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Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace

Flix Resurreccin Hidalgo

Las Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho or The Christian Virgins

Exposed to the Populace is a famous 1884 history painting by Filipino painter, reformist,
and propagandist Flix Resurreccin Hidalgo. The painting is alternately known
as The Christian Virgins Exposed to the Rabble, Jovenes Cristianas Expuestas al
Populacho (Christian Maidens Exposed to the Populace), Christian Virgins Presented to
the Populace, The Christian Virgins Being Exposed to the Populace, and Christian
Virgins Exposed to the Mob.
The painting was a silver medalist (ninth silver medal award among fortyfiveduring the 1884 Exposicion General de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Spain, also known as
the Madrid Exposition. According to Raquel A.G. Reyes, Hidalgo's winning the silver
medal for the painting was a landmark achievement that proved the ability of Filipinos to
match the work of Spaniards and laid claim to Filipino participation in European culture.
Regarded as one of the national treasures of the Philippines, a copy of the
painting is currently housed at the Philippine's Metropolitan Museum of Manilaand a part
of the art collection of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines).
The original was destroyed in a fire at the University of Valladolid in Spain.
An oil on canvas painting measuring 1.15 m 1.57 m (45 62 in), Las Virgenes
Cristianas Expuestas al
Populacho is a
"landmark painting"
the persecution ofChristians in Ancient Rome. Described as a masterpiece remarkable
in the aspects of quality, composition, and historical context, it portrays two scantily
clothed Christian female slaves being mocked by a group of boorish Roman male
onlookers. One of the women is posed seated naked at the foreground of the painting
with her "head bowed in misery". The semi-nude women have been stripped not only of
their garments but also of their dignity. Created in the academic style of Europe, the
unfortunate women in the artwork are considered by some indigenous Filipinos as
virgins "being led out, stolen from, and ridiculed".The women are young virgins cornered
by a mob of "sexually hungry" Roman men. One of the men has his hand over one
semi-naked female whose eyes are "looking up to heaven" asking and begging for "help
that never comes".
Together with Juan Luna's Spoliarium, Hidalgos Las Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al
Populacho presents "human spoliage and spoils", with human spoilage more related to
Luna's Spoliarium and the human spoils closer to Hidalgo's Las Virgenes Cristianas
Expuestas al Populacho. Such themes were presented to the "juries and audiences" of
the Madrid exposition in order to satisfy the "erudition-quotient" essential to the
conservative scholarly Neoclassicism of Hidalgo and Luna while they were spending
time in Europe.

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