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Network Security White Paper ver. H.1.


Technical Information:

Network Security
White Paper
Document Version H.1.1








Aficio MP C2800
Aficio MP C3300


MP C2800
MP C3300

MP C2800/LD528C
MP C3300/LD533C


Aficio MP C4000
Aficio MP C5000


MP C4000
MP C5000

MP C4000/LD540C
MP C5000/LD550C


Aficio MP C2050
Aficio MP C2550


MP C2050
MP C2550

MP C2050/LD520C
MP C2550/LD525C


Aficio MP C2030
Aficio MP C2530


MP C2030
MP C2530

MP C2030/LD520CL
MP C2530/LD525c


Aficio SP C411DN
Aficio SP C410DN



LP231c/SP C411
LP226c/SP C410

Copyright 2011 RICOH Americas Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

This document may not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part, for any purpose or in any
fashion without the prior written consent of Ricoh Company limited. Ricoh Company limited retains the
sole discretion to grant or deny consent to any person or party.
All product names, domain names or product illustrations, including desktop images, used in this
document are trademarks, registered trademarks or the property of their respective companies. They are
used throughout this book in an informational or editorial fashion only. Ricoh Company, Ltd. does not
grant or intend to grant hereby any right to such trademarks or property to any third parties. The use of
any trade name or web site is not intended to convey endorsement or any other affiliation with Ricoh
The content of this document, and the appearance, features and specifications of Ricoh products are
subject to change from time to time without notice. While care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of
this information, Ricoh makes no representation or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or
adequacy of the information contained herein, and shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in these
materials. The only warranties for Ricoh products and services are as set forth in the express warranty
statements accompanying them. Nothing herein shall be construed as constituting an additional
warranty. Ricoh does not provide legal, accounting or auditing advice, or represent or warrant that our
products or services will ensure that you are in compliance with any law. Customer is responsible for
making the final selection of solution and technical architectures, and for ensuring its own compliance
with various laws such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Issue Date

Revised item


30, 10, 2008

Initial release



Added SSL Features Information

Throughout this document you may see references such as 04A (2004 Autumn) or 05S (2005 Spring).
You will only see an A (Autumn) or S (Spring) attached to the last two digits of a year.
These two seasons reflect the time period the machines were manufactured.
Target Readers:
1. All end users: The information contained in the document can be distributed to end users as long as
you follow the restrictions outlined on page 2.The main target readers are IT Administrators. When
distributing this document to end users, region specific information including model names must be
2. The regional support and marketing staff of each regional company
3. The support and marketing staff of Ricoh Sales companies including Ricoh family group companies
and their subsidiaries.
4. Technical support personnel (CEs) of dealers.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

The following terms are used in this document. Please familiarize yourself with them.
The products: This refers to the digital multifunction and printing devices covered by this document, as
noted in the Model Cross Reference table. The term the products refers to all of these machines
Host Interface: This refers to the physical interface of the Ethernet board on the products.
SSL: SSL: Is a communication technology used for secure connections between 2 hosts. The primary
goal of the SSL Protocol is to provide privacy and reliability between two communicating applications.
SSL is layered on top of some reliable transport protocol (e.g., TCP). SSL allows the server and client to
authenticate each other and to negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before the
application protocol transmits or receives its first byte of data.
SSH2 (Secure Shell): Is intended as a replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp. Additionally, ssh provides
secure X connections and secure forwarding of arbitrary TCP connections. Ricohs implementation of
SSH is based on OpenSSH 3.9.

Model Cross Reference:








Aficio MP C2800
Aficio MP C3300


MP C2800
MP C3300

MP C2800/LD528C
MP C3300/LD533C


Aficio MP C4000
Aficio MP C5000


MP C4000
MP C5000

MP C4000/LD540C
MP C5000/LD550C


Aficio MP C2050
Aficio MP C2550


MP C2050
MP C2550

MP C2050/LD520C
MP C2550/LD525C


Aficio MP C2030
Aficio MP C2530


MP C2030
MP C2530

MP C2030/LD520CL
MP C2530/LD525c


Aficio SP C411DN
Aficio SP C410DN



LP231c/SP C411
LP226c/SP C410

NOTE: Parts of this document may not apply to some models. For example, printer models do not have
scanners. Therefore some uses of RSH (for scanning) do not apply to these models.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 7

Port Based Network Services and Potential Security Issues ........................................... 7


TELNET .......................................................................................................................... 8









Function Overview: ......................................................................................................... 8


Potential threats.............................................................................................................. 8

FTP ............................................................................................................................... 10

Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 10


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 10


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 11

SFTP (SSH2) ................................................................................................................ 11


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 11


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 11


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 12

HTTP ............................................................................................................................ 13

Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 13


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 13


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 13

HTTPS .......................................................................................................................... 14

Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 14


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 14


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 14

SNMP v1/v2 .................................................................................................................. 15


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 15


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 15


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 15

SNMP v3 ....................................................................................................................... 16

Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 16


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 16


Recommended precaution ............................................................................................ 17

SHELL (RSH/RCP) ....................................................................................................... 17


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 17


Potential Threats .......................................................................................................... 17


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 18

1-10 LPD............................................................................................................................... 18

Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 18


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 18


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 18

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1-11 IPP ................................................................................................................................ 19


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 19


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 19


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 19

1-12 DIPRINT (RAW Print) .................................................................................................... 20


Function Overview. ....................................................................................................... 20


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 20


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 20

1-13 SMB .............................................................................................................................. 20


Function Overview. ....................................................................................................... 20


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 21


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 21

1-14 MDNS ........................................................................................................................... 21


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 21


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 21


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 21

1-15 H323hostcall/SIP .......................................................................................................... 22


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 22


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 22


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 22

1-16 SSDP ............................................................................................................................ 22


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 22


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 22


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 22

1-17 WS-Device .................................................................................................................... 23


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 23


Potential threats and Recommended Precautions ......................................................... 23


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 23

1-18 IPDS ............................................................................................................................. 23


Function Overview ........................................................................................................ 23


Potential threats and recommended precautions ........................................................... 24


Recommended Precaution............................................................................................ 24

1-19 RHPP ............................................................................................................................ 24

1-20 Others ........................................................................................................................... 24

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2. Other Network Services ............................................................................................. 25



Wireless LAN ................................................................................................................ 25


Overview ...................................................................................................................... 25


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 26

IPsec ............................................................................................................................. 27

Overview ...................................................................................................................... 27


Recommended Precautions .......................................................................................... 27

3. APPENDIX ................................................................................................................... 29

Services Requiring Open TCP/UDP Ports ..................................................................... 29




Access Control .............................................................................................................. 32


Access Control Web Image Monitor ........................................................................... 32


Access Control mshell ............................................................................................... 36


Disabling Services ........................................................................................................ 37


Disabling Services Web Image Monitor ...................................................................... 40


Disabling Services mshell .......................................................................................... 44


HTTP/HTTPS settings .................................................................................................. 45


SNMP settings: ............................................................................................................. 48

Administrator Account Settings...................................................................................... 52



Related Protocols ......................................................................................................... 31

Web Image Monitor ...................................................................................................... 52

Network Security Level Settings .................................................................................... 53


Configuration ................................................................................................................ 53


Description of the Levels............................................................................................... 54


Wireless LAN settings................................................................................................... 55


IEEE 802.1X(WPA/WPA2) ............................................................................................ 59


IPsec settings ............................................................................................................... 62

4. REFERENCE LIST ...................................................................................................... 68

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This document describes potential network threats and recommended precautions for them.
The products have built-in network services for providing a variety of features for wired and wireless
network clients, such as network scanning, printing or faxing, and also client services for accessing
network servers running outside the products, such as an LDAP server, Netware server, or Mail server.
This document focuses on how-to protect against potential threats from external attacks.
As the products are designed for use inside an Intranet where network clients and servers are protected
by firewalls, the products rely on the Intranets security policy, like the security provided by other network
servers and clients. However, some customers require more strict security levels for network devices,
because potential threats from inside the firewalls are increasing, and some configurations even use a
secure connection to the Internet as a part of the Intranet.
To satisfy these demands, the products are all evaluated by security scanning applications during
development, and also are checked for known vulnerability issues reported by Internet security
organizations, such as CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC : HTTP:// ). Whenever we
find security vulnerabilities in the products, we provide appropriate countermeasures.

