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EN BANC The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) summarized the

[G.R. No. 136892. April 11, 2002] evidence for the prosecution in this wise:[6]
DISCALSOTA y JUGAR, appellant. At about 1:00 P.M. of January 24, 1996, the victim, Herbert
DECISION Suarnaba, 16 years old, along with his neighborhood friends,
PANGANIBAN, J.: Jenny Aplaza (17 years old), Pedro Ramos (17 years old) and
Rowell Lavega (17 years old) left 6th Street, Bacolod City and
went to Plaza Mart, a shopping mall, where they loitered for
Without any proven qualifying circumstance, a killing about an hour or two. They decided to visit their friend, Novieboy
constitutes homicide which is punishable by reclusion temporal, del Rosario, who used to be their neighbor at Purok Pag-asa but
not death. Where the attack was made openly and the victim who ha[d] since transferred to Libertad Baybay. They took [a]
had ample opportunity to escape, treachery cannot be jeepney and arrived there at around 3:00 P.M. They proceeded
appreciated. to the inner portion of the barangay, passing by several houses
[o]n a footwalk to the house of Novieboy del Rosario. They were
welcomed by the latter and [they] then listened to music on the
tape recorder. When Novieboys mother arrived, she offered
The Case them chorizo (sausage) which she brought with her from Kalibo.

While peacefully enjoying themselves, they were suddenly

For automatic review by this Court is the Decision [1] dated
startled by shouts coming from a group of men outside the
September 28, 1998, issued by the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
house. Looking out, they saw about nine (9) men with their
of Bacolod City (Branch 53), finding Sueene Discalsota y Jugar
leader shouting: Gua kamo dira, kay pamatyon ta kamo! Nga-a
guilty of murder beyond reasonable doubt. The decretal portion
nagsulod-sulod kamo diri sa amon teritoryo? Gua kamo dira kay
of the Decision reads as follows:
pamatyon ta kamo! (You there, get out and we will kill you!) The
four (4) teen-agers were terrified since they did not know the
WHEREFORE, the court finds the accused Sueene Discalsota, men who were threatening them. Nor did they know of any
alias Ronnie de la Pea, GUILTY of the crime of Murder, punished grudge or misunderstanding between their group and the men
under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by outside. They then called Mrs. Del Rosario (Novieboys mother)
R.A. 7659, of Herbert Suarnaba. Applying Art. 63, of the Revised who advised them not to go out of the house and called for the
Penal Code, paragraph 2, No. 1, on the application of indivisible police. However, after waiting for some time, no police
penalties, which provides that whenever there is present only assistance came. Mrs. Del Rosario then went out and returned
one aggravating penalty, the greater penalty shall applied, and with four (4) barangay tanods. The tanods entered the house
there is no mitigating circumstance. The Court hereby imposes and talked to the teen-agers and assured them that no harm
upon the accused Sueene Discalsota the penalty of DEATH. would come to them and that there would be a police Bac[k]-up
waiting for them at the road. The group was then escorted out of
The accused is further ordered to pay the heirs of the deceased the house by the tanods and were accompanied by two (2) of
the sum of P50,000.00, as civil indemnity; P30,000.00 as moral them and Mrs. Del Rosario towards the footpath leading to the
damages, and P25,000.00 as actual expenses for the wake and main road. It was already dusk by that time. The men
funeral, and costs.[2] threatening them were still outside when they went out of the
house and they followed the group. When the group reached the
main road, no police Bac[k]-up was in sight but Mrs. Del Rosario
The Information[3] against appellant reads as follows: remained with them.

