United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit

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754 F.

2d 110

John P. ROCCO and Antoinette Rocco, his wife, Appellants in

JOHNS-MANVILLE CORP.; Johns-Manville Sales
Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc.; Owens-Corning Fiberglass
Corporation; Owens-Illinois Glass Company; Pittsburgh
Corning Corporation; GAF Corporation; Celotex Corporation;
Unarco Industries, Inc.; H.K. Porter Co., Inc.; Southern
Asbestos Company; Eagle- Pitcher Industries, Inc.; Amatex
Corporation; Pacor, Inc.; Keene Corporation; Garlock,
Inc.; Glen Alden, Inc.; Rapid American Corporation, Inc.
Forty-Eight Insulators, Inc.; Fibreboard
Corporation; Nicolet Industries.
Appeal of PITTSBURGH CORNING CORP., in 83-1044.
Nos. 83-1043, 83-1044.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Nov. 15, 1984.
Decided Jan. 25, 1985.
Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc Denied March 1 and April 11, 1985.

Marc P. Weingarten (argued), Michael J. Witt, Greitzer & Locks,

Philadelphia, Pa., for appellants John and Antoinette Rocco.
John A. Fitzpatrick (argued), Joseph P. Ryan, Edward J. David, Curran,
Mylotte, David & Fitzpatrick, Philadelphia, Pa., for appellant Pittsburgh
Corning Corp.
Before ADAMS, GIBBONS, and WEIS, Circuit Judges.


WEIS, Circuit Judge.

This asbestos diversity case presents several issues under the Pennsylvania Joint
Tortfeasors Act. We hold that payments made to plaintiffs by defendants who
are not determined to be joint tortfeasors do not diminish the damages plaintiffs
are entitled to recover. However, a release in favor of a joint tortfeasor who
files a petition in bankruptcy before paying the agreed settlement amount does
act to reduce the plaintiffs' verdict pro rata. We hold further that Pennsylvania
delay damages may be assessed against a non-settling defendant only on its pro
rata share of a verdict. Because claims against a potential joint tortfeasor remain
open in the district court we will affirm in part and remand.

The plaintiffs' complaint named eighteen defendants. At various times, up until

closing argument to the jury, settlements were reached with a number of them.
Plaintiffs went to the jury on their claims against defendants Pittsburgh Corning
and Johns-Manville, recovering verdicts against both. The jury also determined
that six of the settling defendants contributed to the plaintiffs' injuries.

After denying post-trial motions for judgment n.o.v. and new trial, the district
court reduced the verdicts because of pro rata releases executed by plaintiffs
and added delay damages as provided by Pennsylvania state practice. Plaintiffs
and defendant, Pittsburgh Corning, have appealed.

Plaintiff John Rocco was employed at the New York and the Philadelphia
Naval shipyards from 1943 to 1981. During that time, he was exposed to
asbestos products and dust which led to asbestosis. The complaint against the
defendants, manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos products, asserted a claim
for damages based on strict liability, specifically failure to warn. Some of the
defendants filed cross-claims and third-party actions against other
manufacturers. At some point before trial, the plaintiffs' claims and defense
cross-claims against Keene Corporation, one of the original defendants, were
severed and assigned to another judge for disposition.1

Before the case reached the jury, plaintiffs settled with most of the defendants
and signed pro rata releases. Because differing releases and procedures were
used, the legal effect to be given these settlements varies.

The jurors determined that the conduct of Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh

Corning was a proximate cause of the plaintiffs' injuries and awarded $500,000
to John Rocco and $50,000 to his wife Antoinette. In answering special
interrogatories submitted in conjunction with the defendants' cross-claims, the
jury found that six of the settling defendants had also proximately caused the
plaintiffs' injury. The defendants in that category will be referred to hereafter as
Group C. The jurors were not told that other companies, designated here as
Group A and B, had been defendants and that they too had settled.

