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JOU0010.1177/1464884914568079JournalismJacobson et al.


The digital animation of

literary journalism

The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1464884914568079

Susan Jacobson

Florida International University, USA

Jacqueline Marino
Kent State University, USA

Robert E Gutsche Jr

Florida International University, USA

Since The New York Times published Snow Fall in 2012, media organizations have produced
a growing body of similar work characterized by the purposeful integration of multimedia
into long-form journalism. In this article, we argue that just as the literary journalists of
the 1960s attempted to write the nonfiction equivalent of the great American novel,
journalists of the 2010s are using digital tools to animate literary journalism techniques.
To evaluate whether this emerging genre represents a new era of literary journalism and
to what extent it incorporates new techniques of journalistic storytelling, we analyze
50 long-form multimedia journalism packages published online from August 2012 to
December 2013. We argue that this new wave of literary journalism is characterized by
executing literary techniques through multiple media and represents a gateway to linear
storytelling in the hypertextual environment of the Web.
Content analysis, literary journalism, long-form, multimedia, New Journalism, storytelling

As news has evolved, journalists have experimented with new formats to enhance and
transform the news-consumption experience (Barnhurst, 2010; Pauly, 2014). The use of
Corresponding author:
Susan Jacobson, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Florida International University, 3000 NE
151 Street, AC2, North Miami, FL 33181, USA.
Email: [email protected]

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2 Journalism
literary techniques in journalism has been one of the methods that reporters and editors
have employed to create variety in news storytelling. As far back as the 18th century, journalists used literary devices such as scenic reconstruction, evocative descriptions, and character development in their storytelling (Kerrane and Yagoda, 1997). In the 19th century,
news readers were treated to immersive, engaging narratives about subjects as divergent as
war and everyday life. This kind of journalism was not just informative, but interpretive,
and filled with description, characters, and storylines that appealed to readers emotions.
In the United States, such approaches to journalism appeared in several phases of
what would become known as literary journalism, beginning in the 1890s with colorful
depictions of war, poverty and personal lives (Connery, 1992). Another wave of literary
journalism appeared in books and magazines of the 1930s and 1940s with narratives of
the Great Depression and returned again in the 1960s with New Journalism, literary
long-form journalism that declined briefly in the mid-1970s, emerged again in the mid1980s, and persisted in newspapers through the early 2000s, when long-form literary
journalism took second seat to concision, video, and news linked via social media that fit
the format of websites and mobile phones.
In 2012, however, a long-form multimedia story titled Snow Fall: The Avalanche at
Tunnel Creek appeared on The New York Times website and served as a popular representation of emerging online journalism that seamlessly integrated multimedia into the narrative. In Snow Fall, a group of skiers are caught in an avalanche. Their story is told with
a mixture of the written word and multimedia, including animation of snow drifting
across a mountain and computerized flyovers of the storys setting. Snow Fall drew more
than 3million visitors to the site and received a Pulitzer Prize in 2013 for feature writing.
Its popularity inspired dozens of US news outlets, magazines, and websites to integrate
similar media technology with the written word (Clark, 2013; Zak, 2011). Snow Fall
and similar long-form multimedia projects has since become a means to surprise and
attract audiences (Dowling and Vogan, 2014). Since 2012, professional and scholarly
discussion has focused on the integration of multimedia with the written word, the ethical dilemmas of maintaining journalistic objectivity through narration, the presentation
of sources as characters, and public involvement in creating these projects (Greenberg,
2014; Tulloch, 2014).
The purpose of this article, however, is to determine the degree to which this movement of long-form multimedia journalism represents a new wave of literary journalism.
Based upon an analysis of 50 long-form multimedia journalism packages published
between August 2012 and December 2013, we identify and explicate the literary function of digital and multimedia elements that were common among the projects. In the
end, we argue multimedia features of this long-form journalism are not just representations of the technological adeptness of todays journalists but also the driving force
behind a new period of literary journalism.

