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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit

May 30, 2012


Elisabeth A. Shumaker
Clerk of Court




Plaintiff - Appellee,

No. 11-3127

Defendant - Appellant.


(D.C. NO. 6:10-CR-10175-MLB-1)

John K. Henderson, Jr., Assistant Federal Public Defender, Wichita, Kansas, for
Defendant - Appellant.
James A. Brown, Assistant United States Attorney (Barry R. Grissom, United
States Attorney, with him on the brief), Topeka, Kansas, for Plaintiff - Appellee.

Before HARTZ, OBRIEN, and HOLMES, Circuit Judges.

HARTZ, Circuit Judge.

Defendant Deshane Gantt pleaded guilty in the United States District Court
for the District of Kansas to brandishing a firearm during a crime of violence, see
18 U.S.C. 924(c)(1), and received a sentence of 20 years imprisonment. He

appeals his sentence, arguing that it was both procedurally and substantively
unreasonable. Exercising jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1291, we affirm.
Defendants sentence was procedurally reasonable because the district court
adequately explained why it varied from the guideline sentence, and it was
substantively reasonable because the length of the sentence was not an abuse of

On November 8, 2010, Christopher Crabtree drove Defendant to the

Catholic Family Federal Credit Union in Wichita, Kansas, to commit an armed

robbery. Upon entering the credit union alone, Defendant ordered the employees
to the floor while brandishing a 9-millimeter pistol, saying: This is a robbery . . .
I dont want to turn this into a homicide. R., Vol. 1 at 20. He then removed
$7,803 from the teller drawers and fled on foot to his home. There, as previously
arranged, Crabtree met him to drive him from his home so he would not be
discovered there with the money. They hid the stolen cash in a pillow case under
Defendants seat. Soon, however, they were stopped by a police officer for
failing to stop at a stop sign. The officer, aware that the car and its occupants
resembled what witnesses to the robbery had observed, asked to search the car.
Crabtree consented and the officer found the money in the pillowcase.
A grand jury indicted Defendant on three counts: bank robbery,
brandishing a firearm during a crime of violence, and being a felon in possession

of a firearm. Under a plea agreement he pleaded guilty to the second count. In

return the government dismissed the other two counts and agreed to recommend a
sentence at the low end of the applicable guideline range. Id. at 22. For a
violation of 924(c), however, the Sentencing Guidelines do not provide a
guideline sentencing range but only a guideline sentence, which is the statutory
mandatory minimum. See USSG 2K2.4(b) (stating that, absent an exception not
pertinent to this case, if the defendant, whether or not convicted of another
crime, was convicted of violating section 924(c) . . . , the guideline sentence is
the minimum term of imprisonment required by statute). For brandishing a
firearm, that minimum is seven years, to be served consecutively to any other
sentence. See 18 U.S.C. 924(c)(1)(A)(ii), (D)(ii). A note to the guideline
provision states: A departure may be warranted . . . to reflect the seriousness of
the defendants criminal history in a case in which the defendant is convicted of
an 18 U.S.C. 924(c) . . . offense but is not determined to be a career offender
under [USSG] 4B1.1. USSG 2K2.4 cmt. n.2(B).
The probation offices presentence report, to which no objection was made
by Defendant or the government, described the robbery and Defendants criminal
background. He had been adjudicated a juvenile offender on four occasions,
including a 2006 adjudication for possessing a firearm when he was 17. In 2008
he pleaded guilty as an adult to aggravated battery, an offense involving his
shooting a gun. He was initially placed on probation but ultimately was

