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5th Edition Rules,

1st Edition Feel Necromancer

fifth Edition
compatible Games
Quests of Doom=

Quests of Doom
Volume 2
Authors: Casey W. Christofferson, Michael Curtis,
Matt Finch, Clark Peterson, James M. Ward, Bill Webb
Developer: Steven Winter
Layout ,Typesetting, Cover Design: Charles A. Wright
Cover Art: Rowena Aitken
Cartography: Robert Altbauer, Ed Bourelle, Conan Venus
Editors: Steven Winter, Merric Blackman Interior Art: Chris McFann, Andrew DeFlice, Brian LeBlanc

Necromancer Games is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.

We make no claim to or challenge to any trademarks held by Wizards of the Coast.

Necromancer Games, Inc., 2015, all rights reserved.

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Necromancer Games Inc.s Product
Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content:
product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures;
characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
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5th Edition Rules,
1st Edition Feel

Quests of Doom=

Table of Contents
Credits.................................................................................................p. 1

Bugs & Blobs

Of Ants & Men by Bill Webb................................................................... p. 4

Demons & Devils

Pit of Despair by Casey W. Christofferson & Bill Webb............................... p. 17

Giants & Dragons

Dread Dragon Temple by James M. Ward................................................... p. 25

Lycanthropes & Elementals

The Darkening of Namjan Forest by Michael Curtis...................................... p. 39

Men & Monstrosities

Perils of Ghostwind pass by Matt Finch...................................................... p. 61

Vampires & Liches

Isle of Eliphaz by Bill Webb & Clark Peterson............................................ p. 90

Legal Appendix.................................................................................... p. 101

Quests of Doom: Bugs and Blobs

Of Ants and Men By Bill Webb

This adventure is designed for characters of levels 4 to 8. vines and facing one another.
Sometimes bugs are just bugs, and sometimes they are organized Farmers have complained about sheep going missing in the area.
into a hive mind that is just as smart as humans. Ants are just that. They beg the player characters to investigate the cause and stop the loss
In battle, the ants become a horde of raging combatants that form of livestock.
a blur on all sides. While ants are typically peaceful, they respond Whatever the method used, the GM can find some way to encourage the
to a threat against the hive with a scale of violence thats almost party to head toward the location of the anthill. Once there, they find the
impossible to imagine. Utterly devoted to duty, ants never retreat from body of a man wearing leather armor lying a few hundred yards from the
a confrontationeven in the face of certain death. Their engagements anthill. The man is on a small island of rock in the center of the Oldrock
are brief and brutal. Working in teams, ants grab enemies, holding River. His body is bloated and red, and his armor is heavily damaged,
them in place until one of the warriors rips into the captives body, almost as if it were partially melted by some type of acid. A partially
leaving it smashed and oozing. melted shortsword is gripped in his hand, and he wears a belt pouch that
Of Ants and Men begins as a quest to recover (e.g., steal) eggs from contains a journal.
a giant anthill near the town of Endhome. The real treasure is a sword Speak with dead or perusal of the journal reveals the following details.
made of a rare and strange metal, called the two-edged sword, which has Paraphrase to suit the manner that the characters get the information.
amazingly powerful anti-magical properties. This man and his friends were hired by a wizard to retrieve giant ant
The adventure can also be played (perhaps more effectively) by smaller eggsin fact they were offered 500 gp, with a 500 gp bonus should
groups. In response to many requests from our fans, the main encounters they get a royal queen egg. They fought their way into the nest but
are designed to work well with groups of two to three characters of levels soon realized they could never cut their way through the entire nest of
6 to 8. Even a solo adventurer could do reasonably well, if the individual ants. Their druid used his magic to make them invisible to the ants,
character had very good climbing, trap finding, and stealth skills. Druids, and that seemed to protect them. While working their way down into
barbarians, and rogues will fare best in cases where the groups are limited the egg chambers, they discovered a series of cut caverns and worked
in size. stone tunnels and chambers. There they found a strange vault of carved
While theres plenty of opportunity for combat here, characters who stone covered with ancient, mystic writing. For some reason, the druids
think through a situation before drawing their swords are likely to do best. magic failed, as did that of their wizard and their priest, and the ants
Hacking ones way through is likely to result in character deaths. returned with a vengeance.
They tried to run, dropping most of their equipment in an attempt to run

Starting the Adventure

faster. The man was stung several times by warrior ants, but he made it out
and sought refuge in the river, where he hoped the ants would not follow.
The pain of the ant stings became unbearable, and he hoped a short rest
might restore his vitality. Instead, he died from the poison.
If the GM is using the Lost Lands setting by Frog God Games, the
anthill is located just south of the Penprie Forest, near the city of Endhome The journal also notes that the worker ants seemed docile enough
and along the banks of the Oldrock River. GMs using another setting could at first, and the warriors, while aggressive, were slow moving. It also
place this adventure anywhere with virtually no modification beyond contains a rough map, indicating that they got into the anthill through the
minor re-tweaking of the finding the body portion of the adventure. entrance leading to Area 2.
Otherwise, its playable anywhere. The anthill itself rises 40 feet above the plain. Multiple entrances can be
There are a number of hooks the GM can use to get the players involved seen, some with ants moving in and out of them. Careful inspection reveals
with this adventure. Rumors of a giant anthill filled with treasure could that the ants are not active outside at night. The area around the anthill
be presented in the local watering hole, or perhaps a more direct method is almost completely stripped of vegetation in a radius of approximately
could be employed. Bug-hunts such as this often are high on danger and one mile. Creatures that approach the anthill during daylight hours are
low on treasure (that describes this one), so if incentive is lacking, several investigated by 3d6 workers, 1d6 warriors, and 1 bomber ant.
methods can be employed. Potential adventure hooks include:
Player characters are hired to get giant ant eggs. A kindly old wizard,
perhaps a friend of the characters, needs these eggs for magical research. Giant Ants and the Hive Mentality
He will pay 500 gp if they retrieve eggs for him.
Player characters are geased by a not-so-kindly wizard to gather eggs Before I go into the adventure itself, the GM should understand certain
from the anthill. While not a very nice way to treat player characters, this general information that governs the whole of the ant lair. Members
is about as old-school as you can get. In fact, in the original white box operate without a power hierarchy or permanent leader. Colonies are
version of the game, virtually all wizards and clerics encountered used decentralized, with workers that individually know little making combat
geas and quest on player characters regularly. Alas (for GMs; not so much decisions that nonetheless prove effective at the group level without
for PCs), this is a different day and age. oversighta process called swarm intelligence. Different varieties of ants
A powerful lord was killed while fighting gnolls on the fields are described, different conditions that exist depending on player character
south of the Penprie Forest, very near where the giant anthill is (or random event) actions that occur, as well as the type of terrain (e.g.
located. When retainers arrived to recover the dead, they found the the portion of the hive) that encounters with ants could occur in all play a
bodies had been dragged away by giant ants. His family offers a factor in their behavior.
reward of 1,000 gp for recovery of his body (impossiblehe was During the course of the adventure, the player characters can encounter
eaten) or 500 gp for recovery of his plate armor. The armor is five different kinds of ants: workers, warriors, drones, bombers, and the
inscribed with his family crest: a pair of unicorn heads entwined by queen.
of ants and men
Initiative +1
Giant Ant, Worker
These are sterile females, approximately 2-3 feet long, which do the bulk DEFENSE
of the heavy lifting, hive construction and expansion and food gathering AC 14 (natural armor)
for the colony. The workers present in this colony are not particularly hp: 45 (6d8 + 18)
aggressive, and absent pheromones being released indicating that the
hive is in trouble, generally will not attack a creature that enters the hive, OFFENSE
unless it is an ant from another hive. Lacking a poison sting, these ants Speed: 25 ft., climb 20 ft.
typically approach any intruders and smell them using their antennae. Melee AttackBite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
While it may seem at first that a player character is being attacked, these Hit: 2d8 + 2 piercing damage plus 1d8 poison damage,
ants will not aggressively bite anything moving about unless attacked and the target must make a successful DC 13 Con
first. In combat, these ants typically grab a leg or an arm and hold on while saving throw or become poisoned. A poisoned creature
the warriors attack the held opponent. There are 900 workers in this hive. repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns; a
Each week 10d6 more join the hive to replace slain comrades. successful save ends the poisoning.


XP 100 (CR 1/2) Str 14 (+2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 17 (+3),
Unaligned Small beast Int 1 (-5), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Initiative +0 Languages: None
Skills: Perception +3
DEFENSE Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 13 (natural armor)
hp: 39 (6d6 + 18) ECOLOGY
Environment: Any land
OFFENSE Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (36), or hive (10100
Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft. workers, 7-18 warriors, 28 drones, 1-4 bombers, and 1
Melee AttackBite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: queen)
2d6 + 2 piercing damage and the target is grappled. The
worker ant cant bite while it maintains a grapple.

Str 14 (+2), Dex 10 (+0), Con 16 (+3),
Int 1 (-5), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Languages: None
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.

Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (36), or hive (10100
workers, 7-18 warriors, 28 drones,
1-4 bombers, and 1 queen)

Giant Ant, Drone

These winged male ants are fairly rare outside of the queens chamber,
and quite short lived (she eats them). They exist only to procreate, only
mobilizing to fight if the hive is attacked. They are slightly bigger than
warriors, but their poison is weaker. There are 16 drones in this hive. Each
week 1d6 more join the hive to replace slain comrades.


XP 200 (CR 1)
Unaligned Medium beast
Initiative +0
Giant Ant, Warrior
These ants are 5-6 feet long and much more aggressive than their DEFENSE
worker sisters. In addition to a nasty bite, these ants have a poison sting AC 14 (natural armor)
that can be used three times per day. Also sterile females, these ants are the hp: 76 (9d8 + 36)
organizers of colony-wide resistance and attack. Attack groups typically
are organized into groups of 1 warrior with 6 workers that attack single OFFENSE
opponents as a group. The probability of attack depends on several factors Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
if a warrior ant is approached within 50 feet. Fortunately they are fairly Melee AttackBite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
slow moving. There are 120 warriors in this hive. Each week 4d6 more 3d8 + 3 piercing damage plus 1d8 poison damage.
join the hive to replace slain comrades.
GIANT ANT, WARRIOR Str 16 (+3), Dex 10 (+0), Con 18 (+4),
XP 450 (CR 1) Int 1 (-5), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Unaligned Medium beast Languages: None
Quests of Doom: Bugs and Blobs
Skills: Perception +3 for a few rounds first and dont detonate their poison-
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. filled abdomens until they have fewer than 15 hit points
remaining and are likely to die soon anyway. The bomber
ECOLOGY ant always tries to position itself among the densest group
Environment: Any land of enemies before triggering the poison burst. However,
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (36), or hive (10100 the poison burst can be set off two ways by other
workers, 7-18 warriors, 28 drones, 1-4 bombers, and 1 creatures. First, an attack that does 25 or more points of
queen) force, lightning, piercing, or slashing damage to a bomber
ant triggers its poison burst instantly. Second, a bomber
ant thats killed before it uses its poison burst has a 1-in-3
chance (roll 1 or 2 on 1d6) of setting off the burst instantly
with its last, dying spasms. Other giant ants are immune to
this poison.

Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (36), or hive (10100
workers, 7-18 warriors, 28 drones, 1-4 bombers,
and 1 queen)

Giant Ant, Bomber

These ants look like workers with large hind ends. Really large hind
ends. These Sir Mix-a-lot inspired critters have a terrible special attack.
They are basically suicide bombers that unleash a caustic poison in a 10-
foot burst, covering everything near them in a more deadly version of the
ant warriors poison. These creatures are fairly rare in the hive, and are
non-aggressive unless directed by a warrior to attack or if they sense the
hive is threatened through release of pheromones. There are 60 bombers
in this hive. Each week 2d6 more join the hive to replace slain comrades
(attrition is high among bombers).

GIANT ANT, BOMBER Giant Ant, Queen

XP 450 (CR 1) Her Majesty resides in her throne chamber, and basically sits there,
Unaligned Medium beast mating with drones and making eggs. The queen is the center of colony
Initiative +1 life because she reproduces. She does does not lead troops (although she
is quite dangerous in close combat) or organize labor. There are always
DEFENSE several queen eggs hidden in other chambers, in case she is slain or dies.
AC 14 (natural armor) While she lives, queen-bearing eggs are brought to her to be devoured.
hp: 45 (6d8 + 18) The queen is always accompanied by 3d10 workers and 2d6 warriors,
and they fight fanatically to protect her. There is ever only one queen in
OFFENSE a colony. If she is slain, another is born within 1d2 days, growing to full
Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft. size in six weeks.
Melee AttackBite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
2d8 + 2 piercing damage and the target is grappled. The GIANT ANT, QUEEN
bomber ant cant bite while it maintains a grapple. XP 700 (CR 3)
Area AttackPoison Burst: automatic hit (10-ft. radius Unaligned Large beast
sphere; creatures in the sphere). Hit: 1d8 +3 poison Initiative -1
damage, and the target must make a successful DC
13 Con saving throw or become poisoned. A poisoned DEFENSE
creature takes 1d6 poison damage at the start of each of AC 15 (natural armor)
its turns, then repeats the saving throw; a successful save hp: 105 (10d10 + 50)
ends the poisoning. Also see Poison Burst, below.
STATISTICS Speed: 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
Str 14 (+2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 17 (+3), Multiattack: The queen ant bites once and stabs with her
Int 1 (-5), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1) claws once.
Languages: None Melee AttackBite: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. Hit: 2d8 + 4 piercing damage plus 1d8 poison damage,
and the target must make a successful DC 15 Con
TRAITS saving throw or become poisoned. A poisoned creature
Poison Burst: The bomber ants poison burst is a one-time repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns; a
attack that destroys its abdomen (the large, hindmost successful save ends the poisoning.
portion of its body). A bomber ant takes 20 force Melee AttackClaws: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
damage when it uses this attack. They can use the attack Hit: 2d6 + 4 piercing damage and the target is grappled.
whenever they want, but typically, bomber ants fight The queen ant cant attack with her claws while she
of ants and men
maintains a grapple, but a grappled creature takes 2d6 Character slays an ankheg or bulette (50%
+ 4 piercing damage automatically at the start of the chance if not attacked that a warrior sprays the
queen ants turn. -75% character with pheromones, making it one of
the gang unless they attack an ant or enter the
STATISTICS queens chamber)
Str 18 (+4), Dex 8 (-1), Con 20 (+5),
Int 6 (-2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)
Languages: None The Hive is in Trouble!
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. This occurs if one or more ants are slain within 500 feet of the hive. The
slain ant releases pheromones that indicate the hive is under attack. Note
ECOLOGY that instant kills, such as by cloudkill, fireball, etc., do not allow the ant to
Environment: Any land release this warning. Should this occur, all outsiders are treated as hostile,
Organization: hive (10100 workers, 7-18 warriors, 28 drones, and the ants organize and attack.
1-4 bombers, and 1 queen) While some of the workers that first reach the attacking force try
to delay or subdue the intruders, another group does not join the fight
immediately, but instead returns home, leaving an odor trail behind.
When they arrive home, they warn their nest mates by moving their
bodies back and forth, and touching the antennae of the other ants
with their own antennae. This gathers 6d6 workers, 3d6 warriors, and
1d6 bombers as reinforcements to join the fight. If they are slain or
losing, another batch of the same numbers arrives every ten minutes
Another cause of war is one colony (basically anything that is or
resembles a giant ant) entering the territory of another.

This situation occurs if the aphid nest or the fungus garden is destroyed,
after a one-week delay. In this case, workers attack at the same probability

Hive Conditions
as soldiers. All the remaining ants remain unchanged.
A note on using area of effect or kill the hive spells: Use of
spells such as fireball and lightning bolt in dirt tunnels can be very
Certain conditions can determine how the hive reacts to instruction by dangerous. Any use of large destructive spells within a tunnel or
outsiders, such as the player characters. These include: chamber has a percentage chance of causing a collapse within its area
of effect equal to the points of damage done by the spell (assuming no
The Hive is At Peace save). This area has a 25% chance to expand to one-and-a-half times
the spells area of effect. For example, if a fireball is cast in a 60-foot
This is the standard condition of the hive. Normal attack chances occur
if any intruders are present. The worker ants touch and sniff anything chamber and does 32 points of damage, the 40-foot area centered on
within reach, but do not physically attack unless attacked or directed the burst has a 32% chance to collapse (because the spell did 32 points
by a warrior. Drones and bombers just ignore intruders unless a warrior of damage). If a collapse occurs, there is a flat 25% chance that it will
is present and hostile. The warriors base chance of attacking anything expand from 40 feet to 60 feet in diameter (because 40 feet x 1.5 = 60
within 50 feet is 20%, modified as follows: feet).
Kill the hive spells such as cloudkill can wipe out a large number of
ants. Keep in mind the area of effect and duration of the spell. The vast
+5% 1 player character within 20 feet size of this place would only allow a small portion of the hive to be killed.
+20% 2-3 player characters within 20 feet One good effect of spells that cause instant death is that they prevent ants
from releasing The Hive is in Trouble pheromones.
+40% 4-5 player characters within 20 feet
+60% 6 or more player characters within 20 feet

Hive in trouble! One or more ants have been
killed within 500 feet of the hive
Four AreasOne Hive
+100% A foreign giant ant (e.g., polymorphed PC) Nearly all of the hive area is un-numbered areas. These tunnels and
chambers are full of random ants, and little else. Numbered locations are
+30% Within 200 feet of queens chamber
described specifically at the end of this section. Movement through the hive
+100% Within queens chamber absent the map in Area 2 is rather random, because it is a huge, trackless
-40% Silence spell on character maze. Each minute, roll on the following chart to determine what the
player characters find. Encounters are dictated in each level description.
-40% Invisibility spell on character Following the map (or using a find the path spell or equivalent) uses 60
Character made successful DC 13 Dexterity of these features (as selected by the GM, but always including Areas 3, 5,
-30% and 6, and always terminating in Area 8).
(Stealth) check
Character tosses sweet food (honey, sugar, aphid
jelly) d20 Hive Feature
Character is coated in giant beetle guts (50% chance Pathway up to the surface; requires crawling (1-9)
if not attacked that a warrior sprays the character or can be walked (10) out of (into keyed areas 1
-50% 1
with pheromones, making it one of the gang unless or 2). Applies only in the Upper Hive; otherwise it
they attack an ant or enter the queens chamber) moves the party up one level.

Quests of Doom: Bugs and Blobs
Hive Feature
Tunnel continues 100 feet, flat
Keyed Areas in the Upper Hive
Tunnel continues, but reduced in size (Medium-size
characters must crawl)
1. Are Those Big Grasshoppers?
The tunnel entrance at this location seems devoid of ants. The walls
Opens into a chamber 10d10 feet in diameter. and ceiling of this 20-foot-diameter hole are made of the same compacted
There are 1d3 exits from the chamber. earth as the rest of the entrances, but the floor seems freshly dug and soft.
Opens into a chamber 5d10 feet in diameter. Careful inspection of the floor reveals that various bits and pieces of ants
9-10 (legs, a thorax or two) are mixed in with the soft dirt piles, the odd leg or
There are 1d3-1 exits from the chamber.
antennae sticking out of the piles.
11-12 Dead end. The tunnel leads to a chamber 60 feet across, with large piles of rock
13-14 Opens into a numbered area (select randomly). and earth blocking all other exits. Four rounds after the chamber is
entered, 11 ankhegs break through the floor and attack anything in the
Tunnel continues 100 feet, but slopes up or down chamber (unless it was entered by someone under magical silence). This
steeply in turn draws one battle group of ants every minute, starting on the fifth
Obstacle blocks path (1 = deep deadfall, round of combat. A battle group consists of 3d6 workers, 1d6 warriors,
2 = sheer cliff of 10-60 feet, 3 = partial blockage and 1 bomber ant.
requiring crawling, 4 = collapsed tunnel). The ants have largely abandoned this entrance, blocking access from
17 below after deciding that losses were too high to defeat the ankheg nest.
This requires the GM to improvise to some
degree, and allows player characters to use That being said, should sounds of battle emanate from here, the ants join
skills. in the fray. Player characters who are carefully observant notice that the
ants attack the ankhegs viciously, but they pay no attention to the player
18-19 Tunnel leads down to the next level. characters. If any player character attacks an ant, they are sprayed with a
Tunnel leads deep into the earth, out of the hive pheromone indicating they are hostileand all ants automatically attack
(GMs choice of where this leads). them for 1 hour.
Ankheg Tactics: Ankhegs gain automatic surprise on the first round of
combat except against someone with mining skills or a dwarf. They burst

Entrance and Upper Hive through the ground and attack using their bite immediately. Each round
thereafter, an ankheg has a 25% chance of spitting acid and a 75% chance
of attacking physically. If wounded over 50%, an individual ankheg
The entrance and upper levels of the hive consist of dirt tunnels and retreats underground and burrows away.
chambers dug out by the tireless labor of the workers. These tunnels Ant Tactics: The ants attack individual ankhegs in groups of 6 workers
typically are 6-10 feet in diameter and are composed of hard-packed earth. and 1 warrior, with extra warriors or workers aiding their allies (the
There are eleven surface entrances leading down into the hive, and these player characters) until a total of 7 creatures are on a single ankheg. The
lead into chambers full of workers and the occasional other ant. Only the bomber ant heads toward the biggest group of ankhegs before exploding
entrances leading to Areas 1 and 2 are passable by anything larger than a on them.
halfling unless one crawls. If using the map, this area requires 20 minutes Afterward: Should the player characters help the ants defeat the
to traverse. ankhegs, any surviving warriors (roll for each) has a 50% chance of
In this area, wandering monster checks must be made every minute by approaching one individual player character (it seems aggressive, but is
rolling on the table below. not) rear-end first and spraying a pheromone on them. This spray lasts 1
hour, and prevents the individual player character from being attacked by
1d20 Encounter any ants unless the queens chamber is entered or the player characters is
within 10 feet of an ant that releases an enemy-labeling pheromone as it
1-9 1d3 worker ants dies.
10-11 1 warrior and 1d6 worker ants
12 1 drone
13 1d6 warriors, 1 bomber, and 2d6 worker ants
14-19 No encounter
20 Intruder!

Worker Ants: These ignore all beyond 20 feet (roll 6d6 for distance),
otherwise they behave as described above. They typically carry leaves and
sticks or other food items.
Warrior Ants: These behave as described above.
Drones: These ignore intruders unless commanded to
attack by a warrior.
Intruder!: This is either 1d6 ankhegs (50% chance),
1d6 giant beetles (35% chance), or a bulette (15%
chance) here to eat ants and anything else they find.
They attack anything they encounter. Note that covering
oneself in beetle guts or defending ants against the
larger predators can have positive consequences. Any
intruder encounter automatically draws an encounter
as if 13 was rolled after five rounds of combat.

of ants and men

(Ankheg: AC 14, 39 hp; +5 to hit, 2d6 + 3 slashing damage hours it contains 3d6 worker ants. It is abandoned during the night.
plus 1d6 acid damage and the target is grappled [bite]; The far wall is spattered with blood and bits and parts of non-edible
30-ft. line, 3d6 acid damage, or half damage with a adventuring equipment. Present in the chamber are the following:
successful DC 13 Dex saving throw [acid spray, recharge A spear head, 2 daggers (1 is bent and corroded), a mace head, a
6]; the ankheg has tactical advantage on bite attacks completely destroyed suit of plate armor, a shredded (and very bloody)
against a creature it has grappled) suit of chain armor, a metal shield (missing its leather straps)
An iron box containing two potion bottles (potion of flying and potion
(Giant Ant, Worker: AC 13, 39 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 piercing of levitation)
damage and the target is grappled) An ivory scroll tube containing a map of the best path through the
middle levels leading to the worked stone area and the sword vault. Travel
(Giant Ant, Warrior: AC 14, 45 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing using the map takes 1 hour to reach the stone tunnel area. Ants and other
damage plus 1d8 poison damage, and the target must creatures encountered on the map path include wandering monsters as
make a successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become well as Areas 3, 5, and 6.
poisoned [bite]; a poisoned creature repeats the saving No organic or body parts are here, as everything edible was picked
throw at the end of each of its turns, and a successful clean by worker ants.
save ends the poisoning)
(Giant Ant, Worker: AC 13, 65 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 piercing
(Giant Ant, Bomber: AC AC 14, 45 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 damage and the target is grappled)
piercing damage and the target is grappled [bite]; 10-ft.
cone, 1d8 + 3 poison damage and the target must make
a successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become poisoned
[poison spray]; a poisoned creature takes 1d6 poison Middle Hive
damage at the start of each of its turns, then repeats the
saving throw, and a successful save ends the poisoning) Dozens of tunnels and chambers fill this area, most full of workers.
This creates a maze that makes it almost impossible to follow without a
map or spell indicating the correct way to go. This area contains the cow
2. Dead Dudes farms of giant aphids. Random wandering through this area likely leads
This large tunnel entrance (8 feet in diameter) leads 40 feet down at a to certain doom, as eventually the player characters will be attacked by a
10% slope and opens into a 40-foot-diameter chamber. During daylight warrior, forced to defend themselves, and will either be killed or will kill
Quests of Doom: Bugs and Blobs
an ant (creating a Hive is in Trouble situation). If using the map, this
area requires 30 minutes to traverse. 4. Bombs Away!
In this area, wandering monsters check must be made every minute by This area is the nesting area for the hives bomber ants. At all times,
rolling on the following table. 6d6 bomber ants are present here. They are generally non-aggressive and
slow-moving. The ants segregate them to avoid accidents should they
accidentally pop. The ants only bother intruders if attacked or if the hive
d20 Encounter is on alert due to famine or war pheromones. If any player character has
1-9 1d3 worker ants hostility pheromones, this area is very dangerous. Otherwise the bomber
ants just sit still, resting, and dont even sniff or investigate any intruders
10 1 bomber
(its tiring carrying around that big butt!).
11 1 drone, 1d2 warriors, 1 bomber, and 1d6 worker ants
12-19 No encounter (Giant Ant, Bomber: AC AC 14, 75 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2
piercing damage and the target is grappled [bite]; 10-ft.
20 Intruder! cone, 1d8 + 3 poison damage and the target must make
a successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become poisoned
Roll 8d6 to determine the distance in feet between PCs and ants at the [poison spray]; a poisoned creature takes 1d6 poison
start of an encounter. damage at the start of each of its turns, then repeats the
Worker Ants: These ignore all beyond 20 feet, otherwise they behave saving throw, and a successful save ends the poisoning)
as described above. They typically carry chunks of dirt or rocks, aphid
jelly, or other food items.
Warrior Ants: These behave as described above.
Drones: These ignore intruders unless commanded to attack by a
Intruder!: This is either 1d4 ankhegs (35% chance), 2d6 giant
beetles (50% chance), or a bulette (15% chance) here to eat ants (and
anything else they find). They attack anything they encounter. Note
that covering oneself in beetle guts, or defending the ants against
the larger predators, can have positive consequences. Any intruder
encounter automatically draws an encounter as if 11 was rolled after 5
rounds of combat.

Keyed Areas in the Middle Hive

3. The Aphid Nest
This chamber is 200 feet in diameter and is filled in the center with
torn up bits of plants and branches covered in leaves. At any given time
there are 3d6 worker ants present here, running aphid puke out of the
chamber to soldiers and the queen at regular intervals. This area represents
the primary delivery are for outside vegetation brought in by the workers
each day. In addition to all the greenery, there are approximately 200
giant aphids roving about the chamber munching way on the leaves
and branches. The aphids ignore intruders unless touched (or attacked),
in which case they regurgitate a sticky, sweet substance on the ground
(gallons of it) and squeak and retreat from the one contacting them. The
aphids are harmless.
These giant aphids are herded like cows by the ants. The aphids secrete
a sweet substance called honeydew, prized as food by ants. This substance
consists of partially digested, highly concentrated plant sap and other
wastes. These aphids have a symbiotic relationship with the ants that
resembles the relationship of domestic cattle to humans; hence the name
ant cows for aphids. The ants tend the aphids, transporting them to their
food plants at the appropriate stages of the aphids life cycle and sheltering
the aphids. The aphids, in turn, provide honeydew for the ants.
Should all the aphids be slain, the ants go into famine mode as 5. Eeek! Its a Mushroom
described above. Note that the aphids do not release ant pheromones, nor This chamber is also made of packed dirt, and spans an area of roughly
do the worker ants react to aphids being killed. 100 feet in diameter. It is completely covered with hundreds of mushroom
Treasure: Careful digging around in the dirt piles reveals a few pieces growths used as food by the ants, some as small as a few inches high and
of plate armor. One of these (a breastplate) is inscribed with the family some as large as a man. In the center. There are always 3d6 worker ants
crest of the dead noble slain in battle (see adventure hooks). One could present here. In the center of the cave are several species of very large
also obtain a bunch of honeydew that could be used to pacify warrior fungus. Two of these are of note.
ants (1 gallon pacifies an ant if offered prior to attack), if containers are 1. Grayish, 4-foot-tall mushrooms are present in a 10 foot area. Careful
available. inspection from afar reveals that the dead and rotted bodies of several
worker ants are present in a decaying state near their base. These are a
(Giant Ant, Worker: AC 13, 39 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 piercing form of violet fungus; there are 6 here. They move and attack any that
damage and the target is grappled) come within 10 feet. The ants are oblivious to the danger they pose.
2. Two large silver-and-red mushrooms stand in a small wet area near
(Giant Aphid: AC 10, 12 hp; no attacks) the center of the cavern. These are shriekers. If approached within 10 feet,
of ants and men
they sound off, causing a wandering monster check with +12 on the roll Melee AttackBite: +8 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
(ants are used to the noise, but other creatures see this as a dinner bell!). 2d10 + 5 piercing damage. If this attack scores a critical
Should the fungus all be destroyed, the famine condition described hit, see Vorpal Bite, below.
above applies to the colony.
(Violet Fungus: AC 5, 18 hp; +2 to hit, 1d8 necrotic damage Str 20 (+5), Dex 10 (+0), Con 16 (+3), Int 2 (4), Wis 10 (+0),
[rotting touch]; attacks 1d4 times) Cha 9 (1)
Languages: None
(Shrieker: AC 5, 13 hp; shrieks loudly when a creature Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
approaches within 30 feet)
Vorpal Bite: The mandibles of a slicer beetle are extremely
6. Raid! sharp. It scores a critical hit if the attack roll is a natural
This is more of a fixed encounter than it is a room.
19 or 20. If a slicer beetle scores a critical hit on its attack
At some point in the exploration, the player characters encounter a mass
roll, the affected creature must make a DC 10 Dex saving
melee between ants and giant slicer beetles (see Fifth Edition Foes). In the
throw. Failure indicates the slicer beetle severed one of
melee when the player characters encounter this are 12 workers, 2 bombers,
and 7 warrior ants and 10 giant slicer beetles. These beetles have developed the opponents extremities (roll 1d8: 14 = arm, 58 = leg;
a taste for giant ant, and have burrowed here to get a meal. Similar to the even = right, odd = left).
ankheg encounter, this encounter provides an opportunity for the player
characters to become one of the gang with the ants for a short period of time ECOLOGY
and facilitate passage through the hive. Once again, the ants do not attack the Environment: Temperate forests
player characters unless attacked, treating them as allies in this fight. Organization: Solitary or cluster (25)
Beetle Tactics: Being far larger than the ants, the beetles try to quickly kill

Lower Hive and

anything non-beetle that they can and move onto the next victim. Anything
killed by a beetle, should they win the combat, is taken and devoured.
Ant Tactics: The ants attack individual beetles in groups of 6 workers

Queens Chambers
and 1 warrior, with extra warriors or workers aiding their allies (the
player characters) until a total of 7 creatures is on a single beetle. The
bomber ants head for the largest groups of slicer beetles before exploding.
Afterward: Should the player characters help the ants defeat the This area features more aggressive warrior ants as well as several
beetles, any surviving warriors (roll for each) has a 50% chance of areas central to the adventure. The soldier and drone ants here are always
approaching one individual player character (it seems aggressive, but is aggressive (+30%), and usually attack anything not coated in beetle guts
not) rear-end first and spraying a pheromone on them. This spray lasts 1 or friendly pheromones. One ant always runs immediately to the queens
hour, and prevents the individual player character from being attacked by chambers to warn the ants of intruders there, even if the intruders have the
any ants unless the queens chamber is entered or the player characters is correct smell. If using the map, this area requires 10 minutes to traverse.
within 10 feet of an ant that releases an enemy-labeling pheromone as it In this area, wandering monsters check must be made every minute by
dies. Anyone smeared with beetle guts is treated as if they had the friendly rolling on the following table.
pheromone for 1 hour as well.

(Giant Ant, Worker: AC 13, 39 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 piercing 1d20 Encounter
damage and the target is grappled) 1-7 1d6 worker ants
(Giant Ant, Warrior: AC 14, 45 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing 8-10 1d6 solder ants
damage plus 1d8 poison damage, and the target must 11-15 1d6 warriors, and 2d6 worker ants
make a successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become
poisoned [bite]; a poisoned creature repeats the saving 16-19 No encounter
throw at the end of each of its turns, and a successful 20 Intruder!
save ends the poisoning)
Worker Ants: These ignore all beyond 20 feet (roll 8d6 for distance for
(Giant Ant, Bomber: AC 14, 45 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing all encounters (in feet)), otherwise they behave as described above. They
damage and the target is grappled [bite]; 10-ft. cone, typically carry aphid jelly.
1d8 + 3 poison damage and the target must make a Warrior Ants: These behave as described above.
successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become poisoned Drones: These ignore intruders unless commanded to attack by a
[poison spray]; a poisoned creature takes 1d6 poison warrior.
damage at the start of each of its turns, then repeats the Intruder!: This is either 1d4 ankhegs (15% chance), 2d6 giant beetles
saving throw, and a successful save ends the poisoning) (35% chance), or a bulette (50% chance) here to eat ants (and anything
else they find). They attack anything they encounter. Note that covering
GIANT SLICER BEETLE oneself in beetle guts, or defending the ants against the larger predators,
XP 700 (CR 3) can have positive consequences. Any intruder encounter automatically
Unaligned Large beast draws an encounter as if 11-15 was rolled after 5 rounds of combat.
Initiative +0

AC 15 (natural armor)
Keyed Areas in the Lower Hive
hp: 42 (5d10 + 15)
7. The Queens Chamber
OFFENSE This 200 by 200 foot square chamber is constructed of cut stone, and
Speed: 20 ft. has been commandeered by the ant queen as her throne chamber. There
Quests of Doom: Bugs and Blobs

are nine exits leading out of the room at various places, none of which is Giant Ant, Worker: AC 13, 39 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 piercing
large enough for anything larger than a halfling to crawl through, except damage and the target is grappled)
the stone passageway that leads to Area 8. The ceiling is 20 feet high and
also made of cut and mortared stone. The room is filled with thousands (Giant Ant, Warrior: AC 14, 60 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing
of eggs, as well as pools of honeydew and choice tidbits of animal flesh, damage plus 1d8 poison damage, and the target must
plant matter and fungus. There are always 2d6 warriors, 1d6 drones, and make a successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become
3d10 worker ants here, as well as the queen. The warrior ants here are poisoned [bite]; a poisoned creature repeats the saving
elite, so they have 60 hit points instead of the usual 45. throw at the end of each of its turns, and a successful
As the center of intelligence for the any colony, the queen directs the save ends the poisoning)
soldiers to position themselves in front and on her sides. She does not
order them to immediately attack, preferring to wait until she sees how (Giant Ant, Drone: AC 14, 76 hp; +5 to hit, 3d8 + 3 piercing
they react while 2d6 workers scurry off to gather reinforcements. A total damage plus 1d8 poison damage [bite])
of 1d3 battle groups (3d6 workers and 2d6 warrior ants) arrive each
minute after the first. No bombers come to this chamber.
This room can be either a boon or a death trap. Note that pheromone 8. Tunnels of Stone
spray of any kind does not fool the queen. She recognizes intruders for Eventually, either by luck or by use of the map from Area 2, the player
what they are. Tactics that can be employed here are to either 1) present characters will find this area. The dirt and mud tunnels suddenly change to
an offering of sweet food to the queen, then back off slowly and leave or a mud-brick, mortared stone complex. This area is obviously constructed
2) cast speak with animals or comparable magic and converse with the by men, not ants. The entrance to these tunnels is where the ants dug to,
queen. Any other tactic or action results in the entire hive coming down and the room here is 30 feet square, with exits straight ahead (to Area 7)
and attacking intruders. The queen is suspicious, but should the player and the left (to the Dungeon of the Sword). The left tunnel runs 60 feet
characters have beetle guts or pheromones indicating they have helped straight and ends in a staircase going down.
the hive, she likely lets them pass along, if they are suitably deferential.
As long as the characters persuade the queen that a) they mean no harm
and b) are not stealing eggs, they are either left to wander (if they have
9. Royal Eggs
This chamber consists of dirt, as does most of the ant hive. The chamber
fought the ankhegs, beetles, or bulette) or attacked and eaten. It is possible is 40 feet in diameter, and has no other exits. There are always 6 elite
that the queen would send them (under threat of death) to deal with the warrior ants here. Only the warrior ants are allowed to transport royal
bulette in Area 10, as she has lost too many soldiers attempting to rid her eggs, and these stand guard in case the queen is killed, in which case a
hive of it. If asked for eggs, she indicates that if the bulette is killed, she drone is summoned to fertilize three of them. The eggs are allowed to
would grant a boon of 10 royal eggs (she eats them anyway, as a new hatch, and the infant queens then fight a three-way duel to the death, with
queen is a potential rival and not tolerated). If this is the case, she sends the survivor becoming the new queen. There are 30 royal eggs here.
a warrior ant to guide the player characters to Area 9 and allows them to
take 10 eggs. Roleplaying with the queen and the player characters can be (Giant Ant, Warrior: AC 14, 60 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing
an enjoyable and amusing experience for everyone; have fun with it. She damage plus 1d8 poison damage, and the target must
is haughty and surprisingly clever (despite her low Intelligence score), but make a successful DC 13 Con saving throw or become
in an alien, buglike way. She knows nothing of the sword vault, and has poisoned [bite]; a poisoned creature repeats the saving
directed her minions to avoid the area as many were killed in examining it. throw at the end of each of its turns, and a successful
The queen has no treasure. save ends the poisoning)
(Giant Ant, Queen: AC 15, 105 hp; +6 to hit, 2d8 + 4
piercing damage plus 1d8 poison damage and the 10. Bite the Bulette
target must make a successful DC 15 Con saving throw The solid stone tunnel leading to this area is nearly devoid of ants,
or become poisoned [bite]; a poisoned creature repeats with only a half dozen workers at 30 foot intervals along its 180 foot
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, and a length. The workers stand motionless, not even bothering to sniff any
successful save ends the poisoning; +6 to hit, 2d6 + 4 intruders unless the bulette makes an appearance. The end of the tunnel
piercing damage and the target is grappled [claws]; opens into a stone and dirt walled chamber 100 feet in diameter. Unlike
the queen ant cant attack with her claws while she the other chambers in this place, this one has a stone ceiling, covered with
maintains a grapple, but a grappled creature takes 2d6 stalactites, although its floor is dirt. Bits of the fallen limestone cover the
+ 4 piercing damage automatically at the start of the floor in small piles, and water drips down, making the floor somewhat
queen ants turn) muddy and slippery.
of ants and men

There is a 20% chance that the bulette is asleep here, a 40% chance it is
out hunting, and a 40 % chance it is awake and lying in wait in the ground.
The bulette has reached an uneasy truce with the ants, neither wanting
to give up its lair nor wishing to continuously fight these nasty-tasting,
Dungeon of the Sword
acid-filled insects. Unlike the ankhegs and beetles, the bulette does not The ant colony found a very easy way to expand its hive recently.
particularly enjoy ant as a meal. Likewise, the ants, after initially trying While tunneling, they came across a long-buried, worked stone dungeon.
to drive the beast off, quickly realized that its thick armor and devastating Defeating everything residing there, they used the worked stone corridors
attacks were more than a match for them, and decided to leave guards and rooms as new space without having to dig. This uncovered a vault area
posted and well enough alone. that killed many of them, and now they give that place a wide berth. This
Tactics: The bulette seeks meals elsewhere, but thanks to its ability to area begins where the stairs connect down from Area 8. The downstairs
track prey by vibrations, quickly realizes something tastier than ants is area is off-limits to the ants, and none come here. There are no wandering
coming down the tunnel. Its favorite tactic is to keep its nose just above monsters on this level.
the ground (it looks like a rock) and attack by crawling up and out of the
ground, surprising opponents. The bulette attacks any within the chamber,
ignoring dwarves but pursuing halflings throughout the corridors leading Keyed Areas within the Dungeon
to this chamber.
At the first sign the bulette is active, the worker ants retreat to get help.
Unlike combat with the ankhegs and beetles, the ants (while 1 battle group
of the Sword
arrives per minute) stand back from this fight, scattering away from the
bulette unless he approaches the queens chamber. 11. Ants Dont Build Traps!
Afterword: Should the player characters defeat the bulette, any At the base of the stairs, the corridor continues 60 feet and turns to
surviving character is approached by an ant warrior (it seems aggressive, the left. The floor is filled with desiccated and crushed remains of ants,
but is not) rear end first and sprayed with pheromones. This spray lasts 1 perhaps a dozen or so. Bits and pieces of these are smashed flat in places,
hour, and prevents the individual player character from being attacked by where other parts seem basically intact. Careful inspection reveals the
any ants unless the queens chamber is entered of the player characters is floor to be composed of 1 foot by 6 inch rectangular bricks surrounding 2
within 10 feet of an ant killed (releases a counter pheromone that labels foot wide hexagonal bricks spaced 3 feet apart. The hexagonal bricks are
the individual an enemy) by the player characters or an ally. all pressure plateseach triggers a release mechanism that unleashes a
(Bulette: AC 17, 94 hp; +7 to hit, 4d12 + 4 piercing damage [bite]; the heavy spring, thrusting the 2 foot wide hexagonal columns into the ceiling.
bulette can jump 15-30 feet and land in a space containing other creatures, Anyone contacting a hexagonal section of the floor is thrust up into the
which take 3d6 + 4 bludgeoning damage plus 3d6 + 4 slashing damage ceiling and smashed flat. Moving safely through a section of hexagonal
and are knocked prone, or take half damage and are pushed 5 feet with a bricks requires a successful DC 5 Dex (Acrobatics) check. Triggering one
successful DC 16 Str or Dex saving throw [deadly leap]) of these causes 6d6 damage, or half damage with a successful DC 15 Dex
Quests of Doom: Bugs and Blobs
saving throw. There are 20 such sections in the 60 foot hallway. Once the
corridor turns, there are no more hexagonal plates.
New Magic Item
12. Something Wicked This Way Comes
The corridor continues another 30 feet and opens into a 30 foot by 40 The Two-Edged Sword
foot room. A large, stone double door is present on the far side, opposite Very Rare Weapon (requires attunement)
the corridor. In the center of the room is a diamond-shaped stone of pure This longsword is an antimagical sword made of Osmium, one
blue marble, 5 feet per side, sharp in contrast to the other reddish brown of the rarest metals in the world. It radiates a constant antimagical
mud brick of the place. effect that prevents the use or functioning of any magic within 60
feet of the sword. Spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items are
The Door entirely ineffective within this radius. Spell areas of effect stop when
In the center of the door is a large keyhole, with a cup-shaped depression they reach the swords antimagic field. Magic items brought within
3 inches deep encircling the hole for a key. The cup is surrounded by a the area must make a successful saving throw or be permanently
series of small (1/4 inch) holes. The door is carved with mysterious runes disenchanted. The DCs for the saving throws are as follows:
and hieroglyphs. No magic of any kind functions within 10 feet of the
door. (Be sure to read the description of the new magic item below before Potion: DC 20
proceeding, as magic items fail within 10 feet of the door, and may in fact Scroll: DC 19
be permanently destroyed.) Ring: DC 17
Comprehend languages (if cast more than 10 feet from the door) allows Rod, Wand: DC 14
a character to read the runes and hieroglyphs on the door. A character Staff: DC 13
who spends 10 minutes studying the door and makes a successful DC Miscellaneous Magic Item: DC 12
18 Intelligence (Investigation) check can puzzle out enough of them to Armor or shield (add magical bonus to saving throw): DC 11
get their general meaning, but the information will be fragmentary. They Miscellaneous Weapon (add magical bonus to saving throw):
pronounce a general curse in an ancient tongue against all wizards and DC 10
priests, calling them deceivers and villains and stating that all of them Sword (add magical bonus to saving throw): DC 9
will die in lakes of fire and blood.
The door is locked with an extremely intricate lock, requiring thiefs Saving throws must be made upon first entering the aura effect
tools and three consecutive DC 15 Dexterity checks to unlock. Any single each day; only one saving throw is needed per item per day. A
failed check requires a restart of the three checks. Further, the first failure successful save doesnt mean the magic item works in the aura,
breaks a hidden vial and releases a poison/acid gas; anyone within 5 feet only that it isnt destroyed.
is automatically affected, and it fills the entire room in 3 rounds. The glass Artifacts and relics are never destroyed by the antimagic field,
vial can be detected with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) but they also must make a successful DC 3 saving throw or their
check, but it cant be removed, as it is 3 inches inside the door frame. If powers are negated while in the field.
the players ask exactly how far in they see the glass object, be very clear
The swords antimagic effect cant be nullified or turned off in
on the distance, as this may come into play when they use the key-scepter
any way.
found in the coffin, as described below. The gas dissipates in 1 day. A
The only way to destroy the two-edged sword is to melt it in
character who starts his or her turn in the gas takes 4d6 acid damage and
nonmagical fire at 3300 degrees K (5480 degrees F).
4d6 poison damage, or half damage with a successful DC 15 Constitution
Osmium is a hard, brittle, bluish-white metal in the platinum
saving throw. The gas only triggers once.
group that is found as a trace element in alloys, mostly in platinum
ores. This is probably the largest piece of pure Osmium in the
The Blue Diamond world. Osmium is the densest naturally occurring element; the
The blue diamond in the center of the floor is a stone slab. It is not sword is so heavy that anyone with a Strength below 13 has
set with mortar as are the other bricks that make up this room. Prying tactical disadvantage on their attack rolls with it.
it up requires a prybar or similar lever, and can be accomplished easily
by someone with such an implement, but is almost impossible without
the tool (automatic success with a prybar; requires a successful DC 25 into a creature can be killed at once by casting lesser restoration or
Strength check without a tool; if a weapon is used as a prybar, a DC 15 comparable disease-curing magic on the creature. After the third round,
Strength check is needed, and the weapon breaks if an odd number is burrowing scarabs can only be killed with magic; theyve gone too deep
rolled on the die). to be affected by stabbing, crushing, or burning.
Beneath the stone is a 5-foot-deep, 3-foot-wide, 5-foot-long vault, The swarms burst out of the coffin 1d3 rounds after the diamond plate
containing what appears to be a coffin or a mummy case. Contrary to is removed, or immediately upon opening the coffin. It attacks the nearest
characters suspicions, there is no undead within the coffin. What it does opponent, then moves toward the next closest target.
contain is the terrible menace of 4 scarab swarms. A scarab swarm is Treasure: Inside the coffin is a golden rod worth 2,500 gp along with
identical to a standard swarm of beetles, but it replaces that swarms bite the bones of a man. The scepter is 3 feet long, and has a large knob on one
attack with the following attack. end, and a large knob with a 4-inch, keylike protrusion of the other end. It
is carved with entwined snakes baring large fangs, their heads facing the
(Scarab Swarm: AC 12, 22 hp; +5 to hit, 4d6 piercing end with the extended key. If used to open the door, the end with only a
damage and the target must make a successful DC knob works like a key and opens the door. The end with the key protrusion
11 Dex saving throw or 2d6 scarabs burrow into its flesh does likewise, but using it also triggers the gas trap as described above
[scarab bite, see Burrowing Scarabs below]; half damage (the key extension is just long enough to strike and shatter the vial
if swarm is below half hit points; can occupy the same containing the gas). If anyone asks, be clear that the key would hit the
space as another creature) glass object visible in the keyhole, if its been noticed.
Burrowing Scarabs: Each surviving scarab in the creatures flesh
causes 1 piercing damage at the start of the scarabs turn. A scarab in a
creatures flesh can be killed automatically by stabbing it (creature takes 13. The Sword Vault
1d3 piercing damage), by smashing it (creature takes 1d4 bludgeoning Once the door is opened, a corridor leads 50 feet, ending in a blank
damage), or by burning it (creature takes 1d6 fire damage). If killed this wall. No magic of any kind functions in this corridor. Careful searching
way, each scarab must be killed separately. All the scarabs burrowing (a successful DC 15 Intelligence [Investigation] check, with one check
of ants and men
allowed per 10 minutes of searching) will locate a single brick that is not
mortared, near the floor in the center of the back wall. If this brick is pried
loose, a keyhole can be found. Not surprisingly, the keylike protrusion on
the golden rod fits it perfectly.
Opening the lock without the rod is possible, but highly difficult; doing
so requires thiefs tools and a successful DC 20 Dex check made with
tactical disadvantage.
Once the lock is opened, a rumbling can be heard, and the bricks and
mortar start to crack and fall apart. At this point, the floor below starts
rising toward the ceiling. In two rounds, the floor will be flush against the
ceiling and anything still in this corridor will be squashed to jelly between
them. The only escape is to race out of this area and back to Area 12 before
the end of the second round. Anyone who foolishly hesitates or refuses to
run is dead.
In fact, it was not just the floor that was rising, but the entire vault
beneath it. The vault is composed of the same blue marble as was the
diamond in Area 12. In its center lies a sword wrapped in dusty red cloth.
The cloth falls apart if touched. This is the two-edged sword.