The evolution of literary journalism: Pre-digital era to

Snow Fall
In the news field, long-form journalism is a term often used interchangeably with literary journalism. While there is no official definition for long-form journalism, criteria

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seem to include both length and quality., an aggregation site of current and
classic nonfiction, recommends only those articles that are at least 2000 words in length
(, n.d.). To David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, however, long-form
is lengthy, relaxed, deeply reported, literary nonfiction (Sharp, 2013). To be clear, literary journalism has been viewed as but one type covered by the long-form; others
include investigative stories and immersion (Meuret, 2013). Like long-form, the term
literary journalism has its own history of various definitions. Tackling these debates,
Sims (2007), for instance, writes that literary journalism is characterized by the authors
voice being present in the narrative and immersion reporting or the practice of spending
large amounts of time with the subject, becoming immersed in his or her life for weeks
or months, even years. Literary journalism, Sims writes, also [uses] the tools long
associated only with fiction, such as elaborate structures, characterization, and even
symbolism, but with the added requirement of accuracy (Athitakis, 2012).
Newspapers and magazines have long published literary work, but literary forms in
journalism itself have changed with the times, readers expectations, and business considerations (Connery, 1992). While literary journalism has never disappeared entirely
from the American media, scholars have found it helpful to delineate certain periods in
its evolution over the past 130years. Most scholars agree that the first period of significant literary journalism in America began in the middle to late 1800s when newspapers
such as the New York Herald and the New York Tribune printed poetry, patriotic speeches,
and the works of major literary writers of the time, such as Mark Twain (Sims, 2007).
By the 1930s, that form of literary journalism had mostly disappeared from newspapers
but appeared in magazines and books, the works focusing on addressing social issues
such as poverty and war; notable writers of the time included John Hersey and James
Agee (Connery, 1992). This period of literary journalism was also the era in which
evocative writing was paired with documentary photography to deepen the influence of
journalistic storytelling (Sims, 2007).
Literary journalism emerged in full-force again in the 1960s with narrative works by
authors such as Joan Didion, Gay Talese, and Hunter S. Thompson appearing in newspapers, magazines, and books (Connery, 1992). The work of this period became known as
New Journalism (Wolfe, 1975), characterized by the adoption of literary techniques
thought to be at odds with the traditional inverted pyramid structure of news stories,
which fed industry movements to standardize journalistic style. The early years of the
Web in the 1990s coincided with a welcoming time for literary journalism in print newspapers, as front pages published traditional storytelling with character, complication,
descriptive color, plot and resolution (Harstock, 2007: 258). Within two decades, a new
generation of literary journalists emerged. Their work shared many characteristics of the
literary journalism from previous periods. Magazines and newspapers carried the bylines
of Susan Orlean, Tracy Kidder, and Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, along with some of those
from the 1960s generation who were still writing this work.
The New New Journalists appeared in the early 2000s as print journalists enjoyed a
literary journalism renaissance (Boynton, 2005), which quickly ended in newspapers as
news organizations converged and newsroom staffs shrunk in size. The 2000s brief literary journalism movement was perhaps marked by the discontinuation in 2010 of
Harvards Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism, which had once hosted winners

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4 Journalism
of Pulitzers and others considered the prized literary journalists of the times. Journalists
and industry analysts have written that todays long-form journalism has grown out of a
lack of print and Web publication venues for written works longer than a magazine piece
and shorter than a book (Meyer, 2012; Quart, 2011; Tayman, 2011; Wolman, 2011).
Despite advancements of online companies such as Byliner and Amazon.coms
Kindle Store to promote long-form narrative storytelling in the form of interactive
e-books where users swipe horizontally or vertically to navigate the text, it took The New
York Times and its publication of Snow Fall which garnered 3.5million views and a
2013 Pulitzer Prize to declare a new genre of long-form journalism (Bennet, 2013).
The presentation was talked about so much that journalists across the country started
asking a common question about their stories: Can we snowfall this? (Dowling and
Vogan, 2014; Sullivan, 2013).
Snow Fall was quickly followed by other long-form multimedia works, most notably
The Guardians 2013 Firestorm, a real-life account of an Australian family who survived
a brush fire by clinging to a wooden boat dock. The story was told through the familys
own chilling photographs, with ambient sounds of nature alternately calm and soothing
and crackling within an inferno. As with many emerging Web-based long-form pieces,
both Snow Fall and Firestorm use parallax scrolling, the technical ability to let some
elements stay on a page longer than others as the user scrolls down the page and through
the story (Greenfield, 2013; Jaffee, 2013), embedding the user into the narrative through
visuals, audio, and compelling writing.