1-1 Port Based Network Services and Potential Security Issues

Some MFP/LP services allow write access from network clients. Because of this, some customers may
feel that the products are not secure. In fact, the products are secure and provide security measures
against potential threats to specific services, but some of these measures can make the services
unavailable. For example, disabling the LPD port will make the products unavailable to LPR clients.
Disabling all protocols that are not used is highly recommended. This can be done quickly using Network
Security Levels (described in the Appendix section entitled Network Security Level Settings). The
Network Security Level function can be used to expedite security configuration. Please refer to the
Appendix section entitled Description of the Levels for information about the configuration and a
description of each level.

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We also recommend using the Access Control function for added security. Access Control is a list of
safe client host addresses. Once Access Control is setup for specific IP addresses, the products will
receive print or scan requests from the specified hosts only. Access Control can be applied to LPR
printing, RSH/RCP access, Bonjour access, HTTP/HTTPS access, FTP printing, TCP raw printing
(DIPRINT), SMB printing, IPP printing, scanning from DeskTopBinder. Access Control can also be used
for WSD-printing, WSD-Scanning, IPDS printing, and RHPP printing. For information on how to set up
Access Control, please refer to the Appendix section entitled Access Control.
In the following sections, the potential threats and recommended precautions are given for each service.
For added security, the recommended precautions should be accompanied by a firewall and Access

1-2-1 Function Overview:
The TELNET service provides a virtual terminal service in order to use the maintenance shell (mshell). It
is compliant with RFC 854. The mshell uses TCP port 23 and provides a dedicated command interface
for the following functions.
Configuring network settings of the products from remote terminals
Monitoring device status and settings from remote terminals
Getting system logs from remote terminals
Unlike shell services for UNIX/Linux, the mshell provides a command interface for configuration
purposes only. Access to the file system or kernel, or modifying system files inside the products is very

1-2-2 Potential threats

Destruction, Corruption and Modification of the File System and Kernel
The possibility of destruction, corruption or modification of the file system is very low.
The mshell only permits write-access to a subset of device settings.
Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
This is not an issue. Neither the local file system nor a remote host can be accessed via the mshell.
Theft of Username and Password
The username and password used for telnet is the same as those used for Web Image Monitor.
Interception of network packets: When accessing the products using TELNET, the username and
password are sent in clear text, because the TELNET protocol itself does not support encryption. So if
the username and password are intercepted, the possibility of unauthorized access and changes being
made does exist.

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Brute force password crack:

The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of failed logins. If the number of login attempts
exceeds a configured threshold, the device will send an e-mail to the administrator. All failed logins will
be logged.
Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to the users login
requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a message
showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.
Recommended Precautions
The following are suggested precautions against threats to the embedded TELNET service.
Scenario 1: Basic security settings
Change the username and password from the default value to something difficult to guess and change it
regularly. The username and password are the same as those used for logging into Web Image Monitor
in Administrator mode. Changing the username and password for the mshell means changing them for
Web Image Monitors Administrator mode.
Scenario 2: High security policy
Close the TELNET port:
The TELNET port can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor. When TELNET is disabled, the
services provided by the mshell will not be available. TELNET should only be opened in cases where a
machine setting needs to be changed and cannot be changed any other way. Before logging in, the
products should be removed from the network and connected to directly be a single PC. After the setting
is changed, TELNET should be immediately closed again and can rejoin the network.

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1-3 FTP
1-3-1 Function Overview
The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) service is compliant with RFC 959. TCP port 20 is used for the FTPdata service and TCP port 21 is used for the FTP-control service. In order to work with the products, FTP
clients must be compliant with RFC 959.
The following functions are provided by the FTP service.

Submitting a print job

Downloading the files listed in the table below

Remote Firmware Updates

File name




System log



Printer Status



Print log



Printer Information





Fax application files:

Fax job log

SmartDeviceMonitor for

These cannot be seen

Fax counter

Admin/Client is required

by users.

Fax address book

to read these files.

rwx - - - - - -

RFU requires Machine administrator privileges. When Web Smart Device Monitor is used for RFU, TCP
port 10020/10021 are used to send firmware files via the FTP protocol. However, port 21 is used to
negotiate the transfer. All 3 ports must be open. RFU is a proprietary process defined by Ricoh and is
extremely difficult to emulate. However if a strict security policy is to be maintained, that port can be
closed via TELNET.

1-3-2 Potential Threats

Destruction, corruption and modification of the file system
Although the FTP service permits write-access, any files that are received by the printer are considered
to be a print job or firmware.
When the embedded FTP server receives an executable file, the products prints a binary representation
(garbage characters) of the data contained in the executable. As for firmware, a dedicated account and
password that are disclosed only to Service Technicians is required to input firmware to the printer using
the FTP service. In addition, firmware is verified by checking the header for a digital signature before
being used. It would be extremely difficult to make fake firmware. Downgrading (ie. Installing old
unsigned firmware) is not allowed by rfu.

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Possibility of acting as a server for relaying viruses

This is unlikely. Although the FTP service permits write-access, all written data submitted via the FTP
service is treated as a print job or firmware. Any executable would be printed as binary (garbage data).
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: The FTP username and the password are sent in clear text because the
FTP protocol itself does not support encryption. In fact a username and password are not even
necessary when logging into an FTP session.
Brute force password crack:
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of failed logins. If the number of login attempts
exceeds a configured threshold, the device will send an e-mail to the administrator. All failed logins will
be logged.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using FTP, print data is not encrypted. If intercepted by a third party it is
easily read.
Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to that users
login requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a
message showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.

1-3-3 Recommended Precautions

Never use FTP. Always use SFTP instead of FTP.

1-4 SFTP (SSH2)

1-4-1 Function Overview
The SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol) service provides the same
functions as FTP. SFTP uses an SSH (Secure Shell) session over TCP port 22. The SSH provides the
following features: Data Encryption. (Protects against interception/falsification).
For information about OpenSSH, please see:

1-4-2 Potential Threats

Destruction, Corruption and Modification of the File System or Kernel
Although the SFTP service permits write-access, any files that are received by the printer are considered
to be a print job or firmware. If the embedded SFTP server receives anything other than a digitally signed
firmware file, the device will print a binary representation (garbage characters) of the data. A dedicated
account and password is required to input firmware to the printer using the SFTP service. In addition, the
firmware must be digitally signed.

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Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses

Although the SFTP service permits write-access, any data written to the device (executable or otherwise)
is treated as a print job and output as printed pages.
Theft of Username, Password, and Device Information
Using SFTP, all data including the username and password is encrypted using DES, 3DES or AES.
Brute force password crack:
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of failed logins. If the number of login attempts
exceeds a configured threshold, the device will send an e-mail to the administrator. All failed logins will
be logged.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using SFTP, all data sent over the connection is encrypted. Therefore,
even if data is intercepted, it will be difficult for unauthorized parties to read.
Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to that users
login requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a
message showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.