The obvious problem with getting away with the sword is that no
magic or magical abilities can be used. If the party used tricks such as
becoming invisible or speaking with animals on their way in, none of that
will work on the way out. If the player characters have befriended, or at
least not offended, the ant hive, it should be possible for them to escape.
In any case, characters must navigate their way out the same way they
came in, which means spending 60 minutes running the gauntlet of the
tunnels. Getting out can prove to be even more difficult than getting in
was. Rememberpossession of that sword is two-edged.

The Pit of despair

The Pit of Despair By Bill Webb and Clark Peterson

Designed for a party of at least 13th level, this module details an deeds of this great man border on the unbelievable. In fact, most common
adventure to recover the sword of Karith, a +3 holy avenger longsword. folk consider them great exaggerations, if not outright myth. In truth,
Not the straight-forward hack-and-slash treasure hunt your players will Karith was less famous than he should have been, having done deeds far
be expecting, this adventure is instead a trap laid by the forces of evil to greater than even the most superstitious or pious would believe.
corrupt and destroy their greatest enemies: paladins. Karith wielded the mighty sword, Entrancacor, which in the ancient
At the direction of Orcus, the demon-god of undead, a nalfeshnee dwarven tongue means slayer of demons. The finest dwarven smiths
demon named Caanara misappropriated the sword of Karith and hid and enchanters forged this sword for the Holy Order of the Justicars
it in a desert temple, called the Temple of the Justicars. Adding to his the paladins of the goddess Muir over 1,000 years ago. Legend
villainy, Caanara also replaced the sword of Karith with an unholy holds that no greater weapon was ever forged, before or since. Tales
sword, which Orcus heavily enhanced to mimic the sword of Karith. tell of demon armies recoiling from a lone man wielding this sword.
Knowing paladins simply cannot resist a holy quest to recover a lost, The sword was passed from grandmaster to grandmaster within the
magic sword, the forces of evil have created a win-win situation. Up- holy order over many generations, and Karith was the last grandmaster
and-coming paladins attempting to find the temple and recover the of the Justicars.
sword will either be killed outright during their quest or be utterly As Karith neared the end of his life, the gods of Good bade him wait
corrupted when they inadvertently recover the unholy sword, believing patiently for his successor to appear. However, no paladin of the order
it to be the sword of Karith. This adventure, then, has two possible then living was sufficiently worthy of bearing the sword and becoming
outcomes: either the PCs all die or they recover an Evil and corrupting grandmaster. Some held promise, yet none sufficiently distinguished
unholy sword. Cruel treatment of the characters, you say? Evil? himself from his peers. The high priests of the temple of Thyr and Muir
Wicked? Dastardly? Exactly. the god of Law and the goddess of virtue and paladins, respectively
GMs thus must be at their most deceptive, skirting that thin line communed with their gods and were instructed to have faith. After
between gunning for your players and running a complex deception fairly. several years passed with no worthy successor appearing, a female
GMs must run this adventure with an understanding that it was crafted by celestial of Muir visited the priests. In angelic splendor, the celestial
extraordinarily intelligent deity-like demons whose goals are deception, instructed the high priests to relinquish the sword into her keeping. She
corruption and slaughter. For instance, do not refer to this adventure as revealed her plan to set the sword in a temple, hidden in a valley deep
The Pit of Despair. Instead, call it The Temple of the Justicars or The within a distant desert, where it would await discovery by a paladin
Quest for the Sword of Karith. Do nothing to tip off the do-gooding worthy to retrieve it and bear it forth again. By its recovery, the celestial
heroes to the presence of the trap. told the priests, they would know the new grandmaster of paladins.
The partys initial trip to the Temple of the Justicars most likely Legends call the resting place of the sword the Temple of the Justicars.
results in their defeating the demon guardians and recovering the false Though many brave paladins have attempted the swords recovery, to
holy sword, thus corrupting the partys paladin. This unlucky soul this day, none has succeeded.
will then need to perform an act of atonement to cleanse himself of
his unwilling sins and recover his paladinhood once he realized his
corruption. Learning that the destruction of the false holy sword is the
only means of atonement, the PCs no doubt attempt a second trip to
For the GM
the temple, where they return with the unholy sword in an attempt to
The avatar mentioned above, who retrieved and hid the sword, was
destroy it along with the demon Caanara, and recover the true sword
unrelated either to Thyr or Muir, and was instead Caanara, a nalfeshnee
of Karith.
demon, sent by Orcus to steal the sword and place it beyond the reach of
GMs should feel free to replace Orcus, the demon-god of undead,
those serving Thyr and Muir. A master of deception, Orcus also gave his
and Thyr and Muir, the god of Law and the goddess of virtue and
demon a false sword, called Entranhumani (slayer of humans), with
paladins, respectively, with those gods most appropriate to their
campaign. which to dupe and despoil any paladins who successfully locate the hiding
place of Entrancacor. Orcus bound his demon to the swords resting place
and commanded him to guard it. GMs should remember that nowhere in

The Legend of the

the legends are these demons mentioned; instead, convince any questing
paladin that his gods avatar took the sword. The PCs should expect a
quest to find a sword belonging to the good guys adventure, not an evil

Holy Sword of Karith trap set by the worst enemies of Law and Good.
The methods by which the PCs discover the exact location of the Pit
of Despair are up to the GM. The holy swords hiding place is a well-kept
secret. Because demons do not want a powerful enemy running around
For the Players slaughtering their kind with so powerful a weapon, even they go to great
pains to keep the location a mystery however fond they are of using
PC paladins are familiar with the legend of Karith a heroic paladin the ruse to destroy up-and-coming paladins. And there are never any
of old who roamed the lands as a champion of Good, wielding a wondrous survivors of failed quests to question their deaths mistakenly attributed
sword of great power. Consulting a sage or casting a legend lore spell to the paladins excess pride or arrogant belief in his own worthiness to
reveals the true history of Karith and his holy sword. bear the sword. When in reality he was yet another victim of Orcus and
Many years ago, a paladin of great renown, named Karith, roamed the Caanaras treachery and deception.
world, righting wrongs, slaying dragons and protecting the innocent. The Consultation with a sage is, perhaps, the best way to set the adventure in
Quests of Doom: Demons & Devils

motion. The sage could direct the PCs to a secluded sect of Muirs priests. edge of the desert, they must then travel an additional 60 miles through it
Those priests, should they deem the partys paladin worthy, provide him until they reach the Valley of the Temple.
with a copy of a map to the Valley of the Temple of the Justicars the GMs wishing to avoid a prolonged wilderness trek can proceed directly
rumored hiding place of the sword of Karith. They also inform the paladin to the section entitled, The Entrance to the Pit of Despair, below.
that the legends reveal that only someone devout and who sees with the However, GMs are encouraged to run wilderness encounters as the PCs
true eyes of faith can find the entrance to the Temple. travel to the Valley of the Temple. This increases the epic quest feeling
Other methods of discovering the location of the Pit of Despair include of the adventure, making the PCs more likely be duped when they recover
a treasure map, a holy text found secreted away in a vast library, a message the false holy sword after their major battle in the Pit. Otherwise, the PCs
scratched into an abandoned shield or breastplate, a divinely bestowed might get suspicious if the quest is too easy.
vision, or consultation of the oracle at Rappan Athuk.

Traveling to the The Entrance

Temple of the Justicars to the Pit of Despair
The PCs have traveled miles through the desert and have finally reached
After learning the location of the Temple of the Justicars, as described this forsaken place the Valley of the Temple. Their map guides them
above, the PCs must travel to the edge of the desert and beyond to the into a cleft in the red-rock wall. They travel the narrow path in the shade
Valley of the Temple. GMs should make this an arduous journey fraught of the looming walls for over an hour, and emerge from between the two
with danger to provide the right feel for a holy quest. In the Lost Lands large walls of rock into a small canyon, open to the sky.
campaign setting by Frog God Games, the lost Temple of the Justicars The canyon ends in a worked wall of red stone, similar to that of the
lies in the mountains ringing the desert plateau known as the Sacred Table. surrounding rock. The floor of the canyon is sand. Worked-stone entrances
The ruins of the holy city of Tircople still stand upon this plateau across are set into the wall at various heights. The entrances all have the same general
the desert from the Crusader Coast. appearance: a 10-foot-high archway flanked by bas-relief statues of knights
To reach the general location of the Pit of Despair, the party must in mail. There is no detail that distinguishes one from the other. To access the
travel through a wilderness stretching 180 miles beyond the last human entrances which do not have ledges in front of them the PCs must find
settlement. The first 120 miles involve traveling to the edge of the desert a way to climb the face of the canyon wall, which is nearly vertical. They can
and should be dangerous, though not overly so. Once the PCs reach the do this by climbing, which requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
The Pit of despair
check, or by using magic such as dimension door, fly, levitate, or teleport. merits, without guidance. Remind them: this is a test of faith and virtue, which
Climatic conditions in the Valley of the Temple run to extremes: can only be surmounted by noble, unguided, individual action. In reality,
unbearably hot during the day (exceeding 110 at noon) and freezing cold Orcus himself is watching the PCs and actively disrupting any contact with
at night (dipping below 0 from 1 am to 3 am). This inhospitable region their Good-aligned deities; he cannot, however, interfere with miracle spells.
offers no source of water and no natural source of shade to shield the PCs
from the sun. Strong winds also plague the valley. Check once every hour
on 1d20 with the following results: 110: no wind, 1115: moderate wind,
1617: strong wind, 1819: severe wind, 20: windstorm. The winds in the
canyon only last for 3d10 minutes. Any time strong or severe winds arise,
The Pit of Despair
there is a 50% chance that a dust storm accompanies them. In addition, any Three areas comprise the Pit of Despair. The first, a large underground
windstorm is always accompanied by a dust storm. The winds themselves, amphitheater resembling a temple to Thyr and Muir, functions as the false
of extreme temperature, do nothing to reduce the effects of heat or cold. Temple of the Justicars. The second area, the pit itself, contains a false
Wandering Monsters: Aside from the weather, one other danger threatens avatar of Muir (really an altered nalfeshnee) and the unholy sword. The
the PCs. There is a 1 on 1d10 chance per hour during the hours of darkness final area, an Evil altar room, contains an unholy shrine to Orcus, with
that 1d6 giant scorpions descend into the canyon to attack the PCs. There the sword of Karith encased in blackest stone. The first two areas are
is an endless supply of these scorpions. They infest the surrounding hills. enhanced with a strong magic that masks true alignments by projecting a
Lawful Good alignment. This enchantment does not mask the alignment
(Giant Scorpion: AC 15, 52 hp; the scorpion attacks of the demons (though the unholy sword masks Caanaras alignment).
twice with claws and stings once; +4 to hit x2, 1d8 + 2 Additional shields prevent detection of the third area.
bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled [claw];
+4 to hit, 1d10 + 2 piercing damage plus 4d10 poison
damage, or half poison damage with a successful DC 12 1. The Temple of the Justicars
Con saving throw [sting])
The entrance room is a large temple, designed to resemble an
False Entrances: All of the obvious entrances are false entrances, amphitheater. Three tiered series of pews lead down to a flat central area
leading to caves and passages but not to the Temple of the Justicars. Each that features an altar. A recessed area at the far side of the room is lined
such cave has a 50/50 chance of being occupied by 1d4 giant scorpions, with columns, ending with a statue of Muir. The recess contains a large
which immediately attack intruders. Each cave also houses a sarcophagus pit, 30 feet across, around which mists swirl, obscuring view within. The
of marble, carved to represent a knight in mail on the stone lid. Each such only inhabitants of the chamber fifteen robed priests of Muir chant
sarcophagus has a 2-in-3 chance of containing the remains of a knight in and dance around the pit. The walls of the amphitheater and the pillars are
full plate armor with a sword (of random type) and shield. If remains are worked with images of knights in full armor.
present, there is a 1-in-6 chance for each that the armor or the sword is
enhanced. If enhanced, roll 1d6: 15 = the item is +1, 6 = the item is +0
but has another miscellaneous effect. These remains are, in fact, the corpses The First Visit
of paladins killed during their quest to recover the sword of Karith. The At first glance, the room resembles a temple of Muir austere and
demons have entombed the remains to look like the final resting place dignified with clean, white marble columns, altars and statues. Holy
of revered heroes. The demons find this false reverence very entertaining. runes and glyphs cover the walls. Careful inspection and a successful DC
The Real Entrance to the Temple of the Justicars: The actual entrance 15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals subtle defacement of the holy
to the Pit of Despair is hidden from mortal eyes. Only a paladin under the effect images, vaguely suggesting an evil presence. The room detects as Good;
of a true seeing spell or comparable magic has a chance to see the entrance. however, the dancing priests clearly detect as Evil because they are, in
Such a paladin must still make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) fact, 5 vrocks dancing their Dance of Ruin, attended by 10 dretches. They
check to see the entrance; one check can be made per 15 minutes of searching. attack as soon as they detect the PCs presence.
Powerful magic prevents any other means of detecting the entrance, short of If characters manage to observe the demons surreptitiously, a PC who
a wish or a divine miracle. Even find the path does not reveal the entrance. If makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that although
there is no paladin in the party, any Lawful Good character will do; if theres all the priests appear human, five of them are a little too tall to be human and
no Lawful Good character, this requirement can be dropped (but what are you ten are a little too short. Anyone who makes a successful DC 20 Intelligence
doing running this adventure for these characters?). (Religion) check realizes that the priests dance is not of any known ritual
Once the real entrance is exposed, that paladin can thereafter see the in the worship of Thyr or Muir but resembles the abyssal Dance of Ruin.
entrance as plainly as the false ones and can direct others to the entrance. Dance of Ruin: The Dance of Ruin is an abyssal ritual unique to vrocks.
The GM should make it very difficult though not impossible to If a vrock dances the Dance of Ruin for three consecutive rounds, the dance
locate the true entrance. Let the party search for several days and suffer the concludes at the end of the third round when a crackling wave of energy
temperature extremes and begin to despair and contemplate abandoning the explodes from the vrock, doing 5d6 points of lightning damage to all creatures
quest. After no fewer than three days searching, the GM might take pity within 100 feet, or half damage with a successful DC 14 Dex saving throw.
on the party and give it the following clue: between midnight and 2 am, Each additional vrock involved in the dance increases the damage by 2d6 and
someone notices a faint glow from the portion of the cliff face where the increases the DC of the saving throw by +1, to a maximum of 11d6 when
true entrance is located. This clue doesnt let the PCs see the actual entrance; four or more vrocks dance (the DC keeps climbing with additional vrocks,
it just gives them a hint about where to concentrate their intensive search. but damage does not). The dance immediately ends and must be started anew
They still need to cast true seeing on a paladin to see the real entrance. If if any of the participating vrocks are slain, stunned, or otherwise prevented
the PCs still cant find the entrance, prod them to the proper solution by from dancing. With five vrocks dancing here, the burst of energy will do 11d6
reminding them of the words of the priests that only someone devout and lightning damage and the saving throw has a DC of 18.
who sees with the true eyes of faith can find the entrance to the Temple. Vrock Tactics: When PCs first enter the amphitheater, the vrocks,
Once located, the entrance threshold may be crossed at will. There are disguised as robed priests of Muir, are gathered in a circle dancing around
no doors, locks or traps on the entrance. A winding, 10-foot-diameter, the pit and chanting. They started their dance when the party passed through
roughly worked tunnel leads 120 feet to Area 1. the hidden entrance, completing it the first round the party is fully within the
Note: Because the Pit of Despair is a source of conflict between Good room which becomes the first round of combat. If the characters have not
and Evil deities, any spells, such as commune, divination or find the path, yet grown suspicious of the dancing priests, the explosion of lightning when
cast in an attempt to learn the location of the entrance or the consequences of the Dance of Ruin ends should quickly convince them. Once the Dance
future actions will have no result or only confusing results. GMs might imply of Ruin effect occurs, the vrocks attack viciously. All five of these vrocks
that Thyr and Muir want the PCs to find and recover the sword on their own have the variant ability to summon other demons, however, and they take
Quests of Doom: Demons & Devils

The Pit of despair
turns making the attempt for the first five rounds of battle. They summon pretended fear. They do what they can to make the paladin and his party
dretches only if all 10 dretches have already been destroyed; they prefer to believe that they have, in fact, won the sword of Karith and can return to
summon another vrock. PCs killed in the Pit have their souls taken directly the world, carrying with them an unholy sword, thereby despoiling one
to the Abyss where Orcus himself feasts on them. They cannot be retrieved of the worlds more promising paladins. When Caanara disappears, he
or raised without divine intervention, or by a wish. really just teleports himself to Area 3, where he remains. Remember that
Caanara has genius-level intelligence; play him as though he really were
(Vrock: AC 15, 104 hp; the vrock attacks once with beak Muirs female celestial. The party should have no clue that this is a ruse
and once with talons; +6 to hit, 2d6 + 3 piercing damage unless one of their number has true seeing (the true seeing on the paladin
[beak]; +6 to hit, 2d10 + 3 slashing damage [talons]; 15-ft. required to find the entrance should have long since worn off). If his
cloud, creatures in cloud must make a successful DC 14 ruse is discovered, Caanara teleports to Area 3, and any other remaining
Con saving throw or become poisoned; poisoned creatures demons flee to that area if they can.
take 1d10 poison damage at the start of their turn and Once Caanara teleports away, the vrocks make no attempt to fight
repeat the saving throw, and a successful save ends the whoever has the unholy sword, instead resuming their attacks against easier
poisoning [spores, recharge 6]; 1/day, vrock can screech, foes. They flee from the paladin, acting as through afraid of him. If the
causing all nondemon creatures within 20 feet of it to make paladin attacks them with the unholy sword, it seems to cuts through the
a successful DC 14 Con saving throw or be stunned until the vrocks like butter. They pretend to die after they are struck by the sword
end of the vrocks next turn [stunning screech]; has tactical although they wont dissolve into ichor as demons typically do when
advantage on saving throws against magic) slain, which should clue in characters whove fought demons before that
something is amiss. They arent afraid to die to further this ruse, since
Dretch Tactics: Dretches are pathetic, expendable pawns. The dretches death outside the Abyss is no more than a free ticket home for demons.
try to keep melee combatants away from the vrocks while those far Conversion: At this point, the GM might choose to have the unholy
tougher demons concentrate on killing spellcasters. sword tempt the paladin, suggesting his conversion to the cause of Evil.
The sword tells the PC that if he converts right now to the cause of Chaotic
(Dretch: AC 11, 18 hp; attacks once with claws and once Evil, accepts Orcus as his god, and joins with the demons in slaying his
with bite; +2 to hit, 1d6 piercing damage [bite]; +2 to hit, companions, then the sword will instantly advance him by two experience
2d4 slashing damage [claws]; 1/day can emit a cloud of levels. In addition, the sword promises the PC demon servants of great
gas in 10-ft. radius [fetid cloud]; creatures that start their power, a suit of +2 armor and a +3 shield.
turn in the gas must make a successful DC 11 Con saving These offers are almost entirely lies. If the character accepts the swords
throw or be poisoned until the start of their next turn; offer, he becomes an oathbreaker paladin. None of the other benefits are
poisoned creatures are limited to a single action or bonus delivered: no increase in level, no demonic servants, no magic armor. The
action on their turns, and cant take reactions) sword has accomplished its goal of perverting a paladin.
If the PC refuses to convert, the swords magic causes him to forget
The Arrival of the Celestial: Caanara, the nalfeshnee demon, bides what just transpired, removing any memory of the solicitation from the
his time at the bottom of the pit (Area 2 on the map). He monitors the wielders mind. Of course, attempting this conversion tips off the paladins
battle between the PCs and the demons. If the characters kill three vrocks player that the sword is not a holy sword and something is terribly amiss.
and it seems likely they will kill the remaining two, Caanara assumes the Only attempt this conversion with a trusted roleplayer who will not reveal
form of the female celestial of legend and ascends from the pit, bearing the swords secret or act on information the character doesnt have.
the unholy sword (see below). If, however, the PCs are losing the battle, This scenario should be roleplayed away from the main group so that
Caanara might intervene on their behalf, emerging from the pit as divine no one else is privy to whats happening. If other players ask questions,
intervention. To maintain the charade, give the PCs a chance to defeat suggest that the sword was communicating privately with its new wielder,
several demons, if possible. explaining its powers. Or you could skip the conversion attempt for now
Once Caanara ascends from the pit, the room brightens with a blinding, and wait until the paladin leaves with the sword, as detailed below.
holy light. The demons freeze. Blasting away the mists covering the
mouth of the pit, a beautiful, shimmering female figure wearing white
robes rises from the pit, as if freed from ages of captivity. She levitates
Return Visit
At some point in the future, when PCs return to the Pit of Despair to
above the pit and holds in her hand a brilliant silver sword, encrusted with
destroy the unholy sword, they find 3 vrocks waiting for them, scattered
gems and inlaid gold and glowing with a holy light.
about the room. The vrocks immediately attack the party. These also have
The vrocks and dretches slink away from her holy presence. Though
the variant ability to summon more vrocks or dretches.
she does not speak, each of the PCs hears a voice, so melodic and
otherworldly it is almost painful.
2. The Pit of Despair
May the goddess bless you for freeing me from my captivity, With the demons finally destroyed, the mist shrouding the mouth of the
the celestial says. Many ages ago I built this temple to house pit dissipates. In the well below lies a massive treasure hoard. The pit, 40
the Sword of the Justicars. When I returned to these halls to feet deep and carved of stone, has no apparent exits.
await the coming of the next grandmaster, hordes of demons
and evil priests overcame me, imprisoning me in that pit. Your
presence distracted them, allowing me to break free. She turns The First Visit
to the paladin in the party. To you, great champion, I bestow Initially, the pit is shrouded with mists that serve no purpose save
this mighty weapon. Borne last by the great hero, Karith, and hiding Caanara from view. He lurks in the bottom of the pit, monitoring
by all Justicar grandmasters before him, you are now chosen to the battle above. If any PC is crazy enough to jump into the pit during
succeed them. Hail to you, Grandmaster! May the lady of virtue combat, he encounters Caanara, who, if not expecting this action, will
bless you! Go forth and use this weapon to bring just retribution be in his original form. If Caanara suspects a PC might enter the pit
to creatures of evil and win glory for our ladys name. before defeating the demons, he changes into his celestial guise before
his arrival and pleads with the PC to slay the demons so that she might
be free and thus bestow the sword on the paladin. If seen in his normal
Her great task completed, the celestial disappears in a blinding flash. form, Caanara engages the PC in melee. If the melee goes poorly,
The vrocks, party to Caanaras deception, recoil from her in Caanara teleports to Area 3. Otherwise, Caanara acts as outlined above
Quests of Doom: Demons & Devils
under The Arrival of the Celestial. the altar and unholy sword, thus freeing the holy sword, by striking the
altar with the unholy sword. The impact shatters both objects instantly!
(Caanara [Nalfeshnee]: AC 18, 184 hp; Caanara can use Destruction of the evil altar and unholy sword nets each PC a 5,000 XP
horror nimbus and make two claw attacks and one story award in addition to any combat experience.
bite attack on its turn; creatures within 15 ft. of Caanara Tactics of Caanara the Nalfeshnee: When encountered in this room
must make a successful DC 15 Wis saving throw or be whether by a resourceful party on its first visit to the Pit of Despair
frightened for 1 minute or until it makes a successful Wis or by a party returning to the pit to undo his treachery Caanara uses
save [horror nimbus; recharge 5, 6]; +10 to hit, 5d10 + 5 all his powers to slay all PCs. As soon as the secret wall is opened,
piercing damage [bite]; +10 to hit x2, 3d6 + 5 slashing he tries to summon 1d3 hezrous (50% chance of success). He uses his
damage [claw]; can teleport up to 120 ft. as an action; horror nimbus as often as possible, and only fights hand-to-hand as a
has tactical advantage on saving throws against magic) last resort. If reduced to less than 30 hit points, Caanara teleports to
Area 1 (above the pit, which is now sealed off by the open secret door).
Treasure: 6,200 gp, 36,000 sp, a gold cup set with emeralds worth Defeating Caanara should be a feat that all of the surviving PCs brag
7,000 gp, inlaid masterwork harp of silver and elven hair worth 4,000 gp, about for years.
amulet of inescapable location (cursed; appears to be an amulet of proof Treasure: The holy sword, Entrancacor is inside the stone altar. See the
against detection and location; wearer has tactical disadvantage on saving Appendix for more information. The sword can be moved from the altar
throws against divination), bracers of defenselessness +3 (cursed; appear block either by casting a wish spell on the altar or by striking the altar with
to be +3 bracers of armor and act as such until the wearer is attacked by the unholy sword, Entranhumani, as described above. Doing so shatters
a creature with a CR at least equal to the wearers level; then they lower the altar and the unholy sword and frees the holy sword (the party cant
the wearers AC by 5, and do so until removed) and a periapt of foul have both!). No other way to remove the sword exists.
rotting (cursed; appears to be a periapt of health; its owner loses 1 point
of Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma every week). Unless a wish is
used, the cursed nature of the items cannot be detected while PCs are
within the pit. Atonement
Secret Door: The secret door to Area 3 is very difficult to locate,
having been concealed with powerful magic. No magic short of a wish If the characters are duped into believing they have recovered the
makes it obvious. A true seeing spell reduces the DC to find the door from sword of Karith, there is a strong chance that the paladin will fall under
35 to 25. the evil swords sway. The PCs should have no encounters on their return
The secret door consists of an entire 40-foot section of the wall. When trip. Returning to an area with a large (over 50) population of humans,
opened, the door swings upward 90 degrees, triggering a trap a symbol the PCs might begin to note changes in the sword wielder. The sword
of death inscribed on the reverse side of the door and sealing the pits waits until a good-sized group of low-level victims are available and,
mouth. in the presence of a few of the paladins comrades, tries to seize control
and force the character into a killing spree! Consider the common room
of an inn or tavern, late in the evening after most PCs have retired and
False Ending the paladin is telling the story of the swords recovery to some locals,
If the PCs do not find the secret door, the GM should smile, solicit an appropriate venue. Or, more despicably, wait until the paladin visits
feedback on how challenging the adventure was, and congratulate the local church to pray. The sword tries to take control of the character
the players on a job well done. Remark how incredible it was that the every day when a ripe opportunity presents itself, and erases the memory
PCs defeated five vrocks conducting the Dance of Ruin to recover the if the attempt fails.
sword of Karith! Then take a break, quit for the night, or start the next GMs can find this highly entertaining. Any PC paladin succumbing to
adventure. The unholy sword will show its true colors later. Wait until the will of the sword and committing atrocities loses his paladin status and
the next playing session before beginning corruption of the paladin. See cannot continue as a paladin without doing atonement. Any PC attempting
Atonement, below. to rid himself of the sword discovers that it continually teleports itself
back to him.
The sword, of course, suggests an alternative. After the PCs
Return Visit paladinhood is lost, the sword tempts the paladin into becoming an
Returning to destroy the unholy sword, the PCs find the Pit of Despair oathbreaker, with the temptations described above under Conversion.
empty. Any treasure left by the party during its previous visit has been The only catch: he must slay all of his Good- or Lawful-aligned
moved to Area 3. companions.
As GM, decide who might properly suggest atonement for such vile

3. The Altar of Evil and Good

deeds. For example, require that the PC return to the priests of Muir from
whom he obtained the map to the Temple of the Justicars. There, he can
relate the story of the quest and its consequences. After much prayer and
If the PCs find, open, and survive the symbol of death-trapped secret communing with the paladins deity, the priests describe what must be
door, they enter a large room. The secret wall, however, swings up and done to restore paladinhood: the paladin must destroy the unholy sword!
seals the pits mouth with a foot-thick lid of stone. The large room houses There is only one way for this to be done: it must be smashed upon the
an evil altar carved from onyx set upon an ebon dais. Strangely, the onyx, altar on which it was forged. That altar, the PCs are informed, is hidden
partially transparent, reveals the fabled sword of Karith, pulsing with a within the Temple of the Justicars, but no one knows exactly where. When
holy white light, sealed within the altar. this is done the PCs are promised not only will the unholy sword be
At this point, the demons re-enter the picture, attacking the PCs en destroyed, but they will also free the true sword of Karith. This act also
masse. Their sole purpose: preventing retrieval of the holy sword. The restores the fallen paladins status.
forces of darkness include Caanara the nalfeshnee, as many vrocks as Most likely, amid feelings of doubt, hope and regret, the party gears
survived the initial encounter in Area 1 above and two more vrocks if this up for a return trip to the Pit of Despair. Plan an appropriate number of
is a return trip to the Pit of Despair. The party will also have to contend with wilderness encounters if it travels overland. Perhaps now the PCs might
the dretches that survived the initial encounter. Unlike before, all demons teleport to the canyon containing the temples entrance. Once the PCs
now concentrate their attacks on whoever wields the unholy sword. They arrive at the Pit of Despair for the second time, GMs should refer to the
interpose themselves between the PC and the altar, preventing contact at above sections in Areas 1 and 2 entitled Return Visit for details on how
all costs. the Pit of Despair is different the second time around. Who knows? Maybe
During combat (but most likely after combat), the paladin can destroy they will even succeed
The Pit of despair

Appendix: Entrancacor
and Entranhumani
Entrancacor (Holy Avenger)
Very Rare Weapon (requires attunement)
Entrancacor is a sentient, Lawful Good +3 holy avenger longsword.
In addition to the standard abilities of a holy avenger, it has Int 14, Wis
13, and Cha 17. It can communicate telepathically with its owner and has
hearing and darkvision out to 60 feet. It can cast the spells dispel magic
(3/day, +6), see invisibility (at will), heal (1/day), true seeing (2/day), and
banishing smite (1/day, on itself).
Entrancacor is noncorporeal except when it is held or carried by a
Lawful Good paladin, ensuring that no one but a Lawful Good paladin
can even pick it up, much less use it.

Entranhumani (Unholy Reaver)

Very Rare Weapon (requires attunement)
Entranhumani is a sentient, Chaotic Evil +3 unholy reaver longsword.
It does an extra 2d6 damage to targets of Good alignment, but a wielder
who is not Chaotic Evil has a -1 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws,
and ability checks made while Entranhumani is drawn. It has Int 14, Wis
13, and Cha 17. It can communicate telepathically with its owner and has
hearing and darkvision out to 60 feet. It can teleport into its owners hand
as a bonus action. Entranhumani can cast the spells forget (3/day, on its
wielder only; removes all memory of the last 5 minutes; no saving throw),
feeblemind (2/day, save DC 14), and harm (1/day, save DC 14).
Entranhumani is noncorporeal except when it is held or carried by a
paladin of any alignment, ensuring that no one else can even pick it up,
much less use it.
The only way to destroy Entranhumani is to strike the altar on which it
was forged while a holy sword is encased inside the altar. This altar lies
in the Pit of Despair.
All attempts, magical or mundane, to discern the nature of Entranhumani
identify it as a Lawful Good +3 holy avenger.

dread dragon temple

Dread Dragon Temple By James M. Ward

Dread Dragon Temple is a 5th Edition adventure designed for four to the dean of the wizards consortium) wants to know what it is. Someone
six characters from level 5 to 7. is willing to pay a handsome reward to anyone willing to set foot inside
the ancient dragon temple. It must be less dangerous than confronting two
living dragons.
History of the Characters could find a crude, simple sketch of the temple (essentially,
the map accompanying this adventure, minus the scale and other labels)
Dread Dragon Temple drawn on a flap of dragon hide, along with cryptic clues such as Giant
rattlesnakes here and Watch out for lizardfolk! Most importantly, it
This information isnt essential for players to understand, but it will would include a clue concerning how to get inside (Present a dragon
enhance their enjoyment of the adventure and provide them a few clues on here or Ask politely, but loudly). Additional clues could mysteriously
how to proceed. If you play this adventure as a one-shot, you can read the appear on the map the nearer characters get to the temple.
following aloud to players to get things started. If the adventure is being The temple can be seen from miles awaymany days travel, in
folded into an ongoing campaign, its best to break this information into clear weather. If characters know nothing about it, just seeing it in the far
smaller chunks and present it gradually over many gaming sessions as distance should pique their curiosity, if they have any.
legends and folk tales the characters hear in roadhouses or read in ancient

Reaching the Temple

books and scrolls found in treasure hoards.

In the mountainous country of Norss there is a stone temple Simply reaching the temple is challenging. The mountains around it are
shaped like a dragon. This is no ordinary temple; the structure rugged and exposed to severe weather.
is shaped like a massive dragon, and it stretches across 15 miles But this isnt an adventure about mountain climbing. Theres no need to
of mountainside! At that size, it can be seen for many miles. throw geographical obstacles in the characters paths. Just let them know
Everyone in the surrounding countries has heard of it, though that climbing to the head of the temple is going to take 1d4 + 3 days of
many people whove never seen it doubt that such a thing could hard climbing.
exist. Those who have seen it, leave it alone. Such a structure is The easiest and best route to the mouth, however, is by climbing up
no place for mortals to go messing about. the tail and marching across the temples back. If no one thinks of that
One legend that persists, however, is of a magical staff hidden on their own, let the characters attempt DC 15 Int (Nature) checks or Wis
deep inside the temple. If the legend is trueand it probably (Survival) checks; those who succeed recognize, while inspecting the
isntthis staff could transform a person into a massive red temple from miles away, that the roof of the temple is like a paved highway
dragon. As with all great treasures, the staff is guarded by compared to the rest of the mountains. This route cuts the climbing time
ferocious, terrible monsters. Other, lesser treasures also fill the down to 1d3 + 1 days to reach the tip of the tail, plus one more day of
corridors of the dragon templebut how could chests filled with relatively easy marching 15 miles across the temples roof to the head.
diamonds and platinum compare to a device that could transform Reaching the Temple: For each day of climbing, every character
you into them mightiest of all creatures? must make a successful DC 12 Str (Athletics) check or gain one level of
Over the centuries, great warriors and formidable wizards dared exhaustion. There are no random encounters in this part of the mountains;
the temple for a chance at the legendary dragon staff. Every one dangerous creatures seem to avoid the area around the temple.
of these heroes came to the same end: none were ever seen again. Getting Onto the Temple: At the tip of the temples tail, anyone with a
In one such tale, an egotistical king and his crew of dwarven Dexterity modifier of +2 or higher or with training in Athletics can easily
engineers worked for ten years building a ramp to the temples scale the surface and find a place to attach a rope so others can follow
entrance at the dragons mouth. When they finished, 500 dwarven, without making Strength checks.
human, and elven warriors and wizards, every one a legend in his Atop the Temple: The outside of the temple is carved to resemble
or her own time, climbed the ramp to invade the temple. Many truly gigantic dragon scales that would be tiring to walk on, but a narrow,
never made it inside the temple. Those that did, never came smooth path extends from the tip of the tail, up the spine of the temple,
out. The great ramp was burst asunder and tumbled down the right to the head. This path cant be seen from the ground, but its obvious
mountainside. What caused such tremendous destruction, no to anyone who ascends the tail (or the head).
one knows, but the temple has never been challenged on such a Breaking through the wall or roof of the temple is impossible, either by
massive scale again. mundane digging and mining or by magic. The structure is unlike anything
characters have encountered before, and its origin is a complete mystery.
The only danger on this part of the trek is a troop of six lizardfolk

Adventure Hooks
that are met marching in the opposite direction somewhere around the
middle of the temple. Both groups should make Wis (Perception) checks,
using the best score in the group (+3 for the lizardfolk) and with tactical
If the lure of unimaginable wealth isnt enough to overcome the advantage to represent multiple sets of eyes; the group with the highest
characters fear of insurmountable danger, here are some other hooks to try. result spots the other group first at a distance of (1d4 + 1) x 100 yards, and
Two years ago, a blue dragon moved into the mountains 10 miles can make whatever preparations it wants. The lizardfolk use the spines
south of the temple. One year ago, a red dragon appeared in the mountains and scales of the structure for cover to set an ambush for the characters,
north of the temple. Obviously, something major is afoot, and the king (or if they have surprise.
Quests of Doom: giants & dragons

dread dragon temple

(Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing the temple on dragon hide mentioned above under Adventure Hooks.
damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2 3. Magically shrinking or becoming gaseous lets characters slip
piercing damage, [javelin]) between the stone fangs.
Dont feel constrained by these three methods. If players come up with a
creative solution, give it a chance to work; the more creative, the higher the chance.
A. The Mouth of the Dragon Once past the fangs, characters are inside a stony reconstruction of a
towering dragons mouth, carved in remarkable detail. They walk past
rows of teeth along a stone tongue. Characters might expect a long echo
The apparent entrance to the structure is built and carvedits from such a tunnel, but sounds are surprisingly muted.
hard to tell which, reallyin image of the head of an ancient The characters arent alone here. Ten giant poisonous snakes have
red dragon. The head is 150 feet wide, 60 feet tall, and the snout made their den in this cave. As characters advance down the throat, let
alone is 120 feet long. There is flat ground around the head of any character whos alert for traps or danger make a DC 12 Int (Nature)
the dragon, but its only about 20 feet wide; beyond that, the check to recognize that theyre walking into a snake den. If no one makes
mountains plunge away steeply. a successful check, the snakes get to attack with surprise.
The disintegrating bones of dozens of dwarves, elves, and
humans are mingled with bits and pieces of rotted military gear. (Giant Poisonous Snake: AC 14, 11 hp; +6 to hit, 1d4 + 4
In some places, only red dust remains to show where a sword piercing damage plus 3d6 poison damage; successful DC
has rusted away to nothing. As wind howls around this mountain 11 Con saving throw halves poison damage)
face, it occasionally brings the scent of blood swirling out from
the temple mouth.
Each of the granite fangs of the dragon is at least 30 feet tall.
Theres enough space between fangs to see that a cave extends Inside the Temple
down the throat of the dragon, but not enough space to squeeze
through. This must be the entrance to the temple, but theres no The layout of the temple is simple. It consists of a single, long corridor
apparent way to get past the massive teeth. that extends from the entrance to the tip of the tail. The main corridor crosses
two four-way intersections where secondary corridors split off to extend
through the dragons front and rear legs. A much smaller, tertiary corridor
There are three simple ways to get into the stone mouth. extends from the throat (beyond the mouth) up into the dragons head.
1. If characters shout loudly and in unison, asking the mouth to open, The main path through the temple, from the entrance to the tip of the tail, is 15
the jaws part far enough for a Medium creature in armor and with a full miles long. From the entrance to the first four-way intersection is a distance of
pack to walk through. 4 miles; the distance between the intersections is 6 miles; and from the second
2. Showing the temple a dragon of any type causes the jaws to open. It can be four-way intersection to the final chamber in the tail is 5 miles. Each of the
a live dragon, a carving of a dragon, or even just a drawing, including the sketch of four arm corridors is 5 miles long. Different sections are dressed in different-
Quests of Doom: giants & dragons
colored stone corresponding to the five colors of chromatic dragonsblack, Dwarves discern a slight downward slope to the corridor automatically.
blue, green, red, and whitegiving characters some clue as to what lies ahead. Other creatures can detect the slope only if they look for it specifically and
All of the corridors are semicircular in section; they have a flat floor 70 make a successful DC 15 Int (Investigation) check. Normal tests, such as a
yards (210 feet) wide beneath a smoothly arching, semicircular roof that marble on the floor, wont work here because of the uneven, scaled texture
peaks 35 yards (105 feet) overhead. The walls and floor of these corridors carved into all the surfaces.
are carved to resemble dragon scales. The rough surface deadens sound, Dwarves also marvel at the fitting and masterful carving of the stone
so noise doesnt travel far or echo in the templevery much the opposite dragon scales. If the same level of craftsmanship is maintained throughout,
of what experienced dungeon and cave explorers would expect. then the amount of work that went into building this structure surpasses
The corridors are so large that any normal torch or lantern cant anything theyve seen before.
illuminate more than a tiny portion of the floor. The ceiling is completely
lost in darkness if the light source is more than a short distance from a
wall. The circle of light from a torch or lantern is 60 feet in diameter
About a quarter-mile down the throat, a side passage branches
barely one-fourth of the distance from wall to wall in these corridors.
off the main corridor. The main corridor continues on to the
If characters move out of sight from a wall, the swirling pattern of scales
southwest, but the side passage veers sharply to the northeast and
on the floor makes it impossible to keep walking in a straight line. Characters
ascends noticeably. This passage is much smaller than the main
who try to walk down the middle of the corridor quickly find themselves
passage, being only about twenty yards wide. You can actually
heading toward a wall. The wall didnt curve; their footsteps did.
make out the ceiling just 30 feet overhead in the side passage. Its
Whats more, a magical property of this structure deadens light. A
a smooth, semicircular arch curving gracefully from the floor on
torch or lantern should remain visible as a point of light for miles in pitch
one side to the floor on the other side.
darkness such as the inside of this temple. Instead, a light fades rapidly as
it moves away from the viewer, until it disappears entirely at a distance of
just 200 feet. Two characters holding lanterns and standing near the walls
The branch to the northeast leads to area B, while the main corridor
along opposite sides of the corridor can barely see each others lights!
leads to the first (forelegs) crossroads. All of the stonework in this part of
They look miles away, not less than a hundred yards.
the temple is black.

The temple is not, as is widely thought, uninhabited. A community of B. Black Dragon Chamber
lizardfolk lives here, serving the dragon gods, tending to the temple, and
protecting it against intruders. Groups of patrolling lizardfolk will be met
in specific areas of the temple. Feel free to create random encounters with The corridor goes on for a mile before suddenly opening into a
patrols, too, but not too manyits important that the vast space inside chamber. At least, you assume youre in a chamber; once again,
this temple feels mostly empty. its far larger than your light can reach. Unlike the areas youve
Dead bodies of slain adventurers will also be found in some parts of the walked through, this area looks like a natural cavern; its broken
temple. The lizardfolk consider every slain explorer to be a sacrifice to the up by many stalactites and stalagmites.
dragon gods. Lizardfolk never move or even touch these bodies; doing so Not far ahead, you can see a 20-foot-long carving of a young
would defile the sacrifice. Lizardfolk never talk to characters, either. In black dragon. The dragons back is flattened to form a platform
their minds, all strangers inside the temple are unwelcome intruders who about five feet high, and on the platform is a pile of green, lightly
should be killed. glowing crystals.
Lizardfolk can find their way around in the pitch dark of the temple On the floor in front of the statue is a tangle of human body
easily after years of living here. They never carry light sources, meaning parts. You count four heads, and the number of arms, legs, and
they will usually spot characters lights well before they are spotted in torsos seems to confirm that this was once four bodies. Tatters of
return. what once were fine robes are mingled with the bodies. The scent
of dung hangs over the pile.
Resting in the Temple Suddenly, the scratching of claws on stone breaks the silence.
Because of the size of the temple and the many dangers it holds, its
almost guaranteed that characters will take at least one long rest inside,
and possibly two or more. When they do, their dreams will be haunted by Stalactites and stalagmites cover the area. The bodies are the remains of four
the ghosts of dragons. See the section Dragon Dreams at the end of the wizards who came looking for the staff. Characters who search the bodies before
adventure for information about what happens when characters rest inside scouting the rest of the chamber are automatically surprised by the basilisk.
the temple.
(Basilisk: AC 15, 52 hp; +5 to hit, 2d6 + 3 piercing damage
plus 2d6 poison damage; creatures that start their turn
The Dragons Throat within 30 ft. of the basilisk and able to see it must make a
DC 14 Con saving throw; if the save fails by 5 or more, the
creature is instantly petrified; if the save fails by 4 or less,
the creature is restrained and repeats the saving throw at
Past the dragons mouth, youve entered what appears to be the end of its next turn; if the second saving throw fails, the
its throat. The structure no longer resembles the actual insides creature is petrified; if the second saving throw succeeds,
of a dragon, though. You dont know how wide the corridor is; the restraint effect ends; an unsurprised creature can
its so big, your light cant reach from wall to wall. The floor is avoid this effect by averting its eyes, but until the start of its
flat and dressed in tight-fitting black stone carved to resemble next turn, it treats the basilisk as an unseen target)
dragon scales that are each the size of a large shield. The
swirling, whorled pattern makes it difficult to walk a straight The basilisk keeps fighting until theres no one left in its den to fight.
line if you drift too far away from a wall. The roof is beyond Its nest is on a deep shelf above the entrance to the chamber. The creature
the limit of your light, which seems less effective than usual in wont follow retreating characters.
this blackness. This darkness seems more intense than a simple The four dead wizards have equipment useful to experienced
absence of light. adventurers. One wears a ring of protection +1 on her toe, under a blood-
soaked boot. A total of 57 gp and 22 sp can be gotten from purses and
dread dragon temple
pouches. Each figure was equipped with a shortsword and four throwing Theres no effort to hide the grooves in the walls, floor, and ceiling.
daggers. Each also has a scroll tube. Altogether, the tubes contain scrolls of Players should quickly realize that theyre looking into an enormous trap.
fireball, expeditious retreat, cloud of daggers, misty step, see invisibility, The trap is triggered by stepping on well-concealed pressure plates in
polymorph, dimension door, and stoneskin. the floor. The plates are more numerous near the center of the chamber
Eighty-eight glowing crystals are heaped on the back of the dragon. than near the wall. A character who stays within 10 yards of the wall has
The crystals are cut in the shape of dragon scales, and they glow with a a 1-in-20 chance of triggering the trap, checked just once no matter how
green light. The light is too dim to actually illuminate anything, but theyd much they move around near the wall. A character who moves into the
make unusual night-lights. In other words, theyre worthless except as middle ground between the wall and the statue has a 1-in-20 chance of
curios: they could be sold for 1 gp each in a large town or to someone with triggering the trap for every 30 feet they move. A character who moves
gold and curiosity. Dragons and the temples lizardfolk recognize them as within 10 yards of the statue has a 10-in-20 chance of triggering the trap
coming from this temple, however, and wont react kindly to their theft. for every 30 feet they move. Characters who search for the pressure plates
can make DC 15 Int (Investigation) checks; a successful check doesnt
find a pressure plate but confirms in the characters mind that this trap is so
East Junction cunningly constructed, the only way to find a pressure plate is to trigger it.
If the trap is triggered, spinning blades swing down from the ceiling
When characters reach the first crossroad, whichever wall theyre and up from the floor, and rotating blades slice out from the walls at
following simply ends and they find themselves standing at a corner. waist height (on a human). The blades slash through the chamber for four
Because of the immensity of the corridor and the limitations of their light, rounds, affecting one quarter of the chamber per round. The quarters are
exploring this area to be sure of what theyve encountered is a tricky northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. The quarter where the trap
business. The crossroad forms a square 210 feet by 210 feet, and 300 was triggered is affected first, then the blades move clockwise around the
feet across diagonally. Unless characters take special precautions, such as chamber, slashing through one quarter per round. After four rounds, they
setting out lanterns in a straight line as guideposts, someone venturing into retract into the walls, floor, and ceiling and reset. If someone steps on a
the dark must make a successful DC 15 Wis (Perception) check to avoid pressure plate again, the trap activates all over.
becoming disoriented and heading in the wrong direction. This isnt likely When the trap activates, every character in the affected area takes 8d8
to turn into a life-threatening situation. It can test the players ingenuity slashing damage, or half damage if they make a successful DC 15 Dex
as they figure out how to accurately gauge and map their surroundings. saving throw. Characters in other quarters have a chance to race ahead of
Once they figure out that theyre at an immense, four-way intersection, the blades or even get out of the chamber if they act quickly, but if they
read the following text aloud. dither or hesitate, theyll be caught.
The dragon-shaped pedestal at the center of the chamber has a pile of
crystals on its flattened back that are shaped like dragon scales and that glow
faintly with an orange luminescence. Each scale is about seven inches long.
Youve come to a four-way intersection in the broad corridor. Close inspection reveals that theyre nothing but cheap stone; the glow is
Straight ahead, the black-walled corridor continues on. Corridors magical, but the scales are worth only about 1 gp apiece to curiosity collectors.
to the north and south are equally immense, but the northern Taking even one crystal from the pile automatically trips another trap.
corridor is lined with green stonework instead of black, and the The trap can be noticed with a careful inspection of the platform and a
air wafting from that direction is stale and acrid. The southern successful DC 15 Int (Investigation) check. This trap releases poisonous
corridor is lined with blue stone, and the air drifting from that chlorine gas in a visible, green cloud from the statues mouth. Characters
direction is humid. who are still anywhere in the chamber two rounds later take 12d6 poison
damage, or half as much with a successful DC 14 Con saving throw. The
gas persists in the chamber for 24 hours before it dissipates.

