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Mishra et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

SJIF Impact Factor 5.210

Volume 4, Issue 06, 377-387. Review Article ISSN 2278 4357


Dr. Sriram Chandra Mishra1*, Dr. Anil Kumar Singh2, Dr. Jagadish Prasad Mishra3,
Dr. Kalanidhi Hota4

Associate Professor, PG Dept of Kayachikitsa, VYDS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Khurja
Assistant Professor, Dept of Shalakya tantra, VYDS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Khurja (UP).
Assistant Professor, PG Dept of Shalya tantra, VYDS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Khurja (UP).

Article Received on
11 April 2015, Everyone wants to maintain young and healthy life-span forever but

Revised on 01 May 2015, the natural phenomenon of undesirable changes is the inevitable phases
Accepted on 22 May 2015
of human life. The changes are always degenerative in nature. So it is
necessary to rejuvenate the body systems for a better harmony of the

*Correspondence for Body, Mind and Soul. Ayurveda helps in Maintaining health,
Author Prevention of diseases and also avoid the recurrence of diseases. It
Dr. Sriram Chandra counters the aging and its allied ill-effects with three approaches. First
it recommends Vayasthapak drugs (age stabilizers) to counter the
Associate Professor, PG
aging and its adverse effects, secondly by using Jeevaneeya group of
Dept of Kayachikitsa,
VYDS Ayurved herbs (Vitalisers) to rejuvenate the aged body and third by Rasayana
Mahavidyalaya, Khurja therapy (rejuvenative process and formulations) for Jarachikitsa (old
(UP). age care). The main purpose of Rasayana therapy is to impede the
aging process and to delay the degenerative process in the body in
terms of special herbs, fruits or any other form of medication that are known to promote
positive health and longevity.

KEYWORDS: Rasayana (Rejuvenation Therapy), Vayasthapak (Age stabilizers), Jeevneeya

(Vitalisers), Jarachikitsa (Geriatric disorder management).

The world population is rapidly ageing due to over exertion and hectic life style physical as
well as mental. Day by day the people feel insecure which increase stress. The faulty diet like
fast foods, preservatives etc, addiction of alcohol, smoking etc, lack of exercise, use of too Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 377

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much television, mobile phones, computers etc also enhances the problem. All these factors
decrease the normal Dhatu, Ojas etc and vitiate all Doshas resulting in premature aging,
fatigue, recurrent illness, depression etc. This became the special health challenges of old-age
care for the 21st century. Ayurveda, since its inception, has a very well developed branch,
among eight branches, for the management of Geriatrics disorders entitled Jarachikitsa and
elaborates Rasayana (Rejuvenation) which deals with the problems related to ageing and
methods to counter the same. Ayurvedic literature record numerous single and compound
plant based medicines, herbo-mineral, herbo-metalic formulations for general well being and
in disease specific conditions relating to geriatrics. Rasayana also elaborated in Rig-Veda and
Atharva-Veda for Gods like Soma etc to resists fire, water and various weapons (Rig-Veda
5/1/7, Atharva-Veda 16/2/2). Rasayana basically boosts the Oja (vital force of life - the
immune system) and helps the person to maintain good health. Rasayana Chikitsa is also
known as Rejuvenation Therapy.

What is Rasayana?
The term Rasayana is formed by union of two words[1] Rasa and Ayana. The word
Rasa in this context means the first liquid tissue, the Rasadhatu, which nourishes all the
tissues in the body and the word Ayana is its circulation. As per Ayurveda if rasadhatu is
produced in optimum quality and quantity, then naturally all the tissues in the body will be
nourished properly. So literally the technical term Rasayana refers to the means of obtaining
the optimum nourishment to the Dhatus. Hence Rasayana or rejuvenation is such a form of
treatment in which all the tissues are nourished and enhanced. The nourishment of vital
tissues helps in stopping old age.

Rasayana drugs are those which invigorate a healthy person by producing the best quality of
Rasa, Rakta etc dhatus[2] and also which decreases the aging process, increases the longevity,
increases the mental as well as physical strength and which destroys the disease process [3].
According to Maharsi Dalhana Vayahsthapanam Varsha-Shatayuh-Sthapanam i.e. enabling a
person to complete his normal life span of 100 years. Anye Tu Vayah-Sthapanm Jara-
Apaharanam, Tarunyam Bahu-Kalam Sthapyati-Iti-Arthah i.e. Rasayana prevents aging thus
establishes youth for a longer period[4]. Chakrapani defined that if Rasayana taken by healthy
persons it bestows strength to the ojus and dhatus of the body. [5] Gangadhara roy in his
commentary jalpakalpataru defined that the therapy which prevents jara (old age itself is
disease) as Rasayana.[6] Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 378

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Classification of Rasayana
There are various classifications for Rasayana therapy. Some of them are as follows-
Primarily of two types
I. Dravabhuta Rasayana - Dravya means substance hence the rasayan therapy where
various substances like herbs, minerals, foods etc used is known as Dravyabhuta Rasayana.
II. Adravabhuta Rasayana - Adravya consequently means where no substance is used hence
when modalities like good behaviour, meditation etc are used its called as Adravya Rasayana.
Example is Achara Rasayan.