incarcerated about five months in prison after violating the terms of his probation.
He was released from prison a year before the credit-union robbery.
Before the sentencing hearing on April 18, 2011, defense counsel submitted
a sentencing memorandum trying to explain Defendants fall from grace, together
with letters from Defendants father and an ex-girlfriend. At the hearing itself the
district court heard statements from several persons. Three credit-union witnesses
spoke to the robberys impact on employees. A former high-school teacher said
that Defendant had been an outstanding student, a leader well-liked by his peers
and the staff, and a member of his class chosen to give a graduation speech. His
father and mother, married for 29 years, also spoke. His mother told of her
special bond with Defendant and said that he would be the next Will Smith (a
famous entertainer). His father, a retired police officer, described his 22-year-old
son as someone willing to take on many responsibilities and as the glue among his
siblings, who included one son who had graduated from college and others in
college. Finally, Defendant himself spoke, stating that he was a regular person
who makes mistakes. R., Vol. 3 at 22.
The district court then explained the thinking behind the sentence it
proposed to give. It began: Well, this is not a sentencing guideline case.
Theres a mandatory minimum sentence of ten yearsseven years. A life
sentence is the maximum sentence. So I can sentence anywhere from seven years
to life. Id. at 23. It next discussed the sentencing factors in 18 U.S.C.

3553(a), noting the seriousness of Defendants offense and his prior record, and
expressing bewilderment at why he had turned out as he had. Emphasizing the
need to protect the public, the court imposed a sentence of 20 years
imprisonment and three years supervised release.
After Defendant said that he had no questions, defense counsel interrupted
to correct the courts statement that there was no applicable guideline in the case.
He pointed out that the guideline sentence would be the mandatory minimum of
seven years. Id. at 29. The court responded: Well, I meant to sayIm
sorrythat theres no criminal history calculation in the case. But the sentence is
stillan authorized sentence is still seven years to life. You agree with that?
Id. Counsel indicated that he agreed, but said that he had not received notice of
the courts contemplated departure from the guidelines. Id. The court said that
it would continue the sentencing hearing for a week. When defense counsel
repeated that the guideline sentence was seven years, the court said: Well, Im
not sure I agree with that; but if in fact that is the guideline sentence, 84 months,
then you are notified here today that I consider that sentence to be woefully
inadequate. Id. at 30. It added that it would read anything submitted by counsel,
but hell never get a seven year sentence from me. So, thats just the way it is.
Id. at 31.
Before the second hearing Defendant filed a motion and supplemental
memorandum arguing (1) that the district court must consider the guideline

sentence of seven years imprisonment; (2) that a 20-year sentence would create
an unwarranted disparity in sentencing between [Defendant] and [Crabtree] and
others similarly situated, R., Vol. 1 at 41, although the motions brief discussion
of disparity compared Defendants sentence only to Crabtrees; (3) that there were
no facts in this case that took it out of the heartland of bank-robbery cases
involving a firearm; (4) that the court should take into account that Defendants
prior conviction for aggravated battery was for an act of self-protection; and (5)
that Defendants history and characteristics did not justify an upward departure or
At the second hearing the district court acknowledged that counsel was
correct about the seven-year guideline sentence and then explained that the
sentence that I imposed last week and the sentence that I think is a correct
sentence is a variance from the guideline sentence. Id. at 32. It said that it
thought it had made an adequate record of the reasons for the sentence at the first
hearing, but invited additional arguments. Defense counsel stated:
Your Honor, I dont have anything to add to our briefs or
memorandum. I shared with the Court our arguments and position in
the hopes that the Court would sentence, with reference to the
guideline, consider a lower sentence. I understood the Courts
perspective at the time of sentencing was focusing on a range of 7 to
life, and with the focus on the guideline at 7 and then considering a
variance above it. As we expressed in the papers, we would ask the
Court to reconsider.
Id. at 3334. Defendant said that he had nothing to add.


