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Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Vol. 6(4), October 2007, pp. 678-686

Herbs used in Siddha medicine for arthritis A review

Eugene Wilson*1, GV Rajamanickam1, Neera Vyas2, A Agarwal3 & GP Dubey3
Centre for Advanced Research in Indian System of Medicine (CARISM),
SASTRA University, Thanjavur 613 402, Tamil Nadu; 2Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi 110 025; 3Centre for
Psychosomatic and Biofeedback Medicine, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 18 November 2005; revised 22 January 2007

Plants used in Siddha system of medicine for arthritis has been studied from various Siddha literatures and are
presented hereunder. The particulars of herbs used with its botanical name, vernacular name (Tamil), family, parts used,
administration form and indication are tabulated. This information provides immense potential for studying their activity for
arthritis both in pre-clinical and clinical stages, which lead to the preparation of useful pharmaceutical products.
Keywords: Siddha medicine, Arthritis, Medicinal plants
IPC Int. Cl.8: A61K36/00, A61P19/00, A61P19/02, A61P19/06, A61P19/08, A61P19/10, A61P21/00

Attention of scientists all over the world is focused immortals, who had firm faith in the deathless
towards the alternative systems of medicine in the physical body being in tune with the spiritual
recent past. The reason being, none but for the immortal soul. Significantly, one of the definitions of
currently practiced medical system is not complete for Siddha medicine is conquest of death or that of which
all the ailments encountered till date. The various ensures preventive against mortality. This statement is
therapeutic agents / approaches aim mostly at attributed to Tirumoolar, a revered Siddhar whose
symptomatic relief rather than a definite cure. Hence, treatise called Tirumantiram, has 3,000 stanzas and is
there is growing importance in traditional health regarded as a classic text on the basic philosophy of
systems in providing healthcare for a wider Siddha medicine. According to Tamil tradition,
population across the globe, especially in the Siddha medicine is associated with 18 Siddhars, with
developing countries. WHO currently encourages, Agastiyar, Tirumoolar, and Bhogar being the most
recommends and promotes traditional as well as important. The dates of these Siddhars are uncertain,
natural remedies in national healthcare programmes, although Tamil tradition accords remote antiquity to
as they are easily available at low cost, comparatively them. However, only the later Siddhars like
safe, and are culturally acceptable. Since time Agastiyar, Tirumoolar, and Bhogar who lived in fifth
immemorial, Siddha System of Medicine, the heritage to sixth century, could able to record it
of the family practice of South India, is a special, systematically4.
scientific, significant, most respectable and of high The materials used by the Siddhars as drugs could
order one. In Bogar Nikandu, about 4,448 diseases are be classified into herbal (Mooligai or thavaram),
described and various herbs are indicated for these inorganic substances (Thathu) and animal products
diseases1. Herbs, minerals and products of animal (Jeeva vaguppu). In Tamil literature, the word
origin are basic raw materials of the Siddha system2. Marunthu (drug) itself means or denotes scented root
Siddha System of Medicine caters a totality of herbs, or leaf. In general, among the Indian Systems of
and is unique in exhibiting fewer side effects. Medicine, Siddha uses herbs prominently. Great
Secondly, Siddha medicine has a better answer for emphasis is given to herbs by our ancient Siddhars. It
curing refractive diseases like arthritis, cancer, is stressed by the Siddha sutra as follows:
bronchial asthma, etc.3 The name Siddha, owes its Ver paru thazhai paru minginikal
origin to medicinal ideas and practices of a class of Mella mella parpa chenduram pare
Tamil sages called the Siddhar perfected or holy Accordingly, it is advised to administer first pure
herbs in the form of liquid, powder, pill or paste. If it
*Corresponding author is not controlling, then, the physicians use mixture of

