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Cross-Examination Of Witness And Witness

Sub.: Law Of Evidence

Submitted To:-

Submitted By:-

Dr. G.P. Tripathi

Harshada Singh

Director Sir


Mats Law School

Semester VI


I express my sincere gratitude to Director sir Dr. G.P. Tripathi, MATS Law School, Raipur,
and owe my foremost regards to her for giving us an opportunity to carry out this project
work under her guidance. This work would not have been possible without her invaluable
support and thought provoking comments.
I would also like to thank our batch mates who directly or indirectly helped us in making this

I hereby declare that the project work entitled CROSS-EXAMINATION OF WITNESS
AND WITNESS PROTECTION submitted to the MATS University is the original work
done by me under the guidance of Dr. G.P. Tripathi, Director Sir, MATS Law School, MATS
University, Arang, and this project has not performed the basis for the award of any Degree or
diploma and similar project if any.

Harshada Singh




Page No.


Public trial and cross-examination of witnesses in open court:



Indian laws
Statutory protection of witness under Indian laws



In India where large number of complaints and cases are filed in civil and criminal courts
every day, delay in justice is common as pendency of cases in courts are also growing rapidly.
Examination of witnesses plays an important role in the presentation of the evidence in a
court of law irrespective of civil or criminal case and admissibility of evidence is also an
important aspect which has to be decided by the judges only. Due to which each case will be
looked upon clearly and it will take long time to pass the judgment by the court. The
examination of witnesses can be classified into three types as defined under Sec: 137 of
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 as follows:Examination-in-chief means the examination of witness by the party who calls him shall be
called his examination-in-chief.
Cross-Examination means the examination of witness by the adverse party shall be
called his cross-examination.
Re-Examination means the examination of a witness, subsequent to the cross-examination
by the party who called him, shall be called his re-examination.
The art of Cross-Examination plays an important role in the trial of each case which
involves hard work and talent of lawyers while providing justice to their clients. A perfect
lawyer should learn the art of Cross-Examination not by reading newspapers but the
successful artist learns by doing it, or watching others do it well; by reading trial and
deposition transcripts or, better yet, by conducting the examination personally. The trial
lawyer must learn as well to adapt to particular witnesses and different cases.
The right of Cross-Examination is one of the most powerful instrumentalities provided
lawyers in the conduct of litigation. One of the most important purposes of CrossExamination is to attempt to destroy the testimony or the credibility of the opponents
witnesses. Justice is not served if a witness is unable to communicate credibility to a jury. The
search for truth is the ultimate and idealistic end of all litigated matter in a court trial.

The main object of Cross-Examination is to find out the truth and detection of falsehood in
human testimony. It is designed either to destroy or weaken the force of evidence which is
already given by a witness. Cross-Examination of witness is a duty of every lawyer towards
his client and not a matter of glory and fame. It is the most efficacious test to discover the
truth and to detect the false statements of the witness. It should be remembered that the
Justice should not be defeated by the improper Cross-Examination. One of the purposes of
Cross-Examination is to asking questions regarding what the witness has stated in the
Examination-in-chief and the answer is the reply by the witness to the question put by the
Often, however, one needs to spend time with the witness to develop several critical points to
counter the impact of the direct examination. Before initiating a Cross-Examination of any
witness, the lawyer should clearly bear in mind those points he or she wishes to make with
that witness. And then, he or she should write them down. These points also should be
discussed with those who are assisting at trial. Patience is the virtue in Cross-Examination
and judges must give chance to every party to Cross-Examine the other partys witness.
A lawyer should use leading questions i.e. is that correct? and isnt it a fact etc. at the
time of Cross-Examining of the witness because asking only leading questions is perhaps the
oldest rule of Cross-Examination. It is an old rule because it is a good one. Leading questions
are most effective because they essentially allow the Cross-Examiner to testify and the
witness to ratify. The technique advances one of the important dynamics of the courtroom is
control. Asking leading questions allows the Cross-Examiner to be forceful, fearless,
knowledgeable and informative. Good thing come from leading questions. Usually be aware
that leading questions also can grow tiresome. No one likes to hear a hundred questions in a
row that end with, is that correct? and all the questions put during the trial of Crossexamination must be lawful as permitted under Sec: 146 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
Questions asked during the Cross-Examination must be relevant to the issue related in the
facts of the case and indecent & scandalous questions can also be asked by the advocate at
the time of Cross-Examination unless they relate to the fact in issue. Most importantly
questions intended to insult or annoy should be forbidden by the court though questions
seems to be proper.

