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Thyroid Disorders and Diseases



May 2012
Stephen I. Rennard, MD, and
Bartolome R. Celli, MD, Guest Editors

January 2012
Coronary Risk Factors Update
Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, and
Jagat Narula, MD, PhD, Guest Editors

July 2012
Immunotherapeutics in Clinical Medicine
Nancy Khardori, MD, PhD, and
Romesh Khardori, MD, PhD, Guest Editors

November 2011
Pulmonary Diseases
Ali I. Musani, MD, Guest Editor
September 2011
Derek LeRoith, MD, PhD, and
Eddy Karnieli, MD, Guest Editors

Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, June 2008
(Volume 37, Issue 2)
Thyroid Tumors
Shereen Ezzat, MD, and Sylvia L. Asa, MD, PhD, Guest Editors

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Thyroid Disorders and Diseases

Director, Endocrine Section, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC

Fellow, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism and Nutrition; Mayo School
of Graduate Medical Education, College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota
Department of Endocrinology, Dr Cesar Milstein Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Director, Endocrine Section, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Thyroid Unit, Division of Endocrinology, University
of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Geology, Queensborough
Community College, Bayside, New York
Professor of Endocrinology, Endocrine Unit, Evgenidion Hospital, University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
Consultant in Ophthalmology, Professor of Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology,
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Consultant, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota



Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes,
and Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Michigan Health
System, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical Director, Centre for Diabetes and
Endocrinology, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine,
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Associate Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Medical Center,
Washington, DC
Private Practice, Great Neck, New York
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center,
Washington, DC; Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Collegium Medicum
in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Endocrine Section, Washington Hospital Center; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine,
Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC
Senior Professor of Endocrinology, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine,
University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine,
Endocrinology and Metabolism and Biochemistry, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Fellow, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department of Medicine,
University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Endocrine Fellow, Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Medical Center;
Section of Endocrinology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Oregon
Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon
Fellow, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, University
of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Consultant in Endocrinology, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition,
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota


Thyroid Unit, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Staff
Physician, Department of Endocrinology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Assistant Professor, Section of Ultrasonography at the Hospital das Clnicas, University
of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center,
Washington, DC
Fellow, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Thyroid Disorders and Diseases

Preface: Thyroid Disorders and Diseases


Kenneth D. Burman
Thyroid Physiology


Nikolaos Stathatos
The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone, which has clinically important actions practically in every system in the human body. Detailed
knowledge of the physiology of the thyroid gland is critical for the proper
management of thyroid disorders. The molecular biology of thyroid function is being studied in great detail. Clinically important molecules, such
as the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor and the sodium/iodide symporter, have been identified and well characterized. Such discoveries
have significantly improved our understanding of thyroid physiology.
As a result, new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the management of thyroid disorders are now available or in development.


Stuart C. Seigel and Steven P. Hodak

Hyperthyroidism describes the sustained increase in thyroid hormone biosynthesis and secretion by a thyroid gland with increased metabolism.
Although the use of radioiodine scanning serves as a useful surrogate
that may help characterize the cause of thyrotoxicosis, it only indirectly
addresses the underlying physiologic mechanism driving the increase in
serum thyroid hormones. In this article, thyrotoxic states are divided into
increased or decreased thyroid metabolic function. In addition to the diagnosis, clinical presentation, and treatment of the various causes of hyperthyroidism, a section on functional imaging and appropriate laboratory
testing is included.
Hypothyroidism: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management


Jaime P. Almandoz and Hossein Gharib

Hypothyroidism is the result of inadequate production of thyroid hormone
or inadequate action of thyroid hormone in target tissues. Primary hypothyroidism is the principal manifestation of hypothyroidism, but other
causes include central deficiency of thyrotropin-releasing hormone or
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or consumptive hypothyroidism from
excessive inactivation of thyroid hormone. Subclinical hypothyroidism is
present when there is elevated TSH but a normal free thyroxine level.
Treatment involves oral administration of exogenous synthetic thyroid hormone. This review presents an update on the etiology and types of hypothyroidism, including subclinical disease; drugs and thyroid function; and
diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.
Subacute, Silent, and Postpartum Thyroiditis
Mary H. Samuels
Subacute, silent, and postpartum thyroiditis are temporary forms of
thyroid dysfunction caused by thyroid gland inflammation. They classically



present with a triphasic course: a brief period of thyrotoxicosis due to release of preformed thyroid hormone that lasts for 1 to 3 months, followed
by a more prolonged hypothyroid phase lasting up to 6 months, and eventual return to a euthyroid state. However, the types and degree of thyroid
dysfunction are variable in these disorders, and individual patients may
present with mild or more severe cases of thyrotoxicosis alone, hypothyroidism alone, or both types of thyroid dysfunction.

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy


Cynthia F. Yazbeck and Shannon D. Sullivan

Thyroid disorders are common in women during pregnancy. If left
untreated, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are associated with
adverse effects on pregnancy and fetal outcomes. It is important to correctly identify these disorders and treat them appropriately to prevent
pregnancy-related complications. Levothyroxine is the indicated treatment for hypothyroidism, and thionamides are the treatment of choice
for hyperthyroidism; thyroidectomy may be indicated in select cases.
When thyroid cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy, a decision must be
made regarding performing thyroidectomy during the pregnancy or postponing surgical resection until the postpartum period. Radioactive iodine
is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Thyroid Hormone and the Cardiovascular System


Sara Danzi and Irwin Klein

Thyroid hormone has profound effects on the heart and cardiovascular
system. This article describes the cellular mechanisms by which thyroid
hormone acts at the level of the cardiac myocyte and the vascular smooth
muscle cell to alter phenotype and physiology. Because it is well established that thyroid hormone, specifically T3, acts on almost every cell
and organ in the body, studies on the regulation of thyroid hormone transport into cardiac and vascular tissue have added clinical significance. The
characteristic changes in cardiovascular hemodynamics and metabolism
that accompany thyroid disease states can then be best understood at
the cellular level.

The Effect of Thyroid Disorders on Lipid Levels and Metabolism

Leonidas H. Duntas and Gabriela Brenta
Thyroid hormones regulate cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism, whereas
thyroid disorders, including overt and subclinical hypothyroidism, considerably alter lipid profile and promote cardiovascular disease. Good evidence
shows that high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is associated with a nonfavorable lipid profile, although TSH has no cutoff threshold for its association with lipids. Thyromimetics represent a new class of hypolipidemic drugs:
their imminent application in patients with severe dyslipidemias, combined
or not with statins, will improve the lipid profile, potentially accelerate energy
expenditure and, as a consequence, vitally lessen the risk of cardiovascular



The Effect of Medications on Thyroid Function Tests


Priya Kundra and Kenneth D. Burman

Drug-induced thyroid disorders are common in clinical practice. It is important to recognize the various drugs contributing to thyroid dysfunction
for a timely intervention to help achieve a euthyroid state. The pathways
of thyroid hormone synthesis, secretion, transport, metabolism, and
absorption offer numerous targets for medication interactions. This article
discusses some of the medications that may influence thyroid function

Approach to and Treatment of Thyroid Disorders in the Elderly


Maria Papaleontiou and Megan R. Haymart

Thyroid gland dysfunction is prevalent in older adults and may be associated with significant morbidity if misdiagnosed and left untreated. Because
of a decreased number of symptoms at presentation, an increased susceptibility to adverse events if not treated, and a greater likelihood of
harm from treatment, the diagnosis and management of thyroid disorders
in older adults can be challenging. This review focuses on the epidemiology, clinical presentation, risks and complications, and management of
thyroid disorders in older adults, including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer.

The Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy


Marius N. Stan, James A. Garrity, and Rebecca S. Bahn

Optimum care of the patient with Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) is achieved
through teamwork between the endocrinologist and ophthalmologist, with
input from ancillary specialists as needed. Clinical evaluation should include determination of both the severity and the activity of the disease.
It is important to assess early in the evaluation the impact of the disease
on the patients quality of life and their priorities and expectations regarding management. Once this information has been gathered, careful discussion between patient and physicians can define the management plan.
This article reviews the pathophysiology, epidemiology, evaluation, and
management of GO.

Thyroid Nodules
Geanina Popoveniuc and Jacqueline Jonklaas
Thyroid nodules are common entities, clinically important primarily
because of their malignant potential. Serum thyrotropin and thyroid ultrasonography are pivotal in evaluating thyroid nodules. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is the most accurate tool for diagnosing malignancy and
selecting candidates for surgery. An approach to the initial evaluation
and management of single nodules, functioning nodules, multinodular
glands, incidental nodules, and cysts is discussed, as are therapeutic
interventions for benign nodules. Thyroid cancer discovered during pregnancy is also discussed.





Approach to and Treatment of Goiters


Geraldo Medeiros-Neto, Rosalinda Y. Camargo, and Eduardo K. Tomimori

The main causes of simple diffuse goiter (SDG) and multinodular goiter
(MNG) are iodine deficiency, increase in serum thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) level, natural goitrogens, smoking, chronic malnutrition, and lack of selenium, iron, and zinc. Increasing evidence suggests that heredity is equally
important. Treatment of SDG and MNG still focuses on L-thyroxine-suppressive therapy surgery. Radioiodine alone or preceded by recombinant human
TSH stimulation is widely used in Europe and other countries. Each of these
therapeutic options has advantages and disadvantages, with acute and
long-term side effects.
Approach to and Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma


Furio Pacini and Maria Grazia Castagna

Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy, although representing fewer than 1% of all human tumors. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) includes the papillary and follicular histotypes and their
variants, accounting for more than 90% of all thyroid cancers. Given the
changing presentation of DTC in the last years, the aim of DTC management is to ensure the most effective but least invasive treatment, and
adequate follow-up for a disease that nowadays is mostly cured just
with surgery and is rarely fatal. This review addresses the multiple steps
of current management, based on previous assumptions.
Thyroid Emergencies


Joanna Klubo-Gwiezdzinska and Leonard Wartofsky

This review presents current knowledge about the thyroid emergencies
known as myxedema coma and thyrotoxic storm. Understanding the pathogenesis of these conditions, appropriate recognition of the clinical signs
and symptoms, and their prompt and accurate diagnosis and treatment
are crucial in optimizing survival.


Thyroid Disorders and Diseases

Thyroid Disorders and Diseases

Kenneth D. Burman, MD
Guest Editor

Thyroid disorders and diseases are common and thyroid cancer is increasing at an
alarming rate. It seems particularly propitious to have an issue of Medical Clinics of
North America devoted to these general topics at the present time. Indeed, we are
extremely fortunate to have contributions from a group of internationally respected
authorities who review recent developments and put them into a practical clinical
perspective. Important, clinically relevant topics such as thyroid hormone pathophysiology, evaluation and treatment of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and
approach to thyroid emergencies are discussed. There are many newer aspects of
thyroid pathophysiology and thyroid diseases that are being explored. For example,
the normal TSH reference range in elderly patients is now considered different from
younger individuals; thus, decisions with regard to which patients should be treated
for hypothyroidism are now more complex. The application of modern technology,
such as the use of molecular diagnostic techniques, sonographic elastography, and
surgical approaches to patients with thyroid nodules and cancer, has already modified
clinical practice. The variable and important effects of thyroid hormone excess and
deficiency on cardiac function and lipid metabolism are also discussed. The pathophysiology, assessment, and treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy, a particularly difficult disorder to treat, are reviewed. Diagnostic evaluation and management approach
to patients with thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, goiters, and thyroiditis are also discussed with practical, clinical advance given. Thyroid function in pregnancy is reviewed with clinical discussion regarding the expected changes in thyroid hormone
metabolism during pregnancy. There are new recommendations regarding the
approach to hypothyroid pregnant women who require additional levothyroxine
therapy during gestation. There is an increasing movement toward developing
evidence-based clinical guidelines. Recent guidelines regarding thyroid nodules and
thyroid cancer, as well as thyroid physiology and perturbations in disease during pregnancy, are also highlighted.

Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) xiiixiv

0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



Chekhov said Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. We hope
this issue will help you understand important and common thyroid disorders and
diseases and that this knowledge will be applied in both clinical and research spheres
to help humankind.
I am indebted to each of the authors, who eagerly discussed their topics in
a detailed and clinically relevant manner. The editor is also indebted to Ms Forcina
and Ms Glover from Elsevier, without whose assistance this edition could not have
been accomplished.
Kenneth D. Burman, MD
Endocrine Section
Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving Street, NW, Room 2A-72
Washington, DC 20010-2975, USA
E-mail address:
[email protected]

T h y ro i d P h y s i o l o g y
Nikolaos Stathatos,


 Thyroid physiology  Thyroxine  Triiodothyronine  Deiodinase
 Nuclear receptors

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located anteriorly to the trachea at the
level of the second and third tracheal rings. It was so named by Thomas Wharton in
1656, not because of its shape (thyreos in Greek means shield), but because of its
similarity in shape to the nearby thyroid cartilage of the larynx.1
Three major components play a role in regulating the production of thyroid
hormones: First is the thyroid gland itself with its functional unit, the thyroid follicle;
this is the location of synthesis and release into the circulation of thyroid hormone.
The other 2 components are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.

Embryologically, the thyroid gland is the earliest endocrine structure to appear during
human development.2 It originates from the embryonic endoderm. The earliest
morphologic evidence for the thyroid gland is the thyroid enlage (or thyroid placode),
a thickening of the endodermal layer in an area overarching the aortic arch.3 The
appearance is evident at about embryonic day 22 in humans. With the development
of modern techniques in molecular biology, there is now evidence that the development of the thyroid enlage is not the first step in the development of the primitive thyroid
follicular cells. The expression of transcription factors (such as the NK2 homeobox
[Nkx2]-1 and paired box [Pax]-8) that are critical for the development of the thyroid
gland has been documented 12 to 24 hours before thickening occurs. It is obvious
that a complex, but recently more clearly elucidated sequence of embryonic events
needs to take place for the normal development of the thyroid gland.3 A defect in
any of these events can lead to number of developmental thyroid anomalies that range
from complete or partial agenesis of the thyroid gland4 resulting in congenital hypothyroidism, to syndromes of reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone.5
The primitive thyroid gland continues to expand ventrally while remaining attached
to the pharyngeal floor by a stalk, called thyroglossal duct. As the gland expands laterally to form the 2 lobes, the lumen of the thyroglossal duct disappears, and in most
cases the duct itself is no longer present at the end of this process. Occasionally,

The author has nothing to disclose.

Department of Medicine, Thyroid Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, 15 Parkman Street, WACC 730S, Boston, MA 02114, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 165173
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



however, a significant remnant is not only detectable after birth or during adult life,6 but
significant abnormality can originate there, including thyroid malignancies.7 Remnants
of thyroid tissue or, occasionally, the only thyroid tissue in the body can be detected as
distantly from the normal adult anatomic position of the thyroid gland as the base of
the tongue, the embryonic origin of the gland.8
Thyroid hormone is first detected in the human fetal circulation at about 11 to 13
weeks of gestation. The responsiveness of the different developing tissues to thyroid
hormones seems to be tightly regulated, as evidenced by a sufficient amount of
thyroid hormone being critical for the proper development of specific cellular functions
in embryonic neural cells9 as well as the expression of different deiodinases at
different time points, usually before specific developmental points. There is evidence,
for example, that the development of specific parts of the brain is preceded by the
increased expression of deiodinases in those regions that allows conversion of
thyroxine (T4) to the more active triiodothyronine (T3). This step seems to be a critical
and necessary one for the proper development of these regions of the brain. A large
body of literature is now available, including guidelines from the major medical organizations (eg, the American Thyroid Association and the Endocrine Society), indicating
the importance of proper management of thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy.10
A developmentally separate part of the thyroid gland is a group of cells that are
present in between the thyroid follicles, called parafollicular cells (also called C-cells).
Parafollicular cells are the main source of the hormone calcitonin, but their embryologic origin is different. These cells originate in the embryonic ectoderm and migrate
into the thyroid gland during the development of the gland itself.

One of the most important regulators of thyroid function is the thyroid-stimulating

hormone (TSH). TSH is a peptide hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland,
itself under the influence of both thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), produced in
the hypothalamus, and thyroid hormone (negative feedback, Fig. 1). TSH is very sensitive to small changes in levels of serum thyroid hormone (Fig. 2). This feedback system
requires the regulatory action of the hypothalamus with the production of TRH. Thyroid
hormone has a direct inhibitory effect on TRH production. By contrast, low levels of
thyroid hormone lead to increased TRH synthesis in the hypothalamus, which is
released into the portal circulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. TRH in turn
stimulates TSH production in the pituitary gland, resulting in an improved level of
serum thyroid hormone (through TSH stimulation of the thyroid gland) and restoration
of the axis. TSH measurement in serum is now thought to be the most sensitive test
available to clinicians for the diagnosis of most states of thyroid dysfunction, such
as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (exemptions include pituitary or hypothalamic
Damage to the pituitary gland or the hypothalamus can lead to what is known as
secondary hypothyroidism, which represents rare but challenging forms of hypothyroidism.12 On rare occasions pituitary tumors can secrete TSH in excess, leading to
secondary hyperthyroidism.13

The functional unit of the thyroid gland is the thyroid follicle (Fig. 3). This follicle is
a cystic structure the wall, made up of a single layer of specialized epithelial cells often
referred to as thyrocytes or follicular cells. The content of the follicle is termed colloid.

Thyroid Physiology

Fig. 1. Regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis.

It is largely made up of thyroglobulin (Tg), a large glycoprotein (w660 kDa) that serves
as the main storage form of thyroid hormone.
TSH exerts its effects on thyrocytes through its specific receptor known as the TSH
receptor (TSHR),14 located on the basolateral thyrocyte membrane. TSHR is a 7-transmembrane G-coupled receptor protein. Its structure and role in thyroid pathology has
been extensively studied. Antibodies against this receptor are central in the development of Graves disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism.15 The intracellular
effects of activation of this receptor are mainly mediated by the stimulation of adenylyl

Fig. 2. Log-linear relationship between serum TSH and free T4.




Fig. 3. Thyroid histology. (1) Thyroid follicle. (2) Follicular cells. (3) Parafollicular (C-) cells.

cyclase and the resulting increase in concentrations of intracellular cyclic adenosine

monophosphate (cAMP).16 TSH has a stimulatory effect on thyrocytes that results in
increased iodine uptake and increased production of thyroid hormone. It also has
a trophic effect on the thyroid gland. These actions have very important physiologic,
pathophysiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic implications. In cases of prolonged
hypothyroidism, chronic exposure of the thyroid gland to increased levels of TSH
results in the formation of an enlarged gland, also known as a goiter. Stimulating thyroid
cells with TSH (endogenous or synthetic) is a critical and necessary step for both the
diagnostic and therapeutic use of radioactive iodine in cases of thyroid cancer.
There are 2 main types of thyroid hormone: thyroxine (also called T4 because it
carries 4 iodine atoms) and triiodothyronine (also called T3 because it carries 3 iodine
atoms) (Fig. 4). Under normal circumstances, about 90% of the thyroid output is in the
form of T4 and about 10% is T3. As evidenced by the amount of iodine in each molecule of thyroid hormone, this element is central and critical for the function of the
thyroid gland. Thyrocytes concentrate iodine against a concentration gradient to be
able to synthesize thyroid hormone. A complex molecular mechanism is in place for
this synthesis (see Fig. 4) involving an active, energy-consuming process, with the
sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) playing a key role.17 The NIS is a transporter protein
located at the basolateral membrane (Fig. 5). It has the ability to concentrate iodine
in the thyrocytes some 20- to 40-fold above its serum concentration. This transporter
has been studied intensively because it is a critical factor in many pathologic states,

Fig. 4. Iodotyrosine compounds including T3 and T4.

Thyroid Physiology

Fig. 5. Organification of iodine. DIT, diiodothyronine; MIT, monoiodothyronine; NIS,

sodium/iodide symporter; Tg, thyroglobulin; TPO, thyroid peroxidase.

including thyroid cancer. Loss of expression in thyroid cancer cells leads to decreased
iodine uptake in malignant thyrocytes, resulting in a reduced efficacy of radioactive
iodine as both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Medications that may induce redifferentiation and reexpression of NIS have been investigated (lithium, rosiglitazone18) or
are currently under investigation (eg, BRAF inhibitors).
Once in the thyrocytes, iodine is organified into tyrosine residues present in Tg. This
process takes place at the apical membrane of these cells facing the colloid (see
Fig. 5). The thyroid peroxidase (TPO) enzyme is a key player in this process, together
with hydrogen peroxide.19 TPO is a selenoprotein (a protein with selenium incorporated into its tertiary structure). The regulation of the activity of this enzyme is quite
complex, iodine being a very important factor. Exposure to excess amounts of iodine
is known to block TPO activity, a phenomenon known as the Wolff-Chaikoff effect.20
Clinically this can lead to hypothyroidism. However, over time thyrocytes can eventually overcome this blockade, and this can lead to increased production of thyroid
hormone. This phenomenon is known as the escape from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect.21
These events are characteristically seen in thyrocytes that are replete of iodine. By
contrast, when a thyrocyte deplete in iodine is exposed to iodine, it increases production of thyroid hormone significantly, often leading to biochemical and clinical hyperthyroidism. This process is known as the Jod-Basedaw effect.22 The mechanism for
this phenomenon is unclear, but it is thought to be caused either by rapid iodination
of poorly iodinated Tg or by the fueling of a subclinical autonomous functioning thyroid
tissue, as in a hot nodule or in Graves disease.23
TPO also seems to be a target in the autoimmune processes such as Hashimoto
thyroiditis. Detection of antibodies against TPO is diagnostic of thyroid autoimmunity,
usually Hashimoto thyroiditis,24 although they are detectable in the majority of patients
with Graves disease as well.25
Another protein closely involved in the organification of iodine together with TPO is
pendrin (see Fig. 5).26 A rare genetic disorder called Pendred syndrome includes the
clinical findings of sensorineural deafness and a goiter attributable to partial iodine
organification defect.27
Tg, as already mentioned, is a large glycoprotein that represents the main storage
form of thyroid hormone. When thyrocytes are stimulated by TSH, Tg is endocytosed
and cleaved to release T4 and/or (T3). Tg is critical for the normal function of the thyroid
gland and its measurement is a very important clinical tool, mainly in the management
of thyroid cancer. It is one of the more immunogenic thyroid-related proteins, and




antibodies against Tg have been reported even in approximately 20% of people with
no apparent thyroid pathology.

Thyroid hormones circulate in blood mainly bound to carrier proteins (less than 1% is
circulating in a free unbound form). It is the small free amount of thyroid hormone that
is thought to be metabolically active at the tissue level. More than 95% of the serum
thyroid hormones are bound to 3 carrier proteins: thyroid-binding globulin (TBG),
transthyretin, and albumin.28 Thyroid hormone has also been shown to be bound to
lipoproteins29 and thyroid hormone autoantibodies of the immunoglobulin G class.30
These carrier proteins function on one hand as an extrathyroidal depot of thyroid
hormone, containing hormone that can be immediately available to peripheral tissues
as needed, while on the other hand protecting them from exposure to excess amounts
of thyroid hormone. The role of these carrier proteins is best illustrated in those
unusual situations whereby genetic mutations lead to altered amounts and/or
structures of these proteins and the resulting clinical and biochemical picture of the
patients carrying these mutations. One such example is a condition known as familial
dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia, the result of mutations of the albumin gene,
which leads to a 60-fold increase in the affinity of albumin for thyroxine.31 Biochemically this results in an elevated level of serum thyroxine, a normal TSH, and
a state of clinical euthyroidism.
Passive diffusion had been postulated to be the main mode whereby thyroid
hormone(s) enter target cells. However, transporting proteins that seem to be critical
in this process have now been identified. Members of this group include the monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), MCT10, and the organic anion transporting polypeptide 1C1 (OATP1C1).32 Differential tissue expression has been documented, with
OATP1C1, for example, being predominantly expressed in brain capillaries. OATP1C1
has a higher affinity for T4 than for other iodinated compounds.33 The clinical relevance
of transporting proteins is again demonstrated in cases of genetic mutations. For
example, mutations of the gene encoding MCT8 result in a clinical phenotype of
severe psychomotor retardation and elevated levels of serum T3.34
T4 is often referred to as the prohormone, indicating that conversion to the active T3
is required for biological activity. This conversion is catalyzed by a group of selenoproteins called diodinases. Three different isoforms have been described: D1, D2, and D3.
Tissue-specific expression and different functions have been described for each of
Type 1 deiodinase (D1) has been shown to catalyze the conversion of T3 to both the
active triiodothyronine and its inactive counterpart, reverse T3 (rT3).35 However, it
seems to have an increased affinity for rT3. As a result, it has been described a scavenger enzyme with a role of deiodinizing inactive iodothyronines, clearing them from
the circulation, and recycling of iodine. A more recently noted function of D1 is in
the biosynthesis of thyronamines, a class of endogenous compounds that appears
to antagonize actions of thyroid hormone.36 Although their exact role in thyroid physiology remains largely unknown, a promising therapeutic potential has already been
described for thyronamines, as they represent the only endogenous compounds
able to induce hypothermia as a prophylactic or for acute treatment of stroke.37
Type 2 deiodinase (D2) is the main thyroid hormone activator, converting the prohormone T4 to the active T3.38 Furthermore, D2 regulates intracellular T3 actions by regulating the availability of its nuclear receptors (thyroid receptors a and b). D2, together
with D3, is the most important regulator of serum T3 levels.

Thyroid Physiology

Type 3 deiodinase (D3) catalyzes the conversion of T4 to the biologically inactive rT3
and T3 to 3,30 -diiodothyronine, which is also inactive. D3 likely represents the physiologic inactivator of thyroid hormones.39 Rare cases of consumptive hypothyroidism
have been described whereby D3 is overexpressed in hemangiomas. The result is
a state of hypothyroidism caused by excessive degradation of T3 and T4.40
Thyroid hormones exert their actions mainly by binding and activating specific
nuclear receptors. These receptors are transcriptionally active proteins that cause
expression of thyroid hormoneresponsive genes. The actions of thyroid hormones
through these receptors are called genomic.
There are 2 major subtypes of thyroid receptors (TR): TRa and TRb. However, there
are several isoforms (TRa1, TRa2, TRb1, TRb2). Each isoform seems to have a tissuespecific function. For example, T3-mediated cardiovascular effects are mediated by
the TRa1 isoform,41,42 whereas those on plasma cholesterol are mediated by
TRb1.43 Recently, not only has manipulation of specific isoforms been shown to be
clinically possible, but pharmacologic agents such as sobetirome or eprotirome,
selective TRb1 agonists, are currently entered in clinical trials for the management
of hypercholesterolemia.44
More recently, nongenomic actions of thyroid hormone have been described that
are mediated through either nonnuclear actions of these receptors4547 or novel
cell-surface receptors.48,49

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T h y ro t o x i c o s i s
Stuart C. Seigel,


Steven P. Hodak,


 Hyperthyroidism  Thyroid metabolic function  Thyrotoxicosis

Thyrotoxicosis describes a clinical syndrome that results from high concentrations of

free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, or both. However, the term hyperthyroidism is
more specific and is used to describe the sustained increase in thyroid hormone
biosynthesis and secretion by a thyroid gland with increased metabolism.1 The causes
of thyrotoxicosis have traditionally been arranged according to their pattern of radioiodine uptake. Although the use of radioiodine scanning serves as a useful surrogate
that may help characterize the cause of thyrotoxicosis, it only indirectly addresses the
underlying physiologic mechanism driving the increase in serum thyroid hormones.
We prefer to characterize the causes of thyrotoxicosis based on underlying thyroid
metabolism as opposed to its imaging characteristics. In this article, thyrotoxic states
are therefore divided into 2 main categories: increased or decreased thyroid metabolic
function. In addition to the diagnosis, clinical presentation, and treatment of the
various causes of hyperthyroidism, a section on functional imaging and appropriate
laboratory testing is included. These sections are integral to establishing the foundation required to understand this article.


Several large studies conducted in varying populations have contributed to the understanding of the prevalence of thyrotoxicosis (Table 1).
Generally, the prevalence of thyrotoxicosis is more common in women and populations with iodine deficiency.24 Subclinical hyperthyroidism (SH), a condition associated with thyroid autonomy, is more common in areas of iodine deficiency.2,4,5


Disease-specific signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are discussed throughout this

article. These signs and symptoms are summarized in Table 2.6

Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh

School of Medicine, 3601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 587, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 175201
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Seigel & Hodak

Table 1
Epidemiology of thyroid disease

Study Population

Prevalence of Thyrotoxicosis

Iodine-Sufficient Population
Wickham survey2

Mixed urban and rural community

aged 18 years and older in
northeast England

1.9%2.7% of women had

<0.16%0.23% of men had


US civilian noninstitutionalized
population aged 12 years and

1.2% or the equivalent of

2,610,097 people had

Iodine-Deficient Population
Pescopagano survey4

Population of all ages located in

Pescopagano, Italy, a southern
Italian village

2.9% of adults had thyrotoxicosis

of which only 0.9% was toxic
diffuse goiter whereas 2.0%
was toxic nodular goiter.

Subclinical hyperthyroidism (SH)


US civilian noninstitutionalized

0.7% of the population have SH

Colorado Thyroid
Disease Prevalence

Participants in a statewide health

fair in Colorado, 1995 aged 18
years and older

2.1% of individuals had SH

More common in women than
in men

Wickham survey2

Mixed urban and rural community

in northeast England

Prevalence of SH was 0.6%

Pescopagano survey4

Population of all ages located in

Pescopagano, Italy, a southern
Italian village

Prevalence of SH was 6.4%


There are multiple imaging modalities that can be used to help determine the cause of
a thyrotoxic state. In this section the usefulness of radioiodine, technetium 99m (Tc
99m) pertechnetate, and ultrasonography is discussed. Although they are all helpful
Table 2
Clinical symptoms and signs of thyrotoxicosis
Symptoms of Thyrotoxicosis in Order
of Decreasing Frequency
Weight loss (most common)
Heat intolerance
Increased frequency of bowel movement
Neck enlargement
Shortness of breath
Weight gain

Clinical Signs of Thyrotoxicosis

Atrial fibrillationa
Palpable goiterb
Thyroid eye disease in Graves disease

More common in elderly patients.

Less common in elderly patients.
Data from Boelaert K, Torlinska B, Holder RL, et al. Older subjects with hyperthyroidism present
with a paucity of symptoms and signs: a large cross-sectional study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab


in the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, they each have specific benefits and limitations. An
appreciation of these factors can help the clinician choose the most appropriate test in
any given clinical context.
Radionuclide Imaging

Radionuclide imaging of the thyroid continues to be an important diagnostic tool in the

investigation of hyperthyroidism. Of the many different radioactive compounds, Tc
99m and iodine 123 (I 123) are the most commonly used agents for imaging the
thyroid.7 These tracers undergo trapping by the sodium iodide symporter in the thyroid.
In contrast to Tc 99m, I 123 undergoes organification and is incorporated into
thyroid hormones, allowing for the determination of true uptake, which may be more
reflective of thyroid physiology.7,8 I 123 has a relatively short half-life of 13 hours
and emits only photons and is therefore preferred for diagnostic testing. After administration, uptake measurements are made 4 to 24 hours later.7,9 The fractional uptake
of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland reflects the function of the sodium iodide
symporter, the rate of internal iodine binding, and the rate of release of iodine from
the thyroid. As noted by McDougall,8 uptake within the first hour reflects iodine trapping, whereas uptake during hours 6 to 8 reflects uptake, oxidation, and organification. Measurements after this period reflect the balance of organification and
radioiodine release from the thyroid. Standard protocols generally include a fractional
uptake at 4 to 6 hours, followed by a repeat assessment at 12 to 24 hours. Early uptake
at 4 to 6 hours is most helpful when the thyroid gland or nodule has markedly
increased metabolism. In such cases, 24-hour uptake may be deceptively low
because of increased iodine turnover. Otherwise, 24-hour uptake, which is a better
integrative reflection of thyroid metabolism, is preferred.9
Thyroid imaging with Tc 99m represents an appealing alternative to I 123 scanning
in some clinical settings. Unlike I 123, Tc 99m requires only 5 minutes to establish an
estimate of thyroid activity.7,9 Because of its shorter image-acquisition time, Tc 99m is
often considered more patient friendly and may be the radionuclide of choice for
patients who are unable to lie flat with their neck extended for long periods.9 However,
because Tc 99m is trapped but not organified by thyroid tissue, hypofunctioning or
cold nodules may be misidentified as hyperfunctioning or hot nodules and vice versa.9
Nonetheless, Tc 99m remains an effective agent for radionuclide imaging when it is
necessary to distinguish diffuse increased uptake associated with Graves disease
from the diffuse low uptake associated with thyroiditis. In such cases, Tc 99m scanning represents a quick and effective alternative to I 123 scanning. However, when
thyroid nodules are present and the functional disposition of the nodules is in question,
I 123 scanning remains the best mode of evaluation.
In patients with thyrotoxicosis, a radioactive iodine uptake should be performed
when the clinical presentation is not clearly diagnostic of Graves disease or when
thyroid nodularity is present.10
The pattern of radionuclide uptake enables the clinician to rapidly narrow the differential diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. Diseases caused by increased thyroid gland metabolism such as Graves, toxic multinodular goiter (TMNG), and toxic adenoma (TA)
typically show increased uptake because of either the increased activation of the
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor via stimulating autoantibodies as in
Graves disease or the autonomous function of nodules inherent to TMNG and TA.
Disease states caused by decreased thyroid gland metabolism such as subacute
(painful) or lymphocytic (silent, painless, or postpartum) thyroiditis show very low
radionuclide uptake. T4 and T3 released during the inflammatory destruction of thyroid
follicles suppress TSH, leading to decreases in thyroid metabolism, iodine trapping,



Seigel & Hodak

and organification.11 However, as TSH production increases during the recovery

phase of thyroiditis, suppression of thyroid metabolism is reversed. If a radionuclide
scan is performed during this phase of acute thyroiditis, it often shows increased
uptake. If the clinician does not realize that the patient is going through the recovery
phase, the pattern of diffusely increased uptake can be mistaken for the pattern associated with Graves disease, leading to erroneous diagnosis. This problem can be
avoided by ensuring that TSH is suppressed at the time the radionuclide scan is

Thyroid ultrasonography can be used to differentiate between thyrotoxic states

caused by increased and decreased thyroid gland metabolism. Increased blood
flow and systolic velocity both in the thyroid arteries and the thyroid parenchyma
may be used to clarify the cause of thyrotoxicosis. Kurita and colleagues12 showed
that a total blood flow area of 8% (calculated as thyroid blood flow area/thyroid
area) measured using color Doppler ultrasonography has a sensitivity and specificity
of 84% and 90%, respectively, for distinguishing Graves disease and destructive
thyroiditis. Ota and colleagues13 found that a thyroid blood flow of greater than 4%
(measured quantitatively using power Doppler ultrasonography) differentiated Graves
disease from thyrotoxicosis caused by thyroiditis. However, Doppler ultrasonography
is operator dependent, and results may vary based on Doppler gain settings and the
type of ultrasonographic equipment used. In addition, a standardized approach for
assessing the cause of thyrotoxicosis with Doppler ultrasonography has not been
codified, limiting widespread acceptance of this approach.14 Nonetheless, this
method has been shown in multiple publications to be reliable and is most useful
when radioactive iodine scanning is contraindicated, such as during pregnancy and
breast feeding, or not possible because of recent iodine exposure.10

The most sensitive and specific assay for assessment of suspected thyrotoxicosis is
TSH.15 TSH is reported on a log-linear scale such that very small changes in free T4
are expressed as larger changes in TSH. This situation explains why TSH is considerably more sensitive than direct thyroid hormone measurements in detecting thyroid
hormone excess. If hyperthyroidism is strongly suggested, the presence of an
increased serum free T4 in conjunction with a suppressed TSH at the time of initial
evaluation improves diagnostic accuracy because it confirms that the suppression
of TSH is a result of thyrotoxicosis and not another cause.10
Typically, overt thyrotoxicosis presents with suppression of TSH and increases in
either T4 or T3 or both. However, in milder thyrotoxicosis, TSH may be suppressed
because of T3 toxicosis and present with normal levels of T4 and an isolated increase
of T3. Such a pattern can occur during early stages of Graves disease, TMNG, or an
autonomously functioning thyroid nodule.10,16 For that reason, we recommend assessment of T3 in addition to T4 whenever a clinical suspicion of thyrotoxicosis exists.
The ratio of T3 to T4 may help distinguish whether thyrotoxicosis is caused by
increased or decreased thyroid gland metabolism. Patients with hyperthyroidism related
to Graves disease or TMNG have an increased serum ratio of total T3 to total T4. This
finding is secondary to the production of thyroglobulin, with a higher T3 content and
the increased thyroidal deiodination of T4 to T3 because of an accelerated and disordered thyroid metabolism.17 Usually patients with Graves disease or TMNG have
a T3/T4 ratio greater than 20, whereas patients with thyroiditis have a ratio less than 20.18


Thyroid receptor antibodies are not routinely required and are rarely needed to
establish the cause of a thyrotoxic state. However, they do have some clinical usefulness. If thyrotoxicosis develops during pregnancy when radionuclide thyroid scanning
is contraindicated, the measurement of thyroid receptor antibodies may prove useful
for distinguishing Graves disease from gestational thyrotoxicosis. Because maternal
TSH receptor antibodies also cross the placenta, they can stimulate the neonatal
thyroid gland, resulting in fetal goiter or hyperthyroidism.19 Therefore, mothers with
a history of Graves disease, even if already adequately treated with radioiodine or
a thyroidectomy, should have thyroid receptor antibody levels measured at 22 to 26
weeks of gestation to determine whether closer neonatal monitoring is needed.10
Thyroid receptor antibodies may be helpful in establishing the diagnosis of Graves
disease in the approximately 10% of patients who present without overt biochemical
thyrotoxicosis but nonetheless have Graves ophthalmopathy.20
Two major types of assays are used to measure thyroid receptor antibodies. Radioreceptor assays measure the inhibition of binding of labeled TSH to TSH receptors in
the presence of the patients serum or serum IgG fraction. Antibodies measured by
this assay are termed TSH receptor binding inhibitory antibodies (TBIIs).20 TBIIs are
found in 95% of untreated patients with Graves thyrotoxicosis, 50% of patients with
Graves thyrotoxicosis who are in remission after cessation of thionamide therapy,
and 15% of patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.21 In vitro bioassays measure
the ability of the patients serum or serum IgG fraction to increase the levels of cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production in cultured cells. Antibodies measured
by this assay are called thyroid receptor-stimulating antibodies or thyroid-stimulating
immunoglobulins (TSIs). These antibodies are both more sensitive and since they are
positive in 94% of patients with untreated Graves disease, 91% of patients who
relapse after a course of antithyroid medications, and only 10% of patients with
chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.22,23
Graves Disease

Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It is 5 to 10 times more

common in women and the peak age of onset is between 40 and 60 years of age.24,25
The typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism are present in most patients with Graves
disease. Signs more specific to Graves disease include ophthalmopathy and,
although rare, localized pretibial myxedema and clubbing of the digits known as
thyroid acropachy.25 Older patients when compared with younger patients are more
likely to present with weight loss or depression than tachycardia and tremor.26 This
condition is sometimes termed apathetic hyperthyroidism. In addition, atrial fibrillation
is a common presenting symptom in patients more than 50 years of age.25
Graves disease is primarily caused by circulating IgG antibodies against the TSH
receptor.24,25 These antibodies cause release of thyroid hormone and thyroglobulin,
stimulation of iodine uptake, protein synthesis, and thyroid cell growth. Davies27 noted
that although most patients with Graves disease have both B-cell and T-cell lymphocytes directed against thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, and the TSH receptor, it is
primarily the TSH receptor antibodies that are responsible for the manifestations of
this disease. Other antibodies are only secondarily involved.
Ophthalmopathy is a potentially sight-threatening disease that occurs in patients
with Graves disease and has an annual incidence of 16 women and 3 men per
100,000.28 Cigarette smokers are more likely to develop severe and treatment refractory ophthalmopathy.28 Smoking therefore represents one of the most potent



Seigel & Hodak

modifiable risk factor for Graves ophthalmopathy. Almost 50% of patients with Graves
disease report symptoms of Graves ophthalmopathy, which include the sensation of
dry and gritty eyes, photophobia, excessive tearing, double vision, and a sense of
pressure behind the eyes.28 Of patients with Graves ophthalmopathy, 3% to 5%
have severe disease, with intense pain, inflammation, corneal ulceration or infection,
and optic neuropathy secondary to optic nerve compression.28,29 Enzmann and
colleagues30 showed that in patients without clinical ophthalmopathy, an orbital
computed tomography (CT) scan still showed orbital muscle enlargement in up to
40% of patients. Up to 13% of patients with severe ophthalmopathy have pretibial
myxedema, and 25% of patients with pretibial myxedema have thyroid acropachy.
Laboratory evaluation typically shows an undetectable TSH, an increased free T4
with an increased T3/T4 ratio. Evidence of thyroid enlargement and thyroid bruit
with concomitant ophthalmopathy strongly suggests Graves disease and often obviates radionuclide scanning and thyroid antibody testing. However, a radioactive iodine
uptake and scan may be useful when the diagnosis is in question.10 Radionuclide
testing usually shows diffuse increased homogeneous uptake. If a radioactive uptake
and scan are contraindicated, as is the case during pregnancy or lactation, or are not
feasible because of recent iodine exposure, measurement of Graves diseaseassociated antibodies such as TSI or TBII may be useful if Graves disease is suspected. As discussed previously, color Doppler ultrasonography may show increased
thyroidal blood flow, which can be used to make the diagnosis of Graves disease as
There are multiple options for the treatment of Graves disease. In patients with
symptomatic thyrotoxicosis, a resting heart rate more than 90 beats per minute, or
coexistent cardiovascular disease, a b-adrenergic antagonist should be started.10
Adrenergic signs and symptoms such as tremor, tachycardia, systolic hypertension,
nervousness, and anxiety also rapidly respond to b-adrenergic blockade.31 For definitive therapy, patients with overt Graves hyperthyroidism should be treated with antithyroid medication (antithyroid drugs [ATDs]), I 131 ablation, or thyroidectomy.10
In contrast to European physicians, who favor ATDs and thyroidectomy as the therapies of choice, US physicians have been shown to prefer radioactive iodine ablation.32,33 Radioactive iodine ablation is generally well tolerated and is associated
with a relapse rate of about 21%.25 About 80% to 90% of patients with Graves disease
who undergo radioiodine ablation develop hypothyroidism.34 Complications may
include short-term worsening of hyperthyroidism and rarely include thyroid storm.
Pretreatment and posttreatment with ATDs may thus be beneficial.10 In addition,
studies have shown an increased risk of worsening Graves ophthalmopathy in patients
treated with radioactive iodine therapy. This situation is believed to be caused by an
increase in thyrotropin receptor antibody (TRAb) levels as a response to greater
antigen exposure as the thyroid gland is destroyed after treatment.3537
In contrast to radioactive iodine therapy, thyroidectomy results in a relapse rate of
only 5%.25 Concern about possible adverse surgical outcomes has contributed to
the decreased preference for thyroidectomy as the definitive treatment of Graves
disease among physicians in the United States. However, high-volume surgeons
have been shown to have very low complication rates of permanent hypocalcemia
and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. In addition, recent studies have shown a statistically significant association between increasing surgical experience and improved
patient outcomes.33,38,39
The goal of antithyroid medication is to induce a euthyroid state by decreasing the
production of thyroid hormones. Although spontaneous remission after ATDs is possible, Graves disease recurs in approximately 40% of patients.25 ATDs are generally


well tolerated; however, mild adverse side effects, including an abnormal sense of
taste, pruritis, arthralgias, and urticaria, may occur in 1% to 5% of cases.40 Agranulocytosis, a rare but dangerous complication, occurs with an incidence of 0.2% to 0.5% in
patients taking methimazole or propylthiouracil (PTU), and often presents with a fever or
sore throat.41 In addition, both methimazole and PTU may cause hepatotoxicity,
a serious side effect, which is reported in 0.1% to 0.2% of treated patients.42 PTUrelated hepatotoxicity usually takes the form of an allergic hepatitis associated with
markedly increased aminotransferase levels and submassive or massive hepatic
necrosis on liver biopsy.42 The hepatic abnormalities associated with methimazole
therapy are typical of a cholestatic process, with biopsy specimens showing preserved
hepatocellular architecture along with intracanalicular cholestasis and mild periportal
inflammation.42 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive vasculitis has also been
reported to be associated with ATD therapy.42
Given that ATDs, radioactive iodine ablation, and thyroidectomy have been shown
to be effective and relatively safe, it is important to consider the logistics, benefits,
expected speed of recovery, drawbacks, potential side effects, and cost before
committing to a specific treatment modality (Table 3).10 The physician can make a recommendation based on clinical judgment, taking into account the patients personal
values and preferences.
Toxic Adenoma

A solitary thyroid nodule that autonomously secretes a supranormal amount of T4 or

T3 is termed a TA. Autonomous nodules typically cause suppression of TSH, resulting
in metabolic suppression of the surrounding gland. This situation produces an archetypal radionuclide scan pattern, showing a focal area of increased uptake with marked
photopenia of the surrounding thyroid. As opposed to Graves disease, which is mediated by an activating antibody, TAs are believed to result from a somatic mutation that
intrinsically activates the cAMP cascade, causing increased growth and function of
the follicular cells.43
There is an increased prevalence of autonomously functioning nodules in areas of
iodine deficiency. In these regions, TAs can account for up to 10% of cases of thyrotoxicosis.44 In areas of sufficient iodine supply, thyroid autonomy is rare. In the United
States, Hamburger,45 a clinical thyroidologist, showed that TAs represented 1% of his
referral base of 39,487 patients. He also found that in addition to being more prevalent
in women, solitary adenomas greater than 3.0 cm were more likely to be found in older
patients and had a significantly higher likelihood of being toxic. Patients with TAs may
present with signs and symptoms of overt thyrotoxicosis or SH or may be symptomatically euthyroid.44
The diagnosis of a TA is made using a combination of laboratory data and imaging.
In addition to TSH, it is important to check levels of T3 as well as T4, because an
increased incidence of predominant T3 hypersecretion is reported with solitary thyroid
adenomas.46 Once evidence of hyperthyroidism has been established, the next step is
to order an uptake scan, which often confirms the diagnosis with the typical pattern of
uptake noted earlier. This uptake pattern can be associated with overt or even subclinical thyrotoxicosis.7 TAs occasionally undergo spontaneous infarction and involution.
However, most TAs require definitive management with either I,131 radioactive ablation or thyroidectomy. Surgical resection has a risk of less than 1% for treatment
failure, but a 2.3% risk of developing persistent hypothyroidism.10 On the other
hand, patients who undergo I 131 ablation have a 6% to 18% risk of persistent hyperthyroidism and a 5% risk of recurrent hyperthyroidism.10



Seigel & Hodak

Table 3
Factors that may play a role in determining the treatment of Graves disease

Favorable Factors


Radioactive iodine

Women planning a future pregnancy

in 46 mo
Individual with high surgical risk
Patients with history of external beam
radiation to the neck or previous
neck surgeries
Contraindication to ATDs
Lack of access to a high-volume
thyroid surgeon

Coexisting thyroid cancer
Suspicion of thyroid cancer
Women planning a pregnancy
in 46 months
Inability to comply with
radiation safety


Patients with a high likelihood of

remission (women, mild disease,
small goiters, and negative or low
titers of TRAb)
High surgical risk or elderly patients
with low life expectancy
Patients with history of external beam
radiation to the neck or previous
neck surgeries
Lack of access to a high-volume
thyroid surgeon
Patients with moderate to severe GO

Previous known major adverse

drug reactions to ATDs


Large goiters or symptomatic

Low uptake of radioiodine
Documented or suspected thyroid
Coexisting hypoparathyroidism
requiring surgery
Women planning a pregnancy in
<46 mo
Patients with moderate to severe GO

Substantial comorbidity,
cardiopulmonary disease,
or end-stage cancer
Pregnancy (relative

Abbreviations: ATDs, antithyroid drugs; GO, Graves ophthalmopathy.

Data from Bahn RS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, et al. Hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis: management guidelines of the American Thyroid Association and American Association of
Clinical Endocrinologists. Endocr Pract 2011;17(3):456520.

Toxic Multinodular Goiter

TMNGs show multiple autonomously functioning nodules that cause subclinical or

overt hyperthyroidism. Like TAs, many studies have shown that the development of
TMNG is also strongly correlated with iodine deficiency.4,47,48 TMNG accounts for
up to 50% of cases of thyrotoxicosis in iodine-deficient areas. In contrast, in regions
of iodine sufficiency, TMNG accounts for only 3% to 10% of thyrotoxicosis.44
Smoking, female sex, and having an enlarged thyroid gland are all risk factors for
the development of TMNG.49
The pathophysiology of TMNG involves a multistep process, as theorized by Krohn
and colleagues.49 The first step consists of the development of thyroid hyperplasia
from iodine deficiency, nutritional goitrogens, or autoimmunity. Increased proliferation
and an increased rate of mutation then occur through several proposed mechanisms.
When mutations include the TSH receptor and Gs-a signaling proteins, clones with
constitutive activation of the cAMP cascade then arise. Such constitutively activated


clones are then believed to further proliferate under the influence of growth factors,
forming small clonal populations of autonomously functional tissue. These small
lesions eventually expand to become clinically relevant autonomously functioning
thyroid nodules.
Patients with TMNG may present with signs and symptoms of subclinical or overt
hyperthyroidism. The diagnosis can be made based on a combination of laboratory,
clinical, and imaging data similar to that described for TAs. However, the pattern of
radionuclide scanning shows multiple nodules with increased uptake. Physical examination may reveal a heterogeneously enlarged thyroid. Nodules may also be palpable;
however, even nodules greater than 1.5 cm elude detection by palpation in up to 60%
of cases.50 A radionuclide uptake and scan typically show areas of both increased and
decreased activity scattered throughout the gland, reflecting the presence of hyperfunctioning nodules distributed within suppressed extranodular thyroid tissue.9
As with toxic solitary nodules, multiple toxic nodules also rarely involute and resolve
spontaneously. Up to 95% of affected patients require definitive management with
thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine ablation.51 In patients undergoing I 131 radioiodine ablation, euthyroidism is achieved in 50% to 60% by 3 months and 80% by 6
months. Retreatment is required in approximately 20% of cases.10 Surgical treatment
with near-total or total thyroidectomy results in euthyroidism within days after surgery.
In contrast to radioactive I 131 therapy, which can result in hypothyroidism, requiring
exogenous replacement in 3% of patients at 1 year and 64% at 24 years, total thyroidectomy results in hypothyroidism nearly 100% of the time.10
Iodine-induced Hyperthyroidism

Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (IIH) is typically a transient form of hyperthyroidism

that occurs after iodine exposure in patients with several underlying thyroid conditions
(Box 1). IIH is most commonly found in iodine-deficient areas and in elderly patients
with long-standing nodular goiter.52 In 1 endemic goiter area, the incidence of IIH
was estimated to be up to 2%.53 In contrast, within the iodine-sufficient United States,
the prevalence of goiter is about 3% and the incidence of iodide-induced thyrotoxicosis is low.52 Increased release of thyroid hormone by autonomous thyroid tissue
after iodide repletion (Box 2) is believed to explain IIH.54 Normally, excess iodine
administration does not lead to increased thyroid hormone synthesis and release
because of the Wolff-Chaikoff effect, which describes the inhibitory effect of iodine
excess on thyroid iodide organification. In patients with underlying thyroid autonomy,

Box 1
Conditions in which iodine supplementation may lead to IIH
Endemic iodide-deficiency goiter
Euthyroid patients with Graves disease especially after ATD therapy
Patients with multinodular goiters who reside in areas of iodine repletion or deficiency
Nontoxic nodular goiter
Nontoxic diffuse goiter
Nodular functional autonomy
Data from Roti E, Vagenakis AG. Effect of excess iodide: clinical aspects. In: Braverman LE,
Utiger RD, editors. Werners and Ingbars the thyroid. 9th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 290300.



