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Chapter 3: Government and Bureaucracy

Öffentliche Verwaltung

-refers to the concept of government and all its instrumentalities.

-defined by Felix and Lloyd Nigro as cooperative group effort in a public setting; covers all
the three branches executive, legislative, and judicial and their inter-relationships; has
important role in the formulation of public policy and also part of the political process; is
different in significant ways from private administration; closely associated with numerous
private groups and individuals in providing services to the community


-is the instrumentalities that takes on the operation or implementation of the policies and
programs of the government
-provides for the continuity of the government when there is transition problem
-gives life to any administration in the government through meanings that they provide to
important public policies

The concept of bureaucracy was conceived by Max Weber, a German sociologist and
economist, as an organization which is considered as an extension of the state.

Bureaucracy by Richard John S. Baker

- is derived from the French word bureau which means office and kratos which is also
means power or strength.
-is the exercise of power by the officials of the government in accordance with the instruction
of those who wield sovereign power of the state.

Bureaucracy by Raul P. De Guzman, Alex B. Brilliantes and Arturo G. Pacho

-is understood by others as a specific form of organization, administrative in nature, which

deals with the activities of a large number of people like the family, social club or church
-as an organization that is designed to accomplish a multitude of function which is
impossible to achieve without the help of the large organization and its system.


Based upon a well
defined hierarchy.

It is a must for bureaucracy to reflect the necessary hierarchy in the
institution as way of putting an order in the hierarchy of things.
When the concept was developed, Weber paid much attention with
the order of authority that is reflected in a well conceived
organizational structure.

Division of work and


Bureaucracy exhibits one of the essential characteristics of classical

organization that is the division of work and functional
organization. Such characteristics facilitate the accomplishment the
objectives of a particular bureaucracy.

Functions within a
framework of fixed

It works more often done not within the boundaries of fixed rules
and avoids what is prohibited by existing policies. The more it
operates within a framework of fixed rules the more bureaucratic
organization becomes value driven and neutral.

Specifies the duties

and responsibilities of

Knowing the duties and responsibilities of these officials, results

into a smooth and less bumpy operation of the government. It
avoids more or less the duplication of works and saves more time
and money on the part of the employees and the government as a

Employs proper and

scientific selection of

Since the start of several reforms on the civil service, the

government has been very clear with this kind of policies. It is a
must that those who desire to work in the government should be
screened carefully in order to avoid any liability in the process.

Uses an impersonal
approach in the

The primordial concern in this case is the application of policies

and rules which should be implemented regardless of the person
will be affected. The bureaucratic organization must not be made to
suffer from the ties that bind the employees working in the public


Long before the coming of its colonial masters

-Albeit Primitive
-Simple and less complicated
-Leadership was revolved around 1 person
-Barangay handle all the needs of the public from economic trade to the protection of the
entire community.
-Political structure then was also crucial and played an important role in the collection of tax
and contribution as well as the administration of justice.

Spanish Era

-impose Highly centralized government

-Civil service was created

When the revolution broke out

-Filipinos maintain its own government and tried to implement a system that was never
implemented by its colonial master.
-Enactment of the Malolos Constitution
- The constitution defined the powers of the revolutionary officials specially the President
and created a civil service composed of seven departments.
-The short lived government was eventually substituted by the political system which was
established by the Americans who replaced the Spaniards as the next colonial masters.

American era

-introduce a highly centralized government but promised the Filipinos to give their
independence as soon as a stable government can be established in the country.
-put up a civil service

Commonwealth period

-the Filipinos were tested by the Americans

-Filipino under this period were already educated and conscious on the importance of
showing their best with the existing government
-a new constitution was drafted and contained a separate provision on the civil service
-saw the creation of three additional departments in the government

Japanese regime

-Introduce its own system of civil service which include all-Filipino acts
-It was the 1st time that a group composed basically of all Filipinos occupied most positions
in the government.
-came up with 6 departments

Independence day

-Creation of additional departments in order to cater the growing needs of the public.
-The public complained of the problems in the bureaucracy
-Reorganization Law in 1986

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