The court who has authoritative power to decide the case can recall the witness for the CrossExamination based on the facts and circumstances of the particular case and a summary
procedure does not take away the rights of the parties to Cross-Examine whereas every party
has to be given fair deal in the matter of Cross-Examination. There are certain important
points which can be considered as chief heads of the Cross-Examination as follows:

To cause the witness to alter or amend his evidence by questioning about his

To modify the evidence given under the Examination-in-chief, by causing the witness
to speak to supplementary facts to show the reasons and circumstances.

To discredit the evidence of witness by putting questions connected with his character.

From reasons arising out of his evidence by causing him to give further evidence.

To cause him to give evidence to be received as true.

According to the case of Hari Narayan Singh v State of West Bengal, 1 court observed that it is
not necessary that all the persons who happen to be there should be brought as witnesses. One
witness out of several is good enough, if his testimony legally acceptable and believable.
In the case of Bhagwan Singh v State of Bihar, 2 Supreme Court observed where the court
gives permission to the prosecutor to Cross-Examine his own witness thus characterizing him
as, hostile witness, that fact does not completely effaces his evidence. The evidence remains
admissible in the trial and there is no legal bar to base a conviction upon his testimony if
corroborated by other reliable evidence.

1 2009 CriLJ 4001 (caLJ).

2 AIR 1976 SC 202.



Sec.327 Cr.PC provides for trial in the open court and 327 (2) provides for in-camera trials
for offences involving rape under s.376 IPC and under s.376 A to 376 D of the IPC. Sec. 273
requires the evidence to be taken in the presence of the accused. Sec. 299 indicates that in
certain exceptional circumstances an accused may be denied his right to cross-examine a
prosecution witness in open court. Further, under Sec.173 (6) the police officer can form an
opinion that any part of the statement recorded under Sec.161 of a person the prosecution
proposes to examine as its witness need not be disclosed to the accused if it is not essential in
the interests of justice or is inexpedient in the public interest. Sec. 228A IPC prescribes
punishment if the identity of the victim of rape is published. Likewise, Sec. 21 of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 prohibits publication of the name, address
and other particulars which may lead to the identification of the juvenile. Under Sec. 33 of
the Evidence Act, in certain exceptional cases, where cross examination is not possible,
previous deposition of the witness can be considered that relevant in subsequent proceedings.
The Evidence Act requires to be looked into afresh to provide for protection to a witness.


The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 provides for trial in open court 3 and also provides for
in- camera trials4 for offences involving rape.5 If a trial is conducted in camera it would help
the victim/witness to give her testimony comfortably. The presence of the public and the
media produces a sense of shyness in the mind of the victim/witness and she may not give
testimony freely. The Supreme Court in State of Punjab V. Gurmit Singh6, observed:
if the witness or victim is protected it would enable the victims of crimes to be a little
comfortable and answer the questions with greater ease in not too familiar surroundings. Trial
in camera would not only be in keeping the self-respect of the victim of (the) crime and in
tune with legislative intent but is also likely to improve the quality of evidence of a
prosecutrix because she would not be so hesitant or bashful to depose frankly as she may be
in the open court, under the gaze of (the) public. The improved quality of her evidence would
assist the court in arriving at the truth and sifting truth from falsehood
Further, for ensuring a fair trial, elaborate provisions have been made in Section 207 (supply
of copies of police report and other documents to the accused), Section 208 (supply of copies
of statements and documents to accused in other cases triable by Court of Sessions). Section
273 provides that evidence to be taken in the presence of accused. In many cases especially
cases relating to women and children, victims are hesitant to speak freely in presence of the
offenders. In this regard the Law Commission of India7 has recommended the insertion of a
proviso to Section 273 to the effect that where the evidence of a person below 16 years who
is alleged to have been subjected to sexual assault is to be recorded, the Court may take
3 Sec. 327.
4 Sec. 327 (2).
5 Sec.376 and Sec.376 A to 376 D of the Indian Penal Code, 1861.
6 1996 (2) SCC 384.
7 172nd Report (2000).

