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Praise for A Theology of James

Scholarly but accessible, clearly written but not simplistic, Chris

Morgans A Theology of James is an excellent example of biblical
theology for the church.
Robert L. Plummer, The Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary

Morgan deftly shows how James canand doesinteract in a clear,

concise manner with the questions of the larger theological field.
This book will be a much-needed addition to any pastors library, a
great guide for any Bible study group studying James, and a highly
useful supplement to any college or seminary course on James.
Mariam Kamell, Regent College

Dr. Morgan delivers a robust theological exposition of James with

an eye to the needs of the contemporary church. He chooses
key themes from the book and shows how they are developed,
assisting the reader to see the pastoral heart of James in a new
and more unified theological light. His insights issue a personal
challenge to every reader.
John Massey, Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore,
International Mission Board (SBC)

Too often the theology of James is ignored or forgotten in the evangeli-

cal church. Chris Morgan reminds us in this wonderfully lucid, practi-
cal, and faithful rendition of Jamess theology that Jamess teaching is
not only in accord with the gospel but fundamental to the gospel.
Thomas R. Schreiner, The Southern Baptist Theological

Morgan has produced a no-frills study rich with potential for

injecting new fervor into churches tired of the status quo. Read
it! Morgan not only explains to us Jamess teaching, he also com-
mends to us the costly pattern of Jamess sold-out life.
Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminary

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Praise for the Explorations in Biblical Theology series

Neither superficial nor highly technical, this new series of volumes

on important Christian doctrines is projected to teach Reformed
theology as it is most helpfully taught, with clear grounding in
Scripture, mature understanding of theology, gracious interac-
tion with others who disagree, and useful application to life. I
expect that these volumes will strengthen the faith and biblical
maturity of all who read them, and I am happy to recommend
them highly.
Wayne Grudem, Phoenix Seminary

There are many misconceptions today about systematic, biblical,

and applicatory theology. One sometimes gets the impression that
these are opposed to one another, and that the first two, at least,
are so obscure that ordinary people should avoid them like the
plague. The series Explorations in Biblical Theology seeks to cor-
rect these misunderstandings, to bring these disciplines together
in a winsome, clear unity, edifying to non-specialists. The authors
are first-rate, and they write to build up our faith by pointing us
to Christ. Thats what biblical and systematic theology at their
best have always done, and the best application of Scripture has
always shown us in practical ways how to draw on the rich bless-
ings of Jesus salvation. I hope that many will read these books
and take them to heart.
John Frame, Reformed Theological Seminary

The message of a God who loved us before he formed the earth,

called us his own before we could respond to him, died for us
while we were dead in our transgressions and sins, made us alive
when we were incapable of serving him, unites us to himself so
that we can be forever holy, and now loves us more than we love
ourselvessparked a Reformation of hope and joy that trans-
formed the world of faith. Re-declaring that hope and reclaiming
that joy is the ambition and delight of this series. Able and godly
scholars trace the golden thread of grace that unites all Scripture

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to make the wonders of our Gods redeeming love shine and win
hearts anew. The writing is warm, winsome, and respectful of
those who differ. The motives are clearly to reveal truth and expose
error by glorifying the message and manner of the Savior.
Bryan Chapell, Covenant Theological Seminary

The aim of these volumes is clear: as regards Gods Word, rigor;

as regards other scholars, respect; as regards current issues, rel-
evance; as regards the Lord himself, reverence. Effective witness
and ministry currently require more than extra effort and better
methods: the call is heard from churches across the board for
renewal in our grasp of Christian truth. Each author in this series
contributes admirably to that urgent need.
Robert W. Yarbrough, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

This is a series that the church needs more than ever, as we forge
fresh links between the world of biblical studies and our Reformed
theology. The contributors remind us again that the Bible is a
book about God and his purposes and encourages us to preach
and teach the message of salvation which it contains. It will be
an inspiration to many and will give us new insight into the faith
once delivered to the saints.
Gerald Bray, Beeson Divinity School

The church of Jesus Christ faces massive cultural challenges today.

More and more people in the Western world are ignorant of or
hostile to the Christian faith. The moral fabric of our society is
unraveling, and as a result of postmodernism many are adopt-
ing a relativistic worldview. Some Christians have responded by
trying to simplify and dumb down the gospel. Others have tried
to catch the cultural mood of the day in order to gain more con-
verts, but they have often been co-opted by the culture instead
of transforming it for Christ. What we truly need is to dig down
deep into biblical foundations, so that our theology is robustly
biblical. Only a worldview that is informed by both biblical and
systematic theology can withstand the intellectual challenges

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that face us today. The series Explorations in Biblical Theology
is designed to meet this very need. I commend these volumes
enthusiastically, for they explain what the Scriptures teach from
the standpoint of biblical theology. What we desperately need
to hear and learn today is the whole counsel of God. This series
advances that very agenda for the edification of the church and
to the glory of God.
Thomas R. Schreiner, The Southern Baptist Theological

Explorations in Biblical Theology is a valuable new series of

books on doctrinal themes that run through Scripture. The con-
tributors are competent scholars who love to serve the church
and have special expertise in the Bible and its theology. Following
a thematic approach, each volume explores a distinctive doc-
trine as it is taught in Scripture, or else introduces the various
doctrines taught in a particular book of the Bible. The result
is a fresh and unique contribution to our understanding of the
Bibles own theology.
Philip Ryken, Wheaton College

Explorations in Biblical Theology is a gift to Gods people. Biblical

theology was never meant to be reserved for academics. When the
verities of the Reformed faith are taken from the ivy halls of aca-
demia and placed in the hearts and minds of the covenant people
of God, reformation and revival are the inevitable result. I believe
God will use this series as a mighty tool for the Kingdom.
Steve Brown, Reformed Theological Seminary

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A Theology of James

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Explorations in Biblical Theology

Election and Free Will: Gods Gracious Choice

and Our Responsibility
Anointed with the Spirit and Power:
The Holy Spirits Empowering Presence
The Nearness of God: His Presence with His People
Our Secure Salvation: Preservation and Apostasy
The Elder: Todays Ministry Rooted in All of Scripture
A Theology of James: Wisdom for Gods People

Robert A. Peterson, series editor

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A Theology of James


Christopher W. Morgan

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2010 by Christopher W. Morgan

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, or otherwiseexcept for brief quotations for the purpose
of review or comment, without the prior permission of the publisher, P&R Pub-
lishing Company, P.O. Box 817, Phillipsburg, New Jersey 088650817.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from ESV Bible (The
Holy Bible, English Standard Version ). Copyright 2001 by Crossway
Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.

Italics within Scripture quotations indicate emphasis added.

