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Faculty of Business & Law

302BSS Global Leadership

Module Code: 302 BSS

Module Title: Global Leadership
Semester: 2
Module Leader: Dr Terry Nolan

Submission Deadline: Tuesday 11th April 2017 through TURNITIN by


Word Count: 2,500 words

Coursework 1 Essay: Contributes 100% to total module mark

Psychological profile tests such as the Myers Briggs Leadership Type-

indicator and the Big 5 Personality model, provide useful insights into an
individuals preferred style of leadership, but when it comes to real life leading
and decision making, this preferred style might not be the most appropriate
for all situations.

Write an essay critically discussing the statement above. Provide examples of

how different leadership styles may be needed for a variety of decision tyeps
across international cultures and markets.

Use only the sources provided. Do NOT conduct research on the Internet.
Any internet sources or materials will be discarded for grading purposes.

Assessment Criteria:

1. Introduction: Identify nature & scope of topic critically and thoroughly


2. Literature Review: Demonstrate clear understanding of relevant

theories, concepts and issues, and use of the relevant academic
literature (30%). Literature should be integrated across the essay
rather than in a section by itself.
3. Analysis & Discussion: Present strong and critical analysis
and discussion well-grounded in literature. (35%)
4. Conclusions & Recommendations: Summarise the assignment
thoroughly and critically, and provide appropriate recommendations.
5. Presentation: Convey all information clearly and completely with logical
order and make use of approved academic referencing style (10 %)

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Faculty of Business & Law
302BSS Global Leadership

Permitted sources (available in Moodle):

Grint, K. (2008) Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions: the Role of

Leadership. Clinical Leader, Volume I Number II, December 2008, ISSN
1757-3424, BAMM Publications.

Hofstede, G. (1983) The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and

Theories. Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, Special
Issue on CrossCultural Management (Autumn, 1983), pp. 75-89 Palgrave
Macmillan Journals.

Hogan, R. and Kaiser, R.B. (2005) What We Know About Leadership. Review
of General Psychology Vol. 9, No. 2, 169180

Nigam, R. and Su, Z. (2011) Management in Emerging versus Developed

Countries: A Comparative Study from an Indian Perspective. Journal of
CENTRUM Cathedra Volume 4, Issue 1, 121-133.

Woods, P. (2003) Performance management of Australian and Singaporean

expatriates. International Journal of Manpower. Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 517-534

Submission Deadline: Tuesday 11th April 2017

This assignment must be submitted via the module web (Moodle) by 23.55 on
the above deadline.

Please note:
1. All work submitted after the submission deadline without an approved valid
reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. (This is not the same as a
non-submission, as a late submission counts as an attempt and a mark of
zero may allow you to resit the coursework.).
2. The University wants you to do your best. However we know that
sometimes events happen which mean that you cant submit your
coursework by the deadline these events should be beyond your control
and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to
your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for
a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to
the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply
before the deadline.

3. You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered
to be an event beyond your control at


Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.

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Faculty of Business & Law
302BSS Global Leadership

Coursework Submission

Students are required to attempt all assessed aspects of their course at the
first opportunity. If you don't, and you do not have a valid deferral, you will not
be allowed a re-sit.

Any student who submits a first piece of work late, without an authorised
extension (or deferral) will receive a mark of 0%. However, if you miss a
deadline it is still worth submitting a piece of coursework late for a zero mark
so that you do not automatically lose any re-sit opportunity.

The electronic version of your assignment may be used to enable checks to

be made using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking

Learning Outcomes Assessed

On completion of this unit, learners will have obtained either formative or

summative assessment on the following:

The learning outcomes are:

1. Demonstrate an awareness of the need for cross-cultural

communication, negotiation, leadership and team-building skills
2. Critically evaluate global issues and utilize this knowledge for critical
thinking, thoughtful analysis, and globally-conscious decision-making



Return of Marked Work

Marked work will be uploaded on Moodle and are subject to approval of the
examination board. You can expect to have marked work returned to you by 3
academic weeks after the submission

PLAGIARISM WARNING ! Assignments should not be copied in part or in

whole from any other source, except for any marked up quotations, that
clearly distinguish what has been quoted from your own work. All references
used must be given, and the specific page number used should also be given
for any direct quotations, which should be in inverted commas. Students
found copying from the internet or other sources will get zero marks and may
be excluded from the university.

The use of the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style is compulsory.

Gathering information from a variety of sources forms an essential part of
most academic writing, and it is important that you reference these sources in
the required style. All writers borrow material from other sources at some time,
including ideas, information, images, charts, graphs, and statistics. Whenever

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Faculty of Business & Law
302BSS Global Leadership

you use information from other sources you must document the source in two

1. Provide an in-text citation of the source in the main body of your writing
2. Enter the source in the List of References at the end of your document

You must cite and reference every piece of information that you borrow from
another source because it is the intellectual property of the individuals or
groups of people who have produced it. All statements, opinions, conclusions,
images, etc. which you have taken from someone elses work (books,
journals, lectures, videos, TV programmes, newspapers, internet pages, etc.)
should be acknowledged, whether the work is mentioned, described,
reproduced, summarised, paraphrased or directly quoted by you. If the
source is produced by an organisation or an official body instead of authors,
this is known as a corporate author and must be treated in the same way.
For example, most websites are produced by a corporate author.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to
be an event beyond your control at

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Faculty of Business & Law
302BSS Global Leadership

Mark range Guidelines

70 100% In order to secure a mark in this range, a candidate must submit an

outstanding answer that could hardly be bettered. In addition to the
criteria identified below for a mark between 70-85%, an answer
scoring a mark of 85-100% would show an excellent level of
understanding and critical/analytic skills and originality. For
example, such an answer would the student's own critical thinking.

