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The Geology of New Orleans

Implications for Planners

August 31, 2016

The following set of slides were used by Chris McLindon in a presentation given to the Metro section of the American
Planning Association on August 31, 2016. This presentation was made on behalf of the New Orleans Geological
Society as a part of an informal public outreach effort in which members of the society may from time to time make
public presentations on geology.
At the request of several of those in attendance at the APA presentation these slides have been annotated to allow
them to be shared without a presenter. This set of annotated slides is not to be considered a publication of the New
Orleans Geological Society. It has not been approved for publication by the Board of Directors of the Society. As
with the presentation, this is strictly the work of Chris McLindon, and beyond the informal public outreach effort
encouraged by the New Orleans Geological Society, he represents no other entity than himself.
Chris McLindon may be contacted at [email protected]

Urban Water Plan

Approach water from the ground up

The Urban Water Plan is a model for sustainable

management of a delta city. This presentation seeks to
build on the Plans ground up approach to water
management by considering the implications of what is
below the ground.

Adding a Dimension
below the ground down

New Orleans
below the surface

The presentation will discuss these five essential elements

of New Orleans subsurface geology above the Pleistocene
surface, which for this purpose can be treated as geological
basement, allowing for a brief discussion of the actual
geological basement.

Barrier Island

Kolb, C. R., and Saucier, R. T. 1982. Engineering geology of New

Orleans. Rev. Eng. Geol., 5, 7593.

River Channels
Peat Deposits

Building Louisiana
changes in geologic time
New Orleans is often
referred to as the northernmost Caribbean port and as
a delta city. It is also one of
the largest city within the
largest sedimentary basin in
the world the Gulf of
Mexico Basin.

Building Louisiana
changes in geologic time
An estimated 12 miles of
total accumulated sediment
thickness lies in the center of
the basin just south of the
city. The red line is location
of the profile on the
succeeding slides.

The following is a sequence

reconstructions of the
continental plates showing
the opening of the Gulf of
Mexico Basin. The age of
each reconstruction is
shown in the upper left as
mya million years ago.

220 mya

Ron Blakey, Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Arizona USA, 2011

Beginning in the Triassic

Period North America,
Africa and South America
were all together and what
would become the basin
was set of faulted granite
blocks of continental crust

Faulted blocks of granite continential crust

Stephens, B.P., 2009, Basement controls on subsurface geologic

patterns and coastal geomorphology across the northern Gulf of
Mexico: Implications for subsidence studies and coastal restoration,
GCAGS Transactions, v. 59, p. 729-751

195 mya

180 mya

As movement of the plates

progressed toward the
opening of the Atlantic
Ocean and the Gulf of
Mexico, there was a period
of limited ocean circulation
within the basin, and a thick
layer of salt formed due to
restricted basin shown in

170 mya


150 mya

130 mya

With open ocean circulation

accumulation began. It was
slow at first without much
input from the North
American Continent.
granite basement continued
to subside throughout this
time period, and new oceanic
crust began to form in the
center of the basin

115 mya

Oceanic crust

105 mya

92 mya

85 mya

72 mya

60 mya

The first formation of the

Rocky Mountains at about
this time brought in the first
real influx of
sediment from the continent.
drainage basin began to
form, but most of the
sediments eroded from the
Rockies were entering the
basin through the Texas river

50 mya

35 mya

20 mya

By the Miocene Epoch in the

Cenozoic Era the Mississippi
River drainage basin was fully
developed and its delta
over southern
Louisiana. The sand layers
deposited by these deltas are
now the sites of oil and gas
accumulation miles below
the surface.

10 mya

5 mya

The present day Gulf of

Mexico basin was formed by
the continuous progression
of subsidence that provided
the accommodation space
for the accumulation of
sediments being eroded form
the continent and carried by
the river system.


Coastal Louisiana

The coastal wetlands of

Louisiana are the most recent
deposits of the river, and
they are being subjected to
the same processes of
subsidence that have been
active for millions of years.

