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The Professional Medical Journal


Dr. Habiba Sharaf Ali1, Dr. Shahina Ishtiaque2
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Ziauddin University, Karachi
Assistant Professor
Ziauddin University, Karachi

Correspondence Address:
Dr. Habiba Sharaf Ali
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Ziauddin University, Karachi
[email protected]

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ABSTRACT Objective: To review the deliveries of macrocosmic babies and their obstetrical
and neonatal outcomes. Methods: A prospective case control study involving a total of 3700
deliveries at term of macrocosmic babies between Jan 2011 to Dec 2012 in Ziauddin Hospital
Kemari Campus. The study concerned risk factors, mode of delivery and the incidence of
maternal and perinatal complications. Results: Macrosomia occurred in 5.2% of all deliveries.
The main risk factors of macrosomia identified in our study were multiparty and diabetes mellitus.
The significant maternal complications were caesarean section, postpartum hemorrhage and
perineal tear. Significantly male gender, shoulder dystocia and admission to NICU were noted in
macrosomic group compared to controls. Conclusions: Macrosomia is potentially dangerous
for the mother and the neonate. It is important to identify the suspected fetal macrosomia to
prevent its risk factors and complications. There is a need to provide all delivery facilities and care
services to prevent and reduce the maternal and neonatal complications.
Key word:

Macrosomia, Risk factors, Complications, Pakistan

Article Citation: Ali HS, Ishtiaq S. Fetal macrosomia; its maternal and neonatal complications.
Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 421-426.

Macrosomia is diagnosed when the birth weight
exceeds an established limit of either 4000 or 4500
g .The incidence of neonates with birth weight 4 kg
was quoted as 10% and with birth weight of 4.5 kg
as 1.5% by an American study while it is said to be
1-1.5% by Henriksen 2 . Pregnancies with
macrosomic fetus is considered as a high risk
There a number of risk factors associated with fetal
macrosomia such as diabetes a strongest
association, (macrosomia was detected in 70% to
80% of pregnancies that are complicated by
diabetes mellitus) 3 , maternal obesity and
excessive weight gain during pregnancy and
multiparty. Genetics, racial and ethical factors also
Fetal macrosomia is also associated with a range
of maternal and fetal complications such as
shoulder dystocia, birth asphyxia, nerve injuries,
Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 421-426.

clavicular and humerus fractures in neonates,

admission to the intensive-care nursery, and
increased perinatal mortality for the newborn ,
while there is increased risk of caesarean section,
vaginal and perineal trauma and postpartum
hemorrhage to the mother .
Beside the maternal and fetal complications
associated with a good size babies the
management of labour of mothers with
macrosomic babies is still a query. One can find
variations in the management of these
pregnancies. Different protocols are being
followed varying from planned intervention such
as induction of labor followed by normal vaginal
delivery or elective caesarean section based on
estimates of fetal weight. Systemic review7 have
not shown any benefit of induction. A cost analysis
suggests that the option of elective cesarean
delivery is undesirable8.
Various studies have shown reduction in brachial



plexus injuries in women undergoing elective

caesarean section without compromising
maternal morbidity compared to women who
delivered vaginally9,10.There is also problem in
diagnosing a macrosomic fetus in the antenatal
period either clinically mean error 300 g or by
ultrasound with a mean error ranging from 30011
550g .
A prospective casecontrol study of the outcomes
of delivery for macrosomic and normal weight
infants at Ziauddin Hospital was conducted with
the aim to determine the prevalence of
macrosomia and its complications.
The study was carried out at Ziauddin hospital
Kemari campus Karachi .196 women who
delivered a baby weighing 4kg or more and 200
women taken as control delivered during the
period from January 2011 to December 2012
were included in the study. Those women who
delivered a baby with a birth weight of = 4000 g
formed the case group and 200 women taken as
control delivering babies with birth weight 3000 to
3500 kg.
Pregnancies with multiple gestations and those
with prenatal or postnatal diagnosis of fetal
structural and chromosomal abnormalities were
excluded from the study.
Obstetrics and neonatal records were obtained
from the labor ward register. Maternal information
collected was age parity, and diabetes mellitus.
Labor and delivery events analyzed were
gestational age at delivery, induction of labor,
mode of delivery that is caesarean section
emergency or elective or spontaneous vaginal
Maternal complications taken into consideration
were perineal trauma, postpartum hemorrhage
and shoulder dystocia.
The neonatal information collected were weight of
the baby, sex of the baby apgar score at 5 minute,
Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 421-426.

