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Presented to the Society November 5th, 1875.

THEdesign of the following pages is to furnish the dutu - so

far as they go-for a construction of the history of' the changes
which the inflection of the verb in Sanskrit has suffered, during
the course of its development, from the earliest era of which we
have literary remains, down to the period when it may be said
to have crystallized and become fixed for all time.
While it is true that an examination of the entire body of
Sanskrit literature would alone be a complete preparation for
such a 11istor.y~yet, in default of the execution of this prodigioils labor, the critical analysis of a few characteristic texts
of the chief periods of the language will present a nearly correct
view, and aRord a ver-y irlstructive and satisfactory basis for
comparison. General i~npressionsof the changes which time
has produced in tlie word-forms of a language, derived from a
cursory perusal of its literature, are apt to be shadowy and
misleading ; while precise calculations of tlle freqnericy of' occurrence of the various forms of stems, modes, tenses, personalendings, etc., though having a dry and mathematical look, alone
make scientific statement possible.
I n pursuance of the plat1 just now hirlted at, I have selected
one or rnore texts to repre3ent each of three clearly-marked
stages of the Sanskrit language : viz. 1. the Vedic, or stage of
unsettled linguistic usage; 2. the Brshmanic. or staye of tmnsition ; and 3. the Epic or classical stage, when further change

debarred by inflexible grammatical laws. Each of' these

trxts-with one exception, soon to be tx~entionetl-was carefully
read, and every form of' ever.y verb, together with the times of
occurrence, was noted. These forms were then arranged under
their proper tenses and modes, according to a plan to be described hereafter.
1'0 represent the classical period, two farniliar texts, the ,Irula
ant1 the Biragavad-G?l&,the former in the edition of Bopp (Berlin, 1868), and the latter in that of Schlegel and Lassen (Bonn,
1816), were chosen.
For the Brbhmapic period I selected Haug's edition of the
oue of the nlost interesting ant1 perhaps the
oldest specimen of this sort of literature extant.
For the Vedic period, obviously the Rig-Veda was the most
complete ancl authoritative representative of the earliest speech
of the Hindus: but the want of sufficient lexical help for the
study of this Veda at the time the work was undertaken decided
me to take in its place the Sbma Veda, in Benfey's edition.
These four texts were treated as described above, and the results
were presented at diff'erent rneetings of the Oriental Society."
But the publication, In 1871, d Delbruck7svery valuable work,
Dns altindische Verhum, which contains all the forms of the verb
in the Rig-Veda, excepting participles, arranged first by persons
and again by tense-stems ; also the appearance of Grassmann7s
lYo~terbuc/lzum Rirj- Vedu, of which five out of six parts have
already been published ;t aud the near conlpletion of the Petersburg lexicon (to say nothing of Monier Williams's excellent
Sanskrit dictionary), have since greatly increased the facilities
for understanding tlle most important of the four Vedas. I
therefore decided to partly change my plan, and, using Delbriick's list for the forms and Muller's index verborurn for the
tirnes of occurrence, to atternpt the same work for the Rig-Vetln
which I had alreadv done for t11e Sanlan. In my former papers
I llatl followed pretty closely the system of classification which
the Sanskrit gratnmars have retained in deference to the Hindus,
but now I decided to recast my whole work on a different plan,
rnore useful. as I believed, and more accordant with the teachings of modern linguistic science.
While my mode of classification is not precisely the same as
Delbriick's, I gladly ackuowledge my indebtedness to him for
rna1l.v frnitful suggestions. I t should be understood, then, that
he arld Muller are responsible for the completeness of the collection frorn the Rig-Veda, while I arn answerable for the correct
arlalysis of the other three texts. I t had been my design to

* See ~ t Proceedlogs
for May. 1872, for May,


1872, and for October, 1X7:l.

The sixth part, completing the work, was issued In the autumn of 1875
Pebrsburg lexicon has also been brought to a close.


extend the investigation to participles. and I hati made a cornplete collection of tl~em,l~otitlgas well when they entered into
compounds (excepting with su, dus and prepositions) as when
they were used predicatively with the copula omitted; but, as
Delbriick has been satisfied with citing specimens, I am unable
to make the comparison complete.
A word of explanatiorl is required for the Brdl~map~c
I had 11ot advanced far in my examitlation of this before I
becanle convinced that at1 indiscriminate collection of the verbforms found in the Bdhmana would most unfairly represent
the language of the period when it was composed; for, the
design of the author being to regulate the performance of the
rituttl, and to explain the nleanlrlg and value of its various
parts, he introcluces many verses from the Vedas, and other
formulas, of unknown origjn. The latter abound in archaic
forms, and had do~tbtlessIn part been handed down from a
antedating the I~ymnsthemselves. In the
remote age, l~erl~aps
enurncration, theu, of' forms, those cited from the Vedas are enclosed in parentheses, while those found in fornlulas of unknown
origin are placed i r ~brackets; and, further, when statements
are made in the following pages regarding verb-forms in the
BrBhrnana, it should be understood that these two classes of
forms art: exclnded, unless special mention is made to the contrary. So heterogeneous is the collection of materials thrown
together in this text that it is not easy to know precisely where
to draw the line between t l ~ eancient and the modert~. Marly of
the legends related may have been long current in the mouths
of the people, and have been couchetl i n what was then oldfashioned ~ l ~ r a s e o l o g . ~ .
In sketching the history of verb-inflection, as it will he fouiltl
developed in the following pages, it should be noted at the
outset that the texts are unequai in size, lest we be led to
erroneous impressions regarding the relative frequency of forms
froin rlulnericnl statements. I have collected from the Ric
18,216 citatiorls of verb-forms; from the Brdhmana, 7159; from
the other two texts together, 2716 ; so that in this respect the
Veda is about two and a half times 1:rrger than the Rrdbmana,
and more than six and a half times larger than the other two
tests corr~binecl. IIereafter, for brevity's sake, the texts of the
three periods will be tienoted respectively by A, B, and C.
The order of our comparison will be the following : I. Hoots ;
11. Tense-Stems ; 111.Personal endings ; IV. Connecting vowels ;
V. Modes ; VI. Tenses ; VII. Derivative con,jugations ; V I I I .
lntinitive and Gerund.
1. Roots. The cllauges whicl~the verb I I I Sanskrit has suffered are not cor~fi~lerl
to variations of' form, hut go deeper anti
involve the life of roots themselves. Though a f~llldiscussion


(1. dvery,

of this subject does not properly fall within the scope of a

paper on verb-inflection, one or two facts may be here stated.
A t the end of this article will be found a complete list of the
verb-roots occurring in the four texts, and following each root
will be found signs indicating in how many and in which of
the divisions the root occurs. A n examination of this list will
give the following results :
Rosts found only in A, 316
B, 21

in A and B, 108
in A and C, 55
in B and C, 1:I

in A and B and C, 160.

C, 57
Thus we observe that, of the wllole nurnber of roots, 730, nearly
one half are found in the Veda alone; that the very considerable number of 91 roots are unknown to the Veda ; and that,
the farther we recede from the latter, the fewer are the roots
common to it and the later literature.
Of course it is to he understood that these figures represent
only approximately the true relation between the earlier and
later language i n this respect, for the field of our survey is too
limited ; but they at least convince us that many verbs current
in the Vedic period afterwards disappeared, their place being
supplied by new prirnary or secondary roots, and that this
process of loss and replacement became increasing1.y active as
the material resources of the people were multiplied, and the
boundaries of their mental powers enlarged.
11. 8tern.s. I t will now be in place to describe the plan of
classification which I have adopted. The current arrangement
of the present-svstem, or '. special tenses," in ten classes, which
was tlerived frorn the Hindus, and is still retained in the Sanskrit gramulars, is unscientific and misleading. I t follows
neither the order of development nor similarity of formation.
Why, for example, the '' sixth" class should be separated from
the " tirst," which it closely resembles, by two so unlike classes
as the '' second" and " third," or why the nasal stems should
be scattered over the list, it is hard to see. Ingenious as were
marly of the contrivances of the Hintin grammarians, they
were largely rnnrrnonic, and not based upon a connection of
facts. We may well wonder at what the Hindus accomplished,
with their limited survey of languages, and before the claw11 of
modern science ; but surely it is unwise to adhere so closely to
their usage, and to introduce so much of their peculiar terminology, as the author of a well-known recent grammar has done,
especially i l l the treatnient of a language studied chiefly for the
general purposes of linguistic science. Clearly, the ideal plan
would be to group the stems according to simi1arit.y of formation. and then to arrange the groups in the order of their
tlevelopn~ent. 'llhe first part of this plan 1 have endeavored to
follow, but the last part not wl~ollv,since the historical order
in which the sterns appeared is not yet fully settled.

I have divided the sterns of the ])resent-system intis five

classes, as follows :
I. Simple Root-Class = second Indian (*lass.

TI. Reduplicating-Class = third Indian class.

111. Nasal-Classes :
a. Adds nze, u 0 2 0 , o) = fifth and eighth 11tdiau classes ;
" ?a(?, ( I L ~ )= ninth Indian class ;
c. Inserts n (na) = seventh Indian class.
IV. A-Classes :
a. Adds a , and accents the radical vowel, with strengthening
of the same according to prescribed rules = first Indian class ;
6. Adds a, and accents the added vowel, without strengthening = sixth Indian class ;
c. Adds ya, and accents the radical vowel, without strengfhening = fourth Indian class.
V. Anomalous formations, comparatively rare, and not admitting of classification with the above.
The few verbs which the gramrnalians place in a "tenth"
class will be found among the causatives, with whicb they
agree in form and accent, though no longer having a causative
sense-if, indeed, they ever had it. I n the same place will
also be found the rare Vedic stems in dya.
I have followed Delbriick and Grassmann in admitting a
pluperfect tense, to include certain preterites seemingly formed
from the perfect stem ; but exactly how many forms this tense
can rightly claim it is hard to settle.
The same remarks which I have made in respect to the present system will apply also to the aorist. The scheme which I
propose is as follows :
Simple-aorist :
I. Forms in which the endings are added directly to the root ;
11. Forms which take a connecting vowel a.

S-aorist :

I. Forms which add .9 to the root;

LC Z'-h
" "
1x1. "
IT. "
The rules respecting the strengthen~ngof the radical vowel
need not be stated here.
T o return to the present-system-the identity of form between the imperfect of certain verbs of the simple root-class
and the first form of the simple aorist often rnakes i t difficult to
decide with which to classify them. There are many roots in
the Veda which exhibit no forms with primary endings to help
us to a decision. Such cases Delbriick would assign to the aorist,

and T have followed his exan11,le. The same ambiguity may

arise with class TV.b, and the second form of the simple aorist.
A uotewortl~y peculiarit1 of the simple root-class in the
earlier language is the irregular strengthening of the radical
vowel. Not only tloes vrdcli,; occasionally take the place of
gu?la, which is the case also in classical Sanskrit, but gu?za is
many times found in forms frorn w l ~ i c lit
~ is rigorously excluded by later usage-the only exception being in the case
of one or two verbs like gi, which show the diphthong before
all the endings. F;xamples are : hefana, ahemrr, heta, etu, grotu,
sota, etc. The fact that the regular forms ila, ~ i . t r t t r ,s/cttr, etc..,
are found side by side with these illustrate^ the unsettled usage.
This irregularity is not confined to the present-system, but
appears in the simple aorist as well.
In the reduplicating class, the classical law is that ti shall
re resent a in the reduplication, though i is sometimes admitted.
T f e fact is just the reverse in the Veda. Of' the roots having
short or long a as radical vowel 8 have a in the reduplication,
while 20 have i. Two roots, r& and wag, furnish examples of
both forms of reduplication. In this respect the Vedic Sanskrit stands nearerthe Greek than the classical language, and
seems to illustrate a tendency in the ancient language, which
was checked in the classical Sanskrit, but became a law of all
present reduplication in Greek. W e notice in this class also
the same irregular use of guna as in the root-class. Examples
in A are yuyota, ,jujoshan, yuyodhz, juholana, arid a few others.
I hsve noted no instances in B or C.
I n the n;tsal-class Delbriick has collected a number of stems
which are usually placed in the a-class. They are inflected in
all respects like other sterns of the latter class, but their form
leads us to suspect that they originally belonged to one or another of t,he subdivisions of the nasal-class Examples are
piw, jinv, wind, c:umbh. etc. Our surrriise is strengthened,
when we discover in the Veda stems in t l ~ every act of' passing
from the nasal to the a-class. Thus we have rnoti and ~ ? ~ ~ ; a t p ,
inoli and iwati, hinoti and hinvatu; prndti and p ~ u t i ,mi?~&ti
and minati.
A curs0r.y exaniination of the present-system of the verb in
the Veda will show the great license which was allowed for
forming the present stem in more than one way, and also the
tendency in verbs of other classes to talte the characteristic
vowel of the a-class. Tt is the same tendency to follow a prevailing fashion, which in English has transformed so many
" irregular" into " regular" verbs.
The roots sth&and p& are
inflected throughout like verbs of the a-class, though their reduplication is still unmistakable ; szd is probably a less distinct
example of the same sort.

Verb-Injection i n ~Yanshll.


I n the perfect stem we often find a. long vowel in the reduplication. I n most instances the pada-text gives the short vowel.
Perhaps some of these cases should be regarded as intensives.
I have noted only two examples. rlcidhdm and vcivcina, in B ;
and none at all in C.
The Augmerzt. The following examples of a double augment
are found in the sanhitci-text of the Veda: dnat, civar, ciumi,
civyna/c, duidhyat, ciyunnk, dyukta, @$al, cirinak, draik. Of these,
Delbriick would derive &nut from (ma$, thus removing the
irregularity ; also Aufrecht reads a ~ ? t afor Rgiltu. For the remainder, the yadc-text gives the regular forms, excepting that
it recognizes both avny and RVUT. For Ryunak, dvidhyut, :inti
dyuktu, the regular forms are also found in the sulihot2.
No examples of double augment are found in B or C.
I n the oldest Sanskrit, as in the oldest Greek, the augment is
often omitted. The coincidence of' such forms with the sub,jnnctive, anti the dificulty of deciding to which =ode individual cases belong, will be alluded to in another place. The
augment is wanting in forrns apparently having a historical
sense 448 times In A, 1 3 times in B, once orlly in C.
111. Personal &ndzfzgs. S. 1. The ending d for h i , which I
find in A only, occurs 1 3 times. A contracted ending z^mis
found in akmmilm I, uadhDm 2, probably for akramisham and
vadhisharn. B gives us ur%j?yam for uy?i$yn, pres. opt. mid.
S. 2. The imperative act. presents some irregularities. The
classical rule requires dhi after consonants, excepting nasals, 1,
and r, and in class 1II.b. which snbstitutes dna; hi after
vowels (excepting a, anti v of class 111.0, after a single conso
nant), nasals, I, and r ; after ts, and r*. following a single consonant, the ending is dropped. This rule is not observed in t l ~ e
Veda, but the ending d f ~ iis more frequently fortl~d,showing
that it is more lsrirnitive than hi. Examples are g a d / ~ with
quhi, ~a~ciclhi,
marnand/~l;crnudhi with ~ ~ n uand
h i ?nu, hinuhi
with it^(^, yodfri, gr~iMi. etc.; yr u shows the three successive
stages bv which the classical form was reached. B presents
few exceptions. W e note edhi, probably on account of the s
originally in the root, krtihi, ~ i ~ d d h l 'also
; g-nuh~for gynu. Exocpt1o11.iin C are still more rare, thortgh we tind cir~trh,:tud
,.cirlhz, but the latter is for qrjsdl~i The ending t&t is found 1 9
times, in A only. S. 3. I n A the ending P for tr is found 150
tirnes, only twice (duhe) in B, and never in C. The form
clu/~re(i. 139. 7) Delbriick regards as 3d sing., but Grassmann
as 3d pl. The longer endlng ttsi for te occurs once in A, and
twice (in a formula) in B. The suffix s for t occurs in the
forms ues, rdhyds. gnmyh, jeyds, minzTyds, yiiy&s, urjycis, ap&
ndad/)ris, i)ahl~Gyd?and czpr&s--all in A. Tcit is also found in A 5
tirnes as 3d s. Am for tcim imp. mid. is founrl twice in A ; also



D, 3. The longer ending aite for ete in an indicative sense appears once in A. Other cases are probably produced by the union of a mode-vowel with ele. P. 1. Of the
two endings 7nnsi and mas the former is found I17 times in A,
and 3 times in B, but never it1 C ; the ending mas appears 21
times in A , 4 times in B, and is the only ending in C. From
this statement it appears that the longer ending was far in advance in the first period ; that it was overtaken by the shorter
ending in the seconci periud, and driven entirely off the field in
~ the place of the
the third. In the subj. middle, m a l ~talres
longer fort11 rncthai 15 tirnes in A. P. 2 The longer ending
thana is found in A 19 tirnes, in B unce, and never in C ; tana
also occurs 125 times in A, once in B, but not at, all in C. On
the other hand, tha is found 1 2 1 times in A, and once in R,
and is the only form in C ; la appears 560 times in A, and 29
times in B. A also gives one example of dhua for dhvam, anti
two of ditvai for dhve. P. 3. W e here find numerous irregularities in A. Some verbs otherwise inflected in class 11. take
the longer ending anti or ante, as rr'adhanli, mimanti, and*jiyhnanti. This may perhaps be explained as a leaning toward the
a-class, which we find the rule in tlkh?ha,ctiand pif~anti,or as the
relic of an older stage of the language, wl~enthe longer endings were universal. On the contrary, we have hkshati and
sagcati where we should have expected takshanti and saqcanti,
though the latter probably belonged originally to the rednplicating-class. The r-suffixes are peculiar to the oldest forms of
the verb. They belons to the middle voice, and are found in
the indicative and optat~vemodes, and in rnost of the tenses : ran
is pres. opt. 2 times, impf. once, pl~xpf5 times, and simple-aor.
36 times ; rire occurs for ire pf. 9 times ; ran is in plupf twice
and simp.-aor. 14 times, ranta is plupf. once ; rata is opt. 3
times, and rate and r e are pres. indic. 2 and 28 times respectively. These endings are unknown to the later texts.
IV. Connecting- Vowels. Classic usage provides for the insertion of a short, or, less often, a long i between the root and the
endings beginning with a consonant in certain forms outside of
the present-system. I n the present-system also this connecting
<owel occurs in a few forms-examples, possibly, of a more
prevailing use at an earlier period. I n C we find gocimi 1,
bravtmi 8, braufshi 1, abravis 1, uhravOt 59, &s?t6-in all 76 times.
Of these examples, all but one belong to forms of 67-4 and
as. I n B the roots an, ah, pias, brG, and as furnish 89 cases,
of which all but 3 belong to the two last roots. When we
come to A, we find that a much greater number of roots avail
themselves of this helping vowel. They are hr4, am, an, p a s ,
tu, sedh, gnalh, stan, td, jan, vas, as, cud, dl~van,vam, varsh,
stanabh, $9, and gru; and the whole number of instances is 132.

i for ta once.

Verb-d~jkctionin Sanskrit.


Besides, there are the forms inuire 1, ??wire I, pinvire I, g??~vire7.

su~zuire3, and hinuire 8, some of which may be regarded as
be!ol~ging to the perfect. A s a rule, only stems of the simple
root-class take i: but gru belongs to the nasal-class, and several
others to the a-class in most of their forms.
V. Modes. The subjunctive proper in Sanskrit is formed in
two ways; first, the verb-stem in the several classes takes
short a as a rnotle-sign and the primary endings: secondly, it
takes the secondary endings with the same mode-sign. Neither
of these forms has all the persons complete. In those classes
which have strong and weak stems, the subjunctive takes the
stronger form. Beside these two forms of the subjunctive,
there are certain other forms having the sense but lacking the
mode-sign of the subjunctive. They might fitly be called
pseudo-sub.junctives. Since they are identical with those preteritive forms which want the augment, they are classified with
them by Delbriick. I have, however, classed them as a third
forrn of the subjunctive, and, by an examination of all passages in which such forms occur, have endeavored to draw the
line between these and proper l~istoricalforms. Rut I am not
confident of' complete success; for though, in a majority of instances, the sense of a passage is clear, there are many cases
where a subjunctive or a preteritive form would equal1.y suit
the connection.
I n A, the subjunctive, in one or all of its forms, is found iu
all the tenses, with their subdivisions, excepting the imperfect
and pluperfect. The times of occurrence in each can be
readily ascertained by reference to the tables at the end of this
paper. An examination of these will show that the first form
is relatively less frequent in the aorist than in the present, and
that the second form, though more infrequent than the third in
the present, gains upon it slightly in the aorist. Taking the
verb as a whole, the three forrns stand nearly in the ratio of
1: 2 : 3. In other words, in the Rig-Veda the subjurictive with
mode-sign and primary endings is found half as often as the
s a h e with historical endings, and a third as often as the third
form. These figures may be changed somewhat, as scholars
shall regard doubtful cases as belonging to one or another of
the divisions; but probably the relation would not be essentially altered. W e may here refer to certain forms-as ksheshi,
jeshi, joshi, etc.-which will be found classified with the present
'indicative, and which clearly have a subjunctive sense, but do
not agree with either of the forms already described. Benfey,
formerly at least, regarded them as belonging to the aorist subjunctive, and Grassman11 seems to share in the same view.
' ~ u this
t would be to assume subjunctives with primary endings
and no mode-sign, for which there is scanty warrant in other

persons. Delbriick inclines to look upon them as true inclicatives of the root-class, which have acquired a subjunctive or
imperative sense, by an idiom common in other languages.
In B, the examples of the subjunctive are veyy greatly reduced, and are confined to a more limited range of tenses.
The first form is found only in the present, while the third
form is rnore frequent in the aorist, particularly the sirnple
aorist. I n C, there are but twelve instances of the subjunctive,
all of which are found in the aorist ant1 present tenses. All of
the aorist forms belong to the third division of the subjunctive,
and the remainder are equally divided between the other two
divisions. If; now, we compare the frequency of this mode in
A, B, and C, we shall find the ratio to be about 237 : 12 : i.
From another point of view. we arrive at a similar result; in
A the subjunctive is found in 1 6 tenses and subdivisions of
tenses, iu B ill 10 tenses and forms, in C only in 5 tenses and
The form of the optative mode needs no special remark. I11
A it is found in the present, perfect, ancl aorist tenses. I n B it
is confined to the present, and a single instance in the aorist.
The same is true of C. The so-called " ~recative"mode I have
classified with the aorist optative, where it ~ ~ r o p e r belongs.
I t is found 22 times in A, never in B, and but once in C.
The imperatiye, as we have seen, is deficient in the first person of each number, and borrows them from the subjunctive.
This mode is freely used in all periods of the language. but
wit11 a greater range of tense in the earliest times. I11 A
examples are found in the present, the perfect, and the six
forms of the aorist of the primitive verb, and in each of the
derivative forrris of the verb. In R it is confined to the present tense alone. In C it is found in the present and once in
the s-future.
The conditional, which is formed from an augmented s-futnrc
stern, occurs once in A, 3 times in H. and never in C.
TI. Tenses. The verb 111 Sanskrit has five tenses: viz.
presellt, imperfect, perfect, aorist, and future. We do not here
count the pluperfect, since it is not universally recognized as
having a status in tne language. These tenses are found at
every stage of the language, but not in all their formations,
nor with an equal apparatus of modes. In A, the present, the
perfect, the simple aorist, forms I. (s), 11. (ish), and 111. (sish)
of the s-aorist, and the aorist causative, have the four modes of
the finite verb. Form IT. (sa) of the s-aorist wants the optative, and the future lacks the optative and imperative. I n R
the present is the on1.y tense which has all the modes, the other
tenses being deficient in one or more of them. The perfect has
only the indicative. With C the case is still worse, for not

Verb-lr~Jilectioni n Sanskrit.

only is the present the only tense provided with a full set of
modes, while the perfect has the indicative only ; but the aorist
also is most scantily furnished, having few cases of the subjunctive (form IV.), a single instance of the optative (precative),
and not one occurrence of the imperative.
The periphrastic perfect does not make its appearance in A,
the derivative verbs, even, forming this tense in the ordinary
way. In R it begins to appear, being found once in the prirnitive verb, and twice each, as the only formation, in the causative and denominative. I n C it is not fouud in the primitive
. - is the only mode of forming the perfect in the causaverb, but
tive and deriom~uat~ve.
To one who even cursorily exarriines t l ~ efollowii~gpages,.it
will be evicient that the aorist tense has suffered increasing disuse frorrl the Vedic to the classic period. An exact numerical
statement only serves to confirm the view. The total number
of occurrences of the aorist of every form in A is 3016, in
H 145, in C 27, whicl~ is nearly a ratio of 111 : 5 : 1. Of the
esarnples i r ~A, more than half are found i n the sirnple aorist,
ant1 about three fourths of these in the 1st form. Here some
diEerence of opinion rnight arise, from the difficulty of deciding
whether certain forms belong to the aonst or present-system.
In H the s-aorist decidedly predomir~ates; but in C it is retluced again to 4 instances. Connected wit11 this is a differe~lce
in the range of formations in which an aorist is fountl. i n A,
outside of the primitive verb, t l ~ ecausative and denominative
and passive each have an aorist ; in B it is confined to the causative and passive, while in C it is found in none of the secontlary forrnaiions.
The periphrastic future is unknown to 11.the forms in tci whiali
have sometimes been mistaken for it being properly no?~zit~cc
ct!jentis. In B a very few examples are found. while in C it I S
more frequent, though still rare as compared with the s-future.
VII. Seconclury Formations. I n derived forms of the verb,
also, the language was rnore prolific in the earlier stages of its
growtl~. The same general classes are indeed found in the
three periods; but not with the sarne complement of modes ant1
tenses 'I'he forrn of the causative in A exhibits no striking
peculiarities. Roots in a usually lengthen this vowel, and
those in i and u generally suEer strengthening. However, e x ceptions to these rules are not infrequent. The same facts arc
true of R and C. The form in bya is confined to A, and occurs
63 times. -4s already remarked, it is classified with the causative, on account of similarity of formation, and not of agreement i n sense. Irr~s&yute1 ant1 r.r.shtiya I, witlr perhaps one or
two others, are regarded as genuine causatives which have long
a on metrical grounds.

The desiderative is formed substantiallj- in the same way in

each period A exhibits several forms with the reduplication
wanting or incomplete. A noteworthy formation is the desiderative from a causative base, which occurs 4 times in B orily.
The intensive in the classical period was formed in two ways.
The first, and bp far the most frequent, method was to reduplicate the root in the usual manner, excepting the strengthening
of the reduplicated vowel, and to add the syllable ya. The
middle end~ngswere always used, and snch changes of the
root made as were common in the passive. The second method
was simply to reduplicate the vowel as before, with the addition of the active enilitlgs, and to strengthen the root-vowel as
in class 11. of the primitive verb, which its formation thus resembled, except in the greater weight of the reduplication. I n
the Vedic period, on the contrary, the second method was the
prevailing one, and the first is confined to a few examples.
Delbriick cites cases where the same intensive form does not
take ya in the Veda, but assumes it in the Catapatha-Brghnlana.
Anotl.rer fact deserving notice is the great treedon~in regard to
the form of the reduplication which prevails in the ancient language, but which becomes circumscribed as we descend to the
classical period, where it is reduced to a nearly invariable rule.
Three forms of reduplication prevail in the Veda : 1. the initial
consonant and vowel are repeated, with strengthening of the
latter: e. g. dod?,uul"ii; 2. The whole root is repeated : e. g.
namncimPti; 3. The same reduplication takes place, with the
insertion of a short or long i between i t and the root : e. q.
uariuarti, bharibhrati. There are numerous examples of each
of these methods. Sometimes the same verb forrns its intensive in more than one way. In a few verbs with intensive
sense the rcduplicatiotl is incomplete : e. g. irczdhanta from
d d h , and irajyasi from raj. l'he forms irajyclsi iraiyati, irajyathas, irujynta, though adding ya, take the active endings, which
is forbidden by later usage.
I n B we observe that the form without ya and with the first
of the three sorts of reduplication just described prevails, and
is found in the lnitldle as well as the active voice. The form
with yu occurs but once. The word cxd7dediucxta I is a curious
example of double reduplication. But few examples of the
intensive are fhund in B. The classical texts furnish only four
examples, two in the finite verb, and two in the present participle. Of these, one participle has the form in ya.
VIII. Infinili?~eu r~dGerund. 'Phe office of the infinitive as
a verbal noun is most conspicuous In the oldest text, as is indicated by its occurrence in each of the oblique cases, with a
great variety of suhst~ntiveendings. Th? regular classical
ending tzcm is one of the rarest, being found only 5 times.

According to the list furnished by Delbriick, the infinitive

appears in A as an accusative 49 times, with two endings ; as
a dative 609 times, with lwelve endings : as a genitive or ablative 18 times, with two endings ; as a locative 23 times, with
three endings-in all 699 times, with nineteen endings. In B
the infinitive is much more infrequent, occurring but 18 times
as an accusative, always with the ending turn; and 3 times as a
dative, with the ending-s tamci and tave-in a!] 21 times, with
three endings. In C ~t appears 103 times, always with the
accusative ending t u t ~ . The close resemblance of the infinitive
to a uoun sornetirnes renders it difficult to decide under which
category to place a given instance. Hence sorne scliolars would
doubtless add to, and others subtract from the list which I have
The gerund is found 147 times in A, and with the endings
iv&, tvdya, and tv9, when uncompounded ; and with the endings
y i or yi3 qnd tyci or tyd, when compounded. The last ending is
a substitute for ya when the root ends in a short vowel. In B
it is found 321 times, with the endings tva" or ya (tya) I n C it
occurs 493 times, with the same endinp. It appears from this
statement that the gerund was most infrequent in the Vetlic
time, but wae increasingly used down to the latest period.
I n the first of the three schemes following a few forms will
be found without :in attendant nurneral. These are cases
which I have not found cited by Miiller or Grassmann.
That a form is given in the hst with an accent is meant to
indicate, not that-it always occurs accented, but only that accented examples of it are met with.

J; A very,





1. Sing. I. adn7i I , cismi 28, Smi 1 5 ,

1. Sing. I. iye I , i'le 2 1 ,

kshnaurr~iI , @mi I , yd'mi 17, vagmi 6 , i'ge3, uvk! 1 , duhe I , bruvezo,

v d m i I , hanmz I , harmi I ; 11. iyarmi 10, yqjk! 2 , yuve I , suve I , huv6

j(ihdmi 2,jigharmi s,Juho'~ni7 , dccddn~i57, hnuve I ; 11. jt~hvk!2 ,

2, dcidhdmi 10, pibCCmz I ,bibharmi 4 , vi- tishthe I ,
dadhk! s, miwe
v a k m i 6 , gigdmi 4 ; 111. r!zomi I , kr!zo'- 2 ; 111. agrhuve I , krnvk! 2 ,
m i 9 , tanorr~iI , ppo'mi s, hino'mi 5vanve I , hinvk! ~-gy!zk! 4 ,
g m d m i 1 , gybhnd'mi 2 , jdndmi z,<jindl- grbhlle I , vynk! 9-arSje
m i I , pundrni 2 , m i n d m i 2, stabhndmi 1 rr?je I , y ~ i i j SI , vriijk!3; I V .
I , yuncijmi 5 , rupadhmi qje I , time I , arce I , I'kshe I ,
I ; I V . cccdmi I , drcd~rti
3 , avdmi I , khti- name 5 , bhdre 1 1 , bhikshe 2,
ndrtzi 2 , cardmi 5 , coddnri a, jdndmi I , mande I , ydje I , rabhe I ,
jnydmi I , d a h & n ~I ,i patdnai I , bhajdn7i 1 , vade I , vande 4 , varte I ,

bhtirdmi 3, ydcdmi 1 , rapdmi 1 , rdljdmi stcive I , hdve 6-ishe


I ,vcidtimi 6 , vtihdnzi 2 , gdhscimi 4 , gik- prchk! 2 , mv'e 3, vindhe I ,

shdmi 1 , gumbhdmi 2 , sajdmi I , sapdmi gushe I , sitTce 2-ishye

I , svaddmi I , hardmi 2-tirdmi
I , prc- gd'ye I , mdnye sa, rrtrshye

chdmi lo, muilcd'mi 3, rujiclni I , vireddl- I ,ltvoye 1s.

tni 3, vrhdmi I , sitlcdmi I , suvdmi I ,

srjd'mi 2, sprgdmi I-ishydmi

1 , na-

h y d m i I , I~udydrni6 ; V . ichd'mi 2 , brd-

v f m i s.

2. Sing. I. tftsi I , dsi 268, &hi 23, c a k

2. Sing. I. irkshe 2 , ky-

shi 2, chantsi I , dtirshi I , pdrshi 2,pd1si she 4 , caksl~eI , brdshe I ,

13, bhd'si l o , yd'si 29, v h h i 8 , g&si I , scitsi vitse 3, ghhe 2 ; II.jiqhna3e

I , hdlisi 1 1 , ( k s i ~ h h3,
i ,jk!shi 7 , jdshi 2 , 5, tishthase 4 , dhatse I ; 111.

du'rshi 9, dhakshi 4, nakshi I , ? ~ h hl oi , ag~rusheI , ,,?r?tushe I , kr-

pcirshi 16, prdsi 2 , bhakshi I , snatsi 1 5 , ciashe 3, cinushk! I , d / ~ t h ~ u mdsi 5 , ytikshi 33, ycihsi 4 , ydsi I , yotsi I , shS I - ~ T ! L ~ s / L ~2!, grin$rcitsi I , r&si 10, v d b h i 26, v h h i 5 , gro'sl~ishe I , hpaDhe 2 ; TV. ohase
I , sakshi I , sdtsi 1 1 , hoshi 1-all
in im- 2,garhase I , gdhase I , ccikperative sense) ; 11. iyarshi (iydrshi in shase 2, cayase I , /arase 2 ,
Auf.) ] , j i g h i 3, <&joshasi I , tishthasi i, togase (1 tug) 2, ( 2 tug) I , dodtidcisi 2, dcidhdsz 9 , piparshi 3, pibasi 2 , hase I , n a k s h ( ~ eI , n a y m e
bibharshi l o , ntamatsi I , vavtikshi I , 1,pavase 11,yi1~vase
2, bd'vivekshi I , sisakshi I , sisarshi (imper. dhase 4 , bhra,,me I , marisense) 1 ; 111. inoshi 3, kpzcishi I I , *&no- hase 4 , mandase 6 , modase
shi I , tanoshi I , vand-shi 2, str~o'shi2, I , yajase 1 , yamase I , rakhindshi 3-ish?adsi
1,pr:zdsi shase I , ro'cme 5 , rohase I ,
1 , rind'si I , grndsi 1-pr~rcikshz
4, bhi- vcirdhase 3, vahase I , g & ~ ncitsil, yunakshi I , vmcikshi3; I V . atusi bhase I , gobhase I , scicase 4,
1 , arshasi 1 5 , arhasi 3, civnai 5, ilzumi 6 , sttivase 3 , harshase Id'hasi 2 , kshayrrsi <, cdrasi 5 , jayasi I , rfijtise 2 , pychase I , ~nrgcise


.jinuasi l,jdlruasi I , ttwasi I , td'rvusi I , I , !/ttvtcse 3, virLd,ise2 , sir7ddpasi 1 , clhunvmi I , clhdvusi 6 , ,oti!/usi c t i s ~~ - - - - j & ' ! 6/, ~trd'yae
4 , plitasi I , pinvasi 2 , bhlivctsi 13, bhdl- ae 3, dhycase I , pcityase 2 ,
shasi 2 , y&j;zsi 3, rdkshasi 5 , rd'jusi so, p!/Q!/izse I , rnti~r~use
s, n
~ i ' 4 , ?lase I , rnzicyuse I ; V . ich{r-

rohasi 2 , ucrdttsi I , V I I ~ L C IS, ~vciJ~((si

parisasi I , giksI~(csiI , sagc(rsi I , sidccsi 7 se I , yaci~ase2 , irgiShe 2 2 ,

I , tyrrbptisis,pychasi I , mrnasi p-?vislTLB 5.