A more detailed view of the

subsurface of coastal Louisiana
shows the geologic feature
called the Terrebonne Trough
that underlies the coast. The
original salt layer has been
squeezed up into domes, and
the sedimentary layers are
broken by geologic faults that
are primary mechanisms of

Surface expression
of a geologic fault

Recent studies have indicated

that many of these faults
extend to the current land
surface and some have obvious
expressions at the surface. One
example is shown as a dashed
yellow line.

The Terrebonne Trough


Background Subsidence
measured in mm/year today
GPS technology has recently
allowed for the measurement
of rates of subsidence across
the land surface. Dr. Roy Dokka
of the LSU Geology Dept.
published this map showing the
rates in millimeters per year.
One mm/yr is about 4 inches
per century.
The configuration mapped by
Dokka exactly conforms to the
shape of the underlying
Terrebonne Trough indicating
that the same geologic forces
that have been active for
millions of years are in play at
the surface today.

Dokka, R.K., 2006, Modern-day tectonic

in coastal
Louisiana, Geology, v. 34, p. 281-284.

New Orleans
below the surface
appreciation that the real
geological basement is miles
below the surface, and the
formation of the Gulf of
Mexico Basin has imposed a
background subsidence,
proceed with treating the
geological basement for the
New Orleans area.


Pleistocene Surface
If all of the sediments that currently overlie the
Pleistocene surface were stripped away, the
surface would be revealed as an erosional
landscape with topography closer to that of
northern Louisiana than the coastal plain.
This was in fact the surface topography of the
New Orleans area about 20,000 years ago.

Holocene Sea Level

The Holocene Epoch began at the end of the last ice age of the
Pleistocene. At its maximum the ice sheet on North America
was a mile thick and covered the continent from northern
Canada to central Illinois. The volume of water contained in
the ice meant that global sea level was about 120 meters (400
feet) lower than it is today. Melting of the ice in the
succeeding 14,000 years meant that sea level rose at rates
approaching 2 inches per year. About 6,000 years ago the
rate of ice melting and global sea level reach a stasis, and sea
level has been generally stable since then.

Higher Uplands
Pleistocene Terrace

A 400-foot drop in sea level meant that the Gulf of

Mexico shoreline was at the continental shelf edge.
All of southern Louisiana was covered by the firm clay
sediments of the Pleistocene, and it was cut by
ravines up to 200 feet deep.

Exposed Shelf

Fisk, H.N., 1944, Geological Investigation of the Alluvial Valley of the

Lower Mississippi River, U.S.A.C.E., 170 p.

Higher Uplands
Pleistocene Terrace

As sea level rose, the Pleistocene surface was submerged

and its topography filled in with sediment. The rate of sea
level rise until 6,000 years ago prevented the preservation
of deltas of that time as recognizable in the sedimentary
record. During sea level stasis the delta deposits have
been preserved in great detail.

Late Holocene Deltas

Late Holocene deltas

Early infilling

FISK, 1944

New Orleans
below the surface

The barrier island, river channel and peat

deposits below New Orleans are a part of the
well-preserved sedimentary record of the late
Holocene. Interpretation of the sedimentary
environments combined with radiocarbon agedating has allowed for the reconstruction of the
past 6,000 years of the New Orleans area.

Barrier Island
River Channels
Peat Deposits

Landscape in Flux
Mississippi River over time
The seminal work of
Harold Fisk of the LSU
Geology Dept. in the
1940s provided the first
indications of the dynamic
history of the Mississippi
River system and its
coastal plain. Fisk used
aerial photography to
expressions of paleo-river
channels showing that
the river meandered back
and forth across its
floodplain before being
entrained to one channel
in the early 20th century.
Fisk also made the first
attempt to define the
historical deltas of the late

Fisk, H.N., 1944, Geological Investigation of the Alluvial Valley of the

Lower Mississippi River, U.S.A.C.E., 170 p.