Seigel & Hodak

Box 2
Iodine-rich products
Iodine-containing vitamins
Kombu, an edible kelp
Iodinated contrast agents

there is an escape from this protective effect, known as the Jod-Basedow

In IIH, serum thyroid hormone levels are increased with a suppressed TSH. Radionuclide scanning typically shows uniformly diminished activity secondary to the
competitive inhibition of radioiodine tracer uptake by the excess iodine.9 b-Adrenergic
antagonists alone or in combination with methimazole should be used to treat IIH,
which typically resolves within 1 to 18 months.10 Thyroidectomy may also be considered in patients who are allergic or resistant to ATDs.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a condition that is defined by persistent vomiting,

marked ketonuria, and a weight loss greater than 5% during pregnancy, also causes
abnormal thyroid function tests and hyperthyroidism.55 The thyrotropic action of
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is typically increased in HG, leads to
an increase in T4 and suppression of TSH in 60% of affected women.5660 True hyperthyroidism, unrelated to HG, occurs infrequently during pregnancy, with a prevalence
of about 0.1% to 0.4%. Graves disease accounts for 85% of these cases and should
be excluded when primary thyrotoxicosis is considered.19 The presence of a goiter,
ophthalmopathy, severe tachycardia, or significantly increased TSH receptor or
thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAbs) may help distinguish patients with Graves
disease clinically from those with HG.61 HG usually spontaneously resolves by 20
weeks gestation and pregnancy outcomes are generally excellent.19,61 Unless symptoms are severe, treatment of HG with ATDs is rarely necessary. Affected patients with
HG and thyrotoxicosis should be followed closely because of the associated anorexia,
vomiting, and weight loss. Repeat thyroid function tests at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks are
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

Some forms of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) may present with significantly
increased levels of circulating b-hCG. However, these patients rarely experience
symptomatic hyperthyroidism. Walkington and colleagues62 showed that among
196 patients with choriocarcinoma treated with chemotherapy in Sheffield, England,
14 (7%) were found to have biochemical hyperthyroidism, but only 4 were symptomatic. Lockwood and colleagues63 found that women with hCG concentrations of
greater than >400,000 IU/L, consistently had TSH suppression; however, few of these
women showed signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism in patients with molar pregnancies should be directed
toward the cause of the increased HCG levels. Extirpation of the tumor results in rapid
resolution of the thyrotoxic state.62,64 In symptomatically thyrotoxic patients with GTD,
in addition to treating the primary tumor, treatment with ATDs may also be helpful.10


Although exceptionally rare, it has been shown that patients with molar pregnancy can
develop thyroid storm, which requires appropriately intensive management.64
Testicular Germ Cell Tumors

There have been multiple case reports of thyrotoxicosis in patients with testicular
cancer.65,66 Most patients with hyperthyroidism from testicular germ cell tumors
have metastatic choriocarcinoma.67 The positive correlation between HCG and T4
levels suggests that HCG is also the cause of hyperthyroidism in these patients.68
Of patients with metastatic nonseminomatous germ cell tumors, 3.5% have hyperthyroidism and HCG levels greater than 50,000 IU/L. In addition, 50% of patients with
HCG levels greater than 50,000 IU/L have hyperthyroidism.66
Recognition of thyrotoxic symptoms in patients with metastatic testicular germ cell
tumors can be difficult because they may overlap with those of metastatic disease.66
Therefore, screening thyroid function tests should be obtained in patients with HCG
levels more than 50,000.66
Treatment of these patients with chemotherapy results in rapid decline in HCG and
FT4; however, an initial rapid surge in HCG may occur and can rarely result in thyroid
storm.66 Treatment of hyperthyroidism may include a thionamide and a b-adrenergic
antagonist if necessary in addition to treatment of the primary tumor.10,66
TSH-secreting Pituitary Adenoma

TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma (TSHoma) is a rare disease and accounts for less
than 2% of all pituitary tumors, with an incidence of 1 case per million.69 The number
of recorded cases has tripled in the last decade as a result of the improved sensitivity
of the immunometric assays for TSH. Although the tumor can occur at any age, most
patients are diagnosed between the third and sixth decade of life.70 These tumors are
almost always benign; however, transformation into pituitary carcinoma has been
TSHoma presents with increased levels of circulating thyroid hormones in the presence of an unsuppressed TSH. When this pattern of thyroid function tests is present,
the differential diagnosis includes TSHoma and pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone
(PRTH), which is discussed later. Because most TSH-secreting tumors are macroadenomas, sellar imaging is important for confirming the diagnosis. The use of a molar
a subunit/TSH ratio is also helpful when TSHoma is suspected. It is calculated by
dividing the a subunit value (expressed as mg/L) by the TSH value (expressed as
mU/L) and multiplying by 10. A normal ratio should be less than 1. This calculation
is most helpful for assessment of TSH macroadenomas because it is increased in
greater than 80% of cases. The calculation is less reliable in the uncommon setting
of TSH macroadenomas, in which it is reported to be normal in 60% of cases. In addition, the ratio may be falsely increased in some normal patients, and may be substantially higher in normal postmenopausal women. This ratio should therefore be
interpreted with appropriate caution.72,73
The diagnosis of TSHoma is often delayed. It is not infrequently confused with
Graves disease because of the presence of a goiter, which often occurs as a result
of chronic stimulation of the thyroid by the autonomous production of TSH. Inappropriate thyroidectomies and radioiodine ablations have been reported in such patients,
who are often incorrectly diagnosed until they present with headaches and visual field
deficits related to the mass effect of the tumor.74 The initial treatment of choice is
surgical revision of the tumor. If surgery fails or is not possible, somatostatin
analogues and stereotactic radiation therapy can be considered. For thyrotoxic symptoms, ATDs and b-adrenergic blockers are helpful.75



Seigel & Hodak

Pituitary Resistance to Thyroid Hormone

PRTH is defined as an imbalance between hypothalamic-pituitary and peripheral

response to thyroid hormone.76 The mechanism underlying PRTH involves genetic
mutations in one of 2 isoforms of the thyroid hormone receptor b subunits (TR-b1 or
2). Normal regulation of thyroid hormone secretion requires appropriate function of
both peripheral thyroid hormone receptors (which contain TR- b1) as well as hypothalamic and pituitary thyroid hormone receptors (which contain TR-b2). Mutations
affecting TR-b2 disproportionately more than TR-b1 lead to the development of
Patients with this condition may present with typical thyrotoxic signs and symptoms
such as palpitations and tachycardia. On physical examination, a goiter is the most
common finding.78
Similar to TSHoma, PRTH presents with increased levels of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the presence of a detectable TSH. In contrast to TSHoma, PRTH typically
presents with a normal a-glycoprotein subunit level/TSH molar ratio. In addition,
a negative pituitary magnetic resonance imaging scan in a patient with thyrotoxicosis,
increased T3 and T4 levels, and an inappropriately normal TSH is supportive of the
diagnosis of PRTH.75
Treatment with 3,5,30 -triiodothyroacetic acid (a T3 analogue) and dextrothyroxine (a
T4 analogue) have been used in patients with PRTH and have been reported to
decrease peripheral hormone levels and TSH.79 Bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist,
blocks TSH secretion and can be used alone or in combination with thyroid hormone
analogues. PTU, because it preferentially blocks type 1 deiodinase but not type 2,
should reduce the intracellular content of T3 in the peripheral tissues but not in the
pituitary thyrotrophic cells, which may restore the balance between peripheral and
pituitary resistance in patients with PRTH.76 Thyroidectomy can also be used in
patients refractory to medical therapy.80
Postpartum Thyroiditis

Differing methodologies, study populations, and screening protocols have contributed

to the varying prevalence of postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) reported in the literature. A
large meta-analysis found that the pooled prevalence of PPT for the general population is 8.1%, whereas the prevalence across the world ranges from 4.4% to 9.3%.81
PPT is an autoimmune disease that develops during the period of immunologic
rebound that can occur at any time during the first year after delivery. It has been
shown that women who develop PPT are more likely to have specific alterations in
T cells, an HLA-DR5 cell surface receptor, and increased titers of antimicrosomal
autoantibodies and TPOAbs, implicating an autoimmune process.8183 Women with
positive TPOAbs or a history of type 1 diabetes are respectively 5.7 times and 3 to
4 times more likely to develop PPT.81
PPT presents during the first postpartum year as transient hyperthyroidism, transient hypothyroidism, or transient hyperthyroidism followed by transient hypothyroidism. Most women recover to euthyroidism; however, 38% to 54% develop
persistent hypothyroidism.84,85 Recently, Stuckey and colleagues showed that a low
urinary iodine concentration (UIC) at 6 months post partum was predictive of longterm hypothyroidism 12 years later. The investigators proposed that the low UIC
was reflective of a more destructive thyroiditis, resulting in a greater depletion of intrathyroidal iodine stores and a greater TSH-driven retention of iodine in the hypothyroid


Most affected patients present with a hypothyroid phase. However, 32% of women
have an antecedent hyperthyroid phase, with 93% of the hyperthyroid episodes occurring at 6 months post partum.85 Although most thyrotoxic patients develop symptoms,
about one-third of patients are asymptomatic.86 The thyrotoxicosis typically resolves in
2 to 3 months if left untreated. The TSH is usually low, and free T4 levels are increased
or normal. Most often, TPOAbs are positive, whereas TSI and TBII are negative.
The development of postpartum Graves disease is less common than PPT, but it is
necessary to distinguish between the 2 because management differs. Women with
Graves disease typically have a more pronounced goiter and thyroid bruit. Ophthalmopathy when present is strongly suggestive of Graves disease, as is a marked increase
in the T3/T4 ratio. An I 123 or technetium scan may be necessary to make the distinction between Graves disease and PPT. Both of these agents are excreted in breast
milk, which contraindicates active nursing if a scan is performed. However, both
agents have a short half-life, of 15 hours to 3 days and up to 36 hours for Tc 99m
and I 123, respectively. Breast feeding should be discontinued for an appropriate
period after treatment with one of these agents. Nursing can safely resume thereafter.
b-Adrenergic blockers are also excreted in breast milk but may still be used to reduce
the hyperadrenergic symptoms during the thyrotoxic phase of thyroiditis. If bblockade is required for a nursing mother, the lowest dose possible should be used
to minimize exposure to the nursing infant.10 Although all b-blockers are excreted in
breast milk, some have more favorable pharmacokinetics making use during pregnancy when medically necessary. Water-soluble b-adrenergic blockers with low
protein binding such as atenolol, sotalol, and acebutalol are excreted in high levels
in breast milk and should be avoided.87 Because of their more favorable pharmacokinetics, we recommend use of the nonselective b-adrenergic antagonist propranolol or
the b-1selective agent metoprolol when symptomatic treatment is necessary. For
propranolol, the maximum dose ingested by the infant is reported to be 0.1% of the
maternal dose.88 Metoprolol is rapidly cleared by infants with normal liver function.10,88 Cessation of nursing should not be necessary when either of these medications is used at low to moderate doses.
Silent Painless Thyroiditis

Painless thyroiditis, also known as silent lymphocytic thyroiditis, is an uncommon

cause of thyrotoxicosis, representing about 1% of all cases.89 PPT and silent thyroiditis are similar and differ only because of the formers temporal relation to pregnancy.
This disease is characterized pathologically by a focal or diffuse infiltrate of lymphocytes and is difficult to distinguish from chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis on biopsy
Silent thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease manifested by positive anti-TPO antibodies in most patients, but the cause remains unclear. The search for viral antibodies
in patients with silent thyroiditis has been unrevealing, but a case showing a familial
pattern of silent thyroiditis suggests that genetic and environmental factors may
play a role.91,92 Medications such as lithium, sunitinib, interferon a, and interleukin 2
(IL-2) have also been reported to cause silent thyroiditis.9395
Patients follow a clinical course similar to PPT, with a thyrotoxic phase lasting from 2
to 9 weeks followed by a short interval of euthyroidism and then a hypothyroid phase
lasting about 4 to 16 weeks.90 A return to normal thyroid function occurs in approximately 80% of patients.89 However, even if normal thyroid function recovers,
continued screening is recommended because long-term studies have shown that
up to 50% of patients develop permanent hypothyroidism after an episode of silent



Seigel & Hodak

thyroiditis.96 It is possible to have repeated episodes of silent thyroiditis because there

have been case reports of patients having up to 9 recurrences.97
Treatment of the thyrotoxic phase of silent thyroiditis involves b-adrenergic antagonists. Because new hormone synthesis is already suppressed in these patients,
ATDs are not useful. Although not commonly required, corticosteroids have been
used to improve symptoms and shorten the time course of the disease.10 Thyroid
replacement may be necessary during the hypothyroid phase, but should be reduced
or stopped after 3 to 6 months to assess for recovery of normal thyroid function.
Subacute Thyroiditis

Subacute thyroiditis (SAT), also known as de Quervain thyroiditis or granulomatous

thyroiditis, is a self-limited inflammatory disorder associated with thyroid tenderness
and pain as well as abnormal thyroid function. The incidence of SAT has been reported
to be 4.9 cases per 100,000 per year.98 It occurs in up to 5% of patients with symptomatic thyroid disease and presents more often in women who are 40 to 50 years
old.89,98 SAT often follows an upper respiratory infection (URI), tends to be seasonal
and geographic, and has been associated with infections by adenovirus, Coxsackie,
Epstein-Barr, and influenza viruses. For these reasons a viral cause seems plausible;
however, studies suggest that genetics may play a role as well.99
Clinically, as shown in a study of 94 individuals with SAT, patients often present with
moderate to severe spontaneous thyroid pain and a history of an antecedent URI. In
addition, they may have dysphagia, arthralgia, myalgia, tremor, sweating, and weight
loss. On physical examination, the patient may be febrile and have a palpable goiter,
with either diffuse or unilateral tenderness on palpation. In most patients, an initial thyrotoxic phase resolves after several weeks and hypothyroidism subsequently
develops, with a course similar to that of postpartum and silent thyroiditis.89 Fatourechi and colleagues98 showed that although early transient hypothyroidism is common,
only 15% of patients with SAT develop persistent permanent hypothyroidism. SAT has
been shown to recur in 4% of patients.
A markedly increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a hallmark of painful
SAT. One study found that 86% of patients with untreated SAT had an increased Creactive protein (CRP) level.100 Free T4 levels are usually increased with ratios of
T4/T3 of less than 20, whereas TSH is low or undetectable.89 Serum thyroid antibodies
are typically normal; however, they can be transiently increased during the acute
phase, reflecting the release of antigen during inflammation as opposed to an autoimmune event.99 Radioiodine uptake is low and thyroid ultrasonography shows
decreased color-flow Doppler.
The initial treatment in these patients should include a b-blocker and a nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) for pain relief. For patients who fail to respond to NSAID
therapy, corticosteroids can be considered. Although corticosteroid therapy does
result in symptomatic improvement, it does not prevent early-onset and late-onset
hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine replacement therapy can be used in patients with
symptoms of hypothyroidism; however, it should be withdrawn in 3 to 6 months to
assess for recovery of normal thyroid function.10
Suppurative Thyroiditis

Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is effectively an abscess within the thyroid. It is

a rare but life-threatening endocrine emergency and is also a cause of thyrotoxicosis.101103 The rarity of this disease is related to the encapsulation, rich blood
supply, extensive lymphatic drainage, and other various protective mechanisms
inherent to the thyroid gland.89 Patients have been reported to develop AST by direct


inoculation through intravenous drug use, interventional procedures, esophageal

rupture, or neck trauma or indirectly by hematogenous or lymphatic spread of infection. In addition, anatomic variants such as a pyriform sinus fistula, thyroid nodule,
or thyroid cancer may predispose patients to AST.104 Immunosuppressed, elderly,
and debilitated patients are at a higher risk of acquiring AST.89
AST is most commonly caused by gram-positive and gram-negative aerobes;
however, fungal, parasitic, mycobacterial, and opportunistic infections have also
been reported.105109
Patients can present with anterior neck pain, swelling, fever, dysphagia, dysphonia,
and thyroid mass on palpation in addition to the other signs and symptoms of
Most patients with AST have normal thyroid function. However, thyrotoxicosis can
develop secondary to the release of thyroxine and triiodothyronine from inflammatory
destruction of thyroid follicles. Because both SAT and AST can be associated with
acute thyroid pain and tenderness, thyrotoxicosis, an increased white blood cell
count, and a low radioactive iodine uptake, thyroid imaging and fine-needle aspiration
(FNA) may be necessary to distinguish between the two.104
Initial laboratory studies should include thyroid function tests, complete blood
count, comprehensive metabolic panel, blood cultures, and human immunodeficiency
virus screen. A CT scan with contrast of the neck and chest provides a detailed
anatomic assessment of the soft tissue for enhancement and determines whether
there is an abscess and the degree to which it may have extended into the retropharyngeal space or mediastinum.110 In addition, CT may locate an anatomic abnormality
contributing to the development of the infection.111 Although ultrasonographic examination is useful and may be able to identify a fluid collection in the thyroid, it is less
comprehensive in the evaluation of extrathyroidal involvement. If a fluid collection is
seen on imaging, an ultrasound-guided FNA biopsy may be both diagnostic and
Treatment involves effective antibiotic therapy and elimination of formed
abscesses. Anatomic abnormalities such as a pyriform sinus fistula, the most common
source of infection in children, often require surgical resection or nonsurgical obliteration to prevent recurrent infection.104 In patients with thyrotoxicosis, treatment with
b-adrenergic blockers is effective. Similar to other forms of destructive thyroiditis,
there is no role for ATDs.10
Radiation Thyroiditis

Radiation thyroiditis, a side effect of radioactive iodine therapy, is a painful inflammation of the thyroid and occurs in 1% of patients undergoing treatment. It can result in
thyrotoxicosis as a result of the destruction-mediated release of thyroid hormone.34
Treatment usually consists of NSAIDs, and b-blockers; however, steroids should be
considered in patients with refractory pain. External beam radiation can also have
effects on the thyroid, as shown by Nishiyama and colleagues,112 who prospectively
assessed acute reactions of the thyroid to external neck irradiation. These investigators followed thyroid function tests among 22 individuals who underwent radiation
therapy with a treatment field that included the thyroid. Patients showed both mild
biochemical thyrotoxic and hypothyroid phases; however, clinical symptoms did not
occur. Increases in total T4, free T4, and total T3 trended upwards during radiotherapy
but did not reach significance. At 6 months, which was the duration of the study, the
TSH level was significantly higher than the initial baseline levels, whereas the free t4
was significantly lower. The investigators believed the small changes in thyroid



Seigel & Hodak

function were a direct effect of radiation exposure, probably caused by mild thyroid
Thyrotoxicosis Factitia

Thyrotoxicosis as a result of the exogenous administration of thyroid hormone is most

often iatrogenic, occurring frequently in patients taking thyroid replacement for various
reasons.113 In addition, there have been reports of thyroid hormone abuse for the
purpose of weight loss and energy enhancement.114,115
Distinguishing thyrotoxicosis factitia from painless sporadic thyroiditis may be difficult and requires a high degree of clinical suspicion. Both diseases may present with
increased levels of thyroid hormones, a suppressed TSH, and a low radioactive iodine
uptake. A serum thyroglobulin may be helpful because it is typically undetectable in
thyrotoxicosis factitia and increased in thyroiditis.116,117

Struma Ovarii

Struma ovarii is an ovarian tumor, typically associated with a teratoma, that contains
differentiated and potentially functional thyroid epithelium. Thyrotoxicosis is an unusual
manifestation occurring in only 8% of patients with struma ovarii and is most commonly
caused by autonomous function of the thyroid epithelium of the tumor.10 Patients with
Graves disease have rarely been reported to have persistent or recurrent hyperthyroidism caused by the action of the TRAb on the ectopic thyroid tissue.118
Laboratory evaluation reveals a suppressed TSH, an increased thyroglobulin level,
and T3 level may be increased.119 Radioactive iodine uptake is decreased at the
thyroid; however, a whole-body radioactive iodine scan usually shows positive uptake
in the pelvis.120
Surgical resection is the initial treatment of choice because of the risk of developing
carcinoma. In cases of malignant struma ovarii, total thyroidectomy usually follows
resection of the tumor to facilitate the subsequent use of ablative radioactive iodine
therapy. Preoperative treatment with b-adrenergic blocking agents and ATDs may
be necessary to establish euthyroidism before surgery.10
Metastatic Functioning Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

Thyrotoxicosis caused by metastatic thyroid cancer is rare. Most reported cases are
caused by follicular carcinoma with functioning metastases in the lungs and bones at
presentation. Papillary thyroid carcinoma has been reported in only 5 cases.121
Establishing the diagnosis of metastatic thyrotoxicosis requires the exclusion of
a hyperfunctioning thyroid gland, evidence of radioactive iodine uptake in the metastatic lesions, and failure of the thyrotoxicosis to resolve after thyroidectomy.122
In most reported cases, hyperthyroidism was already established at the time the
thyroid cancer was discovered. In the remainder of the cases, hyperthyroidism
occurred after the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma.122
The symptoms of hyperthyroidism in these patients can range from those of mild
thyroxicosis to overt thyroid storm, which is reported occasionally.113,123
Treatment of these patients includes local debulking with surgery, interventional
vascular procedures to disrupt tumor blood supply, and radioactive iodine with the
addition of ATDs as needed. Thyrotoxicosis has been reported after thyrotropin injections used for imaging and iodine ablation and should therefore be used with appropriate caution in these patients.10


Subclinical Hyperthyroidism

SH is defined as a suppressed TSH, generally to less than 0.3 mIU/L, with a normal
level of T4 and T3. In light of recent studies evaluating the long-term consequences
of this disease, establishing the diagnosis and instituting treatment may be beneficial
in certain patients.
Differing TSH cutoff values have contributed to the variably reported prevalence of
SH reported in the literature. The NHANES III (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III) study, which represents the US civilian noninstitutionalized population,
defined SH using a TSH cutoff value of 0.1 mU/L, and found the overall prevalence of
SH to be 0.7%.3 The Colorado thyroid disease prevalence study, which involved participants in a statewide health fair aged 18 years and older, used a TSH cutoff value of
0.3 mU/L and found the overall prevalence of SH to be 2.1%.5 Generally, men and
women more than 65 years of age have the highest prevalence of SH.48
To establish the diagnosis of SH, other causes of a low TSH level should be excluded.
They may include pituitary or hypothalamic disease, euthyroid sick syndrome, certain
medications, such as dobutamine, dopamine, or steroids, and excessive thyroid
hormone ingestion. In addition, excess endogenous thyroid hormone production by
Graves disease or a nodular goiter must be ruled out.124
There are multiple potential consequences of prolonged SH, which have led to the
consideration of treatment. It has been shown that SH is an independent risk factor for
atrial fibrillation.125127 The TEARS study (Thyroid Epidemiology, Audit, and Research
Study) showed that patients with endogenous SH have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and dysrhythmias.128 The cardiovascular health study showed that
patients with SH had no increased risk of developing heart failure. However, a more
recent study showed that exogenous SH was associated with decreased myocardial
strain on an echocardiogram, implying impaired cardiac function.129,130 Some studies
have shown an association between SH and dementia, whereas others have
not.131,132 An increased risk of hip fracture in men with SH has also been reported.133
SH is generally asymptomatic and typically discovered incidentally. Few patients
with SH (about 0.5% to 0.7%) develop overt hyperthyroidism, whereas most continue
to have SH. About one-third of patients with SH become euthyroid.134
Establishing the diagnosis of SH should include a thorough medical history, a repeat
TSH test over a 3-month to 6-month period to establish that the abnormal thyroid
function tests are not transient, and thyroid ultrasonography to evaluate for nodular
thyroid disease. If nodules are noted on ultrasonography, then a radionuclide scan
to evaluate for a TMNG or a TA should be obtained.
Once the diagnosis of SH is established, treatment is based on age, TSH level,
symptoms, and comorbidities. If the TSH level is persistently less than 0.1 mU/L, treatment should be considered in all patients older than 65 years, postmenopausal
women not on estrogens or bisphosphonates, patients with osteoporosis, cardiac
risk factors or heart disease, and individuals with symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. If the
TSH level is persistently less than normal, but greater than 0.1 mU/L, then treatment
should be considered in individuals older than 65 year and in patients with cardiac
disease or symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. The treatment should be based on the cause
of the thyroid dysfunction and follow the same principles, as described throughout this
article, for the various causes of overt hyperthyroidism.10
Amiodarone-induced Thyrotoxicosis

Amiodarone is an iodine-rich antiarrhythmic drug used for the treatment of cardiac

arrhythmias. The iodine in amiodarone accounts for one-third of its total mass. This



Seigel & Hodak

measurement is clinically significant because each 200-mg dose of amiodarone

results in 6 mg of free iodine in the blood circulation. This dose is 20 to 40 times higher
than the daily iodine intake in the United States.135
There are 2 types of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT). Type 1 AIT is a form
of IIH caused by the high iodine content of amiodarone. It occurs most commonly in
patients with underlying hypermetabolic thyroid disease such as latent Graves disease
or MNG.135 These patients are often unable to regulate hormone synthesis in the
setting of such a high iodine load. Type 2 AIT is a drug-induced destructive thyroiditis
resulting from the direct toxicity of amiodarone and its metabolite, desethylamiodarone, to thyroid follicles.136 The thyrotoxicosis in these patients is related to the release
of thyroid hormone into the bloodstream from damaged thyroid follicular epithelium.
The reported prevalence of AIT varies based on regional iodine sufficiency. A recent
study conducted in the Netherlands, which is a relatively iodine-deficient country, reported a 14% prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among 303 patients taking amiodarone, who were followed for 3 years. Among the patients with thyroid dysfunction, 8%
developed AIT and the remaining 6% developed amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism.137 An inverse correlation between dietary iodine intake and prevalence of
AIT is reported in a study by Martino and colleagues138 showing that hyperthyroidism
was a more frequent complication of amiodarone therapy in the relatively iodinedeficient region of western Tuscany, but hypothyroidism was more frequent in
Worcester, MA, where iodine intake is sufficient.
Clinically, the presentation of AIT is similar for both type 1 and 2. The onset of symptoms can develop early or after many years of amiodarone treatment. Because of the
tissue storage and slow release of the drug and its metabolite, the effect of amiodarone can persist for a long time even after drug withdrawal. The classic symptoms of
thyrotoxicosis may be absent because of the b-adrenergicblocking properties of
amiodarone and its impairment of T4 to T3 conversion. Patients may present with
worsening of the underlying arrhythmia that initially led to the use of amiodarone. Ophthalmopathy is typically absent unless the patient has underlying undiagnosed Graves
Distinguishing the type of AIT is crucial because it determines the therapeutic
approach. Imaging can often help differentiate between the 2 types of AIT. Thyroid
ultrasonography may show a diffuse or nodular goiter, which suggests type 1 AIT.
Color-flow Doppler sonography (CFDS) shows an absence of vascularity in patients
with type 2 AIT and increased vascularity and blood flow velocity in patients with
type 1.140 Radioactive iodine uptake is usually very low in type 2 AIT, similar to other
types of thyroiditis. Literature suggests that in type 1 AIT, RAI uptake may be normal or
even increased.141 However, in our experience we find iodine uptake is low in all forms
of AIT, likely due to the systemic iodine intoxication resulting from the high iodine
content of amiodarone. A Tc 99m thyroid scan has also been suggested as a useful
tool.141 Laboratory evaluation with IL-6 and CRP has been shown to have limited
usefulness because of the considerable overlap that exists between affected patients
and controls. Similarly, although a greater frequency of positive thyroid antibodies,
particularly TRAb, is reported in patients with type 1 AIT, patients with type 2 AIT
also have positive antibodies in 8% of cases.141,142 This overlap reduces the clinical
usefulness of this means of assessment.
Treatment depends on the type of AIT that is present. Type 1 AIT is treated with
ATDs, because these drugs directly inhibit the increased thyroid metabolism responsible for the increased production of thyroid hormone. Because these patients often
have iodine-replete thyroid glands, conferring resistance to the inhibitory action of thionamides, higher drug dosages (40 mg daily) and longer treatment periods (36


months) are necessary.10 Potassium perchlorate 250 mg to 500 mg twice a day has
also been used to improve the response to thionamides by decreasing thyroid iodine
uptake and increasing thyroidal iodine discharge.141 However, potassium perchlorate
has been rarely associated with potentially fatal blood dyscrasias and is available in
the United States only through compounding pharmacies that prepare the medication
from reagent-grade chemical stock.143 Our experience is that in many cases of type I
AIT, perchlorate is an indispensable treatment adjunct.
Type 2 AIT, an inflammatory thyroiditis, is treated with corticosteroids and typically
resolves in a few weeks. These patients should be treated with 40 mg prednisone once
daily for 2 to 4 weeks followed by a gradual taper over 2 to 3 months.10
Occasionally, patients may not respond to single modality therapy caused by a mix
of type 1 and type 2 AIT. These patients may require combined antithyroid and antiinflammatory medications.10 The decision to stop amiodarone in the setting of thyrotoxicosis is controversial and should be made on an individual basis.

Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism and goiter in the
United States.89 Patients may present with symptoms of hypothyroidism, goiter, or
both.144 Increased TPOAbs and thyroglobulin antibodies are present in 90% and
20% to 50% of patients, respectively.89 Rarely, patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis
may present with hashitoxicosis or the presence of biochemical hyperthyroidism.
One study145 performed in children found that of 69 total patients with autoimmune
thyroiditis, 11.5% developed hashitoxicosis. All of these patients had spontaneous
resolution of the thyrotoxicosis, with subsequent development of euthyroidism or
hypothyroidism confirming the diagnosis. The duration of hyperthyroidism in these
patients ranged from 31 to 168 days.
It is important to differentiate Graves disease from hashitoxicosis. CFDS may be
helpful because it typically shows significantly increased vascularity in Graves disease
and normal to only slightly increased vascularity in hashitoxicosis; however, the
vascularity can be variable.146 In addition, in Hashimoto thyroiditis, ultrasonographic
examination usually shows a heterogeneous thyroid parenchyma with innumerable
scattered small hypoechoic nodules separated by echogenic septa.146 The presence
of increased TPO and thyroglobulin antibodies with a negative TSI is also suggestive
of hashitoxicosis.
Medication-induced Thyrotoxicosis

When evaluating a patient for hyperthyroidism, the differential diagnosis should

include drug-induced thyroid dysfunction. This next section discusses some of the
medications that have been reported to be a cause of thyrotoxicosis.
Drugs that contain iodine can cause IIH. As discussed earlier, patients with underlying thyroid autonomy or who live in iodine-deficient areas are at the highest risk of
developing IIH. Some of the medications that contain clinically significant amounts
of iodine include radiocontrast dyes, amiodarone, and topical povidone-iodine.147 Ioxaglic acid, a component of intravenous contrast, has been associated with severe
thyrotoxicosis, presenting with fever and marked neck tenderness.148 Lithium, which
is metabolized in the thyroid in a manner similar to iodine, has been reported to cause
hyperthyroidism, with an incidence rate of 2.7 cases per 1000 person-years. It has
been postulated that lithium may have a direct toxic effect on the thyroid gland
because intrathyroidal lithium concentrations are higher than in the blood.95 Sunitinib,
a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has also been associated with the development of destructive thyroiditis. The mechanism is not believed to be immune mediated but remains



Seigel & Hodak

unclear.94 One study found that the combination of IL-2 and IFN-a-2a led to thyroid
dysfunction in 4 of 8 patients. These patients developed a self-limited autoimmune
thyroiditis, with a hyperthyroid phase of 2 weeks followed by a hypothyroid phase
lasting up to 24 weeks.93 Recently, epoprostenol, a prostacyclin analogue used in
the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, has been found to be associated
with seronegative hyperthyroidism. Chadha and colleagues149 found that 6.7% of
patients being treated with epoprostenol developed TSI-negative thyrotoxicosis
with large goiters and increased uptake on thyroid scan. The investigators believe
that epoprostenol can stimulate the thyroid tissue, induce growth of the thyroid gland,
and lead to the development of hyperthyroidism.

Thyrotoxicosis is a clinical syndrome resulting from increased levels of thyroid

hormones caused by either increased or decreased thyroid metabolic function. Clinical symptoms, laboratory data, and radiologic imaging are often needed to make an
accurate diagnosis. Because appropriate treatment is dependent on the pathophysiologic process behind the thyrotoxic state, establishing the proper diagnosis is of
utmost importance.

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114. Mittra ES, Niederkohr RD, Rodriguez C, et al. Uncommon causes of thyrotoxicosis. J Nucl Med 2008;49(2):26578.
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H y p o t h y ro i d i s m :
E t i o l o g y, D i a g n o s i s ,
a n d Ma n a g e m e n t
Jaime P. Almandoz,



, Hossein Gharib,



 Hypothyroidism  Thyroid-stimulating hormone
 Subclinical hypothyroidism  Thyrotropin-releasing hormone

Hypothyroidism is the result of inadequate production of thyroid hormone or inadequate action of thyroid hormone in target tissues. Hypothyroidism is commonly
seen in outpatient practice, and improvements in assays and increased awareness
of the condition has led to the evaluation of more patients. The wide array of symptoms of hypothyroidism indicates an effect on metabolism and dysfunction in multiple
organ systems. Primary hypothyroidism is the principal manifestation of hypothyroidism, but other causes include central deficiency of thyrotropin-releasing hormone
(TRH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or consumptive hypothyroidism from
excessive inactivation of thyroid hormone. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is
present when there is laboratory evidence of primary hypothyroidism with an elevated
TSH but a normal free thyroxine (FT4) level. Treatment in most cases involves oral
administration of exogenous synthetic thyroid hormone.
This review presents an update on the etiology and types of hypothyroidism,
including subclinical disease; drugs and thyroid function; and diagnosis and treatment
of hypothyroidism, with a glance at some controversial issues.

Hypothyroidism is a common condition and is more prevalent in women, the elderly,

and certain ethnic groups. Hypothyroidism may be either clinical/overt, whereby there
is an elevation in the TSH and low levels of FT4, or subclinical, whereby the levels of
FT4 are normal with an elevated serum TSH. For this interpretation to be valid there
must be an intact hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, an absence of concurrent
illness, and reproducibility of this trend over at least a 4-week period. Studies in the

Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First
Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street
SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
* Corresponding author. Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Mayo
Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 203221
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Almandoz & Gharib

United States, Europe, and Japan have reported the prevalence of hypothyroidism to
be between 0.6 and 12 per 1000 in women and between 1.3 and 4.0 per 1000 in men.1
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III data estimate the prevalence
of overt hypothyroidism (OH) in the American population at 0.3% and prevalence of
SCH at 4.3%.2 The Colorado Thyroid Disease Prevalence Survey revealed a similar
prevalence of hypothyroidism of 0.4% in a self-selected group not taking thyroid
hormone, but a much higher prevalence of SCH at 8.5%.3 The Colorado survey
involved individuals voluntarily seeking screening, so the estimated prevalence might
be expected to be higher. In the Wickham cohort, 20-year survivor follow-up data indicate the mean annual incidence of hypothyroidism to be 3.5 per 1000 in women and
0.6 per 1000 in men.4 The odds ratio of developing hypothyroidism were increased
from 8 in women and 44 in men with an elevated TSH, to 38 in women and 173 in
men for those that had both an elevation in TSH and positive antibodies.4

Hypothyroidism can arise as primary from the thyroid gland, when there is a defect in
thyroid hormone synthesis and release; or centrally from the hypothalamic-pituitarythyroid axis, when there is a defect in either TRH or TSH signaling to the thyroid
(Table 1). The condition may also be transient or permanent.
Primary Hypothyroidism

Chronic autoimmune (Hashimoto) thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in iodine-sufficient areas. It is characterized by diffuse lymphocytic infiltration
of the thyroid gland associated primarily with circulating antithyroid peroxidase (TPO)
Table 1
Causes of hypothyroidism
Primary (Thyroid)

Secondary (Pituitary)


Tumors, infarcts, or trauma

Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis



Subacute, silent, postpartum thyroiditis

Infiltrative disorders (eg, sarcoidosis,

histiocytosis, lymphoma,


Lymphocytic hypophysitis

Thyroidectomy/thyroid surgery


Radioactive iodine therapy


Antithyroid medications

Tertiary (hypothalamus)

Iodine deficiency or excess

Infiltrative disorders (eg, sarcoidosis,

histiocytosis, lymphoma,



Radiation exposure
Systemic illness (usually moderate
or severe)
Thyroid agenesis
Defective hormone synthesis
Thyroid hormone resistance


antibodies; antibodies may also be present against other aspects of the thyroid (thyroglobulin [Tg], TSH receptor, TSH-blocking antibodies).57 This process seems to be
due to an inherited defect in immune surveillance that leads to dysregulation and
subsequent destruction of the thyroid gland.8 As such, patients may present with or
without a goiter.
Detecting serum thyroid autoantibodies is a vital component in diagnosing autoimmune thyroid disease. Positive serum autoantibodies in the absence of abnormalities
in the testing of thyroid function should be interpreted with caution, as more than 20%
of women older than 50 years in the general population have positive TPO antibodies,
and thus antibody positivity does not equal clinical disease,2 although these individuals are more likely than antibody-negative individuals to develop thyroid dysfunction.
Iodine deficiency remains the most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide,
but is uncommon in North America because of the widespread use of iodized table
salt and other fortified foods.9 A study of bread and cows milk in the Boston area
revealed that the average slice of bread contained 10 mg of iodine, whereas some
brands provided more than 300 mg per slice. This study also showed that all cows
milk samples contained at least 88 mg per 250 mL.10 As recently at 1990, 28.9% of
the worlds population was at risk for iodine deficiency. The recommended daily intake
for iodine is 150 mg for the general population and 225 to 350 mg during pregnancy and
lactation.11 Radioactive iodine (131I) therapy is the most common treatment modality
for hyperthyroidism in the United States. It is also used for treatment of thyroid
remnant ablation following thyroidectomy and treatment of iodine-avid thyroid
cancers. The principal side effect of 131I is hypothyroidism, requiring lifelong thyroid
hormone replacement therapy.12
Excess exposure to iodine can lead to transient hypothyroidism, referred to as the
Wolff-Chaikoff effect.13 This effect is sometimes used in preparing patients with
Graves disease for surgery or treating thyroid storm. Patients with underlying organification defects, for example, Hashimoto thyroiditis, or following 131I therapy can
suffer from prolonged hypothyroidism when exposed to excess iodide.14,15 This situation also occurs in patients on amiodarone therapy and is likely caused by a failure to
escape the Wolff-Chaikoff effect.16 Escape or adaptation to the Wolff-Chaikoff effect
occurs approximately 2 days after initial iodine exposure, and in rats has been shown
to be due to a transcriptional decrease in sodium/iodide symporter messenger RNA
and protein expression, which results in decreased iodide transport into the thyroid.17
External radiation exposure from treatment of nonthyroid cancer increases the
chances of hypothyroidism. The prevalence of hypothyroidism following radiation
for head and neck cancer ranges between 10% and 45% in the literature.18 A recent
systematic review looking at risk factors for developing hypothyroidism after radiation
therapy identified female sex, white race, and concomitant thyroid or neck surgery as
notable factors.19 Considerable variation was seen between studies, but there was
a radiationdose response relationship, with a 50% risk of hypothyroidism with
a dose of 45 Gy. Chemotherapy and age were not associated with an increased risk
of hypothyroidism.
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been shown to cause hypothyroidism in 36% to 71%
of patients in prospective data.20 This class of medication has also been shown to
increase the requirement of levothyroxine replacement in those already on thyroid
hormone replacement, by an average dose of 50 mg per day in one study looking at vandetanib.21 It has been suggested by several investigators that this increase in thyroid
hormone requirement is attributable to an induction in type 3 deiodinase activity.22,23
The evidence linking low-dose environmental radiation exposure to autoimmune
thyroid disease and hypothyroidism is inconclusive.24 The Japanese Adult Health



Almandoz & Gharib

Survey, when examining 50-year survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic
bombs, found an increase in spontaneous OH with a prevalence of 5.6%.25 There
does not appear to be a link between radiation exposure and positive antithyroid antibody status or antibody-positive hypothyroidism in this cohort. The Hanford Thyroid
Disease Study also failed to find an association between hypothyroidism, autoimmune
thyroiditis, and prolonged 131I exposure in infancy and childhood.26
Infiltrative processes can lead to primary hypothyroidism, and causes include
hemochromatosis, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, and Riedel thyroiditis.2730 Infections of
the thyroid with pathogens such as Pneumocystis jiroveci can cause inadequate
production of thyroid hormone if enough of the gland is damaged. However, infections
of the thyroid are rare because of its encapsulation, high iodide content, and lymphatic
Inflammatory destruction of the thyroid as occurs in thyroiditis leads to transient
thyrotoxicosis by release of thyroid hormone from the injured gland. As hormone
stores are depleted, a transient hypothyroid phase follows until the inflammation
has subsided. Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) is caused by lymphocytic infiltration and
may occur in 5% to 7% of women worldwide. PPT is more common in women with
thyroid autoantibodies, and those with positive TPO antibodies early in pregnancy
have a 30% to 52% chance of developing PPT. Other autoimmune conditions
increase the incidence of PPT, which is at least 15% in women with type 1 diabetes
mellitus.31 It is widely believed that most women with PPT will recover before the
end of the first postpartum year.32 A recent large-scale prospective study of women
in southern Italy challenged this, showing that 1 in 25 developed the condition and
that 54% had persistent hypothyroidism at the end of the first postpartum year.33
Consumptive hypothyroidism results from excessive production of type 3 deiodinase by vascular endothelium, resulting in conversion of thyroxine (T4) to reverse triiodothyronine (T3) and T3 to diiodothyronine. This rare condition is usually associated
with hemangiomas, and surgical resection is curative.34

In addition to amiodarone, which contains a high concentration of iodine and causes

hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, many other drugs can lead to hypothyroidism
(Box 1). Medications such as iron and calcium salts can impair absorption of ingested
exogenous thyroid hormone. Kelp supplements and perchlorate can impair iodine
uptake. Thionamides, commonly used antithyroid medications, primarily interfere
with thyroid hormone production. Secretion of thyroid hormone by the gland can be
blocked by medications such as lithium. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis can be interrupted by glucocorticoids and dopamine. Barbiturates can lead to increased clearance of the thyroid hormone from the circulation.
Subclinical Hypothyroidism

SCH is used to describe an asymptomatic patient who has an elevated serum TSH
and a normal serum FT4 level. This description is only accurate if the hypothalamicpituitary-thyroid axis is intact, there is no ongoing or recent severe illness, and the
pattern is reproducible through time. It suggests a compensated early state of primary
thyroid failure whereby an increased level of TSH is required to maintain levels of
thyroid hormone within the normal range. SCH can occur in the setting of Hashimoto
thyroiditis, prior thyroid surgery, radioiodine therapy, or external beam radiation. Transient SCH has also been reported following an episode of thyroiditis.39


Symptoms and Presentations

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are often very subjective, and vary according to the
degree of biochemical hypothyroidism. Symptoms typically include fatigue, cold intolerance, dry skin, constipation, vocal changes, and muscle aches. These symptoms,
including proposed scoring systems for the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, have poor
sensitivity and specificity for the condition.40 On physical examination prolonged
ankle-jerk reflex time appears to correlate best with the degree of hypothyroidism;
however, much of the clinical evaluation in current clinical practice has been overshadowed by the use of sensitive assays.40,41
The decrease in circulating thyroid hormones has a negative effect on basal metabolic rate, which has a negative effect on multiple organ systems. The accumulation of
glycosaminoglycans from increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid along with the
decreased metabolic rate can explain many of the presenting features of the affected
Lipid Metabolism

Some investigators recommend that thyroid function be measured in all patients with
lipid abnormalities, as more than 90% of patients with OH will have abnormal serum
lipid values.42 OH is characterized by increased low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and
apolipoprotein B because of reduced hepatic clearance from a decreased number
of hepatic LDL receptors. A decrease in cholesterylester transfer protein can increase
the levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in hypothyroidism.43 Although there is
a tendency toward elevated cholesterol in hypothyroidism, it seems to arise from an
increase in large-LDL and large-HDL subtypes, which are thought to be less
Cardiovascular and Other Changes

The most common cardiovascular findings in OH include bradycardia, systemic

hypertension with decreased pulse pressure, and exercise impairment. Hypothyroid
patients are prone to ventricular arrhythmias, and from a delayed cardiomyocyte
action-potential may manifest a variety of electrocardiographic abnormalities
including prolonged QT-interval and nonspecific ST changes.45
Hyponatremia may occur from plasma dilution, as there is a reduction in free water
clearance in hypothyroidism. Combined with an excess of tissue mucopolysaccharides, decreased glomerular filtration rate, and a reduced cardiac ejection fraction,
this may cause puffiness or frank edema.46 The frequency of hyponatremia is
increased with the concomitant use of thiazide diuretics.
Changes in the skin depend on the degree of hypothyroidism and the ethnicity of the
patient. Findings include xerosis, decreased sweating, thickening of the skin, brittle
hair, hair loss, loss of the lateral eyebrows (Queen Anne sign), livedo reticularis, and
Neurologic manifestations of hypothyroidism include carpal tunnel syndrome,
sensorimotor polyneuropathy, and myopathy. The myopathic symptoms usually
consist of proximal weakness and are associated with a modest elevation in serum
creatine kinase, which will respond to thyroid hormone replacement.48,49 With the
use of functional imaging studies, researchers have documented a decrease in cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism in patients with hypothyroidism.50 These
changes may account for the increased prevalence of depression, anxiety, and
psychomotor retardation.



Almandoz & Gharib

Box 1
Medications that contribute to hypothyroidism
Certain agents may have more than 1 mechanism.
Medications decreasing TSH secretion
Growth hormone
Drugs affecting thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion
Cytokines (IFN-g, IL-2, GM-CSF)
Drugs altering thyroid hormone metabolism
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Growth hormone
Iodinated contrast agents
Drugs that increase thyroxine-binding globulin


Drugs that affect exogenous thyroid hormone absorption

Calcium compounds
Aluminum hydroxide
Ferrous compounds
Acid-reducing agents: proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers
Abbreviations: IFN-g, interferon-gamma; IL-2, interleukin-2; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage
colony stimulating factor; SERMs, selective estrogen receptor modulators; TSH, thyroidstimulating hormone.
Data from Refs.3538

Gastrointestinal symptoms and signs may be due to dysfunctional motility of the

hollow viscera or associated autoimmune conditions in autoimmune thyroid disease.
Decreased motility can lead to dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, and constipation.
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth can be seen in more than half of patients with hypothyroidism. Coexisting autoimmune conditions may lead to a decrease in production
of gastric acid and malabsorption from celiac disease.51
Oligomenorrhea and menorrhagia are the most frequently seen menstrual disturbances in hypothyroidism and are related to severity of the condition. Some women
present with amenorrhea and elevated prolactin levels from hypothyroidism, which
will resolve with thyroid hormone replacement. The menorrhagia is probably the result
of breakthrough bleeding associated with anovulation in conjunction with hemostasis
defects seen with hypothyroidism.52 Men with hypothyroidism may have lower
concentrations of sex hormonebinding globulin and free testosterone than euthyroid
men. The hyperprolactinemia associated with hypothyroidism may lead to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, but it should be noted that only a small number of men presenting with hypothyroidism complain of sexual dysfunction.53

Laboratory testing is required for the diagnosis of hypothyroidism because the symptoms and examination findings lack sensitivity and specificity. Accordingly, clinical
scoring systems correlate poorly with hypothyroidism and should not be used for
diagnosis. Nonthyroid serum testing such as elevated creatine kinase, hyperlipidemia,
and physical findings such as basal metabolic rate should not be used to diagnose
thyroid dysfunction, but should prompt more specific thyroid testing.
Primary hypothyroidism is manifested by an elevated serum TSH with a low serum
FT4. SCH is present when there is an elevation in TSH but the FT4 is within the normal
reference range. In secondary (pituitary) or tertiary (hypothalamic) hypothyroidism, the
FT4 is low and the TSH is not appropriately elevated. Imaging of the hypothalamus and
pituitary gland should be performed on patients in whom central hypothyroidism is
TSH is widely measured using a third-generation chemiluminometric assay. There is
controversy regarding the appropriate upper limit of normal for the reference range.
The authors laboratory currently uses a reference range of 0.3 to 5.0 mIU/L. A



Almandoz & Gharib

monograph by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry revealed that 95% of

screened euthyroid volunteers had a serum TSH between 0.4 and 2.5 mIU/L.54 Epidemiologic data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III shows
a trend toward increasing TSH values with age, even when correcting for antithyroid
antibodies.2 Lowering the upper limit of normal for the reference range to 2.5 mIU/L
would incorrectly diagnose up to 35% of older people as hypothyroid, prompting
perhaps unnecessary therapy without a demonstrable benefit in outcome.55,56
Serum T4 and T3 are extensively bound to plasma proteins, which include thyroxinebinding globulin, albumin, and transthyretin. The bound thyroid hormones are considered to be biologically unavailable until they are dissociated from their carrier proteins.
Conditions such as pregnancy, illness, and medications can affect levels of binding
proteins, thus confounding interpretation of the total results. The measurement of
FT4 is used more often than total (bound) thyroxine, in conjunction with TSH, to assess
the status of thyroid function.
FT4 levels are measured by a direct FT4 assay after ultrafiltration; equilibrium dialysis
following addition of an anti-T4 antibody to the serum; or FT4 index, which is a calculation based on the total T4 and the T3 uptake. The T3 uptake represents the concentration of unoccupied sites on carrier proteins.57
TPO antibodies are positive in almost all cases of Hashimoto thyroiditis. Measuring
TPO antibodies in hypothyroid patients can help to determine the etiology, and also has
prognostic value in assessing the risk of progression to OH for patients with a goiter or
SCH. Antibody-positive individuals have been shown to have a much higher risk of
developing hypothyroidism, and measuring TPO antibodies also identifies patients
who may be at risk for other autoimmune conditions.58 As much as 20% to 30% of
the population with type 1 diabetes mellitus expresses TPO antibodies,59 and in one
study 83% of patients with idiopathic Addison disease expressed such antibodies.60
Radionuclide-uptake studies do not have a role in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism
and are primarily used in the evaluation of hyperthyroidism.
Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging can be used in the evaluation of patients with
hypothyroidism. In Hashimoto thyroiditis, a heterogeneous pattern is often seen and
the degree of hypoechogenicity of the gland seems to correlate with the stage of
the disease.61 Ultrasonography findings correlate highly with TPO-antibody positivity
and the presence of autoimmune thyroid dysfunction.62
Multinodular goiter is not usually associated with hypothyroidism arising from
destruction of functioning thyroid tissue. In some patients with nodular disease,
fine-needle aspiration biopsy may play a limited role in identifying disease if the
patient has an autoimmune-mediated nodular thyroid and is at risk of developing

Universal screening of the general population is controversial, and there is disagreement between professional societies about who should be screened for thyroid hypofunction and when. The United States Preventive Services Task Force does not
recommend routine screening for thyroid disease in adults,63 whereas the American
Thyroid Association (ATA) recommends screening for adults beginning at age 35 years
and every 5 years thereafter.64 The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
(AACE) recommends screening in older patients of an unspecified age, particularly if
Because of the lack of data supporting screening on a population-based level,
a consensus group of representatives from the Endocrine Society, ATA, and AACE


recommended aggressive case finding in pregnant women, those older than 60 years,
and people at risk for thyroid dysfunction. Patients thought to be at risk included those
with a family history of thyroid dysfunction or a personal history of autoimmune
disease.66 Other patients who could fall into the at-risk group include those on medications that affect thyroid function, those with presence of a goiter, those who have
had prior neck surgery, or those with a history of radiation exposure.

Hypothyroidism is permanent in most patients with the condition, therefore requiring

lifelong thyroid hormone replacement. Therapy should begin once a diagnosis of
hypothyroidism has been confirmed, and it is generally accepted that those with
TSH levels greater than 10 mIU/L should be treated. For nonpregnant individuals,
there are no clear outcome data showing a benefit to treating those with TSH levels
between 5.0 and 10 mIU/L.66
Replacement with synthetic levothyroxine (LT4) is the mainstay of therapy, and
provided that there is an intact hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, the dose can be
titrated every 4 to 6 weeks to a normal TSH level. Thyroxine has a plasma half-life
of about 1 week, and it is generally recommended that dose adjustments be made
every 4 to 6 weeks so that the new dose has achieved a steady state at 6 half-lives.
Recent evidence suggests that the dose of LT4 replacement is dependent on sex
and body mass, but not age as was previously thought.67,68 Also, patients with central
hypothyroidism or those who have had a total thyroidectomy or radioactive-iodine
ablation of the thyroid may require higher doses than those with residual functioning
thyroid tissue.69 A full replacement dosage of LT4 is typically 1.6 mg/kg/d, and the
calculations should be made using the ideal body weight.70,71
It is recommended that caution be exercised when initiating and titrating LT4
replacement in those with known or suspected coronary artery disease. A report
from 196172 suggests that 2% of patients with hypothyroidism developed newonset angina with initiation of LT4 replacement, and in those with preexisting angina,
16% had worsening symptoms.
A starting dosage of 25 to 50 mg per day is typically recommended in those at risk of
adverse cardiovascular effects, with slow dose titration every 4 to 6 weeks. A study
comparing initiation of a full calculated replacement dose versus starting with 25 mg
daily and titrating every 4 weeks did not show any difference in improvement of symptoms, signs, or quality of life, although a biochemically euthyroid state was more
quickly achieved with the full replacement dose.73
For patients who are not pregnant, the authors recommend that the dose of LT4 is
adjusted to maintain the TSH level within the normal reference range for the performing laboratory. Current data suggest that aiming for a TSH within the lower half of the
reference range (0.42.0 mIU/L) does not have any marked clinical impact, improvement in symptoms, or better quality-of-life scores.74,75
Many factors affect the absorption of LT4; thus it should be taken on an empty
stomach, without other medications, supplements, or food for 1 hour, or in a similar
fashion 4 hours after the last meal. A fasting regimen of administration helps to ensure
that the TSH remains within a narrow target range.76 There is evidence from a crossover trial that taking LT4 at bedtime instead of in the morning leads to higher levels of
thyroid hormone but no change in quality-of-life measures.77 Better nocturnal absorption may be facilitated by higher basal secretion of stomach acid and slower intestinal
motility overnight combined with the fasting state.78
For patients who have difficulty with adherence to a daily regimen, or those on an
alternative feeding regimen such as continuous enteral feeding, it may be difficult to



Almandoz & Gharib

achieve euthyroidism because of the timing of doses. A randomized crossover trial

demonstrated that euthyroidism can probably be achieved with once-weekly dosing
of LT4, at a dose slightly higher than 7 times the normal daily dose, without ill effects.79
Generic LT4 tablets are available from several manufacturers, and there can be
considerable variation in the content of the active ingredient between formulations.80
Imprecise methods of determining bioequivalence may put patients at risk for incorrect supplementation if different preparations are used interchangeably.81 As a result,
a joint statement from the Endocrine Society, ATA, and AACE has recommended
monitoring of thyroid function tests when a change in LT4 preparation has occurred.82
When a change in LT4 preparation has occurred, as with other dose modifications,
serum TSH should be checked 4 to 6 weeks later, with dose adjustment as
Despite achieving a biochemically euthyroid state, some patients continue to
complain of significant fatigue, weight issues, and diminished neurocognitive function,
perceived to be due to inadequately treated hypothyroidism83; this has prompted
some practitioners and investigators to advocate supplementation with T3. Thyroid
hormone replacement with T3 alone is not generally used because of the short halflife, which requires multiple daily doses and causes fluctuations in plasma T3 and
TSH levels.
A recent crossover study84 compared a thrice-daily dosing regimen of liothyronine
with LT4, titrated to a TSH of 0.5 to 1.5 mIU/L. The investigators demonstrated a small
but significant decrease in body weight, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol in the
liothyronine-treated group. There was no significant difference seen in heart rate,
blood pressure, exercise tolerance, or insulin sensitivity. The dosing schedule would
typically preclude this regimen for the general population, and these data need to
be confirmed.
Desiccated animal thyroid is sometimes promoted to patients as a natural source of
thyroid hormone replacement. These preparations contain a mixture of T4 and T3,
which is not easily monitored or regulated. There are also occasional interruptions
in the availability of these preparations from suppliers. There are currently no randomized controlled trials that would support the use of desiccated thyroid hormone over
the current standard of care using exogenous levothyroxine.
A study looking at LT4 monotherapy versus combination therapy with liothyronine
noted a more favorable response on the General Health Questionnaire 12 in patients
on combination therapy who also had an alternative type 2 deiodinase subtype. This
subtype was present in 16% of the study population, and there was no apparent
difference in serum thyroid hormone levels.85 This finding suggests a potential
future role for genotyping in determining the type of hypothyroidism replacement
Looking at a wider pool of patients, a meta-analysis including more than 1200
patients randomized to LT4 monotherapy or combination therapy with liothyronine
showed no difference in body pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, quality of life, body
weight, or lipids.86 The authors believe that LT4 monotherapy should currently remain
the treatment of choice for patients requiring thyroid hormone replacement.
Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of increased metabolic need which, together with alterations in

plasma-binding proteins, leads to a variation in results of thyroid tests in comparison
with the standard nonpregnant reference ranges.87 Thyroid autoantibodies are found
frequently in women of childbearing age, and autoimmune thyroiditis is the primary
cause of hypothyroidism in pregnancy.71


Prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy is approximately 0.3% for OH and 2.5%

for SCH.88 The prevalence increases with age and in areas of iodine deficiency. At
present there is insufficient evidence to recommend either for or against universal
TSH screening at the first-trimester visit.89 Isolated hypothyroxinemia is defined as
a normal maternal TSH level with an FT4 level in the lower 5th or 10th percentile of
the reference range.
If the Endocrine Society and the ATA recommendations are combined, there are
many factors to consider for hypothyroidism screening: age older than 30 years,
body mass index 40 kg/m2 or more, TPO-antibody positivity (if known), history of
thyroid dysfunction, family history of thyroid disease, goiter, prior thyroid surgery, prior
head and neck irradiation, use of amiodarone or lithium, recent iodinated contrast
administration, symptoms of hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes mellitus, coexisting
autoimmune conditions, prior miscarriage, preterm delivery, and infertility.90,91
Screening only those in the high-risk group will miss approximately one-third of
pregnant women with SCH/OH.92 Current practice for screening varies, and a recent
survey of members in the European Thyroid Association revealed that 42% screened
all pregnant women, 43% performed targeted screening, and 17% did not carry out
systematic screening.93
During pregnancy there is an increase in thyroxine-binding globulin, which
confounds interpretation of total T4 results when using a standard nonpregnant reference range. The measurement and interpretation of FT4 is made difficult by high levels
of thyroxine-binding globulin, which leads to elevated levels of total T4, and low levels
of albumin which, in turn, leads to lower levels of FT4.94 If available, FT4 quantification
in pregnancy is optimally assessed using serum dialysate or ultrafiltrate in online
extraction/liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry.95 In the absence of
this expensive and complicated method, each laboratory should have its own
trimester-specific reference range for thyroid blood tests in pregnancy.96
The current ATA guidelines for pregnancy and postpartum management of thyroid
disease recommend that if a laboratory does not have trimester-specific TSH reference ranges, the following be used: first trimester, 0.1 to 2.5 mIU/L; second trimester,
0.2 to 3.0 mIU/L; third trimester, 0.3 to 3.0 mIU/L.91 The LT4 dose should be adjusted
with a goal TSH level within the normal range for the respective stage of pregnancy.
It has been suggested by one study that TSH and total T4 measurements are monitored every 4 weeks through mid-pregnancy and then again at week 30, as this identified more than 90% of abnormal values in a prospective randomized trial looking at
different augmentation strategies for LT4 replacement in pregnancy.97 This proposal
is reflected in the current ATA guideline, which recommends maternal TSH monitoring
every 4 weeks until mid-pregnancy and then at least once between weeks 26 and 32.91
An increase in LT4 supplementation of approximately 30% is required during pregnancy for the mother to remain biochemically euthyroid. There is an early increase in
requirement at around 5 weeks, which increases through the mid-trimester and is then
sustained through to delivery. Alexander and colleagues98 suggest compensating for
this higher demand by increasing the current LT4 regimen by 2 extra doses per week
as soon as pregnancy is confirmed, and this is also recommended by the current ATA
Untreated OH in pregnancy has been associated with a multitude of adverse
maternal and fetal outcomes, including early miscarriage, intrauterine fetal demise,
placental abruption, low birth weight, gestational hypertension, increased rate of operative delivery, and postpartum hemorrhage.87,99,100 In mothers with low maternal FT4
but a normal TSH, an association with macrosomia, gestational diabetes, and preterm
labor has been identified.101



Almandoz & Gharib

The developing fetus depends on maternal production and regulation of thyroid

hormone until 18 weeks of gestation.102 Thyroid hormone is important for in utero neurocognitive development, and Haddow and colleagues103 demonstrated that progeny
of mothers with untreated OH had an IQ score 7 points less than healthy or thyroxinetreated counterparts.
Treating thyroid autoantibody-positive women with LT4 significantly reduces the
rate of preterm delivery when compared with untreated antibody-positive women
whose thyroid function declined into SCH during pregnancy.104 A study by Negro
and colleagues105 suggested that selenium supplementation with 200 mg per day
significantly reduced levels of TPO antibodies compared with the placebo group
during pregnancy, and resulted in fewer cases of postpartum thyroid dysfunction. In
the authors view, this single study is insufficient evidence to recommend routine selenium supplementation in TPO-positive women in pregnancy, and needs to be
confirmed in an iodine-sufficient area.
There is evidence in the literature suggesting that untreated SCH in the first trimester
is associated with an increase in miscarriage and fetal demise.106 The effect of SCH on
neurocognitive function later in life remains unclear. Two studies107,108 suggest that
there is neurocognitive impairment in the offspring of mothers with normal TSH and
FT4 levels below the 10th percentile, yet there has not been a randomized interventional study to evaluate this finding further. However, there is plausibility to a spectrum
of psychomotor impairment that may occur as a result of varying degrees of insufficiency of fetal thyroid hormone.109
The ATA 2011 guideline91 recommends that OH should be treated in pregnancy
based on trimester-specific reference ranges in the presence of a low FT4 or in all
women with TSH levels greater than 10 mIU/L, regardless of the FT4 level. The ATA
considers that there is insufficient evidence for or against treating SCH in the absence
of TPO antibodies because of a lack of randomized controlled trials, but acknowledges that it is reasonable to consider treatment. For the same reason, it is recommended that isolated hypothyroxinemia is not treated in pregnancy.
Congenital Hypothyroidism

Universal screening for congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is performed in most industrialized countries within the first few days of life. The purpose of this population-based
screening is to prevent intellectual disability in those affected, previously estimated at
1 in 4000 live births in iodine-sufficient regions.110 There are several screening strategies including an initial T4 with a reflex TSH for those below a defined T4 threshold,
a TSH-only test, and a combined TSH and T4 test. Congenital central hypothyroidism
can be missed by TSH-only screening methods, and the estimated birth prevalence of
this disorder is approximately 1 in 29,000.111
Thyroid dysgenesis accounts for 85% of the cases of CH, and of those, two-thirds
are caused by an ectopic thyroid gland, followed by agenesis and hypoplasia. Most of
these cases are sporadic and only 2% of cases are found to have known genetic
mutations. Thyroid dyshormonogenesis is responsible for almost 15% of CH cases
and includes defects in functional thyroid peroxidase, the sodium/iodide symporter.
Transient CH is associated with conditions such as maternal iodine insufficiency or
acute ingestion, and maternal TSH-blocking antibodies.112
In 2007, an article by Harris and Pass113 raised concern that the birth prevalence of
CH had doubled over the previous 2 decades. A 20-year retrospective study from
Quebec determined that their stated increase in birth prevalence of CH was attributable to a lowering of the upper limit of normal in the confirmatory test, from 15 mIU/L to
5 mIU/L. The lowering of this diagnostic threshold identified an additional 49 cases


that would not otherwise have been detected, out of a total of 620 cases. Although
these additional cases were considered to be mild, 86% had permanent hypothyroidism.114 There are no randomized controlled studies demonstrating a therapeutic
benefit in these milder cases of CH, which would have been previously missed, but
it would seem prudent to treat them.

