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Present simple

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Present continuous
Structure: S + verb to be (AM/IS/ARE) + -ing form of a verb+ Complement.
Use: To describe actions that are happening at the moment (NOW).

Positive form of the present continuous.

- Remember to use the Subject (this can be a subject pronoun or a noun - plus (+) the verb to be in the
present tense (am/is/are) and complement (optional).
The following is the table of the positive form of the present continuous / progressive.

Table #1 :Positive Form

Common mistakes:
- Students forget to use the verb to be
a) My father working (INCORRECT) > My father IS working. (Correct)

- Sometimes students do not use the -ing form.

b) Robert is play with my sister (INCORRECT) > Robert is playING with my sister. (CORRECT)

Negative form of the present continuous.

The negative form is used by adding not after the verb to be in the present tense form. You may use

Table # 2:The negative form.

Common mistakes:
-Some students place the negative first. REMEMBER TO USE THE S+V+C !!!
a) Not working my father (INCORRECT) > My father isnt (is + not) working (CORRECT)
- Students use the dont/doesnt to do the negative:
b) She doesnt playing (INCORRECT) > She isnt playing (CORRECT)

Question form of the present continuous.

We have to put the verb to be + the subject + -ing form + the complement.

Are you watching TV?

Remember that we can use the Question words before the structure:
- What are you doing? Answer: I am studying English with my virtual teacher.
- Where is Pedro going? Answer: He is going to the shopping mall.

Table # 3: Question form

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Present Continuous/Progressive Spelling Rules

BE verb + ing verb
1. Add ing to the base form of most verbs
start starting
finish finishing
wash washing

2. When the base form ends in an e, delete the e and add -ing
live living
care caring
ride riding

3. When the base the verb ends with ee just add -ing
agree agreeing
see seeing

4. When the base verb ends in ie, delete the ie and add y then add ing
tie tying
die dying

5. If the verb has one syllable and ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant (CVC), double the final
consonant and add ing.
stop stopping
rob robbing
beg begging

6. Do not double final w or x or y.

sew sewing
mix mixing
play playing

7. If the verb has two syllables, and the final syllable is stressed, double the final consonant*.
ad mit admitting
oc cur occurring
per mit permitting

8. If the verb has two syllables, and the final syllable is not stressed, do not double the final
hap pen happening
lis ten listening
o pen opening
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Adverbs of frequency

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Modal verbs
We use the modal verbs in the English language for various meanings - ability, possibility, probability, permission,
attitude, opinion, speculation, etc.
1. It is used to express the ability to do something. I can swim very well. Can he can speak English fluently? - No,
he can't. We cannot sing at all!
2. It expresses the possibility to do something. We can go to the seaside at last. Our holidays start next week.
3. We use it to say that something is probable .It can be John. He has blond hair and he is wearing glasses.
4. It expresses the permission to do something. Why not? You can marry her. She is a nice girl.

Could is used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. "Could" is
also commonly used inconditional sentences as the conditional form of "can"

Extreme rain could cause the river to flood the city. POSSIBILITY
Nancy could ski like a pro by the age of 11. PAST ABILITY
You could see a movie or go out to dinner. SUGGESTION
Could I use your computer to email my boss? REQUEST

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