Building the Coastal Wetlands

Thousand Years Before Present

David Frazier of the Exxon Research Lab

used hundreds of cores and borings of the
shallow subsurface to expand on Fisks
initial work. Frazier identified 16 historical
deltas, shown in colored overlay on Fisks
The bar chart shows Fraziers
interpretation of the lifespan of each delta
about 700 years on average.
The succeeding set of slides will show the
progression of channel-switching and delta
development worked out by Frazier. Most
of the major historical channels of the
Mississippi River are represented by presentday bayous in the coastal plain.
The coastal wetlands were built up during
this period by the constant switching back
and forth (0r avulsing) of the river delta.
Major avulsion nodes are noted as red

Frazier, D.E., 1967, Recent deltaic deposits of the Mississippi River: their development and
chronology, Trans. G.C.A.G.S., v. 17, p. 287315

Bayou Teche

The first major avulsion of the Mississippi River occurred

about 4,700 years ago near the site of Old River forming
the precursor to the modern river channel

The second major avulsion of the

Mississippi River occurred about 4,000
years ago near New Orleans

The third major avulsion of the

Mississippi River occurred about 3,500
years ago near the site of
Donaldsonville with the formation of
the channel that is now Bayou
Lafourche. From this point forward the
river switched back and forth between
these established nodes.

upper Bayou Lafourche

Bayou La Loutre


Bayou Des Familles

lower Bayou Lafourche

Bayou Sauvage




lower Mississippi River channel

One of Fraziers core profiles is shown as the red line extending from New Orleans to Grand Isle. It demonstrates one of
the most significant aspects of building of the wetlands that the delta deposits have been continuously subsiding
throughout the building stage. At the southern end of the profile deltas number 7, 10 and 13 all appear to overlap on the
map. The profile reveals this is because delta 7 subsided below the surface, then delta 10 built new land in the same area
and subsided below the surface. Delta 13 again rebuilt new land in the area and is now subsiding below the surface.


Bayou Terrebonne



The majority of the surface area of the wetlands

of south Louisiana is accounted for by the areas
of the most recent historical deltas 11 through
16. Most of the rest of the historical deltas have
subsided below the surface. It is critically
important to understand that 6,000 year period
of the building of the wetlands was a cyclical
process in which land area was continuously
being built and lost at the same time. The no
net loss balance of land area was maintained in
this way.

Thousand Years Before Present

Frazier also grouped the deltas into

After the formation of the
original Teche Complex the succeeding ones
share one of the major avulsion nodes.
Thousand Years Before Present

Teche Complex

Thousand Years Before Present

St. Bernard/Mississippi

Thousand Years Before Present

Lafource Complex

The Delta Cycle



years before present

years before present

Pine Islands

Pyramids of Giza




years before present

years before present



Linear B Writing

Greek Culture

The Delta Cycle



years before present

years before present




Desoto Finds the Mississippi

Roman Empire




Fraziers temporal sequence of the Holocene deltas

can be used to reconstruct snap shot images of
what southeast Louisiana probably looked like at
various points in time. The snap shot from 1932
serves as the baseline for all measurements of
change in the wetlands because that was the first
year that aerial photography was available to
document measurable land area. Considering the
previous configurations of the coast it is clear that
change in land area both gains and losses has been
continuous throughout the late Holocene.

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands

Atchafalaya River Delta

Ship Shoal

Roberts, H.H., 1997, Dynamic Changes of the Holocene

Mississippi River Delta Plain: The Delta Cycle, Journal of
Coastal Research., v. 13, p. 605-627

Grand Isle

Several researchers have contributed to our

understanding of the delta cycle. After the
active delta is abandoned by an avulsion of
the river it follows a succession of changes
driven primarily by subsidence. Each stage in
the cycle is represented by a land form at the
surface today.

Chandeleur Islands

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands
The delta cycle sequence can
be seen in a comparison
among deltas 8/9, 15 and 16.


