previous occasion, who s:lid: "If
it be so, our God, whom W(~ serve, is ahll' to drli\"er
us from the burnin~ fi{'ry fUrIlaee; and he will deliver us out of thine hand, 0 king." (l)all. 3: 17)
'l'his would show Danic:l's complete eonfidence in ,Tehovah. 'rhe .Judcans held in captivity in Babylon
and who remained faithful trusted in Jehovah Ood;
and now likewise in these modern days the faithful
on('s, in tlw world, arc compelled to walk mnidst Satan's organization and to likewise trust Jehovah God,
and are assured that he will keep them in safety and
that he will in due time delivcl' them. JdlO\-uh aIwa.ys rewards the faithful; and where tlley make Him
their fear and refuge, to such he is a Sl.\lletuary and
complete protection.
16 The conspirators would take no chanee 011 Daniel's escapin~ from the lions' mouths; then'fore they
saw to it that the den was securely fastened and
scaled after Daniel had lW{'1l rast ill to the Jiljus. ".And
a stone was hrou~ht, ana laid upun the mOllt h of the
den; and thr Idug seeded it with his own si.!:!;l1ct, aurl
with the si~net of his lords; that the pUl'!l0se might
110t he changed concerning Daniel." (On n. G: 17)
'I'hey wonld dt'TnalH.l thut 1he king would seal it with
his signet, and then 1h<'sc pious-faced hY!lo('ritieal
lords would stir}{ their signets (JI1 the wax as thoug-h
that woultl make it stronger. \\'e arc reminded how
the RamehYPocl'itical crowd dill concl'rning tIle hody
of Christ Jtsus. Bnt why did 1he king' seal the uell1
The wort! and the name of the king was ill vol ved, und
the eonSllirat())'.~ would demaJltl L1lat there he no po<-:sible hope of Daniel's esrajle, and henre they would
insi;:,t on the king's spal to he there in on!rr 1hat
he might tlot cltaIl~e his uecree. {,ikewise.T<'l\0VCW 's
name is !l\JW involved, the test is upon hi" rrmnunt,
and he pcrmits the trst to be eHnied throu~h ill or'der
that the enemy may have no exruse to say that ,J<'IIOvah has ehan~ed his de('ree 01' law. To he sU!'!', the
enemy could do nothing against the remnant save by
the permisHion of ,Jehovah, who Ids the CIll'mics have
all the rope that they de<;ire and go the full length
of it. He ('auld stop the persecuti01l of his witlle;;~es
at any time, but he will do it only in his own due
11 The satraps put their seal upon the stolll" nnd in
doing' this they thereby testified against t!le!11'5el\"eS as
to their own responsihility fur Dnllicl's iil-trrattndlt
and for his death, if that >:hould follow. The satraps did not trust the king to fnithfully klO('p his
word; and eYen so today the agents of Satan 1I,1\'e no
confidence in the \YOI'd of Jeh()vah GOll but in"i~t
on carrying out their own supposed authori1y, Ii
they trusted ,Jehovah God they would leave to him
the punishment of wrongdoers.


15, 1934

Effie \V'ATCI-IT0\VElz

19 When a person dc'si]'ps to srardl deeply into a

matter he refrains from food and a voi'ls what is called
plcasurC'. He will not ]lcrmit anythin~ to distract his

c'al'l'ful consideration -fI'OlTI the :suh.kct matter. The

brain is clearer when the stomach is not So well fiIIeJ..
Darius kllt~w that lJaliid was in a pl'rilous place, and
althoug-h his words show that he had eonfidenl'e in
Daniel's God that lIe would del i n.'1' him, he likewise
knew that he as the king must do what he could consistently do to delivcr Haniel. Be mi~ht have thought
that he would be ahlo to do something to brinp; ahout
Danid's dd i\'crallcc, m"l that. Iw!H'c he mll..,;t keep
a clear mind and he (Ill the alc]'t and ready to act;
hence, it is written, '''rhen the king went to his palace,
alld pa;,setl the night fasting; ll(~ither were instru
ments of music brought uefo)'e him; and his sleep
went from him." (Dao. 6: 18) 'n is docs not mean
that Go(1 has to fast or refrain from pleasure, but here
evidently it means that when Ii man has a serious
task to perform, he shollid see to it that he conscrves
his faenlLics and uses t hl'lll to the yery h(;st advantage.
Dalius \yas thlls showill~ Ii ~e1ll1ille int'1'ost in Daniel's welfare. This pi(~l.urcs how .Jehovah has a drep
intercst in all of those whom he has anointed to he
his witnl'S;-iPS and that, when tlwy al'p passill~ throll~h
some strenuous ordt'al that rlllaih upon them suffering Hnd puts tlwm in great dall~~(,l', .JellOvah is watch
ill~ ovcr them with an P:'C that 1I(:v{'r sleeps.Jehovah
himself loves hb own and, as it is written, "In all
their uflliel ion he WLiS ami(ted." "POl' he that touchcth you (his anointc(l] touehelh the apple of his eye."
(Tsa. (i3: 9; Zl'eh. 2: 8) In harmony with this the
unoiuteu pray: "Keep me as 1he applc of the eye;
hide me UlHleL' the shadow of thy wings. "-Ps. 17: 8.
19 .JdlOvah's witlwsses are now in It tight place allli
must wat('h, and the l;o1'd watchrs with them. There
is nnity of all in God's organization. Jehovah and
Christ .Jes\ls are OTIfJ with those of the remllant, Hnt!
henre all at tllC 1p mple arc one with Them, that is
to say, all arc deeply intere'!\ed in the outcome of t.he
test now upon the anointed. During' this time of great
danger the entire company of the remnant as the representatives of the King of Eternity keep themselves
in an attitude of prayer and :sober thoughtfulness
lest they mis'! some opportunity of doing honor t.o the
name of the :\lost High. '1'he hour of great testing is
upon Jehovah's witnesses, and hence the admonition
of the apostle, written under inspiration of the holy
spirit, should now be heeded: "Praying always ,,-jth
aII pray{'r and supplication in the spirit, and ,vatch
ing thereunto with all perseverance and supplication
for all saints." (Eph. G: 18) They thus pray that
they may at the opportune time open their mouths
boldly allll make known the purposes of Jehovah.
20 Daniel was in the lions' den all night, and that
would afford ample time for the unchangeable law
of 1he realm to be fully satisfied and justice to be
fully executed by Daniel's being devoured by the


lions. The king reasoned 1hat, iI Daniel continued t3

live at the dawn of morning, he would lin' ol1ly by
God's interwntion and hence it was time for him to
ue delivered or brought Ul) out of the lions' den;
hence, it is written, "Then the king arose very early
jn the !n(jJ'!ling, mid went in haste unto the r\c'n of
lions." (Dan. 6: 19) The king had not slept durin~
the night, mHl a<; soon as day dawned he Wtllt to the
relief of his trusted servant. Jehovah wlJt"!Jes over
his faithful ones and keeps his own, and he llsllall
neither slnmlwt' nor sleep". (Ps. 121: 4, 5) His capital ol'gulIir.ation is deal' to .Jehovah's heart: "Uad
is in the mid.~t of her [his ol'qanizationl; "lie shall
not be moved: nod shall help her, and that ri~!Jt
early." (1'~~_ ,lQ: 5) Thl'sP pre('ious words are written in the Scriptures to [!ive ussurance and c'o1l1fort
to those who are passin~ thl'ol1~h times of peril, that
they might fnlly trust .Jehovah, come what mal"'
21 Darius was dccply moved hy rrason of the Ulljust treatment to which his trusted servant Danid
had been suhjected, and he was righteously indignant
that he had l){'cn unwittingly (lmwn into the [Jositio!l
whcl'e he must }lUt Daniel in a place of great dangpl'.
This is shown by his wonls as he upp1'oarJH.d the
den: "Ana wlwn lie came to the dpn, he C'1'icd with
a lamentahle voice unto Daniel; lind the kjll!.~ s]>ak(~
~nd said to Daniel, 0 Daniel, SCl'vant of t he Ii "ing
God, is thy God, whom thou HI~rvcst continually, abk
to (lc1iver thee from the lionsr'-lJan. 6: 20.
22 In order to carry out his purpose to Ow complete
..indication of his name Jehovah permits his faithful serv:!Ilts to sllffcr even unto a sael'ifidaL d('at/l, all
of which is precious in his sight; as it is written:
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the dC'alh of his
!mints." (1's. 116: ]5) 'l'his does not meull that .Te
hovah i~ unable to prl~vpnt thp suffering of I he faith
ful, but he Innst be fait.hful and true to his own word
antI then in due time exercise hi>: power in bdwli of
those whose hearts are perfect toward him.
23 As the king approached tht' lIen of the lions where
Daniel was supposed to have heen devoured, Ite cried
out. Likewi"c while the faithful l'('mnant are now in
the midst of the wild. beasts tilat control this world
Jehovah JJl'oelaims to them, "Ye are my witness!?s
.. that I am God." TheHe arc a part of his" faith
ful and wise servant" ('lass; hence Jehovah says to
them: 'In my servant my soul has deli~ht.' (Isa.
42: 1-7; 43: 10-12) Doubtless the hypocritical satraps ,vere eit.her personally present or IUld some
of their representatives near the dell who wonlJ he
crying out to Daniel, "Is yom' God able to save you
now 1" It is even so in the present time that the repr{'sentatives of Satan ill mockery and derision ask of
Jehovah's ,,-itnesses, "Is your Jehovuh able to delin'r
rou from our hl'\"? "~e will show you who is l:IC law
in this land." Darius, in asking the question as he
approached the: den,' shows that now Jehovah asks
a similar question of his witnesses in order to afford

fJ"he \Vr,\TCliT0VvEP,-


1he faithful witnrsscg an oppol'tunity to acknowleugc

their' protcction and deliverance, anu that this is entirely duc to Jchovah's loving-kinuness and his power
cxt>reiscd in their behalf. l\o one of the remnant could
ha"'e a rcason to boast of what he accomplishes in his
own behalf. All honor is due and must be and will
be given to the King eternal.