appropriate measures to ensure that such a person is not confronted by the accused. The
Supreme Court of India in Sakshi V. Union of India8 observed:
the whole inquiry before a court being to elicit the truth, it is absolutely necessary that the
victim or the witnesses are able to depose about the entire incident in a free atmosphere
without any embarrassment.The mere sight of the accused may induce an element of
extreme fear in the mind of victim or the witnesses or can put them in a state of shock. In
such a situation he or she may not be able to give full details of the incident which may result
in miscarriage of justice. Therefore, a screen or some such arrangement can be made where
the victim or witness do not have to undergo the trauma of seeing the body or face of the
The use of the screen as suggested by the Law Commission and also recommended by the
Supreme Court would make it comfortable to the victim to testify in Court where he/she may
confront the accused directly. There is another method by which a victim/witness may avoid
direct confrontation with the accussed while giving testimony. That is recording through
video conferencing. Recording of evidence through video conferencing has been held to be
permissible in a recent decision of the Supreme Court in State of Maharashtra v Dr. Praful B.
Desai9. When a statement is recorded through this method, the victim/witness would feel
more comfortable and will give answers without any fear or pressure.
Section 299 refers to the right of the accused to cross-examine the prosecution witnesses.
These provisions are intended to guarantee an open public trial with a right to the accused to
know the evidence gathered by the prosecution and also a right to cross-examination to
safeguard the interest of the accused. This is so particularly because the accused is presumed
to be innocent unless proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Record of evidence in absence
of the accused may be taken under Section 299 of the Code. No doubt, this Section empowers
the Magistrate to record the deposition of certain witnesses in the absence of the accused.
Such recording of evidence in absence of an accused has been provided only where an
accused person has absconded and there is no immediate prospect of arresting him. In such
cases, the competent court may examine the witnesses produced on behalf of the prosecution
8 2004 (6) SCALE 15.
9 2003 (4) SCC 601.

and record their depositions and such depositions may be given in evidence against him on
the inquiry into or trial for the offence with which the accused is charged, if the deponent is
dead or incapable of giving evidence or cannot be found or his presence cannot be procured
without an amount of delay, expense or inconvenience which, under the circumstances of the
case, would be unreasonable.
Section 177 of the Code says that in order to secure impartial evidence from the witness the
witness on his way to court shall not require to accompany a police officer and shall not
subject to unnecessary restraint or inconvenience, or required to give any security for his
appearance if needed. Section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure provides that a
Magistrate shall examine upon oath the complainant and the witnesses present, if any. Under
Section 202 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in an inquiry, the Magistrate may, if he
thinks fit, take evidence of witnesses on oath. Moreover, Section 204 (2) of the Code
provides that no summons or warrant shall be issued against accused unless a list of the
prosecution witnesses has been filed. For the examination of witnesses, the Magistrate shall
fix a date under Section 242 in case of warrant cases instituted on police report and under
Section 244 in cases other than those based on police report.
Further, as to right of cross-examination by the accused, it would be evident on a reading of
Section 299 of the Code that while the right to cross examine the prosecution witnesses is
normally guaranteed, there are certain exceptional circumstances in which an accused may be
denied his right to cross-examine a witness of the prosecution in open court.
In addition to Section 299 of the Code, reference may be made to subsection (6) of Section
173 of the Code. Section 173 which deals with the report of the police officer on completion
of investigation, provides under sub-Section (5) (b), that the police officer shall forward to
the Magistrate along with his report the statements recorded under Section 161 of all the
persons whom the prosecution proposes to examine as its witnesses. However, sub-Section
(6) of Section 173 provides that if the police officer is of opinion that any part of any such
statement is not relevant to the subject matter of the proceeding or that its disclosure to the
accused is not essential in the interests of justice and is inexpedient in the public interest, he
shall indicate that part of the statement and append a note requesting the Magistrate to
exclude that part from copies to be granted to the accused and stating his reasons for making
such request. Thus, while the requirement of providing information to the accused is the rule,
the exception to the extent permitted as above under Section 173 (6) is limited only to a part