I , vindtrsi 2, vrpcusi 2 , sut~vdsi2--

asyusi I , ishyasi 2 , ucyasi 1 , gdyasi 2,

r~lipyizsiI , p~ipyc~si

6 , pzisl~yasi9 , rtipya-

si I , rdyasi I , risl~yusi2, hurytisi 2 ; V.

trrnishi I , bravishi I-!/tichas;


3. sing. I. citti 14, dsti 1 2 6 , kt; 146,

,1. Sing. I. d'ste 4 , il{?e
ksheti 2 1 , tickti I , dd'ti ( 1 d d ) I , ( 8 d d ) s, 1 2 , irte I , i ' s l ~ {I ,~ctishte z s ,
ddshti 2 , d v h h t i 3, pdlti 11, bhcirti 2. brdfh 2 , uaste l o , pdste 2 ,
bhdlti 3 4 , yclti 7 2 , rd'shti 3, rhtl~i2 , vashti giiiktez, sdtr 2 ; II.,jighnate
1 8 , i~d'ti
l o, vhti 11, h ( ; i ~ t3s
i ; 11. iy(o-ti3 1 , 1 1 , jihite 6 , jt,iiutB I , tishjtihdti 4,jigdti 2'2, ,jigl~arti.;, jhjoshati 2 , {hate .+,dnttr I , dndate 1 ,
juhdti 3, tishthati l o , dhddti re, clcitlati I , dttdhcctp 6 , tlhutth I ,,pibate
s , rctrccte z, pipite
jdcidhdf i 32,pipar'ti ( 1 par) I , ( 2 pttr) 2,pi- I ,tttirnz"tt~
bati I , bibharti22, bibhcirti I , rr~i7i~dti
I,!/(L-i ; 111. L C ~ Z U ~ 3.C Orput6 I ,
yoti I , vctvurti I ,tji1~~17iti6,
vivasit?; I , rG kr!tutkss, tccl~c~te3,
tartcte I ,
veshti I , pipdti (1 pd) I , ( 2 pd) I , sishakti ditiozute I ,p ~ ~ u h ! t t r2t,eva1 4 , sisarti 1 ; 111. a ~ n o t9i, i d t i 2, tozofi I , nrctez, prttufe 1----g~rtQt63,
&?Loti 3 , t to ti I , r d i q ~ o t iI , krrto'ti 33, putrite 2 , pri!,itS I ,vi~tite1,
cirtciti 2 , tco~6tiI , dci~ncitiI , clhtlrtoti I , ,rr,iiti: z, prctthr~it6I ,str?aBte
4, ~ I L vanoti 3 , vy?zo'ti I , p-~tcjtiI , scttlciti 0, sil- I , h ~ ~ t iI---ahkt6
ridti l o , hino'ti s-cnp~t7ti
3, krir~dtiI , ( / I l k s (for i ~ ~ d d h B
p )~,t j k t 6
1, !/uiZkti? 3, vrrikte I ; IV.
kshindti I , g r ~ ~ t i I' ,t i,q~6i~!tel'ti
3, .jindfti 2, j i o ~ d t i I , pur~d'ti 2, p ~ ! t ( i t i,!jute I , aycxtt I , $ate (or
3, i ~ t i ~ ~ d
1 5' ,t r
i i?tdrtfS, ~ r t i d t iI , s11~17ti
qjate) z, i ~ n t pI , i'shate 15,
I , skabi~~tdI
' f,ihru!ttiti I-ctricrkti
3 , ~dhtrte9 , cjhtrte 1 1 , Jirpate I ,
untitt~2 , k r t ~ a t t iI ,t r ! ~ a t t Ii, l;lir~~islt{i
1, krcc~rt(~te
I, gcihate l o , gdbharzciktf 1, bhir~tittiI ,ri?tciktz I ,tvo~ad-i ~ c t It, ~yhoshote I, cliyrtte 2 ,
clhi 2 , vrctdkti i ; I V . cljtcti 6 , ct!/trti 4, c6ttrte I , edoclatr I , jlirate 8 ,
circati 4 , arshati 41, t~rhati3, t i u ~ t i6 , jr'mbhate 2 , tttiiclate 2 , tqjai~svati1 1 , ishnti I , d h d i I , &ti 5, oshati te I , toprte i, cl(ikshate I ,
3, krttr~~lati
I ,kriCati 2, kshdyati 4, ksha- cldhate 4 (dohfite I ) , clht7ofcrctti 3 , khd'cljlti I , ccirt~ti3 4 , chtati 13,j(i- te 3 , r~ciksh/it~
I , ~ ~ ( i p a5t,e
yati 6 , jinaati 2 , ,jBtratt 2 , jnrvati I , jrcl- ahsatt 4 , ~ t d ~ aI ,t peliynte i ,
yati I , tap/& 3, tcirati i , dd'pati 2, dd- pavate sfi, pit~oateI ? , yrcisati 5 , dlhdn~ati2 , dhflvati ( 1 dhdv) '22, tltute 2 , pltioate 1 , bd'd/~ate
( 2 dhdu) I , ttttlcsh<cti1, ~~ayccti
3 , purciti
1 2 , bhfijate 4 , bha)~dtcteI ,
I ,patati 3 , pit~vatiI ,pif!/ati I ,66Cl/lctti2, b/~ct!/ate6 , bh6rate t 3 , bhikbhcijati 3, bhetnccti I , bhcirati s, bhtir.t~ati sibale I ,bh4jccte I , bhrd:jate
1 , bhlivnti 36, bhl^Lsh~ti1 1 , bhhclttti 3, 4, bhreshute I , ~r~cirii~ccte
I ,modate 4 , ydjfte
rrzlidati s, mcircl7~atiI ,!/cijccti 6 , ytitati 1 , ~r~cirate
yhrnuti 2, reikshati 9, i-hcktti 1, tStrpatiI , 6 , yatctte 8, ynntute 5 , ,t/o;ltrVOJ..



PRESENT~ N D I C A T I V E - C D R ~ ~ ~ L U ? ~

r d j a t i 15, rddhuti I , rgati s, rebhati I, te I, rarihate I , raksl~utrr,

ro'dl~atiI , roshati 2, r6hatf 3, acidati lo, rccppate 2, rdwmte 3, rantucipati I, vacjccti I, vtxrdhati I, vwsati I , bate I, ~Gjt'tctes, rdecite 20,
vahati 11, vd'pati 1, abnati a, garisati I, rohate 2 , vadate a, vantrte
pd'sati L, gikshctti 3, pur~dJLati I , 9117~~-15,vCi)tdate4,uapate ( l v u p )
bhati I , scrrjati I , s c i ~ y ~z,~ tsddhati
2, I ( 2 vap) I , v6rute 2, at;?*sf'dati 17, sSdhati 4 , skccnduti I , sto- tute 9, vccrdhate %, vusate 3,
bhati I , sredhuti I , h i r a t i I-iycrti
I , vdsate I , utihate 4 , vepate 3,
r ! ~ v a t8i, khfdciti I, yftigati I , p ~ c 7 ~ aI,t i vyccthccte 3, gayate '1, p'kp p c i t i a, nzishuti I , yuvriti I, rujhti I, shate 1, p t h ~ b h n t e sacute
r u ~ c i t iI , v i ~ ~ d d3,t iv r ~ r a t I,i tq~J~uti
I , 18, sahtrte 3, sddtiate 3, skstcvciti 2, scj(iti s-cisyati
2 , ishyati 5 , cate I, shvate I , sttirate I ,
gfiyuti 2,jQryati I , tunyati I , d6s!/ati 2, sttivute 4, smayccte I , s?/fitldiyuti I, dhnytrti 4 , l ~ u p y u t2i, pdgyrrti l o , date 2 , svddute I, hbrshate
j)?kshyuti 11, 7 * u y a t i s ,rishyati 4, vdytlti 4 , hcivate 14, hvtirczte -I
2, oicZh!/ati d, vyu!/crti I, sidh!/i'tcti I , syccti ukshtite 1, ~Cjtite4, kirate
I , harytrti I, i~yshyuti1, hvtryati I ; Y. I , tirtite 7, trrr~dctte1, pi,iitahtcti 6, ~rchuti2, ;/tichati 16, ydchati 3, pcite I. prchate 2,1)~1?ct;teI ,
.y%chati I-ciniti
I, pvcisiti I , tuviti I , muAcute s, nqyate I , yccotite 5 , vindtite 1.2, vi72dl~(ite
bldviti 2.
2, vipate 3, scjccte 2----ishyate I, cjyute I , kshiyute I ,
jd'yate 28, ji'yate 4, dciyate
II,, pcicyate 1, p(ityate I S ,
pcrdyate 4, pugyute 2, n~ci~zyute 6, miyute I , ~nyshyute
2 , rz"'yate 5, harycite 3 ; V.
yachute 1.
(Suflix e) I. i'she 29, citk
I , drrhh 11, bruve I , vid6 20,
ht~tih2 ; 11. dadhh 2 3 ; 111.
Tnve I, p ~ y k19, sunvf: 3,
hinvS z---gr?Le 6-vr11jh
1 ; IV. joshe I , top6 I , mahe
I , &ye 10, shtre I , sttilte s.
(Suffixre) duhrh I (3 pl.?) .
1. Du. 11. dtidvahe I ;
IV. scic&vahe 1.
2. Du. I. ithtrs I , krthcis 3, ptithtis 4 ,
2. Du. I. d'sdthez, igicthe
6hQthtis I , ydthks 19, vithtis 3, sthhs 21, I , rdhd'the I, caksh&the 2,
I~uthcis2 ; I[. jGjoshathas I , tishthathus vusdthe I ; 11.dadh&'the I ;
6, d h a i t h ( f 6~, '~tilaZth(Fs
I , p ; p ~ t h a sI , bi- 111. tun,vdthe 1--yufij$t/2e
bhrthds 2 ; 111. drnuthcts I , kynuthds 3, 3 ; IV. juyethe I, jarethe 2,
vartuthcis 2-riyithas
z ; IV. acathas dychkthe I , rnkshethe 3, vuI , cr'rcathas I, arhathas s, tivuthas 8, in- rethe I , vahethe 6,
vathas I , ktarslmthas I , ks/tliyathas s, I , sacethe 7-yucethe
garnathas 1, ahoshathas I , cetathas 2 ,

Verh-l ; b / ' n ~ si ~ the

) , &/I/- V+b.

nayathas 2 , pcitathas 5, pinvathus 21

bhdruthas 3, bl~ttvathas7. bhdshathas
( I bhdsh) I , (2 bhash) 2 , mtidathas 2 ,
yajathas I , ycitathas 2, rd:juthas 7 , rohathas I , vanathas 3, varnthas I , v a / ~ a thus 2 , gilcshathas I , satlathas I , sd'dhuthas 2 , sQdatl~cxs
I , svciduthas I----T?ZVCG
thas 2 , bhasdthas I , murlcathas 2, vrhuthas 1 , srjathas 2-clf'yathas
3, ra?.lyathao I ; V. gdchathas 17.
3. Du. I. attus I , kshitds 3, ydtas I ,
3. Du. I. Qsdte I , iydte I ,
bhdtas I , ydtas 1 , vdtas I ,stas 2 1 , sndtas duhdte I , bruvd'te I , gaydte
I , hatds 4 , hlcutas I ; 11. tishthatas? pi- I , sdvdte I ; TI. jihdte s,
battxs I , bibhrtds s, mimitas I , viviktds dadhd'te 5 ; 111. tufijd'te I ;
2, uivishtas 1 ; 111. agnutas I , ,dr?t tctds I , IV. carete z, javete I ,tarete
k r ~ t u t a sI , sunutcis l-gr?titcis
1,prn.i- I , namete I , bhayete I , bhatas 1 ; IV. invatas 2 , kshayatas I , rete I , vnethete I , yatete I ,
ghoshutns :, c h a t a s 1 3 , d/~d'vrrta.sI , mete I , oddete I , vartete z,
s~akshatasI , pinvatas I , bhdvatas 4 , vardhete I , vepete I , vyabh,dlshatas 2, srtanthatas I , ~nurdhatas thete I , sacete 3 , smayete I ,
I , rakshatas I , r d ~ u t a s
I , vasatus 2 , vd- havete I -tujete I hntas lo-sigcatas
I -naGyatas
I , hvnyete I ; (suftix aite) krnpdgyatas 1,pdshyatas 2, at2yata.v I ; V. vaite I .
ydchatas z.

I . P1. (suffixmasi) I. i n ~ d s4i, ugmcisi

1. P1. I. rnanrnahe 3,
(gmtisi I ) , stufr~tisi2 , smtisi 1 5 ; 11. y.r!jmahe I , gcismahe I , hQjuh$m/isi 2 , dadmasi I , dadhmcisi 3, mtihe 9 ; IT. dddmuhe 2 ;
bib7~rnztisiI , gigfmdsi I ; 111. gy~~Zrncisi111. krr~rnahe z-vrnil o , ji~rLiLjmdsi I , m i ? ~ i j ~ / d
2 s; i IV. tired- mdhe 64 ; IV. jardrnahe s ;
~ntrsiI , tirhdmasi I , c6rdmusi ' i , janQ- s~dkshdmaheI , s~civdmahr
rt~usiI , I , tardr,rasi I , ntiyd- 2 , ndsdmalte I , bddhdmuhe
lnusi 2 , bddhdmusi I , bhardrnasi 3 , mti- I , b/ahjQmahe I , bliciydnt trdtlmrrsi I , methdmtrai I , yhjdntasi 2, he I , bhardrr~aheb, wthndotiddrrcasi 2----tirdn~asi I , I , ntahe 17 (mandmahk I ) ,
.sprp(lrtaasi ~-p!igy&~~t usi I , l~ar.yd mdnddmahe I , ncardrr~ah(
1 , ytijd~rtahe9 , ytTsdmuhe 1 .
r/~u.siI , lrv/iydjnas~3.
( S I fI i x nzas) T. kurrntis I , dvi.vhrratis /.abhdn?ahe 3 , vtindmahe r,
2 , ydntas I , .vt~~as
2 , htcnlnas I ; IT. jzbhu- vtinddtt/ahe I , start?r~~u/ce
) N ~ SI , cladh~ntxs I , vivishmas z ; 111. stavdnaahe I , svajdf~tahe
jt?t,intas I-a6jmas
I ; IV. ~naddmashcivdmahe in7 -YU:~!I , yhjdmas I (ydjtirnrr ?), vaddmas I , jriahe I , ripd'mahe I , szcagnahe I , huvdnzahe zp(trjsAn~trsI .
hvtiydmcche 5.

2. PI. IT. LkzdhidlivS 4 ;
2. PI. (sllfix thu) I. itha I , kytha I ,
gathh I , nethti I , p/ithti (: pd) I , (3 p'i) 111. ahgdhvi. I ; 1V. cctya2 , ycithti 6 , stlta 30, hathti i ; 11. jujo- dhoez, dhovadl~~~e~,bddlia-

shatho I , dhatthd 4 , pipytkti I , bibthy- (!hue I ,bhdrudhve I , ~ ~ t a u d tht?3, bbbotUtat11aI ; 111. agllzcthcc I ,ky?- trdhve I , viihadhve 3, gay3, sunuthd I-jiinia&ve I---tre??/adhve 3.
uthti s, d/ul?~?~thd
thix I ; TV. djatha I , dvatha I , @atha I ,
kri'lathtr I , ksl~tiyathu2, khddutha I , cetcctha l,,$nvatha 3, tcikshutha 2 , tii'rvatha
2 , ntiyathas, n a ~ a t h a
~,patathtcI , bh6r.atha I , hhdvtrtha 3, b/~i2'sJ~i~tha
I , rtltidatha 3, rnoshatlta I , rdkohatha 1, 1-dljrrfhr:
2 , rejatha I , vahatha I , stirputha Intufichtha I--ti.s!/athtr 3 , pagyathtx 2 ,
pzishyatha 1 , rishyatha I , 7icir?/athic2 ;
V. gtichatha 3.
(Suftix thanir) I. pdthtina I , !/dth(irti[

5 , sthalza l o ; IV. vddathicna I .

3. PI. I. adanti 6 , icmtinti I , ?nglii,ti

3. PI. 1. cil.satf?
3 9, $'rate
3, kshiydnti 5 , ghtttinti 5 , dci'nti I , pdnti 21, i'licte 35, i ~ a t e
2, ohute 4 ,
(1 pd) I , (3 pd) I:+, bruvdnti a, bhdnti I , gyhate I , cu'kshate 7, dztydnti 99, yd'nti 5 , ~ i h t i n t i1 4 , vdnti I , I~trtCn, nirisate 4, bruvdte 6 ,
vydnti 2 , stinfi GO ; IT. ?johnti ~ , ~ j u h v u trihatS
I , ndsate 3, gdsate 2 ,
s, tishfha~rti5 , dtidati 3 , d(idhati 5 , cla- sthnnte 4 ; 11. jighnunte 1 ,
dhanti 1,piprati 4, pibanti s, bapsati 2 , ,jihafe G , tishtharate 2 , dicbibhrati 3, ?ninnarltiI ; 111. rnpnuzranti clhate 2,l)ibante I , mimute 3,
~71,irrti2, ky?~vtinti9 , tavlvdnti 2 , sisrate 8 ; 111. agnuvate 1 ,

dabhnuvanti 1, prtrsh?~?lvantiI , pp7- kp/vi[te4 , taiavtcti 12, ~nart-

vtitzti 4 , sunvc;nti 5 , hi~~veiliti

3 1 - vat? 1 , vyr~v6te2 , vy!1vut8

k s h i ~ d n t iI , gyr~(iitti21, </~bhntilcti
3, I , spy!/~ltrt?
I , hinvtite Ijdntinti 3, jir~urlfiI , jth~ld~ltf
7, puntijtti (rgncrte I ,
gybh!tate I ,jci~tG , pyt~tinti 1 2 , pri~cxnti I , 6hrZ!teinti I , trte 4, ~ z r r ~ a2,t ibirclhntite I ,

mincilcti 2 4 , ri!ldrtfi pri!/(ititi 6 , sty- ri!~nteI , vy!/dte 10-aii!?dnti 2---al?(inti

i, unddnti 3, pifi- j d t ~l a , tchjati. I , indhdte 1 5 ,
shdnti I , pyficcinti 3, bhindanti I , yuri- in(J7~ixt;4 , ~tijateG , tuiijcite
jdnti 9 , aificanti I , 1-yiyja~~ti
2 ; IT. I , pyfictite I , hh71l7jdte I ,

ajanti I , circanti 1 5 , tirshitnti 22, dr7banti bh?1,7jmtCI , yur5jtite l o , vyii-

1, dva?~ti
4 , karunti I , kraltclunti I , kri'- j,rti I ; IV. rtyunte I ,

{mrtti 2 , kr6panti I , ks7~tFrm~cti

i t , ksho- unte I , ?cl/~anteI ,
kshd(Jtrnti I , (/cfmatzti I , gghanti I , cdrtrnti donte I , ci.tnnte I ,cyuz>unte
4 1 , jayanti I , /drantr I , .ji?zvrrnti 2, j i t - .~,j(i?/ante
1,jarante (2jtjtrr)
vanti 2 , tiikshtcti I , tbparrti 6 , trrmrcti 3, 5 , ( 3 jtrr) 3, dhaacliite I ,
trdsanti 1 , tsdranti I , (Jc~bhtcr~ti
I , du- r2clkshante 5 , n a ~ t ~ a n t2,
hanti 2 , (J?-(i~>trnti
2, dhtcnvanti 1 , dkci- nctvtrnte 7, phannte 13, 64'rnanti 3, d7~t%vailti
2 , dh?Z'rua?ztiI , ntck- dhante a , bhgjunte s, bhiiyshunti 2 , nandanti I , ?~ati(anti
2 , ntiy- ~ I L 6~, Pb / ~ d r n r 7,
~ t ~bJ~1.6'anti 19, ncxpanti (1 1 , erg) I , (3 n:p) I , 11 in- jixnte s, ycijat, te 4 , yatartte
darzti I , pticanti 2 , pcl'tccnti 8, p ~ n v a ~ 4f, t i6 , yd'cante 2 , rakshantr 5 ,


pi'yunti 2. hhcyhnti 1, bkruianti I , bhti- rirnte I , rabkunte I , 7~rranti 12, bhhvanti 1 4 , II,/~tlsJ~a71ti
4 , ntaj- nmnte 2 , r4janfe 4 , rbcante
janti I , w~ddanti2 9 , ?ticinthanti z, ma- 1 9 , vitdco~te I , udrtlnte ti,
ranti I , mardkanti s, rr~ehatttiI , ydjanti vdrtaizte 3, vardh(lnte I ,
2 , rd/~sJ~a9tti
4 , r6nixnti .j, riiclanti I , rci- vahante 3, vyatharzte I , gaI ,prcrjnnti I , rebi~ontiI , ~ 6 h a n tIi , vhtlanti 13, ?/ante I , grrrr~bhut~te
vananti I , vhpi~nti8 , vcircll~utctil i , vcir- ytrnte I ,sacante 23, s6pant~
shavtti I , vhgnnti 2 , vdhunti 3 2 , w;na?tti I , s(ih~o(te3, stcivat{te 3,
I , gdhsaszti 5 , gikshilt{ti 2 , ~ b c ( r i ~It, spdrci/tcrnt~3, svajartte I ,
pcbtar~ti8, scxpunti 1 , sdgcati I ,si'tki~cti svadcrrcte I , hu'rctnte I , h6I , sedhanti I , skand<ttcti1, s t o 6 h ~ v t 2i , l9a)/te38 -zckskrinte 2 ,
srrivanti 3, svddanti 3 , svar(rn'%bi
6 , hiti- tirrhtte 7, vip(inte s santi I---trksltdnti I , ~17jdnti
I , rskdnti kshit?/ante2,jdyallte s, tiedI , crtdr~ti
I , tira~zti
2, ttcl?jcinti2 , dzcha7tti ?/ante I , i~a?/ante
I , rnrsh1 6 , pycltdnti 2 , 9rtisha1,ti 2, rttuclirrti I , ?tcxntc I , yCd/t!/ante 2 , 1.7m?crScantiI , mljdnti 29, nzygu'nti I , ru- yante I , hzqdyante s.
jtir~ti2 , rctdanti I , eindanti I , viganti 4 ,
(Suffix rate) I. dzrhrate 2.
vrgcdnti 1 , gumhh6)rti 7 , siiicr'szti z, str(Snfix re) I. dt~hrh6,
vcir/ti I , s ~ ~ h n5 ,t is p ~ g d ~ c2t, i sphurtinti vid& I ; V. invire I , r!?vire
2 , @!/anti I , jdl yant i I , I , pin uirr I , q n v i 1 4 7, suildccsya)iti f i , tliyanti 2, ntihyanti I , pig- air; s, h i ~ / o i rs.$
? j a ~ ~1 1t, ipush!/anti 2 , I-tin?/anti2 , rishyanti 1, (9dycrnti+, r&ya?~ti
I , grdqnytrnti

I , s?/anti I , 7~ciryanti
2 , hra!/trrcti I ; V.

ich(inti 5 , ~ch<j?zti
2 , rchcjnti I ,

s, ytichtrr~ti6.

I. With mode-sign (1 and prlmarp endings.
1. Sing. I. brcivcini 2 ; 11. dad/~dwi 1. Sing. 11. gapvacvi I ;
; IV. kdrdpi 2 , guvnci?ci z, ccrrdni I , 111. kyp6vcri 2. mancivai I ,
n6ydni I , puccin i I , hhc!jcini I , rdijdni 2 , sw~civai2 ; IV. grtdntri I ,
vcihdni l-s~j&'ni
rnurai I , stcivai 3--prchai
(Suffix (?=hi)I. ayd I , br.a?t&I , stti- l-yddhyi~i
vd z ; 111. krpav& I , I~inavciI ; IV. circci
2. Sing. I. 6sasi 4, kd1.ctsi 2 , bi~ccvasi 2. Sing. I. dscrse I , k6I ; IT. ciketasi I , pib&si I , p)ctprc&siI ; IV. ruse 2 ; IT. dddhase a ; 111.
cijdsi I , juydsi 2, hhdjds, 3 , bhijvdsi 4, kr!ttrtiuae I , t,unavuse I ;
ycijcZsi 4, vuddsi 2, vahdsi s-lir(2'si
IV. vardhdse ~--ytlt~cise
I , riddtsi I -pagy&si
3. Sing. I. (isuti 8 , karati 7, ddti 5,
3. Sing. 1. &sate3, idhat6
I ;11. tishd M t i a, vuyuti I , ?tSdcttiI , hur~ati2 ; 11. i,/ccircltr4,?~6?~cte
ciketatis, tiSA$/~dtiz,
ddd&g(tti2 , diclegati $hdte 3, tr'cidliate 2, mimdte
o , pib&ti I , piprati I , b%bodltati I , su- 1 , yuy6jate 2. gagdrnnte I ;
shadati A ; IV. djciti 3, juycizi 3 , jz'udti 111.I~~!cdvates,
nzan6vate I ,
I , tdpciti 1, dabhdti 2 , dah&ti I , dhan- inddhate 2, yur~cijate
adti I , ndydti I , pcicdti 2, pdtdti 3, pa- I ; IV. jurdte I , pavdte 1,
ddti I , bhdhciti 1, bi~cij&tiI , bhdr&ti 2 , bhrrycite 2, ydjcite 6, vdhdte


hhdvdti 14, m(hrdti 2, yiijdtt 6 , vaddti n, 2 , ~rciydteI , svajdte I-

gdlisdti 2 , sCddti I , svdddti I , svcrrdti I , jushdte I , tirdte I , rnucdte

I , bhyjidrti I , rtztrcdti I , rr~y- I-manydte

d / ~ d t iI , my{dti 3 , var~d'tiI , vidhdti I ,

(Sufix tai) IV. yajdtuil.

sztvdrti 5---rishyciti
I ; V . gcichdti 2.

1. Du. I. bravdoahai I ;
111. kynuudvahai I , tanavduahai I ; IV. sacdvahai
I , sahr2~:ahaiI .
2. Du. I. dsathas I ,karathas 2 , vedci2. 1)u. 111. a ~ n d v a i t h e
thus I ; 11. ciketathns 1, tishthdthas I , I ; IT. pynaithe I .
dcidltathas I , pibdthus 6 ; 1V. civcithas I ,
vaddthas I , sittardthau I .
3. Du. I. karatas 2 . garnattcs I , fa"'3. Du.
I. br6vaite I ;
tas I, (pdtds&) ; II. tishthdtas ? pibatas IV. ydtuite I-yuvaite
I ; 111. a6ijatas I ; IV. ccirdfas 2 , vcihdtas
2 , gdpdtas I----nzy{dtcra
1. P1. 1. i"{cinzahai I ,
g6mcimui~r~iI , brdvdmuI L U ~2 ; III. Fcy~thvQn~ahai
I , bhun@dmahai z, runadhdmah a i I ; IV. n d ~ d m a h a i2 ,
ydjd~nahaiI , vcindmahai
(Sufix mahe) I. E{dmahe I , k(irdmahe s ; IT.
dgddmo7~eI .
2. P1. I. cisatha 4, stavatha I ; IT.
pibdtha? sbshddatha I ; 111. sandvatha I ; IV. civdtha I , jayiitha I , 116hdtha I ; V . gaclt Qtha I .
11. With mode-qign a and secondary endings.

1. I

I. tEsas s, kshdyfrs 2 , ghtisas

ddncrs 1 , parcas I , ptls I , brnvas 5 ,
uedrcs 2 , gdlras s, h6nas Y ; 11. ~ U / L ? I Y N S
I , tishth(Zs 2 , dddl~as5 , ddddgcts I , I I L U .rrLucaas 1, viveshcrs I , shsht?das 1 ; 111.
rp6oas 3, /c~!?civas7 , typ!t&vas I , ~ y ! , avas s-r/ybhyrd1s
I , jund's I -bhi. I , jciyds I , ~jzirvds
ncidcls I ; i ~tivds
I , t a k s h h ? 67~cirdsI , vdrdhds I , gikshds I -sificd's I -ybdhyds I ,
rishyds I , hcir!/ds 2 ; V . ycichds I .
2. Sing.


I. st7rshi.


h . 6 - P' o j the Ed,y - T7~t;ltr.


Sing. I. dyat 4 , tisat 39, i'rat I ,

y d t ~ ~7t, tkshayat 4 , ghasat I , ca?/at I , pdt

(1,pci) I , ( 3 pd) I , brdvat 6 , vbdat 3 ,

stavat 3 ; 11. jugurat I , tishthdt I , dd-

ddpnt 5 , tlcidlzat 14, d~rdltdrsotI ,pibdt 1 ,

bubliccsat I ,yuydvrrt I , sushtidat I ; 111.

a p ~ a v a tY, k ~ c i v a 1t2, cinavat I , rlhii-

? ~ a 7 ~I , t p
t ruslyzdvut I ,vcnndvtrt In, py!1-

h a t 14, su~~civat
I , bhin-

cidat I , ?/%~r~({jut
2 ; IV. drcdt I , rirshdt I ,

(Frhcit I ,Bvdt I , iuudt I , $$it I , gh6shdt

3, jjudt 1 , dd'put 4, 71inddt I , pdcdt I ,
pdtdt z, bltdrdt I , bh$'shdt I, yqjdt I ,
vcird/~dtJ, grirjstit I , pikshcit 1-p~cl~R't
1 , p~rcci't2, mr@t I, vypc~7'tI , sificdt I ,
srjdt 1---pdgy(2t 2 , picshytit 2 ; V.
icnnt 2 , ~ ( ~ l 3,~ vi (i j~~ 3t ~3.6 ( ; t
I. Du. I. I~cinAvtv,2 ; 11. /jib&-a I ;
111. ciptzavdva I , ky?-raviiou~ - r i ! ~ d cicva I ; IV. ccirdva 1 , jciyduu I , udndvn I , pdlisdva I .
1. Y1. 1. a?/d?rta3, dsiint(6 4 , ksll,~,(i!/icmtr, r, brdodlita 12, stdvdnta 9, htirz&/~aI ; 11. jmhdnta I , jzrhavdn~tr 2,
dudl~drna2 ; 111. apncivdma z, k m d viintn 9 , rr~ir~avlimaI , gak~~dvcinca
suntsvdrna 5 , spy?~iu(2111
a I----&?(
:, mind'ma 2 ; IV. circdmtr 4 , kcirciii~a
2 , hcimdma I ,gumdnza 2, takshdma I ,
hhajdma 1 , bl~drdmaI , bhcivdma I , madtlmn,a I , mirnthdma I , mardnm 3, yat j d / ~ z3,i ~ rddl~dmaz, vaddmtr I , vnrdl~dmuI , ucipcirna I . greshdma I , sadiirn,~~
3, I~drdmaI .
3. PI. I. l~cinantaI ; 11.
3. P1. I. ayan 4 , brcivan I ; 11. dcid l ~ a nI , ywyavalb 1 ; 111. apnavarh I , k m - juhuranta z ; 111. apnucivan 5, p ~ n d v u n4-an4jau
I , yzmci- vanta I , ky?~ij,uantn
jun 2, uy!?tdan I ; TV. li-ri'{dn1,gh6sh&r~
2, ccirdn I ,ptrtdn I , vdddn 2, vcn'rdhdn 4 ,
vahdn I-pycl~d'n
I , sphurii'n I-p c i p ~ d ?I ~; V . uchd'n 5 , gcichdn 2.

111. Like the Imperfect without au augment.

1. Sing. I. gccrrharn I ; 11. tishtlham I ;

111. kshinkm I ; IV. cayciumn I , t(cksl~ane

I , bhojurr~I ,yqj~nc.I .


Sing. 11j~joslLas4,dcidm $,pipya- 2. Sing. IL j,ehdrthds I ,

yas 1 ; 111. rttos 7 ; IV. 6vas I , oshrrs I , yuyothds 1, rarithcis I ; 111.
gumas 4 , kdrrcs 6, !/Qhas 2 , ctrrcrs I , tanuthds I---hpithds 1 ;
&has I , yamccs I , vanas I , crcpas I , IV. hicdhatl~dsI-?itanvcirus?, vasas I , ae~zcrs4 , ~Cc'strsz,poc2asI , yathds I .
saclas I-guhas
I , mzcctis I , rujds I ,
vrhas I , vrpcas I , sicas I , s~-jhs Idivyns I ; V . ishanrcs 2 , secZhTs I .
(Without suffix) I. kar s, hdrc 3 ; 11.

pa~cisI ; 111. pir~uk4 , bhitctit 2 , v ~ ~ 1. r k

3. Sing. I. vet I , stwrt I ; 11. cilcetaf I ,

3 . Sing. I. o(rsta I ,s~2ta
jig& I , jtijoshat I , tishti~crte, dadat I I , I ; 11. jihita z, ~tinikta1 ,
pibcit 2 ; 111. ?Z1motI----jdndt I ; I V . yccyota I ,pi~itaI ,pipritci I / ;
cxrcat 2 , lcrircrt 33, lc~~rsh~rt
1 , kruitdttt 2, 111. r!/ut6 I-gpita
ksharat 2, garnat gs, ceirat 4 , cetat 2 , grbh!zlta I , vrnita 3 ; IV.
codcrt anat at 3,jciy(rt l,,jbslbc~t2 , ttrksltat @ata 1 3 , bllarata I , rocata
1, tancirat (tandat ?) I , ttcipat I , t u ~ r ~ a
I , t a , vdrclhata a, sacata I , sR'tcirat 5, cldbhat 3, titisat 2 , dd'prnt r j , dhcrttr I-jrcshata
3, tidd'siit I , dl'yrrt I , d?/~atI ,dohat I , d ~ d -,.uta I------;j&y<xtaI , i,La?tvat 1, ndkshmt 3 , rta!/~~t
4, i~apat 1 3 , yttta I .
pdcat 1, p c i t ~ t I , pinvut I , p~rithat I ,
bddhint I , 6hdrat 1 2 , hhdsat 2 , jrbinot s,
ycimat 7 , rdksJ~atY3rct!tc~t1 , rQclat I ,
rdptct 2 , rddhat I , rq?~t I , reshat I , rotlhat I , vrcdat 2, ~ ( i j - ~3,h vt drtat I , vcirdhat 4, vdgc~t1 , gaknt r , gartihot I , pikshat I , gltcithat I , gm?r~titI , gvciyat?
sadat 4 , sdrprrt 2 , sapcat 3, svcGat Ikrntht I , ksltipdt 4 , khiclrrt I ,,jzcshcit I ,
I , r+j(it 2 , m d / ~ ( (I t, TlllRit 2, uid l ~ a tI , ciipat 2 , url~atI , siii~atI , s~-icit5 ,
sphurc~tI , huvat ~-~qcl'yat z ,
p6gyut I , vicll~yatI ; V. uchut 2, isha!jut I .
(Snflix 5 ) I. viJs!.
( N o suffix) 1. /car fi, gteit I , &IL I ,
rti? 2, / L ~ II T, Thdt* I ; 11. oitjyuk I ; 111.
pi!lak 1 , p ~ c ~ dI , kbitittcit a, ri!?crk I .
1. Z)n. I. gcinuahi I .
I . P1. I. kcrr~izcn5, g u n ~ ) ~2.c [
I . P1. 111. str!aitndhi I ;
IV. !rrh(2itcahiI .
:3. PI. I . tistrt~7 , kshtrit I ,qjrtan 1 1 , y w ~ 3. 1'1. I. ilata I , vasut~c3 ;
I , san I ; 11. .jujus/~an
I ,.j??jos/canI , tish- 11. jihattr ? tishthanta z ;
than 1 ; 111. mvalz I , l ~ r y z v u d)1tii~vcij4I I I . JL'~!/7iat(~rr~anvata
I , vc~nutznI , llinvcin 2-npnan
I , mi- -gyhhczatcr
I , vrperta?
~tcenI , r i ! ~ t i iI ,~ Y ~ ~ ~ I I L ~ LI ~; CIV.
I ; IV. ~ I I L ~ I / 3, kciran
gumrot 9, chrtcn I , duhhnit 7 , ttr I , ciytritttc I , ccrmnta I ,
dtuZvu?2 I , ntikshrc~z2 , r ~ c i ~ a(1r ~I L ~ G ~I ,) c y t e v t ~ ~I t, ja~~at~tct.
I, i~ik2.


1i ~ r bbbi
- ttzs


Mi9 - I kdu.

( 2 nap) 3, yuman 4 , rdnan 3, vaman I,

vardhan I , pdscua I , sddhan I , sidatt s,
I, ciruhan I, clhvastin
1, uidhdn I, vivtdusz 2----p6~yan I.
(Sufix .us) I. ~ U / L2,Zmandds

shanta 6 , navrtanta 5, ndyanta s, navaota 5, napcnztct (1 nap) 2 , (3 nap) s,

~ ~ a s a n 5,t upacanta? pinvnnta I , pravnr~ta I , bh6janta 6 , bhananta I , bhBranta 5, bhikshanta I , yakshanta I , yauanttc I , ra! ~ u n t aI , ranta 2, ramanta?
r&anta I, vanta I, vhrantc*
( 1 vur) 15, ( 2 var) I, vdrt a n t l c vardhanta I, vrddhanta I, pumbhata 2,
(class I. ?) pdcanta I , sdkshanttz I (sakshante? see
Grass.), sdcanta 1.2, sc~pautcx I, sapcata 2, sdhanta?
sdldh(htrnta? stdvanta 2,
smayanta I, h(iuanta 3
I, jushdnta
23, tirdnta I , s~uddntaI,
bhurdnta I , rnyshasrta I,
yuvantn 1, vidhanta 1, syjalzta I-ddyanta
I ; V.
ichcinta I , ishapanta 2.