:, Jehovah's angels are at all times on the alert

to carry out the orders of the Most High. (Matt.
IS: 10) Daniel had some knowledge of this because,
as he knew, on a former occasion Jchovah had sent
his angel and delivered his three friends from the
1kry furnace. Now he had witnessed the stopping of
the lions' mouths for his own prote>ctioll, and this he
knew to be a protection from God exercised by and
through his angels. 'l'hough still in the den of the
lions, Daniel answered 1\: ing Darius with worus of
good (:hoer: "Theil said Daniel unto the king, 0 kill~,
live for e\'(r." (Dan. G: 21) 'l'hus Daniel acknowledged the king as his friend.
2' Dan icl 's heart was pure and he spoke gracious
words to the king. "lIe that loveth with a pure
h(~art, and hath gmee on his Ii ps, will have the king
us his friend." (Prov. 2~: 11, Leeser) Bvell so in
thes(~ wicl\CIl days Jehovah's witnesses in the ('lutehcs
of the strong-arm squad, and hence in great danger
of bodily harm, confidently respond tht'oug-h Christ,
Jll'odaiming' that Jehovah lives for ever, and that he
is the Friend, the shield and protector of those who
faithfully serve him.
~6 Duniel was quick to assure Darius that the God
whom he serwd had delivered him hy the hanu of hi:-;
an~c1. ":\fy God hath sent his angel, nuu hath shut
the lions' mouths, that they IUl\'e not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me;
and also l1('fo1'e thee. 0 king, have 1. done no hurt."
(Dan. 6: 22) 'fhe faithful remnant know that Christ
Jl'SUS, the mighty Angel of .Jehovah Uod, is present
and is llecompanied by his host of holy allg-els, and is
dlllrged with the preservation of thoxe who are faithful unto the 1\lost High. (Matt. 25::31) 'l'he remnant now appreciate the precious promises long ago
writtc;l for their benefit in these perilous hours, to
wit: "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about
them that fear him, and delivereth them." (Ps. 34: 7)
"For he shall give his ange>ls charg'c over thee, to
keep thee in all thy ways. "-Ps. 91: 11.
27 The lions ill that dcn helonged to the king, and
hence the)' represented Jehovah's justice. (He\'. 4: 7;
6: 1) Those lions could not destroy Jehovah's faithful servant, nor will Ood's justice today destroy thosf~
who are faithful and true to him. The malicious cneroy may kill the body of some of those who arc faithiul to Jehovah, but the C\'erlasting existence of these
anointed ones is in the hand of the ~I()st High, and
nothing can pluck them out. Satan has at all times

1-mOOKLY~, ~,


tl'ied to destroy men who show their faithfn]nc:,s trl

Jehovah, Paul had a similar experience, and dier
all men had forsaken him hc snid: "Notwithstandill!~
the Lord stood with me, and stl'engthelWd me; that h;.'
me the preaching might he fully Imown,' and that :dl
the [nations] might hear: and I was dpliverpr] out of
the mouth of the lion. And the Lord shall deliver me
from every evil work, and will preser\'e nw unto h;s
heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and
ever. Amen." (2 Tim. 4: 17,18) In these wicked
days of eonspira('y against the anoiut ('d of Cod the
beastly elemrnt that now rules the earth would qui('kly destroy the rrmnant except for the rrotectioll that
Ood furnishes them through his angels. With (,(Jlllplete confidence and trust in the Most lli~h the faithful cOllstantly present their rwtitiolls to the throne of
divine grace and continue in diligenre to JJroclnim
God's Mme and his kin!!dom; as it is written: "Till';"
gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and
a roaring lion. Sa vc me from the lion's mOllt h: for
thou hast hear'u me from the horns of the Hnicorns.
1 will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the
midst of the ('ong-regat ion will 1 praisp thee." (P~.
22: 13, 21, 22) "LorJ, how IOllg wilt thou l()(,!> n!1 '/
rcseue my sonl from their destrurtions, my dtlrlill~
[A.n.l'., marg-in: dcar life] from the liOll'i. I will gi \'c
thre thanks in the grrat congrcg-ation: I will lJrai"c
thec alllong mueh JHC)Jllt'." (1's. 35: 17, lR) Jl'lwvah
gives llSSUI'Ullee to those who havc wholly devull',l
themse!\'('s to him and who continue faithful, and
says to them: "Thou shalt trcau upon the lion allt!
adller: the .VOllng' lion and the dragon shalt thou trample und"r feet. "-l's. 91: 13.
2;; Daniel was fully aware' of the fact that he was
innocent and IHlIl donc lIO wrong to anyone. It is
even so today with the faithful remnant, who are
likewisc innocent and harmless lwfore Uud and n;;lll.
The modern-day conspiralOl's falsely churg'e ,Jeho\'ah 's
witncssl':'l with wron~doing and work t!l('In'il.'ln's il1tl)
a frenzy in trying to convince themselve>s that .JI!lOvah's witncsses llrc doing wrong, but th,'y arc (ntirely
unable to establish by truthful and eOlllpl'tent e\'i.
dence that Jrhovah's witnesses are wrollg-doers. The
faithful \vitnesses of God refuse to have allY pat't wit h
wrongdoers, and that e[\llses Batan's ag'l'Ilts to he
greatly enraged at them. The true and faithful to
God say in thc language of the psalmist: "1 have
hated the cong'rrgation of evil d(wrs; and ~rill lIot sit
with the wieked, I wiII wash mine huwls in innocellcy: so will 1. compas'> thine altar, 0 Lord: that 1 m:I.\'
puhlish with the voice of tlwuks!.{ivillg, and tt:lI of all
thy wondrons \Yorks. Lord, I h:1\'e loved the hahitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour
dwelleth." (Ps. 26: 5-8) The;.- are pure in heart alltl
e01:t inue to proclaim J ehoYa h's gracious wonk and
therefore> they ha\'(~ the King ctel'llal fur tl"'il' i'ri('!".1.
-Pro\,. 22: 11, Laser.
29 The preservation of Daniel by the angel of Je-


15, 1934


r.nle \\/.-'\TCI-IT0VvER

hovah God W<lR proof that Daniel lUll] been faithful.

Likewise the lIreservatil)l1 of the remnant of Gild's
organization by the hand of his trusted officer,> is a
conllnnutioll that these witnesses have been faithfully
maintaining their integrity before God. "0 love the
Lord, lln ye his saints; for the Lord preserveth the
faithful, and plentifully rcwaructh the proud doer."
-Ps. ~n: 23.
30 The conspirators against .Jehovah and his anointed at the present day are entirely without truthful
evidence that the remnant arc movers of sedition or
in any other manner willful violators of the law. Continuing to he the obj('cts of the wrath of thcse conspil'atol's, the faithful renlllant receivc the pers(>cution without murmuring', well knowing that Gou is
IH'rlllitting them to have these tiery trials to carry out
his own good purposes. "For it is God which worketh
in you both to will and to do of hill ~ood pleasure.
])1) all things without murmurings and disputing8;
that ~'C rna." be blamdcs~ and harmlells, the sons of
(:oll, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and
pcrverse nation, amon~ whom ~'e shine as lights in
the world. "--Phil. 2: la-If).
31 Compared to life everlasting- with the Loru the
faithful !'mlllant count not their prcsent existence
nt all dear to them, havin~~ always in mimI their priviIt'goe of pr'oving true illlu faithful to .Jehovah. Like
Paul and others of the S'lme spirit, they now say:
"Neither' count I my life deal' unto mysclf, so that I
mi~ht finish my course with joy, and the ministry,
which I have received of the Ilord Jesus, to testify the
{!uspel of t he ~ra('e of (lod." (Acts 20: 24 ) The testimony of Jesus Christ has been cOlllmittcu to thc
remnant, anu they know that they must fi~ht to the
fluish. Anu in t.his conl!iet they have confidencc that
Jehovah will send hill angel befol'c them to protect
and deliver' them to the praise aIHI honol' of his holy
Jlumc.-Uev. 12: 17.
32 Jchovnh 's witlH'sses are now engaged in a righteous and holy war against a host of wlsecn wicked
ones. (Bph. 6: 12) Th~;~e unseen ones are using
earthly Cl'cat ures as their visible instruments for perseelltioll. In themsdvc~ thc l'cmnant ha\'e no strength,
and hence no ability to withstand the allsaults of the
powerful cnerny, but in Christ Jesus tlwy are invulnerable to the attacks of thc enemy anu in Christ they
shall gain the victory. The didne commandment ba.been given to the anointeu that I this gOllpel of the
kingdom must be preached unto the nations as a witness before the IInal end', and this the faithful will
do regardless of the vicious attacks maue upon them
by the enemy. Dail~ they observe tl10 enem~' forming
wicked devices and striving to bring forth some ap
parcntIy lawful means of inflicting punishment upon
God's anointed, and they know that at nny time they
are liable to be thrown to the "lions" of so-called
"worldly justice", but, trusting in the Lord, they go
011 in ddiyerinci the testimony, which they are com-

mandrd to do. The remnant will now gtand st('udfast in Chl'i!>1: Jesus, having and exercising full confluence that Jehovah in his own good time and good
way will 'stop the mouths of lions' in behalf of those
who eontinue to IlUlintllill tbeir integrity toward him.
In all their trials and fights and tribulations the
faithful remnant rejoice and sing, because they know
that the final result will be to their good and to the
honor of the Most High.

Darins t1((' king was glad that Daniel had 1>('en
preseryed. "Then wac; the king cxeeeding glad ftn'
him, and commandcd that thry should take Daniel
up out of the den. ~o D:miel was tuken IIp out of the
den, and no manner of hUI'!. was found upon him,
because he believed in his Uou." (Dan, 6: 2:3) Likewise Jeh'lvuh takes pl('usurc in the plTsel'\'ution of
t110se who maintain their inh'grity towards him. Jehovah caused 10 be written in hill record hiK expression of pleasUI'e because of the faithfulness of Dallic,j
and other like 1'll ithful witncsses, and in that l'l'cord
these words appear: "\\'ho through fait It suhdur'd
kingdoms, wrol1~ht righteousncss, ubtained promises,
stoppeu the mouths of lion"." (Hob. 11: 3:~) This
testimony was written long- after the ueath of Danic,l,
and this of itself is furthcr proof that the words were
writ1(\n for the comfort of the remnant who ure today on earth. Jehovah at another place ('aus('u specific mention to be made of Daniel and his faithful
companions, manifestl~' bceanse of their faithfulness
und devotion to the Most Iligll. (Ezck. 14: 14,20;
lIeb. 11: 33, 34) Can Jehovah put men Oil rarth who
unclcr the most severe test will remain true aud faithful to him 1 This is the great issue. Certain it is that
God is pleas('(l with those who do prove their integrity toward him; hence it is written: "The Lord thy
God in the midlit of thee is lIli~hty; he, will sa\'(\ he
will rejoice OWl' thce with joy; he will rc"t in his love,
he will joy OWl' thee with singing." (ZelJh.:.3: 17)
It is those who arc faithful to .Jehovah that he preserves and over whom he rPjoices: "l\lllny arc the
afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord ddivcreth
him out of them all. Hc kecpoth all his bOlles; not
one of them is brol<c11. 'l'he Lord reuremeth the soul
of his servants; and none of them that tru:,t in him
shall be dcsolate. "-Ps. 34: !f), 20,22.
M King Darius command('d that Daniel should be
hrought up out of the den of lions. 'l'his could not
forcshadow that before' Annagoeddon the' remnant
would be tak('n out of dangcr. Not until Satn nand
all of his organization are uestroyeu \vill all danger
be removed. Daniel was just as safe inside as he was
outside of the lions' dcn, because he had the 1Jrolcction of .Jehovah's angel. Hi') being takcu HI' from
the den set:ms more particularly to pictUI'" l!l;lt thvl'l'
would be' a series of acts 0 r deliverance j,~, .f d~onl h
of the melHbel'S of his anoi.nted remnant, to tL,' ('W;

!The \\0\TCHT0\VER.


that tlH'y might rontinue to ~C'l'Ve as hi::; witnesses.