1-4-3 Recommended Precaution

The following are suggested precautions against threats to the SFTP service.
Scenario 1 Basic Security: Change the username and password from the default value to
something difficult to guess and change them regularly.

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1-5 HTTP
1-5-1 Function Overview
The HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) service provides web services. This service is compliant with
RFC 1945. TCP port 80 is used for the HTTP service.
The following functions are provided by the HTTP server service.

Web Image Monitor

Document server access via DeskTopBinder.

Retrieving counter/user information using User Management Tool in SmartDeviceMonitor for


Access to the products address book using Address Management Tool in SmartDeviceMonitor
for Admin.

Submission of a job by an IPP client.

Providing job status to an IPP client.

NOTE: When logging into Web Image Monitor in Administrator mode, the user must enter the username
and password. It is the same as the username and password used for the mshell.

1-5-2 Potential Threats

Destruction, Corruption and Modification of the File System
Unlikely. Executable files cannot be run on the products web server.
Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
Unlikely. Without access to the file system this would be impossible.
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: When accessing Web Image Monitor, the password is BASE64
encoded. The password is not sent in clear text, but it is not particularly difficult to decode. Therefore, if
the password is intercepted and decoded, the possibility of unauthorized access and changing of device
settings does exist.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using IPP, print data is sent as clear text. If intercepted by a third party it
is easily read.

1-5-3 Recommended Precautions

The following are suggested precautions against threats to HTTP service.
Scenario 1: Basic security settings
Change the username and password from the default value to something difficult to guess and change
them regularly. The username and password are the same as those used for logging in to mshell.
When changing the username and password for Web Image Monitors Administrator mode means
changing them for the mshell as well.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

Scenario 2: Standard security settings

Forward HTTP requests to HTTPS.
Whether all, some or none of the HTTP requests received by the MFP are forwarded to HTTPS,
depends on the settings (Please refer to the Appendix section entitle HTTP/HTTPS Settings).
Scenario 3: High security policy
Close the HTTP port.
The HTTP port can be completely closed with mshell. In this case, both Web Image Monitor and IPP
(Internet Print Protocol) are unavailable via HTTP. However, Web Image Monitor and IPP printing are
still available via HTTPS.
NOTE: We recommend using HTTPS instead of HTTP whenever possible.

1-6-1 Function Overview
HTTPS is HTTP over SSL (Secure Socket Layer). HTTPS provides the same functions as HTTP. HTTPS
maintains higher security than HTTP because SSL provides the following features:

Identity verification
Data integrity verification

Encryption Potential threats and recommended precaution 1) Destruction, corruption or

modification of the file system

The HTTPS service is designed to deny access to the file system and prevent executable files from
being run.

1-6-2 Potential Threats

Theft of Username and Password
When using HTTPS, all data including the username and password is encrypted using an encryption
algorithm negotiated during the SSL handshake. This is safer than sending username and passwords
encoded in Base 64 (using the HTTP).
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using HTTPS, all data sent over the connection is encrypted. Therefore,
even if data is intercepted, it will be extremely difficult to use.

1-6-3 Recommended Precautions

The following are suggested precautions against threats to the HTTPS service.
Scenario 1: Basic security settings
Change the user names and passwords from the default value to something difficult to guess and
change them regularly.
Scenario2: High security settings
Disable the web service. If it is not needed, Web Image Monitor can be disabled using
the mshell. When web is set to Down, Web Image Monitor does not activate and the
error 503 Service Unavailable is displayed. Even when not in use, TCP port 443 stays
open and is therefore HTTPS is available for IPP printing.
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1-7 SNMP v1/v2

1-7-1 Function Overview
The SNMP service is embedded in the products, to provide a method of managing them on the network.
This service is compliant with RFC 1157 for SNMP v1 and RFC 1902 for SNMP v2. UDP port 161 is
used for the SNMP service and UDP port 162 is used for SNMP-traps.
The following functions use SNMP:

Configuring the settings of the products.

Monitoring the status of the products.

Detecting errors affecting the products.

Communicating with the client PC for Scanning using the TWAIN driver.

Although the SNMP service is not protected by a password, it is protected using unique community
names and assigned access rights (read-only, read-write and trap) within those communities. Access
rights allow users read or modify data in the MIB embedded in the products.
Default settings of SNMP community names are follows:
Read-only: public
Read-Write: admin

1-7-2 Potential Threats

Destruction, Corruption and Modification of the File System
The possibility of destruction, corruption or modification of the file system is very low.
SNMP permits write-access to network parameters only. Access to the file system or kernel is not
permitted using SNMP.
Theft of Community Name
Interception of network packets: Community names are sent in clear text because of the specification of
the protocol. Therefore, if intercepted, the community name is easily read.
Possibility of Unauthorized Parties Intercepting Device Information
Interception of network packets: The products do not respond with important information such as
administrator password even if the SNMP client sends a get request for this information. Therefore the
security risk is low. However when accessing the products using SNMP, parameters are sent in clear
text. The SNMP v1/v2 protocols do not support encryption.

1-7-3 Recommended Precautions

The suggested precautions against this threat are as follows.
Scenario 1: Basic security settings
Change the community names from the default value to something difficult to guess and change them
NOTE: When the community name settings are changed in the agents, the community name settings in
the management utilities must also be changed.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

Scenario 2: Standard security settings

Change the setting so that only get access using SNMP v1/v2 is allowed (disable set access from
SNMP v1/v2).
Scenario 3: High security settings
Disable the SNMP v1/v2 service
If it is not absolutely necessary, the SNMP service should be disabled via Web Image Monitor or the
Scenario 4: Very high security settings
Close the SNMP port. If it is not absolutely necessary, the SNMP port should be closed via Web Image
Monitor or the mshell.
NOTE1: Please refer to the Appendix section entitle SNMP settings for details about SNMP settings.
NOTE2: We recommend using the maximum level of security possible. SNMP v3 should always be used
in cases where SNMP v1/v2 is not absolutely necessary. Utilities that do not support SNMP v3 will not be
able to get device status unless SNMP v1/v2 is enabled. Therefore these utilities will not work correctly if
SNMP v1/v2 has been disabled. If your utility does not support SNMP v3 and only requires get access
to work (doesnt make any changes to MFP settings), then we recommend security Level 2.

1-8 SNMP v3
1-8-1 Function Overview
SNMP v3 provides the same functions as SNMP v1/v2. SNMP v3 maintains higher security than SNMP
v1 and v2 because SNMP v3 has the following features:
User Authentication

Data Encryption

1-8-2 Potential Threats

Destruction, Corruption and Modification of the File System
SNMP only permits write-access to network parameters. Access to the file system or kernel is not
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: When using SNMP v3, the password is hashed using SHA1 or MD5.
Brute force password crack:
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of failed logins. If the number of login attempts
exceeds a configured threshold, the device will send an e-mail to the administrator. All failed logins will
be logged.
Possibility of Unauthorized Parties Intercepting Device Information
Interception of network packets: The products do not respond with important information such as
administrator password even if the SNMP client sends a get request for this information. Therefore
security risk is low. In addition the products encrypt other parameters. (Please refer to the Appendix
section entitle SNMP settings)

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Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks

The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to that users
login requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a
message showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.

1-8-3 Recommended precaution

Scenario 1: Basic security settings
Change the usernames and password from the default value and the passwords for each user to
something difficult to guess and change it regularly.
Scenario 2: Standard security settings
Encrypt all data.
Scenario 3: High security settings
Disable the SNMP v3 service.
If it is not absolutely necessary, the SNMP v3 service should be disabled via Web Image Monitor or the
Scenario 4: Very high security settings
Close the SNMP v3 port.
If it is not absolutely necessary, the SNMP port should be closed via Web Image Monitor or the mshell.