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Morgan, Christopher W., 1971-

A theology of James : wisdom for Gods people / Christopher W. Morgan.
p. cm. -- (Explorations in biblical theology)
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 978-1-59638-084-4 (pbk.)
1. Bible. N.T. James--Theology. I. Title.
BS2785.52.M67 2010

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To my loving and joyful daughter Chelsey,
a precious gift from the Lord

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Series Introduction ix
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiii

1. James in Context 1
2. Influences on Jamess Thought 25
3. Jamess Pastoral Burden: Wisdom for Consistency in
the Community 39
4. Wisdom 47
5. Consistency 55
6. Suffering 65
7. The Poor 77
8. Words 95
9. Gods Word and Law 115
10. James and Paul 127
11. A Sketch of Jamess Theology 145
12. Theology at Work 169
13. James for the Twenty-firstCentury Church 187

Questions for Study and Reflection 191

Select Resources on Jamess Theology 197
Index of Scripture 203
Index of Subjects and Names 215

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Series Introduction

BELIEVERS TODAY need quality literature that attracts them

to good theology and builds them up in their faith. Currently,
readers may find several sets of lengthyand rather technical
books on Reformed theology, as well as some that are helpful and
semipopular. Explorations in Biblical Theology takes a more mid-
range approach, seeking to offer readers the substantial content
of the more lengthy books, on the one hand, while striving for
the readability of the semipopular books, on the other.
The series includes two types of books: (1) some treating
biblical themes and (2) others treating the theology of specific
biblical books. The volumes dealing with biblical themes seek to
cover the whole range of Christian theology, from the doctrine
of God to last things. Representative early offerings in the series
focus on the empowering of the Holy Spirit, justification, the
presence of God, preservation and apostasy, and substitutionary
atonement. Works dealing with the theology of specific biblical
books include volumes on 1 and 2 Samuel, the Psalms, and Isa-
iah in the Old Testament, and Mark, Romans, and James in the
New Testament.
Explorations in Biblical Theology is written for college
seniors, seminarians, pastors, and thoughtful lay readers. These
volumes are intended to be accessible and not obscured by exces-
sive references to Hebrew, Greek, or theological jargon.
Each book seeks to be solidly Reformed in orientation,
because the writers love the Reformed faith. The various theo-
logical themes and biblical books are treated from the perspective
of biblical theology. Writers either trace doctrines through the
Bible or open up the theology of the specific books they treat.

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Writers desire not merely to dispense the Bibles good information,

but also to apply that information to real needs today.
Explorations in Biblical Theology is committed to being
warm and winsome, with a focus on applying Gods truth to life.
Authors aim to treat those with whom they disagree as they them-
selves would want to be treated. The motives for the rejection of
error are not to fight, hurt, or wound, but to protect, help, and
heal. The authors of this series will be godly, capable scholars with
a commitment to Reformed theology and a burden to minister
that theology clearly to Gods people.

Series Editor

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GOD HAS MADE US for himself and to live in community with

others. I am grateful for the community that God has placed in
my life to shape me and my thinking. And while there are surely
many errors in this book, I am convinced there are not nearly as
many as there would be if it were not for these friends. There are
too many to mention all of them, but I want to express gratitude
to those who have made an impact on this project.
John Mahony, my professor, mentor, and friend, whose 1982
dissertation on James sparked my interest in the epistle, taught
me to see it theologically, and inspired me to write this book.
Dale Ellenburg, my partner for James: Wisdom for the Com-
munity, whose exegetical observations and pastoral style have
shaped some of what is here.
Colleagues and friends who read the manuscript and offered
ways to strengthen the book: Dale Ellenburg, Mariam Kamell,
John Mahony, John Massey, and Rob Plummer.
Friends and church leaders who read and offered helpful
comments: Chris Compton, Kristen Harris, and Matt Leonard.
Many thanks also go to:
Malcolm Maclean and Christian Focus Publications for giving
me permission to use portions of material from my aforemen-
tioned commentary on James.
My students in the Theology of James course at Califor-
nia Baptist University. Your hard work in translating, outlining,
and reading James weekly, interacting with the major works on
the epistle, working together in groups to study its themes and
theology, and especially your desire to live out the message of
James all make me feel honored to be your professor.

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Dr. Ron Ellis, Dr. Jonathan Parker, Dr. Dan Wilson, the trust-
ees, and the administration at CBU, for their consistent encour-
agement of my writing.
Librarian Barry Parker and student workers Kristen Harris,
Matt Leonard, and Jonathan McCormick, for their diligence and
assistance in the research process.
Robert Peterson, friend, partner, capable coeditor, and quality
series editor, for his belief in this project and counsel throughout
this process.
Finally, to Marvin Padgett and others at P&R, it is a pleasure
to work with you. Your commitment to the historic teachings of
the Christian faith, joyful spirit, and consistent support have been
sources of much encouragement to me.


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NON-CHRISTIANS do not read the Bible; they read Christians.

Because of this, the churchs mission is inevitably tied to its example.
Tim Keller points out that the Bible depicts the extremely close
connection between deed-ministry and word-ministry. The practi-
cal actions of Christians for people in need demonstrate the truth
and power of the gospel. Acts of mercy and justice are visible to
non-believers and can lead men to glorify God (Matt. 5:1316).1
That the character and justice of the kingdom community are foun-
dational to its witness was true of Israel and remains true for the
church, as Christopher Wright explains: The community God
seeks for the sake of his mission is to be a community shaped by
his own ethical character, with specific attention to righteousness
and justice in a world filled with oppression and injustice. Only
such a community can be a blessing to the nations.2
Indeed, many pastors and church leaders are inspired by
knowing what the church can and should be. We invest our time,
our prayers, our jobsour very selvesin hopes of seeing the
church become what God intends. The more we study and teach
the Bible, the more we realize how important the church is. God
elected it, Jesus bought it, and the Spirit indwells it. One day Jesus
will present the church to himself as a perfectly beautiful bride.
We also begin to notice that the church of the New Testament is
imperfect, wedged historically in the eschatological already and
not yetand with power, personality, and cultural struggles. Yet
in the New Testament we also see that the church is passionate
about the gospel, serious about obeying Christ, diligent to take the

1. Tim Keller, The Gospel and the Poor, Themelios 33, no. 3 (December 2008): 17.
2. Christopher J. H. Wright, The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bibles Grand Narrative
(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2006), 369.


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gospel to all nations, generous in meeting the needs of the poor,

and concerned to seek unity, even in the midst of some major
cultural clashes between Jews and Gentiles.
However, the more we serve the Lord in our churches, the
more we come to grips with another reality, this one a bit disheart-
ening: most individual churches are not what they are supposed to
be. These covenant communities do not exhibit as much passion
for Christ, genuine love for others, servant spirit, or ministry to
the hurting as we expect. Many churches exchange Gods global
purpose of making disciples of all nations for the task of main-
taining the status quo. Much of their leadership, budgets, and
programs are centered on themselves.
The irony is that we encounter these two truths at the very
same time. The more we grow in our theology, the more value we
place on the church. Yet the older we get and the more experience
we have in serving churches, the more problems we see in the
church. Biblically minded church leaders always have sensed
and until Jesus returns, always will sensethe tension between an
ideal view of the church and a realistic view of churches. In fact,
it is when pastors or church leaders stop feeling this tension that
danger lurks. That is likely a sign of lowered standards, navet,
or disillusionment. In many respects, the churches we serve are
not what they are supposed to be, but this should not lead us to
despair, but to service to the Lord who can strengthen them.
If we understand the biblical teaching regarding the already
and the not yet, then this tension should not come as a surprise.
It exists because the kingdom has already come in Christ, but
has not yet been fully realized. The church, as the eschatological
covenant community, is to bear the marks of the kingdom, yet
will not do so perfectly until the grand finale of history, when the
church is presented to Christ.
The epistle of James bears witness to this tension. This letter
is written to real-life churches with real-life problems. Its message
needs to be heard by churches today.
James, a key leader in the Jerusalem church, writes to help
churches consisting of Jewish Christians who are struggling with

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oppression from without and strife from within. Some of them

also slip easily into being religious without genuinely following
Christ. Throughout his letter, James counters these problems and
more as he offers wisdom for consistency in the covenant com-
munity, the church. And James addresses these challenges with
a robust theology. While many think of the epistle of James as
loaded with exhortationsand it isit is much more than that.
James offers pastoral instruction that is grounded in systematic
theology. It is theology applied.
Like many epistles in the New Testament, the letter of James
is comparable to an iceberg. The letter itself is like the visible por-
tion that extends above the surface of the water. Yet what is under-
neath is much larger and shapes what is visible. The challenge of
biblical theology is that we can only see what protrudes, but must
also take into account the shaping mass that lies beneath. We can-
not act as if what is visible is all that exists. Yet in our exploration
of what is hidden, we must not distort what we do see. Hence, our
goal is to examine the themes that lie above the surface, and then
try to examine the underlying theology that shapes it.3 Before we
do, though, we should address some questions.

