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Liapis 1

Dimitri Liapis
Professor Leah Huizar
UWRT 1102
20 February 2017
Annotated Citations

Florio, Mike. "Strange Facts Emerge about Super Bowl 50

Replay assistant." ProFootballTalk. N.p., 9 Feb. 2016. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

Strange Facts talks about the small details that could have played a major role in
Superbowl 50 which could be the only reason that the Broncos won that game. In the article,
it discusses the biased opinion the replay official has for the Broncos and that the officials
wife was wearing Broncos gear in the stadium during the game. The reporter Mike Florio
himself talks about the problems and issues this creates and how the credibility of the NFL
will drastically fall because of the way this game was officiated. One play in particular, where
wide receiver Jericho Cotchery caught a pass to give the Panthers a first down was ruled
incomplete. However, the game announcers said during the game that they did not recall
seeing the ball touch the ground. This play was crucial because, instead of the ball being just
at mid-field, it was ruled incomplete with no progression for the Panthers in yards gained
which forced them to change the play calling and ultimately led to a Broncos defensive TD.

Ruiz, Steven. "The 10 Worst Officiating Mistakes of the 2016 NFL Season." USA Today.
Gannett Satellite Information Network, 04 Jan. 2017. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.
This article is a series of video clips that shows other incidents of referees ruining crucial
plays throughout the years of the NFL. This has recently become an issue but s of late the
issue is getting out of control. At least from a fans point of view, however NFL commissioner
Roger Goodell is still fine with ruining the quality of the best sport known to Americans as of
today. In the article there is a clip of wide receiver Odell Beckam Jr. catching a pass that
seemed complete at first but after you see the replay from a different angle, you can clearly
see the ball bouncing off the ground into his hands. The worst part of it is, is that Odell rolls
over to gain a better grip on the ball but when he does this h is already on the ground. This
should have been incomplete and by watching these and including specific details from these
game moments I will prove that the quality of referees has fallen. The quality of referees
determines the quality of the NFL games.

Jim Carlisle, Ventura County Star, Calif. (TNS). "With Team Relocations, NFL Is Showing
Instability." N.p., 17 Jan. 2017. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

This article is explaining the effect that relocating franchises has on the NFL. The article
claims that relocating multiple franchises which is assumed to be three franchises in two to
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three years is insanely fast and shows the fans that the NFL is incapable of maintaining its
business. However, I plan to look into that perspective but also provide an alternative way to
look at this article. I plan to bring a new claim to the table and say that the NFL is very
capable of maintaining its business, however Roger Goodell and company decide what to do
with the money the NFL has and has decided to use it to take games to different countries.
After I mention this I will make a claim that states Roger Goodell could fix everything that he
has messed up and make the NFL fans happy and engaged in the NFL like they all were in
previous years, but instead Roger Goodell is using the money in attempt to expand the NFL
into something more. This is a problem because he is becoming greedy and needs to make
the American fans happy before going global because this is where all 32 teams are located
and if America becomes unhappy with the product then there is no product.

Clark, Kevin. "Sports: The NFL Has Officially Run Out of Good Ideas --- Once a Bastion of
Football Innovation, Pro Coaches Have a New Philosophy: Let's Keep Doing the Same
Thing." Proquest. Wall Street Journal, n.d. Web. Scholarly

This article talks about the lack of innovation that the NFL fans continue to witness. For
decades, the NFL has been consistently changing and new plays have emerged. However,
what this article/video talks about is the fact that, it seems as if there are no more trick plays,
innovative plays that get a person from point A to point B. Although you can see a defensive
tackle as a RB on a five-yard rush to the end zone, the play calling itself has become stale. I
plan to use this information to show the success in complex and innovative play calling and
how it is much more successful than the coordinators who support simplicity. For starters, it
minimizes the athletes like Cam Newton, JJ WATT, and Terrell Pryors talents and it frustrates
fans. I also plan to share my comments and concerns about the Carolina Panthers offensive
coordinator Mike Shula, and explain how he is holding Cam Newton back and not allowing
Cam Newton to grow as a quarterback which is a shame because many NFL reporters and
announcers claim that Cam Newton has the potential to be the best quarterback of all time
but with Mike Shula guiding him through the game and shaping the type of quarterback
Shula wants (which is a pocket passer with designed runs only) Cam will not be able to be
the best version of Cam Newton.

Leone, Katherine C. "No Team, No Peace: Franchise Free Agency in the National Football
League." No Team, No Peace: Franchise Free Agency in the National Football League. N.p.,
Mar. 1997. Web. 14 Feb. 2017. Scholarly

This article talks about the history of relocations in the NFL and how the Browns fans fought
the NFL and were able to keep the Browns in Cleveland. I plan on elaborating on the details
of the event and explain that although the Browns have not been a winning team and it
essentially a dead franchise with no luck and numerous losing records, the fans are still there
and the revenue is still coming in. If the Chargers were ok with the status of their franchise in
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San Diego, why couldnt the NFL allow the Chargers to stay in San Diego. I will elaborate on
the loyalty of the Charges fan base and explain how the NFL could have made it work and
the Chargers could have been like the Browns. Then I will raise the question, why did the
Chargers have to leave? Was it a different scenario that the Chargers had that the Browns
did not or is it just greedy management?

