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HISTORY OF ART 137: Art of Southeast Asia Syllabus

Fall, 2004
Prof. Joanna Williams, Office 411a Doe Library, Tues 2:15-3:30
GSI, Sujatha Meegama, Office Mon. 4:15-5:15,Free Speech Cafe
Short (3-4 pp.) essay assigned Sept. 11, due Oct. 9
Midterm Tues., Oct 12
Term Paper ( c. 10 pp) due Thurs., Dec 6; topic of your choice, guidelines forthcoming
Final exam Dec. 18, 12:30-3:30
Course Website for photos not in Rawson, Jessup, or Reader:

Texts: Phillip Rawson, Art of Southeast Asia (Thames & Hudson paperback)
Helen Jessup, Art of Cambodia (Thames & Hudson paperback)
Course Reader ready at Copy Central on Bancroft,

Readings: * * required
*recommended if you have the time in Moffitt
others are for papers, general interest
all should be on reserve in Moffitt unless noted as follows
HA/ C=History of Art & Classics Seminar, Doe Library room 308 H (enter via elevator 2 or 3)
SSEALS=South & Southeast Asia Library Service, Doe Library 1st floor, SW corner
EAL=East Asiatic Library, Durant Hall
1.Aug. 31, Introduction: rivers- Mekong, Menam Chao Phraya, Irawaddy, etc.
mountains- Mt. Meru to Krakatoa
languages: Austronesian, Mon Khmer, Vietnamese, Tai, Tibeto-Burmese
religions: Indigenous Animism (e.g. Phi-Thaiand; Nats-Burma, Neak Ta-Cambodia, etc.)
Indic: Buddhism: kyamuni Buddha; Bodhisattva
Theravdin, Mahyna, Esoteric (Vajrayna, tantric)
Hinduism (Brahmanism): Vedic--Indra, Brahma
iva (lingam) , Nandin
Um/Durg; Ganea
Lakm, Garua

2.Sept 2, "Bronze Age"Ban Chiang, Dong Son Cultures

**Rawson 9-17
**Jessup 7-8
Bernard Philippe Groslier, Art of Indochina, 23-40 (Moffitt+ 2 copies SSEALS)
L Bezacier, Le Vietnam, 180-225 (on Dong Son drums)
George Coedes, Indianized States of Southeast Asia, 3-35
R.B. Smith & W. Watson eds, Early Southeast Asia.

Labor Day, no sections

3-13, I N D O N E S I A , some general references:
A.J. Bernet Kempers, Ancient Indonesian Art. While organized as a picture book, this has
good plate descriptions & is the fullest summary in English of older Dutch scholarship.
Jan Fontein, R. Soekmono, E. Sedjawati, The Sculpture of Indonesia. Catalogue of major exhibition.
Claire Holt, Art in Indonesia, Continuity & Change. Best general art history.
Marijke Klokke, Tantri Reliefs on Javanese Chandi (traces fables over time)
Pauline Scheuler, M.J. Klokke, Ancient Indonesian Bronzes. Catalogue, 1988 show.

3.Sept. 7 Batak Sumatra, Nias

**J. Feldmen,"Ancestors in the Art of Indonesia & Southeast Asia," (course reader)
** J. Feldman, "South Nias exerpt" (course reader)
J. Feldman ed., The Eloquent Dead (essays on Nias, Batak, Dayak, Toraja)
Paul Taylor & L. Aragon, Beyond the Java Sea

4.Sept 9, Sumba
**J. Hoskins, "Arts & Cultures of Sumba," (course reader)
Susan Rodgers, Power and Gold
Jean-Paul Barbier and D. Newton, Islands and Ancestors.

Sections, Sept13-14, What do Nias and Sumba have in common?

5, Sept. 14, Srivijaya and Early Central Java

**Rawson 203-253 (includes ff. material)
G. Coedes, Indianized States of Southeast Asia, 81-85, 87-93, 96, 107-9.
Subhadradis Diskul, Art of Srivijaya.