1. Sing. I. iyc2n~I, rdhydrn I , yd1. Sing. I. i'piya3, muydm 1, v i d y d n ~I , pnkydm 1, s,ydlrn9 ; r f y a I ; IV. saceya z11. /agamy&nz ~,pupycy:y&m
I ; 111. san- huvhyu I.
uydm I ; IV. garneyam I , piks%sheyan?z
2. Sing. I. rd/~ydsI , gamy& I , syd's
; 11. cnkriyds ( 2 kar) I , juguryds I ;
IV. 6vm I, bhuves I , rr~adesI, vanes i
3. Sing. I. iydt 2, b14.i2ydtI , vidyd't
3. Sing. I. dsttu I , @tu
.a, syd't 1 5 ; 11. jagamydt 9, jagdydt I, 3, @its z, uhtta I , duhzta I ,
juguryd't I, tuturyd't r, paprcydt I , hi- bruv$ta I , pdyUa I , stuvltci
hhiydt I , Dibhy!/&t I , tvtamanydt I , mi- I ; 11. dddhita 9, dadhit6
rntydt I ; 111. pyniy&'t I ; IV. Qvet I, I ; 111. kynvita ~-prpcaret 2, taret I, pdtet I , sravet 2-pychet
cztd I ; IV. qjeta I, kshameta I , jareta I , bhiksheta
I, rishyet 2 ; V. iclrtet I.
(SufEx s) I. r d h y h I , gurnyds a, jeyds 3, yajeta I , vadeta I, saceta
2 ; 11. mirnZyds I , ?/QydsI.
2, staveta I-jushhta
----;oapyeta I.
1. Du. I. yujydva I ; IV. vrheva 1.




2. Du. I. vidydtum I, sydtam z ; 11.

jtrgmycitam I ; IV. tirettrfn I.
3. D a . I. yc!jydlt&m I , sydtdrrc I ; 11.

yuyuyci'tcirn r ; IV. yrhsettinc. I.

1. 11
' . I. iydmu I , ~dhydnau4 , lc7.iI . PI. I. idhZmuhi 7,

ydmc~I, tur?yd'ma3, vidydfttc.a27, syd'n~a ~ d / z Z n ~ d hI, i 6ruvCn~uhi2,

120, /iany&'rrta 1 ; 11. juhuyd'tttrr I , tish- vasi~ttnhiI , stuvimahi 1 ;

thertaa 2, tutury&wca I ; 111. cinuydnta IT. daclirncrhi 3 , d(cdh%mahi
I , vanoyd'nzccs, grnuydma 1, sut~tcy&'ma3 ; IV. gun~errmhi3, ydhe6 ; IV. krdmen~aI, gamht)/tr 8, cayemct mahi I, bhajemahi 3, bhaI, carerna 2, jtiyema %2,3ifuert~a
I , tcirenia remahi 1, ycitew~crhiI,
r u 13, dd'penaa 1 1 , bhciverna 6, hhtl'shema s, b h e ~ ~ l a h4,
i v u ~ ~ e n ~ aI ,h
mcidema 11, mahema 2, yate?rt(c I , ra- sdcemai~i9-vidhemahi
I , oatelria I , oaderna 28, vcrnSma I---jd'yerraahi 3.
9 , gikshema I , sadema 3, srrpema 3ishema I , mjema I , vid/tl,kma 22, vigetrtc!
1, hc~vl,kma
2 s-pb~ema
I I.
I , rishya)na I.
2. PI. I. syd'tu 1 ; 1V. tireta I.
(Suffix tcota) I. syd'tuncc I ; 1V. tire-

tans I.

3. P1. I. a d y h I, u i d y h I, sy%s 9 ;
3. PI. (Sufix ran) 11.
TI. j(tyamyus 2, dadhunyus I ; IV. td- dadirc~n2.
(Suffix rata) IV. bharereyus I , aaheycts I .
ruta I----,jusheratcc 2.

Sing. (Suffix dhi) I. atldhi 6,

2. Sing.
I. irsiava 2,
edhi 15, krdhi 95, gudhi I, tiidlhi (t&!/ti) kyshvci 3, cukshva 3, trrisutr
1, plirtlhi 6 , hodhi 37, viddhi s, gagdhi 2, clukshva I, yukshuci lo,
15, ~ B d h iI ; 11. cikiddhi 7, dcrcldhi s, rci'svtr 21 ; 11. jil~Zshoa I ,
didi$$I~i 2, piprgdhi I , rr~arnadcT?~i
2, piprciyasva I , pibusva I ,
7raarr~ancThi1, m7i7?~/cg(Zhhi
6, yuyoclhi I, ocrvytsvcc 9 ; 111. QrpusJ~va
vini$@hi 2, gapdd/~i2, pipddhi 4 ; 111. I , /zy!/,ushvti14, tccnushva 5,
g r ~ ~ u d h5-arigdhi
2, trndlti 1,
chin- var~ushva I ,
dhi I , t m d h i 4, bhatidhi I , 6hindhi 3, -vmishvd

shvh I ; IV. kalpusvrr I ,

jy-iLdhi I, vyljdhi 2.
(Suffix h i ) I. ihi 62, yuhi 83, .ja?ti 50, krurntcsvci 8 , coclmuu 2,

pdhi ( 1 p d ) 22, ( 2 pd) 69, br12hi4, bhdhi jcirasva ( 2 j a r ) 2, (;$,jar)2,

lo, ydhi 129, vahi 2 , vihi 3, vihi 7, stuhi fapasva I, nukshasva I , /la2 6 ; 11. dehi lo, dhehi 63, piprhi 2, pi- yasvcc I , rlamasva I , php&hi 2, mimShi 7, ririhi 7, gipihi 12 ; 111. vasva 125, pinvasva I , praa p n ~ h 3,i inuhi I, drnuhi 4 , k r ~ ~ u29,/ ~t il ~ m v aI , bd'dhasva 9 , 6hacinuhi I , tanuhi 3, trpnuhi 2, dJLdnu/~ijasva 2, hhrirasvcc 2 , n~arc3, d h ~ s h ~ ~ u
I, h

ip n u h i 7, sanuhi I , clasva lo, yajasva 1 6 , yaspr~c.uhiI , hin?rhi z-gyr~Zhi

9, jdnihi tasvu I, ra7cshasva I, ra-

2, punihi 8, mrnBhi I , p+hi

5 ; V. p a - hhasva 3, ramasva 1, va-

thihi 2, stattihi I .
dasva 1, ucindasva 6, vcir-


I/i.,h-Fol m s oj* tlr p /2i> - V i d , ~ .


(Suffix tdt) I. vittd't I , vitcit I ; 11. tasva I , vardhusva lo, vdt?(ttttit I , dhiitttit I ; 111. kpt~ctcitI , hin- hcrsva 2, goctrsva z, p
uttit I-punittit
I ; 1V. (rvutdt I, osha- ynsva 2, gva,'icasva 2, sti
t8t I , dcch(rtcit I , bhatlat4t I , ycicutcit I , cusva 6, srihasva 4 , sidasva
rhkshatdt I , uahatdt I---vyhutbt
2, su- I, sy/u?zdasva1, svcidasua 3,
vfrtdt 1 ; \'. yachatdt I.
Itdrslcclsvtr 2-kysit
(Without personal suffix) 11.
101, I, yurusvrr I , cjushcEsvcc 67,
tishthn 3 4 ; 111. iq~liI , 7ir~tuI , k u m 2, q~udrisvch s, pryzusva z,
kycrc i, tlrncn I , gy!rrr 3, sun?'c I , hir~tc2 rrbyshrisvrr I , yuvdsua ti, vi2 ; ITT. aca s, (tiel 6, rirctc 25, grisua I , vysl~rrsva lo, sit?-agdua
cirsha 37, rivtr 33, inva I , osha >,7 i(~ruI , ~ t l s v aI , srjrrsva s---$&
karsho I , k r a n d ~2, kriLnta I , kshdra 4, ytrsu(t I , trci'yusvu 4, dcrga?na.@cdra 11, co'da 2 , jtiya 6, jincw Y, y/lstjcc I, dyhyrrsvu I, pad,$va I , / L - ~ ~ u c I I, j6sIta I , tdpa 4, t a m a, ytrsvci I , papynsva I , py&dtiha 14, c7i'ya 2, drtiva 1 1 , rl?bartvcr 20, yosvn3,v!/c1?jasva2,syc*sva
dhclma I , cihciva 3, n c m a 2, )td!/cx 12, 2 ; V . ichrlsvc8 I , y(rchusv(x?
patc* 2 , pava I , pinua 3, profhct I , 66dha if(isltva r, jtivtishva I , vci5 , b / ~ ( j a12, bhcira 120, bh(iva 102, bh2sha sishvn 2.
( 1 bhdsh) I , ( 2 bhdslt) 2, ?ltacIaI , ?)tatcrla
I, myaksha I , rnrlndri I , ytca I;, yqja 5 ,
rdksha 21. r&a 4, rcida 4, rohir 4 , vadrr
lo, vapa I , vdrdlta Y, vcihcr 69, v e n d
pdrisa 6, gdrdliu I , gilcsl/a 26, g~rm6haI ,
g6ctr ti, sdttcr 4 , scim I, sarprr I , sii'tlha 2,
s8'dct 15, sSdha s, srava 14, sv(rd(rI , svapa
I , svara 3, hara 2, hinva l-ki~a
ksJ~ip*.1, c ~ t aI, tira 1, t?li?a I , tyntpci 1,
pycha 7, pytza a, prushcr I , rnflccc 4 ,
ntzrrt~.u2, mr!7a 5, ~rhy{ci17, nzyga J, j,~uva
I , rikha I , rtcjd 9, rtrvci I, viga IS, vinda
2, aygcci s, vykd 5, stjica 5 , suva 9, syjci
26, sprga 5 , sphura I-asya
gti'ya 7,
dy'hya 3, ptagya I , pugyu 7, yudhya 2,
aaya 2, v i d / ~ y a9, syn 5, hnrya 7, hvaya
I ; V. ichti 5 , uch6 15, ycichu b, yacJ~/t
3. Sing. I. attu I , dstu 166, etu 50,
3. Sing. I. dstdrr~ 1,
grcntu 7, pdtr~29, ydtu 18, vasltt~rI , vdtu vastdm 1 ; 11. jihitdnl I ,
i, a6tu i, S ( X S ~5 I, ~hant~r3 ; 11. cjtrhdftcI , &&tarn
I ; 111. kr?aut&'t~t
jigdtu 2 , tishtJtr~t?/3, dcitldtu 16, dddhdtu I , nztznutdnz I----sty[?l"ttim
'16, dideshtu I , pipctrtu 3, pihcctu 7, ma- I , hmtttim, I ; IV. ejaratriva
2, ,y(ry(tstz( I , pcivcrtdm 2, pinuatdns 2,
I , yuyotu 3, gigdtu I , sishrtktu 6 ; 111. prathat21it I , bti'dhcrttint 4 ,
tsgr/otcc 3, kynottc 11, c.i,,ottt I , 11ainot7rI , hhaycrtdrn I, yyjotdm I ,
gy!dtu 24, sanot(~I, srtnotu ~----qy!tAt~r rocntdn~I . vancrt&n/ I , vur2, y y h ! t d t ~I , pun(?tu 1-~inrrkt7n
6, tutcim 4, z.drdhmtd?)~
4 , s,rcI , vipyn6ktu 2, vynaktu 4 ; I\'. qj!jwttc2, rxr- utdtrz I-pmutdrn
c i ~ t uI , dvtrtu 10, invc~tzr4, ejutu I , krttn- gittbrr~ 1-ydhyatdm
dute~I, jccyatu I , jinuvtu 4, tap(~tz(3, .jdycsftim 3, trciryatc2m 3 ;
4, r~cryatt~
5 , bo'dh/ttzd I , h/r/tvirt~c1
'. ynchcttdm q.

6h.LZshatu I , rndnckctu 2 , ycxjutu 3,

rtekshatu 2, rohatu 2 , vdrdlicittt 2 , vu-

hatu 2 , gikshatu I , gocatu I , sadtctu I ,

sarpntu I , si'datu 2 , sedhatu I , hinvatu I

--trwcpatu ~,piligatuI ,mrltrtu I , siccatu 2 , suvtrtu 2---asytrtu

I , r~ngycctcn
gushyatu I , sEvyatu I , syatu 2 ; V. ichutu
I ,uchatu s, rchatu 2 , gachatu 4 , ytrchatu
1 3 , hruvitu 4.
(Suffix tdt) v. gachutdt 6.


(Suffix d m ) duhd'm


2. Du. I. kytdm 1 6 , gatnnz 64, gun2. Ih1. I. Zrdthdm I ;

t a m 1 4 , pdt(irt~(1 p(2) 13, ( 3 pa) 1 0 , ydtdm 11. ncirniithdm 2 , rurdthdm
103, vittam I , vitdrn s, gaktunz 4 , stanz I , I ; IV. cddethdm I , jarestzctanz I , hatdm 1 4 ; 11. jcIjustcirv~2 , ji- t h d n ~I , bddheth&m I , yajegdttc~nI, ,j~joshtrtnrr~
I , tiskthntam I , dfct- thdm 1, vardhethdn~I , vat6m 4 , dhattdrn 30, pipytdm ( 1 par) 3, hethcinc I ,srrrarethd~,~
I(2 par) I , pibutunz d s , 71zirnktdnt 2, ntu- ukshhthdm I , jushtthdnc. 17,
rnuktarn 2 , n~umcicatalnI , yuyotam 2 , ~zrldhthdln I , prrzethd~n I ,
yuyutdw~3, gigitcim (Igci) 2 , ( 2 gd) I , vyshethdnz 2-trdyethdm
2 , ky!rutcir?r 6 , I , manyetham s.
siq-tam I ; 111. ag~z?tta?n
typnuttim I , grr~uttinz20, I ~ i n o t a nI- ~
agnzttirr~I , q ~ i t d m
I , gynitdm I, stmitcim I-pynkt(inz
5 ; TV. ajatam I , 6uatrtn, 21, invatam 2, oshatam I ,karatam
1,jdyatam 2,jaratam 1,jiwvatam s, takshatartz I ,ttipatam I , t.LZ1r~)atarndzyaI,
t a m I , dhdvatam 2 , nayatam I , pattrtarn
I , pin vat an^ 9 , bdd/tatam 8 , hhtxjatanz. I ,
bhdratam I ,hhdvatam l o , bhdshatanc 2 ,
ytitatam I , rcikshatam 2 , v6natarn s,
vardhatarn I , vcihatanc 12, venatcrm I ,
gikshcitam 6 , scidatam 4 , sickrtana 4 , sCdhatam 3-ukshatam
a, uhjcitctnc 2, tiratam 2, tympatam 2 , mu?7cdtam s,
vrtrCatant I , q-hatam I , sificutam 2, s~-j(it a m 3--asyatam
I , vidhyatam 2 , syat a m 2, hhryatum z ; V . gdchatam 17, yachatam I T .

Dn. I. itdm 2 , dugdhdnb ~ , p d t d ' m 3. Du. IV. payetdm

sastd'rr~I ; 11. dtrttdm I , dhattd'm 2 , sacetdwl I -,jushPt&m
p@~t&'rrc1, bibhytd'm I , mimktdrn I , gi- trdyetdrra I.

gitdm s ; 111. g y ~ i t d mI ; IV. hvat&r~c2 ,

i~zvut(iwiI , karatdm 2 , cetat&m I , drd-

v a t d ~ ~1 , zbhavattlm 3, rnadatdm I , rak-

shatdm 2 , vcihatdm 4 , sadatdtn s, si'dtr-

tdm 2-tympatdm

syatd~nI ; V. gachatdm s, yuclratd711I.





tq' the

R y - 1ZCICL.



2. PI. I. attci 1 , itQ 16, 6tn I , kttrta 9 ,

2. PI. I. ddhvam I ,irk ~ t aI , guta 12, g6nta s (gantci I ) , pdtti clhvai~~krdhvam
I, t d (1 p(2) 3, ( 3 pd) 2 , brats I , ydt6 11, vcnrttr clh~iarn3;
11. tish{hadhv(~m
(vart) I , gusta 2, stotu 2, hat6 3 ; 11. iyccr- ~,pib~dhz~rrrn
I ,rcxddhva?,~
ta 1 , jigdtci, 2 , juhutn 2 , juho'ta 1 1 , tish- I , vavrdhvan? I ; 111. krriuthata 4 , datta 2 , d4ddta I , dcidhdta 13, dhvanz 2.5, tanudhvam 2 , sublidishta 3, dhattci 1 1 , piprktrc 1 , piprtci nuclhvum I -- vynidhvdrn
2 , yibata 9 , mumocata I , yrhyofa 9 , pipi- I - - - - ~ ~ I ~ / L V C [ T Y (
yt~rigta 4, sishakta 1 ; 111. drnuta I ,krfi26tb 9 , d/t/(li(jr~i
3 ; IV. cljaClhva~)~
2 , nayakrn6ta a, trpnuta I , dhzhruta I ,g~nutti I , kshcirrtaclhva~~z
4 , gmota I , sunutci 3, sur~6ta5 , h i d t a dhv((m 2 , ~ ~ u m a d h ~ i2a
, m
I , grbhnSta 5 , jiinita I , 211'- p(tvadhv(ntit
pinvand'ta I , punitd I , pyinztc; I----uqrcitha I , dhvani I , bddhadhvant I ,
yunakta 2 , vyhktir I ; IV. (Zrcata 2 4 , ar- b/~urud/~utum12, modasl~ataI , avatcn 10, ga'hata I , carata I , dhvam I , yajadhiiam 6 ,
codcita z,$ciyata 2, jinvata I , takshatci 7, rabltadhvom z, rtimatapata I , turata 2, dakshata 2, dy'rjhnta I , dh va?)) I , v,cdndh~iam I ,
dhiivata (1 dhdv) 3, (2 dhdv) 3, rtciyata aarttrdhoam I , p~cnya6 , nindata I , pacata 2 , pil~vittaI , bJth- dhv(~?~r
2 , sahadhvam I ,
rata 11, 61~civata7, bhashata 3, madata suujadhvam I -jz~shh2 , nzdnthata I , ntr6jata z, ydcata I , r6k- d t ~ v a )6,~ ~tiradhvam
shata 2 , rohota I , vadata 3, uanata I , prn<idhvan~4,nziccadhvum
vupata I , v/rr.dhata I , vahata 3 , pcthsata I, si%ctidt~va)i~
s$Q5 , punzbhata I , sacata I , saduta 3, sar- dhvam I -asyadhz~am
pata I , sapcata 3, sZ'd(~ta10, si?dhata 3, I , trci1yc4dhvam I , clayastohhata 1, sredhata I -uksilatt~ I , clhvarrb I , "htcdhyadhvarr~
rajcita I , khuddta 1 , tirata I , nvdata I , I , .s.z^v!/ndhvuiit I , syapirigata 1,prchdta z, ppzata 2 , mur?c8atadhvam I ; V . guchadhvam
4 , rnytdta In, vrhata 1 , gundhata I , si6- I , yachadhvan? I .
cata 9, s?-jci&z 4 , sp~gdtaI-ishyata
(Sufix dhvcc) IV. y6gciyata zs, jasyata I , pcigycytata 6 , push- jadhva I .
yata I , vayata I , vidhyata I , hwryata u;
V. icAata 2, uchata I , gachata I , ydchata 14.
(Suffix tana) I. attana I , itanu 4 , ?torba 3, kdrtana 6 , gantana 9, citccrza I ,
yalztana 3, ydtdna 3, pdstdn(~1 , sotana I ,
hantana s ; IT. jigdta~jaI , jujushtcrna 2 ,
jtchotana 6 , daddtavia I , dddTLciti~na1 ,
didishtana 2 , dliattatza 6 , dhetwna 2 ,
pipartana 9 , bibhztana I , mar>ldttccuaI ,
yuy6ta7za s, viuaktana I ; 111. ky!io'ticna
5, grnotcrr~az., sttndtcrna 3, Iiinotano Y
-punZtdna o, prnitana I , 9rZnftuna I
I , pinashtana I ; IV.
I ; V. bravitana 3.
3. PI. 11. tishthalztdm I ;

3. PI. I. adantu 2, ghnantu I , ciydrct z ~I , d ~ d v ~It, updntzc 4, br~rvnntu4, yon- IV. jayantdm I , naman-

tu 30, ydntrr I , vyantzr 7, sarttu 59 ; 11. tdrr~5 , pdvant6m 3, pin-

tishthnntu ,, dad/lantts I , pibantu 4 ; 111. uantdrrr ? ytrjantdm I, ya-

agnuuantu 2, ky~vdnttc3 , vanvdntu 2 , tantdn? I , layantdnt I , var-

gy~zua~ctu1 2, sanuantzr I , hinoa~ltu4 ta,rtd)rz 2, vardhantiim 2,

-pundnttt 3, gynantu I-aiijantrc

grd!/antdwt 6 , sacar~t($l-)~
9 ; I T . 4rcarc.t~
2 , drshantcc 2 , tivantu so, sdd?~arttdoa
I , sydndalltd~r~

ksharantu I , ydmantu 6 , cinrantu 3 , ja- I-,jushtintBm

3, rigcm-

yantu z, jivcmtrs 2, trtkshantu 1 , tfahuntu tdnb 1 -trd'yantdm z,

I , drtivantu 2 , d/tcrmrc~ntu
4 , d/!/?rvantlc p!/dyc~tttdvtI .

I , nayantu 3, pacant7c I , patantu I , 66(Suffix a t d r ~ I.~ )tratd111

dha~ztuI , hhtiva~ttu2 9 , rnadantu s, 11idn- 3 ; 1I.jihatdrn 2 , dad/htct&rrt

dantu 8 , yc!ja?ttu I ,rakshantu 1 , radrcn- I ; 111.jdnatdm I-indhu-

tu 1 , rohitntu 3 , vadantu I , uapa~rtlcI , tdvn 1.

vccrdhanttc I , ~~cihantu
38, ud~7ckant%~

groshatztu 1,sadanttc ti, sidantu 9 , sedhal-L-

tu I , stohha?tt!~
I , sravantu I , s v i ( & ~ r t It ~

svarnntu I--ubjantu 1,ydantu ~,krsha?t-

tu I , tiranttc 3, bhtcrantu I , ?)ru~?ccint71

rnyauntu 2, vipantu 6 , ~ i c o a n t uI , SU-

vantu I , s?-juntu3----pushyantu I , ii/%h-

yar~tu 1 , m6cJyantu I ; V. ucha?~tuz,

ycha~ttuI , gacharttu 2, ydcltal-ttu 8 , yu-

chalztu 1.

(S~lftixatu) 11. dad/tatzc I .

1. Sing. I. dkaram I, dgarnam 4 ,
1. S i n p I. akri 2, ayuji

apdru~13, dbravar~c4 , avedam 1 , ahanam 1 ; 111. avyni I ; IV. avye

I , &'yam7 , (harr~
1 , k ~ r u rJ;) ~
11. adaddm I ,
dhuve I .

I , ad(ndhdmI , ciketam 1 ; 111. agy!ravan~

I , kynava~llI-qjdndm
I , dgndn~1 ;

IV. acaram 1 , atakshom 3 , atnram I ,

adgyam 1 , anamam 1 , anayam I , apir2-

warn I , ahharam I , ahhavartc. 1 , (~671~-

dam I , arodham 1 , aroharn I , asidam 1 ,

d'vam 2 , yamam I-----dprchurn 1 , tim-

jam I-iipagyam
19, avyayarn I .
2 . Sing. I. dptis 3, dyds I , ves (3 v5) I ;
2 . Sing. I. 67crthds I ,
11. dtiskthas 2 , 6dadcis I , ddaclhcis 3, tiy7rkthds 1 ; 11. adhatth6.r
apibas 13, gigds I ; 111. 6kmos 13, 6va I , at?/imQthcis1 ; 111. adhdnos 3, ~ V T < L O S6 , d g ~ ! ~ o
4 , s(isag/~nos
1 , n ~ ( t / ~I d;sIV. cipavathds I ,
dsanos I ,trinos 1 , adr!zos a--dkshipcis 1 , cinaandathds I ,6rocathcZs I
crgybhniis I , apyctds 2 , ci~r~i~zcis
I , amzcsh- -amufTcathd.v
[L$SI ,aramttds I , ari!ads 5 , asta6hncis 6 , yathds 4 , aharyathds 1,jd1ubhnd's I ,rinds 1 , grathnds I ; IV. 6lcrar~-yathds 2.
das I , aksharcrs I , dcaras I , djancrs I , djayas 6 , (itaras 3, ddtxhas 4 , adhamas 4 , dnayas 2 , cipinvas 2 , dbhajns 1, &harm 1 , dbhnvas 30, (imadas2 , (iyajixs4 , ci'rirrihasl ,

Verb-Formsof the Rig - Veda.

tiradas 3, avadas I , civapas I , trvahas 4,

tigikshas 2, dsadas 6 , uddas I, wsedh(rs I.

tcsruv(~sI , djus a, d k a s I, d'vas 22, aub-

jas 2, kciras I , bhhrm z-6k~tm

I, dtiras 8, anudus I. rlprnas I , a7i~uGcas3 ,
amy!Las I , ar.?+tts5, (~vitzdas
5 , avrhas I ,
cisrjas 14, cisphur'as I , vindus I, vrgcas I ,
srjas 4-apagyas
I, dyudl~yasI ; V.
agachus 3, aichas I , adchm 3-dsis
codgs I.
(Without sufix) I. uktrr 4 . Qyan 2,

dghas I, adyaut I, ayes z, civdt I, Qhan

18, kar 5, ha??4 ; 11. ujagan a, vioes 2 ;

111. 661~inat5, a r i f ~ a Ik, avrnak a, u)tap

1,pinak I , bhinQt I.

3. Sing. I. tipdt 5, dydt 1, astaut 4,

3. Sing. I. ukrtas, acashait 6 ; 11. aci/~itatI , aciket I, cijah&t4, @ 3, ataktu I , dyiy.lskta lo,
cdigdt I , dtisi~that13, ddaddt 3, ddadI~dt dsdta 5, askrta I , ci'yukta
7, apipi6at lo, abibhet I , agigdt I , dadcct z, I , aiga I , gdrta I , krta I ,
pibat I , vivycicat 1 ; 111. akrnot I*, ata- gdhv I , myshta I , sdta I ; 11.
not 2 , ddhdr~otI , avrnot 7, asanot z, ui- hjihz"~a
z, aclccttaa, adhatta
I, aprndt 4 , 5, Q p i p a t a I , attzimz"ta l o ;
not I , adrnot 2-ayrbhndt
apri??dtI , abadhndt I, drnath~ldtI , am- 111. akr!&utaI, adhd~amtuI,
in& 3, urnush?~dt
2, tirarnndt 3, Qrindt4, cimcc~zutuI , k p u t a 3apm&t I , dstabhncit s, dstp~cit2, aubh- tivm@ta 13, agrznxta I ; IV.
izdt 1,jdndt I ; TV. h k ~ a n d aIt, cckrdritat akrnvata I , atakshata I ,
2 , hks/~arat6 , agamat I, cigdhat I , dca- apinvata z, abddhata z,
rat 7 , acetat I , djanat 3, djaytrt 6 , ajiwat Qmatihata I , tirnuta I ,
2, citakshut 2, atapat z, atarut 3, Qdahat tin~anthata
I , timaltdata 2,
2 , addgat I, tidravat 2, adhamat 4, ana- circcrihuta I , arakshata I ,
mat 2, dnayat 7, apacat I , cipinvat 3, tirocatu5, tivartatas, avartcbhqCC3at
4, abharat 19, dbhauut 55, Qbhd- dhata 2 , 6gaputa I, &%ta 3,
shut I , Qn~adut
2, Qmandat z, amanthat dyata 2, auhata I , o,ckshcrI, (irakshat I, a ~ ~ a pa,
a tarohat 2 , hvapat ta z, ja~tutaI , nakshatu z,
3, Quagut I, civasat I, tivahat 3, Qvenat z, nirisata I , bdd/~crt/r
I , rejata
txlc;a!/at7, Qpocat I , asqht I , asadat 14, a-aj,rsi~ata
s, amu~icwtrr
6sz"dat4, asedhat I , d'7jat 9, circat 2 , &'vat I , trsrjatn I , @rihata -I
I*, acthat I , krandcst 2, ttrkshut s, tscirat 2 , djdyata 23, aptct!/attc 2 ,
drrihat I , nakshut I , nayut I, bhdrat d, crmanyatc~I, auyata 8 , jdrhbhat I , &hat I-6krntat
2, akhidat yata I , vyatcl 4.
I , ckggrdhat I , (Gushat I , citirtrt s, cipitigut
I, a p ~ n a 4t, a?i~ucat
I , drnuficat 3, trmynat I , arujat I , dvidhcrt l o , dvir~dtct IS,
tivigat 4, avishat I , avydhat I, tivrgcat r,
asificat I , asuvat I , Qsr-at 20, asp~gatI ,
asphurat 2, ahkshut I, auhjcct I, t @ / ~ dI,t
tudQt 2 , rujQt 2, vindat I , v~gcCit4 , 8%cat 2, s ~ j d t3-agdyat
I, adhwyat 4,
dpagyat 11, ayzcdhyat I , cividhyat 4,



crvyayat I , avyat I , asyat I, dharycrt I , 6hvayat 2, dsyat 4, gyat (2 gd) z ; V. 6gachat 3, dyachut 4 , ahci~atI-acZibvunSt
I, cibravit 14, avairljt I , CivarsltXt I, ~ S ~ U I I L bhZt 2, d'nzt 2, Li'slt 46, std~ltbl~jt
(Without suffix) I. cjkar. s, ( i g ~ 1n1,
aghas I, adhok I , tivart 2, (ihnn 26, ahdr
I , ds 3, kar l o , han I ; 11. ajaga~ta, abib h w I , tivivytrk s, r ivha I ; 111. apr?ak
I , tibhinat 11, ayur~uk
3 , civr!t/tk 4, ccic~~ut
I , bi~indt3 , ri?ztik I , ?ry!7(ik3.
(Suffixs) I. tipds I ; IT. trdadI~dsI.
2. n u . I. tiyntam I, c d ~ r ~ t3,aa'stanz.
~ ) ~ 2. Du. IV. tibddJ~ethdrrt
I, aitcon I ; 11. ac/atttr?n5, c~dJ~attarri
11, I-anudethdnz
dvirhamumuktam 3, m ~ o r ~ ~ ~ k2 t; u111.
~ r tL I ~ T - deth&m I.

ntctam 4 , adJLdr~~t(iitr

I, ari7tQtan~
I, ccvy!tl"tarrtI-atrr~tttm
I ;

1V. tijh~vatant3, cipinvatam 5 , ciprathatam 3, abhauatam I , tintanthatctm 2 ,

arudatarrt I , cigikshatat)~
z, cisapt~utcrrnI ,
cisEcZatam I, d'jutarn I , rc'vata~ra22, (lira,tam I -atirattrtt~ 3, art~uficaturr~
tirny[~atamI , asificatan~2 ; V. ayaci~utant ?
3. Du. I. &stdm4 ; 11. tiviviktd1)7 I ;
3. Du. IV. akrpet&m I ,
IV. auardhutdrn I , &vatdmI-amufi-
apr.athet&mz, cibhyasetdm
catdni !-hpugycntdm
1, 6rejetdlrt 3, aikshetdm I
1. P1. I. dkarma s, tigarr tr~a17. attrksii1. P1. I. aganmai~i I ,
rna I, dpdma I , rihe?na3 ; IV. r~t([kshd-tirnanmai~i9, nyujmai~i1 ,
mtc I---dpagydrrt a I ; V. ccichicmcl z. ahamahi z ; I n . avyninzarhi I.
8. P1. I. tikrrrta 3, dch&nta I , atasit?ci
2. PI. I. ricidhvccm 4,
I , aita 2 ; 11. 4jaqanta I , htishthata I , cimugdhvarn
6daddta 1, cicladhdta I, hditcltttc I ; 111. dimam 6, 6rddhvarr~ 3 ;
a k ~ n u t aI , akrnota I-hri??l"ta3-111. dkmudhvam I ; IV.
apirigata 3 ; IV. 6takshattr 3, Citta!/atcr I, ccj?~shadhvarrtI.
dpinvata I, dbhavatu 2 , cisurptrta I, d'vattr 3-ap~chcrta
2 cimu6cuttr I , asrjattc
I ; V . cigachata 2-abravita
(Suffixtuna) I. ciy&tarm8 , dsastana
I , aitarta 3; 11. c&,qantana I , djahdtana I , ddattana I ; 111. akr!rotana 3 ; V .
dbravitana s.
3. P1. I. akran 13, cikshan 2, agalt I ,
3. P1. I. dkruta 11, dgdyman 24, abruuan 3, avyan I , asan muta 9, acakshata I , ujan( 2 as) I , ci'yat~3.2. d'st(9121, gw~an2 ; 11. atu I , ataksi~ataI , apdsata j the Rig - Veda.

atishthan 7 , abibhran I ; 111. d k p w a n 1 , cisata I , airata a, h d n t a I ,

13, avufivcCta I ,agak)tuvun I , dsanvan I , janata 2, takshata I , myfip v a n 2 , rrcinvan I-agrbhnnn
1, a j 5 jata z, yajata 1, yujata I ;
nand, aptcnas~1 , abadh)~an
I , ayathnan 11. ajihata I , djcchvata I ,
1 , 6strna.r~
I , dbhindan I , atishtl~antaI , adadanta I ,
avyfijan I , drSjan 2 ; IV. dksharan 15, ngd- dbibhayanta I ; 111. dkynhan I , ajanan 2 , dtakshat/ 3, dtaran 2 , vata l o , dtanvata I , amanatrman s, dddgan I , adratran I , adtlra- ziata I , avrnvata I-agBan I ,anabhan I ,dnuyan 6 , andvan I , ~ b h n a t a4 , anzinrlnta Icipinva?~
I , dbharan?, dbha~ran
4 , dbha- argata I , ayufijata I ; IV.
shan 2 , 6mrxdatb 8 , drnandari 4 , drak- dkharcanta I , ajananta 2,
shan 5, duadan 3 , dvnrdhan l o , duahan adhavanta I , dnaynntcc 5,
3, &garisan I , dsadan 4, ctsredha?~
I , ds- dnavanta I , apacantn e,
uaran 16, cZljan 2 , d'rcan 3, &'van4 , aijan aprathnnta I , dbhajanta 2 ,
1 , jinvan I , t d b h a ~ tI , bhuran I , bha- abhayanta I , dbharanta I ,
shan I ,sadan 2 , sidfun I ,S ~ C O LI-dpiridyajanta 1 1 , aramanta 1 ,
gun 2, avindatr 1 4 , aeTja?z I , mican I , cireju~zta I , avadanta I ,
asiiican I , myjan I , ukshan I , adkshan dvartantu I , civardhanta 2,
1, ruja?~I -ajzlryan
I , adhayaft? {ivradantn I , asacanta I ,
dpagyan 4.
cisapanta I , dsahanta I ,
(Suffix an) circdrz 2 , vcirdhdr~2.
ishanta I , aishcrnta I , ja(Suffix us1 I. a ~ u sI , crsus I , duhus nanta 2 , prathanta I , )LaI , c'akshus I ; 11. &thus I , djuhauus 2 , vanta a, Bhananta I , rtiaududus 4. adadhus 17. anlamadus I , nnnta 1, vir,panta I avivyacus l,.jahus 2, dAdw I , vivyacus akrpanta I ,-4usharcta I ,
I ; IV. nkrrrmus 8-atvis/~us
ntirnnta s, atvishanta I ,
avi~rdantaI , avigunta 3,
asrjanta 2, ahuvn.rzta I , k ~ p anta I , grnanta 1,jushanta
a--6jdyccnta8, cipagyanta
2 , anca~iyantaI , dvyata I ,
ahvayanta I , jdyauta I ;
V. dgachanta I .
(Suffix an) I. ciperan I .
1. Sing.
@A I , Zdhe I ,
Zshh r, QhS I ,cake 6 , cakre
1,jigye I , tatane 1, twsthe I ,
titvishe I , dade 1 3 , mame 1,
mamahe I , rar6 4 , gep6 I ,
sagce I .
2. Sing. iyetha I , (iyuthu I , ) cukdr2. Sing. dcish.6 (uc) I ,
tha 24, jagdntha 4 , jxghdnthn ls,.ja,bhar- (vuc) I , zlpishe I , ahishe
tha I , jigetha 3, tatdntha l o , dadatha I , (vah) I , cnkyshh lo, cicyudadhci'tha z, dddhcirtha 2 , nin6tha 2, sh8 I , jajrtishA s, jabhrishe
pupatha I , paprd'tha 6, 6a6hQ1tha21, 2 , tatr~ishe2 , dadfish6 2 ,