Multimedia in the context of journalistic storytelling

In 1997, journalist Mark Bowden wrote Black Hawk Down, a narrative account of a battle
between American Rangers and armed civilians in Mogadishu, Somalia. The work was
published over 28days on the Philadelphia Inquirer website. With images and videos
peppered among the paragraphs, Black Hawk Down became the Snow Fall of its time,
attracting hundreds of thousands of users and winning the Editor & Publisher Award for
best journalistic series on the Internet. Todays long-form journalism continues to emerge
at a dynamic time of technological advancement in the news industry, of conceptual
understandings of visual studies, and of journalism as a ritualized form of storytelling
(Gutsche, 2014; Manoff, 1986). Viewing the news as a ritual that employs drama, conflict,
and characterization of news sources reveals the means by which journalists (and audiences) embed social and cultural meanings related to news events (Schudson, 2003).
Because [v]isual and verbal messages occur together in media, and audiences process
them simultaneously (Coleman, 2010: 235), journalists apply dialogue, metaphor, and
narrative styles of writing to engage with audiences who decode news images in print and
on TV to understand embedded social and cultural meanings.
The presentation style of works like Snow Fall provides fodder for further understanding of how media are derived from a complex cultural process of blending cultural
information with technology and human intervention that also operates amid and among
audiences and unlimited means and degrees of interaction and interpretation (Mitchell,
2013). In this way, Mitchell argues that [t]here are no visual media all media are
mixed media (p. 9) and that the complex mixing of media, interactions, and influences

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can be understood through the notion of braiding, in which two or more media appear
together to create a combined meaning.
Technology has opened spaces to design and mixed media to emphasize specific
modalities of news storytelling and presentation, such as journalists of the 17th century
who used woodblocks to enable mass-produced illustrations and as todays journalists do
through photojournalism, news infographics, television broadcasts, and graphic journalism
(Cooke, 2005; Gutsche, 2011; Schack, 2014). And, as Mitchell (2013) suggests by turning
to film as an example, synchronized sound shapes a viewers (and listeners) interaction
with the medium, while text informs the script, the actor interprets the movements, the
camera operator the angle, and the audience members environment the personal connection to the screen.
The extent to which journalists have effectively used multimedia to tell stories varies.
An analysis of multimedia on The New York Times website from 2000 to 2008, for
instance, found that while the number of multimedia elements increased over time, most
of the photo slideshows, interactive features, and videos used by The Times were
produced as Web add-ons to stories originally published in the print newspaper (Jacobson,
2012). Therefore, to examine to what degree todays long-form journalism may represent
a movement of literary journalism, we seek to answer the following questions:
RQ1. To what extent are literary modes of expression used in the stories, and how
integral are literary elements to the presentation of the narrative?
RQ2. To what extent are multimedia elements present in the stories, how are they integrated into the narrative, and does their presence represent any new techniques?
RQ3. To what extent do digital long-form packages represent a new mode of journalistic storytelling?

For this study, we conducted a content analysis of 50 long-form multimedia journalism
packages published between August 2012 and December 2013 to determine the number
and scope of literary techniques that appeared amid multimedia elements and journalistic
storytelling. These dates reflect a period of time that begins with ESPNs The Long
Strange Trip of Doc Ellis, a work published just months before Snow Fall that attracted
attention for its integration of technology and narrative journalism (Nguyen, 2012) and
ends at the time of the study. As discussed above, there is no single definition of longform journalism; therefore, for the purposes of this article we relied on previous scholarship to characterize long-form journalism as consisting of in-depth reporting that results
in at least 2000 words on a specific topic (Sharp, 2013).
To select multimedia packages for analysis, we referred to lists of high-quality longform multimedia journalism identified by popular websites dedicated to discussing
online journalism, including,, and a crowd-sourced list of
long-form multimedia packages called Snowfallen by technology journalist Bobbie
Johnson (2013). After identifying the packages to be used for analysis, we turned to previous research that identifies common characteristics in journalism and used these

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6 Journalism
characteristics of storytelling to construct a codebook (Darnton, 1975; Gutsche and Salkin,
2013; Jacobson, 2012; Manoff, 1986; Pfau etal., 2004; Schudson, 2005; Sims, 2007).
Additionally, our identification of literary techniques in journalistic storytelling was
influenced by popular literature on the genre (Franklin, 1994; French, 2007; Hart, 2007;
Hothschild, 2007; Kidder and Todd, 2013; Kramer, 2007; Wolfe, 1975). From these readings, we created a codebook for this analysis that identified the following core elements
of literary journalism:
Scene: A cinematic retelling of an event using action, dialogue, specific details, and
other features, such as emotional weight and volume used by New Journalists to
create scene-by-scene constructions;
Dialogue: Speech relayed in the storys real time by either one or more characters in
the story; a recording of dialogue in full as another frequent device used by New
Characterization: The process of developing news sources as a storys characters
with whom the readers can relate;
Dramatic tension: The conflict and tension of a story used to guide readers to a resolution of some conflict or the answering of a question.
We also coded for point of view, whether stories were told from the first person, third
person, or a combination of perspectives. Furthermore, we coded for tone, where we
evaluated each story as light, neutral, or serious. Such strategies for analysis have been
employed by previous scholars as a means to identify storytelling characteristics in journalistic work (Darnton, 1975; Jacobson, 2012; Manoff, 1986; Schudson, 2005).

