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1. Course Code : ENG 125
2. Course Name : English for Specific Purposes
3. Course Credit : 3.0 units
4. Class Schedule : 5 hours per week
5. School Year : 2017-2018, 1st Semester, 1st Term
6. Teachers Name : Charisse Mae C. Berco
7. Course Description : This course is for prepared for Criminology students learning English to acquire and develop
English language knowledge and skills. The course is defined according to their needs and it aims to prepare students to
use English for their Professional studies and subsequently for their professional needs in real life and future career.
This course will further give students the opportunity to speak on general topics, communicate and express ideas,
understand texts and information and write properly.
8. Course Objectives : The main objectives of the syllabus are:
to provide material for the students to learn pronunciation of the English sounds, to learn to read, write, and to know the
fundamentals of English grammar and vocabulary;
to develop the students' reading skills to enable them to skim an adapted text for main idea, to scan an adapted text for specific
information, to interpret an adapted text for inferences;
to develop the students' writing skills to enable them to respond to input applying information to a specified task, to elicit, to
select, to summarize information
to develop the students' listening skills to enable them to understand and apply specific information from the input
to develop the students' speaking skills to enable them to use general, social and professional language
to develop the students' general capacity to a level that enables them to use English in their professional and academic environment
9. Course Evaluation : The grades will be based on the following components:
Written Examinations 25%
Assessment Tasks 40%
Class Participation 25%
Attendance 10%
1. Descriptions -express ones thoughts -Expressing Oneself -Discussion
*Suspects and ideas clearly - 2 weeks
*Citizens -give descriptions of - Giving Descriptions -Reading a Poster -Reflection
individuals, events or -Answering
things -Asking and Answering Comprehension Questions -Answered
- use appropriate words Questions -Vocabulary Building activities
in asking and giving of
information -Grammar Checking -Writing Tasks
-use appropriate -Using Appropriate
intonation and stress Intonation and Stress -Listening to a
-listen to a conversation Conversation
and take note of -Listening for Notes
important details taking -Paired Speaking Task

-Writing a Poster
2. Operations -identify main ideas and -Identifying Main Ideas -Reading of an Article
*Road Signs and find the supporting - 2 weeks and Finding Supporting (Republic Act No.4136,
Traffic Signals details details LTO Code)
*Providing First Aid -distinguishing fact from -Distinguish Fact from -Answering
opinion Opinion Comprehension Questions
-understand traffic signs -Understanding Traffic -Vocabulary Building
and signals Signs and Signals -Grammar Checking
-summarize a read text -Summarizing a Text -Watching News report
-Simulation on Providing
First Aid
-Writing a summary

3. Vehicles -understand and interpret -Understanding and -Brainstorming

*Air Defense visual images - 2 weeks Interpreting Visual -Reading of an Article
*Sea Defense -obtain gist from images (Support Aircraft)
information read -Obtaining Gist from -Answering
-deducing meaning of information read Comprehension Questions
difficult words -Deducing Meaning of -Analyzing Ship Structure
-construct sentences Difficult Words -Vocabulary Building
properly and use correct -Structuring Sentences -Grammar Checking
punctuation -Using Correct -Listening to a
Punctuation Conversation
- Role playing
-Writing a weekly ship
inspection report

4. Equipment -make use of appropriate -Using Appropriate -Watching a Video Clip

*Weaponry vocabulary - 2 weeks Vocabulary -Answering
*Radio Basics -following directions -Following Directions Comprehension Questions
correctly -Paragraph Writing -Discussion
-write a paragraph -Vocabulary Building
-Grammar Checking
-Listening to a Radio
-Acting out the Dialogue
by Pair
-Writing a paragraph
about weaponry

5. Crimes -understand complex -Understanding complex - Answering a puzzle

*Transnational Crime sentences - 2 weeks sentences -Reading of an Article
* Theft -analyze and evaluate a -Analyzing and (Transnational Crime)
crime Evaluating a Crime -Answering
- predict an outcome and - Predicting an outcome Comprehension Questions
respond critically and Responding -Vocabulary Building
-make a spot report Critically -Grammar Checking
-Making a spot report -Solving a crime scene
-Writing a spot report

Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ulum, . G. (2016). ESP Needs Analysis of Public Order Police Officers. International Online Journal of
Education and Teaching (IOJET), 4(1). 19-30.

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