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Edible Wild Plant, etc.

Compiled by Russell A. Cohen, November 10, 1999.)

This bibliography is intended to include all books published in the English language on this
subject. It also includes a sampling of books containing information on wild medicinal herbs,
mushrooms, fin and shellfish, game animals, poisonous plants and other uses for wild plants.

* = recommended; ** = especially recommended

Abbiw, Daniel K. Useful Plants of Ghana: West African Uses of Wild and Cultivated Plants.
Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 1990 337pp.
16 pp. of photos, mostly in color
extensive bibliography

Anderson, Edward F. Plants and People of the Golden Triangle: Ethnobotany of the Hill Tribes
of Northern Thailand.
__________: Dioscorides Press. c1993 272pp. Hardcover.
includes 200 color photos

Angell, Madeline A Field Guide to Berries and Berry-like Fruits. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill
(MacMillan). c1981 250pp.

Angier, Bradford Color Field Guide to Common Wild Edibles. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole
Books. c1976 126pp.

* Angier, Bradford Feasting Free on Wild Edibles. New York: Pyramid Books. c1966 (also
published by Stackpole Books in 1972) 288pp. Paperback.
a one-volume edition of two earlier books: Free for the Eating and More free for the
Eating Wild Foods
good recipes for some plants
quite comprehensive coverage of Eastern plants; includes common Western U.S. edibles
as well

* Angier, Bradford Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1974
255pp. Hardcover and Softcover.
good format; plants are arranged in alphabetical order by common name, with a one-
page narrative description on the left side, and a color illustration on the right side
116 species, therefore, leaves some out
good descriptions, recipes are sketchy
good single source

Angier, Bradford Free For the Eating. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1966 191pp.

Angier, Bradford Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
c1978 320pp. Softcover.

Angier, Bradford More Free-For-The-Eating Wild Foods. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
c1969 192pp. Hardcover.
sequel to Free for the Eating
** Arora, David All that the Rain Promises, and More... A Hip Pocket Guide to Western
Mushrooms. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. c1991 264pp. Softcover.
great color photos of mushrooms and people enjoying them
entertaining reading; great anecdotes
although focusing on Western mushrooms, some species covered can be found in the

* Arora, David Mushrooms Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide to the Fleshy Fungi (second
edition). Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. c1979,1986 959pp. Softcover.
well-regarded by mycophiles
good color photos for some entries
author writes in technical yet laid-back and humorous style
emphasis is on West Coast mushrooms

Assiniwi, Bernard Survival in the Bush. Toronto: Copp Clark Pub. Co. 1972 158pp.
also published in French with its companion book, Indian Recipes, under title: Recettes
indiennes st survie en foret

Badhwar, Rattan L. Edible Wild Plants of the Himalayas. Delhi: Manager of Publications. 1968

Bale, Robert O. Outdoor Living. Minneapolis: Burgess Pub. Co. c1961 199pp.
includes info on camping as well as foraging

Banks, Roger Living in a Wild Garden. New York: St. Martin's Press. c1980 125pp.
focuses on edible and useful wild plants of Scotland, many of which were growing in
the author's yard
b/w and color illustrations are a little on the stylistic side (not good for field

Barash, Cathy Wilkinson Edible Flowers: From Garden to Palate. Golden (CO?): Fulcrum Publ.
c1993 250pp. Hardcover (oversize).
covers domestic and wild flowers, color photos

Bashline, Sylvia G. The Bounty of the Earth Cookbook: How to cook fish, game and other wild
things. New York: Winchester Press. c1979 266pp.
republished by New York: Lyons and Burford in 1994

Beatty, Bill and Bev Bill and Bev Beatty's Wild Plant Cookbook. Happy Camp, CA:
Naturegraph Publishers. c1987 174pp. Softcover.
the three dozen or so species described are relatively easy to find and identify and are
among the better-flavored plants
a decent b/w illustration and at least one recipe is provided for each plant
authors are from West Virginia and the plants covered can be found there
some info on nutritional values

Beedell, Suzanne Mollie Pick, Cook and Brew. New York: Hippocrene Books. c1973 224pp.
focuses on plants found in Britain, many of which occur in the U.S. as well
plants and recipes are presented in alphabetical order by its British common name,
which may differ from its American name
each of the approx. 160 plants covered is illustrated with a modest b/w line drawing (not
that helpful for field i.d., but this is a recipe book after all)

Belt, Thomas Edwin Wild Plants for Winemaking. Andover, U.K.: Amateur Winemaker. c1974
focuses on British plants
also wrote a book entitled Plants Unsafe for Winemaking (1972)

Benoliel, Doug Northwest Foraging: A guide to edible plants of the Pacific Northwest.
Lynnwood, WA: Signpost. c1974 171pp.

Berglund, Berndt and Clare E. Bolsby The Complete Outdoorsman's Guide to Edible Wild Plants.
New York: Charles Scribners Sons (MacMillan). c1977 189pp. Softcover.

Berglund, Berndt and Clare E. Bolsby The Edible Wild: A Complete Cookbook and Guide to
Edible Wild Plants in Canada and Eastern North America. Toronto: Pagurian Press. (also New
York: Charles Scribners Sons (MacMillan)). c1971 188pp. Softcover.

Berglund, Berndt and Clare E. Bolsby Wilderness Cooking: A unique illustrated cookbook and
guide for outdoor enthusiasts. New York: Charles Scribners Sons (MacMillan). c1973 192pp.

Berchtold, Mrs. Betty Pettit (editor) Avant-Garde Cookbook: Tempting and Nutritious Recipes
for the Avant-Garde Hostess and Homemaker (4th edition). Albuquerque, NM: Natural Food
Associates c1971 324pp.
includes natural as well as wild foods

Bessette, Alan E., Arleen R Bessette, and David W. Fischer Mushrooms of Northeastern North
America. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. c1997 582pp. Softcover.
the book contains good color photos of most of the mushrooms discussed; unfortunately
the photos are small and are difficult to match up with the narrative description of the
corresponding mushroom

Bigelow, Howard E. Mushroom Pocket Field Guide, with 64 full-color photographs. New York:
MacMillan Publishing. c1974 117pp. Hardcover.
good beginner's text (but several of the species have since been reclassified and given
new latin names)
good discussion of edibility and other characteristics

Bindon, Peter Useful Bush Plants. Perth: Western Australian Museum. 1996 286pp.
covers edible, useful, medicinal wild plants
color illustrations
includes bibliography

Black, Marmelade It's the Berries. Saanichton, BC and Seattle: Hancock House. c1977 51pp.
some b/w and color illustrations
field guide and recipe book

Blackwell, Will H. Poisonous and Medicinal Plants. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. c1990

Bleything, Dennis and Ron Dawson Edible Plants in the Wilderness (Volumes 1 and 2).
Manning, OR: Life Support Technology Inc. c1972 61 and 64pp. Softcover (pocket size).
part of the Out of the Wilderness Pocket n' Pak Library series
Boehmer, Raquel A Foraging Vacation: Edibles from Maine's Sea. Camden, ME: Down East
Books. c1982 127pp.
illustrations by well-known local artist Anne Kilham

Boorman, Sylvia Wild Plums in Brandy: A Cookery Book of Wild Foods (expanded edition).
New York: McGraw Hill. 1969 194pp. Softcover.
focuses on wild foods found in Canada
covers approx. 100 wild plants

Bowers, Priscilla G. I Eat Weeds. Jacksonville, FL: Buttercup Press. c1996 219pp.
cookbook and field guide

* Brackett, Babette and Maryann Lash The Wild Gourmet: A forager's cookbook. Boston: David
R. Godine. c1975 160pp. Hardcover and softcover.
beautifully printed
arranged by season
lots of good recipes
authors live in Rockport, MA and plants in the book can be found in that area

Bradford, Peter and Montse Cooking with Sea Vegetables: a collection of naturally delicious
dishes using to the full the bountiful harvest of the oceans. New York: Thorsons Publishers
(distributed by Inner Traditions International). c1985 (also published in 1988 by Healing Arts
Press of Rochester, VT (dist. by Harper and Row) 144pp.
illustrations by Sue Reid

Breeden, Paul Wild Foods: A beginner's guide to identifying, harvesting and cooking safe and
tasty plants from the outdoors. New York: Four Winds Press. C1978 182 pp.

Bremness, Lesley Herbs. London: Dorling Kindersley. c1994 304pp. Softcover.

contains good photos and descriptions of over 700 herb species from around the world,
both wild and cultivated

** Brill, "Wildman" Steve and Evelyn Dean, Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants
in Wild (and not so wild) Places. New York: Hearst Books. c1994 317pp. Softcover (folio-
very comprehensive
book is organized by time of year and habitat
good b/w illustrations of each plant
numerous and good recipes

Brill, "Wildman" Steve Shoots and Greens of Early Spring in Eastern North America. Jamaica,
NY: Self-published. c1990? 55pp. Softcover.
good b/w illustrations by the author
a recipe is provided for each of the 25 plants presented
contains a number of personal anecdotes, among which is the story of when Brill was
arrested in Central Park for eating dandelions and how the subsequent negative publicity
eventually led to the City's hiring Brill as a resident naturalist

Brown, Tom Jr. Tom Brown's Guide to Wild and Medicinal Plants. New York: Berkley Books.
c1985 241pp. Paperback.
Brown, William H. Wild Food Plants of the Phillipines (Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 21).
Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1920. ___pp.

Bruneteau, Jean-Paul Tukka: Real Australian Food. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. 1996
includes wild food recipes

Burkill, H. M. The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa (2d edition). Kew, England: Royal
Botanic Gardens. 1985 ___pp.

Burt, Calvin P. and Frank G. Heyl Edible and Poisonous Plants of the Eastern States. Deck of 52
plastic plant identification cards, with color photographs. Lake Oswego, OR: Self-produced.

Burt, Calvin P. and Frank G. Heyl Edible and Poisonous Plants of the Western States. Deck of
52 plastic plant identification cards, with color photographs. Lake Oswego, OR: Self-produced.

Callegari, Jeff and Keith Durand Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants of California. El Cerrito, CA:
Self-published. c1977 96pp. Softcover.
96 color photos on center section of plates, and line drawings

Cameron, Ludovick The Wild Foods of Great Britain. Dorchester, UK: Prism Press. 1977 93pp.

Carter, Constance (compiler) Edible Wild Plants (bibliography). Washington, DC: Science
Reference Section, Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress (U.S. Government
publication), 1984. 9pp. [LC Science tracer bullet: TB 84-2 (updates TB 73-10)]
includes some newspaper/magazine articles
most books listed are included in this (my) bibliography as well

Catibog, Corazon S. Wild Plants for Food and Feeds. College, Laguna, Phillipines: Forest
Research Institute, 1978 170pp.

Ceres (no first name) Free for All: Weeds and Wild Plants as a Source of Food. Wellingborough,
U.K.: Thorsons. 1977 128pp.
focuses on British flora

Chandra, Veena Edible Plants of Forestry Origin. Dehra Dun: Intian Council of Forestry
Research and Education. 1997
covers edible wild forest plants of India

Chapman, William Kent Hickory, Chicory, Dock. Utica, NY: Open-Air Press (Loyal Order of
the Skunk Cabbage). c1985 203pp.
b/w line drawings; no recipes

Chase, Cora The Weed Eater's Cook Book. Seattle: Shelton Pub. Co. 1978 ___pp.

Chase, Myron C. Field Guide to Edible and Useful Wild Plants of North America. Fort
Atkinson, Wisconsin: Nature Study Aids, Inc. c1965 138pp. Paperback.

Cheetham, Scooter and Michael C. Johnson The Useful Wild Plants of Texas, the Southeastern
U.S., the Southern Plains, and Northern Mexico. Austin, TX: ___________ c1995 ___pp.
color illustrations
Choyce, Lesley Edible Wild Plants of the Maritimes. _________: Wooden Anchor Press. [No
other biblio. info available at present - Joe Freitus owns a copy]

Christensen, Alma For Soul and Kitchen Wild Food Cookbook. Pine River, MN: Self-published.
1992 196pp. Softcover (spiral-bound).
focuses on wild plants available in Minnesota
recipes are sorted by type of finished product (soup, salad, dessert, etc.)