C. Green Dragon Chamber A careful search of the remains and gear in this chamber (taking ten
minutes) turns up four potions of cure wounds in metal flasks. Quite a few
ruined scrolls can be found (sliced in half), but one intact tube still contains
If characters take the northern passage, the corridor extends north- a scroll with two polymorph spells. A careful search of that same tube (or a
northwest for a little over two miles, then turns west-northwest for another successful DC 20 Wis [Perception] check) discovers a hidden compartment
three miles before reaching an immense, dead-end chamber. The chamber in the cap that conceals a masterfully cut red ruby worth 1,000 gp.
is circular and 150 yards in diameter, with a domed ceiling that rises to 75
yards above the floor. Characters can estimate the size of the chamber by
making a circuit of the wallbut that would mean entering the chamber,
which they might not want to do.
D. The Dragon Throne
Once again, the already immense corridor opens into an even
The corridor opens into an immense chamber, probably inside larger area. Barely visible in the pitch-black distance is a faintly
one of the claws of the dragon temple. A smell of dried blood blue-glowing object that looks like a throne carved in the shape
and putrefaction permeates the area. Chunks of decaying meat of a blue dragon. The entire thing appears to be made of some
and bones neatly sliced apart are scattered throughout the magnificent gemstone, but its impossible to be sure in the dim
chamber. Judging from the shattered weapons and demolished light.
gear, it appears a group of adventurers similar to yourselves met The shape and apparent size of the throne suggest that a creature
its end here. Dried blood is splattered on the walls and collected as large as an ogre could sit in it.
in dark pools in low spots on the floor. Slashed armor and
shredded backpacks testify to the violence of whatever happened
here. Bloodstained slots in the walls, floor, and ceiling imply that The chamber itself presents no danger. It is circular, about 150 yards in
some enormous, diabolical trap was responsible. diameter, with the corridor running straight through its center. The blue-
About 70 yards into the chamber stands a stylized statue of a glowing throne provides a landmark thats visible from everywhere in the
green dragon approximately 15 feet tall and twice that long. You chamber, so characters can move around here without getting disoriented.
can see it faintly from the corridor because of the orange glow As characters approach the throne, they encounter ten crushed and
emanating from its flattened back. mangled corpses strewn across the floor 10 to 20 yards from the throne.
The bodies look reasonably fresh, but theres a noticeable lack of flesh on
Quests of Doom: giants & dragons
them, given their apparently recent demise. If the bodies are disturbed in If characters turn north, jump to section G. White Dragon
any way, swarms of flesh-eating beetles rush out of the dead bodies (one Chamber. If they turn south, refer to section F. Red Dragon
swarm per player character). Chamber. If they continue moving west, proceed to the next section
below, Rivals.
(Swarm of Insects: AC 12, 22 hp; +3 to hit, 4d4 piercing
damage, or 2d4 piercing damage if the swarm has 11 or
fewer hit points; the swarm can enter and remain in an
enemys space, and can only attack an enemy whose
space it occupies) Four miles west of the second crossroad, characters encounter a
quickly moving group of rival explorers coming up behind them. These
The bodies still have some useful items, if characters take 10 minutes newcomers are making a bit of noise, so theyll be noticed by characters
to search the grisly remains: potion of invisibility, +1 silver dagger, +1 with passive Perception scores of 15 or higher. Assuming theyre not
dwarven throwing axe, 5 gems (500 gp per gem), 29 copper coins, 44 ambushed or attacked on sight, the strangers hail the player characters and
silver coins, 19 gold coins, and 11 platinum coins. ask for a parley. They are four experienced, well-equipped explorers: a
wizard (mage), a cleric (priest), and two warriors (a knight and a veteran).
Interacting with the Dragon Throne Their names are listed with their stats, but you can give them any names
you like, to suit your campaign, or even replace them with other NPCs the
Anyone who inspects the throne notes a large amount of dried blood
characters have met before if you prefer.
on the arms and seat. The throne is carved from a single block of bright
blue lapis lazuli that is enchanted to give it a soft glow. Veins of what look
(Sir Hennik [Knight]: AC 18, 52 hp; +5 to hit x2, 2d6 + 3
like gold and silver trace through the intricate carvings, but they are just
slashing damage [greatsword]; 1/round as a reaction,
attributes of the gem, not actual gold or silver.
the knight can increase its AC by 2 against a single melee
Lapis lazuli is semiprecious, and this is the largest chunk of it the
attack; has tactical advantage on saving throws against
characters have ever seen or even heard of. Melon-sized pieces of it
fear; 1/round the knight can grant an ally within 30 ft. a
could be knocked off with hammers, and each would be worth 200
bonus of 1d4 on an attack roll or saving throw)
gp. If characters try to knock pieces off the chair, however, a glyph
of warding (explosive runes) explodes, causing 5d8 lightning damage
(Belintar the Bold [Mage]: AC 12, 40 hp; +5 to hit, 1d4 + 2
to everyone within 20 feet of the throne. Characters who make a
piercing damage; spell attack +6, save DC 14; prepares
successful DC 15 Dex saving throw take half damage. The glyph can
the following spells: [at will] fire bolt, mage hand,
be noticed before its detonated with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
prestidigitation; [1st level, x4] detect magic, mage armor,
(Arcana) check.
magic missile, shield; [2nd level, x3] misty step, suggestion;
Damaging the throne also infuriates the band of six lizardfolk that are
[3rd level, x3] counterspell, fireball, fly; [4th level, x3]
watching PCs from the shadows at the far end of the chamber. The lizardfolk
greater invisibility, ice storm; [5th level, x1] cone of cold)
immediately attack and will pursue characters if they try to retreat.
(Sagrimor of Menok [Priest]: AC 13, 27 hp; +2 to hit, 1d6
(Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing
bludgeoning damage [mace]; spell attack +5, save DC
damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2
13; [at will] light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy; [1st level, x4]
piercing damage, [javelin])
cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary; [2nd level, x3] lesser
restoration, spiritual weapon; [3rd level, x2] dispel magic,
The throne is a deadly mechanical trap. Anyone sitting on the throne
spirit guardian)
takes 7d10 bludgeoning damage as the chair collapses into itself, folding
and crushing the character. The character takes half damage with a
(Nardin Velox [Veteran]: AC 17, 58 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d10 +
successful DC 13 Dex saving throw. The throne then ejects the crushed
3 slashing damage [longsword] or +3 to hit, range 100
victim onto the floor and magically resets.
As characters prepare to leave this chamber, an ear-numbing roar from ft./400 ft., 1d10 piercing damage [heavy crossbow])
the throat of an enormous dragon rumbles through the temple. This doesnt
actually signify anything; its just an effect magically programmed into Sir Hennik (Charisma 15) does most of the talking for the strangers.
the temple to occur once every few days. The characters have no way of They try hard to persuade the player characters that theyve already
knowing that, however. explored this western corridor and found nothing of value at the end of
it. Furthermore, according to the legends theyve been told, the temple is
visited by the ghosts of dragons when the moon is fullwhich it will be
West Junction tonight. They intend to turn back and leave the temple, but having heard
the PCs ahead of them, they wanted to deliver their warning about the
ghostly dragons first.
Having already passed the first crossroad, characters shouldnt be
Of course, the strangers are lying. They just want to prevent the player
puzzled by this second one. The crossroad forms a square 210 feet by
characters from finding whatever treasure lies at the end of this corridor
210 feet, and 300 feet across diagonally. Once characters figure out that
before they do. If characters turn around and head back toward the temple
theyre at another four-way intersection, read the following text aloud.
mouth with these strangers, the NPCs will attack somewhere along the
way. If characters dont buy this story and refuse to leave, the strangers
attack right away. They fight until one of their number is slain; then the
Youve come to a four-way intersection in the broad corridor. remaining three retreat into the darkness. Theyll lurk nearby, however,
Straight ahead, the main corridor continues on, but the black looking for a chance to strike again when the characters are weakened or
stonework is replaced with blue stone. The air in that corridor distracted.
seems somehow heavier than the air elsewhere. Corridors to the
north and south are equally immense, but the northern corridor is
lined with white stonework instead of black, and the air wafting
from that direction seems chilled. The southern corridor is lined
E. Pyramid of the Staff
with red stone, and the air drifting from that direction is warm. The blue corridor runs west for 5 miles before opening into another
circular chamber 210 yards in diameter.
dread dragon temple

only take lightning damage from the top level of the platform.
In the middle of this immense chamber is a platform with seven The staff is resting loosely in a holder at the center of the top platform.
steps. Each of the steps glows a different color: from bottom Its not secured to the stand, so it could be lassoed from the floor and
to top, they glow red, green, white, blue, yellow, purple, and pulled down safely. Even levitation might do the trick, if characters think
orange. Each step is two feet tall and six feet deep, and the top is up a clever way to maneuver using ropes, gusts of wind, or some other
18 feet wide, making the whole pyramid 14 feet high and 90 feet method.
across at the base. On the top level of the platform, a glowing The bodies of the dead adventurers have useful equipment. The safest
staff with a headpiece carved to resemble a gold dragon rests on way to retrieve it is to lasso the bodies and pull them to the floor. Their
an ornate stand. gear includes a +1 shortsword, staff of striking with 11 charges, +2
Ten long-dead bodies are sprawled at various places on the shield, displacer cloak, potion of protection from dragon breath, a scroll
steps. Their equipment indicates that they were adventurers of of protection from lightning, and a +1 greatsword. Their backpacks also
a variety of classes. Although theyre all in an advanced state of include all the usual, mundane things found in adventurers kits such
decay, the bodies dont appear burnt, frozen, or torn apart; they as candles, canteens, blankets, clothes, needle and thread, whetstones,
appear to have just fallen dead at random spots on the pyramid. hammers, and spikes. If characters pull bodies off the steps onto the
Along with the bodies of the dead adventurers, the dried husks of floor, however, they are attacked by four swarms of insects (flesh-eating
hundreds of beetles as long as a human thumb cover the first step. beetles) and two carrion creepers that were lurking in the darkness,
hoping for an easy meal.

The beetles can be identified as swarming, flesh-eating beetles with a (Carrion Creeper: AC 13, 51 hp; +4 to hit, 2d4 + 2 piercing
successful DC 10 Int (Nature) check. damage [bite] and +8 to hit, 1d4 + 2 poison damage
and the target must make a successful DC 13 Con
The staff at the top of the platform is the Staff of the Dragon. It contains
saving throw or be poisoned and paralyzed for 1 minute
one charge per player character in the group. The first character to touch the
[tentacles]; paralyzed creature repeats saving throw
staff automatically understands how to use it: each charge can transform
at the end of each of its turns, and both paralysis and
one character into a young dragon of whatever type they choose, for as poisoning end with a successful save)
long as they want to use that shape.
A character climbing the pyramid takes 10 damage the first time he or (Flesh-eating Beetles [Swarm of Insects]: AC 12, 22 hp; +3
she sets foot on each step. The steps do the following damage, in order: to hit, 4d4 piercing damage, or 2d4 piercing damage if
acid (red), cold (green), fire (white), lightning (blue), poison (yellow), fire the swarm has 11 or fewer hit points; the swarm can enter
(purple), and lightning (orange). If the characters fly above the steps or and remain in an enemys space, and can only attack an
step only on the dead bodies, they can reach the top safely and probably enemy whose space it occupies)
Quests of Doom: giants & dragons
keeping the lava hot in this pool. They want to go back to their home on the
Red Corridor Elemental Plane of Fire. If characters take the ruby eyes out of the dragon
statue and throw them into the lava, the spell binding the elementals will
be broken and theyll be able to leave. The elementals offer four potions
of fire resistance if the characters help them.
The red stones of the corridor seem to reflect the unusual The rubies can be blasted out of the statue by 20 points of bludgeoning or
warmth of the area, and it grows warmer the farther you travel force damage, if theres no concern about damaging them. Theyre large,
along the passage. Eventually, after traveling several miles, metal spectacular gems, however, worth 600 gp each. Each one can be removed
weapons are becoming uncomfortably hot to the touch, and metal without damage by using a prying tool and making two successful DC 15
armor is almost unbearable to wear. Then, as if the perpetual, Dex (Sleight of Hand) checks. If the check result is 10 or less, the ruby
choking darkness isnt bad enough, you see a wall of steam
is gouged and its value is halved. The elementals attack immediately if
roiling at the edge of your light: steam so thick you cant see
they realize characters intend to take the rubies with them and not destroy
more than a few yards into it.
them, because destroying them in this lava pool is the only thing that will
set the elementals free.
The elementals arent interested in fighting for no reason. If characters
Hidden in the steam and enjoying the heat is a squad of six lizardfolk
attack them, the elementals simply sink back into the lava and the entire
with halberds. The steam doesnt bother the lizardfolk; it makes them more
chamber becomes even hotter, inflicting ten times as much damage per
aggressive. They use the obscurement provided by the steam to set up an
minute as usual.
ambush on the characters. They wont pursue if the characters retreat.

(Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing (Fire Elemental: AC 13, 102 hp; +6 to hit x2, 2d6 + 3 fire
damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2 damage and a flammable object ignites, taking 1d10 fire
piercing damage, [javelin]) damage at the start of its turn until an action is used to
extinguish flames; enemies that hit the fire elemental with
If characters run from the battle, theres a good chance theyll get turned melee attacks from 5 feet away take 1d10 fire damage;
around in the steam and unintentionally retreat south toward Area can enter and remain in an enemys space, causing 1d10
F instead of back the way they came. Make a DC 12 Wis (Perception) fire damage and igniting flammable objects as above)
check for each character. Those who succeed know which way is north
and which is south. Those who fail got mixed up in the fighting and have
the directions reversed. Its important that you roll these checks, not the White Corridor
players; otherwise, theyll know immediately that the people who rolled
highest have the right direction. If characters have a reliable way of
determining direction, such as a compass or arrows chalked on the walls The white stones of the corridor would seem to represent the
behind them, they can avoid going in the wrong direction. influence of a white dragon. The temperature in the corridor
drops steadily as you move north, eventually reaching the

F. Red Dragon Chamber

freezing point, and below.
After several miles, the corridor opens into a large cavern over
a hundred yards in diameter. At the center is a statue of a rearing
white dragon at least thirty yards tall and long. A portion of its
The steam seems to go on forever, making it hard to judge back is flattened into a platform; gems of many colors are heaped
distance or whether the corridor curves. Just breathing is hard, on it.
let alone keeping track of where you are. But suddenly, the steam The extreme cold numbs your feet and hands.
clears away to reveal a large chamber, hundreds of yards across
and lit by flickering flames rising from a pool of lava that covers
the entire area of the circular chamber. While in the white dragon chamber, characters take 2 cold damage
At the center of the pool is a pedestal of some stone thats every minute. The extreme cold slows characters down to half speed while
impervious to the heat. Atop the pedestal is a statue of a red theyre in the chamber and for ten minutes after they leave it.
dragon carved from red crystal. The statue is twenty feet long The gems on the platform are all worthless glass. The real treasure of
and almost as high. Its back is flattened, and on it is a pile of dully the chamber is the white dragon statue. Its a live young white dragon,
glowing white crystals. frozen so it cant leave the chamber. In its current state, the dragon looks
Its a relief to be out of the blinding, choking steam, but the heat like a statue of ice, but characters who touch it, knock on it, attack it, peer
of this area is nearly unbearable. into its eyes, or interact with it in other ways can attempt a DC 15 Int
(Nature) or Wis (Animal Handling) check. Success indicates the character
realizes this is a living creature, not a carving.
Characters wearing armor are in a great deal of discomfort from the The magic keeping the dragon frozen is broken if the dragon is taken
heat by the time they reach the lava chamber. Those in heavy armor take out of this chamber. Moving the dragon is easier than it sounds, thanks to
6 fire damage per minute (1 per round) spent in or near this chamber. the icy floor. It can be moved automatically by characters whose combined
Those in medium armor take 3 fire damage per minute (1 per 2 rounds) Strength modifiers are 8 or higher, or by someone who makes a successful
spent near the lava, and characters in light armor or no armor take 2 fire DC 25 Str (Athletics) check. Even so, the process isnt quick; sliding the
damage per minute (1 per 3 rounds). Entering the lava or trying to walk dragon out of the chamber takes 10 minutes of effort.
on it causes instant death. Flying over the lava at any height causes 4 fire The creature begins thawing the instant its out of the chamber, and
damage per round (heat is concentrated under the domed ceiling). within a minute, it is fully restored and willing to talk with the characters.
There are 33 white crystals on the back of the dragon. A character who Its name is Noustatoren, and it relates a long story detailing how it came
possesses such a crystal automatically succeeds on one saving throw to like humans and how, for centuries, it aided northern tribes. When
against white dragon breath, then the crystal turns dark and has no further Noustatoren helped the tribesmen kill a marauding black dragon, other
effect. dragons banded together and cursed it to spend eternity frozen in this
When characters approach within 10 feet of the lava pool, two fire temple.
elementals rise from the lava. They dont attack unless attacked; they Noustatoren is so grateful for its freedom that it gives each character
want to talk to the characters. The elementals tell a story of forced labor who helped free it a ring made of ice. If the wearer whispers a request for
dread dragon temple
aid to the ring, the dragon will hear it, no matter where it is, and will come
as quickly as it can. It will do this once for each character with a ring. It
wont stick around in the temple, though, because it fears the dragons that
H-1. Lizardfolk Nests
cursed it might find it here and imprison it all over again. The tunnels are
big enough that the dragon can get out of the temple quickly.
A few miles into the tunnel, the corridor suddenly widens into
(Young White Dragon: AC 17, 133 hp; +7 to hit, 2d10 + 4 a vast chamber. There are sconces on the walls holding flickering
piercing damage plus 1d8 cold damage [bite] and +7 torches, and the light lets you see that the hall is circular and
to hit x2, 2d6 + 4 slashing damage [claws]; 30-ft. cone, about 200 yards in diameter. The corridor continues southward
10d8 cold damage [cold breath, recharge 5, 6], or half from the opposite side.
Between you and the exit, however, are scattered perhaps a
damage from cold breath with successful DC 15 Con
hundred or more shapes that resemble heaps of mud and reeds.
saving throw)
The room reeks like a swamp.

Green Corridor The mounds are lizardfolk nests. Each nest is little more than a heap of
mud and rotting swamp grass about 10 feet in diameter, crudely shaped
into a shallow bowl. Fewer than half have full or partial roofs of woven
The corridor grows warmer and more humid the farther you reeds.
travel. It never becomes too hot, but the humidity eventually The nests near the entrance to the chamber are empty, but by the time
becomes so thick that your clothing and the padding in your characters move 30 yards into the chamber, they encounter nests with
armor are drenched in sweat. lizardfolk sleeping in them. Its impossible to tell how many of the nests
contain lizardfolk without checking each nest.
These lizardfolk stay asleep if theres no commotion in the area. Any
After a few miles, everyone must make a successful DC 12 Con saving loud noise wakes 20 lizardfolk who immediately throw javelins at the
throw or gain one level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be removed by intruders, then charge. There is no retreating for these lizardfolk. They are
taking a short rest in a dry area (the main corridor will suffice) and getting serious temple guards filled with the importance of their duty. If characters
into dry clothing, but resting in the blue corridor wont help. run, the lizardfolk follow them until the intruders have been killed or

Quests of Doom: giants & dragons
chased out of the temple. (Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing
Each of these reptilian warriors wears a large bandoleer bearing a silver damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2
disc the size of a saucer on its chest. The silver ornament carries an image piercing damage, [javelin])
of the dragon temple in the mountains. The workmanship is crude and the
silver is low-grade, so each disc is worth just 10 sp but weighs as much
as 100 sp. H-4. Lizard Kings Chambers
(Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing
damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2
piercing damage, [javelin]) Half-a-mile down the corridor, you discover two doors set in
the wall. The doors are made of boiled and cured leather, and
appear quite sturdy.
H-2. Lizardfolk Pool
The door on the left opens into a large chamber where a bigger-
than-average lizardfolk (a lizard king) is using a halberd to chop
Several hundred yards down the corridor past the lizardfolk some type of meat on a large chopping block while five lizardfolk
nests, the corridor widens again to reveal a pool of water thats watch. The chamber contains a nest and a stylized statue of a green
several hundred yards in diameter. The water is murky, and dragon near the back wall. Characters dont have time to see any more
this chamber also smells like a swamp. The pool doesnt fill before the lizard king and his lizardfolk guards raise their halberds
the chamber; theres a dry stone walkway between 15 and 25 and charge! All six fight to the death and pursue if characters try to
feet wide all the way around the chambers circumference. The flee.
corridor continues on through an archway at the far side of the On and around the green dragon statue at the back of the chamber are
chamber. five holy relics made of gold and encrusted in jewels. Each item is worth
Glowing shapes swim in the water. When one of them swims 3,000 gold pieces. The items are a large bowl, a chalice, a small sphere of
close, you see that its not a single creature but a school of fish. silver with embedded gems, a bejeweled gold box, and a small gold bell
Each one glows faintly, but together, they cast a fair amount of with a tiny hammer attached by a fine chain.
light. They seem agitated. The door on the right opens into a large chamber with the skulls of
many intelligent races mounted on the walls. The chamber has a nest
at its center, a stylized dragon statue at the back, and a large chest near
Fifteen lizardfolk are hiding under the murky water. The creatures the statue. There is nothing living in the area. This is the chamber of the
are waiting for the characters to proceed one way or the other around the lizardfolk shaman who is the real leader of these creatures. The shaman
pool. They are what is agitating the fish, since theyre the chief predators is currently away from the temple, gathering herbs and other supplies in
in this pool. When characters advance 100 yards into the chamber (about a nearby swamp.
a third of the way to the far corridor), the lizardfolk rise far enough out The leather-bound bound chest is locked and trapped. The lock is quite
of the water to throw their javelins. Each has three in hand, but they simple; it can be opened with a set of lock picks and a successful DC 10
have plenty more stashed in the water; it takes them one round to swim Dex check. The trap is trickier; it can be spotted with a successful DC
down and grab three more and another round to return to the surface. 15 Int (Investigation) check, but the only way to prevent it from going
The lizardfolk dont follow the characters or even get out of the water, off is to unlock the chest with the proper key (which is on the lizardfolk
but they do roar out a warning that echoes faintly down the corridors in shamans belt, many miles away in a swamp) or to score 25 or higher on
both directions. the Dex check to unlock the chest. A character who spots the trap can tell
that, lacking the proper key, opening the chest without setting off the trap
(Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing will be nearly impossible.
damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2 If the trap is triggered, it fills the chamber with poison gas identical
piercing damage, [javelin]) to a young green dragons breath weapon (12d6 poison damage, or half
damage with a successful DC 14 Con saving throw).
At the southern end of the chamber are several crudely-made stone The chest contains the lizardfolk shamans treasure, but most of
benches and weapon racks. Fifteen halberds of excellent construction are it has little value to the characters other than three potions of cure
leaning on the rack. wounds, a potion of lesser restoration, and a potion of meld into

H-3. Lizardfolk Dining Area The chest also has a secret compartment that can be spotted with a
successful DC 12 Int (Investigation) check, but only if the chest is pulled
away from the wall before being examined (the compartment is a drawer
at the back of the chest). Inside the secret drawer is a bronze holy symbol
After walking another mile, another 200-yard chamber opens representing a bronze dragon; the shaman captured this item from a slain
in the corridor. It must be lit magically, because you dont see any cleric. Once per day, a cleric equipped with this holy symbol can reroll
source for the soft glow that fills the area. Near the far side, the one saving throw against dragon breath. Emeralds set into the dragons
carcasses of ten large crocodiles have been gutted and hung on eyes are worth 5,000 gp, but the holy symbols magic is destroyed if
meat hooks. Square stone blocks must serve as butchers tables, theyre removed.
because theyre covered in blood. Many larger, rectangular stone
tables, also covered in dried blood, must be where the lizardfolk (Lizard King: AC 15, 78 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d8 + 3 piercing
consume their raw food. damage [trident]; can also throw trident with range 20
ft./60 ft.; 1/turn, the lizard king can inflict an extra 3d6
damage with its trident and gain an equal number of
At the far left side of the chamber, four lizardfolk who heard the temporary hit points)
characters approaching are hiding behind stone tables. They intend to
wait until the characters have nearly passed through the chamber, then (Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing
toss javelins into the intruders backs. They follow the group and keep damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2
attacking if the characters dont stay and fight. piercing damage, [javelin])
dread dragon temple
diamond worth 25,000 gp. Only one such reward is handed out by the
H-5. Lizardfolk Hall of Honor statue per decade.

1d10 Color Breath Wpn Damage Save

Another humid, sweat-drenched mile of hiking brings you to 11d8 acid DC 14
another chamber. This one is like the others youve seen, but 1 Black 30-ft. line
damage Dex
its lined with mounted heads and bodies of dangerous foes
the lizardfolk have fought in and around the dragon temple. 10d10 lightning DC 16
2 Blue 60-ft. line
There are more than 100 trophies here, with all intelligent races damage Dex
represented and a few monsters, including three hill giants and a 12d6 acid DC 14
tyrannosaurus rex. Against the back wall stands a fifteen-foot-tall 3 Green 30-ft. cone
damage Con
stone statue of a lizard man with a brass club in his hand.
16d6 fire DC 17
4 Red 30-ft. cone
damage Dex
Theres nothing dangerous about the mounted and stuffed creatures 10d8 cold DC 15
in the chamber. The danger is the stone golem in the form of a gigantic 5 White 30-ft. cone
damage Con
lizardfolk. If characters do anything here other than proceed directly to the
Unconsciousness DC 14
exit at the far end, the golem steps off of its pedestal and attacks. 6 Brass 30-ft. cone
(5 mins) Con
There is little of value in the hall, except for a pair of boots of elvenkind
worn by a mounted drow. 10d10 lightning DC 15
7 Bronze 60-ft. cone
damage Dex
(Stone Golem: AC 17, 178 hp; +10 to hit x2, 3d8 + 6 DC 14
bludgeoning damage [slam]; each target the golem 8 Copper 30-ft. cone Slowed
can see must make a successful DC 17 Wis saving throw
or be slowed for 1 minute; a slowed target can repeat Weakened (1 DC 17
9 Gold 30-ft. cone
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending min) Str
the effect with a successful save; the golem has tactical DC 17
advantage on saving throws against magic and no 10 Silver 30-ft. cone Paralysis (1 min)
magic or power can alter its shape)

H. Blue Dragon Chamber Final Trial

If characters leave the temple with the Staff of the Dragon in their
At last, the corridor opens into a huge circular area easily two possession, when they step into the open outside the temple, it can be
hundred yards in diameter. At the center of the chamber is a nighttime or daytime, your choice. (They may have marched as much as
massive statue with ten dragon heads, each sculpted in a different 60 miles, so theyve been inside for a long time). The first thing they see is
color of stone: gold, silver, brass, bronze, copper, white, black, an ancient blue dragon soaring toward them. Its still several miles away,
green, red, and blue. The statue rises fifty feet above the floor, so they have a few minutes to prepare for battle, but its apparent that the
and the body must be 100 feet long. dragon is headed straight for the temple and has seen them.
The dampness in this area is oppressive. With each breath, it feels Emphasize that this is an ancient blue dragon. As themselves, the
as if youre inhaling as much water as air. The temperature is hot, characters have little chance to defeat itt. As dragons, however . . .
too; not painfully so, but its uncomfortable. The air is noticeably The Staff of the Dragon is their only hope. With its power, they can
warmer near the statue than at the edges of the chamber. transform into adult dragons of any color and engage in dragon-to-dragon
Speaking of the edges of the chamber, thats where you see battle with the ancient blue monster bearing down on them. Thats the
the eggs. Hundreds of them, probably, in all shapes, colors, and intended climax for this adventure. Even if characters escape from this
sizes. Every type of dragon must be represented here, many immediate danger somehowby teleporting away to a sanctum, for
times, in this mass of eggs. examplethis blue dragon will pursue them to the ends of the earth to
recover the staff.
Any protective magic items the characters are wearing when they
If the characters break or take any eggs, the dragon head of the transform into dragons, still lend their protections to the characters. Items
appropriate color animates, swivels toward them, and blasts out the breath that need to be used, however, such as wands, implements, or weapons,
weapon of an adult dragon of that color. If characters attack the statue, all meld into the dragon body and cant be used. Characters heal when
the heads animate and attack with breath weapons (of young dragons) in they transform, so they begin the fight with a dragons full hit points.
turn. To determine which head attacks each round, roll 1d10. Transformed characters cant cast spells or use other class abilities; they
The statue is immune to all effects and damage except clerical spells are young dragons in every way. Characters stay in their dragon form for
and attacks by clerics. Magic weapons in the hands of other types of up to a week, or they can transform back to their normal form any time
characters do only as much damage as their magic bonus: a +1 sword, for they wish. Sadly, the change back is permanent.
example, does 1 point of damage per attack. The statue is destroyed by Once its used, the Staff of the Dragon is spent. The gold and gems
500 points of damage overall; 50 points done to a particular dragon head adorning it make the staff worth 20,000 gp. Plenty of arcane spellcasters
destroys that head. Only the heads of the statue move; it cant follow would kill (or worse) to get their hands on it, even with its magic exhausted,
characters who retreat from the area, but it remembers who interfered and most dragons fly into a rage if they see it in the hands of mortals.
with the eggs for 24 hours. All damage done to the statue heals after 24
hours. (Ancient Blue Dragon: AC 22, 481 hp; the dragon uses its
If the characters dont touch the eggs or the statue and they arent breath weapon once, OR uses frightful presence plus
carrying any glowing crystals taken from other statues, they hear a loud one bite and two claw attacks; every creature within
command of Wait! before they leave the chamber. The gold dragon head 120 ft. must make a successful DC 20 Wis saving throw
lowers to their level and opens its mouth. Inside is a single, fist-sized or become frightened for 1 minute [frightful presence];
Quests of Doom: giants & dragons
+16 to hit, 2d10 + 9 piercing damage plus 2d10 lightning ghostly bronze dragon will actually go with the party and help them find
damage [bite]; +16 to hit x2, 2d6 + 9 slashing damage its dead body. If the group goes on this quest immediately, the ghost also
[claw]; 16d10 lightning damage in a 120-ft. line, or half leads them to a suit of plate armor hidden in its lair that gives its wearer
damage with a successful DC 23 Dex save [lightning immunity to lightning damage.
breath, recharge 5, 6]; can use 3 legendary actions [tail or 4: Copper Dragon Story. The copper dragon was killed by a band of
wing attacks] after other creatures turns, 1/turn; +16 to hit, stone giants in a faraway land. It helps the characters claim the dragon
2d8 + 9 bludgeoning damage [tail]; all creatures within 15 staff if they free the two fire elementals trapped in the lava pool in the Red
ft. take 2d6 + 9 bludgeoning damage and are knocked Corridor. If the group doesnt agree to this, then this dragon appears in the
prone, or half damage with a successful DC 24 Dex saving pyramid chamber when they try to take the Staff of the Dragon and attacks
throw [wing attack, costs 2 actions]) with its illusory breath.
5: White Dragon Story. The white dragon felled by the shafts of elven
arrows. If there are elves among the characters, the temperature in the

Dragon Dreams area plunges to below zero. Characters wont be able to rest here at all
unless they agree to the ghosts terms or drive it away. The white dragon
wants the party to go to Area G and free the white dragon trapped in
the cave. It doesnt know how, exactly; it only knows that the curse will
Early during your rest, everyone awakens to the sounds of be broken if the statue is removed from the chamber. The ghostly white
dragons roaring in rage. The sounds are clearly coming from dragon vanishes when characters agree to its quest.
many dragons of many different types. In this thick darkness, 6: Black Dragon Story. The black dragon was killed in its swamp
huge monsters could be just a few hundred yards away and still home by lizardfolk. If the characters will hunt down and kill the lizard
unseen. king and at least 20 of his minions, the ghost promises to reward them
Suddenly a ghostly form appears near your camp. Its a ghostly with a +2 weapon or implement (your choiceoffer whatever is most
dragon, and it doesnt look pleased about your presence. Why likely to get a positive response from the characters). This evil creature is
have you come here? the ghost roars, and you can almost feel lying, however; it never reappears or gives them anything, no matter how
its breath. many lizardfolk they kill.
7: Green Dragon Story. A goblin war band surprised this dragon in
its lair and overpowered it. It now hates goblins and wants revenge. It
In this highly magical temple, the air is filled with the ghosts of slain offers to lead the party to its den in a forest a months travel away. There
they can find an ancient bow manufactured by elvish wizards, which does
dragons. Luckily for the characters, all these dragons have agendas of
+10 damage to giants. There is also a locked case containing 11 emeralds
their own. If spoken to reasonably, ghostly dragons reveal what they
worth 10,000 gp. The only catch is that they must first wipe out the entire
want from the party. The characters arent attacked if they agree to help
tribe of goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears living in the lair.
the ghost so the creature can escape from the temple and move on to the
8: Red Dragon Story. The red dragon died under the claws of a
next stage of its existence. If characters attack a ghostly dragon, it attacks
blue dragon centuries agothe same blue dragon living nearby in the
with its breath weapon (as an adult dragon), then fades away, but it or
mountains. If characters tell it truthfully why they are here, the dragon
others will return. Affected characters take only half damage from ghostly
disappears in a burst of flame, then reappears a short time later and drops
dragon breath, or no damage with a successful saving throw.
the Staff of the Dragon at their feet. If anyone has taken anything else from
All of the dragons start out furious with the party. Each one threatens to
the temple, however, the staff is ghostly and impossible to pick up until
kill the characters for the terrible things done to the dragon while it lived. everything is returned to where it came from; then and only then can they
In actuality, all these dragons really want is for someone to listen to their pick up the staff. All it asks is that they kill the blue dragon and place its
story. If characters talk to the ghost creature at all, they can calm it down head on a high rock spire, where it can be seen for miles.
and hear the story of the dragon. 9: Blue Dragon Story. The ghostly blue dragon knows that if the party
Roll 1d12 to determine what type of ghostly dragon has appeared and claims the Staff of the Dragon, theyll wind up using it to fight another blue
what it has to say. dragon. It isnt happy about this, and it wont consider helping. Instead,
1: Gold Dragon Story. Greedy dwarves killed the gold dragon. If there the ghost rages at the characters, telling them never should have dared to
is a dwarf in the party, the dragon will attack at the least provocation. enter this temple created for only dragons. No one can rest, and by the
A powerful, dragon-killing longsword was stolen from its hoard by the time the dragon fades away, it has cursed everyone; the curse has the same
dwarves and taken to their fortress in a nearby mountain. The dragon effect as being poisoned, and its permanent until removed by magic.
wants the characters to go to the dwarves and recover the sword by any 10: Shadow Dragon Story. The shadow dragon is unnaturally small,
means. If they bring it back to the temple and present it to any of the only about the size of a horse. It circles the characters camp endlessly
lizardfolk guards, the dragon can help them secure the Staff of the Dragon while roaring and shouting dire threats. Occasionally it swoops through
located in another part of the temple. Naturally, the dwarves dont want the camp; it cant hurt anyone physically, but it knocks over weapons and
to give up the magic sword. They will sell it, however, if enough gold or scatters light gear into the darkness with buffets from its wings. Characters
riches are offered. If the sword is brought to the temple, the ghostly gold can hear the dragons story only if they patiently work at calming it down.
dragon should prove extremely helpful to the party. There arent many shadow dragons in the world, but there are more in the
2: Silver Dragon Story. The silver dragon died under the swords and Shadowfell. This one was summoned to the Material Plane by a witch
arrows of orcs. If there is a half-orc or orc in the party, the dragon attacks who enslaved it. The shadow dragon served the enchantress for almost
at the least provocation. The dragon tells a story of waves of orcs attacking a century before finally escaping from her control. Unfortunately, the
its lair, slaying all of the dragons guardian minions, and taking over the witch pursued it on a roc. She caught up to the young dragon a month
lair as their own. The silver dragon wants the characters to go to that lair, later and slew it out of spite. The ghostly dragon wants to make a deal.
nine days away through the mountains, and wipe out the orcs. Afterward, Several hundred miles away is the home of the witch and her pet roc that
they can help themselves to its treasure, all except a 2-foot-high statue killed it. If the characters destroy them, the shadow dragon can make sure
of a silver dragon wrought from holy silver. The statue belongs here in lizardfolk guards dont see the characters unless the characters attack first.
the dragon temple. The dragons old lair is overrun with orcs, orogs, and If characters dont accept this deal, the ghost dragon fetches a group of
ogres. If the silver dragon statue is brought to the temple, the ghostly six lizardfolk to attack a few hours later and interrupt the characters rest.
silver dragon proves very helpful to the characters.
3: Bronze Dragon Story. The bronze dragon died in a cave-in while (Lizardfolk: AC 14, 22 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d10 + 2 slashing
excavating part of its lair. The dragon wants its skeletal head brought to damage [halberd] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2
this temple. The skeleton is 90 miles away in the mountain range. The piercing damage, [javelin])
dread dragon temple
11: Brass Dragon Story. The brass ghost dragon was slain by gnomes.
If there is a gnome in the party, the ghost demands an apology. If it gets
one, it tells its story; otherwise, it attacks. The dragon tells of the gnomes
offering it a huge treasure if the dragon would help the gnomes drive off
three marauding remorhazes. The dragon and the gnomes were victorious
in the first two battles and were on the verge of winning the third. As the
dragon struck the killing blow against the remorhaz, the gnomes revealed
their treachery. They attacked the weakened dragon and killed it so they
wouldnt have to pay. The ghost dragon wants the characters to go to the
lair of the gnomes and demand the treasure the dragon earned. The lair is
only a few days away. If they return with the treasure, the dragon leads
them to the Staff of the Dragon and advises them on how to obtain it. If
the party refuses to help, the ghost attacks.
12. Weak Ghost Dragon. The party hears a dull roar and the tunnel
shakes with the sound of an approaching creature. In the distance is a
dimly glowing form coming at the party. A huge form looms out of the
darkness, poised to attack. But the long-dead dragon is too weak from
passing ages to affect anything on the Material Plane. It fades as it charges
through the campsite, and vanishes without interacting with the party.

the darkening of Namjan forest

The Darkening of
Namjan Forest By Michael Curtis
The Darkening of Namjan Forest is an adventure designed for the Fifth
Edition of the original fantasy roleplaying game. Its intended for use by
six to eight 4th-level characters. In the course of the adventure, the party Background
explores Namjan Forest, a woodland threatened by the creeping advance
of the Plane of Shadow made manifest through the presence of a rare Namjan Forest is a modest-sized woodland in the fork between two
shadow elemental. This creature, an embodiment of the gloomy substance chains of hills along the verge of civilization. The Namjan is an old wood
that underlies the Plane of Shadow, escaped from a long imprisonment but not a pristine one. Residents of the realm have long felled its trees,
in an ancient artifact known as the Darkling Lanthorn. The party must hunted its wildlife, and made charcoal within its borders. Theyve even
investigate the phenomenon affecting Namjan Forest, trace the Darkening gone so far as to live within the forest; a small village stands on the shore
back to its source, and destroy the agent seeking to infect the material of the Fehlween River, the large waterway flowing through the Namjan.
plane with shadows touch. In short, Namjan Forest seemed to harbor few mysteries. This impression,
The adventure is assumed to occur in a temperate forest region bordered however, was horribly wrong.
by hills on the edge of a small duchy. The GM can alter the adventure to Eons ago, when the hills were higher and the Fehlween wilder, the land
better fit his campaign world if necessary. now filled by the woodland was held by a sorcerer-warlord named Dyraxl

Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
Uhl-Kal-Totten. Uhl-Kal-Totten built his fortress on an easily-defendable led by the ranger Egrihl, failed to return, His Grace offered a reward of
rise of land near the center of the hill-bordered land. From this keep, the 2,500 gp and the promise of a noble claim on the Namjan to whoever
sorcerer-warlord ruled over the farms and small villages that lay under his could discern the origin of the gloomy menace and put an end to it before it
gaze and conducted arcane experiments to increase his magical prowess. spreads across the duchy. Hopefully, an offer of that magnitude is enough
Uhl-Kal-Totten, like many a man who carved his way to despotism, to draw the player characters attention and motivate them to finding and
desired to expand his holdings, dreaming of an empire that spanned from stopping the insidious taint that afflicts Namjan Forest.
distant shore to far-flung shore. Like many a would-be tyrant, Uhl-Kal- If the adventurers are renowned adventurers, an agent of the Duke can
Tottens dreams never came to fruition. seek them out and extend His Graces offer to them directly. The agent can
The circumstances that lead to Uhl-Kal-Tottens fall are long forgotten. provide the information below and, if characters make a successful DC
The few scraps of lore that survived from that distant time only record 15 Cha (Persuasion) check, arrange an audience with the Duke to further
that the sorcerer-warlords enemies breached the walls of his fortress with elaborate on the offer.
cataclysmic magic. Uhl-Kal-Totten fought to the last, ultimately calling
down powerful sorceries onto his own head to destroy himself, his keep,
and the multitude of invaders who thirsted for his blood. When the smoke
cleared and the dust settled, all that remained of the warlord and his
Gathering Information
fortress were scorched bones and broken stones. His enemies returned to A wise party will seek out further information about Namjan Forest
their homelands, and the dreams and accomplishments of Uhl-Kal-Totten and the mysterious events occurring within before beginning their
were forgotten. investigation. Characters can investigate by questioning occupants of
As the centuries rolled along, the land that had been tamed under Uhl- any nearby settlement or through the Duke or his agents. The following
Kal-Tottens rules grew wild once more. Seedlings became mighty trees, information can be gleaned.
the high hills wore down like old teeth, and the Fehlween grew slow and 1. The shadowy infestation was first noticed about a week ago, when the
tired. Where once were tilled fields and a towering keep, now only old Fehlween turned dark. The rivers discoloration was originally thought to
trees and shallow gullies remained. But this placid landscape hid a dark be sediment washing down from the hills, but the water soon had strange
secret. effects on animals and people who drank it.
Not all of Uhl-Kal-Tottens dreams died in the conflagration. When 2. In addition to the darkened water of the Fehlween, the forest itself
his fortress fell, the rubble buried his deepest cellars and undercrofts has grown dim. Shadows cling to branches like vines and pool in thickets,
beneath a mountain of blasted debris. Deep underground, neglected exuding an aura of menace. The sound of animal noise has diminished,
magic slumbered, long forgotten by history, guarding relics the sorcerer- and even the air has grown heavy and still, as if tainted by an invisible
warlord planned on tapping to achieve his dreams of empire. Among those weight.
forgotten objects was the Darkling Lanthorn, a lamp that threw not light, 3. According to refugees fleeing the forest, this encroaching darkness
but gloom, and which contained a titanic elemental drawn from the Plane spreads like a sickness, infecting those exposed to its touch for more than
of Shadow. a few days. The creeping shadow drains vitality from living creatures.
The Darkling Lanthorn might have lain in quietude forever had it not Those touched by the gloom either vanish utterly, fading away as if
been for a tree. A mighty oak sprang up in the nearly-vanished ruins ghosts, or become transformed by the darkness. Transformed creatures
above the forgotten foundation of what was once Uhl-Kal-Tottens keep. become a dusky ash in color and manifest unnatural powers. Their minds
As the tree grew, its roots dug deep, burrowing through the ground to become evil and they revel in violence.
seek out nutrients and support the tremendous trunk and branches that 4. Several areas in Namjan Forest are of special interest. There are two
towered over the land. One of these probing roots wound its way into one permanent settlements, Stillwater and Thistlehill; a low, stone-covered
of Uhl-Kal-Tottens cellars andperhaps by chance, or perhaps guided by
hill known as the Tumbles; a cave called the Gullet; and the ruins of an
supernatural powerscurled about the handle of the Darkling Lanthorn.
old watchtower of amazing age.
At the touch of life, the Darkling Lanthorns slumbering occupant
5. Stillwater is a human hamlet located on the western shore of the
awoke. The devastation that destroyed the fortress above had long since
Fehlween River deep in the Forest. According to refugees, it has been
weakened the protective barriers and wards placed around the Lanthorn,
overwhelmed by the Darkening. The fate of its inhabitants is unknown.
so that the shadow elemental in the lamp could easily shake off the feeble
6. Thistlehill is a small gnomish community situated near the western
defenses that remained. With nothing left to contain it, the Darkling
edge of the Forest. The gnomes mine a rich quartz vein and trade the
Lanthorns power climbed out of its moldering prison and snaked its way
shining stones at Stillwater. No one knows if Thistlehill has been touched
into the oak above.
by the darkening or if the gnome miners are even aware of the threat.
The once-mighty tree is now ground zero for an infectious gloom
7. The Gullet is a small cave located near the middle of the Forest. It
spreading throughout Namjan Forest, a plague known as The Darkening.
is said to be home to various monsters. Legends conflict, and trolls, orcs,
Tendrils of darkness and wisps of misty gloom flow outward from the
demons, and even a dragon have all been said to live within it.
tree, staining everything they brush against with the touch of shadow. The
8. The riverside hamlet of Stillwater is perhaps the best place for the
Fehlweens water have turned ebony and the animals that once frolicked
party to begin their exploration of the Namjan. The village can be reached
within the woods have changed. Hunters and loggers have disappeared in
the unnaturally dark forest, and those who know those woods speak of a by paddling up the Fehlween River or by following a horse trail that runs
relentless, ever-hungry gloom intent on plunging the entire woodand along the east (left) bank of the River.
perhaps even the lands beyond itinto eternal shadow.
The power within the Darkling Lanthorn is just beginning to grow.
Unless someone can root out the source of this tangible darkness, the fate The Darkening
of those living outside the Namjan will soon hang in the balance. It is up
to a band of intrepid adventurers to find the heart of darkness before it is Shadows taint is slowly expanding across the forest, from its epicenter
too late. at the Darkling Oak (see Namjan Forest, Area 12). The forest map
shows what portion of the woodland is already under shadows sway and
what has yet to succumb to the creeping gloom. Adventurers can rest in a

Starting the Adventure hex untouched by shadow, allowing them to recover and perhaps shake off
shadows touch (see The Danger of Shadow Inflection below).
Once the adventure begins, the GM rolls 1d4 + 1 at the start of each day.
First alerted to the threat by the survivors of the Darkening of Stillwater The result is the number of hexes on the forest map that shadow spreads
(see Namjan Forest, Area 4), the local Duke sent a company of soldiers to. The GM determines which hexes are affected and marks them to chart
into the Forest to investigate the matter. When these well-armed veterans, shadows progress. The GM can choose the afflicted hexes randomly
the darkening of Namjan forest
by whatever means she desires, or pick areas that are most dramatically
appropriate and that will have maximum dramatic impact among players
Random Encounters (the party awakening to discover shadow has surrounded them during
the night and they must venture through affected territory to escape, for
Characters are subject to random encounters while traveling
If shadow ever claims the entire Namjan Forest, its grip become
through the Namjan and on the Fehlween River. There is a 20%
absolute. Even the destruction of the Darkling Lanthorn and its elemental
chance of an encounter occurring at select intervals, depending on
defender is insufficient to break shadows hold on the land, and further
whether the party is in the woods or on the river. The GM checks troubles are bound to affect the region (see Concluding the Adventure
for random encounters three times a day in the Forest: once in late for further details and ideas).
morning, once in mid-afternoon, and once in the evening. If the party
is traveling by river, a random encounter check is made every hour
while on the water and once during the night. Use the following two
tables to determine the type of random encounter, if one occurs.
The Danger of Shadow Infection
The influence of the Darkling Lanthorn pervades Namjan Forest,
Namjan Forest Random Encounters insinuating itself into every living creature within the forests borders. The
1D8 Encounter heroes are subject to this infection as they explore the tainted woodlands
and, should they fail to root out the source of the corruption quickly, may
1 Encroaching shadow (see below) succumb to its effects.
1d3 Shadow-touched elk (see Namjan Each day (or portion thereof) a character is within the boundary of the
2 forest, he must make a successful DC 10 Con saving throw or become
Forest, Area 9)
drained of vitality. This drain manifests as one level of exhaustion.
3 1d3 Grimseems (see Namjan Forest, Area 6) Exhaustion gained through exposure to the Darkening cannot be relieved
1 Shadow-touched owlbear (see Namjan by taking a long rest while inside any portion of Namjan Forest that is
Forest, Area 10) under shadows hold. A character suffering from vitality loss because of the
Darkening can be cured only by resting in an unaffected area, regardless
5 1 Shadow-touched wolf (see below)
whether that area is inside or outside the forest. A greater restoration spell
6 1 Shadow king (see New Monsters) removes the exhaustion normally.
7-8 1d4 Shadows Characters directly exposed to the spreading gloom also lose vitality. A
hero drinking the tainted water of the Fehlween River or eating the flesh
of a shadow-infected creature must make a successful DC 15 Con saving
Fehlween River Random Encounters throw or immediately gain one exhaustion level.
1D6 Encounter A creature who acquires six exhaustion levels from exposure to the
Darkening does not die, but is instead completely overcome by shadow.
1 Encroaching shadow (see below)
The creature either fades away to the Plane of Shadow (75% chance) or
2 1 Shadow king (see New Monsters) becomes shadow-touched (25% chance). In either event, the character
1d3 Shadow-touched alligator gar (see becomes an NPC no longer under the players control.
Namjan Forest, Area 3)
1d3 Grimseems (see Namjan Forest, Area 6)
1d4 Shadows
Namjan Forest
Namjan Forest is predominately first- and second-growth trees of
Random Encounter Notes maple, oak, spruce, and pine. The forest floor is covered by a thick layer
Shadow-touched Creatures: Animals and monsters that of rich, dark loam, which supports small plants and shrubs, as well as
succumb to the Darkening gain frightening new powers. The mushrooms, mosses, and similar low flora. Deadfalls are common away
GM should refer to the New Monsters appendix for details on from the trails that snake through the woods; close to these paths, fallen
converting a typical creature to a shadow-touched monster. limbs and dead trees have been cleared for firewood and charcoal-making.
Encroaching Shadow: A long, thin finger of shadow creeps out
to wrap itself around a random character. Treat the tendril as having
a Stealth check result of 15. Any creature with a passive Perception General Features
of 15 or more, or who is specifically keeping an eye out for trouble
and makes a successful DC 15 Wis (Perception) check, notices the Atmosphere: The forest is much quieter than a normal forest should
creeping shadow before it strikes. The targeted character must make be. Little animal noise is heard, and the few sounds that are present echo
a successful DC 13 Dex saving throw to avoid being touched by the unnaturally. The air is still and oppressively stale, and travelers experience
shadow tendril. If the tendril was noticed by the character or he was a sense of being watched from the ever-present shadows.
warned by an ally who detected the tendrils approach, he makes Trails: There are two types of paths through the Forest: the main trail
the saving throw as normal. If unseen, the saving throw is at tactical and secondary footpaths. The trail links the settlements of Thistlehill and
Stillwater with the outside world, while the smaller footpaths leave the
disadvantage. On a failed saving throw, the finger latches onto the
main trail to reach smaller sites of interest inside the woodland. The main
adventurer, siphoning his energy (represented by the character
trail is wide enough to accommodate two horses and riders travelling side-
gaining one exhaustion level).
by-side, while the footpaths are narrow enough to force riders into single
The tendril continues to drain the hero on subsequent rounds,
file. The main trail is clear of forest debris, and the occasional sign points
requiring the character to make a successful DC 12 Con saving
in the direction of Thistlehill and Stillwater. Footpaths lack signage and
throw or gain another exhaustion level. The affected character or tend to be occasionally overgrown by brush.
his allies can cut the tendril with silver or magical weapons (AC Illumination: Because of the effects of the Darkening, the portions
10, 5 hp) or can break free by making a successful DC 15 Str of Namjan Forest that have been infected are permanently cloaked in
check. Once broken or cut, the tendril dissipates into sooty mist. dense shadow. These shades are ominous and seem to almost possess a
physical heft. Draperies of gloom hang like Spanish moss from tree limbs,
Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals

the darkening of Namjan forest
and darkness collects in drifts like fallen snow beneath the canopy. This through the woods until it ends at Thistlehill (see Area 8). The trail is
cloaking of shadows means that even in daylight, the Forest is lightly considered normal terrain for travel speed. Characters walking or riding
obscured to all creatures without darkvision, blindsight, or other advanced through the forest without following a trail move as if traversing difficult
senses. Additionally, as a result of the overall gloom, targets farther than terrain.
60 feet away from an observer are considered to be lightly obscured and
to have half cover if attacked.
Fehlween River: The river averages between 60 and 100 feet wide and
is 30 feet deep at its center. The water of the Fehlween has turned pitch
3. River Bridge
black from the Darkening as shadow creeps down its length. An individual
putting her hand in the water discovers the fluid has an inexplicable heft,
A 100-foot-long wooden bridge crosses the inky water 20
as if filled with sediment, but there is no gritty feel to the river. In fact,
feet above the river. Fashioned from rough timbers lashed and
the water feels almost silky, but it is a silkiness that has no place on this
nailed together, the bridge is wide enough to allow wagons to
earth. Physical contact with the water is not hazardous, but drinking it is:
cross. Fragile-looking railings run along the edges of the span,
see The Danger of Shadow Infection (above) for the consequences of
providing minimal protection against falling into the river below.
drinking from the river.