"Goel is unto us 11 (j'J<.! of d,}liwrallces; Hud UUlO Jehovah the Lotti helonr.!;~th eseape from (kath." (Ps.
68: 20, A..N.r.) Such acts of delin~rance would be an
indicutiou of .JdlOV<lh's approval of his ,'prvnllt class,
and would also serve as a comfort for them and to
that extent wouh} IJe a vindi(?atiol1 of bi~ hulj' llame.
The conspirators ]'('ason that the punh:lllilent of .Jehovah's witnessps by the h:rm<; of their laws, whie!l
arc im propprly called" rules of justiee", would pnJve
that .Jehomh's witw;s;.;cs are wrOIl~, am} IlI'nee thnt
their !irHlS (earthly rull's of ,iu:.;lice) wOllld tr;;:1' to
pieces these "pt'st.iferous' witnesses of JellO"uh. The
('!It'my, however, overlooks the faet that the lions in
the prophetic piel me belong-('d to the kil1~ and that
they reprpscnted true jU'iticc that prorceds from the
throne of Gou, and that real justice is metl'd out ouly
by the Lord. No one could ever Ituye occasion to regret his faithful devotion to Ood.

'rhe rule of retrihution is a just law. "If a falsQ

witness rise UJl ag-aillst a 11;\' man, to tp;.,tify Ilr.;ainst
him that which is wroll~~; then bolh the men, hetwl'en
whom the contl'o\'t'I'sy, is, shall stand hd'ol'c the LonI,
hefore thc pric:,ts and tltC jlHI:.~I'~{ which slJaIl IH: in
those days; and the judgl's shall make diligent inqui'iition; anlI, hehold, if 1he wit m'ss he a false witness, and hath testified fah;!'I,v against his In'other;
then shall ye do unto him as he had thoug-ht to haV(~
done unto his bl'Other: so shalt thou put the evil
away from among you. And those which remain shall
hear, and frur, and shall helw('forth cOlnJllit 110 mOl'O
any such evil umong you." (I >t'ut. 19: 1{j-~(n 'rhe
moJcl1l conspirators (louhtlpss (,x(le\'t to get uway wilh
their wicked lwls, hut they will not deceive .leltovah.
The fact that God ('aused this law of retr'i1l11tioll to he
promulgatN} at the time of t he making of the covenant of fnilhfulrll'ss on the plains of Moab, uud the
furtlwr fact that J)arin~ the king' prorcNled in (oxact
harmony with that divine rule, is additional proof
that Daeiu'! in this prophetic picl me repl'csentcd .Jehovah Ood. "And the king commanded, and they
brought those men which had accused Daniel, and
they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; anu the lions had the mastery
of them, and brake all their IJones in pieces or evcr
they came at the bottom of the den."-Dan. 6: 24.
36 'rhe men that today rule in "Christendorr." :md
who have joined in a conspiracy against Jehovah auu
his anointed, and have attempted their dc-sf ruction,
must in harmony with the divine rule be cast to the
"lions" of divine justice, and this God will do in his
due time. The conspiring satraps ,,-ho suttered destruction by the lions foreshadowed the iute of the
modern-day conspirators, inclucliug', to be sure, the
., man of sin' " whose portion shall be with the hypoerites.-~Iatt. 2-1: 50. 51.

Br.OOKLYN, ~. Y.

The dividing of the people is now in pro~rc,;s b(~

the righteom .Judge of Jehovah is now con, :ul'ting his court of inquiry. The rulers in "Christendum"
have all'cally donned the vcstrnl'nt"l of satimic \\'01'ship. niH} thns tl]('y have ddinitely identifind tLrntselves as H!,rainst God and his kingl1om, and they Illllst
he brongllt before and udivel'<~d to the" Lion or tllf)
tribe of J11l1a", to whom j;~ commiU('d all jUdgJi1 P llt
and anthority to execute judgment. (Hev. 5: 5; .John
[,: 22, 27) It is the dny of the vengeance of OUt' Cd,
and Chl'bt .Iesus is the great Exenltiollcr anu Vindicator. As the lions "Ill'a],e nil th<'ir bones ill piece';",
even so Chris! will ut':.;lro,\' C011l1J]de]y Satan's wiebd
organization. "The king's wrath is as the roal'il1:!,
of a lion." (Prov. 19: ]~) "The fear of a king is a.,
the rom-jn!,r of a lion: whoso p1'o\'ol\eth him to angel'
sinneth t;;.raillst his own soul. "-Prov. 20: 2.
'38 Those who aro the chief schemc)'s and COllsIJil'ators sl'cking- to hl'iw,r ahout the dest r\letioll of .}(,hovah's remnant arc the clergy of "Chri~II'lldolll" and
the Jndas or "man of sin" cla:-;s. 'l'ho'io l'oliSpil'atol",
have showll thcms('lvt's to he like wil,1 bt'w,ls sl'(:\;ill<~
the unjust punishment alld r!pstl'llrtion of ,Tpho\alt ';:
relllnant, and the rule (Jf rt'll'iblltive ,j\lsti<'e Hllht Le
applir<l to tlH'll1; as it is \Hil1('Il: "'I'hpl'('forc 1 will
be unto them as a !ioll; n~ a leopard by the way will
I observe them: I will Il1C(,t th<'m a..; a ]H'al' that i~:
bereaved of her wlwlllS, and will 1'\'11<1 the ('a III or
their IH'art, and there will 1 devour them likc a lioll:
the wild beast shall teal' them. "-JIos. 1:;; 7, 8.
33.\11 WilO !lOW take their stalHI 011 the side of tl,,'
conspiratOl's and against. .JdlO\nh, IIlle who !'pn(h-r nid
and ('omful't to the eonsfJi ratol's, shall surfer a fat e
lil:r. that which came upon those who t'ollspired
ag-airl.~t Daniel. 'rhe" Lion" or .Jcho\"ah, 1hat i<;, h i~
BXr'cut'ioner, wilt not spare e\'Cll the win's and {'hildren of t his wicked cro\\'11; as it is \','I"tl kn: ".\ lid
to tire otlWl'S he said in mille hearing", (to ye arl~'e him
thl'ou~h the ('ity, and smitr; l('t not your ('~'e span',
neither have jOe pity: slay utterly olu and young',
both maids, and little children, and wOlllPn; hut tome
not ncar :my man upon whom is the mark; anu lll'gi!l
at my sanctuary. Thl'll they beg-an at the U!wit'!lt
men whir.h weT'C }wfore the house." "1'["'[1:1re slauf!htel' for his children for tho iniquity 01' their fathers;
that th(')' do not rise, nor I)()<;<,es" the land, nor fill
the face of the world with cities. For I ,dll ri<;e up
ag-ainst them, saith the I~ol'd of hosts, and ent off from
Babylon the namr>, ancI remnant, and son, and nl)pIH'W,
saith the Lord." (Ezek.!J:5,6; ba.H:21.~:.l) Tho,e
wi{'ked conspirators are so de<;picable in the ey"s 01'
Jehon111 Cod that they will not he e\'en a('(rJl'\.1e<} a
uecent burial: ., Thou shalt not be joinr'rl with tlWTIl
in burial, because thou hast uestroyed thy land, ,mil
slain thy llcoplc: the sl~ed of evil doers shall 11C\er he
renowned. "--ISH. 14: 20.
to 'l.'he uivine recor<1 is that the lions brl)];" the lUI"'"
of the conspiring sa.traps before they ~trl1c'k the brit31



15, 1[134



tom of the den. This indicates the swiftness of di,.ine

justice: "hecnuse a short work will the Lord make
upun the earth." (Hom. 9: 28) "I will carly lh-stroy
all the wi('ked of the Jund, that. I may cut off all
wicked doers from the city of the Lord." (Ps. 101: 8)
None of that witkf.d crowd will ever be permitted to
ahide in God's kingdom. The ~criptures inclicate that
some of the remnant will actually witness the exccu
tion of this retributive justice against the conspirators, and this thcj' will witzwss while on the e~rth.
"And, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord God,
Speak unto every f('athered fowl, and to every beast
of the field [includin~ lions 1, Assemhle YOllrselves,
and come; gath'l' yourselves on every side to my
s:lcrifiee that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrificc upon tllll mountains of Israel, that ye may cat
f\c;sh, and drink hlood." (Bzek. 39: 17) "Only with
thine \'yes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of
the wicked. "-Ps. 91: 8.

The wicked eonspit'utOl'l-l h:l\'ill~ horn cl<;ared out

completely, it was a time for peace. llmce the king
issued an appropriate decree: "l'hen kin~ Darius
wrote unto all IJeoplc, nat ions, and languages, that
dwell in all the earth: Pearl' he multiplied unto you."
(nan. (;: 25) 'rIds ('Iearly secms to furcshad/lw the
proelamatioh of universal peace that shall be issued
hy the fJord immediately following' tuc execution of
the wi('k'd organiz.ation that takes plu('e at Armagcddon. "For out of Zion [,Jehovah's capital organi7.lltion] shall go forth the law," that is, the rule of action commanding' what is right. (ha. 2: 3) It is the
great King of Btcl'llity speaking to the survivors of
Arrnageduoll hy his Chicf Orricer, the PI'ince of Peaer,
and there must then follow the fulfilment of the
prophetic uttCl'llIIC'l\ "On earth peace, good will toward men." 'I'hat will llwan permanent peace for
the peov!cs of earth; and in no other wa)' can lasting
}IN\CO come. "or the increase of his goverIlnwnt and
Ill'ace there shall he no end, upon the throne of David,
:llld upon his kin/!dom, to Ol'der' it, and to estahlish it
wilh judgment awl with justice, from henceforth even
for e\'cr. The zeal of the Lord of hOHts will perform
this." (Isa. 9: 7) "In his daj's shall the rig-hteous
flourish; and abiilldance of peace so lon~ as the moon
<.'ndureth." (Ps. 72: 7) The people will thrn behold
the evidence of Jehovah's expressed wrath and will
know that wars are done for ever and that never
again will wickedlll'Rs rise up.-Ps. 46: 8, 9; Nah. 1: 9.
U The decree of }(ilJ~ Darius brought Daniel before the people and magnified the name of
Jchonlh, the Ood of Danid. In harmony with this
Darius wrote in his dccreee: "I make a decree, That
in e\"Cry dominion of my kingdom IMn tremble and
feur bet'ol'e the God of Daniel; for he is the living
God, and stedfnst 01' ever, and his kingdom that
whkh shall not be destroyed, and his <lominion shall
be en'll unto the end.' '-Dan. 6: 26.