1-9-1 Function Overview
The Remote shell (RSH/RCP) services provide the following functions via TCP port 514. This is typically
used from a UNIX/Linux client.
Printing jobs from RSH/RCP clients.

Monitoring machine status and settings.

Obtaining the print logs and the system logs.

Transferring scan data to the Twain driver.

1-9-2 Potential Threats

Destruction, Corruption and Modification of the File System
Access is read-only.
Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
Because access is read-only, this situation is very unlikely.
Theft of Username and Password
All data is sent in clear text. However, no password is required for access to RSH/RCP. SFTP is
recommended in most situations.
Theft of Print Data
Using RSH/RCP, print/scan data is sent as clear text. If intercepted by a third party it is easily read.
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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

1-9-3 Recommended Precautions

To maintain a strict security policy, the RSH/RCP service can be disabled and the port for this service
can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor or the mshell. Note: This will prevent users from
TWAIN scanning.
We recommend using SFTP instead of RSH/RCP whenever possible.

1-10 LPD
1-10-1 Function Overview
The LPD service is compliant with RFC 1179 and uses TCP port 515 for connections with an RFC 1179
compliant client. The following functions are provided by this service.

Printing a job from LPR clients

Monitoring the status of the printer and print queues from LPR clients.

Deleting print jobs from the print queue by LPR clients.

1-10-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
The LPD service treats all received data as print jobs. An executable file will print as garbage data.
Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to that users
login requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a
message showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: LPD does not have an authentication function. However, print data may
contain authentication information. This information can be encrypted by the printer driver. Please refer
the user manual and driver help for more information about this method.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using LPR, print data is sent as clear text. If intercepted by a third party
it is easily read.

1-10-3 Recommended Precaution

As stated above, there are not many threats that apply to the LPD port. However, if a strict security policy
is to be maintained, the LPD service can be disabled and the port for this service can be completely
closed using Web Image Monitor or the mshell.
NOTE: The best way to reduce the possibility of print data being intercepted is to use IPP over HTTPS or
SFTP instead of LPR as the printing protocol.

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1-11 IPP
1-11-1 Function Overview
The IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) service is used for Internet printing from IPP clients. This service is
compliant with RFC 2565 and it uses TCP port 631.
The following functions are provided by the IPP service.

Submission of jobs by an IPP client.

Job status returned to IPP client.

The IPP service can have up to 10 password protected user accounts for the IPP the service. Both
BASIC and DIGEST authentication are supported. BASIC authentication sends the username and
password in clear text. DIGEST authentication is more secure with the username and password
Both authentication methods are selectable in Web Image Monitor and mshell.
IPP authentication can also be disabled. In this case, usernames and passwords are not authenticated
(The default setting is disabled.).

1-11-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
The IPP service treats all received data as print jobs. Even if someone sends an executable file via the
embedded IPP service, the products print the file as garbage data.
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: When the client negotiates the connection with the MFP, the MFP can
specify whether the connection uses digest-MD5 hashing for the username and password.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using IPP, print data is sent as clear text. If intercepted by a third party it
is easily read.

1-11-3 Recommended Precaution

In order to maintain a strict security policy, we recommend the following precautions.
Scenario1 Standard Security: IPP Authentication should be either BASIC or DIGEST. This can be
configured in Web Image Monitor, the mshell or the operation panel. DIGEST authentication is more
secure than BASIC because the username and the password are not sent in clear text.
Scenario 2 High Security: Close the IPP port (631/TCP).
If it is not absolutely necessary, the IPP port should be closed via Web Image Monitor or the mshell.
NOTE1: This only closes the IPP port. The IPP service is still available using HTTP or HTTPS.
NOTE2: HTTPS is recommended over HTTP or IPP.

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1-12 DIPRINT (RAW Print)

1-12-1 Function Overview.
The DIPRINT (Direct Print or RAW Print) service is Ricoh Company Ltds name for port 9100
communication. This service provides direct printing from remote terminals using TCP port 9100.

1-12-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
The DIPRINT service treats all received data as print jobs. An executable file submitted to the embedded
DIPRINT service would be printed as garbage data.
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: Print data may contain authentication information. This information can
be encrypted by the printer driver. Please refer the user manual and driver help for more information
about this method.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Depending on device and driver settings, print data might be sent as
clear text. In this case, if intercepted by a third party, it is easily read.

1-12-3 Recommended Precautions

If a strict security policy is needed, the DIPRINT port can be changed or closed using Web Image
Monitor or the mshell.
NOTE: To reduce the possibility of print data being intercepted, please use HTTPS instead of DIPRINT
to submit jobs.

1-13 SMB
1-13-1 Function Overview.
The SMB service uses NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) as its base layer.
The NBT service provides the NetBIOS service over TCP/IP instead of NetBEUI. Using this service, a
remote host can access network services of the products by the NetBIOS name (Computer Name)
instead of IP address. This service uses 3 ports, UDP port 137 for NetBIOS-NS (NetBIOS Name
Service), UDP port 138 for NetBIOS-DGM (NetBIOS Datagram Service) and TCP port 139 for NetBIOSSSN (NetBIOS Session Service). SMB (Server Message Block) over TCP/IP provides the following

Browsing print servers from SMB clients

Installing Point and Print drivers to clients

Printing jobs from SMB clients

Sending job queue information to SMB clients

Sending notifications of job completion to SMB clients

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1-13-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to that users
login requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a
message showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: The SMB protocol has authentication but a guest account can be
configured. Some print data may contain authentication information. The password can be encrypted by
enabling the printer drivers encryption function before sending data to the MFP. Please refer to the user
manual and driver help for more information about this function.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using SMB, print data is sent as clear text. If intercepted by a third party
in is easily read.
Visibility on the Network
To protect the products from being browsed by unauthorized parties, NetBIOS-NS and NetBIOS-DGM
services should be disabled using the mshell.

1-13-3 Recommended Precautions

Scenario 1 Standard Security:
Use Point and Print only with digitally signed drivers.
Scenario 2 High Security:
Disable SMB. Use only IPP (with ssl) to submit jobs.

1-14 MDNS
1-14-1 Function Overview
MDNS (Multicast DNS) is a way of using familiar DNS programming interfaces, packet formats and
operating semantics, in a small network where no conventional DNS server has been installed. The
products only use MDNS for Bonjour. If Bonjour is not being used, this port can be closed.

1-14-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Possibility of Unauthorized Parties Intercepting Device Information
This is a possibility. The products use MDNS to advertise services and device information. If this is a
concern, please close the port.

1-14-3 Recommended Precaution

If a strict security policy is to be maintained, the MDNS service can be disabled and the port for this
service can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor or the mshell. (If Bonjour is turned off, the
MDNS port is closed automatically.)

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1-15 H323hostcall/SIP
1-15-1 Function Overview
H323/SIP services are used to provide VoIP (Voice over IP) for IP-Fax. The H.323 hostcall service is
compliant with ITU-T standards and uses TCP port 1720. The SIP service is compliant with RFC3261
and uses TCP/UDP port 5060.

1-15-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Theft of Username and Password
The SIP protocol has an authentication function. However the products do not support authentication
using the SIP protocol. Therefore the username and password are not included with data sent over this
Theft of Facsimile Data
Interception of network packets: Using IP-Fax, facsimile data is formatted for an ISDN connection and is
not encrypted. If intercepted by a third party it can be read.