herbs, metals, minerals and animal products in literature available with local trained Siddha
addition to herbs5. In view of this uniqueness, there practitioners and people practicing herbal drug
was a dire need to identify the medicinal plants therapy from generations to generations were
prescribed in Siddha literature and standardize the contacted in and around Thanjavur district, Tamil
herbal drugs for some refractive diseases, and to make Nadu, and collated here to appreciate the richness of
the international community aware of such Siddha system.
distinctions. In the pursuit of such a venture, arthritis,
the commonly affecting disease afflicted by many Methodology
people due to change in food habits, life style, etc. The traditional books and palm leaf manuscripts
was selected for the study. In spite of the efficiency of available at the Saraswathi Mahal library, at the Raja
eradicating both rheumatoid arthritis as well as Serofoji palace, Thanjavur, collections of the Siddha
osteoarthritis in Siddha System of Medicine, it is not Medicine, Department of Tamil University and The
popular other than Tamil Nadu. Siddha system Tamil University library, personal collections of a
primarily uses herbal products as well as animal and consultant Siddha medical practitioner in Thanjavur
mineral matters, too. As the system is started and and oral discussions with a few other local
practiced in the Tamil speaking area, it had no practitioners were executed to get sufficient
opportunity to spread out until and otherwise, the information about the traditional knowledge of
most useful medicine in this system is brought to light treating arthritis. The observations presented herein
in other languages, the effective drugs of this system are only pertaining to the herbs used for the treatment
may not be enjoyed by others. Of late, the FDA of arthritis. The various forms in which they are
Clause No. 312.23(a) (3) (ii), (9)), has clearly administered and the parts used involving
projected that any drug of traditional system can be herbomineral and animal origin were collected.
exempted from rigorous clinical trial in case, one
Results and discussion
establishes the historical continuity of a particular
The details of various plants, their parts used and
drug practiced from the ancient period6. In view of
route and the form of administration with botanical
such applicability, it is worth to bring out the excerpts
name, vernacular name and family are given for all
of the original texts and the combination of the drugs
plants. Details of plants used internally as single and
particularly herbal drugs to the common mass.
polyherbal formulations have been presented (Tables
Moreover, such outreach in a particular language may
1 & 2) along with details of herbs used externally as
not be possible for everyone. So, this review will be
single or polyherbal formulations (Tables 3 & 4).
of great use is not only establishing the historical
From the detailed survey of the traditional literature,
continuity but also to spread the knowledge on such
discussions with local trained Siddha practitioners and
drugs to the regions of other than Tamil Nadu.
people practicing herbal drug for generations to
In addition, this review will be much valuable to a follow, it has been established that there exists a wide
researcher in any system of medicine to unravel the range of treatment for treating arthritis. The treatment
selection of better medicine. As the Siddha system, for arthritis varies from practitioner to practitioner and
though much older in period, the approach to the texts also their methods and modes do so. In Siddha,
for any other researcher who has no versatility in treatment of a particular ailment depends on the type,
Tamil language, is difficult. The review like this will severity of the ailment and the individual getting the
be instrumental to the researchers in other languages treatment, his body constitution, the season, etc.
and other systems of medicine to compare and Though, there are many herbs earmarked for
appreciate the wisdom of Siddha system. arthritis, Siddha system takes in to account the
Nevertheless, once this practice of a particular availability of a particular herb, its properties, its
medicine to arthritis is known to others, their action, etc. Each herb varies depending upon the soil,
feedback may help the local practitioners to refine geomorphology, climatic conditions and more so its
their own medicine in a better form and applicable to phytoconstituents. So, Siddhars according to the
the present times. In this direction, an effort to unearth availability of herbs in each locality and season,
the traditional knowledge on arthritis was taken up as adapted unique therapies both internally as well as
Siddha system provides a complete cure to this externally. The practice of single herbal therapy in
challenging debilitating disease. Hence, the Siddha Siddha is called Aga mooligai prayokam with an idea