1. Sing. Rsa 3 , cakara I , ciketa 3,

jagujna 2 , jagrcibha 2 , jihlla I , tatdpa I ,
dudrdhcc 2 , papana I , babhdva I , 6ibhdya I , mimrcya I , raraea I , rirSbha I ,
vivega I , v6da 5, g i y a y a I , gupdva 2.


mintiksh ~tthusI , yayathus I ,yemcitic7cs

3, riricdthus I , vidcithus I , vivid(ithus I ,
1 7 ivydthus I , seddthus 2 , slcanzbit 6thus I .
3. Dn. dpatirs I , dvattrs I , cipntus I ,
3. Du. d'pdte 7 , cakrci(?sacusI , iydtrcs 4 , 72hcitus I , cakratus I , te 4, daclhii'te 2, pasprdhcikyatus 1,jagnzutus I ,jqjficitus 3, ,phcc- dte I , bhqjd'te I , rnrcmci'te I ,
tus 1 , tatakshdtcts I ,tasthtitus 7, cZadutms mun~nic'teI , yuyudhci't~I ,
1 , paprdtus I , petdtus I , bcrb/~tZvtFtus
z, yenzLitte I , vdvydhd'te 3 ,
rnamatus I , mi~~tikshcitus
I , yernatus 2 , sc~svc!jdtrI .
yumdtus I , vnvukshcitus I , vdvydhatlts
I , sishicatus I , s'matus I , sedcitus 2.
1. P1. dnaprr~c~
I , cakrlnd 2 9 , jagan1. P1. bubhujmdhe I ,
ma I , jagrbhrnti 2, yuyujma I , rarabh- n~u7t~ucmcihe
I , vavrmcil~e
11~41, vavanmci 1 , vidm4 93, viuishma .' 5 , &padmahe I , smrjmcihe
(With conn. vowel i) drimci I ,dcimti
I , ddin2a I , tasthimci 2 , duddpimd I ,
rladhirnd I , rtintlinja I , papti~na I ,
yuyopimh I , yemimci I , rnrimd 6 , vavcxndima I , sa~cimaz,susht?&ma1,sedimc~3.
2. 1'1. a n q k I , andha I , dnaph 4 ,
2. P1. dadhidhvb z.
dsh(i I , cakrci 6 , dadd I (imper. sense s ) ,
babhQvci I , yayd 18, vidd s, pcrpdsd I ,
peka I , sedd n.
:). P1.
dna~zis2 1 , dnyczis 4 , &p%s6.
3. PI. dnajre I , c&k{prb
6rzis 2, &pus I , dsbs 6 , &IL%s 5 1 , Tyzis 1 6 , 2 , ci/citrh 6 , jagybhrb 5 ,
Zs/~usI , Qczis 2, fLvus I , Qshus 3, dhzis I , juI~~crk!
2 , juhIIZrb 2 , tatasrb
cakramzis 2 , cakzZs 23, cikitus 2 , cikyzis 4 , dddrpre 5, dadhre 2,
4 , jugrbhzis I ,jagmzis 1 6 , (jajanzis I , )
duduhrb 7 , ~iunudrb 3 ,
jajczis 4,jabhrus 3, juhzis z,jd*gydhzis I , pa~p.ydhri. I , p@ipre I ,
ji,yyus 6 , j u g u p u ~I , jujUshus 4 , jajuvus mumuerb 1 , yuyujTb 6 , riI , tatakshzis l o , takshus I , tastabhh 2 , ricrb 1,mcrudhre I , vd?rakre
tasthGsss, t&tysh%sI , titirrcsz, tustuvzis l,v&uaprel,uivijrel, vivid3 , dadd~zis
z, dud& s, dadhbs 33, dabhzis rb z, vivipre I , viiipre I ,
9 , duduhus I , debhus 2, nanakshzis I , p6~adrbI .
ninidzis I , papus I , paptzis 2 , paprus 2 ,
(With conn. vowel i)
pipigus I , pipyus I , babhtlvds3, bibhid& arhire I , ijirb I , idhirk! 7,
bibhyus I , ncccmus I , mamrus I , irirb (erirb?) 1 4 , i'pire 3,
mdtr~rjus2 , mdmygds I , mirnikshzis I , IIZhir6 3, eakriri? ls,jagn/ire
mitnyhs I , yarnus I , yayus 17, yuyudhus z, jajfiirh s, jabhrzrb 3,
3 , yelr~%s
4, rciraclhus I , riripus I ,ruruc- jil~Q[irS
I , tatakshirb I , tatnds s, ruruhus 4 , u~~vakshzis
2 , vavr~.usI , ire I , tasthirez,dudhanvirg
uavrus I , vdvapbs 2, vdvytusr, vdvydhzis 9 , dadhirb 6 2 , dadhrire I ,
24, vidzis 29, vividus3, vivipus3, ((livepus dhire 3, papire I , bhejirk! I ,
vivishus I , pagdsus s, papramus I , mamire 9, miwzikshire 2 ,
pdpadhs I , pdpuvus I , pekds 3, sapcus I , yetirb 5 , yemire 1 9 , rebhirh
susrzis 8, sisicus I , sus/~uptcsI , sedzis 12, I , Zebhire I , vavakshire 1 ,
sepus I , skumbhus I .
vavandirh I , vaudpire 1,
vidre I , sagcirh 6 , sedire 6.


(Suffix rire) cikitrire

jagybhrir; I, dadrire
bubhujrir; 2, vividrire
sasrjrire 1.



1st form.

3. Sing.

dadhtirshati a, vnvctrtati 4 ,


3. Sing.




2d form.

2. Sing. tatanas 2, paprcithcrs I,

?riamiidas2, mdmdhas I, sdsdhas I.
3. Sing. jaghdnat I, jabhdrat 2,
jZljuvat 1, tatcinat 1, tushtdvat I, dclr
dharshat I, rdgat 3, paprdthat 6, paspdrshat I , nzamandat I , mumurat r ,
munhocat 1, gzcgravat I , gdguvat 3,
sdscihat 3.
3. P1. tatdnan
mamddan I .




3. P1.
tatdnanta I,
dadabhanta I,
papachanta ? mdmahunta I ,
rurucanta I , vdvaganta I,
v&v.ydhdnta 4 , vivyacanta I.

3d form.

2. Sing.

cakradas 2.
3. Sing.
cakradat 3, dadhot
sisiiet I -dadharshiZt

(Without suffix) sasvu'r I .


dna$yFycini I, riricydm I.
2. Sing. pupushyds 1, rurucyds I,
2. Sing. caksham5thds
vivigyds I , gugruyd's I.
I , 7&~ydhz"thd'sI.
3. Sing. anajydt 1, cachadydt I,
3. Sing. jagrasita 1,
jakshiyd't I, jugybhydt 2, tutty+y&tI, dudhuvzta I , mdmrjitn I ,

niniydt 2, papzydt a, babhdyd't 2, jmgucTta 2.

riricydt I , snsrjycit I, sdsuhydt 2.

(Suffix s) babhayds I.
2. Du. gugr'LZyd'tam a.
I. Sing.

3. P1.



tatanyus I , man@yus



verb-Fonns of the Rig - Vida.


2. Sing.


2. Sing. dadhishvd 7,
rndntahasva 2, rniv~ikshvb
I , vdvydhasva 4, vdvrshaS t ? ( / 1.

3. Sing.

babhatw I.
2. Dn. vavrlctarn I .
2. P1. rmrdncitd 1.

2. P1.

P1. wzdlttahantdm 19.


Sing. cigr,gravi

1. Sing.

acacakshatn I , atustavam I.
abubhojiis I, dvivegis I ,
4viveshZs 3, aiyes 1.
3. Sing. acakrat I , adadhdvat I ,
cigipet I , asasaajat I , cakradat I ,
tastambhat I , vividat I-ajagrabhit
ariredt Y, dvdvacft I , hudvarft I .


2. Sing.


Pl. ajabhartat~tr1.


P1. anzumandus






3. PI. cititvishanta I ,
bvdvaganta 3, vdvaganta I .
(Suffix run) dcakriran I ,
ajag7teiran I , avaortran A.
(Suffix ram) asasrgram

(Suffix ranta) nvtcvytranta 1.

A. Simple-Aorist.
I. Forms which add the endings directly to the root.

Sing. cjkhyum 3, agdrrt 2 , agrabh1 . Sing. cqjc~ni I , avri

2, apravartt 2, &'dam I , I , hltvr v.
I , vapn I .
2. Sing. akhyas I , 4gAs 6 , adcis I ,
2. Sing. adhithns 3,
a p r h I , cibh12s 3, cipres 2, tisthhs I , a'sthithds I .
bhas 3.
(Without suffix) dkrdn I, m a r I ,
aspar I , h a t a, dvar 2, 6het I.
3. Sing. ukhyat 18, &gat 39, cicet
3. Sing. akhyata z,
(1 ci) I, ( 2 ci) I , acait (2 ci) I , ciddt 11, a'dishta 2 , adhitaa, aprktcc

I. adhdm



tid/t(;t7, (ibJ~t2t25, d g r ~ 1t 6, a p o t 2, dsthdt 45, dhvat 4 , ddat 3, bhQt 3, sthdt z.

(Suf5x s) crprds 10.
(Without suffix) ukrun I, cik~u"rc3 ,
cikshdr 14, achdrc 2, atarb I , atdn I , atsdr
I , adar 1, cicQ/ulit 15, adhcik 1, tiprilt I ,
abhtfr I, ab/let I , cibi~rd?2, dnz?/ak I ,
aydu 4 , ccgvait 4, astar I, asyti~r.I, dsrdk
2 , tisvdr I , Lj~)(it
24. d r ~ i 3
k. Liv(~r6 , hhet 2.
I , spnr2. Du. cih/tatun~I , rl/~c%tant
tam I .
3. Du. a'nctshtrittl I, tr7rittim, I, abhdt47lL 2.
1. PI. dgdn~ua, ribhtlrrza i , iihema
a, dhvdma I, ddmtr (addt,in?) I.
2. P1. 4bhQtu 2.

(Suffixtcr77a) abhzltana a, cihetana I.

3. PI. aklyata 2, Qbhavan 12, tcnran

I , agriya~zI , agvita~z1, ahyan 3.
(Suffixus) ti.yus a, at?z~s1, ticlhus ,
(iycin?us1, asfhtcs 25. clktcs lo.

abhakta 3 , dmattu I'
ayashtu I , cirabdl~aI , arta
1, civykta2, ( ~ v y t 1,
a osaktc~
dspashta I ,
I , asthita 4,
cisrsh?~I, cigita I , drta 2,
ci'shta 1.
(Snffixi ) ahve I .




PI. adh8~nlchiI.



3. PI. atnata 6, ahyshaa I, ahvattta 3, c2rata 1,

d'gata 24.
(Suffix ran) ak~prulz1,
(igybhran I , ajushravc I,
adygran I. apadran I,
a h d h r a t ~ s, riy~jrccn 2,
avasran I, civig7.a~z.I, avytrarb I, dsyg~an9, a'sthii-as1
s, usprdhrasi 2.
(Suffixrum) cidygrm .2,
a'hudhrtrnt I, dsygrnrn 11.

1st form.

1. Sing.

gictti I.
3. Ring. sthdti I.
2. Du. darpathns I, grnvatl~ccs I ,
2. Du. clhethe I , rlhnisthd'thas 2.
the I.
Y. Du. grbocctns~.
1. PI. dh/i'7?7nhe3.
2d form.

I. Sing.

gAm I , sthdtn a.
2. Sing. yd's 10, tardas I, d$s
dhd1s 44, prk's I , yodhat I, grtivat
sthd's 2.


Verb-Ehrms of tlte R<y- Ved~z.


Sing. gdt 18, c2drt 14, dhdt

sthdt 5.
1. P1. gcin~aI , dhcima 2.
3. PI. d(irgan I.




3. 1'1.




:Id form.

Sing. khyawz I.
1. Sing. r~afiyiI.
2. Sing. khycis6,jes I, bhGs 12, yaus I.
2. Sing. nutthd's I, my(Without suffix) krun I, dhak I , thds I , my.~h?hdsI , rikthds I.
dhat I , bhdk i,bhet I, ydt I, var 3, vurX
3, star 2 , spar I.
3. Sing. khyat 3, b h d t 49, yret I.
tc. Sing. ccrtc~s, ashttr
(Without suffix) dhak 2, dhdk I , nak 3, vikta I , vyt,c I.
4, nat I, bhdk I , bhdr I, vcir 3, vark I ,
sk4n I , stan I.
1. P1. ehedpaa I , daghmu I , bhti~na 1. P1. dlrirnahi 23.
7, bhelnu 2, h6ma 2.
3. PI. khycin 4 , hhduan 3, vrcira 4.
3. P1. bhakrhatct I.
(Suffix us) kramzrs I, giis 9 , dabhzis 2,
dus 4, clhzis 5, $thus 5.

1. bing. agydrr~t12, deycim I , dhe1. Sing. apzyas.

ydgrr s, vrj'ydrn I-bicaydsam
2. Sing. avyds I, j9"Lyd.s I, bhtiyti's
I , mydhyds I , sahycis 2-dhdyis
ti. Sing. nvyds I , (cgyds 9 , dagh y&s
3. Sing. cxr.ita I, vurita
I , briiydt I, bhdydrs 6 , yanzyics s, vcjyds 2-,qrabhz"shta
pad3, grdyds I, sahycis I.
ishtti B, mucbhta I.
1. P1.
agydrma 20, bhdydrmcc 1,
1. P1. crgZmtihi 5 , nu$sahyd'rtta I , stheydmcr 3-kri!jdsrntc
I. intuhi 3, nusZr~rnahiI , pycimahi I , mudzmahi I , yami'naahi I , simahi I.


Sing. bodlii 9, yu~tdhi9, yddhi I ,

2. S i n
rlhishu,; s,
rntrtsvcl I$, rttdsuu 2, ycikrccndhi I, vrdhi s, grudhi 36, sprdhi 3.
shun 3, vcii)~v(n
6 , sr;kshv(t I.
(Suffixh i ) mdhi s, sdhi I.
3. Sing. ddtu I , cl/bdtu s, bhd'tlc 19,
grot^^ 2 , s6tr1 I.
2. Du. kh!/ato)r, 3, jitarr~2, ddtaltl I ,
(&&tarn I , dhdtart~2 , bhiitti~rc19, ycm2.

t6m 6, riktiin~I , varktam 2, vartam 2 ,

volhdnr 3, grutcim 2 1 , sitam I , sutarr~1,
sthdtana I , s p ~ t u mI .
3. Du. vo!hdrm I .
2. PI. khytita I , gdtti 4 , ddta s,
dh&'ta 5, hht2tci u, ycinta 5 , gruta a,
gr6ta 4, s6tu 3, sthdta 3, heta I .
(Suffix tuna) gdtana I , d/~&tanaI ,
bhdtana z .
3. P1. dldnttr 2.
11. Forxns which take a as a connecting vowel.
1. Sing. arum I , a'vidum 2, asanam
cisarccm I , bhuvam 5 , vidam 1.
2. Sing. aruhus 1, rividas I , (isccrcrs
2, &'pas 1, bhhvas 3, vidds s.
3. Sing. a t a w t 2, urrchat 16, tividat
9, d s u ~ ~ u
2, t dsarat 9, dput s, drat I ,
bhfivut 4 , vidat 12, scit~ut5, sdrat 4.

3. Sing.



1st form.

I. Sing.

bhuvdp&iI .
2. Sing. oidd'si 1.
2. Du. niddthas I .
2. PI. ~ i s h 6 t h a I , triddtha

2d. form.

2. Sing.

oidd's 9.
3. Sing. vid(fttJ .
1. nu. w~hd'vu1.
1. 1'1. mdrrtu 2, rtcclhdrna
cima 11.


~ i s h - 1. P1. gishdntaiti

3d form.

1. Sing. arum I , clcirgur)~

2, radhavtt
riaham I , ruhCin~I , nidarn 3, sananz 1.


11. ~ t ' ~ , ~ u ~ ( " ~ r v E - e o n r ~ u d e d

2. Sing. k r a d a ~2, bi~hwas24, oidas

cishas I .
3. Sing. tanat I , bhujdt 1 , 6hliwat -19,
6hragat I , risl~ot5, A h a t 3, widdt 2 1 ,
g~.~kvrntI , sci,ghat I , s6rzat I , spdrat I .
3. PI. a)-(6%2, garon 1 , drpan 2,
3. PI. tirc/nta
6I~Cvcoci, rinha~)I , widan 1.
cintn I .

1. Sing.

drpeya~n.z, sn,;e!/crlr/




Sing. uidet I , sanet I.

1. P1. agema 3, pushenza


I , bhujerntr
ruhema 6 , gakS?n.ri 4 , sanSma i, (sd~cema 2,) srasenscr I .


I. Forms a h i e l ~add s to the root.

1. Sing. qjuishts~r~
I , c~bhdrsharnI ,
1. Sing.
rcdikshi I ,
dydrisum 2, ct,ycisa?u~ I , atirkshorn I , anashi I ,
cibhuksshi 2:
(ispdrshtrrn I , ahdrshrrm 3.
cfbhutsi I , criritsi 2, asdkshz
crsrkshi 2, nstoshi 4,
~ n c ~ iI s, s(2kshi
3. Sing. njclis 2 (withoat suflix).
3. Sing.
nyurista 5,
tirahstci I , ctstoshta I .

1. P1.




3. PI. dci~dntsus I, cihk~aishus

nurzatsus I , u y h u s 2.
( S u f f i x a n ) aveshun 2.



I. P1.
ccyasuttihi 2,
i $2,
(iviksi~mahi I .
2. PI. tistodhwanb I.
3. P1.
Lid~kshata 5 ,
4dl~ukseshatu2, cidhdrshata
I , ndl~17shata
1 , dndshata



aneshata I , crn~aisatc~
un~atstita 2 , uyarisata i ,
ayukshatcc 3, drdsata I ,
trlipsatu 3, civikshnta :+,
uv.rtsutcc 2 , asakshatrx I ,
hsrkshuta 21, tistoshatu I ,
ahdsata 3 , {chiishata 4 ,
trhexhata 4.


1st form.

1. Sing.


stosh<i?liI .

2. Sing.
d~kshase I ,
pp?shcnse I , rr~trrisaseI .
:j. Sing. ~zeshatiI , prrshati I ,pcisuti
Sing. krahsate I ,
trci'sate 2 , darshute I , mdri21ratsati I , yoshnti 2 , ~)trksh<rti
sate 6 , ywtisate I , yccksl~ate
I , rdsate a, ~,ari,sate
I , scikshate I ,hcisate 2.

3. P1. n(iri,saalzte I ,
sante I .
2d form

1. Sing. ohishe I (hislre?), krshe I , hishe I .

(" Ilouble stems ") u ~ - c ase I , yfijase 5, gr!ttsh$ 1 1 ,
yciyishe I , punish6 I ,
trse I .
2. Sing. jhhas

utikshas I .
3. Sing. ksheshat I ,c hantsat 2 , jeshut
I , tJdrshat 3 , ddsut ( d d ) I , c7rdsat I , ncikshat 4, ?/&hat4,phkshat 2,parshat (Ipar)
1, ( 2 par) l o , preshat I , bhakshat 3, bharshat I , naatsrct 3, yariscrt 17, yhkshat 1 2 ,
ydsat 6 , yiishat 6 , r6sat 3, vdrisat 2 , v67rshat 0 , vgshut I ,pishat I , sakshat a. sdtsnt
I , stoshat 2.
I,\ cLf the



~ ~ ~ . J ~ N C T I V B - C O ~ L C ~ U ~ ~ ~ .




Sing. yeshanc, I , stoskar)l I .


Rli/ - T4da.


3d form.

1. Sing.

I , yakshi 4,

ydsi 2 , yarisi
v&risi I , vyk-

sht 1.

Sing. cyosh~h&I.
1 . PI. hllsmahi I.
3. P1.
dhhkshata I ,
vztkshatu I ,
nzarisata ?
rnatsata I , rriuhhata I ,
sakshata I .

1. PI. jeshma


3. PI.









1. Sing.
cZish.i?/a I ,
bhakshEy6 3 , mastya I ,
mukshEga I , rllsiya z.
2. Sing. rnarislshthci's I .
3. Sing. c2icrshishta I ,
marisbhtcc I, mykshishta I .
2. Dn. tr&'sithdni 4.
1. PI. bhakshCrrtahi 4,
3 , varislmdhi I ,



2. Du.
2. P1.

yaushtanz 2.
~ t ~ i s h It. a


2. 1111.

rckat&m 1.


I1 Porms w h ~ c add
l ~ tslr, to the root


u k d ~ ~ i s h aI ,mukdrishan~I ,
akramishan~ I , ciparisisha~~z2 , us&isham
(tor all-rami[sha]m?), rdvishccm I , 7)rFdhZm2.
2. Sing. cckrarnTs I ,
tiv~cdhis 9 ,
2. Sing. agcr!/ishthcis 1,
ccoarshb I , ci~~arhisahkshis
I , krantis apajr~ishthds I ,
tipr.trn)ishthds I , jd~~ishthds
I , oticlhfsz.
1. Sing.

3. Sing. tikcirit I , cikramz"t12,

dgrubhit I , 6tdrit 2, dj~tanditI , ctycissQt3, 6yodi1it I , arcivlt 2 , dvadhSt 6 , tipariszt I , a s h it 3, cisvanzt I, Bvit 2, .jQ'rvZt I, tdrit I ,
vcidhSt 3.

3. Sing. tckrapishtcc I ,

crjatrishta 13, adhdais?ttu I,

ctt,auishta I , a ~ a t h i s h t aI ,

avasishtu I . cigamishta 1,

cisahishta I , uI1ZI~ishta I ,

kr4rtaishl;a '2, jcinishta 9 ,

pvcithishta 2, mcir~dishtaI ,

3. P1. trtakshishus 2, titB~*ishusI ,

ndhanvish?is 2 , ancxrti.rh?ts2, tinindishus

I , apc;ocivishus I , tima?tdis/ms B, amad-

ish,us I, ardjishus I, nrcicish?rs I , tirci?:-

ishus 2, avddishus I, asdvishua I , d'v-

ishus 2.

1st form.

1. Sing.

davishd!~iI .

2d form.

2. Sing.

avlshus I , kdlnis/tas I , t8rishas I , rakshishas I, vcid7l ishas I,

vi?shiisJ~as1 , pafisishcrs 1.
3. Sing-. kd'rishtrt I , jant6hishat I ,
jbshishat I, tdrishat 5 , pci'rishat 2,
b6dhishat I , ntdrdhishat 3, ycicishut I ,
yodhishat 1, raksi~ishat2 , san,ishat I ,
sdvishclt 5.
3. P1.



3d form.

1. Sing.

avZs 2, tdrZs s, barhEs I ,
2. Sing.
2, w~oshZsz, ydl,u'is 2, thcis I.
ruradhts 3, vcidhE.s 8, s&vZs 3,

2. Sing.

n~arshishm d t h b I,
yodhis I ,
sphargs I.
3. Sing. apzt I, g& I, cdrzt I,
3. Sing. pnnishfa I,
t d d t I , dddt I , barhit 2, rndti~zt2, vegkt pavishta z, 6ddhish;a I.
I , svcin,it I , hirisit 2.

3. Sing. jal~ishisht(~
I. PI. tCirisI~i~i~cthi
vwndishimcihi I , sdhishtmcihi I .
I). I X P E R A ~ ~ I V E


Sing. aviddhi 7.
Sirlg. crvisht~c3.

2 . Du. ctvisht6m 8, kramishftrm I ,

2, cayishtam 1, tb'rishtant
2 , mardhLishtn?7t 1, yodhishfam I, aad/tis/~?annI, ~ n a t h i s / ~ t aI .m
3. Dlx. avishtcim 2.
2. P1. tivitti (for avishtti?) I, c3aI.
dhishtn: I , /~ilisis/~;a
(Suftix tana) csvishtdna I , r ~ ? z i s h t a ~ t u
I, vadhishtavza I , ~nathishfcrr~n
111. Forrns wlliclr add sisfr to tlre root.
A . INDIC~ T I V E .

I . Sing.,
2. P1. aydsishta I .
3. P1. aycisishus I , rc!jt%sish?ns I,

ci'kshishus I .

2d form.

3. Sing.
y h i s h a t 1.



ccir~ishthat? 1 ,

2 . Sing.


IT. Fornls whlcit add sa to t l ~ croot.
3. Sing. rikruksh(zt I, ngltzckshat
cidukshnt I , cidi~tckshata, cirukshat I .
1. Pl. amrkshdmn I .
3. P1. cEdhuks7bali 3, dh~JCShdt12.


:<.Pl. ctn~rkshartfa~ 2 .

3d form.

2 . Sing.





3. Sing.


rlh4kshata 2.
dJ~7tkshdtiti1I .

2. Sing.


Du. ~nrkshatuna9 .
3. Du. yakshatdm a.


1. Sing. jeshyd'mi I , vaksliyd'nli I,

stavishyd'mi I.
2. Sing. karisJ:ycisi I , sunisliyasi I .
3. Sing. knrishyati I , bhtruishyciti
I , salzishyclti 1.
1. P1. vwkshyci,'~,casI.
2 . P1. kari,uhytithu I, bhavish!/ntha I .


Sing. manish,t/e

1. Sing.
3. Sing.


stauisl~yase I .
cjanishyate s.

2d form.

2. Sing.




Sing. ~rbha?-ish?/at
I. Causative.

1. Sing. iraydw~i I! codnydwti 1,

1. Sing.
I , janay&nz? I , s~2ilcrydrrtiI . .jc~jca?yez - - - - ~ t r ~ r ~Aye I .


2. Sing. q/koayccsi
yavaymi I , vdstiyccsi I.



2. Sing. chu~~daytrse
prathayase I, mahayase I ,
nxddciyase 2, sthdpayase I.
3. Sing. kdmdyate I ,
cdtayate I , cetayute 1, pciycrynte I , vartdyate .VIv(rsdyiitr I , ynnzdyi/te I.

3. Sing. d),rciyati I ,
it;gdyati I ,
21-ayati I , cetayc~ti I . cycivciynti 2,
chadayuti 1. drcivayati I , dhciru'yati I ,
pdtayati I , )rsarciiyati 3, ydtayati I ,
rejayati I , va)fayati I , grdvciynti Igrbhdyati 1,prtcshdyati 2, ntathdyciti I ,
n~llshdynti4, skahhdy~itiI.
2. Dn. chadiryathas I , d/scirayc[thas
2. 1)n. irayethe I , tarisI , pdrayathas I , varshaynthas I, vds- ayethe I ,
dhdrdyethe I ,
dyathas I-naydyathas

I. PI. (tr~asi)yanzayd~i~nsi
I , czdtI. 11
aycimasi I, cydvaydmmi I , ~scigaycimasi
I, pdraykmasi I , ?rturjaydnzasi I , mahaydmasi I, yoptc!/dnzusi I, ~a??aydmasi
I, vartaydmasi 8 , ~rardhayci~)tasi
z, vdtaydmasi I , vdscnycimasi 4, vedaydv~asi
3, s~dpayd))zusi

(mas) cydva!/dmc/s I , vardhiiycir~~ns

2. PI. iravathu I . k o ~ d ~ a t h Ia,


varshayatha I.
:j. P1.
irigayunti I , Itikhriyanti I ,
3. I .
kdmuyante z,
Srciyanti 2, kargdyav~tiI , ku@uya7tti I , citdyante 2 , cycivayante I ,
yldpayanti I , citayanti I , cycivayanti 3, ,joshayar~teI , turayunte I ,
chaddyanti I, ,ja~~ciyanti
I, ddshdyar~ti dhan ayarr te I , dhdpayante
1, patciyunti s, paudyanti 4, pdraya~cti I , dhdrdyitnte 3, pdtdyante
I, marjayanti I, mddayrrnti ~,!/cintaya?ttiI , nlnrjayante I, mddciyante
I , rdmayalati I , rejciyanti I , w s h 6 y a ~ ~ 6t ,i rurihayante I, vdrdyante
rohdyanti I , vartd!/anti 3, var- 3, gubhdyante I , pathdhdyanti 11, v i p d y m ~ t iI , vepxyanti 3, ayar~te I , sctrdyar~te I ,
standytrnti 3, sthdpayanti I, sndpdyanti sddayi/nte I , sGddyaa~teI ,
I , svudbyanti I , har.shriy(rnti I , hAs- ----prushciydnte
a!/anti I.

1st form.

1 . Sing.
2. Sing.

randhaycini I.
coddycisi I , rnr(tiy&si5.

2. Sing. kctnrtiydse
coddydse z, joshciydse
3, ydtaydse I.


3. Sing kaktiyati
nzy!d.ydti 2, s11dnydti 2.

2. P1.






3. Sing. ahkhiiycita 1,
coduydte I , chal~daydteI ,
dhdttaydte I , 7n cidci?/&teI ,
vartciycite I .

2 . Pl. kfimdycidlave I ,
m iidaycidhve ~---rnfl<Zay(Tdhuai 2.
2d form.

2. Sing.

yod/hdy&s 1.
3. Sing, codciydt I ,pCZr(iydt I , marcciydt 1, sddaydt I .
I . Du. .irdy&va I .
1. Pl. Traydma I ,cai~d~*aydnzcc
1. Sing. irayam 2 , w~cd'rihciyam,I ,
2. Sing. kopayas I , ghoshd!/as I ,
coddyas s, dipayns I , harhciyas 2, vdsnyas I , pzathayas I.
3. Sing. ikshdyat I , irayat I , ksheprcyat I , citagat 2 , cetayat I , codayut a,
ehadaynt 2 , dhdrdyat 2, pntayat 3, panuyat I , poshayat I , rejayat 3, nartnyat
I , gnrdhdyat I -cihh.uanayXt I n~clthdy(itI .
3. Pl.
j)art(xyan I .

2. Sing. cl/~drdyatli,cis

3. Sing. janayato


marjayctnta 5 , mahayanta
I , ran ciycr~ata
6 , ~t~b/aCFyant/~
I , g~lotiaaya9tta I , gmtlicryccnttc 2 , svadayaratn I ,
htcrayatitrc I , hars/crxyanfrr
I---prwshdynrzta I .

Sing. d/~dr<cyes
3. Sing. sp~hayetI .

2. Sing. ctrdmycr 2, arpayci I, i1;ynycc

3. Sirrg.
iraycxsaa 2,
isikhaya .j, iraya 12, kakaycr I ,krattcf- Lalpayasva 2, cdtciyctsvtc
jnnayctsvu I, p m t l ~ ~
cryo I , kshaytiya I , gtcnruytr I , gd~~tciya
I , ctckshaya 2, codciya 19, cytlaaycr z, tryusaa I, ?il(Iddytr,cva l a ,
,jantiya ~,.jambhdyas, tarptiycr I, topcnytr yduayusau I , 7-ctnolhayasvu
I, ch~tbhaya
.z, drduciya I , c7l~ars/~ayu..'I , vardhayusucn I , sparpdi~dpu!/nI , d/tdrtiya 1.3, r~dpcrycrI. par- aycrsva I , spdptiymvcr I.
aym? pdydya 4, piit./iytc 5, ba~~hayrr
I , o/urd/~!/a
? "i)i(l/tbodhoyu 8, ?~~(xli/tay(x
aya 4 , t ~ i ~ { c i14,
y (y&ta?yc/~
I , ydmtry(r I ,
ydt~dyu8, yodhiiyc~I , runuycc I , randhaya 7, r a m i y a I , 1'61ttaycxI , roccryu 2,
roi~cr!/a I , varthya 11,, vcu-dh(iya I?,
udtnyu I, vdpccycr I , 7:tcs(cya 4 , wepay((
I . vyczthaya I ,
ptclisaytr i, poccxya I ,
prdvayci 3, puiisa!/a I , sddd!/a 6 , sGd/tcr,yu
4 , s~ldaya
2, standycc I , satcd~~yusu6pI,
ciyu I , hurslta,yu 3-grbhdyd
IS, nt?ts/r&yd I , uysi~dyaI , prtrthdytc 2.
3. Sing. kulpayatu I , cydvayutu I.
2. Du. arpayata~~i
irayatapn I ,
2. 1)u. cetayethdnz I ,
coddyatcittt I, jannyatatn I , ,ja?,~bh-tarpayethcirlc z, dhdrdyedycxta~i~
I , d/~dray~rttrna
2, pdrtcyatcim I , thdrr~1, mdddyetl~dwzs.
vartdyata?ia I , vardhdyottrrr~2, varsha?/atamI, pravaycttam I, sddhd!/trta71t1.
3. Du. dhdrccyatdm I.
2. P1. itciyata I , -coddyattr z, jan2. P1. i~.uyudhvatn I,
aytrta 2, bodha?/ata I, b/t@aycrtcr I , ?r~r{cett;yadhl:a~-r~
I , dhdvtryccdyatn I, vco-t6yota I, sddtiycsta Icfiva~ttI , n2urjeiytcd/tu t r ~ m ,
g~hhtlydtrc2 , sktrbh(iyata I.
~t/ddciyadic,utrrn a,

I . Sing. aja?w!/drn-2. abhakshayut~t

tc?.arldhayarnI, aprdvuyaw~I , aii.cxyatr/
dhiLnrnyan~5 , ~ct~tdJ~a!/cint
2, vakshaymn I.
2. S i l l g . dkru?ad(iyus I , ticoda!/us I,
2. Sing. qjanayathdSl.
cGana?ycr$a, utarpayus I , dt7hcirayus 7,
andpayas I, uprathayas s, cihotMu?/ns2,
ci?/odhhlryas a, cirundhu?/us a, tirarr~ccyus





.I Auery,

I , tivoca!/cts 2, arohtryus 2 , t~~caycxs


arclcr?/cxs2 , dvtrrttcytrs 4, eivc~rdhaytrs2,

clvcipzycis I , tivdsu?yas 2, aveptcym I,

asdduyas ..' asvdpo?ym .? drdaym I,

dvtrytrs I , rrircryccs 2. coddyers I , ,jautiyas

I , da~irbhtiytrs2, darcxym I, dfbCcrn!/tis 3,

c7/Lutestryas I, vcxttdfbdyas I , roho?yas 3,

3. Sing. a k a k a y a t I , tikshodtrytlt I ,
acakshu!/ut I , acetclyat 2, ncodayat I ,

csc!/tirjayat I, 4jar~ayat6 , atarpaytrt I ,

tidhdraynt 8, udhva?btr?/at I , tinamaytrt

I , tipdduy(rt I , agtSroyat 2, tiph&ntc?yatI ,

cirtrrzMayat 2, arocayat 6, (irodayat 2,

civart(sytrt 6 , tiotrrdhayat 2 , (icc?sa!/at

(3 v(ts) I , ( 2 uas) 2, tc.~ddcryt[t2, dsz7LC-

ayat I , asvadcyat I , cisvdpcc?/at 2, d'91~-

cryat I , &'rdaytct I , dvcryat I , trir,xytrt 9,

juntiycxt 4 , dcrn~bhhyat I, durayut I ,

cZyotc~!/rct I , dfbdrdycct 3, patdyut I ,
pruthu?/at I , rartMuyat I , rdmttycnt I ,
rocayat 3, rohayat I, udsayat I , st?&
ciyat I , snehaytrt I---cis7cabhdyat
trstabhdycrt 3, prushdyut 1, n~,osZ~Rydt

skrrhhciyat 2, stabhdyat 4.