That on or about the 24th day of January, 1996, in the City of There was a single trisikad (pedicab) outside and the four (4)
Bacolod, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable boarded it. Since the pedicab could only accommodate two (2)
Court, the herein accused, without any justifiable cause or persons inside, Rowell Lavega stood on the rail at the back of
motive, being then armed with a bladed weapon, with intent to the pedicab while the victim sat in front.
kill and by means of treachery and evident premeditation, did,
then and there wilfully, unlawfully, and feloniously assault, attack
and stab with said weapon one HERBERT SUARNABA Y The pedicab had not left when Rowell saw a man running
CATALAN, thereby inflicting upon the person of the latter the towards them from the footwalk. He was about 50 meters away
following wounds: when Rowell first saw him. The four jumped out of the pedicab
when Mrs. Del Rosario and the people there shouted at them to
run. Despite efforts by the barangay tanods to stop him, the man
I.W. 4 cm, left posterior lumbar area, level of L2 L4 penetrating rushed headlong towards Rowell and the victim. He was about
Retroperiton[e]al Cavity completely transacting left kidney, to strike at Rowell when Mrs. Del Rosario pushed Rowell to
inferior pole, penetrating abdominal cavity completely run. When Mrs. Del Rosario fell down as if to faint, the victim
transacting pancreas, body, perforating posterior surface of helped her stand up. Mrs. Del Rosario then told the victim to run
Stomach, pundus with massive gastric spillage. and he ran around the pedicab more than a foot long. While the
victim was running away trying to escape, the man holding the
Cause of Death: Hypovolemic Shock 2 knife caught up with him and thrust his knife at the fleeing victim
who was hit at the back. The victim fell and crawled, while
gasping for breath, and he managed to enter a house pleading
which were the direct and immediate cause of his death. for help.

When arraigned on July 9, 1997, appellant, with the

assistance of counsel,[4] pleaded not guilty.[5] In due course, the
former was tried by the RTC which found him guilty of murder.