'3 That decree seems clearly to foreshadow the first

decree of the new he.avcn following Armageddon.
The remnant being still on earth at that time, the
decree of the Lord will necl'ssarily bring them prominently before the pcople as the faithful servants of
the )'Iost High God and of Christ, who muilltaincd
their integrity toward .Jehovah under the most trying
conditions. Then thoi'lc faithful men and women who
hanl undergone horrid ('xperirnces, such as have been
inflicted upon Jchovnh's witness('s in I\ew .Jersey,
wilJ be gJall that they had the faith and courage to
maintain their illt('~rity toward God. They will look
back upon the filthy jails and the harsh words and
other unpleasant things that then came to them, and
rejoice that it was their lJI'ivill:!!ll to have a part thrl'Cin, because they were on the right side.
44 The battle of the great day of God Almighty will
itself be a decree, because it will be royal expression
causin~ all creation of earth to tremble and fear 1efore .Jehovah God. Then tlH:y shall know that .Jehovah is Ood. The su!'vinlrs will sec that ,Jehovah has
extendclI his favor to those faithful witTII's,-;es wlllnn
he has brou;zht through the great tribUlation, aIld
they will know that the preservation of t1l1'SC faithful
witnesses is the gmcious aet of the Almighty (;1II1.
'I'hen the Junadabs ill 811<-.h places as New J<-.I'sey will
rejoice that they insisted on wordliping .Almighty
God in truth all~ in Hpil'it. Today only a few are desirous and willing to learn that Jehovah is God. Ar.
magedllon will fully I'onvince all that he is the ))ust
High. This the Devil himself must kllow befure he is
destroyc:d, that ,Jehovah is the all-powerful Olle.\11
the nations of earth shall tremhle at his presrnce.
(Isa. G4: 2) \Vhcn the storms of Armageddon ha\'c
}>llssc(l, thru the royal (h-cl're will comm:\l111 that all
shall fear and tremble before thl' nost High. "For
he is the living God and abilkth for evcr. "-Hot/I.
'5 \Vhen .J('hovah gave his law to his people chosen
for his name he said to them: 1/ And God Hpake all
thrse words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, whieh
han\ brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of hondagc, Thou shalt have no other gods
before me." (Ex. 20: 1-3) The battle of Al'nlagcddon will em;Jhasize this great law to all living etca
tion. Jeho\'ah abides for ever, when all other god.~
and imag-('s ate done for and vone for ever. The
great control'er'sy Wno IS 'I'm: (;OD'? will then have
heen settlrd for evcr. "Thereforc, behold, the days
come, that I will do j\l(l~ment upon the graven imagc's
of Babylon: and her whole land shall be eonfoun<led,
and all her slain shall fall in the midst of hri'. Wh('1'('
fore, behold, the days come, i'laith the Lord, that I will
do judgment upon her /.'{c'!lven ima~es: and throu!Sh
all her lano the woundI'd shall groan." (Jcr. 51:
4i,52) "The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LOlW
rideth upon a swift clond, and shall eOllle into Eg-ypt;
and the idols of Egypt ::iliu1l lJe mo\'ed at his pJ't'~en('c,
and the heart of Egypt shall melt in tIl,' rnifLt of it."


iJile \\:,j-\Tel I f0\\lER.

(Isa. I!): 1) "Thu'l shall ye say unto tltem, The gods

that have not made the hean"lw,l al1<1 the earth, even
they shall perish from the earth, nut! from unde)'
these heavr !lS TIll',\' nre vanity, a11d the work
of errors: in the time f)f their visitation they shall
perhlll. "--.J(I" 10: 11-};:;.
I~ In times past mpJ} lWYe thong-ht to ('stahlish a
government whi('1! (;0(1 would appro\'e and perpetuate, and we know that all t1wir ('[forts have been in
vain. Jn t hpse h'st days the nations of "Christendom" lUlv() eomlJilwt1 to srt up a lca'~ue, which thc~'
call tho "(':-;pl'e~'sion of Cml's kill~dom Oll 1'<11'th",
hut whif'h in truth HllIl in faet is t he great" ;,j)()mination of Ilt'solatiun" a1Jout. which God eallst'd Dalliel
the PI'Ofllwt to plopllt'sy. 'L'he dC'crl~e i<;s\wll hy the
kin~ of jfello-PI'rsia 1'Ol,('to111 the king-tlom of OoJ
undcr CIll'ist, and Danipl was dh'inely direct(~d to
write that this is the kill~dom of nud: ".\nd his
kin!!;llom tlIat whiph shall not be IIp,,tro;pd.'' This
uni\,('r::ml l'mpirl~ is the Idllf!c1om of tlw Jfost lIj~h;
a1l(} the capital pal'l, thl'renl', the Christ, takes the
lcnJil1~ part in tile vindil'ntioll of .JdlOVIlIIs unml' and
the l'wrlasl ing' rule of rhfht('(Hlslless; helH'c the frllit~
kss l'fforts O[ iT1lJlC'rf.~d 1Il('1l to sct up a killgrlom arc
for ever at an e1H1.
IT .JdlOvah (1)<1 honored Halliet by T)('rmitting- him
to write n pl'oplw('y forctclI in'.{ this gTPat change from
wi<'l\(,a l'al'lhly kill~~'S 10 hi:, l'i!htl'ous kiug'dom, when
he wrote: "An.l in t!H' da,\'s of l.)ll'se kit!!!,; shall the
nod of Ill'avl'n srt lIJl n kin,...dom which shall n('ver
he d<,stro)wl: :md the kin~dorn shall 1I0t he left to
other people, hut it shall bl'l'ak in piecl's aud eonSlIml' all these kiu~:<1()IIlS, and it shall stan.l for ever."
(Dan. 2: 44) This cornplctel,\' nnd c\'crlastingly spt
tics the qncstion ot SlIprenHll'y alH} of \Vllo shall rule
the world, ana in that grcat eontroversy .fehol,'ah
wins, and all who live sha 11 for ever prn isc Ilis name.
fa .Jehovah's king-110m and righteous rille Huder
Christ shall endure, "and his dominion shall hp even
unto the cnd." That means thnt his supremacy and
sovereign rule slJall <~ontinn('. 'Verc all other thing'S
to end, Jehovah's supremacy and sovereign rille would
continue for evcr. "From c,'''r1nsling- to evednsting-,
thou art God." 'fhe immediate J'ulcrship of the \1'01'1(1
Jehovah confers upon his bdo\'cd and chid witne"s
Christ Jesus, and this he cau'ied Daniel to ref'ord:
.. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and
a kin~dom, that all people, nations, and langua~.;rs,
should serve him: his domillioll is an everlastill~ dominion, which shaH not pass tl\\'UY, and his king-llu t n
that which shall not be destroyed. And the kingdom
and dominion, and thc greatness of the kingdom unlkr
the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the
saints of the l\Iost High. whose kingdom is an e\'('1'lasting kingdom, and all dominlons shall serve and
Q~y him. "-Dall. 7: 14, 27.
f t What foolishness and insanity is today manifested bJ' the world rulers in their counsel and compiracy

Br:I)OJ\LY~, ~.


ag'ilinst ,JehonJ 11 Dlld a~'aill~t hi.;; anointcrl: Ho\\' unwise the })('O[Jle, and whnt a g'l'l'at exhibitirJll of hlindlIe:-:<; on their part, when they imagine thai the imperr'C'ct mell who now rule NlIl rid the t'aft~l of the
t('stimony of Clod nnd his kingdom awl holJ S\\'t:y
aceortlin~ to thl,ir o\\'n wir:ker1 plea",ul'c! ('UJlc(,I'llin~;
this ~reat stupillily of man .Jehovah long u~o calls:',l
his }Il'ophct to r;l'itc: "'''hy do the [nations j ragt',
and the people inw;.;ine a \'" in thing? The kin~~s of
the ('ar~h sd tl\{'m~;(~lvcs, and the rulers take COUmlc}
tOg'dhel', IH:ain'.;t the Lord, aml agninst his anointl'd,
suying', l,('t \IS Im.:ak their bands usuwlt'r, all(1 (':~:;t
a\\'iIY tlll'ir r'01'd'O from us. I1e that siltcth ill tlw
heavws shalllat:~h; the Lord shall have thl'lll in deriSiOH." (Ps. ~: 1. .J.) 'fhe 1)l'rSl'nt-day rulers of <,;J1't h
who In'in;; forth sf'l1l'mes vf so-eallcd "lIutiou:d 1'('eovel'~'" wonld do well to heed the wisdom exprt',s';Pt!
h,i Ibn sccOlltl P:;alm, hut they will cJo<;e thl'i)' .'yr'.'; ull,l
cars cnl ireJy to the same. "Thcll shall he r.Tch{Jvah J
sp(~ak \llllo tlwnl in his wrath, aud \,1~X tltl'lJl in II;,:
sore t!ispleaslH'c. Thou rChl'ist] ~halt hre:\k t hem ,\'it It
a rod of iron; tholl Rhalt dash them in piel:l's like a
potter's \'l'SSl'I."--l's. 2: 5, g.
00 In his 1'()lI\mll!lil~ution tf) the people King' })arill-;
contilluer.! to ma!.!'Idfy the S\lllt'cnHl~y and 1I:J:IjI',.;ty Ol
JdlOvah (;0<1; "lfe dcliveIeth gnd r('seu'~lh, allli ll(~
\nn'j,dh si~ns and wonders in heaven awl in ('at'llI,
who hath dl'livt:red Daniel 1'1'011\ the POWI'l' of tlH'
lionR." (0:111. (i: 27) .JellOvlJh's po \\'('1' and I.:oodnl'::;
manifested ill the dcliveralH'f~ and rl's('uinlr of his
faithful Olles nrc exemplifh'd in mod('l'I\ tilll('s ill hi:;
uea)jll~ wilh his l'l:rnrlallt allJ the l'l'Sellin~ of tlwlll
from the" lions' dpn" cxpcriellf'rs. 'fillW (Jlld :l!.:ain
:-:lataH ulld his 11g-ent;,; ha\'e committc,d o\"('rt ad" ill
this g'l'eat cOJlspiraey agaillst (lo.l and his hiddl'lI Olt'. ';
allli have nUemptl'lllo lil'il1~: al)l)llt tlte deaLti of llll'!llbel'S of the rl'mnant, Hlld time lind a~:lin (;od Ita,>
rcsc'l\ed allli ddivel'l:d them. Whl'll the Ik\'il S('lIt
fot,th his moh to take .Jesus, the Beloved of .Jehovah,
the great )la<;t('r sait! to the klldr:rs of the mob Hut
he (',mId ask and l't~ceive from his Fatber tW(']\'l: legions of nng(:)s for his protection. (.\latt.:.W: [):~)
To l,i" faithful wituesses, the rl'mnnnt now OJl earth,
who have put their trust wholly in .JelH)\'uh God, tlw
~fost lIi~h !lOW says: "For he ;.;hall give his ~lllgt'ls
chal'!;e OVC[' thee. to kp,ep thee in all thy ,rays." (Ps.
91: ] 1) WIH'!l the Catholic hierarchy and other satanie a~ellts, including the strolJg-arm squad, lay viln
hands upon Jehovah's witw:,sses, thesn faithful 011es
m'e sure that J(>hovah in his own good wny and time
will re~('ue them antI delivcr them from the" lions'
mouths". "The Lord knowdh how to delirer t!lC1
godly." (2 Pet. 2: 9) In the (hy of .ll'hovah's wrath
these wicked and mnlicious, fahe accusers that now
ruk the world will flnrl no ddh'eran~e. Thir god.;
will IJe utterly helplc"", and unable to deliver thun ill
their gl't:ut ordeal. To tho;.:;e wirked agents of Sat~ll,
who seck now to destroy the faithful rcmnant bccn\lsl~