Clarke, Charlotte Bringle Edible and Useful Plants of California. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press. c1977 280pp. Softcover.

Conkling, Philip Green Islands, Green Sea: A Guide to Foraging on the Islands of Maine.
___________: Hurricane Island Outward Bound School. _____ 62pp.

Coon, Nelson The Dictionary of Useful Plants: The Use, History and Folklore of more than 500
plant species. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press. c1974 290pp. Softcover.

Coon, Nelson Using Plants for Healing: An American Herbal. New York: Hearthside Press.
c1963 272pp. Hardcover.
focuses on medicinal herbs that can be gathered from the wild in the Northeastern U.S.

Coon, Nelson Using Wayside Plants: One Hundred Useful Plants of the Northeastern United
States and How to Use Them. Watertown, MA: Self-published. c1957 (republished by
Hearthside Press in 1960 and Dover Pub. in 1980 under the title Using Wayside Plants). 254pp.

Cooper, Wendy Fruits of the Rain Forest: A Guide to Fruits in Australian Tropical Rain Forests.
Surry Hills, NSW, Australia: RD Press. 1994 327pp.
color illustrations

Couplan, Franois, Ph.D. The Encyclopedia of Edible Plants of North America: Nature's Green
Feast. New Canaan, CT: Keats Publishing. c1998 584 pp. Softcover.
very comprehensive, covers about 4,000 species, including many that are of marginal
includes etymology of botanical names, geographical distribution, edible and medicinal
b/w illustrations of some plants
author is French/Swiss and multi-lingual; has published similar books on European
edible wild plants

Cox, Donald D. Common Flowering Plants of the Northeast: Their Natural History and Uses.
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. c1985 418pp.

Cox, Paul Alan and Sandra Anne Banack Islands, Plants and Polynesians: An Introduction to
Polynesian Ethnobotany. ____Dioscorides Press. c1991 228pp.
16 b/w photos

Cranwell, Lucy May, _____Green and ____Powell Food is where you find it: a guide to
emergency foods of the Western
Pacific. Auckland, NZ: Auckland Institute and Museum. 1992 72pp. illustrations; maps.

Cribb, A.B and J.W. Wild Food in Australia (revised and enlarged edition). Sydney:
Fontana/Collins c1987 284pp.
Crow, Garrett E. and Richard A. Fralick Edible Wild Plants of New Hampshire. Durham, NH:
University of New Hampshire. c1981 22pp. Softcover.
covers 20 common species, with several recipes for each
good b/w illustrations

Crowe, Andrew Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Auckland, NZ: Hodder & Stoughton.
c1990 200pp. Softcover.
updated edition of A Field Guide to the Native Edible Plants of New Zealand, published
by Williams Collins Publishers in 1981.
extensive bibliography
includes seaweeds and some common edible mushrooms
small but helpful b/w illustations and color photos

Crowhurst, Adrienne The Weed Cookbook. New York: Lancer Books. c1972 190pp.

* Czarnecki, Jack Joe's Book of Mushroom Cookery. New York: Atheneum. c1986 340 pp.
author is third-generation chief proprietor of Joe's Restaurant in Reading, PA, featuring
wild mushrooms

Dabbs, J.T. Southeastern Edibles: A Field and Culinary Guide to the Wild Edible Plants of the
Southeast. Birmingham,
AL: Hickory Hill Press. c1995 208pp.
includes bibliography

Dahl, Kevin Wild Foods of the Sonoran Desert. Tucson, AZ: Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
C1995 22pp. Softcover.
nice color photos

Dahlgren, Bror Eric and Paul C. Standley Edible and Poisonous Plants of the Caribbean Region.
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office (issued by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery,
Navy Department). 1944 102pp.

Dare, Diane (editor) The Roadside Gourmet: A guide for using wild plants as food & remedy.
Roadside Naturalists 1977? 58pp.
the "Roadside Naturalists" were a local wild foods club formed by students of Mr. Jerry
Elliston at Rend Lake College in southern Illinois
entries are listed alphabetically by common name and cross-referenced by season of
contains quite a few recipes
includes a good code of foraging ethics

Darnall, Jack Wild Plants to Eat. 50 color slides, script and one 25min. cassette. North Fork,
CA: Outdoor Eduquip. 1973
revised version of the 1970 slide set entitled Edible Wild Plants of the Temperate

Darnall, Jack and Miriam Wild Plants to Eat Workbook: Seventy Temperate Plants With over
100 Edible Parts. North Fork, CA: Outdoor Eduquip. c1975 82pp. Softcover.
accompaning volume to the slide show listed above
good b/w line drawings and small color photos (reproductions of the slides) and
identical sticker set
intended and formatted as an educational tool for classes, esp. at the secondary school
Davis, Clifford Vernon Edible Wild Vascular Plants of the Northwestern United States: With key
to habitat, part eaten, method of preparation. Bozeman, MT: Cooperative Extension Service,
Montana State University, 1976. 8pp.

Dawson, Adele Godchaux Herbs, Partners in Life: A Guide to Cooking, Gardening and Healing
with Wild and Cultivated Plants. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press (dist. by Amer. International
Dist. Corp.). c1991 280pp.
revised version of Health, Happiness and the Pursuit of Herbs

Dawson, Ron Nature Bound: Pocket Field Guide. Boise, ID: OMNIGraphics Ltd. c1985 335pp.
contains info on approx. 100 edible and 60 poisonous plants
focus is on Western flora, but many of the plants described grow in the east as well
good color photos
has info on outdoor first aid and survival skills

Dawson, Ron Wilderness is...Edible Plants, Volumes 1,2,3. Enterprise, OR: Self-published.
c1972 ___pp.

Day, Bunny Catch 'Em and Cook 'Em. New York: Gramercy Publications. c1961 114pp.
focuses on shellfish

de Bray, Lys The Wild Garden: An Illustrated Guide to Weeds. New York: Mayflower Books.
c1978 189pp.
main thrust is on plant description and lore
discusses edible, medicinal and utilitarian uses

Del Conte, Anna The Italian Pantry. New York: Harper and Row. c1990 251pp. Hardcover.
a cookbook; contains a small section (pp. 123-138) containing recipes featuring edible
wild plants and mushrooms

Densmore, Frances Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians: How Indians use wild plants for
food, medicine and crafts. New York: Dover. c1974 (originally published in 1927). 397pp.

* Derby, Blanche Cybele My Wild Friends: Free Food from Field and Forest. Northampton, MA:
White Star Press. c1997 264pp. Softcover (spiral-bound).
contains over 40 "chapters" each focusing on a particular plant (and a few mushrooms),
including personal anecdotes and recipes
Blanche, a high school art teacher, drew marvellous and somewhat fanciful illustrations
for the book, choosing a relevant "theme" drawing to head each chapter

Derevitsky, Catherine Fiddleheads and Mustard Blossoms: A guide to edible wild plants of forest
and meadow. Morrill, ME: self-published. c1977 41pp.

Deuerling, Richard J. and Peggy S. Lantz Florida's Incredible Wild Edibles. Orlando, FL: Florida
Native Plant Society. 1993 70pp. Softcover.
most of the 25+ plants covered can be found outside Florida as well
illustrations are a bit on the rudimentary side, and some species aren't illustrated
plants are presented somewhat randomly, and listed by edible portion/preparation

Dickinson, Colin and John Lucas (editors) VNR Color Dictionary of Mushrooms. New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. (first published in the U.K. by Orbis Publishing Ltd.) c1979 160pp.
Softcover (folio-size).
covers 525 species, most found worldwide
good color in situ photos

Dill, Norman (editor) Edible Plants and Survival (Rodney Scout Reservation). Dover, DE:
Tracey Associates. 1965 144pp.

Domico, Terry Wild Harvest: Edible Plants of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle and Saanichton,
B.C.: Hancock House. c1979 (also published by Big Country Books, Blaine, WA in 1978). 88pp.

Douglas, James Sholto Alternative Foods: A World Guide to Lesser-Known Edible Plants.
London: Pelham Books (distributed in the U.S. by Transatlantic Arts, Levittown, NY). c1978
177pp. Hardcover.
author's motivation for writing the book is that modern society is charting a dangerous
course by depending almost exclusively on a relatively few species of mass-cultivated
crops, thus rendering it vulnerable to shortages, price increases and nutritional
entries include cultivatable as well as wild species
although the book contains considerable valuable information on hundreds of species,
they are presented in an informal and awkward fashion; plants are listed in the text by
their (usually British) common names, not in alphabetical order, and one must constantly
consult the index to find the corresponding Latin name; furthermore, plant families,
especially important in a wide-ranging work such as this, are usually not indicated.
good b/w illustrations for some species

Dow, Elaine Pages from a Weed Woman's Journal of Common Wild Plants: Their histories and
uses in flower arrangement, cooking, dyeing, landscaping, and drying: with recipes. Topsfield,
MA: Historical Presentations. c1991 183 pp.

Drake, Harold A. Common Edible Wild Plants. South Lancaster, MA: College Press. 1957
29pp. Softcover (saddle-stitched).

Drury, Horace Featherstone Emergency Food Value of Alaskan Wild Plants. Alaska Air
Command Project Report #7952, Task #2, Ladd AFB, Arctic Aeromedical Lab., 1957

Duff, Gail The Countryside Cookbook: Recipes and Remedies. New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co. c1982 191pp.

Duke, James A. and Rodolfo Vasquez Martinez (editors), Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. c1994 224 pp.
discusses the edible, medicinal and other uses of approximately 20% of the plants of
Amazonian Peru

* Duke, James A. Handbook of Edible Weeds. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. c1992 246pp.
contains lots of info on medicinal and nutritional values
good b/w line drawings
author is currently employed by the USDA and is considered one of the foremost
researchers on medicinal and nutritional values of plants throughout the world

Dunmire, William W. and Gail D. Tierney Wild Plants and Native Peoples of the Four Corners.
Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press. c1997 ___pp.

Ebeling, Walter Handbook of Indian Foods and Fibers of Arid America. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press. c1986 971pp.
includes extensive bibliography

Eley, Geoffrey 101 Wild Plants For the Kitchen. Wakefield, U.K.: EP Publishing. 1977 71pp.
part of the Invest in Living series
focuses on plants found in Great Britain
includes some recipes

Eley, Geoffrey Wild Fruits and Nuts. Wakefield, U.K.: EP Publishing. 1976 72pp.
part of the Invest in Living series
focuses on plants found in Great Britain
includes some recipes

* Elias, Thomas S. and Peter A. Dykeman, Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide.
New York: Sterling Publishing Co. c1990 286 pp. Softcover.
well-organized, by season
good color photos
contains a small section on poisonous plants

Elias, Thomas S. Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants. New York: Outdoor Life
Books (V.N.Reinhold, distributor). c1982 286pp. Hardcover.
earlier version of author's 1990 Sterling Pub. book

Ellerhoff, Kay (editor) Savoring the Wild: Game, Fish and Wild Plant Cookery. Helena, MT:
Montana Outdoors. 1975? 96pp.

Elliott, Douglas B. Roots: An Underground Botany and Forager's Guide: The Useful Wild Roots,
Tubers, Corms and Rhizomes of North America. Old Greenwich, CT: Chatham Press. c1976
128pp. Softcover.
nice b/w illustrations of the roots of each plant discussed

Erichsen-Brown, Charlotte Medicinal and Other Uses of North American Plants: A Historical
Survey with Special Reference to the Eastern Indian Tribes. New York: Dover Publications.
c1979 512pp. Softcover.
good compilation of over one hundred sources ranging from academics to early
European explorers' accounts
may be a republication of Use of Plants - For the Last 500 Years, published by Breezy
Creeks Press in 1979

Etkin, Nina L. (editor) Eating on the Wild Side: The Pharmacologic, Ecologic and Social
Implications of Using Noncultigens. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. c1994 304pp.
a compilation of scientific articles, most dealing with ethnobotanical themes

* Facciola, Stephen Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants. Vista, CA: Kampong
Publications. c1990 677pp. Paperback.
approximately one-third of this comprehensive volume is devoted to edible wild plants
includes extensive bibliography
also available in computer disk format

Farmer, Michael and Kay The Farmers' Wild Food Recipe Book. Taylors, SC: The Farmers'
Way. 1977 ___pp.