An essay in this range will demonstrate a strong understanding of

theories, concepts and issues relating to Global Leadership. There
will be evidence of wide-ranging reading from a variety of valid
sources (as described and presented in the marking criteria for 60-

The assignment must be written in a clear, well-structured way with

a coherent and seamless flow and show evidence of independent,
critical thought. It must show extensive relevant reading on the
subject and intelligent use of the material to present a well-
balanced and well-argued assignment. For example, the student
will have considered a range of relevant issues and be able to
assess the strength and weaknesses of various
approaches/arguments and put forward a confident and articulate
view of their own.

60 69% An essay in this mark range will demonstrate a good

understanding of the requirements of the assignment and of
theories, concepts and issues relating to Global Leadership. An
assignment in this percentage range will include a balanced
discussion of issues central to the question, how these are
addressed by different authors or sources and some critical
thinking into their relative merits or shortcomings.

The answer will contain few errors and little, if any, irrelevant
material. It will show evidence of reading from a variety of sources
(i.e. more than 3 or 4) but not so many sources that the discussion
loses focus and becomes unclear or irrelevant. All sources should
be of some academic merit (e.g. books, journals, reports, media
publications). Unreferenced material from non-credible internet
sources MUST be avoided.

All sources must be included and properly referenced in the

references. The assignment will be well-organised and clearly
written/presented overall.

50 59% The answer will demonstrate some reasonable understanding of

relevant theories, concepts and issues relating to Global
Leadership but also some minor errors of fact or understanding.

The assignment will not be based on an extensive range of

sources (for example few references are included), or much
evidence that they have been read closely or well-understood. For

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Faculty of Business & Law
302BSS Global Leadership

Mark range Guidelines

example, the assignment will retell sources rather than analyse


The assignment may be quite general in part. Some errors may be

present and some irrelevant material may be included.

The essay may not be particularly well-structured, and/or clearly

presented and contain some spelling mistakes and grammatical
errors. A few sentences may be unclear.

40 - 49% A mark within this percentage range will be given to an essay

- shows some limited basic understanding of the subject but is
incomplete. For example, if it answers one part of a question
but not the rest.
- makes only very general statements
- includes some factual errors or misunderstandings e.g.
confusion between different companies or misuse of certain key
- shows limited use of material with limited reading/research on
the topic and includes only a very small number of references,
not all of which are included in the references
- includes spelling mistakes, is poorly structured with no clear
argument and grammar mistakes making it difficult to
- includes some irrelevant material.

35 39% A mark within this percentage range will be given to an assignment

- includes only a limited amount of relevant material.
- shows little evidence of reading/research on the topic. For
example, the essay includes only very few references, and
relies only on material or case studies used during the course.
- shows only a very basic understanding of the subject.
- is poorly presented with bad grammar, some spelling mistakes
and an incomplete reference list.
- has a poor structure and does not flow e.g. if there is no
conclusion or new facts are introduced in the conclusion rather
than introduction or main discussion.
- contains some fundamental errors.

20 34% A poor fail on this assignment means the assignment submitted:

- is poor and suggests that the student has spent very little time
on it e.g. if the answer is considerably under the word
requirement and/or presented in note form rather than as a fully

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Faculty of Business & Law
302BSS Global Leadership

Mark range Guidelines

written up essay.
- bears little relation to the assignment topic.
- shows a poor understanding of theories, concepts and issues
relating to Principles of Strategy and to the learning outcomes
detailed in this document.
- contains some or many fundamental errors and
misunderstandings of the academic or other material used. For
example many of the facts cited are incorrect.
- uses literature or other material which is largely irrelevant or has
no academic value
- is poorly structured and poorly presented. For example,
sentences may be hard to understand and contain many
spelling or grammatical mistakes.
- contains no references.
0 - 19%
Work within this mark range shows a complete failure to meet the
requirements of the assignment. A mark in this range will be given
for an essay which:
- bears no link to the question chosen and shows very little or no
knowledge or understanding of any of the theories, concepts
and issues relating to Principles of Strategy. The answer may be
fundamentally wrong or trivial.
- contains no references and/or evidence of relevant reading.
- shows little understanding of the requirements of the assignment
and only a vague knowledge of the subject area.
- includes numerous fundamental errors in the understanding or
presentation of the material discussed. There is a general lack
of facts/evidence and what is provided is mostly incorrect and/or
- is poorly structured and poorly presented. Spelling and grammar
are poor. Many sentences are incomprehensible.
- the examiners do not feel could be described as a serious
attempt by any reasonable standards.

Posted: February2017 302BSS

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