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Sultanate of Bintan Darul Masyhur

The existence of Bintan Sultanate proved with sites area around kotakara
at Bintan district Riau Islands, Indonesia. It also supported by regalia
which stored by the descendant and relatives of Bintan Sultanate. In his
dynamics Bintan Sultanate starts to organize its heritage and restore the
pride and chivalry of the Sultanate. On Tuesday 1 Dzulhijjah 1428
coincided to 10 December 2007 Tuan Haji Huzrin Hood S.H, M.H, MPdi has
been given a responsibility to became chief of Bintan Sultanate Legacy
with task to bring back the glorious day of the Sultanate.
For the five years on the 28 Muharram 1434 or on 12 December 2012 in
Gregorian date, according to the consensus and consultation of
descendants and relatives of Bintan Sultanate which represent by the
excellency Muhammad Amin from Telanai Bintan heir and the excellency
Hamdan from the eighth Malays Bintan heirs to give a mandate to Tuan
Haji Huzrin Hood S.H, M.H, MPdi as a new Sultan of Bintan.
The descendants and relatives have decide and ratify the new earl for a
new Sultan of Bintan is Sri Paduka Tribuana, with the pledge of a new
Sultan is ; The people will not disobedient to their Sultan and the Sultan
will not insult his people.
With a new Sultan, The Sultanate have renowned the name. From
Kesultanan Bintan to Kesultanan Bintan Darul Masyhur. This name was
given by consultation with Malay Kings Adviser of Malaysia. That new
name has intention to establish Shariah dan Sunna under the authority of
a new Sultanate and to protect every people who have pledge to the
In the Islamic leadership and authority there is an obligation to ensure the
syariah is applied and take care the dzimmi. The leadership is taking care
by His Messenger Rasul and continued by all Khalifa as mentioned in the
Surah An-Nisa verse 59. You who believe! Obey Allah and obey the
Messenger and those in command among you. If you have dispute about
something, refer it back to Allah and the messenger, if you believe in Allah
and the Last Day. That is the best thing to do and giver the best result .
Raja Ali Haji in one of his books Tsamarat Al Muhimmah mentioned that
one of acknowledgement of an authority in social and political aspect in
Islam is by pledge (Bayat) which is an obligatory in order to establish the
Shariah and Sunna refer to Surah Al-Fath verse 10. Those who pledge you
allegiance pledge allegiance to Allah. Allahs hand is over their hands. He
who breaks his pledge only breaks it against himself. But to him who fulfils
the contract he has made with Allah, We will pay an immense reward.
In order to run the authority The Sultan must hold stead firm what is
mentioned in Surah Shad verse 26. Dawud! We have made you a khalif

on the earth, so judge between people with truth and do not follow your
own desires, letting them misguided you from the Way of Allah. Those who
are misguided from the Way of Allah will receive a harsh punishment
because they forgot the Day of Reckoning. More over Tsamarat AlMuhimmah explain that Sultan must doing Justice, establish the Syariah
and Sunna then became good example to his people.
Kesultanan Bintan Darul Masyhur are committed to do good deeds and
prevent the wrong actions, and became mercy for all creatures in order to
make a prosperity country with justice and peaceful for its people still
under the republic of Indonesia which based on Pancasila and UUD 1945.
Therefore Bintan Sultanate Darul Masyhur have minted Dinar and Dirham,
to kept the measure and scales, to run the muamalah market which is free
for every people without tax and rent, to perform Jumuah prayer, to
decide Eid Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, and to identify and manage all assets from
zakat, infaq, wakaf sadaqoh etc.

For further information, please contact Dr, Hj Augustine Purwanti Sp.PD

( 08127060474) and Ir Syah Rizal Moeis, M.ed (081396047820) or you can
visit our website at

Function and the Duty of a Sultan

Bintan Darul Masyhur Sultanate must establish the command to do good
deeds and prevent the wrong action ( Amar maruf Nahi Mungkar ) and
became a blessing for every creatures ( Rahmatan lil Alamin ) in order to
build a prosperity country with justice and peaceful to its people and
In the specific term which used by Raja Ali Haji in Tsamarat AlMuhimmah mentioned that the duty of a Sultan are; to do Justice,
established The Shariah and Sunna, and became good example to its
This duty shape into several tasks; minting and distributing Dinar and
Dirham, Establishing house of treasury ( Bayt al-Maal ) to take zakat,
collect and distribute infaq, sadaqa and waqaf according to its law. To run
Islamic Market. To decide great Islamic day, the two eids and others. To
organize Jumuah prayer and to declare Jihad.

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