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S u b a c u t e , Si l e n t ,
a n d Po s t p a r t u m
T h y ro i d i t i s
Mary H. Samuels,


 Thyroiditis  Subacute thyroiditis  Silent thyroiditis
 Postpartum thyroiditis

Thyroiditis is a broad term that indicates thyroid gland inflammation. There are many
types of thyroiditis, which can generally be divided into painful or painless categories.1
Painful types include subacute and suppurative thyroiditis, as well as unusual cases
induced by radioactive iodine administration, trauma, or other rare causes. Painless
types include Hashimoto thyroiditis, the most common type of chronic thyroid
disease, as well as silent, postpartum, drug-induced, and Riedel thyroiditis.
Thyroid function in patients with thyroiditis depends on the type of thyroiditis and, in
certain cases, evolves from thyrotoxicosis to hypothyroidism and eventually to restoration of normal thyroid function. This classic triphasic course of thyroid dysfunction is
characteristic of the 3 entities considered in this article: subacute, silent, and postpartum thyroiditis. The other types of thyroiditis are not discussed further, except in
the context of the differential diagnosis. Table 1 provides a comprehensive summary
of the text of this article and can be referenced throughout the discussion that follows.
Clinical Findings and Course

Subacute thyroiditis, also called subacute granulomatous or de Quervain thyroiditis, is

the most common cause of thyroid pain.1,2 This condition usually presents as
a prodrome of low-grade fever, fatigue, and pharyngitis symptoms. The thyroid gland
becomes extremely painful and tender to palpation, with pain often radiating up to the
jaw or ear and associated dysphagia. The pain can be unilateral or bilateral. The
thyroid gland can be enlarged up to 3 to 4 times its normal size, but an extremely large
or grossly nodular goiter is not characteristic of subacute thyroiditis and should raise
the possibility of alternate diagnoses.
About 50% of patients with subacute thyroiditis have an initial thyrotoxic phase
because of unregulated release of preformed thyroid hormone from damaged thyroid

Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Clinical Nutrition, Oregon Health & Science University,
3181 Southwest Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97239, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 223233
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Subacute Thyroiditis

Silent Thyroiditis

Postpartum Thyroiditis

Clinical findings

Viral URI prodrome, small painful goiter,

symptoms and signs of thyroid
dysfunction (variable)

Small painless goiter, symptoms and signs

of thyroid dysfunction (variable)

Small painless goiter, symptoms and signs

of thyroid dysfunction (variable)

Clinical course

Classic triphasic course (thyrotoxic,

hypothyroid, recovery) but variable

Classic triphasic course (thyrotoxic,

hypothyroid, recovery) but variable

Classic triphasic course (thyrotoxic,

hypothyroid, recovery) but variable


Incidence: approximately 3/100,000/y

\:_, 4:1
Peak age, 4050 y

\:_, 4:1
Peak age, 3040 y
More common in areas of iodine

\ only
Occurs within 12 mo of pregnancy
8%11% of pregnancies


Probably viral

Probably autoimmune


Laboratory findings

Elevated WBC, ESR, CRP level;

approximately 25% have antithyroid
antibodies, usually low titer; thyroid
function varies with phase

Approximately 50% have antithyroid

antibodies, thyroid function varies
with phase

>80% have antithyroid antibodies,

thyroid function varies with phase


Decreased RaIU in thyrotoxic phase

US: variable heterogeneous texture,

Decreased RaIU in thyrotoxic phase

US: variable heterogeneous texture,

Decreased RaIU in thyrotoxic phase

US: variable heterogeneous texture,


Granulomatous infiltrate

Lymphocytic infiltrate

Lymphocytic infiltrate

Differential diagnosis

Painful thyroid gland: rarely Hashimoto

disease, Graves disease, RaI,
amiodarone, contrast dye, suppurative
thyroiditis, amyloid

Thyrotoxic phase: Graves disease

Hypothyroid phase: Hashimoto disease

Thyrotoxic phase: Graves disease

Hypothyroid phase: Hashimoto disease


For pain: NSAIDs, glucocorticoids

Thyrotoxic phase: b-blockers
Hypothyroid phase: L-T4

Thyrotoxic phase: b-blockers

Hypothyroid phase: L-T4

Thyrotoxic phase: b-blockers

Hypothyroid phase: L-T4

Long-term outcomes

5%15% hypothyroid beyond a year

10%20% hypothyroid beyond a year

15%50% hypothyroid beyond a year

Recurrence rates

1%4% after a year

5%10% (much higher in Japan)

70% in subsequent pregnancies

Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; RaI, radioactive iodine; URI, upper respiratory illness; US, ultrasonography; WBC,
white blood cell count.


Table 1
An overview of pertinent findings in subacute, silent, and postpartum thyroiditis

Subacute, Silent, and Postpartum Thyroiditis

follicular cells.2 Therefore, if patients present early in the course of the disease, they
may have clinical findings of thyrotoxicosis, although this is often mild. This phase
usually lasts about 3 to 6 weeks, ending when the thyroid stores of preformed
hormone are depleted. About one-third of patients subsequently enter a hypothyroid
phase that can last up to 6 months. Thyroid pain has usually resolved by this time, and
the predominant clinical features are those of hypothyroidism with a continued small
goiter. Most patients return to euthyroidism within 12 months of onset of disease.

The most comprehensive study of subacute thyroiditis analyzed 94 cases seen over
27 years in Olmsted County, Minnesota. The incidence rate was 3 cases per
100,000 per year in the most recent years of the survey.2 Women seem to be more
affected than men, in a 4:1 ratio.25 The peak age of incidence is 40 to 50 years.
Some studies suggest that there is a seasonal peak of cases during spring, summer,
or fall, but this finding has not always been confirmed. There is no geographic or
familial clustering.

Subacute thyroiditis is probably caused by a viral infection of the thyroid gland. Implicated conditions include infections caused by Coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus,
adenoviruses, and influenza viruses; mumps; measles; primary human immunodeficiency virus infection; and a recent well-documented case occurring during an
H1N1 influenza infection.6
Laboratory Findings

Patients with subacute thyroiditis have elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rates

(often >50 mm/h) and C-reactive protein levels, consistent with acute inflammation.2,3,5 The white blood cell count can be mildly elevated, although marked elevations raise the question of suppurative thyroiditis. During the thyrotoxic phase,
thyrotropin (TSH) levels are low and free thyroxine (T4) levels may be elevated,
depending on the degree of thyrotoxicosis. During the hypothyroid phase, TSH levels
are high and free T4 levels may be low. Up to 25% of patients have low titers of antithyroid antibodies, although very high titers raise the question of painful autoimmune
Imaging Findings

A hallmark of subacute thyroiditis is low radioactive iodine uptake (RaIU) during the
thyrotoxic phase, because the inflamed thyroid gland does not trap iodine.7 As the thyrotoxic phase ends, the RaIU returns to normal or even becomes elevated during the
hypothyroid phase. It is not necessary to obtain an ultrasonography of the thyroid in
subacute thyroiditis, but, if ultrasonography is performed, it often shows inhomogeneous hypoechogenic texture, sometimes with nodules, because of the inflammatory

A biopsy of the thyroid gland is not usually necessary in subacute thyroiditis. However,
if biopsy is performed due to uncertainty of the diagnosis, its result shows granulomatous infiltrate, sometimes with giant cells, consistent with a viral infection.2




Differential Diagnosis

In a patient who presents with a painful tender thyroid gland, by far the most common
cause is subacute thyroiditis. However, there are other unusual causes of thyroid pain
that must be considered if the patient has a consistent history, unusual symptoms, or
a markedly enlarged gland.9,10 These causes include Hashimoto disease, Graves
disease, radioactive iodine administration, amiodarone-induced thyroiditis, contrast
dyeinduced thyroiditis, acute suppurative thyroiditis, or amyloid goiter.
During the thyrotoxic phase, the main differential diagnosis is between subacute
thyroiditis and Graves disease. A recent history of neck pain indicates subacute
thyroiditis, whereas the presence of ophthalmopathy or a thyroid bruit indicates
Graves disease. Serum triiodothyronine (T3) levels and T3:T4 ratios tend to be lower
in subacute thyroiditis than in Graves disease, but there is significant overlap in thyroid
hormone levels.11 A definitive diagnosis can be made by RaIU measurement, because
uptake is low in subacute thyroiditis and elevated in Graves disease.7 Care must be
taken to perform the RaIU test while the patient is still thyrotoxic, because RaIU
increases as the patient enters the hypothyroid phase.
During the hypothyroid phase, the main differential diagnosis is between subacute
thyroiditis and Hashimoto disease. A history of neck pain can be helpful but is often
forgotten by patients if there was no obvious intervening thyrotoxic phase brought
to medical attention earlier. Measurement of antithyroid antibodies may be helpful,
because they tend to be absent or in low titer in subacute thyroiditis. In the absence
of a definitive diagnosis, the patient may need monitoring or temporary treatment to
see if the thyroid dysfunction resolves over time.


Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs) are the first-line treatment of thyroid

pain in subacute thyroiditis. With NSAIDs alone, the median time for complete resolution of pain is 5 weeks, with a range of 1 to 20 weeks.2 Glucocorticoids are used for
severe cases or if NSAIDs are not effective. Typical prednisone dosages are 30 to
40 mg per day for 1 to 4 weeks, followed by tapering doses. Pain resolution is faster
with glucocorticoids than with NSAIDs.2 If glucocorticoids are stopped too soon, pain
can recur and require restarting the drug for a longer course.2,12
b-Blockers are used for control of symptoms during the thyrotoxic phase, although
often no treatment is needed if symptoms are mild. Thionamides (methimazole and
propylthiouracil) are ineffective, because thyrotoxicosis is caused by the release of
preformed thyroid hormone, rather than synthesis of new thyroid hormones. Once
the patient enters the hypothyroid phase, levothyroxine (L-T4) can be used to treat
symptoms if needed. L-T4 should also be administered if the patient is considering
pregnancy regardless of symptoms. L-T4 should be continued until 12 months have
elapsed since the onset of subacute thyroiditis and can then be discontinued, because
most patients would have fully recovered by that time.

Recurrence Rates and Long-Term Outcomes

Almost all patients with subacute thyroiditis recover full thyroid function, but about 5%
to 15% have persistent hypothyroidism after 12 months.2,4,5 In addition, recurrence
rates of 1% to 4% have been described.2 Recurrences are managed in the same
manner as the initial occurrence, but, rarely, thyroidectomy has been used for repeated

Subacute, Silent, and Postpartum Thyroiditis

Clinical Findings and Clinical Course

Silent thyroiditis, also called subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis, classically presents

with the same triphasic course described earlier for subacute thyroiditis: thyrotoxicosis, followed by hypothyroidism, and eventual restoration of normal thyroid function.1,13 The thyrotoxic phase occurs in 5% to 20% of patients and typically lasts
3 to 4 months. The hypothyroid phase is more common or at least is recognized
more often. This phase typically lasts up to 6 months, before return to normal thyroid
function, for a total duration of illness of up to 12 months. A small goiter is common
but, unlike subacute thyroiditis, not painful.

The incidence of silent thyroiditis is not well delineated, with reports that it accounts for
0% to 23% of thyrotoxicosis cases.1416 Silent thyroiditis seems to be more prevalent
in areas of higher dietary iodine intake, accounting for up to 30% of cases of thyrotoxicosis in Japan.17 Women are affected more commonly than men, in a 4:1 ratio.13 The
peak age of incidence is 30 to 40 years.

Silent thyroiditis is probably autoimmune in nature, given the frequent presence of

antithyroid antibodies and the characteristic pathologic findings of lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid gland.18
Laboratory Findings

During the thyrotoxic phase of silent thyroiditis, TSH levels are low and free T4 levels
may be elevated, depending on the degree of thyrotoxicosis. During the hypothyroid
phase, TSH levels are high and free T4 levels may be low. About 50% of patients have
antithyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies.1
Imaging Findings

As in subacute thyroiditis, patients with silent thyroiditis have a low RaIU during the
thyrotoxic phase.1 Similarly, because the thyrotoxic phase ends, the RaIU returns to
normal or becomes elevated during the hypothyroid phase. Ultrasonography of the
thyroid often shows inhomogeneous hypoechogenic texture.19

A thyroid gland affected by silent thyroiditis has a diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate that
resembles Hashimoto disease but lacks Hurthle cells, lymphoid germinal center
formation, or fibrosis of Hashimoto disease.18,20
Differential Diagnosis

During the thyrotoxic phase, the main differential diagnosis is between silent thyroiditis
and Graves disease. The presence of ophthalmopathy or a thyroid bruit indicates
Graves disease. Serum T3 levels and T3:T4 (or free T3 to free T4) ratios tend to be lower
in silent thyroiditis than in Graves disease, but there is significant overlap in thyroid
hormone levels.11,21,22 Titers of thyroid receptor antibodies (TRAb) or thyroidbinding inhibitory immunoglobulins are usually much higher in Graves disease than
in silent thyroiditis,11,19,23,24 although there is no cutoff with 100% accuracy. Doppler
ultrasonography tends to show higher blood flow in Graves disease.19,24 A definitive
diagnosis can be made by RaIU measurement, because uptake is low in silent thyroiditis and elevated in Graves disease. Care must be taken to perform the RaIU test while




the patient is still thyrotoxic, because RaIU increases as the patient enters the hypothyroid phase.
During the hypothyroid phase, the main differential diagnosis is between silent
thyroiditis and Hashimoto disease. Measurement of antithyroid antibodies is often
not helpful, because they may be present in either case. In the absence of a definitive
diagnosis, the patient may need monitoring or temporary treatment to see if the thyroid
dysfunction resolves over time.

Treatment of silent thyroiditis is similar to that of subacute thyroiditis, except that

NSAIDs or glucocorticoids are not used, because there is no neck pain. b-Blockers
are used to control symptoms during the thyrotoxic phase, although often no treatment is needed if symptoms are mild. Thionamides are ineffective and not used.
Once the patient enters the hypothyroid phase, L-T4 can be used to treat symptoms
if needed. L-T4 should be administered if the patient is considering pregnancy regardless of symptoms. L-T4 should be continued until 12 months have elapsed since the
onset of silent thyroiditis and can then be discontinued.
Recurrence Rates and Long-Term Outcomes

Most patients with silent thyroiditis recover full thyroid function, but about 10% to 20%
have persistent hypothyroidism after 12 months.1 Recurrence rates are about 5% to
10% but may be much higher in Japan, with one study from Japan reporting
a long-term recurrence rate of 65%.20 Recurrences are managed in the same manner
as in the initial occurrence, but some patients with multiple recurrences have opted for
radioactive iodine ablation of the gland.20
Clinical Findings and Clinical Course

Postpartum thyroiditis is defined as the development of thyroid dysfunction in a previously euthyroid woman within 12 months after pregnancy. Almost all cases occur after
a term pregnancy, although there are reports of cases developing after a miscarriage.
Like subacute and silent thyroiditis, the clinical course is classically triphasic, with an
initial thyrotoxic phase followed by a hypothyroid phase and an eventual return to a euthyroid state, all within 12 months.25 However, the pattern of thyroid dysfunction is quite
variable; 25% to 40% of patients exhibit the classic triphasic course, whereas 20% to
30% develop only thyrotoxicosis and 40% develop only hypothyroidism.2527 The thyrotoxic phase occurs at 2 to 6 months post partum (median time of onset, 13 weeks) and is
usually asymptomatic. However, irritability, heat intolerance, fatigue, and palpitations
are more common in thyrotoxic women with postpartum thyroiditis.28 This phase
typically lasts 2 to 3 months. The hypothyroid phase occurs 3 to 12 months post partum
(median time of onset, 19 weeks) and is often symptomatic, with cold intolerance, dry
skin, loss of energy, and problems with concentration.25,28 Most patients have a small
painless goiter. Given the known effects of altered thyroid function on mood, investigators have questioned whether postpartum thyroiditis may play a role in the development
of postpartum depression.28 However, results from these studies have been mixed,
and one randomized controlled trial of L-T4 therapy in anti-TPOpositive postpartum
women did not report a reduction in the incidence of postpartum depression.29

Postpartum thyroiditis occurs in 8% to 11% of unselected pregnancies, with some

variability owing to the population studied and the frequency of monitoring.25,3032

Subacute, Silent, and Postpartum Thyroiditis

There are several well-defined risk factors that greatly increase a womans chance of
developing postpartum thyroiditis. The best predictor is the presence of anti-TPO antibodies at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, with 30% to 50% of these women
progressing to postpartum thyroiditis.25,28,30,33 Women with a past history of thyroid
disease have a 40% risk of developing postpartum thyroiditis, whereas those with
type 1 diabetes mellitus or a family history of thyroid disease have a 20% risk.30

Postpartum thyroiditis is autoimmune in nature, with an HLA linkage, anti-TPO antibodies in most patients, laboratory findings of immune system activation, and dense
lymphocytic infiltrates in affected thyroid glands.28
Laboratory Findings

Laboratory tests of thyroid function in postpartum thyroiditis are similar to those in

subacute and silent thyroiditis. During the thyrotoxic phase, TSH levels are low and
free T4 levels may be elevated, depending on the degree of thyrotoxicosis. After the
thyrotoxic phase, the American Thyroid Association recommends obtaining a serum
TSH level test every 2 months in all women with postpartum thyroiditis until 1 year
post partum, to monitor for the development of hypothyroidism.28 During the hypothyroid phase, TSH levels are high and free T4 levels may be low. More than 80% of
patients have anti-TPO antibodies.28
Imaging Findings

As in subacute and silent thyroiditis, patients with postpartum thyroiditis have a low
RaIU during the thyrotoxic phase.1 Similarly, because the thyrotoxic phase ends,
the RaIU returns to normal or becomes elevated during the hypothyroid phase. Ultrasonography of the thyroid almost always shows inhomogeneous hypoechogenic

Pathology test results of the thyroid gland in postpartum thyroiditis show dense
lymphocytic infiltration consistent with the autoimmune nature of the disease but
without germinal centers or extensive Hurthle cell metaplasia that can be seen in
Hashimoto disease.1
Differential Diagnosis

During the thyrotoxic phase, the main differential diagnosis is between postpartum
thyroiditis and Graves disease. There may in fact be some overlap because both
are autoimmune processes, and women with a history of 1 entity can eventually
develop the other. The presence of ophthalmopathy, a thyroid bruit, or TRAb indicates
Graves disease. T3 levels and T3:T4 ratios are higher in Graves disease than in postpartum thyroiditis. A definitive diagnosis can be made by RaIU measurement because
uptake is low in postpartum thyroiditis and elevated in Graves disease. However, it can
be logistically difficult to perform an RaIU test on a postpartum woman because issues
of breastfeeding and neonatal exposure to the radioactive iodine must be taken into
During the hypothyroid phase, the main differential diagnosis is between postpartum thyroiditis and Hashimoto disease. There is likely overlap, because a significant
number of women with postpartum thyroiditis eventually develop permanent autoimmune hypothyroidism. Measurement of antithyroid antibodies is not helpful because
these antibodies are usually present in either case. In the absence of a definitive




diagnosis, the patient may need monitoring or temporary treatment to check if the
thyroid dysfunction resolves over time (see caveats later).

Treatment of postpartum thyroiditis is similar to that of silent thyroiditis, with extra

caution indicated for breastfeeding women. b-Blockers are used for control of symptoms during the thyrotoxic phase, although often no treatment is needed if symptoms
are mild. Once the patient enters the hypothyroid phase, L-T4 can be used to treat
symptoms if needed. L-T4 should be administered if the patient is considering another
pregnancy regardless of symptoms. If treatment is not started for hypothyroidism,
TSH levels should be rechecked every 1 to 2 months until the patient is 12 months
post partum.28
The issue of whether to continue L-T4 after 12 months have elapsed since the onset
of postpartum thyroiditis is complicated. Permanent hypothyroidism is common in
postpartum thyroiditis, especially in certain high-risk subgroups (see later). Many of
these women are still breastfeeding, and L-T4 should be continued. Other women
may be considering another pregnancy within a year, and intercurrent hypothyroidism
would be detrimental to the pregnancy and developing fetus. Therefore, the decision
to discontinue L-T4 in women with postpartum thyroiditis should be individualized,
based on the patients likelihood of permanent hypothyroidism and personal
There have been 3 randomized controlled trials that attempted to prevent postpartum thyroiditis in high-risk women. Two trials of iodine or L-T4 supplementation
performed during or after pregnancy in women with anti-TPO antibodies failed to
reduce the risk of postpartum thyroiditis.35,36 In contrast, selenium administered to
anti-TPOpositive women during and after pregnancy decreased the rate of postpartum thyroiditis from 50% in placebo-treated women to 29% in selenium-treated
women.37 The rate of permanent hypothyroidism decreased from 20% to 12%.
However, the recent American Thyroid Association guidelines do not recommend
treating high-risk women with selenium until its safety and efficacy can be further
Recurrent Rates and Long-Term Outcomes

In anti-TPOpositive women who recover from postpartum thyroiditis, there is a 70%

recurrence rate in subsequent pregnancies.25,28 In the long-term, 15% to 50% of
women with a history of postpartum thyroiditis develop permanent hypothyroidism.26,31,33,3742 The longest study to date reported on more than 700 women
who had postpartum thyroiditis 12 years earlier; 38% had hypothyroid.31 Risks of
permanent hypothyroidism increase in women with a hypothyroid phase of postpartum thyroiditis, high titers of anti-TPO antibodies, a hypoechogenic ultrasonography, or higher TSH levels at 6 months post partum.31,33 Given these risks, all
women with a history of postpartum thyroiditis should have TSH levels checked every
year indefinitely.28

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Taskforce on Thyroid Disease During Pregnancy and Postpartum, et al. Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association for the diagnosis and management
of thyroid disease during pregnancy and postpartum. Thyroid 2011;21(10):
29. Harris B, Oretti R, Lazarus J, et al. Randomised trial of thyroxine to prevent postnatal depression in thyroid-antibody-positive women. Br J Psychiatry 2002;180:
30. Nicholson WK, Robinson KA, Smallridge RC, et al. Prevalence of postpartum
thyroid dysfunction: a quantitative review. Thyroid 2006;16:57382.
31. Stuckey BG, Kent GN, Ward LC, et al. Postpartum thyroid dysfunction and the
long-term risk of hypothyroidism: results from a 12-year follow-up study of women
with and without postpartum thyroid dysfunction. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2010;73:
32. Guan H, Li C, Li Y, et al. High iodine intake is a risk factor of post-partum
thyroiditis: result of a survey from Shenyang, China. J Endocrinol Invest 2005;
33. Stagnaro-Green A, Schwartz A, Gismondi R, et al. High rate of persistent hypothyroidism in a large-scale prospective study of postpartum thyroiditis in southern
Italy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96:6527.
34. Shahbazian HB, Sarvghadi F, Azizi F. Ultrasonographic characteristics and
follow-up in post-partum thyroiditis. J Endocrinol Invest 2005;28:4102.
35. Nhr SB, Jrgensen A, Pedersen KM, et al. Postpartum thyroid dysfunction in
pregnant thyroid peroxidase antibody-positive women living in an area with
mild to moderate iodine deficiency: is iodine supplementation safe? J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:31918.
36. Kampe O, Jansson R, Karlsson FA. Effects of L-thyroxine and iodide on the development of autoimmune postpartum thyroiditis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1990;70:
37. Negro R, Greco G, Mangieri T, et al. The influence of selenium supplementation
on postpartum thyroid status in pregnant women with thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:12638.
38. Nikolai TF, Turney SL, Roberts RC. Postpartum lymphocytic thyroiditis. Prevalence, clinical course, and long-term follow-up. Arch Intern Med 1987;147:2214.

Subacute, Silent, and Postpartum Thyroiditis

39. Azizi F. The occurrence of permanent thyroid failure in patients with subclinical
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40. Premawardhana LD, Parkes AB, Ammari F, et al. Postpartum thyroiditis and longterm thyroid status: prognostic influence of thyroid peroxidase antibodies and
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41. Lucas A, Pizarro E, Granada ML, et al. Postpartum thyroiditis: long-term followup. Thyroid 2005;15:117781.
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patients with postpartum hypothyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1988;66:


T h y ro i d D i s o rd e r s
D u r i n g P re g n a n c y
Cynthia F. Yazbeck,


, Shannon D. Sullivan,



 Pregnancy  Hypothyroidism  Isolated hypothyroxinemia
 Hyperthyroidism  Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis
 Postpartum thyroiditis  Thyroid nodules  Thyroid cancer

Thyroid disorders are common in pregnancy and in nonpregnant women of childbearing age, but can be missed because of nonspecific symptoms and normal
changes in the physiology of the thyroid gland during pregnancy. The prevalence of
overt hyperthyroidism complicating pregnancy has been reported to range between
0.4% and 1.7%,1 and an estimated 2% to 3% of women are hypothyroid during pregnancy.2,3 Abnormalities in maternal thyroid function are associated with complications
during pregnancy, and can affect maternal and fetal outcomes. Therefore, it is important to identify thyroid disorders before pregnancy or early in pregnancy so that appropriate treatment can be initiated.


Normal pregnancy entails complex changes in thyroid physiology.4 Indeed, in

pregnant women with hypothyroidism, exogenous thyroid hormone replacement
requirements typically increase by 25% to 47% to maintain normal serum thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations.57 Several factors account for this. First,
high estrogen states such as pregnancy increase hepatic thyroid-binding globulin
(TBG) synthesis8,9 and prolong TBG half-life because of estrogen-induced sialylation.10 In pregnancy, TBG levels begin to increase after a few weeks, reach a plateau
around mid-gestation, and remain 2- to 3-fold higher than preconception values until
term.11 The increased concentration of TBG leads to an elevation of total T4 (TT4) and
total T3 (TT3) levels.12 Levels of serum TT4 increase sharply between 6 and 12 weeks of
gestation, progress more slowly thereafter, and stabilize around mid-gestation. The

Division of Endocrinology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 200 Lothrop Street, E1140
BST, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
Department of Endocrinology, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street, NW, Suite
2A-72, Washington, DC 20010, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 235256
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Yazbeck & Sullivan

increase in TT3 concentration is more progressive. Both TT4 and TT3 reach their
plateau by 20 weeks and are maintained until term.4
Second, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a thyroid regulator in normal pregnancy because the hormone-specific b subunits and the extracellular receptorbinding domains of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and TSH share multiple
similarities.13 Consequently, high concentrations of hCG during pregnancy stimulate
TSH receptors. In pathologic conditions such as molar pregnancy or choriocarcinoma,
this may lead to gestational hyperthyroidism. In normal pregnancy, the placenta
produces hCG in the first week after conception and the levels peak at week 10, before
decreasing and reaching a plateau by week 20.12 Between 8 and 14 weeks gestation,
the changes in hCG and TSH levels are mirror images of each other, with a significant
negative correlation between the two. Conversely, there is a positive linear relationship
between hCG and free T4 concentrations during early gestation.12
Third, the maternal glomerular filtration rate increases in pregnancy, resulting in
increased renal clearance of iodide, an indirect stimulus to the maternal thyroid
machinery.14 Later in gestation, transplacental passage of iodide and placental
metabolism of iodothyronines further contribute to relative maternal iodine deprivation
and stimulation of the maternal thyroid.15
In the nonpregnant condition, an adequate iodine intake is estimated to be 100 to
150 mg per day. Because of the increased iodine demands in pregnancy, all women
who are planning pregnancy, are pregnant, or are lactating should ingest a minimum
of 250 mg of iodine daily. In North America, this could be achieved by adding a daily
multivitamin or prenatal vitamin that contains 150 mg of potassium iodide to an
iodine-sufficient diet.16
Because thyroid hormone economy differs between healthy pregnant women and
healthy nonpregnant women, laboratory-dependent, pregnancy-specific, and ideally
trimester-specific reference intervals for thyroid function tests (TFTs) are required.
Compared with preconception levels, TSH concentrations are lower throughout pregnancy. TSH is lowest in the first trimester, then increases during the second and third
trimesters.12 Among euthyroid pregnant women additional factors, including smoking
status17 and ethnicity,18 also contribute to TSH differences. According to recent American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines, if laboratory-dependent, trimester-specific
ranges for TSH are not available, the recommended reference ranges for TSH are 0.1
to 2.5 mIU/L in the first trimester, 0.2 to 3.0 mIU/L in the second trimester, and 0.3 to
3.0 mIU/L in the third trimester.16
The interpretation of levels of free thyroid hormone in pregnancy is more challenging. At
least in part, this is due to the use of different assays and differences in dietary iodine
intake among study participants.19 The optimal method to assess serum free T4 (fT4)
during pregnancy is measurement of T4 in the dialysate or ultrafiltrate of serum samples
by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).20
Unfortunately, this method is too technically complex and expensive for routine use. If
LC/MS/MS is not available other assays can be used, as long as the limitations are
considered. Method-specific and trimester-specific reference ranges for fT4 are required.
In general, fT4 and free T3 (fT3) levels increase slightly during the first trimester. fT4 levels
subsequently decrease as pregnancy progresses, with a nadir in the third trimester.19
It has been suggested that TT4 measurements are more reliable than fT4 measurements during pregnancy. TT4 levels are higher in pregnancy compared with the
nonpregnant state, thus, in general, normal TT4 reference ranges can be adjusted
by a factor of 1.5 in pregnancy.19 The fT4 index may also be used in pregnancy, as
the fT4 index corrects TT4 for TBG. Changes in the fT4 index correspond to the
changes in fT4 measured by equilibrium dialysis and tandem mass spectrometry.21

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy



Thyroid disorders are much more common in women than in men. In the last decade,
there has been more attention paid to thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy and its
effects on maternal and fetal well-being. As a result, there has been a debate
regarding the use of universal screening versus targeted high-risk case finding for
thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy. Different studies have shown that targeted
high-risk screening failed to detect 28% to 36% of women with hypothyroidism.2224
A recent study at an academic medical center in the Boston area revealed that targeted thyroid testing in high-risk patients would have missed 80% of pregnant women
with either overt or subclinical hypothyroidism. However, the investigators were
unable to advocate for universal screening, in the absence of data demonstrating
that levothyroxine (LT4) treatment improved outcomes in women with subclinical
Screening for subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy has been shown to be a costeffective strategy under a wide range of circumstances,26 and universal screening has
been supported by some investigators.27 However, there are few prospective randomized trials to substantiate the benefits of universal screening. Negro and colleagues24
showed that universal screening in comparison with case finding did not result in
a decrease in adverse outcomes, but treatment of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
identified by screening a low-risk group was associated with a lower rate of adverse
Data from 2 large, randomized controlled trials are currently pending. Preliminary
results from the Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Study (CATS) have not shown a difference in neuropsychological development among the offspring of women screened
and treated for subclinical thyroid disease or isolated hypothyroxinemia before 16
weeks gestation, compared with control women.28 The National Institutes of Health
Maternal Fetal Medicine Thyrotropin Study (TSH Study), to be completed in 2015, is
screening pregnant women for thyroid dysfunction, and is comparing maternal and
fetal outcomes in women with subclinical hypothyroidism or isolated hypothyroxinemia treated with LT4 versus placebo.29 Because of a lack of consistent evidence to
date demonstrating that universal screening improves population outcomes, several
clinical organizations, including the ATA, recommend obtaining serum TSH early in
pregnancy only in women at high risk for overt hypothyroidism (Box 1).


Thyroid hormone deficiency is found in approximately 3% to 7% of women of childbearing age,2 and an estimated 2% to 3% of women are hypothyroid during pregnancy.2,3 In iodine-sufficient areas, the most common cause is Hashimoto thyroiditis.
Other causes include prior radioactive iodine (RAI) and/or surgical ablation of Graves
disease,30 surgical removal of the thyroid because of multinodular goiter or thyroid
cancer, overtreatment of hyperthyroidism with thionamides, medications that alter
the absorption or metabolism of levothyroxine, and central defects that inhibit the
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis.
The fetal thyroid gland starts producing small amounts of thyroid hormone at
approximately 10 weeks gestation, until production plateaus at approximately 35
weeks.12 Therefore, particularly in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is entirely
dependent on thyroid hormone from the mother. Maternal hypothyroidism can have
devastating consequences if left untreated.



Yazbeck & Sullivan

Box 1
Screening for serum TSH in early pregnancy in high-risk patients
Risk Factors for Overt Hypothyroidism
History of thyroid dysfunction or prior thyroid surgery
Age >30 years
Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction or the presence of goiter
Thyroid peroxidase antibody positivity
Type 1 diabetes mellitus or other autoimmune disorders
History of miscarriage or preterm delivery
History of head and neck radiation
Family history of thyroid dysfunction
Morbid obesity (body mass index 40 kg/m2)
Use of amiodarone or lithium, or recent administration of iodinated radiologic contrast
Residing in an area of known moderate to severe iodine sufficiency
Adapted from Stagnaro-Green A, Abalovich M, Alexander E, et al. Guidelines of the American
Thyroid Association for the diagnosis and management of thyroid disease during pregnancy
and postpartum. Thyroid 2011;21(10):1081125; with permission.


Overt hypothyroidism is defined by a serum TSH higher than the upper limit of the
trimester-specific range and serum fT4 below the trimester-specific reference range,
or serum TSH level of 10 mIU/L or more, irrespective of fT4 levels. Subclinical hypothyroidism is diagnosed when serum TSH is elevated but less than 10 mIU/L, and fT4 is in
the normal range. Differentiating between the two conditions is important because
maternal and fetal outcomes are better established for overt maternal hypothyroidism
than for subclinical hypothyroidism. Isolated hypothyroxinemia is defined as a normal
TSH with an fT4 in the lower 5th or 10th percentile of the reference range.16
Pregnancy Complications

Maternal hypothyroidism is associated with spontaneous abortion,31 fetal death,32

preterm delivery,32,33 gestational hypertension,34 anemia, postpartum hemorrhage,35
placental abruption and preterm labor,36 preeclampsia,37 cesarean section,38 and
very early embryo loss.39 In a study by Su and colleagues,40 clinical hypothyroidism
was associated with increased fetal loss (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 13.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5471.20). Kuppens and colleagues41 showed that breech position was significantly and independently related to high maternal TSH concentration
(2.5 mIU/L) at 36 weeks gestation (OR 2.23, 95% CI 1.144.39). Higher TSH levels
late in pregnancy also increased the risk of external cephalic version failure.42
Subclinical hypothyroidism has been associated with a 3-fold increased risk of
placental abruption and a 1.8-fold increased risk of preterm labor.36 In a cohort of
euthyroid pregnant women without overt thyroid dysfunction, the risk of child loss
attributable to miscarriage or fetal/neonatal death increased with higher levels of
maternal TSH in early pregnancy, with an OR of 1.8 for every doubling in TSH concentration in multivariate analyses.43 By contrast, other studies have failed to reveal an

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy

association between subclinical hypothyroidism and adverse pregnancy outcomes,44,45

but interpretation of those data was limited because of the exclusion of a significant
number of patients from final analyses.
Adverse Outcomes in Neonates and Offspring

Maternal hypothyroidism has been associated with increased risk of low birth weight,
fetal distress, and impaired neuropsychological development.31,36,46 Haddow and
colleagues46 described a 7-point IQ deficit in 7- to 9-year-old children born to
untreated hypothyroid women when compared with age-matched children born to
euthyroid women. Nineteen percent of children of hypothyroid mothers had IQ scores
of less than 85, compared with 5% of controls. Su and colleagues40 showed an
increased risk of fetal loss (OR 13.45, 95% CI 2.5471.20), low birth weight (OR
9.05, 95% CI 1.0180.90), and congenital malformations of the circulation system
(OR 10.44, 95% CI 1.1594.62) in children of women with clinical hypothyroidism.
Subclinical hypothyroidism was associated with increased fetal distress (OR 3.65,
95% CI 1.449.26), poor vision development (OR 5.34, 95% CI 1.0926.16), and neurodevelopmental delay (OR 10.49, 95% CI 1.01119.19). By contrast, a study by Behrooz and colleagues47 showed that IQ levels and cognitive performance of children
born to LT4-treated hypothyroid mothers was similar between those whose mothers
had high TSH levels (mean 11.3  5.3 mIU/L) and those whose mothers achieved
normal TSH concentrations during pregnancy.
Isolated Hypothyroxinemia

Isolated maternal hypothyroxinemia is identified in 1.3% of pregnant women. Some

studies have failed to show a significant association between isolated hypothyroxinemia and adverse perinatal outcomes.45,48 By contrast, other studies have shown an
increased risk of fetal distress, musculoskeletal malformations, and small for gestational age (SGA) infants when hypothyroxinemia was diagnosed in the first 20 weeks
of gestation,40 and impaired mental and motor development at 1 to 2 years of age
when hypothyroxinemia was diagnosed by 12 weeks of gestation.49,50 Isolated hypothyroxinemia also predicted a higher risk of expressive language delay at 18 and 30
months of age as well as nonverbal cognitive delay in children.51

All women with (1) overt hypothyroidism and (2) thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibody
positive subclinical hypothyroidism should be treated with LT4 during pregnancy to
maintain serum TSH in the trimester-specific goal range. At present, there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against LT4 treatment in thyroid antibodynegative pregnant women with subclinical hypothyroidism.16 Similarly, data demonstrating
a benefit of LT4 therapy in pregnant women with isolated hypothyroxinemia are not
available, so routine LT4 treatment is currently not recommended in these cases.52
Nonetheless, the ongoing National Institutes of Health CATS and TSH studies will
provide important data regarding the effects of LT4 treatment in these special cases,
and thereby help guide future evidence-based recommendations.
For women who require LT4 treatment during pregnancy, it is crucial to adjust LT4
doses appropriately to account for physiologic pregnancy-induced changes in
economy of thyroid hormone. Adequate treatment with LT4 to maintain TSH within
the target ranges for pregnancy significantly decreases pregnancy-related complications that occur in inadequately treated hypothyroid women.33 The etiology of hypothyroidism has a marked effect on the timing and magnitude of LT4 dose adjustments.
Women with primary hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto thyroiditis require smaller



Yazbeck & Sullivan

dose increases, as do women treated for thyroid cancer, compared with women previously treated for Graves disease, who require the largest dose increases, indicating
that a single recommendation might not apply to all patients. On average, among a large
group of pregnant women with hypothyroidism of varying etiology, the required
increase in LT4 dose was 13% in the first trimester and 26% in the second and third
trimesters.53 Another study showed that an increase in LT4 dose was required in
85% of hypothyroid pregnant women, starting as early as the fifth week of gestation
and plateauing by week 16. The mean LT4 requirement increased 47% during the first
half of pregnancy in that study.5
The goal of treatment is to maintain TSH within trimester-specific reference ranges:
0.1 to 2.5 mIU/L in the first trimester, 0.2 to 3.0 mIU/L in the second trimester, and 0.3
to 3.0 mIU/L in the third trimester. At a minimum, serum TSH should be measured
every 4 weeks during the first half of the pregnancy, then at least once between 26
and 32 weeks of gestation, so that appropriate dose adjustments can be made.16
The recommended therapy is with oral LT4, which should be taken on an empty
stomach (45 minutes before consumption of food, beverages, or other medications).
In addition, calcium, iron, and prenatal vitamin supplements should be avoided within
4 hours of ingestion of LT4, as these can decrease absorption and lead to inadequate
circulating thyroxine levels.
A high proportion of pregnant women with hypothyroidism who are taking LT4 have
suboptimal TSH levels at 11 to 13 weeks of gestation.37 Because most women do not
have their first prenatal obstetric visit until the 8th to 12th week of pregnancy, one
strategy is to empirically increase the levothyroxine dose as soon as pregnancy is
confirmed. In the Thyroid Hormone Early Adjustment in Pregnancy (THERAPY) trial,
an empiric increase by 2 additional LT4 tablets per week (29% increase), when instituted immediately on confirmation of pregnancy, significantly reduced the risk of
maternal hypothyroidism throughout pregnancy, with a safety profile superior to that
of an increase of 3 additional tablets per week (43% increase).54 Recent ATA guidelines endorse this recommendation, or the alternative option of empirically increasing
LT4 dose by approximately 25% to 30% on confirmation of pregnancy.16 After
delivery, the patient should be instructed to return to her prepregnancy dose of LT4,
and serum TSH should be checked again 6 weeks after delivery.
Iodine sufficiency is crucial in pregnancy. Indeed, maintaining the increased iodine
requirements in pregnancy has been shown to prevent cretinism and improve motor
skills in offspring. The recommended daily iodine dose in pregnancy and lactation is
250 mg of iodine daily. This dosage may be achieved by supplementing an iodinesufficient diet with a daily oral prenatal multivitamin containing 150 mg of potassium
iodide. Caution should be advised because supplemental iodine is not found in all
prenatal multivitamins, so women should be advised to take a prenatal vitamin that
provides iodine, in addition to ensuring adequate dietary iodine intake.

Approximately 12% of women of child-bearing age have detectable circulating thyroid

autoantibodies.55 Several studies have shown an increased risk of pregnancy complications in euthyroid women with thyroid autoimmunity, including preterm delivery,56
spontaneous miscarriage,57 very preterm delivery (<34 weeks gestation),58 placental
abruption,59 postpartum thyroiditis, and postpartum depression.60 Despite these findings, 2011 ATA guidelines state that there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or
against screening all women for thyroid autoantibodies in the first trimester, or treating
euthyroid women who are thyroid antibodypositive with LT4.16 That being said, at

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy

a minimum, serum TSH should be monitored throughout pregnancy in thyroid antibodypositive euthyroid women, and LT4 therapy should be initiated if serum TSH is
greater than 2.5 mIU/L.

Overt hyperthyroidism occurs in 0.4% to 1.7% of pregnant women, and Graves

disease accounts for 85% to 90% of all cases.61 Other causes of hyperthyroidism
in pregnancy include subacute thyroiditis, toxic multinodular goiter, toxic thyroid
adenoma, and excessive levothyroxine intake.62 Maternal hyperthyroidism is defined
as a low or suppressed serum TSH level in the presence of a high fT4 level based on
trimester-specific reference ranges. As described earlier, serum TSH levels are normally suppressed in the first trimester of pregnancy because of the high levels of
hCG, so it is necessary to evaluate fT4 in conjunction with the TSH level for an appropriate diagnosis.
Gestational Transient Thyrotoxicosis

Gestational transient thyrotoxicosis (GTT) is a transient period of hyperthyroidism that

occurs in 1% to 3% of pregnancies63 and is caused by elevated hCG levels. GTT is
often associated with hyperemesis gravidarum, defined as severe nausea and vomiting that results in weight loss, dehydration, and ketonuria in early pregnancy. Risk
factors for GTT include multiple gestations, hydatiform mole, and choriocarcinoma.62
It is important to distinguish GTT from Graves disease because the course, fetal
outcomes, management, and follow-up are different. GTT usually resolves spontaneously by 20 weeks gestation when hCG levels decline. Treatment with antithyroid
drugs is not indicated unless the diagnosis is uncertain. Supportive management for
hyperemesis gravidarum is the mainstay of therapy, and hospitalization may be
required in severe cases.
Graves Disease in Pregnancy

Clinical features of hyperthyroidism may be mistaken for normal symptoms of pregnancy, such as palpitations, heat intolerance, dyspnea, and nervousness. Graves
disease may present as a new diagnosis during pregnancy in a woman with no history
of hyperthyroidism, as a recurrence from previous Graves disease that was in remission, or as an exacerbation of stable disease treated with antithyroidal drugs (ATD).
Exacerbations of Graves disease being treated with ATDs typically occur early in pregnancy or soon after delivery.64
On physical examination, women with Graves disease usually have a palpable
goiter, with or without a bruit. In some instances, Graves ophthalmopathy is present.
Graves dermopathy may rarely be seen. On laboratory evaluation, TSH is usually suppressed or lower than the trimester-specific reference range and fT4 is high. Women
with Graves disease usually have positive TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb), which
helps differentiate Graves disease from other causes of hyperthyroidism. Ultrasonography of the thyroid may also be helpful in certain circumstances, for example, to
differentiate between toxic multinodular goiter, a single toxic nodule, or the heterogeneous thyroid echotexture that is consistent with Graves disease. Use of radiolabeled
iodine for diagnosis is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Lack of control of hyperthyroidism significantly increases the risk of pregnancy complications and poor fetal outcomes. Millar and colleagues65 showed that, compared with



Yazbeck & Sullivan

the risk in nonhyperthyroid women, the risk of low birth weight infants was 9.24 (95% CI
5.515.6) among women with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism during pregnancy, 2.36
(95% CI 1.44.1) in women whose hyperthyroidism was controlled at some point
during pregnancy, and 0.74 (95% CI 0.23.1) in women whose hyperthyroidism was
controlled at presentation so that euthyroidism was maintained throughout pregnancy.
The risk of severe preeclampsia was also significantly higher among women with
uncontrolled hyperthyroidism compared with hyperthyroid women with controlled
thyroid levels during pregnancy (OR 4.7, 95% CI 1.119.7).65 In addition, in a cohort
of 60 women with overt hyperthyroidism in pregnancy, stillbirth was more common
in untreated women (50%) than in partially treated (16%) and adequately treated
hyperthyroid women (0%).66 Overt untreated maternal hyperthyroidism is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriage,67 maternal heart failure during pregnancy,68
maternal gestational hypertension, and fetal growth restriction.69 Uncontrolled
maternal hyperthyroidism may cause central congenital hypothyroidism, due to
impaired maturation of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid system in a hyperthyroid
fetal environment.70
TRAbs cross the placental barrier, and in high titers can stimulate the fetal thyroid
gland, which may result in fetal hyperthyroidism.71 Fetal thyrotoxicosis causes fetal
tachycardia, goiter, oligohydramnios, intrauterine growth retardation, and accelerated
bone maturation.72 Neonatal hyperthyroidism may occur within 24 to 72 hours after
delivery in cases of high maternal TRAb titers. Before delivery, the fetus is protected
by ATDs that cross the placenta. Neonatal hyperthyroidism is usually a transient
condition, lasting between 2 and 3 months. Treatment of the neonate with ATDs is
indicated until resolution of the hyperthyroidism.73
Preconception counseling As already described, uncontrolled hyperthyroidism affects

maternal and fetal outcomes poorly. It is imperative to provide preconception counseling to women with hyperthyroidism so that the best therapeutic option to control
the disease before pregnancy can be implemented. In the preconception period, treatment options for Graves disease include RAI ablation, total thyroidectomy, or ATDs.
Surgery is a reasonable option in cases of high TRAb titers or in women planning to
conceive in the subsequent 2 years, because TRAb titers tend to increase following
RAI therapy and take longer to trend downwards.74 RAI is absolutely contraindicated
during pregnancy and lactation because of the high risk of transferring RAI to the fetus
with resultant fetal thyroid ablation and congenital hypothyroidism. If RAI ablation is
desired near pregnancy or lactation, special considerations should be kept in mind,
and these are listed in Box 2.
Antithyroid drugs Two ATDs, methimazole (MMI) and propylthiouracil (PTU), are used
to treat hyperthyroidism. Both drugs cross the placenta. The goal of ATD therapy in
pregnant women with hyperthyroidism is to maintain maternal serum fT4 at or just
above the upper limit of normal for pregnancy using the smallest ATD dose possible.
This treatment strategy minimizes the potential for overtreatment, which may result in
fetal hypothyroidism75 and goiter.76 In this regard, Momotani and colleagues77
showed a strong relationship between maternal and fetal thyroid function: the rates
of transient neonatal hypothyroxinemia were 10% when maternal fT4 was maintained
in the upper one-third of the normal range, 36% when maternal fT4 was maintained in
the lower two-thirds of the normal range, and 100% when maternal fT4 was maintained below the normal range. There was no relationship between the dose or the
type of ATD used and neonatal thyroid function.

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy

Box 2
Considerations for RAI therapy in women of child-bearing age
1. RAI is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation
2. A pregnancy test should be performed on all women of child-bearing age before RAI
3. Conception should be delayed by a minimum of 6 months after RAI to allow adequate time
for diagnosis and treatment of consequent hypothyroidism
4. Lactation should be delayed for at least 6 months following RAI therapy
5. RAI might increase TRAb titers and it may take up to 1 year for the titers to decline after RAI.
Therefore, if TRAb titers are high before treatment, surgery might be a better option
6. Prepregnancy counseling regarding the need to adjust LT4 dose at diagnosis of pregnancy is
Adapted from Patil-Sisodia K, Mestman JH. Graves hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: a clinical
update. Endocr Pract 2010;16(1):11829; with permission.

In rare cases, use of MMI in the first trimester has been associated with congenital
abnormalities, including fetal aplasia cutis,78 choanal atresia, omphalocele, total situs
invertus,79 esophageal atresia,80 tracheo-esophageal fistula, hypoplastic nipples, and
psychomotor delay.81 PTU, on the other hand, has not been associated with these
fetal abnormalities. A major risk associated with PTU is acute liver failure, resulting
in a need for liver transplant in approximately 1 in 10,000 treated adults.82,83 To
decrease the risk of congenital abnormalities associated with first-trimester MMI
use, women taking MMI before pregnancy should be switched to PTU once pregnancy is confirmed, or alternatively, before conception. After the first trimester,
consideration should be given to switching from PTU to an equivalent dose of MMI
to avoid maternal liver injury.16 Clinical experience has demonstrated an approximate
conversion ratio from PTU to MMI of 10:1 to 15:1 (eg, 100 mg PTU 5 7.510 mg
After delivery, Graves disease may worsen or relapse, necessitating that ATDs are
restarted or the dose increased. In the past, women taking ATDs were advised against
breastfeeding because little was known about their effects on the newborn when
delivered via breast milk. More recent studies, however, have demonstrated that
ATDs are safe in lactating women. The use of PTU (as high as 750 mg daily) or methimazole (2030 mg daily) have not been associated with an increased risk of infant
hypothyroidism, and no adverse effects on physical or cognitive childhood development have been observed.85,86
Surgery Thyroidectomy during pregnancy is rarely indicated, but should be consid-

ered if a woman with severe hyperthyroidism is resistant to or intolerant of ATDs or

if she requires high doses of ATDs to control her disease. If surgery is indicated during
pregnancy, the optimal time is in the second trimester.16 The use of b-blockers and
a short course of cold iodine is recommended in preparation for surgery.16 Determination of maternal TRAb titers before surgery is recommended, to assess the risk of fetal
b-Blockers b-Blockers can be used temporarily in pregnancy to help control adren-

ergic symptoms or in preparation for surgery. Long-term use should be avoided and
has been associated with intrauterine growth retardation, fetal bradycardia, neonatal
hypoglycemia, and spontaneous abortion.88,89 Labetolol, a pregnancy category C
medication, is the preferred b-blocker for use during pregnancy and lactation.



Yazbeck & Sullivan

Cold iodine The use of cold (ie, nonradioactive) iodine during pregnancy should be

limited to the acute management of thyroid storm or in preparation for thyroidectomy.

Studies have reported neonatal hypothyroidism after maternal exposure to cold
iodine, including instances in euthyroid women exposed to iodine-rich foods (such
as seaweed), iodine-based medications (such as amiodarone), or contrast media,
and reports of neonatal hypothyroidism in hypothyroid pregnant women treated simultaneously with ATD and cold iodine. By contrast, Momotani and colleagues90 showed
improved maternal thyroid function and normal neonatal outcomes after treatment of
Graves disease with low doses of cold iodine in pregnancy, suggesting that careful,
limited use of cold iodine in the management of Graves disease in pregnancy may
be appropriate in select cases.
Radioactive iodine therapy As already discussed, RAI is absolutely contraindicated in
pregnancy and lactation because of its potentially detrimental effects on the developing fetus, which primarily result from fetal thyroid ablation.
Monitoring Ultrasonography is the mainstay of monitoring for fetal hypothyroidism

while treating maternal hyperthyroidism. Presence of a fetal goiter on ultrasonogram

is highly suggestive of fetal hypothyroidism.91 If fetal goiter is present, ATDs should
be reduced or discontinued, keeping in mind that the risk of maternal hyperthyroidism
in pregnancy is much less than the risk of fetal hypothyroidism, particularly with regard
to fetal and neonatal growth and development. During pregnancy in women with
Graves disease, TRAb levels often decrease because of a state of relative maternal
immunosuppression. Decreased TRAb titers may permit decreased ATD doses in
the second trimester and, possibly, discontinuation of ATDs in the third trimester.
Maternal serum fT4 and TSH levels should be monitored every 2 to 4 weeks at the initiation of ATD therapy, and every 4 to 6 weeks after achieving target levels. ATD dose
adjustments should be based on fT4 levels rather than on TSH, because TSH may
remain suppressed throughout pregnancy. A combination of ATDs and LT4 therapy
is not recommended because this complicates monitoring of fetal thyroid function,
thereby increasing the risk of fetal goiter and hypothyroidism.89
Indications for maternal TRAb measurement are listed in Box 3. TRAb titers should
be measured at 20 to 28 weeks gestation to determine the risk of fetal hyperthyroidism after delivery.16 If TRAb titers are high (3 times the upper limit of normal),
close follow-up of the newborns thyroid function, optimally in collaboration with
a maternal-fetal-medicine specialist, is indicated. Serial fetal ultrasonography is also
recommended in women with high TRAb titers and/or active Graves disease. The
size of the fetal thyroid gland should be evaluated monthly starting at 22 weeks

Box 3
Indications for TRAb measurement during pregnancy
1. Mothers with active hyperthyroidism
2. Previous history of treatment with RAI
3. Previous history of delivering an infant with hyperthyroidism
4. Thyroidectomy for treatment of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy
Adapted from Laurberg P, Nygaard B, Glinoer D, et al. Guidelines for TSH-receptor antibody
measurements in pregnancy: results of an evidence-based symposium organized by the European Thyroid Association. Eur J Endocrinol 1998;139(6):584; with permission.