The Facts
Version of the Prosecution

Rowell saw what happened to his friend and wanted to help him companion thereat were older sister Aileen and younger sister
but could not because the attacker was still there. After seeing Yvette. He never left their store even after 5:00 P.M. When his
the victim fall down, bloodied, his attacker ran towards the mother Lilia Discalsota arrived from the Central Market she took
interior of the barangay. Meanwhile, Pedro, Jenny and Rowell over the chores in the store. He only learned that there was a
ran as fast [as] they could because the companions of the stabbing incident on the following day (January 25, 1996).
attacker also came rushing out of the footwalk and were
charging at them with drawn knives. They escaped being hurt He learned that he was charged [with] Murder on April 7, 1997,
when they sought refuge in the house of a friend at the opposite when he was arrested by policemen in the house of his wife,
side of the basketball court. Mrs. Del Rosario fainted upon Christina at Purok Tulihaw, Brgy. 16, Bacolod City. He was
seeing the attack on the victim. surprised when the policemen presented a warrant for his
arrest. The policemen told him that he was involved in a murder
Pedro and Rowell recognized the attacker as the one who earlier case in Libertad, Baybay, Bacolod City in January 1996. He did
shouted at them while they were still inside the house of Mrs. not want to go with the policemen, but it was a certain Tiyo Erwin
Del Rosario. They stayed for about an hour inside the house of who prevailed upon him to go with the arresting officers. He was
their friend where they sought refuge and there they learned that then brought to Bac[k]-up I and later to headquarters. He was
the man who chased them and struck the victim was known by subsequently detained at the Lock-up.
the nickname, Yawa and is also known as Ronnie de la Pea
although his real name is Sueene Discalsota. Much later, when He further testified that he [did] not know Louie Gregorio, one of
the police finally came and investigated them, Pedro was shown the witnesses for the prosecution. He [did] not know whether
pictures of the suspects and he picked out the picture of Louie Gregorio [was] the common law husband of Nieves del
accused-appellant. Rosario but he met her only at the City jail, when she visited her
common-law husband Marcial Flores, in January 1998. Marcial
Louie Gregorio, a reluctant witness who testified only on pain of Flores [was] his neighbor at Libertad, Baybay.
arrest for contempt of court, declared that he was a live-in
partner of Nieves del Rosario; that while resting at the house of Discalsota also denied leaving Libertad, Baybay, Bacolod City
Nieves del Rosario around 4:00 P.M. of January 24, 1996, he after the incident. He was there on January 25, 1996, and he
confirmed that the victim and three (3) others were at the house was even able to leave their house that day. He continued
and that no untoward incident happened while they were inside staying in their house x x x until April 1996. Eventually their
the house. Several minutes after the boys were escorted out of house was demolished in 1997 and his family transferred to
the house by four (4) barangay tanods, he learned that a Tangub. He nevertheless, remained in the area and stayed with
stabbing incident happened outside and when he went out to his wife at her house in Purok Tulinaw, which was just about 30
investigate, he saw accused-appellant running towards the meters away from the house of Nieves del Rosario.
house of his girlfriend. He was only about five (5) armslength
from accused-appellant who was carrying a bloodied long knife
which he did not even bother to conceal. He heard accused- He denied membership [in] any fraternity, much less U-2. He
appellant shouting, Naigo ko gid! (I got him). He also confirmed declared that Yawa, x x x Ming, Michael Bartolo, Da-dan, were
that Ronnie de la Pea is the same accused-appellant Sueene not his neighbors, but admitted they were residents of the
Discalsota. place. These persons are members of Red-O
fraternity. He denied knowing Ulysses Tonggoy. He admitted
knowing x x x Alfonso one of the CVOs mentioned by
The victim was rushed to the Corazon Locsin Montelibano prosecutions [witness] Alfonso de la Cruz. He mentioned that he
Memorial Hospital. He was still alive when the police and his [was] not Yawa but one Stephen.
mother arrived. However, he was already breathing heavily, in a
critical condition, and could no longer respond. A few minutes
later, he was pronounced dead by the doctor. EVETTE DISCALSOTA corroborated the testimony of Suenne
Discalsota. She testified that she was tending their store the
whole day of January 24, 1996. Her companions thereat were
Dr. Hildegard B. Madalag conducted the autopsy on the body of her brother, Sueene[;] and sister, Aileen. Their store opened at
the victim and submitted a Report of his findings (Exhibit 7:00 A.M. and closed on that particular day, at 9:00 P.M. her
D). He confirmed his findings in open court and further testified brother Sueene never left the store from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00
that upon examination, he found the kidney of the victim P.M. Sueene was then acting as the cashier of their store.
completely transacted or totally cut. The knifes entry point was at
the back, a direct and straight thrust which went through three
(3) vital organs pancreas, stomach and the kidney, causing She also testified that she did not know that her brother Sueene
massive gastric spillage. He gave the cause of death in the was charged in court. When her brother was arrested she went
Certificate of Death (Exhibit E) as Hypo-volemic shock. to the police station and inquired why Sueene was detained and
she was told he had a case. She then told the police that on the
day the alleged stabbing was committed Sueene was not able to
Despite lack of cooperation from the residents of the area where leave the house the whole day.[9]
the incident happened, the police authorities were able to arrest
accused-appellant on the identification of Pedro Ramos and
Rowell Lavega.[7]
Ruling of the Trial Court

Version of the Defense

The RTC ruled that appellant had positively been identified
by the prosecution witnesses as the culprit responsible for the
death of Herbert Suarnaba. It gave no credence to the denial
On the other hand, the Public Attorneys Office narrated and alibi proffered by appellant. It also appreciated evident
appellants version of the incident as follows:[8] premeditation and treachery as qualifying and aggravating
circumstances, respectively, and thus sentenced him to death.
SUEENE DISCALSOTA, denied that he was [the] one who
stabbed and killed Herbert Suarnaba. He testified that in the Hence, this automatic review before us.[10]
afternoon of January 24, 1996, he was in their house at Purok
Kingfisher, Libertad Baybay, Bacolod City, from 3:00 to 5:00
P.M. He was tending their store where he acted as cashier. His
Assignment of Errors of time between the determination and execution to allow himself
to reflect upon the consequences of his act.[15]

