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Appendix 2.

2 - Drinking Water Quality Standard

Table 1 - Chemicals of Health Significance as described by World Health Organization Guidelines

(WHO) for Drinking-water Quality in third edition (2008) and fourth edition (2011)

WHO 3rd th
edition (2008)
Parameter Unit Parameter Unit edition (2011)
Acrylamide g/L 0.5 Acrylamide g/L 0.5
Alachlor g/L 20 Alachlor g/L 20
Aldicarb g/L 10 Aldicarb g/L 10
Aldrin and Dieldrin g/L 0.03 Aldrin and Dieldrin g/L 0.03
Antimony mg/L 0.02 Antimony mg/L 0.02
Arsenic mg/L 0.01 (P) Arsenic mg/L 0.01 (A,T)
Atrazine and its chloro-
Atrazine g/L 2 g/L 100
s-triazine metabolites
Barium mg/L 0.7 Barium mg/L 0.7
Benzene g/L 10 Benzene g/L 10
Benzo[a]pyrene g/L 0.7 Benzo[a]pyrene g/L 0.7
Boron mg/L 0.5 (T) Boron mg/L 2.4
Bromate g/L 10 (A,T) Bromate g/L 10 (A,T)
Bromodichloromethane g/L 60 Bromodichloromethane g/L 60
Bromoform g/L 100 Bromoform g/L 100
Cadmium mg/L 0.003 Cadmium mg/L 0.003
Carbofuran g/L 7 Carbofuran g/L 7
Carbon tetrachloride g/L 4 Carbon tetrachloride g/L 4
Chlorate g/L 700 (D) Chlorate g/L 700 (D)
Chlordane g/L 0.2 Chlordane g/L 0.2
Chlorine mg/L 5 (C) Chlorine mg/L 5 (C)
Chlorite g/L 700 (D) Chlorite g/L 700 (D)
Chloroform g/L 300 Chloroform g/L 300
Chlorotoluron g/L 30 Chlorotoluron g/L 30
Chlorpyrifos g/L 30 Chlorpyrifos g/L 30
Chromium mg/L 0.05 (P) Chromium mg/L 0.05 (P)
Copper mg/L 2 Copper mg/L 2
Cyanazine g/L 0.6 Cyanazine g/L 0.6
Cyanide mg/L 0.07 - - -
Cyanogen chloride mg/L 0.07 - - -
2,4-D (2,4- 2,4-D (2,4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic g/L 30 dichlorophenoxyacetic g/L 30
acid) acid)
2,4-DB (2,4- 2,4-DB (2,4-
dichlorophenoxybutyric g/L 90 dichlorophenoxybutyric g/L 90
acid) acid)
(Dichlorodiphenyltrichlor g/L 1 (Dichlorodiphenyltrichlor g/L 1
ethane) and metabolites ethane) and metabolites
Di(2- Di(2-
g/L 8 g/L 8
ethylhexyl)phthalate ethylhexyl)phthalate
Dibromoacetonitrile g/L 70 Dibromoacetonitrile g/L 70
Dibromochloromethane g/L 100 Dibromochloromethane g/L 100
1,2-Dibromo-3- 1,2-Dibromo-3-
g/L 1 g/L 1
chloropropane chloropropane
1,2-Dibromoethane g/L 0.4 (P) 1,2-Dibromoethane g/L 0.4 (P)
Dichloroacetate g/L 50 (T,D) Dichloroacetate g/L 50 (D)
Dichloroacetonitrile g/L 20 (P) Dichloroacetonitrile g/L 20 (P)
1,2-Dichlorobenzene g/L 1000 (C) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene g/L 1000 (C)
1,4-Dichlorobenzene g/L 300 (C) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene g/L 300
1,2-Dichloroethane g/L 30 1,2-Dichloroethane g/L 30
1,2-Dichloroethene g/L 50 1,2-Dichloroethene g/L 50
Dichloromethane g/L 20 Dichloromethane g/L 20
1,2-Dichloropropane g/L 40 (P) 1,2-Dichloropropane g/L 40 (P)
1,3-Dichloropropene g/L 20 1,3-Dichloropropene g/L 20
Dichlorprop g/L 100 Dichlorprop g/L 100
Dimethoate g/L 6 Dimethoate g/L 6
1,4-Dioxane g/L 50 1,4-Dioxane g/L 50
Edetic acid (EDTA) g/L 600 Edetic acid g/L 600
Endrin g/L 0.6 Endrin g/L 0.6
Epichlorohydrin g/L 0.4 (P) Epichlorohydrin g/L 0.4 (P)
Ethylbenzene g/L 300 (C) Ethylbenzene g/L 300 (C)
Fenoprop g/L 9 Fenoprop g/L 9
Fluoride mg/L 1.5 Fluoride mg/L 1.5
Hexachlorobutadiene g/L 0.6 Hexachlorobutadiene g/L 0.6
- - - Hydroxyatrazine g/L 200
Isoproturon g/L 9 Isoproturon g/L 9
Lead mg/L 0.01 Lead mg/L 0.01 (A,T)
Lindane g/L 2 Lindane g/L 2
Manganese mg/L 0.4 (C) - - -
MCPA (4-(2-Methyl-4- MCPA (4-(2-Methyl-4-
chlorophenoxy) acetic g/L 2 chlorophenoxy) acetic g/L 2
acid) acid)
Mecoprop g/L 10 Mecoprop g/L 10
Mercury mg/L 0.006 Mercury mg/L 0.006
Methoxychlor g/L 20 Methoxychlor g/L 20
Metolachlor g/L 10 Metolachlor g/L 10
Microcystin-LR g/L 1 (P) Microcystin-LR g/L 1 (P)
Molinate g/L 6 Molinate g/L 6
Molybdenum mg/L 0.07 - - -
Monochloramine mg/L 3 Monochloramine mg/L 3
Monochloroacetate g/L 20 Monochloroacetate g/L 20
Nickel mg/L 0.07 Nickel mg/L 0.07
Nitrate (as NO3-) mg/L 50 Nitrate (as NO3-) mg/L 50
Nitrilotriacetic acid
g/L 200 Nitrilotriacetic acid g/L 200
- -
Nitrite (as NO2 ) mg/L 3 Nitrite (as NO2 ) mg/L 3
g/L 100 N-Nitrosodimethylamine g/L 0.1
Pendimethalin g/L 20 Pendimethalin g/L 20
Pentachlorophenol g/L 9 (P) Pentachlorophenol g/L 9 (P)
Permethrin g/L 300 - - -
Pyriproxyfen g/L 300 - - -
Selenium mg/L 0.01 Selenium mg/L 0.04 (P)
Simazine g/L 2 Simazine g/L 2
Sodium Sodium
dichloroisocyanurate (as mg/L 40 dichloroisocyanurate mg/L 40
cyanuric acid) (as cyanuric acid)
Styrene g/L 20 (C) Styrene g/L 20 (C)
2,4,5-T (2,4,5-
2,4,5-T g/L 9 trichlorophenoxy acetic g/L 9
Terbuthylazine g/L 7 Terbuthylazine g/L 7
Tetrachloroethene g/L 40 Tetrachloroethene g/L 40
Toluene g/L 700 (C) Toluene g/L 700 (C)
Trichloroacetate g/L 200 Trichloroacetate g/L 200
Trichloroethene g/L 20 (P) Trichloroethene g/L 20 (P)
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol g/L 200 (C) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol g/L 200 (C)
Trifluralin g/L 20 Trifluralin g/L 20
The sum of the The sum of the
ratio of the ratio of the
concentration of concentration of
each to its each to its
Trihalomethanes - Trihalomethanes
respective respective
guideline value guideline value
should not should not
exceed 1 exceed 1
Uranium mg/L 0.015 (P,T) Uranium mg/L 0.03 (P)
Vinyl chloride g/L 0.3 Vinyl chloride g/L 0.3
Xylenes g/L 500 (C) Xylenes g/L 500 (C)