Farnsworth, Kahanah A Taste of Nature: Edible Plants of the Southwest and How to Prepare
Them. El Cajon, CA: Sunbelt Publications. c199 ___pp.
Farnsworth, Kahanah Going to Seed: Finding, Identifying and Preparing Edible Plants of the
Southwest. Santa Fe, NM: Ancient City Press. [expected date of publication: June, 1999]

** Fernald, Merritt Lyndon and Alfred Charles Kinsey Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North
America. New York: Harper and Row. c1943,1958 452pp. Hardcover.
still considered to be one of the foremost works on this subject
comprehensive coverage
good botanical drawings, but some plants aren't illustrated
reissued by Dover Press in 1996 after being out of print for many years
extensive bibliography containing references to a number of books from the 1800s and

Fielder, Mildred Fielder's Herbal Helper for Hunters, Trappers and Fisherman. Tulsa, OK:
Winchester Press. 1982 181pp. Hardcover.
an unusual book, focusing on the use of wild plants to assist hunters and anglers; some
info on edibility
plants are shown in b/w photos and/or illustrations

Fielder, Mildred Wild Fruits: An illustrated field guide and cookbook. Chicago: Contemporary
Books. c1983 271pp. Hardcover.

** Fischer, David W. and Alan E. Bessette Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America: A Field-to-
Kitchen Guide. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. c1992 254pp. Softcover.
good verbal descriptions and color photos
mouth-watering recipes, many contributed by Mrs. Bessette
entertaining personal anecdotes in the margins

Ford, Richard and Juel Andersen Juel Andersen's Sea Green Primer: A beginner's book of
seaweed cookery. Berkeley, CA:
Creative Arts Book Co. c1983 63pp.

Forey, Pamela and Cecilia Fitzsimons An Instant Guide to Edible Plants: the most familiar edible
wild plants of North America. New York: Bonanza (Crown Pub. distributor) c1989 123pp.
book has several shortcomings, the most notable of which is that no scientific (Latin)
names of the plants are provided
the plants discussed are grouped by edible portion, not an optimal arrangement for a
field guide
decent color illustrations

Forey, Pamela and Ruth Lindsay An Instant Guide to Medicinal Plants: the medicinal plants of
North America and their uses described and illustrated in full color. New York: Crescent Books
(Random House, distributor) c1991 123pp.

Fortner, Heather J. The Limu Eater: A Cookbook of Hawaiian Seaweed. Honolulu: University
of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program (MR-79-01). 1978 107pp.

Foster, Steven and James A. Duke A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants (Eastern and Central North
America). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. c1990 366pp. Softcover.
part of the Peterson Field Guide series
Fox, Francis William and Marion Emma Norwood Young Food from the Veld: Edible wild
plants of southern Africa botanically identified and described. Johannesburg, South Africa: Delta
Books. c1982 399pp.

Frank, Nancy Field to Feast: Wild Edibles. Video recording (VHS format). Milwaukee, WI:
Anderson Video. c1988 length:___min.

Freedman, Louise Wild About Mushrooms: The Mycological Society of San Francisco
Cookbook. Berkeley, CA: Aris Books. c1987 239pp. Softcover.

Freethy, Ron From Agar to Zenry: A book of plant uses, names and folklore. Dover, NH:
Tanager Books. c1985 152pp.
focuses on Great Britain flora

Freitus, Joe 160 Edible Plants Commonly Found in the Eastern United States. Lexington, MA:
Stone Wall Press. c1975 100pp. Softcover.
author is an environmental science teacher from Groton, MA with over twenty years
experience in teaching outdoor environmental skills

* Freitus, Joe The Natural World Cookbook: Complete Gourmet Meals from Wild Edibles.
Washington, D.C.: Stone Wall Press [distributed by Stephen Greene Press, Brattleboro, VT]
c1980 283pp. Hardcover.
good b/w illustrations
the numerous recipes are sorted in traditional cookbook fashion by the type of dish
made from them (soups, casseroles, desserts, etc.)
one drawback is that although plant illustrations and recipes are indexed separately,
there is no cross-referencing for the plants themselves, so if you have a plant and are
wondering what to do with it, you need to scan through each prepared dish category to
check for applicable recipes

Freitus, Joe Wild Preserves: Illustrated recipes for over 100 natural jams and jellies. Boston:
Stone Wall Press c1977 192pp. Softcover.
the four dozen plants discussed are presented in alphabetical order by common name

Friedman, Sara Ann Celebrating the Wild Mushroom: a passionate quest. New York: Dodd,
Mead. c1986 265pp.

Furlong, Marjorie and Virginia Pill, Edible? Incredible! Tacoma, WA: Erco. 1973 (may also
have been published by Naturegraph Publishers of Happy Camp, CA). __pp. Softcover.

Furlong, Marjorie and Virginia Pill, Edible? Incredible! Pondlife: The eating guide to American
ponds. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph Publishers. c1980 95pp. Softcover.

Furlong, Marjorie and Virginia Pill, Wild Edible Fruits and Berries. Happy Camp, CA:
Naturegraph Publishers. c1974 62pp. Softcover.
info on 42 species common to the Pacific Northwest

Gaertner, Erika E. Harvest Without Planting: Eating and Nibbling Off the Land. Chalk River,
Ontario: Self-punblished. 1967 65pp. Softcover.
covers wild game and fish as well as edible wild plants

Gaertner, Erika E. Reap without Sowing: Wild Food from Nature's Cornucopia. Burnstown,
Ont., Canada: General Store
Publishing House. c1995 182pp.
includes bibliography

Gail, Peter A. On the trail of the yellow-flowered earth nail: A dandelion sampler: A collection of
stories, facts, recipes and instructions for using the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
(revised edition). Cleveland Hts. OH: Goosefoot Acres Press (distributed by Publishers Dist.
Service). c1990 77pp.
No. 1 of the "Trail of the volunteer vegetable" series

Gail, Peter A. The Dandelion Celebration: A Guide To Unexpected Cuisine. Cleveland Hts, OH:
Goosefoot Acres Press.
1994 158pp. Paperback.
includes more than 75 dandelion recipes

Gail, Peter A., Ph.D. The Delightful Delicious Daylily - Recipes and More (2d edition).
Cleveland Hts. OH: Goosefoot
Acres Press. 70pp. Paperback.

Gail, Peter A., Ph.D. The Totally Free Lunch - Harvesting Your Backyard (or A Consumer's
Guide to Volunteer vegetables). Cleveland Hts. OH: Goosefoot Acres Press. 100pp.

** Gardon, Anne The Wild Food Gourmet: Fresh and savory food from nature. Buffalo, NY:
Firefly Books. c1998 (originally published in French in 1994 by Les Editions de
l'Homme as La Cuisine des Champs). 174pp. Softcover.
author grew up in Provence (France) and now lives south of Montreal; the 40 or so plant
and mushroom species covered in the book can be found in that region
contains dozens of recipes utilizing these plants/mushrooms, ranging from simple to
complex preparations
features numerous gorgeous close-up color photos of wild plants and mushrooms and
the gourmet dishes prepared from them

Garrett, Blanche Pownall A Taste of the Wild. Toronto: James Lorimer and Co. Publishers.
c1975 132pp. Softcover.
primarily a recipe book
covers about five dozen edible wild plant species
good b/w illustations

Gearing, Catherine A Field Guide to Wilderness Living. Nashville, TN: Southern Pub.
Association. 1973 222pp.
includes bibliography
includes info on edible wild plants and wilderness survival

Geiger, Jennifer Wild Foods. Self-published. 198__? 36pp. Paperback (saddle-stitched).

has writeups on 15 edible wild plants
b/w line drawing illustrations by the author

Genders, Roy Edible Wild Plants: A guide to natural foods. New York: Van der Marck Editions.
c1988 208pp. Softcover.
as the core of the book, several reference sections on "the 251most important edible wild
plants" worldwide, includes quite a few (over 25%) domesticated fruits, vegetables, etc.,
the title of this book is misleading
many color photos and illustrations
includes chapters on medicinal and poisonous plants, ethnobotany and evolution, much
of which bears little relevance to edible wild plants
minor inclusion of wild mushrooms
George, Jean Craighead The Wild, Wild Cookbook: A guide for young wild-food foragers. New
York: Thomas Y. Crowell Jr. Books (HarperCollins). c1982 182pp.
a field guide for finding, harvesting and cooking wild plants, arranged by season.
this book was the source of info for George's Acorn Pancakes, Dandelion Salad, and 38
Other Recipes, 64pp, Hardcover, published by HarperCollins in 1995

Gibbons, Euell A Wild Way to Eat. Vinalhaven, ME: Hurricane Island Outward Bound School.
c1967 40pp. Softcover.
focuses on edible wild plants of coastal Maine
the hardest-to-find of Euell Gibbons' books

Gibbons, Euell Beachcomber's Handbook. New York: David McKay Co. c1967 230pp.
A book about foraging in Hawaii

** Gibbons, Euell and Gordon Tucker Euell Gibbons' Handbook of Edible Wild Plants. Virginia
Beach, VA: Donning (a Unilaw Library Book). c1979 319pp. Hardcover and Softcover.
Gibbons died in 1975 while this work was underway, and Tucker was recruited to
complete the book while in college and graduate school
all entries are illustrated are by Freda Gibbons, Euell's widow
quite comprehensive, covers most of North America, and includes many plants not
ordinarily encountered in other books
preparation methods and some simple recipes are provided
plants are grouped by families and presented in standard botanical taxonometric order

* Gibbons, Euell Stalking the Blue-eyed Scallop. New York: David McKay Co. c1964 332pp.
Paperback and Hardcover.
Focuses on shellfish, but good info on seaweeds and shoreline edible wild plants of both

Gibbons, Euell Stalking the Faraway Places (and some thoughts on the best way to live). New
York: David McKay Co. c1973 279pp. Hardcover.
more enthusiastic stories about foraging expeditions in the Southwest, Maine, San
Francisco, etc.

Gibbons, Euell Stalking the Good Life: My Love Affair With Nature. New York: David McKay
Co. c1966 247pp. Hardcover.

Gibbons, Euell Stalking the Healthful Herbs. New York: David McKay Co. c1966 303pp.
Hardcover and softcover.

* Gibbons, Euell Stalking the Wild Asparagus. New York: David McKay Co. c1962 (a 25th
anniversary edition was published by A.C. Hood (dist. by Countryman Press, Woodstock, VT) in
1987) 303pp.
The first of Gibbons' books, and probably the most useful
well-organized, plants are for the most part sorted alphabetically

Gibson, W. Hamilton Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms and How to Distinguish Them.
New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers. c1895 337pp. Hardcover.
a wonderful old book, with color plates, oriented toward "pot-hunters" (those seeking to
collect edible mushrooms for the cooking pot).
offers a good peek into turn-of-the-(19-20th)-century mushroom hunting
author is from New England, and the thirty mushroom species discussed in the book can
be found there
Gillespie, William H. A Compilation of the Edible Wild Plants of West Virginia. New York:
Scholar's Library. c1959 118pp.

Gillespie, William H. Wild Foods of Appalachia. Morgantown, WV: Seneca Books. c1986
159pp. Paperback.

Gilmore, Melvin R. Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region. ____:
University of Nebraska. c1991 156pp.

Glick, Phyllis G. The Mushroom Trail Guide. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. c1979
247pp. Hardcover.

Goode, P.M. Edible Plants of Uganda: The value of wild and cultivated plants as food (FAO
Food and Nutrition Paper No. 42/1). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, 1989 141pp.

Graham, Frances Kelso and the Ouzinkie Botanical Society Plant Lore of an Alaskan Island.
Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co. c1985 194pp. Softcover.
discusses the edibility of a number of species found on the island
includes bibliography

Grigson, Jane The Mushroom Feast: A celebration of all edible fungi. New York: Lyons and
Burford. c1975 305pp. Softcover.