The modern birdfoot delta (16)

is rimmed by a set of sand bars
at the distributary channel
mouths. After abandonment
these will be pushed inland to
form a set of barrier islands
and headland beaches as seen
at Grand Isle and Fourchon on
delta 15.
As time progresses the
adjacent marshes will also
subside below the surface
leaving the barrier islands and
a shallow bay as is found at the
Chandeleur Islands in delta 8/9

New Orleans
below the surface

The following sequence of slides with consider each of

the essential elements of the shallow subsurface geology
of New Orleans across the metro area.

Barrier Island
River Channels
Peat Deposits

Pleistocene Surface

Kolb, C. R., and Saucier, R. T. 1982. Engineering geology of New

Orleans. Rev. Eng. Geol., 5, 7593.

This is a contour map of the depth to the top of

the Pleistocene surface done by Roger Saucier in
1963. There are other interpretations that differ
somewhat. The significant erosional channel
running under Causeway Blvd is generally
agreed upon.

Building the Coastal Marshes

years before present

During the development of the Teche Delta

Complex about 5,500 years ago a barrier island
chain similar to that off the coast of Mississippi
today extended across the New Orleans area

Pine Island Chain

Kolb, C. R., and Saucier, R. T. 1982. Engineering geology of New

Orleans. Rev. Eng. Geol., 5, 7593.

The depth to the top of the Pine Island

deposits ranges from 40 feet in brown to 5 feet
in yellow. The northern edge of the island
deposits closely conforms to the south shore of
Lake Pontchartrain

Pleistocene Surface

Overlaying the island deposits on the

Pleistocene surface suggest a relationship in
which the islands built up on a relatively flat
portion of the surface and were limited on their
western side by the erosional channel. The red
line shows the position of Fraziers profile on the
next page.

Sediment Core Profile

Lake P.

Bayou Sauvage

Mississippi River

Frazier, D.E., 1967, Recent deltaic deposits of the

Mississippi River: their development and
chronology, Trans. G.C.A.G.S., v. 17, p. 287315

Bayou Sauvage Delta

years before present


The Bayou Sauvage Delta channels that underlie
the New Orleans area are a part of the St.
Bernard Delta Complex that once supported
cypress swamps extending out past the
Chandeleur Islands. Fraziers profiles indicate
that these channels were re-occupied several
times during the building of this complex.

Bayou Sauvage Delta

The channels systems of the Bayou Sauvage Delta were
documented largely by the work of Roger Saucier using
sediment cores and borings. The channels are also
evidenced by expressions at the surface including some
bodies of water that have converted to tidal channels like
Bayou St. John and by the topographic expression of the
natural levees that form the Metairie and Gentilly Ridges

Bayou St. John

Kolb, C. R., and Saucier, R. T. 1982. Engineering geology of New
Orleans. Rev. Eng. Geol., 5, 7593.

Metairie-Gentilly Ridges

Bayou Sauvage Delta

Bayou Jasmine Archeological Site
Twinned bag ca. 800 BC

The Linsley Archeological site in Bayou

Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge was
occupied during the major period of delta
building about 2500 years ago

Bayou Sauvage Delta

The east-northeastern course of the Bayou Sauvage Delta
channels were clearly influenced by the deposits of the Pine
Island barrier island chain that had probably submerged just
below the surface at the time. The red line shows Fraziers
profile on the next slide. The accompanying photograph from a
pit on Bullard Road shows the dark delta deposits overlying the
white sands of the barrier islands.

Sediment Core Profile

Lake P.