1. Shadow Attack This bridge once allowed traffic to and from Stillwater to cross the river,
but the corruption of shadow has undermined its strength. The bridges
pilings have been weakened by shadows touch, and the span now is a
hazard. In addition to its failing condition, a pair of alligator gar, tainted
The sound of screams rings from the riverbank. A small boat by shadow, swim around the bridges supports, waiting for someone to
packed with bags, tools, and similar goods rests on the shore fall in.
amongst reeds and mud. A body lies sprawled beside the boat, There is a cumulative 10% chance the bridge collapses per person
looking curiously drained and ashen. A human male dressed crossing it; i.e., the first person crossing the bridge has a 10% chance of
in homespun stands over the body, swinging a woodcutters causing a collapse, while the fourth risks a 40% chance of collapse. If a
axe wildly. Looming over the panicked man is a patch of deep group crosses together, the chance equals the number of characters in the
darkness that possesses a vaguely humanoid shape. group plus the number that crossed individually before them, if any. A
large animal or vehicle such as a horse or wagon automatically causes the
bridge to fail. Roll 1d6 + 2, multiplied by 10 feet, to determine how far the
The woodsman and his now-dead companion were refugees fleeing the character, group, or transport has progressed before the collapse occurs.
Darkening by traveling down the Fehlween River when they encountered If a collapse happens, the person or creature causing the collapse as
a shadow king (see New Monsters). They took to the shore to try to well as all others on the bridge and within 10 feet must make a successful
escape the creature, but it killed one of them and is set on slaying the other. DC 10 Dex saving throw or fall into the Fehlween River, taking 1d6
Creatures: The shadow king concentrates its attacks on the woodman, bludgeoning damage from the fall.
killing him in two rounds unless destroyed or driven off. It then attacks the Creatures: Two large alligator gar that succumbed to the Darkening
adventurers, if they intervene. now hunt in the black water beneath the bridge. Any creature falling into
If the woodman survives the fight, he thanks the party and can provide the river is immediately attacked by the savage animals. These alligator
any information listed under Gathering Information above, as well as gar have stats identical to reef sharks, but with the addition of one shadow-
directions to the various places of interest (see Namjan Forest map). He touched power chosen by the GM.
has no desire to join the party and only wishes to escape. He insists on
burying his dead companion, unaware that the body will rise as a shadow (Shadow-touched Alligator Gar x2: AC 12, 22 hps; +4 to
in 1d4 hours. Unless gentle repose is cast on the corpse, it crawls from hit, 1d8 + 2 piercing damage [bite]; plus one shadow-
its grave as a newborn shadow, and the woodsman later becomes its first touched ability chosen by the GM)
victim. If the woodsman dies from the shadow kings attack and gentle
repose is not cast on the bodies, the two newly-spawned shadows track
down the party and attack after dark on the adventurers first night inside
the forest (treat as an automatic nighttime random encounter).
4. Stillwater
Their boat is packed with clothes, tools, and other household goods
the two owned. The only objects of value or interest are a pair of lanterns
A cluster of small cottages stands along the western shore of
(filled with oil), a shovel, a wood axe, two daggers, a short bow, 20 arrows,
the dark river. These rude huts appear dim and indistinct, their
a small barrel half filled with whiskey, a pipe, a full tobacco pouch, and a
edges blurred by shadows. The structures almost seem as if they
leather sack containing 56 cp, 24 sp, and 6 gp.
are fashioned from gossamer scraps of gloom rather than wood
(Shadow King: AC 13, 39 hps; +6 to hit x2, 1d10 + 3 necrotic damage
and plaster. The air surrounding the hamlet is also dim and heavy
plus DC 11 Con saving throw or target gains a 1 penalty on Str-based
with darkness as if a cloud of soot and ash clings to the village
attacks, saving throws, and ability checks [claws])
with an unrelenting grip. You detect no signs of life.

2. Forest Trail Stillwater succumbed to the Darkening swiftly as both its residents
and its existence depended on the Fehlween River. The hamlet is entirely
corrupted by shadow and is no longer part of the Prime Material Plane.
A dirt path wide enough to accommodate two riders traveling Creatures: Most of the two score residents of Stillwater died from
side-by-side leads into the forest. The branches above form a shadows infection, but a half-dozen emerged from the blight as servant of
tunnel of leaves that hang motionless in the still air. The hairs the Darkening. Six shadows lurk along the gloomy edges of town, striking
on your neck stand up as you view the forest, for it feels as if anyone who enters the village from ambush.
something inexplicable is missing from the woods. Shadows (6)
The cottages of Stillwater of insubstantial, being nothing more than
dark reflections of the Shadow Plane. Solid objects pass through them
The main trail enters Namjan Forest at this point, winding its way and even magical weapons and spells have no more effect that slicing a
Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals

shadow with a knife. heroes peering inside the buildings observe that the Inside the small, two-room hut are the bodies of the charcoal-maker and
Darkening overcame Stillwater abruptly as there are half-eaten, shadowy his family. Clouds of blowflies fill the air in the dark hovel, and the smell
meals sitting atop gossamer tables and signs of chores stopped in mid- is ghastly. From their wounds, it is apparent that the wife and son died
task. A successful DC 12 Int (Investigation) check discerns that it appears from slit throats and the husband perished from a single stab to the heart.
the occupants of the buildings on the southeast end of the village seemed The knifes hilt juts from his chest, his hand still on the handle.
to have had some warning before being overcome by shadows march, There is little to be learned from this place, but characters who dont
suggesting the encroachment came from the north or west. mind pilfering from the dead find a gold wedding band (50 gp value) on
the wifes finger and a carved wooden box containing 67 cp and 14 sp, if
the hut is searched.
5. The Charcoal-Makers Shack
6. Ancient Watchtower Site
The smell of burned wood hangs heavy in the gloomy air.
Before you is a small clearing containing a single hut made of
timber and sod. A ring of charred wood, dead coals, and ash In a dark clearing stands the broken remains of an old watchtower.
surrounds the clearing, encompassing the entire area within its The structure is missing its upper floors and is gutted by fire and
blackened embrace. time, leaving only the shell of a once formidable redoubt. The ruin
seems to stand like a tombstone to some forgotten age.

The hut was until recently home to one of the charcoal-makers who
dwell in the forest. As the Darkening spread through the woods, the A crumbling relic from the days when Dyraxl Uhl-Kal-Totten ruled the
charcoal-maker and his family found themselves surrounded by the land, the watchtower survived the collapse of his rule and served as a safe
encroaching shadows. Seeking to save themselves, they heaped wood in refuge for travelers for centuries before falling utterly into decay. The ruin
a ring around their home and set it alight to drive back the darkness. This later provided shelter for woodsmen and sometimes bandits, but is now
worked well until nightfall, when the burning barrier threw more shadows home to some of shadows spawn.
than it drove away and the charcoal-maker, his wife, and son watched in Creatures: A pair of grimseems (see New Monsters) lurks inside the
horror as the Darkening reached for them. Determined not to fall to its shell. They prefer to remain in hiding during the daytime, but will attack if
embrace, the man killed his wife and child, then took his own life, denying the ruin is entered while the sun is high. After nightfall, the two elementals
shadow more victims. emerge to hunt, attacking the adventurers if the party is camped nearby.
The ashes surrounding the hut are cool to the touch, having burned
out a few days ago. Inside the burned area, tendrils of shadow lurk in (Grimseem x2: AC 14, 32 hp; +5 to hit, 1d4 + 3 necrotic
depressions in the ground and crouch by the timber and sod hut. Despite damage [bite] and +5 to hit, 1d8 + 4 bludgeoning
the shadows, the hut can be entered without danger. damage [tentacle])
the darkening of Namjan forest
The watchtowers interior is 50 feet square and filled with mounds of Thistlehill has fallen to the spread of the Darkening. Most of its residents
fallen masonry, underbrush, and vines. A small fire pit containing cold have been carried off to shadow or corrupted by its touch. There is a
ashes and charred wood is dug at the center of the ruin. bastion of hope in Thistlehill, however. A particular vein of gemstones
A forgotten treasure, overlooked by travelers, resides inside the shell. A mined by the gnomes possesses a peculiar property of absorbing and
bandit gang once buried its loot here, but internal squabbling and eventual then releasing light, and this power makes them potent weapons against
murder ensured the trove was forgotten with the death of the bandits. A shadow. More information on the gnome burrow is presented bellow in
successful DC 20 Int (Investigation) check discerns a few odd scratches the Thistlehill chapter.
on a large slab of fallen stone. Lifting the stone uprequiring a successful
DC 15 Str (Athletics) checkuncovers a shallow hole containing a large
bundle wrapped in oilskin. Inside the parcel is a wrapped stack of 10
beaver pelts (2 gp value each), an ermine-trimmed coat (25 gp value),
9. Hunter and Hunted
a pair of silver candelabras (15 gp value each), a longsword scabbard
adorned with semiprecious stones and wrapped with gold wire (200 gp
The sound of howling and the thump of hooves on the soft
value), a sack containing 27 sp and 15 gp, and a glass vial filled with a
forest floor ring around you. Bursting from the cover of the
potion of vitality.
trees comes a pack of wolves, their eyes bright not with
fury but with panic. A moment later, another beast rushes
7. The Soldiers Fate from between the boles, branches tearing free from trees as
it passes. Pursuing the pack is a large elk with fur that is a
dusky ash color. Strands of writhing shados dangle from its
The faint glimmer of steel is visible on the narrow trail that
winds through the gloom. A closer look reveals it to be several
chain mail shirts, metal shields, spears, and swords strewn about The elk succumbed to the Darkening, turning it fearsome and hungry
the path. Mixed in among the discarded arms and armaments are for vitality. When the wolves encountered the afflicted animal, they found
tunics, breeches, and boots. It is as if the wearers decided they no themselves going from predator to prey. Now they flee the elk, and their
longer wished to be encumbered by weapons, armor, or clothing, flight has brought them into the partys path.
and hastily shed them. Creatures: There are four wolves and one shadow-touched elk
emerging from the woods. The wolves are panicked and may attack the
party if the characters fail to get out of their path. The elk, seeing more
It was on this spot that the Dukes men succumbed to the vitality in the heroes than the wolves, ceases pursuit to siphon the life
Darkening and either perished or were consumed. Those that were from the heroes.
absorbed by shadows grasp left their gear behind. Their equipment
and clothing, however, is not all that remains of them. While some of (Wolf x4: AC 13, 11 hp; +4 to hit, 2d4 + 2 piercing damage
those devoured by shadow sought out the Darkling Lanthorn (see The and the target must make a successful DC 11 Str saving
Cellars, Area 10), a few remained and have gorged themselves on the throw or be knocked prone [bite]; a wolf has tactical
living energy of creatures in the woods, growing fat and fearsome in advantage on attack rolls if at least one active ally is
their feasting. adjacent to the target)
Creatures: A trio of shadow kings lurks along the path. They first
devoured some of their fellow soldiers, but now subsist on the occasional (Shadow-touched Elk: AC 10, 13 hp; +5 to hit, 1d6 +
animal that survives in the forest. They haunt this stretch of path until 3 bludgeoning damage [ram] or +5 to hit, 2d4 + 3
destroyed. bludgeoning damage [hooves, against prone target only]
plus one shadow-touched ability chosen by the GM)
(Shadow King x3: AC 13, 39 hps; +6 to hit x2, 1d10 + 3
necrotic damage plus DC 11 Con saving throw or target It is possible for the wolves to be magically induced to aid the party
gains a 1 penalty on Str-based attacks, saving throws, via spells such as animal friendship or dominate beast, but the canines
and ability checks [claws]) have tactical advantage on their saving throw due to their frenzied state.
If charmed, the wolves calm down and act according the parameters of
The discarded weapons and equipment along the path consist of chain the spell.
mail shirts, spears, longwords, and shields for a dozen men. There are
also four light crossbows and four bolt cases with 10 bolts remaining in
each. In addition to the arms and armor, there are a dozen sets of traveling
clothes and 12 small sacks holding water skins and three days of rations.
10. The Gullet
Among the mundane supplies are pouches containing a total of 46 cp, 77
sp, 15 gp, two silver rings (10 gp value each), a gold hoop earring (5 gp
Large rocks jut from the forest floor in this vicinity, leaning
value), and a small garnet (50 gp value).
on one another like staggering drunks. Two especially large
outcroppings form an upside-down V with a dark cave mouth
8. Thistlehill visible in the gap between them. The air here smells foul
and rank.

The ground rises slightly here, forming a 10-foot-high hillock A careful inspection of the area accompanied by a successful DC 15
in the midst of a gloomy clearing. In the side of the hill is a wide, Wis (Perception) check reveals a trail of large footprints winding among
low doorway bracketed by thick timber posts and lintel. A well- the rocks. A successful DC 12 Wis (Survival) identifies the tracks as bear
worn path leads to the tightly-shut door. tracks, but a ranger with the favored enemy (monstrosities) recognizes
them as owlbear tracks.
Creature: The cave measures roughly 30 feet square and is home to a
This is the main entrance to the gnome burrow of Thistlehill, the other shadow-touched owlbear. During daylight hours it remains inside its cave,
settlement inside Namjan Forest. Like their neighbors in Stillwater, emerging to hunt after dark.
Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
(Shadow-touched Owlbear: AC 13, 59 hp; +7 to hit, 1d10 + This tree is in direct contact with the Darkling Lanthorn and the conduit
5 piercing damage [beak] and +7 to hit, 2d8 + 5 slashing to shadow. It is responsible for the awakening of the relics power and the
damage [claws]; plus shadow-touched abilities chosen by start of the Darkening. The oak is entirely infected with shadows touch,
the GM) so that it exists only partially on this plane and partially on the Plane
of Shadow. Any attack or destructive spell targeting the oak temporarily
There is a 50% chance the owlbear is asleep if characters enter the cave damages it, but the tree heals its massive trunk and limbs moments later
during the day. It automatically awakens if attacked, but suffers tactical as the injury is patched over with shadow stuff.
disadvantage on its initiative check because of its sudden rousing. It mauls The dripping coils of shadow are dangerous, and the tree instinctively
any adventurer in melee range. If the party is out of range, it uses its lashes out with the viscous substance at any creature approaching within
shadow-ripping ability for two rounds before closing the distance and 20 feet of it.
fighting with beak and claws.
The cave contains bones and owlbear scat. Mixed in amongst the
detritus is a rusty chain shirt, a +1 dagger, a set of ivory gaming dice Darkling Oak
(15 sp value), and a gold belt buckle with amethyst stone (20 gp value) XP 1,800 (CR 5)
attached to a rotting leather belt. CE Huge plant
A crude and extremely old map is scratched on the cave wall. This map Initiative +2
dates back to the time of Dyraxl Uhl-Kal-Totten and depicts the region
as it was then. The Fehlween River is easily identifiable and, with that DEFENSE
as a guide, the characters can deduce the approximate locations of the AC 16 (natural armor)
Watchtower (Area 6) and the Darkling Oak (Area 12). Each of these sites hp: 75 (10d12 + 10)
is depicted as a crude tower and keep, and may hint at further locations in Immunity: Psychic damage; charm, fright, stun,
need of exploration to find the source of the Darkening. unconsciousness

11. Shadows Merge Speed: 0 ft.
Multiattack: The darkling oak attacks four times with shadow
Melee AttackShadow Coil: +7 to hit (reach 20 ft.; one
A small tributary flows into the Fehlween River from the west, target). Hit: 1d8 + 2 necrotic damage, and a living
its water just as inky dark as the shadow-rich liquid of the main creature must make a successful DC 12 Con saving throw
river. Stands of soot-colored reeds cling in clusters to the river or gain a 1 penalty on all Strength-based attack rolls, Str
banks, their tufted stalks standing unmoving in the still air. saving throws, and Strength ability checks. The penalty
is cumulative with multiple unsuccessful saving throws.
The penalty persists until the creature completes a long
A successful DC 15 Wis (Perception) check notices a punt pulled up or short rest. If the penalty plus the creatures normal
to the northern bank of the tributary and mostly hidden among the reeds. Strength modifier reach 6, the creature dies. If a non-evil
Heroes inspecting the long, narrow boat find the bottom of the punt stained living creature dies from this effect, a new shadow king
with copious amounts of blood. Lying in the gore is a human leg severed rises from its corpse 1d6 hours later.
at the shin and a blood-stained fishing knife. Writing is carved into the
seat of the punt, scratched into the wood by a shaky hand. The writing is STATISTICS
in Common and reads: Str 18 (+4), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 0 (-5), Wis 10 (+0),
The dark crept in and touched my leg. Cut it off, but too late. Im going, Cha 5 (-0)
going dark and light. Came down the thinny way, out of the Tumbles. Languages: None
Cant st.. The scratched message ends abruptly. Senses: Tremorsense 60 ft.
The message was written by the unfortunate former owner of the
severed leg who became infected by the Darkening as it crept down this ECOLOGY
narrow tributary (the thinny way) from the tree. The infected boatman Environment: Shadow-infested forest
severed the appendage but shadow overtook him and his body faded away. Organization: Solitary
He had just enough time to scrawl his warning before his physical body
dissipated. The earth-covered mound of broken rubble is all that remains of Dyraxl
If characters continue upriver past the meeting of the waters, they soon Uhl-Kal-Tottens stronghold. This rise of land measures 100 feet in
see that the water of the Fehlween becomes clear, losing its dark taint. It diameter and 20 feet tall at its highest point. The Shadow Oak sprouts
is obvious that the source of the rivers Darkening is the tributary, perhaps from the western end of the hillock. Slightly south of the tree at a distance
spurring them deeper into the forest toward the source of the shadows. of 20 feet, a narrow, dark tunnel mouth is visible between two massive
piece of masonry. It appears to lead to a cave or similar descent within the
mound. This tunnel does indeed connect to the cellars, Area 1.
12. The Darkling Oak
The ground rises slightly here, forming a low island among the
gloomy forest floor. This small hillock appears formed by a mass
of ancient, fallen stones. Tumbled together and half-buried under
centuries of forest loam, the moss-covered stones are weathered by
storms and time. Sprouting among the broken masonry is a titanic
oak rising 50 feet into the air. Its trunk is dusky ash in color, its
leaves glossy obsidian. Hanging from the branches are thick coils of
shadow that drip slowly down toward the ground like black honey.

the darkening of Namjan forest
flame struggles feebly for a moment, then fails. Unlike in the cellar (see

Thistlehill Gnome Burrow below), other illumination sources function normally inside Thistlehill,
providing their normal illumination.

This small burrow was home to two dozen gnomish miners and woodworkers.
They did a brisk trade with their human neighbors of Stillwater, selling their
wares to dealers there in return for the necessities and luxuries the gnomes
1. Front Door
desired. When the Darkening spread through the Namjan, the gnomes barred The double doors measure 6 feet high and 8 feet wide and are made
their doors and hoped to withstand the infection. They failed, becoming afflicted from stout oak bound with iron. A small, closed peephole pierces the left-
by shadows touch. Only one gnome remains untouched, surviving thanks to hand door, looking out at gnome-eye level. The door is barred from within,
the strange properties of the sunbreath quartz the gnomes mined. but the bar holding it is small (better to be managed by the gnomes). The
door can be bashed open with a successful DC 20 Str (Athletics) check or

General Features
the use of a knock spell.
No one is guarding the door, but if more than two attempts are made to
force open the portal, the shadow gnomes at Area 2 are alerted and prepare
Thistlehill is excavated out of the rocky soil beneath the forest, but its to attack intruders.
no series of earthen caves and tunnels. The floors, walls, and ceilings of
Thistlehill are lined by stout timber planks, planed smooth and pegged firmly
into place. The air is dry and cool, and holds only a trace of rich, earthy scents.
Interior Dimensions: Thistlehill is a gnomish home, and its sized
2. Guard Post
accordingly. Ceilings stand 6 feet high and corridors are 8 feet wide at the most.
Human-sized creatures can move and act without penalty inside Thistlehill, but
find the place cramped and uncomfortable after longer than an hour. A cramped square room stands at the end of a sloping, plank-
Illumination: In better days, the interior of Thistlehill was lit by thick lined hallway. The space holds a small table and three chairs,
beeswax candles set in wall holders or hanging chandeliers. These are still a little sealed barrel, and a pair of doors leading out. One door
present, but shadows taint not only makes the interior of the lair a place of stands in the north wall, another in the west wall.
deep darkness but also prevents the candles from being lit. If set alight, the

Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
Creatures: Three gloom gnomes (see New Monsters), the former guards ft./60 ft., 1d6 + 2 necrotic damage [necrotic ray])
stationed here, continue their vigil, but for hunger, not duty. If the party burst
open the front door and immediately proceeded here, the guards are present (Shadow-touched Giant Badger: AC 10, 13 hp; +3 to hit, 1d6
and preparing to attack. If the character dallied before entering or if multiple + 1 piercing damage [bite] and +3 to hit, 2d4 + 1 slashing
attempts were needed to breach the front door, the shadow gnomes are merged damage [claws]; plus shadow-touched abilities chosen by
with the gloom and attack from ambush, likely surprising the party. the GM)
The barrel contains 5 gallons of watered brandy. The doors exiting this
room are closed, but not locked.

(Gloom Gnome x4: AC 13, hp 27; +4 to hit x2, 1d6 + 2

6. Kitchen
necrotic damage [shadow blade] or +4 to hit x2, range 30
ft./60 ft., 1d6 + 2 necrotic damage [necrotic ray])
The smell of many old and fine meals has seeped into the
wooden walls of this well-kept kitchen. Clay ovens stand against
3. Observation Post the north wall, facing low tables covered with bowls, plates, and
kitchen implements. A closed trapdoor lies in the floor next to the
preparation tables.

A small, round room stands at the top of a narrow flight of stairs.

Small observation windows are cut through the walls of the room This ordinary kitchen is free from danger. The table holds several
at the eye level of a short observer, granting a 360-degree view bowls, wooden spoons, a butchers knife, cleaver, paring knives, and a
of the forest outside. An unlit brazier filled with coal sits in the pewter salt cellar. The ovens are cold and empty, but the faint odor of
center of the room. freshly-baked bread is barely detectable when the ovens are opened.
The trapdoor is unlocked and opens to reveal a short ladder leading
down to the pantry (Area 7).
This place once allowed the gnomes a hidden vantage point to observe
travelers approaching Thistlehills front door. It is no longer manned but
might still present a threat to intruders.
The coal in the brazier is thoroughly infected by shadows touch. If set
7. Pantry
alight, the coal bursts into brilliant, deep blue flames that immediately
suck the warmth from the room. Everyone in the room suffers 1d8 + 2
cold damage, or half damage with a successful DC 12 Con save. The coals Sacks, barrels, and boxes fill this cramped root cellar. The smell
continue to burn, inflicting additional damage each round to anyone who of flour, smoked meat, and earth is rich here.
stays in the room. The brazier cannot be extinguished by mundane means;
it burns out naturally after one hour.
This room holds enough food to feed two dozen small appetites for
two weeks. The pantry holds sausages, wheels of cheese, flour, corn meal,
4. Pit Trap pickled vegetables, dried fruit, and salted fish. There are four dusty bottles
resting atop a high shelf, but a successful DC 12 Wis (Perception) check
A 20-foot-deep covered pit blocks the passage here. A successful DC is necessary to see them under the dust and cobwebs without a thorough
20 Int (Investigation) check notices the concealed trap. Failing to detect search. Each bottle holds an old gnomish fortified wine spiced with
the pit forces the first rank of the party to make a successful DC 15 Dex restorative herbs and flowers. Drinking the lavender wine of a full bottle
saving throw or plunge into the trap. A hidden switch, detectable with a acts as a potion of vitality.
successful DC 20 Wis (Perception) check, is located behind a knothole
in the corridors plank walls. Throwing the switch seals the pit cover,
allowing it to be crossed without danger. 8. Lavatory
This rooms served the burrows basic sanitary needs. Seven stalls with
5. Common Room single-hole latrines line the walls. An enclosed bathing area (A) is used for
washing. A natural spring flows into a clay basin in the bathing area. There
is nothing of interest or value in this area.
This large room holds carved wooden chairs, tables, and
cupboards, each fashioned with exquisite skill. A plush woven
carpet of forest green and autumn gold covers the plank floor. 9. Dormitories
A wide, cold hearth stands in the south wall, and a curious, low-
walled box rests beside it.
Numerous small bunks, tables, chairs, and wardrobes fill this
room, providing sleeping quarters for the warrens occupants.
The central gathering place for the gnomes, this common room was the
hub of life within Thistlehill. It is now home to the worst of the shadow-
afflicted residents. Each of these rooms holds 12 bunks and wardrobes, along with small
The room contains only normal furniture for the warrens inhabitants. tables and chairs for sitting and eating. The wardrobes are filled with
The curious, low-walled box is filled with straw and wood chips, and small-sized clothing and the personal effects of Thistlehills miners,
served as the badgers bed before shadows coming. as well as a handful of common tools. The two dormitories are largely
Creatures: Four gloom gnomes dwell here, along with their former identical; their differences in contents are listed below.
pet, a giant badger.

(Gloom Gnome x4: AC 13, hp 27; +4 to hit x2, 1d6 + 2 9A. Gloom Gnome Ambush
necrotic damage [shadow blade] or +4 to hit x2, range 30 A band of gloom gnomes slinks about in the darkness, waiting to
the darkening of Namjan forest
ambush the curious.

(Gloom Gnome x4: AC 13, hp 27; +4 to hit x2, 1d6 + 2

11. Gemstone Mine
necrotic damage [shadow blade] or +4 to hit x2, range 30
ft./60 ft., 1d6 + 2 necrotic damage [necrotic ray])
The plank-lined corridor gives way to an excavated area hewn
from the surrounding earth and stone. Timber braces support the
Among the mundane contents of this room are a small pouch of six
earth and stone ceiling, creating a low, wide cavern underneath
moonstones (10 gp value each), a pair of small boots with silver heels (10 the earth. Buckets, tools, and wheelbarrows lean against the
gp value), 75 cp, 49 sp, and a small barrel of good brandy (10 gp value). walls of the room. Flickering shadows with malicious smiles
crowd around the edge of a glowing circle of light at the caverns
9B. Treasure! northeastern end. Huddled within the light is a pale, thin gnome,
watching the shadows in terror. Several pools of melted wax
This dormitory is free of dangerous inhabitants. There is minor treasure
surround the gnome.
consisting of a silver drinking decanter (25 gp), four copper cups (5 gp
value total), a pouch containing 12 freshwater pearls (10 gp value each),
and 96 cp, 66 sp, and 63 gp.
The gnomes of Thistlehill mine a rare form of crystal known as
sunbreath quartz. Although not as valuable as many precious stones,
10. Storage sunbreath quartz is highly desired by jewelers and tailors for its unique
property. Most of the stone has been extracted, and only a small bit of the
original vein remains.
Creatures: This area contains five shadows and Mevlyn Butteroak, the
This room is crammed with crates, barrels, spools of rope, sole remaining resident of Thistlehill unaffected by the Darkening. When
boxes, and tools. The smell of grease and wax fills the air. the Darkening spread through the community, a handful of gnomes fled to
Cobwebs dangle in the dark corners of the room. the mine where they discovered the absorbed light of the sunbreath quartz
stymied shadows encroachment. Over the past few days, most of the
gnomes made a desperate attempt to gather supplies or escape the burrow,
The chamber contains mundane supplies necessary for the day-to-day they all but succumbed to shadows minions. Now only Mevlyn remains,
operations of the warren and adjacent mine. There are spare lanterns, 500 and he has run out of candles to keep the sunbreath crystal illuminated.
feet of rope, picks, shovels, buckets, barrels of grease, crates of candles, Unless rescued, the crystals glow will soon expire and the shadows will
timbers for building mine supports, wheelbarrows, and similar items. claim Mevlyn. The shadows turn to attack the heroes, hungry for long-
There is no danger or treasure present. delayed sustenance.

Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
(Shadow x5: AC 12, 16 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 necrotic the Darkening. He gathers his possessions from Area 9A (assuming the
damage and the target loses 1d4 Strength [strength gloom gnomes have been dispatched), which include leather armor, a
drain]) short sword, a sling with 20 stones, traveling clothes, and food and water
for three days, and joins the party.
(Mevlyn Butteroak: AC 15, 16 hp; +4 to hit, 1d8 + 2 piercing
damage [war pick] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d4
+ 2 piercing damage and DC 12 Con saving throw or
poisoned for 1 minute) The Cellar of Dyraxl
Mevlyn is overjoyed if the shadows are vanquished. He has been trapped
in the mine for several days and is severely dehydrated and malnourished. Uhl-Kal-Totten
Saddened by the loss of his friends and home, he wants nothing more
than a meal and to get as far away from shadows reach as possible. He Buried beneath the ancient rubble and thick forest loam are the surviving
will explain how he remained untouched by shadow for so long, telling catacombs of the sorcerer-warlord, Dyraxl Uhl-Kal-Totten. It was in these
the party of sunbreath quartzs power (see sidebar) and suggesting they chambers that he conducted his eldritch research and stored his prized
take as many of the stones as possible if they are brave enough to fight the magical artifactsincluding the Darkling Lanthorn which is the source
Darkenings power. Unfortunately, only 20 quartz crystals large enough to of the Darkening of Namjan Forest. It is here that the heroes must venture
be used offensively are available. to end shadows infection, but the task is not easy; formidable foes are
Mevlyn tells the party that the Darkening flowed over Thistlehill from arrayed against them.
the northeast, corrupting everything in its path. If they seek the source of
shadows power, he suggests they head in that directiondeeper into the
forest. General Features
Mevlyn is traumatized by his experience and has no desire to join the
party. If characters play upon his love of home and his desire to avenge the The cellar is hewn from the bedrock that underlies the forest, carved
deaths of his friends, however, then a successful DC 12 Cha (Persuasion) from the stone eons ago by both magical incantations and physical labor.
check gets Mevlyn to swallow his fear and dedicate himself to stopping Much of the cellar is in ruins or buried under tons of rubble, victim to both
the original destruction called down by Uhl-Kal-Totten and the march of
Illumination: The cellar is darkeven more so than the lack of
Sunbreath Quartz illumination can account for. Shadows encroachment has veiled the entire
undercroft in an unnatural gloom. Light sources that normally create
Sunbreath quartz appears identical to clear quartz, but if it is bright light struggle against the gloom, casting only dim light in their
exposed to bright light for four or more hours, the quartz glows area of effect. Areas that are normally considered dim light (the edges
naturally, producing illumination equal to a candle for 12 hours. of a lanterns illumination range for example) are treated as darkness in
The emitted light is always a pale yellow glow similar to sunlight the cellars. These shadows even affect darkvision. All darkvision range is
regardless of the origin of the absorbed illumination. This property reduced by one-third, rounded down, while in the cellar (e.g., a dwarfs
makes it valuable to tailors who adorn clothing with sunbreath darkvision only has a 40-foot range in the cellar).
quartz as well as jewelers, who use the glowing stones in their

Wandering Monsters
creations. A single sunbreath quartz crystal is worth 25 gp.
Sunbreath quartz can be charged with magical light to create
an effective weapon against certain creatures. By casting light on
a single sunbreath quartz crystal, the stone absorbs and retains Several shadowy occupants of the cellar prowl its corridors, constantly
the spell, becoming a form of miniature light bomb that can be seeking to assuage their hunger and increase shadows hold, and characters
employed against creatures affected by bright light. The magical might encounter these wanderers during their exploration. There is a 20%
light is retained by the crystal for up to one hour and, due to the chance of encountering a wandering monster every 30 minutes while
strange properties of the stone, continues to maintain its light even inside the cellar. If a wandering monster is indicated, roll on the table
if another light cantrip is cast by the same spellcaster (this effect below to determine the type and number of creatures encountered.
supersedes the spells description). A spellcaster can cast the light
cantrip on multiple sunbreath quartz stones and each retains its The Cellar Random Encounter Table
illumination until an hour passes or the stone is used offensively.
1d6 Encounter
A charged sunbreath quartz can be thrown as an improvised
weapon with range 20 ft./60 ft. If it strikes a target or hard surface, 1 1d4 Shadow-touched Spiders
the stone shatters, releasing the light. The explosion of illumination 2 1d6 Shadows
has one of two effects. If the creatures possesses eyesight and is
not shadow-based, it must make a successful Con saving throw 3 1d4 Grimseems
(DC equals the save DC of the spellcaster who cast light on the 4 1 Miasmic Death
quartz) or be blinded for one round. Shadow creatures, including
shadows, shadow kings, shadowkin, and gloom gnomes, struck by 5-6 1 Shadow King
the blast suffer 1d6 + the spellcasters magic attack bonus radiant

The Cellar of
damage. Regardless of effect, the explosion shatters the crystal
and destroys its light-absorbing property.
A sunbreath quartz crystal can also be used to focus a light
cantrip, transforming it into a ray attack capable of damaging Dyraxl Uhl-Kal-Totten
shadow-based creatures. The spellcaster makes a magic attack roll
while casting the light cantrip and holding a sunbreath crystal in The entrance to the cellar is a steep-angled tunnel filled with fallen
his hand, aimed at the target. If the attack hits, the target takes blocks of masonry and old forest earth. It connects to the surface in the lee
1d8 radiant damage. One such attack also burns out the crystal, of the Darkling Oak, which unwittingly serves as guardian to the cellar.
destroying its light-absorbing property. Once the Darkling Oak is evaded, explorers can venture down the shafts
50-foot length to arrive in Area 1.
the darkening of Namjan forest

a successful DC 15 Wis (Perception) check uncovers an intact bottle

1. Spider Wine fashioned from cut crystal. The vessel alone is worth 50 gp, and it contains
a potion of longevity.

The steep shaft terminates in a dark chamber, its contents

largely obscured by the almost-physical gloom that fills the space 2. Ruined Menagerie
with shadows. A collapsed wooden rack and smashed barrels are
vaguely discernable in the dark, and the stone floor is littered
with shards of broken, dusty glass. Rusty bars form several caged-off areas of varying size in this
chamber. Yellowed, moldering bones lie in haphazard fashion
within the cages. Open doors on rusty hinges moan slightly,
Creatures: Once a wine cellar, this chamber is now home to a pair pushed by faint subterranean drafts.
of large, shadow-touched spiders. Ever hungry, they scuttle close to the
party, seeking to ambush them from the dark.
Dyraxl Uhl-Kal-Totten kept his most fearsome and fascinating pets
(Shadow-touched Giant Wolf Spider x2: AC 13, 11 hp; +3 to
in this chamber, intent on experimenting on and crossbreeding them.
hit, 1d6 + 1 piercing damage plus 2d6 poison damage
The mystical creatures died during the siege, and their bones have lain
[bite]; DC 11 Con saving throw for half damage; creatures
poisoned to 0 hp are paralyzed for 1 hour; plus shadow- undisturbed here ever since.
touched abilities chosen by the GM) There are eight cages, all comprised of rusting bars, with doors ajar.
Skeletal remains of great age, some nearly fossilized by mineralization,
The contents of this room are in ruins; barrels and bottles that once held are scattered inside the cages. A successful DC 20 Int (Arcana) check
fine vintages from long ago are now broken and empty. The tall wooden identifies the remains as belonging to a bulette, a catoblepas, a gorgon, an
racks are dust-caked and riddled with dry rot, so they collapse into punky owlbear, a peryton, and a unicorn.
wood with a touch. A careful search of the chamber accompanied with The unicorns horn is still intact and is worth up to 2,000 gp.
Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
3. Snatching Darkness 4. Alchemy Lab
This location conceals a pool of semi-intelligent darkness that is
a conduit between the material realm and the Plane of Shadow. It Broken glassware is strewn about this small chamber and
clings to the ceiling, nearly undetectable (requires a successful DC 25 covered by a thick blanket of dust. The floor is stained by the
Wis [Perception] check to notice) until the party passes beneath it. At spills of a hundred strange chemicals and reagents. The air seems
that point it strikes, lashing down with its two 20-foot-long shadow to roil and swirl, casting a rainbow of dull hues as if soap bubbles
tentacles to grab living passersby. The pool cannot move from its were caught in a draft.
Once the pool grapples a creature, it drags the victim upward to the
ceiling and pulls it inside the shadow. The pools form exists in both the Creature: The countless spilled chemicals combined with the arcane
Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow, so victims pulled into it seem destruction called down by Uhl-Kal-Totten and now infused with
to disappear into the ceiling as if dropped into a dark hole between the shadows touch has created a unique life form in this rooma miasmic
planes. The pool is large enough to hold one Large, two Medium, or four death. The gaseous creature drains both nutrients and the breath of those
Small victims at a time. it envelops, seeking to reproduce itself and spread beyond the confines of
Remember that characters lifted into the pool are 15 feet above the this small chamber.
corridors floor, and the distance is likely to hamper any attempts to aid
them. (Miasmic Death: AC 12, 38 hp; DC 13 Con saving throw, 2d6
The pool cannot be killed. It can only be banished,by natural or magical necrotic damage [steal breath]; gaseous)
daylight. It retreats immediately if subjected to daylight.
The contents of this room are largely beyond salvage. The various
Shadow Pool alchemical instruments and materials are rusted and rotted or smashed to
XP 1,800 (CR 5) flinders. However, mixed amongst the debris are three iron beakers sealed
Unaligned Medium aberration with foul-smelling wax. Each beaker contains a potion, but the elixirs
Initiative +2 have undergone magical spoilage down the millennia. Now, each potion
produces a harmless but interesting side-effect when consumed. The side
AC 10 effect lasts for as long as the potion is functioning.
hp: 10 (2d8 + 1) per pseudopod The potions are a potion of flying (side effect: turns the drinkers skin a
Immunity: All damage types but radiant; all conditions vibrant color), a potion of gaseous form (side effect: gaseous form throws
Speed: 0 ft. tiny, harmless blue lightning bolts, which cause the drinker to have tactical
Multiattack: The shadow pool can have two pseudopods disadvantage on Stealth checks), and a potion of heroism (side effect: the
at a time. Each pseudopod can either attack or lift a sound of cattle lowing accompanies the drinker wherever he goes).
character into devouring shadow.
Melee AttackPseudopod: +6 to hit (reach 20 ft.; one
creature). Hit: the target is grappled and restrained, and 5. Sensory Deprivation Chamber
lifted 5 feet off the ground. Breaking free of this grapple
takes a successful DC 14 Str saving throw by the grappled
creature or an adjacent creature. A large spherical vessel resembling an amphora occupies this
Melee AttackDevouring Shadow: automatic hit (one room. The 10-foot-diameter container has a large hole in its side,
creature already grappled by the shadow pool at the allowing a faint glimpse into its empty interior. The flagstone
start of the shadow pools turn). Hit: the creature is lifted floor is stained by some ancient spillage and is covered by dust.
into the shadow pool. A living creature must make a The remains of a corroded iron ladder lie beside the grand vessel.
successful DC 12 Con saving throw or gain a 1 penalty
on all Strength-based attack rolls, Str saving throws, and
Strength ability checks. The saving throw is repeated at Creatures: A trio of grimseems lurk inside the round vessel, hidden
the start of each of the characters turns, and the penalty by the gloom and the curving sides of the container. They flutter out on
is cumulative with multiple unsuccessful saving throws. shadowy, batlike wings and attack.
The penalty persists until the creature completes a long
or short rest. If the penalty plus the creatures normal (Grimseem x3: AC 14, 32 hp; +5 to hit, 1d4 + 3 necrotic
Strength modifier drop to 6, the creature dies. If a non- damage [bite] and +5 to hit, 1d8 + 4 bludgeoning
evil living creature dies from this effect, a new shadow damage [tentacle])
king emerges from the shadow pool 1d6 hours later.
The spherical vessel was a sensory deprivation tank. Uhl-Kal-Totten
TRAITS drifted inside the tank, floating in warm water and shrouded in darkness,
Daylight Vulnerability: Any spell that creates daylight (not allowing his mind to visit unseen dimensions and contemplate the
just bright light) banishes the pool to the Plane of Shadow mysteries of magic. The stain on the floor comes from the heavily salted
for 24 hours. water that once occupied the tank.
Shadow Substance: The pool draws a limitless supply of A search of the north wall accompanied by a successful DC 10 Wis
shadow from the Plane of Shadow. Radiant damage can (Perception) check discovers a concealed compartment. This tall, narrow
destroy pseudopods, but a new pseudopod grows to cubby once contained dressing robes and towels, as well as certain
replace each destroyed one at the start of the shadow substances Uhl-Kal-Totten imbibed before entering the tank to help him
pools turn, so it always has two pseudopods to use during attain a trancelike state. On a small shelf is a crystal box (10 gp value)
its turn. containing a gummy black resin. This substance is extract of the night
hyacinth flower, a mystical drug that affects spellcasters. There is a single
ECOLOGY dose of resin in the box.
Environment: Underground Any spellcaster consuming the resin must make a DC 15 Con saving
Organization: Solitary or patch (2-5) throw. If the saving throw fails, the spellcaster suffers 3d8 poison damage
the darkening of Namjan forest
and the resin has no further effect. On a successful save, the caster falls The destruction long ago severely damaged this room, opening an
unconscious for 1d4 hours, during which time nothing can awaken him or 80-foot-deep, 30-foot-wide rift in the floor while dumping tons of earth
her. The caster has fearsome dreams while unconscious, his mind glimpsing and rock into the room from the compromised ceiling. By sheer chance,
strange vistas at the far ends of the multiverse. When he awakens, he does several of the ceiling slabs fell to form a delicately balanced bridge across
so with the understanding of how to bolster his magic with his own body. the gap. There they have remained, but they are precariously positioned.
The spellcaster can effectively increase the level of an expended spell slot Creatures: A quartet of shadows flitter through the darkness, greedy
by permanently reducing his Constitution by 1 point. For example, a 3rd for the adventurers lives. They wait until characters begin crossing the
level wizard could cast a spell using one of his 2nd level spell slots and, by haphazard bridge before attacking.
permanently decreasing his Constitution score by one, cause the spell to take
effect as if cast with a 3rd level spell slot. Lost Constitution cannot be restored (Shadow x4: AC 12, 16 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 necrotic
by any magic less than a wish spell. Lowered Constitution can still be raised damage and the target loses 1d4 Strength [strength
when using the Ability Score Improvement feature during leveling. drain])
This knowledge doesnt allow the caster to use magic beyond his ability.
A caster cannot expend more than 1 point of Constitution per round. Combatants battling on the stone slab bridge risk a very real chance
of collapsing the precarious span. Roll 1d6 at the end of each round
when combat occurs on the bridge; if the result is less than or equal to
6. Golem Forge the number of rounds fighting has lasted, the slabs fall, pitching all on
the makeshift bridge into the chasm. Nonflying creatures on the bridge
must make a successful DC 15 Dex saving throw to grab a ledge and save
themselves from falling 80 feet to the chasm bottom (8d6 bludgeoning
A massive table fashioned from a single stone slab occupies
damage). Characters that grab a ledge can be pulled to safety automatically
much of this rooms floor space. Scraps of punky, dry-rotted
by an ally, or they can pull themselves out with a successful DC 10 Str
wood and rusty nails indicate tables or other furnishings once
(Athletics) check. Someone who is struck while dangling over the chasm
lined the western wall, but they have long succumbed to age. A
must make a successful Str (Athletics) check with a DC equal to 5 +
large stone box, its exterior inscribed with strange sigils, rests
damage suffered or fall into the chasm.
atop the slab table.
The broken debris on the eastern side of the room is all that remains of
display and trophy cases that once housed prizes Uhl-Kal-Totten wrested
from his enemies. An inspection of the ruined wood, glass, and rusty iron
Golems and other constructs were fashioned in this chamber, Uhl-Kal-
uncovers shattered bits of bone, corroded pieces of armor, and scraps of
Totten was preparing to create a new model when his stronghold fell. All
cloth that crumble to dust at a touch. One object survived the destruction:
that remains is a single component sealed inside a magically-warded box.
a human tibia inscribed with magical glyphs and wrapped with decaying
A character conversant in Primordial or who makes a successful DC
reptile hide. This is a wand of radiance (see the New Magical Items
15 Int (Arcana) check identifies the writing as pertaining to the Plane
appendix). A thorough search, or a quick search with a successful DC 13
of Elemental Earth. The box is sealed shut and bears no obvious lock
Wis (Perception) check, discovers the intact wand in the debris.
or closure. It weighs 300 pounds. The chest resists attempts to break
it open, its rocky surface quickly healing damage and shrugging off
most magical spells. Its contents can be accessed only three ways: 1) A
disintegrate spell destroys the box, revealing its contents; 2) a stone shape 8. Map Room
spell allows an opening to be molded in the boxs side; and 3) an earth
elemental can reach inside using its earth crawl power and extract the
boxs contents. Collapsed shelves and crumbling chests of drawers slouch
The box contains an oversized humanoid left hand made from solid in this small room, covered with eons of dust and smelling of
stone. Originally intended for a stone golem, the hand is magical and great age and mildew. A faint, old stink of rotting flesh is barely
useable by one daring enough to pay the price. If the hand is affixed to discernable amongst the other pungent, subterranean smells.
the freshly severed (within 12 hours) stump of a left arm and a regenerate
spell is cast on the hand, it potentially fuses with the flesh, allowing the
creature to utilize it as his own, natural appendage. When the regenerate Uhl-Kal-Totten stored his library of maps, charts, and similar documents
spell is cast, the subject must make a DC 10 Con saving throw. If the save in this room, but age has destroyed them all. The smell of rot comes from
succeeds, the limb attaches itself without side-effect. If the saving throw the decayed animal hides that once bore ancient maps of long-vanished
fails, the fist rejects its owners natural flesh and replaces it with solid lands. The few surviving scraps of material in the room fall to pieces if
rock, petrifying the subject. If restored to normal, the hand separates from handled. The exception is a bone scroll case sealed with a mithral cap
the now un-petrified owner and can never be utilized by that creature. (200 gp value).
When successfully fused to flesh, the fist grants the owner a +2 Strength The case contains a thin sheet of metal, rolled like a scroll and bearing
bonus when using his or her left arm. Twice per day, the creature can a number of seemingly randomly spaced rectangular holes (similar to
also smash the hand onto the ground and create a thunderwave (save DC computer punch card). The sheet measure 12 inches square, and the metal
equals owners Strength modifier plus proficiency bonus). is unidentifiable, even by dwarves. This object serves as a key to open the
vault door in Area 10 and to bypass the trap protecting it.