Why a Theology of James?

Many pastors and some church leaders are acquainted with

both biblical exegesis and systematic theology. They have been
taught how to read the Bible and how to teach or preach it in
an expository manner. They have studied the major doctrines of
the Christian faith, such as the doctrines of God, humanity, sin,
Christ, salvation, the church, and last things. Many, however, have
not drunk at the well of biblical theology. They have studied the
particulars and the big picture, but they are usually not acquainted
with what lies in between. An analogy might help. If we wanted to
survey a large tract of land, we might do so from various points

3. I adapted this analogy from Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Resurrection and Redemption: A Study
in Pauls Soteriology, 2nd ed. (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1987), 28.


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of view. We might walk through it, drive through it, or fly over it
in a helicopter. In a way, walking through it would be like biblical
exegesis. Every piece of the terrain is observed. Flying over it is
like systematic theology, as it orients us to the major contours of
the land. Driving through it is comparable to biblical theology,
as it covers the bulk of the terrain and yet gives a fairly broad
perspective. All three approaches have their place.
While relying upon careful exegesis and being informed by
systematic theology, this volume is a work in biblical theology
and therefore seeks to connect the dots of the particular texts in
the epistle of James and show its primary message. It also seeks
to show the big picture of James, its specific themes, and how
those themes point to the larger message. It seeks to demonstrate
that while particular passages have important messages, biblical
books also have larger, overarching messages that merit attention.
Sometimes we get so focused on the specific truths of specific
passages that we forget to read them in light of the overarching
literary context. In contrast to our tendency, however, the epistle
of James was likely written to be read to churches in its entirety,
and thus was viewed primarily as a whole. A holistic look at James
will enhance our understanding, teaching, and preaching.
I also feel the need for this book because James has received
little attention theologically, although this is beginning to change.
Much of the attention that James does receive is tied to the issue
of justification (by faith alone or by faith and works). Jamess
other themes and overall theology have much to offer and should
not be neglected.
In keeping with the purpose of the Explorations in Biblical
Theology series, this volume does not address all of the scholarly
debates concerning James, although those who are familiar with
such debates will likely spot my views on many of the issues.
Instead, I will set forth the primary themes and theology of James,
so that the big picture of its message can be better seen. I will also
assess how Jamess teaching is related to, and informed by, other
biblical writers. And upon that foundation I intend to sketch out
the overall theology of James.

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What Is a Theology of James?

The title of this book indicates that James has a coherent

theology and is by nature theological. Something of a theology of
James can be uncovered through a careful reading of this epistle.
James is not too obscure to make this theological quest impos-
sible or foolish. Jamess theology serves as a presupposition to
his letter and is to some extent traceable in it. His exhortations
are based upon his theology, which seems to be rooted in the
Old Testament, Judaism, and the teachings of Jesus. James has
a theology, and we can to some extent discover it.
However, a full-blown theology of James cannot be uncovered
(it is hard enough to construct a theology of Paul). After all, the
epistle has only five short chapters and was written to address
specific needs; it is not a textbook of systematic theology. Jamess
theology is present to a greater extent than most scholars have
recognized and serves as the underpinnings of his letter, but it is
not as carefully constructed as Pauls. So I do not claim to produce
here the theology of James. Nevertheless, by looking carefully
at the epistle, we can make strides toward understanding Jamess
theology. Or, to return to our iceberg imagery, we can understand
what we see above the surface, and we can detect some things
that lie beneath the surface, but we cannot know as much as we
would like about what lies beneath.

How Do We Examine the Theology of James?

We begin in chapter 1, James in Context, by examining the

historical and literary context of James. This chapter provides the
background information necessary to interpret James. Reading
without knowing the context is like listening to one part of some-
one elses conversationwe may only understand a portion of it.
James in Context addresses James and his ministry, the churches
and their problems, and the epistle and its characteristics.
In chapter 2, we examine Influences on Jamess Thought. No
one writes as an island unto himself. James was no different. He

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was significantly influenced by the Old Testament law, prophets,

and wisdom literature. Even more, James displays an incredible
dependence upon the teachings of Jesus. This can be seen in
every section of the letter. The more we see how James is rooted
in the teachings of the Old Testament and Jesus, the more we can
understand his theology.
The next step is to consider the particular teachings of James in
their immediate literary context. This, however, is the task of a bibli-
cal commentary and not this volume. I have not skipped this crucial
step, however, since I recently coauthored (with Dale Ellenburg)
just such a commentary: James: Wisdom for the Community.
Building upon that exegetical foundation, we strive to ascer-
tain the major themes of James. Jamess Pastoral Burden: Wis-
dom for Consistency in the Community (chapter 3) summarizes
the central, integrative concern of James, which shapes the other
themes. Those themes are then examined in chapters 4 through
9: wisdom, consistency, suffering, the poor, words, and Gods
word and law.
With that background, we are then able to examine the well-
known issue concerning James and Paul. James 2:1426 often
raises questions about its compatibility with Pauls theology of
justification by faith apart from the works of the law. In James
and Paul (chapter 10), we examine those questions.
Then we sketch out Jamess larger theology in chapter 11. We
see Jamess theological contributions concerning God, humanity,
sin, Christ, salvation, the Christian life, the church, and last things.
In chapter 12, we see how Jamess theology functions in his letter.
Finally, Jamess message for first-century churches merits the
attention of our own twenty-firstcentury churches. Accordingly,
the final chapter proposes that Jamess God-centered theology,
vision of the church, holistic approach to salvation and mission,
and integrative method of theology serve as helpful correctives
to, and models for, both traditional and missional churches.


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James in Context

WHO WROTE the epistle of James? When, to whom, and why

was it written? What literary style, form, and structure does it
have? As we find the answers to these questions, we will discover
something pivotal for interpreting the letter: behind the epistle
of James lies the story of a minister urging churches to be more
consistent in their Christian walk.

James and His Ministry

In his greeting, the author identifies himself as James, a

servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes
in the Dispersion: Greetings (1:1). Three views on the identity
of the author stand out.

James, the Brother of Jesus?

The author names himself James, but does not elaborate.
This lack of elaboration probably means that he had no need to
do so, as he was known by his readers and was probably recog-
nized widely in the church. The traditional view is that James,
the brother of Jesus, is the author. He was the most prominent
leader bearing this name in the early church.1

1.Douglas J. Moo, James, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Grand Rapids: Eerd-
mans, 1985), 1920 (hereafter abbreviated as Moo, James, TNTC). Because of the virgin

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What do we know about this James? In their lists of Jesus

brothers, both Matthew and Mark list James first (James and
Joseph and Simon and Judas, Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3), prob-
ably as the oldest of the four. This would make him the second
oldest of the brothers, after Jesus of course. And though James
and the other brothers occasionally accompanied Jesus dur-
ing his ministry, both in Galilee (John 2:12) and in Jerusalem
(John 7:110), they did not believe in Jesus during that time
(John 7:5; cf. Mark 3:1321).
Sometime after the resurrection, however, Jesus physical
brothers believed and became his spiritual brothers. John Stott
notes, It is remarkable, therefore, that during the ten days which
elapsed between the ascension and Pentecost, the brothers of the
Lord are specifically mentioned by Luke as finding their place
in the believing, praying company of expectant Christians (Acts
1:14).2 What happened? Paul sheds some light on this in his
account of Jesus resurrection appearances, stating

. . . that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scrip-
tures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in
accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas,
then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred
brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some
have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the
apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also
to me. (1 Cor. 15:38)

James witnessed not only Jesus resurrection, but probably

his ascension as well (Acts 1:114). James was present in the
upper room after the ascension, when Matthias was selected to
replace Judas as one of the twelve apostles (Acts 1:1226). And
when the day of Pentecost arrived, James was there, beholding
the work of the Holy Spirit and the inauguration of a new era
birth, some refer to James as the half-brother of Jesus. For the sake of style, however, I
will refer to him simply as James, the brother of Jesus.
2. John R. W. Stott, Men with a Message: An Introduction to the New Testament and Its
Writers, rev. Stephen Motyer (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1994), 120.