Bayou Sauvage

Mississippi River

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands

Gould, H. R., and Morgan, J. P. 1962. Coastal Louisiana Swamps and Marshes. Geology of the Gulf Coasts and central
Texas and guidebook of excursions, E. Rainwater and R. Zingula, eds., Houston Geological Society, Houston

This sequence of slides illustrates some of the characteristics of the delta cycle in profile view. This is a generalized profile
that is not directly representative of any one area, but it may be used to represent the succession of ecosystems that
developed with the growth and abandonment of the Bayou Sauvage Delta system in the New Orleans area. This first
stage coincides with the introduction of deltaic deposition on top of undifferentiated marine sediments of the early
Holocene. The characteristic pattern of the natural levees of the channels is thickest near the channel and tapers away.
These deposits are the foundation of the initial freshwater marsh.

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands

Subsidence and sediment accumulation progress as the delta develops. As long as there is sediment being delivered to
the area, it can maintain and build elevation across the system. Between the distributary channels and away from the
primary natural levee and crevasse splay deposition, the marshes can maintain elevation with sediment generally
delivered by overbank flooding. This regular influx of freshwater keeps the marsh slightly brackish. Organic growth of
the marsh at this stage forms the initial peat layers.

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands

In this conception the channel to the right has been abandoned and in the absence of an adequate sediment supply it
subsides below the surface and is covered the by the organic growth of the brackish marsh away from the main channel
to the left. The main channel is in its peak stage of development and it has built elevation capable of supporting cypress
swamps along its flanks and oak trees along the crest of the natural levee. The peat layer continues to build thickness as
the marsh plants grow at a rate necessary to maintain an elevation just above sea level. This type of vertical accretion of
the land surface by organic growth still requires some mineral sediment input which is incorporated into the peat.
Sediment is delivered by the annual flood cycle that tops the natural levees.

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands

There are indications that many avulsions of the river are not single catastrophic events, but may be gradual processes
that span many decades. The onset of this process still means that the sediment supply to the delta being abandoned is
reduced. In this early stage of abandonment the sediment supply is no longer capable of maintaining the elevation of the
natural levee of the main channel. It is however adequate to sustain the elevation of the brackish marsh, which continues
to expand in area as the volume of freshwater coming into the system is reduced. The progression of subsidence means
that the accumulated peats are now the more significant component of the subsurface.

The Delta Cycle

natural evolution of the wetlands

After complete abandonment all of the natural levee, freshwater swamp and freshwater marsh deposits have subsided
below the surface. Brackish and saline marshes account for all of the wetlands, and they begin subsiding below the
surface to from an open bay or sound. Eventually the entire area with revert to an open body of water until it is reoccupied by a new delta system, and the cycle will repeat. It is important to note in this sequence that saline and brackish
marshes, which are the most biologically productive wetlands in terms of fisheries, are formed by the succession of
ecosystems from fresh to saline that is driven by subsidence. It is generally not possible to create new saline marsh it
must be developed by this succession over several centuries.

Thickness of Peat



The contour map of the thickness of peat deposits published by
Gould and Morgan can be best understood in the context of the
preceding slide sequence and the relationship of the deposits to
the river channels.
They formed by subsidence in the
interdistributary areas flanking the natural levees.

Thickness of Peat

Metairie Gentilly Ridges



A central tenet of the Urban Water Plan is to reduce the
subsidence that is being caused by the desiccation of the peat
layers being caused by the drainage canals that cut into them.
Re-establishing natural water levels in the canals will keep the
peats saturated and reduce anthropogenic subsidence.

In this sequence the NOAA Digital Elevation Model is used as

a base to consider the interrelationships between the barrier
island deposits, the river channels, the thickness of the peat,
and one measure of subsidence rates

Depth of Pine Island Sand

Bayou Sauvage Channels

Thickness of Peat



Gould, H. R., and Morgan, J. P. 1962. Coastal Louisiana Swamps and

Marshes. Geology of the Gulf Coasts and central Texas and guidebook
of excursions, E. Rainwater and R. Zingula, eds., Houston Geological
Society, Houston




This map of subsidence rates in mm/yr was published in 2006 by Roy Dokka, Tim
Dixon and others. It was created using InSAR satellite technology that uses
radar measurements taken over a period of several years to measure changes in
elevation of points on the ground that strongly reflect radar called permanent
scatterers. For this reason the technology is limited to the metro area, and
generally cannot be used to measure subsidence in the wetlands

Dixon, T.H., Amelung, F., Ferretti, A., Novali, F., Rocca, F., Dokka, R.,
Sella, G., Sang-Wan, K., Wdowinski, S., Whitman, D., 2006,
Subsidence and flooding in New Orleans, Nature, v. 441, p. 587-588.

