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AR52FA1 Feb. 12, 17

Critique the following Project Management Rules. (As to Cost, Time, Quality, Safety & Ecology

1. Know the objectives of the Project

Knowing the objectives of the project is one of the first thing that you should do. It is
important to know in advance what would be the result of the project and how would it affect the
community and also the economy of our country. And also for the project manager to be able to
make a plan in advance or make a schedule in construction about the project and how much it
will cost in total.

2. Know the Project Requirements

Knowing the project requirements is also one of the most important things that the project
manager should do. It is his responsibility to identify the needs of the project especially when it
comes to construction and the project documents. It is to avoid problems on the construction
and also to secure the safety of the labors working in that project.

3. Keep control over requirements changes and variations.

Sudden change during the construction usually happen in any project. Keeping control over
the requirements of the project will lessen the possibility of having changes in a construction.
When the project manager fails to keep control of these, theres a chance that there will be a
delay in a project and there will also have a problem when it comes to the budget of the

4. Plan and Schedule the sequence soundly

By planning and scheduling the sequence soundly will lessen the possibility of having a
problem on a construction. By having a good flow of activities for everyday schedule will make
the project finish on time or maybe finish it in advance.
5. Organize the Responsibilities of Personnel's Clearly

Organizing and assigning a task to a personnel is also the project

managers responsibility. The project manager should give a responsibility
to a personnel that is qualified to take that task. It is also to be sure that the
assigned task that is given to that personnel is being done nicely. It will
prevent from having an unnecessary problems during a construction.

6. Ensuring Good Flow of Information

Ensuring good flow of information in a project is very important. Very small mistake can
affect the overall project. It is the job of a project manager that if theres a sudden change of
activities, the project manager should inform everyone to prevent miscommunication and to
prevent unnecessary problems.

7. Concentrate on Critical Items

Project managers should also concentrate when it comes to critical items. He/she must know
what to do in case theres a critical situation. The project managers should be alert at all times
and must know every possible things that can happen during a construction.

8. Handle subcontractors with care

Sub contractors is one of the most important personnel in a construction. They are the
one who handled the labors of the construction and they are also in-charge to the progress of
the construction. Having a great relationship to the subcontractors will make the project more
successful when it comes to the quality, cost and time management.

9. Recognize the need for tradeoff or substitution

Projects must meet budget, schedule, safety, and quality goals to be regarded as a
success. The project manager should also recognize the need for a tradeoff or a substitution in
order to achieve the project as a successful.

10. Avoid unnecessary risks

Making a decision is also the same as taking a risks. The project manager should avoid making
unnecessary risks because it can affect the project in a negative way. The project manager
should know the possible result that can happen when he/she makes a decisions.

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