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in which the eschatological life of the future invades the present

evil age in a proleptic manner.3 Further, James probably heard
Peters sermon at Pentecost and saw three thousand people come
to believe in Jesus, repent of their sins, be baptized, and become
a part of the new covenant community.
So it is likely that James witnessed Jesus resurrection, became
a believer, then also witnessed Jesus ascension, the reconstitution
of the Twelve, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and
the formation of the church! It is no wonder that James became
an important leader in the early church, especially among Jewish
Christians. His prominence is clear from the story of Peter being
rescued from imprisonment by Herod (who had just killed James,
the brother of John). Note Peters request, Tell these things to
James and to the brothers (Acts 12:17). That James is the one
to be made aware of this indicates that he was a major figure in
the Jerusalem church.4
We also learn of Jamess stature in the early church through
Pauls epistle to the Galatians. Paul refers to James as an apostle
(Gal. 1:1819), and, along with Peter and John, a pillar (Gal. 2:9).
Paul viewed these three as key leaders in the Jerusalem church and
met with them to discuss the gospel and his missionary strategy.
Paul later described the accord: And when James and Cephas
and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was
given to me, they gave the right hand of fellowship to Barnabas
and me, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the cir-
cumcised. Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very
thing I was eager to do (Gal. 2:910).5 James, Peter, and John
backed Paul and his understanding of justification by faith apart
from circumcision, which defended him against some influential
Jewish opponents. This unity in the gospel would be displayed

3. Sinclair B. Ferguson, The Holy Spirit, Contours of Christian Theology (Downers

Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996), 57.
4. Darrell L. Bock, Acts, Baker Exegetical New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids:
Baker, 2007), 430.
5. Note how this theme is also prominent in the epistle of James. For more on the
poor in the Jerusalem church, see Acts 4:3235; 6:14; Rom. 15:2533; 1 Cor. 16:14;
2 Cor. 89.

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as Gentile Christians shared their resources with the poor in the

Jerusalem church.
Paul later discovered that Peter, himself an apostle and a pil-
lar, had stopped eating with the Gentiles after certain men came
from James (Gal. 2:12). As in his previous denial of Christ before
the crucifixion, Peter yielded to peer pressure. This disappointed
Paul, given Peters previous vision of Cornelius (Acts 1011) and
recently stated convictions about the full inclusion of the Gentiles
in the church. Who were these certain men who came from
James and negatively influenced Peter? They were not neces-
sarily the false brothers of Galatians 2:16, who pushed for the
circumcision of Titus, and thus the necessity of circumcision for
full inclusion in the church. Timothy George states:

Nor should we assume that James had engineered their [the

men from Jamess] action as a ploy to win Peter back to a more
hard-line position on Gentile fellowship. Obviously these visi-
tors felt some attachment to James, respected his leadership
of the church in Jerusalem, and perhaps even carried letters
of recommendation from him (cf. 2 Cor. 3:13). Later at the
Jerusalem Council, James, writing to the believers in Antioch,
referred to certain persons who went out from us without our
authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what
they said (Acts 15:24).6

George is right. There is no need to see these men as representing

James, but only coming from Jerusalem and potentially distorting
the ideas of James.7 The biblical accounts display an overall unity
between Paul and James, even as they faced radically different
contexts and concerns.
Acts 15 is also significant in this respect, recounting the
important role that James played in the early church. The theo-

6. Timothy George, Galatians, New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman and

Holman, 1994), 175; cf. 128202.
7. This is interesting and ironic. As we will see later, some interpret James 2:1426
as a response to a misunderstanding or distortion of Pauls teachings (sometimes called
Paulinism), and Paul here in Galatians may be correcting a distortion of Jamess teach-
ings (shall we call this Jacobeanism?).

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logical and missiological concerns raised by Paul in Galatians 1

had been brewing and finally came to a head. Some Jewish leaders
maintained that circumcision was necessary for salvation. Paul
and Barnabas opposed those leaders and their views and were
appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and the elders
and address this question (15:2). At this so-called Jerusalem
Council, Paul and Barnabas declared how God had genuinely
converted Gentiles. Some Jewish believers opposed Paul and
Barnabas and their conclusions. After much debate among the
apostles and elders, Peter delivered a powerful case for Gods
acceptance of the Gentiles, Paul and Barnabas testified again,
and then James spoke:

Brothers, listen to me. Simeon has related how God first visited the
Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name. . . . Therefore
my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles
who turn to God, but should write to them to abstain from the
things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from
what has been strangled, and from blood. For from ancient gen-
erations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for
he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues. (Acts 15:1321)

In this speech, James spoke authoritatively (listen to me)

and showed his support of Peter, even highlighting his Jewish
name, Simeon. James explained that God had visited the Gentiles
and called them as his people. James pointed to Amos 9:1112 to
remind the assembly how God had promised a future restoration,
which included gathering a remnant of his people together. That
remnant included the Gentiles. This had all happened because the
Messiah has come. The arrival of the Holy Spirit confirmed that
the new age had dawned and that the Gentiles were included, just
as the prophets had previously announced. The present people
of God stood in continuity with Israel, but extended also to the
Gentiles. What appeared to be new was really an old promise.8
I. H. Marshall explains:

8. Bock, Acts, 505. Paul later echoed this emphasis (cf. Rom. 15:713).

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The point would seem to be that God is doing something new

in raising up the church; it is an event of the last days, and
therefore the old rules of the Jewish religion no longer apply:
God is making a people out of the nations and nothing in the
text suggests they should become Jews in order to become Gods
people. So there are no entrance conditions to be imposed
upon them.9

James asserted that the Gentiles must not be burdened with Jew-
ish regulations, but out of respect and cultural sensitivity should
refrain from certain matters (15:20).10 Following Jamess speech,
the apostles and elders commissioned a letter to the Gentile believ-
ers, stating essentially what James had just asserted.
Jamess leadership role among the Jewish Christians was
significant. He seemed to serve as the chair at the Jerusalem
Council, his conclusions regarding the controversy won the day,
and his insightful speech solidified the councils decision.
Acts 21:1726 portrays another episode involving Paul and
James. Paul and Luke arrived in Jerusalem and went to see James
and the elders. Paul told them stories of what God had done among
the Gentiles. Upon hearing the stories, James and the elders glorified
God (21:20). But they also informed Paul that many Jewish Chris-
tians had been hearing false reports of Pauls teaching and ministry.
The word on the street was that Paul had been undermining the law
by telling Jewish Christians neither to circumcise their children nor
to follow traditional customs. So James and the elders encouraged
Paul to go into the temple and publicly perform the rites of purifi-
cation, which would help silence the rumors and demonstrate his
commitment to the law. At their request, Paul did so.
Acts 21 also sheds light on James, Paul, and their relationship.
For example, it shows how people misinterpreted Pauls teaching

9. I. H. Marshall, The Acts of the Apostles, Tyndale New Testament Commentary

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1992), 253; see also Christopher J. H. Wright, The
Mission of God: Unlocking the Bibles Grand Narrative (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity
Press, 2006), 348, 501, 51819.
10. Paul later reflected the same concerns (cf. Rom. 14:115:7). In German, such
limitations for the purpose of cultural sensitivity are known as Jakobsklausen, or James
clauses (Bock, Acts, 507).