Examining multimedia elements

Identifying multimedia elements in these packages was crucial to understanding the layered complexities of journalistic storytelling. Rather than merely reading one photograph
or one line of text that is part of a larger and layered published work, for instance, media
scholars take into account how each element of design, text, photograph, or moving
image interact with one another to tell an overarching story (Huxford, 2001). Reese
(2007), for instance, writes that as in literature and art, interpreting dominant meanings
within journalism relies precisely [on] the way that certain attributes come to be associated with particular issues (p. 152, emphasis in original). Indeed, the interaction of pull
quotes, charts, headlines, design, and the written word in newspapers, or lower-thirds,
voice-overs, and ambient sound in TV news reports also applies to news websites, which
rely on visual characteristics like hyperlinks, typography, photography, thumbnails, and
video (Coonfield and Huxford, 2009; Knox, 2009a, 2009b). Furthermore, such a layered
approach is particularly important as news sites expand their use of new media to relay
information through the act of journalistic storytelling and narrative.
Because the literary elements described above appeared in a multitude of media in
stories examined for this study photos, videos, and audio could each convey a sense of

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time, place, and character, for example we coded instances of storytelling and media
separately to more clearly identify them in our analysis. In addition to the presence of
photos, video, and audio, we also coded for text, illustrations, photo slideshows, audio
slideshows, animation, maps, interactive infographics, and data visualizations, as well as
other kinds of interactive features and pull quotes.
Furthermore, we coded stories for format, such as whether the story appeared on a
tablet (horizontal scroll), whether it used parallax scroll, or whether the story was told on
a single page. Finally, we noted the following characteristics: date of publication, country of publication, primary medium of publishing organization (e.g. was
coded as newspaper and was coded as radio), number of contributors (writers,
editors, photographers, videographers, Web developers, and others who are credited with
producing the work), news category (breaking news, feature, analysis, etc.), and the editorial section in which the story was published (e.g. news, sports, and business).

The authors coded all 50 packages; a graduate student worked as an independent coder
to test the reliability of the categories, as recommended by Kaid and Wadsworth (1989).
The graduate student underwent training and coded 28 percent (n=14) of the packages.
To measure inter-coder reliability, percent agreement overall was calculated as 93.6
percent, ranging from 78.6 to 100 percent. Disagreements within the two categories
with the lowest percentage agreement (78.6%), Tone and Point of View, was, by and
large, the result of a small shade of difference, such as coding a package a neutral serious
versus serious for Tone and coding a package with combination first- and thirdperson perspective instead of third-person perspective in Point of View.

Results and analysis

In this section, we present the results of our content analysis and argue that todays
long-form multimedia journalism represents a new wave of literary journalism. By
applying the above core elements of literary journalism to this analysis, we discuss
three main literary functions of multimedia in these packages: the interplay of multimedia and literary techniques to create meaning within the stories; the use of video
loops as a device to establish the stories sense of time, place, and character; and the
emergence of an alternative to the hypertextual norm of Web storytelling through the
use of parallax and single-page scroll.

Overall characteristics of sample

Eight of the 50 multimedia journalism packages reviewed for this study were published
in 2012, and 42 were published in 2013. The packages came from four countries: the
United States (78%, n=39), the United Kingdom (14%, n=7), Australia, and Canada
(8%, n=2 for each). The packages were from 27 publications, including 6 from The
New York Times, 5 from the Atavist, 4 from the website The Verge, 3 each from
The Guardian and the website Pitchfork, and 2 each from The Wall Street Journal, The

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8 Journalism

Figure 1. Percentage of literary journalism techniques used in 50 long-form multimedia


Washington Post, Rolling Stone magazine, ESPN, National Public Radio (NPR), the
website Polygon, and The Daily Telegraph. (For a full list, see Appendix 1.) All of the
packages are published on the Web, and some, like the Atavist works, are also available
as e-books. In all, 44percent of packages (n=22) were published by organizations
whose primary publication venue is the newspaper, 22percent of the packages (n=11)
were published by organizations where the primary publication venue is a website,
10percent of the packages (n=5) were published by organizations known for their magazines, 10percent (n=5) were published on the Atavist, 12percent (n=6) were radio or
TV companies, and 1 was considered a news service. The number of words ranged from
2147 to 35,081, with an average word count of 9049.

