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Nowadays, one of the major issues in our society is the spread of the communicable
diseases and sickness such as cold, pneumonia, flu and many more. People are looking out
for an alternative and easiest way to prevent this. There are many advertisements on
televisions, radio and billboards that often remind us that washing our hand can be a means of
prevention. But not all the time we can wash our hands.
One of the dirtiest parts of a person's body is their hands. Everyday, people do so
many different tasks and because of this, hands catch many germs and bacteria. To keep their
hands clean and germ-free, people use several products such as alcohols and sanitizers.
Carrying an alcohol can be a way to disinfect our hands but according to studies,
alcohol can dry our skin. Using sanitizers is a hustle free-way of killing germs. Hand
sanitizers were developed for use after washing hands or for those times when soap and water
are not available. They are gels that contain alcohol in order to kill the germs present on the
skin. It is an alternative method instead of using hand soap and water. Typically, commercial
hand sanitizers contain alcohol content and some concentrated ingredients.
The proponents formulated an idea to make an organic hand sanitizer. This study aims
to produce a hand sanitizer out of Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) Fruit and Avocado
(Persea americana) Fruit to remove and destroy germs, and also to create a substitute for the
commercialized ones sold in the markets.

This study aimed to determine the potential and effectiveness of the mixture of
Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) and Avocado (Persea americana) fruit extracts as organic
hand sanitizer.
Specifically, this study aimed for the following:

1. To find out if the mixture of Canistel and Avocado fruit extracts can be used as an
organic hand sanitizer.

2. To provide an effective sanitizer using organic substances.

3. To discover the positive effect of organic hand sanitizer
4. To compare the effectiveness of the organic hand sanitizer with a commercial hand
sanitizer in terms of sensory qualities (scent, appearance, colour of the sanitizer, and
overall acceptability).

Statement of the Problem

1. Is the mixture of Canistel and Avocado fruit extracts can be an organic hand sanitizer?

2. Is it effective to use Canisvocado as an organic hand sanitizer instead of commercial

hand sanitizer?

3. Is the effectiveness of Canisvocado organic hand sanitizer comparable to a

commercial hand sanitizer (Alcogel) in terms of sensory qualities (scent, appearance,
colour of the sanitizer, overall acceptability)?

The following hypotheses guide the researcher in answering the questions stated
Ho (Null Hypothesis)
There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of Canisvocado organic
hand sanitizer and that of a commercial hand sanitizer in terms of sensory qualities (scent,
appearance, colour of the sanitizer, overall acceptability).

H1 (Alternative Hypothesis)
There is a significant difference between the effectiveness of Canisvocado organic
hand sanitizer and that of a commercial hand sanitizer in terms of sensory qualities (scent,
appearance, colour of the sanitizer, and overall acceptability).

Significance of the Study

The success of this study is important to the environment, because it helps people free
from germs and prevents diseases. Instead of using soap and water, we can use this hand
sanitizer in travelling, in school, malls, etc. This study can also help the student by expanding
their knowledge and it is also useful to other researchers interested to conduct similar
researches since there are many materials available across the country in which Filipinos
should value and conserve. And this hand sanitizer is cheap, convenient, portable, easy to
use, not time consuming and locally available.

Scope and Limitations

This study focused on the potential and effectiveness of the extracts of Canistel
(Pouteria campechiana) and Avocado (Persea americana) fruit as an organic hand sanitizer
when applied to hand. The organic hand sanitizer were selected because nowadays one of the
major issue in our society is the spread of diseases. The effectiveness of the organic hand
sanitizer was observed in terms of the of sensory qualities (scent, appearance, colour of the
sanitizer, overall acceptability) after application. This study was conducted from October 2223, 2016 during weekend and still studying it.

Definition of Terms
Antioxidant - a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging
oxidizing agents in a living organism.
Communicable diseases - are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth
of pathogenic (capable of causing disease) biologic agents in an individual human or
other animal host.
Hand sanitizer -is a supplement or alternative to hand washing with soap and water. Many
preparations are available, including gel, foam, and liquid solutions.


Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E,
B-vitamins, and folic acid. Avocados are a fresh, natural, wholesome part of a healthful diet.
Theyre irresistibly rich in flavor and avocados also provide vital nutrients and
phytochemicals. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of
cancer and other chronic diseases. There are 13 vitamins that the body absolutely needs:
vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid,
biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate). Avocados naturally contain many of these
vitamins. California Avocados contain many of these antioxidants, including 19 micrograms
of beta-carotene, 81 micrograms of lutein, and 4 percent of the recommended Daily Value for
vitamins C and E. Lutein is a natural antioxidant concentrated in the Macula of the eye. Some
Research suggests lutein may help maintain healthy eyesight as we age. Lutein is a
carotenoid that may be associated with a lower risk of eye diseases, such as cataracts and
macular degeneration, and may help maintain the health of skin. An antioxidant that protects
the body tissue from damage caused by unstable substances called free radicals. At lower
levels, vitamin E may help protect the heart. Vitamin E also plays a role in healthy skin and
hair. A watersoluble vitamin and antioxidant that is necessary for normal growth and
development. Vitamin C is required for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your
body. It is necessary to form collagen, an important protein used to make skin, scar tissue,
tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. (Commission, 2010).