1-15-3 Recommended Precaution

If a strict security policy is to be maintained, the TCP/UDP ports for H323hostcall (1720) and for SIP
(5060) can be changed or closed. However, these services cannot be stopped.

1-16 SSDP
1-16-1 Function Overview
SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) is used for both advertising services and searching for
services on UPnP network. SSDP uses UDP port 1900. If UPnP is not being used, this port can be

1-16-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Possibility of Unauthorized Parties Intercepting Device Information
The products use SSDP to advertise services and search for services. If this is a concern, the SSDP
service should be disabled using Web Image Monitor or the mshell.

1-16-3 Recommended Precaution

If a strict security policy is to be maintained, the SSDP service can be disabled and the port for this
service can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor or the mshell.

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1-17 WS-Device
1-17-1 Function Overview
WS-Device (Web Service Device) is a Windows Vista standard. This service is compliant with Device
Profile for Web Services (February 2006).
The following functions are provided by the WS-Device service.

Advertising the existence of the printing service. (WS-Discovery)

Printing/Scanning jobs to a WS-Device client. (WS-Printer/WS-Scanner)

Providing the printer status to other WS-Device clients. (WS-Eventing)

Providing details about the device and available services. (WS-Transfer / WSMetadataExchange)

This service uses the following TCP/UDP ports:

TCP/UDP 3702: Used for the device advertisement (WS-Discovery)
TCP 53000: Used for WS-Device (WS-Transfer / WS-MetadataExchange)
TCP 53001: Used for WS-Printer/WS-Scanner(WS-Printer/WS-Scanner/ WS-Eventing)
TCP 53002: Used for WS-Scanner(WS-Scanner)
If a strict security policy is to be maintained, the WS-Device service can be disabled and the port for this
service can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor or the mshell.

1-17-2 Potential threats and Recommended Precautions

Theft of Print or Scan Data
Interception of network packets: The WS-device encodes data but does not encrypt it. Print or scan data
is sent as clear text. If intercepted by a third party it is easily read.
Leakage of Device Information
The products use WS-Device to advertise services and allow the user to know the device status and to
print documents. If you do not want to unauthorized parties to be aware of this information, the WSDevice service should be disabled using Web Image Monitor or the mshell.

1-17-3 Recommended Precaution

If a strict security policy is to be maintained, the WS-Device service can be disabled and the ports for this
service can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor or the mshell.

1-18 IPDS
1-18-1 Function Overview
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) is a structured field data stream. It allows both data and
commands to be streamed to the printer via channels, controllers or any type of networking link, which
supports the transparent transmission of data to print processes that are resident in the device.
This service uses following TCP/UDP port:
TCP 5001: Used for transmitting data and printer control commands.

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1-18-2 Potential threats and recommended precautions

The possibility of Acting as a Server for Relaying Viruses
The IPDS service treats all received data as print jobs and job control commands.
Theft of Username and Password
Interception of network packets: IPDS print can not be authenticated by the printer. Therefore, there is
no username and password in the IPDS print data.
Theft of Print Data
Interception of network packets: Using IPDS, print data is not encrypted. If intercepted by a third party, it
is possible to read.
Possibility of Successful DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The RICOH network device can detect a high frequency of logins and delay responses to that users
login requests. The device will also send an e-mail to the administrator. The device will log this and a
message showing that the device is currently under attack will be displayed in Web Image Monitor.

1-18-3 Recommended Precaution

If a strict security policy is to be maintained, the IPDS service should not be installed. In addition it can
be disabled and the port for this service can be completely closed using Web Image Monitor or the

1-19 RHPP
Though MFPs of all regions support RHPP, Ricoh has not released any RHPP servers outside of Japan.
So we do not force the need for this service in the near future. Please close the ports.
This service uses the following TCP/UDP port:
TCP 59100: Used for transmitting data and printer control commands.
NOTE: As of 2008, there are no RHPP print servers on the market outside of Japan.

1-20 Others
TCP port 7443 and 7444 are reserved for @Remote. If a strict security policy is to be maintained, those
ports can be closed via TELNET. (Please refer to the Appendix for a list of ports)
HTTPS is used for this service as an underlying layer. Please refer to the HTTPS section for the
potential threats and recommended precautions for HTTPS.

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Other Network Services

The Previous section dealt mainly with physical port based network services. This section will describe
security related information for network services not based on physical ports.

2-1 Wireless LAN

2-1-1 Overview
WLAN utilizes spread spectrum technology based on radio waves to enable communication between
devices in a limited area. This gives users the mobility to move around within a broad coverage area and
still be connected to the network. The absence of cables leaves transmissions extremely susceptible to
interception. For this reason a variety of security precautions have been incorporated into WLAN
SSID only
All data is sent as clear text without any authentication or integrity checking. As wireless data is available
to anyone within range, unencrypted data is extremely susceptible tampering and theft.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security standard settled on by IEEE, and adopted as IEEE802.11.
Using WEP, data can be encrypted with a shared key (RC4). Access to the network is based on a WEP
key configured on the clients and the Access Points. Although WEP provides a degree of security, it
does have vulnerabilities. WPA was created to overcome the vulnerabilities in WEP. The products
support both WEP and WPA.
WPA (WiFi Protected Access) is a subset of IEEE802.11i. It utilizes a key exchange system to
constantly change the shared key. This re-keying can be done using either TKIP or CCMP. However
support for WPA2 is required for CCMP. TKIP uses RC4 as an encryption algorithm and is intended for
use with legacy systems that do not yet support CCMP. In addition to providing key exchange, CCMP
uses the AES encryption algorithm which is a stronger than RC4.
Encryption method




Encryption algorithm




Shared key size

40/104 bit

104 bit

128 bit

Key exchange / refresh

No / No

Yes / Yes

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WPA employs four authentication modes: WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA (802.1X) and WPA2
(802.1X). WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK are similar to WEP in that a pre-shared key is used to join the
network. However, a new encryption key is generated in handshake process, making WPA-PSK and
WPA2-PSK more secure than WEP. WPA (802.1X) and WPA2 (802.1X) are much more strict than the
PSK protocols. Only users that can be authenticated by a RADIUS server using EAP are allowed to join
the network. Supported EAP authentication types are:
SSID only (no encryption)
All data (including the SSID) is transmitted in plain text. It is easily readable by anyone within range of
the wireless transmission.
WEP provides RC4 encryption of data and is therefore more secure than using only an SSID. However
the weaknesses of RC4 encryption and WEP in general are well documented.
NOTE: WPA TKIP uses RC4. However, because the keys are being constantly refreshed, the key will
change before it can be cracked.
In WPA, the encryption key is generated at interval by TKIP or CCMP. The key does not need to be
entered manually. As the key is refreshed so often, a brute force attack is almost impossible.
Furthermore, CCMP uses AES, which is a stronger encryption method than RC4. As an added
precaution, WPA (802.1X) /WPA2 (802.1X) provide user authentication.

2-1-2 Recommended Precautions

Please take the appropriate action for your security policy.
Scenario 1: Basic security settings
General Access Point settings
Prohibit broadcast of the SSID.
Prohibit connections that do not have the correct SSID.
Limit connections to only specific MAC addresses.
We recommend against using security Level 1.
Scenario 2: Standard security settings
We recommend making regular changes to the PSK.
Scenario 3: High security settings
Scenario 4: Very high security settings
WPA (802.1X)/WPA2 (802.1X) instead of WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.
Please refer to the Appendix section entitled Wireless LAN Settings for an explanation of how to configure
these settings.
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2-2 IPsec
2-2-1 Overview
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a suite of protocols which provides secure communication over the
network layer. IPsec provides authentication, data integrity, and protection against replay attacks. Unlike
SSL which functions between the application and transport layers, IPsec functions in the network layer.
The products can offer the following header extensions.
Authentication, integrity (IP header and the payload).
No encryption.
Authentication, encryption, (payload only).
Authentication, encryption, (IP header and the payload).
The Ricoh implementations for the encryption and authentication algorithm are:
Clear Text (No encryption)
The encryption or authentication keys can be set manually or generated automatically using IKE.
NOTE: IPsec are disabled for DHCP, DNS, WINS, and HTTPS by default. IPsec can be applied to these
protocols by enabling it in mshell.

