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IS 4926:2003

Indian Standard
(Second Revision)

Ics 91.100.30

0 BIS 2003



May 2003 Price Group 8

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2

This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1968. The first revision of the standard was brought out in 1976. In the first
revision the major modifications included increase in the time limit for supply of ready-mixed concrete by half an
hour in order to make the standard more practicable and permitting use of fly ash.
This second revision is being brought out to incorporate modifications found necessary based on the experience
gained with the use of this standard and specially in the context of recent developments in this field in the couch-y.
The significant modifications included are as follows :
a) Rationalization of definitions and addition of definitions for more terms.
b) Requirements for materials brought in line with IS 456:2000 Plain and reinforced concrete Code of
c) Minimum testing frequencies introduced for aggregates and water.
d) Basis of supply modified to bring it in line with IS 456:2000 Plain and reinforced concrete Code of
e) Transportation time made uniform to 2 h.
t) Requirement of temperature of concrete deleted.
g) Sampling procedure has been modified.
h) Tolerance limits for workability have been modified.
j) A clause on non-compliance has been included.
k) A detailed clause on production and delivery including plant safety and maintenance and environmental
considerations has been included.
m) A detai!ed clause on quality control has been included.
n) A detailed clause on order processing and training has been included.
p) Detailed provisions on calibration and weighing equipment accuracy has been introduced as Annex E.
For effective implementation of the provisions of the standard, it maybe desirable that the ready-mixed concrete
plants operate their system under a third party certification scheme to ensure operation of a well structured system
and to build confidence in the users of such concrete.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given at Annex H.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 Rules for
rounding off numerical values (revise@. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 4926:2003

Indian Standard
(Second Revision)
1 SCOPE the aggregate in a saturated surface dry condition) to
the mass of cement including mineral additives as
This standard covers the requirements for the per 4.3 in a concrete mix.
production and supply of ready-mixed concrete. It does
not cover the placing, compaction, curing or protection 3.8 Grade of ConcreteNumerical value of
of concrete after delivery. characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm cube of
concrete at 28 days, designated by M followed by
2 REFERENCES this strength value in N/mm* characteristic compressive
The standards given in Annex A contain provisions strength.
which through reference in this text, constitute 3.9 Minimum Cement Content The minimum mass
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, of cement including mineral additives as per 4.3
the editions indicated were valid. A1l standards are required by the purchaser to be present, in unit volume
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on of specified mix (see also Note 2 under Table 5 of IS
this standard are encouraged to investigate the 456).
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated in Annex A. 3.10 Prescribed Mix Mix for which the purchaser
specifies the proportions of the constituents and is
3 TERMINOLOGY responsible for ensuring that these proportions will
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following produce a concrete with the performance required.
definitions shall apply. 3.11 Producer Person or authority entering a
3.1 Agitator Truck mounted equipment designed contract to supply ready-mixed concrete.
to agitate concrete during transportation to the site of 3.12 PurchaserPerson or authority entering a
delivery. contract to buy ready-mixed concrete.
3.2 Batch Quantity of concrete mixed in one cycle 3.13 Ready-Mixed Concrete Concrete mixed in a
of operations of a batch mixer or the quantity of stationary mixer in a central batching and mixing plant
concrete conveyed ready-mixed in a vehicle or the or in a truck-mixer and supplied in the fresh condition
quantity discharged during 1 min from a continuous to the purchaser either at the site or into the purchasers
mixer. vehicles.
3.3 Characteristic Strength The value of strength 3.14 Truck-Mixer A mixer generally mounted on a
of concrete below which not more than 5 percent of self-propelled chassis, capable of mixing the ingredients
the population of all possible strength measurements of concrete and of agitating the mixed concrete during
of the specified concrete are expected to fall. transp.ortation.
3.4 Concrete A mixture of aggregate, cement and 4 MATERIALS
water with or without admixtures and/or additions and
including entrapped or entrained air, for all uses but 4.1 Selection and Approval of Materials
excluding all mortars other than for use as floor or roof
Materials used should satisfy the requirements for the
safety, structural performance, durability and
3.5 Density of Fresh ConcreteMass of a quantity appearance of the finished structure, taking fill account
of compacted fresh concrete divided by its volume, of the environment to which it will be subjected. The
expressed in kg/m3 in accordance with IS 1199. selection and use of materials shall be in accordance
with IS 456. Materials used shall conform to the
3.6 Designed Mix Mix for which the purchaser is relevant Indian Standards applicable. Where materials
responsible for speci~ing the required performance and are used which are not covered by the provisions of the
the producer is responsible for selecting the mix relevant Indian Standard, there should be satisfactory
proportions to produce the required performance. data on their suitability and assurance of quality control.
Records and details of performance of such materials
3.7 Free Water-Cement Ratio Ratio of the mass should be maintained. Account should be taken of
of free water (that is excluding the water absorbed by possible interactions and compatibility between

IS 4926:2003

materials used. Also, prior permission of the purchaser of concrete shall be regulated by controlling its
shall reobtained before useofsuch materials. workability or by measuring and adjusting the moisture
contents of its constituent materials. The producers
4.2 CementCement used for concrete shall be in production staff and truck-mixer drivers shall be made
accordance with the requirements of IS 456. aware of the appropriate responses to variations in
4.3 Mineral Admixtures Use of mineral admixtures concrete consistence of a particular mix caused by
shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of normal variations in aggregate moisture content or
Is 456. grading.