The post-trial proceedings were complex. Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh

Corning moved for judgments n.o.v. and new trial based on insufficiency of the
evidence and excessiveness of the verdicts. Plaintiffs filed motions for directed
verdict nunc pro tunc and for judgment n.o.v. on behalf of three of the Group C
cross-claim defendants, alleging that there was insufficient evidence to support
the jury's findings against them. Plaintiffs also moved to add delay damages to
the verdict, pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 238. JohnsManville and Pittsburgh Corning moved to mold the verdict because plaintiffs
had signed pro rata releases that would reduce the amount of the verdicts.

On September 9, 1982, the district court filed an opinion and order denying the
motions for judgment n.o.v. and new trial. The motions to mold the verdicts
were granted in part and denied in part. As part of the order, plaintiffs were
directed to furnish the court with the amounts paid by the Group C defendants
for the pro rata releases. The plaintiffs' motion to add delay damages was
granted, but entry of the amounts due was reserved until the court modified the
verdicts. Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning both appealed the September
order.2 Later, the district court conducted a hearing and on December 15, 1982,
filed another memorandum and order. The court computed the delay damages
at 10 percent per year on John and Antoinette Rocco's awards. The court then
proceeded to reduce the verdicts by giving effect to the various settlements.

The court divided the settling defendants into three categories. Group A was
composed of eight defendants who had paid a total of $47,500.3 The culpability
of these defendants had not been submitted to the jury, and the releases signed
by plaintiffs did not acknowledge these defendants to be joint tortfeasors.
However, the court decided that "on principles of equity and fairness," the
amount paid by the Group A defendants should be deducted from the verdicts
to prevent double recovery by plaintiffs.


Group B was composed of one defendant, Owens Corning Fiberglass. It was

acknowledged to be a joint tortfeasor by the terms of a release signed by
plaintiffs and reciting a consideration of $25,000.


The third group was the Class C defendants--those who were adjudicated joint
tortfeasors by the jury. The six companies in this group had paid a total of


After classifying the settling defendants, the district court concluded that there
were nine joint tortfeasors; Johns-Manville, Pittsburgh Corning, and the Group
B and C defendants. That being so, the court held that a pro rata share of each
defendant was one-ninth. Accordingly, Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning
were jointly and severally liable for two-ninths of the total verdict.


After performing the various calculations, the court entered judgment in favor
of plaintiff John Rocco against Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning, jointly
and severally in the amount of $127,482.63. Judgment was entered in favor of
Antoinette in the amount of $12,747.21.5 The plaintiffs' claims against the
remaining defendants, with the exception of the severed count against Keene
Corporation, were dismissed.


Plaintiffs and Pittsburgh Corning appealed the December judgment but JohnsManville did not. After the appeals had been taken, the parties secured an order
from the district court, stating that the December order was final as to all
parties except Keene Corporation. Therefore, only the appeals of plaintiffs and
Pittsburgh Corning from the December order are currently before us. Even
though obtained after the appeal had been filed, the 54(b) certification permits
us to reach the merits of these appeals. See Feather v. United Mine Workers of
America, 711 F.2d 530 (3d Cir.1983); Cape May Greene, Inc. v. Warren, 698
F.2d 179 (3d Cir.1983); Tilden Financial Corporation v. Palo Tire Service, Inc.,
596 F.2d 604 (3d Cir.1979).


The district court concluded that sufficient evidence supported the jury's
finding that asbestos manufactured by Pittsburgh Corning was a factor causing
the plaintiffs' injury. Although the evidence was not overwhelming, there was
enough for the jury to find that Unibestos, a product manufactured by
Pittsburgh Corning, was used at the shipyards where plaintiff had worked.
Several witnesses testified that the product was manufactured by Pittsburgh
Corning and had been observed at the job sites. We find no reversible error in
the admission of this evidence or in the denial of the Pittsburgh Corning's
motions for a new trial and judgment n.o.v. on the ground of insufficient


The verdict in this case was very generous, but the district court did not find it