3. PI. a7ca@a!/crtc 2, tekrandayarc I ,

3. PI. t!jana?yantta 6 ,
acltadccyatt I , tjjai7aylxn 6, dc7fbciraytrn2, ddhcirclyar~ttr 2,
ti!/dttiprrrthlxyan I , cimelcayan I , (;r(r:?ti?/e~it,
aytettta I, ararihce~antn I ,
I , tirattdfbayai~I , tivardfbccyctrc I , tivds- trs&cZayanta 2, asdrayanta
a?yclt, l,jrcna!/an I , cThc2rccyan 8.
I , t i s d d a y a ~ ~ tI ,n ~rsthdprryccntcc 2, airaya~btcrI , jantiyanta 11, dhdrd?/trntcx 6 ,
nadtiyantcr I , pattiyanto I ,

1. Sing. c~clkrshurrc I, avocalrb 3,

(zivtxtit I , ctxlcaram I.
2. Sing. a c i k ~ a d a s. I , djtjaprns s,
titis11;kipas I, tdtos I , didyutcrs I,
nntrcimas 2, sishvcrpa.~I.


(Without snffix) ($gar I, ditllLcnr I,

sishvap 2.
3. Sing. tcciJcifat I, ucikracli~t 17,
cicukrudhat I, tij$janut s, citi.sJithipcrt I ,
cididqutat I , udZcEhtrr,rt I, tiduclrot I,
ad7idushat I, a n f ~ ~ a p I,
r t ( ~ T L ' L ~ L1, O ~
apaptat 1, apipatot I, tjpupot I,cfbi?hu(i?~5,
at I, driramnt 2, cirdrtwat 3, au%Ivi~~at
avivipat 2 , avivrtcrt I,civi'urtlJi/rt5 , civocat
s, &iCvitat I, asishyud(ct 8 , dnuoi~nt2 ,
airat 5 , jtjunat 5, totot 2 , cEiclJc( I,
hCbJinyat I, vavrttct I, v6cat 3, ~igntithat
(Without snffix) cijfgtr~.14.

2. I'l. civivydlt adhvaru~I.
PI. ttcik-rtcdari I, c4jZjarcan 9,
3. PI. cid(cdrhccrita I ,
apaptan 4 , apiparait I , nv%Ivatrrtr I, ciil~iru~adcrntccI, ctvivaga v i v n ~ a nI, avivipcrr~ I , civivydhan 5, artttc I, civi~>ydhal,taI,
hvocan 6, ciptLprbhon I,j{janu~c3.
tivocar~taI, hsish!/ctdant,r
(Suffix cts) cicucyavus 9.
I,jija?i ai~tccI.
2. Pl.


1st form

dradhd I, uocd 2.
3. Sing. c%Ik(pdti I, A p j . y ) r ~ a fI,
vdcati 6, voc&ti I,sishadlit~t~
1. Sing.

ttctcipccts I.




Dn. vocd~)ctJcai

2d form.

1. P1. cukrudhcima 2, rira?rlbi)~aI,

vocdma 6 , sishadtc&ma I.
3d form.

1. Sing. cukrudJ~arri,I, jijoitarn I,

I. Sing. ooce 8.
&dharar/i, I, vocam 19.
2. Sing. cikitccs I , cikwclas I, cik2. Sing. hlbhish,rthils I.
shipm I , jihvaros I,,jT?i ipas I,tlidipas I,
~Zidyutcls I, di'dharas I, vtinam,rs 1,
nz'napas I , puptas I,pisp~gas1, piporus
2, ~rz$myshasI, riradhas 4, rlrishas 7 ,
viv$jus I, vocas lo, gigiaathm 4, gip~.&t/ias
4, ~ i s h a d h t ~
I. s
3. Sing. ircct I,c?ucytrvtrtI , tish?h?'r,at
I, dklharat I, dudrtivut 2, dddushat I,

J. /.A cer y,

ndnot 1,piprciyat 2,pil)rtrat4, 1t1iirta?/otI ,

yti?/ot I , rircctlhrrt I , ririshat I , c'trvnrtat
6, vocut 9, gigratf~at2 , sisI~vadatI ,SUsl-ot 1.
3. P1. puptan 2 , rlrccnzatc 4 , uocrzn z.

1. Sing.


2. Sing. pupuryiis
vrivytyds 5 , ?)ocks3.
3. Sing. t~ccvytyLita.


ctikrnlncunttr z,.j$unu)t ttr
v6canta 4 , sishapnntcc I .

1. Sing.
vaurtiya 3 ,
ooceya s.
2. Sing. s0sahts"shthiis1.






:r. Sing. uavytitu Iririshishtn I , ririshSshta


I . 1'1. ctcc;yuvinc.ahi
vtivytiri~ahiI , vocemahi


2. Da.

I . vavyty(?rrtcc
(vdcentu I ) .


uoch~t~cc5 ,


2. Sing.

tjocutdt 1.
3. Sing. vocatu I .


2. P1. jigrt6 I , puptattc I , ri?-ishattc

firadhafa I , aocwta 15-vav~tanu I .




3. Sing.



dh6ru?/ishyQti I.
11. Desiderative.


1 . Sing.

didhishilrni I .
inakshasi 1 , i y a b h u s i
.figh&ksasi 1, ditsrtsi 5 , n inbhasi
uivdsasi 5 , sishdsusi 3.

2. Sing.

1. Sing.


vivdse 9.
Sing. jigzshase



3. Sing. jigh(i7isati 6, t.zirturshati I ,

3. Sing. cikishate 2 ,
pi~)&swtiI , pipishwti 1, pip?-tshuti I , titikshute I , dhitsate I ,
mitt~i7cshtrtiI , ririkshati I , viudsati 1 2 , uivdsute 2.
sishicswti s.
2. Du. dhitsathas !, u ivdsutltns I .
3. Dn. .ju,gukshatas 1, ?j.Liydshatas s,
vivdsatm I .
1. P1. cikitsd~~tcts
1. PI. tlitlhishtirnclhe I.
3. PI. iywkshartti I , clidhishap~tiI ,
3. 1
titikshante I ,
&$psanti 3 , vivdsar~ti3 .
&dr7cshante I ,
clidhishante 2.
2d form.

3. Sing. tilrpsdt 1,
ninitsdt I ,

uivdscit 2.

3. P1. iyakshdn I , titrtsci)~I , vivcis(in 2.

3d form.

3. Sing.





3. P1.
upsanta 1, didhishctnta I, si'kshanta I .

1. Sing.

ditse~yurn1 , oivdseywm 1.
Sing. viuhet 2.
1. PI. didkisherr~aI , vivdsema 2.

1. Sing.



Sing. cikitsa 2, mimiksha 1,

v i v h a 3.

2. Du. mimikshatam 4 ,

atum I .

3. Dn. mimikshatdm 2.
2. P1. vivdsata 2.
3. P1. didhishantzh I .

2. Sing.

tisishdsas 1.
Sing. ajighd7isat I, asishcisat




III. Intensive.
1. Sing. carkarrni I, cdkagin~i z,
jdhavfmi 12, darchrZmi I.
2. Sing.
cclarshi I, irajydsi s,
ddrdarshi I , ddrdharshi I.
3. Sing.
dlarti I , irajyhti a,
k6rtikrunti 2, g(~nCgantiI , ccikapiti I,
jahghavzti I , jctrbhuriti I, jo'!t(svWi 6 ,
tartariti I , dardctrlti I , clodhaviti I,
ncintnamfti I , no'naviti I . paputtti 1,
bobhaviti I , ya?iiynrnMi I, rcirapiti I,
r6raufti 4 , vcxrivarti I , vdrvarti I,
vcivadtti I , veveti s, soshavfti I.

2. Du.

1. Sing. jog?rve
di'dhye 2.
2. Sing.

coshkaydse 1.

3. Sing.
f'yate 35,

coshkaydte I , ti?tikte I ,

dhdishte I, ncimntrte I ,
z, rerihycite

vevijydte I, veviyccte I ,

sarsrte I.

(Suffix e) jdrigahe I ,

joguve I , badhadhi? 3,

hdbadhe 2 ,
yoyuve I ,
sarsri? 2.
2. Du. sarmdte I.

irajyathas I, tartartthas I.
3. Du. jarhhrtcis I, ddvidhvatas 4.
1. PI. nonurnas 13.
I. PI. Cnzahe 92.
3. P1. ddvidyutcrti I, ndnadati 2 ,
3. PI. Z'yante I , tartarhhrtribhrati I , vdrvrtati I.
yante I, dhdigute I , ~rcurmrj?/date 6.
1st form.

1. Sing. jarighdndni I-dCdhayd



Sing. dzdciyasi I.
2d form.

2. Sing. cdk6nas I ,
jalgztlas 4 ,

&dayas I , dfdhayas I , rcir&as I.

3. Sing. canishkadcct I , cdr7cyshut 3,

cdkdnat 3, jdhghanat 3, darclirat I,
davidyutat I, diddyat 7, di'ilaycct 3,
parphnrat I , bdrbrhat I , mctrmcjat I ,
2, sanishvapat I.
1. Du. jariyhandva s.

Du. tantnsaite



1. PI.

carkird~na 2, c d k ( i ~ t d l ~I , ~ ( ~

ueviddma 1.

3. Pl. dzdhayan


3d form.

decligarii I.
2. Sing. pipes I .
(Without suffix)cd7ccin 6 . d h d a r 4 ,

dart 2.

3. Sing. didet I ,ncivi~iot

2,ptpciyat 5 ,
(Without suffix)7ccinishl;an I , cdlcdn
3, dardar I , dart I , dhvidyot z, rdrcin I .
1 . P1. dzdliima I , marrnr~ntci.I .
3. PI. conrkiran I , piptiycric 2, g6pzcc3. PI. .irajycinta

a n I.
iradhunta I , cak(i?ic~ntcc

cdkcivzanta 1, .jcijcirighan art ttr

2, jeirhyshanta
I , vzo)ztrvanto I ,
pipciyanta 3,
marmrjanta I , gogucant~~
1. Sing.


2. Sing.
cdlcandhi I , r d 7 ~ 7 ~ d h i
(randh) I , (ran) 3, vdvagtdhi I jdgyhi 5 , dardyhi 3, dd'&drhiI , didihi 1 2 ,
dzdihi 17, pipihi 2 , barbyhi I -earkrtdt I-dzdhnya
I , ptpaya I .
3. Sing. dardartu I , mar)~tartuI ,
rdrazetu I .
2. Du. jdgrtaw~ 2 , dldctyattrm I ,
pip?/ata,rl 4.
3. Dn. pipyatci'm I .
2. P1. irajyata 1, carilcramnta I ,
pipyata I , pzpayata I , rdmnta I.
3. PI. cdkcivztw I .
3. PI. pipydtcim


1. Sing.

acd7ccxgtsnt 2.

(Without suffix) qjdgar I , udardar I .

3. Sing. d&detz, kdidhet I , c2pZpioayat

3. Sing. cicledishta
1 , apZpet I ,
cirr~ilnet n, dgdhet Id?rarttnatu I .

c~ohavit5 , ciyoycivZt I , cirorctvit a.

2. Sing.



(Without suffix) rtdardnr 2, adardt~ar

I , aoarivas I , cdkdn I .
2. Du. adardrtcrm I .
3. Du. avdva$Ztdm I .
1. PI. npipema I .
3. PI.
apzpyan I , c a r k i ~ a n 2 ,
3. PI. dpzpayanta
pdpatirrc I -ajohrxvzrs
I , adardirus I , pZptijyanta 3.
u&d/~cx,yus1, anonuvus 3, nr6rtxnus I ,
adhiyus I.

Sing. cdlcana g,.jd,qara I .

2 . Sing. tlidhtha 2 , prpetha I .
3. Sing. .jdi&'rn 7, dmidhdvvn
dfddya s, r16ndva 1,pipdya lo.
3. P1. didiylrs I .





Sing. pipye


3. g
. ctirkrshe
(" double strrri ").

IV. Denominative.

1. Sing. manasyi. I ,
mantraye! I .
2. Sing. ad/uuarfydsi 3, irasydsi I ,
3. Sing. tavishSytise I ,
ishanyasi I , ishudhyccsi I , dagasydsi I , duchundyuse I , durgrbhiprtanycisi I , bhurts?zyasi I , n~anasydsiyase I , nymanas,ynse I ,
I , ratharyasi

makhasytise I , orsh6ytise
3,,yase I .
3. Sing. ayhdydti I , irasydti I , 3. Sing. ajirdyate I ,
ishanyati I , ishudhyati I , ur71shyiiti 4 , ishtiyate I , trrvishydte 2 ,
dzlchundyate I , dhiydyate
.r,pawasydte 4 , n~akhasyate
I ,muhiytite 6 , owasyate 2 ,
I , valgdydti I ,vithurybti I , ?)rsha.?~yati
I , grathuryati I , s a p a r y a t i ~hzcvunyati
2. I)u. u r ~ s h ~ y d t h a
3, s dagasyathas
2. Da. arthayethe I .
duvasydthas 3, hhishajydthas 1,
bhuranyhthas 2.
3. Du. ratharyatm I , saparyiitas 5.

Verb-Forms of tile IZiy - V ~ d u .


3. PI. arthayanti I , ishun!/nnti I ,

:j. PI.
indrayante I ,
I , kratzlydnti 2 , gdt6ycinti I . tcirushnnte
rcyz24khgopdy(h7ti I , duvas?/(i)lfiI , namttsycii.,ti ayante I , ntantrciyante I ,
2, sripru-yri7cti2, sprhayctnti I .
mrxhZytinte I , myytiyante I ,
vyslc2ytivlte I .
1 st form.

Sing. n~cmasydI.
2. Sing. uZ(ciyr7s; I .

2. Sing.
ni!dydse 1.
3 . Sing.



u?ilrhQydte I .

3. DII. ~iarivasyci'tas1.

2d form

2. Sing.

urushyh's I.
3. Sing. apasyci't 1, mrushyti't
duvasyd't I , prta.nydlt 2 , vunushyd't
vareyh't I , vus$ydt I , gravasydt
saparyd't 2.
3. PI. suparyd'n I , s a r a ~ y d ' nI .



3d form.

irasyas I , d n a y f s I , rishunruuapyas 1.
3. Sing. duhzycit 3.
3. Sing. pundyata I .
:<. P1. tcsrcc??yun I ,
drcvasyc~n 2,
3. 1
rghdycinta I ,
duh@a,c I , fiamasyan I , saparyan I . rtayallta I , krpci!xnnta I ,
tarushanta I , dlbunrxyanta
I , bhurdjanta I , rucayanta
I , vanuahanta I , sushvltyanta 1.
2. Sing.



2. Sing.

daprxsyes I.
urushyet 3, dapasyet I ,
duvasytt I , sprhayet I .
1. P1. ishayema I , tarc~shetnrr, I ,
saparygnza I .
VOL. x.
3. Sing.


Sing. ishanya I , uruskyd e,

2 . Sing. orthayasva 2,
gdtuy6 I , gardhaya I , dapasyci 6, vi[dyasva 4.
duvasya 3, na~nasyd4 , var.ivusyti 2 ,
qravasya? saparya I.
3. Sing. urushyatu I.
2. Du. urushybtam n, yopiiydtarn I ,
ca?tasy6tam I, dapasydtcr~rz2.
3. 1)u. u n ( ~ h y d t &
3. ~ ) ~
2. P1. ishanyatrr 3. ?crush!/ata 3,
2. PI. tiluilClyddhvam I ,
dapasycrta I , duvasydta 5 , namasycita vZrayadhvat~~
3, rishar~yata2 , saparyata 'i.
3. PI. urtcshyantzc I , varivusyantrc 4.
3. P1. dhunayantiin~I.

1. Sing.

aspyhnyarn I .
arandhandyns I.
3. Sing. akypa?yat I, aprtnnyat
urushycit 2, darnanyat 1--abhishncnk
2. Sing.

3. Sing.









PI. ishanayanta


zcmcshydtdm 3.
3. P1. anamasyan I , asaparyan
turanyan 1 , vapushyan I.




V. Passive.


Sing. htye


ajydse (cG) I , (a?Tj) 5, idhybse 11, ucyase 2, niycrse 2 ,

pdyase I , rnrjycise 1, yyjy6se I , ric~yaseI, rudhyase 1, pnsycise I ,
sicydse 4, stilyase I , hQydse 6.
3. Sing. ajyate (aj) 3, (ufij) l o , idhydte 9 , ztcybte IS, udyate ( u d )
1 , (vad) I , upydte I, uhyate I , ycycite I, kriyate 2 , tapyate 3, tdyute
I , tujycite I , dabhyate 1, d ~ h y a t e
I, drpyate I , dharnyate I , dhZycrte 5,
dhriyate I , miydte I I , pncycite I, payate 2, prcylite 3, badhyate I ,
naucyate I , rnrjydte 8, yujydte 3, ricyate 2, ribhyate I , vacydte I ,
vidydte 2, vg)dte 2 , ~asycitelo, gCryate I , grayate I , sicydte 1 I , sldydte
3, srjydte 2, hanydte s, hilydte e.
3. Du. ucyete I.
1. PI. panyd'mahe I.
3. Pl. rcyante I, kriydnte 2,jAdyante I, bhriyante I, y u j y a ~ ~ tI,e
vncydnte 2, pasydnte I , hanyante I , hayante I .
2. Sing.

1st form.


Sing. rihyd'te 1, bhriydte




3d form.

3. Sing.

sci!/trta I.


Sing. vacytrst~a3.

3. Sing. prcyutdm


I , hiyc/(rtdm2.
P1. yz$~adiLuni)t I.
P1. badhyantdwz I , vcxcyantdw~I, ,urgc,yantdm I.


Sing. un'iyattc I , (;ttruc!yataI , aricyata 2.

PI. crcyanta I, qtw~cyutltnI , npycyanta I.

3. Sing. cikdri 15, nyhtri I, aceti s, dcliedi I, c&jaui6, ~ijiidyiI ,

tidargi 16, ddhdyi 14, 4pdyi 4, (.EFIodAi11, ribhrdji I , amociz, dmyarEsi~i
I , aydmi lo, tiyoji 8, cirddlii 2 , aroci 9 , avdci 6, dvdri I, nvedi 2 ,
dpoci I, dprdyi 3, asar$i 12, dsddi 5 , asdui 7, dstdri I ,dst&via, dlLdviz,
ceti 2,jdni I , jdni I , tdri I , darpi 2, ddyi ( 1 dd) 3, ( 4 dd) I , dhd'yi ID,
pd'di 2, vSdi I , sd'di 2.
3d form.

ghoshi I , ceti 6, chedi 1, jdrcrydryi (denom.) I, tdri 6, dhd'yi s,

bhdri I, yoji I, reci I, roci 1, valtcli I , vari~iI , vdci I, garisi 2, gchi t ,
prd'vi I, sarji 2, sddi 2, stoshi I.
VI. Infinitive and Gerund.

Accusative. (Suftiu am) idham I , &am I , tiranz I, ndnzctm
I, pr'cham 2, nziyam I, y d ~ n a m3 , rcib/~arn3, rhham 1, vigarn I ,
phbham lo, sddarn 16, spealr~I , vareytim 2.-(turn) dcFrtum2,prdsht u m I , Ijl~drtum1 , vo(h?~mI.
Dative. (Suffix e) dje I , iirJe 2, krdme I, grd6he I , cdkshc I I ,
tire I, t%je I , tvishh I, ddhhe I , dige 4, drgk! 25, dltr'she 8, ncirne 2, r~cipe
3, ~ ~ i k s h
I , enhde 2, py'ce I, pfche I , 6hujS 11, 6ht~vS
I, 6hvB I , r,ta/hS 4,
miye I , mihh I, mud6 I , rrtrcshh I , P L ~ A J IL, ~mr'she I, y6ks:JJLe I , yujh I,
yudh8 I , rd6he 4 , ruc8 2 , r%je I , vii'ce I , ?'rye I , vr'te 1. v.ydhk! 33, vide
I , ?lidhe I, vhhe 1, gdse 2, g?/bhh14, sdde 8, sdde 1, sskdde I , skcibhe 2,
stire 3, sprlgt. I , sycide I, stldjc I , h!/B ~-ki~cni 4, dai 1, rrrcxi I , ytri 4,

J. A uery,

sai ;.-(me) ciyase I , arhdse I , rcdse I , rr7jdse I ,kshdduse I , cdkshase

3 , cardse 2,jr~vdseI ,jlvdse 39, tujdse I , clohtise 4 , clhd'yase 1 1 , clhruvdse I , pushycine 3, bhdrase I , bhiydse I , bhojdse 2 , rdjdse 2, vrrijdse I ,
vrdhdse I , gobhdse 2, griydse 2 , sdh!/ase I , spdrase I , spdrdhtise I ,
htirase I.-(se) jish.4 2,prdkshe I , stushS .+.-(taw) dttuve 7 , 4sh;ave
I , Stave 9 , dtlrve ( 5 ud) I , kdrtclve 5 , gd~~tcnve
I , gd'tave I , dhdtuve
(1 clhd) I , dhd'tctue (3 dhd) 3, ptittave 1,pd'ttcue 1 6 , bhdrtave I , ntcirhtnve I , ycirttave 1 , yttshtave I , yd'tove 1 9 , ?/l/citaveI ,vdktave I , vcrntave
I , vdrtuae 3, ucistaue I , 1x5!hctve7, gnktctve I , scirtuue s, sa'tave I ,
sdtave I ,stdtave 2 , hdrctuve lo-civitaae
I , cdritave I , srdoituve 2 ,
hcivitaoe ].-(tau&) dr~uetavuiI , Stavcri 4 , dtavtri I , gcitcttrvai I ,
gtcntauai I , dd'tuvai I , p(2'ttrvui I ,bhartaucii I , tn4ntavui I , md'tavai
I , ydtlruai I , sdrtuvai 4 , hdrttrtvai 3 -yCiti~itav(ti
I , srdvitnvc~iI .
-(taye) isht4ye 5 , yitdye 34, vZtdye 17, sdttkye 12.-(tyai) ityai 2.
-(aye) ttcjtiye I , clrgdye 8, rnahdye I ,ytcdhciye 5 , sanaye 2.-(trg~e)
turvd!te 5 , d l t d ' r v a ~ ~I.-(vcxtre)
ddvcit~r18.-(fi~ane) tt.dfw~aI~e
dd'mtstle I , dhtir.?ntrrteI , bhdrlnane I , vidmdne 3.-(d/~ycri) iyddhyai
I , ircidhycsi I , ishdytrtlhyai 3 , ishcidh!/ai I , irCiyti(2JLytti I , ks:SI~tirudhycri I , gcimudl~yaiI , carcidhyai l,.jitrcidhyui I , ttrrisaycidhyai 2 ,
tcrrcidhyai I , duhdytrdkytri I , dhiyddhytci I , ndgaydilhytci I , pibadh!/ai 6, pyndd/~y,ci I , bhdrad/~yai2 , it~ccndtrycidk,yaiI , ntirnclddhyai I , mdda!/cidhhyrti 4 , y~@tdhyai 12, rishaytidl~yaiI , vcrttd
cidltycri 3 , uartayddhyai I , vdhadhycci I , vdjaytidhytci I , odvrdhddhyni (perf ) 4, vyjtidhyui I ,gccytidhyai 2, guccid/t!/ai I ,strccidltyai
I , scihaclhytci 2 , stavdclhyai 2 , syanduyciclh!/ai I , huvtidhyai s.
Genitive or Ablative. (Suffix as) tr'daa I , pr'chas I , pddas I ,

~ r i s h a sI , ~ v t i s a sI , skdclas I.-(tos) Stos 2 , kdrtos 2 , kshSptos 1 ,

ytitttos 2 , dd'tos 1 , dhdtos I , ydtos I , gciritos I , hti?rtos 1.

Locative. (Suffix i)dshi 2 , c d h h i I ,drgi I , dr'gi 2 , hudhi I-nz6

I , Ertcddhi. I.-(sani) gynishd!ti3, turishtir~i

2, ~teshtini
I ,y arshdr/i I ,

bhdshdni I , gQshd?~iI , sctkshci!zi I , str!cishttr/i I.-(tccri) dhnrtdvi 4.


(SufEx tvd) pitvd 7, hhittvd' I , bI~Qtvd'I , r,titvdr I , ?/ulct~,ti'r ,

vrtvi2' I , gruhd' I , hatvd' 3, hitvd' 2.-(tvdycx)
jugdl~vd'hyu I ,
dattud'yu I , clrsh;vd'ytr I , bhttktvd'yc~I , yttktvd'ytt I , hatudtya 2 ,
hitvd'ya I.-(tvS) krt19Z' 6 , gcctvi' 2 , glidhvi' I , janituz"' I ,jteshtvi' 3 ,
pZtuir 4, pdtvi' I , bh.iituir 9, cris1t?vit2 , vrtoi' I , vrktui' I , vTshbu~'I ,
skabhitul' I , I~utoi'4 , hitus' 4. Compounded-(y$)
,icy& I , tirp?/&
1, upyd 1 , ishyd I , kr't!/cr I , krtirnyu I , khydycr I ,yd'ryci: 2 , grlb/cyd
3 , g r ' l ~ y dI , grric.t/c~
4 , gl~tishyd I , ctikshy~25 , ctikshyu I , cd'yyd 2 ,
tdpytc I , tQfr.yd I , dd'yu 2 , di'cryt2 I , clr'gya I , ptidya I , j~rtithyd I ,
bhid?/d I , b h ~ l ' y uI , nli'lytr I ,t ~ ~ d c y2 , d1116shyd2 , mr'gyd l,,ydrl/d 3 ,
rtihlcyci I ,rhb/~!/<r
I , rtidhyd I , vy'fytr I ,7~y't?/dI , vldgyd 2 , sadyti and
sddya 17, scih!/u 1 , /L(?y u I,-(tyd) ityd and itycc 5 , gcityci s, dyttyd I ,
bhr'tyd I , htityd I .






1. Sing. T. huve 2 ( 2 ) ;
1. Sing. I. usmi 3
ern; [4] ; 11.
tish(l~dmi[6], daddrrti 4 [3], cladhditri 111. zlrne (I)
; IV. yuje
[z] ; 111. Icar.omi I, y u r ~ ~ ~ (j2)t i ;~ iI V . [I], rahl~eI,I~rtaveI, i s l ~ y e
jayanti 2 (I),
( z ) , padye Id], Inu?tye I,
rohR?ni [s], vuddrni I, scjdi7ri (I),
sir2c- I ~ v ~ l y@e)[I].
dirii [dl, pcrpydmi [I] ; V. i c i ~ d m i(I).
2. Sing. I. usi 6 (7) [?I, neshi ( 4 )
2. Sing. IV. jdyase (I).
(imper.), ydsi ( I ) , Aarisi (I)
; IV. trrjctsi
4, uaCkXsi I, sidusi [21.
3. Sing. I. dste 4 , fge s,
3. Sing. I. ntti I , asti 16,eti I 11(I)[I],
lrsheti a (a), dves/r?i I,q t c c ~ r f 4i , pciti 3 (I),caslzte 4 , d ~ h e2 , 6rdte I ,
blttiti 2 (L), !/&ti (2), uashti (s), gdsti 2, yyje (I), g6ste 20, gele 2 ,
stlrtrti s, htrrcti b ; 11. iyevrti (s), ,ja/tAti hrrte 1 1 [I]
; I1

tishthute 3,
jiyh!/ati [n], jiyhrati I, dutte 9, tlhiltte 7, ?niniz"tei ;

I, jigrdti (l),
tisl/:hati 30, dcrddti 2 , cLadh6ti 141, 111. a g ~ z u 43,
t ~
drnute (I),
piparti I, p i b d I, hibi~crrti3, bibhaiti kurutesr, tnirccte 3, cll~ttnute
(bihheti.') 69.6; 111. T C I J L ~ L O .<,
~ ~ (ipnoti I , grnve ,
!I( sunvr (I),
Ii, X.~nott(I),
k aroti 70, tattoti 5 , d h i m t i strnute 2, krt!~ite2, jdnite
I, rictlh~toti36 [I],O T I I O ~2,~ g ~ ! ~ o2t, i 1 , p r t i t e 4 , i))cl/~e
I, y~*&/cte

s a ~ ~ o2,t iagirtiti 2 , g r ! ~ d t 3i, g~hnCiti11, 3, r u ) ~ d h e10, u ~ l i k t e2 ; IV.

, j d ~ ~ d5t, ijindti s, prindti 13, g m d t i 1, adate I, arhute (I),/;trZpstr!c,?ti 2, unatti I, chimztti I, bl~ur~rrlcti
ate 14, kdhkshatr 1, krirm3, y u ? ~ a k t i 2, i.i?~al;.ti2 , v ~ f ~ a k . I,
t i trte I, gdhate I, ccryate 3,
pir~ashti I, hbtccsti 7; IV. arjati I , cyavrdte 15,jtrytcte 5 , tcrletrte
urhati 7, a.ytrti I, avati I, ishati (I),
2 , t7Tkshate s, ?,agate (I),
ahtcti 4, Icrdrtzati I, cctrati 9, cardti lso. t~ctyateI, piscvcrte (I),
y u u -

13, $ p a t i ti, jtryitti 34 (I),j i t ~ v a t i 2, ute 6,phuate I, hddhate 2,

jivati 2, t i p a t i 1s [lj, tctvati 7, [laherti 4, bltrafig(lte I, !/c<jtcte13,rocdrccvati I, ~rakshati (I), niocdati I, trte I,Zubhate 4, var~tlate(I),
r~aijirrti4 , ncryati 7, bhcrj/rti 2, bltarcrti 3, tlirrtate 5, vekshate 1,
biirrvati 2 ~ [.z],
w~rocctti2 , ytrjati 90, ydc- vyathate 2, gilcsh(rte I,
( ( t i2, rt~lrsh~itj
I ,rejctti 2 , rohati 16, vad- gob/urte I, 9i.tiyate I, skhal-

((ti 23, t~ctrshccti I.71traatia, ualtuti 2 5 , ate I,s.yettdtrte I,haleate I,

c;c(risatiess, sajitti 10,srirpc~tiI, skcvndttti Aeshate I, g~crateI , tirccte

r, harctti 21, dig~iti1 , ppzhati I, rrc~gccti I,?17idate6, r~zide(I),


I, m7ii7ctcti 5 , vir~tlati2, vigati 11, s ~ j u t iate I , rr~~ficcrte


2, siric+ati15, syrgcrti 3, ms!/rrti 10, isk!/trti 1, srjutc, 6, trsynte 2 , jdytste

b, qtiyfrti I, tci?ttytxti I,rlrij!/ati I,&el!/39 ( 2 ) , dayccte I, clfpyerte I,

ati I, d/tyd!/ati 2, ~ ~ a p y aI,

t ir~ahytrtiI ,
prt$ycctem, Ziytrte I,viigycrte
ptrg!/!/cxti4 [z],push!/trti I 111,wtuh!jmti I, 2, sz'ryute I,hva!/ate li ; V .

i.ish,~/atilo, luhh!/ccti I, siv,qtcti I, s!//r/i ichatr I.

2 , hrshyuti 2, I~vtc!/cxti6 ; V. ichati 6 ,

~chcrti2, gtlc.hati 30, yciclolti 7, arc iti I


2. Uu. 1V. juyethe ( I ) ,

.jarethe ( I ) .
:i. I ) I I .
1. itos 2. hutas I ; 1V. 6hai.3. 1111. 1. ipdte 3 ; IV.
atccs I , bkouutas 23, yttjutus I , parisatas I . griyete I .
1. PI. I. imas [ I ] , hr.iirtzns 2, 7rgmasi
. 1'1 I. sytirnahe I ;
( I ) , 7iic7w~nsiI , snltrsi 2 ; 11. dadmas I ; 11. tishfhcin~aheI , da&
111. jt2nZltzas I ; IV. naai/&w~asi( I ) , citr~trlteI ; 111. kwnnahe I ,
~ a r ~ s d t ~ i131.
?r~?timnhe(6) ; IV. havcimahe l o , h?c?rci~rtuhe( I ) ,
hvaydnzahe ( I ) .
3. 1'1.
I atktx~tfi3 , kshiycxnti 2 ,
3. 1'1. I. dsnte 8 , iyate
ksh?/artti 2 , gkitntcti I , dtchtcnti I , yattti 2 , i!clte I ( I ) , ghnate I [ I ] ,
89 ( 6 ) [ 1 ] , scr~ttil o (2), stuv(ir~ti
6 ; 11. j t ~ h v - ccrkshate 3 1 , plavate 157.6,
ati 5 121, tishfltcrnti I , cludati I , dadhcrti yuv~iteI ,gere(perctte) 1so.10,
9, pi6trnti 2 ( I ) , bihhrtiti ( I ) , 6ibhyuti 2 ; stuliatr 17 ; IT. tishfhur~te
111. ~pnzcvuttti1 2, flrrtzcs>nnti3, ~ d h i t ~ ~
2 , a t-ishfhate I ,
dctdate 6 ,
I . daclh,tte 2. 6ibkvcrte I : 111.
rddhr~uvarcti2 [ I ] , gynvauti I , szcrcuai~titrgr~~uate
I , t(;tvate ' 4 ( I ) ,
2. stmbhnu?rultti I .
cxcnattti I . krinanti 1. idnnte I . n~uthngteI .
jclnatlti 1 7 , yt/na?tti 1 ( I ) , pyt7ccrtcti I , ute 3 , bhuajcrte s, yerGjnte 2 ,
pitishartti I ; IV. ujnnti 3, tr~jc~nti
2 , rrcr~dhote3 ; TV. karshn/cte
arlcanti 1 , nvanti I , krtinlar~tiI , krog- I , ktrlpante 5 , khrikshrcnte
artti I , kshtrrunti 2, kharzar~tiI , ccxr- I , ktumante I , kshada,tte
irnti 1 9 , ,jayarttis, tcijitrnti I , tarnnti 2, 2 , car(int6 I , cyavuttte I ,
drnvanti 2 , clltnrnnti 2 , nccnd(tnti ( I ) , pkivirnte 1 (I), ntodante I ,
n a n ~ a n t iI , nirtdnnti 2, nayanti I CL), yqjatcte 4, ruhhante 1 1 ,
p a t m t i I , pinvccnti ( I I ) , 6hcljallti 2 , Za6i~cxnte4 , vaclcc~~te
4 , var6/rnmtlti 1 0 , hhatrntcti 9 1 , mixnthtxrtti 5 , atrte ( I ) , vccrtante a, nah7nnclw~ti( I ) , yc<prtcti I I ( I ) , rohnntt I , nnte I , syartdar~te I , n?sdvadtirtti I [ I ] , rapa anti 7 , v n ~ ( r n t i3, ixnte I , ntriyante 2, m ~ f i c vahtrnti 2 1 , ?le)~antiI , ~urisirnti18,pcot- ar~teI , vijccr~teI , asyattte I ,
axti I 3 1 , prayanti I , snrpui~tib, harattti jdycxnte 1 8 , padyctnte 1 4 ,
1 6 , ~ s I ~ a rI~, kiranti
I , X~nttr/ttiI , pyc- l i t anywnte 3, huriyante 4 ;
anti I , Irtntpaitti I , sii?cat,ti 3, gdyullti V . ichante I , gnchctnte o.
typyanti 2, d!/atcti I , pagynrcti I ,
? t ~ Q d y ~ ( n2 , t i?i17lk?yc~r~ti~
( ~ y a nI t, i
sriuyccnti I , Itvcryanti I ; V. ichtcnti
I (L), ~ c I ~ c ~3.nguchai~ti
8 , yacllnnti 7.


1 st forrn : with mode-sign u and primary endings.

I ciycini 2 , trsdni 2 , brav1. Sing. 111. 7crinai

&!ti ( I ) ; 111. Icctruud!ti 2 , cliintrd6ni I ; ur?rai 2 ; IV. ycljcri
I V . jaycini [ 2 ] , pn?is(ini I ; V . gachci~eipudyai I .
[ I ] , ytcchdr~iI .
1. Sing.



Vub-F o ~ l n sof' the Aitcweycr - Ih-&hrt?u!la.



11. ti.rh?h&i

2. Sing.

bhnvdsi (I), yojdsi I.

3. Sing. I. kar,rti

I [I]

; IV. jaydsi

; IV. rosk-

cifi [2].



I. caycisai 26.4.

2. Sing.

Sing. I\-. urjdtni

; V. !/ac.hdtai [ l s . l s ] .
1 . Du. 111. v ~ ! / h v a h ( i i
IV. vahGanhni (I),
huuy&vahai 1.
1 . Y1. 1. aydnznhmi I ;
IT. ckcdhZmahtri [I] ; 111.
knravcimtrh~riz ; 1V. knlp(i'r~~cthai
I , sirlc(??ical~ui
V. ichd~ttuhaiI .