of the statement made under Section 161 of the Code and not to the entire statement deposed
to by any person including a prosecution witness under Section 161 of the Code.
Procedure for examination and cross-examination of witnesses is specified in the Code.
Section 231(2) of the Code provides that at the trial in the Court of Session, the prosecution
may produce its evidence on the date fixed and the defence may cross examine or the date of
cross examination may be deferred. Section 242(2) permits cross-examination by accused in
cases instituted on police report and trial under warrant procedure is by magistrates. Section
246(4) provides for cross-examination of prosecution witness in trials of warrant cases by
Magistrates in cases instituted otherwise than on police report. But witnesses can now be
examined by video conference procedure as per the judgment of the Supreme Court in Praful
Desais case.10
In certain circumstances, the venue of the trial may be shifted if the witnesses or victims are
not in a position to depose freely due to various reasons. The Supreme Court in Zahira
Habibulla Sheikh V. State of Gujarat,11 case ordered a shift in venue from Gujarat to
Maharashtra. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 contains provisions 12 in respect of
transfer of cases. Criminal Courts are also obliged to order payment of reasonable expenses
incurred by the witness or complainant for attending the court.13
Recently the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act,2008 inserted a new section
195A.This section will empower the witness or any other person to file a complaint in
response to the offence covered under IPC for threatening or inducing any person to give
false evidence.
195A. Procedure for Witnesses in case of threatening etc.: - A witness or any other person
may file a complaint in relation to an offence under section 195A of the Indian Penal Code.
(45 of 1860).
10 Supra note 9.
11 2004 (4 SCC 158).
12 Secs.406 & 407 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
13 Sec. 312 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.


Section 228A of the Indian Penal Code provides that the Court shall impose a sentence of two
years imprisonment and fine upon any person who prints or publishes the name or any matter
which may identify the person against whom rape has been found or alleged to have been
committed. This protection is given with a view to protect the rape victims privacy from
general public and so that the media may not cast stigma on the victim by disclosure of her


The expression evidence is defined in Section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act 1872 as under:
Evidence means and includes..
1. All statements which the court permits or requires to be made before it by witnesses, in
relations to matter of fact under inquiry; such statements are called oral evidence;
2. All documents produced for the inspection of the court; such documents are called
documentary evidence.
The words all statements in Section 3 of the Act includes the examination-in chief as well as
the cross-examination and subject to the permission re-examination also. The word
evidence is derived from the Latin word Evidens or Evidere, which means:
to show clearly; to make clear to the sight; to discover clearly; to make plainly
certain to ascertain; to prove.

14 Section 228A: Disclosure of identity of the victim of certain offences etc. (1)
Whoever prints or publishers the name or any matter which may make known
the identity of any person against whom an offence under section 376, section
376A, section 376B, section 376C, or section 376D is alleged or found to have
been committed (hereafter in this section referred to as the victim) shall be
punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to
two years and shall also be liable to fine.

Evidence as defined by the Bentham means any matter of fact or design of which when
presented to the mind, is to produce in the mind a persuasion concerning the existence of
some other matter of the fact- a persuasion either affirmative or dis-affirmative of its
existence of the two facts so connected, the later may be distinguished as the principle fact
and the former as evidentiary fact. Under the Act to simplify the matter the term Evidence has
been reduced to two heads:

Oral evidence ; and


Documentary evidence

Evidence as defined in Section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 covers: (i) Evidence of
witnesses; and (ii) Documentary evidences.
It does not cover every material that a court has before it. 15 The word evidence in the Act
signifies only the instruments by means of which relevant facts are brought before the court.
The instruments adopted for this purpose are witnesses and documents. 16 The depositions of
witnesses and documents included in the term evidence are two principal means by which
the materials, upon which the Judge has to adjudicate, are brought before him. In a criminal
case, trial depends mainly upon the evidence of the witnesses and, the provisions of the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and of the Evidence Act, 1872 exhaustively provide for the
depositions of the witness and the rules regarding their admissibility in the proceedings
before the Court.
The provision relating to witnesses appears in Chapter IX Of Witnesses (from Section 118
to 134) and Chapter X Of the Examination of Witnesses (from Section 135 to 165) of the
Act. The Evidence Act refers to direct evidence by witnesses. As to proof of facts, direct
evidence of a witness who is entitled to full credit shall be sufficient for proof of any fact
(Section 134), and the examination of witnesses is dealt with in Sections 135 to 166 of the
Act (both inclusive). Section 134 Indian Evidence Act deals with the question of quantity of
legitimate evidence required for judicial decision. The well-known maxim that Evidence has
to be weighed and not counted has been given statutory recognition in Section 134 of the
15 Godrej Soap Ltd. v State, 1991 CriLJ 828 (Cal.)
16 Gobarayyayaz v Emperor, AIR Nagpur 242.