The verdict in this case was very generous, but the district court did not find it
so excessive as to shock the conscience of the court. Our scope of review is
narrow, and we must affirm the jury's damage award unless it is "so grossly
excessive as to shock the judicial conscience." Black v. Stephens, 662 F.2d 181
(3d Cir.1981), cert. denied, 455 U.S. 1008, 102 S.Ct. 1646, 71 L.Ed.2d 876
(1982); Edynak v. Atlantic Shipping, Inc., 562 F.2d 215 (3d Cir.1977), cert.
denied, 434 U.S. 1034, 98 S.Ct. 767, 54 L.Ed.2d 781 (1978). On this record we
cannot say that the district court abused its discretion in the denial of Pittsburgh
Corning's motion for a new trial. See Thomas v. E.J. Korvette, Inc., 476 F.2d
471 (3d Cir.1973).


The plaintiffs' contention that the district court should have permitted them to
prevail on the motion for a directed verdict nunc pro tunc on behalf of several
of the Class C defendants must also be rejected. The district court noted that an
affected party must file a motion for a directed verdict at the close of all the
evidence as a prerequisite to consideration of a motion for judgment n.o.v.,
Fed.R.Civ.P. 50. Here, the motion was submitted some time after the verdict
had been entered and was clearly untimely.


There is no authority that would justify a nunc pro tunc procedure in the
circumstances in this case. Indeed to allow filing of a motion for a directed
verdict after submission of the case to the jury would frustrate the very purpose
of Rule 50--to preserve an objection to the sufficiency of the evidence. See
Mallick v. International Brotherhood of Elec. Workers, 644 F.2d 228 (3d
Cir.1981); DeMarines v. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, 580 F.2d 1193, 1195 n. 4
(3d Cir.1978); see also 5A Moore, Moore's Federal Practice paragraphs 50.0250.05 (2d ed. 1984); 9 Wright and Miller, Federal Practice and Procedure Secs.
2533-40 (1971).


Moreover, even though the joint tortfeasor issues were tried under some
unusual procedures, we have been directed to no authority giving plaintiffs
standing to file a motion on behalf of a defendant excused from attendance at
the trial by all parties after a negotiated settlement. The district court properly
denied the plaintiffs' motion.


This brings us to a consideration of the more convoluted issues in this case, the
molding of the verdicts. As a preliminary matter, it is necessary to review the
workings of the Pennsylvania Joint Tortfeasors Act which provides the rule of
decision in this diversity case.


The Pennsylvania statute provides that the release of one joint tortfeasor does
not release others unless so agreed. It does, however, reduce the amount the
injured party may recover from nonreleased joint tortfeasors to the extent of a
pro rata share or the amount paid for the release, whichever is greater.
Pennsylvania Uniform Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act, 42
Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Secs. 8321-27 (Purdon 1982); Sochanski v. Sears, Roebuck
& Co., 689 F.2d 45 (3d Cir.1982); Mong v. Hershberger, 200 Pa.Super. 68, 186
A.2d 427 (1962).


For the Act to apply, it is necessary to establish that those allegedly culpable
are joint tortfeasors. That may be accomplished through adjudication in the suit
by the injured party. A defendant has a right to require a codefendant settling on
a pro rata release to remain in the case through trial and verdict in order to
establish joint tortfeasor status. Davis v. Miller, 385 Pa. 348, 123 A.2d 422
(1956). See Slaughter v. Pennsylvania X-Ray Corp., 638 F.2d 639 (3d
Cir.1981). Joint liability may also be established in a separate contribution suit.
Swartz v. Sunderland, 403 Pa. 222, 169 A.2d 289 (1961); Slaughter, 638 F.2d
at 644-45.


Adjudication is, however, not the only way in which joint tortfeasor status may
be ascertained. In Mazer v. Security Insurance Group, 507 F.2d 1338, 1342 (3d
Cir.1975), we pointed out that it is not always necessary that the settling party
be joined in the lawsuit, if "by some reliable means there was a determination,
either judicially or by plaintiff's concession, that the settling party was a joint
tortfeasor." In Mazer the determination was made from facts adjudicated in a
prior suit in which an employee of the alleged joint tortfeasor was a party.