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concerning the law. Paul preached that justification was by faith

in Christ, not by the works of the law. But many Jewish Christians
construed Paul to be teaching that the law was unimportant. Paul
taught that circumcision was not necessary for salvation, but he
was rumored to be teaching Jewish Christians not to circumcise
their children.
Acts 21 also shows the ministry context in Jerusalem (21:2021).
Paul was preaching the gospel to Gentiles and declaring that they
could be saved apart from the Jewish works of the law. James was
preaching the gospel to Jews and needed to show how Christianity
is consistent with, the extension of, and the climax of the law and
its teachings. These contextual differences are quite significant
to our interpretation of Paul and James. Paul held a high view of
the law, but stressed that salvation comes in union with Christ
and his saving work, is initiated by and brought about by Gods
grace, and is received by faithnot through circumcision, eating
the right food, keeping the Sabbath, or performing good deeds.
Neither being Jewish nor keeping the law brought about salva-
tion. God did. And because of this, Gentiles were to be received
as equal members of the people of God.
Thankfully, Paul and his theology have received so much
attention that his context and emphasis are now often under-
stood (though there is dispute regarding the details). The same
cannot be said for James, however, as his writing and contexts
are often overlooked. James wrote to help Jewish Christians
understand how the coming of the Messiah inaugurated the
new age, and how this should shape their understanding of
salvation, the law, the Gentiles, the covenant, and the people of
God. James had the monumental task of showing how Chris-
tianity is the extension and the fulfillment of Judaism, and
how this was articulated by the prophets of old. He led the Je-
rusalem church at a time when the city was tense with rising
Jewish nationalism, political unrest, and Roman occupation.
Jewish Christians were likely taking flack from the Romans
on one side and Jewish loyalists on the other. James and the
Jerusalem church did not share the traditional, anti-Gentile

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spirit. Instead, they were caught in the middle, trying to relate

to and evangelize Jews and yet support and defend the Gentile
mission. That is why James made the purification request of
Paul, and that is why Paul, himself passionate about the sal-
vation of the Jews (cf. Rom. 1:1617; 9:16; 10:1), humbled
himself and complied. Both James and Paul desired to show
that Paul was a loyal Jew and that outreach to the Gentiles is
not anti-Jewish.11
Contrary to scholars like F. C. Baur, the New Testament por-
trays Paul and James as preserving remarkable harmony, given
their different needs and contexts. There were tensions from time
to time, but too much has been made of this. Neither Paul nor
Luke was afraid to point out the messiness of leadership and the
friction that often results when strong personalities are involved.
Yet the biblical accounts reveal that both James and Paul guarded
the gospel of grace, and they did it in unity.
Further, both James and Paul employed wise cross-cultural
strategies. Because most Christians are Gentiles today, we tend
to read their accounts and assume that Paul was the one sacri-
ficing for the good of the whole. He definitely was, and much
can be learned from that. But we should also realize that James
was paying a high price for defending the gospel, Paul, and the
Gentile mission. James and the Jerusalem church had to live
in Jerusalem after Paul moved on to the next city. They had to
address the misunderstandings multiplied by gossip and riots.
Their credibility with local Jewish loyalists kept getting weaker,
which inevitably made their evangelism of the Jews more dif-
ficult. It also became harder to keep Jewish Christians from
being confused by the clamor. Marshall puts it well: We probably
underestimate what a colossal step it was for dyed-in-the-wool
Jewish legalists to adopt a new way of thinking. Moreover, it is
possible that nationalist pressure was increasing in Judea, and
that Christians were having to tread carefully to avoid being
thought of as disloyal to their Jewish heritage.12

11. Bock, Acts, 643.

12. Marshall, Acts, 249.

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Beyond these biblical accounts, the information on James is

sketchy and based on various reports by early historians.13 They
mention that he was the first bishop of Jerusalem, was nick-
named James the Just because of his devotion to prayer and
faithfulness to the law, and was martyred in Jerusalem in AD 62.
Josephus recounts that James was highly regarded by the people
of Jerusalem, but feared and hated by the priestly aristocracy
that ruled the city. The high priest, Ananius, had James brought
before the Sanhedrin, tried, and stoned.14
Why is this James, the brother of Jesus, likely to have been
the author of this letter? First, as we will see below, he is the
only viable James mentioned in the New Testament. Second, the
testimony of the ancient church supports this.15 Third, the Greek
contains striking similarities to the speech and letter by James
recorded in Acts 15:1321, 2329. Moo maintains:

The epistolary greeting (chairein) occurs in James 1:1 and

Acts 15:23, but only one other time in the New Testament; the
use of name (onoma) as the subject of the passive verb call
(kaleo) is peculiar, yet occurs both in James 2:7 and Acts 15:17;
the appeal listen, my brothers is found both in James 2:5 and
Acts 15:13; and there are other slight similarities. These parallels
are certainly not numerous enough to provide proof of common
origin, yet they are suggestive when taken in conjunction with
the first two points.16

Fourth, the Jewish flavor of the epistle is consistent with what

we know about James, the brother of Jesus. The Old Testament
allusions, the proverbial nature of the wisdom sections, the pro-
phetic style of admonitions, the reference to the synagogue, and

13. See Matti Myllykoski, James the Just in History and Tradition: Perspectives of Past
and Present Scholarship (Part I), Currents in Biblical Research 5, no. 1 (2006): 73122;
idem, James the Just in History and Tradition: Perspectives of Past and Present Scholar-
ship (Part II), Currents in Biblical Research 6, no. 1 (2007): 1198.
14. John R. W. Stott, The Message of Acts: The Spirit, the Church and the World, Bible
Speaks Today (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1990), 12123; cf. D. H. Little, The
Death of James the Brother of Jesus (PhD diss., Rice University, 1971).
15. Moo, James, TNTC, 22.
16. Ibid., 22.

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the strong monotheistic emphasis all resonate with the biblical

accounts of this James. Fifth, the teachings of Jesus, especially
in the Sermon on the Mount, are strikingly reflected in this let-
ter. This too would be appropriate from a brother of Jesus who
was with him during certain parts of his earthly ministry. Sixth,
Jamess leadership position in the early Jewish Christian church
would have made it natural for him to address authoritatively the
needs and concerns of the twelve tribes in the Dispersion (1:1).
Finally, central themes in the epistle like the poor and suffering/
persecution are characteristic of the other biblical portraits of
the concerns of James, the brother of Jesus.

Another James or an Unknown Christian Leader?