4.4 Aggregates Aggregates used for concrete shall 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

be in accordance with the requirements of 1S 456. 5.1 Basis of Supply
Unless otherwise agreed testing frequencies for
aggregates shall be as given in Annex B. 5.1.1 Ready-mixed concrete shall be supplied having
the quality and in the quantity in accordance with the
4.5 Chemical Admixtures requirements agreed with the purchaser or h$s agent.
Notwithstanding this, the concrete supplidd shall
4.5.1 Use of chemical admixtures shall be permitted in
generally comply with the requirements of 1S456.
accordance with the provisions of IS 456.
5.1.2 All concrete will be supplied and invoiced in terms
4.5.2 It shall be the responsibility of the producer to
of cubic metres (full or part) of compacted fresh
establish compatibility and suitability of any admixture
concrete. All proportioning is to be carried out by mass
with the other ingredients of the mix and to determine
except water and admixture, which may be measured
the dosage required to give the desired effect.
by volume.
4.5.3 Admixtures should be stored in a manner that 5.2 Transport of Concrete
prevents degradation of the product and consumed
within the time period indicated by the admixture 5.2.1 General
supplier. Any vessel containing an admixture in the
plant or taken to site by the producer shall be clearly Ready-mixed concrete shall be transported
from the mixer to the point of placing as rapidly as
marked as to its content.
practicable by methods that will maintain the required
4.5.4 When offering or delivering a mix to a purchaser workability and will prevent segregation, loss of any
it should be indicated if such a mix contains an constituents or ingress of foreign matter or water. The
admixture or combination of admixtures or not. The concrete shall be placed as soon as possible after
admixtures may be identified generically and should delivery, as close as is practicable to its final position
be declared on the delivery ticket. to avoid rehandling or moving the concrete horizontally
by vibration. If required by the purchaser the producer
4.5.5 The amount of admixture added to a mix shall be can utilize admixtures to slow down the rate of
recorded in the production record. In special workability 10SS,however this does not remove the need
circumstances, if necessary, additional dose of for the purchaser to place the concrete as rapidly as
admixture may be added at project site to regain the possible. The purchaser should plan his arrangements
workability of concrete with the mutual agreement so as to enable a full load of concrete to be discharged
between the producer and the purchaser. within 30 min of arrival on site.
4.6 Water Concrete shall be transported in a truck-mixer
unless the purchaser agrees to the use of non-agitating
4.6.1 Water used shall be in accordance with the
vehicles. When non-agitating vehicles are used, the
requirements of IS 456. Unless otherwise agreed, the
mixed concrete shall be protected from gain or loss of
testing frequencies for water shall be as given in water.
Annex B.
5.2.2 Time in Transport
4.6.2 The use of re-cycled water is encouraged as long
as concrete of satisfactory performance can be produced The general requirement is that concrete shall
and steps are taken to monitor the buildup of chlorides be discharged from the truck-mixer within 2 h of the
in any recirculated water and that any subsequent time Gf loading. However, a longer period may be
adjustments to the mix design are made to ensure that permitted if retarding admixtures are used or in cool
any overall limit on chloride contents is satisfied. The humid weather or when chilled concrete is produced.
addition of any recycled water shall be monitored and The time of loading shall start from adding the
controlled to meet these requirements.
mixing water to the dry mix of cement and aggregate
4.6.3 The total amount of water added to the mix shall or of adding the cement to the wet aggregate whichever
be recorded in the production record. The water content is applicable.

IS 4926:2003

5.3 Ready-mixed concrete plant shall have test facilities 6.3.2 Unless otherwise agreed between the parties
at its premises to carry out routine tests as per the involved, the minimum testing frequency to be applied
requirement of the standard. by the producer in the absence of a recognized ready-
mixed concrete industry method of production control,
6 SAMPLING AND TESTING OF should be one sample for every 50 m3of production or
READY-MIXED CONCRETE every 50 batches, whichever is the greater frequency.
6.1 Point and Time of Sampling Three test specimens shall be made up for each sample
for testing at 28 days (see also IS 456).
For the assessment of compliance of ready-mixed
concrete, the point and time of sampling shall be at In order to get a relatively quicker idea of the quality
discharge from the producers delivery vehicle or from of concrete, optional test on beams for modulus of
the mixer to the site or when delivered into the rupture at 72 + 2 h or at 7 days or compressive strength
purchasers vehicle. It is critical that the sampling test at 7 days maybe carried out in addition to 28 days
procedure and equipment used enables as representative compressive strength test. For this purpose the value
a sample as possible to be taken of the quantity of should be arrived at based on actual testing. In all cases
concrete delivered (see Annex C). 28 days compressive strength shall alone be the criteria
for acceptance or rejection of the concrete.
The sampling may be carried out jointly by the
purchaser and the supplier with its frequency mutually 6.3.3 The purchaser shall inform the producer if his
agreed upon. However, it will not absolve the supplier requirements for sampling and testing are higher than
of his responsibility from supplying concrete as per the one sample every 50 m3 or 50 batches, whichever is
requirements given in this standard or otherwise agreed the greater frequency.
to where so permitted in the standard. 6.4 Additional Compliance Criteria
6.2 Workability Any additional compliance criteria shall be declared to
6.2.1 The test for acceptance is to be performed upon the producer by the purchaser prior to supply and shall
the producers delivery vehicle discharge on site or be mutually agreed upon in terms of definition,
upon discharge into the purchasers vehicle. If discharge tolerance, frequency of assessment, method of test and
from the producers vehicle is delayed on site due to significance of result.
lack of preparedness on behalf of the purchaser then 6.5 Non-Compliance
the responsibility passes to the purchaser after a delay
of more than 30 min. The action to be taken in case of non-compliance shall
be declared and mutually agreed upon.
The workability shall be within the following limits on
the specified value as appropriate: 7 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE
Slump + 25 mm or + 1/3 of the
specified value, whichever is 7.1 The purchaser shall provide to the producer the
less. details of the concrete mix or mixes required by him
and all pertinent information on the use of the concrete
Compacting factor : + 0.03, where the specified value and the specified requirements. Prior to supply taking
is 0.90 or greater, place, it is recommended that a meeting is held between
* 0.04, where the specified the purchaser and the producer. Its objective to clarify
value is less than 0.90 but more operational matters, such as notice to be given prior to
than 0.80, and delivery, delivery rate, the name of the purchasers
+ 0.05, where the specified value authorized representative who will coordinate
is 0.80 or less. deliveries, any requirements for additional services such
as pumping, on site testing or training, etc.
Flow table test may be specified for concrete, for very 7.2 Designed Mixes
high workability (see IS 9103). Acceptance criteria
for spread (flow) are to be established between the Where the purchaser specifies a designed mix to be
supplier and the purchaser. supplied it is essential that all relevant information is
conveyed to the producer. In order to assist in this,
6.3 Specified Strength
the format given in Annex D may be completed and
6.3.1 Compliance shall be assessed against the forwarded to the producer at the time of enquiry .
requirements of IS 456 or other agreed Indian Standard.
7.3 Prescribed Mixes
The purchaser may perform his own sampling and
testing or may enter in to an arrangement with the 7.3.1 The concrete mix shall be specified by its
producer to provide his testing requirements. constituent materials and the properties or quantities