7. Slippery Stones
9. Funeral Trophies
A jagged hole tears the stone floor of this chamber in two.
Collapsed ceiling stones are piled in tumbled fashion, forming More than a dozen sarcophagi in various styles and condition
a crude bridge across the gap. Mounds of dark forest earth are placed about the room. Some stand upright, while others lie
have partially buried the chamber, having poured into the room flat on the cracked flagstones. The casket lids are all intact and
through holes in the roof. Debris or broken furnishings are dimly closed, obscuring what, if anything, they contain. One, however,
visible on the far side of the room, as is a closed door. glows with an eerie, pale green light, like foxfire in a dismal mire.

Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
Uhl-Kal-Totten plundered many tombs and cemeteries to acquire If both shadow mastiffs are slain and Eghrihl is still alive, he flees to
lost lore and the ghastly material components he needed for his spells Area 12. He waits with the shadow elemental there to defend the Darkling
and experiments. He took to collecting the sarcophagi of his lootings as Lanthorn and the conduit to shadow.
macabre trophies, speculating that he might be able to utilize their funereal
power in his experiments. One of the stone caskets was an obvious source
of magical power, and Uhl-Kal-Totten claimed it to further experiment on, 11. Vault Door
but his research was foiled by the collapse of his demesne.
The glowing sarcophagus possess an unusual and possibly beneficial
enchantment, but only to the character brave enough to climb inside. If the This chamber is mostly barren. Its only content is a stone post
lid is removed, ancient hieroglyphics are found to line the interior of the that rises 4 feet from the floor to end in a U-shaped bracket. A
casket. A successful DC 20 Int (History) check reveals them to be concerned small, round protrusion extends from the east side of the post,
with rebirth, but their exact meaning is vague. If a living creature climbs giving it a lopsided appearance.
inside the sarcophagus and closes the lid, the green glow increases in Set in the western wall is a massive stone door with dozens of
brilliance, becoming nearly blinding to those outside the coffin. The person small, iron plates riveted to its face.
inside the sarcophagus undergoes a vivid hallucination of a hundred faces
of strangers racing past, many of whom are dressed in outlandish fashions
from the distant past (or future?). The enclosed adventurer must then make This room protects the Vault of Shadows (Area 12) with its well-secured
a DC 15 Con saving throw. If the save succeeds, nothing happens and door and a secret trap.
the light subsides. If the saving throw fails, a strange contingency magic The door measures 8 feet square. Sixty-four steel tiles, each measuring
affects the caskets occupant: if he or she dies an untimely death, the body about 2 inches square, are arranged in an eight-by-eight pattern. The tiles
immediately returns to life as if a reincarnate spell had been cast on it. The are rusted but solid.
characters appearance is altered to resemble one of the many individuals The door is solidly locked. No amount of pushing or hammering will
who have benefited from the magic of the sarcophagus. force it open. The door can be safely opened only by pressing the correct
While the coffins contingency magic is in effect (i.e., prior to the combination of tiles. A pressed tile slides 1 inch into the doors face,
heros untimely demise), the character radiates both necromancy and creating a shallow divot. Fifteen tiles will stay depressed at one time;
transmutation magic if subjected to a detect magic spell. There is no other when a sixteenth is pressed, all of the depressed tiles reset to the original
indication of what the sarcophaguss effect is. The sarcophaguss magical position. If the correct fifteen tiles are depressed, the trap is disarmed and
contingency effect can be nullified on a character by both dispelling magic the door is unlocked.
and removing a curse from the character. The stone post is situated 6 feet from the door. It is part of the solution
The remaining 14 sarcophagi in the room are old, but are otherwise to determining the proper combination of tiles to be pushed. Each end of
unremarkable. the U-shaped bracket has a narrow slot running vertically down its inside,
as if its intended to hold something. If the metal sheet from Area 6 is

10. Shadowkin Lair

unrolled and slid into the grooves, it fits perfectly. The round protrusion
extending from the eastern side of the post is a stone ring sized large
enough to hold a torch or fat candle. Placing a lit torch or candle into the
ring allows light to pass through the holes punched in the metal sheet so
Shallow niches in the walls of this dark chamber hold rotted that it throws small rectangles of light onto the doors face. Each rectangle
picture frames, indicating this was once a galley where art was flickers directly on one of the iron tiles on the door. The fifteen illuminated
displayed. Thin, decorative columns divide the room in two, tiles are the ones that must be pressed to unlock the door and deactivate
and the floor is covered by the dusty, decayed remains of a thick the trap. The order in which the tiles are pressed doesnt matter. When
carpet that might once have been magnificent. all fifteen are depressed, the door unlocks with a loud clank and shifts
slightly; it can be pushed open by anyone with a Strength modifier of +1
or higher.
Creatures: Lurking in the darkness is a victim of shadow known as A party that hasnt found the key sheet in Area 6 can deduce which
Egrihl. Egrihl and his hounds were scouts for the Dukes soldiers but, like tiles unlock the door with a DC 25 Int (Investigation) check. If successful,
his companions, Egrihl succumbed to the Darkening. Unlike his fellows, someone notices that certain tiles show slightly more sign of wear. A
Egrihl became a rare form of creature known as a shadowkin, and his knock spell unlocks the door so that it can be pushed open as above, but
faithful hounds were transformed into shadow mastiffs. The shadowkin does not disarm the trap.
and his beasts were lured by shadows summons and now reside close The trap is triggered by pushing the door more than 5 inches. A cloud
to the source of the Darkenings power. They defend the approach to the of gas floods the chamber from miniscule vents in the ceiling (a successful
Vault of Shadows (Area 12), attacking by ambushing from the shadows. DC 20 Perception [Wisdom] check notices the vents if a character
Ergihl also has a +1 battle-axe, hide armor +1, and a hunters mask (see specifically inspects the ceiling and has sufficient light to do so). Luckily
the New Magic Items appendix) for the heroes, the toxicity of the gas has diminished over the centuries.
Each character must make a successful DC 14 Con saving throw or take
(Egrihl, Shadowkin: AC 11, 51 hp; +7 to hit x2, 1d8 + 2 3d8 poison damage. The gas persists for three rounds; characters must
necrotic damage plus DC 11 Con saving throw or target repeat the saving throw each time they end their turn in the gas.
gains a 1 penalty on Str-based attacks, saving throws,
and ability checks [strength drain])
12. The Vault of Shadows
(Shadow Mastiff x2: AC 12, 22 hp; +4 to hit, 2d6 + 2 piercing
damage, or living creatures within 300 feet must make a
successful DC 12 Wis saving throw or be frightened for 3d6 The high, vaulted ceiling of this chamber suggests a large size,
rounds [bite]) as do the rows of thick pillars that extend away from the entrance
and disappear in the Stygian blackness beyond your light. From
Eghrihl uses the hunters mask ability to cast enhance ability (bears somewhere in the darkness comes a hideous rustling sound, as if
strength) on himself at the start of combat to gain temporary hit points. He the fabric of reality was undulating in an unnatural rhythm.
then wades into the thickest concentration of foes. The shadow mastiffs
attack foes Eghrihl isnt engaged with.
the darkening of Namjan forest
Uhl-Kal-Totten kept his most prized treasures in this secure
vault, where they remained undisturbed for millennia. But when
a single, stray root brushed across the Darkling Lanthorn, that
contact with vitality was enough to rouse it from its long slumber.
The Darkling Lanthorn
The shadow elemental within escaped its prison and now oversees This magical artifact resembles a black iron lantern with cut crystal panes.
the conduit between the Plane of Shadow and the material world. When visible, the Lanthorn burns with a black-blue light. The Lanthorn
The far end of the room is covered in the magic darkness naturally produces a permanent darkness effect in a 15 foot radius, but this
created by the Darkling Lanthorn, so neither the artifact nor the blackness can be temporarily negated with a daylight spell or similar magic. If
shadow elemental that lurks within it are visible. The darkness countered, the darkness fades for as long as the negating spell is in effect, but
can be circumvented as normal (a daylight spell, for example), returns once the spell ends.
which temporarily banishes the gloom and makes the Lanthorn The Darkling Lanthorn has three magical properties.
visible (see sidebar). First, a rare shadow elemental resides within its housing. The elemental
Creature: The shadow elemental is confined to this vault, both can emerge from the Lanthorn to protect it and to defend the conduit the
by an innate connection to the Lanthorn and by its need to protect artifact produces. The elemental can return to the Darkling Lanthorn when
the shadow conduit. It waits until one or more heroes approach injured, healing all damage after spending 24 hours inside the artifact.
the magical darkness and then rushes from the gloom to attack. Second, the Darkling Lanthorn acts as a gate per the 9th level spell. The
If Egrihl the shadowkin fled here after confronting the party in gate leads to the Plane of Shadow, and is permanent as long as the Darkling
Area 10, he too waits in the darkness for an opportunity to strike. Lanthorn exists. Any creature speaking the phrase, Lethel marr dclatik
(which is inscribed on the base of the Lanthorn in Draconic) is transported to
(Shadow Elemental: AC 14, 85 hp; +7 to hit x2, 2d6 the Plane of Shadow the same as if the gate spell had been cast. The gate works
+ 4 necrotic damage [fist]; as an action, can fill in both directions.
a 20-ft.-by-20-ft. area for one round with writhing Third, the Darkling Lanthorn has the power to form a conduit between
tentacles that cause 2d6 bludgeoning damage, the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow. This conduit allows the basic
or no damage with a successful DC 12 Dex saving essence of shadow to slowly invade the material world with its pervasive
throw [shadow tentacles, recharge 5, 6]) darkness. This darkening begins slowly, assimilating an area of 2 square
miles per day at first, but quickly begins accelerating. The effects of this
(Egrihl, Shadowkin: AC 11, 51 hp; +7 to hit x2, 1d8 + darkening are detailed at the beginning of this adventure.
2 necrotic damage plus DC 11 Con saving throw The Darkling Lanthorn is subject to physical and magical attacks.
or target gains a 1 penalty on Str-based attacks, Destroying the Lanthorn closes the conduit and the gate, and banishes
saving throws, and ability checks) the shadow elemental back to the Plane of Shadow if it is still alive. The
Darkling Lanthorn has an AC of 15 and 100 hit points. It is immune to cold,
If the darkness is dispelled, the party glimpses an incredibly lightning, necrotic, and poison damage, and has resistance to damage from
old lantern forged from black iron and lit with blue-black flame. nonmagical weapons.
This is the Darkling Lanthorn. It rests atop a stone table. A large If reduced to 25 hit points or less, the Darkling Lanthorn attempts to
tree root coils around the lanterns handle and vanishes into a summon shadow kings to help protect it. Roll 4d6; one shadow king is
crack in the stone wall. The air around the Lanthorn ripples with summoned for each die that rolls 5 or 6.
shadows; those are what create the unearthly rustling noise. A
dark, gloomy world can occasionally be glimpsed through the cut
crystal windows of the Lanthorn. The Lanthorn can be targeted
by attacks and spells if it is visible. If its destroyed, the conduit
is sealed and the Darkening is ended (see sidebar for more
Destroying the Darkling Lanthorn before the Darkening has
fully enveloped the forest (see Concluding the Adventure)
causes the conduit to break apart, creating a brief but powerful
suction of ethereal wind as the breech tears apart. All creatures
within 40 feet of the Lanthorn when it is destroyed must make
two DC 12 Strength saving throws. Anyone who fails both checks
is sucked through the collapsing conduit and launched into the
Plane of Shadow. The transition alone does no damage, but such
characters are stranded in another dimension with no easy way
to return to the Material Plane. They must survive the threats of
shadow long enough to discover another means to return home.
With the Darkling Lanthorn vanquished, the pervasive gloom
filling the cellar vanishes and the party discerns several large
stone chests pushed against the wall in the southwest corner of
the room. Each locked chest can be opened with a set of thieves
tools and a successful DC 15 Dex check; they arent trapped.
They contain:
Chest #1: 1,506 cp and 997 ep.
Chest #2: 57 gp and 160 pp.
Chest #3: a small coffer holding 4 emeralds (100 gp value
each), 8 sapphires (150 gp value each), 4 white opals (200 gp
value each), and 2 pink diamonds (300 gp value each).
Chest #4: A gold trinket box (500 gp value), an electrum
statuette of an orc chieftain (200 gp value), a breastplate adorned
with moonstones (400 gp value), a gem-encrusted astrolabe (700
gp value), and a gold and ruby ring (1,200 gp value).
Chest #5: A stave of striking and a ring of wizardry.
Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
easily broken with the Lanthorns destruction. If the party tarries too long

Concluding the Adventure and the daily growth of the Darkening infiltrates every forest hex on the
overland map, shadow succeeds in establishing a claim on the material
plane. In this event, destroying the Darkling Lanthorn is insufficient to
The destruction of the Darkling Lanthorn likely closes the conduit seal the conduit. Like an avalanche racing downhill, shadow gains too
between the material plane and shadow, halting the Darkening and much momentum and the artifact is no longer necessary to keep the
preventing Namjan Forest from become a beachhead of darkness. With the conduit open.
Lanthorn gone, the effects of the Darkening slowly subside over several In this case, the Darkening continues spreading across the land, moving
days, vanishing like shadows at noon. Creatures infected by the touch beyond the boundaries of the forest and infecting whatever it touches.
of the Plane of Shadow do not revert to normal, however; they remain Shadows encroachment grows daily and the forces of light and hope are
afflicted until their deaths. Whether its possible for them to pass on these pushed back before the advance. Powerful magic, either in spell form or
traits to their offspring remains to be seen (and may play a role in further residing in ancient relics, is necessary to seal the conduit and halt the
adventures). Heroes who end the Darkening are rewarded as promised invasion. However, with the conduit stabilized, denizens of the Plane of
by the Duke, earning the 2,500 gp bounty and being named Wardens of Shadow also begin pouring through the gate, so anyone venturing into
Namjan Forest, a grant of minor nobility that allows them the right to the afflicted area must face them as well as shadow-touched creatures.
build a stronghold within the woodlands and to act as local overseers of Eventually, an entire shadow army marches out of Namjan Forest to lay
the domain. siege to the world. Only an equally powerful force of Light has a hope of
It is possible, however, that the spread of shadow grows too large to be stopping it.

the darkening of Namjan forest

Appendix gnome summons a blade of chilling shadow into its hand

New Magical Items that persists as long as the gloom gnome desires. The
shadow blade can be dismissed at will.
Ranged AttackNecrotic Ray: +4 to hit, range 30/60; one
creature. Hit: 1d6 + 2 necrotic damage. The gloom gnome
Hunters Mask throws a beam of dark, scintillating energy that drains the
victim of vitality.
Very rare wondrous item
This object is a wooden mask carved from darkest mahogany and STATISTICS
bearing inlaid ebony to form winding sigils across its face. When worn by Str 10 (+0), Dex 15 (+2), Con 13 (+1),
any class other than a ranger, it is simply a decorative ornament. Only a Int 12 (+1), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 9 (-1)
ranger can utilize its full power. Languages: Common, Gnomish, Primordial (shadow)
The hunters mask has three properties when donned by a ranger. Skills: Stealth +4
The wearer gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If the wearer Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.
already had darkvision, its range increases by 50 percent.
The wearer has tactical advantage on Wis (Survival) checks when TRAITS
tracking, regardless of quarry. This benefit does not affect the rangers Surprise attack: If the gloom gnome surprises a creature
usual tactical advantage when tracking favored enemies. and hits it with an attack on the first round of combat, the
Once per day, the wearer can cast enhance ability on himself, attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.
choosing whichever of the spells six effects he desires. This spell is cast Light sensitivity: A gloom gnome has tactical disadvantage
by the hunters mask and does not count as a spell use by the ranger. on attack rolls and ability checks while it is in bright light.
Shadow stealth: Dim light obscures the gloom gnome
sufficiently for it to attempt to hide and gives it tactical
Wand of Radiance advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks.

Rare magic wand ECOLOGY

This wand is crafted from an ancient human tibia wrapped with crumbling Environment: Any land
reptile hide. Prehistoric glyphs are carved down the length of the bone. Organization: Solitary or band (2-5)
Property: The wand has seven charges. As an action, the owner can Description: A short humanoid with dusky, ash-colored skin
cast one of the following spells, using the indicated number of charges and glittering black eyes slinks out of the shadows and
to do so. plants a blade in your back.
Light (1 charge)
Fire bolt (1 charge) Grimseem
Daylight (3 charges) XP 450 (CR 2)
If the wands last charge is expended, roll 1d20. On a result of 1, the
wand crumbles into dust and is destroyed. The wand regains 1d6+1 CE Small elemental (shadow)
expended charges each day at sunrise. Initiative +2


New Monsters
AC 14
hp: 31 (7d6 + 7)

Gloom Gnome Speed: 10 ft. fly 40 ft.
XP 200 (CR 1) Multiattack: A grimseem bites once and attacks twice with
NE Small elemental (shadow) tentacles.
Initiative +2 Melee AttackBite: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
1d4 + 3 necrotic damage.
DEFENSE Melee AttackTentacle: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
AC 13 (natural armor) Hit: 1d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage.
hp: 27 (6d6 + 6)
Immunity: Necrotic and poison damage; disease, STATISTICS
petrification, poison, unconsciousness Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1),
Vulnerability: Radiant damage Int 5 (-3), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 8 (-1)
Languages: None
OFFENSE Skills: Stealth +5
Speed: 20 ft. Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.
Multiattack: A gloom gnome attacks twice.
Melee AttackShadow Blade: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one TRAITS
creature). Hit: 1d6 + 2 necrotic damage. The gloom Shadow form: While in dim light, the grimseem can move
Quests of Doom: lycanthropes & elementals
through any opening regardless of size without squeezing. Melee AttackFist: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Shadow stealth: Dim light obscures the grimseem sufficiently 2d6 + 4 necrotic damage.
for it to attempt to hide and gives it tactical advantage
on Dex (Stealth) checks. STATISTICS
Light sensitivity: While in bright light, a grimseem has tactical Str 19 (+4), Dex 14 (+2), Con 16 (+3),
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. Int 5 (-3), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)
Languages: Primordial (Shadow)
ECOLOGY Skills: Stealth +5
Environment: Plane of Shadow Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.
Organization: Solitary or flock (2-7)
Description: An inky black creature resembling a headless TRAITS
bat with a pair of long tentacles trailing behind it swoops Shadow form: While in dim light, the shadow elemental can
down upon you, lashing and biting. move through any opening regardless of width without
Shadow stealth: Dim light obscures the shadow elemental
Miasmic Death sufficiently for it to attempt to hide and gives it tactical
XP 100 (CR 1/2)
Unaligned Medium ooze advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks.
Initiative +2 Shadow Tentacles (Recharge 5, 6): As an action, a shadow
elemental can fill a 20-foot-square area with squirming,
DEFENSE shadowy tentacles that last until the beginning of its next
AC 12 turn. The affected area becomes difficult terrain. Any
hp: 36 (8d8) creature in the area when the tentacles are conjured
Resistance: Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage or that enters it must make a successful DC 12 Dex
from nonmagical weapons saving throw or suffer 2d6 bludgeoning damage and be
Immunity: Necrotic damage; blindness, charm, prone, grappled.
restraint, stun, unconsciousness
OFFENSE Environment: Plane of Shadow
Speed: fly 20 ft. Organization: Solitary
Description: A vaguely humanoid shape of swirling, shadowy
STATISTICS mist slithers out of the blackness. A pair of empty holes in
Str 2 (-4), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), its face stare at you with malevolent hatred.
Int 5 (-3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Languages: None
Senses: Blindsight 60 ft. Shadow King
XP 700 (CR 3)
OFFENSE CE Large undead
Melee AttackSteal Breath: automatic hit (reach 5 ft.; one Initiative +3
creature). Hit: target must make a successful DC 13 Con
saving throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage. DEFENSE
Gaseous Form: The miasmic death can move through hp: 39 (6d10 + 6)
spaces occupied by opponents but cant end its turn Resistance: Acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage;
there. It can pass through openings of any size without bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
squeezing. nonmagical weapons
Immunities: Necrotic and poison damage; fright, grapple,
ECOLOGY paralysis, petrification, poison, polymorph, prone, restraint,
Environment: Any land unconsciousness
Organization: Solitary Vulnerability: Radiant damage
Description: A cloud of dim oblong bubbles throws a pale
rainbow light as it drifts toward you. OFFENSE
Speed: 40 ft.
Multiattack: A shadow king attacks twice with claws.
Shadow Elemental Melee AttackClaw: +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
XP 700 (CR 3)
Hit: 1d10 + 3 necrotic damage, and a living creature
CE Large elemental (shadow) must make a successful DC 11 Con saving throw or
Initiative +2 gain a 1 penalty on all Strength-based attack rolls, Str
saving throws, and Strength ability checks. The penalty
DEFENSE is cumulative with multiple unsuccessful saving throws.
AC 14 (natural armor) The penalty persists until the creature completes a long
hp: 80 (10d10 + 30) or short rest. If the penalty plus the creatures normal
Resistance: Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage Strength modifier reach 6, the creature dies. If a non-evil
from nonmagical weapons living creature dies from this effect, a new shadow king
Immunity: Necrotic and poison damage; disease, paralysis, rises from its corpse 1d6 hours later.
petrification, poison, prone, unconsciousness
Vulnerability: Radiant damage STATISTICS
Str 3 (-4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1),
OFFENSE Int 8 (-1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)
Speed: 50 ft. Languages: none
Multiattack: A shadow elemental attacks twice with fists. Skills: Stealth +6
the darkening of Namjan forest
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft. Immunity: Necrotic and poison damage; poison
Vulnerability: Radiant damage
Shadow Form: While in dim light, the shadow king can OFFENSE
move through any opening regardless of width without Speed: 45 ft.
squeezing. Melee AttackBite: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Shadow Stealth: Dim light obscures the shadow elemental 2d6 + 2 piercing damage.
sufficiently for it to attempt to hide and gives it tactical
advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks. STATISTICS
Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0),
ECOLOGY Int 4 (3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)
Environment: Any land Languages: Common
Organization: Solitary or band (2-5) Skills: Stealth +6
Description: A large humanoid shadow reaches out, a wave Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
of chilling cold accompanying its grasping claws.
Frightful Howl: As an action, a shadow mastiff can emit
Shadowkin a terrifying, otherworldly howl that conjures nightmare
XP 100 (CR 1/2) visions in those who hear it. All living creatures within 300
NE Medium elemental (shadow) feet of the shadow mastiff that hear its howl must make a
Initiative +1 successful DC 12 Wis saving throw or be frightened for 3d6
rounds. While frightened, the creature must move away
DEFENSE from the shadow mastiff as rapidly as possible, until its far
AC 11 enough away that it cant hear the howling at all (not just
hp: 33 (6d8 + 6) beyond the howls effective 300-foot range).
Immunity: Necrotic and poison damage; petrification, Shadow Affinity: A shadow mastiff has tactical advantage
poison, unconsciousness on Dex (Stealth) checks in dim light or darkness, and it can
Vulnerability: Radiant damage make a Stealth check to become hidden as a bonus action
anytime it is in darkness or dim light. A shadow mastiff suffers
OFFENSE the effect of being poisoned while in bright light.
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee AttackStrength Drain: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one ECOLOGY
creature). Hit: 1d8 + 2 necrotic damage, and a living
Environment: Any land
creature takes a cumulative -1 penalty to all Strength-
Organization: Hunting pack (416)
based attack rolls, saving throws, and Strength checks.
Description: Shadow mastiffs are large dogs resembling
If the total penalty and the creatures normal Strength
normal mastiffs but seemingly composed of solid shadow.
modifier ever equals -5, the creature dies. The penalty
persists until the creature takes a long or short rest.

Shadow-Touched Creatures
Shadow-touched creatures are normal creatures that have been altered
Str 15 (+2), Dex 13 (+1), Con 12 (+1), by overexposure to the Darkening. Any living creature can become
Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0) shadow-touched. When a creature is transformed into a shadow-touched
Languages: Common, Primordial (shadow)
monster, the following changes are made to its stat block.
Skills: Stealth +8
1. The creature becomes evil if it isnt already.
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.
2. The creature gains one new ability chosen or randomly determined
TRAITS from the following list.
Shadow Form: While in dim light, a shadowkin can move 3. Shadow Stealth: The Creature gains proficiency in Stealth. Dim
through any opening regardless of width without light obscures the creature sufficiently for it to attempt to hide and gives it
squeezing. tactical advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks.
Shadow Stealth: Dim light obscures the shadowkin sufficiently 4. Strength Drain: As per a shadows attack (q.v.).
for it to attempt to hide and gives it tactical advantage 5. Damage Resistance: The creature gains resistance against
on Dex (Stealth) checks. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
6. Shadow Coil: The creature gains the Shadow Coil attack (Melee
ECOLOGY AttackShadow Coil: + standard bonus to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Environment: Any land Hit: 1d8 + Str or Dex modifier necrotic damage.
Organization: Solitary or band (2-5) 7. Shadow Form: While in dim light, the shadow-touched creature can
Description: A humanoid shape carved from living shadow move through any opening regardless of width without squeezing.
and dressed in martial gear steps forward to bar your 8. Necrotic Ray: The creature gains the Necrotic Ray attack (Ranged
passage. AttackNecrotic Ray: + standard bonus to hit, range 30 ft./60 ft.; one
creature. Hit: 1d6 + Str or Dex modifier necrotic damage. The shadow-
Shadow Mastiff touched creature throws a beam of dark, scintillating energy that drains
the victim of vitality.
XP 100 (CR 1/2)
CE Medium fiend 9. Shadow Ripping: The creature gains the Shadow Ripping attack
Initiative +2 (Melee AttackShadow Ripping: + standard bonus to hit; reach 15 ft.; one
creature. Hit: 2d6 + Str or Dex modifier slashing damage. Ghostly black
DEFENSE arms emerge from the creatures shoulders to tear at its enemies flesh.
AC 12 10. Shadow Immunity: The creature gains immunity to necrotic
hp: 22 (5d8) and poison damage, and to paralysis, petrification, poison, prone, and
Resistance: Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage unconsciousness.
from nonmagical weapons 11. Increase the creatures Challenge Rating by +1 to reflect its new ability.
Perils of Ghostwind Pass

Perils of
Ghostwind Pass By Matt Finch
Once upon a time, twin sisters went to slay the Winter Prince, who Twice each year, the Ghostwind blows down the high peaks, hurling
held the freezing winds like tigers leashed in Ghostwind Pass snow and sleet before it to bury most of the pass. The weather becomes
violent and murderously cold. Anyone caught in the heights when this
maelstrom hits is most likely doomed. Entire caravans have been lost, found

Introduction at the end of the season where they froze to death after only a day or two of
desperate travel back toward a lower altitude. The Ghostwind season lasts
two months; during this time, the pass is effectively closed to all passage.
Roll 3d6 and add 10. Write that number down. If you intend to run a player character in this adventure, READ NO
Perils of Ghostwind Pass is a Fifth Edition adventure designed for FURTHER.
four to six characters from level 5 to 7. It is playable at other levels
and with different numbers of characters, but the monsters and risks of
the adventure may require adjustment by the Game Master to offer an
appropriate challenge to the players.
The adventure has two levels of complexity. On one level, there is an
Referee Notes
interesting background story with a mystery that can be solved, leading The vague rumors about the Mountain Queens Manor are entirely
to a powerful artifact. The mystery can be left out if desired, leaving a correct: the Mountain Queen is not human. She is a lamia with innate
straightforward location-based adventure with a race against time and an power over storms and snow. She uses these powers to insulate her
evil mastermind. stone castle from the Ghostwind. Once the Ghostwind falls, she and her
The adventure is designed to fit anywhere in your campaign world, as monstrous followers rule the high regions of the pass for the two months
long as you have some mountains available. If youre using the Frog God until the murderously cold storms abate. Chief among her clan are her
Games Lost Lands campaign world, Ghostwind Pass cuts through the children: the gray saber-tooths and the white were-tigers that hunt in the
northern reach of the Cretian Mountains, connecting Yolbiac Vale to the higher regions of the pass.
Town of Elet. The lamia is long-lived; she knows a great deal about the series of
events that took place in the pass seventy-five years ago, when a powerful
fey being known as the Winter Prince was supposedly defeated by the

Background paladin Kathelynnbecause she is Kathelynn, or at least what is left of

her original self (see, What Really Happened, below). Although the
Winter Prince survived, he traded his life for a promise to restrict the
The Ghostwind is a mountain pass, threading a high trail through the supernatural storms in the pass to twice per year. The characters might or
taller peaks rising to either side. It is the main pass in the area, since it might not stumble upon the odd mysteries and contradictions surrounding
can be traversed (with difficulty) by wagons. A few smaller trails remain the defeat of the Winter Prince; the information is there to be uncovered
usable later into the winter, but these mule-trails are too rough for wagons but is not necessary to the adventure.
and generally pose other significant dangers such as rockslides along the For adventurers, the most important key to survival in the high region
narrow, cliff-side trails. of Ghostwind Pass (other than avoiding frontal assaults on the Mountain
An old stone road winds its way through the pass, relic of an empire Queens hall) is to understand how the cold weather moves in. During the
that has receded from these lands, leaving them unprotected and wild. warm seasons, humans and their kin are able to survive in the pass. Once
Although the road is dilapidated and broken, the work done by its builders the Ghostwind Season begins, the storms and cold turn the pass into a death
still allows the pass to be traversed by wagons, even centuries after the trap. The only hope for a hunter or a group of adventurers is to fight their
stones were originally set. The road is vital to the merchants and other way back down to the lower altitudes, out of the deadly weather. No one
travelers in the Ghostwind for another reason, too: as long as it is not knows exactly when the Ghostwind will suddenly fill the pass with snow
covered in snow, it shows travelers the fastest and safest way through a and bitter ice, but the locals are able to make a close estimate. It will be up
pass that has several dead-end ravines and blind canyons. Without it, a to the characters how long to remain in the pass as the Ghostwind draws
large number of journeyers through the pass would never arrive on the far closer. If greed delays them too long, there is a good chance that they will
side of the mountains. die in the harsh conditions of the Ghostwind, joining the ranks of many
The ravines and canyons of Ghostwind Pass are rich hunting and other fortune-seekers who thought they could risk just one more day.
trapping grounds during the warm seasons, drawing fortune-seekers to
the hunting camp around the Abbey of Saint Kathelynn and to the South
Camp on the far side of the mountains. There is a third settlement in the Missions
highlands of the pass, the Manor of the Mountain Queen, but visitors to
the pass avoid this fell place. It is said that the Mountain Queen is not The adventure assumes that the characters have arrived at the north
human, although no one really knows what she might be. side of the mountains, beginning the adventure just as they approach
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
the Abbey of St. Kathelynn. The town of Elet lies close behind them to
the north, so allow the characters to do any pre-adventure information Three Elevations
gathering there, if they choose. They might simply be traveling Low Elevation: This is the floor of the pass. It is very rough terrain
through the area, soon to learn that the pass offers some interesting but passable by mules and horses. Wagons can negotiate the road,
possibilities; but less time will be wasted at the game table if the but they move slowly. Although this is the lowest elevation in the
characters start with some kind of objective (which can, of course, mountain pass itself and is low enough for evergreen trees to survive,
change during the course of the adventure). Seven possible missions it is still high, cold, rocky ground. The trees here are sparse and
are listed below. small; most cannot live through the bitter cold of the Ghostwind
A local barons son recently disappeared in the pass during a season.
hunting expedition into the ravines. Find out what happened to him Middle Elevation: These are high, steep areas, but not rugged enough
and his three companions, and return them (or their bodies) to the to require the use of ropes and other equipment. Lots of the movement in
baron. The reward will be appreciably larger if the lost nobles are these areas is climbing rather than walking, using hands as well as feet.
still alive. This contour line also represents the tree line: trees cannot grow in the
middle or highest elevations of the pass.
A wizard offers to pay well for the heart of a peryton, and even Highest Elevation: The highest elevation is impassable for purposes
more for one or more eggs. More than one caravan through the pass
of the adventure. A high-elevation area can be reached with climbing
has been savaged by perytons, so finding and killing one ought to be
gear (the peryton nest is an example), but it is not possible to move from
one high-elevation square to another. Up and down are the only choices
The characters are hired to guard a small hunting party: a minor noble here.
and his/her courtiers (1d3 + 3). They are seeking large game such as boars
or deer. Unfortunately, the highborn can be very independent-minded and
difficult when it comes to taking advice from members of the lower social Special Movement
orders. Mules and Other Mounts: mules do not increase an expeditions speed;
The characters might decide to go hunting on their own behalf: there they are no faster than people, but they can carry more. Horses also do not
are definitely a lot of undeserving monsters out there, wearing some very increase speed, and since they are not as surefooted as mules, they double
valuable furs. movement cost on the Middle Elevation (see Movement Cost below).
An alchemist could hire adventurers to find a blood violet. The Only mountain creatures such as giant mountain goats and great cats, or
more sacks of blood violets they can collect, the better. giant mounts such as mammoths and elephants, will affect movement.
The characters are hired to guard a mule train through the pass. Such mounts do not increase the partys speed, but they do reduce the
In the midst of the Ghostwind season, while the storms are blowing, toll of moving at speed through the uneven terrain, adding one hour to
the characters are hired to get an emergency message (or medicine, or a the length of time the characters can move during the day (increase from
fugitive) through the pass. eight to nine).
Wagons: Wagons move at slow speed on the road at the lowest

Arrival of the Ghostwind

elevation (see below, Movement Speed). They can move off the road
but have a 10 percent chance per hex traveled of breaking a wheel. They
The first thing to do at the beginning of the adventure is to roll three cannot move into the Middle Elevation at all.
six-sided dice and add 10 (3d6 + 10). This is the number of days that Flying: Flying might appear to be the ideal solution to the perils
elapse between the characters arrival at the Abbey of St. Kathelynn of Ghostwind Pass, but it actually affords little benefit. During the
and the Ghostwind blowing into the pass. The effects of being caught Ghostwind, flying and levitation are simply not possible. Even before
in the Ghostwind are described below, in the Wilderness Map the Ghostwind arrives, the winds in the pass are quite violent if anyone
section. flies higher than 50 feet. Flying provides the following benefits and
The players ought to have some idea of the bell-curve probability drawbacks.
involved in their race against time (that all-important 3d6 + 10 days), Flying Speed: Flying speed requires 0.2 hours (12 minutes) to cross a
so its important that someone in the abbey should tell the characters mile-wide hex on the map. This might seem slow, but the winds are very
something like the following. difficult to handle when airborne.
Benefit: The adventurers cannot be surprised at the beginning of an
After the Ghostwind blows in, youll die if youre in the pass. Benefit: If the characters are specifically hunting for animals, roll a
Its just too cold. But youve got some time until then. My second encounter each time you make a normal encounter check. They
rheumatism says the Ghostwind wont blow in for another 10 will not have two encounters, but if the second roll indicates an encounter
days plus another three casts of the die, or so. You never know when the first roll didnt, this means the flying character has spotted the
exactly when, until a couple days before. Two days of heavy other possibility at a distance from a tenth of a mile up to a full mile (1d10
clouds and then the cold. x 0.1 miles). Note that the other encounter may have spotted the flying
character as well, since airborne objects are easy to spot. If it is intelligent,
it will definitely react in some way once it knows it is being observed
If you and your gaming group have a more beer and pretzels approach from afar.
to the game, feel free to just tell them that you rolled 3d6 + 10 days to find Higher than 50 feetImmediate Risk: Every time the character tries
out when the Ghostwind will blow in, and that youre not telling them the to fly higher than 50 feet, there is an immediate 10 percent chance that
result. They can judge the odds for themselves. a violent gust yanks the character 1d4 x 100 feet sideways and down in
a random direction, to smash against the rocky floor of the pass for 2d6
bludgeoning damage.
Wilderness Map Higher than 50 feetOngoing Risk: Each mile scouted (and if
stationary, once per 20 minutes) while a character remains airborne at an
The map shows three elevations, each shaded differently. Capital letters altitude above 50 feet, the character has a 10 percent chance to be blown
offer a rough indication of risk levels. The numbered locations on the off course 1d3 miles in a random direction. Hitting one of the highest-
Wilderness Map are referred to in the Map Key with the letter W for altitude squares while blowing off course results in a rapid stop and
Wilderness. The elevations and other symbols are described in more 4d6 bludgeoning damage. As soon as a character reaches this elevation,
detail below. the feel of the winds alone will alert the character to the risk. (It is a
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
good idea, for purposes of the game, to give the player a fairly good impassable to any other movement; characters cannot move from one
description of the risk and the result of having a character flying in this high-elevation hex to another.
sort of wind).
Lower than 50 feet flying fastOngoing Risk: A character Exhaustion and Encumbrance
skimming along at an altitude below 50 feet can travel at a movement
Characters can hike up to eight hours per day, spending the
cost of 0.1 hours per mile, without the risk of blowing off course.
remaining time making/breaking camp, cooking dinner and breakfast,
However, the low-flying character faces risk from downdrafts. Once resting, and sleeping. It is very, very difficult to travel over rough
per mile traveled, a low-flying character has a 10 percent chance to terrain for eight hours with heavy loads of supplies. Nevertheless,
be caught in one of these and smashed to the ground (1d4 x 100 feet it is possible for characters to really push themselves and force
of random sideways movement, and 2d6 bludgeoning damage upon march to go more than eight hours a day. Forced marching allows
landing). the characters to keep going an additional two hours (for a total time
Lower than 50 feet flying slowlyNo Risk: It is safe to remain with of ten hours).
the rest of the party at an altitude of less than 50 feet, gaining the benefits Forced marching is dangerous in treacherous terrain such as Ghostwind
of aerial scouting. The character will be tossed around in the wind but not Pass. Exhaustion sets in, reducing alertness and making people clumsier
thrown sideways, downward, or off into the distance. than normal. It is much easier to miss your footing or trip over a rock that
would have been noticed and avoided earlier in the day. At the end of each
Movement Speed hour of forced marching, each character must make a DC 12 Con saving
throw or suffer two levels of exhaustion.
Overland movement in Ghostwind Pass is considerably slower than the
If the characters are extremely burdened (not likely, but possible), or
official handbook speed, reflecting the fact that characters arent really
are slowed by exhaustion, they will be moving at slow speedwhich is
traveling here. In any combat on the rocky terrain of the mountain pass,
not necessarily half speed.
assume that all terrain is difficult.
Each hex on the Wilderness Map takes a certain amount of time to
cross, depending on its elevation. Crossing the contour lines themselves Risk Zones
does not cost extra time; thats accounted for by the different movement The Wilderness Map is divided into several risk zones, denoted by
rates at the different elevations. A normal speed and a slow speed are capital letters. Along the same elevation, the exact boundaries of the
given; certain circumstances can reduce the characters movement rate as risk zones are unimportant, but the risk zones dont cross contour lines.
described later. Moreover, the characters will normally be limited to eight Whenever characters climb up or down past one of the contour lines, they
hours of hiking in a day (see below). are automatically crossing into the risk zone in the new elevation. Most
Lowest Elevation: It takes 0.5 hours to cross a hex at normal speed and of the risk zones are specifically to indicate how dangerous the higher
1 hour at slow speed. Movement cost during the Ghostwind is 1.5 hour at elevations are.
normal speed and 2 hours for slowed speed. Theres another side to risks, of course. As they say, the greater the
Middle Elevation: It takes 1 hour at normal speed to cross a Middle risk, the greater the reward. If characters are hunting for valuable pelts,
Elevation hex and 2 hours at slow speed. The characters cannot cross they will find more of them in the more dangerous parts of the pass.
Middle Elevation terrain if they are force marching in the 9th
or 10th hour of the march. During the Ghostwind, it takes 3 hours
at normal speed to cross Middle Elevation terrain, and 4 hours at Hunting
slowed speed. The valuable huntingfor fursis handled by the system of encounter
Highest Elevation: The High Elevations can be scaled to reach a checks described below. Whenever characters enter a new hex, there is a
particular objective such as the peryton nest at Area W-4. They are chance for an encounter. If the characters are also hunting for subsistence,
use the normal rules for foraging.

Encounter Checks
Quick Travel Rules Summary The short answer is: check for an encounter when characters enter a
new hex, and once during the night. If the Ghostwind is blowing, use
1. Determine Movement Rate (normal or slow). If flying, check the special encounter table for the Ghostwind Season. Note that the
flying rules. Ghostwind Effect Check is a different check (made every two hours and
2. Move into a hex once at night).
a. Mark off the time required for a hex at that elevation. To check for an encounter when characters enter a new hex (or for the
Ghostwind Rules: when 2 hours elapse, each character makes one nighttime check), find which Risk Area the characters are closest to
a check on the Ghostwind Effects Table) (reminder: dont cross contour lines), and roll on the encounter table for
b. Determine Risk Level for that hex (the nearest capital letter
that Risk Area. It is fine to be approximate in terms of which risk area the
at that elevation)
characters are in.
c. Roll for Encounter: use the table for that Risk Level.
Ghostwind Rules: use the Ghostwind Encounter Table, not
the Risk Level Tables. Ghostwind Effect Check
d. After 8 hours of movement, characters must either make Once the Ghostwind has blown in, it becomes so cold that no matter
camp or force march. how long the characters try to rest, they cannot gain the benefits of a
e. If they force march, add Con saving throws against 2 levels of long rest. A full nights sleep is needed just to gain the benefits of a short
exhaustion (see Exhaustion and Encumbrance). Ghostwind rest.
Rules: cannot force march during Ghostwind. Each day the characters are in the pass while the Ghostwind is
f. When characters make camp, make one more encounter blowing, they may suffer damage and other effects from the supernatural
check for that Risk Level, covering the entire night. Check to cold and violent storms. Every two hours of movement, in addition to
see if the Ghostwind is going to hit the next day. Ghostwind the encounter checks, roll for each character on the Ghostwind Effects
Rules: use the Ghostwind Encounter Table, not the Risk Level Table (d100). A successful Wis (Survival) saving throw gains a + 5 on
Tables. Make only one more check on the Ghostwind Effects the die roll.
Table for each character. If characters are fighting their way out of the pass during the Ghostwind,
consider them out of the pass if they reach the abbey or the south camp.
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
Wilderness Travel Tables Ghostwind Encounters Table
(use this table in all Risk Areas during the Ghostwind)
Ghostwind Effects Table d100 Encounter/Result
d100 Effect
1-76 No Encounter
Make a successful DC 10 Con saving throw or
01-10 77-78 White Pudding (1)
suffer severe frostbite*
79-80 Giant Snowy Owl (wild: not from the Roster) (1)
11-15 6 cold damage**
81-82 Giant Mountain Goats (1d4 + 1)
16-20 4 cold damage**
83-84 Giant Badger (1)
21-25 2 cold damage**
85-86 Snow-serpents (1d4 + 1)
26-00 No adverse effect
87-90 Giant Weasels (1d3)
*Randomly determine on 1d6 whether the frostbite is in (1)
fingers of left hand, (2) fingers of right hand, (3) toes of left 91-92 Cave Bear (1d2)
foot, (4) toes of right foot, (5) nose, (6) ear. Cure wounds cast 93-94 Giant Ermine (1)
at 3rd level or higher can reverse the damage if it is cast
before the frostbitten piece falls off (1d6 days). Unless more 95-96 Gray Saber-tooth (from the Roster) (1d2)
than one finger is lost on the same hand, missing fingers are White Weretiger (from the Roster: Claude, Pierre,
not enough of a problem to cause modifiers on die rolls. 97
or Thibault) (1)
**Because the characters cannot get a long rest during
the Ghostwind, these hit points will not automatically be 98-99 Remorhaz
restored even after a nights sleep. 00 Khethro Tulroc the Satyr (see Area W-7)

Encounter Table for Risk Areas A, B, C, D (lower risk)

Risk Area A Risk Area B Risk Area C Risk Area D
d100 Low Elevation, Low Elevation, High Elevation, High Elevation,
Low Risk Higher Risk Low Risk Low Risk
1- 75 No encounter No encounter No encounter No encounter
Mountain Goats (normal) Mountain Goats (normal) Mountain Goats (normal) Mountain Goats (normal)
(1d4 + 2) (1d4 + 2) (1d4 + 2) (1d4 + 2)
79-80 Wolves (1d4) Wolves (1d6) Wolves (1d6 + 2) Wolves (1d6 + 2)
81 Giant Lynx (1) Giant Lynxes (1d3) Giant Lynxes (1d3) Giant Lynxes (1d3)
Giant Mountain Goats Giant Mountain Goats
82 Wild Boar (1) Wild Boars (1d3)
(1d4) (1d4)
83 Badger (1) Badgers (1d2) Badgers (1d3) Badgers (1d3)
84-85 Bear, Black (1) Bear, Black (1) Bears, Black (1d2) Bears, Black (1d2)
Giant Weasels
86 Giant Weasel (1) Giant Weasel (1) Giant Weasels (1d2)
87-88 Giant Ermine (1) Giant Ermine (1) Giant Ermines (1d2) Giant Ermines (1d2)
Perytons (1d2) (or
Humans (1d3) (trappers, Ogre hunting party (1d4 Minotaur Hunting Party
89-90 Minotaur Hunting party if
normal humans) + 1) (1d3 + 1)
the perytons are dead)
Perytons (1d2) (normal Perytons (1d6) (normal
Vultures circle party for 2
91 Hawk overhead (normal) hawk overhead if perytons hawk overhead if perytons
hours (normal)
are dead) are dead)
92 Badgers, giant (1d2) Badgers, giant (1d2 + 1) Giant Ermine (1) Giant Ermine (1)
Giant Ants (1d4 + 1 Giant Ants (1d4 + 3 Giant Ants (1d8 + 4 Giant Ants (1d8 + 4
workers, 1 warrior) workers, 1d2 warriors) workers, 1d4 + 1 warriors) workers, 1d4 + 1 warriors)
Trip and slide on rocks: Trip and slide on rocks:
1 character takes 1d4 + 1 character takes 1d4 +
Slip and fall on rock: 1 Slip and fall on rock: 1
1 bludgeoning damage 1 bludgeoning damage
94 character takes 1d4 character takes 1d4
from fall and must make a from fall and must make a
bludgeoning damage. bludgeoning damage.
DC 15 Dex saving throw or DC 15 Dex saving throw or
suffer a sprained ankle.* suffer a sprained ankle.*
Rockslide. Each character Rockslide. Each character
must make a DC 15 Dex must make a DC 15 Dex
95 No encounter No encounter
saving throw or take 1d20 saving throw or take 1d20
bludgeoning damage. bludgeoning damage.

Perils of Ghostwind Pass
Risk Area A Risk Area B Risk Area C Risk Area D
d100 Low Elevation, Low Elevation, High Elevation, High Elevation,
Low Risk Higher Risk Low Risk Low Risk
96 Giant beetles (1d2) Giant beetles (1d3) Giant beetles (1d3 + 1) Giant beetles (1d3 + 1)
Blood violets (1d3 sacks Blood violets (1d3 + 2 Blood violets (1d3 + 2
97-98 No encounter (squirrels)
worth) sacks worth) sacks worth)
99 No encounter (crickets) Troll (1) Trolls (1d3) Trolls (1d3)
Tiger, Gray Saber-tooth Tiger, Gray Saber-tooth
(from the roster) (1) (from the roster) (1)

* A sprained ankle causes a delay of 0.5 hour while it gets wrapped and the cursing and swearing abates. The sprain reduces characters speed to half
(in combat) and the partys wilderness speed to slow, with the movement penalty lasting 1d100 hours. Cure wounds immediately cures the sprain.
Reroll this result for the night encounter check.