Evidence Act. It is well settled conviction can be recorded on the basis of the Statement of
single eye-witness provided his credibility is not shaken by any adverse circumstances
appearing on the record against him and the court at the same time, is convinced that he is a
truthful witness. The court will not then insist on corroboration by any other eye-witness
particularly as the incident might have occurred at a time or place when there was no
possibility of any other eye witness being present. Indeed, the courts insist on the quality, and
not in the quantity of evidence.17 Section 135 provides that the order in which witnesses are
produced and examined shall be regulated by the law and practice for the time being relating
to civil and criminal procedures respectively, and, in the absence of such law, by the
discretion of the Court. In other words, the order in which evidence has to be produced by the
parties is regulated by the Criminal Procedure Code [Chapter XX (Procedure for summons
cases), Chapter XXI (Procedure for warrant cases) Chapter XXII (Procedure in summary
trials) and Chapter XIII, in criminal cases and by Civil Procedure Code in Civil Cases (Order
As per Section 132 of the Act a witness shall not be excused from answering a question on
the ground that such answer will criminate or may tend directly or indirectly to criminate
such witness or that it will expose or tend directly or indirectly to expose such witness to a
penalty or forfeiture of any kind. Proviso to the section engrafts a protection to the witness
that any answer he is compelled to give shall not subject him to any arrest or prosecution or
be proved against him in any criminal proceeding other than prosecution for giving false
evidence. One of the earliest decisions under English Law dealing with the privilege a
witness not to answer questions which have a tendency to criminate him is Fisher V.
Ronalds18.Section 132 of the Act is a reproduction of the English Law as to privilege of a
witness from being compelled to answer questions which was taken away by Section 32 of
Act 2 of 1855.In Elavarathi Peddatha Reddi V. Iyyala Varada Reddi19effect of the word
compulsion occurring in the proviso to Section 32 of the Act came up for consideration.
Question considered was weather protection is available to witness only in respect of answers
17 Kartik Malhar V. State of Bihar,1996 Cri.L.J. 889 (891) (S.C.); Shankar V. State
of Rajasthan, 2004 Cri.L.J.1608 (Raj.).
18 1852 (138) ER 1104.
19 AIR 1929 Mad. 236.

given on compulsion and whether summoning of the person amounted to such

compulsion. Devadoss J., speaking for the bench said,
In order to avail oneself of the protection given, he must bring himself with in the proviso;
in other words he should be compelled to answer the question. The compulsion contemplated
in Section 132 is something more than being put in to the box and being sworn to give
evidence; the compulsion may be expressed or implied. It is not necessary that the
compulsion must be in any set form of words or that the asking for protection should be in a
particular form. If the witness is made to understand that he must answer all questions
without expression, it would amount to compulsion. In all cases it is the question of fact
whether there was or was not compulsion
A division bench in Ganadharan v S.I. of Police 20 dissented from the decision of the Madras
High Court in Elavarathi Peddatha Reddis case and held that protection under the proviso to
Section 132 of the Act is available to the witness is required by the court either by issuance of
summons or by means and answer given by such witness cannot be characterized as
voluntary statement and without compulsion. It is immaterial whether he has objected to the
Section 138 of the Evidence Act not only lays down the manner of examining a particular
witness but also impliedly confers on the party, a right of examinationin-chief, crossexamination and re-examination. The examination of witnesses is generally indispensable and
by means of it, all facts except the contents of document may be proved. Anybody who is
acquainted with the facts of the case can come forward and give evidence in the Court. Under
the Evidence Act, the right of cross-examination available to opposite party is a distinct and
independent right, if such party desires to subject the witness to cross-examination. On the
importance of the right of cross-examination, the Supreme Court in Nandram Khemraj vs.
State of M.P.21 observed:
The weapon of cross-examination is a powerful weapon by which the defence can separate
truth from falsehood piercing through the evidence given by the witness, who has been
examined in examination-in-chief. By the process of cross-examination the defence can test
20 1989 (2) KLT 448.
21 1995 Cr.L.J. 1270.