6-7.Sept 16, 21. Borobudur

**J. Dumaray, "Architecture, Meaning of the Monument" (course reader)
N.J. Krom & T. van Erp, Beschrijving van Barabudur, f DS 646.29 B6K7, 3 huge plate
volumes shelved horizontally on north wall)
Louis Frederic & Jean-Louis Nou, Borobudur (unreliable text, handy for all the reliefs)
Jan. Fontein, The Law of Cause & Effect in Ancient Java.(careful analysis of base reliefs)
Jan Fontein, The Pilgrimage of Sudhana. (careful analysis of tier 2 Gandhavyuha)
N.J. Krom, Life of the Buddha at Barabudur
John Miksic, Borobudur, Golden Tales of the Buddhas.

Sections Sept. 20-21 Meet in Hearst Museum to see Indonesian textiles

8.Sept.23. Chandi Lara Djonggrang

**M.L. Totton,"Narrating Animals on the Screen of the World" (course reader)
Roy.E. Jordaan, ed. In Praise of Prambanan (use cautiously)

W. Stutterheim, Rama Legends & Rama Reliefs in Indonesia, 2 vols.

Sections, Sept 27-28, Compare Borobudur with Loro Jonggreng

9.Sept 28, The Move to East Java

**Rawson 254-272
**C. Holt, Art in Indonesia, Ch. 3, "Emergence of New Styles." (course reader)
F.D.K. Bosch, Selected Studies in Indonesian Archaeology, pp. 49-107(Djalatunda)

10. Sept30. , Chandi Djago, Panataran

**Joseph Fischer, "Panakawan in the Folk Tradition of Java" (course reader)
Brandes, J.L. Beschrijving van de ruine bij de desa Toempang, genamd Tjandi Djago,
1904 (AH/C room 308G fDS646.22.B8)
W. Stutterheim, Rama Legends & Rama Reliefs in Indonesia (on Panataran)

Sections Oct. 4-5: Shadow theatre in relation to sculpture

11.Oct 5, Latest monuments in Java

**S.J. O'Connor, "Metallurgy & Immortality at Chandi Sukuh" (course reader)
Helen I. Jessup, Court Arts of Indonesia
B.O. Anderson, Mythology & Tolerance of the Javanese (SSEALS)

12. Oct 7, Bali

**David Stuart-Fox, "Pura Besakih, Temple-state relations from precolonial to modern times" (course reader)
Clifford Geertz, "Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight" in Interpretation of Cultures
Anthony Forge, Balinese Traditional Paintings
Urs Ramseyer, Art & Culture of Bali.

Sections, Oct.11-only: Prepare for midterm, discuss O'Connor

13. Oct. 12 Midterm

14-19.C A M B O D I A , some general references

Lawrence Briggs, Ancient Khmer Empire. An old handbook, temple by temple
Jean Boisselier, Le Cambodge. More up to date than Briggs, French fragmentation
G. de Coral Rmusat, L'Art khmer, les grandes tapes. Evolution of building parts
G. Coedes, Angkor, An Introduction. Charming series of essays, somewhat dated.
Claude Jacques & M. Freeman, Angkor, Cities & Temples (looks like a coffee-table book,
but written by a major scholar)

14. Oct.14, Indigenous traditions and Early Hindu-Buddhist remains on the mainland
**Jessup 8-59
**I. W. Mabbett,"The 'Indianization' of Mainland Southeast Asia: a Reappraisal" (course rdr)
**Ang Choulean, People & Earth, (course reader)

*Bernard Philippe Groslier, Art of Indochina, 41-85.

Robert Brown, Dvaravati Wheels of the Law & Indianization of SEA
Pierre Dupont, La Sculpture prangkorienne (HA/C)

Sections Oct. 18-19: discuss Mabbett in relation to early Hindu-Buddhist sculpture

15. Oct 19, The Foundation of Angkor--Kulen, Preah Ko, Bakheng Phases
**Jessup 60-87
**N. Aeusrivongse, "The Devarja Cult and Khmer Kingship at Angkor"(course reader)
*B.P. Groslier, Art of Indochina, 87-105
*G. Coedes, Angkor An Introduction, Ch. VII, "Jayavarman II, Founder of Angkor"
H. Kulke, The Devaraja Cult (SSEALS)
J. Dumarcay, Phnom Bakheng (AH/C fDS521 E4V. 7)