2-2-2 Recommended Precautions

The suggested precautions are as follows.
Key Exchange:
Use IKE instead of the manual key exchange. If the encryption or authentication keys have to be set
manually, there will be no re-keying. The same keys will be used until manually changed again.
Security Protocol:
Scenario 1 Basic: AH
No encryption.
Selectable authentication algorithm.
Scenario 2 Standard: ESP
Payload is encrypted.
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Selectable authentication algorithm.

Scenario 3 High: ESP+AH
Very secure.
Encryption of the payload and headers
Data integrity
Please refer to the Appendix section entitle IPSEC Settings for an explanation of how to configure
these settings.

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3-1 Services Requiring Open TCP/UDP Ports


Port Num.








netbios-dgm 138/UDP
netbios-ssn 139/TCP

This is the same username and password as
are used for Web Image Monitor.
For RFU, administrator privilege is required.
This is the same username and password as
are used for TELNET. The unauthorized users
can only read access is available.



Although there is no concept of user accounts,

it can perform access restrictions using the
Community Name. Up to 10 Communities can
be registered.



This is the same username and password as

are used for TELNET. If no password is input,
then only read access is available.



This is the same username and password as

are used for TELNET. If no password is input,
then only read access is available.





H323gatestat 1719/UDP

Copyright 2011 RICOH Americas Corporation. All rights reserved.

Authentication by account/password is not

performed by default. In this case all users are
ANONYMOUS. When IPP authentication is
enabled, a username and password will be
If the products are configured to use
gatekeeper, this port is opened so the
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Port Num.

H323hostcall 1720/TCP


products can register its information with




5060/TCP, UDP























SSH is only used for SFTP. For RFU,

administrator privilege is required. For SFTP,
RFU is not available via Web Smart Device
The SIP protocol supports authentication.
However we do not support SIP authentication
with our products.

This port functions similarly to an FTP port

and used for Web Smart Device Monitor.

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3-1-1 Related Protocols

Commonly Used Port
Protocol Num. 1
Protocol Num. 17
Protocol Num. 6
20/tcp, udp
21/tcp, udp
25/tcp, udp
53/tcp, udp
67/tcp, udp
68/tcp, udp


Protocol Suite

Domain (DNS)




110/tcp, udp



123/tcp, udp
137/tcp, udp
138/tcp, udp
139/tcp, udp
143/tcp, udp
162/tcp, udp
389/udp, tcp



Description of the protocols function in the Products.

1) Sending scan data to the FTP server. (Scan to FTP)
2) Sending scan data to ScanRouter
1) Sending scan data to the SMTP server. (Scan to E-mail)
1) Resolving IP addresses from the server name.
1) Getting IP addresses and other network parameters from the DHCP server.
1) Using POP before SMTP authentication for Scan to E-mail.
2) Receiving internet-fax data.
1) Getting UTC from the NTP server.
1) Sending scan data to SMB clients. (Scan to SMB)

1) Getting internet-fax data

1) Sending status information to Network Management Server.
1) Searching e-mail addresses from the LDAP servers address book.
1) Sending system logs to a syslog server.
1) Logging in to a Netware server.
524/tcp, udp
2) Printing from the Netware environment.
427/tcp, udp
1) Searching for a Netware Server.
1) Providing ipx connections
1) Providing spx connections
1) Broadcasts to availability of print services.
1) Broadcasts route information.
1) Providing appletalk connections.
1) Providing appletalk printing services
1) Providing netbeui connections.
1) Providing IKE connections.
Commonly Used Port Number: This is meant to be general information. This column contains well-known port numbers commonly used in industry. This
is not necessarily the port used by the products.
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3-2 Access Control

The printer will accept communication only from a set range of IP addresses. This can be applied to
connections from LPR, RSH/RCP, HTTP, HTTPS, Bonjour, SSH/SFTP, FTP, DIPRINT, SMB, IPP, WSDevice, WS-Printer, WS-Scanner, IPDS, RHPP, and DeskTopBinder. These cannot be applied to
TELNET or SmartDeviceMonitor.

3-2-1 Access Control Web Image Monitor

Web Image Monitor can be used for accessing the products. A supported Browser such as Microsoft
Internet Explorer and the products IP address is required.

Copyright 2011 RICOH Americas Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Login as Administrator

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The four administrator types are identified as follows:

: Machine Administrator
: Network Administrator
: User Administrator
: File Administrator
By default, all administrator privileges are merged into one administrator. If Admin Auth is enabled then
Network Administrator privileges are required in order to use Access Control.

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Input the range of IP addresses that you wish to permit communication with.
Click the OK button to commit the changes.

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3-2-2 Access Control mshell

The following example is shown using the Windows XP telnet client.
Telnet into the Maintenance Shell (mshell): A username and password will be required for this. Using
the access command input the access control range.

E.g.1 Input the following command to permit only access from to
msh> access 1 range
E.g.2 Input the following command to clear all access ranges.
msh> access flush

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If changes have been made, the following question will appear when the user tries to logout. Do
you save configuration data? Input yes to commit the changes, Input no to discard them.

3-2-3 Disabling Services

The following table describes whether services or ports can be opened or closed using Web Image
Monitor and/or mshell.
See Network Security Level Settings for more information.
NOTE: Some ports cannot be closed via the above settings. See comments in table below.



Web Image







Setting Netware to down,
disables the IPX/SPX
protocol and NCP/IP.
Therefore if Netware is
down, printing in the
IPX/SPX environment and
in the pure IP environment
is unavailable. LPR in
NDPS and iPrint (IPP
Printing) are unaffected.




It is not possible to set own

TCP/IP version via Web
Image Monitor. For example,
in order to disable TCP/IPv4,
it needs to be connected via

Setting FTP to down

closes FTP port (21/tcp).
The FTP server service will
be down but the FTP client
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function is still available.

Therefore if this function is
down, Scan to FTP is still
If either of ssh or sftp is set
to down, this port will be
Telnet cannot be disabled
via mshell for obvious
Configuration > E-mail >
Reception Protocol >
POP3 or IMAP4.
Setting web down does
not close this port. In order
to close this port open
mshell and type set http
In order to close this port
via Web Image Monitor, it
needs to be connected via
HTTPS or IPv6.

















Setting NBT to down,

closes NetBIOS-NS
(137/UDP) and NetBIOSDGM (138/UDP)
Setting SMB to down
closes NetBIOS-SSN
Use Web Image Monitor to
close this port.
Setting SNMP to down
closes SNMP port
(161/udp). In addition when
SNMP is down, the SNMP
trap function and SNMP
function over IPX/SPX is
not available.
HTTP and HTTPS cannot
both be closed at the same
time from Web Image

In order to close this port:

Configuration > Fax > IPFax Settings > Enable
H.323 > Off (Web Image
This port cannot be closed
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WS Discovery
WS Device
WS Printer
WS Scanner




via mshell.
Setting SSDP to down
makes UPnP unavailable
and closes the SSDP port
In order to close this port,
set Bonjour to down.
In order to close this port:
Configuration > Fax > IPFax Settings > Enable SIP
> Off (Web Image
This port cannot be closed
via mshell.
In order to disable this
service, type set nrs down
in mshell.
If this port is closed,
printing from diprint clients
is unavailable.
If this port is closed,
remote firmware update
will still be available via ftp.
However, if RFU is to be
used, we recommend
keeping this port open as
the ftp password is sent in
clear text.
If this port is closed, RHPP
is not available.
When either WS Device or
WS Printer/WS Scanner is
disabled via Web Image
Monitor or mshell, these
ports are both closed.