Table 1Plants used internally as single herbal formulation

Plant name Local name (Tamil) Family Uses

Adenanthera pavonina Linn. Anai - kunri Leguminaceae Leaf potion is used for frozen joints14.
Alpinia galanga Willd. Srit-arattai Scitaminaceae Root powder is used for arthritic
Aristolochiaindica Linn. Ich-churamuli Aristolochiaceae Root powder is used for joint disease14.
Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. Mukka- rattai Nyctaginaceae Root potion is used for joints pain9.
Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. Mudakkathan Sapindaceae Leaf is used for joints pain11, 13.
Clerodendron phlomoides Linn. Thazhuthazhai Verbanaceae Leaf is used for frozen joints12.
Cocculus villosus DC. Kattukodi Menispermaceae Root potion is used for chronic joints
Corallocarpus epigaea Hook. Akashagarudan Cucurbitaceae Root, root powder and potion are used for
frozen joints14.
Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. Kich-chili -kizhangu Scitaminaceae Root potion is used for crippling arthritis &
frozen joints14.
Enicostemma littorale Blume. Vellarugu Gentianaceae Root powder is used for frozen joints11, 14.
Indigofera tinctoria Linn. Avuri Papilionceae Leaf, root powder and potion are used for
joints pain9, 11, 13.
Myristica fragrans Houtt. Sathikai Myristicaceae Fruit, oil is used for joints pain14.
Ocimum gratissimum Linn. Elimichan tulasi Labiatae Leaf potion is used for joints pain14.
Premna integrifolia Linn. Munnai Verbanaceae Leaf and root potion are used for joints
Randia dumetorum Lamk. Marukarai Rubiaceae Bark and root powder are used for joints
Sida acuta Burm. Ponmusuttai Malvaceae Root potion is used for joints pain13.
Withania somnifera Dunal Amukkara Solanaceae Root powder is used for pain13, 14, 16.

Table 2Plants used internally as polyherbal formulation

Plant name Local name Family Uses

Acalypha fruticosa Forsk. Chinni Euphorbiaceae Plant Powder & potion is used for
joints pain14.
Anacylus pyrethrum DC. Akkara karam Compositae Root potion is used for joints
Andrographis paniculata Nees Nila vembu Acanthaceae Leaf & stem potion is used for
frozen joints & joints pain14.
Argyreia speciosa Sweet. Kadarpalai Convolvulaceae Root powder is used for joints
Asarum europoeum Linn. Nilakadambu Aristolochiaceae Root potion is used for joints
Azima tetracantha Lam. Sangamchedi Salvadoraceae Root, leaf potion is used for joints
Balsamodendron myrrha Nees Vellaip-polam Burseraceae Resin powder is used for frozen
Boswellia serrata Roxb. Parangi-sambirani Burseraceae Resin powder is used for joints
Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Valuzhuvai Celastraceae Seed powder is used for severe
joints pain14.
Cephalandra indica Naud. Kovai Cucurbitaceae Root potion is used for joints

Table 2Plants used internally as polyherbal formulation

Plant name Local name Family Uses

Citrullus colocynthis Schard. Attru thumatti Cucurbitaceae Root powder is used for joints
Cleome viscosa Linn. Nay-velai Leguminaceae Leaf powder is used for joints
Clerodendron inerme Gaertn. Pinasangamkoppi Verbanaceae Root powder is used for joints
Clerodendron serratum Linn. Kanduparangi Verbanaceae Root potion is used for chronic
joints disease14.
Crataeva reliogiosa Hook & Forst. Mavalingam Capparidaceae Leaf potion is used for crippling
Cuminum cyminum Linn. Chirakam Umbelliferae Seed potion is used for joints
Daemia extensa R. Br. Uttamani Asclepiadeae Leaf, root powder and oil are used
for joints pain8, 9.
Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. Athimathuram Papilionaceae Root powder is used for frozen
Gmelina asiatica Linn. Nila kumizh Verbanaceae Root powder is used for joints
Heliotropium indicum Linn. Thel-kodukku Compositae Leaf potion is used for joints
Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl. Sivanar vembu Papilionaceae Whole plant powder & potion is
used for joints pain14.
Pavonia zeylanica Cav. Chirtamutti Malvaceae Whole plant potion is used for
joints pain14.
Plumbago zeylanica Linn. Kodiveli Plumbaginaceae Root potion is used for joints pain9.
Ricinus communis Linn. Amanakku Euphorbiaceae Seed oil is used for joints pain with
Semecarpus anacardium Linn. Cherangkottai Anacardiaceae Seed powder, electuary, ghee is
used for severe crippling
Shorea robusta Gaertn. Kungiliyam Dipterocarpaceae Resin powder is used for joints
Smilax china Linn. Parangi pattai Liliaceae Root potion is used for
crippling arthritis14.
Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. Kottai karanthai Compositae Whole plant powder & potion are
used for joints disease14.
Terminalia chebula Retz. Kadukkai Combretaceae Seed powder and oil is used for
joints pain12.
Trianthema decandra Linn. Saranai Ficoidaceae Root, leaf potion is used for joints
Tribulus terrestris Linn. Nerujil Zygophyllaceae Whole plant potion is used for
crippling arthritis14.
Withania somnifera Dunal Amukkara Solanaceae Root powder is used for joints
Zingiber officinale Roxb. Chukku Scitaminaceae Root potion is used for joints
Zizyphus jujuba Lam. Elanthai Rhamnaceae Root and bark potion is used for
joints pain9.