Switching back and forth between this and the two previous slides shows that
in general areas of higher subsidence are coincident with areas of greater peat
thickness, and areas supported by the Pine Island sand bodies and the natural
levees of the Bayou Sauvage channels have lower rates of subsidence.

Jones, C. E., et al., 2016, Anthropogenic and
geologic influences on subsidence in the
vicinity of New Orleans, Louisiana
J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, v. 121, pgs. 2169-

An updated version of an InSAR subsidence map was published in 2016 by authors from
the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab and the LSU Center for GeoInformatics. There are some
differences from the earlier map, and interpretations of the rates and causes of
subsidence will likely continue to evolve.


One of the significant findings of the 2016 subsidence evaluation was a distinct signature of an
area of subsidence rates of 10-20 mm/yr at the white oval. This area is colloquially known as
Hoeys Basin. A possible cause for this area of subsidence is considered here.

Hoeys Basin


Comparing this and the next slide suggests a possible cause for the subsidence rates in the Hoeys Basin area. The topography of
the Pleistocene surface indicates that the area is underlain by an erosional channel cut into the Pleistocene. The later infilling of
this topography with more compactable Holocene sediments may have resulted in high rates of compaction in this area. This
possibility has not been considered by peer-reviewed academic research and is only offered here as a suggestion.

Pleistocene Surface

Topographic incision infilled with more

compactable Holocene sediments

Hoeys Basin

New Orleans
below the surface

The final of the essential elements of the shallow

subsurface geology of New Orleans to be considered is the
geologic fault.


What is a Fault?
The basic elements of the geologic fault are similar to
those of its geomorphic cousin, the landslide, as shown
in the block diagram to the left constructed by
Gagliano. These include a slide surface labelled base
of slump along which the earth materials in the
downthrown block move. Fault movement creates an
escarpment labelled main scarp that generally causes
a change in elevation at the earths surface where the
fault is active. Dokka created the diagram below to
make clear the magnitude of scale of south Louisiana
faults, which may cut thousands of feet below the
surface and extend for miles laterally.
Gagliano, S.M.,,2003. Active Geological Faults
and Land Change in Southeastern Louisiana.
Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New
Orleans District, Contract No. DACW 29-00-C0034

Dokka, R.K., 2011, The role of deep processes in late 20th

century subsidence of New Orleans and coastal areas of
southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Journal of Geophysical
Research, v. 16, 25 pgs

Faulting and Subsidence

Dokka, R.K., 2011, The role of deep processes in late 20th
century subsidence of New Orleans and coastal areas of
southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Journal of Geophysical
Research, v. 16, 25 pgs

Lopez, J.A., Penland, S. and Williams, J., 1997,

Confirmation of Active Geologic Faults in Lake
Pontchartrain in Southeast Louisiana, Trans.
G.C.A.G.S., v. 47, p. 299-303

Dokka used a lidar digital elevation model to make this map that shows the
distinct elevation changes associated with elements of the Tepatate-Baton
Rouge Fault System that extends across the north shore of Lake
Pontchartrain. John Lopez and Shea Penland published the interpreted
USGS seismic line at the left showing one of these faults offsetting
sedimentary layers beneath the lake at the location of the red line.