According to scope
I. Kamya Rasayana[7] (Kamya - desire) - It is used to serve a special purpose or to serve a
special purpose. They can be further divided in following types
Pranakamya Promoter of vitality and longevity. Example - Amalaki, Haritaki, Guduchi,
Shatavari etc.
Medhakamya Promoter of intelligence and memory. Example - Brahmi, Mandukaparni,
Jyotishmati, Jivanti etc.
Srikamya Promoter of complexion. Example - Guduchi, Bhringaraja, Amalaki, Triphala,
Ashvagandha etc.

II. Naimittika Rasayana The Rasayana used to promote the health of a particular tissue or
system or to prevent their disorders is known as Naimittika Rasayan. Examples
Prameha: Haridra, Shilajatu, Amalaki etc
Amavata: Bhallataka, Lashuna, Pippali etc
Nervous Disorders: Bala, Nagbala etc
Skin Diseases: Tuvaraka, Guduchi, Bhringaraja etc
Urinary Tract: Gokshuru, Punarnava. Shilajatu etc
Gastro-Intestinal System: Amalaki, Haritaki, Guduchi, Vidanga (worms), Shatavar (also
lactogaugue) etc
Vata Vyadhi Shilajith, Gugulu, Chyavanaprasha, Abhayamalaka ch:chi:28 etc
Pandu- Yogaraja Rasayana, Loha, Shilajith ch:chi:26 Abhayavaleha ch:chi:16 etc.

III. Ajasrika Rasayana It is the using of food substances on regular basis for
nourishment of body. Examples are daily usage of cows milk, ghee etc. Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 379

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According to drug, diet and life style

I. Aushadha Rasayana - Based on drugs and herbs
II. Ahara Rasayana - Based on diet and nutrition
III. Achara Rasayana - Based on conduct and Behaviour / Lifestyle. Keeping cool mind,
avoiding misuse of alcohol & sex, nonviolent and calm behaviour, Sweet by speech, having
lot of patience, generous, preferring cleanliness, sincere, worshipping gods and teachers,
sensible, having equal sleep & work, egoless, well-Mannered, spiritual, serving elderly
people, preferring religious sayings are some examples of this.

According to administration[8]
I. Kuti-praveshika Rasayana Kutipraveshika is made up of two words i.e. Kuti meaning
A hut or cottage[9] and Praveshika means To enter[10]. Hence in this form of Rasayana
therapy, the person is made to stay in a specially designed chamber for a certain period and is
given Rasayana preparations (Non-ambulatory method/ In -door therapy). Before taking this
form of rejuvenation therapy, the person has to undergo Panchakarma therapy. [11]

II. Vatatapika Rasayana This is the Ambulatory method also called as Open air therapy or
outdoor therapy [12]. This is rightly indicated in the name Vatatapika, where Vata means
air , and atapa means heat or sun[14]. So this is a method of taking Rasayana, while a
person remains exposed to air and heat and this type can be taken while working and doing
normal routine work.

Examples of Rasayanas used in this methods are Chyavanaprasha[15], Amalaka Rasayana[16],

Haritaki Rasayana[17], Pippali Rasayana[18], Vidanga Rasayana[19], Triphala Rasayana[20],
Shilajitwadi Rasayana[21] etc.

Some special Rasayanas

Vardhaman Rasayana[22]: Vardhamana means in increasing order. Hence the Rasayana
in which the dosage is increased periodically then reduced periodically is called Vardhamana
Rasayana. This is generally done for improving immunity of certain organs or channels with
herbs like Piper longum or Pippali etc.

Medhya Rasayana[23]: Medhya Rasayanas are group of medicinal plants described in

Ayurveda with multi-fold benefits, specifically to improve memory and intellect by Prabhava
(specific action). It also provides immunity against diseases, strength, complexion, voice and Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 380

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digestive capacity. The special herbs used include swarasa (juice) of Mandukaparni (Centella
asiatica Linn), the churna (powder) of Yastimadhu (Glycirrhiza glabra Linn.) in milk, the
swarasa (juice) of all parts (roots, stem and flowers) of Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (Wild)
Miers) and kalka (paste) of Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pleuricaulis Chois). Yet in practice
few more handful drugs used with same aim are mentioned elsewhere in the Ayurveda
classical textbooks.