TJr:CDlImn 15, 1934

P.ffie \~;j\TCliT0\VER.

they arc giving tho testimony of Jesus Christ, it

will he truly said: "\Vhere are thy goJ.~ trwt thou
hast maue thee? Id them ari-;(', if t};P)' can ~a\'e thre
in the time of thy trouble." (.Tol'. 2: :::S) In vain the
rulers of "ChristcnuOln" have made unto thelll<;d\'(~s
rzods. (Is8. +!: 17) Those h~'p'.J('ritcs a:nu oppn'"sor~
will find no hope of escape or dl'JiVl'l'al1(:\~.-.Jor.25: 3:>.
31 Say~ the prophecy of Daniel: "And he 'Wol'keth
signs and womkl'S in 110nnn and in earth. " For the
aid and comfort of the faithful witnesses Jehovah
God has rcv(alcd tf) them the meanin~ of these l~reat
si~';lls anu WOlHlel's which he 11:1S wol'iwu in !lenn'n and
in earth. IIe hns shown tlll'm the two !.!Tl'at "sh'ns",
that is, the ol'g',mizn1ion of' Satan awl the organization
of .Jehovah, illld at ~\l'lnag\'el<lon God will prove to all
that tllese signs arc true. Jehovah has worked si~ns
and \\'Ol](le1':> in earth hy using' his faithful remnant,
and in due time thc3e aho wiJ1 he confirmed as true.

-Hc\. 12: 1-G; Bz"k. 12: 1]; 24: 24: .Topl 2: aD, 31.
G2 'I'he l'eseue of Daniel from the lions' den foretold
the r(-SClle and deli\'('ry of the l'cmnant from the cruel
und unri~hteous 1:Jw and from the 1'1Wa~I''l that will
('omc upo'u the eadh dllring' Al'mag\\hloll. The rem
nant's bcin~ on earth aftp[ the d('slrl1clion of tho
wi(hd at Arma~eudon will prove that they arc on
('arlh only hy the }lower [l1l(1 gl'aee of. the Almighty
God, and this will lie a vindh'ation of .Jchovah's ll:lmO
an(l power, and all crcation theu IllI!,;t acknowledge
that .Jehovah is (;ot! and that Christ is his chosen One
to the ~lor~ of the )fost lTigh. i-\atan put forth his
strongest efforts to dcstroy Noah, Daniel and Job, anrl
Jehoyah rescued I1n(l ueli\'Cl'CU these men and thcn
caused to be wl'itt('n that he dill so hecullse those men
were strong in faith and ill thcir (J!H~diellee to God
and lICnce were righteous in his skht. (Ezck. 14:
14, 20) Likewise the l'i~~ht<'ousness of the remnant is
the rcason why God will deliver them. Their ri~ht.
COUSIJ('SS is not 1)y reason of their own inherent goodness, but hecause thcy urn in Chri<;t Jesus, have full
fuil h amI confidence in Ol)<} 's beloverl (lne, and arc
wholly d('voled to God and hi;; kingllom. Contrast
ing the wicked of the \\'orlJ with the meek and faith.
ful remnant God's 'Vord declares: "Treasures of.
wickcdllC'SS profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from dcath." (Proy. 10: 2) "Hiches profit not in
the day of wrath: but l'ighteousness delivereth from
death. "-Prov. 11: 4.
~., Daniel's life and conrse of action continued to
be a testimony to the name of J e11ovah: ":::;0 this
Daniel prospered in the reign of Darins. and in the
reign of Cyrus the Persian." (Dan. 6: 28) Cyrus,
who foreshadowed Christ and who was 11 nephew of
Darius the :\lede, did not begin to reig'll as a successor in power to Darius until the end of the reign of
Darius. This sngge<;ts that the one-thousand-yenr
reign of Christ Jesus does not begin until ufter the destruction of Satan and his organization, which re,;ults
in the vindication of Jehovah's name. That would mean


that the millennial rci,~11 of Christ, iogeth,~r v;itll his

144.00fJ assl)dates, he~ills immediately :follo\,\jng :\.1'ma~~c(ldon. The IJattle of the great uay of Go.l ~\l
mighty will he fong-ht by Christ Jesus as the Exccutioner and the Vindicator of Jehovah's Harne.JdlOvah';, name bdn~ vindicaipd, then the grp;lt nntit;\-pi<'al Cyrus succceds the great antitypieal Darius alld
tal:cs over the entire rulership of the w01'1 <.1.
~4 The continued prosperity of Daniel would seem
to picture the continue.} opportunity for service hy
the remnant while on earth and after .ArmngcJdon
has been fOl1ght. S11r11 opportunity lor the Tem nallt
then \yonld not he ,IS "wi1Jwssrs" to the n:une of .Jehovah, sccin~ that .Jehovah hirnst:!f has then riS\'11 up
lor a t('stimony of his pu.rer awl majesty. It would
appear that these o/lportunities of the rl'Jflllant aftt~r
ArmageddolL would he as hc!pers and COntlorters of
the pI:oplc. (}lic. 5: 7) The Scriptures do not in(li
cate how lon~ the remnant will be on the earth after
G5 In the prophecy of Zechariah Jehovah "peaks of
Christ as "the man that is my fe]Jow". (Zp(~h. n: 7;
sec Preparation, page 2;)8) The rei~n of Cyrn;; pie.
tUl'ed the n-ig-n of Christ JI'S\lS, "the man tklt i~ Illy
[that i~, .Tehovah tho Great lJarius'] fellow." 'l'lill
Jlame CYl'11S, aecol'dill~ to t hC\ G I'(:e}{;;, was ~'U fll ,o'ie<!
to mean "the ::lun". nod'::; pl'ophet speaks of (,llrj~t
.Jesus as the "~nll of rh~ht\'ou~ness". oral. -l::~)
Durin~ the thousand years the nign of Christ <
is confined to thiB earth, and durin~ the pn'io,I of
those years .Tehovah rl'igns over all of his or~anization
throllghollt the lmiven;c. (Eph. 4: 6) "And the sev
enth allgcl soun<led; and thero were gl'eat \'()i('e~ in
heaven, saying', The king-doms of this world nre become the kingdoms of our Lord [.Jehovah, the Great
Darius], and of his Christ [the Orl'nt Cyrus 1; and he
shall reign for ever anel ever." (Rev. J1: Hi) Tlw'ic
precious truths were ref'ol'deu in times of oltl for the
special lwlp of tile rcmnant in these days of ~l'\'at
trial and pf'riI. .\.'1 lllCy arc (Iiscerncu the 1l1ll"lhlin'.r
of .Tehovah's prophcciC's is seen to be a lllanifc-;tation
of God's loving--kindlH'ss toward the rcmnant, and
they in the Illnguage of Paul exclaim: "0 1111: dept It
of the riches both of the wiStlO1U and kllO\\'I('<1~d of
God! how unscurchable arc his jud~mellls, and l,is
ways past finding out! For wito hath known tJ:c mini 1
of the Lord 1 or who hath }Jeell his CO 11ll<;ellor1 "--

Rom. J 1 : 3:3, 34.


has ])eell ouo of varied cxpc'I'iwith much peril. The "lio:1,,' m,mths"
of tho wieked org-allization have often opeHel} to 5\\':11low up the faithful remnant, hut the great. .Jehovuh
God, whom we serye, ha., delivered hig 1elo\'cd hidden
ones from the hands of tIle! wicked. Prison cdl ,'. will
not deter the faithful in giving the testj,Y"Jny to th13
n::lmc of the :\fost High. By the gra('~ of God the
faithful will eontinue to adverti~e the Kill'; ;'wl hi"
kingdom, and tl) ma~niiy the name of the .:\Lo,t lJi:;h.

The yeul'






Trusting implicitly in his cvcrI::!sting arms to bear

them up they will continue to mat'eh forward and
sing: "'!'herc is none like unto the God of JcshurUIl."

-Dent. 33: 2G, 27.

,. 1. 'Vhnt ~rcat trut h wus reflected hy the uIII'hangca1Jlencss
of the law of the Medes and Persil\nsf Point out iIlus
trations of till' !lJlplil~ation of that truth as it imolve.'1 the
inte~ritv l,f llod's creatures.
'II 2;'. Why 'dill thobe conHpirators desile the dcath of Danielt
Why did they rcfer to Daniel as "of the children of the
captivity of JUolah" and to his worship of Jehovah in
disreganl of the kin~'8 ih'l'rcel :::;how that the sallle poli(~y
is practiced by the Devil throug'h his n'presentati,c8 today.
" (ls. Ac'~ount for J):,rius' stan,ling- 1Jy his decree thou~:h $ec
iug' the injuRti('e invohl'd. How uues this illustratc the
l,osition of the rulers of the present time 1 J~xplain and
apply verse H,
~ 91:;. What \\lIS the occasion, amI the purpose, of the assl'D1hly
mcntionc.t} in v'erse 15 J How <lid that proceclurc illustrdte
prescnt'llay pral'ticeJ What l\'a8 foreshown in Darius' de
}h'eringo Daniel to the conspirators to he cast into the lions'
den' What further light is shed upon this matter in the
record at },{ark 1:1: II and at John 19: 11 J Explain whether
]):miel's position at thut point was one of peril, and ,,hy.
Compure tlu'rl'with the position of Jehovah's witnesses at
thc prl'scnt tilll\'. Quot.! othcr scriptufl's similarly showing
the p(J~ition of those faithfully ucvotpd to the Lord.
OJ 14, 15. Point Ollt thl' siguili,'unce of Darius' statemcnt in
the latter part of ver~e Iti, Quote other scriptures of
as';urance to the 811 me cffcet. A"clJUnt for the nbsence (If
re<'ord of any rPH!HlIISC by Daniel on that O(~CllHion, and
jJoint out the lesson contaill('d therein for those now in
the position there forpsh:l<lowed.
~ Hi, 17. ]0'01' what purpose llud with what effect was special
prer.:lution tulwll to assure that Vanie! should not escape
the lions' mouthH' Why did the king himself senl the dent
What was forl'shown tlH'rcin'
~ 1k, 19. What was prophetipl.dly pictured in the king's passing the night" fasting", nnd 'sleeplpss" Point out the
timeliness of the apostle's words of Ephesians G: 18.
11 20:!:1. Al'l'ly th,' I'Xllft'sAion of the king-'s solicitude as shown
in VNS" Ill. What was forl'shown in his waiting until morn
in!.;' hefore seeking- lIASUfflIlCe concernin~ Daniel, nnil in his
crying' out in inquiry to Daniel as to his deliverance from
tho lionA'
11 2-1 28. Wh v could Duniel, still in the lions' den, greet the
king' in 'the \,\,01',111 liS recorded ill verse 21' Why had the
lions nlJt hurt Daniel, according to his words l\UtI their
meanin,,' !low uo\'s the pres('nt position of Jehovah's fit this part of the prophetiC picture' Quote