1S 4926:2003

of those constituents to produce a concrete with the Cement shall be stored and stacked in bags and shall
required performance. The assessment of the mix be kept free from the possibility of any dampness or
proportions shall form an essential part of the moisture coming in contact with them and where
compliance requirements. The purchaser shall provide cement can be stored and retrieved without undue
the producer with all pertinent information on the use damage to the bags. The bags are to be protected from
of the concrete and the specified requirements. In order becoming damp either from the ground or the weather.
to assist in this, the format given in Annex D may be The cement is to be used in the order it is delivered
followed with suitable modifications as applicable to (see also IS 4082).
prescribed mixes.
In case, the cement remains in storage for more than 3
8 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE months, the cement shall be retested before use and
PRODUCER shall be rejected if it fails to conform to any of the
requirements given in the relevant Indian Standard.
8.1 When requested, the producer shall provide the
purchaser with the following information before any Dry pulverized fuel ash and other mineral
concrete is supplied: admixtures
a) Nature and source of each constituent material, Suitable separate arrangement for storage of pulverized
b) Source of supply of cement, and fuel ash, silica fume, metakeolin, rice husk ash, ground
c) Proposed proportions or quantity of each granulated blast furnace slag such as for cement, shall
constituent/m3 of fresh concrete. be provided, in the plants utilizing these materials.

8.2 When requested, the producer shall provide the Aggregates (coarse andfme)
purchaser the following information on admixtures: Stockpiles shall be free draining and arranged to avoid
a) Generic type(s) oftbe main active constituent(s) contamination and to prevent intermingling with
in the admixture; adjacent material. Handling procedures for loading and
unloading aggregates shall be such as to reduce
b) Whether or not the admixture contains chlorides
segregation to a minimum. Provision shall be made
and if so, the chloride content of the admixture
for separate storage for each nominal size and type of
expressed as a percentage of chloride ion by mass
aggregate and the method of loading of storage bins
of admixture;
shall be such as to prevent intermingling of different
c) Whether or not the admixture leads to the sizes and types. Fine aggregates shall be stacked in a
entrainment of air when used at the adopted place where loss due to the effect of wind is minimum
dosage; (see also IS 4082 and IS 456).
d) Where more than one admixture is used, Water
confirmation of their compatibility; and
e) Initial and final setting time of concrete when An adequate supply shall be provided and when stored
admixture is used at adopted dosage (tested as on the plant such storage facilities shall be designed to
per 1S 8142). minimize the risks of contamination.

9 PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY Chemical admixtures

9.1 Plant and Equipment Tanks or drums containing liquid admixtures shall be
clearly Iabelled for identification purposes and stored
9.1.1 h{ateriul.s Storage and Handling in such a way to avoid damage, contamination or the
effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight (if applicable). Cement
Agitation shall be provided for liquid admixtures, which
Separate storage for different types and grades of are not stable solutions.
cement shall be provided. Containers may be used to 9.1.2 Batching Plants and Batching Equipment
store cements of different types provided these are
emptied before loading anew cement. Bins or silos shall Hoppers for weighing cement, mineral admixtures,
be weatherproof and permit free flow and efficient aggregates and water and chemical admixture (if
discharge of the cement. Each silo or compartment of a measured by mass) shall consist of suitable containers
si10shall be completely separate and fitted with a filter freely suspended from a scale or other suitable load-
or alternative method of dust control. Each filter or dust measuring device and equipped with a suitable
control system shall be of sufficient size to allow discharging mechanism. The method of control of the
delivery of cement to be maintained at a specified loading mechanism shall be such that, as the quantity
pressure, and shall be properly maintained to prevent required in the weighing hopper is approached, the
undue emission of cement dust and prevent interference material may be added at a controllable rate and shut
with weighing accuracy by build up of pressure. off precisely within the weighing tolerances specified

IS 4926:2003

in Annex E. The weighing hoppers for cement, mineral from those used for other materials and on a scale of
admixtures aggregate shall be capable of receiving their appropriate sensitivity, measurement being taken from
rated load, without the weighed material coming into a zero reading. Aggregates shall be measured by mass,
contact with the loading mechanism. Where the rated allowance being made for the free moisture content of
capacity of a batching plant mixing cycle is less than the aggregates. The added water shall be measured by
2.0 m3,additional precautions shall be taken to ensure volume or by mass. Any liquid chemical admixture
that the correct number of batches are loaded into the (or paste) shall be measured by volume or by mass and
truck mixer. The weighing hoppers shall be constructed any solid admixture by mass. When weighing materials,
so as to discharge efficiently and prevent the build up any build up in the hopper during the day must be tared
of materials. A tare adjustment, up to 10 percent of out or allowed for in the batch weights. After
the nominal capacity of the weigh scale, shall be measurement all materials shall be discharged into the
provided on the weighing mechanism so that the scale mixer without loss.
can be adjusted to zero at least once each day. Dust
seals shall be provided on cement hoppers between The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be
the loading mechanism and the weigh hopper, and within * 2 percent of the quantity of cement and mineral
shall be fitted so as to prevent the emission of cement admixtures being measured and within + 3 percent of
dust and not to affect weighing accuracy. The hopper the quantity of aggregate, chemical admixture and
shall be vented to permit escape of air without emission water being measured. The plant operator shall be
of cement dust. provided with a clear display of the quantities of
materials to be batched for each mix and batch size and
Vibrators or other attachments, where fitted, shall not with information identi~ing the display to be selected
affect the accuracy of weighing. There shall be for each designed and prescribed mix to be produced.
sufficient protection to cement and aggregate weigh Analogue scale displays for the weighing of cement,
hoppers and weighing mechanisms to prevent mineral admixtures, aggregates and water shall be
interference with weighing accuracy by weather readily discemable from the operating position. For
conditions or external build-up of materials. digital readouts the numerals shall be readily
Where chemical admixture dispensers are used, they discernible from the operating position.
shall be capable of measurement within the tolerances
Fully automatic production systems shall be fitted
in Annex E and a calibrated container or weigh scales
with control equipment to allow the correct operation
shall be provided to check the accuracy of measurement
of the plant to be monitored during weighing and
at least once a month.
batching. Automatic control systems on batching plants
Where a continuous mixer with ribbon loading is used, shall not commence batching until all hoppers have been
the batching procedure specified by the manufacturer emptied and/or tared and the scales zeroed unless such
of the plant shall be followed. systems are designed to take account of build up in
their programming.
Each control on the batching console and weigh-dial
or display shall be clearly labelled with its function All scales shall be tested and calibrated as per
and where concerned with the batching of materials, Annex E.
the material type.
9.1.4 Mixing
When more than one type or grade of cement is being
used, the weighing device and discharge screw or other Washing out water
parts of the transfer system shall be empty before
changing from one type of cement to another. Before loading concrete materials or mixed concrete
into either a stationary mixer or truck mixer any water
When pulverized fuel ash and other mineral admixtures retained in the mixing drum for washing out purposes
are batched through the cement weigh system, the shall be completely discharged.
weighing device and discharge screw or other parts of
the transfer system shall be empty when the weighing Stationa~ or central mixers
system has returned to zero reading or completed the
batch. Stationary mixers shall not be loaded in excess of the
manufacturers rated capacity. The mixing time shall
Where a backweigh system is utilized to weigh be measured from the time all the materials required
materials a system shall be in place so as to prevent for the batch, including water, are in the drum of the
materials being loaded during the process of weighing. mixer. The mixing time shall not be less than that
9.1.3 Measuret72ent of Materials recommended by the manufacturer. Where a continuous
mixing plant is used the complete mixing time shall be
Cement and mineral admixmre materials shall be sufficient to ensure that the concrete is of the required
measured by mass in a hopper or compartment separate uniformity.

