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Coupler DR-KMTN680204 Schneider-Electric 2014V6802-562-0202/14

en Use as an area coupler and line coupler Diagnostic LED

A LED F Function
Permanently off Filter table loaded or passage com-
U 1.0.0 2.0.0 pletely blocked
Permanently on Filter table not loaded: all group ad-
Coupler REG-K dresses are let through
Operating instructions
1.1.0 2.1.0
Mounting the coupler

1.1.1 2.1.1


Risk of death from electric shock.
1.1.63 2.1.63
U U The device may become damaged.
Art. no. MTN680204
Areas 1 and 2 with lines 1.1 and 2.1
The safety clearance must be guaranteed as per
IEC 60664-1. A distance of at least 4 mm must be
A Area line maintained between individual cores of the 230 V
B Main line cable and the KNX line.
C Line
1.0.0, 2.0.0 Area coupler 1 Connect the superordinate line to connecting termi-
For your safety 1.1.0, 2.1.0 Line coupler nal H. The device electronics are powered via this
X.Y.Z Bus device connection. This makes it possible to report a bus
U Power supply voltage failure of the subordinate line via the super-
ordinate line.

Risk of serious damage to property and per- Use as a line coupler and repeater 2 Connect the subordinate line to connecting terminal
sonal injury, e.g. from fire or electric shock, G.
due to incorrect electrical installation. A
Safe electrical installation can only be ensured if U 1.1.0
the person in question can prove basic knowl-
Dismantling the coupler
edge in the following areas: 1.1.1
Connecting to installation networks

Connecting several electrical devices U 1.1.63 CAUTION
Laying electric cables
B The device could become damaged.
Never prise the connecting terminal out from be-
Connecting and establishing KNX networks
1.1.64 1.1.128 1.1.192 low because the bus voltage could be short-
These skills and experience are normally only circuited in the process and could fail for the du-
possessed by skilled professionals who are B B
1.1.65 1.1.129 B 1.1.193 ration of the short circuit.
trained in the field of electrical installation technol-
ogy. If these minimum requirements are not met
or are disregarded in any way, you will be solely li- U 1.1.127 U 1.1.191 U 1.1.255
able for any damage to property or personal inju- Line 1
ry. Putting the coupler into operation
A Main line
B Line segment 1 Load the physical address from the ETS into the
Getting to know the coupler coupler via KNX.
1.1.0 Line coupler
1.1.64 1st line repeater 2 Perform configuration settings in the ETS and trans-
The Coupler REG-K (hereinafter referred to as coupler) fer them.
logically connects two KNX lines with one another and 1.1.128 2nd line repeater
ensures electrical isolation between the lines and areas. 1.1.192 3rd line repeater
The exact function of the device is determined by the ad- X.Y.Z Bus device
dressing and the selected application. U Power supply Technical data
Line coupler (X.Y.0) Power supply: via KNX bus
X = 1 to 15 = area DC 21-32 V via the superor-
Each line and each additional line segment re-
Y = 1 to 15 = line | quires a separate power supply!
dinate line
0 = line coupler Current consumption:
The coupler connects a subordinate line to a superordi- superordinate line: approx. 6 mA
nate main line either with or without filter function. The Connections, displays and operating subordinate line: approx. 8 mA
coupler is topologically associated with the line. A maxi- elements Ambient temperature
mum of 64 bus devices is permitted in a line without re- Operation: -5 C to +45 C
peaters. A LED (red): programming Installation width: 2 modules = approx. 36 mm
Area coupler (X.0.0) B Programming button Weight: approx. 90 g
X = 1 to 15 = area C C LED (green): operation
0.0 = area coupler D D LED (yellow): data reception on
The coupler connects a subordinate main line to a super- E RUN superordinate line Schneider Electric Industries SAS

ordinate area line either with or without filter function. F UL

E LED (yellow): data reception on
DIAG If you have technical questions, please contact the Cus-
The coupler is topologically associated with the main A subordinate line
HL UL tomer Care Centre in your country.
line. B
F LED (red): diagnostics
Repeater (X.Y.Z) H G Connection: subordinate line
X = 1 to 15 = area H Connection: superordinate line
Y = 1 to 15 = line
Operational LED
Z = 64, 168, 192 = repeater 1 to 3
The repeater transmits telegrams on a line without filter LED C Function
function. A line can be divided into a maximum of 4 inde- Permanently Device off; no voltage on the superordi-
V6802-562-02 02/14

pendent line segments by using a maximum of 3 line re- off nate line
peaters connected in parallel. A separate KNX power Permanently Device on; voltage on both lines
supply is required for each line segment. A maximum of on
256 bus devices (including line couplers and repeaters) Flashing Device on; no voltage on the subordi-
is permitted in a line with 3 repeaters. nate line

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