the evidence of a witness on anvil of truth. If an opportunity is not given to the accused to
separate the truth from the evidence given by the witness in examination-in-chief, it would be
as good as cutting his hands, legs and mouth and making him to stand meekly before the
barrage of statements made by the witnesses in examination-in-chief against him or sending
him to jail. Law does not allow such things to happen.
Under the Evidence Act, in certain exceptional cases, where cross examination is not
possible, then the previous deposition of a witness can be considered relevant in subsequent
proceedings. This is provided in Section 33 of the Evidence Act. The essential requirements
of Section 33 are as follows:

that the evidence was given in a judicial proceedings or before any person
authorized by law to take it;


that the proceeding was between the same parties or their representatives ininterest;


that the party against whom the deposition is tendered had a right and full
opportunity of cross-examining the deponent when the deposition was taken;


that the issues involved are the same or substantially the same in both


That the witness is incapable of being called at the subsequent proceeding on

account of death or incapable of giving evidence or being kept out of the way by
the other side or his evidence cannot be given without an unreasonable amount of
delay or expense.

The conditions mentioned above must be fulfilled before a previous deposition can be
admitted in evidence, without cross-examination. It is significant to note as stated in (c)
above, that where such deposition is to be admitted in criminal proceedings, a party against
whom a deposition is tendered must have had a right and full opportunity of cross-examining
the deponent when the deposition was taken.
Section 148 of the Act provides that if any question relates to matter which is not relevant to
the suit or proceedings under hearing except it effects the credit of a witness by injuring his

character, then it empowers the court to decide when such questions shall be asked and when
such witness be compelled to answer it. The Section itself has given out the consideration in
form of three clauses to decide whether a question proposed to be asked is proper question or
improper question. What questions are proper, they are to be decided with reference to the
consideration rule laid down in clause one. Whereas question, which are to be termed as
improper, are to be decided with reference a consideration rule contained in clauses two and
three. It may also be stated here that this section has classified questions to be put in crossexamination only in two categories: (1) proper questions, and (2) improper questions.
The object of this section is to prevent the unnecessary action racking up of the past history
of a witness, when it throws no light whatsoever on the questions at issue in a case. It protects
a witness from the evils of a reckless and unjustifiable cross-examination under the guise of
impeaching his credit. In the course of crossexamination, the temptations is always too great
to run down a witnesss character, the Legislature has, therefore, wisely provided ample
safeguards for the unfortunate witness and placed wholesome checks on the wily crossexaminer.22
Section 149 of the Evidence Act lays down that a question intended to impeach the credit of a
witness ought not to be ask, unless the person asking it has reasonable grounds for thinking
that the imputation which it conveys is well founded. The extensive powers which have been
granted to the court for protecting witnesses from questions not lawful in cross examination
are set out in Sections 146 to 153.Section 149 of the Act is a warning signal to the person
putting the question and indicates in suing liability. It also further points out how to work out
the right of a cross examination in such matters. It expressly states that unless there are
reasonable grounds for thinking that the imputation which is conveyed by these questions is
well founded, questions should not be asked. Illustrations appended to the section lucidly
illustrate the purpose of the provisions of Section 149. Section 150 is the penalty that may
ensue against a reckless crossexamination if the court was of the opinion that the questions
were asked without reasonable grounds.23 Section 150 of the Evidence Act is enacted to keep
a check on the lawyers if they ask any question without any reasonable ground. This Section
lays down the procedure in case of question being asked without reasonable grounds. It
22 Ratan Lal & Dhiraj Lal ,The Law of Evidence, 23rd Ed. 2011.
23 Prakash V. State of Maharashtra, 1975 Cri.L.J. 1297.

