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Minimum Number

Minimum Interval
Vaccine Age of Dose Route Site Reason
Between Doses
at 1st Dose Doses

BCG given at earliest possible age

Birth or
Bacillus 0.05 Right deltoid region protects the possibility of TB meningitis
anytime after 1 dose none Intradermal
Calmette-Gurin mL of the arm and other TB infections in which infants
are prone[3]

Diphtheria- 6 weeks(DPT 1), 10 Upper outer portion

0.5 An early start with DPT reduces the
Pertussis-Tetanus 6 weeks old 3 doses weeks (DPT 2), 14 Intramuscular of the thigh, Vastus
mL chance of severe pertussis.[4]
Vaccine weeks (DPT 3) Lateralis (L-R-L)

The extent of protection against polio is

Oral Polio 2-3
6 weeks old 3 doses 4 weeks Oral Mouth increased the earlier the OPV is given.
Vaccine drops
Keeps the Philippines polio-free.[5]

An early start of Hepatitis B vaccine

reduces the chance of being infected and
becoming a carrier.[6]
Upper outer portion Prevents liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
Hepatitis B 0.5
At birth 3 doses 4 weeks interval Intramuscular of the thigh, Vastus which are more likely to develop if infected
Vaccine mL
Lateralis (R-L-R) with Hepatitis B early in life.[7][8]
About 9,000 died of complications of
Hepatitis B. 10% of Filipinos have
Hepatitis B infection[9]

Measles Vaccine Upper outer portion

0.5 At least 85% of measles can be prevented
9 months old 1 dose none Subcutaneous of the arms, Right
mL by immunization at this age.[10]
(not MMR)
General Principles in Infants/Children Immunization[edit]
Because measles kills, every infant needs to be vaccinated against measles at the age of 9 months or as soon as possible after 9 months as part of the
routine infant vaccination schedule. It is safe to vaccinate a sick child who is suffering from a minor illness (cough, cold, diarrhea, fever or malnutrition) or who has
already been vaccinated against measles.[11]

If the vaccination schedule is interrupted, it is not necessary to restart. Instead, the schedule should be resumed using minimal intervals between doses to
catch up as quickly as possible.[12]

Vaccine combinations (few exceptions), antibiotics, low-dose steroids (less than 20 mg per day), minor infections with low fever (below 38.5 Celsius),
diarrhea, malnutrition, kidney or liver disease, heart or lung disease, non-progressive encephalopathy, well controlled epilepsy or advanced age, are not
contraindications to vaccination. Contrary to what the majority of doctors may think, vaccines against hepatitis B and tetanus can be applied in any period of the

There are very few true contraindication and precaution conditions. Only two of these conditions are generally considered to be permanent: severe
(anaphylactic) allergic reaction to a vaccine component or following a prior dose of a vaccine, and encephalopathy not due to another identifiable cause occurring
within 7 days of pertussis vaccination.[14]

Only the diluent supplied by the manufacturer should be used to reconstitute a freeze-dried vaccine. A sterile needle and sterile syringe must be used for each
vial for adding the diluent to the powder in a single vial or ampoule of freeze-dried vaccine. [15]

The only way to be completely safe from exposure to blood-borne diseases from injections, particularly hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is to use one sterile needle, one sterile syringe for each child. [16]

Tetanus Toxoid Immunization Schedule for Women[edit]

When given to women of childbearing age, vaccines that contain tetanus toxoid (TT or Td) not only protect women against tetanus, but also prevent neonatal tetanus
in their newborn infants.[17]

Minimum Percent
Vaccine Duration of Protection
Age/Interval Protected

TT1 At 20th weeks AOG 0%

protection for the mother for the first delivery

TT2 At least 4 weeks later 80%

infants born to the mother will be protected from neonatal tetanus
gives 3 years protection for the mother

infants born to the mother will be protected from neonatal tetanus

TT3 At least 6 months later 95%
gives 5 years protection for the mother

infants born to the mother will be protected from neonatal tetanus

TT4 At least 1 year later 99%
gives 10 years protection for the mother

gives lifetime protection for the mother

TT5 At least 1 year later 99%
all infants born to that mother will be protected

In June 2000, the 57 countries that have not yet achieved elimination of neonatal tetanus were ranked and the Philippines was listed together with 22 other countries
in Class A, a classification for countries close to maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination. [18]

The Millennium Development Goals:

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day.

Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

2. Achieve universal primary education

Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling.

3. Promote gender equality and empower women

Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015.

4. Reduce child mortality

Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five.

5. Improve maternal health

Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio.

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability

Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental resources.

Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water.

Achieve significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020.

8. Develop a global partnership for development

Develop further an open trading and financial system that is rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory. Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty
reductionnationally and internationally.

Address the least developed countries special needs. This includes tariff- and quota-free access for their exports; enhanced debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries; cancellation
of official bilateral debt; and more generous official development assistance for countries committed to poverty reduction.

Address the special needs of landlocked and small island developing States.

Deal comprehensively with developing countries debt problems through national and international measures to make debt sustainable in the long term.

In cooperation with the developing countries, develop decent and productive work for youth.

In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries.

In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologiesespecially information and communications technologies.

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