IS 4926:2003 \ Tt-uck mixers batching, mixing and transporting plant, as well as the
routine maintenance recommended by manufacturers
When a truck mixer is used for the partial or complete for specific items of equipment. The name and/or
mixing of concrete, mixing shall be con- dered to
position of the person responsible for ensuring that the
commence from the moment when all the materials maintenance schedules are carried out shall be included
required for the batch, including water, are in the on each checklist and a provision made for their
rotating drum of the mixer. signature.
Truck mixers or agitators shall not be loaded in excess The supplier shall provide suitable. communication
of the manufacturers rated capacity. In order to
system between batching plants, transit mixers and the
produce a satisfactory mix, and where there is no data delivery site so as to ensure the compliance of service
availabie to es~ablish different period and speed of
criteria agreed to with the purchaser/user.
revolutions, mixing shall continue for not less than 60
revolutions of the truck mixer drum at a rate of not less 9.3 Environmental Considerations
than 7 revolutions/rein. All completely truck mixed
concrete shall be visually inspected for uniformity prior The design, management and operation of a ready-
to leaving the plant. mixed concrete plant should be with due regard for the
environment. The broad criteria given in 9.3.1 to 9.3.10
When a truck mixer or agitator is used for transporting should be borne in mind when establishing a ready-
concrete which has been mixed before leaving the plant, mixed concrete plant (where in the following the term
the concrete shall be agitated during transit and re-mixed minimize is used it is understood to mean to reduce to
at the site for at least 2 min so that the concrete is of the the lowest realistic level using technologies which are
required uniformity. proven, reasonable and economic).
Where water is added to the concrete in the truck mixer 9.3.1 External Appearance
through the truck mixer water meter and when such
water is being accounted for in the total water within The producer should endeavor to ensure that plant
the mix, it shall be ensured that the truck mixer water operations are landscaped and screened from the
meter is in operational condition and properly surrounding industrial, commercial, residential or rural
calibrated. Where a water meter is not available, water community so that impact on the environment is
must be measured in a suitable container before being minimized.
added to the truck mixer. 9.3.2 Plant, Of)lce Buildings and Sta#Facilities Condition of mixers The producer shall ensure that plant buildings are
Stationary and truck mixers shall be maintained in an suitably maintained, kept clean and that all required
efficient and clean condition with no appreciable build records are appropriately kept.
up of hardened concrete or cement in the mixing drum, 9.3.3 Traflc Control and Cleanliness
on the mixing blades, or on the loading hopper or
discharge chutes. When, due to wear the height or depth The producer should ensure that traftlc routes will be
of the mixing blades or paddles is less than two-thirds chosen to avoid sensitive areas where practicable and
of the original, the blade or paddles shall be renewed to minimize fuel consumption. Vehicles should be
or replaced. maintained in a clean condition and action should be
taken to minimize the incidence of concrete spillage
9.1.5 Notwithstanding the requirements regarding on public highways.
mixing prescribed in the relevant clauses of this
standard, it shall be ensured that stationary or central 9.3.4 Site Safe~
mixers and truck mixer shall be comply with
The producer shall provide working conditions which
performance criteria of mixing efficiency test as per
have regard to the health and safety of employees.
IS 4634. Mixing efficiency test shall be performed at
least once in a year. 9.3.5 Air Pollution
9.2 Plant Safety and Maintenance The producer should utilize appropriate technology to
prevent or minimize dust emissions in line with local
At all times, all guardrails and machinery guards shall
or national regulations.
be fixed securely in position and walkways kept clean
and tidy with clear access. All plant and equipment 9.3.6 Noise And Vibration
shall be maintained in a clean and efficient working
condition and regular, routine maintenance checks shall The producer should take steps to ensure that plant and
be carried out as detailed in Annex F. Check lists, vehicle noise are minimized through plant design, the
including weekly, monthly and quarterly routines, shall use of appropriate technology and the location of the
be prepared to cover general storage, handling, plant.

IS 4926:2003

9.3.7 Wuter A4anagement 10.1.2 Control ofMateriaIs Storage

The producer should take action to improve effluent Materials should be stored in such a way as to prevent
quality where necessary and reduce volumes of the risk of contamination. The producer should utilize
discharge. He should aim to minimize water usage and suitable transfer and feed systems. Aggregate storage
wastage and to meet national rind local regulations areas should be tlee draining. Measures should be taken
concerning effluent discharges. to prevent freezing or excessive solar heating of
aggregates. Admixtures should be clearly identified and
9.3.8 Fuel, Oii and Chemical Spillage protected from sunlight (where applicable) and the risk
of contamination.
The producer should take appropriate measures to
prevent pollution of surrounding surface and 10.1.3 Mix Design and Mix Design Mod@cation
groundwaters from accidental effluent discharges and
fuel, oil or chemical spillage. The producer shall maintain a record of all mix designs
and modifications current on the plant.
9.3.9 Waste Management
10.1.4 Plant Maintenance
The producer should introduce processes and working
practices that minimize the production of waste. Where The producer shall be able to demonstrate that a
waste cannot be avoided, to provide environmentally documented plant maintenance procedure is in place.
sound treatment and disposal, or find markets for its Regular plant inspections should be carried out with
use as a resource. faults reported and rectified.

