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The Ethics of Job Discrimination
Discrimination is the wrongful act of distinguish illicitly among people not on the basis of individual
merit, but on the basis of prejudice or morally reprehensible attitude. Intentional discrimination is
conscious and deliberate discrimination. Unintentional discrimation is discrimination that is not
consciously or deliberately sought, but is brought about stereotypes or as an unintended outcome.
The indicator of discrimination can be seen on average benefits minorities and women receive compared
to others. Usually, it can be seen from the ecomonic view. The proportions of them at economic level,
neither lowest nor highest.
Discrimination from ethic view:

Discrimination leads to inefficient use of human resources.
Discrimination violates basic human rights by holding minorities and women as inferior.
Discrimination results in unjust of benefits and burdens, also it violates the formal principle of

Affirmative Action is legal when used to correct a racial or sexual imbalance that is the result of previous
discrimination. Affirmation Action can be divided into three views :

Claims affirmative action compensates groups for past discrimination.
Increasing Utility
Claims affirmative action reduces need by benefiting minorities and women in need, and so
increases utility.
Equal Justice
Claims affirmative action will secure equal opportunity by a fairer distribution of jobs, by
neutralizing the effects of unconscious bias that affects judgement about minorities and women.

Review of Case : Wal-Marts Women

Wal-Marts committed to pass its mission, saving people money so they can live better. Because of that,
the company does a business ethic violation to their employees, especially for women and men by
reducing the salary of its employees so that the company can keep the price of good at low price. Theres
an indication of discrimination that is distinction between mens salary and womens salary.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. doesnt pay attention to the needs of its employees, especially for women. Based on
the Maslowss hierarchy needs, the woman employees doesnt have their physiological needs and the
others needs.

Answers The Questions


1. Back pay and compensation of over 1.6 million female employees.
2. The major moral complaints sued by the females are positions and salaries. Those more must be
justified because this era doesnt know the limitation of someones gender of someones role in
3. The important factor is equality or average.
4. The culture of Wal-Mart Store Inc. must be changed overally so that the females and minorities
can get their equality with the others. Theres must be repaired in their policies about the
promotions and salaries, especially for the females and the minorities.

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