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3-2-4 Disabling Services Web Image Monitor

Select IPv4 to disable the protocols for IPv4.
Select IPv6 to disable the protocols for IPv6.

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Security > Network Security

Services can be disabled from Network Security page as well.

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3-2-5 Disabling Services mshell

Set <service> up/down

After saving, the user will be prompted to save or discard changes.

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3-2-6 HTTP/HTTPS settings

Security > SSL/TLS

Permit SSL/TLS Communication

Ciphertext/Clear Text: Permit both HTTPS and HTTP connections. No forwarding of HTTP to

Ciphertext Priority: Any incoming HTTP request that can be forwarded to HTTPS will be
forwarded. With this setting it will be possible to use HTTPS from Internet Explorer, Netscape
Navigator, etc. (HTTP will be forwarded) but not using IPP from SmartDeviceMonitor for Client
etc. (these requests can not be forwarded). If the request cannot be forwarded to HTTPS, HTTP
will be permitted.

Ciphertext Only: Permit only HTTPS connections. All incoming HTTP requests will be forwarded
to HTTPS. If the request cannot be forwarded, the connection will be rejected.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

HTTP/HTTPS settings
Security > SSL/TLS
In addition to the features described on the previous page, this feature is new .
The new features will only appear if specific versions of the firmware are applied:
MFP Model

Network Support

Web Support


8.30 or later

1.11 or later


8.30 or later

1.11 or later


8.30 or later

1.01 or later

Printer Model

Network Support

Web Support

Printer Support





Q: What has been changed?

A: Implementation of some of the NIST recommendations for cryptographic algorithms
and key lengths (outlined in SP 800-131).
NIST SP 800-131

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The ability to enable/disable specific versions of SSL/TLS:

Support for certificate signing using an RSA key length of 2048 bits.
Support for RSA encryption with a key length of 2048 bits (used for SSL).

512 bits


1024 bits (sha1WithRSA)

2048 bits (sha1WithRSA)
Support for 2048bit RSA was implemented in response to the NIST SP 800-131

The ability to enable/disable specific symmetric-key encryption algorithms/key lengths.

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3-2-7 SNMP settings:

Web Image Monitor
To access the SNMP (v1/v2) settings, click Network > SNMP.

(This setting can be configured either from here or from the SNMPv3 settings.)
Enable: Opens the SNMP port
Disable: Closes the port completely. No SNMP communication of any version can be used.
SNMP v1/v2 Function
Enable: Allows the use of SNMP v1/v2.
Disable: Does not allow connections using SNMP v1/v2. This is recommended because SNMP v1/v2
doesnt have any mechanism for encryption or authentication, we recommend using Disable for
this setting unless absolutely necessary.
Permit Settings by SNMP v1 and v2
On: This enables SNMP set. It is used to write changes to settings.
Off: This disables SNMP set. Only get will be permitted. Therefore, settings can be read but not

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Network > SNMP v3

(This setting can be configured either from here or from the SNMPv1/v2 settings.)
Enable: Opens the SNMP port
Disable: Closes the port completely. No SNMP communication of any version can be used.
SNMP v3 Function Enable: Allows communication using SNMP v3. Disable: Does not allow
communication via SNMP v3.
Authentication Algorithm
SHA1: Hashes the username and password using the SHA1 hashing algorithm.
MD5: Hashes the username and password using the MD5 hashing algorithm.
Permit SNMPv3 communication
Encryption Only: The username and password must be encrypted using the hashing algorithm selected
Encryption/Clear Text: The username and password can be sent either encrypted or unencrypted.

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There are 3 different types of accounts that can be used for SNMPv3 connections. Only the User
account can be fully configured here. For information about fully configuring the Machine and Network
Administrator accounts, please refer to the Appendix section entitled Administrator Account Settings.
Account Name (User): This is the username that the user will use to login to SNMPv3.
Authentication Password (User): This is the password that the user will use to login to SNMPv3.
Encryption Password (User): This is the key used for SHA1 or MD5 hashing of the username and

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

You can configure SNMP settings using snmp commands from mshell. These commands can be
displayed by typing help snmp in mshell.

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3-3 Administrator Account Settings

3-3-1 Web Image Monitor
Device Settings > Program/Change Administrator

MFP Administrator account settings can be changed from here. Administrator roles can be assigned to
any or all of up to 4 Administrators.
These settings affect the Administrator logins for TELNET, Web Image Monitor and SNMP v3.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

3-4 Network Security Level Settings

3-4-1 Configuration
Network Security Levels are settings-profiles designed to meet different levels of security in customer
environments. The advantage to the Network Security Level settings is that they make the task of
configuration easier. Customers can use the Network Security levels as is, or modify them to suit their
needs. There are 3 levels to choose from:
[Level 2] Maximum security.
[Level 1] Moderate security for use in an office LAN.
[Level 0] Basic security for closed environments.
[User Settings] Manually defined settings.
To access the Network Security Level setting, click Security -> Network Security.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

3-4-2 Description of the Levels


IEEE 1394 SBP-2

IP over 1394
Port 80

Port open

Port 443
Port 7443/7444

Port open
Port open

Port 80

Port open

Port 443

Port open

Port 631

Port open


Encryption Mode



Port 9100

Port open


Port 515

Port open


Port 21
Port 22
Port 10021

Port open
Port open
Port open


Port 514

Port open

SNMP v1/v2 (Read)
SNMP v1/v2 (Write)

Port open

SNMP v3 with Encrypt



Port 23

Port open


Port 1900

Port open


Port 5353

Port open


Port 137/138

Port open


Port 139

Port open


Port 3702/53000

Port open


Port 53001
Port 53002

Port open


Port 59100

Port open


Port 5001

Port open





Network Security Level

Level 0
Level 1



Level 2
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Ciphertext Ciphertext
Only *2
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port closed
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open
Port open

*1: The port is open but cannot be used to access the web service because the SSL setting is Ciphertext Only.
*2: If the SSL setting is Ciphertext only, the products will still accept IPP jobs using port 80.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

3-4-3 Wireless LAN settings

WEP, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, and WPA (802.1X)/WPA2 (802.1X) can be configured via the operation
panel, telnet, or Web Image Monitor. However, the WPA (802.1X)/WPA2 (802.1X) certificate settings can
only be configured in Web Image Monitor.
Web Image Monitor
Click Interface -> Wireless LAN Settings.