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy

gestation to ensure early diagnosis of fetal thyroid dysfunction.72 Sonographic

features may be able to predict the nature of fetal thyroid dysfunction: the color
Doppler pattern of fetal goiter typically has a peripheral vascular pattern in hypothyroidism and a central vascular pattern in hyperthyroidism. Additional clinical findings
suggesting the nature of fetal thyroid dysfunction include heart rate (tachycardia
may indicate hyperthyroidism and bradycardia may indicate hypothyroidism), bone
maturation (advanced in hyperthyroidism and delayed in hypothyroidism), and intrauterine movement (increased in hyperthyroidism and decreased in hypothyroidism).92
In the later period of pregnancy, fetal thyroid function can be studied directly by
measuring levels of fetal thyroid hormone in umbilical cord blood obtained by cordocentesis.93 However, cordocentesis itself carries an increased risk of fetal morbidity
and mortality, so this should be reserved for special circumstances, such as an
inability to determine whether the fetus is hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, either clinically
or based on fetal ultrasonography.16
Postpartum care Women with Graves disease may experience relapse or worsening

of hyperthyroidism after delivery. Relapse of Graves disease usually occurs between

4 and 8 months after delivery,94 so it is important to monitor thyroid function regularly
postpartum. It is also necessary to distinguish Graves disease from postpartum
thyroiditis (PPT) because treatments will differ. In women who choose not to breastfeed, RAI (123I) uptake and scan may be performed to differentiate Graves disease
from PPT. In lactating mothers RAI is contraindicated, and differentiating Graves
disease from PPT may be achieved by measuring TRAb titers, assessing the time
course of hyperthyroidism (ie, transient vs chronic), and prior history of maternal
Graves disease.

PPT is an autoimmune, destructive inflammation of the thyroid gland95 that typically

occurs within 1 year postpartum. The classic presentation of PPT starts with transient
hyperthyroidism in the first 6 months postpartum, followed by transient hypothyroidism, then a return to the euthyroid state by 1 year postpartum. Not all women
with PPT progress through all the phases of this classic presentation. Lazarus and
colleagues96 reported that, among a cohort of women diagnosed with PPT, 19.2%
developed hyperthyroidism alone, 49.3% developed hypothyroidism alone, and
31.5% developed hyperthyroidism followed by hypothyroidism. One must keep in
mind that PPT may occur in women with hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto
thyroiditis if the thyroid gland is not completely atrophic.97 By convention, hypothyroidism with onset 1 year or more postpartum is not PPT.98

The reported prevalence of PPT varies widely across studies, from 1.1% to 16.7%
(mean 7.5%) among parous women.98 Women with a previous history of PPT have
a 70% risk of developing recurrent PPT in future pregnancies.99 PPT incidence is
higher in women with autoimmune disease: 10% to 25% in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus,98,100 14% in women with systemic lupus erythamatosus,101 and
25% in women with autoimmune hepatitis.102 An estimated 30% to 50% of women
with positive thyroid autoantibodies in the first trimester will develop PPT.95,103,104

Screening for PPT is recommended in women with a history of thyroid disease, PPT,
postpartum depression, or autoimmune disease, and in women with signs and/or



Yazbeck & Sullivan

symptoms of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or depression in the postpartum

period. Screening should include measurement of TPO antibody titer, TSH, and fT4.
Clinical signs and symptoms of PPT are usually mild and transient, with the hypothyroid phase typically being the most symptomatic. In the hyperthyroid state, differentiating between Graves disease and PPT is important for guiding management. Clinical
features unique to Graves disease include a goiter with bruit, ophthalmopathy, and
elevated TRAb titers. Biochemically, the T4/T3 ratio is typically elevated in PPT.
Thyroid ultrasound with Doppler flow measurements may be helpful in differentiating
PPT from Graves disease (decreased vascular flow in PPT vs increased flow in Graves
disease) and does not involve radiation that would necessitate an interruption in
breastfeeding. RAI (123I) uptake and scan can be performed to establish the diagnosis;
thyroid 123I uptake is elevated in Graves disease and low or absent in PPT. 123I is
preferred over 131I for thyroid imaging during lactation because of its shorter halflife, allowing nursing to resume several days following administration of 123I.16
Maternal Outcomes

PPT is associated with an increased risk of developing permanent hypothyroidism,

which has been estimated to occur in 2% to 21% of affected women. StagnaroGreen and colleagues104 reported an even higher incidence of permanent hypothyroidism of 54%. The presence, but not the titers, of TPO antibody in the first trimester
of pregnancy and the degree of hypothyroidism at 6 months postpartum were predictive of permanent hypothyroidism. Because of the increased risk of permanent hypothyroidism following PPT, yearly TSH monitoring is recommended, even in women
who return to the euthyroid state.
Data remain inconclusive regarding the correlation between PPT and postpartum
depression (PPD). TPO antibody positivity is associated with an increased risk of
PPD, independent of maternal thyroid function.105 Because the risk of PPT is also
increased by TPO antibody positivity, one could predict that PPT and PPD are related
entities. However, studies investigating a possible link between PPD and PPT have
been unable to demonstrate a significant correlation, although studies to date are
limited by small numbers of patients.106
Treatment of PPT

Most women with PPT do not require treatment in the hyperthyroid state, which is
generally mild and transient. Propranolol, 10 to 20 mg daily, can be used as needed
for adrenergic symptoms. ATDs are ineffective in the treatment of PPT because it is
a destructive process and does not involve overproduction of thyroid hormone. In
the hypothyroid phase, TSH should be tested every 4 to 8 weeks, even if the patient
is asymptomatic. Levothyroxine treatment is indicated when TSH elevation persists
longer than 6 months postpartum, or if symptoms of hypothyroidism are severe, the
patient is breastfeeding, or another pregnancy is desired. Therapy should be
continued for 6 to 12 months after initiation, followed by an attempt to wean the LT4
by halving the dose every 6 to 8 weeks. If the patient is pregnant, breastfeeding, or
trying to conceive, weaning LT4 therapy is not indicated and therapy should be
Various attempts have been made to prevent PPT in women at risk. A single,
randomized controlled trial by Negro and colleagues107 showed that compared with
placebo, selenium administration during pregnancy significantly decreased the prevalence of PPT in women with positive thyroid antibodies (28.6% vs 48.6%). In another
study, the postpartum use of LT4 in women with thyroid autoimmunity (defined as

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy

positive TPO antibody titers) did not prevent PPT but, as expected, reduced symptoms of hypothyroidism associated with PPT when it did occur.108

Not uncommonly, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer are diagnosed in women during
or around the time of pregnancy, posing important diagnostic and therapeutic
dilemmas when considering the best interests of both the mother and her developing
child. Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) occurs approximately 3-fold more frequently
in women than in men, with peak onset in the female reproductive years.109,110 Many
women come under closer medical evaluation around pregnancies than at any other
time in their lives, contributing to increased detection and diagnosis of thyroid nodules
and DTC. In addition, normal physiologic changes in pregnancy include an increase in
maternal thyroid volume, including increased size of thyroid nodules, which further
increases detection rates.111 Management of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer diagnosed during pregnancy concerns both the affected mother and her fetus, therefore
these cases require special consideration to ensure the best overall outcomes.
Because thyroid cancer is most commonly detected within thyroid nodules, thyroid
nodules should be evaluated with neck ultrasonography and fine-needle aspiration
(FNA), when indicated, to rule out malignancy. During pregnancy, both thyroid ultrasonography and FNA can be performed safely at any time, without risk of harm to the
pregnancy. For this reason, thyroid nodules detected in pregnancy may be evaluated
in the same way as in nonpregnant individuals. That being said, if a suspicious nodule
is detected late in pregnancy and intervention will undoubtedly be delayed until after
delivery, it is reasonable to postpone FNA until after delivery. Detection of a thyroid
nodule in a pregnant woman should prompt measurement of levels of serum thyroid
hormone (TSH, fT4) so that maternal hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can be
treated promptly and associated complications prevented.108
If thyroid malignancy is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, the recommended course of
treatment differs from that in a nonpregnant individual. Despite these differences in
management, however, most evidence suggests that DTC diagnosed during or around
the time of pregnancy does not affect maternal or fetal morbidity or mortality. In the same
regard, pregnancy does not increase a womans risk for developing thyroid cancer.
When thyroid cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy, a decision must be made
regarding performing total thyroidectomy during the pregnancy or postponing surgical
resection until the postpartum period. In low-risk cases of DTC, postponing thyroidectomy until after delivery does not affect the course of disease and eliminates the risks
associated with surgery during pregnancy.108 Risks specific to thyroidectomy that
may adversely affect a pregnancy include (1) difficulty resecting the thyroid because
of increased gland volume in pregnancy, (2) uncontrolled maternal hypothyroidism
postoperatively, and (3) transient or permanent maternal hypocalcemia caused by
damage to the parathyroid glands. Anesthesia at any time during pregnancy is complicated by multiple factors, including increased maternal blood volume and cardiac
output, and can result in maternal hypotension and fetal hypoperfusion.112,113 In the
majority of cases, for which thyroidectomy is not performed during pregnancy, monitoring should consist of a repeat neck ultrasonogram each trimester to rule out rapid
growth of malignant tissue, with consideration of immediate surgical intervention if this
should occur, and close monitoring of maternal TFTs (see later discussion).108
In cases of advanced DTC or in undifferentiated forms of thyroid cancer (eg, medullary, anaplastic, or insular variants), which are more aggressive and more likely to
progress if intervention is delayed, thyroidectomy may be performed in the second



Yazbeck & Sullivan

trimester. This time point in gestation is the earliest at which organogenesis is

complete and the risk to fetal development is lowest.108
In all cases of DTC diagnosed during pregnancy, whether or not thyroidectomy is
performed during gestation, suppressive doses of LT4 should be started, with goal
TSH between 0.1 and 0.5 mIU/L. Neither surgery during the second trimester nor
suppressive doses of LT4 are recommended for pregnant women found to have
nodules that are suspicious for DTC by FNA cytology, given that approximately
70% of these nodules are later proved to be benign.108 RAI (131I) ablation is often indicated following total thyroidectomy in patients with DTC to prevent disease recurrence. RAI is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation because of
the risk of transfer of RAI to the fetal thyroid gland. Exposure of the fetal thyroid to
RAI results in fetal thyroid ablation, with resultant devastating effects on early development. If RAI is indicated in a woman who has been diagnosed with DTC during pregnancy, 131I treatment should be begun as soon as possible in the postpartum period.
Breastfeeding should not be initiated or continued for at least 6 months following RAI
ablation, and for this reason many women will postpone RAI treatment until they have
had an opportunity to breastfeed their infant for 3 to 6 months, a delay that does not
worsen maternal outcomes.108,114
In women who have been diagnosed with DTC before pregnancy, most evidence
suggests that pregnancy does not alter the course of disease. That is, long-term prognosis remains the same as the prognosis in cases of DTC diagnosed after pregnancies
or in nulligravid women.115117 When DTC precedes a pregnancy, TSH suppression
with LT4 should be maintained at the same level as it was before pregnancy so as
to minimize disease progression.108 Most women on suppressive doses of LT4 for
DTC will require increased doses during pregnancy because of increased maternal
and fetal demands (discussed previously).55 Goal TSH in women with DTC during
pregnancy does not change from that recommended for the nonpregnant state
(TSH 0.10.5 mIU/L). In that regard, there are no clinically significant negative consequences to maternal subclinical hyperthyroidism during pregnancy, so maintaining
prepregnancy TSH suppression is acceptable.108
Treatment of reproductive-aged women with DTC with RAI does not increase their
future risk of infertility or adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as miscarriage. Furthermore, no differences have been demonstrated between children born to mothers or
fathers who had previously received RAI ablation and those who had not, including
physical or cognitive development and risk of childhood malignancies.118
In summary, thyroid cancer diagnosed during or around the time of pregnancy
requires careful consideration of the health of both the mother and her developing
child in order to determine the best course of treatment for optimization of maternal
and fetal outcomes. These complex cases should be followed closely during pregnancy and lactation by a team of physicians that includes the patients obstetrician,
an endocrinologist, an endocrine surgeon, nuclear medicine specialists, and the
babys pediatrician. Most evidence suggests that long-term maternal outcomes are
not adversely affected by delaying definitive treatment until the postpartum period.
However, because of the theoretical potential that a delay in treatment may worsen
maternal survival, very close clinical follow-up during and after pregnancy is paramount to making the optimal clinical decisions.

 The physiology of the thyroid gland changes during pregnancy as a result of the
effects of increased TBG and hCG levels and enhanced iodine metabolism. It is

Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy

important to use trimester-specific reference ranges for TFTs during pregnancy.

TSH reference ranges decrease during pregnancy, especially in the first
trimester. Total T4 and T3 levels increase because of increased TBG levels.
The interpretation of levels of free thyroid hormone in pregnancy is more
Because of the lack of consistent evidence demonstrating that universal
screening for thyroid disorders in pregnancy results in improved population
outcomes, several clinical organizations recommend obtaining serum TSH early
in pregnancy only in women at high risk for overt hypothyroidism.
Iodine sufficiency is crucial in pregnancy. The recommended daily iodine intake
in pregnancy and lactation is 250 mg of iodine daily, including 150 mg of supplemental iodine from prenatal vitamins in the form of potassium iodide.
Hypothyroidism is associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnancy. The data on overt hypothyroidism are more conclusive than those on
subclinical hypothyroidism. Adverse effects include spontaneous abortion, fetal
death, preterm delivery, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, postpartum
hemorrhage, placental abruption and preterm labor, cesarean section, low birth
weight, fetal distress, and impaired neuropsychological development.
All women with overt hypothyroidism and TPO antibodypositive subclinical
hypothyroidism should be treated with levothyroxine (LT4) during pregnancy to
maintain serum TSH levels within trimester-specific goal ranges. Some advocate
empirically increasing the LT4 dose by 25% to 30% when pregnancy is confirmed.
At a minimum, serum TSH should be checked every 4 weeks during the first half of
the pregnancy, then at least once between 26 and 32 weeks of gestation.
There is not enough evidence to recommend for or against LT4 treatment in
thyroid antibodynegative pregnant women with subclinical hypothyroidism,
women with isolated hypothyroxinemia, or euthyroid women who are thyroid
antibodypositive. In these cases, close monitoring of TFTs during pregnancy
is recommended.
The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is GTT, which is
caused by elevated hCG levels. It is important to distinguish GTT from Graves
disease because the course, fetal outcomes, management, and follow-up are
Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is associated with adverse
effects such as low birth weight, stillbirth, preeclampsia, miscarriage, maternal
heart failure, maternal gestational hypertension, fetal growth restriction, central
congenital hypothyroidism, fetal thyrotoxicosis, and neonatal hyperthyroidism.
Thionamides are the treatment of choice for Graves disease during pregnancy.
To decrease the risk of congenital abnormalities associated with first-trimester
MMI use, women taking MMI before pregnancy should be switched to PTU
once pregnancy is confirmed, or alternatively, before conception. After the first
trimester, consideration should be given to switching from PTU to an equivalent
dose of MMI to avoid maternal liver injury. Thionamide dose adjustments should
be based on fT4 levels, rather than on TSH, because TSH may remain suppressed throughout pregnancy. Surgery might be indicated in certain cases. bBlockers and cold iodine can be given for a short duration in preparation for
surgery. RAI ablation is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Measurement of maternal TRAb titers is indicated before delivery to determine
the risk of fetal hyperthyroidism.
PPT is an autoimmune, destructive inflammation of the thyroid gland that typically occurs within 1 year postpartum. The classic presentation of PPT starts



Yazbeck & Sullivan

with transient hyperthyroidism in the first 6 months postpartum, followed by transient hypothyroidism, then a return to the euthyroid state by 1 year postpartum.
PPT has been associated with an increased risk of permanent hypothyroidism
and a possible link to PPD. Most women with PPT do not require treatment in
the hyperthyroid state, which is generally mild and transient. Levothyroxine is
indicated in certain cases in the hypothyroid phase.
 Thyroid nodules detected in pregnancy may be evaluated with thyroid ultrasonography and FNA when necessary, which are both safe to perform at any
time during pregnancy. When thyroid cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy,
a decision regarding definitive treatment must be made. In most cases, delaying
thyroidectomy and RAI ablation (if indicated) until postpartum does not alter
maternal morbidity or mortality. In high-risk cases, thyroidectomy can be performed in the second trimester. RAI ablation is absolutely contraindicated during
pregnancy and lactation. Similarly to nonpregnant individuals with thyroid
cancer, TSH suppression with levothyroxine is indicated during pregnancy in
women with thyroid cancer.


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T h y ro i d H o r m o n e a n d
t h e C a rd i o v a s c u l a r
Sara Danzi,

PhD ,

Irwin Klein,



 Thyroid hormone  Cardiovascular system  Heart

Studies of patients with spontaneously occurring hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

indicate that thyroid hormone has profound effects on the heart and cardiovascular
system.1 This article describes the cellular mechanisms by which thyroid hormone
acts at the level of the cardiac myocyte and the vascular smooth muscle cell to alter
both phenotype and physiology.2 Because it is well established that thyroid hormone,
specifically T3, acts on almost every cell and organ in the body, studies on the regulation of thyroid hormone transport into cardiac and vascular tissue take on added
clinical significance (Fig. 1). The characteristic changes in cardiovascular hemodynamics and metabolism that accompany thyroid disease states can then be best
understood at the cellular level.3

Thyroid hormones, tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are produced in

the thyroid gland in a molar ratio of approximately 7:1. All enzymatic steps in the
synthesis and secretion of T4 and T3 are regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH).4 T3, the physiologically active form of thyroid hormone, is produced primarily
by 50 -monodeiodenation of T4 in the liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, and pituitary gland.5
Both T4 and T3 circulate in blood almost entirely (>95%) bound to a family of hormone
binding proteins. The free hormone, specifically T3, is transported through a variety of
membrane transport proteins and, after transit to the cell nucleus, acts to regulate the
expression of selected myocyte genes.6,7 In addition to the classic regulation of
thyroid hormone metabolism, it has been shown recently that 50 -monodeiodinase,
which catalyzes the conversion of T4 to T3 in both the liver and pituitary, can be altered
in a variety of cardiac disease states.8

Department of Biological Sciences and Geology, Queensborough Community College, 222-05

56th Avenue, Bayside, NY 11364, USA
Private Practice, 935 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 257268
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Danzi & Klein

Fig. 1. Sites of action of thyroid hormone on the heart and cardiovascular system. CETP, cholesteryl ester transport protein; CYP7A, cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase; HCN2, hyperpolarization
activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 2; MHC, myosin heavy chains; SERCA2,
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca21 ATPase; SREBP-2, sterol regulatory element binding protein
2; VO2, maximal oxygen uptake.


Thyroid Hormone Transporters

Several families of thyroid hormone transporters have been identified, including the
Na1-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP), the Na1-independent organic
anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs), the heterodimeric L-type amino acid transporters (LAT), and the monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs).6,9 These proteins transport a variety of ligands but only MCT8 and MCT10 are highly specific for
iodothyronines and are expressed in heart (Danzi and Klein, unpublished data,
2011). Conversely, the cardiac plasma membrane transporters that are responsible
for thyroid hormone uptake have not been well characterized. Both MCT8 and
MCT10 were identified as monocarboxylate transporters and only recently found to
be thyroid hormone transporters in an experimental cell system.6 In humans, MCT8
gene mutations are the cause of Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS), an X-linked
syndrome with specific thyroid and neurologic abnormalities.10
Although both MCT8 and MCT10 facilitate uptake and efflux of both T4 and T3 in
experimental cell systems, our recent data suggest that T4 is not transported into
the heart (Danzi and Klein, unpublished data, 2011). MCT10 has greater affinity for
T3 than T4 and has a greater capacity to transport T3 than MCT8.11 As 1 of 2 thyroid
hormone transporters shown to be expressed in rat or human heart, the MCT8
knockout mouse heart has not been characterized phenotypically.12 The mechanism
of transport for thyroid hormone via MCT8 and MCT10 in a variety of tissues seems to
be via facilitative diffusion. Radiolabeled T3 transport in rat neonatal ventricular myocytes is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dependent, inhibited by excess unlabeled T3,
and Na1-dependent. In that system, the magnitude of transport of T3 is greater than
2.5-fold higher than T4 (Fig. 2).7
Nuclear Receptors

The classic thyroid hormone effects on cardiac myocytespecific gene transcription

are mediated by thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), members of the steroid hormone
superfamily of nuclear transcription factors.13 Two genes encode the TRs and, in
the mammalian heart, 2 splice variants of the TRa gene, TRa1 and TRa2, and 1 splice

Thyroid Hormone and the Cardiovascular System

Fig. 2. Effects of T3 on the cardiac myocyte. T3 has both genomic and nongenomic effects on
the cardiac myocyte. Genomic mechanisms involve T3 binding to thyroid hormone receptor
(TRs), which regulate transcription of specific cardiac genes. Nongenomic mechanisms
include direct modulation of membrane ion channels as indicated by the dashed arrows.
AC, adenylyl cyclase; b-AR, b-adrenergic receptor; Gs, guanine nucleotide binding protein;
Kv, voltage-gated potassium channels; NCX, sodium calcium exchanger; PLB, phospholamban, TRE, thyroid hormone response element.

variant of the TRb gene, TRb1, are expressed. These receptor proteins are bound to
thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) in the promoter region of certain T3responsive genes.13,14 TRs activate transcription of positively regulated genes in the
presence of T3 by recruiting coactivator complexes, and repress transcription in the
absence of ligand by recruiting corepressor complexes.15
It seems that the nuclear content of TRs are in turn regulated by T3 such that, in the
myocardium of hypothyroid animals, TRa-1 and a-2 mRNA levels are increased. After
72 hours of treatment with thyroid hormone, TRa-1 and TRa-2 mRNA levels
decrease.16 In a study of human hearts, comparison of TR mRNA in left ventricular
tissue of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy showed decreased levels of TRa-1
and decreased TRa-1/TRa-2 ratios compared with normal donor hearts.17 After
heterotopic cardiac transplantation, the expression of TRa-1 and TRa-2 is altered in
the rat heart.18
Transcriptional Regulation of Cardiac Myocyte Genes

T3 regulates multiple myocyte genes intimately related to cardiac contractile function,

including sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca21 ATPase (SERCA2), phospholamban
(PLB), and the myosin heavy chains (MHC), a and b (see Fig. 2; Table 1).1,16 Some
of these genes are positively regulated (SERCA2, a-MHC), whereas others are negatively regulated (PLB, b-MHC).19 Cardiac muscle contraction and relaxation are regulated in turn by the intracellular free calcium concentration [Ca21]i, which is largely



Danzi & Klein

Table 1
T3-regulated cardiac genes
Positively Regulated

Negatively Regulated



Voltage-gated K1 channels (Kv1.5, Kv4.2)

Na1/Ca21 exchanger (NCX1)



Na1/K1 ATPase

Adenylyl cyclase types V,VI

b1-Adrenergic receptor

Thyroid hormone receptor a1

Adenine nucleotide translocase 1

determined by SR Ca21 release via the ryanodine receptors,20 and reuptake into the
SR by the Ca21 ATPase. PLB, an integral SR protein that regulates SERCA2 activity,
is the mechanism by which b-adrenergic agonists exert positive inotropic action on the
heart.21 Varying degrees of impaired SR calcium uptake have been associated with
human and experimental models of heart failure.22 PLB-deficient transgenic mice
showed increased contractility and knockout of PLB in the hypothyroid animal in
the study by Kranias and colleagues,23 which resulted in measures of contractility
similar to that in wild-type animals treated with thyroid hormone, thus confirming
the importance of the family of thyroid hormoneresponsive genes in determining
cardiac contractility.13 Similarly, in a series of studies using transgenic overexpression of SERCA2 in hypothyroid mice, myocyte contractile function was restored to
levels seen in euthyroid animals, confirming the role of SERCA2 in mediating the
effects of thyroid disease on the heart.24
The cardiac phenotype is extremely sensitive to changes in serum T3. In a rat model
of thyroid hormone deficiency, administration of 5 mg/kg of T3 induced transcription of
the positively regulated, cardiac-specific, a-MHC within 30 minutes.25 Maximal transcription, at more than euthyroid levels, occurred 6 hours after hormone administration, showing that the receptor saturating dose of T3 is lower than previously
suggested and the half-life of T3 in vivo was 7 hours.25 In experimental animal models
of the low T3 syndrome, when T4 levels remain normal, the genotype, phenotype, and
contractile function are those seen with more classic hypothyroidism.26

Cardiac contractility is enhanced including both systolic and diastolic function, and
cardiac output and resting heart rate are increased in hyperthyroidism.27 A decrease
in systemic vascular resistance decreases afterload and improves myocardial efficiency.28 An increase in blood volume and an increase in venous return cause the preload of the heart to increase, further augmenting cardiac output.29 The increase in
cardiovascular hemodynamics allows for increased blood flow leading to enhanced
perfusion to provide for the substrate and oxygen demands of peripheral tissues
(Fig. 3, Table 2).1
An increase in cardiac mass occurs in hyperthyroidism, both in animals and
humans. Hypertrophy, usually increased left ventricular mass, results from sustained
volume overload and the resulting increase in cardiac work and is a compensatory
adaptation that, in turn, increases protein synthesis in the terminally differentiated
cardiac myocyte.30 Recent studies have shown that, in contrast with mean systemic
pressures, pulmonary artery pressure is increased in hyperthyroidism, which in turn

Thyroid Hormone and the Cardiovascular System

Fig. 3. Effects of thyroid hormone on cardiovascular hemodynamics. T3 affects tissue thermogenesis, systemic vascular resistance, blood volume, cardiac contractility, heart rate,
and cardiac output, as indicated by the arrows.

imparts an increase in right ventricular strain, increasing chamber size, mass, and
filling pressure. The consequences of this may include the appearance of right heart
or backward failure with neck vein distension and peripheral edema.31,32
Heterotopic cardiac transplantation into the abdominal cavity of a host animal
provides a vascularly perfused, spontaneously beating, nonworking heart exposed
to the same plasma thyroid hormone levels as the in situ working heart.30 When these
animals are exposed to excess amounts of thyroid hormone, only the in situ working
heart became hypertrophic. This finding confirms the hypothesis that it is the excess
workload resulting from the cardiovascular hemodynamics of hyperthyroidism that is
responsible for the increase in cardiac mass.
The clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism include characteristic cardiac-related
signs and symptoms that are independent of the cause of the increased levels of

Table 2
Changes in cardiovascular hemodynamics accompanying thyroid dysfunction




Systemic vascular resistance (dyn-cm s5)




Heart rate (beats/min)




Pulmonary artery pressure




% Ejection fraction




Isovolumic relaxation time (ms)




Cardiac output (L/min)




Blood volume (% of normal)






Danzi & Klein

thyroid hormone.1,3,33 On physical examination, tachycardia is the most common

finding. Heart rate is increased both at rest and with exercise and, commonly, rapid
and forceful palpitations occur.34 Occasionally atrial arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, can occur, but this is more common in older patients.35 Other findings include
widened pulse pressure, increased systolic and lowered diastolic pressure, dyspnea
on exertion, and exercise intolerance with sustained activity.36 Advanced disease
may cause further exercise intolerance with limitations such as climbing 1 flight of
stairs resulting from both skeletal muscle and respiratory weakness as well as a decrement in cardiac reserve capacity.37,38
Rarely, signs and symptoms of heart failure may occur in patients with thyrotoxicosis.1,36 This condition usually occurs in the setting of prolonged and severe hyperthyroidism or after the onset of atrial fibrillation.33 Because cardiac output at rest is
increased in hyperthyroidism, the increased output that normally accompanies exercise is blunted.38 Pulmonary and peripheral edema can occur as atrial filling pressure
increases, causing a congested circulation. True heart failure in hyperthyroidism, characterized by decreased cardiac contractility, abnormal diastolic compliance, and
pulmonary congestion, has been referred to as rate-related heart failure because sustained tachycardia impairs left ventricular contractility.1,3,36 This finding should be
confirmed by noninvasive cardiac measures such as echocardiography followed by
the usual course of diuretics. b-Adrenergic blocking drugs are indicated to control
the heart rate, and should be used within an intensive care unit setting if the degree
of heart failure is significant enough to impair cardiovascular hemodynamics. Although
propranolol is the most commonly used agent, intravenous use should be avoided and
the short-acting agent esmolol can be used if concern about negative inotropy
outweighs the goal of rate reduction. Attention to other potential medical comorbidities, such as infection, should also be addressed. Definitive treatment of the hyperthyroidism in almost all cases returns cardiac function to normal.3941

Overt hypothyroidism affects approximately 3% of the adult female population, with

an increased prevalence in individuals more than 40 years of age. The cardiac manifestations of hypothyroidism are the result of decreased thyroid hormone action on
both the heart and the peripheral vasculature.1 The most common clinical signs are
a narrowed pulse pressure, diastolic hypertension, low cardiac output with
a decreased ejection fraction, impaired diastolic filling, and various degrees of bradycardia.27 The increase in diastolic pressure is accompanied by a decrease in systolic
pressure, so the pulse pressure is low. Hypothyroidism results in increased systemic
vascular resistance, further contributing to the decrease in cardiac output.
Overt hypothyroidism is also associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease, possibly caused by the higher incidence of hypercholesterolemia
and hypertension (see Fig. 1).42,43 Hypothyroidism, like hypertension and the effects
of aging, leads to reduced SERCA2 activity and therefore, impaired calcium cycling,
resulting in increased myocardial stiffness and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.3,24
Even mild (subclinical) hypothyroidism can increase the prevalence of heart failure and
diastolic dysfunction.44
Atrial Fibrillation

Sinus tachycardia is the most common rhythm disturbance in patients with hyperthyroidism.45 However, atrial fibrillation caused by hyperthyroidism (especially subclinical

Thyroid Hormone and the Cardiovascular System

hyperthyroidism) is more common with advancing age.46 Although the yield of

abnormal thyroid function testing, including a low serum TSH level, seems to be low
in patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation, the benefit associated with the ability to
restore thyrotoxic patients to a euthyroid state and sinus rhythm justifies TSH testing
in most patients with recent onset of otherwise unexplained atrial fibrillation or other
supraventricular arrhythmias.47
Symptomatic treatment of thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation includes b-adrenergic
blockade.48 This can be accomplished rapidly, whereas treatments leading to restoration of the euthyroid state require a longer time.40 Digitalis has been used to control
the ventricular response in hyperthyroidism-associated atrial fibrillation, but usually
requires higher doses of this medication. Anticoagulation in patients with hyperthyroidism and atrial fibrillation is controversial because the potential for systemic or
cerebral embolization must be weighed against the risk of bleeding and complications.40 The major risk factor for systemic embolization in thyrotoxicosis seems to
be age and not the presence of atrial fibrillation.49 Therefore, unless there is a separate
cardiac indication for warfarin or other forms of anticoagulation, aspirin can be safely
used in this setting as an alternative in younger individuals.
Successful treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioiodine or antithyroid drugs to
restore normal serum levels of T4 and T3 leads to reversion to sinus rhythm in most
patients within a few months.47 In the setting of atrial fibrillation of longer duration
and in older patients, the rate of reversion to sinus rhythm is lower and electrical or
pharmacologic cardioversion should therefore be attempted, but only after the patient
has been rendered euthyroid.47
Pulmonary Artery Hypertension

There are reports of pulmonary artery hypertension in patients with thyrotoxicosis.31,32,34 An apparent failure of pulmonary arterial resistance to decline, similar
to that seen in the systemic circulation, results in significant increases of both mean
and peak pulmonary artery pressures. These pressures usually normalized with
a return to a chemically euthyroid state.32 Although primary pulmonary hypertension
is a rare, often fatal, disease of unknown cause that primarily affects young women,
the frequency of both Graves disease (and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto
disease) is increased in this patient population as well, suggesting the value of routine
thyroid function tests in all patients with pulmonary hypertension.4,34
Cholesterol Metabolism

Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol occurs in the setting of hypothyroidism and in proportion to the increase in serum TSH levels.42,50 Thyroid hormone
alters cholesterol metabolism through a variety of mechanisms, including a decrease
in LDL receptor expression but, perhaps more importantly, a decrease in biliary excretion. Further support for the role of thyroid hormone in the regulation of cholesterol
metabolism comes from a recent study that describes a liver-selective thyroid
hormone agonist, eprotirome, that can synergistically lower cholesterol levels in
statin-treated patients.50 Not only was high-density lipoprotein significantly decreased
but a unique ability to lower Lp(a), an especially atherogenic lipid particle, was seen.
Amiodarone-Induced Thyroid Disease

Amiodarone is an iodine-rich antiarrhythmic agent effective for the treatment of

ventricular and atrial tachyarrhythmias. Its iodine content and structural similarity to
levothyroxine causes abnormalities in thyroid function tests in as many as 60% of
patients treated with the drug.51,52 Dronedarone, a recently approved noniodinated



Danzi & Klein

benzofuran antiarrhythmic, does not alter thyroid function and confirms this
concept.52,53 Amiodarone inhibits the 50 -monodeiodination of T4 in the liver and pituitary, thereby decreasing serum T3 and increasing serum T4 levels. Serum TSH levels
initially remain normal. In patients with underlying goiter, autoimmune thyroid disease,
defects in thyroid hormone biosynthesis, and in some patients without any risk factors,
there may be a progression to overt chemical and clinical hypothyroidism with
a marked increase in serum TSH levels.51,54
Thyroid function should be measured every 3 months in all patients receiving amiodarone and for at least 6 months after stopping treatment because the effect on
thyroid function can occur at any time after initiating treatment (and, because of the
long half-life of the drug, alterations in thyroid function may still occur up to 1 year after
discontinuing therapy).52
Less common than amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism, but perhaps more challenging, is the development of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. The development
of this condition may be signaled by the new onset or recurrence of ventricular irritability, decreased warfarin sodium dose requirements, or the return or worsening of
heart failure symptoms.52 Early studies distinguished 2 forms of amiodaroneinduced thyrotoxicosis. Type I occurs primarily in patients with preexisting thyroid
disease and most commonly in iodine-deficient areas. These patients frequently
have some measures of thyroid autoimmunity, including antithyroid antibodies.51 In
contrast, type II disease was identified as a form of thyroiditis, presumably mediated
by a variety of proinflammatory cytokines. This process is destructive, causing release
of preformed thyroid hormone, which may continue for weeks or months and most
often is associated with low to absent radioiodine uptake.54 Clinically important is
the report that amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis is associated with a 3-fold
increased risk for major adverse cardiovascular events.55
Therapy for these patients is especially challenging because the use of iodine 131 is
almost always ineffective and treatment with antithyroid drugs has marginal effectiveness.40,51,52,54 Treatment with corticosteroids may provide benefit and, in most cases,
lowers serum levels of both T4 and T3 within 2 to 3 weeks.54 In patients unresponsive
to glucocorticoids with evidence of hyperthyroidism, including weight loss, tachycardia, palpitations, worsening angina, ventricular tachycardia, or other untoward
cardiac effects, treatment with antithyroid therapy such as methimazole is variably
effective.54 Total thyroidectomy with preoperative treatment with b-blockers can be
performed safely and is an effective means of reversing the hyperthyroidism rapidly.55
Discontinuation of amiodarone is a cardiology decision.

The prohormone T4 is metabolized to T3 primarily in the liver, kidney, and skeletal

muscle by 50 -monodeiodination.56 Altered thyroid hormone metabolism occurs in
heart disease, after cardiac surgery, or after acute myocardial infarction, resulting in
low serum T3 levels despite normal TSH and T4.57 In patients with heart failure, the
decrease in serum T3 concentration is proportional to the severity of the heart disease
as assessed by the New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification, and
a low serum T3 level is a powerful predictor of mortality in patients with NYHA Class III
to IV heart failure.58
The heart failure phenotype is similar to the hypothyroid cardiac phenotype.59 Hypothyroidism may also be associated with accelerated atherosclerosis and coronary
artery disease.43 The T3-regulated genes that are altered in overt hypothyroidism

Thyroid Hormone and the Cardiovascular System

are almost identical to the changes in gene expression in heart failure and include the
genes that encode the contractile proteins, a-MHC and b-MHC, the sodium calcium
exchanger (NCX1), SERCA2, PLB, and the b-adrenergic receptor (b-AR).3 The net
effect of these alterations in gene expression is to alter cardiac contractility, calcium
cycling, and diastolic relaxation of the myocardium.22,44
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) levels are increased in the
low T3 syndrome and can impair the expression and the activity of hepatic monodeiodinase, leading to decreased metabolism of T4. The cardiac myocyte seems to transport T3 in marked preference to T4 and is exquisitely sensitive to changes in serum
T3.60 Evidence is accumulating that suggests that low T3 levels contribute to the heart
failure phenotype and that normalization of T3 might improve cardiac function in this
setting. A recent study of T3 treatment of humans with NYHA Class III or IV heart failure
has shown beneficial effects.8 Further studies are required to determine whether
thyroid hormonebased treatments may be useful in selected patients with heart


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T h e Eff e c t o f Th y ro i d
D i s o rde r s on Li p i d
Levels and Metabolism
Leonidas H. Duntas,



*, Gabriela Brenta,


 Thyroid  Cholesterol  Hypothyroidism  TSH
 Hyperthyroidism  Lipids

Thyroid hormones regulate cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism, whereas thyroid

disorders, including overt and subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), considerably alter
lipid profile and promote cardiovascular disease. Hypercholesterolemia in hypothyroidism is caused by a reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors and the
diminishing control by T3 over sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (SREBP2), crucial for the expression of LDL receptor. The action of thyroid hormone on bile
acids has recently emerged as a discernible hypocholesterolemic effect. Increased
flow of bile acids causes depletion of the hepatic cholesterol pool followed by an
increase in the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and the hepatic uptake of cholesterol from the circulation. Good evidence shows that high thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) is associated with a nonfavorable lipid profile, although TSH has no cutoff
threshold for its association with lipids. L-T4 has a hypolipidemic effect in SCH,
whereas the therapeutic benefit is greater with a higher initial value of cholesterol
and TSH. Thyromimetics represent a new class of hypolipidemic drugs: their imminent
application in patients with severe dyslipidemias, combined or not with statins, will
improve the lipid profile, potentially accelerate energy expenditure and, as a consequence, vitally lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease.
More than a century ago, in 1900, von Noorden, working in Vienna, recognized the
fact that the thyroid plays a key role in the development of fatty disease. In 1918
researchers determined that blood cholesterol is related to the glands of internal
secretion, particularly to the adrenals and thyroid, whereas studies in the early
1930s revealed the connection of cholesterol with thyroid function and disease.13
At the beginning of that decade, specifically on Christmas day of 1930, a landmark

Disclosure: There is no conflict of interest for the authors.

Endocrine Unit, Evgenidion Hospital, University of Athens, 20 Papadiamantopoulou Street,
11528 Athens, Greece
Department of Endocrinology, Dr Cesar Milstein Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 269281
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Duntas & Brenta

article published by Mason and colleagues4 in the New England Journal of Medicine
revealed the significance of cholesterol values in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Shortly thereafter, mainstream studies were published concerning the induction of
hypothyroidism through cholesterol feeding to rabbits and the discovery that thyroid
hormone supplementation inhibited the development of this lesion.5 Subsequently,
thyroid functioning has been firmly associated with cholesterol levels, whereas the
incidence of hypothyroidism has consistently been reported to be significantly higher
in patients with hypercholesterolemia.6 The rise of cholesterol together with arterial
hypertension, which is usually from the increased peripheral resistance, constitutes
a major risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in hypothyroidism.7
In a multicenter study evaluating the prevalence of hypothyroidism in 752 hypercholesterolemic patients, primary hypothyroidism amounted to 3.7%, SCH to 2.4% and
overt hypothyroidism to 1.4%.8 The overall prevalence of hypothyroidism was calculated at 4.3% in patients with hypercholesterolemia. In contrast, in thyrotoxicosis
cholesterol synthesis is increased, but this is simultaneously counterbalanced by an
enhanced rate of degradation and excretion.9 In addition, free fatty acid release and
fatty acid oxidation have been described as being higher in hyperthyroidism, and
this impairment may promote insulin resistance.10
The biochemical and molecular alterations induced by thyroid hormones in lipids
during thyroid dysfunctions are variable, therefore constituting a complex field of
study. This article updates the current knowledge concerning the impact of thyroid
disease on lipid metabolism and pathophysiology and reviews the effect of thyromimetics on lipids and the controversy surrounding thyroxine treatment of SCH.


Cholesterol is generated within the body through hydrolysis of the molecules acetyl
coenzyme A (CoA) and acetoacetyl-CoA, which form 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarylCoA (HMG-CoA) that is then reduced to mevalonate by the rate-limiting enzyme
HMG-CoA reductase. Cholesterol is transported within the blood by lipoproteins
called, based on increasing density, chylomicrons, very low-density lipoprotein
(VLDL), intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), LDL, and high-density lipoprotein
(HDL). As shown by centrifugational analysis, cardioprotective HDL may be subdivided into HDL2 (lipid content, 59%67%) and HDL3 (4%44%).11 Cholesterol
synthesis is mediated by the sensing of intracellular cholesterol in the endoplasmic
reticulum via SREBP 1 and 2, the transcription factor that positively regulates the
expression of LDL receptor and cholesterol synthesis, and which is bound to two other
proteins, SCAP (SREBP-cleavage-activating protein) and INSIG1 (insulin-induced
gene 1).12 The SREBP-2 gene is regulated by thyroid hormone. After cleavage by
specific proteases, namely S1P (sphingosine-1-phosphate) and S2P, SREBP migrates
to the nucleus and acts as a transcription factor to bind to the sterol regulatory
element, which stimulates the transcription of the low-density lipoprotein LDL receptor
and HMG-CoA reductase genes. Increased serum triglycerides have been associated
with proatherogenic changes in lipoproteins, for instance reduction of cardioprotective HDL and generation of small dense LDL.13,14
Reverse Cholesterol Transport

Cholesterol is removed from the extrahepatic tissues by HDL and is transferred back
to the liver by a pathway named reverse cholesterol transport, the most important and
effective antiatherogenic process of the human body.

Effect of Thyroid Disorders

Cholesterol is converted to cholesteryl esters by lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase

(LCAT) and is transported by cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) from HDL2 to
serum triglycerides, VLDL, and LDL, and vice versa. Subsequently LDL can be taken
up by the liver LDL receptor (Fig. 1). The enzyme hepatic lipase regulates the hydrolysis of HDL2 to HDL3, whereas the lipoprotein lipase catabolizes serum triglycerides
and transports free cholesterol into HDL.

Thyroid hormones have variable effects on lipid metabolism, because thyroid function
regulates cholesterol synthesis and degradation and mediates the activity of key
enzymes.15 The cholesterol-lowering effect of thyroid hormones mainly occurs
through an increased expression of LDL receptors at the hepatic and peripheral levels.
The fact that T3 regulates LDL receptors was discovered more than 40 years ago after
the observation that in conditions of hypothyroidism, LDL cholesterol elimination was
reduced (Fig. 2).9,16 It was subsequently shown that the number of LDL receptors in
human murine fibroblasts and hepatocytes was regulated by T3,17 and that in hypothyroid rats, the hepatic levels of LDL receptor mRNA were decreased (see
Fig. 2).18,19 The causative mechanisms consist of an indirect effect through the

Fig. 1. The cholesterol transport from the peripheral tissues to the liver is mediated by HDL.
LPL delipidates chylomicrons and VLDL, leading to production of IDL and transport of phospholipids into HDL, which carry cholesterol from extrahepatic tissues to the liver. Free
cholesterol is esterified by LCAT to cholesteryl ester, which is transported by CETP from
HDL2 to VLDL and IDL. CETP, cholesteryl-esters transfer protein; FC, free cholesterol; HDL,
high density lipoproteins; HL, hepatic lipase; IDL, intermediate density lipoproteins; LCAT,
lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; Tg, triglyceride; TH, thyroid
hormones; VLDL, very low-density lipoproteins.



Duntas & Brenta

Fig. 2. Pathogenetic mechanism of increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism reduces the expression of LDL mRNA and the number of LDL receptors and the binding of LDL to LDL receptor, leading to increased half-life of LDL levels,
reduced degradation of LDL in the fibroblasts, enhanced residence time in serum, and
susceptibility to oxidation.

increased expression of SREBP-220 and a direct effect of T3 on the promoter of the

LDL receptor gene.21 Although T3 increases the expression of LDL membrane receptors, an increase of mRNA, protein, and activity of HMG-CoA occurs concomitantly.22,23 Moreover, thyroid hormone to varying degrees increases the activity of
the enzymes involved in the metabolism of lipoproteins and reverse cholesterol transport, such as hepatic lipase,24 lipoprotein lipase,25,26 CETP,27 and LCAT28 (see Fig. 1).
The deranged binding of iodothyronines to lipoproteins in hypothyroidism manifests in
their binding to small subfractions of HDL, thereby potentially altering the molecular
In hypothyroidism, if SREBP-2 nuclear protein levels are raised independently of
thyroid hormones, activation of LDL receptor gene expression and reversal of the
associated hypercholesterolemia are nonetheless achieved.30 Researchers have
therefore proposed that the reduced LDL receptor and the elevated serum cholesterol
that have been linked to hypothyroidism may be considered to be consequential to the
thyroid hormone impact on SREBP-2. These findings indicate that potential exists for
reversal of hypercholesterolemia associated with hypothyroidism via agents capable
of directly elevating SREBP-2. The same findings moreover imply that mutations or
drugs that reduce nuclear SREBP-2 would cause hypercholesterolemia.
Another explanation for the cholesterol-lowering effect, as is shown with thyromimetics, is the accelerated clearance of cholesterol by the liver. This is achieved
through increase of the HDL receptor, known as scavenger receptor B1,31 and
increasing bile acid synthesis via the upregulation of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase,32 the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of bile acids.
The depletion of the intrahepatic cholesterol pool caused by increased flow of bile
acids is followed by an increase in the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and of the
hepatic uptake of cholesterol from the circulation. Both processes are regulated by
thyroid hormones and help to maintain the balance in hepatic cholesterol levels.
Recently, bile acids have been implicated in thyroid-regulated energy metabolism

Effect of Thyroid Disorders

because of its activation of the TGR-5/adenylate cyclase/type 2 deiodinase

pathway.33 It has also been suggested that bile acids interact with the thyroid set point
axis, because the TSH decreases after a nutritional load is correlated to the bile acid
Recently, the carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) that,
together with SREBP-1c, controls hepatic lipogenesis, was found to be regulated by
thyroid hormone in mamamals.34 Researchers have also recently reported that
ChREBP mRNA is positively controlled by T3 binding to thyroid receptor -1.35 This
novel observation indicates that TH fine-tunes hepatic lipogenesis through regulating
SREBP-1c and ChREBP gene expression reciprocally.35 T3 additionally has a lipogenic
effect in white adipose tissue where both thyroid receptor isoforms are expressed.36
However, T3 upregulates apolipoprotein AV gene (APOAV), which is a major determinant of serum triglycerides metabolism.37 The fact that T3 increases APOAV mRNA
and protein levels in hepatocyte, thus leading to a decrease of triglyceride, points to
a plausible mechanism of T3 action and a potential therapeutic target for control of
triglyceride metabolism.

The lipid profile in hypothyroidism is characterized by increased total and LDL cholesterol levels with increased or normal HDL levels. Usually the HDL2 subfraction, and not
the HDL3, is elevated.38 Triglyceride levels are not markedly affected or are at most
slightly elevated. However, it has been recorded that the levels of lipoprotein (a)
may be increased.39 All of these abnormalities are reversed by treatment with L-T4.
The most frequent form of dyslipidemia, as shown in a study of 295 overt hypothyroid
patients, is type IIA or pure hypercholesterolemia (56%), followed by type IIb (hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia; 34%) and type IV (hypertriglyceridemia;
1.5%), whereas only 8.5% had no lipid abnormalities.39
The pathophysiologic mechanism behind these lipid abnormalities has been determined to be a decreased biosynthesis and degradation of lipoproteins, with a predominance in the reduction of catabolic pathways.18 The reduction in the number of LDL
receptors results in an excess of LDL particles, which circulate in plasma and are
prone to oxidation (see Fig. 2). A lower activity of the enzymes lipoprotein lipase25,26
and hepatic lipase24 has been extensively described in overt hypothyroidism, together
with a decrease in the activity of CETP.27 These changes in enzymatic activity could
account for the increased levels of lipoproteins possessing high atherogenic potential,
such as VLDL and VLDL remnants/IDL, in plasma of hypothyroid patients. Similar to
what occurs with LDL particles in excess, aberrant receptors of macrophages can
also dispose of these remnants and initiate the transformation into foam cells and
oxidation of LDL.40,41 Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity, which is an HDL-associated lactonase that protects against macrophage-mediated LDL oxidation, is reportedly
decreased in thyroid disorders,42 and therefore researchers have postulated that
the increased LDL oxidation in hypothyroidism is caused to some extent by the
reduced PON1 activity.43
Regarding LDL size, except for one study,44 most agree that there is an absence of
small LDL in hypothyroidism.4547
Although HDL particles may attain increased levels in hypothyroidism, the net effect
of the impaired activity of the lipoprotein remodeling enzymes on HDL functional
capacity remains to be determined.
Serum concentrations of nonHDL cholesterol (nonHDL-C) have also been reportedly increased in hypothyroidism, presumably caused by the disturbed metabolism of



Duntas & Brenta

LDL and remnants.48,49 Replacement therapy with LT4 reduces nonHDL-C levels,
thus potentially contributing to cardioprotection, taking into consideration that assessment of nonHDL-C, which constitutes a secondary target of therapy, was proposed
in patients at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.48,50

Concerning SCH, several older studies, in the 1970s and 1980s, showed a lipoprotein
derangement and hypothesized that this could be associated with increased cardiovascular risk.5153 Although 1% to 11% of all patients with dyslipidemia have SCH, the
results of epidemiologic studies analyzing lipid levels according to thyroid status are
highly controversial.54 The U.S. Colorado study, with a population sample of 25,862
subjects,55 showed that patients with SCH had higher levels of total cholesterol
compared with the remaining euthyroid population. However, in an Austrian population
study of 6014 subjects,56 SCH was found to yield similar cholesterol levels to those of
euthyroids, whereas cholesterol values were higher only in the group with overt hypothyroidism. Likewise, a cross-sectional analysis of a population sample57 of the third U.S.
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) showed that, although
cholesterol and triglyceride levels were higher in patients with SCH than in euthyroid
subjects, after adjusting for variables such as sex, race, age, and whether the patient
was under lipid lowering drugs, SCH was not related to an abnormal lipid profile. In
contrast, another study that distributed patients into groups according to severity of dyslipidemia58 showed a larger incidence of SCH was found in the group with the highest
levels of serum cholesterol. These findings are consistent with the results of a recent
study showing a high prevalence of SCH in a population of 1610 women older than
50 years with dyslipidemia.59
A plausible explanation for the discrepancy between these study results may reside
in the great heterogeneity of the populations studied. Among factors involved are
differences in TSH levels used to define SCH and in selection criteria according to
age, sex, race, degree of smoking,60 or insulin resistance.61 In fact, good evidence
has been provided that the association of TSH with LDL cholesterol is modified by
insulin sensitivity. Insulin-resistant patients with high normal TSH are more susceptible
to higher cholesterol serum levels. These results have been replicated in the Fermantle
study, a community-based observational study, including 117 women with type 2 diabetes mellitus.62 Therefore, although hyperinsulinemia may determine an increased
hepatic output of VLDL particles, hypothyroidism might meanwhile suppress their
removal, resulting in the net effect of accumulation of modified lipoproteins. Moreover,
researchers have reported that in SCH, LDL particles have an impaired composition
and become triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.62 VLDL remnants and IDL tend to accumulate in circulation.49,63 Furthermore, both atherogenic alterations have been associated with a reduction of hepatic lipase activity.63,64 However, fractional clearance
rates of triglycerides and cholesteryl esters have been reportedly equal in patients
with SCH and controls, indicating that lipolysis and remnant removal of triglyceriderich lipoproteins were normal.65 Nevertheless, transfer of triglycerides to HDL was
reduced when compared with controls.
All of these findings have resulted in the hypothesis that TSH has no cutoff threshold
for its association with lipids.