The court declined to modify its sentence. It spoke at some length,

expressing its concern about the seriousness of Defendants criminal history and
the need to protect the public:
Ive looked back over this case, and in particular, the materials that
[defense counsel] has provided. I read the police reports. And
theres just notheres no getting around what happened here. The
presentence report demonstrates, its not been objected to, that
Mr. Gantt at age 17 was adjudicated a juvenile because he had
criminal possession of a firearm. And a year later at age 18 hes
involved in this shooting[, which led to his conviction for aggravated
battery]. And the thing that bothers me about the shooting is not,
you know, its one thing to go out and want to have a fist fight with
somebody you dont like. I dont see anything really terrible about
that. We ought to settle our arguments some other way, but having a
fist fight probably is as good a way as any in some of these
situations. But thats not what happened. Mr. Gantt got ahold of a
firearm, he fired five indiscriminate shots at the other person
involved in the fight, hit him twice. Could have killed him,
Mr. Gantt. I mean, just shooting indiscriminately, you know, people
could get killed. He got a sentence over in state court that, frankly, I
dont see how these sentences really teach anybody anything, but Im
not a state court judge, but 14 months with twelve months post
release supervision, suspended and placed on probation. Well,
theres your chance, Mr. Gantt. You got put on probation for
shooting somebody. Yet you violated probation, and then they
revoked it and reinstated it. I dont know what the new conditions
were that were imposed on you, but whatever they were, you violated
those again. And you got, finally, in the State of Kansas way of
doing things, you finally got sent to the penitentiary where you
served a relatively short sentence, as near as I can tell, from May to
November of 2009. And then a year later youre at the credit union
with a gun threatening to kill people and robbing them. Doesnt look
to me like youve learned anything from being in the state system.
And I think the purpose of a variance is the same thing I said last
week. I dont feel any different this week. The public has to be
protected from this sort of behavior.
Id. at 3436.

On appeal Defendant asserts that his sentence was procedurally and

substantively unreasonable. The alleged procedural errors were (1) that the
district court violated the procedural requirements for a sentencing departure; (2)
that it did not properly consider the applicable guideline provision even after it
realized that the guideline sentence was only seven years; (3) that it did not
consider the need to avoid unwarranted sentencing disparities; and (4) that it
failed to take into account certain facts and circumstances regarding Defendants
prior conviction for aggravated battery. Defendant argues that his sentence was
substantively unreasonable because no one has ever received so harsh a sentence
for the same crime.


Procedural Reasonableness

When a party challenges a sentence for procedural reasonableness, our

standard of review is ordinarily abuse of discretion, under which we review de
novo the district courts legal conclusions regarding the guidelines and review its
factual findings for clear error. See United States v. Mollner, 643 F.3d 713, 714
(10th Cir. 2011). If, however, Defendant did not preserve the procedural
challenge below, we review only for plain error. Defendant can obtain relief
under the plain-error doctrine only if four requirements are satisfied: (1) the
district court committed error; (2) the error was plainthat is, it was obvious
under current well-settled law; (3) the error affected the Defendants substantial

rights; and (4) the error seriously affect[ed] the fairness, integrity, or public
reputation of judicial proceedings. United States v. Dazey, 403 F.3d 1147, 1174
(10th Cir. 2005). Because all four requirements must be met, the failure of any
one will foreclose relief and the others need not be addressed. See United States
v. Hall, 625 F.3d 673, 684 (10th Cir. 2010). As we shall see, none of Defendants
alleged procedural errors can survive the first requirement because the district
court did not commit error.
We now turn to Defendants particular claims of procedural

Failure to Follow Requirements for a Departure

Defendant challenges his sentence on several grounds relating to the district

courts failure to comply with the strict requirements imposed on departures from
a guideline sentence. He argues that his sentence was procedurally unreasonable
(1) because the court did not tie it to any departure provision under the
guidelines, see United States v. Robertson, 568 F.3d 1203, 1211 (10th Cir. 2009)
(departure must be based on permissible departure factors); (2) because the
court did not explain why [Defendants case] stood out from the heartland of
cases involving 924(c) brandishing represented by the Guideline sentence of
seven years, Aplt. Br. at 22, see United States v. Osborne, 593 F.3d 1149,
15354 (10th Cir. 2010) (the district court should justify a departure by
determining the heartland of cases covered by the applicable guidelines and

