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Student Raymond Garcia

University of San Diego: Professional & Continuing Education

Community Assessment Crime LEPS-550-01-SU16

Professor Dr. Erik D. Fritsvold

July 30, 2016




Intelligence LED Policing is the gathering of information that law enforcement can use to

effectively deal with minor and complex community relation issues. This information

networking system is continuously improving creating opportunities for law enforcement

to improve quality of life issues and deterring acts of violence from occurring. With

improvements to this system, quality of life issues such as property crimes, or acts of

terrorism can be deterred and or prevented through crime pattern analyzation and proper

resource allocations. As the technology continues to improve, more and law enforcement

agencies will effectively use the data to create strategies to combat crime.


Since the aftermath of 9/11, Intelligence LED Policing has evolved and has provided law

enforcement with the capability to handle and investigate all types of criminal activity.

The technology capabilities, along with the increase in intelligence gathering and sharing,

has provided optimal conditions for analyzing, deterring and preventing crime patterns and

trends. Intelligence LED Policing has the ability to change quality of life issues, in

particular, property crimes and burglaries. As a resident of the City of Los Angeles, my

jurisdiction is patrolled by members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The organization

itself consist of roughly 10,000 sworn officers tasked with patrolling a variety of areas

that include high crime jurisdictions. Some issues that are frequently encountered within

any part of the city, is the occurrence of property crimes, and in particular, burglaries.

In my research, I will be looking at the Intelligence LED Policing comprised by law

enforcement officials of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Currently, the Los Angeles Police Department uses, Intelligence LED Policing for as a

strategy to combat crime ranging from small nuisance crimes to larger complex

investigations. The organization uses the data that it collects for calls for service to

populate its statistical Crime Mapp feature which can be located on the departments

website. The data on this feature is then plotted on the geographical location where the

crime occurred. As the data is uploaded it is categorized and filtered.

By categorizing and filtering the data, this information can be used to identify the time,

place and reoccurrences of similar crimes within that vicinity. This information can then

be presented to all stake holders within the department to conduct strategies of crime

suppression, the development of specialized units and the allocation of resources which

include manpower, overtime and budgeting. The Los Angeles Police Department also

uses this data on the Crime Mapp feature on their website as a tool that can be

accessed by the general public for viewing and information.

The Los Angeles Police Department also uses CompStat. Compstat is an application

utilized to keep track of individual statistical information on various crimes, which

include burglaries. The utilization of Compstat has a variety of information, which

include geographic areas, violent crimes, property crimes and arrest. For example,

using a Compstat publication for May 29, 2016 through June 25, 2016, burglaries

were listed by occurrence. Compared to the previous month, there was a 42.9 increase in

burglaries according to Compstat. Prior to that in the months of April and May in 2016,

there was a 27.6 decrease in burglaries. In comparison to the 2015 and 2016 year to

date stat, there was an overall decrease in burglaries by 21.2 percent. When the 2014

year to date Compstat statistic was included in the overall comparison there was only a

6.7 percent decrease overall in burglaries for the Rampart area, where I reside.

The Los Angles Police Department also participates in providing data for the Uniform

Crime Report. The Uniform Crime Reporting is an annual publication in which the Federal

Bureau of Investigation compiles the volume and rate of violent and property crime

offenses for the nation and by the state. Law enforcement agencies throughout the nation

contribute and provide crime statistical data which is analyzed and published every 12

months. The data that is provided includes various categories which include, arrest, clearance

and law enforcement employee data.

According to the UCR overview, In 2014 there were an estimated 8,277,829 property

crime offenses in the nation. The 2 year trend showed that property crime offenses

declined 4.3 percent in 2014 when compared with the 2013 estimate. The 10 year trend

showed that property crime offenses decreased 18.6 percent in 2014 when compared with

the 2005 estimate. According to the UCR by region, property crime ranged at 2710.3

per 100,000 inhabitants in the West. In California 197,039 burglaries were reported within

municipal jurisdictions. Within the City of Los Angeles in table 8 of the 2014 UCR

15,070 burglaries took place that were actually reported to law enforcement.

As a law enforcement leader I would implement an additional intelligence LED policing

model by using crime victim surveys. The survey would be inclined to ask questions only

pertaining to reported crime and non-reported crimes, modeling the National Crime

Victimization Survey. From prior research a victim survey such as the National Crime

Victimization Survey can help to identify specific crimes which are not reported to law

enforcement. The data can be of use to law enforcement because it gives a different

perspective on the type of criminal activity which may remain undetected in a geographical

location. The National Crime Victimization Survey which was created by the U.S.

Department of Justices, Bureau of Statistics, provides data on criminal victimization.

Representatives of the NCVS conduct an estimated 90,000 households and 160,000 persons

to obtain data on violent crime victimization and property crime. According to Jennifer L.

Truman PHD and Lynn Langton PHD, Bureau of Justice Statisticians, the 2014 National

Crime Victimization Survey identified 5.4 million victimizations of violent crime and 15.3

million victimizations of property crime.

I would also implement the use of the National Incident Based Reporting System. According

to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Incident Based Reporting System or

NIBRS, is an incident based reporting system in which agencies collect data on each

single crime occurrence. NIBRS is comprised of data that records single incidents

of crime and arrest within 22 offense categories made up of 46 specific crimes, which are

referred to as Group A offenses. There is also a Group B component that categorizes 11

offenses for which arrest data is reported. Using the NIBRS system which is also referred

to as the new Uniform Crime Report system, law enforcement officials can use this data

to obtain more accurate statistics to identify crime patterns and trends.

In conclusion there are different ways to obtain statistical information on crime trends

and patterns. Alternate methods of obtaining data such as the National Crime Victim

Surveys reporting can provide valuable information that can supplement the Uniform

Crime Report, the National Incident Based Report System, Compstat and crime

Geomapping data. The information obtained in this research project is considered up to

date and relevant, however it should not be considered concrete evidence. The data

provided is simply a tool to measure trends and patterns and should not be used to

reflect on the effectiveness of a law enforcement agency. The data is always subject to

inaccuracies, which can mislead its intended audience.



The Measure of Crime; Clayton Mosher; Terance Miethe; Timothy Hart(2011). The Measure
of Crime 2nd Edition/ Sage Publications; Copyright 2011, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks,
California 91320

Federal Bureau of Investigation(2016). Federal Bureau of Investigation; Uniform Report.

Retrieved from;

Los Angeles Police Department (2016). Los Angeles Police Department; Crime Mapping and
Compstat. Retrieved from;

Federal Bureau of Investigation(2016). Federal Bureau of Investigation; National Based

Incident Reporting System. Retrieved from;

U.S Department of Justice (2016). U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved from;

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