Treatment of severe hypothyroidism with L-T4 reverses lipid abnormalities. In subclinical forms of the disease, however, the results are less conclusive. Numerous

Effect of Thyroid Disorders

intervention studies are being conducted to evaluate lipid changes in SCH. A frequently
quoted meta-analysis66 involving a selection of 13 intervention studies registered a reduction in lipids, especially in patients in whom the baseline total cholesterol level was
greater than 240 mg/dL. After the publication of this meta-analysis, other placebocontrolled studies were performed. In 66 women with TSH greater than 5 mU/L treated
over 50 weeks with L-T4, a significant reduction of 3.2% and 8% in total cholesterol
and LDL, respectively, was seen at the end of the treatment period.67 In another trial,
subclinical hypothyroid patients were randomized to placebo or L-T4 for a 6 months.68
A reduction of 9% and 13% in total cholesterol and LDL, respectively, was shown,
although the results were criticized because no significant difference was seen between
the levels of cholesterol in the placebo and treated groups by the end of the study. Nevertheless, in a subsequent study by this research group, carotid intima-media thickness
values were found to be higher in the subclinical hypothyroid group, and cholesterol
levels after treatment were clearly lower than those in the placebo group.69
L-thyroxine administration has exhibited a significant cholesterol-lowering effect in
hypercholesterolemic patients with antibody-positive, high-normal (2.04.0 mIU/L)
TSH levels compared with those with low-normal (0.401.99 mU/mL) TSH levels.70
Thus, it has been suggested that the known associations of overt and SCH with hyperlipidemia may be extended into the normal range of thyroid function.70
This assumption was further confirmed in the large, population-based, fifth Troms
study71 recruiting 5143 Norwegian subjects in whom a slight but significant association between TSH levels and total cholesterol and LDL was reported. Further analysis
of a subgroup of 84 patients with TSH levels between 3.5 and 10 mU/L also showed
significantly higher levels of total cholesterol and LDL compared with the control
group. The Nord-Trndelag Health (HUNT) study,72 another epidemiologic study,
also conducted in Norway, enrolling 30,565 participants, similarly showed that a linear
increase of total cholesterol, LDL-C, nonHDL-C, and triglycerides, and a decrease in
HDL cholesterol is seen within the normal range of TSH.
A double-blind crossover study involving 100 subjects with TSH greater than 6.1
mU/L showed a significant decrease in total cholesterol and LDL after 12 weeks of
treatment with 100 mg L-T4.73 Similarly, in a trial using individually adjusted doses of
L-T4, the authors noted a reduction of cholesterol levels, especially in patients with
TSH greater than 8 mU/L.74
According to the results of most of the intervention studies, L-T4 has a hypolipemic
effect in SCH, whereas the therapeutic benefit is greater with a higher initial value of
cholesterol and TSH.
Cardiovascular Risk

Thyroid disorders have been associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Although this finding is evidence-based in manifested hypothyroidism, questionable
whether this association exists in SCH is questionable.7579 The association of thyroid
disease with cardiovascular disease partly may be explained by thyroid hormones
regulation of lipid metabolism and its effects on blood pressure.80,81 However, the
impact of various degrees of thyroid dysfunction on these factors continues to be
debated.75,82,83 Most studies in SCH have exhibited a favorable effect in that they
reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.75,84,85

In hyperthyroidism, an increase is seen in the synthesis and degradation of lipids, with

a predominance of the catabolic pathways. Consequently, plasma levels of cholesterol



Duntas & Brenta

are reduced in hyperthyroid patients.86,87 Although this finding can be partly attributed
to malnutrition and weight loss, the high uptake of cholesterol into cells and its larger
excretion in bile salts through the gut can all contribute to the hypolipemic effect
observed in these patients.16,17,39 Nevertheless, although LDL serum levels are low in
hyperthyroidism, which may account for an antiatherogenic benefit, LDL particles are
more prone to oxidation.88,89 Furthermore, HDL, and more specifically subfraction
HDL2, has been found reduced in hyperthyroidism (43 to 27).
In adipose tissue, lipolysis is also augmented, with elevation of nonesterified fatty
acids (NEFA) in plasma, with their consequent oxidization and enhanced ketogenesis
in the liver.90,91 However, mild hypertriglyceridemia has been paradoxically observed
in hyperthyroidism. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon would be that hepatic
lipogenesis is augmented, accompanied by an increased fatty acyl-CoA availability for
hepatic reesterification, although evidence shows a direct stimulation of hepatic lipogenesis by thyroid hormones.92
Normalization of lipid changes on reversal of the thyrotoxic state has been noted by
several authors, although the magnitude of the response depends on factors such as
the duration and modality of treatment of the thyroid dysfunction and the characteristics of each individual.93,94

The notion that the T3 effect on plasma cholesterol levels is mediated through TRb1
has ignited research into the development of thyroid hormone receptor isoform bselective analogs, the thyromimetics that specifically target TRb1, either through
selective hepatic uptake and/or through higher binding affinity to TRb1, to treat hypercholesterolemia, while avoiding adverse effects in the heart or skeleton.95 They may
protect from atherosclerosis by promoting reverse cholesterol transport and activating
hepatic lipase. They reduced serum cholesterol levels by 25% and serum triglycerides
by 75% in chow-fed mice and also attenuated diet-induced hypercholesterolemia.
Sobetirome reduced plasma HDL cholesterol levels, increased expression of the
hepatic HDL receptor SR-BI, stimulated activity of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase,
and increased fecal excretion of bile acids.96,97
Eprotirome (KB2115), another TRb1-selective agent, has been shown to be capable
of lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoprotein(a) in hypercholesterolemic
patients receiving statins.98 Thus, a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind,
multicenter trial showed that the addition of placebo or eprotirome at a dose of 25,
50, or 100 mg daily for 12 weeks to ongoing statin treatment significantly decreased
the mean level of serum LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein B, triglycerides, lipoprotein(a)
up to a mean reduction from baseline of 7%, 22%, 28%, and 32%, respectively.97
Eprotirome therapy was shown to be safe, TSH and T3 levels were not influenced,
and it was not associated with adverse effects. New phase III studies with thyromimetics in dyslipidemic patients, combined or not with statins, are currently ongoing. It is
reasonably expected that they will improve the lipid profile, potentially accelerate
energy expenditure and, consequently, vitally lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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T h e Eff e c t o f
Medications on
T h y ro i d F u n c t i o n
Te st s
Priya Kundra,



*, Kenneth D. Burman,



 Thyroid function  Medication  Hormone  Euthyroid state

Abnormal results of thyroid function tests are possible effects of drugs and medications. The pathways of thyroid hormone synthesis, secretion, transport, metabolism,
and absorption offer numerous targets for medication interactions (Fig. 1A, B). Normal
thyroid secretion depends on thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is inhibited by
thyroid hormones and stimulated by endogenous thyrotropin-releasing hormone
(TRH). Circulating iodide is trapped by a specific iodide symporter protein in thyroid
cells, after which it is oxidized and incorporated into tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin,
which then couple to form thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T4 and T3 are
released from thyroglobulin and then secreted into the circulation. In the periphery,
T4 is converted to T3 in the liver and other tissues by the action of 50 -T4 monodeiodinases. Type 1 50 -deiodinase predominates in the liver, kidneys, and thyroid; type 2
50 -deiodinase predominates in the brain, pituitary and skin. About 80% of T4 and T3
are metabolized by deiodination and 20% by other pathways that include conjugation
with glucuronide and sulfate. T4 and T3 may be conjugated with glucuronide and
sulfate in the liver, excreted in the bile, and partially hydrolyzed in the intestine; the
T4 and T3 formed there may be reabsorbed in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In tissues,
T3 and T4 are bound to nuclear receptor proteins that interact with regulatory regions
of the genes, influencing their expression. In serum, most circulating T4 and T3 bind to
proteins including thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), transthyretin, and albumin. A
small percentage (approximately 0.3% of T3 and 0.03% of T4) are unbound and available for binding to tissue T3 receptors. This article focuses on the groups of medications affecting production, regulation, secretion, transport, binding, metabolism, and
absorption of T4 and T3. It also focuses on the medications that can clinically influence

Endocrine Section, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC 20010,
Georgetown University Hospital, 3800 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA
* Corresponding author. Endocrine Section, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street NW,
Washington, DC 20010.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 283295

0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Kundra & Burman

Fig. 1. (A, B) Pathways of thyroid hormone action. TRH, thyrotropin-releasing hormone;

TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone. (Reprinted from Surks MI, Sievert R. Drugs and thyroid
function. N Engl J Med 1995;333:1689, published by The Massachusetts Medical Society;
with permission.)

thyroid hormone homeostasis and on medications that we think are potentially significant or relevant. It does not include all possible medications that may influence
thyroid function tests. Box 1 provides a summary of the drugs involved with altered
thyroid function tests discussed in this article.


Many agents can acutely suppress serum thyrotropin levels to subnormal levels,
including dopamine, glucocorticoids, octreotide, and bexarotene. Dopamine infusions
at greater than 1 mg/kg/min are known to block TSH release.1,2 Glucocorticoids,
particularly dexamethasone, at as low a dose as 0.5 mg/d and hydrocortisone at
100 mg/d, inhibit TSH secretion. However, clinically higher doses of dexamethasone
(ie, >4 mg per day) inhibit extrathyroidal T3 production, leading to lower TSH values.
Brabant and colleagues3 showed that 4 mg of intravenous dexamethasone led to
a rapid decrease in TSH concentrations and a decrease in TT3. Also, short-acting
octreotide at 100 mg/d inhibits TSH release.4 However, dopamine, glucocorticoids,
and octreotide generally do not lower TSH concentrations to undetectable values
(eg, less than 0.01 mU/mL). Bexarotene, a retinoid X receptor ligand, is known to
suppress the pituitary TSH-b promoter, leading to central hypothyroidism. Sherman5
showed that, in patients with T cell lymphoma receiving bexarotene, serum TSH levels
decreased in proportion to the dose of bexarotene, with the greatest decrease for
doses of more than 300 mg/m2 with a mean TSH of 0.05 mU/L. Patients developed
symptoms of hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone levels returned to normal following

Thyroid Function Tests

Box 1
Drugs causing thyroid dysfunction
Decrease TSH secretion:
Glucocorticoids: inhibit TSH release
Dopamine: blocks TSH release
Octreotide: inhibits TSH release
Bexarotene: suppresses pituitary TSH-b promoter
Alter thyroid hormone secretion:
Decrease thyroid hormone secretion: iodide, amiodarone, lithium
Increase thyroid hormone secretion: iodide, amiodarone
Decrease T4 absorption:
Cholesystramine, colestipol, sucralfate, ferrous sulfate, aluminum hydroxide, omeprazole
Alter T4 and T3 transport in serum:
Increase serum TBG: estrogens, heroin, methadone, mitotane, fluorouracil
Decrease serum TBG: androgens, anabolic steroids
Displacement from protein-binding sites: furosemide, salicylates, meclofenamate, heparin
Alter T4 and T3 metabolism:
Increase hepatic metabolism: phenobarbital and rifampin
Increase hepatic metabolism and displace from binding proteins: phenytoin and
Cytokine mediated:
Interferon (IFN) a
Immune reconstitution:
Hypothyroidism (tyrosine kinase inhibitors):
Sunitinib: ? destructive thyroiditis,? blockade of iodine uptake,? inhibition of peroxidase
Imatinib: ? induction of uridine diphosphate-glucuronosylotransferases (UGTs)

discontinuation of bexarotene. Smit and colleagues6 also discovered that, in athyreotic subjects, bexarotene given for 6 weeks decreased free thyroxine (FT4) levels
but the ratio of T4 sulfate/FT4 increased by 48%, possibly secondary to induction
of T4 sulfation. There seemed to be a greater induction of the enzyme responsible
for T4 conjugation with sulfate leading to an increased ratio of sulfated T4/FT4 (T4
sulfate/FT4) because more T4 was present in the sulfated form and less in the free

Iodine has varied effects on the thyroid gland depending on the dose and duration of
iodine exposure and on the underlying thyroid condition. Short-term iodine exposure
(usually up to 710 days) can inhibit thyroid hormone secretion. This is called the
Wolff-Chaikoff effect. However, with continued iodine exposure, there is an escape



Kundra & Burman

from this inhibition and hyperthyroidism can result (termed escape from the WolffChaikoff effect or the Jod-Basedow phenomenon). Several agents can cause
iodide-induced hyperthyroidism and many of these can also cause hypothyroidism.
Iodide-induced hyperthyroidism generally develops in individuals with multinodular
goiter (MNG) or hyperfunctioning thyroid adenoma secondary to the Jod-Basedow
phenomenon, in which iodine serves as a substrate for thyroid hormone synthesis.
Iodide-induced hypothyroidism generally develops secondary to a failure to escape
from the Wolff-Chaikoff effect in chronic autoimmune thyroid disease, or Graves
hyperthyroidism. Iodide inhibits thyroidal organification (Wolff-Chaikoff) but usually
in up to 48 hours there is a decrease in sodium iodide symporter activity to allow restoration of organification (hence escape from Wolff-Chaikoff).

The use of radiocontrast dyes and amiodarone are the most common medicationinduced causes of hypothyroidism. Pharmacologic doses of iodine (up to 180 mg/d)
can induce hypothyroidism in euthyroid patients with chronic thyroiditis.7 In a large
male cohort of more than 600 individuals, overt hypothyroidism (TSH >10 mU/L) developed in 5% of patients receiving amiodarone, but subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH
4.510 mU/L) developed in an additional 25%.8 Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most
common risk factor for the development of amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism (AIT).
AIT typically occurs between 6 and 12 months of treatment with amiodarone. If amiodarone cannot be discontinued, levothyroxine (L-T4) therapy can be initiated. Amiodarone administration to euthyroid subjects results in a decrease in serum T3 levels and an
increase in serum T4, free T4, reverse T4, and TSH levels. These results are related to
a decrease in intracellular T4 transport, inhibition of type 1 50 -deiodinase and pituitary
type 2 50 -deiodinase, as well as antagonizing T3 binding to its nuclear receptor in the
pituitary.9 The dose of L-T4 needed to normalize TSH may be higher in patients treated
with amiodarone as a result of the decreased intrapituitary T3 production caused by
inhibition of pituitary type 2 50 -deiodinase. Basaria and Cooper10 outlined surveillance
and management of AIT (Fig. 2).

Radiocontrast agents, which contain as much as 140 to 180 mg/mL of iodine, may
cause hyperthyroidism within several weeks after exposure. Generally, pharmacologic
doses of iodine (180 mg/d) can cause hyperthyroidism in patients with nontoxic
nodular goiter, solitary autonomous goiter, or underlying Graves disease.7 The
frequency, timing, and duration of hyperthyroidism caused by various radiocontrast
dyes may vary, in part depending on the underlying condition, but these issues
have not been well studied. Amiodarone can cause hyperthyroidism by 2 mechanisms: iodine-induced hyperthyroidism or induction of thyroiditis. In the United States,
3% to 5% of patients treated with amiodarone become hyperthyroid, usually between
4 months and 3 years after the initiation of the drug.8 There are 2 types of amiodaroneinduced hyperthyroidism. Type 1 typically occurs in individuals with nontoxic MNG or
Graves disease and type 2 is a drug-induced destructive thyroiditis. Many patients
have an overlap syndrome between type 1 and type 2 disease. Basaria and Cooper10
compared AIT type 1 and 2 (Table 1).
Traditionally, large doses of antithyroid drugs have been used to treat type 1 AIT,
including methimazole 40 to 80 mg per day or propylthiouracil (PTU) 400 to 800 mg
per day. For patients with type 2, prednisone is considered to be the treatment of
choice. With daily prednisone at doses of 40 to 60 mg, there is rapid improvement

Thyroid Function Tests

Check TSH, FT4, T3

and Anti-TPO antibody
before starting

If TSH normal, repeat

every 3-6 months

If TSH >4.5, FT4

elevated and duration
is < 3 months, observe

If TSH >4.5, FT4

normal or high and > 6
months subclinical

If symptomatic or
pregnant: LT4

If TSH >4.5, FT4 low

overt hypothyroidism

If asymptomatic, repeat
TSH in 3 months

LT4 therapy

Fig. 2. Surveillance and management of amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism. TPO, thyroid

peroxidase. (Reprinted from Basaria S, Cooper DS. Amiodarone and the thyroid. Am J Med
2005;118:709, published by Elsevier; with permission.)

in thyroid function in most patients. Basaria and Cooper10 also comment on surveillance and management of amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism (Fig. 3).
Our experience is that many patients may have an overlap between these 2 types of
hyperthyroidism. Treatment approaches should be individualized and the patients
monitored closely.

Table 1
AIT type 1 and 2

AIT Type 1

AIT Type 2

Preexisting thyroid disease

Yes (multinodular goiter or

latent Graves)


Physical examination

Goiter, nodule(s)

Normal to slightly firm.

Occasionally tender.

Duration of amiodarone

12 y

>2 y

Thyroid function tests

High FT4, T3 normal or high

High FT4, T3 normal or high

Thyroid autoantibodies

Absent (unless Graves)


Radioiodine uptake


Very low

Thyroid ultrasound

Multinodular goiter or Graves


Color flow Doppler

Increased flow

Normal or decreased flow


Stop amiodarone, if possible;

high-dose antithyroid drugs


Subsequent hypothyroidism



Reprinted from Basaria S, Cooper DS. Amiodarone and the thyroid. Am J Med 2005;118:711, published by Elsevier; with permission.



Kundra & Burman

Check TSH, Free T4, T3 and

Anti-TPO antibody
before starting amiodarone

Repeat 3-6 months

if TSH normal

If TSH <.1 mU/l and FT4 and

T3 are normal or minimally
increased; repeat in 2-4 weeks

TSH <.1 mU/l; FT4 elevated,

T3 elevated or 50% higher
than baseline

ultrasound and doppler

study of the thyroid

stop amiodarone if possible

If studies suggest Type I

AIT, start high dose
antithyroid drugs

If studies suggest Type 2 AIT,

start prednisone

Fig. 3. Surveillance and management of amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism. (Reprinted

from Basaria S, Cooper DS. Amiodarone and the thyroid. Am J Med 2005;118:712, published
by Elsevier; with permission.)


Lithium can cause goiter, hypothyroidism, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, and

possibly hyperthyroidism. The mechanism by which lithium inhibits thyroid hormone
secretion is not well understood. In vitro, lithium decreases colloid droplet formation
within thyroid follicular cells, a reflection of decreased pinocytosis of colloid from
the follicular lumen.11 The efficiency of proteolytic digestion of thyroglobulin within
phagolysosomes also may be impaired. The inhibition of thyroid hormone results in
an increase in pituitary TSH and an enlarged thyroid gland. The prevalence of goiter
may be as high as 50% and usually occurs within the first 2 years of treatment.12
Hypothyroidism has been reported in 5% to 20% of patients treated with lithium,
usually occurs within the first 2 years of therapy, and tends to be subclinical in nature.
Lithium treatment usually need not be discontinued if levothyroxine replacement is
initiated. It is likely that many patients who develop hypothyroidism during lithium
treatment have underlying chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. In addition, lithium may
induce autoimmune thyroid disease. Furthermore, Burman and colleagues13 evaluated 7 patients who were euthyroid after treatment of Graves disease and showed
that lithium administration in these patients resulted in lowering of T3, T4, and reverse
T3 concentrations likely related to an inhibitory effect on thyroid hormone synthesis
and release.

There are 3 different types of thyroid dysfunction associated with IFN a treatment: (1)
autoimmune (often subclinical) hypothyroidism, (2) destructive thyroiditis, and (3)
Graves-like hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism.
Immune modulation may be a cause because IFN a is associated with development of

Thyroid Function Tests

antithyroid peroxidase antibodies in approximately 20% of patients. These abnormalities can occur as early as 4 weeks and as late as 23 months after initiation. In patients
treated with IFN a, hypothyroidism occurs in 2.4% to 19%, with most patients having
thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies (87%).14 Hypothyroidism can be transient,
subsiding after discontinuation of IFN a. Koh and colleagues15 showed that as
many as 56% of patients had permanent hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, levothyroxine therapy is indicated without the need to withdraw IFN therapy. Destructive
thyroiditis usually occurs in the first few weeks of IFN treatment in close temporal relationship with the appearance of thyroid autoantibodies, especially thyroglobulin antibodies. In addition, ribavarin along with IFN for the treatment of hepatitis C does not
modify the thyroid autoantibody pattern, but is associated with a higher risk of hypothyroidism.16 Thyrotoxicosis is frequently mild and transient without overt clinical
manifestations and may be diagnosed only by obtaining frequent thyroid function
tests. The duration of destructive thyroiditis is variable, ranging from a few weeks to
a few months. IFN treatment may also cause hyperthyroidism, which may occur after
a transient phase of destructive thyroiditis or following a period of hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism related to IFN is associated with thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin
(TSI) antibodies and increased uptake on technetium scintigraphy, but not with
features of ophthalmopathy. TSH measurements should be performed every 8 to 12
weeks during IFN a treatment. When destructive thyroiditis is present, treatment
with b-blockade is often useful to control the signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.
When IFN causes hyperthyroidism, antithyroid agents such as methimazole or propylthiouracil may be administered if clinically indicated in the setting of thyrotoxicosis.

Thyroid autoimmunity resulting from immune reconstitution from lymphocytopenia

has been reported in the literature in patients receiving alemtuzumab, a humanized
monoclonal antibody that targets CD52 on lymphocytes and monocytes. In 216
patients with multiple sclerosis treated with alemtuzumab, 32 developed hyperthyroidism and 15 developed hypothyroidism.17 These events occurred with the presence of thyroid autoantibodies in 96% of affected patients and occurred up to 30
months after the last dose. Similarly, 4 patients with type 1 diabetes developed hyperthyroidism after immune suppressive therapy had been stopped 2 to 21 months earlier
for a failing islet cell graft.18 These 4 patients had a pretransplant positivity for TPO
autoantibodies. It is hypothesized that drug-induced lymphopenia in patients with
previously existing occult autoimmune thyroiditis predisposes to a reactivation of
autoimmune mechanisms when T-lymphocytes are repopulated and thus to an aberrant immune reconstitution.

Medications may increase or decrease serum TBG concentrations, thereby causing

changes in serum total, but not free, T4 and free T3 (FT3) concentrations. The most
common cause of an increase in serum TBG concentration is the administration of
estrogen (eg, birth control pills). Estrogens produce increased sialylation of TBG,
which decreases its rate of clearance and raises its serum concentration. The increase
in TBG in serum is dose dependent. In a study by Mandel and colleagues19 of women
with hypothyroidism who were receiving T4 and became pregnant, an increase of 45%
in the dose was needed to maintain normal serum TSH concentrations because of
estradiol-induced increases in TBG and 30% to 40% increase in plasma volume.20



Kundra & Burman

In addition, in women with hypothyroidism treated with thyroxine, estrogen therapy

may increase the need for thyroxine.21
Serum TBG concentrations are increased in about 50% of patients who use heroin or
are treated with methadone.22 There was a significant increase in the mean concentration of TT3, TT4, and TBG in the serum of 145 clinically euthyroid patients on maintenance methadone for approximately 6 weeks at doses of 15 to 45 mg/d compared
with euthyroid controls not on methadone.23 In contrast, free T4 and TSH levels were
not different in the 2 groups. The increase in serum TBG, which can lead to increased
TT4 and TT3 levels, may result from liver disease rather than from specific effects of
these drugs. Mitotane and fluorouracil are also associated with increases in serum
concentrations of total T4 and T3 and likely increase the serum concentration of
TBG. Patients taking androgens or anabolic steroids have decreased serum TBG.24
At therapeutic concentrations, several drugs inhibit binding of T4 and T3 to TBG.
Large doses of furosemide (>80 mg) result in a transient increase in serum-free T4
concentrations and a decrease in serum total T4 concentrations.21 Several nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drugs have similar effects.25 Salicylates (in doses of >2.0 g per day)
and salsalate (in doses of 1.53 g per day) also inhibit the binding of T4 and T3 to
TBG; salicylates inhibit binding to transthyretin as well.26 Initially, the inhibition of
binding to TBG results in transiently increased circulating thyroid hormone levels that
cause transfer of T4 and T3 into intracellular sites, resulting in temporary TSH suppression and leading to a reduced thyroid hormone secretion. In particular, a study of 25
healthy adults receiving salsalate and aspirin at 1 g 4 times a day for 1 week showed
an approximately 30% to 50% decrease in TT4, TT3, and TSH compared with timeadjusted baseline levels, but TSH remained within normal levels.26 These thyroid function abnormalities are drug and dose dependent and can last several days after a large
dose of salsalate. Serum-free T4 increases transiently after administration of heparin.27
This increase is caused by in vitro inhibition of protein binding of T4 by free fatty acids
generated as a result of the ability of heparin to activate lipoprotein lipase.28

T4 and T3 are metabolized enzymatically mainly by deiodination but also by glucuronidation and sulfation. Phenobarbital and rifampin increase T4 and T3 metabolism by
stimulating hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme activity.29,30 Patients with
hypothyroidism who are treated with phenobarbital cannot augment thyroid hormone
production and secretion, thereby exacerbating their hypothyroidism. Phenytoin and
carbamazepine augment the rate of thyroid hormone metabolism and displace thyroid
hormone from the serum binding proteins, principally TBG.31 In 9 euthyroid patients
treated with phenytoin at therapeutic levels, mean serum T4 decreased to 60% of
that of the control group and mean T3 decreased to 78% of that of the control
group.31In 10 euthyroid patients treated with carbamazepine at therapeutic levels,
mean serum T4 decreased to 74% of that of the control group and mean T3 decreased
to 83% of that of the control group. Serum FT4 concentrations remained unchanged
by ultrafiltration and TSH levels remained within normal range in patients treated with
phenytoin and carbamazepine. Hypothyroid patients treated with T4 may need
a higher LT4 dose when treated with any of these agents.

Multiple medications have been reported to impair the absorption of exogenous

thyroxine and decrease its efficacy. Normally, about 80% of a usual dose of

Thyroid Function Tests

levothyroxine (eg, 50150 mg per day) is absorbed, mostly in the jejunum and the upper
part of the ileum.32 The bile acidbinding resins, cholestyramine and colestipol, bind
thyroid hormones and decrease their absorption. A decrease in serum T4 concentrations and an increase in serum TSH concentrations occurred when cholestyramine
was administered to patients with hypothyroidism treated with T4.33 Calcium
carbonate reduces the absorption of exogenous T4. In a prospective cohort of 20
hypothyroid patients taking 1200 mg of elemental calcium (as calcium carbonate)
for 3 months, the mean serum-free and total T4 concentrations decreased significantly
during coadministration of calcium carbonate, by 8% and 7% respectively.34 The
mean serum TSH concentration increased by 69%, with 20% of patients having serum
TSH concentrations greater than the normal range. These changes resolved after
calcium carbonate was discontinued. Sucralfate, ferrous sulfate, and aluminum
hydroxide also bind T4 in the gut, but their effect is smaller and also less consistent
than those described earlier.3537 Normal gastric acid secretion seems to be necessary for normal thyroid hormone absorption. Centanni and colleagues38 showed
that, in 10 patients treated with omeprazole for multinodular goiter, a 37% increase
in the dose of levothyroxine was required after 6 months to obtain similar TSH levels
to those of patients treated without omeprazole. Italian coffee (espresso) has also
been shown to interfere with T4 intestinal absorption. Benvenga and colleagues39 reported 8 patients in whom coffee given with L-T4 compared with water lowered the
average and peak incremental increases in serum T4. These changes are unrelated
to change in intragastric pH and result from an interaction that makes L-T4 less available for absorption. It is unknown whether these effects are applicable more widely
with varying types of coffee, and to what extent these findings apply clinically.

Sunitinib is an inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) tyrosine kinase

and platelet-derived growth factor receptors used to treat renal cell cancer (RCC)
and GI stromal tumors (GIST).40 The potential mechanisms by which sunitinib might
induce thyroid dysfunction include destructive thyroiditis, blockade of iodine uptake,
and inhibition of peroxidase activity. Desai and colleagues41 investigated 42 euthyroid patients receiving 50 mg of sunitinib for 2 to 4 weeks with 2 weeks of no therapy
for 4 to 6 cycles. Hypothyroidism was developed by 15/42 patients after an average
of 50 weeks. All patients normalized TSH values after receiving thyroxine. Two sonographic findings in hypothyroid patients showed atrophy of the thyroid gland, suggesting destructive thyroiditis as a cause. Rini and colleagues42 investigated 66
patients with RCC treated with sunitinib (50 mg daily for first 28 days of a 42-day
cycle). One or more thyroid function abnormalities of hypothyroidism were found in
56/66 at a median cycle of 2 with a range of 1 to 14. Rini and colleagues42 suggested
that sunitinib prevented binding of VEGF to normal thyroid cells and/or impaired
thyroid blood flow resulting in thyroiditis. Grossmann and colleagues43 studied 12/
25 patients who developed thyroid dysfunction after receiving sunitinib 50 mg/
d for 28 days for each 6-week cycle for metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Of these,
2 had a transiently reduced TSH with normal FT4 and FT3, 4 developed hypothyroidism without evidence of preceding hyperthyroidism, and 6 developed hyperthyroidism. Ultimately, 8 developed permanent hypothyroidism. It was postulated
that, in the 6 patients who had thyrotoxicosis, thyroiditis was likely because of (1)
rapid improvement in thyroid function tests with progression to hypothyroidism, (2)
high thyroglobulin levels, (3) high FT4/FT3 ratio, and (4) decreased uptake on thyroid
scan. Mannavola and colleagues44 investigated 24 patients with GIST given 4 weeks



Kundra & Burman

of daily treatment with sunitinib at a dose of 50 mg orally and 2 weeks of withdrawal.

After 1 to 6 cycles, 46% developed hypothyroidism. Thyroid sonographic abnormalities or variations in serum thyroglobulin and antithyroid antibodies were not found.
I was reduced, suggesting blockade of iodine uptake as a potential mechanism
of hypothyroidism. Salem and colleagues45 showed that FRTL-5 cells treated with
10 mM of sunitinib did not affect iodide efflux, but did increase influx at 24 hours in
a dose-dependent manner. Wong and colleagues46 discovered that 21/40 patients
receiving sunitinib 50 mg daily for 4 weeks in a 6-week cycle (up to 48 months) developed hypothyroidism. Sunitinib inhibited peroxidase activity in the iodination and
guaiacol assay. The antiperoxidase activity of sunitinib was 25% to 30% of that of
PTU. In addition, Alexandrescu and colleagues47 reported a case of sunitinibassociated lymphocytic thyroiditis without circulating antithyroid antibodies. There
is a wide spectrum of thyroid alterations associated with sunitinib therapy, likely
modulated by various molecular mediators. No prospective studies have evaluated
the early treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism in patients treated with tyrosine
kinase inhibitors. Systematic assessment of thyroid function at baseline and at the
beginning of each treatment cycle is recommended. Treatment with levothyroxine
should be based on clinical context and laboratory evaluation and may be considered, particularly if the TSH exceeds 10 mIU/L.48 There are many other multikinase
inhibitors being used clinically, but, in general, their likelihood of causing thyroid
perturbations has not been adequately studied.

Imatinib belongs to the 2-phenylaminopyridine class and targets BCR-ABL, plateletderived growth factor receptor, and c-kit receptor tyrosine kinases. De Groot and
colleagues49 treated 11 patients (10 with medullary thyroid cancer and 1 with GIST)
on levothyroxine and imatinib (400800 mg) for an average of 6 months. TSH levels
increased to 384% (228%) of upper limits, whereas FT4 and FT3 decreased respectively to 59% (17%) and 63% (4%). De Groot and colleagues49 suggested induction of UGTs involved in conjugation and T4/T3 clearance as a cause of
hypothyroidism. In athyreotic patients, thyroidal compensation does not occur and
the dose of levothyroxine sodium should be increased in a timely manner.

In summary, drug-induced thyroid disorders are common in clinical practice. It is

important to recognize the various drugs contributing to thyroid dysfunction for a timely
intervention to help achieve a euthyroid state. Box 1 provides a summary of the drugs
involved with altered thyroid function tests.

1. Brabant K, Prank C, Hoang-Vu RD, et al. Hypothalamic regulation of pulsatile

thyrotropin secretion. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1991;72(1):14550.
2. Agner T, Hagen C, Anderson A, et al. Increased dopaminergic activity inhibits
basal and metoclopramide-stimulated prolactin and thyrotropin secretion.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1986;62(4):77882.
3. Brabant G, Brabant U, Ranft K, et al. Circadian and pulsatile thyrotropin secretion
in euthyroid man under the influence of thyroid hormone and glucocorticoid
administration. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1987;65(1):838.

Thyroid Function Tests

4. Williams T, Kelijman M, Crelin W, et al. Differential effects of somatostatin (SRIH)

and a SRIH analog, SMS 201-995, on the secretion of growth hormone and
thyroid-stimulating hormone in man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1988;66(1):3945.
5. Sherman SI. Etiology, diagnosis and treatment recommendations for central
hypothyroidism associated with bexarotene therapy for cutaneous T cell
lymphoma. Clin Lymphoma 2003;3(4):24952.
6. Smit JW, Stokkel MP, Pereira AM, et al. Bexarotene induced hypothyroidism: bexarotene stimulates the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormones. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92(7):24969.
7. Braverman L. Iodine induced thyroid disease. 3rd thyroid symposium, AMA.
8. Batcher EL, Tang XC, Singh BN, et al, SAFE-T Investigators. Thyroid function
abnormalities during amiodarone therapy for persistent atrial fibrillation. Am J
Med 2007;120(10):8805.
9. Norman MF, Lavin TN. Antagonism of thyroid hormone action by amiodarone in
rat pituitary tumor cells. J Clin Invest 1989;83:30613.
10. Basaria S, Cooper DS. Amiodarone and the thyroid. Am J Med 2005;118:70614.
11. Williams JA, Berens SC, Wolff J. Thyroid secretion in vitro: inhibition of TSH and dibutyryl cyclic-AMP stimulated 131I release by Li1. Endocrinology 1971;88:13858.
12. Lazarus JH, Richards AR, Addison GM, et al. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with
lithium carbonate. Lancet 1974;2:1160.
13. Burman KD, Dimond RC, Earll JM, et al. Wartofsky sensitivity to lithium in treated
Graves disease: effects on serum T4, T3 and reverse T3. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
14. Carella C, Mazziotti G, Amato G, et al. Interferon a related thyroid disease: pathophysiologic, epidemiologic, and clinical aspects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;
15. Koh LK, Greenspan FS, Yeo PP. Interferon a induced thyroid dysfunction: three
clinical presentations and a review of the literature. Thyroid 1997;7:8916.
16. Carella C, Mazziotti G, Morisco F, et al. The addition if ribavirin to interferon-alpha
therapy in patients with hepatitis C virus-related chronic hepatitis does not modify
the thyroid autoantibody pattern but increases the risk of developing hypothyroidism. Eur J Endocrinol 2002;146:7439.
17. CAMMS223 Trial Investigators, Coles AJ, Compston DA, et al. Alemtuzumab vs.
interferon Beta-1a in early multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med 2008;359:1786801.
18. Gillard P, Huurman V, Van der Auwera B, et al. Graves hyperthyroidism after stopping immune suppressive therapy in type I diabetic islet cell recipients with pretransplant TPO-autoantibodies. Diabetes Care 2009;32:18.
19. Mandel SJ, Larsen PR, Seely EW, et al. Increased need for thyroxine during pregnancy in women with primary hypothyroidism. N Engl J Med 1990;323:916.
20. Alexander EK. Timing and magnitude of increases in levothyroxine requirements
during pregnancy in women with hypothyroidism. N Engl J Med 2004;351(3):2419.
21. Arafah BM. Increased need for thyroxine in women with hypothyroidism during
estrogen therapy. N Engl J Med 2001;344:17439.
22. Surks MI, Sievert R. Drugs and thyroid function. N Engl J Med 1995;333:168894.
23. English T, Ruxton D, Eastman C. Abnormalities in thyroid function associated with
chronic therapy with methadone. Clin Chem 1988;34/11:22024.
24. Deyssig R, Weissel M. Ingestion of androgenic-anabolic steroids induces mild thyroidal
impairment in male body builders. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1993;76(4):106971.
25. Wang R, Nelson JC, Wilcox RB. Salsalate and salicylate binding to and their
displacement of thyroxine from thyroxine-binding globulin, transthyrin, and
albumin. Thyroid 1999;9(4):35964.



Kundra & Burman

26. Samuels MH, Pillote K, Asher D, et al. Variable effects of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents on thyroid test results. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003;
27. Jain R, Uy HL. Increase in serum free thyrosine levels related to intravenous
heparin treatment. Ann Intern Med 1996;124(1 Pt 1):745.
28. Jaume JC, Mendel CM, Frost PH, et al. Extremely low doses of heparin release
lipase activity into the plasma and can thereby cause artifactual elevations in
the serum-free thyroxine concentration as measured by equilibrium dialysis.
Thyroid 1996;6:79.
29. Oppenheimer JH, Bernstein G, Surks MI. Increased thyroxine turnover and
thyroidal function after stimulation of hepatocellular binding of thyroxine by
phenobarbital. J Clin Invest 1968;47:1399.
30. Isley WL. Effect of rifampin therapy on thyroid function tests in a hypothyroid
patient on replacement L-thyroxine. Ann Intern Med 1987;107:517.
31. Surks MI, DeFesi CR. Normal serum free thyroid hormone concentrations in
patients treated with phenytoin or carbamezipine. JAMA 1996;275:14958.
32. Hays MT. Thyroid hormone and the gut. Endocr Res 1988;14(2-3):20324.
33. Harmon SM, Siefert CF. Levothyroxine-cholestyramine interaction reemphasized.
Ann Intern Med 1991;115:658.
34. Singh N, Singh PN, Hershman JM. Effect of calcium carbonate on the absorption
of levothyroxine. JAMA 2000;283:2822.
35. Sherman SI, Tielens ET, Ladenson PW. Sucralfate causes malabsorption of
L-thyroxine. Am J Med 1994;96(6):5315.
36. Campbell NR, Hasinoff BB, Stalts H, et al. Ferrous sulfate reduces thyroxine efficacy in patients with hypothyroidism. Ann Intern Med 1992;117(12):10103.
37. Sperber AD, Liel Y. Evidence for interference with the intestinal absorption of
levothyroxine sodium by aluminum hydroxide. Arch Intern Med 1992;152(1):
38. Centanni M, Gargano L, Canettieri G, et al. Thyroxine in goiter, Helicobacter pylori
infection, and chronic gastritis. N Engl J Med 2006;354:1787.
39. Benvenga S, Bartolone L, Pappalardo MA, et al. Altered intestinal absorption of
L-thyroxine caused by coffee. Thyroid 2008;18(3):293301.
40. Chow LQ, Eckhardt SG. Sunitinib: from rational design to clinical efficacy. J Clin
Oncol 2007;25(7):88496.
41. Desai J, Yassa L, Marqusee E, et al. Hypothyroidism after sunitinib treatment for
patients with gastrointestinal tumors. Ann Intern Med 2006;145:6604.
42. Rini BI, Tamaskar I, Shaheen P, et al. Hypothyroidism in patients with metastatic
renal cell carcinoma treated with sunitinib. J Natl Cancer Inst 2007;99:813.
43. Grossmann M, Premaratne E, Desai J, et al. Thyrotoxicosis during sunitinib treatment for renal cell carcinoma. Clin Endocrinol 2008;69(4):66972.
44. Mannavola D, Coco P, Vannachi G, et al. A novel tyrosine-kinase selective inhibitor, sunitinib, induces transient hypothyroidism by blocking iodine uptake. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 2007;92(9):35314.
45. Salem AK, Fenton MS, Marion KM, et al. Effect of sunitinib on growth and function
of FRTL-5 thyroid cells. Thyroid 2008;18(6):6315.
46. Wong E, Rosen LS, Mulay M, et al. Sunitinib induces hypothyroidism in advanced
cancer patients and may inhibit thyroid peroxidase activity. Thyroid 2007;17(4):
47. Alexandrescu DT, Popoveniuc G, Farzanmehr H, et al. Sunitinib-associated
lymphocytic thyroiditis without circulating antithyroid antibodies. Thyroid 2008;

Thyroid Function Tests

48. Torino F, Corsello S, Longo R, et al. Is hypothyroidism a clinically relevant toxicity

of tyrosine kinase inhibitors? Thyroid 2009;19(5):53940.
49. De Groot JW, Zonnenberg BA, Plukker JT, et al. Imatinib induces hypothyroidism
in patients receiving levothyroxine. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2005;78:4338.


A p p ro a c h t o a n d
Tre a t m e n t o f T h y ro i d
D i s o rd e r s i n t h e E l d e r l y
Maria Papaleontiou,


, Megan R. Haymart,



 Older adults  Thyroid cancer  Longevity
 Thyroid function  Hyperthyroidism  Hypothyroidism
 Thyroid nodule  Age

Interpretation of thyroid function tests in older adults is difficult because of the agedependent physiologic changes in thyroid function, coexistent chronic illness, and
polypharmacy.14 However, thyroid dysfunction is common in older adults and may
be associated with significant morbidity if not treated. The classic symptoms of thyroid
dysfunction are usually absent or may be overlooked in older patients, making the
diagnosis and subsequent management challenging.
The management of thyroid disorders in older adults remains controversial. There
has been conflicting literature regarding the approach. Despite the ongoing debate,
current guidelines suggest considering treatment on an individual basis according
to symptoms and possible treatment benefit.5 However, in older patients the risk of
harm from treatment complicates the decision-making process.
The objective of this article is to review the epidemiology, clinical presentation, risks
and complications, and management of thyroid disorders in older adults, including
hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.

Several studies have investigated the role of thyroid function in the aging process.
Recent reports have shown increased levels of serum thyrotropin (TSH) with
increasing age, independent of antithyroid antibody presence1; by contrast, others
have demonstrated decreased serum TSH in older adults.2,3 Populations in which

Disclosures: Drs Papaleontiou and Haymart have no commercial relationships to disclose.

Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department of Medicine, University of
Michigan Health System, 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, PO Box 451, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, and Hematology/Oncology, Department
of Medicine, University of Michigan Health System, 300 North Ingalls Building, NI 3A17, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 297310
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Papaleontiou & Haymart

the dominant abnormality is thyroid deficiency secondary to Hashimoto thyroiditis

display a trend for the upper limit of TSH to increase with age.6,7 On the contrary,
an inverse relationship between TSH and age is seen in iodine-deficient populations
in which the dominant thyroid abnormality is nodularity and increasing thyroid
autonomy with age.8 Most studies have demonstrated an age-dependent decline in
free triiodothyronine (T3) levels, whereas free thyroxine (T4) levels remain relatively
unchanged2,3 and reverse T3 (rT3) levels increase with increasing age. However, interpretation of thyroid function tests in older adults is often complicated by the presence
of chronic illness (whereby free T3 can be low and rT3 high) and polypharmacy.4
Furthermore, differences in iodine intake and the presence of autoimmune thyroid
disease make the distinction between age-related and disease-related abnormalities
in thyroid function even more challenging.9
There is convincing evidence that higher levels of TSH are associated with longevity.
Atzmon and colleagues10 concluded that serum TSH levels were significantly higher in
centenarians (mean age 98 years) compared with controls (P<.001). Several other
studies have also shown increased TSH levels (mean age 85 years) and low to lownormal free T4 levels (mean age 78 years) to be associated with a better survival in
older adults.11,12 It is hypothesized that the association of a higher TSH level with
longevity may be due to a correlated lower bioactivity of thyroid hormone, which in
turn leads to a lower basal metabolic rate and thus potentially may serve as an adaptive mechanism to prevent catabolism in older adults.12 Moreover, the offspring of
individuals with longevity were also shown to have higher TSH levels than those of
age-matched controls without familial longevity (mean age 70 years), indicating
a genetic predisposition.13
Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation

The prevalence of hyperthyroidism in older adults is estimated to be 0.5% to 4%.14

Although Graves disease still remains the most common cause of hypothyroidism,
the prevalence of multinodular goiter and toxic nodular adenomas tends to increase
with age.15,16 Two-thirds of older adults with hyperthyroidism have a similar presentation to younger patients. Symptoms are consistent with sympathetic overactivity
and include tremors, anxiety, palpitations, weight loss, and heat intolerance.
However, one-third of older adults present with apathetic hyperthyroidism.17 The
paucity of clinical signs of hyperthyroidism in older adults (70 years) has been
confirmed by several studies,18,19 with weight loss, apathy, and tachycardia the
most commonly occurring symptoms (P<.001). A large cross-sectional study by Boelaert and colleagues20 (N 5 3049) showed an increased prevalence of weight loss in
older patients (>61 years) and identified shortness of breath as a symptom
commonly reported in older adults (P<.001). This study also demonstrated a higher
proportion of older adults reporting only 1 or 2 symptoms, versus 5 or more in the
younger patients. The absence of classic symptoms and signs in older adults presents a diagnostic challenge, and may lead to a delay in treatment and worse
More common than overt hyperthyroidism in older adults is subclinical hyperthyroidism, which is estimated to have a prevalence of 3% to 8%2123 and is more
common in women than in men, especially in patients older than 70 years.24 In a study
of the natural history of subclinical hyperthyroidism in female patients 60 years or older
(N 5 102), Rosario25 showed that progression to overt hyperthyroidism is infrequent,
at 1% per year.

Treatment of Thyroid Disorders in the Elderly

Risks, Complications, and Sequelae

Atrial fibrillation

It has been clearly demonstrated that age is independently associated with an increased
risk of developing atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is estimated to be present in up to
20% to 35% of older patients suffering from hyperthyroidism,19,26,27 and is especially
common in those with hyperthyroidism secondary to toxic nodule(s).19 Long-standing
low serum TSH concentration in older patients is associated with a 3-fold increased
risk of developing atrial fibrillation.28 Because of the greater incidence of underlying
cardiac disease, the risk of developing atrial fibrillation is increased in patients older
than 60 years. Atrial fibrillation in older adults may sometimes be the only clinical sign
of hyperthyroidism. However, the degeneration of the sinus node and fibrotic changes
in the cardiac conduction system make the presence of palpitations less likely. In addition, frequent use of b-blockers or amiodarone in these patients can mask the arrhythmia.
By contrast, younger hyperthyroid patients often present with sinus tachycardia.20
Cardiovascular mortality

Overt hyperthyroidism, and less often subclinical hyperthyroidism, can be accompanied by several cardiovascular changes including widened pulse pressure, exercise
intolerance, increased risk for atrial fibrillation, and increased cardiac mass.29 Several
cross-sectional and case-control studies have found that decreased levels of serum
TSH are associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in older adults.30 In addition, subclinical hyperthyroidism has been shown to be associated with left ventricular
hypertrophy, which is a predictor of cardiovascular mortality.29

Overt hyperthyroidism is a well-recognized risk factor leading to low bone mineral

density and osteoporotic fractures, especially in older women.31 Thyroid hormone
acts on osteoblasts and osteoclasts to increase bone turnover, leading to net bone
loss.32 Of note, most studies investigating the relationship between thyroid dysfunction and fracture risk have been specific to women. Bauer and colleagues,33 in a large
prospective study of fractures (N 5 686), reported that women older than 65 with
a TSH level of 0.1 mIU/L or less had a 3-fold increased risk for hip fracture and a 4fold increased risk for vertebral fracture compared with euthyroid counterparts. In
a study of subclinical hyperthyroidism in older adults (mean age 72.8 years) with
sex-specific analysis, men were found to have an increased incidence of hip fractures
compared with women (13.8% vs 12%; P<.01).34

Contradicting studies exist regarding the association of symptoms and signs of ophthalmopathy in Graves disease with increasing age. Most studies published on this
subject have demonstrated a positive correlation between prevalence and severity
of ophthalmopathy with increasing age.19,35 However, one prospective cohort study
found ophthalmopathy to be more frequent in younger patients than in older adults
with Graves disease (46% vs 6%; P<.001).20

As in younger patients, the initial diagnostic test for suspected hyperthyroidism in

older adults is a serum TSH test. However, hospitalized elderly patients who are
acutely ill may demonstrate depressed TSH without actually being hyperthyroid.
When the clinical presentation of thyrotoxicosis is not diagnostic of Graves disease,
a radioactive iodine (RAI) uptake test should be performed to help determine the
cause. A scan should be added if thyroid nodules are also identified.5



Papaleontiou & Haymart

Symptomatic treatment of hyperthyroidism in older adults consists of b-adrenergic

blockade. b-Adrenergic blockade decreases the heart rate and systolic blood pressure and can also improve tremor, irritability, emotional lability, and exercise intolerance. Anticoagulation may be indicated in patients who present with atrial fibrillation.
Treatment modalities that may be used for hyperthyroidism include RAI ablation
therapy, antithyroid medications, and thyroidectomy.
RAI ablation is often used in older adults because of its efficacy, safety, and costeffectiveness.36 An appropriate dose is calculated from the previous thyroid-uptake
scan. A drawback to this management approach is that hyperthyroidism is reversed
gradually over months, and cardiac issues may need to be managed aggressively until
the thyrotoxic state is reversed. More than 80% of these patients subsequently
develop hypothyroidism and require thyroid hormone replacement therapy.36
Methimazole is the preferred antithyroid medication. However, older adults may be
at greater risk of recurrence of hyperthyroidism after drug therapy and of side effects
of medication.36 Data suggest that older adults taking propylthiouracil or high doses of
methimazole may be at greater risk for side effects. Agranulocytosis is the major
adverse event in this population, occurring in 0.5% of those treated. Rash, arthralgias,
and myalgias also occur more frequently.36
Depending on comorbidities, surgical approaches are less commonly used in older
adults with hyperthyroidism, because of the increased risk of morbidity.37 Surgery is reserved for large goiters with obstructive symptoms, or known or suspected malignancy.38
Regarding subclinical hyperthyroidism in older adults, guidelines advocate periodic
clinical and biochemical assessment. Recent guidelines by the American Thyroid
Association (ATA) and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommend
that patients older than 65 years be treated if their TSH level is less than 0.1 mIU/L and
that treatment can be considered if their TSH level is between 0.1 and 0.5 mIU/L.22,39
Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation

Estimates of the prevalence and incidence of hypothyroidism among older adults are
variable, depending on populations studied and criteria used to define the condition.40
A large screening study (N 5 25,000) revealed that 10% of men and 16% of women
aged 65 to 74 years had TSH levels above the upper limit of the reference range.41
The most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) reported
that compared with men in the same age range, a significantly greater number of
women aged 50 to 69 met criteria for subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism.6 Moreover, a study evaluating geriatric patients under medical care demonstrated that 15%
of the women and 17% of the men had previously undiagnosed hypothyroidism.42
The incidence of hypothyroidism steadily increases with advancing age, predominantly because of a rising incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto).4345 In
a survey by Reinhardt and Mann,46 the reported incidence of Hashimoto thyroiditis
was 67% in a patient population with a mean age of 73 years (N 5 24). A survey of
patients in the endocrinology clinic revealed that 47% of patients aged 55 years
and older presenting with primary hypothyroidism carried a diagnosis of autoimmune
thyroiditis, whereas 27% had postsurgical hypothyroidism and 10% had post-RAI
A high index of suspicion is required for a diagnosis of hypothyroidism in older
adults because symptoms and signs such as fatigue, weakness, constipation, dry
skin, and cold intolerance may be attributed to other diseases common in older
patients, medication side effects, or aging itself.3,48 Psychiatric symptoms, such as

Treatment of Thyroid Disorders in the Elderly

depression, are also common in older adults with hypothyroidism. A prospective study
by Doucet and colleagues49 compared 24 clinical symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism between older (n 5 67; mean age 79.3 years) and younger (n 5 54; mean
age 40.8 years) patients. It was concluded that the mean number of clinical signs in
older adults was 6.6, compared with 9.3 in the younger population. Fatigue and weakness were the most common symptoms in older adults, with cold intolerance, paresthesia, weight gain, and abdominal cramps being less common.
Risks, Complications, and Sequelae
Cognitive impairment

Hypothyroidism in older adults has been associated with impairment of several cognitive domains including memory, attention and concentration, language, executive
function, and perceptual and visuospatial function.50,51 Severe hypothyroidism may
mimic depression and dementia. Neuropsychiatric symptoms usually improve with
treatment and restoration of a euthyroid state.52
The relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and cognition is less clear. It is
postulated that older adults may be more vulnerable to the effects of subclinical hypothyroidism, given age-related changes to the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis.
However, several studies in older adults did not show a significant association
between mildly elevated TSH and reduced cognitive performance.53,54
Cardiovascular effects

The cardiovascular consequences of hypothyroidism in older adults are thought to be

due to a reduction in both stroke volume and heart rate.55 Other contributing factors
include increased risk of atherosclerosis, increased arterial stiffness, endothelial
dysfunction, and altered coagulation parameters.56 All of these abnormalities regress
with levothyroxine replacement.
Myxedema coma

Myxedema coma occurs almost exclusively in older adults with long-standing primary
hypothyroidism, and is usually precipitated by a concomitant medical illness. Patients
may present with a rapid development of stupor, seizures, or coma along with respiratory depression. Hallmark signs of myxedema coma include localized neurologic
signs, hypothermia, bradycardia, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia.55 Myxedema
coma is a severe and life-threatening clinical state in older adults, with a mortality
rate as high as 40%.5759

Despite the high prevalence of thyroid hormone use in this population, there are no
concrete data on when and at what dose to initiate thyroid hormone replacement in
older adults. Somwaru and colleagues60 collected data on thyroid hormone medication
from community-dwelling individuals aged 65 years and older (mean age 72.8 years)
enrolled in the Cardiovascular Health Study (N 5 5888) over a span of 16 years. It
was concluded that thyroid hormone use is common in patients older than 65, with
up to 20% being treated with levothyroxine. The incidence of thyroid hormone replacement in adults aged 85 years and older was more than twice as frequent as that in
adults aged 65 to 89 years (hazard ratio 2.34; 95% confidence interval 1.433.85).60
Older patients often have lower dose requirements for levothyroxine, which may be
related to several factors including declining metabolic clearance, slow progression of
underlying thyroid failure, declining body mass, and interactions with other medications.61 On average, older adults with primary hypothyroidism receive initial daily
doses that are 20 mg lower and maintenance daily doses that are 40 mg lower than



Papaleontiou & Haymart

those prescribed for younger patients of comparable weight.6264 Thyroid hormone

increases myocardial oxygen demand, which may induce cardiac arrhythmias, angina
pectoris, or myocardial infarction in older patients. Once the cardiovascular tolerance
of a starting dose has been assessed, a gradual increase by 12.5 to 25 mg every 4 to 6
weeks is recommended until adequate replacement is confirmed by serum TSH
Physicians treating hypothyroidism in older adults should target a normal TSH
range.65 In a recent survey of ATA members, 39% of them recommended targeting
a TSH range of 0.5 to 2.0 mIU/L when treating younger patients, whereas a comparable
number reported being more liberal in their approach to older adults, targeting a TSH
range of 1.0 to 4.0 mIU/L.65 This approach avoids overtreatment with excessive doses
of levothyroxine, which can be associated with increased risks of atrial fibrillation and
progressive loss of bone mineral density in this population.66
Management of subclinical hypothyroidism in older adults is controversial, and
guidelines have been published both for67 and against68,69 routine treatment in older
adults. Several placebo-controlled randomized trials have failed to find a reduction in
the symptoms of subclinical hypothyroidism with treatment,70,71 suggesting there is
no benefit to treatment.72,73 Surks and colleagues68 recommend against routine treatment of patients older than 58 years with TSH levels between 4.5 and 10 mIU/L
because of the lack of evidence indicating adverse health outcomes in untreated
patients in this group, excluding progression to overt hypothyroidism. Chu and
Crapo69 recommend levothyroxine replacement therapy in patients with a TSH level
greater than 10 mIU/L on repeated measurements, clear symptoms or signs associated with thyroid failure, a family history of thyroid disease, or severe hyperlipidemia
not previously diagnosed.
Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation

It is known that the prevalence of thyroid nodules increases with age.74 By the age of 65
years, nearly 50% of individuals in iodine-sufficient areas have thyroid nodules when
evaluated with ultrasonography.75 A survey by Cavaliere and colleagues76 showed
that the prevalence of multinodular goiter in older adults in an iodine-deficient area
was 74% in patients aged 55 to 75 years and 54% in patients aged 76 to 84 years.
Thyroid nodules may be benign adenomas, cysts, cancers, or inflammation.

The approach to the management of a solitary thyroid nodule in an older adult is the
same as that in a younger patient. With the discovery of a new thyroid nodule,
a complete history and physical examination should be performed. Pertinent questions should include history of head and neck or whole-body irradiation, exposure
to ionizing radiation, and family history of thyroid cancer or syndromes such as
multiple endocrine neoplasia. Physical findings such as palpable cervical lymphadenopathy, hoarseness, or fixation of the nodule to surrounding tissue raise suspicion
for malignancy.
As per recent ATA guidelines,77 initial evaluation constitutes measurement of serum
TSH. If the TSH is subnormal, the next step consists of a radionuclide thyroid scan
using either technetium pertechnetate or RAI. A diagnostic thyroid ultrasonogram
should be performed in all patients with known or suspected thyroid nodules when
TSH is found to be normal or high. Ultrasonographic features associated with a higher
likelihood of malignancy include hypoechogenicity, increased intranodular vascularity,

Treatment of Thyroid Disorders in the Elderly

presence of microcalcifications, absence of a halo, irregular borders, a nodule with

a height greater than width, and presence of suspicious cervical lymphadenopathy.
Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is the subsequent specific diagnostic
test, but this is not generally recommended for subcentimeter nodules.
Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation

The prevalence of clinically apparent thyroid cancer in adults aged 50 to 70 years is

estimated to be 0.1%.78 As patients age, there is a greater incidence in poorly differentiated types of thyroid cancer.79,80
However, well-differentiated papillary thyroid cancer is still the most common thyroid
cancer in older adults, with a presentation similar to that in younger patients. These
tumors are slow growing, and most patients are asymptomatic or may present with
a painless neck mass. More advanced disease may present with palpable cervical
lymphadenopathy, hoarseness, dysphagia, and respiratory distress secondary to local
invasion and compression. A retrospective study of data from the National Cancer
Institutes Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) registry reported that
the incidence of papillary thyroid cancer is increasing disproportionally in patients older
than 45 years, and the most commonly found tumor in this group is now a papillary
thyroid microcarcinoma (<1 cm).81 It is speculated that these increased rates are
due to the increasing use of imaging studies and subsequent discovery of incidental
thyroid nodules in older patients.
Follicular thyroid cancer is more common in areas of iodine deficiency, with the peak
incidence in the sixth decade of life.74,82 It commonly presents with an asymptomatic
neck mass, which may be incidentally discovered on imaging studies.
Sporadic forms of medullary thyroid cancer are more common than familial forms in
older patients.83 Many patients present with a palpable neck mass. There may be local
or systemic symptoms secondary to metastases. Symptoms of hormone hypersecretion include diarrhea, flushing, and bronchospasm.
Anaplastic thyroid cancer is aggressive and has a peak incidence in the seventh
decade of life.74 It often arises within a more differentiated thyroid cancer, and usually
presents as a rapidly growing neck mass with metastases at the time of diagnosis. In
a recent retrospective study, 26 anaplastic thyroid cancers were identified out of 1500
thyroid cancers over a span of 16 years. The average anaplastic tumor size at diagnosis was 7.35 cm, with lymph node involvement in 61.5% and distant metastases
in 34.5% of cases.84
Risks, Complications, and Sequelae

Thyroid cancer is the only cancer for which age is included in the American Joint
Committee on Cancer TNM staging system.8587 The mortality rates of patients with
thyroid cancer increase starting at age 45 years.88 A steady decline in survival rates
has been reported with increasing age, regardless of the degree of differentiation of
the thyroid cancer.89,90 A large retrospective study (N 5 53,856) demonstrated lower
10-year survival rates in patients older than 45 years with papillary (47%85% vs
97%), follicular (57%66% vs 98%), medullary (63%80% vs 88%), and anaplastic
(5-year survival rate: 13% vs 55%) thyroid cancer.78 Extension of thyroid cancer
outside the gland significantly worsened the prognosis in older patients, whereas it
did not alter the favorable prognosis in younger patients.9194 In a study of the
SEER database, the presence of lymph node metastases had no effect on survival
in patients younger than 45 years. However, in patients 45 years or older, there was



Papaleontiou & Haymart

an associated 46% increased risk of death with lymph node positivity (P<.001).95
Distant metastases are also a serious prognostic sign in older patients with thyroid
cancer91; this may be related to thyroid cancer being less RAI-avid in older patients
than in younger patients.85,96
Recurrence rates of thyroid cancer have also been shown to be influenced by age.86
Cady and colleagues91 demonstrated that women older than 50 years had a 32% risk
of thyroid cancer recurrence compared with 10% in those younger than 50.

