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Problems on LP Formulation

Fertilizer blending
Mixing four compounds makes a certain type of fertilizer. The cost of the
compounds is given below.
Cost per kg
The mixing should be as follows:
1. Fertilizers are sold in 50 kg bags.
2. NG-150 and NG-250 can constitute no more than 40 % of the blend
3. NG-350 and NG-450 must constitute at least 50 % of the blend
4. NG-450 must constitute at least 10 % of the blend
What blend of compounds will give us minimum cost for a 50 kg bag?
[Cases and Readings in Quantitative Analysis for Management by Render &
Stair, 1982]
Suppose that a custom molder has one injection-molding machine and two
different dies to fit the machine. Due to differences in number of cavities and
cycle times, with the first die he can produce 100 cases of six-ounce juice glasses
in six hours, while with the second die he can produce 100 cases of ten-ounce
fancy cocktail glasses in five hours. He prefers to operate only on a schedule of 60
hours of production per week. He stores the weeks production in his own
stockroom where he has an effective capacity of 15,000 cubic feet. A case of sixounce juice glasses requires 10 cubic feet of storage space, while a case of tenounce cocktail glasses requires 20 cubic feet due to special packaging. The
contribution of the six-ounce juice glasses is $5.00 per case; however, the only
customer available will not accept more than 800 cases per week.
The contribution of the ten-ounce cocktail glasses is $4.50 per case and there is
no limit on the amount that can be sold. How many cases of each type of glass
should be produced each week in order to maximize the total contribution?
[Applied Mathematical Programming by Bradley, Hax and Magnanti, 1977]
Martin Furniture Company manufactures tables and chairs using wood and
labor only. Wood required for one table is 30 units, and for a chair it is 20 units.
Making a table needs 10 units of labor, and for chair it is 5 units. The company
has 381 units of wood and 117 units of labor. The unit contribution for a table is
Rs. 90/- and that for a chair is Rs. 60/-. How many tables and chairs should be
made to maximize contribution?
[Introductory Operations Research by Kasana and Kumar, 2003]

An oil firm has the equipment for Process I with capacity of 2 tons per day and
the equipment for Process II with capacity of 3 tons per day. Process I requires
10 hours to convert one ton of crude oil into 3/4 ton of Product A and 1/4 ton of
Product B, while Process II requires 5 hours to convert one ton of crude oil into
1/4 ton of Product A and 3/4 ton of Product B. The cost of such conversion is $180
per ton for Process I and $90 per ton for Process II. There are available 20 hours
and 4 tons of crude oil per day. The selling price of Product A is $855 per ton and
that of Product B is $315 per ton. Formulate a linear program for the production
plan in order to maximize the net profit.

A company makes two types of belts: Belt A is a high quality belt, and belt B is of
lower quality. Each belt of type A requires twice as much time as a belt of type B,
and if all belts were of type B, the company can make 1500 belts per day. The
supply of leather is sufficient only for 1000 belts per day (both A and B
combined). Belt A required a fancy buckle and only 500 are available. There are
only 800 buckles that are used for type B. The contributions from buckles A and
B are Rs. 30 and Rs. 20 respectively. Formulate an LP to maximize the
[Introductory Operations Research by Kasana and Kumar, 2003]
Ajax Fuels, Inc. is developing a new additive for airplane fuels. The additive is a
mixture of three ingredients: A, B, and C. For proper performance, the total
amount of additive (amount of A + amount of B + amount of C) must be at least
10 ounces per gallon of fuel. However, because of safety reasons, the amount of
additive must not exceed 15 ounces per gallon of fuel. The mix or blend of the
three ingredients is critical. At least one ounce of ingredient A must be used for
every ounce of ingredient B, and the amount of ingredient C must be greater
than one-half the amount of ingredient A. If the costs per ounce for ingredients
A, B, and C are $0.10, $0.03, and $0.09, respectively, find the minimum-cost
mixture of A, B, and C for each gallon of airplane fuel.
[An Introduction to Management Science by Anderson, Sweeney and Williams]

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