16.Oct 21, Koh Ker and Banteai Srei

**Jessup 87-107
*B.P. Groslier, Art of Indochina, 106-118
L. Finot, Le Temple d"Ivarapura (AH/C) ample plates of Banteai Srei, wrong date

Sections Oct. 25-26: What is a Devaraja?? Discuss Ausrivongse (both in reader)

17. Oct. 26, Ta Ko, Baphuon, outlying sites of the solar dynasty
** Jessup 135-159
** G. Coedes, "Temples or Tombs, Architectural Symbolism" (course reader)
* B.P. Groslier, Art of Indochina, 118-132

18. Oct 28, Angkor Wat

**Jessup 135-159 (skim 135-141)
*B.P. Groslier, Art of Indochina, 151-67
Eleanor Mannikka, Angkor Wat (numbers and movement of the sun the keys to it all)
L. Finot, Le Temple d'Angkor Wat, 5 vols. (AH/C)

Sections, Nov. 1-2 : Angkor Wat, the Bayon, and the American Election?

19. Nov 2, The period of Jayavarman VII

**Jessup 160-191
**G. Coedes, "Mystery of the Bayon, " (course reader)
**Chou Ta-kuan, "Customs of Cambodia" (course reader)
*B.P. Groslier, Art of Indochina, 168-194
J. Dumaray & B.P. Groslier, Le Bayon, 2 vols. (AH/C)

20. Nov. 4Early VIE TNAM under the Chams

**Rawson, 119-132
*Emmanuel Guilon, Hindu-Buddhist Art of Vietnam .

*B.P. Groslier, Art of Indochina, 80-85, 133-147, 194-201

J. Boisselier, La Statuaire du Champa.
Tran Ky Phuong, Cham Ruins

Sections Nov. 8-9: Art of the Khmers and the Chams

21.Nov. 9 Later Cham and Vietnamese Art

**Rawson, 132-134
**B.P. Groslier, "The Vietnamese Invasion & Impact of the Europeans" (course reader)
Nov. 22 Holiday
Sections Nov. 15-16 China and mainland Southeast Asia
22-24, THA ILAND --some general references
J. Boisselier, Thai Sculpture. Fine plates, reliable text
J. Boisselier, Thai Painting. "
T. Bowie, Subhadradis Diskul, A, Griswold, Sculpture of Thailand. Handy catalogue
Hiram Woodward, Sacred Sculptures of Thailand. Admirable catalogue, Walters Gallery

22. Nov. 16 Thailand from the 7 to the 12th centuries

Rawson 135-46
**Jessup 134-140
Elizabeth Moore & Smitthi Siribhahra, Palaces of the Gods.

23. Nov. 18 , Classical Thai art: Sukhothai

Sections Nov. 22-3

24. Nov, 23 Later Thai and Laotian Art

**Rawson 146-160
**Frank Reynolds, "The Holy Emerald Jewel: Some Aspects of Buddhist Symbolism and Political
Legitimation in Thailand and Laos" (course reader)
C.. Stratton & M.N. Scott, Art of Sukhothai (SSEALS)
A. Griswold, Dated Buddha Images of Northern Siam, Artibus Asiae Supplement,
1957 (AH/C)
Nov. 25 Thanksgiving
Sections Nov 29-30: Meet in Hearst Museum to see textiles
25. Nov. 30, early B U R M A ( = M y a n m a r )
**Rawson 161-184
**B. Brac de la Perrie`re, "'Royal images' in their 'palaces' " (course reader)
*A. Griswold, Art of Burma, Korea, Tibet, 13-60
Stadtner, Donald M.,ed. Art of Burma, New Studies (Marg 1999)
Gordon Luce, Old Burma, Early Pagan, 3 vols. (AH/C)

26, Dec. 2,Burma under Kyanzittha and later)

**Rawson 184-202

Sections Dec. 6-7: Review

27. Dec. 7, Late Burma, Minorities

28 Dec. 9. Of Cabbages and Kings

Term Papers Due

Final exam Dec. 18, 12:30-3:30

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