Table 3Plants used externally as single herbal formulation

Plant name Local name Family Uses

Abutilon indicum (Linn.) Sw. Thuthi Malvaceae Leaf fomentation is used for joints pain7.
Adansonia digitata Linn. Anaipuliyamaram Malvaceae Leaf fomentation is used for joints pain14.
Alangium salviifolium (Linn.f) Wang. Azhinjil Cornaceae Root, bark oil is used for joints pain13.
Anisomeles malabarica R.Br. Rattai-paeymaruti Labiatae Leaf fomentation is used for joints pain14.
Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. Kadambu Rubiaceae Bark, seed fomentation is used for
crippling arthritis14.
Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Vembu Meliaceae Ghee fomentation is used for joints
Brassica alba Rabenh. Venkadugu Cruciferae Seed poultice is used for crippling
Cadaba indica Lamk. Vizhuthi Capparidaceae Leaf poultice is used for joints swelling
& antiarthritic14.
Calophyllum inophyllum Linn. Punnai Guttiferae Seed poultice is used for joints pain14.
Calotropis gigantea R. Br. Erukku Asclepiadaceae Leaf, latex poultice is used for joints pain
with swelling7,8.
Cassia fistula Linn. Sara konrai Caesalpinaceae Fruit poultice is used for frozen joints14.
Chrysanthemum indicum Linn. Shamanthippu Compositae Flower oil is used for joints pain with
Crinum asiaticum Linn. Visha mungil Amaryllideae Root poultice is used for joints pain14.
Erythrina indica Lam. Kaliyana murukku Papilionaceae Leaf poultice is used for joints pain14.
Euphorbia antiquorum Linn. Shadurakalli Euphorbiaceae Latex and oil is used for crippling
arthritis12. Milk poultice is used for joints
Excoecaria agallocha Linn. Thillai Euphorbiaceae Seed poultice is used for crippling
Ficus glomerata Roxb. Athi Urticaceae Milk poultice is used for joints pain with
Jatropa curcas Linn. Katt -amanukku Euphorbiaceae Seed poultice is used for frozen joints14.
Justicia adhatoda Linn. Adhatodai Acanthaceae Leaf poultice is used for frozen joints14.
Nigella sativa Linn. Karunchirakam Ranunculaceae Seed poultice is used for joints
Ocimum gratissimum Linn. Elimichan tulasi Labiatae Leaf poultice is used for joints pain14.
Peucedanum Graveolens Benth. Sathakuppai Umbelliferae Seed, root poultice is used for joints
Ricinus communis Linn. Amanakku Euphorbiaceae Leaf fomentation is used for joints pain
with swelling12.
Sapindus trifoliatus Linn. Manipungu Sapindaceae Root poultice is used for joints pain14.
Tamarindus indica Linn. Puli Caeselpiniaceae Leaf poultice is used for joints pain with
Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex. Puvarasu Malvaceae Latex poultice is used for joints
Correa swelling14.
Vitex negundo Linn. Notchi Verbanaceae Leaf fomentation is used for joints pain
with swelling14.
Zingiber officinale Roxb. Chukku Scitaminaceae Root poultice is used for joints
Ziziphus jujuba Lam. Elandai Rhamnaceae Root, bark poultice is used for joints

