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Chapter 1


Background of the study

Pole sitao (Vigna unguiculata) or also called yardlong beans important

crop in Asian countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

It is also considered as one of the most important vegetables in certain parts of

Taiwan and China. Pole sitao, Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis, are a

good source of protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and

potassium, and a very good source for vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and


According to Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), 2010 showed

that the total land area planted to pole sitao is 14, 681 hectares with a total

volume of production of 119, 453.02 metric tons. Central Luzon has the

highest volume of production (32%), followed by Cagayan Valley (15%) and

Davao Region (11%).

The succulent young pods of pole sitao are eaten as whole pods and

only need very light cooking. It can also be a good supplement to infant food
whether cooked singly or mixed with other vegetables. The young leaves, shoots

and sprouted seedlings can also be utilized as vegetables. Juices from the

leaves are used for some medicinal properties.

A herbaceous crop is belonging to the family of Fabaceae , pole sitao

has trifoliate leaves. The flowers are in pairs and borne on the axil of the leaf

which vary in color depending on the variety. Calyxes are generally green and

purple. It is a viny annual crop that produces 30-60 cm long pods which hang

in pairs with many seeds. Pods are either green, dark green, light green or

purple. They are quick growing and every other day harvesting is often


Although, pole sitao is not the most popular vegetable in the country

but it has a lot of health benefits and it can be a good business for the family in

order to survive the economic crisis nowadays.

Statement of the problem

The research focused on the Business performance of Pole Sitao in Davao


It sought to find answer to the following questions:

1. What is the Socio-Demographic Profile of Pole Sitao producers in terms of:

a. Age;
b. Sex;
c. Civil status;
d. Educational attaintment;
e. Farming experience; and,
f. Trainings and seminars attended?
2. What are the Production Cost Pole Sitao Production in terms of material

and labor Cost?

3. What is the Business Performance of Pole Sitao production in terms of

volume and value?

4. There is any significant difference in business performance of Pole Sitao

when respondents are grouped according to Socio-Demographic Profile?

5. Is there any significant relationship between Business Performance and

Production Cost of Pole Sitao producers?

6. What are the problems encountered and suggested Solutions to Pole Sitao


Significance of the study

The study aimed to give information about Pole Sitao production and its

business performance to the following:

Further researcher This study can be a guide to those people who will

be future researchers. This study important is for them to have more

information for their research.

Farmers This study can give information to the Pole Sitao farmers to

improve their production. This research will help them uplift the level of income

from their production.

Traders for those people who have a plan to be Pole Sitao traders, this

will be a good guide for them to start in Business and to have an idea on how to

Source and sell Pole Sitao.

Land owners This can be an eye opener to people who own land to

pursue Pole Sitao farming and gain more profit from it.

Scope and limitation of the study

This study focused on the business performance of Pole Sitao in Davao

City. This study concentrated in Business performance activities as it moves

from farm to the market. The primary source of information were the farmers of

Pole Sitao in Davao City.

Definition of terms

The terms used in the study are operationally as follows:

Age refers to the amount of time during which a person has lived.
Business performance refers to the condition of the business whether

the business is having a good market.

Educational attainment refers to the highest level education that one

has been done.

Farming experience refers to how many years the person has been


Future research refers to the people who would be doing related

researches in the future.

Land owners refers to the people who own the land for crop production

Material cost refers to cost of seeds, fertilizer, wood, wire, twine,

pesticide, water, tools and equipment, sprayer, pruning scissors and shovel.

Production cost refers to the total cost of materials and labor in crop


Sex refers to the biological characteristic of the respondents whether it is

male or female.
Socio-Demographic profile refers to the characteristics of respondents

in terms of age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, years in farming,

training and seminar attended.

Traders refer to the people who buy and sell commodities.

Value refers to the net revenue in terms of monetary value earned by


Volume refers to the amount of product in terms of kilogram produced

by the producers.

Chapter 2



This study consists of concepts, theories and other studies chosen from

sources related to this study. This chapter comprises the related readings,

literatures and studies which feature the production and business performance

of Pole Sitao. It also includes the theory base and the conceptual framework.
Review of related literatures

Pole sitao (Vigna unguiculata) or yardlong beans is one of the vegetable

in the country that have a more health benefits are a good source of protein, vitamin

A, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, and a very good

source for vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and manganese.