PI. TI. ,j?shavdtha 2 ; 111. Icy!zaajdnlitha



2d form: with mode-sign a and secondary endings




2. Sing. I. I'cshayas ( I ) ; TI. fish?has (1).
3. Sing. I. cvsat 8 [z]; 111. CTFavat
(3) ; IV. nrhdt (I), krdnzdt [I], hardt [I].
I. Du. IV. jayGvcn 3, bhnvdun I,
~ o h s d v a61.6, 11, lfi.
1. P1. I. aydma 6, gdlr~n ( I ) ; TI.
tishthdma I ; 111. dpnavdma 2, tanav(2rna I , s7~navdrna I (s), jdr~icmn I ,
I , pmnc~&r?zcc
I ; IV. nrc&~la
( I ) , naycima I , bllardnza I , rishliltza (I),
rohdma I , ) ~ a h y d m aI , hcnyci?t~~i
I ; V.
yach8ma 2.
S. P1. V . gachdu I.

3d form- like the ~mperfectwithout an angn~ent.

11. Y ~ I ~ O ~ / L I&. A
3. Sing.
I. gun I ; IV. karat (a),
3. Sing. I. vshfa (l)[s];
&%sat( I ) , rdclhnt ( I ) , ratjat [I], rohlrt I , IV. j(iylrtu (I).
2. Sing.



PI. I. adau



; IV. arcax

1, ida an I, spard/ta?t




P1. IV. ncrkshai7ta


1. Sing.


I. sydnz 5, hanydm 2 ; 11.

; TIT. ~cthnu.ydtn I ; IT.

I. Sing. 11. tishtheya

; 1 I l . vrflj?yarn ( v ~ i ~ j i ! ~ a )

P K E ~ E N~ T

A ~ I V E - L O ~ ~ C ~ U ~ ~ ~

jayeyun? 2, vindeyarr~I, drtchyeytrl~,I, 204.16 ; IV. ayjeycn I, jGypadyeyam I ; V. gncheyunb I.

rlya 2.
2. Sing. I. syds 2 ; lV. c1itItre.s I,
2. Sing. 111. vyffjithds

cZr.rchyes I.
I ; IV. hhuvret/~ds(I).

3. Sing. I. txclydt I, iydt 42, h ~ ~ i y c t . I

. I. nszta I,
76, ydydt I
vidydt 4, stuydt 6, sydt Sgita I, cakshita I ; 11.
73, suapy&t I, /hanydt 4 ; 11. ,ja/~ydtI, tis/t$hrtu6, dfidhitcn I ; 111.
,jtch?cydt 39 [I], tishthet r, dudydt 12, apnzcvfta I, kurazta 15,
dadhydt 49, pibet I ; 111. k~6i.ydt 42, tanvita 2 , y~hnittr I, ayttrdd/~n?/y&t
2 , gtrk~cuydt 2, sltnuydt I, tta I ; IT. ZXshrta 2, ctrrrta
agnZydt 13, kriniydt I, gyhniytjt i , I, c?/trnota ~,~jayettc
I,dfkslrpri?xiydt I, bmdhniydt I, chindydt I, etu 2,plavetcr I, (idtlhettx I,
girish?/tit I ; IV. crnet 2, archet ~,,jrrpet2, ?/c<jrtn6, ytrtrttc I, aatleta I,
jayet I,dhciaet 3, ncxmet I,?tardot5,nayet e, rqapetic s. vortetu 2, vekskqhaaet I, rrhal~thet1, yajet I [2], ydcet 2, etic s, sahetcc I, syur~drtt~
rohet lo, cicdet 4, vapet 27, vaset 4, guriset driyettc 3, mriyeta 4, virrd75, sajet I, sarpet 4, sedhet I , haret zs, eta I, srjrtrx 3, jd?yeta 3,
p r e t 2, ru~tdhet2 , vi~rdet2 , vipet 4, sificet padyeta 16, inarryeta lo,
3, asyet 11, da?yet I, dmhyet 3, d~uh?yet
I, vdpyetcx 2,
I~vayeta s,
dhyd?yet 4 , rttcpyet 3,papyet 3, gdmyet 2, hvnyita 2 ; V. gncheta I.
hvayet I ; V. icltet I I,gachct 4, yuc/rrt 3.
I. Du. J. sydan 3.
3. Du. I. gydtdnr 2 , h a r ~ y c i t d ~
I ;, ~

IV. pudyetdnz I.
1. P1. I. sydma I (4) ; IV. tarema
1. P1. IV. jdyerrtahi (I).
(I), niadew~a(I).mahen12 (I),
(z), vidhema [I], huverrca (2).


2. P1.

I. gnmfdhvam

3 [31.5].

3. P1. I. brtzyus I, S?/71S 5 ; IT. dud3. H. 111. muthr~Zra~c

~ s111. krcryzcs lo, strnu- I, rry!r?rar~I, indhiran I ;
yus I, d u d f ~ y4;
yus I, agttlyus I, gyh!~iyusI, girishyzu 2 ; IV. cyacerctn I, diksheru?~
IV. cal.eyus 3, jayeytts I, dhdveyus I, I, placieran A, yujerur~ I,
nayeyus I,7.oheytts I, vaprycts I, vaseyus Eabhera7, s, vaperan 1,
1,~arise~/us~,hareyus6,syjey11~3,ishyesyjertvn 11, lupyeratl I,
yus 2, dushyeyus I ; V . ~ c h e y u sI.
I ; V. ichevagt I.

2. Sing. 1. i h i 5 (lg), edhi I [I], 2. Sing. I. c a b h v a I,

kydhi 2 [s], jahi I, pdhi 2 (4)[2],
pdhi (I),
6 rdshva I, yukshva ( I ) ,
brahi 11, ydhi (6)[3],
vihi b), vzhi
rdsva ( 2 ) ; 11. tishthnsva
a t ~ h 6i (I)
; 11. tishthd (s), dehi 2 [I],
2 , pibasva I ; 1
11. kynudhehi 2 (A), dhattdt (z6.2), piba I (I I),shva (I), vrnishva 2 ; IV.
rnamaddhi (I), mulnugdhi (I), ~ i p d d h pi avccsva I (I), yajasva 6,
2 ; In. upnuhi ( I ) ,
drnuhi (I), kynuhi vadasva I, vancEasva (I),


I4er.h-Forms of the A itureya-Brdl%mcl?~c~.




4 [
gr?auhi 2 , agdna (2),
grbhnkhi I, rundclhhi
tardcr I, dtcha 2, clrava
dhdva 4, naya (2), bhava ( a ) , bhava






v a r t ~ ~ s v1,u grayusva ( 2 ) ,
sZdusva (I), svaclccsva ( I ) ,
jushtrsaa (4), niidasva (I),
vrshasva (l),pydyasva (I),

,]I bhQshcl (I),raksha (I),

rctma I [2],
oada I, vara (I), vtcha 2 (I),
giksha (I),
sCda (.2), hara 2 [z], vida (I),
a sya I, ishya I, pagya 2, vidhya I, I~arya (I),
hvaya I ; IT.
gacha I [z], ycccha (4).
3. Sing. 1. attt6 [I],
astic 14 (8) [j],
3. sing. IV. kaZpatdw
etu I (IZ)[I],
pdtu I (I), ydtu ( 5 ) , hantu [I], vartatdnj [I], mriyaI ; 11. ,jighyatu [
s], pibatu (2), daddtu t & n 5,
~ jtiyatdm 7 , hvaya(I)
[z], dadhdtu (I)
; 111. dpnotu I, t&m [ A ] .
$?-!lot26(2) ; 1T'. invatu (I),
nclyntu ( I ) , bhavatu I, s?aa~~i?atu
rohatzc [I , vardhatu (I),
garisatu I ,
2. 1)u.
I. gatarrt (I),
pdtan, (I), 2. Ilu. 111. apadthd~n2.
!/citant (I); 11. pibatam (6) ; 111.
Il-urzltam I ; IV. bhavatanb (I),sidatanb
; V. gachatam I.
3. Du.
I. itcZn~(I) ; 1V. nucllycttdnt I ; V. yuchatdm I.
2. PI. I. ita I, gantal~a(z), gdtrr
2 . PI. I. studhvct)~?6
I,ydta I, stuta 5; 11. jigdta I, datta 3, [I ; 11. tishthudhvam I ;
dhatta I,dhcrttana (130.16), dhattdt [~o.Y], I . ka@adhvam I, dikst~adadhdtu~cu (2), bibhCta I, ~ i ~ f (tI u) ; dhorrlr~ I, panadttuam I,
111. k ~ ? u t d t [ao.ll,lrj,
gputtc (I),
r(rbhadhvam [ 2 ] , ranta~r?otartu1~3.12, hinota (I),
krl"?itct I, clhuar~~
gybht~z"taI, str!tSta I ; IV. urcctta (a), hatcyadhvarn 2; V. ichakabata [I],
k hanatdt [30.15], nayata dhvasn I.
[I], bharata 2,]1[)1(
bhavuta 4, vardhtrta
d duta (I), harata x, khidatcit [so. lo],
sv'utdt [3o.s,17,1s], sificata (I),
sprgata [ I ] ,
gdyata (3), chyatdt [au.lo], ncchyatanu
(I), puGyuta [I], vayatn (I)
; V.
gachata I, yachata 2.
8. PI. I. udantu [I].ya~ctuI, bruv3. PI. I. ~ratdnc (I)
a7btu (I), santtc I ; IV. ayantu (I),
IV. j6yantdrn 2, paddahnntu [I], rohav~tu 121, vnha~ctu(3), yantdm I, hvnyantdm [3].
uigctntu (I),


I. tqantd (I),ghnantus I, dvisharc 5

(Sufiixmdna) 11. tish6h-unt<lrn I -ate 5 -&as 3, bvuva?~4 -at&2 amdndni 2 ; IV. ajam&nas
-ati I, ?/a?,5, iyan 1: yantam 5 -atas I ~,$kshumBy?,aaz,Cshamd?~ds


L ' R E ~ I ~ ~ - T I'


-(t?tXau 2 -(,rtt(/s 3 ( I ) - ( t t ~I -ett1211~I ( 2 ) , ktlfpcr~~rdrttls

I , Lr(rrrrI -t(t?s?~tb
2 , yeht I ,c(lsc/t ( 3 ) , S C ~ I L ci~t~ci!ttcs
I , gcihcimcir~(ot~

lo (.z)(2]-atT2 -at2 -ti?~t(t~it
12 -at4 ( I ) -elti I (*aj'(~rn(i!ral,~

5 -antas I -atis 3 ( I ) -cicZbh!/us I , t1~arrsncc2nci.s 4,
cCkshstuaatas I ; 11. tishthcoc s -arztant I -utr I ctrrtcinas I -rrsytr I -eshtc I ,
-utcxs 2 -arttats lo -crrrtis I , ,jai~ut2 , ~rdClh(rn~(irrCis(I ) ,
2 - a t w 2 , (fadat I -1ctan1 I , tr7ncinu.s
I Z I (u),
Dudhclcrd/~rrt3 -atas 2 , bilihrat I , bibh!/ot I arr~cinm.s(i),6I~d.sisha~rtLi!~(lrrc
-ataw~I ; 111. ~ . ~ T ( V C( I I) I -~at7 ( I )
I -t2s I ,
hh?.d.jamdrtds I ,
kvruart a ut 3, t(trivarr 3 , ditt?ttvorttas I , yqjattlci~ru~
Y -asya 3 -e I ,
sunvttte ( 2 ) -ut(rs ( I ) - ( I I / ~ IU, Sgrh!jatd 1 yat(rnzic7re ( I ) , ? * ~ ~ ~ L ~ I ) L & O L ( . S
-ar~tasa,bhilldarrtus 2 ; IV. (x,t/antr//r~
1 , s -cis I , vacJ~tmdr~cryos
aritati I , kroprtas 2. Icshaytrrrtd ( I ) , vurtamcittus 2 ,
uardhCUTLIIL 4 -atus 5 tnrttis I ,jayatb ~.~,,jiuota,s
urnnuas ( I ) , ~ c t . i L s a r ~ ~ d r ~ ~ a i ~
1 , cflrutntrtas I , tJI~(2i~untinBnt
I ,patarbti
I , grtrya?nii!zc/s( I ) , syctndI -arrtanz [ I ]~ .J L ( ~ I ) (I I-(~nt(nr~t
I -utas 3 , trj~tcirtarr~

I ; Za@~rttdnciI ,
!/qjatcts 3 , rebhcirttus 2, c~cZa?r2 -nr~tror~
I /r~jurrtftrusI , ,jdyanzci'nas
-ctrttii)t I -trttcs I -ccrrttrs 9, i?c/snn2, gafis- I ( 3 ) -crrrt 2 , tapytcrr~cittas
coctcts 2 , pocatyus I ,sidtrc I , surpotus I , I , clipyan~dr~ds
I -cXbllis I ,
srurqut I , harar~ s -nitti 2 , 6 r i ~ a i2~,
yaclytr?,i&ntorr ( I ) -rrsycn
u i p t ? ~ t t[rI~] , S ? : ~ T [LI ] , sp~gur(2 , OII(ayun J. n~an!/(~rrtdncts
-cis 2 [ I ] ,

[ I ] , ptr(7yat I ,yagyctn 6 , srp!/i~tI , syatus 7iytrrrccinci 2.

I ; V . rrchtrrj ( I ) , ~ c h u n tI ~
-(rntcts I .
( S u f f i x h t u , i r ~ a ) I.

dsirtns 6 -am 3 -cLs!/~I ,

cokskti!~usI -am I ,uidc;t~as
I ( I ) - h e ( I ) 4,s I , yisdrccls
[ I ] ; 11. cikitdna ( I ) , jihcincis I , juh vdnas ( I ) , cluclkdmtrs I ; 111. ky?jvti~lcts( I ) ,
kjtrvdnurrz ( I ) , tanadjjtijrt
2 , ~.trtiudnas(~),qr?~tZ,((t
q ~ 1 ~ ~ ~I ,d jdndrt
~ ~ n .(is
s .2 ( I ) ,
~ / ~ ~ ~ j &In. crc~ncZ11dncis
I ;
iv. ptrycirtfis I , ~ U S Ici!~us
( I ) -ert<tI .


IV. aj)ag!/atr~I (2).

2. Sill$, [TI. (ra~~1it1~ci.s
2. Sing. 1. cckc~rI , upds ( I ) , aaes [ I ] ;
1 ; IV. c~ycy(tthd,s
111. adadhds ( 2 ) ; V. a u h t I .
3 . Sing. I. cikur 4 ( I ) , n/et I , a@ I ,
3. Sing. 1. ctbrQta I ;
&an 6 , nit 1 0 ; 11. c$jr/gun( I ) , ati,sh~ktrt11. od?trrttcr 6 , umirnitu 2 ;
4 , crdaddt 4 ( I ) , crcludhdt fi, u~)ibctt
2 [2], 111. crkrcrutrt 2 , (ctanotu I ,
trbibh<>tI , arrjiritc>t I ; fI1. rrlcurot 5 , agrhnEtcr I , azrrttitn 3 ; IT7.

(rvyc~otI , ogukr~ot6 , c?~wtot5 , &rt?Icrrot akriljnata I , ctc!/(~~>cttct

5 , (i!/rJ~?~&tajdj~cit
I , ucydvata I ,
ctja!4atrc 2.

~lbudhr,citI , t~ntcrtht~dt
( I ) , ctsftrD?~/~cit
( I ) , atctbhuta ( I ) , cri~~crrlthirtc/
1. Sing.

itbhirzat I , a t r ~ a tI ; IV. (rkarict 2, I , ccytrjata 6 , aramata I ,

cr?)drtata 7

a/cmnclat (I), alcsharcrt 2, accrrat I , avttdcctrr 2.

i!j/tyat 9 , ntcvctt 6, trttravut 2, u i / / ~ u ~ ) (oI t) , agrayata I ,

i, u ~ ~ a d2.~ r
2, ur~edutI , clpatat I ,
t 4 , i&slcat(r

criksl~ata I, nlrt7cdatu 2,

I I , abhajtrt 4, icbharcrt I, ubl~avirt4 9 (I),

arohtrt 2, avtrdut 3, anarshut I , agtryat crsyjuttr 13, ccjGyctta 7, utcrp-


I , aari/at 5, (~srerput
3, nsravtrt I , a/~isrutyuta 3, (rd@?y~ttt~opertl-

14, djat I , ti.y((t I , a?rh(rt I , ativnf 4 , ycrta la, amnstynftr 2.

crvindtlt 1, avic(rt 6 . t~sificnt 3 111,



dsyat I ; V. ugachiit 14,

abrtrvft 70, ngvasst I , &sit

16 [lo].

( I ) ; 11. adltattari~
; IV. dvattrrrt, I , arr~u~'icatnm
3. Da. I. a6rQtdm5, fistdm 6 , aitcirr~ 3. Du. 111. cignuvdtdm
3 ; 11. u j a h i t d ? ~
I ;
~ 111. nkurzrtci~r~
1 ; 5, nvmdtdrfi 2 ; 1V. aka@IV. qjayatdm 6 , nhhavatdm 3, avadatdwi etdn? I, ccjnyetcirrt I, avadI , irh~rmtdmI ; V . trgachatdrrt, 3.
etdm I,
nvahet&m I ,
crrt udetdrrt, 3, ajd?yetdm I ,
araanyetdm I, crsyjyetdm I.
1. PI. I. trganma (2), apdma ( I ) .
1. P1.
IV. crdiX;rl~Gmrrhi I .
:<. 1'1. 1. a h o n I , agr~tan( I ) , crgh?/- 3. PI. I. akruta z,
i t ~ r I , abrtcuan 51, i(stuvart 3 , Cyan 6 1 , aghnata 15, ahatlc 2, dsatcr
Gsati 10 ( I ) ; 11. ajahus 5, ntishfharl 7, 6, airatu (2) ; TI. atisl~fh1 0~
; s
111. akuvvan 10, ~ c / h Q v a nr~ntix4, acltrdata I , adaOIJLuhibl~uy~
I , (rrrtinvcrnI , (rrcidhr,zrvarc.I [I], as.zcnvatt ixta 3 ; 111. akurvata 9,
3, tistahJtiitrv(oi 2, tr,rr)r!tva7i I , dpr~uvir~i
~ t o ~ t v a t1 a0 I I], cignuuat~r
7 , .stubl1?t~~iitrc.9s.~,s,
ali.ri!ia?t2, a!y~bh!7n~tI , agrh?rntri 2 [ I 1, c!jdnata
4, ngy/in(c?t I , i~iire,ots, avriijtr~~
2 ; IV. 4, a~n?'uanta
( I ) , a~.zii7jatir
crkrcimari 2. akroga7, I. trctrrixn I , cIja,ytm 4 , aru~~d/tcrta
3 ; IV. ak(t@21,
a c ~ r c t v u5,~ ~altaynn 3, trpcrta?~2 , atzttr I , njayastta.i, atuarnhhajit?t 2, cihhtxrart 7 , abhnvn7r 12, mzta 3, trt7ikhartta r ,
nyajan I, rrrohaic. 2 , C J ~ I ( Z ~ C ~I ,I Iavipan u b l ~ a ~ ~ rI,~ tnhha7~antn
I , avnrdhar~( I ) ,
n?)(r.strri2, auitlciu~ I , (tnzoclar~tuI , a y q j r t ' ~ t t a ~ ( ~ ) ,
aCrnyal2 I, trsicdt~tcI, asvixran I, aitrtran ayrrtir?ttn 9, u~ab/ia?tta6 ,
2, (jitn I , a~rhirit4 , hhtrrtrrt ( I ) , orsh(rn aliartantir
I , aoL')tCkX)i 5 , it?)ig(xn 3, nsrj:~'(otI , I , ugraycutta 9, nsmc(xntcr
rrsi6c/rn 6 ( I ) , 1ti5julr~190.-1, ttdl~!/Q!/cr~t
3, (2), t~spavcU~a?tt/r
3, rrhct?-ipagyuii lo, ava!/cit, I ; IT.
(rgitcltcr~r13, /01tu2,&rjarc.t(~
5 , udr&trr~ta
tcyat.h/rrr 22, aI'cl~(er~
I , tcnudasctcr I I , ajdyanta
5 , tctd2'~>!/(t?rta
I , ctpadyanta
4 , abudlzya?~ta2,
a~~ta~iynrtttr 3, ahu(~yal?ta
I ; V.
aichtvnta I.

2. UII. I. aitixvi



1. Sing.

?-t~rohrrI , roha 171, vecfir I.

2. Sing. cluitha ( I ) , vettha 2 (I).
3. Sing. dsa 13 (I), dha 134, iydytr 21,
U U ~ C Q77, ~ v d p a
I , cakdru 6, oacdrn 6,
jngdma 3, jagau I , ,jagrdha I , jaghdna
~,,j,rbhdra (I), jahli~saI [I], jtshuvdficakdru I , jigdycr 2, tatdna ( I ) , tasthnu I (I),
tushtdua 6, dadarpa 2, dadau z, dtldhdra 13 ( I ) , nzndya s, nitliyqja? 181.11,
papdda I, papracha I , babandha I,
babkiiva 2, bibhd-ya z, vcivci~za12, vedtr
219 ( I ) , pa~alisaI, pzcydoa I, snsdda I (r),
sasdra 7, sasdha I , sisheca s, srcshdvn I.
3. Dn. dsatus 1, dhatrts I, *15catus
Qsh,ntus I.

3. P1. dnapzcs (I), dsus 6 , dhus I89

iyus I , 2 2 ~ 1s0, c a b u s 2, jagmus
4, ba,yhnus I , jabhrus I (I), jigus 2,
jighyus I, jlihuyus I , d ~ d u zs, d a d s u s
1, dadhus 4,
paprcrts I, bahht?vus I,
mcrmrrcs 1, ?/?/us152.3, ?)idus6 ( I ) , vivfdus
2, seCJ'(~s
I (I).

1. Sing.


3. Sing.





(I), cakrame z (3), jajfie
3, ,jahre I , jigye
I (I),
jujzcshe (z),
dadhe (I),
nunude I , p a p a t h e ( I ) ,
n~umtcce 2,
lebhe z,
? ? d v ~ d h(2).


Du. yuyudhdte


3. P1. cakrire I , j ~ g l t nire 3,jajfiire z, tasthzre I,

dadrire I, pedire I, bhejire
I, menire I,
methire I ,

yetire 6, rurrcc?)ire I.


ctrkrushe 2, cikitushe (I), jnghnivciri4jdnns 6, jagmdnas (I),

snm I , dd~vd7isam ( I ) -?tshas ( I ) , pipdnasya (I), vdvrdh911i$?&vas( I ) , nzi(hushe I [I], vohivdn icnurn I , su.yjdnal11 1,
I , vidudn 72 (4)[.2]
-71shAI -ushe I -ushas 2 sisic(1nusya I.
-ucirisas 9.
A. Simple-Aorist.
I. Forms in which the endings are added directly to the root.

Sing. ngds I (2), nhhQs (I).

Sing. agdt z (s), addt I, cndhdt [z],
ahhQt z (n), asthdt I (2)[z].
3. PI. a p t s I , ndus 3, asthtts I .


Sing. asakthds I.
Sing. ctditri I, cwrptu
[z], astrta z.
3. PI. adrgran? (40.3).

ad form.


2. Sing.
3. Sing.




sthczs (I).
dGt [z], dh~Ln(t)

I (z)[3],



J f e ~ bfi'o- ~iol,ms

of' the Ahctrep- Brd11n*.


3d form.

2. Sing.


hhQs 2

Sing. dythds 1.
Sing. dita 2.
1. PI. c?/bimahi ( 2 ) .



PI. g ? ~ Is ( I ) , sthus



1. Sing.

2. Sing. bht2yci.s (1).
3. Sing. vidhydt I.
1. PI. a ~ y d m a[ I ] .

L. PI. agi9nahi ( I ) ,
s?agimcrhi( I ) .


2. Sing.

~mcdhi( 2 ) .
Sing. ~astRt[ I S S . ~ ] .
11. Forms which take o as a connecting vowel.

1. Sitlg.



ud(zrpat~t 3,

avidartr I.
2 . Sing. avicZm I .
3. Sing. achiclat I , avyc7itat ( I ) ,
avrddhat I ,avidat I , asadcct ( z ) , nsannt
[ I ] , asrprrt Is], ahanat I , ($rot ( I ) .
3d form.

1. Sing.

hhuvaln I.
hl~uvas[ I S ] .
3. Sing.
grabhat [PI,
bh~tvnt( I ) .
3. PI. bhuvan ( I ) .
2 . Sing.

dushat z,

B. S-Aorist.
I. b'orms which add s to the root
1. Sing.

qj<$san? 1, a7x?tsam


1. Sing. nrcr~rtsi
I , (wits i (\), ccstrshi I .

S AORIST I. I N D I C A T I V E - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L .

Sing. cduishis I ,
2. Sing. gjridsth&~I .
avcirkshfs I , avdtsts I .
3. Sinq. ajuit [I], ayBX~,shitI , a/t(rtr3. Sing.
crc*!/oshfn I ,
I , asrshta I .
shZt 1.
l."Pl. ctrdtsm/t [s].

: 1
3 . 1'1. ccl*(isatc~
I ,
nlcyscttc1 I.


L'd form

I. Sing.
(" d011b16
3. Sing. pcrrshrrt




:3d tom.




IT. Porms which add ish to the root.

1 ~ 1 1kTIYE:.

1. Sing. uktirishri111 ( 2 ) , ay~clh;shun, I . cxpnrlsishcwn I .

2. Sing. avatlIbis 2, nc&dls I.
3. Sing. crX~rnrlrZt 1 ( I ) , agraI~Tt I ,
:<. Sing.
2 , [4].
crcdrtt I , tcir.isl~(rrt)P o. 151, u(>c?~/Zt
auadhh5t 2 , (ipcrfisit3.
3. PI. at>trc7/Lish1ts



I11 Forms which add skli to tllc root

~ X D I C ~ ~
.:FI \

8. Sjrrg.

(/!/tisit I .
.id folrll



jrrdsish trs 3.
1 V. Forn1.s wliicll nclct



2. Sing.

~rtlrrcks/trtsI .

2. Sing.

~ r r ~ k s h n[ sI ] .
s, u, I )[ I ]



to t l ~ croot


A. S-Future.

1. Sing. oskytir~ti2, gco/iishydrtti I ,

I. I
k(~r.i.s/cye I ,
2 , p(ctsy~j?i~
i I , hhlr uis/~yCirr/
i 2 , tti~~r2k.shy~:
I ,s r c ~ k ~ h ~
4. y e
I , yoJiShy&?r~i
I , lupsycirr~i
I , ~asishydlrviI .
2. Sing. ji~rvishycxsi 3 , 6/tr~vislh,i/(tsi
I , hvayishyud I .
3. Sing. nrishyuti I , eshyutis, yccmi: I
cyosh!/nte I ,
shy(ttr I , jeshyrrti s, dds?/uti I , dhtrk- jo~ri~shycrta
shyati I , cliL&ynti I , pcctsyati 2 , piisytrti
I , bhauishyatic, r~rurtsh?/l/ati
I , vakshyuti
4 , p~6isisJ~yuti
[ I ] , /liisyc(ti 3, I~os/~!/nlti
1 . Du. rshyBu<ts 1,jeshycivus 3.

:%.Du. klpsyete I .

1. P1. es/~is/r
y&mcts 2 , esh?/drnas 3,
karish?/tirrtas 3, c ~ ~ r i ~ J ~ ~ / $I , r rr6ttu~
s,t/drfitcs [ I 1, vrrks:shy&~,c(rsI , srccksh!/<Znoos5 , stoshydmtcs I , st//d~!/&rttus
2. PI. bh~rtrish!/trthuI
2. PI.
I , ~j~i6s!jctnti
3 . PI. y a m i s h ! j ~ ~ ~
I , bhaui,~hynnti2,
pitsisltyrirtt, I , hui.i.s/~y(r~cti

B S ~ ~ L O
I L-(~t~t(r.s
I, liarish!/cxn -2 -at 2 ,
(Suffix ~ T I ( ~ Z ( L )eshis/ccli~ds!/cs~ctas
I, prrtishyutr I, hhavishyat ya~tccinasya z, dikshish[I]
-utas I, catsycrtc I, ~%ak.shyco~
I, yaeccir~as .2,
yaksh(y)garisishyan I, strtsyatt 1, seksl~?yc?/an
3, trrt~dntrs 1 1 .
yatishhatcishycu~I -ur~tcts3, h o s / y ( t r I~.
yarri&ntrs I , Iapsyan~dttus
I, uccdishyamdnccs I.


Sing. a k u r i s / ~ y ~
~ i ~

abhavishyat 1oi.10.

3. Sing.

B. Periphrastic Future.

1. Sing. yctictilsitti I, vaktdsmi I,

3. Sing. kl~ydt(2 [1e7. IS1, dt.ushtd
L187.141, bhatritd 20.5,
pt.otd [1ai.14].

I. Causative.
1. Sing. bhukshaydn~i [3],
utrrdhcxycitrti [I], vepaydn~i[I].
3. Sing. c~rclhayati 44, ilayctti I,
3. Sing. kd~,cccyccte ti,
Zrayati I , kalpayati 20, gamayati lo, Icdrayate 3.
ghdrayati 2. chudayuti I, junayati a,
tdra,i/cxti I, tarpayati I, dhdraycrti 2,
pcidrryoti 2, pydyuyati I, hhakshayati
19, bhcfvuyati 9, rr~urcuyuti1, ydttryati
12, ramtc~ccti3 , rocayati I, vdcayati z,
~uartayatii, vdhayati I, veduyati 4,
gurnayati 7 , prdvrtyati I , sdtbyati I,
sdyaycrti I,sthdpc8yuti 39, svadayati I .
3. Du. gctrtitryatus I.
1. P1. bhtrkshcrydttrasi [I], sthdpaydvr~as[ I ] .
3 . P1. crrdlc(rya7tti I, kulpuyanti 2,
3. Pl.
~ncidayante I,
ghdrayanti I, ,janayu~ztiI, tarpayarbti t~~aq'ayante
2, vedayanta I.
3, d%kshnyanti 4 , nabhuyanti 2, pddayanti 4, pdv(xyu?~tiI, pydyai/ti 3,

1st lorm.
1. S ~ I I orcl/~<rytiiti

I, pufis/1!/(11i
i I ,s f / ~ f i / ) ( i y h
3. / ;
2d form.

1. 1'1.

I, sf/~dpa!/(irirn


Sin?. trdrr!/et 2, cwd//ayet I ,ka~txp- :i.Sing. RaZpuyetcc 1,

a y ~ I,
t kirtayrt 5, krccl~tayetI, g(ona!/et R&n/tr!/ettr 24, kd,i/nyitct
I, rydvtr?/et I , .jan(ryet 3, bhahhuyet 5 , 82.13, X / t y r i / ~ t ! / ~I.
noh ha yet I, ydjt~yet3 , ydttryet 2 , 7.ohnyrt
2 , mpayet 174.1,
vartayet 3 , uec7tcyrt r,
prtfisa~yet 2. ~Ieshayet I, sdduyrt 1 ,,i/et
z, ,cthdpicyet 4 , hurtr?/et 3 .

8. Sing. etkdmciycct I, aka@aynt I ,

: S i r . ukc2rnayirttr 7.
cikQlayat 1, agtcnaayat I , ac,t/&ucnyect2,
cjanayat ( I ) , phdrtctyut ( I ) , r~h//dvrr!/at
I , ny4jayat I , a$arisayitt 2, crl~tlpnytrfI.
2. Dn. ctirnyethdrn (2).
3. Dti. txdh&rciyaticm2.
3. PI. a c y ( ? u ~ ~ y Io, nn&ksltcry(r~cI ,
:1. PI. (xlcd~i~ccya~tt(r
ccnabhayan 2 , c~pdcdccyanI , apdrtrycrrr ud/~(ircr!/anttr 2,
ccp(?dcrvddaynnta I ,
I , tryc$jrhy<~n
6, ( y o p a y a n 2, arocaycxn I , ccytrl~ta I ,
irvartaycin I , /rved~tyt~n
2, aprathcr!/trn cci~drtr~/~~rctir
I , cts/?rla!j(rnI , ,jctr~a!/crl/trlz
I , sth6pctya)t 3.

P1. sth(?pay&~:~11IL.r11~

3. Sing.


atyoacrrn I.
2. Sin?. aj{
t u o , I~. ~ ~
2 ( I ) [ I I,

'1. Silig. uc.ik{pnt s, c!j@i~~ttrt

(I), ii~lo/~rlt
/tthhfhiptrt 2 , ~r~ilr?cc*(tt
1. Sirig.

S i r l ~ . ,rtjoccrtltc2s

2. Tlu.

cc(.ildputdrn 6.




PI. cr.r.irir.drncr [I], avocdmtc



3d form.

1. Sing.

3. Sing. clicll~cxrut[ I], ~iranr


Sing. jtrnciy ishyicti I .

dp(cyishydirrtrs I ,
,qclittayishydmcxs I , !/cTjct?jis7~!/c7?n(ts


11. Desiderative.

1 . Sing.
2. Sirig.

?tinish6mi I.
ningshasi I.




Sing. fpsuti
buhhdshnti I .



./?!lal-i,iskctti z,

2. Sing.
gu~rushtrteI .
Y1. didhislta?cte




:<. Sing. ,j;ycii,set I , r?/~itsrtI , b1tbht7shet







2. Sing.


INUIC 9TI\7!:.

(7id(?sithrrI .
Desiderative from Causative base.


::. PI. OiOhnn(t,t/ish(/ntiI 12.11.

111. Intensive.







iyclse 200.17.

:%.S i n g . veuis/c/iti I .
I . 1'1.

dTdyuti 2.

dd form.

3. Sing. /trriyi~/cittrt(s), (IEcZuyut ( I ) .

:Id form.



? ~ ~ a r r i t ~I .g a t


I 13.24~.


?. Sing.




I , didyat ( I ) , didh!/atyas
p a ~ ~ i p a t a r t( ~I ,
uuvuytntis ( I ) , vuvadatas I.

caekittis~cotc( I ) , joJh~6c*c1-






IV. Denominative.

1st form.

I . Sing.

I L ! / ~ I ) ; ~ / L2. U I J ~ ~ I ~ ~

2. Sing.

yopd!/at[.2], urzuntruya



Sing. yopdyatu



2. Sing.

uiru?/uscl(cI .


ctrtitiytrttrs I , tleoer!/uttt(r.s I


V. Passive.
l nE.~

iclhytrse (2).
dpycttc; I , icl/q/trte (z), rtcyntc 13, rtl/~yutc)a , kriyatt 18,
lit'iyctt~I , kshtyate 2 , klcyciyute I , !/nrri!/ccte 2, !/i!/cttefi, y~liycrtt 2 ,
chidyctte I , j~lti'yute 3, tdynte I , ~kcth!/at~
I , tlhTyate sfi, tlhriyote 1,
( I ) , pctcycrte I , pz?ryute 2, bkriytrte I , /t/T!/ute I , I I L L L C ! / U ~
3, ytgyrrte 2, rieyate I , rcipyrrte 2 , Ictbityate 2, ri@/cite 2 , ~ns?/afc
1 5,
l:is/tyote 3 , sicyute ti, s~jycite2, hQ/!/ttteI , h dycite 3.
3. 1)u. cccyrte I , l~riyetc.3 , ricyete I , Fctsyete 4 .
3. PI. dpyaljte s, uc+ytrrtte3, upytr?ite z, /;ri!/trrctr 5 , grityat~te
.I, ~!r~'iyat~t(l
8, ~tlycrttte3, ~t~lrc,ya)/te
I ,yyj!/(orte I , rt/tl/cyantr z, gusyawte 23, srj!/ctnl*e3, .sie'!/~t?~te
5 , /~?Z!/(tnte
( h u ) I , ltijy~rrrte(hd,/~tvi)1 .
2. Si~ig.
3. Si~rg.


3 . Sing.


11I \ F:.

3. Sing.

tcceti ( I ) , qjcxrci


( I ) , asti~iiI , vkei [ ~ I . ~ , I J , I ~ ] .

adl~tiyi@), upddi


(nyoji ( I ) , tn~o('i

VI. Infinitive.

i\~'C'ilhilti\~'. P ~ I I T I I3, X.(nrt/o~~

3, .jetur// I , ttnt~tt~~lc
I ( z ) , clt~t/6?//
I , ~ttoX.t~rt~
I , y(n~tt~r
2 ,nyokt~otrI , V U ~ . ~ Z L Y I II , ~ ~ ~ t d iI t, z o ~ ~
oo!/tu~raI , wttrcm I , snclcotc (24.10).