Literary characteristics
In total, 96percent (n=48) of the packages employed various types of techniques of literary
journalism (Figure 1). Scenic description was found in 92percent of the packages
(n=46), character development in 84percent (n=42), dramatic tension in 64percent
(n=32), and dialogue in 40percent (n=20) of the packages. The tone of the stories was
more likely to be serious or neutral-serious (70%, n=35) than light or neutral-light (18%,
n=9) or neutral (16%, n=8). A total of 66percent of packages used the traditional thirdperson narrative perspective (n=33), while 34 percent (n=17) were told from either a
combination of first- and third-person perspectives or first-person perspective. Sixtyeight percent (n=34) of the packages used at least three of the four literary devices and
are the packages to be analyzed below.

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Figure 2. Percentage of multimedia elements in 50 long-form multimedia packages.

Multimedia elements
All of the packages used text and photos in the presentation. In total, 88percent (n=44)
used video, 48percent (n=24) incorporated static infographics, 46percent (n=23) used
animation, and 30percent (n=15) used data visualizations or interactive infographics.
(See Figure 2 for the presence of media elements.) On average, each package used 6.6
different media elements. In sum, 80percent (n=40) of the packages included regular
video as part of the storytelling process, and 34percent (n=17) included video loops. Of
these, 26percent (n=13) used both, and 8percent (n=4) featured only the loops. Packages
that included regular video used an average of 6.35 videos in each. The average length of
the fully produced videos was 2minutes, 18seconds. Packages that included video loops
used an average of 6.5 loops in each. In all, 56percent of the packages (n=28) included
parallax scroll, 34percent (n=17) functioned as a single page without parallax scroll,
and 10percent (n=5) were published in e-book format.

Other characteristics
In total, 82percent of the packages (n=41) were characterized as feature stories, 10percent (n=5) were coded as investigative pieces, and 8percent (n=4) stories were coded as
analysis. Seven (14%) of the packages were related to sports (including Snow Fall),
20percent (n=10) were profiles that focused on a single individual or group for their
special talents (including a profile of chef Curtis Duffy in His Saving Grace, and Joe
Dombrowski in Cyclings Road Forward), and 14percent (n=7) were profiles of groups

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10 Journalism
or individuals that represented larger issues (including the parents, children, and doctors
in Trials and residents of the town of Newtok, AK, in Americas First Climate Refugees).
In all, 16 of the packages (32%) recounted real-life drama (including Snow Fall,
Firestorm, The Elliot Lake Mall Collapse, and The Child Exchange).

Literary modes of expression: The storytelling power of

multimedia integration
In this section, we explicate how textual literary journalism elements, multimedia, and
digital techniques applied in these multimedia projects developed the stories characters
and scenes, delivered story dialogue, enhanced the stories drama, and developed meaning.
We select several packages that represent common findings of this analysis to explicate
the literary qualities and functions of the multimedia that was used.

The interplay of multimedia and literary journalism techniques to create

Literary techniques appeared throughout the packages multiple means of delivering
narrative structures to immerse the user in the story. Packages literary elements can be
identified as operating within Wolfes (1975) four devices of literary journalism. First,
the journalists construction of scenes invested the user into the movements of the
characters, replacing moments of information with explicit details of their physical
experiences and emotions. For example, Out in the Great Alone recounts the experience
of a Grantland journalist sent to cover the Alaskan Iditarod. Reporter Brian Phillips
describes a scene at the beginning of the race as the dogs are getting ready:
Dogs are scratching themselves, snarfing down meat, yawning, whining, wrestling, pissing,
drum-majoring their tails When the handlers start pulling out sleds and clipping the teams to
their tow lines, the collective canine intelligence realizes that ohmigosh, ohmigosh its
about to go for a run. This is when the dogs truly begin to freak out. (emphasis in original)

Scene construction is also reflected in short, shaky videos that look like they might
have been taken with a camera phone, which accompany the written word. The images
are shot from a small plane that the journalist flew to cover the race and serve to establish
the desolation of the Iditarod.
The Washington Posts The Prophets of Oak Ridge uses scenic reconstruction to tell
the story of three peace activists who broke into a US nuclear facility. Accompanying the
spare writing style are simple infographics and comic bookstyled images that build
The nun plodded up the steep and densely wooded ridge. In front of her was the painter, behind
her the drifter and the boundary fence. Pathless, they snaked slowly in wide turns to ease the
climb, pausing often so she could catch her breath.