Griffin v. United States, 500 F.2d 1059 (3d Cir.1974), held that an injured party
could concede in a release that the settling defendant was a joint tortfeasor. In
reaching that conclusion, Griffin emphasized the interests of the injured party.
Under Pennsylvania law, if the released party is not a joint tortfeasor, he is
considered a volunteer. In that circumstance, the amount paid for the release is
not deducted from the recovery against a nonreleased party.


The district court found that the Group A defendants were volunteers because
their joint tortfeasor status was not established. Nonetheless, relying on Dobbins
v. Crain Brothers, Inc., 567 F.2d 559 (3d Cir.1977), the court concluded that
the consideration paid by those defendants should be deducted from the verdict
to prevent unjust enrichment. Although that rationale is not lacking in appeal, it
is contrary to Pennsylvania law. In Davis v. Miller, the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania pointed out that if a settling defendant "was not a joint tortfeasor,
the releases given her by plaintiffs would not enure to [the codefendants]

benefit." 385 Pa. at 352, 123 A.2d at 424.


We have read Davis v. Miller as establishing the principle that if the settling
party is not a tortfeasor, his payment is that of a volunteer and does not support
a claim for contribution or pro rata reduction. See Slaughter, 638 F.2d at 642;
Castillo v. Roger Construction Co., 560 F.2d 1146, 1152 (3d Cir.1977); Mazer
v. Security Insurance Co., 507 F.2d at 1342; Griffin v. United States, 500 F.2d
at 1072. Pittsburgh Corning's reliance upon Dobbins v. Crain Brothers, Inc.,
567 F.2d 559 (3d Cir.1977), is misplaced because that case was decided under
the Jones Act, 46 U.S.C. Sec. 688 (1970), not Pennsylvania law, and the Joint
Tortfeasors Act was not pertinent to the decision.


One of the problems with this case is that the parties employed somewhat
unusual procedures in connection with the settlement of the Group A
defendants. One would have expected the nonsettling defendants to either have
requested substitution of Griffin-type releases or judicial determination of
liability. The nonsettling defendants took no action, apparently acquiescing in
the settling parties' absence from the trial. That failure to act may be considered
a waiver of any benefit from the Group A releases or the amounts paid for
them. The amount paid by Group A defendants should not have been deducted
from the verdicts, because as to them there was no adjudication of liability nor
had they executed joint tortfeasor releases.6


As noted earlier, the district court identified a total of nine joint tortfeasors, and
therefore Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning are each responsible for oneninth of the verdict. That apportionment, so far as it went, was correct. It failed,
however, to recognize that the claims against Keene Corporation unfortunately
had been severed and must still be adjudicated. Until it is determined whether
Keene is a joint tortfeasor, either by a judicial finding, a Griffin-type release or
other stipulation by the affected parties, it is not possible to determine whether
Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning are each liable for one-ninth or some
other portion of the verdict.


The parties have not informed us whether Keene Corporation has agreed to be
bound by the verdict of the jury as to the damages set in this case; whether
collateral estoppel may be invoked on that issue; or whether the remaining
litigation will be solely for contribution by Pittsburgh Corning and JohnsManville. See, e.g., Swartz v. Sunderland, 403 Pa. 222, 169 A.2d 289 (1961).
Therefore, we cannot decide at this time what the apportionment will be if
Keene should be found to be culpable.


The uncertainty surrounding the pending claims and our inability to posit
alternative resolutions of the apportionment ratio at this point demonstrate the
undesirability of the severance that took place in this case. Our ruling now must
be limited to holding that Pittsburgh Corning and Johns-Manville will be jointly
and severally liable for two-ninths of the verdict if Keene is found not liable. If,
however, Keene is determined to be a joint tortfeasor, then a redetermination of
respective liabilities must be undertaken.