1. According to WHO Drinking-water Quality 3 edition (2008):
P = provisional guideline value, as there is evidence of a hazard, but the available information on health
effects is limited;
T = provisional guideline value because calculated guideline value is below the level that can be achieved
through practical treatment methods, source protection, etc;
A = provisional guideline value because calculated guideline value is below the achievable quantification
D = provisional guideline value because disinfection is likely to result in the guideline value being
C = concentrations of the substance at or below the health-based guideline value may affect the
appearance, taste or odour of the water, leading to consumer complaints.
2. According to WHO Drinking-water Quality 4 edition (2011):
A = Provisional guideline value because calculated guideline value is below the achievable quantification
C = Concentrations of the substance at or below the health-based guideline value may affect the
appearance, taste or odour of the water, leading to consumer complaints;
D = Provisional guideline value because disinfection is likely to result in the guideline value being
P = Provisional guideline value because of uncertainties in the health database;
T = Provisional guideline value because calculated guideline value is below the level that can be achieved
through practical treatment methods, source protection, etc.
Appendix 2.2 - Drinking Water Quality Standard

Table 2 - Other Water Quality Parameters

Standard for the

Parameter Existing Standard Parameter Reprovisioned Sha Tin
WTW South Works

pH at 25C 8.2 8.8 pH at 25C 8.2 8.8

Not exceeding 5 Hazen Not exceeding 5 Hazen

Colour Colour
units units
Not exceeding 1.0 NTU,
and not exceeding 0.3 NTU
Turbidity Not exceeding 1.5 NTU Turbidity
in 95% of daily samples in
any month

Iron as Fe Not exceeding 0.1 mg/L Iron as Fe Not exceeding 0.1 mg/L

Manganese as
Manganese as Mn Not exceeding 0.05 mg/L Not exceeding 0.05 mg/L

Aluminium as Al Not exceeding 0.10 mg/L Aluminium as Al Not exceeding 0.10 mg/L

Free residual Free residual

0.5 - 1.5 mg/L 0.5 - 1.5 mg/L
chlorine chlorine

10% of norminal level 10% of norminal level

Fluoride as F Fluoride as F
(current 0.5 mg/L) (current 0.5 mg/L)

Taste and odour Unobjectionable Taste and odour Unobjectionable

Total Coliforms & Total Coliforms &

Absent Absent
E.coli (no./100mL) E.coli (no./100mL)

4-log (99.99%) reduction or

- - Cryptosporidium

4-log (99.99%) reduction or

- - Giardia

4-log (99.99%) reduction or

- - Viruses

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