Encounter Table for Risk Areas E, F, G (higher or specific risk)

Risk Area E Risk Area F Risk Area G
d100 Highest Elevation, Any Elevation, Any Elevation,
Very High Risk Very High Risk Highest Risk
1- 70 No encounter No encounter No encounter
71-73 Mountain Goats (normal) (1d4 + 2) Mountain Goats (normal) (1d4 + 2) Mountain Goats (normal) (1d4 + 2)
74-75 Wolves (1d6 + 2) with winter wolf (1) Wolves (1d6 + 2) with winter wolves (2) Wolves (1d8 + 3) with winter wolves (3)
76-77 Giant Mountain Goats (1d6) Giant Mountain Goats (1d6 + 1) Giant Mountain Goats (1d6 + 2)
78 Giant Badgers (1d3 + 1) Giant Badgers (1d4 + 1) Cave Bears (1d2)
79 Cave Bear (1) Cave Bears (1d2) Cave Bears (1d2)
80 Giant Weasels (1d4) Giant Weasels (1d4) Giant Weasels (1d4)
81-85 Giant Ermines (1d4) Giant Ermines (1d4 + 1) Giant Ermines (1d4 + 2)
Khethro Tulroc the satyr
86 Trolls (1d3) White Weretiger (from the Roster) (1)
(see Area W-7)
Giant Ants (1d8 + 6 workers, 1d6 + 1 Giant Ants (1d8 + 6 workers, 1d6 + 1 Hill giant and 2 ogres, carrying 1d6 +
warriors) warriors) 3 giant ermine pelts.
Trip and slide on rocks: 1 character Trip and slide on rocks: 1 character Trip and slide on rocks: 1 character
takes 1d4 + 1 bludgeoning damage takes 1d4 + 1 bludgeoning damage takes 1d4 + 1 bludgeoning damage
89-90 from fall and must make a DC from fall and must make a DC from fall and must make a DC
15 Dex saving throw or suffer a 15 Dex saving throw or suffer a 19 Dex saving throw or suffer a
sprained ankle.* sprained ankle.* sprained ankle.*
Rockslide. Each character must Rockslide. Each character must Rockslide. Each character must
91 make a DC 15 Dex saving throw or make a DC 15 Dex saving throw or make a DC 15 Dex saving throw or
sustain 1d20 bludgeoning damage. sustain 1d20 bludgeoning damage. sustain 1d20 bludgeoning damage.
92-93 Blood violets (1d6 + 1 sacks worth) Blood violets (1d6 + 2 sacks worth) Blood violets (1d6 + 3 sacks worth)
94-95 Bears, Black (1d3) Bears, Black (1d3) Bears, Black (1d3)
Snow-serpents (1d4) (fur still spotted Snow-serpents (1d4) (fur still spotted Snow-serpents (1d6) (fur still spotted
green, has not changed to white) green, has not changed to white) green, has not changed to white)
98 Badgers, giant (1d2) Badgers, giant (1d2 + 1) Badgers, giant (1d2 + 1)
Tiger, Gray Saber-tooth (from the Tiger, Gray Saber-tooth (from the Tiger, Gray Saber-tooth (from the
roster) (1) roster) (1) roster) (1)

Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
finds you, you become her slave and youre never seen again.
Rumors and Whispers 9. The abbey at the base of the pass is kept warm by the Saint. Its the
only place the Ghostwinds cant freeze when they blow in.
Before the adventuring really begins, characters will have a chance 10. The the Mountain Queen has a magic pool, and she can see things
to gather some information in the town to the north. (In the Lost Lands in it even if they are far away.
campaign, this is the town of Elet). The characters automatically get the
Basic Information below. Each character makes a Cha (Persuasion) check. 19+: Extraordinarily Good Rumors (d4)
The result determines which category of rumor the character hears through 1. The servant of a fey winter power, by the name of Tulroc, lives near
conversation (False, Easy, Pretty Good, and Extraordinarily Good). Once the eastern wall of the pass.
the category is determined, roll in that category to see what sort of tidbits 2. The Ghostwinds are fey powers called into the pass by a creature
the character learns. named Tulroc.
3. Saint Kathelynn and her twin sister were both famous, but Kathelynn
Automatic: Basic Information was definitely the one who shined the brightest.
4. The Ghostwinds are fey powers controlled by a creature called the
1. The mountain pass is blocked twice per year when blizzards called
Winter Prince.
the Ghostwinds blow in.
2. The Abbey of St. Kathelynn is a safe place to rest.
3. Theres a druid who lives just by the abbey. The different religious
beliefs cause some friction. What Really Happened
05: False Rumors (d6) The characters might realize early on that there is something strange
1. The Mountain Queen is a giantess who collects the heads of anyone about Kathelynns canonization. The fact of the matter is that the proper
who casts magic in her mountain pass. authorities of the church, rushing to honor the heroine of Ghostwind Pass,
2. Giant ice toads have built a massive windmill in the heights of the canonized the wrong person. Not only that, Kathelynn is the one who
pass, and it pulls in the Ghostwind when their human slaves work the killed Elys, and she is still alive, no longer a champion of the faith. Cursed
and transformed by the gods, her mind twisted to murderous hate, she still
treadmills that turn the windmills diamond-edged blades faster and faster.
lives in Ghostwind Pass, under the name of the Mountain Queen.
3. A songbird kept for three days in the pass will lay golden eggs for a
Kathelynn and Elys were both clerics, identical twin sisters. Kathelynn
week afterward.
was the famous warrior-priestess, and the quiet sister Elys was her standard
4. Some people say that the Abbot of Saint Kathelynn actually killed
bearer, carrying Kathelynns red rose banner into battle. The twins could
the saint.
be told apart by their shields: Kathelynn wore her red rose, and Elyss rose
5. Ice gnomes have built a giant water wheel at a high elevation near
was white as snow. The only other difference was a vertical battle scar on
one of the lakes. It is used to catch salmon, but a giant fish with legs has
Kathleens face.
started attacking their settlement.
At this time, seventy-five years ago, Ghostwind Pass had been choked
6. A woman who lives near the abbey is actually a necromancer who
off for many years by a fey lord known as the Winter Prince. His
curses adventurers by using some sort of rune magic. Ghostwinds, like chained hounds, kept the area in a perpetual blizzard,
completely impassable. The sister paladins swore an oath to banish the
612: Easy Rumors (d6) immortal Winter Prince and free the mountain pass from his influence.
1. The higher you go up the walls of the pass, the more dangerous it They and their five retainers stopped at the fort just north of the pass (now
gets, but the better the hunting. the abbey), and the sisters went out alone into the snow to pray. They
2. The best hunting in the pass is the giant ermine. Dont use cutting returned bearing the Staff of the Remorhaz, a holy artifact dating back to
weapons on them, or you drop the value of the pelt. the beginning of history and the wars against forgotten, evil gods.
3. There is some kind of powerful artifact is rumored to be hidden in With Kathelynn at the forefront, and Elys bearing the Staff and Red-
the pass. Rose banner, the twins became separated from their followers in the
4. You better have magic weapons or silver weapons if you go exploring blizzard, and then lost each other too, coming separately upon the Winter
where you shouldnt go. Prince in the midst of his howling Ghostwinds.
5. There is an abbey of a saint at the base of the pass. She was only First to meet him was Kathelynn, and the Princes sweet words and
sainted 75 years ago, and they consecrated an old watch-fort to put her subtle magic undid Kathelynns defenses and corrupted her to the service
bones in. They havent repaired it very well, if you ask me. of evil. Then Elys came upon them, and fought the Fey Lord in single
6. Rope yourselves together to cross the river fords, and if you plan on combat. In the great battle, the power of the Winter Prince snapped the
climbing any of the crags, bring spikes, ropes, and grappling hooks. The Staff of the Remorhaz, but he was still forced to yield by Elyss prowess in
giant owl eggs are worth a lot, and thats the only way to get them, because battle. The Prince agreed to free the mountain pass from the Ghostwinds
they nest in the high places. If you get one of the owl eggs back safely, you except for twice a year. As Elys put her weapon away, the treacherous
can buy me a drink. Winter Prince gestured to Kathelynn. The Princes newest servant,
standing behind Elys, crushed half of her twin sisters skull with her
1318: Pretty Good Rumors (d10) mace. Dying, Elys swung with the last strength in her, and killed the body
1. There are gray saber-tooth cats in the pass. Avoid them, theyre of the Winter Prince. Laughing, the spirit of the Winter Prince rode his
cunning. Ghostwinds away to find a new body: victorious, although still bound by
2. The abbot of St. Kathelynns is so old that he remembers the last days the oath he had sworn to Elys. The Ghostwinds would only return to the
of the saints life. pass twice a year instead of year-round.
3. There is a nest of perytons on one of the high peaks. Kathelynn reached out to take the Staff of the Remorhaz, for without
4. An artifact associated with Saint Kathelynn is supposed to be buried her twin holding the cold-warding staff, she was freezing in the bitter
with her bones. chill of the high mountain. The moment she touched the ancient artifact,
5. Saint Kathelynn had a sister you almost never hear about in the it took a terrible vengeance upon her for the murder of her twin. She was
stories. transformed into a horrible beast with the lower body of a white tiger and
6. Watch out for the Manor of the Mountain Queen. You dont want to her own body from the waist up, a dreadful lamia of the cold mountains.
go there. Blinded by the pain of the transformation, she grabbed what she thought
7. If youre going to hunt giant ermines, you should wear the druids was her own shield and ran, still clutching the part of the ancient relic she
Mark. had taken. When the lamia awoke in the wilderness, fully transformed,
8. They say the Mountain Queen hunts people in the wilderness. If she she could see what she had left the battle with: the eye from the top of the
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
staff, and her sisters white-rose shield.
With the Ghostwinds gone, the five knights were able to find Elyss
body where it lay next to the body of the slain Winter Prince, together
W-3. Tembril Tarn
with Kathelynns shield and the staff of the remorhaz fallen nearby. The The water of this lake is, of course, icy cold, and it is very deep. At
knights, of course, assumed the faceless body was the famous sister, night, an eerie luminescence rises over the lake, and anyone near the
Kathelynn, apparently the victor over the Winter Prince. They brought banks hears a soft, muttering, whining voice that does not form words
the body and the broken staff back to the chapel at the base of the pass, but continues for several minutes, then suddenly rises to a low scream
where they buried it in secret, concealing it in a grave labeled with another before being suddenly cut off. This phenomenon repeats itself over and
persons name (Gryffin Winemaker). Their thinking was simply to hide over again until dawn. Spellcasters cannot regain spell slots if characters
it from anyone who might try to desecrate it before Kathelynn could be are camped within a quarter-mile of the banks of the tarn.
sainted. The result was disaster. Kathelynn, now a lamia, insanely believes
that if she can repair the artifact, she will reverse her transformation. Not
knowing where the other half lies and correctly assuming that it was
buried with Elys, Kathelynn kidnapped each of the retainers in turn and
W-4. Peryton Nest
tortured them to learn the periapts location. Each of them died without This is the nest of 6 perytons. (Some of them might already have been
divulging the secret. killed by the time characters scale the cliff to the nest, if they appeared in
With the retainers all dead, the broken staffs location has been lost. random encounters.)
No living person knows where St. Elyss body can be found, and only The cliff is very steep and 110 feet tall. The wind whipping around
Kathelynn the lamia knows that the wrong saint was consecrated. the rock formation makes it impossible to fly to the top. There might be
ways around this (players are ingenious). Their solution, if it is to succeed
Trimming the Background Story without catastrophe, would need to address all six directions in which
a flying or levitating character could be violently pitched (forward/
If you want to remove the artifact-and-buried-saint mystery from the
adventure to make it simpler, all you need to do is make one change: back, side/side, up/down). Impacts could range from a bad bump of 1d4
change the rose symbols in the Manor of the Mountain Queen from red to bludgeoning damage, up to a massive gust causing 4d6 bludgeoning
white (or from roses to but tigers or some other symbol). As long as thats damage if the character hits the stone.
done, all you need to do is ignore references to Saint Elys and her burial. The most reliable way to reach the top of the cliff is climbing, which is
not especially dangerous if the climbers have spikes, ropes, and plenty of
time. Unless characters have already killed all the perytons, howeverin
Start which case they probably dont know how to find the nest in the first
placethey must climb the cliff under attack from at least one peryton
and possible as many as six. The perytons do not hunt in groups of more
than two unless there is a human kill available (possibly a decoy miles
You and your companions have traveled up an increasingly poor away, if the party splits up to leave a human effigy somewhere). If the
trail toward the foot of the mountains. You now stand gazing at adventurers manage to decoy some of the perytons away from the nest,
what definitely appears to be the last ragged gasp of civilization roll 1d4 + 1 to see how many leave (subtract previously killed ones, too).
this side of the mountain peaks. A dilapidated-looking drum Waiting for a couple of perytons to leave, whether decoyed or just hunting,
tower is set on a hill, attached to a sagging wooden stockade is a good strategy.
that probably encloses a couple of other buildings. A watchtower The climb has three stages:
stands to each side of a wooden gate. There is a cottage of some Stage 1 starts at the ground, hits a difficult spot at 20 feet, and ends at a
kind beside the hill, with one or two trees around it. secure 6-inch-wide ledge at the 50-foot mark.
Stage 2 starts at the 6-inch ledge (50 feet), hits a difficult spot at 80 feet
and 90 feet, and ends at 100 feet.

Wilderness Map
Stage 3 starts at the 100-foot mark and is a fairly easy scramble to the
cliff top at 110 feet.
All vertical movement is at a speed of 5 feet per minute, and movement
is not possible in the same round that a character attacks or takes any
W-1. Abbey of Saint Kathelynn, other action. The areas between the difficult spots can be climbed by
any unskilled person using a rope or driving spikes into the rock along the

Druids Cottage way; it just takes time and care. Climbing such an area without equipment
requires a successful DC 20 Str (Athletics) check. One failed check does
not indicate that the character falls; it means the character is stuck on
See the separate map of the Abbey grounds. the rock face and cant proceed farther without equipment. If a second
check fails (while the character is retreating down from being stuck, for

W-2. River Crossing

example) the character does fall.
Climbing past the difficult spots with equipment requires a separate DC
20 Str (Athletics) check; without equipment, the DC is 25.
The river is deep and very fast-flowing, although it is obviously not as If anyone uses a hammer to drive spikes at an altitude higher than
full as it will get during the spring thaw. There is a ford here, where the Stage 1 of the climb, the noise alerts the perytons. They defend their lair
river widens and becomes shallower as it runs over a broad rock shelf. savagely against climbers on the cliff.
Any person going across the ford on foot must make two successive DC
15 Dex saving throws along the way to avoid tripping, falling, and being (Peryton: AC 13, 33 hp; +5 to hit, 1d8 + 3 piercing damage
carried away by the water into the rapids below. [gore] and +5 to hit, 2d4 + 3 piercing damage [talons];
Anyone failing a saving throw has one chance to grab hold and stop does 2d8 extra damage with an attack that follows a
before being pulled into the rapids, by making a successful DC 15 Dex dive of at least 30 ft.; doesnt provoke opportunity attacks
(Acrobatics) check. If this check fails, the character is washed downstream when flying out of an opponents reach)
in the icy water and takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage before being washed
to one side of the river or the other (roll randomly to see which bank). Treasure: The perytons actually collect treasure in the nest, although
The same risks apply to crossing the river anywhere in the pass. they also threw out one object of considerable information value (the
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities

Perils of Ghostwind Pass
notebook of Jauric Tallbones: see below). In the nest, characters can bone-white; his only color is in his ice-blue eyes. The satyr carries a set of
find a scattering of 52 gp, 129 sp, and 533 cp. Two halves of a magic bone pan-pipes and wears nothing but a belted sporran and cudgel, even
wand are now useless, but a steel scrollcase was shiny enough stay in the in the most biting cold. His behavior is not much different from normal
nest and tough enough to protect its contents of two scrolls. One scroll satyrs, although he is quite old and very canny.
is clerical, with the spells cure wounds x3 and mass cure wounds. The Tulroc is a servant of the Winter Prince, and his bone pan-pipes are
other scroll contains the magic-user spells web, mirror image, and gust actually the instrument that lures the Ghostwinds down into the pass.
of wind. A golden bracelet is worth 100 gp, and a piece of jade carved If Tulroc does not play the pipes, the Ghostwinds will eventually come
into the shape of an ugly baby is worth 300 gp (the value of the jade). looking for himbut there will be a delay of 1d4 + 2 days beyond the
A necklace of ivory rabbits is worth 500 gp, and a well-chewed quiver time they would normally have arrived. However, if the satyr is killed,
contains one +2 arrow (along with three whole, mundane arrows and six the Ghostwinds will bring some other servants of the Winter Prince to
broken arrows). avenge him: a pack of five white trolls with maximum hit points. The
On the cliff ledges below the peryton nest are many bones, and below five trolls will pursue their quest for vengeance beyond the heights of
the aerie falls a curtain of deaths garbage: clothes, empty boots, and bits the pass. If they are defeated, no further servants of the Winter Prince
of hair. One of the more noticeable items is a leather-bound notebook. will follow.
The notebook is the journal of an adventurer named Jauric Tallbones, Tulroc has 90 percent concealment among his rocks, and this makes it
son of John Tallbones, one of the names in the Abbey graveyard. Jauric unlikely that the characters will find him if he doesnt want to be found,
came to the Abbey to learn more about his father, taking notes and even if they have a character scouting from the air. He could be enticed
collecting information about the ill-fated expedition to the Hall of the into the open if the characters camp here, if there are any females in the
Winter Prince. group, if they play music, or if the characters are calling his name.
The pipes will not call the Ghostwinds unless it is Tulroc playing them:
they are not magical.
My father, John Tallbones, told me before his martyrdom
how they found Saint Kathelynn and the dying Winter Prince. (Khethro Tulroc [Satyr]: AC 14, 31 hp; +3 to hit, 2d4 + 1
He spoke of a battle standard that was also found at the same bludgeoning damage [ram] or +5 to hit, 1d6 + 3 piercing
location. This staff was a holy item with great power, but the damage [shortsword] or +5 to hit, range 80 ft./320 ft., 1d6
faceted gem atop the staff was broken away. He said that if I + 3 piercing damage [shortbow]; has tactical advantage
should become a knight I should seek it. My father used to say, on saving throws against magic)
Find Elys, the sister, and youll find the eye of the remorhaz. Its
probably treasure in the Manor of the Mountain Queen now, or
sitting in some badgers lair. The other half we buried with Saint W-8. Snowy Owl Nest
Kathelynn of the Red Rose, blessed may be she, but I am sworn
never to reveal where the saints bones are buried, even under There is a nest of 2 giant snowy owls here, in a cave high up the cliff
torture. All I can say is to look in the griffins lair, son. face. Unless the Game Master chooses to use a different procedure, the
cliff must be scaled in the same way as the one where the perytons make
their nest (Area W-4). In this case, the owl nest is only 70 feet up the cliff,
and there are only two stages to the climb.
W-5. Shrine of St. Kathelynn. Stage 1 starts at the ground, hits a difficult spot at 30 feet, and ends at a
secure foot-wide ledge at the 40-foot mark.
This is where the battle took place, and there is a memorial here. The Stage 2 starts at the ledge (40 feet), hits a difficult spot at 50 feet, and
ground around the shrine has been dug up in several places (by Kathelynns ends at the cave mouth (70 feet).
bugbears, checking to make sure that Elyss bones were not buried at this At night, one of the owls is always out hunting while the other guards
fairly obvious location. Red roses have been left here in memory of Saint the nest. During the day, both owls are here.
Kathelynn. Kathelynn the lamia occasionally collects these to decorate (Giant Owl: AC 12, 19 hp; +3 to hit, 2d6 + 1 slashing damage [talons];
her rooms, appreciating the irony. Just as the druidess Lurilune makes doesnt provoke opportunity attacks when flying out of an enemys reach)
an occasional trip to Cenaur Yltair (Area W-11), Abbot Godefroy makes Treasure: There are 3 giant owl eggs in the nest.
a pilgrimage to this site, leaving roses and offering prayers. Any ranger

W-9. Druidic Holy Place

or druid making a successful DC 10 Wis (Perception) check will notice
what look like big lion or panther tracks around the shrine. For any other
character class, the DC is 20.
(Olir Orphais)
W-6. Manor of The holy place known as Olir Orphais is a natural rock arch, flickering
all over with a faint greenish fire. The flames cannot be extinguished other
the Mountain Queen than by the power of a demi-god, at the least. This arch is one of the sacred
places Lurilune (Area A-8) is sworn to protect and maintain.
The Mountain Queen is Kathelynn, whose acts transformed her into a

W-10. Druidic Holy Place

lamia with the body of a white saber-toothed tiger and a womans torso.
See the separate map of the Manor of the Mountain Queen (and the map
entries with an H prefix).
(Ambioc Tor)
W-7. Piper of the Winds Ambioc Tor is a naturally formed tower of rock 60 feet tall and 20
feet or so in diameter. It is a place where the material world lies very
Roll an encounter as normal for this hex, but in addition to whatever close to the elemental plane of earth. Anyone within a quarter mile of the
else might be here, the area contains a cave, the den of a satyr named Tor begins hearing a low-toned, slightly rhythmic music, like several bass
Khethro Tulroc. drums whose every beat occupies a half minute rather than a half second.
Tulroc has a very unusual appearance for a satyr, being the servant of This is the living sound of elemental earth, so close that it reverberates
a different power than most satyrs follow. His skin, horns, and hair are into the material plane.
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
The two archers are the lay brethren Brother Maru and Brother Tenir.
W-11. Druidic Holy Place If the two brethren decide the characters arent going to be a threat to the
abbey, Brother Maru will climb down his ladder and unbar the gates. Their
(Cenaur Yltair) passive perception is 12.
The moment the characters step through the gates and into the abbeys
Cenaur Yltair is found on a mile-wide saddle of high, rocky land. It is curtilage, they feel the biting cold of the mountain air lessen. Although
a rock formation shaped like a curving ramp, with its apex 50 feet over the temperature does not rise to the point of complete warmth, it is
the height of the surrounding rocks. If there is a druid in the party, the definitely above the freezing point. Everyone ascribes the divine warmth
character might know that according to local druidic tradition, a person is to Saint Kathelynns intervention, since it only started after the abbey was
sacrificed here once every seven years by throwing them off the top after consecrated to her.
a procession up the ramplike rock formation. Usually these are criminals
who have been sentenced to death in the town of Elet to the north. The (Brothers Tenir and Maru [Guards]: AC 16, 11 hp; +3 to hit,
town tends to keep this connection and tradition quiet. reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., 1d6 + 1 piercing damage
In between the major sacrifices, one of Lurilunes duties is to come to [spear])
Cenair Yltair once a year to light a bonfire at the top. It is possible that she
might recruit the characters, especially if there is a druid among them, to
come with her as guards and assistants on the bonfire trip to Cenaur Yltair.
There is a danger in coming too close to the area around Cenaur Yltair
A-2. Abbey Hall
without a druid: a will-o-wisp guards it (for no apparent reason). The
will-o-wisp can charm people up the formation, causing them to fall
This is a stone building with shuttered arrowslits for windows
over the edge. It darts from behind one rock over to the next, showing its
and a steeply pitched slate roof. A painting of a red rose has been
eerie lights to one character after another, trying to enrapture at least one
added over the top of the door, but the red paint has faded to a
of them into walking up the Yltair. The will-o-wisp then leads the way delicate shade of pink.
toward (and over) the edge, which ends up giving the other characters a
short window of time to attack it. With luck, they can kill it before their
companions walk off the edge to their doom. The will-o-wisp leaves the This is the abbeys main hall, containing a storage room, a kitchen, and
characters alone if they are accompanied by a druid.
a dining hall. Stairs lead up to a second floor, which has small bedrooms
for up to eight lay brethren. Six of these are occupied by brothers Maru,
(Will-o-Wisp: AC 19, 22 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 lightning damage
[shock] and one creature at 0 hp within 5 ft. of the will-o- Tenir, Odoc, Bernart, Ocrip, and Selmus, and the other two are empty.
wisp must make a successful DC 10 Con saving throw or The two empty rooms are used as guest rooms if the abbey has visitors.
die, giving the will-o-wisp 3d6 hp) Brother Odoc, the abbeys cook (and generally responsible for this entire
building), is usually found here.

W-12. South Camp (Brother Odoc [Acolyte]: AC 10, 9 hp; +2 to hit, 1d4 piercing
bludgeoning damage [club]; light, sacred flame,
The South Camp is a base camp for hunters and trappers who live south thaumaturgy, bless, cure wounds, sanctuary)
of the mountain pass. It is far enough down, and sheltered enough from
wind, that it is considered out of the pass for purposes of escaping the
Ghostwinds terrible cold. If the characters are starting the adventure by A-3. Stable and Barn
approaching the pass from the south, they can gather information from the
hunters and trappers who are camping here between their expeditions into
the wilderness.
This stone building smells like a stable, and has doors to match.
A rudimentary blacksmiths forge stands outside under a canvas

Abbey of Saint Kathelynn

shade, capable of making horseshoes and not much else.

Saint Kathelynn was only canonized 75 years ago, but the tower and The stable is used as a barn as well, currently housing six mules and
outbuildings of the fortified monastery are obviously older than that. It was ten goats. Brother Bernart is currently here tending the animals, but he
originally an old border fort, which was consecrated to Saint Kathelynn doubles as the abbeys blacksmith and goatherd. He is often away from
after her death. Despite the fact that Kathelynn is neither saintly nor the abbey, guarding the goats as they graze the meagre fodder of the
dead, the yet-to-be-recognized Saint Elys protects the Abbey as her own. foothills north of the pass.
The nature of this protection is warmth, and protection from the
Ghostwind. If you are running the adventure to include the mystery of (Brother Bernart [Acolyte]: AC 10, 9 hp; +2 to hit, 1d4
Elys and the location of the Staff of the Remorhaz, the relative warmth piercing bludgeoning damage [club]; light, sacred flame,
of the abbey is an important clue, so make sure you stress that the entire thaumaturgy, bless, cure wounds, sanctuary)
abbey is far warmer than the biting mountain air outside the walls.

A-4. Chapel Tower

A-1. Gates
The tower is stone, with a conical roof. The roof is shingled
Two watchtowers stand with a wooden gate between them, a with slates, some of which are missing. A red rose has been
bowman in each tower. The gate is painted with a red rose, and the painted on the door, but the paint seems to be developing small
towers are crude, providing cover for only one person at a time. white spots where the red pigment is dropping away.

Perils of Ghostwind Pass

of the pictures paint appears to be fine, although a DC 15 Wis (Perception)

check reveals that the paint of the facial scar also seems to be suffering
Fading Roses the same problem. If asked about the painting, the abbot admits sheepishly
The whitening of all the red roses in the abbey, and the brothers that he painted it himself from memory, decades ago. No doubt he mixed
unconscious preference for leaving their wooden holy symbols the red paint poorly, he admits; such things happen with pigments. Abbot
unpainted, is a symptom of the abbeys mis-consecration to the Godefroy can provide a great deal of information if the characters get
red rose twin rather than the white rose twin. If characters curious about the Staff of the Remorhaz (see Talking to Abbot Godefroy,
use any sort of divination spell that requires a vague answer from below), but if they are just here to hunt monsters or guard caravans, dont
higher powers, the answer to the spell might be pointing out the push the areas background story on them. They will either start looking
whitening of the abbeys red roses. into the mysteries of the pass or they wont. If they do, theyll be back at
the abbey asking questions soon enough. If not, Ghostwind Pass offers
plenty of adventure and treasure for those who arent interested in playing
In the tower: detective.
The second floor contains Abbot Godefroys bedroom and study,
together with bedroom-cells for two monks. These are currently empty,
The ground floor of the tower obviously serves as the chapel. since the only ordained brother here is the abbot. The third floor contains
Along with lots of candles and a small wooden altar, the six more monkish cells and some arrowslits. The towers conical slate
chapels central feature is an empty sarcophagus. The wooden roof can be reached by a trapdoor, but the slates of the roof are in poor
lid is propped up vertically beside the stone coffin and bears the condition. Climbing around on them would be unsafe, to say the least;
painting of an armored woman, with the symbol of a red rose on climbers must make a successful DC 17 Dex (Acrobatics) check or fall.
her shield. She has a vertical scar on the left side of her face. A
flight of stone stairs leads to the upper stories.
A very old man stands by the sarcophagus, looking at the
Talking to Abbot Godefroy
If characters appear to be worthy individuals, or rich ones, Godefroy
offers to grant them a benediction that help them in their endeavors. A
generous contribution to the abbey would certainly be appreciated, of
course (see Abbots Benediction).
This is Abbot Godefroy, the 85-year-old man who is in charge of the If the characters are specifically asking about Saint Kathelynn, or the
abbey. He receives little from his superiors and less in tithes, so the abbey Abbeys history, Abbot Godefroy is happy to talk.
has gone from being in merely poor repair to being in very poor repair The Story of Saint Kathelynn
over its 75 years as a religious institution. The sarcophagus is empty because the bones of St. Kathelynn were
If characters look closely at the painting, they will notice that the paint buried in secret by her five retainers; characters are invited to pay respect to
of the red rose is flaking very slightly (automatic success if a player their memorials in the graveyard. The sarcophagus awaits the day when the
announces that the character is checking the painting for detail). The rest saints bones are finally returned to their proper place. Anyone who does so,
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities

And so began the Expedition to kill the Winter Prince, led

by Kathelynn, who would be the saint, and her twin sister
Elys, her standard-bearer. The twins forged ahead, magically
protected from the cold by their
gem-topped staff, and the five warriors of their
retinue became separated from them in the blizzard.
Ahead of them the warriors heard an inhuman scream upon
the cold, white winds, and when they made their way forward
the harm was done. The body of Sainted Kathelynn lay upon
the snow, her skull half crushed. Of Elys, there was no sign
at all.
But there also lay dying the body of the Winter Prince, its
evil soul already gathering away from the body in a freezing
mist. And the Winter Prince laughed from the lips of that
dead man, saying, I am defeated, yet I keep my bargains. I
shall release the Ghostwinds from the mountain pass except
twice a year. And then the body of the Winter Prince fell
dead, and its misty soul blew away on the wind to wait for
the evils it would do in the next winter.
The warriors brought back the body of the Saint, and buried
her in secret. Shortly thereafter, they disappeared one by one,
leaving no trace. For killing the Winter Prince and thus
banishing the Ghostwinds for most of the year, Kathelynn
was canonized as a saint. The mystical way in which she
called her loyal followers to her, to serve her as knights where
they were needed, serves as obvious confirmation of her
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
the abbot notes, would be greatly blessed. Not only that, more visitors and the abbot quickly shifts into the role of an old man who perhaps rambles
pilgrims would also make their way to the abbey to see a real relic. too much, that he does not mean to offend, and that he perhaps overstated
Godefroy was a ten-year-old boy when the twin paladins Erys and his opinions. He did not overstate his opinion, of course, but he is not a
Kathelynn undertook their fateful mission to the heights of the pass along confrontational person. He will specifically offer the druid character the
with five loyal retainers. He remembers seeing the saint and her twin sister, abbots ordinary benediction with no donation required, if that level of
but of course he was not actually on the expedition. He wrote down the apology is needed.
story as it was told to him by the five retainers who were there (almost),
and will provide the characters with a copy if they wish. (Abbot Godefroy [Priest]: AC 13, 27 hp; +2 to hit, 1d6
bludgeoning damage [mace]; spell attack +5, save
DC 13; light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy, cure wounds,

The Abbotts Note

guiding bolt, sanctuary, lesser restoration, spiritual
weapon, dispel magic, spirit guardian)
(Ocrip and Selmus [Veterans]: AC 17, 58 hp; +5 to hit x2,
And so began the Expedition to kill the Winter Prince, led by 1d10 + 3 slashing damage [longsword])
Kathelynn, who would be the saint, and her twin sister Elys, her
standard-bearer. The twins forged ahead, magically protected
from the cold by their gem-topped staff, and the five warriors of
their retinue became separated from them in the blizzard.
A-5. Trappers Hall
Ahead of them the warriors heard an inhuman scream upon
the cold, white winds, and when they made their way forward
the harm was done. The body of Sainted Kathelynn lay upon the This building is stone with a high, peaked roof. A sign above
snow, her skull half crushed. Of Elys, there was no sign at all. the door shows a white animal fur, and underneath the words,
But there also lay dying the body of the Winter Prince, its evil Trappers Hall.
soul already gathering away from the body in a freezing mist. And
the Winter Prince laughed from the lips of that dead man, saying, I
am defeated, yet I keep my bargains. I shall release the Ghostwinds The Trappers Hall is a mixture of inn, tavern, warehouse, and store. There
from the mountain pass except twice a year. And then the body are ten rooms on the upper floor, three of which are occupied by traders and
of the Winter Prince fell dead, and its misty soul blew away on the two of which are occupied by trappers recently returned from expeditions
wind to wait for the evils it would do in the next winter. into the pass. The traders have offices with one-room vaults containing their
The warriors brought back the body of the Saint, and buried furs and other goods; they buy pelts from trappers throughout the hunting
her in secret. Shortly thereafter, they disappeared one by one, season, then retreat back to the town of Elet when the Ghostwind blows into
leaving no trace. For killing the Winter Prince and thus banishing the pass. They are mostly interested in purchasing furs from hunters and
the Ghostwinds for most of the year, Kathelynn was canonized as trappers, but they also do a brisk business selling the various goods needed
a saint. The mystical way in which she called her loyal followers for long expeditions into the wilderness.
to her, to serve her as knights where they were needed, serves as
obvious confirmation of her sainthood. Prices offered by the traders are as follows:
Blood Violets: 200 gp/sack
Mountain Goat meat: 5 gp/goat (150lb)
Giant snowy owl egg: 1000 gp
Abbots Benediction
Giant lynx pelt: no trader will purchase these due to the druidic ban on
This is also where the characters can receive the abbots blessing if they
killing or hurting the giant lynxes of the pass.
donate money or other valuables to the upkeep of the abbey. In particular,
Snow-serpent pelt (white): 100 gp
the abbot wants to repair the towers roof to avoid having slates fall off
Snow-serpent pelt (spotted green): 200 gp
and possibly hit someone. Also, it is beginning to leak a bit. He wants to
Giant Weasel pelt: 200 gp
replace the wooden wall with a stone curtain wall, but this would require
Cave bear pelt: 800 gp
many thousands of gold pieces.
Giant ermine pelt: 1000 gp
If characters donate 200 gp or more each, they can receive the abbots
Saber-tooth pelt: 800 gp
ordinary benediction. The benediction is a powerful blessing from the
Weretiger pelt: 1000 gp
greater powers of Law, delivered in the name of Saint Kathelynn. The
Wolf pelt: 5 gp
blessing allows the character to call on the saint before attempting a task
Winter wolf pelt: 500 gp
and thereby gain divine favor for the attempt. This is reflected by gaining
tactical advantage on whatever die roll is being attempted. If the task
is one that would be adjudicated with a judgment call rather than a die The Traders
roll, the task automatically succeeds unless it is simply impossible. The If necessary, use the commoner or veteran stat block for specific traders.
benediction can be used for an attack roll, an attribute check, spell or
weapon damage, etc. It can be used for a saving throw only if the character Auloyne of Elet
would have time to yell out the saints name. The ordinary benediction can To lower Auloynes selling price by 5 percent requires a successful
be received twice in a characters lifetime. DC 20 Cha (Persuasion) check.
If the character donates 500 gp or more, the abbot grants a greater To raise Auloynes buying price by 5 percent requires a successful
benediction. The greater benediction may be used twice rather than once, DC 20 Cha (Persuasion) check.
and allows the character to roll 3d20 instead of 2d20. The greater benediction
can be received by a character just once in the characters lifetime. Tadric Furman
The Abbot and Druidism To lower Tadrics selling price by 5 percent requires a successful
The abbot stresses that a character cannot carry a benediction and a DC 15 Cha (Persuasion) check.
druids mark at the same time. He is obviously disdainful of the druidic To raise Tadrics buying price by 5 percent requires a successful
faith and cautions characters that they should not trust druids in general DC 20 Cha (Persuasion) check..
or Lurilune in particular. Druidism, he believes, is like an extortion
scheme, holding Lawful civilization hostage to the amoral forces of Paganne of Troye
nature, demanding sacrifices in exchange for good weather and fertile To lower Pagannes selling price by 5 percent requires a successful
lands. If there is a druid in the party who takes offense at this attitude, DC 20 Cha (Persuasion) check.
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
To raise Pagannes buying price by 5 percent requires a successful The facilities boast wooden seats and an unpleasant smell.
DC 15 Cha (Persuasion) check.

The Trappers A-7. Graves

If necessary, use the bandit, commoner, or veteran stat block for specific
This is a very small graveyard with only six headstones. Each
Lodo the Trapper headstone bears a name but no inscription, other than a rose
Leather armor, dagger, short bow, 20 arrows, smelly fur-lined sleeping bag, carved into the stone below the name.
pouch containing 10 garnets (5 gp), various bits of outdoor survival gear.

Ghentry Badger The names on the gravestones are: Tallow Smith, John of Elet, John
Leather armor, dagger, short bow, 20 arrows, fur-lined sleeping back, Tallbones, Griffin Winemaker, Claude Yellowhair, and Benedict the Bald.
pouch containing 34 gp, 3 dice, and a rabbits foot, flask of whiskey, None of the graves except Griffin Winemakers actually contain bodies;
various bits of outdoor survival gear. these are memorials for the five loyal retainers who disappeared shortly
after burying St. Kathelynns body in a hidden sanctum. Give no hints or

A-6. Privies
helpful die rolls in this area! If the characters are to get hold of a powerful
artifact like the staff or earn the fame that comes from finding a saints lost
bones, they should earn it fairly, without help.
The grave carved with the name of Griffin Winemaker contains the
This is a rickety wooden building with a half-moon-shaped lead-shielded bronze casket of St. Elys (a body everyone believes to have
hole cut in the door. belonged to Kathelynn). In the casket along with the true saints bones is
the wooden stave of the Staff of the Remorhaz; it is bereft of its tip, the
multi-faceted eye of the remorhaz. The half-artifact conveys no benefits

The Staff of the Remorhaz

From the Northlands Saga Book 2: Beyond the Wailing Mountains Remorhaz was granted to heroes; always clerics, always of Lawful
In eons past, many dread gods rose and fell, thrown down by alignment, always by an angelic being, always in blizzard-like snow.
deities of good and their heroic champions. Most of these elder gods The only change in detail is that the eye of the remorhaz seems to have
were born when the world was young. They were savage and feral, hardened into a multi-faceted gem atop the staff.
drawing their power from the primordial forces of nature perverted The Staff was most recently held by the paladins Elys and
to evil and destruction. Most of these elder gods have long since been Kathelynn, three quarters of a century ago, when it was broken in half
destroyed, but a few remain, sleeping away the ages and waiting for in battle against the Winter Prince. The two parts are assumed to be
the opportunity to rise again. lost in Ghostwind Pass, where the battle took place.
One such elder god is Althunak, the Lord of Ice and Cold. His is not The standard is a six-foot battle staff which, before it was broken,
the natural changing of the season, not the cycle of autumn, winter, was topped by a multi-faceted gem, the Eye of Othrota.
and spring, but instead the continual death of a perpetual winter. His Any Good-aligned cleric who holds the staff is immune to cold
cult once flourished when the races of the world were young, but he damage, including magical cold. On the other hand, the holder of the
was challenged and destroyed by some of the earliest heroes to walk staff is vulnerable to fire damage. The clerics hair becomes snow
the world, or so it was thought. white for as long as the character holds the artifact, and if the staff is
One of the abominations in Althunaks dread horde was a great used thrice, the change is permanent.
remorhaz, Othrota the Paleworm. When the vanguard of Althunaks The Good-aligned cleric holding the staff can use any of its powers
army was broken at the Battle of Heshkar, Othrota was slain by Ulhred listed below. When the staff is used, it pulls coldness from the air.
the Horned Paladin, who ripped out the beasts great, faceted eye. In a 10-foot radius around the user there is a blast of violent heat:
Spiking the eye on his battle-spear, Uhlred raised it aloft as a standard every creature in the radius must make a successful Con saving throw
to call his warriors forward. Seeing this, the great ice trolls and giants of against the clerics save DC or take 1d3 + 1 fire damage. Anyone in
the hordes vanguard ceased their advance, and the troops behind them contact with the artifact is unaffected.
halted and milled about in great consternation. Whereupon the warriors The staffs powers are:
in their ranked battalions behind the Horned Paladin gave a great cry of Read languages (at will)
triumph and charged, following Ulhred and his grisly standard to the Find traps (3/day)
legendary victory on Heshkars blood-glutted fields, where Althunaks Wall of Ice (2/day)
horde was broken and the evil god himself was thought slain. Polymorph Self (1/day)
This battle standard, the eye of the remorhaz on the spear of the Visions (This power of the staff is not under the wielders control.
Horned Paladin, was then lost to history for a very long time. It does When there is a great evil that must be addressed, the wielder may
not reappear in recorded histories until Tourmajs account of the begin having cryptic visions about it. This aspect of the staff is under
Second Battle of Aixe, at the darkest and most desperate moment of the the GMs control.)
battle, in the small wood where the true King lay wounded, defended If anyone who is not Good-aligned takes hold of the staff, the artifact
by his embattled knights. As the snow began to fall, Leothrand the defends itself ferociously by polymorphing the offender into a white
High Priest raised the Staff to rally the remaining forces of the King. lynx with the intelligence of an animal and only vague memories of
The last charge of Leothrand Cold-wielder shattered the half-demon its former existence. A successful DC 15 Wis saving throw prevents
army of the Alabastrian heresy and brought peace once again to the the transformation, but the saving throw must be repeated each time
lands. When Leothrands body was recovered from the piles of dead, the staff is gripped. The staffs powers can only be used by a cleric.
the Staff was gone. Thereafter, the Chansons of Ghen describe three The only way to destroy the staff is to bathe it in the still-hot blood
more instances after the Second Battle of Aixe when the Staff of the of a remorhaz.

Perils of Ghostwind Pass
to a wielder unless it is joined with its other half. It does, however, exert with a weakness of the joints that imposes a -1 modifier on all attack rolls
enough magical force that it warms the entire area of the abbey. Despite and damage rolls. Leaving the pass abates the weakness, but it returns
the vast magical power of the artifact, it is shielded from all detection if the victim enters the pass again without having the curse removed by
magic other than the direct intercession of a deity. This is no magical Lurilune or by a spell. Each additional giant ermine killed without the
trinket with a distinct aura: it is ancient power that blends into the power druids Mark worsens the curse by increasing the penalty to -2, -3, etc.
of the earth itself, unable to be distinguished unless a detection spell is Making one of the greater sacrifices (5 hit points or a peryton heart)
cast directly upon it. confers a temporary druidic power against death itself. If the bearer of
the greater druidic mark takes a mortal wound (would be brought to 0
hit points), the mark draws upon the natural pattern of sacred sites in the
A-8. Circle of the Druidess pass to bring the character back to 1 hit point. When this happens, the
greater druidic mark also disappears from the characters face. The mark
disappears if the character leaves the pass, but reappears upon return (until
its power is used).
A cottage made of stone and roofed with slates is surrounded
There are some restrictions on the mark. It disappears permanently if
by a circle of widely spaced stones, each of them about five feet
the character bearing the mark sets foot in the chapel tower of the abbey.
tall and carved with runes. Green grass grows within the stone
Similarly, it is not possible to have both the Abbots blessing and bear the
circle, and at the center of the field stands a stone altar. A giant
druidic mark. Moreover, the druidic mark disappears immediately if the
lynx the size of a dire wolf sits in the path at the entrance to the
character with the mark kills one of the giant lynxes in the pass. These act
strange garden.
as Lurilunes eyes and ears, and they are sacred to the druidic powers of
the area.
This is the cottage of Lurilune, the druidic custodian of Ghostwind
(Lurilune [Druid]: AC 11, 27 hp; +2 to hit, 1d8 bludgeoning
Pass. Her task here, as she sees it, is fairly simple. She maintains the
damage (shillelagh); spell attack +4, save DC 12;
various small druidic shrines in the pass; makes sure the visiting hunters
druidcraft, produce flame, shillelagh, entangle, longstrider,
do not abuse the bounteous hunting in the area; and looks for ways to
speak with animals, thunderwave, animal messenger,
destroy the Mountain Queen, whom Lurilune considers to be completely
outside the natural order. She knows and constantly reminds herself not
to seek a direct confrontation with the monstrosity that Kathelynn has
(Giant Lynx [Lion]: AC 12, 26 hp; +5 to hit, 1d6 + 3 slashing
become, but if she makes contact with a strong-enough looking group
damage [claw] or +5 to hit, 1d8 + 3 piercing damage
of adventurers, she would definitely seek ways to point them toward the
[bite]; keen smell, pack tactics, pounce, running leap)
lamia. She will not risk herself, the guardian of the pass, by accompanying
them, but she will give each of them a druidic mark if they swear that they
Treasure: The inside of Lurilunes cottage is carpeted with woven
will use it in an attack on the Manor of the Mountain Queen. She does not
green rugs, and several books are stacked on a writing desk. There is a
know the lamias true identity but simply refers to her as the Mountain
bedroom in the back containing an unnaturally soft mattress stuffed with
Queen. Lurilune does know that the Mountain Queen has the lower body
fragrant grasses, and a wardrobe containing white druidic robes. The
of a white tigress. Having the secretive nature common to many druids,
books all contain complex astrological charts, weather predictions, records
she will share this information only if the characters are definitely on a
of prophetic bird migrations, and instructions for all kinds of auguries
quest to attack the Manor.
and divinations. All told they are worth 4,000 gp, but if they are sold,
The druidic mark is a pattern that Lurilune traces upon a persons face
eventually the druids will find out that one of their own has been robbed,
before they venture into the pass. Most of the hunters would not dream
and they will search tirelessly for the thieves (or, perhaps, murderers).
of entering the pass without the mark. To get the druidic mark, one must
A small chest (unlocked) contains 40 small emeralds (500 gp) in a
make some sort of sacrifice on the altar in the center of Lurilunes green
pouch. If anyone departs the cottage with these emeralds and does not
freehold. Only a few types of things are acceptable sacrifices:
leave one of the stones behind, an earth elemental is released from
imprisonment beneath the stone circlethe precious stones are part of
Accepted Not Accepted the binding. It attacks ferociously to retrieve the emeralds and thus ensure
its escape.
Gems or precious stones Gold, silver, copper
(100 gp minimum)
(Earth Elemental: AC 17, 126 hp; +8 to hit x2, 2d8 + 5
Gems or precious stones bludgeoning damage [slam]; can burrow through stone
(500 gp minimum)** and earth without leaving a trace.)
Blood (1 hit points worth)* Someone elses blood
Blood (5 hit points worth)**
Pelt of a wolf, badger, or Herbivore pelts or a lynx pelt Manor of the
Mountain Queen
giant weasel
Heart of a peryton** or pelt Iron or steel
of a saber-tooth**
The Mountain Queens minions are tracked on a monster roster, since
* A blood sacrifice reduces the characters max hit points
the battle for the Manor will most likely involve monsters moving around,
by 1 (or 5) points for as long as the character is in the pass.
rather than staying in one place.
Even a restoration spell will not return the lost hit points
until the character enters the Abbey, the south camp, or
otherwise leaves the pass into the lowlands.
**These are the greater sacrifices described in more Approaching the Manor
detail below.
A huge manor house is built into the sloping side of a hill, with three
A normal sacrifice allows the recipient to hunt the giant ermines that levels. The roof is steeply pitched and made of slate shingles.
live in the pass. Anyone without the mark who kills more than one of the There is a bugbear sentry in Area H-28 keeping watch over the front of
giant ermines immediately begins suffering from a curse: they are afflicted the building, waiting for the sort of visitors who walk up to front doors.

Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities

It is certain to notice creatures that dont take special precautions against Arrowslits
being spotted. Against those who do, this bugbears passive Perception There are four arrowslits in the front wall of the manor: two are high up
is 13.
on the first tier, and two are high up on the second tier. The arrowslits on
Other than the front door, the Manor offers two other avenues for covert
the second tier have line of sight to anyone on the roof of the bottom tier.
entry: through the roof or through an arrowslit.
The slits are too narrow for Medium or larger creatures to pass through.
The Roof A Tiny creature can get through easily, and a small humanoid can squeeze
Getting onto the roof of the Manor is easy, but getting through the heavy through by stripping off all gear and armor and making a successful DC
slate shingles without making a tremendous racket is virtually impossible. 20 Dex (Acrobatics) check. Only one attempt is allowed per character.
Rogues recognize the extreme difficulty of this route automatically. A lone Characters who can polymorph, turn gaseous, or teleport might find an
person on the roof can make a hole large enough for one person by first easy access through the arrowslits.
making a successful DC 20 Str (Athletics) check to physically move an
area of tiles without noisily dropping any, followed by a successful DC 25
Dex (Acrobatics) check to get through the gap without dislodging more Wandering Monsters (if needed)
tiles. An individual character can attempt each check only once. Failing
a check by 5 or fewer points means the character realizes the job cant Wandering monsters will only be an issue in the Manor if characters
be done without making a lot of noise; failing by 6 or more points means stop in one place for a long time. If the characters stay in one place for
a tile (or a tool) was dropped, making enough noise to attract attention. more than an hour or set up an ambush in a corridor, roll on the following
If characters havent yet made a hole in the roof, guards from the manor table once every 30 minutes.
roster come to investigate. If they have made a hole in the roof, someone
inside the building spots them.
A character who succeeds at both checks gets inside without attracting Wandering Monsters
attention, possibly into a loft, possibly onto nothing more substantial than
one of the roof beams 40 feet above the floor (in the low or middle tiers) or Roll
20 feet above the floor in the top tier. Other characters can follow through 1d20
the same hole by making just the second ability check. 1-10 No Encounter
Players who come up with an especially ingenious plan (probably
involving magic) might be able to get through the roof more easily. 11-12 1d2 + 1 bugbears

Perils of Ghostwind Pass
Result H-3. The Great Covered Court
13 Gaston the Cook (Area H-7)
14 1 weretiger and 1 saber-toothed tiger This room comprises almost all of the castles lowest tier.
15 1d2 saber-toothed tigers The ceiling is steeply pitched overhead, supported with
wooden beams and stone buttresses. There appears to be a
16 Glaivorn (Area H-13) and 1d3 of his bugbears walled-in loft under the center of the roof, surrounded by a
17 Henri Tharnac and 1 weretiger (Area H-17) cobweblike array of heavy beams and struts. The room has a
number of strange features: balconies, arched openings placed
18 Serz and Cloyaun, human servants (Area H-18)
high up the wall, a ramp and drawbridge leading to the next
19 Martin of Becqueril (Area H-19) tier of the fortified manor, stairs that lead up to the loft area, a
20 Kathelynn and 1 weretiger wall with arrowslits pointing into the hall rather than outward,
and some large double doors. It is a lot to take in at a first
All is Not as it SeemsWeretigers!
A. Balcony (10 feet up)
Even if they are being attacked, the weretigers will remain human for
one or two rounds, trying to make intruders believe that the Manor is
a normal settlement that just happens to have saber-toothed tigers and
bugbears wandering around. The charmed slaves and Henri back this up A sturdy balcony made of stone is mounted 10 feet above the
convincingly. Gaston the Cook tries to lie, but he isnt very convincing. floor, with no railing.
The weretigers, of course, try to keep characters away from Gaston,
introduce them to an illusion of Kathelynn, and get them to sleep in one of
the guest rooms. Once the characters are separated, Kathelynn can try to The tigers can leap 10 feet up, so their leaping-hole has a balcony 10
charm and enslave them one at a time. feet below it, allowing the tigers to clear the upward distance from the
Kathelynn may use her ability to create a major image of herself as a main floor to the leaping-hole in two jumps. They can pounce downward
human, with a face different from her own. She usually only attempts this in from the leaping-hole to the floor 20 feet below in a single leap without
the Great Hall, where she can regally dismiss the characters before the ten- risk. One of the saber-tooths always watches the balcony from the leaping-
minute duration of her illusion expires. One of the weretigers always stands hole (see Area H-11, the Tiger Run).
near the illusion to open doors for it and to prevent it from being touched.
The weretigers are usually in human form, even when they are alone. B. Leaping-Hole

H-1. Main Gate An arch-shaped opening in the wall sits oddly 20 feet above
the floor. This presumably leads up to the second tier of the
This solid-looking wooden door has a red rose painted on it. A
slot through the door at eye level can be opened from within to There are several leaping-holes in the manor. They are designed to let
inspect visitors. the great cats of the manor pounce in and out of a room through a door
humanoids cant reach. All of the leaping-holes have an adjacent balcony,
as described above, to make the required upward leap manageable. One of
During the day, the door stands open, allowing the saber-toothed the saber-tooths can come blasting down from a leaping-hole at full speed
tigers to come and go as they please. At night, the door is barred and a for an automatic pounce. A quarter ton of fast-moving saber-toothed tiger
bugbear stands watch behind it in the murder hall. will knock down any creature.
One saber-tooth is watching the balcony and can pounce directly to it,
(Bugbear: AC 16, 27 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing damage if it sees prey.
[morningstar] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 +
2 piercing damage; the bugbear does an extra 2d6 C. Drawbridge and Ramp
damage in the first round of combat against an opponent
who was surprised)
An enormous right triangle of stone rises from the ground
H-2. Murder Hall at about the center of the yard. It forms a ramp that is 10 feet
wide, 10 feet high, and about 20 feet long. The ramp ends 10
feet short of north wall, but a drawbridge has been lowered from
an opening in that wall to the top of the ramp. The ramp appears
This stone room has arrowslits pointing into it from the room well traveled, and the drawbridge clearly allows access to an
beyond (the Covered Court, Area H-3) and a stout door that upper tier of the manoror it can be raised, sealing off the upper
obviously leads into the main part of the manor. tier in case of attack.

If it is nighttime, include the bugbear in the description of the hall. The drawbridge is usually down so that Kathelynns bugbears and any
As with the main gate, during the day this door is open to the rest of guests can move freely about the manor. If Kathelynn decides that she
the hall so the cats can go in and out. At night, a bugbear stands guard faces a significant threat, she has this drawbridge pulled up to block the
here with a horn to summon reinforcements if the Manor is attacked. The route into the higher tier of the manor. In that case, adjust the readaloud
bugbear is any of those listed on the general roster. text accordingly.
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities

Perils of Ghostwind Pass
D. Stairs to Loft If appropriate, add a description of the bugbears (below) to your
description of the Great Hall.
The great hall is where the denizens of the Manor eat their meals and
socialize, and also is where visitors are brought to meet Kathelynn. There
A flight of narrow stone steps is built against the south wall. will always be one or two bugbears in the hall (assuming they havent
all been killed) and two human slaves. The slaves are Caurien and Jirral,
both of them charmed by the lamias magic. They will not help either
These stairs are too narrow for anything other than walking single file; the bugbears or the characters if a fight breaks out here, but if Kathelynn
they are just barely wide enough for the saber-tooths to climb. They lead or one of the weretigers is here and gives an order, they must follow it.
to Area H-28, a storage loft. They wont follow the characters, act as lookouts, or help in any other
substantial way; theyve been told to mop the floor, and they arent going

H-4. Tiger-Proof Stable

to let themselves be sidetracked from that task.
If characters inspect the ceiling, they see a wooden loft above the
eastern half of the room. It has wooden walls, and no entrance is visible
from this area (the stairs to the loft are in the Kitchen, Area H-7).
These large double doors seem extremely powerful for internal
doors, even in a castle. They lead into an enclosed stable. Two (Caurien and Jirral [Commoners]: AC 10, 4 hp; +2 to hit, 1d4
mules watch you placidly from their stalls, which is unsurprising. bludgeoning damage)
The third animal is most definitely unusual, though: it is a
chestnut-brown warhorse, the sort that would ordinarily be found Treasure: the tapestries in this room are worth a total of 100 gp and
in the possession of a knight or noble. The warhorse is obviously weigh 500 pounds altogether. The embroidered cloths on the tables are
much more nervous than the mules. worth a total of 200 gp. The tableware is of no particular value.

The design requirements of a stable in a castle where weretigers and H-7. Kitchen
saber-toothed tigers roam free are different from the requirements for
a normal stable. The mounts only come out when the cats are safely
occupied in other rooms, and then make a beeline for the outside. This room is obviously the kitchen. A massive fireplace stands
The warhorse belongs to Martin of Becqueril, the son of Baron Jauntir of almost in the center of the room; its chimney is a stone column
Becqueril, who is willing to pay an enormous ransom (1,000 gp) for the return that rises to the roof above. A fat man wearing a chefs hat is
of his missing son. Martin has been enthralled by the lamia (see Area H-19). chopping vegetables at a large table, apparently preparing the
stuffing for a roast goat, which also lies on the table.
In addition to these basics, the room has several entrances and exits:
H-5. Inside Bastion A flight of stairs leads to a loft overhead.
There is a door in each of the north and south walls.
An archway in the west wall leads to an adjoining room.
This fortified space has no entrance from the yard, but it appears An archway in the south wall appears to open into the room
to the south, well above the level of the floor in that chamber.
to have no roof, meaning it can be entered by jumping down from
the arched hole in the wall above it. Arrowslits in the walls make Theres an arched opening in the north wall 20 feet above the
floor of this room. A ramp leads up along the east wall, behind
it clear that it serves as a defensive bastion for the courtyard.
the chimney, and ends 10 feet away from, and 10 feet below, the
north archway.
If characters announced their arrival by knocking on the door or gave
the entire manor time to prepare against an assault in any other way, then
The cook at the table is Gaston Payis, a normal human. He is a
Kathelynn will be in this area to see what happens when strangers enter
tremendously good cook; the weretigers kidnapped him from the town
the Covered Courtyard (Area H-3). If she believes shes in any danger,
of Elet and brought him here specifically to become the Manors cook.
she leaps out of the room and into the kitchen above (Area H-7). She
Unlike the lamias other slaves, Gaston is not charmed. The monsters
doesnt necessarily order her minions to attack strangers; visitors might
decided that it might inhibit his cooking skills. He is utterly terrified of the
be bringing messages or interesting news of the outside world. She
other denizens of the Manor, but he knows he couldnt possibly survive
wants to assess newcomers before allowing them farther into her home.
in the wilderness of Ghostwind Pass long enough to get away. He wont
Kathelynn might possibly even speak to characters from this chamber,
be willing to help the adventurers unless it is clear that they are going to
since the arrowslit easily conceals the fact that her lower body is that of a succeed in killing the lamia and the weretigers; if they fail, what then for
white tiger. If she decides that her best course of action is to impersonate Gaston Payis, who betrayed the tigers?
a human, she will play the trick here. Various kitchen supplies are kept in boxes under the table, including
knives, pots, pans, buckets, and the like.
H-6. Great Hall (Gaston Payis [Commoner]: AC 10, 4 hp; +2 to hit, 1d4
piercing damage; 5 gp)

H-8. Storage Room

The walls of this room are hung with tapestries depicting saber-
toothed tigers stalking and killing humans in the snowy crags
and rifts of a mountainous region. Two fireplaces blaze with the
crackle of pine wood, and three great wooden tables are set out
with embroidered cloths and tableware. This room contains crates and sacks on the floor. Shelves on the
Two confused-looking humans seem to have been working in walls contain earthenware pots and wine bottles.
the room, because they are holding mops and buckets.

Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
This is the kitchens storage room. It holds flour, sugar, herbs, cheese, A gentleman is sitting in one of the armchairs, unless the alarm has
and various other ingredients found in kitchens. Most of the wine is poor already been sounded. This is Claude, one of Kathelynns were-tiger
quality with the exception of five bottles of Chateau dAmber, which can sons. He wears a black robe and sandals, which makes him look a bit like
be sold for as much as 200 gp each in a large town. One of the crates has a a monk, but he wears no holy symbol. The robe is what Claude always
piece of parchment nailed to it, which reads: For delivery, Henri Tharnac wears; the robe fits loosely enough that it doesnt tear when he transforms
of Elet. (Henri is a merchant who deals with the Manor: see Area H-17). into a tiger.
If the characters are trying to trick their way in, Claude is not easily
fooled, because he is usually the one of the three brothers whom
H-9. Cooks Quarters Kathelynn sends to Elet on errands such as kidnapping people or dealing
with merchants.
The flowers embroidered on the carpet are red roses, if anyone bothers
to look. Kathelynn is as obsessed with her heraldic symbols as any knight.
This modest room contains a bed, table, chair, and an unlocked
The pool in the western part of the room is not more than three
wooden cabinet.
inches deep. It has a shallow, concave bottom that appears to be coated
in silver, making the pool so reflective that it is almost a perfect mirror.
This pool is actually a scrying bowl that Kathelynn can use to find the
This is Gaston the cooks room (see Area H-7). There is nothing here to location of intruders in her manor before directing her defenses against
interest the adventurers. them.
If the Manor has been widely alerted to the presence of armed strangers,
H-10. Foyer the monsters fighting contingent assembles here (see the roster for

(Claude [Weretiger]: AC 12, 120 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d8 + 3

This rooms most prominent feature is another ramp-and- slashing damage [claw] or +5 to hit x2, 1d6 + 3 slashing
drawbridge arrangement like the one on the lower tier. It is on the damage [scimitar] or +4 to hit, range 150 ft./600 ft., 1d8 +
north wall and obviously leads to the Manors third tier. There 2 piercing damage [longbow]; if the wertiger moved 15
is a balcony on either side of the drawbridge, 10 feet above the ft. straight toward a creature before hitting with a claw,
floor, and the archway the ramp leads to is 20 feet above the floor. the creature must make a DC 14 Str save or be knocked
A wooden-walled loft runs north-and-south over the middle of prone and attacked at +5 to hit, 1d10 + 3 piercing
the room, but it has no visible entrances or exits. damage [pounce and bite]; shapechanger)
Most of the area is bare stone, but there is a little island of
luxury in the eastern part of the room. There, three armchairs are
grouped around a delicate wooden table on a flower-patterned H-11. Tiger Run
There is also a decorative pool in a western corner of the room.
At the south end of this hallway is an archway that opens 20 feet
above the floor of the manors lowest tier. At the northern end is
an archway 20 feet up the wall, with a balcony 10 feet below it.

Unless the saber-tooths have all been killed by the time the characters
get here, one saber-toothed tiger is watching the leaping-hole to Area
H-15 like a cat outside a mouse hole. The saber-tooth is one of those from
the general roster.

H-12. Bugbear Quarters

Ten very big beds are covered with shaggy sleeping-furs in this
rancid-smelling room. A substantial wooden table stands in the
middle of the room, looking like it has taken a beating and been
repaired several times. There is a door in the far wall with a knife
stuck in it.

This is the room where the manors bugbears sleep. If the

characters have gotten this far, assume that all surviving bugbears
on the roster (with the exception of those that have set locations on
the map) will be here.
There is a burlap sack under each bed where the bugbears store
their nonvaluable possessions. They contain nothing but dirty clothes,
bones, and the occasional mouse.
If there is any combat in this room, Glaivorn the Overseer (in Area
H-13) joins the fight in 1d3 rounds.
Treasure: Other than what they carry in their pouches, all of the
bugbears keep their treasure in individual bags stashed in Glaivorns
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
(Bugbear: AC 16, 27 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing damage
[morningstar] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2
piercing damage; does an extra 2d6 damage in the
H-15. Tiger Den
first round of combat against an opponent who was
This large room contains boulders, which must have been
brought into the manor from the outside with considerable effort.
H-13. Bugbear Overseer They range from four to six feet in diameter. The remains of a
goatnot much more than bonesare scattered about, and fresh
blood is splashed on one of the rocks. There is a door in the north
This room is a bedroom with a table, bed, sturdy chair, and
a wicker basket filled with clothes. There is a large, padlocked
wooden chest in the northeast corner of the room, with a smaller This is the playroom for Kathelynns gray saber-toothed tigers
iron box beside it. that, along with the weretigers, she refers to as her children. If the
characters reach this room, assume that all surviving saber-toothed
tigers are here.
This room belongs to Glaivorn, the bugbear who oversees all menial The door in the north wall is locked. It can be opened with a set of
work done in the manor. He wears a black tunic embroidered with thieves tools and a successful DC 10 Dex check.
Kathelynns red rose symbol. The large wooden chest contains 10 leather
bags, each containing the treasure of one of the bugbears.
Bag #1: 15 gp, gold earring with pearl (100 gp), 2 dwarf-bone dice
Bag #2: 22 gp, 28 sp, 119 cp, cat skull with bad kitty written on it in
H-16. Weretiger Room (Thibault)
goblin, iron ring with quartz stone (1 sp)
Bag #3: 169 gp and a hand mirror (10 gp)
Bag #4: 56 gp, 260 sp, 2 cp, and a set of ivory false teeth (25 gp) This room is luxuriously furnished, with a velvet-draped
Bag #5: 9 gp, 28 sp, bracelet of wooden thorns (worthless), someones feather bed, a locked iron chest, several thick rugs covering the
finger bone, crushed-velvet hat (1 gp) with broken feather, polished floor, and woolen tapestries on the walls.
obsidian fish (50 gp)
Bag #6: large sewing needle, thread, pincers, thumbscrews, and a large
piece of amber containing a preserved lizard (200 gp) Thibault (TIH-bawlt) is Kathelynns youngest son and a white
Bag #7: 16 gp, 189 sp, 295 cp, 1 wad of chewing tobacco (1 cp) weretiger. Unless the characters launched a frontal assault on the manor,
Bag #8: 6 gp, 505 sp, 2 rolled-up ermine furs (normal size and low they should encounter Thibault first in his human form. He is a tall and
quality, worth 100 gp each) handsome man with a long ponytail, long mustaches, and bushy eyebrows,
Bag #9: 35 gp, 69 sp, 12 cp all very pale blond. His yellow eyes are a bit disconcerting, but they have
Bag #10: 8 gp, wax candle (1 sp) normal, human pupils rather than a cats.
Glaivorns personal treasure is in the smaller iron box, which is
locked and has a poison needle trap on the catch. The trap can be (Thibault [Weretiger]: AC 12, 120 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d8 + 3
detected with a successful DC 15 Wis (Perception) check, and the lock slashing damage [claw] or +5 to hit x2, 1d6 + 3 slashing
can be picked with a set of thieves tools and a successful DC 10 Dex damage [scimitar] or +4 to hit, range 150 ft./600 ft., 1d8 +
check. If the chest is opened without detecting the trap, the opener 2 piercing damage [longbow]; if the wertiger moved 15
must make a successful DC 15 Con saving throw against poison or ft. straight toward a creature before hitting with a claw,
immediately drop to 0 hit points. The character can be stabilized the creature must make a DC 14 Str save or be knocked
normally but cant regain hit points until the poison is neutralized. The prone and attacked at +5 to hit, 1d10 + 3 piercing
box contains 10 gp, 16 sp, 31 cp, and a silver brooch inlaid with jade damage [pounce and bite]; shapechanger)
and garnet (300 gp).
Treasure: The velvet bedclothes are worth 200 gp, and the rugs
(Glaivorn [Bugbear Chief]: AC 17, 65 hp; +5 to hit x2, 2d8 + (weighing 300 pounds in total) are worth another 200 gp. The locked iron
3 piercing damage [morningstar] or +5 to hit x2, range box contains a leather pouch with a drawstring that holds 56 gp, 229 sp,
30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 3 piercing damage; does an extra and 3 pearls (300 gp).
2d6 damage in the first round of combat against an
opponent who was surprised; carries the key to the iron
box in Area H-13) H-17. Guest Room (Henri Tharnac)
H-14. Central Hall This room contains a feather bed with a quilt. There is a
nightstand with a candlestick on it, and a backpack on the floor.
A man sits at a small writing desk.
This broad stone hallway is accessed from the chamber below
by another ramp-and-drawbridge arrangement. It also has two
doors on the west wall and one on the east wall. This man is Henri Tharnac, a merchant from Elet. He visits the
Manor to deliver supplies and take orders for the next delivery. Henri
is quite aware of his customers monstrous nature, but he allows
What is not apparent in this room is the concealed trapdoor in the himself to believe that they do not actually kill people. After all, he
ceiling (treat as a secret door that can be noticed from the floor only delivers large quantities of salted meat and even drives small herds of
with a successful DC 25 Wis [Perception] check). If Kathelynn is goats here.
cornered in her rooms and tries to circle around the characters through
her escape loft (Area H-30 is above the trapdoor), this is where she (Henri Tharnac [Veteran]: AC 17, 58 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d10 + 3
will jump down. slashing damage [longsword])
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
H-18. Slaves Quarters H-21. Treacherous Guest Room
Two humans are asleep on straw pallets in this room, which This room contains a comfortable feather bed and a wooden
contains two empty pallets as well. The people are dressed in chest. A thick wool carpet covers the floor, and the walls are hung
clothing that was once of extremely fine quality but is now with heavy tapestries for warmth.
stained and torn.

This room is given to guests that might cause problems in some way
Four of the lamias human slaves share this room as their sleeping or guests that need to be gotten rid of. As with the other guest rooms, the
quarters. Two of them, Caurien and Jirral, are in the Great Hall (Area guest is given a key. The lock in this door, however, is unusual; it can be
H-6). The other two, Serz and Cloyaun, are the ones currently in the locked from the outside with a different key, and if this is done, the guest
room. Serz and Cloyaun were originally courtiers in the service of Martin key wont unlock it from the inside. Thus, a guest can be confined in the
of Becqueril but, like Martin, they are now under the lamias spell and room while his or her companions are dealt with.
are her willing servants. They have been put to cleaning and other menial

H-22. The Unpleasant Minstrel

tasks, but because of the charm, they bear no resentment at all. Serz is
quite pudgy, but Cloyaun looks as if hes half starved. They actually
receive different quantities of food; Serz is being fattened up for slaughter.

(Serz and Cloyaun [Guards]: AC 16, 11 hp; +3 to hit, reach This room contains a bed, chest, small table, and chair. A lute
5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning damage and a small set of bagpipes hang from wall pegs.
[club]) A man dressed in a multicolored tunic is reading through
several parchment sheets that appear to be musical notations.

H-19. Martins Guest Room

The Manors minstrel, Cap Jongleur, lives in this room for the time
being. He is not charmed by the lamia, and he has no particular problem
This room is furnished with a cot, a wooden chest, and a small living with a clan of psychotic monsters. He is confident that if he ever
writing table. A peg on the wall holds an expensive green cloak needs to escape, he can, and it will make a great story to turn into a ballad.
of boiled wool, trimmed with what looks like fox fur. It hasnt occured to him that he might not survive to the end of the tale.
A dreamy-eyed man sits at the table, clad in the fine clothes of
a nobleman. (Cap Jongleur: AC 12, 27 hp; +4 to hit x2, 1d6 + 2 piercing
damage [shortsword] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6
+ 2 piercing damage [hand crossbow]; spell attack +5,
This is the room belonging to the Mountain Queens guest, Martin of save DC 13; friends, minor illusion, prestidigitation, charm
person, heroism, sleep, thunderwave, cloud of daggers,
Becqueril. Martin is the heir to a barony. He was hunting with three of his
detect thoughts, hold person; has a lute, bagpipes,
courtiers in the pass when Kathelynn came upon them. Returning with the
shortsword, warm-weather clothing, backpack, 5 days
weretigers, she made short work of kidnapping all of them and returning
rations, and a small chest containing three sets of clothes,
to the Manor with the unfortunate captives. One of them is now dead and
two ladys handkerchiefs [one embroidered with a red
eaten; the other three, including Martin, are alive but have been drained of rose, a token from Kathelynn], a golden bracelet [50 gp],
all their wisdom and are Kathelynns slaves. and a belt pouch containing 25 gp)
It is not readily apparent that Martin has been mentally emptied out. He
tends to be excitable and to babble on about nothing, unless Kathelynn is
nearby, in which case he immediately becomes completely alert, hanging
on her every word. There is a substantial reward offered for his return,
H-23. Empty Guest Room
which will be paid by the Baron of Becqueril; If characters rescue Martin
and bring him home, the next mission offered to them might be to help
restore Martins mental faculties (which were never remarkable, but at This room contains a comfortable feather bed and a wooden
least he had free will). chest. A thick wool carpet covers the floor, and the walls are hung
with heavy tapestries for warmth.
(Martin of Becqueril [Noble]: AC 15, 9 hp; +3 to hit, 1d8 + 1
piercing damage [rapier]; can add 2 to AC as a reaction
against an attack he sees coming) This was the guest room assigned to a huntsman named Ormant Ulute,
who was just recently killed, cooked, and served to the monsters and
Kathelynns charmed slaves. Ormant happened upon Cap Jongleur (Area
H-20. Empty Guest Room H-22) playing bagpipes by a mountain stream nearby, and Cap invited
him back to the Manor for dinner. Kathelynn was so amused by the prank
that she gave the minstrel a token of affection and decided to keep him
alive for at least another month. Ormant, on the other hand, was served for
This room contains a comfortable feather bed and a wooden dinner after a few days as a guest.
chest. A thick wool carpet covers the floor, and the walls are hung Ormant suspected that something was not quite right in the Manor, and
with heavy tapestries for warmth. he wrote a note outlining his suspicions, which he hid under the mattress
along with a dagger, hoping that the next person to sleep in the bed would
feel the dagger and find the hidden note.
These rooms are given to Kathelynns guests. The locks work properly, and The note reads: I fear I have fallen in among monsters. Do not trust the
the guest is given the key. Even if the door is locked from the outside (using singer. Escape if you can. Have the abbot sing prayers for me, if you find
another key), the guest can unlock it again from the inside, with the key. this and live. Signed, Ormant Ulute.
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
to conceal a niche in the wall, which contains a key. Anyone touching the
H-24. Stairs to the Dungeon window detects the illusion automatically, but it does not disappear when
detected. If the character feels around behind the window, the niche can
be found easily and the key recovered.
The lamia does not keep her treasure in this room, but there is a
A stone staircase leads down into cold and darkness. longbow and an escape kit in a leather bag next to the bed. The bag
contains a quiver with 20 arrows, a heavy winter coat, a waterskin,
rations for five days, and a pouch holding 30 gp and three emeralds
This staircase leads to the cellars (Areas H-31-36), first arriving in Area worth 1,000 gp each.
H-31, the Dungeon Cellar.
(Kathelynn [Lamia]: AC 13, 97 hp; +5 to hit, 2d10 + 3 slashing

H-25. Lamias Antechamber damage [claws] and either +5 to hit, 1d4 + 3 piercing
damage [dagger] or +5 to hit, target has tactical
disadvantage on Wis saving throws and all ability checks
for 1 hr. [intoxicating touch]; can replace standard
The walls of this room are bare stone with only two decorations. attacks with +3 to hit x2, range 150 ft./600 ft., 1d8 + 1
The first is a suit of armor carrying a shield in one corner. The piercing damage [longbow]; spell DC 13; at willdisguise
second is a large basin in the center of the room, mounted on a self, major image; 3/daycharm person, mirror image,
4-foot stone pedestal. scrying, suggestion; 1/daygeas; longbow, 20 arrows,
dagger, 30 gp, key to Area H-25, the Eye of Othrota)

The suit of armor is plate mail, and the shield, which bears the sigil of The Rose Door
a red rose, is magical (+1 AC). The red paint on the rose is still wet, and it The rosebush over the east wall is real, although it is created by
will remain so until it is removed, revealing a white rose beneath. This is magic. The inch-long thorns drip with poison. Anyone pushing through
the shield of St. Elys, which Kathelynn grabbed by accident when she fled them must make a successful DC 15 Con saving throw against poison or
the scene of her sisters murder. immediately drop to 0 hit points; the character can be stabilized normally
The basin contains water, and its inside bottom surface is coated with but cant regain hit points until the poison is neutralized.
silver, making it highly reflective. This is Kathelynns small scrying The door through the rose-covered wall has no latch or knob: its only
basin (as opposed to the large basin in Area H-10). It is not inherently feature is a rose carved in bas-relief at the center. The rose vines covering
magical, but it provides a place for the lamia to see what her magic the wall grow outward from the carving. The vines can be cut with
reveals. weapons that do slashing damage, but new growth rejoins the cut ends
within seconds. The vines penetrate the adjoining walls, floor, and ceiling
into Area H-27 and form a thorny cage enclosing that entire room.
H-26. Lamias Bedchamber The rose in the center of the door has a round hole or channel at the
center thats an inch in diameter. Someone who peers into this channel or
probes it with a small tool notices that it is about 2 inches deep and at its
end is a small depression with a hole in the bottom; anything smaller than
The walls of this room are lurid with blood-red tapestries, and one inch in diameter thats pushed into the channel would drop through the
the floor is painted red as well. There is a four-poster bed against second hole. The channel is a keyhole, and the key is the Eye of Othrota.
the southern wall, with closed curtains that look uncomfortably The Eye must be dropped through the hole. Dropping it in on a string so
like crimson-dyed human skins stitched together. A high loft is it can be fished back out wont work: it must be dropped so that it can roll
built above the south portion of the room, but no ladder or stair freely into the Treasure Room on the other side.
leads up to it. The strangest feature of the room, though, is the Once the Eye is dropped through the door, five keyholes appear in
east wall, which is entirely covered by a blooming rosebush: the door around the rose. The key to all five locks is hidden behind
tangled thorns, red flowers, and green leaves grow more than a the illusory window in the north wall. Initially, the key fits one of the
foot deep from the floor to the ceiling. There is a door through locks (if you like, you can roll 1d5 to determine how many keyholes
this hedge, but it looks as if it is thoroughly covered in thorns. characters must try before finding the right one). When that lock is
A window in the north wall looks out over the mountainous unlocked and the key removed from the keyhole, the key magically
scenery behind the Manor. reshapes itself to fit another lock; when the second lock is unlocked,
the key reshapes to fit a third, and so on until all five locks are released.
When all five locks are turned, the door slowly swings into Area H-27
This is the lamias bedchamber. If the manor is taken entirely by as the thorns recede from the opening.
surprise, she will be found here. It is also the room where she will flee if The doorway remains clear for 10 minutes. At the end of 10 minutes,
a battle is going badly, because the loft has a secret exit through the roof the door swings shut and the roses grow over it again (on both sides). If
(see Area H-30, the Escape Loft). the door was blocked open with something heavy, it takes 1d10 rounds
Kathelynn has the torso of a human female but the lower body of a before building up enough force to overcome the block, or 2d10 rounds if
white tiger. Her face looks quite human, although her canine teeth are it was spiked open. Even if the door is held open, the thorns grow across
long and the irises of her eyes are a golden color. She has a vertical the doorway in just two rounds. On the first round, a character who
scar on the left side or her face. If the characters have seen the can reach the doorway with a single move can dive through the roses
painting of Saint Kathelynn in the Abbeys chapel, they immediately without getting scratched with a successful DC 12 Dex (Acrobatics)
notice the remarkable resemblance between Kathelynns face and the check. On the second round, the DC increases to 18. Failure on either
lamias. check by 5 or fewer points means the character escaped from the room
Kethelynn wears the Eye of Othrota on a gold chain around her neck. but was scratched by the roses and must make a saving throw against
Even a cursory examination of the Eye reveals that, unlike most jewelry, their poison. Failure by 6 or more points indicates that the character
the Eye is held in its setting with a clever, puzzle-like latch. A few simple isnt just scratched but is also grappled by the rapidly growing vines. A
twists free it from the setting. A rogue or bard solves the puzzle instantly; grappled character who is still conscious can escape with a successful
others figure it out automatically with a minute or two of effort. DC 18 Dex (Acrobatics) or Str (Athletics) check. An unconscious
There is no window in the north wall, as the characters might know if character can be pulled free by an adjacent ally who makes a successful
they scouted the outside of the Manor. It is an illusion permanently placed DC 18 Str (Athletics) check.
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
During daytime, a sentry is posted in this room (a bugbear from the
H-27. Treasure Room roster). He might have spotted the characters approach if they headed
directly for the manors front gate.
Most of the barrels contain salted meat. Three of them contain ale (these
are worth 100 gp each, but they weigh 440 pounds apiece). Many of the
The walls, ceiling, and floor of this room are entirely covered by
barrels bear a merchants mark with the initials H.T. This is the mark of
blooming rose vines to a thickness of 6 or more inches. Entering
Henri Tharnac, a merchant who knowingly deals with the monsters of the
it is like walking into a cave of roses. The room also contains two
Manor (see Area H-17).
sturdy chests and five large sacks.
The chickens are ordinary chickens.

The Eye of Othrota sits in a depression on the threshold just inside

the room (assuming characters didnt devise some means of getting into H-29. Storage Loft
this chamber without unlocking the door). Immediately upon entering the
room, characters smell the overpowering, cloying scent of roses. Anyone
breathing the scent for more than 30 seconds must make a successful DC Boxes and crates are stacked in here, along with cords of
15 Con saving throw against poison or fall asleep. This magical sleep is firewood, rope, and three statues.
profound; it can only be removed by a kiss or by magic capable of lifting
a curse.
Characters can walk on the roses safely, assuming theyre not The statues are all of a woman wearing armor with a rose on her shield
barefoot (unlikely in this climate). Someone who falls down or bumps and a vertical scar on the left side of her face: they were taken from shrines
against a wall must make the DC 15 Con saving throw against the to Saint Kathelynn on orders from the lamia.
roses poison. The contents of the storage loft are diverse; virtually anything required
All five sacks are full of human skulls: grisly trophies of Kathelynns to run a wilderness freehold can be found in this loft, at least in small
meals. There are 183 skulls in all, taken from people she has eaten over quantities.
the last 75 years.
Chest #1 is locked, and is covered in thorns (all of which are coated
with the same lethal poison as the roses). Because the roses regenerate so
quickly, the lock must be picked through the vines. That task requires a
H-30. Escape Loft
set of thieves tools and a successful DC 20 Dex check. If the check fails
by more than 5 points, the character is scratched by a thorn and must
make the DC 15 Con saving throw against the roses poison. Smashing This loft overlooks the bedroom below. It contains a wooden
the chest sends thorns flying and vines thrashing in all directions, hitting log supported on sturdy trestles and a round cushion 5 feet
everyone in the room. The chest contains 3,205 gp, 6,730 sp, 4,053 cp, 3 in diameter, lying on the floor. The center of it is indented
ep, 2 polished disks of rare wood worth 10 gp each, and 25 worthless lead slightly.
tokens the size of coins.
Chest #2 is trapped and locked the same as chest #1. It contains a scroll
(protection from energy, hallucinatory terrain, remove curse, and wall of Unless they have flown down to reinforce Kathelynn in a combat, there
stone), a giant ermine pelt worth 1,000 gp, and four potions: plant control, are 2 giant white owls here, on the log perch. They are very intelligent
growth, invisibility, and gaseous form. and can speak the Common tongue. They are also very loyal to the lamia,
If characters are inside the room when the door closes after 10 so they attack anyone they consider a threat to her.
minutes, they may be in serious trouble. For details on how the door There are two hidden exits from this room. If Kathelynn needs to
closes, see The Rose Door in the description of Area H-26. The either escape or double back around the characters, this loft provides the
inside of the door has an ordinary doorknob, so opening it is simple opportunity. There is a secret exit (leading to a secret door in the roof)
if the roses can be cleared away, but they regenerate so fast that it is in the lofts eastern wall, and there is a trapdoor in the floor (under the
impossible to just cut them back. If characters look at the door closely, cushion) that leads to Area H-14.
they notice that the roses do not grow near metal. There is a clear The cushion is a cat bed for the lamia, when she chooses not to use the
space around each of the hinges and around the doorknob. With some human-style bed in the room below. It also does a good job of concealing
experimentation, characters discover that the branches actually move the trap door beneath.
a bit away from iron, as if they dislike it. It is possible to start in the
middle of the door with some metal (first sword points, then plates (Giant Owl: AC 12, 19 hp; +3 to hit, 2d6 + 1 slashing damage
of armor will work) and slowly create a perimeter of metal to push [talons]; doesnt provoke opportunity attacks when flying
back the thorns. Alternatively, characters could cut away branches and out of an enemys reach)
quickly block them with metal from regenerating back over the door.
By working like this, a group of trapped adventurers can clear the Treasure: There is nothing valuable in the room.
doorway, turn the knob, open the door, repeat the process with the rose
wall in Area H-26, and walk out.
H-31. Dungeon Cellar
H-28. Storage Loft
This is a low-ceilinged cellar with doors in the north and south
walls. It smells bad down here.
This is an airy wooden loft underneath the sharply pitched roof
of slate tiles overhead. The front of the loft is the manors front
wall, which is pierced by two arrowslits. Although it looks innocuous, this room is the entrance to the
Several barrels are lined up along the side walls, and thirty dungeons beneath the Manor. Both of the doors in the room are locked.
chicken coops are stacked against the north wall. They can be opened with a set of thieves tools and successful DC 12
Dex checks.
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
H-32. Jailers Room H-35. Communal Dungeon Cell
This chamber is decorated with shields of all shapes and sizes The door here is a barred gate like a cage wall, secured with
hung on the walls, at least 50 of them. A comfortable-looking bed a padlock. The inside is a noisome cell containing four people.
stands against the western wall, and a set of keys hangs on a peg
next to the bed.
The people in the cell are 4 trappers and hunters captured by the
lamia or the weretigers. Their names are Yaric, Otho, Kevrix, and Winfril.
This bedroom belongs to the weretiger Pierre, one of Kathelynns sons. Winfril is female, the others are male. Otho has been scratched by one
If the manor has not been completely alerted, Pierre will be here; he is the of the weretigers and infected with lycanthropy. However, he will not
last to hear of any assault, and deep enough underground not to hear the transform for the first time until he stands under the night sky when the
clamor of battle. moon is full. Thereafter he will be able to change form at will. There is no
The shield collection is not worth more than any other collection of reward for any of these prisoners, butwith the exception of Othothey
battered-up shields. will eventually present a giant ermine pelt to the characters (they are, after
The keys open the cells (Areas H-33-35) and the door to Area H-36. all, hunters).

(Pierre [Weretiger]: AC 12, 120 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d8 + 3

slashing damage [claw] or +5 to hit x2, 1d6 + 3 slashing H-36. Five Skeletons
damage [scimitar] or +4 to hit, range 150 ft./600 ft., 1d8 +
2 piercing damage [longbow]; if the wertiger moved 15
ft. straight toward a creature before hitting with a claw, Five skeletons hang from rusty manacles on the walls of this
the creature must make a DC 14 Str save or be knocked room.
prone and attacked at +5 to hit, 1d10 + 3 piercing
damage [pounce and bite]; shapechanger)
These are the bones of the five loyal retainers who buried Elyss body,

H-33. Unoccupied Cell thinking it belonged to Kathelynn. This room is where they met their
demise one after the other, refusing to the bitter end to disclose the bodys
whereabouts. If a Lawful cleric enters the room, the ghostly shade of a
The door of the cell is wood, with iron bindings and a padlocked bolt. woman in chain mail, resembling all the images of Kathelynn but without
There is a small, barred window in the door, 6 inches by 3 inches. a scar, appears in the middle of the room. She seems to be trying to speak,
but the words are faint and inaudible. She gestures to the skeletons, and
you can hear the words, Must bury [something something] at the Abbey
This stone cell is apparently empty. [something something] warm [something] protect. She gestures again at
the skeletons, then fades away.
The characters have just had a direct encounter with Saint Elys. If the
Yes, it is definitely empty. five skeletons are brought to the abbey and buried in their appropriate
graves (as best as can be determined), every Lawful cleric in the party will

H-34. Cell gain one level of experience or 1,500 XP, whichever is greater. Each other
member of the clerics party gains 1,000 XP.

The door of the cell is wood, with iron bindings and a padlocked bolt.
There is a small, barred window in the door, 6 inches by 3 inches.

A person in rags sits in the back of the cell directly across from
the door, head bowed so that long hair covers the face.

This prisoner has been tortured, and is now blind. He introduces himself
as Mad Andre, and asks if the characters have any food or water.
Andre is a mystic who has visions of a Saint Elys. He began preaching
about her in the town of Elet, north of Ghostwind Pass, calling her the
Snow Maiden. Word of this preacher came to Kathelynns ears, and she
immediately sent the weretigers Claude and Thibault to kidnap him and
bring him to the Manor.
From his visions, Mad Andre knows Elyss name and that she is
associated with winds and snow, but he doesnt know much more about
her. Her symbol is a rose, white as snow. She has difficulty sending the
visions to him because she is far away, but she will gradually draw nearer
as more people hear Andre talk of her. Elys tells Andre that her bones are
hidden beyond the reach of the Ghostwind, in the Ghostwinds reach,
but Andre doesnt know what this means. If characters ask, he can tell
them that the tigers tortured him because they wanted to know the
location of Elyss bones.
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities

Monster Roster 5 Saber-toothed Tigers

The saber-toothed tigers roam freely through the Manor and can be
State of Alert encountered anywhere. One is always present in the tiger run (Area H-11).

Saber-toothed Tiger: AC 12, 52 hp; +6 to hit, 2d6 + 5 slashing

If the Manor is alerted, most of the fighting monsters head for Area damage [claws]; if it moved 20 ft. straight at an enemy
H-10, to assemble under Kathelynns leadership and counterattack. before hitting with claws, the target must make a DC 14
Kathelynn uses the scrying pool in that room to find the characters Str saving throw or be knocked prone and attacked at +6
and direct the counterattack accordingly. Noncombatants (the Free to hit, 1d10 + 5 piercing damage [bite]
Individuals and the Charmed Slaves other than Martin) remain where
they are. The giant owls and the saber-tooth at Area H-11 remain in place.
From that point on, the monsters respond as their leaders indicate. The
Manor is designed to allow lots of tactical mobility.
3 Weretigers
If the Manor is not on alert, all of its inhabitants can wander freely The weretigers are the Lamias three sons: Claude (Area H-10),
through its halls and lower chambers. They are found in the indicated Thibault (Area H-16), and Pierre (Area H-32).
areas if they havent been met elsewhere first, havent been drawn away
by an alert, or if you think it would be more appropriate or more dramatic Weretiger: AC 12, 120 hp; +5 to hit x2, 1d8 + 3 slashing
for them to be somewhere else. damage [claw] or +5 to hit x2, 1d6 + 3 slashing damage
[scimitar] or +4 to hit, range 150 ft./600 ft., 1d8 + 2 piercing

The Lamia, Kathelynn the damage [longbow]; if the wertiger moved 15 ft. straight
toward a creature before hitting with a claw, the creature

Mountain Queen
must make a DC 14 Str save or be knocked prone and
attacked at +5 to hit, 1d10 + 3 piercing damage [pounce
and bite]; shapechanger
If she isnt met first somewhere else in the Manor, Kathelynn will be
found in her chamber (Area H-26)

Kathelynn: AC 13, 97 hp; +5 to hit, 2d10 + 3 slashing damage

5 Charmed Slaves
[claws] and either +5 to hit, 1d4 + 3 piercing damage The slaves have many duties around the Manor, but they spend most of
[dagger] or +5 to hit, target has tactical disadvantage their time in the same locations.
on Wis saving throws and all ability checks for 1 hr.
[intoxicating touch]; can replace standard attacks with Caurien and Jirral (Commoners, Area H-6): AC 10, 4 hp; +2
+3 to hit x2, range 150 ft./600 ft., 1d8 + 1 piercing damage to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage)
[longbow]; spell DC 13; at willdisguise self, major image;
3/daycharm person, mirror image, scrying, suggestion; Serz and Cloyaun (Guards, Area H-18): AC 16, 11 hp; +3 to
1/daygeas; longbow, 20 arrows, dagger, 30 gp, key to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20 ft./60 ft., 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning
Area H-25, the Eye of Othrota damage [club])

Martin of Becqueril (Noble, Area H-19): AC 15, 9 hp; +3 to hit,

10 Bugbears 1d8 + 1 piercing damage [rapier]; can add 2 to AC as a
reaction against an attack he sees coming)
When they arent on duty, the bugbears spend most of their time in their
quarters (Area H-12).

Bugbear: AC 16, 27 hp; +4 to hit, 2d8 + 2 piercing damage

3 Guests
[morningstar] or +4 to hit, range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2 The guests of the Lamia are free to wander through the lower areas of
piercing damage; does an extra 2d6 damage in the first the Manor, but they spend most of their time in their rooms.
round of combat against an opponent who was surprised
Gaston Payis (Commoner, Area H-7): AC 10, 4 hp; +2 to hit,
When he isnt on duty, the bugbear leader Glaivorn spends most of his 1d4 piercing damage; 5 gp)
time in his quarters (Area H-13).
Henri Tharnac (Veteran, Area H-17): AC 17, 58 hp; +5 to hit
Glaivorn (Bugbear Chief): AC 17, 65 hp; +5 to hit x2, 2d8 + 3 x2, 1d10 + 3 slashing damage)
piercing damage [morningstar] or +5 to hit x2, range 30 ft./120
ft., 1d6 + 3 piercing damage; does an extra 2d6 damage Cap Jongleur (Bard, Area H-22): AC 12, 27 hp; +4 to hit
in the first round of combat against an opponent who was x2, 1d6 + 2 piercing damage [shortsword] or +4 to hit,
surprised; carries the key to the iron box in Area H-13 range 30 ft./120 ft., 1d6 + 2 piercing damage [hand
crossbow]; spell attack +5, save DC 13; friends, minor
illusion, prestidigitation, charm person, heroism, sleep,
2 Giant Owls thunderwave, cloud of daggers, detect thoughts, hold
person; has a lute, bagpipes, shortsword, warm-weather
The giant owls spend most of their time at their perch (Area H-30). clothing, backpack, 5 days rations, and a small chest
containing three sets of clothes, two ladys handkerchiefs
Giant Owl: AC 12, 19 hp; +3 to hit, 2d6 + 1 slashing damage [one embroidered with a red rose, a token from
[talons]; doesnt provoke opportunity attacks when flying Kathelynn], a golden bracelet [50 gp], and a belt pouch
out of an enemys reach containing 25 gp)
Perils of Ghostwind Pass
Concluding the Adventure Giant Ermine
Giant ermines are identical to giant weasels for most purposes, but their
If the only focus of the adventure has been hunting and monster- snow-white pelts are worth 500 gp. Its valued is halved, however, every
fighting, it will conclude with the characters either leaving the pass before time the ermine takes slashing, acid, or fire damage. Giant weasel pelts
the Ghostwind catches them (better part of valor) or getting caught sell for 1d6 x 10 gp each, with the same penalty for damage.
by it (just one more). Assuming they get away alive, the immediate
focus probably will shift to selling their furs before moving on to other
If characters solved the mysteries of the pass and restored Saint Elyss
Giant Mountain Goat
XP 50 (CR 1/4)
bones to the Abbeys chapel, they will be rewarded with possession Unaligned Medium beast
of the Staff of the Remorhaz. It will seem obvious to all that anyone Initiative +1
who can find and safely carry the artifact is its chosen holder. With
the Ghostwind a thing of the past, the Abbey doesnt need the staff to DEFENSE
maintain its warmth. AC 12 (natural armor)
Since Ghostwind Pass is a large area, it can easily be used for further hp: 16 (3d8 + 3)
adventuring. If the characters joined the two pieces of the Staff of the Resistance: Cold damage
Remorhaz and the artifact is in their possession, it provides its wielder
with fragmented information about other quests, if the characters are OFFENSE
inclined to become roving defenders of justice. Speed: 30 ft.
Melee AttackRam: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
1d6 + 2 bludgeoning damage.


Str 14 (+2), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1),
Int 2 (4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 5 (3)
Cave Bear Languages: None
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
XP 450 (CR 2)
Unaligned Large beast
Initiative +0 TRAITS
Charge: If the giant mountain goat moved 15 ft. straight
toward its target before hitting with a ram, the creature
DEFENSE takes an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage and must make
AC 12 (natural armor) a DC 12 Str saving throw or be knocked prone.
hp: 47 (5d10 + 20) Sure-footed: A giant mountain goat has tactical advantage
Resistance: Cold damage when making saving throws against being pushed or
knocked prone.
Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft. ECOLOGY
Multiattack: A cave bear either bites once and attacks Environment: Cold and temperate mountains
Organization: Cluster (2-5) or herd (4-24, half of which are
once with claws, or uses its bear hug.
noncombatant young)
Melee AttackBite: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
1d10 + 5 piercing damage. These beasts are quite impressive, standing 5 feet tall at the shoulder.
Melee AttackClaws: +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). They are shaggy-coated, and the males sport enormous, curving horns.
Hit: 2d6 + 5 piercing damage and the target must make a Giant mountain goats are found only in the highest mountains, often in the
successful DC 15 Dex check or be grappled and take 3d6 keeping of stone giants or frost giants. They are not territorial but they are
bludgeoning damage. very aggressive about protecting the herd, and until they learn otherwise,
Melee AttackBear Hug: automatic hit (one creature they assume any strange creature approaching within 300 feet is a predator.
already grappled by the cave bear at the start of the
cave bears turn). Hit: 3d6 bludgeoning damage and
the cave bear can make a bite attack against the same White Pudding
creature. XP 700 (CR 3)
Unaligned Large ooze
STATISTICS Initiative 2
Str 20 (+5), Dex 10 (+0), Con 18 (+4),
Int 3 (4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (1) DEFENSE
Languages: None AC 7
hp: 76 (9d10 + 27)
Skills: Perception +5
Immunity: Piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.
weapons; acid, cold, and lightning damage; blindness,
charm, deafness, exhaustion, fright, prone, stun,
ECOLOGY unconsciousness
Environment: Cold mountains
Organization: Solitary or family (2 cave bears and 1d4 OFFENSE
noncombatant cubs) Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee AttackSlam: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit:
Prehistoric bears and polar bears are even larger and more ferocious 1d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage plus 3d6 + 3 acid damage,
than grizzly (brown) bears. and the targets clothing and gear might be damaged by
Quests of Doom: men & monstrosities
acid (see Acidic, below). Snow-serpents have stats identical to giant poisonous snakes, with two
STATISTICS Their swim speed is replaced with a burrow speed of 20 feet, effective
Str 16 (+3), Dex 4 (3), Con 16 (+3), only through snow.
Int 1 (5), Wis 7 (2), Cha 1 (5) The bite of a snow-serpent inflicts cold damage instead of poison
Languages: None damage, but it is still considered a poison effect. A bitten character who
Skills: Stealth +2 takes full damage from the poison must repeat the saving throw at the end
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. of each of its turns until it either succeeds once or fails two more times.
No damage is inflicted for succeeding or failing at these saving throws,
TRAITS but if the saving throw is failed a total of three times, the creatures blood
Acidic: A white puddings acid eats into organic matter freezes in its veins and the creature immediately drops to 0 hit points. A
such as cloth and wood but doesnt affect metal or stone. successful save doesnt give immunity to the venom: a second bite has the
When a white pudding does acid damage, the target same consequences as the first.
of the attack must make a successful DC 10 Dex saving
throw or one item of nonmetallic gear is damaged by
the acid: clothing or footwear can have holes burned
through it, a wooden canteen could spring a leak, a
backpack could have its straps burned away, etc. If the
target is wearing padded, leather, or hide armor and
fails the saving throw, the armors AC is permanently
reduced by 1. Even metal armor can be temporarily
damage by having leather straps or padding dissolved. A
wooden weapon, or one with a wooden handle, gains a
permanent, cumulative 1 penalty on damage rolls each
time it strikes a white pudding. A magical weapon made
entirely of wood (e.g., a quarterstaff) is immune to this
effect, but one that is only partly wood (e.g., a magical
axe with a nonmagical wooden handle) is not; such
damage can be repaired by replacing the damaged,
nonmagical parts. Arrows are destroyed automatically.
Amorphous: A white pudding can move through gaps as
small as 1 square inch without penalty.
Camouflage: A white pudding has tactical advantage on
Stealth checks in areas of snow and ice.
Split: If a Medium or Large white pudding is hit by an attack
that normally does lightning or slashing damage, the
pudding splits in half, creating two puddings that are
one size smaller and with one-half the parent puddings
remaining hit points apiece.