In his Brief, appellant faults the trial court with the following In this case, the first two elements of evident premeditation
alleged errors: are present. As found by the RTC, the time appellant determined
to commit the crime was when he started shouting at the victim
and the latters companions: You, there, get out and we will kill
you! By staying outside the house and following the victims
The trial court gravely erred in finding accused-appellant guilty companions when they came out, he manifestly indicated that he
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder as charged in clung to his determination.
the information despite the failure of the prosecution to prove the
qualifying circumstances of evident premeditation and treachery. As for the third element, the prosecution evidence shows
that appellant started shouting outside Mrs. del Rosarios house
at 3:30 p.m.[16] When the victims group left the house, it was not
II yet dark;[17] it was only past four oclock in the afternoon. [18] The
police received information on the stabbing incident at
The trial court erred in imposing the death penalty upon the 4:30[19] p.m. on the same day. It took less than an hour from the
accused-appellant.[11] time appellant evinced a desire to commit the crime, as
manifested by his shouts outside the house, up to the time he
stabbed the victim. The span of less than one hour could not
have afforded the former full opportunity for meditation and
The Courts Ruling reflection on the consequences of the crime he committed.

The essence of premeditation is that the execution of the

criminal act must be preceded by cool thought and reflection on
The appeal is partly meritorious.
the resolution to carry out the criminal intent during a space of
time sufficient to arrive at a calm judgment.[20]

Preliminary Matter To justify the inference of deliberate premeditation, there must

be a period sufficient in a judicial sense to afford full opportunity
for meditation and reflection and to allow the conscience of the
Appellant no longer questions the finding of the RTC that actor to overcome the resolution of his will if he desires to
he stabbed and killed Herbert Suarnaba. However, an appeal in hearken to its warning.[21]
a criminal case opens the whole case to review. Thus, we shall
still pass upon the matter. Where no sufficient lapse of time is appreciable from the
determination to commit the crime until its execution, evident
The prosecution witnesses were one in identifying
premeditation cannot be appreciated.[22] Hence, the lower court
appellant as the person who had wielded a knife and stabbed
erred in holding that evident premeditation qualified the killing to
the victim. Appellant had nothing to offer in his defense but an
alibi corroborated by his two sisters. A careful scrutiny of the
records shows no reason to disbelieve the prosecution No Treachery
witnesses and to overturn the court a quos finding that they were
credible. Appellant also argues that treachery did not attend the
commission of the crime.
Basic is the rule that the findings of the trial court on the
credibility of witnesses are entitled to the highest respect and will There is treachery when the offender commits any of the
not be disturbed on appeal in the absence of any showing that it crimes against persons employing means, methods, or forms of
overlooked, misunderstood, or misapplied some facts or attack that tend directly and specially to insure the execution of
circumstances of weight and substance.[12] the crime without risk arising from the defense that the offended
party might make.[23]
Also, the RTC was correct in disregarding the alibi of
appellant. As it aptly ruled, his defense of alibi crumbles in the For treachery to exist, two essential elements must concur:
face of the positive identification of the accused by prosecution (a) the employment of means of execution that gives the person
witnesses as being present in the scene of the crime.[13] attacked no opportunity to defend himself or to retaliate, and (b)
the said means of execution was deliberately or consciously
adopted.[24] Treachery cannot be presumed; it must be proved by
clear and convincing evidence or as conclusively as the killing
First Issue: itself.[25]
Evident Premeditation and Treachery
In the present case, the victim had the opportunity to
escape or to defend himself. Before he and his group left the
Appellant contends that evident premeditation should not house of Mrs. del Rosario, they had already been forewarned of
have been appreciated by the trial court as a qualifying violent aggression from appellant, whose words and stance
circumstance. while outside the house made its imminence clear. The mode of
attack adopted by appellant was not without risk to himself;
It is settled that qualifying circumstances cannot be neither was it sudden. When he began his menacing approach,
presumed, but must be established by clear and convincing he was visible to the victim and the latters
evidence as conclusively as the killing itself.[14] companions. Appellant was out in the open and thus at risk from
any defense which the group might make. The presence of such
risk and the existence of ample opportunity for the victim to
[F]or evident premeditation to be appreciated, there must be escape or defend himself negated treachery.
proof, as clear as the evidence of the crime itself of the following
elements thereof, viz: (a) the time when the accused determined
to commit the crime; (b) an act manifestly indicating that the
accused has clung to his determination, and (c) sufficient lapse Second Issue:
Proper Penalty