BaOOKI.''iX, ~,


o~!wr 8criptul'('~ of a&gurancc nnn expres9ions of r""p0n Qp,

awl de,oti"n rcconled for the aid and cowfolt ef JelJO'
"all '3 failld1l1 witnesses of today.
2fJ:::2. Of what was Daniel's pre~crvatiou Ii proof r,nd a
plOphecyf Hflw docs that fact serve to strprq.(thl'n and
comfort the faith ful remnant at the present tiuw f HIII)w
that their position and course of aelion are ill'a('cor,] \\"Ith
the information and arlmonition provided by Jeho\"ah
throu~h Christ Jc,us and his apostles.
33, 34. How do ,'erse 23 here and otlwr scriptures Show that,
and why, Jr'ho\"ah has pleasure in pl'l'serrin(.{ Ids faithful
wilne,sesf POillt Ollt what is pictul'ed by Darius' Luving
Daniel taken up out of the lions' den.
3;>, :\6. With other 8('.fil,turS, show whether, in vcrs!' 2-1, the
command ghpn and the action taken were in harrnol\~' with
(X,)'l's law and expres~ed jm!I,"lnf'nt.
3i40. \\'hat is the cvidence that Je!l/lmh's righteous ,Jud,!e
is now eondudiug' his {,Oll!'t of iU'luiry, an,l that the pur
llosed re~ult thpn~of i~ lJl'ing :tCCOlllpli',heu 1 How d" othl'r
scriptures further l'X!11'('BS the ultlmatc lot of the "(,n
~pi!'ators as pictured in the lalter part of Daniel Ij: ~41
41 .\pply th'! l)Jcturi1 !,I<'sente,! in wrE" 2;;, and sup!""t \\ilh
oth,'r scriptures refi'rring tu the uni\ ersal pcace the proclamation of which WITS hOle foreshad,)wcd,
42, 4::. "What wa, the l'f.sult of King Darius' del'ree recorded
in verse 2G f What was foreshuuowed therein t
401.jS. Show, with this (v"r~... 21;) and oth"r ~"ri!'tur('Q,
whether Arrnag-e<l<loll (a) will terminato the elTul'tH of 1II1'rl
to l'stab1Jsh a permanent 14"0\,erlllll"nt, (b) will s','rve to
emphasize Hnd conJirlll tho certainty, purpose and justH'o.l
of .Tehovah's judgments, aud (r) will settle the qlle~tmn
of suprellHley and of \\ho ~hall rulr~ tl", v\"orld.
49. Ae',or,ling to tiJi' 8""fm<] Psalll1, how cloes .f,hoV'!1.t! rq;1Ir,1
the cflorts of Jlrc~enhlaj" TlIIPl's 1l.l1'l the attitud,' ')[ th,}
lleopld Whllt is hi~ j1ll1gm!'nt llwaiting t!lpse lIatiou~, as
there !'xpfl'ssed'
50, iiI. Hdate instan,'l's in which .Jehovah has I dp!iver,,<! anl1
rescued '. In whkh he has 'worked signs and \\'on,lf!rS it:
hl':1ven and in earth'.
52. What wa~ foretold in the rescue of Daniel froll\ tIle IjrJn~'
53, [,.1. Rl'ferrin~ to "('rse 2':;: Point out thl' relationship ',f
the l'l'igll of Darius to that of Cyrus,' and the I'l'Ill'h,'tic
sig-Ilitkanee of sUI'1l rl'Ialionship. Apply th,) ('oudu'Jin/.(
statp((Icnt, "Thill )):u1H:l pl"o~peled in the rei~1I of Darius,
an, I in tho reign of Cyrus."
55, 56. Point Ollt thc rc'1ationship III~relo of Z,'eharihh I;}: 1,
Malai'hi 4: 2, Ephegian~ 4: fl, anll I:\'vt'latioll 11: 13; Ids,)
tho titness of f{olllnns 11: :::;:, ;;1 as lin 1'>'l'l'I'~gIOn rllJl,~,1
forth by the mani Cl'statiou of .f,'hl)\'(lh 's forekllowi('d:~(' antl
of his 10vin~kindl1('sg to the faith ful rl'((Inunt of the 1" "~.
('ut tiTUl'. llow vvill tl\f'sr' now p,ove th\'ir 1lI'(lTl'l'ialion of
that lovingkin,lness nml of their present prinl,'gel




1 just cun't keep from writing you a little of my apprecia

tion of the Lord's hlessin~. The lnst Watchtowers, explaining
the 'handwriting on th., wall', give me a thrill I just can't
contain. 'i'he fultilmellt of that prophetic drama is 80 exactly
and minutely tracl'd in the physknl facts of recent y'~ars that
it cannot he othcl"wi~e than true, in a geucral \v:n.y ut 'tho ,-ery
least, as anj'one who has lived through it can WI'1l testify.
Mv heart rejoices continually in the ever inereaaing light
and unJel'stan,lill~ thtl Lonl 80 g-lal'iollsly ghes us. That I
should ewr catch so c! a vision of the ~Iory of the Lord
is almost Ilion' than I (~an realize. Alltl to think, nlll1flst all of
this illclease,l light and U1HkIBtan<Jing has corne after I th(1u~ht
I alreau~' had it. And 110W it is pIcaI' that the poet hall it
right: "an,1 still there is more to follow."
How ri('h, how beautiful, how g'loriou~. how entrancing- und
thrilling it all is: the story of Job, The He"clntion, E<;ekid,
Esther, Huth. Z\"chnriah, Danicl, ete.1 As the poet l!n~'s:
"It lifts me up to things above;
It bears on cagle wings;
It gives my joyful soul a taste,
And makes me, even here, to fcast
With Jesus' priebts and kings."

It \Voulfl seem, Brother Rutherford, that the Lor,l has CIIU.o,'tl

to be used certain stateTnl'nts, expl'"ssions awl words as kc'\~,
in opening to us the tn'asure slm'cs 0 f knr.\v!,'tl~e II nd under..
stal1din~ of his '\Tord antI jJurposps. Such, for il1~lml\"', as:
Prophecy-un<l('rstood only wl1('n phy~ieal fads in fulli!aa'nt
nrc compared; .Jehovah; U'HUO: Jehovah's oq~allizatifm; el.II.-,L
.Tesus, Jl'llOvah's execlltil"e otHccr; ,in,Jj':a(lOn of J,IHHah's
nallle; re~al power; o,erl'Jl d; Devil ov'elTeaehl's; \lit I grit:-- :
the use of lIng-els; nnu in('luding the ul'finilion of lot'<': .. tile
perfl'd expn'ssion of unselhshness"; and of fw[in'''is: "('pm..
plete devotion to GO'I": etc. Just as Illle has to kn .. w hOII' to
u,e a kl'y, the ..ardul ~t\ld.\ and ullflf'rRtl.lndillf,; of til,',," lJlolnts
have ni/led me to Hce the' ision that the LOI,I [lft'nl is.:,.! ., j"OUll''';
m('ll " would see.
Another thiug I knO'o'" you will be glad to hlWW is, til'lL
after '1'Ide:ing' for tWI'ntyJite or thirty Yf':lr~ an,l gOIllg'
through ull tLat nightlwlre of elass tlOuble I was gbj til scc
the temple deansed. And let me tell you sOl\ll'tliinr.; :tl"Jut tliat,
will you please? I hare not yl't spen a Eillgle \Y'''',: l: .. :l .\",\1
ha"e s:\id ahout that that is at all out of thtl waY. If thl~rl' is
one single inilindual in all this wiele wvrlcl whZ, doesn't lik,"
this clean~ing of the tl'mplc, it is the best possible proof h",


mic \\~\TCI-IT0\VER.
('nil off"1' that

is not of the temllie eh'-s. And I am not


ba'1Iy toward anyh,,'l...-, eIther.

WII! I kuow ii I "pre !o'ilJll;; you all tlJi~ faeo to fuce be

:f"lro I h:llI ku,Uy got thloUgl1 ynu woultl a"k me Iww the wit
ness \\'ork 'r;as gettillJ'; nrl in thpse p3.l"t;o:.
Wh('u WI~ camc here jive ypurs lI~O we found only two Jw's,
away /lut in tl,e count 1',", afo"t (n,) ':lr). Ti,py w('le aliH',
tl\(olI~lt, "lU'} th,y filfl ::.1 ill alin' j a1w a l'i"ni!t'l' just 1(':1\';n1; thQ
tenillJl.\. 'rhpy all sui,l. "'1'"n can't do notllin~ ill :';lIlphur.
in Vavi-. ill '.llln ay county. 11 ';; hal" I ten llell"Y. " We ~'i1d
'\0 11l"C here to stay, Sl, we will huve to g'l S,'C them. ,rc have
!,('en O\'er the (")unty
to hOIl'c tl.rp" lillh'.< ~Irni~ht, al1,1
tho town;:! ill every testil1lO11Y period, an,l JaRt Hl'rin~ a truupe
of pioneers ('alIlC into th,~ (:"uuty amI th,y WOI ked it out, ~trlll
the townll and lm~illess e]osd.\'. Xow thr;re fITe n lot of people
mom or lells int('restl'd, and s.'I'cral s'1u;,rely un the Lord '5 side.
Rc\'cral TVa t el, ton" ,..~ flud (;vl'h It ..J!J':.~ are i'''ll1in~ here, and
there :uc en:n !,ltOIlO~l':!plt n'<;on!s to !Hl'l1 hen'ab'Hlts.
If this sllum!" :.:o(),l t" y .. u, it may souwl el ('ll !J('tter wllf'n
I (('Il yun that not onel' Iw\I' \\n I'topp"t1 ()"~' 'st"p' is right)
to cu bfjo('all",1 "1'1't':whint;" (I'llblic speaking), an,l, what ill
more, we lHne ,1ow' it fill ju,vtlll1.v. 'rruly, tl,,~ way thll Lord
JmK pro\'i,l,"! is the },..:;( way trJ witne~s tlte truth; and we ate
glad to <.10 it ili" wuy.