Groves, J.Walton Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of Canada. ___________:__________.

c1979 326pp. Softcover.
429 photos (many in color)

Haard, Karen and Richard Foraging for Edible Wild Mushrooms. Brackendale, B.C.: Cloudburst
Press Ltd. c1974 94pp. Softcover.
companion volume to Poisonous and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms
explains English meanings of latin names
all 36 species in the book are edible and photographed in color

Hagener, L.W. and A.R. Free for All: Edible and Useful Wild Plants of North Central Montana.
Hill County Printing Co. c1977 ___pp.

Hall, Alan The Wild Food Trailguide. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. c1973 195pp.
good b/w illustrations
gives preparation methods but no recipes
modest section on poisonous plants

Hall, Walter and Nancy The Wild Palate: A Serious Wild Foods Cookbook. Emmaus, PA:
Rodale Press. c1980 374pp. Hardcover.
includes extensive info on wild fish and game
attractive stylistic b/w illustrations are nor suitable for field identification
entries are arranged both by type of food and type of preparation (a bit confusing), but
the extensive index is helpful

Hamerstrom, Frances Wild Food Cookbook. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press. c1989
126pp. Hardcover.
includes wild fish and game hunting as well as plants
entries are arranged by season of availability
contains a number of interesting personal reminiscences
extensively and attractively illustrated by the author's daughter

Hamilton, Mary E. Wild Edibles: Nature Stories for Children. New York: Sterling Pub. Co.
c1990 38pp.
part of the Wilderness Album series

Hanson, Larch Edible Sea Vegetables of the New England Coast. Steuben, ME: Self-published.
c1983 20pp.

Harbo, Rick M. The Edible Seashore: Pacific Shores Cookbook and Guide. Blaine, WA:
Hancock House Publishers. c1988 62pp. Softcover.
focuses on edible shellfish, but contains some info on seaweeds

Hardigree, Peggy Ann The Free Food Seafood Book. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1977

Harrington, Harold D. Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains. Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico Press. 1968, c1967 392pp. Hardcover and Softcover.
good illustrations
includes extensive bibliography

Harrington, Harold D. Western Edible Wild Plants. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press. c1967,1973 156pp. Softcover.
an abridged version of Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains

* Harris, Ben Charles Eat the Weeds. Barre, MA: Barre Publishers. c1961 223pp. Softcover.
(reprinted Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT in 1973)
author is from New England, so the plants of that region are covered extensively
some interesting historical details
plants are presented in alphabetical order by common name
no illustrations

Hatfield, Audrey Wynne How to Enjoy Your Weeds. New York: Collier Books
(MacMillan),(also put out by Sterling Publishing Co. in 1971). c1971,1973 192pp. Paperback.

Hatfield, Audrey Wynne Pleasures of Wild Plants. New York: Taplinger Publishing Co.
c1966,67 198pp. Hardcover.
focuses on plants found in Great Britain

Hatfield, Audrey Wynne The Weed Herbal. New York: Sterling Pub. Co. 1983 ___pp.

Hatter, Ila Gourmet Grazin'. Videotape. Available from: Ila Hatter, 160 Huffman Creek,
Robbinsville, NC 28771 828-479-8999
this video follows Ila through the woods with a group of foragers as she discusses the
uses and folklore of over 75 plants
Ms. Hatter teaches courses in Edible Wild Plants at the John C. Campbell Folk School
in Asheville, NC

Hedrick, U.P., (editor) Sturtevant's Notes on Edible Plants. Albany, NY: J.B.Lyon Co., State
Printers. c1919 ___pp. [republished in 1972 by Dover Publications, New York.]
this is an extensive compilation of many years of written research by Dr. Edward Lewis
Sturtevant on wild as well as cultivated plants used as food by people all over the world
sorted alphabetically by genus

Heller, Christine A. Wild Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska. Anchorage, AK: Cooperative
Extension Service, University of Alaska and U.S.D.A. 1953, 1962 ___pp.

Heller, Christine A. Wild Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska (revised edition). Anchorage,
AK: Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska and U.S.D.A. 1981 ___pp.

Henning, Kermit G. A Forager's Field Guide. Mechanicsburg, PA: self-published. c1983 122
pp. Softcover.
discusses the author's experiences with about four dozen common edible wild plants
b/w photos (by the author) of each plant
recipes are provided for most plants discussed

Hill, Jason Wild Foods of Britain. London: A. and C. Black. c1939 94pp.

Hitchcock, Susan Tyler Gather Ye Wild Things: A Forager's Year. New York: Harper and Row.
c1980 182pp. Hardcover.
author is from VA and four dozen plants described in this book can be found there
nice b/w illustrations of each plant
several pages of narrative on each plant, sorted by season of availability
includes some recipes

Howorth, Peter Foraging along the Pacific Coast, from Mexico to Puget Sound. Santa Barbara,
CA: Capra Press. c1977,1986 214pp. Paperback.
focuses on edible shellfish and finfish, but devotes ten pages to seaside plants and
filled with useful information for finding and catching
entries arranged by region and then by habitat
a good West Coast companion or alternate for Gibbons' Stalking the Blue-Eyed Scallop

Hsu, Chiao-mu Illustrated Edible Wild Plants of Taiwan. 1980 [no other information is
currently available; a copy is in the Yale University Library system ("SML, Stacks, LC
Classification, call # QK98.5 T287 H77 1980)]

Hulbert, Elizabeth McKay Milkweed and Winkles: A Wild Child's Cookbook. Mt. Desert, ME:
Windswept House Publishers. c1995 56pp.

Hunt, David (editor) Native Indian Wild Game, Fish and Wild Foods Cookbook: Recipes from
North American Native Cooks. Lancaster, PA: Fox Chapel Pub. c1992 281pp.
contains over 340 recipes for wild edible plants, fruits, fish and seafood, and small and
big game animals

Hunter, Gerald and Peggy Hoffman Bake a Snake: How to survive by your own cooking, in the
wilderness, in camp, or at home. Wake Forest, NC: Meridonal Publications. c1981 62pp.
manual for preparing and cooking wild vegetation and animals in camp and at home

Hurst, Jacqui and Lyn Rutherford A Gourmet's Guide to Mushrooms and Truffles. Los Angeles:
HP Books (division of Price Stern Sloan) and Salamander Books. c1991 120pp. Softcover.
good color photos of mushrooms (not in situ) and prepared recipes

Hussey, Jane Strickland Some Useful Plants of Early New England. Marion, MA: The
Channings. c1976 102pp. Softcover.
includes bibliography

Irvine, Frederick Robert Bibliography of Wild Food Plants of United States Indians.
Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 1959. 26pp.

Irvine, Frederick Robert Bibliography of Wild Food Plants of Canadian Indians. Washington,
DC: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 1963. 13pp.

Isaacs, Jennifer A Companion Guide to Bush Food. Sydney, Australia: Landsdowne. 1996
color illustrations

Jackson, Stephen and Linda Prine Wild Plants of Central North America for Food and Medicine.
Winnepeg, Can.: Peguis. c1978 77pp.

Jason, Dan, N. et al Some Useful Wild Plants. Vancouver, BC: Talonbooks. 1975

Jason, Dan Your Own Food: A forager's guide. Vancouver, Can.: Intermedia. c1979 117pp.
focuses on plants found in Canada

** Johnson, Cathy The Wild Foods Cookbook: Vegetables, salads, desserts, preserves and beverages
from the field to your table. New York: Stephen Greene Press/Pelham Books (Penguin). c1989
236pp. Softcover.

Johnson, James Ralph Anyone Can Live Off the Land: Suggestions for survival in the wilds,
including hints on fire-building and wet weather wood, fishing without equipment, how to keep
from getting lost, wild plant foods and wilderness cooking, poisons and first aid. New York:
Longmans, Green. 1961 121pp.
may be a children's book

Jones, Anore Nauriat Niginaqtuat: Plants that we eat. Washington, DC: Indian Health Service.
c1983 150pp.
covers edible wild plants of Alaska

Jones, Pamela Just Weeds: History, Myths and Uses. New York: Prentice Hall Press. c1991
303pp. Hardcover.
one chapter each on 30 weeds, 2/3 of which are edible

Jordan, Michael A Guide to Wild Plants: The edible and poisonous species of the Northern
Hemisphere. Blandford, England: Millington. c1976 ___pp.

Jordan, Peter The New Guide to Mushrooms: The ultimate guide to identifying, picking and
using mushrooms. New York: Smithmark Publishers. c1996 128pp. Hardcover.
covers most of the best edible species in Britain (most of which occur in the US as well)
very nice large color photos Kalcas, Evelyn Lyle Food from the Fields: Edible
Wild Plants of Aegean Turkey. Bornova, Turkey: B. Matbaasi. c1974 ___pp.

Katsaros, Peter Familiar Mushrooms of North America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf (also
Chanticleer). c1990 191pp. Softcover.
part of the Audubon Society Pocket Guides
good color photos of 80 mushrooms, including many delicious species

Kavasch, E.Barrie Guide to Northeastern Wild Edibles. Vancouver, B.C. and Blaine, WA:
Hancock House. c1981 64pp. Softcover.
* Kavasch, Barrie Native Harvests: Recipes and Botanicals of the American Indian. New York:
Random House (Ballantine Books). c1977,1979 202pp. Softcover.
attractive and user-friendly book

Kephart, Horace Camping and Woodcraft: A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travellers
in the Wilderness (two- volume set). New York: The Macmillan Co. 480pp. Hardcover.
contains a sizable chapter (pp. 367-402) in the Woodcraft volume entitled "Edible Plants
of the Wilderness"

Keville, Kathi The Illustrated Herb Encyclopedia: A Complete Culinary, Cosmetic, Medicinal
and Ornamental Guide to herbs. Toronto: Michael Friedman Publishing Group (Mallard Press).
c1991 224pp. Hardcover (folio-size)
contains good color illustrations

Kibby, Geoffrey Mushrooms and other Fungi. New York: Smithmark Publishers. c1992 192pp.
Softcover (w/ spiral binder).
all 400+ entries attractively illustrated in color (no photos)
one significant drawback is that almost no common names are supplied, limiting the
book's utility for beginners

Kindscher, Kelly Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie: An Ethnobotanical Guide. Lawrence, KS:
University Press of Kansas c1987 277pp. Softcover.
includes extensive bibliography
good b/w illustrations and central U.S. range maps for each species

Phil King (editor) Wild Edible Foods: What's Worth Eating? A Handbook for Hungry Hunters.
Erie, PA: P. King Publishing. c1987 29pp. Paperback.
a bizarre little book, with a rambling introduction and a meager collection of recipes; not
two companion works by the author are Winemaking and the Winemaker and Wild
Berry Wines, Colas and Home Made Whiskeys, equally bizarre

Kingsbury, John Merriam Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1964 626pp.
some color and b/w illustrations
part of the Prentice-Hall Biological Science series

Kingsbury, John Merriam Deadly Harvest: A guide to common poisonous plants. New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1965 128pp. Illustrated.

Kirk, Donald R. Wild Edible Plants of Western North America. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph
Publishers. c1970,75 315pp. Hardcover and Softcover.

Kloss, Jethro Back to Eden. Santa Barbara, CA: Woodbridge Press. 1975 ___pp. Paperback.

* Kluger, Marilyn The Wild Flavor: Delectable wild foods to be found in field and forest and
cooked in country kitchens. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher (distributed by Houghton Mifflin).
c1973 285pp. Paperback.
plants only (no wild meats)
well-organized recipes
organized by season
especially good for south midwestern plants
Knap, Alyson Hart Wild Harvest: An Outdoorsman's Guide to Edible Wild Plants in North
America. Toronto, Canada: Pagurian Press c1975 192pp.
includes a precautionary introduction using ginseng as an example of the dangers of
includes a nice write-up and b/w illustration of each of the 70 or so plants covered
recipes for most plants are provided

Knutsen, Karl Wild Plants You Can Eat: A guide to identification and preparation. Garden City,
NY: Dolphin Books (Doubleday). c1975 90pp. Paperback.
49 b/w and color plates of plants discussed
includes recipes

Kramer, Miriam, John Goude and Ed Hackie, Dining on the Wilds. Set of six one-hour
videotapes, plus two reference manuals. Loma Linda, CA: Outdoor Eduquip. c1994
280 wild plant species are described, including identification tips, habitat, season(s) of
availability, edible part(s), preparation methods, herbal and nutritional values

Krause, Steven A. In Search of the Wild Dewberry: Making beverages, teas and syrups from wild
ingredients. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1983 276pp.
republished as Drinks from the Wilds in 1996
includes bibliography

Krause, Steven A. Wine from the Wilds: Turning Wild Fruits and flowers into anytime table.
Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1982 191pp. Softcover.
b/w line drawings

Krochmal, Arnold, Russell S. Waters and Richard M. Doughty Medicinal Plants of Appalachia.
Upper Darby, PA: USDA Forest Service (Research Paper NE-138) 1969 291 pp. Softcover.