The text is punctuated with documentary photography and illustrations of the story
stylized to look like comic book graphics. We see a photo of the cookie-cutter homes in

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Oak Ridge, TN, along with an illustration of the three characters/sources cutting the barrier fence and entering the Y-12 weapons facility. These depictions place the multimedia
journalist in the role of guide with whom users experience the characters stories and
come to interpret the works as commentary and storytelling of social issues and everyday
life that are deemed important by the very depth of presentation (Gutsche and Salkin,
2013; Manoff, 1986; Sims, 2007).
Wolfes second device of literary journalism calls for the use of dialogue, particularly
the vernacular of sources and not the polished language of the journalists, to deliver
drama and dialogue in ways that humanize the storys characters (Tulloch, 2014; Wolfe,
1975). A total of 40percent of the story packages included some written dialogue. For
example, Grantlands Out in the Great Alone serves to establish the character of the
journalist reporting the story and heighten suspense about how he will report on the
Do you have experience in winter-survival-type situations? he asked.
Sure, I said. I survive them by staying indoors. Its a technique thats worked well for me so far.
Have you spent any time in small aircraft?
Ive, uh Ive watched movies where people spent time in small aircraft.
How about winter camping, backpacking, anything along those lines?
Day hikes, I said miserably.
There was a pause on the other end of the line. Well, he said, Ill be straight with you. There
are a lot of ways to die in Alaska.

Another presentation, Tomato Can Blues, which appeared on The New York Times
website, combines animated comic book panels and dramatic writing to illustrate the
story of a man who faked his own death. The package opens with two men fighting in a
boxing ring surrounded by a chain-linked fence; a crowd of men in the foreground hold
expressions of cheers and jeers, their arms raised in excitement. A comic book dialogue
box reads, The cage was getting smaller by the hour (emphasis in original). As the
user scrolls down the page, the opening illustration moves. It appears as though the user
herself is moving through the crowd, toward the cage, what those in that fighting scene
called a tomato can.
Placed in the story, among the crowd, the user is ready to become part of the community and able to translate the meanings of the vernacular of the storys characters, including
their means of expression by referring to themselves as fighters, cage fighting as battle,
a robbery as hit(ting) a lick, and their bodies as tools for individual expression.
In addition to letting the storys characters tell their own tales in their own words and
using comic book techniques within which the characters acted out their experiences, the
journalists performed a core function of literary journalism: the humanization of the
storys sources. As Schudson (2005) writes, humanization helps to build meaningful narrations to which audiences can easily relate and by which these sources-as-characters
serve as a foundation for the stories meanings and by which the narratives sights and
sounds are not only suggested and described but are seen and heard.

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12 Journalism
Wolfes third device of literary journalism involves the use of the third persons point
of view or, more specifically, a perspective that is other than that of the journalist as
storyteller (Tulloch, 2014; Wolfe, 1975). The readers learn about what is happening in
the story from the point of view of one or more characters in the story. His Saving Grace,
published by the Chicago Tribune, tells the story of chef Curtis Duffys rise from a troubled
childhood to a rising star in the Chicago restaurant scene. Journalist Kevin Pang uses the
third-person perspective to describe Duffys emotional journey:
When hed first started cooking five years earlier, the kitchen was a place to run away to from
the fighting at home, a place that kept him from bullying neighborhood kids. Now his parents
were dead. Every hour focused on cooking was another hour not dealing with his confusion
and anger. He dreaded the end of the shift. While other chefs at Muirfield Village Golf Club
went out for drinks afterward, Curtis stayed in the head chefs office and dived into the

The story is accompanied by images from Duffys childhood, including graphic news
video showing police breaking into his family home and shooting his parents. The news
clip further underscores the third-person perspective of the story, as the users become
spectators of an awful event that changed the course of Duffys life. Furthermore, such
multimedia strengthens an ideological and emotional connection between the narratives
at the core of these stories, the characters who act out the scenes and experiences, the
producer and technology platform, and the users as participants, thereby reifying the
intimate relationships inherent in literary journalism.
Wolfes fourth and final device of literary journalism is the recording of certain
details that reflect the characters status life. Through everyday gestures, habits,
manners, customs, styles of furniture and other things, readers can see patterns of
behavior that reveal how the characters see their place in the world (Wolfe, 1975: 47).
The Jockey, for example, published by The New York Times, tells the story of Russell
Baze, the winningest jockey in American history. Through text, video, photography,
and other elements, the story is punctuated with minute details of Bazes life on and off
the track:
Each evening, Tami makes her husband dinner often chicken or pasta and if Baze has won
that day, the two watch replays of the victories as they eat. He clears the table and then reads to
her as she does the dishes and he continues as she sips hot cocoa. His idea of gluttony is three
slices of pizza and a dish of ice cream.