Table 1: Properties of different Medhya ausadhi[24]

Drug Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka
Mandukaparni Tikta Laghu Sita Madhur
Yastimadhu Madhur Guru, Snigdha Sita Madhur
Guduchi Tikta, Kasaya Guru, Snigdha Usna Madhur
Shankhapushpi Tikta Snigdha, Picchil Sita Madhur
Aindri Tikta Laghu Usna Katu
Jyothishmati Katu, Tikta Tikshna Usna Katu
Kushmanda Madhur Laghu, Snigdha Sita Madhur
Vacha Katu, Tikta Laghu, Tikshna Usna Katu
Jatamamsi Tikta, Kasaya Madhur Laghu, Snigdha Sita Katu
Astavarga Herbs - The eight herbs mentioned below constitute the
Jeevaneeyagan[26,27] (vitalisers). These herbs are aphrodisiac, strengthening, blood
purifier, conception plus and galactogogue. Collectively these herbs are also named as
Astavarga. As the original herbs have become extinct, the substitute herbs are in use

1. Jeevak - SubstituteVidarikand (Pueraria tuberose)

2. Rishbhak Substitute... Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberose)
3. Meda - Substitute Shatawari moola (roots of Asparagus racemosus)
4. Mahameda- Substitute.. Shatawari moola (roots of Asparagus racemosus)
5. Kakoli-SubstituteAswagandha moola (Withania somnifera)
6. Ksheerkakoli SubstituteAswagandha moola (Withania somnifera)
7. Riddhi - SubstituteVarahikand (Diascorea bulbifera)
8. Vriddhi -SubstituteVarahikand (Diascorea bulbifera)

Vayasthapak drugs[28] (Age Stabilizers) - various diseases or help contribute to positive

health like age stabilization or enhancing aphrodisiac power. These herbs are listed
1. Guduchi. Tinospora cordifolia Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 381

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2. Haritiki. Terminalia chebula

3. Amalki. Emblica officinale
4. Yukta. Pluchea lanceolata
5. Shweta. Clitoria ternatea
6. Jeewanti. Leptadenia reticulata
7. Atirasa. Asperagus racemosus
8. Mandookparni. Centella asiatica
9. Sthira. Desmodium gigenticum
10. Punarnava. Boerhaavia diffusa

Rasayana drugs for specific dhatus [29,30]

Rasa (Plasma) Draksha, Shatavari, Dates
Rakta (Blood) Amalki, Dhati lauha, Bhringaraj, Suvarnamakshik Bhasma
Mamsa (Muscle) Masha, Ashwagandha, Bala, Nux vomica, Silver bhasma
Meda (Fat) Guggulu, Shilajit, Haritaki, Guduchi, Garlic
Shukti (mother of pearl) bhasma, Kukkutandatwak bhasma,
Asthi (Bone)
Majja (bone marrow) Calamus, Shankhapushpi, Loha bhasma, Gold bhasma, Makaradhwaja
Kapikacchu, Vidarikanda, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Gold bhasma, Ghee
Sukra (Reproductive)
and Cow milk.

Rasayana for specific channel-systems[31,32]

Respiratory System Chyavanprash, Vardhaman pippli
Water Metabolism System Fresh ginger, Cyperus, Cardamom
Digestive System Long pepper, Bhallataka, Haritaki,
Circulatory System (lymphatic
Draksha, Shatavari, Dates
Circulatory System (blood portion) Amalki, Dhati lauha, Bhringaraj, Suvarnamakshik Bhasma
Muscular System Masha, Ashwagandha, Bala, Nux vomica, Silver bhasma
Adipose System Guggulu, Shilajit, Haritaki, Guduchi, Garlic
Shukti (mother of pearl) bhasma, Kukkutandatwak bhasma,
Skeletal System
Aswagandha, Calamus, Gotukola, Shankhapushpi, Loha
Nervous System
bhasma, Gold bhasma, Makaradhwaja
Aswagandha, Kapikacchu, Sweta Mushali, Shatavari,
Reproductive System
Vidarikanda,Gold bhasma, Ghee and Cow milk.
Urinary System Punarnava, Gokshura
Excretory System Kutaj, Vidanga, Triphala
Sweat System Basil, Nux vomica
Menstrual System Ashoka, Lodhra, Shatavari
Lactation System Shatavari, Jeeraka, Milk Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 382

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Rasayana for senses and other organs [33,34]

Eye Triphala, Licorice, Shatavari
Nose Nasya of Anu oil
Skin Tuvarak, Catechu, Bakuchi
Brain Gotu kola, calamus
Heart Guggul, Elecampane, Gold bhasma
Neuro-Muscular System Bala, Nagbala, Garlic, Guggul

Selection of Rasayana according to age[35]

The changes of ageing are always degenerative in nature which is very beautifully quoted by
Sarangadhara. The childhood, growth, luster/beauty, intellect, luster of skin, Vision, sexual
ability, physical ability, thinking ability and locomotion starts to loss from the body with each
passing decade.