Another complication introduced in the post-verdict proceedings was that

Unarco, one of the Group C defendants, filed for reorganization under Chapter
11. Unarco participated throughout the trial until all of the evidence was
concluded. At that point, it agreed on a settlement with plaintiffs for $15,000.
Plaintiffs then withdrew their claim against Unarco from jury consideration and
restricted their closing arguments to the evidence against Johns-Manville and
Pittsburgh Corning. In deciding the cross-claims, the jury by interrogatory,
found that Unarco had contributed to the plaintiffs' injury.


On July 29, 1982, six weeks after the verdict was entered and about three
weeks after plaintiffs signed a release, Unarco filed its petition in bankruptcy.
Because Unarco had not paid the $15,000, plaintiffs maintain that through this
action the company "reneged" on its settlement. The district court ruled that
Unarco's bankruptcy did not alter its joint tortfeasor status nor the rights of
Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning to pro rata reduction of the verdict
because of Unarco's settlement.


Plaintiffs contend that because Unarco breached the settlement they have the
option of enforcing the agreement or treating it as rescinded and retaining the
original cause of action. See Lucas v. Gibson, 341 Pa. 427, 19 A.2d 395 (1941);
Zager v. Gubernick, 205 Pa.Super. 168, 208 A.2d 45 (1965). While that
argument may hold true in most circumstances, it is not applicable here where
plaintiffs have not argued that breach occurred before the Chapter 11 petition
was filed and did not take any steps to rescind before bankruptcy intervened.


In the district court plaintiffs took the position that filing of a bankruptcy
petition gave them the option of voiding their contract. No authority was cited
for that position in the district court nor on appeal.7


It is clear that if plaintiffs rescind the settlement, a judgment for contribution in

favor of Pittsburgh Corning and Johns-Manville would be entered against

Unarco since it would no longer be insulated by a pro rata release. Thus, the
contribution judgment for a sum in excess of $50,000 would be substituted for
Unarco's obligation under the release to pay $15,000. Obviously, Unarco's
creditors and the bankrupt estate would be prejudiced by that development. In
these circumstances, plaintiffs presented no grounds entitling them to
unilaterally rescind the agreement differing from those of any other creditor
who has performed his contract and, hence, is entitled to payment from a

In any event, plaintiffs at least should have applied to the bankruptcy court for
modification or rescission of their contract with Unarco. Insofar as the record
before us appears, they have not done so. Consequently, in the absence of any
ruling to the contrary by the bankruptcy court, the district court correctly
determined that the pro rata release of Unarco was valid. That being so, under
the provisions of the Pennsylvania Joint Tortfeasor's Act, and the terms of the
release itself, the claims of plaintiffs must be reduced by Unarco's pro rata


Pennsylvania Procedural Rule 238 provides that in tort cases involving personal
injury or property damage, if a defendant fails to make a written offer of at least
80 percent of the verdict, the court shall add delay damages of 10 percent per
annum. 8 Although the state rule has been characterized as procedural by the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court and thus within its rulemaking authority, see
Laudenberger v. Port Authority, 496 Pa. 52, 436 A.2d 147 (1981), we have
concluded that under Erie standards the rule is substantive. Jarvis v. Johnson,
668 F.2d 740 (3d Cir.1982). Therefore, we have approved delay damages in
Pennsylvania diversity cases.


Because neither Pittsburgh Corning nor Johns-Manville made settlement offers,

the district court properly allowed delay damages. To arrive at the amount due
by each defendant, the court calculated the amount due on the total verdicts,
then reduced that sum by the amount paid by the Class A defendants, and
finally divided the result by one-ninth. Implicit in the district court's calculation
is that Pittsburgh Corning and Johns-Manville were liable for delay damages
only on their pro rata share of the verdict.9


Plaintiffs contend that the court erred in failing to award them delay damages
based on the total verdict. In effect, plaintiffs ask for delay damages based on
the shares of the verdict attributable to those defendants who had settled, as
well as those who did not. Plaintiffs cite no controlling Pennsylvania case to

support their position, and we reject that contention as a distortion of the delay
damage rule.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has stated the primary purpose of the rule is
to encourage settlements. Laudenberger, 496 Pa. at 59, 436 A.2d at 151. As a
secondary benefit, the plaintiff is awarded compensation for the delay in
receiving funds to which he was entitled. It would be anomalous to award a
plaintiff delay damages on money already received from the settling
defendants. This would clearly represent a windfall not supported by any
reasonable interpretation of the rule.