9.3.10 Training 10.1.5 Transfer and Weighing Equipment

The producer should undertake to train employees to The producer shall be able to demonstrate that a
be aware of the responsibility to the environment, he documented calibration procedure is in place.
should give a high priority to site care and good Calibration records should contain details of any
housekeeping and to encourage participation in the local corrective action required, the date of the next
community. calibration, confirmation that any required corrective
action has taken place and the signature of the
9.4 Delivery Ticket designated manager for that plant. The producer shall
also maintain a daily production record for that plant,
Immediately before discharging the concrete at the including details of which customers were supplied,
point of delivery, the producer or his representative shall which mixes were supplied and which delivery dockets
provide the purchaser with a preprinted delivery ticket were dispatched. There should be a record of what
for each delivery of concrete on which is printed, materials were used for that days production including
stamped or written the minimum information detailed water and admixture. The use of electro-mechanical
in Annex G. The delivery ticket will form the basis of weighing and metering systems, that is, load cells, flow
invoicing. meters, magmeters, etc, is preferable over purely
10 QUALITY CONTROL mechanical systems, that is, knife edge and lever systems.

10.1.6 Plant Mixers and Truck-Mixers

Quality control of ready-mixed concrete maybe divided
into three components, forward control, immediate Plant mixers where present and truck-mixers used shall
control and retrospective control. be in an operational condition and shall be purchased
from a supplier of proven experience and quality. The
10.1 Forward Control
producer should ensure that regular maintenance is
b Forward control and consequent corrective action are performed as per requirements.
essential aspects of quality control. Forward control
10.2 Immediate Control
includes the following.
Immediate control is concerned with instant action to
10.1.1 Control of Purchased Material Quality
control the quality of the concrete being produced or
A control system shall be operated to provide assurance that of deliveries closely following. It includes the
that all materials purchased for and used in the production control and product control.
production of concrete conform to the Indian Standards 10.2.1 Production Control
agreed with the material supplier and the requirements
of the producers mix design methodology and quality The production of concrete at each plant shall
control procedures. This may include visual checks, be systematically controlled. This is to ensure that all
sampling and testing, certification from material the concrete supplied shall be in accordance with these
suppliers and information from material suppliers. requirements and with the specification that has formed

1S 4926:2003

the basis of the agreement between the producer and can be measured ahead of, or at the time of,
purchaser. manufacture. Each load of mixed concrete shall be inspected 10.3.1 Mix Performance
before dispatch and prior to discharge. Alternatively
systems may be incorporated into the plant or truck- The producer shall be responsible for ensuring that
suitable control procedures are in place to ensure the
mixer to allow the correlation of a particular parameter
to concrete workability (thus removing the need to
visually inspect at the plant) as long as the producer Designed mixes
documents the validity of such a system in the form of
a method statement or procedure. A quality control system shall be operated to control
the strength of designed mixes to the levels required in The workability of the concrete shall be accordance with 3.4 and 3.8 and shall be based on
controlled on a continuous basis during production and random tests of mixes which form the major proportion
any corrective action necessary taken. of production. The system shall include continuous
analysis of results from cube tests to compare actual For each load, written, printed or graphical
with target values together with procedures for
records shall be made of the mass of the materials
modifying mix proportions to correct for observed
batched, the estimated slump, the total amount of water
differences. Compressive strength testing shall be
added to the load, the delivery ticket number for that
carried out using a machine that meets the requirements
load, and the time the concrete was loaded into the truck.
of IS 14858. Regular routine inspections shall be carried Prescribed mixes
out on the condition of plant and equipment including
delivery vehicles. Periodic and systematic checks shall be made to ensure
that the cementitious material contents of prescribed No additional water, other than the amount
mixes comply with their mix descriptions.
required to produce the specified workability, shall be
added to the truck mixer drum before discharge unless 10.3.2 Stock Control of Materials
specifically requested and signed for by the purchaser.
The producer shall operate a materials stock control
10.2.2 Product Control procedure to enable verification of total quantities used
and to confirm that only approved materials have been Concrete mixes shall be randomly sampled and received.
tested for workability, and where appropriate, plastic
density, temperature and air content. Where significant 10.3.3 Complaints
variations from target values are detected, corrective
The producer shall have a procedure in place to enable
action shall be taken.
the diagnosis and correction of faults identified from It is important to maintain the water cement complaints.
ratio constant at its correct value. The amount of added
water shall be adjusted to compensate for any observed
variations in the moisture contents in the aggregates. A competent person to interpret the specified
Suitable adjustments should also be made in masses of requirements and relate these to mix design criteria shall
the aggregates due to this variation (see IS 456). Any systematically review specification and orders supplied
change in water content due to change in aggregate by the purchaser. These shall be formally recorded
grading shall be taken care of by forward control by together with any modification to the specification
suitable modifications to mix design. resulting from subsequent agreed documentation to
ensure that the plant operator is given the correct When the assessment of moisture content is
instructions for batching and mixing.
carried out continuously using a suitable instrument a
system shall be provided to indicate the necessary When mixes or materials are offered as alternatives to
changes in added water for changes in moisture content. requested mixes or where there is no specification
supplied by the purchaser, orders whether received
10.3 Retrospective Control
verbally or in writing, shall be agreed with the purchaser
Retrospective control is concerned with those factors and the fact recorded. Alternatives to the mix
that influence the control of concrete quality that can description or compliance requirements in the
not be assessed at the time of production. Retrospective purchasers specification shall be clearly identified in
control may cover any property of materials or concrete, the quotation.
such as aggregate grading, slump, or air content, but is
particularly associated with 28-day cube strength
because by its very nature it is not a property which 12.1 All personnel concerned with production, delivery

IS 4926:2003

and the function of the producers quality system shall of these requirements for a period of at least one year.
have received training appropriate to the duties they They shall cover the following aspects:
perform. a) Production and delivery:
12.2 The testing of materials, proportioning of mixes 1) Batching instructions,
and the production of concrete together with all its 2) Batching records,
control testing shall be under the overall supervision
3) Delivery tickets, and
of an experienced concrete technologist.
4) Equipment calibration and plant main-
12.3 Operator who have received proper instructions tenance.
on theequiprnent in use and who are able to comply
b) Materials and production control:
with the required accuracy of batching shall produce
concrete. 1) Concrete production and materials purchase,
usage and stocks, and
2) Certificates or test results for materials.
Records shall be maintained by the producer to provide c) Production quality control:
confirmation of the quality and quantity of concrete
Control test results
produced. The records shall be retained for the purposes

