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Department & Faculty : Department of Human Page : 1 of 5

Resource Development, Faculty of Management
and Human resource Development

Subject & Code : Professional Ethics Semester: III

( UHS2092 ) Academic Session: 2009/10
Total Lecture Hours: 28 hours

Lecturer : Azlah bin Md Ali

(Room : 332- D06, Tel : 31878)

E-mail : [email protected]

This course including discussion about the fundamental problems of ethics (moral),
Synopsis :
theories of ethics; ethics realization, principles and functions of ethics, ethical
relationship with the professionalism, ethical issues in profession; value and structure of
professional ethics; bonds provide services; clients bonds, bonds of profession; ethical
issues in management, medical, engineering and business.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

No. Course Learning Outcome Related Learning Assessment

Outcome Methods
1. Explain orally and in writing the basic concept and theory of PO1, T,Pm
Explain the function of ethics and its relationship with PO3, PO4
2. profession and professionals.
3. Analyze the various ethical issues and the importance of
ethics in our life.
T, T, FE
(T test ; PR
project ; Q quiz ;
A assigment ;
Pm presentation,
FE Final


Prepared by: Certified by: (Course Panel)

Signature: Signature:
Date: 05.05.2010 Date: 05.05.2010

Department & Faculty : Department of Human Page : 2 of 5

Resource Development, Faculty of Management
and Human resource Development

Subject & Code : Professional Ethics Semester: III

( UHS2092 ) Academic Session: 2009/10
Total Lecture Hours: 28 hours

Teaching and Learning Activities Student Learning Hours (H)

1. Lecture 28
2. Independent Study 30
- Information Search
- Library Search
- Directed Reading
- Group Discussion
3. Assigment 10
- Field work/Extensive Reading
- Group Discussion
4. Presentation 1
- preparation
- group presentation
5. Test 1
6. Final exam 2

Total 72

Teaching Methodology

Lecture and discussion, independent study, group project, presentation


Department & Faculty : Department of Human Page : 3 of 5

Resource Development, Faculty of Management
and Human resource Development

Subject & Code : Professional Ethics Semester: III

( UHS2092 ) Academic Session: 2009/10
Total Lecture Hours: 28 hours

Week 1 : Introduction professional ethics.

- Introduction
- Profession and professional
- Importance of the professional ethics study

Week 2 : Ethic Theories

- Teleologys Theory
- Deontologys Theory
- Human Rights
- The Golden Mean
- An expression of ethical theory

Week 3 : Ethical Awareness.

- Importance elements of ethical awareness
- Ethical trap
- High ethical awareness
- Insufficient ethical awareness
- The ranking of the ethics

Week 4 : The principle of fundamental ethics.

- The principle of the value of human life
- The principles of goodness and badness
- The principle of justice and fairness
- The principle of honesty
- The principle of freedom

Week 5 : Values and structure in the Professional Ethics.

- Fundamental principle of values
- The types of professional values
- Realization of professional ethics

Week 6 : Obligation of service

- Equal opportunities
- Economic factors
- Dealing with unethical client

Week 7 : Obligation of clients.

- The professional relationship - the client
- Obligation to be trust

Week 8 : Obligation to the third parties.

- Third parties
- Clients and other people

Week 9 : Test

Week 10 : Obligation of profession.

- Investigation and reforms
- Respect profession

Week 11 : Professionals Rights


Department & Faculty : Department of Human Page : 4 of 5

Resource Development, Faculty of Management
and Human resource Development

Subject & Code : Professional Ethics Semester: III

( UHS2092 ) Academic Session: 2009/10
Total Lecture Hours: 28 hours

- The rights of professional

- Whistle blowing
- The rights of workers

Week 12 : Monitoring the professional.

- Enforcement of own rules
- Professional autonomy
- Code of ethics
- New approaches

Week 13 : Ethics of Public service in Malaysia.

- The ethical content of Public service
- The ethics role of Public service
- Terrace of Public service
- 12 pillars

Week 14 : Ethical issues of medical, engineering, and the law.

- Medical ethics
- Engineering ethics
- Law ethics

Week 15 : Ethical issues of business and technology declaration.

1. Business ethics
2. Technology ethics

Week 16-18 : Study week & final exam


Department & Faculty : Department of Human Page : 5 of 5

Resource Development, Faculty of Management
and Human resource Development

Subject & Code : Professional Ethics Semester: III

( UHS2092 ) Academic Session: 2009/10
Total Lecture Hours: 28 hours

Abd Razak Omar dan Nor Zanah Jamari, 2001, Etika Perniagaan Dalam Sistem Tripartite, Yayasan Nurul Yaqeen

Drucker, Peter, 1974. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, London : Heinemann.

Evans, William A. 1981. Management Ethics : An Intelectual Perspective, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing.

Madsen, Peter and Jay M. Shafriz (eds.), 1990, Essentials of Business Ethics, New York : Meridian.

Matsushita, Konosuke, 1984. Not For Bread Alone, Tokyo: PHP.

Mohd. Janib Johari, 1994, Moral : Teori, Aplikasi dan Permasalahan, Skudai: Penerbit UTM.

Mohd. Janib Johari, 2001, Etika Profesional, Skudai: Penerbit UTM. **( BUKU MODUL )**

Mohd Zuhdi Marsuki, 2002, Etika Alam Sekitar daripada Perspektif

Islam, Timur dan Barat, PTS Publication

Noel. Tichy M. and Andrew McGill R., 2004, The Ethical Challenge: How To Deal With Unyielding Integrity, John
Wiley and Sons

Shukri Ahmad dan Razali Mat Zin, 2001, Adab dan Etika Kerja Dalam Organisasi, Penerbit Universiti Utara Malaysia

No Assessment Percent ( % )

1. Group Project 25

2. Presentation 5

3. Test 30

4. Final Exam 40


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