Programming: Figures 10.5a and 10.5b

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A counter is set to some preset number value and, when this value of input pulses has been
received, it will operate its contacts. Normally open contacts would be closed, normally
closed contacts opened.
There are two basic types of counter: down-counters and up-counters. Down-counters count
down from the preset value to zero, that is, events are subtracted from the set value. When the
counter reaches the zero value, its contacts change state. Most PLCs offer down-counting.
Up-counters count from zero up to the preset value, that is, events are added until the number
reaches the preset value. When the counter reaches the set value, its contacts change state.
Some PLCs offer the facility for both down- and up-counting. Figure 10.1 shows the IEC
symbols for such counters.
Different PLC manufacturers deal with counters in slightly different ways. Some count down
(CTD) or up (CTU) and reset and treat the counter as though it is a relay coil and so a rung output.
In this way, counters can be considered to consist of two basic elements: one relay coil to count
input pulses and one to reset the counter, the associated contacts of the counter being used in other
rungs. Figure 10.2a illustrates this method. Mitsubishi is one of the manufacturers that uses this
method. Others treat the counter as an intermediate block in a rung from which signals emanate
when the count is attained. Figure 10.2b illustrates this method, used by Siemens, among others.

Figures 10.5a and 10.5b show the program for Allen-Bradley with up-count and down-count
counters. The following are terms associated with such counters:
The preset value (PRE) is the count value that the counter must accumulate before the
counter output is 1.

The accumulated value (ACC) is the accumulated number of 0 to 1 transitions of the

counter rung. The count-up (CU) enable bit is 1 when the input logic makes the upcounter
rung 1 and 0 when the rung is 0. The count-down (CD) enable bit is 1 when the
input logic makes the down-counter rung 1 and 0 when the rung is 0.
The done (DN) bit is 1 for both counters when the ACC value is equal to or greater than
the PRE value and 0 when it is less.

The count-up overflow (OV) bit is 1 when the up-counter increments above the

maximum positive value.

The count-down underflow (UN) bit is 1 when the counter decrements below the
maximum negative value.
Reset (RES) returns counter accumulator values to zero. As long as RES is 1, ACC and
all output bits are held at 0. When RES is 0, the counter is able to start counting.

To ensure that the input pulses to a counter input are short duration, the ladder program
shown in Figure 10.6 can be used. When there is an input to In 1, the internal relay IR 1 is
activated; when the next rung is scanned a short while later, internal relay IR 2 is activated.
When IR 2 is activated it switches off the input to IR 1. Thus IR 1 gives only a short duration
pulse, which is then used as the input to a counter.

In the first activity we explore the use of CTU or Count Up .CTU is can be set up by editing PRESET this
preset value will be the basis for the DN function of the timer.In the activity we used RES to reset the
count back to 0 as we push the switch 1 the Lamp Lights ON with the address CU as the Counting goes
this lamp will on and after it reaching 10 or greater than 10 in the ACC the DN will close and the lamp
address with DN will on . This function with the also same with the CTD Count Down the difference is it
will counting down .In the last part we use combination of the 2 counter same setting is apply in the 2
conter CTU and CDU with same address pressing RES will reset both counter.. We also used Latched and
Unlatched function. After the ACC=PRE for CTU the Latch function will ON then the count Down will be
on since the Normally switch toward the CDU will latch and close until it will unlatched after the ACC
reach 0 we use the EQU that if ACC=0 then the unlatched function will on the process will
simultaneously go back to the CTU.

Counters are provided as built-in elements in PLCs and allow the number of occurrences ofinput signals
to be counted. Down-counters count down from the preset value to zero, that is,
events are subtracted from the set value. When the counter reaches the zero value, its contacts
change state. Up-counters count from zero up to the preset value, that is, events are added . Some uses
might include where items have to be counted as they pass along a conveyor belt, the number of revolutions of a
shaft, or perhaps the number of people passing through a door.RES button is used to reset the counter back to 0.
\ References

Programmable Logic Controllers by W.Bolton 5th Edition

Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation by LA Bryan and EA Bryan
Modern Control Engineering 5th edition by Katsuhiko Ogata

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