explaining why the case falls outside that heartland); and (3) because the court
did not explain its methodology for arriving at a sentence of 20 years, see United
States v. Nunemacher, 362 F.3d 682, 691 (10th Cir. 2004) (District courts are
supposed to give some rationale tied to the Guidelines for the degree of departure
in the specific case.).
We review these claims for plain error because they were not preserved
below. Although Defendants supplemental sentencing memorandum had argued
against a departure, Defendants complaint on appeal is not that the court rejected
his arguments but that the court did not adequately explain why it acted as it did.
To preserve that complaint for appeal, Defendant needed to alert the court that its
explanation was inadequate, which ordinarily would require an objection after the
court had rendered sentence. The court could then cure any error by offering the
necessary explanation. We do not abide appeals of alleged errors that could have
been easily avoided by a timely objection. See United States v. Lopez-Flores, 444
F.3d 1218, 1221 (10th Cir. 2006) (an objection that the sentencing court had not
adequately explained the sentence . . . would have enabled the court either to
correct a failure to consider those factors or to state affirmatively that the factors
had been considered).
This case is readily distinguishable from United States v. Lopez-Avila, 665
F.3d 1216, 1218 (10th Cir. 2011), where the defendant appealed his sentence on
the ground that the district court had refused to consider granting a variance

because of sentencing disparities caused by the unavailability of fast-track

procedures in Colorado. The defendant had moved for such a variance in a
motion filed before the sentencing hearing. After full briefing and argument the
district court said at the hearing that such a variance would be improper. It then
imposed sentence. We ruled that it was unnecessary for the defendant to object
after sentencing that the court had not considered a fast-track variance. No
purpose would have been served by such an objection. All the court could have
done in response is to repeat that it had rejected the variance argument; and
preservation doctrine does not require a party to ask a court to reconsider a
definitive ruling, see, e.g., United States v. Campos, 221 F.3d 1143, 114647 &
n.1 (10th Cir. 2000) (not necessary to renew at trial a motion to suppress denied
In any event, the district court did not commit error. It declared that its
sentence was a variance from a guidelines sentence, so the rules regarding
departures were inapplicable. A departure from a guideline sentence is a
sentence outside the guideline range but justified by specific provisions in the
guidelines. See Osborne, 593 F.3d at 115253. For example, a comment to
USSG 2K2.4, which established Defendants guideline sentence, states that an
upward departure is warranted if the defendant has a particularly serious criminal
history. See USSG 2K2.4 cmt. n.2(B). In contrast, a sentence variance is a
sentence not authorized by the Sentencing Guidelines but permissible now that

the guidelines are merely advisory. The case law relied on by Defendant is
distinguishable because it all relates to departures under the guidelines, not
variances from the guidelines. A variance can be imposed without compliance
with the rigorous requirements for departures. See United State v. MartinezBarragan, 545 F.3d 894, 901 (10th Cir. 2008) (Now that the Sentencing
Guidelines are only advisory, there are no mandatory requirements as to when a
district court may sentence a defendant to an above- or below-Guidelines
sentence.). We therefore need address only Defendants three procedural issues
that concern a variance.

Consideration of the Guideline Sentence

The sentencing court must give consideration to the applicable guideline

sentence. See Gall v. United States, 552 U.S. 38, 4950 & n.6 (2007). Defendant
contends that the district court failed in this regard, asserting: At no time in the
second hearing did the Court begin again and resentence [Defendant] under the
Guidelines, case law and statutes. At no time in the first or second hearing did
the Court meaningfully consider the guideline sentence of seven years. Aplt. Br.
at 19.
Again we review for plain error. True, at the first hearing Defendant
alerted the district court that there was a recommended guideline sentence for his
offense. But at the second hearing Defendant did not complain after the
imposition of sentence that the court had failed to address that guideline

explicitly. Thus, Defendant did not preserve this claim of error by raising an
objection at the proper time, when an error could have readily been cured.
And again Defendants claim cannot survive plain-error review because
there was no error. The record shows that at the second hearing the district court
expressly acknowledged that the guideline sentence was seven years and that it
was supposed to give respectful consideration to the guidelines[.] R., Vol. 3 at
33. But, it explained, the guidelines are not mandatory and a variance from the
guideline sentence was important in this case. The court could hardly have been
clearer that it had considered the advisory guideline sentence. To consider is not
necessarily to adopt.