The modalities used for the management of thyroid cancer in older adults are essentially the same as those used in younger patients. Frequently the surgical approach
for a thyroid cancer larger than 1 cm is near-total or total thyroidectomy. Thyroid
lobectomy alone may be sufficient for tumors smaller than 1 cm. Central neck
dissection should accompany total thyroidectomy in patients with clinically involved
central or lateral neck lymph nodes.77 Even though older patients may exhibit
a higher surgical risk because of comorbidities, age by itself is not a contraindication
to thyroidectomy.
Postoperative RAI ablation of thyroid remnants is indicated for all patients with
known iodine-avid distant metastases, gross extrathyroidal extension of the tumor
regardless of tumor size, or primary tumor size greater than 4 cm, even in the absence
of other risk factors.77 Dosimetry-guided RAI ablation therapy may be preferable to
fixed-dose RAI ablation treatment strategies in older patients with advanced thyroid
cancer, as evidenced by a study showing that administered activities above 7.4
GBq (200 mCi) will exceed the maximal safe level in a substantial number of patients
older than 70 years.97 Older age, renal failure, and liver failure are associated with
lower clearance of radioiodine.97
Unstimulated thyroglobulin should be periodically assessed. One year after RAI
ablation, measurement of thyroglobulin under TSH stimulation is useful because
it is more sensitive. If the stimulated level is greater than 2 ng/mL, diagnostic
imaging studies should be performed for localization of persistent versus recurrent
Thyroxine-suppression therapy is used for the treatment of differentiated thyroid
cancers. Jonklaas and colleagues98 showed that aggressive thyroid hormone
suppression therapy was independently associated with longer overall survival in
high-risk patients, and that moderate thyroid hormone suppression led to improved
overall survival in stage II patients. Because outcome is good regardless of intervention, survival was not altered in stage I patients. The TSH-suppressive doses of 2 to 2.2
mg/kg often required in younger patients with thyroid cancer may be excessive in older
adults, as thyroxine degradation is reduced with age.99 In the Framingham Heart
Study, individuals older than 60 years with TSH values of 0.1 mIU/L or less had an
adjusted relative risk of 3.8 for developing atrial fibrillation during a 10-year followup, and those with TSH values between 0.1 and 0.4 mIU/L had an adjusted relative
risk of 1.6.28 The beneficial effect of TSH suppression is a considerable reduction in
recurrence rates of differentiated thyroid cancer, but this should be weighed against
potential complications.
Indications for external beam radiation include the presence of aggressive and
unresectable cancer, painful bone metastases, or risk of spinal cord compression.77 Current clinical trials for novel therapies in thyroid cancer treatment, for
example, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, are promising, and older age may not preclude

Treatment of Thyroid Disorders in the Elderly

Table 1
Unique features of the approach and management of thyroid disorders in older adults
Thyroid Disorder

Unique Features in Older Adults


 Less symptomatic with apathetic hyperthyroidism common

 Greater likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation or osteoporosis
 Antithyroid medications (propylthiouracil, methimazole):
increased risk of side effects, especially agranulocytosis
 Surgery: increased risk of morbidity, but not contraindicated.
Primarily used if large, obstructive goiter or suspected malignancy
 Treat if age >65 y with TSH persistently <0.1 mIU/L



 Myxedema coma almost exclusively occurs in older adults

 Age >50 y: initiate lower dose of levothyroxine, usually 25 mg orally
daily and titrate to cardiovascular tolerance
 Target a wider TSH range because overtreatment may lead to
significant morbidity
 Treat if TSH >10 mIU/L or clear symptoms/signs of thyroid failure

Thyroid nodules

 Prevalence increases with age

Thyroid cancer

 Greater risk of cancer recurrence and mortality with older age

 Age is involved in cancer staging
 Greater incidence of poorly differentiated thyroid cancer,
including anaplastic, with increasing age
 Surgery: higher surgical risk because of comorbidities
 Postoperative radioactive iodine ablation: increased risk of empiric
dosing exceeding maximum tolerated activity. Consider dosimetry
in advanced disease
 Thyroxine-suppression therapy for some well-differentiated
cancers for a limited period: Lower doses required


Thyroid gland dysfunction is prevalent in older adults and may be associated with
significant morbidity if misdiagnosed and untreated. Factors contributing to misinterpretation of thyroid function tests in older adults include age-dependent physiologic
changes, comorbidities, and polypharmacy. Moreover, clinical signs and symptoms
of thyroid dysfunction may be subtle or absent, making diagnosis more difficult. As
thyroid disorders are often amenable to effective treatments that can improve the
quality of life of patients, a high index of clinical suspicion is warranted.
Treatment of hyperthyroidism in older adults is usually similar to that for younger
adults, with antithyroid medications, RAI ablation, or surgery. Side effects of antithyroid medication occur more commonly in older adults, and surgery is less favorable
because of the increased risk of morbidity and mortality.
There are no concrete guidelines as to when and at what dose to initiate levothyroxine replacement therapy in older adults with hypothyroidism. However, after
assessing the cardiovascular tolerance of a starting dose, the dose should be gradually increased by 12.5 to 25 mg every 4 to 6 weeks until adequate replacement is
confirmed by serum TSH measurement.
Thyroid nodules are more common in older adults and are managed with an initial
measurement of TSH, followed by an ultrasonogram if TSH is normal or high. Depending on nodule size and ultrasonographic features, ultrasound-guided FNA may be
With increasing age, the incidence of thyroid cancer shifts from well-differentiated to
poorly differentiated types. Thyroid cancer is unique because age is included in the
staging system. The modalities used for the management of thyroid cancer in older



Papaleontiou & Haymart

adults are in essence the same as those used in younger patients. These methods
include surgery, and when appropriate, postoperative RAI ablation, serial thyroglobulin measurements, and thyroxine-suppression therapy (Table 1).

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20. Boelaert K, Torlinska B, Holder RL, et al. Older subjects with hyperthyroidism
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T h e E v a l u a t i o n an d
Tre a t m e n t o f G r a v e s
Marius N. Stan, MDa, James A. Garrity,
Rebecca S. Bahn, MDa,*


 Graves ophthalmopathy  Graves disease
 Thyrotropin receptor autoantibodies  Radioactive iodine

Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) is an inflammatory disorder of the orbit that occurs in

association with autoimmune thyroid disease.1 Although most patients with GO
have a history of Graves disease (GD) with hyperthyroidism, some are euthyroid
with no such history or have hypothyroidism primarily caused by Hashimoto thyroiditis.2 A close temporal relationship exists between the onset of Graves hyperthyroidism
and the onset of GO. Regardless of which condition occurs first, the other condition
develops within 18 months in 80% of patients, although GO may occasionally precede
or follow hyperthyroidism by many years.3 The common manifestations of the disease
vary considerably from patient to patient in expression, severity, and duration. Such
signs include proptosis, upper eyelid retraction, and swelling with or without erythema
of the periocular tissues, lids, and conjunctivae. The natural history of GO is characterized by fairly steady deterioration over 3 to 6 months, followed by a plateau phase of
often between 1 and 3 years, then gradual improvement toward the baseline.4
Whereas the inflammatory signs and symptoms generally resolve over time, proptosis,
lid retraction, and extraocular dysfunction may persist. A cohort of patients with GO
followed for a median of 12 months showed spontaneous improvement in ocular manifestations in approximately two-thirds, stability in 20%, and worsening in 14%.5

As with hyperthyroidism of GD, GO likely evolves from an autoimmune process

primarily directed against the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR).6 However, rather than
TSHR on thyroid follicular cells being the autoimmune target, this same receptor

Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Mayo
Clinic, 200 First Street Southwest, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street
Southwest, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 311328
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Stan et al

expressed on orbital fibroblasts is recognized by TSHR autoantibodies (TRAb) directed

against this receptor (Fig. 1).7 As a result, these cells are stimulated to produce hydrophilic hyaluronan,8 and a subset differentiates into mature adipocytes.9 This process
leads to enlargement of the extraocular muscles and to expansion of the orbital
adipose tissue. Many of the clinical manifestations of GO can be explained in a mechanical sense by this increase in tissue volume within the bony orbit that displaces the
globe forward and hinders venous outflow. Cytokines and other mediators of inflammation, produced by infiltrating mononuclear cells and resident macrophages, accumulate within the orbit and contribute to the local inflammatory process.10 No unique
genetic associations have been identified that distinguish individuals with GO from
those having GD without evident GO. However, environmental factors, including
smoking, radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy for hyperthyroidism, and posttreatment
hypothyroidism, may play an important role in disease development and progression.11

The annual adjusted incidence rate of Graves hyperthyroidism is 0.50 per 1000 population,12 with some 25% to 50% of these patients having clinical eye involvement.

Fig. 1. Immunopathogenesis of Graves ophthalmopathy. Circulating autoantibodies directed against the thyrotropin receptor activate this receptor on orbital fibroblasts; this
results in their increased secretion of hyaluronic acid, and the differentiation of a subset
into mature adipocytes. In addition, activated T cells infiltrate the orbit, interact with autoreactive B cells, and secrete proinflammatory cytokines. These cellular changes lead to the
extraocular muscle enlargement, orbital adipose tissue expansion, and orbital inflammation
characteristic of the disease. XRT, radiotherapy.

Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

Most patients with GO show mild signs and symptoms including corneal irritation,
periocular swelling, eyelid retraction, conjunctival erythema/chemosis, and mild extraocular muscle dysfunction. A much smaller proportion of patients (approximately 5%)
experience severe disease including significant inflammation/congestion, excessive
proptosis, and sight-threatening corneal ulceration or optic neuropathy. Although
GO is overall more frequent in women than in men, men are overly represented in
severe forms of the disease, with a female-to-male ratio of 1:4.13 Subclinical eye
involvement is common, with approximately 70% of hyperthyroid patients showing
evidence of GO on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or orbital computed tomography (CT) scanning.14 The overall incidence of GO varies depending on the diagnostic
criteria; the annual adjusted incidence rate of clinically significant GO in Olmsted
County, Minnesota is 16 women and 3 men per 100,000 population.15 A bimodal
age distribution is followed, with peak incidence of GO in women occurring between
age 40 to 44 years and 60 to 64 years, and in men between 45 to 49 years and 65 to 69
years. The other peripheral manifestations of GD, dermopathy and acropachy, occur
with lower frequency and almost always develop in patients with more severe GO.16

There is no single clinical finding or laboratory test that is diagnostic of GO. A careful
history and physical examination often allows for a firm diagnosis of GO to be made.
Although the diagnosis is generally straightforward without the need for additional
laboratory or imaging data in a thyrotoxic patient with bilateral proptosis, it can be
more difficult in a euthyroid patient with unilateral proptosis. In this instance, CT scanning or MRI with special attention paid to the orbits is indicated, and may identify an
orbital mass lesion, an infiltrative process, idiopathic orbital inflammation (pseudotumor), or other orbital abnormality. If the imaging is compatible with GO, the finding
of elevated TRAb is helpful in making the diagnosis in a euthyroid patient.2 Although
the absence of elevated TRAb in this setting does not rule out the diagnosis of GO,
it makes the diagnosis less likely and necessitates further evaluation and/or observation over time. The differential diagnosis of GO regarding particular findings on physical examination is outlined in Table 1.

The clinical evaluation and management of GO, as well as any accompanying hyperthyroidism, is optimally performed in a multidisciplinary clinic having both endocrine
and ophthalmologic expertise in the condition as well as access to ancillary specialties.17 All patients with GO, except for the mildest cases, should be examined by
both an ophthalmologist and an endocrinologist. Proper management of GO is based
on accurate determination of both the severity of the disease, or extent of ocular
dysfunction or involvement, and its clinical activity, or degree of active inflammation
present. Although severity and activity may peak simultaneously, often the two are
not congruent, with peak activity preceding the most significant clinical expressions
of the disease.18
The degree of severity can be classified as mild, moderate to severe, or sightthreatening, following quantitative assessment of lid aperture width, proptosis
measurement, diplopia score (1 5 intermittent [ie, when tired or on awakening]; 2 5
inconstant [ie, only at extremes of gaze]; 3 5 constant), degrees of abduction in eye
muscle movement, examination of the cornea for evidence of exposure keratitis or
ulceration, and assessment of optic nerve function (Table 2).17



Stan et al

Table 1
Differential diagnosis

Primary Examination Feature

Differential Diagnosis




Primary cancer
Metastatic cancer
Orbital meningioma
Orbital myositis
IgG4 disease
Wegener granulomatosis
Carotid cavernous fistula
Paranasal sinus mucocele



Periocular inflammation/

Nephrotic syndrome
Facial cellulitis




Orbital myositis
Myasthenia gravis
Contralateral blowout fracture



Lid retraction

Midbrain disease
Contralateral ptosis
Sympathomimetic drugs



Prevalence within all patients with primary examination feature.

The activity of GO can be graded using a clinical activity score (CAS) that
ranges from 0 to 10 and predicts response to anti-inflammatory therapies.18 The
CAS is generated by the addition of 1 point for the presence of each the following
features: chemosis, eyelid swelling, eyelid erythema, conjunctival erythema, caruncular swelling, pain in primary gaze, and pain with ocular movement. In addition, if the
patient has been examined within the 3 months prior, additional points may be given
for decreased visual acuity, worsened diplopia, and increased proptosis compared
with that visit. GO is considered active in patients with a CAS of 3 or more out of 7
(if no previous assessment is available), or 4 out of 10 on the complete scale.
Dysthyroid optic neuropathy (DON) is a severe complication of GO that affects
approximately 5% of GO patients, and may lead to loss of vision. The condition may
present as unexplained deterioration in vision or change in intensity or quality of color
vision.19 Corneal breakdown with subsequent ulceration is another sight-threatening
complication, and may be found in patients who experience corneal exposure in the
setting of poor blinks, excessive upper lid retraction, and/or lagophthalmos (inability
to fully close the eye), which can be exacerbated with greater amounts of proptosis.
Globe subluxation is a form of partial displacement of the globe from the orbit whereby
the eyelids are repositioned behind the protruding globe. It is typically seen with greater
amounts of proptosis and lid retraction, and is associated with pain and risk of loss of
vision caused by optic nerve compromise with repeated episodes As immediate treatment is essential for each of these conditions, patients in whom they occur or are suspected should be referred urgently to an ophthalmologist.
Clinical assessment of GO also includes evaluation of the impact of the disease on
the patients quality of life (QOL). The QOL has been shown to be impaired in GO, with
both physical and mental health being adversely affected. Patients have poorer selfimage, more sleep disturbance, and more impaired social and work functioning
than controls.20 Several QOL questionnaires have been developed and validated for


Degree of Severity

Lid Retraction

Soft Tissue Involvement



Corneal Exposure

Optic Nerve Status

Mild (1 of following)

<2 mm


<3 mm

Transientb or absent



Moderate to severe (1

of following)

2 mm

Moderate or severe

3 mm

Inconstantb or constant



Sight threatening (1 of
last 2 categories)

Not contributory

Not contributory

Not contributory

Not contributory



Proptosis refers to the variation compared with the norm for each race or to the patients baseline if available.
Intermittent diplopia: present when the patient is fatigued; inconstant diplopia: present at extremes of gaze; constant diplopia: present in primary gaze.

Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

Table 2
GO severity assessment



Stan et al

use in patients with GO.2022 While being essential for treatment evaluation in clinical
studies, such instruments may also be useful in clinical practice to aid in decisions
regarding disease intervention.

Several risk factors have been identified that predispose to the development or
progression of GO (Table 3). Among the most carefully studied factors in randomized
trials have been the various treatment options for Graves hyperthyroidism. Risks in
these studies ranged from 33% for radioactive iodine (RAI) compared with 10% for
antithyroid drugs and 16% for surgery,31 to 39% for RAI compared with 21% for antithyroid drugs.32 In one large randomized study, patients were treated with RAI with or
without concurrent corticosteroid (to determine whether this might be preventive), or
methimazole.37 Within 6 months of treatment, progression was seen in 15% of
patients treated with RAI alone, in approximately 3% of patients treated with methimazole, and in no patients treated with RAI plus corticosteroid. By 1 year most patients
with progression had improved, with only 5% of the RAI group experiencing persistent
worsening that required additional treatment. Overall, studies suggest that antithyroid
drug therapy or thyroidectomy do not affect the course of GO, whereas there is a small
but significant increased risk of worsening following RAI therapy in patients with active
disease. By contrast, it appears that patients with inactive GO may be treated with RAI
without increased risk.17,38
Smoking is the risk factor most strongly and consistently linked with the development or progression of GO and with poorer response to therapy.32,39,40 Several
studies suggest that smokers develop more severe GO, that the risk is proportional
to the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and that former smokers have significantly lower risk than current smokers.33,41 In a recent randomized trial of patients
with newly diagnosed GD treated with either RAI or antithyroid drugs, smoking was
found to be a more important risk factor for GO than was RAI.32 Regardless of which

Table 3
Risk factors for GO development or deterioration
Risk Factor





Complex genetic basis; similar to Graves





Caucasians > Asians




Frequency: women > men

Severity: men > women


Thyroid dysfunction


Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism increase risk


Mechanical factors

Narrower lateral orbital wall angle may

affect progression


Thyroid hormone

Both high triiodothyronine and thyroxine

levels increase risk (inconsistent results in
the literature)




Active and passive smoking increases risk


TSH receptor


High titer 5 months after diagnosis predicts

worse course of disease


Radioactive iodine


RAI treatment increases risk primarily in

smokers and patients with active GO


Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

therapy they received, more than 40% of smokers either developed GO or experienced deterioration of their eye involvement. This rate was almost double that of
nonsmokers. In another study wherein hyperthyroid patients with established GO
were treated with RAI, smoking was found to add additional risk for GO over that
conferred by RAI alone, and GO progression was prevented when RAI was combined
with steroids in only 14.9% of smokers compared with 63.8% of nonsmokers.42
Second-hand smoking has also been linked, albeit indirectly, with GO development.34
Although no intervention trial of smoking cessation has been successfully undertaken,
there is retrospective evidence that quitting is associated with a better outcome.33
Counseling and aiding GO patients to stop smoking is the standard of care.17,43
The relationship between TRAb level and disease activity or progression has been
studied by several groups. TRAb level was found in one study to be strongly correlated with the CAS or degree of proptosis in euthyroid patients with untreated GO
of moderate severity.36 In another study, 159 GO patients were followed for 1 to
2 years, with TRAb levels recorded every 3 months.35 Using specific levels of TRAb
as threshold points at various times following the diagnosis of GO, the prognosis of
GO was predictable as being either mild or severe in 50% of patients. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism have also been shown in multiple reports to be associated with increased risk for development or deterioration of GO. When GO patients
in a referral population were stratified into groups using a severity index, approximately twice as many patients with current thyroid dysfunction were identified in
the groups having more severe GO than in the more mildly affected groups.27 The
impact on GO of early supplementation with levothyroxine (to avoid hypothyroidism
following RAI therapy) was studied in a group of patients receiving levothyroxine
beginning 2 weeks following RAI.28 The investigators compared GO progression in
these patients with a historical cohort of patients who did not receive levothyroxine
until they were documented to be hypothyroid following RAI therapy (permissive
hypothyroidism). The investigators found the relative risk of GO development or
worsening in the permissive hypothyroidism group compared with the early treatment
group to be 1.64 (95% confidence interval: 1.12.6), and additionally documented
more severe GO in the former. The association between hypothyroidism following
RAI therapy and progression of GO was later confirmed in a prospective cohort of
114 patients followed for 2 years.29 Based on these studies, it has become widely
accepted that hypothyroidism following treatment of Graves hyperthyroidism is
a risk factor for GO, warranting active prevention.43 The complication of DON
has its own risk factors that include smoking, advanced age, and the presence of

Optimum management of GO requires a partnership between the endocrinologist and

ophthalmologist, with the goal of preserving the patients vision and restoring favorable self-perception and QOL. Although either partner may make the diagnosis, the
initial steps in management are generally the purview of the endocrinologist, who evaluates and addresses the reversible risk factors associated with disease progression
and severity.13 Smokers should be offered participation in a structured smoking
cessation program, and patients exposed to second-hand smoke should be identified
and advised of its negative impact.45 If the patient is hyperthyroid, prompt attention
should be directed toward the restoration of euthyroidism. Whereas RAI therapy
with or without concurrent corticosteroid treatment for GO prophylaxis may be
considered in nonsmokers with mild active GO, smokers who choose this treatment



Stan et al

option should receive oral corticosteroids. A common regimen consists of prednisone

(0.40.5 mg/kg/d) started 1 to 3 days following RAI administration and continued for 1
month, with tapering over the 2 subsequent months.17 However, a recent retrospective cohort study suggested that lower doses of prednisone (0.2 mg/kg/d) for 6 weeks
may be equally effective.46 RAI treatment in patients with active and moderate or
severe GO should be avoided in favor of either antithyroid drug therapy or
As described earlier, therapeutic decision making hinges on proper evaluation of the
clinical activity of the disease and its severity, with particular attention paid to the
possible presence of the sight-threatening complications of corneal ulceration and
DON. While these elements are addressed by the endocrinologist, a complete evaluation by the ophthalmologist, especially in patients with moderate or severe disease, is
essential for appropriate assessment. Generally mild disease is treated with local
supportive measures. A patient having moderate or severe active disease may benefit
from systemic medical therapy or external radiation therapy, whereas inactive disease
of the same severity might be considered for rehabilitative surgery.

In both active and inactive GO, the use of local measures can afford good symptomatic relief.17 Ocular lubrication with artificial tears (administered 46 times per day) or
gels (applied at nighttime) benefits the corneal symptoms of dryness, photophobia,
and grittiness. The application of viscous gels or ointment at bedtime lengthens the
duration of action and is useful for patients with nocturnal lagophthalmos, who typically have prominent symptoms on awakening. Cool compresses and sunglasses
are also helpful with ocular irritation. Temporary relief from diplopia may be obtained
from botulinum toxin A injected in the extraocular muscles, and symptomatic lid
retraction may improve with injection into the levator palpebralis.47 This effect is
temporary, however, and in the authors experience botulinum injections have not
been as helpful as initially hoped.
Approximately two-thirds of patients with mild disease experience spontaneous
improvement within about 6 months, and thus need no treatment beyond local
measures.5 In these patients, observation every few months is appropriate until the
inactive stage is reached, and rehabilitative surgery can be performed if needed.
However, in some patients with mild disease the QOL is significantly diminished
and additional intervention may be warranted.17

Antioxidant therapy generally carries with it few side effects and may have a beneficial
effect on GO outcome. An early intervention study consecutively assigned patients to
allopurinol (300 mg daily) plus nicotinamide (300 mg daily) or placebo.48 A promising
result was noted in this nonrandomized study, with a total eye score index showing
improvement in 82% of treated patients compared with 27% of those receiving
placebo. Selenium was recently reported to improve mild GO in a trial conducted
by the European Group on Graves Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) consortium.49 Patients
were randomized to receive selenium (100 mg twice daily), pentoxifylline, or placebo.
Evaluation at 6 months, with confirmation at 12 months, documented an improvement
not only in several ocular parameters but also in QOL, compared with placebo or pentoxifylline. The selenium-treated group did not experience any significant side effects,
and in particular there was no increase in blood glucose levels, as has been noted in
studies of selenium treatment in other diseases. An important caveat is that these

Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

subjects were from a population with marginally decreased selenium levels, leaving
unanswered the question of selenium-related benefit in patients living in seleniumsufficient regions.

Oral glucocorticoids (GC) have long been used as treatment for GO (often in starting
doses of between 40 and 100 mg/d with tapering over 1024 weeks for a cumulative
dose of 26 g), but more recent evidence suggests that the intravenous (IV) route is
more effective. The two modes of GC administration have been assessed separately
in several clinical trials and directly compared in 4.50 In the largest trial, 70 patients with
severe and active GO were randomized to receive either prednisolone (starting at 100
mg/d and tapered by 10 mg daily at weekly intervals for a total dose of 4.0 g) or IV
methylprednisolone (500 mg weekly  6 weeks then 250 mg weekly  6 weeks for
a total dose of 4.5 g).51 After 3 months, the composite outcome (improvement in 3
or more of the following: proptosis, intraocular pressure, diplopia, muscle size, lid
fissure width, visual acuity) was met in 77% of patients treated with IVGC and in
51% of those treated with oral GC. More importantly, the use of IVGC was associated
with improved QOL and less need for subsequent surgery. Mild side effects were
observed in 17% in the IVGC group and included palpitations (the most common),
weight gain, gastrointestinal distress, and sleeplessness. By contrast, more significant
side effects were reported with the use of oral GC and included cushingoid features,
secondary adrenal insufficiency, weight gain, hypertension, myalgias, hirsutism,
depression, hyperglycemia, and osteoporosis. Although similar efficacy and an
equally favorable side-effect profile for IVGC were found in a comparable trial,52 of
concern is that fatal acute hepatotoxicity has been reported in 4 GO patients treated
with IVGC.53 Severe hepatotoxicity appears to be dose dependent, as it occurs only in
patients receiving a cumulative dose of greater than 8 g of methylprednisolone.54
Other severe complications of IVGC reported in a recent survey of members of the
European Thyroid Association include cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events,
autoimmune encephalitis, and liver test abnormalities (>4-fold upper limit of normal).55
In light of these reports, it has been suggested that patients being considered for IVGC
therapy be screened for chronic viral infections, underlying autoimmunity, and preexistent hepatic abnormalities, and that liver function be followed during therapy.17,56
Retrobulbar injection of GCs was evaluated in a study of triamcinolone compared
with placebo, with 25 patients in each arm.57 The outcome was improved field of vision
without diplopia and decreased muscle size on orbital CT in the triamcinolone group.
However, because the effect was small and was associated with a risk of injury to the
globe, retrobulbar GC injection is not a recommended therapy for GO.
Nonsteroidal immunomodulators have been studied in an attempt to identify agents
that can supplant the need for high doses of GC or prevent GO remission after GC
therapy is discontinued. Cyclosporine, the first of these agents to be investigated,
showed an additive effect to oral steroids and extended the benefits of discontinued
GC.58 However, in a direct comparison with GC therapy, cyclosporine was less effective in reducing the total eye score (combination of extraocular muscle thickness,
proptosis, and visual acuity), and the side-effect profile was significant (eg, pneumonia, renal failure, hepatitis, hypertension).59 As the combination of cyclosporine
with oral GC therapy was more effective than either agent alone, cyclosporine is
sometimes used with benefit in oral GCresistant patients or as a steroid-sparing
agent. Azathioprine was compared with placebo in one study in which no benefit
was identified.60 By contrast, IV immunoglobulins (IVIg) have been found to be as



Stan et al

effective as oral GC in patients with active GO. Studies have found the response rate
to be between 62% (defined by an index of extraocular muscle area, proptosis,
diplopia, and intraocular pressure) and 76% (assessed by a composite severity
score).61,62 The individual features that improved included soft tissue changes,
diplopia, visual acuity, and proptosis. A low rate of side effects was seen, none of
them serious. In these studies, IVIg were administered on 2 consecutive days every
3 weeks for 6 cycles in the former study, and daily for 5 days, repeated every 3 weeks
for 3 cycles and then 1 dose every 3 weeks for an 9 additional cycles in the latter.
Somatostatin analogues have been studied in 4 placebo-controlled trials which, in
aggregate, demonstrated no clinically significant benefit and significant gastrointestinal side effects.6366
Rituximab is an anti-CD20 chimeric monoclonal antibody that induces transient Bcell depletion, blocks early B-cell activation and differentiation, and inhibits cytokine
secretion, antigen presentation, and T-cell activation.67 This agent has been identified
in case series to have a potentially beneficial effect on GD and GO.6871 In these case
series with a total of 17 patients, rituximab treatment was associated with a decrease
in the CAS of 3 to 4 points on average. However, as no randomized control trial of rituximab treatment in GO has yet been completed, its true efficacy is unknown. Given
its side-effect profile (potential for infections, worsening hypertension, serum sickness, and so forth) and high cost, use of this agent in GO is currently best limited to
centers performing randomized controlled trials.
Most randomized trials of orbital radiotherapy (OR) in GO have studied patients with
moderate to severe disease and have shown a positive impact on ocular dysmotility,
without improvement in disease progression.7276 The exception is a single trial using
a somewhat different patient population, which failed to identify any clinically meaningful difference between OR and sham OR on the contralateral orbit.77 Several
studies addressed radiation dose and treatment duration to minimize exposure and
side effects. One trial randomized patients to either 1 Gy/wk, 1 Gy/d, or 2 Gy/d, for
a total dose of 20 Gy, and found 1 Gy/wk to be best tolerated and most effective in
terms of regression in subjective signs and improvement in eye motility.75 Another
study found the lower total dose of 2.4 Gy to be as effective as higher doses.78 A study
of OR in patients with mild GO concluded that in these patients motility was improved,
but that the treatment did not affect soft tissue swelling, proptosis, or QOL.74 At
present, several centers are using low cumulative-dose OR (<10 Gy) in selected active
mild and moderate to severe GO, especially when significant diplopia or restricted
motility is present. Several studies of OR used in conjunction with oral GC therapy
have demonstrated the combination to be superior to oral GC used alone in expediting
resolution of the active inflammatory phase of the disease.76,79 A study of OR in which
the therapy was used in conjunction with either oral GC or IVGC found IVGC to be
better tolerated and somewhat more effective than oral GC in this regimen.80 Whether
IVGC therapy benefits from the addition of OR was examined in a nonrandomized
study that suggested lack of additional benefit.81 However, this finding has to be
considered provisional until randomized clinical trials of IVGC with or without OR
have been completed. The side-effect profile of OR includes retinopathy in 1% to
2% overall, with higher risk in patients with diabetes mellitus in whom the therapy is
contraindicated owing to the lower threshold for radiation retinopathy in such
A caveat to the therapeutic trials discussed here is that although investigators
studied various parameters or indices (proptosis, diplopia score, soft tissue features,
QOL, CAS, and in many cases a composite score) to ascertain benefit, none is
uniformly agreed to consistently represent improvement in GO. However, in

Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

summary it may be said that approximately 40% to 80% of GO patients treated with
immunomodulatory therapy experience benefit, that patients with inactive disease are
not likely to respond, and that IVGC therapy appears to be the most effective of the
treatment options that have been well studied to date. Risks and benefits of these
treatments should be carefully discussed with the patient who is best fully involved
in the therapeutic decision-making process.

Interest in the potential benefit of eliminating the thyroid as a source of pathogenic

antigen has increased as autoantibodies directed against the thyrotropin receptor
have become more clearly implicated in the pathogenesis of GO.1,7 A retrospective
study of patients who were treated with IVGC and surgery compared those who
underwent near-total thyroidectomy with patients receiving total thyroidectomy plus
RAI for thyroid remnant ablation. Using a composite outcome (proptosis, CAS, eyelid
fissure, diplopia) at 9 months following surgery, results showed a higher proportion of
patients in the latter group with improved GO.84 By contrast, another study comparing
GO outcome in patients with moderate disease undergoing either subtotal (2 g thyroid
remnant) or total thyroidectomy found no difference between groups and a higher
surgical complication rate in the latter.85 Recent guidelines recommend against RAI
therapy for the management of hyperthyroidism in patients with moderate to severe
active GO, extrapolating from its known deleterious impact on mild active disease.43
Because no study to date has compared the therapeutic alternatives for hyperthyroidism therapy in these patients regarding GO progression, the choice between
thyroidectomy and antithyroid medication is best based on clinical factors including
degree of thyrotoxicosis, goiter size, comorbidities, and the preference of the patient.
Given the paucity of evidence that thyroidectomy or thyroid remnant ablation in euthyroid GO patients is of value, neither practice is recommended.

Corneal ulceration, globe subluxation, and DON are sight-threatening disorders that
require emergent therapy. DON is multifactorial in etiology, and generally occurs
when the optic nerve is compressed by enlarged extraocular muscles at the orbital
apex.86 Response to therapy is not well studied because of the rarity of this condition
(3%5% of GO patients) and the lack of a uniformly accepted definition.87 Therapy for
DON consists of IVGC, orbital decompression surgery, or both modalities.88 A direct
comparison between the 2 modalities showed that 83% of patients needed additional
therapy with IVGC following decompressive surgery, whereas only 56% of patients
needed further therapy for DON (decompression surgery or OR) following IVGC
therapy.89 Although both approaches suffered from a significant failure rate, DON ultimately resolved in all cases as patients failing one approach responded to the other.
Mainly based on these data showing overall excellent results, the EUGOGO
consensus statement advises starting with IVGC therapy and observing the response
over a 2- to 3-week period.17 A commonly followed regimen is the administration of 1.0
g methylprednisolone for 3 consecutive days, repeated 1 week later.90 If no improvement is seen or deterioration is noted, patients should be referred promptly for orbital
decompression surgery. Surgery may be indicated as first-line therapy if the corneal
exposure from proptosis is significant, if congestive features are prominent, or if
side effects of steroids are to be avoided. Sight-threatening corneal breakdown or
ulceration typically results from one or a combination of the following: excessive proptosis, excessive eyelid retraction, incomplete blinks, or incomplete eyelid closure.



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Initial treatment includes the frequent use of topical lubricants, intensive topical antibiotics where appropriate, moisture chambers, and surgical procedures to temporarily
cover the globe until healing has taken place. Occasionally orbital decompression,
eyelid surgery or even corneal grafting is required.17

After the eye disease has been inactive for 3 to 6 months, a patient may be evaluated
for rehabilitative surgery, which can have a positive impact on both ocular function and
QOL. Intervening earlier before a stable baseline is reached may increase the likelihood that additional surgery will be needed in future. The surgical sequence is generally orbital decompression (if needed), followed by extraocular muscle surgery (if
needed), with eyelid procedures (if needed) performed last. Thus, changes induced
by one intervention can be addressed in a subsequent step. Indications for orbital
decompression include excessive proptosis, orbital congestion, corneal exposure,
side effects of steroids, deep orbital pain, and enhanced cosmesis. Patients with
DON, or those who have shown intolerance or insufficient response to immunosuppressive therapy or who have debilitating retrobulbar or periorbital pain, may also
benefit from this surgery. Decompressive surgery involves removal of one or more
orbital walls, retrobulbar fat, or both, to expand the retrobulbar space, decrease orbital
pressure, and allow the globe to recede. The extent of the surgery generally depends
on the degree and distribution of extraocular muscle involvement; the improvement in
proptosis is directly related to the number of orbital walls removed.91,92 Following
decompression surgery, preexisting diplopia may worsen or new diplopia develop
in 10% to 50% of patients.93,94 If diplopia is mild, the use of prisms inserted in the
eyeglass lens may suffice. The goal of extraocular muscle surgery (strabismus
surgery) is single vision in primary gaze and the reading position; diplopia with deviant
gaze may persist after surgery. Multiple surgeries over an extended period are
Asses activity
Asses severity
Evaluate for sightthreatening complications

GO confirmed
complications present
complications absent

Correct modifiable risks


Active disease

Dysthyroid optic neuropathy: IVGC +/orbital decompression

Corneal ulceration: measures to
improve globe coverage and healing

Inactive disease

Mild severity

Mild severity

- Local measures + observation

- Selenium
- If progressive disease or decreased QOL: consider

- Local measures



- Local measures + observation

- IVGC therapy
- XRT for diplopia
- If progressive disease: consider orbital
decompression surgery or clinical trial enrollment

- Rehabilitative surgery
after 3 months

Fig. 2. Algorithm for the treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy.

Evaluation and Treatment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

sometimes needed to address limited extraocular muscle mobility. Eyelid surgery is

generally performed to address symptomatic eyelid retraction or asymmetric lid position, its functional role being to ensure adequate corneal coverage. Upper lid retraction is relieved by weakening (recessing) the levator and/or Muller muscles. Lower
lid retraction may be treated by recessing the lower lid retractors or, more typically,
by inserting a spacer of some material, usually cartilage or a hard palate graft. Additional reconstructive procedures that may be performed include lateral tarsorrhaphy
or blepharoplasty to remove excessive eyelid skin and eyelid fat. Removal of skin
should be done with caution, as eyelid closure may be impaired if too much skin is

Optimum care of the patient with GO is achieved through teamwork between the
endocrinologist and ophthalmologist, with input from ancillary specialists as needed.
If no sight-threatening complications of the disease are initially identified, an accurate
determination of disease activity and severity narrows the available treatment options
to those most likely to benefit the patient (Fig. 2). Smoking and possible dysthyroidism
constitute important modifiable risk factors for disease progression that should be
addressed on diagnosis. Of importance is early assessment of the impact of disease
on patients QOL, and their priorities and expectations regarding management. Once
this information has been gathered, careful discussion between patients and physicians can define the initial management plan, which includes the timing of the next visit
and general parameters for a future change in course.

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T h y ro i d N o d u l e s
Geanina Popoveniuc,



, Jacqueline Jonklaas,

MD, PhD *

 Thyroid nodule  TSH  Ultrasonography  FNA biopsy
 Elastography  Molecular markers  Indeterminate cytology


Thyroid nodules are common entities, frequently discovered in clinical practice, either
during physical examination, but also incidentally, during various imaging procedures.
They are clinically important primarily due to their malignant potential. For this reason
the initial evaluation should always include a history and physical examination
focusing on features suggestive of malignancy. Serum thyrotropin (TSH) and thyroid
ultrasonography (US) are pivotal in the evaluation of thyroid nodules, as they provide
important information regarding thyroid nodule functionality and the presence of
features suspicious for malignancy, respectively. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy
is the most accurate and reliable tool for diagnosing thyroid malignancy and selecting
candidates for surgery, particularly if performed under ultrasound guidance. The
cytology findings from FNA biopsies will fall into an indeterminate category in approximately 25% of the cases, in which case malignancy cannot be safely excluded. The
recent use of panels of gene mutations and molecular markers, when combined with
the cytologic diagnosis, show promising results in improving the preoperative diagnosis of indeterminate thyroid nodules, thus reducing the number of unnecessary
surgeries. Other tools for predicting the malignant potential of thyroid nodules still
under investigation include elastography and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18FDG-PET) scanning. An approach to the initial evaluation and
management of single nodules, functioning nodules, multinodular glands, incidental
nodules, and cysts are discussed. Therapeutic interventions for benign nodules,
when needed, may include surgery, radioiodine (131-I) therapy, or percutaneous

J.J. is supported by grant 1UL1RR031975 from the National Center for Research Resources,
National Institutes of Health. Funding for publication of the figures in this article was provided
by the Graduate Medical Education office at Washington Hospital Center.
Disclosure Summary: The authors have nothing to disclose.
Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Medical Center, 4000 Reservoir Road, NW,
Washington, DC 20007, USA
Section of Endocrinology, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street, NW, Washington,
DC 20010, USA
* Corresponding author. Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Medical Center,
Suite 230, Building D, 4000 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 329349
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

ethanol injection (PEI), as indicated. Levothyroxine (T4) suppressive therapy is

currently controversial and usually not recommended. The evaluation of thyroid
nodules discovered during pregnancy is generally the same as for non-pregnant
patients, except for the contraindication to radionuclide scanning. Thyroid cancer
discovered during pregnancy may be safely managed by thyroidectomy after delivery
in most of the cases, but if aggressive features are present, surgery should be ideally
performed during the second trimester.


 Thyroid nodules are most common in women and older populations

 The purpose of thyroid nodule evaluation is to determine which nodules are
malignant or require surgical attention
Thyroid nodules have been defined by the American Thyroid Association (ATA)
as discrete lesions within the thyroid gland, radiologically distinct from surrounding thyroid parenchyma.1 They may be discovered by palpation during a
general physical examination or with radiographic studies performed for medical
evaluations, such as carotid duplex ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT)
scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies, or 18FDG-PET scanning. The
latter entities are called thyroid incidentalomas and they generally do not correspond to palpable thyroid lesions. Conversely, clinicians may identify palpable
thyroid lesions that do not correspond to distinct radiological entities, and therefore
would not be defined as thyroid nodules.2
Thyroid nodules are common, their prevalence being largely dependent on the identification method. The estimated prevalence by palpation alone ranges from 4% to
7%,3,4 whereas US detects nodules in 20% to 76% of the adult population,46 particularly with the current use of high-resolution US techniques.7 The reported frequencies
detected by US correlate with the prevalence reported at surgery and autopsy with
ranges between 50% and 65%.8
The estimated annual incidence of thyroid nodules in the United States is approximately 0.1% per year, conferring a 10% lifetime probability for developing a thyroid
nodule.6 Thyroid nodules are 4 times more common in women than men and their
frequency increases with age and low iodine intake.4 The gender disparity is perhaps
explained by the hormonal influences of both estrogen and progesterone, as increasing nodule size and new nodule development have been demonstrated to be
related to pregnancy and multiparity.9,10 Exposure to ionizing radiation, either during
childhood, or as an occupational exposure, will cause a rate of development of thyroid
nodules of 2% per year, reaching a peak incidence in 15 to 25 years.11,12
Thyroid nodules are clinically important for several reasons. They may cause thyroid
dysfunction and, rarely, compressive symptoms, but they are primarily important
because of the need to exclude thyroid cancer. The reported prevalence of malignancy in thyroid nodules evaluated by biopsy ranges from 4.0% to 6.5% and is largely
independent of the nodule size.13,14 Despite this, papillary microcarcinomas (smaller
than 1 cm) incidentally found at the time of surgery are much more common (up to
36%),15,16 but it is controversial whether or not a survival benefit exists with the diagnosis and treatment of such entities, given their generally benign course.17,18 Importantly, the incidence of thyroid nodules discovered incidentally during 18FDG-PET
imaging is small (1%2%), but the risk of malignancy may be as high as 27%, thus
such nodules require immediate evaluation.19

Thyroid Nodules


 History and physical examination should focus on detecting features particularly

suggestive of malignancy
The spectrum of disorders associated with thyroid nodules ranges from benign
etiologies to malignant conditions that may either have an indolent course or a very
aggressive behavior (Box 1). Therefore, clinical evaluation is best tailored to identification of clues suggestive of malignant disease. A careful history and physical examination should include information regarding previous radiation treatment of the head and
neck area; growth of a neck mass; location, size, and consistency of the thyroid
nodule; cervical lymphadenopathy; associated local symptoms such as pain, hoarseness, dysphagia, dysphonia, and dyspnea; and symptoms of hypothyroidism or
Family history of thyroid disorders should always be investigated. Rare but important
familial thyroid syndromes include familial medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), derived from
calcitonin-producing C-cell tumors, and familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer, which is
derived from follicular cells. History of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) in a parent or
sibling increases the patients risk of developing PTC by threefold and sixfold, respectively.20 Familial MTC may be a component of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) IIA
(pheochromocytoma, MTC, and primary hyperparathyroidism) and IIB (pheochromocytoma, MTC, marfanoid habitus, and mucosal and digestive neurofibromatosis), or may
occur as the sole component. Follicular cellderived familial thyroid cancer has been
described in several syndromes, such as Cowden disease, Carney complex, Werner

Box 1
Etiology of thyroid nodules
Benign etiology
Follicular adenoma
Hurthle cell adenoma
Colloid cyst
Simple or hemorrhagic cyst
Lymphocytic thyroiditis
Granulomatous thyroiditis
Infectious processes
Malignant etiology
Malignancy of follicular or C-cell origin
Papillary carcinoma
Follicular carcinoma
Hurthle cell carcinoma
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Anaplastic carcinoma
Malignancy of other origin
Thyroid lymphoma
Malignancy metastatic to the thyroid



Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

syndrome, and familial polyposis, as well as occurring in isolation. Cowden disease is an

autosomal dominant condition, resulting from a mutation in the PTEN gene, and is characterized by hamartomatous neoplasms of the skin, oral mucosa, gastrointestinal tract,
central nervous and genitourinary systems, with breast and thyroid cancers being the
most commonly encountered malignancies.21,22 Carney complex, another autosomal
dominant condition, is characterized by cardiac and cutaneous myxomas, spotty
skin pigmentation, various endocrinopathies, and malignancies of endocrine and
nonendocrine origin.23 Less commonly, thyroid cancer can be encountered in patients
with Werner syndrome, of which the main characteristic is premature aging, and familial
polyposis, which is primarily associated with colon cancer.
A personal history of head and neck irradiation, particularly as a child, young age
(<20 years), or advanced age (>70 years), and male sex are demographic features
associated with increased likelihood of malignancy in a patient with a thyroid nodule.
Table 1 summarizes clinical features that should alert the clinician to the possibility of
thyroid carcinoma in a patient with a thyroid nodule.13 It is important to know that
symptoms, such as hoarseness, dysphagia, and cough, are rarely related to thyroid
conditions, and a thorough workup should be pursued to exclude other, more
common etiologies related to gastrointestinal and respiratory systems.

A spectrum of diagnostic studies is available to aid in the evaluation of a thyroid nodule

(Fig. 1). These include serum markers, such as serum thyrotropin (TSH) and calcitonin.
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is the cornerstone of thyroid nodule evaluation.
Genetic markers of thyroid cancer risk, such as the BRAF mutation, can also be determined using cytology samples. In addition, immunohistochemical markers, such as
galectin-3, cyclooxygenase 2, and cyclin D2, may have potential use. Ultrasonography
plays a pivotal role in the evaluation of thyroid nodules, and elastography may prove to

Table 1
Features suggestive of increased potential for thyroid carcinoma in a patient with thyroid
Patient History or

Findings on Physical

Findings Seen on Imaging

Family history of MEN, MTC,

and PTC

Firm nodule

Suspicious ultrasound features

History of head and neck


Nodule fixed to adjacent



History of Hodgkin and

non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Growth of nodule, especially

during therapy to suppress
serum TSH

Age <20

Abnormal cervical

Age >70

Paralysis of the vocal cords

Male sex
Symptoms of compression:
hoarseness, dysphagia,
dysphonia, dyspnea, cough
Abbreviations: MEN, multiple endocrine neoplasia; MTC, medullary thyroid cancer; PTC, papillary
thyroid cancer; TSH, serum thyrotropin.

Thyroid Nodules

Fig. 1. Diagnostic studies available for evaluating thyroid nodules. (Modified from figure
provided by Dr BR Haugen, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center,
Aurora, CO; with permission.)

be a valuable addition. Other imaging studies, including MRI, CT, and 18FDG-PET
scans may be helpful in certain circumstances.
Serum Markers

 The risk of malignancy in thyroid nodules increases as the serum TSH increases
TSH measurement should be part of the initial workup in every patient with a thyroid
nodule and be used as a guide for further management (Fig. 2).1,24,25 A normal or
high TSH level should raise concerns for possible malignant potential of a nodule,
whereas a low TSH is an indicator of benignity in most cases. Therefore, the next
step in the evaluation of a patient with a low TSH would be an iodine-123 (123-I) or
pertechnetate scintigraphy scan, to explore the possibility of an autonomously functioning nodule. Hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules are almost always benign and generally do not require further cytologic investigation,26,27 but a nonfunctioning or cold
nodule in a patient with low TSH may indicate malignant potential. Recent studies
have investigated the relationship between serum TSH concentration and thyroid
cancer. TSH was found to be an independent predictor of malignancy in thyroid
nodules.28 The risk of malignancy rises in parallel with serum TSH, even within the
normal range, and higher TSH levels were found to be associated with advancedstage thyroid cancer.26,2931
Calcitonin is a sensitive marker for detection of C-cell hyperplasia and MTC, as well
as for surveillance and prognosis of MTC.32 Calcitonin levels of more than 10 pg/mL
were found to have high sensitivity for the detection of MTC,33 with the specificity being
enhanced by pentagastrin stimulation, when calcitonin levels exceed 100 pg/mL.
Even though calcitonin screening was proved to be cost-effective and a useful tool
in the evaluation algorithm for thyroid nodules,34 it is not widely recognized in US,1
partly because of the low prevalence of medullary thyroid cancer and lack of
pentagastrin availability.
Serum thyroglobulin measurement is neither sensitive nor specific for the diagnosis
of thyroid cancer in nodular thyroid disease, being more influenced by iodine intake
and thyroid gland size.35 Therefore, it is not recommended to be routinely measured
in the initial evaluation of a thyroid nodule.1



Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

Fig. 2. Algorithm for initial evaluation of a patient with thyroid nodule. (Modified from Cooper
DS. Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid
nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid 2009;19(11):1167214; with permission.)

Thyroid Ultrasonography

 Thyroid US allows targeting of nodules with suspicious appearance for biopsy

Thyroid US is an important technique widely used in the detection and evaluation of
thyroid nodules. It is a noninvasive, inexpensive procedure that provides information
with regard to nodule dimensions, structure, and thyroid parenchymal changes.
Nowadays, the use of brightness-mode US and high-frequency transducers may
detect lesions as small as 2 to 3 mm, which raises the question of which thyroid
nodules are clinically relevant for further evaluation.
Previous studies have investigated the ability of thyroid US to differentiate between
benign and malignant lesions to avoid the unnecessary use of invasive procedures.3639 As a result, several US features have been found to be indicative of malignant potential. Microcalcifications (Fig. 3), irregular or microlobulated margins,
hypoechogenicity, taller-than-wide shape, and increased intranodular vascularity
(Fig. 4) were found to be independent risk factors for malignancy.38,40,41 Even though
these suspicious features are characterized by high specificity, their positive predictive value is lowered by their relatively low sensitivity (Table 2). It is important to
know that none of these US features alone is sufficient to differentiate benign from

Thyroid Nodules

Fig. 3. US image of a thyroid nodule (arrowheads) containing multiple fine punctuate echogenicities (arrow) with no comet-tail artifact, indicating high suspicion for malignancy. FNA
and surgery confirmed PTC. (Reproduced from Frates MC. Management of thyroid nodules
detected at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus conference statement. Radiology 2005;237:794800; with permission.)

malignant tumors, but a combination of at least 2 of them better succeeds in pointing

out a subset of lesions at high risk for malignancy.42,43 Papini and colleagues38
demonstrated that nodules with a hypoechoic appearance and one of the other suspicious US characteristics successfully identifies thyroid lesions that need to undergo
further cytologic examination. For example, a predominantly solid nodule with microcalcifications has a 31.6% likelihood of malignancy, whereas a predominantly cystic

Fig. 4. Color Doppler US of a thyroid nodule showing marked internal vascularity, indicating
increased likelihood of malignancy. Histology demonstrated PTC. (Reproduced from Frates
MC. Management of thyroid nodules detected at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound
consensus conference statement. Radiology 2005;237:794800; with permission.)



Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

Table 2
Ultrasound characteristics of thyroid nodules predictive of malignancy
Ultrasound Feature

Positive Predictive Negative Predictive

Sensitivity, % Specificity, % Value, %
Value, %











Irregular margins
or no halo


















More tall than wide 32.7

Reproduced from Frates MC. Management of thyroid nodules detected at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound consensus conference statement. Radiology 2005;237(3):794800; with

lesion (Fig. 5) with no microcalcifications lowers the probability for being cancer to
1.0%.44 US findings such as isoechogenicity and spongiform appearance (defined
as aggregations of multiple microcysts in more than 50% of the nodule) are features
highly suggestive of benignity.41
The number of nodules and their size are not predictive of malignancy, as a nodule
smaller than 1 cm is as likely as a larger nodule to harbor neoplastic cells in the presence of suspicious US features.44,45 Choosing an arbitrary size as cutoff for the likelihood of cancer or stratifying the risk in a multinodular goiter based on the dominant
nodule has fallen into disfavor.38
US identification of cervical lymph nodes demonstrating microcalcifications,
increased vascularity, cystic changes, and rounded shape, along with coexisting ipsilateral thyroid nodules, are also very important clues for malignant etiology.42
Evidence of extracapsular growth, which may range from invasion of the thyroid
capsule to perithyroidal muscle infiltration and recurrent laryngeal nerve extension,
is another strong indicator of malignancy.42,43

Fig. 5. US image of a cystic thyroid nodule (arrowheads). (Reproduced from Frates MC.
Management of thyroid nodules detected at US: Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound
consensus conference statement. Radiology 2005;237:794800; with permission.)

Thyroid Nodules

Screening for thyroid nodules by US, or by any other types of imaging studies, is not
recommended in the general population because of the minimal aggressiveness and
indolent course of most of the thyroid cancers. Current ATA guidelines1 recommend
diagnostic thyroid sonography to be performed only in patients with known or suspected thyroid nodules, or in the presence of risk factors.24,46
Other diagnostic imaging techniques, such as MRI and CT scans, are not indicated
for routine thyroid nodule evaluation, but they may be helpful for the assessment of
nodule size, substernal extension of a nodular goiter, and airway compression.25

 Elastography is a promising tool for predicting the malignant potential of thyroid

A recent advancement in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules has been brought by the use
of elastography. This is a dynamic technique that assesses the hardness of the tissue
as an indicator of malignancy.47 This technique was demonstrated to be highly
specific (96%100%) and sensitive (82%97%) in the diagnostic evaluation of thyroid
nodules, independent of nodule size, or location within the thyroid gland.48,49 It was
also found to be reliable in the diagnostic evaluation of indeterminate/follicular lesions,
but this aspect of its use still needs to be confirmed.50 The diagnostic yield of elastography is impaired in nodules with a calcified shell, cystic lesions, and multinodular
goiter with coalescent nodules, because the margins need to be well demarcated
for proper interpretation.51 It is not suitable for diagnosis of follicular carcinoma and
its use is restricted to high-end US devices. Although more data from larger prospective studies is needed to establish the accuracy of this diagnostic technique, it remains
a promising tool in selecting nodules for FNA.
FNA Biopsy

 FNA, in conjunction with US, forms the cornerstone of thyroid nodule evaluation
Thyroid FNA biopsy is the most reliable, safe, and cost-effective diagnostic tool used
in the evaluation of thyroid nodules.52,53 FNA under US guidance is preferred over the
palpation-guided approach because of lower rates of false-negative and nondiagnostic cytology.54 This is particularly true for nodules that are nonpalpable, located deeply
in the thyroid bed, or have a predominantly cystic component.1
The decision to pursue FNA sampling should be based on a risk-stratifying
approach that includes history, US characteristics, and nodule size (Table 3). Subcentimeter nodules should be biopsied only if there is more than 1 suspicious US characteristic, extracapsular growth, abnormal cervical lymph nodes, or high-risk history
(see Table 1). Otherwise, a cutoff size of 1 cm can be used for solid nodules that
have only 1 suspicious sonographic feature, such as microcalcifications or hypoechoic appearance. Mixed cystic-solid nodules should undergo biopsy if they are
more than 1.5 cm in size and the solid component should be targeted for biopsy.
Purely cystic and spongiform lesions are considered to have low risk for malignancy;
therefore, they could be either monitored or biopsied if larger than 2 cm (see Table 3).
Cytologic diagnosis

 FNA based on an adequate sample is 95% accurate for diagnosing thyroid cancer
Almost 20% of FNA results are nondiagnostic, because of sampling error or poor
preparation technique.55 In such cases, it is recommended that a repeat FNA be



Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

Table 3
Sonographic and clinical features of thyroid nodules and recommendations for FNA
Nodule Sonographic or Clinical Features

Recommendeda Nodule Threshold Size

for FNA

High-risk history
Nodule with suspicious sonographic features

>5 mm

Nodule without suspicious sonographic features >5 mm

Recommendation A
Recommendation I

Abnormal cervical lymph nodes


Recommendation A

Microcalcifications present in nodule

1 cm

Recommendation B

And hypoechoic

>1 cm

Recommendation B

And iso- or hyperechoic

11.5 cm

Recommendation C

With any suspicious ultrasound features

1.52.0 cm

Recommendation B

Without suspicious ultrasound features

2.0 cm

Recommendation C

Spongiform nodule

2.0 cmb

Recommendation C

Purely cystic nodule

FNA not indicatedc Recommendation E

Solid nodule

Mixed cystic-solid nodule

Abbreviation: FNA, fine-needle aspiration.