Faulting and Subsidence

The following sequence of slides attempts to
reconstruct the historical movement of this
fault by restoring each of the colored seismic
reflectors that represent sedimentary layers
to a time immediately after its deposition
when it was near the surface.
As deposition of sediments proceeds
contemporaneously with movement on the
fault, it is clear that the downthrown side of
the fault is providing more accommodation
space for sediment accumulation.
results in a greater thickness of compactable
sediments on the downthrown side, and
makes it a probable location for accelerated
rates of subsidence.
The rate of relative movement of the
downthrown block is cumulative over time so
the vertical offset of each sedimentary layer
increases with depth.
This is the
phenomenon known as growth faulting

Lake Bottom

Faulting and Subsidence


Lake Bottom

















Faulting and Subsidence


Lake Bottom

















Faulting and Subsidence


Lake Bottom

















Faulting and Subsidence


Lake Bottom

















Faulting and Subsidence

The potential impact of active fault
movement of surface infrastructure is
perfectly illustrated by this fault because it
crosses the La. Hwy. 11 bridge across Lake
Pontchartrain at the location of the red
line on the map.

Lake Bottom

















Faulting and Subsidence

Lopez and Penland documented the
relationship between this fault and the
obvious offset of the roadbed and
gaurdrail on the La. Hwy. 11 bridge. They
used this to estimate a rate of vertical
movement of about 2.5 mm/yr.

Lake Bottom

















Faulting and Subsidence

Dokka postulated the existence of two more faults

crossing the New Orleans East Land Bridge parallel
to those revealed by lidar elevation.
interpretation was based on lineations seen in the
InSAR subsidence data. These lineations were not
substantiated by the 2016 study, and will require
more evaluation to definitively confirm. They are
considered here based on Dokkas interpretation.

Mapping Faults
The most effective means of mapping faults
in the subsurface is with seismic data. The
seismic profile used by Lopez and Penland at
the Hwy. 11 bridge was acquired by the USGS
as a part of a broad geological assessment of
Lake Pontchartrain.
The most expansive seismic coverage in
southeast Louisiana is in the collection 3-D
seismic surveys acquired in the 1990s and
early 2000s for oil and gas exploration. These
surveys can also be used to map the shallow
subsurface including faulting, but they were
generally very expensive to acquire, and most
academic institutions cannot afford to
purchase data licenses for research.
The New Orleans Geological Society
sponsored an initiative to provide donated
research licenses to area universities in late
2015. Since then research projects using 3-D
surveys to map shallow subsurface geology in
coastal Louisiana have been undertaken at
UNO, Tulane and UL.
academic publications of the results of these
projects should be coming out in the next
few months.

Mapping Faults
The map at the right shows all of
the possible surface fault traces
that are indicated by published
literature or by other means of
evaluation. With the exception of
the Hwy. 11 fault, these traces are
not currently supported by the
interpretation of seismic data that
can be presented here.
It is an objective of the New
Research initiative to continue to
expand the scope of university
research projects that are utilizing
3-D seismic data to map shallow
subsurface faulting.
The following sequence of slides
will consider the indications of
these faults, beginning with the
two faults in the red box. Future
research will be required to
existence of these and others.

Mapping Faults
This and the two
following maps show
evidence of patterns
of land loss that
being consistent with
a possible relationship
to two faults shown
as dashed yellow
lines. These lines are
mapped to the Hwy.
11 fault and to faults
suggested by Dokka
based on subsidence
It is suggested here
that while this land
loss was caused by
the erosive forces of
the Hurricane on the
marsh grasses, the
pattern indicates a
relationship to the

2004 Aerial photography - Sonris

Mapping Faults
This and the previous
slide are from the
collection available on
the LaDNR Sonris
website. Comparing
photographs with the
map on the next slide
shows that areas of
land loss in the marsh
during Katrina were
bounded on their
north sides by the
sharp lineations of the
proposed faults.
It is suggested here
that activity on the
fault had the effect of
grasses so that they
were susceptible to

2010 NAIP CIR - Sonris

Mapping Faults
The areas of land loss
Hurricane Katrina are
purple areas on the
published in 2011.
If the suggestion that
related to the activity
of the faults is correct,
these areas are likely
to also be areas to
watch for future land