Krochmal, Connie and Arnold A Naturalist's Guide to Cooking with Wild Plants. New York:
Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co. 1975, c1974. 336pp.

Krochmal, Connie and Arnold, A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. New York: Quadrangle/Times
Books. c1973 and 1984 274pp. Softcover.
covers 272 medicinal plants found in the U.S., each illustrated with a b/w photo and/or

Krochmal, Connie and Arnold Uncultivated Nuts of the United States (Agriculture information
bulletin No. 450). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture June, 1982 89pp.

Krumm, Bob The New England Berry Book. Camden, ME: Yankee Books. c1990 110pp.

Krumm, Bob The Rocky Mountain Berry Book. Helena, MT: Falcon Press Publishing. c1991
162pp. Softcover.

Larkin, David Country Wild. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. c1998 160pp. Hardcover .
extols the virtues of country living, esp. the Taconic foothills along the N.Y-Mass.
contins some nice wild food recipes and color photos, many of which are by Roger
contains (on p.90) an edible wild plant rarity/ecological impact of harvesting ranking
prepared by me
Larson, Ken God's Free Harvest: How to Prepare and Prosper During Uncertain Times Ahead.
Suwanee, GA: Rhema Publishing. 19___ 232pp.
contains 53 photos and 41 illustrations

Latz, Peter Kenneth Bushfires and bushtucker: aborigines and plants in central Australia. 1982

Lawrence, Eleanor and Sue Harniess An Instant Guide to Mushrooms and other Fungi: The most
familiar species of North American mushrooms and fungi described and illustrated in full color.
New York: Crescent Books (Random House, distributor) c1991 124pp.

Lee, Deborah Exploring Nature's Uncultivated Garden (2d edition). Asheville, NC: Havelin
Communications. c1989 195pp.
includes bibliography

Lee, Linsey Edible Wild Plants of Martha's Vineyard. Martha's Vineyard, MA: Tashmoo Press.
c1975 88pp. Softcover.
good color and b/w illustrations by the author
includes recipes contributed by fellow Islanders
includes common edible mushrooms

Leibenstein, Margaret The Edible Mushroom: A Gourmet Cook's Guide. New York: Fawcett
Columbine (Ballantine). c1986 205pp. Softcover.

Levy, Charles Kingsley and Richard B. Primack A Field Guide to Poisonous Plants and
Mushrooms of North America. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Greene Press (dist. by Dutton). c1984
illustrations and photos, some in color

Lewallen, Eleanor and John Sea Vegetable Gourmet Cookbook and Forager's Guide. Navarro,
CA: Mendocino Sea Vegetable Co. c1983 32pp. Softcover.

** Lincoff, Gary H. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf. c1981 926pp. Softcover.
very good photos, grouped by similar field characteristics.
still among the most popular books used by mushroom hunters in the field.

Link, Mike Grazing: The Minnesota Wild Eater's Food Book. Burnsville, MN: Voyageur Press.
c1976 106pp. Softcover.

Low, Tim Bush Tucker: Australia's Wild Food Harvest. Pymble, NSW, Australia: Angus &
Robertson (an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers). c1989 233 pp. Hardcover (folio-size).
great color photos
includes edible wild animals as well

Low, Tim Wild Food Plants of Australia. North Ryde, NSW, Australia: Angus & Robertson
Publishers. c1988 236pp.

Low, Tim Wild Herbs of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney, Australia: Angus & Robertson.
c1985. ___pp.

Lucas, Jannette May Indian Harvest: Wild Plant Foods of America. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott.
c1945 118pp. Hardcover.
Lugod, Gregorio C. and Ludivina S. de Padua Wild Food Plants in the Phillipines (Technical
Bulletin Vol.4, No.1). Los Banos, Phillipines: Documentation and Information Section, Office of
the Director of Research, University of the Phillipines at Los Banos, 1979. ___pp.

Lumpkin, Beryl Eating Out "Naturally" in Appalachia. [No other biblio. details known at this
this book explores the varied wild foods of the southern mountains
Ms. Lumpkin is an instructor at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Asheville, NC

Lyle, Katie Letcher The Foraging Gourmet. New York: Lyons and Burford c1997 195pp.
b/w illustrations; some color plates
includes bibliography

Lyle, Katie L. The Wild Berry Book: Romance, Recipes and Remedies. (Camp and Cottage
Series) Minoqua, WI: NorthWord Press. c1993 144pp.

Lynas, Lothian Medicinal and food plants of the North American Indians: A bibliography. New
York: Library of the New York Botanical Garden. 1972 21pp.

* Mabey, Richard Food for Free. London: William Collins Sons and Co. c1972 (also published by
Charles Scribners Sons in 1974) 192pp. Hardcover.
covers edible wild plants and shellfish of Great Britain
includes bibliography
many interesting recipes

Mabey, Richard Plants with a Purpose: A guide to the everyday use of wild plants. London:
William Collins Sons and Co. c1977 176pp. Hardcover.
includes 8 colour plates and 79 line drawings by Marjorie Blamey
also published by New York: Universe Books, as Plantcraft: A guide to the everyday
use of wild plants, in 1978

MacNicol, Mary Flower Cookery: The Art of Cooking with Flowers. New York: Fleet Press
Corp. c1967 263pp. Hardcover (oversize).
contains recipes for wild and cultivated flowers from throughout history
detailed bibliography

Madlener, Judith Cooper The Sea Vegetable Book. New York: Clarkson N. Potter (Crown Pub.,
distributor). c1977 288pp.
b/w drawings by the author
inclides bibliography

Madlener, Judith Cooper The Sea Vegetable Gelatin Cookbook and Field Guide. Santa Barbara,
CA: Woodbridge Press. c1981 154pp.

Manandhar, N.P. Useful Wild Plants of Nepal (Nepal Research Centre Publications No. 14).
Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden. 1989 139pp. Softcover.
entries are listed alphabetically by Latin name
good line drawings; could be used as a field guide
includes many edible wild species

Manning, David, and Dan and Nancy Jason Some Useful Wild Plants for nourishment and
healing (revised and enlarged edition). Vancouver, Can.: Talonbooks. c1972 174pp.
focuses on flora of British Columbia
March, Kathryn G. and Andrew L. Common Edible and Medicinal Plants of Colorado, with
recipes and prescriptions. Bailey, CO: Meridian Hill Publications. c1979 96pp. Paperback.

March, Kathryn G. and Andrew L. The Mushroom Basket: A Gourmet Introduction to the Best
Common Wild Mushrooms of the Southern Rockies, with Applications Throughout the Northern
Hemisphere, and Tidbits of Mushroom Lore from Europe, Russia and China. Bailey, CO:
Meridian Hill Publications. c1982,1988 161pp. Paperback.

March, Kathryn G. and Andrew L. The Quest for Wild Jelly. Bailey, CO: Meridian Hill
Publications. c1981 60pp. Paperback.

March, Kathryn G. and Andrew L. The Wild Plant Companion: A fresh understanding of herbal
food and medicine. Bailey, CO: Meridian Hill Publications. c1986 166pp. Paperback.
includes bibliography

* March, Kathryn G. The Wild Taste: Plant and Mushroom Recipes for the Knowledgable Cook.
Bailey, CO: Meridian Hill Publications. c1989 312pp. Paperback.

Marteka, Vincent Mushrooms: Wild and Edible. New York: W.W. Norton Co. c1980 292pp.

Martin, Corinne Earthmagic: Finding and Using Medicinal Herbs. Woodstock, VT: The
Countryman Press. c1991 228pp. Softcover.
contains detailed info on 52 species readily found in New England

Martin, George Winston and Robert Washington Scott Food in the Wilderness. Beaverton, OR:
Life Support Technology. 1963 64pp. Softcover (pocket-sized).

MacLeod, Heather and Barbara McDonald Edible Wild Plants of Nova Scotia. Halifax, NS:
Nimbus Pub. Ltd. (originally published by the Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, in 1976). c1988
135pp. Softcover.
one-page descriptions and nice b/w illustrations of more than 50 plants, most of which
are found further south as well

* McConnaughey, Evelyn Sea Vegetables: Harvesting Guide and Cookbook. Happy Camp, CA:
Naturegraph Publishers. c1985 239pp. Softcover.
focuses on Pacific Coast seaweed, but some species have Atlantic/Gulf Coast
entries are presented alphabetically by genus
includes bibliography

McCraken, Derwood Mother Nature's Recipe Book. Willits, CA: Oliver Press. c1975 151pp.

McIlvaine, Charles and Robert K. MacAdam, One Thousand American Fungi. West Glover, VT:
Something Else Press c1973 729 pp. Paperback.
This is a republication of a book originally published in 1902. No photos, and drawings
are sparse, but it is a comprehensive and heavy book (even in paperback).

McKenny, Margaret A Book of Wayside Fruits. New York: MacMillan. 1945 78pp.
some b/w and color illustrations
* McKenny, Margaret and Daniel E. Stuntz, The New Savory Wild Mushroom (revised and
enlarged by Joseph F. Ammirati). Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press. c1971,1987 250pp.
focuses on Western mushrooms, but is easily readable
good b/w and color photographs

McKnight, Kent H. and Vera B. A Field Guide to Mushrooms of North America. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Co. c1987 429pp.
part of the Peterson Field Guide series
most mushrooms are drawn in color (some b/w)
many of the common names in the book were coined by the authors themselves

McPhee, John A Roomful of Hovings and other profiles. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
c1968 250pp.
contains extensive interview of Euell Gibbons (which, I believe, had appeared in The
New Yorker magazine the previous year)
remainder of book is not relevant to this topic

McPherson, Alan and Sue Edible and Useful Wild Plants of the Urban West. Boulder, CO:
Pruett Publishing Co. c1979 330pp. Softcover.

McPherson, Alan and Sue Wild Food Plants of Indiana and Adjacent States. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press. c1977 215pp. Softcover.
b/w line drawings

** Medsger, Oliver Perry Edible Wild Plants. New York: Collier Books (MacMillan).
c1939,1945,1966 323pp. Hardcover.
one of the first books written on this topic, it is still one of the best, with interesting
clues about the role of wild edibles in American life before World War II, when many
wild crops were frequently sold in markets and were well-known and loved by country
and even some city folk, and when foraging was a popular pastime among boys and girls.
entries are sorted by roots, fruits, seeds, potherbs, etc.

* Medve, Richard J. and Mary Lee, Edible Wild Plants of Pennsylvania and neighboring states.
University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. c1990 242pp. Softcover.
includes good set of foraging rules
entries are arranged by height, with alphabetical common/scientific and food uses
indexes at the end
good b/w illustrations and recipes for each plant
100+ plants covered in this book are found throughout the Northeast

Mellinger, Marie Out of Old Fields...A Wild Edibles Cookbook. Rabun Gap, GA: The
Hambridge Ctr. c1975 ___pp.

Mellinger, Marie Roadside Rambles [Date? Publisher? etc.?]

contains illustrations and recipes by Ila Hatter, a wild foods instructor at the John C.
campbell Folk School in Asheville, NC

Menzel, Peter and Faith D'Aluisio, Man Eating Bugs: The Art and Science of Eating Insects.
Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. c1998 192pp. Softcover.
exquisite color photos and supporting text descriptions of various peoplepreparing and
eating insects throughout the world
quote from back cover: "I'm sure I would love this book, if I could read it without
throwing up" - Dave Barry

Merrill, Elmer Drew Emergency Food Plants and Poisonous Plants of the Islands of the Pacific.
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1943 149pp.