Some scholars have suggested that another James or an
unknown Christian leader in the early church was the author of
the epistle. Three arguments stand out.
First, it is hard for some to believe that the brother of Jesus
would not have mentioned, or at least alluded to, that relation-
ship in the letter. Such a relationship would have bolstered his
authority with the churches.
Second, the language and cultural background of the epistle
are sometimes seen as inconsistent with the author being the
brother of Jesus. Ralph Martin comments:

Aside from the issue of direct authorship, the most secure con-
clusion is that this documentwhether in epistolary form or
notbetrays a debt to the literary conventions and idioms of
Hellenistic Judaism. It may have some connection with James
in Jerusalem; but its final author, whether as redactor or amanu-
ensis, was well versed in the bilingual vocabulary and writing
techniques of the Roman provinces.17

Though not personally holding to this view, Moo states the argu-
ment clearly: James is written in idiomatic Hellenistic Greek,

17. Ralph P. Martin, James, Word Biblical Commentary (Waco, TX: Word, 1988),


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with some literary flourishes (cf. the incomplete hexameter in

1:17), and occasionally employs language derived from Greek
philosophy and religion (e.g., the cycle of nature in 3:6).18
Third, some suggest that the theological use of law in the
epistle varies from the heavy commitment to the law found
in James, the brother of Jesus. The epistle depicts the law as
the law of liberty (1:25; 2:12) and the royal law (2:8) and
focuses on the moral law, with no mention of the ceremonial
law. This, it is argued, does not fit together well with Jesus
brothers emphasis on the law, including his stress on its cer-
emonial and ritual aspects.19
What then are the alternative suggestions? A few argue that
the epistle was written pseudonymously (written under the false
name of James by an individual or a community in the tradition
of James for the purpose of gaining authority and/or extending
his teachings). Peter Davids dismantles that hypothesis: Against
the theory of pseudonymous authorship stands the simplicity
of the greeting, the lack of exalted titles (brother of the Lord,
elder in Jerusalem, or apostle of Christ); for a pseudonymous
author would most likely identify his James better and would
stress his authority.20 Terry Wilder also makes a strong case
that the extant documentary evidence indicates that the early
church did not accept pseudonymity. When discovered, it was
soundly rejected.21
Others propose that the author could have been another
James mentioned in the New Testament, or one who went unmen-
tioned, since James (Iakobos) was a common name. The New

18. Moo, James, TNTC, 2425.

19. Martin, James, lxxlxxi. For an assessment of these arguments, see Moo, James,
TNTC, 2328.
20. Peter H. Davids, The Epistle of James, New International Greek Testament Com-
mentary (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982), 9.
21. Terry L. Wilder, J. Daryl Charles, and Kendell Easley, Faithful to the End: An
Introduction to Hebrews through Revelation (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2007),
59; cf. Terry L. Wilder, Pseudonymity and the New Testament, in Interpreting the New
Testament, ed. David Alan Black and David S. Dockery (Nashville: Broadman and Holman,
2001), 296335. James D. G. Dunn disagrees. See his Pseudepigraphy in Dictionary of
the Later New Testament and Its Developments, ed. Ralph P. Martin and Peter H. Davids
(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1997), 97784.


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Testament records at least three distinct men named James,

besides Jesus brother.
First, there was James, the son of Zebedee, who became a
follower of Christ near the outset of Christs ministry (Mark 1:19).
One of the twelve disciples, this James was often mentioned with
his brother John, and was a member of Jesus inner circle (with
John and Peter). He was beheaded at the command of Herod
Agrippa I in AD 44 (Acts 12:12).
A second James was the son of Alphaeus. He too was one
of the twelve disciples and receives mention only in Mark 3:18
(unless he is James the lesser, or younger, referenced in Mark
15:40; cf. Matt. 27:56).22
There was a third James, who was the father of Judas. This
Judas, not the infamous Judas Iscariot (John 14:22), is listed as
one of the twelve disciples (Luke 6:16; cf. Acts 1:13; called Thad-
daeus in Matt. 10:3 and Mark 3:18).
These alternatives, however, are problematic. James, the
brother of John, was martyred in AD 44, and it is highly unlikely
that this letter was written before then. Most scholars also reject
the latter two candidates because they would have needed to
identify themselves better if the twelve tribes in the Dispersion
were expected to submit to their authority. Is it possible that
another James penned this epistle? Yes. Is that the strongest
position? No. The traditional view makes much more sense of
the evidence.

Teaching from James, the Brother of Jesus, and Later Redaction?

The third major approach to the authorship of James is
the two-stage development view, which holds that James, Jesus
brother, is responsible for the teachings of the letter, but that
the letter itself may have been composed by another person
or a Christian community. This view exists in various forms.
Scholars who defend a two-stage development view include
Ralph Martin and Peter Davids.

22. Moo, James, TNTC, 19.


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Martin suggests that the letter originated with the teaching of

James, the brother of Jesus, who was martyred in approximately
AD 62. Then, after the Jewish War of AD 6670, the community
of which James had been a part left Palestine and settled in Syria.
There they continued to follow the teachings of James, refined
them, and created a letter, the epistle we know as James, to address
a pressing pastoral problem.23
Davids maintains that some of the material in James points to
an early date, between AD 40 and the Jerusalem Council (approxi-
mately AD 50). He supports this from the authors self-designation,
the strong Jewish influence, the use of a preliterary tradition of
the words of Jesus, and the lack of a developed Christology. Yet
Davids also finds evidence of a later date from the Greek idiom,
the contextual factors that would occasion such strong teaching
on poverty and wealth, and some similarities to the Apostolic
Fathers. He theorizes that the teachings of James, the brother
of Jesus, stand behind the source material, but that he received
assistance in the editing of this material, either during his lifetime
or perhaps after his death, as the church spread beyond Jerusalem
and began to use Greek more exclusively.24
The two-stage development view is much stronger than the
another James view. It is possible, but unnecessary. It is helpful,
however, in that it underscores that James, the brother of Jesus,
stands behind this epistle and its teachings.

The Churches and Their Problems

If James, the brother of Jesus, is the author of this letter,
then it was written before AD 62, the date of Jamess martyr-
dom. The lack of references to issues surrounding the Jerusalem
Council (e.g., law, Gentiles, kosher food, etc.) may point to a
date prior to the Jerusalem Council (approximately AD 50). The
23. Martin, James, lxviilxxvii.
24. Davids, James, 22.


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references to severe poverty would especially make sense if the

letter of James was written after the famine in Jerusalem in AD
46 (Acts 11:28). This would also coincide with initial versions of
the social, political, and religious upheavals that culminated in
the Jewish war of rebellion in AD 6670.25 This early date also
seems consistent with the strong emphasis on the traditions of
Jesus teaching, with the church depicted as synagogue, and
the letters dependence on Jewish sources.26 Thus, a date between
AD 46 and 49 is tentatively proposed. If this is correct, James
might be the earliest written of the books to be included in the
New Testament.

The Churches/Recipients
Although a detailed explanation of the historical situation and
audience cannot be found in James, the letter does provide some
information about the audience, sometimes explicitly, but most
often implicitly. One characteristic is clear: the recipients were
primarily, if not exclusively, Jewish Christians. This seems clear
from James 1:1 as well as regular references to Jewish institutions
and beliefs. These Christians also met in a synagogue (2:2) with
elders (5:14). Their God is immutably holy (1:1315), one (2:19),
and the unique judge and lawgiver (4:12). James refers to Abra-
ham, Rahab, and Elijah. He expects his readers to understand the
Old Testament image of the marriage relationship as representing
the covenant between God and his people (4:4).
Where did these Jewish Christians live? James 1:1 addresses
the twelve tribes in the Dispersion. I. H. Marshall observes that
while this is a Christian letter to Christians, the writer here takes
up the tradition of Jewish leaders writing to Jewish people living in
exile from their homeland and exposed to the difficulties and trials
of this situation.27 Most scholars interpret this literally, as refer-

25. Douglas J. Moo, The Letter of James, Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000), 2527 (hereafter abbreviated as Moo, James, PNTC).
26. Ibid., 26.
27. I. H. Marshall, New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel (Downers
Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004), 628.


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ring to Jewish Christians who were scattered among the nations.