empowers the court to report the circumstances of the case either to high court or other
authorities (such as Bar Council) to which such barrister, pleader, vakil or attorney is subject
in exercise of his profession.
Section 151 of the Evidence Act empowers the Court to forbid the putting of any questions
which is indecent or scandalous, provided it does not relate to fact in issue or to matters
necessary to be known in order to determine whether or not the facts in issue existed. In other
words, indecent and scandalous questions can be put if they directly relate to facts in issue
and also if it is necessary to be known in order to determine whether or not the facts in issue
existed. It has to be pointed out therefore, that these exceptions are vital, and if any given
case the court is satisfied that even an indecent and scandalous question may have a bearing
upon a fact in issue, the same cannot be forbidden. However, all sorts of irrelevant questions
which tend to harass or embarrass a witness are not to be allowed. Scandalous, vexatious and
cantankerous questions which do not advance the cause of justice and which elicit irrelevant
or inadmissible answers and which are put with a view to delay the progress of the case
should not be allowed.24 Further Section 152 of Evidence Act empowers the court to forbid
any question which appears to be intended to insult or annoy or needlessly offensive in form.
Section 149 to 152 together with Section 148, ante were intended to protect a witness against
improper cross-examination, a protection which is often very much required. It has however,
been said that the protection afforded by section 148 is not very effectual because an innocent
man will be eager to answer the question, and one who is guilty will by a claim for protection
merely confess his guilt, and that the threats contained in Section 149, 150, do not carry the
matter much further.25
The aforesaid provisions of the Evidence Act have been designed to ensure a fair trial to the
accused as he is presumed to be innocent till he is proved of guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
However, there are instances where crucial witnesses, i.e., key witnesses or material
witnesses, disappear either before or during a trial or a witness is threatened, abducted or

24 Babu Rao Patel V. Bal Thackeroy, 1977 Cri.L.J. 1639.

25 Markby Evidence p.107.

done away with. These incidents do not happen by accident and the inevitable consequence is
that in many of these matters, the case of the prosecution fails.26
In the above scenario, it is imperative that the provisions of the Evidence Act are required to
be looked into afresh to ensure fair trial by affording protection to a witness so that true and
correct facts come up before the trial Court.
As to the limitation upon the right of cross-examination of the prosecutrix in rape cases,
amendments restricting the scope of cross-examination have been made by the Indian
Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2002. Recently, the Indian Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2002
has inserted a proviso below sub-Section (3) of Section 146 of the Evidence Act, 1872
thereby giving protection to a victim of rape from unnecessary questioning her about her past
character. The said proviso reads as follows:
Provided that in a prosecution for rape or attempt to commit rape, it shall not be permissible,
to put questions in the cross-examination of the prosecutrix as to her general immoral
The Law Commission of India27 has recommended insertion of a broader provision by way of
a new sub-Section (4) in Section 146 which reads as follows:
(4) In a prosecution for an offence under Sections 376, 376A, 376B, 376C and 376D of the
Indian Penal Code or for attempt to commit any such offence, where the question of consent
is in issue, it shall not be permissible to adduce evidence or to put questions in the crossexamination of the victim as to her general moral character, or as to her previous sexual
experience with any person for proving such consent or the quality of consent.
Explanation: character includes reputation and disposition.
Thus, a survey of the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 and the Indian
Evidence Act, 1872 reveals that the accused has a right of open trial and also a right to crossexamine the prosecution witnesses in open court. There are a few exceptions to these
principles and the Supreme Court has declared that the right to open trial is not absolute and
26 Turnor Morrison & Co. V. K.N. Tapuria, 1993 Cr.L.J. 3384 Bom.
27 185th Report (2003).

video-screening techniques can be employed and such a procedure would not amount to
violation of the right of the accused for open trial. The Code of Criminal Procedure contains a
provision for examination of witnesses in camera and this provision can be invoked in cases
of rape and child abuse. There is, however, need for extending the benefit of these special
provisions to other cases where the witnesses are either won over or threatened, so that justice
is done not only to the accused but also to victims. The Evidence Act requires to be looked
into afresh to provide for protection to a witness.



Criminal law in India was codified by the British Government with the sole purpose of
facilitating repression of Indians and to prevent the natives from acting against the colonial
masters. Within this scheme of things a witnesses perspective would have been a misfit.
Independent India inherited and has continued to use a substantial body of criminal law as
was codified by the British Parliament. Therefore, rights of witnesses and provisions relating
to their protection barely features under the existing criminal laws. The provisions for the
protection of witnesses exist in various legislations and are not consolidated in a separate
legislation whereas in the other jurisdictions there are separate legislations to deal with the
protection of witnesses. A detail study of these provisions has showed whether the existing
laws are adequate enough or there is need for a general law dealing with witness protection in
all criminal cases where there is danger to the life of the witness or of his relative or to his



Consultation paper on witness protection, law commission of India.


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