Table 4Plants used externally as polyherbal formulation

Plant name Local name Family Uses

Acacia leucophloea Willd. Vel veli Mimosaceae Bark oil, fomentation is used for
joints disease14.
Acalypha indica Linn. Kuppaimeni Euphorbiaceae Whole plant poultice, oil is used for
joints swelling12.
Acorus calamus Linn. Vasambu Aroideae Root poultice is used for joints pain14.
Aeschynomene aspera Linn. Atru- netti Leguminaceae Leaf fomentation is used for joints
Albizzia lebbeck Benth. Vaghai Mimosaceae Leaf, root poultice, fomentation is
used for joints swelling7.
Allium cepa Linn. Vengayam Liliaceae Root poultice is used for joints pain14.
Artemesia absinthium, Linn. Masi-patri Compositae Leaf fomentation is used for joints
Atalantia monophylla DC. Kattu-elumichai Rutaceae Fruit oil is used for joints pain9.
Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Wettst. Nir-brahmi Scrophularinaceae Leaf poultice is used for chronic
Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. Mudakkathan Sapindaceae Leaf, root oil is used for joints
Clerodendron inerme Gaertn. Pinasangamkoppi Verbanaceae Root oil is used for joints pain9,18.
Clerodendron phlomoides Linn. Thazhuthazhai Verbanaceae Leaf, root oil is used for frozen
Corallocarpus epigaea Hook. Akashagarudan Cucurbitaceae Root poultice is used for joints pain14.
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. Karpoorapul Graminaceae Leaf oil is used for joints pain14.
Datura metel Linn. Umattai Solanaceae Leaf poultice, oil is used for joints
pain with swelling7,11.
Euphorbia neriifolia Linn. Ilaikalli Euphorbiaceae Leaf poultice is used for joints
Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. Nannari Asclepiadaceae Root oil is used for joints pain14.
Lawsonia inermis Linn. Maruthondri Lythraceae Leaf oil is used as antirheumatic7,10.
Lepidium sativum Linn. Aliverai Cruciferae Seed poultice is used for joints pain
with inflammation14.
Michelia champaca Linn. Shanbagam Magnoliaceae Flower oil is used for joints
Mollugo cerviana Ser. Parpatakam Ficoidaceae Root oil is used for joints pain14.
Nardostachys Sadamanjil Valerianaceae Root oil is used as antirheumatic14.
jatamansi DC.
Nerium odorum Soland. Alari Apocynaceae Leaf poultice is used for joints pain14.
Phaseolus mungo Linn. Uzhundu Papilionaceae Seed oil is used for crippling
Piper nigrum Linn. Milagu Piperaceae Leaf, fruit oil, fomentation is used for
joints pain with swelling7,12.
Plumbago zeylanica Linn. Kodiveli Plumbaginaceae Root oil is used for joints pain9.
Pongamia glabra Vent. Pungu Papilionaceae Root poultice is used for joints pain8.
Rubia cordifolia Linn. Manjitti Rubiaceae Root oil is used for joints pain14.
Salvadora indica Royle. Perungkalarva Salvodoraceae Fruit, flower oil is used for joints
Sesbania grandiflora Pers. Sev-agathi Leguminaceae Root, bark poultice is used for joints
pain with swelling10.
Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad & Kandankhatri Solanaceae Leaf oil is used for joints pain7.
Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. Yetti Loganiaceae Seed oil is used for joints pain8,17.
Terminalia chebula Retz. Kadukkai Combretaceae Seed oil is used for joints pain12.