Todd M. NesbitKerry A. King. "The Impact of Fantasy Football Participation on NFL

Attendance." Shibboleth Authentication Request. N.p., Dec.-Jan. 2009. Web. 14 Feb. 2017. S

This article is talks about how much money the NFL is making with Fantasy Football (online
gambling through the NFL). Fantasy Football is a program where people can get create and
join leagues and play for money. People create teams by choosing players from a draft or
buy picking them online and creating an ideal team for the specific week during the season. If
a player reaches a certain goal or catches a certain number of catches or runs for a certain
number of yards, people can win money if he or she has the player on their fantasy football
team. This article is a new addition because it raised speculation as to why Oakland Raiders
are moving to Las Vegas. As all Americans understand, Las Vegas is nicknamed for sin city
for a reason, because it involves gambling and other adult activities. However, Roger Goodell
wants football to be fun for the kids as, well right? I will use the facts in this article to show
that Roger Goodell has conflicting viewpoints if he can make more money. When asked
about choosing Vegas for the Raiders new location in a press conference, Roger Goodell
attempted to provide his reasoning. However, a reporter asked if a city of gambling is really a
good place for a franchise to call home because of the lifestyle Las Vegas has and the
negative influences it could have on kids. Goodell responds that the NFL already has
gambling through fantasy football. What Goodell isnt understanding it the fact that NFL
gambling is mostly online and controlled. In Vegas, when you mix drinking and gambling at a
football game and you have kids witnessing all of this, it is a completely different story and
magnitude of gambling. Goodell once again proves my point that when there is a chance to
make more money Goodell disregards the fans.

Jimmy Sanderson1 , Melinda Weathers1 , Alexia Grevious1 , Maggie Tehan1 ,Samantha

Warren1. "Shibboleth Authentication Request." Shibboleth Authentication Request. N.p., n.d.
Web. 19 Feb. 2017. S

The main discussions and questions raised in this article are irrelevant to me are irrelevant to
my lines of inquiry. However, the research done in this article are crucial for helping me
develop a record of injuries which have been career changing and implement that factor into
my claim about the NFL not being safe and how Roger Goodell is hardly doing anything
about it. Roger Goodell claims that there is money going into research and technology in
Attempt to fixing the NFLs rise in player injuries. However, fixing the equipment is just one
half of the issue. The NFL also has to suspend and eject players from games for egregious
hits and targeting. I plan to use the information I found on this site to help be prove that these
injuries should not be taken lightly and that some of these injuries are changing peoples
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lives. Im also going to claim that Roger Goodell is irresponsible because as the
commissioner and head of operations he is responsible for all of the NFL players and their
safety. However, Goodell occasionally waves a six-figure number in front of the cameras from
time to time and claims he is helping. The injuries and improvement in technology or
improvements on making the game safe should be a higher priority than moving franchises
to Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
Jesus Ortiz, Jose. "Ortiz: One Year after Rams' Vote, Chargers Fans
41A4PQ/3?accountid=14605. N.p., 13 Jan. 2017. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. S

This article elaborates on the issue of sudden team relocations, including the San Diego
Chargers who have been in San Diego for 56 years. Through this article, I will explain the
reasoning behind the decision to relocate, the business perspective, and the change in team
logo. After I explain these aspects of the relocation decision I will argue against them and
provide an alternate way for the NFL to go about the business. For example, once the
Chargers made the announcement of a move to Los Angeles official, fans asked to just
change the franchise all together, which includes, name, mascot, colors etc. However, the
NFL decided to come up with a futuristic logo instead claiming the older logo was out of date.
Instead of making old Charger fans happy and to give the San Diego Charger fans a proper
farewell, the NFL ignored the idea. Ignoring the fans and not creating a new team brand, for
one makes the NFL look cheap, and makes San Diego residents even more upset, because
the NFL is trying to force the LA Chargers to San Diego fans, and all the San Diego fans
want is a brand change. If the NFL really cared about the residents of San Diego and put in
the extra money, it could have possibly brought a few San Diego fans over to the new LA
team, but instead it makes San Diego fans upset and some even claim that they are done
with football. The other problem is the fact that Los Angeles has two new NFL franchises in
the city and neither of them have been to the playoffs since the 2013 season when the San
Diego Chargers went. The reason targeting Los Angeles was a bad idea was because Los
Angeles was happy with watching the best game televised and they do not tolerate losers
and losing. However, the NFL thought it was a great idea to take two existing teams with poor
reputation and bring them to a city with a high demand for success. Instead the NFL should
have created a new franchise for the city and it would avoid building a new stadium.

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