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Baiq Arasya Wulandari



A Voyage of Discovery The topics determine what we measure, how the

measurement are made, and the geographic areas
Ocean environment is unique. We often heard of of interest. Some processes are local, such as
ocean and its role on weather and climate and waves on a beach, some are regional, such as the
being discussed in the news. Ocean plays a big weather, and some are global, such as the
role to earth and humans life without us being influence of the ocean on changing climate and
aware of its huge impact. However, there is still global warming.
much we dont know about the ocean.
This book aims to make us become aware of
"Put into a larger context, more than 1,500 some of the major theories that form the
people have climbed Mount Everest, more than foundation of physical oceanography and be
300 have journeyed into space, and 12 have able to describe physical processes influencing
walked on the moon, but only 5 percent of the the ocean and coastal region.
ocean floor has been investigated and only 2
people have descended and returned in a single Before beginning a voyage or a journey, we
dive to the deepest part of the ocean. On the usually try to learn about the places we will
other hand, no part of the ocean remains visit. Same like this book, we will learn step by
unaffected by human activities, such as climate step and begin with a brief overview of what is
change, eutrophication, fishing, habitat known about the ocean, and then the influences,
destruction, hypoxia, pollution, and species the physical process, theory and observations,
introductions. Therefore, the scientific study of and also the numerical models in describing the
the ocean should be an international priority." ocean.
Valdes, L., L. Fonseca, and K. Tedesco, 2010. The ocean is one part of the earth system.
"Looking into the future of ocean sciences: An Hence, an understanding of the ocean is
IOC perspective." Oceanography, 23(3): 160 important for understanding the earth as a
175. system, especially for understanding important
problems such as global change or global
What is exactly the role of the ocean? Why do warming.
we need to care about it? Why study the physics
of the ocean? We use theory, observations, and numerical
models to describe ocean dynamics.
Few of important broad themes of the ocean that
involve earth and humans life are: 1. Ocean processes are nonlinear and
turbulent. Theories used to describe the
1. We got food from the ocean. ocean are much simplified approximations
to reality.
2. We use the ocean.
2. Observations are sparse in time and space.
Many processes of the time-averaged flow
3. The ocean influence the atmospheric
in many region are poorly observed.
weather and climate.
3. Numerical models include much more
realistic theoretical ideas, they can help
interpolate oceanic observations in time and Oceanography is the study of the ocean, with
space, and they are used to forecast climate emphasis on its character as an environment.
change, currents, and waves. While, Physical Oceanography is the study of
physical properties and dynamics of the ocean.
The ultimate goal is to know the ocean well
enough to predict the future changes in the Eras of Oceanographic Exploration
environment, including climate change or the
The exploration of the sea can be divided into
response of fisheries to over fishing.
various eras.
In the past, an oceanographer would devise a
1. Era of Surface Oceanography: Earliest
theory, collect data to test the theory, and publish
times to 1873.
the results. Now, the task have become so
2. Era of Deep-Sea Exploration: 1873-1914.
specialized that few can do it all.
3. Era of National Systematic Surveys: 1925-
The Historical Setting 4. Era of New Methods: 1947-1956.
5. Era of International Cooperation: 1957-
Our knowledge of oceanic currents, winds, 1978.
waves, and tides goes back thousands of year. 6. Era of Satellites: 1978-1995.
Polynesian navigators, Pytheas, Arabic trades, 7. Era of Earth System Science: 1995
Samaveda of The Indian Vedic, and many more
have started the exploration of the ocean as the The Role of Observations in Oceanography
oceanographers. At first glance, we might think that the
The knowledge of ocean began with voyages of numerous expeditions mounted since 1873
discovery by Bartholomew Dias (1487-1488), would give a good description of the ocean. The
Christopher Columbus (1492-1494), Vasco da result are indeed impressive. Hundreds of
Gama (1497-1499), and many more. Explorers expedition have extended into all ocean. Yet,
were soon followed by scientific voyage of much of the ocean is poorly explored. Our
discovery led by James Cook (1728-1779), understanding of the ocean is often too simple to
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Benjamin be right.
Franklin, and so on. - Selecting Oceanic Data Set
th th - Designing Oceanic Experiments
In the 19 and 20 century, satellites, drifters,
- Accuracy, Precision, and Linearity
and autonomous instruments appeared and took
- Sensitivity to other variable of interest
role in the observation of the ocean, air, and
land. Data from these systems, when fed into Important Concepts
numerical models allows the study of earth as a
system. For the first time, we can study how The ocean is not well known. The basic
biological, chemical, and physical system description of the ocean is sufficient for
interact to influence our environment. describing the time averaged mean circulation of
the ocean, and recent work is beginning to
The long history of the study of the ocean has describe the variability.
led to the development of various, specialized
disciplines each with its own interest and Observations are essential for understanding the
vocabulary. The more important disciplines ocean. Lack of observations has led to
include: oceanography, geophysics, physical conceptual pictures of oceanic processes that are
oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, too simplified and often misleading.
hydrography, and earth-system science.
Oceanographers rely more and more on large Almost all our observations of the ocean now
data sets produces by others. Sampling errors are come from satellites, drifters, and autonomous
the largest source of error in oceanography. instruments. Fewer and fewer observations come
from ships at sea.

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