Meuninck, Jim and Dr. Jim Duke, Edible Wild Plants: Video Field Guide to 100 Useful Wild
Herbs. Edwardsburg, MI: Media Methods. c1988 60min. (VHS format)

Meuninck, Jim and Dr. Jim Duke, Trees, Shrubs, Nuts and Berries: Video Cookbook and Field
Guide. Edwardsburg, MI: Media Methods. c1988 60min. (VHS format)
includes info on medicinal values and AmerIndian uses

Meuninck, Jim The Basic Essentials of Edible Wild Plants and Useful Herbs. Merrillville, IN:
ICS Books. c1988 66pp.
covers the same plants as the author's Edible Wild Plants: Field Guide to 100 Useful
Wild Herbs video
contains a small b/w illustration of each plant discussed
a pocket-sized, abridged version of this book is distributed as a companion text to the

* Michael, Pamela All Good Things Around Us: a cookbook and guide to wild plants and herbs.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. c1980 240pp. Hardcover (folio-size).
good large-scale color illustrations by Christobel King
includes some mushrooms and seaweeds
author is from England, but book covers many plants found in the U.S.

Michalowski, A.M. and M.J. Handbook of Florida Edible Wild Plants and Those That are
Poisonous. St. Petersburg, FL: Great Outdoors Publishing Co. 1963 63pp.

Miller, Orson K., Jr. Mushrooms of North America. New York: E.P. Dutton c1977 368pp.
very good color photos
common names are, unfortunately, usually not provided

Moerman, Daniel E. Native American Ethnobotany. Portland, OR: Timber Press. c1998 927pp.
comprehensive account of the plants used by Native Americans for food, medicine and
other purposes
documents more than 44,000 uses of more than 4,000 plants
based on over two hundred source documents (all listed in the bibliography)
no illustrations
cross-referenced by plant species (common and botanical names), tribe, and food and/or
medicinal use

Mohney, Russ Why Wild Edibles? The joys of finding, fixing and tasting west of the Rockies.
Seattle, WA: Pacific Search. c1975 317pp.

Monthey, L.G. Foraging for Wild Foods - Part 1: Some Common Wild Food Plants, Including
Our Most Edible Weeds. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension [no
date] 54pp. Softcover (oversize).

Mornis, Risa (editor) An Herbal Feast: Herbalists share their favorite recipes. New Canaan, CT:
Keats Publishing. c1998 262pp. Softcover.
contains recipes utilizing wild and cultivated herbs submitted by 74 herbalist
contributors (including me)

Mors, Walter B. and Carlos T. Rizzini Useful Plants of Brazil. San Francisco: Holden-Day.
1966 166pp.

Morton, Julia Frances Wild Plants for Survival in South Florida. Miami: Hurricane House.
c1962 (6th revised edition was published by the Fairchild Tropical Garden in 1990) 80pp.
Softcover (oversize).
b/w photos and center section of 12 full-color photos

Moulton, Le Arta Herb Walk. Provo, UT: Gluten Co. c1979 389pp.
field guide to edible, medicinal and poisonous wild plants and herbs

Moulton, Le Arta Herb Walk Video. 75-minute videotape with free Herb Walk manual. Provo,
UT: LM Publications.

Muenscher, Walter Conrad Leopold and Myron Arthur Rice, Garden Spice and Wild Pot-herbs:
An American Herbal. Ithaca, NY: Printed By Elfriede Abbe (also did woodcut illustrations)
c1954; Comstock Pub. Associates (Cornell U.) c1955,1978 211pp. Paperback.

Munson, Patrick J. (editor) Experiments and Observations on Aboriginal Wild Plant Food
Utilization in Eastern North America (Prehistory Research Series Vol.6 No.2). Indianapolis:
Indiana Historical Society, 1984. ___pp.

Nabhan, Gary Paul Gathering the Desert. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press. c1985
209pp. Softcover.
focuses on Native American traditional foraging practices
includes bibliographic essay

Naegele, Thomas Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Great Lakes. Calumet, MI: Survival
Seminars. c1980 427pp.

Naegele, Thomas Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Great Lakes Region (revised edition).
Davisburg, MI: Wilderness Adventure Books. 1996 ___pp.

Natush, Sheila Wild Fare for Wilderness Foragers. Auckland, NZ: Collins. 1979 80pp.

Nepali Khadya Kandamulaharu Wild Edible Plants of Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal: His Majesty's
Govt., Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Dept. of Medicinal Plants, 1982. ___pp.

Nicholson, Diane From Field to Forest: The guide to making wild jelly. Key Largo, FL: Terra
Nova Net. c1996 64pp.

Niethammer, Carolyn J. American Indian Food and Lore. New York: MacMillan. 1974 191pp.

Niethammer, Carolyn J. The Tumbleweed Gourmet: Cooking with wild southwestern plants.
Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press. c1987 229pp. Hardcover.

Nyerges, Christopher Guide to Wild Foods (Fourth Edition). Los Angeles, CA: Survival News
Service. c1995 288pp. Softcover.
focuses on edible wild plants found in southern California
good b/w illustrations of the 70 or so plants covered
Nyerges, Christopher A Southern Californian's Guide to Wild Food. Los Angeles: White Tower
Inc. c1978 180pp. Softcover.
b/w line drawing illustrations

Nyerges, Christopher Urban Wilderness: A guidebook to resourceful city living. Culver City,
CA: Peace Press. c1979 224pp.

Nyerges, Christopher Wild Greens and Salads. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1982 204 pp.
b/w line drawing illustrations

O' Ceirin, Cyril and Kit Wild and Free: Cooking from Nature: 100 recipes & folklore of Nature's
harvest. Dublin, Ireland: O'Brien Press. c1978 158pp.
focuses on plants found in Ireland
b/w line drawings, lots of recipes (esp. wine recipes)

Olson, Larry Dean Outdoor Survival Skills (4th edition). Provo, UT: Brigham Young University
press. 1973 188pp.
color photos of edible wild plants
most of the book is about edible wild plants, insects and small game

Ormond, Clyde Book of Outdoor Lore. New York: Outdoor Life (Harper and Row). c1964
498pp. Hardcover.
contains one chapter (pp.194-221) on selected U.S. edible wild plants

Orr, Robert T. and Dorothy B. Mushrooms of Western North America (California Natural
History Guides No. 42). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 293pp. Hardcover.

Oswald, Fred W. ("Deganawidah") The Ranger's Guide to Useful Plants of Eastern Wilds.
Boston: Christopher Publishing House. c1964 142pp. Softcover.
revised edition of the author's Beginner's Guide to Useful Plants of Eastern Wilds,
published in 1956

Pacioni, Giovanni (Gary Lincoff, U.S. editor) Simon & Shuster's Guide to Mushrooms. New
York: Simon & Shuster Inc (A Fireside Book). c1981 512pp. Softcover.
nice color photos
good English explanations of species names
includes a number of species found in Europe but not in North America

Page, Nancy M. and Richard E. Weaver, Jr. Wild Plants in the City. New York: Quadrangle
Books, New York Times Book Co. (and the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University). c1975
117pp. Softcover.
primarily a field guide to the urban weeds of Boston, contains some information on
same material appeared in Arnoldia magazine in 1974

Parke, Gertrude Going Wild in the Kitchen. New York: David McKay Co (Random House).
c1965 329pp.
includes recipes for wild game and fish as well as plants

Paterson, Wilma A Country Cup: Old and new recipes for drinks of all kinds made from wild
plants and herbs. London: Pelham Books. 1980 88pp.
beautiful colored plates of many of the plants; b/w line drawings of others
also titled Country Cup: Country wines and cordials: wild plant and herbal recipes for
drinks old and new, published in Ware, GB by Omega in 1983

Perkins, William D. Chestnuts, Galls and Dandelion Wine: Useful Wild Plants of the Boston
Harbor Islands. Halifax, MA: The Plant Press. c1982 128pp. Softcover.
gives precise instructions on which part of which islands specific plant species can be
good plant lore and b/w illustrations, but info on edibility and uses is a bit thin, as author
notes that all plants in the book are available on the mainland, and encourages readers to
do their foraging there

Peters, Charles R. Edible Wild Plants of Subsaharan Africa: An annotated checklist, emphasizing
the woodland and savanna floras of eastern and southern Africa, including plants utilized for food
by chimpanzees and baboons. London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. c1992 ___pp.

* Peterson, Lee Allen A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern/Central North America.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. c1977 330pp. Paperback with 75 color photographs. [Revised
edition published in 1985 by Easton Press, Norwalk, CT.]
part of the Peterson Field Guide series
organized by color of flower or branching habit

Peterson, Maude How to Know Wild Fruits. New York: Dover Publications. [no other biblio.
info at present: Joe Freitus owns a copy]

Phillips, Jan Wild Edibles of Missouri. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Department of
Conservation. c1979 (2d ed. 1995) 248pp. Softcover.
many b/w line drawings plus center section of colored drawings

Phillips, Loren The Horn of Plenty: A field guide to the edible and medicinal wild plants, with
instructions for their preparation as food and medicine. New York: Richard Books. c1958 46pp.

Phillips, Roger Mushrooms of North America. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. c1991 319pp.
very comprehensive: over 1000 species, all photographed in color (against a blue
background, not in situ)

** Phillips, Roger Wild Food. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. c1986 192pp. Paperback (folio-size).
enthusiastic recipes
excellent photographs of the plants and the dishes prepared from them at the locations
where the plants were harvested
includes a good section on mushrooms

Pingal, Edith Mother Nature's Market Basket: A do-it-yourself survival book. New York:
Vantage Press. c1991 317pp.

Pond, Barbara A Sampler of Wayside Herbs: Rediscovering old uses for familiar wild plants.
Riverside, CT: Chatham Press. c1974 126pp. Hardcover.
includes bibliography
good b/w and color illustrations

Pringle, Laurence P. Wild Foods: A beginner's guide to identifying, harvesting and cooking safe
and tasty plants from the outdoors. New York: Four Winds Press (MacMillan). c1978 182pp.
focuses on twenty common wild plants
Rasmussen, Dean L. How to Live Through A Famine (3d edition). Bountiful, UT: Horizon
Publishers. c1976 443 pp.
focuses on the edible and poisonous wild plants of the U.S. and Canada

Raymond, Dorothy Catch and Cook Shellfish. St. Petersburg, FL: Great Outdoors Publishing Co.
c1973 64pp. Paperback.
focuses on species available in Florida

Reaske, Christopher Russell The Compleat Clammer. New York: N. Lyons Books. c1986

Reeder, Dottie From Blueberries to Wild Roses: A Northwoods Wild Foods Cookbook.
Rhinelander, WI: Explorer's Guide Publishing. 19__ 122pp. Paperback.

Rhoades, Sharon Ann and Patricia Zunic, Cooking with Sea Vegetables. Brookline, MA: Autumn
Press (dist by Random House, New York). c1978 136pp.
b/w illustrations by the author

* Richardson, Joan Wild Edible Plants of New England (including poisonous plants often
encountered). Yarmouth, ME: DeLorme Publishing Co. c1981 217pp. Softcover.

Richmond, Gilbert M. Edible Wild Plants of Michigan. Lincoln Park, MI: Richmond. c1977

Ritter, Jess Fixin's. San Francisco: California Living Books. c1979 284pp.
wild foods cookery

Robe-Terry, Anna Lee Bootstraps and Biscuits: 300 wonderful wild food recipes from the hills of
West Virginia. ________:_________ c1997 189pp.
includes wild game and plants

Robins, Juleigh Wild Lime: Cooking from the bush food garden. St. leonard's, NSW, Australia:
Allen & Unwin. 1996 210pp.

Robinson, Peggy Profiles of Northwest Plants: Food Uses, Medicinal Uses, Legends. Portland,
OR: Available from Far West Book Service. c1979 174pp.
includes bibliography

Robson, John R. K. and Joel N. Elias The Nutritional Value of Edible Wild Plants: An annotated
bibliography. Troy, NY: Whitston Pub. Co. c1978 232pp.

Rodway, Avril Wild Foods. London: B. Trodd. c1988 128pp.

illustrations (mostly in color) by Zane Carey

Rogers, Dilwyn J. Edible, Medicinal, Useful and Poisonous Wild Plants of the Northern Great
Plains--South Dakota Region. St. Francis, SD: Buechel Memorial Lakota Museum. c1980

Romano, Gary Hiker's Guide to Wild Edible Plants of San Luis Obispo County. Menlo Park,
CA: El Camino Printing and Publishing. c1984 ___pp.