(Ckzuse 2)

[S No. Title IS No. Title

383 : 1999 Coarse and fine aggregates from 4634:1991 Methods for testing performance
natural sources for concrete of batch-type concrete mixers (first
Specification (third revision) revision)

456:2000 Plain and reinforced concrete 8;42: 1976 Method of test for determining
Code of practice ~ourth revision) setting time of concrete by
penetration resistance
1199: 1959 Methods of sampling and analysis 9103: 1999 Concrete admixturesSpec ifi-
of concrete cation (first revision)
4082:1996 Recommendations on stacking and 14858:2000 Compression testing machine used
storage of construction materials and for testing of concrete tind mortar
components at site (second revision) Requirements
IS 4926:2003

(Clauses 4.4 and 4.6. 1)

Aggregates shall be tested at a minimum frequency indicated by the high or low test rates given below:

Minimum Test Frequencies

,s[ A<qgregu/f? Type oJAggregate Assessment of Normal Requirement for

,%10 Property/ Typical Properties Monitoring Normal
Parumetdr and High Test Rate and Low Test Monitoring and
Rate Low Test Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Grading Sand/fine Weekly Monthly Last 8 results

Coarse singlesized conform to IS 383
gradedWeekly Weekly Monthly or representative

ii) Particle Density Last 4 results

oven dry Weekly 3 monthly
Satoratccl surface dry All types Weekly 3 monthly * 0.04
Apparent Weekly 3 monthly }

iii) Absorption All types Weekly 3 monthly Last 4 results

0.04 percent

iv) Bulk Density Last 4 results

Loose All types Monthly 6 monthly + 75kghrf
Compacted All types Monthly 6 monthly + 75kg/mq

v) Fines (silt) Sand Weekly Monthly Last 10 results

Crrntcnt Coarse Monthly 3 monthly <75 percent
maximum allowed

vi) Aggregate Coarse As specified As specified

[lllpl~t vil[Lle

vii) I 0(%Fines Coarse Yearly Yearly

viii) FIakincss Coarse 2 Weekly 6 monthly Last 3 results conform

to standard

ix) Chloride All types Weekly 6 monthly Last 3 results

(ontellt <0.01 percent

~) Aggregate Coarse Yearly/

Abrasirm Value Source change
(I,os Angeles

xi) soundness Fine and Yearly/

Coarse Source change

~ii) Potential Fine and 5 yeariyl

Alkali Aggregate Coarse Source change

xiii) Petrographic All types 5 yedy .

IS 4926:2003

B-1.l Thehigh orlowtest rates apply in accordance B-2 WATER

with the following conditions:
The minimum testing frequencies shall be as follows:
a) High test rate
a) Mains Water Water samples are taken from
1) Toestablish thetypical characteristics of an all sources of supply and tested forpH, chloride
aggregate, and ion content, sulfate content and any other
2) Whensignificant changes inproperties occur parameters in accordance with IS 456. The initial
outside the tolerances for low test rates given. test rate shall be weekly until six results are
b) Lowtest rate obtained. Three monthly samples shall then be
taken and compared against the average of the
1) When the typical characteristics of the original six. Significant deviation shall require
aggregate have been established, and further investigation.
2) When subsequent tests lie within the
b) Non mains WaterA sample shall be taken
tolerances for low test rates given. annually for routine records however if the
Theresults of all valid tests shall be plotted on calendar chloride ion content is above 0.01 percent then
charts, tabulated or recorded in computerized systems. the interval of testing shall be reduced to 3
The results shall be compared with identified tolerances monthly.
and corrective action taken when these are exceeded.

(Clause 6.1)

After the truck-mixer has re-mixed its delivery on site avoiding sampling the last cubic metre of concrete.
allow at least the first one-third of a m3 of concrete to Thoroughly re-mix this composite sample either on a
be discharged prior to taking any samples. Take at least mixing tray or in the sampling bucket and proceed with
4 incremental samples from the remainder of the load the required testing.

(Clauses 7.2 and 7.3.1)

Contractor :
Site :

Grade (N/mm2)
(Characteristic strength)

Minimum Cement Content (kg/m3)

Mineral Additives
[[:l%~;izedfuel ash/Slag/Others)

Maximum Free Water -Cement


Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size

Cement Type and Grade

(if preferred)

Target Workability [Shtmp(mm)]

Target Workability at Site

Maximum Temperature of Concrete

at the Time of P1acing

Class of Sulphate Resistance

(if applicable)

Exposure Condition (if applicable)

Class of Finish (inapplicable)

Mix Application

Method of Placing

Any Other Requirements

(Early strength workability
retention, permeability testing,
chloride content restriction,
maximum cement content, etc)

Concrete Testing (Frequency)

Materials Testing (any non-

routine requirements)

Alternatives to be Offered: YES/NO

Method of Curing to be Used

by Contractor


NOTE Additional proforma for further information may be used, such as for specific test rates to be achieved for concrete or raw
materials, exact method statements of the contractors proposed site practice.

IS 4926:2003

(Clauses 9.1.2 and9.1.3)