Canistel (Pouteria campechiana), according to Steth news (Meet the Egg Fruit:
Health Benefits of Eating Chesa Fruit, 10 January 2016) is a fruit with many names: chesa,
egg fruit, tiesa and many more. This fruit is believed to have come from the southern parts of
Mexico where the Mayan and the Aztecs enjoyed the fruit around 800 BC. Today, this fruit is
abundant in Central America, including Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica. It is also popular
in Bahamas, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. In some countries, it is cultivated for the fruit,
particularly in Taiwan, Brazil and Philippines. The canistel fruit contains many health
benefits: Beta-Carotene that protect you against macular degeneration, degenative diseases,
high blood pressure and headaches.Iron that is essential in having good memory, strength and
stamina and energy level stability.And antioxidants which is good for the body.
The fruit from canistel tree has various nutrients that contribute in promoting health
and wellness. When fully ripe and flesh, the fruit contains; Calories, Iron, Calcium, Fat,
Carbohydrates, Niacin , Phosphorous, Thiamine, Vitamin C. (200, 2015).
A hand antiseptic, hand disinfectant, hand sanitiser or hand sanitizer is a supplement or
alternative to hand washing with soap and water. The active ingredient in hand sanitizers may
be isopropyl

alcohol (isopropanol), ethanol, n-propanol,

or povidone-iodine.


ingredients in alcohol rubs typically include a thickening agent such as polyacrylic acid for
alcohol gels, humectants such as glycerin for liquid rubs, propylene glycol, and essential
oils of plants. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are more effective at killing microorganisms
than soaps and do not dry out hands as much. (Hand sanitizer, 2016)
Hand sanitizers were developed for use after washing hands or for those times when
soap and water are not available. They are gels that contain alcohol in order to kill the germs
present on the skin. The alcohol works immediately and effectively in order to kill bacteria

and most viruses. Alcohol can be very drying to the skin, so most brands of sanitizers also
contain a moisturizer to minimize skin dryness and irritation. (Shulman, 2006)
If your hands arent actually grimy, the best way to clean them is to use hand
sanitizer, says James Scott, a microbiologist at the University of Torontos Dalla Lana School
of Public Health. A sanitizer cleans your hands much better than soap and water, so it reduces
the bacterial burden to a much greater extent than soap and water, he says. And your hands
tend to stay cleaner longer than if you were to use soap and water. The idea that frequent use
of alcohol-based hand sanitizers will make bacteria resistant to treatment is bogus, Scott
stresses. The way sanitizers work is based on cell-membrane disruption by the alcohol,
and thats not something that bacterium can acquire resistance to. Its not physically
possible, he says. On 2004 study, the effectiveness of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and
antibacterial soap for nurses who worked in neonatal intensive care units in New York were
compared. The study found that while nurses were using the hand sanitizer, their skin
condition was much better than when they used the antibacterial soap to clean their hands. To
use a hand sanitizer effectively, make sure your hands are free of visible grime and dirt before
applying the product. Then, apply a palm-full of product and rub vigorously for 20 to 30
seconds, making sure to distribute the sanitizer between your fingers, under your nails and
jewelry, on your wrists and on the backs of each hand. When your hands are dry, youre good
to go. (Association, 2009).
Components to cleaning hands with waterless hand sanitizers (also known as
handrubs), the proper technique, and how hand sanitizers work. Waterless hand sanitizer
provides several advantages over hand washing with soap and water. However, they are not
effective if organic matter (dirt, food, or other material) is visible on hands. Benefits of
waterless hand sanitizer; require less time than hand washing, act quickly to kill