No Pennsylvania appellate court supports the plaintiffs' position, and in

Richardson v. LaBuz, 81 Pa.Commw. 436, 474 A.2d 1181 (1984), the
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court intimated a contrary result. In that case the
comparative negligence doctrine applied and in assessing delay damages the
court concluded that an offer made by one of several codefendants should be
measured against his proportionate share, rather than the total amount of the
verdict. The court said that a contrary interpretation of the rule would be
"unrealistic" and "an absurd result." Id. at 459, 474 A.2d at 1196.


We agree with the reasoning of the Commonwealth Court. The purpose of

encouraging settlements is not furthered by penalizing a defendant for more
than his proportionate share of the ultimate liability. The rule is already
weighted heavily in favor of plaintiffs. As Justice Roberts pointed out in his
dissent in Laudenberger, the unfairness of the rule

43 further compounded by its imposition of duties and sanctions only upon

defendants and not upon plaintiffs ... the Rule should not only require defendants to
make reasonable settlement offers, but should also require plaintiffs to make
reasonable demands. Failure of either party to make a reasonable effort to settle
should result in the imposition of similar sanctions."

496 Pa. at 78, 436 A.2d at 160. Following the Rocco's interpretation would
increase the unfairness of the rule beyond that lamented by Justice Roberts.


Plaintiffs also cited Lavin v. Mylecraine, 307 Pa.Super. 564, 453 A.2d 1031
(1982), in support of their position. In Lavin, the plaintiffs accepted from one
defendant an offer that was more than 80 percent of the verdict later rendered
by a jury which found both defendants negligent. A panel of the Superior Court
awarded delay damages against the nonsettling defendant. The opinion does not
state whether delay damages were assessed on the full amount of the verdict or

on the nonsettling defendants' proportionate share. Absent any discussion on

which method of calculation is proper or on the wording of the rule which
apparently precludes delay damages when the verdict is not more than 125
percent of the amount plaintiff has previously received, Lavin cannot guide us
in making a proper determination.

As we read the rule, if a plaintiff has accepted an offer of at least eighty percent
of the ultimate verdict, he is not eligible for delay damages. Nothing in the rule
specifies whether that amount must be received from one or more defendants.
An even-handed application requires that the plaintiff accept a reasonable
settlement and if he fails to terminate the litigation when one is tendered, it
would appear that no delay damages are due. Moreover, the familiar principle
that a plaintiff is entitled to but one satisfaction is apt here as well.


We note there is a dearth of state appellate law on point in Pennsylvania. It

appears to us, however, that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would interpret
Rule 238 in a manner consistent with the district court decision. We therefore
hold that delay damages may be assessed against a nonsettling defendant for
only its proportionate share of the verdict in cases where the amount already
received by plaintiffs from settling joint tortfeasors does not exceed 80 percent
of the verdict.III.


As noted earlier, we cannot compute the amount of the judgment which may be
entered jointly and severally against Johns-Manville and Pittsburgh Corning
because it will depend on the outcome of the claims against Keene. However,
insofar as they establish the liability of Pittsburgh Corning, Johns-Manville,
and the Group C settling defendants, the judgments will be affirmed.10
Accordingly, the orders of the district court denying the motions for new trial
and judgment n.o.v. will be affirmed. The case will be remanded for further
proceedings consistent with this opinion.
GIBBONS, Circuit Judge, dissenting:


I join in the results announced in all parts of the opinion of the court except Part
II C. I do not believe that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would, at the
expense of the plaintiff, allow one joint tortfeasor to escape the risk of another
joint tortfeasor's insolvency.