E-1 The following limits shall apply to all ready-mixed h) Chemical Admixture dispensers shall have
concrete plants: scale increments not exceeding:
a) The accuracy, sensitivity and arrangement of the Range ofscale Scale increment
weighing devices shall be such as to enable the in kg/1 in kg/1
materials to be batched within the following 0.1 -0.5 0.01
tolerances: 0.5- 1.0 0.02
l) Cement, mineral : Within+ 2 percent 1.0- 10.0 0.2
admixtures of the quantity of more than 10.0 0.4
the constituent
j) All weighing and measuring equipment shall be
being measured tested and calibrated over its full working range
2) Aggregate, chemical : Within * 3 percent at the following intervals:
admixtures and water of the quantity of
1) Mechanical/ knife : At least once every
the constituent
edge systems two months
being measured
2) Electrical/ load cell : At least once every
b) Analogue scales shall have scale increments not systems three months
exceeding 5 kg for cement and mineral
admixtures, 25 kg for aggregate and 2 kg for Adequate and identified facilities shall be
water. provided for the application of the test loads.
c) Preset controls shall be calibrated in increments k) In the case of batch weighing systems testing
not exceeding 5 kg for cement and mineral and calibration shall be based on the application
a d mixtures, 10 kg for aggregate and 2 kg for test loads to the weigh hoppers.
m) Checks on continuous weigh systems shall be
cl) For continuous mixer plants calibration shall be based on comparison of preset quantities with
in increments not exceeding 10kg/m3for cement those actually produced.
and mineral admixtures, 25kg/mJ for aggregates
n) To achieve the required accuracy of calibration,
and 10 I/m for water.
a minimum of 500 kg of stamped weights are
e) Digital readouts shall have a scale increment not required, except that for low capacity scales an
exceeding 2 kg for cement and mineral acceptable limit on the total mass of calibration
admixtures, 10kg for aggregate and 11for water. weights would be 20 percent of the scale
9 At the time of installation, or reconditioning, the
accuracy of the indicated mass at any point on P) When calibration of weighing equipment is
the scale shall be within 0.25 percent of the full carried out all personnel involved should be
scale reading. competent and fully trained, the procedures
should be fully documented, and special attention
!3) At any other time during operation the accuracy
shall be within 0.50 percent of the full scale should be paid to the health and safety aspects
reading. of the procedure.

IS 4926:2003

(Clause 9.2)

F-1 STORAGE AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT ?3)Check calibration of moisture meter if

Weekly Routine:
h) Check oil levels on air line lubricators.
a) Check area under plant for spillage and trace
source. j) Drain water traps on air lines.
b) Clean-up yard, checking that all drains and traps k) Check rams and air lines for leaks.
are clear. m) Check pipework for leaks and wear.
c) Maintain settlement pits, recyclers and wash n) Check wiring and electrical apparatus for correct
down areas in efficient working order. operation and over heating.
d) Check all storage bins and doors for efficient P) Routine greasing of bearings and gears.
@ Routine checks and servicing on central mixers.
e) Check conveyors, boom scrapers and bucket r) Report any defects.
elevators for free running and wear, and adjust
as necessary. Monthly Routine:
9 Routine checks and servicing on loading shovels. a) Check calibration of all weigh scales.
@ Routine checks and servicing on compressors. b) Check calibration of water meter.
h) Report any defects. c) Check calibration of admixture dispenser.


a) Inspection and testing of all weigh scales over
Daily Routine:
their complete operational range.
a) Adjust tare weights and clean weigh dials (if
b) Routine oil changes in gearboxes and oil baths.
b] Ensure weighing hoppers empty properly. F-3 TRANSPORTING EQUIPMENTMIXER
c) Washout central mixer drum or pan.
Weekly Routine: Daily Routine:
Wash out truck mixer drum.
a) Maintain all hoppers and doors in clean and
efficient working order. Monthly Routine:
b) Check central mixer blades, paddles or arms for a) Check mixer unit for blade wear.
wear and tightness and adjust as necessary.
b) Check operation of revolution counters, if fitted.
c) Remove any cement or concrete buildup in the
c) Check calibration of truck mixer water meter.
d) Report any defects.
d) Shack out cement silo filter sock (if applicable)
and maintain in efficient working order. NOTEThe producers shall he responsible for maintaining all
e) Check dust seals on cement hoppers for wear. vehicle chassis in accordance with the relevant laws, if ready-
mixed concrete is to be transported on the public highways.
f) Clean knife edges or load cells on weighing

IS 4926:2003

(Clause 9.4)

G-1 The following information shall be included in q) Quantity of concrete in m.

the delivery ticket to accompany the load to the r) Time of loading.
s) Signature of the plant operator.
a) Name or number of the ready-mixed concrete
t) A statement warning the purchaser of the
precautions needed to be taken when working
b) Serial number of the ticket. with cement and wet concrete.
c) Date.
G-2 On site the following information will be added:
d) Truck number.
a) Time of arrival on site.
e) Name of the Purchaser.
b) Time when discharge was completed.
o Name and location of site. c) Any water/admixture added by the supplier to
g) Grade or mix description of the concrete. meet the specified workability.
h) Specified target workability. d) Any extra waterladmixture added at the request
j) Minimum cement content (if specified). of the purchaser of the concrete, or his
k) Type of cement and grade (if specified). representative, and his signature.

m) Maximum fi-eewater-cement ratio (if specified). e) Pouring location.

n) Nominal maximum size of aggregate. 0 Signature of the purchaser or his representative

confirming discharge of the load.
p) Generic type or name of any chemical and
mineral admixtures included.

IS 4926:2003

( Foreword)
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2

Organization Representative(s)

In personal capacity (Chmrdrika, at 15ih Cross 63-64 ( Chairman)

East Put-k Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003)
B.(I. Shirke Construction Technology Limited, Pune Smu G.R. BHAIWKAR
Builders Association of India, Mumbai SECRETARY
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council , New Delhi Smu T.N. GUPTA
Sr+ruJ.K. PRASAD ( Alterrra/e )
Cement Corporation of India Limited, New Delhi Smu MAHESH KOMAR
Smu LK. WAITAL( Alternate)
Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi MEMBER SECRETARY
DIRECTOR(CIVIL) ( Aherrrate)
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DRC.L. VERMA
DRB.K. RAO( Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi CHIEFENGINEER(DESIGN)
Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi HEAD
DIRECTOR ( Ar?ernale )
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi DIRECTOR
SrrruP.L. KASHYAP ( Alternate)
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR (CMDD)(N&W)
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, Bangalore SrsruV. BALSUBRAMANIAN
SHRIR.P. SINGH( Alternate)
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi MAIGENYASHMALHOTRA
Fly Ash Mission, Department of Science & Technology, DR VIMALKUWAR
New Delhi SHINMUKESH MATHUR ( Alternate )
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai .%00 S.A. REODI
Strm M.U. SHAH( Alternate)
Geological Survey of India, Jaipur DRS.S. AMETA
DRD.K. R.M( Ahernate )
Grasim lodustries Limited, Mumbai SHFOA.K. JAIN
COL(Retired) SUDHtR TAMHANEY ( Alternate)
Gujarat Ambrrja Cements Limited, Ahmedabad SHRS J.P. DESAI
Sma B.K. JAGETtA ( Alterna(e)
Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (India) Ltd, Noida SHMJ. SARUP
SHRIP.K. JAIPUIUAR ( Alternate )
I Iousing and Urban Development Corporation Limited, New Delhi SHRIV. SURESH
SHRIV. ARULKOMAR ( Alternate )

