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TPE 1 Summary

As an education specialist at the high school level, or any level for that
matter, Instruction of students of various abilities, grade levels and
placements is a big part of the job. In my specific internship, I taught
specialized academic instruction of Conceptual Physics for students with mild
to moderate disabilities, co-taught a general education conceptual physics
class with at risk students with multiple ds and fs, English language learners
and students with mild to moderate disabilities, and co-taught a study skills
class for students with mild to moderate disabilities to get help with their
homework and establish organizational skills. On this page, I have included a
lot of evidence to prove my instruction of students.

I included my Class Summary to show that I have been instructing students

with disabilities in the core curriculum. In conceptual physics, I delivered
comprehensive instruction to students at the sophomore and junior grade-
level academic curriculum standards. In the study skills class, I delivered
comprehensive instruction to students with disabilities across all academic
content where ever was needed.

The next piece of evidence includes accommodations I have implemented in

order to 1. execute effective evidenced-based instruction of students; 2.
promote effective student learning; and 3. facilitate effective inclusion of
students in the general education core curriculum with the use of
appropriate assessment and instructional accommodations for my
students as described in each students' IEP. It's vital to be aware of, as well
as to implement, all students IEPs for the purpose of every student to be
supported in meeting their individual goals and to be successful in my
classes-- whether my Specialized Academic Instruction of Conceptual Physics
or my Co-Taught General Education Conceptual Physics Class.

Following the accommodations are examples of my instruction of students in

the core academic curriculum at the grade-level and in the service delivery
models of legal assignment as well as using the Common Core State
Standards. Some examples are as follows


Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out

experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending
to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.

This was done by teaching my students the scientific method through a

sink or swim lab. During this lab I also invited students with moderate to
severe disabilities to join in our class. It was a wonderful way to instruct and
include students with disabilities in the general curriculum. This lab also
enabled me to deliver comprehensive systematic instruction as I walked the
students through each step of the scientific method with prompts and


Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific

words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical
context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics.

This is especially important in science as we use symbols in equations

to stand for domain specific words. It is also extremely important because
everyday language is different than science language. To help students
understand this, I would incorporate pictures, vocabulary squares that
students were required to write the text definition in their own words, use
synonyms, use the word in a sentence and draw a picture. I would also have
the students create graphic organizers for symbols with the definitions and
units used, as well as the signal words used to tell students when to use
which symbol or word in an equation. Further I would use videos, have the
students model or act the words and play games like science says (Simon
says) to provide systematic instruction and help students understand the
meaning of domain specific words

Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text's explanation or
depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary
of the text.

This can be seen in the note-taking evidence uploaded. This would be

done after comprehensive instruction was delivered via power points, videos,
modeling, acting out, and reading would take place to ensure students were
able to determine and understand the main ideas of the curriculum.

The scientific method project, testable question notes, and openers uploaded
to show evidence of implementing appropriate assessments and instructional
accommodations for students. These were used both as formative and
summative assessments as well as to re-teach students parts of the scientific
method that were confusing to students.

I uploaded the motion quiz to show that I implemented an appropriate

assessment for the level of my students as described in their IEPs. As
described in most students IEPs, students were allowed open notes and tests
were read allowed to ensure the success of every student.

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