Explanation of Recommendations: A, strongly recommends based on good evidence; B, recommends, based on fair evidence; C, recommends based on expert opinion; E, recommends against
based on fair evidence; I, recommends neither for nor against, evidence insufficient.
Sonographic monitoring without biopsy may be an acceptable alternative.
Unless indicated as therapeutic modality.
Modified from Cooper D. Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for
patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid 2009;19(11):1167214;
with permission.

performed under US guidance, and if available, on-site cytologic examination for

better cytologic adequacy.56,57 Approximately 7% of the nodules will still yield unsatisfactory cytologic results on repeated biopsies. In this situation, surgery is strongly
recommended for solid nodules and close observation or surgery for partially cystic
lesions, as they may harbor neoplastic potential.1,58
Diagnostic FNA results are divided into 5 categories, based on the recent Bethesda
System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology59: benign (70%), malignant (5%), suspicious
for malignancy, follicular or Hurthle cell neoplasm, and follicular lesions of undetermined
significance or atypia. The last 3 cytologic diagnoses, which represent 25% of the total
cases, have been previously classified as indeterminate lesions. They have a predicted
probability for cancer of 50% to 75%, 20% to 30%, and 5% to 10%, respectively.59
The most common benign lesions include colloid nodule, macrofollicular adenoma,
and lymphocytic thyroiditis, among others.24 The most prevalent malignant lesions by
far are represented by PTC, followed by follicular thyroid cancer (FTC), MTC,
anaplastic carcinoma, and high-grade metastatic neoplasms.60 Suspicious lesions
may represent PTC that lacks definitive diagnostic criteria, follicular neoplasm, Hurthle
cell neoplasm, lymphoma, or PTC-follicular variant.
Surgery, with lobectomy or total thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice for malignant and suspicious lesions.1 The same is true for follicular lesions, unless the nodule
is found to be autonomous on a 123-I scan in the setting of low-normal TSH.1 Thyroid
nodules larger than 3 cm with mixed cystic/solid components should be strongly
considered for surgery for diagnostic purposes, as FNA yields a high rate of falsenegative results in these lesions.61

Thyroid Nodules

Indeterminate cytology

 The cytology findings from some FNA biopsies fall into an indeterminate category
in which malignancy cannot reliably be excluded
 Panels of gene mutations may serve as markers of which patients with cytologically indeterminate nodules may safely avoid surgery
Current management for most patients with indeterminate cytology at FNA biopsy
consists of diagnostic surgery to establish a histopathological diagnosis. However,
only 1040% of these cases will turn out to be malignant,59,62 leading to more than
60% of surgeries being unnecessary, with their associated risks and costs. The evaluation of genetic markers associated with thyroid carcinoma (PTC: BRAF, RAS, RET/
PTC; FTC: PAX8/PPARg1) in the cytology specimen has been shown to improve
preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules in large prospective studies, particularly
when used in combination with cytologic features.63,64 For example, in a Korean population, the combination of both cytology and BRAF mutation status increased the
specificity of testing from 36% to 95% compared with FNA cytology alone.65 The
use of molecular markers, in the form of a panel of gene mutations, in patients with
indeterminate cytology on FNA samples has been shown to increase the probability
of cancer from 24% to 89% if any mutation is identified, whereas the lack of any mutation decreases the risk to 11%.66 Cost-effectiveness analysis using a molecular panel
of gene markers, coupled with classical cytologic findings, to increase the predictive
power of diagnostic interpretations shows promising results when compared with the
surgical approach, and is likely to be used in the future in clinical practice.67
Currently, there are 2 commercially available assays that provide molecular testing of
the thyroid cytologic specimens from FNA biopsy. Veracyte Afirma Gene Expression
Classifier, promoted by Genzyme (Cambridge, MA, USA), evaluates messenger RNA
(mRNA) expression levels for 142 genes. It has a negative predictive value of 96%
when evaluated in samples with indeterminate cytology, thus helping patients with
benign lesions to avoid unnecessary surgeries.68 The recent cost-effectiveness analysis by Li and colleagues67 predicts that routine application of the gene expression classifier lowers the rate of surgeries for benign nodules from 57% (with current practice) to
14%. miRInform Thyroid is another commercially available assay provided by Asuragen
(Austin, TX, USA), which analyzes a panel of 7 molecular markers most commonly
encountered in thyroid cancers (BRAF, KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, RET/PTC1, RET/PTC3,
PAX8/PPARg). In contrast to the Veracyte product, it is thus designed to improve the
preoperative cytologic diagnosis of indeterminate thyroid nodules by predicting which
nodules are most likely to be malignant. Its clinical validation still needs to be determined, but the analytical specificity was found to be 99%, and the sensitivity 95%.
In addition to genetic markers, immunohistochemical staining of cytology specimens and other novel serum markers may be of use. With respect to immunohistochemical markers, galectin-3 is a protein marker that was also shown to improve
preoperative diagnosis in indeterminate follicular lesions when used in combination
with conventional cytomorphological diagnostic procedures.69,70 However, recent
data have shown that galectin-3 is more useful for diagnosing PTC than FTC.71
Measurement of serum TSH receptor mRNA, which serves as an indicator of circulating thyroid cancer cells, may be useful for helping determine which nodules with
indeterminate cytology are malignant. TSH receptor mRNA concentrations greater
than 1 ng/mg had a positive predictive value of greater than 90% for carcinoma.72
The use of 18FDG-PET scan in the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules with
indeterminate cytology has high sensitivity, but histologic diagnosis is still required
to distinguish benign from malignant etiology in 18FDG-PETpositive nodules.7376



Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

However, the use of 18FDG-PET could potentially reduce the number of unnecessary
thyroidectomies by 39% to 46%.73,74 It has limited value in selecting candidates for
surgery among patients with the cytologic diagnosis of follicular neoplasm, as the
glucose metabolic activity is similar in benign and malignant nodules with follicular
pattern cytology.45

 A patient with a multinodular thyroid has the same risk of having a malignancy as
a patient with a single thyroid nodule
An algorithm for the initial evaluation of a thyroid nodule is shown in Fig. 2. Tests that
direct the evaluation along different pathways depending on their results include TSH
values, US findings, FNA results, scintigraphy findings, and results of molecular
testing. Most nodules will be found to be benign based on cytology. Such nodules
do not require immediate further diagnostic evaluation or treatment,1 but can simply
be monitored.
With respect to TSH values, a scintigraphy scan (123-I or technetium 99mTc pertechnetate) should be performed in patients with thyroid nodules and serologic
evidence of low or low-normal TSH concentration for further evaluation of nodule functionality. Nodules that are interpreted as hot on scintigraphy represent hyperfunctioning nodules and should not be considered for FNA biopsy because they are
very rarely malignant.25 The isofunctioning or nonfunctioning nodules, also named
cold nodules, have a risk for cancer between 5% and 15%, and therefore should
be aspirated for further evaluation. The ability to assess nodular functioning with radioisotope scanning is generally limited in lesions smaller than 1 cm.35
US examination, in addition to providing information about the appearance and size
of nodules, will also document the number of nodules. Of note, the prevalence of
thyroid cancer in patients with a multinodular goiter is the same as in patients with
a solitary nodule and is independent of the number of nodules. However, the likelihood
of malignancy per nodule decreases as the number of nodules increases.77 If 2 or
more nodules larger than 1 cm are present, the selection of nodules for FNA biopsy
should be made on the basis of the previously described suspicious US characteristics. Otherwise, the largest nodule should be targeted for biopsy.1
Thyroid incidentalomas discovered by CT or MRI should initially undergo US evaluation, with further management being guided based on the sonographic characteristics, as mentioned previously. In contradistinction, incidentalomas detected by
18FDG-PET examination have a high risk of malignancy, and US evaluation, along
with FNA biopsy, should be performed.25
Totally cystic lesions are generally considered benign and, unless a solid component is present, further diagnostic investigation is not required (see Table 3).

 Surgical treatment is recommended for nodules causing compressive symptoms,

and can be considered for toxic nodular disease and thyroid cysts
 T4 suppressive therapy is controversial: it is associated with the risks of iatrogenic
hyperthyroidism, but may prevent new nodule formation
Most benign thyroid nodules do not require any specific intervention, unless there are
local compressive symptoms from significant enlargement, such as dysphagia,

Thyroid Nodules

choking, shortness of breath, hoarseness, or pain, in which case thyroidectomy

should be performed.
Other indications for surgery in benign nodules include the presence of a single toxic
nodule, or a toxic multinodular goiter. Radioiodine (131-I) therapy is another option for
treatment of toxic nodular goiters, but they are usually more radioresistant than toxic
diffuse goiter and radioiodine is not the first-line therapy if compressive symptoms are
present. Treatment with 131-I for larger nodules is not preferred either, as such
nodules require high doses of 131-I with its associated side effects. Radioiodine
therapy needs to be approached with caution in individuals with uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis. However, the only absolute contraindications to 131-I therapy are pregnancy and lactation.78
Aspiration is the treatment of choice in thyroid cysts, but the recurrence rates are
high (60%90% of patients), particularly with repeated aspirations and large-volume
cysts.79,80 Percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) has been studied in several large
randomized controlled studies, with reported success in 8285% of the cases after
an average of 2 sessions, with a volume reduction of more than 85% from baseline
size.79,80 PEI may also be considered for hyperfunctioning nodules, particularly if
a large fluid component is present. It has a success rate ranging from 64% to
95%,8183 with a mean volume reduction of 66%,81 but recurrences are more common
and the number of sessions required to achieve good response is higher (about 4
sessions per patient). PEI is a safe procedure, with the most common reported
adverse effects being local pain, dysphonia, flushing, dizziness, and, rarely, recurrent
laryngeal nerve damage.79,80,84 Surgery, in addition to serving as a suitable option for
treatment of single toxic nodules and toxic multinodular goiter, is also a reasonable
therapy for cystic lesions, as an alternative to the previously mentioned procedures.
Levothyroxine (T4) therapy for benign thyroid nodules has been proposed with the
aim of achieving nodule shrinkage and preventing further appearance of new nodules
through TSH suppression. Although several randomized control trials and metaanalyses have demonstrated nodule shrinkage in patients from areas of iodine deficiency,8588 a clinically significant decrease in nodule volume is achieved only in
a minority of patients with sufficient iodine intake.85,88,89 Other predictive features of
good response to T4 treatment are recent diagnosis, small nodule size, and colloid
appearance at FNA.90
T4 suppressive therapy is not devoid of adverse effects, such as decreased bone
density, particularly in postmenopausal women, atrial fibrillation, and increased overall
morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases.91 Current guidelines1 do not
recommend routine use of T4 suppressive treatment in patients with benign thyroid
nodules from areas with iodine sufficiency. A recent study conducted in Italy in individuals with nontoxic goiter. However, a recent study conducted in Italy in individuals with
non-toxic goiter showed decreased goiter growth, decreased formation of new
nodules, and decreased risk of developing PTC in a population receiving T4,
compared with an untreated population.92 Thus, this management technique may
have some utility.

 A 50% increase in the volume of a previously biopsied thyroid nodule is a reasonable trigger for repeating an FNA
Benign thyroid nodules require further long-term follow-up because of the risk of falsenegative results after initial FNA, which is about 5%.93 Serial US at 6 to 18 months from
the initial FNA is the recommended investigation for the follow-up examination of



Popoveniuc & Jonklaas

thyroid nodules to accurately detect significant changes in size94 or discover changes

in appearance (Fig. 6).
There is no consensus definition for nodule growth and threshold size to repeat an
FNA. However, many investigators propose a cutoff value of 50% for nodule volume
growth, or more than 20% increase in at least 2 dimensions of a solid nodule, or the
solid portion of a mixed cystic-solid nodule to be reasonable and safe.95 An online
calculator to determine the change in volume of a thyroid nodule from its serial dimensions is available on the ATA Web site (
calculators/CINV.php). Although nodule growth is an indication for repeat biopsy,1
growth is not pathognomonic for malignancy.96 Repeated FNA biopsy is recommended to be performed under US guidance, as false-negative rates are higher with
palpation-guided FNA, compared with US-guided FNA.54 A recent retrospective analysis of value of repeated FNAs of benign thyroid nodules demonstrated high accuracy
(98%) of the initial diagnosis.97
If no significant nodule growth is observed at repeated US, a follow-up interval of
3 to 5 years may be reasonable (see Fig. 6).1

 If a diagnosis of thyroid cancer is made during pregnancy, surgery usually may be

delayed until after delivery

Fig. 6. Algorithm for follow-up of benign thyroid nodules.

Thyroid Nodules

 In the case of aggressive or rapidly growing thyroid cancer, surgery during the
second trimester is safest
The etiology and behavior of thyroid nodules discovered during pregnancy as
compared with the general population is unknown.98 As a consequence, the evaluation should be similar to that for nonpregnant patients, except for the contraindication
to radionuclide scanning. If a patient is found to have persistently suppressed serum
TSH levels after the first trimester, the radionuclide scan and possible subsequent
FNA can be safely postponed until after delivery and cessation of lactation.1 In euthyroid or hypothyroid pregnant women with thyroid nodules, consensus guidelines
recommend that an FNA biopsy should be performed.1 An argument can be made,
however, for deferring the FNA until after delivery unless there are worrisome clinical
features that would perhaps lead to a recommendation for a thyroidectomy during
pregnancy. If a diagnosis of malignancy results from the FNA, but postponement of
thyroidectomy until the patient is post partum is the intended plan before the FNA,
this simply exposes the patient to anxiety regarding a diagnosis about which she
can take no action.
Previous studies have demonstrated similar cancer behavior in pregnant patients
diagnosed with PTC when compared with the general population,99,100 with no differences in survival rates or recurrences in pregnant women operated for PTC during or
after delivery.100 Rates of complications after thyroid surgery are higher in pregnant
women than their nonpregnant counterparts, however.101 Because additional retrospective data suggest that delaying surgery for less than 1 year from the time of the
differentiated thyroid cancer diagnosis has no impact on patient outcome,102 postponing the surgery until after delivery seems a reasonable approach. If more advanced
or aggressive disease is present at the time of diagnosis, or a decision is made to
pursue thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer discovered early in pregnancy, surgery
should be ideally performed in the second trimester of pregnancy,103 as this may
decrease the risk of early miscarriage and premature delivery.
T4 suppressive therapy to maintain a serum TSH level between 0.1 and 1.0 mU/L is
a reasonable approach in pregnant patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer on the
basis of an FNA and who are awaiting thyroidectomy.104


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A p p ro a c h t o a n d
Tre a t m e n t o f G o i t e r s
Geraldo Medeiros-Neto, MD, MACPa,*,
Rosalinda Y. Camargo, MD, PhDb, Eduardo K. Tomimori,


 Simple goiter  Multinodular goiter  Sonography  Surgery
 L-thyroxine therapy  Radioiodine ablation

Simple and nodular goiters are common and geographically widespread conditions.
Since remote times, goiter has been described as an enlargement of the neck, and
a pictorial description of this anomaly has been present in several cultures and civilizations.1 The Chinese identified goiter in people living in the countryside and empirically treated them successfully with extracts of dry sea sponges. The traditional
Chinese medical doctors were not aware of the iodine-rich content of dry sea sponges
and they must have discovered the efficacy of this treatment by trial and error. When
Roman armies were crossing the Alps to conquer the Celtic tribes, it was noted that
most of the villagers had goiters (Quis tumidum guttur miratur in Alpibus?: Do not
be surprised to observe goitrous [people] in the Alps). The Latin guttur may be the
obvious root for the French, English, and Italian words for the enlargement of the
neck (goiter, goiter, and gozzo). During medieval and Renaissance periods, many
sculptures, paintings, and works of folk art depicted goitrous people; most of them
were villagers from the Alps and other mountainous regions of Europe. Goiter was
common in Switzerland, as indicated by medical reports.1 In South America, goiter
was observed after the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors started the process of
colonization. It is debatable if the indigenous civilizations in the Andes mountains
had a goiter or not, but after the miscegenation of the local population, goiter became
common in the Andes. In the Alps, the Andes, and the Himalayas as well as in China,
Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and other countries, goiter was the visible

This article was partially supported by a grant from Instituto da Tiroide-Sao Paulo, Brazil- www.
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclosure.
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo Medical School,
Rua Artur Ramos, 96 5A, 01454-903 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Thyroid Unit, Division of Endocrinology, University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Rua
Mirassol, 216 apartment 82, 04044-010 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Section of Ultrasonography at the Hospital das Clnicas, University of Sao Paulo Medical
School, Rua Artur Ramos, 241 - Room 63, 01454-011 Sao Paulo, Brazil
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 351368
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Medeiros-Neto et al

consequence of chronic iodine deficiency, but this was clearly shown only at the
beginning of the nineteenth century, when iodine was discovered. Later, iodine drops
were used to cure goiters in Geneva, Switzerland, but a few cases of excessive thyroid
function and dramatic cardiac arrhythmias were detected with deaths from the excessive iodine administered to goitrous elderly people.2 Iodine started to be widely distributed to afflicted populations in the mountainous regions of Europe late in the
nineteenth century. The first attempt at an epidemiologic approach to prevent
endemic goiter was made in France and Switzerland in the early twentieth century.
In the United States, Marine and Taylor1 reported on clinical and pathologic aspects
of multinodular goiters, and general prophylaxis with iodine administration was suggested. Later, several countries started their own programs to distribute iodine to their
populations. Most of the studies of the prevalence of goiters were based on physical
examination of schoolchildren. If more than 5% of all schoolchildren had thyroid
enlargement, supplementation of iodine through salt was recommended. In 1986,
the International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders started a new
period of globalization in the permanent fight against iodine-deficiency disorders,
including goiter. Almost 2 billion people are still at risk of iodine deficiency and its
consequences, mostly pregnant women and their babies, as well as children of school
Iodine deficiency was and still is a major cause for goiter in schoolchildren, young
adults, and elderly people. As discussed in the following sections, goiter may have
a familial incidence and a strong genetic predisposition. Other causes of goiter may
relate to smoking, natural goitrogens, autoimmune disorders, dyshormonogenesis,
certain iodine-rich drugs, and environmental agents. The approach to a patient with
a goiter should consider and evaluate many and multiple factors that induce an
abnormal growth of the thyroid gland.

Simple diffuse goiter (SDG) is an enlargement of the thyroid volume occurring in an

iodine-sufficient area or, more frequently, in young individuals living in mild to
moderate iodine-deficiency areas. The goiters should not have signs and symptoms
related to autoimmune thyroid disorders or neoplasia. SDG volume has been clinically
evaluated by palpation, which is considered inaccurate. More recently, ultrasonography of the thyroid gland conducted in schoolchildren4 has provided a more accurate
measurement of thyroid volume. If more than 5% of the schoolchildren have more than
the reference volume value for their age, the geographic area is considered to be less
than a low iodine intake (Fig. 1); measurement of urinary iodine excretion confirms this
Multinodular goiter (MNG) is a clinically recognizable enlargement of the thyroid
gland characterized by excessive growth of more than 1 nodule, which undergoes
a structural and functional transformation within the normal thyroid tissue. Simple
nodular goiter or MNG occurs both endemically (low iodine intake; more than 5% of
population has this condition) and sporadically (<5% of the population has SDG and
Both MNG and SDG may be familial, when several members of the family have
a diffuse or nodular enlargement of the thyroid. In familial clustering, a simple mode
of transmission has been recognized. Both endemic and sporadic goiter belong to
the group of diseases referred to as complex diseases; they commonly vary in their
severity and are multifactorial, with the clinical phenotype representing contributions
from both genetic and environmental factors.4

Approach to and Treatment of Goiters

Fig. 1. Relationship between the median urinary iodine concentration and the prevalence
of goiter (measuring volume by echography) at 57 locations in 12 European countries.
(From Delange F, Benker G, Caron P, et al. Thyroid volume and urinary iodine in European
schoolchildren; standardization values for assessment of iodine deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol
1997;136:182; with permission.)


Studies on the epidemiology of SDG and MNG in a given population have been
hampered by selection criteria, influence of environmental factors, methodology
for measuring size, and morphology, as well as methods for evaluating thyroid
Survey of a representative sample of the adult population from a geographic area of the
United Kingdom7 indicated that 15.5% of the individuals had a palpable goiter, with
a female/male ratio of 4.5:1. No relation to iodine excretion was found. In the Framingham,
United States, study8 the iodine intake was high (urinary iodine 246 mg iodine/L), and MNG
was found by palpation in only 1% of individuals between 30 and 50 years of age. MNG is
a frequent clinical entity in countries with a history of chronic iodine deficiency. After
correction of the iodine deficiency most schoolchildren, young adults, and middle-aged
individuals do not present with an SDG. However, older individuals who have suffered
from lack of proper iodine nutrition since childhood may have a clinically visible and
palpable MNG. It is estimated that about 6% of elderly individuals in a given population,
previously suspected to have iodine deficiency, may have visible MNG.9

The evolution of SDG (either endemic or sporadic) is limited to primary and secondary
factors.6 Primary factors are functional heterogeneity of normal follicular cells, caused
by genetics, and acquisition of new inheritable qualities by replicating epithelial cells.
An important primary factor is gender (females are affected more than males). Later,
with the evolution of SDG and MNG, several functional and structural anomalies in
growing goiters emerge (Fig. 2).



Medeiros-Neto et al

Fig. 2. Mild iodine deficiency associated or not with smoking, presence of natural goitrogenic drugs, familial goiter, genetic markers, and gender (female) decreases the inhibition
of serum T4 on the pituitary thyrotrophs. Increased TSH production causes diffuse goiter followed by nodule formation. After decades of life, a large MNG is present with cystic areas,
hemorrhage, fibrosis, and calcium deposits. (From Medeiros-Neto G, Henneman G. Multinodular goiter. 2010. Available at: Accessed November 7,
2011; with permission.)

Secondary factors are mostly linked to persistent increased levels of serum thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) (induced by iodine deficiency), presence of natural goitrogens, dyshormonogenesis, nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, smoking, and
environmental and endocrine disruptors.
The secondary factors discussed later stimulate thyroid cell growth or function, and,
because of presumed differences in cellular responsiveness, aggravate the expression
of heterogeneity, which leads to further growth and focal autonomic function of the thyroid
gland. Local necrosis and cyst formation (sometimes with bleeding and fibrosis) may be
the anatomic end stage of such processes (see Fig. 2).
Iodine Deficiency

Stimulation of new follicle generation seems to be necessary in the formation of simple

goiter (see Fig. 2). Evidence accumulated from many studies indicates that iodine deficiency negatively modifies the iodine metabolism in the thyroid gland, and this may be
an important mechanism leading to increases in TSH secretion.1013 Because in
experimental animals the level of iodine per se may modulate the response of thyroid
cells to TSH, this is an additional mechanism by which small increases in serum TSH
level cause substantial effects on thyroid growth in iodine-deficient areas.12,14 The
thyroidal iodine clearance of patients with nontoxic nodular goiter was, on average,
higher than that in normal persons. When data published from various major cities
in Western Europe regarding thyroid volume and iodine excretion are put together,4

Approach to and Treatment of Goiters

an inverse relation is found between urinary iodine excretion and thyroid volume (see
Fig. 1). Physiologic stresses, such as pregnancy, may increase the need for iodine and
require thyroid hypertrophy to increase iodine uptake. Moreover, increased renal
clearance of iodine occurs during normal pregnancy.10 Increased need for thyroxine
(T4) during pregnancy may also lead to significant transfer of thyroid hormone from
the mother to the fetus. Mutations in the thyroglobulin gene may impair the efficiency
of thyroid hormone synthesis and release, leading to a decrease inhibition of TSH at
the pituitary level. The high TSH released from the thyrotrophs continuously stimulates
growth of the thyroid gland.6
Natural Goitrogens

Natural goitrogens (Table 1) may be considered significant determinants of the prevalence of goiter, either in iodine-deficient areas or in localities where iodine intake is
abundant, as in the coal-rich Appalachian area of eastern Kentucky.15 Goitrogenic
effects may be related to the consumption of certain foodstuffs (cassava, millet,
babassu coconut, pinon, vegetables from the genus Brassica, and soybean).1627
The goitrogenic factor in cassava is related to the hydrocyanic acid liberated from
the cyanogenetic glucoside (linamarin) and converted endogenously to thiocyanate.
These compounds, competitively, inhibit trapping and promote the efflux of intrathyroidal iodine.16 Pearl millet is one of the most important food crops in the semiarid
tropics (large portions of Africa and Asia). Millet porridge is rich in C-glucosylflavones
and also contains thiocyanate. Both are additive in their antithyroid effects. Babassu
coconut is largely consumed in northern Brazil, and studies have shown the presence
of flavonoids in the edible part of the nut.17 Studies of soy isoflavones in experimental
animals suggest possible adverse effects like enhancement of reproductive organs,
modulation of endocrine function, and antithyroid effects. Antithyroid effects may
also be extended by increasing the loss of T4 from the blood via bile into the gut,
and may cause goiter when iodine intake is limited.18,19
Table 1
Natural goitrogens associated with goiter prevalence


Millet, soy


Impairs thyroperoxidase activity

Cassava, sweet potato,


Cyanogenic glucosides
metabolized to

Inhibits iodine thyroidal uptake

Babassu coconut, mandioca


Inhibits thyroperoxidase

Cruciferous vegetables:
cabbage, cauliflower,
broccoli, turnips


Impairs iodine thyroidal uptake

Seaweed (kelp)

Iodine excess

Inhibits release of thyroidal hormones


Vitamin A deficiency
Iron deficiency

Increases TSH stimulation

Reduces heme-dependent
thyroperoxidase thyroidal activity


Selenium deficiency

Accumulates peroxides and causes

deiodinase deficiency; impairs
thyroid hormone synthesis

Adapted and modified from Medeiros-Neto G, Knobel M. Iodine deficiency disorders. In: Jameson
JL, De Groot LJ, editors. Endocrinology. 6th edition. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co; 2010; with



Medeiros-Neto et al

Excess of Nutritional Iodine

Excess consumption of iodine-rich kelp (dry seaweed, 80200 mg iodine per day) has
caused sporadic and even endemic goiter in humans. In these cases, goiter is
common in some families and more frequent in girls at puberty, which suggests the
influence of additional genetic and hormonal factors. The organification of iodine
and, consequently, the synthesis of T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) were lower than
normal, and iodine-rich colloid goiter was observed in patients from the goiterendemic coast of Hokkaido, Japan.20
Generalized malnutrition (protein-caloric deprivation) has been recognized as an
additive factor in the prevalence of goiter in populations with mild iodine deficiency.2127
Epidemiologic data recorded in 5-year-old to 14-year-old South African children
showed that vitamin A supplements are effective in treating goiter in areas of mild iodine
deficiency. It has also an additional benefit: through suppression of the pituitary TSHb
gene, vitamin A supplements can decrease TSH secretion and the subsequent overstimulation of the thyroid. These events reduce the risk of goiter.21,22 Iron, selenium,
and zinc are essential for normal thyroid hormone metabolism. Iron deficiency impairs
thyroid hormone synthesis by reducing activity of heme-dependent thyroid peroxidase.
Iron-deficiency anemia blunts and iron supplementation improves the efficacy of iodine
Natural goitrogenesis, protein-caloric malnutrition, iron, selenium, and zinc as well
as environmental disruptors have a limited if any effect in a normal iodine environment.
In clinical practice, these factors are of minor pathologic action in patients with SDG or
Oxidative stress has been previously evaluated10 and considered an important
factor in goitrogenesis. Certain drugs may induce damage to the follicular cells, with
a possible induction of goiter.
Heterogeneity of Thyroid Cells

Cells of the thyroid gland are often polyclonal rather than monoclonal in origin.14 From
a functional aspect, it seems that through developmental processes the thyroid
epithelial cells forming a follicle are functionally polyclonal and possess widely
different qualities regarding biochemical steps leading to growth and to thyroid
hormone synthesis.6 As a consequence, there is marked heterogeneity of growth
and function within the thyroid and even within a single follicle.14
An example of genetic qualities acquisition is the identification in the last few years
of constitutively activating somatic mutations not only in solitary toxic adenoma but
also in hyperfunctioning nodules of MNGs.13
Environmental Disruptors Affecting Thyroid Function

In addition to the natural goitrogens mentioned earlier, exposure to environmental

chemicals may have deleterious effects on the thyroid system in humans during development, especially in the nervous system.28 Disruptors may also adversely affect
thyroid hormone metabolism.29,30 However, these agents have not proved to be

Tobacco smoking is a major source of thiocyanate in humans, which inhibits the function of the iodide transporter in the lactating mammary gland. Smoking during the
period of breastfeeding dose-dependently reduces breast-milk iodine content to about
half and, consequently, exposes the infant to increased risk of iodine deficiency.31

Approach to and Treatment of Goiters


In contrast to sporadic goiters, caused by recessive genomic variation, most cases of

familial goiter present an autosomal-dominant pattern of inheritance, indicating
predominant genetic defects. Gene-gene interactions of various polygenic mechanisms (ie, synergistic effects of several variants or polymorphisms) could increase
the complexity of the pathogenesis of nontoxic MNG and offer an explanation for its
genetic heterogeneity.3240 A strong genetic predisposition is indicated by family
and twin studies.33 Thus, children from parents with goiter have a significantly higher
risk of developing goiter compared with children from nongoitrous parents. The high
incidence in females and the higher concordance rate in monozygotic instead of dizygotic twins have also suggested a genetic predisposition. Moreover, there is preliminary evidence of a positive family history for thyroid diseases in those who have
postoperative relapse of goiter, which can occur from months to years after surgery.
A genome-wide linkage analysis has identified a candidate locus, MNG1 on chromosome 14q31, in a large Canadian family with 18 affected individuals.32
This focus was confirmed in a German family with recurrent euthyroid goiters.34 A dominant pattern of inheritance with high penetrance was assumed in both investigations.
Moreover, a region on 14q31 between MNG1 and the TSH-R gene was identified as
a potential positional candidate region for nontoxic goiter. Furthermore, an X-linked
autosomal-dominant pattern and linkage to a second locus MNG2 (Xp22) was identified
in an Italian pedigree with nontoxic familial goiter.35 A study in Japan identified 2 independent multigenerational families with MNG with euthyroidism.37 An autosomal-dominant
pattern of inheritance has been suggested in both families. Linkage analysis mapped
a single locus on 3q26.1-q263. These findings indicate that the MNG phenotype observed
in the pedigree was not caused by impairment of genes directly involved in thyroid hormonogenesis. An unknown protein may be involved in the biochemical pathway of thyroid
hormone synthesis.
Genome-wide Linkage Analysis

To identify further candidate regions, the first extended genome-wide linkage analysis
was performed to detect susceptibility loci in 18 Danish, German, and Slovakian families.38 Assuming genetic heterogeneity and a dominant pattern of inheritance, 4 novel
candidate loci on chromosomes 3p, 2q, 7q, and 8p were identified. An individual
contribution was attributable to 4 families for the 3p locus and to 1 family for each
of the other loci, respectively. From the candidate regions identified earlier and the
established environmental factors, nontoxic goiter can consequently be defined as
a complex disease. However, a more prevalent putative locus, present in 20% of
the investigated families, has been identified.38
Moreover, the sum of several weak genetic variations in different genomic regions
could lead to goiter predisposition. Therefore, the widely accepted risk factors such
as iodine deficiency, smoking, old age, and female gender are likely to interact with
or trigger the genetic susceptibility.36
Thyroglobulin gene mutations have been implicated in the genesis of nontoxic
goiter.4144 Two studies from Spain have indicated monoallelic mutations in the TG
gene causing euthyroid diffuse goiter.41,42 In 1 patient a homozygous mutation in exon
43 induced the synthesis of an abnormal TG protein that was mostly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum.44 Thus, the defective TG protein that reached the colloidal space was
rapidly hydrolyzed and thyroid hormone released into the circulation. However, serum
TSH level was mildly increased and a large diffuse goiter was present (Fig. 3). The high
iodine intake had a positive role for generation of barely normal serum T3 and T4 levels.



Medeiros-Neto et al

Fig. 3. A large diffuse goiter in a 39-year-old woman with serum TSH 4.19 mIU/mL, free T4 5
0.63 ng/dL, low serum Tg (4.2 ng/mL) not responsive to stimulation by rhTSH. Iodine nutrition was normal, as confirmed by a urinary iodine of 239 mg/L. A thyroglobulin gene mutation in exon 43 (Ala 2215 Asp) led to an expressive retention of TG-mutated protein in the
endoplasmic reticulum. Hormone synthesis and release were only mildly affected, possibly
by the high iodine ingestion. Goiter was probably caused by excessive and persistent TSH
stimulation. (Data from Pardo V, Vono-Toniolo J, Rubio IG, et al. The p.A2215D thyroglobulin gene mutation leads to deficient synthesis and secretion of the mutated protein and
congenital hypothyroidism with wide phenotype variation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2009;94:


Most patients with SDG and MNG have few or no symptoms except for those with large
MNG. Many patients are referred to hospital for cosmetic reasons or, more frequently, for
compression of cervical structures causing tracheal deviation. Rarely dyspnea, cough,
and dysphasia are present. Often patients have a family history of goiter and nodules
removed by surgery in their relatives. SDG commonly develops slowly in school-age children during adolescence. Goiter asymmetry is common. In older people, MNG is the most
frequently diagnosed entity. Aside from cosmetic complaints, a sudden transient pain
with enlargement of a side of the MNG secondary to hemorrhage is the major complaint
by patients. Compression symptoms are more often seen when there is an intrathoraxic
extension of the MNG (Fig. 4). Such goiters develop insidiously in elderly individuals when
there is a substantial growth into the thorax (anterior mediastinum); they may lead to
compression of the subclavia arterial/venous flow with the surge of collateral circulation
in the upper thoracic region. Intrathoraxic localization may cause respiratory distress in
30% to 85% of patients referred for surgery.5,6 Tracheal compression results in dyspnea,
stridor, cough, and a sensation of shock. Intrathoraxic MNG symptoms of respiratory
distress are amplified in a recumbent position (Fig. 5). Several patients with MNG may
present signs and symptoms related to subclinical hyperthyroidism/clinical hyperthyroidism. These symptoms are probably caused by autonomous nodules inside the
MNG13 or, more frequently, by an excess of nutritional iodine or iodinated drugs, or radiological contrasts containing iodine.6

TSH assays are sensitive in detecting thyroid dysfunction and are therefore preferred as a first approach by more than half of clinicians.45,46 Depending on the geographic localization of the attending physician (North and South America, Europe,

Approach to and Treatment of Goiters

Fig. 4. An elderly woman with a large and long-standing MNG that migrated to the upper
mediastinal region with subsequent compression of the subclavian system. Note the subcutaneous enlarged venous circulation (A). Scintillographic studies after a tracer dose of 131I
(B) before and (C) after simulation by 0.45 mg of rhTSH. (From Silva MN, Rubio IG, Romao R,
et al. Administration of a single dose of recombinant human thyrotrophin enhances the efficacy of radioiodine treatment of large compressive multinodular goitres. Clin Endocrinol
(Oxf) 2004;60:302; with permission.)

and Asia/Oceania), thyroidologists frequently also ask for thyroid hormone determination (free T4, free T3, total T4, total T3) in the initial evaluation of the patient. Antithyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies are measured by half of clinicians. The
information provided by a positive anti-TPO test is relevant for future treatment
with radioiodine (as a risk factor for thyroiditis and hypothyroidism). Serum thyroglobulin (Tg) is an important marker for the rare condition of a mutation in the TG
gene leading to a paradoxic low Tg serum level in a large MNG (see Fig. 3).
Imaging Procedures
Sonography of the thyroid

It is widely accepted that neck palpation is imprecise both for assessment of thyroid
morphology and size (weight) determination. Therefore, sonography has been

Fig. 5. Familial diffuse goiter. Cervical CT of a large SDG. A large goiter (230 mL) in a 42-yearold woman from an iodine-sufficient area. The thyroid volume apparently started to grow
after her third pregnancy. Her mother and 2 sisters also have goiters. The patient complained of dyspnea, compression symptoms, and stridor. Serum TSH level was 6.0 mIU/mL,
free T4 1.1 ng/dL, and anti-TPO was negative. Serum TG level was increased (186 ng/mL).
Note the tracheal compression with a reduced area (8  18 mm).



Medeiros-Neto et al

introduced, with a dramatic effect on clinical practice. Sonographic portable machines

are available at a reasonable price, and in many countries the endocrinologist (after
training) may perform echography of the neck in their patients, to image the thyroid
gland. Sonography also provides an accurate estimate of the goiter/nodule volume,
identifies thyroid nodules/cysts, detects microcalcifications, and specifies the degree
of echogenicity of the nodule(s).
In the presence of an SDG, echographic measurements produce reliable information about the effect of treatment on goiter volume in relation to time. Moreover, serial
echographic studies may detect the emergence of cysts, hemorrhages, and nodular
structures in follow-up of the patient. For MNG, the ellipsoid method for volume estimation may underestimate the goiter size by 17% compared with magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI). An important feature of the sonographic methodology for imaging is the
use of a Doppler technique to evaluate the flow of the vascular (arterial) bed in nodules.
Moreover, the new three-dimensional sonographic machines may improve volume
estimation and possibly avoid the use of other methods (MRI, computed tomography

Scintillography of thyroid isotope imaging has little place in the evaluation of SDG or
MNG. However, isotope uptake by the MNG may be measured before and after stimulation by recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) (see Fig. 4). It has been clearly shown that
after rhTSH stimulation, the uptake of the nodules (within the MNG) increases dramatically. This finding indicates a therapeutic choice for a dose of radioiodine preceded by
CT and MRI

CT and MRI provide high-resolution three-dimensional visualization of the thyroid

gland and are specially useful for an MNG that extends to the upper mediastinum.
Another advantage of CT and MRI is the possibility for planimetric volume estimations,
especially in large MNG before and after a radioiodine therapeutic dose. Moreover,
both imaging methods provide an accurate view of the degree of tracheal compression (see Fig. 5). As the MNG progressively shrinks in volume, the trachea lumen
expands to its normal size. This expansion can be accurately measured in serial MRI.
Fine-needle aspiration and cytology

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) should be performed in MNG before surgery or

a radioiodine therapeutic dose. Usually, a dominant nodule and 1 or 2 other nodules
are aspirated under sonographic imaging. The risk of malignancy in a long-standing
MNG has been considered as small both in surgical and in autopsy specimens.
Thus, the FNAB is usually conducted to enable the surgeon/nuclear medical group
to search for suspicious lymph nodes before a surgical or medical intervention. If
a nodule within an MNG has a cytologic diagnosis of papillary cancer, surgery should
be performed.

There is no ideal therapeutic option for SDG.47 As discussed earlier, SDG results from
a combination of genetic factors and environmental conditions. Frequently a mild
iodine deficiency is present.4 Therefore, iodine supplementation seems to be an
adequate approach (400 mg iodine for 812 months). A significant reduction was
observed in SDG. However, in patients with MNG, iodine therapy may induce autoimmune thyroiditis and also the risk of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (Jod-Basedow

Approach to and Treatment of Goiters

phenomenon). Therefore aside from a few European countries, iodine is no longer

used for treatment of goiter (SDG, MNG).
This situation leaves 3 therapeutic options (Table 2):
a. surgery
b. L-T4suppressive therapy
c. radioiodine (131I) alone/preceded by rhTSH.

In the United States (and possibly in most other countries), surgery is the preferred
treatment for patients with euthyroid, large obstructive, and substernal MNG.45,46
This preference was clearly shown in questionnaires sent to members of the American
Thyroid Association and the European Thyroid Association. Small MNGs were preferentially treated with suppressive L-T4 therapy by more than half of the responders to
the questionnaire. By contrast, European thyroidologists tended to treat MNG with
radioiodine (131I) alone or preceded by rhTSH as an alternative to surgery. In countries
Table 2
Treatment of nontoxic MNGs
Therapeutic Options

Data Favoring

Data Against



Rapid goiter
and cervical

Higher cost ($$$)

Higher risk in

Standard therapy
when highvolume thyroid
surgeons are
Not all patients may
be eligible
Elderly patients may
be high risk


Low cost
Prevent new nodule
Association with
may be more

Goiter reduction in
only 30%
Treatment is for life
TSH suppressed
Possible subclinical
Effects in bone
and heart
Compliance may
be low

Currently indicated
in small MNG
Association with
may result in
May be
recommended as
first option

Goiter volume
(50%) after 1 y
Few side effects
Low cost for the
health system,
specially in

Reduction of goiter
sizes gradual
Larger goiters may
have a lower
Transient thyroiditis
Increased levels of T4
and T3

Has replaced surgery

in European and
Best option for
those who decline
or are not fit for

L-T4 plus iodine

(preceded by

Adapted and modified from Hegedus, L, Paschke R, Krohn K, et al. Multinodular goiter. In: Jameson
LJ, De Groot LJ, editors. Endocrinology. 6th edition. Philadelphia: Saunders-Elsevier; 2010. p. 163649;
with permission.



Medeiros-Neto et al

with a past history of chronic iodine deficiency, MNG is common in elderly patients,
many of whom are considered to have a higher risk for surgery because of the presence of other chronic disorders, hence the need for an alternative therapeutic procedure to replace the obvious surgical intervention. In most patients with large MNG,
near total or total thyroidectomy is the procedure of choice.4859 Complications of
surgery such as injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve tracheal lesions, nonintentional
removal of the parathyroid glands resulting in permanent hypoparathyroidism with lifelong need for continuous treatment are, apparently, more common in large and substernal goiters rather than those undergoing surgery for cervical goiters.5557 To
minimize the risks of complications, those patients with substernal goiters should
be referred to an experienced thyroid surgeon.11 However, in many settings, thyroid
surgeons may not be easily available and general surgeons are indicated for MNG
surgery. Frequently a subtotal thyroidectomy is performed, and the recurrence risk
of MNG may reach 60% of patients within many years of the surgical procedure.51,58
Another point of controversy is the use of L-T4 after a subtotal thyroidectomy. Total
removal of the thyroid (MNG) leads to hypothyroidism and treatment with L-T4 is
mandatory. Patients who are left with a substantial residual thyroid tissue may be
treated with L-T4.51 The use of routine L-T4 therapy is questioned by others.52 Because
of the high long-term recurrence rate after subtotal thyroidectomy for MNG, most clinicians treat these patients with L-T4.45,46
A reoperation for the recurrent MNG accounts for approximately 10% to 15% of
thyroidectomies (mostly subtotal surgery), resulting in a 3-fold to 10-fold increase in
risk of surgical complications, as indicated earlier.5 An alternative is the use of radioiodine preceded by rhTSH stimulation, as discussed in the last section of the therapeutic approaches to MNG.

Therapy for MNG

L-T4suppressive therapy is used extensively in Europe, the United States, and Latin
America, according to their respective surveys.45,46 A beneficial effect of L-T4 has
been shown in diffuse goiters in many controlled trials.6066 A goiter reduction of
20% to 40% can be expected in 6 to 12 months of therapy, the goiter returning to
the pretreatment size after L-T4 withdrawal. The efficacy of L-T4 depends on the degree
of TSH suppression. For nontoxic MNG, there are controlled studies in which sonography was used for objective size monitoring. A randomized, double-blind trial showed
that the goiter volume was reduced by 15% (9 months of L-T4 therapy). In the placebo
group, the goiter continued to increase in size by more than 20% in the 9-month
period.60 The goiter volume returned to baseline values after discontinuation of the
therapy. Others61 studied 62 patients with nodular goiter. Thirty per cent of patients
were regarded as responders (reduction >50% of the initial volume). In the control
group, 87% showed no change or an increase in goiter size. Another randomized
trial62 compared L-T4 with 131I therapy. The median reduction of goiter volume in the
radioiodine-treated group was 38% to 44%, whereas only 7% of the L-T4treated
patients had a significant goiter reduction.
An Italian group63 treated 83 goitrous patients (nodular goiter) with suppressive
doses of L-T4, comparing the results with a control group. The L-T4 therapy was
extended for 5 years. There was a decrease in nodular size in the L-T4treated group
and a mean volume increase in the control group. After 5 years, sonograms detected
28.5% new nodules in the control group but only 7.5% in the L-T4treated group.
Long-term TSH suppression by L-T4 induced volume reduction in a subgroup of
thyroid nodules but effectively prevented the appearance of new nodules. Another
recently controlled study from Italy67 studied patients with MNG treated with L-T4

Approach to and Treatment of Goiters

compared with a control group for 1 year. These investigators concluded that L-T4
reduced significantly the goiter volume, compared with the control group. Thyroid
volume was evaluated by sonography.
A study conducted in Brazil65 evaluated 42 women with a nodular goiter. Twenty-one
patients were treated with 2.7 mg/kg of L-T4 for 1 year. Six of the 21 treated patients had
a greater than 50% reduction of the goiter. Nodule volume has been evaluated by
sonography. Nodule volume reduction has been observed in only 2 (of 24 patients)
who received a placebo. These investigators concluded that L-T4 therapy is associated
with 17% of reduction of a single colloid nodule and may inhibit growth in other patients.
They also conducted a meta-analysis of 6 prospective controlled trials and concluded
that 4 of 7 studies favor treatment with L-T4. More recently, a study conducted in Germany66 in a large cohort (1024 patients), in a multicenter setting evaluated L-T4 alone,
L-T4 plus iodine, iodine alone, and placebo in thyroid nodules. Nodular volume was
reduced by 17.3% in the group receiving L-T4 and iodine compared with 7.3% in the
group treated with L-T4 alone. Both treatments were more effective in goiter (nodule)
reduction compared with placebo. These investigators concluded that in a region
with sufficient iodine the combination of L-T4 plus iodine is more effective than another
component alone or placebo. The treatment of single nodules or MNG with L-T4 is an
open issue, because the reduction of the nodule/MNG is obtained in only about onethird of patients. The possible unwanted effects of L-T4 therapy have also to be
Radioiodine in the Treatment of MNG

Radioiodine treatment of nontoxic MNGs was introduced in some European countries

about 25 years ago.68,69 Patients were selected for ablation with radioiodine when
they had comorbidities that increased the risk for a surgical procedure (total thyroidectomy) or when they refused surgery. In these earlier studies, radioiodine therapy
induced a mean goiter reduction of about 40% in 1 year of therapy.68 The individual
response to the ablative dose was variable mostly because of low iodine uptake by
the MNG. Moreover, for large MNG, a high radioiodine dose was needed to have an
adequate 131I accumulation in the distinct nodular areas of the MNG. With the
approval of rhTSH for diagnostic use in thyroid disease and later extended for ablation
of remnant thyroid tissue after surgery for thyroid cancer, it was suggested that rhTSH
might be used before radioiodine to increase the uptake of the radioiodine in the
various nodules of the MNG. Therefore several groups in Europe (Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy), Israel, United States, and Brazil started the use of rhTSH
before ablation by radioiodine.67,6983 Iodine uptake after a single dose of rhTSH
was markedly increased within the various nodular areas of the MNG (see Fig. 4).
This finding reduces the total 131I dose administered, also reducing the radiation to
the whole body. Depending on the regulations of each country, the radioiodine can
be administered on an outpatient basis, thus saving the costs of hospitalization.72
Acute adverse effects

Acute adverse effects are caused by the surge of thyroid hormone in blood and the
goiter increase in volume (in the first 48 hours of radioiodine therapy), which may cause
local tenderness, tracheal compression, and, frequently, cardiac symptoms. These
conditions may be minimized by the use of corticoids and b-blockers.74
Several recent articles7783 have indicated that these adverse effects are probably
dose dependent and are negligible with lower rhTSH doses.
In the case of patients with MNG with subclinical/clinical hyperthyroidism, it is recommended to precede the ablation with 60 days of a high dose of methimazole and



Medeiros-Neto et al

a low-iodine diet. Both precautions reduce the amount of thyroid hormone within the
MNG and prevent the possible complications of a surge of thyroid hormone after
Long-term adverse effects of combined rhTSH plus


Hypothyroidism is the result of a total thyroidectomy. Similarly, the combined use of

rhTSH and radioiodine therapy induces permanent hypothyroidism in about onethird of patients. In 3 reported randomized controlled studies, permanent hypothyroidism at 1 year was reported in 21%, 63%, and 65% of rhTSH-treated patients
compared with 7%, 11%, and 21%, respectively, in the control groups.67,70,71
Radioiodine treatment may induce the surge of autoantibodies against thyroid antigens independently from rhTSH, and a few and rare cases of Graves disease have
been reported.
rhTSH use as an adjuvant of radioiodine therapy for MNG is still off-label, but the
evidence gathered indicates that it potentiates a 131I cytolytic effect in treating large
MNG with improvement of goiter volume reduction, and this is sufficient to reduce
compression and eliminate areas of thyroid autonomy.78 Moreover, it is easier to
perform in an outpatient mode, with reduced costs to the public health system, particularly in countries with limited resources and lack of high-volume thyroid surgeons.

SDG and MNG affect millions of people worldwide. The main causes are mild iodine
deficiency, natural goitrogens, smoking, and other environmental agents. Clinical
evaluation is based on TSH, free T4, and anti-TPO determinations followed by ultrasonographic imaging. Large goiters with substernal invasion may require CT or MRI.
More recently, it has been accepted that there is a strong genetic influence in some
familial goiters, and it is suggested that goiters are derived from a combination of
genetic and environmental factors. Goiters are frequently treated by L-T4suppressive
therapy (small goiters), subtotal thyroidectomy, followed by L-T4 therapy. Radioiodine
alone or preceded by rhTSH is widely used in Europe and other countries. Each of
these therapeutic options has advantages and disadvantages, with acute and longterm side effects.

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6. Medeiros-Neto G, Henneman G: Multimodular goiter. Available at: http://www. 2010. Accessed November 7, 2011.
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21. Zimmermann MB, Jooste PL, Mabapa NS, et al. Vitamin A supplementation in
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22. Ingenbleek Y. Vitamin A deficiency impairs the normal mannosylation, conformation and iodination of the thyroglobulin: a new etiological approach to endemic
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23. Zimmermann MB. The influence of iron status on iodine utilization and thyroid
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32. Bignell GR, Canzian F, Shayeghi M, et al. Familial nontoxic multi-nodular thyroid
goiter locus maps to chromosome 14q but does not account for familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer. Am J Hum Genet 1997;61(5):112330.
33. Brix TH, Kyvik KO, Hegedus L. Major role of genes in the etiology of simple goiter in
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A p p ro a c h t o a n d
Tre a t m e n t o f
D i ffe re n t i a t e d
T h y ro i d C a rc i n o m a
Furio Pacini,


Maria Grazia Castagna,


 Thyroglobulin  rhTSH 
 Radioiodine therapy


I whole-body scan

Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy, although representing

fewer than 1% of all human tumors. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) includes
the papillary and follicular histotypes and their variants, accounting for more than
90% of all thyroid cancers. The incidence of thyroid cancer has been increasing in
many countries over the last 30 years (from 3.6 per 100,000 in 1973 to 8.7 per
100,000 in 2002), while mortality has been slowly decreasing.1 This phenomenon is
mainly attributable to an increase in the incidence of small papillary (<2 cm) tumors
while there has been no significant change in incidence of the less common histologic
categories: follicular, medullary, and anaplastic cancers. The increase is attributable to
the better detection of small papillary carcinomas as a result of improved diagnostic
accuracy (neck ultrasonography [US] and fine-needle aspiration cytology [FNAC]).
Given the changing presentation of DTC in the last years, the aim of thyroid cancer
management is to ensure the most effective but least invasive treatment, and
adequate follow-up for a disease that nowadays is mostly cured just with surgery
and is rarely fatal. This review addresses the multiple steps of current management,
based on previous assumptions.

Nearly 60% to 80% of thyroid carcinomas detected nowadays in thyroid cancer

referral centers are micropapillary thyroid carcinomas (<1 cm in size) carrying an
excellent long-term prognosis,2 and the features of the disease have changed dramatically in comparison with the previous decades.3 Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)

Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology &

Metabolism and Biochemistry, University of Siena, Policlinico Santa Maria alle Scotte, Viale
Bracci 1, 53100 Siena, Italy
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 369383
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Pacini & Castagna

affects women more often than men, and in 2006 it was predicted to be one of the top
7 leading causes of new cases of cancer in women, representing 3% of all cancers in
women, about 1% in men, and about 1.4% of all cancers in children.4 The onset of
PTC occurs between the ages of 30 and 50 years. The incidence of PTC in the United
States is 5.7 per 100,000 person-years, with a rate of 8.8 per 100,000 woman-years
and 2.7 per 100,000 man-years.5 Among women, PTC was higher among whites
(10.39 per 100,000 woman-years) and lower among blacks (4.9 per 100,000
woman-years). Among men, PTC was higher among whites (3.58 per 100,000
woman-years) and lower among blacks (1.56 per 100,000 woman-years).5 Follicular
thyroid cancer (FTC) tends to occur in patients who are older (>40 years of age)
than patients who have papillary cancer. The incidence of FTC in the United States
is 0.82 per 100,000 person-years, with a rate of 1.06 per 100,000 woman-years and
0.59 per 100,000 man-years. The incidence of follicular cancer did not vary substantially by race/ethnicity,5 although it is well known that its frequency is affected
by iodine intake.6 The incidence of anaplastic thyroid cancer in the United States
is 0.21 per 100,000 person-years, without substantial difference by race/ethnicity
and sex.
Despite the increasing incidence, the mortality from thyroid cancer has declined
over the last 3 decades. In the European Union from 1992 to 2002, the mortality for
thyroid cancer declined in both men and women ( 23% and 28%, respectively).7
It is unclear how much of the decline in mortality is due to early diagnosis rather
than improved treatment of the disease. The age-adjusted death rate was 0.5 per
100,000 men and women per year, increasing from 0.1% in those younger than 20
years to 30% in their seventh and eighth decades.8

The process of oncogenesis is characterized by a series of genetic events associated

with hypothetical environmental factors. In the past several years, the genetic alterations responsible for thyroid cancer have been extensively studied and partially
defined. Mutations in genes coding for elements of the mitogen-activated protein
kinase pathway are often responsible for the transformation of thyroid follicular cells.
The most frequent genetic alterations are represented by somatic activating mutations
of proto-oncogenes, including BRAF and RAS or rearrangements of RET and TRK, or
inactivating mutations of tumor suppressor genes, such as p53 and PPAR-g. Mutations in the BRAF gene are the most frequent alterations of papillary carcinoma,
with a prevalence of 49%.9 In the case of RET and TRK, the genetic alteration is represented by the rearrangement of these genes with various ubiquitous genes (rearranged RET/PTC and TRK rearrangements).10,11 Unlike BRAF and RET/PTC, which
are papillary carcinomaspecific, mutations of RAS are found in a small proportion
of papillary carcinomas, follicular adenomas, and follicular carcinomas.12,13 The
PAX8PPAR-g rearrangement is found in 35% to 45% of follicular carcinomas, 4%
to 33% in follicular adenomas, and rarely in oncocytic carcinomas.14,15 Aberrant activation (PIK3CA amplification and ras mutations) of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase
(PI3K)/Akt pathway plays a fundamental role in thyroid tumorigenesis, particularly in
FTC and aggressive thyroid cancer, such as anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC), and
less frequently in PTC. Epigenetic silencing of the PTEN gene, a negative regulator
of the PI3K/AKT pathway, also occurs in thyroid tumors, but its relationship with
genetic alterations in this pathway is unclear.16 PTC and FTC tumors may progress
to poorly differentiated or anaplastic phenotype by inactivating mutations of p53
proto-oncogene that deprive the cell of a major thyroid tumor suppressor gene.17,18

Management of DTC

Familial predisposition in DTC is reported in 3% to 10% of the cases,19,20 in the

absence of recognized predisposing syndromes (Cowden syndrome, Werner
syndrome, Carney complex, familial adenomatous polyposis), and the risk of developing the same tumor in first-degree relatives of subjects with DTC is significantly
higher than in the general population.21,22 No specific genetic alterations have
been demonstrated in the blood of patients with familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma (FNMTC), apart from susceptibility loci found in a few pedigrees with
FNMTC.23 Among molecular mechanisms possibly underlying the familial predisposition to FNMTC, alteration in the telomere-telomerase complex has been recently
Although genetic factors have been well defined in recent decades, the role of
environmental factors is still controversial. The only established environmental risk
factor for thyroid carcinoma is exposure to ionizing radiation, and the risk, particularly of papillary carcinoma, is greater in subjects of younger age at exposure.
This finding is supported by epidemiologic studies in the survivors of the atomic
bomb attacks and following the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in
1986, when a dramatic increase in the incidence of malignant thyroid tumors (80
times more) was observed in subjects who were children at the time of the accident
and who were living in an extensive area surrounding the reactor.2631 In addition,
studies in patients who received external radiation on the neck for the treatment
of several diseases demonstrated a causative role of irradiation in the development
of thyroid cancer.3234


Thyroid cancer presents as a thyroid nodule detected by palpation or, more

frequently, by the fortuitous discovery at neck US. Although thyroid nodules are
frequent (4%50% depending on the diagnostic procedures and patients age),35
thyroid cancer is rare (approximately 5% of all thyroid nodules). The US features associated with malignancy are hypoechogenicity, microcalcifications, absence of peripheral halo, irregular borders, solid aspect, intranodular blood flow, and shape (taller
than wide). All these patterns taken individually are poorly predictive of malignancy,
but when multiple patterns suggestive of malignancy are simultaneously present,
the specificity of US increases.36 However, despite the overall utility of US, the gold
standard for the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules is still based on FNAC.
According to the available guidelines,37,38 FNAC should be performed in any thyroid
nodule larger than 1 cm and in those smaller than 1 cm if there is any clinical (history
of head and neck irradiation, family history of thyroid cancer, suspicious features at
palpation, presence of cervical adenopathy) or US suspicion of malignancy. The
results of FNAC are very sensitive for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant
nodules, although there are limitations: inadequate samples and follicular neoplasia. In
the event of inadequate samples FNAC should be repeated, whereas in the case of
follicular neoplasia with normal thyrotropin (TSH), surgery should be considered.37,38
Among various methods proposed to increase the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC,
mutation status of the tumor (presence or absence of oncogene mutations) is gaining
increasing attention after reports demonstrating that the integration of traditional
cytology with mutations analysis significantly increases sensitivity and specificity.39,40
Thyroid function test and thyroglobulin (Tg) measurement are of little help in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. However, measurement of serum calcitonin is a reliable tool
for the diagnosis of the few cases of medullary thyroid cancer (5%7% of all thyroid



Pacini & Castagna

cancers), and has higher sensitivity compared with FNAC. Hence measurement of
calcitonin should be an integral part of the diagnostic evaluation of thyroid nodules.41
In the case of undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma, the diagnosis is usually based on
typical clinical aspects: large, hard mass invading the neck and causing compressive
symptoms (dyspnea, cough, vocal cord paralysis, dysphagia, and hoarseness).
Cervical metastases are palpable on examination in 40% of patients.