VII. Preterite Participle.*

l'nssive. ( S l ~ t ftn)
( I ) I -tds ( 2 ) , trstr I , lipttuttrs 3 p16
i ~ ( ~ J ~ ~ L2 I-tarn
-td 2 [ I ] ps I U ~ L p 2 -tdrrz 2 -tdl~dnzI -tesl~uI , itcc c2 -ttrs 3 ( I ) pa
-ttrtr~1 1)1 -te 28, i&'(fJbccs 2
c3 -&nsyc~ ( I ) , isJ~itasz -td 2 -tmvrz I
-tiis ( I ) , ishfnm I S [3J, t ~ k t aC I -tas I 1 ~ 2 pcz cl -td I -tali&5 p7 -tnsjycr
I -tciyti))c.
3 -te 2 , uditcc cl -tas p6 -tunz p3 -tdm 2 -tGycZ?rc I , /ttdt)i 1,
4 , /~!IL/cs
2 , k ~ t a s[)I
-It? I ) I - ~ C C7 I(a)
? Lplo c3 -t(fycc s cl -tr ti
-t&n ( I ) -teshrc I , k p k t ~ P~I s -tam 2 , klptms p~ -trn~?ccz -tena I -te 1)1
-tt7s 2 pl -t&i I ,krdratcn 6 -tarla I -tdrti 2, k r i t a t ~I ~-ttfyu I - t c s g t ~I
-te 2 , krvsJitus 2 -tar// 2 , Xhydtrxn~I ,gtcttr c2 -tas a 111 - t n n ~2 ( I ) -te 3
-tdyd?tc I -tityor 2 -tds 2 1,1, !/ittts pr -tds pz, gyhgtms p a el, !/~hIc;Ztas
C I -ttis I - t t h i I -tar/ ( a ) , citas 1'1,
tayutas 12
-tci I c1 -turn I
-td 16 [ ) I -tcit
2 -tds 2, jdtas 3 ( 5 ) 1)1 C ' I - ~ ( I )6I (I3 ) -tdytc 4 -tus?/tnI -tds 2
-tdnd?)cs,,)~l'i:p1 -tun) I ( I ) pl, jusJt$ii cl,j$tns rl - f n m (cs),jr?dtAsI ,
-- - - -- --

* A c deuote>



nxo of the partlciple

without copu1,i expresser1

- - irt

- --

compos~tlon, ,I 11, itq use



tata C I -tas s ( I ) pz tli z -tan, 5 ( 4 ) pi -tais 5 , felptflsI -teh/cyus 4 , tartas

I ( I ) , ch-ptas 2 , drshfli.7) I , dpihitcini ( P I ) , duttam I , dilart, ( I ) , dish?dm I , dZkshilas 3 -tusyn 2 -t&sI , dlrshtalt~2 , dugdha el -cl/~tcm3 [ I ] ,
&ita c2, cl/~rtaaI pz -tiis 1)1 -tchi P I , nashfa c2 -t& I , ~ ~ u ~ 7 c l h a s
1'2, ititus 2 , netas z -tds pl -tdni pt, nrctt&s4 , pitfts I -tasya [ I ] , p'Litfrs
s pz, pBrtum 131, prah?cvs I , prltcxs s -tan/ 4 -t&ycc I -te I -trr?r I
-fch 5 , b?~akt&1 , b/~cxks/titas4 -tctsyu I , bhzltanr4[1] -tdw I -tFt
I , bhytan? 3 , matam I , rr?atlers 1 -tam pz, mitas 2 p9 -tcxrn 6 1)s -terza
4 -tasya 2 -tkhhis 5 , mittam I , ntuktas a -te I -tayos I -t&s I , 7nugclhus
-tar/( ( I ) pr -tTnc
I, ttz~tnct -t& I , nzrshfas I , yuta (ct) -tas a ( I ) pl
I , yattcirz I , ydcitaa I , yuktas 2 pz -tatamns pl -tan/ I -tciyu I -te ,
-t(ryos I , rahdhaa I -cl/~ciI pr -cl/~unz111 1)t -d//ciya I -c7/~eI ,
rdtatc~rre&(I ) , riktcrs 1 -fccn~11) I -tayos I -tF7li I ,rjshfu c2, ruddh((s
2 -(77~cn"
I -d/~&a
pl, lubd/~crs1 -cfi/i't4 , ltcbcl/~u~n
6 pi, vfintanl 2
- t h i 1, vrkta ( e l ) , vrtus I [ I ] p3 [ez pel] -fd pel, vrtta cl -tcis I I ) I
- t h u I , vitt(r ct -t& pl -tam s, vi&l/~asI -dl~GI , vishtus I -?;yo z -te
I , vitas ( I ) , pastns 4 (el) -tam 6 pl -tcxtamuni I -te 2 [ I ] -tc?s 4 , gd7ttcr
c4 -t(rs I - t d ~1 tCi9ti 3, Ci~hfaspt -turn 3 ( I ) [ ~ I ] ~
, u d d / ~ {Ir,sgmctcr~
( z ) , grcirttarn [ I ] -td?ii 2 , -tntareri.r 4, ~ r i t a m4 -te 3 pi -tayo.r I -t&s
I 111 -t&~ei
1 , Cribtaa t p 1 , glish { a m 2 , accktas pl -tam P I , siA-tas 5
-tam s -tciya 1 -tasyn s -t&r s, situs I , sytci el, ars/c?&6 -?elm z -ye
1 pz -t(is I -tdnc?m 2 , stctas I ( I ) ( P I ) -toll/ 1 1 -t(lq/cz ( I ) -tdsus pi
- t h i I , sv2ta.s 2 -tds cd, skabl~itli[ I ! ) I ] ,st?rtc/~10 ( I ) -tcwi( 3 pt -te I ,
sthitct ct6 -tas 6 pi -ttcrrb s p6 - t ~ t t az -tcrtn?~~tryci'-tdydni
I -tasy/c
( I ) -te t -tds 4 p~ -t&w 6 -t&t~(inl
3 , ~ r a s t a t ~2 ,t huta c4 -tas I -tan, I
-te I -tGs I , hitas l o p3 pel -td cl -ttrut I 1)3 ( 1 ~ 2 ) 1('11 -te,,(/ (.I
-tcs 2 , hrtas 6 -tnm 4 -tds 2 1 1 1 -tdri z tais I -Itist/ 2 , /tictcrs 3 -fern/
3 ( I ) pt [ I ] -tli!/lint I -tcis a , //'Lit&[ I ] -tap)/ I [ I E ] - t ( ?[~
Causative. Zrita:yc2 I , vcla.itn,t/ I .
Dcsidcrative. jijyush itns pa.
(Sntfiu 77ce) gir!tart/ p3, c4inna.s I -7r (7 I -7/(1iss,jir!ranc. I , pn)z~tn.s
I -/tan)s -7rusya I , jii?/cr.s pt, pdr!ta ( I ) , hhi?/qa/in/I , lZnli?/iI , gc71cc1sI ,
.scrrzt/cr.s 3 -?/crrlcI -rtcistr I , strrnarn ( I ) , /ti~,a,s111 -716 I .
VIII. Gerundives.

( S u f f i xtavya) tr~itavyartc pn, ishite~ayawt pz, ~shfno!/nrnI , LYIT-tcruyus 1 p~ -yc2 I -ytr?~iz 1)3 -ye I -yuu
-yds 2 , cbaritacya?n l)z,
e7cftavy d I , cJrogd/~avyc/tuI , pattalqy(rnl pz, acrcIittrv!/cr~~tp2, pritsta?*?/crsz p4 -ta?~yeipz -tav~eot/p3, / L O I ( I O Y ~ P 1)to
~ ~ -tnv!/e p?.
( S u f f i xtvu) jtmituan2 I ( I ) .
( S u f f i x y e ) &pyk I [ I ] , Tkshyatan~ccrnpl, iciydycc ( I ) , ~tcyasps
pz, kirtyaw, I , $/iryam pl,
-yeen/ I 115 -yeis P I -ycl~iip3, k~t,yu?~h
guhyarn s, jlleyan~I , d ~ t y u n ipt-2, dhphyt? 2 [ z ] , clheyu~ttz, peyarn
IN, hoi/c?h!/asI , bha~-!/nsn
I ,nlec7hyci I -yda 171. r~~dh?y/rs
1". t~cjc(yer~~t


(Sutfix taoyci) IQ~situo?ycc?izp i .


( S l l f i ~ t v d ) (227t/)(?17, ;~h$?)(2
10, 16ktl)d 3, ?>$h?)(?
1, k r t ~ d16 111,
c/crt?rd 6 , yr?til?~dI , caritvd 2, ji~pit?~ci
2. jitvd 3, jrlcittrd I , tccpttrd 2 ,
kuttvci 3 , dtlgd/lv(i 2, d~s?tt?~ci
1 1 , d/tdtvG I , patitvd 5 , pitun I [ I ] ,
bh12tociss, ycicitcd I , vitt?~ti2 , ?~r.shfodI , gcrsturi 13, grtttad I , siktaci
I ,
3, hattr123 , hit?rd I , htrt?rci 5 , hyt~rdI .
(Suffix ?/a) ~ I G ~ L2,L usya 2 , ripytt 2, itycr 16, tsc?ytr 4 , ~tdytc2, ?4p?/tI2,!/rr I , rlh ycr 9 , kcrlpycr I , krtya 3, /c~ttmycr7 , khddya I , khydyci 1,
qutya I , gdyrr 2 , yirya I , gtiqyrr 2, g ~ h y 2o, !/rrrth!/a I , crtytr I , c-hiciyct
3, tcrcyrr 1, cld?/a 8, d ~ t y u
I , drgyn I , cirtl',ntycr2, dhciytt I I [I],
d h ~ t ? / f2,l niycx I , budhya 6, b/~c!jyaI , bhQ!/cr I , bhrtycr a, lnit!/a I ,
m/tC?/el2, ~ ? U S / L Y ( I1, ?)2rshyu5 , T L L ~ J L ~2,U rGd/tya 2, rtljya 2, rucl/cyrr
I , rlrhycr 3, rahyrr I , r~cp?yaI , Zubh?yrr I , I7~pyu2, ?~alh!/tr
2, v i ~ y t c
Ort~/aI , gisk yet 4, sac/?/rr (?), aic2ytt4 , srj!/ct 2 , stir!/(t I , sthciyu 6, hiiytr
2 , lll??/cr 4 , JL?-f!/tt

111. TFIE VEI{I: IN T I I E N A I A iZN1)


.I rtive.


A. Palrsss~1 ~ 1 ) r c n ~ r v ~ .

1. Sing. I . asmi N I u~~ 9 ,e m f N I ; 11.

I . Hil~g. 111. $ne 132,
H Z ; 111. kuronzi urne N I; IV.
,u I H I , grtlino171iH I , 11gi~cSmi
B I , y~h!tlilr~i
X.drik,sh~ BI, ntcme N I ,
111, ,jdutin~iN* H I , .p~~.sJ~!td?ni
111 ; I T . bhtishe X I , lnb/~p
rrl, vartcl
I ~ ~ ~ T Y ~ ~
I I Is ; tc~pd?nb
131, turcinli N I , prrid- H I , gurike N I , srlhr N5, ?)in&
drrti 131, bhqjtfnzi HI, bhoudn7i ~ 3 ,urrh- N I , padye 111, mcxscy~NR 131.
cin~i1x1, t,rccj(SmiX I , po(x7~niX I , sntci~drxti
NL, s11op6n~i
N I , k.shipd?~biI S I , viil(Z(?ti/Y
N I H I , uig17ir~i
N I , s~jdrtriN I n 3 , nap!/(?rni
R I , p(ngy(?rlri ~8 134, hrs/~yA/itiR ? ; V.
ich(S?rziNS B.5, p : ) ~ r * l ~N( ~I I:!,
r n
ipoci?iti \ I ,
hrcrvinti N? 131.

2 . Sing. I. asi WLI 1115, k-hydsi N I .

2. Sing. III.rjd~A~.~/lf3~l;
bh(isi X I ; 11. jlihdsi N I , .juho.s/~iH I , IV. Irntt/~aseN I, blrcishase
X I , garikuse
ti,s/~f/b(lsiR I , cltiddsi 131, bibhrtr..shi N I ; ~4 U I , va?*t(rs(~
111. Gpnoshi R I , FCurosJ~i131, gakrtoshi N I , gociise N I , Irarccse V I ,

111, ag?&'isi 131;

I T . tr~hasi u 1 7 R I O , b~rdl~y(cseN I , r~iarr!/ose

cshasi N I , tilrusi N I , cfitiuasi Y I , I,/~+j(rsi~8 IU, gaX.yasr XI.

V I , ~radusi131, vdi?ch(tsi X I , vijccsi N I ,

gurisasi N I R I , ~ o c n s iN I ; V. ic.htrsi

V 6 R7, hr/tvishi n l .

:r. Sing. I. asti ~ 1 U2 I I . rti ~2 Ha, 3. S i l ~ g . 1. dste u 3 uz,

drirshti 135, bhdti XL, ?/(?ti~4 1110, vttti itr N I , C L I S ~ L $ CV I , get^ ~4 ;
~2 B I I , g(isti N I , hitstti H? ; IT. jaltdti RZ, IT. tislqhatr IVZ, datte
tishfl~trtiX J 134, bihharti u~ ; 111. (2ptoti 111. agnrtte 135, kvcrute
X I IM, karoti 135, ~ a k l ~ our,
t i g ~ n o t i I 131, N I 133, vy!tite V I , bl~toilzte
!/y/l!ldtiul,$ti)cciti N c 156, b(cd//~ttiti
N I 133, ~2 ; IV. iiiyata 132, ikshnte
hilicnsti R I ; 1V. arcclti N I , arhlrti N B H I , ~ r z , iltate Irl, kalpcrte ~rs,
Xcrrshati 131, X.(iiibhirti n 4 , krdilzati I ~ I ?grasatr N I , cesh$/rte 131,
krogtcti N I , ccc~txtiN 3 114, cal(cti 131, jivntt tuarate N I , ~ t a m u t e V I ,
VJ R I , tyqjirtj 131, daI~itt1'N L, d h ( i ~ i r tN; I , patate v I,b/~fcj(cte
132, yutcnte
unird(cti ~1 R I , p i ~ t a t i X I , braaati X I , RI, 9.abhate RL, ra/i~(xte
bhqjati EL, bhranauti N I 131, yutati 151, riijate NZ, l(cb/~atr 115,
r4o(i(ctiS l , vnchti 111, ??matiN vcthuti vrxrtate h 2 1312, vart7hcrte 1.1,
N I , vdficl~ati ~ 2 , rafis(cti X I , gocuti vepatr X I ,
vytrthcrte N I ,
v 3 RZ, siduti N I , ~ ( l r p c ~
NtIi, s~rtnr.ati131, gobhute
stchate V I ,
h n ~ t r t ii r l , rnu)?crtti IS], vindmti ~3 134, se??ute132, srarisitfe H I , ?~trrsrj:j,rtiI ~ I ,g17yrxtiN I , t7(sItyc(ti131, rrcxgyati ate 131, fqis~tlateH I , vipatr
1$6, p"cgyuti v 2 1313, 1)17(/1y(lti
~ 7 gishyati
H I , trci,t/atr H I , nccgj/ate N I ,
T:I, hyshyiiti 1r.2 ; 1
. ichati ~ 2 r(-hirti
132, patiyute 137, i?rarzyutr5 I H I ,
qrtchuti 3 . 3 ~ 1 2 y, ( x ~ / / f l 13%
rajyate 131, @/ate 132, yak!/ate N I.
B ,

VOL. 1;.


1. Du. IV. pac&uas X I ; V. gach1. Du. IV. pa?zdvahe

dl)as N I .
3. Du. 111. cj(2r~itc~s
ul ; 1V. bhavatus ul, vusntas N I .
1. PI. I. vidr17as R I , sntas Nr ; IV.
c.ardmus N I , pa9y:yiimccs X I ; V. gach(?mccs x I.
2. P1. 111. jdnQtha N I ; IV. arh~~~
rctl~aN I , d / c < i v a t jN~I.
3 . P1. I. ydnti N I R I ~ stuvanti
BI ;
3. P1. I. lisatr N I 1310,
11. jt~hvati1{5, tishtha~tti1r3; 111. dpt7l- caA.shatr u2 ; 111. bhuqjcitc
vauti 131, kurvartti K Z , gaX.itwvanti N I , U I ; IV. QkslutntrU I , Ehante
agnurcti B I , gr~zarcti R I , jdrtrr~tti 1{2, B I , bhujante us, yc4jantr us.
Z<rbhante IS, vartunte ~ I I
batlknnntius, chindonti 131; i ~kdrikshanti Y I , cccranti v2 I r l , cycxvanti 131, gocante N I , gubl~ante N I ,
,jualanti R I , taparcti R I , turccnti R I , drccv- ptrdya?cterw, rr~an?/trprte
anti N I ~ 2 pacauti
R I , patanti N I 1{2, li:yunte I { [ .
bh(!ja~ttiH Z, blravanti N I 136, blrramt~vti
N I , yqja?/ti H I , !/cctatcti 131, ?-alir(rnti1 31,
ntrdanti BZ, ? ) a ~ t a n tI i{ I , vyt~tl~arcti
gocalcti B I , sidutcti ~ 2 h, a ~ u n t iN I 131,
haaurcti N I , limpanti 131, v i ~ u n t i139,
krudhyavrti w ,tushycrrcti H I , du.d~yutcti
111, ~tag!yonti1 31, ptrgya?ati N I n6, ~irrchN I ; \'. i c I ~ ( l ~~t t i2 ,
yaizti H I , rud/t?/(~rtti
yuchrc?/ti ~s 1r6.

1st form.

1. Siug.

111. N I .






2d form.


Du. IV. divyduct

~ 2 .


I. vidy871i N I R I , -syci?~c
1 . Sing. 111. bh~~?Tji!ytr
B I ; 111. cipnuyciln 131, l c u l : ( / f i t ~ t N I ; IV. uarteya N I .
N I 131, jQna?ycin? N? B I , hk~(;j?ji?/Ci~~~
N I ;
IV. k<cl.teyug~~
N I , tyc<jryali, N I , 6/t&//eyam X I , sprgeyarn N I , pap/r?yant V I ;
V. gc~che?/nw/NZ.
S . Sing. I. brt?!/ds N I .
2. Sing. IV. tyujethtis
N I , 6havethQs N I , 614dhyetkds N I ; V. ichethtis X I ,
pychetht7s N I .
1. sing.

3. Sing. I. -1~zrdydtBI, brdycit NZ,

3. Sing. I. &ittc 133;
oidydt BZ, sydt N I O B7, hanydt N I ; 11. 111. yz~r?jtccB I ; IV. bhcishtisl~!het N I ; 111. dpntbydt B I , kurycit eta 131, varteta BI, vrajetu
~ 4 BI,
, prcuycit H I , jcinI?/trt N I , yuejydt BI, pariketa N I , payeta N I ,
BI ; IT. tyajet us, dliaret BI, naget BI, vindeta N I , padyetcr N I ,
bhtroet N I Z ~ n r, a n ~ e B
t I , lrcbhet BI, vcrdet b~cdhyetaNI, manyeta BI.
N I , tjrujet NZ, pruyet BI, srrzaret BI, lr~ccjjet
N I , tjijet BI, pcnpyet n l , sidl~yet131, hyshyet BI ; V . gnrhet ~ 4 BI.
1. 1'1. I. sy&ma BI, hanydtila N I ;
IV. .ja!/emcc 131, pagyerria N I .
3. 1'1.
I. vidyl6~N I , S?/USBI, J~at?y(rs 3. PI. IV. namerun BI.

131 ; IT. jayeytcs

131, bhuveyus N I ,

sZdeyus BI.

2. Sing.
I. cc~kshva

Sing. I. ihi WL,kh?/&hi 131, jahi

trdhi N I , 6rdhi ~ 6 m, y d h f N I , oicldhi ~ 2 ; 11. dlbntsvtc v l BI ;

~ 7 1314, pcidhi B I ; 11. tishtha NZ 135, dehi 111. kurushvu ~ 3 BI, yy~C-

111. ku15zc ~ 8 BY, cir~zchiN I , p~!t?rshoa NI, *j<Pnishvir,X I ,

3 4 BIJ, .phAna m, j611ihiNZ 131 ; IV. 6hu)ikshvct N I

BI ;

cwra 132, jiva ~ 3 ~

, l / ~ &N
v Ia, I L L G ~ C LNB,
ikshasva N I , r~ayusvccNI,

60dho X 4 B1, b/)~d7>(1

N2 B9, !/(ltCl XI, bhajusva 131, 6I~cnrctsvaN I ,

rcc/;sha NI, oada x j 131, vasu ~ 3 va/ba

w~odasvuN I , Z~ibh,asvcxn ~ ,
N I , 71raja ~ 2 ,garisa N I , sida ~ 3 smara
vadasva ~ 3 v, ascrsvcc N I ,
BI, digu N I , tUvya N I , ptrgyu NI us, pt~dyasoce N I , yu(Z/~y1~2/a~vc~
yc*cZhya 131 ; V. icha R I , gacha XIZ I=, 1 u .
ymchtr xi, gvasihi NI.
3. Sing. I. ustu ~a 136, ydt71 NI ; IV.
3. Sing. IV. nayatdm
jiocrtt~N I , 6I~avcctt~
N I , sidatu N I , )i~t~GcN I , patclt(hr~N I ,
at16 N.J; IT.yachatu Y I .
N6, prdmyat(iw~N I.

2. PI. TIT. p-!~uttc N I , jii)/itcc N3 ;

2. 1'1. 111. gyniclhva1t~
1V. tlhdvcrtn N I , gatisata NI.
N I ; IV. yatctclltvum N I ,

trdyad/~variiX I ;V. gucha-


d. )'I.
I. bi*~ructrttuX I , !/Cintu ~2 ;
111. kttroantu N I ; IV. kshaw~ar~tu
N I , yatantu N I ,
N1 Bl, C ~ ; ~ / XN4.


~ 3 ,

I. ~ J L I L C C ~ BI,
~ L Sdoishantas 131 -atcrs BI, (Suffix mdr~tr) IV. a!6ruaa1~
~ 3 -ce~tta?t~
N I -a~ttyds
N I -atas amCir&~(s
N I -urn ~ 2 ,Zks11N I , y d ~ ~ t a N.m
L -antas N I , gdsutcxm N], amci??&ydsN I , ishccn~drt(2
pvnsau NI, sarr 13.2 -at? ~ 3 -at 132 - a t m B2 N!, eshan~cipciN I -(AWL N I ,
-at; X I BI -antus BI, svapari B I ; 11. 7irar~c7amcir~drr~
NZ, gras-

1. Sing.

I. tistrrtt N I ; IC'. wtyc!junt

X I , atxt,suvib X I .

2 . Sing.

IV. agoccrs X I ; V . crhrtcc*it


Sing. I. /~?/Ci.t
2 4 ; IT. atishfltat
aCktdhdt K1 ; 111. C!X^CITOC N3, aty?zot
tydrt,dt s . 2 ; IV. akcxrshut X I , akrop
cxt NS, acurat s t , udapat X I , ctdr(rvat xs,
atihdvat x1, a?~(x,yot
x 2 , tibhr*trrrt lo E I ,
nrohnt Y I , au(zsnt 1\77, r~pupafX I , uguasat
XJ, [ls?.uvat X I , dsnt X I , auipnt N5 R I ,
S l , t7papyUt N R B2 ; V. ir!/trchat
N.5, ~lhruoitN 5b B'i, nyuc+hat X3, dsit N6
aichat NI.


3. Sing.

I. c2sttr

NI ;

TI. utieh~hirtct 3 1 ; IT.

~ 8 , ab/~dsItat~tS Z I
urocutcn X I , cruilrtata ~ 2 ,
auarcU~ttta N I , cti/;shtrtn
N I , at)jt?dcztc(N I , trpapyatn
N I , ahzicT/~!/(ita
YL, rirno?~ycntn ~3 ; V. apT~'JLcit(~
~ 2 .


I. nbr~cvanx 5 ; 111. akur7i(r.1~

3. 1'1.
111. ak~crvcrttc
trdraua~r N I , (rpatan v l , N I R I ; IV. adravanta N I ,
tcbhacrctn ~ 3 acrrqjot~
N I , ~ ~ c L ~ !N/I (; I abhcish(/ttta
X I , ichysh?/u~lV . crgnchnn s2, apychan NI.
ta XI.




veda RI.
4ttha R I , vetthm N I 1t2.
:$. Sing. dha vz ~ 2 2 ,&pa NJ, iyrshw
1 . Sing. ge NJ, c a k ~ ( t ~ t ~ e
212, to*kca~ b ~7 4 3 , ~ v d s a
N I , cakrQm(c X I , cakre N I , cahhame
vz, cac.db N:, j@dn N I , jtrgcintu N 12, X I , cacakshe X I , .jqjCe
jaaqrdho ~ b ,cjajvAla N I , ,j(~hlira ~ 2 N, I , jahyshe X I , ttrsthe
~ e b?rhud/ie

jtth(iva N I , tasthau ~ 3 ,d adwga N I ~ , ~ 3 ,( f a d r ~ /NZ,

dcid(n~~ b ,d(td/iwcacl B?, CFad/~y~iu
X I , N I ,
naene NZ, rnnmrde N I ,

rliclegcx N I , p(rp&ta m, ptrprachu ~ 5 n~.ccn~tide

N I,
rente 21 I , lehl~e

N I ,
vav(ct~deN I , v ~ t u ~ d k e

btrbh dun NI R I , c ~ a ~ n ( r r dNaI , Y(I!/(XZI

v7, rctmkslerr N I , rtrr{ja N I , ~*ctrotJ(z
~ 5 X
, I , sctsvc{je N I .

rttroha N I , IaldJ~aNZ, vav(ru N I , viv~gcr

N8, ~ef/C7N4 BJ, $Xl$Y?p(6 N I , c ( I ~ ( ^ C S ( ~ N I ,
C/ (L'T&V(L N3, ~(lgl)/fS(l
s ~ ~ s ~ c Z /N3,

strs6ra n : , strsa?jtc N I , srrshvdpci NI.



2 . Sing.



DII. Tyat/rs N I , $shcttus





c:i?)igciteX I .

cl(~cZ/imatusN I.

PI. ichus N I RE, ~ i c u~, ~2 c/cX~vt~gz~~

c(ckrire XI.
jn,qni?~sNIO, e f i 6 ~ Ns I , t(nsthu~iv.1,

Y I,
( z ~ l d ~ N4,
~ ? t d~Ctd/L%(~N1,


dt4dhmcts I ~ I ,tltcdruut-ts N I , ~recli~s

~ 1 uidt~s
ycq?rac/~uspetus us ~ 4 IJUYUS
uu, vivigus NZ. g(rgahsus ~ 2 gugruui(s


N3, S(ISTj)tCS N I.

A. Simple-Aorist.
I. Forms


w l ~ l c the
l ~ cnd~ngs:Ire added directly to the root.

3. Sing.



\', ctcltit x?, n6I~Qt3 s .

3cl form.

2. Si~rg. bhds ui.

2, Siris.

k ~ t h t i sN I .

I[ Fornis wlrich take

N. as .I



agtcmt~t~ 6 .
ugurrLaTb X I .

1. Sing.
3. Sing.



::cl form.

2. Sing.

,qar/tcts r r l . peas



B. S-Aorist.
I. Forms wllicll add s to tlrc root.

1. Sing.

(r~rrtushot)tI : I .
3d form.

2. Sirig.

bh(1i.s N I .
11. Forn~swl~ic.lladd is?^ to t l ~ eroot.


2. Sing.



A. S-Future.

. eshytirni X I , kariskyGnti
1. Sing.
tQ~sye R I ,
N I , gai~iishyiimi us, Icurishye N I 131, dhdsYe N I ,
grahbhyhmi N I ,jGQsy6nui N I , d6sycitrii modishye 111, yakshye u ~ ,
~5 131, dekshydwti N I , drukshydmr N I , yatishye N I , yokshye ~ 2 ,
dhdsyGnli ~ j narikshydmi
N 2 , praksh- yotsye uz,
vukshye 1 3 1 ,
!/&mi N I , bhuvishytir~iiN 7 , ?/CisydmiX I , sthdsye N I , huvtishye 131.
yotsycir~xi R I , vaksJbydrr~iH I , ? ~ t ~ t s y R m i
~ 2 vetsydmi
N I , ?~ekshyci'rrci
N I , ~roshydmi N2.
2. Sing.
dpsyusi vl u6, eslc?/ctsi '2. sing. druksh!/cxsenl,
N I ~ 3 karishyasi
~ . 132,
khydsyusi N I , pats!/ase N I , bhoksh!/(i,se
.jGcisyctsi ul, tc~rishycisiN Z , draksIb?/asi ul, mokshyase 134, yokshv.2 R I , ~~ahks/zyasi
R I , bhuvisI~ytc~i
N3, ycrse XI, ruhsyase N I , lapmokshy(rsi N I , ydsyasi & I ~ i uakshyasi
syuse N I , ~ctksItyase 1 3 1 ,
N I , wutsyasi W I , vasishyasi R I , vekshyasi yipsyase N I .
N I , ~roshyctsiul,
harishycrsi xl, hdsyasi
1. I




3. Sing. cipsynti N I , eshyc~tiN I R I ,

3. Sing.
karishyati ~ 1 R I , carishycrti N I R I , mlisyate NI.
tarisi~yatiR I , ditcIsyczti 81, riczyisi~yati
N I , bhavishyati N I I RI, maisyati N I ,
rnokshycrti N I , y p ~ a t N2,
i yokshytrti R I ,
acitsynti w4, sti~asyatilya R I , hcisyuti X I .
3. Du. sthdsyatas N I.
I. PI.


N I , (Zekshycrltti
3. 1
N I , bhtrvi.c/rytrnti 8 1 , r~tarisya~tte
~ ~ a X s l ~ ~N I/, a~itrdishya?~ti




1'1. dpsyathlc NI.

PI. q'tmishyunti




B. Periphrastic Future.

Sing. ktrrtds~rtiN I .
2. Sing. gnwtdsi NI Irl, jf~tdsi n l ,
bhavitdsi NI.
3 . Sing. gantd NZ, ,jet&N I , d4td X I ,
cirash?ci X I , net2 X I , bhrtvitci ~ 7 132.

I. Causative.


Sil~p. N I , mohcryasi
var.dl,rrynsi N I , 9136s-

81, yojayatsf u l ,

ayari ~ 2 .
3. Sing. lid9tc?/ctti~ 3 dyotayrrti
N I,
3. sing. clhdraynte 132,
N I, bhukli:s/~a?/ati
N I , mohayati bh&sa?/trte
ua, hlddaycnte N I .
R I , varta?/atiR I , ~ o s h ~ r y a
t i satxjoyati

P1. Icbclayanti






vcisayes N I .
3. Sing. lcuthayet N I , kci~ilayetN?,
cdlayet R I , cintayet U I , janayet B I ,
joshayrt R I , vwrccyet ~ 4 sddoyet
2. Sing.

2. Sirlg. Irathn!/a n1, Ichcitlayu N I ,

2. Sing. vrrra?/crsvaNs.

dargcr!/a N? u2, d/~dru?yti132, w~oc(rya

N I , yqja!/rc N I , varaya N I , ,uec7ayrr ~ 3 ,

vflguyct R I , g?&ayo N Z , .st/tdpcz!/asl.

2. 1'1. bhtiurryuto ul.

2. F1. I~cct/~ayerdltl)~l~i~
N I , ~ittta~/(/~~dJLvanz
N I.
3. Pl. bhci7i(~yatttt~

kathaytrn N I -trntim N I -atasui -arbtau

kathuyd~zas N I ,
-antas ul, kan~puyarbN I , kartuyantas tiycin(r.s!/aN I .
kaluyat&?n R I , kargayantas R I ,
lccir.shaya?b N I , ci?rtuyrm N Z uz -crrttyGs
N I -antas B I , janayarc sl, tkttt~cryatdrrc
sl, d l t d r u y a ~ RZ
~ -cctirr~ N I , u&dtl?yan
NI ~~,p'J&da
N Iy, a
N I , pdrtcyn,~
N I -trntas N I , 6odhuya.tztm ul, b/1duayatas R I -antas u ~ ,bhrdn~ayas,R I ,
mokayan N I , arrrtu?/unN I , gv&.sciynnti



N I.

Sing. ukatltayat N I , acinta?/crt

N I , addrcryat N I , adevL~~
N I,
ayat N I , ~ T L ( ? ? I L N( LI , ! /(ip??jayot
arnrijuyut N I , n7)iLrayat R I , ~rvediryat
N S , ap~d.stryatN 1, aawrjuyat ~ 2 a.s(?d,
crytrt N I , astltcipa?ycrt N 3.


3. Sing. arcc~ycimcisaN
~ 3 Xdraycimdsa

I ,eshaydrrlds(r

I , katha?/ii~~td,sa
N I,

N.L, yhosha?/A,n&saN I ,
cirttuy&mdsc~NS, tjaja,zaycimdstcIY I , t(ct-kccydt~tdsa ~ 4 to.shuydmdsa
N I , dtrrgcl!/cimBsa 332, dh&ray&rt~&sa
N I , ndyaydririisrc N I , ?todayfi~~~Lisa
N I,


Sing. trgvcisa?/atcrN I .

l r y ~ i ~ ~ ~ dNs Ic, r p.djaycir)tdsa N I , ycjtsydmiiscc N I , v d d u y t i n ~ ( ~ sNuI , vtrraydrn(1so NZ, vartcrydmdsa N I , vrgaydrtttssa N I , gdtclycirncistr " 1 , godhL I ~ ~ Y ) L ~ . SN
( II , gt>(?.~(~yd'/f~(7.~(1
U I , st/icjj?U ~ ~ T ? L ( ? S ~N2.

1. Sing.
kathnyishyiirrt i N I I J I
I. I
n d g m / i s / t ! / d ~N~Ii, hhrcrf~suyishydtt~i
N2, gdtayishye h l .
moccxyishydrni R I , vur.ayis/~?/&mi
3. Sing.
ndgayishyati N I , ~ ) ? l j cryisl~yatiV I , varayishyuti iur.
3. r'l. kathayishyanti 131.
Periphrastic Future.

2. Sing.

darga?/it(lsiH I .
11. Desiderative.


Sing. cik.irshusi N I .
, j ~ i v i s / ~ d m UaIs.

1. 1'1.


2. Sing.

111. Intensive.





PI. ?jdg~C&ti


titikshasva U I .

IV. Denominative.



Sing. 11t6rgdr)r.iX I .
tapasyasi E I .
Sing. astiywti E I , glccitayati R I .
' . gopdyanti ~ 2narrzasycnnti





2. Sing.


Sing. Iakshsh*yeN2.
Sing. wq-gayase X I .

3. 1'1.







2. Sing.


2. Sing. ganayasva ~


2 . PI.

2 .



arthayantas N I , gayzayan, ~ a c, halayatcim R I , namasym~tas 131, Iabhayunti N I , lokayarc H I , sdntvayan ~ 4 .

3. Sing. ntantray6nadsa
nyQnzRstr ~ 4 .








n ~ ~ g a y d n e nNaI .





V. Passive.

2. Sing.

cl~gyaseN2, clhriyase N I .

3. Sing.
dpyate us, ijyrte 132, ucyate N I ~ 2 7 , kriyate ~ 4
kligyate N I , garnycrte R I , g ~ h y a t eR I , .jkyate R I ~ jPyute
7x2, jfidyate
w2, dcrhyate N I B I , digyate N I , &.yate ~ 3 ,d2ryate we, dygyate N 2 ,
dhi?/ate B5, dt~riyateN I , badflyate ~ 4 m
, trcyate 1c2, mviyate N I B I ,
yujyate RZ, mbhyate H I , ricyate 8 1 , lrbhyctte B I , lipyate ~ 6 lzyate
N I , vidyate N5 ~ 9 vriyate
B I , gishyate ~ 6 gudhyate
N I , safi~te~ 3
sQyate B I , hnnyate ~ 2 hriyate
N I , d ~ g y a j ~ ~t e 3 nwc,
3. 11
' . kriyante N I , jdyante ~ 3 tapyante
y a v ~ t~ ~ 2 saijante

Sing. yujyasvu ~ 2 .
S i r . ds!/nttitrc X I , i(y(lt(7"i)lN I , kriyatdrrc


Verb-Forms qf the Naln, cnnd Blitryctvndqit&.


ucyarr~dnam R I , kysh?/amdnns N I , kri;yamdndni R I , khydyamdnenu ~~,qrasyumcir(d

N I -dn2 x~,,jfidyamdncI
N I , tuaryumdnas
N I , dahyamdnas ~4 -4 x2 -Arr~N I -usy%~ 2 dh~2yamdnas
X I , paryarrtd~anrB I , pz"j?/anz&nus~ 2 p~('hyci?t?
dnd N I , n~~dyamdncini
N I,
rakshyumdnd ~ 1 hanyamdne
3. Sing. qjzyatcc N I , ajfidyatu
aycgyata N I .
3. PI. ahanyanta rc~.