Video embedded within the parallax scroll appears at different times during the story,
providing visual details of the racing world Baze inhabits: We see him preparing in his
dressing room, the trumpeter signaling the start of the race, and stable hands mucking
stalls while the horses exercise at daybreak. All of these elements provide the details that
help the user understand the world of Russell Baze and to be able to apply the users
interpretations of meanings associated with these long-form packages to larger issues of
society and culture, a core purpose of literary journalism (Connery, 1992; Wolfe, 1975)
through integrated multimedia.

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Video loops: Multimedia as an agent for literary storytelling

Journalists used literary techniques in almost all of the packages in this study that were
rendered not just in words but through multimedia. One technique in particular that
appeared in 34percent of the packages was the video loop, a short, repetitive video, most
silent but some with audio, which served to give a sense of place, time, or character in
the story. Such loops served as a literary agent to provide a sense of authenticity to the
journalistic prose and presentation, an objective discussed by other scholars (Hart, 2007;
Hothschild, 2007; Sims, 2007).
For example, a treacherous sea voyage of refugees from Indonesia to Australias
Christmas Island in Dream Boat by The New York Times Magazine is captured in a video
loop filmed by the journalists on board the rickety boat as it is tossed by the waves. The
loop is seamlessly integrated into the single-page textual story, suddenly appearing on
screen at the appropriate point in the story with no need to press a start button to begin. The
short video reveals to the audience, on a visceral level, the risk inherent in the voyage
a risk that may be lost through the abstraction of textual description.
Two packages in particular represent how loops worked to bring the user into the environment to experience the story alongside the main sources-as-characters (Gutsche, 2014;
Schudson, 2005). Trials, published by The Wall Street Journal, is an extensive investigative
piece on a group of families and doctors who go to extreme lengths to secure treatment
for a rare childhood disease. Video loops are used to portray character portraits of people
in the story. For example, a loop captures the innocence of two children, ultimate victims
of the disease, sleeping in the comfort and security of their own bed. We see doctors and
parents looking straight into the camera, so still that it is only after a blink of the eyes or a
purse of the lips that the user realizes the images are rendered in video.
In Watch Dogs: Invasion, a story about municipal surveillance in Chicago and its
depiction in the video game Watch Dogs, video loop portraits remind us of surveillance as
a contemporary social issue that can have very personal ramifications as more communities
fall under watchful eyes of their governments. In this video, the user is presented with an
uncomfortable interaction with the potential influence of the storys topic: Subjects look
directly into the camera and the user returns the gaze, creating a surreal relationship that
leaves the user asking, Are we watching them, or are they watching us?
Perhaps, more than any other multimedia element employed in these packages, video
loops established characters and personal associations in ways similar to how literary
journalism conveys the same sensibilities in writing. By blending the authors subjectivity
and the verisimilitude that connects the reader/user with representations of sources,
settings, and story (Darnton, 1975; Greenberg, 2014; Manoff, 1986; Sims, 2007), such
storytelling positioned journalists as storytellers and on occasion, as characters that
harken to the days of New Journalism in the 1960s that not only report(ed) on society
but enact(ed) the social (Pauly, 2014: 2).

Forging a space for linear narrative on the web

The long-form multimedia packages analyzed in this study represent an emergence of
linear storytelling on the hypertextual Web. Before the Internet before the widespread