In his Brief, appellant further claims to have been a minor People v. Tabones, 304 SCRA 781, March 17, 1999.
at the time of the commission of the crime. This matter was, [15]
however, not raised during the trial. Furthermore, in his direct People v. Academia Jr., 307 SCRA 229, 235, May 18, 1999,
examination held on June 11, 1998, he stated for the record that per Puno, J.
he was a 20-year-old married man. Hence, we cannot agree to [16]
TSN, October 15, 1997, p. 15.
appreciate minority as a privileged mitigating circumstance.
Ibid. p. 127.
Absent any qualifying circumstance, appellant may be
convicted of homicide only. Considering further the absence of [18]
TSN, August 12, 1997, p. 10.
any aggravating or mitigating circumstance, the imposable
penalty of reclusion temporal should be in the medium TSN, July 30, 1997, p. 11.
period[26] and encompassed by the Indeterminate Sentence Law. [20]
People v. Durante, 53 Phil. 363, August 23, 1929;
People v. Bibat, 290 SCRA 27, May 13, 1998;
People v. Rabanillo, 307 SCRA 613, May 26, 1999.
Damages [21]
People v. Felix, 297 SCRA 12, 27, October 1, 1998, per
Davide Jr., J. (now CJ), citing US v. Gil, 13 Phil. 530.
We affirm the RTCs award of P50,000 as civil indemnity People v. Medina, 286 SCRA 44, February 6, 1998.
and P30,000.00 as moral damages. However, the grant of actual [23]
damages should be reduced to P10,890, since this is the only Article 14 (16), Revised Penal Code.
amount duly supported by a statement of account and [24]
People v. Felix, 297 SCRA 12, 26-27, October 1, 1998, per
receipts. To justify an award of actual damages, it is necessary
Davide Jr., CJ.
to prove with a reasonable degree of certainty, premised upon
competent proof and on the best evidence obtainable by the [25]
injured party, the actual amount of loss.[27]
Article 64, paragraph 1, Revised Penal Code.
Appellant is CONVICTED of homicide and is SENTENCED to an People v. Nestor Macandog, GR Nos. 129534 & 1411691,
indeterminate penalty of 10 years of prision mayor medium as June 6, 2001, per Gonzaga, J., citing People v. Marollano, 276
minimum to 17 years and 4 months of reclusion SCRA 84, July 24, 1997, in turn citing People v. Rosario, 246
temporal medium as maximum. The grant of civil indemnity and SCRA 658, July 18, 1995.
moral damages is AFFIRMED, but that of actual damages is
reduced to P10,890. No pronouncement as to costs.


Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan,

Mendoza, Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, De Leon Jr.,
Sandoval-Gutierrez, and Carpio, JJ., concur.

Penned by Judge Pepito E. Gellada.
Assailed Decision, pp. 40-41; rollo, pp. 58-59; records, pp.
Rollo p. 9; records, p. 1.
Atty. Rosalinda Isuga.
Order dated July 9, 1997; records, p. 25.
The Brief was signed by Solicitor General Ricardo P. Galvez,
Asst. Solicitor General Carlos N. Ortega and Solicitor Benilda
V. Abrasia-Tejada.
Appellees Brief, pp. 5-12, rollo, pp. 164-171.
Appellants Brief was signed by Attorneys Arceli A. Rubin,
Teresita S. de Guzman and Francisco L. Salomon of the Public
Attorneys Office.
Appellants Brief, pp. 6-9; rollo, pp. 84-87.
This case was deemed submitted for resolution on September
14, 2000, upon receipt by the Court of the appellants Reply
Appellants Brief, pp. 1-2; rollo, pp 79-80. Original in upper
Caca v. Court of Appeals, 275 SCRA 123, July 27, 1997;
People v. Zumil, 275 SCRA 182, July 8, 1997.
Decision p. 29; rollo, p. 47, citing People v. Narca, 275 SCRA
696, July 21, 1997.

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