In the Philippines, pole sitao is the most popularly produced vegetable

among edible legumes because the pods, young shoots as well as the beans are

available throughout the year. It is grown in home gardens, on dikes around

paddy fields, under partially shaded areas as a companion crop or commercial


Vigna unguiculata is well suited in warm climate at a temperature range

of 20-35 oC. It can thrive well under full sunlight although it can tolerate

partial shading. Higher percentage of pod set can be achieved when planted in

May for wet season and in October-November for dry season. Any type of soil is

suited to pole sitao production. However, a friable fertile soil is preferred to

obtain healthy growth and high quality pods. The soil must have a pH value of


Plowing the fields twice and harrow after each plowing. For single row

trellis, make furrows one (1) meter apart and 0.75 meter for A-type trellis before
planting. Apply 2-3 tons dried animal manure per hectare while preparing the

field. Pole sitao can be direct seeded. The seeding rate for pole sitao requires

10-12 kg/ha. For hill method of planting, after basal fertilization with organic

and/or inorganic fertilizers, sow 2-3 seeds per hill with a distance of 30 cm

between hills and cover lightly with soil. Allow only 2 plants per hill. For drill

method of planting, seeds are planted at a depth of 2-3 cm at a rate of 15-18

seeds per linear meter with 100cm spacing between rows. The recommended

fertilizer of Pole Sitao is 135 kg/ha N, 135 kg/ha P205, and 112 kg/ha K20.

However, fertilization should be based on soil analysis. Before first plowing,

apply 3 tons of well decomposed manure per hectare. Before planting, apply 3

bags/ha of 14-14-14 as basal fertilizer and sidedress wi1-2 bags of urea (46-0-

0) at 1 month after planting. Muriate of potash (0-0-60) should be applied at

the rate of 1-2 bags during flowering stage. Foliar fertilizers should also be

applied weekly starting at flowering stage.

Before planting fertilizer should be bio-degradable materials of microbial,

plant or animal origins produced on organic farms such as vermicompost and

processed chicken manure. Basal applications organic compost of 5-10 tons/ha

are needed for vegetable legume crops. Supplementary application of

Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) or Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) should also be

applied twice a week up to fruiting stage.

Pole sitao has a relatively deep root system which enables it to tolerate

drought. Application of water the critical growing period of the crop particularly

during dry season is required to increase yield. Adequate supply of water is

necessary to increase flowering and pod setting. Too much water can result in

flower drop and ca cause root rot. During wet season, irrigate only when

necessary. Insect control for pole sitao depends greatly on the use of chemicals

especially during seedling stage. Though there are attempts to practice

integrated pest control especially through cultural management practices.

The young and tender pods of Vigna unguiculata are ready for harvest 7-

10 days after flowering. Harvesting should be done at 2-3 days interval to

prolong the productive life of the plants. Harvesting is done manually. Harvest

the pod by holding the stem end before twisting it free. To avoid weight loss,

harvesting should be done early in the morning or during the cooler times of

the day. The pods should be kept in a shaded area after harvest. To prolong the

shelf-life, dip the harvested pods in coconut water for 1 minute. In the

Philippines, no attempt has been made to mechanize harvesting. Separate the

marketable and non-marketable pods. Marketable pods are

tender, straight, long and unblemished. Non-marketable pods are short,

curved, damaged by insects or diseases.; and past the picking stage but can

still be utilized as vegetable. Pack the harvested pods in plastic sacks, thick
lined bamboo baskets, polyethylene bags or wrap with fresh banana leaves. If

pole sitao pods cannot be sold used for 1-3 days, store small quantities in

moistened clay jars. Store pods at 12-15 oC for not more than 2 weeks at 90%

relative humidity if cold storage facilities is available. Keep the pods away from

ripening fruits during transport and storage. isolation distance depends on the

nature of pollination of the crop, whether self or cross pollinated. The isolation

distance of pole sitao is 10-50 meters.

Select plants that are vigorous and free from pests and diseases.

Harvest pods when physiologically mature or when pods have turned brown

and begin to dry. Harvested pods at 20 days after pollination will give the best

quality seeds. It may be necessary to harvest 3 times a week at peak harvest.

Dry pods should not be allowed to remain in the field to prevent shattering

during sunny days rotting or sprouting of seeds within the pods during the

rainy days. When dry pods remain longer in the field, these are also being

exposed to insect pests. Place the harvested pods under the sun for 2-4 days

until brittle. Threshing is carried on by beating pods enclosed in net bags or

sacks and manually beat with a stick. Separation of seeds from the threshed

pods is done by winnowing. Sort out small, wrinkled and seeds damaged by

insect. Sun dry the seeds for 4-5 days. Before packaging and storage, seeds

must have 10% moisture content (MC). Seeds must be packed in thick plastic,
containers or aluminum foil, label with the name of the variety and date of

planting then keep in a cool or storage area. In the absence of cold storage,

seeds can also be stored in the refrigerator. If properly stored, viability of the

seeds becomes longer.

Theory base

Theory of production means knowledge of what is permanent and normal

in industrial production. Traditionally, this knowledge has been accumulated in

tacit form in the professional skill of industrial managers, but today more and

more of it is being documented in writing by researchers.

Most study of production use either one of two alternative approaches.

That is, they have either descriptive or normative purpose. The two resulting

theory paradigms differ quite much from each other even when the object of

study is the same.

Descriptive theory contains knowledge about past of present production

but does not much help for modifying it to correspond better to latest

requirements. Academic or historical studies are often of this type. They are

sometimes categorized in two types: extensive studies of a large number of

cases, and intensive studies of one or a few cases.

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