Causative Passive.

3. Sing. kdryute R I , l;.ursh,yate N I , cdlyute

3. PI. sddyante R I .

3. Sing.





N I , veclyatdm N I , vepyatdm

dhdryute riz,


nodyarr~cZ?liisN I, varnyarrc$~zesh~r

VI. Infinitive.

Accusative. (Suffix tzcn~)arciturrr R I , dptum ~2 H a , dsitztrn N I ,

eshturn N I , Zkshitum ~ 2 kampitum
H I , kartwm ~s ~ 6 k
, roddhtcrre
~ 4 kshunttim
NI, Ichydt~sm~ s ,yrclhTflcm N I , calitum N I , chettum
R I , jfidtt~rr~
N Z H Z , tyaktum N I B I , trdtum ws, d~rrshl;unz
N A BE, dh&
turn B I , netum NI, 6hokttrm st, ydtuw~~ 5 vaktum
N I R I , vartituw~
B I , vastum N I , v a d i t ~ ~
N I~BrI ~
, veshfum N I R I , paljkitum N I , gapitum
w2, gocitum R4, $~To~'u??z
~ b sojhum
NI BZ, sthdtum B I , snzarturn N I ,
hantum m, hartum ~ 4 hdtunb
Causative. ishayitunl N I , dhdrayiturre N I , dharshuyitum N Z ,

vdrccyituns N I , gvdsccyiturn N I .

Denominative. rnygnyit?cm N I .
VII. Preterite Participle.

Aotive. (Suffix tavant) dptavatf N I pz, uktavdn N I ~ p -tavati

N ~ I ,kytavdn ~2 pz -tavcrtk lvpl -tavanttrs N ~ I ,g atavdn N F ) ~ ,
tyaktavdn N P ~ cZ~shl;uvLin
Nr p2 ~f -tnvati' N I -tnvnntm~~,Zabdhavdn
N ~ I prz~tavdn
B I , srshl;avicn N~I.-(navant) dsinavat st.
Passive. (Suffix tcc) ukta R C ~ -tas U I , (&a UCZ, ita N C I -tc6,5

N3 pl C3 B4 PI C1 -td NZ C 2 -tUm N3 C2 81 CI -tdr~%

NC2 - ~ B ? L UNI C1
- t d ~

P R E T E ~ TP
E ZRTICIPLE-~Ont~nue(1.

-ttirLi R L p t - M n x c 3 RZ -tizfs L Y Z , id<If~cts

U I , i,sh;iis BZ -td NI),
-?trsn u l ~a -;dr/t VYS -;(IS R I -?&/IR I -?ah X I , uktas is11 R I p l -tcl

N 6 p l R ~ -trr?ic
~5 u 3 116 -t(211c
X I -tas!/cc h 3 -te s.2 -tiis r\i2 u p 1 C I - t d l ~ i

> I 131, trtait~I ~ I iici/tarii

rrl -(??ui131, ydllicc s c . 1 -d/in?~t
N I , kd~tcivt

%C!, k ~ t f lN C e 1 t C l tlls N 3 t l 1X ('1 -td N I 1 , 2 - t t / ~Nl 5 p.5 ('I 133 111 -tdt

N C I -te \ r
tcfs \ I 111 - t d ~ i\{.I -tcirti \ I , k~shftrsx I -le?ta s ~krdnttc

NCI - t ( ~
PU'Z ['I BI -t(i
111 -te N'L, JiZ&r~t(ts
N I , klishtarii U I , k s h ~ t d s
v p l , kfrydtas NZ -taiie R ~ -t&s
N ~ I gatci
K C I O R C I - -tus -us ps R I p~ C I
-tti x2 p4 C I -turn i s 5 p a ~ 3 w2 c 3 -ttirn X Y -te?t(~n c l -te N S -tctzr w p l -tRs
XI p 6 u 4 p* -td?b uz u c l -tci!/d*r~
X I -tes/ttt \ 2 , yit(cnb R I , guptdrn XI,
(~d$httsX I , !/rtfstcSnx A I , yltushftZrrr X I -;tir~ 3 I , ccirit~N I , calita
u c l , citrcrn 81 -tdrn N C I , cittas ucl -tiis R C I , cby?ctasX ~ I j, dta N C I
-t(lSE l -td X I -tct)tZ 111 -tasyCZ R 3 -ttiS Ul>I, ,jit(l U C I RC6 - t l i ~N 4 p 3 1%1P L ,
Jusr'ctc~?nX I, j~?c?t(~
-tus 3 2 -tcS N I -t(ui~x 3 -te ~ 2 tat(tnz
RI p 4
N I -tarn u~ PI, ttts/lfcts us, typta RCI -ftcs R I C I
-tas B! t h i U ~ I tc(ptti
-tds N ~ I ,t yakta u t 2 uel -ti? vs, trcr8tcc \ C I -td ~ 2 d<~yclf~a
-clhas N I C I . (klttij N ~ -ta1)1
R ~ - It h R I , c ! ( I s / ~ ~ X
~ II, sdig(lJ~ci
~ ( L NVI
-dhayd N C -dhiiit
u ~ dish;cis
u 2 -;k u 2 -;tctr~iv3 up], dzpta R C ~
-td W I
-tUllI R3, ~ ~ L S / LUI,
; ( ~drjfh(L
S I ~ R('1 - ( ~ / L ~R1,? YdL~ s h t aN C 5 C p l RC2 -$as
v l p b c p l R ~ CII -td YPS -$tirn UP^ -;em N C I -t6s u p l , drzcttrrn N r -te
N I , dhC?to R C I , flltytcl~rrx p l , /r,rshfcrNCI -?(IS
- ( U I IN/ I pl -te X I U I
-teh N ~ -;dl&
111, ttitii l \ p ~
-tcol N I , 1117ttcI W I , pyshtas z l p l , p i t t ~u c l
-tus N J - ~ A I L ( CN I -tau u I -tiis \ I , plutcrs XCL -td N I -tan( X I -tiihJrydnt
X I , bttddl~a::
R I -d/tt%mT I -c?htis H I , h/tilktccs us c 5 -t<i- up1 ($1 -tam ur
-tic!/(/ RI -ttis u 4 C I -tt%niR ~ I-teshri rr1 (.I, b/tita i5c1 -tus x 3 u c ~
-t(%s 4 1)1 -t(?tit X I -tdni BI, bhdtet R C I Lets NCI 1 x 1 -trrm S(.L uc.~
-teshu R I , ~ / L TN~I ,<bhr-~tshttc
ht.4 - p t s 31C I 131 e l -{ii N ~ -tcr?ir
-;km N C I , b h ~ ~ i n t dN sI RCI, mtcttri N I , rr~tntcts~ y -14
5 R ~ -Lt a i ~
R ~~ Z
-te BPI -tds R ~ I ,rnytcmr RI -ttcs?/a r r l , mita U C I , rrtukta ~ ( ' 21x2 -t(cs
3 1 B 3 , ) l l / ? r 7 / l ~ N C l BC6 -!ihas RS
N 2 B6 pl -krm > I BCI -t<6~?Jcl
131 -tc?~
-cZhe//uN2 - j f / t d ~
R 6 -@&n f i t , !/(it((N C ? B e 1 4 - 8 ~ sN ? -t(1?72 S 1 R3 C1
-tetsya BI -tiis n i pl'-t(cis T I , ycitir i5el -tas U I 1)1 -trtr13N I -te N I -ttis ns,
yukta EC8 US X 3 R l J 1 ) l 0 6 -tail, N 4 -tdlfi \ C I -~H//CL-tU~yCc
B l Cl
-te BI -t(2s X I R C ~-tiin xcr -tires u> -tci)c(71,11 % c~ i (-tatccnzc~sir1 -incis
I%]), rcikt4 X I -tam, v~ t(i^n~
~ 3 ratas

R I (.I -t(t?rc Y I -tds RZ, rabd/tcrs

\ I -dhatn XL -(/hiisT I , rtctlcl/icts I r l , i-~7$/~i~,is
RCI -$lutnc R I -@hasyciRI

u c l , Iabdftas N ~ -c7/1d
r r p l -clh,(c,tr~)~
E I , l@ta x c l , Z?q)ta u c ~ ,
lubdhas R I , viktcc u c ~ ~3ish;a
Y C I -;r/s ~ 5 I)I c.2 w p~ CI -;a \ I c 3 -;am
X I B I -;dbhyas N I , vita r r c l , vita (uyt?) I ~ C I-tas W I -t(i v l -tart?.X I -ttim
NCI -tais vc.1, vrtrns Y I p 5 B I p~ -tci ~4 C I RCI - ~ C W
C I HJ p 3 -td?n N2
c 4 -te ~ 2 -tiis X I u p 1 C I -tuis N I , v ~ t t NCI
a UCI -t((su I I)? C I ~ 3 -tnnt N 2 P I
(.I -te NI R! - t d ? ~
i , U ~ ( ~ C Z ~ LYCVCI -dh(tsBI -dhaii~R ~ -elhe
u 3 -dhtis ~ C I ,
~ a k t a sN L U I , g q t m N I , gjshta \ C I UCI -;(i( N ~ -font
i s 1 p~ BI -@a X I
-tiiyn N I -!cis R ~ -;ais
N C I , ~ U ( Z I J L C (RCZ, ~rabc7htrrnN I , ~rdwtasN I -td
~4 -tam Y I -tasytr Y Z ~ 2 -te N I -tau N C I , pritus R 3 -tam X I sn -tiis B6
-tctis X I , g ~ u t uNCI -tus ~2 p 2 -td v 3 -tan1 ~ p 2u p 1 -tasya R I -tcl?cu p 1
- t d ~ t Ni I PI, saktu NCI R C -~tns it5 -td NI -tarn BI p~ -tds w -tdnt?rn 131,
srttrs ~ p -tCi
2 IIPI - t & E~l , i , S T S F L ~ ~ C
> I -@t)t BPI, siktds NI, S ~ ~ I ~ RPI
~ L U S
-tllt,(lnci71cEL, sttptari~X I -t&?ix 1\17 -te N I -tCiyCirr~N I ,
cz -dhasycc
YI c 1 B6


-d/tas UI -&cis B I , sthita R C ~-tns;m p 6 R I O p.? cz -td

N P I U; P4 -tCLW%N Q B7 y 3 -tdn&N2 -tdt B2 -tUu HI !)I
-t(i',SN.2 p2 B.2 P4
-t&n N I ~ 1 sp~shtas
N I , smita \ C I -tus N, -t&N4 - t & n N
~C I -tcis 1.2 RI
-tais N I , S T I L T ~ U RS ~ -td
I 111 -tcot( H I 1)2, /tat(! u c 3 RCI -tns N I pr w tern^
N ~ RII -t&s v p 1 C I RPI -tdi( U ~ I hita
lrc1 -ttcs ~3 p z I ~ ) -td
v 3 p~ - t r x ~
Na p l R1 -td?t~
N I -te v l -tds N I 132 -tiin H I -trtis N I , hrrtant ~ y z h
, rtu
N C I O RC2 -tus UI -tiC X P I - ~ ( C N
Y I ~LRII pi -tdm ~ 4 -te N I , /~rsh;ccN C ~RCI
-tas ~ 2 -;B ~ 2 C I -;elia X I -;as!/a N I -;e N I -;cis N I , hr4tci v ~ .
(Suffix itcc) ishitas ~ p -t(dill
S ~ I , ikshitas ~ p -tds
N I , ucitd N I ,
usll,itm (vas) ~ 2 PI -t& ~2 -tam vl C I -tdm N I , ushitarn (ztsh) UCI,
ktirikshitum BPI, /;upitas N I -tic N I , kiljit&m X C I , kshudhittrs N I
-taii~N 2 , gr/~It(cN C I -tayd R C I -td?~iU I -teshrc N I , cintitas N I , ceshtitarn N2, jvalitccs SPI, trshitas N 1, tuaritt~sN I -td NI;-t&sV I , d~cyitas
N I -tRn N2, punitas xyl, plrtitc2 X I PI -te s l -tdni X I , pigitas N C I
td N I cz PC\ -tam N ~ -tds
NCI, pdjitus 31p~,prcrthitusBI, bhtishitd~n
N I , 6hOsJ~itdN I -tar11 s c l , rtba!t@itdi~~
N I , nicrthittr N C I , ~ntcditcrsu~
-tau N I , rcrkshitan~ N I rrc.2, rcrhitd N.2 -tt!ii~RC3 -tch N I , rudite X I ,
viditt~RCI -t(?N ~ -tali&
N I , o!/crthitcc. RCI - t t o ~
N I~ up2

-t$s N I u y ~ ,
vri$itds X I , g d k i t t i V I , sdcittcs X I -td N Z -tan? N ~ I sevittc
s c -tam

NC2 -te N C ~ ,/~rs?titt!s


(Suffix n u ) k f y ~ a n %
v c 2 , gldnusya XI, C ~ ~ L P L INJ
L ~ -1LUm
N2, chinncx R C ~ , dilza NCI -TL&
N2 -%am wi -ndm ~ 2 -n&s N I
,??nlLtGN ) ,
NCI RCI -nd N6 -77as N5 - I ~ U R3
W L-ndm N I -rLe N I RCI -rids uz -na,t,
pQr!ta N c ~RCI -?~drnN1 -fie Nl, hhirtmi. R I , mdtl(lrr~U I , yci.rta BC1,
littas R I , vi,q12c! NCI UCL -TI($N.2, ~ i t O ? tUCI,
~h'nctsX I -?h&qc$?r~
sartntc RCL -nencc R I , stzrndn~N I , hinas X I -/tam N I ucz - P ~ ~ I Imi
-nau NI.
Causative. (Suffix ta) arcitiirti N I p ~ (r~;jita?n
NI 111, arditattL N I ,
arpitcn UCZ, Iritas vpl -tam N I , knthittott v l -t6s X I , kargit& ~ C I
-t&m N C I , karshittrs X C I -ttZ N I C I -tdtt~N C I -tdr~iN I , I'isha~yituUCI,
clargitam R ~ I degittcs
N I , dhurshittis NZ, i~dditurn
s2 0 1 , ndgitttrii BI,
pdtitds N ~ I p!/dyit&
N ~ ) I , bht2vittcs 1tc1 -tds U I C I , r r ~ c i ~ j i tVd
I ,~ ~ ~
lr~ohitas~ 4 -tn11~BI -t&?r&
N l -tds R I P I ,
yqjftns NCI r r l , rcfjitattr 31
-tdrn N I , v(2ritd X I , v a ~ j i t a sBcZ -tnrt~~ 3 132 -tds BPI, vartitali~BI,
~ o b t ~ i t t~c3~-tdm
i ~ N I -tds N I , grdvittcs N I , s&dit&N I .
Desiderative. Q~sitct::~ 3 - ~ & IXIII.


Denominative. urthitanr




~1 p l


kirtrtitas U I p-2, gaytitas Y ~ J -te

X ~ -ttor~
N ~ I sdtitvitas

VIII. Gerundives.

(Sufiix tavya) dptusyctm ~ p ~ l 1 karttt:~!/at~~

v p l UI -tcttr!y&trc BI,
gantavytcm N ~ upl,
jfidtccvyam R I , ddtavyus N I -yum R ~ I ,
pras7z;tsvya.s N ~ I b, udd/zmvyn?~tR]n, b/r(!rtavyci N P I , bhnvitauya~~c
XI, marctuvyas BI, mdrgitavyam BPI, yush;av,ycot~ B ~ I ytrttaoyam
NI, yoktavyam BPI, ? / o d d / ~ a v y a B
~I~, rI(tbdhuvyds N ~ I vnX.tauyc~m
N I , vedituvyarrc R I , gnntavyam N I , grotavytrsya R I , s?r~artavyas
NPI, hantavyas NI.

(Sutfix ya) ikshynrn B I , I6yarri BI, kdmydndm BI, M r y a BCI -yas

-yam us p 2 R4 pz -!/d Y I 111-ye RI -ydni N ~ I klrdyus
BI, gamyun,
BCI, gra?~y(ct)i
R I , cittt!/ce B C I -yas BZ -ytrr/L B I , jfieyas N ~ BI
I p l -yam
N I ~ f pi l - ~ ( c N
? 1,L tt~lyasN I , tycjjyam ~ 1 1 3 , (la?$yus N I , d%!/as N I ,
ddh!/as BI, deyccs N I - y n , / ~N I , clegyulr~BI, p.L?jyns R I , badhyas BI,
meyn N C I -y&t7 R I , ynnLy(r RCI, lubhyas BI, vadhyas N I , vdcyarn BI,
vedyas N I BPI -?/ant X I 131, gaXyd N ~ I ,gocydn RI, goshyas RI,
hdrye B I .

IX. Gerund.

(Suffixtun) i8rt$vd (;S?L)B I , ishtvd (?/aj)N I , ? ~ k t v &

N I ~ 6 k
, tvd
5 6 B9,
N13 B2, y~J~Ftvd
N 3 B2, Chfttvd N 3 R2, j i t ~ dN4 R2, j f i d t ~ d
H I I , tytrktvd N Z u l z , d ~ s h t v a
~ 4 R5I I , duttv& NZ, dhydtvd N I , yrsh$vd
W I , bi~ddt~od
K I B2, bztddI~itvLjB I, bhuktvd BI, bJ~Qtvd~ 4 139, mutvd
N 2 B2, ?nuktud B I , y($tt)d N I , yuktv(? BI, ruditvd N I , ruddhvd ~ 2 ,
lnbdhvd ~ 3 R I , viditvd ~ 2 $rtitvd
~ 2 143,
5 srtvd N I , srshtvd I%],hatvd
R7, hitvd B1.
(Suffixya) arr8yu RI, ag?/u N I , asyn N I ~ 4 ,dpya ~ 5 B I ~ , itya
N 5 R6, ikshytr N12 R3, tsshya N3, krtyCZ N3, k ~ s h y a
N2, krarnya N5,
kshiilya NJ, kshfpya ~ 4 khydyn
N I , gtcntya N I I , gatya N I , grhya
~ 2 cnrya
NL, cityn N4, chI'c/yn N I , jfi&ya N I R I , tir?/a ~ 4 t?/aCj/~~
ddytc N I O , digytc N Z BI, drcctyn N I , dhRyo 135, nndya B I , nandycd NI:
r ~ u ~ z ! / aN I ID, 7~i?yn N I , piLZrya BI, prgya N I , bh&shya N I ,
bhd!/a N I , ?r~Tg!/t~
N I RI, ntuc!/tc ~1 R I , ya?/iyn N I ~ 9 !, /?Yya N I ,
rtsbh!/a N I , rudhyn N I R I , r71hyte ~ 2 ,lapya ~ 2 labhya
~ 2 l, i6f'ya
N I , vadya N I , uytycr ~ 3 uiwya
NI, v i g ~ a
~ 4 ~ 4 gamya
~ 3 gasya
gritycn N1 136, gi'?lt!/u ~ 4 guc(s?/n
NZ, w j y a N I u~f , srpyn N I , stabhya
n3, stkdyu N I R2, sprgya N I , s i ~ ~ ~ Nt Zy ~n 4 s
, uajya ~ 5 Itatya
h ~ t y t cN Z R I , hasycc N I , Iiciytr ~ 2 133.
Causative. (Silffi\ tvd) crrcayitvd ~ 2 cintnyitvd
N I , tcrrk(/yituZi
N I , durg~yitoc?N I , pdjayitc~ti N I , rnoc'ayitvd N I , yqja!/itvd N I ,
vdrayibvd N I , ~ d t a y i t o dN I , st/~dpayitl)dHI.
(Snfix ya) curyn us, cintya N I , ndyycr ~ 3 ropycr
NJ, vddya N I ,
vBrytr N J , vegytr R I , ~ o c i ~ y~ u2 sd($!/a
~ 7 BI, sthdpya N I BI.
Denominative. gtrnayituci. N I , ?ilohshnyitv&N I , lakshayitvc$ N I ,
sdntva!/itv& NI----mantrya ~ 2 lokyc~

On the following pages is riven :I, r~umericalsummary of' the

forms reported i n the xhove lists, the numbers in the three
classes of text 1)eing set side hy side, for more ready comparison with one another.


Ve~b-h$ectio7~in ,Sa i t s k ~ i l .

m o o w

v / ;

-m -










,* : :


2, :--


* m



- -







- - - - -- --


















: A




i n . -


* r.-

lI *

-8 -



2 A m



S g $ $2

5 959






u s %



: :g




2 m. m

"'.'g $ Z z




. .E

' : : :


, , , ,



- - 1

- -



':II ; 3


: s



,, ,, , ,#






, , ,
, , , ,- -

, ,


# , , ,


, , ,









,- , ,

1 - : m : :






/ c


U l m


n 1-- :

: 3

; : an
-- --- --

# , , #
, ,

, ,, a d

-- -


: * : :

g NpI_:-.: ~ l :

r z0"+ , m

L m1 5 ~







:- :


0 1 8 0 ,




- GCC:

:-- : : T' d
: Q



-- 8 --L
- -


- --










, -


-- - -




- 01 -

I _


,0 # , #

2 ,


: :a :





- --


- - o m




p m m








w - t i m


- --









-ti --- ,
1 -



* -,


, , #







, I, C l





+ N N

. . . .
- -

D .


- - ---








- 1 3
C.1 e





* , ----I

s8 w 3


, , . ,


o m


-, - ,




k O . B i 3 3 1 W





--- -





- - $- -

.- -- .v ,













1 1 0


m o o 0

a m + +


.' , , ,,


' 1 0


, ,
: ; : :

: $











. m.

4 N' ci












- -


w- . # &

# - #-- , ,

\ # , .




.n - Fc d

---: &Nru-

- . .. - , --

# , , ,


, , , ,
, -, ,

, , , <




: : : :


, , , ,



b" $LT




. % a.


6 OZg

5 2 .-g
k. a

3 eE
3 &g

. 2 . 5 2



, -- ,

' . _

- m a ,



a, a,--

33 b"g

: c



~ 2 62


g g
$ L.+ j-- -


3 . 5 2
9 . 2 - 2 g
. mri



c . 1 0 0











~-a -~

-. .




0 -












* , ,.-I









i - t -


C D ~


: : :


, O

---. -. .


- ~-~-.





, , # , ,





0 0


- -~ - -




,a ,,-











* o - o m

o m

0 0 0 3 0










,. ,# ,, , , , ,
,, , ' a, , , , ,

- -











. , ,







o m 0






0 3 L D r .


3 0







. ..

, ,

1 -


# ,






. .. . .


, ,







P I !. L

















, ,

,* ,

, ,


. .~

, ,

- . 0-.





. .


, , , ,



, ,

, ,

, : ,







. #.

TTerh-Inflection7'12 Sanskrit.
_ _ -.




Simple Verb.








355 ....











3 .......





















20,281 il,l?d2,076


1 .

--I,,<- -1


1 ...........

1,315 459 167

! 1




134)27! :i 516 11 3 185154,2:%

~ .
. . --

GRANDTOTALS:A . 22,4131; B. 6:736; C. 2,272.




J; Avery,

I A : B I--c







tvli 20,166 241

tvdya 8
tvt 35'
ya 71 127 216
tya 13 33 44








' Predicatively, 3.

- --

"do. 17. 'do. 169. jdo. 22 1.

15. "do. 47. '"do. 14.

do. 5 .

' do. 40.


By way of appendix to the above, the following brief and summary classification
of the verb-forms found in Manu and in yakuntal$. (Bohtlingk's edition) is furnished by Mr. A. H. Edgren, an instructor in Yale College :


Simp. V.










opt. (precative)





These were noted by Mr. Hdgren by the way, when he was engaged in looking
carefully through the texts in illustration of another subject, so that he cannot
vonch for the accuracy at every point of his collection and enumeration; but the
statements are at any rate correct enough to help cast light on the proportion of
the fornis of the verb as they appear in actual use. The preponderance of optative
forms over all others in Manu will be noticed as a striking peculittrity. Mr. Edgren
notes further that finite or personal verbs occur nearly three times as often in
Bohtlingk's translation of the Cakuntali as in the original, notwithstanding the
literalness of the version.

an^ A.
uksh A.
aghdy A.
akkhay A.
ae A.
a j A, R.
ajirdy A.
a@' A, B.
at C.
at A.
ad A, B.
adhvariy A.
adhuary A.
a n A. B.
anniy A.
a p x y A.
a m A.
amitruy A .
a r A, H, C.
ardtty A. B.
1 arc A, B.
3 arc A.
arch B, C.
arj A, B, C.
arthay A, G .
ard A, C.
ardh A, B, C.
1 arsh A.
2 arsh A, B
arh A, B, C.
av A, B.
1 a~ A, B.
A, B, C.
a ~ v ( t yA.
1 RS A, B, C.
2 ns A, B.
asdy C.
a h A, B, C.
ap A, B, C.
dr A.
ris A, B, C.
i A, B, (2.
i (in, inv) A, B.
id!/ C.
idh A, B, C.
cadray A.



1 ish A, B.

2 i;vh A.
3 ish A, B, C.
4 ish C.
ishanay A.
ishany A.
ishay A.
ishudhy A.

5 9.
iksh A, B, C.
inkh A.
ing ,4.

,$' A.
t(l A, B, C.
k A, B. C.
& A, B.
k h A.
t1h C.
u A.
uksh A.
uc A, C.
ud A, B.
ubj A, B.
ubh A.
u r w h y A , B.
ush A, C.
Bnay A.
arjay A.
urnu A, B.
1 dh A. B C.
2 dh A.
~ g h d yA.
T ~ AY
ej A.
edh A.
esh A, C.
kundkay A.
kath C.
kan A, B
kain A, B, C.
karnp B, (>.
1 kar A, B. C.
2 kar A.
3 kR? A, B.
I kart A, B, C.
2 kart A, B.


k a r ~A, C.
1 karsh A, C.
2 karsh A.
,kal C.
(ka@A, B, C.
kdhksh B, O.
k d ~A, C.
ktrtay C.
kup A, C.
Iculciyay A.
kdj C.
kd[ A, B.

kratdy A.
k r a d A, C .
krap 4 .
krarn A, B, C.
kr&h A, C.
krqc~A, B, C.
klum C.
lklid C.
'kli!:C .
kshad A, B.
1 ltslun C.
iksham A, (.:
kshar A, B.
kshal C.
1 kshi A, B.
a k?~
!:I kshi A, B, C.
kship A, C.
kshgu A.
khad B.
k h a n A , B.
klLcirl A.
khid A.
khud A.
khyci A. B, C.
ga?zay C .
gatiy A.
gad C.
gum A, B, C.

A, B,



I gar A, B.
2 gar A.
3 gar A, B, C .
gardh A.
garh A.
1 gci A, B.
2 gd A, B, C.
gdtuy A.
gdh A. B.
gup A.
gur A, R.
guh C.
gopdy A, B; C.
yrabh A, B.
g ~ a hB , C.
g r m A, C.
g ~ dn, c.
ghar A, B.
ghm A.
ghdday C.
ghush A, C.
ghrd A, B, C.
caksh A, B, C.
cat A.
cad A.
canasy A.
car A, B, C.
caranty A.
cart A.
cal C.
cdy A.
1 ci A, C.
2 ci A.
:I ci A, B.
4 cit A, C.
cint C.
cue A.
cut B.
cud A.
cesh! C.
c l ~ u'4, R. C.
1 chad A, B, C
2 Chad A.

chalay C.
chid A, R, C.
janh .A.
jan A, B, C.
janty A.

jap B.
jamhh A.
1 jar A.
2 jar A .
:I jar A.
j m A.
jd A.
jarmy A .
ji A. B, C.
jinv A , B.
jkv A, B, C.
ju A.
jur A.
jush A, B.
ja A, B.
jarv A.
jeh A.
jfid A, H, C.
jrnay A.
jyci A, B.
jramhh A.
jri A.
jval C.
tans A.
tfhk A.
t a h h A.
ta!l A.
tan A, B, C.
tand A.
tandray B.
tap A, B, (3.
tapmy C.
tam A, B.
tar A, B, C.
tarwhy A.
tark C.
tard A, B.
tarp A , B, C.
tarsh A, C'.
tarh A.
tavishty A.
tavbhy A.
tij A, C.
tilvildy A.
tu A.
tuj A.
tud A.
tur A.
turany A.
1 tug A.
2 tug A.
tush G.
tarv A.
tyaj A. C.
Eras A , C.
trd A. C.
tvar B, C.
tsar A.
dahg A, C.
daksh A.

dayh A.
dung C.
dan A.
dubh A.
dam C.
damnny A.
day A, B. C.
I d~rrA, B, C.
2 dnr B.
darp A , B.
d a ~ gA, B, C .
cEarh A. C.
darmy A.
das A.
dah A, B, C.
1 dB A , B, C.
:i dd A.
d& A.
d h A.
div A, B, C.
dig A, B, C.
dih A, C.
11 dt A, C .

dtp A, B, C.

clu A.

duchundy A.

dudh A.

chgybky A.

duvasy A.

d ~ A,n B,
duh A , R.
duhty A.
devay A, B.
dyut A, C.
drd A.
dru A. B, C.
clruh A, B.
drd A.
dvish A: R, C.
dhan A.
dhanv A.
clham A, B.
dhar A, B, C.
d h r s h C.
1 dhd A, B, C.
2 dhd A, B.
I dhrtv A , B, C:.
2 dhdv A.
dhgdhinv) B.
dhiydy A.
dhi A, B.
dhunay A.
dlud A; B. U.
cML?nd C.
cihyci C.
dhraj A.
chruv A.
chvais A.
dhvan A.

naksh A , B.
nad A, C.
nand A. B, C.
nahh A . B.
nam A, B, C.
namasy A, B, C.
nart A.
n a ~ dB.
I nu$ A, B, C.
3 nag A.
nus A.
nah A. B.
nctdh A.
nij A, B.
nid A.
nk A, B, C.
2 nu A, B.
3 nu A.
nud A, B. C.
ned B.
nrmannsy A.
nyttikhay A, B.
pac A , B . C.
lyan B, C .
' 1 pat A, B, C.
' 3 pat A.
ipaci A. B, C.
pan A.
Ipanasy A.
! 1 pa,? A, B, (1.
I 2 par A. B.
pare A , B.
parg C.
pag A. B. C.
1 pa^ A, B.
3 p d A, B.
pinv A, B.
pihd A.
piC A.
pish A.
11 pk A.
2 pi A, B, C.
kt(, A , C.
ptY A.
putrty A.
push A, B. C.
pushpy C.
pa A . B, C.
p2j c.
pytundy A.
prtany A.
praksh A.
prach A, B, C.
iprath A, B.
prct A.
priydy A.
prk A, B, C.
pru A.
pruth A.
p m s h A.
lplu A, B, C.

lphan A.
lphar A.
handh A, B, O.
2 hrwh A , B.
h&h A, B.
budh A, B, C.
bra A , B, C.
hhaksh A , B, C.
bhaj A, B. C.
hhafij A , B, C.
bhan A.
hhand A.
hhandanrty A .
bhnr A, B, C.
bharzi A.
hhns A .
,b/?i,dA, B, C.
Ihhds C.
hhcish B, C.
hkilrsh A.
bhid A, B.
bhishajy A , B.
h h i A. H.
bhish A.
bhuj A , B: C.
hhur A.
bhuraj A.
bhurany A.
bhii A, B, C.
1 bhiish A.
2 hhijsl~A.
bhyas A.
bhraa A.
bhram C.
bhrag A. B, C.
hhrdj A, B , C.
hhri A.
bhresh A.
rnatih A.
makhasy A.
moj C.
rnajj A, B, C.
m a ~ !C
mad A. B, C.
ma% A, B, C.
mammy A.
'mantray A, B, C.
!math A, B, C.
m a d A.
1 mar A, U: (!.
2 rnar A.
mary C.
marc A, B.
rnarj A, B, C .
mard A.

a, c.


vtardh A.
marg A, B, C.
rnarsh A, C.
?nah A.

a ma A, B.
:I ma A, C.

mdnavasy A.
m&rg C .
1 m i A, B.
2 m i A, B.
miksh A.
?nigh A.
rnith A.
mid A.
n ~ i s hA, C.
mih A.
mu A.
nzuc A, B, C.
mud A, B, C.
mar A.
mush A, C.
T ~ L UB,
~ L C.
mrgay A, C.
~nokshB, C .
myalcsh A.
mrrzksh A.
mrad A.
mruc B.
yaj A, B, c:.
yat A, B, C.
yam A, B, C.
yas A.
yd A, B. C.
yac A, B, C.
ydd -4.
2 yu A, B, C.
3 yu A.
yuj A. B: C.
yudh A. C.
yup A. B.
radh A.
raksh A. B, C.
ruj A, C .
rathary A.
rad A.
radh A.
ran(ran) A.
rmndhandy A.
rape A.
rabh A, B, C.
ram A, B, C.
rah 0.
1 rd A, B.
3 ra A.
rdj A, B, C.
radh A, B.
r i A.
rikh A.
vie A, B.
rip A.
ribh A, B.
rip A.
rish A, B.
rishapy A.

rih A.
rk A.
1 ru A, B.
3 ru A.
I.w: A.
ruj A.
rud A, C.
1 rudh A.
2 rudh A. B, C .
ruvany A.
rush A.
1.uh A, B, C.
riip B.
rrj A.
lakshay C.
lnjj' B, C'.
lap B, C.
labh A, B, C.
likh C.
likg C.
2@ A. C.
lili B.
It A, B, C.
lup U. C.
Iubh A, B, C.
lok C .
vaksh A.
vac A , C.
vacasy A.
va6c A.
vat A.
vad 11. B, ij.
vadh A.
vadhwy A.
van A, B.
vanusTi A.
vanushy A.
vand A, B, C .
1 vap A.
2 vap A, B.
vapushy A.
vczm A, B, C.
1 var A , B.
2 var A, B, C.
varivagy A.
varey A.
2 varj A, B.
varn C.
wart A, B, C.
vard?~A, C.
varsh A, B.
varh A.
valg4y A.
vavray A.
vap A, B.
2 vas A.
3 was A.
6 was A, B, C.
7 vas A.
8 vas B.

vas2y A.
uasnay A.
vah A, B, C.
1 vd A.
2 vd A.
6 vri A, B, C.
vbc A.
v+ay A.
V U ~ K I L A, C.
vdr A, B, C.
vic A, C.
vij A , B, C.
vithury A.
1 vid A, B, C.
:I vid A, B, C'.
vadh A, B.

6 vk A.
&ray A, B.
vUuy A.
vyshany A.
vrshriy A.
ven A, B.
nep (:.
vyath B, C.
1 vyu A , C.
2 v y i A.
vyac A.
vyath A, B, C.
vyadh A, B.
vraj C .
vrad A.
vray A.
vracc A.
vrddh A.
vrid 0.
vlny A.
;vE B.
(cartsA, B. C.
pak A, B. C.
paLk C.
pad A, C.
Cap A, B, C.
1 p r r ~A.



gas A, B.
1pd A.
2 gu A, B.
pis A, B, C.
1 !~ikshA, B.
2 ~ i k s hA.
p%j A.
gish A, B, C.
L'i A, B, C.
~ u A,
c B, C.

pravmy A.
grLi B.
pri A, B, C.
p i s h A.
~ rA.
1 cru A, B, C.
2 p u A.
crush A.
c;lish A, B.
pvarZc A.
pus A, B, C.
i .
cvit A.
saksh A.
sac A, B.
saj A, B, C .
sad A, B, C
san A, B.
sap A.
sapary A
swr A, B, C.
surany A.
sarj A, B, C.
sarp A, B, C.
sap A.
sas A.
soh A, B, C.
sLi A, B.
sidh A.
sdntvay C.
si A, B.
'sic A, B, C.
1 sidh A, B.
2 sidh A, B, C
s2v B.
su A, B, C.
sushvay A.
sukrat &y A.
sii A, B.
sac C.
sad A.
sev A, C.
skand A, B.
skabh A.
sku1 B.
sta~rA, B
stabh A, B, C.

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