Environment: Cold land, underground
Organization: Solitary

The white pudding is a variety of the black pudding that is found

only in frigid areas. It uses its pure white coloration to advantage when
ambushing prey.
The creature secretes a digestive acid that dissolves organic material
but doesnt affect metal, stone, or other minerals. This is a particular
danger in the frigid environments where white puddings hunt, because
having holes burned through your parka or your insulated, waterproof
boots can lead to death by freezing just as surely as being killed directly
by the white pudding. The body of an old white pudding is a good place to
search for magical arrowheads and axeheads lost by other adventurers, if
someone is willing to risk more acid exposure; the creatures remains stay
dangerously corrosive for weeks after its death.

Snow-serpents are snakes covered in thick fur thats mottled gray and
white. They are at home in snow and ice, and they are seldom found in
climes warmer than arctic tundra. They slither easily through deep snow
drifts, suddenly bursting from the powder to strike with fangs that drip
deadly venom.
Occasionally, in areas with wide variation in temperature, the fur of
a snow-serpent is mottled green until the first snow falls. The hide of a
snow-serpent can fetch as much as 100 gp for a white pelt or 200 gp for
the rarer mottled green pelt.
Quests of Doom: vampires & liches

The Isle of Eliphaz By Casey W. Christofferson and Bill Webb

The Isle of Eliphaz is an adventure for characters of at least 14th level.
In the course of the adventure, the PCs face the powerful lich Athransma
in the hidden Maze of Ancients. Careful searching and sharp wits help
the PCs avoid being led astray by the devices of Athransma in his goal
to awaken the primal Eliphaz. The group should include a rogue whos
skillful at both spotting and disabling traps. The party should also include
a druid, a wizard, and at least two powerful melee combatants. Under no
circumstances should any adventuring group set out without a cleric.
Throughout the adventure, items and features that can be spotted with
Perception checks take only a round or two to find. If an Investigation
check is called for, then it automatically involves spending five to ten
minutes making a careful, deliberate search of the area.

Island of Eliphaz
Keyed Locations
A: A Mysterious Island at Sea
It is said among sages and treasure-hunters that on the Isle of Eliphaz,
located in the Crescent Sea nearly 200 miles off the coast of the Grand
Duchy of Reme, the false tomb of an ancient wizard lies buried. Local
legend flies as far as Bards Gate that a great evil god lies in a slumber on
the isle, waiting to be awakened by some poor unfortunate souls. Indeed,
it is said by all that this is an island to be feared, and no local sailors ever
agree to an attempt to reach its shores.
The island is small and rocky, with only two places available for egress
by ship. The beaches of this island are nondescript, though the rocks in the
channels leading to them are treacherous. These passages are so vicious
that any ship with a draft of greater than six feet has an 80% chance of
running aground, with half that chance of inflicting so much damage to
the ship that it begins to sink. At best, a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Nature) skill check or a comparable Intelligence check by a professional
sailor cuts these probabilities in half.
The island itself is a typical one for this region, with coniferous trees,
sea birds, and thick brush. This land is curious in the fact that no magic
of any sort functions on or around it. In fact, anyone approaching the checks results in the character falling and taking 4d6 slashing damage
island within 50 feet has all active magic nullified a potentially lethal from tumbling across sharp rocks.
hazard for anyone attempting to reach the island by air. This effect is the
result of a permanent antimagic field cast over the entire island by the
evil wizard prior to the time of his demise. The antimagic field allows
many of his magic traps and hazards to function, but it shuts down
C: The Tower of the Guardian
everything else. The tower is made of dark stone, the door of fine wood. Strangely
enough, the door is unlocked.
B: Crater of Eliphaz
C1: Bottom Floor
Once on the island a quick search by the PCs discovers a low volcanic Inside the tower, the intruders discover some old furniture: a table, four
cone within the center. Characters can scale the rugged outer slopes and chairs, and a wooden staircase leading up. Hidden in the table, revealed
reach the lip of the cone with successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) only by a successful DC 20 Int (Investigation) check, is a note from the
checks. There, they spy a small tower with a single door and no windows wizard and a deck of many things. The deck is special; anyone drawing
sitting atop the cooled lava dome in the very center of the crater. A second a card has double the normal chance of drawing a negative one. When a
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check allows the characters to progress down character draws a card, if the card is a good result, ignore it and have them
the inner slope to the crater itself. Failure on either of these Strength draw again. Apply the second card regardless of whether its beneficial or
The isle of eliphaz
harmful. Of course, the deck doesnt do anything until the antimagic field There is nothing of value in this level of the tower, but on the fifth round
is turned off. The note is a challenge from the wizard to: after it is entered, a gray ooze attacks from above. It is impossible to
detect before it moves because of its False Appearance, so it automatically
surprises the characters when it attacks.
Trust Lady Luck in your quest for my tomb.
(Gray Ooze: AC 8, 22 hp; +3 to hit, 1d6 + 1 bludgeoning
damage plus 2d6 acid damage and metal armor loses
In the floor of this level is a secret trapdoor, which can be found with 1 pt. of AC; nonmagical metal weapons that strike the
a successful DC 15 Int (Investigation) check. The trapdoor leads to C4: ooze gain a cumulative 1 penalty on damage and are
Passage to the False Crypts, the dungeon below the tower. destroyed if the penalty reaches 5).

Quests of Doom: vampires & liches
magic woven into it so that it will set off detect magic spells, but it is
C2: Rickety Stairs nothing more than a decoy.
Pressure Plate Trap: The pressure plate can be detected with a
The stairs are old and rickety but can easily support the PCs. They lead successful DC 15 WP check. Once its spotted, the trapped section of
up to the second level. floor is easy to avoid. If its not spotted, anyone examining the false door
triggers the trip, which drops a stone block from the ceiling into the third
10-foot section of the hall. Everyone in that space takes 6d6 bludgeoning
C3: Second Floor damage, or half damage with a successful DC 15 Dex saving throw.
Concealed Door: The door can be found with a successful DC 15 Int
The second level of the tower is not a very nice place. All that it (Investigation) check. Opening the door requires a successful DC 25 Str
contains is the old bedroom furniture of the wizard, a couple of useless (Athletics) check, or DC 15 if the arcane lock is removed or suppressed.
papers, scrolls, books, a fireplace, and a wood and metal construct in the The doors opening mechanism is protected by a poison needle trap.
form of a blocky humanoid. This is a shield guardian created long ago by Poison Needle Trap: The trap can be spotted with a successful DC 15
Athransma and left here with ages-old instructions to guard the chamber Wisdom (Perception) check. If spotted, its trivial to disable. If its not
and its contents. spotted, the person opening the door takes 1d4 piercing damage plus 2d6
A single shield guardian would be a relatively easy fight PCs at this poison damage. The character makes a DC 14 Con saving throw at the end
level but for two things; the PCs magic doesnt work, and Athransma of each of its turns; if the saving throw fails, it takes another 2d6 poison
stored a unique version of the black tentacles spell in the shield guardian. damage, and if the save succeeds, the poison is neutralized.
At the start of the shield guardians second turn in combat, the spell is
released. It nearly fills the entire chamber. The spell isnt shut down by
Athransmas antimagic field, and the tentacles dont attack the shield C5: The False Tomb
guardian. It lasts for one minute or until the shield guardian is destroyed,
whichever happens first. The right passage leads to the first false tomb. When the door is opened,
a magic mouth spell triggers evil laughter and the voice of the wizard
(Shield Guardian: AC 17, 142 hp; +7 to hit x2, 2d6 + screams:
4 bludgeoning damage [fist]; the shield guardian
regenerates 10 hp at the start of its turn, as long as it has
at least 1 hp remaining; black tentacles spell is stored in Now prepare to die the most painful of all deaths!
the shield guardian)

Secret Panel and Locked Box: In the fireplace is a secret panel, which
the characters can discover with a successful DC 20 Int (Investigation) check.
Inside is a locked box requiring a successful DC 20 Dex check to open. Within
the box is a key, and there are two keyholes in the bottom inside panel. The
key appears to fit both keyholes. Turning the key in the left hole lowers the
antimagic field surrounding the island. Turning the key in the right keyhole
has no effect while the antimagic field is still active. If the field has been
deactivated, then the right keyhole activates a glyph of warding that triggers
a powerful dispel magic effect. All magical effects on characters that are
equivalent to 5th-level or lower spell effects are dispelled automatically; this
applies primarily to the effects of ongoing spells and active potions. Then
characters must start rolling 1d6s for their magic items, one at a time. A potion
is destroyed on a roll of 1, 2, or 3; a scroll is destroyed on a roll of 1 or 2;
and any other magic item is disenchanted on a roll of 1, becoming a normal,
mundane article of its type. Artifacts, relics, and sentient items are unaffected.
If this effect is triggered before the shield guardian is destroyed, the construct
also has a 1-in-6 chance of being deactivated, and the black tentacles spell
ends on a roll of 1 or 2 (like a scroll).
Athransma found it necessary in his studies of the Ancients to craft
this box. He intended for it to dampen all magic on the island in the event
that one of his experiments went awry within the Maze of Ancients. In
addition, it was his hope that treasure hunters and looters would be put
off by the loss of their powers upon stepping onto the shore. Much to the
chagrin of Athransma, the spells on the box, although powerful, are not
strong enough to overcome the bindings that the Ancients placed upon the
elemental god. Athransma had hoped his little box of tricks would work.
He added the second keyhole purely out of spite.

C4: Passage to the False Crypts

The trapdoor in Area C1: Bottom Floor leads down to a T-intersection
of 10-foot by 10-foot tunnels. At the end of each tunnel is a door. To the
left are a false door with a pressure plate trap in front of it that releases
a stone block that falls in the third 10-foot section of the hall (see below).
The center passage leads to a concealed door with a poison needle trap
on the opening mechanism (see below) and an arcane lock. Behind this
door is a small pentagram inscribed on the floor. This symbol has minor
The isle of eliphaz
When the voice stops, a glyph of warding triggers a fireball spell. The glyph is
concealed on the far side of the room; its impossible to detect from the doorway.
Fireball Trap: The fireball does 8d6 fire damage to everyone in area
D: Dolmen of the Pierced Stone
C4 and C5, or half damage with a successful DC 18 Dex saving throw. This dolmen on the north shore of the island comprises several standing
The room contains a large golden calf, a coffin, and a bronze chest. stones carved with various arcane or zodiacal symbols, as well as symbols
A rotting tapestry hangs above the chest. Three rounds after the room is easily recognized runes of both earth and water. A stone disk stands
entered, the golden calf reveals its true nature by transforming into a balanced upon an altar of large stones. The center of the disk has a hole in
gorgon. It attacks immediately. it approximately the size of a fist. A character that makes a successful DC
16 Int (History) skill check can read the following passage.
(Gorgon: AC 19, 114 hp; +8 to hit, 2d12 + 5 piercing damage
[gore]; +8 to hit, 2d10 + 5 bludgeoning damage [hooves];
30-ft. cone, creatures must make successful DC 13 Con
saving throws or be restrained [petrifying breath; recharge Into the eye of the disk do place that which makes secret
5, 6]; restrained creatures repeat the saving throw at things revealed; thus does the light then find Isle of The Ancients
the end of their next turn; a successful save ends the divined.
effect, but a failure petrifies the creature; if the gorgon
hits a target with its gore attack after moving at least 20
feet straight toward the target, the target must make a Placing a gem of seeing (one can be found in Area C5) into the hole
successful DC 16 Str saving throw or be knocked prone in the center of the disk causes a great beam of light to flare forth from
and attacked by the gorgons hooves) the disk. The disk itself swivels on its altar pointing a short distance into
the ocean. The water begins to boil as the beam strikes it, and the island
The chest is unlocked and contains a pile of gold that in reality is a of Eliphaz rumbles and shakes beneath the players feet. After a few
patch of russet mold disguised by an illusion. The illusion is dispelled as moments a second island rises from the waves not far from the shore of
soon as anyone touches it, and the mold attacks with surprise at the same the first island. The second island is shrouded in a silvery mist as steam
instant. Beneath the mold is a potion bottle wrapped in a scrap of leather billows from the seawater. The gem of seeing is completely consumed in
with a note written on it. The note is from the wizard. the process of raising the Isle of the Ancients.

Fools! You have failed in your grave-robbing ways to find my

Isle of the Ancients
tomb, for it is far away, and this is just a hoax. Now, you idiots This small island just off the coast of the Isle of Eliphaz is shrouded in
must decide which of your stony comrades you will save, for steaming mist generated from the Dolmen of the Pierced Stone. Walking
in ten minutes, all of the statues will turn to dust. Go home and
upon the island is treacherous as the entire island is concealed as by an
become shopkeepers, for you are failures as grave robbers. Lick
Enlarged fog cloud spell. Furthermore the footing is very slippery from a
your wounds and rejoice that I have allowed you to live, for I
rank-smelling muck of ankle deep silt, which has coated the island during
could have chosen not to do so.
its years of submersion beneath the waves. The island counts as difficult
terrain, and movement across the island is reduced to one-fourth normal
speed. Any character moving at a higher speed or jumping must make a
The note is signed, Athransma the Merciful.
successful DC 15 Dex (Acrobatics) check or fall prone into the mud and
seaweed. This does no real harm, but its embarrassing and the character
(Russet Mold: AC 8, 9 hp; each creature within 5 ft. of the
smells bad for the rest of the adventure.
russet mold must make a successful DC 12 Con saving
throw or take 2d6 poison damage and become poisoned
[spores]; a poisoned creature repeats the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns, ending the poisoned Entrance to the Maze of Ancients
condition with a successful save but taking 2d6 poison
damage on a failure) Two huge pillars carved with images weathered and covered in thick
barnacles dominate the entrance; whatever symbolism the carvers of these
Hanging above the chest is a moldering tapestry depicting an island. pillars left behind has been lost to the ravages of the sea. Between the two
The island on the tapestry reveals the true location of the wizards tomb pillars sits a low shrinelike structure carved of the same materials as the
it was left here by mistake. If the ancient writing on the tapestry is weathered pillars. A tight-fitting door sits in the center of the southern wall
deciphered (with a comprehend languages spell or a successful DC 22 of the shrine.
Int (History) skill check), characters will realize that the tomb is on a When the characters clear away the muck and seaweed, they reveal a
nearby island, not this one! The island shown on the tapestry is known finely crafted bronze door. Bright green with the patina of age and salt
as the Island of the Ancients. If characters compare the tapestry map to water, the door is inscribed with a cipher that can be interpreted only if
the zodiacal symbols found on the dolmen of the pierced stone along the comprehend languages is cast on them.
northern banks of the Isle of Eliphaz, they find that the hole in the center
of the disk there points directly to the islands location. It lies just off the
shore of the Isle of Eliphaz, but beneath the waves. See Area D: Dolmen So have you found the entrance to my tomb! Know that
of the Pierced Stone for further details on raising the Isle of The Ancients. through the Maze of Ancients you must pass. Be warned: their
Treasure: The bottle is marked potion of stone-flesh, 1 dose, but is in evil is greater than my own. Tread here and breathe your last, for
reality a dose of extremely powerful acid. Anyone or anything onto which Athransma the Merciful am I. Turn back thieves or surely die!
this is poured takes 10d6 acid damage.
The coffin is made of granite, and contains a skeleton holding a wooden
staff and adorned in fake jewelry. If an identify spell is cast upon the The door to the Maze of Ancients is trapped with a black tentacles
skeletons robe, it reveals itself as being a robe of the archmagi, but it is spell that triggers the moment the door is touched. An arcane lock spell
actually a poisonous cloak that does 4d6 poison damage to whoever puts also seals the door. Casting knock on the door may open it, however it still
it on, or half damage with a successful DC 12 Con saving throw. The only triggers the trap, which may only be disarmed by a high level rogue or
real piece of treasure is a gem of seeing, tucked into a pocket of the cloak. some form of dispel magic.
Quests of Doom: vampires & liches

The isle of eliphaz
Once the PCs open the door, they see a stone staircase descending
hundreds of feet deep into the heart of the island ending at Area
M1. Maze of the Ancients
M1: Portal of the Ancients This area below the Isle of Ancients is the lair of several intellect
devourers and the tomb of Athransma the Lich. The Maze of
Ancients is so named for the bodies of ancient outsiders, encased
At the end of the hallway is the Portal of the Ancients. The Portal in pillars of pure energy.
of the Ancients is 30 feet tall by 20 feet wide and engraved with ancient
celestial holy symbols that some unknown hand scarred and desecrated
long ago. The engravings once featured law and celestial power being Maze Features
brought to bear against the elemental chaos of a primeval world, forging The maze itself comprises an area of 10-foot-wide pathways
it and shaping it into a semblance of order. Detect magic reveals a strong that twist over a deep chasm that apparently falls away into
antimagic field within the portal, possibly shielding against certain nothingness. A character who falls off the side of the maze can
transmutation spells. catch the edge of the surface by making a successful DC 12 Dex
Writing on the portal is in an ancient tongue, decipherable with saving throw. Failing that, they fall into nothingness, and if they
comprehend languages or a successful DC 20 Int (History) check. fall beyond 100 feet without being rescued somehow, they are
effectively beyond rescuing unless their companions come up
with a very, very clever plan to get them back.
An additional magic field, functioning regardless of the state
So did they who came instruct in all manner of goodness of the antimagic field one in place due to the presence of the
and power over chaos, thus here did we build for them a Ancients renders all magical levitation, flying, dimension
remembrance of what was left behind, eternally restful by door, or teleport magic ineffective. Such magic works normally
device. Thus through this door may those with wisdom glean on the pathway, but it fails if its used in an attempt to from one
their sage advice. Bringers of chaos and hatred enter not into section of the maze to the next. This field is only in effect on the
their sacred womb for thus trapped forever find their doom. actual path itself, and does not impede magic in any of the various
Those who bring with them natures gift, welcome be and not chambers located within the maze unless otherwise noted. Should
bereft for close you are to a power true, within Letekre stones all the Ancients be either destroyed or released, should Eliphaz be
lies the answer sought by you. Only one with true balance released from his confinement, or should all three Letekre stones
may complete the task, setting the bound god upon the path of be brought together, this effect is eliminated.
natural order at last. Locked Stone Doors: Unless otherwise noted, all of the doors
in the maze of the Ancients are made of stone (AC 17, 20 hp) and
are locked (DC 20 Dex check to unlock, DC 25 Str (Athletics)

2. The Trapezoidal Conflagration

check to force open).

This room is filled with 10 doors, three of which lead into the
maze, one that leads to the bottomless bowels of the mountain, and E: Door of the Dark Path
the other six doors being false doors that are actually part of the wall. This doors lock can be unlocked with thiefs tools and a successful
Searching for which doors lead out into the maze and which doors DC 16 Dex check. Opening the door triggers a tilting floor trap that
lead nowhere or do nothing at all should be an interesting challenge can be detected and simultaneosly avoided with a successful DC 14
for the players. Int (Investigation) check. If triggered, the person who opens the door
is dropped through the floor into the trackless void below; see Maze
Features for further information on falling off the maze.
A: Door of the Narrow Path
Theres nothing behind this door but a spear trap that can be detected
with a successful DC 12 Int (Investigation) check and disabled with F: Door of the Den
a successful DC 18 Dex check. If triggered, it attacks the person who An arcane lock protects this door; forcing it open requires a successful
opened the door with +12 to hit and does 2d8 piercing damage. DC 24 Str (Athletics) check, or DC 14 if the arcane lock is dispelled or
suppressed. Opening this door releases the displacer beasts from Area 6:
Den of the Displacer Beasts.
B: False Door
The doors obvious lock can be unlocked with thiefs tools and a
successful DC 20 Dex check. Theres nothing behind the door but blank
stone wall.
3. The Maze of the Ancientst
The stone pathway is 10 feet wide. It is all that exists between the
C: Door of the Far Path characters and oblivion. In the near darkness they can see other parts of
the path about 10 feet away in several different directions.
This door is protected by a poisoned needle trap that can be detected
The magical effect of the Ancients prevents magical flying and levitating
and simultaneously disabled with a successful DC 15 Int (Investigation)
effects to merely cross directly through the maze, anyone attempting such
check. If triggered, the person who opens the door takes 1d4 piercing
an action find that their spell has failed. The chasm below the pathway is
damage plus 4d8 poison damage, or half poison damage with a successful
effectively bottomless. Of course fast thinking, ropes, bungee jumping off
DC 13 Con saving throw against poison. This door allows passage into
the side and catching a falling comrade are interesting game possibilities.
the maze.

D: False Door 4: Pillar of the Ancients

The doors obvious lock can be unlocked with thiefs tools and a
successful DC 18 Dex check. Theres nothing behind the door but blank Here, seemingly suspended in the air within a pillar of pure light energy,
stone wall. is a wizened and hairless figure sitting in the crouched lotus position. His
Quests of Doom: vampires & liches
four fingertips are pressed together in a contemplative state, and beautiful
wings like mother of pearl are folded behind him. There is a strong aura Ancient (Astral Deva)
of good and justice emanating from the glowing image though it does not The Druidic writing around the base of this disk reads:
move or even breathe. The ancient winged figure is dressed in a simple
robe and his oversized eyes are closed. At the base of the pillar of energy
the PCs note writing in an exotic script glowing along the side of a metallic When angels again absorb their light, the slumbering one shall
disk upon which the Ancient sits. rise. Turned from nature in his wrath did the fiery god despise
The language upon the base of the pillar is Druidic, therefore it is every living thing upon which he set his burning eyes: A word of
quite possible that it is unknown to many of the PCs and would require pause to natures servants who would bring down the pillars of
a comprehend languages spell to decipher. Druids can read it. The words light, our strength was not enough before to win that brutal fight.
on the pillar read: Is your faith in earth now great enough to set the balance right?

Note that a druid, and only a druid, using the correct Letekre stone, can
Guardians here for eternity our sacrifice keeps primal beast dissolve the power of the pillar of light. If this deva is the first one freed,
beneath, trapped here with us by our leave. So disks of stone in use the description in Area 4. If this deva is the second one freed by the
Natures hand thus with a sense of balance stand. Force of will players, the pillar of light dissipates as before, filling the Ancient with
upon a knotted brow rebukes the mountain god for once and all. light and recharging his powers. It looks to the PCs and says:

The two remaining pillars of the Ancients cannot be moved by any

force or entered without a complex ritual that involves dampening We must hurry to my allys aid. The beast rouses from
the energy field that is generated around them using the pedestals in slumber, and the elemental belt must be gained. We shall hold it
away from you as long as we can.
Area 9.
A druid channeling elemental energy through the Pillar of Ancients
using that pillars corresponding Letekre stone generates the following
It then summons its mace to its hand and teleports to the rim of
effect: The pillar fills the Ancient with energy as the pillar itself
the volcano as a rumble shakes the Maze of Ancients. See the Final
dissipates, releasing the astral deva from his self-imposed slumber.
Confrontation section for information on how to run the end of this
Dissolving the pillar of light has the secondary effect of breaking one adventure.
of the two remaining seals that bind Eliphaz beneath the main islands
volcanic cone.
6: Den of the Displacer Beasts
Ancient (Astral Deva)
The deva greets the PCs, addressing the druid of the group if one is This chamber was once a place of divine meditation within the presence
present. of the Ancients. Held here in temporal stasis are 10 displacer beasts.
When door F in Area 2: The Trapezoidal Conflagration is opened, they
are released from their rest, allowing them to hunt freely within the maze.
If this door is opened first, these beasts are also released, confronting the
Ten thousand of your years have we bound ourselves to this PCs with a pack of dangerous, snarling beasts. The displacer beasts dont
place. In doing, we bound the one called Eliphaz to the island necessarily stick together as they prowl through the maze. This chamber
of his name. Great was his power for destruction, and hatred once held the desecrated Letekre stone, and was plundered by Tlip Lopodi
did he have for all manner of green life, and the life which and his intellect devourers.
bleeds precious red blood, for his is a heart of burning fire,
and a mind of wrath. Sad am I that one of the three has been (Displacer Beast: AC 13, 85 hp; +6 to hit x2, 1d6 + 4
lost to this place. For now, with only two who remain, sworn bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 piercing damage
to defend your world against the elemental. I fear we are not [tentacle]; if a saving throw normally reduces an attack to
strong enough to save precious mortal lives from his burning half damage, the displacer beast takes no damage if the
vengeance. Unless saving throw succeeds and half damage if it fails; attack
rolls against a displacer beast are made with tactical
disadvantage unless it has been hit by an attack since its
The deva suggests that within the bound crater of Eliphaz the elemental last turn, its incapacitated, or its speed is 0)
belt lies hidden. If the other Ancient is freed from the Pillar of the Ancient,
the deva acts as a diversion allowing the PCs time to slip within the mouth
of the volcano and grab the elemental belt, allowing them one chance to
send Eliphaz to rest forever. Should the PCs agree to this course of action,
7: Shrine of the Ancients
the deva summons his mace to his hand and vanishes to stand watch over This sacred shrine of the Ancients can only be reached by somehow
the rim of the crater waiting for Eliphaz to rise. crossing the 10-foot-wide abyss from the pathway to the Shrine. Players
are likely to invent any number of ingenious methods by which their

5. Pillar of the Ancient characters can cross the gap. Any character with a Strength of 10 or higher
can make this jump automatically, provided they get a 10-foot running
start. There are only two places where thats possible and completely safe:
As with Area 4, this Ancient is also in a state of meditation within the running south away from the doors to Area 11, and running west past the
pillar of light that is so deep no mortal power, not even a wish spell can door into Area 9.
remove them from it. An aura of Good and Law exudes from the pillar in If characters try to get a running start by running straight across
a 40-ft. radius that causes individuals of Chaotic and/or Evil alignments the 10-foot-wide pathway, they must make a successful DC 12 Dex
to become uncomfortable. Athransma appears immune to this effect. The (Acrobatics) check or their foot slips on the last step and they fall off
light from the pillar is as bright as daylight in a 20-ft. radius from the the path; see Maze Features above for more information about that
pillar itself. experience.
The isle of eliphaz
Characters who are clever might hit on the idea of running across dark pedestals and the Letekre stones, Athransma believes he can actually
the pathway at an angle, to ensure they have enough running room for rouse the god of the island from his slumber. If he succeeds, he plans to
the jump. This works automatically for characters with Strength 12 or use the great elemental as a weapon with which to conquer the world.
higher. A character with Strength 11 must make the Dex (Acrobatics) From there, his goals include placing himself in a position to challenge
check described above, and a character with Strength 10 or less falls short the gods themselves and join the ranks of the deities. His problem thus
because of the increased jump distance. far has been the presence of the Ancients themselves, and the divine
Other possibilities include walking or shimmying across a pole, only warding over Area 7, which forbids him entrance into the chamber which
Small characters are light enough to try this, and it requires a successful contains the last two stones. He has found the language of this Letekre
DC 15 Dex (Acrobatics) check to walk or DC 8 to shimmy. Remember stone undecipherable even with his magic, not knowing that it is in the lost
that flying, levitation, and other magical means of defying gravity dont script of the druids. In his arrogance, Athransma never bothered to study
work within the Maze. this simple language of the humble servants of nature.
The door to the shrine of the Ancients is trapped with a falling floor Treasure: Tainted Letekre stone worth 2,000 gp due to its impurity, 6
stones trap that can be detected with a successful DC 17 Wis (Perception) vials of alchemist fire, 2 potions of gaseous form, 2 potions of invisibility,
check and disabled with a successful DC 12 Dexterity check. If triggered, 2 vials of midnight tears poison
the stones that form the floor of the enclosed chamber begin dropping into

10: Lair of the Intellect Devourers

the void, starting at the center of the chamber and quickly spiraling out to
the walls. This effect stops at the door into the chamber, so its unlikely
to send any PCs tumbling into the void, but it leaves Area 7 with no floor,
which will become a problem momentarily. If someone does fall, see A curious-looking door made of solid stone of an unknown origin
Maze Features above for more information about falling off the Maze. stands at the end of this section of the Maze.
The Shrine of the Ancients, as it was once known, lies behind a door Behind this locked stone portal is an odd shaped chamber that appears
of solid stone. A character of Lawful Good alignment can push the door to be only 20 feet deep and 30 feet wide at its widest segment, but is in
open easily and step through the doorway without difficulty, but all other actuality twice that size due to dimensional warping of space. The room
characters find the door impossible to budge and must make a successful is adorned with strange iconography of an almost alien design as well as
DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to step through the doorway into the four high-backed chairs surrounding a swirling pool of brackish liquid.
chamber. Once inside, they can leave again without saving. Tlip Lopodi and three of his intellect devourer kin are servants of
The inside walls of the shrine are carved with scenes of a great battle Athransma who have joined in the curious research of the Ancients. It is
between angelic beings and a gargantuan elemental of stone and fire. The seldom that their kind are allowed such close scrutiny of celestial powers.
carvings tell the tale of a titanic struggle. The three angelic beings are The intellect devourers eagerly absorb any knowledge they can for use
depicted hurling the elemental into the midst of a small island, creating a against these powers of good.
massive crater. There the angelic beings set to binding the creatures arms Lopodi is a rare creature, in that he has learned a certain amount of
and feet with chains forged from the elements of air and water. spellcasting on his own (not just from devouring brains). His three
Floating in the center of the room within a shaft of light is a small disk companions are standard intellect devourers.
of purest milky jade, with a hole piercing its center. Very fine writing on
the disk in the Druidic tongue matches exactly the writing on the base of (Tlip Lopodi [Intellect Devourer]: AC 12, 30 hp; an intellect
the pillar of light in Area 5. The disk is a letekre stone. devourer attacks with claws and devour intellect, or with
Treasure: Letekre (LA Teck Ray) stone. See the New Magic Item body thief, on its turn; +4 to hit, 2d4 + 2 slashing damage
Appendix for details. [claws]; range 10 ft., target must make a successful DC
12 Int saving throw or take 2d10 psychic damage and if
a 3d6 roll equals or exceeds the targets Intelligence, its
8: Corrupted Pillar of the Ancients Int score drops to 0 and it is stunned until it regains at least
1 point of Int [devour intellect]; if the intellect devourer
wins an Int contest against an incapacitated humanoid
This light pillar is of a less peaceful and more menacing hue than the
within 5 ft., it consumes the humanoids brain, teleports
others, and there is no Ancient within the light that is present. The runes into the now-empty skull, and assumes control of the
that would be in the stone below have been desecrated. body; it knows everything the victim knew, including
spells; spell attack +3, save DC 11; [at will] acid splash,
9: Laboratory of the Lich dancing lights, mage hand; [1st level, x3] grease, magic
missile, thunderwave; [2nd level, x2] darkness, ray of
In the center of the maze is this wedge-shaped construction that appears
to be crafted completely from an otherworldly greenish metallic substance. (Intellect Devourer: AC 12, 21 hp; an intellect devourer
The circular doorway is completely crafted from metal and pulses as if attacks with claws and devour intellect, or with body thief,
alive as you approach. Symbols similar to others found throughout the on its turn; +4 to hit, 2d4 + 2 slashing damage [claws];
Monastery and Mausoleum complex adorn the door in a swirling pattern. range 10 ft., target must make a successful DC 12 Int
The door is held with an arcane lock requiring a successful DC 28 Str saving throw or take 2d10 psychic damage and if a 3d6
(Athletics) check to force open while the magic is active. Within the roll equals or exceeds the targets Intelligence, its Int score
metallic looking building is a single room that seemed to once have been a drops to 0 and it is stunned until it regains at least 1 point
place of meditation and enrichment for the Ancients that was stripped and of Int [devour intellect]; if the intellect devourer wins an Int
desecrated and is now the laboratory of Athransma. Bubbling cauldrons contest against an incapacitated humanoid within 5 ft.,
and beakers line the walls of the chamber. Three curious pedestals, pulsing it consumes the humanoids brain, teleports into the now-
with an unholy arcane light, stand near the back of the triangular room. empty skull, and assumes control of the body; it knows
Two of the three curiously carved pedestals are empty. The third everything the victim knew, including spells)
contains a small disk seemingly carved of jade about a hands-breadth
across which floats and gives off a malignant aura. This is one of the three Tactics: The intellect devourers are aware of the PCs presence the
Letekre stones, one that has been cursed and warped by the foul magic of whole time theyre in the Maze, thanks to their ability to detect sentient
Athransma. In using this stone, Athransma was able to force movement creatures within 300 feet. They are ready to surprise the characters the
from the god of the island. This resulted in the destruction of the third moment someone opens the door into their chamber.
pillar of light and the death of the Ancient contained therein. With these Treasure: Amongst the silks and lacquered boxes of the intellect
Quests of Doom: vampires & liches
devourers chamber are a potion of superior healing and a potion of speed.
The six lacquered boxes are worth 200 gp each. Hanging silks of exquisite
craftsmanship are also valued at 200 gp each.

11: Tomb of Athransma

The PCs can only open these adamantine doors with the key that is
found in the magical box from Area C3. Casting detect magic upon the
door reveals these words scribed with arcane mark.

Fools you are to have come this far. Know that you have
been warned, Athransmas mercy goes only so far. Enter and be
destroyed, says the cat to the mouse when he has tired of his toys.

Beyond the huge adamantine doors lies a chamber of opulence and

rot. The dust of centuries clings to what must have once been finely
crafted hangings of crushed velvet. The floor is inlaid with a summoners
pentagram exquisitely set with silver and platinum. Paintings with images
long since worn away lie in piles with urns of gems and precious coins
from antiquity, all finely covered in a film of dust. A large stone dais stands
in the center of the chamber dominating the room, its stone slab swirling
with arcane markings over every inch. There standing in his glorious rot
with a bejeweled crown upon his skull is the face of evil personified: the
lich Athransma. A black fire glows from the empty sockets of his eyes as
he grasps his staff tightly in his right hand and an opened book in his left.
Athransmas grating voice is filled with a millennium of dust from the
grave as he hisses his incantations, interwoven with taunts against the PCs
for disturbing his tomb.

Now grave robbers, there is this question. Do I slay you now

and be forever done with you and your meddling, or do I respect every creature within 20 ft. of the lich takes 6d6 necrotic
such power for having survived thus far, and send you on a task damage, or half damage with a successful DC 18 Con
for me, sparing your lives in return? Merciful it is said I be, so a saving throw [disrupt life])
merciful fate I offer. In your quest to plunder my tomb, I offer a
chance for you now to choose your own doom! In addition to his standard lich abilities, Athransma also has a staff of
power and the masters amulet for the shield guardian in Area C3. The
amulet wont do him much good in this fight because the shield guardian
If the PCs answer that they wish to be spared, Athransma directs them is too far away to be of help, but it could be valuable to the PCs. Athransma
to Area 7, hoping that the PCs find a way where powerful liches and seldom uses the staff of power in combat; he prefers to rely on his spells.
intellect devourers have failed, or are destroyed in the effort which He can use it if the right opportunity presents itself. If it appears that he is
would suit Athransma just fine. doomed to lose this battle against the PCs, however, his final act will be
to break the staff and trigger its retributive strike power. (This is why he
(Athransma [Lich]: AC 17, 135 hp; +12 to hit, 3d6 cold seldom uses the staffs spells; Athransma is so spiteful that he wants his
damage and the target must make a successful DC 18 final act, if it comes to that, to be as devastating as possible.)
Con saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute or until Athransma has found through his research and the otherworldly
they make a successful save at the end of their turn knowledge possessed of his ally Tlip Lopodi that it was the Ancients who
[paralyzing touch]; spell attack +12, save DC 20; prepares bound the mighty Eliphaz within the volcano. It is these same Ancients whose
the following spells: [at will] mage hand, prestidigitation, inanimate forms keep Eliphaz deep in his slumber through some unknown
ray of frost; [1st level, x4] detect magic, magic missile, combination of arcane and divine power. The great mage Athransma made it
shield, thunderwave; [2nd level, x3] detect thoughts, his goal during his lifetime to uncover the secrets of the Ancients, knowing
invisibility, Melfs acid arrow, mirror image; [3rd level, x3] that to possess the power to bind a primeval god unmoving for ten thousand
animate dead, counterspell, dispel magic, fireball; [4th years is true power. When age began to wear upon Athransma prepared
level, x3] blight, dimension door; [5th level, x3] cloudkill, the proper phylacteries and performed the powerful rituals, transforming
scrying; [6th level, x1] disintegrate, globe of invulnerability; into a mighty lich. Now, with an unlimited lifespan to work with he could
[7th level, x1] finger of death, plane shift; [8th level, x1] continue his research of the Ancients and attempt to rouse Eliphaz from his
dominate monster, power word stun; [9th level, x1] power slumber. Failing this Athransma seeks to twist to his will the Ancients, a pair
word kill; 3/day can succeed on a saving throw it just of astral devas locked for an eternity within the pillars of light.
failed; has tactical advantage against being turned; Treasure: 3,400 pp, 2,500 gp in gems, three golden ewers (200 gp
can use 3 legendary actions/round [cast cantrip, use each). Several of Athransmas old spell books are on a shelf along the
paralyzing touch (2 actions), use frightening gaze (2 back wall containing, all of Athransmas 1st- through 5th-level spells, a
actions), disrupt life (3 actions)]; 1 creature within 10 ft. of Letekre stone bearing the same script as the base of the pillar in Area
the lich must make a successful DC 18 Wis saving throw 4, a tiny replica of a locked chest (linked to Athransmas secret chest),
or become frightened for 1 minute or until they make a and a scroll detailing the ritual for raising Eliphaz, which mentions the
successful save at the end of their turn [frightening gaze]; elemental belt.
The isle of eliphaz
His higher-level spellbooks are hidden in a secret chest thats linked to if he can. At this point, if the astral devas are still alive, they do their best
the tiny replica chest from the bookshelf. Destroying the replica ends the to distract him as he turns to rush against the one calling the words to send
secret chest spell and recalls the hidden chest to this location. The secret him home.
chest is protected with a glyph of warding that triggers a cloudkill spell Once the druid has managed to shout the incantation three times, the
when anyone by Athransma opens the chest. earth beneath Eliphaz opens in a fiery abyss. The great elemental god
screams in rage and is swallowed whole in a great flash of light.

Final Confrontations If PCs also free the Ancients

After the second Ancient is freed from his pillar of light, the Maze
The following section details the possible ramifications of freeing
of Ancients begins to rock and sway with the shocks of an earthquake.
Eliphaz from his slumber, or of dirty dealings with Athransma.
Every time a character starts its turn on a pathway in the quaking Maze
of Ancients, he or she must make a successful Dex saving throw. The DC
If PCs slay Athransma and free Eliphaz is 11 for the first saving throw, 12 for the second, 13 for the third, and so
In this scenario, the PCs, having defeated Athransma, use the Letekre on. If the saving throw fails, the character tumbles off the pathway into
stones and rituals described in Athransmas personal effects to raise Eliphaz the bottomless void, but gets one last chance to grab the edge of the path
from his prison in the dead volcanic cone. Eliphaz goes into a rage, attacking by repeating the same saving throw, only this time, its made with tactical
the characters with every power and weapon at his disposal. It should be noted disadvantage.
that using the Letekre stones in this manner destroys the Ancients forever. Upon escaping from the maze, characters are greeted by the sight of
Ten rounds after PCs exit the Maze of Ancients, the top of the volcano a great rumbling from the volcano on the Isle of Eliphaz. The Ancients
collapses. A huge being made of stone rippling with waves of heat rises appear within a moment before the PCs, warning them that the slumbering
from the center of the volcanic crater where the tower stood. Over 25 one is awakening. The Ancients reiterate their plan if the PCs are still
feet tall and armed with a greatsword glowing red-hot in his massive reluctant to stop Athransma and Eliphaz. They intend to do their best to
fists, Eliphaz roars with rage and exultation at being freed after all draw off Eliphaz, but the PCs must enter the elementals bed of stone as
these thousands of years. Eliphaz waves his hand and summons a fire soon as he rises and seize the elemental belt. With the elemental belt, a
elemental, an earth elemental, and an efreeti to guard his resting place. druid might find it possible to command the elemental to rejoin the earth
With a rumble that seems as if it could rip the world asunder, the mighty forever.
god Eliphaz steps from the crater, his lavalike, glowing eyes seeking the The devas offer to fly the characters over to the island of Eliphaz and
devas. He speaks, his voice a roar like a lava flow: set them down near the volcanos edge, but can only move two players at
a time. In the coming battle, they help however they can, unafraid of death
but very concerned about the consequences of defeat.
Arisen from my prison in the earth, Eliphaz shall slake his
thirst, destruction to things green with sap and red with blood, for
they do not respect the living stone, and seek to shape it as their
If PCs return the
own. Eliphaz shall teach them to rue their insolence!
Letekre stones to Athransma
Should the PCs return to Athransma with the Letekre stone from Area
Eliphaz moves quickly to do battle with the devas, ignoring the PCs
7: The Shrine of the Ancients, Athransma cackles with glee:
unless he is attacked and takes damage from one of them, at which time
he unleashes his fury upon the pathetic mortal offenders.
Within the crater where the tower once stood is an island surrounded
by a 20-foot-wide ring of lava. Three great warding stones lie broken at At last I have them! Now the pillars of the Ancients fall and
the bottom where the elementals hands and feet were bound. Upon an Eliphaz shall rise again and the world will see Athransmas true
outcropping of rock is a wide belt fashioned of rare stone. Eliphaz uses mercy! Thank you, fools. Take whatever you desire, for the
his summoning abilities to summon guardians for the elemental belt. All treasure I now possess is greater than any shipload of shining
three fight as a team and must be overcome before the elemental belt can gold or mountain of twinkling gems.
be won. See the New Magic Item Appendix for details.
Written upon the stone where the elemental belt sits are the following
words written in the Druidic tongue: Athransma quickly attempts to depart the chamber via dimension door,
heading to Area 9. As a parting shot he unleashes a disintegrate spell
on the toughest looking player character. Once within his laboratory, he
begins the ritual to bring down the pillars of light, destroy the Ancients,
Servant of Nature Blessed Be through earthly magic set we and take control of Eliphaz as his personal slave. The ritual takes 10
free, in turn to do the celestial task. Let the elemental belt set thee rounds to complete, and he cannot be interrupted in this time or the ritual
on the path for from the earths great fire he comes at last with fails. If the ritual fails, the Ancients are destroyed and Eliphaz is freed,
Primal Fury and Volcanic Blast, perform the task lest ye sojourn but Athransma has no control over him. Eliphaz then seeks to destroy
and bind forever the Elemental in his otherworldly home. Speak everything, but especially Athransma. At the end of the 10 rounds, the roof
the words written here: of Area 9 disappears. The entire room experiences a plane shift; it is now
Eliphaz return to that place of fire from whence you came! Your hovering over the volcano as Eliphaz rises from his slumber, completely
ties to this world are torn asunder! Let the earth open up and under the command of Athransma.
swallow you under! When all three Letekre stones are placed on their special altars within
Say three times with a commanding voice; he must obey and the laboratory of Athransma, the entire laboratory gains a flying speed of
has no choice. 30 feet, and it flies according to Athransmas mental commands. Only
Athransma knows the command words to make the laboratory fly.
Only a druid can use the elemental belt to command Eliphaz to return to
his home plane, never to bother this world again. The druid must make a All is not lost
successful DC 20 Wisdom check and spend one round chanting the above Should this unfortunate series of events take place, remember that the
incantation. Eliphaz, of course, attempts to disrupt the druid from the task, characters might still have the box from Area C3. Simply getting back
Quests of Doom: vampires & liches
to the larger island and turning the key causes the floating laboratory to poison, stun, unconsciousness
crash to the ground, leaving Athransma with only his undead powers to
protect him. Of course, there is still Eliphaz to deal with, but without the OFFENSE
magic of the Letekre stones to control him, he quickly turns all his fury Speed: 40 ft., burrow 40 ft.
against Athransma. If the characters help Eliphaz destroy the lich, he Multiattack: Eliphaz attacks twice with its magma
thanks them for his freedom and offers them the elemental belt as a token greatsword or once with a magmaball.
of his respect. Soon after, he departs the Material World for his true home Melee AttackMagma Greatsword: +14 to hit (reach 10 ft.;
on a demiplane of fire and earth, and he never returns (unless the GM has one creature). Hit: 2d12 + 8 slashing damage plus 3d8 fire
a particularly juicy idea for him ...) damage. The magma greatswords attacks are treated as
Area AttackMagmaball (recharge 5, 6): automatic hit

New Magic Item (range 120 ft.; all creatures within 15-ft. radius of impact).
Hit: all creatures within 15 feet of the magmaballs point
of impact take 6d10 fire damage, or half damage with a
Elemental Belt successful DC 20 Dex saving throw.
Wondrous Item, unique (requires attunement) STATISTICS
The elemental belt consists of four very thin plates of jade, malachite, Str 27 (+8), Dex 14 (+2), Con 23 (+6),
bloodstone, and obsidian attached to a wide belt made from various Int 20 (+5), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 25 (+7)
animal pelts. These fine stone plates are ornately carved with symbols of Languages: Common, Ignan, telepathy 120 ft.
the four elements of fire, earth, water, and wind. Senses: Tremorsense 120 ft., truesight 120 ft.
The elemental belt grants a druid the following benefits:
A +4 increase to Strength, a +4 increase to Wisdom, and a +3 bonus TRAITS
to AC while the belt is worn. These benefits do not stack with other items Final Eruption: When Eliphaz is reduced to 0 hit points, it
that grant similar bonuses, with the exception of AC. explodes. Every creature within 30 feet of Eliphaz takes
The druid gains resistance to fire damage. 12d10 fire damage, or half damage with a successful DC
The druid can cast stoneskin once per week without using a spell slot 20 Dex saving throw. Unattended, flammable objects in
and with a duration of 1 hour (no concentration requirement). the area are set ablaze.
The elemental belt allows the druid to command any elemental Magic Resistance: Eliphaz has tactical advantage on saving
of up to Huge size once per day. The targeted elemental comes under throws against magic.
the complete control of the druid for up to 24 hours unless it makes a Summon Elementals: 1/day, Eliphaz can summon 1d3 fire
successful Wis saving throw. This power includes elementals summoned elementals, earth elementals, efreet, or salamanders.
by others, which the druid can turn against their master. Volcanic Heat: At the start of Eliphazs turn, every creature
If the druid is wearing the elemental belt when he or she uses wild within 10 feet of the elemental takes 2d10 fire damage.
shape, the druid can cast up to 2nd-level spells while in animal form. A creature that strikes Eliphaz with a melee attack from a
distance of 10 feet or less takes 2d10 fire damage, or half
Letekre Stone damage with a successful DC 20 Dex saving throw.
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
Letekre stones are made from a single piece of a solid jadelike stone ECOLOGY
that is impossible to break. They were carved in ancient times by the Environment: Any land, but especially volcanoes
first Great Druid, and the carvings tell the story of the traditional druidic Organization: Solitary
creation epic. Their value as works of art is well over 5,000 gp each. The
magic in the Letekre stones is subsumed as soon as either the Ancients are Eliphaz is a wild elemental spirit. In the days when the world was young,
freed or Eliphaz is deposed. The stones serve no other magical purpose, it felt great anger that things of flesh and blood, sap and leaf were given
but they can be used as focus objects by druids. higher standing in the mortal realm than things of fire and stone. Quietly
its rage built until at last it began taking its vengeance out upon all living
things. After a great battle in which many demons and celestial beings

New Monster: Eliphaz

were destroyed trying to vanquish its indomitable force of elemental will,
three deva finally bound Eliphaz within a volcano. There they too were
forced to bind themselves to the mortal world in the event Eliphaz should
This massive elemental appears as a nearly perfect humanoid specimen ever escape and again make war upon living things.
made completely of semi molten stone. Waves of heat pour off of its rocky Eliphaz typically uses its summoning ability, followed by throwing a
skin. As it moves cracks appear revealing spider-webs of glowing lava magmaball into the largest gathering of enemies, even if they are at his
across its surface. It wields within its great fists of stone a greatsword of feet, since it can ignore the exploding magma. Then it simply wades in
red glowing iron that its swings with deadly ferocity. and smashes or burns every living thing it can find.

XP 18,000 (CR 17)
CN Huge elemental
Initiative +2

AC 19 (natural armor)
hp: 237 (19d12 + 114)
Saving Throws: Str +14, Con +12, Wis +9, Cha +13
Resistance: Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical weapons; acid and lightning damage
Immunity: Fire and poison damage; paralysis, petrification,
Legal Appendix
This printing of Quests of Doom, Volume 2 is done under version 1.0a of the of the notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a Ward, Bill Webb


ISBN 978-1-62283-224-8


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