Others point out that this phrase was used in intertestamental
Judaism as a reference to the true people of God in the last days
(cf. 1 Peter 1:1). It is possible that these Jewish Christians were
located in Palestine and given this label as an encouragement to
stand firm through trials because of the eschatological hope they
possessed. But more likely they were Jewish Christians literally
scattered among the nations.28
From where would a letter to scattered or exiled Jewish
Christians likely come? Richard Bauckham aptly answers: A
letter to the Diaspora must come from Jerusalem. A Christian
letter to the Diaspora could come from no one more appropri-
ately than from James.29 He adds that along with Peter and Paul,
James was one of the three most influential leaders in the first
generation of the Christian movement.30 This is in part because
the Jerusalem church functioned for many as the mother church,
as central and authoritative. With their heritage of acknowledging
Jerusalem and its temple, Jewish Christians may have thought
of the Jerusalem church as more lofty than we might think of
it. Moreover, the Jerusalem church not only played a part in the
conversion of many of the scattered Jewish Christians, but also
sent out many missionaries and would have received many who
came back to Jerusalem for the festivals.
From the depiction in 1:1, the letter from James in Jeru-
salem appears to be an encyclical, that is, one sent to a number
of churches. Bauckham makes a compelling case for this, and
critiques James Adamsons comparison of James to 1 Corinthians
because it overstates the occasional nature of James. If it is an
encyclical, Bauckham argues, everything stated in the letter is
intentionally vague and hypothetical. While Bauckham is right

28. For more on the twelve tribes in the Diaspora, see Robert W. Wall, James, Letter
of, in Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments, ed. Martin and Davids,
54851; cf. P. R. Trebilco, Diaspora Judaism, in Dictionary of the Later New Testament
and Its Developments, ed. Martin and Davids, 287300.
29. Richard Bauckham, James: Wisdom of James, Disciple of Jesus the Sage (London:
Routledge, 1999), 16.
30. Ibid.


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to warn against too meticulous a reconstruction of an occasion,

he goes too far when he asserts, It is unlikely to have been occa-
sioned by any specific exigencies.31
I believe that James writes in a particular context to address
specific needs of the Diaspora churches. Marshall captures the
tension: We thus have the paradox that the writer appears to be
writing to a very broad audience, the Christians scattered among
the nations, and yet seems to have a very specific congregation
or congregations in view.32 I suggest that James writes his letter
because he knows these churches and wants to address their real
needs. Even an encyclical is written out of a context, to a context,
and for a purpose.
The recipients were part of local congregations (2:2) with
teachers (3:1) and elders (5:14). These Jewish Christians were
experiencing significant trials (1:24) and serious oppression (2:6;
5:111). Some in their ranks were claiming they had faith, but they
had little concern for personal holiness (1:2225; 4:4) and failed to
assist the poor or the marginalized (1:2627; 2:113, 1426). The
congregations included others who wanted to be viewed as teachers,
but were unworthy (3:112). Such people were quarrelsome, creat-
ing factions rather than peace (3:134:10). While these are common
problems facing churches, Jamess consistent emphasis on a few
themes, coupled with his impassioned arguments, suggests that
these were issues already encountered by these churches. Further,
Jamess attitude and message hardly lead anyone to conclude that
these churches were healthy. A hypothetical encyclical would not
be as negative as this epistle, or would include more positives along
the way (would not some of the churches be healthy?).
What can be made of the socio-economic level of the recipi-
ents? Since the letter is probably an encyclical, this would vary
to some extent, though the cultural norms would often prevail
from church to church. James 1:911 refers to the lowly brother
who will ultimately be exalted. This suggests recipients who were
low on the socio-economic scale. Yet 2:113 evaluates how these

31. Ibid., 2528.

32. Marshall, New Testament Theology, 629.


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recipients have treated the rich who attend their assembly in com-
parison to those who come and are poor with shabby clothing.
Some in the church gave preferential treatment to the rich and
dishonored the poor, which was particularly absurd since most
of them were poor (2:6). The recipients were generally able to
meet the needs of those fellow church members who were poorly
clothed and in need of daily food (2:1426). From this it appears
that there was a certain minority in the churches that had major
financial needs, but also a larger group that was not severely poor.
The majority at least had decent clothes and daily food, and even
enough resources to help their fellow believers.
More information about the recipients comes from 4:13:
Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such
and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a
profit. Such an exhortation makes little sense unless there were
at least some in the congregations who were merchants. James
also addresses the rich in 1:911 and 5:16, and from this some
have concluded that the congregations must have included wealthy
landowners. That is highly improbable since James depicts such
people suffering future punishment in hell. Instead, James uses a
rhetorical style reminiscent of some of the Old Testament prophets
and condemns the rich outside the fellowship.
This reconstruction of the audience suggests that there are
four distinct groups referred to in this epistle: (1) the poor (the
majority in this believing community), (2) the severely poor (those
without decent clothes and often in need of daily food), (3) the
merchants (those tempted to be overconfident in their plans),
and (4) the wealthy landowners (those exploiting the poor).33 The
congregations were primarily composed of the first three groups,
with the majority being in the first category.

33. More than one hundred years before the writing of James, the Roman general
Pompey conquered Judean territory and left many Jewish peasants without land. Later
the extreme taxation by Herod the Great drove more small farmers out of business. The
result was that in the first century many peasants worked as tenants on large estates
while others became day laborers, hoping to find good work and often finding it only
around harvesttime. Resentment against aristocratic owners was significant and often
deserved. See Craig Keener, The IVP Bible Background Commentary (Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 1993), 688.


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In sum, it seems best to conclude that James, the brother

of Jesus, wrote from Jerusalem around AD 4649 to churches
he knew, in order to address their needs. These churches were
composed primarily of Jewish Christians who were working poor.
These churches faced challenges from the outside (oppression
from the rich) and turmoil on the inside (lack of love for the
extreme poor, political power plays for leadership roles, disunity,
slander against one another, etc.).

The Epistle and Its Characteristics

Language and Style

Most scholars agree that James was written in a fairly ele-
vated form of literary Koine Greek. Davids remarks:

This can be concluded from a host of observations: the use of

subordination (with conjunctions) and participial constructions
rather than coordination, the careful control of word order (e.g.,
the placing of the stressed object before the verb, the separation
of correlated sentence elements for emphasis as in 1:2; 3:3, 8;
5:10), the relative lack of barbarisms and anacolutha [i.e., an
abrupt change in grammatical structure], the use of the gnomic
aorist (1:11, 24), and choice of vocabulary. . . . All of these point
to a developed literary ability.34

James is also characterized by an unusual vocabulary. One

estimate is that James contains 63 hapax legomena (words found
only once in the New Testament). Thirteen of these 63 appear in
James for the first time in Greek, while 45 are found in the Septua-
gint, a pre-Christian Greek translation of the Old Testament.35
James also uses many Semitisms. Some examples of Hebrew
influence on his style include the use of the passive to avoid stat-
ing Gods name (1:5; 5:15) and parallelism (1:9, 11, 13; 4:89;

34. Davids, James, 58.

35. Ibid., 5859.


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5:4). Further evidence of Jewish background is provided by the

fact that the believers gather in the synagogue (2:2), acknowledge
Abraham as their father (2:21), and know God as the Lord of
hosts (5:4, the only time this name is used in the New Testament).
At a bare minimum, the thought-world of James incorporates
Jewish concepts and ideas.
In addition, James employs many analogies. He writes of
waves driven and tossed by the sea (1:6), withering plants (1:10
11), looking into a mirror (1:23), a dead body (2:26), bridling of
a horse (3:3), a rudder turning a ship (3:4), a forest fire (3:56),
taming wild beasts (3:7), the absurd fountain of fresh and bitter
water (3:11), the absurd vine of grapes and figs (3:12), the van-
ishing vapor (4:14), clothes eaten by moths (5:2), and farmers
waiting for the harvest (5:7).36
One striking literary feature is Jamess use of hook words
or phrases that link together clauses and sentences.37 For exam-
ple, patience (1:34), maturity (1:45), asking (1:56), testing/
temptation (1:1214), lust (1:1415), and anger (1:1920) are
used in this way.