It tUg bern inten<;ely interestin;;- to me to watrh the pl'ogre~~

of the truth an,} the wllnps,iu!!. The usc of the ladl0. and
then the tJ:llj.(riHiOll maehiue", ':md nnw this littlr' !,!ll'llll~~raph.
wit h the fLu['-u lHl-om,lmll-minute rel'on1s. A 11<} talk .. bout
u brief, pointell [('stillwny] I it looks like the last \'.'0]'1.
You know. in 10;?:J, at Indianapolis convention. at a ~,)ni"1l
IIltcling 1 \\"., asked to dell,oll,tlate n tt'nminnle . '1l:t! Iass".
I l'omplct'ld in teu minutes wit!lnut hurry, antI was ash,1 to
rel'"at, :Illd ,1;.1 it 1';":lil1. in tllC f:"mc tim0. 'Vhr:n [ r"'lIme<1
]ltJlle to Fon!l "'nrth I rc<.luce.I lhat time in demoll"tratilJg' to
")\ en miuutes. And Hnw you J,al'c me 1,,,at away y"nd"r. '\'!len
I beard that little I'eeord, H') J"Jibcrale, so plain and Sfl lol'te
ful 1111,1 so mud" 1 just h,,:\\ed ~\ si(;h uf juy. \\'I,,,t a liGon
to the work"r ~ '''hile they ure readiug' the card l>ll'l eau he
g('tting the phon,)~ral'h ready, und while it is goill:~ they are
,lceid;n~ what th,',Y are going' to do; uucI all 80 qui"k. E,'('u
tJ,,, ('finl metIH)'l ll!Olle is !Jdt('r than anything yd. '.I'h" "thpr
:-;ullllay we SI0!'iJl'd at the Jirst I.rJltsc. :-J1st"r wl,nt in. } j,,,,,b'd
'Ad' fl-ta1'tiu;; tHHl'.
Th(~ witTHl'\R W:1S ~.. h*f'n anil a p!a"("'mflnt
m,ulc. ,\.() <If/WC 1l\\lIY, 0l'CUll1;; two gales, IIn,l w,'w :,t the
next house a quarh,r ,1 a mile away in exactly tell minutes.
Yours in Ills love and favor,
GEO. ~1. HJ::A.


~lllltt .. nn'll:n.






l,'nll. ..


="IHIII1!;tiu (lt~. T~l\n.






1'1. H

l!~, 1.1

/ :1:11'''~\'ilI(. Tt'nll...Jnn. :!2. 2:1

)1tIltI,td.'-i, 'fc'nu..
:!4, ~5


Trllln,lHII \I'k
~.lrdl~, ~[j..:7'. ..


1;J, tfJ
lit JS



C1ark_"'nh. :\liss........ 1""'1.


_ ... "

:!fi. ~1


:\11:---...Jau. 31, F,-'lI.!




X ..J.
_ Jlll1.
\\ illlling-toll, Ilf~I. ~. "
f 'I~t",: II"', j ':t.
~... "
\r." r C'ltl t , l'a


11oltw(J()t]. J'n........ "

l,~ln('ll.."l .. r,





:\1. x







Ifill. ;:.;. )I .. x
1I1'IUin;!. ;:.;.'!l'x
HIl\'l'r ('ilr.. X. )lex, ..

1';1 I'M<l. ll'X.


1'1' .....


!lJarfa. T(>\"

:--:U1 ..\f1~(Jo,


L(~(', 'I'(' .'\.

lH~ ~priH~. 'r~




Hn)'fh'r, rJ t\:,





('oJor.ltlll, ~l'(x. .
H\\cetwatpr, 'J't~x








_.. "


Pn ......._Jan. 10.11

J:iet.~ l.lltJ1dJt1~, POl ~


1:!, 13
t!i t j t)

19, :!O

l'a. ....._

BI':l\ P,

Pn...... ~.~~~.~~~.~.Tan. 22, 23

Mariett:t, O}lio .~'.'."". IJ ~l, :.!.)

4;alllI'011:-1, f lilio
J\:-.hlawl, 1\:)'. .
l'orhmoulll, Ohw .lan. 1.11, Fd,. 1


n. r. .._




Han."u. Conn....... "

II :utCuru,





York. ~. y,


.JI:l'Hfl,Y Clt.\, :-;.



Darwn. (unn. .
Port t:hE"ter, N. Y. _.

l~a)f)nlw, S. J
i\1~wal'k, ~ .J



5, ti
~, 9

~ronri),ia. Calir~

Hosenlead, ('alif.
Pal-.lIIJ~~nn, Cali!
Gh'ndale, CaUf.





Hloomnehl, :\, J ........ "

Lllnlt Be:reb, Cnlif....Jnn. 3. -i
V('lllllra. Calif

Santa Ana, enUf,

Jth prS"idf". C'ali f.


1;1, If;
) 7,18


)farlt'l. 'icull

:!-l, ~a
~lj, ~7






_ ..



l,e-hauQD, ) h)
HutT'tlfJ, :\eln
lloUvar, )1'). _ ......... H
.\.rcola. '[fl
Gold(\Jl City, )[0
n. ::
.\sh Gro\'e .\10.





('ity, ~rtIJ:n,

l~I1i.dol. TlItIl.




ll,JJ.;i!a!t., 'I't.'nu






HIl!'in::f1el<l. )10" J[\n. 18, 19

Cabool. :\In
)!UCQltlh, .:'.!o
DilUng-. illo.
Laruii:"'d}, )oro
Carth:l~~~, .:\10... n

~rOllett, ~ro
Y~rolHl, )10

l'lotem. :110







J.pb:lIlon. T('nn. '_'.'" Jan. 17. 18

l"a..,ln 1114\ Tenn...... "

~m.\'l'lla, T(~t1t\



,M1110n, 1''''1111


12, la


1:'"""I,,'i<'l. T .. ntl.

4'J:ul\...;dllp, 'reUB..... "

J,C"III~tOJl 'l'euu

~rt'IlIl, ......... "

V)f~I"'~)\lI ~> 'l"~J1n
COVill:.,nOU, rl' t,IlU , .... or
).I<~rnt'hjfi, TellO


:! 1


!-'i'b, 1

(dotht~'rt OI11U
..\thj'u~. OtlJO
~IUt \\ l)l'P. Ohio
~. n
Crl1o!~"" 11Ie, 01110
Zlw' .. \I1lp, 01'11) . I f
Cand~t1d~(". ohit) ...... It

Xf>WCMnprxJnwlI, ()Illn J'll1.

Xew J'lllla,l'n, Olli" .. "
('auton. Oil in
:\In:-o,,,tJhHI, ohio
I )altoH, HilO _.............
..\kl'orl. OhJt)
l~lrl'i:lt Ohio
_. "
I.onl111, ...... Jan. :ll,

)[arlet la,

I trt\..,th:I1. Ohio
CUShuctllD, Ullio





::' I, :! t

~,;,.! ~

Ft.h. 1


Ohio .........Fcb.

SOUND c.m NO. 1-1'. E. KLEIN

('nehran. (;11

T'.llHlll.\ 4;a
f;or!loll, (;a



8 ..10


SI\ :lJll~b"ro, Gil.

" :!'J.30
S.l'rallelbco, Calif. J .111.31, Feb. 1

.\.Jl>a, :'.Iu


,.. "




Jnn. 1<;:!n

:'oP('l'toH. C.ia.


)l~ttt'r. '~a


l .. um!lpl' 4'lty, Ga
:\le!(a .., Ga


~'-, .. ~7

:::/.:: t




Hny"rt'fwn, i-a

l.iufi~~ldt Pa~
~ol'rl'tfJwll. I'll




J:lll. 19, 20


('[\l'I"i'. 1'.l _............ ..! I n~. Pa
IJott tf'wn, Pn


1>. "OX\ Hie,

:':P!lt'h. Ga

Ha.ula Barbara, C'alif. tI

J'a:-.n ltobh'''', ('a lif. .~ PI
I'adHc .~l'()\" ('alii
~'\nUl Crnz. CnlJf.
:-::111 Jo~.!, Cnlif.

17, 18
1!), ~O
:.!:!, :!:l

Litll"ln\\ n. P~
lral'ri .. lJulg", J'a~ .......
20. ~I
J J l,Uh ~fJir", Pa



BelVm, "-lo
Arl'llle, )1.)
CI}Hins, )oli)o
"-11I('ks en'I'k, .\10.


Annl.<tol1 \1;1
( hat taJJ()o~u, ~l't~lIn. . "
J'lllll.lp, T"lln

J\:ilH"'POl't, Tpllu .......

:\[urkhy...buf)!, t,l. ._"

('#HIIlf"lbvillt\ P:I. .... _ "



.:"'!w T:tz wPtI, 'fenn." tl'('l!, '['f'un,





~ ....





YUL'k, 1":1

Mills. X. ",lpJ(,
1o:1J1~tlj{.. r, X. :\I.. x ...... "
Trinidad. ('010




b, !J

_ . "










LIlJa. Ala

Jnn. 1 Q-20


f)pf'(lli:I. Ala
X"IIl"ult:a. ,\Ia.
"nioll :-:prin~s. Ala,
l;u:'aula, .\Ia






Opp, .Ala...............


~.! ~ ~

.\I1<1alll,ln, Ala
:!.J ~7
(;t'ur~iana, Ain
Wlljl1l,.,!)(Iro. :I!iss. }'eh.



Ga.. ~

.\.del, l,a
Bo"ton, 4;3.
~h.j!; , (;a





1 G


(ia. _

CamIlla, l;a

Arhn.:ron, Ga
RtH:q)ll. (;a, ._

.Fort Gainc,', Ga

_3 ~111.



-- :::7






1-\ b.



J.\::-lUARY 1

:\!AY 1


.LH!:! S~ltl(jns
'" .................... Ij
Inl'l~a~e HI 11.1tt (JOYl!l'Hulcnt ...~ ]lJ
()jjJJ(" .. lltVll
H:.!~~lll()U ...... _





1 .",

A 'J rilly j;I~."',t!(/ ~"e"r (Letter) .......... 1"

ll:lllio Kern"" ..,............
. ................. 11.
tciiJl!1 tlu' /JcCJIJle
lI1Jh'i(hng: the People" 'r~tiuwny reriou
l'(.'(/t JJutJI, '0 _... _._ ...


I!lhll!.:'uration .. Tt</I:lln:laents ...... ,

J 'l"otj~~t
filHHl llopes for )'):;..J:ID:m
:-:l'!'vice Leatlen.: awl Uegif)1)ul


J:i~llio ~ervicl'
1O.\.ltion~ HOlle"

_................ ~.


~~t;r~~":H .~.~.(~~~~~~~~ ~1.~~~~(:.~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~ :::::~:~:::: ~~

l"rihonKt{!ll'rs ..Al:.J.rUl~'1 ....... :.HJ

Ott i,futy til t; PCfJiltt: ............... _.... 1:~
l'\ohdtiu~ ........................................... I,,>
"HHcrti;--'lug \\"atehtowcr J'rt)~r:uu:i





_.............................. ~ .

l,edul'c,; loy 'J'rnll'crll'tioll





.lonullab COIlll'<lUY
'rhl\ lhJi1;r of The Chri~i



Till' Crudhle (I'art 1)

()Il"'llollS for >Jlu<ly
I~ul'lj()l.;e .of Gath('rin~ UIO ~aillt,
l':eele.iw!ieil>m Inl1letctl
Hallie) })(,r\j(c
Kh'l;<lOlll I'I":ti,c Perio"
lla. Your l'1I1"Cl"II't!ol\ 1:""iI,"I:



I"lngllf~ ')'('11


Who ;\lay ('I-Il'hral'- th., Fl',I't

~atnn's or;:aniz:I UHII: J':g:ypt

'l'hank"'J:i\"ill~ '1'I' t IIU O Il,)' '.'