* Roos-Collins, Margit The Flavors of Home: A guide to wild edible plants of the San Francisco
Bay Area. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books. c1990 224pp. Softcover.
Ross, Robert L. Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants. Bozeman, MT: Cooperative Extension
Service, Montana State University, 1985 11pp.

Ross, Ronald E. Wild Edible Plants of Mother Nature: A Guide to Eating Hardy on Plants
Common to 48 States. Simi Valley, CA: Plans Plus. c1991 86pp. Paperback.
good introductory text, especially because the 50+ plants covered are relatively easy to
find, although it is less precise and scientific than formal field guides (Peterson, e.g.)
plants are presented in random order (need to consult index in the front of the book for
an alphabetical listing)
includes several indexes crossreferenced by habitat, season of availability and medicinal
decent b/w line drawings
includes some simple recipes

Runyon, Linda A Survival Acre: 50 Northeastern Wild Foods and Medicines. Saranac Lake, NY:
Chauncey Press. c1985 43pp.

Runyon, Linda Crabgrass Muffins and Pine Needle Tea: How to Identify, Enjoy and Cook the
Cornucopia of Wild Foods Growing Among Us. New York: Harmony Books (Crown Publishing
Group) c1994 ___pp.

Runyon, Linda Lawn Food Cook Book: Groceries in the back yard. Warrensburg, NY: Runyon
Institute. c1985 46pp. Softcover.

Runyon, Linda The Incredible Edible Weeds. 4-volume videotape. Phoenix, AZ: Desert Dawn

Runyon, Linda Wild Cards: Wild Edible Plants. 52 plastic plant identification cards with color
photos that double as playing cards. Greenwich, CT: Wild Foods Co. c1987

Russell, Helen Ross Foraging for Dinner: Collecting and Cooking Wild Foods. Nashville:
Thomas Nelson Publishers. c1975 255pp. Hardcover.
author's intended audience is children, but suitable for adult readers too
author writing style is engaging and includes a number of personal anecdotes
shaded b/w line drawings; includes recipes

Saunders, Charles Francis Useful and Edible Wild Plants of North America. Toronto: Tutor
Press. c1978 ___pp.
this must be a reissue of an earlier work, as the author died in 1941

Saunders, Charles Francis Edible and Useful Wild Plants of the U.S. and Canada. New York:
Dover Publications. c1934, 1976 (originally published in 1920) 275pp.

Schaeffer, Elizabeth R. Dandelion, Pokeweed and Goosefoot: How the early settlers used plants
for food, medicine and in the home. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. c1972 ___pp.
includes information on over seventy species
cursory info on preparation methods

Schalkwijk-Barendsen, Helene Mushrooms of Northwest North America. Vancouver, BC: Lone

Pine Publishing. c1991
414pp. Softcover.
nice color illustrations by the author, placed adjacent to a brief text descrption
mushrooms are listed by common name in text and by Latin name on the illustration
Schlichter, Tom How to catch crabs by the bushel! Tarrytown, NY: Northeast Sportman's Press;
Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books. c1990 98pp.
covers clamming as well as crabbing

Schmutz, Ervin M. and Lucretia Breazeale Hamilton, Plants That Poison: An Illustrated Guide for
the American Southwest. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing. c1979 241pp. Softcover.

* Schofield, Janice J. Alaska's Wild Plants: A guide to Alaska's edible harvest. Anchorage, AK:
Alaska Northwest Books. c1993 96pp. Softcover.
condensed, pocket-sized version of Discovering Wild Plants
plants are arranged by habitat

* Schofield, Janice Discovering Wild Plants: Alaska, Western Canada, the Northwest. Anchorage,
AK: Alaska Northwest Books. c1989 354pp. Hardcover (folio-size).
includes good color photos, b/w illustrations and recipes for more than 150 species,
some of which also can be found in eastern North America
also includes info on medicinal, ethnobotanical and other uses
well-researched; Schofield has personal experience with most entries and frequently
references other authors' comments where relevant

Schwartz, Diane Edible Wild Plants: An annotated list of references (Plant bibliography No. 3).
Bronx, NY: Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, 1978. 11pp.
helpful annotations
most entries were still in print as of 1978
1978 prices are supplied for the still-in-print books
most entries are also found in this (Cohen) bibliography

Schwartz, Karlene V. Use of Edible Wild Plants in Cookbooks in the Culinary Collection of the
Schlesinger Library. Research report to Radcliffe College, Schlesinger Library, for Mary Lizzie
Saunders Clapp Award. Unpublished manuscript, on file at the Schlesinger Library, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA 1983 35pp.

Scifies, Bill Indiana Outdoors: A guide to fishing, hunting and wild crops. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press. c1976 376 pp.

Scoones, Ian, Mary Melnyk and Jules N. Pretty (compilers) The Hidden Harvest: Wild Foods and
Agricultural Systems: A literature review and annotated bibliography. London: Sustainable
Agriculture Program, International Institute for Environment and Development. c1992 256pp.
very impressive academic compilation and analysis of books and journal articles on the
values of wild plant and animal foods to Third World cultures in Africa and Asia
this research project is being partially funded by the World Wildlife Fund
contains over a thousand annotated references to ethnobotanical and related publications
considerable text but no illustrations

Scott, Peter J. Some Edible Fruit and Herbs of Newfoundland. ______________: Breakwater
Books. 1986? 76pp. Softcover.
contains some recipes

Scully, Virginia A Treasure of American Indian Foods. __________: Bonanza Books. 1975

Seebeck, Cattail Bob Best-tasting Wild Plants of Colorado and the Rockies. Englewood, CO:
Westcliffe Publishers. 1998 175pp.
color illustrations and photos (by author)
Shanberg, Karen, and Stan Tekiela Plantworks: A Wild Plant Cookbook, Field Guide and
Activity Book for the Novice and Naturalist. Cambridge (MA?): Adventure Publications. 1991
159pp. Softcover.
color photos and b/w line drawings
useful for childrens' interests in wild foods as well as adult beginners

Sherwood, Martha Collecting Roots and Herbs for Fun and Profit. Chicago: Greatlakes Living
Press of Wauregan, IL for Contemporary Books. c1978 282pp.

Shulman, Alix Kates Drinking the Rain - A Memoir. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux. c1995
242pp. Hardcover.
this book recounts the author's experience living a somewhat hermitic existence on an
island in Casco Bay, Maine
the author's tales of collecting and eating wild plants on the island form a significant part
of the book

Silverman, Maida A City Herbal: A guide to the lore, legend and usefulness of 34 plants that
grow wild in cities, suburbs and country places. Boston: David R. Godine, Publisher, 1990
(originally published in New York by Knopf (distributed by Random House) c1977 181pp.
3d edition published by Ash Tree Publishing, Woodstock, NY, in 1997

Singh, Harbhajan and R. K. Arora Wild Edible Plants of India. New Delhi: Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, 1978. ___pp.

Skinner, Charles M. Myths and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits and Plants. Philadelphia: J.B.
Lippincott Co. 1911

Smith, Alexander The Mushroom Hunter's Field Guide (revised and enlarged edition). Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press. c1963,1971. 284pp. Hardcover.

Spencer, Edwin Rollin Just Weeds. New York: Charles Scribners Sons (MacMillan). c1940
333pp. Hardcover.

Springmeyer, Fritz Willow Bark and Rose Hips: An introduction to common edible and useful
wild plants of North America. Helena, MT: Falcon Press Publishers. c1996 80pp. Softcover.
contains a nice color illustration and one-page write-up of 30 plants, almost all of which
are edible
a good brief introduction to the topic

Squier, Thomas K. Living Off the Land. Aberdeen, NC: Botanico Educational Services. c1989

Squier, Tom Living Off the Land Wild Food Cookbook. Rutland, VT: Academy Books. 1992
226pp. Softcover.
a compilation of the author's periodic column in a rural North Carolina paper, written in
an informal style
includes extensive information on wild game hunting, preparation and eating and
survivalism as well as wild plant foraging and recipes
not recommended for vegetarians and/or animal rights activists

Squier, Thomas K. The Wild and Free Cookbook. Port Townsend, WA: Loompanics Unlimited.
c1996 295pp.
Standley, Paul Carpenter Edible Plants of the Arctic Region. Washington: U.S. Government
Printing Office (issued by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department). 1943 49pp.

Stern, Gai Australian Weeds. New York: Harper and Row. c1986 267pp.
includes info on edibility, other uses, folklore
includes some recipes
illustrated (some in color)

Stewart, Dr. Anne Marie and Leon Kronoff Eating From the Wild. New York: Ballantine Books.
c1975 387pp. Paperback.
includes fish and shellfish
organized by season
adequate b/w line drawings
good recipes

Stewart, Hilary Wild Teas, Coffees and Cordials. Seattle: University of Washington Press
c1981 126pp.
focuses on plants of the Pacific Northwest

Story, Robert Some Plants used by the Bushmen in obtaining food and water. Pretoria: Union of
South Africa Depatment of Agriculture Division of Botany. 1958 115pp. illustrated;

Sutherland, Pamela J. Edible Wild Plants of North America (Parts I and II). 40 color slides &
script. Lyons Falls, NY: Educational Images. c1978

Sweet, Muriel Common Edible and Useful Plants of the East and Midwest. Healdsburg, CA:
Naturegraph Publishers. c1975 79pp. Hardcover.

Sweet, Muriel Common Edible and Useful Plants of the West. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph
Publishers. c1976 (reprinted in 1992) 64pp.

Sykes, Tim and Barbara The Forager's First Cookbook of Wild Plants. Houston, TX: Forager
Publications. c1995 73pp. Softcover.
contains recipes and b/w photos of about a dozen plants

Sykes, Tim and Barbara The Forager's Second Cookbook of Wild Plants. Houston, TX: Forager
Publications. c1995 83pp. Softcover.
contains recipes and b/w photos of about a dozen plants

Szczawinski, Adam F. and George A. Hardy Guide to Common Edible Wild Plants of British
Columbia (Handbook No. 20). Victoria, BC: British Columbia Provincial Museum. 1962 (4th
ed. issued in 1974) 90pp. Softcover (saddle-stitched).

Tampion, John Dangerous Plants. New York: Universe Books. c1977 (also published in Newton
Abbot, U.K. by David & Charles) 176pp.

Tanaka, Tyozaburo Tanaka's Cyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants of the World. Tokyo: Yugaku-
sha (dist. by Keigaku Pub. Co.) 1976 924pp.

* Tatum, Billy Joe Wild Foods Cookbook and Field Guide. New York: Workman Publishing.
c1976 268pp. Hardcover.
lots of good "down-home"-type recipes
Taylor, Marie Mushrooms and Toadstools (part of the Mobil New Zealand Nature Series).
Auckland, NZ: Reed Books (a division of Octopus Publishing Group). c1981 79pp. Softcover.

Thomas, William Sturgis, M.D. Field Book of Common Mushrooms. New York: G.P. Putnam's
Sons. c1948 369pp. Hardcover.
This is an "old" book (e.g., no photos, only drawings), since replaced with more modern
and user-friendly counterparts.

Thompson, Mary and Steven Huckleberry Country: Wild Food Plants of the Pacific Northwest.
Berkeley, CA: Wilderness Press. c1977 184pp. Softcover.

Thompson, Mary and Steven Wild Food Plants of the Sierra. Berkeley, CA: Dragtooth Press.
c1972 186pp. Softcover.
b/w line drawings

Tilford, Gregory L. Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press
Publishing Co. 199____ 256pp. Softcover.
a full-color photographic guide to the identification, edibility and medicinal uses of over
250 plant species extending from Alaska to southern Calif. and eastward to the Great Lakes

Tilgner, Sharol, M.D. Edible and Medicinal Herbs (Vols. I and II). Two 60-minute video tapes.
Portland, OR: Wise Woman Herbals.
Dr. Tilgner is the Director of the Pharmacy at the National College of Naturopathic
Medicine in Portland, OR

Tobin, Jack P. A Taste of the Wild: Cooking with Good Things from Nature's Garden. Kansas
City, MO: Hallmark Cards. 1974 48pp. Hardcover (pocket-sized).
recipes for edible wild plants and greens
nice b/w and color illustrations

Tomikel, John Edible Wild Plants and Useful Herbs. Elgin, PA: Allegheny Press. c1986 176pp.
contains a touching personal remembrance of Euell Gibbons
includes info on the edibility of a number of species not usually mentioned in other
edible wild plant books

Tomikel, John Edible Wild Plants of Eastern United States and Canada. California, PA:
Allegheny Press c1976 99pp.