and neonatal complication such as admission to

NICU hypoglycemia, and nerve injuries. The
primary outcome variables were the incidence of
maternal and neonatal complications. Maternal
complications were caesarean section, shoulder
dystocia, and perineal trauma. Neonatal
complications were hypoglycemia, nerve injuries
and admission to neonatal intensive care unit.
Data were analyzed using statistical package for
social sciences SPSS VERSION 18. The entire test
was 2 sided significant at the level of 0.05 by
estimating power of 95%.
Binary Logistic regression analysis was carried out
to examine the association of macrosomia with
different explanatory and confounding variable.
A total of 3700 women delivered at our centre
during the study period, 196 delivered babies
weighing more than 4 kg giving a rate of 5.2% the
mean birth weight of macrocosmic babies was
4170.0239.02 standard deviation.While the
mean birth weight of the control group was 2982
with standard deviation of. 377.34. In the
univariate analysis parity and gestational diabetes
were associated with macrosomic deliveries,
about 79% of macrosomic neonates were
delivered from multiparity mothers.
The percentage of women with macrocosmic
babies who delivered vaginally were 42.8% while
67.5% delivered by cesarean section compared to
57.2% and 32.5% in the control group with a
significant p value . This indicates that
macrosomia increases the risk of Cesarean
Among women who had a vaginal delivery,
shoulder dystocia occurred in 6 women while no
case of shoulder dystocia occurred in the control
group. Significant association was noted
regarding diabetes mellitus among women with
fetuses more than 4 kg. We also found significant
associations between macrosomia and
postpartum hemorrhage.



There were significantly more male infants in the

macrosomic group (p- value 0.025) than among
controls. No significant difference noted in the
admission to NICU while more cases of
hypoglycemia and nerve injuries recorded among
macrosomic babies compared with controls. One
case of Erbs palsy occurred in macrosomic
spontaneous vaginal deliveries complicated by
shoulder dystocia.
Logistic regression analyses of the total 196 cases
shows male infants were more likely to be
macrosomic when compared with female infants
(OR1.20, 95% CI 1.353.12), women who
delivered macrosomic infants were 3 times more
likely (95% CI2.90-62.64) to deliver by caesarean
section and also Macrocosmic infants were more
likely to be hypoglycemic than controls. No other
significant association noted in other
characteristics. Maternal and perinatal outcomes
in the study population are listed in Table I. The
odd ratios for macrosomia on each outcome are
listed in Table II.
In our study 5.2% women were found to have
macrosomic babies .The ratio is 2.2% in an
Australian study done on a cohort of pregnant
women5. In America the prevalence of babies with
birth weight 4000g is 9.2%3 while studies have
done in Pakistan shows the prevalence as 3%12,13
4% .
In our study the risk factors associated with
macrosomia were found to be multiparty, male
gender and maternal diabetes mellitus. Multiparty
and diabetes mellitus were not associated
significantly in the Australian study compares to
other studies14,15.
We identified a greater risk of caesarean delivery
for women having a macrosomic infant (67%).
Most of caesarean section was done in emergency
primarily indicated for labor and delivery
complicated by obstructed labor. Macrosomia
was sole indication for caesarean in seven cases.
Spellacy and Berard have mentioned the amount
of caesarean section 33.8% and instrumental
Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 421-426.

delivery 36%. The incidence of caesarean section

was three times more common in the study by OA
Adesina , the prevalence of caesarean section in
the study done on Pakistani women were 40.5%18.
The rate of cesarean section among women
delivering macrosomic babies was 47.6% in Saudi
Arabia .Other workers, however, failed to find a
substantial decrease in fetal morbidity and
mortality in macrosomic babies delivered by
caesarean section to justify the high prevalence of
caesarean section, and therefore advocate earlier
induction at term in mothers of macrosomic
Compared to studies done by other authors
induction of labor was not high in our macrosomic
babies only in 10 of women induction of labor was
performed for suspected macrosomia.
In our study shoulder dystocia occurred in only
two cases delivered vaginally among macrosomic
infants This rate lower than reported in other
We could not find any association between
pregnant women with diabetes mellitus and
shoulder dystocia. We took 4 kg as a cut off to
define macrosomia as compare to many Western
and American studies. This is mainly
due to
morphological and cultural norms of our women.
Other maternal complications in this study were
Fetal sex influences macrosomia potential. Male
infants weigh more than female infants at any
gestational age. Our study has confirmed this
We had a very low neonatal morbidly and mortality
among macrosomic babies. The most feared
result of macrosomia is shoulder dystocia up to
one fourth of the infants with shoulder dystocia
had described to suffer from brachial plexus or
facial nerve injuries or fractures of the humerus or



Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 421-426.



Only one case of erb palsy occurred in

macrosomic spontaneous vaginal delivery
complicated by shoulder dystocia. In literature
incidence of 4-40% of brachial plexus injury has
been reported following shoulder dystocia. The
risk of admission to neonatal intensive unit was
also not high in macrosomic babies compared to
As there are various adverse outcome associated
with fetal macrosomia efforts should be made to
Professional Med J 2014;21(3): 421-426.

identify macrosomic fetuses in the antenatal

period and before labor. In diabetic patients, tight
glucose control before pregnancy can reduce the
risk of congenital malformation.
Policy of elective caesarean section for
macrosomic babies is unjustified. In addition a
limited approach to instrumental vaginal delivery
should be adopted. Since the majority of factors
which lead to the delivery of macrosomic infants
are preventable, it is hoped that with close
cooperation of gynecologists, pediatricians and



Shoulder dystocia: Should the fetus weighing >

4000 g be delivered by cesarean section? Am J
Obstet Gynecol 1991;165:831837.

dieticians along with training of mothers, the

number of such incidences would be minimized.
Copyright 26 Mar, 2014.

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