Unwarranted Disparity

Defendant next contends that the district court failed to address sentencing
disparities under 18 U.S.C. 3553(a)(6), which directs courts to consider the
need to avoid unwarranted sentence disparities among defendants with similar
records who have been found guilty of similar conduct. Unfortunately for
Defendant, what he argues on appeal is not what he argued in district court. The
disparity that he complained of to the district court was the disparity between his
sentence and the sentence received by his accomplice Crabtree. But he does not
repeat that complaint on appeal, pointing instead to the disparity between his
sentence and the sentences of others convicted of the same offense throughout the
country. To be sure, Defendants supplemental memorandum submitted before

the second sentencing hearing said, The [20-year] sentence creates unwarranted
disparity in sentencing between [Defendant] and the co-defendant and others
similarly situated. R., Vol. I at 41. But there was no further discussion of
others similarly situated, and neither Defendant nor his counsel complained at
the sentencing hearing that the court had not considered the issue. An
unelaborated snippet cannot preserve an issue for appeal. See United States v.
Morris, 562 F.3d 1131, 1133 (10th Cir. 2009). Thus, we review this newly raised
argument for plain error.
Once more, Defendant cannot satisfy the first requirement of plain-error
review, showing error by the district court. Defendant contends that there is a
disparity between his sentence and the sentences of others convicted of violating
18 U.S.C. 924(c)(1), and that the district court did not consider the disparity.
But his assertion that his sentence deviated from most sentences imposed on
persons with the same criminal history who committed the same offense is based
on the presumption that ordinarily such persons receive a guidelines sentence.
This is a reasonable presumption, but his argument therefore amounts to saying
that the district court did not consider that it was imposing a nonguidelines
sentence, a sentence different from what is usually imposed for the offense. The
argument fails because the court clearly considered that the sentence was far from
a guidelines sentence. Indeed, one can say as a general rule that when a court
considers what the guidelines sentence (or sentencing range) is, it necessarily

considers whether there is a disparity between the defendants sentence and the
sentences imposed on others for the same offense. The Supreme Court
recognized this in Gall, 552 U.S. at 54, writing: As with the seriousness of the
offense conduct, avoidance of unwarranted disparities was clearly considered by
the Sentencing Commission when setting the Guidelines ranges. Since the
District Judge correctly calculated and carefully reviewed the Guidelines range,
he necessarily gave significant weight and consideration to the need to avoid
unwarranted disparities. See United States v. Treadwell, 593 F.3d 990, 1011
(9th Cir. 2010) (Because the Guidelines range was correctly calculated, the
district court was entitled to rely on the Guidelines range in determining that
there was no unwarranted disparity between [the defendant] and other offenders
convicted of similar frauds. (internal quotation marks omitted)).
Also, insofar as Defendant complains that the district court did not explain
the basis for the disparity between his sentence and the sentences of others
convicted of the same offense, we hold that the courts explanation of the
sentence sufficed. See United States v. Cordova, 461 F.3d 1184, 1189 (10th Cir.
2006) (The sentencing court . . . is not required to . . . recite any magic words to
show us that it fulfilled its responsibility to be mindful of the factors that
Congress has instructed it to consider. (internal quotation marks omitted));
United States v. Pinson, 542 F.3d 822, 83335 (10th Cir. 2008) (Even when the
sentencing court varies from the guidelines, it need not explicitly discuss each of

the 3553(a) factors. Only when a party raises a material, nonfrivolous argument
regarding a factor does procedural reasonableness require a response from the

Failure to Take into Account Certain Facts in Defendants

Criminal History

As his final procedural claim, Defendant argues that the district court failed
to take into account that his prior aggravated-battery conviction was for an act of
self-defense. He asserts that the conviction was for a shooting during what had
been a fist fight when he was jumped by three additional men. Aplt. Br. at 25.
We need not concern ourselves with whether this issue was preserved below,
because it has no merit. Defendant was convicted, not acquitted, of aggravated
battery, and it was reasonable for the court to read the police reports as showing
conduct that fit into a pattern of criminal behavior involving the use of firearms.
We see no abuse of discretion.