Change Interface Ethernet: Enable Ethernet IEEE802.11b: Enable IEEE802.11b

[IEEE802.11b Settings]
Network Enable: IEEE802.11b is enabled Disable: IEEE802.11b is disabled
MAC Address
Displays the MAC Address of the Wireless LAN board.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

Communication Mode
802.11 Ad-hoc Mode: Ad-hoc connection using SSID.
Infrastructure Mode: Communicates using an access point and SSID.
Sets the radio frequency used. If Infrastructure mode is being used, this setting is unimportant as the
channel defined by the access point will be used automatically.
Security Method
Inactive: No encryption of data.
WEP: Uses WEP security.
WPA: Uses WPA security.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

WEP settings can only be configured if WEP is selected in IEEE802.11b Settings -> Security Type.
WEP Authentication
Open System: Anyone with the correct SSID can join the network.
NOTE: As the system uses a WEP key, simply joining the network is not enough to be able to receive or
send readable communications.
Shared Key: WEP key required to join the network.
WEP key number
Up to four WEP keys can be saved in the MFP. Select one of them.
Set the WEP key used for WEP encryption. If 64-bit key is used, 10 hexadecimal characters or 5
alphanumeric characters need to be entered. If a 128-bit key is used, 26 hexadecimal characters or 13
alphanumeric characters need to be entered.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

WPA settings can only be configured if WPA is selected in IEEE802.11b Settings -> Security Type.
WPA Encryption Method TKIP: Uses TKIP. CCMP: Uses CCMP.
WPA Authentication Method
WPA : Uses WPA (802.1X).
WPA2: Uses WPA2 (802.1X)
PSK: Sets the pre-shared key used.

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3-4-4 IEEE 802.1X(WPA/WPA2)

Security > IEEE 802.1X(WPA/WPA2)

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User Name: This is the username used for EAP authentication on the Radius server.
Domain Name: This is the domain name used for the authentication on the Radius server.
IEEE 802.1X Client Certificate Status: Displays the status of the device certificate specified for wireless
LAN connection in [Certification] on the [Device Certificate] page(None, Requesting, Installed,
Password: This is the password used for EAP authentication on the Radius server.
Phase 2 User Name: This is the user name used in phase 2 of EAP-TTLS and PEAP.
Phase 2 Methods (EAP-TTLS): If EAP-TTLS is selected as the EAP type, a Phase2 authentication
method must be selected. Select from CHAP, MSCHAP, MSCHAPv2, PAP, or MD5

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Phase 2 Methods (PEAP): If PEAP is selected as the EAP type, a Phase2 authentication method must
be selected. Select from MSCHAPv2 or TLS.
Authentication Server Certificate: Select whether the Radius Server is required to send a certificate to
connecting WPA (802.1x) client.
Trust Intermediate Certificate Authority: Select whether the certificate provided by the Radius Server
must be signed by a trusted CA.
Server ID: This is the CN (or the DC) of server certificate.
Permit Sub-domain: Select whether the server certificate is permitted for the sub-domain of server ID.
Configure Wireless LAN settings using wiconfig commands from mshell. For a list of commands, type
help wiconfig in mshell.

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Network Security White Paper ver. H1.1

3-4-5 IPsec settings

IPsec settings can be configured via telnet, or Web Image Monitor. In order to establish IPsec connection
in this section, we focus on MFP configuration only. Please refer to the clients manual for information
about configuring it.
Web Image Monitor
Security > IPsec

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Active: Activate IPsec
Inactive: Deactivate IPsec
Exclude HTTPS Communication
Active: Exclude HTTPS Communication for IPsec policy
Inactive: Do not exclude HTTPS communication for IPsec policy
Encryption Key Manual Settings
Active: When specifying SA parameters manually, select Active.
Inactive: When specifying SA parameters automatically, select Inactive

Encryption Key Manual Settings:

To configure IPsec SA parameters manually, click Edit.
Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings:
To configure IPsec SA Parameters automatically, click Edit.
The Settings are listed in order of priority top to bottom (Settings 1, Settings 2, Settings 3, Settings 4,
Default Settings) The lowest number has the highest priority. Default Settings has the lowest priority.

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Encryption Key Manual Settings::

Address Type
Inactive: Do not use IPsec
IPv4: Apply IPsec for IPv4
IPv6: Apply IPsec for IPv6
IPv4/IPv6: Apply IPsec for IPv4 and IPv6 (Only available for Default Settings)
Local Address: Enter (Select) the products IP address.
Remote Address: Enter the counterparts IP address or address range.
Encapsulation Mode
Transport: IPsec is applied as Transport mode.
Tunnel: IPsec is applied as Tunnel mode. When Tunnel Mode is specified, Tunnel End Point has to
be specified. In the left box, enter the products IP address. In the right box, enter the gateway IP
SPI (Output): Set the SPI value for outgoing SA connection. Any number between 256 and 4095
SPI (Input): Set the SPI value for incoming SA connection. Any number between 256 and 4095

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Security Protocol
AH: Uses AH
AH+ESP: Uses dual mode (AH + ESP)
Authentication Algorithm: Select from HMAC-MD5-96 or HMAC-SHA1-96 as hashing algorithm
Authentication Key: Set the Authentication key used for hashing. For HMAC-MD5-96, enter up to 32 in
hexadecimal number, or up to 16 ASCII. For HMAC-SHA1-96, enter up to 40 in hexadecimal number, or
up to 20 ASCII
Encryption Algorithm: Select from Clear Text, DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.
Encryption Key: Set the encryption key. If AH is selected as security protocol, this is grayed out. For
DES, enter up to 16 in hexadecimal number, or up to 8 ASCII. For 3DES, enter up to 48 in hexadecimal
number, or up to 24 ASCII. For AES-128, enter up to 32 in hexadecimal number, or up to 16 ASCII. For
AES-192, enter up to 48 in hexadecimal number, or up to 24 ASCII. For AES-256, enter up to 64 in
hexadecimal number, or up to 32 ASCII.

Encryption Key Auto Exchange Settings:

Address Type
Inactive: Do not use IPsec
IPv4: Apply IPsec for IPv4
IPv6: Apply IPsec for IPv6
IPv4/IPv6: Apply IPsec for IPv4 and IPv6 (Only available for Default Settings)

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Local Address: Enter (Select) the products IP address.

Remote Address: Enter the counterparts IP address or address range.
Security Level: User can select the IPsec security level from followings. Depending on the selected
security level, the parameters in below Security Details change.
Authentication Only
Authentication and Low Level Encryption
Authentication and High Level Encryption
User Settings
Security Details:
Security Policy
Apply: Apply IPsec
Bypass: Do not apply IPsec. All data is sent as plain text.
Discard: All data is discarded.
Encapsulation Mode
Transport: IPsec is applied as Transport mode.
Tunnel: IPsec is applied as Tunnel mode. When Tunnel Mode is specified, Tunnel End Point has to
be specified. In the left box, enter the products IP address. In the right box, enter the gateway IP
IPsec Requirement Level
Use When Possible: Allows the cleartext transmission when IPsec cannot be established.
Always Require: Allows only the IPsec transmission.
Authentication Method
PSK: Use pre-shared key as authentication method. If PSK is selected, the pre-shared key has to be
entered up to 32 alphanumeric numbers.
Certificate: Use certificate for authentication.
Phase 1:
Hash Algorithm: MD5 or SHA1
Encryption Algorithm: DES or 3DES
Diffie-Hellman Group : Select the Diffie-Hellman Group from 1, 2, or 14
Validity Period: Enter the number between 300 and 172800 seconds.
Phase 2:
Security Protocol
AH: Uses AH
AH+ESP: Uses dual mode (AH + ESP)
Authentication Algorithm: Select from HMAC-MD5-96 and HMAC-SHA1-96.
Encryption Algorithm Permissions: Select from Cleartext, DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-192, and AES256.

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Inactive: Do not generate the encryption or authentication keys again.
1, 2, or 14: Diffie-Hellman Group for establishing IPsec SA in Phase 2.
Validity Period: Enter the number between 300 and 172800 seconds.
Configure IPsec settings using ipsec commands from mshell. For a list of commands, type help ipsec
in mshell.

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Security Focus: HTTP://


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