Couvillion, B.R., Barras, J.A., Steyer, G.D., Sleavin, W., Fischer, M., Beck, H.,
Trahan, N., Griffin, B., Heckman, D., 2011, Land area change in coastal
Louisiana from 1932 to 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations
Map 3164, scale 1:265,000, 12 p. pamphlet

Mapping Faults
The possible fault in the red box
was proposed by Dokka based
on subtle changes in elevation in
the New Orleans Metro area as
seen in high resolution lidar
This possible fault is also parallel
to the other possible faults to its
northeast suggesting that there
may be a relationship between
all of these faults. It is not
uncommon to find faults in
nature occurring in these en
echelon sets that are parallel
to each other and share a
common genetic origin.
Mapping these an other faults in
more detail with seismic data
may reveal potential for impacts
on surface infrastructure that is
equal to or greater than that
seen at the Hwy 11 bridge or on
the next slide.

Mapping Faults

Dokka, R.K., 2011, The role of deep processes in late 20th

century subsidence of New Orleans and coastal areas of
southern Louisiana and Mississippi, Journal of Geophysical
Research, v. 16, 25 pgs

Mapping Faults
The fault trace in the red box
was mapped by New Orleans
Geological Society member Eric
Broadbridge using a 3D seismic
survey to which he has
proprietary access.
Broadbridges interpretation is
that the fault can be mapped
with the seismic data in this
location and extending to the
The following two
slides show the obvious surface
expression of the fault that can
be seen on Google Earth
Broadbridge has also provided a
block diagram of the fault
subsurface sedimentary layers
and the apparent impact of fault
activity on the surface flora.
This is an obvious area for more
detailed research.

Mapping Faults

Mapping Faults

Mapping Faults
Much more research is required
to fully assess the implications
for fault activity on the shallow
subsurface geology of the New
Orleans area, and on its
Support of university research
efforts is by far the most
effective means to enhance our
potential impacts in the short
The following map combines all
of the elements of the shallow
subsurface geology of the New
Orleans area that have been
discussed here. There appears
to be a strong interrelationship
between all of these essential
elements including the
possible faults.

Tying It All Together



The map on the previous slide shows that the areas of thick
peat accumulation that are associated with areas of higher
subsidence also appear to be segmented by faults proposed
by Dokka. The profile below across the Central Wetlands Unit
shows that it is underlain by the thickest accumulation of peat
in the area. It also has the highest current rates of subsidence,
as evidence by the elevation of Old Paris Road shown in the
picture of John Snell standing on the road bed. It may be
possible that these faults are important in controlling the
thickness of the compactable sediments in the subsurface,
and thereby play dual role in impacting subsidence.

Profile View

Gould, H. R., and Morgan, J. P. 1962. Coastal Louisiana Swamps and

Marshes. Geology of the Gulf Coasts and central Texas and guidebook
of excursions, E. Rainwater and R. Zingula, eds., Houston Geological
Society, Houston

NOGS Research Effort

The New Orleans
initiative includes this
map of a first order
approximation of the
surface fault traces
It is a contention of
the research initiative
that mapping of these
possible faults in detail
with 3-D seismic data
will provide significant
potential impacts of
faults on the land
surface including
causes of coastal land

Couvillion, B.R., Barras, J.A., Steyer, G.D., Sleavin, W., Fischer, M., Beck, H.,
Trahan, N., Griffin, B., Heckman, D., 2011, Land area change in coastal
Louisiana from 1932 to 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific I nvestigations
Map 3164, scale 1:265,000, 12 p. pamphlet

NOGS Research Effort

To date NOGS has
significantly to the
volume of 3-D seismic
data that has been
made available for
This map of oil and gas
industry seismic data
made available for
research in the coastal
zone includes the Lake
Pontchartrain 2-D grid
and the other 3-D
It can be reasonably
estimated that the
acquisition cost of
these seismic surveys
working to expand
this coverage.


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