Pennsylvania law provides plaintiffs with two options in the event of default by
a settling defendant: they may either sue to enforce the settlement agreement, or
sue on the underlying cause of action. Zager v. Gubernick, 205 Pa.Super. 168,

173-74, 208 A.2d 45, 49 (1965); Lucas v. Gibson, 341 Pa. 427, 431, 19 A.2d
395, 397 (1941); Schwartzfager v. Pittsburgh H., B., & N.C. Ry., 238 Pa. 158,
85 A. 1115 (1913). The opinion of the court acknowledges this rule, but holds
that it is inapplicable where the default occurs because a bankruptcy intervened.

Nothing in the Bankruptcy Code provides that the victim is deprived of the
option to disregard a default and rely upon the underlying cause of action.
Certainly nothing in the Bankruptcy Code provides that it inures to the benefit
of non-bankrupt joint tortfeasors. Had Unarco's bankruptcy occurred prior to
the settlement the Roccos would have been entitled to proceed against and
recover in full from the remaining joint tortfeasors. Had a judgment been
entered against Unarco prior to its bankruptcy petition, the risk that Unarco
would not contribute its share would have fallen on the other joint tortfeasors,
not on the victim. Where, under Pennsylvania law the victim has an
unquestioned option to disregard a settlement which has been defaulted upon,
and to sue on the underlying tort, the rule should be that the risk of default rests
on the other joint tortfeasors.


I am confident that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would so hold, for no

other result is consistent with the equities of the situation. Unarco's default on
the settlement agreement does not unduly prejudice the nonsettling defendants.
That default simply takes the settlement outside the purview of the
Pennsylvania Joint Tortfeasors Act, because under Pennsylvania law the
settlement is voidable at the victim's option. Thus the nonsettling defendants
still have a cause of action against Unarco for contribution. To some extent that
cause of action is illusory because of the automatic stay provisions of the
Bankruptcy Code. Pennsylvania law provides, however, that a joint tortfeasor is
liable for the entire verdict, without regard to his ability to collect contribution
from other joint tortfeasors.


Perhaps Congress could, under its bankruptcy clause powers, preempt

Pennsylvania law by depriving plaintiffs who have settled with parties that later
file for bankruptcy of the option which Pennsylvania law affords. Neither the
parties nor the majority point to any federal law to that effect. Certainly 11
U.S.C. Sec. 365 (1982), to which the majority refers, has nothing to do with this
case. It gives the trustee an option to affirm or reject executory contracts. It
does not, however, enlarge the contract rights of the debtor under state law. If
the non-bankrupt party to a contract has, under state law, a right to rescind, that
right is unaffected by section 365. Indeed section 365(b)(1) provides explicitly
that "[i]f there has been a default in an executory contract ... the trustee may not
assume such contract ... unless ... the trustee--(A) cures ... such default; (B)
compensates ... for any actual pecuniary loss to such party resulting from such

default; and (C) provides adequate assurance of future performance under such
contract...." The joint tortfeasors do not suggest that the conditions specified in
section 365 have been satisfied. So far as this record discloses, Unarco's trustee
in bankruptcy could not affirm the executory settlement agreement. Thus
nothing in the Bankruptcy Code supports the majority's holding that
Pennsylvania law, which allows the victim to avoid the settlement agreement
and sue on the underlying cause of action, is preempted by federal bankruptcy

I would hold, therefore, that the Roccos' claims should not have been reduced
by the amount of the unpaid stated consideration in a release, which is voidable
under Pennsylvania law despite Unarco's bankruptcy.