Decades of life Specific loss from the body Suitable Rasayana Drugs
Vacha (Acorus calamus)
0-10 Balya (childhood)
Kasmari (Gmelina arborea)
Bala (Sida cordifoila)
11-20 Vruddhi (growth)
Aswagandha (Withania somnifera)
21-30 Chavi (luster) Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
Shankhapushpi (convalvulus pluricalis)
31-40 Medha (intellect)
Jyotishmati (Celestrus paniculata)
Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)
41-50 Twak (luster of skin)
Somaraji (Centratherum anthelminthicum)
51-60 Drusti (Vision) Saptamruta loha
Atmagupta (Mucuna prurita)
61-70 Sukra (sexual ability)
Munjataka (Orchis longifolia)
71-80 Vikrama (physical ability) Bala, Amalaki
81-90 Buddhi (thinking ability) Brahmi, Sankhapuspi
91-100 Karmendriya (locomotion) Aswagandha, Bala

Rasayana drugs as per the constitution[36]

Diseases prone to suffer from Specific measure to prevent
Dryness, Hardness and roughness of the skin, Cracking of the hair,
Vata Regular intake of ghee
nails etc. Stiffness and pain in the joints, Constipation, Insomnia
Burning sensation in the body, excessive temperature, Excessive
Pitta sweating, excessive thirst, Acid eructation, Premature greying of the Regular intake milk
hair, Wrinkles
Heaviness of the body, easy weight gain, unable to lose weight,
Kapha Regular intake honey
drowsiness, Excessive sleep, Laziness, Obesity

Benefits of Rasayana Therapy[37,38,39,40]

According to various Ayurvedic classics, Rasayana therapy gives various benefits according
to its compositions. Rasayana or Rejuvenation literally means to return to youthful conditions Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 383

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or to normal from diseased state. It helps to promote and preserve health and to cure disease
in sick. It also increases a healthy persons mental and physical capabilities and also keeps
the body and mind pleasant. It also increases the strength of Agni as well as Prana and
removes waste products from the body.

It enhances the intelligence, memory power, will power, body strength, skin luster, sweetness
of voice, physical strength. It nourishes the Sapta dhatus and the whole body. Thus prevents
chronic degenerative changes and illness. It improves metabolic processes, physical strength
and sharpness of sense organs. It improves natural resistance against infection by increasing
Immunity power.

Things to be avoided during Rasayan therapy[41]

Anger, Violence and Jealousy, Indulgence in liquor and sex, Fatigue due to excessive strain,
Roughness in words, Cruel and sinful acts are to be avoided during use of Rasayan therapy.
These are unfit on account of respective ignorance, inactivity, poverty, vacillations,
intemperance and inability to secure the genuine medicines.

Rasayana is the term given to special herbs, fruits or any other form of medication that are in
single or compound plant based medicines, herbo-mineral, herbo-metalic formulations known
to promote general well being and in disease specific conditions relating to geriatrics. As per
our Maharsis Rasayanas are advised for peoples of above 16 years[42,43] but as we naturally
loose childhood, growth, luster/beauty, intellect, luster of skin, Vision, sexual ability,
physical ability, thinking ability and locomotion with each passing decade so to prevent
unnatural loses there is description of rasayanas for this also. The various types of Rasayana
therapy are useful for specific as well as general use of it. Both dravyabhuta and
adravyabhuta form of rasayanas are important for benefit of human being. Use of the
adravyabhuta form of rasayanas daily will gave prestigious issue in the socity also [44].
Modern research also covered a lot of pharmacological screening of most of these rasayan
herbs. The possible mechanisms by which action of Rasayana can be interpreted with modern
aspects are as follows

Immuno-modulatory action - Prevents recurrent infection, expelling the damaged cells

Adaptogenic action - Maintains the balance between mind and body
Antiaging action.- Encourages the growth of new cells Vol 4, Issue 06, 2015. 384

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Nutritive function - Nourishes and maintains the cell life

Antioxidant Action - Eliminates the toxic metabolites and pollutants.

Rasayana drugs are those medicines which are capable for Rejuvenation of the body by
imparting superior Rasas and Dhatus to the body and toning up the system of healthy persons.
The main purpose of Rasayana therapy is to impede the aging process and to delay the
degenerative process in the body, but as Jara (old age) is inevitable, it cannot be avoided, it
can only be delayed with the help of Rasayanas.

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