The initial treatment of DTC is total or near-total thyroidectomy whenever the diagnosis is made before surgery. Less extensive surgical procedures may be accepted
in the case of unifocal DTC diagnosed at final histology after surgery performed for
benign thyroid disorders, provided that the tumor is small, intrathyroidal, and of favorable histologic type (classic papillary or follicular variant of papillary or minimally invasive follicular). The initial treatment of DTC should always be preceded by careful
exploration of the neck by US to assess the status of lymph node chains. Clinically
evident lymph node metastases are present in approximately one-third of patients
with PTC at presentation. Microscopic metastases are present in one-half. The
most common site of lymph node involvement is the central compartment (level 6).
The lateral lymph node chains (levels 24) are the next most common sites of cervical
node involvement. Lymph nodes in the posterior triangle of the neck (level 5) may also
develop metastases. Unlike papillary carcinoma, cervical metastases from follicular
carcinomas are uncommon. The benefit of prophylactic central node dissection in
the absence of evidence of nodal disease is controversial. There is no evidence that
in PTC prophylactic central node dissection may improve the recurrence or mortality
rate, but it does allow accurate staging of the disease that may guide subsequent
treatment and follow-up.37,38 Compartment-oriented dissection of lymph nodes
should be performed in cases of preoperatively suspected and/or intraoperatively
proven lymph node metastases. Prophylactic lymph node dissection is not indicated
in FTC. In expert hands, surgical complications such as laryngeal nerve palsy and
hypoparathyroidism are extremely rare (<1%2%).37,38
Staging and Risk Assessment

Both papillary- and follicular-differentiated thyroid cancer have usually a good prognosis, with an overall mortality of less than 10%.42 This favorable prognosis results
from the combination of the biological properties of most thyroid carcinomas and
effective primary therapy. In the last several years, an increased emphasis has been
placed on using individual estimates of risk to guide postablative remnant ablation
and follow-up in patients with DTC. Several different risk stratification systems have
been published, the most popular being the American Joint Committee on Cancer/
Union Internationale Contre le Cancer system.43 All of the systems have been developed to predict the risk of death but not of recurrence and, being based on clinical
pathologic factors available soon after diagnosis and initial surgical therapy, do not
change over time. To overcome this limitation, both the American Thyroid Association
(ATA) and the European Thyroid Association (ETA) have recently published practical
guidelines37,38 in which they grade the risk of recurrence in 3 categories of increasing
risk based on tumor-related parameters (pTNM and histologic variant) integrated with
other clinical features, including the result of the postablative whole-body scan (WBS)
and serum Tg measurement (Table 1).

Management of DTC

Table 1
Risk stratification according to the ATA and ETA guidelines
ATA Risk Stratification
Low Risk

Intermediate Risk

High Risk

No local or distant metastases

All macroscopic tumors have
been resected
No tumor invasion of
locoregional tissues or
No aggressive histology or
vascular invasion
If 131I was given, no 131I
uptake outside the thyroid
bed on the posttherapeutic

Microscopic invasion of
tumor into the
perithyroidal soft tissues at
initial surgery
Cervical lymph node
metastases or
I uptake outside the
thyroid bed on the
posttherapeutic WBS
Tumor with aggressive
histology or vascular

Macroscopic tumor invasion

Incomplete tumor resection
Distant metastases
Thyroglobulinemia out of
proportion to what is seen
on the postablative WBS

ETA Risk Stratification

Very Low Risk

Low Risk

High Risk

Complete surgery
Patients with unifocal
microcarcinoma (<1 cm)
with no extension beyond
the thyroid capsule and
without lymph node

No local or distant metastases

No tumor invasion of
locoregional tissues or
No aggressive histology or
vascular invasion

Less than total

Tumor invasion of
locoregional tissues or
Cervical lymph node
Distant metastases
Aggressive histology or
vascular invasion

Data from Pacini F, Schlumberger M, Dralle H, et al. European Thyroid Cancer Taskforce. European
consensus for the management of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma of the follicular
epithelium. Eur J Endocrinol 2006;154:787803; and Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR, et al.
Revised American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid nodules
and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid 2009;19:1167214.

Recent reports have developed the new concept of Ongoing Risk Stratification or
Delayed Risk Stratification (DRS), which better defines the patient risk based on the
results of the initial treatment.44,45 This concept is based on the continuous integration of the initial risk stratification (at the time of diagnosis) with the clinical, radiologic, and laboratory data becoming available during follow-up. Although the risk
stratification guidelines proposed by ATA38 and ETA37 are a good starting point for
initial decision-making, they are less accurate in predicting the long-term outcome
in patients with DTC. Indeed, both systems have a very low positive predictive value
(PPV), due to a large number of patients (about 60%) who are classified at intermediate/high risk being in complete remission at the end of follow-up.45 This drawback
is probably due to the lack of consideration of the effects of the initial therapy. When
patients are restratified according to the results of the 8- to 12-month control after
initial treatment, a significant number of patients who were initially considered
(misleadingly) as high risk were reclassified as low risk and, most interestingly,
almost all of these patients continued to be in apparent remission up to the end of
follow-up.45 This DRS allows improved modulation of the subsequent follow-up



Pacini & Castagna

excluding a significant number of intermediate-/high-risk patients from unnecessary

intensive workup.
Radioiodine Ablative Therapy

Surgery is usually followed by the administration of radioiodine (131I) aimed at ablating

any remnant thyroid tissue and potential microscopic residual tumor. This procedure
does not seem to have an influence on mortality rate, but in most series seems to
reduce the risk of regional recurrence and facilitates the long-term surveillance based
on serum Tg measurement and diagnostic 131I WBS. In addition, the high activity of
I allows obtaining a highly sensitive posttherapeutic WBS. According to several
guidelines,37,38 the recommendations for remnant thyroid ablation are modulated on
the basis of risk factors. 131I ablation is indicated in high-risk patients but not in lowrisk patients. In patients at intermediate risk, 131I remnant ablation may be indicated,
but the decision must be individualized (Table 2).37,38
Effective thyroid ablation requires adequate stimulation by TSH. This may be
achieved by thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW) or after the administration of recombinant human TSH (rhTSH). The latter procedure is considered the method of choice
based on several reports4648 demonstrating equal efficacy compared with THW but
better acceptance from the patients. In addition, in recent years successful thyroid
ablation has been achieved using low activities of 131I (11101850 MBq).47,48
Recent studies show that rhTSH-assisted 131I ablative therapy is associated with
similar rates of persistent disease and clinically evident recurrence than those
observed after traditional THW preparation, at least in the short-term follow-up.49,50
Based on these data, the use of rhTSH for postthyroidectomy 131I ablation represents
a safe and effective option for the postoperative management of patients with thyroid
cancer. In addition, preparation with either rhTSH or THW seems to have similar
effects of adjuvant therapy on small-volume 131I-avid disease identified outside the
thyroid bed at the time of initial 131I remnant ablation.47,51 131I-avid metastatic disease
discovered at the time of rhTSH-stimulated remnant ablation was successfully treated
in approximately 70% of locoregional lymph nodes47,51 and in approximately 70% of
pulmonary micrometastases.51

Table 2
Indications for remnant ablative therapy
RAI is Recommended

RAI is Not Recommended

All Patients with:

 Known distant metastases
 Documented lymph node metastases
 Gross extrathyroidal extension of the tumor
regardless of tumor size
 Primary tumor size >2 cm even in the
absence of other higher-risk featuresa
For Selected Patients with 12-cm Thyroid
Cancers Confined to the Thyroid, with
 Documented lymph node metastases, or
 Other higher-risk featuresa

Patients with unifocal cancer <1 cm

without other higher-risk featuresa
Patients with multifocal cancer when all
foci are <1 cm in the absence of
other higher-risk featuresa

Abbreviation: RAI, radioiodine (131I).

Higher-risk features: histologic subtypes (tall cell, columnar, insular and solid variant as well as
poorly DTC, follicular and Hurthle cell cancer), intrathyroidal vascular invasion, gross or microscopic multifocal disease.

Management of DTC

Levothyroxine Therapy

Thyroid hormone suppression therapy is an important part of the treatment of thyroid

cancer. Immediately after surgery, thyroid hormone therapy is initiated with a dual
aim: to replace thyroid hormone and to suppress the potential growth stimulus of
TSH on tumor cells (TSH-suppressive therapy). The drug of choice is levothyroxine
(LT4) and the suppressive dose varies according to age and body mass index.52
TSH-suppressive treatment with LT4 is of benefit in high-risk patients with thyroid
cancer in whom the treatment may decrease the progression of metastatic disease,
thus reducing cancer-related mortality. No significant benefits are demonstrated in
low-risk patients.53,54 The results of these studies suggest that more aggressive
TSH suppression with LT4 is important in patients with high-risk disease or recurrent
tumor, whereas less aggressive TSH suppression is reasonable in low-risk
patients.53,54 This provides a rationale to target TSH levels to the lower part of the
normal range in low-risk patients with DTC, as recommended by the ATA38 and the
ETA.37 In particular, in the presence of persistent or metastatic disease an undetectable serum TSH (<0.1 mU/L) should be maintained during follow-up. In patients free of
disease, regardless of their initial risk class, LT4 therapy may be shifted from suppressive to replacement.

Short-Term Follow-Up

The aim of follow-up is the early discovery and treatment of persistent or recurrent
locoregional or distant disease. Most recurrences develop and are detected in the first
5 years after diagnosis, whereas local or distant recurrence may develop in late followup, even 20 years after the initial treatment in a few cases.
After 2 to 3 months of initial treatment thyroid function tests (FT3, FT4, TSH) should
be obtained to check the adequacy of LT4 suppressive therapy. At 6 to 12 months, the
follow-up is aimed to ascertain whether the patient is free of disease and is based on
physical examination, neck US, and basal and rhTSH-stimulated serum Tg measurement, with or without diagnostic WBS.37,38 At this time most (nearly 80%) of the
patients will belong to the low-risk category, and will disclose normal results in neck
US and undetectable (<1.0 ng/mL) basal and stimulated serum Tg values in the
absence of serum Tg antibodies. Diagnostic WBS does not add any clinical information in this setting, and may be omitted.55,56
Recently, new methods for serum Tg measurement with functional sensitivity less
than 0.1 ng/mL became available. Using these assays some investigators reported
that an undetectable basal serum Tg value (<0.1 ng/mL) may give the same information
as a stimulated serum Tg value, thus avoiding the need for Tg stimulation.5764
However, the higher negative predictive value (NPV) of these tests is at the expense
of a very low specificity and PPV (Table 3), and there is a risk of exposing large numbers
of patients, probably free of disease, to extensive testing and/or unnecessary
treatment. In clinical practice, when the basal serum Tg level is up to 0.1 ng/mL and
the neck US result is unremarkable, patients may be considered free of disease
(NPV 5 100%) and can avoid an rhTSH stimulation. On the contrary, when basal serum
Tg is greater than 0.1 ng/mL but less than 1.0 ng/mL, it is not possible to distinguish
between absence or presence of disease. In these cases, an rhTSH stimulation test
may still be informative because it may detect those patients in whom serum Tg level
increases to more than 1 ng/mL. In these patients a more intensive follow-up may be



Pacini & Castagna

Table 3
Diagnostic accuracy of basal serum thyroglobulin using sensitive assays









et al,59 2007

Clinical status









et al,57 2007

(>2.0 ng/mL)









Iervasi et al,58

(>2.0 ng/mL)








Rosario and

(<1.0 ng/mL)









Spencer et al,62

(>2.0 ng/mL)









et al,45,63 2011

Clinical status









et al,64 2011

(>2.0 ng/mL)









Abbreviations: FN, false negative; FP, false positive; FS, functional sensitivity; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; Sens, sensitivity; Spec, specificity.

Long-Term Follow-Up

The subsequent follow-up of patients considered free of disease at the time of their
first follow-up will consist of physical examination, basal serum Tg measurement on
LT4 therapy, and neck US once a year. No other biochemical or morphologic tests
are indicated unless some new suspicion arises during evaluation. The question of
whether a second rhTSH-stimulated Tg test should be performed in patients free of
disease is a matter of debate. Recent studies reported that this procedure has little
clinical utility in patients who had no biochemical (undetectable serum Tg) or clinical
(imaging) evidence of disease at the time of their first control after initial therapy. In
this group, the second test confirmed complete remission in almost all patients
(Table 4).55,56,6568
At the time of the first control after initial therapy, about 20% of patients may have
detectable basal or stimulated serum Tg levels. If serum Tg level is detectable in the
basal condition, the chance of a visible disease in the patient is very high, hence

Table 4
Prevalence of recurrences in patients free of disease at the first control after initial therapy,
based on stimulated serum Tg measurement, neck ultrasonography, and diagnostic WBS


Follow-up (y)

Recurrence (%)

Pacini et al,55 2002





Cailleux et al,56 2000





Kloos and Mazzaferri,65 2005





Castagna et al,66 2008





Crocetti et al,67 2008





Brassard et al,68 2011





Management of DTC

imaging techniques must be applied. If serum Tg level is detectable in the low range
after rhTSH stimulation, the chance of serum Tg to convert from detectable to undetectable level during follow-up is about 50%,69 therefore observation is all that is
required. On the contrary, the trend of serum Tg level to increase over time is a hallmark of possible disease to be localized by imaging techniques including therapeutic
doses of 131I.37,38 During the evaluation of metastatic patients, positron emission
tomography with fludeoxyglucose F 18 (18F FDG-PET) scanning is gaining more attention as a diagnostic and prognostic tool.70 The sensitivity of 18F FDG-PET is not superior to that of traditional techniques, such as computed tomography and magnetic
resonance imaging, therefore the main indication for 18F FDG-PET is in patients with
metastasis who have lost 131I uptake. Patients who have negative results on 131I
WBS and positive results on 18F FDG-PET show a group of tumors with more aggressive and less differentiated phenotype carrying a worse prognosis compared with
patients who have positive results on 131I WBS and negative results on 18F FDGPET.70

Treatment of persistent or recurrent locoregional disease during follow-up is based on

surgical procedures whenever possible. Radioiodine therapy may be an option in the
case of lesions not amenable to surgery with proven 131I avidity. External beam radiotherapy may be indicated when complete surgical excision is not possible or when
there is no significant 131I uptake in the tumor.37,38
Approximately 20% of patients with DTC have distant metastases at diagnosis or
during follow-up. Distant metastases are more successfully cured if they take up
I, are of small size, and are located in the lungs (not visible on radiographs). Lung

Table 5
Results of clinical trials with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in DTC
Disease >6
Months (%)

PFS (mo)




Response (%)

et al,75 2008







Kloos et al,74







Hoftijzer et al,80







Ahmed et al,76







Sherman et al,81






Cohen et al,73







Carr et al,77 2010







Bible et al,78







Sherman et al,79







Abbreviation: NR, not reported.



Pacini & Castagna

macronodules may benefit from 131I therapy, but the definitive cure rate is very low.71
Bone metastases have the worst prognosis even when aggressively treated by
a combination of 131I therapy and external beam radiotherapy.37,38 Brain metastases
are rare and usually carry a poor prognosis. Surgical resection and external beam
radiotherapy represent the only therapeutic options.


Treatment of distant metastases with 131I therapy provides complete remission in only
one-third of patients with distant metastases. The other patients have 131I refractory
disease defined as no 131I-avid lesions or 131I-avid lesions that do not benefit from
repeated treatment courses of 131I. These patients are candidates for systemic therapies. The selection is based on clinical prognostic indicators, including age, performance status, histology, extent and location of disease, and progression rate.
Usually patients who are treated are those with significant progressive disease and
with low life expectancy. In these patients, chemotherapy has limited effectiveness,
with a response rate typically less than 20% and short lasting.72
Recently, molecules that block kinase activity at distal steps in the mitogenactivated protein kinase pathway have been identified as logical candidate drugs for
refractory thyroid cancer. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors being tested against DTC in phase
I and II trials include axitinib, lenvatinib, motesanib, pazopanib, sorafenib, sunitinib,
and vandetanib. None of these are specific for 1 oncogene protein, but they target
several tyrosine kinase receptors and proangiogenic growth factors. The results of
phase I and II clinical trials have clearly confirmed the clinical benefits of these
compounds. No compound has yet achieved the regulatory approval of Food and
Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency for the therapy of advanced
and progressive DTC, but some treatment guidelines recommend the use of available
agents for selected patients with progressive metastatic disease based on the phase II
results.38 The results of phase I and II clinical trials conducted so far are promising,
with a partial response ranging from 14% to 49% and stable disease ranging from
34% to 82% (Table 5).7381


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71. Durante C, Haddy N, Baudin E, et al. Long-term outcome of 444 patients with
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Management of DTC

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T h y ro i d E m e r g e n c i e s
Joanna Klubo-Gwiezdzinska, MD, PhDa,b,
Leonard Wartofsky, MD, MPH, MACPc,*
 Myxedema coma  Thyrotoxic storm  Diagnosis

Thyroid emergencies are rare, life-threatening conditions resulting from either severe
deficiency of thyroid hormones (myxedema coma) or, by contrast, decompensated
thyrotoxicosis with the increased action of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
exceeding metabolic demands of the organism (thyrotoxic storm). The understanding
of the pathogenesis of these conditions, appropriate recognition of the clinical signs
and symptoms, and their prompt and accurate diagnosis and treatment are crucial
in optimizing survival.
Epidemiology and Precipitating Events

Myxedema coma is the extreme expression of severe hypothyroidism and fortunately

is rare, with an incidence rate of 0.22 per million per year.1 The most common presentation of the syndrome is in hospitalized elderly women with long-standing hypothyroidism, with 80% of cases occurring in women older than 60 years. However,
myxedema coma occurs in younger patients as well, with 36 documented cases of
pregnant women.2,3
The syndrome will typically present in patients who develop a systemic illness such
as pulmonary or urinary infections, congestive heart failure, or cerebrovascular accident (Table 1), superimposed on previously undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Sometimes
a history of antecedent thyroid disease, thyroidectomy, treatment with radioactive
iodine, or T4 replacement therapy discontinued for no apparent reason can be elicited.
A pituitary or hypothalamic basis for hypothyroidism is encountered in about 5% or,
according to some studies, in up to 10% to 15% of patients.4

The authors have nothing to disclose.

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving
Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20010-2910, USA
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus
Copernicus University in Torun, ul. M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Department of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving Street Northwest, Washington,
DC 20010-2910, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Med Clin N Am 96 (2012) 385403
0025-7125/12/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky

Table 1
Factors precipitating thyroid emergencies: myxedema coma and thyrotoxic storm
Precipitating Factors
Myxedema Coma

Thyrotoxic Storm

Withdrawal of L-thyroxine
Lithium carbonate

Withdrawal of antithyroid drug treatment
Radioactive iodine treatment
Thyroxine/triiodothyronine overdosage
Cytotoxic chemotherapy
Aspirin overdosage
Iodinated contrast dyes

Infections, sepsis

Sepsis, infection

Cerebrovascular accidents

Seizure disorder

Congestive heart failure

Pulmonary thromboembolism

Low temperatures

Burn injury


Surgery, trauma, vigorous palpation of thyroid

Metabolic disturbances

Metabolic disturbances
Diabetic ketoacidosis

Gastrointestinal bleeding
Ingestion of raw bok choy

Emotional stress

Patients with myxedema coma generally present in the winter months, suggesting
that external cold may be an aggravating factor.5 Some abnormalities such as hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hypercapnia, and hypoxemia, may be either
precipitating factors or secondary consequences of myxedema coma. Moreover, the
comatose state is associated with the risk of aspiration pneumonia and sepsis. In
hospitalized patients, drugs such as anesthetics, narcotics, sedatives, antidepressants, and tranquilizers may depress respiratory drive and thereby either cause or
compound the deterioration of the hypothyroid patient into coma.6,7 The effect of
these drugs should be taken into consideration as a potential causative mechanism.
In fact, Church and Callen8 described a 41-year-old male patient without any history
of thyroid disease who developed myxedema coma after being administered combined therapy with aripiprazole and sertraline.
There is also a report of myxedema coma induced by chronic ingestion of large
amounts of raw bok choy. This Chinese white cabbage contains glucosinolates, which
break down products such as thiocyanates, nitriles, and oxazolidines, and inhibit
iodine uptake and production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. When eaten
raw, digestion of the vegetable releases the enzyme myrosinase, which accelerates
production of the aforementioned thyroid disruptors.9
Clinical Signs and Symptoms

Hypothermia (often profound to 80 F [26.7 C]) and unconsciousness constitute 2 of

the cardinal features of myxedema coma.10 Of importance is that coincident infection
may be masked by hypothyroidism, with a patient presenting as afebrile despite an
underlying severe infection. In view of the latter and the fact that undiagnosed infection

Thyroid Emergencies

might lead inexorably to vascular collapse and death, some authorities have advocated the routine use of antibiotics in patients with myxedema coma. Underlying
hypoglycemia may further compound the decrement in body temperature.
Although coma is the predominant clinical presentation, a history of disorientation,
depression, paranoia, or hallucinations (myxedema madness) may often be elicited.
The neurologic findings may also include cerebellar signs (poorly coordinated
purposeful movements of the hands and feet, ataxia, adiadochokinesia), poor memory
and recall, or even frank amnesia, and abnormal findings on electroencephalography
(low amplitude and a decreased rate of a-wave activity). Status epilepticus has been
also described11 and up to 25% of patients may experience seizures possibly related
to hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, or hypoxemia.
Respiratory System

The mechanism for hypoventilation in profound myxedema is a combination of

a depressed hypoxic respiratory drive and a depressed ventilatory response to hypercapnia.12,13 Partial obstruction of the upper airway caused by edema of the tongue or
vocal cords may also play a role. Hypothyroid patients may be predisposed to
increased airway hyperresponsiveness and chronic inflammation.14 Tidal volume
may be additionally reduced by other factors such as pleural effusion or ascites. to
achieve appropriately effective pulmonary function in myxedema coma, prolonged
mechanically assisted ventilation is usually required.
Cardiovascular Manifestations

Patients diagnosed with myxedema coma are at increased risk for shock and potentially fatal arrhythmias. Typical electrocardiographic (ECG) findings include
bradycardia, varying degrees of block, low voltage, flattened or inverted T waves,
and prolonged Q-T interval, which can result in torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia.15 Myocardial infarction should also be ruled out by the usual diagnostic procedures, because aggressive or injudicious T4 replacement may increase the risk of
myocardial infarction. Moreover, cardiac contractility is impaired, leading to reduced
stroke volume and cardiac output. Reduced stroke volume in severe cases may also
be due to the cardiac tamponade caused by the accumulation of fluid rich in mucopolysaccharides within the pericardial sac.
Electrolyte Disturbances and Renal Manifestations

Hyponatremia is a common finding observed in patients with myxedema coma. The

mechanism accounting for the hyponatremia is associated with increased serum antidiuretic hormone16 and impaired water diuresis caused by reduced delivery of water
to the distal nephron.17 Depending on its duration and severity, hyponatremia will add
to altered mental status, and when severe may be largely responsible for precipitating
the comatose state. Alterations in renal function observed in myxedema coma include
decreases in glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow, and increases in total
body water. Atony of the urinary bladder with retention of large residual urine volumes
is commonly seen. Renal failure may occur as a result of underlying rhabdomyolysis
with extremely high levels of creatine kinase.1821
Gastrointestinal Manifestations

The gastrointestinal tract in myxedema may be marked by mucopolysaccharide infiltration and edema of the muscularis, as well as neuropathic changes leading to gastric
atony, impaired peristalsis, and even paralytic ileus. Ascites may occur, and has been
documented in one report of 51 cases.22 Another potential complication is



Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky

gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to an associated coagulopathy.23 It is important

to recognize the underlying mechanisms of these acute gastrointestinal complications
so as to avoid unnecessary surgery for an apparent acute abdomen.24
Hematological Manifestations

In contrast to the tendency to thrombosis seen in mild hypothyroidism, severe hypothyroidism is associated with a higher risk of bleeding caused by coagulopathy related
to an acquired von Willebrand syndrome (type 1) and decreases in factors V, VII, VIII,
IX, and X.25 The von Willebrand syndrome is reversible with T4 therapy.26 Another
cause of bleeding may be disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with
sepsis. Patients with myxedema coma have increased preponderance to severe infections, including sepsis, because of granulocytopenia and a decreased cell-mediated
immunologic response. Such patients may also present with a microcytic anemia
secondary to hemorrhage, or a macrocytic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency,
which may also worsen the neurologic state.

To summarize the aforementioned clinical manifestations, the typical patient presenting with myxedema coma is a woman in the later decades of life who may have
a history of thyroid disease and who is admitted to hospital, typically in winter, with
pneumonia. Physical findings could include bradycardia, macroglossia, hoarseness,
delayed reflexes, dry skin, general cachexia, hypoventilation, and hypothermia,
commonly without shivering. Laboratory evaluation may indicate hypoxemia, hypercapnia, anemia, hyponatremia, hypercholesterolemia, and increased serum lactate
dehydrogenase and creatine kinase. On lumbar puncture there is increased pressure
and the cerebrospinal fluid has high protein content.
Although an elevated serum thyrotropin (TSH) concentration is the most important
laboratory evidence for the diagnosis, the presence of severe complicating systemic
illness or treatment with drugs such as dopamine, dobutamine, or corticosteroids may
serve to reduce the elevation in TSH levels.27,28 There may also be a pituitary cause for
the hypothyroidism, in which case an increased TSH would not be found.

Myxedema coma as a true medical emergency requires a multifaceted approach to

treatment in a critical care setting.
Airways and ventilation

The patients comatose state is perpetuated by hypoventilation, with CO2 retention

and respiratory acidosis. The maintenance of an adequate airway is the single most
important supportive measure, because of the high mortality rate associated with
the inexorable respiratory failure. Mechanical ventilation is usually required during
the first 36 to 48 hours, but in some patients it may be necessary to continue assisted
ventilation for as long as 2 to 3 weeks. The hypercapnia may be rapidly relieved with
mechanical ventilation, but the hypoxia tends to persist, possibly because of shunting
in nonaerated lung areas.29 It is advisable, therefore, not to extubate the patients
prematurely and to wait until full consciousness is attained.
Thyroid hormone therapy

One of the most controversial aspects of the management of myxedema coma is which
thyroid hormone preparation to give and how to give it (dose, frequency, and route of
administration). The optimum treatment remains uncertain, because of the scarcity of
clinical studies and obvious difficulties with performing controlled trials. There is

Thyroid Emergencies

a necessity to balance the need for quickly attaining physiologically effective thyroid
hormone levels against the risk of precipitating a fatal tachyarrhythmia or myocardial
infarction. All patients should have continuous ECG monitoring, with reduction in
thyroid hormone dosage should arrhythmias or ischemic changes be detected.
Parenteral preparations of either T4 or T3 are available for intravenous administration. Although oral forms of either T3 or T4 can be given by nasogastric tube in the
comatose patient, this route is fraught with risks of aspiration and uncertain absorption, particularly in the presence of gastric atony or ileus. The single intravenous bolus
of T4 was popularized by reports30 suggesting that replacement of the entire estimated pool of extrathyroidal T4 (usually 300600 mg) was desirable to restore nearnormal hormonal status. This initial loading dose is followed by the maintenance
dose of 50 to 100 mg given daily (either intravenously or by mouth if the patient is
adequately alert). Larger doses of T4 probably have no advantage and may, in fact,
be more dangerous.31 There is also evidence showing improved outcomes with lower
doses of thyroid hormone.32 Rodriguez and colleagues1 performed a prospective trial
in which patients were randomized to receive either a 500-mg loading dose of T4 followed by a 100-mg daily maintenance dose, or only the maintenance dose. The overall
mortality rate was 36.4%, with a lower mortality rate in the high-dose group (17%) than
in the low-dose group (60%). Although suggestive, the difference was not statistically
The rate of conversion of T4 to T3 is reduced in many systemic illnesses (the euthyroid sick or low T3 syndrome),28 hence T3 generation may be reduced in myxedema
coma as a consequence of any associated illness (hypothyroid sick syndrome). As
a consequence, some clinicians suggest that small supplements of T3 should be given
along with T4 during the initial few days of treatment, especially if obvious associated
illness is present. When therapy is approached with T3 alone, it may be given as a 10to 20-mg bolus followed by 10 mg every 4 hours for the first 24 hours, dropping to 10 mg
every 6 hours for days 2 to 3, by which time oral administration should be feasible.6 T3
has a much quicker onset of action than T4, and increases in body temperature and
oxygen consumption may occur 2 to 3 hours after intravenous T3, compared with 8
to 14 hours after intravenous T4. The other advantage of T3 is that it crosses the
blood-brain barrier more rapidly than T4, which may be particularly important in
patients with profound neuropsychological symptoms.33 One clinical example of the
possible benefit of T3 is a case report of a patient with myxedema coma and cardiogenic shock who responded to T3 therapy but not to T4 therapy.34 On the other hand,
treatment with T3 alone is associated with large and unpredictable fluctuations in
serum T3 levels, and high serum T3 levels during treatment have been associated
with fatal outcomes.35 A more conservative but seemingly rational approach is to
provide combined therapy with both T4 and T3.36 Rather than administer 300 to
500 mg T4 intravenously initially, a dose of 4 mg/kg lean body weight (or about 200
300 mg) is given, and an additional 100 mg is given 24 hours later. By the third day,
the dose is reduced to a daily maintenance dose of 50 mg, which can be given by
mouth as soon as the patient is conscious.36 Simultaneously with the initial dose of
T4, a bolus of 10 mg T3 is given and intravenous T3 is continued at a dosage of 10
mg every 8 to 12 hours until the patient is conscious and taking maintenance T4. Clinical improvement has been seen with even a single dose of only 2.5 mg of T3.37

Treatment with T4 and/or T3 enables restoration of body temperature to normal.

Simultaneously, blankets or increasing the room temperature can be used as additional interventions to keep the patient warm until the thyroid hormone effect is



Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky

achieved. Too aggressive warming may cause peripheral vasodilatation, which may
then lead to hypotension or shock.

Hypotension should also be correctable by treatment with T4 and/or T3. However,

a hypotensive patient may require additional volume-repletion therapy. Fluids may
be administered cautiously as 5% to 10% glucose in 0.5 N sodium chloride if hypoglycemia is present, or as isotonic normal saline if hyponatremia is present. An agent
such as dopamine might be used to maintain coronary blood flow, but patients should
be weaned off the vasopressor as soon as possible because of the risk of a pressorinduced ischemic event.
Because of the risk of relative adrenal insufficiency, it is wise to administer hydrocortisone until the hypotension is corrected. The typical dosage of hydrocortisone is 50 to
100 mg every 6 to 8 hours during the first 7 to 10 days, with tapering of the dosage
thereafter based on clinical response and any plans for further diagnostic evaluation.
Decreased adrenal reserve has been found in 5% to 10% of patients, based on either
hypopituitarism or primary adrenal failure accompanying Hashimoto disease (Schmidt
syndrome). The other rationale for the treatment with corticosteroids is the potential
risk of precipitating acute adrenal insufficiency caused by the accelerated metabolism
of cortisol that follows T4 therapy. The clinicians should be aware of signs and symptoms signaling coexisting adrenal insufficiency such as hypotension, hypothermia,
hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia.

Low serum sodium may cause a semicomatose state or seizures even in euthyroid
patients, and the severe hyponatremia (105120 mmol/L) in profound myxedema is
likely to contribute substantially to the coma in these patients. Mortality rates in critically ill patients with symptomatic hyponatremia have been reported to be 60-fold
higher than in patients without hyponatremia.38 The appropriate management of
severe hyponatremia often requires administration of a small amount of hypertonic
saline (50100 mL 3% sodium chloride), enough to increase sodium concentration
by about 2 mmol/L early in the course of treatment, followed by an intravenous bolus
dose of 40 to 120 mg furosemide to promote a water diuresis.39 A small, quick
increase in the serum sodium concentration (24 mmol/L) is effective in acute hyponatremia because even a slight reduction in brain swelling results in a substantial
decrease in intracerebral pressure.40 On the other hand, too rapid correction of hyponatremia can cause a dangerous complication, the osmotic demyelinization
syndrome. In patients with chronic hyponatremia, this complication is avoided by
limiting the sodium correction to less than 10 to 12 mmol/L in 24 hours and less
than 18 mmol/L in 48 h. After achieving a sodium level of more than 120 mmol/L,
restriction of fluids may be all that is necessary to correct hyponatremia. It must be
emphasized that fluid or saline therapy requires careful monitoring of volume status
based on clinical parameters and measurements of central venous pressure, especially in patients with significant cardiovascular decompensation.
The other therapeutic option is treatment with an intravenous vasopressin antagonist, conivaptan. Conivaptan has been approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration for the treatment of hospitalized patients with euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia in a setting of the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
antidiuretic hormone, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, or pulmonary disorders.41 The rationale for application of conivaptan in this clinical setting is based
on the high vasopressin levels observed in myxedema coma. Current dosing

Thyroid Emergencies

recommendations are for a 20-mg loading dose to be infused over 30 minutes followed by 20 mg/d continuous infusion for up to 4 days. Unfortunately, no data are
available on the use of conivaptan in severe hyponatremia (<115 mEq/L) in hypothyroid patients.42,43
General supportive measures

In addition to the specific therapies outlined, other treatments will be indicated as in

the management of any other elderly patient with multisystem problems. Management
might include the treatment of underlying problems such as infection, congestive heart
failure, diabetes, or hypertension. The dosage of specific medications (eg, digoxin for
congestive heart failure) may need to be modified based on their altered distribution
and slowed metabolism in myxedema.

Even with this vigorous therapy, the prognosis for myxedema coma remains grim, and
patients with severe hypothermia and hypotension seem to do the worst. In the
past the mortality rate was as high as 60% to 70%, but this has now been reduced
to 20%25% with the advances in intensive care management.44 Several prognostic
factors may be associated with a fatal outcome,1,5,32,35,45 and include older age,
persistent hypothermia or bradycardia, lower degree of consciousness by Glasgow
Coma Scale, multiorgan impairment indicated by an APACHE II score (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation) of more than 20, or SOFA score (Sequential
Organ Failure Assessment) of more than 6. The most common causes of death are
respiratory failure, sepsis, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Early diagnosis and prompt
treatment, with meticulous attention to the details of management during the first 48
hours, remain critical for effective therapy.

Thyroid crisis or thyrotoxic storm is characterized by severely exaggerated manifestations of thyrotoxicosis. The underlying cause of thyrotoxicosis is commonly Graves
disease or toxic multinodular goiter. Rarely, thyrotoxic storm may occur with subacute
thyroiditis or factitious thyrotoxicosis caused by intentional thyroxine overdose.46,47
Epidemiology and Precipitating Events

An accurate estimation of the incidence of thyroid storm is impossible to determine

because of the considerable variability in the criteria for its diagnosis. The syndrome
does appear to be less common today than in the past, perhaps because of earlier
diagnosis and treatment of thyrotoxicosis, thereby precluding its progression to the
stage of crisis. Nevertheless, it may occur in 1% to 2% of hospital admissions for
thyrotoxicosis.48 Thyrotoxic storm is rarely seen after thyroid surgery, because of
the routine preparation of patients for elective thyroidectomy by treatment with antithyroid drugs. However, several types of nonthyroidal surgeries or other traumas
have precipitated surgical thyrotoxic storm in patients with previously undiagnosed
thyrotoxicosis. The crisis may be related to perioperative events, such as anesthesia,
stress, and volume depletion, because these conditions are associated with increases
in the concentration of free thyroid hormone. Thyroid storm has been seen in pregnancy, during labor, and in complicated deliveries such as those with placenta previa.49 An acute discharge of hormones in the appropriate clinical setting may trigger
a crisis, and cases have been reported following vigorous palpation of the thyroid,
radioactive iodine therapy,50 withdrawal of propylthiouracil therapy, or after administration of lithium, stable iodine, or iodinated contrast dyes. The other conditions known



Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky

to be associated with increased free fraction of T4 and T3 include stress, infections,

burns, cytotoxic chemotherapy for acute leukemia, aspirin overdose, ketoacidosis,
or organophosphate intoxication (see Table 1).45,5155 Amiodarone, an antiarrhythmic
and antianginal drug that is also rich in iodine, may cause either an iodine-induced
thyrotoxicosis (type 1) or a destructive thyroiditis (type 2); the latter has been reported
as a cause of thyroid storm refractory to the usual treatment.56 There is also a case
report of thyrotoxic storm precipitated by food poisoning with marine neurotoxin after
ingestion of seafood.57 Notwithstanding the multiplicity of precipitating factors, in
hospitalized patients the most common event associated with thyrotoxic storm is
some type of infection.
Clinical Signs and Symptoms

The clinical diagnosis is based on the identification of signs and symptoms that
suggest decompensation of several organ systems. Some of these cardinal manifestations include fever out of proportion to an apparent infection and dramatic diaphoresis. Hyperthermia in thyroid crisis can represent defective thermoregulation by the
hypothalamus and/or increased basal metabolic rate, increased oxidation of lipids
being responsible for more than 60% of the resting energy expenditure.58 The other
key components of thyrotoxic storm include tachycardia out of proportion to the fever,
and gastrointestinal dysfunction, which can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and, in
severe cases, jaundice. As the storm progresses, symptoms of central nervous
system dysfunction simulating an encephalopathic picture will appear, which may
include increasing agitation and emotional lability, confusion, paranoia, psychosis,
and coma.59 Patients have been reported who presented with thyroid storm associated with status epilepticus and stroke and with bilateral basal ganglia infarction.60
In patients with neurologic symptoms, a high index of suspicion for cerebral sinus
thrombosis should be considered, because of the higher prevalence of this condition
in severe hyperthyroidism.61 Paralysis observed in thyroid crisis might be due to not
only the cerebrovascular accident but also thyrotoxic periodic paralysis with hypokalemia, as frequently may present in Asian men.62 In older patients, the thyrotoxic storm
may present as so-called masked or apathetic thyrotoxicosis.63
Cardiovascular Manifestations

The most common cardiovascular manifestations are rhythm disturbances such as

sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, or other supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, and
rarely, ventricular tachyarrhythmias, which can be observed even in patients without
previous heart disease.64 Congestive heart failure or a reversible dilated cardiomyopathy65 also may be present even in young or middle-aged patients without known
antecedent cardiac disease. A high-output state is present, attributable to the
increased preload secondary to activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis
and to decreased afterload secondary to a direct relaxing effect of thyroid hormones
on vascular muscle cells. Therefore, most patients present with systolic hypertension
with widened pulse pressure. The hyperthyroid heart is characterized by higher than
usual oxygen demands and hence myocardial infarction can be observed, even in
young patients.66,67 A relatively rare complication of severe hyperthyroidism is pulmonary hypertension, which is presumed to be on an autoimmune basis when associated
with Graves disease, but which also may be secondary to an augmented blood
volume, cardiac output, and sympathetic tone, leading to pulmonary vasoconstriction
and increased pulmonary arterial pressure. This condition is usually reversible after
treatment with antithyroid drugs. The other possible reason for pulmonary

Thyroid Emergencies

hypertension is pulmonary embolism caused by the thrombotic or hypercoagulable

state that has been observed in severe hyperthyroidism.
Respiratory Manifestations

The main pulmonary symptom is dyspnea and tachypnea related to an increased

oxygen demand. The excessive work of the respiratory muscles may eventually
lead to diaphragmatic dysfunction.68 Respiratory failure may result from the hyperdynamic cardiomyopathy but also from preexistent underlying pulmonary disease.69,70
Gastrointestinal Manifestations

The most common symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting, which can aggravate volume
depletion, postural hypotension, and shock with vascular collapse. The diffuse
abdominal pain, possibly caused by impaired neurohormonal regulation of gastric
myoelectrical activity with delayed gastric emptying,71 may even lead to a presentation
such as acute abdomen72 or intestinal obstruction.73 The liver function abnormalities
and presence of jaundice warrant immediate and vigorous therapy. Although most
presentations of an acute abdomen in thyrotoxicosis are medical in nature, surgical
conditions may also occur.74
Electrolyte Disturbances and Renal Manifestations

Increased serum calcium levels, caused by both hemoconcentration and known

effects of thyroid hormone on bone resorption, may be seen. The sodium, potassium,
and chloride levels are usually normal. Because of the augmented lipolysis and ketogenesis, and the basal metabolic demands that exceed oxygen delivery, ketoacidosis
and lactic acidosis are observed.
Hyperthyroidism is often associated with an accelerated glomerular filtration rate,
which may progress to glomerulosclerosis and excessive proteinuria. There are
case reports of renal failure caused by rhabdomyolysis,75 urinary retention associated
with dyssynergy of the detrusor muscle and bladder dysfunction,76 and an autoimmune complexmediated nephritis concomitant with Graves disease.77
Hematological Manifestations

A moderate leukocytosis with a mild shift to the left is a common finding, even in the
absence of infection. Hyperthyroidism may be associated with hypercoagulability
caused by increased concentrations of fibrinogen, factors VIII and IX, tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, von Willebrand factor, increase in red blood cell mass
secondary to erythropoietin upregulation, and a tendency to augmented platelet
plug formation.78 Major thromboembolic complications are responsible for 18% of
deaths caused by thyrotoxicosis.7983

Diagnosis can be established predominantly on the basis of clinical presentation,

because the laboratory findings may not be much different than those observed in
uncomplicated hyperthyroidism. Indeed, serum total T3 levels may be even within
normal limits, as these patients may have some underlying precipitating illness that
reduces T4 to T3 conversion as is seen in the euthyroid sick syndrome.84 Therefore,
a semiquantitative scale (Table 2) assessing the presence and severity of the most
common signs and symptoms has been developed to aid in the diagnosis.85
Other laboratory abnormalities may include a modest hyperglycemia in the absence
of diabetes mellitus, probably as a result of augmented glycogenolysis and
catecholamine-mediated inhibition of insulin release, as well as increased insulin



Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky

Table 2
Semiquantitative scale assessing the presence and severity of the most common signs and


Thermoregulatory Dysfunction

99 99.9 F (37.2 37.7 C)

100 100.9 F (37.8 38.2 C)
101 101.9 F (38.3 38.8 C)
102 102.9 F (38.9 39.3 C)
103 103.9 F (39.4 39.9 C)
104 F (40 C) or higher


Central Nervous System Effects

Mild agitation
Delirium, psychosis, lethargy
Seizure or coma


Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Unexplained jaundice


Cardiovascular Dysfunction (beats/min)



Congestive Heart Failure

Mild (edema)
Moderate (bibasilar rales)
Severe (pulmonary edema)


Atrial Fibrillation


History of Precipitating Event



Based on the total score, the likelihood of the diagnosis of thyrotoxic storm is: unlikely, <25;
impending, 2544; highly likely, >45.
Data from Burch HB, Wartofsky L. Life-threatening thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid storm. Endocrinol
Metab Clin North Am 1993;22:26377.

clearance and insulin resistance. When thyrotoxicosis is prolonged, leading to the

depletion of glycogen deposits, hypoglycemia may occur, particularly in older people
when aggravated by malnutrition secondary to emesis or abdominal pain.86 Hepatic
dysfunction in thyroid storm results in elevated levels of serum lactate dehydrogenase,
aspartate aminotransferase, and bilirubin. Increased levels of serum alkaline phosphatase are also observed, predominantly because of increased osteoblastic bone
activity in response to the augmentation of bone resorption.
Of importance, adrenal reserve may be exceeded in thyrotoxic crisis because of the
inability of the adrenal gland to meet the metabolic demands and accelerated turnover

Thyroid Emergencies

of glucocorticoids. Moreover, there is known coincidence of adrenal insufficiency with

Graves disease. This diagnosis should be considered when there is hypotension and
suggestive electrolyte abnormalities.

To avoid a disastrous outcome, a complex approach to management is recommended.87 First, specific antithyroid drugs must be used to reduce the increased thyroid
production and release of T4 and T3. The second approach comprises treatment
intended to block the effects of the remaining but excessive circulating concentrations
of free T4 and T3 in blood. The third arm involves treatment of any systemic decompensation, for example, congestive heart failure, and shock. The final component
addresses any underlying precipitating illness such as infection or ketoacidosis.
Therapy directed to the thyroid gland

Inhibition of new synthesis of the thyroid hormones is achieved by administration of

thionamide antithyroid drugs, such as carbimazole, methimazole (Tapazole), and propylthiouracil. These drugs in the comatose or uncooperative patient are given by nasogastric tube or per rectum as enemas or suppositories.8891 There are no available
intravenous preparations of these compounds in the United States, but they are
successfully used in some European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany,
and Poland.9294 According to the recently published guidelines by the American
Thyroid Association and the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, propylthiouracil
can be started with a loading dose of 500 to 1000 mg followed by 250 mg every 4
hours, and methimazole should be administered at daily dose of 60 to 80 mg.87 It is
thought that propylthiouracil will provide more rapid clinical improvement because it
has the additional advantage of inhibiting conversion of T4 to T3, a property not shared
by methimazole. Because thionamides reduce new hormone synthesis but not
thyroidal secretion of preformed glandular stores of hormone, separate treatment
must be administered to inhibit proteolysis of colloid and the continuing release of
T4 and T3 into the blood. Either inorganic iodine or lithium carbonate may be used
for this purpose. Iodides may be given either orally as Lugol solution or as a saturated
solution of potassium iodide (35 drops every 6 hours). An earlier mainstay of treatment, the use of an intravenous infusion of sodium iodide (0.51 g every 12 hours),
has not been feasible recently because sterile sodium iodide has not been available
for intravenous use.
It is important that iodine should be administered no sooner than 1 hour after prior
thionamide dosage. Otherwise iodine will enhance thyroid hormone synthesis, enrich
hormone stores within the gland, and thereby permit further exaggeration of thyrotoxicosis. When iodine is administered in conjunction with full doses of antithyroid drugs,
dramatic rapid decreases in serum T4 are seen, with values approaching the normal
range within 4 or 5 days.95 Other agents that theoretically could be used in this manner
are the radiographic contrast dyes ipodate (Oragrafin) and iopanoic acid (Telepaque),
which act not only by decreasing thyroid hormone release but also by slowing the
peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, as well as possibly blocking binding of both T3
and T4 to their cellular receptors. Unfortunately, these agents are no longer available
in the United States.
In patients who may be allergic to iodine, lithium carbonate may be used as an alternative agent to inhibit hormonal release.96,97 Lithium should be administered initially as
300 mg every 6 hours, with subsequent adjustment of dosage as necessary to maintain serum lithium levels at about 0.8 to 1.2 mEq/L.



Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky

Therapy directed at the continuing effects of thyroid hormone in the periphery

Given the presence and likelihood of high levels of circulating T4 and T3 in a large
vascular pool and tissue distribution space, in severe cases treatment with antithyroid
drugs alone is not sufficient. Plasmapheresis and therapeutic plasma exchange are
effective alternative therapies, which can reduce T4 and T3 levels within 36 hours.
Plasma or albumin solution given during therapeutic plasma exchange provides
new binding sites to reduce circulating levels of free thyroid hormones.98100 However,
this effect is transient and lasts only about 24 to 48 hours, and thus should be followed
by a more definitive therapy. Early thyroidectomy has been reported to reduce the
mortality rate from 20% to 40% under standard treatment to less than 10%.101
Peritoneal dialysis or experimental hemoperfusion through a resin bed102 or charcoal columns103 has also been used. Another therapeutic adjunct is the oral administration of cholestyramine resin, resulting in removal of T4 and T3 by binding thyroid
hormone entering the gut via enterohepatic recirculation, with the subsequent excretion of the resin-hormone complex.104
Hughes105 was the first to treat a patient with thyrotoxic storm with a b-adrenergic
blocker to ameliorate the manifestations of thyroid hormone excess. Propranolol is the
most commonly used agent in the United States. The oral dosage of 60 to 80 mg every
4 hours or intravenous doses of 0.5 to 1 mg followed by subsequent doses of 2 to 3 mg
given intravenously over 10 to 15 min every several hours are recommended, alongside constant cardiac rhythm monitoring.87,106,107 There may be a theoretical benefit
derived from the inhibitory effect of propranolol on the conversion of T4 to T3,108 but
a significant effect is seen only with oral doses higher than 160 mg/d. Usage of bblockers not only corrects the heart rate and diminishes the oxygen demand of the
cardiac muscle, but also improves agitation, convulsions, psychotic behavior, tremor,
diarrhea, fever, and diaphoresis. In some patients, there may be a relative risks or
contraindications to the use of these agents. In patients with a history of bronchospasm or asthma and treatment with either selective b1-blockers or reserpine,
guanethidine should be considered instead. A short-acting b-adrenergic blocker,
esmolol, has also been used successfully in the management of thyroid storm. An
initial loading dose of 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg is followed by continuous infusion of 0.05
to 0.1 mg/kg per minute.109,110
The other important medications characterized by a high therapeutic potency and
modest ability to inhibit peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 are steroids. An initial
dose of 300 mg hydrocortisone followed by 100 mg every 8 hours during the first 24
to 36 hours should be adequate. Thyroid storm has been reported to recur when
steroids had been discontinued after initial clinical improvement.111 The additional
rationale behind the routine use of steroids is perhaps theoretical and unproven, but
relates to possible relative adrenal insufficiency secondary to increased metabolic
demands and more rapid turnover of cortisol.
Some authorities have suggested that the supplemental administration of 1a(OH)
vitamin D3 might accelerate the reduction of serum T4 and T3.112 In a recent study,
the administration of 2 g/d L-carnitine in thyrotoxic storm facilitated a dose reduction
of methimazole. The mechanism appears to be related to an inhibition by L-carnitine of
T3 and T4 entry into cell nuclei.113,114 Although these preliminary findings are of
interest, the utility of this adjunct to therapy requires confirmation.
Therapy directed at systemic decompensation

Fluid depletion caused by hyperpyrexia and diaphoresis, as well as by vomiting or

diarrhea, must be vigorously replaced to avoid vascular collapse. Appropriate fluid
therapy will usually correct hypercalcemia, if present. Judicious replacement of fluids

Thyroid Emergencies

is necessary in elderly patients with congestive heart failure or other cardiac compromise. Intravenous fluids containing 10% dextrose in addition to electrolytes will better
restore depleted hepatic glycogen. Vitamin supplements may be added to the intravenous fluids to replace probable coexistent deficiency. Hypotension not readily
reversed by adequate hydration may temporarily require pressor and/or glucocorticoid therapy.
For fever, acetaminophen rather than salicylates is the preferred antipyretic,
because salicylates inhibit thyroid hormone binding and could increase free T4 and
T3, thereby transiently worsening the thyrotoxic crisis. Hyperthermia also responds
well to external cooling with alcohol sponging, cooling blankets, and ice packs.
Some investigators advocate the use of the skeletal muscle relaxant dantrolene,115
but significant risk associated with its use precludes routine recommendation.
When present, congestive heart failure should be treated routinely. Although less
commonly used today, when digoxin is used, larger than usual doses may be required
because of its increased turnover in the thyrotoxic state.
Therapy directed at the precipitating illness

The therapy is not complete unless a diagnosis of the possible precipitating event is
made and early treatment as indicated for that underlying illness is implemented.
This is not a problem in obvious cases, when trauma, surgery, labor, or premature
withdrawal of antithyroid drugs are known to have been the precipitants of thyrotoxic
crisis, and which may require no additional management. However, when none of the
latter precipitating factors is apparent, a diligent search for some focus of infection
must be performed. Routine cultures of urine, blood, and sputum should be obtained
in the febrile thyrotoxic patient, and cultures of other sites may be warranted on clinical
grounds. Broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage on an empiric basis may be required
initially while awaiting results of cultures.
Conditions such as ketoacidosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, or stroke may
underlie thyrotoxic crisis, particularly in the obtunded or psychotic patient, and require
the same vigorous management as routinely indicated.

Even with early diagnosis, death can occur, and reported mortality rates have
ranged from 10% to 75% in hospitalized patients.85,116,117 In most patients who
survive thyrotoxic crisis, clinical improvement is dramatic and demonstrable within
the first 24 hours. During the recovery period of the next few days, supportive
therapy such as corticosteroids, antipyretics, and intravenous fluids may be tapered
and gradually withdrawn, based on patient status, oral intake of calories and fluids,
vasomotor stability, and continuing improvement. After the crisis has been resolved,
attention may be turned to consideration of the definitive treatment of thyrotoxicosis. Should thyroidectomy be considered, thyrotoxicosis will need to have been
adequately treated preoperatively, to obviate any likelihood of another episode of
crisis during the surgery. Total thyroidectomy is the procedure of choice, in view
of reports of recurrent severe thyrotoxicosis and thyroid crisis after less than total
Radioactive iodine as definitive treatment is often precluded by the recent use of
inorganic iodine in virtually all cases of storm, but it could be considered at a later
date, in which case antithyroid thionamide therapy is continued to restore and maintain euthyroidism until such a time as ablative therapy can be administered.
Continuing treatment with antithyroid drugs alone, in the hope of the patients
sustaining a spontaneous remission, is also possible.



Klubo-Gwiezdzinska & Wartofsky


The life-threatening thyroid emergencies of myxedema coma and thyrotoxic crisis

require a high index of suspicion in the appropriate clinical setting, followed by prompt
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