The claims against Keene Corporation were severed because of judicial

disqualification under 28 U.S.C. Sec. 455(b)(5)(ii)(1976)

Johns-Manville's appeal is docketed at No. 82-1624. That appeal was stayed on

April 27, 1983, following the company's filing of a Chapter 11 Reorganization
petition. Pittsburgh Corning's appeal was docketed at No. 82-1652. It was later
dismissed for failure to prosecute

Group A defendants and the amounts paid are as follows:

Amatex Corporation,
Asten-Hill Manufacturing Co., Inc.,
Forty-eight Insulations, Inc.,
GAF Corporation,
Nicolet Industries, Inc.
Owens-Illinois Glass Coporation,
Pacor, Inc.,
Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc.,


The Class C defendants consisted of the following:

Celotex Corporation
Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc.
Fibreboard Corporation
Garlock, Inc.
H.K. Porter Co., Inc.
Unarco Industries, Inc.

$ 7,500.


The judgment was actually entered against three defendants: Johns-Manville

Corporation, Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, and Pittsburgh Corning

Corporation. The parties to this appeal have treated Johns-Manville Corporation

and Johns-Manville Sales Corporation as one entity, and we will do likewise

The releases signed by plaintiffs in favor of the Group A defendants contained

a denial of liability by the releasees. See Castillo v. Roger Construction Co.,
560 F.2d at 1152. The releases also provided that any other organization
claimed to be liable "shall not be entitled to a satisfaction or reduction or pro
rata reduction of the damages we are claiming against them by reason of the
judgment herein, unless it is adjudicated that releasees are Joint Tortfeasors
with said person or organization."
Although plaintiffs signed releases with similar language in favor of OwensCorning Fiberglass Corporation, the only group B defendant, counsel for the
two parties stipulated in advance of trial that the release should be "treated as if
it were a 'Griffin' release" and that the verdict be reduced pro rata "whether or
not the released party herein was in fact a joint tortfeasor."

If the release was construed as an executory contract, see Schwartzfager v.

Pittsburgh, H., B. & N.C. Ry. Co., 238 Pa. 158, 85 A. 1115 (1913), the result
would not be different here. 11 U.S.C. Sec. 365 (1982) provides that executory
contracts may be affirmed or rejected by the trustee. See 2 COLLIER ON
BANKRUPTCY p 365 (15th ed. 1984). The release, however, having been
signed by plaintiffs and the claims against Unarco dismissed, is not an
executory contract under Sec. 365. Moreover, Sec. 365 provides that entry into
bankruptcy does not act as a breach of an executory contract

Rule 238 provides:

"(a) Except as provided in subdivision (e), in an action seeking monetary relief
for bodily injury, death or property damage, or any combination thereof, the
court ... shall
(1) add to the amount of compensatory damages in the award of the arbitrators,
in the verdict of a jury, or in the court's decision in a nonjury trial, damages for
delay at ten (10) percent per annum, not compounded, which shall become part
of the award, verdict or decision:
(c) Except as provided in subdivision (e), damages for delay shall be added to
the award, verdict or decision against all defendants found liable, no matter
when joined in the action.

(e) If a defendant at any time prior to trial makes a written offer of settlement in
a specified sum with prompt cash payment to the plaintiff, and continues that
offer in effect until commencement of trial, but the offer is not accepted and the
plaintiff does not recover by award, verdict or decision, exclusive of damages
for delay, more than 125 percent of the offer, the court or the arbitrators shall
not award damages for delay for the period after the date the offer was made."
See Laudenberger, 496 Pa. 52, 59-60, 436 A.2d 147, 151.

We think it might be simpler to first calculate the pro rata share of each
defendant and then apply the delay damage factor to make clear the formula
that is followed in cases of this nature. This method would be particularly
helpful in cases where differing degrees of fault were assessed against the
defendants in cases where the comparative negligence statute, 42
Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 7102 (Purdon 1982), is applicable


It is clear that plaintiffs are entitled to recover from Pittsburgh Corning on its
joint and several liability, although the amount cannot be determined at this
time. Nevertheless, we believe that without further delay, Pittsburgh Corning
should pay to plaintiffs or place in escrow at least the minimum amount for
which it may ultimately be held liable. We suggest that the district court
schedule a conference with counsel to make such arrangements

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