'l'111B:wl'iHtion ~Ial'1liul:'~
).os Angch\,; l'onnmtlon .. !

Tl'HII":('riptioli ......-....


~lll:"I('l'iIJlftln EXJlIl'('II? ......

...\nno\1u(:n\~ Comtl,lH\' :\1 ... t~ti.1\t;~ ... u..


lIa"'! Your


I,i t"l'atur" COl" the Wind ......................... lJ::>

Ill, Covenants (Part 2) ...................

}tf'latioll:-.hip ._..................................... ~
'1.'11( l~ 11JOIl .. _.... ~

With Whnm :-1"<\,, ........................

I.mel and .I\.<\ah ..............................
} rnrf' hwl I\\,pfi in Pll~so\"cr
(:od'~ Emvil'e and Its Uukrs
"Joh'~ C'IIUf(Jrtf,'j'I.;' ... ~ ...
Dninl!s o( \;,,<1 I L(tt~r) .......................

U1H) th~ Pt'll\t~d \,"01:\"\

. .....................

f;(''\'Hlnt't' 'rt"'~\hnony 1'.'1'101\

~otiCl' of

Annual )ICCtillJ.;

1 !Ij

"() l




(I'arl 1) ........................
of Heflure

_1\; nil \YH.re1iJ '


Th,. .\\'engcr
'Kin/lClolu Pro('\amntiot}
~at: .. n.., Counterfeit of thf:-" True ..........

London ('on\f~ntion
_...... '.'
.\l\{lrti... in~ ,,\ atf'lItuwel' Progranls
'l'ran-':("l'lptloH ..\I:HlthH!"

~ ..
~ ....

~. __..

l'honf)~raph Hl'('{)rd~

Hatlio ::-;fl\,ItP.

::;(E:-I.IU,g' l~t)ftl-..:e ..........

A ~.l)l u')s \\'heu't
C, t llPr~ ............ ~

':.[,,:; He lIid'
)llltho<l of ~tlltly
R('"ll~,tl1p:i,m ltv a Un.n",olll
Joh'.., lrlP~ld;--
'!"{l!)l">l'nnt'\() {Jf the Ll\\' Covenant

a 1:1,



R !(!h ff'(,u S 1(11 ff'f.

. , ...............
l\ll}~df)rn 1'1'ai~(' l"t'lflo.l

.; 'n


~p .. vantlS T\.~..;tlll1)ny l"'l'ilHl

:I "!lcI~ .....................................................


()f Cnn:-'l\\ratur ~ 1',\1 t ~) ........

'Vhom ]).,"il'l JHn hlulf)\\\ll
c'11H'JoIti(}us 1'01.' :;rutly . "
'f1tlptatiun awl Fait of Et t"ll".. i:: ,tki..,m
The Issue 111111 the Witlll'.",(~ ....

Al'polt,tmenls ...........................

. ;:::-..



Atlanta COlll'f1lltinll


(t'alt 1)




Fnithful "'it 111


Qll.~-:tjnJlfo.: rot Stnd,\'

Ctllf~f Une nf the .:\t'\\ ('If':llj(ll1 . . . .
Pr-al:.;e thf' Lord fur,Trtlth~ tLl tTl'f)
ItadiH ~pr\"it'e...
... ,....
} I'a;"


foi' 1U:1;;

1 ~.'~rJ. ("a h:1Idn 1:' : .


.It lult'ah




Uod~ .\ll~pl;o:





H.-'cree or" ]tfIH(,(, ...

I:Jf"h, HeHlltiful. Fn!l'al\f'hl~ \Lf'tfl..\1'l

:--:_'[\ief~ ,,\[''l'HIlllti.lHnts


:.;; ~

. -..,


"i\tlalltn Conn'ntlon




1"l'lI:" of Cnn"plratllrl< (\'at t J)

:...... .
" .
Ih'l:-:lIa'1.znl nnd ) lis F ... I:-.t ....... :;:!.;
ChrhthUHi l'pnH'l'ut(d: \\ hr J'l.'l lUIU_'1i
1.. <.")( {('I'S'

11i~ KindT~0~'~





AJ>mL 1
His C<\I'f'nnllts (bll"t 1) ...................... fln
. ll1t1
);(1-\V (:O\'cllant
. lOt
. 10:~
/\.(Iyo('ilte ........................................... J (,;;
rrll(~ (~()\en:.lnt hy :-:;u('riII('o ............... 10,
I,eltf'I". .............................................. 1I)!)

.1n[lcls .,
AUIlOllucillh' Company 7\l"t,tilu:-"l" ...........





J"ir tllhrn
'1') I"'S FIlJlilltt1


III. COH'nnnts (Part 1;) ......

H~'titution ., .......................................
'runes tit Ut1{reshing: ........................
'rUI,PItIIh'}C of I In "itI
COVl'nallt h~' :-ia('riH('f~: H,quilttlIlnts ..
Llf, fnr ;\lall~ill'l h) II H.1I1"mll.. . ....
l'ru<"1lli,nlnl\" l:,trlh'. XcIV I.clltll.'r,,11i1.' ..
H"r\"lce AJ'l'oint.l1eIlt~
l'l1hli(~ Lt~ctur,\s hy TJ':tIi~criptitHl
UII"!n onr! t!lll I'rint,-tl WOI".I .............
Allllolllldng CJll!pall)' :-[e"t;nl\""

An AI<,yrHI ill ~1o>uern :-;t )1" ................

IJlal"~ oi the ~in.AtOl1PIll(:'l1t
H~nlce AI'I'O;lIllllcnts




Thc Crucil.le \\'" .. t


IIOJHlou \ 'f)[i,\'"i'l,UOl\ "

JJ"y",,,l t/,P O...IIP. lfin 1I"0>k ........
'X:UiollS' }[O[I"" T~ tiIH{Il\~ Pprtotl
Fuetol")' an(/ O.lke Clo'lil Two \\ eel,)! .



('''''enllnts IPart 7) ................

Hf'lIHHlnt Brought In
H! '1l1ir~tllents
l'\ll'l""e of .Ju,ti1\ultlon ......................
')'f'lIlplp of (;fU( and .\ntif'hrit-..t ..... ., ..
'l"lll~ Ith,ht Wn)' (ltf"oiutioll, Jllnn,lal>b)


h)' '!'ntll .... {

;S-oliee ot Anuual ;\le,'tiu::



.- .



XlIll\ll (j'llrt :!) ........................

1'1:11-::11(' 'l'lJrce


I'nramount Tl"uth ............................

liaCel)' ...............................................
'J'eu1llle ("HllJJHny ...........


MARCil 15



Ill< Prophet ...................................

Only PtI" ," Malt E\'('r nOI11 .

JplllJ\'llh tIpal"l:'> siclli,,~ PI'1:-tHIlCI'.-1
'''f.llJ~(riPI ion ,\Iat"hj nl',~
'. haIlk~~l\Jll;..:: 'j'('"lulIot!j'


(.'olluunnlcullon ...................................
1J<:ef'1 \ er. .

Ilj" i'nlne





Th(t l'n1h'uf'c of .1,,1

COll'aptlu;; 'or Chl'htitlIlit.y ................
J,Pt tl'l'~ .
Beyolld the Grave, /Ih 11'OI'k8 ...........


j I . "
'J\'t'lwtlt--Ln\\ nut! :-';PW ..................
~h ..ll'11Pr'1,



__ llif)

Tittle u( JUdgl.Il~Ut
']"111' HouK

Ills 1S"aflle (Part


Wkke<t ~il\l'ih 'Ytlrt 2) .. '

Final .Jud;.':mcnt
~"ntclJI"<l t"
LJenth ......................,.

Tr'lJlscrij.tlolJ ;\1." '.Ille,,; ._..................... 1-1U

:\L\ltCH 1


and SinOI."'lill;'; .............
.f\!to\ nil's .Na!llt~ ..................
X"all !J"I" \\"I'li. (Lett'!") ......................
Hdtlio ~('l \ hoe
l';!nguof\l l'l"nIH l'crt"ll
:\"otle(~ of .\nlllllli ;\!ceti,,'; ..........



1ol"( 1raflo v(l(l

Wi", "1"nl(f'o 1,.

'l'l'aIlMri!)llltll ..\ J:,uh;up!'l
;\It'1lI01'ial ....................................


t'J(~n~:t'~~r 11 :;\~L: ;..::::::: ~:.:~:~::.'~ :~ .. :~~:::::::~:

1 ..7

111" ('ol'ennnts (l'alt G) ......................

of .\I~II" ............................
"Indpr':-ot.llltliHg: Hf!tlll'nt~dot
:\e\v 'frf',"
Law '.:U\(n.lllt l'rnphtdie
J;irth of TIll" HOIl or .\iall ......................




'1 J\I~ }{(:11 Sacl'ttJdal Laulh

IJ{'t tf"rH

Whoke,j ;';l,irild \P,ttt 1)

l:,Hl')llle .............'.'"

JUl'\E 15




'l"r(~ of J lotlc .............................................

"Sl\f'1l 'l'lll\e~"

J.I"l tl'fS

. 1:;0

lli. Ol"l!nnlzaliofl .................................

By A(lot_Hon "._
F;arlh's :-';cw Itu~tl"f.l: . lInw 'lltf):-:ell
\\"a"1 .J'''''UR l"ul't .:0 11. Part :\I.Hl~ .........
llt'Hl'd J='jrfit TIIJH in Grenada ..............
'J'(lfuntn Con\'ent\on
I"actol"y Ilnd (ll1in~ Cto,eu '1'\\"o \\"~"f!ks ..

l:XIHllPlI('P:i lTulJhetH~ ..............


. IH

. 1;;0

i~~:~~;~:h o~~e.~ ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

J'udio Ser\ 1(,:0

1 ,.)

His Co\"(~nallts (Part 4) ......................

Cnlo I:ioll
"'110 Are ~IiHb:tel'x
H"tJeetillg Hi.' (;/')1")'
Liherty ........................................_...
Ylsloll ............................................
:-;"tall and Eg)PI ,11,,1 A""rrlll

1I;~ (;o"llnnnt~ (Part :;)
'J'lw Jtt:IUllllH t ~ i \ ed

110l"l or n Trl'e
l J roelafilOi t~on
'l'I1U 'f, pC ..............
'J'ile Hr.UllIl'
l'llrpuHo of l'tH ('lIunt h~' :-;:tt:rl1H'e .......


'!'r.Hitaony Pel'Iod


_ _.._

] t..


Literature for the mind

'thy Likenl~;"\'r
rue ..' (~all1Jlg
_................. I)l"(/er ot He"ul"rectwll ........................ :; 1


. 1"'"
. ]:; j
. J I:!

11"01"1</ J(CCOl'cq/f .................... 1:',1)




Ifi, COVf'lltltll" (":al 3) ........................ 13t

. L' .)

J !.:~-i .. . " '

) e:1r HO'Jk for lU35





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