to alleviate a particular disease using minimum re- vitiated vali humour (vayu) in the joints (keel), which
sources effectively. Further, in earlier days the treat- bring about diseased condition. There are 10 varieties
ment was administered then and there. Many medi- of Keel vayu mentioned in Siddha writings, namely:
cines were prepared fresh only after understanding the Vali Keel Vayu, Azhal Keel Vayu, Iyya Keel Vayu,
patients problem. Depending upon the severity of the Vali Azhal Keel Vayu, Vali Iyya Keel Vayu, Azhal Vali
illness and the patients constitution, the practitioner Keel Vayu, Azhal Iyya Keel Vayu, Iyya Vali Keel
starts to prepare the medicine and administer them. Vayu, Iyya Azhal Keel Vayu, and Mukkutra Keel
Moreover, the root cause of a particular disease is Vayu.
none other than the derangement of humours. To Each type of Keel vayu presents with a group of
counteract not only the disease but also the root cause, symptoms, which can be correlated with the diagnosis
Siddhars introduced polyherbal formulations. Since, of modern medicine. Firstly, Vali Keel Vayu manifests
Siddhars have greatly believed in synergism, the with joints pain, swelling, throat pain, fever,
number of polyherbal formulation used internally is headache, palpitation, chest pain, arthritis affects
more than the number of single herbal formulations mainly joints, and of migrating nature, Subcutaneous
(Tables 1 & 2). External preparations both single and nodules, etc. coinciding with rheumatic fever.
polyherbal formulations are of equal number (Tables Secondly, Azhal Keel Vayu is caused by the vitiation
3 & 4). Siddha literature claims that there exist 80 of Azhal humour in the joints presenting with increase
varieties of Vali diseases19. There is different school in swelling day-by-day correlating with osteoarthritis.
of thoughts pertaining to the number of Vali diseases As a result of the increase in Azhal humour, the
84, 85 and 8720-21. The nomenclature of Vali diseases lubricating fluid, i.e. Synovial fluid is reduced
is based on the concerned organ/system associated resulting in crepitations mentioned in Siddha as
with clinical signs and symptoms along with the viti- Claluk sound. Iyya Keel Vayu resembles tubercular
ated humours namely, vali, azhal and iyyam. Vali dis- arthritis with symptoms such as evening rise of
ease is a generic name comprising a number of clini- temperature, loss of weight, swelling of the joint with
cal entities associated with deranged vali humour, pus formation and sequestration resulting in crippling
pain, loss of function, etc. arthritis, finally morbidity. Vali Azhal Keel Vayu
Originally diseases are classified according to the mimics rheumatoid arthritis manifesting with malaise,
three humours as vali noi, azhal noi and iyya noi22. fatigue, swelling with intense pain mainly affecting
Yugimamunivar have classified diseases authentically smaller joints with periods of recurrence and
on the basis of clinical signs, symptoms, humoural remission. Vali Iyya Keel Vayu presents with
and regional pathology. His classification of disease is hyperpyrexia, pain and tiredness of upper and lower
so extensive and very clear. It could be compared to extremities, heaviness of the limbs, with urogenital
present day classification of disease in modern symptoms, which at last leads to disability. Azhal Vali
medicine and the one followed by Siddha physicians, Keel Vayu is formed by the derangement of both
even today. The insight and experience of Azhal and Vali humours resulting in haemorrhage into
Yugimamunivar is astonishing that he has described joints, which resembles haemophilic arthritis. Azhal
intestinal obstruction as (Uthara vali) and neoplasm Iyya Keel Vayu exhibits symptoms such as giddiness,
of oesophagus as (Orakari vali). Some other vomiting, swelling in the larger joints with immobility
examples of vali diseases that can be compared to of the joints. This type of arthritis is spread through
current day clinical manifestations are psoriatic sexual contact and hence can be correlated with
arthritis (Kalanjagam), synovitis or synovial arthritis syphilitic arthritis.
(Narithalai vali) and inflammation of the origin of When Iyyam and Vali humours are deranged due to
joint (Uthiravatha sronitham/Vali Azhal Keel Vayu). immoral sexual contact there is every chance for
Various synonyms have been used in Siddha literature gonococcal arthritis known as Iyya Vali Keel Vayu in
to explain arthritis23 as: Santhu vali - Santhu (Joint), Siddha. It affects primarily the big joints of knees,
Vali (Pain) Muttu vali - Muttu (Joint), Vali (Pain) ankles, elbows, shoulders, etc. It is described as if the
Mudakku vali Mudakku (Crippling arthritis), Vali affected joints take the shape of Foxs head. Iyya
(Joint). Moreover, Keel vayu is a common term used Azhal Keel Vayu is correlated with pneumococcal
to describe different types of arthritis in Siddha arthritis where Iyya humour is vitiated, and then it
pathology. Siddha defines Keel vayu as deranged or combines with Azhal humour to manifest as a disease.