microorganisms on hands, are more accessible than sinks, reduce bacterial counts on hands,
are more accessible than sinks, reduce bacterial counts on hands, do not promote
antimicrobial resistance, are less irritating to skin than soap and water, some can even
improve condition of skin. (How it works: Cleaning hands with hand Sanitizer - Minnesota
Dept. Of health, 2007).
When you want to disinfect your hands fast, you may reach for a bottle of hand
sanitizer. But how effective is hand sanitizer compared to washing your hands with soap and
water?Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used "in addition to" hand washing, but should
not be used as a substitute for washing with soap and water.While alcohol-based hand
sanitizers (particularly those with 60 percent alcohol or more) can reduce the number of some
germs, a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that hand
sanitizer doesn't reduce the spread of some viruses such as the norovirus. (Marcason, 2016).
The use of hand sanitizers has increased with time. Especially with more stress being
paid on maintaining hygiene because of H1N1, there has been an increase in the awareness of
the use of hand sanitizers. The effectiveness of the product depends on the ingredients and
how the sanitizer is applied. According to studies the product should have at least 60 percent
alcohol, which claims to kill most of the germs. Another point that needs to be taken into
consideration is that if you are wearing rings on your fingers then you need to take them off
while applying the sanitizer. Rings are a favorite hiding spot for germs.
Maintaining clean hands is very important to prevent the spread of germ. It has been
shown that families that use hand sanitizers are less likely to spread germs and fall sick. It has
also been shown that people using hand sanitizers show slower redevelopment of bacteria.
They slow the growth of bacteria on the hand when used correctly. The use of hand sanitizers

in schools definitely have shown to reduce the spreading of illnesses and have boosted the
school attendance. (Justin Williamson)



Research Design
An experimental research design was used in this study to find out the comparative
effectiveness of Canisvocado Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) and Avocado (Persea
americana) fruit as organic hand sanitizer, it was compared with the commercial Alcogel
hand sanitizer. Ten respondents were chosen to compare using parameters and like rating
scale explained below.

Sensory Qualities

Canisvocado Organic Hand


1. Scent
2. Fragrance
3. Colour of the
4. Overall acceptability

5 - Highly acceptable
4 - Moderately acceptable
3 - Acceptable
2 - Slightly acceptable

- Not acceptable

Commercial(Alcogel) Hand

A. Preparation of Materials
Three cups of Aloe Vera gel, Three cups of 70 to 99 % Isopropyl alcohol, Three
teaspoon of water, One teaspoon of Avocado (Persea americana), Two teaspoon of Canistel
(Pouteria campechiana ) fruit were gathered from the locality. The gathered Avocado and
Canistel fruit were washed with water, sliced into half and remove the seed.

B. Making of Organic Hand Sanitizer

First, place the three cups of isopropyl alcohol and aloe Vera gel in a bowl then stirred
it using a Wisk. And after that, set aside the bowl with mixed of isopropyl alcohol and aloe
Vera gel.
After placing it in a bowl, place the canistel in the mortar and grind it using pestle.
Add 2 teaspoons of water and grind it completely. Place the grinded canistel in a bowl. Next
cut the avocado into small places and place it in the mortar and pestle and add the remaining
distilled water. Grind it completely.
After the avocado is fully grinded, place it in the same bowl where the canistel was
placed. Add the isopropyl alcohol and aloe Vera gel in the bowl where the canistel and
avocado was mixed. Combine them all together.
Set the mixture for one day. Put it on a presentable container.


Gathering of Materials

Preparation of Materials

Mixing of Isopropyl alcohol and Aloe vera gel

Grinding the Canistel and avocado fruit with distilled water

using mortar and pestle

Mixing all ingredient together

Storing the mixture for 24 hours

Put into a container and now ready to use

Testing the Effectiveness

Observing and recording of data


Result and Discussion

200, mina. (2015, May 1). Canistel fruit. Retrieved October 23, 2016, from
Association, T. R. D. (2009, October 21). 4 things you should know about hand sanitizers.
Retrieved October 23, 2016, from Prevention,
Commission, C. A. (2010, June ). Avocado nutritional information. Retrieved October 23,
2016, from
Hand sanitizer (2016). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from
How it works: Cleaning hands with hand Sanitizer - Minnesota Dept. Of health. (2007, May
14). Retrieved October 22, 2016, from
Marcason, W. (2016, February 26). Which is best: Hand Sanitizer or soap and water?
Retrieved October 22, 2016, from

ORG, H. E., feed, rss, & e-mail. Benefits of hand Sanitizers. Retrieved October 23, 2016,
Research, S. H., & Team, S. (2016, January 10). No sugar challenge for 10 days? Heres the






Shulman, L. (2006, November 10). Hand sanitizers: Benefits and limitations. Retrieved
October 22, 2016, from


Republic of the Philippines

Region V- Bicol
Division of City Schools
Masbate City

Canisvocado Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) and Avocado (Persea americana)

Fruit as Organic Hand Sanitizer

A Science Investigatory Project


SY: 2016-2017


Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
Background of the Study




Statement of the Problem



Significance of the Study


Scope and Limitation


Definition of Terms




... 6

Research Design

... 10

A. Preparation of Materials

... 11

B. Making of Organic Hand

... 11

D. Testing of Treatment

... 11

E. Flowchart

... 12


.. 13


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