Substantive Reasonableness

Defendants substantive-reasonableness claim is that the length of his

sentence was excessive given all the circumstances of the case in light of the
factors set forth in 3553(a). United States v. Sayad, 589 F.3d 1110, 1116 (10th
Cir. 2009) (brackets and internal quotation marks omitted). Under a deferential
abuse-of-discretion standard, we deem a sentence unreasonable only if it is


arbitrary, capricious, whimsical, or manifestly unreasonable. Id. (internal

quotation marks omitted).
Defendant argues that his sentence was substantively unreasonable because
no one has ever received such a long sentence for brandishing a firearm under
18 U.S.C. 924(c). He relies on the statement in United States v. OBrien, 130
S. Ct. 2169, 2177 (2010), that most courts impose the mandatory minimum of 7
years imprisonment for brandishing a nonspecific weapon and the longest
sentence that has come to the litigants or the Courts attention is 14 years. This
statement, however, must be read in context. OBrien was not a substantiveunreasonableness case. Its holding was that under 18 U.S.C. 924(c), the fact
that the firearm was a machinegun is an element to be proved to the jury beyond a
reasonable doubt[, not] a sentencing factor to be proved to the judge at
sentencing. Id. at 2172. The Courts reference to typical sentences for
brandishing was to emphasize that proof that the firearm was a
machinegunwhich mandated a sentence of at least 30 yearswould
substantially increase the actual sentence received. See id. at 217778. The
OBrien Court had no occasion to examine the substantive reasonableness of the
sentence in the case before it or to examine in detail the sentences imposed on
defendants convicted of brandishing. As we next proceed to discuss, when one
examines the data presented to the Supreme Court through the lens of substantive


reasonableness, the data take on a different cast and they support, rather than
undermine, the sentence in this case.
The issue presented to us is whether the sentence imposed on Defendant
was unreasonably long in light of his criminal misconduct, criminal history, and
the other 3553(a) factors. In conducting this examination it is essential to keep
in mind that the nature and circumstances of the offense committed by a
defendant, 18 U.S.C. 3553(a)(1), can include more than the offense of which he
was convicted. The Sentencing Guidelines, which are designed to reflect the
considerations set forth in 3553(a), see Rita v. United States, 551 U.S. 338,
34748 (2007), ordinarily require that the defendants base offense level be
derived not only from the offense of conviction but from all acts . . . that
occurred during the commission of the offense of conviction. USSG
1B1.3(a)(1). (The peculiarity of the guideline for brandishing a firearm, USSG
2K2.4(b), in that it sets the guideline sentence regardless of what else the
defendant was convicted of, presumably derives from the statutory requirement
that the brandishing sentence be served consecutively to any other sentence. See
18 U.S.C. 924(c)(1)(D)(ii).) Here, Defendant was convicted of brandishing, but
the brandishing was not an isolated act; Defendant brandished his gun during the
course of an armed robbery of a federal credit union. Accordingly, for the
purpose of assessing substantive reasonableness we can compare Defendants 20year sentence to sentences imposed on others who have brandished a firearm

while committing a robbery. We have reviewed the cases cited by the

respondents brief in OBrien, on which the Supreme Court relied for its
sentencing data on brandishing. See Br. for Respt OBrien, United States v.
OBrien, No. 08-1569, 2010 WL 181571, at *46*47 (Jan. 14, 2010). In almost
all of them the defendant was convicted of both robbery and brandishing a
firearm; and the total length of those sentences ranged widely, from 117 months
(a little less than 10 years), see United States v. Beaudion, 416 F.3d 965, 967, 970
(9th Cir. 2005) (the sentence was vacated only because the district court had
operated under the assumption that the Guidelines were mandatory), to life
imprisonment, see United States v. Gomez, 302 Fed. Appx 868, 869 (11th Cir.
2008) (20 years for the counts of Hobbs Act robbery). The 20-year sentence for
Defendant falls well within this range. Thus, the OBrien data do not show
Defendants sentence to be substantively unreasonable.
And when we examine the sentence here, we must conclude that its length
was not arbitrary or otherwise unreasonable. The district court noted the
seriousness of the offense, Defendants recidivism in using firearms, and the need
to protect the public. In these circumstances, the 20-year sentence was within the
range of reasonableness.

We AFFIRM Defendants sentence.


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