As is evident from James 1:1, the genre of James is epistle.
It opens with an address that mentions its author, its recipients,
and the general occasion.
Although James is primarily an epistle, other literary forms
can be detected. For example, James is also paraenesis (exhor-
tation). Paraenesis is a genre of ancient moral literature char-
acterized by various collections of moral sayings and essays,
loosely held together by common themes and linking catch-
words but without literary rhyme, theological reason or spe-
cific spatial location.38 Its dominant mood is imperative, and
the primary exhortation is to live virtuously. It often points to
36. Kurt A. Richardson, James, New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman
and Holman, 1997), 24.
37. This is called duadiplosis or paronomasia.
38. Wall, James, 551.


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moral truth that all should accept and heroic examples that all
should imitate.39
James in some ways also bears the imprints of oral composi-
tion. The material may originally have been a collection of sermons
by James later put into writing as a letter under his authority and
oversight.40 Various elements in James not only demonstrate the
authors literary skill, but also his accomplished rhetorical style
and oral composition. This is seen in Jamess overall flow and
rhythm, along with the particular usage of paronomasia (1:12),
parechesis (1:24), alliteration (1:2), rhyme (1:6), and similarity
in word sounds (3:17). There are also several indications of an
oral style in James: relatively short sentence structure, frequent
use of the imperative (49 times in 108 verses), forms of direct
address (17 occurrences of the vocative, primarily brothers),
vivid examples, personification (1:15, 23), simile (1:6, 1011; 5:7),
rhetorical questions (2:67, 14, 17; 4:1, 5), and negative terms
(2:20; 4:4, 8). Davids concludes, All of these examples together
show that despite its careful literary crafting, the letter partakes
of the characteristics of oral rather than written discourse.41

The epistles structure, or lack thereof, often takes center
stage in academic discussions. Some find little or no literary strat-
egy and structure. Reformer Martin Luther supposed that James
threw things together chaotically.42 Martin Dibelius proposed
that James has minimal structure and is primarily paraenesis, a
collection of exhortations loosely strung together.43 Others, how-
ever, note structure and progression. Following the trajectory of
39. See Matt. A. Jackson-McCabe, A Letter to the Twelve Tribes in the Diaspora: Wis-
dom and Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Letter of James, Society of Biblical Literature
Seminar Papers 35 (1996): 50417.
40. C. L. Church, A Forschungsgeschichte on the Literary Character of the Epistle of
James (PhD diss., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1990), 25561.
41. Davids, James, 58.
42. Timothy George, A Right Strawy Epistle: Reformation Perspectives on James,
The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 4, no. 3 (Fall 2000): 2031.
43. Martin Dibelius, A Commentary on the Epistle of James, rev. Heinrich Greeven,
Hermeneia Commentary (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976), 111.


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Fred Francis, Davids argues that James is a carefully constructed

work.44 Finally, some like Moo proffer that James displays key
motifs that are replayed and interwoven throughout the letter,
but that his structure is not as neat as some suggest.45
Many of the best proposals suggest that James has a the-
matic introduction in some part of chapter 1, and then develops
those themes throughout. Robert Wall, for instance, proposes
that 1:121 functions as a thematic introduction, centered
around 1:19, which is developed in 1:222:26 as the wisdom
of quick to hear, in 3:118 as the wisdom of slow to speak,
in 4:15:6 as the wisdom of slow to anger, with 5:720 being
concluding exhortations.46
Davids suggests that James begins with an opening state-
ment (1:227), which includes the primary themes unpacked in
the remainder of the epistle. Davids sees 2:126 as developing
the theme of 1:911 and 1:2225: the excellence of poverty and
generosity; 3:14:12 as developing the theme of 1:58 and 1:1921:
the demand for pure speech; 4:135:6 as developing the theme
of 1:24 and 1:1218: testing through wealth. Davids agrees with
Wall that 5:720 constitutes a closing statement.47
This approach to structure seems promising, though I tend
to think that using 1:2627 as the governing text in the opening
statement makes the most sense out of James. It highlights themes
of consistency, genuine faith, words, mercy to the fragile, and
keeping oneself from the world.
Moo organizes an outline around one key theme: spiritual
wholeness. He puts forward the following structure: address and
greeting (1:1); pursuit of spiritual wholeness: trials (1:218); evi-
dence of wholeness: obedience to the word (1:192:26); com-
munity dimension of wholeness: pure speech and peace, part 1
(3:14:3); summons to wholeness (4:410); community dimension

44. Davids, James, 25; cf. Fred. O. Francis, The Form and Function of the Opening
and Closing Paragraphs of James and 1 John, Zeitschrift fr die neutestamentliche Wis-
senschaft 61 (1970): 11026.
45. Moo, James, PNTC, 45.
46. Wall, James, Letter of, 55759.
47. Davids, James, 2229.


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of wholeness: pure speech and peace, part 2 (4:1112); worldview

of wholeness: understanding time and eternity (4:135:11); con-
cluding exhortations (5:1220).48
The best recent proposal for Jamess structure comes from
Mark Taylor and George Guthrie:49

1:1 The Opening of the Letter

1:227 Double Introduction: Living by Righteous Wisdom
1:211 Handling Trials with Righteous Wisdom
1:24 The Spiritual Benefit of Trials
1:58 The Need for Righteous Wisdom
1:911 Wise Attitudes for the Rich and Poor
1:12 Overlapping Transition: Blessings for Those
Who Persevere under Trial
1:1327 The Perils of Self-Deception
1:1315 Temptations True Nature
I1:1619a I Do Not Be Deceived: God Gives the Word
1:19b21 Righteous Living through the Word
I1:2225 Do Not Be Deceived: Be Doers of the
1:2627 Transition: Self-Deception Regarding
Speaking and Acting
2:15:6 Living the Law of Liberty
A 2:111 Body Opening: Violating the Royal Law
through Wrong Speaking and Acting
Inappropriately toward the Poor
B 2:1213 So Speak and So Act as One Being
Judged by the Law of Liberty
48. Moo, James, PNTC, vivii, 4346.
49. Mark E. Taylor and George H. Guthrie, The Structure of James, Catholic Biblical
Quarterly 68 (2006): 681705; cf. Mark E. Taylor, Recent Scholarship on the Structure of
James, Currents in Biblical Research 3 (2004): 86115; idem, A Text-linguistic Investigation
into the Discourse Structure of James (London: T & T Clark, 2006); Luke L. Cheung, The
Genre, Composition, and Hermeneutics of James (Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2003).


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C 2:143:12 Wrong Acting and Speaking in

C1 2:1426 Wrong Actions toward
the Poor
C2 3:112 Wrong Speaking
CA 4:110 Prophetic Rebuke: A Call to
Humility and Repentance
CA1 4:15 Rebuke of the Community:
Wrong Speaking and
CA2 4:610 A Call to Repentance
BA 4:1112 Do the Law, Do Not Judge It
AA 4:135:6 Body Closing: Twin Calls to the Arrogant
Rich (Presumption/Oppression)
AA1 4:1317 A Rebuke of Arrogant Presumption
AA2 5:16 Judgment on the Arrogant Rich
5:720 Conclusion: Enduring in Righteous Living in
5:711 The Need for Patient Endurance
5:12 Transition: An Exhortation against Oath
5:1320 The Need for Righteous Words in


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