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14 Journalism
use of computing scholars understood the limitations of information delivered in the
linear, finished forms of the book, the movie, the printed magazine (Bush, 1945; Landow,
2006; Nelson, 1981). As journalism and other media have developed online, storytelling
forms took a turn toward shorter, multi-linear, and networked communication.
Parallax scroll and single-page scroll two techniques used in these packages
created a more centered, more linear presentation of the narrative. In all, 56percent
(n=28) of the presentations in this study used parallax scroll, replacing a hyperlinked
menu of items with a single page where transitions are used to reveal different sections
of the stories. An additional 34percent of the packages in this study (n=17) used a simple
single-page format that mimicked parallax scroll for example, by placing large video
loops or photographs between sections of the story rather than creating a parallax
Snow Fall, for example, was memorable not just because the written story by itself
was compelling, and not just because of the multimedia elements of snowy landscapes
and animated three-dimensional (3D) maps, but rather because these elements were
seamlessly integrated in single-page presentations, where text ceded to image which
ceded back to text in an unbroken flow. Snow Fall showed that there was a place for
linear narrative storytelling a structural characteristic shared by most literary journalism,
which began in print media (Kramer, 1995) on the Web, although the Webs native
format, hypertext, challenges all literary form based on linearity, calls into question
ideas of plot and story current since Aristotle (Landow, 2006: 218).
In Snow Fall, as the user scrolls down the page, written text scrolls up and over the
video loop of a snowstorm on the title screen. Further along, the background color of the
page turns from white to gray as an animated flyover of the Tunnel Creek mountainside
replaces the text that came before it. The ability to create transitions while still on a single
page is in contrast to hypertext, which seeks to emphasize the outward linkages of
elements in a story, enable skipping around the narrative, and encourage shorter units of
meaning (Landow, 2006; Manovich, 2001; Nelson, 1981). The move toward morefaster-smaller units of information on the Web perhaps made it inevitable that a new
long-form would emerge (Neveu, 2014), giving users an opportunity to choose between
hypertextually fragmented news skipping stones and long-form stories that provide a
moral alternative that demands focused attention on the part of the audience (Ball, 2013).

Based upon an analysis of 50 long-form multimedia journalism packages published
between August 2012 and December 2013, this article argues that these forms of digital
journalism represent a new wave of literary journalism. More specifically, our analysis
of the packages core storytelling characteristics of literary journalism suggest that while
this genres use of multimedia techniques like video loops and digital formats like parallax
and single-page scroll reflects the technological skill of todays journalists, the techniques also represent the integration of technology in storytelling that holds literary
purposes of its own. Such digital storytelling encompasses more than the fragmented,
de-centered, hypertextual blocks of the Web and furthers the fields understandings of
the Webs potential for dramatic and immersive journalism.

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Jacobson et al.

By no means, however, do we consider this article to be the complete story on literary

functions of this emerging form of journalistic storytelling. However, future research
will benefit from an initial foundation that examines the underlying form of literary journalism on the Web. As scholars continue to uncover the breadth and depth of journalistic
storytelling in a digital age, they should be encouraged to examine the civic applications
of this new wave of literary journalism, the potential influence of traditional or legacy
news readers, and the potential for theoretical and practical implications related to how
and why news outlets produce such works.
The authors wish to thank Bianca Morrison for her assistance.

This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or
not-for-profit sectors.

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18 Journalism
Author biographies
Susan Jacobson, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
at Florida International University. Her research examines the expressive qualities of digital
Jacqueline Marino is an Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
at Kent State University. Her research examines the digital evolution of literary journalism.
Robert E Gutsche Jr, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass
Communication at Florida International University. His research examines cultural meanings of
the news particularly within journalistic storytelling of geography and place.

Appendix 1


The Agony of Rob Ford

Americas First Climate Refugees

Angel Killer
The Art Outside the Box
Atari Teenage Riot
The Austerity Audit
The Bones of Marianna
Chasing the Beast
The Child Exchange
Cyborg America
Cyclings Road Forward
Deep Soul The Muscle Shoals
The Dream Boat
The Drug That Never Lets Go
The Elliot Lake Mall Collapse
Finding Shakespeare
Five Seasons: Spending a Playing
Year Is Aussie AFL

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Jacobson et al.
Appendix 1.(Continued)


For Amusement Only: The Life and

Death of the American Arcade
A Game of Shark and Minnow

The Geeks on the Front Lines

The Ghost of Speedy Cannon
Glitter in the Dark
Greenlands Ice Sheets Are
Disappearing Faster than Anyone
His Saving Grace
Invisible Child: Dasanis Homeless
The Jockey
Keep the Things You Forgot: An
Elliott Smith Oral History
Kennedy and Oswald: Killing
The Lobotomy Files
The Long, Strange Trip of Dock Ellis
Machines for Life
MLK six:01
Murder on the Mekong
My Year With Malala
The NSA Files: Decoded
Out in the Great Alone
Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
The Prophets of Oak Ridge
Scamworld: Get Rich Quick
Schemes Mutate into an Online
Sex Predators Unleashed
Snow Fall

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20 Journalism
Appendix 1.(Continued)


Stray Bullet
The Town That Wouldnt
Tomato Can Blues

Unfit for Work
Watch Dogs: Invasion
Wrappers Delight
Your Meat Addiction Is Destroying
the Planet (But We Can Fix It)

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