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Training constitutes a basic concept in human resource development.

It is
concerned with developing a particular skill to a desired standard by
instruction and practice. Training is a highly useful tool that can bring an
employee into a position where they can do their job correctly, effectively,
and conscientiously. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and
skill of an employee for doing a particular job.

Specifically the need for training arises because of following reasons:

1. Environmental changes:

Mechanization, computerization, and automation have resulted in many

changes that require trained staff possessing enough skills. The
organization should train the employees to enrich them with the latest
technology and knowledge.

2. Organizational complexity:

With modern inventions, technological up gradation, and diversification

most of the organizations have become very complex. This has aggravated
the problems of coordination. So, in order to cope up with the complexities,
training has become mandatory.

3. Human relations:

Every management has to maintain very good human relations, and this
has made training as one of the basic conditions to deal with human

4. To match employee specifications with the job requirements and

organizational needs:
An employees specification may not exactly suit to the requirements of the
job and the organization, irrespective of past experience and skills. There is
always a gap between an employees present specifications and the
organizations requirements. For filling this gap training is required.

5. Change in the job assignment:

Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to the

higher level or transferred to another department. Training is also required
to equip the old employees with new techniques and technologies.

Objectives of Training:
The objectives of training are as follows:
(i) To provide job related knowledge to the workers.

(ii) To impart skills among the workers systematically so that they may learn

(iii) To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards fellow
workers, supervisor and the organization.

(iv) To improve the productivity of the workers and the organization.

(v) To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to the


(vi) To make the workers handle materials, machines and equipment

efficiently and thus to check wastage of time and resources.
(vii) To prepare workers for promotion to higher jobs by imparting them
advanced skills.

Need and Importance of Training:

Why is Employees Training Necessary?
The need for training of employees arises due to the following

(i) Higher Productivity:

It is essential to increase productivity and reduce cost of production for

meeting competition in the market. Effective training can help increase
productivity of workers by imparting the required skills.

(ii) Quality Improvement:

The customers have become quality conscious and their requirement keep
on changing. To satisfy the customers, quality of products must be
continuously improved through training of workers.

(iii) Reduction of Learning Time:

Systematic training through trained instructors is essential to reduce the

training period. If the workers learn through trial and error, they will take a
longer time and even may not be able to learn right methods of doing work.

(iv) Industrial Safety:

Trained workers can handle the machines safely. They also know the use
of various safety devices in the factory. Thus, they are less prone to
industrial accidents.
(iv) Reduction of Turnover and Absenteeism:

Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of the workers. It gives

them a security at the workplace. As a result, labour turnover and
absenteeism rates are reduced.

(vi) Technology Update:

Technology is changing at a fast pace. The workers must learn new

techniques to make use of advance technology. Thus, training should be
treated as a continuous process to update the employees in the new
methods and procedures.

(vii) Effective Management:

Training can be used as an effective tool of planning and control. It

develops skills among workers and prepares them for handling present and
future jobs. It helps in reducing the costs of supervision, wastages and
industrial accidents. It also helps increase productivity and quality which
are the cherished goals of any modern organization.

Types of Training:
Various types of training can be given to the employees such as induction
training, refresher training, on the job training, vestibule training, and
training for promotions.

Some of the commonly used training programs are listed below:

1. Induction training:
Also known as orientation training given for the new recruits in order to
make them familiarize with the internal environment of an organization. It
helps the employees to understand the procedures, code of conduct,
policies existing in that organization.

2. Job instruction training:

This training provides an overview about the job and experienced trainers
demonstrates the entire job. Addition training is offered to employees after
evaluating their performance if necessary.

3. Vestibule training:
It is the training on actual work to be done by an employee but conducted
away from the work place.

4. Refresher training:
This type of training is offered in order to incorporate the latest
development in a particular field. This training is imparted to upgrade the
skills of employees. This training can also be used for promoting an

5. Apprenticeship training:
Apprentice is a worker who spends a prescribed period of time under a

6. Lectures and Conferences:

Lectures and conferences are the traditional and direct method of
instruction. Every training programme starts with lecture and conference.
Its a verbal presentation for a large audience. However, the lectures have
to be motivating and creating interest among trainees. The speaker must
have considerable depth in the subject. In the colleges and universities,
lectures and seminars are the most common methods used for training.

7. Management Games:

Properly designed games help to ingrain thinking habits, analytical, logical

and reasoning capabilities, importance of team work, time management, to
make decisions lacking complete information, communication and
leadership capabilities. Use of management games can encourage novel,
innovative mechanisms for coping with stress.

8.Case Study: A case study allows the application of theoretical concepts

to be demonstrated, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice,
encourage active learning, provides an opportunity for the development of
key skills such as communication, group working and problem solving, and
increases the trainees enjoyment of the topic and hence their desire to

9. Role Playing:

Each trainee takes the role of a person affected by an issue and studies the
impacts of the issues on human life and/or the effects of human activities
on the world around us from the perspective of that person.

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