Indian Concrete Institute, Mumbai SHRIL.N. APTE

SmrrD. SREWASAN ( Alternate )
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore PROFTS. NAGAW
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee PROFA.K. JAIN
Indian Institote of Technology, Kharagpur DRASHOKKUMAR GHOSH
Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi DRSS. SEHRA
Institute for Solid Waste Research & Ecological Balance, DR N. BHANUMATHIDAS
Vishalthapatnam SHIUN. KALIDAS( Al(ernate )
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Mumbai SHRIC.R.V. SUBRAMANIOM
Smo S. CHOWDHURY ( Alternate )
Madras Cements Ltd, Chennai DRN. BHANUMATMDAS
Ministry of Road Transport& Highways, New Delhi SHRIC.C. BHAITACHARYA
Smu I.K. PANDEY( Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Materials, Ballabgarh DRS.C. MAUI
DR(SHRIMATt)S. LAXMS ( Alternate )

(Continuedonpage 17)

(Coniinueci,fron? page 16)

CJrganizatiorr Representative(s)
National Test House. Kolkata SHRJD.K. KANUNCO
SHRJB.R. MEE~A( A//ernate )
(XI. India Lilmited , New Delhi DRS.C. AHLUWALIA
Public Works Department, Chennai SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (DESIGN)
Research, Design & Standards Organization, Lucknow Jomr DIREcTOR(STO)(B& S)/CB-11
Jomr DwwcToR(STD)(B&S) /CB-I (Alterna/e )
%rdar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited, Distt. Narmada CHIEFENGINEER (NAVGAM DAM)
Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai SHRIS. GOPALAKRMHNAN
SHRIN.P, RAJAMANE ( A1/ernate )
The Associated Cement Companies Limited , Mumbai Stno T.N. TiWAR[
DRD. GHOSH( Aliernale )
The India Cements Limited, Chennai SHRIS. GOPINATH
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited, Mumbai SHRIP.R.C. NAIR
SHRIP.D. KELKAR ( A//ernaie )
The Institution of Engineers (India), Bangalore DRH.C. VISVESVARAYA
in personal capacity (F-12, Naraina Vihar, New Delhi) SHRJY.R, TANEJA
BIS Dircctornte General SHRIS.K. JAIN,Director and Head (Civ Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-oficio)]

Member Secretaries
Joint Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS
Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS

Concrete Subcommittee, CED 2:2

Institute for Research, Development and Training of Construction DRN. RAGHAVENDRA
( Convener )
Tmde, Bangalore
t3uilding Materials and Technology Promotion Council, SHRIJ.K. PRASAD
New Delhi
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DRB. K. RAO
SJUUS.P. TEHnJ( Alterna/e )
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SUPERINTENDINGENGJNEER (DESJGN )
Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi DRS.S. SEEHRA
Central Soil & Materials Research Station, New Delhi DiRECTOR
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DiRECTOR (C&MDD)
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi DRSC. PAL
COLSHRIPAL( Alternafe )
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRJSC. SAWHTWY
SHRIR.P. MEHROTRA ( Alterna/e )
Fly Ash Mission, Department of Science & Technology, DR VIMALKUMAR
New Delhi SHRIMUKESH MATHUR ( A/ternate )
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRIS.A. REDDI
DRN.K. NAYAK ( A/ferna[e )
Grasim Industries Ltd , Mumbai SHRiAK. JAIN
DRS.B. HEGDE ( A1/erna/e )
Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited , Ahmedabad SHRJJ.P. DESAI
SHRIB.K. JAGETtA ( Ahernaie )
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai PROFM.S. SH~Y
SHRIL.N. APTE( A1/ernaie )
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur DRSUDHIR MISHRA

(Con(inued on page 18)

1S 4926:2003
(( orrf{rruedfrom page 17)

Organization Representative(s)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur DRASHOKKUMAR
lndian Institut eofTechnology, New Delhi DR B. BHATTACHARJEE
lodianlnstitut eofTechnology. Roorkee DR ASHOKKUMARJAIN
lad ian Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Bangalore SHRJHANSJ. FUCHS
Ministry of Road Transport& Highways, New Delhi SHRI T.B. BANERJEE
SHRJ1.K. PANOEY( Al(ernate )
National Building Construction Corporation, New Delhi SHRJ V.V. GOWNOARAO
SHRJR.P. GOEL( Alternate )
National Council for Cement & Building Materials, Ballabgarh Drr S.C. MAUI
SHRJR.C. WASON( Alternate )
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai SHRIU.S.P. VERMA
Public Works Department, Mumbai CHJEFENGUW~R& JoiNT SECRETARY
Research. Design & Standards Organization, Lucknow JouiT DIRECTORSTANDARDS (B&S)/CB-1
Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai SHRI K. MANJ
Taadon Consultants Pvt Limited, New Delhi SrrruMAHESHTANDDN
The Associated Cement Company Limited, Thaoe SHRJP. SRiNJVASAN
Torsteel Research Foundation in India, New Delhi DR PC. CHOWDHORY
DR C.S. VISHWANATHA ( Alternate)
la permnal capacity (F-12, Narairra Vihar, New Delhi) SHRJY.R. TANEJA
III persona] capacity (35, Park Avenue, Arrrrarnma, DR C. RAJKUMAR
.Aaicker Strecl, Kurriamuthur, Coimbatore)
lnpersonal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, SHRJLALITKUNARJAIN

Panel For Revision of IS 4926, CED 2:2/P4

la personal capacity (A-4/l 10 Konark Apartments, Kalkaji DR AK. MULL]CK(Convener)

E.rtension, New Delhi)
Ceatrai Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRIViRENDRASHARMA
lndian Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Bangalore SHRI HANSJ. FUCHS
Stuu M. SANJAYBAHADOR(Alternate)
RMC Readyrnix (India) Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai SHRJP. KSHEMENORA NATH
The Associated Cement Co Ltd, Mumbai SHRI SC. SACHDEVA

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing
the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed t~ the Director (Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Catalogue and Standards: Monthly Additions.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. CED 2 (5809).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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Telephones: 23230131,23233375,2323 9402 (Common to all oflices)
Regional Offices: Telephone
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