Tomikel, John Edible Wild Plants of Pennsylvania and New York. Pittsburgh: Allegheny Press.
c1973 88pp.

Tomikel, John Wild Foods Cookery: Concerning the simple preparation of edible wild things for
consumption. California, PA: Allegheny Press c1978 94pp. Softcover.
an inexpensive, "barebones" cookbook with easy-to-follow instructions; no "gourmet"
recipes or illustrations
includes wild game recipes and preparation instructions

* Tull, Delena A Practical Guide to Edible and Useful Plants: Including recipes, harmful plants,
natural dyes and textile fibers. Austin, TX: Texas Monthly Press. c1987 518pp. Hardcover.
focuses on wild plants found in Texas
very well researched and documented, huge index
Turner, Nancy J. Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. c1997
illustrated (some in color)
previously published in 1975 as Food Plants of the British Columbia Indians: Part 1:
Coastal Peoples (Handbook No. 34). Victoria, B.C.: British Columbia Provincial

Turner, Nancy J. Food Plants of Interior First Peoples. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. c1997
illustrated (some in color)
previously published in 1978 as Food Plants of the British Columbia Indians: Part 2:
Interior Peoples (Handbook No. 36). Victoria, B.C.: British Columbia Provincial

Turner, Nancy J. Plants in British Columbia Indian Technology. Victoria, B.C.: British Columbia
Provincial Museum. c1979 304pp. Softcover.
b/w photos; description of Native American preparation techniques

* Turner, Nancy J. and Adam F. Szczawinski Common Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms of North
America. Portland, OR: Timber Press. c1991 311pp. Hardcover.
comprehensive, includes cautionary information on at least six species commonly
included in edible wild plant books

Turner, Nancy J. and Adam F. Szczawinski Edible Garden Weeds of Canada. Ottawa: National
Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada (Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Toronto,
Publisher). c1978 184pp. Softcover (spiral-bound).
this book is No. 1 of a series entitled "Edible Wild Plants of Canada"

Turner, Nancy J. and Adam F. Szczawinski Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada. Ottawa:
Museum of Natural Sciences (Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Toronto, Publisher). c1979 212pp.
Softcover (spiral-bound).
this book is No. 3 of a series entitled "Edible Wild Plants of Canada"
includes preparation methods

Turner, Nancy J. and Adam F. Szczawinski Wild Coffee and Tea Substitutes of Canada. Ottawa:
National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada (Fitzhenry and Whiteside,
Toronto, Publisher). c1978 111pp. Softcover (spiral-bound).
this book is No. 2 of a series entitled "Edible Wild Plants of Canada"
contains bibliography

Turner, Nancy J. and Adam F. Szczawinski Wild Green Vegetables of Canada. Ottawa: National
Museum of Natural Sciences (Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Toronto, Publisher); Chicago: University
of Chicago Press. c1980 179pp. Softcover (spiral-bound).
this book is No. 4 of a series entitled "Edible Wild Plants of Canada"
contains bibliography

Underhill, J.E. ("Ted") Guide to Western Mushrooms. Blaine, WA: Hancock House. c1979
32pp. Softcover.

Underhill, J.E. ("Ted") Wild Berries of the Pacific Northwest: On the bush, on the table, in the
glass. Saanichton, B.C.: Hancock House. c1974 128pp. Softcover.
color photos
Van Atta, Marian Wild Edibles: Identification for Living Off the Land. Melbourne, FL:
Geradventure (division of Pine and Plum Press) 1985 64pp. Softcover.

Vickers, Peggy The Free Food Cook Book. Chatsworth, CA: Major Books. c1975 192pp.

Walker, Marilyn Harvesting the Northern Wild: A guide to traditional and contemporary uses of
edible forest plants of the Northwest Territories. Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada: Outcrop. c1984
224pp. Softcover.
includes bibliography

* Weatherbee, Ellen Elliott and James Garnett Bruce Edible Wild Plants: A guide to collecting and
cooking (2d edition). Ann Arbor, MI: self-published. c1982 127pp. [Revised edition of Edible
Wild Plants of the Great Lakes Region, 1979]
the 25+ plants covered are generally found throughout the Eastern U.S.
entries are listed in alphabetical order by common name
multiple b/w photos of each plant
extensive recipe section
authors have taught a long-running course on edible wild plants at the University of

Weeden, Norman F. A Sierra Nevada Flora (Third edition). Berkeley: Wilderness Press. c1986
406pp. Softcover.
revised edition of A Survival Handbook to Sierra Flora, self-published by the author in
comprehensive field guide to the wild plants of the Sierra Mountain Range area of
California and Nevada
brief information is provided on the edibility or lack thereof of each species, along with
warnings where species are rare and/or protected.
small b/w line drawings of many species and/or genus characteristics; no photographs,

Weiner, Michael A. Earth Medicine; Earth Food: The classic guide to the herbal remedies and
wild plants of the North American Indians. New York: Fawcett Columbine (published by
Ballantine Books, a division of Random House). c1980 230pp. Softcover (folio-size).
revised and expanded version of the original book, published in New York by
MacMillan in 1972.

Westbrooks, Randy G. and James W. Preacher, Poisonous Plants of Eastern North America.
Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. c1986 226pp. Hardcover.

Wigginton, Eliot (editor) Foxfire 2: ghost stories, spring wild plant foods, ... and more affairs of
plain living. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday c1973 410pp.
contains one section (pp.47-94) on spring edible wild plants used by country people in
the Southern Appalachians

Wigginton, Eliot (editor) Foxfire 3: animal care,banjos and dulcimers, hide tanning, summer and
fall wild plant foods, butter churns, and ginseng. New York: Anchor Books (published by
Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group). c1975 511pp.
contains chapters on ginseng (pp.245-273) and summer/fall edible wild plant foods
(pp.274-353) harvested and/or used by country people in the Southern Appalachians

Wilder, Walter Beebe Bounty of the Wayside. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co.
c1943 256pp. Hardcover.
as described on the cover, "The natural bounty of our countryside revealed through the
rambles of a grandfather with his grandson"
Willard, Terry, Ph.D. Edible/Medicinal Plants of the Rocky Mountains and Neighbouring
Territories. Calgary, Alberta:
Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, Ltd. c1992 278pp. Softcover.
b/w illustrations and good color photos

Williams, Kim Eating Wild Plants (revised edition). Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Pub. Co.
c1984 140pp. (earlier edition was published in 1977 by Antonson Pub., Surrey, B.C.) Softcover
includes some recipes
includes info on poisonous plants
the author gave occasional commentaries on edible wild plants on National Public
Radio's All Things Considered nightly news program

Williams, Kim Kim Williams' Cookbook and Commentary: A seasonal celebration of good food
for mind and body. Tucson, AZ: Knight-Ridder Press. c1983 165pp.

Williamson, Darcy How to Prepare Common Wild Foods. Bend, OR: Maverick Publications.
1986 120pp. Softcover.
the author currently provides instruction on edible wild plants and related subjects on
raft trips in Idaho

Williamson, Darcy The Rocky Mountain Wild Foods Cookbook. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers.
1995 251pp.
8 pages of plates, some in color

Williamson, Darcy Wild Foods of the Desert Cookbook. Bend, OR: Maverick Publications.
c1986 206pp. Softcover.

Williamson, Darcy Wild Wines. Bend, OR: Maverick Publications. c1980 95pp.

Williamson, Jessie Useful Plants of Nyasaland (now Malawi). Zomba, Nyasaland: Government
Printer. 1956 168pp. Hardcover.
illustrations are sparse
entries are listed alphabetically by species name

Wilson, David Nature's Pantry. Black Mountain (NC?): Lorien House. c1972 Softcover. 27pp.

* Wiltens, James S. Plants Your Mother Never Told You About or Thistle Greens and Mistletoe:
Edible and Poisonous Plants of Northern California. Berkeley, CA: Wilderness Press. c1988
(originally published by Deer Crossing Wilderness Camp of Saratoga, CA in 1986). 160pp.
entries are listed alphabetically by common name
good b/w illustrations of 50 edible and 20 poisonous plants
Latin and common plant family names are provided
good field guide, with lots of interesting facts and a few recipes

Wood, Edelene A Taste of the Wild. Elgin, PA: Allegheny Press. c1990 160pp. Hardcover.
author hosts annual Nature Wonder Weekend featuring wild foods meals each
September in West Virginia; Euell Gibbons was its first speaker in 1968

Wright, Robert H. What Good is a Weed? New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. c1972
Wyss, James Darrell Wild Plant Utilization, Identification and Classification among selected low-
income central Kentucky families. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky (Masters thesis) 1973
includes bibliography

Yanovsky, Elias Food Plants of the North American Indians. Washington, DC: U.S. Government
Printing Office. 1936 84pp.

Young, Darrell D. Wild Plants You Can Eat. New York: Julian Messner. c1983 112pp.

Young, Kay Wild Seasons: Gathering and Cooking Wild Plants of the Great Plains. Lincoln, NE:
University of Nebraska Press. c1993 318pp. Hardcover or Softcover.
useful as field guide and cookbook
covers about four dozen plants found in the Great Plains (many grow elsewhere as well)
plant descriptions are arranged spring-to-fall by season(s) of availability

_______________ Alaska Wild Berry Guide and Cookbook (by the editors of Alaska Magazine).
Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Publishing Co. c1982 201pp.

_______________ Eating Wild: A collection of recipes. Wild Foods Committee of Ipswich

River Wildlife Sanctuary, Topsfield, MA Massachusetts Audubon Society 1971 114pp.

_______________ Edible, Poisonous and Medicinal Fruits of Central America. 1955 [no other
information is currently available; a copy is at Yale University's Kline Science Library (call #
QK98.5 C46 E34 1955)]

_______________ Edible Wild Plants: A Source Guide. ___________: Gordon Press 1991

_______________ Edible Wild Plants of British Columbia. Victoria, BC: British Columbia
Dept. of Conservation. [no other biblio info avail. at present; Joe Freitus owns a copy]

_______________ Field Guide to Wild Herbs, by the editors of Rodale Press. Emmaus, PA:
Rodale Press. c1987 51pp. Paperback.
good color illustrations by Thomas C. Quirk, Jr.
info on culinary and medicinal uses is sketchy

_______________ Living off the Land: Part 1, Living off the Southwest Pacific; and Part 2,
Living off the Arctic (Information Bulletin Series A, Nos. 5 and 6). Elgin Field, FL: Arctic,
Desert and Tropic Information Center. 1943 ___pp.

_______________ Native Cookery and Edible Wild Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador.
___________: Rural Extension Division, Department of Rural Development. 87pp. Softcover

_______________ Southeastern Wildlife Cookbook: A collection of recipes for sea and

freshwater food, large and small game, and savory oddities from the wild, from the publishers of
South Carolina Wildlife Magazine. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. c1989

_______________ Vermont Wild Foods Cookbook: A selection of 172 recipes for preparing
wild game, birds, fish and plants. Danville, VT: Vermont Game Warden's Association. c1990
114 pp.
_______________ Wild, Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska. ______________:
Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska. [No other biblio. info known at present;
Joe Freitus owns a copy].

_______________ Wild Edible Plants (motion picture). Boulder, CO: West Wind Productions.
1976 17min, one 16mm reel.

_______________ Wild Edible Plants of Iowa. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Conservation.
[No other biblio. info known at present; Joe Freitus owns a copy]

_______________ Wild Foods from Wild Places (motion picture). Colorado Springs, CO:
Colour Images Unlimited. 1979 12min, one 16mm reel & guide. Also issued as video recording.
Louis Ell, Producer.

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