Symptoms include fever, cough and severe cold, Samathanam, Advisor, Department of Science and
vomiting and swelling of joints leading to inability to Technology (DST), Government of India for their
flex and extend. concrete support. Authors express deep sense of
Mukkutra Keel Vayu is a condition where toxic gratitude to Honble Vice-Chancellor Prof R
symptoms prevail like severe sweating, dyspnoea, Sethuraman, SASTRA University for providing all
incoherent speech, vomiting, coma with absence of necessary facilities to undertake the study. Authors
bowel movements and anuria with severe presentation thank the library Staff of Saraswathi Mahal and Tamil
of arthritis in the joints. In Siddha pharmacopoeia, University library for their kind cooperation.
various herbs and their parts have been widely used Moreover, authors thank all the local traditional
for the different types of Keel Vayu since 5,000 yrs. In Siddha practitioners for their support in the successful
Siddha system, equal importance has been given to completion of the study. Authors thank Dr S Prema,
internal as well as external medicine because Siddha Dean, Faculty of Sciences, Tamil University,
medicine advocates 32 types of internal and 32 types Thanjavur, Dr C Eleza, Siddha Consultant, Siddha
of external medicine with their shelf life24. Medicated Consulting Centre, Nagerkoil, Dr A Hannah Rachel
powder from herbs is a common type of internal Vasanthi, Department of Biochemistry, Sri
medicine and is used as a baseline treatment for all Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute,
ailments including arthritis, eg. root of Withania Chennai and Mr A Antony Thangadurai, Scientific
somnifera Dunal. powder (Choornam). Another type Officer, CARISM, SASTRA, Thanjavur for their
of internal medicine is potion, which gets absorbed timely help.
quickly within our system and facilitates faster action
that is of greater importance in arthritis treatment, eg. References
seed of Cuminum cyminum Linn. potion (Kudineer). 1 Somasundaram S, Maruthuva Thavaraviyal, (Elangovan
Furthermore, internal medicines are administered in Publishers, Palayamkottai), 1997, 3.
2 Deivanayagam CN, Krishnarajasekhar OR & Ravichandran
the form of pill (Mathirai), electuary (Legiyam), oil N, Evaluation of Siddha medicare in HIV disease, J Assoc
(Ennai), ghee (Nei), etc., eg. fruit of Piper nigrum Physicians India, 49 (2001) 390.
Linn.pill, seed of Terminalia chebula Retz. - oil, 3 Swaminathan G, Role of R & D institution and
seed of Semecarpus anacardium Linn.ghee25. pharmaceutical industries, Proc Nat Seminar Siddha
Medicine, Thanjavur, 2002, 1.
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poultice (Pattru), oilation (Thailam), etc. This type of 350 (1997) 1841.
therapy is applied to the skin to release swelling or 5 Eugene Wilson, Hannah R Vasanthi, GV Rajamanickam &
pain so as to alleviate the deranged vali humour by GP Dubey, Siddha system of medicine and herbal remedies,
bringing in fresh energy by improving cutaneous Proc 2nd Int Conf Herbal Drugs Health Tourism, New Delhi,
2003, 111.
circulation and neural conductivity, eg. leaf of Vitex 6 Guidance for Industry Botanical Drug Products, (US
negundo Linn. fomentation, root of Zingiber Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug
officinale Roxb.poultice & seed of Strychnos nux- Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and
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